I'm reviving this because there's a bunch of new stuff on her.
For one thing, Vice just did a documentary on her:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tz3H8YQz34For another thing, apparently she was recently diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, which makes some sense. But in another video, she claims to have been diagnosed with a laundry list of random disorders, which stinks of bullshit, so idk.
Here's that:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDVIv2IDd5UOne surprising thing is that she said Unicult is about "white spirituality," hinting at possibly racist attitudes. However, she also wrote an article about struggling with white guilt, which would seem to indicate the opposite. It's all kinda confusing.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kiCWQI9XKswhttps://medium.com/@unicoleunicron/how-i-feel-about-race-right-now-e70cb59d3da8To me the big issue here is a massively inflated ego. She says very few things that have any substance. Most of what she has to offer is very uninsightful. In fact, the only point I've heard her driver well is a rehashing of the attraction theory - that what you focus on manifests, and that the concept only works in the positive sense - if you focus on not wanting something, you're still focusing on that thing, and it's more likely to happen. So, it's important to focus on alternatives.
A central part of her idea is respecting people's creativity in creating their own realities. There's a positive and a negative side of this philosophy. The positive is that allowing people to construct their own worlds could be conducive to them breaking from societal expectations, facilitating their ability to come up with their own lifestyles and art. The downside is that it seems to promote self-delusion, which can be destructive and limiting, obviously.
Anyway, if anybody has access to the Uniporn that'd be cool, but at this point she's charging over $200 for it on VHS.