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No. 831404
Phoebe Tickner is a 21-year old self proclaimed queer, Jewish, disabled femme, non-binary social justice warrior. [Read: Straight, white, morbidly obese woman with no personality except for being a
>NEET who leeches off of her father and autistic lorry driver boyfriend while she sits on her ass all day on Instagram. Posts roughly 60 Instagram stories a day. >ACAB communist with a police officer father. >Found wheelchair in thrift shop to use as a ~uwu so disabled~ prop, decides it’s not enough and online begs for an electric one. Makes her boyfriend drag it up and down three flights of stairs for her for photo ops. Posts picture of herself falling down some stairs due to her various "disabilities.">Yells at people on Instagram and demands they pay her money for “educating” them. >Sexually assaulted another woman at vegan camp; plays it off as a drug induced misunderstanding and believes she shouldn't be held accountable because it hurts her own feelings. Cries about being a rape survivor not long after. >Claims to have IBS (despite every doctor telling her that she only has symptoms of IBS, not the actual condition) and bleeds from the ass daily and it’s totally not because of the massive amounts of booze, pizza, coffee, and HUEL she consumes guys. Screeches fatphobia each time a doctor tells her that her pain is related to her obesity.>Doesn’t "wash" for weeks at a time. >Sells sloppy traced digital art as her only source of income. Complains daily that it's difficult running her "small business" because no one buys her preschool tier crafts. Guilts people into buying her "art" daily. >Has online beef with Jameela Jamil for getting somebody’s pronouns wrong. Comes off as completely unhinged. >Feeds her cat a strictly vegan diet. >Says her favorite part about her boyfriend is that he has a job and works overtime, sometimes 6 days a week, and brings in money. Proceeds to insult him and says his best traits are that he's really weird and strange. Proves she takes him for granted and considers herself Queer because he wore makeup one time. Old milk
>Reactivates Instagram (again) after a 2 week break, claiming she tried to kill herself but Henry stopped her thankfully!!!>Makes more passive-aggressive stories about her neighbors>goes on holiday (twice!) despite being so super skint u guise>the second trip is to Glasgow for what she says is a present to Henry for his birthday, but ends up being a trip for her and her interests only>on said trip drags her actually autistic partner to a gay club where he is assaulted with lights, sounds, crowds, and unfamiliar people. she is unbothered by this but still sits at a table drinking and complaining that no one thinks she's queer even though she totes wore her queer shirt and whining about how she "forgot" she was disabled and hurt herself going down the stairs to the club.>spends the next day laying in bed saying her whole body is in pain, she manages to get to a cat cafe, vegan restaurants, and a meetup with another instagram sjw tho>has a post removed by instagram for harrassment and bullying, reposts it while REEEEEEing about how SHE is the VICTIM here>accuses a small business (Lucy and Yak) of not wanting fat people to wear their clothes because they cannot produce clothes in size XXXL+, brand offers for her to call and talk about her concerns with them but she refuses and makes an instagram post about how terrible they are> still constantly having to apologise for not sending out her Etsy goods> revealed to have whined in another begging group about the "crappy" wheelchair funded by her begging group > is trying to fix her bad skin with 10 new products all at once> coming to a zine fair near you!New milk
>Made a gofundme for a foldable wheelchair costing over two grand. Made the amount in a few days but instead of being grateful moans about fees and being able to withdraw the money.>Angry at yet another 'thin woman' making money from the fat community, goes on rants in her stories about the woman who had donated to her gofundme and even shared it to her 1 million followers.>Revealed that three only drug she is on is low level codeine.>Claiming to be a sex worker despite only uploading some amateur porn.>Spending money on skincare, horrible earrings and nail varnish whilst Henry works 14 hour days.>Doing a new art series of fat coloured women (pink, green etc.) Which is a copy of other artists work such as exotic cancer. >Talks about infifats. Socials:
Instagram: @fatvegfemme
YouTube: @fatveganfemme
Pornhub: @fezxoxo (NSFL)
Etsy: @FatVegFemmeArt
Previous threads:
>>>/snow/783899>>>/snow/790236>>>/snow/796040>>>/snow/806304Read before posting. Sage non milk. Saging does not make blog posting, nitpicking, and infighting acceptable. Absolutely NO cowtipping allowed.
No. 831412
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No. 831413
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No. 831414
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No. 831415
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No. 831438
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>>831412>>831413tinfoiling, but this account appears to be private and have 0 followers/0 following. Given that she left her username clearly visible as well, I can't help but wonder if Feebs made this post herself in order to make herself look even more like a
victim/ Totally Own the Trolls with a sassy comeback while also directing some traffic to her pornhub page in order to "get paid from it" as she puts it.
She couldn't even bear to say anything actually rude or derogatory about herself kek
No. 831443
>>831414Would love to hear a take from Feebs about what the situation in Sudan is and how she plans on offering 'help and support'. She probably can't even locate it on the map
>>831415Perhaps it is because aggressive cishet attention-seekers like you are hijacking the movement and driving allies away, you dumb bint.
No. 831460
>>831423I thought the same thing, where is the threat in them posting that? It's like the time she attacked an innocent fan page
And is she trying to look smug in that photo? Her autist poses confuse my normal brain. The same few poses and god knows what she thinks they mean? At least it's not an extreme close up of her eyeball, she loves that one
No. 831505
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I wonder how many times Phoebe has complained about "fatphobic" doctors despite the fact she's literally eaten herself into a fucking wheelchair.
No. 831570
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So we wouldn’t have to justify ‘Henry’s escape fund?’
No. 831800
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No. 831818
>>831813It's like she goes out of her way to be the grossest version of herself that she can be. And that vacant stare she does?
She's posted this exact thing over and over for months now, get a haircut already
No. 832053
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Such a pointless thing to donate to. Can no one save or get jobs??
No. 832059
>>832053they're always a random generator of minorities needing tons of cash URGENTLY for things that you can pay for by just getting a job/selling shit you don't need/doing comissions or w/e.
i got sick of seeing fundraiser after fundraiser on tumblr about how some black/latino/muslim/asian gay-lesbian-bi-pansexual-asexual-demiwhatever-queerplatonic-transgender-nonbinary-twospirit-apachehelicopter disabled fuck needed money. they're ALWAYS too disabled to work, too, and YOU'RE the asshole for suggesting anything that might actually work.
No. 832246
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She's posted about 10 miniclips in a row, just rambling about the chair being sold out etc.
Also she posts proof that she spents others people money on a wheelchair, while not addressing the fact that she hasn't bothered to save up any money of her own and spent them on expensive nail polishes and other non-essential luxuries instead.
No. 832298
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new infinifat artwork I believe
No. 832305
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>>831800blobfish are cute compared to her
No. 832322
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Such a professional business card. I think an actual child would know not to use this.
No. 832390
>>832377They saw her fundraiser and used one of their social media accounts to wish her good luck with it, now she's bitching about them and the wait time (I knew she would)
Must be strange to have a fat 20 year old buying something that they usually sell to pensioners, guessing they have to just bite their tongue and take the cash
No. 832482
>>832444I've had a look at the page for the chair she wants and I don't think it was fitted to size due to lack of range options (comparing it to my own chair), it's basically an off-the-rack one.
It's also 25kg, which is very light for a powerchair, but I don't for one minute think Phoebe will manage to haul it up and down 3 flights of stairs by herself.
No. 832488
>>832480If they knew about it then she was likely tagging them in posts about it, dunno why she would though. Did she expect extra special treatment from them or a discount?
They deal with real disabled people every day so they're hardly going to be that touched by her story lol
No. 832538
>>832488We don't know that they donated, she might have put in a lump sum given to her offline and written the company name as that was who it's going to?
I know other people who've fundraised for very expensive specialist equipment and the company who made their equipment supported the campaign and even used their story to promote the product. I doubt the same thing is going to happen here, as she'll call it a piece of shit the first time it doesn't do exactly what she wants kek
No. 832546
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>>832538Maybe, though it seems like an odd lie to tell. They did comment on her FB post
No. 832770
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No. 832841
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Doesn't seem so crippled there
No. 832844
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No. 832847
>>832770Outspoken online and a pussy in real life
"please be gentle with me" lol get some therapy. You can't expect everyone around you to be walking on eggshells all the time
No. 832852
>>832812She's going to be oh so shy at this event because she apparently has super anxiety now but then she'll get home and be full of that online bravery while she bitches about everything and everyone.
Poor hetero henry wheeling her oversized (also hetero) ass around these events. What a shit way to spend his days off. She's making out like she wont even socialise at them cos 'anxiety' so what's the point?
No. 832861
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>>832843Edging into imposing western acceptance standards on those mystical poc cultures like the white imperialist you are lmao, where's your cultural sensitivity?
I unironically hope Pride does grow some balls and speaks for gay and lesbian people in other countries regardless.
No. 832862
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In this story it looks like she's trying to talk to a group of people with their back to her.
No. 832864
>>832862inb4 "everyone ignored me because I was in a wheelchair :(((("
everyone probably ignored you because you were intrusive, entitled, and annoying
No. 832903
>>832862Her chair looks like a baby stroller, how suitable. It really makes her look like a giant baby
>>832298Where is the rash and the mold under the folds? So exclusive, is she shaming people with moldy folds? When will she make an illustration of an ass-wiping-stick that fat people use? Not being able to wipe yourself is so bloody glorious!
No. 832930
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what did you expect them to do? not do their job? why would they take orders from you?
she literally said CW: POLICE on the one before this. who tf would that trigger
No. 832942
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He's a Lucky Boy!
No. 832968
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henry looks genuinely miserable pushing feebs about, someone save him from that screeching fat lard
No. 832983
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No. 832984
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No. 832985
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at the very end of this clip it looks like feebs was pointing and telling henry where to steer her, full on kek
save henry 2019
No. 833027
>>833016I get 'Gypsy Rose' vibes from some of these pics, except fat
>>833022I wouldn't be surprised if he turned gay
No. 833037
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@hellomynameiswedneaday using an Amazon box to make her placard at an anti-capitalist protest.
No. 833046
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No. 833285
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No. 833288
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No. 833302
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Bitch what the FUCK
No. 833306
>>833299I'm sure if he looked at a checklist for signs of emotional abuse he'd score high
It's obvious she avoids getting therapy for her mental health problems cos a Pro would see that she's not 'ooh depressed and anxious' She's manipulative and she doesn't plan on changing that. She won't ever get round to the autism assessment either cos she can't fake that with professionals
No. 833308
>>833302If I remember right the time difference between these pics is only 2-3 years?
Grinning con artist on the right lol
No. 833315
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even underwear oppresses her
No. 833317
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them jokes write themselves
No. 833320
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>>833285she will soon get acanthosis nigricans, if she doesn't have it already.
nice how she thinks her hair looks nice. it's dry and she is getting bald patches on the front of her head.
also, arm fupa:
No. 833396
>>833383Around 2 years now. Henry himself is a fat fetishist. If anything this photo could be used to argue that Henry has contributed to Phoebe's weight gain to fulfill his own 'feeder' desires.
More likely though is that she finally got into a committed long term relationship and- no longer having a need for attracting a man felt comfortable enough to stop looking after herself.
No. 833397
>>833394here is where he says he "prefers plus sized women"
>>829710have a feeling he's holding a lot back because Pheebs would catch onto him for being a ~ebil fetishist~ if he want on any further.
No. 833401
>>833397>slightly prefer plus sized womenDoesn't seem like extreme feeding fetish to me. Also, he doesn't have much choice.
It's not like he can tell her he'd prefer if she lost some weight. That's fAtphOBic.
No. 833430
>>833406Or he said what he felt was expected of him when Jabba was being manipulative via acting the martyr. "Oh don't worry if you leave me Henry boohoo I know you could find someone prettier boohoo". "(Sigh eyeroll eyeroll here she goes again best say what she expects) I like fat women like youuuuu oh giant troll, don't worry I'll never leave you for someone more my attractiveness level ever ever ever." "
"Boooo don't fetishise my size!" "(I can't win!!!!!1!1!) yes dear."
No. 833456
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>>833406I'm pretty sure that these messages were from early on in their relationship. This is what she looked like around the time they got together
No. 833458
>>833450Pretty unlucky to have someone like her for your first relationship. The mind games must be unreal.
Everyone has a breaking point though
No. 833485
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>>833315PLEASE PHOEBE OH MY GOD. It was floated as a theory earlier that she gets off on being as disgusting as possible, and initially I dismissed it but my god. The camel toe photo is just the cherry on top of a disgusting cake. It's her theme at this point.
>>833326At this point, she's fat and addicted to food enough that she probably legitimately qualifies. It's self-inflicted, and she's enjoying the attention and sympathy she is getting, but that at least is genuine.
No. 833570
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>>833431can you imagine if she forced him to get her off in other ways than PIV sex? at this point henry is beyond saving- he needs some heavy rehabilitation after gaining freedom
No. 833601
>>833406How can you read a conversation like
>>829710 and confidently think "oh, he prefers morbidly obese women and likes her current body" when she firstly guilted him into complimenting her, then guilted him again for doing it. That is not the sign of a relationship in which he has freedom to admit what he really wants in a woman. Either way, a slight preference for plus size women doesn't mean he wants a total landwhale and even if she wasn't that fat, she has a horrible, mean personality so I do think of him as a poor suffering invalid for that reason.
No. 833619
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No. 833620
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No. 833621
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No. 833644
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Surely disabled Feebs who’s also a hater of crowds, hater of lights and loud noises, will not attend a GIG.
No. 833671
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>>833315"fellow fats with big pussies"
Not only does she go to pride despite being so ~autistic~ you think the crowds and noise would be too much, but she has to go in a rainbow pigsuit and show us this
No. 833681
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No. 833745
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Wtf is this crusty layer on her head?
No. 833757
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No. 833758
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No. 833759
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No. 833760
>>833759Uhh, how much are these tickets going to cost?
She can't put one friggin' penny towards her chair and then is going to buy concert tickets that I'm sure are AT LEAST $100…
Idk, if I were so poor, I wouldn't be spending that kind of money on something so unnecessary
No. 833764
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>>833302Reminder to any young'uns browsing that just because you're cute now doesn't mean shit long term. Take care of yourself or you'll end up looking like your parents before you know it.
No. 833765
>>833758Translation: I always tell henry that he's happy with me and that he's staying with me lol
Such a catch with her butter knife suicide threats. Alot of guys date that one crazy girl and then go on to tell every girlfriend after her the horror stories..
No. 833786
>>833781Good thing it's cheap and not a proper engagement ring cos she outgrew it in no time
Must be fun planning a wedding while your partner is eating themselves to an early death, no point in planning a future surely?
No. 833848
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No. 833869
>>833848>So sick of gendered sex toys>Uwu why would women want to feel feminine during sex and why would men want to feel masculineJust …
>>833857Meh this is quite mild compared to other things she's posted, do you not have any close female friends anon?
No. 833921
>>833848She's pretty fucking late to the whole 'don't gender sex toys' party
Lots of toy makers and sellers have moved away from overly gendered descriptions and packaging. It's not rare or new
And she probably shouldn't talk about her vagina hating her in a post that is an ad for a sex toy
No. 833924
>>833923She posted about wanting sex toy recommendations a week ago and I totally saw this coming.. everything is about freebies
She sounds like she needs an exam with her vague vagina/penetration issues. Especially if she's gone from large insertions to no sex being possible
No. 833925
>>833781 nah it’s always been on the knuckle. henry actually bought her a ring but she made him cancel the order and picked
that ring herself, even though it didn’t fit
No. 834154
>>834001She's probably posted to get more freebies.
Or someone offering to buy her the ticket.
No. 834167
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> “Unbound babes don’t gender their products”
> unboundbabes website has “that’s what she said” on the product pages.
No. 834169
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>>834167This is a really dumb nitpick, there's a very obvious disclaimer which if you scroll down reads as shown.
No. 834172
>>834169It's funny cos pheebs absolutely hates being called a she but then this disclaimer is like *when we say She we also mean men..
Yeah that's fine logic lol
No. 834194
>>833848this may be a nitpick, but I'm surprised she even has a sex drive at her weight. Does she actually use this?
Her hormones have to be way off balance and how can she even reach her cunt with how fat she is?
How can she be too disabled to wipe her own ass but not too disabled to masturbate?
No. 834234
>>834198gross lol
can you imagine sleeping next to pheebs in a double bed urgh
No. 834320
>>833809Hi, gig-going disabled anon here.
They don't require proof that Henry/anyone else is her full time carer, wheelchair users get a +1 because it means that venue staff don't have to assist with as much and that someone's there in case of emergencies. All she'll need to book the space + carer ticket is a scan/photo or either a PIP letter or a blue badge.
Wheelchair spaces vary venue to venue, some have good views and some are shit. Brixton is okay, not the best. She's going to have a shitfit at their wheelchair ramp though if it's not been upgraded.
Henry will not qualify as her legal carer in the eyes of the DWP, however, as he works too many hours.
No. 834361
>>834316Her posts criticising him and then making out like it's light-hearted - that's what
abusive people do when they're trying to slowly kill your confidence..
Things like her announcing that they don't have sex anymore.. who shares that! It's the ultimate way to humiliate a man.. few weeks later she wants a vibrator
No. 834440
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No. 834443
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One person dies from a metal straw and she demonised them
No. 834444
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She's white and English.
No. 834603
>>834444not even half the white women in the us are descended from confederates
stay in your own fucking lane phoebe, post about british history, there’s plenty there
No. 834608
>>833619That literally was not what was said Phoebe you obtuse clown
>>833621good fucking god look at all the sweat and grease on her forehead, is painting your nails that fucking draining???
No. 834732
>>834440Its fine to take it easy if you live at home and have no pressure to pay bills because your parents pay for you Phoebe.
But you don't, you live off the back of Henry and make excuses for why you cant contribute.
He enables you to sit on your fat arse and do nothing. You say you work hard but you have never done a days work so you don't know what you are comparing it too. How Henry does a days work and comes home to you saying your exhausted after making 5 badges.
Your not disabled, your not gay, or any of the other made up things, your just fat and lazy. When he leaves you, you will either have to get of your arse and work or go back home and live with your parents.
And we all know which you will choose.
The sooner he does the better for him and in the long run you. You behave like a small child, totally unaware of all reality in the world.
You will learn what it takes the rest of us to get through life on a daily basis.
You have clearly just got worse since you have met Henry, he has enabled you to carry on this childlike existence and he doesn't have the balls to stand up to you.
Fuck off and leave him alone.
No. 834744
>>834440I really can't stand this attitude
>you don't have to have a job if it's not possible for youI feel for legitimately disabled people who cannot work, but I doubt they are comfortable with their situation and I am sure they would work if they could. But if you're simply morbidly obese and lazy rather than disabled you absolutely should fucking feel bad about it, not comfort yourself with instagram preaching. Being jobless for no good reason is not okay when it means you have to leech off someone else and make them suffer for your benefit.
No. 834774
>>834764In my borough the choice of night classes has really nosedived EXCEPT for Spanish language, watercolour painting and nail technician qualifications. The courses are pretty short.
Even if you have to pay for the course, it's really inexpensive. (I took a 2 year BSL course for free because I was claiming ESA at the time). A co worker (volunteer) took one of the nail courses and passed, and not to sound like a bitch, she wasn't too bright but enjoyed the whole nail thing.
This is a really good idea I'm surprised she hasn't taken advantage of…but yeah, lazy.
No. 834782
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>>834444nitpick but that "we are the daughters" quote is definitely from a book… by a white woman… lmao yikes
No. 834863
>>834199I've never heard her mention visiting a gynaecologist and in the UK you don't get smear tests til you're 25. Vaginismus isn't usually something a GP will diagnose so how did she randomly go from shoving dildos in all her holes on the internet to this whack self diagnosis? I feel like she just wants to avoid fucking Henry.
>>833288Kek what if they didn't go up to her size? Fatphobia!!!
No. 834904
>>834863She is the adult version of a kid faking illness to get out of going to school
God knows what her sexual issue is really. She vague-posted about being raped a series of times. Maybe seek counselling (if it's true) rather than saying 'oh well henry no sex for the rest of our time together' ..tough titties man
No. 834916
>>834914Honestly I think her rape claims are how she tries to make people forget she sexually assaulted a woman. It allows her to appropriate
victims' narratives and basically erase what she's done.
It's what she does with everything, really. She used to joke about wanting to "finish what Hitler started" : now she's a jew. Used to make fun of autistic people : now she has autism.
No. 834929
>>834928You can, I have. Valium helps.
But in Phoebe's case she's 4 years away from it and I doubt she actually has it (see: all those videos of her dildoing herself). More likely she's just gotten a raging yeastie from poor diet and hygiene and she's decided any discomfort or pain must be vaginismus because it's more "misunderstood" just like her.
No. 834933
>>834863B-but self diagnosis is
Everything she claims to have is self-diagnosed except for her violent shits.
No. 834972
File: 1562775889834.png (1.05 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190710-172231.png)

