File: 1424371232282.jpg (118.83 KB, 499x750, tumblr_ndpmwdieiU1rtxv25o1_500…)

No. 50090
>>50089She is a bitch and remarkably ugly
Fetsu's face scares me D:
No. 50093
>>50092Lolyes. She says shes an ~intergalactic bounty hunter~ and other stupid shit.
I get that its not everyones business of how you get money, but when literally EVERY post on fb and twitter is about you buying more shit, obviously people are going to get curious.
No. 50095
>>50093I'm guessing sugar daddy
>>50094That other girl Pastel Cutie also, I'm waiting for the trainwreck that's gonna be her first attempt at lolita…
No. 50099
>>50088she looks like an old man without makeup.
and her skin is fucking terrible.
this shit ain't kawaii (vid related)
anyway, i've heard stories that say she harasses shops to make them sponsor her
ALSO, she seriously looks like betty boop (they have the same eye shape)
No. 50105
>>50102oh my god that eyeshadow is awful. it just kinda….stops. she doesn't even blend it outward or anything. wtf.
the lipstick is pretty awful for "everyday" too, but it'd look miles better if she had more subtle eye makeup, like simple eyeliner on her upper lids and some mascara.
bitches need to learn you either do dramatic eye makeup or dramatic lipstick, but never both. it just makes you look like a clown.
No. 50107
>>50099I don't understand how she is so popular. I could understand if she spoke about the products during her "tutorials", but she doesn't even tell you what to do. She just points at things and applies them - not to mention in this video all the eyeliner application is off screen, it just seems super unprofessional, imo.
I personally think she is hideous, and her droopy eye make up does her no favours. She's a boring fuck too, a friend has her added on facebook so I see her status updates through comments and stuff.
No. 50110
>>50107It's easy to become popular nowadays, here are the things that make anyone popular:
- a girl with a curvy body
- pretty face-
- doing shitty makeup tutorial (bonus point if it's a kawaii related one)
- asian
- sjw
- peta
- white or black girl interested in the great nippon
- money
there you go
People nowadays/casuals/stereotypical teens are dumb as fuck and become fans of anyone (and will deny most of the people they like have disgusting personalities).
kawaii or scene is an easy way to be popular
No. 50115
>>50112A lot of these kawaii uguu people do that shit. I get that the point is that they are "transforming" but none of them put effort into looking at least clean/nice skin before they put on their wig and stuff.
It's funny though, it really highlights how uncute they are without all of that stuff.
No. 50117
File: 1424393655385.jpg (62.68 KB, 500x667, tumblr_ngtfiw4gog1qm9g2zo4_500…)

>>50116dropped my pic. i will say, I really love her hair.
No. 50124
>>50123In her case
* should go to bed now.
No. 50126
>>50125I think most tumblrinas refer to themselves as "genderqueer" because it gains you instant SJW credit, makes you look totally special, edgy and different and you can get offended /let you followers get offended if anyone dares to question you gender/pronouns/
anything you do because you are genderqueer and therefore very oppressed and a special snowflake.
I brings attention without any (bad) irl consequences or changes like trans people have to go through.
No. 50127
>>50125I agree with this. There's a girl I have been following on tumblr for a long time who is into working out and now she is starting to say she thinks she might be genderqueer but doesn't have any dysphoria. I guess nobody can just be a tomboy anymore, everyone's gotta be special.
It's also funny because they tend to be the SJW type who say there are not feminine and masculine things (such as clothes etc) but then the only way they seem to be "queer" about their gender at all are having interests in markedly feminine things or masculine things. Like frankly if you don't have dysphoria and you also believe that nothing is gender-specific, what are you basing your gender identity on?
No. 50129
>>50126>It brings attention without any (bad) irl consequences or changes like trans people have to go through.Exactly. I wonder why trans people never speak up about this. If I were trans, I'd be pissed off about these people.
>>50127I agree. Sjws always go out of their way to be as politically correct as possible. But if you're referring to yourself as genderqueer because of certain things, aren't you basically insulting someone else's masculinity/femininity? The girl you follow, for example, wouldn't she basically be saying women who are athletic/work out aren't feminine?
Idk, sorry if this doesn't make sense, I can't get any sleep at all.
No. 50131
>>50129No, that makes total sense. I've always thought this too.
Their thought process seems to be:
>I don't like wearing skirts>omg I must be genderqueer>but don't tell women they should wear skirts! they can wear what they want!>OPPRESSION!!!!11 No. 50133
>>50130I wonder too. I also agree with that, white people also feel left out too. I see so many people who "appropriate" cultures, who feel the need to attack others who "appropriate" the same culture in order to fit in on tumblr. I feel like white people on tumblr are the ones mostly spreading the sjw shit, not exactly because they think that way, but because they don't want to be attacked or shunned. Many white people will cling onto whatever little poc heritage they have, just so people won't see them as just another white devil bitch.
>>50131Some of them also go on about how women can wear whatever they want but still go on about how they're oppressed for dressing/being feminine and judge them for that. I feel like women who are really feminine get much more shit than women who aren't, at least where I live. A lot of women, even ones who claim to be feminists, seem to feel masculine>feminine.
No. 50134
>>50125It's not the part that they are different that bothers me, it's the part where they all HAVE TO tell EVERYONE. Pansexual? Let's put it on our Instagram bio! Born female but prefer "them?" Make sure you tell EVERYONE!
It's so fucking ridiculous and attention screaming. Actual people who identify as the opposite gender who DON'T do it for attention have no need to brag about it, even if they are proud. These idiots just want attention and to feel special. I feel really bad for those who are actual transgender, because I can't imagine how annoying it must be to watch all the wannabes who come up with new genders just for attention.
Most people online assume I'm a guy (except here, obviously, we're all vags) and I don't give a shit, why would I bother correcting everyone? I would do it if I were after attention, but I'm not. Gender and sexuality means shit all online anyway.
Those who strive to make sure everyone knows how ~*~SPECIAL~*~ they are can honestly just go fuck themselves.
No. 50138
>>50137Hes cute, but looks like a scene kid in some pictures. Overall, he seems like a cool person to chill around, and his height is so cute too.
I love his ouji (sp?) Outfits too
No. 50140
File: 1424479755499.jpg (19.82 KB, 424x381, 586787332.jpg)

