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No. 605517
In this thread we will be able to talk about another Petubers flaws. We will started with the basic kit of narcissistic self involved characters such as:
Happy Tails aka Megan Arriola
- The worst hoarding pettuber with over 100 animals.
- Keeps her animals in a small room with way under minimum enclosures.
- Advises not to listen to veterinary advice, like not spaying and neutering rabbits.
- Backyard breeds dogs, purposefully mixed two breeds together and justified it by saying they're designer and "these breeds are really in right now".
- Breeds a potentially harmful gene (merle) into her dogs
- Uses aerosol products and paints her nails in the same room as her birds.
- Feeds her animals mostly fruits and vegetables without proper supplementation.
- Her bird almost died due to poor diet (vet literally put it on seed because it was too thin from bad diet).
- Had her snake and bird out on her body during livestream.
- Some of her cages have exposed wire and splotchy/peeling paint.
- Charges an OUTRAGEOUS amount for 'consultation' when she has 0 credentials and can't even say she does her own research for her own animals.
- Extremely rude to supporters and shuts down every question that she can with a snarky remark.
- Recently put two male mice together, ignores advise and says they'll be fine.
- Mentioned now and again on the TND thread.
- Complains about lolcow and similar sites, describing them as little predators in wait for pet youtubers to slip up.
- Throws a lot of subtle shade at other pet youtubers despite pretending to be 'friends' with them all.
- Moved to America to live with hoarder BYB boyfriend Danny.
- Won't show habitats for most of her and Danny's animals, keeping the exact number of animals a secret. Some examples of enclosures not shown include; Snapping turtle, snakes, and (unseen) monitor lizards.
- Thought she could cycle a fish tank with old water, put two betta together to 'breed' despite clearly knowing nothing about breeding and conditioning the fish.
- Keeps her doves in the bare minimum of cages, also keeps them next to ferrets and has let them land on the ferret cage before.
- Was paid off to set up an awful Bearded dragon enclosure including substrate that can cause impaction.
- Says she isn't planning on getting more animals but has recently taken in a skunk, plans to get another hornbill, plans to get a dog, has got a nano reef tank and two more mystery pets since stating this.
- Has now bought a new Gecko.
Youtube: Rugge
- Support TND.
- Hoards animals like most pet youtubers and likes to buy the trending animal of the month.
- Had a betta fish in a fluvial tank but it 'disappeared'. Didn't care what had happened to it.
Youtube: Barczyk
- Hoards, breed and sell a shit tons of reptiles.
- Keep them on little plastic containers, justifying it with saying 'they like it that way'.
- Inbreeds and shows little concern for genetics outside of producing colour morphs that will sell for $$$.
- Sells bad quality, sick and otherwise ill reptiles.
- Bullies costumers if they dare to call him out for the shitty conditions his animals have when they arrived.
- Both Tyler Rugge and Taylor Nicole Dean have made collabs with him.
- Recently got kicked out of playlist for bringing in a baby gator and snake to scare/prank people with.
Youtube: Smith
- Hoards animals like most other youtubers, justifies it by saying all her animals are taken to a vet. Regularly has over 30+ animals, has had over 50+ in the past.
- BYB rats, claims she doesn't any more but still ended up with sick baby rats that had to be treated for URI's and also a rat born with one testicle. Doesn't seem to know much about rat genetics but claims to have worked with breeders.
- Recently got two doves; one got sick and died. She blamed the breeder and 'genetic' illness despite environmental being much more likely. Subsequently she got another bird from a 'better breeder' to replace it, didn't quarantine properly and that bird is now also very sick.
- Is a 'wildlife rehabber'; although is listed as 'social media adviser' on their poorly made site. Charity was also only registered in Ohio in September 2017.
Youtube: von Petzholdt
- Keeps parrots. Has actively lost her parrot Hope numerous times on camera.
- Flies her Parrot Hope in public parks around dogs and as such has been chased by dogs and accosted by dog owners more than once.
- Doesn't train her parrot to fly back to her on a signal, merely screams randomly.
- Has had Hope both chase native birds and be chased by native birds during her free flying, resulting in Hope being lost at least twice from this.
- Has sexually molested her bird on camera; doesn't seem to understand that touching a birds vent is frustrating for the animal and essentially bestiality.
Youtube: Menon Exotics
- Calls out other Pettubers.
- Doesn't listen to her own advice on keeping pets well.
- Currently houses a male and female mouse together letting them breed when they please.
- Feeds some of the litter live to one of her snakes, the other resulting babies fates are unknown.
Youtube: J
- Hoards animals worse than some of the above.
- Was gifted two puppies and kept them even though she didn't have the space for them.
- House is literally crammed with animals.
- Killed all her fish once when she flea bombed her house to get rid of the fleas her roaming cats had brought in.
- Lets her turtles breed, found a nest they'd made unsupervised outside with most of the eggs being eaten by ants.
- Recently had one of her tortoises die. Was supposed to nebulize the tortoise every 8 hours, instead said she went to sleep for 21 and 'someone else did it'.
- Let her duck eat Styrofoam while yelling at it from across the room.
- Keeps her turtles in tiny cages.
- Keeps most of her animals in filthy conditions.
Youtube: Taylor Nicole Dean thread:
>>603765 No. 605522
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No. 605586
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HT probably has some of the funniest stans. They are little kids who, unlike most of the other pettuber stans, are following a rude cunt so they act like dumb little cunts too. I'm fucking dying from this
No. 605611
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>>605610At first I thought y'all were reaching when saying these youtubers lurked here, but I'm kind of believing it now. HT kept male geckos (arguably worse than keeping male mice) together for ages and no one threw a fit. She keeps mice, it's posted here, and now there's drama. Same thing with being rude to her fans. HT was always being a bitch to her fans. Only now people are talking about it though.
On the off chance Tyler isn't bringing this up due to HT, then my bad.
No. 605635
>>60561010 minutes long - check
serious face thumbnail - check
moustache - check
Seriously who is this and why are they just leeching views from drama
No. 605647
>>605644>>605642replied to both because you're the same person (hi pickles)
The issue with making a video on it for pickles specifically is that she(he?) doesn't have mice. How can she(he?) have taken time to research, make, edit and upload a video in the space of a few hours? Research is the most important part if you're going to be calling somebody out for something. She's(he's?) using authority as a point in her (him?)arguments rather thank facts.
No. 605649
>>605643lmao i love that some of you constantly think that they're posting here
i'm just concerned about animal care and some of you anons want to encourage the behavior that pickles did and now tearing it down for other reasons
do you want these people to change or just want more reasons to bitch about things
if pickles is reading this good for you for calling out HT on her bullshit
No. 605673
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From HT's facebook page, is she seriously charging $150 to tell people wrong information?
No. 605692
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>>605673>>605669I still see her twitter, it's just @meghan_arriola, not with mj in front of it. I guess she consolidated. She doesn't use twitter much anyways.
>>605673She used to charge $175 for nutrition when she doesn't even give her own pets a correct diet. Pic related was grabbed from her blog but mysteriously taken down a few days after it was posted here
No. 605706
>>605662hey anon, i'm skeptical of this shit too. we always talk about how no one calls out taylor, and then suddenly there are three people WKing for all of them? coincidentally the same day that every pet tuber has decided to talk about the same things we've been talking about here?
anyway, i can't believe areola lets her rabbit drink out of that nasty shit-filled water. i really can't stand this woman
No. 605732
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omg now he's backyard breeding scorpions lmfao
No. 605764
>>605741i didn't post the screenshot saying he was BYB.
>>605742listen, if you're going to post multiple comments in a row to pretend you're multiple people, at least space the timing out to make yourself less obvious.
No. 605834
>>605742I find it funny we didn’t have a single peep out of the pettubers when Taylor impulse bought a freaking monitor, had it for a whole month without knowing exactly what it was. But put two freaking male mice together and the whole of pettube implodes.
If you’re going to call out one for shitty practices, call them all out, but oh no, Taylor has a million subs, they don’t want their reputation ruined by that. Hypocrites.
No. 605868
>>605834Petubers are basically those cool high school girls that will constantly bitch about each other to others but will never say anything to anyone else, or if they do it will be a shady remark.
They're all as bad as each other when it comes to this and I'm pretty sure that some of them comment here (and possibly on Taylor's thread) constantly.
No. 605875
>>605868They all comment here, check the grammar of some of the posts.
Someone is addicted to using `…` If I had to guess it's a pet tuber, wouldn't be hard to look on twitter and figure it out.
The funny thing is it's likely that most of the posts here are from pet tubers or pet tubers friends. Pathetic.
No. 605890
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seems like everyone’s talking about it, even those not associated with Tyler and the gang.
No. 605892
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Even pettubers I’ve never heard of (not into rodents personally) everyone’s chipping in.
No. 605986
>>605834Not defending them or Taylor or anything, because the monitor situation was fucked and I wish more people talked about it, but it’s possible they talked to her privately. They said some people tried to talk to Meghan, but she doesn’t fucking listen so going public about it was the only way to bring attention to the issue. I’m hoping that’s what happened, but honestly probably didn’t.
I feel like the mouse situation is getting more attention because 1. Everyone already knows happytails is the biggest idiot in the community, and 2. It’s common sense to not keep 2 males together. Everyone knows that, but not everyone knows about monitors and their care
If the monitor situation happened to Meghan and not Taylor, we all know Meghan would just be going around continuing to say that it’s a black throat monitor because she’s the “expert” and she knows better than everyone else. Which is honestly hilarious to think about if you ask me
No. 606049
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>>605610I wonder if pickle's video was well said.
No. 606057
>>606039 Brian asked Playlist to bring animals and they said no and he did it anyway. Vidcon didn’t care that Taylor brought animals. Plus Brian was running around scaring people with them.
Not saying it’s smart to bring animals to a big event like that, but the situations are different and Brian really should know better he’s a grown man who’s just doing crazy shit for attention
No. 606058
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I am LIVING for all the comments on this video 😂
No. 606062
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Tori put up a video about not just relying on YouTube for information and doing your own research. Can’t be a coincidence.
No. 606070
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Apparently she hasn’t watched pickles video. Sure Jan.
No. 606072
>>606049now if they could just call taylor out…
i just really don't understand how they can be friends with someone who does the same shit that they say they're against. i don't care if she has hundreds of thousands of subscribers. if you're truly dedicated to spreading information on the correct care for animals, you wouldn't stand for her and make excuses for her
No. 606093
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No. 606188
>>606177Tyler is just head of the bitchy pettubers he basically a girl. Em has more subs than him like Taylor does, hence not calling her out.
And “well said” hahaaaa they probably had a group chat about this before posting. I feel pickles is just easy to manipulate, so they get her to do the video, she’s just so eager to be part of the group. If she’s going to publicly sham HT call out others.
No. 606252
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i made this , think it sums it up
No. 606269
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>>606265This chick, fairly new channel but there seems to be a lot popping up lately. Emma did a collab with her a couple weeks ago so i checked her out. Her videos are either getting a new pet, or super confusing updates of no longer having a certain pet anymore, this pic she gets a mantis and then shits out a care guide the same day which is great, these petubers can say they don't influence this behavior all they like, but the 'must have lots of animals to succeed' mentality is super strong
No. 606281
>>606275yea i find em quite insincere.
>>606269and yea not many channels out there actually go deep into the care, people have caught on that if you have a lot of animals you can just keep making content and getting a few views. what are the chances soon tyler will be buddies with her. get them to join when they're small.
No. 606298
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I just checked out a couple of her other most popular videos.
1 minute in - says she just got 3 new pets
1:27 in - says she rehomed her pacman frog because she 'just didn't feel it was the right pet for her' 2 or so months after she got it (see left video)
Shit like this gets me going, i've seen a lot of people get pacman frogs since TND got one, I bet a lot of people are disappointed with the reality of how they really don't offer much as a pet
No. 606304
>>606298and this is someone emma collabed with?
right im not supporting HT , i dont like her either but this is why this group is a bunch of hypocrites, they support shit like this. we mentioned in the last thread girl meets wild, pickles and the gang all crashed her live stream to congratulate her, and she bought sugar gliders a week later she rehomed them. atleast HT keeps her animals
No. 606378
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>>606320It's mostly on her youtube videos, her instagram is better thought out in terms of what she shows to the public. Pic related is all from her Pet Room Tour, I only picked out what is objectively bad and not just arguable things.
From top right to left
>far too small and far too dirty for any bird>way too small for a chinchilla that isn't having many hours of floor space>very dirty and simply dilapidated cage, also pretty small but can't be seen from pic>Tank is way over-stocked, seems like she may have fell for the 1 inch per gallon meme>her hedgehog cage is in an area where it can be very hot, often disruptive, they shouldn't be in tanks due to poor aeration and on top of that it's on the small side>the gecko cage houses two males together and it looks like there is shit all over the walls>that shitty pet store bird cage is housing 3 budgies when it shouldn't house one>that shitty pet store guinea pig cage is housing two guinea pigs when it shouldn't house one unless those piggies spend most of their day with floor time and only sleep in thereThe last picture is just a still of one side of her room. I want to say all of her animals that aren't outdoors only or free roaming are in that one room, but I'm not entirely sure.
No. 606388
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>>606348just look at her instagram and videos seriously
sugar glider in a badly made diy cage with exposed hardware cloth and some kind of shabby old piece of wood thats all painted and peeling?
No. 606455
>>606368do you not remember cataleah being all up in the last thread? I'm too lazy to dig back, but in a nut shell the mean girls of pettube told cataleah she wasnt invited to the meet up because of her collab with HT.
and leopard gecko mentioned she feels invisible to most other pettubers, despite being one of the oldest pet youtubers. so she's not exactly being welcomed by them
Dat enough proof for you, sherlock? Or are you going to just keep white knighting and demanding "proof?"
No. 606486
>>606455Cataleah said that but she’s full of shit. Do you really think anyone would tell her she can’t come when the flyer says “all creators welcome”
She’s just an attention whore. If anyone told her she couldn’t go she would have posted proof, but she can’t because she’s full of shit.
No. 606493
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No. 606522
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Isn’t this we’re Emzotic is??
No. 606630
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I know ariawesomeness is an idiot but…why do this? Also, his friends recently freaked out over a ball python owner for putting their crestie near it (not good) and said not to follow them anymore if they follow that person….and yet they're okay with ari putting a scorpion on his anaconda?
No. 606640
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Anyone seen this monstrosity psml(taylor has her own thread)
No. 606641
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who’s who? Lmao
No. 606673
>>606671myxomatosis is now (has possibly always been, idk) a vaccination prevention along with parasite treatment. So the person would have to take them to vets for that.
Most animals can live without vet treatment, yes. But with larger mammals like rabbits you're pretty much playing a risky game.
No. 606675
>>606671And my rabbits have needed vet care multiple times. Just because your rabbits didn’t, doesn’t mean others won’t. And just because mine did, doesn’t mean others will.
We simply cannot base weather or not an animal should go to the vet, because of 1 (or even a few) peoples experiences.
You have to look at it as a whole. OVERALL, it is much safer to fix your rabbits. It’s much safer to take them to the vet if something’s up.
No. 606798
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Remember that tiny ass dirty cage from
>>606378 holding the quail chicks? looks like she's using it again but didn't bothers to put paper towels down this time. After a while that wood has just got to rot out and force her to buy a bigger cage.
No. 606800
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>My pet care is not based on mob mentality and popular opinion
Yes Meg we know. It's based on absolutely nothing.
Is she seriously trying to claim she's a family friendly youtuber? After the assholish way she treats even her fans and having more cleavage in her thumbnails than what you'd see on pornhub? At least when TND pulled the 'family friendly' bullshit, she used to pretend to be wholesome. Meg never was.
No. 606978
>>606973She loses Hope at the end of the other video too. She says he's been missing / flying out of sight for 20 min or so.
Like ????
Sure fly your bird, but do it safely, loosing sight of them for that period of time is not safe. She's constantly losing her bird, has no regular recall (has only just started using that whistle). She flies her birds in dangerous places, she's had them loose in the car before /while/ she was driving. She's a terrible example of an owner.
Worst of all, recently she seems to enjoy sending Hope off to harass the native birds. There's one video where a flock is roosting (dusk) and she sends Hope off to go fly into them all and make them fly (en mass) away. She constantly makes jokes when Hope flies off to attack the native birds. I wouldn't be surprised if Hope harassed the Hawk first making it attack, because that's what it's been conditioned to do. A large bird like a Macaw isn't usually a target for a bird of prey that's roughly the same size, too much risk there for the predator.
With all her screaming and harassing the native wildlife, I'd be so pissed if I lived near that park.
No. 606993
>>606800No, not cocky or confident. Try cunty.
But she's only following her beliefs, guys. Throw out your care sheets and biology books, and make way for the new standard: go with what you personally believe in!
No. 607099
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No. 607141
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HT fans think she's a vet, holy shit I'm dying. This poor stan won't hear from Meg, shame cuz they are sucking up so damn hard to her.
>>606978How can someone make the same mistake repeatedly and never learn from it?
No. 607148
>>607135More likely mobbing it because it's in their territory / near nesting sites. A macaw is a huge bird, a hawk wouldn't take it on seriously unless it really had to. Crows are much more likely to gang up and mob Hope.
But then of course she encourages Hope to go after wild birds…
So Hope gets mobbed regularly because she flys him near all their nesting sites.
No. 607154
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Anyone have a lot of farm/game birds that can comment on this? I've only ever had maybe 2 dozen chickens & geese at a time and in an enclosed area. But it seems to me that for animals that she even says are free roaming, that is a fuck ton of feathers around in a small area. I'm just confused because if it was a sheer amount of bird issue, wouldn't the area be all dirt like in her videos from constant treading? I can't imagine it's from a fight because larger feathers & maybe blood would be present. I'm just puzzled at the amount of down in her outdoor pics. It just looks like cattails exploded everywhere
No. 607174
>>607141Someone tell this idiot she isn't a vet.
I don't have IG
No. 607198
>>607194She has about 100 free roaming birds alone, that's going to be a lot of molt.
>clean that upThe bitch doesn't even keep her enclosures clean, what makes you think she's going to rake the feathers out of her lawn lol
No. 607446
>>607278The funny thing is… you could probably get the same (if not more) information from a qualified individual for cheaper, as well as a health check for your animal if needed etc etc.
Even a google search would be more reliable
No. 607634
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I honest to god don't understand how she does it. She plays videogames 2 hours a night roughly every day or every other day that she streams. She either was awake and up with her animals or screwing around on the computer in the early (2am) morning posting shit on instagram. She supposedly has a job, her husband has a full time job. She literally has 200 animals, 1/4 of which requires a substantial amount of daily interaction. I've worked on a rehab facility before; All the animals got as little interaction as possible because they were wild. It would still take me from morning to sunset to clean half the enclosures and feed, and there were only about 20ish enclosures to worry about. It is physically impossible for her to be giving her animals the bare minimum care, let alone keep an eye on them to make sure they are acting alright and are healthy
Sorry for the rant, it's just that I've unironically seen people with far fewer animals be busted for hoarding and she's actually glamorizing this behavior to children.
No. 607662
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>>607659Found it, Stella died in March. Unfortunate that Joan may have up to 2 years alone
No. 607687
>>607679In normal circumstances a lone very old rat can be unavoidable. Many people will not be willing to rehome their 2.5-3 year old animal that they care about and only likely has a few months left. Many people will also not want to get more rats even if they have done in the past.
That said…
A lone rat is a lot more work to take care of, they need constant attention, a heat mat/heat pad (old rats lose heat quickly as they tend to have less fat), they might need assistance keeping themselves clean (not only fur, but making sure they don't get UTI's if they're male by removing plugs etc), they also will need much more mental stimulation in and outside of the cage to stop them from getting depressed.
There are so many more reasons I've not listed too, which is why younger rats should never be kept alone (or even older, if you are prepared to take care of more rats in the future).
However I doubt Meghan is doing even 1% of the required care for her lone older rat. Rats are great pets, but they're time consuming, more so when you only have one.
She has so many animals, there's just no way.
No. 607696
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No new milk just thought it was funny digging through her page finding out she's shit talking legitimate breeders because of a parvo risk when her dogs got parvo and one even died from it
>>607679>>607687The one time you want her to get more pets and she doesn't lol. She re-homed her elderly lone ferret because it was too much work, so why isn't she doing that with her remaining rat? I'd argue that lone rats need even more attention than lone ferrets, and it's obvious she isn't giving the rat enough attention or else she'd be posting it constantly.
No. 607709
>>607696Yeah, it's clear she has little to no attachment to her animals. While, as listed above, I can understand that a solo old rat is a fact of life for a lot of people; she should 100% rehome hers. There's no way she puts in the work a solo rat involves.
Also, just realised that's her current rat in that photo and not the one that passed away. Stella looks sick. Rats fur shouldn't be fluffed up like that; they often fluff themselves up when they're not feeling well.
No. 607714
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So I decided to try and go through her instagram to get an idea of roughly how many birds she may have… I have made a terrible mistake. I think I'll just keep track of which ones died or were re-homed
No. 607793
>>607687I've never had a rat have to live on it's own since mine died very close together, but I agree that she's going to suffer in her current care.
I feel like she's someone who acts like they need the same attention and care as a mouse which is horrifying since she can't even take care of them either.
No. 607803
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She made a big deal on this video about NEEDING two or more sugar gliders, from two days ago, and got this shit.
People are also spamming telling her to watch the Pickle's video.
No. 607855
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Goddamnit, I like Dav. Why???
No. 607913
>>607883I think its the fact that Brian has been discussed so much in other places. Honestly I don't think gender has much to do with this?
At the same time… we may as well give HT her own thread at this point?
No. 607921
>>607915Uh I see, thanks for explaining, though she does take in rescues. So many people sadly get gliders then realise how hard to care for they are. Earlier in the last thread someone said because most of us are female we should basically bitch about other females, and that men would moan about other men. I don’t know if this person was 10 or something but seemed odd. Small reptile breeders arent really a problem. Brian has even referred to his place as a puppy mill but for reptiles. They live their entire lives in plastic drawers. I mean I think that’s
No. 608113
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And it begins
No. 608116
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>>608113Somehow forgot this in that screencap
No. 608152
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Are you meant to take your snake out to a random woods/forest? Just for a photo? Seems stupid and risky.
No. 608177
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Y is nobody talking about the fact maddie went from 28 pets to 50+ in 6 months?!?!?
No. 608178
>>608152not trying to WK here but its possible that those were taken in his yard? kinda looks like he lives in the woods from his videos outside
i dont think that theres anything wrong with taking pictures of snakes outdoors especially when there not on the ground
No. 608183
>>608177thats been mentioned before in the previous thread if you kept up
did you watch the video where she said she had rats that were sick and going to new homes so she didnt even show them in the video
i think i counted 30 something that she actually showed in the video some of which being inverts
No. 608194
>>608185Unfortunately they all come here and post here to bitch about each other.
I'd be ok if they actually took on board the criticisms posted here about their animal care, but they don't.
>>608186You absolutely can BYB mice and rats. Rats especially might not have the protection other animals do because they're classed as 'vermin' but they're highly intelligent animals that benefit massively from registered breeders trying to reduce the instances of cancer, mammary tumours, URIs, high white, and other genetic defects present in their lines due to the initial bottleneck they went through when being domesticated. BYB undoes all of those efforts and you end up with rats that have poor lifespan expectancies and suffer from complications and illnesses over the years.
No. 608202
>>608194Precisely. Tumours are soooooo common with rats, and that’s accelerated with poor breeding.
And yea the way they talk on twitter, etc looks the same as here, I notice whenever anything comes up about Tyler or maddie it’s suddenly turned back round to HT almost instantly which is very suspicious.
