File: 1494971472576.png (561.97 KB, 800x914, 1494913379113.png)

No. 314257
Bratty Tumblr pastel artist.
>special snowflake who gets extremely salty when people do anything less than kiss her ass when it comes to her 100% ORIGINAL DO NOT STEAL art>very possessive about her generic Tumblr art style, accuses other people of copying her and sics her army of fans on them>copied this very same art style from other people and has unapologetically ripped off entire OCs and character designs >has 908249829482 OCs with Tumblr pronouns and edgy back stories>romanticizes self-harm, sexual abuse, pedophilia, etc for her pastel goth ~*dolly*~ aesthetic>suicide-baits and crytypes when people in her inner circle do/say things she doesn't like>abuses her cats for funTumblr: Tumblr (feat. heavily edited selfies): circlejerk Tumblr: posts here (some of the grievances are a bit stupid because she primarily involves herself with other Tumblrinas): No. 314259
File: 1494971657044.jpeg (75.34 KB, 1080x1080, 17437731_1648128982157495_4120…)

>Respect me and my self-insert's pronouns!!!
No. 314274
I was always annoyed by tearzah's style and 3edgy4me OCs. Her character's backstories remind me of something a 13 year old fujoshit would have made back in 2007 on deviantArt.
But I can see how it's popular among the tumblr and deviantart crowd.
>>314257>abuses her cats for fun????
Are there any receipts for this? I've read about everything else she did except for that.
No. 314277
File: 1494973595469.jpeg (45.94 KB, 480x480, tumblr_ohajx3YlCd1vm31e4o2_500…)

>>314274Here's a screencap from the tearzahs blog, which is mostly stuff from people she's had personal beef from collected/reposted.
No. 314285
File: 1494974260597.png (862.33 KB, 640x1136, tumblr_obedzuGFPP1qe347jo2_128…)

>>314281She's still pretty fat, too.
No. 314293
>>314277>>314279>>314280That's terrible and I hope it isn't true.
>>314268>>314288>>314291Yeah, it's stupid. They all interact in the same bubble so of course they're all going to be influenced by one another. Being annoyed by someone copying you is one thing but wanting to kill yourself because of it is dumb as hell, lol.
No. 314298 of her old nsfw art/oc blog, lewddoll
anyways i'm so fucking glad there's finally a thread for her. she's nasty and pathetic
No. 314315
>>314288Sweet Jesus this is delicious to read. People who sperg out about muh OCs are the best cows.
Redraw anons, this is the best way to rustle their jimmies.
No. 314320
File: 1494979397794.png (Spoiler Image,182.74 KB, 500x500, tumblr_odcgg4Yzz71vdw7deo1_500…)

>>314298I could've gone my whole life without seeing this shit lmao
No. 314324
>>314315>>314322>>314323could also just make your own recolor OC
she's so easily
triggered, anything we do would get a reaction
No. 314337
>>314285>fatana-chan pls
Anyway faedoll's a cringeworthy edgelord who thinks abuse is kawaii, but those are a dime a dozen, sadly. I wonder if she's actually had psychotic episodes like she claims or if that's just self-diagnosed.
No. 314478
File: 1494998584921.jpg (10 KB, 247x247, 11.jpg)

haha oh wow, i used to follow this girl in my young and impressionable tumblr years and i always admired her somewhat but i noticed she was a real cunt to most of her fans so i never attempted to make contact. cool to see i was right with that hunch, and also that her art is exactly the fucking same as it was in 2013
No. 314490
>>314486>>314488wait that thing is a girl???? I thought it's her precious boipucci OC
why is she so obsessed with sex and stuff? how old is she?
No. 314493
File: 1495000278403.png (48.57 KB, 885x420, Capture.PNG)

>>314264And this is the result. She's so butthurt. The comment didn't even say her OC looked like Melanie tho? like wtf?
EVeryone's kissing her ass in the comment section saying "I totally understand you! " No. 314499
File: 1495000775720.png (40.64 KB, 875x245, Capture.PNG)

>your characters appear very original
>your ocs are original
totally. Ripping off from other artists and whines when someone "steals" her "original designs"
No. 314500
>>314493at this point shes just asking to be trolled.
brb making my own totally original ocs
No. 314535
>>314504holly has a decent understanding of color theory
both of them haven't improved in years lol
No. 314621
File: 1495028619030.png (582.77 KB, 800x933,…)

Her fetish for disproportionately large thighs is kind of grotesque.
No. 314623
>>314385Lmao hershey kiss dick
I had a good chuckle
No. 314625
>>314504>>314535Yeah, I think her drawings are better than Holly's - proportion and anatomy wise, she seems to know better, even tho she chooses to make those ugly yuge eyes, but the colors are boring as shit. Holly's coloring is miles better, even though her art is stiff as fuck.
They should team up and make the shittiest OCs of the West.
No. 314626
File: 1495029136032.png (324.52 KB, 800x914, owo_whats_this__by_dollieguts-…)

>>314624She is just too high-test for us, anon.
No. 314633
>>314257>>314626Jesus christ. I took drawing classes in college and one of my teachers, an older man who was known to put down his students, would probably curse her out over this.
The weird thing is the rest of the design is… okay, for the style she is aiming for, and then she ruined it by going: THIGHS THO!
Oh baby what is you doing?
No. 314677
>>314257>>314653Let me break it down for you:
Doesn't talk much, but when they do, they take forever to get a sentence out there.
No. 314690
File: 1495037235215.png (414.3 KB, 986x1205, tumblr_ol9wybnhwA1r57dygo1_128…)

>>314672Nah, nich0lael is petitepasserine's gf, not this chick.
They all do draw within the same kawaii uguu aesthetic, but I think nich0lael is more skilled (pic related).
No. 314712
>>314690Imo both of their art is generic but at least it's not offensive to the eyes.
passerine is snowflakey as hell but she seems a lot more mentally sound than tearzah to me.
No. 314935
File: 1495058563775.png (2.31 MB, 1280x1855, bouquet_by_digitallyimpaired-d…)

>>314257Its ironic cause tearzah got into drama for ripping off digitallyimpaired's eye style a few years ago.
Obviously the reason she is so afraid to have her "artstyle" and OC´s "stolen" is cause she is already stealing from everyone else but with worse execution.
No. 315125
>>314257>>315079That kind of behaviour is just so stupid and petty. I mean, really. Two sides exist to every story.
What if people found out you lied to them, Tearzah?
No. 316965
File: 1495245214394.png (106.21 KB, 1242x606, IMG_4434.PNG)

No. 317520
File: 1495310056836.jpg (267.8 KB, 1600x2048, IMG_4426.JPG)

Whats with those fucking thighs
No. 318008
File: 1495364711483.png (311.62 KB, 1242x2087, IMG_4443.PNG)

>don't copy my "original" design or else I will block you!!!!
No. 318077
File: 1495380447708.png (559.28 KB, 1000x1142, 1617096_yKKv0p3hf05UWup.png)

Pic is such a blatant attempt at copying petitepasserine's already unoriginal style.
Also I love how her OCs are all a mishmash of various ethnicites bc ~inclusiveness~, yet a lot of them have incorrect names because she can't be arsed to do research beyond just slapping on random labels.
No. 320685
>>318077i thought this
was petitepasserine's drawing when i saw it.
No. 323167
>>322978Muri's main OC (which she even claimed it was a self-insert of her) is a 20-ish girl who is in a relationship with a +40yo man who treat her like a pet.
Muri's OC is a retard and act autistic because it's cute but she claims that it's wrong to ship OCs in het relationships and that any non-femdom ship is a bad ship but always does it with this OC.
Everything Tearzah does, Muri does, claiming everyone is copying her non-existent Tumblr style (as if she invented sparkly eyes) but at least, Tearzah refrains herself to not make any brown OCs submissive to a random sadistic white one with small breasts since she's lowkey fatphobic.
No. 323809
File: 1496008620105.png (966.13 KB, 1000x1142, 2177365_SWPQ9loDSkdY9cC.png)

adding to the bad thighs
No. 323854
>>314346iirc she's officially diagnosed with autism and schizophrenia and she's said that repeatedly making identical ocs is probably that repetitive behavior thing autistic kids do
i mean, it does explain a lot of her behavior so lmfao
>>314911off the top of my head pp is your standard uguu pastel i'm-so-inclusive tumblrite. she and nich are white as hell but think they can lecture people on diversity while also being lowkey racist and blocking people who point it out. despite being aggressively femdom uwu!! lesbians uwu!!!!!! they're yaoi machines and do all sorts of underage and imcestuoud shit (they have prostitute ocs who are 12) despite preaching about how
problematic those things are. like tea, they love abuse and mental illness and shitting on anyone who doesn't agree with them, nich just acts nicer in public
i've also seen a lot of pp, nich, and some chick called babyfrills(same deal as pp/nich, except bf goes "stop bullying a minor!!!" when people point out she's being a shit) run smear campaigns against people they don't like. they're pretty smart about it too, since they all have big followings people take their word as gospel and attack whoever they're sicced on. they just like power-tripping and their followers jerking them off
anyway all of them are pals with tea so birds of a feather, i guess
No. 325127
File: 1496139084175.png (316.55 KB, 1242x1744, IMG_4485.PNG)

Looks like someone got triggered
No. 325186
has someone sent her a link to this thread?
No. 325817
File: 1496204671844.jpg (12.2 KB, 300x378, the fonz.jpg)

Oh jesus. Hello, my blog was the one last linked regarding the callout. (nagitashinjiro) I want to say, I agree somewhat with the "you should just go away from the computer" sentiment, and I definitely should've worded my reply better. I really wanted to, but by the time I thought of better wording it was already reblogged a good bit. This whole situation is less about how "you stole from my oc donut steel" and more about the importance of these characters to these people. OCs can hold traits of the person who created them, much like how Tearzah "explains" about their OCs. My own OCs have a lot of myself in them as well, as well as things I've experienced. Blah blah, that whole mantra. Anyway, it's more of taking things from characters that have MUCH more meaning to the person who made them than just "they look pretty," and Tearzah pasting that stolen feature onto their new 248503845845978th OC, who they'll draw once and forget about. Except when they put it on Ash. Then people praise them for their stolen features. Segway into…
..My friend (who actually DID have shit taken from her characters, which is far more severe than my experience. Tearzah also was worse with them.) also replied along with someone else as well who had similar experiences like that. They worded their reply MUCH better. My post is by far the most … small? easily ignore-able? reply TO that callout, but it was more of a problem with..Tearzah essentially using me since 2011/2012, when I was pretty much a kid.
TL;DR: Do not take my reply to that callout that seriously, but take the others seriously. They were used/abused far more than I was. Some with actual PTSD from their experience with Tearzah. While I do have SEVERE paranoia (among other things) and overall will never be happy with my only talent ever again after this whole thing, it's far from the worst thing Tearzah's done to a person. While I may not care much now, that I've dropped the bitch like a sack full of shit, I am still incredibly pissed off about how they treated my friend. (Took basically everything unique from my friend's favourite OC, put all those things onto Ash, then turned around and said "don't copy Ash." and acted bitchy to my friend when she confronted them.)
Either way, I'm willing to forgive anything Tearzah did to me, but only to me. I cannot forgive them for what they've done to everyone else.
No. 325852
>>325848I poorly worded that, excuse that I'm literally Stupid.
They tweeted something like "if you're mean to me you will be immortalized in my ocs forever"
Unlike them I can actually Stop being a lolcow, because I don't have a huge following.
I digress, its not about me, I'm a target for "farming" as well, so.. [shrug]
No. 325899
>>325881Understandable, the problem is that there's really been no apology from Tearzah after all this time. They just ignore it, or quietly change a character's design completely like what happened with that Princess OC they made.
Again, though, after so long of them being stubborn to never own up to what they did, what really can you do?
In the end I don't think there's really anything this drama will do. Even though I was the person who wrote that horribly written block from
>>314288 while I was in a panic, I can see how stupid all of this is.
All one can do is just hope for the people irreversibly hurt by Tearzah, hope they can heal at least. I mean, you can't heal PTSD completely but I hope they can at least get help. Some of the people I've seen (and talked to) seem to be getting a bit better.
On a more hilarious note…You see the people who are kin with Tearzah's OCs? Mainly on Instagram?
No. 325906
>>325899Yeah they come off as very self-righteous to me?
And I feel like they have a cult of personality going on, at their ~OC circle~ but that may be projecting, if anyone smarter than me can validate it, please do
No. 325958
File: 1496212130325.jpg (58.48 KB, 474x548, 4c9d93ab500799f33d076214c4c41e…)

