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No. 278466
Joy Sparkle aka Kati Marie Smith is a YouTube personality who randomly appeared to insert herself into Onision drama and got 21k subs in 3 months after being noticed by larger YouTubers who also hate him.
She makes lengthy one-take rant-y videos about various drama on the internet, but mostly centers around Onision, she has made 50+ videos about him in less than 3 months. He has called her a stalker, sent her a fake cease & desist letter and blocked her on all social media.
Her life also seems to revolve around getting attention from her fake "fatal" health issues which have been diagnosed by medical professionals as anxiety disorder, but that's not a special enough diagnosis for her so she adamantly denies that's the cause. Recently uncovered information reveals she thinks angelic guides and the Archangel Michael talked to her from the age of 12 on. No. 278487
Thanks, anon, for making a new thread.
She also performed vocals on:
From Highlands to the Sea
Pierre Arrachart, Cédric Cohen, Frédéric Dubois, available on Spotify.
No. 278488
>>278483So, you gonna unsub, yet check in to see what's new with Joy? 'S what I sometimes do.
Or are you just getting bored of the things she does? I can relate to that.
No. 278496
>>278487It's obviously her singing but how the F did you find that out? It doesn't credit her anywhere on that page.
…unless this is Joy again? we know she reads her thread & likes to promote herself.
No. 278509
>>278487>>278496Yeah how the hell did you even find that?
>>278483>1. When she talks about her illness in her early videos she will pause dramatically to take a breath & collect herself, like it was just too painful for her to go on. However, she doesn't do that in any of her livestreams or other videos no matter how long & unedited.That's so manipulative and weird. It's not out of the ordinary for youtube but it really rubs me the wrong way when people are fake but build their audience on the guise that they're genuine. Also brings to mind the videos she made recently about those kids. She was stilted as hell. It felt more like a distant family member pretending to be hurt and affected for sympathy. I wonder if she was raised southern baptist.
That site will show the transcript of the chosen video. Replace [YOUTUBEVIDEOID] with the video id, obvi.
No. 278556
>>278466 I'm not 100% if the person trying to mess up the other thread is a fan or a pissed off stalker who's been told to fuck off by joy.

No. 278558
>>278556It's baaaaack. lol
Ignore pls. Thanks.
No. 278559
>>278540Great idea, anon.
Part 1 thread
>>>/snow/246848I would urge any fans of Joy to read this thread with an open mind, especially the posts that break down the videos where she talks about her illness
>>>/snow/277563>>>/snow/277592>>>/snow/277609There's a lot more important information in the original thread with her own words to back it up, it is not specuation. It basically shows she has had these same symptoms for many years, as early as 2006, long before she got this IUD but attributed it to different causes such as on oncoming "angelic ascension."
No. 278563
>>278559 I completely believe that she has some sort of chronic mental illness.

No. 278564
ive heard from a reliable source who knows joy irl n has done for 10 yrs or so that she faked cancer

No. 278568
>>278556>>278563>>278564You still suck at samefagging. Jebus H. Christ you are dumb.
We want real proof, not "I've heard from a reliable source" bullshit. Your milk is sour.
No. 278573
>>278572 dont think so unfortunately. just ignore their comments

No. 278583
The thing that saddens me is that I doubt Joy's fanbase even knows of Lolcow. I wish someone
>>278483could direct all of them here to enlighten them of her craziness.
>>278483Yeah, I noticed that too! She will act like she's in pain only when she's referring to her illness. And I've watched so many of her livestreams, she streams for hours at a time with her only breaks being maybe 1 min long.
No. 278788
>>278490A lot of us used to be fans, like you I also defended her from people accusing her of lying & attention seeking. I suffer from an invisible illness myself and I know how much it sucks when people think you are faking your symptoms because you
look "fine." However, I started noticing little things she said that made me pause a bit but I would always give her the benefit of the doubt and frame it in the best possible light. After a while, I realized just how often I had to justify her actions to others in her comments…I was doing it everytime she released a new video. So, I rewatched a lot of her videos with a more objective mindset and finally realized what was going on. I too see how she uses the tactics you pointed out to shame anyone who questions her. I felt so dumb for believing her.
No. 278832
>>278807 while I agree that her story is confusing, I feel as though you have no right to judge someone with a chronic debilitating illness. You have got no idea how badly it can fuck with someone's mind. I feel as though all of you should get a chronic illness and everyone should say you're faking it, see how you like being accused of lying about something that has literally ruined your life.
I have ehlers danlos syndrome. I have streamed with joy, and for the last 10 years of my life, my body has been fucking with me in multiple ways, from giving me kidney stones at the age of 15, to my hips collapsing at the age of 19 amongst various other things, my joints dislocate multiple times daily, and you know what? In person I don't say a fucking word. I vent on the internet, it is a coping mechanism and I can direct you to hundreds of other chronically sick people who do the same.
Until you know EXACTLY what it is like, to sit there in fucking agony, and not say a word, hide it with a smile, until you know what it is like to be in so much pain you physically can't move from your bed to get a bath/shower for 3 days, until you know what it is like to be wide awake at 3am crying because the pain is worse at night when you're trying to sleep, until you know what it is like to be so fucking fatigued you can't make yourself a fucking meal and have to ask for help, until you know what it's like having someone help you in and out of the bath and having them help you wash, until you know exactly how fucking guilty you feel and how much like a fucking burden you feel like you are to those around you…. and feel like you can't say anything about it when you're having a shit day at risk of being called an attention whore, or upsetting someone who loves and cares for you…. don't fucking speak badly about joy.
You people haven't got a clue what she's going through with her illness and you probably never will. I don't have a clue, the only thing I know is chronic illnesses are worse than most people think, most of you here won't understand and I hope those that do now feel like complete cunts.

No. 278835
>>278832Oh, the one that tried to muck up the last thread is back. Ignore the child. Guilt trip manipulation is really obvious.
They're just trying to distract so here's the recap thread.
>>278614 No. 278838
>>278466>>278833I'm fully aware this isn't my blog. I'm just here to defend my friend, not muck up the thread. As for saying I am guilt tripping that is fucking hilarious.

No. 278846
Don't mind me just sitting in the bath fapping to the drama. Keep going with the abuse it's making me so hard

No. 278860
>>278850Sigh. Didn't mean to send a blank message.
Anyway, every time I Skype with her, or anything like that, she never mentions it. The only time she mentions it as far as I am aware is if she is having a bad day for pain or a flare up, I have spoken to her while she's been shitting her guts out and seen her in the worst states that she makes an effort to hide from the internet. Like she's spoken to me when I've been shitting blood from endometriosis flare ups or tearing my bowel because of weak connective tissue.
I guess you people don't see her that way because you don't talk to her 24/7 like I do. I am normally very careful with who I trust, and joy is someone who has never done me wrong, I doubt she will do me wrong. She is a kind hearted person being judged for trying to open up about her illness.
She has ended streams multiple times without directly saying "I'm about to go shit my guts out" because she is a polite human being. She's called me straight after and idgaf how weird it sounds, we have had Skype calls from our bathrooms…
For the things joy has done for me, and the things I have done for her, I will continue to defend her, until she personally gives me a reason not to.
As for saying I am only this way because had people help raise money for my wheelchair, I would have still been defending her the same had she not.

No. 278863
>>278856Not to point out the obvious but in the last thread you were raging so hard about your name being dropped that you didn't see that the person that did it then turned around and counter posted claiming to be opposition.
You got thrown under the bus as a distraction tactic, and you're defending the very one that did it, kek. Can't even see you got played. Other than the shitposting you've been doing one cares. You see what you want to see, just like someone right out of an actual cult.
Recap post:
>>278614 No. 278865
>>278466>>278863Honestly I doubt it was joy that threw me under the bus, mostly because I know there's a group of people that hate me with a passion who try to suck on her tits at any chance they get, which even she finds hilarious.
As for saying I raged so hard, I was pissed, yes, right up until the moment I realised what people were saying about her. There's a lot of two faced cunts in the world and the person that doxxed her is one of them. I bet you're also one of them.
As for saying this is a cult? You sound like a salty onision fan, what's the matter? Did daddy onion not give you attention, so now you've got to say joy is a cult leader instead?
Praise joysus almighty

No. 278869
>>278865Maybe you and Joy can share the same padded cell. Onision is out to get me! Everyone's out to get me! The haters are out to get me!
>>278867Don't care. This isn't a thread for her brainwashed cultists. She's an eager distraction but not a very good one.
No. 278873
>>278865"It's not a cult!"
-signs it Praise joysus almighty
No. 278879
>>278466I believe it's called extracting the urine, AKA Taking the piss,
Out of what you ask? Out of the fact you actually think that joy is running a cult.

No. 278881
>>278867Oh congratulations, you found my Twitter, I am so proud of you.
Do you want a cookie?

No. 278882
>>278877Ok yeah I can see that being suspicious, but I personally don't think Joy would do that. The only people I can think of who would even consider throwing me under the bus are a small group of people who don't like the fact me and joy are friends, because they tried to go all out SJW on twitter and I threatened to whip out the amanda Todd memes.

No. 278884
>>278878Finally another human being on this thread that sees sense! Holy shit. There needs to be more people like you here.
Is it bad I spat my coffee out at the "joy didn't respect my pronouns" comment. Fucking transtrenders man.

No. 278887
>>278878>>278466>>278867Great idea, Angel. Keep proving the 'haters' right with that charming personality. Nothing screams psycho more than…every one of your posts. Like really does attract like, kek.
>>278884GEE. "Another human being that sees sense!" …and talks EXACTLY like you do. What a coincidence!
I think she's just shitposting now to derail the thread. Time to ignore the screaming child. Save it for her future /snow/ thread.And since multi-posting to muck up the thread…RECAP:
>>278614 No. 278890
>>278871See I am not 100% sure on copper toxicity.
I've been deficient in vitamins D + B and the pills I were taking for that literally turned my shit into tar, so I'm not sure exactly which vitamins she is taking, but I was on about 17-21 pills a day, until I boycotted my pain meds because they were doing more harm than good.
I don't know exactly what meds joy is on, I've never asked because I don't feel the need to, but if I asked I am sure she would tell me and even show me the packaging on skype with her name on it, because every single time I have asked her for evidence to counter the things people come out with, she's shown me straight away no questions asked.
I have seen her official medical diagnosis of fibromyalgia, like she's seen mine for ehlers danlos syndrome. Joy and I don't really hide anything from eachother, since we are close friends off the Internet, of course I'm not going to get her fibromyalgia diagnosis and post it here, but I've seen it with my own two eyes, with hee insurance numbers/details from when she HAD insurance.
I have no reason to disbelieve anything she says because I've seen the medical evidence paperwork, and I'd believe that over random people talking shit on the internet any day, but you know… once someone's minds made up you can't change it I guess.
You people on here want to believe that she's lying because you don't want to feel like a complete cunt because of all the nasty shit you've said about her.

No. 278893
>>278887No darling, I use the word "mother" or "mum" because I'm British. I speak proper English and correct spelling.
You seem really riled up over this though, it's hilarious. Is the little no lifer getting mad?
I'm only on here because there's nothing better to do at 3am.

No. 278895
>>278890What do we have here? Not so subtle attempt at emotional manipulation and guilt trips. You're only posting to spin the situation and spam up the thread. Then when you don't get your way, you flip out.
Angel and Joy = Onision and Lainey. Will you be giving yourself quizzes next on air to see if you're sociopaths?
>278892>278893Compare with her original outed post here:
>>>/snow/278378She's just running interference for Joy and spamming the thread now.
>>278893 No. 278899
>>278466>>278894Oh sure joy and I can take sociopath quizzes and I'll send the results here shall I? How pissed will you be when you realise we are not "sociopaths" and are actually rational humans.
I mean are you a qualified psychiatrist? I don't think so. If you are I'd love to see your qualifications & how fast I can get you fired for the shit you've pulled here

No. 278904
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>>278895Oh dear looks like you're wrong about me. Go choke on a horses cock, bitch.

No. 278907
>>278903Now now dearest, what have I told you about insulting the size of a mans penis?
The poor guy thought he had grown 3 pubes, til he pissed out of one.
Karma is a bitch and will bite him in the ass for his actions and what he's done to Joy. I'm sure.

No. 278908
>>278899Just like Joy's perfectly valid diagnosis that's 'tween you girls.'
>>278900So, you're publically admitting you're posing as multiple people on here in order to try and look credible. Did you come up with that one all on your own or did Joy consult with you first?
And since she's just doing this to spam the thread now for her master..psychooo!
>>278559>>278483>>278472>>278534>>278546 No. 278909
>>278905I believe a medical professional can tell the difference between hypercondria and genuine illness, hence why there are only certain types of doctors who can give an official diagnosis, a GP can suspect it, but they'd have to forward a referral to a professional to make it an official diagnosis

No. 278913
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>>278903>>278904It's like watching a monkey throwing it's own shit at a wall. This is wonderful. Stay forever. Be our monkey.
No. 278914
>>278908no there's definitely two of us. We're talking in private messages elsewhere and laughing at how convinced you are that it's one person, an autistic 5 year old could tell the difference between two peoples texts and the fact I'm not even assed about hiding my name says it all.

No. 278916
>>278907You're like a more vulgar Joy…did she finally snap? Maybe she can add multiple personalities to the list of 'illnesses'?
>>278914 So you're saying Joy has a group deliberately spamming the thread to detail. Thanks for clearing that up.
No. 278918
>>278911Apparently so, I did it to take the piss out of the person calling me a sociopath, the quiz probably has more of a idea than that idiot.

No. 278925
>>278916Well apparently it's one person spamming the thread. But there's a few of us.
As for saying I am a more vulgar version of Joy, I'm going to take that as a compliment because she is a lovely human being, but honestly vulgar is exaggerating a bit, this is actually quite tame if you ask me.

No. 278926
>>278924They're talking about the person that doxxed Joy, and I 100% agree with what they're saying about him, he is a complete prick and it will come back to bite him in the ass

No. 278930
>>278927Hey, I've just come to defend my friend and a couple of others who are pissed about people accusing her of faking it are here to rip some people up too. Sorry for the mess I've made, I'll pay a Mexican to clean it up later.

No. 278932
>>278918>>278920Joy always seems to attract such wonderful "fans". Birds of a feather flock together.
>>278925A complete psychotic would take this kind of behavior to be lovely.
>>278926Obvious bait is obvious. Joy still isn't getting what she wants..but she's giving us what we want. Please, keep giving us more milk.
>>278927She's been spamming the thread since yesterday. Joy has a SJW squad now, kek.
>>278927Psycho AND Racist? I can't wait for your lolcow file. I need more popcorn.
No. 278934
>>278928If that is how the medical system works in your country then it is fucked! There's only certain types of doctors here that can diagnose certain things.
EDS can only be diagnosed by a rheumatologist here in the UK. Your diagnosis will not be made official until it has been seen by one of 3 specialist doctors in the country.
Similar procedure for bone fibromyalgia, crohns and a few other illnesses

No. 278935
>>278926Oh I see. It's a pretty fundamentally shitty thing to do but it would have happened eventually anyway. Karma's a bitch.
Naturopathy is not based in science. Detoxing is not real. Her "treatment" is basically placebo, except that they're very real minerals that you shouldn't be fucking with unless a real doctor prescribed it. Either it's doing nothing or it's doing harm.
No. 278936
>>278932Oh by all means start a lolcow thread, I don't think that's going to happen. I'm way too irrelivant for that.
racist? You don't say.

No. 278939
>>278466>>278937Popcorn sounds wonderful right now

No. 278947
>>278939What is your goal here, exactly? Just shitposting until the end of time?
I should have been saging a few posts ago, sorry guys.
No. 278948
>>278466>>278947I don't know really, it's 4am and I have nothing better to do than shitpost people who are shitposinf about my friend.

No. 278949
>>278944I harassed a kid?
That's bullshit. I said I couldn't give a shit if someone killed theirselves after the shit they pulled blaming their actions on being
triggered by PTSD, yet they had told someone else something completely different, but please, continue with your lies and slander.

No. 278953
>>278934Yep, the US medical system is fucked all right. There's no procedure of any kind to get a diagnosis, you could even get one from a doctor who specializes in something else & knows nothing of your condition. Naturopaths can even diagnose people with cancer with no sort of test whatsoever….totally messed up. I'm betting her naturopath diagnosed her, they love to give the type of diagnosis, like Fibromyalgia, that can't be tested for & therefore questioned by a real doctor. Naturopathic medicine is not evidence based, it's basically handholding & placebos for hypochondriacs.
>>278935 <-This person is right, the large doses of vitamins she's been given are turning panic attacks into something that can actually harm her physically.
No. 278954
>>278949Tch. I'm not slandering you or lying to you. I don't know who the fuck you even are.
So, yeah, I'm not going to get a proper impression of you if all I have is hearsay.
Jeez, give me some time to catch up.
No. 278955
>>278948Almost all the shitposts I've seen in Joy's threads have been from her exceptionally stupid fans. Your friend's got a mental illness, you should go support her.
>>278949If you're going to sperg at least learn to English. The vague understanding I have of that word vomit is you're probably a cunt. Care to clarify?
No. 278956
>>278953Oh god… :S they should really put procedures in place so that doctors can't just go off diagnosing everyone with everything, that is well and truly fucked, I'm
Guessing anything said by a doctor over there must be true, if that's actually how it is I have got very little trust and faith in your medical system.
I mean the British medical system is fucked, the NHS is fucked, but it's not often they misdiagnose or throw out random disgnosises without getting 2-3 opinions from different specialists/consultants in that field first :/

No. 278957
>>278954Where did you read about me harassing a child anyway? That's actually funny as fuck.
The child got
triggered because I said someone can go and kill theirselves for all I care. I never said anything directly to said child, and never said the person should kill their self, I literally emphasised that I couldn't care if they did.

No. 278960
>>278958Oh dear my name appears to have vanished I didn't even notice, thanks for telling me.
That should be corrected now.

No. 278961
>>278957The first thread on Joy. I'm reading it from the bottom to the top. Newest post to old. Not the best way to read things, I know.
Not going to bother pointing it out.
No. 278962
>>278961Oh i don't think I saw that
Fair enough, it never happened, joys twitter followers made a group and got pissed off that she was talking to me and not them, then some shit went down, I ripped some new assholes and now they have it in for me, which I find hilarious because all I have to do is crack a dead baby joke and they run off crying.

No. 278964
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>>278963O hai you're back. Message me.
This is getting more and more funny by the minute.

No. 278966
>>278948That's a yes, then. You're just shitposting and derailing.
>>278944>>Would you care to back up your words and link the post here where you were accused of doing this exact thing?
I look where you were spoken about here:
>>>/snow/278047 …and we realized it was a shitpost segment from one of Joy's other minions here:
>>>/snow/278132Thanks to your shitposting, I will agree with this statement:
>>>/snow/278095 I think you're trying to figure out who said shit, and Joy is still mad cause she got turned down. Kek, what a bunch of kiddies. She cries, gets turned down, a group of you shitpost, nothing, and now here you are trying to fish for details.
This is the funniest Joy tantrum yet.
No. 278967
>>278965Oh dear. Someone assumed your gender, such a special snowflake, please be offended by the fact they called the person who doxxed joy a man.
They weren't talking about you. Idiot

No. 278970
The post being referenced was
>>278957. Angel's being a little too specific.
>>278966 No. 278973
>>278968That is completely fucked.
If that's how it was here in the UK every teen with tumblr would be diagnosed officially wirh BPD, bipolar, schizophrenia and gender dysphoria and whatever else teenagers in this day and age claim to have :S
No wonder there's so many Americans with a mess list of medical diagnosises that just don't make sense :s
No. 278977
>>278967What. I thought I was being sarcastic.
M'kay I'm confused. Apparently a lot has happened.
No. 278982
>>278981By what, recapping a derailed thread? Try harder, k thx.
>>278979Shitposting confirmed. Its been fun but I think its time to put her out to pasture.
No. 278988
>278984WOOO GO SAMEFAGS. Let's all be samefags then we will never know who is who

No. 278991
>>278987Sigh, the American health system is disappointing. Like I said, I believed it straight away because of the states I've seen her in on Skype calls and because she showed me the medical evidence.
I can't really sit here saying I doubt her when I don't, but after all of that has been said, yes it's concerning to see how easy it is to get diagnosed with things over there.
On the other hand, I don't see why anyone would want to have a chronic illness, it's really not something anyone should want to have. It's potentially life ruining, which is why part of me can't bring myself to doubt her.
I mean shit, before I got sick I played guitar, but my hands have gotten way too sore for that. I used to horse ride, ice skate, rock climb, go walking, always be out with friends, I'd give anyhing to have that back.
Why someone would lie about an illness like fibromyalgia is beyond me, I really don't think joy would lie about it.