No. 608211
>>608209yea from their live streams they seem to read here a lot, 100% comment on here too making themselves look good when in reality they’re kind of shitty too.
And I’m not being funny but if they say adopt don’t shop then why breed rats, there are so many in shelters, not even kidding!
No. 608212
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>>608206She actually posted this yesterday
No. 608219
>>608209The AFRMA is like that yes, but there's some legitimacy in being willing to pay that fee. Many BYB won't.
I also don't believe her claims about working with a breeder, it was only claimed after folks pointed it out here. Didn't she also get those rats from a pet shop, not another breeder, so she can't have known their genetic history before breeding them (something that is very important). One of her rats was born with one testicle for Christ's sake… but yeah, this discussion has already been hashed out previously.
I'm glad her baby rats got vet care, but really that's a very low bar to meet, they shouldn't have been sick in the first place, babies should never get so sick with URI's weeks into their lives unless something is wrong with their care or breeding.
No. 608233
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Her excuse for keeping male mice together is that she has support? And that Tyler called her a cunt? What kind of nonsense does this woman think she’s spouting and how does it have anything to do with her shit husbandry?
No. 608234
>>608229Agreed, many people who find injured animals have no experience and nowhere to turn other than google. So these places do end up taking in wild animals, and of course it is legal (at least as far as I am aware in the US, it is in my country), to rehabilitate (certain) wild animals so long as you don't plan to keep them.
All of that says nothing for their experience though… anyone can start a NFP, if you're a vet, you're going to have some good knowledge and be able to help animals folks bring you… if you're Joe Blogs from down the road, you can do your best but you're little better than the person who found the animal in the first place.
In Maddies case though, it means she gets to have 'cute' baby squirrels…
No. 608245
>>608233Family Friendly Youtuber!
But Meg, you are a cunt. You throw around the word retard and make fun of your supporters, you call people bitches and assholes if they have legit questions. And now you are being a cunt to someone because somebody they associate with a person that said something mean to you? Just ignore facts because people are friends with people who are friends with people who think you're a cunt. Meg, that's a lot of people you're going to have to block.
No. 608246
>>608235I just checked and the website: hasn't been updated since I first found it months ago. So I do wonder how much work their 'charity' does. I hope auditing in the US is good because they want donations both monthy/weekly and/or sponsorships for animals that are likely no longer in their care due to it being outdated.
Also Maddie doesn't appear to have fostered any more animals since the squirrels… which is good at least… baby animals might be good for views, but they're so fragile, they need to be placed with people with real experience and real time in their field… not a pettuber who wants attention and to lord them around on camera.
No. 608252
>>608235maddie definitely doesnt feed into the adopt dont shop thing lmao
her dog is from a breeder
No. 608254
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More of HT just letting all of her animals mingle. Guinea pigs could’ve bitten that beardies fingers right off.
(Has anyone posted this yet? Not sure if this is expired milk.)
No. 608258
>>608246Just to give an example of good youtube + rehabber. This channel seems to be pretty good use body cam footage, aren't stressing out the animals for views, are knowledgeable, educational, provide immediate vet care and continued vet care and release animals as soon as they can. All this because they are a rehabber first, youtuber second. Pettube cultivates the opposite with the whole 'look at my animals!' effect it has.
No. 608365
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lol HT's social blade right now.
No. 608447
>>608279Nope. She said she did something then miraculously a charity thing was made up in 2017, and now she can claim some kind of title and be high and mighty.
Yea I’ve seen her on Tyler’s live stream so many times saying “adopt don’t shop” but she literally bought her dog from a breeder and BYB rats. Classic.
No. 608468
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>>608365lol update on HT’s social blade. Almost 100 more.
No. 608574
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This is why em seems so insincere. One moment she’s shading Taylor, next minute she’s sucking up her.
No. 608649
>>608629Happy tails bred a mixed dog, she bred potentially harmful genetics, I have yet to hear what lines her dogs even came from (assuming she even knows. No one knows if they have any pedigree.), and bred not to better a breed or even create a breed or a new dog for a specific reason but literally just to create more animals, that is it. I can look past breeding mutts, having less than stellar lines, fuck I'll even look past breeding harmful genes if they were attempting to breed a better dog and some things slipped through their sight. But when it comes down to it, HT's reasons for breeding is selfish; literally just to create more animals. To me, that is the definition of BYB
Not saying the others are any better, I think they are shit too and are pretty damn childish. But HT is not under any circumstances what I would call a reputable breeder.
Also, I thought HT was getting rid of most of her corgis? Aren't they like 6 months old now?
No. 608651
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>>608468Ht’s sub count sunk some more
No. 608676
>>608662Breeding outside of a breed is only healthy if you know their lines. The 'mutts are healthy' meme is only true if both parents were healthy. If you have two mutts that both carry the same genetic issues, you're at the same place you were with poorly bred purebred dogs. Considering her dogs were all corgis that share many of the same genetic health problems and she doesn't share what lines they come from it's not a guarantee that they will be healthier. We are taking it at face value that she got her dogs health tested; I only ever heard her say 'health check' and 'hips checked' from her blog, but there is more to genetic health of corgis than their hips. It also doesn't help if she doesn't know the lines of both grandparents, because although her dogs may not have the phenotype they may still carry harmful genes that can pass on to the offspring. A single health check once in an animal's life also isn't a guarantee that they will always be healthy; they may be healthy now but ideally you should be doing yearly health checks on things like structure, hearing, eyesight etc because the vast majority of poorly bred dogs don't show genetic health issues before at least 3-5 years of age. She already had her dogs get parvo, one which died from it, after criticizing vets for recommending people socialize puppies due to parvo, she doesn't even follow her own advice which is beyond hypocritical. She also bred an objectively dangerous gene because it looked pretty, which is a super shitty thing to do to any dog. Don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about, I know more about genetics than you think.
If meg did any amount of research she would have picked up on these things. But she didn't.
No. 608683
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>>608651Holy crap I can't believe how fucked her shit got in a single day over a couple of mice
No. 608698
>>608688BYB is bad, any BYB is bad.
If people are irresponsibly breeding their animals then they should be called out. /Especially/ if they're a pet channel that's supposed to be promoting good pet care.
That family that bought a male and female and had the attitude if they breed then they breed; are fucking idiots that should be neutered themselves.
No. 608705
>>608688>other people do it so why care!Bandwagon fallacy. HT is a self-proclaimed educator and family friendly meaning she is potentially teaching this to young kids. If you don't want to talk about milk then get off of lolcow, what are you even doing here otherwise? If you want to talk about other people on youtube that do it, post the video or something. If you want to stick up for meg, this is not only the wrong thread for it but it's the wrong fucking website lol. All you're doing at this point is WK and causing in-fighting trying to stick up for a person that unironically has maybe 200 or so animals.
>Why do people care soooooo muchUnlike you I actually care about the well-being of animals, regardless of who is behind the shitty care.
No. 608737
>>608688Just because other people do it… it doesn't mean it's right? That's like saying a lot of people run puppy mills so who really gives a shit as long as the dogs are healthy (lets ignore the fact that the majority of them are not, but they would be if they were mass bred and provided the medical attention they need).
I don't know about other countries, but I know UK is doing a lot to crack down on backyard breeders and puppy mills because they're normally not very good, especially if it's not a one-off.
No. 608751
>>608705Brah where do you think babies come from. Some has to breed them right?
You no I came on here looking for actual milk about actual relevant pet youtubers, who the actually fuck is that maddie girl? Never heard of her. All I see here is a bunch of bitch winey girls tearing other females down. Good one. I’m out of here. Ya’ll pathetic. Maybe ya’ll still at school and have nothing better to do as you’re hormonal 14 year olds having a whole she says he says moment but fuck sake grow up and talk about actual relevant people.
You want to talk about actual shitty living conditions, then why the fuck does Brian have thousands of reptiles living in plastic draws, getting them to breed and pumping out babies at an alarming rate, many arriving to new owners with fucking mites. You want to talk about real shit, talk about that, not some bitch having a few puppies. There’s a world out there and it’s a lot bigger than this fucking bubble.
No. 608754
>>608751Yeah, there are too many dogs in the world already, too many sitting in shelters ready to be PTS. She shouldn't be breeding them, it's a legit critic, especially if she's breeding merle.
But yeah, piss off then, if you want to BYB dogs, you're a moron who probably shouldn't be here spouting your mouth off. This isn't about 'tearing down other females'; that's an excuse used to avoid accountability. I'm not going to avoid commenting on someone just because they're female. Brian has already been talked about in these threads too… you'd know if you read up. The current milk is on Happy Tails… on the infighting in pettube about /her/. She's a shit pet owner, one of the worst on youtube. That's worth talking about.
If you want to stan for Meghan, go elsewhere.
No. 608765
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>>608757Meghan posted 5 hours ago about her dogs on IG.
" I'm very proud of my corgis, I worked very hard on breeding healthy, good looking dogs with great personalities."
She absolutely is here crying about the fact no one is putting up with her excuses.
No. 608767
>>608761Hahaaaa you’re a moron. So a dogs, or any other animals life is only worthy if it’s been bred and dump or abused and ended up in a shelter?
Wake up, you must be 10 or something, animals breed, sadly some end up in shelters but saying that person can’t breed her ducks because that’s ByB and is bad, then you’re very small minded. You’re a bunch of fucktards.
No. 608769
>>608767It's ok, we know who you are, we know who also BYB her ducks. Who can't read, who insults people all the time.
>BYB by definition is bad.Definition of BYB: "Backyard breeder is a term used to describe amateur animal breeders whose breeding is considered substandard, with little or misguided effort towards ethical, selective breeding."
No. 608771
>>608763Even if it's not her who really cares what the thread is discussing. Like fuck me I can't stand all this HT discussion and it seems like she could have her own thread but who am I (or anybody) to suddenly go WELL NO WE SHOULD BE TALKING ABOUT THIS.
>>608767Some people are here to troll and you're clearly one of them. You're either a fan or a pet tuber and that's sad.
No. 608772
>>608769From that definition it shows that no thought it put into breeding. Letting your dog breed with anything. Whereas in fairness hers was thought out.
Funny how you lot can’t deal with challenging you comments.
No. 608773
>>608754Nail on the head.
Tyler is hardly discussed here. Meghan, Emma, Emzotic, Maddie, Taylor, Steff J and Pickles are all talked about here.
What about brave wildnernsss literally harassing the shit out of animals? He has NO qualifications and calls himself an expert. He inspires kids to get bitten and copycat his videos, and he basically pays for his own show which is a YT glorified animal planet show.
Brian Barczyk is literally the most cuntish asshole aho profits from dead and dying animals and has numberous sexual misconducts against him from female employees. He has thousands of hoarded animals and genuinely doesn’t give a shot about their care. His own wife can’t even tell if a skink is alive of dead and he snuck an alligator into Playlist.
Kenan is another asshole with a smuggling past who everyone likes and he’s only relevant because he is friends with Prehistoric Pets (another old man creep) and Brian.
And King of DIY hoardes fish and promotes keeping wild caught animals which aren’t sustainable.
Afro Herp Keeper literally took his animals from the wild (Tegu etc) I don’t know if he had a permit for this??
Nobody talks at length about these guys bevuse they must have more brains than a woman? Or becuse they’re older they just more knowledgable to younger audiences? Wake up. This is just a hate fest for females who have pets because none of yall can stand to see anyone like you but more confident do something with their lives and make money
No. 608776
>>608773THANK YOU!! Precisely.
This thread is just sad girls bitching about other females.
No. 608784
>>608776>>608773I don't think women are so weak that they can't be criticised.
For the record, I've made posts on Brian, King of DIY, Tyler, Brave Wilderness etc. you just have to scroll back a bit to find these. Unlike the other pettubers though they don't provide much milk because they don't engage in squabbles / fan drama. Like Emzotic, TND, Happy Tails, Pickles etc. So yeah, of course these people get talked about more…
No. 608792
>>608787Compared to the milk in petubers like HT… well. I mean, yes a lot of this is about women but most of this is not ''she looks ugly omg'' (look at Taylor's thread) but actually about the animals care which is still on topic.
To discuss other petubers all you have to do is bring them up it's just a matter at which the length they will be discussed at.
No. 608793
>>608790Yelp, I don't have a problem with that, I value health over aesthetics.
I don't support pedigree breeds either.
No. 608795
>>608792Exactly, the only time it strayed onto looks was with Emzotic, and it got shut down fast. Calling out their poor care is not bullying them for being women. wtf.
>>608794Read here more then, especially the first thread. There's lots of shady shit Em has done with her animals.
No. 608796
>>608790That's why breeders are making an effort to breed for health rather than features. People are waking up that these dogs aren't healthy, and they may not be wiped out in species but can be changed for the healthier.
There will always be a demand for pure bred dogs. It's as simple as that, and most of that demand will often be met by BYB rather than kennel breeders who often ask for staggering prices due to history of parents. While I cannot comment how good those breeders are in terms of health, they know more about what they're doing than an average BYB
No. 608804
>>608795If em or pickles is doing shady shit with animals I want to see proof. Her only video I didn’t like was her Betta video and she took it down and apologised on her twitter and community tab. I don’t get why that’s still being used as milk? She owned her error??
WhTs the other shady shit? I don’t have time to go back over the other threads
No. 608809
>>608804Fuck off then, we're not here to serve you. Hell read the fucking intro:
- Mentioned now and again on the TND thread.
- Complains about lolcow and similar sites, describing them as little predators in wait for pet youtubers to slip up.
- Throws a lot of subtle shade at other pet youtubers despite pretending to be 'friends' with them all.
- Moved to America to live with hoarder BYB boyfriend Danny.
- Won't show habitats for most of her and Danny's animals, keeping the exact number of animals a secret. Some examples of enclosures not shown include; Snapping turtle, snakes, and (unseen) monitor lizards.
- Thought she could cycle a fish tank with old water, put two betta together to 'breed' despite clearly knowing nothing about breeding and conditioning the fish.
- Keeps her doves in the bare minimum of cages, also keeps them next to ferrets and has let them land on the ferret cage before.
- Was paid off to set up an awful Bearded dragon enclosure including substrate that can cause impaction.
- Says she isn't planning on getting more animals but has recently taken in a skunk, plans to get another hornbill, plans to get a dog, has got a nano reef tank and two more mystery pets since stating this.
- Has now bought a new Gecko.
No. 608812
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This cunt needs a thread of his own. Check his reticulated Python video in his insta - literally sells them as ‘Man eaters’.
He breeds all kinds of Exotics like monkeys and reptiles and yet he’s always travelling (so who looks after them??) and is basically trying to be a model but uses animals to sell his body to make it more interesting. 1M followers and a Youtube channel called The Real Tarzan. Even the name makes me want to die
No. 608841
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This is why this thread is shit. I literally showed someone who is exploiting animals without shame (more exMples below) and yall still only want to bitch about the girls. And FYI pickles don’t look like a boy and fuck off is em anywhere near fat.
Footlocker paid for this Tarzan to aggravate this snake???
And why the fuck does he let his barber cut his hair with a razor while a snake is in around his neck??
None of yAll are going to even care about this but imagine if it was taylor or em or anyone else. You’d be slut shaming.
But this post will get ignored and forgotten because you can’t relate to it because you don’t have penises and only want to tear the women down
No. 608845
>>608841Literally no one is tearing these women down. This thread isn't as active as you fucking think it is. Give people time to respond.
Fuck me, if you mentioned this like a normal person the thread wouldn't have derailed itself to hell.
The images here are greatly disturbing, especially that of the monkey. Definitely needa a look into.
No. 608846
You know I think it's pretty funny that people complain we only talk about certain pettubers.
A lot of the people here are ex-fans/ex-watchers, this board is majority female, so of course most of the people talked about are going to be female too not some dudebro who thinks he's hard, holding endangered species. It's almost taken for granted that that shit's wrong… same as the Saudi princes and their pet cheetahs.
There are also a lot of animal channels on youtube.. not all of them fall under pettube. Pettube usually refers to those keeping lots of animals at /home/. So BYB operations like Brian only sometimes are talked about, again because they're universally considered awful. It's like saying the sky is blue… yeah, we fucking know.
>>608841As far as this… you're a moron, you want to carry the discussion, how about doing it when another isn't taking place to distract? Yeah that person is a POS but wtf 'pickles doesn't look like a boy, em isn't fat'; that shit got shut down or are you blind?
>slutshamingCalling out shit petcare, isn't slut shaming. You're just full on trolling now.
>because you don’t have penises and only want to tear the women downbloobloo I want a penis. kek. You're insane. Pretty sure you're someone who's name starts with an M.
No. 608849
>>608841Also this reads as, this person is worse, so Happy Tails and her ilk are fine.
That's the dumbest argument ever.
No. 608875
>>608845Silent reader here. There is one thing I noticed that bugs me. Emma keeps her dwarf rabbits in a 4x4 pen. Tyler keeps his FLEMISH GIANT in a 4x4 pen. And yet I’ve need emma get shit multiple times, and Tyler’s never been brought up.
The minimum for 2 dwarfs is 4x4, but then the minimum for a Flemish giant is like 4x8. So while Emma is just meeting the bare minimum, Tyler’s cage is only half the minimum. Emma’s cages also have toys and hides in them, last time Tyler shoed his cage it was just a litter box, and one toy.
Not trying to defend Emma here, but I don’t understand why she gets crap for it, and Tyler gets none even though his cage is far below the minimum
No. 608919
>>608915Seriously lol.
> BYB is good!!11> BYB ducks is good!!111!> BYB dogs is fine!11!!1There's only one pettuber like this.
No. 608938
>>608784I've discussed AntsCanada (who is really smart about what he shares and is basically silent on social media) and actually learned about Brian from here. They don't post as much stupid shit as Tyler, TND, Em, HT etc, otherwise there would be more milk. If TND slowed down on posting shit to social media her thread would slow down too, people won't have shit to talk about and the thread would die. HT has been a retard on social media lately, therefore she's getting the most attention here. It's not a difficult concept to follow. Obv the people here bitching that it's only females have only read the HT part of this particular thread, because even earlier on ITT Tyler was getting shat on. Really makes me think where this influx of users came from as soon as HT became the center of attention.
>>608787I don't follow Brian, if you want people to talk about it you need to post it. That simple. You're bitching about people not doing something you're not willing to do.
>>608803The only time Pickles is relevant is when she's doing a video about someone else… And she's generally so spineless that even then the video is a disappointment
>>608812Where does he live? Just wondering because a lot of monkeys require permits… I bet he has no permits for em. No one here knows him tho because he's a model/breeder first, and not a pettuber
>>608846This, I only ever brought up AntsCanada because I used to like his channel.
No. 609004
>>608977ah so yet to be confirmed 100%, thanks anyway.
>>608981so if someone doesn't have a following we should turn a blind eye to animal abuse? great logic.
No. 609008
>>609004No you giant moron, it's simply pointing out that the two aren't comparable. Someone with a massive audience spreading bad pet care is more of a problem than someone with a tiny audience doing it.
Both are bad, however one has further reaching consequences.
No. 609074
I know this is a thread to talk about pettubers; but as that instagrammer has been mentioned I thought I'd link this: from the free analytics available, it seems he's buying followers. He jumps nearly 200k in one day, a month later another 100k. Probably buying likes too to make his account seem more legit. But yeah, not really relevant to here… instagram has a whole culture of animal exploitation with travel bloggers to exotic animal keepers. No. 609087
>>609074Fuck what a scummy person he is :-/
I hate people who exploit animals like that, then try to be famous. He clearly just wants to be a model.
No. 609183
>>609175No real service dog comes from BYB. If she means 'emotional support animals', well yeah, they're BS and can come from anywhere.
Most service dogs (seeing eye dogs etc) are bred by organisations or by private breeders for those organisations. They're heavily screened and many don't make it even to the training programme.
In my country, you can foster service dogs til they're ready to be screened for temperament and further training.
Happy Tails dogs will never be service animals.
She's bat shit crazy if she thinks otherwise.
No. 609460
>>609369Jfc dude these threads thrive on speculation with very minimal proof because WE DONT STALK THESE PEOPLE 24/7. You want your own proof, go and fucking get it without having to derail the thread just cause you're a slaty fan or petuber. This is lolcow - most threads thrive on speculation.
Fuck me, can we start ignoring these thread derailers? There's no point trying to reason with them.
No. 609474
>>609460Yep, this is a gossip board tbfh. No anon is going to go find the exact video mark where she said it either. Point was only, if she thinks that, she's fucking insane.
:) So anon above if she doesn't ???
No. 609513
>>608773I don't dispute that misogyny probably has something to do with it but like, if you want folks to discuss those people, idk, try maybe posting about them when they fuck up?
Not all of us keep tabs on every pettuber out there. If you want discussion on certain puttubers, try sparking some
No. 609559
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How do you direct mods to a whole thread an not a single post? Because mods need to come and prune a lot of this thread.
If y'all are pissed no one is talking about x, y and z, then post pictures and videos and explain what they are doing is wrong. I was pissed no one was talking about HT so I started posting milk from her insta when she did dumb shit. I must post like 80% of her instagram pics. Guess what happened? People started realizing how awful she is. If you want people to go after someone else, you have to keep posting dumb shit they do and say. A single screencap of their instagram profile or mentioning something they did weeks ago once isn't going to get the ball rolling.
Anyway, I think the cockateil is over the guinea pig cage in this picture but I'm not sure because her guinea pigs are kept in one of those store bought cages and used as a table in the middle of the room, anyone know whose cage this may be? Or is it a new animal? Hope it's not a new animal because she's going on vacation this weekend.
Also noticed HT is being a LOT nicer lol
No. 610155
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HT has posted this on twitter and insta, didn't bother checking facebook. Seems like she's grasping to show people that others agree with her and like her. Really pathetic no matter if you agree with her or not.
>>609894>easy>saltwater>nanoNo, just no. None of those things go together. Also those poor fucking clown fish. I wouldn't give em a year tbh.
>>609913You underestimate the amount of sucking up that nearly all of these e-celebs have to do.
No. 610230
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I don’t think Emzotic should be promoting this. Is so stupid. So what if Danny opens doors for her? Not every girl feels the need to have shit done for them. Grow a pair of biceps and open your damn doors yourself you idiot(selfposting)
No. 610236
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>>610230Yeah whatever Em. You can’t even open a door so how are you looking after animals? Get over yourself. She’s probably just marrying him for an easy visa. Nobody else would touch her fiancé he’s like 40! I smell easy visa or Daddy issueS. I’m so sick of her parading her relationship. Like, get over yourself. If you’re truly happy you don’t flaunt your relationship. Just stfu and go away and take your miscarriage sob stories and cali sand with you. Idiot
No. 610246
>>610236Why is this even here? This isn’t milk. If you don’t have anything real to share don’t bother. The calci sand is an issue if it’s still in with her Dragon, but the rest is just a rant about nothing??
Also I don’t think she’s trying to promote women as weak. If anything she tries too hard the other way to be all woman empowerment. If she was empowered she wouldn’t have a man, period.
No. 610257
>>610236“She can’t open a door so how can she care for animals”
Jesus Christ. You’re an idiot if you think Danny holding a door for her has any correlation to her animal care.
Not standing up for her, I don’t really like that post, or some of her care for the matter. But Jesus fucking Christ you’re a child
No. 610609
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>>610605Are these two bettas?
No. 610614
>>610602Your wrong. Keeping them in small tanks will stunt their growth/slow their growth due to water quality issues. You should aim for a 30g.
I have nano (fresh water) tanks and they're also a huge pain to keep balanced (planted at that size imho is a must to help), swings in water quality are huge. Bigger tanks guard against this.
5g for a Betta is also a minimum imho. They really do better in 8-10g. Their habitats in the wild go on for miles sometimes. Males establish a 1 metre sq patch as their own when looking to breed. It's a myth that they're happy in small spaces. Even long fin varieties benefit from larger tanks, improving their muscles and strength and as such making them live a healthier and longer life.
No. 610621
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Do you still have these clowns and the lionfish on your insta?
No. 610622
>>610613It doesn't go well when idiot pettubers try to justify substandard care. People are generally helpful when pettubers try to take advice on board… although it should be a given that DOING YOU OWN RESEARCH BEFORE BUYING A PET IS IMPORTANT. We are not here to do that work for you.
>>610617But there is no bubble nest and the female doesn't look gravid (so the fish weren't conditioned). They also look pretty young.
No. 610624
File: 1528999373200.png (1.32 MB, 1126x726, HT hidden merle.png)

