File: 1500299494906.png (456.73 KB, 500x473, tumblr_n8seryO4fG1rtqan1o1_500…)

No. 354019
you know your jessicas, your momos, and your generally bad cosplayers–this is the place for them!
-jessica isn't milky enough for her own thread, and so she goes here. is still doing piss-poor wigs and half-assed 'boudoir'. is doing (attempting) playboy. free to have me delete if this isn't a good enough opening post by the way, not sure how to set it up with this subject matter).
No. 354044
>>354040You can download a collage app, download each picture you want, and then delete them all later
But whatever. Use a PULLtier picture of a washed up cow to discuss new cosplay drama. Your choice
No. 354117
File: 1500310775078.png (1.65 MB, 942x1180, Screen Shot 2017-07-17 at 12.5…)

rachniqueen's make-up always bothers me–it's like she does the same thing for every costume and it STILL looks like shit.
No. 354159
File: 1500318216482.jpg (57.21 KB, 450x587, IMG_0438.JPG)

>>354117The makeup is always terrible and the piercings are always the first thing my eyes go to. So terrible. Idk what the piercings are called besides her septum but pic related is what they remind me of.
No. 354194
>>354117Not only is her makeup/wig a mess. What is going on with those nails? They're all different lengths. Also, Topkek at her middle nail being caked with dorito dust.
>>354159I think the top ones are a Monroe/Crawford style piercings. I don't know if I've ever seen anyone who is actually cute pull these off, it's always trailer trash looking girls who seem to have these. Not flattering or cute imho.
>>354187Funny as she has some of the trashiest style of piercings with the most basic jewelry in, every. damn. time.
No. 354270
>>354194Gotta beat that dorito mtn dew D.Va meme joke into the ground!! But it was probably unintentional this time, otherwise it would have been crammed into the photo.
That headset is hideous, though.
No. 354309
File: 1500335523398.jpg (Spoiler Image,45.32 KB, 600x906, YB38Uac.jpg)

>>354066I wonder if anyone ever paid to fuck her.
I doubt it.
No. 354330
>>354291Being from CGLs "golden days" where there was just mass tripfagging, I recently found out that Tenleid and Matt had a really bad break up a year or so ago?
At first I thought she was an okay cosplayer but then she kept doing everything she could to go the camgirl, body flaunting, half naked route and just lost interest. Her also starting to date Matt made her ego puff.
No. 354347
>>354330Before the tripfagging she seemed to be a decent upcoming cosplayer in my area. She never got attention at cons due to slight butterface but she wasn't half naked either.
Now that I look at the dates of those cons, I'm shocked that it was like 7 years ago. Unfortunate that she's now begging for patreons and attention everywhere since she did seem skilled back then.
No. 354417
File: 1500349642454.png (1.33 MB, 1850x882, Screen Shot 2017-07-17 at 11.4…)

rachniqueen could be so pretty if she just took that shit out of her face–the piercings just don't fit her, her face is way too small to look right with them. even in this photo, with her make-up done well, she looks haggard.
No. 354433
File: 1500352103139.png (1.54 MB, 928x1052, Screen Shot 2017-07-18 at 12.2…)

What is with these half-assed cosplayers doing patreons? I don't normally mind people using patreon as a money-making gig, but this chick has a toddler and she's posting this online. Not only that, but she essentially forgets about her kid until a new 'cute mother/daughter' cosplay arrives.
Cosplayer is Ayuminini by the way–pretends she's Japanese like most 'uwu gamer girls'. No. 354458
>>354456I mean, most of it is:
-fake hair
-fake eyes
-fake contours
-push-up bras
I guess she's cute if you overlook that and her personality though.
No. 354480
>>354433Almost every new cosplayer I've come across has a patreon now it's crazy. Everyone has that fantasy of making good money from self employment and just by being pretty, taking photos in underwear or costumes. It's easy to start one and easy to start taking more seriously if more people join.
I wonder how much thought into the future a lot of these chicks put into their content. Everywhere I've seen that recruits nude models suggests that you have no obligations that would cause you to regret your released nudes mainly including family or employment.
I know not everyone is close with their immediate family but I can't imagine a lot of these people go totally under the radar making money from being naked/doing basically cam whoring. The sex work you've done will always be online somewhere. I think the paywall of patron gives some people a false sense of control and that they can delete these things whenever they want. I see people posting paid content from cosplayers on Reddit/4chan with their real names alongside their stage names all of the time. There are people who will remember that and what you've done.
Do places of employment really care all that much?
Sorry if this seems like a chimp out but the thought of doing shit like this for the sake of taking monetary advantage of a fad and having it haunt my future is reason enough that I don't do it. I would only do it if I planned on staying in that field of work until retirement age, and that almost never happens with anyone.
Would you lewd or would you not lewd? Do these things matter that much anymore?
>sage for basically blogpost No. 354488
>>354480>Do places of employment really care all that much? I'm idly curious about that as well. On one hand, there seem to be more and more people who consider discriminating on someone because of stuff like that some form of sexism and some people would no doubt try and sue someone who didn't hire them because they showed their tits. On the other hand, how are you going to even find out you weren't hired because there are terabytes of nudes of you out there? Anyone with half a brain is going to do a background check on a prospective employer, find stuff out and quietly just drop the applicant.
And really, would you blame a company if they didn't want to deal with someone with such a past?
This is a recent enough development, so I don't think it would be easy to come across anyone who has had to do the transition from selling cosplay pics or tit-whoring on Twitch to find a job in an office, but I'd be curious to know if it's even possible. The two offices I've been at both did background checks and they were fairly strict on security so anyone who babbled a lot about stuff, for example, would be an instant write-off. I would imagine that most of the cows like Kelly Jean, Momoo and Margot (if she ever wanted to find a real job, mind) would not be considered for an interview, even.
In the end: people like Nigri are probably rich enough to not need to work in the future. I'm curious about all the copycats who followed the dream and just made enough to have a bit of savings and not enough to retire on. Will they just regret it and be fucked for life?
No. 354550
>>354309Apparently she had one poor score on her Maria Mint page so possibly, unless it was somebody doing it for a joke. There was one good one as well but that was probably Jake.
I don't think she did even if somebody approached her since her idea of being a prostitute is insanely idealised.
No. 354610
>>354488after nigri's face goes (y'know, more than fillers and lifters can help), she's going to need to get a real-world job. Shit, the only reason Yaya isn't jobless is because she's selling cheaply make cosplay props to idiots who will spends TONS on them.
People who are 'cosplay famous' now, probably won't be for their whole live's.
No. 354625
>>354610yaya branched out in to fabrics and patterns as well so she makes cash off of that and from what I can see the cosplay fabrics line just keeps expanding. But even so its only a matter of time before other brands put out cosplay fabrics. Just like with the pokemon GO trainer pattern she made and then just a few months later that other girl made one for the different company. Nothing is unique in cosplay so in order to be employeed by it I would think you have to stay ahead of the curve.
Really the real money in it I would think is for people who do prop builds and stuff, but those guys dont cosplay themselves.
Basing your career off your looks only will never work because age eventually catches up lol
No. 354880
File: 1500413106405.png (288.07 KB, 720x503, Screenshot_2017-07-18-17-22-55…)

Niglet is really scraping the bottom of the barrel here, check out her new instavideo
No. 354882
File: 1500413152640.png (272.15 KB, 720x508, Screenshot_2017-07-18-17-22-53…)

People are already getting bored of her shaking her plastic sacks
No. 355013
>>354417I can't imagine this girls making much. Homegirl needs a day job. She looks like a very handsome man.
In case you all want to see their stuff there's a subreddit that posts all their cringe half-assed sets.
No. 355047
>Do places of employment really care all that much? Depends what job, industry and what company. The top employers in the world use third party vendors to run intensive background checks on applicants after they are given an offer. They will not bother to hire people with red flags and may be a possible risk to their reputation in the future.
>In the end: people like Nigri are probably rich enough to not need to work in the future. I'm curious about all the copycats who followed the dream and just made enough to have a bit of savings and not enough to retire on. Will they just regret it and be fucked for life?I don't know how much Nigri makes but she can't do this forever. Just like the smaller scale camwhores. I also don't see her lifestyle scaling down by choice to make it so that she doesn't need to work in the future. As
>>354610 said her body is starting to cost more to upkeep.
In a few years she will be on the verge of finding an alternate source of income. It won't be a regular job, it will be a string of finding more niches to weasel into until neckbeard money completely runs out.
No. 355111
>>355109"In case you all want to see their stuff there's a subreddit that posts all their cringe half-assed sets"
definitely sounds like you were referring to her, but alright.
No. 355130
>>355111If I was teferring to her specifically I would have said her stuff not their stuff
But jesus way to nitpick
No. 355141
>>355130Not nitpicking, just making a point.
>>355127She's cringy, but she ain't ugly.
No. 355201
>>355141It is nitpicking. If you were making a valid point you would literally not have to sage. Please just stay on topic and talk about relevant shit or don't talk at all.
So Amouranth looks really old. I feel as though she is older than she says she is. I mean her content mostly caters to 13 year old boys (see video where she goes on tinder dates in her Tracer cosplay to "troll" them. So I understand why she tries to look super young. Because of this video though a lot of betas think she's a certified bully kek
No. 355289
File: 1500473546775.png (1.79 MB, 1166x1188, uniporn.png)

stay tuned for the next boudoir shoot. also is there any proof that the girl she does lewds with is 17? i don't want to post her if so and get banned.
No. 356333
File: 1500583305516.png (695.74 KB, 524x775, sigh.png)

Have cosplayers totally stopped giving a fuck about covering their shoop tracks?
No. 356338
File: 1500584575284.png (931.26 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-07-20-16-57-42…)

Niglet playing mall santa
No. 356509
File: 1500608682683.jpg (61.36 KB, 720x960, irlcakeface.jpg)

>>355141>she ain't uglyhow can you tell under 5 pounds of makeup?
she's just another cake face, the only problem is she's also a shit nigri-tier cosplayer
No. 356512
File: 1500608855612.png (1.73 MB, 944x1186, Screen Shot 2017-07-20 at 11.4…)

>>356509ugh, in natural light i can see what you mean. it makes her look older. i'm also very confused as to what make-up look rachniqueen is going for with this "goldeen" cosplay. (also is this the girl who she does boudoir with? if so i'll delete the post because i've heard she's underage but i don't know if this is her or not.)
No. 356525
File: 1500609813908.png (1.3 MB, 1166x1168, rachni.png)

>>356520>>356522that's just her face, even without make-up she looks like someone who got cheap-cheek fillers.
also some side milk for her that probably isn't great:
literally went through middle and high school pretending that her mom was japanese and that her real name was "kinju". would get extremely angry with people if they called her by her actual name.
No. 356528
File: 1500610006790.jpg (134.37 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>356525normally im not the biggest fan of this style of makeup, but i think it would suit her and help fix her strange eye placement. it's OTT but good for cosplay compared to… that
No. 356546
>>356528I'm sure it looks as shit irl as anyone else's.
It's the shoop and filtering that's helping it.
No. 356547
>>356537I've been to many cons that she's gone to and also have known her personally. I don't want to say much more though because I don't want her having any idea of who this is.
Sadly, it's not like she's 'become' a twat–she was like that at the very beginning when I met her, and she's always had a "holier than thou" attitude. I'd make a thread for her, but besides shit that she does in person, she really doesn't have enough milk to warrant her own thread.
No. 356566
File: 1500612033934.png (212.28 KB, 749x1086, IMG_9966.PNG)

>>354380Speaking of, did Tenleid get implants? She's been open about the tricks she uses to fake big boobs but this just seems impossible. Just surprised she wouldn't be transparent about it I guess.
No. 356583
File: 1500612966301.png (151.7 KB, 750x1050, IMG_9967.PNG)

>>356577Even with pading and every thing though, I don't think you could fake that.
No. 356688
Have yall seen this video yet?'m surprised this came from a well known cosplayer tbh. Girl has some balls.
No. 356758
>>356688Shady as fuck!
Isn't momo trying to kiss her ass atm?
No. 357157
File: 1500674069310.jpg (799.55 KB, 2048x1368, 6d2TO0B.jpg)

Turney released a BB8 pack. I would like to see her try and be lazier than these
No. 357263
File: 1500687330096.jpg (54.65 KB, 958x742, FB_IMG_1500687172255.jpg)

From her boudoir Tharja
No. 357326
File: 1500694084600.png (1.78 MB, 1188x1178, Screen Shot 2017-07-21 at 11.2…)

>>357263and people pay for this shit? she couldn't be bothered to at least clean up a bit?
featured image: B A D W I G
No. 357386
>>355247They let her do whatever she wants so they can get exposure from the inevitable kotaku article written about the latest Nigri group.
Nigri could be anywhere in that lineup and still look like she's the center of attention tbh. She always sticks out the most.
No. 357497
File: 1500737182396.png (56.8 KB, 640x391, IMG_3345.PNG)

Lol "I post photos in my underwear online for money but if you call me sexy I'm going to block you"
No. 357509
File: 1500739596137.png (1.38 MB, 930x1172, rachni2.png)

>>357497"don't call me sexy!!!"
it's really not hard when you've got the body of a plank. normal people don't find that sexy, neckbeards do.
No. 357853
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>>357509I don't play Overwatch, but I'm pretty sure McCree's hair isn't a fading ombre. Don't consider yourself a 'professional cosplayer' if you can't buy a fucking wig.
No. 357856
>>357853I own those same leggings from Amazon lmao
>that dinky airsoft/watergun revolver No. 357878
File: 1500777371417.png (215.4 KB, 467x960, 20272221_10211518477891025_552…)

>>357876Forgot to attach image.
No. 357885
File: 1500777914701.jpg (2.78 MB, 1080x537, disappearinghips.jpg)

I wonder if Yazy really thinks the way she photoshops her body is believable. Where did the hips and tiny waist go in her Anne when these were posted only a few weeks apart on her Instagram?
No. 357892
File: 1500778404387.jpg (664.96 KB, 487x467, lol.jpg)

Another terribad shoop. Sweet wiggly buildings.
No. 358196
File: 1500820933435.png (852.58 KB, 720x908, Xdxd.png)

Xdxdxd i'm so spunky!
Very disappointed that her panties and tits are not plastered all over this costume. Common Niglet.
No. 360900
File: 1501082809991.jpg (234.74 KB, 1348x2048, DFnaI_LXkAAMj9h.jpg)

This is a thing that I've been wondering about for a while: I know Tabitha Lyons has tape on her nipples when she does these body paint streams, but isn't it at least a bit uncomfortable to have your dad paint over your boobs as well?
No. 361167
File: 1501104494922.png (308.89 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170726-222538.png)

>>360900Yeah its weird, the bottom comment on her dva paint is weird.
Shes clearly open with her father but ive tuned into her streams while her father is paiting her breasts and shes openly talking about sex and how much she loves it. Just doesnt sit right with me.
No. 361422
File: 1501133455600.jpg (Spoiler Image,129.43 KB, 675x1200, blehhhhhhh.jpg)

I can't say I really have a good reason for my dislike of Stephanie Michelle other than the fact that I've been seeing her nasty botched tits everywhere lately.
I think she gets fatter every time I see her.
No. 361791
File: 1501190847663.jpg (211.27 KB, 2000x1587, IMG_20170727_172153.jpg)

Came across this mess today. 10k followers on Twitter, sucks up to the patreon girls a lot. She's just a sub par chubby girl who buys cheap eBay costumes. I get so autism triggered by these girls who put fake "censors" on pics
No. 361793
File: 1501190896357.png (769.71 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170727-172036.png)

>>361791Her ego is also huge. This is how she responded to a fan (and SHE posted it..?)
No. 361810
File: 1501191707463.png (2.64 MB, 1440x1990, 20170723_105900.png)

Speaking of gross and irrelevant. I almost screamed looking at the… "dress" tied around her arm Her only milk seems to be her delusions that she looks great in the shittiest clothing she heaves herself into, while pandering to the lowest of betas.
No. 361922
>>361791this is a pretty bad shot and u can literally see thru the dragon ball to see that it is censoring really nothing lmao. besides bad cosplay tho does she actually do milky shit? agree with
>>361832 sounds a little like personal vendetta
she's irrelevant
No. 362396
File: 1501269085367.png (160.34 KB, 750x1061, IMG_0505.PNG)

>>361922They will use emojis or whatever to "censor" parts of themselves in photos to make it seem more lewd.
There seems to be a mutual agreement that it can be a bit scamy. Amouranth does this all the time. You can literally see the swimsuit straps you fuckin twat what is the point???
I think she has way too much popularity for being a proven shitty person and to repetitively disappoint her patreon subscribers with whatever "lewd" set she's doing. I don't know how those stupid neck beards haven't learned already. For that reason I can't exactly blame her for taking advantage of stupid people.
No. 362433
File: 1501272199601.jpg (28.27 KB, 539x960, yazy.jpg)

>>356333why do people pay her for bad photoshop
No. 362439
>>361422I hate when these cosplay girls (or any girls who participate in "photoshoots", or post pictures at all tbh) have nasty, dirty nails.
I would make sure my nails were done nicely for each photoshoot, but if not, I'd at least cut and file them and make sure I didn't have remnants of old chipped polish and gross dirt under them. ugh.
No. 362789
She's kind of surviving the same way as Moomoo. A lot of people hate her but she has a strong following of neck beards that will stay loyal no matter what.
She looks a bit old and kind of strung out. I don't get the appeal when you have to deal with all of her other shit.
No. 363016
File: 1501351474037.jpg (8.01 MB, 6016x4016, DSC_3953.JPG)

>>357157>I would like to see her try and be lazier than thesebehold
No. 363017
File: 1501351662132.jpg (6.28 MB, 3012x4512, DSC_3833.jpg)

>>357157>>363016this one is even better.
no cosplay at all. just her butt.
No. 363163
File: 1501371795384.png (618.36 KB, 481x600, meg turney.png)

You would think between the money Meg is making and what Gavin's making, she could afford better wigs and higher quality costumes…
No. 364064
File: 1501522645354.png (605.92 KB, 470x588, shitdva.png)

