File: 1443645788905.jpg (195.17 KB, 1469x1201, 1443636472862.jpg)

No. 37899
(The subject of this thread's posts have been revealed due to deceptively attempting to have the thread deleted. For more information, please see >>48811.)Because the previous thread
>>27528 reached its maximum reply limit.
For more info on her drama and some lulz worthy content, go here: No. 37989
File: 1443661733657.jpg (581.25 KB, 1589x1166, Studio_20150930_210418.jpg)

This wannarexic girl on embers insta is gonna by ember a "new" brace, I'm 100% sure if ember had an old one we'd have seen it.
Embers budget can't handle it rn because she's only got room for her daily starbucks drinks and weed
No. 37998
>>37996Funny how NPD never ends up on that list, even though according to her she's
totally not ashamed of it and it's 100% true. Okay, Ember. Whatever you say.
No. 38002
File: 1443664216702.jpg (47.91 KB, 380x444, image.jpg)

>>37979There are definitely a couple snaggles in that garbage disposal mouth
No. 38012
>>38006People with legit NPD are very good at hiding it, she isn't so I'm gonna go with no as well.
Although you can def. be a self-hating narcissist, very deep down.
No. 38013
File: 1443666323688.jpg (36.9 KB, 592x490, 0MHmlOG.jpg)

>>38012lmao it's inappropiate but i just know ember wishes she was that complex
No. 38023
File: 1443669286461.png (368.27 KB, 639x639, tumblr_nuxzqkyIGh1qz6f9yo1_128…)

>>37899Nothing I love more than candid shots of snowflakes that look NOTHING like how they look in self portraits. If there are anymore, please share them for the lulz.
No. 38037
File: 1443672911749.jpg (231.07 KB, 2048x1024, spoopy brace.jpg)

(Posted by Ember. Click for more info.)>>37989 she posted these just over 2 months ago, a bunch of screenshots of her deleted posts are floating around
No. 38046
>>38037Oh shit! I can't believe you guys don't remember, she bought one of those fake "stomach toner" tops and I would literally bet money that that's what that is.
And you'd be able to tell if her spine was 32° curved because she upped the contrast enough to see her spine.
No. 38050
File: 1443676521837.png (985.85 KB, 1075x1828, MEKcYdm.png)

>>38046She wants people to believe she has a 32° curve at the bottom of her spine, even though she's posing. She has plenty pictures of her back that show otherwise, including the pic used for the other thread by OP.
No. 38112
>>38061Recovery from what?
She's got nothing to recover from, unless you count being an insufferable douche as a disorder or disease.
No. 38122
>>38112Exactly my point. If people played along like she was a
real supposed-recovery account, she'd have a lot to explain.
No. 38142
>>38057ember has been steadily using drugs ever since she was 15 though. she would post photos of pills, weed, alcohol, etc a couple yrs back and even now, talks about taking adderall and pain killers. i would not be surprised if she lies about how much pain she is in to not only us, but to her actual doctor just so she can score more pills.
because no one knows how you feel best besides yourself and this wack job has been lying for years now. wouldn't be the least bit surprised if she lies her (flat) ass off IRL too.
No. 38147
File: 1443704163541.png (132.25 KB, 491x186, whatavictim.png)

>>dumb cunt
>>go shove your ugly little greasy haired attitude and shove it up your enormous ass
this has to be the worst, most uncalled for
comeback ever. why does she have the
mentality of a 12 year old?
No. 38156
File: 1443705479421.png (505.68 KB, 1182x526, rollypollyscolly.png)

>>38037>>38039>>38046>>38050left: an x ray of a back that has a 32° curve (same as Ember claims)
left: ember's back
right: an x ray of a back that has a 28° curve
though she may be purposing posing/leaning, she does look to have a slightly
curved spine but ABSOLUTELY not as severe as she says. so once again,
we have another example of how much Ember will exaggerate for attention.
tune in next time when she begins to beg for donations to receive a back
surgery she does not need/will never get.
No. 38191
(Posted by Ember. Click for more info.)>>38185 it's not private its public you can look at it commented last night on Embers back brace post saying they were meeting up today
No. 38199
File: 1443712658100.jpg (261.67 KB, 1052x1510, Screenshot_2015-10-01-11-15-25…)

(Posted by Ember. Click for more info.)>>38198 there aren't any with Ember yet but they're apparently hanging out today, maybe we'll get some lulzy unphotoshopped Ember chub.
Although this chick is super weird
No. 38205
File: 1443713233269.jpg (194.42 KB, 1078x1488, Screenshot_2015-10-01-11-24-54…)

(Posted by Ember. Click for more info.)She's really creepily obsessed with these dolls :/ and unfortunately she is definitely much much uglier than Ember. No wonder Ember is willing to hang out with her.
No. 38209
File: 1443714217946.jpg (253.68 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg)

>>38205whats with anorexics and dolls.
related one of embers followers also obsessed with dolls.
No. 38213
>>38209Nigger that's Teatrin, and she isn't "obsessed" with dolls, her actual job is face-up artist, i.e. she gets paid to paint them for other people.
>she's skinny>must be anorexicHow fat are you.
No. 38220
File: 1443718015606.png (168.56 KB, 396x387, uhhh.png)

>>38209uhhhh what a punchable face this cunt has
No. 38221
this is creepy as fuck
>>38205this.. not so creepy but still cringe worthy
>>38209 No. 38224
File: 1443718196933.png (828.25 KB, 992x968, Pantieface.png)

>>38209are those… panties on her face??
No. 38226
>>38214After a few minutes of lurking this Tumblrinas Instagram and Tumblr I saw what
>>38209 meant. She said herself that she has an eating disorder and that she's trying to recover but after that its "OMG I HATE ABS! I WANT TO BE CUTE AND PETITE AND FRAGILE UWUWUWUWU -shows nipples-" she sounds annoying as fuck.
No. 38230
File: 1443718952318.jpg (165.03 KB, 1920x1080, shimoneta-89.jpg)

>>38224That's what the character wears. Most shops make a pair of panties to go with the cosplay.
No. 38233
File: 1443719815515.gif (593.19 KB, 788x882, shoop.gif)

>>38209>>38220>>38224Why do I feel so compelled to make a thread about this girl????? Just going through her blog.. she seems like a snowflake by all means.
Should I make a thread? Should I post about her here? Or does no one care about this girl.
No. 38234
File: 1443719996310.png (242.7 KB, 672x262, teatrin'.png)

>>38233just found an old PSA, warning people that she was planning to end her life soon kek
No. 38250
File: 1443724093573.jpg (93.01 KB, 534x535, IMG_20151001_132628.jpg)

No. 38252
>>38233idgi what is shooped here they are different angles lighting makeup
>>38250stupid piercing i like the orange though
No. 38255
File: 1443725371916.jpg (148 KB, 640x960, EW1.jpg)

whannorexic tried to pretend she was triggered by Yom Kippur..even though she's not Jewish. Ive never wanted to slap her harder.
No. 38256
File: 1443725391239.jpg (157.56 KB, 534x836, IMG_20151001_134818.jpg)

It's as fake as she is
No. 38260
>>38188yo she did the same shit to me. i asked her why shed be fasting on yom kippur if she's not jewish, and added that even if she were, she wouldnt be fasting if she's in recovery from anorexia as "the very young, old, and sick are not expected to fast" which she would know, if she were jewish..
and then she told her pro ana minions i was bullying her and they should report me. poor ember, always the victim.
No. 38263
File: 1443727202628.png (226.02 KB, 446x522, hitber.png)

>>38255>>38260I think it's really interesting that her
boyfriend and his family would seriously want
her to STARVE HERSELF all day, when they
"apparently" know that she suffers from a very
severe case of anorexia (according to her).
If she truly had an eating disorder, that
whole scenario is fucked up and I seriously
doubt they would suggest she fast on a Jewish
holiday, despite not being Jewish and having
an ED.
No. 38264
File: 1443727671329.png (407.47 KB, 369x472, e.png)

>>38256>>38250Hate to break it to you, Ember, but Emily does it better.
Your nose is far to large for you to look good while wearing a septum. Drawing attention to that enormous honker is the worst thing you could do. Instead of getting septum, ask for some make up so you can contour your nose. No. 38268
>>38263whether they know about her "super serious anorexia" or not, no Jew expects a non Jew to fast just because they're dating. She just saw an opportunity for the attention and pity she craves.
If she was serious about Yom Kippur, shed have apologized to anyone she may have hurt and asked for forgiveness as well as fasted, because Yom Kippur is the "day of atonement". but i don't think she did any apologizing.. no, she just picked out the 1 aspect Yom Kippur that suited her attention seeking needs.
No. 38279
>>38264I think a septum wouldn't be bad on ember, but she'd have to get a small thing, because it's a faux septum it hangs too low.
The jewelry is just too big and unflattering, it really pulls in on the negative aspects of her face (big nose, thin lips) and makes them more obvious. Also, since her brows are so dark, her face has no balance. I'm so used to wannarexics being obsessed with taking care of their appearance that it's almost jarring to see one be so unaware of what flatters her.
No. 38290
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No. 38301
File: 1443735011975.gif (659.42 KB, 550x919, god-damnit-i-tried.gif)

>>38290tried so hard to make her attractive.. ugh
No. 38331
File: 1443738685031.gif (25.32 KB, 605x413, kek.gif)

>>38317>>38325>>38328Lol all she would have to do is suck in, wrap that fat toner around her waist then hold her breathe for 15 seconds as she snaps 20 odd photos of her waist.
No. 38332
File: 1443738831308.jpg (477.71 KB, 959x583, tumblr_nvda4cDrI31skko9wo1_128…)

saw this on ember's tumblr and i hate to admit it but this photo is insanely cool
No. 38338
>>38332This is
triggering bc people with bindis fast and I have real life anorexia™
No. 38358
File: 1443745200627.png (505.47 KB, 1131x1131, img1443745150318.png)

No. 38366
>>38358i'm the same person as before
>>38202 and omg she is soooo cute here (fairys.sin, not ember)
No. 38630
File: 1443892082428.png (1.06 MB, 2048x1367, PhotoGrid_1443891679061-1.png)

>>38156Oh for fuck sakes, I can't believed I actually called it (almost). Ember is contemplating starting a gofundme to purchase a backbrace for her SUPER SEVERE SCOLIOSIS. This is getting so stupid.
No. 38637
>>38630Lol so she apperently has this great well paying job but can't spare $60-$80 for a backbrace? Hahah maybe if she didn't blow all of her money on drugs, she would be able to afford one.
Also, if her back seriously did hurt all the time like she claims, I doubt she would not have bought herself a brace already. Like I said, she has a fucking job, so why can't she just buy one for herself???
She seriously doesn't have $100 saved up?…. God damnit, it's annoying as fuck that she still wants to beg for money online but pretty much nothing but pro ana morons believe her shit, so I sort of wouldn't care if those scum bags got scammed kek. Only the worse people associate with Ember, anyways.
No. 38639
>>38637The one she wanted last night is under $50
>>37989 If she genuinely needed this, she would have bought it for herself months ago instead of trying to wear a fat toner
>>38318 >>38317 and pass it off as a backbrace.
If she does start a gofundme, I can't wait to see what obscure amount she will try to raise lmfao.
No. 38655
File: 1443897375546.jpg (370 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-10-02-13-57-39…)

>>38200>>38199"I'm in so much pain oh my god idk if i can walk right now"
Then why are u taking selfies lmao
No. 38669
>>38668I'm not really dragging her but the histronics are kinda funny tbh
It's like "oh i am in pain wait i gotta take a selfie so i can tell everyone on instagram"
No. 38678
It begins
No. 38693
File: 1443908251397.png (683.78 KB, 2048x895, PhotoGrid_1443907974744-1.png)

The other day, her curve was 32° and now it's 22°…. and the original back brace she wanted was only $40… and now she is wanting people to give her DOUBLE that amount… God I hope no one is dumb enough to fall for this scam. Anyone know how to report this to gofundme?
No. 38695
>>38693I reported it as a scam, it's on the page of her gofundme it just says report. It gets reviewed then sent to the authorities. She can get in real trouble, and I hope she does.
I left my number on the report so that the authorities can contact me, and if they do I'm going to let them know what's up because I have all the proof I need. Feel free to do the same.
No. 38696
File: 1443908548904.png (515.33 KB, 2048x1454, PhotoGrid_1443908366815-1.png)

>>38695>>38693>>38695Great because this is absolutely a scam. There was no need for her to purposely find a more expensive back brace and ask for even more money to cover other "medical expenses". I hate able bodied bitches taking advantaged of good people who donate to their causes.
No. 38719
>>38696Update: They e-mailed me the confirmation of the fraud report, and I sent back the various conflicting statements.
I'm curious to see if this develops more, I wonder if she'll be charged.
No. 38757
>>38753Her followers seem really gullible, I'm sure they'd believe anything she says. She seems to collect the naive/stupid people around her and do her best to try and swindle money for them.
"Buy me this $40 Tamagotchi, I will literally do anything!"
Even with her small brain cell collection she'd be bored within a couple days. Even if I did support buying her anything, her trends or whatever change so rapidly it'd be pointless.
No. 38760
>>38754She tagged her home, it'd be interesting to see anyone using gofundme from rochester actually calling her out on this.
If she keeps this shit up, I'm going to fb her dad.
It's like when I worked retail, we wouldn't call the police when we caught teenage shoplifters-we called their parents.
No. 38919
File: 1443980162501.png (305.66 KB, 826x674, incon.png)

