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No. 47105
Previous thread reached reply limit
>>36116Let's continue discussing all the fatass snowflakes, HAES, and other fatty bullshit.
Starting with our most notorious whale, Becca Bae! If you know of any obscure fatties, maybe ones you know personally, please share! Spread the fat hate!
No. 47106
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Also, please share greentext stories about fatties being disgusting and delusional. Love those.
No. 47109
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>>47106This is what that looks like.
No. 47116
>>47105How old is that picture? She looks far less obese than the more recent pics I have seen of her.
>>47106You can tell EXACTLY where they stopped with the Photoshop. They smoothed out her face and cleavage almost ridiculously, and lol at dat shadow/whatever it's supposed to be under her gut. But at least they kept the most of the skin realistic, I guess?
No. 47126
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This is Super Taruko, created by Santa Tsuji (creater of Super Sonico and Pochaco). She's even fatter than Pochaco. I'm honestly surprised he didn't give her stupidly huge tits since that's popular with 2D chubby chasers.
Do you think she'll be popular with fat cosplayers? I'm both excited and afraid to see any cosplays of her.
No. 47128
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Hooray it's my fav thread!
No. 47136
>>47134>jiggle jiggleAnon her carpet
triggers me
No. 47146
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No. 47152
>>47146For some reason this image just reminds me of the words "potato princess"
It could almost be cute if you forgot she was of the human species and instead some kind of gremlin is a pseudo fantasy setting
No. 47177
>>47106Her body just looks…painful…
stretched to the max. ouch. them nips.
No. 47203
>>47126She was probably made to cater to chubby chasers who love obese pears, like Becca Bae's fanboys. Her tits are still really big, just not as big as Pochaco's.
Hopefully they give her some cute outfits so fatties stop using "b-b-but Sonico's clothes are so cute! Pochaco's are ugly," as their excuse for not cosplaying the fatty.
No. 47204
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No. 47209
>>47204I've been craving fried chicken for a couple days.
But after seeing this pic, I want to throw up thinking about it.
No. 47212
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>>47109Those potatoes look delicious though.
I think this is the picture you meant to post.
No. 47266
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>>47265When you see some skinny fat like this, who's just 19, you know she'll turn into a crazy hambeast dependa by the time she hits 30.
No. 47280
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>>47273It seems more likely that you're the bitter fatty here, looking for any excuse to hate on people thinner than you because you're butthurt about this thread.
No. 47282
>>47139>>47138this should be illegal. and anon you shouldve spoilered it. im legit
triggered by this……mess
No. 47283
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What do you guys think of Ivy Doomtitty?
No. 47288
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holy fucking shit, quit replying to bait for the love of fuck, you can obviously tell she isn't fat, so why do you guys reply
No. 47289
>>47286Go choke on your McDonald's hamburger or post real fatties. No one cares about your asspained vendetta.
5'6" 110 lbs btw. Nice try though.
No. 47293
File: 1445391095942.gif (32.62 KB, 200x200, 1429032174778.gif)

>>47290You're making it even more obvious that you're a mad hamplanet because you're trying to troll skinny people in a fatty bashing thread.
I'll give you a generous -10/10, just because I feel sorry you. Now go for a run and try not to choke on your tears.
No. 47303
File: 1445393187705.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.06 MB, 2448x1836, prepareyourselves.jpg)

>>47294Now you're just shoehorning in memes, Ember.
No. 47379
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No. 47380
File: 1445441283525.jpg (33.74 KB, 407x405, Butthurt_7e4df3_2540939.jpg)

In spite of all the delish seacows tubblr blesses us with, let us be reminded that men are even fatter on average.
No. 47381
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No. 47383
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Her forearms are larger than his thighs.
No. 47414
>>47402i agree tbh. their dicks are good for nothing and they always fucking smell.
lets be honest, your avg fat woman (not tumblrina) is too scared/self conscious/lazy to go out in public so they usually become shutins (at least the normal ones, in my experience). fat men are retarded and think they are the most bewtiful burly lumberjacks in the world, when in reality they look like fat overgrown babies
No. 47423
>>47421>>47421i just vomited.
at least the chances a woman will lose weight are high. look at how many fatties we have on lolcow - both lolcows themselves and posters on /g/ who are desperate to lose weight because society pressures women to be size 0 (which idc as long as people stay healthy.)
but men? once they are fat they stay fat forever because they live in an echochamber of people saying "hurr hurr fat men aren't THAT gross!! hashtag dadbod ^_^ hashtag strong-fat"
No. 47432
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>>47400Yeah ok anon. How's your anime waifu doing btw?
No. 47454
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No. 47456
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No. 47457
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No. 47488
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>>47303Why is she eating his dick
No. 47701
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>>47457how did she get those around those mounds of fat?
No. 47712
>>47621What makes you think that's the reason she dropped the class?
Maybe there was some other circumstances going on that made her change.
Not even involved here, but you should try to be less hateful, anon. Not everyone on earth is a disgusting freak like the lolcows.
No. 47713
>>47407It's literally only because men aren't as pressured to look a certain way as women are tbh.
At least some fat women can actually have nice faces and be cute up to a certain point (like Pear-chan, though she's completely disgusting now).
If a guy is fat or even chubby, he's completely fucked aesthetically. No maybe about it.
No. 47715
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>When you feel like a dress was made specifically for you ???
No. 47716
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Someone looked in the mirror, thought this was an acceptable outfit and made the decision to go out like that
No. 47717
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No. 47718
>>47456lmfao what? bitch didn't think of actually
talking to one of the employees?
No. 47724
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if my mum dressed like that i would refuse to be seen anywhere with her and would just lock myself up in my room. what the hell
No. 47731
>>47724What the fuck is going on with her shape? How skinny would her legs be if she lost weight? Idgi, I'm at a ~normal weight~ for my hight and my ankles seem bigger than hers
Fuck this
No. 47739
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No. 47763
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>>47738Don't worry anon, your mom looks like this and not like that. At least she ain't a fattie :^)
No. 47799
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>>47106I have SO MANY of those, mainly because my bf's parents friends are not only fat, but filled to the brim with fatlogic. I've probably already told you guys this one, but whatever
>Be me, kinda skinnyfat, but getting into fitness with the help of my fitness nut bf.>Don't be Cheese mountain and beta orbiter. A husband and wife duo that are 30 and 31 respectively but look about 50 because of fatness and bad eating habits. >Chilling at his parents place one evening, they're pretty awesome. Find out beta orbiter and cheese mountain are coming that day and decide to stick around for fondue. >Cheese mountain proceeds to eat a mountain of cheese and talk like only an insecure tumblerina can, taking centre stage in every conversation. Her beta orbiter husband whimpers in shyness on the side, content with eating the dips they brought, which were literally mayonnaise with flavours.>Cheese mountain makes a sly remark about me being too skinny in (awful) english (I'm eastern european, and this takes place in a non-english speaking country)>I shock her by actually understanding and hand her fat ass to her on a plate.>MFW her ass is probably 600000 calories No. 47808
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>>47799Another awkward dinner, another story
>Fondue night again. It's ok in moderation. Turns out cheese mountain eats it several times a month and sometimes more. >Like the troll he is my Bf keeps asking her questions to which she's more than happy to provide the answers. Her maw is quite adept at eating and talking about herself.>We learn she eats extremely heavy meals like this every day. Stuff like creme brulee and heavy chocolate cake are a daily affair.>She's into size acceptance, which is not even a thing where we live. I was surprised and had to stifle a giggle.>She attributes her weight to her "age". Keep in mind this fat bitch is 32, but looks old as shit, and probably feels old too with all the pressure on her joints. She's around 140 kg at LEAST, that's nearly 300 pounds. I feel bad for her legs, I really do. I'm scared they'll break. She's very tall too.>So, she attributes her weight to her grand old age of 31, and makes a quip to my bf/fiance (who is 34) that "you young people wouldn't understand". >Now, she must know that he's her friend's son, and that logically he can't be that young since they themselves are in their 50s. The sad thing is that because she has deformed herself for so long with a horrible diet and no exercise, she really does look like a matronly molten mountain of cheese. We look and feel like greek gods in comparison. >My bf responded that he's actually older than her. She said she couldn't believe it. His mother assured her he is. An awkward silence ensued, but was soon dispersed by more insecurity posing as extroversion on her part, as she told us shit you don't tell a stranger you hardly know. >MFW within the 2nd instance of gracing her cheesy presence she was already telling me that her father had molested her, what medication she was on, her HAES health issues like pre-diabetes and other highly personal things. No. 47814
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>>47811Hey friend, Fondue is actually a traditional meal that can be part of a healthy and active lifestyle. It's meant to be eaten once every few months, and only during winter time. The point is also to share the pot with friends, so you're not supposed to eat all of it yourself.