5% off isn't wholesale, you dumb fuck.
No. 834975
File: 1562776140943.png (7.21 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_1935.PNG)

if you were really "working hard" you'd use some of that hard earned cash for your chair instead of bitching about service fees after crowdfunding the whole thing. this one got to me. can we do more "if pheebs actualky worked a day job" fics like our midwife tales? those were fun.
No. 834985
She whined on her story about working 12 hour days for nothing. Seriously, phoebe? What do you do for those 12 hours? Because all you seem to do is watch TV, bitch on Instagram, and make a handful of badges and stickers. And take every other day off because insert excuse here. there are plenty of jobs you could be doing, phoebe. Admin work, for example. Working as a receptionist. Alongside owning your "art shop." Henry must feel exhausted. Poor guy. It's always about you, Phoebe. What have you ever done for Henry? Genuine question. And lmao, called it. Raises over £2,000 and STILL finds something to whine about. Nothing's ever good enough for you, is it? Such a spoiled brat. You can afford an extra hundred pounds - stop buying luxury items such as earrings and badges, don't go to any gigs for a week or 2. Not buying nail polish for a week won't kill you. Fucking hell.
Someone told her the other day not to use the word "starving" when she was hungry (probably hadn't eaten in about 20 minutes) because it could trigger people w/ eating disorders, and she just blocked them. So much for being an ally, pheebz. Put a pair of knickers on, get a part time job so you can afford the chair that's been very generously given to you, and sod off.
No. 835026
File: 1562783069630.jpeg (1.29 MB, 1242x2208, DED6203E-94CE-441B-959C-A529B7…)

