File: 1424371232282.jpg (118.83 KB, 499x750, tumblr_ndpmwdieiU1rtxv25o1_500…)

No. 16209
>>16208She is a bitch and remarkably ugly
Fetsu's face scares me D:
No. 16212
>>16211Lolyes. She says shes an ~intergalactic bounty hunter~ and other stupid shit.
I get that its not everyones business of how you get money, but when literally EVERY post on fb and twitter is about you buying more shit, obviously people are going to get curious.
No. 16214
>>16212I'm guessing sugar daddy
>>16213That other girl Pastel Cutie also, I'm waiting for the trainwreck that's gonna be her first attempt at lolita…
No. 16218
>>16207she looks like an old man without makeup.
and her skin is fucking terrible.
this shit ain't kawaii (vid related)
anyway, i've heard stories that say she harasses shops to make them sponsor her
ALSO, she seriously looks like betty boop (they have the same eye shape)
No. 16224
>>16221oh my god that eyeshadow is awful. it just kinda….stops. she doesn't even blend it outward or anything. wtf.
the lipstick is pretty awful for "everyday" too, but it'd look miles better if she had more subtle eye makeup, like simple eyeliner on her upper lids and some mascara.
bitches need to learn you either do dramatic eye makeup or dramatic lipstick, but never both. it just makes you look like a clown.
No. 16226
>>16218I don't understand how she is so popular. I could understand if she spoke about the products during her "tutorials", but she doesn't even tell you what to do. She just points at things and applies them - not to mention in this video all the eyeliner application is off screen, it just seems super unprofessional, imo.
I personally think she is hideous, and her droopy eye make up does her no favours. She's a boring fuck too, a friend has her added on facebook so I see her status updates through comments and stuff.
No. 16229
>>16226It's easy to become popular nowadays, here are the things that make anyone popular:
- a girl with a curvy body
- pretty face-
- doing shitty makeup tutorial (bonus point if it's a kawaii related one)
- asian
- sjw
- peta
- white or black girl interested in the great nippon
- money
there you go
People nowadays/casuals/stereotypical teens are dumb as fuck and become fans of anyone (and will deny most of the people they like have disgusting personalities).
kawaii or scene is an easy way to be popular
No. 16234
>>16231A lot of these kawaii uguu people do that shit. I get that the point is that they are "transforming" but none of them put effort into looking at least clean/nice skin before they put on their wig and stuff.
It's funny though, it really highlights how uncute they are without all of that stuff.
No. 16236
File: 1424393655385.jpg (62.68 KB, 500x667, tumblr_ngtfiw4gog1qm9g2zo4_500…)

>>16235dropped my pic. i will say, I really love her hair.
No. 16243
>>16242In her case
* should go to bed now.
No. 16245
>>16244I think most tumblrinas refer to themselves as "genderqueer" because it gains you instant SJW credit, makes you look totally special, edgy and different and you can get offended /let you followers get offended if anyone dares to question you gender/pronouns/
anything you do because you are genderqueer and therefore very oppressed and a special snowflake.
I brings attention without any (bad) irl consequences or changes like trans people have to go through.
No. 16246
>>16244I agree with this. There's a girl I have been following on tumblr for a long time who is into working out and now she is starting to say she thinks she might be genderqueer but doesn't have any dysphoria. I guess nobody can just be a tomboy anymore, everyone's gotta be special.
It's also funny because they tend to be the SJW type who say there are not feminine and masculine things (such as clothes etc) but then the only way they seem to be "queer" about their gender at all are having interests in markedly feminine things or masculine things. Like frankly if you don't have dysphoria and you also believe that nothing is gender-specific, what are you basing your gender identity on?
No. 16248
>>16245>It brings attention without any (bad) irl consequences or changes like trans people have to go through.Exactly. I wonder why trans people never speak up about this. If I were trans, I'd be pissed off about these people.
>>16246I agree. Sjws always go out of their way to be as politically correct as possible. But if you're referring to yourself as genderqueer because of certain things, aren't you basically insulting someone else's masculinity/femininity? The girl you follow, for example, wouldn't she basically be saying women who are athletic/work out aren't feminine?
Idk, sorry if this doesn't make sense, I can't get any sleep at all.
No. 16250
>>16248No, that makes total sense. I've always thought this too.
Their thought process seems to be:
>I don't like wearing skirts>omg I must be genderqueer>but don't tell women they should wear skirts! they can wear what they want!>OPPRESSION!!!!11 No. 16252
>>16249I wonder too. I also agree with that, white people also feel left out too. I see so many people who "appropriate" cultures, who feel the need to attack others who "appropriate" the same culture in order to fit in on tumblr. I feel like white people on tumblr are the ones mostly spreading the sjw shit, not exactly because they think that way, but because they don't want to be attacked or shunned. Many white people will cling onto whatever little poc heritage they have, just so people won't see them as just another white devil bitch.
>>16250Some of them also go on about how women can wear whatever they want but still go on about how they're oppressed for dressing/being feminine and judge them for that. I feel like women who are really feminine get much more shit than women who aren't, at least where I live. A lot of women, even ones who claim to be feminists, seem to feel masculine>feminine.
No. 16253
>>16244It's not the part that they are different that bothers me, it's the part where they all HAVE TO tell EVERYONE. Pansexual? Let's put it on our Instagram bio! Born female but prefer "them?" Make sure you tell EVERYONE!
It's so fucking ridiculous and attention screaming. Actual people who identify as the opposite gender who DON'T do it for attention have no need to brag about it, even if they are proud. These idiots just want attention and to feel special. I feel really bad for those who are actual transgender, because I can't imagine how annoying it must be to watch all the wannabes who come up with new genders just for attention.
Most people online assume I'm a guy (except here, obviously, we're all vags) and I don't give a shit, why would I bother correcting everyone? I would do it if I were after attention, but I'm not. Gender and sexuality means shit all online anyway.
Those who strive to make sure everyone knows how ~*~SPECIAL~*~ they are can honestly just go fuck themselves.
No. 16257
>>16256Hes cute, but looks like a scene kid in some pictures. Overall, he seems like a cool person to chill around, and his height is so cute too.
I love his ouji (sp?) Outfits too
No. 16259
File: 1424479755499.jpg (19.82 KB, 424x381, 586787332.jpg)

>>16229Don't forget photoshop!
No. 16260
File: 1424479962154.jpg (39.2 KB, 436x581, 23765245852111.jpg)

>>16259OT but,
that's Jenna Marie Mason (myspace celeb) and that photo was shooped by a troll. Original here.
No. 16261
>>16218She has the face of a giant baby, but she's not ugly, really. Just plain.
Her face reminds me of Thora Birch's in Ghost World (or maybe I only think that because she has the circle lenses in from the beginning of the video, idk).
No. 16263
File: 1424484730048.jpg (103.46 KB, 640x640, tumblr_n0sn6dKMhI1qm9g2zo1_128…)

Mahou prince is cute imo. If she wanted to be my girlfriend, i'd be cool with that. I just want a cute tomboy or butch gf. Is that so much for a lesbian to ask for now a days?
No. 16264
>>16263Urgh I feel you.
I am lazy beings and all I want is an androgynous/masculine gf.
Preferably taller than me, pale with piercings and short black hair / shaved head.
No. 16265
File: 1424484943254.jpg (79.12 KB, 500x500, tumblr_n8alf7uCRC1r883njo1_500…)

>>16256He's cute. I really love his ouji and shironuri stuff.
No. 16266
>>16264Haha, every time I find a super cute butch girl, they turn out to be FTM trans and my hopes are shattered. It has happened to me way more than usual since the big transtrend on tumblr over the last 4 years. I'm short at 5'3", so it's easy for a girl to be taller than me.
Anyway, Is Mahouprince even a fashion blogger? I only know they're active on IG.
No. 16268
>>16263where is that pic of her posing with her armpit hair
I think shes annoying.
she also sometimes removes people's credit when she reblogs things from them
No. 16269
>>16265this is him? he looks really different
Isn't he bffs with pastelbat
No. 16271
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>>16269I think so. He's cute. I just really hate all facial piercings at this point. I see them so much.
No. 16273
File: 1424489518088.jpg (299.62 KB, 1366x2048, 705154_538815629505422_2043381…)

Wtf, are these massive self harm wounds?
No. 16277
>>16275I think shes annoying
her, pastelbat, fetus-chan etc etc all look similar to me and they all kind of blend into one annoying, boring person
No. 16278
File: 1424491592522.jpg (247.33 KB, 799x479, 2015-02-19-18-32-34.jpg)

>>16275Dropped my pic
Though all those kawaii girls look the same and act the same in their videos at least
Kawaii doll makeup,circle lenses,cosplay wigs,kawaii clothes,…
It's kinda boring
No. 16283
>>16263Yeah she's cute, I'd date her hard.
As for Fetsu she's just kind of annoying, but sadly I don't see any drama about her even tho I follow her.
No. 16284
File: 1424494178621.jpg (168.67 KB, 640x854, tumblr_ncdm4pXBf81qm9g2zo1_128…)

>>16283Her eyebrows bother me sometimes, but she's cute as fuck.
Haha, glad everyone seems to read fetsu as fetus. She's boring and blends into most kawaii girl wannabes out there.
No. 16286
>>16284why she remind me of earthbound.
she's not cute. idgi. earthbound is a good game tho.
decora never looked good.
No. 16290
>>16284not cute
not a good look
No. 16291
>>16289lmao oh yea.
the colors of her outfit and stuff also remind me of the game too. all colorful and shit.
No. 16296
>>16258wasn't there some drama a loooong time ago with her and chokelate about pastelbat bullying choke out of a contest and choke wah wah-ing everywhere.
I always liked pastelbats clothes but idk if she was cool or had a bad personality or not.
No. 16299
Prince hates it when it's mentioned on a visible picture of it on ig
No. 16300
>>16296I think it wasn't that dramatic but yeah they entered the same contest with the same style and PB made a whine post about how she wouldn't win and added a link to still get people to vote for her, basically it was a pity party and her followers apparently annoyed Chokelate so she withdrew.
I don't remember how she wrote that post but it was really immature and cringe worthy to me, like "Wah wah I never ever win but if you still want to vote for me, you can vote here but anyway I'll lose"
It was a while ago so I hope she matured though
No. 16303
I was like "shut the fuck up you fucking attention whore your body is perfectly fine jfc"
Attention seeking is not kawaii stop wah wah-ing
Also fetus,anzuu,and her,… they are so the same it's nothing special just kawaii clones, like if they were copy pasted
No. 16310
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No. 16312
>>16311mahouprince is a
uhhh gender fluid
some shit
No. 16314
>>16310what the fuck
i think she only identifies as genderwhatever because shes too ugly to just be a regular girl
No. 16316
File: 1424549421601.png (4.68 MB, 1692x1280, 11q232143.png)

this thread reminded me of this chick. i was looking up plugsuit cosplays and found this through google and had a good laugh at how shit she is at photoshop. she just straight up drew herself another chin. why would you photoshop that and leave the terrible inaccurate suit also?
No. 16318
>>16316ugh ekkibunny
I cringe whenever I see her on my dash
No. 16319
I also wondered if she was getting dressed/undressed or something considering her wig and bonnet and just decided halfway through "hmm good pit hair opportunity"
No. 16322
>>16317very artistic
I always wonder why she thinks she needs armpit hair to be manly. Why do men not shave their pits? Even a little bit of armpit stubble feels itchy, sweaty and gross.
No. 16323
>>16321I'm not familiar with this person. I'm assuming they are a girl who likes to use they pronouns.
Why do people who present as female get mad when you "misgender" them? Annoying.
No. 16324
they go by 'them/they' pronouns. But tbh I would never have guessed
they are gender fluid by looking at
their social media, just a girl who likes to cosplay both male and female characters.
No. 16327
>>16223Having met her briefly at j-fash meet a long time ago, she barely spoke a word, looks nothing like her selfies and has this awkward 'kawaii fragile little girl' persona. Believe it or not she's actually really nice IRL, but online she comes across negative from time to time.
I remember she got in an attitude on her FB wall after some girl posted about the Pikachu Cafe in Japan being worth a visit (this was before her trip) and suddenly she got in a right mood because she wanted it to be a 'surprise' for her boyfriend. Financially I honestly think she doesn't work. Read her FAQ on her blog, I gather she's very anti social.
No. 16334
File: 1424635329980.jpg (111.61 KB, 962x634, 1396307549719.jpg)

>>16333Not the same anon but she pretty much blurs everything
No. 16335
File: 1424636068262.png (183.01 KB, 441x335, 1419705569443.png)

>>16333Here's a screencap from a video she posted to /cgl/ during that retarded idol contest, before she started the massive amounts of shoop.
No. 16338
File: 1424638515410.jpg (337.42 KB, 533x800, tumblr_mnfifgmku01rfwi4ko1_128…)

