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No. 8110
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No. 8113
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Berry be like
No. 8115
File: 1429419041274.png (20.42 KB, 590x268, baigurl.png)

she gonna b graduating from med school in 2 yrs
..shes back to her old shit again
No. 8116
>>8115"I'm the smartest in my family" says the one that thinks you need "some sort of psychological note from a psychologist" while being a ~~med student~~
her family must be dumb as fuck if thats true
No. 8117
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No. 8120
File: 1429419448527.png (8.14 KB, 544x97, lmao.png)

there is something mentally wrong with her
No. 8124
>>8121>>8120Er, this is exactly what we did on my Human Physiology course at college.
I took selfies with a human heart and some people ran off with the teeth.
This is 100% total behaviour for students handling a cadaver. The person willingly donated their body, we have sick senses of humour yes.
PULL please go.
No. 8125
>>8124Nigger I was talking about the use of "kokoro" in reference to a cadaver
You aren't the only one who has disected people, please don't pretend to be so special. It's still another human being.
I just really hate how Berry has to drag her weeaboo tendencies out into every (probably made up) aspect of her life.
Also I have never had a PULL account in my life, so gtfo.
No. 8126
>>8124im not talking about her joke or w.e.
I said shes mentally ill because she continues to lie about her life no matter what.
No. 8127
File: 1429420214095.png (16.38 KB, 570x162, LOL.PNG)

me when berry is being a narcissistic cunt
No. 8131
In regards to her "dissection" it sounds totally fake.
I could understand what
There's a bunch of assholes who fool around with the cadavers. I hate people like that though, honestly.
I got a pretty young cadaver, young I guess, in me meaning that it wasn't an old person who had lived a full life - and when I saw this person laying down in front of me, I honestly cried. For me it was a big deal, because I'm going into a profession where people count on me to help and save them.
Don't get me wrong, it was cool and I really enjoyed it. It just hurt to see someone in front of me that didn't get to experience life as much as they should have - and were kind enough to donate their whole body towards young ungrateful students. I'm all for people taking selfies with cadavers and what not, but what does bother me is people who are rude about it and treat it as a joke.
That was a huge majority of my classmates, and I could see what a lot of you mean in regards to Berry's tweet, which does also rub me the wrong way because we all know she's lying and that she's just an ungrateful shit.
But you can tell she's totally lying because of that picture that is in the old thread, of her "homework", where basic anatomy is written down. I learned that shit in highschool as an elective. It is so basic.
There's also classes like that in community college, but if you're someone who already knows that you're going into the medical field, taking those courses in college is considered a huge waste of money and time. I've followed Berry years back, when she was first stating she wanted to be a quote-on-quote "heart doctor".
Sorry for my long-winded paragraph shit.
No. 8133
File: 1429421226236.png (314.05 KB, 520x545, Capture.PNG)

I was looking through her old pics and this one doesn't make sense. Shouldn't she have boobs here??
No. 8134
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No. 8138
>>8133This picture is actually really cute
But then I remember her fake ass personaility
No. 8139
>>8115"famiry" Did she just type Engrish?
>>8131Wow your classmates sound like sociopaths. They don't sound mentally stable enough to handle human bodies.
I have no doubts people can become surgeons and/or doctors at Berry's age, since there are recorded instances of surgeons who are that age or younger. It's just that the fact she tweets all day makes me wonder if she's really in med school…
No. 8140
>>8131A heart doctor? Why didn't she say she wanted to go into cardiology? I don't know many med students or people aspiring to be ones who just say "I wanna be a heart doctor"
something a kid would say
No. 8143
>>8138But then I remember her fake ass Photoshop
No. 8144
>>8139Well technically if she's not lying, she won't become this year at 21. She'll be 25 or 25 at least. Her tweets actually show that she probably doesn't pay close attention to her professors when they speak so, I guess she's relying on ~genius~ to pass exams.
Quick question, I'm not to college level yet, so Idk how this works? I heard to become a doctor (especially a surgeon where you deal with people's looks and lives), it actually includes 6 years of college+residency. Is that true? If that's true, why does Korinne keep bragging about only 4 years? Sorry if I am wrong.
No. 8147
4 years undergrad
2-4 years med school
2-6 years residency
(depends on medical field)
No. 8150
>>8124 but what I meant by my post and what I'm sure you'll agree by is that going into this particular field you kind of need to develop a dark sense of humour and retain it otherwise like you said before, you get emotional and start having all kind of existential doubts.
Even so I remember the first time I held a human brain in my hands.
It was absolutely mindblowing, I was holding right there in my hand a person's entire life. Every memory, every hurt, every joy, all the things they could have been, weren't and were, all the things they could have done and did.
Like it's one thing fooling around with teeth and hearts and shit, but idk the brain, I couldn't dick about with that particular organ.
No. 8154
>>8146>>8147Now that I know that I'm sorta right, I call when she actually graduates (this year right?), she'll be in group that usually drops out mid-term. Lel
Tbh I wanna see her pass, and stop lying, but then no more lulz. :C
No. 8156
File: 1429458093025.png (18.81 KB, 592x128, kkk.png)

Remember when someone said here that Berry's going to donate her blood but if she's really thin she wouldn't be able to do it? Well thanks to that person, she can make this tweet on her twitter ;
No. 8165
>>8161oh wait i was referring to this post though
>>8115because they think she's graduating from med school in 2 years and i think she just means undergrad
No. 8182
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just putting this out here
No. 8184
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and I know she's joking here but ugh using Japanese as an accessory AND having it as a language on her blog
No. 8186
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>>8179I think they were still dating 3 years ago but I'm not sure about their status now since ouji stopped drawing cartoons and talks just like berry while only talking about berry
No. 8206
>>8203I feel you, anon.
I think they broke up long time ago and she's using him as a fake bf lol because she's so animu and has to have an animu bf and Ouji is perfect for that. If they're still together idk why he doesn't brag about something like 'my bf sent me this video at 9am owww he wanted to say good morning' or shit like this. No new photos, nothing new. I believe he's with another girl and Berry is like an obsessive former girlfriend that wants to live in the past
No. 8218
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>>8210i remember her saying ouji was 6 feet but i can't remember where, she probably deleted it but I found a tweet where she is again, implying things
No. 8219
>>8218Not sure she is talking about him. This bitch ain't loyal!
Staight from her mouth:
"follows cute japanese boys :3"
"I want a japanese husbando"
No. 8221
File: 1429464088719.png (539.22 KB, 665x1067, IMG_20150420_1.png)

I can only post this one, the others are on my computer so I'll post tomorrow!
Mind you this pic is 4 years old. Took this from his rl friend's ig.
He was a real sweetheart back then, even when he has 10k+ he was never conceited like berry. He talked to a lot of his 'fans' including me too, and then berry threw a tantrum and you guys know the rest..
No. 8226
>>8221he's so cute! lmaoo
>>8224and samee. If Ouji is a really nice person plus he's attractive i'd have a lot of respect for him and wouldn't be an obnoxious lying betch online being a catfish
No. 8231
>>8223I don't think I can meet him anymore since he's back in his hometown (garut). I do know some of his friends tho. I tried digging for informations but couldn't get my hands on the dirt lol. Hmm he doesn't let the cat out of the bag when it comes to berry I think.
>>8228Ya thats what I think!! I'm sorry but judging from the bg of his photos, you can clearly see that he falls on middle to lower class category. I used to think they broke up too because she stopped mentioning him b4, but now i think she's embarassed of him haha which is sad..
Yes its his real drawings, I forgot when but I can check the site if you want to know? They're still together up to this day hmm.. I get why you guys refused to believe that they're still together since ouji's all about berry nowadays. Then again he deleted a 10k+ fanpage for her, he's just stupidly in love. Plus I've been stalking him ever since you guys mentioned this, and from what I get they're still dating each other.
No. 8233
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slave? well I guess that's accurate lol
No. 8238
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Just gonna add this one here, maybe can be useful for you guys!
The picture was of him and his friend and people were commenting that his friend is taller than him, in which he responds with "yeah I'm petite".
No. 8240
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Welp I think he's cute lol :^)
No. 8242
>>8239Duuh why are you guys still wondering if they ever meet each other? They never met each other period haha.
Also why nobody noticed that in the monthsary pictures he drew for her, ouji sometimes put "i wonder how she (berry) will react to me irl" or anything else that implies he hadn't meet her irl?
No. 8252
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No. 8253
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No. 8254
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No. 8255
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No. 8256
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he is so small aw
No. 8257
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No. 8286
>>8284crying inside lol. I do sound like a toddler too.. . My bro sometimes make fun of my voice too. But the only good thing, my japanese friends like my voice lol.. You know how japanese have a thing with small kid-like voice OTL. That's probably Berry wants to have this kind of voice too.
>>8285LOL WHY. I refuse to give my personal information here haha
No. 8288
>>8286You're an idiot. You're being mocked. No1curr about your shitty voice and Berry "probably being jealous of it".
This isn't your blog so don't treat it like it is.
No. 8296
File: 1429471874796.jpg (89.68 KB, 523x720, 6ABBI.jpg)

>>8286>LOL WHY. I refuse to give my personal information here hahaLmao
No. 8297
>>8294Kid, stop while you're ahead. You seem way too emotionally immature to be here.
And you can stop samefagging anytime, it's incredibly easy to spot on a board as slow as this.
No. 8303
>>8300>>8295>>8294>>8293>>8291>>8301Can you stop posting so much? It's so obviously the one person. Keep it to one post, you don't need to pretend there's all these posts when there is probably like 4 people itt rn.
Maybe next time don't humblebrag newfag. Lurk a little bit more before you post.
No. 8311
>>8286>>8283sounds like something berry would say
"OMG my voice is so naturally anime and naturally high and boys love it!!! I mean people always look at me and give me heart eyes cuz I was born with my anime voice!! wow but why would you want it I hate it!!!!"
if you phrased it better and used it to aid in your argument rather than to make it all about you and make it seem like you're expecting praise I think no one would give you shit for it
No. 8317
>>8270Holy shit she keeps changing the key of the goddamn song (aka: she's off-tune). She really is trying to sound moe-kawaii-desuuuu~
cause being off-key is SOOO KAWAIIIIII~! (sarcasm intended)
No. 8319
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No. 8324
File: 1429473536850.png (18.76 KB, 594x146, x.png)