The very next post she was complaining about Gemma Collins dieting!!! Surely she can deal with her own fat condition how she wants Phoebzz?!
No. 835069
>>834981She's not having to "pay" GFM fees, they're taken from the total and most people have the common sense to factor those into their goal.
Also she's personally paying under 1/10th of the cost of the chair and necessary stuff on top (some people have to get insurance, ramps, adaptations) and moaning about it, she's the most entitled brat I've ever come across!
No. 835070
>>834989Not wage, income from her toddler-tier Etsy shop.
Good luck to her if the DWP finds her calling it a "wage" though kek
No. 835104
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In case anyone forgets that's she's poor, trans, queer, disabled….
No. 835105
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She deserves to be anxious. I hope it crashes and burns.
No. 835106
>>835104God, eat a pile of shit Phoebe. You're a straight, white, cis woman. Your dad is a police officer. You live the most privileged life of us all.
I like the milk and she's one of my favorite cows to keep up with, but fuck I wish she'd fall down a set of stairs and break a leg or some shit. Just SOME sort of karma.
No. 835107
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No. 835108
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No. 835111
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'physically painful'
She's so fucking dramatic
No. 835114
>>835106Exactly. Being a gay man is still ridiculed by media and public perception. She doesn't give a shit? What about standing up to the LGBT+ community?!
She's a biological woman who presents as feminine, dates a man, has fake symptoms to get a diagnosis of a convenient disease you can't prove and are white as fuck with a well-off family and fiance with a well off family. She's even getting into a stereotypical union (marriage) that's riddled with advantages of the privileged straight class.
Everyone may be mad she's getting a free chair (prop) to fake her disorders, but in the end it's going to fuck her. She's going to find more reason to be immobile, gain weight, and get herself multiple spinal issues for sitting so long. She'll soon be in as much pain as she fakes.
No. 835126
>>835122Shit, you're right. She'd probably open another GFM under the guise of 'lost wages' because boohoo she can't work (with her arms) because her leg is broken!
Pay me for the idea Feebz.
No. 835139
>>835136Probably is, she's a dumb bitch and would probably file it under "I deserve this because I worked hard*!"
*worked hard as in she shoddily cut out a sticker and then spent 3 weeks sitting on it after marking it as shipped before actually shipping it out
No. 835148
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No. 835159
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No. 835162
>>835142How many times has she done this? Most notably after her doctor’s appointment when the doctor told her “You must be in so much pain
strokes your cheek” I know she’s done it multiple times. Remember when she used her Facebook crowd funding group to get people to buy her a family size portion of takeaway? Even going as far as pinning the post in the group, so that it appears first instead of legitimate posts about needing money.
No. 835163
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No. 835224
>>835221lol what, literally every female I know has hair on their thighs, it's just finer, although on some women it's darker so they shave it
not defending the art because I couldn't even see the hair and stretch marks at first (I guess feebz also thinks color contrast is oppressive), but let's not start saying nonsense about the human body
No. 835339
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fucking hell
No. 835495
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This isnt made the best but…
No. 835523
>>835339So she screams tolerance and inclusivity for all. Except when its someone, who is actually gay and actually welcome at their own Pride, she doesn't like.
Right. Crystal clear hate keeping and hypocrisy there Feebz
Bet if she was told Communists weren't welcome she'd screech all over about it
No. 835541
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No. 835618
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Phoebe doesn't care that a child is following the account where she refers to her pornhub videos, posts nudes and sex toy adverts, and talks about her big pussy. She's too busy feeling smug about getting some money off this kid as soon as they're old enough to get a debit card.
No. 835790
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God we should all just send her our PayPal details with a sob story! /S
Her fans are so gullible
No. 835822
>>835788Her anxious posts before that pride event make her look like she's scared of real life interactions. No wonder she gets all her validation online
Does anyone know if her parents are together or divorced? Her dad seems so fooled by her compared to the mom
No. 835829
>>835790I distrust anyone using Pheebs to beg, also she's a 'Femme NB' as if that means anything important to her circumstances..
Also I can't imagine many women with 3 kids are still in that Non binary phase.. wow
No. 835832
>>835828People with that persistent pattern of manipulation often have that one fucked up parent who was overbearing and emotionally manipulative too. I wonder if she's one of those or if its purely her being spoilt
Not saying its her parents fault, she's had enough people point out her faults and she's still pig headed
No. 835889
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No. 835895
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>>835889She’s beauty. She’s grace
No. 835925
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>>835920she's basically this meme, replace 'retarded' with ugly/fat/gross/retarded
No. 835986
>>835889It's summertime so people get more headaches but how can it feel like your head is bleeding exactly?
Bleeds on the brain are a type of stroke you insensitive bitch
No. 836031
>>835964She wasn't that fat, last adaptation had her with about half the chins as our Feebz.
Christ almighty though, at least when most people get fat AF their cup size increases too. This really drives home how huge her gut is.
No. 836176
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throwing my hat into the ring
No. 836304
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No. 836305
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No. 836308
>>836296It's a load of bullshit as well, those Lizzo tickets were always going to go in minutes if not seconds and she acts like wheelchair ticket buyers are at a disadvantage. Getting tickets in the usual draw is stressful and prone to failure too.
Anyway I'm glad the fat cow doesn't get her tickets. Far more fun to watch her sperg out in her blubber at home.
No. 836323
>>836296Is she gonna get mad at other wheelchair users now for taking her spot lol
I love it when things don't go her way and she strops like a 12 year old
No. 836333
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>>836031 you’re so right, anon. i would love to see her in a tracksuit like this lol i sure hope she doesn’t have kids, she already treats poor henry like eddie although she’s the one with made up illnesses, etc. “no henry! don’t ever leave me or i’m getting the butter knife!!”
No. 836355
File: 1562940231338.png (1.33 MB, 1544x643, fvf.png)

£8 for 10 shitty stickers.
No. 836380
File: 1562943449384.png (1.93 MB, 1080x1448, Screenshot_20190712-155036.png)

Fuck me, looks like Feebs will be in good company tomorrow
No. 836407
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No. 836408
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>>836355Kek, this reply to her post
No. 836409
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No. 836411
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No. 836438
>>836407Who's trying to cowtip? Stop it.
We've already established they weren't Buffalos.>>836407
No. 836446
File: 1562950754025.jpg (477.13 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190712-175825_Fac…)

brb screaming
No. 836452
>>836446She's only making herself look fucking
abusive with these 'it's your fault that I feel like shit now' replies
No. 836474
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No. 836519
>>836504I can't speak for Canadians, but yeah we use it in the US in the exact context
>>836506 mentioned
It's old slang, not meant to harm because it sounds ridiculous, but meant to call out dumb behavior in a more silly way
No. 836544
File: 1562958899753.png (77.37 KB, 2914x218, Screen Shot 2019-07-12 at 3.11…)

>>836428seems like this was the post you're referencing, one thread ago
>>807281I wonder if mods could investigate that IP and see if it's possibly phoebe? I've seen some posts/spergs they seem pretty obviously like her but no proof. how amazing would it be if she got her own signature like keek or mystery?
No. 836552
>>836544There was a while where some woke person kept correcting people (well calling them idiots) over posts about gender,body hair or self harming and I had a feeling at the time
Would she self-post that she's a narc though?
No. 836556
>>836446What a retarded, manipulative, emotionally unstable cunt. Imagine being this butthurt because of a genuinely constructive comment. I can only imagine the kind of shit she pulls on Henry the second he says something she doesn't like.
> "You said you liked the blue shirt I was wearing better than the purple one? WOW, I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS. MY FAVORITE COLOR IS PURPLE, HENRY. NOW I WANT TO KILL MYSELF BECAUSE OF YOU. SEE, I'M GONNA SLIT MY WRISTS AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT, I AM SO HURT, I'M GONNA DIE, WHERE IS MY BUTTER KNIFE"She needs some intensive, psychiatric help. I'm serious.
No. 836563
>>836556She's way more of a danger to others than to herself, does henry ever share anything through social media? or is he shut away from the world in case he ever tells anyone the truth or finds a replacement
Guilt tripping people over your bad mood is beyond shitty and she can't even see it
No. 836576
File: 1562961231860.jpeg (89.87 KB, 640x1138, 17626EAF-3C18-4944-96B2-088487…)

i kek’d so hard. look at feebs liking their post, probably feeling smug and not bothering to reply before they psyched her lmao
No. 836589
>>836576How is she not banned with the constant 'go and eat shit' responses? especially when messages like this appear to be innocent questions lol
It's kind of sad to think that with it being Friday night normal twenty-somethings are getting ready to go out with friends, meanwhile she has no friends and it seems she doesn't allow Henry to have any either. Has the guy ever gone out for a drink with friends since meeting her?
No. 836693
>>836589It's really sad. I feel so sorry for him. Literally never seen a single post about his mates coming over or him going out. He probably doesn't want any mates coming round to the flat, being subjected to cock candles and the smell of fanny batter, but being the manipulator she is I can imagine her guilting him into not going out. If he did she'd probably be calling and texting until he submits. He's trapped.
And has anyone noticed that she sometimes writes stuff for him? His spelling and grammar is often illegible but when she wants backing up in argument online "he" suddenly writes very fluently. I'll try find some examples.
No. 836694
>>836688 i hope we get delicious milk.
she’s going to complain about the weather oppressing her, her merch not going out of stock because she’s only sold 1 badge and 2 shite stickers, someone tried to make a conversation with her, no butter knife nearby, henry isn’t pushing her chair fast enough, henry smiling innocently at a skinny girl. the possibilities are endless
No. 836778
>>836412Nah anon, it's because her vagina is sooooooo tight!!1!
Phoebe being morbidly obese doesn't ever have to do with anything.
No. 836819
File: 1562975511956.jpeg (94.25 KB, 640x1138, 9669B974-5365-44DC-8685-DA0A13…)

she’s worried her stuff isn’t gonna sell so she has to give freebies lol remember pheebs, freebie means free, not like your £2 off “giveaways”
No. 836836
>>836469phoebe incase you're lurking READ THIS.
learn to fucking cope you're an adult
>>836819probably giving freebies to explain why she didn't make any sales. tomorrow she'll post how she didn't make money because she's too nice and gave everyone stuff for free
No. 836847
>>836694my money's on access issues
which wouldn't have happened if she'd been handed the money for GFM fees by her donors and she had the new wheelchair of coursee
No. 837051
>>837049(sorry, not dumb enough
not to realise…)
No. 837081
>>836504"Dingus" is common in the UK and somewhat used in Australia. As an Aussie I would definitely use "ya dingus". The G is hard:
It's a good substitute for 'idiot' or 'dickhead'.
No. 837152
File: 1563005400731.png (3.46 MB, 750x1334, 60FE594E-7743-4219-849B-209D04…)

£13.50 for one pair of vagina socks. How very poor and trans of her.
No. 837165
File: 1563009607640.png (3.74 MB, 750x1334, 737E8DA7-2A6B-4886-BFC8-3B6344…)

Here we go!
No. 837184
>>837019Pheebs being introduced in a documentary-
'Pheobe identifies as a infini-fat oppressed nonbinary autist cripple femme queer'
No. 837202
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what a sad display
No. 837204
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she has no chin. and she’s much bigger than i thought. why didn’t she make an effort to look nice? like do up her hair, wear colourful makeup… idk what the fair is about but she just looks boring
No. 837239
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I've only been casually reading this thread here and there and finally decided to take a deep dive. It's sad to see how she went from a normal chunky girl to the beef monster she is now, also her portions are fucking insane (1/2)
No. 837240
File: 1563027510176.jpeg (542.73 KB, 750x1198, FB87DF9C-C440-46FD-880C-0C4B19…)

Like seriously who the fuck eats this much??
No. 837250
>>837240Sausage rolls
Two patties
Three vegetable patties
A fuck load of chicken dippers (I don't think it's potato?)
Sour cream by the looks of it
Yeah gross
No. 837255
>>837240If this is what you eat for dinner regularly you are way too (mentally) young to be out living on your own and playing house with your fiance
This is what all her dinners look like, a small serving of beans always being the healthiest thing on the plate. Proof that vegan diets can still be horribly unhealthy
No. 837260
File: 1563030274237.png (4.24 MB, 1242x2208, 9F13BC3C-BD25-48F0-BB99-B22F4C…)

