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No. 563416
New thread for ultimate not-like-other-girls internet cuckquean FAS-boxxy attention whore wig0nhead and her soggy-dicked gynecomastic doughboy, tranny-chasing, pear-shaped low test 'fiancé' Gregory Fluhrer/Grocery.
Previous thread:
>Makes fun of people for blocking while immediately blocking anyone with an opposing view, can't take criticism for shit>Complete narcissist, spins every situation around to be about herself>Lies about pretty much anything, changes her stories when it's convenient to her since she has 0 personality or identity>Uneducated on basically anything she talks about>Searches her name on twitter daily and used to be a mod on lolcow because she's that insecure>Greg continues to pay more attention and money to camgirls than her, but she's totally ok with it because she's a cool gf™>Photoshops her body to appear skinny and curvy uwu despite gaving no curves and gaining 20 pounds>Probably has some kind of body image disorder, is incredibly obsessed with her appearance>Pretends to be bisexual for the sake of pandering to men, admits she would actually never date a woman>Backpedals pretty much every single of her opinions the minute she gets called out>Blatantly hates other women, insults and catcalls them with her bf because she's totes one of the guys uwu>Owns a bunny she takes shitty care of, still lives at home with parents at 27links: No. 563422
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No. 563425
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>>563416>>563421biggest res I could find
No. 563426
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for the uninformed, cassie jaye made that retarded redpill movie which is sitting at a pretty 29% on RT with an average rating of 4/10 :^)
No. 563429
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No. 563433
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>i was a shy asexual nerd gurl uwu
No. 563435
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>insults and catcalls them with her bf because she's totes one of the guys uwu
a fucking hypocrite
No. 563449
File: 1524517847592.gif (1.9 MB, 420x360, so shy plz no bully.gif)

>>563433uwu omg so shy so awkward so goth so nerd gurl so had no friends so not a popular rich scene bully uwu
No. 563463
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classic socially awkward girl, amright?
No. 563481
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not from askfm but holeeeeee shiiit
No. 563492
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No. 563501
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No. 563503
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I m p o s s i b l e
No. 563508
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>>563503literally the same person anon i mean, come on
No. 563519
>>563481This reminds me of Kiwifarms thread on her
>a poor man's boxxy (if boxxy looked like Sarah Silverman after 30 years of working in a brothel)kek
No. 563520
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>>563481HAHA this was under the tweet.
No. 563530
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since everyone else is posting old cringe might as well join in. I really wish there was active threads for her back in 2015 oh well at least we can laugh at these now
No. 563535
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No. 563547
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No. 563549
>>561867>>561882>>563037Srs question, did june actually write/draw this stuff? Hmm, maybe she's not that bad after all..
>>561584But then there's this. Give me a fucking break, does anyone seriously buy this shit? Quiet wallflower lmao
No. 563550
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>>563446Check the date of those asks, she probably said those evasive/dishonest answers before she came out as a hair puller in her blog.
>>563481>>563508He looks more like "JUST" Brenden Frasier
No. 563552
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>>563530yeah june, it's the spitting image uwu
No. 563562
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>>563536isn't that shooped pic from one of these threads?
No. 563563
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>>563550I think he looks like the way sp did steven seagal except with worse facial hair, slightly different hairline and he'd be wearing his "wannabe canadian lumberjack" plaid outfit.
No. 563566
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>half of my fans are underaged
yeah no shit
No. 563576
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No. 563583
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>>563426is there anything more pathetic than "red pilled women"?
No. 563588
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No. 563597
>>563588>everyone saysWhere are these people because jesus christ this starting to anger me. Its one thing when people go "haha you look like blah" but, saying multiple ppl share your delusion for thinking prego is this stud is insane. That or she's trying to make her lala land fantasy version of him be a reality despite him being a 300 lb ugly Buddha belly manchild.
Like enjoy him yourself wig, don't start this pretend notion that other girls find him hot, the ones who "do" are just saying it for your attention or trying to imitate you(wich is weirdly common among her female fans, some how they're even more bland and boring than her??).
No. 563602
>>563588That whole tweet though
Fucking OOF
No. 563631
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No. 563660
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No. 563679
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No. 563684
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Shoe constantly shits on anime and people who like it but does this i cant
No. 563688
>>563623"Im nearly 30 and my boyfriend bought me dolls"
like this is kinda sad not gonna lie
No. 563691
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>>563684what a smol widdle anime-loving gurl uwu. what a qt shy nerd uwu
No. 563702
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from gregory's askfm
No. 563723
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what a gentleman
No. 563728
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No. 563749
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No. 563752
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No. 563754
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shoe's engaged to a TERF
No. 563768
>>563764She's said a several times that she doesn't care for the whole debate, but that she prefers to use the womens bathroom and all passing trans people should use the bathroom of their choice. What I'm saying is, Blaire would go IN on this post if it were from a TERF-type. I just love how she acts like her clique isn't remotely transphobic.
>>563679she was dressed like a retarded discount Avril Lavigne but now calls herself goth. LMAO
No. 563774
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>>563768apparently she's still "goth"
No. 563778
No. 563780
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>>563774Anyone who thinks dressing like THIS
>>563779this is literally a date. 2016.
No. 563801
>>563780She literally tries to shoehorn herself into any other group just to feel special
What's next?
No. 563829
>>563824>>563820Are there any deplorable men she won't ass kiss? She's said stuff like this about lolicons/pedos too. I wouldn't be surprised if she started spouting shit like "rape is justified in some cases, I don't think rapists are
as bad as people make them out to be" next. Absolutely disgusting.
No. 563842
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No. 563843
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No. 563845
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No. 563855
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She used to like the Big Bang Theory. Do you guys think she self inserted as Penny, a "pretty" normie girl orbited by all these autistic noodle dicks? Barzopple.
No. 563858
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No. 563875
>>563874I mean, I guess not all your kids can be attractive.
And compared to her sister, June got the short end of the stick too.
No. 563890
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but do you think June's sister shoops her hips too, or (tragically) does June's sister just have an ass and June just doesn't
No. 563893
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>>563875Nice body, but her sister is not attractive in the face at all lol. There mother must be a major alcoholic, prob why June hates women so much.
No. 563905
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>>563858as you all can see, june's attempts at liberal pandering have gone swimmingly
No. 563908
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while lurking on June's sisters IG, I found this photo and wow, I get that June sucks at makeup and all and acts like she's really good at it, but how much fucking powder do you have on your face to get this bad of flashback? Like, Flashback Mary has nothing on this
No. 563916
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>>563908oh wow she looks skinny here
>>563890maybe, this picture was from not tooo long ago and her arm is behind her ass, and basically, no ass. the right picture is from like 2013, so when she was younger, but in general, this seems to be the laporta body type. broad shoulders, no hips, and most of the weight gain goes to the arms
No. 563919
>>563890June's sister is an athlete
Hence better body
No. 563969
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see what I mean? I have reason to believe she wearing inserts or something in the 2012 photo, but I can't really figure out when she actually got her boobjob because her boob size is super inconsistent (from either shooping or wearing inserts)
No. 563984
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Please June stay away from things I like thank you
No. 563994
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>>563984i think you're safe
No. 563997
>>563994She has no fucking taste not that the alt sounds of demon days was bad but the Gorillaz are in their element with hip hop and edm
/sage for music sperg
No. 564010
>>563842This is hilarious. Life’s really catching up to her now. Wig, if your want “wamen” to befriend you, maybe you should stop being so hostile towards them and regard them as actual human beings.
Remember that list of requirements to be her (female) friend she had posted on her
No wonder she can’t keep a friendship with people other than men and trans people.
No. 564022
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>>564010pls anon 'i want wamen friends' is all an act
No. 564031
>>563994>>563997I bet she only listened to feel good inc and dare and then declared herself as a total gorillaz fan
btw they aren't my favorite band but I love doyathing and their more recent song Strobelite. I can't see wig's scene goth wannabe ass liking either of those songs
No. 564072
>>564046>Before she pulls a "I guess I have few women friends because I'm not a feminist" shit. I'm not even a feminist and I have women friends…why? Because I'm not fucking annoying.Fucking same anon. It's weird one minute she's gloating about being an antifeminist that has female feminist friends cause she's sooo open and then next she goes whining that she has none.
I think the big reason next to her being annoying is she's fucking boring "i want female friends to talk about make ups with );" …yeah and? That's like just the topping to having a girl friend, everything else wig has to offer is her blabbing about how bdsm and anti feminist she is. Maybe if she had interests outside of her stupid internet persona she'd have irl friends. Her online ones all look like they just want to leach off of her current efame.
No. 564075
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>>563969Awkward post but these are all pre-2010/2010 photos for reference. I personally don't think she has implants but who knows.
No. 564080
>>564072exactly. And shit tons of ecelebs have hobbies and friends irl…so I don't see why she doesn't have any. Probably from her being a depressed fuck who lays in bed all day. I know I had no friends when I did that.
>>564075yeah, me either tbqh. I just think she wears/stuffs pushup bras or something. Stuffing and wearing the right bra can make your boobs look like two cups bigger.
No. 564087
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No. 564089
>>564075>>564080cant be that she doesnt have them now. remember her confirmed topless photo that kenny stole from her phone? unless she had another woman's nude taking a photo of their breast w the same phone that she had at the time, actually on her phone for kenny to steal, they're fake. she probably stuffed/wore padded bras back then to compensate for her tiny titties. look at difference between braless pic and the halloween costume. the confirmed nude that kenny stole (like 2013) has to be of fake tits. the refund gap and firmess looks NOTHING like the above pic of her braless, nor does she have the same firmness in the halloween pics
kind of ot but i was going to get implants for my tiny boobs and i wore heavily padded bras to make it seem seamless when i got the implants. it's not uncommon. a lot of people on breast implant forums discuss this tactic.
No. 564097
>>564090But if shoe claims to be bi who prefer women sexually, it be more likely she could be owned/belonged by another woman than man
He sounds weirdly scared that a man would steal her away despite all her talk about only finding men sexually attractive until after there is an emotional connection
Their stories are all messed up.
No. 564122
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No. 564127
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No. 564161
I wonder if her parents paid for them. I knew someone who was super insecure about their nose and their parents paid for them a nose job so that they'd be more happy. I bet June's parents did that for June. Besides, from all current knowledge, she didn't have a job in high school and she logically (if she had them) got them around 18-19. She didn't start working for Benefit's makeup counter until she dropped out of college, I remember her saying that was her first job.
>>564160why can't we all just be nice to eachother plz
No. 564166
>>564161Most likely, they're willing to buy her wigs and film school she dropped out of, she comes from money and theres tons of teens who get implants with daddys money
>>564160Okay fangirl, its pretty much just a fact by now her tits are fake, i dont even know why you're still trying to refute a 5 yr old argument
No. 564175
>>564166> trying to refute a 5 yr oldthis would
trigger Wig so much given she is a borderline pedoapologist.
No. 564222
>>564206tbh when i saw that she was looking for a female friend two weeks ago, i kind of felt for her. i recently moved after graduating college for work, and the vast majority of my co-workers are male, the only females are all significantly (30ish years) older than me.
but then i snapped back to reality and realized that it's not a surprise she doesn't have any friends and i'd rather be a cat lady (i'm seriously allergic) than have her as my BFF.
then coincidentally the next day, my coworkers wife and her (female) workmates joined us for lunch and we all hit it off and i have girl friends now
(saged, sorry i had to tell someone)
No. 564223
>>564222fug i didn't mean to respond to that anon
anyway i think having shoe as a female friend would be torture that the soviets wouldn't be able to handle. because
>no interests that don't revolve grocery in some wayhaving flashbacks from in junior high when a friend would get a boyfriend and you'd never see them again or they'd invite their bf to everything you guys do
No. 564233
>>564127>>564141The thing is if you do bring awareness to men's mental problems, you also bring awareness to problems with masculinity and men's upbringing.
Then dumb shitheads MRAs and handmaidens aka June start to whine how poor baby men are being emasculated by evil harpies while not doing anything about solving men's shit themselves.
What the fuck do they want then? Whine about women for daring to take care of their own rights and position in society, of course.
June, if you are so concerned with it, then do some proper research and bring actual awareness instead of just spamming useless shit on Twitter.
Oh yeah, you can't, because you are a self-proclaimed airheaded footstool for an obese man with learning disabilities.
No. 564256
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>>564078not anymore, Anon. not anymore.
No. 564276
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This would be a reach regarding any other woman, but knowing her personality and character this is kinda eerie.
No. 564281
>>564055June doing this interview was such a naive mistake. I mean who cares about what you do behind closed doors as long as it’s safe and it makes you happy. But being that candid about her weird sex life online will come back to bite her. I’ve been involved in a kink community irl, and they’re all extremely secretive for good reason.
Also stuff like unresolved trauma and mental illness being the root cause of many kinks gets completely swept under the rug so people can get off on it or take advantage of it. A lot of gross predatory shit happens in BDSM, and it’s debateable on how consensual it is when someone’s been a victim of mental illness their whole lives.
No. 564282
>>564256Is there a thread for this chick. She’s so mentally unstable.
The other day I came across this video she uploaded of herself doing a voice-over explaining what was happening to a clip she filmed of herself crying for like 30 minutes. Apparently she has BPD.
No. 564304
>>564282I saw that too shit was disturbing af is she medicated for it at all?
/sage for slight ot
No. 564471
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>says that shes a sub in a 24/7 BDSM relationship
>goes out of her way to defend her bf on social media because apparently he can't defend himself
No. 564528
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She's really obsessed with him.
No. 564563
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>people who say that about me
lol she totally lurks wow
No. 564570
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No. 564571
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No. 564573
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No. 564576
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No. 564591
File: 1524601137875.png (386.09 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180422-191910.png)