So they gonna talk to eachother with these kind of voices? It's awkward to think about it
No. 8329
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No. 8333
>>8323Stop what? Wanting to actually get back on topic? God forbid.
On that note, CAN we? This voice shit is irritating
>>8327Because she has no other outlet, it's so obvious and sad. She has no friends and no life and twitter is how she occupies her time. I used to do the same thing when I was NEET so I can tell you if she was actually busy doing things she wouldn't have time for twitter the way she seems to. In a way I feel a bit bad for her but she tweets such bratty things all my sympathy goes out the window.
No. 8337
>>8324B: "konnichiwa hubby kun !"
O:"Your voice is so kawaii desuuuu Berry Chan !"
B:" Uggu B-but hubby kun !"
O:"Berry Chan Ai-Aishiteru!"
B"Hubby - kun we- we can't !"
O:"B-Berry chan ?! Nandeyo ??!
B:"Hubby kun ur not rich and over 6 feet tall ! How can we be a kawaii desuu ne couple ? Gomenasai Hubby kun !"
O:" Berry Chan..! It's..It's Okay… , we should break up.."
B:"Hai , Hubby kun , but there's a last wish Berry chan has !"
O:"Yes Berry Chan ?"
B:"Gimme all yo accounts so I can pretend to have a japanese style boyuferendo !"
O: "O-Okay Berry Chan.."
No. 8339
>>8334What the fuck are you talking about? Just stop, re-read your post because you are doing the exact same thing. This
>>8320 was my only reply to that anon because they wouldn't fucking stop. Now if you could kindly take your own advice and shut the fuck up, we could have a conversation instead of ONCE AGAIN going back to this stupid bullshit. So stop fucking replying, there is nothing to discuss.
>>8335Yeah, what a lonely existence. That's why I feel sort of bad for her in a way. Although I've noticed a lot of internet famous people have these kinds of lifestyles. Probably why they are internet famous, they have the time/energy to invest in the internet?
No. 8348
>>8109ok I never come to this thread, but I think she looks uber cute
you're all just jelly basically
No. 8353
>>8348im so jelly of berry and her fake life and fake everything LOL
go away idiot
No. 8354
>>8348oh yeah def
jelly of her photoshopped to hell and back face and fake rich house and cartier bracelets oooh man if only i was her! I wish fedora wearing creeps and otakus praised meeee~ lmfao NOT.
No. 8355
>>8348yes omg thank you so much for making me realize I'm jelly of her living in a rundown house while feeding off of attention from 40 year old men on the Internet
I'm so jelly that she never leaves her house while I have a social life omg whyyyy I wish I was a hermit!!!'
soooooo jelly that she uses her brother to pretend to be her boyfriend in photos man why do I have a real boyfriend I should just use my 12 year old brother to pose with me
thank you so much anon for letting me find the reason of why I am so jelly of her
No. 8360
She's singing in e Major while the original key of this song is f Major (ak: She's FLAT)
What the ever living hell, and I agree with
>>8346, she's going on her tempo too (she's out oh rhythm!!!)
>>8318Ikr? She's not even trying lol
No. 8365
>>8109Berry says she isn't good at singing. I don't like her at all, but I'm starting to agree with the white knights in that a lot of you are desperately picking on stupid stuff. That is old too, so imagine how immature and young she was when she posted it..
That being said, I think we should milk this cow for a new audio recording which proves she really has a cutesy high pitched voice. Inb4 talking about satan and her diarrhea farts.
I'm actually quite interested in her tagalog and her japanese. The former sounds awkward. I'm far from fluent, but I don't think she is fluent as she claims to be
No. 8368
>>8365she posted a back month or two that she was gonna upload a thing of her singing or something (?) but that never happened.
Also she said she replies back with her voice on LINE app if you did the same to her [this was back when she just started on her LINE acc]
No. 8370
File: 1429484415414.jpg (54.69 KB, 538x527, IMG_20150419_185658.jpg)

Anyone know the name of these cameras she uses?
No. 8372
>>8370I think she mentioned on her Twitter that her white camera is the Sony NEX-3N. It looks like this one in the Amazon link: I could be wrong.
No. 8374
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More like she's trying to get more people on her side because the truth about her is spilling out everywhere.
No. 8383
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We disected pigs and other animals in highschool biology and no shit anatomy's a lot of memorization ._.
No. 8384
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Hmm..Korinne, what happened to the thigh gaps in your pictures though?
No. 8385
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hi berry
No. 8388
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>>8384chubby unphotoshoped legs kek
No. 8392
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Berry be like "Ariana looks like a child trying to be sexy"
No. 8395
>>8388Can someome un-shoop this?
The knees look like they belong to a chunky girl and so does the top half of the pic, minus how the soulders are made closer together.
No. 8400
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>>8388i might be wrong, but her left arm looks really fat. shouldn't the sleeve be baggy on there, if it were THAT large?
No. 8408
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would ouji really talk like this
No. 8411
>>8410Because deep down inside most people even asians dont think there is a difference.
A chinese or a filipino can get away with being a weeaboo since everyone honestly thinks theyre all the same thing anyway.
Since berry is pale and look east asian she gets a weeb pass.
No. 8414
>>8408"dou" ….. hmm….
i've been chatting with berry on facebook since she went on the adding a bunch of people spree, and she uses "doe" a lot.
No. 8415
>>8414Are u trying to get close to her so u can see how she looks on cam?
If youre a pretty asian girl it shouldnt be hard
No. 8423
>>8410GOOD QUESTION. I hate how asians (I'm asian myself btw) always criticize white people/other non-asian people for being weebs ans koreaboos BUT honestly they're soooo much WORSE most of the time. But they will give you the excuse that they're asian so they aren't fetishizing themselves. Korrine fetishization of Japanese people is fucking gross. But because "she looks like anime" rather than someone who's yellow-facing, ppl will let her go. Does this retard realize that most Japanese ppl will laugh at her for being such a weeb? People think this it's flattering but it's gross as hell… Otaku has a negative connotation is Japan.
Seriously I'm fed up. It's like asian girls always talking about kpop and their oppas but as soon as a non-asian girls does it suddenly it's not ok… mmmmmmm
No. 8433
>>8430And what does that prove? Who cares if she's "cuter" than us? Bitch please, us "haters" are cute af.
>>8429how long did it take you to type and post this message? Under a minute? Yo same girl. I barely spent a minute typing this up. I'm a college student, so yeah, I do have a life. Honestly, how long does it take Berry to type up and keep up all her lies? Probably not long because you dumb fucks believe her, lol.
No. 8434
>>8433Everytime someone says af or yo i think of berry.
U guys are starting to pick up her mannerisms….lord help us.
No. 8437
>>8434oh no sorry, lol. I've been saying "af" before I even knew about her.
>>8435ain't no one hating, just us realizing her bullshit and discussing it. it's just sad that people "look up" to her especially when she's fake and a compulsive liar. she may not have an impact on our lives, but her lies impact those who look up to her because they actually believe her dumb lies.
No. 8438
>>8435Loo are we supposed to ignore other people completly just because they have nothing to do with our lifes ?
If this was a fan blog no one would have said anything but because we are pointing out her shitty lies stupid fans start whiteknighting.
Lol read the threads before you commment.
No. 8443
>>8442literally google berry tsukasa lolcow, it'll take you to one of the first threads.
Holy shit how fast you change to attacking us again.
No. 8445
>>8442Wow, you mad.
There's a big difference between Berry withholding information to make herself look better and anon not wanting doing the legwork for you because you don't want to engage your brain.
No. 8448
>>8109In the op under berrys picture there is a link that says last thread, the other threads have this link as well.
Here is the link
>>77473 No. 8451
>>8434I've been using af way before berry. I picked it up because some of my friends type like er "ghetto" not to offend anybody btw
>>8442woa chill lol theres a lot of info in each thread, it's easier to just tell you to go to them instead of linking each information. there are people telling you, we're not trying to hide the information from you lol?
>>8429people who pull the "you guys have no life" shit on us are hilarious tbh.
i'm a college student as well and i find berry to be amusing (not the i look up to her amusing). not everyone has something planned the entire day and it only takes a few minutes to read what people are saying. which i happen to agree on most of them. plus, if anyone here without a life it's berry tbh lolol. if she has the time to game, sleep, be a hermit, lie to all her loyal fans/followers, photoshop (mind you photoshopping photos and videos take some time too) and on top of being on the internet more than half the day while being a "medical college student" then that rests my case really. majoring in the medical field is no joke
No. 8454
File: 1429570201862.png (521.87 KB, 540x960, 1426884140455.png)

I unfollowed her after seeing this. She was supposed to make a review of the damn ouftit not showing her boobs. You can barely see how the ouftit looks like lmfao
No. 8458
File: 1429572199712.png (358.34 KB, 805x866, 1422935434997.png)

Where is "Ouji's" arm… Look, on the left it would normally be rounded if he had shoulders. I think it's a mannequin. Not one of her siblings.
No. 8461
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No. 8466
File: 1429573536886.png (771.6 KB, 847x768, 1429220857350.png)

When did she pretend to live in the house on the left? Did she post a picture of it?
No. 8469
>>8458LOOOOOOOOL her pics are always so blurry cant tell if its her wig or floor but good notice
i like how she tagged him too, another implication lol
>>8462>>8464right lol its a pretty fucked up photo if its her sibling, why would you comply to taking a photo like this? i have siblings and i wouldn't take photos like this unless it was clearly as a joke.
>>8465its because she is ouji :-) or controls his accounts at least
>>8466>>8467yeah i remember she posted that photo and she implied it too. was quick to delete the photo after. she also posted a photo before of her neighborhood with houses like that lol why does she try so hard
No. 8476
File: 1429576993640.png (1.71 MB, 1080x1783, Screenshot_2015-04-20-17-08-08…)

Trying to show how smart she is
No. 8482
>>8166she must be a midget because being under 120lbs isnt too thin.
I find 120lbs kind of chubby
No. 8488
>>8486Not sure how it was found originally aside from ex sponsors or something. Ex friends?
I think someone also said in the few last threads before the address photo, that they saw her before in their neighborhood which happens to be the same neighborhood berry lived in, or knew her as a school class mate or around town.
No. 8492
>>8490>>8491Probably lololol. it's shocking where are peoples brains now. I see no good in being friends with someone who is willing to lie to thousands and not admit to anything.
I really wouldn't be surprised if it is for fame or being acknowledged though. Whenever I see Berry and those other kawaii blogger friends of hers talk to each other sound so fake like "i must compliment berry so she can accept me!!!!!!" Like do people really converse like that nowadays?! smh
No. 8496
>>8492>I see no good in being friends with someone who is willing to lie to thousandswhat i think when naive whiteknights defend berry saying "who cares if she lies" =__=
>>8494the best way to get on berrys good side is compliment her fucking titties ROFL
>>8495same here and I'm sure a majority of us here thought she was cute and cool at one point but then started realizing.
I'm glad this thread exists tbh. Almost every other social media is infested with her delusional white knights and if you say anything against her people go fucking crazy. You think her tits are fake? Everybody and Berry immediately throws shit. Unlike here, contrary to popular belief about "h8ters", we actually discuss it lol
No. 8497
>>8496>Unlike here, contrary to popular belief about "h8ters", we actually discuss it lolOT but this has pissed me off for a while now. I get that people are put off by the fact that we talk about people and their lives in depth behind anonymous. But I can't stand the idea that lolcow is this horrible place full of hatred, run by cunts out to make everyone's lives terrible. That's not fucking true, at all. Sure we get a few cunts here and there that just want to talk shit about the cows appearance but they are just a small part of the group of people that are here, and yet are the poster child for lolcow. It's ridiculous!
Most of the time we are talking about liars, scammy, crazy fucked up people. We don't just pick some random person and start hating on them. No, these people have all done something horrible to end up here. And even then, we discuss the fucked up shit they have done, how fucked up they are for having done it and the possibility of them doing more fucked up shit in the future. They deserve being talked about here.
When even I see someone say "You guys are so mean. why can't you just be nicer! stop wasting your life talking shit about other people wahhh" I roll my fucking eyes and laugh. Because they obviously don't come here often or even read what we're talking about because if they did, they wouldn't whiteknight whoever they are. Instead they pick and choose the random "omg she's so fat" comments and cry about it.
/rant. sorry about that.
No. 8498
File: 1429588703397.jpg (175.38 KB, 800x586, mama pollo cringe.jpg)

>>8497Its a common misconception created by whiteknights and kiss asses. No need to apologize. I agree with you honestly.
But, back to Berry: I screen shotted these. Whoever mentioned that she might have PSed that area black was probably right since it looks like Berry deleted the comment. She did that to me when I commented on her -fake- Cartier bangles LOL
No. 8499
>>8498she's like kotakoti with her youtube vids lmfaooo
that's right berry, you're in the same boat as dakota rose– but more of a terrible liar
No. 8500
>>8498So did we ever conclude what that chicken wing is supposed to be hiding?
Also what does mama pollo/pollo senpai even mean?
>>8499She's almost exactly like Koots. Except Berry will never get a job in grorious nippon irl. Maybe she'll make up a trip to Japan and photoshoot though. kek
No. 8501
File: 1429589322737.png (203.2 KB, 594x622, berrythirsy.png)

