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No. 93508
File: 1455596040333.jpg (41.62 KB, 600x450, 1454448261934.jpg)

Momokun even makes the same stupid faces as JNig. She's in it for the fame and nothing else.
No. 93509
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No. 93631
File: 1455629570618.png (158.54 KB, 1277x1260, Untitled.png)

Sorry for the large size. Here's a few posts she made in her cgl thread.
No. 93632
>>93629*farts, goddamn this phone.
Also if she doesn't work out regularly she's just gonna get gross instead of staying curvy.
No. 93633
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>>93631Picture at the end.
No. 93657
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>>93637I'm not a JNig fan but ngl I'm jealous of her bod and her workout routine is crazy intense. You gotta at least give her credit for that. I definitely want to try out her workout routine when I have the time.
>>93622Just saying but there are still cosplayers who aren't interested in monetizing their hobby outside of commissions and selling cosplays that they don't wear anymore.
Besides, her handmade costumes are pretty much unrecognizable and her wig styling is shit. The only reason why I recognized her Mewtwo as Mewtwo was because she had a giant tag hanging off her wig that said "Mewtwo" on it. She's clearly just into cosplay for the potential money and fame.
No. 93658
File: 1455636564020.jpeg (Spoiler Image,766.31 KB, 2560x1920, image.jpeg)

Remember when she said her Muslim family disapproved of her revealing pictures and nudes?
No. 93662
File: 1455637355666.webm (2.88 MB, 1024x576, 1453342710166.webm)
if you had a body this THICK wouldnt you flaunt it?
No. 93664
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No. 93667
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No. 93678
File: 1455638484857.jpeg (64.67 KB, 750x586, image.jpeg)

>>93665>talking about her bod and workout routine>SHE'S PLASTIC!!!are you implying that all of her muscle tone is from plastic surgery?
Pic unrelated.
No. 93680
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No. 93682
File: 1455638655788.jpeg (158.94 KB, 750x1022, image.jpeg)

Wow so inspirational, Mariah.
No. 93693
>>93658She's so fat yet has such a flat ass? Yikes. That last bottom picture tho is that bad makeup or just bad skin… she's nothing special so no I'm absolutely not jealous of her at all. I can wear skimpy clothing and advertise myself and I can pretty much guarantee I could get to where she is. It's easy being an attention whore, and at least I have an ass so I just gotta pander to lonely nerds and basement dwellers. I would probably have actual knowledge on who I'm cosplaying as well. This might sound cocky but at least half of the girls commenting in this thread could make it as well if they just put themselves out there.
TL;DR: this flat assed hambeast is nothing special.
No. 93772
File: 1455652938055.jpg (41.9 KB, 548x859, 12741986_776137619197856_88074…)

>>93693it's cream or cake frosting she wiped on her face to try to look sexy. you're right though, it just looks like peeling skin or something.
You don't have muscular Chun thighs, Momo. You're just fat.
No. 93786
File: 1455655461004.webm (1.86 MB, 1416x1080, 1453541765336.webm)
Men like girls with curves.
This is why on an instinctual level, women hate other women who have big ass and boobs because it threatens them.
So if you ask a woman what she thinks is an attractive woman, you get some beanpole because its non threatening.
You bitches may think some assless lolita cunt is hotter than Momokun but your opinion is irrelevant. Men decide who is attractive, not you.
And men have decided that cosplay girls with tits and ass are the most attractive, which is why they make far more money(prints, patreon, etc) than skeleton bitches.
No. 93788
File: 1455656095542.jpg (176.25 KB, 1104x1104, bettie_page_vintage_bikini_pin…)

>>93786Momo is not curvy, she's a fat fuck.
"Good curvy" = Hourglass Figure like Bettie Page , not flapflaps over here
No. 93789
>>93787and what kind of girls do lesbians like?
boyish ones
man looking ones
No. 93991
>>93761>>93786>>93622She's not making money because she's a cosplayer. She's making money because she's selling fap material.
Anyway as someone who uses patreon, she's probably not making NEAR that amount. A lot of those people probably sign up for the free shit she posts and then bounce. I doubt she's smart enough to make sure payments go through besides the top tier ones.
No. 94009
File: 1455734434425.jpg (23.01 KB, 293x363, the_master_of_disguise.jpg)

Her face reminds me of the turtle guy from master of disguise
No. 95276
>>93682She's so very obviously using a corset to tuck in her waist fat. You can even see the goddamn boning in here
>>93664 .
No. 96469
File: 1456035945524.jpg (88.78 KB, 789x561, curvyfat.jpg)

>>93786>men like girls with curvesMomo ain't curvy, she's fat
No. 97293
>>93788sorry, anon, despite being curvy, Bettie Paige was also pretty flabby.
Momo is curvy too, just heavier.
No. 97437
>>97396She's not curvy, anon. She's fat. She uses corsets and shapewear to make her waist appear smaller so it looks like she has curves. Without shapewear, she still looks like
No. 97576
File: 1456259477507.png (983.01 KB, 616x685, baaa69fbb68ac87b2df5500d7ddd61…)

>>97396Anon please, blessed with what? a flabby gut and a flat ass?
No. 99027
File: 1456705355151.jpg (Spoiler Image,47.96 KB, 600x899, CcSM_UMUMAEwT4q.jpg)