Ember has always had a really bad problem with keeping her lies consistence kekekekek
No. 38922
File: 1443980380577.png (133.89 KB, 677x503, yay.png)

Yo her campaign got deleted and she replaced the gofundme link in her bio back to her wishlist!!! Fuck yeah :D god that ugly cunt won't be scamming anyone with her fraudulent sob story!!
No. 38928
>>38927Hahahahahah omfg no, there is no way people sent her death threats over that shit.
Though I don't doubt that they probably just spammed her with messages about how her original scoliosis story didn't match the one she used when she tried getting free cash from strangers, and what a fucking idiotic lying sack of donkey shit she is lmfao.
No. 39011
>>38993Ehh I don't know if that'll happen. Every person who seems to be all "buddy-buddy" with Ember are the same people who are constantly ask her for promos and shout outs, so it seems like they're just using her for followers lmao.
I am positive if Ember didn't constantly do promos, she wouldn't have any followers or "insta-fwends". I have never seen Ember receive a bunch of followers or attention without 1) buying followers, 2) putting herself in the middle of other people's drama (EX: Felice, shmegeh, Emily, ect), 3) posting her photoshopped thinspo in #proana tags.
If she wasn't such an attention whore, no one would know about this loser's pathetic existence.
No. 39021
File: 1443995118109.png (8.58 KB, 310x64, 1.png)

Ember is back to spamming Meghan's thread again:
>>33495 kek
No. 39057
File: 1444009797682.gif (2 MB, 250x214, 2mbe2Z8.gif)

>>39021>>39034Seems like she is going after whoever she believes was the one who reported her gofundme scam to the moderators. There's no chance that Em gets called out and then immediately after, some "anon" is spamming truth blogs with messages about Meghan and then her thread starts blowing up with samefag posts.
No. 39058
>>39057It's funny because it's not her, I reported it. She going to blame the truth bloggers, etc, but none of them had anything to do with it and I'm impressed by how quickly she lashes out.
The paranoia is great.
Part of me suspects a lot of the whimsical hate comes from Ember, Emily and whimsical herself because all 3 like to stir the pot. I doubt any of them genuinely mean it, same with how I expect Eboni and Ember have a friendship where the fake frenemy and bash themselves on anon for attention. The only person I actually know that dislikes whimsical is Eboni, maybe whoever EDL is, too.
Either way, it's super amusing and it's interesting to watch.
No. 39066
File: 1444014053188.gif (845.92 KB, 245x170, vJ17KD5.gif)

>>39058Her obsession with thinking Meghan is obsessed with her is pretty lulzy, to be frank.
No. 39083
File: 1444021778695.png (3.25 MB, 2048x2048, PhotoGrid_1444021723154.png)

>>37899the kind of people she promotes… ugh i think im going to be sick. ember is such a scumbag.
No. 39093
File: 1444029214433.png (1.16 MB, 1080x1439, Screenshot_2015-10-03-12-25-44…)

>>39083>>don't call me prettyDon't fret, no one wants too.
No. 39108
>>39093Ew, she's so untoned. it's disgusting.
>>39097Anon, i freakin love you.
No. 39146
>>39144>>39108>toneThis is a meme
Stop. She's just flabby. That is what you mean. Flabby. Soft. Untrained.
No. 39156
>>39151Eh, no. There's a difference between being fat and it just being obvious you don't lift or exercise.
You can live a sedentary lifestyle without inhaling the goddamn fridge, and it just shows on some people.
No. 39170
File: 1444054280507.png (1.19 MB, 1820x1414, PhotoGrid_1444054161433-1.png)

New day, new drama.
No. 39171
File: 1444054358733.png (535.85 KB, 1080x1838, Screenshot_2015-10-05-10-03-50…)

>>39170this is so entertaining
No. 39172
File: 1444054441884.png (418.86 KB, 1080x1188, Screenshot_2015-10-05-10-01-29…)

man, ember is one salty bitch
No. 39174
File: 1444054702731.png (165.66 KB, 1080x526, Screenshot_2015-10-05-10-16-49…)

No. 39175
File: 1444054748527.png (725.4 KB, 1080x753, Screenshot_2015-10-05-10-16-34…)

>>39172Hey Ember, where'd you steal this photo from?
No. 39178
File: 1444055550362.png (138.11 KB, 620x390, 2015-10-05 10.31.26.png)

cant get over how homely she is, ick
No. 39210
File: 1444060829685.png (94.9 KB, 493x318, ddUDE.png)

>>Ok i did enough research on you, you post from your phone, which is paid for by let me guess the people that take care of you. And they happen to not know what you are up to, well if you don't take this shit down soon, and i do mean soon. I will contact whoever it is that is paying for your phone and the police of Indiana and tell the what you are doing :) trust me i have the ability. My mom is a skip-tracer and my grandma is a constable. So get to deleting or your parental figures will be contacted.
Helloooo new copypasta.
No. 39213
File: 1444061509302.gif (249.38 KB, 400x265, tumblr_mh41esh1CD1rghimeo1_400…)

>>38007This has to be my favorite photo of Ember. She looks so much like Squidward, it kills me.
No. 39220
>>39216Hmm well, you ought to @ several people just to be certain that they read the post. Like these people: @forever_jinxedd @cloudinhale @d.arkminds
Maybe just tell them all that Ember is a fraud who ran a self made fan page for herself, where she called herself the "thinspo queen", ran several pro ana accounts, and generally is insufferable af. may also want to include that she bullies a lot of people. This isn't even the first time I've seen her go off on another girl on instagram.
No. 39223
File: 1444062611217.jpg (50.68 KB, 358x590, ttf.JPG)

No. 39224
File: 1444062704950.jpg (14.46 KB, 325x139, ttf.JPG)

then no more comments
No. 39233
File: 1444063380532.png (621.93 KB, 929x608, woopwoop.png)

Please take a moment to imagine Ember calling the police, crying about how someone reposted her photo and didn't tag her :'[
Just try to picture it
No. 39236
File: 1444063693022.png (85.37 KB, 1080x257, Screenshot_2015-10-05-10-35-13…)

Ember has to be a legitimate fucking psycho, man. She went from saying that she has spent ALMOST 3 days, demanding to be tagged then went to saying just 2 days
>>39233 but when you look at the actual photo, it says it has only been up for ONE FUCKING DAY. Damnit, she has to lie about everything doesn't she?
>>39170 No. 39238
>>39236At first, she wanted to be credited because this chick has 6k followers but since Ember didn't get an immediately pack on the back, she threw the BIGGEST FUCKING HISSY FIT, and started a massive flame war which resulted in some great copypasta
>>39210 and now she is crying over how
TRIGGERED she is that someone considered her "thinspo" (THOSE ARE HER WORDS, MIND YOU. SHE CHOSE THAT WORD FOR HERSELF.) and is seriously trying to turn this into a fucking legal debate.
No. 39242
File: 1444065513497.jpg (39.51 KB, 400x253, image.jpg)

Embers not pro ana eh? The fan blog she ran for herself contradicts that
No. 39244
File: 1444065587732.jpg (45.51 KB, 250x375, image.jpg)

No. 39253
File: 1444067354726.png (238.45 KB, 1080x1136, Screenshot_2015-10-05-13-46-30…)

if she needs a back brace so fucking badly, why did she just add two random pieces of junk that cost over $80 altogether? if she really needed a brace, she would be focused on getting someone to buy her one, not a retarded ass camera lens for your cellphone.
No. 39318
File: 1444087005578.jpg (122.33 KB, 535x539, IMG_20151005_171301.jpg)

Posted and deleted a few minutes later
No. 39376
>>37899>>39318She must contour the absolute fuck out of her face and chest to look as emaciated as possible.
That's why she looks so fucking dirty and patchy in all these pictures.
No. 39427
File: 1444132754376.jpg (78.63 KB, 643x660, e.JPG)

>>39182She needs to get over to vk where her photos are being ILLEGALLY stolen and uploaded on thinspo pages. That is, unless she only picks on 13 year old girls. SEND YOUR ARMY, EMBER!!!
No. 39461
File: 1444144284227.jpg (43.93 KB, 322x388, bamboo.jpg)

>>39453It's called "sucking in". Her face is probs as red as a bamboo's ass cheek from holding her breath.
No. 39465
File: 1444144745165.png (103.13 KB, 1080x290, Screenshot_2015-10-06-11-15-49…)

did she really refer to herself as a pro ana goddess… she is so delusional
No. 39468
File: 1444145128908.png (342.67 KB, 1080x1033, Screenshot_2015-10-06-11-22-20…)

Man it's so weird seeing Ember, the biggest wannorexic ever, telling someone else they're faking they're eating disorder. I guess she is only saying that because she IS faking hers, and whenever someone points out what a fraud she is, she takes it as the biggest insult ever, which would explain why she uses it on other people.
No. 39519
File: 1444155357448.jpg (48.7 KB, 503x203, remember.jpg)

You guys remember the Emily Crocker hate blog Ember made? (It was called ecelebcopycats which mainly focused on Emily and then the url was changed to emcrockpot-lies)
No. 39556
File: 1444160036366.png (144.29 KB, 540x664, tumblr_n5fq2boI151takp3go1_540…)

>>39468>>39465Lmfao you sure are against pro anas Ember
No. 39594
File: 1444164601033.jpeg (434.26 KB, 2560x1920, image.jpeg)

>>39427She lurks soooooo hard oh my god. She made a vk account so she could reply to the comment on the photo hahahaha
No. 39625
File: 1444169568356.jpg (37.42 KB, 376x539, nice friends.JPG)

No. 39626
File: 1444169702145.jpeg (94.37 KB, 640x777, image.jpeg)

>>39596>>39622I just realised she follows a proana page as well lol. It's the 4th one which has a link to this can't read any of the Russian though so can't say for sure.
No. 39672
>>39461Bamboo is a plant/tree.
Did you mean baboon..?
No. 39835
(Posted by Ember. Click for more info.)>>39655 how is that not underweight for someone 5 feet 5 inches tall? That would put her BMI at about 16. Under 17 is considered "severely underweight"
Like I understand not liking the chick but being a douche about her obviously underweight body is fucked up. I suspect you're Nikki Burke, am I right?
No. 39844
(Posted by Ember. Click for more info.)>>39839 either you have BDD or are purposely trying to
trigger people. Either way, she's severely underweight.
No. 39867
File: 1444232888220.png (1.06 MB, 1832x1411, PhotoGrid_1444232788080-1.png)

~heart emoji~
No. 39869
File: 1444233846359.jpg (105.23 KB, 640x998, image.jpg)

And here's a profile she made before she was attempting to be spoopy queen of the internets where she filled her height out to 5'0. She's also claimed to be 5'4, 5'5, 5'6 etc etc
No. 39960
File: 1444249309132.jpg (130.14 KB, 534x746, IMG_20151007_151824.jpg)

No. 39962
File: 1444249342251.jpg (185.09 KB, 530x848, IMG_20151007_151813.jpg)

No. 40125
>>40093Either way she wasn't weighed by the nurse in this photo. If she was really diagnosed with anorexia they:
1: would weigh her on a scale where she wouldn't be able to view her weight
2: would use a professional scale to get the most accurate reading period
3: they would NEVER in her life let her take photos of her weight
No. 40147
>>40125Yes if a patient views their weight they are suddenly not eating disordered…
Look I agree with your points but there are a shit load of incompentent people out there. Or perhaps not even bad at their job just not specialized.
No. 40151
>>40149Yup I was going to state her as an example but I forgot mid-sentence.
Now, I don't think Ember has a serious ED but she is probably a bit underweight and more than likely has disordered eating. She is a terrible person but she obviously has issues.
No. 40158
>>40152Is compulsive lying a personality disorder?
She doesn't show any BPD systems, and NPD fits her on paper but she's obviously not got that in reality…I think she's just got a vivid imagination and a poor memory.
She has highdeas, she let's them run their short lived course and then goes back to her pro ana roots.
Additionally, and not addressed at the reply above:
Skye, I understand you're active in this thread but she's a gross person and one day you'll realize it eventually. Dropping by and posting with a few trailed off sentences isn't doing anyone any favors.
No. 40209
>>39093so wait. what's wrong with her? she looks. . . totally normal. busting out some squats with 20lb weights + 3 fried eggs in the morning would help grow a booty.
Her boobs are bigger than my post preg tits. That is something I have been so uncomfortable with. 32D's- vanished. Either her hips are narrow, or I'm super wide. At 5'6" & I can weigh 115-123 without thighs touching. No lordosis or sclerosis here.
>>40185Yeah.. This struck me as odd, or is it a joke? I feel like that misspelling would have to be intentional.
No. 40347
File: 1444337973218.jpg (120.84 KB, 532x836, IMG_20151008_155810.jpg)

