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No. 36600
>>36266Love this topic idea, anon! There are a good few that come to mind alright - ToxicTears being one of them. Adora isn't nearly as bad imo, but she's extremely annoying.
I think one of the worst ones has to be Joji Victor Grey aka Gutterface/Starsinthegutter aka Kazakai. The amount of crappy shit they've done is insane from scamming people out of their BJDs (which are super expensive!) to faking parents' deaths for sympathy so people would stop asking where their orders are (as well as dropping off social media and claiming sickness/hospital visits when fans ask about their orders too). It seems once a persona has gathered enough of a negative rep, it gets abandoned for another on another social networking site.
No. 36860
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>>36266This chick annoys the fuck out of me.
No. 36868
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Do any of you guys keep up with itsblackfriday? I used to think she was pretty okay, but it rubbed me the wrong way how she recently ditched her long-time fiance to go live in Germany with a new boyfriend (and tried so hard to sound 100% innocent of any wrong doing).
I agree that you shouldn't stay in a relationship/situation that isn't making you happy, but the way she went about this sounded so tactless. (PS, great thread idea, OP).
No. 36929
>>36927Not to mention, she has three children. Then she had a video where she claims to show her "secret" for being skinny, complete with fingers around upper arm thinspo move, and warns against ed's.
She's like in her early forties and reeks of crazy.
No. 37024
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>>36867>elitist deathrock chickPatsy (the one in the middle). When she was active she could have her own thread on here. Basically
>I never had a babybat phase I always looked better than everyone from the start>my parents were goth when they were younger>dating some 20-something year old while she was 17,18 (i think they're still together)>super elitist, doesn't like people that don't fit her goth image>apparently started drama with other goths when she went into the Christian Death tag on ig and started talking shit about people that liked Valor and bragging she had an original pressing of Only Theater of Pain>after drama made deleted ig profile and started a new one put kept on private was rude to people that tried to follow>obsessed with The Cult/Ian Atsbury>generally felt she was the best goth ever No. 37025
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>>37024I also found this about her on tumblr.
No. 37035
>>36899I can't remember what it was, but I swear Adora shitposted on "goth makeup" and how people in the goth subculture look all the same. And she claims it's a 'joke' but she's done it more than twice so it ~obviously bothers her goth black soul~
Also some shit about wanting/pretending to be albino. Yeah that's cute, considering real albinos actually get hunted for their skin.
No. 37036
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I just went on Sebastians IG picture though. She has less ass than Miley Cyrus.
No. 37040
>>37034I only saw a bit of the drama through her instagram, which i followed because i geniunely did like her outfits. I think there was more in the actual goth scene out of the internet. All i heard was that she stole boyfriends but I didn't care enough to pry.
>>37035She still does the albino thing pretty often. I think it's #AlbinoAdora (or vice versa)
>>37036She doesn't look bad though, flat but not gross. Is that a thigh/butt dimple or lighting?
No. 37220
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>>37024LOL Patsy was the biggest cunt. She was a scene kid, so I had hearty keks when she claimed she never had a babybat or altnnewb phase ever.
No. 37227
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>>37226She deleted all her social media as of now. Last time I saw any of her photos, she wasn't doing much except being a greasy edgy pot smoker and with her totally kewl new brown bf.
No. 37238
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>>37226Same person you were replying to. At least she's let the "most deafrawk person evar" thing mostly go. ta-dah
No. 37239
>>37236tumblr: walkin-with-the-beast
I was a lurker around the internet deathrock/gothrock "scene"
No. 37241
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>>36266also, just dropping off a prehistoric taylor james- achem- Sebastian-not-named-after-Columbine-shooting
No. 37300
>>37238So this is what she looks like now? Huh. She actually has a pretty cute face.
No. 37301
>>37264I find it odd the stages of which Toxic tears goes into. Like I remember a couple of months ago she obsessed with pink and was saying how much she likes cute pink things and kawaii shit.
>secretly a weebBut then again she's friends with that other Irish Youtuber (PeachyMilkyTea) who is the biggest weeb out.
I also think she's pretty insecure. I don't know how long her youtube career will last because she always complains about rude comments people make and stuff.
Lastly, why do Toxic Tears and Itsblackfriday make make-up tutorials? No offence but their make-up sucks shit. It looks dodgy on camera, can't imagine how dodgy it looks in real life.
No. 37345
>>37241 So that's her real name, huh?
Yeah, puberty hit her really hard, it's ridiculous.
No. 37486
>>37301The dumb pink shit was the only way she can differentiate herself with any other goths, but she's a tryhard so it didnt work out
>>36899I really don't get the hype around her. Not my style I guess
No. 37684
>>37541not the anon who you're replying to, but I agree 110% with him/her.
XTT seems like someone who bases her personality&lifestyle around trying to fit into a certain stereotype/aesthetic/subculture, rather than basing her appearance around her own interests/hobbies/personality.
I.e. the pink 'kawaii' shit phase.
She also was quick to hop on the living doll bandwagon when that was at its peak.
Plus, all of her outfits are just…OTT and yet basic. Everything she wears somehow manages to look like it came from Hot Topic, or at best an edgy middle-schooler's sketchbook. She wears things purely for shock value, then acts surprised when people stare or catcall or pay attention to her because she's wearing fucking ridiculous cyberlocks, a vinyl corset, and 5-inch platform boots to go walk around with her friends.
It's like those lolitas who are wearing a full AP set to go to the grocery store and then get pissy when people make comments or pay attention to it. 'IT'S JUST CLOTHES' yeah, but it's not exactly a commonplace style, especially not to the level that she takes it, don't blame normalfags for being baffled by your fashion choices.
Also her drawn-on eyebrows look awful, and her 'modelling' career (esp. when she was overweight) is a fucking joke.
Everything about her screams tryhard. She claims to like 'kawaii' shit but I don't think she's ever mentioned an anime that she likes or where this stems from.
I also seem to remember a 'home decorating' post where she totally ruined the beautiful antique fireplace in her (boyfriend's) home by painting it in ridiculous colors.
Also, she likes to play the part of 'innocent mama goth dispensing advice', but she was an active member of PULL in its initial Koti-obsessed phase (that's how I first became acquainted with her), so I wouldn't be surprised if she managed to migrate over to lolcow…so. Beware selfposting/white-knighting itt.
No. 37832
>>37812she actually has a gofundme(?) again for the same reason. The landlord sold the house they're currently in and no one will rent to them. So she started a fundraiser again so people can donate
She says it's because of they way they dress that no one will rent to them. How hard is it to buy/rent a nice outfit, pull your hair back in a bun and wear regular non goth makeup? You can look "normal" for interviews not gawf lyfe 24/7
No. 37841
>>37832As far as i'm aware her boyfriend works. I wonder how much money she makes off her Youtube. I wonder how much she spends, also. She's always going on how she wants things, linking her wishlist everywhere in hope that someone will buy her shit. Ugh.
>>37840Autism stuff? Do tell. I know nothing about her.
No. 37843
>>37841Well I don't follow her that much anymore because I stopped using all social media for a while, hence my knowledge of her is patchy. But I do remember she was working at some place that was related to makeup (Mac?) and started having panic attacks (about being afraid is she'll stop loving her fiancé or other weird stuff) and she wrote intense posts about it. Then she started seeing doctors and she seemed pretty adamant that she has something off the autism spectrum and again shared it all online…
Now I have no idea if she's still engaged and she's being super mysterious about it if asked. And I have no idea if she got a diagnosis and what it was. She was so open about everything and now she's like a brick wall and I'm not sure if she was just seeking attention.
No. 38045
>>38042didn't say she was ugly, just obnoxious.
think the clickb8 posting got her banned/suspended a while ago bc there was a long stretch of time I saw nothing from her. speculating tho, ofc
No. 38408
>>38167lmoa she never changes her expression
"professional model"
No. 38563
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lol Just wait for it. In the next week or so we're going to get bombarded with hundreds of thirsty #gothgoth reviews, tutorials selfies etc involving the Edward Scissorhands eyeshadow palette. I'm calling it right now.
I never understood this mass fan worship of Tim Burton in the goth scene. Do people really lack the drive to seek out non-Burton things of a similar aesthetic that badly? His works aren't terrible, but they aren't masterpieces either. Got to hand it to Sugarpill for knowing how to make mint on the desperation of goth girls who want to be #insta trendy kek.
No. 38565
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Apologizes for the double post. But also wondering what experiences fellow farmers have with gothgoths in within there own community?
For instance this sad bitch in my community got this large idiotic tattoo she's going to end up spending a small fortune on getting covered up or removed in 2 years time once the novelty of it leaves. She works as a ~MUA~ and charges local normalfags hundreds of dollars to show them how to do shit they can learn for free. Nobody ever calls her out this naturally. She's also working with a woman who scams people $130+ for bedazzled bras and fairy wings.
No. 38570
>>38565I think that tat is cute.
I'm madly in love with cats and would get something along the lines.
As for goths there isn't a huge scene in my state expcet for the fetish goths.
No. 38572
>>38563I think it's because he was really that first one to have that scary/spooky but still cute in it's own way vibe in a children's movie get big. Add on Danny Elfman and it's pretty goth catering. I'm pretty biased though because I do love Tim Burton, I think his older (and smaller works) are quite amazing. And as a musician myself I admire Danny Elfman.
I hate that palette though. I never would have know it was Edward Scissorhands without being told. I would like to see if DracMakens could do anything with it though.
No. 38573
>>38565Post her tumblr
And no, I hate clubs so I dont really interact with any scene or community. I just go to shows and mind my business. I only have like 2 other goth friends and they're the same.
No. 38594
>>38570You mean the 'fetish' goths who worship William Control KEK
>>38563I think that palette is pretty ugly, honestly. I don't like the shades at all and would have no use for it. But yeah, whatever sells I guess.
>>38565Honestly that tattoo is pretty cute but not my style. Is it holding a pill? That's the lame part. Too edgy 4 u. Seems a bit too Jeffree Star esque and god, I hate that cunt.
No. 38599
>>38573>>38594Here's her instagram post: So she actually got the logo of a makeup company tattooed?
No. 42382
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I want more milky snowflake water. I thought the mild shitstorm about Sebastian's comments about some black guy was bretty gud. I can't find some of the more explanatory posts but here is her apology post.
No. 54345
>>54340LMAO dat double chin doe
I love seeing people as self-obsessed as she is gaining weight.
No. 54481
>>54473It isn't. She's fake as fuck.
She has her own thread here:
>>22923 No. 55364
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Her in a recent videos vs her 3 years ago… :/
No. 55955
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>>55665With more "normal" looking eyebrows, she looks a heck of a lot better. Adora's narcissism though is still not even through the roof, but through the o-zone layer. I extremely dislike that personally.
(She had a beige eyebrow and more neutral look in a photo for some shoot but it's either deleted now or lost to the selfies of time).
No. 64972
>mundanesHoly shit, people
still use that word? It's like the goth version of "fucking normies"
No. 65058
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Sebastian looks like Smell from This Is England
No. 65102
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This piece of shit. Patsy Marian.
No. 65624
>>65594>>Sisters singer can't sing due to illness>>She curses them out of it on SM saying 'ermehgawd people have spent a lot of money to come a long way to see you. You're awful people for cancelling'And yet, if Sisters went on with the show with Andrew's illness or mustered up a replacement singer on short notice, Sisters would still be berated on SM for it.
>>'Ermehgawd people have paid a lot of money to get here to see him, and he's not well/you put in a replacement. This is not what we paid for'There's literally no way for them to win in that situation. Honestly what is she expecting them to do that would please everyone involved? Shit happens, it's life. Get over it!
No. 66765
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>>65102I don't know how she is now, but she was a real piece of shit during her Qween of Deafrawk days.
She'd go around being the DR police and attacking people online if someone didn't meet her standards of exceptional deathrock lineage. AKA "my mommy spoonfed me everything and I didn't have babybat days even though I was a scene kid when I was 13." <See earlier posts.
No. 66767
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>>66765Some moar from a while ago.
No. 67341
>>66821toxic tears has always been annoying af to me, I'm kind of glad that other people are starting to notice how fame-thirsty she is.
I like goth culture, but the way she represents it just makes me cringe, goddammit. I could excuse it from a 3edgy5me tween but not a fully-grown adult woman.
also I hate her fashion choices. her aesthetic seems to be purely overpriced hot-topic shit.
the only reason I can think she possibly has fans that babybats look up to her because she actually does all the retarded shit that their parents keep them from doing.
No. 67353
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>>67341She also begs so fucking much on her twitter. Oh I want this~ I want that! Then next tweet is her adding it her wishlist. Beg harder, Kaya.
No. 67497
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>>65102All I can think of is the Madam from Zombie Strippers
No. 67626
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No. 78029
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It's so funny - I knew Patsy in high school and she wanted to convert me or whatever the fuck. But then her and her friend started going around saying they wanted to pull my septum out of my face for some reason? Yeah -
It's funny to see even after all these years…(we were 15) she's still a massive cunt- and she's so much so that people in a community know and talk shit on her…it's just crazy to see from other people.
I thought maybe she changed…
but as usual…
pretty girls still make graves.
No. 78573
>>78553not a surprise. it's getting harder and harder for her to cling to the title of ~edgy alt goffgoff model desu~ with every pound she gains.
not that her modelling career was ever going anywhere in the first place, but it's just getting kind of pathetic to watch now.
No. 79833
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>>79316Her hair looks rather greasy in this video. You can see the dandruff buildup. She could have at least put in some dry shampoo
No. 79937
>>79934I feel like people who refuse to tone it down for work or other serious situations are insecure? Maybe this whole goff persona/style is all she has and is scared what people will think of her if she looks "normal"?
I could be wrong ofc
No. 79954
>>79833god, she looks like a completely different person. not in a good way.
weight gain has not been kind to her.
No. 80403
>>79833man… those chins…
she needs to get rid of that hideous black eyeshadow and do a nice cat eye instead, thicken those horribly skinny eyebrows and lose 50lbs. oh, and having a wash would be a good idea too.
No. 80414
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all i see here is
"noooo you can't do this! all the free stuff is for me, i don't want competition!!!"
No. 80443
>>80414looking at her tumblr thumbnail makes me cringe.
I never thought she looked 'good', even back in her ~heyday~ but this kind of rapid downward spiral is just…I was going to say 'depressing', but no, I've always hated her since I first saw her insipid, attention-starved posts on PULL and now it feels completely validated. fuck this bitch. i hope she eats herself to death.
No. 80523
>>80414>shut up fatty.jpg kek
As if she's trying to make out she isn't in the 'business' for free stuff. It's what her channel consists off. Either free stuff from companies or free stuff from her pathetic subscribers off her amazon wishlist.
No. 83622
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Adora is being kind of a twat as usual.
No. 83625
>>83624This Marylou girl points out,quite amicably, that the employing an image of a morbidly obese woman as a preface to "I like my hip bones and rib bones so i need to lose 5 kilos" post is in poor taste, and Adora literally redirects the conversation to stroke her own ego– how she's naturally skinny, has done so much to help anorexic girls "learn to become thin the healthy way" etc.
I myself am pretty fucking skinny and this shit grinds my gears
No. 84049
>>84035please dish.
I feel like I always knew it. Kaya alway seemed like she was trying to present this image of her home as a 'tasteful' goth lair worthy of the Addams Family, but somehow I really didn't see that meshing with how lazy she was when it actually came down to working. I was always curious whether she was getting support from her boyfriend, family, or just living on welfare.
No. 84057
>>84049You will have a good chuckle at this one. There is so much shit people never hear about these two.
They used to act physically repulsed at anyone who was over kayas weight. Now she's a fatty 8)
They act nice to everyone they meet but they are 100% not like that. They can't resist to make fun of people or talk about them. Even her mate Sophie before they became friends she used to fucking hate her cause she did YouTube videos. Fun info she used to do "financial domination" she made people drink piss etc and they paid her for it. She has a guy as well who posts on her Facebook all the time who is her personal money bank. Dude buys her all sorts of shit when she posts her wishlist. Used to come to their stinking house and smell her feet for money. There is way more just on mobile atm.
No. 84094
>>84087I grew an extra arm in their old house. (Keep in mind this was the house before they started the MAG shit) Now that I think about it they have been kicked out of every house so far. Obviously I don't talk to them nor do I keep in touch on their lives but as far as I'm aware I didn't know they lived with Kaya's dad. She was more in communication with her mum more but ah well.
I wouldn't say she was into bdsm though. All she did was have guys come over and sniff her shoes etc. Nothing too extreme like BDSM lmao.
No. 84103
>>84096Yeah some fucking how there was £2k debt of electricity because Jake didn't think people paid for electricity in Northern Ireland when he moved over. Probably the reason why they got kicked out.
Pro tip - The game was Soul Caliber V
No. 84111
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>>84104No this was the house before when I was friends with them. Jake doesn't talk to me or another friend cause I didn't invite him to my house one day for my birthday cause my housemate hated him. Literally couldn't make this shit up. There is so so so much more if I can be fucked typing on this phone. Slow as fuck
No. 84374
>>84111Please more when you can.
>>84310Who is this? Never heard of this person.
No. 84482
File: 1453482902808.png (12.17 KB, 512x255, cuck.png)

