File: 1498924199236.png (474.88 KB, 422x750, Z1SjDqe.png)

No. 344490
- Below average looking tumblr / camwhore.
- Got wasted on drugs and got caught cheating on her boyfriend and cried rape.
- Now claims to be a child sex abuse survivor and uses dd/lg and "rape" fantasies to work through her trauma.
- Claims to have an ED every now and again.
- Begs people online for money and gifts that she claims she is entitled to because people who want to actually earn their money are losers.
- Meets up with old men from tumblr for sex.
- Whenever anybody disagrees with her she plays the victim card and throws a tantrum.
- Admittedly doesn't wash for weeks on end.
4.1 Don't post personal information that leads to real life harassment. No street addresses, phone numbers, or places of employment, unless the subject has published that information publicly on their social media.
4.2 Do not share names, pictures, or social media of people unrelated to the drama being discussed, for example family members, friends, or coworkers.
Violating the above rules will lead to a swift permaban.
No. 344567
File: 1498934368738.gif (Spoiler Image,2.1 MB, 540x304, tumblr_osccz2noYd1rmiw96o3_540…)

Welcome back to lolcow, Shayna! she's been doing more gifs in a different manner as seen. She's also selling her used panties now to gross old men.
No. 345287
File: 1499045675100.png (147.65 KB, 1284x1060, Screen Shot 2017-07-02 at 22.0…)

Now she is selling custom videos kinda expensive.
And I think she is single again.
No. 345326
File: 1499051913016.jpg (21.56 KB, 297x292, Capture.JPG)

She also has a tumblr for her cat (? idk whose cat it is) named Ribmeat…
No. 345897
File: 1499142323081.jpg (26.95 KB, 316x553, Capture.JPG)

More like half your followers are dead bots and the others are ddlg losers like yourself
No. 347771
>>345223>Posts pictures of a family member and compliments her life
>that's creepy, and we're called creeps What?
sage for confusion
No. 348514
File: 1499527595991.jpg (18.18 KB, 302x250, cap.JPG)

Let's get back on topic now that the farmhand has chimed in. I still like how she's going on how she was 'beaten' when literally everything was disproved by irl people who have known her. No wonder she has no friends where she lives. She's so far down a hole with her lies.
No. 349351
File: 1499617989689.png (Spoiler Image,1.08 MB, 1280x800, tumblr_osr481GscV1rmiw96o1_128…)

I'm glad to see Hank Hill got into sex work.
No. 349676
>>348514I hate when people call BDSM a coping mechanism. Handling your urge to self harm, by getting someone ELSE to harm you, is not dealing with the root of the problem. All you've done is shift the responsibility of harming your body onto someone else.
And bitch…you literally punch yourself in the face in front of strangers for 50¢. Clearly your wonderful 'coping mechanism' isn't working, it's just killing your brain cells.
No. 350049
File: 1499706603541.jpg (Spoiler Image,81.34 KB, 850x890, why.JPG)

So much for her ~I'm allergic to weed~ bullshit. Wasn't she insulting some pot heads on tumblr not that long ago? I know it was in the deleted thread where she was calling people 'pot head losers' She's such a fucking hypocrite. Imagine spoiled because she is nude. Her hair though…. Girl… Did you really go to a professional?
No. 350070
File: 1499708690239.jpg (Spoiler Image,93.97 KB, 978x551, Screenshot_20170710-104220.jpg)

Proof she looks at this thread.
No. 350072
>>350049damn did she gain a shit ton of weight? or is it just the angle? She looks way thicker. and not in a good way.
Also what is that blue tint at the top of her hair? girl…get a refund.
No. 350100
>>350049>>350072Holy shit did her stylist really try to tone her bleached roots with blue? jfc
also if that was freshly done, that is the worst attempt at root shading I've ever seen. at least I'm assuming that's what's going on here but who knows.
File: 1499714640818.jpg (30.83 KB, 670x406, shayew.JPG)

I love how she acts like she makes big bucks from her work. She clearly can't even keep herself clean which already proves she doesn't care about herself or her job which is why she only makes 10 dollars at most. Imagine slapping yourself on the face for 50 cents because you are too lazy to get a real job.
No. 350146
>>350144More like 200-400 $ a month tops
I'm sure there's tons of fake doms ready to buy her greasy muddy skinned videos
No. 350160
File: 1499716626637.jpg (63.44 KB, 320x595, Capture.JPG)

>>350144Thumping your thread, shayna? btw you still only make at least 200 dollars a month
No. 350194
>>350192Yes, she makes money because she markets herself to the people who would buy her content. Me stating that the assumptions you're all making about someone income isnt defending their disgusting behavior. Learn to stop being so
triggered when you're wrong about something. I still hate her, I've been following and posting in her threads since the beginning, just educating you all since you don't know.
No. 350229
>>350217the pig photosets is one of the most pathetic things i've ever seen. it would make me sad for her if she wasn't such an irredeemable piece of shit.
she is absolutely fucked for life.
No. 350279
>>350243>>350191She's earning money, but not much from her cam shows, more the vids. Plus she has no shame about begging for things to be given to her, so even if her monthly income isn't huge we can't make an reasonable assumptions on how much of it she actually spends. She's just a nasty camgirl who appeals to guys that like dirty, dumb helpless women that they can treat as a fuckable punching bag. Most women hate being degraded like that because anyone who isn't shayna would have an iota of self respect, but the fact she allows it and ~likes~ it means she gets cash for it.
sage cause nothing new
No. 350823
File: 1499811477434.jpg (28.22 KB, 290x621, shutup.JPG)

Apparently she's depressed cause she's getting no attention…. god
No. 350927
File: 1499829923612.jpg (Spoiler Image,46.13 KB, 540x304, tumblr_os0tknqvDm1rmiw96o1_540…)

JFC Shay what did you do to your vag?
No. 351209
>>350927i know we address this all the time,but this is exactly what happened to me when i was younger and thought having a bald puss was essential so every time i went to hook up with a guy i would shave super fast and kinda dry, and i would do it every day too. doing it every day like nicked the skin as i pulled the hair and legit looked exactly like this. shay, don't shave dry, those cuts can scar, and shave slowly, and try to give three days minimum between shaving.
i hate you but your vagina needs some TLC because looking at it gives me flashbacks
No. 351261
File: 1499886573809.gif (Spoiler Image,2.84 MB, 540x304, tumblr_ortzkv4HqI1rmiw96o3_540…)

I know this is rather old but since the old thread was gone when this was posted and she keeps circulating this… I just, something about this gif makes me really uncomfortable, a kind if uncomfortable I don't know if I've felt before. It's truly disturbing yet lulzy
No. 351282
File: 1499888429701.jpg (57.38 KB, 297x690, Capture.JPG)

Who would actually go to this retard for advice?
No. 351811
File: 1499955409716.gif (Spoiler Image,2.05 MB, 540x304, tumblr_ot0ah5Xe7h1rmiw96o3_540…)

Just when I thought a person couldnt ruin their life any worse, this materialised. No salvation
No. 351846
>>351811Looks like she gained some weight.
>An oink oink here, and an oink oink there, here an oink, there an oink, everywhere an oink oink!!! I put on some piggy ears and a lil piggy nose and prepare for the humiliation of a lifetime. I warm up my piggy tail plug in my mouth and put it up my bum!! Then, I grab a pretty pink marker and write "fuck pig" across my cute tits (though it takes sometime cause I'm a dumb lil girl) and then drool all over my chest and make the marker run down my body. The humiliation continues when I give you a sloppy blowjob and gag and drool all over myself, before I beg you to fuck my ass. You write "whore" across my butt cheeks, but the 'o' is…well…where you put your big cock in my little ass. I moan and gasp and tell you how much I love being your little fuck pig. Soon, I grab my vibe with your cock still in my ass and you fuck me hard until I cum!!! I love being your little fuck pigThe drool and the misspelling, wtf, she is pretending to be retard?
No. 356326
File: 1500582606592.jpg (213.56 KB, 847x947, whyisherthemesoretarded.JPG)

Apparently she's having some drama with littlesativabug. Her theme is so confusing so I'm sorry for the screen cap layout :/ it's just how her theme is.
No. 356334
>>356326She does this all the time. Always inserts herself into other people's drama.
And I'm 99% when littlesativabug said "all you do is sex work", she meant that you have no other job besides sex work, so you don't have to worry about your sex work interfering with your "day job." obviously. But as usual Shayna loves to freak out about nothing and get abnormally defensive.
No. 356404
File: 1500590723155.jpg (40.62 KB, 853x280, shayew.JPG)

I went lurking on Littlesativa's blog and found this. Looks like Shayna is starting to cause a little drama
No. 356821
File: 1500646174306.jpg (323.26 KB, 750x1953, u1Jngds.jpg)

she got fucking DRAGGED but she's still acting like "i don't care lmao :)))"
i know her ass hurts as fuck now
No. 356828
File: 1500646564748.jpg (505.98 KB, 750x4172, ukWCeNR.jpg)

>>356326>>356334this is a proper screenshot of drama thread
No. 356910
File: 1500656944280.jpg (57.57 KB, 804x334, Capture.JPG)

I went through her tag to see if she was getting any backlash. Apparently a lot of the big sex workers are not happy with her (even some she kissed ass to) So I'm interested to see how this plays out.
No. 356919
>>356878She probably wouldn't even know how to respond to that. Her only quips are saying how hot she is and that she can bang your dad or some shit.
I'm glad she's being called out for being a dumbass.
No. 356938
File: 1500659701231.jpg (24.52 KB, 706x150, Capture.JPG)

Her only response to all of this. Could have guessed it.
No. 356953
File: 1500661193559.jpg (45.78 KB, 330x321, Capture.JPG)

>>356938samefag because I'm horribly sick with nothing better to do. She couldn't keep her mouth shut / deleted the nopenopenope post completely. Here is her more recent one now on the drama.
No. 357081
>>356953Lmao bitch stop acting like you were just trying to help and provide advice. You were being a cunt.
Want to address the hitler comment, shayna?
No. 357171
File: 1500675967055.jpg (75.58 KB, 318x671, image.JPG)