Momokun: Master of the clever angle.
No. 99327
>>99125She admitted to buying it on Aliexpress on cgl. Previously, she just ignored people who asked if she made or bought it.
>>99293Too lazy to change her diet and exercise I guess.
No. 99328
>>99293she already did it
> I have scars under my breast after my breast reduction surgery at 14 years old,just imagine what she would look like now if she had kept them
No. 99331
>>99280Kek you sound like the chiche butthurt basement dwelling fedora wearing neckbeard.
Sage sage sage.
No. 99415
>>99027Idk she looks nice at that angle.
I like her smile.
No. 99448
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>>99351she made her Mewtwo cosplay that no one even would've recognized was Mewtwo if she didn't have a giant tag hanging off her wig that said "MEWTWO" on it.
You're not wrong about how low the bar is. Flash your tits and put on a "omg I'm such a geek but I'm also kinda ditzy and kooky! XD" personality and you'll get a lot of followers.
btw she'll be featured on Arda Wigs' website and on the IGN snapchat discover if anyone wants to look.
No. 99468
File: 1456834800681.png (1.23 MB, 640x1136, image.png)

She was featured on ign's snapchat with cosplay of the day.. I literally said "wtf ew.."
No. 99491
>>99415aw i thought the same thing. she has a cute face
maybe she's fat but she knows how to work the angles
No. 100125
>>99898I've never done any of those things, and all of my past relationships were with men, but I masturbate and fantasize mostly about women.
I mean, I don't go around saying I'm bi (I've never been asked, so who cares?), but your criteria is still pretty flawed.
No. 100305
File: 1457048321799.png (259.87 KB, 358x551, Screenshot_2016-03-03-15-34-01…)

This is supposed to be Diane?
I don't understand how you can post photos like this if you were so worried about your family. I hope someone sends her mom these one day.
No. 100333
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Even if you don't like her how can you say she's fat?
No. 100337
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>>100335 When you're so jealous of someone you're denial
No. 100348
File: 1457060468977.jpg (58.72 KB, 327x451, 2016-03-03_18.56.12.jpg)

LMAO JEALOUS OF WHAT?! Those pictures are SOOOO old here's some recent ones you retard yah we're super jealous of arm flab, back fat and corsets ? its not even about her appearance tho its just her shitty personality in general. Sue used to be a real cunt online to anyone who got mad at her and now she's acting all sweet and innocent everyone love me lol.
No. 100349
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No. 100506
File: 1457073518777.png (20.75 KB, 586x222, tryhardermomo.png)

don't tell her muslim family though!!
No. 100520
File: 1457076868912.png (25.34 KB, 578x192, thisislamicthoughtprocess.png)

>>100513Mariah, you're not a fucking minority anymore. You abandoned Islam to chase cosfame and sell porn. You literally sold out to the majority as an 'exotic' cosplay fapping source. I can't believe she would be so disrespectful to throw back on a hijab for more attention.
No. 101394
File: 1457254860468.jpg (264.13 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg)

>forever destroying the social norms of Cosplay
>actually thinking you're this special
Holy shit
No. 101670
>>101394"Sakura is a tough cookie"
K e k
No. 101758
>>101383It wasn't even nudes.
Just lingerie.
No. 102170
File: 1457400791103.jpeg (85.83 KB, 790x790, image.jpeg)

>>102097Replace "traffic" with "haters" in pic related.
No. 104735
>>104553mega nz
>>101758I'd feel ripped off if I paid money for that pack. No nudity and she couldn't resist slipping in a derp picture.
No. 105437
File: 1457982282097.jpg (Spoiler Image,32.48 KB, 640x960, FB_IMG_1457982025981.jpg)

Someone slipped up and posted a very unflattering pic…what's the point of Patreon donors if you're desperate need for attention just has you posting the private pics anyways? Not much to see here she does have nice hips but you can only go so far on that alone considering boobs are squished and all over the place…and the tummy lol. Patreon hasn't increased in sales much.
No. 105748
>>105467She looks more like a fat 40 year old who's husband wants to fuck nigri so she's trying to dress up like her to keep her hubby's d going.
Like Jessica isnt the youngest looking girl ever but jesus
>>105437looks like a straight up 40 year old
>>105717Low standards or momo trying to prove a point.
No. 105763
>>105748Nah dood, I ain't Momo. I just like thick women.
>>105721Probably because folks keep bringing her being Muslim up.
No. 105914
>>105763To imply she's "thick" is to imply she's toned, there is no tone to her body.
Just admit you like your women fat.
No. 105919
>>105914I like fat women too. To an extent.
"thick", I've found, varies person to person.
>>105904I'm too lazy to search all the threads for hotter women. I'll stick with Momo unless you have quick links for me.
No. 106211
File: 1458089616361.jpg (297.61 KB, 1540x634, HAplVZ5.jpg)

For anyone who was offended by momo's Chun-li cosplay, here you go. These are two women that wear it right.
No. 106714
Hey guys actually momo here, one of my friends showed me this page as was really upset about it but I guess there's a lot of hate towards me and I thought I'd address it or apologize.
I am in no way saying I am the best body ever. I know I don't have the best body, but I struggle with really weird weight gains and losses and it really fucks with my body image issues sometimes. So yeah I get it, I have arm fat! Big deal /: But I'm constantly in the gym trying to improve myself (:
I'm also sorry that you guys think I'm just s JNig copy. I'm really not trying to be, and I am influenced by her but in the long wrong I want to be my own person.
Overall, you guys may think whatever you like about me I'm not going to sit here and defend myself but if you guys ever have an issue with me please come to me I am fairly legit when it comes to responding and taking care of situations. Like if I do something that bothers you, let me know, and I'll work on it. I'm just a new cosplayer and I'm trying and working really hard to prove to you guys I love this craft and cosplay has changed my life, I love it. I love the fandom and the people and everything. Even the furries! Lol either way, I'm working hard and I won't stop working hard and if you guys think I need to work harder than I promise you I will. I understand this will probably go in one ear and out the other for some of you and you'll probably still dislike me but I hope for some of you at least you will give me a genuine chance and put faith in me because I want to create beautiful and elaborate cosplays, and I wish you guys wouldn't critique me so hard sometimes >__> but I know it's the Internet, so I gotta take it with a grain of salt but yeah, I promise to work harder I swear! Thank you everyone <3
- Momokun
No. 106720
File: 1458227998691.png (239.4 KB, 529x251, image.png)