Pretransition Derek? Looks like him
No. 564593
>>564528not just her. all of the "skeptic" youtubers.
sage for ot, the guy should have been jailed for at least 1 year. an 800 GBP fine is just to easy fine for this and if he doesn't pay it… jail the fucker. you don't change the law by disobeying it ffs.
No. 564634
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No. 564643
File: 1524606859204.png (65.05 KB, 611x303, dN869sl.png)

she's been posting old videos of herself everyday. is that her hobby? watching herself? sad. why would she wanna be in the film industry if she barely watches tv/film kek
>>564570political lesbianism is retarded and all but i'd rather see a video about this from an actual lesbian than an uninformed straight woman like june
No. 564644
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No. 564647
>>564593No one is this retarded. No one should be fined for a joke, is this June trying to prove she’s not obsessed with count dankulas corpulent flesh, she “totally” likes fat guys
after all. Fake ass bitch.
No. 564662
>>564647If nobody should be punished for a joke… then why do you bash wig who is always "joking"?
>>564653Free speech in her mind is blocking everyone who doesn't agree with her.
That says a lot to me.
No. 564664
>The thing is if you do bring awareness to men's mental problems, you also bring awareness to problems with masculinity and men's upbringingI was going to say that but I felt it would be misplaced in this thread….but you read my mind tbh.
>>564591I'd normally say that transitioning makes people look 100x worse, but that definitely helped Derrick. He's actually kinda attractive rn…as a girl…no so much
No. 564673
>>564647except it's not really a joke. it's boundary pushing for the sake of it. the UK has had laws like this for like forever. just like it's illegal to nazi salute in germany. if you can't do the bare minimum and not act like a piece of shit, publicly, then he should renounce his UK citizenship and move to mali, where they'll let him and his dog roman salute 'for teh lulz' in a dilapidated shack all day long. the holocaust is already denied and downplayed, and neo-nazis and nazi sentiment is spreading like wildfire. minimizing genocide and genocidal thought isn't a joke. if you know the law that was enacted as a result of the deaths of millions upon millions of people, and you choose to violate it for edgepoints, soz, you belong in jail or fined up the asshole
>>564662she tries to shutdown radfems all the time but "free speeeech!!"
No. 564676
>>564571Aren't trannies ironically homophobes because they want to erase gay people by pretending to dress as the opposite sex.
>>564643Exactly. She wants to pretend she cares about gay people, but she really gives zero shits. She only cares about men, including Blaire and other ftm trannies.
No. 564677
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No. 564686
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No. 564693
File: 1524610514200.gif (147 KB, 320x240, 1371272651380.gif)

>>564686>shoe giving life advice>shoe telling others THEY need to get friends and travel the world>shoe telling people to get a hobby>SHOE TELLING PEOPLE NOT TO PUT ALL THEIR SELF WORTH ON SOMEONE ELSELOL she doesn't have or done any of these besides "focus on yourself"but it's not in the same way as she meant, she's just self absorbed
No. 564699
>>564686Why is this advice good and this
>>564677 bad?
I just can't understand her at all.
No. 564703
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No. 564706
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>>564591other anon is right. that's her cousin/family friend
No. 564711
>>564703OMFG my sides!
> or stay in a bad oneThe fucking irony.
No. 564726
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Get ready for the cringe, guys.
No. 564749
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>>563864>ikemen!>itadakimasu!!!fuck, I lel'd
No. 564765
>>564726i'm trying to imagine the things they'll list
1. date obese men cause they're tots hawt and it makes u feel smol uwu
2. become ddlg bdsm when people start making pedo loli jokes about ur relationship cause lol memes but, no srsly it's the most pure and real relationship dynamic out there. everyone will be so jelly when you post about daddy uwu open to poly/threesome cause it's not liike those other cunty gross whores are sticking arounnd. daddy deserves his slaves
4. let daddy openly flirt on social media. this one is really important it show how strong your relationship is because girls who get jealous over their daddy talking to other whores are so insecure plus he such an alpha dom he can do watever he wants while you lick cheeto dust of his feet
5. speaking about alpha!! remind everyone you know how totally alpha daddy is, even when he "isn't" teehee jk but, um like srsly anyone can be alpha as long as you don't get embarrassed over things like wasting your money on star wars dolls or making comics that are drawn worse than sonichu. oh and everyone who says daddy isn't alpha IS A TOTAL BETA GUY girls never judge daddy cause they all want his totally HUGE dick
and lastly 6. TALK ABOUT UR SEX LIFE ALL THE TIME this one is huuuuuugggee(like daddy :3) because if you don't how will everyone know that your totally having hardcore bdsm kittenplay ddlg hot sex times? What's the point of having a relationship without exploiting it to the world?
No. 564797
>>564788June reminds me of myself whenever I was like 13 and has seriously depressed. She has half of her, which is this very outgoing and extrovert personality that makes her (on the outside) seem like she's happy and she jokes about how she feels. Then she has another personality that is how she really feels deep down, which is a lack of motivation, lack of interest in life, and a myriad of other other symptoms of Major Depression. I guess the only difference is, my depression is Chronic while hers is situational. I am 100% sure if she would have graduated college, had friends, got a job, got a place to stay, found a partner that actually liked her as a person and not as a doormat, she'd be a lot more happy.
To be quite honest, I think she not only needs a therapist, but a life coach as well. While it might seem like common sense to most people on what they should do in life to be happy, I don't think June has enough real world experience to do so.
No. 564806
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All mgtows are redpill rage is she retarded
No. 564807
File: 1524617674343.png (126.71 KB, 637x533, HH5O4bj.png)

Remember when Shoe voted for Jill Stein
No. 564822
>>564806Which one is it do you support mgtows or hate them?
Leave it to june to support men who screech about how awful all women are all day, mgtows even hate her, she truly will defend anything with a weenie
No. 564853
>>564686Actually if you aren’t having sex and relationships when everyone else is, you really should find out what the deal is. Like June you’ve been in relationships since you were 21? 22? Who are you to be giving that advice?
Unless it’s by choice for some reason (asexually or religion) and there are other groups of people who share your convictions that you can bond with:
No. 564869
>>564701It looks like she is ridiculing Roosh for making that argument. I surprised myself, actually lol'd at her tweet here.
Tbh I really think June can be more self aware than we care to acknowledge. See these
>>563549Her personality is still mostly poison though. If only she could grow up and take on some real adult responsibilities I think it would transform her.
No. 564874
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No. 564875
File: 1524622464988.png (72.57 KB, 486x894, xMoEHga.png)

>>564852it was on her askfm i think. can't find it but found this.
>i haven't been anywhere near an imageboard since 2011kek
No. 564913
>>564869all of her self awareness is 'ironic' or self deprecating for the sake of not being offended when someone else insults her. it's like when she preemptively calls herself a comedian with shit takes despite being unfunny as all fuck but then acts like her arguments are super serious. she does it because she thinks she can weasel out of having stupid/uninformed opinions that way. her pre-emptive insults aimed at herself work in the same way.
she can claim she thinks she's ugly or whatever, but she has boasted about how attractive she is, endlessly, and has never really seemed to waiver on it. for all the crap she deletes, she doesn't delete things about her own appearance and how great her waistline is, how she doesn't get pimples, how cute and smol she is, how her 'tits defy gravity', etc. and she clearly doesn't think she's boring or uninteresting, or else she wouldn't have a youtube channel/been trying to get e-famous for the better half of 10 years
No. 564924
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No. 564960
>>564918her sis doesn't have acne though? if anything her sisters skin is better than junes, hopefully that doesn't
trigger her
did she lie about her family having acne to seem like ~the attractive genetically blessed one~ or?
No. 564965
File: 1524634310624.jpg (37.33 KB, 596x258, m7z3Qrv.jpg)

>>564960yes which is ironic because she wrote that whole spergfest about feminism being the ~humblebrag movement~
No. 564974
>>564965well fuck, I didn't think she would stoop that low
I mean MAYBE her sister and parents could have had "bad acne" when they were younger but I have yet to see a picture of this, and there's no scarring either
No. 564994
File: 1524637005703.png (9.63 KB, 477x158, bexey.png)

>>564980lapin means rabbit in french. she's such a cute loli bunbun girl that LOVES BUNBUNS, anon! cute uwu bunbun girls also think it's totally fine to feed rabbits of all ages to snakes. bunbun girls love condoning the killing of bunnies you supposedly love so much just to be fed to edgelord pets. she so loves her bunbuns!!!! like i get that snakes need to eat, but retards don't need to own snakes that would need to eat rabbits over gassed, very young mice (larger snakes). they're a liability to everyone and it's very unlike owning a cat or dog. there's simply no reason for the average person to own that kind of animal. i don't even like rabbits and i find this very heartless. coupled with the fact that this idiot woman shoves poor ollie into a thimble sized cage, it really just shows this woman is disingenuous garbage.
>>564974everyone is a pizza faced small titted gargoyle except for her
No. 564997
File: 1524637360139.png (272.9 KB, 548x279, sarahlaporta.png)

>>564965what is she talking about? All the photos I've seen of her sister as a teenager, her skin was 100% clear. I attached two where you can see her face skin best.
Why even lie about that? Lol.
No. 565000
>>564998I mean, that's basically a fact. But what would she really get out of lying about her sister having acne?
I guess she wanted to act like she was special or something. I just find it weird she'd lie about something so small
No. 565002
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>>564997she was also in plenty of june's videos when june was younger, so sarah was probs like 14 or so, and no acne then either so yet again, she's the most special, the most genetically blessed, the most cartoonishly curvy, etc
No. 565003
>>565002Can't wait for June to age a few years, let her metabolism slow down a bit, and watch as she slowly forms into a shapeless blob.
Also, no June, you do not have the waist size of a Disney Princess. Sorry.
No. 565004
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>>564994>thimble sized cagegot curious to see if her followers called her out on this and they have, quite recently too. we know she reads everything @'d at her, so why hasn't she gotten the hint. it's not like she's lacking the funds to get a bigger cage
No. 565006
>>565004I worked at a rabbit rescue for a while (funny enough, one of the reasons I started watching June was because she had a rabbit. Anyway,
That last person is so right. The bare minimum cage size for a guinea pig or small rabbits is around 6' long, 3' wide, and for rabbits, atleast 2' tall.
The cage she has looks to be about 2' long, 1' wide, and about 1.5' tall.
I would reccomend a cage THAT small for a hamster… or maybe two or three mice. The fact she keeps a rabbit in it is so disgusting.
Pet stores advertise those cages as "rabbit cages" but any person who did three seconds of research would no they shouldn't be used for rabbits.
No. 565008
File: 1524639075329.jpg (52.69 KB, 612x456, 7SEurfLc.jpg)

samefag, I apologize.
But here is someone using the same cage June puts her fucking RABBIT in for a dwarf hamster.
No. 565011
File: 1524639467594.jpg (22.98 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

>>565006idk all that much about rabbits but i think her rabbit is also on the large side, which makes matters much worse
No. 565016
>>565011Yeah. Definitely. He's bigger than an adult cat (in body weight, not height) so imagine someone putting a cat into a cage that small and locking it in, only letting it roam the floor for a few hours a day.
I'm also concerned as to why Ollie has no buddies. Rabbit's are social creatures and can actually die of depression. I guess that's something her and Ollie have in common. No friends. She had another bunnie a few years ago, she featured it on her IG once or twice. What ever happened to it?
No. 565020
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>>565008yeesh that's like the same exact cage she has.
No. 565022
File: 1524640304989.png (909.57 KB, 623x584, ollie.PNG)

>>565020how old is this photo? ollie looks a lot smaller here
this fairly recent photo of ollie looks like if he was laying down he'd be cramped or left with no room in the cage
No. 565027
>>565023he must be really crunching himself up in that photo because when he's more spread out/relaxed he takes up a much larger proportion of the cage
>>565025he apparently pees on the couch and stuff and she has to put him back in his cage for that, so i can't imagine he spends too much time around the house
rabbits can die from literally like anything. i really don't think someone as neglectful and self important as june should have one.
No. 565031
>>565025I think she lets him out whenever she is home and he's in her line of vision…which is responsible and what you should do.
But with June's sleep schedule…and her not getting out of bed, I assume he spends a lot of him in his cage. Probably around 12hours a day or so. He probably stays in the cage all day when she's in Canada…unless she brings him with her.
>>565028Oh, that really sucks.
>rabbits can die from literally like anythingcan confirm this. Knew someone who's rabbit died of a heart attack because she was baby sitting and the kids were running around and screaming. Buns are very sensitive.
No. 565034
I sound so dumb, but of all the dumb shit June does, this rabbit shit makes me the most angry. I know 10yo's who treat their rabbits better than that. I wonder if she is genuinely ignorant or if she doesn't care.
No. 565046
>>564882she's referencing a line from Zoolander
June's such a hypocrite and so complex with her thought patterns. She's exactly like the people she doesn't like and acting like she's better than them. "I only allow opinions I like. Everyone else is just waiting to be made fun of."
No. 565106
>>565000>>564997Jealousy/throwing her own sister under the bus just to feel special
Isnt she like super fucked in the head due to her sister supposedly getting more attention than her since birth but also her parents spoiling her and not teaching her to be okay with not always being center of attention?
I think it's kinda sad she will try to gain as much attention and appear better than her sister as much as possible and since June values her image more than anything else in the world, of course she would claim how "everyone except her had acne and how shes the special genetically blessed snowflake unlike her fugly family!!"
Why does she lie about shit like this all the time? Does she think everyone is retarded and can't fact check her? Especially something like her sister having acne
No. 565137
>>565023didn't shoe comment on a few of their videos and streams talking about being jealous of her cage? That was mentioned in the bdsm vid.
I feel bad for this couple because some of shoe's fanbase found them and go "omg they're exactly like grocery and shoe!". Besides that it's fat guy with skinny girl, they are nothing like them. They actually act normal when they aren't doing their rp. The guy doesn't treat her like shit. They seem like decent people.
I think shoe and grocery wishes they were them and not doing "skeptic" videos. These people can talk about their sex lives cause that's how their making money, shoe and grocery can't because it doesn't have any relevance to their channels to the point it feels forced like "you can't watch our videos unless you know they we like bdsm!" why? do they get off on it? They always act like their "trying to hide it" but, it's now the second thing to their name after "anti-sjw youtubers"
No. 565140
File: 1524662719491.png (73.33 KB, 787x623, 1.png)

>the ugly masculine looking trans don't count or represent us! fuck your terfs those are just men in a sissy get ups! all trans girls totally pass
im laughing
No. 565146
File: 1524663131160.png (423.51 KB, 765x794, 2.png)