>>50110Don't forget photoshop!
No. 50141
File: 1424479962154.jpg (39.2 KB, 436x581, 23765245852111.jpg)

>>50140OT but,
that's Jenna Marie Mason (myspace celeb) and that photo was shooped by a troll. Original here.
No. 50142
>>50099She has the face of a giant baby, but she's not ugly, really. Just plain.
Her face reminds me of Thora Birch's in Ghost World (or maybe I only think that because she has the circle lenses in from the beginning of the video, idk).
No. 50144
File: 1424484730048.jpg (103.46 KB, 640x640, tumblr_n0sn6dKMhI1qm9g2zo1_128…)

Mahou prince is cute imo. If she wanted to be my girlfriend, i'd be cool with that. I just want a cute tomboy or butch gf. Is that so much for a lesbian to ask for now a days?
No. 50145
>>50144Urgh I feel you.
I am lazy beings and all I want is an androgynous/masculine gf.
Preferably taller than me, pale with piercings and short black hair / shaved head.
No. 50146
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>>50137He's cute. I really love his ouji and shironuri stuff.
No. 50147
>>50145Haha, every time I find a super cute butch girl, they turn out to be FTM trans and my hopes are shattered. It has happened to me way more than usual since the big transtrend on tumblr over the last 4 years. I'm short at 5'3", so it's easy for a girl to be taller than me.
Anyway, Is Mahouprince even a fashion blogger? I only know they're active on IG.
No. 50149
>>50144where is that pic of her posing with her armpit hair
I think shes annoying.
she also sometimes removes people's credit when she reblogs things from them
No. 50150
>>50146this is him? he looks really different
Isn't he bffs with pastelbat
No. 50152
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>>50150I think so. He's cute. I just really hate all facial piercings at this point. I see them so much.
No. 50154
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Wtf, are these massive self harm wounds?
No. 50158
>>50156I think shes annoying
her, pastelbat, fetus-chan etc etc all look similar to me and they all kind of blend into one annoying, boring person
No. 50159
File: 1424491592522.jpg (247.33 KB, 799x479, 2015-02-19-18-32-34.jpg)

>>50156Dropped my pic
Though all those kawaii girls look the same and act the same in their videos at least
Kawaii doll makeup,circle lenses,cosplay wigs,kawaii clothes,…
It's kinda boring
No. 50164
>>50144Yeah she's cute, I'd date her hard.
As for Fetsu she's just kind of annoying, but sadly I don't see any drama about her even tho I follow her.
No. 50165
File: 1424494178621.jpg (168.67 KB, 640x854, tumblr_ncdm4pXBf81qm9g2zo1_128…)

>>50164Her eyebrows bother me sometimes, but she's cute as fuck.
Haha, glad everyone seems to read fetsu as fetus. She's boring and blends into most kawaii girl wannabes out there.
No. 50167
>>50165why she remind me of earthbound.
she's not cute. idgi. earthbound is a good game tho.
decora never looked good.
No. 50171
>>50165not cute
not a good look
No. 50172
>>50170lmao oh yea.
the colors of her outfit and stuff also remind me of the game too. all colorful and shit.
No. 50177
>>50139wasn't there some drama a loooong time ago with her and chokelate about pastelbat bullying choke out of a contest and choke wah wah-ing everywhere.
I always liked pastelbats clothes but idk if she was cool or had a bad personality or not.
No. 50180
Prince hates it when it's mentioned on a visible picture of it on ig
No. 50181
>>50177I think it wasn't that dramatic but yeah they entered the same contest with the same style and PB made a whine post about how she wouldn't win and added a link to still get people to vote for her, basically it was a pity party and her followers apparently annoyed Chokelate so she withdrew.
I don't remember how she wrote that post but it was really immature and cringe worthy to me, like "Wah wah I never ever win but if you still want to vote for me, you can vote here but anyway I'll lose"
It was a while ago so I hope she matured though
No. 50184
I was like "shut the fuck up you fucking attention whore your body is perfectly fine jfc"
Attention seeking is not kawaii stop wah wah-ing
Also fetus,anzuu,and her,… they are so the same it's nothing special just kawaii clones, like if they were copy pasted
No. 50191
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No. 50193
>>50192mahouprince is a
uhhh gender fluid
some shit
No. 50195
>>50191what the fuck
i think she only identifies as genderwhatever because shes too ugly to just be a regular girl
No. 50197
File: 1424549421601.png (4.68 MB, 1692x1280, 11q232143.png)