Here's a pic of Amai taken at London MCM Expo 2013.
No. 16341
Holy shit, that is absolutely fucking tragic. Her face is so fucking busted. This caliber of ugly is almost other-worldly.
No. 16344
>>16335It's just a REALLY unfortunate pic/angle/light/whatever.
We all have them.
On other pics she can look nice so…and it's pretty old. Not trying to defend her but yeah
No. 16347
>>16248we DO speak up about this
and then we're called trucum, demonised by the majority of the userbase, harassed, have dysphoria purposefully
triggered, called slurs (shrimpdick et al), transwomen/nonbinary truscum are either ignored or called traitors, any gender non-conformity in truscum is ignored (like my adoration of pink girly kawaii shit), the list goes on and fucking on.
>sorta OT:i like j-fashion and shit (and often wear ouji) but these assholes make me feel like i can't wear it. i've already been told i shouldnt be a trans man because ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww grosssss boyssssssssssss (#
tw men #
tw binary gender #
tw triger warnings) and should be something like nan0girl or some bullshit like that.
>yes i mad No. 16350
File: 1424711531199.jpg (89.28 KB, 480x640, tumblr_n4v3plhy0u1qep7kio1_500…)

>>16349Holy shit, the girl you're all talking about is this Elizabunni, right? I googled her just now to see how much of a difference there is and, omg.
No. 16351
>>16350Gonna be honest and say I don't think she shoops though.
Whenever I take a photo usually I stand near a window during daylight and I have a camera that applies a soft lighting effect that looks EXACTLY like this.
You'd be amazed by how much filters, good angels and flattering lighting can change your appearance in a photo.
No. 16354
>>16350i don the same shit just to get good lighting and it doesn't change your appearance that hard tho. it seem different for different people. since her face is such a potato it's easy to do that shit.
honestly i don''t know how the fuck it was possible for her to change her face like that. can you imagine the time it took to get that perfect shot? and even then it still looks kind of weird…..
No. 16355
File: 1424737701726.png (96.9 KB, 250x284, tumblr_inline_mg3190Pdg01r066a…)

>mfw Anzujaamu follows me on tumblr
I have not seen her surrounded by drama. If anything she just reblogs her selfies and videos like crazy. Also she stretches her neck to hell.
No. 16356
File: 1424738400988.gif (1.9 MB, 440x248, tumblr_njw1y9Hga01tq9q5vo1_500…)

>>16350Lighting can change your appearance depending on where it comes from.
You also have to take into consideration that the resolution on cameras, especially cellphone cameras [cough iPhone or any Apple product cough] is really shitty. I can stand in front of a window and the cam will blur out any imperfections because the resolution is fucked.
She also takes advantage of the myspace angle to make her face look slimmer, judging by her ig No. 16361
>>16286anon you like earthbound?
holy shit
you're awesome
No. 16362
>>16303maybe she has anorexia???
i dont get why fatties get so mad when a skinny girl thinks shes fat
it could be a sign of a eating disorder
No. 16363
>>16350she really looks different here
No. 16365
File: 1424820373840.png (172.45 KB, 313x243, 1419707919114.png)

Is this Eliza?
No. 16368
File: 1424884832579.png (156.74 KB, 440x336, elizabunnii.png)

She's definitely got a problem with angles. I think the myspace "above" angle is great for her, but because she's not got much of a chin any angles below that look a bit weird.
>>16335 is a bit unfair since she was obviously in the middle of speaking/laughing when the screenshot was taken, which nobody looks good doing. Remove the eyebags and the derpy mouth and she looks pretty similar to some of her older pics.
No. 16370
File: 1424895508165.jpg (126.9 KB, 500x375, tumblr_lva31duja51qdd4hn.jpg)

Old picture of her from 2012, she looks cute its just when she looks to the side when her jawlessness is evident
No. 16371
>>16368So if she uses certain angles and photoshop she's not hideous to look at? You could say that about anyone.
Girl's ugly.
No. 16375
File: 1424905065715.png (1.47 MB, 842x1032, jjj.png)

Why do so many of the kawaii blogger types always do Rin outfit? I know Eliza isn't cosplaying but someone even mentioned it on her tumblr. There's more loli characters, it's just strange because she's a hyper sexualized 9 year old.
Sorry for my autism rant
No. 16376
>>16375who's Rin?
what's the backstory I mean.
No. 16382
>>16378>>16381im the original anon who posted the image, and yeah cosplaying the character is fine and harmless but do you know what majority of the people in the image have in common?
They alike to pander to paedophiles , have a nyphet comples ( if that's what it's called) and generally like to use their underage looks to cater to older men for sex and gifts. That's what's dangerous and why I don't see the appeal of idolizing this kind of behavior.
No. 16383
>>16382fuhh I'm sleepy
all like *
No. 16388
File: 1425008538233.jpg (6.33 KB, 284x178, overbite.jpg)

>>16372100% sure she has a really deep overbite.
my friend has a really bad overbite and it looks like she has no chin and her cheeks look really chubby. so yeah.. shitty bite. braces would fix it
No. 16390
>>16382And curvy underage girls pander to pedos
Can we just agree most of teens pander to pedos?
No. 16393
>>16389Different anon but most orthodontic-type procedures are a lot more complex than JUST braces. I had to have dental surgery and extenders. Some people need heavy headgear and others need full on cosmetic procedures.
You know that jaw shaving thing people in Korea like so much? That was originally reserved for people with debilitating under bites and other jaw deformities. I'm sure she'd have to have some kind of plastic surgery to make her jawline "normal" but braces alone would definitely be an improvement.
No. 16394
File: 1425030559492.jpg (85.22 KB, 532x900, elastic.jpg)

>>16389rubber bands for braces should fix her bite. some people just get surgery because they don't want to wear braces for such long time or it's too complicated.
i had a shitty overbite but got that fixed with braces. it's been 5 years and my bite looks okay. it has reeeally improved my profile.
No. 16395
>>16392>MisgenderI want to puke.
We have a thread about people like you. Anon can be attracted to whatever the hell she wants to be. It's just an attraction.
No. 16400
>>16399Wow. You are a very special snowflake.
A shame that you're covered in lesbians.
No. 16403
>>16398This though.
The manga was actually really serious and good, I read it expecting it to be UGUUU KAWAII LOLI bullshit and I was really surprised
No. 16404
>>16403Same. Don't remember anything about self-harm, though.
Also, I heard the mangaka is female.
No. 16407
File: 1425776811381.jpg (72.11 KB, 720x480, 10347806_426280684207168_86421…)

This pic is horrible. Anzu's hands looks like a man's hands, the color of the face and hands are different, the pose and angle are unflattering…
No. 16409
>>16407Holy shit, those hands, WAT.
It legit looks like some guy is down behind her and put his hands through her sleeves.
No. 16410
File: 1431893655965.png (512.12 KB, 500x737, b206.png)

Turns out PeachMilkyTea is ALSO heading to live in Japan…
Yet another 'living doll' like, being serious here.. How many living dolls do we need? They ALL look the same!
No. 16416
>>16399jfc get over it
you can't blame people for misgendering you when they dont even fucking know you, stupid snowflake.
No. 16417
File: 1431925044964.jpg (303.5 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nldquvGVQv1scbgcdo1_128…)

>>16316This is also her. Kawaii knife chin desu.
No. 16419
>>16409oh god this. i'm crying.
Does Anzu shoop her skin lighter? The bb cream she uses is almost white, but in almost all the photos she posts, her face matches the rest of her body. (also share any skin lightening tips that aren't fucking skin bleach?)
No. 16428
>>16424 (not that anon you replied to)
I agree. Japan is just an accessory to some girls, I mean if the west had given a shit about Dakota I don't think she would have ever had an interest living in Japan. I mean, if you watch that video where she and Kiki are bashing Asians.. Kota didn't even know what 'Konnichiwa' even meant!
Besides, it's always good to stay in school and earn yourself a degree then go teach or do whatever it is you're doing in Japan. Just enjoy it, if you are interested in the fashion and DO happen to get a role over there then fair enough or say, if you're working towards getting a role over there which is linked to your studies like fashion and design ect.. That's fine in my eyes.
But it's worrying when people go over there expecting to be signed up, like Kiki for e.g she thought because she's "white and slender" she'd instantly get a modelling contract simply for being that. It didn't work. Especially not in Tokyo, where foreigners are every day almost.
I'm not trying to be horrible but I think these girls who do jump on the kawaii doll train never look that great in person. Not them but the outfits, the hair, the make up. They all look wonderful photoshopped and put on websites/magazines but when you see the styles in person, they never look that great. I think what put me off was seeing that video of kota in those cross shorts and cat tshirt with her pig tails. She posted a picture (shooped ofc) that day and then went on stage saying whatever it was with the other models. In person, these outfits look tacky. I don't think the bandwagon is even worth it when I really think about it.
I just hope Peachymilk goes over there for a reason, culture love or something.. Not just for bloody doll fame! We DON'T need anymore living dolls! I'm sorry but we don't.
No. 16429
>>16428I agree with all of what you've said. Like I don't have an issue with people being models, idols, etc over there. I have an issue with people who only see the country as an opportunity for attention. Aminyan is a good example of someone who I feel is genuinely interested in the country and just does the idol thing as a hobby.
I hope so, but I really don't think she wants to be there because of love of the culture. Her Japan vlogs are just about shopping and disneyland. I don't think she's ever posted about Japanese culture at all, she really only cares about the pop culture/fashion honestly. She doesn't bother learning the language at all to speak with the Japanese viewers she desperately wants. If you look at her comments, she replies to everyone but ignores Japanese people who comment anything other than "かわいい." Iirc her youtube channel also had a faq in Japanese on it, like name, dob, birthplace, just like Kota has on hers.
No. 16434
File: 1432254069090.png (419.82 KB, 446x649, Screen Shot 2015-05-21 at 5.19…)

does Fatsu ever do makeup that's not a complete disaster
No. 16435
>>16434>fatsuLoves it
Also that blur on her face
No. 16436
>>16434This literally looks like the makeup I'd do when I was 15 and just started wearing makeup.
I know some people just really suck at makeup, but isn't she supposed to be a beauty guru on youtube? I'm pretty sure I've seen makeup tutorials of hers on yt.
No. 16438
>>16437Good question, I don't think it's the amount of makeup they wear, it's how harsh their makeup is. They put on a normal amount of makeup imo, they just use harsh colors and makeup styles.
I think a lot of these girls are trying hard to emulate Asian girls but don't realize that just because it looks good on those girls doesn't mean it will look good on them. Like, many gaijin gyaru will contour their noses even though their noses are already sharp just because Japanese gyaru do it.
No. 16439
File: 1432269632872.jpg (16.07 KB, 236x363, scene hair done right.jpg)

>>16438yeah, its just that asian faces are a bit too different from European so when it comes to the darker makeup it doesnt work
like asians have wider/bigger eyes, so when Europeans do it it makes their eyes look smalller IMO
and how they already have taller, more slender noses and they contour it even more it also looks off because asians have their shorter button noses
they can both look cute in the same way. its just that the facial differences make their makeup techniques for the the same wanted effect, different
if this makes sense, this isnt ALL asians/Europeans that have these, its just that alot usually do
pic related. its the same effect they want. but done in a way that compliments the facial structure. i hope this doesnt sound racist to either races. its just that the facial structures are different
No. 16443
File: 1432286945673.jpg (47.79 KB, 745x873, 11109182_10152852712497106_431…)

This might just be me speaking out of my salty ass, but does Fetus' art bother anyone else?
Especially the fact that people are throwing money at her so they can draw something for them in her "super kawaii unique style!!!!! XD"
Again, I'm probably just salty since imo I draw nicer than she does but she gets hella commissions just from her kawaii fashion fame.
No. 16446
>>16207Stuff on Anzu:
she's 18 or 19, not more than that. started college last year. used to be a v. pretty kid with a cute round face and early-teens puppy-fat. not really fat or chubby, just didn't have the body proportions of a grown woman yet. i still have her photos in her first cosplay lying around, i can dig them out if anyone's interested.
then she disappeared for a while and the next time she surfaced, she was emaciated. like, people felt the need to walk up to her and say "you don't look pretty, you look sick. stop starving yourself!" people who know her claimed she subsisted on a chocolate bar a day and her hair started falling out (i've never seen her without a wig since so there may be some truth to it). i don't know what happened to make her snap. i don't know why her family doesn't interfere. where she lives families tend to get all up in their kids' business. but she also seems to be the rich coddled type so maybe her parents are trying to be ~modern~ being all trusting, or just can't cope with her ED sneakiness.
apart from having the same vacant expression in all her photos with her bottom lip hanging out like a dumbass, she isn't involved with visible drama even though her country's cosplay/kawaii uguu scene is famous for being a bunch of attention-starved idiotic kids who kick up shit at the drop of a hat. she wears her omg pastelgothscarycute shit and wigs everywhere and presumably gets harassed a lot, because she's from this near-east country where weird shit isn't tolerated too well. she's already pretty light-skinned, in her selfies mainly filters are involved, but she shoops herself to hide her anorexia. on unshooped photos all her joints and veins are sticking out like nobody's business.
other than that she mainly keeps to herself and plays a lot of video games and is into weeby shit and has friends and goes to school. suspiciously boring for someone who got e-famous for buying and wearing clothes at such an early age.
No. 16449
File: 1432292253062.jpg (107.86 KB, 500x333, 4146204531_456c5cd63e.jpg)