>shang is bithanks dumblr
>>565145dump him.
No. 565147
>>565031>can confirm thisgosh, my cousin's rabbit died in a similar way. chased by a kid so it died from shock..
>>565032i've never owned a rabbit before but i own a dog and i was told by everyone that you should never punish dogs by caging them since it's their home. is it the same for rabbits? i don't know how intelligent/trainable they are…
No. 565150
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>>565145does he know that Groceries won't share his footstool with a penis-haver?
No. 565153
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doggies are better pets than buns. fight me
No. 565159
>>565152first contra now this, her transwomen friends don't seem to keen on her even with her constant sucking up. same with liberals, they know she's full of shit. i don't understand what she's going for with this tumblr SJW phase minus the feminism. you can't appeal to everyone, especially SJWs when you have a "
problematic" past and connections like June
No. 565165
>>564699>>564701Some Anons here have really poor reading skills. Or maybe you've just Pavlov'ed your brain to react badly to anything June says even if it is common sense.
For clarification: in
>>564677, she's not agreeing with Roosh, she's making fun of him. She might be a self-hater pandering to neckbeards, but she is still able to realize Roosh is a disgusting, pathetic rape apologist.
No. 565172
>>565165>but she is still able to realize Roosh is a disgusting, pathetic rape apologistBut why only him? I think she only talks shit on him is because he called her out on his stupid website. I don't think she's "realized anything". Whenever shoe hates someone, she just conveniently switches sides.
I agree with some anons on here need to read better. it gets annoying.
No. 565219
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No. 565236
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god forbid they're not a doormat like you june
No. 565258
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Does he look a bit on the chubby side guys? I dont think June has ever posted how much he weighs.
No. 565260
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Everyday she tweets about watching her videos. Imagine being so narcissistic the only media you consume is your own videos or people's edits of them. No TV or movies, just shoe0nhead 24/7
No. 565276
>>565258Hard to properly tell without feeling him. Rabbits hold a lot of their weight underneath at their belly. So unless they are proper obese they can look ok from above.
He doesn't look bad though for his breed.
No. 565282
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No. 565292
>>565282This is fucking hilariously hypocritical. Wow, June. you really can't get much stupider than this.
Her cage is barely bigger.
No. 565300
>>565292Cognitive dissonance at it's realest.
Does she not realise her own cage should be used as a litter tray? Or at best a hospital cage.
Not suitable accomodation at all. Urgh.
No. 565303
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No. 565320
>>565028>her other bunny died during his neutering operationThis is very unfortunate. I wonder if there's a chance that the vet's inexperience played a part in her other bun not surviving his neuter? Rabbits are so sensitive, if the vet wasn't well-versed in rabbits it's (sadly) not that shocking.
>which is why ollie isn't neuteredThis, however, is literally fucking retarded and a terrible excuse. What June should have done is asked around and found a vet that was very experienced with rabbits, and accepted the fact that sometimes accidents happen. But seriously that's some idiot-level reasoning right there. Rabbits live longer, happier lives when they're fixed, FFS.
No. 565357
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No. 565361
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>shoe: replies to contra's every tweet
>contra: silence
No. 565398
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No. 565405
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>>565357at this point i can't tell if she accidentally slips up and forgets what personality she's portraying to her fans or if she actually is this self unaware. like she literally goes from insulting someone for being a cuck to saying "grocery deserve many slaves uwu teehee not like they're going to last" shit.
unless she just thinks it's only bad when men are cucks? not very mra of you wig. you seem to only want to protect men who fit your narrative of how they should be which is apparently "alpha dom" obese and treat women like they're their moms manchildren.
No. 565412
>>565398100k dollars? Pounds? In what universe does this man need that? Legal fees or some shit? I don't even know.
Is he at least going to donate it or some shit. And June thinks western feminists have warped priorities. Yeah let's turn attention from tampon taxes or rape culture and focus on this guy.
No. 565435
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June: One of my friends released a new video? Better make this all about me uwu
No. 565437
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No. 565456
>>565421any britbongs know how likely this is to win?
my fiance is a brit and he stresses to me all the time that the american 'free speech' system that frequently tramples on other people's safety/security is very unlike the uk. the uk straight up bans people from entering the country like all the time, so i have to wonder how fruitless it is from a legal standpoint to push americentric rhetoric and law in the UK, like, the biggest bullshit tenet of american 'democracy' is free speech, but the UK ISN'T centered around that, so how will this work. like, in germany, it's like super illegal and people are sent to prison for like up to 3 yrs for doing the nazi salute. that would never work in the US, but they're two different countries, like the uk and us.
>precedent that courts can judge to intent of someone's speechim dumb but they need to determine the intent of speech for slander, libel, etc, like, how can they try to overturn something that is the crux of other important shit too
>>565449that's literally a million times worse, what an asshole. again, i don't see how it'll be possible to get rid of being able to determine the intent of speech when it's an important part of determining the validity of other charges
No. 565462
>>565421>>565434for some reason im not allowed to post a screenshot: is from his court documents.
this precedence thing is a bullshit lie that has already been debunked. the case itself even specified that the decision was based on fact and did not set a precedent. freedom of expression was not argued in court, so he cannot argue it on appeal. appeal is only dispute what the judges have already found/decided.. not argue new facts.
because it was a factual finding and sets no precedent, he won't be successful on appeal unless he can prove that he literally DID NOT MAKE THE VIDEO.
therefore, there will be no successful appeal. he is scamming dumbasses and june is promoting the scam.source - anyone notice how many people in these threads seem to subtly white knight june? it is weird
No. 565463
File: 1524684678106.png (446.47 KB, 645x565, 0MPdGzC.png)

>>565462figured it was a scam, and you're only allowed to use imgur urls maybe that's why you can't post it?
No. 565466
>>565462edit - you actually can argue new facts on appeal, but you can't present new arguments. new facts he could present are things like "it wasn't me in the video, it was my long lost twin brother" that dispute the factual finding the judge made.
an appeal wont change the law. people on twitter are arguing that it could change the law, but this is not true, courts don't decide the law. parlaiment decides the law. scottish people on twitter have been explaining this:, Yeah. it is a big scam.
No. 565469
File: 1524685012899.jpg (114.65 KB, 750x851, Dbn6NpNUQAAHNyn[1].jpg)

>>565463you don't have to only post imgur, you just need to 'choose file' for anything else. it's because anon is trying to temp-link the image but it has the :large on the end.
No. 565475
>>565462the document is delicious. i love that this asshole was struck down.
>>565466had they argued 'freedom of expression' would he have had a better case? the judge in the doc seems to make it pretty clear that the UK legal system DOES HAVE restrictions on speech, so wouldn't the 'freedom of expression' crap still be pretty easily refuted? if the UK doesn't make claims/have laws entitling everyone to "free speech" regardless of consequence and context like in the US, he still wouldn't really have a case, right?
No. 565514
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No. 565522
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No. 565532
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No. 565535
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No. 565551
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No. 565585
File: 1524690178510.png (51.88 KB, 609x263, Dt2JYyt.png)

everyone else has already moved past this bullyhunter shit
No. 565591
>>565576probably miserable, she's going to gain lots of weight do to "lack of motivation" and slower metabolism. Going to still be talking about thinkgs that only had importance back in 2014-2015, she'll probably either be with grocery who is fucking other girls openly or her dumped her after trying a threesome with a hotter looking mtf. Can't get a real job because she ruined her name(guessing her internet "career" will either end in drama or people get bored of her repeating the same video topics). still lives with her parents because she doesn't know how to be independent without a man. will probably switch personalities constantly for each new guy she dates.
>>565579I don't think they'll have kids tbh, they just like the idea of them. At least, I really hope that's the case
No. 565597
>>565590Skeptic would ignore his daughter since she isn't old enough to cam yet and June would constantly be jealous of her when she did have his attention and because she wouldn't be the prettiest loli in the house anymore.
>>565591They've said they want to have kids but I also kinda doubt that they'd end up having them. I think Skeptic would dump June before they could get to it.
No. 565603
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No. 565615
>>565597>I think Skeptic would dump June before they could get to it.same I think they have 3-4 more years. They'll break up when they can no longer make money off of doing youtube since i think that's a big part of their relationship.
>>565609especially with all that bdsm stuff up. I doubt she'll be still into that after they break up. Whether she's actually bi or not, she'll probably date a girl next for the attention.
No. 565698
>>565434Anon from vinegarland reporting.
The 100k is most likely a lobbying-money to "change" some polititians' mind about the law. And since the guy is from Scotland he might be paying it to the scottish parliament.
Otherwise KEK, Tories will never change that rule, it was too effective against the UKIPers.
>>565435"I look like someone Onision would date"
That human filth has standards Robbie… Even with your makeup he wouldn't bother with you.
>>565462That doc… mmmmmm… milky!
>>565529He lurks here and on KF as well.
>>565694If she would lurk these threads she would command her WKs to defend her here since she can't block us.
extrasage for OT.
No. 565737
File: 1524701234277.png (95.61 KB, 769x819, 1.png)

>no he wouldn't
HAHA get it guys? cause they're in that bdsm dynamic where she's the "annoying brat little" and he's the "smart easily frustrated dad" wow they're so original totally not just basing their relationship on fiction or "how to bdsm" what a great genuine thing they got going on
No. 565915
File: 1524716192101.jpg (26.63 KB, 580x219, 7SEurfLc.jpg)

June, you were a fucking FIlM major. Nothing in your short college experience in such a lame topic would really warrant you needing to cry Everyday for. God, does she try to sound like the fragile millennials she loves to make fun of?
No. 565924
>>565875At least they don't eat you while you are alive.
What was your point with this again?
>>565915Wait… So the school instead of tackling the problem (emotional distress) the better way (psychological advisors e.g.) turns to the cheepest solution ("cry closet") and Wig offhandadly bullies those who need those facilities?
Can she get even lower?
No. 565976
>>565936With the "i dropped out too early" wig kinda makes the "kids these days" remark IMO hence why i think the second part is also has a negative cannotation (which means the whole sentence is ment to be sarcastic).
This is why i said it seems like an offhand bullying.
Remember, wig is "only trolling lulz xDDDDDDDDDD uwu"
No. 565992
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>>565145just seconding everyone who told you to dump him
No. 566023
File: 1524726596842.jpg (40.32 KB, 335x511, 7SEurfLc.jpg)

correct me if I'm wrong guys, but didn't Skeptic's bio used to include something to do with June?
>>566010omg, Ikr. Jfc guys. Do people really care that much about dogs?
No. 566027
File: 1524727007373.jpg (164.57 KB, 983x749, 7SEurfLc.jpg)

>>566023samefagging but I answered my own question. Yes. And he took it out of his bio in the last two or three weeks lmao.
No. 566073
>>sociopolitical critic>>reluctant centristHe might also be removing it because he's trying to make the rest of his bio appear more professional which might work for .2 seconds tops until someone sees literally any of his content and realizes he is just a raging narcissist with no credibility.
Or both. He can be trying to appeal to both intellectuals and other potential ~slaves~.
No. 566094
>>566073In that case he could just list himself as “fiancé of” rather than leave her out completely. Even in a ~24/7 BDSM relationship~ you don’t have to
broadcast it 24/7. Maybe he’s embarrassed by her.
No. 566111
>>566023>>566027Maybe it's some kind of a ~BDSM uwu punishment~ for June, something like:
>you've been a bad girl, i'm gonna remove you from my twitter bio>NO DADDY PLEASE I NEED MORE INTERNET EXPOSUREwhat a dynamic
No. 566135
>>566121Lmao, if it's a BDSM thing then that's just sad. I could
kinda see him removing it if they got into a fight, but I always see June as the type of doormat who'd avoid confrontation like crazy when it comes to their relationship. I just can't really imagine them seriously fighting.
No. 566147
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No. 566148
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How does June manage to make EVERYTHING about herself?
No. 566155
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No. 566160
>>566155Was June initially even part of this conversation? Or did she just force herself in it?
Weird. She seems like the annoying jealous type, but when he's liking people's nudes, she seems to be fine with it.
No. 566172
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No. 566174
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No. 566176
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No. 566178
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everything and everyone is literally ME especially you trans sheep people who pay me extra on patreon
No. 566185
>>566170Really, that cap I took here:
>>566023 was from last night around 2am.
huh. Interesting.
No. 566187
>>566185tinfoil: maybe he does it purposely when she's asleep? I know she's known to stay up really late but, some recent tweets make it seem like she's trying to have a more normal sleep schedule.
>>566186previous threads we wondered that. still could be possible.
No. 566221
File: 1524752579388.png (561.79 KB, 720x895, 20180426_101936.png)

June you will get there at the rate youre going don't worry lol
>taking a picture of your family members without their consent, just so youre fanbase can laugh at them
No. 566253
>>566231Is that even her on that pic? How heavy can you edit.
At least those fat people have hair and their fiances don't fuck trannies.
No. 566256
File: 1524757399183.png (637.98 KB, 720x971, 20180426_113942.png)

No. 566258
File: 1524757530611.png (565.61 KB, 720x909, 20180426_113912.png)

No. 566263
File: 1524757916386.png (596.01 KB, 720x897, 20180426_113758.png)

She holds her rabbit so fucking wrong sometimes, it /kills/ me.
No. 566264
File: 1524758000470.png (770.78 KB, 720x862, 20180426_113845.png)

This is unacceptable.
No. 566341
File: 1524764129984.png (123.26 KB, 603x264, 1490123156513.png)

>Weird. She seems like the annoying jealous type, but when he's liking people's nudes, she seems to be fine with it.heh, remember this?
No. 566372
>>566341Yep, and people have speculated that its either
1) shes lying about being fine or
2) he tends to like transwomen pics which is what shes fine with, probably because for all her screaming about being pro trans and terfs, she secretly probably doesnt think transwomen are women either
I remember there was also some issue when he liked a camgirls pics and they were flirting with each other, but I dont remember the details.
No. 566417
File: 1524768665016.png (165.98 KB, 720x916, 20180426_114015.png)

Shoe looks nothing like audrey plaza
No. 566421
>>566410preg strikes me as the type of dumb egotistical type who has a trace left on bdsm/ddlg forums/threads where he doesn't state his real name but, if anyone where to find it they'd know it was him
>>566417plus aubrey is athletic and pretty and actually funny and cynical unlike shoe who has amy schumer YELLL "jokes
No. 566425
File: 1524769200155.png (45.76 KB, 720x258, 20180426_145841.png)

