File: 1445622545284.png (100.74 KB, 271x186, aly and her sisters.png)

No. 48258
Where we left off:
Aly will not DISCUSS issues concerning bloating and her UNGODLY (!) farts.
Aly continues to leech her mother's time and money with her latest venture of KICK ANA FAMILY SUPPORT.
Her father, who is responsible for her illness, has said he will actively give Aly his FULL support…so we'll SEE how that goes, eh,
The American Cafe still FEATURES, as does her PROMINENT (!) sternum.
However, she assures us she is gaining.
Let's celebrate Aly's 1000th CROISSANT #recoverywin as she gazes AT her food with all the love of a NEW MOTHER looking into her JOYFUL blondie little girl's eyes.
LOTS OF CUTE (!) animals behaving like ALY gifs and other ED cows DISCUSSED.
>>42283#edrecovery #edsoldiers #ednos #togetherwecan #fightingforfreedom #realrecovery #noproana #noana #beatana #beatinged #beatingana #anorexiarecover #anawho #anabitch #eatingdesordersrecover #recovery #recoveryispossible #togetherwecan #keepfighting #kickana #fight
No. 48260
>>48258Thanks to anon for the thread header pic.
Hair by Vanity Paws Dog Grooming Salon.
No. 48261
File: 1445622963295.png (685.27 KB, 594x593, Screen Shot 2015-10-23 at 10.5…)

Anyone else notice that she reverses every single selfie? In every selfie she takes, the words are backwards. Like she only can stand to look at herself the way she sees herself in a mirror.
No. 48277
File: 1445624334192.jpg (60.08 KB, 600x453, cat-eating-hamburger.jpg)

>>48258Aly may not know what a hamburger is but this cat sure does.
No. 48294
That photo with her Dad made me want to resurrect his mafia personality for just a moment…
>Don Casati was not happy about his skele-daughter's suggestion for a second (!) breakfast at a bar, but seeing an opportunity to kick back in the autumn sun with a fine whiskey, he agreed. The pair walked to Torrefazione L'isola, Don Casati barely keeping up with his emaciated corpse of a daughter; she seemed to almost run instead of walk.
>When they arrived the daughter ordered a cappucino and a croissant, enquiring keenly about the “just baked” status of her pastry. Don Casati took his everytime favourite neat single malt, and joined his burden/daughter on the terrace. As the skeleton chattered on, teeth rattling in her head and voice almost breaking, Don Casati sipped his drink and wondered how many more times he would have to endure these false speaches.
>Something had to be done; a man of his stature could not waste his time with such trivialities. His daughter had been lying and manipulating the family, her doctors, and anyone who came into contact with her for so long he could not bear to watch it any longer. As she prattled on about “family support” and “#realrecovery” he had never felt so bored nor so desperate to end a situation.
>Don Casati pondered the question in his mind as the daughter picked apart her just baked croissant without ever putting a single crumb past her lips. He watched her worriedly wipe the lush oil (!) off her fingers and made his mind up: she was to be forced into treatment or disposed of. A wry smile crept over Don Casati's lips as he realised that soon he would be free from this monster. He didn't even mind her posing awkwardly for a photo with him in; he knew that soon, one way or another, it would all be over.
No. 48297
File: 1445630482980.jpg (34.17 KB, 480x329, don casati.jpg)

>>48294First they came for his daughter's Donald Duck…
No. 48315
File: 1445635175483.jpg (61.95 KB, 299x398, ham somethingorother.jpg)

Replying to comments from the last thread.
>>48212Still not deleted. That person is almost as bad at English as Aly. Yikes.
>>48218Thankfully this image was the follow up of that conversation.
I hate to say this, but Aly was actually okay in this situation. I don't know why she was so bitchy about someone not noticing a space but that's her way.
Also, no it wouldn't be called a ham sandwich. The way she's eating it, a native English speaker would typically call it a ham patty.
No. 48327
File: 1445637122385.gif (2 MB, 386x380, giphy.gif)

a brief shot of aly tranistioning from super-posi to aggressive bitch (no pun intended)
No. 48331
File: 1445637253911.jpg (145.27 KB, 1280x960, Capture.JPG)

aly with her #fearfoodchallange after the pic is snapped and she stops grinning like the joker
No. 48333
File: 1445637340690.jpg (320.59 KB, 2776x1422, Capture.JPG)

>"going to buy muh ensurz #edfam"
No. 48336
File: 1445637803887.gif (336.25 KB, 250x112, giphy.gif)

results of another sleepless night
No. 48340
File: 1445638555155.jpg (77.99 KB, 625x612, selfie 1.jpg)

>>48339Did you miss my kisses my #edfamily?
No. 48342
File: 1445638980935.jpg (38.41 KB, 540x353, no thoughts.jpg)

Restriction after the #secondbkfast croissant? B*tch please.
No. 48346
File: 1445639699009.jpg (221.25 KB, 1224x1632, Rf6YBL6.jpg)

Had this superlicious creamy cappuccino as second (!) part of #breakfast. Just look at that foam!
No. 48365
>>48339I've never seen someone eat ham in that form, tbh. I'm just picturing when someone has ground beef shaped like that, before they make it into a hamburger, it's called a hamburger patty. So I imagine just ham would be a ham patty.
I'm American though so that's probably it. Curious though: would the UKers indeed refer to that as a "ham sandwich" then (when it's just the meat)?
No. 48368
File: 1445646340665.jpg (33.49 KB, 550x413, carnivores pft.jpg)

>>48365I'm a bit confused, but do you mean the actual meat thing before it's cooked? If so, it's still called a beefburger or hamburger even though it's not in a burger bun.
No. 48369
File: 1445646542328.jpg (20.18 KB, 259x239, burger.JPG)

>>48368aaaaaaaand veggie burger without a bun.
Patty appears on the boxes of US products we call burgers, but nobody here says patty.
No. 48447
>>48368>>48369Yeah I do mean that. That makes sense, and I'm sorry that I confused you.
Oh, good point though: a veggie burger is always a veggie burger whether it has a bun or not. Hamburgers though just might have patty tagged onto it if it doesn't have a bun.
>>48371Thank you! That's interesting and very helpful!
No. 48518
>>48462Her father literally forced Aly to be anorexic to pass on the family tradition.
… Okay really though Aly blames her father for her illness for seemingly no reason. He's just a big ol' meanie and somehow that makes it his fault that she has anorexia.
As for the full support thing, see:
>>48160 No. 48550
File: 1445687443886.jpeg (83.69 KB, 640x390, image.jpeg)

This is what aly eats, idk if they even exist in other countries, but it's like a patty made of ham… I've never tried them cause they look like baby food to me
No. 48563
File: 1445691888395.png (174.63 KB, 720x596, wut.png)

Wait what, it wasn't 1.5 kg. In fact, overall, it was 0.5 kg.
No. 48567
>>48563Her asslickers will treat that as fact now that she's said it, though.
She supposedly gained 1 kg at her last weigh-in. I think her Day Hospital Control is every 6 weeks, and she'd lost half a kg at the one before that. No clue where she got that number.
Shit, isn't she also tutoring someone in math?
No. 48594
>>48591Oops, that was my guess. The actual translation of kase is: cheesy/crap/codswallop/rubbish.
So: flesh-rubbish?
No. 48615
File: 1445698080797.png (141.47 KB, 1122x458, Screen Shot 2015-10-24 at 7.47…)

Ummmmmmmmm what?
No. 48635
>>48565>>48632What are you talking about? "Already bitten" here makes sense, though she obviously spelled bitten wrong.
It's her "already baked" bread/pastry that makes no sense.
In both cases, she probably means "just" instead of "already," but "already bitten" makes sense.
No. 48636
>>48635It doesn't really, though. Like unless she bit the pear yesterday and is eating the rest as part of 2nd breakfast or whatever it makes no sense.
Like you wouldn't say: "I had eggs and already bitten toast for breakfast"
Like… the fuck
No. 48640
>>48635To me "already bitten" implies that's how she got it. Like, here's this pear with a bite already taken out, enjoy!
I fucking hate her captions but for some things I can't fault her for considering she's not at all fluent in English
No. 48641
>>48636>>48640She's saying it was already bitten by the time she took the picture, not already bitten when she got it. It makes sense to me.
More like, "Here's a picture of my breakfast: eggs and toast that I've already bitten."
Obviously it does sound stupid, and as I said, she probably does mean "just," especially since she makes the same mistake with freshly baked bread.
No. 48644
File: 1445705906416.jpg (27.43 KB, 301x186, blashpemy.JPG)

>inb4 I think my ED centre knows more than you or me, don't you? :)
No. 48648
File: 1445706829830.jpg (84.22 KB, 509x378, Realrecover.jpg)

>>48644She might say they already increased it after she lost weight.
Here is Aly enjoying (the sight of) cake.
No. 48650
File: 1445707068136.jpg (32.07 KB, 548x406, Pt 2.jpg)

Look, she's clearly demolished the cake. You can tell by the frosting around the mouth.
No. 48653
File: 1445707290640.jpg (5.17 KB, 236x177, already biten.jpg)

>>48647We've already established the family go dumpster diving for food, so it probably WAS already biten by someone else.
>>48648Her Sisters ate the cake, Aly watched a candle.
No. 48654
File: 1445707393282.jpg (11.41 KB, 192x184, ed clinic.jpg)

>>48645and here is ED clinician pic for proofs
No. 48655
File: 1445707505444.jpg (138.73 KB, 594x396, Drank.jpg)

alcohol is always enjoyable, especially in recovery (it gets you drunk faster)
No. 48666
File: 1445708820577.jpg (99.46 KB, 615x453, freegan casatis.jpg)

No. 48679
File: 1445711478095.jpg (48.72 KB, 540x216, IMG_20151024_113132.JPG)

Oh her parents are totally getting a divorce
No. 48700
Family situation = she doesn't get along with her dad, so everyone else suffers.
No. 48708
File: 1445715976180.png (418.46 KB, 515x431, Untitled.png)

>>48707elenasrecovery has good pizza with lots of topping. I'd rather go to her house for -zza than to Aly's (for so many reasons).
No. 48723
>>48713tbh all the people i know who regularly eat pizza with toppings are fat
like you're already eating a big chunk of carbs, salt and fat, you don't need even more fatty salty meat on it lmao
No. 48740
File: 1445720712505.png (223.01 KB, 1122x708, Screen Shot 2015-10-24 at 2.01…)

>>48735Jesus Christ she's so fucking dumb, she replied to my comment, THEN deleted it and blocked me? That doesn't look suspicious at all. And yeah, I'm sure her doctors really think that negligible weight gain is the best way to go for an extremely underweight, medically at-risk anorexic. Yep. She TOTALLY gained an ENTIRE 1 kg in a month! Amazing!
This girl makes me sick.
No. 48751
>>48740I bet she blocks everyone with weight gain questions. More of her façade has been showing through, lately… but then she catches herself and edits so that she's still in the perfect recovery.
I'm still angry about her rationale (and bitchiness) for not discussing things like bloating. Bitch, parts of recovery are embarrassing, but that's also part of the process. If she's really hypermetabolic (ha), she's probably sweating a lot, but I bet she'd never admit to ever sweating in her life.
No. 48753
>>48752I eat pizza on a regular basis.
I am fat.
My husband also eats it on a regular basis.
He is underweight.
Buuuuut I have BED so I eat way more than him. Depends on the person really.
No. 48767
File: 1445726873128.jpg (21.91 KB, 520x292, quelle horreur.jpg)

>>48752No, but other people seem to eat lots of take out food or fast food shit.
I'm not keen on pizza because I don't like stodge or bread things in general.
>>48751Either Aly isn't experiencing bloating and sweats because she ISN'T EATING ENOUGH or she's prissier than I thought. It shows she hasn't really had any in depth treatment or therapy if she can't even talk about bloating, farting and pooping.
>Aly's face when she's ever asked by a doctor to prove her menstruation's returned by showing her used tampon. No. 48780
>>48550Growing up, my crazy bitch mother made me eat one of these bad boys with a slice of tinned pineapple on top for dinner at least once a week.
She called it Hawaiian steak and insisted I loved this meal and begged her for it even though I mostly cried, asked for an apple instead and took four and a half hours to choke down something that foul.
TL;DR they taste like shit, smell like pig anuses and are not improved by pineapple.
No. 48794
>>48767show……. a used…… tampon………….???????
the fuck
No. 48795
>>48782Turns out she's got BPD with narcissistic tendencies. Fucked me up for a while but now its pretty fucking funny.
Hawaiian steaks..
No. 48809
File: 1445747649123.png (117.03 KB, 1440x473, Screenshot_2015-10-25-00-25-15…)