Nice list if pro ana shout outs! Great job not triggering people
No. 40359
If she really went to a private doctor,
>1) first of all why does she look like a homeless bum, if you had money you'd certainly wouldn't be looking like that
>2) if she really is, and she herself must not be paying for it, but still obviously pro-ana and WANTING to be sick for attention, her family needs to know so they can use it for something useful instead of this ugly pathetic piece of shit who thinks the world revolves around her and an army of mentally sick followers she wants to have an advantage over
>3) doctors offices for one, don't have porous surfaced floors or shitty wood tiling for sanitary reasons, they DO NOT let you look at the number, or use a digital scale. the extensor digitorum on the front of the ankle is not tensed, it ALWAYS is when you stand upright and put weight on it, it's obvious she's leaning back, and lying about her height too.
Ember, not everyone is as fucking dumb as you. You have no sense of anatomy, proven through your shoops and stupid stunts like this. Obvious you don't have legs like Xavier Renegade Angel. You're fucking dumb and the fact that you think destroying yourself and others is a way to get attention you're fucked in the head. You are a literal laughing stock. True lolCOW. If you find power in weakness, you're simply weak. Weak, weak, weak, pathetic piece of shit.
No. 40380
>>40369Lmao exactly, why fear being terminated to the point where you continously have to beg everyone to follow BOTH of your accounts? Your main and your inactive seconadary account which you will turn to when you inevitably get deleted for posting ~
triggering~ content on your main.
If she really believed she wasn't doing nothing wrong, she wouldn't have a "back up" account. She knows she is in the wrong yet she doesn't care about anyone but herself. She is such a pathetic swine.
No. 40424
>>40347Ember be like
>>pro ana people are scum!! get the fuck out of here with your thinspo! i am not your proana goddess! STOP USING ME AS YOUR THINSPO QUEEN! I AM SRS GUY!!
>>five minutes later
>>go follow my boo @dying.2.b.thin! ~several retarded ass emojis~What a hypocritical cunt she is.
No. 40425
>>39960if she has been diagnosed with anorexia since she was 8, no fucking doctor would let her look at her weight, let alone LET HER PHOTOGRAPH it????
i think she just visited her grandma or something and used her bathroom scale or some shit. plus you can definitely tell she is leaning back on something due to how her feet look.
what a fucking moron. I hate this bitch.
No. 40480
File: 1444365881594.png (437.87 KB, 561x975, Screenshot_2015-10-09-00-43-06…)

>>40460her mom looks just like ember if only ember were to stay out in the sun for weeks on end and allow her skin to shrivel up like a rasin.
>>pic related (ember w/ her mom) No. 40488
File: 1444367645009.jpg (70.87 KB, 500x596, 2ZtRdnh.jpg)

Prob ember irl
No. 40491
File: 1444368084167.png (24.18 KB, 545x224, anorexia bmi.png)

>>40448Stop with these dumbass posts about how 16 BMI is basically obese!!! You're not even thin until you're at an 11 BMI, even that's just if you have low BF%!!
No. 40542
File: 1444400573126.jpg (110.61 KB, 537x672, IMG_20151009_092104.jpg)

Dumbass dirty bitch
No. 40548
>>40450 >>40452
I cannot imagine how she would be able to see a pediatrician at her age. If she's been going to the same one her entire life, maybe it's an ohh I can't trust someone new, you've been there so long~ but even then, work is work.
No dr would ever give someone with a history of eating disorders Wellbutrin! It's a great appetite suppressant/helps quit smoking while aiding depression.
What is with all these wannanarexic's wanting to be children forever in their parents homes? Responsibility and the real world are not that damn scary.
>>40542Gonna turn herself into a hunchback pushing her shoulders so far forward to show off clavicles.
No. 40549
>>40546she said it's not THAT thin
it doesn't look bony and ana unless you have an extremely wide frame
No. 40555
File: 1444404022994.jpg (29.14 KB, 539x302, liliil.jpg)

ember is out and about, sending anonymous hate to people again.
No. 40556
File: 1444404095409.jpg (62.26 KB, 540x391, tumblr_nuxujzYkV21qcdl07o1_540…)

>>40555this would be funnier if that was ember in the background
No. 40579
File: 1444408294486.jpg (369.27 KB, 1600x1600, image.jpg)

Ember stopped using ms paint to draw in shadows after she got called out for this picture. She uses bronzer now which is clearly obvious by her lack of knowledge of how human anatomy works
No. 40581
File: 1444408388050.jpg (39.72 KB, 400x378, image.jpg)

Check that spray can tool rib shadow
No. 40592
>>40586Woah, her gut is so huge, it hangs over her pants line.
It's no surprised she sucks in while taking selfies.
If she didn't, how could she be taken seriously by all
of the other pro ana idiots who follow her account?
No one would be impressed by that body if they knew
just how flabby it really is lmfao.
No. 40597
>>40593Yeah because arms, thighs, and butt cheeks can all become bloated.
Did you even see the disgusting fat that hangs off of her arm?
No. 40601
File: 1444412576753.png (153.98 KB, 691x551, notsurprised.png)

Ember has created yet another thread about some Tumblrina nobody. What is this, the 5th one she has made now?
>>40573 No. 40609
File: 1444413077173.png (212.4 KB, 924x494, f.png)
>>block & ignore!that's kind of hard to do when she is actually talking about lolcow, where posters are anonymous and she can't control us. she's the one lurking the threads and whiteknighting herself. she doesn't
have to do that.
No. 40653
File: 1444418779587.png (507.99 KB, 512x525, 3161398_1471-2474-11-219-2.png)

i almost want to buy her one of these braces so she'll shut the fuck up and stop lying
No. 40663
>>40653Isn't Ember like 19? or 20?
I'm 20 and have a moderate scoliosis (and wear braces like ember for pain managment) because Wearing the more "intense" braces would do nothing for me at this point (would not correct, the doctors said the right age for this is when you are 11,12,13,14 ish, right now nothing would help correct my back besides surgery).
I get that ember is an attention whore but honestly her having scoliosis is not far fetched and you do not need to be wearing one of those intense braces to have no real issues (Mine is bad enough I have 3 inch difference in hips besides other problems and I never wore one of those braces).
No. 40816
File: 1444446606122.png (832.46 KB, 1035x1471, PhotoGrid_1444446273754-1.png)

Wow, way to be against those who are pro ana and run thinspo accounts on instagram, Ember.
Seriously though, actions speak louder than words. She screams she hates "pro ana scum" while simultaneously promoting/followong thinspo account and actual pro ana users. She is a major fraud, plus she is chunky as fuck. It's hilarious that she says she weighs so little while having such a fat gut
>>40586 The only way she could ever be 97lbs while looking like that is if she was 8 inches shorter hahah. Still would be a ginormous cow though.
No. 40870
>>40868It's some chick from Tumblr. I don't know if there any legitimacy to this
>>40857 claim though. I wouldn't be surprised though. That girl loved exposing Ember a year or two ago. No. 40873
>>40857>>40870Rofl Meghan isn't the one doing it though? Back when all of
those threads popped up that wanted to discuss Tumblr nobodies,
who just so happened to shit all over Ember at any chance they
got, I instantly knew who the original poster was. It was just
too damn obvious to me, as it should been to everyone following
Em's drama.
Anyways, it isn't her. You can refer to me as L and my blog
starts with SS. If you can figure out who I am, awesome sauce.
Just do me a favor and don't fucking tell Ember because she
sends me enough anon hate as is.
No. 40906
File: 1444496674727.jpg (153.05 KB, 526x763, IMG_20151010_120213.jpg)

*begs for followers
*in return 45,000 other pro-ana's might see your pic, if I decide to post it, IF you're skinny enough
*and if you're lucky we can help you learn to starve to death just like us, or at least teach you to Photoshop to look like it
No. 40972
File: 1444505710773.png (596.28 KB, 872x590, wtq.png)

It's been 3 hours. prepare for Ember to promote a shit ton of pro ana users. No. 40989
>>40980This has to be Ember KeK
The anon blogs Megan ran
were deleted over a year and a half
ago and she told everyone
she was the OP of them months
back because that fat deja girl
wouldn't let just it die
for some reason. Why don't you
remember that? They blew up the
#ember-whann tag for a month straight
with their drama. And isn't
she a teenager too? Anon, you
need to chill tf out.
No. 40993
>>40991She just turned 21
so she was 20 when
she ran those blogs
Ember is only two
years younger?
No. 41015
>>41009I more-or-less avoid this thread because I don't recognise any of the typing styles of the anons who post in the aly/ash threads. There's humour in those, whereas this latest lot are sour faced cunts. Plus, Ember is fugly as fuck and I piss myself too hard at her pathetic attempts to be sp00py.
Summary - I think a lot of the posts here are by snowflakes.
No. 41190
File: 1444581965744.jpg (145.4 KB, 534x745, IMG_20151011_114359.jpg)

Nice tips!
No. 41259
File: 1444589011930.png (1.08 MB, 1080x1612, Screenshot_2015-10-11-14-40-37…)

Embers friend reminds me of that "first day of 11th grade. heck yeah. miss my friends. see you there." hahahah. Damn, why couldn't they have taken a better photo.
No. 41261
File: 1444589308101.png (67.19 KB, 514x378, 1.png)

>>41259wonder who room this is. check out the (th)inspiration poster in the background.
No. 41269
File: 1444590092485.jpg (95.41 KB, 1600x1067, worst-chest-bones-tattoo.JPG)

>>41266Kek something like this, I'm sure
No. 41274
File: 1444590879564.png (174.61 KB, 500x253, large.png)

>>41270let's hope she gets some of her "professional tattoo artist" friend to do it in their dirty bathroom like nikki did
>>pic related; it's nikki tattoo lmfao No. 41764
File: 1444605215199.jpg (103.53 KB, 538x537, IMG_20151011_181227.jpg)

Teaching her new buddy the collar bone trick?
No. 42090
File: 1444668233776.jpg (105.89 KB, 600x398, boobschart.jpg)

>>42058she has a weird combination of lemon and water wing titties
No. 42099
File: 1444669018276.png (Spoiler Image,1.81 MB, 1610x966, dddd212.png)

>>39594the images that emma cee account posted are fucking insane. i can't believe girls can get so god damn spoopy looking No. 42101
File: 1444669297000.png (96.95 KB, 456x359, 1444521660257.png)

>>42099Bottom left is right out of a horror movie
Top left has to be cancer or some horrible genetic disorder or something, Auschwitz prisoners look healthier than that
No. 42103
File: 1444669822611.jpg (91.61 KB, 616x737, 5456yhrt55.jpg)

>>42099She had a baby…Anyways, I wonder if she's actually a fatty because she never posts pics of herself really. I also think the guys who follow all these anas are fucking creepy as hell. They actually want to fuck these skeltals.
No. 42210
File: 1444683819154.jpg (23.72 KB, 500x370, e07eb43607648e26e3c3f69f58c020…)

>>42206>Einsturzende Neubauten tattoowtf you bitches should stick to evanescence
No. 42213
File: 1444683915143.png (91.38 KB, 473x251, xsjhryd.png)

>>42208Ember be like
>>what's something you do to keep yourself positive? like what is your favorite pick-me-up?When obviously, her favorite pick me up is to post images of herself sucking in <3
No. 42245
>>42230If she's as skeletal as she claims she doesn't have an ass. Tho we all know that.
Also who's that Peter guy who sent her an ask on her recently? I read the whole thing and I think it shows pretty well what a nutcase Ember is. Wonder what happened to her "self harm" and "BPD"
No. 42253
File: 1444688943453.png (444.42 KB, 865x768, Screenshot_2015-10-12-18-26-39…)

hahahaha omg why does she think she can pull off giant fake septums? lmfao
No. 42255
File: 1444689105964.png (1.13 MB, 919x783, Screenshot_2015-10-12-18-29-46…)

>>42245but she is rly fat as fuck so her ass is HUGE (pic v/ related)
No. 42260
>>42255shes skinnyfat
really out of shape I bet she can't run for shit and can hardly lift 5kg
kinda sad actually
No. 42261
>>42253Why the fuck doesn't she get an actual septum piercing?
is flabby, but no, she's not fat. That said, I do find it funny when wannarexics are told they're fat. Ember in particular deserves to be insulted.
No. 42335
File: 1444702368862.png (264.43 KB, 506x498, Screenshot_2015-10-12-21-26-43…)

dear god
No. 42352
File: 1444706706097.jpg (193.96 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

I sincerely wish she was referring to her own existence with that caption. Bitch is wrecked.
No. 42524
(Posted by Ember. Click for more info.)>>42510 no there definitely aren't though. Its clearly not edited. You just need another thing to nitpick about. Next you're gonna start claiming she's obese again right? Can this thread just fucking die already?
No one gives a fuck about this girl. No one. She is boring, worthless, and nothing even close to special. She doesn't deserve a thread here, let alone TWO. Let this thread, and this spoopy cow, die.
No. 42623
>>42524Hide the thread if you hate it so much. I'm not the same person who called her obese, and there's not as much samefagging here as everyone likes to assume. Just like "no one cares" has basically become lolcowspeak for "this irritates me personally".
It's definitely edited. At the very least it should be obvious that no body is that high contrast IRL. It's clear from other videos she's not that thin, and the image jumps around almost as badly as a gif halfway through.
No. 42632
File: 1444770316154.png (1.09 MB, 1080x1721, Screenshot_2015-10-13-17-03-35…)

