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No. 361368
Old thread is close to the limit, so carrying over to a new thread to discuss ana queens, proana wannarexics, and attention whores, such Alexys (jonzie08) and Ariana (arianamagro)
Remember not to discuss:
Or anyone associated with those people, unless you want this thread banned.
If linking someone unfamiliar, post clear reasons why you think they are a snowflake, or you may be banned.
Previous threads:
no. 16
>>>/snow/243674no. 15.
>>>/snow/208597no. 14.
>>>/snow/134257no. 13.2
>>>/snow/129036no. 13
>>>/snow/128327no. 12
>>>/snow/123455no. 11.5
>>>/snow/120427no. 11
>>>/snow/119001no. 10
>>>/snow/117640no. 9
>>>/snow/112288no. 8
>>>/snow/106059no. 7
>>>/snow/99329no. 6
>>>/snow/94114no. 5
>>>/snow/89109no. 4
>>>/snow/83974no. 3
>>>/snow/79031no. 2
>>>/snow/74624no. 1
>>>/snow/44088See also:
-Ashley Isaac (skeletor extraordinaire)
-Paris Melody Raven (dancing, donut-eating? kween)
-Aly_realrecover (whiny former ana queen now "in recovery")
-The Fit Vegan Ginger (recently created the worst cook book know to man, but starting to look a bit better herself)
No. 361392
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isn't it against the rules to just post a pro ana thread?
No. 361405
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No. 361407
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No. 361409
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No. 361411
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No. 361415
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Last one for now. Enjoy, my little warriors.
No. 362109
File: 1501226286140.jpg (123.62 KB, 586x852, fatty.jpg)

news from Bella/thane_of_windhelm! She´s surprisingly still alive and non-surprisingly very struggling etc
>applies for a job at Starbucks, does not get it, copes with drinking alcohol and self hate rants
>starvation + extra running
>"So tired. So hungry thirsty and annoyed. All my muscles hurt"
>mentions "at home hospitalization" once but never again
>names and shames a follower for "triggering comments"
>"guess mah weight"
No. 362120
File: 1501229180579.png (134.52 KB, 750x475, IMG_1558.PNG)

Bella doesn't have enough visceral fat to hold her bowels in place so they're twisting and obstructing. Ew.
No. 362147
>>362109this bitch's eyebrows
trigger me
No. 362163
>>361409She looks physically uncomfortable here
Like the vom is coming but she still needs to force the chocolate down on cam
No. 362180
File: 1501239877754.png (Spoiler Image,47.53 KB, 750x527, IMG_1560.PNG)

Another charmer, posting vomit videos.
No. 362192
>>362120This can straight up kill you. If your bowel twists it can obstruct the blood flowing, the piece of intestine dies and voila, sepsis. Someone section this girl because her mum is clearly either stupid as shit or an enabler if she thinks her daughter is even remotely well enough to recover at home. Any parent with a scrap of sense doesn't go "oh my poor widdle daughter will suffer too much in hospital, better replicate the conditions here" (and to hell with my lack of medical expertise, her clearly failing body and the fact she'll puke up every meal I give et behind my back)
Saged for rage
No. 362720
>>362522in b4 ana-chan but I really would have guessed 80 for her height tbh and I'm not even sure she's not lying about being 60 at 5'8". Those people saying she looks 40 or whatever were just kissing her ass, although numbers lose meaning once you get below a certain point just like when you're trying to guess a super obese person's weight/bmi.
More importantly, what the fuck is the point of asking your followers to guess your weight? She was basically trapping them. I know she's sick blah blah but it's not like you can pretend there was a productive reason to pose that question and then engage with every answer.
>>362594Who messaged you for unfollowing? Thane, or sasii?
No. 362967
>>362911hmm that's interesting! I unfollowed her a couple of weeks ago and she never dm'd me but then again I had only lurked and my account isn't ED related so she probably didn't care about me lol
What did she say? I find her really interesting bc her family and culture seem really different to all the American/Australian/European ana girls. But unfollowed bc she's so evasive and depressing oops
No. 362986
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>>362109God, fuck her honestly. Like don't even ask if you only want a certain answer and are gonna throw a little tantrum if you don't get it. Plus if she wants to act like she's been ~
triggered~, she said in reply to sasiisadness "am I really that fat?" (Pic related).
Great way to tell all your anorexic underweight followers that 80lbs is fat, kek
No. 363048
File: 1501357404460.jpg (93.82 KB, 432x536, tow.jpg)

is it actually common for American nutritionists to refuse working with ~severely underweight~ anorexics?
No. 363183
>>363042dont forget it also v much depends on height
60lbs, though still incredibly underweight regardless of height, looks totally different on someone who is 5'3 than on someone who is 5'8
sage for samefagging
No. 364036
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sage because its not that big.
its like shes trying to leave her house just so doesnt have to gain weight.
No. 364301
File: 1501553380091.png (Spoiler Image,667.34 KB, 933x590, wtf.png)

Is that her inner labia?
No. 364407
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>>364348this is from january. considering how shes been eating i wouldnt doubt she actually weighs 60lbs. she has quite a few pics of her torso and the more recent ones look super veiny in comparison to before.
No. 364924
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Is this not the creepiest thing ever?!
No. 364980
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>>364924>goodnight not anymore D:
No. 365036
>>364992Who is she?
Fuck all these ~ana~ bitches who suck in their cheeks to the point of duckface, flex muscles to make bones more prominent and use lighting tricks to look thinner.
No. 365535
>>365036Her name's Bekah Georgy, and she is one of the biggest pieces of shit on the planet. Has been to (and gotten kicked out of) nearly every treatment center in the US, and is currently living in a nursing home because no treatment facility will take her. She claims to have POTS and severe gastroparesis, but those symptoms can be the same as having when someone has a severe eating disorder. She also recently jumped on the EDS bandwagon and wrangled herself a picc line, but still manages to get out and go hiking (like 3 or 4 months ago she apparently couldn't walk because of her severe EDS, but all of a sudden could dance/hike/etc.). She got kicked out from one treatment center after being caught not only purging through her tube, but teaching younger girls how to do so as well. She has collected money from many people over the years to go to treatment, but refuses to recover, and almost always got kicked out for noncompliance. Her personal instagram has all her EDS/speschel spoonie snowflake shit on it, but she has a secret proana IG as well (no screenshots from me because she's private and I refuse to follow her). She's rude and mean, and lies and manipulates people to get what she wants, while trying to get as much sympathy and attention as possible.
No. 365694
File: 1501733494217.png (598.27 KB, 640x1136, IMG_6227.PNG)

>>365271This is her latest gofuckme I cant believe anyone donated ugh idiot! She posted it yesterday again in fb and said please don't tell my family im asking. Piece of shit.
No. 365700
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>>365535This is her cover photo. Attention seeking bitch. She complains if anyone tries to say anything about it being unhealthy or that the shouldn't post it, says she's being bullied etc….She claims to be a nanny but no one wants her. She posts pics of the kids she used to nanny on fb. She is pure scum.
No. 366526
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>>366503Nope she's alive! She replied to a comment yesterday
No. 366535
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>>366503She posted on Twitter 12 hours ago.
No. 366906
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>>366526dat comment
>when i eat i […] re watch every video of you dancing & eating & i "dance" & eat right alongoh pweeaase I´d love a video of that
No. 367984
File: 1502065419042.png (189.65 KB, 377x331, PS3z0Qg.png)

Has Shanny Haskell (Educating Shanny on Youtube and Instagram) been discussed yet? Crazy woman in her mid-30s, no teeth after years of bulimia. Claimed she was "almost recovered" and did a GoFundMe for dentures. Now that she has them, she is ruining her gums by B/Ping multiple times a week and claiming it's a "normal part of recovery." She uses angles to make it look like she's just slightly chunky, but recent footage from a meet-up revealed that she is definitely on the lower end of obese (and yes, of course she claims anorexia as one of her EDs though there is no evidence of her every being overweight).
Bonuses: Mormonism, emotional maturity of a 19-year-old (which is around when she got married - I'm sorry - "sealed"), never worked a real job. Spends all her money on the LDS church, a home way too big for two people, and a bunch of random knick knacks, so she has no money for professional help.
No. 367991
>>367984Well, it's not like she's really romanticizing eds. . .imo
She at least shows at the ugliness to it. . . but I haven't been updated on her for a bit
I think you have to spend most of your money to the LDS church, for tithing or whatever to be Mormon bs
No. 368383
>>367996I can see what you mean with the last two, although just from memory she does mention her weight gain, it's not like she hid it completely.
To me, she just shows how sick she is/EDs can make you, especially with no help. Considering she keeps having replases.
No. 370085
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No. 370086
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No. 370453
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>>370440Grabbed a screenshot for you
No. 370500
>>370453So… Anyone else immediately think he looks sort of Aryan and wonder if this is some sick Nazi version of a dd/lg relationship? Like they role play sexy times at Auschwitz after he gets her striped pajamas from the infant section at Target? I can't see why else any human being would be down with that mess unless it was an uncontrollable fetish.
May their true love last as long as her barely beating heart and what's left of her teeth.
No. 370562
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>>370453I've heard he's got an Auschwitz tattoo and she posted this on tumblr.
No. 373536
>>373535I'm hoping that he sees himself as the one to help and ~fix~ her and what little charm is left of her personality really appeals to his nurturing side. Usually this type of attraction is more common in women but it's not impossible for a guy.
Because it's that or a skelly/extreme vulnerability fetish lol
No. 377681
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Bekah is all butt-hurt that someone called out her shit again. She posted about wearing clothes from the kid section and someone ripped her for it. But they're "bullying" her. Poor thing.
No. 381935
File: 1503961605857.png (665.07 KB, 1263x1488, IMG_4398.PNG)

So Crying Emily is pregnant, she posted a few body checks before this post talking about how fat she is going to get, but
Knows she'll lose it all after the baby is born, if it even makes it that far. As a mother it drives me nuts to see mentally ill kids having kids well before they are recovered enough not to relapse as soon as the child is born. Or pic up old bad habits. Either way This kid isn't born yet & I already feel terrible for it.
No. 383669
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Idk if this chick is of any interest but there's not enough on her for her own thread, plus she's really only known for her anorexic baiting. Alisa Bishop aka Rocksy. Popular russian cosplayer with a patreon and most people are certain she's anorexic. She's 5'0 and 79 lbs (ideal weight should be around 105 lbs). Used to use a lot of skinny based hashtags. Posts "fanservice cosplay". Photoshops like crazy. Denies she's sick. If she's not milky enough, it's fine, I'll delete the post. I'm just amazed she denies being anorexic…
No. 384141
>>383669used to be IRL friends with her, and i gotta say that she surely was tiny back in 2013, but now she looks even thinner than before. Or its just some photoshop, idk. Though she always said that she is thin because of her parents, working out, healthy food and such.
Sorry for bad English meme. jpg
No. 384802
File: 1505104603648.png (785.74 KB, 601x601, pedopedopedobait.png)

Wow I looked through all her profiles and can't find her age anywhere. Alarming considering she specializes in fanservice and lewd cosplays….
Yes she definitely reeks of pedobait. She's a living breathing dainty little loli and you can buy her lewds. Gross.
No. 384803
File: 1505104661627.png (Spoiler Image,403.14 KB, 480x599, thoseribsthoughyikes.png)

>>Totally not anorexic, guys
>>Those ribs and that thigh gap
No. 384805
File: 1505105001449.gif (Spoiler Image,7.27 MB, 288x384, 0oo88aJ9Rq_ieuB8oM594.gif)

If she isn't over 18, her content would be very alarming, to say the least. But between her ~petite~ figure and overuse of the snow app and blur tool, it's really hard to tell her age.
No. 384840
>>384823*25. :Р
>>384802Geez, i scrolled her pantreon and can't believe that she is all about pedobait now. I used to talk to her alot before we separated our ways. Basically just started talking less and less since she was…Kind of boring. All about that 'uguu i'm cute, like a princess from England lolidesu' acts even IRL. She just tried too hard to be kinda special.
Still though, im not sure if you'll even be able to find any milk about her since all she does is just posting photos w/o arguing and such, both with russians and forgeins (since the girl still can't really speak English well, its her bf or google translate who tries to help her). I used to find their couple pretty cute since of how diff those two were (when it came to looks, but eh. And in personality too, kind of. He was like a typical omega ~hyper introvert~ from 4chan and she just tried too hard to be a lolianimu girl. Now i just do realise that they both look kind of creepy. Looking at all of those tons of lewd photoshoots lately, i wont be surprised if they are into ABDL/DDLG stuff. Geez.)
No. 384843
Would love to give the proofs, but she deleted her VK long time ago so people couldn't find her old photos.:\
No. 385882
>>385499Bruh, I ain't her but okay, you sound ridiculous. Look on her Instagram, she can't even speak English that well. She's from Russia.
She's clearly anorexic and uses it plus pedobait for attention. That's like… her gimmick.
No. 385883
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>>385499See here her English skills. Not to rag on her for her ability to speak English, since it can be a very difficult language to learn and isn't the point of this thread. Just saying, you would immediately tell if it was her posting here. But it ain't.
No. 386092
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>>384803I believe it's all about the pose here, since she looks pretty much normal on this one. Though this photo is from march 2016.
No. 386965
File: 1505476985694.png (2.47 MB, 1276x960, Cringy old stuff.png)

I'm still really ashamed of the fact that i knew this girl IRL, now she is def a pedobait ~kOwaii and sexehh~ wannabe. Her last IG story is so cringy, i swear. 'oh gaiiiiizzz i bought a cute (kittycat thing from aliexpress) underwear, feeling so sexy mhm
>>386364 Dunno. But from what i see, she does shops her face way too hard that it looks disgusting when you see her old or just not-shopped photos.
But, HONESTLY.I don't see anything interesting about her, like really. She always was like Takanashi Rikka (a grill who is not like the others) and now she still tries to be one while also tryna to get attention from pedobears.
I can send u more old photos if need, but there's def nothing to milk about expect her stupid photoshop.
No. 387412
File: 1505529479392.png (1.76 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170915-223126.png)

Haven't seen this account discussed in awhile. Was previously "countinghappypoints"she made a new account after hers was supposedly deleted. Shes right back to deleting comments people leave about her eating on the floor, claiming to eat whole cakes while not gaining…I actually know who the girl behind the account is. Considering reaching out to her parents to see if they are aware… If anyone wants her real name I'll give it out. Sick of her toxic lies.
No. 387597
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Ana chans promoting bringing drugs on board planes
No. 387598
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Morons aren't even shy about it. Federal police need a tip off tbh.
No. 387709
File: 1505583483990.png (502.3 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170910-191147.png)

>>387657I made a few screenshots of her last story (or one her last stories, might have missed one
No. 387710
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No. 387712
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No. 387714
>>387657I wasn't following, only browsing and thought she'd probably just changed name.
Yeah, she got a lot of stick for laughing about her heart rate. She became too attention ho. I doubt they shamed her into leaving though. I'm glad to see the back of that fucking red couch tbh.
No. 389280
File: 1505802490177.png (65.99 KB, 603x517, IMG_6764.PNG)

Bekah has a sweatshirt that says fueled by naps Netflix and tube feed. Way to be proud of having a tube. Jeez.
No. 389611
>>389411Kek. And she'd tell everyone on FB/IG how awful you are.
Except she's not actually fueled by tube feeds, since she rarely runs them, and purges what she does take in
No. 390142
File: 1505952247365.png (Spoiler Image,127.42 KB, 750x1025, IMG_4913.PNG)

How is this person even real?
No. 390299
>>390211I know literally nothing about detecting photoshop so could someone please point out the markers on this for future reference?
Is it just straight lines being crooked or is it the shape of the actual legs?
No. 390492
File: 1506012004328.jpg (746.3 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20170921_123640.jpg)

The girl behind "countinghappypoints" her facebook pic is from 2015, the other is recent.
No. 391180
>>390265They're definitely different pictures though? Look at the door frame, and the position of the feet.
There isn't actually a whole lot of obvious stuff in this image that would give away editing; Ash's legs are even more ridiculously wibbly than that, the lines that should be horizontal and vertical aren't warped that I can see, and the pattern in the carpet is uniform. That said, it could very well be shoop work, but for the sake of the thread not sounding entirely retarded, the editing here isn't as obvious as people are making it out to be. The stark white on black effect of the tights & wall just exaggerate the appearance of spoopy legs. If anything, the picture is stretched, but I don't think it's liquified.
No. 391182
>>390354It's just anachan droopy drawers syndrome. Crying Emily was disgustingly infamous for it, for example.
(Sorry for double-posting and probably sounding white-knighty; idgaf about this person and haven't looked at her account, but some people actually are emaciated and overzealous shoopspotting annoys me).
No. 392535
File: 1506373905309.png (3.69 MB, 1440x2204, 20170925_171007.png)

Has been discussed at all? She looks overweight, eats more than a normal amount, and claims to have atypical anorexia.
No. 394855
File: 1506709313118.png (465.94 KB, 529x590, rose.hexe.png)

@rose.hexe on instagram
She's super rude if anyone tells her she's anorexic or she has a problem. Apparently, she likes to show her body and tell everyone she is naturally skinny, yet, you can see her bones in all of her pictures, her loose clothes, and the fact that she doesn't eat or purges after that (stories she uploads, stuff). She hasn't that much milk, yet, she's super awkward and does "bodycheck videos", which are super uncomfortable to watch, since it's kind of triggering to some.
No. 395142
File: 1506751347354.png (2.6 MB, 750x1334, TJVDsjr.png)