>>106714>let me know and I'll work on itI literally tweeted you once and you didn't respond so
No. 106722
>>106714Oh honey. You seem nice and sweet but don't respond to anon boards. It'll just hurt you more. Learn to ignore it and if the comments really bother you enough it inspires you to change then strive to improve. But don't stop doing something if it makes you happy.
I just wouldn't have posted here is all. If it is even you.
No. 106840
>>106814Eh she's still a cosplayer even if she buys her stuff. I don't know much about her but as long as she's not claiming she made it, it's whatever. Cosplay is just wearing a costume for fun, it doesn't mean you have to have made it.
I feel you though, it's hard when you put a ton of work into costumes and no one notices but these girls who buy costumes get a ton of attention. It frustrates me too. But it's just how the world works and it doesn't mean she's not a cosplayer
No. 106925
>>106714I don't care about your size or the fact that you buy your cosplays so I'll keep this short.
Your personality is vile and needs an overhaul. Clam that ego the fuck
No. 107009
Honestly, I'm not here to make any of you like me, whether you don't or you do, that's on you. I'm actually not really stuck up, nor have I ever put down skinny girls… If you ever read my comments on Facebook when people literally comment saying "fuck skinny girls" I actually call them out on it.
Youve guys have made up a lot of lies about me and it's kind of sad. I'm actually pretty down to earth and take critiques with a grain of salt. I'm working really hard on my cosplays, in fact I haven't actually bought many of them. I handmade my Lust, Diane (except the body suit, I had help from vamplette, but her boots hammer and gauntlet were made by me), Linkle, Chun Li, Sakura ( altered ) , Rin Nohara, Batwoman, and my mewtwo.
The only cosplays I've bought were Sakura, but I didn't like I because it was so big so last night I completely re did it and Samus and Sailor Mars. I really pride myself in my craftsmenship and am pushing myself to work hard and create awesome pieces of work like all of you, and I hope to be in the same league as other top tier cosplayers one day.
I don't know why you guys think I have an ego, I'm incredibly grateful for all the attention I've gotten and donations, and I've given back to my community a lot, I am constantly thanking everyone all the time. Sometimes I do humble brags because I am new to this all and it gets really exciting for me. I am just a normal person and I do get excited about this stuff. Each compliment, each like, each follow, each dollar, it really just excites me and makes me love everything about cosplay.
I know there's some people who don't like me because it's not fair how fast I grew and I agree I wish I could give my what little fame I have to others who deserve it more than I do, it's why I share a lot of cosplayers who contact me to share their pages, because I want to give back, and I want to grow as a cosplayer.
But if you guys think I should be more humble, and work harder, and lose more weight, then you got it I will work harder on that, and I apperciate your critiques and I will work extremely hard to make you guys at least somewhat tolerate me lol hopefully >__> again I just want to have fun in this community and that's why I'm reaching out to you here to show you that I'm not as stuck up as you guys think I am, I reach out to a lot of people who have an issue with me. Like if you do, talk to me, you don't like something I do, let me know, I want to try and make as many people as I can happy. I know some of you guys think I'm a fake nerd and I dont really know how to defend myself, I mean I watch and read a lot of anime and manga, I game, read comic books, and build computers and write code but if that doesn't make me a nerd then… I guess I'm not. I'm just Mariah then. And I'm okay with that.
Love Momokun
No. 107062
>>107009>I know there's some people who don't like me because it's not fair how fast I grew and I agree I wish I could give my what little fame I have to others who deserve it more than I do, it's why I share a lot of cosplayers who contact me to share their pages, because I want to give back, and I want to grow as a cosplayer.This is the biggest piece of bullshit.
You're not 'popular' you're not 'well known'
You're an internet cosplay whore who people literally only give half a shit about because you're flashing your tits and taking half naked photoshoots. Not a single person thinks any of your cosplays are nice they legitimately just want you to show them your fucking tits.
That passive aggressive humble brag bullshit is disgusting and you should be ashamed of yourself
People dont like you because you show blatantly how little you know about the characters you're cosplaying
>BlackCat with that weird ribbon around your neck>Diane in an apron eating sweets>sexy photo of zerosuit samus with the back zipper down>Samus in all black lingerie (SERIOUSLY you couldnt spring for even a red/gold set of lingerie???)People dont like you because you're constantly caught lying to make yourself look 'cooler' of 'nicer'
>>102170>>101394>in response to the last one 'Forever destroying social norms when it comes to cosplay'? You're not the first 'bigger' or 'curvy' chick to cosplay. You're DEFINITELY not the first to do that in a sakura cosplay. I'm not even a fan of IvyDoomKitty but she's been in the game WAY longer than you have and even though she corsets she is 100x more the 'face of bigger girls cosplaying' than you. You pretend to be this special snowflake who worked super hard and is getting known but literally anyone who put out their cleavage and tits will get the same amount of attention. ESPECIALLY when right off the bad half of your 'cosplays' are ~*sexy lingerie*~ shoots or specifically taken to be sexy no matter who the character is.
You're not breaking any norms. You're fitting neatly into the 'All cosplay girls have to show their bodies to get popular' mindset REAL nicely.
No. 107070
File: 1458317189782.jpeg (37.09 KB, 242x660, image.jpeg)