"rozz williams scholars society":
He's a self proclaimed expert on Rozz Williams and Christian Death. He owns a bunch of rare photos, videos, recordings, etc. of Rozz and brags about how no one will ever get to see them. He gets photos that he owns taken down. He thinks he invented goth and crust punk, even though he's in his late 20s/early 30s. He's an admitted racist. He thinks you have to be a Nazi to be punk, but can only ever talk about GG Allin and that photo of Siouxsie with the swastika armband. He's a misogynist. He lives in his mom's basement where he regularly argues on tumblr with teenagers and stalks his ex. Apparently she cheated on him or some shit.
Pic related, it's him reblogging a JtHM comic strip from his ex.
No. 84950
>>84944It's totally fine with companies sending out free shit, we all get it. They give a free box of products to big name Youtubers and other personalities and they'll make a video about it spreading free advertising. It's a win/win situation.
But making a wishlist just to be a greedy cunt because you know people will buy you shit is low. Everyone would love free stuff. Can confirm from myself and a friend who have been with her in personal, she has said she adds items because she hopes someone will buy her it.
No. 84965
>>84964She used to have an average body size when I was best friends with her and I've heard from numerous friends who knew her before me that Jake would pressure her to lose weight. I bet he is fucking raging hard now lmao.
When I was in their house they used to watch America's next top model a lot and when a girl was on who was skinny, I mean like.. under 9st (126lb) they would say how disgustingly fat they were. Of course even more disgusted by anyone bigger than them. It's ironic their new best friend John and his girlfriend are quite big people. Makes me wonder if they have changed their personalities since then. But they are definitely a match made in heaven for each other. They love each other and more importantly themselves… a bit too much.
No. 84969
>>84955oh wow I had no idea, tought he was ok but then again never really gave a shit about any of them…
Guess TT will have to keep shoopin her pics and her bf will tolerate her because she brings him in mlre views or some shit
No. 84973
>>84969There is a lot people don't know about how they are just by watching them online but I suppose can be said for any Youtubers. Can't say I'm happy to experience it all in person kek
Jake is one of those people who HAVE to be right and only his opinion matters. I would say that me and my friend here were one of his first best friends after moving to Northern Ireland to live with Kaya, he didn't seem to have any other friends but us so he would tell us and show us a lot about him as a person.
No. 85491
>>85402I just came here to post this
is she gonna leave the country and dump this one too or
No. 87210
> get her shit together in germanyyeah i take that back, i just saw the video where she got spontaneous tattoos at a convention. i'm all for body mods, but why spend money on them when you're in debt/unemployed?
> her bf getting an iron cross tattoo on his finger isn't that considered a nazi symbol by normie germans or has it been reclaimed? any actual germans here to confirm? i know that you'd never get a job in austria with that tattoo because it could just might mean that you're a nazi and employers don't wanna risk that.
No. 88271
>>87210>isn't that considered a nazi symbol by normie germans or has it been reclaimed? any actual germans here to confirm? i know that you'd never get a job in austria with that tattoo because it could just might mean that you're a nazi and employers don't wanna risk that.It is a symbol still used in some old emblems but in general, most normies will consider it or link it to Nazi Germany. Doesn't atter that the iron cross has been around for way longer, but there's a reason they abolished it and as said, most normies will probably only link it to Nazis or maybe Rocker gangs sings (which isn't much better).
If someone gets it tatooed on their finger, a visible place, you can bet it will look suspicious to most people, and will certainly not enhance your chance to get a job in most places. It is linked too closely with WW II history for most people.
>>87415But it isn't a medal that is used anymore?
I think it is on the same page as a swastika. Sure, the swastika is not Nazi exclusive and still widely used in other cultures, but in Germany it is still mostly linked to Nazis, and you will
never not be judged if you have a tatoo of it. No matter for what explanation.
No. 89812
>>89808ffs seriously? what is she expecting, to lose 70lbs i 2 days or what? I hate people like that.
If youre not fucking around (too much) youll see a change.
No. 89832
>>89808"I eat healthy all the time."
>buy me chocolates off my wishlist!!!Yes that's why your instagram has so much junk food splattered all over it. I bet she's a secret eater. I bet she doesn't show even 1/4th of what she eats in a day. If she's off the pills she should have no excuses to lose weight.
No. 89836
>>89832She claims in the video all she posts is "cheat days" kek.
I bet she's lying though, or she genuinely does think she eats healthy but is still eating shit, 'cus i doubt she knows much about nutrition tbh.
No. 89848
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>>89837the portions she eats are humongous too. one meal looks like it could be shared between three people.
No. 89850
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>>89848if she knows everything about healthy eating and nutrition then she should know that portion size plays a big part too
No. 90115
>>89837She already it's a low carb diet. She should eat more carbs. I eat roughly 3000 calories (I'm not really sure about all the alcohol calories I consume between my four meals a day, but I assume it's around there) on a high carb and I'm very lean. Any diet that includes meat, eggs, and dairy is high fat.
Sage for the blog post.
No. 92910
>>91963they think germany is gothic wonderland because it's where a lot of big festivals take place, like weebs thinking all of japan is harajuku. they think it's some kind of place where they can be OTT goths every day and earn money from it.
like i said before in this thread, the goth scene in germany is huge, but the majority of goths have real jobs and tone it down outside of clubs and festivals. you can't just be a goth youtuber/blogger as your only income source and there's no way you can get a decent paying job where they let you come to work in full goth attire.
>>92741tbh, i think adora's husband has a normal job and she just lives off of him. i really think she seems weird because she expresses herself in swedish, but with english words.
No. 92916
>>92910Not that Adora isn't a weird snowflake, but I really do feel like she comes off worse than she actually is because of her English. I feel her sense of humor is pretty Swedish, too.
Powerlevel: I dated a Dutchie and while he was very fluent in English (educated in English-speaking countries, etc) he still retained Dutch speech patterns/vocabulary that could have gotten him in trouble. Ex., he often called adult women "girls" without realizing that in English it can come off as patronizing. In Dutch "meisjes" (girls) refers to females of any age. (dutchfags, correct me if I'm wrong)
No. 94689
File: 1455869533778.jpg (91.39 KB, 528x600, wtf.jpg)

Kudos to the anon who mentioned Lottie earlier. She's working as a stripper atm (nothing wrong with that) but you have to be a special kind of delusional to think this ass is even worth selling.
No. 96960
File: 1456163099724.jpg (862.11 KB, 1280x1499, tumblr_o2wr9jF5Yl1rpuekbo1_128…)

thegothicalice isn't really a cow, because she doesn't do anything lul worthy. But the girl cannot fucking dress herself. Every ootd that she posts is a fucking disaster. How does she manage to fuck up a predominantly black wardrobe up so badly?
>>96750link? or did her fans succeed in getting it taken down?
No. 113922
File: 1459520307876.jpg (9.51 KB, 261x146, 12321378_1729131884028550_6098…)

he beady eyes
here is an update about black friday's post quoting "They say imitation is the highest form of flattery but you know what there's a line."
apparently her ex fiance is now dating a girl who black friday believes is just copying "her" style like she invented gawth
the girl's name is nadia morris
No. 113923
File: 1459520438403.jpg (11.54 KB, 261x174, ded.jpg)

Two faced crusty europoor instawhore skeleton. tho
another photo of nadia
No. 113925
File: 1459520572534.jpg (5.62 KB, 105x128, 12193481_1540781962829117_2442…)

haggard damn fattychan
same brows and skintone maybe? i don't see how she can make that claim.
No. 114698
File: 1459731142457.jpg (17.7 KB, 500x452, a86664b5ddbcaf914436c0470a9ad7…)

>>114670I thought goths didn't like Marilyn Manson because he wasn't tr00 g0ff but the fuck eyebrow is obviously inspired by him. Wow.
No. 116267
File: 1460017163990.jpg (44.77 KB, 500x310, manson-fuck-you-.jpg)

>>114698>>114670>'fuck' is the new eyebrowslmao he only writes fuck on the days when he doesn't feel like having his pictures published by the tabloids…
genius, lord king of the art of edge.
No. 116479
>>113922Oh, heaven forbid the guy she dumped go find himself a new gawf girlfriend. Why does she give a shit?
>>116293like a sad emo clown, kek
No. 120419
>>84310>>118399Just checked his youtube channel.
Oh my fuck this guy is a God!
Where is he finding all of these videos and media? He certainly isn't pulling them out of his ass!
No. 120794
>>92916Dutchfag here.
Meisje(s) is equally only appropriate for girls from 0 to 15 years.
However, Dutch is a harsh language. So we use a lot of English words to make it sound softer. But of course that doesn't work anymore if you speak to an English speaking person. And forgetting that is where you ex went wrong.
But what you said about using Dutch speech patterns/vocabulary in English sentences is true. We especially love to litterly translate our proverbs. (Ex.) But I'm probably taking old cows out of the ditch by replying to a 2 months old comment.
No. 121672
>>118399>>120419His ex seems worse than him. Tumblr feminist to the max and fucking a guy in his 50s?
Casey at least had class, even if he was an asshole.
No. 121917
>>120148I know of her irl and she's actually pretty cool as a person.
It's weird seeing a Kiwi as a lolcow.
No. 121952
>>121932Not Casey but I know him in person.
He enjoys playing mind games with the community and giving them false impressions of him.
His ex girlfriend was both emotionally and psychologically abusive to him.
Casey prior to dating Lizette and Casey post Lizette are two different people.
Casey post Lizette slut shames alternative women. Casey pre Lizette was very polite if approached properly.
He is over protective of his Christian Death/Rozz Williams collection and if you notice he water marks his youtube videos to prevent people from downloading and re-uploading them to their channels or to their pages.
And so what if he takes down photos he owns? He paid for them. They're his.
Compared to Black Friday, I'd take Casey any day.
At least with Casey he can give you a detailed history of bands not just with Rozz but with several others.
He did after all make a long lost Nirvana interview surface over youtube.
No. 121954
>>121672Just looked.
Holy shit this chick is fucking a guy old enough to be her dad. Must have a lot of money.
Somebody do a google search on this Bryan Moore guy.
No. 121957
>>121954't find much over google but I found this.
So he is pretty much mad that his ex was using him for his connections and than dumped him, and whored around for a guy with money.
Tsk tsk
No. 121959
>>121952Kek just scrolling past, not even reading this thread, but sweet fucking autism, batman.
>unnecessary details/info >no one would care about or point out these things about another person >very clearly this casey person How can you be so naive and self absorbed you can't even successfully pretend to be a different person well talking about yourself?
I might actually scroll up and read the rest of the content, that's hilarious
No. 121961
>>121959>>121959So by your logic anybody who remotely defends Casey must be Casey?
Sounds like anon/troll logic to me. roflmao
No. 121963
>>121961No one defends another person by talking about them in that manner
You 'defended' yourself by describing yourself like a 3rd person role play character
>roflmaoYour newfag is showing, too
:^) thanks for the entertaining morning, 'casey'
No. 121964
>>121963You're an idiot.
Has it ever occurred to you that Casey may have friends that will protect him?
I'm sure if I alerted him here you could entertain him yourself.
No. 121976
File: 1461073937454.jpg (44.43 KB, 451x392, Crying-Laughing-Meme-07.jpg)

>>121964Lel it's not that you defended yourself that gave you away, casey
It's how you defended yourself
You're like a child standing in a piss puddle trying to say he didn't wet himself
Please do 'alert' yourself. My sides are ready for take off
No. 121979
>>121976Again, you're an idiot.
An anon arguing with another anon.
If anyone defends Casey than they're Casey. It's such stupid logic.
You really want to believe that Casey has nobody who will come to his aid.
Casey wouldn't be caught dead in a place like this. His focus remains elsewhere.
No. 121981
File: 1461074546927.png (53.52 KB, 203x165, reaction.png)

>>121979I honestly can't tell if you lack self awareness to such an extent you think anyone would believe you, or if you're just too retarded to know when to quit when you've been caught in a lie
No. 121992
>>121981Saints should not be joined together in biting and sharking one another. This is a time to go down on our knees.
Never seen God with my eyes. (I'm the Devil)
Never seen God with my eyes.
Never seen God with my eyes.
No. 122165
>>118399>>120419>>121672>>121952Lol this is so obviously Casey, no person other than yourself cares as much about you or is so obsessed with your ex, and no other person would call you 'classy' either.
"He enjoys playing mind games with the community and giving them false impressions of him."
No. 122252
File: 1461146424561.jpg (725.13 KB, 1000x1500, lil.jpg)

Wasnt sure where to post about this chick. was wondering what ya'll think of her body.'m not sure if her acc is private so i'll screensave and upload if you cant view this. But i'm convinced she photoshops her body. The railing in the back seems so warped. She claims she has bone structure from her mom, but seriously…. bitch doesnt even look as skinny in her 'model' pictures.
No. 122253
File: 1461146605047.jpg (432.36 KB, 940x548, kek wtf.jpg)

>>122252I decided to save and post it in case she realises her fuck up and deletes.
No. 122259
>>122166Moron. Casey lives five states away from me. I met him at the San La Mourte festival in 2012.
You guys have fun naming and shaming scenesters who are doing something with their lives. Regardless of what you say or think, Casey has a place in the culture and he can not be replaced.
I'm also certain this place is violating the constitutional rights of privacy concerning not only Casey but several individuals here.
No. 122274
>>122259"You guys have fun naming and shaming scenesters who are doing something with their lives"
lmao why are you on this website if you don't want to be in on the lulz?
No. 122279
File: 1461152469037.png (608.54 KB, 942x601, ss.png)