This image is making me cringe so hard, what the fuck is wrong with her face? The shoop makes it 100x worse as well.
>>363163She didn't even make any of this, it was a gift from Lisa Lou Who, kek.
No. 364497
File: 1501577033027.jpg (622.71 KB, 2048x2048, E6C7A668-B320-42C3-AA25-A8447F…)

Here's a new one for ya. Harley Kat Cosplay. Photo (left two 2017, right is circa 2011).
Twitter: @harleykatcos
iG: @hydrasharleykat
Facebook: cosplay ladder climber for followers
- Kisses up to photographers to get as many shots as possible
- Obsessively stalks her own tags and photos on IG.
- Reposts her IG photos over and over again to try and gain new interest
Summary: Gained her followers from riding the coattails of Loki Hates You and crew. She quickly wedged her way into the group in an attempt to gain popularity. The minute she realized Loki Hates You would not date her she moved on to find new avenues to garner popularity. It only took a little over a year, but it helped her gain some momentum. You can also see her obvious attempts at sucking up to other popular cosplayers such as Angi Viper, Amberskies, Abby Darkstar, etc. on her social media accounts.
Because she was no longer riding Loki's popularity train she had to pull out all the stops to garner more interest in her. In comes the sudden revival of Slave Leia which she first debuted in 2011. This was her first cosplay costume from years ago. Albeit she is thin, but as you can see in the before and after photos she has aged tremendously. (She is currently 29 years old, and without photo editing appears to be 40+).
Once and awhile she produces milk when fighting with exes or those with differing opinions.
No. 364755
File: 1501617311092.jpg (321.84 KB, 750x1204, IMG_0544.JPG)

So apparently this email from convention staff was sent to the cosplay guests recently. These were posted in the Momokun thread but I figured it could be discussed here.
It's pretty telling they have to send this out. A lot of cosplay guests nowadays are just fame hungry thots who want the popularity without actually putting in the work for it. They don't want to have to deal with an audience they hate but have catered to.
No. 364767
>>364748True, the costume here isn't bad it was a commission from Jamin Fite. However, I will disagree on ageing to an extent. Ageing will happen to everyone, but it is accelerated when you eat poorly, don't take care of your skin, etc. It's shocking to see just a handful year difference between the images. Also, the right skincare routine, diet, makeup, wigs, and hair care would help out a lot here.
Her costumes have gotten better, but her attitude and attention seeking behavior is accelerating. Right now it seems like she is jumping on multiple fandom bandwagons and grasping at straws for followers. Slave Leia was her last stint, it appears the newest one is Game of Thrones.
No. 364773
File: 1501619681998.jpg (52.48 KB, 540x960, 19029188_1573610832673186_4248…)

>>364748Also, in her candid photos without professional photoshopping it just seems like she is malnourished? Or sleep deprived? Something is off. Either way, she posts a lot of selfies where she looks haggard. That's why I think a simple self-care routine, including skin care, would do wonders for her.
However when she is photoshopped, she does look much younger.
No. 364777
>>364773well i agree with you on the eating right/skincare regime and such to prevent aging. i don't know the girl so i don't know how attention-seeking she might be buuuut i do have to kind of defend the bandwagon thing–sometimes they just enjoy the shows. if she were, say, doing a character from every popular game or movie that comes out that would be bandwagon-hopping. this just seems like she's trying to get big on the shows she enjoys.
sage for blogpost and all, not trying to start an argument.
No. 366870
File: 1501910843301.jpg (65.54 KB, 629x675, IMG_2373.JPG)

>>362396>watching her stream out of curiosity >some cuck donates $5000I want to kill myself. What is the mentality of these people?
>The same person is talking about donating the same amount tomorrowHoly fuck. Why?
No. 367314
File: 1501979928661.png (44.59 KB, 750x432, IMG_9591.PNG)

From Harley Kat's FB. She forgot to set it to private though… nabbed it just before she changed it / deleted it. Like why would you even post something like that? Smh
No. 368885
>>368879those are… very lazy cosplays.
Could Meh not bother to get a set of D.Va headphones for this?
No. 369087
File: 1502240360607.png (469.65 KB, 649x804, SLfFxIo.png)

if a social media whore does something good and doesn't whore it for internet points, did it really happen?
weird she didn't snap selfies of her donating blood when she brags every single time she just goes for a run, or mention where to donate blood but i guess she couldn't be holier than thou if she helped other people donate
No. 370686
File: 1502472205754.jpg (83.09 KB, 1062x552, asd.jpg)

Jessica took her few week break (had been only posting old pics/videos for awhile) and came back looking quite different. Looks like she had something done to her face and possibly lips. You can see in her latest video. Wonder if she finally got something done to her butt too so she doesnt have to photoshop the hell out of it anymore
No. 371063
File: 1502512143579.jpg (99.91 KB, 482x789, Image9.jpg)

Jessica's newest cosplay- Negan
No. 371094
>>371063She looks so much better when she's less tan and a little more pale
I know she hikes a lot and lives in AZ, so some of it is a natural tan. I don't know how much is unnatural. But some high SPF sunscreen would do her some good because she really does look much younger when she is a bit paler.
No. 371406
File: 1502568292434.png (1.33 MB, 932x1056, Screen Shot 2017-08-12 at 4.03…)

screams w h y ! ! ! ! ! !
No. 371454
File: 1502574009168.jpg (24.66 KB, 281x500, DHC00zNXgAA-wmN.thumb.jpg.cc59…)

The BIG Game of Thrones build Jessica was saying she was working on…….lol……
No. 371970
>>371655What we know without a doubt: She's definitely had two nosejobs. She now has had her lips done. She also had gum surgery early on around the time of her first nosejob pre-Lollipop Chainsaw. (Compare her smile in 2009 to 2012.) Second nosejob this past year. And then her boobjob(s) of course.
Likely: I believe she had botox recently as well. When looking at her old pics I also think she had a brow lift pretty early on.
Honestly I think she looks great and would love to know the name of her surgeon(s), esp for the revision rhinoplasty she had this year. I'm a bit jelly because I don't have the $ to improve my appearance like that. I used to think her face was really unattractive but now I think she's a qt.
No. 372041
>>372035That was proved false
He admitted he just pulled a random photo from google to use SDCC/cosplay tits as a way to promo himself and that he wasn't actually her surgeon
No. 372898
File: 1502836445372.jpg (576 KB, 2048x2048, 8B3B0A3B-077C-4D4A-B993-1DE779…)

Harley Kat posted some of her Margaery photos, but something felt off. It seems as though her wig slipped backwards in some of her shots as the later ones show a rather prominent five head. Similar to a few of her other cosplays. From someone who claims to be a model and makes most of their living off of cosplay, you would think this would be a cosplay 101 thing.
No. 374532
File: 1503028575917.jpg (31.7 KB, 540x960, 20842295_10155557755508834_429…)

Alisachan is a older cosplayer who does nudes and other shit to stay relevant. Saw this today; she's talking about Charlottesville and being with the white supremacists.
No. 374917
>>372898I wouldn´t waste too much time getting annoyed by this girl if I were you. I used to follow her, she had way more followers (maybe 6k), I checked and she is down to 1k. I think people are realizing how hideous she is.
>>367314Didn´t know how fame hungry she was though, or egotistical. Now I don´t feel sorry for her unfortunate wigs & face
No. 374947
File: 1503088381817.jpg (51.73 KB, 786x755, FB_IMG_1503088221715.jpg)

>>374532Update: since this post she and her hubby were exposed as being affiliates of a white nationalist group. Receipts included a screenshot of them holding hands during the march. Someone else posted a screen of her hubby demeaning another person because he is a special snowflake. All in a span of a day her domain keeper deleted her camming site and she baleeted social media like her facebook
No. 375033
>>374917You bring up some good points anon. I think I notice it more than others because of my perspective of watching her grow and soon realizing it was for attention, to prove she was sexy enough to others, and finally tearing others down through word of mouth. She also has some strange vendetta with her exes and bad mouths them to strangers, I saw her stalk one of them once at a con after dissing the guy and his new gf or whoever she was. Why air your dirty laundry to people you don't know that well? People will catch on though and she will disappear. Just an ugly person inside.
Saged and such.
No. 375430
File: 1503168388167.jpg (163.28 KB, 864x1080, QxT8rx0.jpg)

Anything on the VERY cringy cosplayer youtuber Angie Griffin???? Constantly showing off her big saggy tits No. 375489
File: 1503175619812.jpg (100.46 KB, 960x960, 932e042693e26d3a571c7a6ce29253…)

Nigri is going around saying her Khal Drogo is an original design. Here's Kaybears one from months earlier. Almost exactly the same.
No. 375506
>>375430I don't really see her as a cosplayer.
I do see her as the bait and switch her husband uses to get clicks on his YouTube page
No. 375715
File: 1503204777948.png (948.46 KB, 1672x776, princesssmeech.png)

is this even cosplay anymore?
No. 375744
File: 1503206575891.jpg (28.42 KB, 472x263, is this derek.jpg)

>dates that Goku guy for 15 years
>suddenly is married to some white nationalist/sword enthusiast and is very concerned about the future of the white race
>isn't pumping out white babies despite being over 30
surely this will all end well.
No. 375784
They're completely different
One is a loin cloth one is pants
One has a bra with randomly placed leather pieces and the other bra has lined up leather pieces
One has a waist piece with pouches and the other is just a random leather waist piece
There's not many ways you can change a canon design while being accurate
Stop making shit up lol
No. 375944
File: 1503253186393.jpg (104.85 KB, 650x708, AlisaKhloroform.jpg)

>>375917seems like he was last seen pretending to chloroform her in weird fetish videos for Sleeperkid/VelvetsFantasies before he was replaced by the "southern nationalist".
hasn't posted to DA since 2012: credited as Alisa's photographer in 2014 though: No. 376165
>>371063Draw on a beard damnit. That's a big part of his appearance. So much tryhard on wanting to look sexy.
If you didn't say I'd have no clue who she was supposed to be. Isn't that the sign of a failed cosplay? It's not like it's obscure…
No. 376318
File: 1503290240871.png (572.56 KB, 592x439, roxxyshoopchan.png)

Just wanted to put these here. PrinceRoxyChan, the bitch who told MooMookun to tape her fat folds up to her skull. Reminds me of that one Precure cosplayer on WorldCosplay who shoops himself alot.
No. 376705
File: 1503346391498.jpg (89.37 KB, 640x960, IMG_0645.JPG)

>>375715No. It's fetish shit. Some people will still swear up and down that it's cosplay tho. Those are usually the same people that think anything is cosplay as long as you call it that.
>>376318I have no idea how anyone could think this actually looks good.
No. 377012
>>371760Nigri used to go to tanning beds very frequently in the past, so she was prematurely fucked before she even started putting her face out there.
She's also from the desert so she obviously really can't avoid the sun, and from what I vaguely remember wasn't she an ASU party girl? Drinking fucks with aging too.
There's also genetics and diet. The aging comments are so stupid, who gives a fuck if they have lines in their face you clearly don't even like them and are petty enough to nitpick about something so small, just be enjoy their flaws and be petty.
No. 377025
File: 1503394114875.png (549.36 KB, 720x421, arjM1SG.png)

Meg is shilling martin wong's patreon talking about how this terrible photoshop is 'freaking genius'
the dude is a fucking hack
No. 377901
File: 1503498359105.png (180.53 KB, 830x1462, cut that dang internet down ri…)

the Alisa Kiss thing is getting spicy as h*ck."White Nationalists are not Nazis, you idiots." - her mom
No. 378267
File: 1503537878842.jpeg (242.17 KB, 719x1279, image.jpeg)

Tenleid's really starting to pack on the pounds,
No. 378377
File: 1503548452980.jpg (53.36 KB, 1275x382, Capture.JPG)

>>377273Agreed. His twitter layout is hilarious. One of my other "cosplay photographer" friends would invite me into editing streams with him and it was very mediocre retouching.
No. 378479
>>378267>>378269Wow she's really turned into a cow
Finally her looks match her personality
No. 378535
>>378377He claims to be a leading expert on cosplay photography but I don't think you can call yourself an expert if you only work with the same handful of people with the same body type and style of cosplay. His hall shots reflect just how poor his quality is. He stalks around cons trying to find the popular cosplayers who will get him likes and tries to be "first" at posting photos from the con to get their traffic. I've met him and as soon as he found out my friends and I weren't 50k likes cosplayers, he shut down and walked away. I've also heard from other friends that once he realized he couldn't get anything from their friendship, he deleted them and would pretend he didn't recognize them irl.
Idk I don't begrudge free photographers taking photos of who they choose to, they're not being hired so it's their preference. But don't claim to be an "expert" in that case.
No. 378547
File: 1503579414511.png (33.66 KB, 660x431, make white babies.png)

No. 378551
File: 1503579720626.jpg (181.22 KB, 699x702, DH9SyOtVoAAVa_X.jpg)

Jonathon seems like a real winner.
No. 378593
File: 1503584149949.jpg (103.96 KB, 1080x1920, 20901468_1455811487817499_5509…)

>>378267>>378267but look how small her waist is
No. 378650
File: 1503589963915.jpeg (41.77 KB, 495x495, DC7D0CE4-8A47-4CC0-9C04-068777…)

>>378551he's pretty hot tbh
should be saving the whte race with someone more attractive than piggu
No. 378689
File: 1503594625671.jpg (246.78 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_0507.JPG)

>>378684Her body changes with every photo
No. 378738
>>378684I mean she even had really bad shop on her old stuff too - so many blurry pixels near her waist and warped railings/stairs behind her
She's always looked drastically different in person than in her photos - she became known for that on the down low in the cali community for years.
Even her close friends would make fun of her behind her and her bfs back
No. 378811
File: 1503601776760.jpg (76.58 KB, 417x585, j.jpg)

My friends just posted this on their facebook feed saying they got to meet the cosplay queen. I had to share the photo because it made me laugh so hard. I had to cut them all out since they were surrounding the queen. lol
No. 378963
File: 1503614938415.jpg (262.1 KB, 799x1342, IMG_3202.JPG)

Stolen from another thread
Tenleid who used to photoshop herself (badly) and now god fat so she desperately shops herself even more to try and relive her glory days
No. 378998
File: 1503616845064.png (638.3 KB, 720x927, Screenshot_2017-08-24-16-03-12…)

Sure, Jan
No. 379306
File: 1503644760512.png (260.97 KB, 592x630, Screenshot 2017-08-25 at 12.03…)

>red dressI wonder if she knows this is Nero and not Artoria
No. 380085
>>379336I want milk on this girl. I used to follow her ages ago but then I unfollowed when I found out she was hanging out with Moo. Browsing through her IG before unfollowing, I realized how unnervingly unnatural her chin had always appeared to me. I found a video where her chin literally morphs as she moves. It's apparently gone now, though… figures. But notice how all her videos are of her moving VERY slowly and in the same calculated manner. In pics/vids where she can't shoop her chin, she covers it. I don't know what her issue is with wanting her chin more pointy than 99% of anime characters to the point (no pun intended) that it is actually inaccurate cosplay but… maybe she has some sort of BDD about it.
Anyway, here's the closest I could find of some candid video of her. Notice how quickly she covers her chin. chin is much rounder and normal looking in some other photos but I wish I had posted that video where her chin warps its size when I found it, but didn't see her being discussed at the time. Any way to find old/deleted IG videos?
No. 380205
File: 1503765649640.png (363.22 KB, 852x479, Screenshot 2017-08-26 at 9.40.…)

>>380200why does she keep on doing this face No. 380499
File: 1503796904772.jpg (69.25 KB, 456x750, tumblr_opk900VTdg1sfpjl9o1_500…)

>>380436Ugh! I'll probably sound like a horrible person but she's done plenty of harassment videos before and Im over it. Seems like she's constantly getting harassed. Unfortunately, theres assholes in this world and the fact that she got those huge implants…. she's always gonna get unwanted attention from these assholes which I'm not saying she deserves….She doesn't but this shit happens. I also do think she's overally sensitive at times because I've seen in her videos her being upset when I guy yells she's hot. Happens to all women
No. 380584
File: 1503805306134.jpg (89.88 KB, 590x594, 48654.jpg)

>>380581holy shit i'm dumb. i went with what anon said and i know penny for being almost mariah tier so i didn't think it added up with what i know about her.
also she looks different somehow…
No. 380587
>>380436"I'm not that extreme, lots of people look like me"
Your tits are bigger than most people's entire bodies, you couldn't get much more extreme.
No. 380591
>>380499….what the fuck?
just…. what the fuck
I mean you can't really say anyone ~deserves~ to be harassed but to get implants that massive uhhh, what were you thinking exactly?
No. 380708
>>380591Not deserving, but probably a rare example of someone actually "asking for it".
(not meaning something like sexual assault though)
Why get massive boobs (at all really) and then complain about getting attention for them?
She looks fucking ridiculous and I'm surprised she can stand.
No. 381181
File: 1503879919438.png (456.88 KB, 720x851, 20170827_202326.png)

These kind of girls tire my brain.
>custom made
>literally purchased China made cloths and glued/stuck it to a cheap bra.
I just…
No. 381284
>>381183No she wasn't
That was princess pumpkin or whatever the fuck her name is
Can you at least sage if you don't know what you're talking about
No. 381325
File: 1503895520437.jpg (19.26 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

No. 381670
File: 1503936194605.jpg (142.58 KB, 1015x1200, DIL0cvKXgAUttEr.jpg)

Tabitha looks like she just remembered she left the gas on at home in every single photo.
No. 382654
File: 1504030108560.png (55.17 KB, 663x819, GEORGE SOROS KILLED MY CAREER.…)

in case anyone was wondering if Alisa-chan/Alisakiss had calmed down yet, George Soros hired Antifa thugs to throw piss balloons at her because The Jew–I mean "you"–fears "words and ideas".
No. 383314
File: 1504122925920.png (41.43 KB, 604x561, soros doubledown.png)

god, she's stupid.
No. 383331
File: 1504124277370.png (13.33 KB, 668x541, DELETE FUCKING EVERYTHING.png)