>>395113She gained quite a bit of weight since her popular days. Her last weigh in was supposedly over 120, and now she exclusively posts bloated face selfies.
Cringe…… I hate her eyebrows No. 400963
>>400897She did post about how she had stem 5000 calories but "wasn't going to purge" she deleted it. I'm more with
>>400888I hate the in out I'm so better and now I'm dying thing…
No. 400976
>>400897She basically writes an essay every meal/snack saying how great a certain junk food is, and all of this phoney positivity, whilst freaking out over eating a "binge" of 200g of chocolate.
She presents herself like how Aly used too, ie super positive and fake whilst getting worse. It's sad really, and she freaks out when anyone tells her getting drunk daily at Lunchtime regardless of being underweight is disordered and a sign of alcohol dependency.
No. 401069
>>361368>>401053Other person here. I don’t see how she could have time to do anything other than write those captions tbh.
I’d love to know how she funds her lifestyle, as ready meals, prosecco, and diet foods aren’t cheap.
I can’t fathom what her life is actually like, what she does in a day, etc. because all she puts out is bullshit faux positivity. It must be exhausting.
No. 401083
>>401048it's fall and people still act like summerfags
"any non popular cow/flake mentioned is a self post!!!!"
No. 401093
>>401069I wonder about the money side too since she doesn't mention working, and seems to have fallen out with her parents. She doesn't really discuss anything bar food, and that is an obsession for her.
She made out that she could move into a flat alone within weeks because of some drama at home, which seems a bit infeasible. That with the near daily bottles of Wine and never creating a home cooked meal, even her daily sandwiches that she pulls apart to be a "pizza" are all shop bought diet ranges.
Her life seems pretty sad, she deletes or attacks comments that offer helpful advice or raise concerns , such as the alcohol or eating diet ready meals whilst in hospital. Her captions are just madness too like Aly's.
No. 401421
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No. 401422
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No. 401423
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No. 401424
File: 1507628078430.png (747.61 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20171010-113326.png)

No. 401695
Seriously Bella and that ugly Pepsi vomit they have zero shame. I bet both stink like fresh acidic vomit and alcohol, because that’s how they and their rooms look like.
I don’t wanna show this picture to my mom she’d probably break the screen with a mop
No. 402438
File: 1507800735591.jpeg (21.66 KB, 266x469, 557E61FD-4EA1-40A5-BF38-F860D1…)

Her head looks like dick
Her room is a dick
Her panties look like she shitted diarrhea on herself
No. 402683
File: 1507842329193.png (138 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2391.PNG)

Another binge after drinking too much yet still a skeleton..
No. 402965
File: 1507899209706.jpg (68.09 KB, 599x563, 1.JPG)

Crying Emily and her baby's father have broken up. Oh dear.
No. 403004
File: 1507904778546.jpg (76.93 KB, 815x599, 1.JPG)

>>402970Yup, yup
>>402972Oh she was thrilled (img related)
No. 403009
>>403004This baby is copping it in the womb already. Her 'angel' is expected to give her everything she needs. There's so many kids who sadly make the news when they turn up dead because they had the misfortune to
trigger their unstable parents by just existing. If this child survives toddlerhood they will with certainty be abused and have no-one stable to attach to. It's fucking terrible. Sorry for sperging but this and every child she conceives should be taken away.
No. 403575
File: 1507974070782.png (793.94 KB, 720x1143, 20171014_113739.png)

I don't know/think she's what you'd call a cow, but jfc,constantly posting 10+ pictures of the same meal is definitely disordered
No. 404008
File: 1508047344909.jpeg (488.96 KB, 1278x1645, A5685C23-5BD4-4543-8B79-F0E0B0…)

>>403575Oh now this one is filthy. In selfies she just looks like she needs a good scrub, there’s hairs in all her food (visible in her countless closeups),, dirty hands and finger nails, and her food is always undercooked. A few times she’s posted straight up raw chicken and removed any concerned or disgusted comments. Just grim.
No. 404154
>>404008I get what you mean , I can see that one little hair right in the center, also the meat is still rosy , so raw.
I’m going to throw up
No. 404569
File: 1508169942736.jpeg (Spoiler Image,362.17 KB, 1271x1653, 15BDD7DC-72FA-42D1-920D-DB7FEB…)

Kek forgot the photo I was so shocked
No. 404581
File: 1508171153350.png (926.71 KB, 640x1136, 5A2C47CE-DCC5-4598-AB50-BF3BA3…)

>>404569And this is her “in recovery”
No. 404756
File: 1508190425452.jpeg (26.62 KB, 279x255, DD503CEA-2CCD-479E-83F6-CAB706…)

>>404569Wow I’m anorexic but I’ve never seen such a disgusting thing she looks like a veiny tapeworm freshly escaped from a horses anus.
>>404284I mean the center of the picture? The middle, you can see a hair or fuss
No. 404803
>>404645dude what?
I have an ed but ive never heard of that
people do some fucked up shit
No. 404839
>>404803I’ve heard of that, and others. Eating food covered in laundry detergent and getting sick from it seems to be quite popular. Covering food with tons of salt. Only eating food out of the trash. And not as gross but just weird ones: only baby food, food laced with laxatives, purposely burned food, only other people’s leftovers, only the crumbs from cut food. No weight loss is worth that shit.
(And your worst day in recovery is still better than your best day in your eating disorder. If you’re not ready to commit to recovery, commit to full recovery for 6 month or a year. You can always go back after, but I guarantee you won’t want to.)
No. 405051
>>404839Well you’ve heard it maybe but it doesn’t mean it counts on anyone and I do not want to lie here I’m honest.
The only weird thing I do is drinking more than 2 liters of sweetened fruit tea, pineapple, anything. Eating these disgusting things is as you said not worth losing weight (in maintaining) - I lost on a low carb low calorie diet so I had to stop snacking (additional calories) and eat full meals… and yes, my BMI is very low.
Sometimes I drink lemon because I don’t know why it’s like my body thrives for lemon. That’s some weird thing of mine… or i sweeten cucumber with sweetener (not the Splenda ), because I’m obsessed with sweet.
(no1curr) No. 405106
>>405051You’re obsessed with sweet because your body is craving carbohydrates, because, surprisingly, your body needs carbohydrates to function. This is not the place to brag about your super special eating disorder. Here’s the honest truth: nobody cares what your weight is, but after a while of having an eating disorder, no one will care at all. They’ll get tired of trying to help you while having to watch you destroy yourself, and they’ll give up. So knock that shit off now and get the help you need. An eating disorder will not solve any problems in your life, and if you don’t stop, you’ll either live a lonely, miserable life, or you’re die, and both of those are terrible options.
No. 405130
>>405106You don’t know me. „X because Y , x2 because Y2“ nice, you’ve studied all the internet „anorexia Nervosa“ section well.
I am not craving carbohydrates, I am used to eat very sweet, starting from my childhood. Very sweet everything, sweet Cornflakes with honey, sweet cocoa , sweet drinks (and getting fatter). Just stop judging with what you think you KNOW because apparently you know nothing.
(no1curr) No. 405139
>>405132nah, Aly would write in a more maniac way and in worse English.
> inb4 hi Alyno, only Germanfag with prbly even worse English
and could you all pls get back on topic?
No. 406386
File: 1508515489552.png (126.75 KB, 640x888, IMG_7485.PNG)

Oh I'm sure you're soooo upset Bekah, now that you can have alllllll that attention again with it on your face. 1000 pics of her with it coming soon.
No. 406552
File: 1508538550742.png (868.25 KB, 640x1136, IMG_7492.PNG)

>>406530Called it! Already has a profile pic with it
No. 407025
File: 1508607198635.jpeg (6.54 MB, 3072x3072, 473EEAA3-8936-4A9E-93BF-37FDE3…)

Opinions on kimiperry? Not sure if she falls under the proana umbrella but she posts pictures like these fairly often and won’t answer questions about her weight, at least not that I can find. If she’s already been mentioned feel free to ignore. No. 407038
>>407025I don't think she has any milk (that I know of)
She only noticed that being an anachan + alt gives her more attention, so she won't answer anything about her weight and obvious poses.
No. 407203
File: 1508626671393.jpg (Spoiler Image,246.14 KB, 1024x681, 8341706894_a452de8e49_b.jpg)

>>407025she most deff has an ED. she used to be anorexic and would post bonespo on her old flickr account (spoiler image), but replaced anorexia with orthorexia
No. 407495
File: 1508671137964.jpeg (Spoiler Image,117.89 KB, 800x535, 61F24947-79BC-4F81-AB2A-213C53…)

>>407290i do still sometimes wonder why people DON'T think she has an eating disorder. it's obvious 'cause she did post a lot of spoopy pics on her ig
No. 407629
File: 1508693051742.png (329.16 KB, 561x475, kimiperi milk.png)

>>407568this is an imageboard remember
No. 407630
File: 1508693084224.png (49.47 KB, 271x295, kimiperi milk 2.png)

she's barely trying to deny it
No. 408009
File: 1508731305840.jpg (55 KB, 931x544, what.jpg)

Someone mentioned "the Pepsi Max girl" earlier, AKA @pepsimaxloz (now @weetabixloz). She's a real fucking trainwreck.
Right before she got admitted to the hospital she was making a commitment to try to recover by not binging and purging anymore and eating six Weetabix a day. That lasted about a day.
She cheated on her boyfriend by giving some other guy head, attempted to break up with him over text, later sent him a "never mind" text, and was still fucking with this other guy.
She overdosed on crazy amounts of pills multiple days in a row and went to the hospital, except she's so noncompliant they don't feel like they can treat her (she's apparently repeatedly ripped her tube out, binged/purged, kicked guards, and ran off the ward), but is still saying to all her followers that services are refusing to help her.
Her posts have become complete gibberish in the past few days. A starved brain and a ridiculous amount of pills will do that.
No. 408496
File: 1508803606531.jpg (75.83 KB, 936x562, Services in the UK must be a f…)

>>408255(Been trying to reply to this all day but the site runs so slow for me and my posts constantly time out/lose connection. Anyone else?)
Yes, she did. She was on the floor and refusing to get up and this doctor came over and tried to talk her. He said to her "You were upset that we were discharging you, and now we're trying to help you and you're resisting and want to go home." and tried to reason with her. She lived up to the point he said "I'm going to call someone to help get you up".
She snuck heroin in. What a fucking legend. She's also getting moved again but constantly says she's going home tomorrow/in a few days.
No. 408943
File: 1508879091002.jpg (71.84 KB, 806x591, oops.JPG)

Crying Emily thinks she's going to be a terrible mummy. So she's had a cry about it.
No. 408950
File: 1508886642164.png (61.54 KB, 720x351, 20171024_153733.png)

Is it okay to post people with other eds than anorexia as well? Because this one is kinda entertaining
No. 409007
>>408943i hope to fuck that kid gets removed from her care as soon as she births it. this goes beyond not being able to look after yourself - she is completely incapable of functioning like a human. that kid will be so fucking neglected and traumatised.
i stg i put more thought and research into buying a fucking vacuum cleaner than losers like emily put into bringing a whole fucking new life into the world with nothing
No. 409210
File: 1508952162930.png (449.52 KB, 2472x1392, ashleywtf.png)

okay, can we talk about rhetorically-ashley here (from tumblr)
she is nuts, oh my god, who the fuck says this kind of stuff about GRAMMAR (sorry for bad paint job, wanted to keep it from being 5 different posts)
No. 409281
File: 1508961755955.png (42.8 KB, 682x271, 20171025_225952.png)

Maybe it's just me, but this comment on Paris Melody Raven's new pic made me lol. Yeah, you can tell from the huge amount of weight she's gained that she totally luuuuuvs eating chocolate and being healthy. /s
No. 409284
File: 1508961974947.png (900.67 KB, 720x1222, 20171025_230352.png)

>>409281 Said image here, just look at that healthy and nourished body. Such brave recovery and happiness.
No. 409434
>>409415she's not even trying to get her shit together anon. she went straight to another 'special person in her life'. now she's going through her regular motions. 'consequences' is not a word in her vocabulary.
no child should have to struggle for survival against their own mother from birth - before birth even, depends what she's doing. the best possible option at this time is adoption.
you say emily now has to get her act together, but she likely cannot and would not anyway. there is a life of a child at stake. you have only to read the terrible tales of women who let boyfriends murder their children to see where this is heading. abuse by non-biological parents figures is a very real thing and she'll be latched onto the next guy who comes along, too busy posting crying selfies to feed her child, bathe it, or take it to the hospital till its dead. this child will be a proxy for the man who left her, forever. she won't be able to handle even look at its face. and woe betide the child when it cries.
lessons are great in the abstract but a baby can't be the one to learn it for her.
No. 409907
File: 1509059810514.png (488.4 KB, 900x900, Angela.png)

>>409284she looks like Angela Anaconda if Angela was a creepypasta.
also, apologies for armchairing and maybe restating something already said (i don't really follow the spoop threads) but her ED coupled with her extremely toddlerish clothes and creepy uncoordinated movements makes me think that this is a regression thing. she's trying to revert to being a child.
No. 410118
File: 1509081848494.jpeg (53.82 KB, 613x244, 78AFB711-4152-4C84-9170-25B449…)

Look who’s suddenly claiming two totally different illnesses now…too bad she’s just an ana chan cunt
No. 410456
File: 1509137907879.jpeg (415.16 KB, 1632x3264, CCBAE844-1202-48A7-837F-9EDFFE…)

>>407630I follow her for years and she’s the most fake person on the internet I know.
Her entire appearance reminds me of the smell of rotten onions and vomit that’s how disgusted I am from her fake ness.
I don’t care if she’s thin or not, she’s lying putting a :) smiley everywhere , I wish I could pull her hair and throw her outside a window
No. 410807
File: 1509185195751.png (1.06 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20171025-130522.png)

No. 410809
File: 1509185219603.png (1.05 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20171025-130536.png)

No. 410810
File: 1509185235184.png (395.24 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20171025-130552.png)

No. 410884
>>409284Paris's mum has a weight problem too- she's morbidly obese and waiting for weight loss surgery.
At the moment Paris is in a knot over the clocks changing and it affecting her weight
No. 411029
>>410810ana-chans one minute: send me ana songs while i sweat out calories uwu
ana-chans the next minute: i TOtALLy have an ed guys… look at all the calories im not eating!!1 haha idc about food buT I TOTALLY HAVE AN ED
No. 412108
>>412068No wk, but I think, she´s not a "classical beauty".
Somehow I think she could be really beautiful in her own way when she puts up some weight.
No. 412943
>>412909samefag sorry,
>>>/pt/94146 shes mentioned in here. ctrl f
No. 413112
>>409210omg yes!! so glad someone finally mentioned her
>>409229actually she is such an anachan its unreal
not quite Bekah level but definitely similar to Ariana except with a side of super crazy angry batshit
1. Forever moaning about having no support and how horrible everyone is
2. Forever moaning about having too many people on her case aka the support that she claims she doesnt have
3. Moaned about not being told she needed a HLOC
4. Moaned about being told she needed a HLOC
5. Has repeatedly signed herself out of treatment AMA and then cant understand why her therapist/dietician/etc would be pissed
6. Is forever a raging bitch about just about everything and has the maturity of a 2 year old with a tantruming ability to match
1-5 have been repeated on/off for YEARS now
6 is just constant
No. 413455
File: 1509631211087.png (827.04 KB, 750x1334, A216865A-CFE4-489B-A816-10D2C7…)

This was in thanes story. How ignorant can she be!? She’s has been starving herself, because she has an eating disorder, her medical issues are due to this and her weight being too low! Rage face
No. 413517
File: 1509637850378.jpeg (605.42 KB, 1242x2128, FCE75381-F85B-4046-A461-F0E96F…)

Just came across this person. She actually thinks she can help people recover? She posts as though she is recovered and is basically a skeleton doing jumping jacks.
No. 413781
File: 1509661642850.jpg (195.98 KB, 710x816, dumbgirl1.jpg)

>>413112Not to forget her constant arguing with everyone, lately she's been saying how underprivileged she is cause she "feels overweight". In the past she said that there are more black students in her graduate program, so her being white is actually a disadvantage.
No. 414784
>>413781omg her "i'm disprivileged because i'm overweight" thing this week was hilarious. esp in combo with constant past skinny pics/pics with her collarbones forced so far forward she looks like a hunchback "that's just how they naturally are" lmao
she really is quality entertainment
No. 415959
File: 1509891150337.jpeg (155.66 KB, 572x816, image.jpeg)

No. 416102
Time to burn my hard drive.
No. 417338
>>416439Wheler road , Charing , Kent , U.K. - putting your address on a IG post with 134k followers is asking for trouble.
She was doing the same shit last Christmas and the Christmas before that and the one before that- getting disappointed over the John Lewis tv advert and moaning how crap she feels etc etc.
No. 421347
>>420876She probably fell through the cracks.
You dont turn up to two appointments and you get discharged with 99% of adult ED services.
Theres a good chance that she wasnt necessarily at a 'sectionable' weight, got discharged, lost more weight, but by then there was nobody to monitor her anyway so it didnt matter.
As long as she avoids the GP and doesnt get re-referred to services and doesnt experience any medical crises that necessitates a trip to A&E, she could easily continue in this state of shitty stability ad infinitum. Or at least until a vital organ gives out.
Mind you, I thought she had been looking a little brighter (I dont want to say healthier bc she still looks like death) recently… that may just be wishful thinking though.
No. 423842
>>421347>>420876Even her supposed weekly weigh ins are a fabrication - all it is is her mum weighing her on the public scales in Boots- so it's not even as if her gp is doing it. Her brother and mum just seem to be enabling her anorexia and letting her do what she wants. Everything she blames on 'the bridge'- she needs to get over it and stop wallowing in self pity . She jumped, it failed, move on . Surprised the social services haven't had her reported to them as an adult at risk.
Next thing will be her getting in a panic over her birthday and going out for pizza.
No. 424527
File: 1510758747131.png (122.04 KB, 398x309, 1508976148830.png)

>>383669oh god I can't stand this chick. She's not milky enough for her own thread but its not really her that pisses me off- it's the people that support and stan her ED. I'm similar to >>384461 in where every time I see her images pop up ana chan pops up to say Hi so I avoid her images at all cost. On all of her images 'perfect' etc is always commented, it makes me sick lmao.
Legit do not understand why people follow and support this girl. She's ill.
I even spoke to my case worker for my anorexia about this chick and she said it was highly unlikely for her at that height and weight to be normal No. 424939
>>424865"courage" by superchick
damn I miss the good old days of blue dragonfly y'all
No. 425186
>>424865>>424939>>425175Paper Bag by Fiona Apple
No. 425417
File: 1510825682637.jpg (123.55 KB, 1440x2960, M9VjncG.jpg)

No. 425418
File: 1510825728772.jpg (244.97 KB, 1440x2960, YnVHqCj.jpg)

Thane's an idiot:
If you don't think you're skinny, why put a trigger warning?
You're American. Why do you use KG?
No. 425467
>>425418because 27 sounds smaller than 60? also she seems like the type of snowflake to try to sound all intellectual and different and she probably thinks it's ~interesting~ to be a Brit or some shit
The real
tw should be for her disgusting room. why do all these girls live in filth? I thought anorexics were supposed to be perfectionists lol
No. 426473
File: 1510938937463.jpeg (166.47 KB, 619x674, EB5C8095-592E-4973-96DE-EEA680…)