>>325817> Some with actual PTSD from their experience with Tearzah. Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha
No. 325967
you should really walk away from the computer and make some irl friends
No. 326266
>>325899There's people that are 'kin' with her shitty OCs?
I shake my head at dumb shit like animals, but that just makes me cringe
No. 326270
>>325958ACTUAL PTSD from "cyber bullying"
god tumblr is retarded
No. 326760
A petition?
I mean , I don't like her but making a petition for her to apologize?? That's so extra.
No. 329925
File: 1496724178420.png (121.64 KB, 1242x1802, IMG_4516.PNG)

Anyone notice how her commissions are halfassed and/or simple.
No. 330002
File: 1496736665346.png (254.06 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_4517.PNG)

>>329974>>329925I searched up her commission prices. I'm guessing the person who commissioned her paid $20 for a lineless chibi.
$20 for trash tbh.
No. 330137
File: 1496763051039.png (295.85 KB, 500x375, original design do not steal.p…)

No. 331455
>>331447>>331447 by the about saying "icon credit goes to tearzah!", I'm guessing this is a different person who is RPing as Ash.
If it is actually Tearzah, though, I have to ask why the fuck she (a legal adult who draws porn and has multiple F-list accounts) is claiming to be 13, lmao.
No. 337826
File: 1497858607027.png (542.09 KB, 800x914, 1486289309201.png)

More "art".
No. 337834
File: 1497861607124.png (113.83 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-06-19-11-28-39…)

So by this it seems you can't have a oc with black curly hair or anything else that ash has couz then your "stealing" even tho she doesn't own shit and any of it
No. 338538
File: 1497996323921.png (699.05 KB, 857x1200, 7564.png)

I really hate how popular this stupid art style is
These pictures were drawn by four different people. 2 of them are fanart of tearzah's character, and 2 of them are 'original characters' lol shit all looks the same
No. 338807
File: 1498028497847.png (291.11 KB, 720x822, IMG_20170621_095723.png)

The person who posted this
For the character in left corner up (the one who's a monster doll) yeah that ain't a copy it just a little bit looks the same
And you do know that a person can't own a art style sooo im not stealing and drawing in anyone's else "style"
No. 338836
>>338807lol are you serious? your character is even called Asha vs tearzah's Ash
I dislike tearzah but yeah that's a pretty shameless rip off
No. 339161
File: 1498083871885.png (650.36 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_4645.PNG)

>>338807>that ain't a copy it just a little bit looks the same"A little bit"
It literally looks like ash with the monster arms, hair, and body type. Why deny it?
>a person can't own a art styleAt least make your own art style? Ever thought about that? Maybe you're just too lazy to create one due to your uncreative mind. Most artists are popular for their unique style from colors to styles. Then there's you, unoriginal with your shit and trying to defend yourself.
No. 339178
File: 1498086873445.png (287 KB, 1500x460, 847rz.png)

>>338839's their 'gallery' if you dare
looks like people have been calling them out there too lol
No. 339183
>>339178>im not a fan of tearzah so i dont really want something similar but it ended like thatSure, Jan.
Normally I'd be defending this just because I can't stand Tearzah's autism over being "copied" (in spite of the fact that she copied other artists), but this is probably the most blatant case of actual copying I've ever seen.
No. 339187
>>339178>>338807It's such an obvious copy too. The hair, the eyes, doll joints, monster arms, the body type, the style, the shading, the color theme, even the text on the shirt. It's absolutely laughable that this person is trying to say it's not an exact copy. It's so stupid I want to think it's just a troll, but apparently people are actually this dumb? I mean, come on, the character's name is even "Asha" in comparison to "Ash".
I do enjoy that they somehow found this thread as soon as their shit copy art was posted here though. And that they don't know how to reply, tried to namefag, screenshot a comment literally just a few before them. What an absolute tool.
No. 339190
>>339187yeah it was really weird how fast they tried to defend themselves here, especially since their name wasn't even mentioned
maybe they were a regular on this thread already? since they mentioned not liking tearzah
No. 339327
Wow… i couldn't tell. Thanks for telling me tho.
No. 339422
>>339178More people calling her out on her page now, it's fun to watch.
Her lack of punctuation is very consistent. I wonder if she posted in this thread too.
No. 339577
File: 1498161021287.png (197.62 KB, 980x618, Untitled.png)

totally not ash gais
No. 339630
>>339619Lets not forget the fact that you claim you are not of fan of Dollie but you're constantly on their page. Must be really hard to copy a style exactly.
Like dude, you even got the eye shadow the exact same color and got those thick brows.
You can put on your big girl pants and say that your page is fan art. Then no one can say shit.
No. 339646
File: 1498170038677.jpg (41.14 KB, 604x455, 1497998501366.jpg)

>>339641holy shit this is embarrassing
No. 339649
File: 1498170141779.jpg (35.64 KB, 400x300, contest_entery___madness___spe…)

Guys you need to browse their gallery, it's hilarious. The shift in art style is so clear to when she started following Dollie around half a year ago. This is their art style before they started to copy
No. 339674
File: 1498171376005.png (531.92 KB, 1024x571, recolor_me_adopts_2__6_10_open…)

is it legal to sell avatars as adopts made on
No. 339683
If that was actually their Instagram here
>>339577 they had in their story they were drunk so either attempt at being edgy or an adult who's didn't seem to age
No. 339725
File: 1498177172573.png (353.54 KB, 2176x1212, Screen Shot 2017-06-23 at 10.1…)

>>339719Not that anon but I saw this
not sure how exactly this works
No. 339727
File: 1498177526951.png (Spoiler Image,871.24 KB, 798x990, Screen Shot 2017-06-23 at 10.2…)

>>339684man that's pretty fucked up for a 12 year old
No. 339748
>>339725I'm very sure that deviantart person (guroko) is the same person as
>>339706. Where are all these Tumblrites coming on?
No. 339851
File: 1498194426694.png (404.28 KB, 1237x2136, IMG_4659.PNG)

You've deny that you have stolen someone's OC and style. Its even more suspicious that you're blocking someone/people who hadn't done anything wrong.
You're more of a cow than tearzah.
No. 340134
File: 1498242564235.png (407.34 KB, 933x556, Screen Shot 2017-06-23 at 6.27…)

>>340130>posing for referencesYou could also just Google "contortionist poses", but go off, I guess.
No. 340152
File: 1498243751419.png (2.06 MB, 1580x1820, tearzahvsreality.png)

her representation of herself vs. what she actually looks like
No. 340231
File: 1498250076392.jpeg (41.46 KB, 500x281, tumblr_o7xzymzyDT1r8vap9o1_500…)

>>340190>>340227>she's honestly really prettyOnly with bangs, in carefully angled/edited selfies with good lighting and her teeth hidden.
No. 340234
File: 1498250235785.jpeg (274.05 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nu3z3pZEb11qe347jo2_128…)

>>340231Here's another. Saging for possible spam.
No. 340288
>>314494December 16, 1996. She's 20, turning 21 this year.
No. 340309
>>340235>she's not uglyLmao with or without filters?
Don't let the filters fool you kid.
No. 340560
File: 1498313171585.jpg (487.14 KB, 1514x1094, original.jpg)

>>339851It's kinda funny because some of the people yelling at this kid for copying are copycats themselves, either when it comes to character design or art style.
No. 340817
>>340709she thinks she's a fucking god, she puts herself and her art on this high pedestal, then gets
triggered at the slight similarity
No. 341595
File: 1498472534962.png (242.69 KB, 1242x1888, IMG_4713.PNG)

No. 341842
>>341577what the fuck is this even real
her kinks are showing
and boy are they fucked up
No. 357786
>>357666I'm so sick of this "abused dollie" aesthetic/drawing style. The worst part is, they can get away with romanticizing child rape and serious mental issues (which reminds me, all of these "living dolls" are all self-diagnosed with PTSD and autism) because they can play it off as "vent art".
These are the very same girls who call out people on Tumblr and calling them pedos because they like a fictional character that they don't. I'm so sick of that entire aesthetic.
No. 357846
>>357786And did you see the tags? Soft, vintage, pastel, creepy cute.
Thereinagoth , what's up with you drawing jizz dripping out of a child's mouth? You should be ashamed of yourself. No way this can pass as vent art, it's just demented. Hope this appears in the search results when you look her up
No. 358851
>>358850*hurting, not treating
sage for being a dumb fuck
No. 358986
File: 1500902054432.png (171.07 KB, 653x745, Screen Shot 2017-07-24 at 1.11…)

Another one to add to the pile. No. 366435
>>366419>that vendettaonly legitimate deets please. catshops started spreading that rumor once tearzah started getting more popular, and it's obvious enough given uh catshops art started looking like tearzah's art once they became friends on tumblr, not the other way around. catshops has characters based on tearzahs characters made after tearzah posted hers
sage because i hate to sound like i'm defending tearzah, it's just annoying as fuck to see catshops and her high school friends whine about how tearzah made it big and their tearzah ripoff styles didn't jfc
No. 385041
>>385025You're linking a tweet posted in 2015.
Where's the fresh milk? Jeez, don't bump a thread for no reason.
No. 394061
>>394060Sorry for the rambling, I mean, Bailey is based off of me and Tearzah got inspiration from him off me, or at least what I said to my ex, I admit I was a creep as well but. Yikes the whole situation was cringey now that I think about it.
Tldr;My ex told Tearzah everything I said to him, and then Tearzah says it's now a OC Fact of Ash and Bailey
No. 394062
So that's my situation with Tearzah, I feel bad thinking about and now realize it was a hot mess, unfortunate choices were made. I don't resent my ex for involving me in it and feeding Tearzah a steady stream of what I was saying while I was dating him, I do feel a shiver of fear thinking about what happened. I won't share the name of the ex though, but the situation I talked about caused Dollieguts to ~be relevant to the max~ hope this makes sense, I'm not namedropping my ex though. I'm probably not a victim though because it was a problem when I actually documented how I was involved with Dollieguts.
My apologies for the rambling, hope it makes sense,
Tldr;when I was dating my internet bf, he told Tearzah everything I told him, Tearzah then used those/said they were "Bailey and Ash facts" (I told him I wanted children and Tearzah then immediately posted "Bailey has Told Tearzah he wants children with them"
I typed a lot more than I need to but I hope it makes sense,
No. 405842
File: 1508407402049.png (206.44 KB, 600x667, new_girl_by_dollieguts-dbadlh5…)

another new oc of hers.. how many does she have now?
No. 406880
>>405842everything she draws is exactly the same, wtf is the point of having "characters"?
also, making every single human you draw into a character is the epitome of an amateur/immature artist from what i saw on the internetz for years.
No. 414904
File: 1509797537292.jpeg (Spoiler Image,174.85 KB, 640x640, BCB52158-03E8-44BA-AB9F-B8F98B…)