Alisa, are you lurking this thread?
No. 384980
File: 1505145645047.jpg (89.57 KB, 1080x1350, 21457766_1107863046012254_6910…)

No. 385381
>>384980Her chin/jaw lmao what the fuck
Holy shit that's bad
Who Photoshops themselves a fatty witch chin
No. 387482
File: 1505543754904.jpg (69.95 KB, 640x960, FB_IMG_1505543609947.jpg)

Meg, Darshelle, and Jessica did this shoot
No. 387489
File: 1505547413889.jpg (80.03 KB, 666x947, IMG_5576.JPG)

>>387487Eh I don't see it that way at all
They're not in the canon cutesy little kid dresses
They clearly did a different more grown up version
It's like this art you see floating around everywhere
No. 387499
>>387492Yeah they're awful lol but for some reason this specific art has gone viral so many times
I was just using it as an example
No. 387619
File: 1505572980917.png (1.24 MB, 1070x712, Screen Shot 2017-09-16 at 10.4…)

wow, why didn't we think about it first? rick and morty definitely need to be sexualized.
No. 388658
File: 1505707525478.jpg (28.13 KB, 284x392, IMG_1077.JPG)

Princeroxychan doesn't look a damn thing like her pictures:
No. 389488
File: 1505848649294.png (877.55 KB, 720x1201, Screenshot_2017-09-19-12-13-55…)

Why does she do this
No. 389490
File: 1505848861809.jpg (88.67 KB, 1080x701, IMG_20170919_122015.jpg)

>>389488Her chin slid back apparently lol
No. 389491
File: 1505848943845.jpg (87.59 KB, 680x510, IMG_20170919_122155.jpg)

No. 389504
File: 1505850574710.jpg (1 MB, 2048x2048, F5AF64B7-58DA-4833-A09A-666BC4…)

Speaking of bad photoshop, Shinuki is one ofthe worst I've seen. When she isn't milking betas with "nudes" that are just shooped pics of her wearing legit drag queen style breastforms (will post evidence) she's morphing herself into a poorman's Kina Shen. Right is Kina Shen and Left is Shinkui. And in case you were wondering, Shinuki is white.
No. 389505
File: 1505850636380.png (Spoiler Image,1.6 MB, 1500x1125, IMG_8364.PNG)

>>389504Here is one of shinuki's fake titty "nudes" she sells on her porntreon.
No. 389510
File: 1505851329018.jpg (727.99 KB, 1200x1599, IMG_1085.JPG)

>>389490When u still think people believe you when you say that your face is naturally shaped like that
No. 389513
File: 1505851435825.jpg (631.44 KB, 2048x2048, 3C302008-CB25-4536-A1BC-5681C9…)

>>389504One more pic comparing copycat Shinuki (left) to Kina Shen (right).
No. 389514
File: 1505851560087.jpg (489.69 KB, 2048x2048, 8CC603AE-1926-460A-973A-39068A…)

>>389505Both of these photos are of Shinuki. Note the insane fluctuation in boob size.
No. 389521
File: 1505852995749.jpg (33.42 KB, 480x639, IMG_8370.JPG)

>>389514People honestly think these rubber tits are real??
No. 389593
>>389521you'd be surprised at what obvious fakes people believe are real
missalice, most koreans, brazilians, yanet garcia, amber rose, some people even think nicki minaj is real
No. 389615
File: 1505866090147.png (159.33 KB, 500x267, Picture-2.png)

>>389593implants and breastforms are two different animals though. At least you can kiiinddaa pretend with implants.
No. 389680
File: 1505878507821.jpg (55.73 KB, 678x211, shinuki.jpg)

>>389645I never heard of this chick before and it's literally the first thing I see on her FB page…so she's pretty open about it.
No. 389682
>>389680Whatever gets the job done I guess lmao
Hell of a lot less commitment and cost than a boob job
No. 389739
File: 1505896524062.jpg (68.82 KB, 634x779, 37EDEED200000578-3774242-image…)

>>389682And a lot fewer health problems.
>>389593There's an Instagram model, Lil Miquela, which is so obviously a 3D model (attached picture) and people still wonder whether it's a real girl.
There's so much to point out but just look at the fringe: that's the typical gradient look you get on hair when there's a texture over a mesh and her eyes are miles apart. Still, people are so confused as to whether she's real because she's sometimes photoshopped in real settings over real models in a collage of real and 3D.
No. 390012
File: 1505933275453.jpg (144.58 KB, 500x1010, saya-3d.jpg)

>>389993I have no idea: I first learned about her on a BBC article that was about her and how people couldn't tell whether she was real or not. I was so incredulous that I went to her account to check her comments and there were indeed a load of people either treating her like a real person or people arguing that she was totally real and admits to photoshopping a bit and calling people daft for not seeing how she's totally real.
If anything, I think the modellers who did the girl in the attached picture did a much better job of it, and they're very clear it's a model.
No. 390031
File: 1505936847888.png (1.88 MB, 1598x1166, Screen Shot 2017-09-20 at 3.45…)

>>389739you can thank molly soda for that, an instagram ~goddess~ (apparently) who would honestly be so much prettier if she didn't act so grimy. if others would like it, i wouldn't mind starting a thread on general fake instagrammers (catfish or otherwise) because this isn't really the thread for it.
No. 390260
File: 1505968418023.png (146.13 KB, 750x1223, IMG_9115.PNG)

>>390219she looks so uncomfortable in every photo
No. 390434
>>389680Well she shut down her patreon after more people mentioned the fake tits. Sh never said in the image description "i'm wearing prosthetic breasts" and let people make comments like "wow your boobs are so big!"
She obviously wanted people to think they were real and cough up money on her patreon.
No. 390582
>>390434She deleted all her social media and changer her ig of Shinkuki. Serves her right for swindling people.
No. 390641
>swindling peopleIf they're fucking dumb enough to think that's real then that's 100% on them.
That's like getting mad at a cosplayer for not realizing their contacts aren't their real eye color or their wig isn't their real hair.
No. 390756
>>390659If you sell lingerie pics in a push up bra and contoured is that ~~~swindling~~~ too because dumb men don't realize your boobs aren't actually that big?
It's a costume undergarment/accessory she uses.
No. 390960
>>390788>>390756I was the original one that found
>>389680 and now it appears that the post was deleted lol so I guessthat's what I get for defending this chick I've never heard of
No. 391460
File: 1506179477489.jpg (640.75 KB, 2048x2048, 3AB70937-8BC2-4ADB-AAB5-104D67…)

A whiteknight (most likely Shinuki herself) is having a breakdown on her anon ib thread lmao No. 393255
File: 1506475528901.png (Spoiler Image,864.46 KB, 965x635, yikes.png)

Tenleid makes 4,5k a month on her Patreon and all she does is post horribly shooped snow selfies in shitty amazon costumes on the same bed in her messy apartment, most of which are routinely late being sent out. You'd think with those earnings she'd be able to rent out some studio space; she wouldn't even have to hire a photographer, isn't her boyfriend a Youtuber and presumably good with cameras?
What do you guys think she spends the money on?
No. 393356
>>393348. Even with that shoop you can see the cellulite dimples on her thighs and two roils on her stomach. She's squeezing her arms tightly to the side so they won't show fat sag and to push together her boobs. Shit, I don't even see her clavicles. Looks like she blurred a double chin. The bra straps are digging into her puffy shoulders.
She's well into obese territory and that's a shame. I know back in the tripfag days of cgl she lost a lot of weight.
No. 393387
>>393356I remember that as well
Pitty because the more someone gains/loses weight the harder it gets and the more worn out their body looks
I miss when she was hot
No. 393424
File: 1506498926331.png (153.69 KB, 216x336, Screenshot 2017-09-27 at 12.55…)

No. 393425
File: 1506498938005.jpg (32.68 KB, 480x480, 18299323_208351419670980_14434…)

No. 393426
File: 1506499004103.jpg (50.83 KB, 480x480, 13259658_1061493567244913_1828…)

No. 393860
File: 1506554389334.png (716.58 KB, 720x811, 20170927_182532.png)

I find Instagram definition of cosplay funny
>slapped on a wig
>got naked in a cheap motel
Not even the effort of a character related setting. Do neck beards not get tired of paying for the same poorly done softcore shoots in the same motel setting..
No. 394025
File: 1506571520357.jpg (141.88 KB, 700x1166, IMG_8137.JPG)

>>393860Not to mention the bad photoshop
No. 394092
File: 1506597765850.png (635.91 KB, 720x1280, 20170928_072033.png)

>>394025Is.. Is this a joke?! Kek half these girls either even believe their own Photoshop or just really don't care I guess. This obvious mistake tho. How embarrassing
No. 394108
>>393860Wow that ass photoshop…
Ok but why doesn't she edit herself to look younger?
No. 394850
File: 1506708406923.png (1.13 MB, 1080x1311, 20170929_054118.png)

I only see 2 cosplays and one rando.
No. 395394
File: 1506799578192.png (513.62 KB, 462x459, yuck.png)

This looks grotesque even by Nigri standards. This isn't even interesting or imaginative in any way and I really don't get why people are still willing to pay her money for this. At this point, I wish she would just drop the "cosplayer" shit and continue on with her crappy modelling, because she will be of no loss to the community whatsoever.
No. 395710
File: 1506838185588.png (972.93 KB, 720x1194, Screenshot_2017-09-30-23-04-22…)

No. 396005
File: 1506889887780.jpg (32.32 KB, 540x703, 22127183_10159444718575088_623…)

Tenleid's shopping is so atrocious she can't even make her eyes level. She must hate to see herself in the mirror everyday.
No. 396042
File: 1506894575721.png (488.35 KB, 580x582, meg.png)

I think Meg is cute but goddammit why are her eyebrows so extremely arched
No. 396043
File: 1506894605862.png (488.6 KB, 580x582, meg2.png)

>>396042It would look so much softer like this.
No. 397024
File: 1507029143333.jpg (223.32 KB, 900x1200, Darshelle.jpg)

So I actually think Darshelle looks cute here
No. 397068
File: 1507042721226.png (509.92 KB, 608x683, Screenshot 2017-10-03 at 7.58.…)

>not going to procrastinate
>everything looks bought from alibaba
No. 397558
File: 1507078566854.png (801.62 KB, 750x1334, IMG_9236.PNG)

oh honey no what are you doing not wearing no-show underwear? why wear underwear at all if it's gonna look like that?
No. 397564
>>395737anon wasn't talking about how she looks…
I think she looks good, too. but the poster you're replying to is clearly talking about the costume. it's boring and wack. it looks like a thotty Halloween costume from Party City. I love those as much as the next girl but I don't throw one on and call myself a cosplayer.
No. 398047
File: 1507154401345.png (453.1 KB, 1233x1437, IMG_9604.PNG)

Why does she shop her non existent tits? She looks like a dude in drag ready to take a cumload. Her brother is more attractive and a better cosplayer.
No. 398052 is really not helping her case. Trying to prove her chin is that sharp yet the camera goes out of focus frequently (which she excuses)
And when her chin does come into focus, shes perfectly still or moves only a little bit. Girl stahp.
No. 398216
>>354019>>398093AKA the only shit she does now. Rarely will she come out with an actual cosplay costume.
Makes $60,000 a month to cosplay yet she came out with 3 actual cosplays this year (and most of the costumes she had other people make)
No. 398553
>>398047Yeah ok, if you ever actually looked at her in person you could see its a push up bra.
And her brother is a sweetheart but he is not a better cosplayer at all. He is just getting started. I love him to death but he has a lot of progress to make.
You sound like someone who has a personal vendetta and is making any and all excuse to get at her. Get over it, there is no milk no matter how much you try.
No. 399045
>>398216This. Most people don't care about her lewd stuff, it's the fact she's still trying to market herself as a professional cosplayer when she's hardly even cosplaying at all. Even at the events she has attended in costume, she's bailed about 3 hours in. Having
one big build a year is inexcusable when she's rolling in that much money. Being a fan of Nigri honestly must just be one huge disappointment.
No. 399576
>>399045That's LITERALLY every patreon girl though
Name one cosplayer who does the full canon outfit for every character she lewds hmm??
No. 399628
File: 1507405158803.png (844.16 KB, 1080x1490, 20171007_153523.png)

I was wondering if she was ever going to jump on this bandwagon
No. 399811
>>399576IDK what that's suppose to mean, but it still doesn't justify her laziness. How much money other cosplay thots shouldn't effect her efforts…. or the quality of her costumes with 60k
Even more so she's one of the reason patreon cosplay sluts exist soooo
No. 400624
File: 1507501398215.png (1.8 MB, 1182x1192, Screen Shot 2017-10-08 at 6.22…)

>>399628what the actual fuck is up with her icon?
(she got one btw, still can't find a bra that fucking blends in.)
No. 400773
>>400624Making it herself and yet can't get the straps on the dress right even though it's obvious in the reference pictures.
Also the fuck is with that (lack of) hemming? Looks untidy af. I hope it's just a "WIP" and not the actual 'finished' dress
No. 400889
File: 1507551517987.png (778.27 KB, 720x952, 20171009_081431.png)

I am fucking CRINGING, at what point does lewding just get ridiculous and hilarious to these desperate whores?
No. 401229
File: 1507593774758.jpg (328.94 KB, 2048x1365, DLTuOMCUEAARUYF.jpg)

This.. is not a super-flattering shot of Meg. It makes her look kind of chunky. Why would she willingly post this?
No. 401284
>>401229I think calling her chunky is a bit of a reach. It seems like you can't actually find anything to complain about.
>>401267It pretty much looks like its supposed to. I'm making the same character, different version, and there is only so different breast plates can look.
No. 401289
File: 1507601205696.jpg (200.48 KB, 1242x2208, f2um1axiz3qz.jpg)

Morticia cosplay, lmao
No. 401693
File: 1507670958664.jpg (184.32 KB, 887x593, Image3.jpg)

Have you guys been seeing the numerous reddit posts thats been going on the past 3 months? These users (always a girl's name) constantly talks about how beautiful Jessica is but talks trash to other cosplayers. I've collected over 1000 posts and over 100 of these accounts. Looks like this is what Jessica does in her free time.
No. 402014
>>393255What a shame. She's just a fat patreon hoe now.
If you pay girls while they're being mediocre, expect that to never change or to get worse. Tenleid is the crown example of this. She's basically MoMokun without the drama.
No. 402016
>>393860She's walking clickbait.
She's also apparently a huge asshole, but nerds will still pay pretty girls to feel like they're friends with them despite personality and shit quality content.
No. 402065
File: 1507739960475.png (367.95 KB, 529x464, boob armor.png)

>>401284>>401309fuck you I was right
No. 402084
File: 1507741853309.png (1.77 MB, 1168x854, Screen Shot 2017-10-11 at 1.09…)

gonna double post this one but–
really? she looks like a blow-up doll with that expression.
No. 402085
File: 1507741911164.png (2.3 MB, 1860x1178, Screen Shot 2017-10-11 at 1.10…)

>>402084and also "please don't use the word sexy thanks"
but you're still going to sell lewds and do sexual cosplays?
No. 402158
File: 1507749098445.png (58.8 KB, 265x265, ehhhhhhh.png)

>>402084she always looks so dead in the eyes.
No. 402286
File: 1507763462539.png (1.11 MB, 1188x890, Screen Shot 2017-10-11 at 7.10…)

>>402271you aren't wrong.
check out that dirty fucking tub, too.
No. 402432
File: 1507796840171.png (159.59 KB, 435x261, download.png)

>>354019>>354019she reminds me of gypsy rose
No. 402568
File: 1507830529717.png (1.01 MB, 1176x860, Screen Shot 2017-10-12 at 1.48…)

>>402487that doesn't excuse the fact that she looks like she has golden floss going up her ass crack (then again every costume of hers has something riding up her ass…)
No. 402752
File: 1507852604818.png (227.78 KB, 750x1226, IMG_8819.PNG)

>>391460She had a huge melt down on patreon. Notice how her typing and grammar is the same as the white knights.
No. 402894
>>402752Lmao she sounds like such a baby and a brat, I love how she’s blaming her “fans” for her dumbass lewd/nude pics, she’s the one who decided to take fake tit pics no one pressured her into it, she knew what she was doing by going on patreon and selling nsfw pics
Like honestly what did she really expect??
Can patreon really out people who leak stuff??? Cause usually when that happens to other cosplayers they just randomly start blocking their patrons
cough No. 403229
File: 1507936928472.png (1.09 MB, 720x1206, Screenshot_2017-10-13-16-14-44…)

Gabby's horrible witch top (Dragon Crown)
No. 403403
File: 1507964847536.jpg (408.75 KB, 1780x1188, Lazy.jpg)

>>402286I like to do photo-manipulations as a hobby but the sheer laziness of this
Triggered me. Sage for being bored and having nothing worthwhile to contribute.
No. 403770
File: 1508010297227.png (2.19 MB, 1626x1184, Screen Shot 2017-10-14 at 3.43…)

wow, big surprise that rachni is trying to hop onto kayybears nearly nonexistent fame. (kayybear almost makes rachni look cute)
No. 404145
File: 1508082003925.png (39.23 KB, 160x134, Capture _2017-10-15-10-33-18-1…)

I'm sorry but this chick needs better photoshopping skills. Princeroxychan looks so different in this one of her fans thought she was xbrinni. I don't think ive seen anyone edit a nose that poorly.
No. 404770
File: 1508192202998.png (1.19 MB, 720x1187, Screenshot_2017-10-16-14-55-53…)

Roxy didn't have time to suck in her cheeks
No. 404791
>>404770Pfffft ahhhhh I love seeing these!!!
Where'd your perfect gangnum unnie chin go roxychan?
What happened to your lil whovian nose, roxychan?
Lawl. I bet her fans can only tell its her by Her older, less horrifically edited pictures and that's all. "Tad unique chin" my shiny metal ass, she has a fuckin plain as hell face.
No. 404861
>>404145…is this her own shoop?
You would have to be mentally insane to think anyone would believe this is real
No. 405683
File: 1508371341163.jpg (41.24 KB, 540x960, ew.jpg)

