File: 1528363195979.png (1.75 MB, 1500x1769, 1528347924095.png)

No. 603980
The confetti club are fans of the legendary milky Jillian Vessey/Pixielocks. The fans are almost as milky as the cow herself; the facebook group is full of speshul snowflakes, transtrenders, landwhales and munchies.
-The Party Kei facebook group was cowtipped and had an epic meltdown, which resulted in all of the groups closing.
-The confetti club advises members to not post to the board in order to try and stop the drama, but a few people do anyway and get doxxed.
-Jill's bff Courtney creates a group just for party kei. Jill is made admin
-The confetti club facebook group is once again shut down due to lolcow
-Thread is full of Jill's retarded followers trying to get in on the action to seem ~edgy
-a UK Kawaii group was created, which is run by CJ. CJ is a retarded landhwale, who defends Melanie Martinez because she totes isn't a rapist because she doesn't have a penis. These are her exact words. The group consists of only her posting.
-The very expensive gift that was sent to Jill for her bday by the confetti club is opened and Jill is obviously indifferent to it. It's clear she'll never use any of the items.
Notable members:
Bonnie, an autistic land whale, exposes the group to porn, and gets banned. She is now back under the name Veronica.
Eliza plans a trip to stalk Jill, get a shitty tattoo just like Jill by the same artist. Gets called out for it and has a melt down. Leaves and rejoins group multiple times. She then organised a fundraiser, in order to get Jill a Betsey Johnson purse. She mostly posts in the clinic about her totes real ~anorexia despite being 80 pounds overweight.
Lizzy (an old admin) changes name to newt so she can be a fake boi. She's morbidly obese, but still chooses to wear crops tops. Cries about being misgendered constantly. Uses a cane for munchie points.
-Sofia Mehlitz (queen cow) set up a go fuck me due to the fact her 'parents were kicking her out for being queer.' She's a nobinary asexual snowflake. Her story was mostly lies, but people donated anyway and submitted her story to the Ellen show. Her parents found out about the go fuck me, forced her to take it down and are apparently actually kicking her out for real now. Despite claiming to have no money to move, her wardrobe is full of lazy oaf and other expensive brands. She is now posting underwear selfies to rebel against her totes abusive parents.
Some recent milk:
Edward Jean throws an aggressive meltdown when his snowflake labels are called into question. He’s asexual, but his into BDSM and has a dom. Several members are banned due to the fall out.
Sofia wants to change her major from engineering to fashion so she can skinwalk harder.
Jessica has a meltdown in the clinic because her abusive gradma doesn’t understand that party kei is a cure for her mental illness. Her weird clothes and coloured hair cure her dissociation.
Brittany, the tranny predator, is now going by the name Aislin.
Sofia pockets the money from her Go Fuck Me, but hasn’t used the money to move out. Confirmed scammer.
Anabelle (sunshineandspoons) is a major munchie, who had to come out to her family about ‘needing’ a cane. She claims to have 15 chronic illness and is always on the verge of death. She’s totally adjustable though, which means she gets to do all of the fun stuff she wants to do but can’t do anything else because muh illnesses.
Confetti Club Main Page: Kei group: Kei UK: Club Clinic:[[Archived Copy]
Uk Kawaii thread:
>>>/snow/5036242nd thread:
>>>/snow/5661293rd thread:
>>>/snow/566126 No. 603981
File: 1528363256889.jpg (67.47 KB, 540x960, jessica1.jpg)

Here's Jessica's meltdown. I didn't want this milk to be lost amongst the last thread.
No. 604191
>>603980good work on the OP! except:
>Lizzy (an old admin) changes name to Newt>Edward JeanYou have these mixed up, Lizzy is edward not newt
No. 604383
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No. 604422
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No. 604477
>>604422Ngl, this outfit would be super cute in a Japanese street snap or something. It's pretty cute in a campy way, but is styled pretty horribly for this particular girl's bodytype.
If she maybe switched out the slim skirt for something with a little volume? Did something so her hair didn't look so flat? Not take god awful low angle photos that are unflattering as hell? I don't know.
No. 604669
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No. 604675
>>604670She's clearly lying about her eating habits. If she's eating as little as she says, she wouldn't be a lard ass point blank period. And she shouldn't expect a doctor to sugar coat things, you asked about it Eliza. It really is as simple as not eating so much.
I ballooned up when I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism too, I can no longer eat how I used to, 1500 calories a day and I maintain a healthy weight, for her to maintain her weight of 200+ lbs she would be eating over 2000 calories a day.
No. 604748
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No. 604751
File: 1528419043949.jpg (784.75 KB, 1080x1561, 20180607_203420.jpg)

Found in #partykei kek
No. 604941
>>604751those shorts look like something you'd find on a mid 90s Barbie doll wtf
the girl is cute though.
No. 605023
>>604669Why even go to the doctor if you think you're already doing well? Go to a nutritionist and get a trainer. This shit doesn't even make sense to me. Not to mention eating one meal a day is unhealthy.
>>604670And no one has ever lied to their doctor about their weight before. Jeez…
These people, when they talk about their weight, it's either "Why didn't the doctor reaffirm information i already knew" or "Why won't the doctor put me on meds so I don't have to work out"
Fucking fatasses.
No. 605194
>>604383'Yoongi Ryu Taehyung'
When your 'name' is half the members of BTS it's time to rethink your life decisions.
No. 605267
>>604768It looks like this girl is just modeling amziidolly's designs. Amziidolly's personal insta also reads:
'normal' is boring
BCU Fashion 3rd year
Who I think is the real Amziidolly is, is black and is the one wearing a burberry trench coat. I think she's cuter than the girl pictured but I'm also confused how she seems to have great taste, is a 3rd year and the first thing she wants on her design page is this?? 7/10 for design, 2/10 for execution
No. 605501
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No. 605565
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No. 605707
>>605565sage for blogposting, but i used to be a major tumblrfag in my teens and wanted a whole pastel/goth wardrobe but knew my parents would disapprove so i refrained from buying too many tumblr-ish clothes.
to this day i'm so thankful for that bc a) i was mostly into those subcultures as a way to "fit in" with a community bc i was insecure, which this person most likely is, b) i've stopped liking either of them enough to want to wear them, so it would've been a major waste of money, c) good luck going to job interviews with a pastel t-shirt and a choker.
No. 605874
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No. 605900
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That fringe
No. 605926
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No. 605928
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>>605926 the next thread has to be titled 'scared to be straight'
No. 605972
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The mess in the background doesn't help anything
No. 605974
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No. 606160
>>605926this is why gays say they hate straight people, yall are annoying
while i agree with what the other anons are saying about how some people fake being "queer uwu" to be part of a community, theres a difference between someone online saying "i hate the heteros" and the actual burning hatred the lgbt community has faced for years, including being killed, getting kicked out of their homes, not being hired because of their sexuality/gender, etc etc
No. 606185
>>606160Yeah, this girl is stupid. In my home state there is a hardware store that has a "No Gays Allowed" sign in front of it. Many other businesses are very open about their homophobic hiring practices, but don't put it in writing. This person can't tell the difference between hyperbole and legit discrimination.
>>605900These bangs are always unflattering, but at least she looks like she put more effort into her look than pixie does.
No. 606514
>>605900I like her eye makeup tho ngl
But for like a photoshoot or something, not everyday makeup
No. 606622
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>>606175holy shit the pan makeout scene
No. 606785
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No. 606816
>>606807The main group is a toxic cesspool, though. All those SJWs plus when literally anyone has an original thought, they all foam at the fucking mouth. They want to all be clones of pixie and no one can talk about dieting (hurts the land whales feelings), an array of topics like god damn pickled onions (
triggering the sensitive fucks), or really just talk freely it seems. That's why the confetti cult is so amusing - they preach positivity but are beyond toxic and aggressive.
No. 606890
>>606520So are gay people. Please just stop.
You're not better if you're lgbt, you're also not better if you're straight.
Plz just accept it.
No. 606895
>>606891Didn't need to sage because it was relevant.
And I'm bi so jokes on you love.
(derailing) No. 606902
Please can we just stop and focus on the confetti cunts now. Thanks.
No. 607217
>>606785It sounds like she wants an
echo…. echo…. echoooo…. echoooo… Chamber. The main group is hella toxic, wtf did she expect? All the membbers frequent these threads. They all hate each other and then feign ignorance and talk about "how mean everyone on lolcow is~ UwU"
I feel like a lot of the girls are now pressing their luck and seeing how far they can take what they say, how well they can justify asking specific questions or saying certain things.
Remaking the group several times over just shows how quickly they can and do destroy themselves as a community.
The only reason the Clinic group hasn't sank is because questioning anything will get you removed. That group is a hugbox.
No. 607511
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No. 607513
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Why do they all get stressed out by trivial things
No. 607665
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No. 607716
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>>607665i…don't know where to begin
No. 607808
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what a meaty fupa
No. 607926
>>607513The base price for most tattoos is $100 even if it's small. You're paying for the time, materials and ink. A rainbow tattoo would use many different colors so I'd be likely more expensive.
My social anxiety is bad but I kinda understand pricing when it comes to things I like. What's the point of freaking out about it?
No. 607933
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>>606785 a response. Noah offence..fucking really?!
No. 607940
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The bangs kill me
No. 607957
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This is an adult's bedroom
No. 608043
>>607957This disturbs me, this looks like a 7 year-old's room.
Are these people gainfully employed? Do they go out in public?
No. 608143
>>607513I hate people who argue the cost for tattoos. You're paying for someone's time and labor, as well as supplies and skills. You're getting a piece of work put on your skin permanently, for a price. Bitches always act like getting a tattoo is only supposed to be $30.
>>607957Why are all these idiots obsessed with polly pockets when they were born way after the trend was over? it's so damn odd. Also, this room is gross. There's a way to do cute as an adult, but this isn't it.
No. 608376
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>>608319Other anon clearly does not know "Noah fence" is a common internet joke..apparently?
Also, more thrift store lies. A bag this old would patina (have a patina? I've never been sure how to use that word). I have a rich aunt that never shuts up about her bags and this just doesn't seem right, unless someone kept it in a box for 15 years then suddenly donated it….
No. 608404
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>>608376>>608387Definitely a fake. Doesn't look like this design came in this style of bag, you are right. All I could find when I tried to search for it was replicas.
No. 608405
File: 1528792090572.jpg (32.52 KB, 276x360, lvcherryset.jpg)