Photo drop incoming. She wasn't fat in school…she did lacross..she was ton idk wtf happened to her
No. 107071
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No. 107072
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No. 107073
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No. 107074
File: 1458317338747.jpeg (65.78 KB, 640x480, image.jpeg)

Also she used to draw a lot, but stopped
No. 107075
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No. 107123
That cheap spandex suit has gotten me more attention then you'll ever get, featured on IGN, and Arda Wigs, and got me connections with funimation…. The thing is sweetie, yeah I don't have a perfect body; but I have a good attitude and outlook on life and that's why people like to work with me, because say what you want, I'm still gonna get paid everyone month, I'm still being invited to conventions, I'm still getting photographers offering me shoots all over the place and dying to shoot with me, and I'm still giving back to the community. And no matter how much you hate me, or hate what I do, I'm always gonna be happy I'm doing what I love and that keeps a smile on my face. So please, by all means, pound your little fingers into the keyboard as hard as you can and cry as much as you want about me, because I'll be too busy cashing my checks, and flying to conventions across the country while you sit wherever you may be, whining about a person you don't even know, complaining about things that don't really matter… But that's none of my business.
No. 107126
>>107123>That cheap spandex suit has gotten me more attention then you'll ever get>sweetie,>I'm still gonna get paid everyone month, >I'm still being invited to conventions, >I'm still getting photographers offering me shoots all over the place and >dying to shoot with me>I'll be too busy cashing my checksWow you really are a shallow vapid cunt arent you?
You've proved right there that all you care about is the fame and the money.
>I have a good attitude and outlook on lifeSays a noname cosplayer. When did you get invited to conventions? Photographers also want you for your followers not your cosplays or personality. Cosplayers like mostflogged have been publicly vile and photographers still flock to her so how does that 'proove you're a good person'. IGN, Arda and funimation are basically the same as audible and naturebox are to youtubers. They'll feature and partner with anyone but keep thinking you're special.
You dont see Yaya, Jessica or even mostflogged coming to these forums trying to bullshit and getting super passive aggressive at us. No it's just you skirting the topics we've brought up and when we extra call you out on your bullshit you turn to the 'omg I am so much better than u tho'
Also returning to
> gotten me more attention then you'll ever getNot all of us are so desperate for attention we need to whore ourselves out for it sweetie ;)
No. 107153
File: 1458330626994.jpg (Spoiler Image,11.75 KB, 367x514, 5ab864b4-1ea7-4b7b-9c68-970671…)

she's just another dumb hoe trying to seem nerdy and approachable.
No. 107164
>>107009>I just want to have fun in this community>I'm not as stuck up as you guys think I amYet
>>107123 is all about how much you love cosplay for the money and showing how stuck up you are.
Ok momo.
No. 107166
>>107123If you really want to pretend to be a good influence or positive person or show your love of cosplay?
Get rid of the patreon.
You are essentially a nerd themed cam girl. People are paying to see your body. Not your cosplays. Your tits and ass. There's nothing wrong with being a camgirl/sex worker, but if that's your goal, do it elsewhere instead of shitting up the cosplay community. Don't act high and mighty and like an "artist". The real artists don't sell pictures of themselves in lingerie to get more likes/views/money.
No. 107171
>>107123>>107166Real artists don't also buy Facebook likes and Twitter followers.
>I have a good attitude and just want to have fun!And then:
>That cheap spandex suit has gotten me more attention then you'll ever get, featured on IGN, and Arda Wigs, and got me connections with funimationBitch please.
No. 107180
>>107123You're misunderstanding the issue. People don't care that you're getting attention as a "plus sized" model. Your body type doesn't matter.
They care because you're abusing a niche hobby (cosplaying) as a vehicle for attention and fame as a model, while not actually respecting, understanding, or caring about the hobby itself.
If you just want to be a model, then why not do regular modeling in regular clothes? Or in spandex, but not stolen from a fictional character. You would not get any criticism if that's all you were doing.
No. 107203
File: 1458338008876.jpeg (146.67 KB, 640x776, image.jpeg)