Think this is immediately being deleted when Aly wakes up? Anyone who remembers her IG before the Great Purge knows that when she started her account she talked about bingeing and how she'd switched from AN to BED. Now she'd probably like everyone to forget that.
No. 48879
File: 1445768918130.png (184.92 KB, 1179x635, Screenshot_2015-10-25-11-23-07…)

start beating it …
No. 48908
File: 1445781367162.jpg (50.82 KB, 984x618, jDEBu30.jpg)

>>48899Proper aly sized banana
No. 48934
File: 1445787340697.png (850.97 KB, 932x598, risotto 1.png)

here's Aly being a jerk in Italian. Someone asked her how she prepared the risotto and she replies, "like every risotto."
Also of course she likes to eat before anyone else is up - she can just put the cookies back in the bag after taking her picture.
No. 48935
File: 1445788403162.png (85.67 KB, 1144x254, Screen Shot 2015-10-25 at 8.51…)

Yes, you cunt, I'm sure you always eat at LEAST 100% of your GIGANTIC meal plan without even a peep. Restriction? Not even a thought! Everyone else is just failing at #realrecovery while Aly is #winning and #beatingana by remaining a spoopy skeleton indefinitely.
No. 48939
File: 1445790322646.jpg (187.41 KB, 936x595, lil bro.jpg)

She thinks her little brother is smiling here… ffs. Her poor family. She probably thinks her mom is smiling in every selfie when really her mother is holding back tears.
I mean, I had a younger moody teenager brother too who didn't like smiling in photos, so I know what that's like. But I didn't try to claim he was smiling over a damn pastry.
No. 48977
>>48941See, I'm still leaning more in the direction of sociopath.
>>48944She is a typical attention whore with severe ED, yes, but there is still something off about the way she treats her family.
>>48948Exactly! He is not at all impressed with the "pain au chocolat" that she brought him.
No. 48986
>>48939>prob thanks to the croissant I bought himSo generorous buying him a cheapo croissant with your parents money
I saw the selfie post but didn't screencap. Saw this one, haven't checked but it's probably gone now.
No. 48993
>>48941Polite OT sage
I'm diagnosed with fairly functional ASPD and she doesn't show really any symptoms.
I imagine the chances of someone having ASPD and anorexia are somewhat low, too, given a lot of ASPD symptoms.
>>48944I agree with this Anon.
No. 49016
>>49009To be fair, even if we were doctors we'd need a fairly extensive look of her history to properly diagnose it.
I think
>>49006>>49008Brings up an interesting point in that anorexics can have autistic/low empathy traits.
I do think that her behavior fits anorexia as I understand it. But of course, the human mind can still be mysterious.
No. 49023
File: 1445795864807.jpg (144.41 KB, 890x417, already.jpg)

apple wasn't already biten today?
Def not lurking
No. 49024
>>49023Nice place to hide that food in the longish grass there.
I personally think Aly's one of those self centred people who is really into herself. She's the most important thing in her world . You don't have to be an autist or a psychopath to be like that. I've known a few in my life.
No. 49034
>>49024I think it's bushes, which makes an even better place to hide them. But also, parks generally have trash cans, so she probably just tossed it as she was leaving.
>>49025Don't worry; I think they're generally thought of as the same thing.
Though interestingly enough, apparently there is a difference:>Sociopaths are less able to play along. They make it plain that they’re not interested in anyone but themselves. They often blame others and have excuses for their behavior.I don't know for sure if Aly is really a sociopath, but goddamn, that does sound like her.
No. 49036
File: 1445797392259.png (3.25 MB, 1440x1979, 2015-08-19 01.37.23-1.png)

>>48998Not that she was eating any of it, but…
No. 49038
File: 1445797556896.png (3.25 MB, 1440x2067, 2015-08-19 01.32.58-1.png)

No. 49041
File: 1445797735649.jpg (54.81 KB, 629x553, breakfast.JPG)

Her breakfasts used to look like this
No. 49061
File: 1445799511006.png (836.1 KB, 822x505, strenght.png)

> a ton (!) of ham slices
aly piles the ham on her plate. after selling the nearest 5 supermarkets out of the sliced pig flesh, now is the time. this is her streght. this is her #realrecovery (!). she must convince her followers that she's totes trying. even though the ham is the lowest calorie thing in the plate compared to her DANG LUSH OILY (!) she must ~try~. again and again, she places ham slices on her side plate next to her crumbs of bread and her three spinaches. it is tiring but she must try. the sheer weight of the ham on her cardboard box dinner table causes it to collapse, but she cares not. even when she finds a solid oak table it breaks from the ton (!).
rip dinnertable
No. 49064
File: 1445799880182.jpg (33.03 KB, 270x468, silver shamrock.JPG)

Six more days to Halloween, halloween, halloween.
The claaaaaaaw.
I refuse to believe she's gained even 0.5kg.
Looking at her face recently, it's not a giant leap of imagination to be able to see Ash there.
No. 50721
File: 1445846249805.jpg (43.44 KB, 1070x353, Screenshot_2015-10-26-07-40-23…)

And we all know why that is
No. 50726
>>50721Well she is being too obvious here.
But then again, when is she not obvious
No. 50738
File: 1445855415275.jpg (155.77 KB, 926x593, BEAT IT.jpg)

So Aly and her father went out on a quick trip to buy bread. Her poor father just wanted to get home to get back to his work, but NOPE(!). Aly, the fucking brat, decides they are going to sit down so she can have this pastry and coffee.
Also she posted an OOTD and looks just as terrible as ever.
No. 50775
File: 1445860344144.jpg (1.26 MB, 1232x1600, AiDQgyE.jpg)

God dammit, Aly.
No. 50777
File: 1445860633743.jpg (221.05 KB, 1307x1500, Capture.JPG)

>>50775who wore it better
No. 50778
File: 1445860699557.jpg (8.32 KB, 192x256, eat shit.jpg)

>>50775i like to call that look "skank hobo"
No. 50782
>>50738why does everybody give her shit for free
like d'yuh remember the "beloved barman
shifty emoji" who kept giving her croissants
No. 50787
File: 1445861055404.jpg (65.11 KB, 280x390, SNN29TV01A-280_1033795a.jpg)

No. 50814
>>50775I don't understand this outfit (spookiness aside)
Like, floral shirt, sweatpants, fluffy vest, gigantic bag? None of these things go together. The calorie deficiency is causing her to go blind.
No. 50821
>>50814It's allll to hide the spoopy.
Okay, she does have crap fashion sense even at baseline. But the bulky coverage of the clothes, the big bag, it's all to make her look bigger.
No. 50831
File: 1445871487159.png (346.49 KB, 800x342, strenght.png)

>the i and e key are not close at all
>retard aly confirmed
No. 50840
Hey Cchristie, why the tantrum? your afternoonsnack serve in a non-Starbucks glass? If so, I sympathize.
No. 50853
>>50840All those hating comments. I hope he's okay.
>>50782They're just samples. They do it at Costa a lot. They either leave bits of cutted up cake on a plate on the counter or walk around offering tiny samples of cakes or whatever.
>>50831It's one of her usual mistakes.
>>50813Water retention probably.
No. 50855
>>50853"cutted up cake"
No. 50875
>>50775I hate when girls carry bags in the crook of their arm. CARRY IT IN YOUR HAND OR ON YOUR SHOULDER (that is what the shoulder strap is for).
Even Courtney Love dressed more mentally stable than this when she was off her face on crack. Congratulations, Aly - you outskanked THE skank.
No. 50921
>>50833You used to call me on my cell phone
You used to you used to
No. 50938
>>50925I think this is it, she feels like is almost weight restored and feels bad for being so "fat"
Her whole view it's distorted and I'm starting to feel bad for her
No. 50949
File: 1445882475427.png (928.09 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20151026-140002.png)

OK Aly that sounds legit
No. 50962
>>50950Yeah I have literally never heard of a meal plan that mandates that you eat the same exact thing for breakfast every day. I remember back in ye olden days when I had a meal plan of my own, and I got yelled at for trying to choose a tuna sandwich for lunch more than two days in a row. Actual ED specialists are usually (in my experience and from what I've read online) big on variety. You have to meet a certain number of exchanges or eat a certain number of calories or whatever, but you aren't supposed to eat the exact same fucking thing day after day. That's rigid ED behavior and you're supposed to be encouraged to break that, not ingrain it further. And what happened to the whole "I eat so much above and beyond my meal plan omg I'm challanging myself so much because I'm #realrecovering!!!" deal? If she really felt that way, why not add, I don't know, a measly piece of fruit to breakfast or something? BUT NO. Must be exactly seven cookies and coffee. Nothing else is acceptable.
I can't believe she's fooling
anyone into thinking she isn't still eating disordered as FUCK.
No. 50975
File: 1445885857467.jpg (101.3 KB, 923x527, Capture.JPG)

What did I miss?
No. 51054
File: 1445895377106.png (26.91 KB, 356x72, Screen Shot 2015-10-26 at 9.34…)

>>48258What the living shit is a zucchini pea?
No. 51065
>>51054She invents eating stories so she may as well invent food.
Love peas tho. Mad as hell if she binned this when it would've felt good in my tummy.
No. 51240
File: 1445921861115.png (115.49 KB, 1112x348, Screen Shot 2015-10-26 at 9.55…)

I'm guessing that Aly is so used to writing that she had zucchini that she just automatically inserted it in there. Someone should ask her wtf a zucchini pea is, though. I always like seeing her responses to shit like that, when she responds. Speaking of, dem unanswered questions tho
No. 51265
>>50962shit this is so spot on
the 'big on variety' thing. we used to have to alternate between different fruits/carbs/proteins ip and change our snacks daily too. once continuing as an outpatient at day programs we were questioned on whether we were alternating between things and they were big on it. having the exact same thing at the exact same time every day is ritualistic eating and it's viewed as a disordered behavior
No. 51268
File: 1445939866491.png (296.24 KB, 1138x924, Screen Shot 2015-10-27 at 2.54…)

What ever happened to "Unknown/extra calories? No problem! Just tell Ana to shut her stupid mouth!"? I swear she was just recently saying that she's no longer afraid of extra calories because she wants to #RECOVER! And
>Please darling stop with these infinite and irrelevant questions [stupid emoji] this is the last time I'll answer..
How can anyone even stand this cunt? Why do these people act like they're friends with her when she clearly doesn't give a shit about any of them?
No. 51269
File: 1445940357643.png (545.96 KB, 695x481, jkaj.png)

Oh wow. I wonder what these 'schemes' are. fucking hell
No. 51271
File: 1445940808356.png (17.91 KB, 467x183, jajk.png)

she explained the struggle side but not the schemes, unless she doesn't know what the fuck scheming means
No. 51272
>>51271She thinks that scheme has the same meaning of the italian word "schema".
Schema doesn't have the negative connotation that the english word scheme can have.
It can also mean "frame of mind" and I think that she's referring to that meaning.
No. 51274
>>51272Ah, thanks. That makes more sense.
>>51273Yeah, I'm still surprised by how rude Aly is to her followers, and yet she continues to acquire more ass-lickers.
No. 51310
File: 1445953235098.jpg (172.23 KB, 1070x1104, Screenshot_2015-10-27-13-39-06…)

if I don't touch the bread I might absorb less calories can tell she's cursing that bread inside
No. 51320
File: 1445957101836.jpg (154.14 KB, 915x599, Capture.JPG)

No. 51322
>>51268Asking questions is a way to interact with people, to engage, to bond with them, but clearly Aly is too wrapped up in her anorexia and that's the only relationship she craves.
I've never seen her genuinely interact with anyone, only talk about herself, rehash empty phrases and a relentless desire to be admired.
Even the real-life "relationships" she has are exclusively centered around her anorexia, taking pictures of meals, of food, of her smiling at and holding food, and are ultimately aimed at giving her ass pats for each supposed #recoverywin.
No. 51331
File: 1445960265276.png (2.11 MB, 1198x1200, Screen Shot 2015-10-27 at 8.35…)

Jesus fucking Christ. Apparently now this teeny half-sandwich qualifies as being "overfilled and HUGE (!)".
No. 51332
File: 1445960583171.png (405.87 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20151027-113922.png)

Holy shit she is a cunt. The person who asked it appears to be a young teen. Called out man.
No. 51333
File: 1445960703387.png (30.63 KB, 1054x88, Screen Shot 2015-10-27 at 8.43…)