>>413535What, you don’t want to fork over your cash to learn healthy eating and how to Love your body from someone so sick and malnourished they look like a dancing skeleton? It’s bad enough she spreads her poison on insta, but that she markets herself as a certified holistic eating psychology/nutrition coach? That’s unethical. More like professional pro-ana buddy.
No. 429264
>>425418Yeah she also said her body type was thin on one of those Q&A things… like she KNOWS she’s
triggering and I reckon enjoys it too.
No. 430589
File: 1511426285532.jpeg (251.78 KB, 750x1102, EAD8C904-C321-42F9-BCE0-6D9DFE…)

Oh I love a good photoshop fail
No. 432844
File: 1511807593759.jpeg (119.86 KB, 570x656, image.jpeg)

Not a very sensible outfit for November uk when it's freezing cold outside. Her hair is falling out and her forehead getting bigger and bigger.
No. 432847
File: 1511807700336.jpeg (57.03 KB, 609x634, image.jpeg)

>>432844So Paris is in recovery ? ……. Errr no.
No. 432923
File: 1511812636988.png (787.49 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20171127-205106.png)

>I'm dying, who else is
>LOL whoop
No. 435277
>>435254-underlying mental illness
-start using eating disorder behaviors, either consciously or unconsciously
-losing weight becomes the focus, and it seems like it will solve all your problems
-the more starved your brain is, the more deluded your thoughts get
-focusing on an eating disorder is easier than dealing with your problems and responsibilities
-delusional thinking convinces yourself that only losing weight is good
-just keep spiraling down, think that people who are trying to stop you just don’t understand or they want you to be fat
-pro ana world tells you you’re good strong will be perfect whatever
Basically it becomes an obsession, and their starving brains can’t think clearly, and it becomes a physical addiction as well. It’s actually super sad, but also ridiculous that people share ways to stay sick.
No. 435374
>>435359honestly i think the saddest part is knowing that their photos are still going to be used as 'thinspo'.
people disgust me.
No. 435439
File: 1512104501290.png (1.16 MB, 640x1136, IMG_8292.PNG)

Quick let me post another pointless selfie to show off my tube and bones….ughhhh
No. 435492
>>435359germanfag here
Her brother visited her, she behaved weird, her speech was slurred so he called an ambulance. On the way to the hospital, she was already put into an artificial coma (hope this is translated correctly). Eventually, her blood pressure got so low she remained brain dead.
No. 435783
File: 1512154502434.jpg (185.65 KB, 768x1024, image.jpg)

>>432844When she doesn't dress like a Disney obsessed twelve year old, and covers herself up , she actually looks half decent ( apart from the hair loss)
No. 435891
>>435219Also Germanfag here. I knew her from a few recoverygroups on facebook and we even wrote dm.
Sorry that I don´t have any "proof", but I won´t post screenshots out of this groups as everything there is written in german and I don´t feel well as they are closed goups. I hope you understand.
>>435781yeah, she kind of gave up in the end. lived in a home for actually old people. I´m sorry for the family. She could be very bitchy
No. 436386
>>435973yes, as I already mentioned.
>>435891referring to
>>429223 No. 436440
File: 1512244653287.png (132.53 KB, 640x1136, C4B97F1F-DBD8-4A43-8BC0-950314…)

So are these two the same girl? They look different to me but idk. Helenasmia died, I know that, but is the other account hers, too, or did another ana girl die as well?
No. 436442
File: 1512244866608.jpeg (150.39 KB, 640x1136, 3A01C4DA-2024-4BD9-8845-FA149A…)

>>436440Here’s the other account, the girl I know died. I think it’s two different people, because this one’s much older. So are there two dead ana’s?
No. 436676
File: 1512273350311.png (165.78 KB, 640x1136, 601B4EE5-36EC-4526-8D33-05A98F…)

>>436674It starts out sounding like she’s just leaving IG, but towards the last part it sounds very much like a permanent goodbye. I might be reading way into it, but it doesn’t sound like a normal leaving IG post.
No. 436935
>>432923 if this is the Bella you mean.
No. 438162
>>395095all of these people have extreme body image issues yet you thought it would be a good idea to post their pictures here without permission?
I understand with all "recovery" instagram accounts etc, but MPA is supposed to be their own place and the pictures are meant to be seen there, not spread around the internet.
No. 438195
>>438166I actually know two of them and they weren't contacted
>>438168The selfies/pictures is a private subforum though, so you cant just find these pictures, which means the poster made an account just to get the pictures and then post them here.
all im saying is go after accounts and people that are actually harmful by bullying people, scammming people, pretending to be pro recovery, sharing harmful tips etc. not just random mpa users.
(stop) No. 438241
>>438195>lolcow is bullying and harmful>MPA isn't that badaaaalright
(Learn how to sage btw)
No. 438426
what do y'all think about daintyaly? i've been following her for about a year and a half now, and have really seen her grow in popularity lately. ehe's at the lowest she's ever been (86ish lbs at 5'6") so that could contribute.
she seems kinda like she would have been that rich cunt in high school that came in with a dunkin donuts coffee every morning just to flaunt that she could throw $5 down the drain.
her insta is private but i'll post pics. No. 438516
>>438427nah, she's very into makeup. tho she says her bmi is like 13.9
did she have a tumblr a while back or am i thinking of someone else??
No. 438526
File: 1512516360266.png (866.9 KB, 923x589, daintyaly meal.png)

>>438426this is her idea of a large meal, apparently
No. 438660
>>438516Shes lying about her weight.
Photoshop or not, that is not what a bmi of 13.9 looks like.
Looks more like someone in the 16s to me, if not a bit higher.
No. 439283
File: 1512592083001.png (Spoiler Image,539.97 KB, 587x581, daintyaly bc.png)

spoilered for spoopiness
that looks below 14 to me
No. 439592
File: 1512629588092.png (1.2 MB, 1080x1673, 20171207_014915.png)

This girl previously had a thinspo account but is "choosing to recover". Yes because people with real EDs have ED free days. Suuuure
No. 439607
File: 1512631997920.jpeg (632.54 KB, 750x1053, 03A75C3C-F021-4EC6-82E1-5B5E77…)

>>430589Okay I’ve been scrolling through this thread since someone bumped it and this post… particularly bothers me. Apparently this cow has a twin sister, but I don’t think she’s actually real? It’s a total stretch but I think she photoshopped herself into her own photos and calls it her twin. Just for the past three years they’ve always had the exact same hairstyle and makeup in all of their pictures together, same terrible facetune and laughably bad photoshopped thinspo.
I’m just? What kind of fucking crazy.
Pic related, same hair and makeup, the one on the left is just (probably) edited to have lighter hair.
No. 439617
File: 1512633191164.jpg (199.48 KB, 900x600, bb6bf562e5f2a375c75fa248224caa…)

>>439607Hmm…their teeth are different.
They remind me of [pic related].
No. 439626
>>439592Sorry, but even this caption sounds like she’s making it up.
>just come out of a manic phase so now I’m in a depressed one Bipolar disorder doesn’t necessarily mean only ever being in either a depressive or manic phase, you can have phases of “okay” in-between.
>usually want to die in a depressive episode>it’s been a decent day Even if your bipolar is so mild you don’t get suicidal every single time, depression usually means the absence of feeling joy, happy, etc. The day could have been decent but you wouldn’t be feeling that way because you’d be depressed.
Sage for bipolarfag but seriously jfc
No. 439645
>>439592>>439626Anon, you're really reaching here. Sage for OT but I'm professionally diagnosed with a/n and depression and it is definitely within the realm of possibility to have days where you feel "ED-free" and just overall mentally okay. Mental illness isn't always just crying in bed and feeling shitty and not eating 24/7, some people are high functioning, and even the ones who aren't have good days here and there.
If you have any REAL milk about this person, please post it, but you're reaching with this one and it feels like you just have personal vendetta and want to doubt this persons mental illness for god knows what reason.
No. 439671
>>439626Where do you get your mental illness knowledge, TV tropes wiki?
It's fairly common to feel like you have an ED-free day sometimes. It fucks with you badly often. Also you can be depressed but know that a day was decent. ESPECIALLY if youre high-functioning depressed person.
No. 440563
>>395142bitch claims she is 5'10 and she had a bmi 14 last year.
unfortunately she posts countless selfies showing thunder thighs, a bloated face and literally 0 bones. everybody over MPA calls her a beauty with an aaaammmaazing skinny body.
No. 442604
File: 1513073372123.png (975.48 KB, 640x1136, 1CDC755F-8C05-480D-9F2F-4037EC…)

She’s posting her po box and Amazon Wishlist to her Instagram stories rn
No. 442615
>>439645>>439671Wtf is going on with this site recently, can neither of you read? You BOTH just repeated back exactly what I said in my comment - that it’s completely possible to have okay days - while making out that I didn’t know what I was talking about?? Did you even read what I was replying to?
And no, I got my knowledge from being professionally diagnosed with bipolar disorder… you know, the disorder I was talking about in my comment, not her ED like you again BOTH mentioned. Smells like samefag whiteknighting tbh.
Sage for anons who are so desperate to blogpost they don’t read comments properly
No. 443266
>>443165I was actually disagreeing with both statements, that’s why. As someone who does have relatively mild bipolar II the depressive episodes are still no joke, you wouldn’t be feeling “decent”… unless you weren’t in a depressive episode, you were actually just feeling okay that day, which is completely possible (as stated in the first half of the comment). I’m calling her out on that because anyone who actually has bipolar would know that you don’t HAVE to be manic OR depressed at all times, no in-between.
Hence asking if they’d read the caption I was replying which said
>I was in a manic episode so now I’m in a depressed one It’s phrased to sound like “I’m not in one so I must be in the other”.
No. 444131
>>443764hmm, I kind of imagine a bloke who will be arrested for beating this child to death (terrible I know). this is exactly where those horrible stories come from. how many bfs has she been through in this pregancy I wonder?
and what the fuck is wrong with her mum anyway.
No. 445187
File: 1513425933745.png (320.56 KB, 708x1130, 20171216_125644.png)

>>442656Bish posted this keeps reminding her followers of it via stories.
>she saved my life>I'm soooo grateful>can't feel muh legs guess I'll finally die lulz No. 445702
File: 1513504995706.png (986 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20171217-085751.png)

>don't really give a shit if this happens to anyone else
>just bored, bodychecking
>btw look how sick I am, give moneez
No. 445936
>>443863Sorry, missed that when you posted. It's private but it's she was going to do a pregnancy vegan food one but it hasn't happened No. 446318
File: 1513567130153.png (437.13 KB, 508x589, Screen Shot 2017-12-17 at 9.14…)

Just wondering, is this a known pro-ana figure? She looks like Ashley
I looked in the comments and there were some people saying her pic is triggering - I think I have to agree. I hate it when fat people complain that people with normal bodies are "triggering" them but this person is definitely anorexic to me. I'm not crazy, right?
No. 446625
File: 1513611565203.png (504.23 KB, 673x1311, Screen Shot 2017-12-17 at 11.2…)

>>438426She's hit a BMI of 13.5 and [I]now[/I] she wants to go to a doctor and get help. But she is still posting her emaciated body as thinspo despite sobbing to her followers via her story to not go down this road.
No. 446629
File: 1513611785291.png (Spoiler Image,1.68 MB, 1834x1188, Screen Shot 2017-12-18 at 10.4…)

>>446625Samefag but I still have to wonder if she's truly BMI 13.5 here, it seems like she's sucking in to me.
No. 446634
>>446318I saw this on my newsfeed today - I hate to be one of those tiggered people but that post made me leave that group. Recovery is hard enough without cunts like this posting their "totally relevant kawaii partykei hair uwu". She knows exactly what she's doing. the cow.
sage for no contribution
No. 446657
File: 1513615122530.png (1.35 MB, 750x1334, 01DCCC9F-FAD0-4A22-9B01-95A063…)

I’m gonna say she lost some teeth
No. 446912
File: 1513632422238.jpg (181.55 KB, 960x960, jade 2015.jpg)

jade in 2015. according to her instagram she's 25. not sure if she looks older or younger than that
No. 447634
>>446976Severe anorexics appear decades older because they have lost fat in their faces, their skin wrinkles and thins, and their hair thins which is what happens with the aging process beginning in about the seventh decade of life. The loss of estrogen also contributes to premature aging, both visible and invisible (eg. osteopenia and osteoperosis). Also, malnutrition and dehydration play large parts.
This is Effects of Anorexia 101.
No. 447796
File: 1513707699100.png (709.56 KB, 670x1315, sure aly....png)

>>447789y'all correct me if i'm wrong, but the way i see it is: she can still body-check all she wants to. however, i don't see why she feels the need to share it with her 8k followers.
it could just be that she's a narc (as all anachans documenting their slow death are) and needs that ~validation~ that she's both hashtag goals, AND sick enough to actually deserve(? - not sure if right word) help.
No. 447984
>>447796"body checking" as it's become (ie posting a bunch of pictures semi-naked and sucking in) is bullshit. yeah people weighing, measure, look in the mirror, or take pictures as part of a body dysmorphic ed. this is a legitimate thing. but in the last 5-10 years, since tumblr and IG became popular and ED communities became more about gaining followers instead of staying anonymous, body checking has become a code-word for posting endless pictures trying to look as skinny as possible and get attention.
people just try to be like "oh it's a ~behavior~! i'm struggling(tm)" so they have a defence when they get called out for seeking attention and doing shit that may ~
trigger~ others.
it's begging for people to call them skinny, nothing else. if it were about
checking your body size it wouldn't require posing and posting to thousands of internet strangers.
No. 448070
>>447796she deliberately dresses up in matching lingerie sets and negligees, does full hair and makeup for her body checks and includes full face, full instathot selfies next to them and then brags about how ~fragile~ and ~delicate~ she is.
she used to chuck MASSIVE tantrums whenever her pics got reblogged without her name all over them so she started watermarking all of her photos so that there was no doubt who the ~tru ana queen~ is.
she calls her followers her babies, they call her mom, and she revels in it.
she's a toxic narc. I mean sure, ruin yourself, but acting like you're a good person or something to aspire to while plastering your sickening body all over the internet is utterly disgusting
No. 449529
For those wondering where the
triggered newfags are coming from lolcow was discussed here No. 451647
>>451634I have been following her for several months and just checked her Instagram today.
I hardly consider her account pro-ana. She rarely posts photos of her face let alone her body, and often later deletes the photos of her body. She has posted only twice in two months and had to leave college due to her ED. She is obviously struggling. She constantly apologises for not being good enough which I find heartbreaking.
No. 451689
File: 1514143359369.png (1014.39 KB, 1536x2048, 196F2D05-9F33-49E6-B149-89E5A9…)

>>451647Not pro ana? I beg to disagree.
No. 451690
File: 1514143435709.png (541.79 KB, 1536x2048, FDA0CBE5-F730-4F6F-B42A-151CB3…)

>>451689Even though she’s obviously very sick, this shit is still glorifiying anorexia, which is the definition of pro ana and highly inappropriate.
No. 451722
>>451690This the first full-body pic she has posted since April.
She is fully clothed, she is not assuming a spoopy pose to accentuate her emaciation, she is not measuring her body.
How, then, should people with anorexia present themselves in full-body photos and express their body dysmorphia?
No. 451805
>>451722i don't know and don't care who that girl is but uhh she's definitely "posing" in
>>451690 , aside from the strategic low cut shirt she's clearly tipping her hips back to create/accentuate a thigh gap. so many girls do this pose and it looks so fucking dumb. like both pro anas and just regular accounts. do they legit think it's not obvious they're tipping their hips back so hard they'd look completely ridic from any angle other than straight on?
No. 451912
File: 1514169810004.png (1.24 MB, 1570x1204, Screen Shot 2017-12-24 at 9.40…)

well, someone tipped. i know that she had an MPA account, but i doubt anyone there would have told her about this thread since she's not very popular there.
No. 452180
File: 1514231681414.png (1.34 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20171225-135000.png)

not to long ago someone posted about curlyl0cks_ and the fact that she's been claiming to be in recovery for a very long time but hasn't seemed to gain any weight/ is still extremely under weight, she just posted this on instagram.
No. 453728
File: 1514316697466.jpg (78.17 KB, 763x811, Screenshot_1.jpg)

No. 453989
File: 1514348228374.png (4.04 MB, 750x1334, 818609B7-5810-437F-BAF8-2B02DF…)

Molly at it again with the conspicuous collarbone ….?
No. 453990
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>>453989all I want is her honesty.
No. 454277
File: 1514400004943.png (181.5 KB, 640x1031, IMG_0765.PNG)

Here we go again with Ariana.
No. 454278
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No. 454283
File: 1514400478675.png (121.3 KB, 627x921, IMG_0768.PNG)

Like what the hell. She actually can be really pretty, look at this photo? But now she has stopped getting attention for being sick because people see through the manipulation, and it's just always one thing after another. She totally knows about this site too, she just has to! She stopped posting stuff completely yet she vaugly hints at how "things aren't going well". She was sick at one point for sure, but now it's just borderline her other diagnoses holding her back. Ariana, just get help for what's happening in your brain. Cuz we all see it.
No. 454667
>>454277>>454639Haven't been on this thread for a while but saw some of her recent pictures and wondered if she was going to pop back up.
She was looking healthier over the summer - she was even starting to wear clothes that fit better. I do suspect that she actually is slipping into old ways. Doesn't surprise me - one sister seems to be a senior in high school, one sister recently got engaged, and the younger brother seems to be doing well in his various activities - she is in her mid 20s living at home and doesn't seem to be doing much of anything besides make some chalkboard signs for ivivva (which I am not sure she has even done since the summer) and spend all day liking things on IG.
The new look is just screaming for attention and definitely makes her look sicker. The dark eyes and makeup make her look more skeletal and the hair - oh the hair. She finally got away from the greasy ponytail with the oversized bow but has just traded it for some lopsided crazy pigtails (and I am thinking she now has an undercut). Its like she is going to recreate some sort of teenage rebellion fantasy but she is an adult.
No. 454701
>>454684That makes more sense regarding the ring (I was trying to figure out why she said her sister put a ring on it but the picture only had her parents and sisters in it).
And its definitely easier said than done to just "get over it". Mental illness can be a beast. And it can't be easy being surrounded by successful family members who are a reminder of everything that she lost. However the longer she puts it off (either going to school or finding a job) the harder it is going to be to get back on her feet.
Its one of those situations where coming from a family that seems to have a lot of money is really only hurting her. She was able to treatment hop around. Now she is able to just sit at home "recovering" when most other people her age would have been forced to at least get a job.
No. 454786
>>454721Hey fucker. Watch your completely unncecessey and overly abrasive language. It makes you seem like you're probably a real Dick McAsshole in real life and have nothing better to do but rag on people who are doing literally the same thing you are doing… being anonymous assholes online. And yeah, I used the cursing for ironic purposes.
Learn to communicate like an educated
member of society.
Ps: I saged this post just so you couldn't have grounds to block me. Ya dick.
(infighting) No. 455568
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No. 455728
>>455699Yup, I agree.
This bitch’s binges have become too much for her to financially continue, so now she’s milking anything she can go possible donations. I had to unfollow her, I can’t stand her dramatic bs.
No. 456094
File: 1514535460066.jpg (68.65 KB, 629x435, 20171229_091408.jpg)