Sage for no new milk, this is old as sin. Just found out though that exactly what I was worried about happening, happened. One of her merle coris grew into a hidden merle. For anyone interested, it means that even a responsible breeder not interested in breeding a merle or two merles may mistakenly breed the dog to get double merles. Double merles are commonly born blind and/or deaf, or even stillborn.
>>610553I wonder what she's going to say when she accidentally loses and kills her bird? It's pretty obvious at this point she's doing these dangerous stunts for videos. At least she is getting some backlash in the comments though. Second comment in is calling her out on putting her bird in danger multiple times a week.
No. 610633
>>610617why are you trying to backyard breed betta when there are already BILLIONS in the market? what exactly are you trying to get out of it? because you want to make pretty fish?
stop. you're only stressing out out your betta.
No. 610638
>>610631that's the stupidest thing i've ever heard. wtf does 'it crashed' even mean?
>>610637this. a nano tank requires water changes like every day.
No. 610645
>>610641tip, get rid of the smiley, learn to reply properly or atleast quote who you're talking to.
tbh i'm just glad you're only going to kill a bunch of fish and not smarter animals, but they are all going to die.
No. 610658
>>610653That says nothing for separating them after, or where they'd go once they were large enough. You are aware how /many/ babies you'd need to find homes for right? And how each of them would need their own tank if you couldn't find homes.
Yes people can be rude here, but it seems to me like you're trying to brush it off, fish are some of the most abused pets.
Your fish care is terrible and you shouldn't be spreading it on youtube.
No. 610663
>>610658>fish are some of the most abused petsrealist thing I've read here tbh. especially betta. its because of dipshits like this bitch that continue to promote abusive set ups, and then just brush it off by saying 'I'm still learning, guyz!'
how about learn the proper care before you advertising keeping dwarf frogs in pico tanks, co-habbing bettas, and insufficiently sized salt water tanks.
No. 610665
>>610653One person called you a bitch, no one else called you names. I never got into the youtube biz because I had thin skin but holy hell, I guess that's a non-issue for e-celebs. Basically just do an insane amount of research before doing anything, and if you read something or hear about something from one source, try to find at least one other credible source that backs it up. If you lurk here and see people are bitching about a type of care, look into it. Do research. For example, if you see someone bitching about you free-fly parrots, look into the cons of it and see why someone would think it's bad. Or if someone is talking about how shitty it is to breed merles into dogs, look into the controversy of merle breeding. Don't just stay in an echo chamber, read things that you may not know or disagree with but with an open mind to understand why people come here and complain. Honestly no pettuber needs to announce themselves here to figure out why people are bitching, they just need to read the comments and do some research.
No. 610671
>>610663Its beyond me how people seem to do so little research and get a pet. Like fuck me, you're also showing this to the public who will probably call you the fuck out on it. Even now, it seems to be excuses and 'oh yeah..' rather than 'you know what I was wrong' like most other pet tubers that have been here and went into rants about us having to practically do the research for them.
If you cant research your animals before getting them then don't get them. It's unlikely you have the interest in that animal and therefore the commitment to care for them for 2-20 years.
It also really doesn't look good when pet tubers come here and seriously seem to lack basic knowledge from googling a few care sheets. Pretty much everyone (even fucking Taylor) googles a care sheet when they get animals impulsively.
No. 610694
>>610692Only ways I can guess are:
-Heater malfunction (not your fault, she would have likely mentioned)
-Poisoning (as with Steff, flea bombing would do it)
-Ammonia spike (poorly managed… like really poorly managed for that size, probably the lion fish dying and being left to rot… or any/all plants dying en masse).
No. 610697
>>610696I guess I see 'crash' as useful filter bacteria die off causing bacterial bloom in the water column and ammonia spike.
But yeah disease could kill fish… not sure why that would make her want to reduce tank size though.
No. 610704
>>610701Reducing tank size because of a crash and ammonia spike is like removing all the seatbelts from your car because you bumped a wall.
It's nonsensical. It's only going to make things worse if you cause another crash.
No. 610755
>>610754No it's not, and if you're referencing King of DYI, I don't agree with him doing it and promoting it either. It makes fish look like disposable pets, it makes people /treat/ them like disposable pets.
Also please learn to sage.
No. 610766
>>610757it's really not that hard to look at the rules before posting. write "sage" in the email field.
kinda sad i missed our guest appearance earlier lmao i think it's funny that people (probably one of the other pettubers) told her about this thread. like we start talking about her and bam she shows up the next day. they really are obsessed with this thread. you'd think they would just ignore it if it really was just a bunch of hate, right? i guess it makes them feel like they have the upper hand when they can come here, see what we're talking about, and then make jokes about it before other fans who don't know about this learn what they're doing wrong.
i also love that one of them said "always watch, never reply." is that supposed to intimidate us and make us feel bad that you're reading here or something? cause i'm fucking glad you do. maybe take some notes and share them with your buddies in your cliquey groupchats
No. 610771
>>610766Yeah, it's kind of funny they supposedly all 'watch' here. Their care doesn't reflect it… you would have thought they would
- Stop impulse buying animals
- Research before they buy animals
- Provide animals with proper care
But that's too hard for them.
It's also ironic that pettuber said watch and never reply. There're always fucking on here replying.. stanning for themselves, bitching about other pettubers. They're all a bunch of backstabbers that don't really give a shit about animals, they just want to use them to get views/famous.
No. 610774
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Not to drag the mouse thing out still but happytails is still being a dumb bitch.
You'd think for a 'expert' she would stop comparing mice to other animals, especially rats, when rats live in colonies of mixed sex in the wild, and mice live and defend their territories against other males. I'm embarrassed for her
No. 610779
>>610774Lol what… male rats can and do live in the wild together. Unaltered males in captivity can (but not always) become hormonal and fight more; but in the wild they can actually get away from each other too, so fights aren't common unless they're forced to fight for space/resources (thanks to humans).
Mice are not rats… not even close.
No. 610782
>>610779More info:
At low densities, a male rat monopolizes a burrow of females. He defends a territory, keeping other males away from the burrow and the surrounding area, and he mates only with the females of his group. One male mating with multiple females is a polygynous mating system. At low densities, Norway rats are therefore territorial and polygynous.
At high densities, males can no longer defend a burrow against intruders. There are simply too many intruders. At high densities, the social system becomes despotic, with one male becoming socially dominant while others become socially subordinate. Males no longer defend female burrows. Instead, when a female comes into heat a group of males rushes her and mates with her sequentially, with little or no competition between themselves. Males may mate with multiple estrus females this way, and females mate with multiple males. This mating system is polygynandrous. At high densities, Norway rats are therefore despotic and polygynandrous.
Wild rat aggressive behavior is similar to that seen in domestic rats, with fighting, chasing, biting, and boxing. However, wild rats don't display some agonistic behaviors seen in domestic rats, such as the sidling posture and the belly-up posture. The difference is probably due to the restricted environment of the cage, which leads to prolonged, escalated conflicts and the necessity of protracted self-defense in close quarters.
No. 610796
>>610744Why is it than when all these cows apologize or "admit" they fucked up, they stress that they don't believe or support the actions THEY took. Like obviously rehoming isn't something you're that against since YOU did it.
They all act like they're the exception to the rule and it's why coming here isn't a good idea; they don't actually want to learn and do better bc they'd just do their own research and fucking do better.
>>610779As someone who's owned male rats, she's a moron. Even rats are at risk of becoming extremely hormonal after puberty hits and becoming aggressive to the point that they need neutered or put down.
And male rats can't just be tossed in together. It's very dangerous to just put two rats together if they aren't young siblings.
Rats that are being introduced need at LEAST a week of heavily supervised interaction before they can be housed together. And the housing together for the first day needs to be constantly supervised as it's the most likely place for things to go wrong.
Male mice are even MORE aggressive toward one another and she just plays fast and loose about it.
But sure, HT, rats and mice are exactly the same and always get along with each other.
No. 610804
>>610796Don't want to give away who I am, but I literally run one of the worlds largest online rat forums, I've kept rats for decades and I disagree that rats can become hormonal enough to be put down /ever/.
Imho it's exceedingly rare that a male rat even needs to be isolated for good. And if hormonal aggression does appear, it's almost always greatly reduced by neutering.
Some rats need more experienced hands than others in this, but I've taken in more than a few 'lone male rats' over the years that were supposedly hormonal and aggressive and could not be kept with other rats. None of them ended up living alone, none of them were really aggressive, most were just afraid and hadn't been socialised well.
However, you're spot on with not tossing them in together off the get go (quarantine and same litter males aside) even females need slow introductions over a period of /weeks/, most male introductions (especially unaltered males) should take at least a month. Setbacks mean starting from scratch, it could mean injuries.. it's not something you rush.
Mice are completely different than rats though; you just can't compare the two. I wouldn't dream of doing what HT is doing with her mice. Not in a million years.
No. 610809
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I feel like this will be the most boring interview ever. It's an author of a kid's book interviewing a receptionist that makes videos of her animal hoarding. Meg doesn't have any related education or credentials, and she's got as much personality as a soggy cardboard box. What are they going to do, just talk about their pets?
>>610774Keep in mind HT is going to be leaving for a weekend to go to some con. That's a whole weekend with very little (if any) supervision. Luckily mice are a dime a dozen, easy to find a replacement brown mouse.
No. 610814
>>610804I was short handing and didn't want to completely info dump, but I only put euthenasia down as I've had to put down a rat for aggressive behavior due to megacolon. I had him for less than a month and was terrified of his behavior/would never have known it was megacolon if not for the vet. I should've put something about aggression due to illness.
But I agree. I've never introduced rats, honestly, because I've never been comfortable with it; all my boys have been brothers and sweet with each other mostly.
I think she's just grasping at anything she can to not have to separate them and admit that what she's doing has any danger attached to it.
No. 610823
>>610814Yeah, I wouldn't count that as putting down due to aggression even, just PTS because of illness. Megacolon is a horrible condition that can be painful; touching a rat with it can cause them even more discomfort hence lashing out. Sorry for your loss. This is why I hate BYB operations and chain store supply with rats; so much unnecessary suffering of then both owners and pets.
Like with most animals, there's always a /reason/ for aggression. Even people who think their animals are lashing out for no reason… no, there is a reason, you're just ignoring or ignorant of it.
With HT, she's wilfully ignorant. If her mice hurt each other as they get older and more territorial, she has no one to blame but herself.
No. 610876
>>610874Oh look, another one.
BYB = Backyard breeder is a term used to describe amateur animal breeders whose breeding is considered substandard, with little or misguided effort towards ethical, selective breeding.
All of the above who have been BYB fall into this literal definition. Not ever breeder = BYB. Get some reading comprehension.
No. 610899
>>610886Show me an example of what you think is a pettuber engaging in ethical breeding and I'll have this debate with you. Right now, /every/ pettuber criticised as a BYB has not been breeding ethically. It's a non argument.
Also just because something is rare in captivity, isn't an excuse for breeding it.
In regards to Cataleah, she breeds a gecko that is openly hostile towards her (bad temperament), doesn't have a plan for the babies they produce, just wants the babies because she thinks they'll be pretty, keeps potentially WC animals despite saying she's against it, wants to breed these individuals despite not knowing their ages or background, breeds crested geckos despite the market already being over saturated with them (again doesn't know the history of all), wants to breed gargoyle geckos again without knowing their background/history or age… so yeah, that's bad breeding.
Video also includes culturally insensitive bindi
No. 610966
>>610959Yeah, several of them have said they were working with breeders and yet done stuff that no ethical breeder would. Perhaps they were working with other BYB if at all.
I'm still waiting for a good example of ethical breeding from a pettuber. And no not unless Danny and Em have a /lot/ of friends who want snakes, not all those babies have plan. The fact that they keep it so quiet is also suspect, a lot of what they hide is suspect because it often turns out to be bad… look at Bad Idea's old enclosure… her /new/ enclosure.
All you've really said there is that Tyler also wants to become a BYB.
No. 610981
>>610966but youre not even giving him a chance to ethically breed with that mindset i just dont get it?
with the logic here no one should breed anything at all. no one has a chance to breed anything at all even
danny seems to know a lot of people in the reptile world so who is to say that he actually isnt finding homes for all of them
i thought that was what yu would say which is why i asked
No. 611260
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“Educational videos are boring”
lol at TND throwing shade at Emzotic
No. 611265
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Em actually bugged her monitor enough that it flew at her lol
No. 611270
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Is this safe for the fish? I feel bad :/
No. 611280
>>611265you must not know monitors very well
they have quite an attitude sometimes and a crazy feeding response
No. 611293
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i just saw this but is anyone here close by planning on going and getting milk
No. 611547
>>610981Considering the fact that it's all very hush hush and we have heard some potentially questionable things it wouldn't be surprising if it came out that these snakes are kept in conditions much like that snake dude.
>>611260Em is the only pet tuber that I could watch constantly. It's just sad she's turned into every other petuber ever.
No. 611618
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Emzotic is joining now. I love how she photoshopped herself on top of two of the other youtubers.
No. 611819
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HT is so cringe
Are people actually paying for these things!?
No. 611829
>>611819She is really grasping for people to come, she even sent a tweet out which she rarely does these days lol.
>>611618I'm waiting for the drama of this to be an utter shit fest. I know it won't happen but it would be so fantastic if HT tried to squeeze in on this for publicity.
No. 611893
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>>611791Looks like Maddie made it, not em
No. 611901
File: 1529103675365.png (3.47 MB, 848x2212, happytails.png)