Also, she's not my family member.
She's my bf's parent's friend.
No. 47816
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No. 47817
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No. 47828
>>47815I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's a huge influx of people from MPA. They've really been branching out a lot lately. Specifically the 'beach' type, or the really bitchy Tumblr-y ones that have on their profiles their entire long-ass 'ana' story and some kind of 'agender demisexual' thing.
I admit I use that site, and that's how I can tell that those are the people that are here now. Casually dropping lolcow knowledge is a daily affair. I see posts here that are shamelessly ripped off over there. Some even flat-out mention this site. It's pretty bad.
So yeah, looks like 'ana-chan' is real. The funny thing is that the people I'm referring to barely even have eating disorders, they look normal as fuck. Just more pity card shit.
No. 47829
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>>47106It's not really a story, but my mom used to always point out the "flaws" of healthy or pretty women even though she herself weighs 200 lbs. Actually she still does this, but not as much
>before Opera retired>"Opera looks good in that outfit, but she has fat thighs">"Wow Beyonce has chunky thighs.">"Why are people in Mississippi so fat? Just look at all of your dad's relatives anon. They need to stop eating.">"lol anon when I was 25 I was thinner than you. But stop trying to losew weight you're acting like an anorexic."At least she's aware that she's fat and has tried to lose weight I guess
No. 47830
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>>47815I thought lolcow was always aggressive. You are right that there are probably more ana-chans here though. It's kind of annoying watching a thread get derailed instantly by weight comments and shit
Also I'm glad that there's anti-HAES blogs on tumblr. Finally something to balance out the bullshit I see on my dashboard sometimes
No. 47840
>>47799>Be meStopped reading there.
Who the fuck else could you be?
No. 47847
>>47829My mom does the same thing. One time she pointed out an obese woman on TV and said ”At least I'm not that fat. You agree, right anon?". I just said "Well, we're all trying to get healthier" and she literally screamed "TELL ME I'M NOT THAT FAT!".
Another time we were at a nightwear/lingerie shop and she was complaining that none of the bras were big enough for her, and told the cashier "Tell your manager fat people can be sexy, too". It was fucking cringy.
No. 47888
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day pose..
No. 47900
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>>47846Shit my bad I meant Oprah. I need to sleep
Tagged as:
#me #effyourbeautystandards #fatshion #bigandblunt #fatspo #honormycurves #honoryourcurves #bodypositive
No. 47901
File: 1445542198444.jpg (477.85 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_ns6c86BpYy1qf37w9o1_128…)

>This for y'all mother fuckers who say fat girls shouldn’t wear crop tops!
You sure showed them
No. 47902
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>>47828That's probably where all the SJW shit is coming from too. They're like sharks with this shit.
No. 47909
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>>47902>deathfatI googled that and found a blog containing "fatshion" or whatever they call it and found this
No. 47969
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>>#body positive #body posi #body image #bodypositive #bodyposi #bodyimage #feminism #love your body #love your curves #endangered bodies (??????) #fat positive #radical #self love #radical self esteem #radical self acceptance #self esteem
No. 48076
File: 1445562641719.jpg (556.54 KB, 960x1280, 15-10-22-19-32-00-835_deco.jpg)

This man gave his opinion of this article, He just said the true without insulting anyone and this is how fatties respond
No. 48172
File: 1445602504477.jpg (307.59 KB, 960x1280, shitty.jpg)

You only have one body. Why ruin it by stuffing it full of crap?
No. 48194
>>48172Yeah I don't get this either. Why is it ok to settle for being a hamgalaxy but it's offensive to lose weight and take care of yourself? That one body isn't going to be around to enjoy much longer if you keep stuffing it full of pie and fast food. Plus you look gross.
I can't be convinced that women like this don't look at thin pretty women and wish they at least looked half that good.
No. 48195
>>48189I say it is easier to be an unattractive fat woman than it is to be an unattractive fat guy.
Like not that it's easier to live life as them, it's just easier for a fat chick to be deemed ugly than it is a fat dude. If that makes sense.
No. 48215
>>47900surely those shorts being that tight must hurt????
fuck you gotta have some space down there
No. 48216
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No. 48217
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No. 48220
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No. 48227
>>48223You're surprised an insecure person got their feelings hurt?
>have small nose>got a massive pimple on it>"ugh my nose feels so huge">best friend at the time got offended bc she has a bigger nose>"You think you have it bad anon?! Look at mineeee!!!"Insecure people are insecure.
And anyway, what did you expect from saying you feel fat to your friends? Literally the only thing they could do was acknowledge your statement by saying "Oh no anon, it's just bc of your injury" or try to shift the subject. Nobody is going to agree with your negative feelings. It makes friends feel uncomfortable, or like they have to say something negative about themselves i.e. "I feel fat today too" to feel like part of the awkward conversation.
No. 48268
>>48255>>48263sindy pls go
don't you have a handler to keep you from tard raging like this
No. 48282
>>48223If she's your friend and she's chubby, yeah, you don't say things like "I feel so fat" infront of her
With the people I know, the average girls are usually always picking to complain about their weight when they're around the chubbier girls. For example my sis in law was losing a ton of weight, she had to mention how fat she looked(she looked really good and slender) only infront of her super fat friend. I was so embarrassed for her.. idk why people do that
No. 48290
>>48216What a piece of shit SO she has. She needs to leave him and take the kid.
If he's so sneaky and manipulative that he'd pull that shit, who knows what else he could get up to? I really hope she got away from him.
No. 48308
>>47829actualy you stupid shit. this body is perfectly healthy. nothing to cusion her organs XD maybe her rib cage you fucking fool. also look at her toned stomach. she falls all those muscles will keep her good.
somebody who wieghs 200lbs will do less damage to there organs, falling over.
than somebody who wieghs 500 will do on there own by putting preasure on there organs to function.
i suggest you get a fucking class in biology
No. 48310
>>48268Born 2 Be wild~~
also ur fucking pathetic for being on this place.
No. 48374
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I like how this fitspo picture also applies to alcoholism kek
No. 48377
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No. 48381
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No. 48383
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No. 48393
>>48389idk where that reference is from but it doesn't say anything about being fat.
isn't it true that some people can't get a thigh gap due to their body shape
No. 48405
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>>48402>>48403I agree with you. Sadly there are a lot of insecure girls on this website who actually believe anything above and 18.5 BMI is fat/chubby.
Now can we stfu about this before the anas come in and start sperging?
No. 48407
>>48400lol my thighs touch unless my BMI is in the 15s or lower, pls kill me
and yes I exercise, my hips are just like 28" at the widest part
No. 48465
>>48402show me a pic of a stick skinny girl without a thigh gap because ive never seen one
but i have seen a fat girl with a thigh gap, surprisingly
No. 48479
File: 1445663313397.jpg (235.17 KB, 756x977, image.jpg)

I typed in >skinny girl no thigh gap
This is what I got
No. 48492
>>48490I'm 5'5 and 118 with a thigh gap
I'm pretty sure it all has to do with how your hips and legs are place/shaped
I dont understand why people do t understand that?
No. 48497
>>48496Not pointless, literally what Google gave me
So what does that tell you, it's kinda hard to be skinny in the legs and not have a thigh gap?
Notice all the fit girls with little to no thigh gap? Wonder why;oh right they have muscle
No. 48498
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Any of you in nursing or training to be a nurse?
No. 48499
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No. 48530
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No. 48531
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No. 48532
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No. 48533
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No. 48534
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No. 48535
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No. 48536
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No. 48537
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No. 48538
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No. 48539
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No. 48543
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No. 48544
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No. 48545
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No. 48549
>>48403Not having a high gap is fine, it depends on your bone structure. I'm sure very few people actually believe everyone who doesn't have a thigh gap is fat. (I hit BMI of 14.5? and still had chubby cheeks tbh)
>>48172Yeah, idgi, if you're gonna go with the only one body excuse at least, y'know, work out and eat healthy :))))
No. 48557
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Does anyone else hate former fatties? I think it's inexcusable to gain that much weight in the first place. The only exception is if you had fat parents and grew up as a fat kid, because you can't control that. Everyone sucks their dick when they lose weight, but you don't deserve asspats just for doing the bare minimum to look like a human being.
