File: 1543963846843.jpg (229.27 KB, 682x910, DlflrF6U0AAk26C.jpg)

No. 743790
>4lung "Jane Louise Fredericks" or "Hushy" is 24 and a transgirl furry "musician"
>has a bunch of cringy furry ocs, most are babies>is a babyfur, operated a side twitter account for this fetish before deleting it. claims that he does this to cope with "past abuse" >gets angered when this is called out on him, prompting her to leave her twitter accounts for a couple of days to a few weeks. >cheated on his girlfriend for not wanting to participate in his fetish, sent a witchhunt after her>allegedly made a bunch of creepy sexual advances on people>is friends with a bunch of pedophiles, most notably famitory, and kate wurtz, who both draw pedophilia >got called out for posting nsfw content such as his nudes on his twitter account where she knew minors lurked>narcissistic and diverts all blame when engaging wiith someone else about her flaws>makes happy hardcore and rave music, that all sound pretty much the same because the same samples are used over and over again >managed to self release over 50 albums under several different aliases - most commonly her furry OCs>releases an album every month and obviously rushes it>currently creating a music label for furries>constantly begs for money despite recieving money on patreon and through album sales>past history of mental illnesses, posts on twitter all of the medications he takes. many of the pictures he takes of his surroundings often has a bottle of pills in it>engages in cringeworthy japanese and lolita fashion>has a diaper fetish, admits to pissing in diapers so that he could spend more time pissing in diapers>spends his days going to raves and making shitty music==Important Links== blogs + posts No. 743795
>>743790you keep switching between he and she, it makes you sound like a tumblrite with a vendetta trying to fit in here when you don't actually want to misgender someone.
is there any actual new milk on 4lung?
No. 743944
File: 1543978885039.jpg (618.55 KB, 1199x1200, a0809992392_10.jpg)

4lung has his own t-shirt that says Tiny Troon Adventures on it KEK
No. 762987
File: 1547252979484.jpg (115.79 KB, 1200x1005, Dwq0XF2V4AA_5Mw.jpg)

Okay so recently Hushy posted about their actual NSFW account which is private, but if you check the bio there are some interesting emotes used by literal pedos AND they're known to flirt with underage fans so like it's very sus
No. 763074
File: 1547261577731.jpg (167.9 KB, 1185x945, tumblr_inline_pfwfatzGt31t4bsn…)

Reading through the callout posts for laughs. Pro-tip to OP (if they're even still here, considering the age of the thread): It's good to include caps and other milk when introducing a cow or flake. People typically don't like links, unless it's to verify you're not bullshitting.
Lmao, we're starting off with transage apologism. No surprise someone who looks like OP's image would be this type of (male) bitch.
No. 763080
File: 1547261896624.png (51.82 KB, 500x350, 213131.png)

>>763074I ended up reviving the thread because of the pedo stuff but there's a lot of funny stuff to find.
No. 763086
File: 1547262408821.jpg (198.47 KB, 1080x1137, tumblr_pl6m25n7YK1utd11n_1280.…)

>>763080How can someone like this exist? Kill me.
No. 763087
File: 1547262557795.png (32.78 KB, 667x419, ohnonono.PNG)

>>763086They had a whole twitter sperg out about how age regressors who don't fuck are prudes.
No. 763095
File: 1547263772947.png (188.68 KB, 750x388, KCYD1tfbzgn_1280.png)

>>763092I call everyone they because it's what I prefer idk.
(picrel is an underage fan talking about their experience with Hushy)
No. 763111
File: 1547264956904.gif (853.28 KB, 400x383, 1543963846843-1.gif)

>>763095He's a man, anon. Don't humor this creep even a little bit.
No. 763119
File: 1547265632490.jpg (240.8 KB, 934x1920, tumblr_pl6mk2srcw1utd11n_1280.…)

>Can't shame me if I'm a proud degenerate :^)
You thought wrong, fuckface. "People" like this need to be wiped off the face of the planet.
No. 763124
>>763111NTA, but I remember being in a similar state when I was just getting wise to the bullshit. This "respect everyone's pronouns uwu" shit really is a form of conditioning and brainwashing, and it takes time to grow out of it. Insisting on it doesn't help, since chances are anon will have to code-switch when around their peers or risk getting attacked as literally Satan, anyway.
It's better to let people ease into breaking the conditioning once they realize this place won't punish them like other parts of the internet would (plus, it's anonymous, so no harm).
No. 763152
File: 1547269020631.png (224.44 KB, 811x307, 1211.PNG)

>>763124I just don't like any gendered pronouns, it probably is some form of brainwashing but I don't know, thank you for the thoughtful post though.
>>763111You're right, it's a bit dumb of me to try and be kind to someone who grooms children…
No. 763169
File: 1547270378065.png (26.02 KB, 732x178, 321.PNG)

>>763163That means they are into being the little,
the clown is the sus one
No. 763172
File: 1547270733258.png (8.45 KB, 373x232, ohhuh.PNG)

This person is 24 or something and but has their age on twitter set as way younger
No. 763197
File: 1547281734771.png (180.25 KB, 1516x632, Screen Shot 2019-01-12 at 12.2…)

anyone got her AD/nsfw twitter? seems unlikely because the account only has a few followers but i'm low key obsessed with this trainwreck of a cow and i bet there's gold in them hills
No. 765061
File: 1547499627483.png (641.06 KB, 583x823, oops.PNG)

So after she started getting called out about the clown his nsfw acct changed the bio
No. 765071
File: 1547500665217.jpeg (38.73 KB, 250x212, 0E479B20-28B6-4CC3-9D54-2AF48F…)

>>763211Yeah I’m good after reading this…
No. 765074
File: 1547500795420.jpeg (106.13 KB, 750x860, B0454953-8D39-46F8-A2E6-D35108…)

