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File: 1508785868928.jpg (Spoiler Image,48.38 KB, 541x333, ember whann dick.jpg)

No. 408290

>Former gothic 'ana' chan turned trashy 'thicc' hood rat, fake gold grill and corn rows included, BUT she is still totally suffering from ED thoughts, could relapse any moment, and HAS to drink ensure every single day or else she'll die uwu never forget how mentally and physically fragile she is, guys
>Once a banned topic and banned entirely from this site after she was caught self-posting in her own threads (>>>/snow/48811), and bc of the amount of cancerous anachans that she encouraged to visit, but permission was received to create a new thread for her and it is known that she has started to self post again but under a new IP address
>Was caught cheating on her ex fiance of 5 years then dumped by him once he found video of her showing her ass on cam but is telling everyone that he was actually extremely abusive and she JUST BARELY escaped with her life……. which isn't true whatsoever
>Has a creepy fetish for Danielle Bregoli/cassh me ousside (http://temporary-personality.tumblr.com/post/160917838213/i-know-people-accuse-ember-of-being-a-pedophile), WoahVicky, any other semi famous slutty teenage girl and will suck the juice out of their ass at a moments notice, just to have a chance to ride their coattails
>Purposefully changes her voice to sound more ghetto or more preppy, depending on who she is talking too
http://temporary-personality.tumblr.com/post/159019069856/watch-ember-go-from-a-trashy-hood-rat-to-basic-ass (how she pretends to talk to her followers vs. how she spoke to her irl friend once they joined the stream)
http://temporary-personality.tumblr.com/post/160574178477/requested-by-anon-ember-before-she-adopted-her (how she used to talk and listen to her brag about being "anorexic", super cringey)
>Tricks small business into giving her free products by pretending she didn't buy 99% of her followers
>Overall shitty human being who has fucked over a mass amount of people, irl and on the internet


No. 408316

Eww, she got glitter on the cock.

No. 408334

File: 1508790304583.png (1.38 MB, 756x1042, ember whann racist cultural ap…)

just noticed the redirect to where she was called out by the previous Admin isn't working so here is it again, if anyone missed it or wants to relive the cringe


No. 408337

How is this racist tho?

No. 408338

i thought she was rebanned since then

No. 408343

File: 1508791267747.png (444.07 KB, 869x549, 7463w564352.png)

how is a privileged little white girl, wearing corn rows, a grill, who pretends to have a thick ghetto accent despite never stepping foot in a black neighborhood, while also using black people as accessories, racist?

>yall are my ride or die bitches, we been together since day 1 ?? i'm so blessed to have walked that stage next to 2 of my best friends

(never seen these girls before or after, yet they're her 'bestfriends' lmao suuuure)

idk anon, you tell me.

she actually was never banned in the first place, she just had to put her on each post she made but since we have a new Admin, that rule hasn't been enforced. it's quite the shame but hopefully one day, all of her posts will be labeled once again.

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