No. 48559
>>48557No. Because at least former fatties actually did something about their lives instead of wallowing in self-pity like people who stay deathfat their entire lives.
You sound insecure.
No. 48561
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>>48559You sound fat. Once a fatty, always a fatty.
No. 48573
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>>48561Except that when you lose weight and become thin you are no longer fat..?
Looks like you're just looking for an excuse to hate on people who have changed themselves for the better. I fucking love laughing at delusional fatasses, but I would be a lot happier if they lost weight instead.
No. 48575
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>>48573Like I said, it's inexcusable to get fat in the first place. It means that you are a glutton with no self-control. You can lose the weight but you'll always have the fatty mindset.
No. 48580
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>>48579Why do fatties think anyone who criticizes them is anorexic? You know there's a middle ground between being a spoopy skeleton and a hungry hambeast, right?
No. 48584
>>48557>>48571>>48575You sound like a fat person who hates themselves and doesn't want to lose weight because of that, so they attack fatties who actually found motivation to look decent out of bitterness.
Pls go
No. 48588
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No. 48593
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No. 48596
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No. 48598
>>48595>200 lb fatties never doThat's illogical. There are plenty of 200lb fatties that lose weight and keep it off. Plenty of people who get over eating disorders, whether it's anorexia, overeating or bulimia and never relapse again. Same with cocaine alcoholism etc
why am I even talking to you, you're a fatty baing and/or sin
btw is sin a fatty? that would explain why she's so buttblasted by this thread's existance
No. 48599
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No. 48600
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No. 48601
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>>48598>fatty baingbating
sorry about the typo
No. 48602
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No. 48604
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worst swimsuit ever
No. 48605
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No. 48606
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No. 48617
>>48587>projectionHow so? I'm not fat and I don't hate fat people who lost weight because I'm not a bitter bitch.
Stay mad, hamlady/ana-chan
No. 48618
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>>48617>hamladythat's a good one anon, i'll have to start using it.
No. 48675
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No. 48738
>>48618this pic of quirky never ceases to enrage me
No. 48823
>>48463Yeah it was. Lois starts gaining weight while pregnant and Hal gets a fatty fetish. So he secretly puts sugar in all her food.
If someone really did this it could be dangerous. I hope it's really a troll post and no one copied it from the episode for real.
No. 48905
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No. 48916
>>48905What is it with everyone dressing up as Wednesday this year tho?
its boring af
No. 48969
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No. 48970
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No. 48971
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No. 48972
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No. 48973
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No. 48974
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No. 48976
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No. 48978
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No. 48980
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No. 48981
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No. 48982
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No. 48983
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No. 48984
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No. 48985
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No. 48990
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No. 48992
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No. 48994
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No. 48997
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No. 49004
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No. 49081
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No. 49107
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>>48985This is the worst picture I have seen on this thread seriously looks like she has four titties wtf
I can't stand it when hambeasts try to cosplay.
pic totally related.
No. 49116
>>49112And you never once tried googling it?
Try it; you will find your answer.
No. 49137
>>49112It's a reference to this
>>49118 but the sticker is just used to make fun of people who derail threads by posting their stats.
No. 49185
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No. 49319
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No. 50730
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>>50728farmers, I found their final form.
No. 50736
>>50730this made me cringe terribly. Can you fucking imagine having fucking
maggots living inside of you? For fucking real?
additionally, I'm terrified of my family/loved ones dying in car accidents, so that top story scared me shitless as well. No. 50737
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No. 50749
>>50730>being so obese that you just barely notice when you're being eaten alive by maggotsJesus Christ, what kind of hellish existence is that?
EMT trauma aside, imagine being the woman in this scenario. I think that would be the final straw and I'd just commit suicide.
No. 50752
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>>49207It's a guy, but you're right, fat people look pretty gender neutral in general.
No. 50753
>>49263ugh those moobs
let's play guess the gender
No. 50754
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No. 50756
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No. 50758
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No. 50767
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No. 50769
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No. 50784
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No. 50792
>>50756i want to cry
No. 50794
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No. 50796
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No. 50800
>>50794>fat revolutionWaht even is this. Are we all supposed to blow up to 300+ pounds and celebrating our constant overating, joint pain and diabetes???
I know I sound like tumblr but this is like an epitome of privilege abuse.
>I live in a first world country where I can afford all the calories I want, and I can afford to continue to stuff my face well over my daily need to a size that is beyond obese>food is constantly available to me, even overproduced to the point where we throw overproductions it away >I willingly risk my own health for overeating>BAAAAAW I'M SO OPPRESSED WAAAAAAH, EVERYONE SHOULD PAY ATTENTION TO ME AND MUH FEELINGSAbsolutley disgusting. I know people always want to send the anas to poor starving African children, but we should really put the fatties in front of all the starving children, or maybe some of the war refugees in Europe, and let them say their bullshit fat acceptance agenda. I'd pay to see that.
No. 50801
>>50799>child abuseAre you fatshaming me anon??? I feel
triggered. We should celebrate fat children, there's nothing wrong with being a fat chold and if you are skinny that really really
triggers me too.
#glorify obesity #
tw No. 50815
>>50800I hope that there's a backlash against this shit soon, by people who are genuinely disabled - as in people who are born with things like cerebral palsy, physical deformities and epilepsy, or people such as injured military vets. Because if I were one of those people, I'd be mightily pissed off at some motherfucking lardarse who dares to think that they should be afforded the same recognition as me.
Example: I need a specially adapted car and wheelchair and a parking space close to the shops because I HAVE NO FUCKING LEGS whereas you can't put the fucking quadruple supersized KFC megabucket down??!!
I find this "fat revolution" bollocks seriously offensive, is what I'm trying to say, I guess.
No. 50844
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>>50794Bitch has no neck. Sleep apnea is a horrible thing.
No. 50846
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No. 51093
>>48974>>49115you know why people judge a thin/fit person eating unhealthily less than a fat person?
because the thin person isn't eating themselves to death.
No. 51248
>>48219 Oh boy, do I anon. I went to a small Texas high school, and we had one hambeast that lives on in infamy. Growing up, I was with a small group of somewhat nerdy/slightly weeby group. I say group because they weren't all my friends, rather people who hung out with me because I was nice and usually somewhat into the same stuff as them. My story is about the only hambeast, and boy was she a thing. She liked to hang around me when we had class together, and let me tell you she had little, if any, redeeming qualities. Her weight distribution was similar to
>>47146 . She was just the stinkiest of fujoshi too, rumor has it that she never showered on the senior trip to New York and smelt similar to a dead body. She acted like those ~nerdy girls for life~ before they were increasingly popular, and she would constantly be reading erotic fanfiction in class. Once there was a time when, during lunch, she laid on her back on one of the benches and perched her poor laptop between her massive folds to read. When wanting to unplug her laptop during class, rather then get up, she would forcibly yank the cord from the outlet (the /g/ part of me shudders from that thought). She had the general ~fat queen~ attitude, and would constantly be trying to show off her quirky knowledge, especially about 'edgy' or mythological stuff. Sometimes when she would laugh, she would throw her head back and do the cringiest 'evil' laugh. She claimed to be Wiccan. During prom she would find her 'friends' dancing with their dates and cut them off and force, usually the girls, to dance with her. I don't usually call people fat as an insult, but she was the worst. Her yaoi fangirl attitude, the way she spoke to people, her greater than thou outlook, all of it was just so terrible.
No. 51276
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No. 51291
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>>51278Never never ever room with a fatty, farmers. Once it starts to expand, run as fast as you can!
No. 51293
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No. 51301
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smallfat vs. deathfat, there can be only one!
No. 51315
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No. 51390
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invading tumblr
No. 51421
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found this beast on tumblr
No. 51432
>>51421Damn…she'd be so stunning at a normal weight. She can't
not be aware of that, right? Or do people actually legitimately think they look better as deathfats? That body is just unreal, and not in a good way. I want to know what her circumference is at the widest point. Ugh. Humans look so weird when they become morbidly obese.
No. 51847
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>>47105hey ya'll they're making
art now.
No. 52095
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For anons requesting men.
No. 52097
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No. 52098
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No. 52099
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No. 52100
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No. 52101
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No. 52102
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No. 52108
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Man, I miss the old Pear-chan. Yeah she was fat but she was still cute, especially her face which didn't even look like it belonged on a fat girl. Now look at what she's become…a bloated, beached whale. And her face is starting to get even more swollen, forming a large double chin that she didn't have before.
