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No. 433040
The threads in /cgl/ keep getting nuked because it brings in the drama and fetishists getting angry at us. We're moving to Lolcow.
Lets talk about males who degrade lolita fashion as some sort of sexual fetish online. Here are two examples: No. 433044
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>>433043This is their modus operandi.
No. 433056
>>433050I'm glad they did. I was in all of the threads over on cgl and it was really fucking annoying that the thread kept getting deleted. I want a place to call these shitheads out.
>>433055>i hate you guys so so muchAw boohoo go shit your diapie you degenerate fuck
(no1curr, sage) No. 433057
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>>433044Poor Agnes, she doesn't deserve this.
Btw, if you aren't upset about the lolitas, check out the use of children.
No. 433058
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>>433057Here are some who seem to use/favorite mostly children in their captions. I don't give a shit if they were paid for - knowing that they're being used for fetish stuff is disgusting and if I found my child in one of these captions you bet I'd raise hell. I don't care if they put this under the guise of "age regression" bc you know they're also getting off on it. Like how the fuck can they be ok doing this? No. 433061
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>>433055What an idiot and for you to show up here. I hope you get v& by the FBI.
No. 433065
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>>433063Here are the two pertaining to cgl outing him. The comments for this one are pretty extensive, but here you go - you can see someone his defenders as well. No. 433066
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>>433061 supplied the last relevant one (so far)
No. 433069
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>>433055Get help for your obvious mental disorder. You’re a disgusting creep for using pictures of people and CHILDREN for your sick fetish. How dare you sexualize lolita fashion.
>I hate you guys so SO much for what you did…Apology my ass, you deserve to be locked up. Follow Maggots advice and jump into river
No. 433070
>>433055Do you realise those are real people on your pictures? It doesn't matter if they are lolitas or not. Imagine you post a normal picture of yourself on a completely non-fetish related platform. Then someone saves it, photoshops shit in you face and naked kids next to you and posts it all over a scat childporn website, where other pedos spread it to more websites. Later, a friend of yours or a a potential employer reverse google image searches your pictures and the first thing they see is fucking scat CP.
You have no right to play the victim in any way. Is it SO hard, to just not upload your captions and keep them to yourself?
>>433058How can you write fetish shit like this, put a picture of a real child next to it and don't get how horrifying that is. How and why do they not immediately kill themselves?
No. 433073
you guys reported a caption using this image (that I legaly bought, btw) as "Child nudity". Come on, guys, SERIOUSLY? you don´t support the transgender fetish, you don´t. But DON´T use words like "child porn" . I despise those pedophiles animals as much as you do.
>transgender fetishThere it is.
No. 433079
>>433073And yet you cater to them by using ACTUAL CHILDREN IN YOUR PHOTOS. Sorry, sissy shit is not and will never be normal or okay, especially when kids are involved
>you guys are big meanies! Leave my trans fetish alone!No people like you deserve to be outed for trying to make society worse.
No. 433084
>>433055>>433073>>433076If you really cared about children/people that you sexualize without their consent, you wouldn't be captioning pictures of
real people you'd be comissioning art, hurts no one involved (it actually help artists).
Stop trying to justify this shit.
No. 433085
>>433084autogynephiliacs are fucking nuts man, you can't argue with these mentally unsound people. i respect people like this or even people with pedophilic thoughts who actually get mental help. but this shit is just sick.
first it's fantasizing, then drawn shit, then porn, then stealing photos, next he'll mutilate his body and feel excited by it for a bit until he realizes he can't jackoff properly anymore. it's like those people who get off to being circumcised and then actually do it and realize after they've mutilated part of their penis.
No. 433087
>>433081I've been blocked by this steph person for calling them out on their gross behaviour, they didn't take kindly to listening to logic, and you can see that yourself where they kept returning to the comment thread to 'defend' themselves even after 'ending' the conversation. They've become too old and stubborn to realize how selfish they really are. Even though I'm blocked, I can still read everything just fine (and I could just use another account to comment again).
The person seems to flip-flop on what is and isn't sexual, admitting that transgender is a fetish to them (which suggests a fear of commitment, they want to live life as a masculine person and 'transform' unwillingly into a feminine person for the sexual excitement of it). Trans folk have a hard enough time being taken seriously, and this steph person is sick, masquerading as a trans person just to get some cummies.