>>42629Literal definition of being pro ana: promoting thinspo accounts
No. 42633
File: 1444770442290.png (55.89 KB, 963x170, Screenshot_2015-10-05-10-35-34…)

>>42632Only Ember and those who ~properly credit~ her can use her as thinspo.
No. 42635
File: 1444770709658.png (294 KB, 1080x906, Screenshot_2015-10-05-10-22-07…)

dat feel when you realize her account is still there No. 42636
File: 1444770737572.png (106.46 KB, 1080x330, Screenshot_2015-10-05-10-22-36…)

>>42635another related pix
No. 42743
File: 1444791028704.png (773.53 KB, 1080x1306, Screenshot_2015-10-13-22-49-19…)

yay now thinspo accounts to report
No. 42865
File: 1444827392718.png (1.47 MB, 1177x1179, Studio_20151014_085350.png)

>>42850Do you have two sets of knees? Or did you just forget to smooth it all out after widening your legs' distance from one another?
No. 42959
File: 1444838613525.png (292.22 KB, 1039x1205, Screenshot_2015-10-14-11-56-22…)

>>42871Maybe just email the IG staff directly with screenshots of her self made (100% not recovery based) thinspo and their links (even if they lead to deleted images) just so you can be confident that they're aware of her scummy behavior.
No. 42960
>>42871>>42959If you have an account, go report her account and images here:
No. 42989
File: 1444842727918.png (383.52 KB, 564x471, 099.png)

>>The policy:
Any account found encouraging or urging users to embrace anorexia, bulimia, or other eating disorders…will result in a disabled account without warning.
>>The reality:
The network has made tags like #thinspiration, #probulimia, and #proanorexica unsearchable. Although this was an enormous step for Instagram, users can still easily find over 300,000 graphic photos by searching the tag #ana, although it first displays a warning. Instagram’s logic in keeping the tag live is that its pictures will not always be promotional of eating disorders and that they don’t want to quash pictures concerned with survivors’ experiences and recoveries.
While a few photos seem innocuous enough, they’re made insignificant when placed beside bloody razors, bruised, stick-thin thighs, and quotes that exhort others not to eat. These sorts of images abound on the application despite the above policy, and other tags, such as #thinspire, are still searchable without a disclaimer. It would appear that Instagram largely relies on its users to report disallowed content, which seems ineffectual when the majority of people posting under and searching the #ana tag are those looking to perpetuate it. The ban of certain tags is a solid start, but more needs to be done if Instagram is serious about eradicating the content from its network.
No. 43075
File: 1444860480413.png (78.01 KB, 959x332, Screenshot_2015-10-14-18-04-14…)

at first I thought someone left a comment which read "fat legs" kek
No. 44135
File: 1444916198874.jpg (100.6 KB, 537x760, IMG_20151015_083435.jpg)

Doesn't post triggering pics? posts false pro ana stats for all the minions to skinny praise her
No. 44143
File: 1444920149778.png (113.66 KB, 640x960, image.png)

>>44136It might be an exposing account? But then again, it's Ember so who knows
She also has an private insta, "emberrrw", the profile picture is her and her bf
No. 44190
File: 1444930851542.png (286.73 KB, 360x640, 1444927577500.png)

>>37899I was lurking 4chan and found a photo of a girl that looks like Ember, if Ember actually was underweight.
This girl is like a bullion times prettier than her though.
No. 44197
>>44190>a bullion times prettierWouldn't go that far.
She looks slightly better than Ember but still gaunt and haggard as fuck.
No. 44246
File: 1444940273767.png (919.64 KB, 1188x1185, Studio_20151015_161537.png)

Looks like the scoliosis spread to her legs, guys.
No. 44253
File: 1444940539433.png (893.76 KB, 1178x1177, Studio_20151015_152621.png)

>>44248The one she deleted.
No. 44281
>>44246How many knees does she have, wtf.
That's not how the body works.
No. 44282
File: 1444943871001.jpg (107.11 KB, 818x1018, lol.jpg)

No. 44283
File: 1444943983168.jpg (48.7 KB, 680x116, lgfbcx.jpg)

>>44282Compressed them for the lulz
No. 44286
File: 1444944581938.jpg (120.54 KB, 538x615, IMG_20151015_162704.jpg)

Boo fucking hoo
No. 44313
File: 1444950314043.png (600.92 KB, 1080x1476, Screenshot_2015-10-15-19-03-17…)

No. 44314
File: 1444950325910.png (343.74 KB, 518x471, Screenshot_2015-10-15-19-02-08…)

No. 44329
File: 1444952374972.jpg (89.26 KB, 532x637, IMG_20151015_183347.jpg)

What just happened?
No. 44344
File: 1444956287564.jpg (239.97 KB, 1280x950, tumblr_nwaf4hnMcT1qaj0pmo1_128…)

i know this is about ember but i didnt know who else would laugh at this pic with me, HOW DIRTY ARE HER FEET LIKE WOULD YOU NOT CLEAN THEM BEFORE DOING THAT?
No. 44357
File: 1444960212545.png (382.87 KB, 1080x1166, Screenshot_2015-10-15-21-47-51…)

>>That poor girl was forcing herself into an eating disorder to get closer to girls she deems as "goals" "thinspo" etc. She wanted to be "cool" so she began starving herself.
Ember can relate because that's exactly what she did to Emily and several other girls with Anorexia.
No. 44397
File: 1444973974950.jpg (211.24 KB, 1463x797, Studio_20151016_013832.jpg)

No. 44454
File: 1445006434962.png (1001.38 KB, 1947x1035, PhotoGrid_1445006183888-1.png)

>>My wishlist only has recovery items. Things I truly need.
This made me laugh so hard last night, I just have to share.
No one fucking NEEDS a 5lb bag of cheese that cost almost $100, omfg.
No. 44460
>>44454I'd understand why she wants all that food if she was poor, but this, lmao
Luckily most of her followers are kids so they can't buy her shit
No. 44496
>>44491it was on her blog but she deleted it shortly after. i bet kristen or ember posted this photo of her, bitching about her dirty feet. these girls are wack jobs.
talk about nitpicking.
No. 44498
File: 1445015680067.png (132.09 KB, 659x617, Untitled.png)

>>44495Can confirm this is from Tumblr.
Looking in her tag, she literally just told whimsical ~almost~ the exact same thing that this anon just said.
So, uh, hey fuckface, you do know there is a thread for her, right?
>>33495 There is NO REASON for her to be discussed here.
Stop trying to derail a thread about a pro-ana wannrexic with a photo of some random bitch's feet. It's creepy as fuck and does not relate to the topic of this thread whatsoever.
No. 44501
File: 1445016085153.png (592.1 KB, 939x607, Untitled.png)

>>44498In other news, now is a great time to report Ember's thinspo account since she is currently promoting several other thinspo accounts, as she tries her damnest to get 10k followers. No. 44509
File: 1445017566388.png (46.56 KB, 492x538, Untitled.png)

>>44503I just reported her, here's what I sent to instagram:
This account is presumed to be recovery based but the person who owns the account is constantly posting thinspo, other pro-eating disorder related content, and promoting other pro-eating disorder accounts. I hope you look into this person seriously. Here are links to other posts they have made:
>>I don't want to provide the links I sent them in case Ember is lurking and tries to delete them before they can be reviewed.I also want to add that she is repeatedly posting content and then deleting it shortly after. For example, she has asked her followers to report other Instagram accounts, in hopes their account will be terminated. Here are links to screenshots of posts she has deleted: really hope you check out each of those screenshots. She harasses and purposely
triggers almost 10,000 people multiple times a day and it's not right, considering she normally keeps her account private and leads people to believe she is "pro-recovery" when she is really just posting photos of her collarbones, ribs, and the like while talking about how hungry she is and how little she ate that day.
No person in recovery would post as many "body checks" as embersrecovey does and I strongly believe she is violating your guidelines.
No. 44516
>>44515Yeah there's waaaaay more screenshots of her being a raging fucking cunt to innocent people than there are photos where she actually looks ~
triggering~ KeK
Which is why I reported her for harassment, lmfao.
No. 44519
>>44515>>44516tbh thats probably why she hasnt been deleted for promoting eating disorders. the staff takes one look at her fat thighs, chubby cheeks, and how much she abuses the contrast feature and they instantly know that this bitch is the poorest example of wannorexic that they have ever seen.
>>44517same here!!!! every time she promotes anyone, i immediately go to their accounts and report as many posts as i can (the ones which deserved to reported, at least)
No. 44539
File: 1445021815970.png (1.97 MB, 3114x1674, Untitled1.png)

>>44521Yeaaaah, because everything you see on the internet is totally fact.
"Luna" is the cringey ass nickname she started to use when she decided to become a huge attention whore like her bffl Ember. Just like how Lauren Cook wanted to be called Felice Fawn (FF ended up going back to her birth name, in case anyone didn't know this.)
Anyways, has anyone else seen the kiddie porn Eboni Eden has been posting on her Tumblr? She is only 17 years old but has images of her underwear and hard nipples on a daddy dom / little girl blog.
It's pretty disturbing like she's trying really hard to act like a little girl and has even started to type like an 8 year old would while acting normal on her public Facebook account.
The whole act is just so forced which adds to the creepiness of it. It's fucking awful for a grown person to sexualize a minor but for a minor to sexualize themselves and actually post sexually explicit images of themselves in "bdsm", "ddlg" and "rape play" tags is horrendous.
I'm sure she is in this thread and Eboni, when you read my posy, please just THINK about what you are posting on the internet and the kind of impact it will have on your life. Posting semi-nudes of yourself while you are a minor is a terrible thing to be doing. I hope you can realize this.
No. 44544
>>44539this girl seems
problematic as fuck, has anyone addressed this behavior before?
No. 44548
>>44541I didn't want to type that whole thing out without proof to back my claims then have you to pull an Ember, and delete all of the posts which I was referring too.
And it's not hard to find these accounts when you have them all linked in your bio ya big dummy.
>>44544Ehh not really because she is just another basic little snowflake who sucks up to major snowflakes just to seem even more
There was a thread made for her but I believe she created it herself because the OP sounds a lot like Eboni and most of the posts sound like a samefag
>>23707 It's been dead for almost a month now
>>23812 No. 44550
>>44548i saw that thread that was made about Eboni, at first i thought it was a self post because who the fuck cares about a nobody like her but then i messaged Ember about it under the guise of one of her thinspo ana-babies and she admitted to me that she made it, she said she purposely made it look like a self post because she doesnt want Eboni getting attention
all these snowflakes are so two-faced and bitchy i love it
No. 44558
File: 1445023968269.jpg (47.88 KB, 377x484, cf65083b33089710b170e45bb9be4b…)

>>44539she acts like such a pretentious p.o.s. on her facebook.
No. 44562
File: 1445024768068.png (31.52 KB, 435x413, embers confession.PNG)

>>44561it took me a while to find it sorry
No. 44569
>>44565she never said her boyfriend DIDNT get her the brace? she never told me who it was who bought it for her tbh she just said "someone"
im really NOT Eboni, i dislike her just as much as you, which is why i posted this so she knows her precious ana-besty is actually making threads about her
No. 44571
(Posted by Ember. Click for more info.)She wouldn't say "someone" if her boyfriend bought it for her, she gushes about him feeding her attention every chance she gets. If you provide an uncropped screenshot with time and date stamps, I will believe it.
>>44562 we all know you're eboni.
No. 44577
(Posted by Ember. Click for more info.)>>44562 Ember doesn't add people on Facebook or answer messages unless you're friends with her irl or are a Tumblr friend from way back. The only person from Tumblr she's still friends with on FB is Eboni.
So its very obviously you Eboni, you should just stop now.
No. 44579
>>44577part of me wants to believe that message, because it seems like something Ember would do. and you know for a FACT the only person saying its fake is Ember herself
i'll be polite about it though and ask if we could have more proof? im intrigued
No. 44580
(Posted by Ember. Click for more info.)If
>>44562 would post the uncropped screenshot with the whole conversation I'd be inclined to agree and believe it, but the message sounds more like Ebonis words than Embers. Eboni calls people"honeybee" all the time. Ember uses more demeaning terms like "babies" and "little lambs" because she sees them as her army of minions.
No. 44586
>>44581omg Eboni shut the fuck up, your best friend "Wren" who you constantly post about is literally more; controversial, interesting,
problematic and more attractive than you
i might just make posts about her to piss you off because we all know you love being in the spotlight
No. 44592
File: 1445028240897.png (229.81 KB, 539x677, 1445025224123.png)

Can we talk about how much Ember lurks this website though?
There's a thread for attention whores on Instagram and Ember told one of the girls they were discussing about it. And then told someone else that this is a website where anon mock ~popular~ people.
Hmmmm maybe that's what /pt/ is but honey, you're in /snow/. Ember is actually one of the reasons why this separate board was made. She is the epitome of a flake & mistake.
>>44573>>44584>>44590 No. 44607
File: 1445029652308.jpg (25.47 KB, 510x340, 2800733-6850730596-winte.jpg)

