File: 1510515986042.jpeg (102.76 KB, 640x853, 5B3A2CA0-F4CD-4CDE-95AC-E9F5DA…)

No. 421847
Thanks to all the info in
>>>/pt/366110 we can finally give her her own thread lel feel free to move to /snow/ if needed, I never made a thread so idk where she should go
>over photoshopped patreon/twitch thot who became famous over her mei “cosplay”>has 3 jobs and gets free rides to cons from her manager but that doesn’t stop her from begging for money to pay “bills” or buy food. after begging somehow has new cosplays>guilt trips people into giving her money (i.e “if you love me you’ll help me eat lunch today~ link to>doesn’t make her costumes (besides sharpie Lum) but doesn’t correct people who commend her for her craftsmanship>uses friends for commissions to wear the cosplays once and talk shit about them later>shameless public breakdowns on her public twitter/twitch broadcasts to gain pity/money from others>sends her white knights after people who dare to do the same cosplay as her>fights with her boyfriend on her public twitter, they break up and they’re together again the next day>asexual but sexualizes herself for the patreon bux $$$$>somehow getting her own apartment when she already begs for money to pay bills while living with her parents No. 421848
File: 1510516153398.png (440.12 KB, 577x595, B5DBFF9A-9881-4778-841A-FC1176…)

The horrendous sharpie Lum Invader mentioned in OP
No. 421850
File: 1510516453704.jpeg (201.24 KB, 750x1025, C12DD476-6B4D-4103-9496-5DEFE7…)

Public breakdown over dentist appointment, subtly slips in that her mom takes money from her so people will feel bad for her
No. 421852
File: 1510517124473.png (314.24 KB, 591x625, Screenshot 2017-11-12 at 12.05…)

No. 421854
>>421852Another instance of costhots borrowing each other's cosplays a la Momo and friends?
>>421853Yeah it's kind of sad because she plays up the whole nice internet girl uwu shtick but is really just using her friends and followers for profit
No. 421916
File: 1510519591702.jpg (173.11 KB, 1242x927, IMG_4813.JPG)

What kind of asexual posts selfies in a fakku shirt for twitter?
No. 421950
>>421847Isn’t this the bitch that
triggered Chel Hell Bunny just for doing a better looking casual Mei than Chel and getting more attention?
No. 421971
File: 1510521962452.jpg (40.69 KB, 352x359, IMG_4818.JPG)

Kawaii eyebags from the thread request thread for those who didn't see it.
No. 422078
File: 1510527215591.jpeg (13.92 KB, 203x203, 482832B1-D035-42A9-84CF-4FA3AA…)

>>422071kek this is glorious, anon
No. 422330
File: 1510533995623.jpg (136.88 KB, 952x1200, fat ugly mane.jpg)

>>422321How unfortunate…. OT but he's tweeted this picture on like 5 different occasions.
No. 422432
>>421967no1curr, sage goes in the email field.
>>421916How can she think that this looks good with that jaw?
No. 422524
File: 1510541413078.jpg (19.98 KB, 504x161, uwuthot.jpg)

>uwu i'm poor please send me money so a girl can eat
>1/4th of her followers are bought
No. 422541
>>422432Based on this
>>421971 that looks like her actual jaw
No. 422715
>>422071If this thot gets another thread please make this the OP pic
>>422540vid related
No. 422749
>>422738She's definitely having a meltdown considering she hates people/softblocks them for even the slightest disagreements.
>>422052Caps would be appreciated because from what I know… sounds like a different cow. This one is more uwu I'm a sensitive nice girl sweetheart that is actually a narcissist and beggar
No. 422794
File: 1510588324480.jpeg (65.49 KB, 750x395, 234BE712-CCD3-4829-980C-BD84B6…)

Such a hypocrite. lel
No. 422798
File: 1510588586480.png (30.81 KB, 500x541, no-correlation-19297230.png)