Besides being a pedophile he’s also a thief
No. 765120
File: 1547506603214.jpg (267.55 KB, 1080x1218, Screenshot_20190114.jpg)

If anyone has a furry/problematic account you should try and get followed.
No. 766415
>>766347this is an imageboard, nigga.
>>765071wtf is this
No. 766483
File: 1547591775768.png (11.31 KB, 645x104, 4lung be like.png)

No. 766529
File: 1547597097062.png (Spoiler Image,200.42 KB, 724x2184, hushy long 1.png)

>>766347spoilered for content mentioned in the first one
No. 766557
File: 1547598434849.png (269.66 KB, 696x1792, hushy long 3.png)

>never intended to get a huge minor following>had a lot of suggestive tracks and one based around pregnancy? >never intended to hide the fact they were a sexual deviant >minors flocked to their shitty edm >talking about how being a troon makes getting DJ jobs hard yadah dah>saw self in some of the kids who was following them, made a pack of files to help them make moosic>was molested by sister and older kid during childhood, intrusive thoughts regarding incest due to trauma whatever.>decided to explore c/gl due to being told it was more then just sexual>long thing about abusive ex, whos a cis female, likes lolicon, longtime lurker of KF (probably here also could be OP.), twitter user name is named. >they would mommy/little rp. cringy caps of such provided. >they were isolated w/ each other a lot and became depedent >go to settle for show which was asked to come to by fan, decided to move to seattle after house was made unlivable by storm, with help of fans etc.>made raver friends in seattle, started getting help and getting more popular>kink posi poly friends encouraged littlespace and wanted to explore more, tension to relationship with maria cuz mono>maria expressed insecurity, took 360 turn away from c/gl, starting making fun of it openly and would watch adult baby cringe vids in front of hush. hush roleplayed with people online for comfort since at the time i guess the relationship was sol.>maria went thru hushs phone while asleep, cussed hush out and called them a liar etc. >maria couldnt hold down a job, was dependent on hush, hush felt trapped cuz they were the only one with a job or money for rent/bills >hush flew to maine for family event, maria just left the apartment while they were gone and trashed it. hush came back to it empty and maria gone. took old laptop and bong w/ her (lol)>maria claims that hush put them on the street for "refusing to be in their sexual fetish games",>things such as call outs and weird things began to pop up, hush realizes that maria had access to all of social media of hushs thru the old laptop of hushs that she stole >has proof of maria sending zoophilic lolicon >lists options of what they could do, basically 1) delete all presence online and quit music. 2) apologize for how they dealt with their trauma and continuing as if nothing happened 3) blocking minors and stand for what they believe in >choose 3>says they are not a pedophile.> >>766483> admits to lying to save their ass regarding c/gl> cleared the air with person in question regarding the minor hitting on claim ?>they will associate with whatever deviant will accept them i guess >didnt know about the clown emoji thing and thought it stood for liking gore/weird stuff in art>has sought help and is still working w/ some psych doc who gave them adhd meds and okayed the whole ageplay thing >apologizes for letting people down >apologizes for making a huge mess >apologizes for waiting too long to speak out >doesnt apologize for being them No. 766560
File: 1547598625244.png (Spoiler Image,129.53 KB, 716x800, hush cap.PNG)

>>766557caps w/ ex in question
No. 766609
>>766483He very carefully makes sure to use the term "autonepiophile",
not "autopedophile". The reason that's dishonest is because he fantasizes about being older than babyhood, often ages like 6.
The thing with the clown emoji is stupid, too, since literally anyone can just search "clown emoji" on Tumblr and Twitter to find out that it and the cowboy emoji are MAP symbols, no matter waht they've been "told". Anyone who falls for that "M-My friends said it wasn't for pedos, just ~*taboo*~ art!!" excuse is just lying to themselves.
He's a tryhard manipulator, and not a very good one if you can see the small holes like that. I wonder what he's leaving out about his ex, whether he abused other kids, what's really on his NSFW Twitter and in his DMs, etc etc.
No. 766651
>>766615i just want the ex to come and spill the tea about DMs and further explain stuff.
it seems the ex wasn't exactly in the best place either mentally at the time but who could be when you are… around that… 24/7..
>>766609Paraphilic infantilism and autonepiophile is just saying that you are into kid fucking and being a kid while pretending to be diddled by an adult but it's okay cuz uwu trauma so it's valid. which is bull. he's clearly hiding something with the whole spill he wrote. as the anon who wrote the TDLR. it's not even worth the read. it's bull shit.
No. 766667
File: 1547604934761.png (158.6 KB, 691x826, 1.PNG)

So that 16 year old (now 17) is dropping receipts
No. 766668
File: 1547605017930.png (158.78 KB, 836x762, 2.PNG)

No. 766669
File: 1547605053789.png (21.5 KB, 722x110, 1(1).PNG)

No. 766674
File: 1547605831344.png (199.57 KB, 397x562, 12314131.PNG)

So who wants to play mommy for this creature
tempting offer I know
No. 766758
>>766709literally what the fuck was up with him calling her cis? as point that out makes her worse? or transphobic or something? everything that 4lung does is not okay. being a troon doesn't excuse you from being a pedophile and into age regression.
honestly the ex didn't deserve to be thrown under the bus, he's just doing that to soften his blow
No. 766784
File: 1547621539946.jpeg (392.75 KB, 1242x1035, 782B80DD-8F0E-42D1-BDB4-0D4E59…)

No. 767686
File: 1547833203562.png (253.6 KB, 602x577, chrome_2019-01-17_19-00-42.png)

No. 767688
File: 1547833296915.png (492.65 KB, 582x677, chrome_2019-01-16_21-51-26.png)