Some gems from Happytails new pet room video:
From top to bottom:
Cockatiel in tiny cages, knows it tiny and justifies it by 'i let her out most of the time'
shit smeared ball python tank
Extremely bare chinchilla cage
extremely bare gargoyle gecko enclosure
And finally a shit smeared crestie enclosure, with the classic co-habbed male cresties
No. 612105
File: 1529115249159.png (1.56 MB, 1542x816, HT chinchilla.png)

>>611918>>611901That cage is actually separated into 2 cages housing 3 chinchillas, pic related. The top part houses two and the bottom part houses one. They don't really have hides unless you count the area under the shelf, which I generally don't because the area is generally too open space.
>>611943Probably when this thread dies
>>611958That's actually a very good point, I never thought of that.
No. 612109
>>612105They do have some lava ledges, but definitely no hides. Chinchillas spend their lives in caves in the Andes mountains. They NEED hides. They will climb quite a bit, but 90% of their life is spent hiding.
A single Critter Nation is suitable for 2 chins, so 3 in a double is still fine, size wise.
I've also constantly wondered if she gives her chinchillas fresh fruits or veggies which is 100% not ok.
No. 612205
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Comment on Taylor Nicole deans instagram
No. 612206
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Anyone know her? Not sure if she’s classed as a ‘pettuber’ but she apparently has a ‘mini zoo’
No. 612213
>>612205>>612206when your whole life revolves around a video hosting site to run ads on your videos. GG. anyways yeah i never heard of her, got anything else about her? youtube/hooktube or something? im genuinely concerned about this situation, lord knows TND doesn't need more animals. real fucked that she never had a backup plan or backup cash, just ran that cash cow to the ground?
>>612120>>612105maybe im a stickler but id never keep one of my chins in a single critter nation, especially if they cant get a lot of floor time. the bare minimum cage size on care guides shouldn't be what you shoot for. i wouldn't mind if it wasnt for the fact that i know those chins would be lucky to get any floor time in a day
No. 612222
File: 1529130720779.png (330.5 KB, 750x1334, 1B0D69B6-AB00-46C3-9EDA-D3D1A9…)