>>16443Obvious trace is obvious. The head is a badly mirrored copy of the Volks Nana model
No. 16452
File: 1432312652070.png (607.71 KB, 1280x1133, tumblr_netrtbHpX31qluf27o1_r2_…)

Speaking of wanky art from kawaii grills.
Anyone else really hate Passerine's stuff? All the same face, sparkly eyes,~kawaii unique disorder~.
And ofc, erryones a lesbian.
No. 16453
File: 1432312762081.jpg (35.94 KB, 550x553, chantelle-brown-young5.jpg)

>>16452lol she copied some models weird skin condition.
No. 16455
>>16454It's not meant to be the model, it's her OC.
It's not like Chantelle Winnie is the first person to have vitiligo.
No. 16456
File: 1432313126061.png (117.38 KB, 500x443, tumblr_ngdpupltLU1qluf27o1_r1_…)

>>16453Vitiligo, I think? It's rarely as symmetrical as that though.
>>16454it's an OH-SEE silly anon, besides, it's pretty much the only body type she knows, besides slightly skinnier.
No. 16461
>>16458Not a good artfag, but no, only the eye sometimes, but usually draw over again and it's more of a 'measurement' if that makes sense.
I like her style but it's all very flat and looks the same, so?? maybe for a dress up game it'd be a good template, but not for everything you ever draw to be the same.
>>16460That's tumblr for you…
No. 16462
File: 1432317039204.jpg (33.24 KB, 323x960, 11150642_449638371871399_77330…)

>>16448She's underweight with a small frame, sure, but nowhere near being as thin as Ash. I feel like the angle of her pics contributes a lot to making her legs look longer/thinner too (like how Beckii Cruel's legs look 5 miles long on her Insta pics only because of angle).
No. 16467
File: 1432343294517.jpg (28.5 KB, 319x226, image.jpg)

I think that's probably anzu back in torucon 2011(i'm not sure i know that the photo is in a very shitty quality).
>>16446Anon can you please post them,bc i couldn't find any of them
No. 16468
File: 1432344795708.jpg (96.95 KB, 409x725, image.jpg)

I found more,but I really don't know…
No. 16471
File: 1432345555606.jpg (77.52 KB, 418x741, image.jpg)

And this is the final one.
No. 16473
>>16471yes, these are all from her first cosplay. she was 13 or 14 and didn't know how to makeup though, so i don't think it's quite fair to hold her up to adult beauty standards. she was just this kid with a reasonable tween's body and chubby cheeks. i thought she was fat or something because her face was chubs.
>>16462anon, i deffo remember seeing some recent unshopped photos where she was way skinnier, but i couldn't find them so you're free to disregard my bullshit.
No. 16481
>>16480F A K E B O I S
No. 16485
File: 1432542146697.png (252.54 KB, 748x522, ss (2015-05-25 at 09.21.39).pn…)

No. 16487
>>16482>>16481>>16480>>16479I've follow PP's
girlfriend Edward on tumblr for a loooong time and she is very much a female she/her girly lipstick lesbian.
No. 16488
File: 1432546969613.jpg (78.19 KB, 720x1280, 11041861_10204429726002962_147…)

she looks like a momosweetcosplay/ahripop wannabe
No. 16489
File: 1432548076793.png (997.21 KB, 1008x1508, tumblr_nm175s0klb1rk5p10o1_128…)

>>16485Don't forget agent-lapin
No. 16491
>>16490I agree that agent-lapin puts more detail into their work, but the way all these artists draw faces in the exact same way kind of disgusts me.
It's especially irritating because you can actually see small differences in between their style if you look closely and can almost
tell they're purposely homogenizing their work for popularity.
No. 16493
>>16452God damn I fucking hate petite paserine. How can she so boldfacedly coopt medical conditions and people's races to make her OP's more popular. It was bad enough when she was just making them all ~kawaii mentally ill~ but now she has some fucking OC with vitiligo called cocobun??? How the fuck has she not been torn apart by SJWs? I'm vehemently anti-most tumblrisms like that, and I still find this shit offensive.
Not to mention she calls them the "Sassy sisters" Eurgh. That in and of itself is bad enough.
No. 16500
File: 1432571390449.png (464.22 KB, 1181x1902, tumblr_nouvqcQ0Ci1qluf27o1_128…)

>>16452Someone paid 60 bucks for this? 60 bucks? For ink and flat colour?
…That feel when I'm a professional artist and I could draw this in about 5 mins. Clearly i should cater to stupid kawaii idiots. They'll pay for anything. Like furfags.
No. 16501
>>16500that fucking ear
i know it's probably some ~magical girl species~
but it's growing out of the jaw
if this bitch ate, her ear would probably flap so much she'd go flying in the air
No. 16502
>>16501It's a blood elf from WoW so not far off lol. And yeah, that ear. Awful, utterly awful. And that anatomy and those limbs. Everything is so flat arughhh.
I hate tumblr style and I hate how popular it is. There is literally no skill in it. I just want to throw loomis at their heads.
No. 16503
File: 1432572469216.jpg (121.01 KB, 589x960, 11239621_1178601622165304_7880…)

>>16502i know right?
either everyone tries to be sparkly uguu like passerine or they all look like pic related
just needs more red nose
No. 16512
File: 1432595539190.png (257.95 KB, 540x530, tumblr_noxdt2UKdC1rk5p10o2_r1_…)

No. 16515
File: 1432598985344.jpg (123.5 KB, 500x703, tumblr_nc637pQ0x41qb87cco1_500…)

>>16514Besides the 80s manga eyes and lips the art of looneylolita doesn't look similar.
No. 16517
>>16504They probably mean the users trying to copy shit like Omocat
>>16515This one give me huge Akiko Higashimura vibes tbh
No. 16519
>>16410I am pretty convinced PeachMilkyTea wants to wear dakotas skin, esp since she had plastic surgery to be a cuter kawaii makeup tutorial goddess.
I wish I saved her patreon plugging video, she wants people to pay for her vids now.
No. 16520
File: 1432661080382.jpg (254.75 KB, 1335x897, luna.JPG)

Plastic surgery?
This girl has changed a lot
(Luna Lovely, you can see her on My Strange Addiction I'm a living doll)
No. 16521
>>16500i'm not a professional artist and
I could draw that in 5 mins.
No. 16523
>>16520This girl is the thirstiest human being I've ever heard of.
I'm convinced she got a boob job from her parents at some point– she looks like she picked implants that were way too big for her frame, though.
at this rate, she'll end up on cosplay deviants or posing for 'gravure' photoshoots.
she's already done lingerie modelling, so it wouldn't surprise me if she transitions to straight-up camming and shit after her 'fresh&innocent' appeal fades.
this girl just seems so hungry for e-fame. why else would anyone agree to appear on a TLC show? she's like one of those kids who doesn't understand the difference between negative and positive attention, they just act up in any way that they can…she just wants to be the next Jessica Nigri. She thinks she's going to be successful simply because she's worked out the equation: "tits+cosplay=attention!!&fans"
No. 16524
>>16519I agree about the wanting to wear Dakota's skin thing. She's got the Japanese titles on her videos even though she doesn't speak a lick of Japanese and all of her tutorials are basic stuff you wouldn't need a tutorial on (like a tutorial on simple braids, really?). She was even talking about big plans she had in that q&a video, then hinted that she was going to move to Japan and become a model later in the video when someone asked if she would.
I don't really have much of an issue with the patreon thing though. Tons of youtubers have them, and as long as she isn't shoving it in peoples' faces, I really couldn't care less. Though, I honestly don't see why anyone would donate to this kind of thing, unless it was someone really talented or something.
No. 16526
>>16520Is this the same dumb cunt who lied and bullshitted about how her appearing on MSA was "a hot mess" and how they were told it was for a lolita documentary?
I found her tumblr and her saying that yet choosing to advertise that she was on MSA in her tumblr description box is so embarrassing holy shit.
No. 16527
>>16523>>16526I think she got boob implants, and oh I remember her saying 'I have to spend 3h to make myself look good, because I want to be like her /the doll/ and I'm not like that, so I need wigs, make up and cl. and I would consider plastic surgery'
She lied, she knew it was for MSA, Venus and the Ken knew about it, why wouldn't she know it too? She knew. But when she saw the chapter she was fucking embarrassed because she looked like the dumb brat she is. I'd also say she has had a nose job, aside from the shoop
No. 16528
File: 1432683313963.png (12.6 KB, 305x39, Screen Shot 2015-05-26 at 4.33…)

i feel like a failure
No. 16534
>>16530Umm didn't she just go to Japan and spend tons of $$$? Also, if she can save up in 4 weeks, why not just borrow the money and pay everyone back?
So fucking over gofundmes, everyone who uses it for frivolous shit should rot in hell.
No. 16535
>>16530urgh just fucking save up
your weeby videos aren't that important a contribution to the world
No. 16557
>>16555I'm far from anorexic, but I'm (healthily) working for a tiny, perhaps even "boyish", body simply because of my lack of curves at any weight. I figure I may as well be thin if I'm going to be lacking in the booty department. Some just want to incorporate as much as they have into what they want.
As well, people come in all shapes and sizes, so it's expected that we'd all have different tastes. What's "weird" to some is perfectly normal for others and vice versa.
No. 16572
File: 1439134051615.jpg (236.92 KB, 1350x1350, image.jpg)

>>16571Pretty sure it's BeautyCam > Magic option > Stars + white pale filter / adjustment for blue sparkles
No. 16573
File: 1439144626173.jpg (96.16 KB, 1280x720, 1430814905582.jpg)

>>16572>mfw I had this app this whole timeI'm going to cry, thank you so much anon!!
No. 16574
i think its the way they gape their mouth. their facial expression is terrible and unflattering 90% of the time. looks much better with a face mask or yknow smiling like a normal person
No. 16575
File: 1445895778313.jpeg (234.88 KB, 768x1024, image.jpeg)

So I noticed that nicholeal's and passerineart's art looks a bit the same.Expect passerine is more ~KAWAII UGGU DESU~ they both draw magical girls, although passerine's Art usually involves a shitload of lesbians with some kawaii turned condition or disorder.
Nicholeal's Art is more detailed and when Passerine actually puts more effort into it, instead of boring flat color,their art looks a lot like Nich's.They know each other.
A few days ago I asked Nich if she was Passerine on anon bc I thought she changed her URL, she told me that she's not the Passerine I was looking for.A bunch of people liked it and someone even commented LOL.I was going to tell Nich sorry for mistaking her and her art for her friend's, but she must've gotten butthurt or something bc anon is off now,They both seem kinda irritating as people.
No. 16576
>>16575They're girlfriends. As in, they're together.
I agree with you, though. Nicholael, petitepasserine and agent-lapin's art all look the fucking same. No originality whatsoever.
No. 16586
File: 1446416749583.jpg (75.6 KB, 496x701, 551dd2fe6a8115c1b3ef5bab8ae459…)

>>16585>>16584Seconding both of you.
I love seeing new artists pop up but people who don't draw sjw fandom shit and/or Tumblr kei definitely do get ignored. It's really annoying because every artist now draws sjw shit or Tumblr kei just to get attention so it's an endless cycle of drawing Tumblr stuff to get attention.
>pic related No. 16587
>>16586Think of it this way though:
They all charge up the butt for commissions because they're NEVER gonna do professional work. The average tumblr kei style artist isnt going to get REAL work.
Sure they might get on some tumblr SJW bullshit project that only tumblr SJWs will be interested in and that's it.
For me as an artist I get super salty to see people pandering to things so hard. Everything is so calculated to get reblogs and favs.
No. 16590
File: 1450047643749.png (13.09 KB, 632x115, ugh.PNG)

I don't know about Youtube, but I've been propositioned on tumblr a lot.
I guess if you have a decent amount of followers you'll get attention. The latest one I received. I don't even update at frequently as tumblr, so it really not hard to get popular there.
No. 16591
File: 1450048382819.png (269.47 KB, 640x479, 1450004601054.png)