>>566421>>566423Oh my god this was a golden tweet left at the aubrey plaza/ daria post
No. 566427
>>566417This Episode on This Never Happened™
Wig wants to humble brag so bad, sucks for her that this was never said. Ever.
No. 566439
>>566433not that anon but, there were never any threads for her back then and considering she notorious of going back to old tweets and deleting them to cover her ass, it's good to have caps.
also she still thinks she aubrey 2.0 she posted about it on her askfm a few days ago.
No. 566444
File: 1524771123065.png (335.3 KB, 649x599, gamer gurl uwu.png)

No. 566445
File: 1524771300070.png (200.91 KB, 624x454, nHGM7i3.png)

lol she'll directly @ nobodies on twitter so her neckbeard orbiters can tear them apart but she's too fucking pussy to @ verified people. see this tweet and ben shapiro, she'll only screenshot their tweets.
No. 566492
File: 1524774691929.png (268.66 KB, 649x419, filming random strangers uwu m…)

No. 566503
>>566445Graham is actually the writer/producer for the IT Crowd and other hit shows, and he is far more successful than she will ever be. He's also shown support for gender criticism which is why she's probably going after him.
He's been tweeting about this Count Dankula Gofundme scam a lot. Maybe Gofundme will actually do something if enough attention is brought.
No. 566505
>>566503The IT Crowd is hilarious and at least 10x funnier than anything June's made. The Dankula Gofundme is def a scam
>>565462 and should be criticized as such. June should should have used her Patreon bux to buy her bun a bigger cage instead of supporting that dipshit.
No. 566507
File: 1524775902352.jpg (60.02 KB, 316x503, shit.jpg)

>>564686its interesting what her old circle has to say about her.
No. 566508
File: 1524775987466.png (549.23 KB, 722x471, 1.png)

wow we got an ED hardcore deep web chanster over here. she's seen some awful things "unlike the other girls" she probably thinks this is impressive and wants to show of to her leddit neckbeards
No. 566509
File: 1524776102093.png (137.31 KB, 1211x1350, 151767183751.png)

No. 566515
>>566512HOLD THE FUCK UP…why must she be a
>passing trans girlwhat the actual fuck June
No. 566518
>>566507>to be with june you need to hate her at least as much as she hate herself, preferably a lot moreGrocery def is doing a fine job at this but, I don't think wig hates herself at all.
>>566509>>566512these has been posted already in previous threads.
No. 566526
File: 1524776818158.png (698.81 KB, 628x572, ZdtClEL.png)

>>566518she doesn't she's a complete self-obsessed narcissist. speaking of septic and outdated memes
>>566508 No. 566543
File: 1524778926473.jpg (107.62 KB, 739x674, 1506801551953.jpg)

>>566518of course she hates herself, she 27 yrs old, pulls her hair out from anxiety, had one job, dropped out of school and has no opinions of her own, she just repeats what everyone around her says.
She lets a literal fedoralord cuck her publicly, because she probably thinks she deserves it. Her entire persona online is to make her feel like shes someone, Without orbiters, she's nobody, and to her, she probably think thats worse than dying.
Why do you think she makes memes of herself, she is building up this character, this face to put on.
You see the mask drop sometimes
No. 566551
File: 1524779308092.jpg (107.88 KB, 593x685, shoe0nhead.jpg)

>>566543who she is just depends on who shes with
No. 566554
>>566543what is the pic from?
and she seems to genuinely believe her career in ~entertainment~ (read: youtube) will last for eternity, or at least greg's will and she'll be a doting housewife.
No. 566555
File: 1524779503409.jpg (56.86 KB, 573x595, 7SEurfLc.jpg)

June is at the gym. I guess it doesn't help that she got a membership at a Gym that is known for people going to and quitting in the first week.
No. 566557
File: 1524779533674.png (1.64 MB, 1862x1160, 1507089067985.png)

>>566551she says whatever she thinks people want to hear.
didn't she say she always wanted to be thicc?
her biggest fear is being alone
No. 566558
File: 1524779611325.png (16.07 KB, 605x136, uh2ttyq.png)

"I don't talk about race"
No. 566559
File: 1524779718327.png (461.19 KB, 572x598, cringe.png)

yeah june, you sure debunked that myth by pressing a button. good job!
No. 566570
File: 1524780367399.png (18.44 KB, 623x243, g9O4ss7.png)

No. 566572
>>566174Never thought i'd ever agree with Chris ray gun about something, but here it is.
>>566221She's so gross. Does she really think she's better than someone because she's thinner than them? She is the definition of sad, basic bitch.
No. 566610
File: 1524782495803.jpg (73.83 KB, 549x965, 15174457781.jpg)

so how many girls has grogery got lined up now?
No. 566617
>>566604I roomed with a girl that was an amazing public speaker, interviews, she did shows, modelled, she could have gone pro if she wanted. Everyone thought she had all the confidence in the world.
And then I saw the cutting scars. Then I was the one who ripped the plastic bag she taped over her head because she thought I had left for work.
No. 566630
File: 1524783933885.png (18.62 KB, 617x143, mememememe.png)

She can't even let lesbians have their day without talking about her self, god damn
No. 566658
>>566492That guy in the video is a badass.
He is playing a guitar with a fucken amp connected to the battery of the car.
Tho i wouldn't tweet it as "walmart parking lot" but "jamming like a boss" or something. Gives more punch to it.
sage for Wig being Amy Schumer.
No. 566660
File: 1524784767705.jpg (28.57 KB, 254x257, 1407805888271.jpg)

>>566630she certainly needs to stop SHOEhorning herself into things
No. 566676
>>566630What the fuck. This dumb straight bitch needs to shut her mouth.
>>566652This!! When i was in highschool, i dated a girl who wasnt sure what she was (straight btw) and experimented with me. it's humiliating and hard to find real girlfriends because fake bi and fake gay girls who do it for attention or are scared of coming out.
Not to mention, lesbians are super sexualized by straight dudes and there are seriously guys who believe real lesbians dont exist.. they're just someone who hasn't met the right guy yet. June encourages this kind of behavior.
No. 566681
>>566439it's still old milk, you bitches are desperate for find anything to justify posting how much you hate her.
we get it, she's a piece of shit; that's not a reason to fill a thread a day about how much her tweets suck.
No. 566712
>>566638People, including bi people, have historically been able to get married to their opposite sex partners and thus enjoy the legal benefits of marriage (health insurance, inheritance etc.)
There is also the fact that opposite sex couples are less likely to get harassed oustide, at least in certain areas.
Of course being bi isn't the exact same as being straight, even in a hetero relationship, but there are clear advantages to being in a straight relationship if you have the capacity to be attracted to an opposite sex partner.
She is so up her own ass.
No. 566715
File: 1524788318176.jpg (110.81 KB, 624x1728, aqrG8l6.jpg)

No. 566765
>>566509How legit is this though…
I want to believe.
No. 566794
File: 1524793607923.png (137.5 KB, 621x485, ejTN9vu.png)

again with the screenshoting verified accounts
No. 566799
File: 1524794258475.png (168.55 KB, 633x501, Sc5mMDe.png)

>>566794quoting herself for the second time today
No. 566806
File: 1524794647883.png (242.72 KB, 629x583, Lnv8J3C.png)

did she really throw on these r&m pants just so she could "own" that man jfc No. 566841
>>566503it's not a scam.
legal battles are expensive. This isn't rocket science.
No. 566857
>>566841Are you part of the Sargon-Grocery-Wig-Warski-Raygun-MundaneFat "skeptic" club?
If not: why don't you look around the legal docs before writing such stupidity?
No. 566884
>>566630yeah i really don't get this. like is she saying "MEN ARE SO GREAT WOMEN CAN'T MAKE EACHOTHER HAPPY AND THERE ARE BARELY ANY LESBIANS XD"?
>>566397yeah where does the whole "septic loves trannies" thing come from cause i've only seen him like stef sanjati's photo and like a meme about trannies being better at being women, which i guess that might be enough kek
No. 566920
File: 1524804870940.png (57.62 KB, 387x455, Capture.PNG)

for the lazy who don't wanna scroll through a whole magazine pdf
No. 567002
File: 1524818147482.png (441.65 KB, 590x593, 15177365935.png)

>>566509this is the girl in the blog listed
No. 567026
>>566794I understand what June is saying, but the actual issue is that a mother has to shop in the boy's section for spiderman and that shouldn't be a thing for such a huge marvel hero that tons of people love. In general, the whole gendering of clothing, esp kid's clothing is actually stupid af. Of course the argument went right over June's head…
Sorry for mini rant. It's just so dumb.
No. 567039
>>566794>>567026Wig will sperg how people are complaining over non-issues (like "JUST SHOP IN BOYS SECTION DUHHH") instead of solving world hunger.
Yet her entire existence is focused on doing shit-all but sperging over "non-issues" all day on the net. Why isn't she doing something to solve the big issues? Too busy inhaling cheeto farts?
No. 567059
File: 1524833020543.png (152.86 KB, 759x773, 1.png)

No. 567060
File: 1524833032965.png (50.69 KB, 760x484, 2.png)

No. 567061
File: 1524833046589.png (37.79 KB, 763x338, 3.png)

No. 567114
File: 1524838965177.jpg (28.8 KB, 529x272, Capture.JPG)

No reply from ArmouredSeptic…
No. 567121
File: 1524839917955.jpg (25.96 KB, 459x530, DCPdRokUMAAzoPZ.jpg)

>>566221Is her family aware of how badly she disrespects them publicly? There's so many reasons why June is trashy, but this is a major one.
How's she gonna act like she's better for being thinner when she can't even do adult tasks like pump her own gas, cook, or keep a job?
June, the LEAST you could do with your life is be thin considering you have nothing else going for you, but don't begrudge your family because they've prioritized differently. I'm sure they're much more accomplished despite the weight.
No. 567165
>>566221Is this bitch 14 or 27? I guess she's playing her kawaii loli role down to acting like an ungrateful, immature teenage girl.
>>566681Fuck off, it's not our fault every last one of her tweets has to try and make a retarded, uneducated point about social issues or exhibiting some ridiculous form of narcissistic behavior.
>>566794I'm pretty much an anti-SJW and a TERF but even I think that the girls/boys labels should fucking go for enforcing gender stereotypes. But having those seems to be something tranny defenders aggressively want tbh.
No. 567168
File: 1524844462462.jpeg (209.64 KB, 1125x1515, 063352A4-3346-43C0-A921-FB33AB…)

No. 567170
File: 1524844500537.jpeg (229.93 KB, 1125x1182, A7380ED5-1CDE-49B8-A1FE-635F3E…)

“sad and cranky” lmao
No. 567182
File: 1524845571910.png (24.15 KB, 620x217, XDlyO30.png)

>>567168>>567114when your bf replies to his thicc secret but not you
No. 567187
File: 1524845978593.png (36.05 KB, 643x413, beZS2eU.png)

>going to bed at 9AM
No. 567199
File: 1524847104221.png (237.99 KB, 619x463, rY1vnqY.png)

No. 567238
File: 1524849360208.png (52.61 KB, 641x535, az3gBaU.png)

No. 567245
File: 1524850222705.png (20.14 KB, 609x229, nvLxYMn.png)

>>567242she actually deleted that retweet and replied to the original tweet herself. she always does this
No. 567257
File: 1524851145425.png (2.06 MB, 1950x1326, gurg.png)

>>567135The last one was this a week ago.
No. 567263
File: 1524851685755.jpg (17.43 KB, 394x138, Capture.JPG)

>>566983Her Ollie is like 6 years old. She was like 20 when she got him…maybe 21.
No. 567268
File: 1524852094878.png (25.16 KB, 619x243, deleted tweet.png)

No. 567272
>>567268June really hates when males are found guilty of anything, doesn't she?
Anyway, I don't see how denying a right to trial is implied here, the Tweet just says that the sentence should be jail. June's just too dumb to connect the dots.
No. 567297
File: 1524853834077.jpg (75.48 KB, 994x643, 7SEurfLc.jpg)

I think looking at her ig made me puke a little. Ew.
No. 567302
>>567275grocery and wig going get stds if they keep fucking trashy looking whores like that. Then again, probably one of their "fetishes".
I hate to say it but, wig was smart not to eat her out. Still disgusting. I really hope these people never have children jfc.
No. 567314
File: 1524854582999.jpg (96.51 KB, 698x695, IMG_20180427_143955.jpg)

I can't believe they act like they have standards and yet they willingly fuck this thing.
>you have to be pretty girl to have a threesome with usss
Yeah uh no you just have to be another cumbucket for preg
No. 567316
File: 1524854687063.jpg (79.75 KB, 644x645, 7SEurfLc.jpg)

If her and June have anything in common, it's that neither of them know how to properly hold a bun.
be cumbucket whores all you want, but ffs, please treat the buns properly!
No. 567324
>>567320Seems like it. Maybe thats why shoe tries to tweet gross shit at him all the time like
>>566738 "i can act sluttyy tooo uwu"
No. 567327
>>567300>lets be niceTrust me this type of chick embraces her whoreness, we aren't being mean. I'm sure she'd love the the possible attention from this.
Someone should ask. Obviously she's at least somewhat sane for acknowledging that shoe and her fanbase is pathetic.
No. 567330
File: 1524855637726.png (86.46 KB, 634x690, nfB5OLR.png)

old but relevant
No. 567346
File: 1524856449721.gif (1.78 MB, 566x318, f02lxl.gif)

>>567330I actually cannot imagine talking to someone with this little self respect
No. 567349
File: 1524856601257.png (4.97 KB, 288x114, q3W52g3.png)

>>567347This is his Dad's job.
No. 567352
File: 1524856747226.gif (391.6 KB, 500x374, 1395163124486.gif)

>>567347He's mad that mommy and daddy didn't take him to the big boy uni film college he wanted to go to :c instead he had to go to community college but, dropped out anyways :c it's all their fault :c
No. 567358
File: 1524856974441.png (20.74 KB, 603x213, another deleted tweet.png)

No. 567363
File: 1524857277122.jpg (659.42 KB, 741x1078, pfft.jpg)