>>51332Yet there are still people begging to become her "friends." Comments like these make my heart break a little bit because Aly either doesn't respond to them or deletes them. She doesn't want to be "friends" with anyone. I don't know why she even bothers to run a fucking Instagram account where people can comment on her photos since she seems to not even like anyone talking to Her Royal Majesty.
No. 51334
File: 1445960941479.png (51.05 KB, 1074x124, Screen Shot 2015-10-27 at 8.47…)

Also lol @ this probably-farmer. I always wondered why she put #ednos in her tags. I mean, clearly it's to get more attention, but it just seems so disingenuous to tag your posts with a disorder you don't have.
No. 51335
File: 1445960944487.png (412.5 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20151027-114742.png)

Called out. Shit like this makes me fucking rage so hard. I wish her mom had just dropped her off at the facility and left her there.
No. 51337
File: 1445961406485.jpg (114.97 KB, 1074x709, Screenshot_2015-10-27-15-56-12…)

No. 51343
File: 1445962368656.jpg (22.26 KB, 293x165, Capture.JPG)

NYDP, you're in rampage mode!
No. 51383
>>51374She doesn't like it when her followers interact with each other on her IG, because it's for HER, not THEM. She's even said this in the past. Exceptions are obv made in cases of followers defending her.
>>51332Angelinedevries does ask a lot of questions, but she's always polite and (too) sweet about it, and she doesn't ask things like "OMG how do you turn your Fortimel Ensure to ice cream?"… If she irritates Aly so much, why hasn't she been banned? Maybe bc Aly likes her ass kissing too much? As disingenuous as her #realrecovery is, her #togetherwecan is what reeeeally gets to me.
No. 51396
File: 1445971885710.png (547.96 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-10-27-18-51-05…)

No. 51403
>>51402Yeah, I think it's because the commenter also said that they reported icovery to the police and a youth welfare officer, and then they just keep arguing back and forth
Hope she actually gets help…
No. 51405
>>51396"Sorry but you know neither where you are going nor when you are going (inpatient) and if you say you´re going inpatient very soon you should know those things. Just keep on lying if you want to, the police is going to get in touch with you in three months´time and child protection services is probably going to do that sooner and then your parents will see soon enough."
I tried to translate as literally as possible, sorry if there are any mistakes! I´m German and even for a native speaker this post is a bit confusing/vague…
No. 51417
>>51409One of the comments in reply to her says people like her should be shot.
No. 51434
>>51424She's twenty-five???
I thought this was a 45 year old Palm Beach divorcee. :\
No. 51439
File: 1445979163834.png (1.17 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-10-27-20-51-57…)

This, not even the other side
No. 51465
File: 1445984664642.jpg (18.06 KB, 189x278, aaraarghhhh.JPG)

Today is the first day I haven't looked at ALy's ig. I can't take her face anymore. The recent fashion crime made me almost afraid to look at the clothing choice carnage.
I go for a quick peek right now, and see THIS. Blye/grey jacket with brown elbow patches. Flashback to insane German teacher at my school. The physical abuse of Sprich Mal Deutsch and blackboard rubbers flying at my head. His perving over my 14 year old classmate with the big tits.
Milan. Be ashamed.
No. 51474
File: 1445987080110.gif (105.77 KB, 438x438, adlghd.gif)

>>51465There, there anon.
No. 51534
>>51533Thanks for correcting SPINACH.
I feel like making an account just to point out her spelling errors.
No. 51569
>>51566She's going to block the account, which deletes all comments.
At this point, I don't think trolling her is of any benefit, your message won't stay up anyway. Her followers (who comment) are beyond reach, and the others likely know what's up.
No. 51578
>>50964>or even consider a changeautistics hate change too. not saying Aly is definitely on the spectrum, but a lot of anorexics have autistics traits.
Aly is like rain man with her fucking 7 cookies for breakfast every morning.
"Wednesday is fish sticks. Green lime jello for dessert."
and so help you if you try to change it.
No. 51588
File: 1446006512327.jpg (72.28 KB, 490x290, found objects.jpg)

Found these in the park this afternoon. I live in Milan. I think I saw a skellington wearing a brown/blonde wig scurrying away.
No. 51590
File: 1446006704168.jpg (15.67 KB, 299x122, dog shit.JPG)

>>51574At least someone agrees.
No. 51633
File: 1446024750400.jpg (218.04 KB, 1078x1280, Screenshot_2015-10-28-08-41-55…)

So, 2 days ago (pic) compared to yesterday yes she knows that and everything OVER meal plan is well accepted when asked if dietician knew about second breakfast
You dumb girl
No. 51640
File: 1446028927733.jpg (53.21 KB, 307x410, dad work problems.jpg)

I don't think Aly will ever cease to amaze me with how self-centered she is. Just when I think I've realized the depth of her self-centerness, she pulls out something else.
Like this bullshit. Her dad's nervous due to mafia problems, and she only gives a shit about relieving herself. The worst part though is:
>work problems crying emoji
Like seriously how much of a twat can a person be. She has no idea what the stresses of work are like so I don't know why she's pretend crying over it.
No. 51641
File: 1446030409805.gif (952.63 KB, 400x178, oI4n.gif)

Papa casati finds out how much she spent on croissants this month
No. 51643
>>51640perhaps she stole some of his drug money to spend on fortimels
she is a twat
No. 51676
>>51640mmm yea, caffeine is always known to relieve nerves
(hint: its the opposite effect)
No. 51709
File: 1446048109956.jpg (189.66 KB, 1076x1220, Screenshot_2015-10-28-16-00-27…)

>>51705Mama casati nearly finished or at least half way through, aly.. untouched inc the smoothie
No. 51710
>>51709Not WK-ing, but neither of them have touched the smoothies and it looks like Ma has only had one big bite, because those sandwiches are tiny anyway.
SO that pink donut she posted. I remember that style donut back in her "relapse" days (because she's totally not in relapse now you guys, nope, she's #realrecover-ing). At least she admitted that she never ate those donuts in the caption. I'm quite shocked she admitted that, actually.
No. 51712
File: 1446048630838.png (920.06 KB, 929x597, lieing.png)

SS before she edits the caption and claims she never lied.
No. 51715
File: 1446049090223.png (83.67 KB, 1130x268, Screen Shot 2015-10-28 at 9.17…)

I feel bad for all of her followers with EDs who don't get the ~Aly special treatment~. It's bullshit.
No. 51716
File: 1446049172284.jpg (120.71 KB, 572x1273, Screenshot_2015-10-28-16-18-14…)

>>51465And it looks like trousers tucked into bad boots is trending as well
No. 51727
>>51708Naaah she means she's probably tutoring some middle schooler or something, it's a pretty common thing in Italy. I mean, the average italian english level is bad, but it's not THAT bad that we'd have someone with such atrocious speaking skills as an English teacher.
And anon
>>51698 suck it up. Your mistake was pretty dumb, and that only proves the point I made earlier. We really are the fucking worst at engrish.
No. 51740
>>51588Are you psychic? How did you know donuts would be consumed today?
Or…Aly used this as inspiration for her snack today. That's great. Ok Aly, what can we inspire you to eat next? I'm thinking of a big slice of chocolate cake with ice cream beside. Please consume this at your earliest opportunity.
No. 51748
File: 1446053540450.jpg (14.81 KB, 224x229, deaded.JPG)

Those grapes tho
No. 51761
File: 1446054424983.png (177.39 KB, 720x682, IMG_20151028_134204_edit.png)

Best comment EVER guiz
No. 51767
File: 1446055180889.png (332.9 KB, 800x800, tumblr_nph40krCig1qjvd0ko1_128…)

>>51761A message for alys mum
No. 51795
File: 1446062510493.png (189.16 KB, 720x640, abc.png)

She really hasn't eaten much today or yesterday (the extras being a kipferl yesterday and doughnut today). The lunches weren't huge either.
Anyway the last 2 comments in the earlier screenshot were deleted, though they weren't rude. Here's another:
No. 51798
>>51797true, I was thinking that too. They were likely spoon marks, not teeth.
Such a waste of delicious donuts :(
No. 51800
File: 1446064256424.jpg (102.72 KB, 275x275, 1441330280023.jpg)

why did she fucking bother. it was so she could post all of those ootds and get attention for being so thin and supposedly having pints and shit
No. 51807
File: 1446066042200.jpg (305.22 KB, 1204x1200, 1431550219073.jpg)

Her face does look better compared to 6 months ago but because she wears such baggy trousers its hard to judge how much weight she's added or not compared to her lowest picsootd
No. 51809
>>51806No lol. Eating pasta is normal. Eating
chocolate custard filled donuts is not.
>>51807Where the hell is she finding jeans that fit tightly?
No. 51819
File: 1446068473541.jpg (7.32 KB, 275x132, 1431550275430.jpg)

>>51813Was looking back at first thread and found this pic, trying so hard to compare because she doesn't pull the pouty smokers face anymore :-/
No. 51826
File: 1446069338886.jpg (86.17 KB, 1209x580, 1431550275430.jpg)

>>51824Is this any better? Sorry
No. 51850
>>51809>Eating pasta is normal. Eating chocolate custard filled donuts is not.So like… should we only be eating lettuce and lentils? Or are they too fattening as well?
Ffs, you anas are fucking insane. inb4 "fatty", nah, I'm just not mentally ill enough to believe that eating a donut isn't normal human behavior. (As well as fruit and pasta.)
No. 51855
>>51853I don't think I'm the insecure one here. So it's not okay to like, eat a delicious donut twice a year? And since when can you not eat normal food and then enjoy a treat once in a while? I don't mean to sounds HAES, but it's okay to have a donut, Ana.
Look, I'm not going to argue with you and your disordered eating habits. I'm sick of weight bating bullshit anyway. If you don't want to eat it, then fine. But you need some help if you're going to lecture strangers for eating
a single fucking donut. No. 51856
>>51333i am tempted to text this number
very tempted
No. 51860
>>51854Trying to sound intelligent? Not sure how you got that from my post. You may be 'naturally skinny' now - you're probably very young - but if you keep eating high-carb junk food, the insulin response will eventually wreck your body. All those fat moms you see walking around were once "naturally skinny" 18 year olds, too.
>>51855You heard it here, everyone. Not gorging yourself on Dunkin' Donuts is an
eating disorder.
No. 51861
>>51855>>51854Weird how someone is feeling annoyed at someone else eating a donut. I have a donut or pastry every day. I'm not a
hambeast , sounds like something Aly ate the other day, but far from it! Now go back to MPA and feel heard there
No. 51865
>>51860both my mum and dad are also naturally on the smaller side and they eat a variety of shit, whatever the fuck they want actually. i'm 20 so yeah, nice if i have a good metabolism. also check out
i think you're lost
No. 51875
Jesus. Fucking. Christ.
>>51853 you are so disordered it's not even funny.
I'm guessing you also made the "fat moms" comment. Guess what? I'm not really young. I'm 32, and I'm also a mom. I'm also skinny as fuck, to the point where the carrier I bought to wear my baby still doesn't fit me when adjusted to the smallest size. Oh, and guess what? I like pasta, donuts, and desserts of all kinds, but I'm aware enough to know those items are treats that I only eat on occasion, not every day. But I also think enjoying those treats IS NORMAL FUCKING HUMAN BEHAVIOR.
Get help.
No. 51879
File: 1446073075419.jpg (32.72 KB, 430x385, fuck-off-5.jpg)

>>51860Something food related for you to consider
No. 51886
>>51639I wasn't actually physically in Milan, only spiritually (that's how mental camera works). Who wouldn't want to do a bit spying on the irl Aly if they lived there?? Of course, she wouldn't be my first priority (hellew, Dante!) but I'd take a crash course in Italian to hear what she bangs on about with her mum.
As for donuts/other treats, life would be so shit if you didn't eat something calorific now and again. I eat healthily, but I eat a giant cookie or flapjack once a week. It's nice to look forward to. If you don't wanna, then don't. That's all there is to it.
No. 51901
>>51815I don't get it either. I've shopped in the kids' section before, and I've never seen jeans like that.
Aly is the size of a 6-year old, and kids that young don't even wear "skinny jeans" to begin with.
The ones I see are always very loose, and ill-fitting on adults.
No. 51906
>>51810the lighter wash ones look exactly like urban outfitters BDG jeans which can run pretty small.
her style was way more tolerable back then, now she's scrambling together as many layers as possible to hide in.
No. 51908
File: 1446076276985.gif (2.26 MB, 300x300, Dog-Smiles-While-Chewing-Donut…)