She mentioned us lol
No. 357239
File: 1500684383449.png (196.14 KB, 720x1122, 20170721_204411.png)

Birds of a feather
No. 357241
File: 1500684410128.png (181.62 KB, 720x1112, 20170721_204353.png)

Flock together.
No. 357243
File: 1500684667286.jpg (59.3 KB, 330x566, 1.JPG)

I'm gonna dump some screen caps I snagged from her blog just in case she deletes them.
No. 357246
File: 1500684710677.jpg (77.12 KB, 311x524, Capture.JPG)

No. 357247
File: 1500684744448.jpg (12.3 KB, 341x73, 2.JPG)

No. 357249
File: 1500684858588.png (167.75 KB, 720x1115, 20170721_205219.png)

(Sorry you can't even tell) but brat_grrl2 has been plugging Shaynas disgusting "porn" as well. It's almost as if most cows have… something in common hmmm
No. 357264
>>357243What?? Excuse me? Shayna ALWAYS called herself a sex worker when she was only selling her private blog and snap. Like, she could never shut the fuck up about how she was a sex worker and how she hated the stigma of being a sex worker.
Hypocritical as usual. And she obviously does view it as an elitist club.
No. 357265
>>357249lol this description
is this different to the like uhh daddys anal pig one? cus they sound the same (im like sad i even wrote those words down)
No. 357518
File: 1500741564808.jpg (318.08 KB, 750x2394, IMG_5713.JPG)

More posts about Shayna… She's really into drama.
No. 357553
File: 1500746534467.jpg (51.07 KB, 345x695, Capture.JPG)

I went snooping on around on potheadkitten's blog to see if I could find anything about Shayna. Apparently Shayna's gf bought the girl's snapchat for shayna and her to watch? idk how true this is since potheadkitten hasn't offered any proof besides just saying it. Shayna hasn't denied it either.
No. 357588
File: 1500750785202.png (268.99 KB, 1080x1363, IMG_20170722_121139.png)

>>357239You cropped out the best part
Her first little comment there
No. 357700
File: 1500762545948.jpg (64.31 KB, 739x909, Capture.JPG)

She's finally realizing how bad she's changed hopefully. Confirmed Jess is no longer in her life and was def talking about her in the other thread (she mentioned Jess was a 'pot head loser') idk if anyone has the screen caps from that since that post is long well deleted.
No. 358749
File: 1500860536606.png (Spoiler Image,545.52 KB, 1080x1606, IMG_20170723_184037.png)

What's more tempting, follow and wait or report and not bother
(Also her new ig is dumlildolly) free the titty, girl.
No. 359652
File: 1500954201555.jpg (23.6 KB, 305x249, okayshayna.JPG)

I love it when she tries to pretend like this stuff doesn't bother her. Probably doesn't want to make herself look worse after her 'baby hitler' comment. (1/2) (I have another post for what the blog said)
No. 359654
File: 1500954219436.jpg (46.03 KB, 461x625, 1.JPG)

No. 359705
problematic sex worker" lmao as if most of them aren't
problematic No. 361338
File: 1501123732209.png (Spoiler Image,1.09 MB, 1010x1643, IMG_20170726_194716.png)

Someone is already catfishing Shayna and they have more ig followers than she does Sage for nothing new I think
No. 361681
>>359654so many camgirls/sex workers are ultra sjw about the morals and behaviour of fellow girls
them catering to pedos, financially ruining men etc is all fine though and totally not ~
No. 361715
File: 1501185543495.jpg (16.15 KB, 729x154, ohshaynayousillylittlewhore.JP…)

Now she's lying about her age apparently. Gotta pretend you're still a teen to cater to your pedo customers
No. 361755
File: 1501188132345.jpg (33.96 KB, 309x330, 1.JPG)

who went and cowtipped? (1/2)
No. 361756
File: 1501188147107.jpg (44.08 KB, 334x414, Capture.JPG)

samefag (2/2)
No. 361829
>>361796seriously they both sound like her
>go pet an animal ppl and learn 2 smilei wouldnt be surprised if she asked herself to try and cover her back
No. 362573
File: 1501288186986.png (217.46 KB, 1076x1276, 2017-07-28 18.24.34.png)

"I already look 2 years younger than I actually am"
I'm not sure about that Shayna. Unless she's actually 40?
No. 362581
>>362573she'd rather not look like a 15 y/o
thats right shes trying to go for a "13 y/o" loolk
No. 362626
>>362573she thinks she looks like a 13 year old? w that granny face?
well, i admire her confidence i guess
No. 362928
File: 1501338631211.png (Spoiler Image,319.39 KB, 662x373, 2017-05-18 (42).png)

Man, I miss the old thread. Full o' gems
No. 362931
File: 1501338754603.png (Spoiler Image,279.57 KB, 628x353, 2017-05-18 (53).png)

No. 362992
File: 1501346637460.jpg (59.74 KB, 305x517, Capture.JPG)

This girl loves to dig herself deeper into a hole. I snagged this before she deletes it completely. I thought she was ~done with the drama~
No. 363236
File: 1501380112973.png (Spoiler Image,947.04 KB, 994x1232, Screenshot_2017-07-29-18-58-53…)

There's something super bothering about this image or images….. It's so non Shayna looking I wish she looked like this more she might actually look good for once instead of looking like a pedophile.
No. 363276
>>363244Sorry she looks better in a dress that looks like something a 20 year old could pull off instead of wearing panties for children and other obviously cheap child's clothes that's what I was getting at. She looks somewhat
normal and it's too bad for that
No. 363995
File: 1501515729871.jpg (13.06 KB, 312x200, Capture.JPG)

I love it when she reblogged this type of stuff cause she's fully aware she legit has no friends. At least her life was decent BEFORE she started this whole ddlg cam whore stuff. She threw it all away though. I might mention she's been deleting any milk/drama post that has been posted here (so screencap if you don't see it on this thread.)
No. 364112
File: 1501528627294.png (45.16 KB, 792x367, Screenshot_2017-07-31-12-15-36…)

No. 364134
File: 1501532821609.png (52.87 KB, 959x481, Screenshot_2017-07-31-13-25-44…)

U mean bcuz u don't wash ur hair ever Shayna
No. 364264
File: 1501548701776.png (112.76 KB, 1080x1198, IMG_20170731_175022.png)

Yeah I'm sure you love them, bet you just stir your own pot or you're trying to call that smoke coming out of your ass something it isn't
No. 364343
File: 1501558324113.gif (Spoiler Image,2.03 MB, 540x304, tumblr_oss6y8J4Oi1rmiw96o4_540…)

yeah, she's been deleting shit left and right the second it goes on this blog. She thinks she can hide her tracks / pretend she never said it. What is with her content? she seems to be getting worse and worse. Please be warned about this gif.
No. 364363
That's a dildo right kek
No. 364372
>>364343Oh wow….I was not prepared for that.
I actually almost died laughing.
That has to be the most revolting thing I have seen in a while.
No. 364535
>financially ruining menis this a joke or…?
if not a bloo bloo bloo
I'm a poor man and can't control my sexual urges, feel sorry for me and hate on those wicked wanton sluts for taking advantage of men's weaknesses!
Or, here's a novel idea, how about putting the responsibility where it belongs?
If you're talking about a client who is slow that's one thing, but a man freely handing over payment for a
service is hardly "ruining" them.
Come on now, what is this, 1817?
sage for being incredulous
No. 364742
File: 1501615168888.jpg (21.45 KB, 329x224, Capture.JPG)

Also cried rape a lot when got caught cheating.
No. 365053
File: 1501654099447.png (100.3 KB, 969x1130, Screenshot_2017-08-01-23-06-36…)

Maybe you should spend some of that money on washing yourself, feeding yourself properly and getting a better hair job
No. 365118
>>365053The way she type gives me real headaches (I swear, it's even worse when English isn't your 1st language)
Is she retarded or it's just a part of her "dumb-nasty-bimbo" act?
sage for obvious answer
No. 365661
File: 1501729826075.png (178.36 KB, 1080x1450, IMG_20170731_174831.png)

Gotta love the suck ups
No. 367053
File: 1501953336646.png (276.49 KB, 1242x1993, IMG_6670.PNG)

I think she forgot how to math.
Her lifetime Snapchat is $10.
Her "porn" she sells for roughly $8-$10.
Last I checked 10+10 doesn't equal 250.
No. 367072
>>367059It's possible that she figured it out since she made that statement, because she seems to visit here a lot and it isn't hard to get the hang of.
The only thing that makes me wonder if that was her is she said "vendetta thread" which makes me think its a regular farmer. But it is pretty clear she lurks here and has most likely posted before so…
No. 368375
File: 1502126797283.jpg (28.97 KB, 337x238, Capture.JPG)

I hardly doubt anyone compliments her outfits. She's reaching for them butt pats though.
No. 368419
File: 1502130191336.jpg (Spoiler Image,164.86 KB, 719x1280, 9586c96a-25c8-4bcf-91d0-c47d62…)

>>367123Was is really her sister who got it taken down? Also, buy her super sexy Snapchat guise!!
No. 368421
>>368419omg thats hilarious
did it think her nipple was an eye!
No. 369547
File: 1502310656535.jpg (44.2 KB, 316x415, okay.JPG)

Your gf's ~skin routine~ is still shit like yours, Shayna.
No. 369746
File: 1502330389222.png (45.85 KB, 1777x215, upload_2017-4-30_14-32-40.png)

Testimony of someone who knew her in highschool
No. 369748
File: 1502330434285.png (Spoiler Image,1014.14 KB, 983x1466, Screenshot_2017-08-09-18-54-27…)

These are gross. Old posts that got posted on kiwi
No. 369749
File: 1502330471677.png (Spoiler Image,1.31 MB, 958x1468, Screenshot_2017-08-09-18-54-47…)

No. 369751
File: 1502330509561.png (Spoiler Image,530.42 KB, 982x513, Screenshot_2017-08-09-18-55-00…)

No. 369752
File: 1502330580227.png (Spoiler Image,635.5 KB, 908x868, Screenshot_2017-08-09-18-55-21…)