this thread reminded me of this chick. i was looking up plugsuit cosplays and found this through google and had a good laugh at how shit she is at photoshop. she just straight up drew herself another chin. why would you photoshop that and leave the terrible inaccurate suit also?
No. 50199
>>50197ugh ekkibunny
I cringe whenever I see her on my dash
No. 50200
I also wondered if she was getting dressed/undressed or something considering her wig and bonnet and just decided halfway through "hmm good pit hair opportunity"
No. 50203
>>50198very artistic
I always wonder why she thinks she needs armpit hair to be manly. Why do men not shave their pits? Even a little bit of armpit stubble feels itchy, sweaty and gross.
No. 50204
>>50202I'm not familiar with this person. I'm assuming they are a girl who likes to use they pronouns.
Why do people who present as female get mad when you "misgender" them? Annoying.
No. 50205
they go by 'them/they' pronouns. But tbh I would never have guessed
they are gender fluid by looking at
their social media, just a girl who likes to cosplay both male and female characters.
No. 50208
>>50104Having met her briefly at j-fash meet a long time ago, she barely spoke a word, looks nothing like her selfies and has this awkward 'kawaii fragile little girl' persona. Believe it or not she's actually really nice IRL, but online she comes across negative from time to time.
I remember she got in an attitude on her FB wall after some girl posted about the Pikachu Cafe in Japan being worth a visit (this was before her trip) and suddenly she got in a right mood because she wanted it to be a 'surprise' for her boyfriend. Financially I honestly think she doesn't work. Read her FAQ on her blog, I gather she's very anti social.
No. 50215
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>>50214Not the same anon but she pretty much blurs everything
No. 50216
File: 1424636068262.png (183.01 KB, 441x335, 1419705569443.png)

>>50214Here's a screencap from a video she posted to /cgl/ during that retarded idol contest, before she started the massive amounts of shoop.
No. 50219
File: 1424638515410.jpg (337.42 KB, 533x800, tumblr_mnfifgmku01rfwi4ko1_128…)

Here's a pic of Amai taken at London MCM Expo 2013.
No. 50222
Holy shit, that is absolutely fucking tragic. Her face is so fucking busted. This caliber of ugly is almost other-worldly.
No. 50225
>>50216It's just a REALLY unfortunate pic/angle/light/whatever.
We all have them.
On other pics she can look nice so…and it's pretty old. Not trying to defend her but yeah
No. 50228
>>50129we DO speak up about this
and then we're called trucum, demonised by the majority of the userbase, harassed, have dysphoria purposefully
triggered, called slurs (shrimpdick et al), transwomen/nonbinary truscum are either ignored or called traitors, any gender non-conformity in truscum is ignored (like my adoration of pink girly kawaii shit), the list goes on and fucking on.
>sorta OT:i like j-fashion and shit (and often wear ouji) but these assholes make me feel like i can't wear it. i've already been told i shouldnt be a trans man because ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww grosssss boyssssssssssss (#
tw men #
tw binary gender #
tw triger warnings) and should be something like nan0girl or some bullshit like that.
>yes i mad No. 50231
File: 1424711531199.jpg (89.28 KB, 480x640, tumblr_n4v3plhy0u1qep7kio1_500…)

>>50230Holy shit, the girl you're all talking about is this Elizabunni, right? I googled her just now to see how much of a difference there is and, omg.
No. 50232
>>50231Gonna be honest and say I don't think she shoops though.
Whenever I take a photo usually I stand near a window during daylight and I have a camera that applies a soft lighting effect that looks EXACTLY like this.
You'd be amazed by how much filters, good angels and flattering lighting can change your appearance in a photo.
No. 50235
>>50231i don the same shit just to get good lighting and it doesn't change your appearance that hard tho. it seem different for different people. since her face is such a potato it's easy to do that shit.
honestly i don''t know how the fuck it was possible for her to change her face like that. can you imagine the time it took to get that perfect shot? and even then it still looks kind of weird…..
No. 50236
File: 1424737701726.png (96.9 KB, 250x284, tumblr_inline_mg3190Pdg01r066a…)

>mfw Anzujaamu follows me on tumblr
I have not seen her surrounded by drama. If anything she just reblogs her selfies and videos like crazy. Also she stretches her neck to hell.
No. 50237
File: 1424738400988.gif (1.9 MB, 440x248, tumblr_njw1y9Hga01tq9q5vo1_500…)