>>422794This just proves that she's an attention seeking thot who only does this shit for money and pity, not because she loves the characters or cares about her neckbeard fans
No. 423039
File: 1510606472750.jpeg (31.28 KB, 248x160, D642D292-F99A-4015-AE8E-35844B…)

>>423037I hope you’re only pretending to be retarded because this fabric exists
No. 423045
File: 1510606937777.jpg (101.33 KB, 768x1024, 1463212490471.jpg)

No. 423119
File: 1510610534581.jpeg (113.23 KB, 748x741, AB2AD65E-ACF2-40CA-96F2-D8269F…)

>>423103Another thing she begged for this year was money for an apartment deposit because her father was supposedly abandoning her family and they were gonna be homeless. Fast forward to now, still living in the same house, no mention of her dad though.
Pic slightly unrelated
No. 423172
File: 1510612963042.png (2.01 MB, 750x1334, 53C1870D-5D2D-44F0-B199-6ACBE3…)

Wait for it…..
No. 423174
File: 1510612990871.png (941 KB, 750x1334, C40A4083-86CC-47C8-9ACD-917447…)

No. 423183
File: 1510613296430.png (1.8 MB, 750x1334, 6A2870C4-246A-4A82-8AFE-374065…)

looks like shit in every picture that wasn’t taken by her arm’s length.
No. 423185
File: 1510613407037.jpeg (22.07 KB, 242x300, 1BAB5C90-FF23-4C5E-AC17-80EACA…)

>>423183 omfg her face is literally this but she’s not trying to look derpy and busted, she just is??????
No. 423191
File: 1510613686188.jpeg (119.95 KB, 750x633, 5015269C-E8F9-40CF-B4AB-C77013…)

No. 423193
File: 1510613843982.jpeg (2.02 MB, 2048x2048, 9719B67A-459F-423D-AB60-9C980D…)

No. 423281
File: 1510619617757.png (91.16 KB, 640x697, IMG_4835.PNG)

>>423103lawl that sounded too insane to be true but I looked it up and wow
No. 423283
File: 1510619852063.png (81.88 KB, 640x776, IMG_4836.PNG)

>>423281annnd price cap just in case she deletes everything
No. 423321
File: 1510625038389.jpeg (892.42 KB, 2560x2560, B291FE9C-3B98-442C-8A7C-937757…)

It looks like she has plans to move in with one of her Twitch teammates and he’s not very happy about this thread. I wonder if he knows it’s possible for non cosplayers to dislike Eclair as well as cosplayers, judging by the way he’s trying to shit on our collective “cosplay careers” I’m assuming he doesn’t.
OT but I wonder who his ex is hmm
No. 423325
File: 1510625126615.jpeg (108.64 KB, 750x424, 7C5938EC-722C-43AE-88AE-AD87B9…)

>>423321sage for OT but
graphic design is my passion No. 423332
File: 1510625441165.jpeg (123.6 KB, 750x1006, D9F15A6A-3FA3-4521-9020-963CA7…)

Old news but thought I’d include that she had drama with another snowflake a while back
No. 423337
>>423321Gossiping as a vice and problem solving skills/intelligence have nothing to do with one another. I do agree that a lot of posts are missing the point or reaching, but I'm sure most people can recognize that.
However, he's talking about intelligence yet completely fails to see how dumb of a business move it is to mention that your employee has a thread on lolcow on your twitter that is affiliated with work. Not only is it unprofessional as hell, but it's only going to draw attention to the site and the thread itself.
No. 424069
File: 1510700501916.jpeg (72.6 KB, 746x348, FB697796-335E-462F-9282-C64FA7…)