No. 767804
File: 1547845091316.png (713.78 KB, 579x640, 2019-01-18_15-57-59.png)

No. 767819
File: 1547846730876.jpg (111.02 KB, 490x635, 573.jpg)

post made on his (now nuked) tumblr a few weeks before the babyfur and minor creeping came to light.
No. 768029
File: 1547871273740.jpeg (580.27 KB, 1125x1544, 0F6E15A5-43AF-4243-B8F5-4BB3ED…)

>>767995Tried to kidnap a kid
No. 771518
File: 1548422369797.jpg (265.12 KB, 1080x1080, 20190125_051714.jpg)

From his alternate account, apparently he's back but locked up. I dont think hushy can get his pedo diaper covered ass out of this one.
No. 774469
File: 1549122863698.jpg (445.81 KB, 1080x1297, 20190202_075326.jpg)

new alt
No. 774580
>>774552pedophiles are usually really retarded and can't hide themselves, they just think getting a new account is good enough, they'll make it obvious its them for their "old crew", but can't comprehend everyone else can see.
i'd also like to know if this is actually him, but it sure seems like it.
No. 774739
File: 1549197484971.jpg (432.84 KB, 1080x1836, 20190203_043739.jpg)

lol forgot image like a tard
No. 774835
File: 1549232498477.jpg (351.29 KB, 1080x1075, Screenshot_20190203-142051_Twi…)

Has been now changed again.
No. 775802
File: 1549542656770.jpg (680.64 KB, 1937x1937, IMG_20190207_043035.jpg)

new alt is djcheerbear. also this!
No. 776300
File: 1549664954244.jpg (470.8 KB, 1078x1855, 20190208_142851.jpg)

It was actually mccheerbear. But they have since changed it. When I clicked someone replying to the username, it sent me here. 4lung trying to be sneaky.
No. 776631
File: 1549779520132.jpg (233.31 KB, 1069x830, 20190209_221818.jpg)

No. 780660
File: 1550932512124.png (1.83 MB, 1206x1154, Screenshot 2019-02-23 at 14.35…)

>>780659Sage for doublepost, but I'm just scrolling through and there's a retweet of Kanga/Roo (from Winnie the Pooh) incest art, art of a dog fucking a boy, obviously underaged/baby characters in sexual acts, that sort of shit.
Also dropped proof pic.
No. 780661
File: 1550932952468.png (Spoiler Image,1.31 MB, 1218x952, Screenshot 2019-02-23 at 14.39…)

Actually, fuck it, screencaps incoming. This one is the period sex one so it's spoilered for degeneracy.
No. 780663
File: 1550932988500.png (Spoiler Image,842.93 KB, 1218x1144, Screenshot 2019-02-23 at 14.37…)

No. 780664
File: 1550933020369.png (272.76 KB, 1236x1018, Screenshot 2019-02-23 at 14.38…)

No. 780665
File: 1550933052164.png (488.5 KB, 1196x884, Screenshot 2019-02-23 at 14.38…)

No. 780666
File: 1550933078838.png (647.53 KB, 1194x1020, Screenshot 2019-02-23 at 14.38…)

No. 780667
File: 1550933123155.png (238.55 KB, 1210x908, Screenshot 2019-02-23 at 14.38…)

No. 780668
File: 1550933148660.png (437.72 KB, 1212x1166, Screenshot 2019-02-23 at 14.39…)

No. 780669
File: 1550933179706.png (Spoiler Image,1.07 MB, 1196x1196, Screenshot 2019-02-23 at 14.40…)

Spoilered for nips.
No. 780670
File: 1550933219983.png (256.49 KB, 1200x930, Screenshot 2019-02-23 at 14.40…)

No. 780671
File: 1550933242003.png (290.18 KB, 1208x1026, Screenshot 2019-02-23 at 14.40…)

No. 780672
File: 1550933270945.png (303.44 KB, 1202x1172, Screenshot 2019-02-23 at 14.41…)

No. 780673
File: 1550933315474.png (347.62 KB, 1196x1174, Screenshot 2019-02-23 at 14.41…)

Aaaand that's all the cap-worthy stuff. Might look through her replies in case there's anything in her convos to other locked-down pedo accounts that could be interesting.
No. 780675
File: 1550933536235.png (180.9 KB, 1282x962, Screenshot 2019-02-23 at 14.52…)

Hushy confirmed zoophile? 1/2
No. 780676
File: 1550933559640.png (320.82 KB, 1274x1448, Screenshot 2019-02-23 at 14.52…)

No. 780677
>>780673anon. Anon.
i love you.
No. 780678
File: 1550933683245.png (714.71 KB, 1190x1112, Screenshot 2019-02-23 at 14.54…)

This might have been mentioned before, her zip code 'n all that, but thought it was worth popping in anyways.
No. 780679
File: 1550933941305.png (955.07 KB, 1190x1198, Screenshot 2019-02-23 at 14.57…)

No. 780680
File: 1550934001321.png (135.09 KB, 1204x528, Screenshot 2019-02-23 at 14.59…)

>whines about targeted harrassment for pedo claim callouts
>posts this
No. 780681
File: 1550934178070.png (264.16 KB, 1194x904, Screenshot 2019-02-23 at 15.02…)

Right, yep, that's really it this time. The only other interesting things on there I haven't grabbed were the sex selfies and that's because just scrolling past them put me off my cereal. Watch Hushy nuke that whole account now.
No. 780710
File: 1550944525835.png (55.42 KB, 149x151, frothies.png)

WOW AGPs deserve absolutely no respect. Who would've known that an annoying creepy transbian is actually a pedo, color me surprised!
No. 780714
File: 1550945325363.png (41.9 KB, 185x139, E6543225-B318-4C94-A68A-A08A63…)