>>107123>but I have a good attitude and outlook on lifeDo you lack self awareness this much?
No. 107215
>>107211If you want to be respected as a cosplayer girl tbh you need to stop selling your body for money.
the FIRST THING you have on your patreon is
>One Boudoir/Lingerie Shoot A MONTH! that's not cosplay especially since you dont even put effort to make the lingerie work for the character. As another anon said for the samus shoot you should have at least had lingerie to match one of her suits. There are plenty of designs on the internet for referencing when it comes to that sort of thing. Sure not all of them are great but imho if you like a character properly you'd be able to figure out which design suits them.
tbh I think you should work on actual cosplays before you try and hop on overly sexualized shoots. instead of doing monthly pictures in your underwear you should strive more towards monthly new actual cosplay photoshoots. If people start donating less then you know right then and there what kind of supporter they were.
No. 107221
I honestly really like the boudoir sets, I could have gone a different way with the Samus lingire but I really wanted to go black with it, but now that I think about it more, doing blue would have looked much more nicer.
I like the boudoir sets because it helps fund me for my actual big cosplays, like right now I'm working on a Cammy/Samus crossover, A new Lust, Yang, and Samus armor!
It sucks to say it but sex sells, do I want to be doing a boudoir set every month? Not really /: but i might as well have fun with it and use the funding to create bigger and better stuff.
I don't think I'll be stopping my boudoir anytime soon because it is so successful, and would be really silly of me to stop but I understand where you are coming from, and I'll try to theme mine more so. like my next one was going to be a bunny Bulma set ~
I do, do a cosplay photo shoot Every month and release it at the beginning of the next month, Samus, Diane and now Sakura. So I am doing that at least
No. 107224
>>107222Then people are going to talk shit because you're essentially being a sex worker and making it harder for cosplayers who work really hard on their costumes but don't want to show off their body. Don't act like you're out to help the cosplay community when you're making it more difficult to get any notice without showing tits.
You have no defense here. Either own it or shut up and ignore it while you roll around in your patreon money.
No. 107227
>>107226If selling yourself out for betas to fap to makes you happy, whatever.
Some of us have actual goals and careers that won't leave us unemployable once the sex money dries up!
No. 107232
>>107231>>107226You reek of insecurity and desperation. You get validation by chubby chasers and your ego is built on a fragile, decaying foundation.
If you had any confidence or self esteem you wouldn't care what some imageboard thinks of you, but you do.
Because you hate yourself more than any of us ever could.
No. 107241
>>107232This is what I meant, thank you anon.
You come to an anon board and brag how many sponsors you have and how much money you have and how famous you are and you have no clue who any of us are. This is basically screaming at a brick wall at this point and you keep coming back. this isn't about you being a human, this is about how you cannot handle when people aren't licking your ass.
You don't jump in your thread flailing your arms screaming about how much better you are. Because at that point you're not. You're just one of those girls flashing your money and followers trying to shit on everyone else to make yourself feel better about how fucked your life has become. You need to stop puffing your chest out and acting like you're hot shit in this world, that's a personality trait that doesn't get you anywhere except here.
Also, pro tip sweetie, arda wigs hands out sponsorship like circle lens companies. Anyone with a face will work. You're a "special" guest because you squat down and shove your ass in a camera like a dog doing tricks. At least Yaya and Jnig have mastered how to act provocative without being cheap.
No. 107363
I no joke think she's hot as hell and have a big gay crush on her. I don't know too much about her outside of the Samus cosplay, but she seems really cute and funny too.
She's a bit chunky but I like her size if that makes any sense.
>>93509 like this.
No. 107370
File: 1458398150489.gif (97.5 KB, 250x250, 1429512484125.gif)

>>107367I'm not Mariah. Check my IP and become an hero, dumb bitch.
God there is so much ass hurt in this thread. You'd think it was literally killing some of these people to invade their shitposting ~~safe space~~ with a differing opinion.
No. 107474
File: 1458424369973.png (1.03 MB, 1075x520, Natascha-Encinosa-Naty-Chun-Le…)

>>107412Hm I guess it does a little? Anyway, here you go.
No. 107481
You know what Momo, I was almost buying it with the "hey guys I'm positive and not throwing shade and I'll improve everything I promise" facade, then you fell here
>>107123 and showed your true colors.
I can understand why the Patreon is convenient, I mean who wouldn't like making money in such an easy way. But don't fucking lie saying you do cosplay for fun, you do it for the attention. You only care about having followers and being popular and people liking you because attention is your oxygen.
No. 107633
>>107487hm I guess it's more so her physique that's very Chun-li like? even then the girl in the first 3 pics of
>>106211 are pretty spot on.
No. 107638
>>107634That's sadly the name of the game now.
If you want to be a popular cosplayer, you either have to have amazing craftsmanship and be on the cutting edge (i.e. Volpin and Kamui) or you have to get naked/semi naked. Since it's a lot of money and work to be super skilled at making costumes, it's easier to just throw on some lingerie and a wig and mooch off people that way.
Ya, I hate it, but that's the way it is. Even sadder than that are the people who don't realize this and try to achieve fame anyway.
No. 107650
>>107638Even now Kamui does somewhat revealing cosplays. At least from the last that I've seen.
Sex sells, and apparently dinosaurs too.
No. 107671
>>107638but here's the thing there's always been a fine line as to what a 'cosplayer' is but I think we can all agree that what momo sells her patreon on is NOT cosplay because it's not even an attempt to appear as the character.
tbh I'm fine with sexy costumes and even non-canon but you cant slap on any lazy storebought bullshit and a wig (in the case of samus a wig that was messy and didnt look like the character's hair at all).
For example: Jess' Veigar she kept main pieces and had lingerie that matched the character. I dont necessarily agree with it but at least it's SOME effort.
Also legit question: who had heard of this cow before this thread started cause tbh she's acting like she's famous but outside of a friend who I showed this thread to I havent heard about her at all outside of it.
No. 107683
File: 1458486676010.jpg (170.25 KB, 718x816, 2016-03-20_08.07.42.jpg)

And the bitch just keeps coming back for more must be a real glutton for punishment. "I don't care what y'all think but I'm gonna keep stalking this thread alright?" Keep posting and talking about it because your insecurity is just all over the meter haha ;) eventually your friends are gonna ask you to shut up about it
No. 107793
>>107650At least Kamui has really great craftsmanship and did make that book about working with Worbla. So even if she's doing revealing cosplays, she originally got popularity through her craftsmanship. Sad if she has to be revealing now unless that's what she wants to do.
>>107671If someone does sexy costumes because they want to, I'm pretty whatever about it. But when you're ONLY doing that and selling pictures of yourself in lingerie and stuff… then at that point it's pretty clear what you're doing it for.
No. 107908
File: 1458519096073.jpg (Spoiler Image,68.35 KB, 600x901, CbTbjQVUYAAqFQw.jpg)

