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No. 589468
RealStream News (RSN/Craig Silva) is an autistic amalgamation of The Blargh, Vexxed, and Ice Poseidon. He is an alleged rapist and has been known to take recordings from here and The Blargh. He is known to lurk and post on his thread. Currently has beef with The Blargh, Ragreynolds, Masked Babe, his alleged victim, Amber, and Onion flakes Beck, Maxie, and Allie.
>Fairly harmless from the start>Starts taking content and recordings from youtube and lolcow>Spreads his tinfoil about Sam and Greg being friends again>Releases a video about Maxie and how she was treated by Lainey for having her card decline during a stream>Caps of him “complimenting” were Maxie’s nudes released. “This tits tho” memes ensue >Starts selfposting in his thread to keep it alive >>521035 >Beef with Ragreynolds starts after his “interview” with Rag. Rag mentions an addiction to heroin and CJ denies ever being on drugs. >DMs between Sam and RSN were released by The Blargh (Surprise, he’s a pushy asshole)>Rag hosts another stream with RSN. RSN falls for bait about Rag being a rapist. >Face reveal! He’s ugly as sin.>Begins interviewing active onionflakes, starts off with Poopbeck>Takes more content and selfposts more>Interviews Allie>His channel RealStream News gets copyright strikes and taken down by Onion, starts a new one called Real Stream which is owned by “Forever Scene Productions” aka RealStream News>Opens a discord server>Bans Masked Babe for recording a conversation and posting a video about it>Discord continues to be a mess>Flies out Amber, has a stream with her drinking while she was underage >A few days pass and Craig and Amber go on stream about how they hooked up, Amber is in tears, stating she said no twice>Grandma helps him get the fuck out of dodge, CJ proceeds to livestream and post videos about how he didn’t rape her>Stays offline for two weeks (though posts “evidence” on lolcow) recordings of his discord VC were released>Comes back with edgy video disproving absolutely nothing and opens a new discord server>Streams everyday complaining about the people he has beef with and how he’s planning to sue>Revealed that he was lying about his previous history with drugsSocial Media:
Main Channel: Channel: keep the thread on topic please talk about the onion flakes here
>>>/snow/432327Previous Thread:
>>>/snow/520070 No. 589535
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receipt of bropics donation(ban evasion)
No. 589552
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>>589535That is not what PayPal receipts look like, but please be less obvious than “” next time
No. 589657
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What made him change his mind?
No. 589723
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I guess CJ is in the true crime community, not surprising since his soundcloud username is HeyyElliotRodgerHere E. His soundcloud is empty though.
No. 589747
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Pill bottle aesthetics.
No. 589751
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What a swell guy.
No. 589824
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So, not only does Craig think Statutory Rape isn't real, but he also contacted and spoke to Ambers other Rapist. Why he would think it a good idea to talk to an actual Paedophile and form some sort of Rapist Social Club is beyond me.
No. 589828
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Apparently dinner with a woman you've only just met means sex is expected and owed.
No. 589830
>>589824Craig thinks a minor isn't at fault for getting raped? If anyone ever had doubts that he is a scumbag, I sure hope they are gone now.
Craig should chat up LGH, they obviously have a few things in common with their moral values.
No. 589844
>>589824Craig was the one who linked the article about Taylor Burt in the last thread.
>>583369He wants to paint her in an even more negative light, of course he doesn't give a fuck about the 13 year old age gap or the fact that she was a minor. CJ is scum.
No. 589971
>>589898man he's just trying to win us over isn't he lol
too late for that craig
No. 590016
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I wish megan cooper would stop involving herself in a desperate attempt to prove she really cares about these girls
No. 590030
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Since CJ is reporting videos for copyright infringement now I'm reposting the last stream he had with Amber. No. 590065
>>589898show us your crack pipe instead, craig
>>590026please go back to your home planet No. 590399
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>>589899She’s so annoying. She tells people to look up the definition of slander and addiction recovery but she should take her own advice. Spoiler alert: methadone is a narcotic and addictive. It can help in recovery, but is not recovery. The amount she tweets about Craig is a bit concerning.
No. 590518
File: 1526939996414.png (Spoiler Image,659.77 KB, 656x430, 1010.PNG)'s a few clips from last night's and today's and stream. He the kind of dude who thinks false allegations are very common, especially now. It only happens between 2-10% of the time.
Source:>>590399All his fans are obsessive mentally ill chicks and dudes who wanna suck Ice Poseidon's dick.
No. 590644
>>590521Lol no ones stigmatizing addiction recovery. As I said, methadone isn’t recovery. I’m a heroin addict that is actually in and works in recovery. Craig is the epitome of what people think of when they think of a junkie. I wouldn’t have even brought it up if Holly didn’t tweet about it in his defense.
>>590609I agree with you, I was just trying to give some people the benefit of the doubt. Craig not being one of those people, he’s done nothing to convince me he wants to change which is a pretty big part of recovery. It’s just legal heroin to him.
No. 590757
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No. 590928
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Masked Babe’s stream for anyone who is interested. Will probably be taken down soon. No. 590958
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Posted on March 30th
No. 591165
>>591119How could no one know what lean is lmao
Speaking of lean isn’t there anyway we could have a thread about souncloud rappers?
No. 591173
>>591165TOO POO(R)/ Layla Shapiro #9/ SoundClout General
We have one.
No. 591198
His magnificent rebuttal to MB's well thought out and nicely argued stream. He either didn't watch it, or he's too stupid to understand the arguments she made.
Bonus meme: you can see him scrolling through lolcow via the reflection in his glasses. No. 591207
>>591198>0:15 Complains about people talking about him saying he couldn't get her pants off>2:13 Starts talking about Amber's rapist>3:05 Starts defending her rapist "How was he supposed to know how old she was?">3:41 Admits to reaching out to her past rapists>5:00 "Her mom's in on it">6:24 "Why you reaching out to famous people?">6:34 "You wanna say that dude's disgusting, so is her fucking mom!">10:15 Sperging more about her mom dropping her off at the club>10:38 Claims that the other situation is the same as his. >10:51 Says she ends up in these situations because she's "trying to come up">11:30 Starts sperging hardcore about being accused of looking at lolcow>13:12 Starts playing Masked Babe's video>13:25 Amber says she's trying to get famous and he goes on a tirade>13:57 "If it was such a joke then why was it 'unless you piss me off' I'll threaten you">14:24 Starts implying that she wasn't raped because she posted pics from the back of a cop car. Says he's had "many past girlfriends" that were raped and they didn't want to talk about it. Claims she wouldn't have left on her acrylic nails if she was raped. Then says she wouldn't have gotten them in the first place if she was really raped.>16:29 "Not unless you piss me off, really fucking bad" plays. He parrots it. Mockingly repeats some other things she says. Makes a bunch of really stupid faces, as if this is his "gotcha" moment.
>17:46 Starts talking about his warrant and claims that she's falsifying the rape because he has a warrant>19:28 Implies that it's only rape because everyone told her it was in Discord. During all of this, he's playing the recording of Amber and her mother talking on the phone. >21:11 Amber tells her mother it wasn't rape. He starts sperging of course. "Should I have worn her out? No I probably shouldn't have in retrospect.">21:40 Begins going down a list, saying she faked cancer and tries to garner money and sympathy out of people. 21:52 Tries to lay out the possibility that "Christina's" mom is "dying" and told her she better come up with something or she'll be "fucked". He basically is still dragging out the idea that her mom is forcing her to say it was rape. >22:10 Says she's retarded if she doesn't know she was being recorded the whole time she was there. Mentions how she signed a contract when she got there.>22:50 Talks about how he's been clean from heroin for a long time. >23:53 Says his lawyers are taking down the videos.>24:28 Says that if someone says their raped, it "doesn't matter what the guy says, what kind of evidence he has, what she's done prior, how many times she's done it prior. The guys is just FUCKIN GUILTY">25:28 "She had a rape fantasy">26:00 Someone mentions that Amber could die tomorrow and he spergs hard "Motherfucker, I almost killed myself over this! Suck my dick dude!""I have NEVER thought about killing myself before this! NEVER!"
>27:24 Replaying the events again of that night, I'll spare you the details but he says she wanted to be bitten or choked so she could show it because she planned this all along.>28:25 Claims since she never fought him off, she wanted this to happen.>29:17 Says he "doesn't know what to do" besides move forward with a lawsuit (talking about Masked Babe I guess?)>29:32 Says he never changed the details and didn't bring up all the details because he was in bed for three days thinking about slitting his wrists.>30:16 Says he's not being sued, but says someone is being sued and possibly MB if she "doesn't shut up".>31:55 Hardcore sperging over his LC thread again. >32:57 Spergs because he spots Maxie in the comments No. 591232
>>589535Lmao what I use this all the time, it used to be the first search result in google for “fake receipt generator” before it got banned from several countries.
>>590016Lmao “CJ doesn’t hide under anonymous handles on lolcow he is soooper upfront and honest” what…. he has ….and still is (ban evasion) posting here, so is his stan, whose greentexting on Twitter like sh0e. They both have. I agree with
>>589857 CJ’s post should be marked by admin or mods since he’s violated many many global rules so far, fingers crossed he gets an adorable “RAPE STREAM NEWS” banner.
No. 591239
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>>589723>>589828>>589824Of course he’s an incel, it’s the weak chin.
No. 591369
>>591188Is he stood outside of the women's toilets?
No. 591393
>"They're gonna be like 'Oh man, you like reached out to a paedophile.' Urm no joke if someone like- if- yanno if someone like- if somebody is like falsifying rape allegations, you know what you do? You try to get all the information you can, and to get that. Yanno what I'm saying? 'Cause anybody with half a brain would do that. Right?"Yeah because everyone gets in contact with paedos and CONVICTED rapists to dig dirt on their victims right? The way he talks sounds like he has half a brain.
No. 591402
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No. 591474
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>>591406Craig tried saying that he never worked with any one before but he has said before that he has multiple people working with him. Before the whole Amber situation he was claiming the "trolls" in his stream was CJ.
No. 592054
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Amber answering a question on Curious Cat
No. 592082
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>>591938this is a longer vid than the vimeo he has to be high as fuck, just has to. he nods off around 4:20 here.
he's just bitching about the typical shit here.
No. 592328
>>592320I will never understand RSN whiteknights. I however find it hilarious how
triggered he is that people voice he's a scumbag. He is. And so is anyone that supports him. Y'all whiteknights are like flies to a shit.
He is really pressed about this first livestream he made with Amber with her consent. It's the only one in which we are all aware of the context. She said no twice. Then she exasperatedly uttered "whatever". She was coerced. Is he a rapist? I can't say for sure. Is he vile? Yes.
He's really paranoid. His videos get barely any views and he's on his soapbox everyday talking about rape and interviewing anyone that's been intimate with Amber. he needs to calm down, lay off the substances and have a big think.
And any girls that fancy him need to catch themselves on. Wtf
No. 592340
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>>592327He was high as fuck my dude, I'm sorry.
No. 592402
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>>592327>>592327>>592393I would understand giving Craig the benefit of the doubt if he wasn't known to be a liar. I doubt he'd be nodding out like that if he took his recommended dosage. If you took meds that are known to make you drowsy why would you stream after taking them?
No. 592427
>>592327Not true, people get high off methadone and suboxone.
He's obviously nodding if you've ever seen anyone use opiates, that is what it looks like.
No. 592433
>Talk about what you know, and I'll take you seriously.Well good thing I know quite a bit about addiction, recovery, and especially heroin. Uhm, yeah methadone definitely gets you high. It’s a schedule II narcotic.
You claim Craig is nodding and looks like he does in the video because of nerve pain medication. You may be right…at least that he’s on medication for nerve pain, since the most commonly prescribed nerve pain medication also acts as a way to extend the high of opiates and is widely abused by opiate addicts for that reason. Nerve medication alone wouldn’t cause Craig to nod or his eyes to be half closed. My ~educated~ guess is that he’s either using heroin or abusing his methadone. Talk about what ya know, which clearly isn’t opiates.
No. 592445
>>592443Methadone doesn't impair PATIENTS.
Meaning it's given to you in a controlled environment, with a controlled amount. Watch that video, and say that that person could go to a job without getting fired.
That is a not sober person, that is someone abusing some sort of medication.
Methadone, heroin, or his nerve medication, who cares? He's not sober.
No. 592460
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Apparently, we doxxed Holly. Spent money to do it, too. Because she's that special.
No. 592550
A subpoena is being issued against a few people and websites, including this one. Leaking personal information will not be tolerated. This is your final warning.
Doxing is always illegal, whether it is done against a federal employee, a state employee, or a regular person. … With regular citizens, doxing falls under various state criminal laws, such as stalking, cyberstalking, harassment, threats, and other such laws, depending on the state.(lel)
No. 592657
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No. 592677
>>592660>>592659>>592660He’s trying to say he can’t see his kid because of an accusation?
That doesn’t make any sense at all. It seems like a lot of things he says don’t really add up.
Also worth noting, at least one of his mods were posting pictures of Amber on Twitter and making fun of her. They screech about being “doxxed” but they’re bullying the girl that really none of them should be talking about. Craig surrounds himself with people that encourage and participate perpetuating his problems. He can’t move on and they won’t let them.
No. 592946
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What're we going to do guys? The authorities are looking into us!
No. 592947
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>>592932Anons pic related is why you must wash everything you buy at the store before you use/wear it.
>>592852In addition to what you said he could have had issues at his job for nodding off like he did on stream. He really should try to get another job because streaming his mundane daily activities and bitching about his troubles will not be profitable for him lol.
No. 592961
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No. 592986
>>592961'When I really want to.'
Ya mean like rape? We all ready knew that.
No. 593009
>>592993Bropic just admitted he was the one who posted about giving RS &500
>>589535 but that was the only thing he lied about. Rage said that makes him a liar though as that was one of the main reasons he wanted to interview him.
No. 593124
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>>592946this is the form she used to report us
No. 593216
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>>593196If he didn't have a kid I'd think he was an incel. All the way down to the desire to rape women.
No. 593245
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No. 593428
>>593245It's these kinds of unnecessary lies and changing stories ("yeah, she said no, but it was a
playful no, guiz!) that keep trickling out which made it clear he's a fucking creep and likely did rape her.
Liars often have a hard time keeping their stories straight over time and often add insignificant and easily debunked details like this in a misguided attempt to seem more truthful.
I can't believe he still has supporters. Even if they don't believe he raped her, he's shown himself to be a complete dipshit and a massive douchebag.
No. 593842
>>593032I'm glad someone said it. he's such a fucking retard. getting sick of his self-posting shit too
>>593078Craig's skin is so thin it's almost non-existent. we don't need this fat fuck, a light breeze rustles Craig and is a lot less annoying
No. 593961
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>>593944update: Rag Reynolds has joined the stream and RS accused him of harassment.
No. 594154
>>594013Kek he's so predictable and so easily
triggered it's comical. He totally ignores the few viewers he has left to engage with people that are fucking with him
every time.
You can tell it's going to turn into a 30 minute sperg when he squinches his face all up and screeches "What are ya
TALKIN about dude?" It's like clockwork.
I used to find his streams mildly entertaining when he discussed Shreg, but now I pop in just to watch his mantrums.
He's convinced there are only like 3 people posting here, I think he'd be surprised how many ex-viewers of his are actually here.
No. 594182
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Did anyone else happen to catch his "bus stop" stream tonight?
He ended up meeting and "interviewing" this dude at a bus stop. He talked to this complete stranger about "eating pussy", being aspiring musicians and other shit. He told his viewers to send nudez to this guys FB and bragged about all his fans being female.
He also insinuated that he receives nudez from them but plays it cool and keeps it to himself.
The stream took a turn when his new friend started blabbing about where they were, and when Craig told him to stop, he started yelling out the nearby street names and Craig quickly left the scene, clearly rattled.
It got worse from there, when someone put his phone # in the comments. It got deleted, but not quick enough. Also that HollyDead person kept screeching something about "doxxing herself" and we'd all see her vag pics soon. No idea what that's about, but she had a good ol' fashioned sperg.
Craig was excited about his new bus stop friend and wants to stream with him regularly because he's less boring than himself, but he expressed his fears that once this guy googles him he won't be interested. Poor Craig.
I'm sure he'll take this down soon, but just in case: No. 594360
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>>593561It looks like its recently been updated with moar fax and lulz
No. 594585
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He's doing a 12 hour stream and wants people to donate to him and he'll do what they ask. I couldn't fit all his "suggestions" in my screenshot, he also had an option for $25 to read his ED page. Jfc.
And $5 to call someone, tell them they're pretty and get them to "come over"? Gross.
No. 595345
>>595272Because, Bropic, this is not 2002. There are rules in place to protect the site itself and to protect innocent people from ridicule. As funny as it might be to see Amber sperging out about this thread she is totally irrelevant and having her posted about here/her social medias posted here is validating her psycho concerns about being doxxed. Plus, it's off topic and other than her sperg outs, she's not actually all that interesting.
Anyway, CS is no longer streaming on RealStream, he's now going to start putting his personal shit on his even dead-er channel: No. 597127
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CS has 3 warrants confirmed, he plans on “trolling” people with retraction papers.
No. 597128
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Guess who's back to nonsense streaming? He's on his dead face channel.
No. 597768
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He was streaming again on the deadface channel and deleted it immediately afterwards. I got there a few minutes before it ended and he was bitching at the trolls.
No. 598908
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He's streaming again advertising it as a ghost hunt but he's sitting on his steps right now in daylight bitching about his problems. He seems to think the constant streaming should be helpful because he's transparent and letting people get to know him and see his daily activities. So far he's complained about GingerBeck calling him a creep, said this was a very hard month for him and that he's trying to put everything with Rag and Masked Babe behind him. So if you want to listen to this cool, regular guy who's totally innocent complain about lots of things he's live now lol.
No. 600573
>>600528they keep kicking everybody unless you're a part of a pre-approved 3 person group chat, it's still hilariously shambolic there, self proclaimed "mods" are pseudocrying over "doxxing" despite nobody EVER having been doxxed EVER and reeee-ing on twitter about ~muh super serious anonymous threats~ to gain senpaicj's meth'd out attention. I swear this whole shitshow has to be a fucking setup for ~reasons~
tl:dr cj's fucks himself over yet again. much hilarity ensues.
No. 601088
>>600867Excellent theory, with one flaw: Craig is obviously brain damaged from all the drugs, which explains his bizarre bullshit (to some extent) Rag is just a greasy neckbeard who stole someone else's meme, got a small amount of attention for it, and went into ego overdrive because of that.
They're both fuckwits, but at least one can blame the junkie lifestyle. The other has no excuse.
No. 601968
>>601797he was so happy with 13 new subscribers, thanking lolcow, i think we know what has to be done….
starts with u ends with nsubscribe
(newfag) No. 602386
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you don't need meth to have a good time
No. 602564
File: 1528225071339.png (604.58 KB, 823x635, pls stop.PNG) idiot is "reviewing" lolcow threads.
10/10 premium content, buy his shitty merch.
No. 602567
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>>602564Said shitty merch. Pretty sure he's not selling any yet but he's thinking about it lmao.
No. 602731
>>602567I hope he's smart enough to have that logo officially designed for him. He's gonna spend a lot of money to the rightful designer if the crown is just an image from google and the original creator finds it.
No. 602798
File: 1528239935148.png (382.32 KB, 569x322, minion reports.PNG) CS's stream today. Besides him bitching about being called a beta and how much of a failure he is, one of his minions brought up Amber's curiouscat.
No. 603236
In case his autistic followers still believe he's sooper honest and genuine…
>He said he never did heroin.>He said he "messed around with drugs here and there">Admits to doing heroin after fagreynolds posted his interview with "CJ" his "ex-associate" >but he's on methadone nao guiz>>591207>Craig says his imaginary lawyers are the ones who took down Masked Babe's videos, not CraigIn his reaction to rag interviewing bro pic (link in the ED page)
>Craig says Masked Babe is just butthurt over him taking her videos down "for legitimate legal reasons."Thus the contradictions of his story continues.
Oh and since he lurks here so obsessively…
Keep streaming and repeating the story in different versions, Craig. Your credibility is surely going to clear your good name.
No. 604910