No. 278994
>>278993Please continue to dig away. She has nothing to hide

No. 278996
>>278995That was a bit harsh, no?

No. 278998
>>278994except for her name and life before onision.
>>278559>>278483>>278472>>278534>>278546 No. 279001
>>278991Anyone can and will lie about everything, especially on the internet. Onision's fans also really don't think he is lying to them, but he is.
If you find yourself having to believe someone is what you need them to be, that says plenty. Some are outright bastards, and some manipulate with charm.
>>278993If you really believe that, you wouldn't be shitposting to spam so people won't see the information, and you wouldn't be fishing for information.
>>278965LETS HEAR IT FOR JOYS FANS! They're so sweet and wonderful and…….they're cancer.
>>278995I think they got
triggered, bruh.
No. 279003
>>278988Learn to reply or gtfo
>>278991>On the other hand, I don't see why anyone would want to have a chronic illness, it's really not something anyone should want to have. It's potentially life ruining, which is why part of me can't bring myself to doubt her.It's called hypochondria which is an actual illness. It's a type of anxiety disorder where people stress about being sick or having a specific illness. They can have psychosomatic symptoms, which basically means she's so deeply stressed about a symptom that it causes it to become reality. I worded that terribly, I'm not a psychiatrist, but you can look for yourself. It's a real thing backed by medical science. All of her symptoms can be explained by anxiety. It makes a hell of a lot more sense than the unscientific IUD bull. I feel sorry for Joy. I don't believe she's faking it on purpose, she actually believes she has copper toxicity. Her fans, and people like you, are only enabling her illness. She needs to have an intervention or something but I don't know that she even has that many people in her real life.
No. 279007
>>279001It's unfortunate that people do lie and can get away with it on the internet. It's a piss take, but at the same time, all the things that are just text and pictures could have been posted by anyone,
Not in this case I don't think it was, but in other cases people have beeen accused of lying and it's Been a case of someone setting them up or impersonating them, so please always keep an open mind when you see a blatantly fake story on the internet.
I know a girl it happened to. Someone was posting using her pictures claiming to have cancer. When the girl was confronted with it she had no fucking clue what was going on and people were accusing her of faking cancer.

No. 279008
>>278991>On the other hand, I don't see why anyone would want to have a chronic illness, it's really not something anyone should want to have.You'd think so, but unfortunately, it's quite common for someone to fake an illness for attention especially on YouTube, lolcow is full of them. You see how she absolutely lights up when she's the center of attention?
I don't doubt she is having horrible diarrhea considering the sheer amount of vitamins she's taking. All her other symptoms she's had for much longer than than the IUD and she's been told repreatedly not only by medical professionals but also by some of her fans that what she has sounds exactly like panic disorder. She's dismissed this as possible in the past because she said she was also having fevers (it's not uncommon for someone to have a rise in body temp because they are stressed) and recently in a livestream because her resting heart rate is too low…I don't know why she thinks that excludes panic disorder because it doesn't.
No. 279011
>>279005Well considering I am Angel I don't know how you can be Angel. So you must be joy. And if you are joy you can confirm it by messaging me on Skype and letting me know, if anyone's pretending to be Joy I'm afraid I'm going to have to rip them a new asshole.

No. 279015
>>279011That would mean I'd know what your skype info is and what Joy's is.
Sigh Goddamn it. I'm Falseface (on Youtube).
No. 279017
>>279006Oh no thank you, ladies first. Give it a whirl, let us know how it turns out.
>>279002>>279004>>279005Well what do you know..JOY is one of the shitposters. Kek.
>>279011And we have a third, Falseface. Way to reveal yourself, kek. Pretty bad when you try to shitpost and lose track of who is who.
BUT! They're not a cult everybody!
No. 279018
>>279008In my case with my body temperature being all fucky. I get random
Hot/cold sweats and it's only ever when my stomach flares up or I've got a migraine, how she has the energy to keep going despite shitting her guts out is beyond me, I mean when my stomach is on one i am sat on the toilet naked sweating like a blind lesbian in a fish market, it's a fucking horrible feeling and on days like that I won't upload anywhere, I won't Skype people, I won't do any of that because I feel too physically drained to deal with anyone
I am truly bewildered as to where she gets her energy from :/

No. 279021
>>279008 How many YouNow streams is she unusually energetic for someone that can't move around? Manic, even. How many YouTube videos? Pull them up. Do a tally.
>>279019One of you already did. We also know Angel is shitposting and so is Joy. All the positive you idiots like to talk about is just an act, isn't it?
No. 279022
>>279013>>279019Okay If you're who I think you are drop me a message in private because you know who I am.

No. 279026
>>278559>>278483>>278472>>278534>>278546Time for the admins to put the children to bed.
No. 279035
>>279028So what you're saying is joy is a compulsive liar and manipulating someone who's genuinely sick?

No. 279043
>>279032I'm gonna fuck off to bed mate it's 5am. Any posts from here claiming to be me are Not me,
And to the person pretending to be me. Nice try but you fucked up a bit.
-Angel ?

No. 279047
>>279035A narcissist compulsive liar that gets extra views from people that sympathize with her 'illness'. Add manipulative to the list, because if you're someone that's going through similar..YOU WANT her to succeed so bad it hurts. If she rises, you rise, and if she falls, so do you.Then you get so attached you just can't let go, and she owns you.The more she gets your sympathy gets her hits and more.
THAT is how she is using her fanbase. The more lies she tells, the more she has to twist things in order to keep up with the lies. The more she has to be in control. It is ALL there in her own videos, her own words. You're looking so much at the smiles and giggles that you can't see the fangs behind them. She really is a monster, just like Onision..maybe even worse.
Her 'cult' may have started off as some sort of a joke, but if you look at the actions her and her followers have pulled in here and the statements they have made, they've turned that joke into reality.
No. 279056
>>279047Thank you, very well said. Joy knows her "illness" is just panic attacks but that won't get her near as much attention as a serious chronic illness. She has tons of energy, can livestream for hours and uploads videos everyday yet can't work
any kind of job? Bullshit. Don't think for a second she isn't doing YouTube as her job and wants to make it big so she's concentrating all her energy towards it, doing everything she learned in marketing to promote her channel. It works too see how fast her channel is growing? If you ever see a lull in subscribers I guarantee she will find a way to cause some sort of new drama to jumpstart it again.
No. 279130
>>279123I'm not the kind of person who usually does this but holy shit anon
No. 279136
Time to start banning the trolls. Shitposting just to derail.
Recap post.
>>278559>>278483>>278472>>278534>>278546 No. 279144
I agree, people who post things like comparing actors to Kati without source material. People who's only contribution seems to be correcting others spelling errors. People who know absolutely nothing, and this party I find really hard to believe, about Batman history. How are we supposed to figure out the mystery of a girl without having knowledge of other things? Come on people, focus. Things to figure out, How did she do that whispering thing and then talking quietly with the voice cracking. I personally think it was an electronic effect. Another thing to figure out, how come she had ideas earlier in life and now they seem somewhat different. That's just weird, ideas never change as you get older and learn things. There's more, more mystery, more intrigue, more adventures ahead. We shall prevale! WE ARE SPARTA
No. 279174
>>279158You do realise admins will check the IP and figure out that none of us posting are joy, right? Then your assumption is going to make you look like even more of a retarded no life then you already are. Go cry to your mommy some more, kid.

No. 279191
>>278963>>279188You're wasting your time reporting them they're not technically breaking any rules unfortunately

No. 279268
>>279255i doubt it since the person posting the shit they're saying to derail isnt the person they're saying they are. that or theyre denying all knowledge of lolcows existence publicly

No. 279338
Is retardation really the term we are using?
“Intellectual disability” (previously known as mental retardation) means that an individual mentally develops at a below-average rate. These people can have learning difficulties and trouble socially adjusting. Intellectual disability (sometimes called “cognitive disability”) is not a disease or a contagious condition. You can challenge your friends to reduce stigma around disability. Sign up for We Are Able. This type of disability (which differs from person to person) can be caused by any condition which impairs development of the brain before or during birth or in early childhood. More than 250 causes of intellectual disability have been discovered.
In the US, roughly 4.6 million people are identified as having an intellectual disability.
One known cause of mental disability is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) and is totally preventable. Children with cognitive disabilities may develop slower than other children in terms of speaking, walking, and taking care of themselves (showering, eating, dressing). About 25% of cases of mental disability are caused by a genetic disorder.
A BBC poll conducted in the UK concluded that “retarded” was the most offensive disability-related word. The majority of individuals affected by these disabilities show only mild symptoms and, with the right support, can greatly improve, learn, and develop.
92% of adults with mental disability live independently or with family members, while 8% live in an institution or group home.
In about 25 to 33% of children born with mental disability, the cause is unknown.
So I don't think we are using the right terms.
No. 279346
>>279336I think it's max 2 people samefagging. Maybe even Joy contributing, because some posts' level of being 'so random xD' seems very much like her.
I'm suprised no one has been put out to pasture yet.
launching Bat-Signal No. 279351
>>279346amplifying bat signal this shit is gonna be bulldozed to sty even though it had some quality potential, sigh. seriously is there anything that can be done about this?
this shit wasn't even this bad with kooter
No. 279352
Here's the problem. You think you're "trolling" us and rustling our jimmies, but you're backfiring. All you're doing is making Joy look even more batshit insane than before, and turning people against her that may have been on the fence. Excellent work, geniuses.
Here's why Joy's minions are mad/ Recap:
>>278559>>278483>>278472>>278534>>278546 No. 279364
>>279358>>279362don't feed the trolls, honestly guys it's time to s t o p
let's just do our thing while ignoring them until they get banned.
No. 279370
I want to find those marmite commercials she's in assuming they exist. Anon who posted about that should come back.
>>279360>See that's where your wrong>allot>I don't care what any of you think of mewipetearswhilelaughing.jpg
This might be Joy based on the illiteracy alone.
No. 279382
>>279380>>>/snow/255209Not much to go off. I'm American so I've never seen any marmite commercials.
>>279381Marmite is a yeast spread. You put it on toast.
No. 279387
>>279371>Her videos suggest she reads that threadI think she reads the Onision thread too just for any new milk she can report on, otherwise she'd have to obsessively watch all his channels and read his forum (not ruling that out.) We know for sure she's been reading her thread for quite some time.
>>279381Marmite is an incredibly salty spread commonly eaten by Australians and the British. It's an acquired taste, it has a notorious reputation for tasting nasty.
No. 279412
>>279396>drops of peroxide someone in the last thread said she took.I don't think she takes it now. That post was in reference to a radio show she called into in 2013 to talk about hydrogen peroxide "oxygen therapy." She said she just started taking it the day before and it fixed her chest pain in 1 hour.
Paradigm Shift Radio 78 - Conscious Community Call In Spectacular
(Click 7 Kati Benefits of Oxygen Therapy) No. 279434
>>279420I doubt it. They just haven't cared to moderate Joy's threads very much. We had similar problems last thread. Moderation has been pretty lax since Admin-sama left.
>>279423That's really disappointing. She's apparently a capable person, and at times she seems intelligent, but she honestly thought drinking hydrogen peroxide was curing her problems. You have to be an ape to drink hydrogen peroxide in the first place. I wonder if she used drugs and caused brain damage which made her stupid and crazy. Maybe she had an accident that cut off oxygen to her brain or something. I don't want to believe people are born this stupid.
No. 279463
says she lost her voice on Sunday.
No. 279467
>>279463Of everything you could lie about, why this? I'm baffled. She's not even trying to make it believable.
I forgot about takedownman. What a weird combination. Makes sense I guess.
No. 279519
>>279423She has a Bachelor of Arts in Music, IIRC.
>> 279494Because they've never heard anyone whisper or do an impression of Froggy from Little Rascals, apparently. :D
No. 279596
>>279574There's no milk on Angel, she's never actually posted on lolcow someone's been pretending to be her and as a result someone has doxxed her

No. 279599
>>279574Lunatic, vulgar joyfan. Gonna laugh when her and Joy butt heads. This is becoming Narcissist Death Match.
>>279547Another joy fan. Can you lie a little less obvious? We only have..the entire yesterday. Her and several others. You Joy fans really want to believe those lies. (They even outed stupid can you be..)
No. 279602
>>279601Could not agree more. She's literally just a disabled kid who plays runescape. She's boring as fuck.

No. 279603
>>279601I think the person behind the thread on Angel is the person who was saying they couldn't wait for the thread to be made

No. 279607
>>279601>>279602She's psychotic, but I agree on boring. She wanted the attention, not surprised that she got it. A few found her antics funny, and she wouldn't shut up. This is the internet…it is stupid to shittalk and shitpost and act like nothing will happen.
>>279601If you're looking to fish, get a rod and find a pier.
No. 279613
>>279607that's the thing though, the admins are currently trying to confirm it wasn't her posting here, she's been in the discord today and spoken to them because someone's been impersonating her using the fact she is close to joy to ruin their friendship

No. 279615
>>279614I bet money it was joy posing as Angel

No. 279618
>>279616I saw that. She's fucking ridiculous

No. 279646
>>279615I'd laugh if it was true. There's something suspicious. Joy tried to get the IPs and failed. Then the spam. Then we had several people in here, at least one that outed themselves. (Falseface) And now ANGEL is asking for IPs..but for herself…"she" was so full of herself last night..and now this. If they confirm it was her…she's in trouble.
If its confirmed its not and its impersonation…The Joy Cult is going to meltdown. If it IS Joy…
No. 279674
>>279646Well i am actually feeling bad for Angel, I hope it is Joy or one of her little cult members posing as her then she will see exactly what joy is like and get as far away from that psycho as possible.
Angel is being accused and is guilty by association because of someone saying that they're her, which is fucked up on so many levels.

No. 279703
>>279701Believe what you want. I'm not Angel.

No. 279716
>>279703Who it is doesn't even matter anymore.
If it's angel: meltdown.
If its not angel: Cult meltdown. Butthurt fans spill everything.
If its joy: Kek, major meltdown.
If its joy and angel doing some kind of setup to have something to go nuts about: Internal meltdown.
Get your popcorn ready!
No. 279778
Joy guesting on AzureDakota's younow (1-2 hours ago):
> "hey bitch hey"
> "pretty brown mother fucker" referring to Rubasworld, that nice hint of MO racism bleeding out
> Joy asking ppl to harass her, sry got distracted by staring at my wall and don't remember whether she was referring to being doxxed or wanting Rubasworld to be sexual with her
> Azure Dakota looks somewhere between 12 and 16 (and has her new super cute bird, i love birds)
> Azure claims she's 17, Kati says she's 32, speaking of creepy age gaps
> cute cat in Azure's bg holy crap
going deeper down the rabbit hole brb
on Rubasworld younow (two hours ago):
> "look at my white trash little turd" about her hair
> crap ass ghetto white girl accent, you know the one
> "here i am whitchu booboo"
> Rubas worked w the O Network or something and does music, Joy's dick is auto-hard for the fame
> starts licking his asshole with her words
> i'm over this, let's move on
on Joy's younow (four hours ago):
> Connor Hiatt told her to seek out an exorcism, probs joking, but turned into a discussion about Kati being the Messiah + "i want you to let me rape you in the butt"
> pretending to not be able to sing at one point by making weird pteradactyl screeching noises; i'm just saying that when u sick but u a singer u use your fucking head voice, and she's a trained singer so i know she knows that, so she can miss me with this fake ass Mariah Carey on a terrible day bullshit
> she has a clip on her nose? she's fucking nuts
all-in-all, avoiding the topic of being doxxed i think
No. 279847
>>279765She hasn't mentioned the doxing directly but she has alluded to the information released such as having New Age beliefs like in indigo children and even wanted to make a documentary about it but when we said she was being vague in order to make it sound more normal she clarified saying she although she wasn't raised this way, she was convinced she was an indigo child herself for 2-3 years when she was in the "I think I know everything" phase teens go thru (she was in her early 20s) but then eventually came to her senses & realized it was "horsehit" she used to make herself feel superior over others. It's fine that she changed her mind for the most part but she does still believe in the supernatural. She has called several people "empaths" including a "medical empath" (humans have empathy and intuition, some just might be more observant than others, nothing supernatural about it) and has praised the accuracy of her tarot card readings (which sounded like generalized platitudes, stuff the girl already knew about Joy, and what Joy just wanted to hear.) She also says she believes in aliens (so do I due to the sheer size of the universe but do not think they are visiting earth in spaceships for that same reason) and has claimed to have seen UFOs (to be fair she says she can't identify what she saw so can't say for sure it's aliens or not) She also says she does meditation and at one point thought she saw past lives of hers but also thinks the medititation can heal illnesses (must be doing it wrong because she's been sick for many years.) She also believes in alternative medicine as she thinks a naturopath "saved her life" (panic attacks are not fatal, but this naturopath's treatment of "high-powered" vitamins might actually be doing her harm, it has given her chronic diarrhea.)
>>279824If she mentions the doxing directly it only brings more attention to it & gives more people access to her doxed info. Right now it's only people that have been to lolcow that have her full name & location. I thinks she's hoping it will stay that way but I can guarantee it will eventually become common knowledge to her fans & anyone who does a google search for it.
No. 279938
File: 1490794652283.png (125.55 KB, 640x1073, IMG_3543.PNG)

1/3 joy has admitted to pretending to be angel I had these screenshots sent to me via twitter someone who knows her has asked her and the result.. well im laughing at it

No. 279939
File: 1490794687527.png (137.94 KB, 640x1082, IMG_3544.PNG)


No. 279940
File: 1490794809174.png (121.65 KB, 640x1097, IMG_3545.PNG)

It took her a few minutes to reply to the last one because she figured she's been caught she begged the person who caught her to keep it quiet but they have said they don't think it would be reasonable to do so since her actions have resulted in quite severe consequences and they're about to get worse for her

No. 279954
>>279952She's fucked in the head dude. I thought she was scum but not scum enough to fucking pretend to be her disabled "friend" and give herself shit online

No. 279978
>>279974I have actually lost count of how many people she's done shit to
>>279977I can believe it, anyone who she's spoken to will be able to confirm she is renowned for begging people to keep things between them. Looks like this time it's backfired, and I honestly don't blame the person for exposing her for what she's pulled

No. 279979
>>279938>>279939>>279940Yeah, you either faked those or your "friend who knows her" faked it. Both correspondants type the same way and Joy/Kati makes a shit ton of spelling mistakes in all of her discussions (twitter, her DMs, comments and even on her blog that has been linked previously).
Please try to be more of a sKepT1k next time.
Still likely she did pretend to be Angel though, but those messages? Yeahhhh, pretty sure they're fake.
No. 279980
>>279979There's something called auto correct on a phone.

No. 279989
>>279982joy admitted it in a group chat

No. 280044
Well joys pretending to be Angel has had people outing Angel as a munchie cow if anyone's the munchie here it's joy

No. 280099
>>279847This is damage control for any of her fans who decide to come read this thread. She needs to frame what we found in a way that's excusable, concentrating on "Oh I used to have kooky beliefs but I'm fine now guys, lots of people believe in the supernatural so everything's cool, right?" but says nothing about how we found she's had these exact same "fatal" health issues that are
definitely not panic attacks for more than a decade but always has a different highly far-fetched explanation for what is going on….because she's just mistaken right? She's not trying to use her "chronic illness" for sympathy and attention at all, that's why she doesn't mention some health issue in every conversation. She's not using her illness in a manipulative way at all….because asking for money or donations is all a deceptive person would do and since she refuses those all the time there isn't
anything she's gaining from it, right???
Her story surrounding her illness always makes sense, right? It doesn't change nor does she add or subtract diseases from a long list that just so happen to be currently fashionable. When she first talks about her illness in her early videos those long pauses to collect herself when the pain is just too much to handle are totally real and we see her do it other times right? no?
And IUD copper toxicity is totally a thing because a naturopath said so, fuck the scientific study that says it's not because copper can magically rust now. Haven't you seen how the Statue of Liberty is rust colored? …she's green you say? …and copper holds up to the elements well because that patina is waterproof? Huh, no that has to be wrong because a few people with no medical or scientific education said copper toxicity from an IUD is totally real.
No. 280118
>>280108More believeable than the guy that wants his privacy, never shows up on camera suddenly making his appearance in here.
>>280110Doubt you're my room mate, kek. PAY YOUR RENT.
>>278559>>278483>>278472>>278534>>278546>>279396>>279470>>279778>>279056Recapping for newcomers.
No. 280152
File: 1490822289754.png (122.83 KB, 1102x685, IMG_1731.PNG)

random comment on newest video not sure whether to KEK or barf
No. 280214
Joy is pretending to be Angel. Confirmed.