Unflattering but here's everyone's favorite dolly
No. 369753
File: 1502330619425.png (Spoiler Image,747.24 KB, 836x1182, Screenshot_2017-08-09-18-55-28…)

Bumps on her coochie
No. 369755
File: 1502330719474.png (Spoiler Image,415.56 KB, 933x503, Screenshot_2017-08-09-18-55-36…)

Beware. This image is horrendous idk what happened to her ass but that's not healthy and I bet she never took time to let it heal. We know she doesn't shower or bathe or really clean herself in general
No. 369760
File: 1502331161721.jpg (Spoiler Image,502.11 KB, 1920x1200, IMG_20170809_191135.jpg)

"goth barbie"
No. 369762
File: 1502331200644.png (Spoiler Image,840.23 KB, 854x1115, Screenshot_2017-08-09-19-10-05…)

Another sad shave
No. 370060
File: 1502380976073.png (168.36 KB, 992x1250, Screenshot_2017-08-09-22-46-57…)

What shitty ass computer does she have lol
No. 370062
File: 1502381024288.png (128.96 KB, 951x1073, Screenshot_2017-08-09-22-27-18…)

Oh no she's so triggered
No. 370344
>>370281Couldn't watch more than 15 minutes, wow, she is boring. All she did was take off her top (after a tipper asked her to take off her skirt) play with the ring gag but not actually put it in her mouth ("my mouth is super tight"), lick the pink dildo and take it 2" into her mouth, and "punch" herself once - I don't think you could even call it a punch at all.
Her voice is fine though, there's no way she's actually insecure about it lol.
No. 370912
File: 1502495047197.jpg (29.47 KB, 332x267, Capture.JPG)

She desperately wants Colleen to be her gf lol it sounds like she's describing Colleen compared to her bull dog of a gf
No. 371235
File: 1502549086883.png (Spoiler Image,234.11 KB, 307x642, Screenshot_2017-08-12-07-44-10…)

What the fuck this barely looks like her
No. 371236
File: 1502549125841.png (77.1 KB, 993x656, Screenshot_2017-08-12-07-43-43…)

Anyone got the caps yet
No. 371529
File: 1502584601548.jpg (47.66 KB, 763x568, Capture.JPG)

this girl cannot be serious. No one wants to see you fuck your gf, Shayna
No. 371533
>>371529shes not gonna fk her she seemed repulsed whenever that girl touched her
>>371235wow i guess its kinda blurry so that helped soften out her huge nose
No. 371967
File: 1502659747395.jpg (25.52 KB, 339x349, ew.JPG)

I really, really hope this bitch gets sued for this.
No. 371981
File: 1502661981306.jpg (19.11 KB, 332x197, Capture.JPG)

samefag, but I realized Shayna lives in Washington. She can legit get sued if she doesn't inform the pizza person she is filming them since Washington goes by that 2 party law system. So let's hope she's dumb enough to record the person without consent.
No. 371986
i dont actually believe she'll do it tho
No. 372523
File: 1502742109575.jpg (75.41 KB, 601x940, Capture.JPG)

Looks like Shayna dug herself into some drama again
No. 372525
File: 1502742163719.jpg (66.29 KB, 751x780, 1.JPG)

>>372523Samefag. Shayna is apparently getting backlash for copying this girl's photo.
No. 372535
>>372523How the fuck do you manage to make the tacky, trashy and edgy try-hard shit in
>>372525 look even more tacky, trashy and edgy try-hard?
seriously that shit is disgusting.
No. 372536
File: 1502743762358.jpg (29.34 KB, 311x300, asks.JPG)

I really hope I'm not bothering with all the screencaps haha. Here is another one. Shayna is known for deleting stuff so I try to post them quickly.
No. 372537
File: 1502743816022.jpg (57.81 KB, 525x883, 2.JPG)

(2/2) the last one from the other girl's blog about the situation
No. 372585
File: 1502748936540.jpg (71.19 KB, 323x640, asks2.JPG)

Shayna sure "loves" girls alright
No. 372665
File: 1502816329854.png (168.78 KB, 977x1128, Screenshot_2017-08-14-17-44-13…)

It was the fact Shayna lied apparently
No. 375170
File: 1503118434179.png (227.57 KB, 1080x1668, IMG_20170818_215317.png)

No. 375171
File: 1503118447690.png (119.53 KB, 1080x1181, IMG_20170818_215310.png)

No. 375175
File: 1503118779644.jpg (174.28 KB, 1548x826, Capture.JPG)

I went through her tag and gathered what people were saying about her. Apparently little miss Shayna asked people to buy her a brown dildo for a 'I hate trump video'
No. 375176
File: 1503118799574.png (167.82 KB, 946x1244, Screenshot_2017-08-18-21-59-27…)

No mommies or daddies or even a girlfriend apparently
No. 375177
File: 1503118959713.png (234.99 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_ouv15woL1z1w43xuxo1_128…)

>>375175Samefagging but I found the post Shayna made herself so she cannot deny she made it.
No. 375199
I'm sorry for the “racist” things I said but you all just took it wrong!! I apologized… What more do you want? I made a racist joke because I don't understand racism or that this country has always been shitty and racist. Woe is me, I don't expect anyone to not be upset with me or to forgive my white privileged self but please know I said those ignorant, racist, and insensitive things JUST to be cute and funny and *~*edgy*~* NOT RACIST ;) I'M NOT A REAL RACIST REMEMBER,
File: 1503123660554.png (206.79 KB, 998x1180, Screenshot_2017-08-18-23-19-53…)

Tags incoming
No. 375202
File: 1503123685703.png (135.45 KB, 1018x808, Screenshot_2017-08-18-23-20-07…)

Pity train
No. 375204
>>375170>>375201Shayna please just admit it was racist. Nice try referring to it as ignorant, offensive, shitty, cruel, ill intended, and distasteful. IT WAS EVERYTHING BUT RACIST, HUH?
>>375202and fuck her "may be offensive". BITCH IT WAS.
No. 375316
>>375296A lot of camgirls own black dildos… So they're all racist? I feel like it's more of a tumblrina overreacting situation, judging by
>>375175 "All white people are racist" that reeks of sjw
No. 375348
>>375248Are YOU dumb? Shay is a gross cow for sure but never did she say anything about the recent events in specific nor wanting to profit off of anything but a video with a president mask and a black dildo. Everyone finding it offensive needs to get their head out of tumblrs asshole. It's not "racist". Obviously you need the definition of racist, which is to feel SUPERIOR to another race. which… She obviously has not done. So yes
>>375316 you're not crazy for calling out this crazy SJW nitpick.
No. 375386
File: 1503162690763.jpg (18.21 KB, 752x161, 1.JPG)

She's making a new blog hopefully someone can snag the url
No. 375403
File: 1503164708986.png (215.5 KB, 875x1063, Screenshot_2017-08-19-10-43-41…)

Please keep hitting the nail on the head spot on
No. 375404
File: 1503165132357.png (127.04 KB, 1035x1144, Screenshot_2017-08-19-10-51-17…)

No. 375405
File: 1503165148068.png (187.45 KB, 996x1375, Screenshot_2017-08-19-10-51-29…)

No. 375423
File: 1503167886261.png (54.67 KB, 1014x540, Screenshot_2017-08-19-10-33-09…)

Cuz she deleted it
No. 375533
>>375520THIS. Excellent observation. ?
>>375525what's her new blog?
No. 375544
>>375525She repeats this same cycle once every few months. Acts all hard talking about fucking married men and she hates her mother and she's so hot nobody can touch her. Then she fucks up somehow and ends up in drama with another user. Then her tough facade falls away and she makes vague references to suicide and how worthless and miserable she is.
I wish the old threads were still open because this behavior was documented thoroughly on there I believe. It happens like clockwork.
No. 375545
File: 1503182323877.png (152.7 KB, 1920x1030, dumdolly2.PNG)

she is trying so hard to take some moral high ground. she's acting like she tried so hard to fix her behavior and apologize. but instead she's like, "oh ive apologized i can't do more than that".
if you apologize and don't even attempt to change your behavior, then your apology was bullshit. "i don't understand why I'm being ATTACKED" it literally sounds like the crying Nazi.
"people only want to go after me because im popular." "i know im a good person so i don't need to change"
then she makes a runaway blog after threatening to kill herself, then backtracks, then complains shes the victim. WHY DO PEOPLE LIKE HER? THIS IS THE 3RD (or more) TIME SHES BEEN CALLED OUT FOR BULLSHIT AND SHE REFUSES TO CHANGE.
No. 375558
>>375545"A call for attention and drama"… That is her whole entire existence on tumblr, but okay.
At least she admitted she's racist for like, a second. She can't understand why she is being "attacked" when there are more racist people out there. LOL
It's also funny that she thinks people come at her just because she's popular, not because she's
She lives in denial way too much. She needs to go spend some of the supposed heaps of money she earns making/selling porn on some professional mental health services instead of buying more cheap knock off misspelled shit from Amazon or whatever else she blows it on. Maybe get an education and life goals too.
No. 375888
File: 1503248580964.png (89.18 KB, 1080x766, Screenshot_2017-08-20-08-53-06…)

No. 375890
File: 1503248731004.png (173.17 KB, 1080x1592, IMG_20170820_100515.png)

No. 375891
File: 1503248780893.png (211.1 KB, 1040x1242, Screenshot_2017-08-20-09-46-03…)

No. 375893
File: 1503248795793.png (129.64 KB, 999x885, Screenshot_2017-08-20-09-46-30…)

No. 375900
File: 1503249581689.png (790.19 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_1756.PNG)

From her new run away blog, thesaddesthoe
pic 1
No. 375902
File: 1503249639246.png (492.43 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_1755.PNG)

Pic 2 from her new runaway blog.
shows that she doesn't actually think she did anything wrong, and that people are attacking her unmerited.
No. 375912
File: 1503250074570.png (193.65 KB, 821x865, Screenshot_2017-08-20-10-27-26…)