>>44539Hey if Eboni is 17 and is posting here, that means
she is violating the rules and needs to be banned.
Can the mods check the IP addresses or something?
She lives in the UK if that helps narrow it down.
>>1279 No. 44616
File: 1445030724347.gif (884.18 KB, 245x138, pmsl.gif)

No. 44619
File: 1445030952353.png (297.16 KB, 880x580, warrrrr.png)

>>44618Facebook says she is from Warrington, England.
No. 44622
>>44619"no workplaces to show"
"no schools to show"
soudns about right, uneducated little twerp
No. 44625
>>44624"princess tiger-lily"
who the fuck lol
No. 44631
File: 1445031902723.gif (647 KB, 1007x592, wait-for-it.......gif)

I am not looking to start a
discussion about Libby, I just
found this lulz worthy and felt
like sharing.
No. 44634
File: 1445032139212.png (68.27 KB, 769x334, Capture.PNG)

laughing so hard
No. 44642
File: 1445036260747.jpg (36.27 KB, 560x560, cringe.jpg)

>>44640She deliberating does it so can continue to fit the fantasy of all the gross older dudes who follow her Tumblr.
No. 44656
File: 1445040416025.jpg (118.34 KB, 537x528, IMG_20151016_190515.jpg)

Jesus, she's gonna break a rib or pass out from lack of O2
No. 44671
File: 1445047560404.png (158.23 KB, 500x315,…)

Remember whann
No. 44679
File: 1445053322241.jpg (548.25 KB, 617x1633, lmfao.jpg)

apparently calling ember out makes you "pro ana" and her little buddy fairy.sin lied about her hacking skills. big surprise.
No. 44680
File: 1445054049402.png (3.68 KB, 287x25, Capture.PNG)

sucking up as per usual, love it
No. 45274
File: 1445091597996.png (52.94 KB, 644x424, purge.png)

Ember's stomach contents isn't the other thing she likes to purge.
She deleted over 50 images in the past couple hours, KeK probs out of fear of being terminated by Instagram. I wonder how painful it is for her to delete her thinspo that have over 200 notes. I bet she cri evrytiem.
No. 45302
File: 1445094183941.png (1.13 MB, 2048x1267, PhotoGrid_1445094091337-1.png)

I wonder what it's like for people to follow Ember, thinking "oh wow, 10k followers? must be an interesting account" to realizing that all she does is beg people to promote/follow her several times a day while posting hideous selfies of her gross man-face and close ups of her thighs (p.s. the reason she has NEVER NOT ONCE posted a full body shot is due to the fact that she does not a thigh gap. If you could see the uncropped versions of her pics, you would see her feet are a mile apart).
No. 45305
File: 1445094372531.png (429.47 KB, 527x747, 2015-10-17 11.04.39.png)

>>45302Hahaha I love when she posts photos of her wearing that nose ring. If you squint your eyes, she looks just like a hilter.
No. 45342
>>45305Hahah fuck she does.
Thanks for the keks anon.
No. 45350
File: 1445099773303.png (213.24 KB, 944x336, omgplsbereal.png)

>>Hey loves, I absolutely hate having to do this, but I need to face reality. I will most likely be going back to treatment, I have an appointment to figure it all out on Tuesday. ? if you wouldn't mind checking out my wish list, I would love you forever ?? its just filled with things I need as far as recovery goes, and because money is so tight, any little but helps ??? thank you so so so much xoxo
No. 45353
File: 1445100176823.png (315.25 KB, 914x806, nopetheydonot.png)

>>45350Looks like her followers are finally starting to question her bullshit :')
I wonder if Ember will block my.delicate.perfection and delete her question, come up with some bullshit excuse (i totes need to know if i am gaining since i am trying my best to recover), or be truthful about the REAL reason she wants a weight tracking scale: TO FUCKING LOSE WEIGHT.
Y'know, since she isn't anorexic, isn't in recovery, and lies about every little "illness" she has.
(P.S. She posted a photo of her scale on, she just wants a fancier one that she can connect to her smartphone)
No. 45355
File: 1445100797061.png (232.07 KB, 900x1018, omg.png)

>>ohh emm geee i MIGHT go into treatment so pls buy me stuff that i need to recover!!!! Because every recovering (w)anorexic definitely needs an espresso maker, reusable baby food containers, a food scale, and a FIVE POUND BAG OF CHEESE.
I just.. like.. is.. she trolling us? Or is she seriously this fucking stupid/transparent?
No. 45389
>>45370>>45370It isn't hard to go "waaaah I am sad all the time" and then get a prescription from a doctor. I take a SSRI and it took only one to 10 minute appointment to get them.
Ember tries her damnest to lie on the internet but it's hard to do when her receipts trail behind her. But in the real world, with real doctors who trust their patients (Ember said she has had the same doctor for a long time), it isn't hard to get what you want. Espically if the pills she is aiming for aren't addictive but actually help repress her appetite.
I mean, it's not like they can just draw your blood and go, "yup this person is definitely depressed, just look at their blood test results!" and since most female suicides happen while they are teens, doctors try their best to help those who say they need help and Ember is just taking advantage of the health care system and whoever is paying for her insurance.
I can't wait until she can't mooch off of her mommy's insurance and magically gets completely better and never needs to go to the doctor again (because she can't afford it when she is the one having to pay).
No. 45393
>>45389To be honest, ever since I discovered this loser and how she badly she wants to be a spoopy skeleton, I secretly hoped she would get down to her ULTIMATE GOAL WEIGHT of 65lbs.
Call me sick but I would love to see her get that skinny and actually have to suffer from the health problems that real Anorexics have to deal with every moment of their life. I mean, that is what she wants, rght? She's been working on it for a yeat now but literally never lost a single ounce of weight.
No. 45401
>>45392Okay I will humor you.
Please tell me one way an Expresso machine could possibly help a person recover from Anorexia?
(She added TWO of them to her wishlist before telling people that she only has things she NEEDS TO RECOVER in her RECOVERY wishlist)
Take your time, I am very patient.
No. 45414
>>45403you're literally the only girl dumb enough to defend ember anymore, she doesnt even like you, the only contact she has with you is liking pictures of your legs and stomach because they're smaller than hers when shes not sucking in her massive gunt.
Ember LITERALLY made a thread about you and has sent multiple nasty anons about you to OD, why are you still sucking up to her?
are yuo really that desperate for attention, does someone REALLY have to make a thread dragging you to?
No. 45444
>>45442>>45441>>45439eboni is always posting photos of dried blood in her nose, lines of white powder, pills, weed, and the like. she doesn't have an ED, she is just copying ember who is copying emily who is copying felice fawn. plus there's photo of ebonis fat gut in her thread that was posted a couple weeks ago.
all of these girls are boring af though, i never thought i would actually miss felice's fuckery.
at least she was attractive.
/end of eboni discussion
No. 45446
>>45430>>45430I don't know if that blog belongs to Skype but she was discussed in Embers previous thread.
>>28376>>28377>>28378>>28379>>28381>>28390>>28395>>28397>>28399She's just another wannorexic who sucks farts out of Embers bare asshol but freaked out, deleted all of her blogs, and then blamed the "truth bloggers" on tumblr for finding her main blog when in reality, she had her main linked to the side blog and someone on lolcow messaged her and told her.
No. 45447
>>45445err my name isn't heather but i won't lie and say i have a perfectly flat stomach when i know i don't KeK. i just think it's funny when eboni posts photos of her sucking in to the point where ribs poke out on tumblr, when there's candid shots of her, with a big ol' tummy.
at least when i post pix of myself online, i don't make myself look like a completely different person :)
No. 45449
File: 1445113653756.jpg (64.79 KB, 540x960, what are thooooose.jpg)

>>45447finding candid pics of her from a year ago is funny
No. 45454
No. 45462
File: 1445117496448.jpg (153.28 KB, 625x748, image.jpg)

I almost put a spoiler on this image because bitch is so fug. Look at her hair. Look at it. Look at her make up, look at that fake septum. She is a hot fucking mess, no amount of weight loss can help ugly like that. That shits permanent.
No. 45468
File: 1445119076794.png (1.7 MB, 988x1736, can.png)

>>45456uhhhh no, thats def a webcam picture she took of herself lmao
here are some real candid shots of eboni
No. 45475
>>45468 these are all from a long time ago, a picture from her in highschool (i believe she is in college now) and pictures of her from February?
do you have any more recent candids or not
oh and btw i know her friend took that picture of her bc i was the one who took it, im the one who you just got pictures of Luna from of fb, nice try, leave her the fuck alone you cretins
No. 45486
>>45480because shit like this dont just happen.
theres no way a photo of eboni is posted in a random ass board on the internet and then out of the blue, the photographer of said photo magically appears in the thread to defend the legitimacy of the image.
lolcow isnt a popular site that everyone and their grandma lurks for KeKs. someone probably linked ember, then ember linked eboni, then she linked you.
like i said, coincidences like those just don't happen.
you're yet another two face attention whore just like eboni and ember.
welcome to the club.
No. 45491
File: 1445121338704.jpg (32.7 KB, 426x426, DSCN1884.JPG)

>>45480Yup, that has to be that ugly Ren Gray girl hahahah. Man this thread is really starting to go to shit. Too many fat cows in here, tryna to be farmers.
No. 45496
>>45491Though, tbqh, I am not even surprised that there's a shit ton of proana whiteknights in an Ember Whann thread.
Only the most fucked up, hypocritical, stupid ass people actually like Ember, so ofc they would post here.
>>45492Oh shit, so you aren't friends with Aimee anymore? Did it have something to do with uploading this cringey ass video of the two of you dancing? :')
No. 45497
>>45491This tread should really only have Ember and Eboni in it, cuz neither of them deserve their own treads.
we don't need anyone anymore irrelevant than these two already on here in here.
No. 45502
>>45499Eboni and Ren are both under 18 sooooo, Mods??
>>45500Lol I literally do not know what you are going on about but modsss, can we please have these retards banned? Shit, how do you even contact them? The post above mine is definitely by Ren Gray.
No. 45506
>>45504Ooookay ya ugly wackjob. I'm from America but I heard a funny joke about liverpool once.
"Why does a river run through liverpool?"
"Because if it walked, it would be robbed"
And from your comment, I can only assume it is somewhat of a ghetto?
shrugs No. 45562
>>45500this Ren girl seems so stupid. like she posts on a website that is known to dig up dirt on (and dox) people and when it happens to her, she instantly thinks some person she knows irl? does she not know the type of people lurk here? unless she linked that other girl, why would she think that girl would know of this thread?
these people really have no idea what they're getting themselves into here. most anonymous people are pretty relentless, cruel, and love to troll.
No. 46244
>>45562Ren Gray is notorious for spouting her mouth off first and thinking later, if you dig deep enough theres a lot of people who hate her.
she posted comments on a girls picture (i believe the girl is called jess) basically calling jess fat and laughing about her father raping her
truly disgusting things
No. 46381
>>46352Same, looks like she just sucked in her gut, then wrapped that brace around her as tight as she could possibly manage before taking this picture.
And since she clearly isn't holding her phone as she took this, she most definitely has her camera phone on a timer so she could pose (chest back, shoulders forward, feet apart, toes pointed inward, poke butt out, annnnnd TENSE) before the image was snapped.
It seriously looks like she is using that brace as a corset/fat toner.
>>46350I don't think she is using photoshop but she is definitely editing her photos, and quite possibly "slimming" them, like her bestfriend im_skinny_beautiful2 does.
No. 46494
>>46489Jesus H. Christ. She looks worse than I thought. And her voice is
way deeper than I expected.
No. 46510
>>46494thats exactly what everyone else says ahahah
you expect her to have a quiet, mousy voice, but nope~ she has one of those gross, new yorker accents.
No. 46513
>>46510tbh the video's lag makes it so comical, like as she is talking about how she was supposedly diagnosed with Anorexia between ages 8 and 9, she is just sitting there, looking completely healthy and normal.
not underweight in any way, nor does she even look sick in anyway.
plus she has such a soft body too. she seriously should work out some to tone those flabby arms and stomach.
No. 46534
File: 1445209121878.png (1.18 MB, 764x1030, v.png)

>>46520>>46521rochester is like a 5 hour drive to new york city
>>46523bish where?
like i just went through that video frame by frame and the only time i ever saw the slightly hint of a chest bone was when she was hunching over (between 0:40 to 0:47) but it quickly vanished when her boob shifts.
No. 46540
File: 1445209508237.jpg (10.8 KB, 236x314, a520124b440bbac06274becfb2e3d9…)

>>46539not saying ember does but yes… yes you can
>>pic relate - someone's halloween make up No. 46665
File: 1445225595705.png (393.9 KB, 1080x1249, Screenshot_2015-10-18-23-29-46…)

And here we have Ember encouraging disordered behavior! Weeeeeeee!
>>Bottom anon is talking about fasting
No. 46673
File: 1445226493574.jpg (11.77 KB, 320x320, 12081171_1175902649106573_1549…)