She is such a talanted cosplayer look at all the work she puts in her costumes!!
No. 107910
>>107845Nah she got her norotity after she wore a cosplay that the other JNig wannabe bought , the shitty zero suit, and that started her "fame" enough though all her selfies are completely shopped. But I've been following her shit for awhile, mainly because I'm enjoying watching her fail at every shit costume she does. But I won't deny dumb bitch knows how to advertise herself, she did a shoot with Mayhew photo for Samus at game works, which she said "oh yeah JNig shot here so now I'm shooting here! Following in her footsteps" like you following a hoe? Good job. But that's what made her blow up, cause she did a trashy back shot of her disgusting fake ass.
I was at otakon Vegas, even spoke to her and got a photo of her. I won't deny that she is a nice person but she doesn't seem to care for her fans at conventions, not saying that I am one, but I wanted to ask her about her shoes and how she made them but she got swirled up in the neck beards.
Tbh, I've been watching this thread and how she responds and how she's been posting about it, she is insecure, because she doesn't belong in public eye, shit is hard. As much as she fucking drives me crazy with some of her shit, and "cosplays" I don't think she's in it for the fame. She seems genuine but she just doesn't belong in this community in my opinion, she's gonna flop soon in all honesty.
I recommend she loses some more weight and fixes up her Patreon, like cut the lingerie shoots out and work on just cosplay shoots. And if peopletb donate then so what; at least you're not a sellout Momo.
I'm fairly level headed when it comes to this girl but I feel like her replying just made everything worse.
No. 108744
File: 1458577963753.jpg (56.27 KB, 717x210, 2016-03-21_09.26.56.jpg)

…where they at tho? Keep tryna gas yourself up, Momo. Just because Chris Sabbat responded once to your tweet don't mean your connected to funimation, girl. And IGN posts any cosplay that's decent enough hell I've seen so many that are still under a rock no one knows who they are. I'd love to go to one of these conventions just to see how many people actually attend because they might just be shitty unheard of cons and if she's actually a guest of honor haha…she takes what little fame she does have and gasses it up so hard, tells everyone she's mega famous…I agree with one of these previous posts, the interviewers she ever got interviewed by, articles written about her, they're just low level media no one actually watches or listens to, they just hope she feels "so honored" that she offers them nudes :)
No. 108755
>>107683>Her asking to do a panel means she's a guest at a con?>>108744"GUYS I'M TOTES A GUEST AT CONS AND PARTNERED WITH COMPANIES but I'm not gonna name them tho and my twitch is still unwatched …. BUT NO MY FANS LOVE ME FOR ME N TOTALLY DONT ONLY LOVE ME FOR MY NUDEY SHOTS"
She's so damn desperate and gross
No. 108838
File: 1458593797085.jpg (98.03 KB, 718x567, 2016-03-21_13.52.48.jpg)

Can anyone explain this? Last active in 2011 means she was like fifteen, lol. Partying hard at 15 eh? Also were u not proud of being Muslim back when u were claiming to be Italian? This has all sorts of weird all over it tbh. Is this a catfish account b/c am crying her face lmao
No. 108897
File: 1458603210875.jpg (143.08 KB, 717x702, 2016-03-21_16.28.20.jpg)

>>108888Oh so fucking sorry let me connect a screenshot from yesterday to my original statement. Can't beat 'em, join 'em eh Momo?
>>108882This is just one screenshot but she's always talking about how we all just want attention but honestly who expected so much attention on a lolcow thread? She gave this thread that attention by talking about it and posting screenshots.
No. 108916
>>108903I never really got the "you're mean because you're jealous" thing. I'm mean because you're a cunt.
>>108913this part sucks but man it's one of my favourite ones at the moment because Mariah actually keeps coming here and talking about it.
No. 108921
File: 1458612487294.jpg (64.26 KB, 540x403, momo.jpg)

>>108916>>108913what do you mean? the 'we should let this thread die' anon is most likely momo or one of her friends.
>pic related to this thread No. 108924
>>108916Haha yeah I feel you. I posted here close to the beginning of it and when she finally saw it I thought it was hilarious that she would even put effort into trying to stop it lol. But now its just boring.
>>108921Wasn't Momo was me I just think the savageness of previous comments can't be topped anymore, all the truth has been laid out, only thing left is to make up stuff and that would be retarded. I'm just gonna wait until she does something dumb or slutty again before I review or post here again haha.
No. 108973
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No. 108975
File: 1458624367292.jpeg (80.25 KB, 750x756, image.jpeg)

>not in cosplay for money or fame! just for fun!
No. 108976
File: 1458624416457.jpeg (70.57 KB, 750x672, image.jpeg)

Have you ever been so delusional that you believed a lie as obvious as this one
No. 108978
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No. 109133
>>108978I dont understand why cons invite people to guest when they have zero craftsmanship or even knowledge of the cosplay community. They can't host a panel about anything other than "sex sells".
I mean come on, even Jnig could host a panel about making simple cosplay stuff. If you're invited just to do meet and greets you're a glorified booth babe for the whole con.
No. 109159
>>109133we still have yet to have proof that she's actually been invited to a single con.
Hosting a panel doesnt count since anyone can apply for those.
No. 109413
File: 1458700700999.jpeg (104.37 KB, 750x791, image.jpeg)