>>608376>>608387>>608404Further evidence, this is all the available styles for authentic LV cherry blossom products. Sorry the picture is small, but as you can see, this style of bag was not included.
It's hilarious she lied about the serial number though.
No. 608508
>>608376How can this dumbass not see that the stitchwork is wonky as fuck for a LV bag? Let alone the cherry blossoms looks screen printed on.
Such poor quality. Add to the fact she is trying to pass it off ad legit is even more depressing.
No. 608519
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Sound super great for your skin
No. 608522
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No. 608552
>>608376i'm no high-fashion sommelier but this looks so tacky for a LV design. especially the happy faces on the flowers, how can this person honestly believe this is a real LV?
the legit cherry blossom designs from here
>>608405 are 100 times better. better color coordination, better design, better quality altogether. this "real" LV bag would at least be salvagable without those horrible smiley faces and the pokemon-esque thing she attached to it.
No. 608593
>>607957if they got rid of that gross rack shelf, the weird unicorn thing and the care bears box and had an actual proper shelf unit for their pikmi's this could be cute
so unfortunate that so many ppl who collect "cute" things end up tossing them in cluttered dirty homes. paint your walls get some good lighting, put down a better carpet/rip up that carpet and invest in real shelves ugh.
No. 608622
>>608376anyone who knew anything about LV would know they never cut their logo, and it's cut in the upper right hand corner kek
this is such a bad fake. like canal street tier
No. 608963
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No. 609455
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No. 609469
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How is this a meme?
No. 609754
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No. 609759
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That uneven fringe
No. 609769
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>>609754he's got the same look in his eyes
No. 609808
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No. 609809
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No. 609818
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No. 609839
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Fucking hell
No. 609945
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No. 610196
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How are most of these women adults and they still can't do the simple task of coordination??
No. 610391
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No. 610401
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Why do They always quit their jobs before getting another one?
No. 610421
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What potato was this photo taken on?
No. 610760
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No. 610927
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>>610894Are you blind, that outfit is terrible.
Anyway it's hard to tell from the picture quality but it looks like these yru shoes.
No. 610936
File: 1529018323299.png (437.08 KB, 720x1068, 20180615_001746.png)

That line work is worse than the line work on Jill's cat tattoo jfc
No. 610997
>>609839Over a concert? These people are such a great source of woman babies. Just like a manchild they want to play with dolls and bows and have mom make their doctor's appointments instead of dealing with someone having an attitude. The link between infantile dress and attitude is astounding.
>>610196Ugly, but barely makes it on the autism spectrum. Minus the hat she'd look like a person.
No. 611720
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>start fasting
It’s crazy what they’ll sneak in their posts to get attention
No. 611766
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No. 611768
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No. 611770
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No. 612027
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No. 612030
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>>612027 why do her fans buy her such expensive shit? She doesn't even appreciate the gifts.
No. 612035
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No. 612051
File: 1529112418656.png (77.49 KB, 720x566, 20180616_022724.png)

They're all so pathetic
No. 612055
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>>612051 also it's always the fatties that claim to eat so little
No. 612070
>>612051ughh they drain me
don't eat anything if you don't want to or get mommy to make you some pasta
>>611768i feel such hatred for her big fat face
No. 613158
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No. 613159
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No. 613161
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No. 613165
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W h a t
No. 613497
File: 1529265714558.png (60.93 KB, 720x488, 20180617_210041.png)

You just know that if this was the other way around, the group would cry work place sexual assault and some shit about all men being trash
No. 613536
>all of these emotions for someone you dated less than 4 months for>for someone you broke up 9 months ago withBITCH GET LAID. seriously. why are you posting pics with your ex gf? why is your ex gf your profile pic? Why are you so fucking autistic please meet new people and shut the fuck up. pleease. i know us lesbians can be really serious and commited super fast but you're literally out of your mind go on tinder or on therapy but shut the fuck up.
the confetti club is really the center for female autism.
>>613497i hate that logic but that's legit. if some dude i knew posted "I MET THE PRETTIEST FEEEMALE AT THE POST OFFICER AND I NEED AN EXCUSE TO TALK TO HER" i would immediately think "creep, she's just doing her job shut the fuck up". don't share that, maybe tell a
real friend, but don't share that its weird. let alone sharing that at the goddamn confetti club.
No. 614049
>>613416Not necessarily. As someone who's unfortunately been there (and will never be there again) some people will keep their birth assigned pronouns until they start to transition since transitioning isn't immediately bottom/top surgery but rather a slow process.
I digress, a lesbian wanting to date a tranny won't go well as said lesbian will just emasculate him doing little shit like still calling their bottom half a vagina or something.
So not misgendering technically, but still fucking retarded.
No. 614053
>>613961Is she flat out referencing how often the misuse the term
problematic? Disgusting.
No. 615037
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>>614085 this is getting really weird
No. 615040
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>>615037 she got his number
No. 615181
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This girl reminds me of a slightly older version of Jill.
No. 615187
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No. 615386
File: 1529449462004.jpeg (265.26 KB, 1264x1264, D58053F0-5262-4C38-9D23-280519…)

Cheeky Sparkles continues to be a creepy skinwalker, this is genuinely a bit scary.
No. 615605
File: 1529466775322.jpg (225.11 KB, 1808x1440, IMG_20180619_204752.jpg)

Haven't seen Lindsey talked about in a while, she's almost worse than Jill when it comes to makeup and style aging her. Yikes.
I can never tell if Jill has ruined people or people who have just as much shit taste are the ones who emulate her the most.
Her and Cheeky sparkles and the other girl who have the sparkles in their handle talk so awkwardly. Talking about how everything is "so cute" and not having anything else to say, or even sometimes pronouncing it as "shoo kyoote" which makes me want to gouge out my eyes from how awkward it is.
No. 615609
>>615605sage for samefag but she goes on about how she's suddenly "the biggest fan of pripara" in her fanime haul and ofc this is around the time Jill talked about her Pripara cosplay and moonmusty girls group.
Jillian is a massive cunt but I really can't blame her for not wanting to befriend w lot of her confetti club. They're all autistic as fuck.
No. 615798
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No. 615799
File: 1529495481651.jpg (56.6 KB, 720x720, FB_IMG_1529495511422.jpg)

No. 615844
>>615798>>615799How do you let yourself become like this ? Her face is so fucking fat and those pastel hats are only making it look more squished.
How can these girls think they look ~kawaii~~~ like this ?
No. 616144
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No. 616145
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No. 616326
File: 1529541954643.jpg (27.29 KB, 540x960, FB_IMG_1529541980962.jpg)

Another cursed image
No. 616327
File: 1529541982348.jpg (26.53 KB, 540x960, FB_IMG_1529541972834.jpg)

>>616326 what are her body proportions jfc
No. 616645
>>616145There is a point where a person gets so fat they loose all defining facial features and they become indistinguishable from other people equally fat.
All features are just completely swallowed by the fat.
No. 616695
File: 1529585461925.png (119 KB, 720x792, 20180621_135126.png)

No. 616806
>>616797This. And even if you like pink you don't have to make your house/room/basement look like baby section at toys'r us. Like black? oh no paint all over and start own tacky halloween store in kitchen.
Its like they are not even truly interested in anything unless their whole enviroment and being screams it? Look I like magical girls anime so I dress in pink and have pink life and pink car seats. If you don't have fake spiderwebs all around are you even really someone who has intrest in goth music.
No. 617221
>>616645It's sad because I think she could
have the potential to be quite cute if she wasn't a blob.
No. 617286
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No. 617288
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No. 617292
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No. 617299
File: 1529617657774.jpg (17.37 KB, 360x640, FB_IMG_1529617698342.jpg)

No. 617361
>>616797It's attention seeking. They just want to brag about being gawth and a pastel princess. Of course with the most superficial stereotypes possible. Most women like sexy dark things and cute things at (spoiler alert) THE SAME TIME.
How about being an interesting person without having to trick people into thinking you have a personality with cheap gimmicks? I've known a lot of boring girls who want to be Manic Pixie Dream Girl or whatever by claiming to be obsessed with certain styles, trends, plushes, animals…pretty much whatever will make people believe they're unique. See Doe Deere who has gone through "I'm a mermaid!" "I'm totally into flamencos!" "I'm a unicorn again!" While Doe is dull as fuck. See Vicky Shingles who pretends to be a master at every thing she sees as cool while being a fat, untalented drunk. See Kiki…no explanation needed. Etc, etc.
No. 617503
File: 1529626412040.jpg (16.44 KB, 360x640, FB_IMG_1529626431251.jpg)

This fat fuck keeps posting every couple of hours jfc
No. 617506
File: 1529626465153.jpg (17.69 KB, 360x640, FB_IMG_1529626417205.jpg)

If you lost some fucking weight, you wouldn't need to post constantly just to receive validation
No. 618145
File: 1529681255697.png (79.04 KB, 720x558, 20180622_162800.png)

No. 618155
File: 1529681654341.png (47 KB, 720x276, 20180622_163443.png)

>>618152 tranny predators dream kek
No. 618162
>>6181521. This rando will never be famous enough to have people recognize her on the street.
2. Most famous people would love to hang out with their fans, but that's not logistically feasible.
No. 618334
File: 1529693922638.jpg (64.48 KB, 720x1008, FB_IMG_1529693958566.jpg)

No. 618346
File: 1529694758532.jpg (15.91 KB, 360x640, FB_IMG_1529694796484.jpg)

No. 618374
File: 1529696819272.jpeg (241.8 KB, 750x1152, 5F485426-580A-4349-BA2D-DE8091…)

No. 618419
File: 1529699356722.png (43.66 KB, 720x266, 20180622_212930.png)

What the fuck does this mean
No. 618430
File: 1529699832796.png (58.07 KB, 720x342, 20180622_213722.png)

>>618145 imagine your biggest dream being just to have friends
No. 618432
File: 1529699987854.png (253.11 KB, 720x994, 20180622_214006.png)