>>567351>>567353She the typa bitch that thinks agreeing with everything your SO says is so traditional.
No. 567368
>>567364imagine having the talent and dedication to make edits and shit and you use said talent to make shit like this. EW
>>567363Oh come the fuck on June. If you couldn't be any more of a basic white bitch!
No. 567376
>>567363Here we go with the hypocritical trad bullshit none of these attentionwhores even adhere to.
She doesn't even do anything on this list regularly besides throw on her wig and send a kiss ass tweet to Preg occasionally.
She can't cook, isn't tidy, complains and acts "grumpy and sad" around Preg, dresses immaturely, doesn't have kids.
And the worst thing about the 50s? No internet, and it wasn't becoming of a woman back then to be seeking attention from anyone not her husband. She'd have to kiss her betabux goodbye and hope Preg gives her an allowance.
No. 567385
>>567363This bitch can't cook worth a shit (unless shes trying some weird diet and thats why everything was bland and undercooked)
She's loud, complains about everything,can't control her fiance to make him be a decent person (even though shes loves him o so much)
Same basic eyeliner and cakey foundation, she doesn't have any hair to do so she throws on an overpriced emo wig and calls it a day
Shes far from interesting, except maybe to psych nerds
Who does this hoe think she is
No. 567393
File: 1524859631487.jpg (Spoiler Image,316.32 KB, 1536x2048, 1517547985697.jpg)

Found this on the /b/ thread. June's ex is named Andrew.
No. 567395
>>567393already been posted before
these newbies reposting shit are getting annoying. next thread we should start listing past threads on the OP
No. 567397
File: 1524860148277.png (290.48 KB, 631x517, RYPLc7X.png)

i bet she thinks septic and her are a youtube powercouple like this
No. 567422
>>567397We all know Mariza is gonna say yes. rofl
But congrats on them. They've been together a long time and seem happy. Unlike septic and Wig.
No. 567429
>>567059It's almost as if gender roles/stereotypes are bullshit or something and being male or female is determined by chromosomes.
June defending Blaire is so sad. haha
No. 567446
>>567438fuck I meant to type *30's, my bad
the ironic thing is that without the beard he has a total baby face
No. 567447
>>567441Ok, I'll give you that one, anon. hahaha
Even when Septic visits, do they ever go anywhere?
No. 567451
>>567436This. Also wig thinks she's one of those pretty girls and that only girls who are "hot like her" get sexually harassed and that it's "no big deal". And when woman who doesn't fit her narrative tells a sexual harassment story she thinks they're lying.
>>567447they sit in their car waiting for female joggers to run by them and catcall them apparently
No. 567452
>>567447Lol yeah that doesnt make any sense
>gets cat called >never leaves the housePick one june
No. 567455
File: 1524864362983.jpg (7.98 KB, 84x90, 20180427_172458.jpg)

>>567451That's some grad a fucking degeneracy
No. 567458
>>567452she also typed it like getting cat called is something that happens all the time for her. Like who puts a percentage on it like that? It's sounds like she gets off on it(or the idea depending on if she's telling the truth). actual catcalling is not something you end up bragging about to some random person on twitter, it's shitty and embarrassing and scary experience that you try to forget every happened.
but nope shoe apparently likes keeping tabs on the men who catcall her. classy.
No. 567459
>>567423>half blackNope, 1/4th. She's 75 percent white. If she's black, Malia and Sasha Obama are white.
>>567425>Halsey>minorityNo anon
No. 567461
File: 1524865040309.png (59.7 KB, 591x411, eBaDsOl.png)

>>567451she also only thinks teenagers and ""ghetto trash"" cat-call. she sounds like an old conservative woman
No. 567463
>>567458She probably does. She probably has that trannie mentality that if you get catcalled, you're a 'real woman now!!' and 'super sexy.'
I hate her. She's beyond anti-woman. No woman ever wants to get catcalled. They legit just want to go about their lives.
No. 567466
File: 1524865528951.png (60.58 KB, 171x264, 1411404026510.png)

>>567461yeah old creepy white guys never catcall. I guess I just made up all those bad memories in my head.
No. 567497
>>567121I agree with you that June is incompetent, but I will say I do understand why she can't pump her own gas because self service stations are banned in New Jersey. dad visited New Jersey once and scared the shit out of some poor gas station employee because he insisted on pumping his own gas.
saged because nitpick and blogpost.
No. 567518
File: 1524869965922.png (38.78 KB, 512x512, 1f914.png)

>>567458>>567466no offense, but if you guys are getting PTSD from catcalls, maybe feminists aren't as strong and independent as I thought…
(derailing) No. 567528
File: 1524870640645.jpg (28.21 KB, 322x365, image.jpg)

>>567495This is so sad. I don't know about you guys, but when I spend time with my bf I like to try new restaurants, go for walks in nature, go see a movie, or just relax and enjoy his company. You know, cute fun traditional functional couple things.
I can't fucking imagine being in a LDR with my bf, taking the train by myself to finally visit him after MONTHS of separation, only to have him drive me to the park so he could ogle women and comment on how much he wants to fuck them instead of spending time with me. I would honestly leave the car in tears if my bf was that fucking gross.
But then again I'm not a cool girl cuck kween like June.
Absolutely depressing.
No. 567535
File: 1524871064661.png (904.42 KB, 896x1556, X6eQCCg.png)

>>567528why do all that boring vanilla shit when you could be leashed on the floor while your bf tips camgirls? sorry you're too much of a normie to grasp their complex 24/7 dynamic. you're missing out
No. 567536
>>567528same! I couldn't imagine using the only time I had with my FIANCE after months of being apart to spend it staring at random ass women in public. Fucking gross.
And as someone who goes out running a lot, you wouldn't believe the amount of people who just go driving and stare at women…has June ever been out of the house before? Does she know how uncomfortable and unsafe that makes women feel? The fact that she is partaking in it and acting like it's funny or cute is disgusting.
No. 567541
>>567495UGH. FUCK OFF. You can be into other women without being a creep about it. And once again, are they fetishizing lesbians?
June is seriously gross. Leave women alone. No one wants to go out jogging to get harassed!
No. 567546
>>567495Idk if she meant they were cat-calling. She definitely meant that they were making sexual comments amongst themselves like a couple frat boys.
I don’t want to “thought-police” but she is enabling some seriously gross behavior in Greg by doing that. Maybe she personally doesn’t feel disrespected, but it’s disrespectful to others. Most people would like to be able to live their lives without being sexually evaluated everywhere they go. And it’s seriously autistic to see that as complimentary behavior.
No. 567549
File: 1524872099408.png (1.24 MB, 1093x1087, 863881899003873.png)

>>567314I was bored enough to scroll her entire profile. It was fascinating watching her gradually become clean, sober, sane, and normal.
I'd be surprised if this chick really hooked up with Shoe and Grocery, being "youtube famous" they could obviously aim a little higher than a heroin addicted trustie crustie who doesn't shower and squats in alleyways. And she's not even ~thicc~.
No. 567559
File: 1524873155962.jpg (47.34 KB, 598x820, 990f343aa44ca31c90ba02eeba2abe…)

>>567528their fans see them as "relationship goals" meanwhile my bf and I laugh at how transparent and milk toast they are.
Most of their convos look like it was ripped out of those fake text posts under tumblr's ddlg tag(pic related).
it's not worth getting depressed over, just laugh at how pathetic it must be to base your relationship off of dynamics and roles. most of it seems like grocery trying to compensate for his lack of real masculinity and shoe trying be the "perfect girl" to neckbeards.
No. 567569
>>567252It sounds more like "if they're all bratty at the same time I'm going to have lots of work to do to punish them all!"
>>567330ewwww how is she okay with this…
>>567447June talks about how they always get recognized these days, so they probably do go out somewhere to get attention.
No. 567575
>>567506Don't worry anon.
She acts and looks like someone from Jersey Shore. I can understand your confusion.
No. 567602
File: 1524877698252.png (229.54 KB, 625x401, obsessed by mariah carey.png)

still talking about graham linehan
No. 567634
File: 1524879971189.png (455.62 KB, 622x1054, XBbqUyU.png)

No. 567661
File: 1524881743946.png (99.23 KB, 630x712, KGsVuLb.png)

No. 567711
File: 1524887517876.png (41.14 KB, 635x273, deleted.png)

No. 567713
>>567711why does she constantly call herself stupid? Ugh. At some point self-deprecating humor gets very concerning
>>567330maybe Greg talking to her like she's retarded is one of the reasons she's depressed. I know I was depressed when I had a shitty family that constantly told me I was dumb. Why does she put up with that? Seems like she's internalized abuse as "kinky" ew
No. 567730
File: 1524889297365.jpg (31.83 KB, 480x358, image.jpg)

>>567559I know she did this to herself, but I still can't help but feel bad for her. Her relationship is just… so pathetic. Skeptic treats her like shit, and yet he offers nothing. She may be an annoying attention whore, but I really think she tries to impress him and make him proud with her shitty cooking and constant worship and that's what makes it so sad. She's clearly invested in this meatloaf that spends all day jacking off to other women and putting her down. Her claiming to like it makes it so much worse imo.
Like, she has no ambitions other than being this meatball's waifu and worshipping his cheesy dick and its such a pathetic existence. She's literally striving for the bottom of the barrel.
No. 567738
>>567733Anon, any woman is too good for him. Even that nasty girl who claimed they had a threesome should have higher standards.
Shoe's a loser, but she's a lot more than he deserves.
No. 567748
File: 1524890639290.png (57.58 KB, 645x729, 88F2AA80-8B47-4866-BEBE-894E85…)

>>567735She said she failed math more than twice In the draw my life video. Then she cried in the Dunkin’ Donuts parking lot a lot and skipped class a lot.
No. 567760
>>567661Why do people think SLIDESHOWs are animations?
Does he really think he's near the quality of at least Hyun?
No. 567763
>>5677486:26 checked and she failed it thrice but aced all her other classes.
she also talks about being a bully, lying to make herself look cool and catfishing a lot kek. she seemed selfaware back then, what happened?
No. 567771
>>567763Now she's gotta convince her orbiters that she was always smol qt shy bunny girl who was bullied by fatties and is dumber than men but smarter than those other women who like dumb things like ~feminism~
This is how she makes her money.
No. 567793
File: 1524895100488.png (80.24 KB, 623x357, C16Ouw4.png)

No. 567803
>>567799there's no reason why she can't go through college and get a job. as much as she hates the normie label, she's an average woman by all accounts and could easily live a normal life like her sister.
greg though? good luck with that. i think he has more issues than just dyslexia..
No. 567809
File: 1524896565519.png (144.99 KB, 628x600, 4WCE9mm.png)

No. 567828
>>567586Shes italian, she comes from long island, what do you expect?
Shes a basic bitch that never got knocked up and got stuck at home on the internet for 10 years.
No. 567829
>>567738the funny thing is, Shoe still has 5 times the views than Skeptic lol
No one wants to watch a chubby MRA suck his own dick on youtube.
No. 567841
>>567799College is not a measure of intelligence, but hard work and persistence. Wig is lazy and spoiled, but she isn't stupid, though I don't think pandering to MGTOW neckbeards requires that much brainpower either.
And say what you will but I've seen worse women end up with better men (Tess Holliday, for example) and I think both Preg's SOs (that I know of) were/are way out of his league, he ought to be counting his lucky stars that any woman at all is willing to put up with his fat autistic ass. I don't feel sorry for her but I do sympathise a bit since one of my exes used to pull similar condescending shit, idk what it is but it does take a lot of effort to stop trying to prove yourself and realise that he'll never actually change or like you that much past getting his dick wet occasionally.
No. 567843
>>567803I doubt she could get back into anywhere but a community college at 27. Non-traditional student acceptance is pretty low. However that wouldn't be very helpful to her since she was originally getting her degree in something useless. It's not like she's gonna have a change of heart and want to go to med school or be an engineer.
But she can still get a job just about anywhere with just an HS diploma AND make videos…but she wont. All of her problems are caused by her. She was a hot mess before she met Greg and she will be after he leaves her for some thicc tranny.
Greg isn't holding her down.
No. 567852
>>567850tbh, I understand why YouTubers don't want jobs. If they have IRL jobs and fans run into them, all that fan has to do is call the store they work at and act like they're a family member and get their private information. Even that, they could follow them home.
But she pretty much COULD get a job at any retail store or what not. A friend of mine is a camgirl and if you google her names, the first search result is her explicit website…and she has had about 6 jobs in the last few years. 99% of retail stores and fast food joints hire whoever they can. They don't even google you. If you're clean crime-wise, they don't look much farther.
No. 568002
>>567852I actually work with someone who is actually has a big following on twitch.
It's a retail job and they literally put up everyone's phone number up in the office. Even if you took it down you could easily ask the managers for a phone number and pretend that you need to contact them for work reasons.
Point is if anyone recognized him and was evil enough to dox him they could EASY.
I'm just trying to be fair and say it's probably not a good idea for her to get a simple wage job now.
No. 568013
>>568002let's not forget the type of fan base she has as well. A lot of he male viewers wish they were dating her and are lonely desperate manchildren. She's given out enough info where any of them could probably find her if they wanted to do something crazy. I'd be scared of working in a public place if I were her.
Maybe i'm just overreacting but, as much as I dislike her, I really hope she doesn't end up getting hurt or attacked by any of them.
No. 568023
>>568002I want to point out also even a customer could come in and ask for their phone number and say they need to contact them or something, say that they are a friend or a family member or something.
Managers/co workers don't understand this internet culture, they don't understand how dangerous it is in general even to just give out information. It doesn't even have to be a manager, if you asked a co-worker they would go in the back and just find the phone number for you or just show you on their own phone.
I guarantee if someone came in as a customer and asked a normie co worker would just be like whoop-dee-doo okay.
No. 568042
>>568023>>567852This kind of shit happens to regular, non-internet famous people, too. Like honestly I'm surprised more employers haven't made it a policy to not give out their employees' personal information…
Sorry for blogging but it's relevant, had a coworker of mine give some strange dude my phone number and work schedule, which would have been weird no matter what, but I was underage so it was even scarier at the time. He'd always just come around and lurk during my shifts and bother me with creepy comments, then had the nerve to ask me why I seemed annoyed a couple of times.
No. 568089
>>568042In America it is certainly against the rules to give our employee’s phone numbers. I don’t know about the law but any major corporation has strict rules against it. It might happen anyway but those people would lose their jobs if a complaint were made.
Also the strange misconception a lot of people have that if you have a shady history on the internet it will somehow affect your ability to get hired is bizarre. As long as you aren’t posting anything illegal, you are allowed to have whatever opinions you like, and share them publicly. The same goes for taking your clothes off in a setting that doesn’t contradict the law. An employer (with the exception of a government job or a position where you represent a company publicly) has no jurisdiction over what you do in your personal life as long as you aren’t talking about it at work.
June could easily do something like telemarketing (or warehouse/factory job I’d she decided on manual labor) if she wanted to stay out of the public eye.
No. 568113
File: 1524934987361.png (178.27 KB, 715x1230, 20180428_130059.png)