>>409772unsure if we should start a seperate Reina thread. yeah, Reina got into some shit for copying Faedoll’s style and so on so forth.
nowadays Reina is under fire for drawing CP of her 6 year old oc with Rottenginma’s 26 year old oc.
there’s a whole lot to that story, including Reina sending underwear sniffing pics to Ginma (Ginma is turning 19 in Jan.)
however, rules say we can’t talk about under 18s and Reina turned 14 in Sept. (both Reina and Ginma lied saying Reina is turning 15 but Ginma snitched during their fallout and told everyone Reina’s real age)
No. 420193
>>420192Same person here, its all Petty Drama so who cares. but it Grinds my Gears and its all meaningless but I still come here to post the same thing.
Sage for my sperging I suppose
(learn 2 sage) No. 424404
>>420193the reason no one is replying to you spamming the thread is because no one cares, stop posting
>>409772reina actively copies tearzah's style and has traced several of tearzah's pictures before, the cp thing has been an issue for a long time but >414904 summarized the gist of it
my question is why tearzah follows/likes/retweets art from people who copy their style and ocs when they hate people copying their style and ocs exactly? it just enables it in the end.
reina's 6 y/o and ginma's 29 y/o are clearly ash and bailey copies with an exaggerated age difference for some reason, but it's not like they're the only ones doing that. tearzah enabling all these especially copycat creepers makes me raise my eyebrow at tearzah as much as the rest of these clowns
No. 424651
File: 1510770111119.png (25.07 KB, 131x123, tumblr_ovw05pTSRk1ubfrulo1_250…)

>>414904I was going to make a thread about Reina, but considering she is only 14, that's out of the question.
No. 424661
>>424632sage for samefagging but i think ash is an adult? tearzah is just obsessed with them having dwarfism or something
everyone else though, yeah i've got nothing
No. 430478
File: 1511409804628.png (1.49 MB, 2048x1536, 99D9F470-804F-45E2-9015-F32B9D…)

Idk why but the one she replied to in the middle really pisses me off for some reason
No. 430560
>>430478Tbh I think she's a Clown as well as the Other OC… Big Fans, but I AGREE with you on her… hating men? Its Weird and I don't understand.
Sage for me Rambling, I'm dumb.
No. 434558
File: 1511994626880.png (77.2 KB, 504x283, 2017-11-29 (2).png)

>>434461apparently not. sorry about the picture quality
>>434449referring to the fact that the person who said this was 15 at the time, I can imagine that losing your virginity, especially if your partner was an adult, can stress someone that age out. But getting a panic attack over zootopia and chicken little is a bit much.
No. 437043
File: 1512331259512.png (270.14 KB, 719x1129, 20171203_195650.png)

Their fans are just stupid too, I don't believe tearzah owns black speech bubbles with white text so why are they bitching about some autistic kids Rick and morty comic?
No. 437996
>>437043the fuck? how can you copyright white text in a black speech bubble what the fuck does that even mean?
this is some of the dumbest shit i've ever seen
No. 440722
File: 1512796945269.png (748.08 KB, 1536x2048, 6FB2DB08-6A8F-4FA9-BF86-0D81F2…)

I’m pretty sure someone else actually came up with this on her ask account and sent it to her
She didn’t give them credit
Idk if it could be considered that bad though
No. 440725
File: 1512797218457.jpeg (111.05 KB, 1536x559, 0E4AA948-6295-458B-8181-21F6D4…)

>>440722This one I remember seeing when I used to like her
Before I found out who she really was
No. 440901
>>439989their gf has visited them before, this is their second time seeing eachother
iirc, they're living together now (or, at the very least their gf is staying a long time)
No. 441124
>>440901Sage for being dumb because I think I phrased it poorly
But didn't they meet on tumblr first? which means they were randos to each other? it comes off as weird to me but maybe its just me thinking it, they kind of Rushed their Relationship if they met on tumblr first and didn't know each other irl
No. 443280
>>442514I don't think it's super common, but it kind of makes sense since they live… kind of close together? I'm not sure. Them both living in the same country in my mind.
They both claim to have bpd as well, so they're probably clingy/got attached to eachother fast. Bailey was also clearly obsessed with Tearzah before Tea even knew who they were, which might add to it to I guess.
>>441143I didn't know Tea considered themself Ash, I always thought Ash was more of a representation of how they want to be. (Who would want to be weird, depressed and psychotic though??)
No. 443281
>>443280I'm an idiot
both living in the same country is close in my mind*
which might add to it too*
No. 447651
File: 1513697120944.png (1.05 MB, 3000x3500, 5773128_E2T9C48DLRiaEx7.png)

What's the white shit under/between the eyes, where the blush is supposed to be? She's so sloppy with commissions that she just left that in or what?
No. 449079
>>448421Yeah idk
It’s pretty strange
Probably a kink
No. 449083
File: 1513870016074.jpg (66.5 KB, 500x333, waterboarding-demo-uc-berkeley…)

>>448421>>449079Waterboarding is a form of torture, they're probably just fooling around.
No. 449524
>>449083Ik it’s torture
But some people are pretty strange
No. 458971
File: 1514833325970.jpeg (129 KB, 1450x1206, image.jpeg)

I found this. It's from awhile ago but I think it still stands.
>>458359 No. 481087
File: 1516899885404.png (982.29 KB, 956x1064, 32424832981.png)

what the fuuckk is her boob doing???
No. 498545
File: 1518162495747.jpeg (257.52 KB, 1242x770, 69EAF28C-6036-470B-9737-628055…)

>>498444It’s all over both of their blogs confirming their engagement
No. 498845
>>498786Yeah, they both claim to not be like Tea's OCs but it's so obvious that's the only reason they're even together. And after going thru all the engagement posts, I can't find any sort of original thing about it? Just questions from anons - how did this even coming about and is it for real or are they just seriously trolling?
On another note, when was it that Tea started becoming so chill with people doing stuff with her OCs (RPing them, tracing them, copying her style, etc.)?
No. 498991
File: 1518208004891.png (46.16 KB, 1483x395, Screenshot_2018-02-09-23-23-10…)

>>498845the very first post on this thread says she is overly possessive about her art but apparently she doesn't even care
No. 500627
File: 1518371504434.png (347.17 KB, 976x448, Untitled.png)

tearzah fan starter pack:
- callout accounts on instagram dedicated to people 'copying' their style or an artist drawing a pose that is only somewhat similar to tearzahs (because tearzah owns everything am I right)
- kin account (usually with elliott or ash) dedicated to talking about pointless shit that no one gives two shits about
- autistic as fuck, tries to act all 'pwecious and innocent uwu' but are the most socially deprived and pathetic people that all act the fucking same. pretty much attention whores looking for sympathy and are obviously an ancestor of the typical tumblrina.
- ironically 'copies' tearzah themselves, from mannerisms to art work, but it's okay when they do it as it's 'coping'
- treats tearzah like an object
from what i've seen the majority of the accounts they ''call out'' are friends with tearzah and they don't even care about what they are doing, but who else wants validation and approval points for sending death threats to 13 year old artists on the internet?
No. 500766
>>499052I could see where
>>498991 got confused cause you didnt specify what you needed proof on. I also would’ve assumed you meant about tearzah not caring about their generic style too and not bailey having a pregnant ex.
>>500627Agreed. But I have to say, if theyre aren’t objectifying tearzah, then they act like tearzah is god. Not sure if theres a cult following of tearzah. Wouldn’t be surprising though. And its funny cause no one really has to copy tearzah’s style, but if anyone dares to use: speech bubbles, fluffy hair, pastels, etc. you’ll end up eventually hearing someone say “omg you’re copying tearzah”.
No. 501239
File: 1518420118863.png (135.29 KB, 816x979, human_girls_by_aradiasprite-d5…)

I actually followed them for years in the past and liked their old art (pic related) but now their art is so bland and stiff and it's honestly just really sad.
Anyway, it's just so bizarre that they're dating (and now engaged to, i guess) somebody who literally identifies as their own abusive oc and still claims that they're not romanticizing abuse lol
No. 501775
sure she doesnt care she gets at ppl all the time for tracing or even
slightly copying her art. shes probably just trying to make herself look good or smth like that.
No. 501776
>>495611personally, i think both of them are equally bad. not
every single artist on tumblr is like this. not all the artists go after ppl the way she does. i hear she still does it too. she even stalks her victims so :///
No. 501797
>>501781Suppose I should've put a /s even though I thought it was clear enough I was being sarcastic
also learn to sage
No. 503512
File: 1518682806182.png (130.46 KB, 750x1334, 9FAD5E62-2FCC-48FD-B21A-EE4105…)

“Respect my pronouns” lol um you just called you and bailey girls despite wanting to be called they and it respectively. Better wording, they could’ve said date-friend of lover or something. And they wonder why people assume calling them a she. They just used it themselves.
Saged for not being important, just some hypocrisy at its finest from the flake.
No. 503513
File: 1518683046837.jpeg (101.35 KB, 750x804, F358676A-3F9A-4AE7-9929-16255E…)

What do you guys think of this? I can’t tell if this actually real or not. But I swear if this is that would prove that they are even more flakey and more of a reason to be on snow. Although I have heard of uncommon names so I can’t say this is fake cause I have no proof.
No. 503515
File: 1518683460413.jpeg (181.66 KB, 750x1334, 691D4EBB-A93E-4A20-9985-4338D4…)

Alright, same anon from the last post. I saw this on kiwifarms (which sucks, lolcow is better in my opinion) and this caught my eye. I thought tearzah used their ocs (mainly ash) to project their disorders and illnesses onto them for “coping” but I’ve never heard of them being abused. What the shit. The only abuse I’ve heard was they did try to tell their followers to avoid their victims, as they were their abusers, definetly not tearzah abusing them. If there is proof though I’d kinda be shocked honestly.
No. 504792
>>503513I never post on forums like this but I've met her in real life and her real legal name is absolutely Tearzah. She's definitely a strange and sometimes troubled person, but the amount of hate she gets online is definitely uncalled for…
She's autistic and very intelligent. I'm very shocked and a bit saddened to hear about the abusive relationship she's in. It seems quite out of character of her as in the past she's been level-headed and responsible when it comes to her real-world relationships, no matter what she was doing online. I hope she is not truly letting her online persona allow a real-life abusive person into her life.
>>504792Lol m’kay anon. Anyone could just say their name is ___ and there’d be people believing it. I doubt tearzah really showed proof to it. I wouldn’t take that as a for sure answer. Also white knight much? Good job being pastured.
If tearzah got in the relation ship with bailey because they kin with ash and bailey, you shouldn’t be surprised that they would try to act like the ocs and stay stuck in that fantasy.
>>502893Are you right in the head?
No. 518387
File: 1519963131061.jpeg (138.97 KB, 1307x787, image.jpeg)

No. 520017
>>504948>>518388 I wonder if Tearzah read your posts and posted this on purpose.
Get wrecked you morons. There's even obituaries of her grandparents with her full name listed but I didn't want tk link them because that might be considered doxing.
Also no, I'm not Tearzah, but I guess you'll just ban me again for defending a lol.cow
No. 520136
>>520017Alright so
>>503513 is debunked. But im pretty sure tearzah found themself on her because of >>504792’s post. Talk about a try hard. Its a shame they get so much people kissing their unoriginal ass. And fyi, the only one getting wrecked here is tearzah. Im pretty sure other anon posted that pic just to see if was real or not. Like many posts here say, tearzah is a snow flake. Thats why they have a thread here.
Just thought of a thing. Why does tearzah’s ocs remind me of an edgier and more bdsm version of twilight lol.
No. 523923
File: 1520512063840.jpeg (108.69 KB, 1536x589, BAB83FEE-FFE1-419B-8F42-DE656F…)