>>50231Lighting can change your appearance depending on where it comes from.
You also have to take into consideration that the resolution on cameras, especially cellphone cameras [cough iPhone or any Apple product cough] is really shitty. I can stand in front of a window and the cam will blur out any imperfections because the resolution is fucked.
She also takes advantage of the myspace angle to make her face look slimmer, judging by her ig No. 50242
>>50167anon you like earthbound?
holy shit
you're awesome
No. 50243
>>50184maybe she has anorexia???
i dont get why fatties get so mad when a skinny girl thinks shes fat
it could be a sign of a eating disorder
No. 50244
>>50231she really looks different here
No. 50246
File: 1424820373840.png (172.45 KB, 313x243, 1419707919114.png)

Is this Eliza?
No. 50249
File: 1424884832579.png (156.74 KB, 440x336, elizabunnii.png)

She's definitely got a problem with angles. I think the myspace "above" angle is great for her, but because she's not got much of a chin any angles below that look a bit weird.
>>50216 is a bit unfair since she was obviously in the middle of speaking/laughing when the screenshot was taken, which nobody looks good doing. Remove the eyebags and the derpy mouth and she looks pretty similar to some of her older pics.
No. 50251
File: 1424895508165.jpg (126.9 KB, 500x375, tumblr_lva31duja51qdd4hn.jpg)

Old picture of her from 2012, she looks cute its just when she looks to the side when her jawlessness is evident
No. 50252
>>50249So if she uses certain angles and photoshop she's not hideous to look at? You could say that about anyone.
Girl's ugly.
No. 50256
File: 1424905065715.png (1.47 MB, 842x1032, jjj.png)

Why do so many of the kawaii blogger types always do Rin outfit? I know Eliza isn't cosplaying but someone even mentioned it on her tumblr. There's more loli characters, it's just strange because she's a hyper sexualized 9 year old.
Sorry for my autism rant
No. 50257
>>50256who's Rin?
what's the backstory I mean.
No. 50263
>>50259>>50262im the original anon who posted the image, and yeah cosplaying the character is fine and harmless but do you know what majority of the people in the image have in common?
They alike to pander to paedophiles , have a nyphet comples ( if that's what it's called) and generally like to use their underage looks to cater to older men for sex and gifts. That's what's dangerous and why I don't see the appeal of idolizing this kind of behavior.
No. 50264
>>50263fuhh I'm sleepy
all like *
No. 50269
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>>50253100% sure she has a really deep overbite.
my friend has a really bad overbite and it looks like she has no chin and her cheeks look really chubby. so yeah.. shitty bite. braces would fix it
No. 50271
>>50263And curvy underage girls pander to pedos
Can we just agree most of teens pander to pedos?
No. 50274
>>50270Different anon but most orthodontic-type procedures are a lot more complex than JUST braces. I had to have dental surgery and extenders. Some people need heavy headgear and others need full on cosmetic procedures.
You know that jaw shaving thing people in Korea like so much? That was originally reserved for people with debilitating under bites and other jaw deformities. I'm sure she'd have to have some kind of plastic surgery to make her jawline "normal" but braces alone would definitely be an improvement.
No. 50275
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>>50270rubber bands for braces should fix her bite. some people just get surgery because they don't want to wear braces for such long time or it's too complicated.
i had a shitty overbite but got that fixed with braces. it's been 5 years and my bite looks okay. it has reeeally improved my profile.
No. 50276
>>50273>MisgenderI want to puke.
We have a thread about people like you. Anon can be attracted to whatever the hell she wants to be. It's just an attraction.
No. 50281
>>50280Wow. You are a very special snowflake.
A shame that you're covered in lesbians.
No. 50284
>>50279This though.
The manga was actually really serious and good, I read it expecting it to be UGUUU KAWAII LOLI bullshit and I was really surprised
No. 50285
>>50284Same. Don't remember anything about self-harm, though.
Also, I heard the mangaka is female.
No. 50288
File: 1425776811381.jpg (72.11 KB, 720x480, 10347806_426280684207168_86421…)

This pic is horrible. Anzu's hands looks like a man's hands, the color of the face and hands are different, the pose and angle are unflattering…
No. 50290
>>50288Holy shit, those hands, WAT.
It legit looks like some guy is down behind her and put his hands through her sleeves.
No. 50291
File: 1431893655965.png (512.12 KB, 500x737, b206.png)