I can't believe this is fucking real?
No. 405929
>>405683jessica's gotta reclaim her crown for being the ~qUiRk qUeEN~ XD
Doesn't she get bored of pretending to be a retard?
No. 406113
File: 1508460418760.png (1009.75 KB, 720x1170, Screenshot_2017-10-19-17-41-18…)

Antares is asking questions for a video
No. 406834
File: 1508575071873.png (1.16 MB, 720x1194, Screenshot_2017-10-21-01-08-43…)

I like how Gabby is samefagging ideas from Mariah as this is the same bikini and pool
No. 407655
File: 1508694268530.jpg (236.9 KB, 650x1030, Capture _2017-10-22-12-39-46_m…)

Anon who posted said pictures here. Looks like roxychan found her pull thread ;D. Thing is? I pulled those pictures directly from a family member of hers. Those pictures of the "blonde" girl are definitely her. She doesn't have "hazel" eyes naturally like she's trying to fool people with now. Its kind of funny that she's just now showing her supposed real eyes. I'm mutual friends with two of her family members friends. Thats her.
No. 407668
File: 1508696085904.jpg (429.61 KB, 1600x1200, pt2017_10_22_13_12_50.jpg)

Bruh no that's definitely you. You can even see it through your shit editing. Same lips same nose same overall faceshape. Just not edited. Boy, she's hardcore becoming a snowflake now.
No. 407846
File: 1508713711764.png (263.85 KB, 501x565, Screen Shot 2017-10-22 at 4.05…)

I've been seeing this post making the rounds on facebook. Worth looking into?
No. 408301
File: 1508787212610.png (68.61 KB, 750x529, IMG_6174.PNG)

>my nose bloats
Girl what that's not a thing
No. 408317
>>408301For real.
To have your nose gain fat, you have to be MORBIDLY obese. Chunky people don't have big ol fatass noses. Her issue is the cartilidge she was naturally born with. That cartilidge does not change with fluctuation of weight. She can throw every stupid excuse possible, but the fact is, she's got a larger nose then her shoops.
No. 408347
>>408301she's saying her nose looks bloated because when you gain weight to your face, it becomes more round/fat looking, making your features look fatter too.
i lost 50lbs and in older photos, my nose looks bigger so i get what she's trying to say.
No. 408884
File: 1508867237651.jpg (969.71 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20171024_124326.jpg)

Not sure if relevant but i found another cosplayer who shops to hell and back princessayase 13.3k followers. All of her pics have her face done differently but her tagged photos are another story.
No. 408988
File: 1508892735513.jpg (2.58 MB, 3213x4813, w24b57jmtzrz.jpg)

I think Meg has more or less just given up
No. 410178
File: 1509101708667.png (941.32 KB, 720x1185, Screenshot_2017-10-27-03-50-45…)

No. 410239
File: 1509113714304.jpg (74.88 KB, 398x900, 1398196013210.jpg)

an oldie
No. 410551
File: 1509148215025.jpg (36.73 KB, 1084x720, FB_IMG_1509148039365.jpg)

No. 411007
File: 1509219490533.jpg (302.33 KB, 1364x2048, IMG_4690.JPG)

I don't share the dislike of Nigri that a lot of you do, not into her cosplay style but she seems like she's nice.. but whoa, how many nose jobs has she had? I know people have talked about her nose before but this looks so different than anything I've seen of her.
No. 411227
File: 1509244326606.jpeg (159.11 KB, 750x1179, A408FA97-B82A-4190-A48F-266E3F…)

god halloween is just time for halfassed cosplays, isn’t it?
No. 411523
File: 1509303862258.jpg (105.12 KB, 801x1200, DNBIASBUMAEkuyz.jpg)

Here's more of roxychan photoshopping herself into the character.
No. 411985
File: 1509385330051.png (270.38 KB, 720x1033, Capture _2017-10-30-12-39-04-1…)

>>411523Loooool. I found her post in pull. Her paragraph is all sorts of fucked up. Dunno if English is her first language
No. 411989
File: 1509385929802.png (138.1 KB, 710x827, Capture _2017-10-30-12-48-40-1…)

is overdramatic
thinks people are bashing her ethnicity
hangs out and adores (momokun) with someone who literally said "CHING CHONG CHING CHING CHONG to her Asian friend
This bitch literally makes no sense
No. 412001
File: 1509387412039.jpg (3.84 MB, 3157x2592, IMG_1104.JPG)

>>410665Holy shit anon. She really does.
No. 412056
File: 1509395819884.png (52.88 KB, 989x941, d56b2212-d7ba-4a59-9389-3ac077…)

>>411998even her fans agree
No. 412060
>>412057She literally added an extra hole at her tits, and used a slightly different hat.
Otherwise it's exactly the same
No. 412185
File: 1509414453271.jpg (482.18 KB, 1200x1600, pt2017_10_30_20_43_55.jpg)

>>412178I actually like how Mon does her edits a little more. She tries to at least keep them a little bit natural. But when I saw roxychan at ax with this cosplay she was still super pretty but she didn't look like she does in this picture.
No. 412315
File: 1509437537593.png (413.36 KB, 611x627, Screenshot 2017-10-31 at 1.09.…)

No. 412776
>>412769she earns like 50k or more, what are you talking about.
and she is less and less cosplaying because "muh copyrights i cant cosplay i too famous and they want to sue me"
No. 413086
File: 1509560815758.png (73.63 KB, 750x781, IMG_1112.PNG)

I hate my life just like you guys!
Didn't her and her family just get back from a trip to New Zealand?
God Jessica your life really sucks.
No. 413314
>>413279ntayrt but they meant akrcos not nigs
Jeez wtf did she do for people to warrant that, kinda fucked up imo, modokaycos seems like a nice guy too I mean he gave moo a chance but then dropped her lol
No. 413584
>>412735She seems fine. None of her cosplays are anything special, she just happens to be very tall and have a physique that verges on muscular/boyish so she passes very well as an anime boy. If I could make over 1k a month from yaoi fangirls by taking the same picture of my back with a different wig each time I'd be doing it too.
If there's any milk though please share.
No. 414054
File: 1509698231220.png (839.1 KB, 720x1179, Screenshot_2017-11-03-01-33-23…)

No. 415387
File: 1509837050540.png (1.03 MB, 720x1071, Screenshot_2017-11-04-16-06-31…)

No. 416196
File: 1509992444994.png (290.12 KB, 255x511, Screen Shot 2017-11-06 at 10.1…)

>>413086Time away from sucking Zach Fischer's dick?
Her tits are even bigger than the artwork's.
No. 416313
File: 1509998751976.jpg (82.48 KB, 960x960, dd93a761400fe49365e50b88a85fc9…)

Amouranth at it again with posting CGI photos around claiming they are her and to see more if you donate to patreon. These idiots are falling for it lol
No. 416508
File: 1510011101188.jpg (35.18 KB, 529x393, .........JPG)

>>416313I don't understand why more people aren't mad about this chick. She flies enough under the radar for the normie side of the community to not really know who she is but she's worshiped enough by Indian dudes and twitch cucks that she pops up every now and then.
She's probably one of the most vapid and money/fame hungry coshoes out there right now. She'll do all of this lewd shit but then go and pretend that her talent has gotten her where she is and act super surprised in videos when she mentions "OMG this guy has offered me thousands of dollars to have sex with him I honestly can't believe that, I'm just this nerdy awkward girlll."
No. 416518
>>416313She never claimed that photo is her
She said that's the "lewd" set that she's doing for her Patreon but idiots are thinking it's her because the dumb men that follow her have only 1 brain cell
No. 416606
>>354019>>416518>>416533She obviously knows what she's doing. She constantly posts this image about "SEE MORE LEWDS LIKE THIS". I mean look at her post: "THIS WEEK ONLY
UNCOVERED cosplay Lewds on my Patreon -diamond tier gets videos, platinum tier get pics!"
No. 416612
>>416518Yeah here's a past post of her's with that cgi butt pic: "WANNA SEE MORE VERY LEWD COSPLAY PICS like this one? ONLY for Patreon Platinum Tier Supporters -WARNING NOT SAFE AT WORK (link to patreon in bio!) ?? ???? "
She's obviously trying to fool people but has been called out so many times in the past
No. 416618
>>416614Oh what happened at blizz con?
The only thing I notice about her is she tends to self post herself everywhere
No. 416750
File: 1510029739951.jpg (248.87 KB, 651x1080, Capture _2017-11-06-22-39-50_m…)

Will this bitch ever stop furiously humping the leg of moo moo? She really trying to ride coat tails here.
No. 416752
File: 1510030028131.jpg (91.07 KB, 900x1200, DN_A-mJVAAEMFUL.jpg)

Looks like she photoshopped her polaroid. How long does she plan on keeping this up?
No. 416874
File: 1510036510592.png (20.3 KB, 591x115, Screenshot 2017-11-06 at 10.34…)

What community? Feeders and BBW?
No. 419116
File: 1510190406247.jpg (236.78 KB, 1365x2048, 23334206_1705190572854107_6752…)

No. 419181
File: 1510195607466.jpg (125.54 KB, 1200x800, IMG_3042.JPG)

>>419122considering how much she had to alter it I have the feeling she let roxy borrow her suit so momo could ~look more popular (and thank god roxy got a better headset than vamp had) i said this the first time this was posted though and I don't understand why someone didn't tell her how bad this looks. there's no way it looked any better in person. momo was technically rewearing a cosplay for blizzcon so I don't understand why she didn't just do the best she can looks wise and rewear her normal…even her witch mercy would have gotten her a lot of attention via muh waifu circlejerk. I don't know much about darshelle besides lurking her with the rest of these people on twitter but even her version which I think was mostly commissioned/all commissioned looks way way better but not amazing. it's an awkward skin to recreate maybe?
No. 419664
File: 1510254924822.jpeg (153.29 KB, 638x960, 4456A056-EF51-4E6E-979E-A7BE2C…)

I liked this girl’s Destroyer D.Va best.
Vamp’s looks fat and rushed
No. 420204
>>419116HOLY SHIT
that face is the stuff of nightmares
shivers No. 420210
>>419253Vamps is WORST and that the other one isn't bad either but I think what I didn't like about darshelles was the printed suit doesn't do the armor-y design justice like
>>419664 imo
No. 420638
File: 1510351027350.jpg (67.71 KB, 640x960, purrblind.jpg)

A cow in her own right. Known for harassing dudes and literally getting a guy drunk who didn't want her just so she could rape him?
Her nudes have been floating around forever.
And she has a patreon as well.
Also sage goes into the email field, not the name field.
No. 420857
>>420638Yes that's her! Details/screencaps of the milk? Gonna look at her patreon now.
Also cheers, I wasn't sure if it was name or email so I put it in both.
No. 421088
File: 1510425637631.png (1.73 MB, 750x1334, 2BEFD9A9-C734-4554-B2AD-0DF1C0…)

Nigris finally taking care of her skin y’all lol
No. 421290
File: 1510441631342.png (153.96 KB, 720x948, Capture _2017-11-11-17-02-30-1…)

After someone suggested she cosplay urbosa. I feel like she's trying to make herself look like this fragile little butterfly princess. Tbh her real face matches urbosa, and its not like urbosas manly looking or anything.
No. 421351
File: 1510448312165.jpg (Spoiler Image,53.02 KB, 430x764, DOZIL0jUIAAGRVo.JPG)

Danielle B making that quality "cosplay" content. Photo from Jessica's twitter
No. 421380
>>421290the defensiveness in this comment is hilarious
No. 421566
File: 1510474818691.png (514.23 KB, 720x1008, Screenshot_2017-11-12-00-17-26…)

No. 421682
File: 1510502568026.png (310.43 KB, 507x640, Urbosa.png)

>>421290If she's really that self conscious about her nose, she could do a prosthetic for Urbosa.
No. 423491
File: 1510640924669.png (383.14 KB, 495x429, Mipha-Breath-of-The-Wild.png)

>>421290I don't even know who this is but
> I can't cosplay her WE LOOK NOTHING ALIKE.> But I'd cosplay Mipha, a fish with no nose.Okay…
No. 423735
File: 1510677742418.png (762.04 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171114-092716.png)

Ten appeared in a DDLC playthrough, and comments are great.
No. 424169
File: 1510710084582.png (1.57 MB, 1610x1180, Screen Shot 2017-11-14 at 8.40…)

"elsa boudoir"
No. 424235
File: 1510713924109.jpg (431.21 KB, 1365x2048, IMG_20171114_180247.jpg)

No. 424410
File: 1510741536421.png (1008.34 KB, 720x1030, Screenshot_2017-11-15-02-19-23…)

Vamps should have retired years ago
No. 424546
>>424518There is a thread for her over here: >>>/snow/50457
The highlights being: she turned to Twitch, had a boobjob that she tried to cover by claiming she was ill, started leeching off various Twitch and CSGO personalities (currently with Henry G), openly posted to the thread twice once because she was accused of dodging taxes and the other when people mentioned old stuff related to Mark.
She finally moved out of her mother's house and now lives in London.
No. 425066
File: 1510797068599.jpeg (709.75 KB, 750x1000, B1ABA142-A717-4797-8A60-993D9E…)

“Rakan” lol
To be fair he is topless but that wig and makeup is killing me. I’m pretty sure Ryan will be Xayah
No. 425091
>>425078It’s kind of disappointing that he doesn’t, and when he does it’s always so half assed now.
I wonder if he misses it, or if he’s just enjoying his “clothing line”
We always hear about Jess’s parents and how supportive they it makes me wonder how Ryan’s parents feel?
No. 425198
>>425078Lol it's the other way around
Jessica makes his shit now
No. 426137
File: 1510886343398.jpg (8.71 KB, 275x183, images.jpg)

Anyone have info on Nicole Eevee Davis? She claims she's an award winning cosplayer but I've seen her do like 2 cosplays.
She's cute but I'm starting to think she buys her followers/likes. I've never seen someone who basically does NOTHING (hardly any twitch, youtube, instagram, etc) have so many people obsessing over her. Just on instagram, she has over 200 DEDICATED fan accounts that just post her pictures and art of her. Am I missing something? Her posts are always about how she's honored to make such a difference in people's lives and how she's saved so many people. From what I see, she rarely posts on any social media accounts.
No. 426250
File: 1510902413270.jpg (294.49 KB, 603x617, Image3.jpg)

She photoshops a lot. Here's a screencap from a video.
No. 427571
File: 1511065131044.png (1.36 MB, 720x1190, Screenshot_2017-11-18-20-11-31…)

No. 427610
File: 1511072628684.png (621.6 KB, 920x391, 59595.png)

No. 427615
File: 1511075856186.png (886.54 KB, 720x1191, Screenshot_2017-11-18-23-13-47…)

No. 428555
>>428328This is so weird to me. Her entire career has just been making costumes for her tits.
I guess her story is not too much different than like a niche modeling career but still like why is she still on the top of the game?
No. 428773
File: 1511220293681.jpeg (322.62 KB, 2048x2048, EAF5A804-4967-456C-A337-EAC34F…)

Lmao, kinda blows my mind that her fan boys genuinely think her ass isn’t edited in this photo. Like ????
No. 428864
File: 1511226324897.png (377.2 KB, 373x767, OD6CUuyWeoBsTncxSPjCwAlqLERggQ…)

>>428773I prefer Megs ass in this case as she actually seems to post unedited ass shots.
I just wish she'd put a bit more effort into her cosplay pictures though other then just another background sheet and some shitty cheap props
No. 429611
File: 1511307746949.jpg (168.87 KB, 969x1200, DPMXfpvV4AE8Dql.jpg)

At least roxychan is letting go of the Photoshop just a little bit. Her recent pictures have more of her realistic face now. Her eyes are still enlarged and the jawline is still unnatural but she definitely looks a bit more like herself
No. 429833
File: 1511330172956.png (392.6 KB, 496x578, Screenshot 2017-11-21 at 9.54.…)

No. 431172
File: 1511524284663.png (621.99 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

No. 431174
File: 1511524347388.png (1.33 MB, 640x1136, image.png)

No. 431197
>>431174my bf admitted to liking jessica, it made me so disgusted and pissed off that I almost wanted to make him sod off
sage for personal
No. 431240
File: 1511538814743.png (571.3 KB, 785x582, meg.png)

>>431201>>431172Meg recently said the same thing too
No. 431242
File: 1511539056007.png (705.63 KB, 788x575, meg2.png)

Is Martin wong gay?
Why are all these girls so comfortable getting naked around him?
and how are their boyfriends ok with this?
No. 431248
File: 1511539670922.png (112.26 KB, 712x984, IMG_5724.PNG)

Can we talk about "cosplayer" Steph zombie ? Came across her from starofcosplay (a gold mine for finding cows) She literally just photoshops her make up on and ignores everyone who isn't kissing her ass
No. 431254
File: 1511540009817.jpg (13.7 KB, 225x272, 1505155584550.jpg)

>>431172>>431240It's funny how instahos, coshos and such always point out how in real life they wear hoodies, leggings and spend their Friday nights on the couch watching Netflix. They try really hard to see "relatable", and even if it's true they are like that irl what's their point? Are they implying that heavy makeup and sexy clothes=bad and being a couch potato=good? Because that would mean pretty much shooting themselves in the foot.
It's "I'm not like other gurlz xd" over again
No. 431671
File: 1511616889748.jpg (525.89 KB, 2048x1535, IMG_20171125_083148.jpg)

Martin Wong just shared this and I just realized she designed the tops exactly the same
No. 431698
File: 1511622571690.png (2.81 MB, 1582x1050, Capture-d’écran-2017-01-02-à…)

>>431697she could have done some sort of top AND commited to the eyebrows, there is no excuse. but that wouldn't be very sexy so yeah.
No. 432077
File: 1511670889658.jpg (161.42 KB, 680x907, Female junkrat cosplay_d200f4_…)