No. 280301
Regarding Joy's health problems, I want to play devil's advocate here for a sec. A lot of them (actually, ALL of them) are characteristic of lupus and similar autoimmune diseases. Autoimmune diseases can sometimes go undiagnosed for decades despite someone's every effort to get help, since a lot of doctors write the issues off as anxiety and never look further.
Bowel/bladder problems, dizziness and vertigo, fatigue, muscle and joint pain, anxiety, memory problems and even erratic behaviour are characteristic of SLE. Even odd fascinations with religion or new age type ideologies aren't uncommon if it's wrecking havoc on the central nervous system.
I agree that she can sometimes act strange and her behaviour changes frequently, but I'm unwilling to concede that she's just a nutjob or that there's nothing wrong with her. At the very least, she has one hell of a crippling anxiety disorder, but I somewhat doubt that's all, since that's the most obvious answer and I'm sure treatment for that has already been attempted. If that's all it is, she'd be feeling better by now in my humble opinion.
No. 280307
File: 1490835489149.png (135.07 KB, 633x1094, fake.png)

>>280214If you are referring to the shitty screenshots
>>279938 >>279939
>>279940they don't confirm jack shit. Those are easily faked in photoshop or with an app, there are tons of apps available to fake text conversations. It took me 5 min to download an app and make a similar looking chat myself…it doesn't confirm shit. I'm all for laughing at Kati's bullshit but I want real proof this actually happened.
No. 280337
>>280307It's legit. I've spoken to Joy on Skype tonight. She's said she didn't want to pretend to be Angel but felt she had no choice but to do so because she was feeling insecure about being doxxed and needed a distraction while she tried to get rid of whatever she could off the internet

No. 280339
File: 1490837349211.png (106.68 KB, 640x1097, IMG_3557.PNG)

She's pissed, joy lurking. Confirmed.

No. 280346
>>278472Holy guacamole. I took a few days off from reading and all this comes to light.
I knew she was cray.
No. 280349
>>280337And who are you? If this is as true as you claim, then she's already pissed at you and you have nothing to lose leaking your identity.
While you're at it, you can be a good little songbird and sing sweet milk for us. Put up or shut up. Twitter stuff, chat stuff, email stuff, everything. If what you're saying is right, then you have plenty to share and nothing to lose.
No. 280354
>>280349 I can give you milk but I wish to remain anonymous. I've got plenty of milk to spill. You're going to have to wait 'til tomorrow though it's 5 in the morning where I am. Alas, I must sleep.

No. 280366
>>280354If you have plenty of milk to spill, you just announced it public on lolcow. The thread we know Joy is watching and her cultists have tried to derail. You would be a huge liability to her and an immediate target. Fuck your anonymous status. There is nothing to tell me that your 'milk' isn't another distraction, misinformation, or a false flag run.
>>280355We also call attention to that what people are saying about her is being proven right. The ones that come in to defend her that aren't lost in lala land can see for themselves.
No. 280370
>>280311 Yes, it's the lies that are an issue, plus…
>>280301I'm willing to admit there's
something wrong with her even if it's just severe panic attacks. Anxiety disorder & panic attacks can be difficult to manage properly, SSRIs are hit or miss and benzos work better but are highly addictive. Sometimes there's not a good solution. Also, she tends to deny anxiety could be the cause of her symptoms for little insignificant reasons like a fever or having a low resting heart rate, neither of which would exclude it. She seems to want it to be something much more serious. Even if it is something else, being mistaken about her diagnosis isn't really a problem, if that's all it was I'd let it pass. It's more the way she over exaggerates what's going on into "I almost died" with her "near" heart attacks, "almost" collapses and "oncoming" seizures that never actually happen. The dramatic pauses to collect herself we saw in the videos where she talked about her illness but never did again. The manipulative way she uses her illness to get attention & sympathy so she feels special. Turning the Joysus cult thing from a running joke into something that's actually starting to resemble a cult which is especially worrying considering so many of her audience are easily led, young, impressionable kids who often have some sort of mental or physical ailment. We've also seen how self-absorbed and ego-driven she's become since her channel blew up so quickly, there seems to a personality change from the first few videos where she has good rational counter-arguments. We know she obsessively reads and worries over the contents of this thread daily, she's constantly mentioning something in her videos or livestreams that was only brought up here. I'm sure there's more milk on her besides what I listed, this is just what bothers me the most, the main thing being the manipulation and lies.
No. 280372
>>280370She's already sending them to do her dirty work, too. How many of her guests are underage or close? Or special needs? Or having some sort of health issue that can be called projection? The scary part here is that this is deliberate manipulation. She knows what she is doing.
I worry that at some point someone is really going to get hurt or killed either because they found her out for what she is or because of any other twisted sister stuff shes doing we dont know about yet.
No. 280433
>>280392>they are going to wake up in a jungle in Gianna one day drinking Kool-Aid. *Guyana
(but otherwise EXCELLENT reference)
No. 280443
Sounds like she's lying out of her ass, been caught out and now needs a sudden magical cure. What better way then to make up an unbelievable story about a magical doctor healer. What kind of fantasy MMO is this bitch living in?

No. 280449
File: 1490849738122.png (95.12 KB, 640x1078, IMG_3560.PNG)

just to clear something up about the screenshots, I've cut out my current time and service provider on all of the screenshots to protect my identity to some extent.
If Joy wants to doxx me she can I'd like to see how long she can hold her tongue before throwing me under the bus or sends her cult after me to doxx me, take it as a science experiment. I want to see how much control she truly has over her cult.

No. 280455
>>280449Thats useless since she follows the thread and will see every post and KNOW who sent it. She KNOWS who she would have talked to in that message. ANYONE that she associates with will know. How dumb can you be?
Didn't you say hours ago it was 5 am so you couldn't post? At least try and post better lies, kek.
No. 280460
>>280455I just woke up. She sent that while I was sleeping. If joy watches this thread. That's fine. I'll just wait for one of her little cult members to expose me. I just want to see how much I can spill on her before they do.

No. 280472
File: 1490851324822.jpg (126.07 KB, 640x1128, IMG_3561.JPG)

From one of her many fake Facebook accounts.

No. 280486
>>280462What I saw of it was
>> Joy says one of the best Doctors in the world has offered to "fix all Joy's problems for free" >>Therefore Joy might ghost for a while>>She says she won't discuss Onision's cult because he doesn't persue it anymore >>But also because she has weird beliefs>> Goes off on a vague tangent that she's not who she was in the past and she's not ashamed >> Joy guests a girl who's from South Korea originally and acts like Joy acts like she wasn't aware that North Korea is a dictatorship with no internet KEK >> Guests Tarrot card girl again and they talk about a charity stream. >> Just general underage cringiness >> Joy blocks someone in the chat for spamming about how everyone believing her is stupid. >>Basically says COME AT ME BRO to any haters That's what I saw- anons feel free to correct me if I missed anything or got something wrong
No. 280515
>>280495YES! This 100% She has had the same symptoms going on since 2006 but back then thought it was caused by an oncoming "angelic ascension." Then in 2013 she calls into that radio show saying hydrogen peroxide cured her chest pains and again in 2014 with an update saying she was sick for months with chest pains, loss of energy, issues with food & digestion and started gaining weight went to the ER but they could never figure out what was wrong. Then she saw a nutritionist who said she was having thyroid problems & put her on Magnesium & Zinc supplements and she says she's been feeling much better for 6 weeks. Now she says the same list of symptoms are from her IUD but a naturopath put her on zinc & vitamin C supplements for her thyroid & to "detox" the copper from her body. Sounds like she likes to find exotic causes/cures for what's likely something very common - anxiety/panic disorder. Now she's supposedly taking a break to see real medical professional who will "fix everything for free" because she got caught in a lie and is trying to do damage control, sloppily I might add because that doesn't sound believable all all.
>>280435It was interesting finding out how deluded she used to be regarding her New Age belief but I didn't hold it against her because lots of people believe crazy illogical things regarding religion or spirituality. And people can & do change their ideas over a decade…not the issue.
No. 280594
>>280586Look, its time to stop seeing only what you want to see. Here are the facts. Theres some illness Joy is supposedly dealing with that in her own words went from random to cyclical…even though no illness in human history has EVER done such a thing. She has dealt with this for a very long time, but in the past according to this has attributed it to an angelic acension.
And now, she went on YouNow and said that she expected to be gone about three weeks due to treatment from some sort of doctor. JUST IN TIME as criticism is mounting from ALL sides that she can't answer to.
Three weeks is an awful specific time frame to self diagnose for something like that. In this same livestream she goes on to tell someone her voice is almost better…even though…her voice sounds 100% fine.
It takes a certain kind of gullible or willful ignorance to believe lies that obvious.
Since you need it broken down for you:
-You want to believe her.
-She is lying about her illness.
-She did lie about her voice going out.
-She is way too peppy for someone that is sick and can't move around. All. The. Time.
-Her past shown here so far shows that she has tried to paint herself as some crazy new age guru….she has simply changed her tactics.
-Her persona changes depending on criticism and the target audience, but is based on EMOTION. Most criticism is being passed off on the illness…and its kinda sad. Not EVERYTHING is the illness.
-Every time she talks on her streams, and in most of her videos…its about the attention she's getting or woe is me illness. She doesn't care about what Onision did. She doesn't care about anything except herself. How she looks, and whether everyone is following her bullshit.
-When pressed for criticism, its voice problems..internet issues, 'fibro brain'..there is always an excuse. It is always something or someone other than Kati.
>>280572See the above. She hasn't covered any of that. Comparing her to Onision isn't a stretch. The comments of her fans are proof of this.
You say that her beliefs changed with age…according to what? Her sudden livestream to do damage control? OH, Joy says she's different now and even though she is a pathological liar she's totally different cause she said so! WITH FEELING! Do you even listen to yourselves in your little world of self delusion?
Its hard to say that you're past that and go on a several minute rant AFTER that to talk about….New Age like beliefs. Contradiction, that is! This kind of stuff is why people say Joy really has a cult. Its disturbing that people can be so willfully ignorant.
A blind man in a blackout could pick up on this stuff.
No. 280598
>>280586IF and that's a big
IF her story is true and she's really going to be checked by a doctor then absolutely, it's great and will do her much good…HOWEVER, not only does the whole "I was contacted by a friend of a friend's doctor who will perform extensive testing & provide medicine completely free so I'm leaving for a little while" story sound highly unlikely to begin with, the timing of this oh-so-convenient development just happens to coincide with the doxing & uncovering of lies surrounding her illness. No, I do not believe she's going away to see a doctor, it's just more damage control. She's taking a break so people won't talk about her as much, hoping they forget the specifics of the information released. She's panicking because she was caught lying and maybe thinks she can still save her reputation with quick enough action before ALL her fans find out.
No. 280606
>>280598Agreed. Her and her cult minions have been in both threads attempting to spin, derail, or muck up the information so that no one could get relevant details. The more info that comes out, the more suspicious the actions that happen around the same time.
This is not the actions of a sane person. If it was just a random nutjob, that wouldn't be much. The worry factor here is this nutjob has a following that wants too much to believe in someone that is using them. This nutjob has demonstrated that she is willing to use these kids to come in and do her dirty work. THAT is the biggest concern here.
Its also best to add that in one of her YouNow streams she told a fan that the best way to deal with a bully is public humiliation. This says alarming things about her character given her obsessive and almost manic tendencies. Consider that this is also telling someone advice that COULD VERY WELL ENDANGER THEM if the bully has violent tendencies.
Someone like that started a 'cult' as a joke. It has as the days go on looked less and less like a joke given the responses of her fans and what they seem willing to do for approval. I can't even say for certain who was going at who or impersonating who over the last few really doesn't matter but it shows behind the scenes the real face of Joy's group..the real face that is sneaky, decietful, without morals, and highly toxic.
>>280586I don't believe a word of it. I do not believe she has the connections she claims. In one of her streams she said that she's been living rent free…would not at all be surprised if she's worn out her welcome. The last livestream she woke the guy out of a dead sleep to kill a bug…then asks "do you want some help?" …before looking weird at the camera and starting to act like she's afraid again.
Its all an act. There's a sucker born every minute and she's found a bunch of them.
No. 280621
I was a fan in the beginning, I loved that she was passionate and spoke plainly and rationally about what Onision was doing, many people had covered his nonsense before but I enjoyed her approach…then I found myself defending her from criticism with increasing frequency to the point it became ridiculous. I had to stop and realize that I wanted to believe her so I accepted her constant excuses and was explaining away her actions not only to others but to myself. I was still on the fence when I read both threads here and at first was okay with her having strange New Age beliefs in the past, even if she believed it now, because many people have crazy religious beliefs but can still act rational and well-adjusted…but then I saw that her illness story did not make sense in light of the new information and not because she was just misled or wrong about her diagnosis, she was lying about it. Then I began to notice other things…how happy and full of energy she is all the time when she claims to be so ill she can't work or leave the house, how she adores being the center of attention, how she constantly mentions not taking donations for herself and giving to charity to make herself look virtuous in order to deflect criticism of profiting off others pain or drama, how the Joysus religious imagery and references were just a joke a first but she has run with it to a concerning degree and since she has surrounded herself with very vulnerable trusting fans she could take it to extremes and they would go along with anything she told them, they already do actually. Considering how far she went with her beliefs before, she certainly has the capacity to do it now. I don't deny she has done some very good things and helped some of her fans who needed it but it doesn't excuse the lying or manipulation.
No. 280706
>>280699Agreed. I think enough is enough, she needs exposing to her fans for being the compulsive liar she is, before they all believe her "miracle" recovery.

No. 280802
Here's my theory. She has Munchausens disease. She's been "ill" for years, trying to get attention from loved ones, boyfriends, etc. Now her family has given up and she twisted the story in saying SHE left them because they were "toxic." They most likely got tired of her crap and in a spoiled brat kind of way, "left them behind" because she "knows" she's sick. Now she's turned to the internet, and strangers, because in her mind she was probably thinking, "well they don't know my history, I'll get my attention there." It's mostly a subconscious thing. I believe SHE believes she is sick, but needs a certain kind of validation to feel better about herself and feel she is vindicated. She has a very strong personality, so I think having all her symptoms boiled down to an "anxiety/mental problem" isn't gonna fly with her inside her head. Because she's stubborn and doesn't want that stigma or accept that she has a weakness. There is a whole new category of this disorder called Munchausen's by-internet. I think that's what's going on now. There's another thread on here dedicated to people doing this. Seeking attention. It's kind of sad when you think about it. I've been "observing " her for awhile now, not really a fan, but more as a "case study." I'm interested to see how this will eventually end. Anywhoodles, I'm a noob here, so I hope I posted this correctly. Lol.
No. 280816
>Now her family has given up and she twisted the story in saying SHE left them because they were "toxic." They most likely got tired of her crap and in a spoiled brat kind of way, "left them behind" because she "knows" she's sick.This would explain why she didn't want her moniker associated with the charity for the kids; she didn't want them to out her.
In theory, of course.
No. 280842
She's 100% a munchie and targetting people with actual disabilities to cover her own ass and manipulate them by comparing symptoms with them and acting like she knows exactly how they feel. Technically enabling herself by using actual chronically sick and disabled people to "validate" her claims in comparison to someone else's illness

No. 280847
I have within the last 48 hours received now multiple accounts from my viewers of my channel of Kati Marie Smith (Joy Sparkle BS) accepting money for various illnesses, causes, charities, etc. over the years online, and they said they came to discover it was used personally by her for bills and not what they thought it was intended for initially. They have all shared various "evidence" with me, as I am sure people here are only interested in, and I have just saved it all unsure if even it's my place to share what they told me. After 4 people reached out to me in a day with the same story, it got a bit weird, and I felt a slight responsibility to look into this further and put a warning video out there just in case others feel tempted to donate money to her without being certain about where it ends up.
Honestly, I have no interest in this person whatsoever. Yes, I made one silly parody video, another funny hater video after that, I expressed my views and opinions on her, the very same thing she does with others, and most YouTubers do… but after the one video I made pointing out her hypocrisy in obsessing and continuing to make videos when others said to please stop - and refusing - she has continued, and also, they have told me she is asking again for money for various things, and it seems to fall into that similar pattern. They have said she would reference specific charities in order to get people to watch her, get views, do something live, which I admit am very ignorant to, how that works, etc so I can't really follow it, but I have saved everything they have said, showed me.
The asking for money and it being a scam as they see it, and putting charities out there for personal gain or use is what I have an issue with, and anyone with logic would as well. That is what I have an issue with if it's true. Again, this is what others have shared with me and have held back and debated making a video on, until now.
I am only me, but it's wrong if true… I am filming my video about this all and hopefully posting it tomorrow on my channel. It's my opinion that it's wrong, and I have a right to express that after my viewers haven't stopped contacting me with the same story each time. One, you dismiss, 2, even after 3 I ignored it… but more than that… maybe there is something there.
I respect any YouTuber talking about drama, people's private lives as long as it doesn't directly endanger anyone, any minors, etc. for views, etc but to me, the money issue is the line crosser, and my viewers and fans writing me with similar accounts is alarming and I feel worth speaking out on as a caution.
I am fine with being hated, or people questioning my motives, however in this situation, I would gladly endure that if it means helping others be cautious with who they give money to over the Internet. Huge problem.
No. 280974
anynone notice since she threw angel under the bus shes tried sucking up to her on twitter?

