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No. 404129

Can we PLEASE talk about this girl?

Ashley/rhetoricallyashley/thoroughlyashley/rhetorically-a (these are just the more long-lasting of her various urls) is notable in the tumblr ED community but it's not for her eating disorder, it's for how absolutely fucking crazy she is. She's started a bunch of drama, has sent some pretty ridiculous messages (screenshots definitely to come/be linked) and her blog is literally scary to read sometimes. She is so delusional/pretentious/holier-than-thou about absolutely everything in her life.

Notable Ashley events (that I can remember):
- Claimed to be disadvantaged/underprivileged despite being a 25 year old white PHD student (not underprivileged at all). IIRC this has happened multiple times.
- As well as claiming that she was not the typical ED patient when in fact she was pretty much the exact stereotype.
- Various shit involving her eating disorder/whether or not she was actually recovering
- Claiming being white was a disadvantage, and when people called her out, became extremely defensive and ending up sending a lot of hate messages including telling a girl that she would never recover from her PTSD and a lot of rude things pretty much on that level, without apologizing
- Made obviously fake text messages where it looked like she was the victim
- Regularly responding to her anons who try and call her out (even if they do it nicely) with things like "why are you even saying this? You are obviously the one delusional and in need of help. You should probably go check yourself into a psych ward."
- Seriously, just go read her blog, it's wild.

Tumblr: rhetorically-a.tumblr.com
Instagram: @adoonz (it is private and i don't think she accepts random people though)

No. 404328


She's so convinced she's getting cyberbullied on Tumblr, when really people are calling her out on being a psycho bitch

No. 404394

yep. that's the thing getting me about her!!! i genuinely think she believes that she is in the right. it's disturbing

No. 404960


did she delete?

No. 404964

Well the blog is gone. I don't follow her but she might've changed her username. If she really did delete, good.

No. 405003

she’s back to rhetorically-ashley

No. 405707

There is a general pro-ana thread >>>/snow/361368

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