Dude wtf does this mean
No. 539757
File: 1522197257069.png (33.59 KB, 575x103, Screen Shot 2018-03-27 at 8.32…)

not to mention that bailey is literally freeloading off of teas father for who knows how long, apparently theyre both making plans to live together
No. 542975
File: 1522551743294.png (3.97 MB, 1536x2048, D746F699-A647-47BA-813F-9E5D70…)

Her dads car crashed and now she needs money because of all the money she used on bailey
No. 545635
File: 1522795944891.png (1002.83 KB, 750x1334, AFDC4DB6-224E-41D2-96A1-2642EE…)

Her self harm before
No. 545637
File: 1522795968009.png (831.24 KB, 750x1334, 98766FE2-25A2-44B5-8FAD-F4CE8F…)

Her self harm now
No. 545638
File: 1522796033672.png (1.25 MB, 750x1334, D9171DBF-155C-4D58-B40E-E018C9…)

Not even a year and she’s completely destroyed her legs. What the actual fuck is she doing?
Girl needs professional help.
No. 549857
File: 1523217485013.png (300.76 KB, 480x603, Capture _2018-04-08-15-55-58.p…)

Jfc those are fresh. She needs help.
No. 550027
File: 1523226662837.png (837.55 KB, 1312x933, idiot.png)

>why would you fetishise and encourage something as disgusting as this
if you hate people fetishizing self harm so much maybe you should stop fetishizing and romanticizing self harm in literally every fucking selfie and drawing. posting a selfie of you and your fresh cuts with a "cute" caption like "i cope by falling off my sink" makes you look not only like an attention seeker, but a complete hypocrite. you are actively contributing to people romanticizing self harm because you draw it so "cutesy". they have the nerve to tag that kind of art with #pastel and #kawaii. it makes me really sick
both them and bailey have selfies where you can see that they both have fresh cuts. do these people sit around and cut themselves together?? super romantic huh?
No. 550184
>>550027jesus christ these are actually some bad cuts
is she okay? i wouldnt think someone would go this far for the damaged doll oc aesthetic. wtf is happening to her?
No. 550530
File: 1523271034848.png (10.77 KB, 544x230, screencap.PNG)

>>550407Is this what you were talking about? There's also a post that I'm too lazy to find of them saying they're going to 'ruin' Tea (in a sexual context)
No. 550760
File: 1523297505282.jpeg (32.76 KB, 640x338, 85EE3CDD-BFBE-4D3F-BAC5-F7BF45…)

“Bailey, honey, I’m not feeling too good today.”
“then cut ur legs or something idk”
No. 550828
File: 1523301358390.png (869.06 KB, 1409x932, HMMM.png)

>>550530i wouldnt be surprised… have you seen what bailey does to her? im no stranger to hickeys and bruises from sexual things but these are very extreme and it seems like bailey is being overly rough with her, biting her to the point she has a giant bruise and sucking on her neck until it bleeds
No. 551109
File: 1523317054517.png (69.61 KB, 537x595, baileyscreens.png)

>>550955bailey is female, but also apparently intersex, and also nb. they were definitely born with female chromosomes.
they explained that their voice is low because they took testosterone, probably to be more "nonbinary", but i cant find that receipt.
tearzah has also said before that they are only attracted to women (no source again sorry) so if theyre dating bailey they must be female
No. 551239
>>551109I'm going to go out on a limb here and say I'm pretty sure Bailey ain't intersex. For some godforsaken reasons the enbies on tumblr LOVE to pretend they're intersex to """legitimize""" their ~identity~. Also the "I'm intersex i have both [a penis and a vagina] uwu" just screams liar to me. Intersex females don't have penises, that's the whole damn point of intersex surgery at birth and intersex determination if sex, which is another whole subject. Intersex females can have cliteromegaly, which is a whole other thing. also the "uwu".
tld;dr : $10 this bitch is lying and thinking futa is an intersex condition
No. 551243
>>551239of* sex, good lord
also saging here and above for absolute sperging
No. 551265
>>551239they're referring to the clit as a homologue, likely it's induced/acquired cliteromegaly, because babies with ambiguous genitalia aren't assigned a sex without coercion.
an intersex condition becomes very apparent at puberty, so there's literally no need to take hormones unless you have hypogonadism. trans intersex people exist (read eugenides) but this, like everything else that comes out of bailey and tea's mouth, is a huge crock of shit, intentionally left vague, that they want you to believe is true.
No. 552400
File: 1523431035693.jpeg (62.13 KB, 640x323, 5E92C95F-3615-4CF5-8262-85445E…)

Starting to think Bailey deserves a thread too. What kind of cow tries to cut her arm off to be the “real life Komaeda”?
No. 553255
File: 1523512132610.jpeg (68.48 KB, 750x686, B54E5DD0-A43C-4B40-B66C-1AA9AC…)

>>550530>not killing your gf in their sleep = lovewho would have thought ???
No. 553491
File: 1523547784321.png (50.22 KB, 540x95, A9C82A8C-59B3-4AC3-BA1F-F3053A…)

Milk taken from good ol’ Tunglr but milk is milk. This is a message from Bailey’s ex who was 15 when they had sex with Bailey who was 18. There’s mention of pregnancy scare, which could either mean Bailey was almost impregnated or the anon ex was. The ex’s sex isn’t specified anywhere so they may be a male who nearly impregnated pedo Bailey, unless Bailey’s claim to have a penis is true. This gets kind of tinfoil-ish but an anon here speculated that Bailey is MtF, could explain the ridiculously masculine voice for someone who only spent 1 year on T. Either way, some kid nearly got Bailey preggo/impreggo by Bailey, allegedly.
No. 553727
File: 1523568351646.png (1.09 MB, 1421x1137, baileyscars.png)

>>553665here you go. id say baileys legs are even more disgusting than teas. those scars are so puffy cause bailey quote "cut too deep". also pictured is baileys komaeda scar lmao
No. 553804
>>553491Yeah while your tin-foiling is valid and you have a good point, I'm going to take it with a grain of salt when it comes from someone who is
triggered by the movie Chicken Little.
No. 553810
>>553781I don't know which is which but the blonde one looks like they could be male.
>>553782 ditto. Two nerds who want attention and found a shortcut (no pun intended) in how to get it.
People like that need to be starved of attention so they stop engaging in harmful activity.
No. 553819
>>553804>>553491"really bad pregnancy scare" means period was two days late, for people like that.
triggered by Zootopia and Chicken little! Watching either of those movies on a date which leads to sex!
No. 553853
File: 1523574586757.jpeg (123.58 KB, 1265x1203, image.jpeg)

Bailey is afab and they look and sound masculine because they went on hormones for a year. The 'penis" they're trying to hide could just be an inlarged clit and that's why they consider themselves Intersex. And I also doubt tea would date anyone with a penis.
No. 553876
File: 1523575819734.png (231.88 KB, 448x524, Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at 7.25…)

>>553781fug lol
this is pretty much the only photo in which bailey shows their chest, i can see a bra of some sorts and maybe some small boobs under their shirt so if they are female they just happen to be incredibly masculine. but those crotch shots look a bit bulgey to me.
No. 553880
File: 1523575983790.png (351.89 KB, 509x579, Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at 7.32…)

>>553876should have included this before i posted, sorry. heres another photo that shows their chest better.
No. 553896
>>553876>>553880Bailey looks very much so like an early stage mtf. I have a hard time believing that she is actually intersex though.
My best guess would be that she was assigned male at birth, doesn't want to identify as a cis-male though, so started transitioning to female, resulting in the very small breasts. But then decided she/he wanted to be a sadist prince, but still not cis, and made up the intersex story and wrote off the masculine features and voice as "using T".
No. 553921
File: 1523578016185.png (484.65 KB, 1044x565, tall.png)

>>553892actually, i think bailey is around 6 ft. we know for sure that tea is 5'2 and the height difference adds up.
No. 553928
>>553880Bodyshape is masculine,
>>553896Anon's theory adds up.
No. 553941
>>553935I mean, being a cismale is probably the most undesirable thing on tumblr, not very ~special~. Makes sense why he/she would lie about being intersex, when he/she is really just a halfassed tranny? The height, bodytype, etc. all point to Bailey being biologically male too. There's nothing particularly feminine about them and she/he looks like a dorky emo boy with bad hair and a training bra.
>>553727>>553781Also, going to agree with anon that the positioning of the legs here definitely seem like Baily is trying to keep a dick tucked back. Also that weird bulge doesn't read as labia rather than a pulled back penis.
No. 554003
File: 1523583232467.png (100.45 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_p6waj1XGSL1xnjqs8o1_128…)

im starting to think these two literally have no idea what abuse really is (this screenshot is from bailey's blog). like the callout posts are out there and they clearly show that both tearzah and bailey are shit ppl.
No. 554105
>>553853spot on.
>>553491intersex people are infertile, so this (if legit) would confirm that they're not telling the truth.
>>553896seems tinfoil-y tbh, one would come into a similar body type after several years on estrogen, bailey's a brick as a result of their body type and the changes t brought about (weight gain/muscle mass)
No. 554245
File: 1523601120145.jpeg (56.78 KB, 499x342, 4146C0C5-9FA8-4B47-ADC0-41AEE8…)

No. 554555
File: 1523639583688.jpeg (224.23 KB, 750x661, 3077BB4F-FD9E-4CBD-A91E-26BC76…)

>>554394>trans masculine they hate men so much but they wanted to be one but not really
No. 554623
File: 1523645416180.png (47.61 KB, 443x291, 781746F3-FFAA-480E-8A93-905EAF…)

Again, don’t really want to be using Tumblurgh as sauce but this is on such a level of stupidity that is so authentically Bailey. Bailey cheats on her partners by having “QPPs”, a term coined by flakes meaning “queer platonic partner” that they use as a get out of jail free card for having another partner. The only reason I mention it is because on a lower level, Bailey reminds me of Onisisisision; the fakeboi/nb waifu, bringing other people into the relationship, the laughable hair, the epic “I’m a sociopath don’t test me!1!1!1” attitude. Makes me kek thinking about it, Bailey youtube channel when?
No. 554678
File: 1523649262028.png (15.45 KB, 546x435, wrow.PNG)

>>539757>february, be getting ready to settle at gf's house>get asked about what job you're gonna be getting or if you're even gonna get one; or if you're just gonna sit your ass all day on your gf's couch and play ducks and drakes with her father's money>get really A N G E R Y and reply "how am i supposed to have a job im not even settled here you PRETENTIOUS FUCK">2 months pass, everything's settled down>get asked about the job again>"uuuuuuh whats. whts a job lol"this ugly bitch was never planning to work in the first place. how surprising.
No. 554828
File: 1523658430088.jpeg (286.16 KB, 750x713, DDA0546B-AC0F-4CF8-B32F-E58E6B…)

>>554678I actually feel kind of bad for tea. As shitty and generic as her art is people do buy it, and it seems as if she’s spending a lot of her earnings on baileys freeloading with no mention of bailey contributing.
No. 554840
>>553255Call me judgmental or whatever but if my partner said they seriously consider murdering me in my sleep every night I'd get a restraining order ASAP. Imagine staying with them and even defending that shit
and letting them leech off of you financially.
These people are a damn mess and need extensive therapy.
No. 554848
>>554839someone with an abuse fetish has to have a gf that fits the part kek
i agree that tea is passable, but baileys just on a whole lower league. I can sense that her hair feels like crunchy doritos from all that bleaching.
No. 555376
File: 1523709823201.png (25.49 KB, 528x408, 834976834.PNG)