No. 52109
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>>52108Here's the most recent pic of her. Disgusting. Just look at her face, all that cuteness has been swallowed by fat.
No. 52453
>>52397I can go through a box of cereal in 3 days and not get fat. That's because I run 8 miles a day and don't sit on my ass for extended periods of time ever.
Only people who are inactive would feel like they need to eat 150 calories worth of cereal and milk for a whole meal.
No. 52454
>>52445Mom stopped buying cereal for us because my brother liked eating the whole box at once.
He wasn't even fat, either. Just a growing boy who was really active with all the sports he played.
No. 52459
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Ummm I eat a big bowl of cereal every day and I'm thin and healthy, you must be a fucking ANOREXIC if you think I should reduce my portion size!!!
No. 52460
>>52458How does someone saying they run 8 miles a day and eat more than 150 calories per meal strike you as "fat"? That's ana logic right there, I'm sorry.
And it's funny you called the anon who said teenage boys eat a lot fat. They really do, especially ones involved in sports.
No. 52487
>>52485My brother probably ate 2500-3000 calories per day when he was in his teens, and only weighed 150 lbs when he was over 6 feet tall, a lot of which was muscle. He was one of the slimmest kids on his team.
Fatlogic my ass.
No. 52519
>>52481I just started crossfit a month ago and eat around 2400 calories a day, and it's all turning into muscle (which is great because I was a female Auschwitz before with absolutely no ass or resemblance of curves). It's probably because I'm tall though, I doubt a 5'3" girlet could eat as much as me and stay lean, she'd probably need 2000 or slightly less to bulk muscle.
As for the cereal, I could probably eat half a box at once. But I try to stick to a mostly Paleo diet so that's pretty rare.
>>52487>>52485>>52454>>52445My baby brother is 15 rn and going through his first growth spurt. Apparently he likes to come home from school and eat an entire loaf of bread's worth of peanut butter sandwiches. He's lanky af though, and seems to be getting taller and skinnier every time I see him. My Dad says he was the same way when he was a teenager. So I have to agree with all of you on that.
No. 52530
>>52458Eating 150 calories for breakfast is not "healthy", especially when it consists of only cereal and a small amount of milk. People who eat that little at breakfast tend to be the overweight ones, because they crash around mid-morning and stuff their faces the rest of the day.
You're supposed to eat 300-500 calories for breakfast every morning with lots of protein and good fats with only a small amount of whole grains. Breakfast is the one meal that gets burned off the most throughout the day so you need to eat enough to keep you energized.
I don't understand why people eat cereal at all, it's not filling and spikes your blood sugar so you end up starving only a couple hours later. Unless you eat a protein source along with it, it's worthless.
No. 52543
>>52526Pretty much. If I'm going to eat nothing but cereal for a meal, I'm certainly going to eat more than a fist full. There's no way it'll fill me up otherwise.
That being said, I never eat the heavily sweetened kinds. When I eat cereal it's always either plain cheerios or plain Special K.
No. 52569
>>52543you should be eating higher fiber cereals. they will fill you up more and you will stay full for longer.
like all-bran or weet-bix (breakfast of champions!!)
No. 52571
But I only eat cereal when I stay at my grandparents' house. They don't buy eggs or any of the things I normally eat, so it's either English muffins with peanut butter or Cheerios, and I hate peanut butter. I don't care for it otherwise.
No. 52577
>>52458Because only wannarexic fatties and anas have your mentality.
There is a thing called exercise that lets us eat a normal amount of food without getting fat. You should try it sometime.
The serving sizes you're referring to are only there to trick people into thinking the cereal is low-cal, btw. No one actually measures out and eats 3/4 cup of cereal.
No. 52592
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>>52570omg i was on exchange in japan. there were 3 of us aussies in one town. my and my friend, both love the language and the japan-ness of real japan. and then this she beast sperging about giving australia a bad name.
this other girl however, was just the hugest, fattest fucking grotty weeaboo ever. im talking naruto, yaoi and being in love vic "man-gina".
i think the time she made me cringe/vomit the most was when she got in an onsen without puttng her hair up. just imagine this doughy face swimming towards you with long, thin, oily hair just floating in the water all around her. yuck. all the other people were trying to keep a straight face but you could tell they were disgusted.
she was actually such a failure that she threw her passport in the bin when she was packing, and didnt realise until the passport check at the airport.
she had to spend an extra 2 days in japan while her family retrieved it and got it to her.
but in all seriousness i was super jelly because she got to go to a private girls school with the cutest seifuku and live out every japanophiles dream of being a kawaii schoolgirl.
No. 52596
>>52594im not that much of a stalker, sorry. shes pretty harmless and her japanese was really good.
ill see what i can do…
No. 52676
>>51315I agree tho.
Women who wail on about their miscarriages five years later and do tacky shit like write their 3 month old fetus's name on a balloon screams attention whore.
No. 52689
>>52681Different Anon but mourning for the loss of a random assortment of cells? I mean, that's all a foetus is in the early stages.
May as well start mourning your earwax or the endometrial lining of your womb. It's all the same really.
No. 52705
>>52689committing to a child is a big change, losing that and your whole family plan is huge. a baby means a whole person is possible, a child that will grow into a new member of your family and have their own loved ones and a possible family of their own.. people probably do assign too much to it but it's a big thing.
Other big things, not all of them bad - moving, death of friends and family, getting fired, even getting a new job, they freak people out. Especially the death ones.
No. 52906
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>>49321Amy Schumer actually has somewhat of a nice butt and thighs, but all of her weight goes to her stomach and and boobs. Her body is an upside down triangle shape.
She used to be quite slimmer though(pic related)
No. 52907
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Amy Schumer trying to pretend like she has prominent cheekbones (I hate this dumb facial expression)
No. 52933
>>52924i still can't believe we're in the day and age, where just because a fatass woman can dance (not at all an unusual feat honestly) , she can get her own tv show.
that bitch is insufferable.
No. 52937
>>52569I fucking love Weetabix. And Oatibix.
I might try this recipe at Christmas: for OT I hope
No. 52939
>>52934No. For the love of God, Victoria Beckham, Jillian Michaels, and my boss have PCOS. It does not turn you into a hambeast.
This Whitney cunt is stealing her mom's favorite yogurts and hiding them in the trunk of her junkyard car, that's how desperate she is for nosh.
No. 52959
>>52939Jillian Michaels used to be fat, but yeah there are very few illnesses that will turn you into a perma-fatty and PCOS isn't one of them.
Even permanently disabled people who are confided to wheelchairs can stay thin and even get fit. Some entitled fat bitch with a condishun has no excuse.
No. 52963
>>52534Once every month or two I have a big portion of pork fried rice. It's a vice of mine. But I know it's bad for me so I try to keep it limited. Sometimes months go by without me having any. So I really enjoy it when I get it. If I ate it every day it wouldn't be as special and I'd be a whale and a half by now.
I just don't get how people can eat nasty fried stuff daily and not feel like fryer grease is about to burst out of they fat folds and flood the house.
No. 53012
>>53007i take quetiapine/seroquel every night and it does make me want to eat a lot (along with mirtazapine) but it's not that bad really. i usually counteract it by eating something when i take the pills and making sure i dont get too hungry and that i have distractions on hand.
prednisone though…
that shit is nasty and you will gain weight on it, even if it's just water.
No. 53013
>>53012also im the anon who uses a wheelchair (>>50838 ) and have lost 40lbs+ just through changing my diet, and now im starting to do very light exercise in ways i can manage.
people still ask me what my secret is.
No. 53020
>>53012>>53007It's only a reasonable excuse if you're 15-20 pounds overweight (maximum). You can still monitor what kinds of food you put in your mouth and exercise enough to keep from getting obese, even if you're stuffing your face more than usual.
I can see hamplanets using "muh meds" as an excuse for being mornidly obese, too. I mean, there are plenty of skinny girls who fake being mentally ill for no reason, and fatties actually have a reason.
No. 53025
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No. 53027
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No. 53030
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No. 53035
>>53030Many fat people could look good if they lost the weight.
This is not one of them.
>>53032>fried tofu, fried shrimp…most any other fried seafood is where I fuck up. I cant get enough of itSource on this?
No. 53040
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>>53037It depends on how you define "fat". Do you mean fat as in actually having an unhealthy body fat percentage, or do you have the pro-ana mentality that a lot of farmers seem to have?
Anyway, meet Grace. She's one of the girls at my uncle's gym. She can deadlift 300 lbs and do some crazy shit that one wouldn't think was physically possible for a short Asian girl. Problem?