No. 375942
>>375885Hey, it's you! I remember when you posted that and she sent her followers after you. I actually brought that up in one of the deleted threads, because if I remember correctly that was one of the first times she showed the behavior of acting all hard and then playing the victim so that everyone backs off of her.
You were in the right, and you are once again in the right by calling her manipulative. She's trash.
No. 376397
>>344490Everytime I see her picture pop up in the catalog I sort of wanted to puke.
>>361681>financially ruining menUhm, it's the guy's choice whether or not to throw cash for some ~action~
>>376356She needs cash that badly.
No. 376573
File: 1503332576609.png (126.36 KB, 984x1128, Screenshot_2017-08-21-09-22-09…)

So much for "free videos"
Sage for nothing new just redundancy
No. 376850
>>371235Yah because for once she actually has makeup on. But since her makeup skills are limited to eyeliner and fake lashes, what we get is a painted up whore in a daddy shirt who thinks she looks attractive enough to sell porn with fucking open sores on her ass I fucking can't.
Sage cos I'm sure this isn't new information
No. 377153
File: 1503419866929.png (202.14 KB, 922x476, Screenshot_2017-08-22-09-37-04…)

No. 377173
>>377166Other jews were offended by it though.
And for anyone still wondering if Shayna's apology was sincere, this should show you it's not.
No. 377174
>>377166she may be jewish but shes still fucking trash. saying that ONLY people who are jewish can decide whether or not a hitler comment was offensive. what he did was terrible, you don't just have to be jewish to understand that. ughhh what's with all these sex workers thinking they're the best thing to have graced this earth can someone explain?
sage cos this is probably already known
No. 377229
File: 1503429317153.png (430.48 KB, 718x704, coke barbie.png)

Is the dumb dolly sad hoe doing coke?
No. 377251
File: 1503431605342.jpg (27.33 KB, 611x228, ok.JPG)

>>377166Sadbaffoon is so far up Shayna's ass that Shayna could threaten to skin someone and she would still back Shayna up.
Anyway.. on things that never happened in Shayna land.
No. 377421
File: 1503442165354.png (Spoiler Image,849.65 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170822-154810.png)

No. 377424
File: 1503442196088.png (Spoiler Image,1.07 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170822-154828.png)

Her face omg
No. 377425
File: 1503442243790.png (Spoiler Image,1.23 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170822-154853.png)

No. 377427
File: 1503442452965.png (Spoiler Image,293.39 KB, 369x479, Screen Shot 2017-08-22 at 6.51…)

She sports a red, swollen boil on her ass in the cowgirl vid too. Does she use public toilets a lot or something?
No. 377463
>>377427no, she's just dirty as fuck and never showers.
>>377421is that wart on her junk an sti or just an unfortunate growth
No. 377481
File: 1503445771663.gif (576.32 KB, 384x288, IMG_3707.GIF)

>>377251IRL video of the guy yelling from the car.
No. 377533
File: 1503449606581.png (1.3 MB, 718x948, loldumdolly.PNG)

for a $5000 contest, she doesn't even take new pics. just posts horrible screenshots from some old "schoolgirl" video (ive seen the video, it has nothing to do with the schoolgirl porn trope). no wonder she's in 436th place lmao
No. 377588
File: 1503454077164.png (149.88 KB, 1242x921, IMG_1801.PNG)

sadbaffoon reallllly reaching with this one. "maybe she just didn't know" because, you know, no one ever learns about the holocaust or the atrocities of Hitler.
just goes to show you how uneducated they both are.
No. 377590
File: 1503454336810.png (54.85 KB, 819x408, Screen Shot 2017-08-22 at 10.0…)

>>377588So uneducated, it's sad.
Sadbaffoon also has no idea what internalized racism and antisemitism means. Shayna is neither non-white or jewish, so how exactly does she have internalized racism/antisemitism? smh
No. 377601
File: 1503455236528.jpg (22.98 KB, 338x373, 1.JPG)

Shayna sure dropped in score on her manyvids. She went from being rank 17 to rank 62 kek
No. 377610
File: 1503455832772.png (1.71 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_1802.PNG)

Remember how that hotel was $250 not too long ago? Proof she reads this thread.
Hi Shayna! Please go take care of the boils on your ass and privates before you infect someone!
No. 377621
File: 1503456877663.png (1.26 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_1803.PNG)

And don't forget, for a mere $125 you can get her $10 snapchat that she barely posts on! What a deal!
No. 377626
File: 1503457641712.jpg (43.5 KB, 816x221, 2.JPG)

Shayna's token jewish friend is caving from the 'hate' she's getting.
No. 377627
>>377624I'm pretty sure she's unaware that hotels can ban you for life, and/or kick you out with no refund if you use their facilities to make porn without their knowledge. It's completely under their discretion. Maybe she should have looked into that because she's gone on rants about "if you haven't looked into it and you get banned it's your fault so you can't complain".
Tbh, I really just want her business to collapse and her life to fall apart and for her to gain some knowledge and humility.
No. 377733
File: 1503470382906.jpg (199.37 KB, 748x799, Capture.JPG)

No. 377740
>>377733i couldn't even fucking read past the first paragraph of this, the way that she types is absolutely GOD AWFUL. why would she type like an idiot on purpose if she's trying to make a serious point and have a valid opinion..
>>377594but seriously……it hurts me every time she tries to tries to put a thought together, i genuinely think this girl is seriously fucking stupid, like very low IQ stupid. she really is as dum as she claims to be
No. 377851
>>377733Queen of contradiction.
"whatever the hell ppl on this site get ever so upset over. obvs what i said was bad"
And then her commenter "why the fuck is everyone so worried about racism"
You can't make this shit up.
Now I'm waiting for sadbaffoon to turn her ask back on so I can inform her why she is racist.
No. 377912
File: 1503500342684.png (111.15 KB, 1010x1165, Screenshot_2017-08-23-07-57-55…)

Remember how she harass bug for somebody posting her photos on Twitter this screen cap is of the same thing happening to shay
No. 377918
File: 1503502050280.png (223.45 KB, 982x1043, Screenshot_2017-08-23-08-27-04…)

The ugly Ho has spoken
No. 378049
File: 1503515374982.jpg (3.43 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1805.JPG)

currently ignoring her customers on MyFreeCams. She's on as @stupidbaby, go watch the trainwreck unfold.
No. 378171
File: 1503527505771.png (Spoiler Image,143 KB, 1429x1051, IMG_7585.PNG)

Shayna back at it with that pimple covered ass
No. 378174
>>378171It's getting worse :O
Shayna stop picking and go to a dermatologist
No. 378216
File: 1503532379576.png (Spoiler Image,220.27 KB, 479x362, Screen Shot 2017-08-23 at 7.49…)

She's on cam underage drinking and being weird
No. 378217
File: 1503532402985.png (Spoiler Image,249.81 KB, 482x361, Screen Shot 2017-08-23 at 7.43…)

No. 378805
File: 1503601486338.jpg (Spoiler Image,352.43 KB, 1512x955, 20170824_150349.jpg)

The fact that someone out there birthed this thing makes my head hurt.
No. 378873
File: 1503607119414.jpg (25.4 KB, 775x175, Capture.JPG)

Why does she like subjecting people to see her naked? her body is gross and disgusting. Like it's trashy and not cute.
No. 378889
File: 1503608833394.png (22.97 KB, 705x498, Screenshot_2017-08-24-14-06-50…)

No. 378984
File: 1503616237233.png (585.49 KB, 988x1090, Screenshot_2017-08-24-16-09-58…)

Sage for nothing new but found this gem
No. 379040
File: 1503619712129.png (916.47 KB, 676x646, waitwhatisthis.PNG)

is this supposed to be like…her giving effort? because it looks like pjs and like someone punched her face and she threw some powder over it and said okay! time to take sexy photos!
No. 379043
File: 1503619771484.png (Spoiler Image,589.38 KB, 627x520, saddesthoecreep.PNG)

found this on her new blog, thesaddesthoe
this is extremely creepy and just gives me really creepy vibes
No. 379047
>>379043oh no, shayna has to deal with being an adult and can't just write it off by pretending to be a child anymore. oh no, she has to force herself to pretend to be pedophile fodder. what ever should we do to help this lovely soul out of her misery?
i just rolled my eyes so hard i think they're stuck.
No. 379063
File: 1503621000650.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.61 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1812.JPG)

didn't know Shayna was in Family Guy ?
No. 379064
File: 1503621055572.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.46 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1813.JPG)

didn't know Shayna was in Family Guy ?
No. 379065
File: 1503621095498.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.49 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1814.JPG)

didn't know Shayna was in Family Guy ?(?)
No. 379156
File: 1503628465992.png (51.79 KB, 1094x636, manyvids.PNG)

i couldn't message her after that, it wouldn't send. so i talked to her on tumblr. we've since blocked each other. i know this sucks as proof.
No. 379180
>>379156You seem polite as hell here…
She literally can't handle anything but a perfect review I guess. I'm sure you're not the first nor last. Blocking you will just mean you can find better camgirls if that's something you still do. Her loss
No. 379236
>>379229>Can you imagine googling your name>This stuff would stick with you for lifeYou really
don't think that she is embarrassing herself enough on the internet AS IT IS without the help of this thread?? Holy shit
No. 379254
File: 1503637936557.png (Spoiler Image,15.69 KB, 822x165, r1.png)

Manyvids anon, I found your reviews on her vids. So I guess you cant see them because you are blocked? Either way, she clearly cant handle any constructive criticism.
No. 379367
>She has a very original lookThat's a nice way of saying she's ugly.
>her nails always look amazingIn reality, they breed bacteria and fungus, hence why she has bumps and boils on her privates and face.
No. 379456
>>379040This out fit doesn't even match what the fuck those slipper sandal heel things look so fucking dumb
Sage for nitpicking
No. 379851
File: 1503714558476.jpg (75.88 KB, 1305x872, Capture.JPG)

yet she flips whenever anyone makes rape jokes
No. 379856
>>379851yah because she doesn't care if she does it. she thinks it's edgy when she does it, but if someone else does it she gets ~*
from all that childhood abuse she suffered, all those times she cried rape when she was really just being a cheating whore. all that ~*trauma*~
No. 380151
File: 1503760594968.jpg (53.65 KB, 829x293, Capture.JPG)