Like the other anon I’m also taking a deep dive. Here she said she weighs 19 stone (266 pounds). One can only imagine what the hell her weight is now
No. 837262
>>837260She could carry a bit chub and still look pretty ok in past pics,
Discovering those body-positive Insta accounts might be the thing that kills her
No. 837271
>>837260lol Taking life advice from buzzfeed
Kind of sickening that discovering this extreme form of body positivity has essentially disabled her and ruined her health to the point where she's beetroot red in the face at all times.. and she's now spreading that message wanting others to join in and become future drains on the NHS
It's much easier to pack weight on than to reverse that shit so I hope she doesn't influence too many naive teens
No. 837276
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>>837271her skin was so nice even when “19 stone”
No. 837282
>>837264She's tall so 266lb on her was probably easier to hide with clothes than someone shorter. That dress will have had a massive belly underneath.
I can't believe how huge she's got though. That pic of her "leaning" on her cane. She's crossed over into the kind of fat where you wouldn't be able to tell if it was male or female if she didn't have longish hair. Her face is just sad. She's lost all femininity that she had in her older pics. No wonder she claims she's trans when she looks so masculine now. It's something to hide behind like her posed ugly pics.
I think her whole keyboard warrior aggressive image and all the trans talk and body positivity talk and fake disabilities is armour for someone who put on too much weight too fast and can't accept what it's done to her health and her looks. If she could click her fingers and go back to her old self, she'd do it in a heartbeat.
I think it'll take losing Henry to make her do anything about the sorry state her life is in. Or maybe she will just get fatter and fatter and end up like that fat guy who got takeaway drivers to deliver to his bed and then died from his size.
No. 837291
>>837283I live in the UK and it's MUCH cheaper to buy produce than to buy frozen things. Vegetable burgers/sausages specifically are ridiculously expensive and unhealthy, because of how much salt they contain. There's literally always sales on fresh produce in Tesco or Lidl (especially if you shop in the evening, when they try to get rid of soon-to-expire stock) and they're cheap to start with.
Her behaviour is common here, though. Obesity rates are insanely high because of how much people drink and how little they actually cook.
No. 837298
>>837283She's done that before on Facebook in some Vegan groups, saying that veg is too expensive while drinking whole cartons of oat milk.
But then she eats like this and it's like, don't pretend veg is expensive when this plate probably cost £10 for one meal.
No. 837315
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No. 837321
>>837315I'm pretty down with trans people but when kids are studying and trying to take in info with exams in mind I don't think adding trans history is terribly helpful to the average joes education. Most people in school are heading towards a goal of actually working for a living Pheebs..
That kind of history is already available at third level education to people looking to work with LGBT for a living
No. 837447
>>837315her virtue signaling is so cringey. she probably doesn't know much about her other than her name because she uses it as a talking point
>>837308 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i'll consider myself blocked since she lurks. im just saying you can have nice skin feebs
No. 837571
>>837240I am absolutely aghast, and I can only imagine how physically ill Phoebe feels eating this volume of stodgy carbs and heavy processed foods everyday. It must be so uncomfortable. I know she's horrible, but I unironically hope she gets the help she so desperately needs, I couldn't eat a fraction of this two days in a row and she probably eats this amount of food every single day.
>>837249He probably did it out of fear she'd kick off otherwise, he seemed pretty timid in the texts posted in the last thread between them.
No. 837572
>>837239e y e b r o w s
Lol she's so British
No. 837605
>>837291Not to mention, she could go to Iceland and get a shitload of frozen fruit and veg- you know, non-processed vegan shit- if cooking fresh produce is too oppressive for our disabled qween. There are fucking microwave bags of frozen veg, rice, quinoa etc that require extremely little effort to prepare. Of course, vegan burgers at £2-4 a box are much more affordable and body positive than a £1 bag of vegetables, and she's too poor to buy groceries when she could beg for takeaway instead.
I am so fucking
triggered by her bullshit diet, it's so much cheaper and easier to just eat real vegetables and yet here she is. She's getting to the point where she needs industrial equipment to lift her 10,000 calorie oatmeal bowls to her mouth because gravity will soon oppress her too much for her to move by herself.
No. 837645
>>837302Lack of mobility is usually involuntary, and kills people fast, that's why it's important for paralyzed people to get physical therapy where someone moves the paralyzed body parts for them, the bare minimum of time to make sure they won't die.
With Phoebe it's self-imposed, she doesn't qualify for that kind of therapy and would probably resent having to move even if someone else did it for her.
She's killing herself by her self-imposed helplessness and fraudulent reliance on mobility devises. Her neck is already morphing into her rump because she's apparently too disabled to use her neck muscles and keep her head up. She's a lazy asshole, it will take her life eventually, and nothing of value will be lost.
No. 837725
>>837442Because we cover American history sometimes? We did quite a lot of 20th century US History in my high school, I guess stuff like Civil Rights movement, Watergate, Vietnam etc is easy to cover as there are many unsullied original sources to work from.
I think teaching kids about the origins of the gay rights movement wouldn't hurt, but its not exactly up there with say maths or how to write a resume.
No. 837843
>>837725huh, I actually didn't know that.
No. 837959
File: 1563112441301.jpg (123.64 KB, 750x1334, pt1.jpg)

From yesterday evening
No. 837973
>>837959Does she mean five burgers?
I'm blocked so I'm likely missing out on her posting about the weekly shop today. People parking in disabled spaces or strangers looking at her funny, what'll it be this week? lol
No. 837997
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More obsessions with looking disgusting and Jesus Christ you're not non binary uwu
No. 838002
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No. 838010
>>838008Exactly, she took 2 grand off people a fucking week ago
She's a waste of food and oxygen
No. 838011
>>838008"hahah i'm totally joking
unless you wanna send me money then I'm not"
No. 838018
File: 1563124706151.jpg (45.21 KB, 748x627, FB_IMG_1563124488514.jpg)

Who managed to get screens of this cos this is the only one I got and I know thiccner was one of the complainers but I got blocked
No. 838019
>>838018Why are infini-fats so
triggered by people who are still a bit fat but smaller than them? It's pure jealousy
Sure is nice having twice the life expectancy of people who are Pheobe-sized!
No. 838037
>>838031So self identifying is totally
valid, and self-diagnosing is totally
Deciding whether you're fat = No we'll humiliate you by making a post about how you don't present fat enough and how that upset us????
No. 838039
>>838018>Borderline small fatjfc the subjective gatekeeping of these people is ridiculous. when you're 600+ pounds, everyone is small compared to you. Doesn't mean those people get treated well by the general
healthy thin population. Just because you're dying from obesity doesn't mean 300lb people are ~privileged~ what a dumpster fire of a group
No. 838042
>>838018Jesus Christ. Fat people are just like trannies with their policing, "oh you don't weigh enough in our eyes, even though you're also classified as obese by your doctor and society thinks you're fat as shit and people also shout abuse at you when you walk down the street, but nope, you're smaller than us so you can fuck right off". They're competing over who's the most oppressed when they literally cause all their problems themselves."You're more privileged than me because you haven't gained as much weight as me!!" This shit is so
No. 838078
File: 1563134463011.jpg (Spoiler Image,5.87 KB, 234x215, 1478522976567.jpg)

>>838050Inb4 she reaches Tammy Slaton's level of fat
No. 838097
File: 1563136437729.jpeg (137.38 KB, 750x750, BA1CD7F5-CA70-4C6B-8B42-4D7293…)

>Happy international non binary people’s day. Here’s my face and a reminder I ONLY use they/them pronouns. Do not call me girl, woman, ‘girrrrl’ etc etc. Fanx!!!! Support non binary people, all year round
No. 838102
File: 1563136981814.jpeg (343.65 KB, 750x1105, 2FC048EF-22A8-45B5-80FB-CB4FCE…)

>>837292Word I almost posted that, lol. Here's the thinspo anon is referencing. Considering how obsessed she is with her IG account I'm surprised she hasn't scrubbed this off of her feed. As another anon said, she very clearly is using the oppression Olympics to hide the fact that her weight got out of control and it's easier to be a keyboard warrior than hit a fucking treadmill.
No. 838112
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No. 838113
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No. 838434
>>838102Sad that a couple years ago she found this attractive and now she'd fly into a jealous rage over it!
I'm sure she's full of insecurity that henry could ever look at other women. I mean people are instinctively attracted to lively, young and healthy bodies.. and that's not her
No. 838436
>>838434honestly anon, given all her posts especially about Lana Del Ray with "my wife" as a caption and her now hatred of women, it's pretty clear she was only every straight
she just wanted to be a pretty thin woman and now she's fucked it up she's trapped Henry and posts about fat liberation while hating on women because she wanted to be them
No. 838456
>>838454I'm convinced "infinifats" just have a fetish for being that big, because jesus, imagine living like that.
I dont think feebs has this fetish, but I totally believe she wants to be infinifat for maximum oppression
No. 838459
>>838456I feel like part of her wants to be the fattest-fat to ever live, I also think that deep down when she sees slim and attractive women she wants to rip her own skin off
It's sad that at 21 she's already fat enough that even with major weight loss she'd be left with all sorts of loose skin. She fucked herself over so young
No. 838466
File: 1563200856720.jpg (39.57 KB, 613x300, jfc.JPG)

They have their own podcasts. This one @fatlippodcast, the ig account really truly knocked me sick. These people are digusting.
Hopefully they'll all be dead within 20 years and take their BS with them.
No. 838482
>>838456A lot of them do have a fetish. Some even say they "wish they were immobile" cos they think it will be sexy. It's straight up mental fucking illness.
I think Feebs just had a lot of unresolved depression and self hate issues and has latched on to the HAES movement cos it conveniently is in trend right now, just like being trans. If there was a movement of people doing the complete opposite, she would probably be doing the opposite. She weaponises fat and trans cos it's like an armor to her now. Unfortunately, she's chosen the wrong thing to latch onto as she will physically immobilise herself way before she ever gets the help she actually needs.
No. 838485
>>838482She's like that one girl we all knew growing up who would copy their friends style.. except Pheobe doesn't have friends and does it with online groups instead
I can see her going through life having a personality transplant every five years. At 15 she was into edgy dark humour, was boy/cock obsessed and was a bit of a nazi. Now she's uptight, easily offended and in a sexless relationship lol
No. 838491
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No. 838501
>>838500it's just that body fat can be on the venus mound and the outer labia as opposed to some super skinny women who look like they don't have any at all
it's partly genetics since you'll see "normal sized" women with "puffy" genital areas and women with very little, if at all. but in phoebe's case the excessive weight gain has caused this effect
No. 838502
>>838500I doubt she can find her pussy under the belly layers
I know something about henry but I don't want him facing her wrath if she goes batshit, am I right in thinking she reads here?
No. 838510
>>838502She definitely lurks here. I don't think you should say anything that will cause Henry to suffer even more emotional abuse.
No. 838532
>>838496It's not the cheapest, no, but they have some of the best affordable underwear out there.
But yeah, so she's calling herself boy now? Henry must be so happy he's got a boyfriend now. A boyfriend with a big pussy.
No. 838581
>>838538Tell us!
I want Phoebe threatening suicide with a butterknife again.
Honestly, if her and Henry split it's gonna be great (for us).
Who's going to push her wheelchair around, fill her trough and clean their home?
No. 838589
File: 1563218611793.jpeg (394.28 KB, 828x1441, 83A9230B-65B0-42E6-A3CF-9A0A9A…)

First time posting, please lemme know if I broke the rules or anything! I found this yesterday on reddit but am not 100% sure it’s her…
No. 838591
>>838581the fallout from their break up would be amazing. i cant see her mother taking her in, could you imagine the fallout if she decided to home with her bastard of a cop father lel or begging strangers online to take in a 'trans' small business owner with horrible hygiene and bad money management?
>>838589that has previously been posted before if im not mistake.
No. 838600
File: 1563219746120.gif (779.73 KB, 540x297, 1520958179_Anime_c8d247_633265…)

>>838596the the conclusion the majority figured was going on but i hope that anon steps up and brings some receipts to the table
No. 838626
File: 1563222996207.png (4.55 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2018.PNG)

There are some milky comments under this OP. I would even agree gender reveals are stupid and unnecessary but to spit this much vitriol at a small business owner is incredible. Telling your friends and family your baby's genitalia in no way means you're going to raise said child by the binary? These libtards are just reaching for things to be oppressed by now.
No. 838628
File: 1563223152461.png (1.37 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190715-213908.png)

Base coat - £8.50
Cloud Nine - £10
So Spesh - £10
Top coat - £5.50
No. 838629
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No. 838631
>>838626Childless person tells pregnant moms what to do during their pregnancy and when raising their child
I think gender reveals are stupid too but such a reach to claim somebodies baby-shower type party is somehow harming your community, get a grip
No. 838671
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No. 838678
File: 1563230327748.jpg (75.31 KB, 837x1458, sketch-1563230237924.jpg)