>>431836i understand where you are coming from, but if someone asks and she tries to deny, she is just bullshiting. even some so so junkrats did tops and stuff. i just really wanted to see her commit to the eyebrows… but that would make her oh so ugly
>>432028it's my dream to know her face without all that shit. in older pictures she looked so average, she is probably worse now
No. 432092
>>431671>>431698>>432077She is known for over sexualizing every character she does, Junkrat is no different. Why are you posting comparisons of other Junkrats who opted to be more covered? I could find just as many or more sexualized Junkrats to counter the ones youve shared.
If anyone is expecting her to suddenly cover up for a cosplay you obviously havent paid much attention to her work over the last couple of years. She does what she does how she does it without any inconsistency in the level of bared skin, im not sure why people are still acting like theyre ~so surprised!~ that she sexualized x or x character lol
No. 432108
>>431698I actually like nigri's top design better. So many genderbent cosplays just do the basic cloth wrap, but nigir put some creative effort.
But I do think it looks better for roadhog and it's a bit silly she did the same thing twice.
No. 432401
>>432092nobody is surprised and nobody ever said we are expecting it. it would be the same as expecting her to stop being a thot, it won't happen. it doesn't matter that are other sexualized junkrats, i just posted some covered ones to show how shitty her idea to do the exactly same top she did for roadhog is.
nobody here is stupid to think she will ever stop her ~sexy~ thing, since it's what it sells about her.
but i repeat, she could've used that shitty biquini top and commited a little to the eyebrows, instead of doing that shitty orange/yellow thing.
No. 432510
File: 1511750830277.png (Spoiler Image,258.09 KB, 640x480, vomit.png)

i had to spoil it because it's honestly vomit-inducing
her shoop is getting worse and worse
but also, what the fuck is going on with her leg?
No. 435796
File: 1512155195049.png (371.84 KB, 489x530, sprankle.png)

Has anyone been following the Sprankle drama in the Magic the Gathering community? She played some game called "flip it or rip it" (when you take a pack of cards and gamble by ripping some or something) and tweeted about it. Some Youtube guy got angry and naturally a lot of people who are fans of the game, since it potentially reduces the amount of rare cards in circulation and it's just stupid to throw away money in front of people who don't have it. She's now claiming mass harassment because they're calling her shit out, made her twitter private, is claiming the guy and his followers are after her. He just called her a "costhot" in the past and just called out how stupid it is to rip cards when they have some real value.
Now media outlets are attacking him and everyone is rallying around their token girl cosplayer of the community. Some of the guys who are supporting her say you should donate to her Patreon to help her lol.
I personally think she's kind of uggo and full of herself. She seems to think she's "most important cosplayer in the Magic the Gathering Community" and everyone seems to tell her that.
No. 435806
>>435796A video to show how self-absorbed she is and how many beta males she got for herself.
0:49 - She claims when she saw some cat god on a card, she knew they "made it for her".
Basically the whole video is everyone acting like no one cosplayed Magic the Gathering before her and everyone in it worshipping her.
No. 435914
>>435796So basically neckbeards going on autistic rage over a girl ripping HER MtG cards? Lmao. Also,
>kind of uggoShe's pretty, wtf. After watching this
>>435806 she does seem self absorbed though, but still the "Waaah she ripped some cards" drama sounds retarded as fuck
No. 436646
>>435796Go back to losing tourneys, incel
Video proof of that fatass UnsleevedMedia harassing her multiple times are literally circulating twitter
No. 439874
File: 1512679425721.jpg (174.45 KB, 730x1167, IMG_9949.jpg)

ugh i have such a strong hatred for people who lewd children's cartoon characters. it also peeves me when they don't even LOOK like the character.
No. 440188
File: 1512725944058.jpg (75.57 KB, 422x750, image.jpg)

Pretty sure Jessica photoshops her ass and most of her photos. (I lightened her latest pic & you can see a lot of photoshopping)
No. 440241
File: 1512743341042.jpg (52.66 KB, 640x960, 22406129_10155875298097533_458…)

>>440188all that blur, fuck.
and yeah, she barely has an ass as you can see here
No. 440245
File: 1512743513312.jpg (137.43 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>440242and especially here
No. 440568
File: 1512775368783.png (12.54 KB, 498x140, 121685748453.png)

Sage for semi-unrelated, but why is Fischer such a fucking beta? His art is decent enough that he can do other things that don't involve just making bikini cosplay designs for hoes, so I don't know why he feels he needs to say these kind of things for a paycheque.
No. 440910
File: 1512834356599.png (1.53 MB, 750x1334, 6D78266F-B391-486F-8B65-88FE0F…)

>>402085well, rachni kind of finished meimeimei.
No. 440973
>>440568That statement doesn't make much sense: if someone says that they think badly of those who do 18+ content, they're imposing their subjec(ive?) morality on others, but him lecturing on his Twitter account is just expressing his opinion?
Take personal responsibility for what? Does he just use sentences he's heard somewhere at random just in case it scores some imaginary Internet point?
If you show your photos or anything else online people will opine on them. Either argue on their merits or don't try to silence any criticism just by accusing everyone else of being a prude. Both people like him and cretins like Ai-honey keep going on about how anyone who criticises booby streamers or cosplayers like Nigri ought to just be silenced by labelling them in some way rather than actually making a point in favour of their content.
The only way in which I agree with him is when he says to just ignore these people: the more they get people commenting on Twitter or Twitch on how all they do is showing their tits, the more they feel justified in crying sexism, misogyny and whatnot.
No. 444343
File: 1513313080066.jpeg (425.61 KB, 1440x2560, 812F5045-849E-4F2A-BD32-05972D…)

I love it when liars get up on their soap box and get called out for it when they do EXACTLY what they were preaching about - and then ignore the comment… which they also were being high and mighty about
Stay classy Tenleid
No. 444452
>>444343Do you have 0 reading comprehension?
Tenlied is saying it’s it’s shitty to not acknowledge when people ask IF it’s bought. If no one asks them why mention in every photo posted “I bought this costume guys!”? It just looks stupid
Obviously if it’s commissioned you’d mention that, but not something that’s mass produced and store bought. Pretty much all cosplayers follow that rule.
Also is this Veronica or Matt this time? I can’t tell.
No. 444495
Giving credit to a commission artist helps boost that persons' work…but when it comes to mass produced factory costumes, there's really no purpose in actively going out of your way to credit it. You can say you bought it, I guess, but it's not like it does anything but help a mass producing low quality company anyways. I agree with her.
No. 444566
>>444452Nice try
I’m talking about the small Etsy businesses and individual people she’s commissioned and never credits.
I don’t give a damn about big costume companies
Maybe know what you’re talking about before you get on YOUR high horse anon ;)
No. 448748
File: 1513814767835.jpg (563.65 KB, 1501x834, cosrant.jpg)

So this popped on my FB timeline today, does anyone know who is it? It doesn't say in the comments either.
No. 448768
>>448748I just find this odd??? Reika does do guest appearances with other asian cosplayers…
Are we sure the person who wrote this isn't someone who is equally, if not more so, milk worthy???
No. 449901
>>449895no she never claimed she was not a girl.
>>448768I think he's pretty milk worthy but digging around for it is a head ache. i mean did u see the way he types?
No. 450963
Not that anon but i went and check and he posted a "Chapter 2" which is to long to cap. Basically he is backpeddling saying he fucked up and boohoo my bad. Really how he handled this was immature and extremely unprofessional, especially since Reika has so many fans and connections in the cosplay community. He probably realized he wouldnt win and this was the result. Because it wasnt just him, he named several other cosplayers as "victims" which dragged them in to it for no reason (like Hana and Baozi) even if hes right about her or her actions he went about it all the wrong ways. Somehow i do think he probably just did this for all the attention it would get him but who knows.
No. 451680
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This is nayruslove. Her cosplay are eh but holy shit her photoshop is outta hand. It’s funny how she claims that all she does is soften her skin which is a lie, she does a lot more than that
No. 452634
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So is Jessie Pridemore aka Rufflebutt a guy? I don't get the meaning of this post.
No. 452636
File: 1514274243894.jpg (35.34 KB, 625x1000, FB_IMG_1514274007650.jpg)

>>452635>>452634The cosplay in question, I mean that does fully look like a bad tuck.
No. 452689
>>452637Seconded the request for a thread for pigss
So much content already
No. 452728
>>452637 >>452689stop your vendetta posting–no one cares if you hate a girl with acne, get over yourself and learn how to fucking sage.
also, the thread you made on pigss also sucks–maybe learn what actual milk is before you post someone. so far you haven't given us any content except shit YOU do not like her for.
No. 453740
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>>452636she calls herself a seamstress? so is she a tranny? if so she's already misgendering herself
No. 453920
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>>453744she doesnt have a fat pussy though. like it's bone. theres no bulge in any of her other skin tight jumpsuit costumes.
No. 463178
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Can anyone who's savvy with theatrical makeup or just makeup trends in general tell me if princeroxychan tapes her face? Her dorito chin is gone completely in this photo, and in some of her short videos, you can see unnatural dimples up both sides of her cheeks.
No. 465181
File: 1515441447187.jpg (Spoiler Image,66.57 KB, 640x960, stop.jpg)

Oh boy, can't wait for Nigri to release her own pseudo-nude photos now
No. 465376
File: 1515454463596.jpg (531.18 KB, 2108x1080, jungletrollcouncilor.jpg)

>>465298>Vol'jinOkay, so you TOTALLY LOVED THIS CHARACTER, but didn't bother getting Troll hands and feet right. I mean, putting worn bandages around your fingers to at least make the illusion would've helped achieve the look on that, but nah. A decent amount of effort and you blew it by leaving out a pretty important troll trait.
>pic related is just an updated troll model, not the character she cosplayed
>sage for wanting Jnig to attempt the troll heel toenail No. 465392
>>465298Not to nitpick, but Vol'Jin's death is like… New lore. It happened in the first few minutes of Horde gameplay in Legion. Even casual WoW players usually play the expansion releases. It's not really "die-hard wow fan forever" knowledge.
>>465376Troll feet aren't sexy, silly anon, of course she didn't.
No. 465699
File: 1515473041650.jpg (476.27 KB, 1067x1735, Screenshot_20180108-222507.jpg)

Y'all will love this one.
>constantly takes credit for shit she doesn't make
>brags about being invited to be a guest at cons when she actually isn't invited
>failed at "lewdz" because of rat face and bad tan lines
>incredibly shitty towards people she desperately wants to impress and be friends with
>constantly makes crowd funding and begging posts because she needs money for some shit reason or another
>3 different go fund me pages so she could change her name to some weeaboo shit, earned easily 5x what it takes to change name
>mfw she definitely used that money to go to blizzcon instead
>incredibly fake nice online, only to be a complete cunt in person (standard)
Compulsive liar:
>first claims her Junkrat cosplay got destroyed in the wash
>then brags about Jessica Nigri buying the cosplay
>THEN makes pity post about how it was literally eaten by bedbugs
>called out because bedbugs can't eat fabric, later changes excuse to "The bedbugs shat all over it"
Compulsive liar part 2:
>openly bragged that she wasn't allowed to wear her Queen of Junkertown cosplay anymore because Blizzard bought the rights to her design
>mfw she claims to have signed a NDA and subsequently violated said NDA by bragging openly about it on a convention floor
If you know anyone in Florida, ask them about her. I'm sure they'll have nothing nice to say about her.
This is also the cow who made all the drama by creating a subreddit for "critiquing" cosplayers without their consent, which shook a lot of fatties who can't handle criticism. She still openly "gives advice" to cosplayers when it's not wanted, in groups and shit etc
This is tip of the iceberg shit btw
No. 465712
how much does it cost to change your name?
No. 465750
>>465699I have literally discussed this costume with Jessica Nigri and how she made it, after my best friend did a photoshoot with her wearing it.
This is hilarious.
Sage for no contribution.
No. 465981
File: 1515510725305.jpg (625.73 KB, 1058x1894, Screenshot_20180109-090635.jpg)

>>465699I'm counting like 3 bras she's wearing to boost up her non-existent tits. She looks fucking pregnant in this cosplay holy shit. Maybe it's for the best that ~Blizz won't let her wear it anymore desu~
>>465765What a cow. If she needs validation that badly she should pay someone to suck her cock with all the patreon and e-begging money she cheats out of people
No. 467450
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I’m so sick of Maria Fernanda / fegalvao_ / fernandacosplay and her shitty photoshops that everyone likes and praises her for when her costumes are shit in person.
I asked her if she used any photoshop on her photos and she blocked me. No. 467706
>>465699I always kind of felt bad for Hanari, before she completely sperged out and became another attentionwhore, she did kind of try to be a decent trip on /cgl/. I remember her first cosplays that she posted to the What are you working on threads and she would take concrit decently. And she'd help out others on mistakes and give them tips. Plus she's in pretty good standing with oldfag cosplayers who I respect so I also have to assume some of the hate towards her is just general seagull saltiness.
But she does have a bad attitude of flipping out unnecessarily and has let some of those wins/accolades get to her head.
No. 467882
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No. 467891
>>465181Jesus Christ Darshelle.
This is so tacky.
No. 467904
File: 1515721131294.png (143.29 KB, 640x897, IMG_5595.PNG)

>>467453>>467505My guess is plastic surgery and PS combo. She's Brazilian and a lot of body contouring procedures are more affordable and commonplace. Some of her more recent pics look more like someone who has had ribs removed, though, and I'm pretty sure that isn't an easy thing to get done in Brazil
No. 468178
File: 1515739666936.png (91.05 KB, 1080x579, 20180112_064611.png)

Comments on Jessica Nigris post about the documentary that's being released about her. When did she ever admit to her boob jobs? I swear she denied them this whole time.
No. 468316
File: 1515769505687.jpg (26.01 KB, 480x480, 21909355_354710741651087_51651…)

Anyone got more deets about Sayathefox?
She's a turkish mix italian coser from Germany
-tried to self advertise here years ago
-very narcissistic and vain
-claim to have major cancer surgery
-next day is in Korea going to tourist areas and taking pics of food and places
-deletes everything and reappears after a year with a completely new face and body
-denies surgeries claims to be poor and claims to be natural cause of turkish italian genetics~ (even tho those 2 races are known to have large features lel)
-takes attention whorey pics ex: "LOOK AT MY NEW NECKLACE! *points camera to tits"
-photoshops all her pics including her past presurgery pics and childhood pics
-she thinks she looks like elsa
-obsessed with looking like every 3d anime girl character
-tries to show how natural~ her green eyes are even though they are contacts + photoshop
-insta took down her pics cuz some of them were too nasty, she retaliates by taking almost naked lesbian sex pics with friend
-demands 4k euros for cosplay, gets 4.9k, makes shit tier cosplay that def did not cost that much
-deletes every pic and tweet on twitter after she gets called out with proof, she kept her cat pics and now tweets livejournal shit
Anyone got more deets on her?
No. 468320
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No. 468321
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The cosplay that costed 4.9k
No. 468323
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No. 468704
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>>468602Her presurgery pics were also heavily photoshopped, she used to have a larger, wider nose that had a hump. I guess she thought if she photoshopped her nose from the beginning she can get away with it by saying look gaiz my nose was always straight~
No. 468708
File: 1515801172074.png (594.4 KB, 720x783, Screenshot_2018-01-12-18-52-53…)

No one would care if she wasn't so sketchy about everything and if she was always tweeting about how pretty and good her genes are
No. 468713
>>467882Part of me hoped this was going to be an actual deep documentary, but it seems like it's just away to be standard manufactured garbage. The interview segments look to be so generic and it appears the only people who are really giving character statements about her are all her usual asspatters. Maybe the actual full-length documentary will be more interesting, but i'm not holding out on it.
I don't get why these people are constantly trying to hold her up as a pillar of the cosplay community. The harder she tries to seem human, she just comes across more and more insecure. It's just become very obvious during the past year and a half that she has very little interest in cosplaying at all, so I don't know why she doesn't just stop whilst she's ahead. Most of her fanbase only care about her body anyway, so it's not like she's going to dramatically lose income.
No. 468893
File: 1515849550781.jpg (66.15 KB, 798x235, Screenshot_20180113-064800.jpg)

>>467828Trying to compile receipts of shitty behavior, they're jammed super far up my group chat. I'll post what I have now and check back soon
No. 468894
File: 1515849653703.jpg (167.85 KB, 1032x847, Screenshot_20180113-071107.jpg)

>>468893Confirmation from Hanari that Alyson hates her. Alyson is the sweetest person in the world, it takes a lot for her to hate someone. Sorry the screenshot is cut off, I had to ship it from another convo. Note this is not my personal screenshot.
No. 468896
File: 1515849755878.jpeg (78.86 KB, 404x720, received_1503167416407839.jpeg)

Confusing "muh yaoi ship!!11!" With "gay pride"
No. 468897
File: 1515849830533.jpg (590.85 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20180113_072305.jpg)

Backpedaling on her Junkrat cosplay
No. 468899
File: 1515850034604.jpg (80.44 KB, 981x298, Screenshot_20180113-071221.jpg)

She goes on about how she's hot shit, but she doesn't do her own damn wigs most of the time. This was on a commission post that she made. Can't even do a simple ponytail wig with spiky bangs? Like damn I have 1/8th of the followers she does and even I could do something that simple.
No. 468901
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>>468897Found the screen shot from before she "sold it to nigri"
No. 468905
File: 1515851172230.jpg (153.66 KB, 865x1220, Screenshot_20180113-074010.jpg)

this is about her Queen of Junkertown prop. Note how she only credits him with the "base assembly" (the easiest fucking part) in one photo on her insta. Now let me show you the shit she proudly made herself, so y'all know she's lying about making this..
No. 468906
File: 1515851262569.jpg (814.16 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20180113_072442.jpg)

>>468905Unprimed, unspectacular, pure unadulterated crap. The visual differences between this and her flame lance thing should be more than enough to suggest that she didn't make it herself
No. 468910
File: 1515851509472.jpg (146.97 KB, 1047x586, Screenshot_20180113-074240.jpg)