so broke that she couldn’t even do laundry? Wtf???
No. 425667
Glad this girl finally got her own thread. Seeing her photos on my TL or seeing her on Twitch really fuckin' bugs me. Why does she insist on shading the corners of her mouth? Even for daily makeup looks, it's like she does full on cosplay makeup.
>>421916That blatant "silkworm/ageyo sal" effect from Pitu (or all those other Asian photo editing apps people use now). She didn't even attempt to make it blend at all.
Her League streams make my eyes roll. When she changed her Twitter title to "Nami God" and I watched one of her support streams, it was no wonder she's hardstuck Silver 3. She even tried to get people to carry her to gold, but to no avail.
This girl whines all over social media about her past mistakes and having close to no marketable skills to make it in the real world and when people attempted to console her and encourage her to get her life together, she just laid out excuse over excuse. She's really milking this "Twitch personality/Cosplayer" thing, but it won't go too far. Her low-mid tier cosplays and facial reconstructing makeup (I typically applaud those who do it well, but this girls makeup looks like it's all bought from the dollar store and applied in a sauna using no mirror) will only go so far because she DOESN'T have a personalty that is marketable AT ALL, and she holds no other skills aside from making C tier cosplays. I typically like to give people the benefit of the doubt, but this one is making it really hard.
>>423321Her manager is delusional. I remember when they flew out Eclair for Twitch con because they thought it would be a good "marketing opportunity," but her stream hasn't grown ANY since her attending Twitch con. What marketing skills does Eclair have, in any way?
>>424069Too broke to afford laundry? Why can't she work a job in addition to cosplaying? Her Twitch is going nowhere at the moment and her manager isn't helping with that either.
>>422524For how many followers she has on social media, she sure doesn't get a lot of feedback on her posts. 42k followers but an average of 3 replies and maybe 20 likes? I'd say half are fake, the other half are real. She gets about the same amount of traffic as other cows with ~20k followers.
All the asking for money she does is insane. I can understand those who work hard and need some extra income to make a goal but I really don't see her doing much aside from super casual streams and putting together a couple OK cosplays. Honestly, if she just full fledged went into the adult industry, she'd probably be better off. She's got that really "ditsy" personality that a load of dudes would bust over and her body isn't half bad. I think she'd have more success doing that.
No. 425805
>>425667Jesus fucking thank you for this quality assessment of this cow.
She’ll probably blame depression or her “shitty life” that she didn’t play enough during the season and couldn’t get to gold in time. She’s notorious for breaking down publicly though not so much these days and definitely not since the creation of this thread, which she overcompensates with cringe positivity posts.
No. 425883
File: 1510868489405.jpeg (68.59 KB, 750x348, E3AFAE6A-9064-42AE-980E-A1EFCE…)

Calling it right now, she’s going to be panhandling within the first month of living apart from her parents.
No. 425898
File: 1510869631080.jpeg (48.69 KB, 749x374, 90B947F2-6568-474A-B2E4-D8E16C…)

How do you write “begging on the internet” as source of income on a lease agreement? Her manager must have paid the deposit and will probably pay the rent, too.
What a sad life to be an adult and still rely- no, EXPECT others to take care of you.
No. 426507
File: 1510941096205.jpeg (132.38 KB, 640x800, C1ADD36C-4F8F-4599-97BE-7ABB67…)

>>426442Probably a cuck with rich parents, nobody over 19 should dress like this
No. 426655
File: 1510953252129.jpeg (52.41 KB, 575x365, 089D761C-BB76-4961-81D7-0FCE7A…)

Eclair looks awful as Lum. Her wig is thin and ratty already and doesn’t have nearly as much volume in the bangs as Lum has (wouldn’t be surprised if it’s an old wig she’s reusing) and why does she insist on wearing those bug eyes contacts everywhere? Lum has dark blue eyes and in her figures she has yellow.
It’s been well over a week since she decided to make this cosplay and she hasn’t even managed to finish her bikini? I guess most of her time is being taken up drawing on each stripe.
No. 426687
>>426684She probably stays with her bf bc he foots the bill on everything. Yet somehow she’s still broke and begging online. kek
Then I’m aftaid she has to settle for being a miserable housewife. No marketable skills, shitty personality, unintelligent. Rekt
No. 428806
File: 1511222273130.jpeg (172.68 KB, 1116x1134, 45709695-8171-4A52-A83A-381D4E…)