Why does she pretend to care about passing
No. 618512
File: 1529707242196.png (35.66 KB, 720x262, 20180622_233945.png)

No. 619008
File: 1529756248894.jpg (68.25 KB, 720x900, FB_IMG_1529756283674.jpg)

No. 619010
File: 1529756567240.png (41.07 KB, 720x294, 20180623_132309.png)

Being a predator isn't kawaii BRITNEY
No. 619013
File: 1529756758812.jpg (65.45 KB, 720x720, FB_IMG_1529756752311.jpg)

She has to be the next featured confetti cunt member. Her non stop posting is lulz
No. 619023
File: 1529759221205.jpg (29.26 KB, 446x357, 1457825244032.jpg)

>>619013>>619008when is this bitch going to stop posting her fat face every five minutes? does she honestly not have a life/anything better to do outside spamming cc with her rolls and double chin?
No. 619032
>>619013I mean, what is "party kei" or whatever about her? She dresses in dull plus size clothing
>>619008 and posts her sameface selfies filtered to hell with some "kawaii" stickers added in the picture. Like do even other confetti cunts care about her constant pointless posts jfc.
No. 619047
>>619010Hilarious how they co-opt japense words such as kawaii but will never regard it in terms of the standards in Japanese society
Hairy lgbtq+++ hamplanets are not kawaii
No. 619067
File: 1529763296064.jpg (50.81 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1529763331459.jpg)

No. 619234
File: 1529782900127.png (4.6 KB, 387x77, Capture.PNG)

>>619010I love that this legitimate and nuanced comment got no response but every comment around it was heart reacted at least once lmao
No. 619312
File: 1529787963351.png (168.15 KB, 750x1221, IMG_3403.PNG)

The Confetti Club is fake as shit. No ones telling this girl that the overalls clearly aren't cute because they're a size or two too small.
No. 619520
kek>>619312This is so sad. I have the same body type as her (30-40 lbs overweight) and overalls/pinafores do NOT look cute on even slightly overweight people. It emphasizes fupa, shortens the torso, and makes you look special needs. They can really only be pulled off by thin, attractive people.
I really wanted to comment to tell that girl that a) it's too small, and b) that overalls just aren't a good look for most people and it's not her fault, but even with wording it carefully and politely I was worried that she might be one of the overly sensitive types that cries all night and cuts herself because someone said something not strictly positive to her on the internet. I should've just done it tbh. Though I'm not sure if it's even possible to try to slowly change the culture of the CC from an unrepentant hugbox into a place where actually thoughtful and useful conversation happens.
No. 619747
File: 1529818563850.jpeg (399.14 KB, 1072x1440, B34D5FC2-976F-4E79-AA70-A6C01D…)

Total weeb nitpick but there’s an ita bag thread that’s so disappointing
Just bootleg button bags covered in random shit.
> essentially they are just bags with a clear plastic cut out that allows for personalization and decoration
Not even close. It’s a bag dedicated to a character or series, “ita” meaning painful, because of the amount of money you spend on a single character or series.
Again, spergy weeb nitpick.
But a random button keychain bag is not an ita bag.
No. 619771
File: 1529821155055.jpeg (254.7 KB, 1080x1350, 6CA32CEC-D707-467E-958F-30A14A…)

This discount pixie edit I’m cackling
No. 619809
>>619771looks like those 90s music videos that were shot in black and white and edited with over saturated colors (like Basket Case)
sage for weird comparison
No. 619865
File: 1529839610375.png (130.12 KB, 720x873, 20180624_122716.png)

No. 619934
File: 1529850419220.jpg (65.78 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1529846329872.jpg)

Those munchie fashion accessories
No. 619950
File: 1529853126561.jpg (53.36 KB, 720x1280, FB_IMG_1529853151706.jpg)

No. 619951
File: 1529853259074.jpg (60.77 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1529853298690.jpg)

Every confetti cunt is so messy
No. 619953
File: 1529853287320.jpg (47.75 KB, 720x1280, FB_IMG_1529853339605.jpg)

No. 619954
File: 1529853365775.jpg (97.35 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1529853413416.jpg)

No. 620080
File: 1529865112590.png (673.83 KB, 720x907, 20180624_193227.png)

No. 620091
File: 1529865895720.png (371.8 KB, 720x1122, 20180624_193600.png)

Our favourite munchie went public again. For those newfags, she claims to have over 20 chronic illnesses, which cause her to nearly die every week. She wrote a post about having to 'come out' to her parents as a cane user. She's totally adjustable and lives a kawaii life filled full of social events and getting dressed up everyday, but totes can't work or do school. She goes to the hospital constantly for bs reasons and the medical staff all know who she is. She seems to have toned down her munxhieness, but she's still a massive cow.
No. 620093
File: 1529865986335.png (362.26 KB, 719x1120, 20180624_193907.png)

>>620092 her cane is supposedly because of her blood pressure kek, but it's totes just a munchie spoonie kawaii aesthetic
No. 620095
File: 1529866193615.png (572.82 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180624-194945.png)

She has since changed the number of illnesses she has. In her orginal promo post, she claimed 20 plus.
No. 620261
>>620245Whaaaa wow. I use elbow crutches and I'll fall even with them. Having a cane for low blood pressure make zero sense.
I'd love to beat her with her cane. I'm sure that would give her a reason to need it.
No. 620322
File: 1529879954674.jpg (48.22 KB, 720x1280, FB_IMG_1529879986792.jpg)

No. 620427
>>618520Don't be retarded. An abscess can potentially kill you. It can also be hellishly painful and restrict your mobility. It doesn't reduce you to flopping around on the ground, completely helpless. Also, I presume you've never been in a position where you know you have to put yourself through a spike of worse pain to get help?
>>619047Everyone does that now, though. It's become pretty much meaningless. and then I see
>>619234 lol
No. 620825
File: 1529922369964.jpg (57.03 KB, 720x612, FB_IMG_1529922307422.jpg)

No. 620826
File: 1529922389713.jpg (42.28 KB, 720x908, FB_IMG_1529922344064.jpg)

No. 620907
>>620091for some who do not know, this condition is the cartilage of your rib cage becomes inflamed.
Costchronditis sucks and it can develop at random. But it's been a whole year and she still has flare-ups that are so bad that she needs heat patches? And her ribs are "still healing?" She didn't break or fracture them. And heat pads for inflammation? I was told cold patches, heat can make it worse. How do people live such a dumb life.
No. 620968
File: 1529938858328.png (823.25 KB, 750x1334, E2EBE3BB-D000-4187-9E74-C632B8…)

At least this person is admitting to being a skinwalker…
Side note, considering Eliza is such a skinwalker stalker, you’d think she would have done a better job picking a present Jill would like. Jill has not touched or mentioned this purse outside of her closet tour, it’s obvious she doesn’t give a shit about it kek
No. 621043
File: 1529944227964.png (181.92 KB, 720x1121, 20180625_173057.png)

No. 621088
>>621043> the designs were close to an indie brandUh. No.
Simplicity literally bought stuff from an indie brand, and tore apart the items to make patterns from it to sell. It’s straight up theft.
It’s crazy what these girls will say to play the victim.
No. 621191
>>621182uhm … that states that yes, at least one of the 'stolen' designs was being sold for commercial use.
It also states that they were dropped as a sponsor by Rufflecon, not banned.
and then it ends on this note:
>But do I think you’re a horrible person if you use them? Of course not. They’re good patterns and more easily accessible for those of us who are outside of Japan and don’t read Japanese so if you're quite done derailing with shit you didn't even read, can we get back to the confetti cunts?
No. 621260
>>621196>>621258*it just proves that they came out with a similar pattern
Sage for samefagging
No. 621289
File: 1529959645325.jpg (109.02 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1529959656044.jpg)

What an unfortunate body shape
No. 621341
File: 1529963395464.jpeg (203.45 KB, 750x914, BE003DF4-B9E7-48AD-A8A5-A3636A…)

Nightmare fuel
No. 621353
>>621258Buddy, this is vintage ass Lolita milk, it’s commonly known and was discussed a lot a few years ago when it happened. We’re not going to spoon feed you the answers when you can literally google them.
It’s not our fault you’re too new to know. Now quit derailing
No. 621389
>>621353>points out things that were said while everything was happening>gets called new Ok. Sorry you lack reading comprehension and believe whatever you are told without actually looking into things.
Sage cause im done with this shit
No. 621634
File: 1529990078890.jpg (260.26 KB, 1200x1500, tumblr_pargr0Y40A1tgjli1o1_128…)

I don't understand this whole Menhera shit. Have Jill's followers begun smearing blood on their faces and throwing on some pastel clothes to look "cute"? Try leaving the house like that. You'll probably get so much ridicule. It looks insane.
No. 621656
>>621634It’s supposed to be an outlet fashion for people in Japan struggling with mental illness (something never discussed in Japan)
but weebs like this have just turned it into an edgy elfgutz costume.
No. 621661
>>621634>looks insaneMenhera isn't something Jill created nor does it have anything to do with her. Also, it looks insane because it's meant to, menhera translates to "mental health", it's also known alternately as yami-kawaii or "dark cute".
Personally, it's not my thing, and I'd like to think people aren't going out covered in fake blood, but different strokes I suppose.
No. 621663
File: 1529992622710.jpg (77.89 KB, 949x960, 17861728_1335655036491654_2225…)

out here looking like a Eugenia cooney wannabe
No. 621666
File: 1529992750136.jpg (234.65 KB, 888x888, 21559123_1491253884265101_7669…)

She lies constantly about "being healthy" and "having a healthy diet" when anybody expresses concern and she gets all pissy about it. She looks like if you touched her she'd snap like a twig. Forget veganism you dumb bitch, eat a burger.
No. 621813
File: 1530011948444.png (91.69 KB, 720x708, 20180626_121930.png)

No. 621969
File: 1530024732458.png (154.02 KB, 720x1022, 20180626_155220.png)

No. 622019
I really want to see a reaction-video with Japanese """kawaii""" models reacting to those people.
>>619953this guy must, for some reason, be both a pedophile and a chubby (or in the CC obese) chaser. I can't imagine another reason why he'd be in that group
No. 622026
File: 1530030291484.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1242x1789, 569FDC54-A700-48F0-8C32-2020CD…)