>>16586>>16588>>16587Man, this is the realest shit
I've always wanted to make an art blog and put myself out there but it's very intimidating
>I really don't want to get obsessed with being known, how many notes I get, and just pandering to every fandom I can be apart of No. 16597
>>16596how about instead of laughing away in a corner make an anonymous report to the college?
irl stalkers are freaky as shit and should not be tolerated :/// help the girl out
No. 16601
>>16599a different anon but
fetsu recently has been trying/has sold off all of her brand dresses, saying sh doesn't wear the fashion no more. I've seen nothing of her fairy kei lot.
on her insta a lot has been deleted of when she was a "college party normie" and a lot of her old looks are no where to be seen. Has been posting rehashed old fairy kei looks and photos of her dreamy bows orders and some weebs her polymer clay shit. Made a post how she missed the old style and wanting to get back into it. Posted some shitty Galaxy tutorials and now shitty drawings using what looks like bases.
will she fuck up college again this? Only time will tell!
No. 16604
File: 1465411736168.jpg (44.16 KB, 500x667, cosma.jpg)

I think she pulls off alternative j-fashion/lolita/etc really well, but sometimes I wonder if there's any drama on her? She generally has a very nice demeanor online but what sticks in my head is her posting publicly on instagram about a mental breakdown, her being in hospital and ending it with her boyfriend (they used to post such cute pictures together), then within a month she had a new boyfriend. Of course, shit happens, but it strikes me as odd to post something so personal. Looking back, I can't seem to find that instagram post, but maybe other followers of her remember it?
Overall, she seems like a really nice person, it's just that little thing that's stuck in my mind.
No. 16613
>>16611Anything for free shit and a chance to visit the glorious Nippon, I guess.
Plus he's still making tons of money from retarded tumblrinas who blindly white knight him despite all of the proof that he traces.
No. 16620
>>16618kek is this even real are these cows so thirsty for fame
17 followers and ugly as fuck
No. 16621
File: 1546358553087.png (1.28 MB, 750x1334, EA3797B2-BDD1-4091-8DC0-660905…)

Can we talk about Toshi for a sec?
She’s some “idol” for all of these clowns in the kawaii community yet she supports Kensuke from Broken Doll and still continues to model for him after he was called out for cheating on his partner, forcefully kissing people when his band played overseas, and sexually harassing women in Japan.
No. 16626
>>16623She trash talks Jessica (AKA poo Chan) but sticks up for sexual predator Kensuke
Can’t relate
No. 16633
>>16623I met her once IRL at an event. i asked who she was and if she knew somebody, she was so insulted that i never heard of her name or seen her! i was like these online chicks think they're really hot shit!
she's good at posing for pictures definitely. but the whole "Uhm I'm Toshi?!" as if she's this household name bit was…..
No. 34991
>>33756Hey anon. The link is there and so is the milk within the link. Why don’t you click the link and watch it and THEN tell me your opinion lol.
The cow’s name is Daniel Perriera. You can easily find his Facebook.
Friends with Toshi, and a majority of the J-Fashion group. Also a rape apologist, with the fake “I’m so wholesome” persona.
His looks are hideous as fuck and I can’t believe he actually thinks he looks good. If he goes out like that, who wouldn’t take pictures of his fat ass? Lol.
I remember he began complaining about how people were taking pictures of him in public. Well, when you wear a practical human FURRY costume in public, what do you expect?
No. 34995
File: 1550247158597.png (839 KB, 750x1334, 31B0268E-DEC1-4677-8F19-E33119…)

No. 35006
>>35004Yes, he’s like bffs with Toshi and pixie locks. As long as he gets clout from them, he doesn’t care what shit they do to other people. I can’t believe he agreed to be on Barcroft, but Barcroft really loves to interview the most cringe worthy people with the worst reputations. Y’all notice that? Lol.
sage for another topic being brought up, Toshi is also friends with a rapist named Tesa Ellis, an art designer. Another thing to add to this.
No. 35102
>>35057Honestly I’m surprised she doesn’t have her own thread on here yet. I feel like a lot of people are intimidated by her so they don’t say shit, but quite a few people have some major tea on her.
She seriously needs to be exposed.
No. 35137
>>34994cant stand that cow, toshi
>>34995This dude looks like he smells so bad
No. 35155
>>35138After all, Toshi is still sucking Kensuke Iwai’s dick.
Also, even though I absolutely think poo chan is vile, no one copies Toshi. The term “living doll” has been around for so long. There’s so many “living dolls” that I can’t even keep up with.
Toshi and Jess always kissed eachother’s asses until Toshi hopped on the bandwagon with everyone after Jess came out as a racist.
Toshi is a fake ass bitch lmao
No. 36081
>>35155>no one copies Toshi.i kinda have to disagree there, i've seen way too many photos comparing jess and toshi. they look way too similar, down to makeup style.
they are both disgusting though
No. 36112
>>36081Really? Can you show me the similarities? Perhaps it’s me that doesn’t see it.
I feel like all the clowns look alike. I personally think Toshi’s makeup is more detailed, but still horrid for clown makeup.
Jess is more like… Ronald McDonald ya know what i mean?
No. 44761
File: 1555942689642.png (96.91 KB, 341x277, why.png)

>>44749Glad someone posted her - something about her really gets on my nerves. Pastels really don't flatter her one bit, and she can't dress herself at all.
No. 49169
File: 1558328248332.jpeg (447.91 KB, 2048x2048, 3512D2F3-0E21-4B32-BFE6-C55BCF…)

PeachMilkyTea catfishing hard
No. 286339
File: 1679002032837.jpg (447.3 KB, 1502x2003, FrVaIw6XsAIHTUo.jpg)

Just found this and she tries way too hard to shoop herself asian.
(necro) No. 286387
File: 1679016864987.png (592.44 KB, 1280x1280, Screen Shot 2023-03-16 at 9.33…)

>>286339I remember a few years back she didn't shoop herself as aggressively, and actually looked like a normal human being and not an alien.
She's been leaning hard into trying to appeal to her nonexistent Japanese audience kek. But she seems like a pleasant individual, not cow worthy afaik. Bring it to the shoop thread in snow.
No. 286444
File: 1679046440810.jpeg (148.13 KB, 828x1454, 299B3496-65A5-4547-A629-4D02B7…)

>>286339Omg I was thinking about posting her kek I’m glad I’m not the only one who is weirded out by this. I found this in her highlights, i guess it’s a bit less shooped.
No. 286446
File: 1679046523237.jpeg (224.33 KB, 1280x1280, BCEB4394-68B2-47B2-9F4C-40174E…)

>>286387She used to be british kek
No. 286466
>>286339The crazy ugly photoshop that's rampant in jfashion circles these days (that which is arguably worse than a few years ago) is soooooo bad. It's like a competition to see who can look the most uncanny and disgusting. Wtf do you think goes on when they do their little meetups and see how different they look? I know it's worse on Japanese social media, but I seriously have to wonder what the logic is behind it, it goes way beyond trying to correct any "imperfections". We all know you don't look like that…so what are you trying to achieve?
Though I definitely think the "kawaii uguu blogger" is a dead genre, I'd guess this girl's blog gets zero traction
No. 286485
File: 1679073000492.jpeg (122.98 KB, 828x1026, 08C8E918-A247-4900-B06C-992484…)

>>286472You mean this? But I speak totemo nihongo and I know more than you boohoo
No. 287097
>>287012post caps if you can
nonnie i think we'd all like to see
No. 287144
File: 1679378744468.jpg (254.8 KB, 1080x2116, Screenshot_20230320_230217_Tik…)

>I'm going to sage because I'm not 100% sure where to post her since she was in the same vein of all the other living dolls, so /w/ seems fit and this thread seems the closest.
Anastasia has a tiktok apparently, lives in LA. Anyone else hear anything about her in year?
No. 295834
File: 1683505331571.jpeg (162.22 KB, 1170x1277, IMG_1778.jpeg)

Its because you are vapid and insufferable. All you do is spend your parents money and gloat online about what you buy and then you wonder why people can’t stand you. There is nothing likable about her fake wholsome persona.
>If you had empathy
But never considers about how damaging her anachan body and her constant bragging about everything she has online is to others. Cry me a river.(necro, this is not milk)
No. 296599
File: 1683918092971.jpg (504.76 KB, 2152x3774, runemidgarts.jpg)

Sage for no milk but what's with RuneMidgarts? I like her fashion so went to see who she follows for similar style and found out she's a alt right tradwife christian? She even married to a Russian man.
No. 299900
File: 1686252598382.jpg (215.1 KB, 1310x2048, 20230608_202927.jpg)

>>286339Here's her in a cosplay. Holy shit
(sage your shit) No. 300534
>>295834Way to say that you're envious of her rich parents and her being skinny. If you feel so damaged by seeing someone's body, then that sounds more like your problem and not hers.
Anyway, there's no real reason she should be on this thread.
No. 310833
File: 1698350278985.jpeg (519.93 KB, 1536x2048, F9XCvsRakAAbBsy.jpeg)

Why the fuck does Mikan look like this? What the fuck?
No. 319529
File: 1707834182431.jpeg (625.29 KB, 1170x2080, A088CA70-0FF3-4D37-9663-E8BCD8…)

Lmaooo. I’m so happy other people also can’t stand her fake ass persona. My jaw dropped yesterday when some Japanese photographers posted her unedited pics on Twitter. She begged the others to send her the pics they took via DM instead of posting them publicly.
No. 319530
File: 1707834532755.jpeg (683.69 KB, 1170x2080, B996EB94-6B49-421C-8774-03A8A1…)

She also heavily edits her legs way slimmer. She is definitely skinny but not anorexia type skinny. Girlie just screams of Japan larper and body dismorphia. She also used to be friends with Babu_Melo on insta who she hung out with almost daily but suddenly dropped any interaction with. But Babu apparently also has a lot of weird behavior going on concerning gaijins in Japan, being accused of bullying them etc. but I have no concrete information on her other than what some other gaijins have said. I have a lot of info on evie‘s friend babymaroon/ichigomillie but idk if its worth posting about.
No. 324111
>>319530Wow, that's how she looks like? I knew her photos were definitely edited, but she looks way different irl.
I'm kind of curious about ichigomillie. Girl seems
problematic, keeps complaining that men look at her with rapey and thirsty eyes, but literally the first thing you see on her profile are her tits and her profile is basically all porn. I wouldn't be surprised if the guys just recognised her from the internet.
No. 330070
>>319529She is full of lies. She left Japan months ago but is still pretending to be living in Tokyo online.
Many fashion influencers avoided her as she gossips a lot and was involved in drama surrounding other girls.
(sage your shit or post proof) No. 330080
>>330071>>330070It's not definite proof, but I've actually been wondering if she's living in Japan still or if she went back to UK for a while now, she did visit home at one point at least since she posted from UK a bit. Iirc at one point she said she was in Japan for language program which usually last from 6 months to a year and I can tell from experience that language programs are pretty anal about the attendance or you're dropped and forced to leave the country.
The only photos she's posted in a long time are either old or from UK and her new reels are filmed somewhere that's a different room than the one she was living in when staying in Japan. She also used to post reels about going to places in Japan constantly, but now it's just memes and whatever and the last "doing x in japan" reel is from march I think, she posted some "pov: you're shopping in Tokyo" one a while ago, but I think it was all old clips because the Ank Rouge and Sanrio displays are winter items
No. 330184
>>330071Student visas in Japan are short-term and they won’t let you extend it if you don’t have both good grades and attendance. I guess she had to leave because of that.
>>330080This. For the past 3 months she has been getting her nails done in the same place in London and meeting fashion girls from the UK.
Nothing new from Japan so she’s been delulu and lying about still living in Tokyo.
No. 330588
File: 1720107708996.jpg (97.29 KB, 488x790, Screenshot_20240704_163609_Ins…)

>>319530For me her shoops are some of the most egregious. This one also slipped through the cracks. Honestly her real face isn't bad
No. 330752
File: 1720223744845.jpeg (77.47 KB, 640x640, IMG_3666.jpeg)

>>319529also on her website, she owns lolicon eroge figures
No. 330928
File: 1720374436691.jpeg (1.71 MB, 1290x1467, IMG_3417.jpeg)

>>330758Some UK instagrammer posted pictures of the two of them meeting a few days ago in London. She’s definitely been lying for months about still living in Tokyo.
No. 331086
File: 1720447327904.jpeg (Spoiler Image,430.8 KB, 1170x2131, IMG_9736.jpeg)

>>331060Have no idea who they are but managed to find them kek. Spoiler for lack of evidence of milk
>>330968Anon do you have SC or is this just rumour?
No. 331087
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No. 331089
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No. 331090
File: 1720448986616.jpeg (Spoiler Image,371.01 KB, 651x2048, IMG_7067.jpeg)

Ichigo‘s husband met her on Twitter and always liked her posts back when she was still non-private which led to him being a laughing stock on gaijin twitter. Around a week ago her and her husband got doxxed on Twitter and therefore went private or deleted most of their accounts.
She still mostly goes by the names
And another alias but I currently can’t find the account.
No. 331099
File: 1720455740568.jpeg (813.92 KB, 829x3325, Untitled2_20240708171937.jpeg)