In tonight's fascinating installment of the shitshow that is RSN on his deadass deadface channel…
>53 minutes in, he starts talking about his ex "wife" (allegedly common-law marriage) and her current boyfriend screening his calls.>He says, "If I told her to dip, she would."Yeah, we totally believe you, Craig. The sperging and reeeeing continues until…
>Around the one hour mark, Craig says his son is two and that he is her child.>Of course, the boyfriend of his ex is immediately blamed for Craig not being able to see his son.>Chat suggests he should fight for his visitation when he suddenly changes the subject stating, "Look guys, I don't want to talk about visitation or anything like that."So he expects us to buy into his pitiful claims that he lost his poor BMW and his "wife" over this car accident he supposedly almost died in but REEEE don't ask him about his situation as a parent? He is so
triggered that people ask these questions when he was the one who blabbed his blobfish mouth to his pathetic count of 11 viewers. He won't talk about his visitation rights aside from very heavily implying the boyfriend is keeping him from his son… Why throw the dude under the bus if you are supposedly in "good standing" with your ex on a public platform if you are not prepared for the braindead RSN stans to rage war against this guy, potentially corrupting that relationship with his babymama? As the mods in chat spergs about how he
could fight for his rights, we can't help but wonder if he even wants to do that when he could rather be streaming his boring autistic sperg outs instead of going to court… Oh, that's right, he still has three warrants so going to court to "fight for visitation" would be met with lulz galore from any sane judge and he could possibly be arrested to serve off those warrants.
Back to the exwaifu situation before I wrap up this post: I wonder if this is the same chick he talked about in his "Girl Troubles" stream the day before he launched the infamous shitshow that was his Discord server… No. 605097
>>604910He obviously doesn't want to put the effort in for his child. Its probably a blessing since who would want this blobfish as a parent…I'm not sure I would want a smackhead around my child/step child.
Also why does he keep talking about stalkers? Who the fuck would stalk him? Nobody cares about him lol this thread is just about dead because he's such a low tier cow.
No. 605773
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Why would anyone lie about the case being closed against them when it is actually being investigated further? He is so stupid.
No. 606201
File: 1528579536550.png (146.56 KB, 1050x1472, gfm.png)

Looks like he's gonna try to get his band of old hags to raise him 5k to sue Amber.
No. 606546
>>606201Lmao, who the fuck would fund him for lawyer fees? What's he going to put in the description: 'Hey I'm broke because I'm on trial for Rape and now have no pennies because I spent it all on lawyers. Pity me.' Yeah sure, people will sure give to this heart felt cause. Idiot.
Pretty sure you can't sue someone just for pressing charges against you, if the court ruled her to be a blatant liar then understandable and winnable for blacking his name (We all know this won't be the case, especially as he said she said no publicly on stream and sperging online to antagonise her). But if they drop the case just because lack of clear or concrete evidence, then he would be wasting his money yet again taking it to court to sue. Furthermore, the case hasn't even been closed or had court judgement yet so he can't do anything.
No. 607310
>>606201I like how he completely ignores the people saying to talk to lawyers to get a quote or to see if they can do it without charging upfront.
That doesn't seem suspicious
at all. No, he just wants to test the waters instead and see if people will just fork over cash without asking questions. Yikes.
No. 607444
File: 1528714177647.png (101.31 KB, 654x409, 9348033804.PNG)

Craig Silva's been lurking and he's angery about us calling him for what he is, a fucking idiot.
No. 608196
File: 1528768709869.jpeg (54.32 KB, 793x709, E4BCA00D-50CD-4337-89E0-FDF0F0…)

No. 608199
File: 1528768800799.jpeg (82.59 KB, 482x642, 9FB2C747-DD00-4F1F-A91C-D7E064…)

>>608196Looks like he’s finally paid off his warrants
Good job dumbass! We still think you’re a gross rapist!
No. 608207
File: 1528768968375.jpeg (70.66 KB, 458x610, 5F9D0E5C-4FCD-4F5B-ACFC-0556C1…)

>>608199He posted a third warrant cancellation but it was the same as the first one he posted.
His gaggle of cunts think this makes him not look like a bad man but they forget that not only is he a predator, he is also a thief, a liar and a cheater.
No. 608850
File: 1528832759254.jpg (166.72 KB, 1228x689, whysoscabby.jpg)

Craig got his original channel back today so he's streaming there for some reason. He's looking really scabby and asked the chat for advice about talking to some girl at the restaurant he's at. He's also being salty about Rag Reynolds and Masked babe while jokingly boasting about being the #1 streaming in Rhode Island, he has such a limited range of discussion topics. He's out with his dad and brother, he showed them both on stream. Even with the full beard it's extremely obvious that his brother is way better looking lol.
No. 609688
File: 1528916754681.png (1.1 MB, 1440x1374, rs blues.png)

After making a long, incoherent rant video on LowkeyLoki this morning, accusing him of grooming underage viewers, RS continues to show how stable he is and how much he "wants to move on".
He's currently livestreaming and acting totally unbothered as he waves his hands around and repeatedly screeches the same things over and over.
No. 609699
File: 1528917049946.png (880.05 KB, 1440x1744, Haha.png)

Looks like he's already taken down the Loki video, but I managed to take a few screenshots this morning.
Found this one particularly interesting. He's such a coward, it's honestly sad.
No. 609707
File: 1528917431346.png (871.82 KB, 1440x1391, REEEE.png)

Another screenshot from the LowkeyLoki video. I don't know when I've seen Craig so triggered. Interesting he spent so much time on this, then immediately took it down.
No. 610074
File: 1528940705596.png (190.28 KB, 590x430, craigisbootyblasted.PNG)