>>455699Yeah that's probably her idea of fun
No. 457083
>>457047Obviously her brother and mom
Sage or screw off newfag
No. 457826
File: 1514704497424.jpeg (229.22 KB, 640x984, 44996D67-58CC-4EA7-B98C-8B98F3…)

She’s totally not relapsing (eye roll)
No. 457833
>>457826She´s one of the most blatant liars among all these super inspirational recoverywarriors on instagram, but she has tons of asslickers who are defending her. How does she do that? Are all her followers pro anas who are using her as thinspiration and lust for more of these
triggering pictures?
No. 457845
>>457826She’s 100x worse than Aly_realrecover. Aly has that quirky-second Hand embarrassment ridiculousness that makes her oh so lovable, but this girl, no thanks. Obnoxious toothy smile and constant arrogant
triggers to her followers. She and Bella can piss off.
No. 457848
File: 1514706815752.png (135.51 KB, 312x259, Bildschirmfoto 2017-12-31 um 0…)

>>457845That smile makes me want to punch her ugly face.
(calm down) No. 457894
one mpa member has opened a page where u can submit MPA confessions, anonymously.
guess who has opened the second thread and is posting Heisenburg-appreciation confessions all day long ? yes heisenburg herself.
i wouldn't be surprised if she is the one who posts the messages about her No. 457947
>>457833First of all sage, second of all how is this a
triggering picture?
No. 457948
>>457845You must not still follow Aly then kek or follow her thread on the farm. She is incredibly manipulative, narcissistic, and constantly lying. She’s so far from loveable.
Maybe I don’t know enough about korey but I don’t exactly understand what makes her so insufferable or what she’s apparently lying about?
No. 457950
File: 1514734494982.jpeg (152.6 KB, 640x586, 55C6F6CF-5114-4004-82AD-E91714…)

>>457948Here’s her New Years photo: recovered edition.
No. 459798
>>457894I am a lot on mpa and I see Heisenburg CONSTANTLY mostly because it's hard not to spot the horribly punchable face everywhere. She "called me out" once on some mundane shit and I'm 99% sure she went on my profile to find my posts to comment on them randomly in a weird "I see you bitch" manner.
But I see her mentioned a lot when it comes to MPA, what is the "real" deal with her? Just the fact she's everywhere?
No. 459835
>>459798everywhere and every time. for somebody who claims to have a job and being a ''compulsive exerciser'' (ROFL) she is online a lot
>>459819she and her groupies wish they would have a bmi 14.
No. 459843
>>457993she is annoying but the people kissing her ass are worse.
the same phenomenon why shallow, plain celebrities like Kardashians, Hadids could become popular: you identify with them. 0 talents, average looks, same average IQ between your star and yourself.
No. 459851
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>>459835she did look thin in some of her old photos, like this one is pretty spoopy
No. 460092
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>>460085>skinnyas if. Most of them are at normal bmi or overweight at this point. The thin ones have been thin for years now.
How about that weird creep "Oki"? The one that just keeps on coming up with 48 day fasts and fasted for 72 days? There is something odd about him.
He says that obviously he doesnt do anything during them, and seems like only thing he does is wandering around shopping centres and spending time with his bunny(if it's still alive?)
No. 460213
>>460052>I am kinda afraid that writing baou her here will make her excited.agreed and a lot of the MPA shit feels self post ish? random MPA users aren't that milky. it's a closed forum that's going to be cringe by nature since the concept of pro ana is already cringe and most of the girls there aren't underweight/anorexic at all anyways.
not trying to board police but idk it just feels like this thread is better if we stick to insta cows instead of turning into a gossip thread about MPA, esp since afaik you have to be a member of MPA to see the posts and i assume most farmers aren't members.
No. 460219
>>449522i was thinking the same thing (about keeping this thread more centered on the insta anas) but there could always be an MPA thread made.
i feel like they'll keep flooding this thread regardless since
>>449529 happened.
No. 460227
>>460219yeah people will definitely keep coming in until the thread on the MPA site dies, but if we're not talking about anyone from there on here they won't have anything to bitch about right?
idk whatever, i'm sure a farmhand will say something if this thread gets too dumb again and also it wouldn't be the pro-ana scumbag thread if there wasn't always a fuck ton of self posting and drama lbr. it just seems like in general lolcow is supposed to be about people who have public profiles somewhere and not just anonymous accounts on another board
No. 460485
>>460227MPA is pretty much not an anonymous board, 2 or 3 parts are locked for guests. Heisenberg is so public about everything that you can read her bullshit without register.
last week she posted another dumb selfie from her bathroom and you could see the dirt in the toilet. disgusting is a mild word. but let's all praise this beauty.
(learn 2 sage) No. 460520
File: 1514986541548.png (1.68 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180103-133400.png)

This girl has been mentioned before but honestly wtf why are you proud of this
No. 460677
>>460520why are any of them proud of any medical ~swag~ or ip stays? it's like collecting ana girl scout badges. when you have no life or identity outside your mental illness u gotta get your joy where u can~~~ or sth
semi relatedly, i don't follow solostinmymind so all i can see is her profile pic, but even from that it's immediately clear she's trying to get attention for being underweight. there's no logical reason to frame the photo around your straining neck and your collarbones while cutting off the top of your head. a normal person would just include their entire face, no awkward neck pose, and also try to make a somewhat attractive expression.
but #skinny
No. 460970
>>460520Ughhh no i know her irl and honestly its just sad, like shes so acutely unwell but has been in and out of hospital for like 10+ years now and unless she decides to engage with treatment, will ultimately die from anorexia… probably soon.
Honestly she looks like Ash level of spoopy so it doesnt surprise me she has that button and i suspect her brain is so starved she is no longer capable of thinking logically or in a non-disordered way.
No. 462259
>>462195Agreed! 99% of them want asspats and cuddle time then go to treatment just to get kicked out. GTFO about how you're not proana and not wanting to be sick for attention
Sage for rant
No. 462612
>>462496it seems like when people migrate over from MPA they think posting "sage" is what it means to sage
>>462400this is why residential treatment is such a shitshow 99% of the time, it's a combination of angry teens who've been forced in by their parents and spend the whole time trying to cheat the rules and whining about how ~fat~ they are in group, and arrested development 20-somethings who have realized they have no direction in life and can just hide in tx and get coddled and be ~struggling~ and get cliquey with their "frew crew" or w/e. plus like one 50-year-old chronic case who is actually trying, lol.
i actually don't know how anyone gets any better in most resi programs considering how ~
triggering~ and not-real-world it usually is.
No. 463283
File: 1515218316161.jpg (303.72 KB, 900x1425, 0aF2G.jpg)

>>460519sorry to bring her up again, but my GOD. she is the most annoying person on the planet and everyone praises her constantly. the people on MPA are delusional……. lol
No. 463285
File: 1515218417316.png (97.56 KB, 771x349, Screen Shot 2018-01-05 at 11.5…)

>>463283>>460519sorry to bring her up again, but my GOD. she is the most annoying person on the planet and everyone praises her constantly. the people on MPA are delusional……. lol
oops lol
No. 463375
>>463285They are praising a woman who posted yet another dumb Selfie with a DIRTY toilet in the background. Gross
Happened just last week
No. 463627
File: 1515271740942.png (753.85 KB, 1080x1920, 20180106_154705.png)

Don't remove it, just give me credit so more people give me asspats and gifts
No. 463685
>>463627Y I K E S.
I creeped through her Instagram a bit. Has anybody else noticed how often anas are obsessed with Disney? I think a lot of them are severely emotionally stunted.
No. 464100
>>463781Very true. I think a lot of them get off on the attention. There's always age-regressed freaks in every treatment center. I wonder if it's because they have never been in the real world or if they like the attention it brings them. All the attention seeking shit reeks of borderline or muchie. It's hard to tell which is which for me. But I think a lot of em see how other people react. I hate how it's always adults doing things like that, too. I mean, hell, I have AN, but after a certain point you have to take responsibility for your actions and stop blaming everything on the disorder
(Sorry for personal rant. Pisses me tf off)
No. 464170
File: 1515338082353.jpeg (251.49 KB, 749x1187, 4BB970BC-6977-429B-96EC-14584A…)

Okay does anyone know more about this girl?
No. 465611
>>465555ASD has been found to correlate with EDs, but ARFID, not normally AN.
I've heard of the same phrase about being trapped when it started. I think it's commonly told to younger girls as part of "separate yourself from the disorder" speal. Past a certain point you're supposed to recognize how YOUR actions led to the situation, Instead of blaming everything on the disorder. I.e. Age regression like behavior is explained to younger people as "part of the ED." In adults its explained as a result of actions like not eating and being short because of it. It's not like you stop eating and are transported to the maturity level of a 10 year old. People are able to get away with being immature because "they're ill." It's not attributed to personal responsibility
No. 466142
>>463627I have yet to see an online Anorexic with a clean room. Imagine these drama queens having an own house or even kids to take care for,…and this generation is supposed to save your pensions. LOL
The same on MPA. I read a thread where they all claim to be perfectionists and much morew intelligent than the rest of the world - apparently their super high IQs stops them from getting your damn room clean.
No. 466317
>>465627>>465689I think the idea behind it is separating your ED from your "real, healthy self", which is fine when applied in healthy ways, but the problems start when you start shifting ALL responsibility on it.
What I mean is, you can't really control the bad thoughts that come to you when you eat, but what you CAN affect are your actions. You can make the decision to eat despite the thoughts in your head, or you can give in. Is it harder to eat with anorexia? Yes, incredibly so. But not impossible, and it is always, ultimately, your choice.
Too bad instagram ana-chans twist this potentially healthy method of recognizing disordered thoughts into a way to completely shift all responsibility for their shitty actions onto "ana"/"mia"/whatever the hell call their eating disorder. It's sad.
No. 466997
>>466923this is the first/only time i've gone onto the looksmax site and it seems like a mess with lots of walls of blogpost tier text. do not recommend.
based on the two most recent pages of the thread, someone found out that was registered on godaddy to a middle aged dude, and therefore people are speculating the same person probably owns and is the site admin.
the only milk (if you can call it that) is that everyone thinks/thought MPA was admin'd by a girl and now it looks like it's a dude.
this seems p standard though. pro ana forums are usually run by dudes who realize it's an easy way to have teenage girls share underwear pics and beg for validation without it being cp or "illegal"
No. 467053
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No. 467167
File: 1515646179934.png (389.63 KB, 2684x1514, ashley.png)

>>467159a couple highlights…the cognitive dissonance is strong
No. 467172
>>467159>>467167lol who even knew there were still ~anas~ on tumblr anymore? that trend died in 2012. it's all SJW demiboys these days uwu
people call selfpost too much on this thread but this really does reek of selfpost exactly the same as the anon asks in that screenshot were clearly sent by the blogger herself
No. 467175
>>467172op here, not ashley lol just a tumblr user with a grudge. really hoping no one cowtips shell sperg the fuck out
the asks are clearly from her tho, just a grab to bitch some more.
No. 467331
>>467174haha Skinnyy Gossip just came to my mind too.
Skinny Gossip is run by weird Anthony Citrano…………. to join his site you'll need to send selfies wearing underwear ! ( look at his twitter how he fights against Trump THE IRONY)
If you are too fat you won't get a membership.
No. 467644
File: 1515700874485.jpeg (390.29 KB, 750x871, 6942265F-A0DE-4188-98F7-C7D8C6…)

>>467172She definitely sends all of her own asks. Her posts get zero notes. Her Instagram has 180 followers or so with each post getting <20 likes and one comment on average. There is no one so invested in her life they would send her 20 asks a day.
OT but I hate that she’s a PhD student. I get that on her tumblr she’s just varying her grammar and syntax to throw off the scent that all of her asks are self-sent, but pic related is some final paper she wrote. Bitch you cannot write. If you’re studying rhetoric the least you could do is polish your publishings so they’re congruent with the general style and format of academia.
No. 467650
File: 1515700991679.jpeg (328.83 KB, 750x1011, EEC0BB1B-32CC-44B5-BD5E-197EAA…)

>>467644Samefagging to bring it back on topic, but she has a NEDA symbol tattoo kek.
No. 468130
>>468094No do you have screenshots?
My word that's not just "fat" that's morbid obesity
No. 468170
>>468130really wish i did. but i swear it was there. i clicked through to her ig (yikes) and when i refreshed the thread it was gone.
the post had a screenshot and mentioned that it looked like she'd always been fat even when she was in treatment, had a NG tube, etc etc.
i don't see why it would be deleted unless it was a self post and she thought the better of it. bc what better way to garner sympathy from her ig followers than "look at these people on lolcow making fun of me for being fat :'((( you can be anorexic at any weight!!!" woof
No. 468361
File: 1515774486883.jpeg (577.6 KB, 750x1251, 0103E22B-869B-4342-9A77-29CF79…)

>>468170I saw it, and I don’t think it was a self-post. She has around 8000 followers which is enough to get hate. Could be a bonelord anon pissed to see a landwhale in the #anorexiarecovery tag.
I don’t think she’s claiming to have anorexia though. She also tags everything with #bulimiarecovery and #BEDrecovery. More likely she’s an obese person who realized she was an obese person and got into the cycle of attempting to restrict or just stop eating, which
triggered violent binges, which started a cycle that only made her fatter.
People see pic related and thing “wow you’re ~so brave~ for eating a cookie /s” and yeah it is a little OTT when you weigh 300 lbs, but. When you have BED or BN, eating one cookie and not the entire sleeve can be a win. She spreads a pretty good message about self love and acceptance - one that’s actually positive and not just “accept me personally for being morbidly obese.”
Y’all can hate in her if you want, but whenever a fatty gets brought up here it just screams anachan anons being hangry bitches.
Sage for longpost and WKing, I guess.
No. 468620
>>468361>>468361I have no issues with her recovering. Hell anyone who has a fractured relationship with food should recover, but making a post and posing with the cookie is typical attention seeking behavior. She obviously has no issues with eating enough food to have become her size. I'm sure her reach discussing how difficult it can be to overcome binging would be relatable to many people who feel completely alone and ostricized within the ed world. You can call me a hangry anachan all you want, but bulimia and BED are best handled when the sufferer remains in their
triggering environment. It differed fundamentally in that the environment plays a much stronger role in behaviors. The more people who go IP and get tubes, the more it creates an exclusive "club" for other ~Anas~, regardless of weight.
No. 469609
File: 1515906998983.png (452.57 KB, 1496x849, Screenshot (17).png)

good lord.
No. 469830
File: 1515943549479.png (82.36 KB, 888x406, Untitled.png)

>>469609>>468361after having read back on this girl's insta i just…can't. yeah BED is real but this girl doesn't own up to BED. it's always about "hadn't eaten in days!!" and "tube feed!" etc. while it's true that people who are obese can have health issues if they crash diet, this girl refuses to acknowledge that the OTHER extreme, binging and obesity, is also dangerous.
she posts pictures saying that she has a "healthy body and healthy organs!" but she also posts things like pic related, in which she describes how WALKING UP STAIRS IS TOO HARD FOR HER and she can't walk a couple of miles with her friends.
…and then she calls being able to walk without getting tired "thin privilege" wtf.
if there is such a thing as thin privilege (which should really be called "average body privilege" since spoops or really tall/short people also would experience it), it's shit like not being able to find the same availability in clothing, or not having seats that fit your body. but you're not being oppressed by PHYSICS AND BIOLOGY. if walking up a flight of stairs is difficult it's not oppression, it's your own extremely poor physical fitness.
there ARE fat people who are fit, who do sports and are just naturally bigger or are a bit overweight from overeating. but if you're morbidly obese and unable to walk a few miles without stopping, you are NOT healthy.
if anyone says anything like this she seems to either delete the comments and block them, or say "i'm healthy now, i almost died from dieting, #bodyposi" or similar.
if she wants to claim to have a healthy relationship with food and her body, let alone be a "role model" to girls, she needs to admit that binge eating is also an ED and most likely a big part of her problem, and admit that she isn't physically healthy and that there ARE consequences of morbid obesity that aren't ~society's~ fault. it's great to accept yourself at any size but never being able to do anything active and then dying at 40 from heart disease is the same shitty life Ash-tier skellys have.
fucking balance, people.
No. 469889
>>469658Yeah, that was my thought too. She kept getting kicked out of treatment centers for cutting herself so she spent four years in and out of inpatient. Why are you even in a treatment program if you refuse to follow the rules, and why do you insist on going back? Oh yeah, because you’re an attention whore.
>>469830That’s the thing though, I do believe she “hadn’t eaten in days.” Unfortunately two or three days of not eating won’t create enough of a caloric deficit to make up for the inevitable reactive binging that occurs when she does eat. It’s a vicious cycle! It’s an OSFED cycle.
I don’t know though. I’d like to think there’s a difference between an ED and disordered eating, and something tells me if this BPD cow found someone to give her the attention she feels she so desperately needs, all of these “eating disorders” would go away.
No. 469959
File: 1515955439746.jpg (182.71 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180114-193944.jpg)

Solostinmymind 1/2 in stories
No. 469966
File: 1515955944172.jpg (253.81 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180114-193953.jpg)

>random anon/myself advises me to starve myself to death>everybody else tells me to eat but I'll probably listen to this one random anon uwu>I was triggered, what can I do No. 470089
File: 1515964296376.png (205.72 KB, 2208x1210, IMG_2279.PNG)