Look at the tropes associated with her lol
No. 568118
File: 1524935381052.png (186.74 KB, 720x1235, 20180428_130119.png)

No. 568136
>>568118>>568120Yeah, does anyone know what "nerd" things Shoe is into? I don't recall ever seeing her act nerdy in any youtube video ever posted here.
She never comes across as knowledgeable about anything she ever discusses.
Last I checked, liking a mascot character from the latest installment of Star Wars doesn't a nerd make either.
No. 568189
>>568089Sure, they have no "jurisdiction" over your online habits but you can bet your ass they will look at that information and compare it to other candidates when looking to fill a position.
Sorry for blog post but I actually have been in the position of hiring manager and can tell you that examining your online presence is definitely a part of the background check process. I can't speak for retail or fast food, but any corporate job will be looking at that stuff and yes, it will most definitely be factored in to the decision making process about whether or not you'll be a good fit in their workplace "culture."
So please, just be careful not to delude yourself. There are companies who's entire business is built around helping people maintain/clean their online reputation for exactly this reason.
No. 568233
File: 1524944251677.png (429.52 KB, 610x992, terf sperg.png)

No. 568244
>>568233Women also don't want men in a private space when they have to remove their pants to pee. It's about feeling safe.
but of course june doesn't get it
>>568237of course she does
No. 568260
File: 1524946971246.png (168.31 KB, 632x382, screenshotting verified accoun…)

She'll do anything for 15 minutes of fame, huh? First it was piggybacking off of Gamergate, now it's the Count Dankula drama. At least she knows her audience well.
No. 568270
File: 1524947781305.png (12.5 KB, 577x93, QYutHum.png)

No. 568271
File: 1524947930921.png (21.18 KB, 583x245, deleted tweet.png)

No. 568279
>>568260First was her piggybacking off the vlog craze, then the boxxy craze, then GG, now the "skeptic" community as a sort of "I'm not really being serious Jon Stewart" type of sketch commentary.
Have to give it to her, shes a decent video maker when she tries. But I feel like shes lazy and too wrapped up in googling herself every second and sucking gregs cock to really break out.
No. 568332
File: 1524950717274.png (115.26 KB, 900x920, cuck.png)

No. 568338
>>568296her attempts at comedy are fucking dreadful! The joke is unoriginal (ofc, since this is a parody) but like, come on. How did you make it so unfunny?
>>568325She sounds like every extremely annoying loudmouth new-yorker tbh. Shy nerd my ass. Literally the only time she didn't have friends was when she was out of college…and then she had the people who she worked with (who didn't really like her, I assume, because she was using their makeup brushes or something).
I think she tries to act like she never had friends as a way to make her feel better about the fact she has none now. And if she wasn't on twitter 24/7, I'd genuinely believe she had friends that she just didn't talk about
>we're in blacktown>we're getting rapednothing like some really unsubtle stupid white girl racism, if you didn't think she was any more of a spoiled dumbass white girl.
No. 568344
File: 1524951393347.png (24.03 KB, 371x327, pmCurSO.png)

>>568325she's just not funny tbh. she's insecure about stuff she shouldn't be - like being dumber than septic when she's absolutely not - and yet has all this confidence when it comes to her ""comedy."" weird
No. 568414
File: 1524956229353.png (90.8 KB, 484x508, cuck.png)

>>568404it's not even her fetish she just pretends it is
No. 568423
File: 1524956654017.gif (768.24 KB, 500x340, 1411596392928.gif)

What would happen if Grocery got another woman pregnant during one of their cuck/threesome sessions? They obviously don't use protection and based on that /b/ chick they could easily run into some stupid hoe who forgets/doesn't take birth control.
The thought terrifies me, a bunch of low iq grocery babies birthed out by whores who'd being willing to threesome with those two. Yikes.
No. 568461
>>568443The only thing I find sad tbh is it doesn't seem like there was anyone telling her to not date him or even at least tell her to not go straight into all the bdsm/poly./ddlg shit so soon in the relationship and broadcast it to the fucking world like an idiot.
Shoe thinks she wanted female friends to talk about make up and shit with when in reality she needed ones to tell her not to date a guy like prego. She might've been saved but, it's her own damn fault now
No. 568467
>>568433His ex wife has never once posted about having a kid, which isn't something many people with kids do.
Also if he had a kid, I have no reason to believe he wouldn't exploit the fact he doesn't see it as some MGTOW "women are favored in custody battles" talking point. Even if he doesn't want to see it.
No. 568485
File: 1524959747370.jpg (54.64 KB, 621x720, af8c09fe9003c6701da57158bd7c1c…)

>>568469>June said that her relationship relates to "Tangled" even in the storylineeugene and rapunzel totally have hardcore threesomes and are in a 24/7 bdsm relationship just like wig and preg! I mean look at them!!1!
No. 568496
File: 1524960243834.png (27.85 KB, 487x321, goffic.png)

>>568325what a reserved wallflower
No. 568513
>>568505Give me a break! She just listed 3 totally different kind of rock artists.
At least she could google them first.
No. 568523
File: 1524961384892.jpg (23.53 KB, 216x360, PjyTJDg.jpg)

goth june
No. 568531
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No. 568535
File: 1524961920230.png (556.7 KB, 628x732, U5figLf.png)

No. 568542
>>568523>>568531Yup, i can see the connection between her and Siouxsie Sioux or Liv Kristine.
She was a fucking dollar store Avril jfc.
No. 568599
File: 1524965351202.png (192.98 KB, 630x780, Lg2c13f.png)

No. 568637
File: 1524967980783.png (476.82 KB, 614x872, deleted.png)

For someone who says they don't like to talk about race, she sure talks a lot about race
No. 568650
>>568480I couldn't get very far into this because she's so fucking annoying, but I loled at 3:51 when she said
Ruh-cream for a Dream was one of her favorite movies.
No. 568654
File: 1524968603997.png (93.74 KB, 596x706, i love this song.png)

No. 568838
File: 1524977478534.jpg (40.1 KB, 800x317, IMG_20180429_005045.jpg)

No. 568842
File: 1524977565965.png (37.18 KB, 421x289, AqJqmTn.png)

No. 568902
>>568842I don't understand this though. Why does it make it a ruse if Kayne doesn't agree with everything conservatives say? Last time I checked you could be agree with a lot of conservative point of views and still be pro-gun control.
June is sounding like all those annoying feminists she hates…you know…the ones that think you aren't a feminist if you disagree with a commonly agreed upon subject. fucking hypocrite.
No. 568925
File: 1524983434147.png (75.75 KB, 630x556, TvOBE7D.png)

>>568599she's still angry
No. 568937
File: 1524984376417.png (108.11 KB, 635x477, XqASpx6.png)

now she's just making shit up. all of her criticisms with TERFs deal with the feminist aspect
No. 568939
>>567809No one infanizes her besides herself, preggory, and her 4 few obsessive fanboys, even then most of her fanboys were awed by her seeming "not like other girls, cool and smart and worried about politics but hates feminism and likes atheism", they're leaving her because what they wanted was a 2smart4u antifem atheist girl and now shes becoming a wannabe trad dumb toddler housewife, ie exactly like every other dumb basic hoe walking around
For as "pretty white women are dangerous" which is subjective for shoe, attractive women are dangerous because a lot have an army of fanboys who will beat your shit if you tell her she doesn't spell a word right, shoe, despite desperately claiming to hate women who manipulate men into doing things, is a walking contradiction, not that we didn't know that already
No. 568944
File: 1524985963531.png (343.44 KB, 629x583, RrzuDSx.png)

give me a fucking break, what a hypocrite. she doesn't mind sending her neckbeard orbiters to attack literal teenagers but she gets a small amount of tame criticism and suddenly the world is ending? someone with skin as thin as hers shouldn't be a youtuber
No. 568946
>>568461>Shoe thinks she wanted female friends to talk about make up and shit with when in reality she needed ones to tell her not to date a guy like prego.This. This is exactly why you need friends of your own gender. They're not there to just sperg about makeup and clothes and other shallow shit but to look out for you when they see you entering a gender-specific situation they know is bad. But because when socializing with other women you actually have to be a nice and a tolerable personality, it's way harder for her than attracting her male orbiters just by acting like a kawaii intellectual irl loli in a 24/7 bdsm relationship.
>>568535Grocery actually looks better without the beard. Huh.
>>568654This person gets it.
No. 568949
File: 1524986819528.png (120.69 KB, 641x413, sore loser.png)

No. 568952
>>568949What the hell is she tweeting about?
Is she having a mini narc meltdown?
No. 568955
>>568578You just know she always wanted to date a high school jock chad.
Had to settle with an obese actually-a-beta-male neckbeard with learning disabilities, who has one old selfie where he looks decent.
No. 568960
>>568937She can't even defend transwomen without lowkey calling them men and has critcized TERFS because of muh "misandry" against trans
women. Can you imagine her REEEing this hard in support of biological women? Didn't think so. I don't buy the fact that she hates TERFs entirely because of their opposition to trans ideology. :^)
Also I think it's safe to say that she doesn't wholly buy into the rhetoric that sex and gender are tied together which is enough for any of them to label her a TERF in their eyes.
No. 568962
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No. 569022
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No. 569093
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No. 569095
File: 1525007469319.png (88.52 KB, 766x505, 3.png)

No. 569134
File: 1525014629334.png (238.25 KB, 217x440, 1523936136225.png)

>>569113Come on, anon, you're telling me you
don't want this alpha male's big strong stomach?
No. 569136
>>568960She definitely sees transwomen as men in dresses who need to be coddled the same way she coddles all men. She doesn’t feel threatened by them at all like she does with real women. I wonder if Blaire
et al. have noticed it yet because it’s pretty obvious.
>>569093She’s slowly morphing into Lamey.
>I’m so bi omg muh threesomes so kinky 70% gay over here is me yup actually not really all that interested in dudes at all>with the exception of my insecure cheating potbellied fiancé/husband Greg, his little wiener is just that special~ No. 569151
File: 1525016419712.jpg (48.33 KB, 350x536, a7d4703e61ab7bfe713483d567abef…)

>>568955Which is really funny considering her "uguu so goffic" phase, I thought she'd be into guys like this. Lol
No. 569302
>>568654no she doesn't hate women as much as she hates herself and wants guys to validate her.
She's got some serious self esteem issues, considering she's putting up with a long distance MRA what probably brings a new girl to his house every weekend.
No. 569318
File: 1525033088206.jpg (79.59 KB, 800x661, IMG_20180429_161554.jpg)

>and everybody loves it
Those stuck in 2014-2015 love it. Everyone else has moved on.
No. 569347
File: 1525036006395.png (24.65 KB, 263x155, demi snowflake.png)

>>569093>30% heteroi know this tweet it brought up in every shoe thread but why is she so comfortable with lying. for every single tweet she makes you could find a contradictory one from only a few months ago
No. 569354
File: 1525036386499.png (271.65 KB, 636x548, HBttpwb.png)

she's been tweeting about race everyday. soon enough one of those liberals she's pandering to is going to dig up her past as racist Snooki
>>568325 No. 569358
File: 1525036551875.png (485.75 KB, 606x994, 3o0hjoW.png)

No. 569371
File: 1525037941417.png (61.45 KB, 637x415, 3Cx574Q.png)

No. 569384
>>569358>spills $7 sugary pinkdrink>Goes and buys another $7 pinkdrinkAlso lmao I thought she was trying to lose weight? these are… not good ways to lose weight, June. I bet she's never eaten healthy in her entire life and just rode her metabolism until it crashed into the ground. She's lucky her metabolism lasted until 27, to be honest, most girls' don't get to enjoy being effortlessly skinny for so long.
She's such a hypocritical bitch I can't get over it ahhh
No. 569386
File: 1525039124039.png (14.37 KB, 371x210, m8rdiTZ.png)

No. 569389
>>569347Clearly she isn't "demi" if she had a threesome with some random skank.
OT, but "demi" is one of the most retarded tunglr snowflake identities. Everyone who isn't a literal whore wants to have an emotional connection to whomstever they're fucking before they fuck them, why do they think it makes them special?
No. 569400
>>569348I think she's been going back and deleting tweets we've capped. I noticed a few myself
>>569384Ikr? Plus she has no baseline fitness to go off of cause all she does is sit at her laptop all day looking for terfs to fight, she probably can't do more than 20 minutes of work out a day. Apparently she's also drinking protein shakes which makes me lol hard. She's the type who will probably crash diet a lot and keep messing up her metabolism
No. 569411
File: 1525040844486.jpg (84.91 KB, 800x612, IMG_20180429_182553.jpg)

This mayu guy is fucking creeping me out.
No. 569432
File: 1525042177665.png (473.22 KB, 616x620, phEQYZC.png)

>>569428and she makes fun of vegans
No. 569439
File: 1525042687645.gif (759.99 KB, 620x412, burn-carbs.gif)

>>569435Makes pic related come to mind, lol.
June really knows nothing about health and any info she gets is gonna be from loser /fit/ meat heads. She won't do any of her own research and won't listen to anything that comes from a female's mouth on the subject. If she does do anything she'll just make herself look weird and beefy cause she followed a dude's advice on how he bulked up/lost weight. Either that or she balloons, either way is gonna be hilarious.
No. 569447
>>569411That tranny is some obvious yandere. Just a few more weeks and she will stalk them IRL. And a month and she will bury wig's corps.
The only winner is Preg. And maybe us.
No. 569465
File: 1525043935986.png (39.89 KB, 513x315, 4hEVivl.png)

No. 569479
File: 1525044193165.png (36.22 KB, 641x353, uizH2Nd.png)

holy shit june is still livid at this random making a tame tweet about her.
No. 569482
File: 1525044277843.png (54.43 KB, 598x352, NjTuggu.png)