>>51906I've never worn jeans, so can't tell one brend from another BUT she used to buy Hollister and they do size 00.
She really doesn't know how to dress. You'd think her friends would help her.
No. 51932
File: 1446078608395.jpg (74.01 KB, 400x531, IMG_00152.jpg)

Sprout having an affair with broccoli
No. 51939
That actually looks good so long as it wasn't the only thing she ate that day. Is that quinoa? I like it, but it looks like nit eggs.
No. 51950
File: 1446080280964.jpg (233.53 KB, 575x381, thai-quinoa-salad-11.jpg)

>>51946Oh, stop being squeamish! Just don't get them in your hair or they might hatch.
Look! Looks so tasty, yam yam!
No. 51953
File: 1446080556906.jpg (86.14 KB, 400x530, IMG_44261.jpg)

>>51939Still has the Quest bar hardon
No. 51960
>>51954I was really pleased to see this because it looks like she's settling down to study BUT THEN clicked on it and she's reading some shit about diets?
I didn't think she'd return to Starbucks after that #meltdown. I should look at her blog.
No. 51966
File: 1446082619046.jpg (40.16 KB, 296x343, hmm.JPG)

Am I wrong to feel the way I do about this issue. This is one of Ashley's (ex?) friends. 21. I kind of get the frustration her parents feel because she gets out of residential then immediately starts saying she can't do it without being IP.
It sounds like she gets a lot of therapy and sees nutritions etc. but it's like she's become institutionalised and she's never going to deal with her ED without having someone hold her hand 24/7.
It seems too easy to keep checking yourself in for 6-12 months if your parents can afford it and that way you don't have to learn how to deal the illness in the real world.
No. 51982
File: 1446085682257.jpg (17.65 KB, 280x280, 1420850619470.jpg)

>>51809>Lurks the thread criticizing Aly for her batshit disordered behavior>claims only "giant hambeasts" can enjoy a yummy donut>claims eating donuts isn't normal>implying anon is not batshit herselfYou're such a fucking hipocrite.
No. 51983
>>51982ok but how much do you weigh?
it's spelled hypocrite, btw :)
No. 51994
>>51856A farmer already did. In fact the girl posted on Aly's post today (can't remember which) asking if she does eat because "someone" told her Aly's a fake.
She's a silly girl to put her full name, location, phone number and high school up on instagram for all to see. Kids these days.
No. 51995
File: 1446089950313.jpg (78.65 KB, 902x522, Capture.JPG)

>>51994Ugh, my memory is crap. Here's the actual post. But someone from here did text her.
No. 51998
File: 1446090174700.jpg (26.41 KB, 289x216, donut controversy.JPG)

>>51994I didn't see that one, but caught this.
I hope the VK fetishists didn't see the girl's phone no. Ffs. Aly should've deleted it.
No. 52006
File: 1446091259589.png (2.55 MB, 2048x1226, 1432496738006.png)

To the farmer that asked for a comparison to June. I can't compile a before and after bc the only images I can find were from earlier Aly threads. Here is a before pic. I do think she looks less deathly in the face now.
No. 52007
File: 1446091327272.jpg (1.35 MB, 1500x1500, 1432862960811.jpg)

Here's another, bottom right. Smiley face photos were rare then, and she doesn't do the pout anymore (thank god) so can't compare that.
No. 52015
File: 1446091720509.jpg (15.64 KB, 219x214, dunno.JPG)

>>52007Yeah, it's difficult to tell now she doesn't pout but that might be the reason she doesn't.
Smiling makes her face look fuller, but is it normal to still see cheekbones when you're smiling like here? (pic)
I'd like to think she looked better, but until she looks like she isn't over 40 I can't say there's much improvement.
Why doesn't she use that real Starbucks mug instead of that fucking disposable cup?
No. 52016
File: 1446091824150.jpg (13.53 KB, 317x91, kek.JPG)

HA, she missed one of farmer's comment on the pic above.
No. 52022
File: 1446093490040.gif (993.14 KB, 500x264, piggy.gif)

>>51983MPA is for people who want to talk about their weight. Lolcow is where we want to talk about the weight of snowflakes. We don't do meanspo or whatever you want to play. We are all perfect and hot here. That's all you need to know.
>>51987I would do, but I'm out of the loop with her. All she's doing is posting crap from Claire's. Is she still relevant?
No. 52027
File: 1446094029269.jpg (9 KB, 166x303, Cheryl cole.jpg)

>>52015I think so, if you have prominent cheekbones (whether Aly truly has prominent cheekbones at restored weight, I dunno).
Here's Cheryl Cole, for example.
No. 52028
File: 1446094093385.jpg (34.28 KB, 900x506, olivia-wilde.jpg)

Found this one too.
No. 52031
>>52027Aren't those dimples? Aly's weirdness is higher up. Cheryl's becoming spoopy I see.
Started a new Ash thread on /pt for whoever requested it.
No. 52033
File: 1446094425463.jpg (115.93 KB, 634x609, cheryl whatever.jpg)

>>52029Sorry, just seen that.
No. 52046
>>52007Now that she deleted all of those pics, I really wish I'd made more collages or kept the photos saved to my computer. Seeing that all-too-familiar bite-marked donut she posted earlier really
triggered my rage. Really, though, why should anyone believe her claim that she ate the one today when she swore just as vehemently that she was eating all of those donuts (and many other sweets that she now avoids) from the beginning of the year through her hospitalization in June? She was "in #realrecovery" then and she's "in #realrecovery" now. She was "gaining weight" then and she's "gaining weight" now. She posted pictures of ~already bitten~ pastries then and she posts pictures of them now. She was full of superlicious, emoti-laden posi-vibes then and she's just as "positive" now. The only difference is that now, after close to a year of this bullshit, she's firmly established herself as a liar about many things.
No. 52051
File: 1446096123780.jpg (253.43 KB, 1200x630, fbc.jpg)

>>52049No one's ever happy with what they've got! I like strong bone structures. Frances having this face is good because she's pretty spoopy herself but her face doesn't look fucked up like Aly's.
>>52050I wish. We should try to find some kind of archive site to save future aly posts. It's annoying. I presume that if photos are deleted, they're deleted for good. At least with tumblr you can find deleted posts if they've been reblogged.
No. 52053
File: 1446096508058.jpg (42.73 KB, 543x295, cache.JPG)

>>52050We need to respect her choice to delete, guize.
No. 52059
File: 1446097293969.png (20.03 KB, 842x64, Screen Shot 2015-10-28 at 10.4…)

>inb4 "It's not in my meal plan [book emoji] [sweating smiley-face emoji]"
No. 52060
File: 1446097515681.jpg (11.99 KB, 292x60, gah.JPG)

No. 52063
File: 1446098787578.jpg (38.17 KB, 1000x224, huh.JPG)

I don't remember this picture.
No. 52074
>>52046This. She flat-out admitted to lying in her recent post.
Liars don't suddenly stop being liars.
No. 52080
File: 1446105838218.jpg (125.86 KB, 802x1009, Screenshot_2015-10-29-08-01-16…)

Her face looks a bit better, but in this pic you can still see every bone in her arm, started wearing so many layers too!
No. 52082
File: 1446108527446.jpg (12.06 KB, 650x525, meal plan.jpg)

#Challenging myself with NINE DELISH cookies for breakfast. I've gone over my meal-plan (!) to celebrate that my dad's still nervous about his work troubles. Dipped in two cups of creamy cappucino.
#iloveme #hopethebastardsuffersmore #itsallaboutme
#fuckrecovery #followersNOTfriends
No. 52091
File: 1446117039448.jpg (17.37 KB, 211x239, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_…)

>>52088I saw two words. One was 'health' and the other looks like 'salad'. I am so retarded.
Good work, Lil Sprout. Sorry I doubted you x
No. 52103
>>52096I would be happy if she just took a PICTURE of 9 cookies… or even 8 cookies. We all know she wouldn't eat the extra ones anyway, but it'd be satisfying to rage at her going on and on about the extra (!) cookie in her DANG FABULOUS breakfast.
I literally don't think her OCD would let her take a photo of more than 7 cookies.
No. 52138
File: 1446130257238.jpg (192.38 KB, 954x1344, Screenshot_2015-10-28-16-24-23…)

Can't believe Emily bumped into Aly while she was shopping for fortimels the other day!
No. 52147
>>52140My sides.
Speaking of Ash, she's "dyeing" her hair purple, aka getting a new wig.
No. 52161
File: 1446133236561.png (999.54 KB, 617x1498, Oh Aly.png)

>>52046I couldn't help myself and commented…I don't think it was even 30 seconds before I was blocked. Hilarious.
No. 52164
>>52161I was just about to cap that post, because much very #actionshot Aly, if by actionshot you mean smiling at food.
I also love how she called concerned people haters. Wonder what her fans will say.
Your post is spot on btw. A+.
No. 52167
File: 1446133816048.jpg (37.99 KB, 970x190, Screenshot_2015-10-29-15-47-25…)

>>52161I WISH ig let you post pictures as replies.
No. 52174
File: 1446134570536.png (280.49 KB, 719x970, 1431615233700.png)

Hypocrisy at its finest
No. 52205
>>52197Not my type, but she's cute and pretty.
I bet she's sick of Aly. I bet Aly's parents pay her to take her out.
No. 52213
>>52174It's only a waiting game, Aly
We'll be able to see when people stop believing you. Eventually even your deluded followers won't be able to look past your lack of gains.
Of course, lacking nutrients your brain is incapable of considering the future. You are weak and undisciplined and can achieve nothing more than to repeat your cycle. Infinite keks for the 'h8rz'.
I can't wait til you die, in pain and alone - only surrounded by the false support you've fostered. It's all you're capable of. Though really, you must have realized this. It's probably part of what perpetuates your illness.
No. 52214
File: 1446140174005.jpg (135.72 KB, 850x819, Screenshot_2015-10-29-17-33-20…)

If THIS is still a challenge after all this time then there's no way she's eating any other snack she posts! This is the pic that tipped me over the edge first time round
No. 52215
>>52205She probably
A) has little understanding of anorexia and is under the false impression aly really is improving
B) Thinks she's some kind of generous saint by seeing her through this
No. 52225
File: 1446142363790.jpg (31.71 KB, 942x386, Screenshot_2015-10-29-18-11-07…)

>>52222She's not that busy Aly, she always babysits you while you stare at food
No. 52240
File: 1446145251548.jpg (187.9 KB, 1074x1010, Screenshot_2015-10-29-19-00-16…)

No. 52243
File: 1446145552485.png (87.58 KB, 1132x232, Screen Shot 2015-10-29 at 12.0…)

Oh god please stop this is too much I can't take it
No. 52248
File: 1446147521989.jpg (59.56 KB, 640x640, 12142516_434764350065126_17383…)

>>48258Alarmingly other instagram users are copying Ally's documentation"#edfamily? The blood test was awful? The doctor couldn't get hardly any blood? but he hopes he has enough for the test?? It's now a waiting game? Dad is struggling today, he really wants me to stay home and not go into hospital? he got quite emotional? To cheer him up we went to our favourite cafe☕️ Where he had a full English breakfast? and i was scared because I thought it was too early for #morningsnack but NO?? #REALrecovery means I can eat when I like☀️ I need to #nourishnotpunish?? So I'm having some pombears? My heads a mess? So I'm going to distract myself in my studies? I'm #fightforfreedom harder than ever?? Remember #recoveryisworthit? Stay strong my wonderful #edcommunity?#realrecover"
No. 52253
>>52248If you want to hate the world, click on the edfamily hashtag and explore other accounts.
all do it.
No. 52256
all is a generalization, I'm sure some don't. But it seems like it's SOP in ED recovery accounts to overuse emojis and hashtags.
No. 52282
File: 1446155963679.jpg (99.38 KB, 907x436, Capture.JPG)

I clicked on her account afterward and she put up a photo of her recovery with the hashtag realrecoveryisnottheifyoudontgainenough
No. 52295
>>52269Different person, but I die a little bit inside every time she calls me a fake and blocks me. It makes me feel like I'm not even a real person. Her microagressions are just so
triggering. I aam mlliteralyl c rryin g rn jj ust tthiniking of fit t.
No. 52296
File: 1446158072797.jpg (129 KB, 1076x1213, Screenshot_2015-10-29-22-33-38…)

>>52214This ^^ is a throwback picture to the first time she ate this muffin, same place I think? This pic is today's
No. 52298
File: 1446158857741.png (50.45 KB, 1122x158, Screen Shot 2015-10-29 at 3.46…)