>>838671My understanding of anatomy is possibly as bad is Phoebe's is, but those boobs don't make any sense. She's obviously just traced herself and added bigger tits
No. 838780
>>838626Noticed that when feebee went to some lgbtq+uwu event last time she needed other, smaller, fitter people to lug around her scootie puff with her rotting carcas lazily reclining on top of it? That's what lgb have to put up with now, all kinds of insane degenerates coopting their movement, and having to caretake these beasts at their events. And they're naive enough to do it. They set themselves up for it when accepting the t and it was all down from there, they have no one but themselves to blame.
>>838631Gender reveals suck because it will result in people either bombing you with pink stuff or with "manly" stuff while your kid is a baby and probably more interest in baby appropriate, primary color everything, and you'll be stuck with a mountain of junk that goes straight to goodwill. But gender reveals are still less obnoxious than an ugly ham stuck in a mobility device acting like she's cute for eating herself into disability.
No. 838819
>>838636No anon, it's
presuming gender that's transphobic. So maybe they should go after the doctors who assign sex to babies at birth? Oh that's right, sex and gender are different things and if the kid grows up to be trans then they can have another gender reveal party of their own. She just hates everything that other more popular accounts hate, jumping on the bandwagon.
No. 838871
>>838780they forced their way in but ok
>>838647boi is forbidden cos it's "racist" apparently. i think people were saying it originated in the black community or it's a black gender identifier. which makes sense why feebs would act like she cares about it, she wouldn't give a shit about appropriating gay terminology.
i've seen a lot of these female "they/them nb" bloggers call themselves "boy". it's like a trendy thing. if someone called feebs a girl she'd lose her shit but calling herself a boy is totally fine.
No. 838896
>>838894The relative who had first posted about Phoebe said Henry had autism and that this was why his family felt he was settling for her.
>my relative, her poor weedy ACTUALLY autistic boyfriendThe post is still up in the Personal Cow thread, too.
I know Phoebe said he doesn't have autism but since she lies about everything else, I'm more inclined to believe Henry's relative. She also posted a screenshot of that post on her snapchat and yet didn't deny Henry being autistic until much later, which is pretty suspicious.
No. 838930
File: 1563284017575.jpg (787.2 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190716-143008_Ins…)

so many poor and disabled people rely on amazon to actually survive. bit classist and ableist of you to assume everyone can just give up amazon, pheebs. tut tut
No. 838934
>>838930She's telling others to not fund Amazon but then buys m&s underwear saying "I know they're not ethical but I'm poor"
Glad to know as always she's exempt from activism
No. 838953
File: 1563287853870.jpg (575.26 KB, 1080x1725, 20190716_103535.jpg)

find it weird she still has posts like this on her instagram…this reads as SOOOOO PHATPHOBIC PHEEBS…you shouldn't correlate certain food with health, FANX PHEEBS.
No. 838973
File: 1563292293467.jpeg (264.32 KB, 1055x1843, E14EF6C0-AD22-4651-8C2C-72C8A8…)

>>838946I gotchu anon. I remember taking it bc how could she be SO unaware that that’s the exact argument people use to discredit male rape
victims No. 838984
>>838973She's talked about rape in law and order episodes a few different times now and always uses it to make comments on potential real rapes… like girl watch a documentary at least
This is the same girl who held a butter knife to her throat and talked about ending it online cos an episode of some other show
triggered flashbacks of the many (I think imaginary) rapes she claims she's experienced. I think she enjoys rape shows way too much and too often tbh..
No. 838995
>>838984I've always wondered about this. she calls herself a survivor of multiple rapes, but the only sexual assault we've ever heard ANYthing about (I don't at all mean she owes us graphic details, but we've not heard even one fraction of a percent of a detail about any of it) is the assault she committed against another girl. we've heard that story from multiple people with a fair bit of detail, but Phoebe's numerous personal traumas are completely shrouded in mystery.
bit strange if you ask me for a chronic oversharer, who posts about her poo explosions and other oppreshuns on a daily basis, not to say anything more than "I've been raped", and only when she needs it to add credibility to her comments on other people's lives.
No. 839000
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As if rapists are only creepy about fat girls body's, rapists never act creepy or fetishising towards slimmer victims, they're lovely and kind to thin girls actually
No. 839005
>>839000She described it as a 'series of rapes' in another post and mentioned flashbacks, all I can think is if one man raped you multiple times and you're posting that online aren't your family concerned and ready to freak the fuck out and find out exactly who it is?
If any normal young woman (not a compulsive liar) posted this their family would be hunting down all their exes to get answers
Her mention of flashbacks and her attention seeking suicide talk on Insta made me think that she's watched one too many episodes of Law and Order and used those storylines for extra attention cos henry wasn't giving her enough. Cos he has a side girl.
No. 839009
>>839004Henry cheated cos self-diagnosed vaginismus and some pretty sus sexual trauma claims are her ticket to never having sex with him. He can't argue with her but he can say he's working extra hours and go get himself some fun
Who stops putting out that soon into a relationship and still sees a future together?
No. 839014
>>839000oh shit, thanks for the correction, I don't remember seeing this post (I don't have insta) and probably couldn't get through all the "I as a middle class white woman have it worst bc I'm fat" talk to read her account. I'll eat crow now
>>839009I really want the original "Henry cheated" anon to offer a little more than just that, all this speculation is gonna get him grilled by Beefy either way. she's too insecure not to make his life shittier based on just a suspicion. maybe if she had proof, she would boot him to revamp her "I am the biggest
victim" routine. (If he is cheating, the relationship should end anyway imo, cheaters are shit and the blame wouldn't all be on beefs since he shouldn't have been sneaking around.) though she would probably have to open another GoFundMe to pay for her food with her only caregiver gone.
No. 839015
>>839000Did she meet a guy for some kind of domination or bdsm play when she was young and stupid and then only decide afterwards that it was assault?
>>839012If she can fake rape stories for pity I can only imagine what she'll do to henry
No. 839020
>>838896It's true Phoebe herself never explicitly stated that he's autistic. But she did mention he needed her help filling out forms for blood donation.
Tinfoil, but I think he might be an aspie. Asperger's is not the same as autism, so I could see why the family anon would call him autistic, but Phoebe could still say he's actually not.
He works, they live on their own and he's taking care of Phoebe.. So it's clear that his condition is not too severe.
No. 839042
>>839033that she was trapped in an
abusive relationship because she's 'disabled' and poor.
No. 839067
>>839020Afaik, aspergers was removed from the DSM and now it’s just autism spectrum disorder (asd). So someone previously diagnosed with aspergers would now just be considered someone on the “higher functioning” end of the spectrum.
No. 839070
>>839067I think the UK and Ireland still use the term Aspergers and the US got rid of it. I imagine soon all countries will use ASD
It is way less dramatic to say aspie or even elaborate that it's high functioning, she never does that though cos she wants the most pity and oppression
No. 839082
>>839075ah ok, must just be Ireland
Wonder if she'll ever get around to being assessed
>>839077I've heard the term aspergers is
problematic now cos of the man it's named after
No. 839106
File: 1563309939950.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1079x2069, 1553910716346.jpeg)

I know that picture is old, but I want to bring it back for any new people. Phoebe assaulted someone. She didn't believe the victim. She blames it on drugs
"… as drugs can do awful things to people, …"
When people call her out for it, she screams "character assassination".
How can anyone support her?
No. 839117
>>839106Quote "I made it all about me which is really fucked up"
This sentence sums up her entire life, it's how she acts in all situations, in all her interactions online and in her views. It's like she stopped emotionally developing at age 5
No. 839126
>>838998When was this posted? She said this guy "fetishized" her body and she didn't think he would feel him beating her (assuming she couldn't feel it through her fat) but wasn't her weight gain very recent and very quick?
>>837260I mean if this was her in the red outfit in 2017 what is there to fetishize about her body?
I haven't been following Pheebz for that long but hasn't she been holed up in her flat for a while now? There's literally no way someone could rape her unless they break in or they do it in the open in public.
No. 839137
File: 1563313828189.png (9.55 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2038.PNG)

this is probably the first full length photo of her standing she or anyone has seen in about a year. it must be so proud of them gainzzz
No. 839146
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No. 839147
File: 1563314202410.jpeg (234.2 KB, 1080x1921, E2553419-9A95-42F2-9B8F-8E76FF…)

why are you like this phoebe
No. 839154
File: 1563314983074.png (3.28 MB, 750x1334, B5EF291E-23E0-49E6-81AF-2327B8…)

i refuse to believe henry’s not retarded if he is willingly devoting his life/money/time/dick to this disgusting blob. disgusting equally inside and out.
No. 839156
>>839020Aspberger's is no longer in the DSM; it is under the 'high-functioning autism' diagnosis. But according to the original pheobepost, Henry isn't necessarily high-functioning.
>>838882>>839020Feebs probably doesn't want anyone to know that Henry's autistic because:
1. that would make her treatment/enslavement of him all the shittier
2. it would take attention from herself
3. deep down she probably doesn't want to date someone with a noticeable cognitive disability
>>839009Is there any proof that Henry cheated?
>>839137Fuck, at the rate she's blowing up she's going to start sucking things into her orbit soon. No way she'll live past 40 if she keeps it up.
No. 839158
>>839151"why support ME when you can support someone prettier, smaller and better than me in every way!11!!!!1!"
this seriously boils my blood. way to take BP movement and use it to segregate all over again, it's the whole reason there IS a movement in the first place.
even now with the "thicc" popularity, it means a very specific body type: big booty and ass, big boobs, and slim waist. the hint of a belly or arms or double chin is a no no. How can she be so vitriolic and hateful towards people that she has to lower them and make them beneath her
not very feminist or inclusive, feebz
No. 839161
>>839147If you literally search #fatactivism on Instagram the first pics that pop up are super dat people so Geebz is full of bullshit. She makes up all this shit about things being taken over and hijacked and she's actually talking out of her arse.
Proof Pheebz? Provide it.
No. 839167
>>839106>>839113It’s so like Peebee to hide her fucks ups. When she created her “Accountability” highlight, she said it’s staying up so people will stop addressing all her controversies (of which she still neglected to address her rape jokes and Hitler ones). She also said that about her Twitter. She said she’s not deleting any old tweets because she has nothing to hide, but she deleted her entire twitter and never came back to it. I’m not encouraging cowtipping, but I’m wondering if one of her followers (who isn’t a farmer) has commented on her rape
victim posts to call her out for the sexual assault she committed? I feel like someone has, but Phoebe just deletes hate.
>>839146This has to be incorporated into the next thread pic somehow.
No. 839169
File: 1563316541455.png (201.36 KB, 817x1857, screencapture-fatvegfemme-word…)

unsure if this was posted before, but this was on her blog about her eating disorder
posting other posts via links to spare a flood of large screencaps
her buying fenty foundation (what a splurge!) she eats in a day (of many), goes over 2k calories and huge portions: what I eat a day: sounded much more normal then,
oof. Feel free to browse feebz' eating habits
No. 839183
File: 1563318505957.png (260.87 KB, 1022x722, Screen Shot 2019-07-16 at 7.08…)

remember when phoebe claimed she never said she was autistic? hmmm
No. 839185
>>839170she does it to look as ugly as possible, seems to be her MO
>>839137jfc what even
No. 839187
File: 1563318981394.jpg (23.54 KB, 1783x61, hnri.JPG)

this comment from the personal lolcow thread is interesting considering the recent discussion about henry cheating
No. 839231
>>839146Ummm excuse me feebs but taking pictures from a low angle with your head in that pose to mimic a double chin is fatphobic to infinifats. You're mocking the beautiful 600+ lb goddesses who pave the way for skinny little bitches like yourself to sit behind a computer and whine all day about thin privilege. Excuse Me? You can fit into dungarees? They carry your size on asos?
You're as bad as those skinny women on Instagram hunched over pushing their bellies together to make rolls and calling it body positivity.
This is digital fatface.
Fanx for coming to my BED talk.
No. 839232
New thread pic idea?
No. 839238
File: 1563326272658.png (7.93 MB, 1242x2208, 1551903775576.png)

>>839183also this post from her first thread
>>>/snow/783925included pic here. says she's autistic
also if you scroll down a bit further from that post there are some pastel galaxy screenshots from her story where she mentions, again, that she's autistic
she also made an instagram post with the synthwave text generator thing which is all about being autistic
TL;DR her first thread is FILLED with her own content saying she's autistic. I cannot even fathom how she thinks she can get away with saying she never claimed such a thing
No. 839246
>>838930she's right though
you can boycott for a single day if not cancel your membership
No. 839255
File: 1563329197946.png (2.59 MB, 1080x1811, Screenshot_20190415-132010.png)

Not very milky, just a size comparison. She basically doubled in size, it's only been 1.5 years. She will eat herself to death.
No. 839270
That's 98lbs.
No. 839278
File: 1563332592282.jpeg (1.01 MB, 750x4559, 511AAE4A-6D33-40CB-AB5C-55FB7A…)

>>839276Might help if I remember to post the cap
No. 839279
>>839276She can't drive though? I'm sure she said she didn't have her license.
Henry has at least one other vintage car he's working on restoring.
No. 839315
File: 1563339757914.jpeg (157.39 KB, 750x953, 06AB6229-F0D1-48A8-8A7D-B87717…)

not that I know the UK at all but doesn’t this look nicer than what she claims her flat is like? She makes it sound like it’s fucking ghetto with this cap
>>839238 I guess the outside isn’t an indication of the inside but still?
No. 839328
File: 1563346961360.jpeg (374.53 KB, 745x1101, F75CA9A6-088A-40C3-B851-9E8319…)