She said that she was almost at 200,000 subscribers but following the link it’s only at 1200 and she only has two videos. Maybe a backup channel coz they terminated other channel?
No. 612223
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No. 612245
>>612222She used to have clickbait titles like 'lady hits my service dog' then in the video she would be blogging going to a shop and walking around then there would be text saying something like 'I wasn't filming at the time but this lady did this'
Was really annoying.
No. 612273
File: 1529141571934.png (428.18 KB, 540x960, 245279DF-50D4-4172-BF78-68B8A4…)

I love how we have pretty much three nobodies at the bottom. Emma strategically placed in a similar pose next to Taylor. And then there Tyler and em who were at playlist or whatever it was. Taylor probably won’t turn up and she’s the main attraction really. The other lot are just to make up the numbers.
No. 612298
>>612296They probably know there's a chance she will drop out on the day.
She's like that flakey friend where you ahve to have a backup plan whenever you make plans lmao
No. 612626

Okay I'm not sure where to post this but I recently found this video and I really think it needs exposure. 1:12 in the video, a rat which was kept in a box was tossed at an elderly lady as a prank. Almost everyone in the room immediately started to scream and run, including the poor rat.
The part which concerns me the most begins at 3:36 (, when Alicia states that her grandmother fell in love with the rat, how the grandmother was an animal activist, that "everyone" wanted to keep the pet rat, how they had a cage and everything, but ultimately, after thinking really HARD for 2 hours, decided to leave the animal outside to die.
>at the end of the day, we decided to let the rat out into the wild so that like the rat can have a little bit of free time or whatever instead of going back to the shop to get eaten by a snakeThey also pinned this post in the comments after multiple people posted about how worried and disgusted they were:
>For those complaining about us letting the rat go. It was a feeder rat that was being sold to he fed to someone’s pet snake. Meaning they were going to to take the rat straight to a cage, put it in and let the snake devour it. We let the rat go to at least feel freedom and not be caged up any longer.Basically admitting that they bought an animal for the sole purpose of pranking their grandmother. AKA sentenced an animal to death after they used it to gain views and money…
I reported the video itself but I wanted to try to let other's know what this channel has done and is willing to do for a few thousand views. I can't imagine hat they'll do for a million.
No. 612632
>>612626This is so fucking awful.
What is wrong with them… feeder rats are often bought as pets too. Additionally that's no reason for a cruel prolonged death outside by starvation or the cold or even further predation. That rat has no outdoor survival skills and it's fucking white/peach for godssake… it doesn't stand a chance outside.
No. 612638
File: 1529185957712.png (363.75 KB, 697x467, b family.png)

>>612632That's a family vlog channel too. They've jumped from 1k subscribers to 16k in a couple months which is probably why they pulled a stunt like this. The fact that they're a brand new channel that has been growing so fast worries me. This can easily be deleted, swept under the rug and forgotten until it happens again. I don't want the next animal they kill to be worth a million views and actual money to them. If only YT would remove these evil types of people, who just are capable of thoughtlessly endangering creatures like this.
I wonder what danger they have and will put their child in, just for the chance of one of their videos going viral.
>pic relatedI mean, they're already using their infant child's distressed face as clickbait and giving them candy that can easily be choked on, for our entertainment.
No. 612640
>>612626That rat is going to hang around the house and probably try to sneak back in if they released it near their property. It has zero chance of any meaningful survival and death via snake would've been fucking kinder, you cunts.
>>612638Can't wait for the adults to get hit with Daddyofive level ridicule for this sort of shit going forward.
No. 612712
>>612626Hot take: Anyone who does "pranks" is a sociopath.
Agreed with
>>612640 No. 612879
Is this actionable… like could the owner sue her for implying his dog is vicious?
Hell more importantly, the video with the children (whose images she used in the thumbnail) that she accused of trying to kidnap Hope? Especially as in the video they all said they wanted to return the bird to it's owner and they thought it was lost.
She's slandering these people and posting their unblurred images online for her audience to find.
No. 612887
>>612879Also is it me, or does the family+children kidnapping one seem to be somewhat racially motivated.
Like white people have called to her bird/told her about a bird flying around and she's just explained it was hers.
No. 612911
>>612879As far as US animal laws go, as long as the park allowed dogs I don't believe the dog owner could get sued for any damages. It's her bird that is free-roaming (not contained via cage, leash, etc), the dog is on a leash and contained. In fact, the dog owner could potentially sue her for vet costs if the bird managed to damage the dog, even if it were by impaction from eating it. Dogs are almost never labeled as dangerous/vicious for attacking pets, especially not for a single incident. It's generally reserved for people and livestock, sometimes dogs if enough dogs died.
As far as suing for the dog potentially being dangerous… Completely out of the question in America. Americans may be sue happy but they still have freedoms. That dog did literally nothing but sit there and bark. Like I said earlier, even if the dog did eat the bird, she couldn't do shit about it because her bird was not 'contained' while that dog was.
No. 612918
>>612911Sorry, I mean could the dog owner take action against her for slandering him/his animal. And showing both himself (unblurred) and animal on camera.
The same for (and more seriously for) the children who she accused of trying to steal Hope.
No. 613113
File: 1529218824506.jpg (1.03 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180617-010132.jpg)

Man I hate this Maria Nicole girl. Even the way she puts "Nicole" in her user names seems like an attempt to seem popular and like Taylor
No. 613115
>>612629Seeing this makes me so nervous. I don't have birds but I have large lizards and I regularly take them to animal friendly parks but I take off as soon as dogs come around.
Dogs don't mean to be "agressive". They see them as prey, like a cat would a mouse. You'd probably never take a pet mouse out around a cat would you? She is so irresponsible with that bird. Does anyone know the exact rules surrounding animals in that park? I know all dog parks in my area are only dogs allowed, but the rest allow all animals except for horses (there's actually signs that say this lol). I don't know if those are regular rules for a dog park but if they are, she shouldn't be allowed her bird in a dog park should she?
Also do all of these people realize she's filming them for YouTube? I wouldn't be too fond of my children being put on YouTube if I didn't realize that was what was happening
No. 613204
>>612617Literally all of her videos are click baited and she always manages to put her bird into danger in all of the videos. She actually pisses me off so much can you have people commenting that they're actually concerned and are following the channel only because some disaster is bound to happen.
This video in particular seems to riled a lot of people up.
God she really needs to be called out by someone.
>>612626Fuck me wtf. They could have at least sold the rat to someone or had a home lined up for them, or even take it to a rescue shelter.
>>612879They could probably do something about them being posted online without permission? I can't imagine every person in the vlogs knows that they're being put online and basically bitched about.
>>613115I saw a lot of comments about the owners being irresponsible for not stopping their dog performing a natural behaviour. I mean you can't exactly train a dog to not react to a stimuli they've never seen before, and if the dog was to be attacked or scared by the animal then you have lasting effects and that alone can be horrible to fix especially if it transfers to other larger birds like crows.
She honestly should consider the other owners in the park. I know for a fact that a lot of dog owners take 'sections' of parks as far away from each other so their dogs can still explore but they don't have to be worried in case the dog is aggressive or is scared of other dogs. It's literally one of the polite things to do, like crossing a road if you see the other dog is getting a bit iffy about your dog. Instead she continues standing close to these animals and pretending like there's an issue when she can very easily just step away.
No. 613440
File: 1529261264578.png (161.32 KB, 750x1334, IMG_6737.PNG)

i'm sure all 7 of her youtube subscribers are patiently awaiting her next video lol
No. 613572
>>613511Why does he sound like he's on MTV cribs at the start omfg. I seriously can't pass through his scripted sounding voice so I only got some point. I also don't know much about many of the reptiles mentioned so husbandry is not something I can comment on but his cages look nice.
He has a 100 reptiles in a small room and is breeding more?
Any word on how safe bricks are at keeping snakes from escaping? Did some googling and the general idea is that it only works for so long and you need clamps/locks.
He seems to be fine with upgrading enclosures so that's nice.
He handles a lot of his animals in the video and I doubt he cleans his hands before each of them.
I'm surprised his cockroaches don't get out of the tubs considering the size of the holes.
No. 613829
>>613788a lot of leopard gecko owners and forums prefer/suggest paper towel due to the risk of impaction from loose substrate, like play sand and eco-earth. theres a much greater chance of them ingesting loose substrate over time resulting in gradual impaction than them eating an entire paper towel.
of course if your husbandry is on point then your gecko should be able to pass any small amounts of ingested substrate. but paper towel avoids the risk altogether, as well as helps keeping the habitat clean.
No. 613857
File: 1529299967258.jpeg (448.12 KB, 1800x1800, D706E432-7CE7-4A3B-AB56-5ADD0F…)

Stolen from the TND thread. What even is this pose?
No. 614048
>>614012Very true.
And yeah Marie looks like Taylor’s biggest stalker
No. 614114
File: 1529336777370.jpeg (422.53 KB, 750x916, 8BEB93CB-6754-4E77-BE39-5BD5FA…)

I don’t know if she’s joking about this but if you can’t afford to feed your pets, don’t buy them?!
No. 614134
>>614114Wtf is this crap!!??
Cataleah - grow up and make enough money to support your own animals! You’re encouraging people to think it’s ok to ask subscribers to buy you animals and supplies. If your videos aren’t making u enough money, think WHY.
This is a new low for PetTube.
No. 614222
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>>614159Oh my god she reminds me of a mii character with the little circle eyebrows and eyeliner oh my god
No. 614362
File: 1529359704521.jpg (116.56 KB, 640x640, 1512035152604.jpg)

>>612626It's a shame, the rat was really cute too.
The prank side of youtube is really shitty already, adding real animals to the mix only makes it worse.
>>614064Can somebody please take Hope away from her, I'm surprised this bird has managed to stay unharmed
No. 614785
File: 1529386267341.png (168.29 KB, 750x1334, IMG_6796.PNG)

maria stans taylor and her relationship with jonny but then tweets stuff like this. you can't have it both ways girl
No. 614929
File: 1529411999938.jpeg (643.94 KB, 750x1094, 5258759C-3DC3-4A23-9C99-796ABD…)

Emzotic allowing Grinchy in the dove cage. Very irresponsible for cross contamination.
No. 614936
>>614929I saw that. I think Grinch and doves share the same space most of the time and I think I saw a video where they were hanging out together already. It might not be ok for the baby doves immune system (I couldn’t see it in the video) but I don’t think it would cause any disease to spread. He’s looking good but I feel like he’s a different bird. It’s s bit suspicious that he’s suddenly ok with Em picking him up. Maybe original Grinchy died and she replaced?
Sage for speculation.
No. 615086
>>614064Most people don't seem to be aware that she is posting videos of them online.
>>614936I wanna say this is far fetched, especially since we know that she has experience with the animals but we can always pull a Taylor thread and start comparing markings.
No. 615683
File: 1529477656456.png (562.02 KB, 1242x2208, 15F4D118-DBCB-4E25-855E-0F1BD3…)

Not really milk, just something shocking?? Why the hell does Jenna Marbles follow Maria Nicole grey ??? Look through her followers and she’s right there. What even lmao
No. 615710
File: 1529481301795.jpg (232.28 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180620-015642.jpg)

It's a very normal "pet name" for a significant other. Get over yourself.
No. 615727
>>614648wtf she's immediately handling it, flipping it onto its back and poking at it? No, bitch, do a quick look-over to make sure there are no obvious problems and then put the poor thing in the cage and let it settle in!
And get some new glasses, this 1985 nerd-chic look is not good for anyone.
No. 616067
File: 1529524444119.png (154.77 KB, 750x1334, IMG_6834.PNG)

>>615710yet she thinks "babel" and "baboo" are normal lmao what
No. 616072
>>615948'Hope helped and protected the baby hawk from bullying crows!
What a wonderful baby I have! I’m so proud of Hope ❤️❤️❤️'
Her comment lmao
No. 616087
File: 1529525495498.jpg (126.65 KB, 1080x1778, Screenshot_20180620-141114~2.j…)

I guess she stopped using the account that she bought followers on. (constantly had less than 100 likes but 37k followers, that doesn't add up lol)
No. 616230
File: 1529534966754.jpeg (182.02 KB, 750x1079, CCF69F99-1164-48E2-8BB0-B51762…)

Stole this from Taylor thread but why is Emma always reaching. It’s so cringey
No. 616249
File: 1529536316131.png (2.89 MB, 1242x2208, F4461D0F-2AF1-4160-B724-79F62F…)

So cataleah “rescued” a dog, despite not being able to afford vet care. Also just a few days ago she was begging for people to join her patreon just so she could feed her current animals…
No. 616256
File: 1529536731905.png (1.38 MB, 1242x2208, B06675A1-4B8E-4C31-A89D-8E035F…)

>>616249Looks like she paid $200 for the dog as well.
No. 616509
File: 1529558718753.png (35.19 KB, 1300x219, rat prank youtube.PNG)

Anyway those idiots who bought the rat to use for a prank, then let it go in the wild, are still refusing to accept their mistake
No. 616512
File: 1529558906200.png (23.13 KB, 1195x149, 2.PNG)

>>616509And he admitted to buying the rat with the intention of setting it free after the prank, despite in the video, they said they originally were wanting to keep it before deciding on releasing it.
No. 616526
>>615948Does she know that crows could easily mob and kill her bird? Does she know that a hawk could do the same? I know macaws are large birds, but crows will mob Great Horned Owls (I've seen them) and certain hawks will take cats and small dogs, which are all larger and weigh more than Hope.
Does she just not
No. 616531
>>616256If you paid $200 for it, you didn't "rescue" it. You bought it from a shady dog dealer.
Adoption fees are one thing, but this is purely someone flipping a sick dog for profit.
No. 616625
>>616386I feel this was emma posting.
A healthy snake living in the proper conditions should not have a problem with shedding.
No. 616865
>>616465Seems like she has had other issues with shedding too. She had a video bathing one of the snakes out of the shed and I'm pretty sure that's the very last resort you go to.
>>616531What's worse is that she is funding the practice. She's saving nothing at all.
No. 616868
>>616553>>616765I only see one post on twitter from a day ago, and nothing on it before then?
Her posting deleting is classic TND signs that she is not going to follow through. I'll be surprised if she even makes it on the plane to Ohio, let alone actually show up for the event. Pettubers should be nervous.
No. 617447
>>617405I remember when he bought 100+ goldfish, put them in a tank, decided he didn't want them anymore and gave them to a friend, saying that he was maybe gonna get them back. He's kinda annoying me, one second he buys fish and another second he's buying 5 more bags of fish and discarding the first one. At least he's not keeping them if he's incapable of caring for them like what he's doing with the baby sharks.
He's been getting so many fish that I forget which ones he has. Where are his clownfish? the shelldwellers? that little nano tank? The second flowerhorn? Or is that flowerhorn the same female flowerhorn that he's putting in Frank's tank? Idk, maybe im dumb and he probably has them in his house or he explained where they are. Now he's thinking of getting a giant gourami for the indoor pond.
No. 617499
>>617447Yeah, his disposable attitude towards the fish annoys me too. Most of his tanks are overstocked because he plans to give back to the store some of the fish when they grow. He just wants full tanks now and to pick the best specimens… which is hardly ethical fish keeping.
As far as the clownfish, you know I'd forgotten about those. The second flowerhorn (Beans) was given away to a subscriber who apparently fell in love with him. The female flowerhorn is a new fish entirely.
At least he's not getting a caiman… that seemed to be on the cards for a while.
No. 617748
>>617499oh god the caiman. Don't remind me. Where did he think he was gonna put it? Fucking insane.
And all because he visited Brian Barczyk and saw he had one.
No. 618221
>>618186Seriously… you can see in this video so clearly that Hope hasn't been properly free flight trained. He does not come on command and she allows him to regularly perch on trees and throws him off her for those 'races'.
Also note how she admits in this video Hope wasn't 'protecting' the hawk, he was chasing it away. Aka Harassing the hawk as well as the crows.
Hope is also under 2 years old… I didn't realise he was so young, but this woman seems to have amassed her birds in a very short period of time (all the birds are young). No wonder she does stuff like pet his vent… that bird's going to be a nightmare when he gets hormonal. He's already territorial of her, biting anyone else.
No. 618248
File: 1529688631172.jpeg (276.02 KB, 728x1094, D5483256-1B9D-476C-B709-5EDA3C…)