This is so sad, this young girl gets snubbed HARD by Aly and keeps coming back and asking more questions thinking Aly's actually going to help her…
No. 52302
>>52198Aly your hair looks fried, girl, please chop the straw off.
Your friend is cute.
No. 52307
File: 1446161883172.jpg (94.25 KB, 720x960, 48128_229330237208546_17922021…)

she has known aly for a long DANG! while
No. 52308
File: 1446161987617.jpg (56.76 KB, 720x720, 385087_174147269393510_1234069…)

like, really dang long
No. 52309
File: 1446162088738.jpg (75.57 KB, 960x720, 422662_143296382478599_5461952…)

APOLOGIES FOR THE SPAM BUT NATURAL CHEEKBONE MYTH CONFIRMED. aly still looks a hell of a lot better here tho
No. 52315
>>52309Why in all of their pics are they doing this awkward pooping jut your jaw out thing?
Man Aly has a horse face. And her eyes have that look to them where you know someone is mentally damaged.
I didn't think I could like her less, but this is it. She's really not a 'victim'. I think some people just flat deserve this. She's one.
No. 52343
>>52315I thought the same about Aly's eyes! They look… empty idk how to explain, and she looks BIG among her friends, not fat, just like she has a bigger frame.
No wonder she likes to flaunt her spoopyness now…
No. 52369
>>52343Her eyes look weird because she's really bad at fake smiling. Real smiles makes your eyes smaller since they scrunch up. She's just doing a pathetic fake smile. Don't overthink it.
And she definitely does not look "big" in
>>52309 or
>>52307 No. 52372
File: 1446172884888.png (142.86 KB, 720x608, ouch.png)

>>50840I still support you CChristie! Don't fall off the wagon!
No. 52378
>>52307She just does NOT suit blonde hair, even if it gives her the attention she craves
I'm starting to fancy her friend on the right a little bit.
>>52308I actually like Aly's body shape here. It's the heaviest I've seen her, but she's fortunate enough to look good with it (apart from the face). It's the cheap, slutty dress that doesn't look good.
>>52372Please stay strong CC. I know you can #KICK HARD at this. DM me if you need to vent.
No. 52388
File: 1446177648940.jpg (23.02 KB, 291x154, hater.JPG)

No. 52395
>>52389You're just beating this into the ground because you don't want to admit to being wrong. Bitch has the eyes of someone mentally ill – which really shouldn't be so hard to believe since she's, you know, mentally ill. You can crawl up her ass if you want to (maybe she'd finally weigh in with a significant gain if you did!) But that won't change what's clear as day in every photo of her… even pre-spooped.
The more I re-open her pics and look at her eyes to reaffirm for myself she does indeed have craycray eyes, the more ugly I realize she is.
No. 52418
>>52413I wasn't talking about losing weight. Paternal side = fatties, maternal side = beanpoles. I'm not obsessed with my weight so there's no reason I'd research ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You can continue to call me fatty, though. It makes me feel that if I look down I have big tits and some nice curves.
No. 52425
File: 1446189679661.jpg (156.17 KB, 554x348,…)

>>52422(for people who don't get it)
this was apparently started out as a ~survivor~ thing, but then the ana-chans got it
No. 52438
File: 1446196490248.jpg (120.37 KB, 720x745, Screenshot_2015-10-30-09-05-21…)

Just cropped this from location photos on IG, just needs a frame and its a perfect dysfunctional family portrait
No. 52474
>>52441She seems to look up to Aly a lot. She seems like a sweet girl; i wish she'd chosen a better role model.
I'm also wondering if
somebody told her we were discussing her, because she's deleted a ton of pictures since the last time I looked at her account. It's not an ED account and I never saw anything cringe-worthy, so hopefully she deleted them for other reasons…
No. 52500
File: 1446225210086.png (297.76 KB, 1113x632, Mystery pastries.png)

>>52496(see pic)
It's a minor thing, but it's bugging me. She obviously knows what a croissant is, since she talks about them so much, so why does she suddenly switch to saying it was brioche? And why is she so threatened by someone pointing out the discrepancy that she'd immediately block them for doing so?
Maybe she just thinks "brioches" is a catch-all term for "pastries"? In that case, though, it's just another example of her blocking someone who points out a minor error she's made, because Aly must maintain the illusion of being inerrant. And she didn't even correct her mistake or anything. Grrrr.
No. 52512
File: 1446227692429.png (42.13 KB, 313x537, refreshing.png)

here she is, being rude again. sometimes she does add hot milk to the fortimel, so it wasn't that stupid a question
No. 52520
File: 1446228756867.jpg (140.78 KB, 814x388, makeupyourdamnmind.jpg)

So what it was then? Didn't she said she was ip in a ED clinic?
No. 52536
File: 1446233033061.png (584.32 KB, 588x572, LUSH (!) delish sushis.PNG)

Found this on GOMI (yeah, I know) - another fake recovery IG. This girl claims to eat 3000 calories a day but her portions are hilariously small, oh and she's raw vegan. No. 52544
File: 1446233758169.jpg (161.46 KB, 640x842, image.jpg)

No. 52545
>>52540Yeah, although unlike Aly this girl actually seems to have gained
some weight. Strange how she can gain weight while eating low calorie vegan shit, yet Aly remains a super spoopy skeleton despite all her LUSH and OILY(!) pizza and McDonald's…
No. 52561
File: 1446237521874.png (73.84 KB, 1114x272, Screen Shot 2015-10-30 at 1.37…)

Thanks anon, I lol'd
No. 52564
File: 1446237832585.jpg (117.91 KB, 540x528, IMG_20151030_134142.JPG)

Girl in the back is like "wtf?"
No. 52591
>>52561Lol she blocked me and deleted this comment right after you mentioned it. Def not lurking.
Aly you missed one! Go fetch bitch!
No. 52600
File: 1446246671457.png (24.55 KB, 1078x86, Screen Shot 2015-10-30 at 4.10…)

>>52591lol'd at this one, too. Still up.
No. 52612
File: 1446248399310.png (199.47 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20151030-193649.png)

Shocking I tell you, shocking!
No. 52613
File: 1446248518997.png (876.06 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20151030-194041.png)

>>52574It bothered me so much that she assumed refreshing exclusively means cold that I sockpuppetted just to correct her on it. She's so goddamn arrogant.
No. 52622
>>52613Thank you, this
triggered my autism and had me raging, but I already got one account blocked by her so far today, so I decided to keep my trap shut
No. 52653
>>52652Welp I fail at linking back to old threads. I went back to her first thread to see if her captions were as manic and no, they weren't (?).
She mentioned on a post that she had binged 3000+ Cal and now couldn't move so she was not going to follow her dinner mealplan.
Would never hear that now.
No. 52691
>>52542I bet it's that shitty cauliflower "rice" or some equally depressing low calorie substitute.
Such a punchable face too, oh god she really needs to stop with that retarded face she pulls in every goddamn pic. It really does make her look "special" and those stupid piercings aren't helping a bit.
No. 52697
>>52613Thank you!
>>52652There is a way to link to other boards but fuck if I can remember, hah.
(Deleted and reposted because I'm a fag who thought I linked to the wrong post. I'm sorry.)
No. 52720
File: 1446285690524.png (722.47 KB, 594x596, Freakin second (!) breakfast!.…)

I can't believe Aly considers that teensy little pastry (or those miniature muffins) "second breakfast."
No. 52771
File: 1446307620435.png (207.89 KB, 720x654, boo.png)

Well you're not allowed to share your experiences on Aly's instagram, mmkay?
No. 52777
File: 1446311074971.png (659.83 KB, 710x688, witch.png)

Oh Aly, you make it too easy sometimes.
That marshmallow stick has like 3 marshmallows and two little pieces of candy.
No. 52787
>>52777>>52785Also holy shit, look at her eye. Why is where a HUGE dark spot all under it? Make up or just more face-sinking?
Looking over the photo, she looks worse than ever here.
No. 52792
File: 1446315172505.png (48.33 KB, 557x147, #realrecovery means NO RESTRIC…)

Already deleted. Aly's deleting so many comments these days, it's remarkable.
No. 52799
File: 1446316910155.png (26.01 KB, 540x90, I think that's a no.png)

>>52792>>52794She also deleted the second two comments, because ewww, why would Her Royal Majesty want to befriend a filthy peasant?
No. 52815
>>52777Her mother is looking so nice
I feel sorry for her ma
No. 52847
>>52777 I thought her mother was a friend of Aly's at first.
You know you're haggard when you look older than your mother.
No. 52899
>>52888Aly's bio says she's been sick for 2.5 years (actually would be more at this point if that's an old number) so that'd put her at an age of around 16-17, right? It's possible that for Aly, starving herself is a way to avoid adulthood. Starving keeps you small, and people tend to treat you like a child because you're sick. No responsibilities. That being said, that mentality could easily be why she renounces herself to be a little happy blondie child.
But that's pretty shit logic. Just a theory at the moment.
No. 52958
File: 1446385440716.gif (323.38 KB, 500x333,…)

No. 52962
File: 1446387442551.png (104.61 KB, 1116x226, Screen Shot 2015-11-01 at 6.14…)

>>52500OK, so apparently Aly
does think that a croissant is also called "a brioches."
No. 52991
File: 1446397240133.jpg (101.47 KB, 922x575, Capture.JPG)

That doesn't look like an apple pie to me. But, I will applaud her for putting forth some effort for her family.
No. 52992
>>52899no, some people do have that issue lurking behind their EDs. Particularly girls who have been sexually abused, sometimes an ED is a way to avoid looking more womanly so as not to attract attention. But other people sometimes get
triggered into ED by the stress of the adolescence-adulthood transition. Aly seems to be really codependent on her family and like she might be one of those people.
No. 52994
File: 1446398087792.jpg (152.36 KB, 475x270, applepie.jpg)

>>52991It's a European-style apple pie.
No. 53046
Eating disorder behaviors contribute to serious dental problems that cause pain and discomfort. Up to 89% of bulimic patients show signs of the tooth erosion usually associated with purging. Teeth become translucent as acid destroys the inner portion, leaving a thin layer of enamel. Some studies have shown similar prevalence rates of dental damage in patients with highly restrictive diets that accompany anorexia.
Signs and Symptoms (from the National Eating Disorders Association):
Loss of tissue and erosive lesions on the surface of the teeth due to the effects of acid. These lesions appear as early as six months from the start of the problem.
Changes in the color, shape, and length of teeth.
Teeth can become brittle, translucent and weak.
Increased sensitivity to temperature.
In extreme cases the pulp can be exposed and cause infection, discoloration or even pulp death.
Enlargement of the salivary glands, dry mouth, and reddened, dry, cracked lips.
Tooth decay, which can actually be aggravated by extensive tooth brushing or rinsing following vomiting.
Unprovoked, spontaneous pain within a particular tooth.
No. 53094
>>52991That's a flan, not a pie. Hope those apples weren't already bitten.
>>53061Yes. I can't decide if having to look into her cold, dead eyes or at her pretending she's having a luvved up moment with the food is worse.
No. 53105
>>53061If you take a quick look at her instagram feed, you'll notice she only ever looks into the camera when she herself is taking the picture selfie-style, prolonging the time she can avoid interacting with her family and peers.
Whenever someone else is holding the phone/camera, she looks down at her food.
Tell me again, Aly, how #realrecovery has made you reconnect with your loved ones.
No. 53211
>>53202Dr. Drew has some half-baked ideas about women with child-like voices and sexual abuse. I think that some anorexics talk on high-pitched voices like that for a variety of reasons but I think it's mostly because when they're that sick, it's easier to garner sympathy if people forget that you're an adult who is screwing up her life rather than some pitiful person.
I've been IP with many people at similar states of emancipation who spoke in normal voices. It's actually more disturbing to see people that tiny and know that they're adults. This is especially true with the anorexics in their 30s and 40s.
No. 53313
Plus we could all see it in Aly's face immediately when she went to the hospital the first time, and that was only a few days, yet her face looked noticeably better, fuller, and more hydrated, and that was on a very light meal plan and tube feed, so arguably even less than what she pretends to eat at home.
No. 53320
>>53314The point wasn't so much that fat gain would immediately show (obviously that takes a bit longer than a few days), but rather that proper nutrition WILL show in one way or another, and not go to ~muh organs~ while the rest of the body remains as spoopy, dry, sunken, and grey as ever.
Still, if she really did gain even a few kg over the last ~5 months like she claims, it would definitely be noticeable.
No. 53331
>>53328'co' = with
habitation = living in a place
don't over think it lel
and again english isnt her first language. she might not know the nuance you are talking about (never heard it myself)
No. 53353
File: 1446478239687.jpg (272.36 KB, 540x748, IMG_20151101_084645.jpg)