>>331089kek another one falls
victim to babu_melo. Was that a response to Evie having her fall out with babu_melo too? Does anyone have the full story about babu_melo vs the world? I heard babu_melo was spreading rumours about Evie but never the full story of what was said. Babu_melo seems milky too, she’s married to a really old man I’m guessing for his money and hangs exclusively with gaijin. I want to know more about her.
No. 331121
>>331103NTA, but why do you care? Have you never seen the personal lolcow thread? Her husband definitely was a meme on certain circles of gaijin Twitter too. I don't see how she isn't milky.
>>331099Horrifying. Hope she's not actually touching that thing.
No. 331292
File: 1720548671426.jpeg (418.43 KB, 1290x1438, IMG_2967.jpeg)

>>331088It’s quite funny though to see the unedited pics when influencers get sponsored by plastic surgery clinics.
No. 331296
>>331292Wonder how that works though because surely she can't reveal her real face by advertising them.
I mean I could be wrong but this already seems to be gone
>>330588 No. 331328
>>331300Directly from the plastic surgeon instagram account: @sbc_shimada_2nd
She advertised the clinic and his account in a sponsored reel.
No. 331748
File: 1720924569253.jpeg (241.73 KB, 1170x928, IMG_1716.jpeg)

She seems to 100% be back home in England. All her latest pictures over the past 2-3 months are in her old room and she’s talking about going to America. Maybe now she will start obsessing over America rather than Japan lmao
No. 331749
File: 1720924734056.jpeg (409.48 KB, 1170x2266, IMG_1714.jpeg)

Her editing is also getting worse and worse what even is this?
No. 333421
File: 1722775675207.jpeg (206.61 KB, 1170x900, IMG_0582.jpeg)

>>331748How does she afford multiple Dior bags over the space of a few months? She doesn’t even have a job?
No. 333743
File: 1723366576315.jpeg (316.38 KB, 1170x1935, IMG_3950.jpeg)

Now I have no idea if this one is legit or not since the pics are very old and there are no updates and it looks overall scammy imo even tho Fantia is apparently a Japanese website like Patreon/OF. I found this while searching her user and the account is also followed by Babus husband jay…but I believe if this is truly her account she wouldn’t make it that obvious by having a similar name lmao. But considering she has a bunch of Japanese simps I wouldn’t be surprised if she sold herself. I also remember a few stories/posts of hers talking about her lingerie so it would make sense. But take this info with a grain of salt as there is no picture proof that it is actually her. My phone blocks the link for safety reasons so I’m scared to get a virus .
No. 333744
File: 1723366616634.jpeg (134.25 KB, 1170x1059, IMG_3952.jpeg)

Proof of jay following that account
No. 333745
File: 1723366785516.jpeg (338.27 KB, 1169x1394, IMG_3949.jpeg)

She’s also still lying about living in Japan and even uploaded a super old video of hers back when she rented that pink kimono
No. 333747
File: 1723368260752.png (2.09 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_3966.png)

Oh right and Evie also is/was friends with this Roro girl who also does 18+ content on patreon for her cosplay fans.
No. 333748
File: 1723371277255.jpeg (125.3 KB, 720x959, IMG_4004.jpeg)

No. 333749
File: 1723371333934.jpeg (2.04 MB, 3464x3464, BA66CE16-C430-45A0-9CE0-9C3A6C…)

Amane Shiomiya (aka babu_melo, Amamelo, amamelo_usatan)
Her husbands name is Takanori Abe and he is a master player in Mahjong just like Melo, they met during one of their plays and apparently fell in love. They married in 2022 in Sanrio puroland and it even was all over the internet and even news channels because of their status as master Mahjong players. She is a singer and voice actress, did gravure modeling (mostly as a schoolgirl…) and is constantly on Japanese YouTube channels, tv shows and online articles, mostly about Mahjong and she has a big Japanese fanbase from what I can tell. She seems to mostly work as a DJ nowadays. One TV segment was about her and her partners age difference and if they don’t feel weirded out by it (Considering that their apartment is full of hentai tapestries of very young looking characters I can only guess how they feel about it).
She is Ex-friends with Ichigomillie & Eviebunnie and current friends with capsulebunny and a bunch of other lolita/jirai gaijins. For the past few years she has also only been seen with gaijins on social media but lately she seems to have noticed that she needs to take care of her Japanese fanbase so she has been hanging out with other DJ‘s and has appeared in Japanese YouTube videos again.
Mello once shared a picture in her story of her and evie being in her apartment and they seemed to have a double date or something since the picture showed her, her husband, evie, and a random man whose face was censored. Evie never shared that pic to her story while she usually always shared everything they did together which seems odd.
Other than her having a fallout with Ichigo and Evie, that apparently only Ichigo talks about since Evie needs to maintain her good girl persona online, and heavily editing her pictures, I can barely find any milk on that woman since nothing seems to be made public by people who she isn’t seen with anymore. I wonder what happened between them and who Melo truly is.
No. 333763
File: 1723399366420.png (831.7 KB, 864x1397, Screenshot_20240712-081119.png)

>>333749from this screenshot
>>331089 it looks like babu is/was associated with ontan @kazukipkpk (@15killer___ on twitter) and konatan (used to go by @konatan_eruma but seems to have nuked her account after getting flamed on 2ch for her bippie antics). Both are 2edgy5me self-harming, ultra-shooped bulimic callgirls that have been my personal jp jirai lolcows for some time. most popular japanese jirai accounts belong to high-school dropout prostitutes that abuse cough medication all day, so it's interesting to see cancel-crazy western weeb influencers get involved with kabiukihoes whose digital footprint would make the average shtwitterfag blush.
Picrel is ontan flexing the physical abuse she lets her "boyfriend" inflict on her. The tags calling it "petit ryona" & (possible BF's name)-loli CP" are fucking gross. sorry 4 derail, i got into jirai before it got traction overseas and stumbled upon so many insane japanese cows if anyone is interested in a thread.
No. 333805
File: 1723474185016.png (Spoiler Image,709.52 KB, 771x624, Screenshot 2024-08-12 104753.p…)

>>333749I did some digging in japanese and found out that Amane used to go by Minori Kanda (かんだみのり) before she got a ton of surgery and rebranded. She has ties to some pretty powerful entertainment companies and organized crime syndicates involved in a scandal, apparently: summary:
>A several groups of comedians working under Yoshimoto Kogyo (huge entertainment conglomerate) were caught in a scandal where they were throwing parties with yakuza who had committed bank transfer/tax fraud>On Aug 9 2019, it was announced that the comedians were going to start performing again after being temporarily suspended>In August 2019, a purikura photo was leaked to twitter of an unknown woman with Yoshimoto Kogyo Chairman Hiroshi Osaki by former yakuza gang member Garyu Okita shortly after the announcement> the purikura was from October 2015, when Amane set up a Purikura booth at an art exhibition at the Kyoto International Film Festival, a film festival run by Yoshimoto Kogyo. The machine allowed visitors to take a two-shot Purikura photo with Shiomiya>Shiomiya married Jean-Paul Takahashi, a composer and other active individuals, in January 2016. Their wedding took place in the gymnasium at Yoshimoto Kogyo's headquarters, with Chairman Hiroshi Osaki acting as the pastor. No. 333807
File: 1723478944682.jpg (53.27 KB, 640x480, ojisantrain.jpg)

>>333805I also found a tanuki thread on amane/minori here; milk summary:
>was a streamer on the platform Fuwacchi as minori around 2015. She wasn't extremely popular and got easily provoked by hate comments/would suicide bait>she may have e-begged and scammed some viewers>Despite being married to Jean-Pierre Takahashi, minori's social media posts showed that she was often on dates/trips with different men>As of May 2019, minori started seeing Takanori Abe while still living in the house she bought with JP, Venus/Manaki-style>Sometime before May a picture of hamplanet minori and the ancient Takahashi post-coitus was leaked to twitter>Took forever to get divorced from JP, she was still legally married to him around October 2021 while dating Abe>was also cheating on JP with some lolicon denpa composer/ idol producer guy called Hiroty (ひろてー), who worked on her shitty "music">Rumored to have insanely rich parents that fund her NEET lifestyle/brandwhoring/consooming habits>Stuck in a DDLG larp even though she's 34 (born 1990). Wears sailor uniforms, speaks like an anime character, lies about being 10 years younger>went anachan + got a fuck ton of plastic surgery, including chin reduction, a botched nosejob, and horrible eye bag filler/eye opening surgery that makes her look deformed. Edits into oblivion to hide her aging face>Only hangs out with old men. Has never dated a man her own age. Rumored to have a fear of young guys>Has private profiles where she would brag about cheating on men that got exposed. She deleted these for damage control around 2021>Abe's current marriage to minori is his FOURTH MARRIAGE>Abe changed his twitter handle to something like "Adultery Bento Box" while minori was still his mistress, suggesting that he has a fetish for her sleeping around>Abe is the Vice President of Real Mahjong Unit (RMU), which he and minori are part of. RMU is a fairly easy mahjong association to get into and tends to accept losers and freaks>Abe might be broke and relying financially on minori instead of the other way around kek>treats pets like accessories - bought and neglected cats, dogs, hamsters that Abe got herBasically she's a compulsively cheating womanchild with an old man fetish who only became relevant because of her connections to Yoshimoto Kogyo/fucking her way into the mahjong community/entertainment industry.
I guess she's been hanging out with gaijins because they aren't aware of her shady history.
No. 333809
>>333763I'm interested!
>>333807What an entertaining read. Thank you nona
No. 334045
File: 1723677058694.png (Spoiler Image,1.07 MB, 863x1177, Screenshot_20240814-190907.png)

>>333792Konata's back on instagram @inusuki_kawaii
The editing on this selfie…I'm scared
No. 334078
>>333807A bit late but thanks for that delicious milk nona-chan.
It reminds me of the site's atmosphere many years ago, when weeb/Jfashion milk flowed like water.
Wish we had a jirai-kei thread.
No. 334260
File: 1723889411326.jpeg (222.55 KB, 1440x1425, IMG_0795.jpeg)

On the subject of JP jirai girls. Does anyone know what happened to @hiudayonn? I don’t know if she is known at all but I can across her account around a year ago. Used to frequently post SH with her arms completely and deeply butchered up. Had @ritudayonn in her bio, I’m assuming this may have been her oshi. She said she had something coming up for 17th January iirc, after checking her account after that date her account was gone. I tried to investigate out of curiosity but came out with more questions as to what happened and dead ends. Seems like some bizarre suicide chain from what I found. Not necessarily milky but I’m far too curious as to know what happened to her without just assuming she’s dead.
No. 334315
File: 1723928709554.png (Spoiler Image,599.05 KB, 863x980, IMG_20240817_170256.png)

>>334266(am anon from
>>333805 >>333807). thinking about making the jp jirai drama thread, it just takes a while bc I don't trust twitter/ig automatic translation and rely on my mediocre moonrune reading ability/deepL/cross referencing jp gossip sites and tanuki to summarize milk accurately. It's probably a good idea to combine western & japanese cows into a single thread. j*nnies have been
trigger happy lately so I want to ensure it's decent.
Suitable cows on my radar:
>Kohakubucho (こはくぶちょー) @kohaku.221 - Plastic surgery monster maid cafe/girl's bar employee with a fucked up mother that got into drama with Japanese YouTubers>Chuutai Moe-tan (中退もえたん) @o41513__m (IG) 22 yr old prostitute/ex underground idol/gravure model that got meme'd bc of her horrifying makeup and botched face. Known for drug fueled videos of her crying and sperging out, often in public. Was recently interviewed live on Japanese tv during one of her spergouts and currently has it pinned proudly on her ig profile
>Aoi-chan(あおいちゃん)(no social media but is frequently interviewed/filmed by internet personalities.) A morbidly obese, developmentally disabled, host club addicted homeless woman that sleeps on the streets of Kabukicho. Mentally unstable, sometimes physically aggressive to passersby>Elemental Hero/Ereme-chan (えれめんたるひーろー/えれめちゃん) @e__hero__e a 20something autistic fat streamer that gained popularity on tiktok with the "Toyoko kids" crowd around 2022 for harassing/startling pedestrians near the Toho Cinemas building in Shinjuku. Is very violent/impulsive and regularly insults/threatens to kill her fans. Burnt bridges with several Japanese content creators. Has gotten into trouble with police many times and was recently arrested in January 2024 for property damage. Involved with a Japanese drama YouTuber named yorihito (よりひと) who passed on messages from Ereme to her fans for a bit while she was in jail. He's also a trainwreck-got exposed a couple months ago for going on compensated dates with a 13 yr old girl: 4 are part of the jirai/associated subcultures and exhibit the stereotypical self harm/moid-obsessed/drug abuse/online over sharing "landmine" behaviors. Sage for gigasperg
No. 334836
File: 1724519288154.jpeg (365.76 KB, 1170x2162, IMG_5147.jpeg)