If steph were smart, they'd use commissioned art, host it on a site dedicated to adults and sissies, admit they don't take lolita or transgendered people seriously (honestly steph, if you respected lolitas, you'd stop rubbing your diapers while thinking of us), use 'transformation' instead of 'transgender' as a fetish, stop using images of children outright, and commit to living life as a woman full time - with all the issues that come along with life as a lady. It's not so sexy when you have to commit, honey.
No. 433090
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Here's another one who seems to use a lot of lolitas in his captions.
https://cotton-candyannie.deviantart.comOne of his contests includes photos of several famous lolitas: Lor, Kate, Fahr, Peachie, and several others. No. 433091
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>>433090Bonus: a photo of him in replica AP. They really can't respect anything enough to not steal, huh.
No. 433093
>>433085This. I have no problem with people who have
problematic thoughts - just the ones who deny it’s a problem, don’t get help for it, then start forcing it on everyone around them.
No. 433095
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New stuff from DS. I'm on my phone so I apologize for not being able to just post the whole journal entry in one go.
No. 433096
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>>433095Absolutely disgusting.
No. 433097
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>>433096And the photos he posted.
No. 433102
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Newest DS post.
No. 433103
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>>433102Not trolls, just legitimately hate him.
But really, I hate him and anyone like him. I hate the people who keep defending him and calling us haters and idiots. They literally can't get what we're saying through their fucking heads.
I may be a bit naive, but I never realize how deep this hole went. I've been wearing lolita for about five years now, and these people make me terrified to take photos and post them on my personal social media anymore for fear that they'll get stolen and used for fetish shit.
I try really hard to be a good person and be understanding of everyone. Never have I had a negative thought towards people who are transgender until I saw these people. Now, pretty much all of my opinions on trans rights have been flipped within a few days and I lean closer to being a TERF than ever before. Idk lolcow, I guess I just don't know how to process all of this knowledge. How do other lolitas deal with it?
No. 433107
>>433103Trans people of all stripes from radiqueer tumblr types to normie pass or death sleth trans people to self identified transsexuals hate these people too anon. It's bizarre and creepy and just really really not ok you have every right to hate people who sexualize you and turn something into pornography without your knowledge or consent.
Idk your life but maybe you could take a break from the internet and just do lolita irl or in private groups url at least for a while maybe it could relive some anxiety, you can always go back to being an full online Lolita at anytime but some time away might be good just to process this? I'm so sorry these pigs are making you even have to do/think about this.
No. 433141
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https://tgballerina.deviantart.comHere's another to watch out for. Unrelated to lolita, but seems to be defending Steph a lot and their own profile is littered with small children.
No. 433173
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>>433141this really needs to stop
No. 433527
>>433141Yeah this was the person on /cgl/ defending Steph (they admitted it on Steph's journal but I knew who it was before that) claiming that "we were the pedophiles."
Probably another disgusting old man.
No. 433805
>>433794The only time I've ever seen people say it's creepy or bizarre is when normies see a video on FB or somewhere that misconstrues what the fashion is about. Do people actually come up to you and tell you how "unnerving" you look? They might point and laugh or take photos, but I at least have never had someone come up to me and be outright rude to my face (although it has happened according to some people, and I'm not trying to imply it hasn't happened to you).
I'm not mad at you, anon. I'm just upset that when we try to explain to people that it's just a fashion, they already don't want to believe us. And when sissies are using our photos behind our backs and connecting them to their sexual activity, it doesn't help our case.
No. 433847
>>433821I actually think a lot of tumblr minors want to be victimized so they can add CSA victim to their list of credentials.
Also, girls who call themselves lolis and try to be pedobait, regardless of age, are pedos themselves.
A 15 y/o sexualizing being 5-9 is a pedo.
No. 433895
>>433041Oh fuck. I always thought that wearing gothic would make me mostly exempt from this shit but clearly not. I don't post my outfits online besides the occasional floordinate and now I'm even more terrified because of shit like this.
>>433821dd/lg cunts need to stay away from lolita too. I don't care what people do in the bedroom but our fashion already has a name that sounds suspicious and degenerate as fuck to normies, so we shouldn't let them associate themselves with us publicly. Some little went into the lifestyle thread on /cgl/ trying to convince us all that pretending to be 13 and calling their s/o 'daddy' is the epitome of the lolita lifestyle. Again, I don't care what people are into but the second that shit leaves the bedroom or any designated areas they need to fuck right off especially from the fashion that has nothing to do with them. Same goes for sissies and kinks in general.