>>620201It isn’t her room, apparently. I wish that anon would include the post captions instead of just the fucking image.
No. 622028
>>622020Yes it is, sorry.
>>Hyperinsulinemia as a consequence of insulin resistance causes hyperandrogenemia in women.Medicalese translation
>Too much insulin in the blood as a consequence of insulin resistance causes the overproduction of male hormones in womenIt's literally part of the diagnostic criteria for PCOS.
No. 622316
File: 1530050476778.png (817.88 KB, 720x899, 20180626_230023.png)

So she can socialise all she wants, go to drag shows and other events constantly but she can't work?
No. 622569
File: 1530073405762.jpeg (171.92 KB, 750x585, FBA274BF-0C70-4D63-B27D-D98760…)

Posted to the clinic
No. 622859
File: 1530118827929.jpg (89.43 KB, 960x959, 28279105_1650056471718174_3780…)

Took a look at her facebook page, at least she's half decent looking compared to the fatty chan uggos on the rest of the confetti club. Although that forehead is something else… even with the wig lmao.
No. 622907
>>622902She's still in all the groups. Her name is Veronica Weiss. She still posts frequently enough but tbh she hasn't done anything milky or even very cringy. It's a bit weird, considering how off the fucking rails she was in the first thread. Either she absorbed the criticism and decided to shape up, or
tinfoil hat that wasn't really her posting that insane shit in the first place.
No. 622908
Or she was trolling. I genuinely have no idea what's up with the sudden change of character but I'm cool with it. Less porn getting shown to minors.
No. 623023
File: 1530132447567.jpeg (80.84 KB, 750x418, 80E0ACF1-CFA4-47C0-A638-9AF86E…)

No. 623072
File: 1530136286287.png (152.1 KB, 720x1011, 20180627_225134.png)

No. 623081
File: 1530137894850.png (107.26 KB, 720x707, 20180627_231838.png)

No. 623130
>>623076is this true?? my bf is asian and i'm not his mom is nice to me but i'm afraid she secretly hates me
sage for personal bullshit question
No. 623301
>>623130look, even if it IS true, there's nothing you can do to change it. if your MIL is nice to you but takes the time, effort and energy to hate you behind your back, it's her loss, not yours. there's nothing you can do about it except defend yourself if she's a bitch. don't worry.
but as mentioned above, if she lets her kid date outside his race i'm sure she's unprejudiced and doesn't hate you. who knows. sage for OT response.
No. 623460
File: 1530184710188.png (87.37 KB, 720x634, 20180628_121848.png)

No. 623466
>>623460'The things I do for money'
Potentially getting yelled at for admittedly making a careless mistake due to your own laziness.
It's a hard knock life.
No. 623468
File: 1530185889290.jpg (65.12 KB, 720x1070, FB_IMG_1530185911008.jpg)

That arm
No. 623469
File: 1530185978712.jpg (71.24 KB, 720x783, FB_IMG_1530186025579.jpg)

No. 623481
File: 1530186756056.png (215.14 KB, 720x828, 20180628_125212.png)

>>623479 gets offended by being misgendered but dresses in pink, has long hair and wears lolita???
No. 623489
>>623484So its super offensive to use 'dude, bitch, manz, bruh, sis' etc but everyone is still allowed to usr words with directly homophobic pasts no matter how straight you are??? All these hetero 'they/thems' get to suck dick and say they're QUEER while their titties bounce in their insta feed but loosely throw Dude around and you're accused of violent language.
Absolutely pathetic mental gymnastics
No. 623507
File: 1530191771432.png (532.68 KB, 720x1219, 20180628_141532.png)

I thought this was a joke..until I saw it was posted in the clinic
No. 623514
File: 1530192948814.png (580.77 KB, 719x863, 20180628_143609.png)

Thicc dough boi
No. 623556
File: 1530199865950.jpg (500.87 KB, 496x579, clinic.jpg)

No. 623647
File: 1530210250684.jpg (59.05 KB, 720x720, FB_IMG_1530210257594.jpg)

I know everyone is over this girl, but look at her body
No. 623666
>>623081>>623092>>623556Anon these aren't even milky. Also being transgender or whatever is entirely an identity issue. Gender dysphoria is a mostly recognized mental illness. The two photo posts just look like a self post for attention. Unless this bitch does something actually worth posting don't bother. It'll just clog up the thread.
Sage for complaining about lack of milk
No. 623695
File: 1530214439658.jpeg (280.98 KB, 1403x2048, D06D3D3B-76BE-488F-A282-40C29E…)

>>623474This person is so milky tbh. Highlights include
>prior to becoming a fakeboi, claimed their birth name was actually “Loli” and that they grew up in a family of j-fashion enthusiasts and had been going to tea parties since they were a toddler >claimed her family was abusive and tried to raise money to move out, still lives there years later despite having a job >claimed her “abusive” mother intentionally ruined her dream dress because it got snagged in the wash. Baww’d about it in rufflechat (pic related), got roasted >works as a “makeup artist” at Clinique, actually thinks these makeup looks are good. Brags about makeup skills a lot >recently became a fakeboi, claims to be intersex because being trans isn’t special snowflake enough anymore I’m sure there’s more that I’m forgetting
No. 623712
>>623647I’m not over her.
What is her real name on FB so I can go look at her photos. Her fat never ceases to amaze me.
No. 623849
File: 1530227592544.jpeg (111.95 KB, 720x960, 0E479B27-273E-4846-9171-69BBCD…)

>>623798She claims she has all of this stuff but there are no photos of her wearing it except for the one OP.
She’s not as milky now that she’s not as involved in lolita, but I think the most hilarious thing about her is that she actually goes to work, at a makeup counter, looking like pic related. She actually really thinks this is artistic and looks good. How did she even get hired
No. 623855
File: 1530228553510.jpeg (115.48 KB, 720x960, F913E0D9-E0ED-4ECF-A094-009BD8…)

>>623849That photo was from May 21st.
>>623851She regularly goes to work looking like this.
No. 623864
File: 1530229322844.jpeg (459.61 KB, 1242x1877, 9046BCD8-8AD5-49DC-8C04-19F3A7…)

>>623852Two-fer. Intersex tag and proof that she actually thinks she looks good
No. 623889
File: 1530231512579.png (314.59 KB, 466x490, quentin tarantino.png)

>>623876probably autistic AND lost whatever personality she had before when she started trying to become jill. either way, its so uncomfortable to watch her dance around and pose like that.
No. 624172
>>623988She isn't beyond salvaging but actually this style IS making her look ancient.
Something like classic lolita would suit her and not wearing her hair up in buns like Pixie would help her face shape. Longer, brown or even a more natural blonde curly hair would suit her.
No. 624213
File: 1530272299442.png (137.18 KB, 720x862, 20180629_123829.png)

No. 624235
>>623647holy fat fuck batman
how does she honestly think this is cute or that anyone wants to see this? how do you even get that big wtf
No. 624241
File: 1530278799311.jpeg (202.05 KB, 750x994, 33A8FE6E-1CEC-448E-AE27-D48DD7…)

>>623864It’s weird to be so obsessed with a print and not look good in it at all
No. 625365
File: 1530352888450.png (94.95 KB, 720x759, 20180630_110106.png)

She obviously copied the symptoms straight from google
No. 625375
File: 1530354405872.jpg (143.96 KB, 1024x572, 1410484357953.jpg)

>>625365Pretty sure listing textbook symptoms is the joke.
No. 625379
File: 1530355779817.png (509.89 KB, 720x1222, 20180630_114918.png)

Guess who's Insta I found
No. 626018
File: 1530408698958.png (25.81 KB, 497x231, 24344443.png)

"my dad told me to stop spending so much money on food/drinks" lmfao. no wonder she thinks $15 is a lot of money she probably spends it daily on takeout.
also wtf literally breaking down in a store over $15. why are you cosplaying if $15 is "too much for you". i would love to see what her "cosplays" look like.
No. 626212
File: 1530436031189.jpg (266.78 KB, 1079x1700, IMG_20180701_210332.jpg)

>>603980has anyone seen this girl yet? she posts on the party kei insta tag a lot, she's a jill skinwalker who seems to think she's being original. she makes pastel clay penises and tries to sell them
No. 626349
File: 1530457617013.jpg (790.49 KB, 1080x1719, 20180701_090437.jpg)

>>Lol I love the old man glasses
No. 626387
File: 1530462535838.png (3.81 MB, 1440x2307, Screenshot_20180701-132657.png)

How do you spell "skinwalker"?
No. 626389
File: 1530462600272.png (3.15 MB, 1440x2301, Screenshot_20180701-132715.png)

>>626387she's into pripara too.
No. 626415
File: 1530464634631.png (789.45 KB, 720x1189, 20180701_180128.png)

Sofia is so going to try to be besties with jill once she moves. I can't wait for this milky relationship to continue.
No. 626420
File: 1530464951275.png (879.46 KB, 720x996, 20180701_180731.png)

Sofia's girlfriend is also a massive cow. Typical fake boi.
No. 626600
File: 1530482478188.jpg (147.17 KB, 900x1200, Df00nX7U8AAXuKA.jpg)

>>626387her hair and makeup actually seem better than jill's. even though she has the jill bun its actually styled nicely too. that's kinda crazy. she even has her roots showing like jill but at least she doesn't look dirty and unwashed. still an abolute skinwalker tho. she even has a bunch of cats similar to jill's and spams them the way she does.
but still a superior jill. she's actually older than jill but looks better than her. but she HAS to be insane.
No. 626658
File: 1530487815471.jpeg (Spoiler Image,129.78 KB, 640x872, A2C5AC67-B245-446A-AFF5-3D38D3…)

>>626360from her etsy store
No. 626704
File: 1530491765226.jpg (37.55 KB, 540x960, FB_IMG_1530491780051.jpg)

No. 626809
File: 1530502214239.jpeg (199.67 KB, 640x820, 881735D5-F72B-40DB-996C-702779…)

No. 626849
File: 1530506367813.png (727.56 KB, 932x522, whi.png)