What's 'embarassing' about her "costume"
No. 53378
>>53353It's embarrassing because she's trying to be a witch by just putting on a hat and drawing a spider on her face.
Walking around like that on Halloween though? Not that embarrassing. I have no idea why she wanted to emphasis that she went through the city like that.
No. 53397
>>53277I'm angry too anon
Where I live we would have gotten kicked out of treatment if we complained about gaining too fast
No. 53437
File: 1446486196969.jpg (31.78 KB, 540x135, IMG_20151102_104115.JPG)

Waiting to be blocked…
No. 53452
>>53437That username
Ly anon <3
No. 53592
>>53577>>53578Yup, any attempts to expose her is seen as harassment or bullying. Her delusional followers probably reported the petition.
Instagram are cocks as is apparent with the recoveringemily account. They take it down because people report the self harm/gas huffing/skellington nudity etc, she writes some sob story to them, they give it back and even keep the mutilation, drug use, body checks, underage nips.
I haven't even looked at aly's account for 2 days because she really grinds my gears too much. She's disgusting in every way.
No. 53612
File: 1446514523970.jpg (121.81 KB, 926x579, Capture.JPG)

No. 53621
File: 1446517143813.png (612.66 KB, 911x478, Untitled.png)

I was making some Aly art but got bored.
No. 53653
>>53637Thank you. Yes, I was too creeped out taking snips of Aly's soulless eyes to do any more, but I think this piece gets across the essence of she.
>>53638That is now the title.
No. 53669
File: 1446538164330.jpg (112.96 KB, 972x552, Screenshot_2015-11-03-08-06-25…)

This whole caption is just wrong. If you're truely having a shit day stay home get some rest quit IG and trawling the boards here, and eat some damn food!
No. 53683
File: 1446554411129.jpg (11.89 KB, 210x90, skelly.JPG)

Her mum's staring at her across the table and looking at this and Aly's not in hospital.
She's supposed to be being monitored. She looks legit Belsen and she isn't in hospital.
Something is very wrong.
No. 53688
>>53683I think at this point her mother must be in some state of delusional denial/helplessness where she is enabling aly because she just doesn't know what else to do.
I remember there was some talk about contacting her mother, did that ever happen? (Not suggesting we do it, just curious of the results if we ever did).
It seems like she's just so misinformed about everything to be able to allow these behaviors. To take so many obsessive food pics and believe it's part of your daughter's recovery is just insane. It really has to be some kind of denial.
Maybe part of her wants to see aly die and be free of the burden. I'm sure she's clung to the desperate hope of recovery for long enough.
Part of me would just wish they'd die if aly were my kid. Like you'd want them to get better but after so long that stops feeling like a reality, I'm sure.
No. 53694
File: 1446559041751.jpg (257.2 KB, 972x1327, Screenshot_2015-11-03-13-56-49…)

No. 53695
File: 1446559072787.png (163.1 KB, 588x409, Untitled.png)

Saved for the archive of deletions (because it'll probably go that way)
No. 53703
File: 1446563316682.jpg (4.96 KB, 298x169, bonespo.jpg)

Make a wish!
No. 53739
>>53695She deleted it but before she deleted it her brainwashed followers were sticking up for her saying how rude that post was etc. I saw one post saying she gained .5kg. Well if if that's only she's gained in two years then she must have the fastest metabolism in the world.
Also, her post with her brother saying she needed to show proof to her mother that she was eating or whatever. I wonder if her mom checks her Instagram then. Maybe there's a chance we could link her to these threads or something. Save this poor girls life.
No. 53745
File: 1446575780797.jpg (47.41 KB, 289x406, d.JPG)

>>53739Jesus CHRIST. It's almost 6 months since she started her #realrecovery (again). HALF A YEAAR (almost) and look at her. Dear god.
I bet she sends her "proofs" to her mum in a text for asspats. Why would she do that though, because she said herself she doesn't have to prove anything anymore. It's OBVIOUS she's eating when she's looking at food.
No. 53766
File: 1446580362262.jpeg (28.17 KB, 310x310, funny-pictures-diabeetus-auto-…)

Her next fear food recoverywin!? Come on lurker you can do it!
No. 53768
File: 1446580894528.gif (274.92 KB, 800x600, donutbite.gif)

No. 53777
File: 1446581378423.png (855 KB, 618x1022, CHALLANGING.png)

>>53772>>53773I hope.
Also, lol @ this CHALLANGING dinner. Looks like she ate eight normal-sized ravioli with no cheese or dressing. Such #realrecovery.
No. 53778
>>53777So dry. Looks like she'd probably have to peel it off the plate and the roof of her mouth (if she actually put it anywhere near her mouth).
Idk, but since I saw that video of her eating, all I can think of is her doing that twatty thing with her hand and fork while she's chewing. Combined with that fucking monstrous bone bursting out of her chest I'm feeling really nauseated atm.
No. 54017
File: 1446628722978.png (1.02 MB, 618x1510, Aly 10-8-2015 4.png)

>>54014If things "don't go as well as expected in the next months" (and she isn't dead by then),
maybe, but I have a hard time picturing her ever actually agreeing to go voluntarily.
No. 54020
>>54019Yeah, the screenshot was from October 8. She's been in "
real #realrecovery" since June, and before that, she was claiming she was in "#realrecovery" since at least the beginning of 2015, if not earlier.
No. 54042
File: 1446640184493.png (621.56 KB, 866x564, 1443388237911.png)

No. 54043
File: 1446640242643.jpg (9.47 KB, 275x247, 1441566554034.jpg)

No. 54053
File: 1446641877318.jpg (80.94 KB, 586x600, fag ash lil.JPG)

>>54036>>54041I noticed she stopped taking pictures of her cigs when her followers started going on about how bad it was for her and how she should stop.
No. 54076
File: 1446647157045.jpg (54.23 KB, 480x480, tumblr_m7c3q03Ubk1r3p1jzo2_128…)

>>54074She'll be looking like this soon
No. 54116
File: 1446657055728.jpg (217.44 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

Cunty response incoming… "Well as I've said in the captions… "
No. 54166
i think of all the health damage of EDs, teeth damage is most underrated
sorry to blog but ive been recovered for several 5+ years now and i still need root canals and extractions
No. 54167
>>54165no way is this a suitable dinner or even lunch for a severely underweight person. No fucking way.
Oil or no oil, this is nothing. Chicken broth has some fat but it has barely any calories. Open up a 120-calorie-per-serving can of soup and pour it out. It will look the same as this.
No. 54177
File: 1446667717570.jpg (85.71 KB, 972x1389, Screenshot_2015-11-04-20-07-10…)

>>54174Is 170 cals a dinner for anyone? Esp not for an anorexic with a bmi of 13
No. 54197
File: 1446668852564.png (1.89 MB, 1522x589, Untitled.png)

A comparison
No. 54246
>>54229For maintaining, i'd say 500-600 at night seems good to me.
Actively gaining ? Something like 1000.
No. 54298
>>54260Soup would be acceptable if she was eating a really rich (!) and creamy (!) leek and potato soup with double cream in it and lots of crusty bread with butter. Follow that with a bit of a desert. Maybe rice pudding with full cream milk.
That dishwater she's eating, no.
No. 54482
File: 1446716063028.jpg (114.29 KB, 990x528, Screenshot_2015-11-05-09-33-23…)

No. 54497
>>54459Yea if she lasts another year
Surprised there hasnt been new talk of inpatient treatment, shits getting ridiculous
Hasnt it already been at least a year since the relapse
And at least 6 months since REAL(really real this time guiz)RECOVERY
No. 54499
File: 1446727421450.png (2.51 MB, 1196x1198, Screen Shot 2015-11-05 at 4.41…)

>a biiig beef steak ofc cooked in oil plus some carrots beside and the usual ton of soft white bread
Oh dear god Aly that is not a fucking steak I cannot even believe how extreme her exaggeration is
No. 54503
>>54499>ofc cooked in oilDoes she have to say that
every fucking time?
No. 54516
File: 1446731986962.jpg (227.49 KB, 1058x1200, Screenshot_2015-11-05-13-56-03…)

>>51800To summarize, my previous recovery when I ate donuts was a load of bs
No. 54555
File: 1446742736560.jpg (140.77 KB, 590x597, hangry.jpg)

>>53683Anyone else think she looks like she's got bulimia cheeks here?
No. 54560
>>54555I've thought it for a few weeks.
>>54557Nah. He's probably just not into the coffee and pastry thing. Her cousin had an ED though.
No. 54569
>>54564Right, I agree that there are healthier ways to recover instead of gorging yourself with sugar like 90% of the IG ED community. Healthy fats, lean proteins, starchy vegetables, whole grains and other complex carbs… as long as your calorie count is high enough, you'll gain weight on that stuff.
However, at her current state of emaciation I would think her dad would be happy about ANYTHING she actually eats and keeps down. Unless he doesn't give a shit, when I can understand.
No. 54576
File: 1446744230691.jpg (29.55 KB, 390x456, Screenshot_2015-11-05-17-22-24…)

Why is one eye more haggard than the other?
No. 54577
>>54567If she has tooth decay that has progressed into a persistent toothache, it won't go away until she sees a dentist to have it fixed (probably a root canal if the cavity is deep enough). Any dentist worth his salt will then see signs of decay on her other teeth.
Of course it probably won't get further than "You have significant decay on the backs of your front teeth. Have you been purging?"
"Okay cool see the receptionist on your way out bye."
No. 54579
>>54569maybe its because ED-chans have extremely black and white thinking.
and treatment centers think everyone has the same fear foods such as fried food, bread, sweets, so in many treatment centers they push these foods very hard. then, ana-chans think this is normal and ass-pat worthy behavior.
more sweets = much challenge, such recovery, and more ass-pats
No. 54580
>>54573IP if the next
several months don't ~go as well as they'd hoped~
No. 54596
File: 1446747194522.jpg (244.92 KB, 1028x1630, Screenshot_2015-11-05-18-07-47…)

No. 54601
>>54596Men, I love it!
Lack of love, indifference. Ffs, thousands and thousands of children WORLDWIDE live without one parent for one reason or another. Get a fucking grip.
No. 54607
>>54601and bitch, please, you've "killed" your illness. Don't. make. me. fucking. laugh.
Much rage for Aly today and I'm not even hormal. Kill this account PLEASE.
No. 54621
>>54577teeth decay doesn't have to come from purging, might also be simple malnutrition.
I believe she eats everything she posts because it's still not enough. this ‚real anorexics only eat 400 kcal a day‘ is bullshit. studies show that anorexics who have a higher intake like 800-1400 kcal are those with the lowest weight because they don't binge. and eating 1200 kcal on average might be ok for a short period of time - but if you're already at a low weight and keep it going for years it's as damaging as restricting to 600 kcal for a couple of months.
No. 54630
File: 1446751889295.gif (979.89 KB, 500x333, aly hot tonight only.gif)

No. 54656
File: 1446755759591.jpg (41.33 KB, 500x500, lil bub ice cream.jpg)

>>54569That sweet, sweet sugar tho
No. 54689
File: 1446759390148.gif (456.94 KB, 500x208, giphy (1).gif)

#ootd #selfie #edfam!!
No. 54691
File: 1446759629673.jpg (76.34 KB, 600x900, kekalicious.jpg)

>>54616nah, dont worry, she's got ash now. See?
No. 54749
File: 1446770098460.png (878.05 KB, 617x1226, Aly logic.png)

>eats frozen Fortimel "ice cream" almost every day
>can't eat real ice cream because it's too cold now in Italy
Aly logic.
No. 54802
File: 1446798600380.png (898.03 KB, 617x1110, Aly 11-6-2015.png)

inb4 BUT MUH MEALPLAN [obnoxious emoji] reply and comment deletion and blocking for poor Angeline
No. 54806
>>54804>>54641Aly just does not strike me as a purger at all… she just seems to me as being so uptight and prim and she can't even have a bite of food without looking like she wants to die.
Then again, in her old pictures she doesn't seem like that so who knows… like this one
>>54053 No. 54810
File: 1446803202081.png (64.52 KB, 1238x220, 2345768.png)

No. 54813
File: 1446804267328.jpg (172.33 KB, 964x1222, Screenshot_2015-11-06-10-03-27…)

How slow can you go
No. 54817
>>54813These meals must be agony, with Aly pushing food around on the plate and her mother desperately bargaining with her to take another bite.
Is this the 3rd IG pic of this same meal?
No. 54847
>>54802Whaddaya know, she did delete the 8 cookies comment.
She is freaking out about being asked out for sushi. What in the world is challanging about sushi?
No. 54849
File: 1446819285812.png (184.14 KB, 720x684, will to heal.png)