No. 53042
>>53037>>53040crossfit is annoying because people don't shut up about it, yeah you can drag a car but it's not great for your joints for example.
problem? yes, I guess my problem is that you don't have to do crossfit to be strong.
No. 53043
>>53042>>53042>you don't have to do crossfit to be strongWhile this is true, what does it matter to you that people want to do it? It's like one big group workout, I don't do it myself but I visited that gym and it looks like a lot of fun.
I think it's more annoying when people don't shut up about how they hate crossfit, but w/e.
No. 53055
>>53043to me, it's like annoying christians vs annoying atheists. no one really cares, but they want to talk about their beliefs anyway. personally, i got sick of people telling me to stop doing standard weightlifting and jiu jitsu and do crossfit instead because it's "cool" and safer than bjj somehow.
>>52530the blood sugar spike thing is so real. i do much better when i skip breakfast entirely, to be honest. you don't have to eat breakfast, but it definitely shouldn't be sugary carbs. i seriously have to stay away from cereal at any time of the day, though. i WILL eat at least half the box.
>>52963>tfw i ate fried rice every day for 6 months>>53042i feel similarly about people who are super passionate about marathon running, because that shit is bad for your joints. sure, you have great lungs, but your knees are going to explode soon.
No. 53076
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>>53072I used to be like this until I started taking zantac!! Like I eat dinner around 6-8pm, exercise afterward then go to sleep around 10pm. Sometimes I would wake up at 5am, feeling super hungry and sick at the same time. I would vomit and then try to eat some beard which would help ease my stomach.
My problem was a build up acid in my stomach, mimicking extreme hunger pains, which would make me feel nauseous when I woke up in the morning.
I now skip breakfast everyday, eat lunch around 4pm then dinner a couple hours later. Also wanna add that when I do eat breakfast, I end up feeling much hungrier throughout the day. It sucks.
No. 53077
>>53037It varies. Some of the people first getting started are overweight, because obviously, and some who have been in it a while are still kinda chubby because they probably care more about lifting for strength rather than aesthetic, or they're still in the process of losing fat. Who knows?
Most of the girls at my gym look like
>>53040 though, with a healthy amount of fat covering big muscly arms. Then there's girls like me and one other pregnant woman who are like toothpicks, but we're both just starting out too. I hope to look like the girl in that pic eventually.
Anyway, good for you not reading my post because I mentioned crossfit. I was only pointing out that I can eat a lot of cereal because of my activity level, I wasn't trying to convert anyone to the crossfit cult FFS.
No. 53084
>>53078Sorry, deleted my post
>>53076 and posted it again because there was a typo and I wanted to add something else
No. 53085
>>53084How many calories do you eat a day? I have to eat 4 meals evenly spaced out every day in order to stay alert and energized.
I suppose everyone's different.
No. 53090
>>53085I don't really pay attention to my calorie intake tbh.
Typically, lunch is a salad with spinach, peppers, carrots, and a few other mixed veggies. Along with 30oz-45oz of water (my water bottle measures the water I drink) and my fill of fruits (apples, bananas, strawberries, etc).
And dinner various greatly. Sometimes I eat a nice bowl of soup, with toast, and another salad and other's I eat up to 800 calories in pizza in one go.
This is why I exercise lol. (I lift weights and do several different kinds of legs/arm exercises at home and when the weather/my schedule permits, I go for a 4 mile walks/jogs.)
No. 53093
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>>53090Also, I try to drink anywhere between 66oz of water to 99oz of water a day.
I was inspired by this artcle and the lady in the pic i attached
No. 53095
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How do you get rid of elbow fat
No. 53096
>>48997Head too small for her body.
>>49004Head too big for her body.
The two need to trade.
No. 53100
>>53093To be fair, the before shot is taken under overhead lighting which accentuates lines by creating shadows and the after is with frontal lighting which is a lot more flattering for obvious reasons.
I do think drinking water is good for your skin and health, though. It's just that picture is deceiving.
No. 53104
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>>53100True, I didn't even think about the lightening and how it makes shadows on your face. But I found an article by someone else who also drunk over 96oz of water a day for a week
>>There wasn't a huge change in my skin over the course of the weekI only drink water so it really blows my mind when someone says they almost never drink it. In my opinion, she may have noticed an improvement in her skin if she did it for longer than 7 days. But I don't know.
No. 53125
>>53104I know, I've heard people say "yeah, I just don't really ever drink water" and I'm like WHAT HOW WHY? I love water…
The only other thing I drink with any regularity is tea. I don't remember the last time I had regular soda. For some unknown reason, I decided to try some Coke Zero on a plane ride last year, and I couldn't even finish a can of it. How do some people drink literally liters of soda, diet or otherwise, a day? I have heard multiple people try to argue that liquid calories (esp. alcohol) "don't count" or won't make you gain weight. I think that failing to factor in the liquid calories they consume is a big reason why a lot of people are fat and/or "can't lose weight."
No. 53136
>>53116What bothers me most about stinking fat wastes of space is that they think they are entitled to literally all the things.
Food, because they are starving, handicapped spaces because they can barely move.
And the worst is that they are NEVER considerate of old people, pregnant women, and cripples who aren't fat. They even yell at them because in their minds you can only be handicapped if you're over 350 lbs. No. 53138
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No. 53149
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>>53138inb4 the fatties in this thread get mad because you posted someone who's merely 200lbs instead of 400
No. 53178
>>53160I hope you are baiting. Her pimply ass and veiny gullet haunt me.
No. 53182
>>53174>>53177>getting this mad about an ignorance opinionHm, maybe you keep like-company with these tumblr types. Sorry I
triggered you.
No. 53204
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Dis my favorite fatty
No. 53321
Antonio Convit, MD, professor of psychiatry and medicine, and director of BODyLab, and colleagues are quantifying physiologic brain changes seen on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of obese children with metabolic syndrome. So far, they have noted hippocampal shrinkage and changes in the white matter, which may be associated with the cognitive impairments that they have documented in this population.
Dr. Convit’s research, recently published in Pediatrics, found that such children perform worse on memory and spelling tasks and on tests of their overall intellectual functioning. “Their brains are not firing on all pistons,” Dr. Convit says. “The more overweight that youth are, the more they experience the medical consequences of obesity, and the greater the difficulties they have in all these areas of cognitive functioning.”
No. 53473
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Spotted this whale at my school. The two Snapples, white mocha, sandwich, chips, and burger are all hers.
No. 53541
>>53524A sandwhich, chips and drinks is pretty much a standard everywhere. Have you heard of Subway?
Almost as everyday as burger and fries, doesn't mean it's healthy but it's not absurd.
No. 53570
>>53567Not that poster, but are you going to do the whole "you're a disgusting obeast because you eat X" (without knowing any other variables, like how much they eat total or how many calories they're burning off) thing? Because it's really stupid. It fails to take the big picture into account. Eating an 850-calorie meal isn't "fat" if you're not a sedentary midget and your other meals are lighter.
Would you say that a person is a fatty if they go and work out for hours and then eat that 850-calorie "gluttonous and disgusting" meal as part of their total daily intake of like 1600 calories? Or, if a person eats a donut in the midmorning, and they eat lightly and healthily for the rest of the day, does that make them fat, even if they end up eating less than their TDEE?
Actually, don't answer that, you (or others here) probably would. Inb4 butthurt fatty, there's no way I can prove that I'm not, so I'm not even going to get into it.
No. 53575
>>53570I imagine these are just wannarexic skinnyfats who think that to be thin you have to eat <500 calories daily of only salad. Forget exercise and moderation, if you eat an English muffin with your breakfast then you are a whale. I say this because I went to high school with a girl who felt this way and she wasn't skinny, kept failing at her "diet" and had to dump her insecurities on everyone else.
Best to let it go.
No. 53581
>>53321>correlation=causationOr could it be that more children who are subject to obesity are products of
>low-income households feeding them shitty foodand
>parents who don't really give a fuck about raising them or are obese themselvesLook in the education system. It's proven that dumber students come from low-income households with parents who don't give a fuck.
No. 53588
>>53570 and I literally never eat subs or chips or drink soda, but thanks for being worried about my health :)
>>53575Yeah, you might be right. It just bugs the hell out of me, because you can work literally ANY food or drink into a healthy diet, you just might not be able to eat it in large quantities every single day. Like, if you sit down and eat an entire pint of ice cream once a year, you aren't going to get fat. If you do that every day on top of your normal caloric intake, you're going to get fat.
No. 53607
>>53584It's just hard to believe there are people out there as oblivious as you.