No. 280988
>>280899She didn't really say anything of substance.
She starts off doing a general introduction about her channel (how long it has existed, how she did a lot of Onision videos) before going into what I assume was the actual point of the video. She's had a bad couple of weeks and she's been angry and has cried but is now choosing to not be angry. She also now knows to be more careful about the sort of people she befriends, but she forgives anyone who's fucked with her. There weren't any specifics though.
No. 280990
>>280988That doesn't sound like onision at all…
No. 280993
>>280990Well she threw angel under the bus by pretending to be her and now shes sucking up to her and angel is just ignoring her completely

No. 281016
>>280899Yeah, sure Joy. Forgiveness. Lie about everyone that you have a disagreement with, then make a video to look great. Hope no one notices your bullshit. That is ABSOLUTELY not all about your public image. There's enough spin here to put tops out of work.
>>280899Which is what we call a public relations cop out, with the nice face plastered across it again. Just like Onision's change ups in his I'm fake video..this is the same thing.
She's her own worst enemy, and even here she is blaming everything but the major cause of her problems: Kati herself.
>>280987It does sound reaching but it would not surprise me. This is a manipulator that tries to appear like everyone's best friend. All about that image.
No. 281047
>>281045i don't know it just strikes me as odd that screenshots have come out that joys claiming to be angel and then suddenly joy is all public up angels ass asking if shes ok i can smell a cows ass from a mile off

No. 281055
>>281045 At this point the only thing we can establish is that Joy/kati's community is as toxic and delusional as she is, but that they will accept whatever she does as long as they get that random shoutout or breadcrumb.
>>281051Being skeptical about information is NOT defending Joy. For all we know she is playing deliberate misinformation, false flags, anything she thinks she can do or use to throw everyone off the trail. If she will bait her own community looking for anything to have a problem with…it is safe to say that she can and will pull that at some point to cover her ass.
No. 281148
word has it joys going to try and get lolcow taken off the internet for the amounts of suicides and doxxing the cyberbullying from this site has caused

No. 281149
>>278559>>278483>>278472>>278534>>278546>>280594>>280601>>280628Better recap. Screwed up a number.
>>281148That's about as likely as Joy telling the truth.
No. 281152
File: 1490919202304.jpg (61.88 KB, 640x480, image.jpg)

>>281148so far the suicide count is zero. anyone dead referred to on this board was killed by a cow (rip monty etc).
No. 281175
>>281165She pretty obviously basks in the attention. On her last stream someone brought up Stevie and she went "someguy mentioned me?!" in such an excited tone. It's nauseating. I would have never expected her to turn out to be such a cow. Is there a single youtuber who's made more than 1 video on onision that isn't as crazy as he is?
Her non-existent impulse control keeps the milk flowing so I'm not complaining. This is my favorite thread right now, as shitty and derailed as it gets.
>>281168That's the most weight I've been able to put in to the Joy impersonating Angel theory. That person was the most obvious samefag I have ever seen on a chan and the rest of their posts have bizarre grammatical errors and typing patterns. With the occasional old lady phrase like "word has it". Where the fuck do they think they are?
No. 281183
>>281175Yeah this whole thing just gets more bizarre the deeper you dig into her past- what's publicly available anyways. If THIS is the public stuff then….I don't even want to know what level of weird the private stuff is/was.
I expected the milk to dry up early on…
No. 281212
>>281185You know what I find personally strange about the doxxing itself? The person knew we could bring up all this info by just searching her name.
They could've just linked us to one of the articles themselves but they want other anons to uncover stuff on their own. Isn't that a little weird? Like this wasn't just a last minute revenge tactic- they knew releasing her name would do the amount of damage they wanted. Otherwise they would've given more info to make sure all the damning evidence could be found. Who puts that much work into digging up dirt but doesn't post their findings themselves?
No. 281222
>>281212If you go back and look at the post
>>>/snow/276710 and joy/angel sperging in this thread it seems like he had at least a somewhat personal relationship with her. They didn't really strike me as someone who spent hours digging for her name or anything like that. That's the impression I got anyways.
No. 281224
Tinfoil, but I deadass think Joy doxxed herself. I mean, it did prove that she isn't lying about past jobs, and she's already covered the fact that she used to/has weird new age beliefs. Honestly I don't even see the links as damaging, it's more like a missing link we needed in order to see who tf she is considering she's been kind of a mystery that appeared out of nowhere, til now. Out of it, all we really got is that her illness has gone on forever-whatever it may be. Now this thread is actually active, and she knows we're watching, and we know she watches us. She's probably lurking, gassed to hell and back from the reactions of "all the haters and conspiracy theorists" who have been calling her delusional/ a liar.
Milk about screwing people over, now that would be damaging. But the two people claiming to have receipts would have to actually deliver. At some point. Any fucking day now, guys.
No. 281225
>>281224I think joy doxxed herself and has tried pinning the blame on one person thats failed so shes pinned the blame on some vulnerable disabled chick thinking people will go after the disabled chick and not go after her.

No. 281230
>>281227the copper toxicity can be proven as bullshit with a simple google search theres not enough copper in an iud to cause toxicity if that was the case thousands of women would be reporting it not just one psycho with new age beliefs

No. 281231
>>281229i couldnt agree more but how low can she get whats next pin the blame on someone whos been in a coma for 10 years it really does strike me as the ridiculous shit she would pull.

No. 281246
>>281241she acts like that here too. im sure shes the one posting trying to throw the thread off.

No. 281249
>>281248Amazing. A few posts about how peppy she is all the time. A few posts on her voice faking. Now all of a sudden she's sick. Except she's still as lively as she was yesterday..and well enough to livestream two or three times a day.
She needs to confuse her brain with "the copper" and have it removed. A lobotomy would save the world.
No. 281259
>>281250So this is Angel? She doesn't look tired. She looks pissed. And sounds pissed. Those eyes. Crazy eyes. This lady talks like a future serial killer.
Oh here we go.
References to the chat. "Might get up and walk." "Don't forget your wheelchair" (So she can toot her own horn. I'm calling it now. Angel was the real deal in chat, and her and Joy both collabed on it to have more drama to distract.
These two come off so similar its creepy. And Joy's whole 'i'm sick' is gone too.
No. 281263
>>281248Her complete disregard for science and medicine deeply upsets me. It would take about 20 minutes, maybe less, to research where "alternative" medicine originates from and why it's not real. The only way someone could take naturopathy seriously, after being informed of what the practices are and why they are myth, is if they don't believe in science. If you don't believe in science you are simply a stupid person and should not have an audience of uneducated impressionable preteens.
Joy I will personally teach you about this and make it very easy to understand if you stop spouting this dangerous uninformed bullshit. You are actually killing yourself. It's depressing. I'm not denying your illness but you are NOT sick for the reasons you think you are. It's _impossible_.
No. 281274
>>281269 they look like they bend further forward than mine do i tried putting mine to the angle hers went and it was painful
but youre right the stream was cancer

No. 281275
>>281259i agree she looked and sounded pissed but it goes to confirm that someones bullshitting because those two are clearly still friends

No. 281278
>>281275that or joy has convinced her shes not impersonating her at all and shes believed it she seems dumb enough to fall for that

No. 281282
>>281279i dont believe so but i wish they'd hurry up and find out who is faking being angel because from the way ive just seen her talk and act i have serious doubts its her

No. 281284
>>281269i dont think she was aiming for that, but did you notice how joy squirmed when her shoulder came out? i dont think that was fake

No. 281286
>>281283im personally having my doubts and still believe its joy behind it, although it is a possibility its both of them

No. 281287
>>281285her shoulder came out of it's socket, gnarly as fuck, pretty sure it's on her page since she guested with joy, itll be saved so you can watch it back and see if you think its fake or not from what i saw it didnt look fake

No. 281290 someone captured angels shoulder dislocating and joys reaction is priceless i like watching her squirm

No. 281293
>>281288as it currently stands no one knows who it is, its all speculation but my suspicions are saying its joy and her cult members
the whole stream seemed very scripted

No. 281297
>>281294angel made a joke about mass cult suicide.
angel lurker confirmed

No. 281304
>>281294i agree. well done lolcow users, we played ourselves, right under joys bridge where her inner troll lives

No. 281307
>>281302i think angel is like 21 so shes not a kid, but i do admit the other kids she does talk to that are like 16-17 does strike me as a bit odd and if it was a man itd be concerning as fuck no doubt

No. 281314
>>281312angels in her 20s confirmed by her twitter

No. 281321
did anyone else notice joys subtle dig at joy about her copper toxicity
i cant decide if she was being serious or joking

No. 281326
somewhere in the live stream where she guests with joy. i cant find it again, ive just watched it back for inconsistencies if i watch it again ill post the timestamps of any moments that need pointing out
something about mass suicide and mixing punch with cyanide was said.

No. 281329
>>278559>>278483>>278472>>278534>>278546>>280594>>280601>>280628>>281326Joy and Angel were deliberately trolling the chat with the outright cult references. Its similar to how Onision did the whole "Am I a sociopath" quizzes to 'determine if he was crazy.' They have already made it clear they both watch the thread.
I absolutely believe that Joy and Angel tried to set up the idea that they were against each other to find out who was on the fence about Joy within their own ranks. A fucked up loyalty test, and more drama and sympathy manipulation for both of them.
No. 281331
>>281328i noticed joy didn't seem impressed by angel going off over people using their illness for attention, she seems like a more positive person about her illness than joy, which makes her seem more genuine to me.

No. 281332
>>281329i dont think angel is the one doing the sympathy manipulation she seems pretty genuine, joy acting sick before angel came on the stream seemed a bit odd, considering it suddenly vanished when angel got on the stream with her. that stream was cancerous though

No. 281354
>>281348You didn't miss much other than Angel dislocating her shoulder and making joy freak
And Angel clearly pissing joy off by pointing out the fact she can't stand people who use their illnesses for attention online, stating that if she dislocated a joint she puts it back in its place and tries to continue with her day and doesn't make a huge issue about it, she seems like the person to just laugh and shrug her illness off
I think this pissed Joy off since she feels slightly shitty with "releasing copper" and comes crawling out of her hole for attention.
Oh and something about mass cult suicide and stalkers

No. 281361
>>281358Don't forget tentacle porn

No. 281373
>>281365That's fucking vile. I know she showers every day or so but what good is showering if you're wearing the same clothes forb5 days straight

No. 281462
Sadly this thread really looks like Joy ( or her fans ) may have inserted themselves into it quite a lot so she could stay relevant.
( Who is Jamie?! Her videos are pretty schizo, there's no way fans of Joy are approaching her with milk )
As for Joy, she's a pretty big disappointment. She went from a person who made a few Gergle videos that were actually watchable and enjoyable to…well, this
>>281329 Bless you for posting these recaps, anon.
No. 281482
>>281477Which means she has plenty more to hide. No one goes to that much trouble and manipulation unless they're trying to throw people off the scent. Someone must have really got close on one of these leads.
>>278559>>278483>>278472>>278534>>278546>>280594>>280601>>280628 No. 281499
>>281497What if Joy actually got her start on here and started her own thread after seeing his and now posts with bad spelling on her social media because Joy sparkle bs is a social experiment LOL.
I want it all to be a social experiment because the onion thread fans are right, it's a mess.
No. 281502
>>281497Joy and angel posting is breaking the fourth wall I never wanted broken. That's when it went to shit. And Jamie Fischer.
Like wtf I was laughing so hard at her posts I've never seen such desperation at a chance at relevance but it's the best kind of train wreck. These people have no shame.
No. 281521
>>281517She's got a good number of people that are willing to do anything for her, no matter how fucked up it is. All she is concerned about is getting attention..and she's shown in here that she will lie, spin, and manipulate to try and get out of her own garbage heap.
That tells me two things. The first is that she knows what she is doing is wrong and she thinks she can get away with it. The second is that with someone like that ANYTHING goes. She is a monster that changes her face to match her audience. I forget the psychological term for that, but if this is the stuff on the surface there is no telling how fucked up it gets in private.
No. 281522
>>281519She said it was the body releasing the lower vibrational energies.
This is who children are worshipping. Poop your low vibrational energies out, kids.
There's new age and then there's comedy.
No. 281524
>>281519Right? That list of generalized symptoms totally means you are ascending to angel status
>>281522She also said she cured a neck "tumor" (which she later admitted was just an abscess) with meditation and it was caused by "fear manifesting itself in her" (you mean anxiety/hypochondria?)
No. 281525
>>281521Her streams are scariest to me. I know she's trying to make her guests comfortable but after the first insufferably awkward and shy guest who took an hour of cringey time to explain five minutes of content, she should have stopped guesting. Because now jokes on her, we all see that she changes to be super nice when clearly the guests aren't camera-ready and aren't saying things she's even interested in but she's still fake acting like she loves them and inflates their ego in a patronizing way fake gushing that they're gorgeous or something. It would be nice for her to help people with their confidence on streams but to do that AND encourage the weird joysus stuff is beyond me.
Also, she was recently featured on a suityourself video and she was mean and insulting on it. The subject matter was laughable, but she definitely wasn't spreading positivity there. She made a joke saying "I thought you were a lesbian, you should be better at strumming and plucking" (paraphrased) about someone's guitar skills. It wasn't in a funny way, it sounded crass and mean. She dropped the sparkles act.
No. 281529
>>281527On at least one occasion in her livestreams she told someone (I don't know if this was a teen, I can't fucking tell) that the best way to deal with bullies was public humiliation. Tell me if you think that's fucked up and potentially dangerous.
I haven't heard a lot of other advice..its hard to sift out what shes saying sometimes..but considering how impressionable her fanbase is and the lengths they go to in order to defend her insanity in their own not be at all surprised if one or more try to emulate her behavior..or her 'cures'.
No. 281532
>>281529> the best way to deal with bullies was public humiliation. Solid advice. I can't see it making the situation worse or escalating to physical violence.
You're all troopers for sitting through her live streams. I tuned in for 10 minutes when she was talking about queefing and I had to promptly gtfo.
No. 281666
>>278466>>281665She's a complete cunt people believe she's been pretending to be Angel in order to troll and bait us

No. 281667
>>281547I'm not sure really she seems to be completely psychotic if you ask me I hate how she manipulates people with disabilities because they're vulnerable and easy to manipulate to her since she fakes being sick and they feel bad for her

No. 281743
>>281741I second this.
Either she did not understand what she was getting into online and expected everyone to be nice (but how could you after reading anyone's comment section ever, even the most loved YouTubers have awful criticism all the time), or she does know and it only is bothering her now because she wants to manage how much people can find. But unfortunately, she posted things online before and even if someone didn't find out her name, the old posts would have turned up eventually, especially ones with her photos.
It comes with the YouTube territory, but criticism is not (at least should not be) threatening personally. I don't agree with it if it is. But as far as criticism for her ideas and even values and beliefs about her own life, that comes with putting herself out there.
No. 281755
>>281751Every time she is with anyone else/in another video/on a stream with others she is so much more vulgar. I wonder if she keeps herself clean in her vids and streams for her young fans or what because it seems her real personality is negative, clinging to drama, saying she is being positive
rants for an hour on how she is sad and everything sucks give me sympathy wallowing, bitter, vulgar, and deeply impacted by others so much that it throws off her whole day and life. That's not even me trying to be rude…it's observable.
No. 281760
>>281745All of her emotions BUT anger are acting if you look really closely.
The cheery cheer is obviously fake, and the sadness is very forced also. She will dramatically pause and make forced sad faces to make something seem very sad. She's been actually sad a few times and it's a much different tone and expression than her pity parties. But her rant video that she apologized for, that was the candid moment.
No. 281763
>>281761If she goes after Onion again with all this info that's been leaked…Onion could "expose" her. Isn't he infamous for stalking threads that have anything to do with him?
Sage for slight OT/tinfoil
No. 281764
>>281761She needs to choose serious commentary (he must be stopped he is disgusting and doing immoral things and it's a serious problem) OR playful disdain (a song about him and memes of her shooting him with lasers or whatever tf is all over her twitter). It completely invalidates her trying to get anyone to take seriously the damage his forum and videos have done when she plays along completely by memeing all of it and stooping to his level.
I'm actually mad she hasn't kept her composure about it because her first videos on him were spot on.
No. 281772
>>281741It sets up huge red flags because she is mentally not okay and likely never has been from the information release. People just fall for her act. This seems to be more about control than anything. Control over her fans, her image, even the whole Onision obsession make a LOT more sense when you think about it.
OMG. That's messed up. She wanted to control Onision, and Onision didn't go along…making her even more obsessed. Might be onto something here. And the more he doesn't give in..the more the obsession grows…she literally CANNOT stop herself.
No. 281786
>>281778I disagree. The released information shows that she has probably always been like this. She has just over time learned how to lie better. She has bragged a few times about sales and marketing…she very likely knows exactly what she's doing and gets a thrill out of seeing how many people she can get away with fooling.
>>281777Agreed. This situation is disturbing. Its just a matter of time before someone is hurt trying to follow her advice, or does something based on her general sense of paranoia.
>>281784If these threads are any kind of a clue, like people within a cult the more impressionable kids or gullible types will defend anything she says no matter how extreme. That's one of the worst parts…they are enabling her insanity and feeding the cancer.
No. 281923
>>281909HOLY FUCK. she is giving a fan advice on treating cancer ~~naturally~~ ..
fuck this cunt. SERIOUSLY.
No. 281999
>>281961b4 I post this, tldr: if she thinks this shit is true, she's crazy, and if she's just saying it's true, she's an easily proven liar
If Kati's basing her evidence for her illness off of this organization's "research" (or even this general school of thought), there are some big red flags:
1. I know she claims to have fibro, and I know fibro is a genuine illness, but it's also one of the most common Choice Munchie illnesses there is, which is suspect enough given her personality and everything else.
2. In the case of this particular claim regarding toxicity, she would be implying that the "copper toxicity" from her IUD (which we have already proven via actual medical research to likely be false unless she had undiagnosed Wilson's Disease) caused her fibro, therefore also rendering her fibro to be a (most likely) false claim. Womp, womp.
2a. Not to mention that fibro is generally considered by recognized health professionals, including rheumatologists (to whom patients with a fibro diagnosis end up going) as not having any specific or known cause… let alone any vitamin/mineral related causes.
3. The references used for this page are questionable at best, harmful at worst, and include use of W.G. Crook's research, who promoted the use of antifungals to treat "yeast overgrowth in the intestines" which he believed could be caused by (insert drumroll) birth control (among other things). If you search for Crook or his research on any certified/notable medical database, generally the only thing you will find is papers rejecting anything he's ever claimed (or nothing, because nobody with real medical credibility gives two shits about his research). Some of the sources listed also list Crook as a source for their research within their own respective materials.
4. Another source here is an L Wilson, who, iirc, had his medical license revoked after going to court for a 250k lawsuit because the meds he was giving to a patient of his presumably led to her dying of a heart attack because she didn't actually need them.
Now, I don't know if this particular website is what Kati and her "doctors" are basing their beliefs about her health on, but I would like to point out that these sources being referenced on this website are also very widely referenced in the world of pseudoscience in general. Take some time to research some things like Candidiasis Hypersensitivity, Wilson's Syndrome (not Wilson's Disease), Rope Worms,and Leaky Gut syndrome, and you will find these people talked about at least once in your research, just like Kati probably has… and they're basically confirmed frauds.
Saging because I wrote a lot, but I just wanted to try to help prove that she's wrong, sorry.
No. 282006
con·cern trol·ling
noun informal derogatory
the action or practice of disingenuously expressing concern about an issue in order to undermine or derail genuine discussion.
No. 282009
>>282006Hmmm. What have we
not discussed?
No. 282011 is one of the scientific studies done on the copper IUD to see if it raised blood serum levels in the body but they found no statistical difference in serum levels between the active & control groups, they only found increased copper localized to the uterus and fallopian tubes which is part of how the IUD works.
This is me, All of me and I want you in anyway I can. That I love you.
No. 282022 one study that did find somewhat raised blood serum levels of copper for women with a copper IUD. Normal range is 80-163 mcg/dl, while the study found a mean level of 216 mcg/dl but you don't start seeing side effects until around 286 mcg/dl. The only conclusion they reached is that more testing needs to be done. They only had a sample size of 86 people with an IUD and 8 without. You generally need a bigger sample group than that in a study for the statistical findings to mean anything.
She claims to have been tested for copper in her blood and was found to have raised levels. However, copper toxicity is treated with chelation therapy using a molecule that binds to Cu metal ions such as EDTA. It is not treated using Zinc (another heavy metal) or Vitamin C the way she is claiming.
This is me, All of me and I want you in anyway I can. That I love you.
No. 282043
Her new video on Onision is SO annoying. She is saying he's being "overly dramatic" about his channels and that she is giving him "sound business advice."
If you haven't seen it, watch it. Ultimate milk and cringe.
Why is she so willing to give only him "compassion and forgiveness" and say she loves him as a human in almost every video, but she goes off the handle on haters. She gushes over him positively for the small thing and her crush is getting so hard to cover. Anyway new video tldr is that she is the expert in internet, business, and youtube and he needs to calm down and listen to her.
No. 282084
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Some dumb cunt is going around tipping the cows.
No. 282086
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You're not doing any favors, faggot.
No. 282095
>>282086Oh my
god. Couple this with the current prank, this is gonna be a pain to wade through.
grabs a helmet
"for every dream shattered another comes true, but when my dreams are broken yours are broken too."
No. 282120
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Acute symptoms of copper poisoning include vomiting (with or without blood), low blood pressure, lesions, black "tarry" feces, coma, jaundice, and gastrointestinal distress. Chronic exposure to excessive amounts of copper can result in liver or kidney damage. The treatment of choice for copper toxicity is with the drug penicillamine and the chelating agent dimercaprol. There is some evidence alpha-lipoic acid may be a mildly effective chelator for tissue-bound copper. Unless you received a toxic dose of copper in a short period of time or a have genetic issue like Wilson's disease that interferes with the normal metabolism of copper, any excess amounts of copper will be removed by the liver into the bile and excreted. People with Wilson's disease or those chronically exposed to excessive amounts of copper will often have visible deposits in their irises called a Kayser-Fleischer ring.
Even if you
could get copper poisoning from an IUD, Kati isn't displaying the known symptoms nor is she taking the treatment for it. If she really did show elevated levels of copper in her blood, a medical doctor would have immediately tested her for Wilson's disease. This is part of why seeing a naturopath isn't a good idea, they don't have the medical background to understand what their tests might be indicating…either that or Kati is making up she was tested
No. 282153
She says she is not kati smith but there is an old myspace with that name and her photos on it
+++ Ehlers-Danlos/Hypermobility Syndrome +++ autistic and proud +++ PC gaming
No. 282157
Her rape jokes on younow were bizarre. She kept going on and on and people said they felt uncomfortable. If Onision had made those jokes she would have made a video complaining about it
+++ Ehlers-Danlos/Hypermobility Syndrome +++ autistic and proud +++ PC gaming
No. 282213
>>280594"Theres some illness Joy is supposedly dealing with that in her own words went from random to cyclical…even though no illness in human history has EVER done such a thing."
Mental illness?
No. 282236
>>282211She didn't specify Mayo clinic but she did say "one of the best doctors in the country at one of the best hospitals"…now that
could mean anything from the Mayo clinic to some crackpot she met online that's promising her things they actually don't have access to just to get her attention…or she's making the whole thing up.
No. 282329
>>282327I bet ex noped the f out of there and am willing to bet roommate is running to CA to get away from her. those types don't leave w/out police escort and they know the system to avoid
triggering such things.
No. 282330
>>282329Her roomate is her ex
"Behind every brilliant mind there lies a Monster..."
No. 282346
I think she really does think she is sick but also think she wants to be sick. Otherwise she would have at least tried the anxiety medication that all the real doctors said she needed. But no, anxiety doesn't garner her enough sympathy attention so it can't be that…
Promise not to tell on me...
He said to me, "I know where you've been, I already heard you binge and you purge" - Hole, "Old Age"
No. 282479
She just put up a new video again. In it she says she doesn't have insurance because she can't full out the forms but she doesn't want to burden her roommate with asking for help with them. But sure by all means leech off of him and invade his home but don't asknow him for help with something that could UNBIDDEN him from you.
Every video she posts is damage contol now and that's all she talks about on younow. It's so obvious she is covering all the lies.
She does think she is sick but not as bad as she says and she doesn't want to get better because then what could she use for attention and a meal ticket. She is a disgusting leech that I wish would fall in a pile of salt.
Promise not to tell on me...
He said to me, "I know where you've been, I already heard you binge and you purge" - Hole, "Old Age"
No. 282489
the damage control is real, her videos are pathetic. She's clearly lying out of her ass and trying to cover her own tracks
LGBT actually stands for
Let's Get down to Business
To defeat the huns
No. 282496
>>282479I agree. She says she won't apply for disability out of pride because she doesn't want to see herself that way yet spends an inordinate amount of time talking about how serious her illness is and how helpless it makes her. Her latest video seems to be damage control and an attempt to shame people for questioning her because "we weren't really listening." No honey, the problem is we were listening too closely & noticed the inconsistencies in your story. She's spending so much time defending herself against the questions and negative comments that it makes what she's saying sound even more suspicious and ends up bringing up even more questions. Because she spends so much time trying to counter what we are saying in this thread it confuses the fuck out of her casual viewers so even they start wondering what the fuck is going on with her. This obsessive need to prove her "haters" wrong is not at all healthy.
Btw…What TF is a "near" collapse or an "almost" blackout?
No. 282524
>>282496Doctor told her that hospitalization might diagnose something that would make her uninsurable in Feb 2016. UM… no doctor would do that, especially with a potential heart condition. That is a basis for law suit. In 2016, in the US, most people are mandated to have health insurance. The ability for insurance companies to not insure based on pre-existing condition was terminated in about 2014. So, that conversation was wildly irresponsible on the part of the doctor who should have at least known that pre-existing conditions were no longer permitted as a reason to deny health insurance.
Fibro alone is not a good chance of disability because MANY MANY people live and work with it. I was one of them. Also, if she's not held a job for long enough, she wouldn't be eligible no matter what her "illness" is.
FOR ANYONE WITH THE INSURANCE ISSUES IN THE US… there are county offices and they will sit down with you to go through the forms. I had an issue with comprehension and the local office sat down with me to go through the insurance forms. For disability, most counties have social security offices and they offer the same thing. They even do it over the phone, so you don't have to leave your house. (My county office w/the health insurance also does that over the phone).
ALL COUNTY OFFICES have at least knowledge of medical transport services to cover their entire county. IF YOU NEED TRANSPORT call them. Under certain income, it could be for free. Over that level, it is very affordable and you just need to schedule it a few days (usually at least three) in adavance. They'll tell you how much it's going to be if you're going to be charged. They pick you up at your door and drop you off at the doctor's office, then do the trip home. This is a service that has to be in place for disable and elderly citizens, but anyone can use it if they schedule their appointments.
Fibro is not a "life sentence" they way she make it out. There are ways to treat it and manage it. And, it does go away for some people. She does not look like a person with fibro because the body pain has a tendency to cause you to not bounce around any more than you have to. On my bad days, even breathing was something that I would have preferred to avoid. AND, I was still working a physical job at that point.
I wouldn't push for her to leave her apartment because mental illness is far less stable than fibro.
No. 282534
It's weird, if she were 40yo I would think she was peri-menopausal with they way she acts and the things she describes. Vegitarianism, extreme diets, and similar things can
trigger early menopause?
Also, she had 2mo in a hyper mode and now seems to have crashed… like a bi-polar disorder. Her entire channel looks like what someone with histrionic personality disorder would produce. Especially the constant younow streams.
No. 282535
>>282524Thank you. I had posted earlier that the way she portrays fibro is inaccurate. Doctors do not tell you you'll have it for life with no cure or treatment, you just have to deal with it & push you out the door the way she claims she was told. There are several medications approved by the FDA specifically for the treatment of fibromyalgia. A medical doctor would have gone over the treatment options with her, insurance or not. There are programs to get medication free if you are uninsured & can't afford it. I used to work for a doctor and would fill out the forms for these patients to receive free or discounted medication directly from the pharmaceutical companies - they would mail it to us and the patient would come pick up their 3 month supply. And yes, there is all kinds of help for elderly/disabled/shut-ins who need government assistance of some kind, many programs can even be applied for over the phone if you need help. She's not as "fucked over" as she's making out….which leads me to believe she is exaggerating at least some of her issues.
I feel bad for her poor roommate who seems to be too nice for his own good, he allows her to take advantage of him in a way that's not really fair. The fact she would tell him she'll take off suddenly in the night if he ever finds the right person is one hell of a guilt trip, she seems to specialize in those and "feel sorry for me" pity parties.
No. 282540
>>282535"Thank you. I had posted earlier that the way she portrays fibro is inaccurate. Doctors do not tell you you'll have it for life with no cure or treatment, you just have to deal with it & push you out the door the way she claims she was told."
Yup. My poor doctor had to go through a ton of shit with me because I would come in to each visit with a list of "potential stuff" (other than fibro) to rule out. I went through an entire summer trying to figure out why every fiber in my body hurt like hell on a continuous basis. We tried different drugs. Some worked, then quit working. Some relieved the pain, but destroyed the rest of my system. Many made it hard to focus to work, so there was that issue too. BUT, I'll give him credit, he was very willing to work with me in trying to figure out what was going on. I was not insured at first, then with ACA was able to get on extended medicare.
People bad mouth the government, but if anyone reading this is having problems… yes, they're understaffed and it'll take forever to get an appointment… but once you get the appointment, they are very good at going through the various programs that you might not know about. Ours has a great food bank. AND, they are accustomed to working with disabled people. I've always found them to be very nice and very understanding about when you need help with stupid stuff like forms.
No. 282548
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"Life is but a dream for the dead."
No. 282551
Well, looks like Joy's viewers are either giving her advice, calling her out, or sharing their own troubles to her.
No. 282579
>>282512Wow, really? What kind of rape jokes? I'm really sorry I'm asking that but I just can't imagine Joy doing it. I thought she was crazy but sensitive, well, in a way.
"Man may have discovered fire, but women discovered how to play with it."
No. 282662
Aren't we technically defeating the object of making her irrelivant by giving her attention here.. we all know she lurks here.. and we all know she thrives off the attention… so why are we doing this? Doesn't it seem a bit pointless? We all know she's full of shit. If we leave her to it I'm sure her channel will collapse in on its self eventually