>>8497>We don't just pick some random person and start hating on them. No, these people have all done something horrible to end up here. And even then, we discuss the fucked up shit they have done, how fucked up they are for having done it and the possibility of them doing more fucked up shit in the future. They deserve being talked about here.I totally agree, anon. It honestly pisses me off tbh when people come here saying shit like "lol u r all just jelly, what did this person even do to you? i don't know how to use lolcow don't tell me to read the thread plz i've only been on pull 4 months" like jesus, lurk moar faggot.
i'm pretty sure there wouldn't be 80,000 unique visitors to this site if we were all just talking shit about people who didn't deserve it.
But yes, back to Berry. gurl needs some chapstick. Also, she constantly reads these threads (proof.)
FInally, what the fuck is with this last tweet? idk but I think it's really rude to drool over boys all over your social media when you have a boyfriend (and he follows you!)
No. 8503
>>8500pollo = chicken in spanish.
so… her followers are chickens? what?
No. 8504
>>8501>Regret weighs you down. Just accept what you did and try to do better from now onIs she talking about herself? Is she regretting? lmao
The first one was definitely to us ~haters~ though hahaha. So lame.
yeah she drools over other guys like crazy. I feel bad for Ouji, if he is even real and uses his social medias. Honestly, Berry cannot be in her 20's and going to med school right? She sounds like she's 13 and just hit puberty, fangirling over attractive men and day dreaming about paradise with them.
No. 8507
File: 1429589758161.png (561.43 KB, 648x971, shit.png)

>>8501I think the reason why her lips look so fucked in every photo is because she's obsessed with doing that dolly lip gradient that was floating around tumblr/ulzzang community for a long time. It looks like shit irl though + her chapped lips don't help at all.
I'm on the wagon that believes Ouji's accounts are controlled by Berry, as a result she probably forgets she's "taken". I mean if she were soooooo in love with him (and if he were real…) she wouldn't be posting this stuff every day.
No. 8509
>>8500No we didn't, I don't think. She might be though or it might have been added just for the lulz because she finds chicken to be really unique and funny for some reason.
Wouldn't she have already gone to Japan for photoshoots if she's so stinking "rich".
>>8508lmao probably. Berry's fanbase is majority hispanics too.
No. 8510
>>8507I agree that the gradient look looks like shit irl. My friend used to do it and it looked disgusting in person but in pictures it turns out not bad.
Berry probably uses this because it looks dolly and animu. If she lined her lips or used lipstick her lips will resemble a vagina probably. Her lips are already pretty big.
No. 8512
>>8507berrys lips are actually really cute and dolly looking without that shitty gradient. it's one of her best features so she should stop putting foundation over them.
it's the lips venus wishes she had so she wouldn't look so old.
No. 8516
>>8510I think the gradient look looks good with people with full lips. I'm sure it looks good on you, anon. I also think it depends on how you do it and most people usually fuck it up (my friend would add a ton of concealer and layers of lip gloss and idk it just looked… weird).
People will do anything for their "queen berry". It's sad when its to attack others because it says a lot about their "queen". I'm glad Ami restarted, she's happier. And hasn't Berry copied Ami style a thread back with the Adidas track suit thing and short curled in hair? LOL
Berry gets defensive and offended easily, she acts tough but it gets to her, based on her subliminal tweets and her "proofs" that are relevant to the threads lmfao.
No. 8517
File: 1429600033125.jpg (89.04 KB, 540x771, rich kids on point.jpg)

>>8515Yesss and speaking of deleted, she deleted the "rich kids on point" comment she made that we mentioned before here
>>71586i guess she isn't a "rich kid on point" anymore lmfaooooooo
No. 8518
File: 1429601436002.png (877.27 KB, 675x1078, Screenshot_2015-04-18-02-45-24…)

Her "temporary green hair" mixed with delicious mcdonalds cheeseburger grease. Yum.
I'm surprised no one has posted this hideous photo.
No. 8519
File: 1429601549731.jpg (55.33 KB, 500x758, FB_IMG_1429156916133.jpg)

No. 8520
File: 1429603694554.jpg (21.56 KB, 196x402, image.jpg)

berry has an inverted triangle body shape, her shoulders are huge compared to her hips
No. 8521
>>8516Aww thank you for the positivity :')
back then I used to blindly believe her lies too, when people talk shit about her I defended her a lot. I used to think she's a nice person, which is stupid because whenever she found someone/any site that talks shit about her she'd send her army :/ the drama with ami really opened my eyes. idk how people still support her after seeing what a horrible person she is?
I'm happy for ami too!! She looks better with her current style imo, she looks hella cute. Haha yeah, berry totally copied her which is hilarious. I'm still following ami so I know she had it first.
I think we all know that deep down, berry is a really insecure person. Hence why she feel the need to alter her looks and present herself as someone who she isn't. She also need to put herself above others to feel 'superior'. Its funny to see her get so defensive tho, if everything she said is real she doesn't need to prove herself right?
No. 8522
>>8520idk anon she looks like she has a ruler-shaped body on this pic
>>8388 and there's also an old pic in the other thread (i'm too lazy to look for it) that shows more of her shape. Then again who knows how this girl really looks like
No. 8525
>>8521Same here! Does anyone know ami's insta or tumblr?
I want to follow her
No. 8528
File: 1429613162464.jpg (6.47 KB, 210x240, images.jpg)

>>8524i feel berry's pain ;_;
>has been swimming since 5 >mfw shoulders are wider than my s/o's No. 8529
>>8525>>8526she's being going by jenn for a while now, nobody really calls her ami any more
anyway, her tumblr is softpupp and instagram is 97_pupp!
i guess she wants to stay lowkey tho
No. 8536
>>8528OT but…
>tfw you had berry's body type>wide shoulders, short neckAt least I'm not chubby, I guess
>>8533>>8534I think a sign of being secure in a relationship is when both people can admit anime characters and celebrities are attractive without the other person being jealous. Obsessing over them? No. Like how Berry doesnt care that her bf looks at hentai. However she probably would flip her shit if he flirted with girls in the way she flirts with dudes
No. 8537
>>8536Kinda OT but this whole thing kinda reminds me of that chubby ~I'm IRL Sonico guiz~ girl that was friends with PT who would tweet about some guy she had a crush on even though she was married.
It's much worse if it's someone you actually know IRL rather than a celebrity or character or something though.
No. 8543
>omg gb2 pull!!!111In what way did my post even slightly imply I'm from PULL
>>8541I read the post, but that kinda went over my head tbh. In hindsight I was a bit of a dick, sorry. There's been a huge influx of 32" Waist-Chans posting about their lives for no reason lately and it's starting to get annoying.
>>8542Why is everyone ITT either Berry or from PULL
What's going on
No. 8548
>>8544>>8545fuck ok never mind I get it
>>8547It's kinda inevitable being linked with PULL and /cgl/ and targeting so many weeby teenage girls. They're probably trollshielding.
No. 8551
File: 1429640933622.png (92.34 KB, 170x275, 1424384646706.png)

>>8550shit, sorry. they kind of look alike w/o make up.
No. 8553
File: 1429644711614.png (310.07 KB, 529x571, jjj.png)

is it just me or do her legs look really thick here?
No. 8554
>>8553might be the camera angle but it does look really thick. It's like she's not even trying anymore looool
and this person honeybear whatever kisses ass to berry so much its cringe worthy…..
No. 8555
>>8554 ugh this chick, she's a general ass kisser. She's the same with P-C.
Well, now that she's sent a package to Berry, I wonder what she thinks about her actual address and living in nj.
No. 8557
File: 1429647658764.jpg (51.9 KB, 531x481, IMG_20150421_162025.jpg)

Lol berry has a sugar momma
No. 8559
File: 1429647744292.jpg (21.01 KB, 404x172, dafuq.JPG)

No. 8562
>>8555right oh my god and i think she probably cares but not enough to suspect anything. she seems kind of air headed by the way she speaks but i dunno. she wants to be "loyal"~~ and to be acknowledged by berry and other popular kawaii bloggers. she is literally the butler/servant that kisses the higher authority feet. lmfao. she seems like a cool person other wise though but I can't stand the fake kiss ass compliment babu speak and conversations.
>>8557I think there's more too LOL cringy as fuck. Berry doesn't care though she likes free things.
>>8558^^^^^^^^^^ smh it's sad if you have to resort to kissing ass and buying shit for friendship.
>>8561I wouldn't doubt it lolol
No. 8563
>>8557I hope Honeybeartea gets a hold of reality damn lmao this is sad to look at it.
Berry dgaf she wants free stuff even if it's from her friends. I don't recall any time Berry ever gave back to her friends when they gifted her. I think Berry would've mentioned it or her friends would have taken pictures and she would've retweeted it, you know? (inb4 berry starts tweeting how she is such a GoOoo00oD friend that gifts and shit)
No. 8564
>>8556she is an attention seeker im so sure.
why else would she do this and many other things lmao
>>83549>>81155>>82712 No. 8572
File: 1429654658185.jpg (255.89 KB, 598x593, gift.jpg)

>>8570in case you people need proof
No. 8573
>>8570>>8572Oh okay, case closed then. I never saw that and I have followed Berry since she had a twitter,haha. HBT can only dream rofl
>>8571Yeah it's cringey. She's actually pretty bitter. If you don't follow her back after she likes your stuff and leaves a nice sugary comment about you, she unfollows you. I've seen her done it to a few people before.
No. 8576
>>8575she's always all "my little tea cups~♡" and "i want to cuddle ♡" or some shit like that
very cringeworthy, too sugary, and i think she needs to chill with the berry ass kissing. like would berry really care if you check her twitter everyday when you come home to see what you missed lol? she has tons of her other fans to do it for her
No. 8579
>>8568>>8577yeah it is super fake like no way are you like that all the time and no way do you kiss ass all the time. so fucking grossss.
but its super funny when people compliment berrys tits or want to be smothered in them to get on her good side, its like they know thats her weak point roffffffffl.
>>8578LOL yes omf. makes me think of marco polo and polo t shirts.
No. 8580
>>8577right? things like bunnies, tea cups, cupcakes, babus (another hbt thing i hate) etc are so cringeworthy ugh
>>8578at least it's less ~♡~♡~♡ feely
No. 8583
>>8582same tbh but we should get back to focusing on berry
No. 8584
>>8582if she's lolcow worthy you could make her own thread
otherwise yeah, cut it off and just talk about berry
No. 8589
>>8588Calm your tits dude damn lol
some people get so damn butt hurt when people bring up a few comments about other people who are related to Berry but isn't Berry
Anyway lets do get back to her.
She seems to be on the down low lately?
No. 8590
>>8588this thread isn't even about hbt why are you so mad? lol
but anyways, really? i think she's still the same
No. 8592
>>8591She needs to stop proving herself to us…it makes her look more stupid than ever
bless her soul………….to hell
No. 8593
>>8591Was she not already doing this before it was mentioned in this thread?
Because I totally thought it was just because she got sent a package and is going to send one back, and also one to michyuuw/e the fuck her name is
No. 8596
>>8594People seriously do not take their time to read the blog. People automatially assume we hate/dislike her for photoshopping. Although we do pick on her photoshopping, it's not the only or main thing we pick on or that makes us dislike her.
Her whiteknights are dumb. Maybe deep down inside they know she photoshops to hell and back but they don't want her to hate them so they put the blame on us instead lmao
No. 8598
>>8596That's exactly what I think too. Which is why I've stated twice now that I'm just going to block that stupid stuff, but I couldn't help but to reply to this one chick because she's crazy as fuck? Deluded.
No. 8600
>>8591>>8593I think that package from berry was a long time ago, Michyuu or whatever Michelle sent Berry stuff for her birthday and random gifts too I think? I don't follow that girl.
I think that was the only time Berry sent out something even though I think she's gotten small gifts from her other "friends" before, or those friends
said they would give berry something.
Her and Mich are close though so I'm not surprised. But it's funny how she just so happens to say she's going to send something out now today when that entire thing was discussed… today. She lurks, there's not doubt. She doesn't seem to hide the fact that she lurks though.
No. 8601
File: 1429683384338.png (21.74 KB, 617x223, sdfsdf - Copy.png)

lol she's not even pretending ouji exists at this point
No. 8602
File: 1429683437414.jpg (42.03 KB, 362x604, LndaBuul7vc.jpg)