Live your life, don't be the girl who nibbles on the celery when your friends order takeout. We're not fucking lying when we say eating a
SMALL portion of unhealthy food once in a blue moon will not put an ounce of fat on you, so long as you don't lay in bed all day. Hopefully one day you will grasp that instead of trying to drag people down to your level, even if it's not now.
No. 53622
OP of
>>53473 here. I just found out she takes the same train home as me too. She's that rude bitch who doesn't let people get off the train first and pushes her way into the car instead. She's currently sitting in the seat reserved for handicapped people while an old woman with a cane is standing in front of her.
She had the guts to tell me to eat more after I took the picture of her. I'm not anywhere near ana-chan skinny. I'm considered petite in America but I was in Japan several months back and I was average, maybe a little above average there.
>>53519I forgot to add that she consumes 3-4 white mochas every day so this one is just one of many.
No. 53673
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Micropenises everywhere
No. 53706
Have you guys ever been with a dude who had a two inch dick like this? I've unfortunately encountered two of them. And they were the most emotionally unstable, insecure dudes I've ever met. Small cocks = crazy insecure clingy psychos
No. 53774
>>53765A guy like that makes me want to throw up.
Everyone knows the number one rule is, "If I can reach the base, get that dick out my face."
No. 53814
I'll gnaw off my own foot if Whitney Thore can do a cartwheel. Bitch is so bottom heavy she'll break her arms, and then her neck.
No. 54007
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No. 54071
>>54058>butter elves kek
At least the one on the far left has something resembling an ass. The ret of them are flat, crusty pancakes.
No. 54471
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>>54007>teenagers will walk past this poster and realize that this is what beauty is>teenagersHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA
No. 54506
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Feederism really gets to me. There's just something so grotesque about a hamplant funneling 2 litres of a concoction of butter, oil, chocolate and peanut butter into their gullet.
No. 54507
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No. 54508
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No. 54509
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No. 54510
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No. 54511
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No. 54513
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No. 54514
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No. 54521
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No. 54522
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No. 54618
>>54508wow, that was pretty sexist lol
aren't these people supposed to be "progressive"?
No. 54655
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No. 54662
>>54655*rascal scooter
Clearly, legs is a typo.
No. 54669
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No. 54670
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No. 54671
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what the everliving fuck has she done with her fucking hair oh my goD
No. 54729
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No. 54732
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wake me up inside (cant wake up)
No. 54733
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"Love yourself. Even if your belly hangs out." i would rather not
No. 54738
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No. 54822
>>54814lol no dude, those are 100% white features and she had blue eyes not red/violet.
If she says on her blog she is black she's fucking lying.
No. 54841
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>>54618They're only fat loving SJW because they're fat themselves. If they were thin they probably wouldn't even be so deep into SJ. These people tend to stand behind whatever agenda makes them feel better, and don't actually entirely care for their cause, or about helping others, as evidenced by their stances on weightloss, being healthy and generally slimmer women
No. 54842
>>54733dem eyebags holy shit
how can fat people be happy when they're so tired and sickly, I mean she looks like an alcoholic that can't be good for you
No. 54845
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No. 54855
>>54845The first comment is actually physiologically correct.
The second one is in denial about how much they're eating.
No. 54960
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Did anyone know that this is apparently a thing? The description gave me an aneurysm. This would be so disgusting to watch, just a bunch of sagging whales flopping around in leotards.
No. 55253
>>54960But these people exercise a lot, and unlike regular fatties more of their body weight is probably muscles.
Still, I don't ounderstand why this needs to be a thing.
No. 55258
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No. 55285
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>>47105I have no back fat therefore I have no character. It's this shit from fatties that makes me rage. The only story your back fat tells is that you're a lazy shithead with no self control and a penchant for fried chicken.
No. 55317
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>>54822>>55256Albinos don't always have violet eyes, and no white person has that hair texture.
No. 55354
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>>55330looks beyond the point of damage due to overprocessing tbh
No. 55388
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idk if anyone watches project runway,
but the girl that won these season is a typical obese tumblr looking chick.
her collection was plus sized & typical tumblr style, complete with flower crowns lol.
No. 55393
>>55355That's a prop perm. It's intentionally over processed to look like that. It used to be a popular of getting dreads in the 90s. If they'd used thinner rods shed have dreads.
Excuse hairfaggery.
No. 55405
>>55388 TBH, I thought all the four collections were mediocre. I had some hopes for Candice's collection, but she copped out all of her most interesting pieces.
Kelly fell short in the finale and Edmond's collection was garbage. Pure fucking garbage.
Ashley's collection is like 2 springs ago. We've moved on from pastels. We're in winter now, now way spring shades will sell and by spring she would have been forgotten.
I'm a disspointed because I liked her concept in general.
No. 55413
>>55388>the girl who made these is overweight….
and? No shit she would be interested in making clothes geared toward larger women in that case.
Also why are you projecting anger against "tumblr" chicks? Have you stalked every "typical" tumblr girl?
No. 55416
>>55413Shut up, fatty.
Larger women are women who play basketball. She made clothes for fatties. I can't have been the only one who saw how the fatty models' asses were already eating those shorts she put them in.
It's not a good look.
Fatties shouldn't wear pastels, those clothes will be covered in food stains in no time anyway.
No. 55417
>>55285The Deep Stories Muh Backtits Tell
I hate muhself, I wanna die, but I don't have the energy to off muhself, so I'm just gonna sit here, whine on tubblr, and eat another box of 24 donuts by muhself.
No. 55420
>>55413I have looked at them all and they are in fact all you.
Fuck off butter-chan, go be bitter to your feminazi fatspo followers.
No. 55474
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>>53037There are disabled people who do crossfit and seem to be fine. Like these two for starters. One is missing legs and the other came down with an illness that shut down his nervous system and he could hardly move for a while. Doing crossfit helped him gain some of his strength back so he can walk by himself with a walker. That's pretty impressive imo.
No. 55491
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>>55388Its not horrible but I look at the fat first and the clothing second. All together its just like…okay. I mean even if the clothing is cute, no one pictures themselves looking like this.
Everyone wants to push it on us that "omg fat wimminz are STUNNING." lmao no the fuck they aren't. they all look exhausted after a day of baby sitting the kids.
No. 55538
>>55317Black people who are albino also look black. Her being a fat white girl does not make her an albino black girl.
It has nothing to do with her eye color but the fact she has a nose bridge higher than the Golden Gate Bridge and and her complete lack of lips.
No. 55550
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>>55538This girl confuses me. One minute "DONT DENY MY BLACK HERITAGE" But now she's Mexican? Now all of a sudden she's a black Mexican albino lmao?
No. 55551
>>54508>fat assso basically, she prefers saggy butts compared to youthful tight bubble butts?
bitch be crazy
No. 55559
is she talking about brownskin girls or tan white girls?
No. 55570
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>>55550you know mexican is a nationality and black is race? there are many black mexicans
also don't get how you guys deny this girl is albino, look at her younger pics
No. 55581
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No. 55582
>>55579ooh ok. Well maybe she is saying she is a mixed black race wise and Mexican like native Mexican mixed?
also, I know, I was just referencing to other posters calling her a white girl :)
No. 55651
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/cgl/ fatties are hilarious
No. 55654
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>>55651Their response to 30+ replies
No. 55656
>>55654This has to be bait.
>after the plan is over I always gain most of it back if not moreNo shit, it's not supposed to "end" at any point. Too dumb to be real.
No. 55657
>>55656When they said "plan" they were probably referring to something like Atkins or Slim-Fast.
But I don't doubt it could be bait. If it was a troll they did a pretty good job with getting all those replies.
No. 55662
>>55654naafa seems like a big fat joke.. my god.
oh, she followed diet plans, nice. it's not like you could limit your sugar and fat intake forever. no, that'd be too hard. and also, everyone eats sweets almost daily, right?
I've watched a super fat person at my school how she followed a "diet plan": vegan and pure food, sounds good so far.
But she prepared ridiculously big portions, like… a lunch that's enough for 5 persons and I'm not kidding.
fatties won't become slim when eating 10 bananas and 10 breads on a daily basis.