She photoshopped her nose way smaller in this picture, and why does she look so sweaty all the time? Her hair’s gonna fall out with how much she bleaches, colors, and strips it.
No. 429227
>>429184Reasons to believe she goes to a salon to get that crap done professionally:
- when she was doing her hair pink she was taking selfies with her bf (they were previously fighting like the day before, big surprise)
- she’s literally too stupid to achieve a decent hair job herself. Case in point, using a sharpie to draw on fabric
No. 431052
File: 1511499390695.jpeg (132.96 KB, 960x540, 44231319-92C4-4AC6-A39B-1B8AE0…)

She looks even more like a rat than usual in this picture. Pink hair behind the fat hairy autist
No. 433416
File: 1511839013311.png (41.11 KB, 322x591, 2.png)

Her manager makes her food while she streams. How.. cute. /puke
No. 433419
File: 1511839213095.jpg (250.37 KB, 2048x1538, DPiDuI1XkAAoTzm.jpg)

Also, this is her finished Lum cosplay. Everything looks so bad.
No. 433863
File: 1511903790557.jpg (224.61 KB, 1275x717, IMG_5042.JPG)

picture of her twitch that she posted. why is she the main screen and why is she broke when somebody donated $600?
No. 434015
File: 1511915568375.jpg (263.25 KB, 1512x866, IMG_5043.JPG)

>>433751This pic is worse in that regard. Can't she just bring her knees closer to the chest? She looks like Dobby
No. 435493
File: 1512109468040.jpeg (377.69 KB, 2048x1641, 602F1BC3-0B4F-444C-8C0F-A7B6CA…)

No. 437737
File: 1512417001947.jpg (46.02 KB, 736x464, IMG_5102.JPG)

Saw this in the momokun thread and it made me think of Eclair
No. 438034
File: 1512448534210.jpg (403.14 KB, 1256x708, 1a1d990cc4fc73bdbf928dbdc68301…)

She's duo queuing in the pre-season, hyped about hitting gold in pre-season, and has sights set on platinum.. in the pre-season. Eclair, please. You couldn't solo queue to gold in the regular season, you really think pre-season is serious?
No. 438045
File: 1512450856560.png (524.85 KB, 606x687, c4b0344a4d5bec843c1e7c30bcb959…)

The inside of her mouth looks so gross. Dear god.
No. 438422
File: 1512505628298.png (116.97 KB, 640x820, IMG_5117.PNG)

>>438381Pretty sure her teeth are mostly fake
No. 438634
>>438045Ooohhh shit if you look close enough, what’s making her teeth look busted is that stupid dark lip line she does under her top lip to make it look “deeper/fuller” and that drawn on ass lip corners to be more animu
It’s so bad rofl
No. 438640
File: 1512522941501.jpeg (694.49 KB, 1639x2048, 198345F0-7BCE-47E9-AE35-277994…)

The wig looks so bad??? And she looks like a raggedy Anne bitch??? LMFAO
No. 438781
File: 1512528752591.png (8.16 MB, 1125x2436, 6F2C26C3-7CAE-4093-8A0F-5CC426…)

Dem bags doe
No. 439846
File: 1512675028714.jpeg (167.35 KB, 750x1081, 6FDDB3F5-DC96-4E55-B7A0-C3D4B8…)

Also samefagging but I found this in my screenshot folder from months ago when she let her neckbeards/anyone she was barely acquainted with follow her private. I might have more old ones but I don’t follow her anymore since she remade
No. 439967
File: 1512690416546.jpeg (871.66 KB, 1920x2560, D67B0A26-A38D-4D33-AD09-1BEAC7…)