No. 282685
>>282664Agreed… the multiple swings a day make me think of the histrionic personality disorder. But, look at energy level between 10 days ago and last few days. She does have a larger swing going on. Like she built up to bat shit crazy streaming and with the vulgarities… then went "pop"… could just be the deaths affecting her too.
But, she definitely needs mental health assistance.
No. 282725
>>282712It's a lot of nothing-burger. The text convo posted earlier in this thread + more text convo and a screen capped image of $20 supposedly sent to Joysus. Any or all of it could be real or could be fabricated.
It doesn't take away from the fact that the girl (Joy Sparkle BS) is bat shit crazy and in serious need of professional help. I do believe people are sending her funds behind the scenes. Not sure if those YouNow streams also net her money or not (a lot of those streaming sites provide tipping systems).
Long story short, she (Joy Sparkle BS) is begining to look like the crazy lady that stands on the street corner panhandling. Ebegging has been around for a very long time, so she's not the first. Mentally ill people suck in big bucks because they
trigger that empathy in people who feel bad for them.
Is Joy Sparkle BS a fraud? She'll probably head down that road if she's not netted and institutionalized first. That just seems to be the way it goes with these types. (Notice how she avoids anything with public accounting like Patreon and stuff?)
No. 282735
>>282724Look up mirror neurons. Her straight on, face forward videos openly wailing are very effective in forcing a feeling of connection in any one open to it. (e.g. your disgust doesn't over ride it) It's a very good technique to pry those $20 bills out of pockets. Think of it like the baby that gets hurt and cries openly, reaching out for consolation.
Then look at the other woman's videos… face down, to the side. That's a protective / defensive posture. Your limbic system reaction is to distrust that which is not openly "trusting" you. Think of it like meeting a human from another tribe type thing.
Of the two… Joy Sparkles BS appears to be the more effective con artist. Some are effective through training (Irish Travelers are a culture built on this idea), others are just natural manipulators. People often call them psychopaths, but most of them are just varying levels of narcissists that understand that getting people to feel small degrees of compassion for them (e.g. List a bunch of stuff beyond your control, then say "it was my own stupid fault") will bind people into eventually defending the most heinous shit imaginable in the long run because you get entangled in "confirmation bias."
Look at Jim Jones. He got people in poverty to "connect to him" and built that through "the big mean gubmint!" until he had over a thousand people that offed themselves to "show the man!" that they didn't want to be controlled by gubmint!
The best way to start such things… do a small favor (or be seen doing a small favor) for someone out of the goodness of your heart and for "no gain." It's in all the marketing courses. E.g. give the "customer" (aka mark) a free pen to keep.
No. 282761
I just wish she would stop manipulating disabled people.
I want to see hard cold evidence she's actually sick, so part of me wants her to be hospitalised or show a second opinion diagnosis from
Someone who isn't her "neurologist"

No. 282762
>>282757Haven't you seen the mother that shaved her kid's head claiming the kid had cancer? There was a waitress that did something similar claiming that she herself had cancer. These scams stretched out over long periods of time until they got exposed. There are people out there who are just crazy and want attention any way they can get it.
Bat Shit Joy was an "indigo kid" hearing angels at 12yo and later a paid Angel Channeler. She's been attempting to "counsel" people since 2006, healer that she is. It sounds like her parents might have tried to get her treated, but failed. She has delusions of grandeur and this thread only confirms in her mind that "The Dark Forces" are threatened by her goodness and her life purpose. Plenty of people will get swept up in that shit. Even if they net her and haul her off for treatment, there will be a remaining group who will believe that she was the person who was in the right and that everyone else just didn't understand.
No. 282796
>>282776Agreed. The bit about the cult was obvious misinformation that seems to have been 'leaked' to her in order to derail her later, and she fell for it.
On the note of the other stuff, it is really strange. Has anyone else noticed this? She surrounds herself with sick people, and then after they tell their stories she matches HER illness and HER feelings similar to theirs.
Then when anyone criticizes her, those same people are the first to defend her, as if they were the ones that got criticized.
No. 282805
>>282802If you look at the comments in her YouNow, her fans keep begging her to setup a GoFundMe for her "medical bills." Its all too convenient. Plug the illness, muster sympathy, and when the fans beg you enough put something up and go "Hey, they begged me to do it."
Easy scam setup. Nothing showing her bills, either. She's already mentioned she's living rent free. (How many months?) Its an easy meal ticket with any critics being 'heartless monsters'.
No. 282835
>>282815I had also noticed that when I rewatched her early videos, she says don't give me money, I don't need it
now but adds in that she might in the future, leaving open the possibility. Because asking for money is the one thing that usually tips off most people someone is a con artist, she instead goes out of her way to turn it down, and gains their trust instead so when she does
coincidentally fall on hard times (and she will when she thinks she has enough supporters willing to give) she can point back at how she never asked before and wouldn't unless absolutely necessary…resulting in her getting a lot more money than if she had just solicited donations from random strangers from the very beginning. It's basically a long con, don't fall for it people.
No. 282909
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>>282906Yeah I was literally bored. Joy just went along for the ride
No. 282924
>>282909>>282910>>282915>>282922Who else thinks Shenision has a second phone and is doing these text conversations to her "inner alien self" angel that's "guiding" her on how to defeat the "Bad Forces"?
Can't believe the bunch of fucking idiots that follow that dumb bitch. Who know diarrhea fetishes were so wide spread.
No. 282925
>>282885She was definitely mocking Jamie because that bitch was stupid and just believed random screenshots. However, when it comes to us she gets extremely defensive and feels the need to constantly explain herself in light of the information we've dug up. Very different reactions so you absolutely know what's real and what's not just by how she responds to it.
We know screenshots can be easily faked using photoshop or even an app so we require better proof than Jamie, what a noob.
No. 282934
>>282930oops, ooops… the author of the texts was just on Shenision's livestream to ridicule blond lady after they set her up. You're not sticking to the script there alien-angel-guide.
Better check with your otherkin before you post again. :P
No. 282942
>>282938"You sound like you're 12."
Yeah… I'm a bit old for the Shenision diarrhea worship crowd… but, I'm sending my allowance to her as soon as mom gives it to me and I get off restriction from the Interwebz.
No. 282982
>>282776Other than getting views for her pathetic channel, I can't really figure out why Jamie Leigh Fischer is so fixated on "exposing" Joy yet does such a poor job of it. There's tons of good believable evidence out there but Jamie instead uses questionable screenshots and something that was obviously a joke thinking what she has is some kind of "exclusive exposé." She just took this one person at their word and ran with it. It's so easy to fake screenshots, this person just admitted they did it with MS Paint of all things
>>282972 Jamie should have done a lot more research and fact-checking and for fucks sake VERIFIED HER SOURCES before she released her shitty video.
No. 282990
>>282763>>282769>>282835>>282815This is really disturbing if this is what Joy is trying to do. Aside from gaining attention & sympathy, which I know can be reason enough, I didn't quite get why she was always playing the illness victim card so heavily….she uses it as an excuse for everything, from why her life is in shambles to little mistakes like pausing for too long or forgetting a word (which are things everyone does.) At first, I also thought her denying money was a good thing and made me think she was probably on the up & up but you are right, she's just denying it
right now and has probably always planned to ask for money when her savings runs out. Sneaky bitch.
No. 282998
>>282982She's a huge fan of Onision, which says a lot about her intelligence and moral compass. That alone gives her reason enough to try to expose Joy.
Personally I think Joy should just move in with takedownman, then they can both be complete frauds together and live happily ever after, living off the money of people stupid enough to donate to them.
No. 283043
>>283042Her paranoia is showing. More damage control, more guilt trips, more emotional manipulation. I'm surprised how people can follow this lunatic.
"All lurkers aren't bad but some are snakes." Yeah, I know, like the woman calling herself Joy in the chat.
No. 283045
>>283042She responds to hate by constantly bringing up how she doesn't respond to it. Yeesh.
Joy might actually benefit from tumblr tier spoonie illness-is-my-identity shit but she seems to view those people with derision.
No. 283102
>>283099>is what she's doing in real time on younow really milk? It depends, it might be milk or it might not. If it's new information or contradicts something else she said, possibly yes. If it's more of the same or just bitching, probably not.
It's really wonderful that she's trying to cheer up Dylan by trying to get him in touch with his favorite musician, she's really not all bad but no that's not milk.
No. 283110
>>283102Some of this thread has turned into pointless gossip but it comes with the territory. The point is we generally
don't accept baseless accusations until believable evidence is given. Most of us have been pretty good at calling others out when they make some outrageous claim without proof or qualifying our own speculation as a "tinfoil" theory. Unfortunately, not everyone has been around long enough to understand the culture here. The bumbling noobs & Joy sycophants attempting to play both sides fuck it up pretty bad sometimes.
No. 283122
See the thing is, they enjoy fucking it up and so does joy, she loves it in fact because it's giving her attention. The more attention she gets the longer she stays relevant. Doxxing her clearly isn't going to stop her, I mean you tried, look how that panned out… so I now believe this thread is pointless for the simple fact she sends her minions to troll the shit out of it.
I feel like the thread should be let to die for a few weeks while people gather milk, take notes and see what she does when people stop giving her attention on here.

No. 283132
>>283128Not trying anything I'm just hoping if we let the thread die a bit she will pull some next level marina Joyce shit

No. 283136
>>283080>She laughed harder at fishfaceNo, Joy certainly laughed her ass off at Fishface but she was not laughing at the info uncovered in this thread at all, she was defensive and took a lot of time to give excuses and explain herself.
>This has gone from good, reliable information on her to a doxxing and then onto a rambling gossip siteIt was good reliable info until one of her own butthurt fans came here and doxed her out of spite (which many of us agreed was petty but inevitable) then turned it into a bunch of rambling nonsense gossip precisely because more of her idiot minions came here to derail the conversation away from the doxing - they played both sides (badly) and posted obviously fake information to make it look like the people questioning her are just haters who will believe any unfounded rumor about her. Don't blame us for her damage control, we aren't responsible for the bullshit she and her little group of groveling lackeys produced.
>>283122It's giving her lots of negative attention and many have told her the way she obsesses over this thread is extremely unhealthy. I think she does see it as a way to stay relevant as long as she is able to manage it with damage control and minimize the loss of fans who find their way here. However, the main reason to keep up this thread is for them not Joy, it has turned around many of her previous defenders who were finally able to understand how they got used and manipulated by her after reading it. I'm willing to put up with a lot here because I used to be one.
>>283133Yes, exactly. She has been the source of nearly all her own milk…provoking a response will only result in more.
No. 283171
"Performed on stage at Disney world in 2001 and 2002" I call massive bull
No. 283173
>>283162>>283167Source for this?
Kati Smith is the broken image name "kati_smith_bio.jpg".
Regardless, it's a fairly common name and there's not much worth in even finding her anyway.
No. 283175
>>283173It has the same topic & bio as another page and it's already proven she owned the website which is mentioned in the bio.
No. 283185
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>>283175>>283174A LinkedIn profile matches to 25 year old, living in Cullowhee, North Carolina No. 283225
>>283212>>283221you're right, I deleted the info.
It was all directed by her backstage information and national census records and address sites. It wasn't difficult.
No. 283235
>>283228I'm sure you were here for the rainbows and unicorns.
Especially considering you showed up pretty quick along with the doxxing.
No. 283238
>>283225If it's public record it can be posted here according to the site rules, they even allow addresses and phone numbers. They don't allow things like SSNs, bank or financial records.
Whether you feel comfortable releasing that info is up to you.
No. 283256
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>>283238I suppose this is why Onion boy's stuff was allowed up. Thanks for that info.
It was all found through public records so anyone can find it with her name alone.
She likely lives at 2215 N Salem Dr, Independence, MO 64058.
No. 283281
>>283267YouTube $1-$1.50/ thousand views is like entry level. Larger Youtubers w/premium ads average $2-$3/thousand views, sometimes more. This is including the effect of ad blockers. She has over 600k views in last 30 days.
I'll admit I don't know squat about YouNow, just thought I heard HER say she'd only gotten $300 from her last YouNow stream at one point, so halved that as a guess.
Either way, she if very likely earning too much to qualify for public assistance.
No. 283289
File: 1491235095575.png (94.55 KB, 478x763, Screenshot_20170403-150537~2.p…)