On a side note, she posted this during the time she "made" her junker queen. Some other chick finished the cosplay way before her, right? Hanari has been screaming the entire time that "the queen is LITERALLY me!! She looks just like me!!" Etc. Other chick does a halfdecent cultist zenyatta cosplay not long ago. Shortly after she finished the cosplay, hanari updates her Instagram with her next cosplay project: cultist zenyatta
This bitch wants to one up everyone who comes within 10 miles of her, and it's so petty
No. 468911
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Part 1 of shitty public behavior
No. 468913
File: 1515851672551.jpeg (80.97 KB, 750x1334, received_1623596367698276.jpeg)

>>468912Part 3, she posted after publicly bashing
No. 468915
File: 1515851771814.jpeg (112.1 KB, 750x1334, received_1511601078897806.jpeg)

Making it seem like she herself won the competition at AX, when the only reason she was able to win was because she latched onto a group with Extreme, who made a huge Rein build and functioning Mercy wings
No. 468916
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Hi pot, I'm kettle
No. 468917
File: 1515851895675.jpg (93.67 KB, 1010x259, Screenshot_20180113-070557.jpg)

>>468916Take note, this was like just after she critiqued another cosplayer publicly in the overwatch cosplay group and made the cosplayer feel so bad that she deleted her post
No. 468918
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>>468917Her response to Hanaris criticism
No. 468920
File: 1515852173662.png (891.7 KB, 1080x1920, received_10213386287804778.png)

>>468906More Hanari "craftsmanship".
Her bragging about blizzard buying the design was in person, so sadly no receipts
No. 468922
File: 1515852483736.jpg (91.56 KB, 992x441, Screenshot_20180113-080533.jpg)

Posted a "bls gief monies" post days after HolMat, the con where she was bragging about Blizz buying her design. She should be rolling in Daddy Kaplan's money at this point, riiight?
No. 468923
File: 1515852621777.jpg (283.34 KB, 1028x656, Screenshot_20180113-080825.jpg)

>>468922Here there be begposts
I think that's bout all I can mine from my group chat, since it won't let me go back far enough to get more receipts. Just please trust that what I say is true, I don't lie about shitty people.
No. 468942
File: 1515855501303.png (119 KB, 409x500, 789C4EA1-693B-42E3-AF61-21C0DF…)

>>468935Someone called her out for never showing the backers the full Aranea costume then says she used it on more ps, Saya's goes off "I WORK FROM MON-SAT" cosplaying and taking selfies isn't a job. And that costume looked horrible, with 4.9k I expect godsent quality.
No. 469025
>>468321Um… any full-body pics?
I have a hard time believing the tiny scraps of what I'm seeing was five thousand dollars.
No. 469087
>>468916>>468917>>468918Anon that asked for receipts here and wow, you weren't kidding. I'm in the OW cosplay group on FB too so I'm surprised I didn't see this but then again it is a popular group. "I hate this character so I'm going to leave nasty comments on everyone's posts who do"? Wtf?
The only thing that bothered me a bit before was the whole, "I'm the one true Junker Queen!" thing she has going. She by far not the first person to do that but I don't like that sorta attitude since it discredits every other cosplayer for that character. Yes, you think your cosplay is "the best", now shut up and let other people enjoy their cosplays too.
>>468920Darn. I don't even know how that would even work? Blizzard was the one that released the teaser image that people are cosplaying from so what would they be buying? The rights to pants and combat boots? Blonde hair?? What?!
No. 469142
File: 1515874026984.png (147.74 KB, 1637x896, VEKH3Xm.png)

>>354433kek, I know this girl. Some autistic pervert I know online named Eliodoro Deimidici thought he was dating her when he was paying her 2k a month to "help with her daughter". Her twitch stream is pretty cringe.
No. 469233
File: 1515880235610.png (453.63 KB, 720x560, Screenshot_2018-01-13-11-27-33…)

>>469230Like every other cosplay hoe she has a patreon too, why does she need donations and patreon if her parents are loaded??
No. 469625
File: 1515908176260.jpg (522.13 KB, 1061x1137, Screenshot_20180113-232958.jpg)

>>467450I'm sick of her, the same way I'm sick of this bitch. I have 0 idea how she is as a person but her methods really bring out the community's double standards. Getting praised for whitening/darkening her skin color to "become" the character, getting away with it because she's Muslim and it's okay for "pea-oh-sea" to do things deemed by the SJWs as shitty. People will lick her anus but in the same breath, call a white person racist for getting a natural tan. I'm tired of both of these accounts being constantly recommended to me on Instagram.
No. 469744
>>469625I have the same issue, there's a masquerade a friend of mind signed up too and one of the judges is a muslim cosplayer and all of her costumes are hot glued and falling apart, but because she wears a hijab whilst dressed as wonder woman she's the bees knees.
I love too see her face when she has to judge actual well made costumes whilst she is sat there in her hot glued corset. Luckily the other judge has actually won some impressive stuff and has a name for himself for craftsmanship.
No. 470094
>>469625I was wondering how many more were tired of seeing videos or photos of this chick shoe horned into every cosplay group.
While I think she gets really creative with how she can represent characters with a headscarf, I just feel like she's not actually a cosplayer. Just a dress up makeup person. It's like that one black girl who is praised all over instagram as a great cosplayer but it's closet costumes as best. You never see these people in photos unless it's in their house or in front of a backdrop.
people want POCs to get this special representation so badly but I just think they should actually have to be good?
No. 470810
File: 1516029851891.jpg (52.46 KB, 425x720, FB_IMG_1516029298378.jpg)

I just came across this fully adult grown ass man dressing like "Pinup Belle". He does lewd patreon shit too. Katie Manor
No. 470829
File: 1516031427277.jpeg (582.64 KB, 750x1007, DD804F08-BE2B-499D-A170-5DAD21…)

>>470094Kieraplease is so fucking terrible. Every “cosplay” looks like total shit and she gets praised all day and shit tons of likes.
No. 470852
>>470841that's not a reach, stan. For sure she had those items
>>470831 just around her house, lol. It's just half-assed, it's not even a costest. Well,
>>470094 summed it up perfectly so I won't repeat her words.
No. 470869
>>470841oh yes i'm sure all the stuff in
>>470831 was just around her house.
No. 470913
>>470810Y'all PLEASE look at his profile. I don't regret it. I got a hearty kek out of it he's totally serious.
>>470831Wew lad that fucking cape lmao. But of course on instagram any pretty faced POC throwing together a cosplay is LEGENDARY! AMAZING! So you can't be surprised.
It's very clear kiera gives no fucks about cosplay for herself and does it for "lookit me I'm a black cosplayer wow!" Points/likes. you can't even stan on this one.
No. 470917
File: 1516037705825.png (696.07 KB, 720x1094, 20180115_123334.png)

My case and point what the honest fuck is that blanket diaper
No. 470919
>>470829>>470831okay but she doesn't call herself a cosplayer like
>>468321>>467450>>426250i thought this thread was for ACTUAL cosplayers who go to conventions, have patreons and all that shit, not chicks on instagram who can't throw a costume together properly.
No. 470929
File: 1516038710199.jpeg (522.74 KB, 750x1078, 8DCE4AE8-2107-42C1-9F4D-31373F…)

>>470923You don’t make the thread rules. Why don’t you contribute “milky cosplayers” instead of throwing a little fit and demanding we entertain you?
No. 470967
>>470829omg this bitch keeps getting shared all over my facebook feed, specifically a video talking about how she's ~breaking stereotypes~ being a black cosplayer, as if no other black cosplayers exist. Or as if people care that a black cosplayer is cosplaying an asian or white character.
I just feel like there are so many other talented black cosplayers who deserve recognition for their work, instead of someone who throws together some random outfits from cartoons where the characters wear casual clothing.
No. 470971
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>>470967In fact the images above are pretty generous, since they required some effort. Most of the photos included in the video I keep seeing are like pic related. Literally who would recognise this? Casual cosplay is so lazy
No. 471035
File: 1516044390216.png (2.27 MB, 1844x1182, Screen Shot 2018-01-15 at 2.24…)

There's two of this person I wanted to share, one I just saw and the other is a bit older. First one I can't tell if the costume is canon or not bc I don't play warcraft, but what is with the eyebrows?
No. 471037
File: 1516044428738.png (1.67 MB, 1832x866, Screen Shot 2018-01-15 at 2.25…)

>>471035and the second one is this. I'm waiting for her to lewd Eleven since she has the need to lewd everything she cosplays.
No. 471042
File: 1516044597637.gif (733.28 KB, 500x300, giphy.gif)

>>471032anon, you're implying that i am not already a shit cosplayer. i can see why she's in here in the first place and maybe i got a little too "my thread my rules" which is stupid on a gossip site. i apologize. now let's get back to shitty cosplayers?
No. 471051
File: 1516045105082.jpg (27.25 KB, 480x640, 1416523106923.jpg)

>>471042>when a gossip site is more civil than most other forms of popular social mediaWhat a time to be alive.
No. 471061
>>471037I'll never understand how some Cosplayers are not removing their piercings doing an actual shooting.
Or just edit them out?
I mean you want to look as closw to the character as possible so why not removing them?
No. 471067
File: 1516045675359.png (1.82 MB, 1854x1190, Screen Shot 2018-01-15 at 2.47…)

>>471061i can excuse certain ones (my husband and i do fallout and those are essentially your own character so we don't take them out) but i can't understand people who consider themselves "professional" cosplayers and they leave them in. and i mean they are in every. cosplay. this girl does.
No. 471117
File: 1516048254860.jpeg (1.64 MB, 1242x2079, 63776567-ADE4-4012-BE62-E4750F…)

>>471092thanks for understanding anon! here’s some bad “alternate sailor moon” cosplays to make up for my unnecessary attitude.
No. 471128
>>471035The character does actually have eyebrows like that but holy fuck, using feathers to make them is the worst thing I've seen.
Her lewds make me feel like a pedophile. I don't remember why I ever followed her, but I did for a while. Seeing her 12 year old boy body all over my feed was too much for me to deal with.
No. 471135
File: 1516050018994.jpg (669.86 KB, 1041x1079, Screenshot_20180115-144731.jpg)

She sure nailed this cosplay. I can't see any differences between her and the reference pic!
She definitely is trying too hard to be Sofia Sivan.
No. 471146
File: 1516050903315.jpeg (390.01 KB, 750x1008, D36DC03C-BD0B-48A8-996D-52D195…)

Kieraplease more like Kierapleasestop
No. 471259
File: 1516054867389.png (653.03 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180115-161403.png)

has leana been talked about? She's done terrible black face multiple times and a while back there was some drama around it.
her instagrams are No. 471353
>>471259She is a dramaqueen.
I had beef with her before she's super suspicious of everyone because she and some other chick hate each other so both spread rumours.
She is one of the typical "I'll buy 40 wigs so I can 'costest' the newest, most popular character this season oh and let me use tons of photoshop too, to draw everything on the picture that I don't have"
No. 471354
>>471067True I wouldn't mind those piercings either. I also don't mind if people are getting photographed at the Con and just don't want to take them out for hours.
But at an actual photoshoot?
Idk man feels weird.
No. 471364
>>471350I personally can understand why people are angry about that.
First of all: yes history. Blackfaced was used to make fun of people so seeing people still doing it can leave a weird aftertaste.
Another argument I've read was that by basically dressing up as a certain ethnicity is disrespectful because you can always change out of it and go back to idk being white or whatever and people aren't gonna make fun of you. While people of colour can not
Tbh I don't think it's suuuch a huge deal either but I also think that cosplayer need to be careful with it. We all know the history behind it so there is gonna be some backlash. I guess just don't do the character at all or use your normal skintone is the bes strategy here. I mean personally I've never seen a black person painting herself white to cosplay a white character.
No. 471396
>>471364But that's the thing; We all know tans fade and paint comes off. Nobody who does this legitimately believes themselves to be a poc. It is to look as accurate as possible to a character which they enjoy and likely feel some sort of connection to if they're going to that length. Obviously not everybody is a Nigri about cosplay, many people feel very strongly about certain characters they relate to.
No one cosplaying is thinking, "hot damn I'm so glad I can just wipe this shit off but you coons? HA! YOU'RE SCREWED FOR LIFE!"
No. 471535
>>471364but no one paints themselves black to be a black character, they fake tan. tanning is something all people can do unless they are super dark, pretty much all races but africans can tan. there's nothing racist about acknowledging and using that.
also tons of black cosplayers used tons of photo filters to lighten their skin before this POC thing started.
No. 471716
>>471313no one should dogpile you if you don't know.
this explains it really well: if you want to hear a poc speak on it with an example, here's one: second one includes how some people reaction to it plus a video at the end with more depth of why blackface isn't okay.
hope this helps
No. 471719
File: 1516073654988.jpeg (529.16 KB, 750x1167, 13226B23-81E2-4446-BB5F-1771C8…)

>>471146This is horrendous. I’m livid.
No. 471730
>>471535black people use ring lights/photo filters so they don't fade in with the background/you can see all of their features. sadly not everyone has an amazing camera phone or a photographer who knows how to catch the right light for that black cosplayer so you have to do what helps. that's WAY different than darkening yourself to be a fictional character.
being black is forever, being a character is a few minutes or a couple hours.
this video is old, but still very relevant as it brings up ALL the major problems
No. 472189
File: 1516102332201.png (69.59 KB, 300x500, Juuzou_anime_design_front_view…)

>>471719 The character she was "cosplaying" I'm just….in what world will people know that she's not just dressing like an edgy emu kid with a horrendous wig?
No. 472241
>>471730thaty video sounds like they're full of self loathing and blaming everyone else for it. which is why they get mad when anyone darkens their skin for anything (like shadow link who is literally grey/black) there's no race there, it's just reaching.
also no, you're twisting my words i said they -used to- lighten themselves, like in photoshop, to try to look pale, not for photography purposes.
the only issue with darkening your skin is when you are trying to portray a stereotype. also this meme of 'keep reminding people about the bad shit white people did' needs to stop, they need to look at what people are doing now. they need to get over it.
No. 472267
File: 1516116491910.gif (894.28 KB, 245x250, 7B30DFF5-AE05-4CC0-979D-04298B…)

>>471719This is by far the biggest fuck you to the character.
>wig is too long >fatty Chan cosplaying a small teen that was literally starved for most of his childhood >roots >literally a suit jacket that wouldn’t fit with his aesthetic No. 472334
>>472241if you take it as self loathing and blaming everything else then you missed the point/not trying to hear the points he was making.
there was no twisting of words as all you said was "also tons of black cosplayers used tons of photo filters to lighten their skin before this POC thing started." which is not the same as photoshopping themselves to look pale. you should have been more clear by saying photoshopping than photo filters. two completely different things.
also not once was this meme mentioned. you're reaching now.
No. 472341
>>472250new flash: black folks know not all dark skinned characters are not always black. black folks (and other dark skinned poc) get happy to see a character with their skin color whether it's anime or whatever. there's no entitlement, just happiness. get out your feelings cause you're showing your ignorance.
actually there are some fashion bloggers/poc (not just black folks) who DO speak on this issue. again, your ignorance is showing.
i suggest you do your research before coming to bump a thread who clearly know nothing about.
No. 472344
>>472341lol what are you talking about. black people get mad about tanning for non black characters all the fucking time. that's how this convo started.
>>471259 isn't cosplaying a black person and the OP calls it blackface.
No. 472346
>>472340no, the video i linked was a guy talking about TAKING PHOTOS and how black folks have to deal with finding the right lighting etc. no blackface was mentioned.
that's the real end of story, you don't know wtf you're talking about. you back and re-read.
No. 472356
>>472353i've already stated my case in
>>471716 but it seems no one wants to read or actually listen to what's being said
No. 472363
File: 1516122654714.jpeg (563.4 KB, 750x1007, BB39181D-20BE-468A-A6E6-293FB7…)