She literally looks she's sucking dick, it looks like one of those porn ads in sidebars.
No. 46674
>>46663Yes because anyone not jumping on board calling her a fat lard MUST be Ember herself. I seriously have no clue who she is as a person. I'm just stating the obvious. She is thin. She is not fat, chubby, has a huge gut, etc. her legs do look thin. You do not need to be severely underweight to have an eating disorder. Therefore she very possibly could have one.
I don't care what you guys say. However, trying to call her fat or any other form of overweight is very much grasping at straws and nitpicking. Because she is thin.
If you do think she is any form of fat/overweight you are either overweight yourself so you are picking at her whatever chance you get, bored and trolling, or have a disordered view on what thin should be considered.
No. 46676
>>46673>>46674>>46673Fuck off Ember.
(It's obvious when she is here because she updates her instagram repeatedly when she is online)
No. 46679
>>46674"if you think she doesn't have anorexia, then you must be fat"
ok ember, nice disordered thinking you got there.
No. 46680
>>46676I keep saying this but, usually it's skye.
It's so annoying, half this board is "hi ember".
Ya she's probably lurking 23/7 but she's not always posting.
No. 46682
>>46680I only think it's ember because whenever she posts a new selfie, she immediately uploads it here. Notice the filename of this photo
>>46673 Looks like the kind of filename images have on your camera roll. She posted it here straight from her phone.
No. 46683
>>46681Lol get over your paranoia holy shit
I actually lol'd, thanks for that
No. 46789
>>46733Ember is 19 though? And the videos of her were recorded in March of this year, when she was 18.
The only people (that I am 100% on) who are underaged here are Eboni and Ren.
No. 46790
File: 1445265884607.png (63.45 KB, 674x258, Screenshot_2015-10-19-10-38-39…)

>>46789Oops forgot to add the screenshot.
No. 46803
>>46798that's what she calls the group of pro anas who all do those "wanna be promoted to 65k???" scheme.
i truly wonder how many of Embers followers are fake though. 10,000 people but she can only get 300-400 likes on an image? doesn't make sense. seems like most of them are inactive or spam accounts.
No. 46804
>>46801She dropped out of high school at 16. Though in this video she says she was diagnosed with anorexia between 8 and 9 then says that she has been suffering from anorexia for "about 10 years". Also the date on that video is May 2015 and her 19th birthday was in August.
No. 46805
File: 1445268810101.jpg (50.7 KB, 338x600, avatar.jpg)

>>46801I just remembered she posted a photo of her ID which says her birth year is 1996, making her between the ages of 19 and 20.
No. 46806
>>46801Do you know the location of the person who reported this thread?
I'm only asking because I curious if it was Ember.
No. 47254
File: 1445382169505.png (119.89 KB, 1080x708, Screenshot_2015-10-20-18-57-06…)

Lol I can't even tell you how many things I have bought for myself off of Embers wishlist lol.
>>pic related, buying these now
No. 47269
>>47261I actually already have a pair of these but just ordered the charcoal one. I really like the pair I currently have though.
The fleace on the inside is insanely soft and keeps my legs nice and warm when it's cold out. I've had them for about 2 years now too, so they're incredibly durable, considering my normal pair of leggings last me around 6 months to a year.
No. 47277
File: 1445387932017.png (190.79 KB, 1080x495, Screenshot_2015-10-20-20-37-27…)

>>46790Randomly came across another proana account with #holysquad in their description
No. 47375
File: 1445439944605.png (1017.52 KB, 1603x511, v.png)

I sent this blog the message on the far left and the first two "confessions" on that blog are talking about how badly they wish they were Ember's friend (lmfao) and the second one talks about how "eating disordered" Ember now looks.
I mean, did I call it or nah. Because I totally saw this shit coming. Every anon on this site shits down Ember's throat but anons on Tumblr suck farts right out of her ass.
(Presumably because those anons are Ember herself)
Fr though, every "eceleb confesssions" type blog are fucking riddled with anons fawning over Ember, it's pretty damn obvious who that is since Ember is a wannabe internet celebrity, along with a wannarexic as well.
No. 47475
File: 1445456820692.png (272.39 KB, 547x942, jaja.png)

Lol @ Ember self submitting to "eceleb" blogs.
Get rekt ya grimy ass bitch.
No. 47478
File: 1445458698388.png (1.13 MB, 1131x1131, img1445458556471.png)

Grow up! You're almost 20 years old!
No. 47479
>>47478omg I s2g, I was just in the middle of making a college similar to this.
and just to be real with you all, that comment
>>I had a huge salad for dinner that my boy made me? it was delicious but I feel bad about eating that much.Really fucks with me because I am trying to lose weight and have only eaten a really big salad today and yeah. Just fuck you Ember, she is such a pro ana scum bag.
No. 47480
>>47478omg, that's embarrassing af. bitch is probably lying to make herself seem cute. then she takes pics of the bandaid on her arm trying to act like she had some major shit done, when in reality she probably just had a checkup and got her bloods taken.
truly ~tragic~
No. 47505
>>47498The fact that they were
triggered by a post on an apparent "recovery" account just proves what Ember is actually trying to do here.
No. 47509
(Posted by Kristen. Click for more info.)>>47505It's been obvious what ember is trying to do with her Instagram account. It's old news that it isn't actually a recovery account. Report it and shut up already. But don't blame someone for
triggering you when you go out of your way to obsess over her accounts when you know all she does is post about anorexia.
No. 47538
File: 1445467498625.png (1.13 MB, 1785x1386, PhotoGrid_1445467415905-1.png)

Oh the irony.
No. 47539
File: 1445467580901.png (700.2 KB, 1080x1153, Screenshot_2015-10-21-18-42-12…)

>>this is one of Embers back up accounts
She literally has a scale at home and has taken photos of herself standing on it. She just can't stop lying, can she?
No. 47540
File: 1445467658220.png (Spoiler Image,997.42 KB, 1080x1080, Screenshot_2015-10-21-18-38-43…)

Yeaaah, you're totally not promoting eating disorders Ember.
No. 47542
File: 1445467805915.png (968.66 KB, 1080x1224, Screenshot_2015-10-21-18-48-30…)

Looks like she got another fake septum.
I wonder if this one will make her nose look ginormous like the others lol.
No. 47595
File: 1445476037251.png (1.16 MB, 1673x946, PhotoGrid_1445475906715-1.png)

This right here is why Ember is a shit promoter. You don't just tell people you got that shit for free then explain to someone else how you got free shit.
No. 47681
File: 1445487179419.jpg (143.89 KB, 640x975, emberinsta2.jpg)

I saw this on her instagram this morning. No shame at all, huh.
No. 47688
>>47493Lol wow she went to a legit lab to get legit blood work. Do you know how many reasons there are to get blood work? This could be an std screening/regular lab work/blood tox screening/pre MRI blood work/etc etc
I've had my blood work down almost every year. This means shit.
No. 47697
>>47688This. Different healthcare system but, whenever I go to a GP with something that is probably nothing but could also be something they
always do blood tests just to make sure. Her doctor probably noticed how bad her vitamin and iron levels are from her terrible eating habits and shipped her off to get more specific information on them.
No. 47871
File: 1445538879543.png (1.31 MB, 1080x1839, Screenshot_2015-10-22-14-08-02…)

tru @youcanfindmeintheforest
what IS with her chin
No. 47891
File: 1445540513228.jpeg (121.07 KB, 640x839, image.jpeg)

(Posted by Kristen. Click for more info.)Only posting this in here as a reply to the person who posted that selfie she took with the dirty feet. I was laughing when I saw this on my dashboard this morning because it explains her dirty foot selfie that was posted in this thread the other day.
No. 48042
File: 1445552540342.png (1.03 MB, 1092x506, 2.png)

>>inb4 ember files a billion dmca claims against this blogthis blog owner is a dope. why would you post an honest opinion on ember's picture. you know tumblr is going to side with her and most likely have your blog deleted with every picture of her ugly ass mug.
No. 48197
>>48173Ember has been scamming since she came on the scene, she's never stopped.
Literally everything ember does is so she can get free shit.
No. 48203
File: 1445608814793.png (1.48 MB, 2048x1151, PhotoGrid_1445608582882-1.png)

Embers gets called out for the lying hypocrite she is and this is how she replies lmfao. Classic cunt behavior.
Her caption in the far left image:
>>Still harassing me huh @never2old2recover ? Are you just going to harass me on every account I haven't blocked you on until you physically can't obsess over me any more? You post about me on gossip websites on the daily boo, if you think you're anything but my biggest fan and obsessor you're wrong ??? so please keep it up with the "fat cow" etc. comments, they just make you look like the twat you are, and it doesn't bother me in the least so ??
No. 48204
File: 1445608953462.png (52.39 KB, 1080x171, Screenshot_2015-10-23-10-00-46…)

>>48203Haha that top comment, surprised Ember didnt delete it since it even whiteknighting her.
No. 48207
File: 1445609896420.png (72.57 KB, 1080x282, Screenshot_2015-10-23-10-10-58…)

>>48204Isn't it obvious? She can't call out the ~haters~ on this website, so whenever she gets a negative comment on one of her social media accounts, she HAS to blow it out of proportion and take out all of her anger that she has towards us, on that one particular person in front of all of her followers.
Basically trying to make herself look like a victim while simultaneously victimizing the person by sending her proana #holysquad after them.
Personally, I love when she does stuff like this because the "hatemail" is always super accurate and her replies are perfect examples of the type of scum bag Ember really is lol. She just really let's her colors shine when she does this.
Also, she just admitted to lurking this thread if anyone still believed she doesn't come here every chance she gets.
No. 48210
File: 1445610399622.png (2.19 MB, 2048x1918, 2015-10-23 10.22.43-1.png)

Someone should DM lushie.recovery and tell her that Ember is faking scoliosis for attention, since lushie obviously has a very serious case of the same disease.
No. 48211
File: 1445610707529.png (1.75 MB, 2048x1210, PhotoGrid_1445610490396-1.png)

only posting to point out ber retardedly low like count on her posts. You're telling me a person with 10,000 followers can't even break 500 likes on posts that been up for hours? Yeah, okay. That totally seems legit.
No. 48213
File: 1445611009852.png (863.35 KB, 1080x952, Screenshot_2015-10-23-10-34-35…)

She is now promoting pro ana accounts by posting their thinspo on her account.
So, now is a A+ time to report her. No. 48232
File: 1445616266204.png (2.51 MB, 2048x1879, PhotoGrid_1445615880401-1.png)

Her hair in this picture grosses me the fuck out. How did she manage to fry her roots???? Has she ever used conditioner once in her entire life?
Ember, beg your followers for some deep conditioner and quit dying that shit for a at least a month, you are KILLING your hair.
>>inb4 Ember claims her disgusting hair is a result of her SUPER SERIOUS AND TOTALLY NOT FAKE AT ALL decade old anorexia, not because she dyed her hair black, bleached it, dyed it dark brown, then bleached it again within a few months.
No. 48234
File: 1445616527799.png (103.83 KB, 396x342, omg.png)

>>48232Ohhh and lol @ how her suckened in cheek bone melts into her neck
No. 48235
>>48232She's squeezing all her pics now, it makes her forehead look huge.
She's blurring too much shit, trying to hide her nose
No. 48243
File: 1445617699253.png (555.11 KB, 1318x922, mhm.png)

>>27743Remember 2 months ago, when Ember tried to pretend that her little 9 year old sister is transgernder? Well…….
>>Right pic is from her mom's facebook, posted earlier this month. Ember is fucked up for trying to say her little sister believes she is "supposed to be a boy" when she obviously is a very normal little girl. No. 48253
File: 1445621016854.png (539.98 KB, 1080x1169, Screenshot_2015-10-23-13-16-30…)

>>48211Ember be lurking so fucking much today haha.
And sure, you're totally going to block people after begging for months to get 10k followers hahaha. Watch her maybe get rid of 5-20 people, tops.
No. 48265
File: 1445623227941.png (70.42 KB, 1080x298, Screenshot_2015-10-23-13-57-15…)

>>48257.. after it was pointed out how little likes she had on her pictures, considering how many people follow her account. her real followers are super confused and worried sounding tho lol
No. 48273
>>48266Are you serious? So seeing Ember reply to "anonymous" messages on that refer to subject that were ONLY discussed in this thread, having her delete posts moments after we shit on them, and then watching her delete over 30 posts minutes after someone said they reported her thinspo to the staff is all one big ass coincidence????? Like there's more examples but come the fuck on, man.
You're either an oblivious moron, one of her whiteknights (which I doubt since no one likes her enough to stick up for her), or Ember herself, which is probably the case.
So, bye Felicia.
No. 48284
File: 1445625265310.png (1.37 MB, 1131x1131, img1445625115523.png)