Life advice.
No. 54851
File: 1446819635695.jpg (61.78 KB, 540x344, IMG_20151106_072005.JPG)

Now we wait
No. 54857
>>54849I fucking hate this bitch's stupid canned answers. They're so unhelpful. Apparently anorexiaathletica just doesn't have enough ~will~, since they aren't #recoverywinning like Aly is. What a cunt.
>>54850Sometime in the not-too-distant past, Aly answered a comment about that, claiming that she's allowed to either have her ~unpictured glass of milk~ OR a second cappuccino. Which sounds like bullshit to me, because unless the "glass" of milk only contain like 2 fluid ounces or the cappuccinos are fucking huge, they aren't equivalent at ALL. And, big surprise, Aly chooses the cappuccino. I wonder why.
No. 54865
File: 1446823573222.jpg (40.3 KB, 540x162, IMG_20151106_082538.JPG)

No. 54872
File: 1446825309455.png (151.86 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Okay so I've been lurking on here this past week. Like you all growing more and more fucking sick of Aly's bullshit so I caved and gave it to her straight. Man it was therapeutic! Here it is as no doubt it will soon be deleted
No. 54873
File: 1446825405353.png (159.84 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

And second photo, it was a long rant! Posted the two photos backwards, this is the start
No. 54906
>>54873It's gone, as is the cookies comment above.
I admit her crepes look delicious. The restaurant also provides that big pot of chocolate sauce alongside and it kills me that she's only used a little of it, on maybe two occasions. Such waste of delicious chocolate :( :(
No. 54924
File: 1446834225041.png (788.09 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-11-06-12-14-35…)

I hate?? how she says it's so spontaneous (!) And such a treat, no aly, it's not, ofc it's part of your dang LUSH(!) meal plan. Stop acting like you treat yourself to extras all the time on the fly and spontaneously it's the same fucking thing every time as a part of your meal plan.
No. 54943
File: 1446834849815.png (141.99 KB, 362x551, Screen Shot 2015-11-06 at 10.3…)

Well well.. does Aly have an actual sister? And this sister has asked her out to dinner? THIS is the reason she's freaked out about sushi - not the food, the fucking competition. Is our precious Aly a sad blondie middle child who needs all of the attentions from bad behaviour?
Or is she talking about a friend? I've never heard her mention a sister before. So if she has one, her sis has to be older and out of the house already.
No. 54949
File: 1446834972106.png (69.15 KB, 1144x208, Screen Shot 2015-11-06 at 10.3…)

Of course Aly doesn't give enough of a fuck about anyone but herself to even respond to this poor girl. I'm surprised she hasn't just blocked her already, TBH.
>>54943Nah, I think this "sister" is just one of her friends.
No. 55040
File: 1446844787821.jpg (220.33 KB, 1371x846, Capture.JPG)

Pt 2
No. 55120
>>55040Her shoulders were looking odd to me, and I was thinking that she had some shoulder pads for whatever reason, but… shoulder pads don't have sharp edges like that.
Even her fucking loose clothing doesn't hide dem bonez.
No. 55134
>>55112Oh come on! She
does look healthy…for a corpse.
No. 55141
>>55135Oh lawwwd that is just unholy D: D:
Her mother must be seeing this…it must be more obvious in motion, right?
No. 55143
File: 1446858655865.png (2.07 MB, 1198x1196, Screen Shot 2015-11-06 at 5.08…)

#REALRECOVERY guise! So challenge, much calorie. Why the fuck do people look up to this girl? She's skeletal, delusional, bitchy…yet idolized by thousands?
No. 55163
File: 1446868441289.jpg (221.64 KB, 1024x768, image.jpg)

>>55040She deleted this comment and the ones before. There is a long comment in reply by a supporter. Which prompts the question: why is Aly so polarizing? Why am I still watching this trainwreck?
No. 55179
>>55055She probably thinks they make her look like an ~angel~.
(S2G if her next picture with them has a caption where she calls herself an angel I will fly to Italy and stab her with her own collarbones.)
No. 55233
File: 1446893235552.jpg (61.25 KB, 960x635, 406479_370900022927821_8377192…)

Aly was actually pretty. Was she already sick here?
No. 55237
File: 1446893610498.jpg (107.21 KB, 960x640, 319872_430534500297706_7620415…)

>>55233Don't think she was sick. This one was around the same time (can you believe this is really her?)
No. 55241
File: 1446895727190.jpg (106.87 KB, 864x1356, Screenshot_2015-11-07-11-27-39…)

This is 2013; starting to look a bit ropey
No. 55246
File: 1446898534205.jpg (70.5 KB, 960x720, 1185657_647148311969656_823055…)

the fact that she posts shit like this on her facebook. cringe
No. 55259
File: 1446902904175.png (62.62 KB, 1080x244, Instas_Aly827038137.png)

A comment left here: person calling Aly out on her shit.
No. 55261
>>55231I think that, like her food, it's coming up again. On her other account, she posts her 18th birthday pics 2 weeks before a HELLO DECEMBER post feels like she's been 19 and SEVERE (!) anorexic for 2 and a half years for EVER. God, this girl makes time drag.
No. 55262
File: 1446904434560.png (87.66 KB, 1080x330, Insta_Aly928373819.png)

>>55259Another (more kind) comment, questioning her no weight gain.
No. 55264
File: 1446904712516.jpg (33.79 KB, 368x340, kek at eyes.JPG)

>>55249Her relationship seemed to fizzle out too much to tip her over. She mentioned something about problems with it being a long distance relationship. She was with him here talks about ~struggling~ with her ed.
No. 55270
>>55039that's the most vaginal crepe i've ever seen.
it looks like it's giving birth
No. 55278
File: 1446909028112.png (20.24 KB, 277x188, Untitled.png)

why the (!!1!!one!!!1one!!) if she supposedly drinks this ~unpictured glass of milk~ at breakfast everyday
ur a twat aly ( o ʖ o)
No. 55296
>>55245In her ~story~ (now deleted, of course), she literally says it's because she got up to BMI 19. The horror!
Funny enough, she never mentions her dad in her story. That came up later and out of nowhere, probably because she decided she had to blame it on someone besides herself.
Where are you getting your stereotypes? The stereotypical anorexic is a young, uptight female with wealthy parents and no real responsibilities who just happens to be super concerned with body image. Sound familiar at all?
She also fits perfectly into the stereotypical personality of an anorexic: she's a control freak. She's admitted to it, and it's quite obvious from her obsessive need to monitor/censor her Instagram comments.
only stereotype Aly doesn't fit is that her wealthy parents are uncaring. Her mother clearly cares about her, and I'm willing to bet her father cares about her in his own way too.
No. 55297
File: 1446913833910.jpg (17.81 KB, 600x600, CM3oDBwWoAElVPS.jpg)

>>55278Why tf would you abuse emojis like this
No. 55319
File: 1446918539301.jpg (94.62 KB, 1078x435, Screenshot_2015-11-07-17-47-16…)

I love how she didn't expect it to be so big hahaha Aly karma just bit you in the ass, no more pissy portions for you!!
No. 55340
File: 1446922886400.jpg (16.08 KB, 343x201, erm.JPG)

>>55339I wonder if her mum has a sly word with the waiter to upsize? Maybe that's why the barista keeps putting so much cocoa powder on her cappucino.
SO - this Starbucks thing. I wish I didn't know the history of that cup. They didn't gag when they saw the pic. I envy them.
No. 55342
above comment is meant for
>>55340 fk
No. 55345
File: 1446923339618.png (9.56 MB, 3220x1600, Pizza Comparison.png)

>>55335Nope, this actually seems to be a unique pizza (or, at least, not a picture that she's posted since her ~*~new beginning~*~)!
No. 55351
>>55349Idk. I'd just order a mocha if I wanted my coffee that chocolatey. Doesn't everyone eat the froath (!) off a spoon anyway?
You said ENSURE. It's FORTIMEL!!!11
>>55350Not that anon, but anon is calling Aly a twat for asspatting herself for having milk when she (supposedly) has a glass for breakfast.
No. 55382
File: 1446928337162.jpg (67.6 KB, 557x585, romance.JPG)

>>55380I mean, I hope it wasn't a random stranger on the beach.
If it was a relative…oh god…like, would YOU? Hella embarrassment. PDAs ick ick ick and WHY?
No. 55412
File: 1446935010848.png (51.84 KB, 1059x461, alyharmful.png)

No. 55450
>>55412I don't think it's possible (well, for like 99.999% of people) to be "functional" at Aly's weight/BMI for any extended period of time. She's been lucky she hasn't had more health complications, but she can't continue like this forever. A BMI of 14, 15 or so is a different matter. Not saying that's
healthy, necessarily, but it's more sustainable.
No. 55509
>>55495Yep, it's hilarious watching the Aly-defenders try to use the "BUT HYPERMETABULISUMS! ALY TRY SO HARD BUT NO GAIN WEIGHT!" excuse still. As if a dietitian and whatever other ~ED specialists~ Aly allegedly sees would keep a hypermetabolic anorexic patient on such a minimal meal plan with no increases, ever, and as if Aly would still be hypermetabolic after like five months of eating properly if she really was doing so.
I'm just really baffled as to why the specialists she's seeing continue to see her on an outpatient basis. It seems so ridiculous.
No. 55530
>>55412Was I suppose to read that in a sarcastic tone?
Regardless, having an ED destroys your metabolism if she ever had a hyper metabolism it has been destroyed by her habits.
No. 55585
not going to school
having no job
being in pain
etc etc
No. 55594
File: 1446973538610.png (169.92 KB, 1192x678, Screenshot_2015-11-08-09-57-40…)

her "challanging morning snack" of a persimmon and package of crackers. i bet she ate none of this anyway, since everyone else is still asleep.
No. 55596
File: 1446974642020.png (1.29 MB, 1080x1834, Kittehtray.png)

I like her kitty tray.
No. 55611
File: 1446980865268.jpg (121.73 KB, 944x610, aly12.JPG)

She looks tired this morning
No. 55625
File: 1446986128685.jpg (32.75 KB, 395x398, im recovering no really i am.J…)

The claaaaaaaws.
She looks worse than ever.
No. 55635
>>55296A control freak? But Aly seems to be childish, spoiled and unable to take responsibility for her life.
I honestly thought people with eating disorders were victims of rape, violence. People who suffered from depression or had experienced traumatic events like somebody they loved dying. Even some athletes (I know some cases that are just wow and had nothing to do with body image).
Aly just wants attention. And she's able to give up on her life to get it. So fucking sad.
No. 55642
>>55612My eyes look like this in the morning if I cry a lot the night before, my eyelids and the area above/below stays puffy and swollen the next day but without the redness. Also don't most people get a that bit of swelling and dark circles just from lack of sleep?
If she ate a lot yesterday evening I'd wager staying up all night purging, in my opinion Aly seems primarily anorexic but when you get to that low a weight and you're constantly starving, binges or eating more than you intended happens pretty easily and I think she'd purge then. I also feel more inclined to believe she stays awake exercising rather than purging through vomiting/laxatives, I think someone mentioned before she seems kinda 'too prissy' for that though I guess it's a big assumption. Plus her family would keep an ear out whenever she goes in the bathroom I imagine.
No. 55681
File: 1446998385601.png (2.51 MB, 1194x1193, Screen Shot 2015-11-08 at 7.54…)

No. 55742
>>55635People are complex, unfortunately. A person can be a control freak without the desire to go further in life.
In a lot of cases, you'd be right. I was just noting that the stereotypes of anorexia portray Aly almost exactly. The stereotypes also ignore the real causes and reason behind anorexia though, so maybe I should have noted that.
Aly's story really seemed to say nothing more than, "I got up to BMI 19 and didn't like it, so I went overboard with my diet."
>>55728Good point, actually.
No. 55751
>>55370>and god forbid fruitsso are you the one going around telling people that eating fruit is
exactly the same as eating a candy bar?
No. 55799
File: 1447014429593.png (170.1 KB, 1206x700, Screenshot_2015-11-08-21-23-21…)

w-w-wait a minute. how can you bite this powdered sugar waffle and still have perfect lipstick? no trace of anything near her mouth.
someone else is biting this stuff.
No. 55824
>>55799And it's probably just my own neurosis talking, but those bites… the waffle looks like it was bitten strangely, IDK.
The lipstick question is interesting… I can see her being vain enough to take an awkward bite, wipe her mouth, and reapply that lipstick, but that doesn't explain why there's never any trace of lipstick on the food. There was one photo, I think it was from last week, and there was visible lipstick on her already biten fruit. I remember it because I'd never seen anything like that on her IG before.
Do you think she wipes the lipstick off her coffee cups before every selfie?
No. 55831
File: 1447019611871.jpg (91.54 KB, 1112x484, a.jpg)