>>609707This is probably why he went on his quickly deleted sperg. I'm interested to see what Loki has to say about it.
No. 611308
REALSTREAM NEWS edited version:
"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing"
"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."
He forgot something.
No. 612177
File: 1529122956180.png (762.15 KB, 1190x744, waaaaahmaskedbabe.PNG) made a video bitching about Masked Babe again. He talks about her so much, he should just admit he liked her and she broke his poor little druggie heart.
No. 612195
File: 1529125862574.png (7.59 KB, 352x70, mark.PNG)

Mark, a stalker of an onion flake, is in contact with Craig. How pathetic.
No. 613170
>>612195He doesn't understand that associating with a stalker as well as a rapist (Amber's attacker) makes him look like an all around terrible guy, and that's BEFORE his own accusations.
Guilty by association is a real thing, Craig.
No. 613672

>>613626for those who missed the shitshow:
realtits spent the whole time he was on trying to gaslight maxie - she's the psycho, she stalked him, etc. CJ tried to play at neutral, but it was pretty clear he wanted to brush off anything bad and paint it all as vague bullshit.
meanwhile, the chat got increasingly pissed off that maxie was getting dragged over stuff like personal mental health issues.
maxie turned up in chat, sounding about as upset as you'd expect. realtits took that as his cue to get the fuck out.
RSN's mods sperged irrelevant shit throughout, with Marie insisting that none of it mattered because Maxie's parents allowed it for a year. A personal highlight was seeing some troll getting silenced in the comments, but their shit was still appearing on the stream screen because CJ still doesn't know shit about streaming. (it was basic troll stuff, but hilarious because it got silenced in chat, then kept showing up next to CJ's head)
finally, after 20-30 minutes of people saying how fucked up it was the Maxie was having her mental problems aired out by her stalker to excuse himself, as well as other personal information, CJ finally got it through his crack-addled brain that this was not a good hill to die on, and decided to kill the stream.
he started a new stream and is mostly just vaping while reading the chat. gripping stuff.
No. 613689
File: 1529278404601.png (7.68 KB, 341x68, okaymarkl.PNG)

It's already the flakes thread Mark. We don't care, you're a creep who reached out to CJ to shit on Maxie.
Also 23-19=4 so, there is a 4 year age gap dumbass. Learn how to count retard.
No. 613709
>>613689She said he wasn’t a paedo as she was worried that her stating truth would have set him off. Telling an abuser or creep they aren’t what they really are is a defense mechanism so not
trigger them to do worse things by pointing out their bad behavior and angering them.
No. 613751
File: 1529285330531.png (271.56 KB, 882x582, mvsrsnstalkers.png)

So, here we have proof of Craig knowing about Maxie's stalker, Mark. Yet, with this knowledge he chose to continue with a stream chatting with him about Maxie. Good guy, eh?
No. 613761
File: 1529286793366.png (Spoiler Image,217.44 KB, 1305x1220, mvrsnstalkerbs.png)

The following caps will be a lovely display of Craigory attempting to get Maxie to come on stream and have a nice chat with her stalker. Please, remember your barf bags.
No. 613763
File: 1529286917679.png (Spoiler Image,222.76 KB, 1320x1162, mvrsnbs2.png)

Yes, you associating with known stalkers and supporting men with charges/allegations against them regarding violence against women doesn't look any sort of way at all.
No. 613765
File: 1529286985839.png (Spoiler Image,85.27 KB, 739x585, mvrsnbs3.png)

Come to my discord, where your stalker is and let's have a chat!
No. 613766
File: 1529287187849.png (138.77 KB, 1108x898, Impartialaf.png)

"I'm not involved, tell me about it". You do realize by associating with her stalker and prying into her personal life as well as airing all of this on your shitty stream, you're implanting yourself into the situation? You're a genius Craigory.
No. 613767
File: 1529287334221.png (Spoiler Image,178.94 KB, 1224x949, ThataVendettaCraig.png)

No. 613768
File: 1529287423983.png (Spoiler Image,114.4 KB, 846x585, nomeansnocraig.png)

Still doesn't understand "No."
No. 613769
File: 1529287526981.png (Spoiler Image,146.1 KB, 750x1334, HEYCASHCOWGIMMEMILK.png)

hurrhurr, he haz rites hurrr
No. 613973
File: 1529321194853.png (340.51 KB, 543x485, mouthbreather.png)

>>613672For those who missed him talking to Maxie's stalker: doesn't support bad things yet tries to get information about Maxie from her stalker.
They can lie and say they rarely talked about her but it's obvious that he only started watching Craig because they had a common enemy. His username being #RealTits made that really clear.
In case you didn't catch it, the creep states he's going to get himself trouble for speaking about her. Should have thought about that before speaking to Craig, right?
He also brings up it's wrong to bring up family but he himself has brought Maxie's family into her drama before. I guess they're fair game huh Mark?
No. 614759
File: 1529383383422.png (74.73 KB, 1218x305, goodguycraig.png)

>>608199>>608207Guess he couldn't get this warrant expunged. Both events in the caps happened in 2013. Looks like Craig is a lady abuser as well.
No. 614782
>>614658how could there be any doubt at this point?
>>614768 offers an elegant summary, but really, it shouldn't be needed. he's obviously a piece of shit, and he knows it.
>>614759what a surprise. am actually surprised he doesn't have a longer rap sheet of abuse.
No. 614865
>>614759Mark's defense is that he's never been arrested or even stopped by the police, then he goes on to say "I guess you could still stalk somebody without being caught." Kind of like how he has been stalking Maxie on the internet? The issue with that defense is that he never denies stalking her and he doesn't mention whether or not a restraining order exists. He keeps saying he's making a video to expose Maxie (which has been rumored and spread about by RSN himself to his batshit discord chat) and also says he isn't releasing her full legal name despite her releasing his… But we already have evidence of him doxxing her on KF. He insists Maxie is a dramawhore for posting when he has posted numerous times himself? Irony at its finest, folks.
In regards to Craigory, he is so desperate for "content" (as if anyone would actually call it so) that he is interviewing random discord members. This isn't the first time, either! Remember he stated on multiple occasions that he "interviewed" bro pic and never uploaded it? He goes under the guise of a reporter but barely allows anyone to speak over his sperging. He started out posting caps of YouNow broadcasters and the channel actually was content. Once he noticed it was taking off, he made to retarded decision to start streaming in a mask and quickly progressed to what we see before us today. As entertaining as it was to watch his spergouts in the spring, his content today is just utter trash. There is zero entertainment value whatsoever until he pulls some dumb shit that winds up posted here.
RSN "bringing you the news that matters" by sperging out on trolls, constant repetition, incessant asspats from his braindead mods and interviewing irrelevant shady characters.
No. 615173
>>615113Craig, no-one thinks you're a bad person because you're ugly or because your heroin scrambled brain can't help but repeating itself 50 times "WHAT DOES THAT MEAAAN DUDE?"
People think you're a bad person (people are right to think this by the way, because you actually are a bad person) because you for starters have a criminal history.
You were addicted to heroin for 9 years and during that time apparently cheated on your long term girlfriend, robbed people and fucked over dealers. You then went on to outright lie about this heroin addiction instead of simply saying you didn't want to talk about it because it's a private issue that you're battling yourself. You spent 60 days in jail that we know of, god knows what else you've done. You had a protective order placed against you for shouting at a woman! That's not just "oops, I yelled at someone once!" You were a threat to her, hence the protective order. You abandoned your child (which might be for the best for him, tbh) and claim that your BM is fighting you for custody on him, but she's somehow chill enough with you that she apparently agreed to be on your channel? HMMMM
You tried to split up a woman's relationship with her husband, even changed your name on FB in order to get closer to her. You even pursued her to the point she was uncomfortable enough to back out and totally ghost you. You fucked up a BUSINESS TRANSACTION because you couldn't keep it in your pants, holy fuck. Then you went on to slander her by saying that "she's just mad because I didn't want the mask anymore." and dismissed all of your horrible behaviour as "being a single guy."
Let's move on to Maxie and begin with the rest of the flakes. You brought up Maxie's NUDES. Which yes, they're posted on here. But you then went on to bring them up to her, in the midst of business related talks with her. You were asking her to feature on her channel as an interviewee and then BAM! This tits though! Like what the fuck dude? Do you understand that you don't bring up a person's naked body to them unless you yourself have been shown it by them? It comes off (and is!) predatory as fuck because the only reason you even went after Maxie was because her nudes are out in the first place. That's not to mention the fact you're giving her stalker a platform to continue to emotionally torture Maxie, claiming he's innocent until proven guilty. I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that he's got a restraining order against him. You might want to actually look into who you trust before believing that every guy to ever have allegations against him is secretly a sweetheart deep down.
Then we move on to Allie, who surprise surprise! Also has nudes out! You were asking to interview her etc whilst simultaneously asking for free versions of her gross home made porn. You were asking her to fly out to visit you and all sorts, whilst trying to maintain a "business" relationship. That does not sound like business, Craig. That sounds like you're a perverted creep who singles out girls almost 10 years your junior in order to get your hole.
Before we get onto the main event, you understand what all of this is right? Your previous behaviour sets up a precedent, there's a predatory behaviour that's pretty evident and is inexcusable. Your own behaviour is the reason people believe Amber blindly. Because you are such a creepy fuck.
Alas, we come to Amber. One of the many moments you fucked up your life beyond repair. I don't even need to go in depth on what you fucked up with Amber, because duh, she said no twice. Irrespective of what you think went down, a woman saying no is not an invite into her vagina. It means no. What you done was at best sexual coercion, but something tells me your brain is too fried to even understand what that says.
I was going to say I'm happy you're fading into obscurity but… You're never going to be anything more than some loser with <5k subs, bitching about whatever shitty drama happens with your hick mods in your dull discord server. You'll never be a real father figure, you'll never be rich or famous, you'll never even be as good as the blargh. Just some weirdo who depends on his grandmother to pay his way through life (because you have a suspended license, right?) and give him lifts places.
No. 615430
File: 1529452156658.gif (54.97 KB, 300x200, 9c9.gif)

>>615339it's almost like her nudes was posted in the flakes thread or something. Way to miss the point though.
No. 616585
File: 1529567136878.png (38.07 KB, 597x306, likesgivemevalidation.PNG)

No. 616586
File: 1529567397744.png (416.92 KB, 584x581, okaycrurg.PNG)

Craig, you'd have to file a police report if you ever wanted to take Amber to court. You'd also have to have money for a lawyer but, seems like Grandma doesn't want to support you anymore.
No. 616646

>>616586yet somebody pays for his patreon pledges to Gregma and Complainey so he can hate watch, leak paid content and post "reviews" on YouTube…and somebody pays for his 10,000 cigarettes to smoke on his boring streams…but he can't afford a lawyer? hm.
this upload confirms his pledges to them:
>5:13 "I get hate that is actually criticism that is actually useful and I use that to improve my channel.">Spergs about Onion flagging his videos before leading to his old channel being shut down for a period of time because he leaked "paid content" from Patreon>Boasts about Onion never being able to figure out who he is on Patreon in the commentsHe thinks he is some sort of genius because he uses a fake name to pledge to Onion. I'm sure it wouldn't take long for even Gregma to figure out who Craigma is on Patreon and ban him. Then what will he "review" besides the posts on these threads? Craigma. Kek.
>>616585He contradicts his fake attitude of being so much tougher than Complainey dealing with hate
>"If Lainey can't handle hate in her-shit-THEIR comments she-I did it again-THEY need to get off the internet."Methdick, "the best streamer in Rhode Island." Very gripping stuff, guys. I don't know why anyone would dislike his videos. Surely this very well edited and thought-out original content is like-worthy by all.
No. 618468
File: 1529703576192.jpg (160.3 KB, 1245x698, basic.jpg)

He's streaming in Walmart on his dead face channel muttering about nothing interesting, quality content folks! He bleached his hair again for some reason.
>>617818I thought he told Rag Reynolds that his most recent job was as a forklift operator before he spazzed out post rape accusations and didn't show up for days. He
may have been a welder before his hand got messed up but who knows with this lying creep.
No. 618793
>>618468He told a few of his Discord members he was a "sound engineer" way back when the first server opened. So which was it? Kek.
Apparently, his server is getting hella chaotic again with him refusing to listen to even the elderly alcoholic attack dog. I guess he let Phoenix back in and everyone sperged in the server until she had the most spergy of spergs herself claiming she's being stalked irl because of CJ condoning her being doxxed. I cannot lul any harder with that nutjob. First, she goes after MB and then she goes after CJ then after his mods and then CJ again. What even is this shitshow coming to?
No. 618824
File: 1529731846369.png (892.88 KB, 1440x2587, RS Chat.png)