Does she buy followers? All her pictures have 30 or 40 likes
No. 618591
File: 1529713939036.jpeg (509.61 KB, 1800x1800, 0B48C6EA-18CD-4892-B37E-999D6A…)

Pettubers IRL. All pics taken in the last 24hrs with fans. What’s wrong with TNDs face??
No. 618838
>>617447Beans was given to one of his fans in a video.
(Not Joey or a stan, just stating.)
No. 618921
File: 1529743759469.png (75.25 KB, 595x596, Screen Shot 2018-06-23 at 09.4…)

>>618248100% she's bought followers. I only have 4k and still get 600-1000 likes per photo. If you're getting 40 likes at 10.9k there's something seriously wrong. A lot of the comments are spam too.
See attached also… just ran a report on her and it's not good. 1/4
No. 618922
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No. 618923
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No. 618924
File: 1529743832765.png (46.74 KB, 526x486, Screen Shot 2018-06-23 at 09.4…)

Saging this all because can't get them all in one screenshot and can't edit them together right now.
No. 618974
>>618186At this point him going missing for 20 minutes isn't him being lost to me. No wonder she doesn't seem to react since she knows he will come back, it will be a shock one day if he doesn't.
Other people commenting saying they don't understand how she can take her eyes off Hope is also so true. She's playing a risky game.
No. 619166
File: 1529775229578.png (27.54 KB, 723x224, lol1.png)

She's hilarious. She doesn't seem to understand that folks wouldn't have a problem with her flying Hope if she did it /safely/.
She has no idea how to free fly a bird, sells herself as some kind of expert despite being anything but.
No. 619592
File: 1529809822846.jpeg (154.43 KB, 750x960, E0A0BC5D-76E9-4225-84FA-578A01…)

Brian being disgusting again, this time at Vidcon, surprise surprise
No. 619599
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>>619592Excuses excuses excuses
No. 619885
>>619837You can tell they're only picking a few youtubers to pick on. Little Miss Em we all thought could be the one to start some sort of revolution is turning out to be Little Miss following the sheep.
The more I hear about this little squad, the more I actually want them all to just fall down in popularity. It such high school clique thing it's ugh.
Em, if you're reading this please realise that your pet care is one thing but at this point you're looking to be a pretty shit person. You guys are lucky the majority of your YouTube followers are young kids that don't follow you on Twitter or are willing to defend you to death
No. 619929
File: 1529848710739.jpeg (419.51 KB, 750x577, 25C8B2A6-D032-42F1-AFA0-CA7EF1…)

Must be getting desperate for views hahahaa
No. 620887
File: 1529933373565.png (1.49 MB, 750x1334, 0975AFF8-317C-446E-9FC0-2C46F6…)

Bottom left is pickles. Shocked that Tyler isn’t there with his groupies
No. 621017
>>620909It's Lori, some weird 30 year old hillbilly pettuber
>>620980I don't think they often take in strays, the way they act towards other pet tubers they seem very excluding, especially when the whole pet fest thing is their 'friendship group', the clique has recently gained Em in their group though which is interesting, she wasn't in their group chat before
No. 621048
File: 1529944499681.png (4.05 MB, 1242x2208, 62D322D5-0539-4193-9770-781C6A…)

Tyler is there.
No. 621178
>>619903IMO, its not a good look when they pick and choose who they are going to gang up on. Its hilarious they are trying to make themselves look like avenging animal activist when they're being petty as a high school clique.
>>621048"When the mean girls hang out"
Emz, I know your ego is inflated as TND lips, but your small clique is not all of pettube. You're only furthering our point that you are all just a dog pile of petty.
No. 621264
File: 1529958404017.jpeg (634.77 KB, 750x1071, 0EF9A57D-1DBD-41E5-9C95-371D96…)

Parading death around like a toy. Bitch. Have some respect.
No. 621302
>>621283They actually do! I remember when one of them was under scrutiny, someone randomly pulled up another youtuber about her hamster dying of old age and being like "oh isn't this SUSPICIOUS??" when there was probably no other milk and they were just reaching for something to direct away from themselves and their friends.
It would just make me laugh so much if they were all on here shit talking each other, what a mess.
No. 621305
>>621304They think they're all so smooth, but i recognize they way most of them write from following most of them on twitter, and I have a degree in English Language the way people have unique ways of typing, I see you all lol.
Like if a comment on here is full of typos, 100 % its probably Emma
And most people type the same way they use language, Lori is southern, and posts including 'y'all' is such a dead giveaway.
It doesn't take an expert to notice when they've arrived though, their attempts at diverting the attention or obvious white knighting for each other on here is so pathetic.
No. 621487
>>621483whats fucked is when TND did the same thing (bringing animals to vidcon and parties), none of the pettubers said a thing, but when Brian did it, they unleashed hell fire.
Like, props on calling out animal abuse, but why you gotta be messy as fuck about it?
No. 621539
File: 1529981153979.jpeg (763.48 KB, 1242x1255, 81E3FE2E-D81A-4EE1-B402-83934B…)

>>621470Speaking of vlogs…apparently Emzotic is in it just for the $$$. She won’t crank any more out til she earns money from them! Guess what Em. You’re not all that!!
No. 621545
>>621487Not trying to WK, because I still think it’s messed up that Taylor brought her animals to a party. But at the time, a lot of the petubers who we have now, weren’t really around to call her out. Emzotic only started her channel a year ago (so I’m
assuming she had a small following, as well as tyler. They could’ve still said something, but for the others like maddie, Emma, Lori, pickles etc, I don’t even know if they had channels at the time. Again I still think it’s messed up that she did it, and it pisses me off. But at least she realized it was bad and said she wouldn’t do it again, where as Brian just defended himself by trying to say “they weren’t his animals, he was just there” which is a pathetic excuse. So yeah while I think TND was wrong, Brian is far worse
No. 621559
>>621545Taylor defends bringing her snake to the party every time its brought up to her. She justifies it by saying the sides were blackout and it had a heater. She also still has her videos up of her having her animals at vidcon, so she obviously doesn't feel bad leaving it as an example and profiting off it. She's really not that remorseful, continues to make shitty videos promoting bad pet care.
Anyways, the point isn't who's the worst pettuber. The point is that the pettube mean girls are petty and gang up on pettubers not in their clique/can't use to gain more followers.
No. 621592
>>621567its not about who they're ganging up on, its about who they are NOT calling out. aka TND, emzotic over the betta/bearded dragon/etc fiasco, emma for her super small bunny cages/not properly bonding them, maddie for byb rats and hoarding animals, tyler for his betta disappearance.
like bruh, have you been paying attention? or are you another pettuber? a lot of pettubers always come on here and demand 'proof.' you give yourself away.
No. 621621
>>621610That’s not what I’m comfused about. I’m comfused about weather or not she downgraded them to something smaller. There’s nothing about that on past threads, her twitter or YouTube as far as I can see.
3x4/12 sq feet is generally the accepted minimum for small-medium sized rabbits, so if hers are in a 4x4 pen it’s a decent size. Rabbits are the only animals I’ve ever owned, and I’m pretty involved in the rabbit community. 2x4 used to be the accepted minimum, although most people are now moving towards 3x4
I was just asking if she downgraded them since they were referred to as super small, and I can’t find anything that shows she did.
If she did downgrade them, than that’s super shitty, but if she didn’t then it’s acceptable
No. 622190
>>622141omg really?!?! See exactly!
So if they can’t look past creators who have worked with HT, how come it’s ok for them to work with bad people in the past? Double standards!
No. 622215
>>622052jesus, could you be more cringey.
>>622059they're not even trying to hide themselves anymore.
No. 622235
>>622225Tbh there’s no proof that was actually her. That was all assumption.
>>622209OMG can someone please tweet him that. Does he forget he worked with him. There’s a whole clique forming and they’re distancing anyone who may have even just been friendly toward HT it’s really weird. Like I get it but equally imagine Tyler was treated the same because once he did a video with Brian.
No. 622263
>>622254they could be someone close to one of the pettubers, and was sent the screenshots when shit was going down.
all speculation, but damn i wanna see those receipts. we're all friends and support each other my ass.
No. 622339
>>622100When did they ever shun cataleah?? I’ve been in this thread for a while but haven’t seen any interactions between them or seen them talk about her. Or is that just speculation
Also just going to throw out there that maybe if they are against cataleah it’s because she is continuing to show support towards HT. Tyler and Taylor have spoken out against Brian since their collab so it isn’t exactly a double standard
No. 622537
>>622239What is the point of posting this if you aren’t going to expose anyone? That’s not even speculation, you’re claiming shit as fact. Back it up or don’t bring it to the table for us as a fact.
If there’s no proof, you’re either lying or speculating.
No. 622645
>>622638Moths only live like 5-10 days so I’m sure it died already. She showed the reef tank but it had no fish. Didn’t she say her previous one overheated or something? I’m not sure about the blue shrimp though. From what I’ve seen from her twitter, she got the BTS and it was pregnant, gave birth in her care so she sold the babies, so I’d assume that last skink she had got sold, although who knows. I thought she was keeping it. But It’s also fairly normal for skinks to hiss while they’re in the enclosure, some will be really tame, some won’t be tame at all, and some will be tame out of the cage, but defensive when in their cage. Not trying to WK at all. I’m also wondering about the shrimp, and kinda about the BTS, just responding to the rest.
No. 622666
>>622567I love how shocked he was for being kicked out of Vidcon, of course you fuckig dumbass. You didn't get a meet and greet for a reason and of course Vidcon only cares about views and subscribes, that's the whole point of it.
I'm surprised about Taylor not saying anything about it tho. She obviously didn't give a crap about him. Maybe she even was half he wasn't leeching her (stupid) fanbase.
No. 622669
File: 1530090614147.png (7.91 MB, 1242x2208, 8D2CD1B3-2978-4934-BF36-421270…)

Didn’t she just say like 5 days ago that this dog was close to death, and asking people for a bunch of donation? Seems like a pretty speedy “recovery” for a dog that was apparently on deaths door.
No. 622829
>>622814Funny that TND didn't post anything about Tyler getting kicked out. You would think she would be upset if her camera man, or even as a friend, was getting kicked out of her own meet up.
I think what really happened is Tyler was trying to leech off TND, and volunteered himself to help her film. By the way TND acts around Tyler, is obvious she does not giving a shit about him or knows he's just using her for subscribers.
No. 623014
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No. 623192
>>622721>>622645In her apartment tour there was a male BT skink as well that was a ‘rescue’. Bella was the one that had the babies.
Also her bunnies are bonded now but the three of them are still in a tiny pen; so much for expanding when they bonded.
No. 623216
File: 1530151223601.png (813.21 KB, 1242x2208, B10CE75A-A1A5-410E-91EC-2FB5DC…)

>>623192She just tweeted this yesterday what are you talking about her rabbits being bonded
No. 623281
File: 1530157057666.png (3.61 MB, 1242x2208, 89BEF24B-32AD-4646-AD89-D07A4F…)

Looks like they changed the location of their “event”. Is anyone going? Curious to see if their event will turn into a mess considering they’re doing everything themselves.
No. 623390
File: 1530170464019.png (257.09 KB, 540x408, Screenshot_2018-06-28-01-14-52…)

Inviting Taylor to their "PetFest" should be almost considered a scam kek
This is a photo of their meet and greet of Playlist
Idk if they were only Emzotic and Tyler's (and maybe Maddie) fans or if they were waiting for something else.
Even tho,i don't think a lot of people will show up. Taylor gave a bad impression the last time she didn't went so I don't think they will count with a big portion of her fans.
Also they are boring has fuck, without their pets,they cant hide how personality less they are.
No. 623392
>>623390Yeah I'm very curious about why someone would travel to see a pet YouTuber with no pets. They're not that knowledgable, not interesting, and seem to have pretty bland personalities for the most part. Also some are just carbon copies of others. Even if I
loved watching their videos I wouldn't travel more than an hour to see them, and I'd really need to enjoy their content to do that, plus maybe meet some of their animals. Seems rather pointless to meet a petless pet youtuber
No. 623436
>>622474 >>622463
Monetization and ads do not mean that you, the end user, is paying any sort of fee to access this specific content. It is free content until such time as you have to pay a subscription fee to access it, and no, paying for internet is not the same as a subscription fee. You have to pay for Netflix on top of your internet, for example.
Creators should be paid for the content they create.
No. 623519
>>623216My bad just from the way the snippet in her latest videos it looked like they were all out together which was why I was so confused by why I could still only see one of the tiny pens. Regardless, they’re way too small, especially considering how long it’s taking. She might just have to accept they’ll never be bonded, sometimes it just happens. Anyone know the sexes of the rabbits and whether they’re neutered? Coz that can make a big difference.
>>623210 I swear she said somewhere it was a rescue. Maybe I was thinking of Bella. Anyway did we ever get an explanation as to where he went? ‘Rehomed’?
No. 623525
File: 1530193987179.png (218.82 KB, 750x1334, 76963624-677B-4AF0-A3F9-07A9B4…)

Pretty pointed tweet by Brian liked by HT. Makes sense that they’d try and gang up against tyler and his cronies
No. 623565
>>623527She doesn’t put former actress who was raped with barbed wire wrapped penis in human centipede.lovely.
Also I imagine they got spooked over tana con and thought they best prepare more. I can’t imagine many people would go for people like that pug woman, who even is she?
No. 623685
>>623678If you've got that much water though, why not train someone to help you when you're away. Why not tell your wife how it works before you leave even if fishkeeping isn't her thing.
Not to mention the fact that even when full, 5 stingrays and 4 arowana made it very full… you could say…/overstocked/.
I wouldn't have been surprised if the arowana turned on the weakest / killed it, before it drained when he bunged them all in together, it was lucky it didn't happen before. 2000g wasn't enough for them all…
I'm dreading to see what he does with the redtail he's getting.
No. 623700
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>>623527She worked in an actual zoo. She has tweeted pics from her days as a keeper and has a whole video about her career path. Centipede is hilarious though. What’s your issue with being an actress?? Loads of Youtubers have done acting and stage school. It’s literally a platform for performers.
No. 623704
File: 1530214973567.jpeg (796.02 KB, 750x1123, E5DB8343-6208-4353-A53D-AB5C39…)