The "holy squad" members. Basically just helping each other not eat and cheering each other on.
No. 48296
>>48203why tag me if you've blocked me? whats the point? its not like im gonna see it on IG.
(bc we all know you're in here)
Ember: the day you stop pretending to suffer from anorexia is the day i stop mocking you at every opportunity that presents itself. You never should've used Yom Kippur to seek attention for your wannarexia. THAT was when i started commenting. i knew of you before that, i thought u were disgusting, but that crossed a line for me. Submit what on the daily? I've submitted ONE screenshot of you to one blog, "boo". The only people "obsessed" with your chubby ass are the 13-15 year olds who can't see thru your photoshop bullshit.
No. 48299
>>48204"mental health social worker" ..ummm? yes? i am an LMSW and i do specialize in mental health. and, coincidentally, i live in NY too.
i know money is "super tight" for you Ember, that'll happen when you dropout of high school, so ill give you a free biopsychosocial evaluation anytime. Though i think we all already know you're suffering from some severe Munchausens By Internet.
No. 48313
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No. 48324
File: 1445636823464.png (98.97 KB, 956x347, Screenshot_2015-10-23-17-45-28…)

>>48313Awwwwww Eboni will never be apart of the #holysquad now :( She's made a total ass out of herself hahhahaha
No. 48334
>>48253Just so you all know, she didn't block anybody. Her follower cout went up 10 people actually.
>>48325That's exactly what Ember is.
No. 48338
"we're not a body type" OKAY
No. 48358
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No. 48451
File: 1445657984730.png (107.87 KB, 1018x417, Screenshot_2015-10-23-23-31-34…)

>>48299We all know that Ember would say she has this syndrome in a fucking heartbeat if it wouldn't immediately invalidate all of her other ~super life destroying illnesses~ that she steadily has to bring up when she wants a $100 hoodie or a $30 expresso machine.
I wonder how Ember reacted when she read an anon say they think she has that disorder, then Googled it for her only to realize it described her to a fucking T, but in the worse way she could imagine.
No. 48512
File: 1445672175484.jpg (94.3 KB, 640x902, image.jpg)

Isn't this the exact same choker she "promoted" for 3rdchakra? Wtf is wrong with these idiot sellers, sending their $0.75 jewelry out to every moron with a few thousand followers who asks? They deserve to go out of "business" quickly.
No. 48613
>>48450>Please go explain how diagnoses work to the morons in the fakeboi thread who think you can be diagnosed comorbid bipolar and schizophrenic.i don't know much about this fakeboi population, they seem really irritating. simply put, if they experience psychotic symptoms associated with schizophrenia, but also have extreme shifts in mood (highs/lows), (and not faking for attention) then we would call that Schizoaffective Disorder. not schizophrenia and bipolar. Its kinda comparable to the fact that you can't be diagnosed with anorexia AND bulimia at the same time. every time i see "Ana & Mia" in someone bio i want to reach thru the screen and slap them.
If i cant self diagnose even though I'm licensed and actually trained to do diagnostic assessments, then neither can these fakebois and anas.
No. 48661
>>48284Holyshit, I followed some of these people just to snoop on their private accounts and…
They are all fucking bonkers.
No. 48791
(Posted by Kristen. Click for more info.)>>48790You should have commented this to the person posting screenshots off tumblr. Like any of us care that someone submitted a *~confession~* about her to a gay ass drama blog.
CAN WE PLZ GO BACK TO BASHING EMBER. no one cares about this dirty girl. stop posting her or make your own thread.
No. 48811
I've been aware of Ember's posts for a while. Amusing though they may be, she has not yet broken any global rules until a few days ago. Self-posting and samefagging are perfectly allowed, as long as you don't post a thread about yourself.
Even vendetta threads and posts are permitted if they aren't overly egregious in their "call to action" or their amount of false information.
A few days ago, she reported this thread, as well as several posts with images and links across many different threads. The report reasons started out like this:
>She was under 18 in these>Person in photos and videos is under 18>This girl is 15 in these picturesShe was reporting content that was somewhat sexual in nature. I did not investigate too deeply and considered it reasonable that some of the content might be from 2 or more years ago. I probably should have verified more closely initially, since I'm not sure if even those claims were true, but I did delete images and edit links that I thought could be construed as sexual.
It appears she was expecting I would outright start deleting posts or even the whole thread. After she saw me censor a few things, the reports escalated:
>This girl is 15>This girl lies about her age she is actually 15, and there are nudes here of her>The girl being posted about is actually 15 years old and not 19, and there are nude/semi nudesPast tense quickly changed to present, to try to convince me to remove more content. Lying about lying about one's age is a clever tactic, I suppose, though probably only if you haven't previously posted a picture of your ID card online.
>Global Rule 5. Do not try to evade bans or intentionally deceive or manipulate lolcowchan staff.She is not banned, but must identify herself in the name field at all times if she makes any future posts.
All of her posts across all boards have been marked as "Ember". You can CTRL+F "Posted by Ember" in threads to see her posts.
Threads she's made:
>>36036>>40573Other threads she's posted in:
>>27528>>33022>>33495>>37172>>37899>>44088 No. 48847
>>48844Well, why did Princess Doll do it? She was even a lot meaner about it. Drama = attention. Attention = good.
It's pathetic and, if anyone was on meta chat earlier, I don't understand why people were so friendly to and forgiving of PD for doing that, honest or not. Maybe if she had posted some sort of public post, but nope.
Sorry for the slight derailment eh
No. 48853
Wow, going through this thread and seeing the things she said about herself and her so called "friends" really takes my opinion of her to a whole other level. I'm her friend, but after this, idk man. I stuck up for her, I felt sorry for her, I hoped for her to get better, I helped her gain followers, etc. but now? I don't even know what to say. I'm a lot more disappointed than I thought id be. I mean, I've read this post but I gave her the benefit of the doubt, I thought people change, maybe she's not like this, but idk…..this is crazy. I'm done with her, for sure.
No. 48867
File: 1445762239574.jpg (15.09 KB, 421x109, jnhikn.JPG)

Personal Favourite <3
No. 48870
File: 1445762394306.jpg (17.9 KB, 923x76, jnikjn.JPG)

also this kek
No. 48873
>>48811I wasn't even following this thread because I think ana snowflakes are boring, but now I will be.
I love shit like this.
No. 48889
File: 1445778228390.jpg (100.91 KB, 1242x592, image.jpg)

No. 48893
File: 1445778629618.jpg (254.6 KB, 1024x955, depositphotos_5322326-Women-in…)

haha wow, Ember was actually posting here? I assumed all of those accusations were just paranoid weirdos
No. 48904
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>>42352 she would look cute if she forgot the whole emaciated look, fixed her eyebrows and hair. I don't think she has ugly features to begin with, she just really wants to highlight the bad ones..
No. 48909
>>48904If she fixed her eyebrows, she'd be soo much better looking.
Imo she should fix her eyebrows, do a nice chocolate brown a la Zooey Deschanel with a subtle ombré at the ends (she's gonna need to cut off at least to her shoulders and use a better shampoo and conditioner), stick to light blue clothes (her marble light blue sweater looks actually pretty nice for her eyes and skin tone I was surprised), pose like a normal tumblr girl instead of raggedy ana, stick to cat eye for makeup because she should keep it more natural (no lipstick, shiny lipgloss), lose the nasty sweatpants and leggings look and buy some jeans, and move out of her home town radius because she's never going to grow emotionally if she's in a protective bubble.
She has so much potential, I would love to take her on as a project and make her over, it'd be like an episode of what not to wear or something.
No. 48936
File: 1445788711721.jpeg (46.53 KB, 750x362, image.jpeg)

This is my favourite.
No. 48951
Ember you are ugly as fuck. Like actually.
No. 48960
File: 1445793595560.png (127.61 KB, 800x432, mhm.png)

from her old thread
No. 48962
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No. 48963
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No. 49010
>>48999Nice trips!!! And same, I really want to contact fairys.sin, and tell her what Ember really thinks about her.. Just so she can get the fuck away from her.
Also, JuJu is in IP right now and I feel that Ember over befriended her because of her illness. She wanted to use her as an accessory and as a motivator, I'm positive.
So fucked up.
No. 49012
>>49007Oh my god, that was meeee!!! I'm not even surprised that I called it though. Have you had a chance to read through all of the comments Ember made about Emily?
It's fucking disturbing. It's been years and Ember is still obsessed with Emily, but in such a horrible fucking way. I definitely believe Emily is still getting hate mail from her now.
No. 49022
>>49021It's too late. We're already too far gone.
They might as well.
No. 49035
>>49029>Why do you think they are wanarexics?are you one of them?
out of like 6? i said 2 are anorexic, like electriceffy. but the others are mostly just really young, like the majority of embers followers are. and its not uncommon to be very lean when you're very young. too many girls learn they can use their natural thinness, a filter and some posing, to get attention for being anorexic.
No. 49042
File: 1445797748170.png (61.09 KB, 709x572, dumb af.png)

>>49031i contacted one of her little #holysquad buddies and this was her reply
so yeah, they're all pretty stupid
No. 49047
>>49043Sending more asks at this point is beating a dead horse, she's not going to believe you. Her and de.prived or whatever are not going to believe it, and they are reinforcing eachother to not believe it so it's even worse.
I'm sure they'll have it on their minds when they lay down to sleep tonight, let them figure it out themselves.
No. 49048
>>49046weird how she is able to trust a random girl on instagram over a thread that is loaded down with proof of all of ember's shitty behavior. even without he labels, there are so many screenshots of Ember being a lying scum bag.
people just believe what they want
No. 49049
>>49048Ember preys on people younger than her that she can easily manipulate, that's why she used to always post on pro ana forums looking for "little sister" she could be the "big sister" to.
It's pretty creepy now, but it'll be creepier when she's older.
No. 49055
>>49048Yes, people are stupid.
The average person wants to be loved, to have friends, to feel validated.
To believe this thread her 'friends' will be losing those things. They'll feel dumb for putting their trust in her.
Though rationally we can see it would be worse to continue contact with her, they cannot, yet.
People are easily manipulated to fulfil emotional bonds and desires. That's exactly what has happened here.
No skin off our backs, though.
No. 49057
>>49049To be honest I don't think all of her manipulation is intentional, personally. I think she's a plain girl with very low self esteem and these are the only ways she knows how to get attention or maintain friendships.
I imagine she didn't have many stable friendships growing up.
No. 49067
>>49063I think she's trying to do two things in most of her posts:
>throw us off it being her>save face Not that she does either of these things successfully.
I can't judge for all her friends etc, but i think she does value these people and the ones she insulted. She just has such low self esteem she feels the need to put them down. I think imagining they're all just tools manipulated by her is giving her too much credit, and probably something she would want us to think to 'save face' and hide her increasingly low self esteem.
She's really basic from my perspective.
No. 49069
File: 1445800423680.png (850.04 KB, 1080x1230, Screenshot_2015-10-25-15-01-50…)

Ember juSt posted this but it has nothing to do with what's going on At least we now know for certain she is aware of what happened.
No. 49084
File: 1445803335324.png (1.87 MB, 1080x1437, Screenshot_2015-10-25-15-58-28…)

Most of the people she is promoting right now all have their own account, so ive went ahead and messaged all of them about this thread and the shit she said about fairys.sin.
No. 49086
>>49084top left image: that bra is waaay too little, hope she doesnt think if she lost weight, it'll fit better.
anyways, ember literally just deleted every single one of those promos lol
No. 49088
File: 1445804055614.png (557.71 KB, 1080x1116, Screenshot_2015-10-25-16-12-04…)

I've never heard of this before.
Side note, I wonder how close this thread is to the reply limit
No. 49092
>>49089She didn't care who it was, she wants to pretend it's Mckenzie so she looks like a victim.
I wonder what she's telling people happened.
Last time it was her "cousin who lived in her house" wasn't it?
No. 49094
File: 1445804620608.png (34.05 KB, 252x350, s.png)

>>she's one of @embersrecovery's best friend and top pro ana minions.
This is seriously such a shock to me. I still can't wrap my head around why she would say such horrible things about her "bestfriend". She even called Mckenzie her "minion".
No. 49114
File: 1445808864922.png (42.64 KB, 632x384, fs111.png)

I don't have an instagram, so could someone DM and let her know hat Ember said?
I just want her to be exiled from her little pro ana #holysquad for being two faced as hell.
>>>/snow/38619 No. 49119
File: 1445809420169.jpg (120.29 KB, 530x762, IMG_20151025_164218.jpg)

Is this where you are venting about how embarrassed and fucked up you are?
No. 49128
File: 1445811953205.jpg (140.09 KB, 538x840, IMG_20151025_172510.jpg)

Thinnesss just found out and is telling her 35k followers
No. 49129
File: 1445812188635.gif (1.37 MB, 400x300, R6Fyx9D.gif)

I'm about to post all of the comments
No. 49130
File: 1445812353464.png (1.15 MB, 1987x1153, PhotoGrid_1445812268209-1.png)

No. 49131
File: 1445812436340.png (76.56 KB, 1080x287, Screenshot_2015-10-25-18-32-54…)

>>49130this was just posted.. why can't anyone understand the her ip is linked to her posts lol
No. 49135
yeah cause someone going through random posts and tagging them as ember is way more likely than ember samefagging
>but..but..I like them so they can't possibly be meanies! No. 49136
File: 1445812783376.png (113.71 KB, 1080x1221, Screenshot_2015-10-25-18-38-33…)