>>618793I managed to screengrab this from tonight's stream where his mods were upset that he's been ignoring their pleas to get rid of that weirdo Phoenix person.
I caught one a week or so ago where a few of them were ready to quit because he refused to boot her, claiming that she has been really supportive of him and deserved a second chance. Looks like that's biting him in the ass kek.
He consistently makes terrible decisions.
No. 622745
File: 1530105792234.jpg (Spoiler Image,682.9 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180627-081614_Chr…) Craigma, we can see your likes on Twitter. I see you are still creepy and thirsty AF.
No. 635993
File: 1531558608598.jpeg (475.87 KB, 750x941, 90C73CEF-A602-49B4-BBC2-42EFCD…)

No. 636002
File: 1531561891656.jpeg (246.1 KB, 750x453, CB82C4B8-7925-4990-8B11-A88B70…)

>>635993His response. He forgets that he still has a thread. There’s still information about your behavior torwards women here. No one has forgotten what you’ve done.
No. 636381
File: 1531598967535.jpeg (18.67 KB, 336x521, 9E140138-89D8-412B-BFB4-44D362…)

He posted this in his server with the girl’s Twitter handle attached, so his gaggle of cunts are probably trashing her.
No. 650874
File: 1532935199525.png (54.72 KB, 1128x472, stealing shit again.png)

Looks like good old Craig is taking content from people again.
No. 650934
File: 1532945248590.png (48.34 KB, 517x394, silly craig.png)

Craig just can't stay away from his own thread.
No. 673633
File: 1535290477018.jpeg (228.52 KB, 750x413, 990EB4F9-4957-46EF-854A-1203A4…)

Looks like the deep sea creature is getting himself involved in drama again. How unpredictable.
No. 673869
File: 1535315324991.jpeg (288.17 KB, 750x909, 0A89FBE6-D921-4232-86EF-65D3A0…)

He has a gofundme page for “legal counsel.” Because scamming people is easy if they think it’s for legal reasons. He’s been on about suing people since the beginning of the Amber situation. Sad.
No. 674386
File: 1535382293998.png (25.54 KB, 599x212, Untitled.png)

>>673869He apparently wants to sue Amber.
No. 674616
File: 1535408667293.jpg (47.75 KB, 517x365, Lollcowwwwww.jpg)

They're obsessed with Onision
No. 674618
File: 1535408834600.jpeg (65.59 KB, 576x771, Lolcoww.jpeg)

Creepy how his team of losers obsessively talk about Onision and Lainey get a life.
No. 674619
File: 1535408852643.jpg (14.02 KB, 600x124, LLolCow-.jpg)

No. 675340
File: 1535507980933.jpg (26.91 KB, 640x249, c.un.t.jpg)

Attention seeking c*nt
No. 675440
File: 1535522939753.jpeg (23.96 KB, 600x276, hagblob.jpeg)

they fck
No. 675482
File: 1535529630241.jpg (25 KB, 322x410, moron.jpg)

I can't stand him, he's 2 faced. he's trying to make her look bad
No. 675877
File: 1535578013615.jpg (576.7 KB, 3264x2689, lookuglymightdeletelaterx.jpg)

>>675340>>675440>>675482Are you new or just underage? You do realise you don't have to censor yourself on here, right?
Some bonus kek attached, though. He's like a fifteen year old girl in constant need of validation. I suppose getting high off of attention is better than heroin, though.
No. 675882
File: 1535578199462.jpg (1.29 MB, 2560x2560, blobulation.jpg)

He's also currently chimping out over caps from his discord being posted on here, threatening to delete the whole server or mass purge users. Then in the same breath admits he doesn't care about the server.
No. 675930
File: 1535582067401.jpg (23.28 KB, 491x410, takedwnblob.jpg)

Proof our Craig has bullies for mods
No. 675932
File: 1535582100709.jpg (19.2 KB, 410x410, Takedwnblob2.jpg)

Proof our Craig has bullies for mods
No. 675933
File: 1535582129964.jpg (11.58 KB, 244x300, takedwnblob4.jpg)

Proof CS has bullies for mods
No. 675934
File: 1535582169852.jpg (27.97 KB, 513x411, takedwnblob3.jpg)

more proof our craig has bullies for mods. lol be mad
No. 676969
File: 1535694892072.png (139.38 KB, 706x340, racism1.png)

This the kind of shit he and his mods allow.
No. 676971
File: 1535695158730.png (464.45 KB, 720x738, Screenshot_2018-08-30-20-57-50…)

Even his mods are posting racist shit.
No. 676993
File: 1535699553733.png (22.76 KB, 255x233, MOd Motherfucka.PNG)

>>676992Red usernames are mods.
No. 676996
File: 1535699939508.png (24.47 KB, 241x216, mod2.PNG)

>>676957This is the mod who called Masked Babe a fat Latina.
No. 677006
File: 1535701858346.png (Spoiler Image,79.13 KB, 425x425, wow racist.png)

someone posted this and then he had the audacity to ask if it was racist? apparently someone was also posting pictures of black people getting lynched.
No. 677014
File: 1535703024717.png (173.05 KB, 720x1235, 20180831_040839.png)

No. 677015
File: 1535703121852.png (115.2 KB, 1000x573, lelwownice.png)

"I don't condone racism"
No. 677032
>>676975>>676996>>677014"I let racist people mod my discord and I don't ban racist people, but I'm not racist guize!"
Ok Craig. Get fucked you racist piece of shit.
No. 677039
>>676987Exactly. His discord has always been a mess and he says he doesn't care about it. Then why have one? It's full of mentally ill drama whores who sit at home all day and start fights and post fucked up gore and racist shit. He can't say he has nothing to do with it when his name is attached to it. It's his community. That's what you get when you make every idiot a mod and don't engage. He just doesn't learn.
Also his obsession with lolcow is ridiculous. He says he doesn't care but does a whole react video every time his thread is revived, which is feeding the trolls but at the same time he complains that everytime he's getting big (lol) people are trying to ruin it. Lmao
No. 677052
File: 1535713010050.jpeg (110.08 KB, 769x485, 545449F0-E24D-433A-B68F-AA7F47…)

What’s the point of having rules if you don’t even enforce them? Makes it seem like he doesn’t give a shit. He’s banning anyone who is calling him or his racist fans/mods out.
No. 677219
File: 1535738658887.png (419.53 KB, 1265x1017, RealJunkieNews.png)

New video where he talks about being a heroin addict. Says he never tried to hide it even though he denied being a junkie before he was outed. He also e-begs at the end of the video and wants people to go to his gofundme site because he wants to sue Trisha and Amber.
Also these fucking tags! He tags his videos with "rape".
No. 677481
File: 1535758235125.png (13.4 KB, 584x100, cry.png)

lol cry some more BitchStream.
No. 677621
File: 1535769346650.jpg (7.39 KB, 275x275, 1534576235700.jpg)

>>677481Implying this thread isn't a reflection of him and the people in his discord.
No. 677663
File: 1535776048649.png (21.49 KB, 229x247, mahmanipulation.PNG)

They made another racist a mod.
Nice to see what company you keep Craig.
No. 677739
File: 1535788873014.png (226.48 KB, 500x612, 6787845.png) (Masked Anal Defender speaks out Against Craig) (Meek the White Supremacist)
2 minutes in he talks about race memes, 4:10 he says the N word. Totally not a racist server. (Sorry for the autism)
No. 677766
>>677663GG Craig, Your super racist mod got rid of actual supporters of yours because they spoke up against the racist memes.
Literally a white supremacist server at this point.
No. 677869
File: 1535817478648.png (218 KB, 984x679, uggo.png)

No. 678065
File: 1535841176679.png (28.81 KB, 1216x155, itwastrollz.png)

Craig blaming trolls for posting racism and gore in his server, despite the fact that it was his mods that did it.
RealSwastikaNews having a rough time covering up his racist server.
No. 678145
File: 1535849206860.jpeg (Spoiler Image,77.11 KB, 593x1059, E3FC2951-ACC4-4A87-9611-F24615…)

Posts like this are pretty common in his server.
No. 678422
Does he not realize that his "trolls" are literally the same obsessive onion stans and anti-onions he started out with? You can clearly tell by the caps. Same old shit nobody cares about anymore. No new milk. His mods aren't even worthy of the label of cows. Come back when there is real tea.
Not sure where there is any milk left in this thread as of late. This guy could not be more irrelevant right now but looks like he pissed off the wrong "OG" Sperg to get this thread revived.
>>677739Is that AllieLovesPain I hear? Kek.
No. 680318
File: 1536028093898.png (Spoiler Image,1 MB, 1080x1080, Photo_1536027911703.png)

Lol(Go away, Craig.)
No. 680367
>>680318Why does he have a pic of her ID?
Also she’s not deleted social media and I doubt he has a case strong enough to sue… seeming as he plied her with drink underage and admitted she said no twice on cam.
No. 680413
File: 1536036277882.png (89.84 KB, 720x1234, 20180904_003456.png)

she turned 21 3 or 4 days later and he said he has up to 8 or 9 recordings of her admitting everything…If hes moving forward he has a case.
No. 680415
File: 1536036342686.png (66.28 KB, 720x1237, 20180904_003924.png)

No. 680537
>>680413"I know I gave a minor alcohol, but she turned 21 days later your honor!"
No. 680566
>>680318This is gross. He has absolutely no case against her lmao. He's not going to bother suing anyone, he simply doesn't have the money to and no-one cares about him enough to donate anything substantial. Plus whatever money he is donated will probably be used on heroin or more gimmicky shit for his horrendous livestreams. Not to mention that this kind of threatening behaviour could and would be used against him.
Craig, you're a retard.
>>680413>>680425I highly doubt her deleting her twitter and re-making is anything to do with Blob. These e-thots love the attention they get from new accounts etc.
No. 680724
>>680706A judge isn't gonna give a fuck if it was just 4 days before 21, is what I'm saying.
Oh well if Craig said that he talked to the police then it must be true!
No. 681016
File: 1536102549470.jpg (61.41 KB, 1202x570, congrats on getting scammed.JP…)

some poor gullible idiot donated $300 dollars to him. sucks that that money is going straight to cigs and blow.
No. 681360
>>681016I like how it's tagged under "emergencies" like he hasn't had months of e-begging donations from his psychotic stans. What's so urgent about the case 4-5 months later? How is it an emergency now, Craigma? Nice pity bait there.
>>680933Officers and detectives give their cards out to everyone they meet. This is not evidence at all. He can't post a business card and say, "LOOK GUIZ I GOT DIS AFTER ME INTERVIEW WITH THE POLICE SO IM INNOCENT NAOW!" Sperg all you want, but there's so many business cards from officers I have personally accumulated just from greeting an officer or giving information for a report on the scene of an incident. They give you their card and say to call if you remember anything else that might be important for their investigation, not because you're all clear. You'd think he would have some valid documentation dismissing the case or papers from the department with every detail of the report. You always get a copy of that stuff. If his case with Amber actually was dropped, no doubt he would have documents stating "unfounded" or "insufficient evidence." Until he shows those papers, I'm still skeptical any of his claims are accurate or truthful.
On the other hand, there has been next to no updates from Amber since this all happened in regards to her pursuit of the charges. I remember she was claiming the case was NOT closed and that Craig was under the radar of the police for the sexual assault allegations. Since then, I have not seen her mention anything about it. I find it a bit suspicious considering her nature of oversharing and sperging constantly about her sooper hard lyfe… She's just as sketchy as he is. Who knows who is actually telling the truth here? Not me.
No. 681366
File: 1536141269639.jpg (Spoiler Image,74.49 KB, 640x1093, image0.jpg)

Aparently he did email files to police he was in contact according to this and yes police do email if they have to.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 682163
>>681360If Craigory were actually suing you'd think he'd shut up about her and stop selfposting in his own thread trying to discredit his alleged victim.
>>681366Show us the reply from the detective if the case was actually dropped Craig Silva. Impress us.
No. 682230
File: 1536226919467.png (607.13 KB, 900x1529, 20180906_052038_1536226331900.…)

This isn't rsn so don't ban me losers I was told to post this he's tired of being called a rapist. Here ya go.He said these correspondence between him n the detective were after the case was closed just about possessions left at the hotel. He said he isn't giving emails directly discussing the case.
No. 682232
File: 1536227293604.png (436.34 KB, 900x1461, 20180906_052743_1536226272501.…)

No. 682236
File: 1536227680669.png (263.04 KB, 1017x510, Screenshot_2018-09-06 Image Em…)

>>682230>don't ban me loserskek
And how cute that Craig is sending his retarded fans to post in his thread.
>>682232>Uses his RSN e-mail. Refers to himself as "RSN" in the e-mail subject.>Detective using ellipsis in the e-mail.>Google result confidentiality noticeYea this totally looks real.
No. 682290
File: 1536238460160.png (63.22 KB, 456x496, rsn is a rapist.png)