I feel like eugenia secretly gets off on being this thin. Plus she keeps making these videos where she shows off her body/panties in revealing clothes and pretends she doesn't know what she's doing.
No. 470233
File: 1515972481955.jpg (Spoiler Image,124.77 KB, 1136x1246, 1450066025919.jpg)

>>470089I think so too, reminds me of pic related
No. 470407
>>460677She’s pretty much as insufferable as you’d think. Constant story posts of black screen and super tiny suicide threats between weird cakes she doesn’t eat and the occasional pic of her creepy wrinkles teeheeing about how physically fucked she is. This morning she let on that she’s basically allowing 13 year olds to run her life by asking the same kid who called her obese if she should keep losing weight even though her doctor said she’s dying.
She’s like Paris but doesn’t dance with snacks.
No. 470672
File: 1516009091399.jpg (187.12 KB, 720x869, 20180115_103223.jpg)

>dying, brb
No. 470788
>>470672she's so tiring. she always pretends not to know/care what various physical symptoms mean yet she comes running to insta to brag the second her heartbeat is lower than usual or she feels faint. just admit you're doing this for attention, ffs.
also everyone in the world knows caffeine is a diuretic…especially ana-chans
No. 470792
>>467644i normally tolerate ashley at best but for the love of god that is truly shocking writing
and in her dissertation no less
it genuinely sets my teeth on edge even more so than any of her other (blatantly borderline) shit
No. 471199
File: 1516052393291.png (1014.04 KB, 750x1334, IMG_7965.PNG)

Can someone just tell her already- she isn't skinny. She's normal & healthy looking. Then she tries to show her bones. It looks abnormal. I'm so sick of this. Just put a normal picture up. She also looks really old here. It's not flattering.
No. 471225
File: 1516053501698.png (1.37 MB, 750x1334, IMG_7966.PNG)

And why???!! Why would any sane parent allow her to babysit their child?? One: your IG shows you may need knee surgery. So you can't move properly or safely. Children require lifting & a lot of movement. Two: another recent pic has you at behavioral health. So she is not mentally stable. Three: she makes videos about being weak & tired & not wanting to eat. That's child endangerment. I would report her to the state. Just three great reasons she should not watch children.
No. 471640
>>471225She is a horrible, horrible person. (Also a huge munchie, but I don’t know if she’s still trying to pull that off). I know her and she’s the world’s biggest cunt who lies and manipulates people, always making herself into the victim while actively sabotaging other people. She taught young girls how to purge out of their feeding tubes while in treatment, which is one of the reasons she’s been kicked out of multiple treatment centers. She claims multiple health issues, but her eating disorder is the only thing that’s actually wrong with her, plus all the damage she’s caused herself. She’s rude and gossips about people, and will not hesitate to throw anyone under the bus to make herself look good. She’s also a huge drama queen and attention whore, to the point I’m surprised she’s able to keep it under wraps enough to have any job. She takes money and gifts from whoever will give them to her, but wastes her money on stupid shit only to whine that her “disabilities” make it impossible for her to work (bullshit, she’s just a lazy malingerer). She’s one of those ana chans who’s going to eventually die from her disorder, all alone, because no one can stand to be around her. I hate to say it, but there’s pretty much no hope of her ever redeeming her life, she’s evil to the core.
No. 471725
>>471673Unfortunately, yes
>>471680I never saw any seizures. I do know another girl who had seizures when she was in her ed because of lots and lots of purging. Something about the electrolyte imbalance fucks up the brain. Idk about Bekah tho, although she is a purger. She’s been underweight before, I don’t really know about now, and how much her skeletor photos are shopped. All I know is that she’s a huge bitch, she’s also a munchie, and most people absolutely hate her.
No. 472497
File: 1516131735197.png (2.78 MB, 1242x2208, E3400140-03D7-4E7F-A28A-B65094…)

stumbled across a new recovery account on ig and found the before and after photos pretty lulzy
No. 473259
File: 1516180109019.png (1.44 MB, 1334x750, AA3F2F12-2668-422C-9993-3EE0F4…)

idk how to properly post on here so I think I’m supposed to say “sage” but here’s part of Paris melody raven’s insta story, calling her dog a pig as she films him eating. I just found this disturbing so here y’all go
No. 473284
>>473259Lurk long enough to at least know what sage is before posting worthless non-milk.
If you can’t use the site fucking don’t. This is why these threads got nuked in the first place.
No. 473352
File: 1516193783473.png (2.59 MB, 750x1334, 0D2242DF-A230-4749-B43C-BBE85D…)

i hate how she says “oh i’ll go to the hospital this weekend maybe” like it’s gonna make a difference. if she doesn’t wanna get better she’s never going to
No. 473907
>>473632I miss her stupid shit. She was the best munchie other than Kaydee was before she died.
Jonzie is still out there doing her weird worlds sickest infant schtick somewhere, just not on social media anymore imo. She was way too invested in having a pediatrician to ever give that noise up.
No. 474016
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No. 474129
>>474016Oh Bella, it’s needy when you’re begging to be told you’re even spoopier than you were yesterday or post a million stories hoping someone will pat your back about your gross brown pee.
Asking for a game console because you’re too busy playing chicken with your kidneys to earn money for one is just selfish and spoiled. I’m surprised she isn’t getting called out unless it’s because her followers are all ignoring her.
No. 474259
>>474016I’m so frustrated with her.
We used to talk on a daily bases and I eventually gave up hope for her.
Just messaged her again tonight and she is so fucking resistant to help or change it’s infuriating, I don’t want to stop trying but god it’s exhausting. Sage for rant… but I thought it’s still relevant since it goes to show how much she fishes for attention and wants people to worry but never actually seeks help.
No. 474821
File: 1516313780701.png (20.34 KB, 619x223, mpa edm.png)

myproana has been majorly fucking up the past week and users are starting to migrate to better sites
these are posts on a different ed site,, which seems like a carbon copy of mpa
No. 474930
File: 1516318186585.png (104.22 KB, 1124x778, 2ufso5l.png)

list of websites on a server's list
No. 475560
File: 1516391796297.png (1.86 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180119-145517.png)

Just a quick in and out y'all
No. 475627
>>475560What kind of bullshit psych ward doesn’t treat dual diagnosis like OCD and anorexia at the same time? Considering the huge overlap with the diagnoses she’s really stupid saying a hospital won’t treat her OCD. It’s far more likely that she’s petulant and resistant to everything and disrupts other patients who actually try.
She needs to be sectioned and stuck in a ward with no internet and no other anorexics for her to obsess over and compete with for a loooong time. Let her back out once she’s emotionally developed further than a screaming toddler.
No. 475645
>>475560>severely dehydrated and terrified to drink(kinda can't)Ever heard of water? Coffee? Tea? Vitaminwater/Powerade Zero? All zero calories! But I guess
not being dehydrated and scared to drink doesn't get you the attention, sympathy, and wishlist gifts that you crave.
No. 475888
>>475768Involuntary holds are for people who pose an imminent danger to self or others through an act or threat. Anorexia is not an act of imminent danger.
72-hour involuntary holds can be extended. The terms and conditions are set forth legislatively at the state level, not at the federal level.
No. 476084
>>475627No but she doesn’t have anorexia remember kek just OCD causes her disordered eating and weight loss.
rolls eyes right out of head She’s honestly so annoying and I don’t get why she tries to deny having anorexiajust to claim it’s OCD? Like bitch obsessing over calories and body/food related things is a symptom of eating disorders, is she really that dense?
No. 476278
File: 1516476459477.jpg (72.38 KB, 623x600, yeah sure.jpg)

Has anyone talked about her?
>Claims to be in recovery despite posting body shots her skinny body> #teamfia t-shirts because she's such an ~inspiration~>Proudly shows off her NG tubeI knew her personally from one admission and she was refusing food and would loved to get the tube in
No. 476368
File: 1516485431555.png (549.56 KB, 928x593, hdiHWMV.png)

I can't stand this girl a Youtube channel as well, cannot let her eating disorder go
>""recovery"" just narcissism at it's finest>thinks she is absolutely the hottest thing ever>feed is solely her posing half-naked BMI 18 dullness and boring, unbalanced plates of food>extremely fit and so strong, clearly>theater major No. 476405
File: 1516488191442.png (1.61 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180120-174103.png)

Do I look like I'm in kidney failure y'all? I'm soooper sick
No. 477035
File: 1516569362419.png (442.58 KB, 720x1083, 20180121_141400.png)

No. 477495
File: 1516605059834.jpg (Spoiler Image,76.94 KB, 430x772, ew.jpg)

look inside Bella´s mouth
>I´m not healthy lulz
No. 477578
File: 1516620331028.jpeg (503.72 KB, 734x1114, 9B57E104-1FB9-4B43-94DA-D4293B…) She loves being super sick and is obviously pro-ana. Uses hashtags like #skeletongirl and #dreambody
No. 477579
File: 1516620445510.jpeg (549.82 KB, 750x1105, C0CAA69F-09EB-4C0D-B798-60F94D…)

>>477578Another pic of her
No. 477616
>>477579Imagine having all the food you could want and choosing to look like that #goals
I know it's a disorder but she's pretty happy about it huh
No. 477693
File: 1516638318160.png (540.92 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180122-112123.png)

Anyone follow this cow? One week she's hard core losing the next she's in recovery but pleeeeeese donate to her fuckme account coz she really needs help!
No. 477694
File: 1516638367155.png (675.57 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180122-112229.png)

Related to post
No. 477697
File: 1516638462524.png (736.96 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180122-112240.png)

Send money guys!
No. 477859
>>477746Stealing pictures is so common on these accounts. A lot of people don't think twice about someone not showing their face due to it being an ED account but it's fishy as hell when they start asking for money.
Has anyone reverse image searched these spoopy hospital pics? I don't think Instagram accounts will come up but maybe it's worth a shot.
No. 477920
>>469658I was diagnosed with atypical anorexia at a BMI of 13. I do realize how ana that sounds, showing off a low BMI.
I've been weight restored very quickly after admission, now my weight is…normal, I guess. BMI ~21, could work out a bit, though, but I'm very busy with life, making up everything I missed at uni while all my friends graduated grad school and moved on with life, whereas my "trophy" was being the sickest of them all. I do understand those anas showing off more than I'd like to.
(Still not totally over the ED, otherwise I probably wouldn't lurk on lolcow and look at pictures of skinny anas)
Afaik I know, for "atypical" one or more of the criteria for the diagnosis is absent. For me, it was the body dysmorphia, I guess. I usually see my body very realistically, my anorexia was rooted in being scared of adulting and taking over responsibility, in being scared of doing something wrong - suddently I had a reason to behave like a kids again…at 26.
No. 477933
>>477920*suddenly I had a reason to behave like a kid again
- I usually know English.
Being all spoopy also randomly made me cuddle my 70-year-old parents and crawl into their bed when they stayed at a hotel in a city I worked, the mere thought of it makes me cringe now.(I have a longterm bf for the cuddles…) And I suddenly had a huge interest in Kid's TV shows and toys and made everyone talk to me about their childhood, about my childhood. I guess anorexia is also a way of fending off the responsibilities of being an adult and having a…unrecognizable, unfeminine body made that regression into childhood seemingly easier. I also have "unfinished" business - had a terrible childhood, but I realize even as an anorexic I can't get a better one back. So, deal with it, get therapy for your traumas, ANAs, that's all I can say (easier said than done and I'm definitely not a beacon of recovery - my eating is normal, but I started to show borderline and histrionic tendencies after ED recovery).
(blogging) No. 477946
>>477934Ok. I just wanted to shed light on some of the behaviors that are often puzzling everyone on here, like the disney obsession - I really believe AN is a feeble attempt of regression into childhood. Their manipulative behavior is not excusable, but it still is pretty much part of the disease.
And I wanted to state that the atypical diagnosis does exist for both underweight and non-underweight patients.
No. 477985
>>477971Amen to that. There’s no excuse for their behavior, as there are many people with eating disorders who don’t do the whole ana chan attention whore thing.
>>477920>>477946Not your fucking blog, newfag
No. 478033
Secondly, plenty people here have personal insights with EDs. They’re not unaware/puzzled by symptoms. It’s simply seeing through the bullshit that is parading/exploiting one’s struggle(TM) for free shit and undeserved merits.
No. 478071
>>478044What part of shut the fuck up about yourself are misunderstanding? Congrats on being such an exceptional individual but your insights are the most typical boring shit expected from every anachan ever.
I wonder why all these anorexic girls seem to think they are deeply interesting and unique. Not eating your dinner at age 13 isn’t exactly philosophically enlightening or a psychological anomaly. You’re all exactly the same but convinced you’re unique and interesting for having scrawny legs and no interests other than Disney and calories.
No. 478222
>>477946Good for you hun. But body dysmorphia isn't part of the diagnostic criteria anyways so your doctor is shit and your reasons for developing an ed are individual.
-another person with AN
Sage for personal info
No. 478658
>>478222Why do you think anybody cares about your anorexia? Don’t encourage blogfags and don’t start yourself.
>>477693 swear to god this photo is recycled from some ancient anachan account. People are too stupid if they’re donating.
No. 480061
File: 1516796433058.jpeg (439.85 KB, 1277x1646, 9E796923-6E99-4167-8B9D-C27BEB…)

Has this cunt been brought up? She’s a pro ana mess with loads of followers for some reason
- Pretty sure she’s a model? Don’t really see how, judging by her profile picture, but she travels a lot
- Posts photos of junk food and goes out of her way to say that she doesn’t eat anything but raw vegetables and Walden’s farm crap
- I don’t have a screen shot but she posts on her story of her holding zero Noodles, making sure to have her “nothing tastes as good as skinny feels” bracelet in shot and talking about her “workouts ??“
No. 480178
File: 1516812309197.png (1.68 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180124-114153.png)

Look who's back in hospital with her special toob! Let's guess how long before she gets kicked out or leaves AMA
No. 480455
>>480271So whoever had the bad luck to end up in her medical team can’t be charged with negligence once she kicks the bucket. It honestly seems like it’s gonna be useless but the hospital has a duty of care even to the most determined self destructive cases they get.
Any weight she gains from her tube will be immediately lost and I’d bet my shoes she’s doing all sorts of weird shit in the hospital to burn off the formula cause she’s got no interests outside of killing herself. I know her boyfriend broke up with her last year, wonder if she’s trying to go full an hero cause of it.
No. 480879
File: 1516866126149.jpg (183.09 KB, 912x860, recoverythane.jpg)

really real (fo sho) recovery
No. 481016
>>480879Does she mean failed recovery account cos recovered doesn't get asspats and deleted doesn't get money and gifts?
Toogoodtobetrue kek
No. 481018
File: 1516893340603.png (1.06 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180125-101352.png)

Oh good we can watch her failed, pretend recovery again
No. 481036
>>480879In her defense, she did look Far and Wide y'all (Chicago)
No. 481066
File: 1516897927082.png (1.04 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180125-112903.png)

At least she admits she's just taking up space and resources that could be otherwise used by someone who wants to recover
No. 481067
File: 1516897965443.png (329.46 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180125-112909.png)

Goes with above photo
No. 481089
File: 1516900105041.png (1.05 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180125-170702.png)

No. 481113
>>481089girl, you posted on your caption that you "won't tolerate and accept weight gain." you said your bloods/ecg were "fucked". by your own admission you aren't interested in recovering, because recovery means gaining weight and getting nutrition to improve your bloods and ecg, which (spoiler alert) will also cause weight gain.
we're just repeating what you've already said. we're not victimizing you. you're victimizing yourself.
if it bothers you to see it in print, accept the help and support you're being offered. you don't HAVE to die of an eating disorder. you CAN recover if you suck it up and accept the work and pain.
(and fyi many/most people posting here have EDs or have recovered so yes people ~get it~)
No. 481142
>>481113Well said Anon!
If she's so worried about being talked about then why is she posting it all over a social website to begin with?
attention seeking 101 No. 481241
>>481149this is why it's such bullshit that they try to say "i don't want attention, please leave me alone," etc. if you're tagging every "sick" tag and also every "recovery" tag (see
>>481067), you are inarguably TRYING TO GET LIKES, FOLLOWERS AND ATTENTION.
if you're saying "lol i don't want to recover or gain weight but i have my family supporting me and access to inpatient care haha #edrecovery" you're going to end up on the feeds of people who ARE trying to recover, many who might not have a supportive family or access to care.
it's going to piss people off because you're abusing hashtags, possibly ~
triggering~ people, and throwing it in people's faces that you're wasting a bed. not to mention acting like you have it worse than anyone when there are people who are desperate for care but can't afford it or have no one to help them.
stop with the "possible
tw?" and self-pity. quit hashtagging your shit, and quit acting like you're the only person who's ever been sick. acknowledge the advantages you have.
you can get better. you have so much more than so many people do. instead you're malingering in pro-recovery hashtags bc #followers amirite
No. 481258
File: 1516910008784.jpg (556.69 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180125-204848.jpg)