>>122252The post by her right arm looks a little warped, a bit hard to tell. There's no way this
>>122253 isn't shooped though, not even subtle.
This pic reminds me of that one with Pepe sticking his ass out kek.
No. 122293
>>122259lmao you can't stop can you, even after being told that the way you type and the way you bring up stuff that only you care about (your obsession with collecting pics and videos and band clipping that most fans dont give a rat's arse about; a girl you dated for a few months 3 years ago) and praising yourself while defending yourself makes it obvious you're Casey
Also ffs leave your ex alone, move on, if she really did abuse you then see a therapist, but quit harassing her online and blaming her for the fact that you're a socially inept unlikeable pleb.
No. 122296
>>122293Thank God I'm not the only one calling that faggot out. Though our efforts are falling on deaf ears, it's always a little amusing.
This casey guy reminds me of 12 y/os on vampirefreaks, gaiaonline or whyville circa 2002. I can't fathom how low their IQ must be to be this mentally/socially regressed. Just boggles my mind
No. 122328
File: 1461168002902.jpg (124.04 KB, 958x960, Josh.jpg)

Vampirefreaks users are serious bizniz
No. 122401
File: 1461186192665.png (186.63 KB, 371x291, s939.png)

>>122279Absolutely shopped. The most obvious warping is along the edge of the nightstand behind her. She's also throwing her back out so hard.
No. 122505
>>37241Although I like Sebastian, her jumping on the 'genderqueer' bandwagon was annoying. She still talks about, dressing really feminine and in clothes that show off her body (not critising her for that btw) and then saying that she's a boy and that she's a "drag queen with built-in breast foams" or something. It's obviously she's only doing it because being ~~gender-weird~~ is trendy atm, or because being a "boy who wears dresses and make up" is more edgier than being a woman with those interests and not because she actually suffers from dysphoria.
Also it's hilarious how she pretends she didn't name herself after the Columbine shooting, I've been subscribed to her Youtube for a while now, and I remember how she had some Q-and-A video ages ago where she said she wouldn't talk about why she named herself Columbine because it would get too much hate, and then a few videos later said she named herself after the Columbine flower. If that were true, why wouldn't you just say that to begin with? Also she's not fooling anyone, there are billions of pretty flowers with nice names, she knew and everyone knows the implied meaning of making her 'goth name' have Columbine in it, she chose a 2edgy4u name as a babybat and now refuses to either admit it or change it.
No. 124182
>>122505The real cows here are the idiots here who have to slander successful people anonymously.
Grow a pair of balls, fuckboy.
No. 124511
>>124481Does it matter? You can show your face in our court if you're that concerned.
You go after Sebastian Columbine, Casey Strange, Alexandria, and several other people I know.
If you have a problem with these people, confront them. Quit being a panzy ass neckbeard troll-face and face the people you have a problem with.
Y'all come off like autistic basement dwellers here who are just bitter and angry at people you envy.
You're about as bad as Kitty Lectro.
No. 124529
File: 1461675442451.jpg (24.57 KB, 680x383, no.jpg)

>>124511>blahblahblah theyre muh friends!! mah feelings~~~No one here has a "problem". It's just lulzworthy. This thread is hardly active enough for people to give a shit about. And you're probably right in some regard - some people on here probably are envious, but I know for a fact i'm not envious of any of these people. So continue being bitter at the fact that people don't like the same people as you do. Boohoo. Grow up.
~this derailment tho~
>>124382She's sort of growing on me in a weird way. I'm glad she's finally learning how to speak German etc. The whole marriage thing was a bit strange but if both are happy, more power to them.
No. 124576
I think unmasking some of you people for the losers you are, some of whom probably are unemployed and are on government welfare - that's lolzworthy.
Only straight up fucking losers would gather around here and bitch about people who achieve and success in a culture they have a closet-interest in.
You wish it was you with thousands of subscribers over youtube, you wish that it was you who was making DIY leather jackets, you wish it was you, who had access to rare unpublished music.
All of these descriptions fit somebody I know in here.
I found this place through GOOGLE.
You guys are not very well hidden.
And there is a very large chance that the majority of people commenting here "for the lulz" as you so put it, are actually, in real life, people like this guy here…..
No. 124581
>>124578Kitty lectro is an unemployed attic dwelling trannie ass faggot from Canada who hasn't shown his face online since late 2000s, is completely manipulative and creates sock puppet face book pages that fight with each other and create false drama.
Again, more evidence that you guys don't know what the fuck you're talking about. ROFLMAO
No. 124584
>>124582Oh God, are we really doing this again?
The classic (anybody who defends him is HIM) tactic is old.
You're never going to figure out who I am.
But get it through that thick uneducated skull of yours that Mr. Strange has friends.
I'm sure in another life time you did too.
No. 124595
>>124581>>124584m8 you're not anywhere as clever or mysterious as you think you are. It's not just that you're defending Casey/yourself, it's how you're doing it, you always have to slip in how his/your evil ex destroyed your soul and is now dating an older man even tho no one else gives a fuck, you always have to bring up his/your ~~super rare and exclusive~~ media collection. It's the small trying-to-be-subtle compliments you slip in about yourself.
>Sebastian Columbine, Casey Strange, Alexandriahow you slipped yourself between two well known internet goths when the most notable thing about you is splerging on this board and on tumblr.
No. 124597
>>124595You people are retarded. There is no contesting the level of smug ignorance displayed here. The trolls have officially been trolled.
The thought entertains me a great deal.
No. 124607
>>124600THIS IS GOLD
You can't figure out who I am and you're playing guessing games in an anon forum.
You can't give out any accurate statements about the parties named and you focus your attention on one who is not even presently able to defend himself at all.
You're like a 5 year old trying to kick somebody who is down, walking away thinking you've achieved something.
You have a nay sayer here who is going to ruin the fun in your slut shaming "for the lolz" and trying to dig up personal facets of peoples lives "for the lulz".
I don't need to comment on what kind of person some of you people are.
But the real cows are people like you.
No. 124646
File: 1461689948196.jpg (11.89 KB, 400x400, Autism_Speaks_Logo.jpg)

>>124581>>124597>>124607Rozz never would have chimped out like this.
No. 124668
>>124511This is definitely Sebastian.
Hey why did you name yourself after the trench coat mafia? you do know those virgins killed a bunch of people right?
You edge lord shit head scum.
No. 124679
>>124607How hard is your cock right now?
Everyone ignore the bait and let's keep shit talking about alt cows because we can. :^)
No. 124681
File: 1461693300913.jpg (10.42 KB, 300x169, cocky.jpg)

>>124576> some of whom probably are unemployed and are on government welfareYeah I obviously have no life. That's why I check this site maybe 2 times per day in my spare time and you keep coming back probably hour after hour to defend your sad little interwebz goth friends because they're so "successful" that they need a person like you to back them up against "internet trolls". Re-evaluate yourself. Don't you have a job to go to? Take your own damn advice, shitstain.
No. 124712
>>124681I know who this is now…
This is Usami at
Little birds tell me lots of things here… :)
You guys really need to find another place to hide. Once everybody mentioned in here finds out, I'm sure the cops are going to get called.
Have fun now!
Bingo. :-)
No. 124717
>>124712Lmfao who the fuck is Usami?
You're a bit special, aren't you?
No. 124951
>>124712Casey you can't "call the cops" (lmao) because you participated too - when you came on this thread and saw it was for gossiping about alternative people, you immediately tried to stir up shit about your ex and her new boyfriend. No one took the bait coz frankly no one cares, and we only started paying attention to you coz of your 2edgy4me hissy fit.
You can't claim the moral high ground here m8, you're just as petty and gossipy as us, if not more because we're interested in lolcows that have milk and not personal vendettas.
No. 124987
File: 1461755069705.jpg (39.55 KB, 506x148, fucasey.jpg)

>Attempts to make ex look like a bad person for being in foster care.
>Makes himself look like a shitstain.
Fuck you Casey.
No. 124990
>>124987He is borderline psychotic.
Casey, seriously, book some therapy.
No. 125009
>>124990Again, the morons resort to the same tactic, anybody who defends this individual must be this individual.
Secondly, all it takes is for a detective or a cop to subpoena the host of this server for a mirror of this site, than its on to tracking the IPs, after that, your ISP is contacted and your records are turned over and than we look for your sub-net mask address. That is of course if somebody wants to call their attorney and file a libel suit against you.
Do you want to go down this road? To it you it's shits and giggles, until shit actually hits the fan. You're really not as well hidden as you think.
A lot of us successful youtube goths do have that kind of money to throw around.
And even if you're outside the US, you can still get nailed.
I like putting pieces of shit like you guys in your place.
(Yeah, lets slut shame some alternative women and bitch about peoples lives. We're totally better than them guys.)
No. 125028
>>125020Sure thing!
But not before dropping one of your IP addresses.
Bt (
United Kingdom London, United Kingdom
Check mate. :)
No. 125044
>>125035you just proved you're Casey, because Casey (like most Tumblr users) has statcounter or similar tracker on his tumblr.
we're not scared on your 1337 doxxxing skills, you're just copy and pasteing from your statcounter the ones who've been on your tumblr recently.
also everyone uses statcounter, and you can't do much with an IP address except narrow down who sent an anon message or something
>>125040this is jared-leto-joker levels of cringy
No. 125053
>>125044You just confirmed I have your IP.
Think I'll scan for open ports and check for a back door.
No. 125078
File: 1461768265176.gif (3.41 MB, 320x180, leethaxorz.gif)

No. 125186
>>125044Also he talks about his mad doxxing skillz on tumblr all the time.
>>124994I used to work at a dog rescue and people just expected dogs to all be magically trained. Thank god she adopted it out, hopefully to someone competent.
No. 125344
>>125053>You just confirmed I have your IP. Think I'll scan for open ports and check for a back door.Oh fuck, you're legit!!!!!!!! Didn't realize we had a hacker here on laugh out loud cow.
I can do you one better, though. I just created a GUI interface using Visual Basic and was able to track your IP address.
AT&T Services, Inc.
Janesville, Wisconsin, United States
Casey Strachan aka Casey Strange aka Velheim Black aka Malchik1334 aka Rozzboy aka 7000 other edgy goth tween monikers
No. 125574
>>125529>>125344>>125344Wrong IP, pal.
That's what VPN and maskings are for.
Need I remind you that your servers are based out of Arizona?
No. 125580
File: 1461848860660.gif (32.42 KB, 300x275, pusheen noodle.gif)

>>125344based admin is based
No. 125605
>>125574Thanks for the reminder. I completely forgot my offshore servers suddenly migrated to Arizona.
Also, I'm able to see through your VPSNs and proxotor chains, pal.
No. 125638
>>125605You are running a server and hosting a site that is ran with the basis of causing emotional distress to individuals.
That is a crime.
Don't try and turn the tables around. You are the instigator, the aggressor in this situation.
No. 125643
>>36868I don't see how? If someone is holding you back from what you want to do in life, why spend the rest of your life being miserable with them? All the power to her.
The only thing about her that has ever made me cringe was trying to go to that bone church in full-goth clothing, eye contacts in and all.
No. 125646
>>125638I was right! You were acting all smug like a cartoon supervillian when giving out random IPs from your statcounter and threatening to hack into our computers, but the second it backfires on you, you suddenly care about the legal and ethical side.
Also, you sure didn't give a shit about causing emotional distress to your ex on tumblr by constantly harassing her, you didn't give a shit about causing emotional distress to tumblr users with your edgy nazi and rape posts. You didn't give a shit about causing emotional distress to the random people whos IP addresses you published, in fact you gleefully tried (and failed) to frighten them by implying you could hack into their routers.
Quit trying to take the moral high ground. You instigated a lot of this.
No. 125651
File: 1461861060233.gif (985.07 KB, 500x369, projecting.gif)

>>125638>> I'M A MASTER HACKER>> you're the aggressorwhat?
No. 125673
>>125646That has nothing to do with what is going on here.
And apparently, you TL;DR-ed the entire Tumblr terms of service agreement.
Also remember that it takes two. But I don't clarify anything to you people.
An entire…fucking…forum…dedicated to libelling not one but multiple individuals with the intent to cause emotional distress, invasion of privacy or fear and intimidation is in fact a crime.
Now get the fuck outta here before something actually IS done about this.
The servers are based out of Arizona, the bill has passed.
The webmaster could get into a lot of trouble and if enough alerted to this we can make that happen and you can carry your asses on back to another similar forum because after all, you don't have a place in this culture or a life of your own which is why you stoop to such retarded levels in the first place.
No. 125677
>>125673How is it invasion of privacy when people pubically post their lives on the internet and don't expect people to have opinions and comment about it? Freedom of speech is what the internet was built around. You sound exactly like SJWs when they get caught out in their bullshit and false facts.
Generally I like a lot of people within the goth subculture, but i do lel at elitist shit, which is what attracted me to this thread. Don't imply you have never ever judged and made a comment about someone people because you'd be a liar. And if this is Casey, than man, like
>>125646 said, you have done way more damage to your ex than what any of us in this tiny thread ever have.
No. 125678
>>125677Do you wanna come with me to Iraq?
You wanna fight?
giggles No. 125681
>>125679Well the south side of Chicago.
it's the baddest part of town.
And if you go down there
You'd better sure beware of a man named Leeroy Brown
No. 125691
>>125673You must mean an Arizona located outside of the US, then.
Nothing on this site is illegal in the area where it's hosted, nor in the US. Report it to whoever you like.
No. 125692
>>125673>That has nothing to do with what is going on here. It does because you're a massive hypocrite.
If this entire … fucking … forum … is so bad, then why did you try to join in:
>>121672>>121954>>121957If you think gossiping about internet personalities is "emotional distress", then why did you attempt to participate?
>intent to cause emotional distress, invasion of privacy or fear and intimidation is in fact a crimeYOU LITERALLY STARTED POSTING RANDOM IP'S AND ADDRESSES, and gleefully pretended you could hack into our routers, you literally tried to use fear and intimidation and threatened to invade our privacy.
How the fuck can one person be so completely devoid of self awareness.
No. 125695
File: 1461870683308.gif (960.66 KB, 245x250, fire.gif)

This entire thread rn
No. 125745
>>125605>VPSNs and proxotor chainsKinda OT so I'm saging but I wanted to ask you this directly: How common is it for people using this website to use things like those to avoid detection/samefagging?
I've always been curious, I'm not too tech savvy.
No. 125767
>>125692>>125692Fucking idiot.
Who the fuck cares what someone has done elsewhere?
(YOU LITERALLY STARTED POSTING RANDOM IP'S AND ADDRESSES, and gleefully pretended you could hack into our routers, you literally tried to use fear and intimidation and threatened to invade our privacy.)
riiight..for NO REASON AT ALL
just out of nowhere. SOmeone came here for NO REASON, UNPROVOKED, and just posted IPs.
You guys totally weren't talking about people's personal lives. That was all make-believe.
No. 125775
>>125768You may want to look that IP up, bud.
>Go ahead and ping it repeatedly with 4 MB of data and crash the serverI can't even tell if you're trolling anymore.
>>125745I was literally just babbling gibberish, like him.
Posters attempting to mask their real IP are fairly common, though.
No. 125810
>>125767>You guys totally weren't talking about people's personal lives. That was all make-believe.Casey you doofus you keep trying to deflect by arguing against points no one is making. I didn't say that this board wasn't talking about people's personal lives, in fact I admitted several times that this forum was for gossip.
What I did say was that you're a massive hypocrite - you tried to join in on the gossip, so you can't be outraged by others doing it. You suddenly care so much about people's emotional distress and online privacy after your info was given out, when literally a few hours before you were happily trying to scare people by implying you could hack into their computers. I'm not saying you did it for no reason, you're the only one trying to backtrack and claim things that can be disproven by this very thread.
No. 125813
Admin don't forget to put Casey's posts on /cream/
>>125768damn bruh how'd you get this top secret intel?
No. 125876
File: 1461901884389.jpg (30.16 KB, 425x319, gonna get ya.jpg)