No. 55664
>>55662>a lunch that's enough for 5 persons and I'm not kidding.I don't want to derail too much but I think this idea that you can eat however much you want and still lose weight/be healthy and the reason why there are so many fat vegans is because of Freelee and Durianrider and all the other vegan vloggers who have made themselves the "face of veganism" and claim to eat 3000-5000 calories a day and still be thin or healthy. I saw a vlog of one skinny girl who ate 3 whole melons for breakfast. ONE MEAL. I'm pretty sure all of them purposely over eat for a day and film it to be like LOOK AT ALL THIS STUFF I ATE!! I DO THIS EVERY DAY THIS IS A TOTALLY RANDOM DAY!! but then eat normal on every other day. And what is the endgame there?
I feel bad because they are being so mislead but on the other hand, how can you be so stupid to think you could eat that much and still lose weight?
No. 55675
>>55670I mean, so that they can gloat about it and be like "lol I'm still skinny and look at all these retards who followed my shitty advice and got fat, now I can tell them that they were ~just doing it wrong~ and it's all their fault because it totally worked for
me!" The people I've seen like Freelee seem to be so obsessed with their fucking bodies and food and it just seems really disordered. They film themselves binging on fruit. WHYYY.
No. 55686
>>54848Not true.
Elizabeth Taylor was famed for her violet eyes.
No. 55708
>>55663not necessarily but if they do they have a lot of free time I guess. And they'll need to workout.
A fat person doesn't even have to do sports (it'd be best, of course) to lose weight. Portion control and less sugar would do a lot but yeah. Some will never learn what portion control really is.
No. 56296
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No. 56335
>>55388>>55491>>56296What is it with fat chicks and crop tops?
>>55651She makes a point about being able to cosplay whoever you want except she ruined it by talking about scrawny anorexic and skinny bitches. Equalisme goes both ways, bitch.
No. 56392
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You can't have a BMI below 25.
No. 56457
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>>56307Guess i know what you mean but this one…the feet, oh god her fat feet, she can't even stand properly. Usually find fatties feel hilarious cause they can be so small compared to their bodies…
No. 56705
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>>56487>labeling obesity as a disability>mfw>>56703I'm sorry, but I don't believe that fruit is some kind of magic that lets you sneak calories through your body without gaining weight. There's something really wrong with the idea of binging on 5000 calories of fruit in a day and thinking it'll make you ~lean and toned~ or whatever. No one HAS to eat that much in one sitting/meal. I said it above and I'll say it again - it seems really disordered.
No. 56716
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Have you guys heard about this? made a comic book about a "plus size" superhero because of "unattainable" body types shown in most superhero comics.
Well obviously super heroine bodies are unattainable, but so are the male's with their unnaturally huge muscles. Comic book authors make the bodies look exaggerated because that's just the art style. It's not because they're fat shaming or promoting unattainable figures.
So I mean, I get wanting to make a super heroine with a more realistic body, but why make her fucking obese???? They could have AT LEAST given her like a more curvy or thick body with visible muscle and natural anatomy, not lard and rolls spilling all over the page.
Good lord. Political correctness has taken a step to far. I love comics but I won't be purchasing this one, even if it is well written.
No. 56720
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>>56716And before anyone gets on my case for saying curvy and thick, I meant a body like pic related.
Yeah she's thick, she's got a big butt, but she still looks like she could kick ass like a real superhero. If they absolutely HAVE to cater to body positivity losers and whatever "real women" means, this is the kind of body they should have chosen.
Obese women would be out of breath before they even made the first punch.
No. 56721
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>>56705To be honest I think most of it is exaggerated by the people who eat that way. Like the infamous Freelee actually only recommends that people trying to follow her diet eat 2000-2500 calories and be active on top of it, which is pretty average as a long-term food intake rather than a quick weight loss thing. I don't follow that whole diet because I would rather just eat whatever I want (like, seriously, it's not the end of the world if I want some avocado or to put salt on my dinner, WTF) but in reality the actual guidelines are much more feasible than people make them out to be. It's almost like a lot of these people are just competing in videos to see who can eat the most calories for show and act like it's an everyday thing for them when it's not. Here's a fatty to make up for this being OT
No. 56723
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No. 56855
>>56720I was in some group presentation in a BS gen ed college course about Health (boyfriend was the only male in the class, btw) and our topic was obesity, so I chose to talk about skinny shaming in media as a poor way to promote women's health. This was 2008, I think.
Part of my talk was on how words like curvy are misleading, and some idiot raised her hand and said, "well, i'm an ATHLETE and people call me curvy, so are you saying I'm fat?!"
> "No, you're obviously fit, but the word is grouping your physique and strength with someone who is clinically obese in the name of positive reinforcement".Too stupid to get my point, but don't worry, she'll be sticking you next time you need your blood drawn.
Teacher gave me a B despite having the best looking presentation and material, with a comment that my shirt was too revealing to be professional. The absent 40 year old mom in my group who couldn't use a computer got an A : )
No. 57235
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No. 58883
>>56296Man, call me fat, but I actually really liked her, dudes. Her designs were nice, and her, erm, agenda is admirable.
She was so insecure throughout the entire show, though. It seeped out during her talk sessions, I felt so bad for her.
>>56335It doesn't cling to their folds, it's easy to move it.
>>56392D-don't bully her, anon, she was really endearing this season. And think she might have to lose a bit of weight given her environment.
>>56716lol Ms Marvel has a pretty normal bodytype. Not everyone has to be Power Girl.
>>56716>So I mean, I get wanting to make a super heroine with a more realistic body, but why make her fucking obese????And she's everything SJWs would usually whine about, too. White female, probably has blue eyes. If she was thin, she'd be a supergirl clone. Yawn. If her claim to fame is that she's fat, that's pretty shitty writing.
>>56720>reclaiming curvy to mean thick, fit girls/larger, muscular thighsNice. I'd take her boobs down to an A cup to actually be body pos and have an unusual body type that we don't usually see in comics.
No. 59027
>>57235A thin woman in an oversized sweater will always be sexy though or cute/adorable.
Fatties always gonna be mad. rofl
No. 59621
When you see a thin girl in sloppy clothes you know that she cares about what really matters, which is eating properly. If it makes that girl feel any better - I often see a fat woman with nice clothing, over done make up and still think she's lazy because she doesn't mind spending money on expensive superficial shit instead of taking care of what she puts into her body.
No. 59938
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No. 59939
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I hate parents of fat children. This poor kid has autism on top of it, so he's probably doomed to be a fatty for the rest of his life.
No. 59982
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No. 59988
>>59987I was waiting for an unflattering picture to be posted, I actually googled Amber Rose bikini before posting in anticipation.
Glorious predictability, anon.
No. 59992
>>59988Wow, you sure got me for posting a picture of a fat person looking fat.
Out of curiosity, what would you consider a flattering picture of her? The only pics where she looks good are the ones that don't show her body.
No. 59993
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>>59988Amber's stomach isn't flat, but it's not super sloppy. Maybe it has something to do with her surgeries or what have you, but who know. That said this thread is for landwhales, not Instagram famous people.
No. 60154
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This popped up on my news feed. Just when did BBW go from being a term for fat women to something referring to "thick" women? Do you think this would piss off tumblr?
No. 60206
This thread and subsequent Fatty Generals will be the only general fat people threads allowed in /snow/ from here on out.
>>56004 has been locked but discussion about the topics can continue in this thread. Thanks!
No. 60313
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I enjoy looking through hashtags for wraps to see exactly what delusional fats think of as 'progress'.
No. 60393
>>56716but a plus size superhero is unattainable for naturally skinny people!
man people nowadays are so fucking insecure they want to make average seem pretty
it'll never happen
No. 60515
>>60484Yeah a bit, but I'm not a hambeast. I'm not here to defend these women.
Used the word 'too' deliberately. There's something really infantile going on with these HAES chicks. It seems to be a thing with anas too (being infantile). Either fat or starvation, it throttles the brain.
No. 60605
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Has anyone mentioned yet? I sort of know her IRL. She's on disability from the state for mental health problems and denies it being because of her weight, yet she's also claimed that she has a bad knee or ankle or some shit that never healed properly (no doubt because of her weight). She blogs her nasty sexcapades a lot and thinks she's a model. Her newest foray into hambeasting is trying to set up a cam site so that she can make money by shaking her rolls for horny dudes in their moms' basements.
No. 60616
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No. 60618
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No. 60771
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Which outfit would you wear from this collection? I wouldn't be able to just pick one. They're all so unique.kek
No. 60780
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>>59939According to this chart, her kid is almost double the weight he should be…
>60 min on the treadmill every daySend that fatass outside to run around with some other kids or something. I'm only 23, but when I was a kid we would be outside almost every day for hours on end.
This type of parenting is akin to child abuse, in my opinion. She's probably a hambeast as well.