Turns out PeachMilkyTea is ALSO heading to live in Japan…
Yet another 'living doll' like, being serious here.. How many living dolls do we need? They ALL look the same!
No. 50297
>>50280jfc get over it
you can't blame people for misgendering you when they dont even fucking know you, stupid snowflake.
No. 50298
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>>50197This is also her. Kawaii knife chin desu.
No. 50300
>>50290oh god this. i'm crying.
Does Anzu shoop her skin lighter? The bb cream she uses is almost white, but in almost all the photos she posts, her face matches the rest of her body. (also share any skin lightening tips that aren't fucking skin bleach?)
No. 50309
>>50305 (not that anon you replied to)
I agree. Japan is just an accessory to some girls, I mean if the west had given a shit about Dakota I don't think she would have ever had an interest living in Japan. I mean, if you watch that video where she and Kiki are bashing Asians.. Kota didn't even know what 'Konnichiwa' even meant!
Besides, it's always good to stay in school and earn yourself a degree then go teach or do whatever it is you're doing in Japan. Just enjoy it, if you are interested in the fashion and DO happen to get a role over there then fair enough or say, if you're working towards getting a role over there which is linked to your studies like fashion and design ect.. That's fine in my eyes.
But it's worrying when people go over there expecting to be signed up, like Kiki for e.g she thought because she's "white and slender" she'd instantly get a modelling contract simply for being that. It didn't work. Especially not in Tokyo, where foreigners are every day almost.
I'm not trying to be horrible but I think these girls who do jump on the kawaii doll train never look that great in person. Not them but the outfits, the hair, the make up. They all look wonderful photoshopped and put on websites/magazines but when you see the styles in person, they never look that great. I think what put me off was seeing that video of kota in those cross shorts and cat tshirt with her pig tails. She posted a picture (shooped ofc) that day and then went on stage saying whatever it was with the other models. In person, these outfits look tacky. I don't think the bandwagon is even worth it when I really think about it.
I just hope Peachymilk goes over there for a reason, culture love or something.. Not just for bloody doll fame! We DON'T need anymore living dolls! I'm sorry but we don't.
No. 50310
>>50309I agree with all of what you've said. Like I don't have an issue with people being models, idols, etc over there. I have an issue with people who only see the country as an opportunity for attention. Aminyan is a good example of someone who I feel is genuinely interested in the country and just does the idol thing as a hobby.
I hope so, but I really don't think she wants to be there because of love of the culture. Her Japan vlogs are just about shopping and disneyland. I don't think she's ever posted about Japanese culture at all, she really only cares about the pop culture/fashion honestly. She doesn't bother learning the language at all to speak with the Japanese viewers she desperately wants. If you look at her comments, she replies to everyone but ignores Japanese people who comment anything other than "かわいい." Iirc her youtube channel also had a faq in Japanese on it, like name, dob, birthplace, just like Kota has on hers.
No. 50315
File: 1432254069090.png (419.82 KB, 446x649, Screen Shot 2015-05-21 at 5.19…)

does Fatsu ever do makeup that's not a complete disaster
No. 50316
>>50315>fatsuLoves it
Also that blur on her face
No. 50317
>>50315This literally looks like the makeup I'd do when I was 15 and just started wearing makeup.
I know some people just really suck at makeup, but isn't she supposed to be a beauty guru on youtube? I'm pretty sure I've seen makeup tutorials of hers on yt.
No. 50319
>>50318Good question, I don't think it's the amount of makeup they wear, it's how harsh their makeup is. They put on a normal amount of makeup imo, they just use harsh colors and makeup styles.
I think a lot of these girls are trying hard to emulate Asian girls but don't realize that just because it looks good on those girls doesn't mean it will look good on them. Like, many gaijin gyaru will contour their noses even though their noses are already sharp just because Japanese gyaru do it.
No. 50320
File: 1432269632872.jpg (16.07 KB, 236x363, scene hair done right.jpg)

>>50319yeah, its just that asian faces are a bit too different from European so when it comes to the darker makeup it doesnt work
like asians have wider/bigger eyes, so when Europeans do it it makes their eyes look smalller IMO
and how they already have taller, more slender noses and they contour it even more it also looks off because asians have their shorter button noses
they can both look cute in the same way. its just that the facial differences make their makeup techniques for the the same wanted effect, different
if this makes sense, this isnt ALL asians/Europeans that have these, its just that alot usually do
pic related. its the same effect they want. but done in a way that compliments the facial structure. i hope this doesnt sound racist to either races. its just that the facial structures are different
No. 50324
File: 1432286945673.jpg (47.79 KB, 745x873, 11109182_10152852712497106_431…)

This might just be me speaking out of my salty ass, but does Fetus' art bother anyone else?
Especially the fact that people are throwing money at her so they can draw something for them in her "super kawaii unique style!!!!! XD"
Again, I'm probably just salty since imo I draw nicer than she does but she gets hella commissions just from her kawaii fashion fame.
No. 50327
>>50088Stuff on Anzu:
she's 18 or 19, not more than that. started college last year. used to be a v. pretty kid with a cute round face and early-teens puppy-fat. not really fat or chubby, just didn't have the body proportions of a grown woman yet. i still have her photos in her first cosplay lying around, i can dig them out if anyone's interested.
then she disappeared for a while and the next time she surfaced, she was emaciated. like, people felt the need to walk up to her and say "you don't look pretty, you look sick. stop starving yourself!" people who know her claimed she subsisted on a chocolate bar a day and her hair started falling out (i've never seen her without a wig since so there may be some truth to it). i don't know what happened to make her snap. i don't know why her family doesn't interfere. where she lives families tend to get all up in their kids' business. but she also seems to be the rich coddled type so maybe her parents are trying to be ~modern~ being all trusting, or just can't cope with her ED sneakiness.
apart from having the same vacant expression in all her photos with her bottom lip hanging out like a dumbass, she isn't involved with visible drama even though her country's cosplay/kawaii uguu scene is famous for being a bunch of attention-starved idiotic kids who kick up shit at the drop of a hat. she wears her omg pastelgothscarycute shit and wigs everywhere and presumably gets harassed a lot, because she's from this near-east country where weird shit isn't tolerated too well. she's already pretty light-skinned, in her selfies mainly filters are involved, but she shoops herself to hide her anorexia. on unshooped photos all her joints and veins are sticking out like nobody's business.
other than that she mainly keeps to herself and plays a lot of video games and is into weeby shit and has friends and goes to school. suspiciously boring for someone who got e-famous for buying and wearing clothes at such an early age.
No. 50330
File: 1432292253062.jpg (107.86 KB, 500x333, 4146204531_456c5cd63e.jpg)