No. 55833
File: 1447021059524.jpg (2.48 MB, 3024x4032, 14470210333301100110905.jpg)

U guys I miss pint parties
No. 55854
File: 1447025408063.jpg (26.45 KB, 341x355, 81l2Ftd0ddL._SY355_.jpg)

>>55804Maybe she carries one of these around? Ha.
No. 55855
>>55851People on MyProAna
>>55854Oh god lol
No. 55857
>>55851 searched forum on mpa.
Smoking lowers bone density too. Your teeth decay, nails fall off, hair falls out, skin becomes brittle, heart/kidneys/stomach is shrunk, muscles, and so on as you all know when you're anorexic. tooth decay also happens to bulimics of course but it can happen to people in a state of severe restriction as your body eats at itself in an attempt to survive
No. 55860
>>55854Yeah or those wind up chattering teeth!
Her wisdom teeth might be coming through. I can't see why else she'd put the dentist off.
Lack of nutrients over 2 years (not anorexic just shitty diet) really fucked up my teef. I broke half a molar in half eating cereal. Makes em weak af.
No. 55964
File: 1447051371191.png (949 KB, 617x1258, Oh my.png)

No. 55991
File: 1447062209070.jpeg (161.97 KB, 640x848, image.jpeg)

Jesus, the woman at the bakery is always giving her free pastries. She's mentioned it quite a few times, staff at "the bar" and bakery giving her free things… Probably because she looks like she's going to drop dead at any given moment
No. 56000
File: 1447065225132.png (2.4 MB, 1198x1198, Screen Shot 2015-11-09 at 2.27…)

lol @ her "heavier bfast" - and she made those cookies, I like how HUGE (!) she made them
No. 56015
>>55991it's probably because she goes there every damn day. actually, i wonder if she just photographed someone else's food. no action shot and no check-in today.
What do you think she talks about with her friends? When I was emaciated I had nothing, nix to say. The sound of my own voice was painful and it's not like I did anything except school. Aly has less of a life than I had, too, since she doesn't even have school.
No. 56017
>>55926the thing is that community IS really interactive with each other. but usually with people who are interactive back. and most people in that community know of her and know about her lies.
I know I don't comment on anyone's photo unless I know I'm likely to get a response back, otherwise I don't waste my time
No. 56027
>>55964Oh dear, someone is salty. I love that he opinion flipped 180 degrees because Aly blocked her. Much support.
Anyone know what happened?
No. 56087
>>56024She could be saving an "action shot" to post as a joyful #recoverywin "throwback" later this week. One tiny bit of the croissant is broken off and is sitting behind it; i bet she's smiling at it and pretending to dip it into cappuccino in the pic.
BTW, her next Day Hospital Control is next week! (Tears of laughter emoji)
No. 56111
>>56087>(Tears of laughter emoji)heh.
Gonna be stuffing herself with burgers for a couple of days and holding it all in then.
Any predictions?
No. 56118
File: 1447100630618.jpg (18.47 KB, 625x115, only sometimes.JPG)

>>56115She's sure as hell heading that way so I wouldn't be surprised.
No. 56127
>>56121I have a feeling she won't fool this one. I'm sure this one will put her in some treatment. I mean it's obvious she hasn't gained or improved. They'll probably tell when she walks in there.
But you never know.
No. 56179
File: 1447110738487.jpg (20.24 KB, 593x123, tearsoflaughter.jpg)

>>56127>>56155Kinda doubt it.
No. 56295
>>56290Her IG is so fucking boring I still look at it in case a drop of milk shows up but it's just not happening.
Can't wait for her next weigh in though. I need to get myself a life damn.
No. 56311
>>56310Is icovery in Germany or Austria?
Anyway, I don't bother reading alys captions they piss me off so bad. I look forward to people confronting her in comments and the odd shot where her skeleton is visible. I'm holding on for weigh in too.
No. 56329
File: 1447141231133.jpg (88.47 KB, 903x581, this.JPG)

This girl's face looks familiar, so I'm not sure if she's been mentioned before.
I saw this. She's gained 10kgs in 6 months. Aly's been out of hospital for 5 months. How much has Aly gained again?
No. 56330
>>56329wow what were her crimes?
I wonder if she waist trains? It's weird how far in her waist curves even post weight gain.
No. 56350
File: 1447151747862.png (2.21 MB, 1178x1188, facehugger2.png)

>>56346taking the bait since it's been a while since Aly's showed off her spoopy sternum, she's been good about covering that up lately, at least (doesn't hide her hideous claws though)
No. 56353
File: 1447152415936.jpg (314.92 KB, 932x1259, Screenshot_2015-11-10-10-44-58…)

Her last ootd was a bit of a cop out too, super baggy so we can't see her true size
No. 56361
>>56350I'd forgotten how gross this was.
>>56353I'm kinda relieved.
No. 56367
File: 1447161075613.jpg (125.83 KB, 896x625, Screenshot_2015-11-10-13-09-36…)

Must be so hard going to an unknown place Aly…
No. 56368
File: 1447161154390.jpg (148.04 KB, 1074x847, Screenshot_2015-11-10-13-10-14…)

Oh WAIT! You went there 10 weeks ago with your aunty. You lying little twat
No. 56370
>>56369dw that is only what Aly perceives to be an issue
Her real problems are
1. Not getting an education and not working, so good luck finding any jobs in the future when she fades into obscurity
2. The gradual decay of her relationship with her family and friends because of her mental illness
No. 56373
>>56369SHE DOES THIS EVERY DAY. She eats out every. single. day.
I understand being scared about eating out but she chooses to do it over and over. It's not a challenge anymore! In fact, I'm fairly sure she purges anyway. (How else can you explain her supposedly "eating" with friends and family while never gaining an ounce? Occam's Razor: she purges it.
Frozen treats are easier to purge than pure liquid - that's probably why she freezes her Fortimels. The ones she doesn't freeze get poured out. Just speculation.
No. 56384
>>56373I think the eating out thing is due to a couple of things.
1) her fam can afford it
2) apparently it's something Italians do
3) Maybe it's the only way to get Aly to eat anything at all.
No. 56389
>>56374Because body heat, like you said. Liquids will usually heat up to at least room temperature so they're warm by the time you purge them. Frozen treats will only heat up to a cool temperature, so they're still cold when you purge them.
I think by "easier," anon just meant "less awful." Because they're usually both equally easy to purge, but one just isn't as harsh-feeling on the throat.
No. 56391
File: 1447169073177.jpg (155.62 KB, 928x592, 5 months.jpg)

>>56329Here's an even better comparison.
No. 56419
File: 1447173401880.png (1.02 MB, 948x552, Capture.PNG)

that's not huge aly. that's a few measly slices of lil baby cow with a blob of mash. there is literally no oil either. she didn't get dessert either??? and she goes out to eat everyday as well, why is aly ~anxious~ ??
she needs to get over herself and stop begging for assholegap pats.
No. 56421
>>56419if i got that as a main, i'd send it back. that's pathetic
it's probably a main-style starter
No. 56431
File: 1447175013234.jpg (156.73 KB, 1076x857, Screenshot_2015-11-10-17-02-18…)

She's still claiming it was a new place, New food, New people?! She knows her aunty, she's been there before to eat with her mum and aunty!
No. 56447
>>56419She eats veal. One of the many reasons I loathe her.
>>56427We're not attacking her. She's done great.
No. 56455
File: 1447182201786.jpg (70.62 KB, 638x638, starbucks_cold_cup_16oz_1.jpg)

someone buy her one of these
No. 56476
>>56447oh no i know
i'm just shedding light on that
also i don't think that is a restaurant dish, unless they went to a self-serve place tbh ???? or maybe they went to a cheap pork takeaway thing where they have the roast sides etc
No. 56647
File: 1447225859146.jpg (174.51 KB, 784x677, aly bingo.JPG)

Anyone wanna play?
No. 56653
>>56650One caption!
>>56652She's always ill and talks about serious health issues. Why don't they take her to the hospital ffs?
No. 56658
>>56647Agh. I was going to put the meal plan book thing on there but decided not to because she hasn't used it for a while and NOW SHE USES IT.
Nothing to tick off there yet, but it sounds like she's in for an exciting day. We don't know what yet. She's going to tell us in a while.
I can't wait.
No. 56660
>>56658Already baked!
At the cafe with mum
#Recovery win!
No. 56663
File: 1447228785039.jpg (55.5 KB, 594x581, Capture.JPG)

cropped her nail polish out maybe
No. 56666
File: 1447228980545.jpg (163.79 KB, 1078x1289, Screenshot_2015-11-11-08-02-18…)

No. 56670
File: 1447229375458.jpg (153.64 KB, 1044x956, Screenshot_2015-11-11-08-07-38…)

No. 56672
File: 1447229631206.png (35.04 KB, 1120x126, Screen Shot 2015-11-11 at 12.1…)

She's gotten kinda lazy about deleting comments from ~haterz~ lately. This one's still up from yesterday.
>>56671I wonder if she really drinks decaf with her Fortimels. It seems out of character. I imagine Aly as kind of a manic Energizer bunny running on caffeine and posi-vibes.
No. 56673
File: 1447230110076.gif (468.66 KB, 420x305, 1314811785_cockatiel_vs_stirri…)

>>56672>>56671Summary of her morning
No. 56675
File: 1447230795501.jpg (309.68 KB, 1070x1565, Screenshot_2015-11-11-08-31-39…)

I literally cannot cope with this (pic) from one change in routine. OCD Aly is bad enough. You did NOT have more calories. Time does not add calories to food fuckwit!
No. 56676
File: 1447231629098.jpg (20.08 KB, 305x150, Capture.JPG)

>>56675> CHANGE your exsistence honeys, FEEL ALIVEFEEL ALIVE LOOK DEAD
The facehugger is creeping out from under her sweater.
No. 56677
File: 1447231795503.jpg (143.84 KB, 784x677, breakfast2.jpg)

I've ticked off action shot and the claw.
>>56674Yeah, someone else should do the next, but there really aren't many "rares" in her vocabulary.
No. 56686
File: 1447233423977.png (1.01 MB, 617x1574, Just read the caption honey!.p…)

>>56683Oh, just kidding, it's all been explained, and it's my fault (and the fault of the people who commented on that post) for just being too dumb to properly read Aly's crystal-clear captions,
honey! Seriously, what a cunt. She's insufferable.
No. 56707
>>56686lol, getting her FULL, healthy and amazing {!!) life back. yeah that will take a while if you keep going like this aly.
or maybe she thinks a full amazing healthy life IS pretending to eat, posting about it on insta and deleting comments?
No. 56711
File: 1447248427045.jpg (146.32 KB, 784x677, update.jpg)

Today's calorie intake is pitiful so far.
No. 56725
File: 1447254598585.jpg (221.59 KB, 1074x1425, Screenshot_2015-11-11-15-07-49…)

Seen this
No. 56726
File: 1447254634957.jpg (211.38 KB, 539x825, IMG_20151111_090942.jpg)

Lol who made this account?
No. 56727
File: 1447254702634.jpg (191.75 KB, 535x829, IMG_20151111_090930.jpg)

No. 56731
File: 1447255833248.jpg (208.35 KB, 1038x1535, Screenshot_2015-11-11-15-24-56…)

No. 56734
File: 1447256256051.png (22.04 KB, 296x240, heilaly.png)

>>56732This person probably.
No. 56736
File: 1447256288696.jpg (171.94 KB, 1068x1429, Screenshot_2015-11-11-15-37-34…)

No. 56746
>>56739By refreshing the recoverywin hashtag all day?
Or they lurk here, in which case: sup, hypocrites!
No. 56755
File: 1447258322391.png (922.51 KB, 934x598, such a good daughter and siste…)

"I'm such a good daughter/sister"
how arrogant.
No. 56756
>>56755See, every time I feel sorry for her on account of being trapped in the hell that must be her disease, she says something that betrays her control freak princess nature (I guess this must be feeding her Ed as well) and I get annoyed again. I don't know if the pissy attitude is entirely due to hangryness, or if that's just her.
Unrelated but that shania commenter on the fake account is freaking dang unhinged (!). Does she think her ~imaginary bff~ aly would ever defend her if the situation was reversed?