>>8599There are old photos of her in previous threads :0 and some webcam pics of her like here that seem to be unfiltered
No. 8604
>>8601LOL wow okay if this does not alarm her ~pollo army~ about berrys and oujis relationship then i don't really know what should?
you would think she would be a little more careful lmfaooo
then again its berry No. 8605
>>8602she's the one that posted them though
I love how even back then, she uses her hair to hide her fat face
No. 8606
>>8603Computer screen light reflecting off her face?
I don't know. Probably edited but it's the best I could find in short notice lol
No. 8607
>>8605Her nose looks larger here too. Hands, her eyes look different.
And yeah lmaoooo broad shoulders.
Wonder what Oujis first thoughts were
No. 8609
>>8602It's plausible that it's unedited; her eyes are noticeably smaller without circle lenses, and her face is largely hidden behind a thick curtain of wig hair. The lighting from a computer screen, along with using BB cream would create skin of this tone and shade.
Still, her potato face and body are well hidden and her hand looks really fat. Hm.
No. 8610
File: 1429684232961.jpg (26.42 KB, 333x553, 4R8seM7IRkE.jpg)

>>8609So much hiding… even for her boyfriend.
In previous webcam pics she seems to have hid a lot as well.
I think she might have moved around a bit for him but wow lol
really doubt he "got the meat a long time ago" (- berry) bs
No. 8613
>>8594Holy shit, that girl is crazy af. Also looking from the notes, some of her army lurks here. Berry's chicken are batshit crazy dou. They let her lies slip through :/ Then again she looks 15 and immature lmao
but still its a way to promote ichigofaker i guess :^)
No. 8617
>>8599The mustache pic looks quite unfiltered:
>>8551No idea how old it is, maybe 3 years?
No. 8618
File: 1429704509804.jpg (148.55 KB, 1440x1073, Screenshot_2015-04-22-08-02-56…)

Omg, this girl deserves an award. I'm dying.
No. 8625
File: 1429723536154.jpg (44.46 KB, 585x205, d3syp.jpg)

:))) hi berry
No. 8630
>>8618LOL clap clap
>>8621cringe. surprisingly ouji is never one when she tweets those things anymore.
No. 8632
File: 1429727322715.jpg (161.82 KB, 826x699, z2d5l.jpg)

so… berry? you fat or nah? when will you decide!?
like, hasn't even been a year since she posted this and she claims she lost 40 pounds. if that was true she'd be a goddamn skeleton now (if she looked like she does in this picture/if she was "chibi")
No. 8634
File: 1429727598644.jpg (140.23 KB, 505x460, ttado.jpg)

>my way of living
lmao she sounds like some drug addict, what way of living are you talking about berry?
your obsession with photoshop and faking yourself online?
>"I don't give a flying fuck"
yeah, so much to do a long ass post about it.
No. 8635
File: 1429727819920.jpg (45.45 KB, 480x820, 1428613224019.jpg)

>>8632Good point. Lmao her lies have so many loopholes and how she's trying to save herself/her damage control lately is stupid.
Her leg is thin in that picture but what about in this one? When you tilt the screen back her legs look much bigger in here.
No. 8636
>>8634why dont she just @ us LOL
she's pissssed hahah
She's always like IDGAF, ignore h8ters yet makes a bazillion posts about them. This one is the best yet. Thanks for dedicating an essay to us, Berry. :-)
No. 8637
>>8634and wait she thinks she hasn't done anything bad?
EXCUSE ME??? AMIKOTO? poor girl remade her entire tumblr and persona because Berry sent her army of deluded pollos to attack her.
is she fucking nuts?
No. 8639
File: 1429728594028.jpg (279.51 KB, 1196x771, lol.jpg)

This photo and some selected comments always makes me laugh.
No. 8640
File: 1429728597974.png (16.65 KB, 515x180, lol.png)

Actually I'm scrolling through her facebook now and it's not a recent status. Must be old.
But upon scrolling through her stuff, I found some funny comments. This one stood out to me.
Look at how old it is… and considering how she is now talking and flirting with guys lately (and not ignoring them when they get flirty with her lmfao), really does sound like they've broken up and she's using him as a puppet.
No. 8641
man I really cringed at Oujis comment for this oh god ouji please dont do this to me
and Berrys comment, she always retaliates in the same manner when it comes to people that goes against her. Hilarious.
No. 8642
>>8638Sorry, I blocked it because it was in my language (not english) so I didn't wanna give away anything.
It was posted 30th june 2014 after one of her big boobs-picture was posted and some people said her boobs are fake etc.
No. 8644
File: 1429728935192.png (20.75 KB, 518x226, wow LOL.png)

you guys her old facebook statuses are so fucking amusing LMAO
No. 8647
>>8644>>8601She's so incredibly cringey and embarassing. This is worse than the shit I wrote when I was a sad weeby 13 year old thirsty for approval on Facebook.
>>8639Everything about the tit photo is just so fucked. I don't understand how she could do that and be like YUP THIS IS BELIEVABLE AND I WILL POST THIS FOR EVERYONE TO SEE. Esp when there's pics like
>>8388 out there. Yikes.
No. 8648
File: 1429729887914.png (1.01 MB, 847x1018, implications.png)

more implications. Her eyes are clearly edited but people think she's mix/has hazel eyes.
Last comment, she never replied to any haha
No. 8649
File: 1429730070679.jpg (20.55 KB, 463x160, n14qx.jpg)

>>8644LOL they really are
poor Ouji :')
No. 8650
File: 1429730165165.jpg (45.62 KB, 508x181, 4111p.jpg)

So… I found this gem.
I recommend 10/10 to go look through her old facebook statuses, they're so funny
No. 8653
>>8650omfg smh berry please take have a talk with your old self.
and right xD amusing af
No. 8655
File: 1429731005979.jpg (58.95 KB, 511x365, j0py1.jpg)

Oh god… this was one of the most cringe-worthy statuses I've ever read.
No. 8656
File: 1429731230024.jpg (27.95 KB, 511x154, 8ike7.jpg)

Yeah, and we also don't want to hear about what kind of condoms you like and your sexual fantasies, THANKS FOR NOT BEING AN ATTENTION WHORE LIKE ALL THE OTHER GIRLS BERRY! <3
No. 8657
>>8639>and you will encounter people like me who are """"fake""""………
No. 8661
File: 1429735244094.jpg (25.63 KB, 400x311, 1378089774853.jpg)

>>8644>>8650>>8655These are too good
No. 8662
File: 1429735342628.png (271.07 KB, 843x506, 263456342.png)

real hair lol
No. 8667
File: 1429737841897.jpg (20.45 KB, 468x150, jhuhn.jpg)

Yeah, Berry! Too bad it only works on the internet - …sort of!
No. 8668
File: 1429738046163.jpg (62.22 KB, 510x221, z92te.jpg)

I just…….
HAHAHAHAHAHA aww poor Berry :'( </3
"I'm so kawaii and asian i hate living in this stupid white place let me be with asians and dress asian :3 sugoi nee :33"
No. 8670
File: 1429738169656.jpg (15.56 KB, 600x162, 10380328_882921935064808_47790…)

>>8648this is another pic of her eyes I saved some time ago
No. 8671
File: 1429738323472.jpg (35.82 KB, 369x239, lz6fp.jpg)

No. 8672
File: 1429738414723.jpg (23.38 KB, 296x141, nzdu5.jpg)

wtf me?? flirting?? haha no way ouji sama xDDD XDXD
No. 8673
File: 1429738483401.jpg (27.98 KB, 466x172, 0hqsf.jpg)

No. 8674
File: 1429738795180.jpg (66.55 KB, 511x248, on81k.jpg)

No. 8675
File: 1429738987179.jpg (82.35 KB, 467x508, rw3f1.jpg)

I can't stop laughing.
It's kinda cute but cringey as fuck LOL
No. 8676
File: 1429739154520.jpg (41.07 KB, 506x181, v4ysi.jpg)

Okay, somebody take on the challenge and count how many fucking posts she has made about ~~not caring~~ LIKE THIS IS FROM 2011 AND SHE STILL KEEPS ON GOING
No. 8677
File: 1429739335398.jpg (33.01 KB, 509x147, ydu5z.jpg)

>i don't care if i look like shit
sure berry
No. 8678
File: 1429739482887.jpg (11.83 KB, 289x117, ni9aj.jpg)

omg i look japanese >_> that's so annoying >_> i don't want to look japanese >_> why am i so kawaii >_> why am i so japanese >_> someone praise me for looking japanese >_> please >_> give me kawaii powers >_>
No. 8679
File: 1429739605775.jpg (12.32 KB, 275x116, 1mpjg.jpg)

No. 8681
LMFAOOO I fucking love you guys holy fuck. All these statuses
>>8662This shit annoys me. I dye my hair too and like someone mentioned, its a wreckage going from black to a pastel color. It takes a long time. Berry's dumb af. Plus, that hair is shiny as fuck
No. 8682
>>8680When you're quoting 5 posts, it kinda goes beyond the odd stupid status everyone posts as a kid. These are just a few of the worst.
That and she desperately pretends to be older anyway.
No. 8683
File: 1429740017245.jpg (30.84 KB, 579x314, a4nou.jpg)

WHEN WILL SHE STOP USING A JAPANESE WORD IN EVERY SENTENCE goddamn it's starting to annoy the fuck out of me LOL
No. 8684
>>8679>Bringing up shit from 2011.Heck, if I were to go back to 2009, I'd find cringe shit on my Facebook as well. Timehop reminds me constantly, and it doesn't even go far.
I don't like you guys in the thread, nor do I give a flying flip about Burry, but bringing up old shit that accounts for legit nothing is stooping low.
No. 8687
>>8684>I give a flying flip about BurryOn Berry's lolcow
okay then
No. 8690
File: 1429740728781.jpg (175.79 KB, 429x600, e08.jpg)

>>8687I don't give a flying flip about her, but I'm just white-knighting her on this particular situation. Now, I don't even know her age, but these 2011-2010 statuses are irrelevant to the thread. I'm pretty sure she was young and stupid, I wrote dumb things on my facebook as well, and I'm sure you guys, or at least most have done the same.
>>8686At least you understand, sheesh.
>Using LMFAOOO >three o's>Capitalisedfriendly remind that this is a 18+ website.
No. 8700
>>87167Using "LMFAOOO" to express humor on this website is terrible and makes you sound like you're jealous, and snobby. Especially for something that isn't remotely humorous, although humour depends on the person and not the content.
>>87175>LMFAOOO>Trolling oh vey
Just like what
>>8697, you're getting the point way over your head.
>>8699Unless she reviewed them saying they're great and 10/10, that isn't at her fault.
>>8699 No. 8701
>>8700Do you want to get banhammered? Who cares.
Anyways, storenvy is always the number one choice for weeaboos looking to sell shitty, overpriced trash they bought off of asian wholesale sites. Or they buy something super cheap and continue to annihilate it with a glue gun and some studs and shit as if it'll polish a turd.
No. 8702
>>8699these shoes are from Taobao and
if she were that rich, she would buy them from the original shop, which is Korean.
No. 8705
>>8680Yeah I think we all did once in our life but I think these are extra amusing because they're relevant to how she is now haha and dear god the way she typed back then
>>8684They're amusing, how are we stooping low? They're relevant to the thread anyways. I'm sure we can all admit that one point in our life when we were much younger we've posted embarrassing shit too. If you don't give a flying flip (lmao) why are you even on this thread………..
>>8685>>8690it amazes me how someone can get offended by "LMFAO" r u ok?
I didn't know typing or acronyms had an age limit smh.
No. 8706
>>8693I agree, although I try to keep it alive as much as possible.
>>8702Lol Berry likes to act spoiled and wants people to really envy her for some reason.
What happened to the "My mom is going to buy me Adidas track suit" thing? It's been like a month
No. 8708
>>8670ah i figured out one reason her shoops looks so creepy.
she shoops her whites.
uncanny valley right there…
No. 8711
>>8707I don't know, she said she had the money but was too lazy to buy it I think. Ridiculous.
>>8708true, shooping your whites is always a dead giveaway if you're observant. Everybody knows your eyes are not 100% white lol Berry does not know the basic Human Anatomy, which astounds me because she's claiming to be a plastic surgeon and smart??
>>8710tbh I always though they were fake too. Her lip piercings are 100& fake, I think someone said she mentioned that she glued them on a long time ago.
I don't know about her ears, I think they're real but I have a hard time believing Berry with anything lol
No. 8714
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>>8670Berry has dark brown/or brown eyes that shows it's colour due to lighting/flash. Also we arn't going to mention this. It's like she did some coloring over it
No. 8717
File: 1429823159080.png (54.12 KB, 614x426, berry.png)