>>839279She definitely doesn’t have her license. I’m not sure what her angle was with tagging it fiatowner was either
>>839290In this pic she’s a size 22, from a little over a year ago. Does anyone know what size she’s claiming now?
>>839288Going back through her ig was depressing thinking about how Henry started dating a relatively normal girl that he could go out and do things with, and now she’s gained 100 pounds, posts “queer” above their bed in shitty cut out letters, spends her time drawing her “colorful fatties” and then when he gets off work he gets to push her around in a wheelchair to queer events. Fuck.
No. 839352
File: 1563355361269.png (217 KB, 750x1334, FB3FFF44-864B-4F85-9F0A-1776F3…)

The claim that she gained this much weight while actively trying to diet and through ED recovery is so bullshit and frankly triggering for real ED suffersers. “Muh body is SPECIAL muh METABOLISM”. Her typical “diet” days are logged at 2,500 calories - and that’s the stuff she’s willing to show. She has a “certificate in nutrition “ yet doesn’t understand the basics of calories in calories out. One of her logged days had her carbs as 3x the daily recommendation. She’s been lying to herself for years.
No. 839373
>>839345She's fooling herself if she's trying to make out like no part of her wishes she had a defined neck
She's at the weight where you stop breathing in your sleep from all the pressure on your chest, obstructive sleep apnea
No. 839374
File: 1563363158505.png (3.52 MB, 750x1334, B41BAF75-0B16-4D35-B33F-68E66A…)

this is the closest our feebs is ever gonna get to being old, she’ll be dead by 35 judging by those cronometer stats
No. 839379
>>839375Yeah we didn't get proof of this
>>839187 and there was another right at the beginning of her threads, a few anons have claimed to know them both irl or to have spoken with him but I dunno. I don't like to think of him being outed and coming home to knife wielding Pheebs..again
No. 839380
>>839379if he IS cheating then no matter who the other person is, that's not cool. He should get out of the relationship instead of cheating and she shouldn't rely on Henry as a carer and take him for granted
if he's NOT cheating then she's letting some random internet comments affect her that badly and she needs therapy and should know better, after all she lives with him, imagine letting lolcow get to you because of hearsay
so tbh I don't rly feel strongly enough about it either way
No. 839381
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No. 839382
>>839380She's the kind of woman that guys fear and dread breaking up with, we don't even know how bad it gets in private
I'm just waiting for the entertainment when they reach breaking point
No. 839387
>>839137LOL @ the fact that she wants size 18 women out of the bopo movement when she was size 18 at
>>839255It's like she always sets the bar of oppression for what happens to her.
Cis white women, small fat? you can't be oppressed, even if you're gay, or skint.
But suddenly if you're an infinifat genderqueer immobile blob who weights no less than Feebz, you've entered the marginalised club, and you are exempt from call-outs.
No. 839392
>>839243BodyposiPanda (megan???) actually organised events, can wipe her own ass, and had a legit ED. We get it feebz, you hate women more successful and attractive than you
smallfat privilege uwu
No. 839400
File: 1563372844706.png (712.01 KB, 624x696, Easy on the trusts Taft.png)

>>839391>>839169It's crazy that she thinks that being a somewhat healthy weight, eating her proper caloric intake, and exercising regularly was her starving herself with an eating disorder.
Just for fun 3500 Cal/lb * 100lbs = 350 000 excess calories she's been chomping down
350 000/ (365*3) = 320 excess calories a day. So even if she stopped using her fucking wheelchair throughout the day she'd probably level out…
No. 839423
>>839410She's really fucking herself over by creating this disability story and becoming a stupid-codependant at such a young age. How often does she think that engagements at 20 actually end in a life long relationship??
She has no independence to walk (or roll) away when this gets too
toxic No. 839443
File: 1563377174065.jpg (296.4 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190717-114022_Ins…)

I thought she didn't agree with giving babies a gender???
No. 839445
File: 1563377493850.png (464.8 KB, 1080x1248, Screenshot_20190717-162501.png)

I had a look through her IG to see if the nude images of black fat people were still up and guys… I'm 99% sure that she just traced a nude of herself and painted it black here
No. 839459
File: 1563380639015.png (2.71 MB, 750x1334, 4C4F561A-AAE6-45C6-8520-3F04C7…)

the face is misery
No. 839469
>>839459 oh my fuck, you know when a baby pram steers down if you put heavy bags on the handle? that’s gonna happen to her eventually and she’s on her back kek
henry’s gonna need help propping her back up lol i feel mean for saying it
No. 839476
File: 1563382790756.png (346.6 KB, 535x561, henry.png)

>>839459[in the arms of an angel starts playing]
No. 839484
>>839480I feel like Henry is her replacement dad rather than her bf, I mean there's no sex and he's just a provider of wages who doesn't seem to be home much
I keep thinking about how her parents are quite likely to outlive her
No. 839509
File: 1563387474959.jpg (978.22 KB, 2048x1700, pixlr_20190717211637841.jpg)

Taking a deep dive into IG is just depressing. Hard to believe this is the same person.
No. 839519
>>839509Agreed anon. I was just going back to find out when they first started dating and then saw how much happier and healthier she looked. Going out to car shows, mini golf, putting on makeup for date night. Now her life consists of eating herself to an infinitifat and getting angry on the internet.
The most severe of the weight gain occurred when they got engaged. Probably thought she didn’t have to try anymore, but started gaining a colossal amount. Looked to body positivity, found fat acceptance instead to fuel her binge eating disorder. Found out about medical fat oppression, now she will never listen to anyone telling her she needs to lose weight. Everything has to enable her, if it doesn’t then it “oppresses” her. The perfect excuse to not take care of herself.
It’s honestly depressing to see how far she’s fallen.
No. 839521
>>839509I feel like she came away from body positivity with the entirely wrong lesson. I think there's value in the BP movement, to value your body not by its size and how marketable it is to society, but because it's your body, and your only body. I feel like it should apply to all sizes and shapes to remind oneself to not be tied down to arbitrary standards, marketing and social pressure.
And I think in the beginning Phoebe probably felt that, too. I think her eating habits at first were quite fine, 1800 calories isn't terrible. And her portions were likely very normal, compared to now. But she found Henry who appreciated her body even with the small amount of chub, and she discovered body positivity, and she spiraled into the complete opposite side of the spectrum: she just stopped caring.
I mean look, I love food. I like prepping it, I like experimenting, and enjoy eating it. But I can't just drop my self control and eat however much I want, because I know the consequences aren't worth it. I try my best to put a limit. Phoebe saw the BP movement and Henry's liking of her body and thought "well fuck everything else then, I'll just stop imposing myself"
It's a testament that even "healthy" foods can balloon a person. She exceeded every single nutrient in the screenshots and went above the calorie limit she herself set. And yet it's all, healthy? And vegan, too. Nobody thinks vegan food is particularly fattening because we all imagine raw veggies and salads.
And when she noticed her weight was increasing rapidly instead of saying whoah, gotta keep that in check, she used the BP movement to justify her body and stick her head in the sand. She used a social movement with value to justify her own greed and indifference towards her body. And used her bitterness and vitriol towards other women who either lost weight or managed to remain at a lower fat level (smallfats).
It's sad. Phoebe is the poster child of everything wrong with these movements.
No. 839536
>>8391471) as if fat activism isn't currently co-opting poc and lgbt activism
2) as if she isn't co-opting all form of activism by pretending to be non binary, jewish, autistic, lgbt, disabled, etc.
No. 839542
File: 1563396197736.jpg (640.2 KB, 2048x2048, A0FFC414-0A7C-4B6D-ACDA-A8EB26…)

January 2018 vs now
No. 839543
File: 1563396264835.jpg (53.2 KB, 460x651, 23a9b2bc4fd95676d9249809f7d800…)

>>839509she's getting what she deserves, she's a terrible person through and through.
No. 839545
>>839539it's a good thing everything is documented in these threads cause I swear someone should compile all these vitriolic hateful posts of hers about other bodypositive people and expose this bitch.
How can you claim to be a bodyposy person when you are routinely hateful towards people in that group? she goes against everything the movement is for and she should not be tolerated.
No. 839550
>>839487If you have a wide enough skeleton they will. I'm a "small fat" (aka not actually fat enough for these fatties) but can still feel all my ribs.
Phoebe has a very skewed sense of what healthy is - feeling ribs or hipbones doesn't mean you're too thin.
No. 839554
>>839506Her mum would have none of Phoebe's nonsense, but I guess she'd spend all her time reeeeing about how "
abusive" she was telling her she wasn't a real bisexual haha
No. 839589
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No. 839592
File: 1563402017078.jpeg (921.27 KB, 1242x1965, 353CB7EA-8A61-48D2-8D1F-9554B5…)

She put a content warning on this. So when she inevitably has to move back in with her cop dad after Henry dumps her, will she need a trigger warning before every interaction with him?
No. 839614
>>839609That's why she had to get so fat as to be disabled, so she could play at being marginalised.
See also: self diagnosing autism, pretending to be Jewish, claiming to be non binary.
No. 839653
File: 1563413131585.png (9.9 MB, 1242x2208, A14C713B-E87E-41A5-A9D8-BE2A7B…)

A cis woman playing a trans woman? cmon phoebe you’re not even trying
not that all gay women watch lesbian shows, but..growing up gay the L word was like all the representation we had. of course phoebe wouldn’t know this, cause you know, she’s not gay
No. 839663
>>839653SHANE! My favorite predatory lesbian. She could turn any woman.
Except phoebe cause she'd be too
triggered by her waif body.
No. 839715
>>839653I remember that episode. Didn't the transwoman shane was playing catfish and trick a dude and then she shot him or something in a bathroom at a party? such a
No. 839805
>>839802like all rape
victims, she's obsessed with watching shows that cover sexual abuse but requires
trigger warnings for police
No. 839809
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>>839459Little Britain vibes
No. 839832
File: 1563460254253.png (826.25 KB, 750x1334, 96583FBD-F417-4FAE-889B-B510CF…)

feebz mental illness is honestly off the charts and it’s insanely alarming. this is not art this is not beautiful this image is of a person who is near death and clearly disabled (or will be soon) by their weight. why the fuck is she glamorizing this? how is this ANY different from those who glamorize anorexia ? it’s the same shit, just opposite ends of the spectrum. as much as i genuinely hate phoebe because of her wretched cunt personality, i also can’t help but feel sorry for her t some degree because she needs mental help NOW. like IMMEDIATELY! it may take 10,15,20 years,but she’ll die if she doesn’t. over eating and under eating are both equally awful and both kill just as easily, overeating is just a slower death because it can take some time. being chubby, shit, even being fat isn’t all that bad. some ppl really can be overweight but still maintain general health but my god, how can anyone be okay with someone being this size? like jesus fucking christ it is LITERALLY the same thing as posting pictures of 80 pound women with every bone sticking out it is absolutely no different but NO ONE SEES IT because it’s gone the opposite way. this is still an image of a person who is DYING, and feebz thinks it’s “beautiful” just because she knows she’ll be looking like that before age 25. feebz, get mental help, you’re literally so so so sick in the head and you need extensive therapy.
No. 839838
File: 1563461289331.jpg (Spoiler Image,76.96 KB, 513x395, Plus-Size-Nude-Nimoy.jpg)