>>50324Obvious trace is obvious. The head is a badly mirrored copy of the Volks Nana model
No. 50333
File: 1432312652070.png (607.71 KB, 1280x1133, tumblr_netrtbHpX31qluf27o1_r2_…)

Speaking of wanky art from kawaii grills.
Anyone else really hate Passerine's stuff? All the same face, sparkly eyes,~kawaii unique disorder~.
And ofc, erryones a lesbian.
No. 50334
File: 1432312762081.jpg (35.94 KB, 550x553, chantelle-brown-young5.jpg)

>>50333lol she copied some models weird skin condition.
No. 50336
>>50335It's not meant to be the model, it's her OC.
It's not like Chantelle Winnie is the first person to have vitiligo.
No. 50337
File: 1432313126061.png (117.38 KB, 500x443, tumblr_ngdpupltLU1qluf27o1_r1_…)

>>50334Vitiligo, I think? It's rarely as symmetrical as that though.
>>50335it's an OH-SEE silly anon, besides, it's pretty much the only body type she knows, besides slightly skinnier.
No. 50342
>>50339Not a good artfag, but no, only the eye sometimes, but usually draw over again and it's more of a 'measurement' if that makes sense.
I like her style but it's all very flat and looks the same, so?? maybe for a dress up game it'd be a good template, but not for everything you ever draw to be the same.
>>50341That's tumblr for you…
No. 50343
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>>50329She's underweight with a small frame, sure, but nowhere near being as thin as Ash. I feel like the angle of her pics contributes a lot to making her legs look longer/thinner too (like how Beckii Cruel's legs look 5 miles long on her Insta pics only because of angle).
No. 50348
File: 1432343294517.jpg (28.5 KB, 319x226, image.jpg)

I think that's probably anzu back in torucon 2011(i'm not sure i know that the photo is in a very shitty quality).
>>50327Anon can you please post them,bc i couldn't find any of them
No. 50349
File: 1432344795708.jpg (96.95 KB, 409x725, image.jpg)

I found more,but I really don't know…
No. 50352
File: 1432345555606.jpg (77.52 KB, 418x741, image.jpg)

And this is the final one.
No. 50354
>>50352yes, these are all from her first cosplay. she was 13 or 14 and didn't know how to makeup though, so i don't think it's quite fair to hold her up to adult beauty standards. she was just this kid with a reasonable tween's body and chubby cheeks. i thought she was fat or something because her face was chubs.
>>50343anon, i deffo remember seeing some recent unshopped photos where she was way skinnier, but i couldn't find them so you're free to disregard my bullshit.
No. 50362
>>50361F A K E B O I S
No. 50366
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No. 50368
>>50363>>50362>>50361>>50360I've follow PP's
girlfriend Edward on tumblr for a loooong time and she is very much a female she/her girly lipstick lesbian.
No. 50369
File: 1432546969613.jpg (78.19 KB, 720x1280, 11041861_10204429726002962_147…)

she looks like a momosweetcosplay/ahripop wannabe
No. 50370
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>>50366Don't forget agent-lapin
No. 50372
>>50371I agree that agent-lapin puts more detail into their work, but the way all these artists draw faces in the exact same way kind of disgusts me.
It's especially irritating because you can actually see small differences in between their style if you look closely and can almost
tell they're purposely homogenizing their work for popularity.
No. 50374
>>50333God damn I fucking hate petite paserine. How can she so boldfacedly coopt medical conditions and people's races to make her OP's more popular. It was bad enough when she was just making them all ~kawaii mentally ill~ but now she has some fucking OC with vitiligo called cocobun??? How the fuck has she not been torn apart by SJWs? I'm vehemently anti-most tumblrisms like that, and I still find this shit offensive.
Not to mention she calls them the "Sassy sisters" Eurgh. That in and of itself is bad enough.
No. 50381
File: 1432571390449.png (464.22 KB, 1181x1902, tumblr_nouvqcQ0Ci1qluf27o1_128…)