>>780681Please remember to save it with the way back machine so you don’t have to keep it in your computer
Grab as many screeners as you can
I salute you bc holy shit
No. 781051
>>780990What? Do you not see the pussy at the bottom of the image? it's period sex.
He's just got a weird little dick.
No. 783154
File: 1551690562038.jpg (151.54 KB, 852x960, IMG_20190304_020756.jpg)

Sorry for shit Android screenshot, but this seems to be the answer for his dick being so small
No. 783328
File: 1551733214035.jpg (148.4 KB, 886x960, IMG_20190304_134924.jpg)

>>783327I forget the picture
No. 784153
File: 1551960202714.png (96.93 KB, 1154x278, Screen Shot 2019-03-07 at 6.01…)

Presented without commentary.
No. 798184
>>780990does anyone have more leaked photos like this??
hushy always tries to make themselves out as innocent when theyre literally waving their vienna sausage of a penis to their crowd of preteens.
No. 798187
>>780663yo lmao this is me
I did this just before the whole pedo fag shit came out to take the piss, and I love how she's using it to try and make me out like the degenerate
the whole breakcore scene is full of these kinds of tranny sex obsessed faggots, I remember one discord server I was in owned by another producer had like channels for furry gore porn and shit
No. 801016
>>8004964lung recently blocked someone cuz they said that they dont talk to minors, its kinda bullshit since they appeal to minors and know minors follow them yet has an open twitter and still has contact with minors
ie (zacharie i believe?)
theyre just trying not to get caught id say
No. 801067
>>801028ah, i dont think 4lung has associations with anyone else.
I know 4lung associated with Shoebill for a long time, but I think Shoebill got kinda tired of their shit
that and jane got super uptight with him and stuff
but this was in the era where she was being a pussy over everything
No. 801068
>>801067does 4lung still have a discord server/chat?
i heard some stuff abt that too
No. 801070
>>780664i dont think jane should be complaining since teenagers make up lots of their fanbase
i'm sure there's lots of adults who enjoy their music too, but be it all she kinda interracts with is teens so its a given.
No. 801462
File: 1556664762080.png (Spoiler Image,807.8 KB, 1156x664, Screen Shot 2019-04-30 at 5.52…)

No. 801463
File: 1556664786230.jpg (Spoiler Image,114.96 KB, 900x1200, D5H1XPJVUAArdUy.jpg)

>>801462This bitch's bathroom looks nasty as fuck
No. 802554
>>801463as far as i know they live in some like
tranny house in a weed state as theyve said
cuz theyre a druggie and cant go days without doing any kind of drug
and they do more than just weed, theyve said it in podcasts and shit
anyways, they share a house with multiple other trannies so all i can say is that its probably just hoarding of just tranny trash everywhere.
No. 802604
File: 1557130058905.jpg (37.01 KB, 540x518, tumblr_pr0i4gVZo71szan9k_540.j…)

>>802554>they share a house with multiple other tranniesa bunch of filthy AGPs festering together in one place, doing drugs and not cleaning up after themselves… can you imagine the smell?
No. 812042
File: 1558671543326.jpeg (144.13 KB, 1080x688, A81E53D0-C89E-4365-9795-9E87C6…)

No. 825804
I don't know how to use this site very well yet, so excuse me if I fuck up. I'm a friend of Slimosine (aka Roxy) (aka Zacharie), a teenager you've probably heard a lot of in this thread. They strongly dislike imageboards (and those that use them), but nevertheless they agreed to let me post on their behalf. The following is their exact words, copied from Discord.
"hello. im zach. i also go by roxy. i usually go by slimosine online and as my musical alias. im 17 years old, turning 18 in about two months. i dont care what pronouns you use for me, but most of my friends refer to me as he/him. tbh tho im aware yall arent exactly respecting of personal pronoun choice, so whatever. i also disagree and am made uncomfortable by the misgendering and use of slurs against hushy, despite how disgusting she is. HOWEVER, i was asked to give info, and i hate that bitch, so i will. first of all, her age as written in this post and on her twitter is inaccurate. she's 25 years old, not 24. i dont know why she felt the need to lower her age by exactly one year, but i digress. hushy was a major rolemodel to me when i first discovered her music at age 15. we later became close friends and i looked up to her as a sort of big-sister figure. i was absolutely heartbroken when i found out the disgusting things that she did in private, such as looking at kiddie porn and roleplaying incest/pedo rape. although she was once my idol and a woman i strived to be like, my opinion of her did a total 180 literally overnight. im pretty sure im more responsible than anybody for her downfall. sometimes i feel regretful for having turned on somebody so close to me, but then i visit her twitter and see the shit she does and i hate her all over again. this woman is vile and repulsive and has hurt me and many of my friends. as much as i hate imageboards and the culture around them, i don't feel bad about there being a thread on her in the slightest. watching her life and means of income fall apart is therapeutic. anyways, i'm going to report her to the seattle police department for possession of child porn. bye."
No. 825843
>>825804You are no better than us big meanies who use image boards by posting this.
Also stop giving this pedo access to women's spaces by enabling him and pretending he's a woman. You are literally part of the problem. Don't you think the overlap between "trans women" and pedos is weird? I encourage you to challenge your viewpoint from time to time.
Thanks for reporting him though I guess. He should be in a men's prison, let's hope he doesn't just get access to vulnerable women as a consequence for being a pedophile.
No. 827576
>>825804well they did make a tumblr post about how they were scared to come out as a pedo or something i believe them right after the shit went down they ended up turning back from it and being all "nope im not a pedo" and shit
i mean her old private twitter is enough to know of the digusting things she says and does lol
No. 827587
File: 1561590702040.jpg (34.22 KB, 480x360, hushy guest stars on htcap.jpg)