>>626812>>626831She's actually cute, though. Why does she choose to make herself look so bad?
No. 627000
File: 1530537858706.png (350.12 KB, 720x716, 20180702_142345.png)

Our fav munchie being adjustable again
No. 627003
File: 1530538157129.png (99.98 KB, 720x779, 20180702_142936.png)

No. 627349
File: 1530572322203.png (1.23 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180702-235913.png)

>>627341 so bad that you can still take selfies
No. 627468
File: 1530582064184.png (1.52 MB, 750x1334, 6F0636C5-9BB3-4F7A-8F0D-FD3384…)

No. 627594
File: 1530590053210.jpeg (149.24 KB, 960x658, 7EDC077B-B24C-4168-9F9A-7F4AB3…)

How can a grown woman’s room look like this (posted in one of the figure collectio threads)
No. 627616
File: 1530591607968.jpeg (218.04 KB, 720x960, F67D0A33-9D84-43C9-A247-033FEC…)

>>627594Meant to post more but got distracted
No. 627619
File: 1530591771639.jpeg (309.06 KB, 1440x1080, 0D3EBCF7-D165-4D35-8637-FA94F5…)

>>627617I’m not sure what’s worse out of all of these, the toys made for children or the figures made for horny otaku men
No. 627657
>>627468ehhh looking at her legs she should probably work on anachan tendencies first, jesus girl.
those posts defending her are suspicious as fuck. she's a girl with pink/purple hair in a pixieelocks group, her agoraphobia is 99.9% probably self diagnosed (and probably not real but she read about it on tumblr and thought it was cute). but i doubt real farmers were saying that, lol.
No. 627791
File: 1530617495806.png (441.98 KB, 720x1033, 20180703_123203.png)

No. 627831
File: 1530623462403.png (539.8 KB, 720x1111, 20180703_141148.png)

No. 628235
File: 1530661438806.png (992.34 KB, 640x1136, BDC34E34-B3AC-472F-942D-E499AA…)

She looks so dirty what the hell
No. 628771
File: 1530728036736.png (63.38 KB, 720x519, 20180704_191348.png)

How is a cw going to help? You're still going to see the images when you check the thread
No. 628788
File: 1530729340879.png (98.59 KB, 720x647, 20180704_193600.png)

No. 628791
File: 1530729540364.png (331.63 KB, 720x915, 20180704_193853.png)

This go fuck me was posted straight after Sofia's, but got deleted after her drama…have they not learned?
No. 628792
File: 1530729658021.jpg (55.79 KB, 515x960, FB_IMG_1530729689074.jpg)

No. 628936
>>628788anon how could you leave out that it is a poll with options including "h
ll yes" and "hll no"?
also i love how this girl looks like she dresses extremely average and in the comments she states that she either has to wear outrageous bright colors OR all black/grey, no in-between, when someone suggests she wears black clothes and colorful accessories.
No. 629314
>>628792lol this one even has a pink boyfriend accessory like jill
skinwalking game strong
No. 629337
File: 1530794752179.jpg (815.08 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180705-134531_Fac…)

christ almighty it seems like the goal for a lot of CC is to dress as childish as possible rather than as cute as possible this is nightmare inducing
No. 629338
File: 1530794769476.jpg (254.3 KB, 1152x2048, FB_IMG_1530794742381.jpg)

No. 629671
File: 1530825138265.png (223.87 KB, 720x749, 20180705_221045.png)

What does this even mean?
No. 630353
File: 1530904255226.jpeg (73.54 KB, 640x499, 91F398E6-4B55-49FC-A86A-F22D69…)

Cheeky Sparkles coming through with more skinwalking. She owns practically all of Jill’s closet now as well, as I recall she got Jill’s children’s rabbit backpack along with the same exact keychain as her as well. Not to mention the bunny overalls and ugly sprinkles dress. This is legitimately unsettling, and it doesn’t help that she copies Jill’s speech patterns too. She needs help.
No. 630354
File: 1530904345662.jpeg (100.27 KB, 640x777, 949526B9-C22E-4728-812A-F9B23D…)

>>630353Sage for sperg and messed up edit covering the skinwalked title, here’s the original pic with the title.
No. 630387
File: 1530906759569.png (269.76 KB, 347x399, hmmm.png)

>>630380damn is that a wild sofia?
No. 630402
File: 1530908246927.jpg (218.4 KB, 1440x1408, IMG_20180706_131525.jpg)

>>630380Speaking of Jade/Cheeky Sparkles, this was a comment on Derelyn's vlog. Kind of weird when a girl from Victoria is sad she couldn't go to some dinky con on the Eastern coast, except not really surprising considering her Jill obsession/skin walker status.
No. 631139
File: 1531000212087.png (587.45 KB, 436x795, Capture.PNG)

Good for them, I guess?
No. 631278
File: 1531017055754.jpeg (453.75 KB, 1219x1880, 6C358886-66C1-48B6-9647-63332A…)

This ones not so bad, I hope she leaves the confetti cult asap
No. 631283
File: 1531017759884.jpeg (130.34 KB, 959x960, F7C8DF37-7D1F-41DD-BB03-AE68A4…)

>>631278Meh. She looks like a gross DDLG / fetishy Melanie Martinez stan who doesn’t bathe.
>>631139The post office guy’s girlfriend, however, is pretty cute. Hopefully she doesn’t turn into another Sofia / Cheeky Sparkles / skinwalker.
No. 631538
File: 1531051527273.png (544.9 KB, 720x1228, 20180708_130539.png)

Imagine your entire identity revolving around illness
No. 631541
File: 1531051674594.png (709.37 KB, 720x919, 20180708_130823.png)

No. 631544
>>631278I don't get people like this at all! If you can't wear more than one style and are all edgelord dark, why shoe horn into Party Kei? I mean clearly they only do posts like this to show off their special snowflake selves but Jillian mentioned numerous times that black isn't part of Party Kei, though we all know that doesn't stop people.
Also can I just add that so few of the people in this group know how to use google? So many questions literally ask the same thing or they just want to be spoonfed the most basic things?
No. 631779
File: 1531084634260.jpg (49.48 KB, 720x480, FB_IMG_1531084635733.jpg)

What is that in the middle
No. 632191
File: 1531136587777.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1242x3340, 59BB9E95-E129-4D12-BC07-2ACD93…)

This Daisy chick posted her awful outfit, proceeded to got butt hurt and add the ~disclaimer~ when a few people said they didn’t like it, tagged Jillian for ass pats
No. 632198
File: 1531136794083.jpeg (539.98 KB, 1242x1668, E507D2AC-B6B9-4136-AF56-14727D…)

>>632191Resulted in the mods issuing this ~reminder~
No. 632240
File: 1531143054225.png (151.83 KB, 672x1129, 20180709_143114.png)

Eliza spoonie phase incoming?
No. 632252
File: 1531144210433.jpg (89.27 KB, 645x960, FB_IMG_1531144044973.jpg)

No. 632253
File: 1531144224790.jpg (55.99 KB, 645x960, FB_IMG_1531144040629.jpg)

No. 632255
File: 1531144238490.jpg (71.52 KB, 645x960, FB_IMG_1531144036345.jpg)

No. 632256
File: 1531144251703.png (55.31 KB, 720x387, 20180709_145050.png)

No. 632514
>>632191Jeeeeesus what a cow. Can't handle thoughtful criticism of your admittedly god-awful outfit so you attempt to summon your anti-lolita savior? And she never even acknowledged you, kek. I can't stand these super sensitive girls who are both simultaneously saying "I dress the way that makes ME happy! uwu~" and getting so worked up over a handful of dissenting comments that they whine and pretend like they'll never post again because of all the meanies!
I know they're young, but damn they need to grow up.
No. 632524
File: 1531166248715.jpg (31.76 KB, 720x900, FB_IMG_1531166244928.jpg)

No. 632528
File: 1531166464918.jpg (68.33 KB, 645x960, FB_IMG_1531166501698.jpg)

No. 632543
>>632528>>632255>>632252>>632528newt is literally hideous. who is lying to this girl and telling her to keep posting pics? whats scary is that in the second pic she's bending and posing at a weird angle to look skinnier, so i can't imagine how bad her putrid pear ass body looks IRL
whoever is keeping her self esteem so fucking high needs to stop it. you're not good lookinng. your fashion isn't original or good. you have a 12 year old ugly boy face and a lard body, newt no one cares
No. 632617
File: 1531171418119.jpg (67.22 KB, 720x1005, FB_IMG_1531171367688.jpg)

I know everyone is over her, but this selfie
No. 632997
>>632617reminds me of those creepy fat-baby-with-flowers postcards my grandma used to collect. They scared the shit out of me when I was a child. Seems like my nightmares have become reality through this girl
>>632252remember, these are her man-boobs.
No. 633052
File: 1531235034740.png (40.35 KB, 513x526, Capture.PNG)

Kekliana, maybe try less hard to be insufferable and to out yourself next time. Sorry you were bullied uwu~
No. 633075
>>633052Wait, so what was the original post about that first mentions a gang?
Also, everyone of those girls are insufferable. "Hun" "sweetie" "babe" is so condensing and passive aggressive.
No. 633080
File: 1531237985196.png (48.45 KB, 470x565, Capture.PNG)

>>633079Subsequent meltdown
No. 633417
>>633401That's exactly what happened. She probably thought she could get away with it since Jenny is a newbie (Wendy participated with Cyber Nozomi one year iirc)
You can see her quite literally pouting about it in Wendy's vlog. It's pretty pathetic, honestly. And says a lot about her as a person and her "ambitious attitude".
No. 633445
File: 1531265729558.png (643.98 KB, 720x1042, 20180711_003538.png)

I have a feeling this is going to end up being a shit show because there's no trigger warning
No. 633551
File: 1531275342630.png (304.5 KB, 989x951, Capture.PNG)

>>633080>>633084Lmao it was a girl from PULL who started the whole argument
No. 633756
>>633551She’s making fun of the CC for being a safe space yet she’s the one who got
triggered at a commonly used word with multiple meanings…
No. 633776
File: 1531316380638.png (622.92 KB, 719x1058, 20180711_144007.png)