>>125871Ooh! Watch out, we have a badass in the room! Hang on to your IPs, farmers, this script kiddie can ping like nobody's business!
No. 125879
File: 1461904164380.jpg (50.09 KB, 500x326, JD.jpg)

>>125871Please sit on my face
No. 125880
>>125871Oh noes :(
Well lolcow farmers … it was nice knowing you … I guess in the end Casey was just too 1337 for us …
No. 125887
>>125881You and I may have different definitions of "look up". All I see there is some tracer T.
But yes, you should
definitely divest into some Bit-Coin ASAP. Let's see how well our WAFF can withstand the NetFlow of your stretser.
No. 128972
File: 1462832729546.jpg (133.5 KB, 720x971, IMG_20160509_232237.jpg)

Not so much a cow but damn what even is this shoop
No. 132931
File: 1463839790578.jpg (326.77 KB, 591x592, you need jesus or better photo…)

How can people fall for this shit as legit? This girl lmao. Learn to use liquify tool.
No. 132936
>>132931kek that filename
I know she was mentioned before but whats her name/social media? Would love a good laugh right now.
Also, dem walls
No. 132937
Have at it. I find her kind of hilarious.
No. 134922
>>114670Entitled, insufferable at times, socially inept, sucks up to K Von D like there was no tomorrow, over-hyped skills. People are easily impressed / standards are at an all time low!
>>96960She'd be okay if she took a little dose of modesty.
>>84944Dishonest. Shamelessly plugging her wishlist.
What's the deal with all these online "goth personalities" begging for goods and asking their audience to finance their lives' choices! Have you seen Adora and her little clone Victoria Lovelace's new "fund my life" campaign? The cringe is real!
No. 141340
File: 1466186860549.jpg (39.17 KB, 480x480, 13417591_1042016865846816_9116…)

it was kaya's birthday yesterday and for the past month she's been mentioning her wishlist and the fact that her birthday was coming up in hopes that her fans would buy her something. a few of them have as well judging from her latest posts. pathetic
No. 141781
File: 1466317225551.jpg (81.75 KB, 918x587, ll.JPG)

>>136473What's her deal? Heroin?
No. 141788
>>141781She posts tons of xanax and pills in general, plus is bffs with Holli, so prob heroin yeah.
I'm assuming she's a rich kid because she and her sister (rachael_aline) live in NYC and don't seem to do anything but take drugs, eat expensive food, party, and have Lush baths.
No. 146517
Does anyone else feel the need to rubberneck at this attention seeking train wreck of drugged out NYC/LA art kids, a la Too Poor's crowd, ie Holli Quinn, Lilith Levisis, Nightcoregirl, Heaven Party, and the whole "love me Manson" juggalette 2k16 fuckery?
I'll refrain from posting further on these people if no one else thinks there's milk, but the shooping, obvious exaggerating and lying, lowkey drama, and overall lack of self awareness really tickles my funny bone.
No. 147659
File: 1466778576623.jpeg (72.67 KB, 631x633, image.jpeg)

What happened to patsy? And her death rock boyfriend?? I use to follow her on Instagram.. That's the most recent pic I found of her she really changed… I think her last name is lakey?
No. 147898
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Oops dropped pic but I found this ages ago on some shit posting IG… apparently she got popular when she got skinny or smth
No. 147903
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No. 147904
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No. 147905
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No. 147906
File: 1466846985171.png (354.15 KB, 500x497, idek5.png)

No. 148174
>>148164They have a single opening and release uric acid instead of urea, yes. But they can piss liquid, especially if they're Columbian redtail peed on my friend yesterday.
>>147901I went to rehab with a girl that looked like this. She'd flip out and pull the firealarm whenever her mom or bf wouldn't bring her cigarettes. But i kind of dig the heroin chic thing.
No. 149301
>>147907Holli is looking worse and worse, legit starting to look like a crackwhore in candids. She doesn't post that often, I'm pretty sure she just does drugs and very little else.
Lilith (real name Claire) is bullshit imo. Spoiled and attention seeking. She begs for things off a wishlist, flashes her ass constantly, and her IG captions are always 100% melodramatic with that stupid "so drugged out" affectation. Her twitter is @pudubaby - she literally does nothing but fuck around with other art trash all the time.
No. 149312
File: 1467230976476.png (274.13 KB, 1290x1000, Screen Shot 2016-06-29 at 3.08…)

No. 149324
File: 1467232747159.png (77.3 KB, 1282x268, Screen Shot 2016-06-29 at 3.18…)

Normie rich girl confirmed by her high school Vines.
No. 150412
>>149301She does legit look like a crack whore.
I follow Claire and her sister on ig and it didn't take long to figure out they're spoiled rich kids.
How do people like this exist lmao
>>no sticks on the floor No. 151377
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No. 151378
File: 1467777868395.jpg (34.72 KB, 282x597, hq1.JPG)

Been trying to post these for 2 days but I kept getting an error msg ????
No. 151379
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No. 152980
File: 1468060388492.jpg (66.14 KB, 640x426, bb_why_u_do_dis.jpg)

>>151379>>151378>>151377>>147906>>147905…Dude, what the FUCK has Holli been smoking? We used to be mutuals on tumblr and I was obsessed with her selfies. Isn't she only like, 21? That's fucking horrific. She used to be so insanely pretty :(
No. 153236
File: 1468124540623.jpg (157.56 KB, 958x640, holliathena.jpg)

>>153192I was around for that whole thing and had actually been following Athena on tumblr. Really sad. She seemed like a really sweet person, despite the drugs and exhibiting some very clear psychological problems. From what I could tell, she was a rich kid with far too much freedom, parents who weren't meeting her emotional needs, and she was hanging with the wrong crowd.
>>153186The only milk I can think of with Holli is that some ex-friend of her's tried to start shit with her, claiming Holli had fucked Athena's boyfriend mere nights after she'd died. Honestly, even if that were true, I felt bad for Holli having to deal with that after she'd just lost a friend. She seems to attract a lot of drama, despite doing seemingly little to instigate it. She's not an admirable person by any stretch of the imagination, but it's not like she plays up her image and pretends to be something she's not. She's a sort-of artsy, pretty girl who doesn't have much to say and spends her days fucked up on prescription meds, taking selfies and posting weird shit on tumblr. Always has been.
Oh, and there were a ton of people sending anonymous messages to all of Athena and Holli's friends literally days after she died, claiming they were responsible for influencing and encouraging her to do drugs, thereby responsible for her death, which was just fucking ridiculous imo. They're all just dumb, young, misguided kids. Why anyone would hold them to any form of responsibility over anyone else, particularly someone in their same age group, is beyond me.
No. 153239
File: 1468125735735.png (342.78 KB, 473x594, hurrrrrr.png)

>>141864Yeah, they all do this. Most of her insta-friends have been to rehab 2 or more times and go back to posting pictures of xanax tabs and weed nuggets on top of $20's lol-ing over how barred out they are after a grand total of two days sobriety. It's fascinatingly retarded.
I want to know where the fuck the parents are. Are they just funding their drug habits and totally oblivious to it? Do they know and just not care? Like, most of them aren't even older than 20. Maybe I'm just sheltered, but these chicks' lives are just fucking mind blowing to me.
No. 153255
for anyone interested there's a thread here about Athena's passing. actually texted with me trying to get me to buy her alcohol (live about 45 mins away), but I'm older than her (obv) so I declined… then a week later I texted her and she said some young, rich and famous boy raped her…. I encouraged her to go to the police and I never heard from her again… This is why I was so curious to know what happened to her. Hit kinda close to home. RIP lil one
No. 159108
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Suzy "Thyroid issues" Berhog has a new contender.
No. 161861
File: 1469905834746.jpg (33.06 KB, 589x303, shut up kaya.jpg)

She says this, after posting videos of her and her friends having fun at a bouncy castle gladiator thing, after posting pictures of herself eating at restaurants and having afternoon tea. All she talks about recently is how she's out playing Pokemon Go, or which bath bomb she's trying out. Such a hard worker, fucking around all day and making videos for youtube. Must be awful…
No. 162288
>>161861KEK OH MY GOD.
She has no grasp on reality of what real people do for work. It's fucking crazy, how damn delusional she is. What a delicate snowflake. Bitch couldn't handle a 9-5 job.
I really doubt she makes mega bucks from her 'job' as she calls it anyway.
Anyone know if Jake still works 9-5?
No. 163043
File: 1470310553646.jpg (104.3 KB, 1024x1024, CoyRJqEXYAAGYnl.jpg)

>>163023I've noticed her talking a lot to this one lolita/vk fashion JP girl on twitter. They seem really pally, talking about fashion and burando but Kaya would never fit into it. She got Nameless Poem Gothic Lolita dress the other day and she looks like she's wearing a trash bag.
No. 163133
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Anyone else remember Toxic Tears trying to wedge herself into living doll trendu by copying Valeria Lukyanova?
No. 163626
>>147898I had no idea she used to be chubby
No. 165603
File: 1471193579910.jpg (340.97 KB, 1242x1578, tumblr_obrvxtvrkN1vbqcq1o1_128…)

has anyone been keeping up with Lilith and the latest news? one of our famous cows is copying of her
you can read more here on this blog HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE) No. 165770
File: 1471236788969.jpg (172.68 KB, 744x404, 00.jpg)

>>165452got bored but i knew she vaguely reminded me of someone
normal eyebrows + dark hair - bottom eyeliner + normal toned skin + lipstick - piercings = astrid berges‑frisbey with a smaller nose. she's v pretty.
No. 165792
>>165790It's not necessarily makeup. I know a fair number of goths IRL and they generally only use light makeup on their face and neck, if at all. They're paler than usual but not as insanely white as they look in pictures.
>never leave house or expose skin to sunlight>wear only black to maximize contrast>filters/shoop on photosIt's going to be difficult to look spoopywhite if your skin color is naturally very dark, but for the average white person (99% of goths) it's really easy.
No. 165839
File: 1471267275540.jpg (6.92 KB, 236x309, 963ba9e1583e732badadd8c16bddf9…)

>>165790Besides paler foundation or simply using sun screens and staying in the shade; some actually do use bleaching agents or use homemade stock such as lemon to lighten the skin then hydrate with lotion.
It's quite easy to remain as pale as possible being uber goff since anything black (including hair and makeup) will also makes you look about twice as pale than if you were wearing pink for example.
It's mainly skin routine however and avoiding too much direct sunlight.
But that's for folks who are white mainly, when you're tanned it's another story depending on background and location.
Filters on apps also give that extra boost too however, you could skip routine for a week and you could still look like a ghost thanks to those things
No. 166028
File: 1471308837595.jpg (39.45 KB, 500x500, illamasqua.jpg)

Goth here: Truth in staying indoors a lot. Using umbrellas outside, lots of sunscreen.
Lemon Juice mixtures was something a lot of us used to do before understanding skincare and having access to unnaturally white foundation.
Illamasqua in the lightest shade, mixed with any generic pale drugstore foundation is the go-to method of obtaining an unnatural tone. Especially amongst the youtubers.
No. 167311
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No. 171687
>>165452She's a pretty girl but her hang ups are painfully obvious. An example being the elitist goth video. That video was not about elitism. It was about her getting
triggered/buthurt by the bitchy sales assistant/shop owner due to her body image issues. Telling someone that they should try a bigger size is not being an elitist. Best part of the video was about that. I wished she gave a less misleading title to it.
No. 175108
File: 1474294293269.jpeg (206.21 KB, 683x1024, image.jpeg)

In my opinion, jet is by far the biggest alt cow going. He created vampirefreaks, the spawning ground for many other alt cows like toxic tears. He positions himself as King on the site, he was married with a son, but from what I hear, he left his wife to mess around with some of the VF "models". He ignores so much negative press to do with the site like when A member stalked and killed another, two other members meeting and killing family members, a guy posing as a photographer and killing an 18 yo in 2012 and members posting inappropriate material. He keeps positive comments about his vanity projects (including a web series were he plays his edge Lord self) but will delete anything that isn't ass pats. This guy is the original alt cow imo.
No. 175345
>>175108He also apparently received nudes from underaged girls for them to get special treatment on his site or some shit back in its early days.
I used to be on the site for a while before I quit since the website's pretty boring,
but I remember he made fun of some girl with a public update post (everyone saw the update), she PM'd him about wanting sexual crap and he capped it to post.
It was pretty shitty, but who knows? Maybe it's because she was 18+
The only issue is that I haven't seen anything concrete for kiddy fiddler status.
A few PM's would be nice to see eventually.
No. 175411
File: 1474394480612.jpg (178.54 KB, 750x750, 49774639.jpg)

Jet talks about how stuck up "old skool" goths are. Yeah don't want to hear your shitty blutengel, we want to dance to some fucking Siouxsie. He looks like a doughy fakeboi.
>>175338I want to blend out their eyeshadow so fucking badly.
No. 175921
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I think I figured out why Drac's teeth are so yellow.
No. 176173
File: 1474596181781.jpg (469.39 KB, 1080x1080, 100kfollowers.jpg)

>>175924drac isn't really involved in drama like other goth personalities, but as annoying as the others are at least some of their content is entertaining. drac has the personality of an overcooked potato, steamy pile of bland. Shes a one trick pony when it comes to makeup and the same goes for her art. it seems she doesn't care much for improving either since all she draws are bruises and blood. Like i tried really hard to like her because she does seem genuine and not full of drama but there is nothing unique or stand out about her. her monotone voice almost puts me to sleep when shes explaining things and it seems as if she puts no effort into her youtube videos. Her Instagram (literally go check right now) is either, her eyes or lips, her cat, and sponsored makeup or SPoOkY object with a red or black background. I dont…understand why she has 100k+ sub and followers on youtube and insta.
No. 183503
>>176173this gave me a good laugh, thanks.
would debate whether she's involved in drama seeing as how she openly wears lime crime and has repeatedly said on ig that she doesn't want any 'rude comments' - basically i believe she's the type to delete and ignore anything that isn't praising her, like can't even take curious questions without being snippy about it. also her obsession w kvd, who is known to be
problematic, and how defensive she comes across when addressing certain things.
>>176272it's funny you say that b/c she changed the way she does her lipstick and whitens her teeth in ps b/c she got tired of dealing with people asking her about those things, but i get what you're saying.
No. 195124
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toxic tears is just getting fatter and fatter
No. 196035
File: 1478704812514.jpg (48.61 KB, 750x750, FB_IMG_1478704726080.jpg)

When I saw this, I thought of kaya.
No. 196547
>>196435It was at a convention and I think she had a panel but I had no idea beforehand (or else I would have gone). She slipped out of the room pretty quickly and didn't stay for the rest of the con which is weird? She seemed really uncomfortable and like she wanted to get out ASAP.
It's not really obvious from her videos but the few times I've seen her the first thing I notice is her height. She's a giant. I mean it might be the platform boots but you'd swear she was wearing stilts because she's always the tallest person in the room. She also always travels with a group of goffik friends and they stand out a lot at colourful cons. It's actually quite intimidating. The first time I saw her I was still a fan and I wanted to say hi but I was put off by how unapproachable she looks with her little clique.
It's always such a shock to see her in person without the good lighting and filters she uses on her photos. All of her youtube banners and Facebook photos are so drastically different from real life. They're all photos from years ago that she keeps using. I feel bad saying it but her shoulders are really big. Her makeup is always different too, one year I saw her without eyebrows. It's so sad because I remember a time when I was jealous of her looks and thought she was beginning to look really elegant.
Her bf was there too and he seems so much more chill, chatting away to people. I feel kinda bad spilling about her, I did genuinely like her videos a few years ago. It's just I feel like she's trying to hard lately (maybe she's sick of the goth thing but still feels the need to keep it up?) and she just comes across as really lazy and whingey in her more recent videos. Her makeup is so much more harsh and drag queen-like, it doesn't suit her.
No. 196567
>>196547Eirtakon, right?
I was there to see Ireland's one and true cosplay queen
No. 201082
File: 1479520970362.jpg (108.48 KB, 540x675, tumblr_ogr1b9GkUk1qikgkto1_540…)