>>839832anon, first of all, sage your rants pls. Second, your mentality is part of the problem society has in the first place. It's not glamorizing or glorifying obesity to take an aesthetically pleasing photo of a big person. So like what, if you're bigger you just should be banned from appearing in a camera lens? Let's all just fucking wear burqas on our bodies to be done with it. Perish the thought that someone could take a picture of a bigger person without the angle of shame and without making it look horrible! won't someone think of the children!
>>how is this ANY different from those who glamorize anorexiaBecause skinny people have been shoved in our faces for fucking ever. Runways, magazines, advertisements, billboards, television, music, makeup, fashion, lifestyle, every fucking place you turn your head you see skinny people. So yeah you know what, what this one model does with her body is not my business or concern. I appreciate this photo a lot more than if it was some generically waif pretty girl, and I guarantee not a lot of people had the guts to photograph obese women. You know who did? Leonard Nimoy. Yep, Spock himself was into photography and had a project where he'd photograph bigger women using the same aesthetic quality and standards we had for skinny women. Pic included is his.
Y'all lose their goddamn minds when a bigger person gets an ounce of attention but had to be told by activists to care that skinny people and anorexia is an issue. Nobody really batted an eye before body positivity movements became mainstream and highlighted the problems of eating disorders among the celeb world and photoshopping.
Phoebe is a cunt because she refuses to take accountability for how her body ended up like this and has become bitter at everyone who is better than her. She will still be a cunt regardless of what size she is. We're not making threads all the time just to discuss how big she is; we're discussing about how much of an assnozzle she is being while being obese. Please stop derailing from pointing out why Phoebe sucks by targeting obese people as a whole when the issue is much more complex and is rooted in education, food, classism, economy, politics, etc. Not one random person's fat body
(>>>/tumblr/) No. 839848
>>839843that's fair I forgot to do that, my bad
I still don't think reeing about other people living their life is very constructive to Phoebe. This isn't the "shit on obese people" thread, this is Phoebe's thread. She's filled up enough threads by being a cunt by herself.
Of course I "must" be fat to care about other people! One cannot possibly have a mature conversation about a topic without resorting to these following comments. One couldn't actually have a nuanced opinion about something, it has to be "hate fat people" or "pro obesity let's eat till we die". There is no in between?
No. 839852
>>839847Yep, they're only interesting to look at in the same way that it's often hard to look away from a disfigurement
>>839848You're way too emotional, go join the Infini-Fat group on facebook or something
No. 839855
>>839850I think her obesity is a symptom of her character, which gave up trying a long time ago. Her personality was bad before with all the edgelord bullshit she did, now she's done a 180 and trying to appear woke. Eating large amounts of vegan food while blaming capitalism. She spends money on random shit and complains about being poor. She also stopped caring for her body and used her size as a shield. She has a cop dad and hates the cops, and also talked badly about Henry's middle class family as though she wasn't middle class herself.
You're right in those things, yeah. I just don't think obesity itself is the theme of this issue, it's how Phoebe has taken all those things and spun them around to benefit her, whenever it suits her. That feature alone has carried her through several threads here because she repeatedly ignores accountability and responsibility for the shit she says in favor of acting like a
You can all post snarky comments as much as you like, you're just taking up comment quotas by not even contributing constructively to the conversation. At least I did, even if you disagree. None of these comments you've all posted has had any value to the topic, even if I get banned or reported (which I likely will), at least I had an opinion, jeez. Saying "hate phoebe, not random fat people" is considered crack? delusional? pro fatty? that I'm a fatty too? lol ok
(Autism) No. 839859
>>839813Well she applied for disability benefits and so far she's been denied
No doubt she'll keep piling on the weight and reapplying til she gets it
No. 839871
File: 1563465576012.jpg (86.08 KB, 865x577, Leonard-Nimoy-Shekhina.jpg)

>>839858Not really. I googled his photography after anon mentioned it. Apart from his token obeast series, the other women he took photos of were slim and beautiful. Collarbones galore!
Feebz shouldn't fight oppression. Her etsy empire and ig ~popularity~ rests on her being a
victim. If everyone embraced land whales and invented pronouns, she'd have nothing to make tacky badges of.
No. 839876
File: 1563466578812.jpeg (746.15 KB, 1242x1606, E4EDB1D7-4598-4E7C-A581-165A1C…)

>>839871Saw this on twitter. You’re correct about how her business is fueled by being “oppressed,” people actively seek her out to make shit like this. If she were to lose weight, then she wouldn’t have an ~empire~
No. 839899
File: 1563470896783.png (1.85 MB, 1242x2208, B695271F-705B-4A22-98E7-D71C83…)

Can’t wait for the “wow this FLOPPED fanks everyone!!” stories
No. 839900
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No. 839903
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No. 839937
>>839897Seriously, anon, all you did was talk about Pheebs promoting the gross societal reaction of extreme skinny by exhibiting extreme fat. Because of that an autistic fatty goes on a rampage because they were subjected to Kate Moss models. Then uwu's why can't we have models whose organs are being crushed by their own mass. Pheebs is hideous inside and out. She doesn't practice basic hygiene and we know it's not because of disabilities. As far as being ugly on the outside? She's a hambeast and is as scary as a skelly. There are many skellies and hambeasts that are good people and need help, Phoebe is not one of them.
>>839903Kek. INternet is forever
No. 839965
>>839897I'm sure there's non-binary or even aspergers anons that get a little butthurt over comments on here but they rarely derail the thread like fatty-anon did, I mean of all the things to have a big defensive rant about, it was fatness lol
>>839899'Pals' Why does she talk like a dad?
No. 839968
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No. 839972
>>839968'You're a terrible person' Well that one is true!
Her bad thoughts come at night cos Henry is trying to sleep and she wants attention
No. 839979
>>839970Damn, that's pretty revealing
>>839968There's mental illness where a person is struggling (often silently or downplaying it) and then there's attention seeking personality disorders. People like her are emotional parasites looking to suck the most sympathy out of you
No. 839982
>>839968The eyebrows are literally the size of the eye. The text is too wonky. What’s new. This whole “I didn’t want to change anything about it because it’s during the hour my bad thoughts attacked and it’s comig from a genuine place uwu” sounds like a way to deflect criticism.
Kinda gives me gaslighting vibes toward Henry. It probably isn’t intentional, but Henry is tired as fuck after his shift + overtime. She can just fall asleep at the same time as him to avoid these thoughts? How
dare Henry try getting rest! He was made to be her carer, after all.
She’ll be complaining about the post not getting enough likes soon.
No. 839989
>>839986 literally like her tips are cuddling a cat like um no work on your issues??
Either way it's just hilarious that at night she realises how much she's a bad person.
>>839970 holy shit it really is. She just admits to having no personality in a tattoo, Christ. Glad she found a personality in being a fat non binary artest
No. 839995
>>839970I feel like these lyrics are describing a particular disorder
>>839989Watching funny vids helps too!!
If she feels that tortured by the mildest dip in her mood she'd be shocked if she ever saw psychosis in action. Her posts always make out like mental health is purely about buying yourself nice things to cheer yourself up
No. 840080
>>839965I'm sure there are lots of fat and overweight people posting here too (I'm one of them!), but the reason we don't take this personally is because this thread is about Phoebe. If she was thin and yet so
toxic we'd still be posting about her.
No. 840084
>>839970Well, it starts with B and ends with PD. My own experiences of it ring true with the whole "struggling when alone" thing. She needs therapy, not to try and make her identity via being a fat jerk on the internet.
Also LOL at the idea that she self-identifies as a girl via her tattoo.
No. 840231
>>839986Saged for mental illness sperging
My jimmies get unbelievably rustled every goddamn time I see one of these stupid uwu ✨self care✨ posts. Watching a funny video wouldn’t have kept me from trying to fucking hang myself. All the ~pet a cat~get a soft blanket~color a coloring book~paint your nails~tee hee bullshit is for a bad mood, not a chemical imbalance or misfiring neurons in your brain. Feebles def has something wrong upstairs but it is not depression. Yet another thing she’s latching onto because it’s “in” lately and she has the perfect excuse for being a lazy ass and no one can call her on it, just like the ED bullshit. Because you think you’re the worst garbage on the planet when you have depression, treatment involves a ton of self care and small indulgences to basically get you to start building your self worth and self valuation up. In Feebland that means that she gets to indulge as much as she wants and no one can call her on it, and she can fish for compliments like this post. With whatever cluster b nonsense she’s got going on you have to actually admit you’re being a piece of shit and work on changing your behavior, which would never happen with our qween here
(autism) No. 840348
File: 1563529584165.png (827.42 KB, 640x1136, 569BB4C1-FD87-461B-A4B9-282106…)

the pierced snout of a non binary femme jew bull
No. 840350
File: 1563529873884.jpeg (67.35 KB, 640x1138, B5AC7D61-3169-4412-BAC5-0D3199…)

i hope no one is cowtipping
No. 840362
>>840360Clearly her. Her traces always are though so no award there anon.
I love her using her engagement as proof she won't die alone. As if they will ever actually get married. Henry's family will have an intervention before they let that happen imo.
No. 840383
>>840380the most she had in her life was 6 weeks of therapy, if the healthcare provider felt there was anything actually wrong with her you wouldn't get a pathetic 6 weeks.
But I'm glad she isn't pushing for more, as therapy is hard, requires work, introspection and dedication, and she isn't capable of any of that
No. 840389
>>840386sage for medfag, but no
People with secondary mental health conditions (personality disorders, schizo, etc) have an entirely different system of care once off the waiting list, often getting 20weeks to years of therapy. A light depression may get 6weeks, a severe depression more likely to be referred for a longer therapy program, even if just 12weeks of CBT, and she hasnt even got that.
She's not half as sick, and has never been as sick, as she says she is.
She's another white girl wanting mental illness to be trendy
No. 840416
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Nope because I actually look after my cat and feed her a non vegan diet
No. 840417
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Maybe the cat is catching yeast infections from Feebs skin folds?
No. 840426
>>840417Pheebs and her only friend lol
She might be unaware she's cluster b seeing as she's only 21 and so far people in her life have been accommodating of her difficult behaviour. She even seems to cover up her PD traits by claiming it's undiagnosed autism. Break ups are often the 'crisis' that get people like her truly diagnosed
No. 840444
File: 1563549497295.png (1.57 MB, 1622x1194, Bildschirmfoto 2019-07-19 um 1…)

>>840416this makes me so sad. her other cat died after only 1 year in phoebes care. the last picture of her is horrible. phoebe didn't even mind to wipe her paws clean with a wet towel, you can see her poopy paws. she didn't brush her or cleaned the crusty fur on the side of this babies mouth. the cat was never groomed.
she let that baby die without dignity. that's the shit that really makes me hate her.
No. 840455
File: 1563550192455.png (1.71 MB, 1886x896, Bildschirmfoto 2019-07-19 um 1…)

>>840448Yes, I know =( Everyone who has basic knowledge about cats knows, that you shouldn't pair senior cats with young cats. Phoebe is talking about how the cats wouldn't get along in a few posts. Can you imagine , being a sick old cat, in such a tiny space, with another cat constantly bullying you, while you can't even groom yourself anymore? Didn't even take her a year to die. =(
No. 840471
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No. 840478
File: 1563554481920.jpeg (429.32 KB, 1125x2436, 1C4C4484-4587-4771-969D-250051…)

Does she not see the irony that this is literally her?!
No. 840486
>>840466Sad when you put it like that. What kind of animal loving vegan but things like nail varnish and takeaways before their helpless pet?
I see her surviving cat is still wearing those scarves, I guess she isn’t going to get that wound treated, she’s too busy buying dick candles or whatever.
No. 840487
>>840478Kek reminds me of when someone said on Facebook last week that her art doesn’t look finished or neat. I just checked and the comments have been deleted, but I remember seeing her get defensive because they insulted her work, then people in the group were commented saying it obviously wasn’t nasty, it was just friendly advice. Ahhh. Can’t nelieve she has 2k sales on Etsy, what kinda fucktards buy this cheap shite? Will end up in landfills,
Too. Love my capitalist, earth damaging, scamming queen.
No. 840527
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No. 840529
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No. 840555
>>840478This is an unabashedly mean meme. We obviously love making fun of bad art on here but at least we’re not pretending to be saints kek
It’s so weird that phoebe apparently believes her art is good enough to look down on other artists
No. 840614
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No. 840630
>>840614She's reminding me of another Little Britain character here "Call me Bubbles Daaahrling"
Yep the character where an already fat man had to wear a fat suit lol
No. 840649
>>840636>I'm thankful to my fat body for keeping me aliveNot for much longer Feebz!
Also, seeing someone's belly button so far away from the core of their body is really unsettling. I don't know why, but that bit in particular really makes me realize just how fucking huge she is.
No. 840693
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No. 840745
File: 1563576730435.png (1.17 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190719-235033.png)

Is Phoebe ever not running a sale? People like her ruin Etsy for real artists who are trying to sell quality goods at a fair price.
No. 840751
File: 1563576990711.png (559.96 KB, 1080x1081, sketch-1563576980209.png)

Does anyone have screenshots of Phoebe's early 'art'? I can't remember if it was on Facebook or Twitter but I do remember her claiming that it wasn't traced. This is the only thing I saved
No. 840752
File: 1563577084494.png (173.65 KB, 1080x665, Screenshot_20190719-235735.png)