>>109408Oh hey there Mariah. That person said to type sage in the EMAIL part, not the name part as well.
No. 109465
File: 1458709364751.png (359.33 KB, 617x473, turtle mouth.png)

>>109408She has the most hideous face. She looks like Beans.
No. 109480
File: 1458712534971.jpg (31.75 KB, 958x700, 600700_796815800463371_8551998…)

Funny how some of you continue to call her fat and she does a new shoot, and is gonna make money off it. Looks like she wins no matter what.
No. 109491
>>109480You are fat no matter
how slim you try to slice it, Mariah.
No. 109492
File: 1458716202453.png (Spoiler Image,645.17 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Idk if this has been said but she just got posted on
No. 109494
>>109492I feel like that reeks of self post.
Mariah will have fame for now because of all the fatties supporting other fatties. Once that trend is over, she'll be yesterdays news and a heap load of health problems.
No. 109592
File: 1458739697070.png (248.69 KB, 575x601, Untitled.png)

That pose, the position of her feet.
Shes getting said to do this shit, she clearly doesn't know what looks good for her and leaves the Photographer to do all the work with touch ups.
Isn't that like rule one of modeling, cosplay or not? - Know what pose looks good for you. smh
No. 109668
>>109588Tbh this entire thread smells like self-post. She has repeatedly self-posted on cgl before this and showed up each time to "defend" herself and then cried "wehweh teh 4chanz is making fun of me ;___;" on Twitter.
So I wouldn't doubt that she posted this thread herself to try to get attention and sympathy despite that no one even knows who she is.
No. 109686
File: 1458756285792.jpg (63.14 KB, 718x192, 2016-03-23_11.00.12.jpg) ya have it everyone, straight from the horse face's mouth. "I'm working to become cosplay famous follow my pages!" Yah its not for attention at all, guys!
No. 109687
>I'm not trying to be the next Jessica Nigri or Vampy Bit me.You're not doing a very good job of not being a cosplay fetish model.
> I want to be someone that this community looks up to as someone who is herself, and inspires other's to do as well.and yet you come on here bragging about how rich and famous you are, and how you're doing it for the recognition. You're becoming a sellout quickly.
No. 109949
File: 1458791720709.jpeg (94.88 KB, 718x744, image.jpeg)

>>109721I think so as well since this is the one insult/theory that she hasn't responded to on her twitter.
Also not related but is 23k followers even considered "fame" nowadays? I think at least 50k followers is the minimum to be considered Internet famous which is achievable if you have talent, pander to tumblr, or wear/own a lot of expensive brands and you post often.
23k is very little for someone who has to strip to gain followers. Hell, even Ahripop had 40k+ before she poofed and she didn't even have to actually take off her clothes.
No. 109956
>>109949It's more than most flogged. Fuck that jenni bitch. I hope that's a slap to the face to her. Lmao
Momokum has more followers than you're stupid ass
flies off to the MF thread to rant No. 109986
>>109985no not the momokum part, you tard. the part where you sperged out over mf outisde of her thread, your glaring typos, and the
action . also the fact that you have no clue how to sage
No. 110550
>>109413Honestly, if I was a fan of hers, reading the whole "I'm too busy being successful" bit would kill all of my appreciation for her.
You're not Chanel Oberlin, being bitchy won't make people like you nor will make you seem "successful" at all.
No. 110580 know Lolcow broke a bitch when all they can tweet about is how good and special they are.
Momo, you are literally proving your snow status lmao
No. 110833
File: 1458977595731.jpeg (82.92 KB, 750x637, image.jpeg)

She's still not into cosplay for the fame, guys. STILL NOT INTO IT FOR THE FAME!!!
I wonder what she thinks about Kim Kardashian or real celebrities who have hundreds of thousands - millions of followers/subscribers.
No. 110836
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No. 110842
File: 1458986093654.jpg (41.27 KB, 506x553, urgh.JPG)

No. 111067
>>105437woah why you put livestock photo here….oh wait I forgot this is lolcow farm, how silly I am
sorry, you can keep up with that angus cattle anon
No. 111073
>>107211by doing sport for your fingers on the keyboard?
No. 111172
File: 1459056142986.jpg (32.03 KB, 400x400, x1JH8oNL.jpg)

Such a classy lady
No. 111182
File: 1459060625288.jpg (28.96 KB, 228x336, image.jpg)

I came into this thread not knowing who the fuck this girl was, and thinking "she's kinda hot, and she's cosplaying best girl".
But the more I read about her, the more I just feel kinda grossed out. Not physically, I'd still fuck her, but she seems like she doesn't have a respect for what she does and kinda just does this shit for whatever small modicum of attention she can get.
And even that small amount gets blown out of proportion by her, since this is like the first time she's ever felt special.
I don't even dislike her, I just feel kinda bad for her that she thinks she's hot shit, when in all actuality most people don't know who the fuck she is.
And on top of that, she's selling herself short by pandering to the neckbeards and doing nudie shots, when she could be working on making good cosplays and making an actual name for herself, beyond "Thick Samus" and "Attention Whore #63424844".
I just find it sad to see someone that had at least some modicum of potential fuck it all up by having a shitty personality.
No. 111185
>>111182Her patron set's aren't even nude.
Wish they had some nudity to them, but she hasn't crossed that line yet.
No. 111187
>>111185>Her patron set's aren't even nude.Um, then what this anon is saying
>>93531is not true?
And where did these nudes come from then?
>>93599 No. 111192
>>93662Just realized from her Samus shoot that what shes wearing for underwear makes it kind of look like shes wearing a diaper
There are fucking children walking by. Their poor virgin eyes.
No. 111237
>>111182She always tries to play it all off as she doesn't like what she's doing but she'll do anything "to make [her] followers happy". If she didn't like doing lingerie sets so much, she wouldn't have offered them in the first place. She knows everyone's just here to fap but she wants to live her delusional life and think that people really love her and that the popular kids from high school now think she's cool and famous. She's a basic bitch no one who isn't even good at cosplaying.
Also this thread's been active for a month now and she still hasn't shut up about "BULLIES!!11one1!" since. She claims she doesn't come here anymore but she clearly does since if you read all of her tweets, she tweets about subjects that were posted here not too long before whatever she tweets about (e.g. making her own cosplays).
I'm sure she stirs shit about herself in this thread too since she does have a history of self-posting on 4chan, making mock thirst threads ("wow who is this hottie? ;)" etc.) on cgl and made a thread for herself on /s/.
No. 111241
File: 1459095786646.png (224.18 KB, 1080x842, Screenshot_2016-03-27-11-04-18…)