No. 827590
File: 1561591342869.jpg (278.93 KB, 1200x1200, mugshot.jpg)

No. 831392
File: 1562176903345.png (421.06 KB, 530x524, SPOILER_unknown.png)

No. 831893
File: 1562253556502.png (463.68 KB, 1433x2516, Screenshot_20190704-081803~2.p…)

No. 839998
File: 1563485169675.webm (3.8 MB, 320x568, 4lungpills.webm)
i dont think these pills are even prescribed to them
they've talked about how much they do drugs and stuff.
No. 840003
File: 1563485427949.png (228.19 KB, 420x486, 4lung eyes.png)

their eyes look dead, completely dead and purple.
i don't know if it's from the massive amounts fo amphetamines they take
No. 840022
File: 1563487364675.png (433.59 KB, 574x497, 4lung.png)

The twitter has so much fucked up shit, I'm surprised no one was screencapping it but I guess no one cares.
No. 840031
>>840022i was actually about to post that. That with the "nude" photos they took along with it.
They swear that they're not a pedo but then they post stuff like this which is literally on the border of being a pedophile or someone who is fetishizing little girls underwear and what is in their pants.
No. 840500
File: 1563557718251.jpg (461.39 KB, 719x1037, Screenshot_20190719-133309_Twi…)

how does someone dress this terribly?
No. 840502
File: 1563557875378.jpg (472.54 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20190719_133804.jpg)

No. 850252
File: 1565243983904.png (21.17 KB, 437x199, unknown (1).png)

found on hushy's website. how selfaware.
No. 850690
File: 1565320519624.jpg (189.86 KB, 719x522, Screenshot_20190808-231510_Twi…)

some very unflattering nudes
No. 850696
File: 1565320947338.jpg (Spoiler Image,152.72 KB, 960x1280, IMG_20190808_231706.jpg)

No. 852024
File: 1565631728223.png (Spoiler Image,352.55 KB, 989x1217, Screenshot_20190812-084823~2.p…)

just casual pokemon baby porn in the likes, nothing to see here, kids!
No. 852043
File: 1565633820702.png (2.09 KB, 262x45, subtlety sure is nice isnt it.…)

a song title from an album on their bandcamp. sure is subtle isnt it lmao
No. 852592
File: 1565723630858.jpg (126.37 KB, 719x468, Screenshot_20190813-151339_Twi…)

a life of degeneracy
No. 855929
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No. 855930
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No. 855931
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No. 855934
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No. 857797
>>852043Presumably it’s literally just I Want to be a Hippy (by Technohead) but with cub lyrics?
>>780661Welp, that’s enough of the Internet for today.
No. 857911
File: 1566754739807.jpg (408.31 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190825-133523_Chr…)

The pill bottles really tie the whole mess together. Yikes.
No. 858297
normal trans people are female to male, and male to female, we never get fully there but we get close enough for it to not be an issue or cause a scene or least of all get ATTENTION
there IS NO "non binary" there is no xe/xem /they/zim/its
those people are SICK and need to go to a psychiatrist who specializes in trauma induced delusion
normal people dont want all of this attention and pain surrounding their general lives, NORMAL trans people are just like you and want to live a normal life, with normal friends, and have a normal job, and come home and have a cup of tea while watching bad girls club or other shitty reality tv, fall in love with one of the freaks that doesnt find us revolting, get old, and die after weve ridden expedition everest for the 300th time
we dont want to fuck little kids, we dont want to "break the binary"
we dont want to fuck women covered in period blood
we dont want to redefine anything we just want to fucking Disappear
i wish tumblr and caitlin jenner and all of this other bullshit never existed, its terrifying, sick, and fucked up, and on top of it getting us Killed
regardless of what you believe most of us have absolutely nothing to do with shit like this, or at least the ones that are ACTUALLY us don't, period (blood) (god that screenshot is sick)
blaire white, kim petras, and janet mock are all great examples of REAL trans women who arent sexual freak deviants bent on molesting everything in their path
THOSE girls are us, not MEN deciding being a girl sounds fun and kinda hot, i cant STAND agp men(>>>gendercrit)
No. 861635
>>840502This is how real girls show off a new dress they bought, right guys?
>>840022This shit is disgusting, he posts it on his unlocked account for the world to see like its not extremely pedophilic
No. 862385
File: 1567407432295.png (549.15 KB, 658x651, OaSZop1hd0.png)

what the fuck, indeed
No. 862386
File: 1567408308330.png (246.53 KB, 682x1079, 2AkFCn03b9.png)

>>862385their amazon wishlist lmfao
No. 863256
>>857797yeah. took a listen. its literally just a song with a sample of the "i wanna be a hippy and i wanna get stoned" part on loop, no cub lyrics though thank god
>>862060did some digging and it turns out 4lung uses a lot of samples made by emma essex or something, or just the guy who made lapfox trax and all that shit, that's probably why 4lung shits albums out his ass every month "somehow"
No. 867221
File: 1568176134959.png (115.19 KB, 680x451, EEJwhNuU4AAQXEX.png)

>>867220it caused a lot of backlashes.
I personally like to think they like to use their gender identity and sexual interest as a way to get more priveledge but either way, fuck it.
No. 867827
File: 1568319483424.jpeg (93.76 KB, 675x1200, E062CF88-FCCF-4688-AD75-D47766…)

>>867808Pulled this off google but you can tell it’s the mobile layout just flipped sideways cause that’s how the screenshot was taken (minus the custom font) Android phones layouts look like this
No. 868146
File: 1568393504681.jpg (380.18 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20190913-074537_Twi…)

hushy trying to deflect blame from their own actions by claiming it was due to inspect element, sad
No. 876210
File: 1570163133523.png (64.37 KB, 591x511, c.PNG)