But I mean fuck everyone else Shayna has harassed or anything like that! gotta keep the precious widdle angel happy (sadbaffoon is Shayna's friend)
No. 380308
File: 1503774361075.png (150.35 KB, 1003x814, Screenshot_2017-08-26-12-04-57…)

Thanks for supporting my racism and white privilege uwu
No. 380379
>>380369She definitelyisn't in MA anymore and this is a touchy subject on here to discuss her family so please don't. (I don't think her Pa moved to the other side of the country without his other family)
She moved to WA and judging by the time of day she posts it coincides with the time zone
No. 380412
>>379285>acting as if there aren't other sex workers on this siteAwww shoot it it's retarded :(
What the fuck where did all the whiteknighting all over lolcow come from.
You do realize that doesn't stop this board yes? Why do people even try. Moving on. If she's posting all of this willingly with her name I'm sure it'll come back to her in the future let Shayna worry about that.
No. 380924
File: 1503855079002.png (Spoiler Image,786.16 KB, 784x439, 30yrolddum.PNG)

can we just talk about this? she looks 30
No. 380933
>>380932"fuck his dad or something"
but yah no, Shayna is TOTTTALLLYYY GAYYY
No. 380935
File: 1503855278023.png (Spoiler Image,14.59 KB, 865x140, ewoldmanporn.PNG)

also, this is so fucking cringy i can't. just…ew Shayna.
No. 380995
>>380928Thanks for delivering anon!
Damn it must be a blow to her massive go that one man on Earth has standards and doesn't' want to fuck her while she's wearing puppy ears or whatever.
No. 381128
File: 1503873520283.png (156.21 KB, 978x1258, Screenshot_2017-08-27-15-36-36…)

No. 381131
File: 1503873580465.png (233.34 KB, 1007x1569, Screenshot_2017-08-27-15-36-49…)

No. 381133
File: 1503873614567.png (167.52 KB, 975x1189, Screenshot_2017-08-27-15-37-00…)

3/3 from blkbarbie Tumblr
No. 381169
File: 1503878941472.png (Spoiler Image,3.42 KB, 216x101, LOLLIES.PNG)

this is hilarious because shes def fucked guys who haven't paid her. theres gifs on her private blog of her fucking this ginger dude somepainfulspankings (tumblr user) and he apparently took pics for her in return? and she fucked him without a condom too. grimy AF
No. 381174
File: 1503879687301.png (Spoiler Image,138.07 KB, 344x195, babyhands.PNG)

ginger dude fuck 1/3
No. 381176
File: 1503879722809.png (Spoiler Image,117.8 KB, 345x195, badangle.PNG)

ginger dude fuck 2/3
No. 381177
File: 1503879847652.png (Spoiler Image,138.83 KB, 343x188, babyhands2.PNG)

ginger dude fuck 3/3
No. 381179
File: 1503879888630.png (Spoiler Image,162.38 KB, 344x193, uglyaf.PNG)

here are some other private blog gems 1/3
No. 381180
File: 1503879918851.png (Spoiler Image,439 KB, 343x586, grimygirl.PNG)

more private blog
No. 381182
File: 1503879945868.png (Spoiler Image,645.22 KB, 446x687, whateven.PNG)

and another from the private blog. have fun!
No. 381190
>>381174ugh gross
he has tiny hands lol
>>381179is she like trolling herself or something
No. 381199
>>381177ginger with baby hands lmao.
No. 381202
>>381200It totally does. You can look at his "work" on his Tumblr, somepainfulspankings
He's gonna delete it though soon.
No. 381237
>>381228Oh my god
She moaned before it's even in her girl how fake can you get
Go put an inch of your dildo in your mouth and gag again lol
No. 381289
File: 1503891263271.jpg (Spoiler Image,4.36 MB, 3072x3072, IMG_7128.JPG)

>>381272Her parents must be so proud.
No. 381609
>>381195Yes I was just going to say, it looks like a fat girls hand with a strap on. Why else would the ginger wear those ugly underpants during sex? Why would a man want to stick an actual dick into her, it's much more likely this is a chick with a fake cock that isn't going to catch the warts.
On a side note, shayna learn to suck it in, not very childlike to have your post puberty belly pooch hanging out.
No. 381709
>>381677she's also put lollipops in there, taken plugs out of her ass and put them in her mouth, taken it out of her ass to her pussy, and then back again.
I'm pretty sure she's not smart enough to realize her asshole isn't the same as her vagina. I'm certain she thinks they're just holes to fuck.
No. 384057
File: 1504983087258.png (Spoiler Image,748.49 KB, 992x1093, Screenshot_2017-09-09-11-48-33…)

No. 384058
File: 1504983203107.png (Spoiler Image,637.97 KB, 991x817, Screenshot_2017-09-09-11-48-40…)

No. 384060
File: 1504983238978.png (Spoiler Image,258.21 KB, 1038x1467, Screenshot_2017-09-09-11-49-04…)

I hope it's okay I just transfer some screen shots over
No. 384062
File: 1504983256633.png (407.45 KB, 977x695, Screenshot_2017-09-09-11-49-26…)

No. 384063
File: 1504983276281.png (Spoiler Image,898.9 KB, 1037x1298, Screenshot_2017-09-09-11-49-38…)

No. 384064
File: 1504983299376.png (Spoiler Image,459.53 KB, 974x804, Screenshot_2017-09-09-11-49-49…)

No. 384065
File: 1504983314451.png (174.69 KB, 992x1018, Screenshot_2017-09-09-11-49-57…)

No. 384066
File: 1504983337017.png (312.93 KB, 963x1382, Screenshot_2017-09-09-11-50-11…)

No. 384104
File: 1504991404193.png (Spoiler Image,425.87 KB, 344x559, dontcringetoohard.PNG)

heres pics of her new vid from the temp thread 1/3
No. 384106
File: 1504991448507.png (Spoiler Image,820.13 KB, 774x580, itsspreading.PNG)

No. 384108
File: 1504991490950.png (Spoiler Image,480.57 KB, 409x557, lmaoherface.PNG)

puppy vid pics from temp thread 1/2
No. 384109
File: 1504991514188.png (Spoiler Image,588.42 KB, 860x500, moresoresdontpuke.PNG)

have fun
No. 384110
File: 1504991580031.png (Spoiler Image,1000.16 KB, 971x571, evenmore.PNG)

>>384105pic didnt load, here it is.
No. 384212
>>384202well she still calls people daddy & mommy, talks about wanting a caregiver, the majority of her porn is DD/LG related, she talks about wanting "hot dads" and fucking older dudes who remind her of a dad, she wears literal little girl clothes, and talks about feeling small and being in little space and wanting to do forced regression.
So, even if she doesn't label herself as such, ALL of her content and what she posts on her blog point EXACTLY in that direction. You can't blame people in the ddlg community for reblogging your content when you are literally pandering to the ddlg/pedo/little girl/bimbo/barbie community.
No. 384220
File: 1505004305112.png (370.3 KB, 935x1492, Screenshot_2017-09-09-17-41-46…)

That reminded me of this
No. 384221
File: 1505004329287.png (731.1 KB, 983x1247, Screenshot_2017-09-09-17-41-56…)

No. 384222
File: 1505004383560.png (1.17 MB, 965x1575, Screenshot_2017-09-09-17-43-20…)

No. 384225
File: 1505005466187.png (Spoiler Image,1.8 MB, 1080x1708, IMG_20170909_180407.png)

She even looks dirty back when she pseudo stopped smoking weed for a bit. (from last year I think)
No. 384230
File: 1505006389507.png (235.18 KB, 988x1190, tumblr_ovkxc7BE1t1rmiw96o1_128…)

Watching her fall in rank in ManyVids is my kink
No. 384243
>>384242Ton of girls do that. Because they see the popular ones doing it. But they can sort of get away with it their fanbase is probably double .well because they're popular and have the top scores. So they see that and go wow camming is so easy I just have to *~sit there*~ and I get paid…… And then they get bitchy when they don't get tipped.
Shayna was actually nice when she first started camming. And then she pushed her content and her wishlist hella bad and inflated her ego
No. 384428
File: 1505054333376.jpg (66.95 KB, 418x847, shay.JPG)

Shayna got butthurt cause someone in her Tumblr tag tried giving her some criticism. I can cap what the person said which will be in the next post.
No. 384448
>>384446funny thing, I'm
Neko-Stoner and I actually posted
>>384444 ??
Why would I want to compare her with speck anyway? They're on two diff wavelengths completely.
>>384451why don't we use this thread to talk about Shayna dumdolly cow? If you really want to make a thread for me go right ahead, I'm not going to stop you. There's not much on me anyway, soooo idk what you're expecting lol
sage cos newfag doesn't want to stay on topic
No. 385004
File: 1505149169044.jpg (54.71 KB, 734x629, lol.JPG)

She's still heavily falling in rank kek
No. 385094
File: 1505164354013.jpg (Spoiler Image,103.61 KB, 512x910, IMG_2120.JPG)

Pics of her being a sloppy drunk whore 1/2
No. 385095
File: 1505164403003.png (Spoiler Image,1.03 MB, 540x960, IMG_2121.PNG)

all she needs is a rape me sign
No. 385100
File: 1505165135023.jpg (Spoiler Image,72.32 KB, 640x960, IMG_2122.JPG)

here's a few cringey pics I found of her and her cow friend, Robyn. Aka weed-breath/softpinkplush I'm pretty sure she has her own thread.
But wow flat asses much?
No. 385102
File: 1505165184991.jpg (Spoiler Image,71.39 KB, 640x960, IMG_2123.JPG)

and another of the flat ass cow friends
No. 385138
File: 1505169141513.jpg (66.14 KB, 640x360, IMG_5040.JPG)

She looks like she has gained at least 20 pounds
No. 385145
File: 1505169752496.png (Spoiler Image,713.27 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170911-154127.png)