>>840748Lots of people, unfortunately
No. 840838
>>840832In a lot of Middle Ages (~13thC) Europe, male Jews were made to wear identifying hats, which were pointed.
Stereotypical witches hats are also pointed and are thought to have evolved from the Judenhat (as at that time Jews were thought to have been in league with the devil as were witches) but honestly, it's a reach. The witches hat we draw now doesn't look anything like the Judenhat and Jews haven't been required to wear the dang thing in centuries. Come on now!
No. 841000
>>840472Honestly, him saying he finds fatties attractive was probably about the fat Phoebe she was a few years ago.
She doubled, if not tripled in size since they got together.
I doubt he finds her attractive anymore, let alone her incredibly ugly character. Probably just feels sorry for her and therefore doesn't leave.
No. 841012
>>841000Agreed, even chubby chasers usually have a limit. Most of them are gonna find infinifats revolting. There's fat and fat.
Phoebe is completely dependant on him.. But I think if Henry really abandoned her, her cop daddy would come to the rescue.
No. 841042
File: 1563629763533.jpg (539.86 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190720-143401_Ins…)

A new acronym? I'm finding it hard to keep up
No. 841080
>>841066It doesn't look like feebs art because all of the letters are consistently the same size. Her shitty lettering usually gets smaller and shittier at the end of each word.
And who the fuck told them that bubble letters were "art" anyway? We used to do that on all of our notebooks and shit in primary school.
No. 841082
File: 1563636986509.jpg (132.37 KB, 678x1024, Jacqueline_Wilson_-_Sleep_over…)

>>841080This style kind of reminds me of the covers on Jacqueline Wilson books, which is weird since those were meant to look like something a child would do.
No. 841097
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No. 841098
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No. 841100
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She's so fucking horrible, she is incapable of showing any kind of compassion or kindness.
No. 841125
>>841101Yep, but I think she has her testosterone level high simply from being a hamplanet.
I doubt she's acting like a cunt because of that though..
No. 841166
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No. 841171
File: 1563650656187.jpg (373.67 KB, 1080x1364, Screenshot_20190720-202309_Sam…)

Image is from an SJW website so I'm surprised her fans don't call her out on constantly saying 'eat a dick' as most of that crowd do consider it homophobic.
She's such a cunt.
No. 841172
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The lack of self awareness is mind blowing
No. 841173
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No. 841175
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No. 841234
File: 1563659198604.jpg (12.44 KB, 365x353, not bubble writing.JPG)

>>841166>#feminismyet uses "cunt" as a derogatory term.
>>841173Lol. She doesn't think her followers know what she's referring to.
No. 841319
>>841097The way she does this to commenters makes me irrationally angry.
One thing a LOT of people on the spectrum have said about SJ advocates is that they claim to be against ableism & in support of autistic people, and say over and over that you can't always tell whether someone is autistic, and that self-diagnosis is
valid because of institutional inequalities in healthcare access.
BUT. They have no concept of what autism actually is, and are horrible bullies to "actually autistic" people all the time.
Sage for mad on the internet, but my sister has autism and she says that it's become impossible to participate in any of her old social outlets on the internet, because they've been flooded with SJW bullies who are either "self-diagnosed" or "allies." If social justice isn't your special interest, and you're on the spectrum, not only is it impossible for you to keep up with the social rules that are constantly changing along with the evolving "discourse" & its vocabulary, but you're also twice as likely to make a comment that is perceived as rude, and half as likely to understand why what you said was wrong.
But asking for an explanation - or god forbid defending yourself - is tantamount to literal institutional violence to these people. Who claim to be allies to people with autism, or autistic people themselves. It's utter bullshit, and because of people like Phoebe my sister is now afraid of the few places she used to be able to go to have real friends who understood her & shared life skills advice.
No. 841490
>>840820You can tell she painted over a picture; look in the top right corner; you can see the roots of her hair. Why is it weirdly textured there and nowhere else? The reason why the eyes look pasted on is because of the same reason.
The fact people actually pay for this when she's so lazy about everything is just…idk really..naive of them to believe her.
No. 841513
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No. 841590
File: 1563722279732.png (20.17 KB, 564x112, Screenshot 2019-07-21 at 16.15…)

>>841175Is diet just a dirty word now then, like the n word? Or maybe she's gearing up to admitting to eating meat and is going to come out with 'veganism is a belief that you feel inside' or something?
>>841234How she going to say 'cunt is not an insult' when she uses it constantly? Is the badge low key pro Jeremy by equating him to the glorious powerful bringer of life that is the female genitalia?
>>841234She probably assumes lots of her followers are American, and she might have gotten this idea from the demographics of her sales on her Etsy page so I would say she's probably reasonably assuming some are in the dark about Britain's involvement in the Iraq conflict.
No. 841598
File: 1563723430986.png (966.41 KB, 1214x625, Screenshot 2019-07-21 at 16.35…)

Idk why I didn't see this coming, of _course_ she's a pitbull freak.
No. 841599
>>841590She's going to be like those pricks who duff up paediatricians because they think it means they're a paedophile. Only she'll start making badges saying DIETITIANS ARE CUNTS.
Ig might've pulled the Boris cunt badge because Jo Cox was murdered by a racist nut. I wish I knew how they dealt with reports. It's all so hit and miss, like they keep her ugly tits and fanny drawings up but remove something with CUNT written on it.
>>841591This definitely happens on youtube, so I wouldn't be surprised if that was one of the main reasons.
No. 841600
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>>841598She's advocating for the underdog of dogs. She would though identifying herself as chav.
No. 841687
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>>841643this bitch is so fucking stupid
No. 842118
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No. 842125
Get fucked, pheebs. Hoping insta starts noticing the repeated flags
No. 842206
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No. 842207
File: 1563808821017.png (7.63 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2140.PNG)

this isn't so much a maturity thing as it is a "no one that young could possibly be that horrifically out of shape" if you live to see thirty people will probably assume you're almost 50
No. 842208
File: 1563808881667.jpg (137.64 KB, 750x1334, pt3.jpg)

Still equating uploading home movies to fucking strangers for money.
No. 842215
>> Go back to doing to full timeYou never fucking did that Phoebe. She's such a dirty liar. Posting a couple of videos of your boyfriend fucking you and masturbating is not sex work. She never had clients, and has never done actual sex work because she'd be talking about it all the time if she had.
And yeah, nobody except feeder fetishists would want to go anywhere near this hog and her yeasty hellhole of a vagina. For the love of god somebody save Henry
No. 842226
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I think these have been posted before, but muh sex work… 1/3
No. 842230
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No. 842232
File: 1563810654798.jpg (221.5 KB, 810x1562, Screenshot_20190722-164841_Fac…)

If this is sex work her ebegging for a chair was also sex work kek 3/3
No. 842239
>>842207Hahahaha she thinks it's all about how mature and woke she is when really its all about her looking as rough as fuck. The weight ages you, Phoebe. Big time!
She could literally pass as a forty year old man. Or a thumb. She's an ageless sexless blob.
No. 842262
File: 1563814011656.jpg (Spoiler Image,621.78 KB, 2220x1080, dontopenifyoureeating.jpg)

>>842226NSFL reminder of what her "sex work" looks like. Who would want to pay for this crusty disgusting cunt??? I know cumbrains have weird kinks but come on, any normal human being would be repulsed by her.
No. 842264
File: 1563814120277.gif (224.6 KB, 245x228, M9P6l4H.gif)

>>842262wtf is going on with the skin on her thigh?
No. 842286
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So ugly
No. 842287
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This shows that her art is not unique at all, all these badges are by different people but are basically the same design. Feebz copies the SJW crowd, she has no original thoughts in her head.
No. 842318
>>842226Why not get a real job?
its easy to find a job thats 12-16$. why?
people usually do sex work when theyre homeless and truly dont have any other options.
No. 842345
File: 1563820887322.jpg (635.05 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190722-194047_Ins…)

Like she has any fucking idea about being a parent.
She's such a bully
No. 842373
>>842286It’d probably be faded already had she bothered to practice basic hygiene and, y’know,
wash it once in a while…just saying.
>>842345And what would you know, Feebz? You’re not a parent (thank god, plz keep it that way and never procreate) or a homeowner or a productive member of society. Why the fuck can’t this bitch just stay in her own lane for once? It’s almost pathological.
No. 842374
>>842345Not the first parenting post I've seen her comment on, that and her dreams of becoming a midwife.. deluded beyond belief
She's a big retarded baby herself and so pig headed I can't see her growing as a person (emotionally) so please don't let her around any kids
No. 842385
>>842373a couple of years ago she was posting about how badly she wanted a kid. she's probably too big now to even get pregnant though. I doubt she's having periods at all considering we never see her bitching about cramps.
I wonder if henry knows that she's not going to be able to have children if she stays like this? seems like a pretty big deal for someone about to get married.
No. 842395
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No. 842405
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>>842395Does it count as doing an illustration when you've actually just traced it from this picture though pheebs?
No. 842449
>>842401>>842448I'll never forget a few years ago i went to a concert for a punk rock show and there were three young teens in front of me going 'omg let's hold hands cuz i have a panic attack and i cant be in large crowds.'
I remember thinking then why the fuck are you near the front of a punk rock show? i just cant deal with the babied generation of the early 2000s.
No. 842459
>>842448Imagine working on anxiety with a therapist, facing your fears and all that.
"What did you do when you started to experience your last panic attack?"
"I was escorted to a safe space which was quiet and they were burning lavender and playing pan pipes and someone rubbed my back. Then they found someone to get me home quickly".
>>842449I've been front row at a Buzzcocks gig. Just rode the motherfucking symptoms out, controlled breathing and laughed and thought I was a dick for being there. But it did me good.
(blogging) No. 842476
>>842221Being a rape
victim doesn't preclude anyone from full service sex work (just look at the stats for what percentage of women have been raped). But she was never a sex worker, and is only claiming it because some more popular SJWs are/used to be.
No. 842478
>>842232MFW she used her actual Paypal to get the funds therefore giving them her real name.
Fuckin amateur.
No. 842491
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The other entrance is literally right there, it's give extra steps. Lazy bitch
No. 842492
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No. 842493
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No. 842499
>>842492The question is why are YOU taking disabled spaces, you lazy cunt.
God forbid people who go to the gym and take care of their bodies infect her space.
No. 842504
>>842492Posting about it on instagram doesn't achieve anything Pheebs, ask them if it bothers you
Same if the tesco doors at night bother you, don't suppose you politely asked staff about it? No, you just like whinging on instagram. Even when you leave the house for once you are stuck on instagram boring your followers to death with these posts
No. 842507
I wonder if she'd consider going out with an obese man. Henry's a thin wee thing.
>>842504Tesco's staff are really accommodating. It must be their training. If she'd asked they would've gone out of their way to help. I thought she shopped at Aldi anyway for poverty points.
No. 842510
>>842507To any staff seeing her photograph things like the doors to the store and cars in the carpark.. she probably looked ready to fake a fall and sue them
Was henry with her and just unfazed by her photographing peoples cars at this point
No. 842516
>>842509yeah most people putting on these events are happy to shell out a couple hundred bucks to get a sign language interpreter for the night if they know someone in the crowd needs one. but considering it's incredibly unlikely that someone WILL need one, it'd be a massive waste of money to just get one for every show.
I worked at a concert venue and we had people ask ALL the time if we could make special accommodations, and we always did if it was reasonable. There were steps up to the front door, but we'd let anyone with mobility issues come through the staff entrance. if someone asked for an interpreter (rare), we'd get one if possible. when people had panic attacks or felt woozy we'd bring them to the back room to lie down. she just never asks, so she assumes everyone is out to get her.
No. 842519
>>842516Exactly. She's a
toxic mix of entitlement and persecution complex.
No. 842521
Can we please consider these images for next thread pic?
>>832942>>833285>>833681or this great work of art:
>>835495 No. 842576
File: 1563844625953.jpeg (543.7 KB, 640x713, 7A9025A6-1DCD-4B11-919C-E18AE5…)

when is feebs’ spawning day? i found a lovely set of butter knives for just £500, and the bone handle is totally fake. there you go, henry, in case you’re stumped for gift ideas!