No. 481280
>>481258Except the second someone admits to talking about you on lolcow you'll block them and then screenshot it for all your followers to see, exactly as you've always done in the past when someone says something you don't like. You don't even have the decency to block out their names, pretending like you don't know your followers will attack that person.
Honestly Becky I don't know what kind of sympathy you expect when you are basically stating you want to die and are completely unwilling to do the one thing that at this point WILL prevent you from dying which is gaining weight and KEEPING it on. Which you have stated you will not do. You're not going to get asspats or "proud of you" comments when you are barrelling towards death, and you know it, and you admit it, but you won't do jack shit about it.
No. 481318
>>481258Kek waaaah people won’t just let me be obviously pro ana!!
Dumb bitch wants asspats for encouraging anorexia yet gets upset when she’s called out. There’s entitlement for ya right there. Ana chans all think they’re some sort of special snowflake that’s exempt from the rules. If you don’t want people to talk about you, don’t put your obviously sick selfies on the internet for attention.
No. 481326
>>481306Acting like people with mental illnesses are precious special little babies who can’t ever be criticised because they’re ever so sick and fragile is bullshit.
Being mentally ill isn’t an excuse for being a beggar like Bella or for expecting only sympathy and babying like Solostinmymind. They aren’t exempt from discussion and criticism just because they dick around and choose to stay sick when they have all the resources and support to get better laid out on a silver platter, especially when they are both doing it for an audience.
Why does someone inevitably cry ‘you dunno what it’s like to be so sick and sad’ as if only these dreary malingering girls have ever been unwell. They aren’t pitiful little waifs who don’t have a choice, they’re grown ass women choosing to stay a sickly invalid because it’s easier to them than real life. Cry me a river.
No. 481369
>>481306agreed with
>>481326, and tbh, babying people with anorexia is dangerous and stupid bc (a) it perpetuates the idea that being sick lets you "escape" from adult responsibilities and makes being "sick" an excuse from taking ownership of your own shitty behavior, (b) it perpetuates the myth that "visible" mental illness like anorexia (see also, extreme self harm) deserves kid glove treatment and "waah they're SICK be NICE!" while invisible mental illness like EDs that don't include drastic weight loss, or depression/anxiety aren't worthy of a footnote–everyone's fair game unless they're a fragile ana snowflake, and (c) it perpetuates the idea that a non-psychotic mental disorder is an excuse to be a dick and get special treatment.
this culture of babying "sick" "girls" and treating them like brave defenseless children is harmful as fuck. telling someone they're an inspiration just for "getting through the day" isn't helpful, it's enabling. people like bella and becky need to get off instagram, and get help instead of seeking asspats, sympathy, and praise for their sob stories and body-checks. keep telling them they're angels and they'll either be dead in a few years or turn into chronic cases like Ashley Isaacs, leeching off people and maintaining a pointless skelly existence for a decade plus.
calling out their shit is legit the most productive thing that can be done, tbh.
No. 481382
>>481258omg guys she's done it, she's so thin I can't even see her!!
>>481306bye fatty
No. 481425
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No. 481428
File: 1516923303822.jpg (421.17 KB, 1080x1684, Screenshot_20180125-233408.jpg)

So many skellies wasting beds
No. 481432
File: 1516923801105.jpg (Spoiler Image,437.57 KB, 1152x2048, 2096d702652b0315fd662f9ee73fb1…)

I wish I could link to an accountability on MPA. 'AnorexicMindTrickery'. This girl is BMI 11, skin and bones living at her parents house trying to "gain a little weight, probably to BMI 12-13 and maintain", "recover a bit" and basically not die all by herself. The next week she wants to lose more. The thread is too much. Would probably have a heart attack if someone didn't comment absolutely fawning over her at least every 6 hours. Critiques every other person on the thread, very wish washy and bizarre, holierthanthou replies. The comments posted need to look a certain way. I mean, I don't know because she's dying. Just kind of in awe of how she's "such a warrior" "the definition of incredible, inspiring, fuck yes!!" "the one person on MPA who deserves life!" for 1,100 calories of fat free frozen meals and oatmeal packets every day that she thinks is going to make her gain. Her constant use of the word 'surplus' is unbearable. "Surplus Saturday! SURPLLLUS! 100 calorie surplus over my ballpark estimated TDEE!" And the parents, I just don't understand. Your child is reduced to bones and you idly stand by.
No. 481702
>>481432MPA anas are having tough weeks. Their admin is not working on server problems and nobody gets notifications to see likes. DRAMA
At least Heisenberg is still posting confessions gems like 'Heis you look like a model'
The idiot is so full of herself, insufferable.
No. 481904
>>481764Poor her. I despise these 10-11 bmi morons. If they aren't the center of attention they are either 1) creating multiple threads that they don't want to die or 2) letting the world know that an organ failure is imminent but after complaining how lolcow bitches are mean
These girls needs to be taken off their smartphones.
No. 482026
File: 1516991882597.png (351.94 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180126-133027.png)

Oh look who's crying now that she got the soooper surgery she wanted kek
No. 482029
File: 1516991928026.png (Spoiler Image,1.89 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180126-133106.png)

Pic related
No. 482278
File: 1517014107496.png (1.74 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180126-194546.png)

Oh don't worry you'll be back out getting asspats in no time!
No. 482359
File: 1517021038658.png (2.03 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180126-213924.png)

Because?… they're using your real age or because you're a whiney ana-chan-munchie-queen and they don't want to deal with your shit??
No. 482559
File: 1517052875727.png (Spoiler Image,537.97 KB, 1080x1920, 2018-01-27 06.24.40.png)

No. 482598
File: 1517060370392.png (994.44 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180127-081108.png)

>>482557tilly is becoming my new favourite lolcow. props to her family for having to put up with that level of martyrdom
No. 482603
File: 1517060657248.png (2.21 MB, 1080x1668, 20180127_154110.png)

imagine serving lunch for your family only to have a perpetually pissed off spoop organise every morsel by colour just so she can cling on to her ed
No. 483774
>>482603She's also claiming hEDS aka the catch all ehlers danlos syndrome. I hate to be that person, but she has got to be lying about her bmi. There is no way she would be able to stay OP as a child. I hate to say this because she might happen upon it but she really doesn't look like a bmi of 15 either. I think she is losing her identity and needs attention to feel okay. Claiming to have lost 0.6 bmi points in like a week and hEDS. Sounds like borderline or just simply attention seeking behavior.
On another note sovereignstuggle keeps "attempting suicide" and posting stories online. Sage bc no pics (too scared to screenshot cause I follow via real account) is "struggling" with her Ana (OSFED-atypical anorexia) and will go from "restricting" to "following her meal plan" by eating multiple servings of children's cereal
gags Betterbalancedbites finally was readmitted and is taking obviously posed pics from the ER complaining about how she isn't allowed to recover at home
Ghostybun has officially admitted to her ED but seems to have taken to posting even more "thinspo" style pics
Can't tell who's milk vs who's actually struggling at this point but some good people to watch
No. 483816
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Jesus christ how manipulative can you get
I get it, getting anonymous "hate"-
and I use that word very lightly - sure feels like crap but… honey, guess what? Nobody is forcing you to ruin your life. Girls, I don't think we have come across another ana-chan with this level of pettiness since the golden days of Aly.
No. 483825
>>483816I honestly think her psychiatrist needs to reevaluate her for BPD. I wish with all my heart these young girls would realize that being
triggered does not mean you have to act on those thoughts. Acting on feelings/thoughts is a decision. She doesn't look like a bmi of 14.9 but she's young so her body isn't developed like a woman's. She hears "you don't look like 14.9" as "you look fat." If she wasn't blantanly refusing to take recovery hashtags off her posts, I would feel bad because I remember being 17. (sage) keeping her sarahah link up and refusing to follow people's advice screams attention seeking. She also always talks about how smart she is because she's in IB but she spelt 'paid attention' as 'payed.' Not sure if her ED has rotten her brain or she's illiterate. The way she has responded to people claiming her actions/statements
triggered them (albeit sarcastic) is disgusting.
No. 483859
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Any new thoughts on schizogirl? Got engaged to someone from treatment, but was hooking up with some other guy a couple months ago.
In ~recovery~ yet still posing harder than I thought was humanly possible to achieve a thigh gap at a bmi of 19/20
Commonly makes posts with long delusional captions about life
I believe it was deleted, but was claiming POTS while relapsing (cannot be underweight to meet criteria for actual POTS diagnosis)
She's been discussed before
No. 483862
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Example of caption and claiming POTS without proper diagnosis. Discussing going to cardiologist for testing to determine cause of fainting in post on September 28 and October 8
Seems like she's missing attention now that she's weight restored
No. 483866
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>>483865Samefag, but what a bitchy reply to someone offering fairly reasonable advice on how to take some of the anxiety out of eating
No. 484254
>>483774idk if you were following it before but ghostybun had a really intense and
triggering ED account but deactivated bc someone took screenshots and sent to her mom. then she made a post on ghostybun all about her ED and then promptly made another ED account (almondmilkbunny?) but deactivated it soon after because "waahh everyone's so competitive and
triggering and bitchy i hate this community :((" doesn't look like she's really made an effort at recovery since then based on all her thigh gap selfies and "i should eat a smoothie but i'm too tired to get up :-(" subtle references to how much she's ~struggling~ etc. idk why but she bugs me.
No. 484265
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the recovery tags are really my favorite part of this lmfao
No. 484446
>>484254Dang I hadn't heard that. Sounds accurate. She bugs me too. She's posting more of what the kids call "body checks" type posts on her main account now. The official post about her ED made me laugh so hard. She's contorting her body and twisting around to look worse and it's hilarious. The girl is without a doubt underweight, but the posing makes me so frustrated I don't know why.
>>484431"Scraped the top off my oatmeal #recoverywin"
No. 484460
>>483816>>484265the only way this girl is getting comments calling her fat (or so she claims) is if she is actively asking her followers for meanspo. ~please send me messages calling me a pig so I can
its so gross. imagine having a kid like that, it`s enough to make your ovaries shrivel up and fly away
No. 484626
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as if the "reality" photo isn't the most pro-ana shit
like what is she even trying to prove by showing her bones??
No. 484712
>>483273>>483274 I know they’ve already been called for w knighting but this needs to be said, Bekah is a lying manipulative brat, she cannot have pots because of the anorexia it may exacsterbate the symptoms that would align with pots but that doesn’t mean she has she has an ng but never uses it… dehydration and can easily get diagnosis. With tilt or holter
Unlike what she tells you and Facebook the reason many places don’t take her is not Bc she’s a complicated physical case but mental case! She literally told children how they could purge through a tube,
Everyone asks why she couldn’t keep the peg Bc she doesn’t take care of it and purged through it and gets it infected plus how can she be the best fragile ana without her nose hose!
Also she’s ALWAYS thinner with the ng how does that work? Bc she can’t throw up out of her mouth do to risk of choking so she just fucking doesn’t use the feed. It is all a game and she just continues to lie to all of her friends
Her ex Michael is pretty milky a overweight person with a tube who feigned anorexia while dating her and so on after I REALLY think she messed him up and now he thinks he’s ana and needs a tube supppppper milky they have a photo together on a mighty article that went viral she wrote “I met my Bf in a psych ward”
Sorry for the tangential nature of this trying to get everything in one post
No. 484744
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Brea used to run failed thinspo account. (Was barely underweight) Went to ERC and was ~healed~ Lol
Changed account to be "positive and recovery"
Currently claiming relapse
Has been actively attention seeking from posts and posting before and afters more for validation
Could be struggling. Probably just needs attention like most pukers
No. 484750
>>483816Isn’t Tilly in her mid 20’s?
How pathetic and insecure can one person possibly be? A grown ass woman is letting some salty random kids IG comment bother her so much she’s gonna deliberately relapse..
No. 484768
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>>484695some company sent her some socks and this is how she promoted them… like is that shit really necessary
No. 484776
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>>484768meanwhile on her twitter. the irony
No. 484784
>>484750She's 17, almost 18
>>484775Pretty sure she's 21/22
>>484776The irony is heavy here folks
No. 484789
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How is she not milky she looks exactly the same. Different hues from filters, but constantly seeking validation and attention from her followers. She's stopped attempting to shop pics, but I think she will start again if she doesn't get the reaction she wants
No. 484808
>>481428Smorven still has not admitted to having an eating disorder. Over 200 days in an EDU, but no ED. Right.
She drives me because she's just as skelly as solostinmymind and nearly ash, but she doesn't admit to an eating disorder. She claims other illnesses are why she's in hospital and that she's far from underweight, claiming her team supports this. She has meltdowns she blames on her autism. She is incredibly supportive and actually level headed, witty, and helpful to other members of the ED community, but claims she has never had one. She headbangs and posts stories of her face with high contrast, only the side with the tube and the wound. Boils my blood.
No. 484830
>>484808They're skelly because they lost all muscle mass.
Maybe they attribute her eating stuff to autism
Really don't understand how she can be helpful to other if she's posting pictures of herself emaciated and self harm and refuses to admit she has a problem but okay
No. 484834
>>484808Smorven is annoying, rude as fuck, and uses her autism as an excuse to protect her eating disorder. She can put on intellectual airs about it all she likes but she belongs in the hospital with her nose hose and no amount her smashing her head into things is gonna make medical personnel let her carry on with her precious anorexia.
>>484789So like heaps and heaps of girls everywhere, she takes selfies that look similar? Wow intriguing. She’s got no milk, and you’re either vendetta posting or self posting.
No. 484851
>>484815Milk is interesting and entertaining.
Paris rattling her bones around tescos while terrified strangers must shop with the chocolate nibbling skeleton dances for her mother is milky, Paris posting the millionth picture and caption of her saying ‘abloo bloo boo I refuse to change anything and wonder why everything is miserable look at how I measure my fucking carrots’ is boring attention seeking.
Ashley finally releasing the cockroaches that fuel her skin suit and mothers nightmares by dying is milk, Ashley being passive aggressive or mean to her cat is not.
You following?
>>484812They are adults and hospitals in America don’t give a shit about anyone who isn’t shitting gold. Nobody can take their phones away unless they choose to do an inpatient program that restricts phone usage.
No. 484922
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No. 485175
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>>485111I love watching these threads play out. Makes my account worthwhile. Tilly posted a topic called "my psychiatrist called me fat" when in actuality he guessed her bmi as 1 FULL POINT higher than it really is (if I'm not mistaken he guessed her bmi higher than reality a week or 2 ago and she has lost weight since…)
No. 485236
>>484626This is giving me such Felice Fawn vibes lol
>>484789Literally is she "missing" the old pic bc she's sick and struggling now, or bc she's gained and wants to be sick again? There is actually zero difference here
>>484922Her hashtag abuse is so weird, like she recently said in stories "I can't be bothered to fix my hashtags" as though it's difficult. She would get just as many random new likes/follows (probably more) using all the pro/relapse hashtags as the recovery ones, and it wouldn't piss people off, and it would take 2 minutes to make the new set, so?????
No. 485282
>>485009Yes I have all the info on bekahs ex Michael I happened to be at walden tx with him and he was obsessed with me would vopy my symptoms and side effects and like would pretend to fall or pass out forcing the staff to check his normal healthy vitals, at one point the nurses were so sick of him they said he had to be pushed in wheel chair and then he kept rolling and playing in it like oh so sick and frail
There is nothing better than overweight person claiming sever anorexia he told everyone he was on his death bed (said this often) but later told me it was Bc of an overdose and had nothing to do with anorexia he is just the most ott of them all tbh. I’ll post some milky fb shots as well
No. 485448
File: 1517254038605.png (Spoiler Image,1.96 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180129-142331.png)