No wonder she's infected herself she plays in sugar and probably didn't clean up very well
No. 385157
>>385100damn and I thought I had a flat ass lmao
They are both covered in pimples in gross, I feel sorry for men that find this attractive
No. 385213
File: 1505179864057.jpg (Spoiler Image,58.33 KB, 500x352, 710f65b3-d1a9-45af-bd41-08ac0e…)

This would actually not look too bad if she wasn't wearing infant underwear
This is just cringey
No. 385242
File: 1505182506971.gif (460.57 KB, 500x282, 1431411187616.gif)

girl needs to stop shoving dirty dongs in her vag and let it heal ffs. Its all swollen and gross, how can she even be getting money for this kind of content? Unless guys are into mangy infected minge. fucking gross
No. 385368
>>385366I whole heartedly agree.
If it took her three days to clean it up she's probably got ants or something
No. 385380
>>384648she's pale, blonde, with nice tits and the rest of her body is okay
honestly, if she did some squats, showered, took care of her skin and stopped acting like a trailer trash hoe with pedo fantasies she could be hot, but she trashed herself so much, the least she can do is stop buying weed, alcohol,child shit and dildos with her money and used it on a dermatologist and soap, gym membership too
No. 385539
File: 1505238673062.png (Spoiler Image,18.52 KB, 642x139, entitlement.PNG)

"buy me stuff to make new trash porn cos i claim to make so much money but can't afford costumes and props and im entitled to these things and if you wanna see porn you should buy them obviously. i'll even offer you my $5 trash porn for freeeee! omg what a deeeaalll!!"
No. 385605
File: 1505246498746.png (Spoiler Image,113.23 KB, 647x817, Capture.PNG)

someone actually called this shit "inspirational". like bitch, you have NO career goals, NO education, and you act like you built this "empire" from the bottom up, and like you worked soooooo hard for it all. it's fucking annoying to see girls like this, who started off popular for another reason, switched to sex work, and continued rising in popularity due to it. your followers and ass lickers made your business what it is, Shayna, not you.
No. 385607
"Anal Only Bimbo" video.
note: theres only actually like a minute of anal in it so don't worry if you don't like anal. its mainly just her in a cheap plastic leotard. No. 385608
>>385593Bless you anon.
Part of me is thrilled to watch this train wreck and the other part of me is already grossed out.
Gotta ask though, what made you buy them?
No. 385614
File: 1505247196620.png (Spoiler Image,1.97 MB, 1325x788, wherestheanal.PNG)

>>385613even at 4:22, theres still no anal. wtf.
No. 385619
File: 1505247447748.png (Spoiler Image,627.37 KB, 561x568, whoisbuyingthis.PNG)

people pay for this. just remember that.
No. 385624
File: 1505248008831.png (Spoiler Image,72.83 KB, 643x503, lolshethinksshesperf.PNG)

"im such a good person and people on tumblr just love drama, and im being harrassed for just being me"
yah, cos that person is a racist who makes trash porn and people are finally starting to realize what a cunt you've become and how you won't change your behavior.
No. 385633
File: 1505249377501.png (Spoiler Image,2.36 MB, 2560x1440, 20170912_154645.png)

Am I the only one distracted by the stain? And the awful faces she makes??
Wash your sheets, Shay-nasty.
No. 385668
>>385649yeah that was really boring
do people really like seeing someone give a "blow job" to a dildo? lmao
No. 385678
File: 1505253502018.png (295.7 KB, 519x557, Screenshot_2017-09-12-16-55-41…)

>>385649lmao her faces are atrocious
No. 385679
File: 1505253552891.jpg (117.83 KB, 315x921, okshay.JPG)

who are these 'high schoolers' trying to ruin her life? Does she mean thet neko-stoner chick since I think Neko-stoner was the only one posting here who was also in contact with shayna lol which good on neko
No. 385764
nothing extra cringy or special about this vid. just her usual lazy routine, this time with angel wings.
"edging angel" No. 385864
File: 1505279343201.png (Spoiler Image,15.57 KB, 265x265, IMG_7195.PNG)

>>385764She makes the dumbest faces. How is this supposed to be sexy!? It's just making me uncomfortable. I feel like I need to take a shower.
No. 385917
>>385804agreed, I like her nipples, but why can't she have her tits called nice without someone invalidating it because she has pointy nipples? she's a shitty person, but her boobs are nice
No. 385983
>>385138whoa! #curvy
grossss why is her swimmie so poorly fitted?
No. 385991
File: 1505313613933.png (Spoiler Image,95.26 KB, 1224x1027, IMG_2156.PNG)

this post just makes me so mad like her attitude makes me want to fucking strangle her.
No. 386022
hey everyone, here's the next video.
it's her "pink frosting" video.
I find this one rather creepy, and once again boring with the same routine. No. 386028
File: 1505317977514.png (Spoiler Image,1.34 MB, 1009x717, frosting.PNG)

>>3860221) she just covered that dildo in frosting, licked it off, and is now sticking it in her vagina. yeast infection central.
2)she looks like a monkey
No. 386030
File: 1505318063291.png (Spoiler Image,2.36 MB, 1600x900, pinkfrosting.png)

>>386022I just cannot get over the fact that people pay for this.
No. 386052
>>386033dildo blowjobs are fucking lame
even without infections she'd be unsexiest camwhore ever. does nothing for me
No. 386054
File: 1505320744695.jpg (47.66 KB, 640x360, IMG_5047.JPG)

Can someone explain to me how she appears to have an ass in these pictures, but actually has no ass in reality?
No. 386059
File: 1505321535844.png (75.91 KB, 991x528, Screenshot_2017-09-13-09-51-54…)

No. 386127
here's our last vid, "movie night"
this one is SOOOOO BORRINGGG omg.
in the description it says she goes to watch a movie on her sisters laptop and finds some filthy porn. unfortunately, you can tell there is nothing on screen. like her other videos, its lazy and not interesting, with the same routine yet again. No. 386132
File: 1505332483811.png (Spoiler Image,672.06 KB, 678x666, oface2.PNG)

that o face though :O
No. 386144
>>386141shes talked about her "old man friend" that she wants to shoot porn with, but her customers have to pay for the hotel. ya know, cos she makes so much money doing this. lmao.
sage cos this was mentioned earlier in the thread
No. 386188
File: 1505337454184.png (347.95 KB, 510x438, Screen Shot 2017-08-31 at 6.23…)

No. 386293
File: 1505349939160.png (Spoiler Image,288.26 KB, 332x411, toomuch.PNG)

tbh these are way to long and honestly look scary, not sexy
No. 386342
>>386338She paid someone to do those nails at a salon most likely
Technician probably just thinking the whole time "this girl is fucking stupid"
No. 386377
File: 1505364933815.png (151.59 KB, 358x338, Selection_711.png)

>when your sugar daddy fuckman won't pay for inn fees so that you can revel in frail social clout after soiling hotel sheets with herpes simplex virus
No. 386596
File: 1505402057814.png (Spoiler Image,31.44 KB, 585x473, bambi.PNG)

Shayna, we know you haven't been with anyone since Conner. Unless you fuck random old men which wouldn't surprise me. and no, getting your ass fucked with a dildo isnt anal sex.
No. 386620
>>386596this answer is more about her coming up with a witty reply than the actual chat up line
i imagine the best line shes heard is "how much?"
No. 386633
>>386631We established this a while ago
sage cause someone doesn't want to look through the thread.
No. 387805
File: 1505593322495.png (76.52 KB, 750x1079, IMG_5061.PNG)

She's dropping so fast ?(?)
No. 388492
File: 1505691996577.png (Spoiler Image,662.93 KB, 1080x1060, 20170917_184516.png)

i just looked at it for a second, ew
No. 388532
File: 1505694199506.png (Spoiler Image,606.89 KB, 939x975, Screenshot_2017-09-17-17-22-56…)

No. 388533
File: 1505694261645.png (Spoiler Image,615.33 KB, 946x955, Screenshot_2017-09-17-17-23-57…)

Hey ribmeat
No. 388652
File: 1505706824593.png (153.9 KB, 987x1290, Screenshot_2017-09-17-20-51-20…)

More perpetuating pedophila and raping fantasies
Please put this girl out of her misery
No. 389426
File: 1505837520847.png (Spoiler Image,162.25 KB, 1242x825, IMG_2176.PNG)

your fave 35 year old mom is back tryna be relevant
No. 389539
File: 1505856044941.png (Spoiler Image,139.81 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-09-19-16-19-58…)

No. 389544
>>389539ughh this hurt to read
shaynas so full of crap like you sit alone in your bedroom all day n your videos are just you having sex with some plastic
No. 389687
>>389651because these people are pedophiles. It's an easy way to make themselves look… slightly better… by having it be adults that look like children. That way they can't technically be labeled pedophiles.
Most of the content creators just want the attention from said pedophiles though.
No. 391088
File: 1506103122045.png (Spoiler Image,325.99 KB, 338x597, datmouff.PNG)

this is from when she was actually thin and healthy. dunno whats up with her mouth tho. looks like shes done drugs or something.
No. 391090
File: 1506103243347.png (Spoiler Image,9.47 KB, 645x119, beggin.PNG)

more weekly begging for items and money on her page. this girl has no shame.
No. 391210
File: 1506123484735.png (Spoiler Image,414.91 KB, 1241x1862, IMG_2298.PNG)

no, your makeup looks like something my 6 year old cousin would do to her face and your nails look like an awful joke.
try again Shayna.
No. 391464
File: 1506181209990.png (1.38 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_7219.PNG)

>>391368>>391458I think anon was referencing this
No. 391465
File: 1506181310929.png (4.63 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_7220.PNG)

>>391464Pic she sent to that dude. Sorry they are out of order.
No. 391579
>>391464she looks like a drugged out cow who let a child do her makeup. findom isn't just "give me money and I send you a stupid pic calling you a loser". no, you have to actually dom them. you have to actually be interactive.
also $30 doesnt really qualify as findom money, Shayna. these women work and get thousands out of their pay pigs. but not you, since you don't even understand the kink.
No. 391581
File: 1506191430779.png (Spoiler Image,27.52 KB, 648x320, ignorance.PNG)

the blatant ignorance is astounding.
No. 392227
File: 1506313415247.png (131.33 KB, 994x1349, Screenshot_2017-09-24-21-19-26…)