No. 569485
>>569465Lol gains? Just say youre insecure about your flat saggy ass and wanna build it up so skeptic doesn't feel like he was figure catfished from all the shoop and lying about measurements
Why is she shying away from just saying shes trying to get an ass? She most likely just biked on the highest setting and thinks that ~making booty gainz~
No. 569507
>>569334If this is true (that he indeed has XYY syndrome, it's a thing) the only thing this means for Septic is that
1) he's statistically likely to be taller than the rest of his family (I guess this is manly?)
2) he's statistically more likely to have a lower IQ compared to his siblings (fucking kek)
3) he's statistically likely to have learning disabilities
No. 569508
File: 1525045180693.png (311.98 KB, 623x473, deleted tweet.png)

No. 569522
File: 1525045646618.png (114.49 KB, 615x425, narc meltdown part 5000.png)

No. 569533
File: 1525045889932.png (571.84 KB, 616x1188, TTie8Pk.png)

meanwhile greg's spending his time responding to a 20 y/o weeb from spain
No. 569575
File: 1525047786688.png (142.43 KB, 636x1012, TXIMvfI.png)

No. 569587
File: 1525048206338.png (67.01 KB, 637x485, zyVkCTi.png)

so shoe's beta orbiters are attacking this girl esp her looks. when has this happened before?
No. 569598
>>569591she only likes "passable" "pretty" trannies, ugly ones she doesn't give a shit about.
contra the exception cause she wants his liberal audience.
No. 569611
File: 1525049665531.png (24.59 KB, 639x191, T3AENsJ.png)

proof that shoe googles her name everyday
>>569603her thread on PULL
No. 569638
File: 1525051249532.png (419.42 KB, 477x700, 1366994379769.png)

>>569611>>569621>>569630jfc i always knew she was boring and had no life or hobbies outside of obsessing over herself but this is whole new level of pathetic. There is now way she doesn't lurk these threads if she's willing to go through all of twitter search with just the word shoe to find shit on her.
No. 569677
>>569656This would mean she would go out to gym and actually work on her moon figure and would never sip another protein shake just so she could rub it into our face.
Or… she could just refer to us.
But nope.
So please don't see causation into correlation. I bet this is how she went down her rabbithole (pun intended).
No. 569720
File: 1525056521331.png (42.94 KB, 591x239, opxIFxi.png)

No. 569723
>>569692Point is: put your tinfoil down. She doesn't lurk here, even if she does we only has circumstantial evidence for it, don't be a paranoid person because you might end up like her.
Keep your LC browsing and posting calm and milky okay?
No. 569746
File: 1525059421272.png (15.89 KB, 627x112, vvzVhoZ.png)

>>569720>>569411he replies to every tweet.
every. single. tweet
No. 569758
File: 1525060286112.png (268.84 KB, 656x766, 8lVZ1il.png)

>>569754Eh she does it herself to Septic, Dankula and Contra so…
No. 569778
>>565875 that hard to google it. Dogs DO love you. It has been scientifically proven.
"Pets don't feel love" and shit like that is just so old.
Sorry for OT but this kinda shit rustles my jimmies
No. 569788
>>569723NTA, but just curious, what makes you say she doesn't lurk here? You make it sound like it's a fact.
We already know she searches herself on Twitter. If you Google search "shoe0nhead" her lolcow thread is on the top of the second page of results. There's no way she doesn't know about it.
Maybe the mean girls instance is off, but I don't think it's tinfoil to think she is aware of these threads here.
No. 569807
>>569788> second page of resultsThis is why.
"Research" in the skeptic community tends to be "search word on google and hit 'I have a lucky day'."
Also she is narc, so she only focuses on extended research in social networks.
Plus she would have nuked this thread already. Remeber: She only picks her fights if she is in control of the outcome.
No. 569815
>>569807you sound stupid as fuck anon, coming in telling us what's what when you don't even seem to have heard of her history with the site that was exposed in the previous threads, or you misunderstood it
>She would have nuked this threadhow? what the fuck? go and read the threads
No. 569816
>>569815> she was a mod here> can't delete thread or posts> BUT SHE DID DELETED THOSE ELSEWHEREMake up your mind.
Last post about this topic from my side.
No. 569827
File: 1525068377741.png (508.79 KB, 642x636, TrJAItq.png)

>june pretending to care for women
No. 569828
File: 1525068648468.png (17.66 KB, 515x249, dkKNjiC.png)

zero self awareness
No. 569834
>>569827I’ll never forget that anon in an Onion thread who claimed that in Iran, bio women are less oppressed than trans people because bio women can simply transition to male and shake off sexism that way. Do you guys think June frequents the Onion threads?
No. 569847
File: 1525071086116.png (90.91 KB, 588x444, gross.png)

>>569411>>569758This skinwalker is so desperate for attention.
No. 569852
>>569720ah, yes. Femdoms are a joke. Because her fat ass daddydom is totally not laughable. I rather be fucked in the ass by a woman than buy that greasy tub of lard she calls a dom.
>>566509Does anyone think this girl might have been really drunk or high and just thought she had a threesome with them? She doesn't seem to be the most clean type anyway. Because you'd have to be heavily intoxicated in some way to ever want to have a threesome with any couple that even looked like them
No. 569856
>>569827But we don't need feminism, right June?
She should be thankful feminism has protected her right to present her own gender out in public and act like a vulgar skank online.
No. 569858
>>569834Idk if that's true. But I know a LOT of gay men in the middle east transition to female so that they can not be punished for being gay. I've never heard of women transitioning to male in the middle east.
sage for OT
No. 569862
File: 1525072251568.png (134.51 KB, 632x317, EnLizcv.png)

does this person run the shoe0nhead 2.0 account too?
No. 569924
>>569847Totally not a fetishist, y'all.
>>569858Oh it was definitely nonsense. Just someone trying too hard to push the idea that female cissies are totes privileged even in the Middle East and men are the only truly oppressed group. And you're right, MtF transitioning is used as a form of gay conversion therapy in many countries but I don't think it ever happens the other way around. MtFs might be semi-accepted as "women" because it's apparently better than being a gay man, but FtMs would never be accepted as men.
No. 570012
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No. 570016
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No. 570019
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No. 570020
File: 1525093561850.png (105.3 KB, 703x754, 1.png)

No. 570027
File: 1525094070004.png (331.04 KB, 714x736, cuck.png)

No. 570031
File: 1525094196877.png (116.25 KB, 703x850, 1.png)

No. 570032
>>570020>>570026Holy shit she's thin-skinned. Imagine getting this fucking
triggered over minor shit like this. She should consider medication.
No. 570035
File: 1525094415429.png (45.54 KB, 485x469, BLCGIjC.png)

>>570032but anon her personality would change :'(
No. 570038
>>570035since she doesn't get meds are we sure its ADHD?
I know someone who was diagnosed ADHD and then it was changed to BPD later on.
No. 570039
>>570016>>570017Absolutely disgusting. Whoever said june relates to trannies because they both have shallow, hypersexual views of womanhood called it. And she just admitted that she pretends to be ~mostly gay~ because she counts them as women k e k
>>570033>>570031>>570027>>570026>>570020>>570019She really sperged out last night, huh?
No. 570040
File: 1525094849671.png (58.29 KB, 676x396, 1.png)

>going to be egalitarian
uh yeah isn't wanting everyone to be treated equally suppose to a natural thing,, not something you actively have to try and be?
No. 570042
>>570038I've got ADHD and am also unmedicated. I think Shoe seems pretty ADHD, imo
sage 4 blog
No. 570043
File: 1525095061357.png (89.55 KB, 667x685, 1.png)

Threads already debunk this one, she still used autistic/autism in insulting way just last year. Just twitter search it with her name, unless she deleted those lol. Good thing we cap!
No. 570044
File: 1525095069197.png (36.29 KB, 422x402, yfn1z3b.png)

>>570038she said she's diagnosed but she's also a compulsive liar.
No. 570047
File: 1525095447834.png (321.19 KB, 656x756, fZAwQY9.png)

>>570043this has prob been posted but this was at the end of december. december! does she think people don't know how to google??
No. 570050
>>570046there you go.
>>570039yeah sorry for so many caps. I have a headache now lol.
my thing is, i'm slightly annoyed none these twitter people lurk here because we have plenty of shit to fling at her.
No. 570057
File: 1525096232514.png (24.68 KB, 583x99, Screen Shot 2018-04-30 at 9.38…)

>>570035I remember her tweeting about how she took adhd medication at some point and felt like she could focus. I wasn't able to find it since she probably deleted it, but I found this. So there's another contradiction to something she's said.
No. 570060
File: 1525096422382.png (25.21 KB, 578x133, Screen Shot 2018-04-30 at 9.39…)

>>570038sorry for same fagging, but she was prescribed adhd meds at some point.
No. 570070
File: 1525097589134.png (44.86 KB, 471x365, TDxAeqX.png)

this is sad
No. 570071
File: 1525097605758.png (86.7 KB, 649x587, 0a0CQ9X.png)

No. 570075
File: 1525097681987.png (41.16 KB, 647x259, uh.png)

No. 570079
>>570070>''half of my personality stems from the fact that I have a mental illness uwu i'm so quirky''Absolutely Depressing.
Also, on a side note, isn't this what tumblr sjws do all the time? Like their entire personality is based around a mental illness (or race/ethnicity/gender)? How do her fans not see that she's exactly like the people they claim to hate?
No. 570085
>>570031>I AM LAUGHING SO HARDSure you are, June.
>>570020>>570026>>570033>>570043Really hope she can get a life someday and find a reason to actually laugh.
No. 570141
File: 1525102772324.png (175.75 KB, 626x1036, 8uhqAKy.png)

>>570050>i'm slightly annoyed none these twitter people lurk here because we have plenty of shit to fling at her.someone posted this in the thread that
triggered her narc rage so maybe some do? either way would love to see shoe try and defend this cringe list
No. 570147
>>570075Honestly I don't think anyone can blame her for this. ADHD meds are stimulants. Usually adults with ADHD are prescribed amphetamine (although methamphetamine is legit prescribed sometimes, the brand name is Desoxyn) so she's only being slightly hyperbolic.
Sage for blog but I was prescribed Adderall for my ADHD. It helped for a while, but in order for it to keep on working the dosage kept going up and up. Stimulants really aren't good to be on long term, the health effects are obvious. If I'd get too excited, about anything at all even stupid shit like snacks, my heartrate would go up to nearly 200 bpm until I could calm down. It's heavy shit. It also made me start picking at my face like an actual methhead, I bet ADHD meds would
trigger her hair pulling.
But yeah, unlike anti-depressants, I can understand why people with ADHD don't want to be medicated their entire lives. When people say that about SSRIs, though, my eyes roll into the void.
No. 570210
>>570147Shoe is a dumb bitch lol, there are non-stimulant meds. I can name Strattera and Wellbutrin (that one is off-label use) off the top of my head. Concerta is a stimulant that works for most people. I think that Shoe isn’t actually diagnosed with adhd and now that she’s an adult it’s gonna be very hard/expensive to get a legitimate diagnosis, so it’s just easier for her to lie and spread misinformation about adhd and adhd meds.
Also, girls are very unlikely to be diagnosed with adhd during childhood and adolescence and I especially bet someone who has an active social life would go under the radar during childhood. Though I don’t believe that she has adhd (being a dumb hoe and an attention whore isn’t the same as adhd), I’ll give her the benefit of doubt since I don’t know her personally.
No. 570220
>>570210if her engagement were real or she left her house (or befriended a bike messenger), she could try herbal remedies:
>One main physiological irregularity of ADD/ADHD is the brain’s shortage of dopamine, a chemical neurotransmitter involved in cognitive processes like memory and attention. Medications like Adderall and Ritalin stimulate dopamine, thereby promoting concentration, but come with a myriad of unpleasant side effects and withdrawal symptoms.
>Dr. David Bearman, a figurehead of cannabis research, has studied the relationship between the cannabinoid system and ADHD and discovered potential therapeutic value as cannabinoids interact with the brain’s dopamine management systems.
>“Cannabis appears to treat ADD and ADHD by increasing the availability of dopamine,” Dr. Bearman wrote. “This then has the same effect but is a different mechanism of action than stimulants like Ritalin (methylphenidate) and dexedrine amphetamine, which act by binding to the dopamine and interfering with the metabolic breakdown of dopamine.”(she's white, so it'd be "legal")
No. 570242
>>570019But this is exactly what she does…
>>570020>>570026Why does she even have to quote tweet or screencap in the first place? Why not reply normally? It's all about attention for this girl.
No. 570247
>>569411This guy is a wile MRA misogynist, I'd be deeply concerned if someone told me I remind them of him.
I'm assuming he wants exposure since June is at least known in the anti-sjw/feminism circles. She's an easy target, but he has an approach of an incel. Please June, don't fall for it. He doesn't want to be your friend, he hates your guts for being female and for being at least somewhat attractive.
>>570019Did someone call you a TERF after you have been calling everyone disagreeing with you one?
No. 570331
File: 1525117933789.png (85.85 KB, 626x685, lkgjlskdjgkl.PNG)

No. 570386
>>570382on the other hand who exactly would boast about having a threesome with these miscreants?
doesn't seem like something you would lie about
No. 570388
>>570141"Tran wamen are only people if they pass and if grocery can nut in them"
No. 570478
File: 1525128390007.png (1 MB, 745x785, 1.png)

>I can't lose weight ;-;
>eating cookie dough ice cream
she going to get big in her 30s
No. 570511
>>570496ice cream is still bad for you, even if its a "low calorie" brand, most people eat way over the 2/3 cup serving sizes.
If she wasn't complaining about her weight gain, it wouldn't be a problem but, clearly she's not serious/motivated towards losing weight if she's eating this.
No. 570544
>>570496Per 1/2 cup serving.
150 calories.
3.5g sat fat, 18% DV.
50mg sodium, 2% DV.
16g sugars.
(the tub is about 12 serving)
Meanwhile in "at least i give a shit" land: No. 570666
File: 1525139905259.png (101.23 KB, 719x666, 20180430_215740.png)