>uses friends for commissions to wear the cosplays once and talk shit about them later
These screenshots are old as shit and I had to go into my old phone to find them but some context in what OP mentioned, I have more where these came from
No. 440071
File: 1512704602750.jpeg (98.38 KB, 750x494, 9ECDC7B1-706D-41D0-9FDB-20B4DD…)

No. 440792
>>439967This is a huuuuuuuge reach anon
She's not talking shit about the commission lol. She even says the costume looks great, it just doesn't fit her.
No. 441087
>>440918This, pretty much.
She’s been really inactive on her twitter for a while now though unless it’s to post that she’s online streaming
No. 441264
File: 1512871332830.jpeg (418.21 KB, 2048x1152, 930432DD-5926-46A3-BAFB-63F541…)

From Leara’s twitter
No. 442527
File: 1513057097241.jpg (18.89 KB, 355x500, 41g-OwdINcL.jpg)

>>442519She's cosplaying Asuka from Senran Kagura, while the character does wear thigh highs in her uniform she doesn't in bikinis. The only reference to the thigh highs is this figure, which she's undressing from her seifuku.
No. 442632
File: 1513081983941.jpeg (90.21 KB, 1125x628, 6C4A23E7-8965-4EE3-BBF1-B92B6B…)

Cannot stress how stupid as fuck it is to be wearing thigh highs with a bikini AND be in the pool. God fucking damn
No. 443512
File: 1513213735004.png (60.65 KB, 636x978, IMG_5213.PNG)

>>442450I Feel like this is a good reaction image
>>441253Can confirm. She wouldn't stfu about it to anyone in earshot
No. 443576
File: 1513219936253.jpeg (54.75 KB, 500x498, e650c766ef838b5a4a018f5fd80633…)

>>441264>>442632had to do it to em
No. 445367
File: 1513450855261.jpeg (842.66 KB, 2048x1538, AFFE824E-F250-4515-9916-90BE22…)

Looks like a meth addict.
No. 448889
File: 1513832246944.png (877.65 KB, 1280x556, 2E07F95C-5ECD-4298-9961-007C36…)

Where did her other nostril go?
No. 449459
File: 1513902494206.png (117.92 KB, 640x799, IMG_5314.PNG)

So asexual
No. 451942
File: 1514172767975.jpg (140.73 KB, 1008x756, IMG_5362.JPG)

What is this eye makeup
No. 452809
File: 1514311660137.jpeg (117.88 KB, 1125x597, 21367A30-E5E8-483E-A140-B972B2…)

The dead giveaway that she still whines and cries and has breakdowns only more discreetly on her super secret locked account and not flooding her main Twitter with it.
No. 453918
File: 1514337051724.png (9.15 MB, 1125x2436, 0AF683DA-F8E7-4E5F-BE2A-7DB66C…)

Um… ick lol
No. 457296
File: 1514661443840.jpeg (119.41 KB, 750x678, 97B4C7CA-485A-41A1-AEE5-A491E5…)

The difference between her and a regular human being is that other people don’t cry on their public twitters immediately followed by a link kek
>>455100She used to complain on her private all the time about how she hated lewd images because her boyfriend was always looking at hentai lmao talk about insecure
No. 458349
>>458261>her circleWho do you mean? Her orbiters? The people who keep her at an arm's distance because they know the messiness inside? The bigger names she pretends to be on the same level as? The people who were actually her friends but aren't any longer because of her behavior?
This girl is a trainwreck. Nobody is close to her unless it benefits her.
No. 464672
File: 1515377997889.jpeg (67.59 KB, 750x937, 208797B6-78F6-4D03-B407-976BC8…)

So THAT’S where the self loathing comes from. It all makes sense now kek
No. 472579
File: 1516138241140.jpeg (829.25 KB, 2048x1538, CBFF2DE1-AD26-42EE-A863-C713EC…)