Girly is still lying about living in Japan, only posting old videos and current photos in which you can barely see the background. Why is she so obsessed with lying about living in Tokyo?
No. 334837
File: 1724519320536.jpeg (165.75 KB, 1170x754, IMG_5148.jpeg)

Lmao surely that’s the reason
No. 334838
File: 1724519491523.jpeg (195.56 KB, 950x1267, IMG_5145.jpeg)

Jesus Christ it’s getting worse and worse. She should lay down the phone for one single day and not obsess with the way she looks. She’s literally online 24/7, no wonder her brain is fried.
No. 334888
File: 1724600230676.jpeg (420.03 KB, 1170x1547, IMG_1150.jpeg)

>>334838Her face looks so fat and bloated with filler now. Shame.
No. 334961
File: 1724686408260.jpeg (87.6 KB, 662x585, DPRd0KG.jpeg)

>>334836In her last hair care reel she had people ask her when she moved to Japan and why she's always holed up in her room instead of filming outside and she said she's been living in Tokyo since march 2023 and that she's working 2 jobs so she doesn't have time to go out. Sure, 2 jobs is exactly why you can't even go out and film your regular "walking around in tokyo without buying anything" reels. You're so unbearable that if you actually lived in Tokyo you would absolutely flaunt it nonstop.
Also nitpick but her giving tips for heathy long hair is funny to me since over half of her hair is extensions, you can see where her own hair ends in the second pic and it's not looking very healhy or long
No. 334984
File: 1724702369276.jpeg (1.38 MB, 4096x2730, F1CBC632-8718-4F19-9C4F-A47327…)

>>334961That's so embarrassing, you can definitely tell in her close ups and tagged how insanely damaged her hair looks from all the bleach. One look at the bangs and it shows
No. 335049
File: 1724772939486.jpeg (273.36 KB, 828x1335, IMG_8729.jpeg)

>>334838>>334961She’s shamelessly photoshopping herself into an alien baby. Almost can’t blame her because it’s so common in japan and the jirai scene. I remember seeing either Liz Lisa (picrel) or Dear my love would use a model that has the same photoshop style as Evii
No. 335222
File: 1724961966336.jpeg (279.32 KB, 1290x2270, IMG_3996.jpeg)

>>334836Another concrete proof that she is lying about living in Tokyo and is currently in the UK. Her latest nails’ story was republished by a nail artist located in London and thanking her.
No. 335230
File: 1724965718879.png (23.81 KB, 600x386, Morphological-representations-…)

>>334984The way she's stretching her hands makes them look like rat paws kek. Wouldn't be surprised if she edits her fingers to look thinner
No. 335513
File: 1726333787548.jpeg (266.57 KB, 1170x1760, IMG_6592.jpeg)

Lmaoooo she made this new video and everything is either filmed in her room in London or old videos from back when she was in Japan. If she truly goes to cafes each month how come she isn’t posting any pics? If she is truly „so busy“ with her job to the point of not being able to make new content how come she has the time to edit so many videos that she posts daily? My god her delusional lying ass is so fucking annoying.
No. 335543
File: 1726356267454.jpeg (356.63 KB, 1290x2227, IMG_4121.jpeg)

>>335513she posted this earlier so she is in japan, but at a foreigner hair salon. her japanese is diabolical btw. she needs to cut her hair so bad
No. 335624
File: 1726495245996.jpeg (212.79 KB, 1170x1175, IMG_1796.jpeg)

>>335581It’s crazy only a few months ago she was worried about not attending class in Japan because of her ‘illness’ but now can have 3 jobs all from her bedroom in London.. I mean Tokyo..
No. 335711
>>335707Well. She was attending a Japanese language school in Tokyo without a baito. Those are pretty expensive as tuition is about ¥1,O00,000 a year. This plus monthly expenses (rent + food + buying clothes and Sanrio shit)
Even if she had savings, no 22 years-old who attended college would have that much money.
She says she's earning money from instagram affiliate program, but she only has 30,9k followers so she can't be making much at all. Wages are also pretty low in Japan: around ¥2O00,000 for most entry-level jobs.
No. 335971
File: 1726891443660.jpeg (748.04 KB, 1290x1401, IMG_4328.jpeg)

>>335759>>335873she’s always claimed to be a lesbian
No. 335995
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>>335971She said she has/had a boyfriend. Eve talking about lesbians is probably her being a fujo.
No. 335996
File: 1726941741367.jpeg (73.24 KB, 1170x339, IMG_1902.jpeg)

>>335995Evidence of her being a fujo. She fetishizes gay relationships and wants her boyfriend to join in.
No. 336024
>>336013I also followed her for years and she used to
mentioned her bf a bunch of times on Twitter, especially around 2018/2019. She probably stopped so that her male fans wouldn’t get jealous I’d guess, but maybe they also just broke up. But tbh she literally loves to pretend to like things to gain support from people when somethings is popular, that’s why she is also suddenly into all these gross visual novels that rose in popularity this year while claiming to love these things for a decade lmao, so I wouldn’t be surprised if she lied about this.
She also suddenly did the Frieren cosplay with her OF cosplayer girlfriend while never talking about the show ever, even writing the name wrong in every single one of her posts. But I also personally know a bunch of straight women that love their yuri ships, so it wouldn’t even be far fetched if she genuinely just likes yuri couples. Or maybe she is actually just bi.
In any case, she is a attention seeking piece of shit and I wouldn’t be surprised if she lies about even the most crazy things lmao.
No. 336295
>>333748Looks like people are finally seeing Evie’s true colors. She’s got quite a lot of drama among the foreign kawaii influencers circle in Japan.
At that time Amane and her used to be bff. She often arrived late at events or ended up not showing up at all without giving any proper explanation or sending messages to inform the host. When she did show up, she was very different from the vibes she gives online and ended up mostly complaining about her life in Japan. For that, she kinda got blacklisted from that circle.
A little while after, Amane started posting that her mental health was bad and she was having troubles with her close circle. Then she exposed that her friendship with Evie was too much for her. Tl;dr she would get jealous and possessive if Amane met other girls, she would spend her time gossiping about other influencers (earlgrey, babu maron, capsulebutt…) and complain everyday about her language school. Amane’s mental health continued to worsen so she ended their friendship.
Sad thing is Evie is now acting all nice around Maron when she’d keep criticizing her for doing SH and her mental breakdowns.
No. 336462
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No. 336463
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No. 336483
File: 1727820916016.jpeg (21.52 KB, 281x309, 1727781721411.jpeg)

>>336462Look how her shoulder sucks in the background and then puffs back out under the arm sleeve. Someone should trace her whole arm in that picture to show how fucked up it is, lol.
No. 336485
File: 1727823448592.jpeg (53.1 KB, 420x548, IMG_7641.jpeg)

>>336483This one is also great
No. 336495
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No. 336496
File: 1727852362737.jpeg (237.53 KB, 1170x1056, IMG_7663.jpeg)

For someone that said she really liked Frieren to the point she even cosplayed the character, she still hasn’t written the name correct once…
No. 336656
>>333805>>333807Jfc that 2ch thread.
I'm really interested in this Amane character, she seems extremely milky and it's so weird to see a japanese woman pushing 35 surround herself with early 20s white girls. It's like some strange reverse jirai Gwen Stefani kek
No. 336684
File: 1728234925111.jpeg (1.96 MB, 1290x2264, IMG_4328.jpeg)

>>336501A new photoshop monster has dropped.
No. 336830
File: 1728410475243.jpeg (58.21 KB, 449x397, IMG_2445.jpeg)

This has got to be some of the worst editing I’ve ever seen. The salad fingers are killing me.
No. 336866
File: 1728478113216.jpeg (447.38 KB, 1170x1948, IMG_8066.jpeg)

I can’t even begin to list down everything wrong with the editing in this one
No. 337143
File: 1728922276442.jpeg (168.23 KB, 828x1596, IMG_9476.jpeg)

Hilarious how she posted this first cosplay of her showing her real face and jaw kek
No. 337312
File: 1729123927724.jpeg (308.58 KB, 1170x1994, IMG_8445.jpeg)

Someone please delete the Meitu App from her Phone…what is this??
No. 337513
File: 1729508642921.jpeg (397.48 KB, 1170x2102, IMG_3064.jpeg)

>>337312I had to look for the source to prove
nonnie didn’t edit that themselves. It’s insane she edits like this to her own face and thinks no one will notice. I’m crying because she isn’t even editing herself better, she’s making herself ugly kek
No. 337924
File: 1730345929673.jpeg (352.65 KB, 1170x1662, IMG_9372.jpeg)

This is the second time she posted this picture because she said that some text in the previous one was “rude” (it genuinely was lmao) and she’s asking for people to share this…imagine trying to gain attention through a dead friend. How nasty can someone be?? Why are all these Tokyo bitches the worst humans and friends to exist?
No. 337945
File: 1730420618430.png (Spoiler Image,605.39 KB, 946x945, lylBJz3.png)

>>337940The dead girl drew her several times, so I assume they were at least at some point
No. 338063
File: 1730571587331.jpeg (543.78 KB, 1170x2142, IMG_3281.jpeg)

For someone who liked to talk shit about Jirais who post self harm, she sure does love to glorify her pathetically diced up ham arms KEK
No. 338113
>>338090Same. Shes super dramatic and bitchy with spreading drama around the community whilst acting like she can do no wrong and then cries
victim at any opportunity. So many times she has “vented” shit about her friends on her stories behind their backs or tried to bully other girls in to being ostracised and blocked from the com over any petty falling out is crazy. I’m surprised she even has any friends but I guess it’s just so they can remain on her shitty Discord circlejerk
No. 338163
File: 1730832069136.jpeg (27.29 KB, 240x320, lolz.jpeg)

truly surprised nobody has posted about the rich western jirais going to japan and larping as toyoko kids. the jirai community is so milky tbh i wish someone more skilled than me would make a thread
toyoko kids are a group of runaway/homeless japanese youth who spend their time getting drunk & high on cough medicine in the streets of shinjuku (specifically kabukicho). they often only earn money through prostitution, papakatsu, concafe/hosting adventures. basically, its a very predatory, unhealthy and dangerous thing for young girls to get mixed up in .
fast forward, edgy tryhard twitter jirais have started desperately trying to larp as toyoko kids. these privileged, rich tourists are going to kabukicho, getting high on cough medicine and trying to act like homeless & abused teenagers. funnily enough, these teenagers keep robbing them KEK
the main people involved are:
"rin" @marinjirai on twitter. ugly as sin, elitist and annoying as hell. she seems to be spearheading the weird larp and recently got in drama about it. she's from america, and visits japan very frequently and doesnt hesitate to post her massive 100,000 yen jirai kei clothing hauls- all off her parents dime. along with other non-japanese people, they go into kabukicho with cans of strong zero and roll around on the floor trying to be like rEaL JiRaIs
@meruu218 on twitter.
white girl living in japan and going around with rin. doing the same shit, abusing drugs and alcohol, posting herself with the toyoko kids desperately trying to fit in.
@usadapeko on twitter.
actually lives in japan, made a tweet saying "yall are NOT toyoko kids oh my god". criticising the rich westerners who think its fun to hang around with these people, before going back to their expensive hotel room. plainly explained that kabukicho is dangerous, that people shouldnt be there, let alone romanticising the area. received a barrage of hate from "rin" and her dickriders, then rin went private.
No. 338164
File: 1730832171480.jpeg (1.7 MB, 3825x5100, IMG_5733.jpeg)

>>338163sorry girlies idk why the pic is so small, hopefully this is better
No. 338175
File: 1730837804932.jpeg (363.16 KB, 1170x1629, IMG_3375.jpeg)

>>338163I was waiting for someone to post this. They are all retarded but @usadapeko seems salty and then got dragged for being a smutpeddling lolicon. Glass houses kek
No. 338206
>>338181Usadapeko is also pretty milky if you dig enough, like most of these rich Western jirai posers living in Japan on their parents’ money.
Tl;dr doesn’t work, complains all day on twitter, yet can afford to live in Japan and spend thousands of $$$ on idol shit, wotaku stuff and clothes.
No. 338329
File: 1731085603360.jpeg (335.04 KB, 1236x2048, IMG_4543.jpeg)

What’s going on with her arm?? Is it made of marshmallows?
No. 338357
File: 1731140101361.jpeg (Spoiler Image,875.45 KB, 2000x2000, n9SijP3.jpeg)