This was supposed to be flattering btw
No. 570718
File: 1525144509354.jpg (60.33 KB, 597x398, cuck.jpg)

i thought greg loved the thicc girls
No. 570792
>>570727Because only women are supposed to like being cucked and abused by totally masculine and not low-t fatty neckbeards who lowkey literally hate you and if you say otherwise you're a kink-shaming old ugly insecure prude!!
Men can't like being put in their place though by women, but its not misogyny or anything its kink posi!
God, just imagine how june would react if a guy posted a picture of his landwhale downie gf and made a paragraph about how "i cant believe this stacy likes a peasant boy like me cx we're like harley quinn and the joker, shes kinda misandrist but thats not the point! Shes a womanly woman woman and so feminine i love men though she deserves many men but i like her because shes feminine!! Shes misandrist but thats not the point!"
That last part when she acknowledged he's a misogynist but doesn't care is dumb and only digs her hole deeper. Its like if a black girl dated a white guy and she acknowledged he's kinda racist but still worships him. Its dumb and does nothing but make herself untrusting
No. 570794
>>570718Let’s not forget that the man who called this girl who’s hipbones are showing a fatty looks like this
>>569134 and his gf who he pretty much deems a 2/10 looks like a linebacker
No. 570906
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No. 570909
File: 1525167074403.png (97.53 KB, 652x454, N40YgPu.png)

No. 570911
File: 1525167178239.png (46.73 KB, 603x243, wF5RvGr.png)

No. 570913
File: 1525167533834.png (225.94 KB, 588x510, V8x1aH4.png)

>using a lesbian comic to describe your heterosexual relationship between two heterosexuals
No. 570917
>>570913Reason why she constantly asks if he likes her is because he obviously shows he doesn't like her that much and uses her as a tool for his dick.
inb4 June tweets
>I love being a tool used for my boyfriends dick!!!1! No. 570923
File: 1525169127407.png (35.51 KB, 735x353, 2.png)

also trust me wig there is a very obvious reason why a mr person like yourself can't find IT crowd funny
No. 570925
File: 1525169559636.png (99.11 KB, 724x785, 1.png)

wig was still sperging how unfair everyone was being for calling her out on sending her 15 year old edgelords to attack that trans furry person who would call her ugly, fat etc because she DARED hate on their queen
No. 570929
File: 1525169764852.png (73.3 KB, 775x570, 4.png)

>>57092710 bucks she's going to do it again
No. 570930
File: 1525170056154.png (105.93 KB, 776x699, 5.png)

>>570929holy shit she's such a fucking liar.
>i thought she was just mad at the cap lolololyeah uhuh
>i stopped quote tweeting after queenie(?)UHUH
No. 570935
File: 1525170847170.png (81.19 KB, 609x794, 1.png)

get your barf bags ready
No. 570938
>>570934Wait… so she has a lez lover?
(afaik when a woman is the penetrator, from behind IS the pegging)
>>570930She still doesn't get it.
I just hope somebody doxes her by releasing her dad's address.
"well i never said where YOU live! i just released the exact same address your father and you have! y u so mad m8?"
No. 570941
File: 1525171392684.jpg (Spoiler Image,10.34 KB, 250x250, rip in peepee.jpg)

>>570938it seems more like Greg's the one doing the pegging
No. 570949
File: 1525172633700.png (739.31 KB, 716x1060, bqKW1ji.png)

>>570478funny how she conveniently left off how ollie is from a bunnymill
No. 570992
File: 1525181650509.png (603.21 KB, 917x579, TeafsGj.png)

>>570989 but it's not active. and this ice cream pic isn't recent it's 4 yrs old.
>>570478 sorry farmers but she's not binging on breyers, only starbucks for now
No. 571101
>>570930>i stopped quote tweetingJune, we have caps. Stop lying.
>>571062At least these two sort of understand the idea of not involving others in your kink. Though they go out in public and go on TV…
No. 571147
File: 1525202113619.png (17.64 KB, 637x133, GLKQ4Dt.png)

Does Shoe have a job other than yell at TERFs? Oh wait, she doesn't. Is she bitter because, unlike her, he actually has a job in the entertainment industry and has produced a number of well-respected shows?
No. 571149
File: 1525202200222.png (34.34 KB, 275x227, joon.png)

>>571148i vote this for the next thread pic :^)
>>563539 No. 571210
>>570992And do you think she just gave up on filling her headhole with those ice-creams over the last 4 years?
No. 571256
File: 1525209224796.png (310.91 KB, 625x513, wew lad.png)

No. 571275
>>571267Type of guys June wants: Normal, socially adjusted, handsome jock Chads.
Type of guys June gets: MRAs, fat neckbeards, trannies (sometimes all in one!).
No. 571285
>>570909Makes me happy knowing the writer for IT Crowd is
triggering June by not pandering to trannies.
No. 571287
File: 1525211198990.gif (616.07 KB, 500x336, eyerollgif.gif)

>>570913Why is she using a lesbian couple comic to make a statement about her very heterosexual relationship??
If she can't see anything wrong with that, she's dumber than i thought. Also, she is insufferable.
No. 571301
File: 1525212180531.png (174.76 KB, 362x362, 1412661676017.png)

>>571062OT question about ddlg, why can't these women be ok with just liking cute stuff? Like you don't have to act like a 5 year old if you still enjoy dolls, stuffed animals, coloring etc. Yeah sure, it's a little childish and weird to most people but, that's why you have a personal life/space. Why do they feel the need to broadcast it to the world? This all feels so attention seeking like "look at me i'm still youthful in the soul uwu" you aren't anything special, everyone has that going on in some way, you just choose to be obnoxious about it.
No. 571321
>>571301june wasn't always the degenerate we see today. we know greg is into creepy shit like burikko and loli and we also know he's insecure about his masculinity. i think june's just changing her personality like she always does to appease someone she deems worthy of her attention. i don't think it's too different for other women tbh. not that women aren't into creepy shit, but it's rare too see a women alone into this kink without a creepy bf like grocery by her side.
as for why people are vocal about it, weird people are attracted to equally weird kinks. of course there's going to be people loud and proud about it without any ounce of self-awareness. like half of the cows on this site have displayed some sort of dd/lg preference - luna, dolly, himeka…
No. 571327
File: 1525213915903.png (628.62 KB, 720x718, 20180501_183050.png)

Male june looks like the spitting image of beta male and fem preg looks like a stone cold bitch lol
No. 571346
>>571327That awkward moment when Septic is a better looking woman than June.
And somehow June looks worse as a man than him too. June's male result looks straight up inbred.
No. 571355
>>571327Maybe wig is a mtf incel?
Would explain a lot.
No. 571362
>>571321>like half of the cows on this site have displayed some sort of dd/lg preference - luna, dolly, himeka…the lolcow ddlg scum
the chad femdom
No. 571368
File: 1525216472595.jpg (142.56 KB, 640x480, 4006678_orig.jpg)

>>563842Okay June. I guess you just completely forgot about your best friend Faith and all of your other girl friends. "Never experienced female companionship." Come on….
No. 571374
File: 1525216805940.png (503.5 KB, 854x686, 2QoAVVV.png)

>>571301this is all i see
No. 571383
File: 1525217175748.png (52.05 KB, 645x335, CJ8vKmi.png)

this is old as fuck but groceries makes fun of mens' weight as well. a true egalitarian!
No. 571388
File: 1525217343658.jpg (54.52 KB, 720x486, jasJx2q.jpg)

>>571373no friends uwu so lonely…
No. 571391
>>571383"I have a dadbod" is the new "I'm not fat, I'm big boned"
Preg thinks he isn't fat like lucas, I don't think he'll ever acknowledge his size even if he ends up becoming 400 lbs when he gets old. He'll still think he's a "chad" with a dadbod because he relies on having a "big ego" as personality despite how obviously insecure he is.
No. 571441
File: 1525220666394.jpg (111.87 KB, 640x1280, wTwWdoP.jpg)

What good company she has kek.
also hacker boy looks like a better onion boy
No. 571443
File: 1525220840459.png (753.02 KB, 648x1432, retweeting year old tweets.png)

No. 571474
>>571368This goes without saying at this point because it is obvious that she just lies about all of this shit to appeal to neckbeards, but I wonder what had to happen in her life for it to get to this point. Why would someone throw away friends, opportunity, and a
real life just to REE online all day for not like the other girls xDDD points?
No. 571521
File: 1525226838164.png (48.77 KB, 662x522, t1coH26.png)

No. 571525
>>571513>>571521But I thought she was pro-MGTOW.
What would be the problem with women doing the same in her eyes? That they aren't bending over backwards to cater to men?
No. 571571
File: 1525230409399.jpg (106.14 KB, 754x624, spoilers, btw.jpg)

>you're gonna be my daddy foweveww, wite gwegg?
No. 571579
File: 1525230978463.png (50.86 KB, 636x522, iGB2TCW.png)

No. 571692
File: 1525241559556.png (350.74 KB, 628x582, HSjNbSm.png)

is she okay
No. 571693
File: 1525241711779.png (149.12 KB, 637x459, iva8SLk.png)

she's been retweeting her ancient tweets. looks like she deleted some
No. 571698
>>571692Is this even a real video?
Or just some shit she made up, or if it was real was the woman even a feminist?
Men HATE mothers and everyone knows this, they hate single mothers, they treat other women like shit for not dedicating their life to them and instead some other man
Since we all know how men treat single moms and how much they lose their shit and get
triggered by them even if the man walked out, does anyone remember the comment on the man hating thread about a man ranting about how he doesnt wanna give up his seat to a pregnant woman because it makes his life worse and benefits another mans babys and he gets nothing out of it, etc etc
Men HATE mothers, especially ones who recieve assistance, they're paranoid and batshit crazy about women cheating and all kinds of crazy shit despite them cheating more
No. 571785
>>571525lol she is lower than a basic bitch, shes so boring she doesn't want to take meds because ADHD is all she has that makes her interesting.
The same way the trans needs to take pills because trans is all they have that makes them interesting.
No. 571810
>>571798Shoe in general with her boyfriend can't read research papers. Every time she tries to read a scientific source, she fails horribly and ends up embarrassing herself.
She has no understanding that papers always acknowledge the lacks of the study and the possible mishaps. It always ends up with her missing the point and incapable of understanding the abstract.
No. 571869
>>571798this same guy called her out for using the n word too, so not at all surprised she pretends not to notice them.
vid related, the screencap is at 4:50
No. 571876
File: 1525278339872.png (167.84 KB, 692x860, oFvKuN1.png)

>>571869june's hypocrisy strikes again
No. 571889
File: 1525279630089.png (681.36 KB, 1995x723, iPIWKBR.png)

damn, this bitch is racist
No. 571890
File: 1525279904541.png (111.63 KB, 642x820, cfNiNB9.png)

speaking of ian
>>571889>june: makes fun of tana's excuse for being racist>also june: uses the same excuse. was 25 when she made those tweets, almost a decade older than tana No. 571915
File: 1525283169970.png (469.29 KB, 741x565, 0Oydtf4.png)

No. 571917
File: 1525283220429.png (614.94 KB, 720x1037, 20180501_183519.png)

Was this seen yet? Lol
No. 571965
File: 1525288214440.png (897 KB, 632x1059, VpuI7Do.png)

that cage
No. 571967
File: 1525288274885.png (397.41 KB, 634x582, g9zGCVC.png)

No. 572078
File: 1525295822133.png (363.34 KB, 621x445, VpAHUkb.png)

No. 572082
File: 1525296026257.png (58.89 KB, 619x275, ibqJgle.png)

she's so desperate for contra's attention. sad
No. 572100
>>572082i'd get off so hard if contra were to ever publicly denounce shoe on twitter or something. Someone should send him him these tweets
>>571889 and ask why he's friends with a racist.
No. 572129
File: 1525299221287.png (61.46 KB, 649x479, sure.png)

>>572119be greg's fulltime footstool of course uwu :3
No. 572157
File: 1525300464727.png (273.2 KB, 736x1096, pls notice me contra uwu.png)

No. 572191
File: 1525303936229.jpg (1.27 MB, 2000x2000, the_slut_box_by_wesker991-d9xu…)

>>571917Confirmed for browsing.
No. 572197
File: 1525304319839.png (476.81 KB, 893x383, 3gcv4Jn.png)

are these her fans?? none of look like they've graduated middle school yet
No. 572234
File: 1525307085147.png (377.41 KB, 649x593, IDnbJRP.png)

june you're a 27yo woman, you can handle a couple of SJW teens on twitter make silly little complaints about you
No. 572256
File: 1525309870485.png (321 KB, 659x603, 3OD1jiL.png)

No. 572257
File: 1525310292914.jpg (23.46 KB, 345x345, 57e5cff7a37256595eeca4a93a9ace…)

>>572191i wouldn't say so. it's more of a reference to her old twitter avi.
No. 572290
>>572256Haha Chris ray gun is a hispanic xD. 1000 reddit gold for you June.
She such a lame ass.
No. 572325
>>572309can we get compile list of ways june has contradicted herself for next thread
>claims to be insecure friendless goth nerd in schoolmakes video with one of her high school friends about how they used to bully others for participating in nerdy shit
>claims marriage is unimportantis engaged and cries at engagement
>claims greg is 24/7 domover-inflates and pampers his fragile ego, wk's him
No. 572331
>>572325>"i don't talk about race"tweets about race every other day
>claims to be bisaid she was demisexual and only uses the bi label to not sound like a tumblr snowflake
>claims to be asexual before greghad a longterm bf before greg
>wants to "protecc" men from evil bitches uwulied about her ex boyfriend being abusive because he told her to move out of her parents house
>makes fun of cuckslets grocery hit up 20 year old cam girls on twitter
>makes fun of other people for being sensitivegoogles her name on the daily, blocks everyone who doesn't kiss her ass, unleashes her followers on people who don't agree with her
>pretends to support trans peoplewill only be friends with passing trans women
>claims to care about rabbit welfaresticks her bun in a microscopic cage, hasn't fixed him, got him from a bun mill
No. 572367
File: 1525319408845.png (503.78 KB, 636x610, PFdqqjw.png)

No. 572368
File: 1525319495039.png (97.33 KB, 652x764, wftpfio.png)

No. 572396
File: 1525322288285.png (243.39 KB, 640x540, deleted.png)

No. 572398
File: 1525322375228.png (252.58 KB, 652x618, WEmy4MV.png)