Now that you're weekend is over with your son it's Time for more asspats
No. 485685
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This is Michael! Bekahs ex boyfriend that I met in treatment he posts many ott things about getting denied tx for being male when he is in complete denial about the lack of severity of his “anorexia” he’s tubed himself, bought all st home feeding equipment and is just overal ott
When we were in tx I got out before him and shortly after he left AMA Bc he was mad that after he pulled his tube they did not replace it. He then proceeded to bash walden behavioral in mass and claim he was discharged with refeeding syndrome - working on finding those posts now
No. 485692
>>485685So like a male dani when she got her amazon feeding tube kit?
Self tubers are the best anachans.
Gotta wonder how the hell fat or even regular people convince themselves they’re emaciated and dying when you could grab a handful of their second chin.
No. 485702
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Here’s a great one where he demonstrates this weird attention thing many munchies do where they say how concerned their providers are (like obvi it’s there job) and is begging to get into walden again…. if you are sick enough you just get in they don’t take malingering fatties unless it’s for binge eating, walden knows his tactics and know he’s not medically unwell enough to require that level of care.
Tbh I thought he changed Bc many pictures and comments are deleted but I was lucky enough to survive his friend list “purge” :-)
No. 485705
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Yea right 740+ exlax…
No. 485732
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I’ll answer questions about Michael and bekah but this is pretty much the last milky ed post I cannot find the refeeding post he did on fb
I may be able to look in my messages where he explains it to me lmk if anyone’s interested in that
The rest of his are like ass pat posts like “I had a good therapy” It appears he is still ott but still distancing himself from the desired ana appearance he so desperately craved
Now for speculation - it appears he was at his worst feigning and malingering with and after bekah I wonder if she ever confronted him or like how it was swing a fat and skinny person both tubed in public
He is a pathological lier but the reason they broke up he told me was Bc she was waisting her life - didn’t want to get better - claiming chronic illness but really still anorexic and so he left her to deal with his own “anorexia”
No. 485747
>>485705He shit himself inside out and then right side out again with that many laxatives.
I’d believe maybe 200 a month or so but come on dude.
No. 485750
>>485646Here’s a message he sent to me when we were both ip at walden it has his entire life story and now that you’ve been introduce you can enjoy it for how damn milky it is. Sorry for length
Michael to me
Okay, I'm just going to say some things to you because I feel they're needed. Please read all of this because I think it's good for you to hear. And I put a lot of thought into it. Honestly, I'm kinda pissed off. Who are you to tell me that I "look" healthy? YOU look healthy. So, so much for looks. I don't know you and you don't know me. You don't know my medical history. I don't know yours, either. And you can't make judgments based on how someone looks. If someone with cancer came up to you, would you say "you look healthy, you don't look like you have cancer"? Of course not.
Second, feeding tubes are useful for more than just weight gain. I can't digest food, but I can digest formula, which passes through my digestive tract much more efficiently. I have severe gastroperesis, and I should be on a J tube, but they dont do that here and the one I had was pulled.
I'm not a healthy person to be around? Judgmental, much? Look at where you were earlier this week, or even last week, and suddenly now you're pro-recovery? You should have seen where I was in March-April, you'd have shit yourself. I'm not getting the treatment I need here, and I am looking at places like ACUTE and ERC in Denver.
I'm not trying? Again, who are you to say that? You have no IDEA how hard I'm trying. Simply GOING TO THE DINING ROOM is me trying. Me sitting down the entire meal is me trying. Food is extra and is something I cannot do at the moment. You're half right about the tube/no tube and how I did better when I was on it thing. I DID do better when I was on it, but not because I "want" the tube. Because I "need" the tube, medically NEED IT. My outpatient doctors prescribed it to me, based on labs and tests and procedures. I didn't have a visiting nurse before because my insurance wasn't communicating with my treatment team. I have a new, private insurance now so that won't be a problem.
I made a smiley face with my food because I was trying to make you smile. I'm glad to see that you appreciated it. I'm not a healthy person to be around and yet I make BIG efforts to comfort others, to make them laugh or smile, despite how shitty I feel. That's who I am. And if I'm not getting the treatment I need here and if I have to go somewhere else to get it, I may as well try and make the world around me a better place while I await more advanced medical treatment.
I overdosed because my ED drove me insane. The paranoia, the depression, the lack of energy and ability to walk, the shit my heart was doing and reducing the oxygen I should have been getting, the malnutrition, my labs were completely off and when I was in the hospital I received quite a few transfusions to replace the electrolytes and stabilize my heart.
So, you don't understand SHIT. You're quick to judge and say dick things to the only person who supported you from the beginning. You're a presumptuous person and I thought you were better than that. I honestly would NEVER have said the things you said to me to you. They're hurtful and I think you knew that. You KNEW what you were doing when you said these things to me. You said them based on observation only. If you BOTHERED to have any conversation with me about these things you would have known a lot more about me than you actually do.
People's illnesses change. YOU weren't healthy for me to be around and yet I kept at it because I thought you were someone who, in the end, WOULD be healthy for me. You want to know the people who exclude sick people from their lives? It doesn't increase their odds of recovery. People who isolate themselves from sick people more often than not remain sick because SICK PEOPLE HAVE NO ABILITY TO MAKE YOU SICK OR THREATEN YOUR RECOVERY. You cannot blame me for threatening your recovery. That is YOUR responsibility, your recovery is something only YOU can change.
Triggers exist EVERYWHERE. They exist here, they're all around you. And I think it would be healthier to remain friends and deal with the things about me you don't like than to write shit like this and make judgements about me and totally avoiding me. Again, based on personal experience. I can't control where I sit during meals. I can't control what you're going to do with the things I do. That's not my responsiblity. You're here for you. You came through these doors for you. I came here for me. And if I can make friends then awesome, but I will be DAMNED if I let comments like these bother me. Because you have no power over my recovery. If I get sicker, that's my problem. And I can't blame anyone or anything other than my trauma. If you get sicker and you choose to be friends with me, you need to understand that I had no power over you. I did not make you sick, and I did not cause your relapse. Owning that… THAT is healthy. OWN YOUR STORY. OWN YOUR SICKNESS.
Lastly, being positive. FUCK positivtiy if I feel like garbage. I'm sick. Do you understand that? I'm sick. My brain isn't working, my heart isn't working correctly, I get confused and forget things easily, my digestive tract is all fucked up and I'm not getting the medical care I need. I'm sick. And I will be positive when I am ready to be positive. For the time being, I'm barely keeping my shit together. I'm in this alone with a team that barely spends any time with me and in a hospital that doesn't grasp the importance of mixing psychotherapy in with mealtime support. I can't do this on my own and if I need tube feeds to get me through this until I can get into ACUTE or ERC then so be it. It's not me relying on anything, it's medicine. Would you tell someone on chemo that they should just go without the chemo because they're relying on it too much? Of course not. But because we have eating disorders and you have a specific idea of what tube feeding entails (not a very broad understanding of it, either) you automatically presume that I'm too fat to need it and that I look perfectly fine so I therefor must be fine.
There, I said my peace. You can unfriend me if you choose to, or, if you're more daring, you'll be willing to remain friends with me and let these words change some of your understandings. But please don't ever speak to me this way again. I NEVER would speak to you like this. It's hurtful, it's rude, and it's wrong.
Thank you
No. 485756
>>485752At this tx center many cows munch there way into a tube, all you have to do is miss a few meals, but judging by the rate and amount of cans they are getting it’s more of a psychological thing Bc it’s not like there keeping them alive on it.
It’s a disgusting waste of a bed and resources however some overweight ppl who are medically unstable do go there for binge tx
No. 485759
>>485756Sage for correcting error
Munchies are a waste of a bed not ppl seeking binge ed treatment just wanted to correct that
No. 485802
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>>485750holy cow why did he send this to you? lmao he’s trying so hard
No. 485835
>>485685>>485702>>485705>>485750Thanks! What an oddball.
It honestly ticks me off how he complains about not getting enough attention because he's a guy. Professionals not taking male ED patients seriously is actually a big problem – and he's just exploiting that fact for attention.
No. 485849
>>485750Whoops, sage for double-posting, sorry.
That message is absolutely wild. He's so blatantly manipulative. It really just confirms that you need to avoid him.
No. 485882
>>485802He sent this to me Bc I asked him why he used a tube at an average weight.
Also he was OBSESSED with me, and would say inappropriate things like I wish I was as thin as u bla bla bla, I think he thought we were friends Bc I was nice to him, but to be honest I don’t try and make friends there I could just really care less!
>>485835Of course! And he has it very twisted he wants ppl doting over him like he’s the most fragile male ana queen ever and I’m sorry but if your not physically sick based on labs and critical BMI u just won’t get that same level of treatment.
What it comes down to is he wants to be treated like he’s dying and Bc the docs know he’s a malingering asshole they don’t waste resources THEN he complains about not receiving care it’s highly manipulative and really is a disservice to males being treated differently in treatment.
>>485849Exactly I’m over it and him but now that I started posting on here and saw all the bekah shit I COULD NOT resist sharing this dirty lil secret past Bf of bekahs
No. 485900
>>485752I think it comes about from them refusing a meal or two, because of a critically low weight client refuses oral nutrition you’re obliged to give them formula through the nose hose. They can’t pick and choose which patients they use this process for so the normal weight clients get the full-blown anorexic treatment they crave so they dick around and refuse oral nutrition and disrupt the meal for others until they get their tube for that sweet sweet Instagram profile pic.
Tubing is also kind of a punishment/motivation to just eat the food. Most anoretics are terrified of having the tube dripping fat and calories into their bodies and tubes are horribly uncomfortable and sometimes painful. It’s offputting and can be used as a motivator for genuinely ill people to eat to avoid it. For care providers it’s pretty much a choice of tube the fat babies who want the badge as well as the dying people or tube nobody and watch the ward skitter towards death until the vacationers go home.
No. 485944
>>485926Exactly and this is why I question so many ppl claiming anorexia and on home tube feeds
No anorexics would get a tube and use it, if anything they just want it as a badge of honor or fashion accessory (bekah)
But the need for attention and getting it through refusing meals does not make u look thinner…
It is so important that this stuff is spoken about for this reason many ppl feign anorexia for attention but you gotta b pretty messed up to go down that avenue, going to a place like walden when ur not really disordered is a waste of resources and does a disservice to that patient Bc yes they need help but with facticious disirder
No. 485962
>>485938Well what else is there to do? Yeah it’s a flawed system but is there anything better to do?
Of course no American treatment center is more about actual tx than getting anyone who can pay in the door..that’s just normal for America because it’s a backwards awful country lol. America is perfect for all these kids who want to play anorexic or desperately ill because the entire system has nothing to do with actual medicine just profits. How do you fix a system that wants to give excessive feeding tubes to fat people who crave them so they can hopefully make a few more bucks of them?
The doctors have a duty of care even in a shitty country like that, so they either tube the fatties or lose their jobs and end up destitute. The issue isn’t the treatment centres themselves it’s the fact that for-profit medicine exists.
No. 485994
>>485992thanks mate
>>485988whatever i was just pointing out im on your side relax bro
No. 486026
>>486005Yes, they are.
>>485981You are not proving anything with your blog post. The point was made. A simple "(From experience) I agree" would suffice albeit hardly contributing and still eager to unnecessarily talk about yourself. Listen closely to
>>485988 and understand that, sincerely, no one gives a fuck.
No. 486061
>>486026Mpa newfag probably won’t listen.guessing they’re tempbanned cause they stopped blogging and have had multiple posts deleted but they’ll be back with more inane personal crap no doubt.
Anachans who post here are all the same; lookitme im so special lookitme lookitme as if they’ve got anything interesting to say. They never do anything but they won’t accept that they’re not the star of the conversation.
This thread is gonna turn to Ember vs Emily level shit again now that MPA owner has been outed as a creepy skeleton-pedo. All the underage thinspo addicts flock here squawking about Heisenberg and themselves like anyone cares, whiteknighting faggots, and generally just being the awful little toddlers they are. The only hope is permanent hellweek level moderation or nuking it again.
Gotta wonder though, are they self absorbed and boring before they decided to be marya hornbacher or did that happen after the millionth blog post about that one day they skipped two meals and felt like, really bad.
No. 486067
>>486017Why do so many anachans refuse to shower?
Becky (solostinmymind) won’t wash unless she’s forced to, Bekah looks like she’s always grimy, smorven doesn’t wash either afaik, shmegeh was always coated in a layer of makeup, sweat and’s like they reach a certain bmi and just give up any hygiene or grooming. You can shower and not look if your body is so upsetting, being skelly is no excuse to be filthy
No. 486129
>>485980That's a different mental illness though. The constant attention seeking and needing validation is not part of the criteria for any eating disorder. Someone needs to tell the obese anas to sit the fuck down. They obviously have mental issues, but they would lose weight if they really were restricting. None of them know what normal portion sizes are (how else can you explain their size) so their "restriciting" is literally eating normal portions of food and then binging. Or like dani, eating such highly processed food her caloric intake is too damn high to create a deficit.
Stop whiteknighting obese people with nose hoses. No real anorexic in their right mind would choose to be tubed jfc
Mpa and ~recovery~ account anas all proudly put BPD rcvry in their bios. It's a unique subset of the most mental ones who also happen to have found feigning eating disorder symptoms give them the attention they crave
No. 486149
>>486097You’re probably right, ugh.
God I feel bad for their care teams if they’re all so smelly and grotty. A dining room full of women who all reek of ammonia and stale BO must be unbearable.
>>486129I feel like anorexia became the diagnosis du jour for BPD bitches because anorexics are so often handled with kid gloves and get bizarre amounts of attention for simply existing on IG. I know from experience we’re all absolute cunts with no souls and will do literally anything no matter how stupid or dangerous for validation and comfort so BPDs angling for anorexia isn’t far fetched.
The anorexia diagnosis is a great excuse to be manipulative and control the emotional state of everyone around you by refusing to eat or threatening “relapse” and people are far more willing to cater to a scrawny sad looking skelly every whim. Sounds like borderline heaven, bed all day, star of the medical drama, people worried about you and protecting you from your obligations and duties and grownup shit that’s scary while you get patted on the back and called so brave for eating some oatmeal or finishing a puzzle.
No. 486196
>>486147Weak. Everything’s too cold when you’re a skeltal. Hot shower is the only thing that gets the cold out of your bones. Which spoop did they all copy?
Just realised how terrible Bella must smell with her drinking, ancient unwashed panties, and dying-kidney-sweat all trapped in the lanugo fur for weeks at a time. These girls are really quite disgusting.
No. 486237
>>486206Well Bella did mention that her bowels twisting because of spoopiness. I know the really bad ones (like bmi under 12) often lose bowel/bladder control because there’s no muscle. Considering how often she says she can hardly walk id bet she’s wetting the bed now and then. Ashley almost definitely just oozes excretions with no warning.
An anorexics breath most likely smells like a cyst on Satan’s ballsack. Rotten teeth, puke, ketosis, no brushing because scary toothpaste calories, unusual amounts of alcoholism. The more you think about it the more disgusting it gets. Just a bunch of sacks of sagging skin wrapped around bones, oozing stink and tears and piss.
No. 486414
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What do y'all make of this?
No. 486451
>>486414As mentioned, 68/69 inches is 5'8/5'9
It's clear she has lied about her height and weight in the past (info gather via her MPA account/sig)
Her bmi may be 14.9 or whatever, but she's trying too hard and this picture just makes it worse. If she is 5'8, she sure as hell isn't 39.9 kg. If she is 39.9 kg she sure as hell isn't 5'5 like she claims… Does it even matter though? Lying about weight on social media is hardly milk. The girl is a damn mess, but I'm more interested in the Bekah info
No. 486563
>>486458 also made a a post in general ED discussions… completely public might I add.
She has body image issues for sure, but 88 lbs at 5'5? (for all my American pals) absolutely not. More like 100. (which still isn't fat) Her clothes seem quite large on her
No. 486764
File: 1517317914322.jpeg (445.41 KB, 1260x1896, 72B0EBDF-4362-4637-A4B0-C9AED4…)

Kek at least her doctors see through her bullshit too
No. 486777
File: 1517320270242.png (1.52 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180130-084954.png)

Waiting on another surgery y'all
No. 486793
>>486785Kek But she
haaaaaaad to have that sooooper special tooob!
No. 486843
>>486067showering can cause water weight gain.
it's like the ones who refuse to drink water because they are afraid that it actually has calories and the entire universe is conspiring against them to gain weight kek
No. 487269
File: 1517348872140.png (Spoiler Image,1.76 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180130-163816.png)

Sage for rant! Someone slap this hoe! Nothing says munchie more than complaining about being in the worst pain of your life followed by a photo of you having a GI scan in which you say .. (dramatically of course cause asspats) I have a partial obstruction (normal ppl call this having the need to shit!) but instead I was such a bitch to everyone around me that they wanted me to leave AMA buuuuuut hey ho loook at me!! I'm stil here! Kek eyeroll
No. 487270
File: 1517348932678.png (375.15 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180130-164123.png)

Part 2
No. 487290
File: 1517350581104.jpeg (36.21 KB, 320x320, E39783A3-FC9E-4522-B976-48DE08…)

>>487269Learn what sage is before just saying it. Why can’t you mpa-immigrants integrate yourselves before posting? Goddamn.
No. 487311
File: 1517351735742.png (Spoiler Image,1.83 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180130-173221.png)

I guess it's worth staying now
No. 487347
>>487303Go back to volunteering jerk-off material to your fetishising friends on MPA if it’s too hard for you to adapt or read the posting guidelines.
Nobody appreciates naïveté or shitposts here and you’re going to get shit on every time you post things that make it clear you’re a newfag and haven’t lurked ‘n’ learned. Unless you’re posting actual milk, sage goes in the email field. It takes if you do it right.
No. 487396
>>487347You ARE so right and this site
never has issues! GTFO!
(autist) No. 487451
>>486563sage for dumbposting/diaryposting but tbh i've been at that place before and her claim isn't too far off
she's still a tryhard though
No. 487515
>>487452Dear lord that's sad
>>487451Ditto for diaryposting (ik ik kms) but I'm the stats she's currently claiming and ngl I look like fucking death. Seeing the top of her spine isn't the level of emaciation she's claiming. You would be able to see her entire spine and whole breastbone. Everyone can look different and yadda Yadda but if she really is 88 pounds and 5'5 she's an outlier based off of appearance
No. 487562
File: 1517365756205.jpg (538.03 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_8030.JPG)

Bekah. You can pose/edit all you want an uploaded pic to make thighs look skinny. You can't lie on a live video done today. Wow. Big difference. They don't look like they belong to the same person… but they do. Live video shows what you actually look like lol
No. 487567
File: 1517366266959.png (Spoiler Image,319.68 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-01-30-21-31-19…)

Oooo tilly has been lurking on lolcow haha, not surprised that she's all friendly with Heis tbh
No. 487624
>>487614lol look at me EDS I can turn me knees inward
>>487567 is more disgusting than her being bffs with Heis. You don't get asked to give up your rights. You get blindsided with legal documents stating you are legally unfit to care for yourself and will not be able to make medical decisions. They're notoriously hard to accomplish. If AU has the MHA, why even bother
No. 487796
>>487776Very true. Her doctors may feel it's better to give her this label so she stops asking, too. She could have EDS, but the chances that she has both EDS and AN are quite slim considering that it seems to be the new muchie route to get attention.
>>487698She seems more impulsive than someone with OCPD. What was she like in treatment? Any red flags or milk? Suicide attempts? Circumstances of tube feeding? What was her bmi when she was admitted? (Was she a psych patient on ed protocol or ed patient)
No. 487839
>>487821interesting. It's almost like MPA/her account encourage her impulsivity… I just find it so odd that she is b/p and her psych thinks she's OCPD. That's an exceedingly rare combo
but 38 KIlOGRAMS AT 173-175 CM?? That's a bmi of 12.4-12.7! I'm guessing 38 was a typo? If she's 5'5/165, 38 kg would be a bmi of 14 which isn't what I'd consider not "all that underweight" either
No. 487843
>>487839 That's how much she said she was on Instagram, presumably because she likes pretending to be 5'5". I assume her actual BMI was around the same though, it would fit given the way she looked when she came in, at discharge, etc.
I also don't think she's b/p anymore. Nothing on MPA or Instagram would indicate that she is, and she seems to have been restricting given her weight loss from discharge to now.
No. 487966
>>487843We'll if she's lying about her height to look petite, I'm willing to bet she's being a little generous about her weight.
Doesn't look b/p anymore to me either, but she could just not post about that. Her username in hydrogen peroxide. I mean come on. Either it's a reference to attempting suicide or purging but it is mpa so I'm assuming it's the later
No. 487978
>>487966When Heisenberg and Hydrogen mention Lolcow in a thread about Aly, it's idiots united
No. 488391
>>487270A bowel obstruction and low electrolytes?
All you would need is to eat more fibre and a banana or drink some coconut water. No wonder they were trying to free up a spot.
No. 489848
File: 1517528457247.png (Spoiler Image,1.06 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180131-184053.png)

Suuuper bad blockage after tooobe surgery for her severe gp but it's good now guys! Hospital gave her some of her favorite grapes! Kek
No. 489851
File: 1517528896203.png (Spoiler Image,350.12 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180130-203237.png)

Whew! She finally got rid of that crazy dr who didn't know his shit so here's to easier access to pain meds and anything else she wants. See dr shopping does come in handy smh
No. 490357
File: 1517566863049.jpeg (443.73 KB, 1278x1921, CDBE4E08-C39F-4F94-94B4-93783E…)

Ah, that’s the issue, pandering parents. Makes more sense now.
No. 490432
File: 1517580270680.png (2.44 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180202-085729.png)

>>490420She is, but has never, not once suggested any diagnosis. She has been calling it a bug for a long time now. She has since claimed to be an elephant and apologized for her weight in photos. Taking up a precious EDU bed, but no, no ED here.
On another note, interesting how nearly all of her favorites have the fewest calories possible.
No. 490450
File: 1517582233422.png (837.22 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180202-093631.png)