Can you all quit this race debate?
Back on topic. I wonder why bad low effort “cosplays” get mode likes on IG that actual well done ones?
No. 472365
>>472362the first one branches off to why it's not okay including an intent vs impact article. that's more than "my feels"
the second goes into more detail over one of the latest blackface situation, why it's not okay, a PERFECT example of what non poc cosplayer do to poc cosplayers (i.e. mocking them for doing characters who aren't darker skinned), and a video at the end.
it's ALL there. i legit just summarized it.
No. 472370
>>472365a PERFECT example of what non poc cosplayer do to poc cosplayers (i.e. mocking them for doing characters who aren't darker skinned)
that's like the logical fallacy that #notallmen is not okay to say, but saying #notallwomen is.
No. 472371
>>472366intent vs impact isn't my feels. what we constantly hear from people who've blackfaced is "i didn't mean for it to be racist, i just wanted to be in more character," but before the went out and bought that makeup countless of articles will come up about people darken their skin for cosplay.
of course it doesn't represent the entire cosplay culture and it is a subgroup, but (even though she's not liked on this thread) look at kay bear, she still get call monkey, ni**er, burnt [character name here]. just because it happens doesn't mean it's okay
No. 472391
>>472385are you daft? what are they 'educating' them on?
>white people used to use makeup to pretend to be black>i know you're not doing that but it ~feels~ like you are and it's triggering methe argument is stupid. there's nothing to educate, the person is getting hurt and offended over nothing.
they're offended that someone is changing their skin tone to fit a character that may not even be the same race as them. and equating it to racism. and the same types of people tend to accuse people of 'stealing POC cosplays' or 'white washing' when they cosplay the character anyways. cosplay is not serious.
No. 472392
>>472385samefag, just as that one person asked what's the problem with blackface and they said they were gonna be dogpiled for asking, i wasn't offended cause they had no idea and wanted to know, and me trying to explain to another anon why poc sometimes lighten themselves (but they worded their own post wrong as they meant photoshopped). but what did cause a dogpile was me giving straight to the point answers then receiving "it's just my feels", "no one has to agree with you gtfo", and so on.
me trying to help those people turned into this mess
No. 472393
>>472391it was me trying to help out some anons on this thread. i can't help you if you're
No. 472399
>>472392>>472393but you're not helping, you're just explaining what people already knew. serious question, are you autistic?
>>471313 wasn't asking literally why is it offensive, she was asking why people have the stance you said
>>471716. it's clear from her post she knows that is the norm but she even goes on to say it's stupid because it's been done in media a lot without any issue. she mentioned ANTM but cloud atlas did it, tropic thunder did it. it's literally a non issue, but cosplay has so many tumblr types and sjws they create issues where there aren't any in the real world.
No. 472406
>>472399that anon asked why was it offensive then went deeper into what they saw in the media. i only did my best to try and giving reasons why people had that stance on it these now and days on it by using the up to date resources i had.
it's not always done in the media without an issue, there's been countless of backlashes and in the first link those two authors included cases in media and halloween where people weren't okay with it. plus people HAVE talked about the tropic thunder blackface case. i figured since everyone had google there was no point in me linking those articles as well.
it's a non issue to those who refuse to see the issue aka turning a blind eye. that's not being a tumblr type or sjw, it's being aware of something that's had racism laced in it for years and people still using it as that. though cosplay people (again) want to be as close to character as possible. personally i feel if you can't be that character by just the craftsmanship (outfit, wig, armor if they wear it, etc.) then you're a poor cosplayer just depending on how you can darken yourself for a character.
No. 472413
>>472408then tell people to stop being so upset cause i tried to give explanation to those who were curious.
if they didn't like the answer, they could have ignored and moved on. no one is making you reply to anyone on this site.
No. 472414
>>472413You also don't have to reply, it goes both ways and both parties are derailing, including you. No one cares about you defending yourself on this site. Get back on topic or gtfo.
>>472363She needs to stop. Why paint her face and not her hands?
No. 472427
>>472422i never once used the word educate until
>>472391 and others got
triggered at me.
i've been on this thread since it started, my first time replying to it isn't about to make me go away to a a website i hate
No. 472449
>>472399I'm the anon who cited ANTM and I'm still curious as to where everyone who is upset was back in 2005 when that aired, because I saw no backlash back then and even now online I can find zero anger towards that specific shoot.
It's almost like people who are upset by this only care because it's trendy to do so, because they only cite instances that get a ton of media attention. Hm.
No. 472458
>>472455so does skin color, it's a physical trait too
also should we shame cosplayers with contact privilege now?
No. 472461
>>472458but people can recognize hair/outfit before skin especially if a character has wild hair.
and no? that's just pointing out why some people can't wear contact…? chill lol
No. 472463
>>472461but no one is talking about that, i'm literally asking why
>>472406 seems to think hair and eyes, physical traits that are basically permanent, are important to cosplay but skin color inst.
(baiting) No. 472471
>>472463i think because how crazy companies are designing characters so you can't say (only an example) chun li looks like mai from kof.
characters have those designs where like if you see their hair, eyes, and outfit you should know them right off. i mean you can paint your skin, have a wig that looks nothing like the character, have contacts, the outfit is missing what makes that character recognizable, and it could be trash and get backlash. you can do all of the above and your hardwork get erased due to you saying screw it. then you can not paint yourself, have everything correctly, and have your work recognized for all the hard work you put into it.
only guessing
No. 472972
File: 1516160047489.jpeg (254.48 KB, 750x1124, 39C237F1-35B2-44E4-9B8D-8B3A3A…)

personal cow I knew from local conventions.i used to follow her but she’s trying to ride on the ~follow me for my lewds not nude ‘cosplay’~ wave and other cowish behavior. She’s been acting as holier than thou due to a slight increase in followers (when she starting posting lewds, not because actual talent, kek) her stuff is so photoshopped compared to pictures people post of her.
No. 473326
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>>473324I hate myself for looking
No. 473406
File: 1516202960682.png (380.49 KB, 610x514, Screenshot_2018-01-17-10-28-07…)

Lul I found this ad, guess it's really coming out?
No. 473597
File: 1516216902284.png (719.78 KB, 720x865, Screenshot_2018-01-17-14-21-28…)

>>473569It looks like she's gonna melt, how did she look like before?
No. 473616
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>>473568>>473568>>473568For reference I think anon is talking about this claim from yesterday
No. 473617
File: 1516219129441.jpeg (645.32 KB, 1242x1023, 613F9F85-820C-4365-B908-BC7F34…)

>>473616>>473616And here’s a recent no makeup pic. I know some people don’t consider lip fillers to be plastic surgery but she specifically said she’s never had her lips done. Don’t even get me started on her terrible nose job.
No. 473643
File: 1516220911695.png (837.34 KB, 720x756, Screenshot_2018-01-17-15-26-40…)

>>473617It looks like she had her nose, lips, ass and tits done. I think she had a lip lift + fillers and botox, her face looks so frozen and awkward. I wouldn't be surprised if she did more, she has the full plastic surgery combo down
No. 473711
>>473687She could had photoshopped that pic, I doubt she
actually looked like that in middle school. If she did then I feel bad for her, looking like a late 20s melted piece of plastic at the age of 13 lmao
No. 473725
File: 1516225089144.jpg (259.38 KB, 811x1200, ana-de-armas-harpers-bazaar-ic…)

>>473617Not sure about the nose because it seems the same as pic on the left on
>>473616 (pic is grainy as fuck though so I'm not sure)… But lip fillers are definitely there. Like, not even a subtle job like pic related… straight out obvious lip fillers with the duck-like upper lip and all.
Her face seems kinda bloated in a botox-ey way, too. And her cheekbones might be fillers as well.
>>473627Technically they're not wrong because there is no surgery in fillers, they're temporary and injected under the skin so you don't go under the knife. But still, call them "cosmetic procedure" or whatnot, this girl lied through her teeth because she straight out said "I've never had lip fillers"
No. 474103
>>471364 the whole issue was how rude she was about it really and not the actual darkening of her skin. Though I do think she did it really poorly. She looked really flat and weird. But posting with a caption already saying she's going to be called racist for it, showing that she knows it's a sensitive topic. Then when people did "call her out" (I put that in quotes cause from my memory most of these people were pretty nice about it) she got all up in arms and pissy and went full defense mode. I've seen many cosplayers react to similar situations much much better.
not sure if I should sage this so I'll do it anyway sorry for newfag
No. 474155
>>473725actually no, medically injections are considered surgery. anything that's has to do with insertion of something into flesh is a surgery. so not technically right at all.
plus people aren't even worried about it that technically, just trying to weasel out of getting work done. it's a cosmetic procedure and people use the term surgery literally (and wrong) ro make it sound less disgusting.
No. 474312
File: 1516263947468.jpg (177.97 KB, 1277x609, asdasdsda.jpg)

This bitch. PLZ! She has the most plastic surgery face and she claims she's never even had lip injections…. I found this pic only from like a year and a half ago and her lips are half the size. Probably a 40 year old irl
No. 474316
File: 1516264678975.jpg (87.72 KB, 540x960, asdasdsda.jpg)

"my Michael Jackson nose is completely natural" Not according to your old pics girl…
No. 474337
File: 1516266647175.jpg (101.92 KB, 740x960, bullshit.jpg)

>>474316Looks like she also uses a drag queen silicone fake chest. She posted a picture of a guy wearing it.
No. 474340
File: 1516266831201.jpg (88.55 KB, 956x959, 15578629_1474700512559662_8281…)

Here's Jenna's cute sister. Doesn't look like overly skinny noses and big lips run in the family.
No. 474356
File: 1516269391133.jpg (170.95 KB, 1114x827, dsffsddfsdfs.jpg)

Caption: "Morning. No makeup. No filter. No photoshop. Its a good feeling to be natural"
No. 474415
File: 1516284815093.jpg (320.64 KB, 720x1280, d9e5fc23d8cd1cb322207d08c6595a…)

I wonder if she got blepharoplasty too, her crease here
>>474316 doesn't look as thick as it is now
No. 474432
File: 1516287492375.jpg (219.43 KB, 639x706, 47305b43748c1bb87ac00db91fc2bf…)

How old is she? She looks pretty old
No. 474584
>>474316>>468708I don't understand how these two thought it would be a great idea to deny the most obvious ps.
It just makes everything worse.
No. 474939
File: 1516318409937.jpg (79.46 KB, 540x960, 10292551_10203356128445280_537…)

The oldest pic I could find of her
No. 475038
File: 1516322188996.png (621.5 KB, 1017x749, dragtrooper.png)

Traci had her own thread years ago
>>>/pt/14997But its too old to bump, so I figured her shit can go here now. Its been six or seven years since Traci began cosplaying and she still does the same, ott drag queen makeup for literally every character and still bandwagons onto whatever is the latest series so she can grab up any morsel of attention for herself.
No. 475203
File: 1516338454031.jpg (450.12 KB, 1062x1724, Screenshot_20180118-230550.jpg)

>>475005This kid was/is trying to sell lewds and doing generally provocative shoots (like the MEMEME dance with pantyshots) fam it's disgusting, I feel like shit just having looked to find her to satisfy your curiosity
No. 475206
File: 1516338655485.jpg (41.89 KB, 539x960, FB_IMG_1516338542044.jpg)

>>475005>>475203Gonna post the screenies I have
No. 475215
>>475203This shit is so disgusting. I'm not one to tell actual consenting adults what to do but I do feel people who glorify cosplay lewds are partially to blame for people like this. Then again idiot kids are going to be idiot kids in some shape or manner. Kinda wish someone would get her parents involved if they even care. Shit is illegal.
Also hard to honestly believe she's 17 anyway, she looks pretty well into her twenties to me. Still fucking gross though.
No. 475647
File: 1516399552013.jpeg (140.27 KB, 1229x821, 1516219129441.jpeg)

Jenna Lynn just posted that her lips are actually small and it's just makeup tricks from cosplay. She says she never had any injections. Did she forget she has tons of non-makeup photos online?
No. 475661
File: 1516400127459.png (1.48 MB, 1024x1280, 58aO6qT.png)

>>475647This cosplay was like from last year. You can easily see in her old pics that her top lip is getting bigger and bigger. Def from injections
No. 475815
File: 1516409023576.png (306.79 KB, 754x755, horf.png) used to get stanned a lot back in the day on /cgl/ despite being a dead ringer for Zoe Quinn with that corseted gut and awful face of hers. Apparently, sometime around 2015 or so she went apeshit and deleted her Tumblr and went full legbeard on everybody for daring to objectify her even though she was milking the money from it all along.
No. 475860
File: 1516413913983.jpg (171 KB, 480x640, red_sonja_by_lennyjava.jpg)

>>475815Jesus she looks unfortunate out of cosplay.
But tbh I always loved her cosplays. Yeah she wasn't super fit but she had a nice skinnyfat body/it was well proportioned. I'd never really place her in the corset-fatties category, while she did do a lot of corset cosplays, her Red Sonja and Lady Death cosplays were basically swimsuits and she looked really good in them.
Did she get a boob job or was it just a lift? I remember people talking about it on /cgl/ years ago but I can't remember which one it was.
No. 475869
File: 1516414556291.png (246.94 KB, 682x1024, 4828774351_c10479ab50_b.png)

>>475860tbh even in cosplay she looks pretty bleh
No. 475874
Speaking of corseted fatty cosplayers I see that Ivy Doomkitty still looks like a Mexican pornstar in everything she does. seeing people like her and Traci do the same makeup for literally every. single. character. makes me want to scream
They're like the nikkitutorials of cosplay.
No. 475924
File: 1516422199743.png (634.37 KB, 1129x752, shethot.png)

Posting a local costhot from the Philly region who used to go by Lola Gainsborough on Deviantart years ago. Her schtick was always poor lighting, no craftsmanship, buying Party City costumes and Fredericks of Hollywood corsets and calling them cosplay, showing up to Hall of Heroes in King of Prussia Mall trying to talk about what a massive nrrd she was, etc. been more than a decade or so and her costumes are still cheap, Halloween store garb, she hasn't attempted to move past the red lips and Sharpie chola brows, and is a party princess.
Annnnd.. has a Patreon for all of her "chronic health issues" that allegedly cause her to spend oh so much time at home but not so much that she doesn't have time to cosplay.
>Why did I start a Patreon? First and foremost I am currently spending more time at home due to my chronic pain. I was in a car accident in 1999 and suffered 17 fractures, 2 blood transfusions and 3 surgeries. I live with a titanium rod in my right leg. I have permanent damage in my wrist. As I have gotten older, the pain from past injuries and surgeries has gotten worse. I am currently on medication. I work as a part time princess performer but spend most of my time at home. I keep busy but Patreon is an opportunity to do more creative things to share exclusively with you!Her patreon claims that she was a professional model, but basement selfies on a Model Mayhem account aren't professional.
No. 476907
File: 1516558050552.jpeg (984.14 KB, 1242x1711, C3448E9A-37A6-4451-AFD5-BDED5E…)

Damn that Jenna plastic surgery girl is showing off how shitty she is. She’s donating 25% of a 25$ print.. for math sake let’s say she’s making 20$ in profit: she’s donating a whopping 5 and pocketing 15.
Even moo herself had the decency to say 100% of the profit from the print went to charity. I’ve never seen someone pull something THIS greedy - usually it’s either a % of ALL prints across the site, or 100% of profit from one print.
Someone would be better off donating 10$ to their local shelter tbh.
No. 476933
>>475815I think what changed her was a few bad experiences at cons with creepers so stopped wearing the revealing outfits
Also she got divorced
>>475861Boobs are natural
No. 477399
>>476907Eh! Its good that she's donating anything. If anyone even wants to buy her plastic surgery face prints.
What I can't stand is her constant lying about never having anything done (She says NO surgery/any injections/etc). She even posted that she has a disorder where her lips are getting bigger. lol WTF
No. 477408
File: 1516593006980.jpg (34.07 KB, 477x662, Image4.jpg)

Our Natural Beautiful Queen Jenna Lynn Meowri. I found this pic on instagram that was posted today and just cut out her natural looking face because she was with a "fan".
No. 477413
File: 1516593432833.jpg (49.98 KB, 475x480, Image6.jpg)

No. 477580
>>476907And then there’s production costs for each print and shipping materials
Take a business class dumbass, at least she’s donating something. What are you doing besides bitching?
No. 478101
File: 1516658792102.jpeg (482.1 KB, 729x908, 10EF04E4-CDEE-44A8-A6DD-957472…)

Jenna Lynn meowri was saying today that these are her natural breasts but i swear she mentioned before that she was wearing some fake cosplay attached breasts
No. 478169
>>478101You can look at those and
see how obviously fake they are. They don't really blend in with her natural skin at all.
No. 478485
>>478101I know other cosplayers have used these fake breasts before and been open and honest about it, she should be too.
Sage for ot, but can someone tell me where to get a pair? I've looked on both Amazon and Amazon JP but I can't find fake breasts like those anywhere. They're great for cosplay.
No. 479152
>>479108nta, but your hate boner for her is fucking annoying. you need to give proof or there's no milk. we get it, she looks like a frog and got work done, but you need to
show us this is an image board.
i am an anon who keeps telling you to cool it with posting her. sorry about your vandetta, but you need to post something other than her ugly mug.
No. 479445
>>479409Not them, but people can be irritated by you shitting up a thread with the same person over and over. Its not always 'hi x!'
Yeah, you're allowed to post what you want within reason but its still against the rules if you're being this extra with no proof other than she got plastic surgery.
>3.5b Don't engage in overly repetitive nitpicking of a subject's appearance.
>6. Do not post about someone who doesn't have any drama simply because you personally dislike them. (vendetta posting)There's a plastic surgery thread in /ot/ you could always head over to, but unless this person has anything more then at this point you're breaking two rules.
No. 479457
>>479445i bet this is actually selfposting shit. we discussed her up-thread with no real milk. she's only kind of cringy, obvious PS or something, and 'meowri' is weeb cringe for sure (i'm guessing her last name is moery, moeri or mowery since only her name comes up)
a quick google search makes me think it's her posting this since she's got a lot of cringy attention whore stuff(like giving herself a famous birthday's page) but it's not milk just meh cringe.
No. 479541
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Our old lady frog queen Jenna Lynn Meowri's followers on twitter/instagram are as real as her face.
No. 479732
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Anything on Irine Meier? She might be the hottest cosplayer out there but I heard past rumors that she's a high class call girl.
It doesn't help the rumors when she's in a new country every week and in expensive hotels/on huge yachts
No. 479743
>>479723no one's posting gossip, it's just one anon posting random pics of that meow girl, without caps, without context, without milk. stop.
(you're being super transparent btw)
No. 479863
>>479732this post sounds like some kind of weird humblebrag
That said, I don't know if she used one of those 'face slimming' modes on camera/apps, but it's making her face look square and horse like
>dat nose lip gap>dat weird nose contour >tryna hide that huge ass nose with that shitty contourdafaq
I want to believe she'd be better looking in a candid picture and just fucked this pic up with her make up/editing, but wew, her other pics have the shame problems from what I saw w/ a quick google search
really shows guys will go for anything if she's actually being paid good money… not really that good looking for what I've seen from 'high class' call girls. Hell, not even that good looking compared to the average instagram 'model'. If I looked like her and wanted to be famous for my appearance, I'd hide my face from the internet until I could save up enough money for plastic surgery….
No. 480378
File: 1516826170622.png (312.39 KB, 572x587, 15345354.png)

Some drama is kicking off with Beaulieu and that con her and her BF won the contest at. I'm not sure how much I trust what's she's posted on her Insta, but the organisers seem sketchy as fuck. This post is pretty unprofessional even if she isn't being entirely truthful…
No. 480387
>>480378Other con staff have commented on her post, everything she's saying is true
They fucked her over
No. 480398
File: 1516827463523.png (4.24 KB, 293x62, 0d9dc83f51a8481a2528fe30fe13b9…)

>>480378Reading the replies and I can't help but laugh at this one. In what world are Brodercons even decent for anything other than merch (which has also completely gone down the shitter lately as basically the only vendors are knockoff/chinese shit vendors)
No. 484548
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Roxy's eyes look really weird in this one. I think she edited them a little messed up because one looks bigger then the other a bit. I almost thought brinni was her in a different outfit. Irl, she doesn't look anything like brinni but she can't stop photoshopping herself.
No. 484958
File: 1517208701428.png (101.75 KB, 1080x630, 20180129_014918.png)