I feel so bad for Craig. All he did was ply a girl with alcohol and coerce her into sex despite her repeately saying no, and now everyone keeps calling him a rapist. He's very sensitive, dontcha know. Just because he raped some chick doesn't mean we should keep reminding him of it.
And just look at those super-convincing screencaps that were provided by totally-not-Craig. Yep, we should definitely just pack up and go home and stop pointing out that this junkie raped someone.
No. 682594
>>682593do they also use .com instead of .gov domains?
Because both the police department of Boston and the city where Amber's hotel was/is have .gov emails.
No. 682708
>>682703Craig is known for lying so I hope you can understand why we're suspect of the screencaps. Especially when almost all government emails have .gov addresses here.
I don't believe that he actually went to the police for "false rape allegations." He got the girl drunk and had sex with her in a motel room in a town none of them are from. It's a shady situation regardless.
No. 683024
>>683015ngl the fact that he's on his thread trying to prove his "innocence" is pretty pathetic. Even if he
was innocent he's still a ugly lying druggie begging for money.
No. 686789
File: 1536786779237.png (67.92 KB, 720x808, yikes craig.png)

No. 686791
File: 1536786955107.png (274.77 KB, 723x659, chrome_2018-09-12_16-14-49.png)

Yes, so fucked up. Telling someone they didn't doxx you is so shitty lel.
No. 686807
File: 1536788776535.png (422.42 KB, 1382x1022, Screen_Shot_2018-09-12_at_11.2…)

He's still talking about Amber in his server. Sorry you got rejected by her and could only get it in when she was drunk lol
No. 686912
File: 1536798617428.gif (2.46 MB, 480x262, tenor.gif)

>>686784lol he's so mad!
He's also super butthurt about his thread showing up when you google "RealStreamNews".
Too bad Craig, get fucked!
No. 696237
File: 1537833835320.jpg (50.52 KB, 778x438, yeahlooksstupid.jpg)

Craig a single father who must raise money to bravely fight for his good name against slanderous haters was putting on glow stick necklaces in front of a dollar store so he can hang out at a graveyard tonight. He asked the stream if his outfit looks stupid, he's streaming on real drip if anyone is interested.
No. 702652
>>702360Wtf is going on between them? I just watched her video and scrolled through the comments and people are pissed at her. People are saying she said she wasnt going to make another video but I dont remember that being said when following the drama.
But its been months since anything has happened with Realstream so Im confused on why she even posted a video. Is there drama going on behind the scenes or something?
I feel like the milk is dry with this cow lately so wtf…..
Sage for being slightly OT.
No. 702815
>>702652He has attracted a small regimen of bitches and hoes in pit bull suits.
I have heard him claim that MB said she would not make another vid on him.I don't know if she ever made that claim tho.
He tryshard to produce milk but it's "udderly" ridiculous.
If you haven't been around for months then you did miss some garbage. There's not many posts here. You have to watch him to get the garbage and it's just a bunch of sour cream.
there's the rub I don't, I can't tolerate watching the grease ball. Only if I'm feeling, I don't know, somewhat greasy myself lol
No. 703049
File: 1538544889970.png (437.21 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-10-03-01-30-52…)

Maybe he is done but who knows.
There's some irony here.
No. 709299
File: 1539213287649.jpg (32.79 KB, 638x647, tatt.jpg)

Craig was streaming in the graveyards again and he showed a tattoo he got to commemorate his channel. He chose to get the RSN logo on his arm over the crown design which would have been the less shitty choice.
No. 711100
File: 1539359624498.png (361.88 KB, 1146x870, Screenshot_2018-10-12 LAINEYBO…)

"I don't want to have a fake story out"
He says while presenting dms from a girl that obv isn't Maya.
Fuck off Craig, you are a true scumbag.
No. 711121
File: 1539362173239.jpeg (179.9 KB, 1017x1017, 5C9D337A-BF20-4482-BA50-E1B986…)

No. 767922
File: 1547855116111.jpg (46.84 KB, 785x443, soupy.jpg)

Anons I know he's fallen off but he's been getting more views lately due to the Onision streaming. Anyway the other day he said if he got a $100 donation he would take a bath in ramen noodles on stream and now he's actually doing it. That's probably his grandmothers tub, I feel sorry for her. He also still talks about how he's going to sue A.
No. 767928
File: 1547855251073.jpg (48.15 KB, 621x289, menu.jpg)

>>767922And there are more options for further embarrassment. He didn't add all the flavor packets btw.
No. 767973
File: 1547859784698.jpg (73.98 KB, 782x441, lainey.jpg)

He's still at this. The donations have mostly dried up, he only got more because he said he would do a Lainey impression for another $8.
No. 770234
File: 1548216225367.png (25.92 KB, 632x284, UnbiasedLolcow.png)

He's infected with JoySparkleBs super sperg aids after having her on his channel for the 2nd time in 2 days
No. 771448
>>770234I think he meant bias kek
He has been going around commenting on every video about the alligations against Greg. He is as big of a sperg as Joy.
No. 771464
>>771387Usually when this thread gets bumped, it's by rapekitnews himself. Hoping that isn't the case here.
Anyhow, what are watching for? What's the draw? Please tell me it isn't just more omg jsbs! a la
>>771448 No. 773753
File: 1548895205848.png (113.17 KB, 320x181, groooooooming.png)

JSBS on the stream tonight with her lesbian friend Rena.
Stream got deleted just like others with JSBS on them.
That woman is poison
No. 775612
File: 1549475117163.jpg (90.6 KB, 773x532, journalismpro.jpg)

RSN the supreme journalist is at it again. He just put up a video about Eugenia Cooneys possible death using that site that was debunked as a source. To add to this he included news footage of the discovery of a womans dead body found in a suitcase in Greenwich Connecticut. The only personal info given about the woman is that she's believed to be between the ages of 18-30. RSN just had to throw that in a video because apparently some people thought that might be Eugenia, but is she even in Connecticut right now??
No. 775757
File: 1549517953415.png (797.49 KB, 1080x1920, 20190207_003548.png)

this was in response to the question why RSN deletes streams.any input Anons?
No. 775758
File: 1549518006006.png (562.87 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-02-07-00-31-40…)

No. 775858
File: 1549556142889.jpg (539.45 KB, 1080x1857, Rsncriesaboutdislikes.jpg)

>>775612He's crying on twitter about bought dislikes. As if he didn't deserve them for his shitty half-assed "research".
No. 776462
File: 1549747392782.jpg (446.3 KB, 1080x1288, Cjsdoxxingdiscord.jpg)

>>774709But not. His catty old grandmas are allowed to break his discord rules and post personal pictures of Rainey and her child. He acts like he has no control over them when he can ban the people who do this. Except without old fat hags like Marie, Demmy and Heaven, no one would be in his discord.
No. 779077
File: 1550466153149.png (156.86 KB, 712x433, youtried.png)

>>779073 maybe not a lolcow but definitely a cow nonetheless. get some rest, love
No. 779092
>>779078… you're completely unaware of his fanbase, aren't you? They're all highly unstable. Also, this is a guy who was desperate enough to fly out that ugly pedonision stan for an 'interview' / rape session and dumb enough to broadcast it.
amber phoenix sounds perfect for him.
No. 779141
File: 1550494527531.jpg (102.62 KB, 470x301, 2019-02-18_07.35.04.jpg)

Holy shit it's been a while since I've really looked into this thread. Its honestly become pointless and reaching. RSN is a spergy dumbass but he was cleared of the rape Allegations but that's all that's talked about. No the police have it all wrong n of course random fucktards on lolcow got it right. Starting to think this thread is run by Amber Phoenix or Rag Reynolds after they deleted pictures of Amber Phoenix n her Puppet Rainy Retard. That girl is a fucking moron she has her kid in the background while she talks about all this shit then cries when someone shows a pic of her baby daddy who she says isnt her bf n btw if you two aren't together that just makes you a hoe. 6 days after having a baby n you are posting lewds on Twitter n already talking shit about this dumbass RSN. This thread has gone way off the rails n has zero purpose. I don't know how it can be any more obvious that RSN didnt rape that girl n even Masked Babe is friends with him now. Its literally just Rainy Retard n Amber Phoenix talking to each other while Amber has her hand up her ass to control her so really its AP talking to herself lol I vote new thread for "AMBER PHOENIX N FRIENDS"
No. 779145
File: 1550495482040.jpg (109.65 KB, 675x939, image0 (1).jpg)

>>779141hey cj your shitty free vpn mustve dropped lol
very humble calling yourself a dumbass but you're still a rapist
No. 779146
File: 1550495747498.png (Spoiler Image,151.68 KB, 383x427, ligma.png)

P.S. i think this lumpy retard is trying to get into the thot olympics posting nudes on twitter 6 days after she has a baby
is there a thot special olympics? runny reina may have a chance after all
No. 779148
>>779147yeah because no one has ever gotten away with a criminal act before
nice try again though craig
No. 779150
>>779149Craig… how have you not learned by now? hide
your fucking IP, you mong.
No. 779153
File: 1550497425974.jpg (151.8 KB, 1079x498, Screenshot_20190218-134342_Twi…)

>>779146we get a shout out too!
No. 779159
File: 1550502277790.jpg (35.88 KB, 640x360, crtYhRF.jpg)

>>779158but if you have a gander at her fb, youtube, and twitter, the low IQ dunce has full potential to be milked dry.
(derailing) No. 779162
File: 1550503547227.jpg (38.13 KB, 491x417, image0 (2).jpg)

>>779161a few things
1: who said that person wanted to sage in the first place? not everyone is an autistic lolcow addict who feels the need to tip their sage fedora in every post
2:you don't get to be the arbiter of what is shitting up the thread and who gets to post what, stop mini modding you big crybaby
3: even if a person is "vaguely" involved with craig they have business being in this thread. This person is much more than vaguely related
your little sperg out makes me think you're personally invested in this drama which is pretty pathetic lmao. wonder which obsessed shut in i'm typing to?
either way kys

>>779162god you sensitive mods with nothing better to do sure do ban people fast and for no reason. Autistic with all the time in the world on their hands, its a perfect storm lololol.
good thing vpns are like $2 a month
(Ban evasion) No. 779230
>>779147>gives alcohol to an underage girl>keeps pushing her for sex, she keeps saying no>literally broadcasts this"hurr durr you dun know nuthin."
This is like a PSA for the dangers of heroin addiction.
>>779149'Anon', she chose not to pursue it further. Why don't you run along and photoshop some more Official Docs showing you totally aren't an (admitted) rapist. Or take some language lessons in basic English.
No. 779422
File: 1550576890437.gif (2.27 MB, 398x498, tenor.gif)

imagine taking your job as a farmhand so seriously, you sit there tagging posts for 10 minutes and 5 hours deleting shitposts and you still manage to fuck it up lol(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 779493
File: 1550599878469.jpg (230.36 KB, 1080x1681, Rsndiscord.jpg)

No. 779613
File: 1550621049313.jpg (2.57 MB, 810x8856, Rapestreamnewstwittersperg.jpg)

Rsn sperging about bought likes on Twitter again.
No. 779705
>>779666when you’ve got a steady stream and contant like / dislike proportion and 500 dislikes appear out of nowhere when there aren’t even that many viewers it’s pretty obvious. Plus the fat lupus faking cunt is crazy enough to make 27 accounts and make up entire personalities for them, she would easily drop $10 on dislikes.
on top of that, how do you people explain the fact that YouTube confirmed it and deleted dislikes on my streams and videos? oops let’s forget that happened lmao
No. 779739
>>779735She says herself in the video that the baby always looks like the dad. guess rsn gave reina the old interview-switcheroo and put a baby in her lol no wonder its so fucking ugly
literally looks like an alien baby
No. 779752
>>779705When did YouTube confirm it? RSN could easily be dropping the dislike ratio himself. There are tons of ways for him to get the dislikes down by buying them off or going into a command prompt. It's not that difficult to figure it out.
Could you stop shitting in the thread? You're clearly unhinged and delusional, hag squad.
No. 779755
File: 1550677166525.gif (897.49 KB, 280x215, RapidYawningChickadee-max-1mb.…)

>buying them off>going into a command promptthis fake hacker jargon lmao stfu you don't know what you're talking about
on topic he posted screenshots
No. 779756
>>779755People do it all the time on YouTube. There are hundreds of videos that you can look up yourself about getting dislikes down. It's not that much of a challenge, even for a rapist like Craig.
But it's good to know his fans are sexist rape apologist hags who also make fun of babies. All of you are off your fucking rockers.
No. 779957
File: 1550707933342.png (534.02 KB, 698x450, Stan_Beals.png)

RSN looks just like the Exterminator from the ant bully
No. 780012
>>779705proof or gtfo
>>779752>going into a command prompt. Fucking dead.
No. 780097
File: 1550722032816.jpg (79.83 KB, 1137x427, rsndislikes.jpg)

No. 780204
File: 1550765302942.jpg (364.39 KB, 1422x823, fakedislikes.jpg)