No. 633826
File: 1531324150288.jpg (68.59 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1531323484601.jpg)

Grandma kei
No. 633868
File: 1531329105224.jpg (73.46 KB, 720x900, FB_IMG_1531329111569.jpg)

No. 633902
File: 1531333919414.png (30.78 KB, 491x341, 342344.png)

she really went out of her way here to make sure we knew she only considers junk to be real food
No. 633912
>>633902Idk, I think it’s kind of sad that this woman’s BED apparently rules their whole family and this girl is clearly trying to say that she doesn’t think the healthy food is bad, she just would like to have a little indulgence at home once in a while. That’s
completely normal, anon. I mean if this girl is in her 20s or something she can shut it and just make her own food, but if she’s still in school and such, this is a completely reasonable thing to be a little bummed about? Sorry for wk but this seems like bitter anachan nonsense.
No. 633947
>>633912 not the anon who posted the screenshot but nah mate. she calls junk food "food food". implying "real" food.
and steamed chicken with spinach (probably in a salad if raw?) doesn't constitute food for her?
like come on. that's depressing.
No. 634072
>>634067the person that does the cooking typically controls the menu. if this chick can't be arsed to cook her own meal every now and again, it's on her.
or she could go spend $6 on some shit fast food.
she's just whining because she has to do it herself.
No. 634139
>>633902Yeah steamed unseasoned chicken sounds nasty af.
I personally hate parents that are super militant about their children's dietary habits and treat minor indulgences like the gateways to obesity because the truth is they're the ones who can't control themselves.
This isn't teaching her daughter about proper eating, this is teaching her daughter to be unrealistically avoidant of common foods that are fine in moderation, and depriving her daughter out of fear.
See how the daughter is rebelling and wants to eat junky foods she's been denied? Mhmm. Shit parent.
No. 634679
File: 1531428219680.png (101.44 KB, 684x893, 20180712_214256.png)

The rest of the post isn't milky, but damn imagine being so maladaptive that you can't even handle Facebook?
No. 634684
>>634352It's not a kid this girl is 20 and crying that her mom won't take her to buy crisps
>>634679The worst part about this is you can actually make it so people can't add you…or you know, just not accept friend requests
No. 634875
>>634679>tw adulthoodthis is sad, even for the confetti kindergarten.
>flirts with mesurejan.gif
No. 635196
>>634679you know… you can always just…not accept the friend requests or just config your privacy settings.
can't tell if this has reached alpha levels of attention whoring or plain autism.
No. 635327
File: 1531485171149.png (182.44 KB, 720x1120, 20180713_133247.png)

No. 635343
File: 1531486578688.png (859.96 KB, 720x1091, 20180713_135536.png)

I'm so sick I can't work or go to school or do anything unless it's fun like drinking and socialising!!! Also I'm getting ddlg vibes from this outfit, esp because of the boob shot.
No. 635397
>>634139>>634210>>633912It is normal for eating disorders to disrupt and change the family structure and dynamics. I don't think proper treatment for BED is to categorize foods into "good" and "bad" foods. If her mom has been categorizing them since she was a kid and she has to eat them while hiding from her, that can cause some issues.
>>635343Literally the last thing you should put in your body if you're chronically ill is alcohol and other recreational substances.
>>635327>>635328I know we're on the 4th thread but it's still wild to me how out of touch these adult babies are with the world. Are they just going to """dissociate""" when they're disciplined at a job or something?
No. 635743
>>635327imagine getting
triggered over being corrected when you're wrong lmfao
No. 635972
File: 1531553127777.jpg (43.21 KB, 1433x786, 1531553065118.jpg)

Sofia posted an Animaritime haul and isn't this the purse from Jill's closet cleaning video? Sofia says she "bought it from someone online then met up with them" at the con to pick up the bag
No. 636477
File: 1531607549373.jpg (145.7 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1531607588447.jpg)

So frumpy
No. 636481
File: 1531607652695.jpg (52.43 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1531607713004.jpg)

No. 636531
File: 1531612232466.jpeg (332.15 KB, 750x1161, 65F0702A-A0C7-40BA-A705-6BC54F…)

No. 637061
>>635343I fucking hate Munchies. 1) I've dealt with individuals with chronic pain disorders and deformities with metal rods in their spines and they're really difficult to deal with. Sometimes, their personalities become shit because of the pain and they have a reason so you know they're fucked up for a reason but it's still hard to deal with people who act so shitty. The fact that these people make this shit up and expect the world to cater to them infuriates me. I also knew a Munchie irl and I cut that tie immediately and will not be friends with one ever again. No matter what, it has to be about them. It's an obsession with attention and they use pain to manipulate people around you. This fat cunt can stand for her bus. I could blog post about my own chronic pain disorder, but anons here all have their stories.
More on topic - confet club seems to be a group of emotional munchies. It's pretty interesting and a new brand of imposing made up emotional distress for attention and pity. I usually ignore threads full of nobodies but these girls are a special group addicted to pity.
(blogposting) No. 637492
File: 1531690565333.png (55.03 KB, 720x291, 20180715_223529.png)

A triggered fatty who is sad they cant fit into lazy oaf
No. 637495
File: 1531690777876.png (927.09 KB, 720x1100, 20180715_223938.png)

No. 637496
File: 1531690796679.png (840.49 KB, 720x1102, 20180715_224013.png)

No. 637566
>>637563cause entitlement, that's why she is asserting that she
knows the company is just doing this to spite her or something. it's nice to see the plus size entitlement of the lolita comm followed jill to her shitty fake fashion.
No. 637596
File: 1531699411913.jpg (94.69 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1531699458405.jpg)

No. 637621
File: 1531701396825.jpg (135.87 KB, 400x484, Adam_ant_wikipedia_duran_duran…)

>>637596why do they thing new wave stage makeup translates well into real life
No. 638494
File: 1531778462865.png (192.91 KB, 720x719, 20180716_230127.png)

Peak attention seeking
No. 638512
>>637494So… what's the issue then?
She realizes that those wacky kinda clothes only look 'good' on thin attractive people, but she's still bitching about there not being any bigger sizes? Does she not care about looking good then? Just lose some weight mate.
No. 638661
File: 1531789278105.gif (1.67 MB, 498x280, CD09BF3C-FB3B-45CC-95BB-3A9228…)

>>638600Anon that’s adorable
No. 638981
File: 1531829280924.jpg (43.46 KB, 542x960, FB_IMG_1531829228396.jpg)

No. 638995
File: 1531830838343.jpg (40.44 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1531830760295.jpg)

What an unfortunate face shape
No. 639007
File: 1531833259241.jpg (452.7 KB, 1080x1513, Screenshot_20180717-104146_Fac…)

How can somebody be this stupid?
No. 639457
>>639007How does she feel about going to the dentist then? I'm sure she isn't enjoying those trips and yet she (hopefully) still goes there for routine examination. Most people dislike stuff like that but you have to deal with it.
I would love to have a confetti club utopia where we die of undiagnosed illness because we avoided going for that slightly unpleasant doctor's visit uwu.
No. 639576
File: 1531870050220.png (513.37 KB, 720x1136, 20180718_002705.png)

No. 640425
File: 1531948728282.png (55.1 KB, 720x386, 20180718_221825.png)

No. 640447
File: 1531949822152.png (66.07 KB, 720x436, 20180718_223533.png)

No. 640532
File: 1531958656359.png (159.07 KB, 640x1136, 35D9BEB6-CC1A-48F1-835A-F26279…)

Jesus Christ her poor boyfriend is a babysitter
No. 640538
>>640425>>640532I'm actually at a loss for words.
How do any of these people even exist.
No. 640719
File: 1531968412701.png (15.52 KB, 411x185, 2343434.png)

>>640532>>640563someone suggested she might've been being abusive and this was her response
No. 640761
>>640428Ana-chans are the ones who love being public about their inpatient stays, and “minimum 90 days”
>>640447sounds like there’s a minimum goal to be reached. The only other inpatient scenario that really fits is rehab.
>>640563What an absolute nightmare, anyone who’s not desperate or cowed would dump her ungrateful tantruming ass in a heartbeat. If this is how the scenario sounds when it’s from her perspective, I can’t imagine how much of a childish burden of a partner she is irl.
No. 640920
>>640719She’s doing literally everything but taking responsibility, even if “muh stepmom and
triggers.” It is not your partner’s job to memorize and avoid every possible
trigger even when it’s
not retarded made up shit like bread ends, and if you blow up at someone over being
triggered, that’s still on you. I’m so sick of seeing people use mental health concerns to justify bullying significant others, friends, and family into being servants to their comfort. I bet this one thinks people who call her out are “ableist,” too.
No. 640977
File: 1532001966145.png (135.37 KB, 717x955, 20180719_130508.png)

Isn't this the same girl that gave a room to a banned customer?
No. 641011
File: 1532006151185.jpeg (76.96 KB, 1018x364, 73799275-8249-4459-A7DC-8C1D34…)

>>640977and she is just going to quit over it? kek
No. 641354
File: 1532031852161.png (558.26 KB, 810x325, Screen Shot 2018-07-19 at 3.23…)

How did I not know this existed? Says it was created by Eliza 6 months ago. Anyone infiltrated?
No. 641457
>>641354>>641403mate, ntayrt but these are just enamel pin designs as collage like the punky pins' witch collection etc.
I don't get what's significant about it?
No. 641835
File: 1532051849825.png (503.41 KB, 720x1106, 20180720_025658.png)

No. 642263
File: 1532093509971.png (129.95 KB, 720x991, 20180720_143032.png)

No. 642300
File: 1532097298682.png (55.89 KB, 497x483, Capture.PNG)