I saw her talking about how she lost weight recently, but she just posted this… Don't lie, Kaya
No. 201425
>>183293>>183502They had their wedding planned. She even asked her subscribers for money back then so they could watch their wedding's live broadcast. As far as I know no one got their money back.
She just decided one day that it was much more important to be goffik than to stick with the person who stuck with her for a really long time… And it was really scummy how she was in Germany hanging out with her now husband while she was still engaged. I bet she cheated. If you see the videos she made on Wave Gothik Treffen those two seem super flirtatious.
Still, it's laughable that her ex got a new gf that's basically a clone of Black Friday.
No. 201824
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>>201639I guess it's hard to be unique and original when you're into the same substyle of Goff.
No. 201833
File: 1479673634854.jpg (51.15 KB, 480x480, ok.jpg)

>>201082Honestly, she thinks this is a good look for hair, so I'm just losing all interest. I used to like her back when I was a "super edgy alt kid", but she never posts anything cool anymore.
No. 202239
>>201824Haha my god.
She looks thinner though.
No. 202391
File: 1479768117070.gif (420.45 KB, 540x303, 43a3ee75-afe8-4340-bcd2-4e8598…)

This just popped up on my dash lol
I honestly wonder how much she "really" is into goth and how much of it is for edge points. It must be exhausting to put on all that crap every day. Unless it's only for videos/pictures.
No. 203014
>>202391Honestly no 'goth' dresses to the fucking nines every day.
But yes this look is ugly and boring.
Also her fucking shoulders…. she looks so constantly hunched and the fact shes overweight makes her look lik a round potato.
No. 203534
File: 1480008109616.png (373.94 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_7518.PNG)

Why don't you get a fucking job, Kaya? Get your ever growing gargantuan arse out of bed and get a real job and then you'll have a reason to wake up at a decent time like the rest of society has to. Same goes for her lardy boyfriend.
No. 203646
>>203307Yeah she's gained a few pounds honestly.
I thought she was always quite big but you can see she has gained weight. Not to the proportion of Kaya though.
>>203534Maybe if she exerted some energy and moved her fat ass she would be able to sleep easy. Get a job, you ham planet.
No. 205733
File: 1480356301175.png (314.02 KB, 370x506, lilithsfakeassass.png)

>>205726I just saw a pic she posted on IG where her ass looks huuuuuge it cannot be real but i am not a photoshop pro but like obviously this is fake, she has to know how obvious it is..
No. 206086
File: 1480419841225.jpg (1.25 MB, 2381x1184, goodtry.jpg)

>>206059Tried to edit them so the tiles are straight. Reference for what she most likely actually looks like.
No. 206133
File: 1480431321119.png (620.25 KB, 637x543, lilithwaist.png)

she does NOT look human wtf she doesn't even do waist training with a corset or anything, this can't be real??
No. 206139"stop bullying me this isn't photoshop"
omg at that point it's like… not even attractive it's just so obviously fake and gross..
sry for the lack of screen shot i'm at work
No. 206146
File: 1480432786802.png (610.92 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20161129-161819.png)

>>206139Here you go.
That's not…really how a big butt looks like
No. 206148
File: 1480432856152.png (467.79 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20161129-161841.png)

>>206059Also, she's inconsistent with her shoops
No. 206154
File: 1480433474933.png (665.71 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20161129-162148.png)

>>206149She's trying to be as thin as possible while still trying to have a huge butt - which doesn't go together.
I'll dump a few pics
No. 206155
File: 1480433565370.png (550.22 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20161129-162320.png)

>>206154It's funny how in one picture her ass is huge and in the other it's normal/almost flat.
No. 206159
File: 1480433738855.png (708.82 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20161129-162748.png)

>>206158This one might be the most odd looking one
It's also the last one for now. Her shoops are a bit funny and she's a try-hard damaged goff bby but that's all there is. Besides her copycats, that is.
No. 206178
File: 1480435895306.jpeg (107.1 KB, 1280x720, henrietta.jpeg)

Totally found Kaya's inspiration.
No. 206186
>>206182>>206183I don't think the screenshots are, the times on the photos match up with the times they're posted - i'm in the UK and they're an hour ahead of me. It's a european anon. Emily also has an iPhone, not an android (I just checked her thread on 8chn, and Emily's insta)
So unless Emily has the brains to change her handset aswell as her timezone it's not her. Not to defend Emily or point the finger but you sound like a certain someone equally obsessed with Emily.
No. 206192
>>206182Yup. Or selfposting. Or forcing a vendetta.
Whichever, I agree on letting it go.
No. 206196
>>206186I'm the screenshot anon &
>>206183, so you're right.
I was bored so I posted the shots, but I guess you guys are right on dropping the subject.
No. 206343
File: 1480462684875.jpg (127.32 KB, 819x1024, IMG_7696.JPG)

she looks worse with every photo
No. 206393
>>206147Ya actually.
I honestly think its mostly angle tricks
No. 208946
>>208933Can you link the post?
Why would she be so bitter to get mad at a kid who probably just has a kiddy crush on her boyfriend and posting it on social media? Wtf.
No. 208960
>>208933That's a fucking CHILD. Everyone has fantasies like that as a child/teen. If she genuinely didn't feel threatened by a child, she wouldn't be posting pictures of her FACE for her stupid fans to pick apart. Also saying she looks "like a boy" wow how fucking classy, you really showed her!
I don't understand how her fans can bear her anymore, she's so fucking whingey. All she does outside of youtube is complain about how people in public don't instantly love her goffik attire.
No. 208971
File: 1480957496269.jpg (80.64 KB, 1050x176, looks_30_but_acts_13.jpg)

>>208966Went to check there and apparently she doesn't like telling people her age because she doesn't want people to think she's "too old" for goth shit. One website said 23 but I don't think that's reliable because she looks much older than that.
No. 208974
>>208971That's fucking bullshit. "Eldergoth" is a thing. Black Friday is nearing 30, Jill Venters and Adora Batbrat are 40+. A lot of current goth bands have members who are 30+
Kaya's just insecure because she's probably pushing 30 and has nothing to show for it other than a subscriber count and 200lbs of weight gain.
No. 208983
File: 1480958363522.jpg (71.97 KB, 586x365, stop_complaining_about_being_f…)

>>208974I think the difference between her and then is that they're genuine goths who concentrate on looking traditional and elegant.
She's a weeb who wears tacky extensions.
No. 208987
>>208983Kaya should give up the goth thing and embrace the weeb. She's no good at hiding it anyway.
I always see her leeching off this less-known goth girl on Twitter, who's basically everything Kaya wants to be. Thin, pretty and half Japanese. They wear a lot of the same clothes and Kaya was talking about how they should meet up and twin their outfits. I hope they do, it'll be like a whale meeting up with a mouse.
No. 209142
File: 1480977944323.jpg (47.33 KB, 536x638, ssa.jpg)

"I'm not old guys!! I'm not old! let me casually talk about how I'm not old yet!"
No. 209561
File: 1481042478256.png (866.45 KB, 1026x739, scary.png)

Do you think Kaya will ever grow out of the goth trend? I don't think it suits her at all
No. 209562
>>209561I don't think so. She's built her life around "I'M SO GOTH!! GOTHY KAYA!!" and now she has NO personality other what she's contrived from mimicking what the "real" goth kids (or adults) are doing.
She's just a dumpy 25 (I'm guessing) year old woman trying to cling on to her youth and milk the Goth aesthetic. A lot of grown-up goths pull it off really well, but she literally looks like a middle aged woman dressing like a 13 year old who just discovered hot topic.
No. 209572
>>209561Oh my fucking god, I can't stop laughing at this
>>209562This. She's been goth for so long and still can't really "pull it off"
No. 209615
>>209139Didn't she say she doesn't listen to goth music. When people dress goth but don't like the music
trigger me.
My ex looked like /fa/ trash, but he likes post-punk so he's more goth than kaya.
>>208933What a shitty person. I'm friends with someone who is online friends with kaya. I don't get it.
No. 209625
File: 1481052507685.jpg (38.21 KB, 518x567, wwwwww.jpg)

>>209615She's special because she's not like the other Goths! She's a Hufflepuff! She listens to pop music and she doesn't drink! Sooooo unique~!
No. 209675
>>209625Wait, if she's not even into the music culture and listens to pop, why is she even doing this?
>>208974This. Most of the original goth rockers are well into their 50's. The Batcave hasn't been around for decades.
No. 210026
File: 1481125759480.jpg (44.15 KB, 480x480, 15267950_1191201147595053_3143…)

Hogwarts robes are meant to be ankle length. This is miles too small for her, the scarf looks like a tiny bandanna around her neck. The shaved head exaggerates how fat she is. Why did she think this was a good idea?
No. 212067
File: 1481480239356.png (912.97 KB, 654x652, Screen Shot 2016-12-11 at 18.1…)

Yes, pull at a shapeless dress to somehow make it even more shapeless.
No. 212082
>>212067dresses like that look good on tiny people… she's a literal giant
>>212073this is her channel she's actually super cute, albeit a little weeby
No. 212098
File: 1481484672621.gif (1.1 MB, 320x180, iJJSPH.gif)

>>212082What the heck happened to her eyes lol. This made me laugh.
No. 212188
File: 1481496299065.png (447.45 KB, 904x655, kayaslushie.png)

>>212182 "I'm on a diet you guys! I'm totally eating healthy now!"
No. 212302
File: 1481506070425.jpg (53.38 KB, 640x960, 421047_10150719321576678_97077…)

Anyone know this DJ ROBOT guy? supposed to be a big shot goff from australia.. never heard of him
No. 212316
File: 1481506698363.jpg (17.1 KB, 300x300, try-300x300.jpg)

has his own website looks legit lmao
No. 217281
File: 1482161863849.png (236.18 KB, 461x321, tumblr_inline_ni8snfWH341s6tf8…)