Cause that will TOTALLY happen
No. 485786
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No. 486786
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>>474584Now Saya claims she got her nose job in Germany cuz she broke her nose, she's singing a different song now cuz no one was believing her shit about being all natural. Why lie about having it in Germany when it's so obvious she had her whole body reworked in Korea?
No. 486787
File: 1517321042845.jpg (295.84 KB, 720x720, 2018-01-30 08.56.05.jpg)

Her botched nose job(s)
No. 486791
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Bonus: she's been lying back and forth about her waist being naturally small, working hard at the gym + diet, waist training and then back to I don't waist train
No. 486797
File: 1517322176978.png (132.16 KB, 720x950, Capture _2018-01-30-08-15-42-1…)

Maybe she's getting gangnum unnie surgery now?
She sounds like she doesn't want to appear at cons any more because too many people are pointing out what her face really looks like.
Tbh, I used to be a fangirl of hers, and was super body dismorphic about how "beautiful" her face was and how closely it looked like a final fantasy character (something I really wanted appearance wise) But looking at her natural self and seeing that she didn't naturally look like that was honestly a weight off my chest and a breathe of fresh air. She's still pretty, but she's not the delicate anime princess I thought she would be. Kind of glad sites like this exist. So other girls don't have to feel bad about people who lie about their looks.
No. 486855
>>467450she is friends with dychan, what did you expect?
she only doesn 'tests' and has always to point "BUT GUISE I DIDN'T LIKE IT" so everyone will spout "OH BUT IT'S GOOD YOU ARE GREAT"
>>486547pyon have been great these days
>you have to respect what i do, the body is mine, you don't get to have an opinion>but i will be transphobe because it's just a joke No. 487754
File: 1517376950481.jpg (208.39 KB, 1283x920, proof.jpg)

jenna lynn mowery's sister, who is a also a cosplayer, posted this back in 2013. i highly doubt jenna is telling the truth since her mom is a plastic surgeon.
No. 488868
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>>478101does anyone know if she god her inspo from this pic, or if this was drawn after hers?
No. 489137
File: 1517475630248.png (244.22 KB, 315x473, unknown.png)

"team alithia" the plethora of bad, inconsistent photoshop.
No. 491809
File: 1517682847952.jpg (634.01 KB, 1500x1500, pt2018_02_03_12_31_16.jpg)

Whoever wondered that roxychan edits her mouth smaller, you hit it right on the nail
No. 492688
File: 1517761768263.jpg (151.29 KB, 869x606, surejan.JPG)

Ivy playing the saint. I like that she didnt x out or remove the comment where someone was calling her gorgeous. This whole image seems completely unnecessary to post for someone with almost 300k followers. It doesnt promote the constant 'cosplay whatever you want' speech that costhots go on. Its literally just her being like, look at this mean comment I got once upon a time and look at how well i handled it please pat me on the back.
No. 493399
File: 1517800432600.png (1.73 MB, 909x957, wewas.png)

>>354019>>492618Its a kiss ass documentary that spreads lies to make Jessica look better. Apparently she was a big nerd in school that was mocked and made fun of. Boys wouldnt even talk to her and she wore no makeup. Even though theres pics online of her at 16 years old wearing makeup (of course less than the makeup paint she now wears) dating the most popular guy at her school (and getting engaged to him later). BUT OMGZ SHE WAS SOOOO NERDY AND AN OUTCAST!
No. 493664
>>354019>>493430bad makeup
extreme tanning and not taking care of her skin. She fucked it up bad
No. 493681
File: 1517823100270.jpg (26.17 KB, 460x92, Image8.jpg)

Theres multiple posts on Jenna's sisters social media talking about how her mom is a surgeon and has given them all fillers, botox, etc. This is just one of the posts from years ago.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 494603
File: 1517883081364.png (30.71 KB, 436x620, 2.png)

>>493399lmao Jessica was never into anime, comics and video games.. she was engaged to a guy called Vann or something and he was the one who suggested her to do the sexy pikachu, He even couched her on what to say,that's when she got noticed and featured by Kassem G and Phillip Defranco, she got a bit viral from that. I think her fiance encouraged her to cosplay more and he even helped her with the costumes, fame + greed eventually got to her head. She dumped her fiance and started anew as a GAMER GURL NERD!1! who was definitely interested with nerd culture from the beginning of time!!
the ex also confirmed her breast implants, he said she had it done two times one before the sexy pikachu cosplay and another after the started rolling. I liked Jessica's old face because it looks more relatable and natural contrast to how she looks like a weird mom who is trying hard to stay young through acting like an immature retard, plastic surgery and the"hip clothing" she wears.
I wonder how many people she had to fuck at Rooster teeth for this bullshit ass documentary, I don't believe for a second they all agreed this was a good idea and Jessica is a wonderful pony nerd girl goddess who descended from the clouds to grace the earth with her slutty cosplays and totally not faked qUiRkY pErSoNalItY
>>493681So was her mom a plastic surgeon or was she just a filler specialist?
No. 494786
File: 1517893967073.png (178.91 KB, 616x553, Screenshot 2018-02-05 at 9.10.…)

So despite proven allegations against John Leigh, lisalouwho is still attending Anime Matsuri as a guest because "this is from two years ago"
No. 494792
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No. 494793
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No. 494796
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No. 494813
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No. 494814
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No. 494849
File: 1517900300856.jpg (23.75 KB, 765x72, adasd.jpg)

Jenna Lynn Meowri isn't a liar. Her lips and face is 100% natural. Those old posts from 2013-2015 were from her sister trying to get attention online and lying about both of them getting lip fillers from her mom. I asked Jenna and she told me personally.
No. 494851
>>494829Supposedly she was taken to court for stalking and harassment. it.
No. 495037
File: 1517928009636.jpg (628.26 KB, 1600x1200, pt2018_02_06_08_33_13.jpg)

>>494680While this isn't a very good example of how extremely she photoshops (possibly because this was taken by someone else, along with the fact that she's already been called out for her excessive alterations), I can understand how she'd even go under the radar with her fans. It absolutely does not surprise me that she wants to take a "break" from cons, possibly so she can save up money from her patreon (which goes up and down frequently, despite how many followers she has) to go and get gangnum unnie surgery. But what she doesn't realize is that images stay on the internet forever.
No. 495039
File: 1517928353108.jpg (114.79 KB, 1280x1024, roxy2b.jpg)

Samefag. Here's a better picture that I pulled from pull that better shows off what she does and how she photoshops. Roxy claimed that the picture on the left was in bad con lighting, and while I agree that it does make for unfavorable lighting, it won't entirely change your face (I.e, still recognized)
No. 495046
File: 1517928897478.jpg (Spoiler Image,659.45 KB, 1500x1500, pt2018_02_06_08_52_17.jpg)

Samefag again. Saging for spam. Here's one from her Stella cosplay as well. Its funny she keeps saying she's (insert blonde anime character) twin all the time. She just Photoshop her face that way.
No. 495121
File: 1517934575902.png (36.83 KB, 311x296, B4AF6E71-DCF8-4229-B277-A57509…)

>>495102Roxy is a shame to the cosplay community shoops like no tomorrow and enjoys being pedo bait.
She used to be a normal/Lolita cosplayer and then moved to \impliednude\ momokun tier cosplays.
They only look ok ish after she shops them but the fabrics look incredibly cheap and she buys everything I’m tired of everyone just ignoring the fact that she’s equally as bad as other
thicc cam gurl cosplayers
No. 495147
>>495121I agree with almost everything you said still but I don't think she should be considered "thicc". Most the times, she looks no greater then a b-cup unless she wears a push up bra and sticks her butt out for the satsuki cosplay pics.
Also, I wasn't aware she was lolita before she became semi-famous. I always thought she just cosplayed.
But I think her and moo moo are two peas in a pod.
Roxychann had a tendency a while ago to be rude to her fans. Not only that, she got served by a pull member and went on a Twitter rampage complaining about how they were racially bashing her and calling her little sister ugly and trying hardcore to victimize herself throughout the whole thing. I've seen recently that she's tried Damn hard to avoid having her pull page not come up in searches with her main cosplay pages (she changed her cosplay names, made it to where you can't view her fb page unless you're logged in, which, who doesn't have a fb by now). She doesn't want everyone to see she Photoshop but she's just not fooling anybody.
No. 495418
File: 1517949357053.jpg (88.55 KB, 576x1024, DVRfM9zVQAAi0zZ.jpg)

>>495349Oh okay, I understand what you're saying.
The pics she takes done even look like her. I don't know if this filter alters the face but this snoop looks baaad. Didn't even think it was her
No. 495663
File: 1517965433699.png (634.49 KB, 720x1033, Screenshot_2018-02-06-19-00-36…)

this is @natashazagadka. she's a typical uggo cosplayer who photoshops her cosplays and does "lewdz" and begs her followers for money. she recently has come under fire by another instagrammer @yumegloomy who posted a very long thing about how Natasha molested her and another girl.
No. 495703
File: 1517967498939.jpg (58.48 KB, 550x550, IMG_1457.JPG)

>>494793I swear these people will just collect patreon creators like Pokémon with no rhyme or reason just because it means they're "supporting" their fellow thots. So many people think patreon pledge = friendship and there ya go that's one of the reasons why patreon is so popular.
I don't entirely know where she is going with this. She thinks that craftsmanship cosplayers can't judge the lewd hoes because they don't make as much money as they do???
You stick tits or nudity on anything and it's guaranteed to more money/popularity than someone just making pretty stuff. There is a wider audience.
We are most definitely allowed to judge you. Give us a reason why you should ever have more respect as a lewd patreon than someone like Cowbutt or even Kinpatsu? Go take a look at your ratings for lewd photos vs your regular cosplay photos and that will pretty much explain everything about why we hate you and why you really have half of the audience you do.
>sage for my thot h8 No. 496547
File: 1518019597904.jpg (70.85 KB, 650x869, 525626.jpg)

again with puting some random piece of fabric, calling it cosplay and every single idiota fawning over her
No. 496651
>>493057Photoshopping to enhance a good photograph is completely fine. Completely changing your bodyshape to something unrealistic and passing it off to your followers as the "real" you ain't. The fact other cosplayers shoop their pics is entirely irrelevant, I hold them in the same disregard as Ivy.
Not OP of
>>492688 either. However, it's hilarious how so many female cosplayers automatically assume that people giving criticism over them having their bodies on show is ALWAYS "bodyshaming" or women who posted these comments are giving out "internalised mysogyny".
No. 498682
File: 1518186669196.jpg (374.33 KB, 776x1035, 1517517816339.jpg)

>>498672she says she is 1,50cm
No. 499032
>>498640I've literally tried explaining this to a countless number of people and I feel like i'd be better smacking my head against a brick wall. I personally couldn't give a shit if people want to sell this kind of content. What I
do have beef with is when these people make out that cosplay is their main thing, when around 90-95% of their content is just lewds or lazy boudoir shoots.
No. 501629
File: 1518464919240.png (946 KB, 720x1171, 20180212_143426.png)

I can't be the only person cringing over this "character" That looks almost nothing like susu. Imagine being so beta you buy this kind of shit from some random internet girl Noone irl knows. 10 years later it's just you alone with a body pillow because let's be honest who will fucking date you?? I don't think any of these cucks think of how this makes them look. God this Patreon trend needs to just die already.
No. 501659
File: 1518467422867.png (25 KB, 586x173, Screenshot 2018-02-12 at 12.30…)

Not sure if troll but there's a post going around for AuressCosplay.
A cosplayer from the US who posts really shitty shoops of her cosplays, vomits discriminating babble and "is proud to be white".
No. 501674
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No. 501677
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No. 501687
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No. 501691
File: 1518468907982.jpeg (65.98 KB, 748x406, 60AB5169-0C97-46C7-B39C-EFC20E…)

>>501677This bitch is crazy
No. 501701
File: 1518469242339.jpg (2.83 MB, 1080x9859, 20180212_125943.jpg)

>>501670Girl's gotta have some form of autism or something. She cares more about her cosplay being trashed than being a racist.
No. 501841
>>501705Wouldn’t surprise me if girls not doing as well come to hate on others. That poster was unusually mad.
>>501687What the fuck is this? That warping on the wall is so fucking ridiculous. I can’t even tell what she was trying to photoshop. It all just looks terrible. No way this bitch isn’t crazy.
No. 502030
File: 1518562494586.jpg (156.39 KB, 1024x1024, DPXPLCHW4AA74vh.jpg large.jpg)

Someone tried to murder Gavin for being Meg's boyfriend and possibly Rape/Kidnap/Kill Meg
This shit is so fucked up No. 502059
>>502030Literally just heard about this while watching the PhillyD ep. This is fucking crazy.
I wonder if they'll move or something, it's creepy as fuck to live in a place where someone broke in and presumably wanted to murder your partner and in turn they got murdered in front of your house.
No. 502095
>>502059I think that must be the scariest part this wasn't just a break in like most news sources are reporting.
This creep was hunting to fucking murder Gavin and do god knows what with Meg.
Insane incels like that think that if they kill the guy they will get the girl but once reality kicks in and the girl is screaming,crying and fighting the girl gets murdered too they both wouldn't have stood a chance if they had been found.
No. 502234
>>501629having an OC is all the rage between thots right now
>>501670>>501687>>501677I absolutely refuse to believe this isn't a troll jesus christ its absurd
No. 503242
>>501670I actually feel really awful for this girl. I have friends, grown friends, over 30 years of age-still cosplaying teenagers-friends who went to attack her for what was probably one of the mildest criticisms I've ever seen (bonus points, my friends have called other cosplayers far worse to their face). Friends who have shit on MS too. The girl is legally an adult, yes, but it's clear she has some developmental disorder, even slight.
This chick is an idiot, no doubt, but this Gang/Mob incentive for full grown adults to go after the lowest/easiest hanging fruit in the group is honestly kind of sickening. Was the comment dumb? Sure. Should you fucking invite your friends to DRAG the obviously oblivious and then go on to feel like a fucking hero?
This is like picking on a female Chris-chan and patting yourself on the fucking back for it.
Does that honestly make you feel good? You had literally NOTHING to lose by telling her she's a shitfuck, this isn't some known diva who would have any reasonable amount of self or fandom-defined defense against LEGIONS of struggling-to-be-relevant cosplayers, this is just DeviantArt User #123213 catching shit for something that struck a nerve for all these aging cosplayers. And for a pretty younger girl.
How fucking predictable.
No. 503302
File: 1518663270768.jpg (249.27 KB, 1620x1076, auress.jpg)

>>503242You really think this whole shitstorm with Auress/Kelly is because she made a dumb remark to Mangosirene?? Did you really not see the racist tweets she's made going around or are you just choosing to ignore them?
Having autism is no fucking excuse for being a racist, and if she's going to be spewing this type of shit on a public forum then of course people are going to coming out to retaliate.
No. 503337
>>503302Anon, I was following this from the beginning, and the "SHE RACIST" shit was after the fact everyone jumped on board the original comment.
This absolutely started snowballing before the racism started coming into play.
and not "Autistic or not", developmental issues will impede your social understandings and interactions. Are you ignorant? You think after the first 200 people called her a fucking asshole, that 10,000 more needed to add their 2 cents? This is about the "Cosplay Community" using inclusivity and progressive idealism to justify bullying someone with a developmental disorder. She could get the fucking point after the first houdning, everyone jumping on board is ego-stroking, and that's what's actually wrong with the cosplay community: Subvert Ego Stroking.
She's fucking female Chris Chan, don't stroke your pussy so much about it.
No. 503429
>>503242I really didn’t think it was an invitation to pick on someone? The initial response from MS was very light-hearted and she didn’t attack Auress at all. She isn’t responsible that the person turned out to be a racist. If anyone is responsible, it’s the girl’s parents for giving her unlimited internet access and not monitoring what she’s posting, especially if she IS autistic. It wasn’t like she DM’d MS and MS shared it, she responded to a public tweet.
Idk I feel horrible for the girl but no one started “Attacking” her until the racist stuff began being shared, before that it was mainly other cosplayers saying they’ll cosplay when they’re old too. If she wasn’t an open racist I don’t think this would’ve escalated at all.
No. 503806
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more real face roxy
No. 503890
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I know Jenna Lynn claims her face/lips is surgery and injection free….bullshit…. what causes your lips to look like this? Is it deformed from bad injections?
No. 503994
>>503473Nurture and Nature play major parts in development. Even if you learned racism, your impaired social understandings will affect your communications and capabilities. She learned to judge and criticize dark-skinned girls. She can't as uneasily un-learn or perceive why or how her words affect others, it's just not a concern to her. It's why many people with mental development issues seem self-centered to others, and unsympathetic. You can't control where they pick up information from constantly (she could've learned this from the internet last year), nor can you easily get them to rethink or ignore it. It's a choice they have to latch onto.
I don't think bullying her to this degree is helpful at all, but it's another reflection of the community jumping down someone's throat to look holier than thou.
>>503429>no one started “Attacking” her until the racist stuff began being sharedThat's not even true. I follow 10 cosplayers on twitter and ALL were tweeting at her about the age comment before anyone brought up her racist comments. I think that comment strikes too close to home for a lot of these last gen cosplayers.
You know, this community just wants to live in a bubble where no one can say anything that can be perceived as negative about anyone and doing so "ruins the hobby". It's a ridiculous standard that's not natural or possible. As I mentioned prior, MS is a well-known cosplayer, she doesn't have to say a thing for her fans to start to defend her. Everyone just wants to feel as if they've "made a difference" and ensure anyone who questions them will get the same treatment. These same people, if I went back to when they were 18-21, I could find a treasure trove of unsavory, nasty comments, but they get to use the excuse of "Oh, I've moved on, I learned, I'm not like that". They don't give anyone else a chance, not when they can exploit them.