Yet she makes her face white on photoshop lol
No. 8718
File: 1429823331812.png (296.61 KB, 601x669, oppai.png)

and this made me laugh
No. 8722
>>8679WHAT she really wrote "big boobs don't count if you're fat girl, Like if you think that's true"????
WTF IS SHE TALKING TO HERSELF. She's a fat girl with boobs herself LMAO I'm drying I can't deal with her she has the personality of a cunt
No. 8723
>>8717I feel like that after comment she made on that tweet was to save her ass lol. Her tweets are getting dumber and dumber. She really isn't in any position to make that statement.
>>8718LOL The comment omf. I applaud these tweet replies to her lately.
No. 8726
>>8717> I'm Filipino but SPANISH AND CHINESEWhy does she always tear other girls down for doing shit she literally does too? Also I got racist vibes from that tweet but I'm not quite sure why. Second tweet was definitely to save her ass though.
>>8725Not that anon but all those OMG HES SO CUTEEE XDXD posts totally scream yellow fever and it's disgusting. He's a normal looking Asian dude to me too but whatever, different strokes for different folks.
No. 8727
>>8726yeah because she's a snowflake. Queen of Kawaii my ass, more like queen of snowflakes. Or something similar.
and like "chocolate"? I got slight racist vibes from her in that tweet idk
No. 8730
Yeah Ouji is pretty average looking. In some photos he does look pretty good though.
>>8724Are you sure you're looking at the right guy? :0 Ouji is the yellow hair guy, his face isn't visible in this photo haha
No. 8732
>>8726 I don't get how any of those sound yellow feverish but if you think so. Thinking that an oriental asian guy is really really cute doesn't make you be someone that has yellow fever. Now, if they were to say that they only find oriental asian individuals to be attractive to them and they only date oriental asians, yes, that's yellow fever. But this isn't a SJ forum.
Tbh, I'm getting tired of berry using languages she doesn't know on her twitter. She uses Japanese, obviously, a little bit of Spanish and Russian due to fans who speak that language. Will she be doing this for all languages? Because I may be the only one who finds it annoying, but just like with weebs using "kawaii" or "desu," I feel like she's doing the same with other languages.
No. 8733
>>8732My last comment about the yellow fever thing because I don't want to derail but in the thread where his pics were initially posted, a bunch of anons were screeching about how kawaii and cute he was. You can tell those were raging yellow fever weebs just by reading their posts. I'm not saying just seeing some Asian guy and going "oh he's attactive" = yellow fever, but I'm willing to gamble a bunch of the anons from before had it bad because they were having a hormonal meltdown over a average/slightly above average Asian guy.
Mostly agree with you on the language thing though. It's so cringey to read. If she was white she'd be getting hate for days about how much of a massive weeb she is. Like it's fine to stick a few whole sentences in a different language so your fans understand, but holy shit, don't fucking mix everything with English, that just shows you're too halfassed to even make a full sentence for your fans you "love so much" to even read.
She's only doing this for kawaii unique languages like Japanese and Russian that she can type in roman letters. Spanish is just from her influx of Spanish followers. Doubt she's gonna be speaking anything like Chinese soon.
No. 8735
>>8734I meant it as Eastern Asia but I am using the word completely wrong. Sorry. I can be an idiot with certain words sometimes.
>>8733I had no clue about the mass amounts of comments that were given to him on a thread about him. I never saw it, so I guess I was only making my assumptions based off of what was said on Berry's thread. But I can see where you are coming from, that's how weebs are. And don't all the people who like kpop do that? Freak out over someone who is slightly above average looking? But yeah, derailing this thread is kind of ehhh.
yeah, I can't see Chinese any time soon, but yeah, I just can't stand it especially when one of the languages she is appropriating is one of my first languages and it makes me mad to see others who speak it support her…it makes me feel like an idiot, that I may be over reacting, but no, it's a language you cant speak and have no knowledge about. Lay off the Google translate.
I mean, tbh, if she's trying to help her foreign followers understand better, how were they understanding her just fine before? They were able to Google translate what she says into English or those individuals have been taught English and can read it, which is the case in many countries with English being the taught language? Not 100% sure, but yeah.
No. 8736
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>>8735is it okay then to use a language you actually know how to speak if you're white?
ot but i write chinese on my insta but i'm a level 2 in my school program for it.. even though i'm a poor student i'd never use something so unreliable as google translate. idk if this is obnoxious though, it just helps me practice. /blogpostover
tbh most of these lolcows (berry, haku, kiki) who claim to understand/speak different languages have no clue and i find that super annoying. but when they're asked what something means or how to say something they are like 'i'm not a teacher' lololol
also chinese isn't as 'kawaii' as japanese so i don't see her going down that road anytime soon. i feel like she's still in high school anyway since she won't take a proper language class.
No. 8739
>>8738Outdated? Yes
Offensive? Why?
No. 8744
>>8736Well yes, it is okay to use a language you know or are learning. That's different from not even learning the language and just using Google translate or something. Your situation Is different from Berry. You're learning it and getting familiar with the language while Berry doesn't care for that.
>>8741 see, I didn't know that until I looked it up yesterday. I had a Filipino friend that would describe themselves as oriental, so…that's why I was using it, but yes, I was using the word wrong and I shouldn't be using it.
No. 8746
A someone who also speaks a language with very few speakers left it's really cool to see someone interested and bothering to learn the language.
Honestly most people from other countries will find it cool and interesting that other people are taking an interest in their culture, it's really only tumblrettes who aren't even from these countries that preach you're guilty of cultural appropriation and these natives find it offensive when that generally just isn't the case.
No. 8751
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Sure you are, Berry. Sure you are.
Russian is a hard language to learn because it's a Cyrillic alphabet. You're not trying. You're appropriating that language the same way you do with Japanese. Stay away from Russian, you weeb. Are you also "trying to learn" Spanish and Japanese? You don't even know how to pronounce what you're translating Without Google translater's help.
No. 8752
>>8751Russian is not hard because it has a Cyrillic alphabet though… Me knowing the alphabet I can tell you it's really not that hard to learn as opposed to Japanese hiragana for example.
What makes Russian a hard language is:
1. Pronounciation
2. Grammar
3. Reading
But yeah, otherwise I agree. She does anything to seem cool.
No. 8754
>>8109Cyrillic might be the easiest part of learning russian for an English speaker. Most people can teach it to themselves in day.
She'll probably learn how to say boobs and that's it
No. 8757
>>8751No, god, please no. I am Russian and the though of her choosing Russia as another "cool" country and "learning" language offends me.
Learning Russian is actually not that hard, it's just the accent everyone for some reason have trouble with.
No. 8760
>>8753No, I meant hiragana.
Between hiragana and Cyrillic, Cyrillic is far more easier to learn than hiragana.
>>8755Almost. All I'm saying is that Russian is not hard because of the alphabet as the other anon stated.
And whether a language is hard or not is actually quite subjective since it depends on what languages you already know.
No. 8761
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Chubby Berry. Her leg is huge lol
No. 8764
>>8763I really want to learn Russian tbh, and at least it has an alphabet (unlike some other languages I know.)
But yeah, bottom line is that Berry doesn't know shit and she's way too lazy to educate herself.
No. 8768
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Oh sure Berry. Of course you think of Russia. Sucks it's not like that at all. Not all of us are tall and sucks that not all of Russia is in snow. What else? It's not just snow, it's also extreme cold, far below freezing point.
Stop thinking about Russia. Stick to Japan, you disgusting weeb.
No. 8769
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Is she talking about Berry? Lol.
No. 8780
Yeah I think it's stereotyping, Berry is pretty dumb.
And pretty sure she google translates.
>>8769Maybe LOL. The description fits Berry though, being all body posi but then shames other girls for doing the same thing. Her old FB statuses were not the only time she's shamed other girls either. Berry is misogynist. If I remember right she proclaimed herself to be feminist a year or two back. How contradicting.
No. 8781
>>8779She made people do that? Wtf, thats way worse than what she's already done that's self centered of her
wow gross
No. 8792
>>8789>>8791I agree I think she stretch/manipulates her body photos so much that is distorts her face so she covers it to save the effort of editing.
I wouldn't be surprised if she starts posting photos with her body and face in it all together (inb4) since she lurks the threads lmao
No. 8794
>>8792Omg yes considering how this thread basically predicts the future.
Full body pics that are hella shooped or awkward are coming and you know it…
No. 8796
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>>8795Forgot image because I'm dumb.
No. 8798
What? Who in their right mind would ever think charcoal mask = black mask?? wtf am I reading?
No. 8801
>>8796LOL WTF Berry are you an idiot…..?
This could have been a normal tweet but she made it fucking dumb and way worse than it should be
really, who cares if you bought a charcoal mask – good for you Charcoal masks are common but to jump so quickly to that… kind of absurd.
>>8799A quick gist (of what I think, idk if I'm missing anything if there is a straight connection between the two but please feel free to add if I am): Black face is an offensive expression where people who are not african american make/paint their faces black etc etc.
and charcoal masks are black, hence the name charcoal
No. 8804
>>8761I feel like I've seen this mall before.
Also either her head and shoulders are man sized or she's a big girl. That a wig? It could be anyone in the pic.
No. 8807
Along with her, "i love black people skin !! see im not racist gais!!!!!!" like???????
We get it, you're not trying to be racist but you are. And all the scrambling you're doing to make it seem like you're not, makes it seem like you totally are.
Berry is probably that bitch that's like "i have black friends i love black peopel!!!!!!!" and then locks her door and tightens her asshole when she's in the car, and they walk by
No. 8808
File: 1429969082456.png (31.63 KB, 617x256, berry.png)

btw how can someone still believe she's in med school? she spends all day playing ps4 lol
No. 8812
>>8808wtf is she like 13 or something??
also it's impossible for her to be in med school. She
says she's in college so she'd be a pre-medical major– but not in med school cause that's usually after college
No. 8815
File: 1429985015458.jpg (36.66 KB, 585x175, 4ofry.jpg)

Look at me guys, I'm so tiny and kawaii :3
No. 8816
>>8807She's trying too hard to not be racists that it makes her racist LOL smh
I agree though. If you're not racist you wouldn't even mention all of those things.
I feel bad for any of her fan who read that charcoal tweet and uses charcoal masks. They're probably going to be stuck thinking about how it might resemble black face (which it doesn't) thanks to Berry.
>>8812Yeah but even when majoring in pre med, I doubt she would have so much time to game, blog, photoshop, nap so much, be on twitter/the internet 24/7 minus sleeping time, etc. Everyone I know that is majoring in pre med are busy, wouldn't have time to game or be on the internet half the day and aren't hermits/they're out connecting with other medical students etc. Berry's just full of shit lol.
Possible she might just be taking only like 2 or very few classes or not even going to school this semester.
>>8815wow another dumbass tweet LOL she's so… self absorbed and tweets like a 15 year old. Honestly I can't comprehend how stupid she is.
No. 8818
File: 1429998214097.jpg (172.86 KB, 1440x1150, Screenshot_2015-04-25-17-40-01…)

Wtf does that even mean?
Berry, people are not computer generated color codes….
No. 8819
File: 1429998323834.jpg (260.55 KB, 1440x2026, Screenshot_2015-04-25-17-40-23…)

