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No. 336110
old thread
>>139506New thread for lol streamer girls that suffer with the "give me attention disorder".
there are a new wave of streamers and with the old thread, half of the topics are not relevant anymore. Usually these girls will cater to specific audiences of wks in the making and autistic kids. They usually come in packs and are either wannabe loli kids (ex. LilyPichu) or wannabe instagram hoes (ex. Pokimane, Emiru) and the leftovers are usually "bros" who are actually sluts in disguise.
These girls are very money and fame hungry. Often attracted to popular streamers or pro players.
e-thot pack
>cosplay >excessive makeup>usually has a fake voice>takes lots of photoshopped and filtered selfies>terrible at the game and gets carried>mid or support mains >during stream will lowkey show off body ex. dance, roll around the floor, moan, etc >leech>caters to fetishes Post whoever you think fits this catagory along with links
No. 340527
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Pokimane be looking more like a grandma, we all know you're a lowkey slut
No. 341041
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Need I say more?(stay in her thread)
No. 341409
>>341394I really think it's hilarious when she acts like she "naturally" looks like ahri, when it's literally just 5 lbs of makeup. Ahri= blue eyes and thick black makeup and black hair I guess?
also, she DOESNT EVEN PLAY AHRI. Why lure everyone in with the Ahri cosplay when you don't even play mid lane, and have the audacity to call Lux
>faceroll and boringwhen you play Jhin, who has a similar kit, but just in AD form?
//end rant
No. 341555
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former underage /b/ camwhore Gamecatt aka Zune Chan
likes to pretend that her stint on myfreecams didn't happen and that all of her nudes are illegal
ebegged her way into a $3000 gaming rig
all she does is play Hearthstone and wear tank tops No. 345476
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Remilia went from a tranny that doesn't like attention to a attention whore gg
No. 345477
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No. 345478
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No. 345479
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No. 345480
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No. 345481
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No. 345757
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ever since you guys pointed out her nose man, i cannot unsee it anymore, even when shes looking directly into the camera you can see that the bridge is fkin BAD.
No. 347915
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from poki's twitter
No. 347939
>>347915she fucks scarra and bjergsen inbefore double team??
she leads scarra on so bad like literally flirting with him in house and doing cutesy things and when he actually confessed that he liked her she was like "yeah sorry bud"
how fucking pathetic do you have to be to lead already fucked up men along just because you want some danish mommy fucker instead
No. 350573
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The most triggering thing has to be Pok's degenerate fans thinking/claiming she's asian. In what world is this asian?? She's arabian or someshit not east asian, you can put her beside lolifetishpichu and people will still think she's asian(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 350812
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Out of all the e thots Lily has to be the worst one. She literally tries to be a walking anime stereotype. Bitch is like turning 27 soon? And she still wants to look and sound like a little girl, she has to have some DD/LG fetish like Yumi King. She gets triggered anytime someone mentions her real age and likes people to think she's a teen. Also a lowkey slut but likes to play the ~innocent~ card. Poki and Lily really only appeal to weaboos, keep leeching girls~
No. 352931
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>>351893As much as you want it not to be Lily, it was her kek.
Your precious Lily still can't dress herself
>>352931ew, everytime some old ass woman tries to dress loli it only makes them look older and more pathetic
lily and yumi are the perfect examples
No. 360575
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It looks so strange when you put the two of them together, it's even weirder how lily is the older one and she dresses like a retarded kid. Why does she wear that keyboard thing as a accessory? Does lily think she a anime character?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 363776
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So did someone kidnap Yoonie or something? She looks like she's being forced and unhappy
No. 363779
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She takes alot of ass pics
No. 363781
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No. 363832
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>>363779I thought you were nitpicking but wow this pt shot. I don't think she's kidnapped but I think she's getting less patrons for her patreon, she no longer has a $amount assigned to her page, only number of participants.
No. 364284
>>363776finally someone else who thinks she looks like shes being kept against her will
>>363832isn't the $amount assigned been hiding for every patreon for a while now?
No. 364352
>>364284You choose whether or not to show it, the last I checked she had the $ amount shown. Most people hide it if
1) the amount is laughably low
2) the amount is high and they want to avoid criticism (Jessica nigri)
No. 364607
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wouldn't hurt.
No. 365008
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That's just sad now.
No. 375169
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Scarra and his egirls
No. 376735
>>375169>>365008>>360575>>352931>>350812how fucking retarded and desperate do you have to be to constantly post about lily here because this thread is not auto-saged. You are more of an attention whore than any girl discussed in this thread at this point.
Do you autistic sperging here:
>>>/snow/365047 No. 540797
Frankly, I thought that if ya cosplayed while playing (a game) or the game with a character you're cosplaying as - was smart. Was gonna do that, but then RAMPAGE of the boobs popped in and everyone be doing it. All the female streamers I've come across (except for a select few) Either Don't play the game, have their boyfriend's account, pre-record gameplay, have the teeniest tiniest screen for said gameplay and a huge blowup of their cam, wearing skimpy outfits and always asking for something 'new' for their computer. Fuck, If I could get away without guilt by doing that, I would. But i can't. I'd feel so damn bad afterwards.
Also, while I like being a healer in some games, I'd rather be a battle healer (templar) or a "fuck all, you don't get mah heals, team".
No. 540828
Sage for correction and double post