Restrained but can still take selfie
No. 490510
>>490328Not necessarily, if you’re careful and take care of it, a GJ tube is fine for EDS. It’s definitely preferably to TPN, which she also does. But yeah, I haven’t seen any evidence of EDS in her, and it would be really hard to diagnose, along with pots and gastroparesis, because of her extremely low weight and lack of muscle and the fact she’s probably too physically fucked to exercise. She’s definitely a major ana chan, though, if you’re on TPN and a feeding tube, there is absolutely no reason to be that underweight, unless you’re purposely not running those as prescribed. She’s just doing medically-sanctioned anorexia. She also went to Mayo, but they “couldn’t help her”, which is a pretty telling sign there’s not simply a physical health problem going on.
No. 490524
>>490450She means she was held in a restraint. So she was held by one or more people, probably in a low-level seated hold, so basically you're sat down with a person on either side of you holding your arms to prevent you from getting up or using your hands to hurt yourself or others. Which would never be done for no reason - the paperwork is pretty lengthy for a start, and the NHS operates under a 'least restrictive practice' ethos. The reasons she would be restrained would be she was trying to hurt herself, hurt others, damage property in a way that posed risk, or pull out her lines. Actively trying to do these things - threatening to do them still wouldn't warrant a restraint.
All these Ana's are such liars.
No. 490858
File: 1517606785044.jpeg (172.41 KB, 734x686, 91A72D1B-C1D1-426F-B795-8E5BBA…)

>>490357Ancient photos (2015) but I found smorven discussing anorexia and her laxative abuse. She was also actually really cute and had the ability to smile and not post a constant stream of ‘unbearable intolerable utterly awful horrendously tiresome unbearable’.
It’s sorta sad just how far she’s gone when she was pretty normal even for being autistic.
No. 490923
>>490911Morven has been tipped before. It won't improve her situation at all, whether or not you believe she is lying about a lack of ED.
She actually at one point was on MPA but had their admin delete their account, claiming someone was pretending to be her.
No. 490944
>>490923Any caps?
Idk what cowtippers think they are doing but it’s weird af. Is it Becky?
No. 491660
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No. 491663
File: 1517674073869.png (947.65 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180203-110643.png)

Posting for the other anon
No. 491719
File: 1517676732702.png (782.13 KB, 750x1334, IMG_5325.PNG)

No. 491875
>>491663translation: i love drama about myself bc my life is p much just a bid for attention, but if my dad finds shit about himself online, my lifestyle of doing nothing but hanging out in hospitals and going to rugby games will be THREATENED
for someone who's constantly trying to sound intellectual, she's not the brightest if she can't figure out how to google her username + lolcow, tbh
No. 491922
>>491875Was he even posted about?
She’s really ridiculous. Like with her restrained selfies, bitch they’re probably stopping you from smashing your head on the walls not torturing you for fun cause you’re autistic.
No. 492021
File: 1517696853527.png (706.54 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2701.PNG)

The irony. It burns.
No. 492050
File: 1517698609914.jpg (108.11 KB, 1188x652, hovel.JPG)

–a brief interlude–
I'm dropping something off about one of the original anas from this thread CRYING EMILY. Emily got knocked up and is 28 weeks gone. She posted this pic of all the nappies she's collected for when it arrives.
Click to make img larger for the full impact. A BABY is going to be crawling around that floor.
Ok, all I have to say but I know some anons occasionally ask about her (and no doubt she's back to starving herself and crying a lot when she's given birth to the unfortunate mite).
No. 492323
File: 1517711617725.png (1.53 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180203-213028.png)

Let's be honest here, everyone knows the Drs know you're full of shit and sent you home kek
No. 492372
>>491922someone screenshotted the public part of his linkedin and mentioned he has held high-ranking positions at a couple of major corporations, which morven had apparently posted about in the past (hence how people had figured out who he was, this was all old news and screenshots weren't provided).
but she made it sound like people were shit talking him, which ofc no one was bc he's just some scottish businessman and obviously not a cow. he was only mentioned bc people were wondering why she has access to endless treatment that she doesn't seem to benefit from, and the anon with the dad screenshots was just saying her parents have financial resources that make endless malingering possible
No. 492404
>>492372Jeez what a drama queen. She makes it sound like someone threatened him or slandered him. She’s either stupid as a bag of rocks or she’s so deluded she may as well be off-planet as far as her complaining about restraints when she’s banging her head on shit and calling her obvious eating disorder ‘a bug’. If she’d stop complaining and acting like the staff are personally victimising her for two minutes she might not find it all so unbearable.
She comes across like the type to get off on being overly wordy and has always got to be the smartest person in the room. The type who is never ever wrong even when they clearly are.
No. 492627
>>492614I have no idea about her financial or insurance situation, I was just retelling what had happened itt since anons were asking.
Although I don't think all of her tx was under NHS, actually, which may have been why people were taking about her parents' resources in the first place. I think they've sought additional private care, but again, idk for sure, just restating what others had said earlier.
No. 492951
>>492945Not WK'ing her behaviour but she is in an NHS hospital her insta clearly shows this (it is part of a general hosptial hence why she can also have opthamology appointments there )and the NHS has to treat everyone especially people of her BMI.
Say whatever about her behaviour but you clearly know f-all about the NHS!
No. 493468
File: 1517803821493.jpg (398.47 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_8068.JPG)

Guess who shared this free box for those with mental illness but didn't put money in it herself? No surprise. All she wants is someone to nominate her for a box.
No. 494372
File: 1517872448727.png (Spoiler Image,1.55 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180205-181248.png)

She's one of the last people I'd ask for advice
No. 494374
File: 1517872495003.png (Spoiler Image,1.33 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180205-181116.png)

Munchiness with last pic
No. 494532
File: 1517879088765.png (Spoiler Image,845.69 KB, 750x1334, 40991786-7FEA-4201-83E9-BA84A7…)

>>493486She still list chronic illness in the insta description though list all the eds gp bullshit and is recovering anorexic, I mean who is she fooling though by posting these whore photos? She wants the $ but just can’t stay clear of these photos which draw so much attention!
No. 494592
>>494584I’m not fooled Ik her and I’m the anon that already posted about how her hyper mobility was a result of the years of ballet etc,
I’m just glad others have noticed the recent shooping she is certainly not fooling anyone with what is that insta live? I love when she accidentally shows her real size is like more if you have some kek
>>487562 No. 494609
File: 1517883469891.jpeg (182.5 KB, 750x1077, FA17CAD1-89A3-4843-ABA3-6A8D2F…)

Part 1
A good bekah call out but then the person tipped ….. I’m sure she’s read here before, any self posting I wonder ?
No. 494610
File: 1517883501536.jpeg (80.93 KB, 750x487, 627500E8-A210-4230-85A4-657EC3…)

Part 2
I believe both r deleted
No. 494657
>>494635Kek she really is and also so obviously on the Christian god living bandwagon, she is such a faker nothing about her is Christian like she’s a fucking fraud through and through from her pyramid scheme unique to the Mary k to the fucking go fraud me pages
I just wonder when is she going to stop asking ppl for money and start getting a job and also why don’t they pull the ng it’s not working?! She and Aubrey from munchie thread are some of the most mentally fucked ana Chan’s claiming chronic disorders I’m sick of it but can’t get enough at the same time
No. 495321
File: 1517944142811.jpg (497.41 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_8082.JPG)

See, she can can try to contort (which she does in almost all pics) to look underweight/skinny all she wants. What she can't do is disguise the actual fat/skin on her face. Look at the difference around her chin, nose, mouth, jaw- all of it. It's a huge difference. She looks underweight in 2011, not now. She wants to be sick. End of story. She is Ednos, not a Dying anorexic. And for those saying she's trying to claim chronic illness so she can keep being a hospital patient & say she's better from anorexia– Then WHY does she keep tagging "adultswitheatingdisorders." Bc she's playing around, lying, & malingering.
No. 495340
File: 1517945018445.png (1.26 MB, 750x1334, 0B9D8972-1140-4158-A735-6075D6…)

>>495321I agree and also when you look at the photos that aren’t selfies from like her control where she can pose she looks regular no jusdyong collar bones and ribs normal arms, if just shows how much she poses to get that look proving she’s still in the ed obviously Bc she’s thinking like that and wanting the attention
No. 495509
>>495360This is a good point as evidenced by the extended nursing home stay. I actually notice this with a lot of munchies and ana wanan bs in treatment they truly desire that patient provider relationship and they want to have ppl take care of them it proves how sick and fragile they are
For ppl that haven’t read here long bekah lived in a nursing home claiming that no other place would take her Bc she’s too medically complicated which is another common claim for both types of cows who are trying to prove sickness but in actuality the complicated parts are her mental state, noncompliance and self injurious behavior
The more I see her stuff she posts she’s trying to distance from the ana and move to spoonie but she just can’t with these terribley ana incriminating pictures, it’s been years when is she going to grow up and change…. whatever I’ll take the milk
No. 495561
>>495509Exactly, none of her supposed health issues would prevent her from being in a treatment center. Those are all somewhat easy to manage in normal, every day life. People with EDS, POTS, and GP live on their own, work full time, exercise, and have social lives. She doesn’t want to be an ana chan because she doesn’t get the sympathy or babying that physical illness gets her. And she’s also notorious for being a lying bitch in the eating disorder world, so she’s trying to be part of the ‘spoonie’ community, where she can get asspats for just having an ed, while she’s claiming it’s all chronic illness.
No. 495571
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>>no reason
Sure Jan. There’s no way she was smashing her head into shit or being petulant and actively sabotaging her therapy.
She can’t really think anyone believes that she’s not making this hell for the staff and is being victimised.
No. 496638
File: 1518026453399.jpeg (423.46 KB, 750x751, C6C3CECC-32EE-483D-AF0E-3C9513…)

>>496452>>495753Some milky Facebook posts
No. 496640
File: 1518026565266.jpeg (399.66 KB, 750x748, 9E25BAEE-1762-4F7D-AB2C-145682…)

This ones hilarious too all from her Facebook
No. 496648
File: 1518027032419.png (1.91 MB, 750x1334, FCFB7AC5-2990-41AF-8B11-1A03A6…)

Unless her picc arm is bigger than the other I’d say that’s a shoop fail
No. 496653
File: 1518027420448.png (185.28 KB, 750x1334, 69C9F974-A73B-496F-9898-177C62…)

Bekahs thoughts on NEDA awareness week… hypocritical post part 1
No. 496655
File: 1518027451577.png (167.76 KB, 750x1334, 2AA7B7A6-BF3F-4DF8-A8F0-23B880…)

Bekahs thoughts on NEDA awareness week… hypocritical post part 2
No. 496656
File: 1518027479273.jpeg (129.08 KB, 750x617, A364184A-614B-4548-ABF3-03619A…)

Bekahs thoughts on NEDA awareness week… hypocritical post part 3 final
No. 496660
File: 1518027702328.jpeg (237.39 KB, 750x1334, 4C3CB53F-158A-4837-8060-22E7C2…)

Two for one post, a good distance apart. Every ana Chan’s Gotta get those children’s clothes!
No. 496667
File: 1518028164450.png (Spoiler Image,1.42 MB, 750x1334, 8F1F1ECD-AC16-4276-9ADE-509469…)

Bekah gets called out on many ana chan photos like this, then attacks ppl in the comments Part 1
No. 496668
File: 1518028205427.jpeg (235.53 KB, 750x1334, 30BFE966-9019-48C2-9DFA-F8697F…)

>>496667Part 2 The comments
No. 496762
File: 1518035236497.png (253.29 KB, 820x294, Untitled.png)

Scrolling through my throwaway account & saw this, it seems like Jolt might be sicker than half the ana-chans she follows and ass-licks. So you lurk here, then follow these cows around and suck their shriveled assholes for what? Advice/Tips? Do you hope to save them from themselves? Are you just obsessed with bonebags? Like it's been years girl, havent you found a better hobby yet? Shit's not healthy. Sage because it's probably been said before.
No. 496810
File: 1518037491724.jpg (538.17 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_8091.JPG)

These are ONE DAY apart. A live videos I took a screen shot verses her posed pics.
No. 496832
>>496762She’s just a mentally challenged Stan who skipped breakfast once or twice. No doubt she posts here plenty, and I’d say she’s done a fair bit of tipping as well.
Sorta feel bad for her cause something is obviously not right developmentally/cognitively. She’s like the annoying autistic kid in school.
No. 496905
File: 1518043833368.png (140 KB, 640x981, IMG_7552.PNG)

>"stop asking me for weight loss advice it's so triggering :((("
>PULLS SWEATER UP just to show just how spoopy thigh gap is
No. 496957
File: 1518046133873.png (Spoiler Image,624.74 KB, 1006x790, anmt mpa.png)

i saw that anorexicmindtrickery was mentioned on this thread. do you think she realises once something's on the internet, it's on there forever?
spoilered image for spoopiness
No. 496961
File: 1518046308321.png (Spoiler Image,2.82 MB, 2548x1368, anmt.png)

>>496957anachan titties if yr looking
No. 497236
>>496961How tf does these anorexic bitches have bigger tits than I had at their age weight restored
Can't wait until the old man that runs mpa starts seeking "bodychecks" as child porn
No. 497253
>>497236Kek I was just thinking same thing about the ana chan titties
Also this is really over the top I mean full naked body check posted? Not saying it’s wrong Bc I understand mentality of an eating disordered person but to post this is a whole other level, sad, ott, attention grabbing
No. 497344
>>497236wait the owner of MPA is an old creep? Of course.
When was this found out?
No. 497592
>>496668"I´m just laying out enjoying the sun…and sucking in as hard as I can."
>>497413damn cringe is strong on this one.
Does she really not see how spoopy she is?
Or is this video kind of "look I do eat and still stay spoopy - text is just for alibi, lookatmi leeeeeegs"
bwaha imagine an utterly obese person posting vids of them dancing half naked - would be similar in cringeyness just the other way round am I getting this right?
No. 497812
>>497592Also if it was a huge effort for her to put a bikini on why would you photograph yourself in it and then post it? If not for ass pats and your so thins than what?
She gives the most deluded basic responses that don’t really help her case. Less ppl would come for her if she wasn’t so fake. But it’s bc she captions it sun worshiper oooh tanning with friends that’s nothing but an excuse for u to pose and post your body with less clothes
Also she’s sucking in, a lot! If your skinny u just are u don’t need to pose it and suck and angle the camera… ppl only do that if they care!
No. 498260
>>497684Probably both an "I do eat!" And "I eat grapes bc I'm healthier than you"
I'm always amazed to see videos/live streams from these girls because you can see how different they look than in pictures. Honestly their ability to pose and 'lose 10 pounds' is pretty impressive
Both ghostybun and bekah have that as a ~talent~
No. 498669
File: 1518184788672.jpg (297.38 KB, 750x1194, IMG_8112.JPG)

So she can't walk & needs a walker but a couple days later is all fine to dance. Then she's suddenly weak & sick & needs her heart & blood tested. Who actually believes this garbage? I wouldn't be caught in public with a tube or walker bc I have some dignity & self respect. She just wants attention & sympathy.
No. 498728
File: 1518189415219.jpg (102.24 KB, 1080x1921, 26869860_147476832726127_78453…)

tilly back at it again
sure, sucks ass she can't eat but. posting this kind of ana-chan humblebraggery while intentionally poisoning recovery tags just doesn't sit with me
No. 499141
>>498669She absolutely does not have EDS or GP, and even if she has POTS symptoms, an eating disorder causes those. No one with EDS can dance like that, not to mention that her joint don’t look hyperextended at all. She flexible, but hypermobility and flexibility are different. And yeah, she has a feeding tube, but she’s had one for years and only recently claimed it was for GP. It was put in for her anorexia, and I would not be surprised if she was given an j tube so she couldn’t purge out of it as easy. She for sure went back to the nose hose for attention, though, because long term NG or nj tubes can cause lots of problems for people with real eds, abdominal tubes are better.
No. 499255
>>499142Top comment on bekah
She has had the tube for years and maintained an underweight figure for most
Why do they even keep it in if she won’t use it, this is why ed ppl never get g tubes Bc it’s to easy of access to the stomach but she was going with the gp thing at that point
Also most of the time any delayed emptying goes away after a normal eating pattern, she wasn’t born with the gp and only had it after the anorexia. But it will continue to get worse and can sometimes then do irreversible damage,
So her claiming to be recovering despite not following protocol for tube rates and amount are obvious, there’s no reason to not be ahealthy weight if your doing everything correctly with the tube. Bc she’s not at a healthy weight and has ana induced slow emptying, it would probably go away had she run her feeds appropriately
Unfortunately she’s in a perpetual state of shit that only she can get out of unless she goes to a place that will force her to comply (most aren’t accepting her do to noncompliance)
No. 500050
>>499368That’s exactly what I’m trying to say, about the tube and weight gain.
Also good point with the gp dr. thing, I can’t imagine the gi is treating her like she has severe gp, but then it’s like if the drs were aware of ed they wouldn’t have done the gj tube? It’s strange because your right they wouldn’t just let a sick patient live st that weight, I do wonder if her medical drs outside the center she was at take the ed into account when treating her
>>499371Do you know the latest on this? Where she currently is now, or is going to tx? I don’t think she’s shared any info about that recently
No. 500053
File: 1518298656494.png (243.58 KB, 750x1334, B3A27E49-E27F-4496-8C10-4C8A28…)

Kek anyone want to comment something creative that everyone knows bekah loves?
Most of the responses are her fake derive dog Libby, dance and other shit
I would say she loves the three A’s, attention, ass pats and duh anorexia!
No. 500124
>>500118Yes I love the alliteration hahahah all of which apply to one of my favorite cows
She really must get some kick out of responding to the “hate” comments
Like I definetly thing that she gets all happy that her pictures are
triggering Bc it means she’s thin to her, but realistically it’s the sucking it in thing that’s
triggering not her actual skinny body. I do think she gets off on someone thinking she’s so sooper thin and shouldn’t post pics like that, yet another common ed tell that she’s dealing with this ana still.
She won’t be accepted to spoonieland Bc she’s so obviously in the ed, I can’t bekieve she even puts the chronic illnesss in her bio like of course if your starving you’ll be dizzy u don’t fucking have pots or gp just symptoms that fall into that category from anorexia.
No. 500140
>>500128This is such a good point because this bitch loves free shit. But I can’t see her gaining support from spoonies not like she’s well known but she’s had quite a few instagrams and ppl pick up on that. Any person with logic and a basic understanding of her purposed conditions knows she’s just an anorexic,
Does anyone know anything about her mom like enabler, does she not care like what’s the deal with her family
No. 500274
>>500218I want to know more about the relationship and what lead them to having a daughter like this, I wonder how much of there enabling lead to this I’ve only had small glimpses into her fakily with treatment friend gossip
I don’t know how to do a new thread, anyone working on this?