>>217260She only got it because a tailless whipscorpion was in harry potter. They're harmless, but they're incredibly fast. Hope Kaya is prepared for it to try and run away if she handles it a lot. I rarely my flighty arachnids.
No. 218113
>>217280We're talking about Kaya, the human dustbin.
>>217281Absolutely disgusting ugh noooope
No. 220716
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>>220090Fairly standard trope for Altcows in general not just ToxicTubs. It's obvious they think name dropping the same 4 bands and skimming through the 'goth rock' article on wikipedia 'shields' them from being called out or questioned any further on why they they are bothering with the subculture. Outside of attention seeking and getting free shit. If they don't give a fuck about its foundation.
Look at the emphasis they place on "how important the music is" in every generic 'What is goth' video vs the reality of there are more Siouxsie makeup tutorials then people discussing her music, side projects and wider impact on the subculture.
No. 223476
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No. 224515
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>>224503'Punk' 'rave' =
shows basic goth wear within like the first 3-4mins aloneAlso im laughing at the whole 'i feel sick' while shes showing clothing that clearly fit snug on a person ofc she doesnt wanna show her sausage rolls unless she covers up with a huge cardidagn that again makes her look like a giant black sack
No. 224516
>>224515Oh apologies the shop is called punk rave my bad,
But that doesnt make it less hysterical shes buying tonnes of cheap shit from some china shop t b h
No. 227818
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>>224503>>224515I'd feel sorry for her if she contributed something of vaule other then buying dumb hot topic shit and taking pictures for lost soul alternateens / neckbeards.
No. 227861
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Typical goth amino cancer.
>>224515Hell, she almost has enough chins to complete with Suzy.
No. 235047
>>235043I used to be subscribed to drac when she first started her channel but eventually stopped keeping up to date with her videos because of her personality (or lack of one tbh). She gets real snarky and rude sometimes and it's like girl… you're not that special lmao.
Her first Q&A video was so fucking awkward too because it seemed like she was just finding reasons to get mad at the questions that were submitted to her. Then went on a sjw like fit because someone asked where the scar on her face came from "Omg u can't ask ppl questions like that!!1" then she later blamed her shitty behavior on her depression. I think the last vid I watched of her's was the updated high school makeup challenge one and she went on another rant bc some subscribers asked her if her makeup was inspired by MCR and another guy who I can't remember atm and she got all uptight about it. Idk it's obvious she has some deep seated insecurity problems and she's extremely immature.
But the thing that bothers me the most about her is that she spends the majority of her time online kissing Kat Von D's ass. Like it's a constant notice me senpai type of thing with her. I don't think it's as bad as it used to be but she's going as far as to dress like Kat now lol which something like… a teenager would do.
Does anyone know if she even supports or buys Jeffree Star Cosmetics anymore? I always assumed she stopped after Kat called him out. Bc that would seem to be in character of her as another way to suck up to Kat lmao
No. 237181
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Oh boy! Can't wait until I find what this is about?
French security do not fuck around at the moment. If she was doing something retarded, I don't blame the police.
No. 237192
>>237181She was probably taking pictures with the gravestones
,some people do find this shit very offensive but getting kicked out is no reason to cry lol
>>237186I wanna know too
No. 237279
>>235043I remember watching a video of Dracs cuz my friend likes her and seeing her lipstick smeared due to her giant septum ball chain,
Like fucking ew you already overline your lips to high heaven and now its all fucking smudged at the cupids bow and around the piercing jewlery.
No. 237301
>>237208I commented once how I was kind of iffy with her ass kissing KvD and I got blasted from it from other members (not here but don't remember where)
I'm glad it's not just me, because I'm usually a pretty chill person that doesn't overanalyze personalities and doesn't take beauty gurus too seriously but having her rub me the wrong way was kind of an alarm bell in my head
idk like I enjoyed her quirky makeup but it's becoming repetitive, I mean, there's only so many things you can do on your eyelid, and she just draws something for the brows
I never knew her red obsession came from Kat, I genuinely thought she was just broadening her horizon and suddenly her entire haul was red stuff?? like damn, I though that's a bit OTT, I like red just as much as anyone else but that's way too much
ALSO the way she talks about her bf annoys me to no end like yes we know he's gorgeous and he's native american and he loves you unconditionally and he's perfect and whatever but just fucking shut up oh my god
No. 237339
>>237197I find kind of funny how she's starting selling her art now, when it's all just edgy Hussar-esque shit that an emo teenage would draw. People are buying it because they want something she made, not because its good.
I liked drac in her old videos, she seemed kind of shy and reserved, but she's become pretty obnoxious recently, I guess that since she's used to the camera now she can be herself, which shows that her personality sucks
No. 237355
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>>237326Remember she posted this photo a while back and basically said this is what her bf looks like blah blah blah and went on and on about how good looking he is. As if it's that fucking important and anyone actually gave two shits.
No. 237385
>>237355I d o u b t he looks like that. Even if he is real, even if he is native, NA guys THAT good looking are rare and very desirable,as in, they tend to date good looking native girls (or just hot girls in general bc they can), not some gross cringe lord. (from what I've seen, anyway.)
my money says he's some uggo that claims native, as white people love to do.
No. 237494
>>237385>as white people love to doGirl why you got to bring race into this?
But I agree, I really think he's probably average at best. Drac honestly isn't massively attractive in my eyes and her personality is just the icing on the cake. Props to him for putting up with her snowflake ass.
No. 237499
>>237367A lot of people don't like to show off their SO online, or at least I don't, because privacy reasons. I also find it kind of silly to do because if he's not involved into the things she does, then there's no real point in forcing it. Not to mention if they break up lol
But yea, it's definitely exaggerated.
No. 237548
>>237497I didn't agree with your race comment. I just think it was ignorant. Just because some stupid bitches do something doesn't mean you blame a whole race.
I hate this trend of shitting on white people and the majority of people who say "Oh white people again!" are closet racists and/or 15 yeards old.
Sorry for derailing.
No. 237579
>>237551It's pretty much the same thing in every community, elitism sadly exists
Wonder what will happen once she runs out of ideas on what to draw on her brows lol
No. 237691
>>237551Ironic she's selling her art now considering she used to preach on a soapbox about her art being "personal therapy" and not something she wanted to sell
guess she can't afford the latest KvD makeup
eyerollI hate her hypocrisy, she will not support Jeffree Starr but she continues to support Lime Crime even though JF's beef is mainly with KvD and on a smaller scale (not that he's innocent, ofc) but suddenly KvD farts and the ass leech Drac changes her tune to match
and she tries to sell herself as having integrity, why, I used to like her, like you aren't obligated to have a sparkling personality if your makeup looks are cool but she's becoming a caricature of herself and bland to boot
No. 237839
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>>237691Guys, it was a SUPER hard video for her to make!!! Let her have her cake. And then let her make a rant video about why she hates getting fat comments but does fuck all to make herself lose weight.
Kaya is the queen of hypocrisy.
No. 237843
>>237661Says she's a big believer in "if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all". Apparently that only applies when you're talking about her. She even says that some people have no self awareness.
I cannot believe how dense she is.
No. 238378
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>>238367I can't recall anything specific from when I used to follow her, but I thought it was kinda funny that she claims to be an illustrator when she can't really draw, pic related.
Oh, apparently she wears shitty gothic lolita now.
No. 238411
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>>238378>inking a full page with a sharpie and a ball point pen>artistthat aside yeah her attempts at lolita aren't the best, she trys way too hard to incorporate trad elements whilst wearing cutesy bodyline jsks, its a hot mess.
No. 238726
>>238707Lmao I didn't even know she had another cat also seems really weird to favor one cat over the other to that extent because she only seems to post/talk about Absinthe.
It doesn't even surprise me that Drac claims she has BPD bc everyone on their momma seems to have BPD these days it's just the current trendy mental illness. But she has posted photos of her and her bf holding hands. I can dig them up later if anyone actually cares to see. Didn't know he has cancer though… if that's not made up, that's a real bummer but idk what to think about her. She's sketchy.
No. 238735
>>238508> calories don't mean anything!> carbs are evil, guise!this
triggers me so much.
she also literally eats what body builders eat when they want to bulk up but she doesn't work out, so everything goes into her fat cells instead of gaining the weight as muscle.
No. 238894
>>238367Allison would be a lot more likable if she'd stop trying so hard. she was more fun to follow when she acted more casually and talked about stuff other than GOTH and UNBOXING STUFF
she's still not as bad as Sebastian Columbine in terms of content and style evolution. i'm still appalled by her insistence upon dressing in mostly string and pretending she's a drag queen.
No. 238895
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She's either seen this thread or PULL, and now she's acting like she doesn't care when obviously she does.
No. 238896
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>>238895Kaya stop making it obvious you lurk here. You know that when people call you "weird" they mean it negatively. You're as unearthly and supernatural as a toad.
No. 238899
>>238896>>238895"Guys I totally don't care and am ~not~ freaking out"
Proceeds to tweet about it for two days lol
No. 239448
>>239434this isnt the first time she's been kicked out of a place bc she looks too tryhard 24/7
learn to tone it down sometimes and dress for your environment
No. 239662
>>239652Ugh she's so tacky. Most people consider sitting on a tomb stone really disrespectful- if any family members saw her doing that whether she's "goth" or not they would probably tell her to get her pasty ass off it.
It has nothing to do with how she's dressed.
No. 239663
>>238378I recall Kaz being somewhat better at drawing than this in the past strangely enough.
Maybe I just wasn't looking at her "art" close enough or she stopped giving a shit because "muh fame"
>>238898I'm not sure, but I'm getting early "midlife crisis" vibes from her just a little bit.
>>239652Even if you want to be really "goff" this is just straight out disrespectful and disgusting behavior
No. 239754
>>239434I think it's shitty that this happened to her, but as a goth she should KNOW that normies are going to be suspicious. Especially with dressing as extravagantly as her and her husband do. She knows all about the stereotype of goth = satanist / evil / black magic etc. So obviously when a normie sees what they think is an evil satanist taking videos in a religious place of rest, they're going to be angry.
Nobody deserves to be picked on for the way they look, but we don't live in an ideal world and it happens all the time. She shouldn't HAVE to tone it down, but unfortunately we can't have everything we want, so toning it down would have been a good idea. Don't backcomb the hair, don't dress like a fucking victorian, throw on a pair of jeans or a skirt and some plain black tights with a sweater, wear her hair flat and loose, and maybe wear a red or nude lip instead of black. she'd still look goth, just not like an extreme OTT satan worshipping weirdo…
No. 239757
>>239434So dress Ott, have tattoos and piercings everywhere, and have a huge deathhawk. I've never been kicked out of anywhere for how I look, including places she's been kicked out of like the Sedlec Ossuary. So I don't get it. Maybe it's her red contacts? Or just her demeanor.
I disagree with a lot of you saying to tone it down. You should be able to dress however you want as long as you don't look like a hooker when visiting cemeteries and churches.
Where I think black Friday went wrong was vlogging in a cemetery. I would scoff at anyone with a selfie stick in a place like that. When I went to Dachau there was a girl who took a selfie in front of the showers…
No. 239758
>>239754This honestly. It sucks to tone it down but sonetimes you just have to.
Also sorry if I missed it somewhere in this thread, but does she have a job? Or is she like TT jobless and complains a lot?
No. 239865
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No. 239892
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She knows that kat's publicity people send out shit tons of free product to beauty bloggers, right? Its not a special personal gift from a super close friend, it seems selfish of her not to do a giveaway. Why not just keep the used palette and the note or whatever that kat sent with it and give away the new one, its not like anyone really cares
No. 239916
>>239768when people do their makeup similar to manson and then complain about comparisons omf. also i hope she keeps doing the dumb chain thing and chokes to death, y'know ~for art~.
>>239892cannot wait for Fat Fakens' attitude to come back to her. how much fucking makeup does she need when she barely puts up tutorials/grwm or even her ~eye art~ posts.
No. 239944
>>239434I think it is totally stupid she wasn't able to get into the Louvre and the reason they gave was flimsy. Goth isn't that big of a deal anymore, it isn't shocking. And if someone causing a scene is an issue, do they not let celebrities in? Because I think a well known celebrity would cause more fuss than some goth weirdos.
But she should know exactly why she was being kicked out of a cemetery while goth and it isn't that big of a deal. She's being dramatic, but all youtubers are dramatic I guess.
No. 239950
>>239916Here is her dumblr: seems like another snowflake who is hellbent on perceiving ideas with emotions as opposed to logic. Oh yeah also fuck drac makens she is the definition of a shitty sheep. Thankfully, I still have teratology she seems chill af.
No. 240060
I've been a lurker of this forum for awhile and it's interesting to hear what people have to say on some rather well known alternative people off of YouTube and I can see where some people are coming from.
Me personally, the only Goth/Gothic Youtubers I follow and like (or don't mind) are…
Angela Benedict ~ I agree with another comment, she's probably one of the most down to earth and mature YouTubers I've seen involved in the Gothic subculture. She knows her stuff and she has a good, relaxing way of sharing her stories. And I like how she talks about the 90s Goth scene, it's something that doesn't get talked about much and when it does, it's onny about Industrial or the Mansonites. So she's probably my most favorite of the Gothic Youtubers at the moment.
Allison Eckfeldt ~ I won't lie, I do prefer more of her older content when she would talk about all kinds of subject matter before she got busy with her band. But personality-wise, she seems like a sweet person and agreed, she hasn't thrown herself into drama and just comes off as an all-around positive person. The only issue I kind of have is that I feel like she tries too hard to appeal to everyone. I can't really explain it but I feel that sometimes, she's afraid to say the wrong thing if that makes sense? It's not a total crime and ignoring that, I really like her (and her husband Brady seems chill as well).
Her music… It does take awhile to get used to and I only like a handful of her earlier songs but she has improved with the newest album and I feel like she's getting better at developing her voice. The sound itself from the instrumental side of things was already there but Allison just needed to find a comfortable singing style and I think she has.
BlackFriday ~ I know that some people think she's a "Try hard" but I don't really think that. I do find her style interesting and I like how she actually plays actual Goth music in her videos. She seems like a nice enough person. I will admit that while her story on what happened in France was awful, at the same time, I feel that toning down just a bit would've been more appropriate if she really wanted to go to the first stop. Like if I were her, I would wore simple red lipstick and did my hair in the signature Morticia style but I understand that she likes her bat-nest style hair (it's a neat style). I dunno, from her story, she seemed like she wasn't doing anything disrespectful. But anyway, she's one of my favorites as well.
And well, they're about it. The main thing that will turn me off very quick from a Gothic YouTube channel is if their videos consist of nothing but Haul and/or Makeup tutorials. I find that stuff boring and it just makes me think "Gee, you don't have anything else you want to talk about?"
No. 240072
As for the controversial Alternative Youtubers…
Sebastian Columbine ~ I've watched her channel since her humble beginnings when she used to sport the pigtails & blunt fringe look (I think she was in high school at the time). For the most part in the beginning, she seemed rather nice and pleasant but very shy and suffering from low self-esteem (I'm pretty sure she admitted she had self-confidence issues in a video at the time). Then she got into the Deathrock style and honestly, I thought she looked awesome. I felt her new hairstyle fit her face well and her makeup skills improved. And in her GRWM videos, she'd play some Goth/Deathrock music which fit the mood. The thing that pushed me into thinking she may be heading to the deep end was her "Sebastian is no longer a Girl" video. I was beyond lost with that one… But besides that, I enjoyed watching her accompany her friends to events even though she was a little awkward (again, it was probably her shyness).
Then fast forward when she shaved her hair off and started getting into the Glamour/BDSM/Vintage Hollywood thing. I do like some of her looks to be honest but her YouTube content started getting a little boring to me. And also to add, you know how she made that "Am I still Goth" video? I feel her situation is a prime example of what happens when you let a subculture define you as a whole person. I think she was going this during her Deathrock phase where she may have slipped to far into doing things only a Goth would supposedly do and ended up stifling herself.
So yeah, Sebastian Columbine for me was like watching a kid grow up and explore things. I do wish her well but I don't really watch her content anymore.
Toxic Tears ~ I discovered her pretty late (it was when she was skinny fat/average). I liked how she came across as sweet and mannered but as far as "Goth" credibility goes, I don't really see her as one. Gothic-inclined? Sure. But I dunno about "Goth". The main thing that annoys me a bit is the health talk. Look, I get that some people have trouble losing weight but I saw some pictures of her back then and it amazes me how much weight she accumulated over the years. Now hey, maybe she's telling the truth about the thyroid problem and if it is, I can understand to a degree but at the same time, I feel like it's also just being caused by eating out too often and not being active enough. She mentioned that she starts feeling pain when she's on her feet for too long and in my mind, that just rings that she finds it hard to exercise considering you have to be on your feet to do it. I think at the end of the day though, I wouldn't mind her as much if she didn't keep bringing up her weight thing. But besides that, I don't watch her all that much because a good majority of her videos are makeup tutorials, unboxings, and hauls and I just cannot get into those.
I don't watch much of her boyfriend's videos but from the few I've seen, he seems like a cool guy who's positive and plus, he likes video games (always fun meeting passionate gamers who are also into the Alternative).
Drac Makens ~ Like TT, I don't watch much of her because her usual content is makeup or hauls. I did like her Goth Tag video but I have to admit in her Q&A's, she comes off a little rude and a bit pretentious, especially when it comes to mentioning normal people and that does turn me off. I don't follow her IG but after seeing all the videos she's made about Kat Von D this and that, yeah, she's definitely a fan girl which isn't bad necessarily but I feel like if she bases all her stuff around her, she's going to experience a burnout similar to what Sebastian went through.
No. 240076
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As far as the way older Gothic Youtubers (I'm talking 2008-2012)
Does anyone remember Kill Natalie? She was one of the I like to call, earlier Gothic Youtubers from around 2010-2012 bracket.
I actually enjoyed her content and I liked her quirky sense of explaining things. Looking back now, I think I'd consider her more on the Gothic side than a "goth" because I don't remember hearing her ever talk bout actual Goth bands but as far as personality goes, she seemed sweet and she didn't live off of drama. But she seemed to have disappear off the face of the internet. I hope she's okay…
No. 240091
>>240076Yeah I really liked Natalie's videos too. I believe she did a few videos where she does talk about goth music and the subculture.
She actually stopped uploading videos and abandoned her social media for about 3 years. She apparently deleted her entire channel about a month ago, I don't know if she was burnt out on youtube and decided to quit but what may have contributed to that were the comments on her last video. She was doing some kind of outfit/makeup video where she had clearly gained some weight and several comments were not so kindly pointing it out. It sucks that she had to delete her channel but I hope she's doing better now.
No. 240112
>>240091Ah okay, my bad. See, that's how long it's been LOL I used to watch her videos on repeat way back when but yeah, she seemed to have abandoned all social media. I didn't know she gained a bit of weight though, what outfit was she doing? Was it when she temporarily came back after her hiatus?
>>240101Yeah. she was one of the least seemingly stuck up people during the early days of YouTube in the Gothic scene.
One person that seemed to rub me wrong back then (another older YouTuber) who went by "KingGutterface". Though mainly from the way he/she spoke (I know she/he is transgender but I can't remember which pronoun he/she preferred) but I remember hearing about how he/she was a big scammer with their shop and scammed people out of their money and as someone who does art commissioning for people, I really can't approve of artists/item creators who pull that kind of stuff with clients.
He/she disappeared off of social media as ell but I hope he/she doesn't do that anymore.
No. 240116
>>240112>I hope he/she doesn't do that anymoreOh anon, you're in for one hell of a wild ride.
I don't want to spoil all the milky plotpoints for you but there's a path of terror leading from gutterface/joji's early 'menstruation blood on a doll' offences right up until this day. if you search the site and even the cgl archives for gutterface you will find such notable highlights as faeces-smeared walls and missing pets.
Here's one to get you started this current time they live with their weird cousin/sister/enabler Eerie and sell totes witchy bone jewelry on etsy.
No. 240181
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Toxic Tear's house is such a mess. I don't get how someone can be so lazy when they don't work and are at home all the time.
No. 240182
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No. 240187
>>240181Typical fat ppl lolllll
I wish she would get a job and stop being such a heffa but from what I remember she used to cry and whinge about every job she ever had then quit after only a few weeks. She couldn't be making that much money from youtube it is not even a big chanel loooooool
No. 240285
>>239964ty, have been holding onto that one for a while but now that's all i can think about every i see her.
>>240072my issue with sebastian's 'no longer a girl' video is that she continued to allow people to refer to her as a girl/with female pronouns and never seemed bother by it. currently has "feminine empowerment" in her ig bio and completely ignored someone's comment about her pronouns. so i feel like it was all for attention and she didn't get enough of it/what she wanted so she dropped and went on to something else.
No. 240326
>>240307well, I'm in the UK and it's commonplace here. so I guess a bit of an assumption on my part that the rest of Europe would be like that.
I don't know the history behind it, but it seems like we have a lot of effectively small green spaces and parks that also have small, old cemeteries in them. Maybe churches being dismantled, or former church owned land or the gentry giving/selling land to the public. They don't have caretakers and are probably looked after by the council. But yeah usually gated with public access as you said. They're old, but not of any real historic importance probably hence the above.
>but if you're in there purely to sightsee, take edgy photos and be ~spoopy~ then you'll definitely get a lot of nasty looks and might get booted out by the caretaker.aren't those all pretty touristy things? aside being spoopy and edgy kek. I couldn't really see someone being kicked out of even a managed graveyard here for taking pics. They're often scenic pretty places and supposed to be for the public to use.
btw I did mean to say in my first post that this leads me to think she was probably doing something worse than just taking pics with tombstones.
No. 240597
>>240181>>240289TT has mentioned in videos that she literally refuses to clean up and that Jake HAS to do the cleaning. I think she said he's quite messy too so yeah their house is going to be pretty nasty. Ofherbsandantlers on yt has a really fucking messy room too. You can see him struggling to move around his room in vlogs because there's so much shit on the ground.
And yeah Jake does seem incredibly fame hungry. He's also veryyy full of himself. Whenever he talks about himself you can definitely catch that "I'm better than you. My opinion is better and yours is shit" tone
No. 240600
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Kat doesn't follow Drac but she's liking her pictures? When I saw this I thought Kat decided to follow her but I checked and she still isn't following her. Kind of funny because she follows teratology and a random drag queen here in Austin that isn't well-known but not her # 1 fangirl
No. 240601
>>240072At the end of deathrockets, a couple of them came out as non-binary. I feel like Sebastian was just following the trendy thing (even though she flipped when they made fun of her) and can't go back on it now.
And if anyone cares, Casey Strange is in jail. I don't remember exactly why, but I think it had to do with assault.
No. 240646
>>240614I don't watch their gaming channel because I generally don't like watching let's plays unless the person is funny and eh, I wasn't feeling their videos, plus they didn't really play any games that interested me.
Whoa, did Jake really say that about Goth music? Do you remember which video it was? Well actually, now that you mention it, I remember he did talk about this on his Tumblr "ask". He says he calls himself "Goth" because he likes to dress that way but uh… Yeah, to me that just makes him Gothic-inclined. don't think Kaya is a racist or at least, I don't get that impression from her. She probably just doesn't want to talk about controversial subjects on her channel most likely.
No. 240650
I don't think Kaya's a racist by any means, I just get the idea that she posts about issues like that to get brownie points. I guess I explained my thoughts on it poorly before.
About Jake, this video is here, sorry I don't know how to embed videos. It's at the 13:20 mark. IMO he doesn't dress goth either, he has a more emo style haircut and wears plain baggy black clothes that are like street fashion. No. 240667
>>240650Hm maybe…
Just watched the video (well that section of the video lol). Wow see, if he really feels that strongly about his dislike for the Goth subculture, why call yourself one in the first. Because point blank, the music IS the Goth subculture. There's nothing more to it, the music is what started it all and I find it VERY stupid to consider yourself a music-based subcultural term if you don't even like the main thing that it's based around. And some people will call that opinion elitist but I don't care because it really isn't. That's like someone calling themselves a metalhead or punk when they don't like or listen to the music you know?
He's better off just calling himself "Alternative" because "Alternative" was the actual word used to describe someone who didn't want to look like the norm. But that's just my opinion.
No. 240674
>>240614I started watching their gaming channel soon after they first started making videos on it and for a while they were my favorite gaming channel. I didn't like Kaya being on it, she didn't know anything about the games they were playing and she had nothing to say. John was really the only person I liked and since he left Jake started being even more pretentious and annoying than before. Jake started trying to make things more interesting by over-exaggerating and trying to be Pewdiepie.