Ugh I hate the way she does her lip makeup. It’s ugly and makes it look like she chewed up her lips trying to add that “fullness”
No. 472762
File: 1516148715191.jpg (127.17 KB, 750x1334, IMG_5646.JPG)

This was on her story yesterday. Didn't she have a manager?
No. 472784
>>472579hey at least she isn’t doing her eye makeup terribly like she did with tamamo
>sees >>472762nvm
No. 485687
File: 1517262449049.jpeg (295.4 KB, 1125x1741, 43C36A5C-ADD7-42A0-BCC3-1D40A2…)

Though she’s not public about her bf or any of her breakdowns anymore, here’s evidence that they’re broken up. At least for now. Knowing their chronology, they’ll be back together by the end of the week.
No. 485690
File: 1517262522175.jpeg (194.68 KB, 750x513, 0DE37EAE-A19F-45D8-8155-17DD96…)

I don’t know if it’s well known or anything but she came into the momo twitter post adding her two cents on momokun
No. 493557

>>486063She's just as bad as momo, but just isn't as popular- plus, she's white and skinny unlike Mariah, so people looking for fap material will care less.
She doesn't credit her photographers, is an e-begger, photoshops herself to hell and back, doesn't make anything she wears and doesn't credit all of her commissions, shit talks all of her friends unless they can benefit her career, and thinks she's a celebrity.
I'm also seriously wondering how she keeps getting her anon.ib thread deleted. A lot of people struggle to get theirs down at all, yet she is getting hers down time and time again. Non NSFW pic from the thread as to not be accused of revenge porn… She looks like present day Liza Minelli trying to make librarian themed amateur porn.
No. 493596
File: 1517812444169.jpeg (176.44 KB, 640x506, 9BB3A269-6D4A-4417-948C-C1993F…)

Twitter meltdown about the leaks currently happening
No. 535179
File: 1521670029580.jpg (363.1 KB, 2048x1152, DY2BR6IU8AAVEAx.jpg)

The makeup she does on her lips. Holy fuck. Her lips also look busted, like she tried doing the Kylie Jenner challenge just before taking this photo. Oof.
No. 536778
>>535179I was just going to post something about this and lmfao
Good god way to just smear lipstick waaaaaaay over your actual lips.
No. 545793
File: 1522810068605.jpeg (140.12 KB, 750x908, DB10E0D1-87F9-480A-9F0D-C47830…)

No. 560338
File: 1524180940644.jpeg (62.62 KB, 640x445, 4C3058E6-DEAB-4A42-8E0C-35100B…)

Eclair has always been claiming to be Native American so I searched “theawakened_ native american” to find what tribe she claims to be and found this horseshit instead
No. 560836
File: 1524242882010.jpeg (567.94 KB, 2048x1538, 32EFEA60-ED4C-4C40-949E-F1F38E…)

>>560338Imagine thinking this is what an Asian person looked like
No. 569106
File: 1525008816841.jpeg (272.76 KB, 944x2048, 4B3D637D-00E6-48D5-BD10-0970E8…)

Here she goes again with that nasty and obvious lining on her lip to give it more “depth”
God she’s terrible at makeup despite “going for a natural look” in this picture. Also her bags are sagging so hard the filters can’t even hide it anymore. She’s only 21 I think and she’s aging poorly.
No. 639917
File: 1531902315835.jpeg (164.31 KB, 1125x935, 4FB17F99-CD02-402F-910C-3F4186…)

Looks like twitch isn’t paying the bills
No. 643267
File: 1532181823224.jpeg (543.37 KB, 1152x2048, 7C6FC698-C7A9-459F-A70C-293282…)

She always does the same stupid face puffing her lips out trying to look kawaii but instead looks like a retard
No. 643386
File: 1532196301626.png (427.15 KB, 442x516, Screen Shot 2018-07-21 at 2.03…)

>>451942She looks like a fatter version of Sayathefox.
No. 700178
File: 1538226959429.jpg (113.83 KB, 1206x435, Capture.JPG)