What about the "friends" that don't know what they're doing with their life? Do you thank the "Lord Jesus" for them to? Obviously not since you didn't post about them.
No. 8821
It's cool to have career goals and everything, but wanting to be a doctor doesn't necessarily mean you're going to BE one.
No. 8824
>>8819 Tbh, she's treating her friends more about "oh yeah, look at my friends, they got these high paying jobs, like a lawyer, doctor, and a chemical engineer." She's treating them as their career goal rather than who they are? Why can't she be thankful for who they are and become by yourself? Like, she mentioned friends who work in high end of life rather than middle end. Doesn't she have friends who are in the middle class jobs or something? I guess she only cares about her high end job friends because let's make friends with people who earn a high salary, right?
>>8822 who seriously? That's a thing…I have never seen that, wtf. I'm sorry, but people are not computers, they don't have an html code or something…they're humans, treat them as such? Not as a computer component. But then again, Berry does live on her computer, she's that obsessed.
No. 8825
>>8822 I thought she was talking about photoshop html color code lol
like 'wow, you are so pale… which code do you have? i want to be pale too!'
No. 8826
>>8823What I meant was that it just strikes me as weird because she seems to be praising them for knowing what job they'd like to do rather than for studying hard to become what they want to be (because let's face it, she's clearly not actually in medical school or college or whatever she claims, I mean just look at those basic-ass biology notes she posted a picture of.)
It seems kinda like praising kids for wanting to be astronauts and race car drivers when they grow up.
No. 8831
>>8830^ THANK YOU
and even if she was in premed, if she graduated at the time she said she did, she'd only be in her second year of college so finishing up her gen eds (unless she took tons of APs or something)
she probably is just starting out in her major too
No. 8833
>>8832anyone can add their name in and isn't her name spelled korinne, not korrine?
someone could've faked that info because there's nothing to back it up
No. 8834
>>8832Honestly, it's way more believable that Berry is in her senior year of high school rather than her first year of college. Senior year is known to be extremely easy, and she's probably taking biology and/or anatomy&physiology. Can she not name her college? Or is there one she was claiming to be to?
Idk, I just posted a little thing about when I got accepted into university and about my first day of school, and I'm not really even into social media that much (except for anonymous image boards, of course.)
Everything about Berry just seems fishy to me, but especially the part about her being in college (and I think since most of us have been to uni, we can tell she's lying.)
Also wow labeling her friends for their professions really shows what she cares about in life lol..
No. 8835
>>8834 See, I wonder about that. If you go to college in NY, or in general, wouldn't you be not afraid to state it? Most college students have their college on some form of social media, because they are in college. Berry on the other hand, nuh. Is she afraid to be found? Because like no, no one will find you if you got to school in NY. Has she ever stated which part of NY she goes to college? Like NYC, Upstate, Long Island, Brooklyn? Because in NYC or Brooklyn, your buildings could be spread out over a fair area and no one would know where you have classes either way.
If she isn't afraid and she does go to college, why is it so hard for her to state where she goes? I don't understand.
No. 8836
>>8835yeah she shouldn't be afraid to tell her social medias which college she goes to because
>she tweets about shitting and talking to her bf>flaunts her fake oppai>meeting her "fans" and calling her "queen">her bf "getting the meat a long time ago">acts like she's super rich ..unless her going to a college is also a lie lmao
Don't worry berry, i'm sure you look totally different from your pics compared to you irl– no one would even notice you!
No. 8841
>>8840maybe that's just her way of keeping things private? I guess giving out false information is wrong but when people ask she can't really just /not/ say anything forever
and besides when she mentioned that her parents can pay for..$60,000? tuition, maybe she meant that they have the capability to
No. 8843
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It's 10x easier to say, "I prefer to keep that information private, thank you" than to make up false information and then brag about it. It is easier to not say anything than to make up lie after lie and try to keep up with it. She chose to do so because
The way she phrased it was quite vague due to the use of 'could' but the tone overall is very arrogant and braggart. I'm willing to bet she deliberately left it vague so she'd neither confirm nor deny if she was going to one, but knew it would make people think she was.
No. 8849
>>8848I'm pretty sure Berry is white knighting this thread. She literally keeps no part of her life private and all the evidence she has shown us is that she lies about almost everything in her life, from where she lives to her fake Cartier bracelets. When did she post about getting accepted into college, ever? All she does is posts vague statuses about it all the time.
She just seems like a spoiled brat that makes her parents pay for everything and doesn't even have a job.
Idk guys, I'm just pretty convinced she didn't go on campus and just says she does. inb4 Berry takes pictures of a random college campus to prove me wrong
No. 8851
>>8843wtf kind of college does she 'go to'
ofc she doesnt but this is a retarded lie
my school i go to is like 25,000 a sem for undergrad and its a private school. the graduate schools here private ones are 40-50 k and those are rly expensive ones
No. 8858
>>8853Do you have any proof?
So even if that's true, I can't believe Berry is embarassed about going to community college.. Like lots of people go there for their gen ed credits, it saves so much money in the long run.
But like the other anon said, I hues community college doesn't fit her 'rich qurl aesthetic'
No. 8860
>>8852well, besides top schools i mean. there is no way this girl goes to some place like cornell, etc. like 0%
so the price is 100% of out the question. why would she say such an obvious horrible lie?
No. 8862
>>8843This is so ridiculous. why would she live in some crappy house if her parents could afford over 60k for 4 years for one kid, one semester is more than what their entire house is worth lol. I feel embarrassed for her, who believes her?
Berry how are you ~sooo rich~ and you don't have a car? How are you rich and you don't go on vacations lol? You don't visit your bf in indonesia? you're rich though right so use part of that tuition money and visit him.
No. 8863
>>8862Don't forget that 62k/year isn't the full cost of her mystery skewl~~.
There are other costs associated with going to a school like that which raise it above and beyond, into the 80k range. She wouldn't know because she's never been, though!
Not to mention, living in a dump in Jersey.
No. 8864
>>8859Have you ever seen her? What does she look like? You've seen her going to college exactly? Is she traveling here by foot (I'm not sure how far away it is)?
Damn, I'm too excited to see her real face.
No. 8865
>>8854That's not kawaii and awesome enough you stupid pollo!!
Seriously tho, what's the point of lying about that shit. She doesn't have to pay for housing, the school is near her home, and she's saving dat mula.
Plus, if she's telling the truth, would she be graduating this year or next year since its only 3 years?
No. 8866
>>8846Showing something off, getting a high and mighty attitude over it and acting as though you are superior than others is distasteful enough–when what you're showing off is fake it's worse. Especially when she shoves it in people's faces. I really don't think there's a reason for that. And on the contrary, I think she knows exactly how to discretely phrase things to imply but not confirm certain things. And it's her fault, she was the only one who did the digging. No one forced her to pretend to be rich and make up tons of lies. She did that of her own accord. I really don't see how she isn't in the wrong. I'd care about her lies even less if she didn't act like an arrogant snob over it, what kind of excuse would there be for that?
>>8861It's not just Filipino girls lol, it's girls of every race that are obsessed with social status and psing themselves prettier and pretending to be wealthy (not saying all girls, just saying girls of any race can exhibit this behavior). Accrediting that behavior to a single race is erroneous.
No. 8867
>>8865Sorry I was falling asleep when righting that
*2 years
No. 8869
most kids with that lifestyle 1) dont blatantly brfag about numbers online (although they post their nice shit)
2) post nice shit, events, friends, nice cars
No. 8872
>>8869And berry does none of that LOL
All in all Berry is an immature, decieving little child. She gets some sort of high from
Acting pretentious and arrogant and lying about how ~rich~ and smurt she is to make people envious of her or something. Its disgusting especially since she has people that really look up to her which is unfortunate.
>>8870Was this recently? I'm sad, Jenn was a nice person. Can't believe people are still harassing her over Berrys shit smh fuck Berry and her "pollos" that don't know right from wrong.
No. 8873
>>8843Berry is the master of implications - she does it because she has the defense of "I never said that" incase something doesn't go her way
Her attitude and personality disgust me, coming from somebody who use to be one of her fans back then.
No. 8876
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>>8875>I will neverbecause you step on others.
No. 8877
File: 1430067208737.jpg (207.72 KB, 1440x1783, Screenshot_2015-04-26-12-49-38…)

First off, the chick that made the tweet us dumb af. That's stupid logic. There's a thing called you can live without each other and don't need to be clingy at all to be considered a relationship. Shit down, but the main point it: Berry, how can you cling onto his…."ochinchin" or whatever if he's thousands of miles away and vise verse with your "oppai"? oh wait, you can't you Weeb. Lol.
No. 8879
>>8859this is probably a huge lie lol
we've already had multiple anons be like oh yeah i live near her and i know this and that
and still have no proof
you seem more like a friend trying to stick up for her and say that she goes to college
No. 8880
>>8870No one's harassing her over berry's shit
the anon said they would leak her stuff if she continued to be a bitch??? i saw the asks before she deleted them
this thread has nothing to do with jenn get out, neither was that anon ask?????
No. 8882
>>8877she's worse than a toddler that just learned a new word and has to use it in every sentence
No. 8884
>>8644lmao nah berry
you're just that ugly asian girl that nobody gives a shit about and people only talk to you when there is team work in math
No. 8887
>>8884that's kinda racist lol
>>8885so if someone took your old shit out you'd be fine? okay
No. 8891
>>8887>whiteknighting berrytop kek
Berry is a liar, racist, jealous and extremely shitty person. It doesn't matter if it's old, it's fucking funny and i don't care if she's not fine with it.
gtfo anon
No. 8892
Might just be what I think, but I think the your older/past you can say a lot about the you now. Maybe just in berry's case but I really feel like she didn't change much from those old statuses she posted on FB. The only change I see is she is more vague now/makes more implications and types less like a 12 year old weeb.
She's still quite the same, evident below:
>>8644>>8815^^^ Making those "conversation" posts that makes her sound cool/awesome/"different" or whatever. She didn't grow up from that lol. She also thinks she's original and different from others (she tweeted some rant about this before when the wylona thing came up)
And the other ones I'm too lazy to link.
No. 8900
File: 1430089803481.jpg (42.95 KB, 600x339, CDiOlWdWgAAFib3.jpg)