Saging as I'm unsure if this counts as tinfoil or not.
According to the tweets made yesterday by a mutual follower (may no longer be still) of Hushy's, he could very well have been arrested. It has been ~21 days since he was last seen on the internet, which was September 12, and a report of an arrest of a 24-year-old man (Hushy's age) for possession of CP near the Rainier Beach area, in Seattle, where Hushy lives.
Link to the report: add the tweets of the other person in following posts.
No. 876211
File: 1570163267219.png (71.25 KB, 577x636, a.PNG)

>>876210Here is the series of tweets by the mutual follower or ex-follower, which likely refer to Hushy, as this person has interacted with many of Hushy's last tweets and had tweeted against those harassing Hushy. They have also tweeted a while back that they are an ally to "MAPs" or minor-attracted people (pedophiles.) The "pear" which is being referred to is likely the P.E.A.R acronym created by Hushy, meaning "pro-expression, anti-repression" and the pear emoji is often used to help MAPs locate each other.
No. 876212
File: 1570163306288.png (45.36 KB, 564x467, b.PNG)

>>876211Most recent tweet in the series.
No. 876220
>>876210What's Hushy's name? I'm looking at the King County Jail roster and there was a James Ray Fredericks who was in custody for one day at the end of September.
This sort of lines up with his girl name "Jane" and the date being recent… HMMMM
No. 876225
File: 1570167161456.png (5.24 KB, 1080x28, james.PNG)

>>876222all i'm getting is this. however, when i click the name it gives me information about another inmate. possibly some data getting screwed up. the booking number and all that are incorrect, just the name.
No. 876242
>>876232that info is not tied to his name. it's tied to another inmate, sorry if i wasn't very clear.
also i'm unsure if that article is about him because his last tweet was late september 12th, the article says "early yesterday" which means the morning of the 11th. IF that article was about him, he probably got released the afternoon of the 12th. and i guess he's laying low in case the news surfaces.
those mutual/ex-mutual tweets though, definitely sounds like it's towards hushy. are they still following him?
No. 876253
File: 1570168797397.png (43.91 KB, 577x376, a.PNG)

>>876242Ah, found the roster, I understand you now.
According to two twitter followback checkers, neither of them follow each other, although weirdoslam_0u0 is seen defending Hushy both on Hushy's most recent tweets, and a few times on their own page. They also have posted several screenshots of people who have blocked them, calling them "antis" (people who typically are anti-pedophilia.) (1/2)
No. 876264
File: 1570169563109.png (85.98 KB, 590x684, a.PNG)

Apparently someone posted on October 2nd that they had talked to Hushy and weren't revealing anything about her absence.
No. 882483
File: 1571549730835.png (111.23 KB, 1082x813, lol.png)

>>882320yeah, still don't get why people enjoy his embarrassingly lazy music though. No. 882608
File: 1571596117839.jpg (281.54 KB, 1073x790, Screenshot_20191020-112417_Twi…)

No. 882645
File: 1571603428876.jpg (369.73 KB, 540x1774, Screenshot_20191020-162821_Twi…)

4lung hiatus statement
No. 882714
File: 1571615857938.jpeg (189.8 KB, 750x1064, 15F94A36-E32D-49F9-93E2-3F4508…)

>>882707Yeah, it’s basically the new clown emoji. This is the first Google result when you search “pear emoji pedophilia.” = “pro-expression, anti-repression”
Coined by Hushy himself.
No. 882802
>>882645You don’t go MIA for a month, come back, suddenly decide you aren’t a fucking freak anymore and act like nothing is wrong and you being a pedo was just a silly chapter in your life that you grew from.
If he’s trying to backpedal and go back to the image he had before the “babyfur and pwoud uwu” saga this is a really weird way to do it because he seems really disingenuous and unapologetic about renouncing the babyfur thing unless this is just a safe test announcement he made for his babyfur following so when he unlocks his account and makes an actual public statement he’ll at least have the babyfur troons to fall back on when damage control fails
I hope he knows that unless he completely rebrands with a whole new name and mascot like lapfox did it’s still gonna follow him around. You can’t just renounce being a pedo and expect people to forget ESPECIALLY when he double downed as hard as he did when it came to light that he was a babyfur
No. 882929
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No. 888480
File: 1572820654824.png (629.1 KB, 798x888, chrome_2019-11-03_17-36-34.png)

hushy deleted everything from their twitter profile
No. 888481
File: 1572820687900.png (659.29 KB, 747x816, chrome_2019-11-03_17-36-44.png)

they deleted everything except for a few retweets
No. 890756
Did their AD account change? It was but it's now unavailable.
No. 896669
>>896635>will toledo, who hangs around them both wrote "goodbye love" about the three kids from Maladolescenza.Any more details on that, or is this more of a low-key thing? Did he talk about it anywhere, or hint to it?
This gave me pause when I read it, but the song's lyrics seem normal.
No. 896702
>>896647at least he didn't molest anybody
>>896669he changed the name of the little girl to alex. also, dogs are pedophiles. cate wurtz is/was a huge watchman fan
>sourcethey used to bully me
No. 896706
>>896702cates the worst, she does meth. Will's thing is more lsd.
the bullying went as far as them hacking my computer and listening to my fucking therapy sessions. A bunch of content was created solely to fuck with me. I wish I was joking because I have autism and psychotic depression. I'm the girl on the cover of cute thing and my boy. ama.
No. 896740
>>896702>he changed the name of the little girl to alex. It seems like he changed the names of all the characters, if true. The "Claudia" in the song sounds like the girl who gets bullied.
>also, dogs are pedophiles. cate wurtz is/was a huge watchman fanCan you explain what this means? I'm having trouble understanding, your posts are pretty disjointed. Sorry, anon.
No. 896951
File: 1574532097600.png (2.16 MB, 964x5161, evidance .png)