I didn't pay to sign up so couldn't read everything, but truthfinder suggests these are possibly her relatives. Pretty sure that's the correct kati smith.
No. 283304
>>283297Agreed. That's why at $1 for 652k views, that's $652 at $1.5 that's $978.
If this (
>>283273 ) is close and she made $413 on YouNow. Then she is very close to if not exceeding the $1276 mentioned here
>>283267Long story short, the public assistance and disability issues are not valid because she doesn't qualify for either at this point. So, any whining going forward is just that, whining.
No. 283329
>>283322They can try but it won't do shit. It's within the site's rules, a moderator (Farmhand) already said as much
>>283287 This site allows posting anything that is publically available including addresses & phone numbers.
No. 283370
oh dear, it seems someone on twitter is threatening to hack her. i hope shes shaking in her fucking boots

No. 283401
>>283391There's nothing there. Just the usual false bravado so she can get her 'fans' riled up.
>>283312She mentioned in one of her streams that she lived in MO at one point. Since she has moved in with the roommate (moved in= taken over like a parasite) is unlikely she lives there now.
>>283282You're not wrong. Considering how many people she is angering lately, and how many people are starting to wake up and see her for what she is…I can only imagine the worst of that crowd. At the same time, she shouldn't be trying to do what she's doing too. Eventually, everything is going to come out.
No. 283409
>>283136The noobs are repeating now without reading the entire thread.
She was defensive about the original information and the doxxing. This latest whatever we're calling it is a running punch line. I'm all for milk, we've determined that she's not sick or not sick with what she believes she has. We've determined that we don't trust what she does with these charities she speaks of. We figured out, and were told that she made an ass of that blonde chick. Now we're repeating that she goes on line and talks about this thread? She comes on and reads something, someone watches her younow and comes here saying she's acting just like we said and it's a revelation??? She's leading the dance, she picked the music and we're all just playing HER game. I'm out. This cow is dry.
No. 283459
>>283409i think at this point it's impossible to tell whose game it is anymore. Joy does pay attention to the 'haters' more than those who care about her, and with this new information release i can see why. i ddin't see the part of the stream where she called out trolls but all that negativity is counterbalanced with these isolated acts of charity.
however, imo, it's more about how it makes her feel rather than doing a nice thing for another person. she implored her fans to tweet at every big youtuber they know in order to get this Dyllan person on Ellen. it would be a nice thing, but it's almost as if she expects him to bring her on the show too as the person who springboarded the entire venture, and get the most praise heaped.
at this point, Joy is like a female and far less malicious version of gerg. i have to believe in my heart her intentions are in the right place, even if they are askew as fuck. it's fine to be charitable and want to help people, Joy. but for chrissake please think about helping yourself first. stand on your own two feet as a woman. you were successful once, there's no reason you can't do that again. these 'illnesses' seem to be holding her back and sometimes there's no shame in admitting you need help. it's much better than sitting around the house all day plugged the fuck into the internet.
sage for sort of off topic but who the fuck even knows anymore
No. 283466
>>283409Smells fishy.
If people are bailing, THEN they are playing her game. If she is going to great lengths to cover her tracks, spam the thread, and now deliberately spread misinformation…then people are close to something and she doesn't want people to notice.
Repeating information shows a pattern, if the pattern keeps happening then its solid proof how she acts, what she does, and why she appears to be doing it.
She keeps coming here BECAUSE people are getting closer to something. She also knows other people are coming here and word about her is getting out. THAT is why she is doing nightly damage control on her streams. That isn't a dry cow. That is a cow trying to be clever.
Every one of these streams she leaks more information while trying to cover herself or she confirms something that was questionable before.
She is very clearly manipulative. "The Nice Guy". Serial killers have been "nice guys."
>>283459GEE, ALMOST AS IF the whole thing was entirely about her, manipulating the crowd to make herself look like some awesome person that is being picked on. Less malicious? No way. Cold and calculated. There are many kinds of con artists, scammers, manipulations and all around fakes out there.
People in here should expect or be ready for anything.
No. 283486
>>283482Guilt trips, emotional manipulation. Paranoia. Lies and deception.Baiting both her fans and her critics. Greg is an asshole but he's an obvious one. She tries to cover it up with a smile, and she is taking advantage of and making a mockery of people that have very real problems. Its not trafficking kids, but it is preying on them in a different way. Kids and vulnerable young adults.
Then we have the acts of charity to damage control even more. Spin the situation to look nice to everyone. We have someone that is really mentally unstable giving advice to teens and young adults going through emotional lows. Are you going to say that this isn't dangerous to someone?
No. 283574
I am not a fan. But what irks me about going after her so hard is that we are for the most part still unclear on many of her motives and good questions and observations remain unanswered.
It's still open as to whether or not she is accepting money, scamming, or lying about an illness for gain. If any of this can be proven outright, then I support the efforts to expose it even if she reads it and sees it all, but I feel like when there is still the chance of her having a serious issue and not intentionally scamming, the fact that she reads the thread makes it cruel to go in circles with that interaction and avoid the real questions.
I've been part of both threads and have fluctuated in my view of her intentions, but I the thread was peak valuable when trying to find the truth behind her inconsistent claims and creating a full picture of what she's put online. So many people had good observations and connected dots in a way that helps viewers see the truth. Even many of the posts attacking her for various things I felt were warranted and brought up valid questions. But knowing that she interacts with the thread makes a weird situation in which I wish we could get some actual answers to the VERY valid questions the people who have stayed consistent in analysis on here have had for her and had to recap and repost many times. Idk I think the direction of "exposure" has gotten too ridiculous with the fake things and with her involving herself. Now I just want answers to what she's put out there herself, for example, more info on her diagnosis. If someone is going to ne open about their struggles and health and it doesn't make sense to a lot of people, there should be an explanation. Joy has been open with her diagnosis and health, it's not like she asked for privacy about it. It's different than for example, Eugenia Cooney. Questions people have for what she's said herself are so valid, especially if she's trying to "spread awareness" and give advice. For example, I would like to know why she had the same symptoms way before the IUD. So many people have had good and fair questions on her content here that a public figure should be expecting, and I wish the focus would go back to that and away from distractions and actually unsettling and irrelevant prying. It's so frustrating to have the valid issues dismissed because people want to "dig up dirt." The old tumblr? Valid dirt because it's very relevant to now and was left public. Her possible address? No need.
No. 283600
>>283574There's an old Stephen King movie called "Carrie." This woman totally has a "mother of Carrie" vibe going on.
It's fascinating to see a middle age woman swing so violently between being a vindictive misogynistic bitch to all "I luffs everyone!" while chasing after children.
She definitely doesn't have body pain, it's obvious. But, she is (99% certain) in need of mental health assistance. That doesn't mean she won't turn into a great con artist in the long run, but a con artist will still beat her rounding up a bunch of the vulnerable kids she's playing to into some "inner circle" of "trusted followers" who end up as a Koolaid drinking death cult.
No. 283607
This is Jamie Leigh Fischer, first time here today despite what some may think. Not that invested. Seems odd I know. I am here for attention, etc. etc. Sadly, again, I respect what anyone thinks or believes, hate me, all fine, my intent here is actually legit and completely credible. A few things. I will say regarding anyone questioning the person who was a joke and spoke to me pretending to be a friend, I saw the screen caps, etc. It's not surprising to me in the slightest as that individual immediately blocked me after our conversation. What I included in the new video was what I felt for right now, was the safest things to send as they are all over the web. I stand behind everything in my video. Also.
Takedownman Heads up folks. Takedownman, aka Dale Franklin Gill is a convicted criminal. He is the one posting messages in my comments, on my twitter, etc. attempting to pull the wool over your eyes and pretending this was all some huge joke narrative? Perhaps one conversation, which even then - really? Who does that who doesn't have anything to hide? They were getting nervous so they went to these ridiculous extents. She's a sick person… But, really? Joy Sparkle Bs, Kati Smith sure knows how to pick them. You know that saying the company you keep? Hope they got a nice laugh. Extremely pathetic. If you have nothing to hide folks, do as I do, post HERE UNDER YOUR REAL NAME. Boom. Done.
Back to the guy. Just be real careful of him too. This is a man attempting to spin this all because he's for some reason, convinced that individual does no wrong - at all - ever. They never met in real life like most of Kati Smith's current "defenders". I don't know. Call me crazy, many do, but if you are a logical, rational person capable of thinking for yourself and not being brainwashed by a mob mentality of what's more popular to think, you will go with me and this video. A convicted criminal vs. me, I'm gonna say I have the credibility and truth on my side. Again, he, or others will attempt to spin this or change the narrative. I stand behind this video, my opinion, and who I feel this person, and these people are. Of course, unlike him however, I will leave it to you to decide. This man apparently likes to try and threaten people he blindly stands behind, scare them, bully them, and he realized it didn't work with me. He failed. He doesn't scare me in the slightest, in fact, I find him comical as he clearly isn't aware he is a living cliche of Internet keyboard warriors and white Knights who actually have a real life public criminal record that is easily accessible to anyone willing to do the work. He's upset because he realizes his typical tactics failed… and that a woman isn't backing down from his bullshit. Sorry Dale. I'm not a woman who is pushed around.
The reason the "evidence" I have - which even today I am still getting tons of things that Kati Smith won't be laughing about unless she watches herself, as they were actually bills, financial statements, etc. and I made one serious video on this person and I just didn't feel that was appropriate. At least coming from me right now as a YouTuber. I was shocked at what they said, and if true, she's a disgusting person who deserves to be exposed. Trust me. Including random texts or things others send me was the safest way to go the first time in my video. Then, if she keeps at it, those people may refuse to let her con any more people out of money and allow me to share their story. This isn't my first time exposing someone, you need a strategy and can't just go all in. Having said that, this rabbit hole I fell down and felt out of responsibility for making a silly parody video and all these people contacting me, I owed it to them to check it out.
Also, I have no personal malice toward her, I don't want any hard to come, but the sheer fact that clearly, she is getting actual enjoyment and entertainment out of this, then flipping to empathy for her health, to then going after complete strangers on YouTube viciously hauling accusations… she has no idea who she is, or what she is setting herself up for. People are watching, good people that she has given money to and been conned out of. Period. Honestly, it feels silly having this on the Internet, but in a sense, it's perfect for her, as it's her last place to hide in plain sight.
Mind you. I am fully aware of her games and you all should be to. She is LOVING THIS attention, thinking she's fooling everyone, having fake people contact me to expose stuff about her (again, what sane rational person even NEEDS TO DO THAT on the INTERNET… lol), but it's also an excellent chance because the more she is out there, the more people that know this woman in REAL LIFE (that's the key here… not internet random strangers she talks to all day since she has no one in her real life that wants anything to do with her aside from her roommates…)
Hang in there.
I'm fully aware of everything, and am proud of that video. One of maybe a few to come, we'll see how these people feel. It's them, not me this is for. No one deserves to be conned out of money for ACTUAL CHARITIES, ACTUAL TRAGEDIES, PERIOD. It's only a sick individual who not only does that, but GETS OFF ON people trying to figure out if she does or not.
Thanks for listening. Have a good night guys, sorry so long.
No. 283620
>>283490Jamie, Jamie, Jamie. (I know we usually ignore stuff like this, but this is my one attempt.)
Going to attempt to talk to you here. If this is your strategy, you're just going to find yourself banned. You're going to turn people away. Yes, I understand a lot of what you are saying but lets be reasonable here.
You took any information you were given and ran with it, even though to the average person it was a setup. It was bait. You got a bloody nose there and she made you look like a fool. You are just too centered on particular information and you may be reading this thread but you seem to be missing the majority of it. There is so much that has been showcased..but you choose to tackle one facet in a way that is highly obsessive…you think that's going to gain you credibility or fans? Especially here?
We could care less about takedownman. This is a thread about Joy. And there isn't enough evidence to back the financial side. There are PLENTY of other disturbing pathways with this one. If you can't figure that out, don't bother coming back. Explore those, get with it already.
No. 283645
The poster who has been samefagging about Angel is, unsurprisingly, Angel herself. Usually I wouldn't out such a lazy effort at selfposting, but Angel has been bugging me persistently over the past week to investigate her "impersonator" so she can take legal action.
Her posts have been marked; please use
>>279314 to discuss.
Some interesting ones:
>>280214>>278025>>278049>>281321>>278564>>278846 No. 283646
>>283607Everyone knows takedownman is a fraud. It's been mentioned. Please read threads before blogging up a storm. As
>>283620 mentioned, this is not about him. It's about Joy.
This is also not about you or ANY Onision fangirl with a vendetta spewing already biased nonsense. It's about Joy.
Kindly lurk more before posting or gtfo.
No. 283667
>>280449Fucking called it. Her and Joy set this all up to make it look like they were at war. Its a fucked up loyalty test. Then they find out who the critics are and who thinks they walk on water. Fucking cult bullshit.
>>280354Well, this one isn't
completely a lie…you did give us milk…
No. 283702
>>283674Why is she freaking out about it? I watched the whole thing and nothing seemed at all controversial.
It did feature a bit of her onion-praise though, which I can't stand. Which is on the petty side, I know. 'Oh. I like to hive credit where credit is due…I think something really good could come out of all of this' etc. The fact she gives such gushing praise to him and about him over the tiniest little non-abhorrent thing he does is so annoying. The problem with him isn't just that he's a perv, Joy, he's a horrible person in general.
No. 283746
LOL good riddance! if you talk shit, dont expect to get help from the person u talked crap about. Sorry, life lessons learned. delete!
11:53 AM - 3 Apr 2017
If you are a small channel, and u want to do a collab, and u turn around and talk shit on me, i am in NO WAY obligated to put up said colalb
5:11 PM - 3 Apr 2017
Stealing videos is not cute, be lucky I am letting it go. Don't talk shit and be rude to the person helping you. Lesson learned. Good luck
5:12 PM - 3 Apr 2017
Every week I work to promote a channel that I can help, bc I enjoy helping. But i WILL not allow myself to get taken advantage of. Bye!
5:13 PM - 3 Apr 2017
LOL everything is ok guys, children being children. You gotta let people be. They will eventually learn their lessons. Let children tantrum
5:15 PM - 3 Apr 2017
Dont you love it when people steal your work, then turn around and call you a con artist and talk about morality? lol.Tantrums and
5:16 PM - 3 Apr 2017
No. 283749
>>283746I did think it was to do with those tweets but I did't know what the actual fallout has been between them to cause the tweets.
Must just be that she didn't put the video up and the girl wanted the exposure since she's a smaller channel and was annoyed that it didn't happen.
I do enjoy that in the video Joy's like 'I keep forgetting you're only 17, you're so mature' and then they fall out and it's 'child! Such a child!'
No. 283754
Did she give a reason as to why she didn't put this as listed?
Theres a video coming on that soon. Its because we had an argument where she completley overeacted to me outing her on something she lied about
Konstigo oh okay. I did not understand what happened. I am a fan of hers and don't understand this situation.
Konstigo I'm curious as to what she had lied about…
1. Lied about putting up the video
2. Lied; saying she was debating and messaging Onision when she in fact was not
3. Lied about her identity.
>>>/snow/2784664. Lied about her illness. Link above also works.
5. Lied about giving money to charity also using that link. Other YouTubers have found her out too. Her real name is Kati and shes a con artist from moussouri
I guess we will find out when she makes the video explaining the situation.
No. 283766
>>283645This is just embarrassing. I wonder if Joy will mention anything about her "friend" posting such heinous shit on here. I guess shitty people will attract shitty people.
>>283754This girl is
really pushing for attention. From us. Another one.
No. 283771
>>283766a bunch of joy related spergs are definetely self posting
We know y'all lurk.
No. 283776
File: 1491276037185.png (101.98 KB, 680x555, ryankon.PNG)

found this on our li' detective's twitter lol it just me or does this ryan kid give off lainey vibes
"I thought u wanted to b muh friend billay"
No. 283784
>>283771Pretty clear that Angel is a snake. You don't have to be a Joy sperg to catch that one.
>>283776I can't tell if Jamie is a drag queen or not.
No. 283790
>>283783context is pretty clear, looks like yet another onision fangirl desperate for e-fame. How pathetic must it be to call a chap interview with joy a collab.
>>283784Honestly the second jamie said she unironically thought onision was a great "comedian", I lost alot of faith.
No. 283836
>>283790I'm convinced that Jamie is the second coming of Shay Saint John or something, the way she presents her content is so odd.
Different note: Joy got on YouNow and guested a guy named Dyllan-Mills Harten. He has Cerebral Palsey and he likes music (makes instrumental music under the name DJ Enabled Life), and he seemed really sweet. Knowing what has been (validly) speculated about Joy on this thread… I just really hope she didn't stream with him for some ulterior motive.
No. 283961
This is fucked up.
No. 283977
>>279938>>279939>>279940>>280339>>280449>>280472We already knew these were fake screenshots as soon as they were posted but now it's been 100% confirmed they are fake since we have proof they were posted by Angel herself. For whatever reason Angel tried to make it look like Joy was the one impersonating her to distract the thread.
So now it looks like both of the points Jamie focused on to "expose" Joy were planted and the dumbass fell for it anyway. I don't know why she would use those screenshots when we immediately pointed out they were likely fake and then the ones they emailed to her about the imaginary cat cult were some of the clumsiest obvious bait…yet, she didn't pick up on it. Then Jamie posts here claiming she believed it because "WHO DOES THAT?" Hello?…how long have you been on the internet Jamie? People can and do lie about everything under the sun. Plus, Joy has already proven she is willing to do some devious things, why would that be beyond her? Worst "investigative reporter" ever.
No. 283985
>>283977aaand over in the Angel thread, we have someone who still thinks it wasn't Angel. fuck's sake.
the idiocy brought here by Joy and her hanger-ons (Angel, Jamie etc.) is really entertaining.
No. 284050
File: 1491291428020.jpg (74.1 KB, 560x960, 15338764_1095070173938503_1477…)