>>780097Easily faked screenshots by simply editing the page.
No. 780387
>google how to change text in a web page>omg Im- I mean you’re such a clever beastly hacker wowAs if you can’t just click any other video that was affected and see the dislike ratio. It genuinely wouldn’t surprise me if amber Phoenix actually spent the time logging in to 400 accounts rather than paying $10 lmao.
Either way all her money or effort being deleted by YouTube is hilarious, checkmate lupus faking bird cunt
No. 780635
File: 1550905656479.jpeg (25.11 KB, 400x400, 47D0A307-01B7-45BB-BAA2-0F1515…)

>>780466I’m torn between wondering if it’s possible for a troll to be this obvious for or a person to be this stupid
No. 781886
>>781201Rainey admitted she knew who was doing it on accident in a stream. I have it recorded. She will never say who it is though.
Also amber Phoenix is actually that nuts, lol
No. 783116
File: 1551672267825.jpg (75.89 KB, 782x519, playlist.jpg)

RSN went to Orlando to attend Playlist. Interesting choice from someone who had a gofundme to fight for justice and wants to move out of his grandmas house. The girl next to him goes by minty oreos, don't know her but I hope she wasn't rooming with him.
No. 799279
File: 1555819772262.jpg (327.98 KB, 1080x1203, Rsnexstans.jpg)

Anyone know what's going on with RSNs stans? His biggest fans seem to have turned on him.
No. 800504

Last night RS got on stream and seemed agitated, he started bitching about getting a lot of dislikes. For some reason getting a high ratio of dislikes really
triggers him, I've seen him halt the conversation for 5-10 minutes to rant about this before. He always blames this on people buying dislikes to get at him. He then said he had nudes of some people the viewers might recognize (there were about 180 viewers) and he was going to blur them out but if people donated $40 he would show them. He ended up showing them anyway with no donations. there were 3 women, witchy whose face was fully visible, someone called tush and a third girl whose name I forgot. One of them is married with kids and another I think is in a relationship and he threatened to show the nudes to their significant others. Of course this was something that originated from his messy discord, I don't even know the issue that started all this. He's since deleted that stream of course, today he posted this stream to try to explain things.
>>799279I don't even know but he is constantly dropping people and accusing them of things shortly after he claims they're such good friends. It's a revolving door with him.
No. 800523
File: 1556295683946.jpg (9.33 KB, 417x57, Just Eating Tush.jpg)

Women on stream are talking about taking RSN down. They are coming after him with torches
No. 800590
File: 1556311995243.jpg (22.15 KB, 312x190, hospital.JPG)

No. 800647
File: 1556325762363.jpg (116.4 KB, 882x645, rag comment section 1.jpg)

No. 800655
File: 1556329976442.jpg (92.23 KB, 790x493, getwellsoon.jpg)

He got out the hospital, he's now streaming and calling everyone fake as fuck. He rejected the suggestion to apologize to his supporters by saying he only has 2 of them. He's just being his real self basically.
No. 800965
File: 1556471287191.jpg (20.39 KB, 216x230, wc.jpg)

So apparently there was a wellness check. He's been streaming constantly on his channel and others for the past day and a half shouting and trying to get pity so it might be a genuine wellness check if it actually happened. On his own channel he seemed entertained when the police got called over a family situation earlier this week.
No. 800968
File: 1556471911064.jpg (27.38 KB, 364x140, josh.jpg)

>>800965Well it seems it did actually happen and the Josh show was the one who called. Wow, when cows collide!
No. 800992
File: 1556479650399.jpg (414.65 KB, 1066x1542, 20190428_141401.jpg)

Josh believes that he can play both sides, when the truth is he pulled the same shit RSN did, but with his own daughter. But remember, these men think it doesn't count as porn if it's blurred! The cows have to stick together! CJ did help Josh come back, and in the most vile way possible.
No. 801087
File: 1556511654823.png (56.31 KB, 712x586, Screenshot_2019-04-28-21-16-14…)

Imagine having the hots for CJ to the extreme of going out of your way to post the same nudes he showed. Before someone checks out the link, she deleted the nudes and backtracked by saying she was unaware. His loyal lard knight is out there really fighting the good fight for someone who doesn't give a shit about her. (Mind you, the man is repulsive. Why someone would feel for him is beyond me) He really does need these insecure ladies. Otherwise he'll crumble.
No. 801598
Here's the continuation of the stream with the girls. CJ shows up at 1:06 to try to defend himself poorly. The
really interesting part is at after 1:50 you can hear Masked Babe leaving a message for Amber/her family impersonating an FBI agent(poorly), it gets played a second time at 1:54:30 more clearly. They said this happened on Easter. CJ says that they shouldn't be playing that on live and warns them that it's best to stop the stream and talk to him in private about that.
>>801562That's a great question, how insane and vengeful is she to harass the girl who accused him of rape and this long afterwards? I remember about a year back when she made videos with clips of those streams with Amber and then leaked voice convos from his shitty discord. She's known that he is a piece of shit for long time and now she's helping him harass girls he's mad at!
No. 801643
File: 1556735306343.jpg (890.49 KB, 810x3955, Joshshowplan.jpg)

Josh apparently helped him/told him to do all this shit screenshot was leaked by Laurie
No. 801653
>>801643CJ keeps friends in low places, but I'm not surprised Josh would help him with something as trashy as this. He wanted to be CJ's hero, because Josh knows that if CJ's reputation is flushed down the toilet, his own might inevitably might be flushed down with it, but he tried to be snakey about it and Laurie outed him. I love CJ's community of fellow cows and snowflakes imploding in on themselves. Couldn't have happened to a worse pos.
>>801605If this isn't proof that CJ is as high as a kite all the time, I don't know what is. Owl and that woman look nothing alike.
No. 802082
File: 1556935840092.jpg (24.76 KB, 356x126, tillnexttime.jpg)

I watched todays stream so no one else here has to. Tush, one of the girls he released nudes of is back in his community and is a chat mod again. Some people were upset about that. Within this past week a girl named Marie said CJ asked her for nudes so he could trust her(future blackmail), she refused and was kicked out. Today she's back in his chat and was a mod. CJ said Josh is banned, I'm assuming he's still upset about the wellness check. Josh is really grimey but CJ didn't care about all that because he is too, it's the wellness check that went too far!
No. 802101
File: 1556946208991.png (103.61 KB, 379x585, tuush1.png)

iM sUcH a ViCtIm
No. 802104
File: 1556946415053.png (137.38 KB, 380x496, tuush3.png)

>im going to be the next amber pheonixcant relate
No. 802105
File: 1556946513802.png (123.54 KB, 371x533, tuush4.png)

>>802104doesnt this count as revenge porn? i dont think this professional
victim would have blurred them either kek
No. 802106
File: 1556946653332.png (43.33 KB, 273x133, tuush5.png)

one minute she is crying about feelers, the next she is lItErAlLy incapable of feeling anything
No. 802277
File: 1557012300735.jpg (68.93 KB, 572x465, Cj gross.jpg)

Craig,can you tell us something about yourself?
No. 802288
File: 1557015472380.jpg (61.95 KB, 573x393, CJ lawsuit.jpg)

Craig Silva scared that Amber might go on panel and talk about the night he fucked her. He uses her full name (side way threat) and promises to keep the money (junkie, no joke?) and sue her. Take care of your son. YOU FuCKIN MORON
No. 802595
File: 1557123664692.jpeg (33.6 KB, 1100x1100, 95BAA867-D464-418B-BFB6-7A2DDE…)

>>802561no one cares about a prank call from over a year ago lupus-chan
No. 802807
File: 1557206759527.jpg (72.88 KB, 882x627, MB FBI Agent.jpg)

>>802595 Masked Babe admitting that she impersonated an FBI agent with her usual POC memes. Listen to RSN protecting "Mary" Babe from embarrasment No. 805177
File: 1557567611263.png (25.6 KB, 630x278, RSN the rapist.png)

Craig The Rapist Silva posted this but forgot to tell he's claiming Negative Reactions videos this guy's a fucking pathological liar.
No. 821651
File: 1560429650225.png (686.02 KB, 2120x780, 45 bucks.png)

So I'm not sure if anybody wants to talk about this douche anymore but yesterday I saw on Twitter that he has beef with this Marie chick again and he asked her for $45. Isn't that a suspicious amount of money? If I'm not wrong that's the same number I often saw in the Luna threads when she was begging for heroin money. No matter if it's for drugs or not, he is a pathetic loser for asking his fans/cult members for money and he'll never change. All I ever hear from that community is ongoing backstabbing and I think that's hilarious.
No. 821769
File: 1560452003611.jpg (40.12 KB, 648x635, foto_.jpg)

It's not only Marie, he is asking other mods for money too and he tried to make them sign an NDA.
His ex-mods streamed last night and they shared a screenshot of him being arrested for violating a protective order and yelling at a woman. This cow knows how to treat dem ladies!
No. 823930
File: 1560929733905.jpg (86.74 KB, 536x953, 20190618_063056.jpg)

CJ needs to stop making fun of my keds, he knows my ked is seck and he needs to pay back my best friend Laurie he's such a dumb fuck
(when he does enough ass kissing I will forgive him n go back to his server)
No. 824195
>>824048i don't know what you are pulling but i'm cutting it off before it starts. It's obviously not a self post, but a rsn stan attacking those that are calling rsn out. either that or rainy, she is going nuts lately, its surprising she doesn't have a thread yet.
if a mod could please remove the picture? its more than a little too far for someone not an lolcow. Please and thank you if you do.
No. 825350
File: 1561245386943.jpeg (85.7 KB, 590x958, 9B556B0E-76A6-49F1-AF31-597906…)

Guess who used their sick grandmother for content?
No. 889005
File: 1572912241514.jpg (198.42 KB, 902x1792, tush2.jpg)

Roo aka tush aka Shawna is RSNs biggest fan! Like him she is also broke! Please refer to the pictures of her wearing panties with multiple rips in them!
>>889001 No. 890807
File: 1573248385385.jpg (Spoiler Image,235.29 KB, 606x860, Screenshot_20191108-142422_mh1…)

Perhaps The Graig Milk has just begun?
No. 891741
File: 1573460324628.png (167.38 KB, 414x401, Screenshot_2019-11-11-00-03-53…)

Never forget that cj resembles Rick Berwick.
No. 1045712
>>1030346Just posting this here too for completion, I know this belongs here but RSN have been sperging out in the anti-o snowflake (wrong) section. Here goes: are files that Rape Stream News loves to DMCA. Just download all 5 parts, use WinRAR to unrar them, and enjoy.
They sat patiently on my hard drive and will continue to do so, I love to archive stuff on lolcows to enjoy at my own leasure as well as post from time to time, like right now.
Feel free to post them anywhere else, of course. The reason I did it like this is because it will be much harder for Craig to DMCA 10 different file hosting companies.
And no, I won't explain to you how winRar works, or how to download, it should be self explanatory (its quite easy actually)
I noticed RapeStream News his ED page was gone, I might put some effort in to bringing that back. Musta been due to the move of ED.
This is what spergin' out about being a lolcow and having a bad rep, trying to correct it will get you.
Have fun.
No. 1050755
File: 1601731906434.png (609.45 KB, 946x2048, 9S99lAK_ (1).png)

>>1045712Amber Clements Accuses her ex gf of rape as well.. Heres the Video of her Ex Reacting on twitter. No. 1050758
File: 1601732016406.png (430.09 KB, 1080x2460, Screenshots_2020-09-25-19-53-1…)

>>1050755Maxie Has Had enough of Ambers Lies. Amber says Craig is her x gf fun fact rsn was never dating her. Go figure looks like rsn was telling the truth about this whole thing.
No. 1050759
File: 1601732111456.jpg (142.7 KB, 720x752, 20200929_224637.jpg)

Rumor has it Amber has been telling Craig everything all his "haters" were telling her. They video chatted yesterday morning I guess??
No. 1050909
>>1050770Guess we have blobfish "his BFF" here to defend him. Look we all know he's a rapist and we all know he has stolen money from women too. Like that one lady who couldn't afford chemo because of a loan that junkie rapist never paid back.
Fucking stan someone nice, you fuckers are no better than Onision's stans.
No. 1050965
File: 1601753566398.jpg (62.43 KB, 680x383, EjaK4zcWAAESX48.jpg)

jesus fucking christ who is that tired old haggard beat hooker on the right? I mean the one in the string bikini not the other old tired haggard old whore with the poor discount drug store henna job in her hair.
No. 1050994
>>1050965um that ain't no string bikini. its a normal bikini of which most of it got lost in her gut cunt and fat folds.
i guess this is the type of audience CS attracts. The truly desperate that figure "hey he's a tweaker rapist maybe he can clean the pipes for me."
Don't worry ladies, I got you covered, here's what you do: Before you meet potato head just put an 8-ball of cocaine inside your pussy. You know like the Nigerians do at the airport. Then just lay down, spread your legs for him and tell him to go look for it. Chances are he can already smell the crack in your gunt.
Success guaranteed. Good luck!
No. 1054174
>>1054171 Amber Clements then reached out to Cj since she was getting exposed by her x gf she asked him to come on stream. he had her on while Justeatingtush calls amber out for the fake rape accusations. This was golden. n If Cj really raped her she wouldnt have been on his stream for 40 mins. Amber talked about her mom faking stomach cancer for a gofundme. Cj asked Amber why she asked for money after the whole rape fiasco when she had 300-400$ in her pocket?? She said she needed "that" money for her trip to lond0n. So all these girls like Gingerbeck & Lowkeyloki got scammed by scamber go figure!
No. 1054175
File: 1602144975737.png (37.76 KB, 596x621, Ejxj3hdX0AMnCbK.png)