>>554818of course they're transtrending. you can't go on goddamn hormone therapy to "be more androgyne"
No. 555603
>>555414no you dumb fuck, ambiguous ≠ androgynous. it's usually POSSIBLE to tell an androgynous person's sex but here we are trying to to figure out if bailey's an afab intersex who has went on t for a year like she says she is, or if she's a mtf who is trying to legitimize her "enby" identity and honestly it looks like it could be both because she is so goddamn ambiguous and unattractive
>>555570 yeah exactly lmfao
No. 555710
>>555603Androgyny is usually used to refer to someone who's so attractive you can't tell the gender, e.g. a very handsome man with great facial features+ hair, or a woman with an elegant body and good bone structure.
a half-assed mtf(?) like Bailey is ambiguous
No. 555736
>>555603Lmao what's this hostility?
>>555710the mtf theory holds little water, and bailey has a chunky-ass menopausal nugget body from the t and an apple shaped body pre-t. probably at 5'9-5'11.
people pretend to be amab all the time on the blue website, only so conveniently amidst insane metadrama. surely they would love for y'all to believe theyre mtf, something of an age old get-out-of-jail free card by virtue of them being more oppressed than any of the other komaeda kins on tumblr, who are suddenly so afraid of stepping out of line by criticizing them in any way.
look to softcisphobia or perhaps the other freak who fabricated an identity using her baby brother's photos/took nudes with an obvious plastic baby doll hand over her crotch. their followers guzzle that shit up as no matter how they run their mouth at others on their blog, despite the gaping glaring inconsistencies of their claims, the undercut defense squad will without question rush to their aid like they're a damsel tied to the tracks of the train. only they tied themselves to the train tracks in a fit because they were removed from their narcissistic supply for ten seconds.
so i don't think bailey being mtf holds much if any plausibility, and the intersex parts debatable.
No. 555742
File: 1523744260900.jpeg (60.64 KB, 640x429, 68BA96F6-DAE1-4C2C-AE83-57F51B…)

This ask made me laugh so fucking hard, I doubt Tearzah’s answer is sarcastic as she’s said before she is strictly monogamous. How beautiful it would be if this “we’re getting engaged after 7 months from meeting in a Discord” ended in Tearzah getting cucked hard by Transmaeda.
No. 555806
File: 1523750386557.jpeg (109.83 KB, 768x1024, 313CA420-C590-4D10-928D-2C203D…)

saw this on Twitter. someone made her fanart of that one cut selfie that she half-assedly censored with stickers. what the hell is wrong with people
No. 555835
File: 1523754225870.jpeg (28.62 KB, 640x143, 3C3F22C8-1145-4534-B705-8A836E…)

Don’t think I would put it past Bailey to be one of those TCC fangirl fags, especially with the “teehee I’ve killed b4” attitude.
No. 556217
>>556076It is when you do shit like what tearzah and bailey are doing.:
1) Shitty ocs (Like every oc they own)
2) Shitty People (the 2edgy4me couple)
3) Trying to be your ocs (kinning shit ocs)
4) Abuse because “aesthetics” (so kawaii)
No abuse isnt kawaii. Bailey and tearzah are shit in general. Thats why theres a thread.
No. 556226
>>556067sage for samefagging but I completely agree, you don’t see this shit irl it’s like being at a circus. I just wish they were
more milky.
No. 556270
>>556050I kind of suspected something like that
Do u think bailey is possibly forcing tearzah to talk mostly to her
Or is tearzah just obsessed with bailey
Either way I hope this couple goes down in flames cause it’s toxic
No. 556384
>>556336you seem to fundamentally reject the idea that a female could be capable of being a violently abusive person
take your loxapine, tinfoil hat-chan. clearly you need it more than tearzah.
No. 556449
File: 1523823932652.png (377.75 KB, 750x1334, D7913095-C548-44BD-B394-6AF995…)

this is fucked
But it’s even more fucked because this is tumblr
No. 556741
File: 1523843156550.png (170.53 KB, 640x1136, FA6693EF-8736-43CE-954E-F76EF3…)

>tfw your troon gf is incompetent
No. 556879
File: 1523859829963.jpeg (387.82 KB, 1276x1654, 7AC2D321-8B1C-48F7-9240-BBD6D9…)

>>556878(Me again) heres the instagram version
No. 556883
File: 1523860132706.png (9.12 MB, 1668x2224, 0282FD7D-632D-480C-91A9-C2DD6E…)

(Twitter version) theres more people who seem to dislike your art than like though, and many of your new followers may not know of your past drama or how shitty you are. Theyd stop following you real quick.
No. 557313
File: 1523901536524.jpg (185.49 KB, 812x1280, tumblr_p7ahwmXVtf1qmm77po1_128…)

Posting two interesting thing from Bailey today. Is Bailey and/or Tea munchie?
No. 557325
>>556883She looks so much like Lainey in that picture.
And who would find that picture bitchy? Wasn't she going on about how she needed money for her dad's accident and couldn't move out because she's unemployed?
No. 557371
>>557315>White person with narrow eyes and piggy nose>"I'm Asian"I get that being white isn't very ~tumblr aesthetic~, but seriously why does this always happen. She doesn't even try to play it off like she's only a quarter or half which would at least be slightly more believable.
>>557313From what little I can make out, it's Tearzah's name on some of the bottles. They are probably anti depressants and the like. She probably just keeps all the old empties for her sick, abused dolly tumblr aesthetic.
No. 557382
>>557315>im asianI don't know a single person who would call themselves "asian"
she's either shitposting or lying
No. 557397
File: 1523907050588.jpeg (84.39 KB, 1098x423, D1E1DB8F-5BE9-49FB-AC46-6022F3…)

Geez, Bailey, how come your mom made you half Jap AND Komaeda kin?
No. 557415
File: 1523908114863.png (114.72 KB, 292x658, Screen Shot 2018-04-16 at 3.46…)

sounds like something a tea apologist would say
No. 557419
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No. 557467
File: 1523911643051.png (307.52 KB, 500x375, tumblr_inline_mnjd0re5031qz4rg…)

No. 557473
File: 1523912099267.jpeg (250.72 KB, 720x1278, E58D24D8-4EBC-4F71-9138-4B1072…)

Sauce for the epic orphan tragic backstory that we’ll all be hearing about when this chick decides to choke out a couple of toddlers in a Sanrio shop for the aesthetic
No. 557481
File: 1523912711962.png (44.72 KB, 490x381, Screen Shot 2018-04-16 at 5.03…)

why does everyone on tumblr dot com feel the need to parade their mental illnesses on their "about" page
there's nothing cute about being an aspie
No. 557488
>>557481"this user has borderline personality disorder" in a cute pastel pink uwuserbox.
holy shit.
No. 557814
>>557720Bailey sounds like an “original character do not steal” with that typical tragic past
(Lol thats every oc tearzah has though)
No. 557991
File: 1523986854117.jpeg (47.28 KB, 640x173, 598ED385-35BD-47EB-82E9-B948FB…)

Transmaeda gets mad that people on discord were warning Tearzah that she was contemplating murdering her in her sleep.
No. 558322
File: 1524008003889.png (56.67 KB, 1360x630, lmaoooo.png)

hey tearzah has a statcounter on their blog and i personally find that really fucking creepy. basically, they can see the ip addresses of anyone who comes onto their blog.
No. 558377
File: 1524013136911.jpeg (75.61 KB, 750x550, 420752FE-DE33-4A3E-9B80-9D033C…)

….is it though
Or is it just a weeb term
No. 558429
>>558391yanderes should only exist in fiction. psychotic/obsessive behavior irl should not be excused. unless you're talking about OC bailey because in that case, you would be correct, but yandere ocs are bad and bailey is edgy lel
>>558384 tru lmao. she's such a hypocrite. i love how 80% of the time tearzah ignores the question entirely to damage control.
No. 558458
File: 1524019300098.png (Spoiler Image,1.79 MB, 2500x3333, FADAC490-AA7F-4CA5-850B-16987E…)

>>558452This reminds me too of something I read (can’t remember if its here or on kiwi) of how they make their ocs. Names dont match ethnicities, random races and illnesses because of inclusiveness. Its not hard to look up names from any country. And I dont think anyone of her characters dont have a mental illness. Im sure I could check but im sure if its not mentioned thatn she forgot to put it there. The worst abominations of ocs are the asians (because pretty much all of them are yellow faced, racist much?) and the vilitigo characters. I remember hearing people with this condition dont enjoy having it because its usually made fun of but now tumblrinas love it! Anyone remember sherbert? People got upset cause tearzah made them looklike a cow (which is an offensive term for people who have vitiligo)
No. 558543
File: 1524027520756.jpg (58.22 KB, 480x480, tumblr_ohajx3YlCd1vm31e4o3_500…)

>>558458tearzah is known for slapping random ethnicities and mental illnesses on her ocs for the sake of diversity and being unique. but since her shit is so poorly researched, and all her ocs look like they were made in under 10 minutes with how same-facey they are, it just comes out looking like tokenism.
basically: "i dont actually care enough to research a culture/ethnicity i know nothing about out of interest and honouring diversity among humans, i just want it to look like i do to get headpats from other tumblerites for drawing a fat, black, mixed race, asian, mentally-ill otherkin nonbinary with they/them pronouns."
remember when she gave her asian oc yellow skin?
>tfw you try so hard to be inclusive that you end up being racist No. 558563
File: 1524032198047.png (27.15 KB, 585x183, Screen Shot 2018-04-18 at 2.14…)

I remember seein a dolly username in a screenshot somewhere on a sc, wouldnt put it past that thing for abuser her until she fled
No. 558580
>>558543Idk why its so hard to look this shit through, like if she could detail out tragic edgy abominations of characters then you’d think she’d at least try to do research. Also if she really wanted to be inclusive she’d actually have to do research. Very much racist. Also same face but different ethnicities, Cherry and Arata (chacter show in that pic you posted) have the exact same face. Eyes, nose, mouth, jaw and even hair. The only differences are the color palettes and Cherry has pointed ears.
>>558563“Did u kill them or smthing” fUCK
But in all seriousness, now I’m curious abut this Avery Dolly person. Hope we see more shit soon. Tearzah fans kiss too much ass so I can’t really see them dropping out of the chat.
No. 558942
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>>558879It’s mostly opiods, I guess using a fancy word made her feel more progressive over the fact that she’s giving her seemingly physically unscarred OCs drug addictions. C’mon, who wouldn’t want to see a pwetty bruised troon pastel dolly with meth mouth?
No. 558986
>>558879 >>558942
Pretty sure heavy drug use makes you age faster and you dont start looking as good as you used to. But aesthetics over reality, just a tearzah thing.
Starting to actually thing tearzah could be or could become a munchie. I dont think bailey would though. Im not sure.
No. 559025
>>558986apparently the first time tearzah got drunk was with bailey on her birthday, so i don't think tearzah takes any kind of drugs aside from her prescriptions.
anyone abusing opioids wouldnt look as cutesy as half her ocs lmao its clearly just a shitty character trait she knows nothing about to try and make her characters seem deep
No. 559036
File: 1524079942214.jpeg (150.14 KB, 640x825, 85EE86F2-11F7-4D40-B5D8-151F3C…)

Imagine being too obsessed with your UwU DDLG aesthetic to tell someone “No, don’t make a child prosititute you absolute fucking bum”. Epic pedobait style.
No. 559217
File: 1524090928109.png (489.74 KB, 700x560, E06785D6-FDCB-4026-A802-B95A70…)

>>559025Idk how I missed this, but i think out of all drugs, hser perscriptions would be abused. And not only a shitty character trait but they all have to meet aethestic goals, so no druggie face. 1 character who looks like he may have done drugs is Alice.
Description says he’s sickly looking possibly from malnurishment. ‘Shaved eyebrows in the name of god’ alright then.
No. 559544
File: 1524100385378.jpeg (56.06 KB, 750x411, E1397AF7-89F5-495E-9B81-889114…)