I think it's funny how they have over 20k subs on MAG but he gets more views on his personal channel that has less than half as many subs. Maybe all the older subs got tired of them after John left too. I still watch them when they play games that I like, which is rarely. Sucks because I really liked the channel for a long time :/ I get the feeling them and John arent friends anymore. I can't blame John for ditching Jake lol
No. 240790
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V for Void showing how accepting she is to constructive criticism. By being a crybaby martyr.
No. 241080
>>240996No no, I didn't mean it in that way. I'm not saying her fans are to blame for her stealing/killing pets (is there a source for this btw? That seems a little… Extreme of an accusation.)
I was talking more of her over behavioral. Like if her fans are that generous to keep giving her money whenever she whines about her problems, I'm saying that is not the right way to go handling the situation.
Sorry, I hope that makes sense.
No. 241158
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Remember a few days ago when Kaya said she didn't care about people talking about her weight or making comments. Remember when she said no fucks were given about hate?
No. 241160
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>>241158I think she lied, lol. Obviously it's been eating away at her since she found out about this thread.
No. 241162
>>241160Uh Kaya you're not going to lose 60lbs in a few months
eye roll and she never ate perfectly clean either she always had cheat days where she ate loads of crap. From what I remember it looked like she ate the same foods and portions as her bf who regularly works out and needs more calories than she does. Yes it's clean but eating 3000cals of clean food isn't going to make you skinny.
My mom had pretty much the same issue, so I get what she's going through. Being skinny and being able to eat whatever and still be skinny and then all of a sudden gaining weight from it and you don't know what to do because you aren't used to dieting or anything like that. My mom became obese so lol hopefully Kaya gets her shit together before that happens
No. 241516
>>241362I know, its almost like an entirely different person. A similarity to catfishing people kek.
If anyone is interested BlackFriday released part 2.
No. 241540
>>241317Well, like I mentioned above, the channels I actually enjoy are people like Angela Benedict, ItsBlackFriday, SnowyLowther (such a seemingly sweet person), Alien Queen of Darkness, & The Goblin Queen/Kazlovesbats
ReeRee Phillips has a soothing voice and she has a way with words. Admittedly, I'm not a big fan of Killstar as I find the occult symbol patterns on clothing quite obnoxious but I will say that ReeRee certainly knows how to craft an interesting look.
I also remember loving TheVampirePandora but she hasn't made any new videos in quite a long time. Same with two other Goth YouTubers Dreiaabat (She deleted all her videos so I'm guessing she may have wanted to stop doing YouTube videos unfortunately) & LailaAutumn (hasn't made a video in a long while).
Oh! TheGothicAlice can be quite interesting to watch too. :)
No. 241596
>>241590His clickbait titles and stupid ass thumbnails really irk me. I'm subbed to his personal channel but I've only watched two of his videos because the clickbait titles don't interest me. But in the two videos I watched(top 10 favorite horror games and the silent hill tattoo video) he sounded ~~sooo~~ full of himself my eyes felt like they were going to permanently roll into the back of my head because of how many times I eye rolled.
>>241592I actually think his music's pretty good tbh. I used to listen to his album on bandcamp a lot but I haven't listened to it in like a year or any of his new music
No. 241611
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>>239434>>241516Bitch needs to shut up, this doesnt do anything but show how little self awareness she has and that shes clearly sheltered as fuck.
Going to the Louvre looking like youre dressed for a halloween party isnt something a
museum appreciates.
It wouldnt be weird for them to reject somebody wearing a Marie Antoinette costume and its not disctriminatory that they dont want to admit two gothtards. Its a very valid reason that they dont want people in there who might cause a scene, yes you might not be doing anything but you are conciously and willingly sticking out like a sore thumb and could cause tourists to collect around you which would distrupt the flow of the museum and pulling people away from the actual
artHad this been your everyday life and they rejected you from like Walmart, yeah thats fucked and dumb but these are big tourist attractions and youre showing about 0% awareness of this.
The graveyard part is also very understandable, cause to the rest of the world you look like youre walking around dead folks resting grounds for the 'aesthetic' and fetishizing their deaths as something totemo goffic and beatiful. Seriously does she hear herself talking about VLOGGING in a GRAVEYARD. Had she dressed low key and just been a casual goth like the rest of us has the decency to do atleast when going to such public and active spaces it wouldve been weird but youre looking like an autistic midget dressed in too many layers of cheap black frill and foundation slathered cleavage.
Also why the fuck would you cry and who calls being asked to delete footage as 'scary'. I thought Aussies were hard asses not over emotional sperglords.
Sorry for the rant tbh
No. 241627
>>241611agreed. as someone who dresses 'alternatively', there's a time and place for certain looks and i've never been asked to leave a place due to my appearance.
>>241614liked tez up until i sent her some things to promote and she can't even be assed to credit/tag me when she wears them. also seen her sucking up to fat fakens b/c that's how everyone in subculture scenes are.
No. 241631
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>>241614Thanks, Ill check those out! Ive been subbed to biohazardous beauty for a while and I get you mean about her face, shes pretty but whenever she closes her eyes theres this weird bump? I pretty sure its her eyeball but it kind of wigs me out
No. 241696
>>241669I like Emily's videos but she's too sweet. I feel like a shitty person whenever I watch her videos because I'm not that sweet. She doesn't seem fake at all either. T Tears' sweetness seems fake to me.
Reeree is very sweet as well and I like her videos (also I think she's one of the hottest goth YouTubers) but she's like too sweet for her own good. She responds to hate and she gets emotional over lots of things. If you watch her IG stories she goes on rants about commenters and random things she sees online. You have to learn to let some things go when you want to become social media famous.
No. 241699
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Sorry but I laughed out loud when that picture of him popped up
No. 241721
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>>241693a flat-against-the-head braid like this would work. i had a deathhawk myself in my teens and growing it out was a pain in the ass
No. 241861
>>241596>>241597I forgot to hit the reply button, then didn't bother to re-type it.
But, yes, I was talking about Jake's music. It sounds like any other guy these days who wants to make music. There's nothing individualistic about it. Sounds plain boring to me, but to each their own…
No. 241883
>>241861 I agree with you on that. I'll admit that he's talented but his songs are just completely generic. I've probably heard 100 other bands that sound just like him.
And his lyrics are suck too.
No. 242098
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>>242093Holy fuck, I thought you were joking…
So that's why she shaved her head last year… I had no idea.
Now I understand why Dreiiaabat and Laila Autumn and all the Seattle goths stopped talking. Messed up.
No. 242102
>>242098Yep. It happened so suddenly, like she was brainwashed or something. I didn't know her super well but I stopped talking to her and her bf shortly after as did a lot of people.
Her fb friendlist is pretty much all neo nazis now, like she's cut off from normal people or something.
No. 242108
>>242102I still had her on social media because I thought she was cool. I remember the Seattle goths making videos and taking pics at Twin Peaks and stuff.
I thought Dreiiaa looked really nice and had great makeup. Never expected this was what happened, wow. Especially since all her friends were left leaning.
Do you have more stuff from her Facebook? Most stuff is private for me.
No. 242115
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>>242108I don't think she posted much nazi stuff lately, either that or she blocked me from viewing it.
Her bf posts more of the cringeworthy stuff so I grabbed some stuff from both their pages. He ditched the androygynous look with the nail polish/makeup and is now trying really hard to look like baby Varg Vikernes.
No. 242184
>>242115Man my mind is still full of fuck. I come from a country that went through a fascist regimen and most people have terrible stories to tell about trouble with the government because of censorship / torture, so seeing people openly supporting this just makes me sad and confused. Sorry for blogposting.
Also is that kittensandcoffins on the comments there? What a disappointment too. One of the cutest goths on social media.
No. 242185
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>>242115From this to that, hypocrisy much? He sounds pretty repressed honestly.
No. 242325
>>241969I will check out her vlogs then. I love to travel so I like seeing vlogs of interesting places. Friday has a new vlog. I was pleased with the scenes of Paris she showed later in the video, so much more interesting than her ramblings.
No. 242604
>>242484Oh yeah I enjoy Allison's travel vlogs too. She went to New Orleans a few times and has some vlogs of that place, I wanna go visit.
Are there any other interesting goth or punky vloggers who live in other countries and show the place in their vlogs? Besdes Black Friday who lives in Berlin.
No. 242622
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Got bored and had a look at one of Jake's vlogs. Took some lovely screenshots of Kaya away from her ring lights and selfie angles. Yikes.
Here's the vlog if anyone wants to see her in motion No. 243012
>>242883I think Snowy crimps her hair. It actually looks good on her because she tries to style it and give a more 80's look.
Kaya just looks like a fat Weird Al.
No. 243242
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Speak of the devil and he shall appear, why doth ye daddy issues children speak my name?
No. 243632
>>239656Sebastian is trying to kickstart her generic horror movie for like 50k and has only made about 900 dollars so far after a month. it's kind of hilarious.
sage for irrelevant
No. 243905
>>243632Her acting, annunciation, dogshit editing, and those camera angles made me cringe. I love good B horror. But it needs to stand out in someway and not take itself too seriously.
Plus if you're mentally ill and want to make a film exploring mental illness, wouldn't you not want to paint it in a negative and false light?
It's gonna be a disaster, I can't wait.
No. 243922
>>243905it's a shame she can't provide a trailer that makes it look like a film worth watching and not some vanity project.
obviously, someone has faith in it, because they donated 500 fucking dollars with the note "revolutionary film", unless that was just her donating some of her youtube money to herself to make it look like the project isn't failing so hard.
965 of 50,000 dollars raised in two months for this revolutionary psychological horror that looks like it'll be a shitty gorefest with some hamfisted messages about mental illness or something.
"I may look cute and innocent, but horror is my passion." really, goth girl? who would've guessed?
No. 244187
triggers me so much that she goes out of her way to showcase everything "Goth" about her (positioning herself infront of all her super goth books for example) and how much effort she puts in to looking super goth 24/7 but she doesnt listen to any of the music and never even so much as mentions any kind of music at all. Anyone like her who does that kind of pisses me off
No. 244232
>>244187Yeah I noticed the stack of anne rice novels behind her a while ago, its kind of sad that she seems to be so controlled by proving how goth she is 24/7 (she honestly doesn't seem like the person to sit down and read a book to me).
I feel like she this does this distract people from the fact doesn't listen to the music and therefore isn't really goth at all
>'But of course she's the most goth person ever! She dresses like this everyday!! look at her decor!!' No. 244263
This is the most enlightening thing I have read in a long time and I'm so glad people see kaya for who/ what she really is! Myself and my friends talk about this constantly! We all cringe at how desperate she is. She and Jake have no friends of their own and watch American TV constantly which is why they sound so American. It's beyond embarrassing. She begs online and has little to no work ethic, she's aging quickly and is the most delusional, irritating, uneducated, unhygienic person I have had the misfortune of knowing. She is a glorified beggar and I cannot believe people pay her to sit on her arse all day and complain about menial things and act as if she's so hard done by.
Her boyfriend is an obvious narcissist, I think if they both weren't so dependant on each other and lived in this pathetic, "we are celebrities" ideal, he would have left her long ago. It's clear they don't have a sexual relationship. He's mentioned a few times how he would suck a guy off in their videos together and how he's been with men before, even joking you can tell there's an element of truth to it. Kaya is fat because she over eats high sugar, high fat foods and doesn't exercise, simple. She knows this and her boyfriend knows this. Kaya also can never be wrong and it just shows how idiotic and her incapablity of accepting responsibility for her self inflicted weight gain.
No. 244448
>>244252Wow so she literally only uses them as a prop in her videos to make her seem more goff.
TT is probably the biggest poseur in the entire YT goth community
No. 244449
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I'm glad to see that she's taking her diet seriously.
No. 244468
>>244263All of this lmao. It is tragic.
>>244399This is cringy as hell but at least the girl has ambitions.
No. 244672
>>244633northern irish accents are fucking horrendous anyway, kaya just butchers it and makes it unbearable to listen to.
as well why does her voice sometimes sound like shes on testosterone? she reminds of a youtuber whos just starting out and doesnt know how to act in front of a camera?
No. 245017
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>>244995Someone flat out asked her if she used PULL and she avoided giving a straight answer. These are from Oct. '13 from her Tumblr.
No. 245018
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Also from her Tumblr, Oct. '13.
No. 245025
>>245017Why does Kaya type like some scene 13 year old?
face palm ahaha I'm such a derp xD ;3 She still does it now.. It just sounds really cringey and fake
No. 245229
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She is going off on her tumblr blaming anti depressants and saying she might be getting free liposuction ? She is beyond pathetic at this stage.
No. 245232
>>245229You know what is a great anti depressant? Exercise. And it would shift all the fat off her! But lazy Kaya is lazy.
As for her anti-depressants - yes they can make you balloon up. They can also make you lose weight which is what happened to me. She didn't have to take them if she felt that was making her even more unhappy. I hate how she victimizes herself.
No. 245406
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She is now claiming she will get free liposuction, which is entirely pointless as all her terrible eating habits will make her put the weight back on. She has gone life relying on her fast metabolism to burn off the calories which is highly unrealistic. But, kaya cannot face reality so this is why she's like this.
No. 245417
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Of course, Kaya can't be arsed to talk about the goth subculture. She probably doesn't know anything and doesn't want to expose herself.
No. 245480
>>245229I'm on an SSRI and an anti-psychotic. Sure, they make you hungrier, so you have to watch what you eat. I gained 5lbs on my antipsychotic. So I started being a little more active. Like instead of walking my dog for 30 minutes, I walk for an hour.
Maybe she switch her SSRI (I assume that's what she means by antidepressant) to wellbutrin.
I've heard of anti-psychotics making you balloon, but never an SSRI. typically it's not a huge weight gain.
>>245417> calls herself goth> goth is about the music> doesn't like goth music> elitists hurt my feefeesIt's like the people who don't own a single Lolita item and whine about elitists telling them that their frumpy grandma blouse isn't Lolita.
No. 245644
>>245480kaya probably took one ssri for a few weeks and quit because "it didn't work" and "it makes you fat". wellbutrin is very far down the list since it gets you kinda high, it's more addictive and the appetite loss often leads to malnutrition. kaya will have to try a bunch of other stuff for a longer time before she gets it and since she's super impatient she will probably quit meds before she gets there.
also lmao @ free liposuction. she'll probably get sent to fat camp before that.
No. 245662
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lurking confirmed ???
No. 245914
>>245023Ah okay, I heard of that site but it just seemed like any other discussion site, didn't see much drama there, well from the people I looked up there. Just usual opinion sharing.
>>245024Yeah well I was lazy truth be told lol
No. 245919
Free lipo huh? Well, if she does get it, this will be the true test to see if the medicines really were affecting her because if she does gain the weight back after going through the procedure, it'll definitely be a big wake up call (or it should be). I really don't like thinking ill of people with medicine and weight loss since it's such a touchy subject but her case just seems way too… Hard to believe.
I can understand that medicine can cause someone to gain weight but I just looked up a picture of her before and that is such a drastic change that doesn't happen overnight. I think she may have definitely had a fast metabolism that enabled her to eat whatever she wanted without worrying about weight gain until A), the medicine + her eating habits made her gain significant weight over time or B), her metabolism started slowing down as she aged and because of her old eating habits, she packed on the weight steadily.
The thing that mostly grabbed my attention is how she was upset that she didn't lose the weight she wanted in a week (I think it was?) and it's just… Well that's not how weight loss works, it takes time to see results from 3 months to 6 months to heck, even a year or two depending on how the eating + exercise habits go. That coupled with her copying her boyfriend's diet (who eats like a bodybuilder), it was apparent that nothing would change, plus the fact that she has that condition where she can't stand for too long.
I want to believe her but there are so many red flags with this situation you know?
No. 245920
>>245417I'm sorry but that's bull. I mean yeah, there are some true Goth eltists out there who will demand you be burned at the stake if you don't like one of their favorite bands but they are the minority and if she can handle people talking about her weight, she can handle the Elitists (which again, really are a minority).
I mean heck, if she likes the music, she could do a top 10 favorite Goth band list or something. And if someone does get into a hiffy, just do what most YouTubers do and delete the comment.
This just seems like a cop out. At least BlackFriday plays the music and takes her viewers to gigs. Not saying that TT has to do that but seriously, how many hauls and makeup tutorials does one need. I dunno, I used to be a subscriber to her a few years back but I grew bored with her content because it was always makeup tutorials and haul videos. Nothing else (excluding her house moving situation).
I dunno, I just think her talk about Elitists is dumb because there are so few really.
No. 245922
>>245791Well, if he really did have narcissism before, it probably went up tenfold when he stated doing YouTube videos and getting comments on his appearance because no lie, he is a cute guy but the self-important attitude kills it, at least for me lol
You said fetish though? You saying Jake has a fetish for slim alternative looking women?
No. 246027
>>245977I laughed so hard when I saw that video in my sub box, even more when I watched it. Getting so butthurt over what, the name of a makeup palette? They say they are trying to help Kat (as if she'll watch it), but the product is fine, such an overreaction and made her (and kelly) come across very self-entittled. When they keep repeating 'you cant have a goth palette without black!!1!!' is when i really lost it. Its just makeup, relax. Imo the palette is cute and I would buy It myself if I wore light colours.
I not too keen on dre, shes a bit ditzy and you can tell shes only became interested in goth recently (not a bad thing, just that she seems a little overwhelmed by everything)
Kelly is fine, but wasnt there some drama around her years ago? I dont really remember, I always get her confused with audrey kitching kek
No. 246031
>>245660ReeRee is more from the metal side of music so back then her ~goth~ look wasn't as intense but I always took it as her being shy and controlled when the subs started appearing
also her last name is so embarrassing lmao no wonder she uses Phillips
No. 246035
>>245989It is definitely put on. I have never heard anyone talk like her in real life.
It's not important but it grates.
No. 246037
>>246036She mentioned how Phillips is a professional name she uses for work, but if you scroll way back on her insta her sister/fam has tagged her in stuff/appeared with her and her real last name is Deuce, kid you not
if you go to like photos that she's tagged in on insta or generally dig on her account you'll find her family there
No. 246099
>>244879>>244902>>244908Report them for fraud, dude. You have to pay tax on youtube income, which is one count of fraud. Claiming housing benefit and ESA/DLA when they have an income is also fraud. I'm in the UK, but england and I don't know their full names, or I'd report them right now.
The amount of bullshit people who genuinely need these benefits have to go through is because people like her exist, and the government can justify being so strict with genuinely disabled people to the general public. fucking. scum.
Also PS. Fibromyalgia is not a real disease and I'm pretty sure at this point doctors are just using it as a chart code for "Malingerer"
No. 246190
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kek I'm sure. Doing haul videos with Punk Rave and similar brands is just a coincidence…not consumerism at all.
No. 246387
>>245977I didn't really see a problem with it. I agreed with most of the things they said about the palette. It's called pastel and the colors are light rainbow colors, not pastel. It showed up in my recommended and I'd watched Dre before. I thought she seemed really dull and into goth fashion and not the actual subculture, idk tho. I didn't see anything wrong with what they were saying about the palette. It is just a makeup palette but it's named after a fashion that isn't even correct for that fashion.
I did sub to the pastel chick after watching the video. I really like her style and she seems cool. I binge watched most of her vids and she seems like a dementor that sucked out all of Dre's personality and took it for herself
No. 246494
>>246492Ask her? She's basically a nobody with 200-600 views on YT, so she'll see your question.
In case it's not a selfpost, that is.
No. 246507
>>246497if it's based on oil pastels that's fair enough but Dre has a point: why call it "pastel goth"? Pastel goth as a term has a meaning for a certain aesthetic and calling it that when it's actually no relation to both pastel shades and the fashion is misleading.
It's like when you see people wear a bit of black and add a chain or stud to something and call it "rock". It's not; rock has a look and is a thing and what they do isn't rock.
She could have come up with some great ideas for oil pastel vibes; the palette could have looked like an art case for the pastels or it could have been written in actual oil pastels (the name of the palette I mean) but she chose "pastel goth" which we all know what it means, what it looks like, and that palette wasn't it.
No. 246538
>>2462711. no one cares
2. Fibromyalgia is not a real disease, condition or syndrome. It is a name given for a collection of symptoms suffered with no discernable underlying root cause.
Basically, your friend probably has something wrong with her, and the doctors have given up ever finding out what exactly is causing it, so they gave her this label so they can help her manage the symptoms.
No. 246696
>>246688she's not actually that big, though. she's just kind of shapeless. She's lost weight since she started making videos but she's definitely not as big as she seems
it's kinda hard to tell when you just see a black tee blob under her neck rather than any sort of body definition. In her case, black definitely doesn't slim lmao
No. 246711
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The shoop here is insane
No. 247280
>>244187she said herself recently that she actually hasn't read any of those books.
Is Ann Rice books the peak of goth literature?
because I've read her books and they're only okay imo
No. 248203
>>246149I also noticed that their apartment looked kinda dirty? Like, clean up a little if you're being filmed.
Also there's a part where black friday's husband isn't wearing makeup and he's honestly kind of hot.
sage for my shit taste in men lmao
No. 248339
>>248334Yeah, her reaction video was…. Vague? She didn't really go into detail about what she thought about the styles so it totally felt like she phoned in the whole thing. Like come on, it's a reaction video, actually explain a little bit of what you thought other than "It looks nice".
At least with Blackfriday's video, she and her husband actually gave an explanation about what they thought and gave more to go off of. I'm not saying it's a competition but I just feel that a good reaction video like that is better when the person actually talks a bit about whatever it is they're watching.
No. 248455
>>248334"yeah that seems familiar"
"yeah I've seen that on google images"
I was cringing the whole time. she doesn't have a clue.
No. 248484
>>248334Yeah I saw that and wasnt sure if I should post. I usually dont mind her but it annoyed me how pissed off she got at emo being included when she herself isnt exactly an expert on goth and goth history.
I maybe mistaken but i think she said in her "ungoth confessions" video that her music tastes are very ungoth (think she said she likes britney spears)
No. 248496
>>248490It was her reaction to it given shes not an expert I was talking about. Like she was really offended by it.
As far as I am aware emo is part of scene right?
No. 248532
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No. 248597
>>248532the white collar ruins it, imo
Wish alt stores would use them less
>>248496No, emo is actually it's own thing and so is scene. At least it used to be, people are now just throwing it all together and the "real" emo style and music is pretty much forgoten and often what you see labled as emo today is just scene crap + some shitty rock band
Sage bc I'm an ex-emo fag
No. 248600
>>248532The white collar looks stupid printed on.
And "Spooky Girl"? Ugh give me a break. This is the most kitschy she could have made it, only thing it needs is a black cat or a skull somewhere.
No. 248604
>>248600shit lol I thought it said "stay spooky" on them too, now that's really retarded then
Does she even sell anything? Can't imagine anyone wanting to wear her mug on a shir like in the op pic or the crap she just posted
No. 248618
>>248495To be fair she's mentioned wanting to get a tailess whip scorpion in videos on MAG that were recorded before her little potterhead phase and she doesn't talk about her other pets that often either. Naming it Tonks had something to do with the phase though.
Also I think it's an adorable creature
No. 248669
>>248532this would look so much nicer if it didn't have
"spooky girl" over it in a horrible font.
I can't imagine any adult goff wearing something like this
No. 248699
>>248495I wish I could take her tailess whips scorpion and her snake. They would be with an experienced handler and in a clean environment. I imagine she's too lazy to care for her animals. She should get something really easy to care for. Like cockroaches…
>>248621Right? I love razor Candi and have bought a print, but I would never go around wearing her face on a shirt. Although, at least she's still a model and not some boring YouTube channel.
No. 249245
>>249238That looks like knock-off MAC to me? I'll admit her box was a lot better but still full of really cheap items.
>>249165God what a shitty collection of items. I feel so bad for her having spent 40$ on a bunch of dollar store Halloween items. How do people feel okay pulling scammy shit like this??
No. 249280
triggers me that she uses pages from books to pack the stuff. That junk is not worth sacrificing books for and it sure as hell ain't worth $40.
No. 249553
>>249549Yeah, I just watched and it was just so… Dull. I mean everyone likes what they like but I mean… Wow. And you're right, I'm the same with his claim to be "Goth" when he despises the music. I believe we call that appropriation lol
Yeah, I totally forgot about that "Ninja Street Style" and it's not a Goth fashion, it's more of an urban street fashion so I can't take his style as a "Goth style". I mean he was right on one thing, mens fashion lacks any creativity and is boring but actually alternative fashion can give a teensy bit more breathing room.
Look at Caligo Bastet, he's another alternative YouTuber and while he tends to wear his same signature look, it does look pretty interesting and creative.
No. 249581
File: 1486910122061.jpg (10.56 KB, 585x104, Haha.jpg)