No. 60784
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>>60761Bless you. That's exactly what I thought too.
No. 60787
>>60780You must not have a kid with autism. Some autistic children have meltdowns if they are forced to socialize with other children.
They may also have meltdowns if their routine is disturbed. While I agree that the kid needs help, it's easier said than done with autistic children.
No. 61028
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No. 61072
>hurr if im unhealthy then its my business!I hate this fucking logic so much.
No, it's no longer just your business if we have to treat your fat fucking arse for diabetes, heart disease, cancers or you have to roll around in your little rascals scooter, or if you end up on welfare because you are clinically obese.
Fuck these selfish fat retards.
No. 61179
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>>61072dont forget the EMTs, firemen/women, and nurses who risk serious personal injury hauling them out of wherever they end up having their cheesy-poof fueled heart attack.
No. 61233
>>47105nigga moon
im sorry
No. 61237
>>56721Freelee is insane.
I'm seriously shocked that nobody made a thread about her yet
No. 63262
>>61028>that would be my business>except in america where it's become such an epidemic that it's now considered a disease>but fuck all the misogynist fatphobic pigsalso
>i listen to my body and do what it wantsaka
>i have no self controlfatties gonna fat
No. 63302
>It'd be pretty hard to save a 600 pounder in the event of a terrorist attack.Fucking hilarious that they think they'd survive longer. I weight about 115 lbs and am pretty sure I could drag two anorexics, a tiny old lady, or two kids along with me while running away, but anyone approaching 300 lbs?
That is literally dead weight. They can shield us from a spray of terrorist bullets, that's about all they're good for.
No. 63303
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>>63262Why are Americans so gung ho about eating like shit? It's as if they're proud of it.
No. 63306
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>>63272My bro is a firefighter & emt, I've heard some stories.
Biggest they've seen was a thousand pounder. Or they think so, cause that's where the fucking scale maxes out.
When they can't find a vein on a fatty they use these motherfuckers. they go into the bone. Sometimes they use a power drill, sometimes they just jam them in by hand.
>actual thin privilegekek
No. 63321
You're right though, there are a great portion of Americans that enjoy eating like shit. But in some of the states where obesity isn't a problem, most of us really enjoy our veggies, fruits, quinoa and lean meats.
There are just unfortunately not many of us.
No. 63323
>>63318that's like a needle gun, not a drill. not saying it isn't crazy these have to be used, but a power drill would just rip someone's veins to shreds.
anyways I'm getting ot / fatties gonna fat
No. 64038
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When did Kelly Clarkson turn into a landwhale?
No. 64041
No. 64047
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>>64041I can actually imagine her singing this.
Fucking apex kek
No. 64089
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>Even warpigs can get chad! Evil feminist anti-male matriarchal gynocracy! REEEE
No. 64091
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>>64058I just did the same thing too, anon. Couldn't help but notice how tiny they photoshopped one arm but not the other in this picture kek
No. 64277
>>64100h-hugs you
it'll be okay anon :c
No. 64599
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I know this one personally. I know the caption cuts off, but you see where it's going. The kicker is she calls other people fat all the time, and bitches on other social media about being too fat. But oh in the next breath she luvvvvs her fat rolls.
No. 64653
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I am the dog.
No. 64656
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>>64091If you look closely at her right arm, you can see that they colored over her arm fat and pinky.
So, I wouldn't say that they tried to make her look skinnier, but I will say that whoever photoshopped this image does not know what the fuck they're doing. She looks deformed.
No. 64911
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Look at this sexy dadbod.
No. 65122
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No. 65675
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>>51847i feel like jessica luxery and majestic legay/fleetwood/whatever the fuck they change their name every couple of months are really interesting and could warrant a thread of their own if they still uploaded content. they're run of the mill tumblrinas now since they've been married but back in the day they were really something else. they're really into ~self love~ and taking care of yourself emotionally, even if it means eating an entire plate of cookies or six corndogs. they had a project a while ago called hungry virgins but it's dead now, the idea behind that was that fat people are sexually unattractive and therefore forever virgins or something. most of their youtube videos are private now but they had a video where majestic lost their "virgini-T" and took a shot of testosterone to the ass in the back of a car, and a video about intuitive eating, which is basically just eating whenever you want and not giving a shit. informational video on fisting- No. 66348
File: 1448912015292.jpg (115.31 KB, 634x845, 2EEE4CB000000578-3339679-image…)

I saw this trending on Twitter: obviously there's no shortage of people who literally hate fat people these days, but if you had one of these cards printed wouldn't you have 100+ of them? Why has no-one else been given a card?
>cue hundreds of copycats tomorrow No. 66392
>>66382This is the same tier as those stories that appear every now and then where a black waitress will show Tumblr/Twitter/FB a receipt someone handed her with "LOL FUCK YOU NIGGER" written on it, but then it turns out pretty much all of the time to have been the waitress herself.
Don't look too deeply into these things.
No. 66400
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>>66382Yes, but there's a huge difference between making anonymous internet posts and actually printing shit like that out and handing it to a random fat person on the bus. People don't act like they do on the internet in real life.
No. 66617
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my fave
No. 67409
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Where does one even start with this?
I'm an artist and I know how challenging art is but jesus FUCK, $75 for this? At that skill level you really shouldn't be taking commissions, much less for $75.
And what the fuck is a body positive perfume? Do fat people need their own perfumes now too? I'm legitimately confused.
No. 67546
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>>67501That's totally taken from a picture of Beth Ditto
No. 67816
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No. 67841
>>67816I'm terrified to know what bottle she's opening. Is she gonna add ranch dressing?
They just look like rats in a gratification experiment.
I do think genetics can fuck with impulse control. But you have to learn your weaknesses and get them under control. If it takes more effort, so be it.
This looks suicidal.
No. 67851
>>67841ranch on pizza is delicious anon
but it makes me sick knowing shes going to have half the bottle
No. 67885
>>67851Ew that shit is disgusting what is wrong with you
Ranch in general is nasty as fuck
No. 67893
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>>67856>>67885Wow, it's almost as if people have differing taste buds!
No. 67895
>>67893 ikr I posted the pic in the first place and I'm sitting here like ???
Personally I think ranch is gross on pretty much everything but it's not going to make anyone a fattie just because they like it
damn we all have our vices haha
No. 67913
>>67907We get it, anas have an inferiority complex. Hence your fixation on food, it's a way to feel superior to people who eat normally. That is so very sad.
I don't actually like ranch sauce but I like mayonnaise for example. Shame on me.
No. 67916
>>67913My thoughts exactly haha. I'm sitting here like
who seriously judges someone by the condiments they like
even my health nut grandfather doesn't give that much of a damn
No. 68170
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I saw this ham on my facebook feed and there was such disparity between her selfies and how she actually looks.
No. 68234
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found on tumblr lmao
yes, bc being thin totally doesnt mean self control or anything!!
No. 68489
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The bodypositive tag on Instagram is a goldmine of ugly bitches.
No. 71745
>>71743Cellulite isn't directly linked to obesity. Over 90% of women have cellulite, it has more to do with the way our skin/fat distribution and genetics is built than being overweight. Of course being overweight worsens cellutlite, but even skinny girls have it.
Also the harsh stigma against it is more of a modern day invention. A few hundred years back no one gave any fucks, and women were simply painted with cellulite as it was seens as a part of a body rather than a nuisance that you have to fight with useless expensive creams and treatments.
No. 71748
>>71745I have cellulite since I was 14 (average weight back then) and it was one of the main reasons for me to develop an eating disorder. even at a BMI of 15 it was still there. I hate it. haven't been swimming with friends since 10 years, haha…
sage for OT and diary
No. 72040
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>>47105I've found this girl: her legs makes my joints hurt
No. 72042
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No. 73954
In the last townhall, we decided to merge the HAES and "fatty general" threads and move it to /b/. The HAES thread (
>>>/pt/156624 ) was locked and is now redirected to this thread.
Also, I do understand that there is a difference between HAES and general discussion of fat people. But since both threads often end up discussing the same topics anyway, it makes sense to merge them.
Rule of thumb: if a general thread is about a large group, subculture, community, or website (like a thread for all of Tumblr), with many different people mentioned, it should go in /b/. If a thread primarily focusses on a small number of specific people, it should probably go in /snow/.
General threads like those frequently lead to lots of discussion and debate around broad issues; often sociological and political ones. They tend to derail easily and not focus so much on specific people. The key theme of /pt/ and /snow/ is that threads should be about specific people.
Please read
>>>/meta/1909 for more details.