Her Brother
Searched by Altermis
No. 8906
>>8905Well if you count Berry's life as a lie… lol
She lies about everything and you guys are so dumb to notice it. That's what makes this "discovery" shit even more enjoyable
No. 8908
>>8907if she didn't give a shit she wouldn't be so insecure, having to put on a persona as well as photoshopping her body and face heavily
nice try, hey yin
No. 8909
>>8906No one's saying they're discovering her lies??????????? lol the fuck??? u dumb broad
we're just discussing what's already out in the open
No. 8912
>>8909i think discussing her lies are fine but i don't think finding the address of her siblings and such is good since they have nothing to do with this (excluding the fact that they're just blood related)
>>8910I'm not trying to change anyone's perspectives i'm just putting my own out here and seeing how you all respond. Maybe she's not misunderstood but her lies are probably just to cover up her actual life instead. Since she's always implying things and never admitting them truthfully, she's not claiming things in a 100% serious way but it's people who follow her who take it really seriously
and even if she's blatantly lying to her fans when they ask things do you think she REALLY cares about someone who just found her on the internet? probably not.
and can people stop thinking i'm berry lol i'm not
No. 8913
>>8912But why lie and take it this far? If it's a private matter wouldn't it be better not to have social media or put everything in private etc.? I can understand an alter ego ( i.e Sasha fierce ) but those are meant to bring in self confidence. I'm not telling anyone how to live he/she life, hell ( oops ) I love to joke but if it goes to a point where people actually believe me by those implications and IM not saying " ahah no guys it's a joke" then what am I doing?
I seriously doubt she doesn't care if someone found her out, the smallest stuff on here gives her more reason to retaliate lol
P.S. If I stated something you agree on, I apologize lol lost of sleep
No. 8914
>>8913first of all, thank you for talking to me in a really civilized manner :)
well i remember talking to her once (we're not close or anything, it's like an attempted friendship that never bore fruit..?) and she said something along the lines of not expecting to even have this many followers. i feel like when someone starts out on the internet and they become popular, it's not usually expected. her fame started from fb, but skyrocketed on tumblr – i believe it's because this kwak min jun guy from korea (a model?) made a post mentioning her and then she had some posts that hit off on notes then boom, overnight (almost) fame. so it's not really something she went for initially.
well i'm just interpreting things from how i see it, yes she is lying about a LOT of things and i understand why this is a problem for a lot of people. but also, when her house actually has like, playstations, tons of games, laptops, desktop computers – i personally only have a laptop and nothing else (my parents technically can afford a playstation or whatever but we don't want to because it'd dent our money) – it gives off the image of actually having more money than a normal middle class family with parents who immigrated here and is working hard to provide for 4 siblings i believe? but yeah, i think maybe, just maybe, people are interpreting things about her and she's just like okay lets just go with the flow but now she's already in too deep with that image and she doesn't want to disappoint fans lol
i'm trying to think from both povs and yes i think she should come out with the truth about herself one day (but also is it our business to out her? it's kinda like outing someone from the closet) (sorry for that example if it offends anyone that's the only one i can think of at the top of my head)
we don't even know if she reads the thread lol it could be one of her loyal fans reading and lurking then reporting back to her
and it's fine i hope you are able to rest well soon :)
No. 8917
>>8895because being proud of being a liar, hypocrite, disgustingly bad person is something good right?
please get the fuck out. she is a shitty human being
No. 8918
>>8912please gtfo from this thread, you're a dumb whiteknight and really delusional if you think berry doesnt deserve us shitting on her after all the bad things she's done.
She fucking cyberbullied this girl and the girl had to remove or change her tumblr.
Berry is shit and she's ugly
No. 8921
>>8918ami has to remove/change her tumblr because people keep bring this shit up with her while berry and her have already worked out on their own terms
so are you guys being internet social justice warriors and trying to bring down the evil bad villain? man you guys are more close-minded than i thought
No. 8922
>>8921Stop spreading the lie that Amikoto had to delete this time because of Berry/her fans.
The first time she had to delete bc of Berry and her crazy fans, yeah.
But the second time wasn't because of Berry and it was because she was being rude. The anon's stated that it was because she was rude, at no time during the whole thing did anyone say it was because of how she used to copy berry.
No. 8924
>>8923No it's fine, I don't mean to come off as mad. It's just wrong information.
There's some anon's who really felt she's a huge bitch, so they went and dug dirt and her private info of her. That's really all there is to it? They just think she's rude as fuck, but it has nothing to do with Berry it's just her own poor attitude. I do agree that she's rude, I followed her for a long time, but I guess it's just a different transition to go from having to put on a super-kawaii nice persona when she was in the Kawaii community copying Berry.
Anyways, she doesn't want to be mentioned her, and it's not her thread either so I think it should just be dropped, but it had nothing to do with Berry.
No. 8925
>>8924Oh I see, yeah it really is a different transition, I followed her for a time as well.
I only said the Berry-Ami thing because I was referring to the past when they said Berry cyberbullied her while they already worked things out
No. 8926
Here's "Berry's side" of the story of what happened with Amikoto
She makes it seem like she handled it super well and calmly, when that's not how it went down at all. she was a total bitch about it No. 8930
>>8929posting pictures that don't belong to them
people could claim that it is a hateful blog, or a blog that promotes hate
there's so many blogs that get deleted by tumblr staff for so much less, purely because of what people say when they report a blog
yeah, that is how tumblr works
No. 8931
>>8912>>8914I'm a little late on this but I'm pretty sure Berry cares and lurks this thread since she goes as far as to "prove" shit lol. Tweeting a bunch of idgaf tweets, tweeting about what's related on here a few moments or days after it's mentioned. Coincident? Nah
Berry is insecure and gets a high from lying about how rich and shit her life is. Who the hell goes as far as she does? It's sad and sickening. If she thinks money and whatever she constantly lies about makes people envious of her or makes her think she's above or better in some aspect - it's sad. Being an epic liar to thousands of her loyal fans, shaming others while doing the same and more is not a good thing.
Also, Berry has like 3 other siblings so of course theres going to be a lot of laptops/desktops etc. You can also easily purchase laptops etc for cheap off of craigslist.
I feel you, Anon. But I think in order to understand us you would have to keep up with the thread or not be so naive because that's how Berry takes advantage of you, she thrives off her online life from people like you :/ A lot of us were actually former fans.
No. 8932
>>8927I think one of her fan/whiteknight screenshotted or notified Berry about the twitter. I tried to see their convo but I couldn't see the image but the entire convo was like this:
whiteknight: "hey berry look at this (picture)"
picture wouldn't load for me idk why?berry: "hahahaha just report them for me and move on with our sparkly lives"
some shit like that. I could be wrong but shortly after I noticed burrynotreally was gone.
No. 8937
>>8934>>8934That's the hilarious part.
She is unaware of what she's actually revealing about herself.
It's not so much the content of what she's saying, that is so telling, but rather how she is saying it and the context. That's how communication works (even online).
And sure, her bf knows more about her, because he's a figment of her imagination.
No. 8945
>>8942yeah seriously true people will kiss ami's ass continuously even though she's a huge bitch right to them
she's just like berry in that aspect bc a lot of her fans still like her
fuck both of them
No. 8947
>>8944I do think Ami lacks orignality and personality too but
I agree please open a different thread for ami, this is Berrys thread and didn't ami/jenn not want to be associated with berry anymore? So please lets get back to Berry.
No. 8949
File: 1430176385001.png (12.2 KB, 514x72, berry.png)

Something I found on Berry's old blog archive. I also found the tumblr archive, but unfortunately I can't see the replies there, only the questions people made her (which is a shame because one of them was "Where do you live")
No. 8950
File: 1430178123152.png (488.45 KB, 512x512, avatar_a5366c8207c7_512.png)

No. 8952
>>8948You must be twelve, get out of here if you find it boring? lol problem solve!
I can't tell if these people talking about ami are berry whiteknights or berry herself trying to shit on ami all the while getting this thread distracted from berry lol
wow her lips are half the size than normal here. Its possible she outlines or her lips now or knows how to make them more plump. Im guessing that mole under her eye and in her other more recent photos are real
No. 8959
>>8956yeah but that chin though omg lol
No. 8960
>>8950surprised that no one mentioned the shape of her face and how it doesn't match the shape of her face today
inb4 gained weight bc she's always been a fatty-chan
No. 8963
>>8949Not directly from her Tumblr but she did an "interview" for a blog.>>8962Altermis/[name removed] is her second brother who is married+has a child in a different home.
They're a sibling of four and the brother she shows on her photos are a different person than Levin/Altermis.
No. 8966
>>8965I wouldn't know about in one household but it could be separate. One in Korrine's family home and one in Levin's family home.
They don't live together because she posts photos of her neices visiting and their family visiting Levin's.
No. 8967
>>8965Why are you so fixated on two PS4 anyway? She never claimed to own two PS4/doesn't tell anything.
If you've looked at other threads and family photos you'd know she has an older brother with a family of his own.
No. 8971
File: 1430233804363.jpg (88.75 KB, 1440x619, Screenshot_2015-04-28-11-08-27…)

What colleges have bells?
Do colleges have bells? I'm so confused. I know mine doesnt, but do others have a bell?
No. 8988
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She retweeted it and then she tweeted that that lady needs to stop.
No. 8990
>>8989no she's saying it so she can seem cool and rich
she used to admit it before, a long time ago
No. 8993
>>8990>>8991yeah because her fanbase is growing so much lol
idk if my fanbase was that huge i wouldn't want to run into people… but that's just me, hypothetically
No. 8994
>>8993this happens to a lot of people, youtubers and even people on tumblr like Jasmine-blu, and they have been met by REAL people in REAL life situations, out on the street. None of them have lied about where they live.
Berry's obviously not doing it to hide her identity and feel safe, she's doing it to seem cool. She "doesn't want to run into people" because her whole life is a lie, and to run into a stranger on the street who knows your online persona - only to see the online doesn't match you in real life, is probably a fear of hers.
No. 8995
>>8993>>8994^^^^ Yes!
Jasmine blu has a much bigger fan base than Berry in fact.
No. 9000
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No. 9009
>>9000?? But she took a picture with a camera so…?
>>9008I go to a primarily asian dominated uni and gudetama is popular or thought of to be cute among most of them (along with pretty much all sanrio characters) and they're just normal girls and not 'tumblr weeb hipsters'–no need to exile anyone to the depths of hell for that lmao
No. 9012
>>8957Small lips are cute
Thin lips were NEVER cute. thin lips makes you look alot older. Definitely not kawaii nor attractive
No. 9015
>>9014There are some pics already posted with her sister and brother, but all edited or with her hiding her face (to hide the chubs lol)
There's also the "before Berry" pic with her family but that's all I think
No. 9021
berryblogmod @ gmail
To everyone that visits the blog, thanks for you continuous input and support, it helps me out greatly.
Right now I’m going through a really tough time, a lot of stressful things are going on for me right now and it’s putting me through an emotional strain. I don’t believe what’s going on is bad, or anything that cannot be reversed or fixed, so I feel like I’ll be sorted out in a week or two.
I am making this statement to let everyone know, why I have been slightly neglectful of the blog. I have set up a queue to go off once a day, and am trying to feed it new information whenever I have free time. Things will be slow for a bit, and I hope you’ll continue to help me out just as you all have done - I am eternally grateful to everyone who’s submitted information, and given me recommendations for ichigofaker.
I am sorry to anyone who has been disappointed in the blog's content, or decreased output speed, I accept the blame for this but I am hoping everyone will be fine with it for a little while longer.
No. 9023
>>9022i feel like she's a little
too careless about the whole dgaf thing but if you're trying to incorporate that into your life then i dont think berry is a good example; although if you really do admire that part of her then that's your thing but i'd only take her words like a grain of sand tbh
No. 9026
>>9022I personally am starting to hate the 'dgaf' attitude kids seem to be emulating nowadays. I was in a cafe and there were kids being very loud and rude. The manager and other patrons actually told them to be quiet but they got louder and more obnoxious (and began mimicking the ppl who told them to be quiet) because now it's cool and edgy to not give a fuck.
Her 'dgaf' attitude may not be directly hurting other people (except having the same effect magazines have on girls), but now she's living in this strange delusive world and is way too invested in managing her online persona. There are way better people to admire, seriously.
No. 9028
>>9026i think this is a different kind of idgaf, which is based on ego causing one to be incosiderate of others. it's a kind of social ineptness.
>>9022berry's reactions however portray her chimping out. her extreme emphasis on "not caring" is what actually reveals her inner troubles about us calling her out on her lies. the truth lies in what people DO, not what they SAY.
No. 9029
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No. 9030
File: 1430418573978.png (805.53 KB, 940x706, berry.png)

And some more info for the blog if you like
No. 9038
File: 1430429083239.jpg (314.29 KB, 702x767, Untitled-1.jpg)