>>284003She gets super excited about receiving attention from people, that's why she can't stop talking about it. I bet every night she falls asleep with a smile and dreams about her face in other peoples' thumbnails.
No. 284061
>>284056She's so quick to put that girl down and boast about what
could have been if she hadn't dismantled the relationship. Textbook abuser shit. Textbook Onision shit. She comes across as such a narcissist.
No. 284069
>>284061Its been discussed on in earlier posts whether or not she is a narcissist. She certainly has all of the signs and it would explain her obsessive tendencies. All she had to do was let it go and there isn't a person even in here that would have given it a second thought. But then she had to livestream and OBSESS over it.
This is what she does to people she ISNT close to…what does she do with those she IS close to?
No. 284108
>>284099She said she would pay for it out of her own pocket. According to this person,
>>283245 and looking at her socialblade, she's
possibly making enough from YouTube & YouNow to no longer qualify for public assistance (who knows how close that estimate is.) However, she doesn't pay rent so she probably
could afford to drop a couple hundred on something like that if she really wished. Just tonight, she gave 15 batches of 400 likes (about $15) to WinkietheTwinkie on YouNow just to get the person guesting to "motorboat her moobs." She spends a similar amount on Winkie every time he comes on, which is pretty much every day (granted she just discovered him recently but if she continues to spend that much every time it will add up to around $450/mo.) Apparently, she is not hurting for money right now. Maybe she should think about getting that health insurance she used to want so badly instead of a month's supply of virtual moobie motorboating?
No. 284112
>>284083>>284080Lol shes doing these "good things" to boost her channel/popularity. She probably hopes she can make the news or something. I saw her tweeting at the ellen show about it. How great would it be for her if her video got picked up by some big show/news source showing what a great person she is? Did she really need to make a video on her channel about it and try to get people to promote it lol?
Why not just contact the guy first? Looking at his twitter, he only has 5k followers and his channel is not that big. It's not like shes trying to contact some huge celebrity. And that's obviously why it was ridiculously easy to talk to him and already have to agreed to. But she had to make a huge video about it for views of course.
No. 284127
>>284112Absolutely, it's another marketing technique. Lots of companies make a big deal out of attaching their brand name to a charity or sponsoring an event in order to associate the brand with something positive and to get more people to see it. However, there's a tasteful way to do this…OR there's what she did. If she only cared about getting Dylan the meeting she could have emailed Seamless directly or just tweeted at him like you said, he's not that big a YouTuber & doesn't have a super large Twitter following. He would see her request, no hype needed. The video was totally unnecessary, as was asking fans to share it everywhere, that was clearly for views. The only point of attempting to get Ellen involved was for her own publicity, dreaming of possibly getting on the show herself. Seamless simply needed to be asked by Joy directly, this didn't require exposure from a huge celebrity to make it happen. She made a much bigger deal out of it than necessary. It's nice that her efforts granted Dylan's wish, I'm truly happy for him, but it's disgusting that she would take advantage of his situation for her own gain, turning a simple act of kindness into something of a circus to get herself views and promotion. It shows she is always thinking of herself most of all.
No. 284129
I'm probably going to sound like a big asshole, but… she has these disabled people on her streams and talks down to them so it makes her look so compassionate and so caring. She probably doesn't give two shits about them tbh, and probably could not care one bit about Dylan. She's exploiting this kid for views, and knows if it DOES happen (which, it probably will, because as it's been said, dudes not a huge celebrity so not hard to contact) she'll get all the credit and therefore more views, more praise, and just all around more attention. She knows exactly what she's doing. She's not the innocent person everyone thinks she is, and at this point I don't even think she's just absentmindedly being a shrew. I think she's every bit as manipulative as everyone says Onion Boy is, but the reason she gets away with it is because she pretends to be so nice and hides behind her "illnesses", not to mention she has a bunch of kids as followers who don't know how the world works yet, so it's not too hard to get away with being a wolf in sheep's clothing.
One thing I'm unsure of is their talking about Onision getting smoked in the debate, I thought he never showed?
No. 284145
In her video about it, I thought "wow this is really nice of her, she didn't have to drop her video plans to do this," UNTIL I heard her say "no donations. None of that. We just have to promote this video. Tweet it out, share it," people could have just tweeted at Seamless after watching, no middle man involved. She has very much made herself the middle man knowingly as a marketing ploy, and that video was made with such false humility. Yes, she can genuinely help him because of it, but my bet's on her hoping that whoever could step up to help him would help her too. I think what she wants from it is "Generous Small Youtuber JoySparkleBS Made Gay Disabled DJ's Dream Come True," everywhere.
No. 284194
>>284145She is like those evangelicals who like to pull up the visibly weak or handicapped and fawn over them and their bravery.
It's creepy to see her sexualizing him the way she does. Apparently match-maker is part of her gifts. It's fine if she wants to get her audience all hooking up with each other, but when she sexualizes a 21yo it flies past cougar into just plain yuck.
No. 284301
It's about this: info here: wonder her little agent provocateurs were so busy yesterday when I posted about this initially and trying desperately to appeal to my motive. Looks like Konstigo was right, Joy did overreact and she doesn't want people to see that mask slipping.
No. 284313
>>284301The most hilarious lie ever is "I don't know, I don't go on his page" from Joy.
L. O. L. rolling
However it was actually kind of nice of Joy to say she wasn't ranting about this girl on her streams. This girl is acting immature, but Joy should not even be engaged with it…not that Joy's a professional, but it's just unprofessional and I would think she would know that. And why would she go after a 16 year-old in the UK legally? Seriously??? The fact that they're fighting like two high school girls makes sense for the high school girl…not Joy.
No. 284332
>>284305"Want to know WHY they removed the allegation and blocked me?BC THEY KNOW THEY ARE IN TROUBLE AND LIED!NOW retract or lawyers will deal w it"
oh onision…. I mean Joy. Joy. sorry, the insane entitled shitfit including the threat of legal action for nothing more than internet drama threw me off.
No. 284337
ANGRY, this is a warning [Link to Livestream on YouNow]
1:03 PM - 4 Apr 2017
LITTLE BITCHES REMOVED THE ALLEGATION! IVE got the screen shots as do others! Either we go the LAW or you PUBLICALLY apologize for that
1:25 PM - 4 Apr 2017
1:27 PM - 4 Apr 2017
YOU GOT SOMETHING TO SAY ASSHOLES?SAY IT! DONT BE ABITCH ABOUT IT!But you BETTER apologize for what you said or im coming after u w the LAW!
1:30 PM - 4 Apr 2017
1:31 PM - 4 Apr 2017
Want to know WHY they removed the allegation and blocked me?BC THEY KNOW THEY ARE IN TROUBLE AND LIED!NOW retract or lawyers will deal w it
1:35 PM - 4 Apr 2017
You think just bc u blocked me i cant SEE you?! I got EYES everywhere! We dont need to drag this to the court, but im sooo happy to do it!
1:35 PM - 4 Apr 2017
REAL fucking simple, apologize and ADMIT u lied, and we can drop this shit, make a PUBLIC apology, otherwise, this will get real fun
1:36 PM - 4 Apr 2017
should i release the screen shot now? Count down to apology time
1:37 PM - 4 Apr 2017
Ive let people say all KINDS of shit and do dangerous things, I let it go, ive said very litlte. but THIS?! ILL SUE U FOR EVERYTHING U GOT.
1:40 PM - 4 Apr 2017
U BETTER GET SCARED, U ARE DEALING W A REAL BITCH WHO KNOWS HER SHIT, u will NOT take my kindness for WEAKNESS, when i DO stand, watch out..
1:41 PM - 4 Apr 2017
BC i kNOW my shit and i know the fucking law and i have NO PROBLEM TAKING U FOR EVERYTIHNG AND GIVING IT TO PEOPLE WHO ARE IN NEED.
1:42 PM - 4 Apr 2017
1:46 PM - 4 Apr 2017
1:47 PM - 4 Apr 2017
No. 284350
File: 1491342702951.png (131.02 KB, 750x988, IMG_7909.PNG)

No. 284358
>>284351she also doesn't have a case. defamation is a very steep hill to climb and someone saying something mean - no matter how distasteful doesn't count. she'd never find a lawyer to take that to court.
plus, it could be argued she's a public figure, making it even harder. what a dumb cunt.
No. 284361
File: 1491343195193.png (140.62 KB, 586x816, YUYeHDg.png)

>>284350Just a bit more complete pic.
No. 284369
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No. 284371
>>284351She self admittedly isn't well enough to do paper work to get her ass some health care yet can somehow get it together for a twitter legal battle. The younow bars giving her strength af
>>284365Possibly the joysparklebs lies twitter? It was public earlier today and is now private
No. 284372
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No. 284373
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No. 284375
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Last one
No. 284379
>>284377Nah… notice NO ONE has any idea of who or what happened… I'm guessing the voices in her head posted to the Interwebz and now she's having a full blown "battle" with herself online so that the youngsters will rally to her defense.
I don't think this is about the 17yo, except to distract from it.
No. 284381
c'mon Joy
No. 284397
Jamie Leigh Fischer the person behind 90% of these posts is nothing but a fake plastic surgery liar.
This chick is making you people look like bitches with her 1000 posts.
She lied about being a 9/11 survivor, lied about being in the Boston Marathon Bombing and just so many more lies. No. 284401
>>284397Stop derailing. No one cares about her. (We've told her this.) She has her own thread, have fun over there. If you think that we are going off her information you are more of a lunatic than Joy is..
So i'm taking a stab in the dark but lately she's manufactured all kinds of drama for attention. Angel's junk in here…which she was likely a part of. The misinformation to Jamie, obivious as it was. And now this 'mystery person' that has her obsessive again. She hasn't mentioned the twitter account or given any real details other than to hype it up. Is it possible that Joy is just making this one up too? 'the joy who cried wolf'
No. 284402
>>284397nice name.
we already know about jamie, it's old news and no one cares, go away if you're here to derail.
No. 284411
>>284404bullshit. jamie leigh fischer has a dead youtube channel and got tons of plastic surgery from her mothers ssi because she convinced her mom she was a youtube star and that the surgeries would make her more appealing on camera. i live in hull and know this bitch. she claims her husband is a doctor when the mooch delivers our pizza from hull pizzeria. look at her videos bro or broette, they are done from her moms house where she has to smoke out the window so she doesnt piss off mommy. you guys got
triggered by her initial post.
No. 284451
>>284442She referred to the 17 year-old as "bitch" and said "bitch better be scared."
Continue to find all of the joy and sparkles in the bullshit of the world. Stop Gerg from posting young girls. But I'll call them a bitch and threaten them if they tell Gerg I'm weird.
Much logic very composure
No. 284470
>>284451She deleted my tweet reminding her she's 32 and the girl is 17 LOL
She goes after Onision for his treatment of the youth but heaven forbid she's not allowed to be disgustingly RUDE to a TEEN
No. 284512
File: 1491353487961.png (71.73 KB, 478x482, RkLdTs0.png)

No. 284513
File: 1491353664628.png (20.94 KB, 584x136, Capture.PNG)

>>284512um, right here? lol
No. 284569
File: 1491358491481.png (156.78 KB, 615x666, EJYE1Dv.png)

What someone (not Joysus) posted as a screen cap of what set off her high ass earlier.
No. 284574
File: 1491358623791.png (127.24 KB, 505x866, GZ3vg2b.png)

More context on that tweet to show Joysus is not denying it.
No. 284593
>>284567Keep and eye on this, she knows her tweets are being watched and she's making an ass of herself. She's now trying to steer things into DMs so she can avoid a public paper trail.
I still can't believe she tried to argue evidence that was RIGHT in front of her as misunderstood. Psycho.
No. 284604
File: 1491359403123.png (199.13 KB, 492x737, ptk9eCq.png)

Um… wut? Last tweet in the image look like more than guilt by association. It's "all over the internet" … anyone got screen grab?
No. 284612
File: 1491360289044.png (124.58 KB, 475x835, K15OMh3.png)

another posting by same twit acct w/diff Joysus response. So, Joysus is fine with that being spread even though the account has been set private? Wow… hard to cry defamation when you're only worried about one person spreading it and allowing another to freely spread it.
No. 284628
>>284624The only thing you drew attention to was the Konstigo shit. Which..she lied outright, and you called her out on, and then she tried to tell you that you didn't know what you were talking about.
That's gaslighting. Its a tactic used by manipulative narcisissts to get them to doubt themselves and to silence them. Everyone here IS keeping track of what is said and in what context.
No. 284646
>>284634Multiple allegations made, the usual mooing.
The big stuff is that Joy went full psycho and was blowing up her twitter and threatening lawsuits and being an ass to the point where her defenders are saying she's makng herself look bad but she won't quit.
Konstigo shit is the real milk of the day so far. Started off as nothing but turned Joy into a raging lunatic. Then the charmander girl as I guess shes now calling herself called Joy on her crap and caught her in a written lie. Highlighted and all, CLEAR evidence of gaslighting and manipulation.
>>284628Yeah, but did you get screencaps of it? She always says one thing and does another. She just played you to put a nice face on things after you called a narcissist on their outright lying. If you think she's all friendly now…that's a lie. You saw her real face before you went into DMs. She doesn't like to leave paper trails.
No. 284658
>>284648nah man i haven't second-guessed myself at all. i know that what i said is right and i never said that it wasn't. the only thing that i'm sorry for is being aggressive in how i responded. not because i think i was wrong, but because it's a self-improvement thing for me to be less aggressive. i didn't have to call her a bitch. that was bad form.
i still DO NOT agree with how she responded to the situation and i told her that. i reminded her that she's the adult in the situation and she has a higher responsibility because of that. i didn't back off at all and i didn't accept excuses.
but she said that she would retract/apologize/something and i feel like it's my personal responsibility to allow her the chance to do that. i mean, if you guys feel differently, you definitely aren't obligated to give her that chance. it's a personal thing, again. is it possible that she's manipulating me? yeah, that's always possible. but i try to give everyone a chance to learn. if there's a next time, though, you bet your ass i'll have something to say.
No. 284663
>>284658Here's the weird thing about that vid with the 17yo. The 17yo discussed how people had come at her in a 'creepy' way after she posted the pics to the Onion board. She also said that she thought a 13yo would not be mature enough to have dodged the creeps that she delt with and might have actually sent them pics that were requested.
SO… if Shenision is truly interested in protecting younger kids, why would she not post a video with those warnings coming from someone MUCH closer to their age (age of 13yo) in place of one of those profanity laden rants that she posts?
No. 284669
>>284658 Why are you being sorry about calling a liar out on their shit? In case you haven't noticed..responsibility isn't her thing. She tried to tell you that you didn't see what was right in front of your face. Then she tried to cover up all the nasty with a few heart emoticons. Just flipping masks like a switch. Calling her a bitch is like calling the devil an ugly bastard. So what? Maybe she shouldn't BE a bitch, then. Maybe she shouldn't lie and manipulate people. Maybe she shouldn't do 'good deeds' just to manipulate her crowd into thinking she's some virtuous figure.
Maybe she should BE an adult.
No. 284677
>>284676Butter? Hell, you have curds on the whey right here
>>284675 thems make good cheese :D
No. 284683
>>284679If u hate her so much make a thread holy shit or go back to kiwi
No one cares
No. 284687
File: 1491363657815.png (119.57 KB, 480x803, S3dR04U.png)

Just to close out this convo for the record.
No. 284691
>>284675>>284679>>284682can you and your obsession that no one else cares about kindly get the fuck out? stop giving attention to grandma cakeface by bringing her up every two seconds in a thread that doesn't give half a shit.
weird how she's known to try to insert herself into threads all over the internet and now you're trying to insert her into this one OVER AND OVER. Hmm.
sage for wishing i didn't feed this troll but come the fuck on.
ok, back to Joy being a crazy bitch.
No. 284692
>>284669lmfao fair enough! i mean, again, i don't take back what i said at all. i just get disappointed with myself when i resort to calling people names. but i was heated.
at the end of the day, no matter how it's spun, she said what she said and what she did was WRONG and i don't want anyone to think that i'm going back on that because i never will. and whether or not she's nice to me at this point won't stop me from pointing it out again in the future if the situation arises.
she really does need to be an adult, and i'm interested in seeing if that's gonna happen.
No. 284706
>>284704Angel, you realize that most of the time you post with a particular reply line that we know its you, right?
>>284700Better one for you. She tried to blame her twitter meltdown on the @ sign. Even knowing that people can read the twitter and catch the obvious lie because she full on addresses and gives commentary concerning Konstigo.
How long before she does the same thing to everyone else she's close to? Place your bets, farmers! Who's the next sacrificial lamb to get screwed over by Joy?
No. 284724
oh and on a minor note to jaime leigh fischer who is currently fucking with everyone here? bitch. i know your address, your family, your criminal or non criminal status every single fucking job you have ever worked, your mothers information, your deadbeat bitch of a husbands information, cunt, i know all. if you lambaste joy and she is innocent? let me tell you something. you will spend the rest of your natural born life looking over your shoulder. you will be poor. you will be cold. you will be afraid. and if your little lying shank ass thinks you are still in control of a yahoo chat room, girl, you better sit back and think for a few moments before hitting enter on your keyboard to reply to this comment. dont. now. if joy is as evil as everyone else makes her out to be, then joy? you better get the fuck off the grid. invest in what socialblade says you make into shit like propane tanks and solar because if you dont? cunt, you will want to put a bullet in your head. are we clear?
No. 284750
>>284748Again, no one is talking about money here. She is a manipulator, pathological liar, and all around psycho that has manipulated her audience into defending her or doing their dirty work like an actual cult. She has given her audience dangerous advice that could threaten their health or wellbeing.
Just read it from the beginning.
No. 284772
>>284771 For sure.. and more of a lonely and desperate one than most of them. She sure let a whopping 21,000 subscribers get to her head fast and is showing her true colors now.
I mean I hate Onision like most.. but interesting how she's doing some things just like him, especially with whats happened today and no one wants to bat an eye.
She's just a sad person who will take any attention she can get and human interaction in general since she's such a obviously mentally ill hypochondriac who's made herself house bound by it all and now the only life she can live is online and through others drama.
No. 284786
>>284782I would be overwhelmed, sure, but would i turn into some self righteous psycho bitch trying to play god..? Nah.
But i guess she was already like that from the beginning LOL.
No. 284787
>>284781wtf are you talking about excuses here let me explain it to your neanderthal brain so you can understand it better.
maybe the cunt is fucked up and doesnt know how to handle it.
get it now dolt? god dammit i wish half you fucks would stop wasting space so the big boys can talk.
No. 284789
>>284787Oh she's definitely fucked up that's for sure.
LOL ..wasting space… Big boys… ooookay.
No. 284804
>>284788And as we've seen, there are some who have been on YouTube for years that no one has heard of until now. This whole thing has devolved into a what's next speculation. She got pissed at someone accusing her hurting a kid and went off on Twitter, milk? Not really. Now we've got someone thinking reading binary makes them a super spy thug, I'm not even sure what that's even about. The rest is real time chat every time she speaks.
No. 284808
>>284804Awful lot of effort to try to steer the herd,there. If you're going to tell me that nothing new happened today and that whole twitter meltdown was just whats next speculation then i'd suggest you either pay attention or stop trying to tell everyone nothing is in front of them.
>>284805Her new title is Oni-SHE-ON.
No. 284816
>>284798Not only do those hoodies make her look like a homeless person, they might make her smell a bit like one too. A few days ago, I noticed she wore the
SAME EXACT gray Nike hoodie for 5 days straight in all the YouNow streams she made during that time.
>>281365>>281373 No. 284830
>>284824Okay, quit trying to derail the conversation. If you paid attention to anything at all you would have noticed a LOT more than that. The main issue people focused on, the other one didn't provide any information so it was dropped. What WAS focused on was her meltdown and her outright lying and gaslighting critics.
You have to be pretty stupid to have someone screencap you, then try to tell them they're misunderstanding and judging. I saw the live stream, no misunderstanding here.
Maybe its time to re-engage some of that reading comphrehension and maybe its time to stop trying to convince the thread there's nothing here. It is TOO obvious.
No. 284841
>>284431In the video Joy says:
"I never meant to make an Onision channel. It's kind of a little bit turned into that"
Understatement of the year there
No. 284856
>>284855Yep! Copper poisoning must be her doctor google's answer for the metal in our food and in our water that the government is supposedly poisoning us with… The more i watch the more i'm weirdly connecting the dots and seeing how mentally ill she truly is.
Watching that video and uh.. now the cult stuff isn't hard to believe at all.
No. 284884
>>284850Wow, what a cunt. I only got about a third of the way in because, good grief, that voice is painful, but all that shouting over one comment? It just makes her seem horrible. Maybe the commenter overreacted, but to retaliate with an even bigger overreaction is bizarre. I had only heard of the video, I hadn't seen it yet and it is more extreme than what I had imagined.
And I assume she hates how 'the SWJs' get 'offended by everything' and yet here she is going off her nut getting offended over the commenter not having prior knowledge of her life.
No. 284956
-THIS IS GOING TO BE LONG AS FUCK.. But I had a free night and a few glasses of wine and sat down and read up on some shit so here we go.. Everyone's welcome to skim past this shit and continue on, but this sort of stuff has been irking me so i just had to do some fact checking and say my own opinion.. -
So.. doing a quick google search on copper toxicity and i am noticing besides a wiki article on it that there is not much information..? And that the top results are just articles written by holistic medicine "doctors"..?
And like this website: Where they're asking for a hair strand sample costing almost $300, and a follow up test almost $200.. like that doesn't scream scam at all.. Just like how they're also all selling their shitty holistic medicine books about hair strands and minerals and whatnot..
And most of these articles are referencing medicine from literally between 1900-1980's.. Annnndd…
"There is no such thing as copper toxicity with an IUD," said Susan Rubin, an associate professor in the department of family and social medicine at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York
The only genuine article on anything of the sorts is a medlineplus page: am convinced she just diagnosed herself through google searches like a true hypochondriac and has scared herself into thinking she's gonna die every single minute that she's made herself home bound and think she can't do anything.
Now the medline article does say that -copper wire- can be a cause of copper poisoning.. but there's been so many women who have gotten these IUD implants.. if so many women were getting poisoned by it, there would've been some serious news, recalls, ect,.
Did more research, the only recalls i can find on the copper IUD- Paragard, were in April of 2013. Not because of any mention of copper toxicity or poisioning but because these were the ones that were ending up embedded in other parts of women's bodies and causing complications.
In her original health video "I don't want to die" she states that she was finally admitted into the hospital for four days and then her "doctor" finally helped her realize that she had copper toxicity from her IUD.
I'm guessing she's one of these types to not believe in ~pill prescribing money hungry doctors~ and because of her past history, i'm guessing she was seeing a holistic doctor, because she said she prescribed her a thyroid medication, then specified it's not an actual medication.. but a SUPPLEMENT.
She says she doesn't have the money for further testing.. but these types of doctors are scammers 101, and that would explain why she's not on medicare and seeing a regular physician.. because she probably doesn't believe in that sort of help.
In the newest video clarifying her health, she explains that she was finally admitted to the hospital for her heart rate-she says anxiety is a side effect from copper toxicity, nope, her anxiety is from her intense fear of dying.. She said they tested everything, tested her heart, blood, everything and just had to let her go because they couldn't find anything..
Because there is nothing.
There is no copper toxicity in her.
She is not detoxing from it.
If anything, she is most likely dealing with gastro issues which even i do myself. Trust me, i eat the wrong things and it GIVES me anxiety.. i eat the wrong shit and i've had times where the gas literally made me think i might have a heart attack..
The symptoms of "Copper toxicity" can be matched up to a dozen upon dozen other health issues..
The illnesses that "Copper Toxicity" can cause are things that often americans suffer from and get diagnosed with..
This girl is only dying from her extreme fear of dying.
No. 284960
>>284956Google malingering (as a diagnosis). Disability in the US is very keen on sorting malingerers from genuinely disabled people.
Also, you need to have held employment for a certain number of years to qualify for disability. I think it's working at least half a year for 10 years? If she was in France as a 21yo for "two years" and she's only 32, that means she'd sort of be hard pressed to have the "credits" required for disability. That's because disability is intended to help people who actually lose income as a result of a medical problem. It isn't for brats who rage quit jobs and go sit on their ass for most of the year. They apparently manage to mooch their way in life well enough without tax payers supporting them.
There's a separate SSDI that is for those who have never worked (or don't qualify for disability), but you have to have very low income to qualify and you have to include the income of everyone in the house along with your own income. That has to be verified anywhere from monthly to quarterly depending on the state you're living in.
No. 285071
Now taking bets on how long this "break" from her channel/social media will last.