Rumor has it Amber Clements reached out to RSN to ask him if he would press charges if she admitted he never raped her. She then sent this DM to him stating that he never raped her an that her mom was controlling the situation and she didn't know what to do and she is sorry. WOW So RSN was telling the truth. Scamber then liked and Retweeted the message when he posted it.
No. 1054253
File: 1602162015751.jpg (321.67 KB, 1280x720, rsn_is_a_rapist.jpg)

>>1054175>>1054174>>1054171cool story, bropic. were it not for the fact that in the infamous video where they stream the day after, as well as another video in this collection
>>1045712 , you can hear ambers mother trying to calm amber down and trying to rationalize things numerous times.
it was rape, her mother did not coach her in to jack shit, she said no twice and you can't change facts, blobfish.
No. 1054583
>>1054253How the fuck can the mother coach Amber in to anything when she said no twice? Is he trying to claim she was going for a baby with this crack addict and then sue for alimony? That it was all some sort of big conspiracy? Get over yourself, you're a youtube nobody tweaker with not even two dimes to scratch together. Funny how you mention Amber's mother cancer scam considering RSN scammed a cancer patient himself out of all her money, after which she couldn't get chemo.
gg fag.
No. 1054895
File: 1602230505524.png (32.75 KB, 398x178, unknown (7).png)

>>1054354Amber Literally Retweeting Videos saying "Realstream News Innocent Amber Clements Admits She Lied" You guys are just delusional at this point.
No. 1054930
>>1054895I'm sure she's pressured in to saying that by him. Fact remains that she said no twice and that CS confirmed that she did.
No = no.
Rape = rape.
No. 1054936
File: 1602240321239.jpg (30.84 KB, 608x409, explode_in_ur_face_lol.jpg)

Ah I see that its back firing in your face. Nice. Good.
Keep it up.
No. 1055575
>>1054930She's In this Vid Saying "No it wasn't Rape and No It wasn't Coercion" She said yes. After RSNs Stream she admitted he got up walked to the bathroom came back and she said can you can still go? Before they even hooked up. She's Inviting him to go to LA?? Rape
victims don't do this type of stuff sorry.
No. 1055658
File: 1602329928220.png (69.6 KB, 398x496, they_do.png)

>>1055575Actually, definitely-not-cs, they do exactly that.
specially if you keep stalking them like a creepy drug addicted attention whoring freak.
two things for you to look up:
1. the streisant effect.
2. sage.
No. 1055664
File: 1602330614127.jpeg (198.33 KB, 750x473, RealStreamRape.jpeg)

why don't we liven things up a bit in this boring thread by posting some leaked conversations of rape streams discord getting scolded by his own fans?
this is after he raped Amber.
No. 1055669
File: 1602332006016.jpg (15.28 KB, 603x134, rapebanana.jpg)

Well look at who's coming to brown nose with CJ after being puked out by the Anti-O's
>>>/snow/1020155It's bad banana!
No. 1055857
File: 1602355647285.png (186.85 KB, 592x443, 65468612.PNG)

>>1055669>bad banana puked out by newbiesHe should get better analogies. Almost as bad as Onision. When something gets vomited out of the human body its usually
toxic or undesirable. Oh wait, nevermind. Thats a PERFECT analogy.
He cries that lolcow is full of idiotic women yet he checks up on /snow and /pt daily… if not hourly. The ultimate FOMO. Fear of missing out on those same women making him look like a sad mama's boy. 3 likes KEK! I remember when he could get double or triple digit likes. Must suck being persona non grata now.
No. 1055876
File: 1602357640161.png (862.37 KB, 828x1792, 03893EAB-C4CF-4909-B57F-38FE61…)

>>1055857Looks like the little mama’s boy is buying subs.
No. 1055899
File: 1602360778382.png (97.41 KB, 1200x542, NeglectedBananaopentabs.png)

>>1055876He lives with his parents. He's never spoke about being in a relationship with a woman or hanging with friends pre/post pandemic. Bad Banana spends all day being a racist incel on Twitter. I don't blame him for tricking out the one thing that consumes his whole day by buying followers.
I can only guess what tabs are open on his browser 24/7.
No. 1055912
File: 1602362444861.jpg (123.4 KB, 1916x893, BrokenDiscord1.jpg)

bad banana is not only a sad wanker but a gullible cunt too if he believes mr potato head.
>>1055907With crimes cops always take witness statements. Sure you can pull that witness statement but you can't change it. If you ask me his stalking made Amber afraid of him. He's been obsessing over her after he raped her for YEARS now. He even got her to recant and not pursue legal action. I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up raping her again one day.
>>1055899If you ask me he does it to "prove the anti-o's wrong" about "how popular he is." imagine how hollow and empty his life must be. he seems to be even sadder than Greg and Kai combined.
>>1055857Exactly how are the anti-O's newbies? if anything most of them have been in that game for many years longer than he has.
typical johnny come lately type thing to say.
Lets leak some more classic RSN discord arguing:'t recall what that was about but enjoy.
fuck RSN and fuck all he stands for.
and fuck bad banana too.
No. 1055918
>>1055914ah yes the cunt committee. what a bunch of sad losers.
pastebin dot com slash FYCuVecW
No. 1056029
File: 1602373772317.png (49.01 KB, 1011x341, 548365_7105_95645.PNG)

>>1056012Keep crying behind a privated account. Ask mommy to massage your abdomen. Maybe she can make your balls drop.
No. 1056033
File: 1602373995056.jpg (61.06 KB, 500x500, birdsofashitfeather.jpg)

>>1056029Birds of a shitfeather flock together, Bobandy.
No. 1056046
File: 1602374862179.png (1.27 MB, 828x1792, 62F166EB-1B86-438F-B580-BE5998…)

No. 1056056
File: 1602375502307.png (426.84 KB, 598x601, tamarathedf.PNG)

>>1056033well werent badbanana and tamara the dogfucker chummy? you can tell a lot by someones friends
No. 1056491
File: 1602439694951.jpeg (83.9 KB, 828x807, 9C5DFB67-8900-4619-B228-798544…)

We’re obsessed. He’s pretending that he’s not butthurt about being called out for defending an “alleged” rapist.
No. 1056613
>>1056491The only reason we mentioned you is because you're defending a rapist, buddy.
But sure, we're obsessing. Such a gracious Greg-like thing of you to say.
No. 1056659
>>1056642Hates women? »Check.
Racist? »Check.
Buys bots to fake popularity? »Check.
Unwarranted self-importance? »Check.
Well he does have a lot of similarities..
No. 1056675
File: 1602460656536.gif (6.39 MB, 500x336, OnionOedipusComplexGIF.gif)

>>1056659you forgot one
Unhealthy relationship with mother. Check.
Im thinking thats the reason for BadBananas hatred of all other women. Mommy put it in his head that they're all whores and unworthy. Mommy is the only one who can love him right
shudders No. 1056680
File: 1602461002421.jpg (19.84 KB, 258x305, sarahdearmond.jpg)

>>1056675I don't know enough about him to comment on that, BUT I am taking your word for it. I notice Sarah DeArmond being absent from his twitter these days, wondering if the e-love died down. I do theorize she wouldn't like him defending RSN all too much, I think she also hated him back in the day.
Maybe her elderly husband wised up and threatened her to cut up all her credit cards if she didn't stop e-cuckolding him online.
No. 1056878
>>1056685"my son bad banana is a young boy, only 47 years old. stay away from him, you old hag!"
>>1056687it was bound to happen, the way she was going good grief. sure you were fat once, and you lost the weight, kudo's. but that doesn't entitle you to GOTIS all over the place and romancing anything with a cock.
then again I read she also has BPD and an array of other psychiatric illnesses, so no doubt she's on a flurry of different meds.
her husband needs to put her in a straight jacket and administer more. always more.
please, by all means, shoot her full of haldol and keep her away from the keyboard.
No. 1056881
oh, apparently she's bi-polar: there you go. she was fat once. congratulations, we're all very proud of you.
no, really.
No. 1056882
>>1056881>Sarah also has Asperger’s Syndrome and was diagnosed when she was sixteen. oh and aspergers, she has jesus though:
>She has had one-hundred percent support from her husband, mother, and her Savior.>Sarah DeArmond lives in Calera, Alabama again, we're all very proud of you.
No. 1056889
File: 1602496903961.jpg (75.28 KB, 901x501,…)

>>1056878>my son bad banana is a young boy, only 47 years old>>1056671>dude comes off as a boomer trying to pretend he’s still young.I assumed the rare photos banana provided to the girls he was trying to woo were real. And I took him at face value when he says he's 19. It made sense because he doesn't seem to have much life experience. Even the basics you learn in high school and college are foreign to him and when people prove him wrong with that common knowledge he rages on Twitter for hours to try and counter it.
No. 1056892
File: 1602497713231.png (105.51 KB, 179x572, unknown (8).png)

>>1055907Amber Clements Liking RSN's tweets calling out Repzilla about not correcting his claims on RSN & Amber. Sure looks like shes on his side.
No. 1056906
>>1056892>>1056894You're trying way too hard to convince anons that really don't care. We're here to laugh at the cows not be persuaded that they're innocent. Seeing him franticly try to prove he didn't rape Amber and not changing one single persons opinion is hilarious and worthy of this ongoing shitshow. Amber is just as much of a cow as Craig is. Let them both spin in circles while we enjoy the spectacle.
Craig is a creeper with all the girls in discord. He's been inappropriate with quite a few of his female fans online. The only difference with Amber is he saw her in person and got her in a room alone. Give him time and he's going to try and fly another girl out and coerce
rape his next
Friendly advice- if you saged it wouldn't be so obvious who you are.
No. 1056914
File: 1602499882957.jpg (30.79 KB, 527x512, junkie.jpg)

>>1056894holy shit this is hilarious. so.. you follow a junkie rapist that scams his own fans out of their money and then not pays them back and drags them to court, yet we're the braindead ones?
Here are some highlights of RSN's "career", and I use this phrase very lightly here: [DL][Archived Copy] chicky, his own fan whom he stole money from had to hold a FUNDRAISER just to be able to still pay for her cancer medication: then of course he tricks his own users out of nudes just so he can later blackmail them when they inevitably fall out with him. oh and he also has girls sign an NDA (thats right just like Greg) before he flies them in and rapes them.
but by all means, tell us again how we are braindead for not believing the words of your glorious leader, oh wise one.
oh and realize all these are just highlights, as im sure i left tons out. keep at it, we're all laughing at you, you are very entertaining.
for his
victims in sure RSN is less entertaining, however very easy prey by the looks of it. lord only knows why since he's a greasy UGLY J-U-N-K-Y and if you threw him against a wall he'd stick, he's that grimy.
No. 1056926
>>1056892I don't care who the fuck you are, but you have to be a literal retard to defend Craig at this point. The dude has ZERO redeemable qualities and quite frankly I don't even get what these old fat spinsters want with him. Dude is so ugly he actually makes Bad Banana here shine in comparison
>>1056889Now if he had a nice personality, maybe, sure, but just motherfucking look at the shit he's done
>>1056914How in the hell does this dude, small as it is, still have his tiny platform? He needs to fuck off, seriously.
No. 1056929
>>1056889Well then, guess we found Kristen Schaal's illegitimate brother. Dude has even less chin than leafyishere and thats saying something.
those photo's have to be real, since no guy in their right mind would ever sent this if they were trying to woo someone.
dude looks like he's about two steps away from stalking some actress in Glee or some shit.
That kid DEFINITELY has a body pillow, and he watches animu religiously. he HAS cosplayed at some point, and is a brony. I'm just calling all this right now, i'm sure someone here can tell me i'm right.
dude has a head rounder than my left tit.
No. 1056937
File: 1602503645596.jpg (15.01 KB, 275x183, download.jpg)

>>1056906How drunk do you have to be to let this chubby crackhead Freddy Kruger mount you?
No really?
Just how drunk was she?!She must have been border-lining a delirium No. 1056940
File: 1602504068271.jpg (132.99 KB, 525x602, 76edf56b1c9fec73f947d1974.jpg)

>>1056889>>1056929why do the ones who promote the superiority of the white race always look like theyre inbred or the runt of the litter
No. 1056942
File: 1602504219165.jpg (105.61 KB, 1024x683, Paris_Tuileries_Garden_Facepal…)