>>338306>>338249Yeah her and her bff Sophie both have been called out for it before. It was talked about in a different thread
>>332923Sadly there's no screenshots but many shared some "something something pedos don't belong in this comm don't buy gross loli tapestries" copypasta on their stories around that time, Ellie included which is pretty hypocritical since she's friends with Evie who's openly posting her loli cosplays and collects stuff like shown here, looked up the characters and the two with known ages are 11 and 12 btw
No. 338359
File: 1731140162516.jpeg (128.39 KB, 756x945, AyjcdK5.jpeg)

>>338357She's deleted/hidden her loli figure pics from Instagram but her Saya no Uta cosplay is still there
No. 338360
File: 1731140354381.jpeg (Spoiler Image,139.72 KB, 600x891, lf4VPpr.jpeg)

>>338359She's also hidden her collection on MFC but her pics are still up and you can see some of her collection in her public lists which includes stuff like this. The lists also have stuff that's cropped by MFC because they consider it too blatantly CP. She's probably the only big western jirai account who I know is openly into actual lolicon but nobody bats an eye
No. 338363
File: 1731153255332.jpeg (795.26 KB, 1627x2033, 55847CCD-0571-4C24-BBE5-FF66D1…)

>>338360Thank you
nonnie for your service with pointing their MFC out because I swore I saw Evie own loli tapestries last year but whenever I looked for proof it was gone from her social accounts. I have said the same thing about Evie but people seem to be fooled by her Christian good girl act, they don’t believe she could surely own them for dubious reasons despite most of the figures and tapestries being erotically posed or half clothed.
>>338357I have the screenshots. Ellie is a two faced fat bitch. It wouldn’t surprise me if she shared the post of Sophie after the pedo post so people would know who she was making a dig at and laugh. Either that or she’s a massive hypocrite and virtue signaller because Evie is her “friend” but owns the same pieces of artwork as the people Ellie was publicly talking shit about. How embarrassing!
No. 338365
File: 1731162224583.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.42 MB, 3510x1755, C4BD31A9-7372-4FAB-B1C0-FC1429…)

>>338360> The lists also have stuff that's cropped by MFC because they consider it too blatantly CP.I went in to my settings and enabled NSFW+ to find what these hidden tapestries are and this is what came up on her MFC. She’s not beating the lolicon allegations any time soon
No. 338370
>>338353How did you manage to spell jirai wrong three times in one sentence
>>338359Hasn't like every single "alt" zoomer cosplayed this character or claimed to be ~so niche~ for liking this game? (iirc Addyharajuku)
No. 338374
File: 1731182094970.jpeg (92.27 KB, 480x640, IMG_4545.jpeg)

>>338368Evie did have several shots where she was trying to pedobait while making herself look like a middle schooler. Liking cute things is no excuse to try to make yourself look like a little girl.
She removed most pictures but I did find this one. I wonder if that’s not a cosplay from the main character of Kodomo no Jikan, some gross lolicon manga and anime.
No. 338378
File: 1731188083360.jpeg (1.68 MB, 2456x3682, 449DEC51-93CD-48D3-9463-10471C…)

>>338374Now that you mention it looking at the hair it does look like a subtle nod to Kodomo no Jikan and I wouldn’t put it past her in all honesty after seeing the sexualised lolicon shit she owns
No. 338379
File: 1731188170380.png (430.4 KB, 853x480, IMG_3570.png)

>>338378FYI the child in this is like 7 years old and constantly making sexual advances to her adult kindergarten teacher
No. 338380
File: 1731194862083.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1290x1975, IMG_5819.jpeg)

>>338378noticeable photo warping where she edited her chest to flat
No. 338397
>>338378loli panderers are scum
No. 338402
>>338398Honestly she has to be missing a chunk of her brain to go from megachin to intentionally making it look like she lost her entire lower jaw in a war or is some inbred doomed half-formed baby that has to be tube fed.
She could have just trimmed her chin down a tiny bit, she’s even going significantly beyond the super uguu animu freak face edits that retarded Japanese jirai chicks do. Idk how her comment sections aren’t all flooded with roasts.
No. 338411
>>338409Wow yeah that’s it, she said she wants to cosplay the like weird warped girl from it but didn’t know how that would go. Tbh idk much about the game. But one google search and you see pretty bad scenes like, I don’t even want to share them here it’s weird.
>>338410Yeah I was talking about that, I just find it a bit weird and I can’t believe Elilie just ignores her best friend being a blatant lolicon.. Ellie even posted a story today about exposing lolicons etc. I feel bad for these girls almost because I can’t help but wonder what pushes them to enjoy seeing young girls this way.
(sage your shit) No. 338412
File: 1731257128771.jpeg (420.47 KB, 1170x2052, IMG_3605.jpeg)

>>338407Racist - Ria AKA landmyneri
>>332867. Transphobe - Lola AKA lacehime, allegedly made some TERFy remarks in a Brazil GC and Ellie started a crusade kek. Ellie is nasty to her friends. She posted this rant once about trauma dumping. Can you imagine having a bad day and you talk to your friend for moral support and she trashes you publicly on IG stories calling you manipulative and saying you’re begging for help, I would immediately kms kek. She probs hid it from whoever the jab was at because she’s a 2 faced chicken shit and wants friends as long as they comment her photos and tell her how beautiful she is as she rubs her pork belly, but everyone talks, everyone passes along screenshots because of how insane and power hungry she is, it’s hilarious
No. 338418
>>338412Lola is not allegedly a transphobe, she’s pretty much a confirmed
TERF. She said shit like trans women are ugly and had some other takes on her IG. It’s funny because she’s ugly herself and delusional af judging by her captions, girl lives in another reality where she thinks she’s God. Milky content.
(sage your shit) No. 338424
File: 1731273137735.jpg (3.61 MB, 3464x3464, 1000075882.jpg)

>>338365Surprised no one has talked about this kink lolicon degenerate. Sleepy_bunny_princess ska sleepy_bunny_bitch aka binki. Seems to have some baby fetish. Been called out and banned from Jirai servers for posting loliporn while underage. Is now posting her weird kink pinkii concert on main while barely 18
No. 338426
>>338424They were mentioned here
>>332923 , unfortunately there is a lot of crossover with both threads because no one will make a Jirai thread so info ends up being divided between both
No. 338440
File: 1731283986852.jpeg (686.77 KB, 1072x1906, sHAN6rn.jpeg)

Ellie went on a rant in her stories and responded to some stuff said here. Mentioning Lolcow is always stupid in my opinion because people will look it up
No. 338441
File: 1731284012647.jpeg (123.16 KB, 537x953, 42mroIs.jpeg)

>>338440She completely disregarded being called out for her lolicon hypocrisy though and then shilled Evie right after showing she's fully aware of her being into lolicon and endorses her and her being into it, proving she absolutely does not actually care and was only using it for brownie points and as an excuse to put others down and chase them out from the comm
Also you can see the tapestry with the exact illustration she ranted about earlier in the background of Evie's pic in
>>338374, proving that Evie indeed owns it
No. 338445
>>338441Correct. The only reason why Ellie cared about the whole lolicon tapestries was because Cheri talked shit about her and was kicked out the server, and then Sophie, being friends with Cheri, also left Ellie’s shitty server meaning that it was only a spiteful vendetta and not that she really actually cared.
>>338440Is she delusional kek.
>ParasocialYou’re not famous Ellie, no one is living through you. These are people who are in the same circles as you that cannot stand you.
>SHEllie is so self centred all she cares about is her own boundaries and expects others to comply, meanwhile takes videos making sure to come real close the camera to ‘press record’ so you can see her chicken scratches up close and see how much of a real Jirai she is rather than trimming that out of the video, using another arm or just covering it like a normal person. She doesn’t care if others see it and are influenced to SH or
triggered to relapse, she only cares about her own weaponised boundaries.
>I laughed at the fat commentsCope and seethe. You left twitter because someone called you big. You constantly seethed online that you being fat was why JP instazines wouldn’t post you not the fact that they rarely post any western girls but you’re so entitled.
No. 338447
File: 1731286901192.jpg (4.62 MB, 4619x2598, 1000075945.jpg)

>>338398Theres so many, this weirdo is a fujoshi and loves acting up her mental issues. Her photoshopping is insane LOL. Friends with binki and pretends to be a vampire
No. 338448
File: 1731287056461.jpg (4.24 MB, 6000x2000, 1000075944.jpg)

>>338447 And this weirdo is obsessed with strawberry milk slut, he even changed his name to be like hers. He tried selling his busted ass wig styling LOL. Idk if hes trans or a crossdresser
No. 338451
File: 1731288055649.jpg (130.9 KB, 476x390, 1000075949.jpg)

Literally a man in a wig
No. 338452
File: 1731288093516.jpg (182.48 KB, 528x586, 1000075951.jpg)

I can see the beard coming in BRO(unintegrated unsaged retard)
No. 338454
File: 1731288978886.jpg (175.32 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_20241111_023451_304.jpg)

>>338448Who the hell is paying for these busted ass partycity wigs
(unsaged spam) No. 338455
File: 1731289056485.jpeg (80.43 KB, 735x855, GCrPeWpWYAA1Jbt.jpeg)

>>338374>>338378Is it really a Kodomo no Jikan cosplay? It looks more like that repugnant cutecore jojifuku shit that's popular on TikTok. She's still a lolicon, don't get me wrong, but I don't think she was dressing as a specific character.
No. 338459
File: 1731289263259.jpg (2 MB, 1440x2450, Screenshot_20241111-022824_Ins…)

>>338448>>338455He's also obsessed with the us military, he posted all these on his car account. Bro is a DACA latino but a trumpie…
No. 338460
File: 1731289362891.jpg (437.69 KB, 1200x1600, 1000075954.jpg)

>>338452Mountainous terrain with a hint of five o' clock shadow
(sage non-milk) No. 338477
File: 1731303832645.png (933.2 KB, 1179x1332, grrrrr2.png)

found her old instagram… it is 162meri. went from basic brandy melville alt girl to japanese larper kek
No. 338478
File: 1731303937633.png (1.01 MB, 1179x1175, grrrrr1.png)

here is usadapeko before
No. 338482
File: 1731319549729.jpg (669.52 KB, 3264x2448, MEITU_20241111_110444704.jpg)

Chill, none of us wants you dead girl
No. 338485
File: 1731326953523.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1170x1426, IMG_5510.jpeg)

>>336463the neck in this one always makes me laugh like how can you even post something like this
>>338482this girl posts some suicidal shit every other week. she needs to get off socials and get therapy
No. 338504
>>338501>>338482Right? Foh with that
WAAAHHH CONSEQUENCES ish. No one here's going to baby you no matter how much you infantilize yourself, you know better, so be better.
No. 338513
>>338418>implying most trannies aren't uglylmao
I've seen the screenshots, Ellie even accused this girl of pedophilia, that shit was so taken out of context it's hilarious. Autistic fucks like her as soon as something different (that isn't necessarily bad) happens to their retarded circlejerk they go into full panic mode, dump shit in their instagram stories and block everyone so they don't have to argue back. Hilarious.
No. 338528
File: 1731374886614.jpeg (93.35 KB, 1170x2078, IMG_5526.jpeg)

>>338482no matter how low i am mentally, i would never dump false guilt on randos for attention jesus christ
No. 338576
File: 1731516460416.jpeg (744.78 KB, 1290x2280, IMG_5893.jpeg)

imagine getting posted extremely briefly, not even being the topic of convo, on lolcow. and then trying to kill yourself over it?? the fuck? just gonna make yourself more of a cow, nobody even cared about you that much until you started suicide baiting
No. 338578
File: 1731523748812.webp (18.59 KB, 448x1024, IMG_0170.webp)

>>338576I’m sure she’s just trying to guilt trip.
No. 338603
File: 1731552269804.jpeg (77.33 KB, 617x541, IMG_0324.jpeg)

No. 338610
File: 1731573646282.jpeg (410 KB, 1170x2276, IMG_0348.jpeg)

No. 338616
>>338610I mean if you look nothing like your photos and that’s what people are complimenting I guess that checks out kek
>>338576You telling me she couldn’t have dm her friends separately or posted to close friends at the very least? And she had to make an announcement as soon as she unprivated her instagram again after going private for all of what 4hours? BBFR no one asked and it didn’t happen you bpd attention seeker.
No. 338628
File: 1731608745528.jpg (912.9 KB, 1170x1045, sanchan.jpg)

>>338163Kek now the new larper is @becomingadoll AKA san-chan. Took a trip to japan with her boyfriend that she calls “Harupi” to cut and take cough medicine. It’s like they can’t realize how much of a toyoko wannabe they are after a certain point.
No. 338633
>>338628The cringe is strong with this one.
>>338632Typical "when Japan" weeb kek. I guess it's worth fucking up your liver over a shitty high for some jirai cred.
No. 338638
File: 1731613930837.png (1.37 MB, 1210x1190, Untitled382_20241114134603.png)