>>896702the dogs in the story eat a girl
No. 898437
>>896711What the fuck ????
you ok?
No. 899491
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>>896635You know what? I’m gonna delude myself into believing this because I want a reason to hate Will Toledo other than just finding him unlikeable.
Really though, these accusations have
some grounding to them. Hushy 4lung is connected with CSH, idk to what extent but they seem to be friendlier than just acquaintances. CSH (really its offshoot project 1 trait danger) has a prevalent dog motif and Will has been speculated to be a furry. An extremely (if not the MOST) prevalent motif in 1TD is jokes and even whole songs about hacking.
I don’t think everything anon said is real (or even humanly possible kek) but I wouldn’t immediately write all of it off… even though I honestly couldn’t blame you if you did.
No. 914279
File: 1578316666223.png (135.63 KB, 570x915, a1.PNG)

>>914180 posted, 4lung is trying to rebrand himself as "Dalmatrix" with a new fursona, named Dot DuPont. No. 914280
File: 1578316849273.png (220.97 KB, 720x1142, tumblr_c7073929a53e4886fd6a0c5…)

He's also befriended stwawbwewymilk, a troon lolicon & bestiality artist and comic creator who has his own thread in /snow/.
>>>/snow/903707 No. 914941
>>914279good on him that he quit smoking (and age regressing), honestly. implying that he actually did and isn't just being hyperbolic. it's kind of telling though that he didn't say anything about the fucking MOUNTAINS of prescription pills
>>839998 so i think it'd be safe to tinfoil he's still drugged up; and considering he allegedly drinks wine now it's only a matter of time until a drug interaction
also fucking KEK
>>914280 when cows collide
No. 915178
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>>914941Speaking of drug use, he's not looking too great. He tweeted this picture 15 hours ago. No. 915560
File: 1578587195390.jpeg (579.4 KB, 2120x3464, 06DD04C2-D836-4F30-A56B-AD932B…)

>>915558Sorry if the editing a bit wack, I’m on mobile
No. 916451
File: 1578763259271.png (245.83 KB, 516x633, 1.PNG)

Does anyone know what this tweet refers to? I know he's got an album titled Rat King World Champion, so this might be the sequel, but is there any importance to the picture or the people in it? No. 916454
File: 1578763610057.png (2.46 MB, 1268x1024, 1.PNG)

Samefag. Two new pictures of Hushy (and he's wearing the same top as in the pictures from
>>915179, posted 3 days ago.) No. 919826
File: 1579298338947.png (55.45 KB, 263x459, 1.PNG)

>>919490It isn't particularly milky which is why it was saged, unlike your post.
Has anyone entertained the idea that he may be detransitioning? His bio says that he's fine with any pronouns, and I wonder if that's a way for him to get reaccustomed to being called "he" again.
No. 920554
File: 1579471794550.jpg (263.3 KB, 1080x1604, Screenshot_20200119_221007.jpg)

they put back up their old bandcamp. look at this shit lmfao No. 920580
File: 1579475155320.png (205.89 KB, 929x469, 1.PNG)

>>920554That account doesn't seem like it's actually run by him, hence the description and the fact that all of the "4lung" work is still up on the Dalmatrix account. It was probably a fan of his who took the URL so someone else couldn't take it in at attempt to pretend to be Hushy. I'll provide a link in case it actually is him, though. No. 921064
File: 1579562693575.png (44.33 KB, 548x438, 1.PNG)

Not sure what MMFWCL means, I assume it's an acronym for something. No. 921067
>>921064MMFWCL = much mother fuckin wicked clown love
it’s an icp/juggalo thing
No. 921315
>>921059love me some drugged up vegas weddings!
who the fuck would ever marry this
>>916454 , let alone be around it for more than five minutes, is absolutely beyond me
willing to bet infinite amounts of money it's another trans or he got engaged to an anime girl/miku. maybe that's wishful thinking
No. 922020
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Happened to be on Slimosine's Twitter when I saw this. I don't think the reply they supposedly wrote here a while back was real.
No. 922292
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>>922291Here's the original image.
No. 923668
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>>922545 >>923021 >>923132 No, it shows up on any Tweetwhen viewed on android.
No. 926193
>>926186>>926188It's not as much about "showing the bad side of them" (his bad behavior's already public and known) any more than it is about documenting what he posts, given he's had many public and private accounts in the past and has tried to lie about things he'd posted before.
Also, and you seem like the same anon that's been doing this again and again in this thread, please sage your posts unless you're contributing something.
No. 929920
File: 1581222539820.jpeg (995.85 KB, 1386x1400, 6187E82A-B943-4F30-A1A9-8EC9D3…)

The original writer of the big 4lung callout now retracts his stance against the pedo but definitely isn’t being gaslight by hushy or endorsing/excusing pedophilia guys~ uwu ~~ for now this is just pinned to the top of his profile while he takes a break offline kek
Twitter thread No. 929921
File: 1581222598272.jpeg (409.03 KB, 1438x1784, 15D70298-8A68-4BDB-A2EC-0C119D…)