I log into twitter and the FIRST tweet I see is this one. Lurking 100% confirmed.
No. 249589
>>249583The way he talks, it makes me think that he sees "elitists" as people who say goth is about the music. Nope, Jake, that's the definition of goth.
>>249572Good point about the the weeaboo bit. I keep wondering why the fuck you'd want to call yourself goth if you hate everything about it, and I think your reasoning makes sense.
>>249581The only reason I found this thread in the first place is because Kaya talked about her "haters" so much that I was curious as to what everyone was saying about her. I think that most of the people here are saying fair and truthful things about her that no one can say on her videos because her fans will attack them so they can defend her. We are pointing out things like the content of her videos and her lack of participation in the subculture. She shouldn't really find that hurtful, I think.
No. 249605
>>249603And captions the picture telling people that she KNOWS the food is unhealthy but since she can't lose weight when she eats "healthily" she may as well just eat unhealthy food anyway.
Great mindset, Kaya
No. 249606
>>249165Love Amy Necrotique. She isn't big enough to get sent free stuff - she buys everything with her own money and that's why she's honest. She also looks super young for her age - think she's about 35?
>>249581Hard to feel bad for Kaya because she used to be SO fucking mean to people. I hope she's grown up a bit - she seems nice enough in her videos - but she hasn't developed any sense of self awareness and she can't take criticism at all. She needs thicker skin for the business she's in. I can barely stand to watch her videos anymore anyway cause her content is so dull.
No. 249686
>>249058I think the box usually has good, quality items. I just wouldn't pay ~$30 for it since a lot of the items just aren't my thing.
The Black Box, on the other hand, was a complete rip off.
No. 249746
File: 1486931339209.png (861.92 KB, 1023x725, obsolete_pleasures.png)

>>249709This is her Instagram if you wanted to find more about her.
No. 249814
File: 1486934740482.jpg (24.73 KB, 512x512, 0mYNTMf.jpg)

Is this who Jake is trying to look like?
No. 250018
File: 1486946469068.png (239.31 KB, 1227x1233, IMG_1266.PNG)

Fuck I'd love for her to accidently post them
No. 250097
>>250054Although I am going to get shit for saying that I dont give a crap about her weight and think people who do are rather odd, having lipo wouldnt stop you from gaining weight again so its a waste of money.
saged for ot.
No. 250136
>>249815He's in his 40s I believe.
>>250097Her weight itself doesn't matter to me either, what bothers me is that she is almost delusional about it.