>>338632They could, but then it wouldn’t be kawaii landmine desu.
>>338636Kek it gets worse
No. 338641
>>338638The callouts are cringe too
>omg he's probably using you for a greencard>stfu calling ur b/f a cute nickname weeboAlso, this dumb ODing on weak ass Japanese cold medicine shit is why their medicines fucking suck and they're overly cautious about loosening regulations for something as simple as an ibuprofen, so ironically you have to take so much that it can cause damage to your liver and stomach lining before you even get any benefit from it.
No. 338643
File: 1731620361207.jpeg (269.57 KB, 1170x2035, IMG_0368.jpeg)

She literally looks like a dolphin kek
No. 338658
File: 1731634856472.jpeg (260.81 KB, 1170x1519, IMG_0380.jpeg)

Huh, I guess even being suicidal doesn’t keep her from going to puroland and getting her hair done as if nothing happened lmao
No. 338676
File: 1731684422514.jpg (222.96 KB, 1080x1914, Screenshot_20241115_172551_X.j…)

>>338643So glad my face doesn't look like this
No. 338677
File: 1731685957610.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1170x1919, IMG_5566.jpeg)

>>338610this is the weirdest part about her to me like all these glow up posts when you’re just photoshopping yourself into a version that doesn’t exist. is there no embarrassment when ppl look through your tagged photos or see you in public and it’s not even remotely the same person? she’s said she’s spent £15,000 on surgeries but obviously it was a shit investment if you’re shooping yourself to death
No. 338695
File: 1731717362074.jpeg (79.34 KB, 828x828, FEoz2jLXoAIiY_4.jpeg)

>>338684It's not what you're looking for (still obviously edited), but I found an old picture of her from 2021 that's comparatively less edited than the monstrosities she's posting currently. I think this style suits her more than the irl loli princess one she's going for currently tbh
No. 338699
File: 1731719084894.jpeg (65.89 KB, 680x680, IMG_0408.jpeg)

She used to look so much cuter…I’ve been following her since 2020/2021 and she also seemed to be way more herself than this curated persona she is trying to be now…I wonder what made her change so much?
No. 338700
File: 1731719248896.jpeg (176.16 KB, 1169x1348, IMG_9955.jpeg)

From a video that capsulebunnie posted where she was trying EXTREMELY hard to constantly hide herself
No. 338701
File: 1731719435919.jpeg (230.44 KB, 1170x1652, IMG_9584.jpeg)

She is genuinely not even ugly, jfashion just doesn’t suit her face and that’s her issue. This girl is giving herself the worst body dysmorphia because she wants to fit the Asian beauty standard no matter what it takes. I feel bad for her man
No. 338706
>>338689>>338696>>338699honestly i don’t think she’s ugly she’s just a standard plain british white girl but i think moving to tokyo probably made her self conscious as almost everyone in that jirai/ryousangata scene either edits the fuck out of their photos or just blurs their face out all together. i do think the harder you try to hide something the worse it looks bc her jaw isn’t horrible like pastelbat who had a straight up square face but bc she edits it so much it just looks huge in comparison.
idk cow or not i can’t help but to feel bad. being in your early 20s and having that much surgery done already is pretty sad. jirai subcul is just body dysmophia core
No. 338720
File: 1731752149800.jpg (110.84 KB, 900x1200, 1000000363.jpg)

>>338677bitchhhh be for real oh my God
No. 338751
File: 1731814700011.jpeg (605.94 KB, 1179x1373, IMG_2535.jpeg)

So did this girl move to Japan to cut herself, OD, and larp as a toyoko everyday? How has her school not kicked her out yet?
No. 338928
File: 1732114423400.jpeg (278.01 KB, 1189x2048, IMG_0741.jpeg)

She suddenly grew boobs and ass for this Zelda cosplay
No. 339012
File: 1732165665870.jpeg (534.47 KB, 1170x2279, IMG_0768.jpeg)

Is the jfashion in the room with us?
No. 339344
File: 1732516394936.jpeg (1.41 MB, 1170x2391, 6EDCAD07-9870-4612-93C8-8DC89B…)

I don’t know why dearly.dani is never mentioned.
She won’t shut up about how she’s a maid in akihabara and acts as if she’s the famous maid there kek.
she thinks shes so important, made acrylic stands of herself to sell to her non existing audience.
No. 339360
File: 1732557851891.jpeg (1.62 MB, 1170x2412, 76953DA9-05AB-4AFD-9C9A-36FAF9…)

>>339358Apparently this is the maid cafe she’s working at
No. 339389
File: 1732585087775.jpeg (595.35 KB, 603x1620, A26885C8-581F-4C97-82B0-928C5B…)

>>339384Obviously she’s too fat to be a maid here
(sage your shit) No. 339392
File: 1732585763959.jpeg (1.41 MB, 1170x1728, CCDBB911-02A7-461D-85FC-C53616…)

Why is she so open about being a pedo
No. 339404
>>339403Because oppai loli isn't a thing, right?
eyeroll It really shows how desensitized zoomers are when this kind of gross shit has become acceptable with a million excuses made for it. I hope you're not also the type to say that a man can't be a pedo if he's also attracted to adults. Secondly, girls with lolishit on their walls more often than not self-insert as the characters because they get off to being seen as delicate, weak little girls getting ravaged and having their innocence sullied which isn't all that far from what moids find attractive about it if we're being honest. Just because it's not literal CP doesn't make it any less gross or worthy of shaming.
(unintegrated, pedo tinfoiling) No. 339423
>>339420>>339403NTA but of all the sexy anime girls she could have chosen to plaster on her walls, she just
had to choose the pastel lolis with bolt-ons?
No. 339428
>>339423You're nitpicking the wrong thing. It's not even lolicon. If you're going to try to argue about this in the thread, at least provide real proof of lolicon tapestries or she's into children. She is not a pedo based on her room.
>>339420They all just look like big tit cat girls. None of it even look like children.
No. 339435
File: 1732648663997.jpg (179.18 KB, 1170x1449, unnamed.jpg)

>>339428The gaslighting is insane in this thread. I guess provocative drawings of little girls is just moe now guys, nothing to see here. If she were a man you wouldn't think twice because moids are pedos without question, but apparently autopedophilia is okay and totally doesn't propagate and promote the issue through another angle.
No. 339489
File: 1732717234196.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1170x2096, 2C072FB4-AF4D-43A8-8702-AC5BB7…)

What is with this editing kek. She doesn’t look like this in any of her other posts.(sage your shit, random photos are not milk)
No. 339496
File: 1732723732742.jpeg (283.58 KB, 480x591, IMG_3387.jpeg)

>>339489I’m ready for the J Fashion community to move on from this makeup and editing.. Looks like AddyHarajuku a bit.
(sage your shit) No. 339505
File: 1732727894431.jpeg (208.94 KB, 1170x1162, IMG_8553.jpeg)

This thread has essentially become this(baiting)
No. 339623
File: 1732940821338.jpeg (682.42 KB, 1290x965, IMG_3599.jpeg)

>>338700 Watched a Capsule bunny vlog for the first time in a while, What is going on with her makeup recently? It’s like she’s not even trying before vlogging..
No. 339638
File: 1732969596865.jpeg (357.77 KB, 1170x2080, DFBAA904-542F-4CEC-A440-6AB2F1…)

Every time she uploads a makeup tutorial I get jumpscared by her face.
No. 339685
File: 1733001689391.jpeg (469.32 KB, 1179x824, IMG_3647.jpeg)

>>339675Don’t think anyone mentioned her teeth. Even with a photo of just her eye make it just doesn’t look good..
(sage non-milk) No. 339795
File: 1733106821108.jpg (302.75 KB, 425x550, pooopoo.jpg)

Why are grown adult women like this. Why would you want a pedophile moid and to larp as a child for him to molest. Just…why. (@ponypwincess on instagram.)
No. 339811
>>339810>you guysI never participated in that thread, I came across the video today as it was posted
22 hours ago and had nowhere to post it so put it here then added the disclaimer so no one bitched that it was posted here rather than her own thread, and lo and behold someone still bitched about it so pipe down.
No. 339981
>>339928>drawn CSEMkek. isn't the series yarichin bitch club? it's not even shota or kid-looking characters. its grown-looking men in high school uniforms.
meanwhile the actual organizations helping exploited children have been begging people to stop reporting animu drawings since it just clogs up their systems. no one in real life gives a fuck about this stuff.
No. 340001
File: 1733325871870.jpeg (195.82 KB, 950x1691, IMG_1803.jpeg)

Absolute jumscare
No. 340002
File: 1733325904641.jpeg (116.97 KB, 950x712, IMG_1804.jpeg)

That thighgap edit is atrocious kek
No. 340007
File: 1733331371818.jpeg (390.43 KB, 1170x2084, F508229F-93F9-4A1F-BC8A-675A27…)

What’s wrong with people collecting pedo ass figures kek. If you look up her acc she is showing all of her figures on her story and some of them are concerning(reviving pedofoiling infight)
No. 340077
File: 1733415419345.jpg (355.25 KB, 1080x753, Screenshot_20241205_081619_X.j…)

>>340070Nta, but tbf the artist does draw lolicon, but he also leans heavily into sexy moe 70% of the time which will always have some sjws screaming its loli. This isn't one of his loli designs though. I don't want to derail about the scrote, but anons need to stop conflicting the two designs.
No. 340104
>>340100Nta but its not a lolita figure, nonna. Might as well post everything you personally deem childish. Move on and post real figures like something that is loli. Most of the anons ITT don't care about moe
looking like loli when it isn't loli.
(derailing) No. 341048
File: 1734429908522.jpeg (128.22 KB, 659x741, IMG_2506.jpeg)

Jesus did Evie get even more lip filler? She is unrecognisable at this point
No. 343272
File: 1737744536428.jpg (3.32 MB, 3344x2546, Picsart_25-01-24_15-46-11-502.…)

found some old evieparfait (eviebunnie) edits from her tumblr
No. 343273
File: 1737744735691.jpg (441.89 KB, 1198x1632, Tumblr_l_56996245958203.jpg)

>>343272samefag but also found this gem kek
No. 343817
>>339360She quit and goes back to Romania Maybe she didn't get a visa renewal?
It's a little weird especially since she always kept telling everyone how she wants to retire many many years later
(sage your shit) No. 343829
File: 1738694542842.jpeg (2.02 MB, 1170x2015, FC0FFFBF-B471-4F6A-896D-03B617…)

>>343823She posted it on her story days ago. She stated how due to “private reasons” she had to go back to her country. It’s funny how she graduated from waseda university just to become a maid at a maid cafe. What a waste.
No. 343905
File: 1738792035065.jpeg (229.2 KB, 1365x2048, IMG_5189.jpeg)

>>343273Her leg completely disappeared kek.
Her latest edit is also such a gem. It doesn’t even look like her anymore at that point.
No. 343941
>>343905I'd have never recognised her
Makes me almost feel bad for her body dysmorphia and I wonder if she edited it herself or some photographer?
(sage your shit) No. 343943
File: 1738842405343.jpeg (1.25 MB, 2625x2675, D2BA4299-FBF7-4771-A858-96513B…)

>>343905Jesus Christ. The many faces of Evie, she looks almost race swapped there. I actually have no idea what her real face even looks like at this point.
No. 344115
File: 1739098302560.jpeg (2.38 MB, 3464x3464, B5AC4316-EB84-4206-B5E3-CA072D…)

Guys I found her twin sisters account!
At least she didn’t fall into the rabbit hole of editing herself to look like every other Jirai girl on insta…(not her sister but either way posting about family members is against the rules)
No. 344131
File: 1739142463368.jpeg (1.63 MB, 1290x2373, IMG_9839.jpeg)

>>344115this isn’t her twin sister kek, iirc her sister is pretty normie. this girl is from CA. she just looks similar to evies unshooped face
No. 344246
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people who posted vids to this trend talked about their legitimate mental health issues and abuse they suffered. evie is hung up on a bully from when she was 12.
oh, and she went to a school that costs 9k a term
No. 345459
File: 1741701312033.jpeg (115.7 KB, 1365x2048, Glq3nlbboAAanxS.jpeg)

What the hell is this monstruosity?
Imagine getting a photographer to do a shoot for you and hating yourself so much that you overexpose and oversaturate the photos.
No. 345881
File: 1742607100745.jpeg (266.46 KB, 1125x2175, VnHOJH1.jpeg)

>>344246She made another reel about being bullied and like what even is this?
No. 345936
File: 1742749611848.jpeg (1.92 MB, 3464x3464, 7FB5B9A8-0936-4C46-A31F-900941…)

These day in the live Vlogs in Japan are quite literally all the same, no matter the creator, no matter the video. None of them are special and it’s the same boring shit in all of them and they all use the same 5 angles, but of course our little princess Katie is being copied by someone with such a massive following who definitely knows of her existence to the point, god forbid, they bought the same fucking kimchi! We need to file a police report because how dare a person buy the same generic supermarket item a “small wittle creator” does KEK