>>9037Woops file didnt upload
No. 9039
>>9029Didnt she use to brag about how how teachers would let her do anything she wants and they dont care because shes suUUCH a good and smart student 115 gpa whatever? Lol
Also if I remember correctly someone said shes actually very timid/shy in real life?
Which would make sense if she is tbh
No. 9048
>>9045We already discussed this, Ouji is indeed real but people think that he probably broke up with her and since she knew all of his password she kept the accounts to make it seem they're till dating. If you look closely all of her and "his" tweets are posted more or less at the same time, despite their timezones being awfully different. Also, when Ouji used to control his twitter account and post pics, his speech was completely different from Berry's, and she claims they know each other for a long time now (why did his typing change over the course of months to be exactly like Berry's? Let's wait and watch Berry trying to change it LOL)
Another thing people talked about was the fact that when Berry did the Kawaii Movement (aka "Let's convince people I'm totally natural with photoshop") when Berry compared Ouji's picture she used one from when he was a kid instead of a puberty one; she probably doesn't have any more pics from him.
His tumblr is barely updated though.
No. 9056
>>9055HAHA yeah I totally think she comes to this blog and talks shit about berry too.
she tries to say she's not bitter or upset at it or anything, but she totally is, she's a lying bitch just like berry they're so similar
No. 9063
>>9062no she didnt…
ami had a long ass hair style…
wtf are you talking about did you look at the post dates
No. 9066
>>9065 not when i remember it i saw it on berrys first on twitter and then i checked amikojis tumblr.
first ami only had pictures of a blonde wig and her blonde eyemake up and then a few days later she went straight into a bob haircut.
plus ami is notoriously infamous for copying berry. berry never once batted her eyes at her
so in other words
ami copied berry which copied wylona
No. 9067
>>9064yeah there's no way in hell Berry would ever copy ami, and you could totally see why Ami copied Berry - for the fame and bc she is seen as she wildly looks good
>>9065I know that ami, after the whole fiasco, got a haircut and it was a short chin length even haircut, but that was after the fiasco??????
btw yeah ami is a bitch lol none of her friends like her and they all talk shit about her behind her back
not going to mention names, but one girl and one guy were talking saying what a bitch she is how she'll make a joke with them but there's underlining context that makes it sound mean. and they'll go along with it but they really are pissed off about it.
there's a lot more on ami, bc her "friends" talk so much shit about her, and they hand out her information and stuff about her behind her back
No. 9070
>>9069I feel you.
Kind of feel sorry for Ami, but not enough to not listen to all the shit her friends say about her. That's actually how people got ahold of private information of hers, bc her friends gave it away. Like, damn, you must be a huge bitch if ALL of your friends hate you and are willing to throw you under the bus.
Wish this was prevalent with Berry though lol, that more of her close friends would talk shit about her , but they all kiss her ass so deep
No. 9073
>>9067>>9070Holy shit I had no idea. I was one of those people that praised Ami because I felt bad for her about the whole Berry thing. Although that was brutal om Berrys part I had no idea Ami was that bad. I use to talk to her and she seemed alright, didn't know there was more to her though shhiiit lol
Seems like nobody is to be trusted nowadays which suck because there are some really genuine bloggers out there with fewer followings than Berry or maybe even close to or fewer than Ami.
Yeah people kiss up hard to berry because shes popular and "kawaaaiii" (cringe). I think Ami has a dark shitty personality. Berry has a shit personality too but shes mainly a delusional compulsive manipulative liar. Not to mention unlike Ami, Berry knows how to hide her shit by lying or acting all sugary after.
No. 9074
>>9073thats exactly why berry never reaches out to any of the other bloggers.
but ami does because she likes the fame hence why she copies berry all the damn time.
but idk how berry does it
like she has to have a shitty life and someone to rant to since shes a compulsive liar. i mean have u seen her house
berry is in high school and so is her boyfriend so i dont how berry can just keep in her circle
No. 9075
>>9074That's kind of why I think Ouji is real. Ouji is the one she vents too.
I feel like more proof following this, is even a few years ago when she peaked at fame, she was lying about where she lived, but on facebook like drawings he's done for her - he's always let the truth slip out. Like that drawing of them together where he tagged it as toms river NJ, and the one where he drew her with brown hair when she was saying the green wig was her real hair.
He's always let the truth slip, if Berry was posing as Ouji, she wouldn't let the truth slip out.
No. 9077
>>9074True. Also Ami wants to fit in a circle because she doesn't necessarily have one, while Berry already has her own due to her popularity and bloggers/people kissing her ass/her fan base.
>>9075Yeah, haha how funny. Yeah now all Ouji does is back her up on her lies. Sounds totally like Berry.
>>9076I think people have or they secretly talk about her, Berry's fanbase can be kind of scary ngl. Scary but deluded.
No. 9080
File: 1430459714139.png (127 KB, 859x689, Screen Shot 2015-05-01 at 1.54…)

What is wrong with this weeb
No. 9081
File: 1430459804126.png (43.24 KB, 580x198, ughhhhhh.png)

jesus fucking christ. does she honestly think she's funny? wow.
No. 9086
>>9080her obsession with tits makes me uncomfortable because its usually about her tits lol
jfc her humor is terrible and repetitive oppai this oppai that ochinchin here ochinchin there. Ultimate weeb. She doesn't care though - she believes asians can't be weeb or wannabe japanese.
No. 9087
File: 1430468535006.png (675.7 KB, 458x647, b.png)

Since she tries so hard to be "cute kawaii & shit" she should have tried with this picture LMAO. You are 5 Berry :/ Also mental age 5. Seriously I don't understand how people find her pretty… she looks like a fucking baby to me. Babies are ugly bye
No. 9088
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>>9079It's from Momoiro Meroik I think
No. 9090
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Korinnes real face kek
No. 9091
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WHy is this so much fun omg
No. 9096
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No. 9097
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Original :
No. 9098
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No. 9101
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No. 9105
>>9099Please don't post Ami's urls, only saying this bc she reads this thread and then immediately deletes afterwards and I want to get the most lols out of her that I can.
This is the anon that knows all of her friends, and the one they talk shit about her to. I could post more about her here, but like everyone is saying it's Berry's thread and not Ami's so I try to keep it at a minimum.
But I just don't want to scare her off, and if her info keeps coming out there idk what will happen. I doubt she'll leave the internet completely she's a shut in just like Berry but not to that extreme of a case - only bc no one likes hanging out with her so she's left with nothing to do
No. 9106
>>9105i agree. if anything we should just talk about her friends because that would make finding her a lot easier. they would not delete for her uncomfort. oops.
just like how berry is uncomfy with us talking about ouji
No. 9108
>>9105I want to hear more about ami tho.
Pls go on?
Tbh I think shut-in people like berry needs help
No. 9111
>>9109>>9110Yeah, tbh if someone makes an Ami thread I'll go on, but I don't know if she really needs one bc it's all word of mouth I don't have screen shots of her bad behavior and its just her friends that tell me everything about her.
>>9107Ami is not as young as you probably think.
No. 9113
>>9112i never said i didnt know anything about ami?
i think you think im the other anon.
i was the anon that was agreeing with you all the time!
and yeah youre right! its because she visits this thread.
im gonna delete my other post because i feel its a little mean.
No. 9115
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No. 9116
File: 1430514201658.png (413.33 KB, 540x960, 1.png)

>>9101Wow this is pretty legit tbh.
But did anyone else notice something weird with her breasts? and is there normally an abyss between breasts like that? Also, that shadow on her right (our left) breast looks unnatural, and her entire neckline in particular looks carefully manipulated (i used the photo she originally posted herself so people couldn't say the person who unshooped her did it themselves)
No. 9125
>>9124Probably plus she seems to have thick hair? Might be fried from curling though
Loving all these edited possibilities of berry before she shoops her pics [thumbs up anon]
No. 9127
File: 1430523037347.gif (561.23 KB, 400x300, tumblr_ngb3qva2sr1te74g7o1_400…)

This gif wtf
No. 9128
>>9127She sooo shoops her eyes bigger omg
And lol bright light again to make her skin brighter than it really is and using the bright light to wash out any skin imperfections. Hair in face again she does that in every gif…
I give props to berry for knowing how to manipulate her surroundings.
Btw what happen to those videos she said she was going to post? She was like "ill be posting more really soon!!!!!!!!!" Like 3 weeks ago.
No. 9130
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No. 9140
File: 1430549308579.jpg (93.85 KB, 640x820, image.jpg)

she def lurks LOL
No. 9141
File: 1430549377110.jpg (106.16 KB, 640x849, image.jpg)

>>9140so.. like when she says she's rich but actually poor– or how she's not in college
No. 9145
>>9144Yes, I believe so. She's 20 and obviously has not grown up.
Her insecurity would also explain why she photoshopped her "proof" video despite it being a proof video and used bright light to mask her skin and make it lighter than it is and so much more outside of just her appearance, all because she must be extremely insecure.
I really do think she fakes being rich and whatnot because she thrives on people envying and wishing they could be her. Its sort of disgusting. Her ego is outrageous.
No. 9149
File: 1430576614182.jpg (102.68 KB, 960x720, 403080_1851542906061_635699350…)

No. 9150
>>9148What does her address/private info has to do with anything?
We're gossipers, not monster stalkers.
No. 9151
>>9140>i'm not a normal human being, so i don't exhibit basic human psychological mechanismsbitch, your abnormalities are part of your neuroses
>>9141a great example of how people always lose their shit about things that are true.
>>9148i'm also wondering what she looks like nowadays but no one should fucking stalk her.
No. 9154
>>9153her address was already public. all her info including her phone number is online and you don't need to dig that much. if you stalk or no that's your business and if any people here do shit then there's their fucking responsibility.
>>9152kek and he's so skinny. he's the person she wants to be
No. 9160
>>9155>>9153I honestly don't think you're going to convince anyone here to be "morally right" I'm not condoning it, just saying you're wasting your time because no one here cares about what's good.
But it's also a little late to say anything because I believe her address was already posted in the first thread
No. 9161
>>9153Calling out people for stalking at lolcow.
No. 9165
File: 1430624227826.jpg (22.5 KB, 750x217, image.jpg)

college pre-med student with a 115% GPA and teachers who let her do anything since she's too smart doesn't know the difference between "bear" and "bare"
No. 9172
File: 1430662594278.jpg (18.67 KB, 338x295, 7567756.jpg)

>>9167lmao, thanks for proving our point, berry.
No. 9183
>>9180>Berry telling the truth about her schoolkek
>>9182There's no way she's in college. The way she acts is like someone who's getting all this secondhand information about what post secondary is like through the internet, anime, or (like you said) her sister. If she was actually in college she probably would've flaunted her (shooped) grad photos, college ID, etc all over the place when people began doubting her instead of going COLLEGE COLLEGE IM IN COLLEGE MEET YOU AT COLLEGE
No. 9186
File: 1430702286219.png (97 KB, 605x811, berry.png)

I'm glad some people see the bitch she is
No. 9198
>>9197we ended the semester officially on may 1st. also at
>>9195 don't assume that anyone saying anything that's similar to what berry claims is berry herself, this could be good information in order to figure stuff out.
No. 9202
File: 1430774551056.jpg (21.42 KB, 647x88, calendar.jpg)

okay yeah technically the semester ends tomorrow but otherwise break started for us students on Friday :)
No. 9205
File: 1430779783023.png (443.05 KB, 608x896, berry.png)

new selfies
No. 9206
File: 1430779820966.jpg (40.82 KB, 500x882, CEMg5h8VAAAF_uy.jpg)

uploading the full pictures
No. 9207
File: 1430779839980.jpg (56.09 KB, 500x882, CEMg5m0VAAEafdl.jpg)

the other one
No. 9208
File: 1430779854967.jpg (60.57 KB, 1080x470, Screenshot_2015-05-04-18-48-26…)

Now she tells the truth
No. 9214
File: 1430780921883.png (575.74 KB, 792x498, closeup.png)

A close up of her face. The image quality is shit but you can see clearly where she edited.
No. 9215
File: 1430781523356.png (747.25 KB, 1000x644, closeup 2.png)

No. 9218
Is it just me or is her PS getting worse?
This might sound too skeptical but I feel like shes making her edits worse so it seems like shes not that skilled/making it look like shes a noob at photoshop (?) idk but that bloody yuno pic was terribly edited… or maybe she just called herself out so others wont.
Yeah I like how she mentions that but not other shoops loool.
>>9209 No. 9221
I still dont know why she has so much time to photoshop, game for hours, lurk the internet 24/7 at her age "20" and with her "studies" and claim to be in a uni. Total bullshit. Her college tweets are hilarious. The only logical explanation for all her free time must be that she is in highschool or not attending school at the moment… even in CC you don't get that much free time?
INB4 she posts some tweet relating to this lol embarassing
No. 9222
File: 1430784464749.jpg (65.47 KB, 500x774, CEMvG2NWEAIV72q.jpg)

another one and did she change her name to gasai yuno LOL
No. 9224
File: 1430784788207.png (37 KB, 605x283, berry.png)

>>9220I love how she clearly shows she lurks here lol
No. 9225
>>9222how much shoop is this jfc
that noise on the door fuck
No. 9230
>>9228Your last paragraph yes i agree berry uses other languages like an accessory, its ignorant…
>>9227It does look flat, i doubt its as tall and pointy as she makes it out to be in her photos.