>>1056940No! no! no! no! don't be a racist retard as well! I guess his father and mother where brother and sister too, long line of incest, which totally explains him having no chin.
"Out here we prefer keeping it in the family! White power! Hurrr durrr"
No. 1057107
>>1057096>>1057100>>1057102Sage your posts. Edit and delete so you don't have to samefag multiple posts.
Learn to integrate.
No. 1057159
>>1057100Probably was Banana boy. Don't worry Banana boy, we will find out who you are eventually. Just look at Royal Black, Tamara, etc. Its only a matter of time.
Just keep doing what you do..
No. 1057456
File: 1602576095627.jpeg (149.84 KB, 828x1267, 1A5F30B7-97CB-4323-A0BF-F1AFF2…)

Still being a rape apologist. And don’t worry guys, Banana ain’t racist, his brother is half Black, so that totally exonorates him.
No. 1058423
File: 1602667023137.jpeg (177.71 KB, 828x623, 186A9C7F-1A14-4BF4-9D4E-6AB273…)

I’m honestly curious if OedipusBanana is starting to warrant his own thread at this point. Because he’s starting to become a lolcow all his own at this point…..
No. 1058479
>>1058423He's not interesting enough. He's boring.
I can't wait till people find out who this assclown is and plaster his stupid face all over this place. I'm positive his real life is autistic as fuck.
No. 1058481
File: 1602678569196.jpeg (268.88 KB, 828x941, 51F8770F-FBDE-4B02-BE83-13E885…)

>>1058479That’s fair. Yeah, he’s either a boomer pretending to be a young teen or a teenager who has a boomer mindset. Both equally cringe.
No. 1058492
File: 1602680920971.png (112.28 KB, 300x255, Amberbooze1.png)

his ED page is back, restored to its former glory"Drink till you want me"
No. 1058824
File: 1602707217782.jpeg (361.56 KB, 828x1129, 9AA5131D-8344-474C-886E-5B5083…)

This retard really wants us to believe he went to college at 14? Tries to pretend he’s grown when all he does is refresh lolcow to look for any mentions of him so he can bawl and insert himself in conversations trying to come off as an intellectual when all he does is look even more retarded and racist
No. 1058861
File: 1602710347325.jpg (65.37 KB, 640x480, 640x480.jpg)

>>1058824I think he mistakenly took this reply from Luna
>>1058481 as a compliment. Like she's saying
>OMG you're so mature for your age. You have the wisdom of a well traveled 60 year old man.He must be autistic that he didn't catch that she's saying he's out of touch and his life views are ancient and pinching out.
I'll bet you anything that his father and mother had him when they were late 40's early 50's. Old sperm + old egg = Autism or Down Syndrome. And since the other kids didn't want to play with him because he's "the weird kid" he spent all his time hanging with ole dad. Fathers racist, ultra right conservative views rubbed off.
No. 1058906
>>1058824so you expect us to believe that you are some sort of child prodigy and yet you spent your days (for years now) as an anti-o every waking moment, instead of making mad bank.
boy that college degree sure is coming in handy!
cool story, bro No. 1058950
File: 1602717486421.png (41.44 KB, 753x178, hicow.PNG)

He's hanging on every post made here. For someone that says he doesn't care what a bunch of "old ladies say about him" he sure seems to be pressed.
Countdown to when Mama's Boy locks down his Twitter again?
No. 1058967
File: 1602718654836.jpg (218.1 KB, 856x1200, 856x1200.jpg)

>>1058950pfrt he reminds me of that Navy Seal Copypasta:
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.I'm sorry I can't help but laugh at Bad Banana's misfortune. All these outrageous claims, please go on tell us how you're a military kid with an over 9000 IQ.
the plane! the plane! No. 1066250
>>1066198Just goes to show how gullible Greg is..
No = no.
No. 1066255
>>1066198Notice how Greg calls RSN gross, disgusting and putrid and then just tries to use this to his own advantage. "if he's wrongly accused and so was johnny depp then so must I, right? right you guyz?"
No. RSN isn't innocent and neither are you.
She said NO twice.
No. 1066852
File: 1603523615908.png (546.43 KB, 1280x720, 1.png)

>>1066198Wow Ive never seen people so fucking stuck on something. The people who orbit RealStream really are retarded. Amber was recorded years back admitting it wasn't rape. She said she said yes years back. Yes is consent. 3 Years later Amber Clements Accuses her current X GF Raven of forcing herself on her so yea Amber has done this a few times before. Then Reaches out to RealStream an then becomes friends with him again and admits on 3 different live streams that she lied and was never coerced or raped. She said her mother told her to do it. Im sorry but you losers dont decide if hes a rapist or not. The only people still on this thread is Geissell, And that Slut Junkie from boston who is obssesed with RSN and posts on her twitter daily about him when he hasnt mentioned her in forever. You guys on this thread are literally retarded. You dont like RSN but that doesn't mean he is a rapist..HC Masked babe & Repzilla just tryna keep this lie going. Its official the people who orbit RSN are officially retarded.
No. 1066907
File: 1603538468657.png (74.29 KB, 300x168, Rapestreamnewsi.png)

>>1066852All that is fine and dandy and tl;dr, but Craig Silva is still a rapist, he raped Amber.
He also stole 4500 dollars from a cancer patient fan of his, who needed this money for chemo and now she can't get any, just so he could supply his meth habit.
Craig Silva is a junkie rapist.
No. 1066924
File: 1603540695935.jpg (38.08 KB, 197x256, mongo.jpg)

So you RSN fans look like this
>>1050965 and yet you post this
>>1066852. Right. ok.
Wonder how RSN feels about his ED page being back online in its former glory.
No. 1066934
>>1066931So you have one junkie loaning another junkie no less than 4500 dollars?
cool story, bro.
again, no one wants to fuck RSN, thats why he resorts to rape.
he's a greasy junkie. no one is mad here, we're having fun at your expense, you rapist junkie you.
No. 1066937
>>1066931hey you should tell your fans who we are during your next stream that nobody watches, good times.
free content for you, you won't have to steal anything, you came up with it all on your own.
No. 1068806
>>1068619No = no.
Amber said no twice, RSN confirmed this in the next day stream. So it was rape.
All other shit is irrelevant. Rape = rape. RSN is a rapist.
No. 1069647
>>1069479So it's all her fault? You are a rape apologist.
Also, sage your posts and gtfo, you scrote.
No. 1078982
File: 1604968053700.jpg (103.75 KB, 592x688, 1604966964854.jpg)

to quote another famous lolcow:
thats what you get, bitch, thats what you get.
Once a rapist, always a rapist.
No. 1086191
File: 1605797350915.jpg (132.7 KB, 720x1175, 20201118_160155.jpg)

way to be a junkie rapist douchebag, fag.
No. 1087293
>>1084689O.k. I'll explain it one more time so maybe your autistic, drug ridden rapist brain can understand it: It doesn't fucking matter that Amber recanted her fucking statement. Why? Because you fucking admitted to it yourself that you raped her. In the stream the following fucking day. She said she said fucking NO twice, you fucking agreed that she said fucking no fucking twice.
The fact that you forced her in to recanting it, after fucking hounding her for fucking years doesn't mean jack shit.
The fact that you now blame her fucking mother for "coaching her" in to claiming it was fucking rape is horse shit because we all seen the videos, we heard the mom on the phone, if anything the mom tried to rationalize the whole fucking thing basically saying "are you sure it was rape?" it was Amber that said it was. And she said NO twice. Theres no coming back from that, you're a rapist junkie, you're a scumbag, you stole money from people and you keep fucking people over. I pity the kid you have I hope its not a daughter because you'd probably rape her too, I bet you're the kind of deadbeat dad to one day bother your own kid and steal money from them too.
There's no changing the fucking narrative. Specially not in your case. I bet you're a pube length away from landing in to prison one of these days you junkie piece of shit. And then you'll finally be gone.
No. 1087823
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>>1087537We hate RSN
because he is a rapist.
No amount of mental gymnastics or you posting here will ever change that.
No. 1087840
>>1087537I hope Amber will read this. I hope she reads that.
So you been stalking her for years now right to say "it wasn't rape" and now that she does finally say that for you, but it ain't working, its back to Amber being a "narcissist, a sociopath, a pathological liar, and a drug addict". Which is an awesome self projection by the way, what you said there about Amber.
No really, bravo.
You really are scum.
No. 1088189
>>1088160So, lets go by your word shall we? You're a fanboi/girl of this aspergers suffering rapist junkie out here defending him.
Me, I just post here in a lot of different topics and subjects and I just go by that video I seen where she said she said no twice, and thus don't believe the junkie rapist.
You are a fanboi/girl here defending him.
And yet somehow, as if by magic, I am the one drinking the Kool Aid? Is
that what you are trying to say here?
Just.. wow.
No. 1088792
>>1088189I’m not an RSN fan. Any adult who runs a drama channel on YouTube is probably a sleaze bag and everything I said about Amber is probably true about him as well. Besides, I could never be a fan of anyone who makes nice with someone who falsely accused them of rape. He probably has raped someone, just not Amber. She makes it incredibly hard to believe anything that comes out of her mouth. Everything she says is either a blatant lie or a fabrication of the truth to make sure she’s always seen as a
victim. It sucks that so few see through her facade. There’s real rape survivors out there that need support, Amber is not one of them. She lied and blamed it on her dead mother because Amber’s little miss perfect who can do no wrong and is never at fault for anything.
No. 1088931
>>1088792I could read your entire post, sure. And then I could type out a whole well thought out reply, but for the past whatever everyone has been doing that to you.
Here's my thoughts on your autism:
You need to shut the fuck up, and go away.
Craig is a fucking rapist, fuck him, and he should overdose on some cheap brown already.
Fuck off.
No. 1089364
>>1088931The problem with the majority of you. You were not there but you make a judgement like you were. You saw a 20 second out of context clip. What really happened and this is what police said and what Cj said to police was. She and him were playing around flirting she said no twice playfully then when he asked again she said yes. Then he got up went to the bathroom cause she said he was cleaning himself up before sex he was gone for maybe 10 mins. He got back and she asked if he could still hook up. Thats 2 times she said yes. that is CONSENT. Women change their mind and women can play hard to get for a second. Sorry but its consent. Its the reason he wasn't arrested that as well as the recording of her mother pushing her to say that on the phone while Amber told her no and to shut up. This recording now happens to go well with Amber c's new story of the mother forcing her to claim rape. She has recanted and no charges ever came even before she recanted. Lets not forget the recording of Amber saying I cant call the cops "IT WASNT RAPE". I think people dislike RSN so much they don't care that it was consent and you just want to troll him. Its honestly disgusting. He may make some questionable content sometimes but he is no rapist. Again most of you haven't done a lick of research on the topic. Amber C and Onision were friends and he believed her when it happened. He has now publicly apologized to RealStreamNews and written Amber off and blocked her. This situation is crazy I mean she even recently went on RSNs panel 3x in a month…Why his panel after he has ignored her for 3 years??? Because it never was rape…Amber said it herself a month ago. It is time to move on from this made up situation. It is time to focus on real rape
victims that need help.
>>1095131"sad lil bitch" oh how uncomfortable those words must lay on your meth stained potato lips.
was that what you told amber after you raped her? or is it something people often say to you? quite frankly I can't imagine anything sadder than a junkie rapist. its really the lowest form of life, the only thing that would make RSN even sadder is if he were a pedophile too. but hey, give him time. he's already a scammer so he has that going for him.
its like, you're scamming your own fans to score meth. and then you try to score with them, granted they have a skirt. its sad really. the only thing sadder than RSN are his fans. they're just completely desperate lonely fat middle aged housewives and grannies.
No. 1099993
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>>1099967"Hey just wanted to say I have been on these threads for a long time. I have never seen a funnier"
Sure Jan.
No. 1100162
>>1099967You know just because so far you've gotten away with all your shit doesn't mean you will continue to get away with it. Sure, so far you seem to have weaseled your way out of it because you know how to choose your
victims well. I assure you though, Rape, that one day you will be sitting in your prison cell with a sore anus, thinking about this very post you are reading now.
Even OJ got his eventually.
Nasty shits like yourself always get caught in the end, always. And you know why? Because its inevitable. Sooner or later you're gonna pick the wrong
victim, or the cops will catch up with you. They could be watching your pasty chubby junkie ass this very minute.
Like I said, inevitable. Society will have you.
No. 1100172
>>1100162..or Harvey Weinstein, or R. Kelly, Gary Glitter, Bill Cosby..
its too bad Amber let herself be forced in to claiming that "it wasn't rape", now this ass clown keeps parading it around. oh well, better luck next time.
I agree he will get caught, if not for rape it will be on any of the other many charges. fraud, drugs, you name it this mongoloid looking motherfucker has done it all.
No. 1173433
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We’re obsessed. He’s pretending that he’s not butthurt about being called out for all of the bad shit he has done and he hangs out with Ron Swanson. Who is addicted to watching, downloading and re sharing child porn. Birds of a feather, all flock together.