Doesn’t popee repeatedly kill kedamono in the show though
Like not exactly irl couple goals
No. 559766
>>559712Also alice is obsessed with someone at least less than half his age. Creepy homophobic pervert obsessed woth a young lady; fantastic.
>>559709Totally; tearzah has done nothing wrong, we’re just picking on this poor precious snowflake.
(Im being extremely sarcastic)
Seeing this kinda shit makes me wanna poor bleach in my eyes and mouth
>>559714Ah okay. I was really confused.
No. 559838
>>559805Assuming this is true, this is perfect evidence why people like Tea and Bailey are pieces of shit. If something someone (i.e they) post online consistently causes consistent harm to others, that person posting either WANTS to cause harm or doesn't care. They're an abuser by proxy, to anyone who is a "fan", because guess what, fans are influenced by who they admire.
I hope you are able to drop the habit and I'm sorry you were influenced by these shitheads, Anon. There are lots of cool, non-abusive people online to look up to so I hope you have found better inspirations or will do!
No. 559927
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Not to mention Tearzah will shit herself if she’s misgendered or whatever but is completely fine with her gf calling them lesbians or she calling her and bailey girlfriends
No. 560017
File: 1524153141436.jpeg (149.4 KB, 640x833, 9EA89A96-1905-4A1A-9279-153862…)

Kek’d hard thinking about Bailey’s crackly manchild voice holding back tears while saying this
No. 560113
>>559805Im so sorry for you. I used to be a mutual of tearzah too but when they had a falling out with catshops (whom I’m closer to of the 2) I left them. Don’t feel too bad, we all hate tearzah.
>>559927Fucking finally someone else understands! I was thinking, if they dont wanna be called she/her then why do they call themselves lesbians. Thank you.
>>559940 >>559931
>>559978 >>559991
Ik how easily people get influenced but no one should really cut themselves because a drawing or whatever. Thats not a valid excuse to cut yourself.
>>560017This whole thing made me laugh.
1. That insult
2. Shitty weak comeback
3. Your comment to the comeback made this even better
No. 560131
File: 1524163443958.jpeg (47.41 KB, 640x339, E4477A1C-09A8-40C9-BD56-B836EB…)

Well, guys…
No. 560139
I am a follower of Tearzah, I do not really care about what has been said about her/them on this thread, etc, etc, whatever, not here to defend them.
But, I'm really happy that Bailey is starting to get shit on, because Bailey is a shitfaced crock of garbage lmao. I'm pretty sure he/she is influencing Tearzah in the most negative way and if anything, I think Bailey is worse than Tearzah.
And apparently Bailey is homicidal, as brought up by past posts. Can we start a petition to throw he/she in prison please? lmao. Bailey's a danger to society, and apparently he/she has DID. I don't understand why Tearzah wants to be around the pigface, probably because she's super obsessed and attached to Bailey. Their relationship just seems so unhealthy and gross to me.
Also, interesting thing about the Avery person. Bet Bailey abused them out of the Discord or whatever.
(Sorry for the repost, I forgot to leave the namefield blank. I'm 560132.)
No. 560150
>>560139I'll repeat what I said earlier, bailey is stuck in 2013 & is heinously edgy to give themselves an excuse to be a hot pile of rotting garbage.
Tearzah is an adult & I guarantee the moment the inevitable falling out takes place tear is going to be screaming about how every bad thing she did while with bailey was because of bailey.
Tear cuts herself because she wants to and is with bailey because she wants to further her image of uwu broken dollie so soft.. so fragile.. ever1 who touches me is bad 4 me…
Also in response to the discussion earlier of people cutting themselves "because" of tearzah, you guys can't really argue about romanticization and then say it has no effect on people. Though fully blaming tearzah seems like a way to remove responsibility. Most of her fans are like 14 and actual victims of abuse, seeing that shit over and over does on a level normalize the behavior.
No. 560153
>>560150> Most of her fans are like 14 and actual victims of abuse, seeing that shit over and over does on a level normalize the behavior.I'm
>>559940 and that's what I kind of meant. Like yeah you can call young teens stupid for doing it all you want but it's not a secret that they can be idiots. It's not good to make self-harm an aesthetic thing for obvious reasons, and of course it's not like Tearzah is the only person who does that since tumblr eats that "aesthetic" up. At least
>>559805 realized their problem and is working towards getting over now. Now if more of them would do that…
No. 560154
>>560139Tearzah is just as bad in my opinion. They're both manipulating and abusive. This sounds like your excuse behavior from one person but going after another person for the same behavior. Not to sound rude but you sound like an asskissing neutral tea fan.
>>560148Sure fam, i’ll try to join the discord. I’ll try to find some milk. I hate tearzah and bailey but its not hard to act like her fans.
No. 560155
>>559978One of the trademarks of being a kid is being easily influenced.
Some of you guys really over-estimate young people. Kids are fucking dumb. Bailey is an adult. Adults are responsible for how they influence minors. This is a basic thing, guys.
If you have a majority preteen fan base, then you can be criticized for sending a self-harm fucked up message.
No. 560161
>>560148 >>560157
>>560154 and I forgot that she only accepts mutuals. I have her blocked on twitter and I think she blocked my instagram. I’m kinda not in the mood to kiss her ass that much. I can make another account but it would take a while before I could make her a mutual.
No. 560163
>>560157sage goes in the email field friend, also i'm
>>560148 (samefagging is something different from what you're thinking)
No. 560187
>>560155Criticism? Absolutely. It's still fucked up. I'm the person who posted
>>559931 though and I wasn't trying to imply that those kinds of posts have zero effect, but they don't
make you self-harm. People are still responsible for their own actions.
No. 560228
File: 1524171559450.png (7.2 KB, 523x122, jj.PNG)

orrrr just homophobic people are like that but hehehe those nasty evil hetties uwu!
i mean how are you gonna preach about how one can't choose their sexuality if you're gonna treat heterosexuals like shit just for being straight? because, again, if i remember correctly, people cant change their sexuality.
No. 560280
File: 1524175377582.jpeg (75.41 KB, 1285x615, image.jpeg)

Bailey graduated high school and is jobless freeloading off of tearzah and her dad. I think tearzah worked temporary a couple months ago but now only makes money off of commissions
No. 560294
>>560280Tearzah, a person who fetishizes physical abuse and mental illness, wants to become a nurse?
I worry for her future patients.
No. 560325
>>560294>>560298I mean, she does use her real name online, and it's a very uncommon name. If her future employers try to google her, wouldn't everything show up?
Just imagine how Bailey would try to use her access to things… and people? Would Bailey try to live out her fantasies of violence via Tearzah's access to vulnerable people?
No. 560329
File: 1524179208348.png (22.67 KB, 640x364, what is going on.png)

i didnt think id be posting to smth like this lol but tearzah recently stole an oc from me and sold it. i made a few posts abt it and the person who bought the oc eventually came across the posts and finally asked tearzah for a refund, as well as changed the oc so it would look less like my own. but the screenshot here are anons i have gotten… on a blog i recently abandoned. mind you, this is the only blog tearzah knows abt thats mine. so tearzah got all pissed because i called them out on their shit and sent these anons. ofc, im not positive these are from them, but the posts have been up for abt a month so why would i only get these anons now lol.
No. 560335
>>560329i love how the anons defending tearzah in the ask are
misgendering her. sorry you got ripped off, but unfortunately it's something she does a lot.
>>560294 i've literally never heard her talking about nursing aside from that one ask. i wonder if she's doing it to further live out her medical ~aesthetic~.
No. 560343
File: 1524181784120.jpeg (177.44 KB, 1280x1024, F7EEA2FE-C361-4E7D-AEBD-F2678B…)

Anyone else wonder why tearzah seems to make so much content with bailey and ash when apparently ash is in a relationship with another oc of tearzah
No. 560441
Ash is probably 10x more interesting than tearzah even if there edgy
No. 560553
File: 1524201590727.jpeg (Spoiler Image,84.28 KB, 750x961, 7B762FB6-25D5-4E58-9F7C-DF84EC…)

remember when bailey posted this with no self harm warnings? smh what is wrong with her
No. 560559
File: 1524202224903.png (275.9 KB, 759x738, HEWWO part 2.png)

>>560419yeah right. ngl, i was heavily inspired by tearzah for a while which is why right looks like a total rip off of tearzahs art lol but its the closest i can find to looking like the rip off oc. and yes, i have changed my style since i found out how tearzah really is. like literally all they did was change a few things then put her as an adoptable. i seriously thought it was just me at first but i showed my friends and literally all of them asked if it was fanart of my oc.
No. 560573
>>560559I can see it. Theres many simularities. I could help you try to shift your style if you want. I think ik your user since i looked up the recent stuff on tearzah from tumblr.
>>560560Indeed. If you read the old tumblr links (up in the thread description) theres shit about tearzah being emotional abusive. Gaslighting and such. Baileys abuse is still somewhat decent about stuff that happened before tearzah. 2 untrustworthy fucks.
No. 560584
>>560473>>560557Yeah, I mean…I'm not saying either as I haven't really delved into the subject that much so I cannot fully check what is true and what's not but yeah.
I literally just mentioned that there was "someone" with that aesthetics that I've heard is troublesome and I get this kinda backlash already. Doesn't even make me want to think about those who were actually abused by Tearzah/Bailey how much shit they are getting.
I even got confirmation by others in the same chat that they couldn't even pinpoint my statement to Tearzah like wtf.
Not sure what that said friend who attacked me is doing now or if they still associate with Tea but on the occasion that I see their art anywhere(as they were an artist too) it always leaves a bad taste in my mouth…
No. 560605
>>560017FUCK I WAS THE ONE TO SEND THAT ASK LMFAOOOOOO if you go to transmaeda's blog and look at the posts from december 2017, people sent a lot of asks criticizing this ask that i shamelessly sent. i thought it wouldnt be a problem to ask since bailey has said "im intersex i have a both dick and a vagina uwu" and i wanted to piss her off
>>560280 i think she goes to daytona state college? i just googled her full name (tearzah hayes) and thats what came up :0
No. 560612
File: 1524210831772.png (51.49 KB, 1139x684, f.PNG)

what is it w/ tea and making every single oc gay followed by assigning them completely random ethnicities in an attempt to be Woke and Inclusive? it's a lil ridiculous.
on a different note, i'm real pissed off about that one anon further up's issue with tearzah ripping their design for their shitty $25 adoptables. tea doesn't work and boasts about just how much they draw, so they shouldn't have any issues designing their own damn characters. one of my biggest fears as an artist is having someone like my oc's design enough to completely rip it off. i can't imagine how much it sucks to have it happen by an artist as big and popular as tearzah.
No. 560626
File: 1524212671937.png (50.71 KB, 1117x566, why are you like this.png)

>>560616You should see ash's page
No. 560766
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No. 560775
File: 1524237511331.jpg (431.19 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180420-111610_Dis…)

I regret this already
No. 560826
File: 1524241960587.png (7.78 KB, 510x159, Untitled.png)

bretty sure tearzah is lurking
No. 560829
>>560826she either won't shut it down or will only make a new server
she craves constant attention so bad that isolating herself out of fear of forum weirdos screencapping her shit might as well be a death sentence
No. 561107
File: 1524273309947.jpeg (120.71 KB, 750x781, D284360E-5518-4F97-8913-77032E…)