>Called in sick for work
>Work told her she needed a doctor's note
>Doesn't feel sick anymore
>Feels "depressed"
>Actually just feels stressed from being called out for a doctor's note over the phone
>"I know others have gone through this and it's nothing"
>Doesn't want to even go in tomorrow for fear of being fired
>"idk how I'm supposed to work feeling like this"
She wants to just no-show at a job she's had for A MONTH because they said she needed a doctor's note to call out sick from work. Needing a doctor's note is standard practice for shitty retail.
The thing that bothers me the most about this mindset is now she thinks she's the victim here. She thinks she should get some depression points from this or something. "How am I supposed to work like this?!?" This bitch genuinely thinks she should get a free pass to not work ever because she felt awkward when she tried to call in sick for work one day. The comments are encouraging this victim mentality too, like "jobs come and go, take care of yourself!" and "that seems weird to need a doctor's note for one day off." The thing is, if she's ever had a minimum wage job like this ever in her life, she'd know that they at least say they require a doctor's note to reduce the number of shitty employees calling in sick on game day or their birthday or whatever. I can't believe that the ensuing conversation about needing a doctor's note legitimately sent this person into a depressive spiral that she cannot climb out of and thus thinks she should just not have to work.
No. 642304
File: 1532097530197.png (34.15 KB, 471x276, Capture.PNG)

>>642300Lol of course these cows lie about having jury duty to skip work and then get upset when called out for it.
No. 642332
File: 1532099651227.jpg (36.76 KB, 720x480, FB_IMG_1532099621027.jpg)

No. 642507
>>642300Idk I feel it on both ends because I feel like she’s over reacting but also going to the doctor and sitting there during an anxiety attack just for a note can be awful (especially if you end up with a doctor who isn’t educated about anxiety) + some places make you pay $20 for a doctors note.
She should just go in, explain herself and apologize to her boss if anything if she was unable to see the doctor.
No. 642779
>>642300how tf is "jobs" a
trigger warning?
No. 643107
File: 1532161114507.jpg (52.33 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1532161084717.jpg)

The state of the bathroom jfc
No. 643234
File: 1532178713802.jpg (94.36 KB, 682x960, FB_IMG_1532178666749.jpg)

No. 643290
>>643107I feel cursed now
>>642303lol shut up anon
No. 643395
File: 1532197048033.png (589.33 KB, 720x1228, 20180721_191625.png)

No. 644348
File: 1532286718729.png (799.55 KB, 720x1107, 20180722_201121.png)

No. 644376
>>644348dear god. is that her face and…
chins? looks like the worst case of the mumps ever.
Or is just some bizarre disfigurement a la her user name? Either way…
No. 644462
File: 1532296695989.png (505.3 KB, 812x584, Screen Shot 2018-07-22 at 2.57…)

>>644376Just seems to be obesity to me
I can't believe she is 17 in this pic. Would have guessed 35 or 40.
No. 644824
>>644462Whoa, this girl used to be on the same kandi trade websites as me and i havent seen this photo in years.
I see nothing has changed and shes only gotten fatter.
Sagged for nothing interesting
No. 644963
File: 1532344182183.png (46.46 KB, 720x382, 20180723_120855.png)

Bragging much?
No. 645413
File: 1532379099013.png (135.77 KB, 720x856, 20180723_215058.png)

No. 645522
File: 1532388707357.jpg (40.03 KB, 720x720, FB_IMG_1532388662747.jpg)

Why are her fans like this
No. 645608
File: 1532392150856.png (486.1 KB, 720x1017, 20180724_012849.png)

No. 645963
File: 1532439296185.png (6.54 MB, 1242x2208, DEEB83BD-0CE2-4FCE-8981-9E5BEA…)

isnt she supposed to be extremely mentally ill to the point where she has to be locked up for 3 months? i find that hard to believe since she is dyeing her hair kaweewee colors and making cinnamon rolls at 3am.
No. 646011
>>644963Well I guess that cancels out her bday trip to PEI. Jill has dodged a bullet.
Did she ever end up contacting Jill's tattoo artist?
No. 646022
File: 1532446180463.png (815.04 KB, 689x825, 20180724_162904.png)

Those munchie accessories
No. 646105
>>646084It depends on the illness irt being overweight making it worse. It's more about if you're eating healthy and exercising/following doctor's orders. There are some overweight people who eat in a deficit and exercise and are still "fat" but they would probably be considered overall healthy.
Generally, overeating, eating unhealthy foods, and being sedentary are not good for anyone, and probably can make a ton of symptoms worse (i.e. exercise helps a bunch for people with depression)
No. 646122
>>646115>>646116Jeez, that's embarrassing.
Don't they realize that lying about ~being a weak smol bean that doesn't eat enough~ doesn't really work when you also upload pictures of yourself showing that you're overweight?
If she really doesn't eat during the day she must just binge at night then.
No. 646584
>>646122Thats what I was thinking especially since she said "during the day". She probably downs a good 1600+ calories all at once at night if she's gaining weight.
Which even regardless of weight obviously isn't good for you. She's going to be tired all day before eating at night and likely sleeps after meaning none of the energy she gets from eating is burned. Shit like that isn't good for your physical health but also is super bad for your mental health.
I wouldn't be surprised if almost 70-80% of this group's "mental illnesses" could be drastically solved by just being healthier. Obviously things like depression and anxiety will be worse when you're starving your body of nutrients and energy, and only shoveling in shit instead.
No. 646739
File: 1532514881128.png (94.27 KB, 720x610, 20180725_113338.png)

Eliza on demi
No. 646746
File: 1532515857834.jpg (47.28 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1532515783274.jpg)

No. 646935
File: 1532537619284.png (410.27 KB, 720x1133, 20180725_175300.png)

No. 647962
File: 1532613869487.png (153.3 KB, 720x802, 20180726_150347.png)

Yes, pixie definitely needs the extra cash
No. 647964
File: 1532613982133.jpg (38.76 KB, 540x960, FB_IMG_1532613946674.jpg)

Her leg is nightmare fuel
No. 648085
>>646116that is a lot of fruit for one person/one sitting. Looks like three pieces? it's good shit, but is she really just doing this shit for attention?
>>647964feel bad for the tattoo artist. There's not much one can do when working on a fat piece of skin.
No. 648178
File: 1532629537515.png (200.91 KB, 720x1136, 20180726_192414.png)

No. 648211
File: 1532631872478.png (166.88 KB, 480x456, Screenshot_2018-07-26-04-20-48…)

>>647964This was in the same thread, thought it was pretty unfortunate too.
No. 648362
File: 1532646269115.jpg (32.4 KB, 528x960, FB_IMG_1532548232877.jpg)

No. 648363
File: 1532646479316.png (911.71 KB, 720x1137, 20180727_000723.png)

No. 648459
File: 1532655984019.jpg (21.39 KB, 450x318, chocolate-chocolate-bar-one-bl…)

>>648211lol yikes, at least the first one kinda looks like gem faceting. this one just looks like a sad pink chocolate bar or something
No. 648481
File: 1532657642077.png (399.59 KB, 720x887, 20180727_031313.png)

>big eyes
No. 648496
File: 1532658901355.jpeg (151.07 KB, 689x652, BCA6132B-9A60-4D23-9B48-E1DBD2…)

She looks ok in her profile picture but her albums are the stuff of nightmares. Very strange angles and dusty dirty house
No. 648716
>>648363I'm amazed how bad Jill has gotten these days when people like this are way better put together than her.
The blues match, the overall outfit shape is good (even if her shape isn't great..)
The hair and make-up is still an eyesore but I think this is one of the few I've seen that could actually pass for quirky, colorful normie and not giant munchie toddler.
When did Jill start getting more badly dressed than her mindless fans?
No. 648753
File: 1532699383351.png (319.06 KB, 499x429, Capture.PNG)

Jeeeesus this girl is a trainwreck. I think she's my most-disliked CC member. Way to go, whiny victim-chan!
No. 648770
File: 1532701930906.png (557.73 KB, 720x1117, 20180727_153130.png)

Why does everything have to be about hospital?
No. 648789
File: 1532703771925.jpg (3.65 MB, 2598x3626, munchie.jpg)

I hope y'all enjoy this
No. 648828
File: 1532706994867.png (226.55 KB, 720x657, 20180727_165543.png)

No. 648948
>>648481I am so
triggered by the fact that her piercings are symmetrical, but she has a ring on the outside on the lower right, and a stud on the outside on the lower left.
No. 649195
>>648789>over 15 diagnoses gets me every time. how obvious do you wanna be, munchie-chan? I enjoy the antics of the turbo retards like Eliza, but this bitch annoys the fuck out of me. I'm with
>>648803 actual chronic illness sufferers have it plenty hard enough without people cosplaying it like this.
No. 649459
File: 1532781319491.jpg (88.73 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1532781270059.jpg)

No. 649460
File: 1532781444429.png (306.83 KB, 720x1030, 20180728_133641.png)

No. 649491
File: 1532784888617.png (220.52 KB, 577x580, apollo11fullmoon-577x580.png)

Sorry, I had to do it
No. 650175
File: 1532861594195.jpg (892.84 KB, 1080x1080, 31504563_152807548904603_34234…)

>>649178I was going through her Instagram and immediately recognized this photo. She posted this to one of the DDLG/little subreddits a while back. I think I even commented on it. I can't find the post or the account now, I think she deleted them, but they were definitely there. She is definitely into this DDLG shit.
I'm glad I got over that phase.
No. 650215
File: 1532867382367.jpeg (307.29 KB, 1508x1878, E960F2A3-69E2-4E81-B85B-7F181E…)

>>650187Pretty much bragging that she doesn’t have to work
No. 650260
File: 1532871833916.jpg (72.18 KB, 1440x1021, 1532871788902.jpg)

>>650187Got a kick out of this. Also every other comment she makes has "hehe"
No. 650297
File: 1532876282907.jpg (84.81 KB, 1130x1080, 14882264_1079900752078099_8241…)

>>650175This is her when smiling
No. 650502
File: 1532895355740.png (297.78 KB, 720x1063, 20180729_211446.png)

>>650215 the contrast between these two accounts is hilarious
No. 650669
File: 1532914049468.png (14.03 KB, 834x188, Capture.PNG)

High on what? Substances probably don't mesh well with her illnesses/medication.
No. 650672
File: 1532914477336.png (17.6 KB, 832x265, Capture.PNG)

She used to be poly?
No. 650916
File: 1532943053378.jpg (413.32 KB, 1080x1468, 20180730_102617.jpg)