>>623703Full pic from twitter
No. 623708
>>623527This comment makes you sound like an idiot. Are you a crazy vegan who hates anyone keeping any animals? Makes sense if u are. Stop detailing this thread with your thoughts in veganism because no one gives a shit about your distaste for animals being food - which taste good btw - or people’s make up or career choices.
Problematic animal husbandry or gtfo
No. 623720
>>623708Not that anon, but don't be an ass. It's very clear how vegetarianism/veganism saves trees through reduced need to make fields to feed animals. Even a meat eater doing something like 'veggie fridays' helps to cut down on the animals needed (therefore the food needed to feed them and therefore the land needed). Something that she could promote for free.
Her shilling some necklaces /is/ pretty hollow in comparison.
No. 623727
>>623720She doesn't promote it because she isn't vegan but she does promote cutting down on animal products.
She has a whole video on this
No. 623735
>>623732/More/ land is used to feed animals, this is a fact.
No one is trying to take your meat away smh militant meat eaters are worse than the fucking militant vegans.
>>623727Haven't seen that video, would be good if she did promote something like meatfree fridays. It's a good premise that everyone can jump on board with. The necklace thing struck me (like it clearly did with the other anon) as 'COOL'tm without much substance. I mean you can 'buy' a piece of the Rain Forrest etc without 'getting' anything. So no need to make/process/package/ship etc which is also not particularity environmentally friendly.
No. 623780
>>6237785:22 seconds in.
Check your facts anon. And stop detailing from
problematic milk
No. 623796
>>623780Are you referring to her saying “some people are just not hardcore enough to see the film”?
If so, I fail to see how that targets rape victims. Being
triggered by movies and unable to watch them is far different than just not being able to stand goreporn.
If not, please clarify. I’d truly like to know what you believe she thinks of rape victims, being that I’m a sexual assault survivor and am failing to connect the same dots as you.
No. 623861
>>623854can you take your white knighting somewhere else, pettuber?
that movie was so fucking shitty, and not just because it glorifies rape and sexual torture. bad acting, bad writing, and not even in an ironic bad horror movie way. no wonder it didn't take emz's acting career anywhere.
No. 623863
>>623660>>623717>>623685I legit think DIY's wife is stupid or a doormat. It's not the first and wont be the last time she has to deal with this kind of crap.
She already had to catch a fish that jump out of its aquarium while she was doing exercise
Or when her daughter was having an sleep over and one of the heaters melted and the house was full smoke so they had to run out of the house
And now this.
Obviously that house isn't suitable to have so many aquariums, specially of those sizes.
When did Taylor and Tyler call him out?
No. 623884
>>623863I also don't ever remember TND or Tyler saying anything about DIY.
In fact, I thought it was DIY that said he would never do a collab with TND.
No. 623888
>>623884I think the person meant TND and Tyler called out Brian, not DIY. the person was saying that TND and Tyler called out Brian, but DIY still associates with him.
I dont hold him super accountable over the Brian thing though because he knows NOTHING about reptiles. He barely knew what a bearded dragon was so he probably has no idea what a shit keeper and person Brian is. I wonder if anyone’s told him
No. 623985
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Emzotic is IN THE HOUSE!!
(Can you feel the lactation?)
As I will likely get put out to pasture for crashing the party and being a naughty moo moo, I’ll try and make this post as comprehensive as I can.
First of all, I know this thread is divided into three categories.
1) People with genuine concerns about pet care standards.
2) Pet YouTubers posting anonymously.
3) People with overactive imaginations, sharp tongues and dreams of becoming pet detectives, with an unhealthy passion for recreational MILK. MMMIILLLKKKK!!!!
For those with genuine concerns about pet care on the animal side of YouTube. We (collectively) hear you. I appreciate you and acknowledge you sincerely. You’ve pointed out valid issues in my videos which I have either removed so as not to profit from, or have apologised for.
No amount of experience, age or training makes us flawless, but I am truly appreciative that you’ve shared your concerns here in the hopes that I would see. I see you. I need you.
With regards to my privacy, I will never be able to give you what I want. I will always protect my home and family from people (cyber and real world) who would seek to disrupt our haven. I am sorry that I cannot satisfy your interest, but my first and most firm loyalty is to my home. You can think whatever you like about this, and all I can say is that you will understand when you have mancubs of your own to think about.
To the PetTubers who post here anonymously to support each other - Good for you. You know we have a great community in private even if we ARE Tyler’s Harem. Even if Maddie is irrelevant and Pickles IS convenient.
To the PetTubers who pick fights with each other anonymously or try to create drama - grow up and go edit a video. You know you’re just procrastinating!
To those with overactive imaginations and a need for milk - I’ve got some right here for you, and it’s udderly delicious, so lap it up, farmhands.
Animal YouTubers are real people. We’re flawed. We’re also a billon times more courageous than you because we don’t hide in the valley of the shadows of the anons. We know you want milk, so thanks for tuning in weekly to come and suckle. Keep talking about me. It boosts my huge ego. Here’s a secret - my ego is what sank the Titanic. I know, right? That’s like, so fetch. Put that in your Burn Book.
And now I can almost anticipate the responses. But Em! WHY aren’t you calling people oooouuuuttt!???!!! COWARD!!
I’ll tell you why. Because I’m no hypocrite. If I point a finger publicly, I deserve a million more back at me. And if I point a finger at a creator, as I have done with certain individuals who I have personal history with, it’s for reasons you can’t even begin to fathom. The rabbit hole goes deep with those I have a dislike for.
But EM! Your fiancé was mean to Taylor!! You’re a mean hypocrite!!! You hate her!
Yeah you’re right. He was mean. Last year I had NO concept of YouTube and the way YouTube works. I didn’t care about Taylor AT ALL because she wasn’t a real person to me. Just a face behind a screen. Danny made that video for his channel in the same tone he has made plenty of other videos. In truth I didn’t know he made it until I started getting a ton of hate. Was it nice or right? No. Danny removed the video but to this day is not a fan of PetTube or a particular friend to anyone. He stays in his own world elsewhere. I’ve decided to stay on YouTube and I swallowed the bitter aftertaste of that video even though it was not my creation. I emailed Taylor an apology and her email reply was gracious to say the least. That first wave of hate gave me so much more appreciation for other creators, and unless I have a deeply negative and personal issue with someone I have zero interest in picking other PetTubers apart. We’re all vituperous. We’re all flawed. Every. Single. One. In our little ‘clique’, we stick together because of groups like this, and we have healthy respect for one another because we’ve become more than allies. We’re friends. We’ve spent that time to get to know one another and worked through the internal dramas that nobody on Lolcow can begin to pretend they’re aware of. And guess what? Friends look out for each other. Elitist? Maybe. But thats life in many places, so you just have to square with that. Does that mean there aren’t issues? Nope. We consult each other daily and fix things behind the scenes like adults.
Am I jealous of Taylor’s following - Hell yes!! Who isn’t!? Are other YouTubers jealous of my numbers - yes! Is Taylor jealous of megatubers numbers? Yes! But jealousy doesn’t mean you can’t be supportive and happy for one another. Think about that.
And yes. I CAN be mean. Especially when people are unduly rude or try to speak with authority on matters they can’t begin to comprehend from behind a screen. I’m not always nice and I don’t pretend to be, so don’t paint me that way because I will only disappoint you.
If you’re upset about Centipede - I cannot help you. I don’t care either that you don’t like the script or content. It wasn’t made for you, princess.
I make movies for myself and I will happily say that I’m a selfish actress. I don’t aspire to win oscars or actively pursue a career in acting. I act for fun and take only the roles I think I’ll find challenging or interesting. If you’re upset by Centipede, lord help your opinion for my films to come! And remember, when I do ANYTHING, it’s for me, and I will continue to do everything I want to do because I do not give a ferrets fart about anyone else’s opinion on my life choices.
In the wise words of Eminem - I am
Whatever you say I am.
Make us (PetTubers) out to be whateeeeever you like. Really. We’re still standing here, creating our content, pursuing our dreams, and laughing (together) about how redundant this entire site is.
But thanks for the memories.
Thanks for the laughs.
And thanks to those who genuinely had something constructive to say. Even if it’s like sour milk for me to swallow when you pick a true fault in my care, I will swallow it nonetheless!
Ps: There’s plenty of quotes here for the next header picture. I want centre stage. Throw in a fake Oscar while you’re at it and give me shrivelled udders.
Peace out, moo-ther f*ckers!
No. 624003
>>623985This is not milk. This is pure cringe.
You're in your 30s, Emz. What are you doing here? Why are you so set on making us cringe? What are you doing with your life right now?
No. 624005
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No. 624014
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Dear farmhand.
I dare moooooo.
Just spell my name right so you drive me traffic.
No. 624015
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Oh I see, Lolcow. Don’t allow cows to stick up for themselves. Figures ;) Ban away I promise I won’t come back. I’ll be a good cow. Trust me.
No. 624017
>>624014>>624015Your IP changes do nothing.
Farmers, look forward to ~70 labeled posts tomorrow. We need a break from the autism first.
No. 624025
>>623985Gosh, other youtubers (Emma comes to mind) have come here openly to address the anons here. Sometimes they get defensive and it isn’t a good look for them, but my god… no one has ever come here and been so blatantly childish before. I used to be neutral about Em, but this has made me not only dislike her but kind of feel sorry for her. I remember when I was a teen and wrote overly confident crap like that as a defense mechanism. To write a whole book like this and be that annoyingly fake cocky is pathetic and she must have been
triggered by people pointing out stuff about her here. Em, if you can’t handle criticism (whether it be warranted or not) don’t read here and please don’t post here either. It just makes you look immature and insecure. Plus your excuse for not correcting your friend’s husbandry mistakes is BS and you know it. You just have no backbone and don’t want to be ousted from the clique.
No. 624028
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>>623985Here ya go em, I fixed it for you.
>>624017God bless admin, anons get your popcorn ready, dis gunna be gud.
No. 624033
>>624026>Sorry to disappointNo you're not, and that's what's even more disappointing. I've lost all respect for you. I can't believe I actually liked you.
This feels bad. Kind of like when I got cheated on. I feel dumb for believing you were any different. Damn.
No. 624036
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>>624031Here anons feel free to make your own cringy emzotic!! Lel more the merrier, direct quotes, selfposts, and bingo memes would be great too
No. 624043
>>624024Same, now I have no pettubers to watch. If anyone has any good pettubers to recommend, please do.
Congrats Em, now I see you as a pathetic child who cares more about the haters(even though you would always tweet about how you don't),rather than your fans. There's a line between accepting criticism and defending yourself when needed in a mature way, and actually being blind and stupid, and you just crossed it.
I know I was one fan out of the millions you have, and I don't make any sort of impact on your sub count or followers, but I hope you realize that this will stay with you.
No. 624054
>>624017 Stupid worthless ugly cunt that nobody loves and ever will.
>>624001 you sound like you're trying to reassure and convince yourself that you are n o t a loser for posting here. Kek you visit and post here regularly, routinely, because you don't belong anywhere else only on a cheap looking site with shitty format and navigation that constantly breaks down, talking amongst a bunch of ugly female outcasts and female incels. Basically a bunch of stupid, bitter, twisted cunts that would readily talk behind your back if they were your "friend" irl anyway. The only place you feel you belong is a shitty looking image board that looks like a poor man's Windows pulled out from Bill Gates asshole in the 1980's. That's fucking sad. You wouldn't want to be associated with the site and have it acknowledged that you post here hence the anonymity, because otherwise it would just be social suicide.
The truth fucking hurts, Cunt.
Same goes for all of you. Such ugly, ugly, stupid bitches.
>>624010 Cunt.
Female outcasts that had it hard at high school gather together online to bitch about the lies other women make about themselves and appearance through photoshop with their online presence. Yet posters have lied and deceived others at least once in their life and have probably been cunts at some point in their life and even consistently. Highly hypocritical. What's even more astounding is how talking about these perceived nobodies (you call them nobodies but you always gossip about them so obviously they are someone to be worth your time and by talking about them constantly you just reaffirm the belief that these ones you gossip about a r e somebody - no publicity is bad publicity for them), is worth your time. A lot of you here are losers because a lot of you are NEATS. Even if the images produced by these women are fake and their actions questionable, so fucking what. I bet you make terrible fucking friends and are fake ass bitches to friends and people on the daily. I bet your irl presence makes people extremely unhappy. You post so avidly with bitterness because the photoshopped images on this site from "cows" just make you feel inferior and insecure about your feminity and looks as a woman. Jealously and lack of satisfaction in your own life are the main reasons behind the posts on here. Sad.
I've read plenty of posters irl dramas and stories in girk talk here and it makes me cringe. I go there when i want to read about the lives of the posters here and have a good laugh. And don't say ' um but i never post in girl talk/ a lot of the ppl here dont post in gtalk' lmao fucking please, of course yiu fucking do, it's all part if the site. You've at least read and posted there once. Sad pathetic bitches, go read a fucking book or do something productive, intelligent in your lives that makes your existence more tolerable and less embarrassing than posting on an outdated greasy neat cesspit imageboard. You might actually feel better about yourselves than riddle yourselves with anxiety from situating yourselves in drama and gossip, constantly posting negative bitch talk about people who you dont even know. How very generous of you to dedicate your own time to talk about people that either hate you or don't know you exist and wouldn't even acknowledge your pressence irl. Pathetic.
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>>624029Seriously. She seemed okay, but whatever this breakdown she just had on lolcow was just too much. It's like a middle schooler had tried to raid us. How embarrassing.
>>624010>>624017>>624066Thank you Farmhand!
No. 624069
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She’s likely trying to get content for the video mentioned here. “It’s just a prank, bro!”
No. 624086
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someone is encouraging her
No. 624087
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>>624054This cows finally showing her true spots
Fucking disgusting, it’s sad that some anons slightly respected you, when deep down you’ve been shit talking your friends, being immature, nasty, and as ugly as you are on the inside, as you know you are on the outside kek
No. 624099
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>>624086This isn’t even a farmer. It’s just a random lurker who saw her self posts, whose a fan of hers. She’s getting mega desperate holy shit it’s embaressing to witness this train wreck
No. 624103
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O rly?
No. 624104
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No. 624105
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No. 624108
>>624102How would a controversy doing something looked down on in a thread benefit her at all especially so close to their butt buddy get together? She will never win anyone from here after that crash, and no one else is going to give a flying fuck about this thread to care. The most that will happen is she is giving lolcow more visits; some will stay, some will lurk, some will shit post and be banned/deleted and some will contribute. She really only hurt the pettube community.
>>624104Yeah I wouldn't trust her as far as I could throw her after all the sneaky and back stabbing shit she's done on here.
No. 624129
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alright, i went into this with the intent of keeping our conversation private so long as she didn't act like a complete shit. as i told her, i didnt really have a problem with her (read: i don't find as much wrong with her as i do the other tubers, she mostly seems to learn from criticism, but obviously has downfalls) but then she started talking to me in this infuriating way. i ended up blocking her after all this
No. 624131
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>>624129sorry for shitty watermarks. it's 1:30am and i don't feel like fixing it now. but yeah, again i wanted to go into this as an adult having a civil conversation with another adult but i felt like i was being treated like a 12 year old anyway, so i'm not giving my respect to someone who can't have a normal conversation with me. look how she completely ignores everything i say to her
No. 624132
>>624129Omg she thinks she's going to make an exposé?? I can't stop laughing.
This is going to backfire hard when her posts get marked.
No. 624138
>>624136yeah, that was frustrating enough for me to be done. i literally said i would answer questions on the condition she listened to me, but now there's no doubt in my mind she's just gonna end up using all of this in her favor. notice how it all culminated and the first mention of this experiment is when she got fuckin busted. it's laughable.
(sorry mods hope this is ok)
No. 624139
>>624132An exposé on what? A bunch of anonymous people posting on an image board? How scandalous. I wonder if she's been to kiwifarms and PULL too.
>>624081Kiki's spergchan moments were definitely the most embarrassing thing I've witnessed here, but this is following in a close second right now.
No. 624142
>>624140yes you did anon
can't wait to see this incriminating video. someone should make a retaliatory one with all of her posts that she gets exposed for on here and call her out on talking shit about her "friends"
No. 624171
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No. 624185
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I like how she comes here flipping people off, that makes you look good Em. Not at all like you're thin skinned and like you can't handle criticism of your BYB boyfriend and shoddy animal hording. Did you ever remove that rusty hacksaw from your skunk's closet? Are you ever going to build those aviaries for your birds currently in undersized cages? You say you want privacy, but showing animal cages for the animals you've displayed so proudly on youtube isn't invading that. No one wants to see your BF's children.. it's honestly embarrassing. /You're/ embarrassing.
It's crazy how TND with much more actual hate against her (looks/dress etc shit that doesn't matter), is better behaved.
Also anyone else think that this post
>>624054 is probably from Danny? The use of misogynistic slurs fucking /constantly/ points to dude. Looking forward to seeing if this is one of those 70 posts~
No. 624193
>>624185Are all her anonymous posts going to be revealed then? I think I just missed that part
Also find it funny how she said there's two types of pet tubers here, those defending themselves and others and those hating on others. Does she not realise that her little 'clique' that she's so quick to defend are some of the ones posting the 'hate' towards others that's getting her so
triggered in the first place
No. 624194
>>624193Yes, all of her post should be revealed today at some point. It looks like the site is going down a lot at the moment, shitty servers, but I had the thread open and there seems to have been a fair few posts deleted. Cleanup time for the cows I guess.
Also as far as her clique being the one posting the hate against her; I know, it's ironic… there are certain people here who will always move the topic of discussion back to Em despite a lack of any recent milk. Wouldn't be surprised if it was Tyler or one of his cronies.
They bitch and back stab and just can't keep away from this place… as she admitted, she's addicted to it… hilarious.
No. 624220
>>624203Oh Em… linking your username (which so happens to be your real name you twonk) that you gave publicly with your IP which you also gave publicly; isn't going to breach anything.
>Stood up for herself Kek Right, that was her standing up for herself? That was a toddler level tantrum. I'm honestly glad she showed her true colours though… I /was/ a fan, and while she'd pulled some shit I was starting to believe she honestly was changing and trying to be better. That up there was a shit show though.
No. 624326
>>623928''It's far more proactive when we make shady remarks on Twitter without saying a word''
Logic lmao
Clearly this video will be a bunch of ''these are young people'' even though this started out as a way to find
problematic petubers who weren't doing the best for their animals, the majoriy of us probably followed a lot of these people too. And what is there to expose? You can go chat shit about people you hate with others? Wowwww! That sounds great.
There's also sites that don't really require you to be anonymous, people just seem to prefer this due to lack of registration/the general mess it is.
>>624136She sounds like a kids TV interviewer lmao. If any of you watch Cbeebies or CBBC in the UK. Guess there's similar stuff in US.
No. 624334
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>>624203Uh Em…..
Did you really just assume that bc YOU live in Europe, that any and every random website (in the whole internet) that you decide to visit and sperg in, is automatically under the EU law and privy to their regulations and fines? Regardless if that website isn’t based/servers in Europe? Regardless that it’s from a completely different continent? Regardless that it isn’t even a “company or business”? Regardless that
even EU-based anon imageboards are
still not qualified under GDPR?
You’re on the Internet, you don’t get to be an embarrassing child on someone’s private website that’s in a different part of the world, that you voluntarily came to, then when you get caught, regret it, and scramble to fix it, by playing the victim card and claiming the admin of their own website, can’t group posts, on their site, from the same IP address together, when you know (via site rules and your prior bans) you’re IP is being logged on said site every time you post (even if you use VPN/proxies) and you just googled random EU policies and laws and went “this apply to me bc IM from Europe! Now you can’t reveal my posts! ~10 mil fine~”
It’s gone from “I don’t care and I’m just going to put you in your place haterz” to “it’s a social experiment guize” to “interviews!” to “I’ll just change my IP address, I’m a chameleon!” to “okay yeah all those posts are mine, but you can’t post them bc of this random law in a random country!” to “lets hold off on releasing my… her post history”
Top kek the entitlement on this one
This is almost verbatim the same song and dance that half the cows here have used when facing having their entire post history marked. So let’s save you the trouble of furiously googling laws and copy and pasting “cease and desist” letters with your sweaty, panicked fingers all over your keyboard and just tell you no, in all the years, and all the predecessors of this site, that will never and has never worked, you’re fucked, and there’s no way to undo what you so proudly bragged about doing just a few hours ago. Karmas a bitch, eh?
>Desperation level 9 has been unlockedI’m so excited to see your post history, you must’ve posted some pretty shitty things to be this worried and defensive lel.
And now everyone’s seen your attempts to do damage control, so there goes your chance of playing it all of as a “social experiment that has been secretly in the works for months!” ESP when you didn’t even know the damn site rules in advanced and attempted to change your IP, the second admin announced that you’re post history would be marked. Your posts are now our new content, congrats.
Grab any beers, weed, snacks, popcorn and settle in anons.
No. 624343
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No. 624364
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People are tweeting at the petfest twitter about her tantrum now as well
>anonymous haters gossiping in the shadows!!1
>hey there, wanna give me some dirt anonymously for muh interview ;)
Jfc hypocrite, and those interview caps are pure cringe
No. 624368
>>624334waste of time typing that bub, I ain't Emzotic.
She also lives in the US I believe but by lolcow "exposing" information which was posted under the beliefes of being anonymous is breaking not only gdpr but also data protection laws. They wont release anything just watch and see.
Also make your posts shorter ain't nobody gonna read that asshat
No. 624369
>>624364This is such a shit way to have people delete their posts
>>624368If they're not releasing her IP/personal details the posts are for public to see.
No. 624371
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>>624362>unprofessional At the exact same time she’s “opening her headquarters” and “spending the day decorating” when we all know what’s she’s really doing
No. 624378
>>624368You’re retarded, learn how to read. Lolcow is not privy to any EU laws and GDPR doesn’t apply to this site. This is like the 1739589th cow to have their post history exposed and marked. Be mad lol.
your newfaggotry is shining through like the godamn sun on a cloudless day.
No. 624398
>>624384Lol right? you’d think after
all the past lolsuit failures of influencers 1000x bigger than her with real lawyers still never working, still having their posts marked, and making it so much worse, they’d stop trying to make a mockery out of themselves and learn from past cows mistakes, but nope she has an inflated ego that “sunk the titanic” kek
Hope she has fun with her incorrect google searches and dollar store ~internet lawyer~ rofl
No. 624431
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Sorry reupload
Sh00p fail on petfest banner
No. 624435
>>624431lol at Em poking Pickles in the eye. Honestly a good image to sum up how little they all really care about her.
Also that poster is a mess… honestly there are 12 year olds at school that could make better.
>>624326I do like how she assume's we're all 19 or some shit. I'm betting a lot of us are similar in age to the pettubers with a few older ones in the mix as well. The 19 year olds are the only ones dumb enough to post on twitter to them.
No. 624444
>>624435"similar in age" most of the popular ones are 18-20ish so…that would make most of us around that age i don't get your point
i wish the pettubers could just stay the fuck off of here and not interfere. it really just ruins any chances they have of looking credible when they themselves sit here and shit talk the people they call friends
No. 624494
To clear up some misconceptions for our new users:
- keeping track of post history is absolutely necessary in order to combat vendetta posting, evasion of bans, etc
- deleted posts are only removed from the thread, they remain in the post history visible to lolcow staff
- our rules state clearly that we will revoke anonymity in cases of severe rule violations, especially related to anonymously posting about oneself
- we have outed users before, most notably Kiki Kannibal. Read all about it here to get a better understanding of why and how we do it:'s outing will commence soon.
No. 624532
>>624520I think so too, 70 posts + her freaking out + excuses/damage control = a good amount of bad/embarrassing posts.
She also made a reference to the “burn book” on here, which I’m guessing is a reference to the instathot thread(?) and she’s been trying to assimilate, so she’s probably been posting for a hot sec.
I wonder if/how many posts her fiancé or whatever has made here, other posts after her ban are similar to his writing style and he would be using a different phone/comp, but similar location.
>>624494Gods work farmhand thank you so much
No. 624541
>>624537Since you are here
Have you ever throw shit to other fellow Petubers in here?
No. 624546
>>624538>>624538>>624538You’re right it is hugely embarrassing. I want everything up front. Why else would I not run when Lolcow gave me the chance? I want everything thrown up. Everything. And yes I was on the taylor thread.
Yes I’ve thrown shit. Plenty. Mostly because I didn’t know how to deal with this forum. First it was funny and then it cut me to pieces. You got to me. Badly. And I dealt with it badly. I tried to draw atttwntion to myself on slow news weeks and deflect away from myself when I couldn’t deal with the comments. I degraded myself as a way of taking power away from you because I beat you to it. I spoke about Taylor because it made me feel better about feeling rubbish. She has been innocent in all of this. She was not in on this.
No. 624551
>>624546Admitting it doesn't make it any better. I hope you know that. When you said you were improving before (focusing on your animal care), many people here, myself included, gave you a chance.
Your tantrum up there was the last straw.
No one believes you any more.
You haven't improved your animal care… your doves cages, Grinchy's…you keep hording 'rescuing' animals… you don't show enclosures (and no that wouldn't compromise your privacy or safety don't BS).
This is likely going to go public.
It should.
No. 624555
>>624546Lmao even if this isn't Em it's too late for anyone to apologise.
You fucked up, it looks shit, and you'll continue lurking around.
No. 624566
>>624559But you don't care about your animals… you don't give them everything you had or you wouldn't hoard so many of them. You would have bought proper steel outdoor enclosures for your birds. You would have made sure they were indoor outdoor even if you had to bring them in during the winter. You would never have put the betta fish together… you would have had half a clue about breeding before you decided to attempt it. You can't just stick them together… they need to be conditioned…there needs to be a bubble nest… you can't fucking pour dirty tank water in and think that it's cycled… you wouldn't have had the fucking Otto in on it's own. You wouldn't have kept Bad Idea in a dark cage… you wouldn't have shilled and then put her in an inappropriate cage… you wouldn't have bought Grinchy in the first place… a bird taken from the wild. You wouldn't keep your ferrets next to your doves, letting your doves land on their cage…
Jesus the list goes on.
You /don't/ care.
Touring zoos for animal parties etc, your business is cruel. Most animal loves hate the practice…
You DONT care.
You're full of shit.
You're clearly nasty enough to shit on other pettubers as well despite doing just as much wrong. You're a hypocrite.
Now you're going to be exposed. Not through your own choice… but because you're full of shit.
No. 624567
>>624564Lmao gotta make sure it looks good for all the fans that may flock here after the Twitter break down, cause she sure as fuck does not look good.
Any posts on Twitter about this yet?
No. 624568
>>624561That's laughable. They only outed you after you /kept/ posting despite being banned. It wasn't your decision to be outed or you could have screenshotted all your comments and come clean.
You're a joke.
No. 624574
>>624571Someone said they saw replies being deleted so it's no doubt some of them tried to hide their traces while they could.
We all know it's unlikely any of them are actual friends and go somewhere or to someone to bitch about each other or whiteknight each other.
No. 624579
>>624546how did this thread cut you to pieces? aside from the few people who like to nitpick/make fun of physical appearances, a lot of the posters here are genuinely concerned with your animal care. had you just taken peoples' advice and criticism into serious consideration and fixed things, most people would've given you credit for that. your milk would have dried up. instead, along with all the other tubers, you choose to dismiss most things that were said. y'all chalk it up to ~jEaLouS hAteRz~ but that's just not the truth here lol.
anyway, can't wait for all the new milk xoxo
No. 624583
>>624580I honestly expect a Tanacon 2.0.
I noticed they said no 'guest animals' but that refers to the people coming. I hope they don't bring their pets. The animals don't deserve that.
No. 624599
>>624594>This site has been far too much for me to handleWhat, with people honestly calling out your shit animal care?
> i got sucked into the nastiness here.Chances are, you and your fellow creators made the nastiness here. Calling out poor animal care isn't being nasty.
>no amounts of videos will ever be able to satisfy that to those who want to believe otherwiseAka I don't have to show proof because you won't believe it anyway!!!11 Sure Jan.
>I will not be engaging in any followup discussion.I don't believe you. You'll just hide and comment anon again. Jesus Em. Don't you see, you've lost /everyone/ here's respect. Even the folks that thought you might be trying to be better.
>go back to caring about my animals and my missionSure… go back to exploiting your pets and providing substandard care… because anyone who says otherwise is a 'hater'.
You're so… transparent.
No. 624607
File: 1530310004575.png (310.2 KB, 587x681, burn.png)