>>50333Someone paid 60 bucks for this? 60 bucks? For ink and flat colour?
…That feel when I'm a professional artist and I could draw this in about 5 mins. Clearly i should cater to stupid kawaii idiots. They'll pay for anything. Like furfags.
No. 50382
>>50381that fucking ear
i know it's probably some ~magical girl species~
but it's growing out of the jaw
if this bitch ate, her ear would probably flap so much she'd go flying in the air
No. 50383
>>50382It's a blood elf from WoW so not far off lol. And yeah, that ear. Awful, utterly awful. And that anatomy and those limbs. Everything is so flat arughhh.
I hate tumblr style and I hate how popular it is. There is literally no skill in it. I just want to throw loomis at their heads.
No. 50384
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>>50383i know right?
either everyone tries to be sparkly uguu like passerine or they all look like pic related
just needs more red nose
No. 50393
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No. 50396
File: 1432598985344.jpg (123.5 KB, 500x703, tumblr_nc637pQ0x41qb87cco1_500…)

>>50395Besides the 80s manga eyes and lips the art of looneylolita doesn't look similar.
No. 50398
>>50385They probably mean the users trying to copy shit like Omocat
>>50396This one give me huge Akiko Higashimura vibes tbh
No. 50400
>>50291I am pretty convinced PeachMilkyTea wants to wear dakotas skin, esp since she had plastic surgery to be a cuter kawaii makeup tutorial goddess.
I wish I saved her patreon plugging video, she wants people to pay for her vids now.
No. 50401
File: 1432661080382.jpg (254.75 KB, 1335x897, luna.JPG)

Plastic surgery?
This girl has changed a lot
(Luna Lovely, you can see her on My Strange Addiction I'm a living doll)
No. 50402
>>50381i'm not a professional artist and
I could draw that in 5 mins.
No. 50404
>>50401This girl is the thirstiest human being I've ever heard of.
I'm convinced she got a boob job from her parents at some point– she looks like she picked implants that were way too big for her frame, though.
at this rate, she'll end up on cosplay deviants or posing for 'gravure' photoshoots.
she's already done lingerie modelling, so it wouldn't surprise me if she transitions to straight-up camming and shit after her 'fresh&innocent' appeal fades.
this girl just seems so hungry for e-fame. why else would anyone agree to appear on a TLC show? she's like one of those kids who doesn't understand the difference between negative and positive attention, they just act up in any way that they can…she just wants to be the next Jessica Nigri. She thinks she's going to be successful simply because she's worked out the equation: "tits+cosplay=attention!!&fans"
No. 50405
>>50400I agree about the wanting to wear Dakota's skin thing. She's got the Japanese titles on her videos even though she doesn't speak a lick of Japanese and all of her tutorials are basic stuff you wouldn't need a tutorial on (like a tutorial on simple braids, really?). She was even talking about big plans she had in that q&a video, then hinted that she was going to move to Japan and become a model later in the video when someone asked if she would.
I don't really have much of an issue with the patreon thing though. Tons of youtubers have them, and as long as she isn't shoving it in peoples' faces, I really couldn't care less. Though, I honestly don't see why anyone would donate to this kind of thing, unless it was someone really talented or something.
No. 50407
>>50401Is this the same dumb cunt who lied and bullshitted about how her appearing on MSA was "a hot mess" and how they were told it was for a lolita documentary?
I found her tumblr and her saying that yet choosing to advertise that she was on MSA in her tumblr description box is so embarrassing holy shit.
No. 50408
>>50404>>50407I think she got boob implants, and oh I remember her saying 'I have to spend 3h to make myself look good, because I want to be like her /the doll/ and I'm not like that, so I need wigs, make up and cl. and I would consider plastic surgery'
She lied, she knew it was for MSA, Venus and the Ken knew about it, why wouldn't she know it too? She knew. But when she saw the chapter she was fucking embarrassed because she looked like the dumb brat she is. I'd also say she has had a nose job, aside from the shoop
No. 50409
File: 1432683313963.png (12.6 KB, 305x39, Screen Shot 2015-05-26 at 4.33…)

i feel like a failure
No. 50415
>>50411Umm didn't she just go to Japan and spend tons of $$$? Also, if she can save up in 4 weeks, why not just borrow the money and pay everyone back?
So fucking over gofundmes, everyone who uses it for frivolous shit should rot in hell.
No. 50416
>>50411urgh just fucking save up
your weeby videos aren't that important a contribution to the world
No. 50438
>>50436I'm far from anorexic, but I'm (healthily) working for a tiny, perhaps even "boyish", body simply because of my lack of curves at any weight. I figure I may as well be thin if I'm going to be lacking in the booty department. Some just want to incorporate as much as they have into what they want.
As well, people come in all shapes and sizes, so it's expected that we'd all have different tastes. What's "weird" to some is perfectly normal for others and vice versa.
No. 50453
File: 1439134051615.jpg (236.92 KB, 1350x1350, image.jpg)

>>50452Pretty sure it's BeautyCam > Magic option > Stars + white pale filter / adjustment for blue sparkles
No. 50454
File: 1439144626173.jpg (96.16 KB, 1280x720, 1430814905582.jpg)