Monkey see monkey do
Are all these Tumblr cam sluts trying to findom
No. 392349
>>392227It's because they believe that findom=easy money. "Slave throw money at me".
Spoiler: it's not like that
No. 392975
File: 1506449603480.png (Spoiler Image,1.01 MB, 993x1311, Screenshot_2017-09-26-11-11-34…)

Irrelevant mom strikes again. It looks like she's wearing a towel as a dress? Is this carpet?
No. 393040
>>3930191 she's on a trip that's not her bathroom
2 she admittedly doesn't wash so are you surprised there isn't any?????
No. 393314
File: 1506480744202.png (Spoiler Image,15.96 KB, 484x112, tedcruz.PNG)

ur fave trainwreck continues to try and make edgy political statements, lmao
No. 393681
File: 1506539352972.jpg (99.36 KB, 611x962, ok.JPG)

She's e begging so she can get her roots done… Girl…. What happened to all that money you "claimed" to have? or did it all go away because you spent it all and are rapidly falling on the MV rank?
No. 394080
>>393682i'm curious about how terrible she looks with fried hair. wish she posted some for sympathy or some shit.
also it will be hilarious to see her wear extensions with that textured-ass curly hair she never bothers to style or straighten. or wash.
No. 394171
>>394080It is easy to look at pictures like
>>392975 You can see the damage / breakage on her hair. I have no doubt in my mind she burned her scalp as well. Bleaching your hair at home can be the stupidest thing you can do especially if you have no experience and or doing it alone.
No. 394286
File: 1506624615427.png (179.9 KB, 999x1299, Screenshot_2017-09-28-11-47-50…)

No. 394288
File: 1506624639957.png (131.78 KB, 995x1054, Screenshot_2017-09-28-11-48-01…)

No. 394289
File: 1506624668549.png (134.71 KB, 1002x940, Screenshot_2017-09-28-11-46-10…)

No. 394311
>>394301If her hair is as damaged as she says it is her best bet would be to shave it and start over . She's never going to get the exact hair she wants if it's damaged that badly.
It's just hair it grows back
Spending that much on extensions when she doesn't even maintain proper care for her hair is a straight up waste. She'll be even more useless and irrelevant if this is done and she'll hate herself way more
No. 394312
File: 1506627294577.png (Spoiler Image,785.88 KB, 1000x1183, Screenshot_2017-09-28-12-34-10…)

Wow its bug
No. 394321
File: 1506628627180.png (155.93 KB, 996x1263, Screenshot_2017-09-28-12-49-58…)

No. 394324
File: 1506628948536.png (145.29 KB, 992x1181, Screenshot_2017-09-28-12-58-50…)

No. 394327
File: 1506629137666.png (56.58 KB, 1012x528, Screenshot_2017-09-28-13-04-58…)

She knows too
No. 394331
File: 1506629428414.png (102.35 KB, 944x1207, Screenshot_2017-09-28-13-09-39…)

That's not the only comparison
No. 394332
File: 1506629652606.png (92.32 KB, 933x930, Screenshot_2017-09-28-13-12-46…)

In other words yeah that's all she does
No. 394356
File: 1506631547603.jpg (751.86 KB, 1280x1280, 20170928_134520.jpg)

No. 394366
File: 1506632525316.png (244.74 KB, 989x1517, Screenshot_2017-09-28-14-00-32…)

No. 394380
File: 1506633907379.png (122.06 KB, 995x1123, Screenshot_2017-09-28-14-23-16…)

Shana's literally attacking bug for no reason
No. 394381
File: 1506633953419.png (323.13 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170928-142302.png)

No. 394383
File: 1506634082352.png (105.42 KB, 783x580, Screenshot_2017-09-28-14-27-35…)

No. 394390
File: 1506634667614.png (16.84 KB, 548x355, never answer.PNG)

I mean…. (she wont answer it but she is such a hypocrite)
No. 394392
File: 1506634999120.png (130.79 KB, 1002x1273, Screenshot_2017-09-28-14-42-04…)

This bitch needs to chill
No. 394397
File: 1506635275896.png (55.74 KB, 962x667, Screenshot_2017-09-28-14-45-43…)

No. 394816
File: 1506702078608.jpg (36.31 KB, 627x227, capture.JPG)

Fuck getting extensions she might as well shave her entire head at this point. She's beyond stupid thinking she could bleach her hair at home. I could have sworn she claimed to get her hair ~professionally~ done, but now is claiming she did it at home? which is it Shayna?
No. 395026
File: 1506731880562.jpg (139.03 KB, 720x1014, IMG_20170929_193540.jpg)

Bahahahahagah nice Halloween store wig shay shay
No. 395070
File: 1506738166031.jpg (280.21 KB, 719x1280, shay.jpg)

>>395026This is fucking tragic. How damaged has to be your hair to have the audacity to wear this ratchet wig? Margo Palermo much?
No. 395072
File: 1506738286307.jpg (33.22 KB, 899x544, 2193509d49ee9dbf573d1ed7045f78…)

she's starting to look like the screwed up chick from Melanie Martinez's "Mrs Potato Head" video.
No. 395078
File: 1506738658118.png (Spoiler Image,1.06 MB, 672x588, didntthinkitcouldgetworse.PNG)

with the most hilarious caption: "this is like the cutest I’ve felt in weeks I’m prob gonna post more photos bc i can’t help how cute i finally feel rn sry"
honey that wig is a hot fucking mess, sit down
No. 395131
>>395026Did she attempt to contour abs on in this picture? At first I thought they were just her rolls but if you look closely it has a vertical line and two horizontal lines like defined abs. Which we know she doesn't actually have. That would be a new low for her…painting on some abs instead of taking care of yourself and working on your body, since it is how she generates income.
Unless it's my (shitty) screen.
No. 395221
>>395078i dont have the words for this
>>395148remember that god is watching everything you do shayna! lol
No. 396665
File: 1506962862698.jpg (29.59 KB, 720x477, IMG_20171002_113957.jpg)

Wow. Right after a gun massacre?really shay? Making ignorant comments again. She definitely has a pattern doesn't she? Try watching the news or something, bitch. We know you have no friends or life.
No. 396874
File: 1506995212175.png (429.03 KB, 1334x750, IMG_5402.PNG)

No. 396877
File: 1506995327901.png (202.45 KB, 1000x1319, Screenshot_2017-10-02-18-44-52…)

1/2 doses anyone know the context to this????
No. 396878
File: 1506995357444.png (279.04 KB, 1013x1419, Screenshot_2017-10-02-18-45-01…)

No. 396879
>>396874This shit is so annoying. Literally the only instance of her acting normal
Also anon why the name
No. 396887
>>396877its more littlesativabug drama. people were asking bug to post a
trigger warning before she posts anything on her PRIVATE snap (that you PAY for) that shows her scars. she previously mentions multiple times that you may see her scars and if it bothers you dont buy. theres literally no drama here and Shay is just instigating like usual.
No. 396890
File: 1506996699019.png (15.26 KB, 518x243, reallymakesyouthink.png)

she is quite possibly the least self aware person on the planet
No. 397838
File: 1507132619174.png (Spoiler Image,593.65 KB, 678x594, wut.PNG)

here's more of her trash-tastic wig. apparently she traded porn for stuffed animals? did she walk into the store and go up to the counter and say hey i got porn ill give you some if you give me a stuffed animal???
No. 397914
>>397838that looks like a different wig from
>>395078that's crazy, did she buy TWO shit wigs?
No. 398432
File: 1507220410550.png (704.78 KB, 1027x1456, Screenshot_2017-10-05-09-18-48…)

Her annual mentioning of Robyn
No. 399262
File: 1507335000097.png (Spoiler Image,39.24 KB, 652x326, vidsbambi.PNG)

>>399059she only has stopped making vids for the moment because of her horrid hair situation. heres a pic for proof.
No. 399564
File: 1507397874098.png (229.71 KB, 1003x1646, Screenshot_2017-10-07-10-37-03…)

It lurks
No. 400626
File: 1507502196608.png (43.58 KB, 1024x545, Screenshot_2017-10-08-15-36-18…)

No. 400747
File: 1507518337068.jpg (Spoiler Image,184.48 KB, 719x1280, tumblr_oxj4bhu9Bd1rmiw96o1_128…)

She looks brunette now like little baby Shayna from the Before Time
No. 401025
File: 1507575533300.png (Spoiler Image,615.11 KB, 683x732, psspuoppy.PNG)

apparently she just "got bored". if you have so much money to spend why not take care of yourself instead of pissing on hotel floors?
No. 401516
File: 1507650953000.jpg (Spoiler Image,130.63 KB, 750x1334, tumblr_oxlg7uqUCG1rmiw96o1_128…)

I wonder if this is embarrassing for other sex workers to see this why couldn't she just use a towel lol
No. 401517
File: 1507651102784.png (Spoiler Image,861.25 KB, 985x1350, Screenshot_2017-10-10-08-58-01…)

No. 401691
File: 1507670228548.jpg (14.74 KB, 610x122, doinganotheranonswork.JPG)

>>401684Hey anon… You're on a fucking image board so provide caps with your claims.
No. 401953
>>401691>>401765Did she just crack her screen? I hardly think that warrants an entire new phone. Especially considering she could easily get the screen replaced for around $100 though.
But that should be chump change for a girl as successful as her, right? kek
No. 402088
File: 1507742049537.jpeg (74.01 KB, 750x359, 8F22C425-AD6E-4A64-AD49-88E6A7…)

I’m pretty sure she’s not gay and is just claiming she is for attention.
No. 402360
File: 1507776587349.png (Spoiler Image,1.29 MB, 996x1460, Screenshot_2017-10-11-19-48-19…)