She made a fucking server for DOLLKIN ONLY
Also why is it 16 and up thats a weird age to start at why not 18 and up
No. 561157
>>561107Probably because her and Bailey have some borderline pedo tendencies, and 16 is technically legal in some places? Given the shit they talk about
>>560775 it should be 18+.
No. 562070
File: 1524392293671.png (3.29 MB, 1932x1260, hgdfkghkjdf.png)

well, looks like Pignose can't get enough of that Crookteeth neck
speaking of crooked teeth, have y'all noticed that tea could be using her money to fix her teeth but she chooses to spend it all for transmaeda instead? she's pretty committed to someone who wants to slit her throat in her sleep
No. 562275
>>562070Does she have dermatillomania or something? Her cheeks look like she's picking.
>>562274NYART, but: nothing. Some people will still complain about it.
No. 562339
File: 1524425238385.jpeg (158.16 KB, 750x698, 87EDD467-F2A7-4053-B01A-F89938…)

One more thing I find repulsive about not only bailey but tumblr itself is that it screams about not conforming to gender roles but any time someone wants to cross dress is twansphobic it pisses me off so much
No. 562519
File: 1524432405599.png (202.19 KB, 477x594, hairy.png)

>>562274I wouldnt say it's "thin and hard to see". Not to nitpick her character, I just think leg hair on any individual is undesirable and it only makes me find her even more unattractive.
No. 562796
>>562519 >>562598
I wouldnt say thin but also not thick, her leg hair is noticable just not on specific parts of her legs.
>>562467 >>562070
Tearzah and bailey are both pig nosed, its just that tearzahs teeth looks like a namn train wreck as well. Also those god awful hickeys and all that face picking. Tearzah is so ugly.
No. 563147
File: 1524500142004.jpeg (183.4 KB, 640x715, 9CAB581D-405C-44C4-8717-4380B1…)

Crossdressing? Transphobic. Actively discouraging Transgender men to transition and saying “anyone” who wants to is a “fucking idiot”? Fine! Also, approach Bailey about this and she denies saying it, she claims she said “I’m a fucking idiot for taking it”.
No. 563347
>>563301Thank you, I knew there was a way to adjust voices, seems like its something suggested to someone who is transitioning genders. At least from what I’ve heard.
>>563297I think the vocal training could work before and after the voicebox sugery. To help for transitioning. I heard the ways to change a voice to make it deeper is more complicated then giving it a higher pitch though. I’m no doctor so I can’t say how its all done and what not.
No. 565043
File: 1524642818273.jpeg (117.24 KB, 640x980, 64E4BF64-AD77-48E3-8F3F-29DA71…)

Bailey bruises Teas forehead
No. 565315
>>565043 >>565044
This is the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard
No. 565643
>>565483Not me but I used to have her old twitter handle. It was Tearzah or Tearzahs, idr.
If it’s still up one of you should snag it.
No. 565690
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Obviously no one here is Tearzah’s numero uno biggest buttmunch fan but I can’t take this seriously when these “victims” are potentially on the same cow level as Tearzah. Fucking PTSD and “qpp”/“queer platonic partner”, throw in an “i’m shaking right now” and if I didn’t know better I would have thought Transmaeda wrote this
No. 565844
File: 1524710122515.jpeg (57.73 KB, 536x274, 83B43811-3BE8-4E0B-8097-9C1316…)

I decided to check and tears favorites on toyhouse are actually still full of orbpals characters
No. 565861
File: 1524711702577.png (230.28 KB, 659x372, teawzuhh.png)

>>565844She favorited her own oc too of course, kek
No. 566956
I mean
>>565923 is right, as much as I don’t want to vouch for Fleazah that’s just how that website works so it’s not really that milky, just a nitpick
No. 567010
File: 1524821846368.png (3.61 KB, 274x123, ajfkngjknfa.png)

Please tell me the OC discord ended up being closed
No. 568195
>>568188>you idiotsWho? Do you not know the difference between here and KF?
Also, Tearzah is basically a pedophile by Tumblr (ie your home) standards, so
No. 568197
>>568195Do you have comprehension skills? At all? At least one person in this thread has brought up doxxing.
what the fuck makes tearzah "basically" a pedophile? Look i dont like her either but christ, what a fucking reach lad
No. 568199
>>568195>>568197Just checked KF. No Tea dox, but details from Bailey's call out post on them flirting with a 14 year old and sending them nudes, and fucking a 15 year old at 18.
So, we should be doxxing Bailey, the person Tea "loves" and is financially supporting, I guess, according to you, lmao.
No. 568235
>>568228Look I fucking hate bailey but I dont blame tea for being in denial about Bailey's pedophilic past with the amount of fake screenshots that have been made about tea.
ex: someone making a fake screenshot of tea saying she supports trump, lol
No. 568242
>>568098Putting someone’s name, Tearzah’s first and last name is not a dox. Maybe if we found her address then yes that would be a dox. But we aren’t trolls. What benefit would we even get from doxxing Tearzah and Bailey. As much as I don’t like them, it’s disrespectful and I see no benefits for anyone for doxxing Tearza h.
>>568235That cat abuse may be fake too. Cats, like many other animals, run and hide from anything they fear. They wouldn’t keep coming back. But her cats hang around her often, so if she was abusing them then they wouldn’t be around so much. And if she were to catch them then they'd attack her in defense. And we all know how Tearzah loves to post her cuts and bruises so I’m sure if she got a cat stratch, then she’d show it. And her dad would notice too, if he didn’t then idk what to say.
No. 568266
>>568245 >>568098
>>568242 and
>>568261. Sorry for being stupid I barely even skimmed the post. I read through it and honestly theres way more than enough info.
No. 568285
File: 1524948614103.png (5.26 KB, 326x130, hm.PNG)

wonder what the demon may be
No. 568426
>>568407kiwifarms will p much systematically dox cows and their family even when it doesn't bring any milk
dunno why
No. 568562
File: 1524963201883.png (Spoiler Image,294.01 KB, 620x709, UD1uzlMMzta_UwQ0mv8gKkBUY3BTm3…)

g u y s
No. 568574
>>568562Lmaooo. Reminder that the person who drew this talked about how BDSM is totally abuse uwu. Also
>those heavily idealized versions of Tearzah and BaileyThey fucking wish.
No. 568585
>>568574gotta include every scar in there too !!
whats a tea drawing without self harm romanticism, am i right?
No. 568846
File: 1524977744184.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.02 MB, 3814x4000, Collage.jpg)

if the quality is too bad i'll try again!
No. 568854
>>568846I Don't Want To Admit I Have A Cunt Boy Fetish: A Compilation
>>568849considering she knows about this thread she could probably report/challenge the uploads. the pic seems fine to me
No. 568858
>>568846OF COURSE there's a pic where Bailey also gets it on with Ash and Elliots father, OF FUCKING COURSE.
Just waiting for Fakeley to do the even grosser things that Bailey does. Then again…there's already the piss, the waterboarding and the "violent urges uwu".
No. 568876
>>568866Good point, actually. Since she drew herself and Bailey with flatter chests than ash. Tearzah can’t possibly think size A breasts have cleavage, theres barely any breast to begin with. And the nipples are so weird.
>>568871But Tearzah could just make small shading under the tiny tits to show that ash isnt flat chested. Theres no way that cleavage should exist.
No. 568905
Why isn't there a nice list of all those copycats out there already? realize, after trying to make one, there's just too many out there, jeez.
No. 568929
>>568905I think this is great tbh. There may be a lot of copiers, but they can be part of the problem. Idk, but this is good to see. And it even has links!
About elliberriii they are a minor and she starts copying and tracing so much that she even tries to act like those she’s stealing from. Even if thats more of reina’s problem than tearzah’s, elli still copies tearzah too.
No. 568941
File: 1524984580583.png (26.58 KB, 512x181, Screen Shot 2018-04-29 at 2.46…)

It kinda pisses me off that tearzah tags posts that are clearly jokes with trigger warnings like "ddlg implied" and "suicide baiting".
>also bailey joking about suicide baiting with tea when tea is notorious for doing it herself
No. 568984
>>568188yeah tearzah..
is a pedophile… its not just because she has "sjw" art she draws actual pedophilia. ash may be 20, or whatever, but have you seen how fucking childish the thing looks? not only that but she supports a pedophile as well.
No. 569031
Also on what
>>568926 said, a fair few parts of the list seems like you were trying to grab at a random extra couple of artists to make yourself seem more
credible. Yes, Tearzah copiers are a plague but if you also want to accuse Tearzah of copying- don’t act like she invented art. Are these really COPYcats, or just your own personal cows? Bulking up the list with people you claim are “tearzah without lineart” and etc., only to find they’re vaguely similar is actually a really Tearzah thing to do since she’s notorious for sicing her fans on people who “uwu steal her art style”. Maybe condense your list, you seem like you’re sperging between the lines.
No. 569116
>>569052yeah that was me! not exactly sure what you mean by again tho.
>>569031i… actually have to agree with this. granted i was smacked on there for drawing someone kicking someone else in the crotch cause apparently thats Tearzah Copyright, but… there are some where i just dont even see it.
No. 569218
File: 1525022416021.jpeg (197.73 KB, 1597x317, 5F9EDA68-BE4F-4167-B622-1138FA…)

Guys, tearzah’s mom found kiwifarms. Kinda feel bad since she has a new family of kids to take care of (and she’s never involved with tearzah) but I think someone may have contacted at least Tearzah’s mom through the doxx.
No. 569222
i seriously wonder why tearzah hasnt said anything about herself being doxxed and shit yet? bet she's breaking down and falling off of her sink or something
No. 569456
>>569429 >>569450
>prove itI feel like this is a lie. Why would you say thats Tearzah’s mom if you're her mom. And if you excluded yourself from tearzah, then how would you know if someone contacted her about the doxx. You never cared so why would you now?
No. 569473
File: 1525044044859.jpeg (29.79 KB, 600x909, d63.jpeg)

>>569443Well, does he work at Microsoft or not? BTW my dad works for the FBI so I can ask him if he received any reports about Tearzah's dox.
And this is an image board, if you have screencaps, post it. Don't bait us with milk. And besides, I doubt Tearzah's mom posted on KF. She just left a comment on here saying that it's not her.
>>569464Consequences will never be the same….
No. 569487
>>569443>Proof?And explain the situation.
>>569464Like that’s gonna do anything.
No. 569498
File: 1525044920389.png (106.62 KB, 800x449, Z7OKAJd.png)

>>569446Sent me a screenshot of their ask to her, but not sure if they have the other asks.
No. 569500
File: 1525044970912.png (5.55 KB, 530x51, boye.png)

>>569490no balls! heres the deleted post.
No. 569560
File: 1525047136403.png (72.58 KB, 509x493, alco.png)

>>569536not sure if this has to do with anything but i think so?
No. 569693
File: 1525054824258.jpg (868.82 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180429-221839_Chr…)

>>569679Are you serious? The hell if I didn't put my damn name as Lesanne stop reaching…. It clearly states my damn name
No. 569705
>>569693Anyone could, your point?
This is Tearzah we're talking about, people following her are as batshit insane as she is.
No. 569707
>>569705>>569679She's not Tearzah's mom. I'M Tearzah's actual mom. Don't believe that troll's lies.
>>569523It feels like a lot of people in this thread are instagram kids with a vendetta for Tearzah and they're now using the dox as a way to get attention. It makes no sense for Tearzah's mom to start shitposting on lolcow and kiwifarms, especially since she doesn't even have a relationship with her daughter. I wouldn't be surprised if this thread gets put on autosage. Reminds me a lot of the Anisa threads, just needs more tinfoiling and nitpicking.
No. 569712
>>569679I honestly believe that this is her mother, i remember a very long while back tearzah has mentioned that her mother stalked her insta so its not that far fetched that her mother would look up her up and keep up with her drama
>>569666If you do care about your daughter tearzah then why havent you confronted her about her online behavior or the damage she is doing to herself, or even bring it up to her father who is currently taking care of her and bailey
No. 571160
File: 1525202929910.png (144.21 KB, 1071x1060, 20180501_222536.png)