>>50453>mfw I had this app this whole timeI'm going to cry, thank you so much anon!!
No. 50455
i think its the way they gape their mouth. their facial expression is terrible and unflattering 90% of the time. looks much better with a face mask or yknow smiling like a normal person
No. 51061
File: 1445895778313.jpeg (234.88 KB, 768x1024, image.jpeg)

So I noticed that nicholeal's and passerineart's art looks a bit the same.Expect passerine is more ~KAWAII UGGU DESU~ they both draw magical girls, although passerine's Art usually involves a shitload of lesbians with some kawaii turned condition or disorder.
Nicholeal's Art is more detailed and when Passerine actually puts more effort into it, instead of boring flat color,their art looks a lot like Nich's.They know each other.
A few days ago I asked Nich if she was Passerine on anon bc I thought she changed her URL, she told me that she's not the Passerine I was looking for.A bunch of people liked it and someone even commented LOL.I was going to tell Nich sorry for mistaking her and her art for her friend's, but she must've gotten butthurt or something bc anon is off now,They both seem kinda irritating as people.
No. 51074
>>51061They're girlfriends. As in, they're together.
I agree with you, though. Nicholael, petitepasserine and agent-lapin's art all look the fucking same. No originality whatsoever.
No. 53092
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>>52999>>52967Seconding both of you.
I love seeing new artists pop up but people who don't draw sjw fandom shit and/or Tumblr kei definitely do get ignored. It's really annoying because every artist now draws sjw shit or Tumblr kei just to get attention so it's an endless cycle of drawing Tumblr stuff to get attention.
>pic related No. 53139
>>53092Think of it this way though:
They all charge up the butt for commissions because they're NEVER gonna do professional work. The average tumblr kei style artist isnt going to get REAL work.
Sure they might get on some tumblr SJW bullshit project that only tumblr SJWs will be interested in and that's it.
For me as an artist I get super salty to see people pandering to things so hard. Everything is so calculated to get reblogs and favs.
No. 71925
File: 1450047643749.png (13.09 KB, 632x115, ugh.PNG)

I don't know about Youtube, but I've been propositioned on tumblr a lot.
I guess if you have a decent amount of followers you'll get attention. The latest one I received. I don't even update at frequently as tumblr, so it really not hard to get popular there.
No. 71927
File: 1450048382819.png (269.47 KB, 640x479, 1450004601054.png)

>>53092>>53144>>53139Man, this is the realest shit
I've always wanted to make an art blog and put myself out there but it's very intimidating
>I really don't want to get obsessed with being known, how many notes I get, and just pandering to every fandom I can be apart of No. 129340
>>129314how about instead of laughing away in a corner make an anonymous report to the college?
irl stalkers are freaky as shit and should not be tolerated :/// help the girl out
No. 130395
>>130326a different anon but
fetsu recently has been trying/has sold off all of her brand dresses, saying sh doesn't wear the fashion no more. I've seen nothing of her fairy kei lot.
on her insta a lot has been deleted of when she was a "college party normie" and a lot of her old looks are no where to be seen. Has been posting rehashed old fairy kei looks and photos of her dreamy bows orders and some weebs her polymer clay shit. Made a post how she missed the old style and wanting to get back into it. Posted some shitty Galaxy tutorials and now shitty drawings using what looks like bases.
will she fuck up college again this? Only time will tell!
No. 138323
File: 1465411736168.jpg (44.16 KB, 500x667, cosma.jpg)

I think she pulls off alternative j-fashion/lolita/etc really well, but sometimes I wonder if there's any drama on her? She generally has a very nice demeanor online but what sticks in my head is her posting publicly on instagram about a mental breakdown, her being in hospital and ending it with her boyfriend (they used to post such cute pictures together), then within a month she had a new boyfriend. Of course, shit happens, but it strikes me as odd to post something so personal. Looking back, I can't seem to find that instagram post, but maybe other followers of her remember it?
Overall, she seems like a really nice person, it's just that little thing that's stuck in my mind.
No. 138486
>>138437Anything for free shit and a chance to visit the glorious Nippon, I guess.
Plus he's still making tons of money from retarded tumblrinas who blindly white knight him despite all of the proof that he traces.
No. 360422
>>360160kek is this even real are these cows so thirsty for fame
17 followers and ugly as fuck
No. 757282
File: 1546358553087.png (1.28 MB, 750x1334, EA3797B2-BDD1-4091-8DC0-660905…)

Can we talk about Toshi for a sec?
She’s some “idol” for all of these clowns in the kawaii community yet she supports Kensuke from Broken Doll and still continues to model for him after he was called out for cheating on his partner, forcefully kissing people when his band played overseas, and sexually harassing women in Japan.
No. 757403
>>757322She trash talks Jessica (AKA poo Chan) but sticks up for sexual predator Kensuke
Can’t relate
No. 768411
>>757322I met her once IRL at an event. i asked who she was and if she knew somebody, she was so insulted that i never heard of her name or seen her! i was like these online chicks think they're really hot shit!
she's good at posing for pictures definitely. but the whole "Uhm I'm Toshi?!" as if she's this household name bit was…..