The way she types really bothers me she talks as if she's some kind of influencer/public figure and that the Confetti Club are her adoring fans.
She comes across as so fake with her constant "uwu positivity love yew all lovelies feelin fierce n powerful today you're doing amazing sweetie". Gives me bad vibes
No. 650992
File: 1532954774555.jpg (48.46 KB, 720x1280, FB_IMG_1532954685114.jpg)

From the tattoo thread
No. 650999
File: 1532955713980.jpg (30.42 KB, 391x550, flat,550x550,075,f.u3.jpg)

>>650996It's the 6-fingered hand from Gravity Falls. There's so many better ways to get it done, I don't know why they decided to get a giant blob version of it.
No. 651013
File: 1532956830087.jpg (64.66 KB, 1193x551, hold my barf bag.JPG)

>>650672dd/lg and petplay, in between being diagnosed with literally everything ever. What a winner.
No. 651060
>>650992Oh god, the overhanging fupa is making me want to throw up…
>>650187Post her to the illness fakers subreddit too. It'd be hilarious if she saw it and sperged out on her Instagram.
No. 651252
File: 1532976281097.jpeg (803.61 KB, 1125x1633, E0CFCFB8-DAC5-4AC7-B341-0E67CE…)

I don’t know if anyone’s seen this but our favorite gofuckme confetti cult member made it on a RPDR’s Queen’s Instagram
No. 652123
File: 1533055508765.jpeg (103.94 KB, 720x960, 628CDABC-C5E9-48D4-80DD-E21B17…)

The state of her home is upsetting
No. 652161
File: 1533058248287.png (392.14 KB, 720x1007, 20180731_183024.png)

No. 652170
>>652161I mean, you
can. Anyone
can. Just don't go whining when people tell you you look terrible and not like a man at all, and then we'll be good.
No. 652354
File: 1533067621697.png (43.63 KB, 824x436, w.png)

>>650187She's very open about the DDLG on reddit. Did she really deny it?
No. 652893
File: 1533086914934.png (265.1 KB, 398x518, Capture.PNG)

>Wears literal children's clothes
>Gets mad when strangers say she's dressing like a child
No. 653247
>>652893I think a more astute liar would have embellished some more details to prevent telling the most generic 'Me vs. The World' story ever told.
You know if it had been a real person doing this, that people like herself wouldn't hesitate to pick them apart to discredit their disapproval; whether male, older, 'boringly' dressed compared to themselves, etc.
More than likely she got a few stares she didn't like, but exaggerated the story for asspats.
No. 653788
File: 1533156466470.jpg (529.02 KB, 507x1959, jess.jpg)

No. 654724
File: 1533232512849.jpg (70.07 KB, 720x967, FB_IMG_1533232483919.jpg)

The state of the house
No. 655210
>>654724The absolute states of these houses are so telling.
Firstly that they must live with their parents and have no say about the state of the house, because they always have crusty, outdated dull furniture. You’d think for a group that likes cute things their house would be nicer looking, but it’s more fitting of a woman in her 80s. I imagine it’s usually the parents who hoard/don’t clean but it’s probably rubbed off on the kids.
I don’t get it. For the aesethic they should like cute, bright, clean things. What is stopping them from cleaning this mess? Why do they even think it’s ok to post photos of that mess? None the less the messes have to contribute to their mental health/weight/skin care issues they all seem to share.
It makes me feel sad in a way because I wonder if the reason they’re so attracted to the confetti aesthic is because it’s literally the polar opposite of the filth they live in.
No. 655357
>>654835So it’s
>>654496 then, kek
No. 655858
>>654724I just noticed that her hair is just like Jill's
None of these people have an ounce of originality in them I s2g
No. 655979
File: 1533336863646.jpeg (496.66 KB, 750x1173, 70F65DD5-BA93-4E34-833C-A6327C…)

>>655921Why does someone who can legitimately be so beautiful dress like that?
No. 656332
File: 1533380166217.jpg (87.26 KB, 720x1140, FB_IMG_1533378645852.jpg)

The state of the room
No. 656474
File: 1533403205395.png (792.44 KB, 720x1048, 20180804_181935.png)

What is this outfit?
No. 657107
File: 1533468259589.jpg (34.31 KB, 505x898, FB_IMG_1533468225914.jpg)

No. 657178
File: 1533475163163.png (756.7 KB, 718x1208, 20180805_133029.png)

Support with eating? Sure, fatty kek
No. 657227
File: 1533481167939.png (89.95 KB, 683x600, 20180805_155853.png)

No. 657276
File: 1533489616025.png (1.12 MB, 1166x712, yikescc.png)

>>655921The way she is gushing about Japan is disgusting, it's literally a normal place with normal people doing normal things not some ugu super kawaii land of pastel rainbows. She's going to crash and burn. Shame since she looks good in her normie photos tbh.
>>656021No sane person WANTS to look obnoxious, dirty and like pastel vomit, though.
No. 657337
File: 1533496017004.png (165.84 KB, 316x394, Screen Shot 2018-08-05 at 12.0…)

>>655921she looks and acts like she is going to move to japan, cut off some poor girls face, and wear it as a mask
No. 657429
File: 1533506968859.jpg (26.96 KB, 480x480, FB_IMG_1533506918687.jpg)

The room jfc they're all hoarders
No. 657434
>>657429Uh, I'm pretty sure her ass is hanging out in that first pic. Sorry pal, that skirt does
not fit you.
No. 657621
File: 1533522956676.jpg (78.16 KB, 720x960, 38473461_10216829973412329_135…)

someone printed out their photo with jill and framed it im speechless
No. 657683
>>657621>>657672Its also upside down on the floor. Its suppose to be a wall shelf.
That half assed painted inner heart cutout on the left side killin me.
Only the best quality shrine for Jilly bean.
Sagged obviously
No. 657809
File: 1533556311375.png (59.96 KB, 720x1150, 20180806_125106.png)

No. 657815
File: 1533556752667.jpg (32.61 KB, 720x720, FB_IMG_1533556151812.jpg)

>>657813 and she looks like this.
No. 657821
File: 1533557189039.png (96.13 KB, 720x825, 20180806_130558.png)

Deffo a transtrender
No. 657823
File: 1533557354532.png (79.84 KB, 698x593, 20180806_130827.png)

No. 657834
File: 1533559975580.jpg (71.87 KB, 720x1122, FB_IMG_1533559943038.jpg)

How are they allowed to work looking like that?
No. 658036
>>657276obviously saged but what the goddamn fuck. Used to follow her on my fairy kei account, she was so much cuter before with her natural hair ? wtf happened she looks like she's fucking demented. I also just stumbled on her darker account, it's also edgy as fuck, nothing like
>>655979 .
No. 658123
File: 1533587716275.jpg (79.89 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1533587702582.jpg)

No. 658241
File: 1533594352770.png (206.59 KB, 720x959, 20180806_232531.png)

No. 658282
File: 1533596192831.png (594.71 KB, 720x1051, 20180806_235532.png)

>>657818 those baby names jfc
No. 658385
>>658294>>658298nah, i avoid FB like the plague, and most interactions were in person.
again, sorry for no milk
No. 658625
File: 1533642868555.jpg (30.38 KB, 720x612, FB_IMG_1533642814300.jpg)

No. 659082
File: 1533686422726.png (864.45 KB, 720x1110, 20180808_005946.png)

That makeup
No. 659086
File: 1533686643945.png (764.15 KB, 720x1133, 20180808_010316.png)

>>658718 this is too much kek
No. 659093
File: 1533687255997.png (113.13 KB, 720x1138, 20180808_011332.png)

How is she going to model when she's so short?
No. 659342
>>659219According to
>>657821 her husband is trans also, so chances are he's just as nuts as she is.
No. 660699
File: 1533841897671.png (330.4 KB, 720x1097, 20180809_201116.png)

No. 660708
File: 1533842513151.png (203.18 KB, 720x1157, 20180809_202124.png)

This sounds like she's trying to groom children
No. 660720
>>660714This is a (at least) 40 year old man calling himself a girl.
No. 660741
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No. 661235
File: 1533903207695.png (372.93 KB, 720x1121, 20180810_131310.png)

No. 661293
File: 1533911397867.png (11.61 KB, 482x106, Capture.PNG)

>>661235Alright, this chick is giving me huge ddlg vibes. Does anybody have any milk on her?
No. 661294
File: 1533911521410.png (467.09 KB, 720x1135, 20180810_153134.png)

God she's loving this
No. 661402
>>661294I still want to know why she’s being “admitted” for “TMS and eating support.”
TMS is an outpatient procedure, and you don’t get inpatient for eating disorders unless you’re in really bad shape. Something doesn’t add up.
No. 662284
File: 1534013866564.png (86.95 KB, 720x641, 20180811_195726.png)

No. 662291
File: 1534014283977.png (6.13 MB, 2598x3626, munchieddlg.png)

did any farmers want to submit an image for the next tread? so far this is the only submission?
No. 662309
File: 1534016408358.jpg (622.26 KB, 532x768, boohoo.jpg)

>dresses like a child, talks like a child and acts like a child
>why does everyone call me a child?
No. 662320
File: 1534017631184.jpg (4.77 MB, 2598x4807, munchieupdated.jpg)

>>662291 updated to include her reddit posts
No. 662321
>>662309being around these people has to be exhausting. I mean, these poor widdle darlings get persecuted on the daily.
life is SO hard when you're super special.
No. 662330
File: 1534018292531.png (374.02 KB, 720x1021, 20180811_211101.png)

>>662309 she's obsessed with being called a child
No. 663522
File: 1534160014058.png (716.23 KB, 716x1221, 20180813_123246.png)

Is she becoming self aware?
No. 663709
File: 1534185602565.png (2.41 MB, 1440x2308, Screenshot_20180813-153837.png)

No. 663758
>>663522Don’t mean to blogpost, but when I was admitted it cost thousands of dollars, and that was with copay. The ambulance ride there alone (which they make you do depending on the hospital) was a few thousand dollars. I’m still paying off my week long stay from years ago.
The fact that she can just go and treat it like a vacation, and then just decide it’s not for her and leave when she wants is kind of disgusting.
She’s so fake and obviously doesn’t struggle with mental health. It’s all just a fun persona for her, that she realized she couldn’t commit to fully.