And here’s the statement in 3 parts
No. 929927
>>929922yeah OKAY he just so HAPPENED to be driving a random teenager home for no reason at all, and then that teenager turned out to be an evil abuser. funny how i literally never see these supposed "
abusive teenagers" target normal people, just insanely creepy furries with no boundaries
No. 929936
>>929927ahem, i think you meant "insanely creepy
pedophilic furries with no boundaries". let's not not give him the credit and ire that he's worked so hard for.
No. 929945
>>929922>>929927I'm amazed that he didn't see the red flag on how
victim balmey it is to say that the minor is an
abusive manipulator when hushy was the adult in the situation.
No. 930054
>>929922Still doesnt explain why a minor was in their car.
Why would they be talking to or interacting with a minor at all when they were posting on twitter about "nutting in little girl underwear" and liking pokeporn pictures. And who cares how old the minor is now. It doesnt make them any less a minor when they were sitting in an adults car who fetishizes being a little girl.
Just seems like an AGP finally getting bored of talking to minors on the internet and looking at porn and migrating their fantasies to irl.
No. 930109
>>930054Like I know you just hate this dude and I'm not trying to defend him but if you actually read this new account by slimosine and the original post where they accuse hushy of kidnapping the kid
>>768029 slimosine says both times that hushy was driving the kid back from a rave or some loser show like that.
I just don't get why you guys are acting like he literally just picked up some random kid off the street? Whether you think he had creepy intentions or not, it's still very clear that he was simply offering to give the kid a ride, and did not just pick up some rando kid to take home and molest.
No. 930159
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>>929920They decided to backpedal hard once again (1/4)
I wonder how this is gonna go now that hushy thinks they’re in the clear just to have it turned back onto them
No. 930167
>>930165The backpedaling AGAIN lmfao this is priceless… I really dont know what he thought would happen reaching out to a known abuser and manipulator for the truth?? Ignoring other
victims too…dude needs to just delete all internet presence for a little while, get a job, and work in the real world for longer than 5 minutes
No. 930219
>>930109>>929927Hushy wasn't even the one driving the car, what the hell are you two on?
Maria was driving the car; Hushy was a passenger.
No. 930270
>>930219This is the one thing that magically makes the entire situation ok to you? It's still mad sus for people like this to offer to take a teenager home and then pass them off as
abusive when they say it was shady
No. 930282
>>930270nice scare words. it's entirely possible the kid didn't want their parents to know that they went to a show, asked around, and maria and hushy offered to drive them to a fast food place to get picked up at. kids are fucking stupid like that.
case in point.
>>930159 No. 930549
File: 1581369630741.png (618.52 KB, 1440x1597, Screenshot_20200210-131559~2.p…)

It came out that kidpix green furry is Janes new wife. The furfaggots that jerk off to babies are using their mob of furries to tell zach that he was wrong for realizing that hanging out with a pedophile is a bad idea.
No. 930626
File: 1581380686765.jpg (92.24 KB, 1069x1280, EQcdTlsVAAA3_RM.jpg) hmmm… it seems like sadie layton might have her own shit worth checking out seeing as she flirted with the kid when he was either 17 or just 18
No. 930718
File: 1581397228169.png (174.2 KB, 524x560, sss.png)

>>930712Nevermind, I misunderstood that. Sadie is 4lung's ex.
4lung's orbiters have very clearly been directed to this thread.
This whole furry breakcore scene is a mess, I can believe any ex of 4lung is also a pedo.
No. 930722
File: 1581397420156.png (16.33 KB, 524x158, sss1.png)

>>930718Same person posting the archives.
No. 1012367
>>915635>>922462There's also this blog, last update Feb 2019:>>929920slimosine changed their handle to transmascs before getting suspended. Here's their current url: No. 1045863
File: 1601156575505.jpg (227.77 KB, 1280x960, pedopedoepedopedo.jpg)

photos of him with car seat headrest singer will toledo. will chose to hang out with 4lung DURNG the accusations but what can we expect from a man who uses a pedos art on his album cover am i right
No. 1049920
>>1049919replying to myself but i meant to put "
abusive" in quotation marks since the commenter didnt seem to give anything to back it up
No. 1061786
>>1061779should have specified "was"
i had liked the music, and only had previously seen enough about her to think it was excusable
but clearly it isnt
and of course somebody saw that in the minute before i was trying to revise it to be anonymous
i also have a near 7 gig amount of music from her that im willing to post wherever as a mega link as a stand against her so let me get that set up
No. 1077144
>>1061786Sure, anon
I wouldn't mind that, especially seeing alot of the stuff is behind a paywall now
That'd be appreciated
No. 1320467
File: 1631268992188.jpg (2.62 MB, 4032x3024, ylive.jpg)

>you are at the late night boba chain popular with undergrads and in general the youth of seattle
>its almost midnight, gonna pee and call it a night
>in the bathroom you look up and see this irl jumpscare
No. 1359905
File: 1635808947394.jpg (546.49 KB, 3185x1803, PicsArt_11-01-06.18.45.jpg)

hushy spats with @leftatlondon today (1/2)
No. 1359908
File: 1635809212285.jpg (689.36 KB, 3144x1247, PicsArt_11-01-06.21.07.jpg)

i like how he says that he's struggling to make money now when just a few weeks back when he rebranded back to 4lung and made an entire thread bragging about how stable his income was now and how all the artists who "left him" were struggling
No. 1361211
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>>1360764yes thats his screenshot
No. 1414855
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why are 4lung fans so obnoxious
No. 1447617
File: 1645337876898.jpg (1.14 MB, 1296x3488, Screenshot_20220220-011613_Twi…)

Hushy is sperging on Twitter once again after they got pushback after releasing a poorly written song.
No. 1447627
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No. 1447630
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No. 1447633
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No. 1447640
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No. 1447652
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No. 1447932
File: 1645379770972.jpg (685.95 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20220220-124706_Twi…)

Hushy privated his account again very recently. Anyone know what's going on inside?
No. 1888513
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>>1074579so true sister
(necro) No. 1889885
File: 1693273646008.jpg (68.99 KB, 765x1024, tylersosexxi.jpg)

>>1888513you can't read me, you're illiterate. if you don't understand me, it's deliberate.