No. 285084
>>285081agree, like excuse you
>>285077 but are you even indigo?? if you were you would know that your aura is incompatible with copper…. DUH.
No. 285087
>>285084i can tell by how she types that she's (
>>285077 ) way more in the turquoise range… and she certainly isn't an intergalactic attorney at knowing her shit… cuz… oni-SHE-onion knows her shit! It's all over the webz!
No. 285092
>>285079I think she was an Onision fan to begin with… mostly because her reactions whenever he gave her any sort of attention was that of a delirious fangirl and not of someone who has sincere major issues with his behavoir.
It's possible she picked up those issues she wanted to debate him on from the anti-o blogs as they were (and still are) obsessed with his treatment of Eugenia at the time she popped up. Even one of the anti-o admins used to be (are still) in love with him and we even have some farmers in /pt who would fuck him regardless of hating him, so it doesn't seem like an uncommon thing for some of them who want to orbit around his microdick.
No. 285175
>>285172No kidding. Obvious lies are obvious. And she just released a tweet saying that everything is on hold for a little while because her "health" isn't getting any better. Even though..we have all seen the streams and just how 'sickly' she appears. She always seems to 'know her shit'…but she never seems to have anything to back up her words.
Lies, manipulation and bullshit. At least OniSheon got one part of her name right.
No. 285185
I would give Joy more credibility if she would actually get tested for an issue such as Crohns or IBS. I have Crohns disease, and all of her symptoms seem to match some of the things I go through (pain, chronic diarrhea, fatigue) …Crohns can really screw up your work life/social life. However, a simple colonoscopy could help her test for either of those, there's a DEFINITE diagnosis to be found in either (I was diagnosed by a doctor, I don't just CLAIM to have it)
And so maybe she refuses to claim either of those auto-immune diseases because she knows there'd be evidence to backup that claim, but with "Copper toxicity" she thinks no one can prove her wrong/to be faking.
I think Joy genuinely believes she is sick, which actually makes it kind of sad. But then again, she seems to be hell bent on NOT going the routine route that would get her answers so Idk…
If she is suffering from Diarrhea due to the unusually HIGH intake of vitamins she was prescribed, she should just stop taking them for a while to see if that's the cause.
Last point, if she was experiencing these sympoms YEARS ago (which we have documented in her OWN words) HOW ON EARTH can she believe she is having symptoms due to the IUD when she KNOWS it came after?
No. 285224
>>285191I don't know but it seems Angel has come to her senses. She's made a post to a Reddit link on twitter which I can only assume is about joy. there's quite a lot of milk in it if it is about joy
No. 285231
File: 1491432272809.png (99.35 KB, 847x837, m5xRsPB.png)

>>285224Nice catch, anon. Sounds like a case of troll remorse.
No. 285244
>>285243if this is true, she isn't switching sides. she is clearly saying - literally in fact, "i think i'm being manipulated"
the thing that seems odd to me though, is that this came right after she got exposed for all of her self posting here. all in all i hope Joy loses a friend one way or the other. sorry, by friend i mean follower.
No. 285248
>>285238Everything regarding Joy is too convenient. Like her stream last night where she told everyone the bit between her and you was a misunderstanding due to an @ sign…….even though there is enough in the writing to spell out who she is actually talking about. No misunderstandings.
And her sudden ER visit and putting streams and stuff off because of convenient health issues after she lied to everyones face and tried to manipulate them after. CONVENIENT ER sympathy trip and of course she's gonna post it.
No. 285250
>>285244she was literally supporting joy in her livestream just last night. so it's a really sudden realization if it's true. but hey, it could be. i don't wish anything bad on her at all. whatever she's feeling, i hope she figures it all out.
>>285248i agree. i don't want to outright call her a liar, but someone who claims to be as competent as she does and know as much about marketing as she does should have a basic understanding of how twitter works. and it's easy to read those tweets and see that konstigo was included. it's in black and white (or blue, i guess).
No. 285254
>>285248Oh, I fully expect to see an ER receipt because if you walk into an ER and whisper "chest hurts" they'll hear it and sweep you into a mandated protocol for heart attack response… EVEN if you're screaming that you KNOW it has nothing to do with your heart. That's just how US ER systems work. That other part of the US ER system is that you get to pretty much walk from all the bills.
I've actually seen that Angel account around reddit before. It would make sense if her sister was an ass and died, that she would feel comfortable with another ass… where her sister had years to wind her up, OniSHEon has only had weeks and probably expected too much loyalty too soon. Not that I would defend Angel… we butted heads on reddit and if I hadn't tagged that account, I wouldn't have remembered it.
As to the convenient illnesses… that seems spot on. When her (OniSHEon's) mouth has out stripped her asses ability to deliver, she gets sick and goes into hiding to figure out her new angle.
No. 285264
>>285261The like on the tweet was possibly 3 hrs ago. The reddit post was 1 hr ago. Wonder what Joysus has spent the day trying to talk her "friend" Angle into doing?
And, again… I had that account on reddit tagged as a grade A bitch, so I have no likes for the Angel person at all. But, the Angel person does have a documented medical condition. So, at some point, you would think that she'd grow a brain and get pissed about Joysus and her malingering shit. The passive aggressive redit post/pinned tweet fits the Angel witch's personality.
No. 285267
>>285264Yeah I meant the tweet was from 3 hrs ago, not the like. Idk, when she liked it.
Maybe (and this is pure speculation, obvs) it's because angel knows joy didn't go to the ER at all.
No. 285273
>>285267Im not sure but her tweets seem pretty insistent on cutting joy off

No. 285305
>>285286Shady is an understatement. People who follow her are starting to doubt her left right and centre. It's not long before it all falls apart for her.

No. 285323
I am certain she's faking the hospital trip

No. 285331
>>285323If so, this is really sick. As someone who was fed up with the constant ER visits in the past for legit reasons it makes me want to slap some sense into her and tell her she's visiting the wrong type of a doctor.
No. 285335
>>285331I'm not too sure I think she's lying. Her friend has cut her off and realised she's been forced to lie and been manipulated by joy to protect her and it's backfired on her so she's cut joy off for her own safety. It's disgusting to think joy wouldn't make someone else do her dirty work.

No. 285338
How to be an Indigo
in an Unsupportive Environment
by Miss Kati
I’m about to make an announcement! I’m about to do something I’ve never done in front of a large group of people. I’m about to do something that I never had the courage to do with even one person until I was twenty!
“Hi, my name is Miss Kati, and I’m an Indigo.”
WOW, that feels awesome!!! This is my first debut as an open Indigo! It feels so good to get it off my chest and say it with no fear! Like so many others I have felt my whole life like I was hiding. I am an Indigo. So it’s time I kick up my heels and come out of the “spiritual closet,” and be who I am. It’s time I embrace my whole being and let it all come into play. This is who I am, this is who I will be, and this is what I will openly live for the rest of this lifetime and lifetimes beyond.
I grew up in Independence, Missouri, right outside of Kansas City, which happens to be the world headquarters for the Mormon religion and smack dab in the heart of the Baptist Bible belt. Many of the people I encountered on a daily basis were cruel, cold, and unrelenting in their quest to keep their minds closed to anything that wasn’t strictly religiously and biblically correct. These were the type of people who said if you don’t believe in God exactly the way they did that you were a bad person and that you would go to hell. If you did not believe that Jesus Christ was your personal lord and savior then you would go to hell… Needless to say, I didn’t quite fit in.
Even from the first encounter with my abilities I was forced to shut down. I had awoken one night with the ability of clairaudience. My third ear was turned on and cranked up on full blast with the sounds of energy moving and ghosts wanting to connect with me. I ran downstairs to my mother’s room screaming my head off and frantically crying, not able to understand why I had suddenly gone crazy. Days later, my mother found out from a friend that I was just psychic, and that it was okay; however, she warned me to never tell anyone about my ability or I would be put in a “crazy house.” Before my spiritual growth could even start, I was stunted on the spot.
Even though I heeded my mother’s warning, a bigger part of me felt I needed to connect with those around me.
When I was thirteen I tried to open up to two classmates about some of my experiences. I explained to them that I had a team of angels I worked with and how I had a past life with one of them. Less than a day later it was rumored all over the school that I was a witch and that I talked to the devil. I had people throw bibles, crosses, and spit on me as I walked by. I was even called into the principal’s office about the rumors. I broke down, crying in front of the principal, and explained to her that everything is okay. I was spiritually-socially heartbroken. My heart remained in this unprepared state for many years following this incident.
The worst part was the loneliness! I was constantly alone in my thoughts and abilities. I desperately wanted to share my gifts with those around me. I wanted to heal people with my hands, read their past lives, and introduce them to my remarkable team of angels. I wanted to give the gift of my gifts. Instead I was taunted, teased, and deemed an outcast. I felt like I was in constant spiritual hiding. I could never get too close to anyone because I could never completely share this beautiful part of my soul. I was aching for anyone to just listen to what I had to say, tell me I’m not crazy, and, perchance, find someone who was like me.
As I got older I got better control of my gifts, but the loneliness never left. I felt at times I was living this staggering double life: Happy, easy going, fun, artistically talented Kati by life, and spiritually thirsting master in training by astral and inside my head. I had this overwhelming urge to help others and speak my truth, but it wasn’t an easy task to undertake. I knew the repercussions were high. I never wanted to feel the type of social isolating backlash that I had in my past. So what did I do?
I became an angry person. I was still happy, fun loving Kati, but there was a burning, destructive, defensive part of me that was ready to attack anyone who called me “crazy” or who wanted to shed darkness on my beliefs of the spiritual and the world. I was slowly becoming the people I intended to fight. I was becoming my enemy.
So, how does one balance a life of deep spiritual seeking and discovery while immersed in an unsupportive environment? How does one be an open Indigo while still keeping some sort of social harmony? How does one speak their truth without being hurt?
We first must know that we allow ourselves to be hurt. On some level we allow all experiences that happen to us. Life does not happen to us, life comes from us, therefore, we create all experiences and allow them into our lives. Acknowledge the situations you’ve created, find the life lessons in them, and let it go, and affirm “I am still, calm, and unaffected in any and all situations.” This way you can never get hurt if you program your brain to never be affected by others’ negativity.
We basically have to do what we came here to do, which is express ourselves while healing others at the exact same time. You can change the energy of any situation this way. We have to let go of the fear of rejection and being hurt. We attract what we think and how we feel, therefore, if we are scared of something, it will come to us. The saying that “thoughts have legs” is absolutely true! All thoughts and feelings are alive, thriving, and affecting us in ways we can’t begin to imagine! So to help change and soften people’s reactions to us, we have to change what thoughts and feelings we are sending out to that other person.
I like to change my thoughts with an exercise I like to call “subtle healing.” We must quietly heal all those around us as we are expressing ourselves. You have to approach voicing your views with absolutely no fear. You have to add the element of healing to what you say and how you say it, because if the other person at all senses fear coming from you, they will mirror it back, and then nothing you will have to communicate will get across effectively. I’ve learned what scares people the most about us are the facts that who we are, what we feel, and what we can do is such a mystery to them. It’s a totally foreign avenue for them to even begin to go down. And to top it all off, most of their lives they’ve been told what we experience is bad! Because of this, people are threatened. When people are threatened they act out in negative ways. So one has to counter this with “subtle healing.”
How does one subtly heal? There are many techniques you can use to do this. I always like to use visualizations. Visualizations are extremely powerful because our thoughts are extremely powerful. For example, before, during, and after expressing who you are, surround your inner and outer self with nothing but love and light. Then, surround all those around you with love and light. As you speak, see your words as beautiful shining crystals of light that go into their auras and transfuse it from fear to love. You may also invite angels to fill the room as well. If you do this you will receive much more positive reactions. The coolest part about visualizations is that there is no one right or wrong way to do it. You can tailor your visualizations however you like. As long as there is the element of healing all involved then they are bound to work magic.
Learning how to balance who we are in this world can be a difficult line to walk. Just like everyone else, we are still human and we still have the same mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual blocks as others. But as long as you live who you are without fear or negativity then you are on the way to mastery! The secret to being a master on this planet is integrating the love, light, and healing powers of the heavenly angelic kingdoms in all we do.
© 2006, Miss Kati
Miss Kati is a 21-year-young Indigo living in Paris. Originally from Kansas City, U.S.A., she was guided to Europe by her angels to start working on the Indigo movement together with Taho, a 29-year-young Indigo, founder of Lumina Records. Since the age of twelve, she has had a strong angelic connection, and she provides angelic counseling for young Indigos who find difficulties in transitioning on this planet.
Watch out, L Ron!
No. 285345
>>285336How is it confusing?

No. 285351
>>285252 said, there's no proof if it's genuine, troll's remorse or an elaborate troll. In any case it's fucking weird and Kati must be a really manipulative person behind closed doors" too.
No. 285364
>>285351 don't think think she's trolling this time.

No. 285415
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No. 285442
>>285427Also similar to joy, stevie went off on Sarah (16 years old) calling her a bitch for revealing she was the one catfishing onion. Now joy is here sitting on her high horse yelling at a 17 yo calling her a bitch. Lmao. She did not at all need to get that mad at that girl for talking to onion. She already knew that girl was a desperate onion fan who sent him pictures of herself in her underwear for attention. She obviously wants onion's attention and will attempt to email him about things he will reply to.
Jeezes. I dont regularly check in on joy drama, so when i recap it all at once, it's like holy shit where did this insanity come from? This is not at all what I expected to happen when this lady posted a few reasonable videos on onion. I did not at all expect she was this crazy and also a weird indigo child believing freak. Do these "indigo children" try to find each other to out-speshul each other? This plot twist is great tho.
No. 285473
>>285415>>285421>>285408Can anyone taste fresh milk?

No. 285495
>>285473I don't know that this is fresh milk in a sense. Its easy enough for a former Joy fan to act like she isn't a supporter so people will ask her questions…then they know who is saying what about them. Damage control, targets for harrassment. Since we saw how she reacted to someone she barely knew (Konstigo)…who wrote a BIG tell all on her twitter…not really much of a stretch.
According to Joy's twitter she was in the Er, and then more emotional "i'm recovering" (From an ER trip?) to apparently she was doing a video collab and up on twitter even though she said she was taking a break. That lasted long!
Her own supporters are telling her they don't know what to think and she's still trying to manipulate their emotions and play the nice face. If people really believe her lies at this point they need to get their own heads checked.
No. 285588
Not sure if it's of any relevance i think this is about joy

No. 285623
>>285442Same, I only peeked my head in here because the Onision thread has been derailing like shit for the past couple of days.
I've been convinced for a while that Joy is ~^'one of those'^~ types of fangirl; like Stevie and a minority of farmers who have tried to catfish him in the past. They want to be noticed by him but they see that his regular adoring fans get zero attention from him, so they hop onto the "hate blogs" to find shit they can use to get his attention.
It's a strange phenomenon, but it's seriously not as uncommon as some people believe ~ if anything, the internet provides more insight into these types of fangirl when you're not as likely to find them in the wild offline.
No. 285625
To whomever lives in my town and is opening multiple twitter and YouTube accounts in my name, pretending to be me, I have contacted authorities.
Anti-impersonation policies exist, so claiming to be me is not a joke, and if necessary law enforcement will take action. You will cease.
A claim for misuse of private information has been filed against you, as you have been doing this for a while. You know who you are.
Those who make it their business to fantasies, impersonate, and attack online need to be extremely careful.
The Fraud Act carries sentences between 12 months and 10 years. Anyone considering opening accounts using my name or variations of it, your accounts and repeated attempts at impersonating me and falsely using my name, YouTube Channel, etc. will not be tolerated.
Jamie Leigh Fischer
No. 285627
>>285588Welp, I hope Angel gets the help she clearly wants. Grief can really screw with your head, especially grief that is so mixed up with love and anger and hate, is it is with Angel.
If your are reading this Angel, I hope you do feel better soon. Although you were roped in by a fabulist, I hope you realize that it worked because they prey on the vulnerable and they are really, really good at what they do. That type of person is literally the human equivalent of a wolf seeking out the young and infirm of the herd; it is not an accident that their acolytes are mostly underaged. You realized it and have taken steps to distance yourself. Good for you (no sarcasm), and good luck.
No. 285634
>>285588if it's really true that she was told what to say I just find it fishy since she participated in other threads having nothing to do with joy and munchies. not sure.
No. 285638
I have always posted here as myself, as that's the only way I post to these kinds of forums which I am proud of. I realize many people here could care less about me at this point and I completely respect that, however I want to make sure that this is out there as I feel strongly who this person(s) are, and I wanted to go on the record. They have been creating over 20 different kinds of social media accounts with variations of my name, "Jamie Leigh Fischer" until they are found by myself, reported and blocked. This person is doing this over all my various social media pages, and has at this point, has now started to directly contact members of my family, which they of course - immediately came to me to let me know as they are aware of who(m) is likely behind it.
Again, just a heads up that multiple people are claiming to be me, posting as me, using my videos, etc. and refusing to stop. W
e are working to narrow an IP and hopefully locate where this individual is, and through clues in their postings which actually are very revealing, who they are as well.
They will be caught. Included one of most recent profiles they attempted to open but has since been reported. Just wanted you to hear it from me in case someone with a different type of my name contacts you.
Without saying any names, again, I feel we all know who is behind this, so be cautious.
Thanks guys.
No. 285643
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Not me. Nice try.
No. 285646
…well someones looking to be thrown out into pasture, don't reply back to it farmers - just report the posts.
>>285338She's starting to sound more like Tammy (Onision's mom) more than Greaselord himself… these new age faithers do more harm to themselves and those around them than any of the free-roaming toxins in the air could ever do to them.
No. 285656 of joy being blocked on Skype (?) Skype has timestamp since yesterday and twitter, I don't think gives timestamps.

No. 285676
>>285646She's more of a psycho than joy, just ignore her and report her posts. She'll get banned eventually.

No. 285684
>>285681>>285681Duly noted there are a lot of pissed off people on the comment board for that video I am glad people are calling her out on her shit.

No. 285685
>>285683Oh oh pick me! Pick me! Pick me! I am so surprised that she's about to film a video, she's addicted to the attention like fuck she would stop videoing for more than a day.

No. 285703
>>285696No one cares, save it for her lolcow thread and GTFO. Thanks.
>>285681Saw the comments. A half and half mix between blind support and tons of criticism. After a few videos it is easy to see who the fanatics are in the crowd. After her last twitter meltdown less and less people are falling for it.
>>285656Still skeptical. Other anons have thought that she could be bait for someone, but what she is saying does match Konstigo's release. If this is a Joy collaboration, then its only making Joy look worse..and Joy's own twitter isn't doing that any favors either.
No. 285733
>>285705One of joys cultists is attacking people on twitter for speaking badly of joy. Oh dear.