Farmhands, can we start this BBQ already?
No. 624638
File: 1530312544582.jpg (308.72 KB, 1536x2048, STKgTZP.jpg)

It has recently come to our attention that Emzotic has been posting in Pettuber threads.
>>623985While attempting to keep her from returning over and over to talk about herself, we found her post history containing over 100 posts in which she attempted to drive interest to her content and diminish her competition.
Posting about oneself while pretending to be a different person is a global rule violation. She was given a warning to stop posting or we would revoke her anonymity,
>>624010 to which she replied with more bait-y and disruptive comments.
>>624014She also changed her IP many times in order to deceive staff, but we are certain she made all of the posts listed below due to her unique user data which is shared across IPs. Additional posts from mobile devices can be attributed to her due to coming from the same wifi network as ones we already found to be her.
You can view Emzotic's post history here: the number at the top of each comment to go to the corresponding thread.
This is not the first time we have outed a user for attempting to use our site for their own gain. If you'd like to read an in-depth explanation, go here: No. 624641
File: 1530312766124.jpg (53.24 KB, 750x767, lol_feds_.jpg)

>>624638Get rekt you animal abusing bitch
No. 624642
File: 1530312780012.gif (1.1 MB, 429x343, giphy (1).gif)

Thank you admins.
No. 624644
File: 1530312876738.png (1.07 MB, 1920x1080, IMG_2191.PNG)

>>624638This precious milk from none other than admin sama's udders. I knew there was a weird push for emz and the pettubers arent subtle about being lurkers but she is Kaka levels mobilized.
No. 624646
File: 1530313017348.jpg (57.34 KB, 620x670, 1512393176725fit_0.jpg)

holy shit em
No. 624648
>>624638Um. She needs to change her name from Emzotic to PSYCHOTIC!
And damn. She’s VERY jealous of TND!!!
No. 624654
>>624638Thank you Admins!
I'm absolutely creasing at her:
throwing herself under the bus
The posts about Taylor are fucking savage hahaha petfest is going to be a shitfest, watch her drop out of the lineup tomorrow
No. 624660
File: 1530313299097.png (14.58 KB, 1756x113, not anon anymore.png)

>>624638I love this comment right here. Sums everything up perfectly. Thanks, Psychotic Emzotic
No. 624662
File: 1530313303970.png (47.54 KB, 540x252, Screenshot_2018-06-29-16-53-36…)

D-did she admit she use cocaine?
Why did she said shit of herself?
Damn, this bitch is crazy.
No. 624665
File: 1530313361803.png (824.3 KB, 649x559, 1517570618865_0.png)

No. 624666
>>>/snow/599113 beautiful
btw farmers, you can just copy the entire URL to the post you want to show and it'll be reformatted into a link like the one above.
No. 624669
File: 1530313478560.png (80.8 KB, 640x750, IMG_2192.PNG)

>>624658She confirms her own tweets being digs at taylor by posting them here with "speculations"
No. 624671
File: 1530313503787.jpg (379.65 KB, 1000x800, 1519605336498.jpg)

good job admins
No. 624674
>>624661Honestly, considering literally EVERY post defending Em seems to have been Em so far, I wouldn't be surprised at all if HT came to defend herself along with other YTers defending themselves… When HT thread began it was like half milk and half defending until it slowed down.
>>624666Thanks pal. Also nice satan trips there
No. 624678
File: 1530313658016.png (250.07 KB, 1007x364, amazing.png)

>>624638Amazing work, thank you Farmhand.
Of course this was her. She sure did shit on TND an awful lot.
No. 624679
File: 1530313662707.jpg (218.07 KB, 750x1023, bCj3K3h.jpg)

How did nobody notice all the statistics icons in her twitter screenshots? She outed herself by posting those alone, the four little bars only show up for your own tweets
No. 624693
>>624685And she responded to herself too with this.
>>610257Hilarious. Having full on conversations with herself.
No. 624694
File: 1530313944001.png (104.6 KB, 604x759, IMG_7051.PNG)

what in the fuck
No. 624701
File: 1530314205471.png (70.42 KB, 500x487, delicious_crisps.png)

Imagine em's attempt at making sure her good girl reputation stays after this.
No. 624707
>>624695She bitches about tyler not getting enough hate.
>>624682new thread NEEDS to have Psychotic Emzotic as the OP pic.
>>624693Honest to god the speed on all of these threads are going to die down so much once em is gone for good.
No. 624708
>>624706Forgot to mention this while delivering this calf, but it's very possible there are more. We wanted to avoid false positives and will continue to look into older threads like we are still doing with itsbabydash (
>>>/pt/519998 )
No. 624713
>>624708Thank you, and yeah I get that.
>>624710Thanks, but yikes. From all that I feel like folks will find it impossible to ID her. The crazy is too high.
No. 624720
File: 1530315040245.png (4.01 KB, 310x34, twitter.png)

>>624710This is correct, please report any posts you suspect to be her and put "Emzotic" as the report reason. We will then check if it's really her and append the post history if needed. If you see any posts that show screenshots of her tweets with the analytics icon visible, please absolutely report them. (pic related)
No. 624723
File: 1530315372084.jpg (366.68 KB, 1536x2048, 1530312544582.jpg)

bad shoop, but her sign is so exploitable.