No. 571175
>>571171no u
srsly the thread here and at KF is suddenly infested with tards, what’s the problem.
No. 571394
>>566956Yeah, it makes sense. Not sure why
>>565923 was so god damn aggressive about it… unless they're Tearzah of course.
No. 574100
File: 1525490487816.jpeg (357.78 KB, 2048x1593, 49581EC7-64EC-4C7F-AE42-1E5566…)

No. 574101
File: 1525490590219.jpeg (434.39 KB, 2048x1792, BA6431BB-B2CD-45BB-9EE3-B892D1…)

Commission part 2
>I think Tearzah only put extra effort into these drawings because it’s of her oc and this person commissions her so much
No. 574607
>>574101Ah, this OC drowns to death in Tear’s “story”.
Drowning is so dolly aesthetic now, kiddies.
No. 574987
>>574100 >>574101
I don't get what these kids find so hot about the weird contortionist poses Tearzah draws. There are so many people who commission Tearzah to either draw their own ocs or Tearzah's ocs to do some weird-ass contortionist pose.
No. 577446
File: 1525884569428.png (8.59 KB, 567x146, bruh.PNG)

Tea, sweetie, i don't think this is something you can be "impulsive" about….
No. 577447
File: 1525884656018.png (17.01 KB, 568x220, lmao.PNG)

Also, fucking kek'd at this. Bailey is hardly anything of a woman lmaooo
No. 578205
File: 1525972078999.jpeg (160.52 KB, 630x573, DDF6EB01-43FB-4406-86CA-502119…)

Fat kek at Chodemaeda’s receding hairline. Is it result of the XY chromosome or the bleaching? We just won’t know.
No. 583666
File: 1526400885296.jpeg (58.87 KB, 375x750, 35005012-84C2-482A-911B-BE14DF…)

I don’t even know what to say about this
No. 584993
File: 1526491754199.png (9.68 KB, 552x394, 2F1621E8-095F-4611-B965-9F7889…)

>I don’t care. Not at all. Nope, totally do not care.
No. 585441
File: 1526511405031.png (579.97 KB, 1314x743, F4421A8B-05BE-4783-968E-4BBDBE…)

Looks like someone officially changed their name, not sure why the blurred face though. We all already saw bailey’s face
No. 585444
File: 1526511491470.jpeg (372.99 KB, 1168x1188, AB3FA343-4BF0-4DFF-A932-27314B…)

>tfw you can’t lie about being over 6’
>tfw when you have internet and can look shit up but you choose to be a lazy mother fucker
No. 585809
>>585803looks like
>>553896 called it, good job!
No. 585833
File: 1526534023056.jpg (35.1 KB, 540x540, 11229565_891029817625693_59225…)

Pre HRT Bailey
No. 585838
>>585809It's funny because the anons after me ended up convincing me that I was wrong.
>>585833Looks exactly the same tbh. Just slightly less fucked up looking hair. Starting to doubt Bailey ever took hormones and just has some soy titties or something.
No. 586964
File: 1526607780352.png (10.09 KB, 336x311, mmvmskkskd.png)

Looks like Bailey's been asking for nudes behind Tearzah's back.
No. 587048
File: 1526614910276.png (12.96 KB, 353x327, D340B683-97C6-4B5E-9651-CC332D…)

Its the oc discord
No. 589127
File: 1526802157854.png (5.62 KB, 508x133, bbbb.PNG)

for some reason i don't believe that's how it went down anymore….. just good ol' hetero sex. (well not exactly because estrogen might have left bayweed with a shrimp dick.)
No. 589131
File: 1526802779958.png (12.1 KB, 632x174, hmm.PNG)

let me guess why.. because you blubbered and whined like a 4 year old (and maybe even threatened to hurt yourself!) to have your father allow your "girl"friend of 2 months to live with you, when he said no you caused even more of a scene and your dad had to say okay to it…
No. 589297
>>589131 I could see this being the exact situation. And it’s perfectly resonable for dad to say no, 2 months is like nothing when you meet someone online. Maybe if it was 2 years but its Tearzah here. She has a lot of complex issues so acting like a spoiled princess and its not that surprising (she’s also the only “kid” in her house). I bet bailey told his dad to fuck off and just ran away like the edgelord he is.
>>589127>shrimp dickYou explained that perfectly. I’m sure Tearzah loves his tictac dick cause she draws most characters with really small dicks.
No. 589318
File: 1526831356004.png (4.74 KB, 546x147, ayyeaaa.PNG)

>bailey starts to get asks about having lied about his sex, says people "believe everything they see"well i mean, Yeah i do you retard, what else am i supposed to believe? what i hear? LOL it's amazing he's still trying to cover it up. what dedication.
>>589297 "I bet bailey told his dad to fuck off and just ran away like the edgelord he is." SDGKJSDGKJFDGHDF yeah probably, i bet when his dad tries to get in contact with him he just yells "FUCK YOU DAD" into his phone in his crackly manchild voice and hangs up
oh man. tearzah is a different story, supposedly shes a lesbian but she is attracted to and fucks bailey, who has a dingdong. i really wonder if she has always known, or was it a "surprise" to her when bailey moved in with her? either way im sure she still id's as a lesbian to be able to say she "hates men" and make homophobic straight ocs freely or something like that.
No. 589330
>>589318I hated bailey ever since I first heard about him. His always been suspicious to me. Not surprised he’s biologically male, I believe that more than his ever-changing stories of being a female who took testosterone to be androgynous but can’t explain how he “nutted” inside of Tearzah if he really did have a vagina.
He could’ve at least said the doxx is a lie, and that the info is wrong, then his “fans” could’ve believed him better but he chooses to except it as it is. He has to deal with all the consequences either way, even if he doesn’t want to. As bad as it sounds for him, if he told everyone the truth in the first place, and say that he was going to take estrogen and possibly become a trans girl, it would’ve been better in the long run.
>“FUCK YOU DAD” sounds spot on lol. That last part is actually intriguing though. Who even knows. But either way, Tearzah will never admit she’s a a white girl in a straight relationship. She could say she’s bi but then that leaves bailey in the dust about being a white chiset male in a straight relationship. So the lies continue.
No. 589332
File: 1526833232684.jpeg (30.05 KB, 911x209, 444A4E64-E549-4259-A761-E9DEF6…)

No you’re just fucking retarded
btw i didn’t anonymously send this, i just thought it was a sight to see though
No. 589336
File: 1526833480213.jpeg (56.02 KB, 880x332, 97CE98C4-4DF3-4DE2-AD68-887BE9…)

So is she not gonna change? Thank god Tearzah didn’t go to school for arts because she’d get so much shit for this. I can recreate her drawings pretty easily and quickly with minimal effort, her art isn’t masterpieces and she should quit acting like she’s better than everyone else. She should also not give anyone advice, ever.
No. 589736
File: 1526854418408.png (17.59 KB, 526x414, C7D51812-7B40-407B-BD08-0E1FAD…)

More about bailey on the oc discord, this is with he same person who bailey wanted nudes from
>part 1
No. 589737
File: 1526854439292.png (42.71 KB, 1113x470, A21A6F54-C29E-4110-9728-D4BD9C…)

>part 2
No. 589884
>>589318what else are we suppose to believe? we're going to make up our own hypothesis's when bailey keeps being so fucking cryptic about everything.
i'm sure tearzah made up some whiny plea that having bailey around would alleviate the symptoms of her mental illness. we have reasons to believe that tearzahs dad is clueless to what's really going on, because i guarantee you- if he knew of even half the shit tea and bailey post online he would not let him stay under his roof. either that or he just doesn't give a shit about her enough to make decisions on her behalf.
tearzah may have been aware of baileys dingdong before he moved in, but because he >identifies as nonbinary the lesbian thing is still valid in her mind.
No. 590351
File: 1526927833877.png (150.28 KB, 810x683, A2E8ADC5-CCF3-455E-8A90-64896F…)

Why is this funny
No. 595098
File: 1527426230197.png (309.79 KB, 600x800, shit.png)

someone on kiwifarms pointed out that ash's hair is shaped like a football and someone else made this edit. oh my god.
No. 595194
File: 1527440764636.png (414.78 KB, 507x724, lol.PNG)

Like how after her face kept getting bashed with all the pimples and all she yesterday made this post. I'm probs reaching but this is kinda awfully suspicious this gets posted with that caption….
No. 595266
>>595194Seeing that her acne was on the side if the face she’s hiding she really “cleaned up her face”.
>>595098Ash’s true form
No. 606604
File: 1528612050226.jpeg (68.86 KB, 1238x154, 90A8CFB0-E159-424C-B694-4EA1F1…)

nothing new but mfw i saw this
>dislikes: hypocrites, thieves, people trying to be japanese
>tearzah: is a hypocrite, is a thief, fiance tries to claim to be japanese No. 614654
File: 1529373203451.png (355.56 KB, 640x711, image.png)

I can't be fucked to make a kiwi farm so I'm just going to put this here.
I swear tearzah has drawn this 100 times before it's just slightly different
No. 628263
>>626346>>555736 here, initially i was convinced some were using this to further their agenda, but i totally believe it now that bavid has been doxxed. buying that he is 6'1 was laughable though.
likely, he has clinical micropenis, but i wouldn't want to continue to entertain intersex conditions, assuming they both read this thread. that's throwing a bone that could potentially support a theory that those pitiful tubular dirtypillows are anything but remnants of past child obesity
No. 648660
File: 1532675216036.jpeg (346.25 KB, 1536x2048, 9CF02DF8-F03C-471A-B030-D8A555…)

She chopped her hair off
No. 662855
File: 1534091546143.jpg (Spoiler Image,222.4 KB, 800x353, WBmIAK2.jpg)

Because I'm too lazy to make an account on Kiwi Farms I'm posting this here instead.
Decided to try and "fix" one of her drawings too. That being from the hair size, the over use of pink and some anatomy flaws.
I'm not the best artist so ya'know it's not the best.
No. 662866
>>6628551. There's a thread for fixing bad art.
2. It looks worse than the original.
No. 689555
File: 1537121250255.jpeg (275.11 KB, 1988x990, image.jpeg)

No. 694154
Yeah you can tell I'm new here, accidental post thinking the reply button worked differently!
I'm here to tell about my interaction with Bailey and how creepy he can really be (Don't worry KF, once I remember my password I'll add to the cluster fuck of a thread on them both)
Where do I begin, let's start with me being really delusional and thinking I was kin with Ash. Tumblr people can get to the impressionable super super fast and I can admit. I was acting like a retard. I asked him for his(that's what he went by, claiming to be trans male?? But he only changed his identity to be with tea XDD!!!) discord account and we quickly began talking, we hadn't even known eachother for a day and he was grossly trying to ask me, on call, about being in a poly relationship with me and my partner. It was aggressive and I tried to just shrug it off, and he kept asking. He asked how old I was, and I told him I was 17 at the time! He was fairly aggressive when I said I needed to get offline because I needed to sleep, and quickly bought me a videogame off of steam. Now, you wonder what he uses his money for? Obviously not the best things!!
I tried to stay friends and support him and tea, though… Let me tell you he was not happy with me talking one on one with tea and would actually threaten me about little things. I joined the closed RP server, and watched the whole "I could kill tea in her sleep" thing go down and I was freaked out and left.
I'm glad I took the rose colored glasses off, I used to be so obsessed with her stuff. Makes me feel shame now. Thank you for putting this stuff out here for others to see. Really
No. 761225
>>759767yeah this thread is mostly shit tbh
theres better stuff in the kf thread but its also filled with countless pointless posts
No. 765125
>>759767>>750543You really come here looking for threads that aren't pathetic instead of trying to pick up some entertaining stuff among all the garbage.