No. 402387
>>402360WOW…….that's…..bad. i don't even know what to address first.
is she wearing children's dress up shoes? i swore i owned a pair of those when i was 6. has she been kidnapped and taken to someone's grandmother's house? the picture on the left looks like a casting couch image and the one on the right looks like a weird, cheap, ""barely legal teens!!!!!"""kidnapping/rape porn.
also i don't mean to nitpick but her legs in the picture on the left look verrrryyy strange. she's clearly gained a fair amount of weight and she looks knock kneed; her whole bottom half in this picture is so confusing to me for some reason. this is just a confusingly terrible photoset in general. it's shocking because i didn't think it was possible but she just keeps getting more and more repulsive
No. 402505
File: 1507819179403.png (Spoiler Image,31.08 KB, 93x114, Screenshot-2017-10-12.png)

>>402360I'm convinced this is the actual portal to hell. Look how red and inflamed it is
No. 402610
File: 1507837083181.png (Spoiler Image,1.12 MB, 670x875, justwow.PNG)

just…wow. the cringe is strong with this one.
No. 402621
>>402610What the fuck is wrong with her face? It looksmore odd than normal
I wonder if she's on anything here
No. 402667
File: 1507840888389.png (Spoiler Image,1.21 MB, 673x885, badmakeup.PNG)

it actually pisses me off that her makeup is this horrendous and people still pay to see her face. LEARN TO WEAR FOUNDATION AND COVER YOUR GREASY SKIN. LEARN TO PUT EYELINER ON YOUR WATERLINE. MAYBE SOME BLUSH OR LIPSTICK.
your skin does NOT look like a young girls. it looks like a 25 year old who has drank alcohol since she was 14 and hasn't yet figured out how to take care of her greasy skin. fucking take care of yourself, jfc.
No. 402831
File: 1507861551853.jpeg (91.5 KB, 750x559, 7C59741B-CCF7-4D24-8C96-A7F540…)

This is actually so sad. What is actually wrong with her??
No. 403053
File: 1507910780897.png (Spoiler Image,13.32 KB, 655x228, youcandoboth.PNG)

maybe shes not aware that you can do both? lmao
No. 403144
File: 1507922899497.png (Spoiler Image,23.66 KB, 650x281, shocking.PNG)

lmao sooooo shocking she would choose a career that a person with less than half a brain could do. you don't even HAVE to go to college for interior design wth
No. 403221
File: 1507935635675.jpg (450.82 KB, 1920x1920, SI_20171013_155534.jpg)

Wow lol
No. 403223
File: 1507935948336.png (133.27 KB, 990x1266, Screenshot_2017-10-13-15-58-00…)

No. 403235
File: 1507937212984.png (169.95 KB, 967x1336, Screenshot_2017-10-13-16-24-07…)

Shayna has so much anger. And the cows say the farmers are hateful.
No. 403238
>>403235It’s pathetic because she always thinks everyone is talking about her. but when she makes a joke and people take it the wrong way, she expects everyone to be okay with it cos she’s just an innocent stupid baby.
you are an adult Shayna, act like it.
No. 403241
File: 1507937945423.png (113.04 KB, 970x1400, Screenshot_2017-10-13-16-38-33…)

No. 403256
File: 1507939770999.png (182 KB, 982x1311, Screenshot_2017-10-13-17-08-00…)

No. 403271
File: 1507942696947.png (132.58 KB, 1035x1125, Screenshot_2017-10-13-17-57-33…)

No. 403285
File: 1507945297263.png (Spoiler Image,24.71 KB, 619x240, wut.PNG)

people are looking down on you because you're a fucking brat who is so entitled that you fuck up financially and expect your customers to fix it for you. people look down on you because you made choosing sex work over college into some kind of funny quirky thing, and then decided that people were victimizing you and being ableist because you're SOOOOoooOOO mentally, emotionally, and physically impared that you just CAAAAANT go to college. YOU are the ableist one, you make people who actually have SERIOUS MEDICAL ISSUES look like fucking whiners. PLEASE grow the fuck up.
No. 403288
File: 1507945970994.jpg (Spoiler Image,142.19 KB, 675x1200, herface.jpg)

aaaaand this is fucking hilarious.
No. 403307
File: 1507949010021.png (91.31 KB, 882x1128, Screenshot_2017-10-13-19-42-36…)

You're part of that cuntmunity you dumb bitch
No. 403337
File: 1507952230298.png (51.5 KB, 1000x530, Screenshot_2017-10-13-20-36-17…)

So kewl :~)
No. 403359
>>403337>>403271>>403256i know we all know the answer to this, but can she ever let anything just GO? like if she saw that post lsb made why couldn't she have just reblogged it once with commentary? why does she have to go out of her way to create drama and why does she think every anon that would criticize her about that joke is lsb? like..more than one person was probably offended by that post and it's silly of her to think that lsb would be the only person to have an issue with it and say something about it. she doesn't have to drag this on over hours and multiple text posts. like we get it shayna.
anyway…nothing new she's just a fucking idiot and then doesn't understand and acts like a victim when her "jokes" aren't received well
No. 403634
File: 1507991909856.png (144.9 KB, 909x1159, Screenshot_2017-10-14-07-36-05…)

If this is true (open to speculation) I can see it being plausible. Because Bug could have just been speaking her mind on it and it just happened to be when Shayna made that response ask. Remember it is Shayna who @'d her and started the drama lol
No. 403773
File: 1508010771997.png (Spoiler Image,28.89 KB, 643x289, canikillher.PNG)

now she's using the whole "people are ableist because im a disabled person and CAN'T go to college, feel bad for me!!!"
you're not disabled shayna. stupidity isn't a disability. maybe in your case but, seriously.
No. 403836
File: 1508019512701.png (257.25 KB, 974x1660, Screenshot_2017-10-14-15-16-54…)

In response to "I'm so sorry those blogs keep messing w you:( how did they make fun of your hair tho?"
Also It's funny how she's trying so hard to be a little victim
No. 403865
File: 1508022099297.png (Spoiler Image,94.41 KB, 649x634, dumdum.PNG)

I always have spare money but I still feel that people need to pay me for no reason whatsoever! teehee! I'm just so cute, pay me because I made you feel bad for me!
No. 403879
File: 1508023519301.png (216.74 KB, 745x1489, IMG_20171014_162447.png)

Sorry the shitty line edit is the break between Bella and Shaynas post
No. 403880
File: 1508023708401.png (117.26 KB, 1037x952, Screenshot_2017-10-14-16-27-39…)

Has she gone off the deep end folks??????
No. 403883
File: 1508024852627.png (282.39 KB, 743x1523, Screenshot_2017-10-14-16-46-32…)

Oh the hypocrisy
No. 403889
File: 1508025860633.png (98.79 KB, 937x884, Screenshot_2017-10-14-17-03-04…)

Bug never answers anything about Shayna and it pisses her off (Shay)
No. 403891
File: 1508026186296.jpeg (Spoiler Image,809.6 KB, 2896x2896, 1508026129638.jpeg)

No wonder she hates LSB so much lol
No. 403897
File: 1508027114708.png (189 KB, 1062x1025, Screenshot_2017-10-14-17-14-46…)

Such justify much victim
No. 403898
File: 1508027140465.png (138.86 KB, 950x922, IMG_20171014_172413.png)

No. 403902
>>403883Literally every time she forces herself into drama she makes a post like this placing herself on a pedestal. “I’m sooooo much better than these girls because…..”
No. 403994
File: 1508045373334.png (170.63 KB, 987x1353, Screenshot_2017-10-14-22-28-41…)

No. 404127
>>403974Her parents never refused to pay, she simply didn’t want to go. She is privileged and had the option to go, but instead she’s decided to whine bout her privilege and play victim to make people feel bad.
Look, I’ll give it to her. The drama queen, pity party throwing, always being the victim personality, DOES get her money. It’s shameful AF tho.
No. 404132
File: 1508079573331.png (15.72 KB, 247x478, what a shame.png)

8 hrs ago she said she wanted to stop posting about the drama, then this
No. 404152
File: 1508083265277.png (76.82 KB, 1018x752, Screenshot_2017-10-15-08-59-09…)

No. 404168
File: 1508085117412.png (202.48 KB, 1038x1400, Screenshot_2017-10-15-09-30-46…)

>>404132Here's pt two to that.
No. 404174
File: 1508085905156.png (94.57 KB, 991x731, Screenshot_2017-10-15-09-42-22…)

It's not hard to guess who this is about considering the other one is making a huge big deal about her….. yes so much "drama"
No. 404220
File: 1508093806184.jpeg (Spoiler Image,460.76 KB, 1242x1840, ED845616-2E38-47B3-8E0E-98F1A4…)

LSB replies…part 1
No. 404221
File: 1508093827679.jpeg (Spoiler Image,143.89 KB, 1242x622, 437A65D4-D0E6-48B9-9128-A6BD7A…)

LSB replies…part 2
No. 404235
File: 1508096833276.jpg (78.52 KB, 606x948, pt1.JPG)

When will this girl just stop?
No. 404242
>>404235She really genuinely thinks everyone’s worlds revolve around her doesn’t she? LSB has had her blocked since JULY. She probably didn’t even see that post.
No. 404243
File: 1508098617199.jpg (71.56 KB, 796x636, tokenjew.JPG)

I love how her token jewish friend (sadbaffoon) still supports ugly ass Shayna.
No. 404245
File: 1508098744289.jpg (56.94 KB, 828x664, pt2.JPG)

>>404243who still says sweaty in 2017? I swear sex workers say the stupidest shit.
No. 404583
File: 1508171385139.png (9.5 KB, 649x180, weird.PNG)

I guess infection covered genitals is considered attractive now.
No. 404637
File: 1508177553397.jpeg (545.27 KB, 2896x2896, 1508177489881.jpeg)

Constantly asking people to give her money for things while spending all her money on bullshit
No. 404658
File: 1508179445107.jpg (28.92 KB, 801x185, cap.JPG)

I love how she has wayyyyy less followers on her twitter (848 followers) than she does on her tumblr (100k followers) it proves how much of her followers are either bots, inactive accounts, or she bought most of her followers. It's also great she basically admits to having zero irl friends. What a fucking loser kek.
No. 404676
File: 1508182315282.png (626.26 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0591.PNG)

Shes upset because she couldn't afford it