Awww, I wonder what is wrong with Ember? :(
No. 49138
File: 1445812935626.png (351.71 KB, 1080x1169, Screenshot_2015-10-25-18-40-24…)

lol mckenzie is gonna get the truth out there
No. 49139
>>49136Hahaha if this isn't evidence of her guilt I don't know what is
If I was accused of posting shit I didn't I'd be livid and fight to disprove it, not threatening others with suicide which lbr is not going to happen
Ember you can't even commit yourself to anorexia
No. 49140
>>49130I'm so happy karma came along and slapped ember on both of her faces. I am cracking open a bottle of champagne mentally.
Ember's been caught for the awful, shit talking, low life she's hidden behind her sickly sweet persona.
How is she gonna lie her way out of this one? Fake suicide? Hacked? It'd be funny if admin posted her IP proof, but we all know its gonna be her HTC or kindle.
No. 49143
>>49136lost.forgotten.fairy is fairys.sin and she said >>talk to me sweetheart
which leads me to believe that she has no idea what happened on lolcow today.
Someone go DM her maybe? I would if I had an account.>>49142Probably since Ember made a "call out" account about her lol
No. 49149
>>48855>>49133>Will every comment she's ever made under her ip now be marked or does mod go through and manually mark them? I feel like she's had her hands in a few more threadsEvery post that I could 100% tie to her has been marked. It's quite possible there are a few other posts of hers I've missed. If you suspect any other posts were made by her, please report them, and I'll try to verify. I won't mark a post as hers unless I am completely certain it is, though.
>>49138>they say it is a 'fact' because it's from her IP address but they have no evidence to support that, aka not a factI am relying on more than just IP addresses to identify her posts, as usual. I never mark a post unless I am able to definitively tie the post to them with confidence, through multiple technical and non-technical means. I always err on the side of not marking a post until I can prove attribution.
Also, to be clear,
>>48811 separates threads she made from threads she did not make but merely posted in.
No. 49171
>>37899I can see it now…poor me, I've been harrassed…cue the lies about death threats. She'll probably claim that people were contacting her bf and family and it was 'her only way out'.
When she returns with her sob story her Holysquad (think Wicked Witch of The West and her flying monkeys) will leap to her defence and eat uo every single word she feeds them.
She'll hope that all this will make people back off. She's never tried the fake suicide attempt before so this is probably gonna be her trump card to try and get her out of this whole mess. OD will be the most obvious way for her to choose because she can still take her pro ana selfies without having to worry about faking scars from cutting or hanging.
Saying that, she can always wrap a bandage around her wrists for a poor me selfie only to be inevitably caught out further down the line when there will be no visible scars.
No. 49174
>>49166Not to be that asshole, but if I were her i'd actually an hero or peace off the internet/live on it anonymously because she just destroyed friendships she's been working on for a long time.
It's crazy how her jealousy to be thin and popular has turned her into this monster that latches on to people only to hate them in such a violent way in private.
No. 49192
File: 1445819223489.png (363.11 KB, 1080x1442, Screenshot_2015-10-25-20-24-59…)

>>marles1016: What happened?
>>skinnycatana: @marles1016 she got exposed
No. 49227
>>28436 touches on it.
No. 49229
File: 1445822080175.png (25.96 KB, 697x171, Screenshot_2015-10-25-21-13-14…)

>>49192she logged on just to delete skinnycatana's comment lol
No. 49233
File: 1445822883576.png (51.76 KB, 1080x297, Screenshot_2015-10-25-21-24-41…)

>>49192can't wait to see her next move lol, here's two more comments
No. 49238
File: 1445824044348.png (Spoiler Image,2.82 MB, 2048x2048, PhotoGrid_1445823848662.png)

>>49152I think you're fragile.turtle, am I right? If So you're a real piece of work.. No wonder you stick up for Ember. No. 49272
File: 1445828404038.png (1.46 MB, 1080x1496, Screenshot_2015-10-25-22-59-00…)

No. 49276
File: 1445828516886.png (260.83 KB, 1080x921, Screenshot_2015-10-25-19-17-07…)

>>49272This is what it looked like before
No. 49279
File: 1445828580716.png (122.93 KB, 1080x1080, Screenshot_2015-10-25-23-02-25…)

This fake little bitch
No. 49281
>>49279We all fucking called it.
Now who wants to guess what she will do NEXT!
No. 49284
>>49281ANXIETY blah blah DEPRESSION blah blah THERAPHY blah blah
oh here's a forged doctor's note about it
Ember you ugly piece of white trash please just go away
No. 49290
If this thread hits a post limit, I will make a new asap.
And she is being over dramatic right noe. No doubt in my mind that she is still at home, watching netflix, smoking weed, and trying not to think about the shit storm she is in the center of.
Please someone do what this anon suggested earlier
>>49211 No. 49301
File: 1445829586835.png (404.35 KB, 1080x1383, Screenshot_2015-10-25-22-54-36…)

>>49238She keeps demanding evidence and when I ask what kind she wanted then explained exactly how to get whatever she needed to believe is, and she just flips the script on me. I wasn't even being rude.
No. 49304
>>49298She keeps rewriting who's watching her account, this is fun.
It's a good thing they kept that holysquad and queen emoji name set in there so nobody gets confused.
Someone please post on her fb lmao
"Get well soon"
Fuck, add her boyfriend or post lolcow like on his pictures.
He'll add any girl btw, guy dm'd me as soon as I added him I get scared and deleted my account lmao
No. 49305
I can't find those posts right now but when anons suggested contacting her bf she freaked the fuck out and samefagged for like 10 posts trying to convince anons not to do it
No. 49312
File: 1445830490810.png (245.61 KB, 1080x1132, Screenshot_2015-10-25-23-33-01…)

whoomp there it is, ember is now pretending to be someone named "allie"
No. 49317
File: 1445830753442.png (154.17 KB, 1080x1196, Screenshot_2015-10-25-23-37-42…)

>>49279her account now lol
No. 49328
File: 1445831509698.jpg (187.55 KB, 753x1297, image.jpg)

I wonder how many of her minions saw this comment before she could delete it?
No. 49343
File: 1445832333395.jpg (40.06 KB, 841x266, Capture.JPG)

>>49338Two girls called Allie on her fb friend list, but it's not like she comments on their pics or anything, so
No. 49387
>>49149Dear Admin, I've noticed through scanning Ember's comments throughout threads that she responds in an exact manner. Instead of, for example, posting like this:
blah blah"
She posts like this:
">>49152blah blah I'm Ember Whann"
I compiled a number of screenshots that prove this point. I'll post them in this thread shortly. Sorry if this doesn't help, I'm sure you've already noticed this.
No. 50711
File: 1445843932838.jpg (127.15 KB, 538x729, IMG_20151026_021726.jpg)

No. 50717
>>50712It seems like they're not familiar with chan boards and how they differ from the typical IG/tumblr "call out communities"
They seem to think admin has some sort of vendetta.
No. 50734
>>50712They're probably the same way deep down which is why they choose to empathize with her.
They're a bunch of two faced bitches whose only cling to superiority is how much their ribs poke out compared to their "fat and ugly" friends whom they pretend to be nice to just to feel good about their images for a whole five minutes whereas otherwise they have nothing.
No. 50816
File: 1445868186085.jpg (388.88 KB, 1512x1512, Hm.jpg)

Funny, she's been unfollowing people.
No. 50818
>>50810I agree. She's not bright enough to be some grand puppet master of manipulation. She has moments of under handed attempts at manipulation (like trying to get her thread deleted) but even then she's such a doorknob she can't pull them off.
She's just… stupid. Nothing special about it. No personality disorder or psychiatric condition. Just a dumb girl with low self esteem who found a basic way to get recognition.
No. 50825
File: 1445868813669.png (173.09 KB, 2030x378, Screen Shot 2015-10-26 at 14.1…)

> much recover
> triggered by numbers
> blind weighing only wow
No. 50827
>>50824Yesterday her wishlist had 37 items, and nothings been purchased. I wonder what she removed within the last 24/hrs.
I'm sure she'll post it immediately after coming back.
No. 50830
She literally deleted something right after the first link was archived, she's bad at playing dead but if you're gonna ask for wishlist shit because you're recovering from your fake episode you gotta make sure it's all stuff you really want.
No. 50835
>>50830She really,
really needs that six-pack of shirataki noodles for her "recovery," guys. How could anyone recover from severe anorexia without almost calorie-free "diet" noodles?
No. 50842
>>50830But Anon, how could this be? Surely it's just Allie taking care of her wishlist also! Precious Ember couldn't be so stupid as to fake suicide/recovery and still not resist the temptation to do such trivial things as update her wishlist, could she?!
>watch as retard gets exposed and claims Allie is really her 'split personality' No really though, couldn't put it past her to misinfo something new for snow flake points.
It's funny too because I bet most of the kind/concerned comments are from people who really don't give a shit. They're just posting to appear thoughtful, even if it makes no difference if retard falls off the face of the planet.
No. 50848
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>>Don't you know what happens when you cry wolf….>>Good luck with that you backstabbing, pot stirring, drama addicted bitch (don't worry I'll save the personal call out for when you come back. I know how you love the attention)I love how done Mckenzie is right now. No. 50849
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>>50848Stole this from Mckenzie's thread
No. 50858
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Yesterday, this girl wouldn't listen to a thing I said and deleted her response to me moments after posting it… But now, it seems like the reality of the matter has finally started to set in with a few of Ember's followers ^.^ No. 50866
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>>50858What Ember did to Mckenzie, Zoe, and Heidi is exactly what she has ALWAYS done to her friends.
>>suck up to them as much as humanly possible>>get personal deets about the person>>anonymously harass them so they go to ember for support>>ember then calls the "anon" a "jealous hater", tell them how "omg this happens to me all the time!!! they probably came after you because of me. i am very popular online, you know? jealous haters never leave me aloneee, sorry you got dragged into it babe! xox">>continues to send the person anonymous hatemail>>continues to console the person and demonize the "mystery" anon hater until she is ultimately CAUGHT>>Fakes a suicide attempt / fakes going into "treatment" / bullshits an apology note, explaining how she is going to changeShe did this to Emily, Maddi, Nikki, and a shit ton of other people. You would think she would learn her lesson the first several times her hateful anonymous messages blew the fuck up in her face but noooope.
She appears to have a serious issue retaining information or possibility a learning disability, considering the fact that she did drop out of high school at age 16 and still hasn't even tried to get her GED.
To be completely honest, Ember was probably the girl who wrote mean comments on the bathroom stalls about her classmates and then would run and tell them about the "horrible thing someone said about them!"
No. 50867
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yep. she totally blocked me. meaning she's probably online looking at all of her unfollowers and blocking every single one.
No. 50876
>>50867wanna know something funny? every time she makes a new instagram, she instantly blocks my account. i haven't even tried to follow her on it either but that's the exact page i am directed too whenever i try to view her profiles on my personal account but i can view everything just fine on my sock account lol
>>49317>>we are taking care of her>>she is seeking professional helpWELL, WHICH IS IT???
No. 50885
>>50878If it bothered that anon to be blocked.. why would they unfollow her account to begin with? They obviously didn't want to view her page anymore so I'm not too sure how getting blocked would make them pissed? I really appreciate them telling us that she is actually blocking people now, even though she apparently isn't online lol.
They're really just providing us with more proof that this whole thing is yet another scheme that's being poorly executed by the queen of wannarexics.
No. 50888
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One of the holy squad has spoken (and will probably delete this later).
It's really funny how she's blaming others for creating drama when it's her bffls that started it all.
No. 50899
>>50711>>Random IRL friend she has never mentioned takes over her insta and deletes everythingSo legit
Seriously, if social media were the reason behind her getting help, a true friend would delete those accounts so fast. Someone doesn't want to lose her followers yet doesn't want to give anyone the chance to call her out on her bullshit by leaving posts up for them to do that and her followers to see.
>>50830So she's not stable enough to be running her own insta (is apparently off social media while getting help - at least that's what "Allie" is trying to put across), yet is updating her wishlist that fuels her disorders. All that professional help is clearly doing a world of good and making sure she doesn't fuel her mental state further at this allegedly difficult time by allowing access to the internet.
No. 50904
>>50888is this another fucking cosplay comunity with degeneates posting shit on this shit. fuck cosplaying man. this shit isnt not worth it.
not if there worms like you guys crawling around
No. 50909
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No. 50913
>>50911You made a post that literally said "bump" and you know damn well that threads have a reply limit, which this one is nearing.
You're just spamming her thread, trying to make it where no one else can comment.
This has to be Ember, fragile.turtles, or a troll.
I seriously hope this is just a troll/shitposter.
No. 50915
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omgg raggity.annie turned on her!!! ember used to promote that chick all the time, lmfao.
mckenzie is getting so restless, she wants ember to return asap, so she can shit all over her.
No. 50919
Shit is getting so awkward around here.
>>50911How anyone could care this much about ember of all people is beyond me. The only milk here worth anything is seeing her fuck up. Again. I'm willing to bet my left arm this spam anon is underage.
No. 339769
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Don't know if you know annisrecovery from instagram she's like one of these wannarexics too and it seems like she's also using photoshop haha