I just hope all the edgy 15 year olds into ddlg grow out of it without getting seriously hurt. Where the hell are these kid's parents?
No. 434831
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this steph guy seemed vaguely familiar to me. then I remembered he randomly messaged me some creepy shit (about his mom dressing him in lolita) on tumblr a few years ago. now I'm afraid I might be a part of his secret fapfolder, fml
I banned him immediately, and he was still on my blocked list - his tumblr handle is keriboy
No. 444813
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Annie Alice Cotton's account on Facebook says, "Young, Sissy Lolita TV boy! I DONT ACCEPT FRIEND REQUESTS FROM MEN! I enjoy dressing up and cosplay!"
No. 461045
>>460966Read one of his posts on d.a
Someone will have to have a convincing sock account to get the link from him since he was at least smart enough not to use the same username
No. 465035
>>465006Why? Because I speak English? PLEASE guys get yourselves an account so you can see what this one does he has plenty of lolita captions: I dont think devianart will erase his stuff if im the only one reporting!! Sending you some samples as soon as I get home
No. 465056
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>>465049Why the fuck would we still care about steph when this Annie brolita is still using our pictures and has over 80 of them!!? Im reporting Annie and your all welcome to join me
No. 465110
>>465056Lots of them here: already reported like 10 random ones so I hope they get erased soon
No. 540364
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No. 544681
>>444813I know this person in real life as well as their actual account, he was horrible in school both to people I was friends with as well as me and is a creeper.
he'll link you his fetish stuff without you asking and he talks about how he's into hypnotism and this weird male to female force dress up shit
went on here legit to see if he already had a mention
No. 621308
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No. 621473
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>>621429Where one of the bodies is buried. Fred West did this shit.
No. 621928
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Tf is going on here
No. 622879
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>>622813this is so creepy and ewww
No. 624160
>>623828Yes, sissification/forced feminization is a fetish. And unlike what this
>>623940 mongoloid thinks, it's completely and entirely unrelated to lolita.
>>623940Honest question: Are you retarded?
This might be news to you but sissies didn't invent lace and frills. Shocking, I know.
The only thing they did invent is wearing lace and frills for the purpose of humiliation and sexual gratification, which I assume stems from some form of misogyny which is also not a new concept.
The fact you'd put sissies and lolita fashion in the same field by saying that the fetish came first and
>They had a lock on it long before anyone thought to wear it unironicallytells me you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Are you even a lolita? Please see yourself out of this discussion if you aren't because your opinion is irrelevant.
If you are a lolita you must be very young and naive, like the idiots in the community who stumble over themselves to accept these fucks because they're "trans" or "crossdressers".
>inb4 b-b-b-but Mana is a man who wears dresses!!Please educate yourself before you start spewing your bullshit.
No. 624175
>>623942I agree that sissy fetish and Lolita fashion are completely unrelated.
But there are many women who enjoy dressing men as girls. Is that basically all about Sissification/forced feminization as part of the domination and power fetish?
No. 905933
>>465056>>444813>>433090Turns out he's got a cosplayers insta now:
Rotten is apt. Have heard that he has not changed at all and is still as predatory as ever, tries to get commissions of himself being bimbofied or hypnotised and has a huge bunch of red flag fetishes in general. He used to bully a girl I knew into killing herself and the fact he's supposedly an administrator of meets worries me when he's out there being a creep to girls.
(necro) No. 918027
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You folks remember when unseelieallure of "how do I wear lolita to the gym" fame posted pics of girls from her comm on a dollification fetish forum without their consent?
Here's the old gtfo post, but tinypic's demise ate all the proof pics. Does anyone still have them? she doesn't seem to be in a lolita comm at the moment, she was recently involved with taobao reseller loligirls and did photography for at least one lolita, a larpthot called Raquel Skellington. They haven't shot together recently, but she did a photoshoot with Dollfille/Toshi.
(necro) No. 959143
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This gross, predatory-feeling tranny that first came on my radar when they were whining about how there needs to be more 'Slutty lolita'
Fucking red flags all around
No. 991855
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in the lolita fashion thread theres like a broken link to the new page? do you have a normal lolita fashion lolcow thread now? what happened to it?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)