>>111237>She knows everyone's just here to fap but she wants to live her delusional life and think that people really love her and that the popular kids from high school now think she's cool and famousThis so much. She is obviously insecure from being bullied in highschool. She thinks she's hot shit since she lost some weight and got some attention in the cosplay community.
Mariah, just because you got a LITTLE cosplay fame and make money from desperate neckbeards doesnt make you better than the popular kids from high school, also I'm sure they don't care about your "cosplay career", get over yourself, its sad.
No. 111319
File: 1459116246915.jpg (168.4 KB, 717x773, 2016-03-27_15.00.02.jpg)

I knew she was going to turn this into a big deal for more attention, I saw her breakup posts yesterday and knew we weren't going to hear the end of it lol. What are you, sixteen? I think she said she was the one who ended things? Then why you still jelly haha, can't wait to see if that ugly dude she was dating is a big enough piece of shit to leak more nudes lmao. She really is a train wreck, its just so entertaining to watch.
No. 111320
File: 1459116494693.jpg (161.32 KB, 715x753, 2016-03-27_14.59.33.jpg)

>>111319I'm a noob and don't know how to post more than one photo so I'm just connecting my comments, it almost seems like she doesn't have any real friends, like who goes to Twitter to vent to neckbeards and strangers about your personal life? She wants validation so badly, looks like she's not getting any in the real world so she wants people behind a computer screen to tell her they care, when over half of them are just hoping she takes bait and sends nudes…its kind of pathetic actually I'm starting to feel sorry for her lol.
No. 111328
>>111320>I'm sorry for lashing outWhen your only response to not getting loved and worshiped is anger and attacking people I think it's time you go sit in your room and do some serious thinking about where your life is headed. She's done it here when people told her to fuck off and stop begging for attention and now she's doing it when her ex moves on? Sad.
This is just how it seems to me, but she wants people to be really caught up on her. Exes shouldn't move on they should forever chase her and be single begging for her attention, people shouldn't tell her what to do they should follow her every move and shower her with compliments only, and so on. If people don't agree with her 100% they get shit talked on twitter so her followers will kiss her ass blindly until she feels better. She'll post "im sry 4 being human guyz :(" and then in a day or two do it again. If she doesn't grow up people are going to get tired of her tantrums.
No. 111343
>>111339Eric matos aka Maroon Cosplay. She's made some of his cosplays for him here and there.
So I'm assuming he just used her to grow a bit similar to Ryan and JNig in my opinion
No. 111375
File: 1459131823806.jpg (68.7 KB, 720x720, 2016-03-27_19.21.16.jpg)

HAHAHA went from "oh I'm so sad about my breakup I'm gonna go cry" to "hey give me money" real quick!
No. 111376
>>111237Jacking off to her is the only reason I give her money. But after that first set, I'm not even sure if it's worth it. I was expecting alot more images then that and even more of her in the actual zero suit.
I don't see how it's so hard to just throw a ton of photo's in these sets, all you're doing is taking pictures of yourself.
No. 111379
>>111375she's probably hoping that people will throw pity money at her.
>>111376How many photos did the set have? And she did say she was doing a "Samus" LINGERIE set, not a ZSS set.
>all you're doing is taking pictures of yourselfshe hires togs to take photos of her for her boudoir/lingerie sets, right?
that means she's paying them for their time and they can only get a limited amount of poses in.
out of the photos that they did take, she and the tog spend time to pick out the photos that they think looks best and then it goes into editing mode (smoothing out problem areas, adjusting lighting, etc.).
Then those photos are the ones she posted on Patreon. She could've had way more photos taken than what was post, just not all of them made the final cut.
No. 111381
File: 1459133715829.png (65.83 KB, 606x431, ew.png)

>>111343Ew, he's so gross
No. 111382
>>111381I mean that was his gf at the time so I dont see what's so wrong with that?
Also comparing the two of them he's ten times a better cosplayer than her(cept for those eyebrows on Ban make me wanna die)
No. 111413
>>111387Kek same. I thought I was butterfaced until I saw her.
>>111391Apparently some girls are into that kind of stuff? My friend's ex used to steal his phone to tweet things like "(Ex's name) is so hot. Just thinking about her makes me hard."
She's his ex for a reason.
No. 111415
>>111381I wonder how he feels/felt about his then-gf parading around in her underwear so that people will give her money so they can fap to her.
He probably thinks that's a normal thing to do anyways
No. 111544
>>111241This is one of the least healthy ways to deal with bullying.
I used to be bullied and bitter about it for years as well. But being like this will just hurt yourself. I too wanted to show them: 'Look, I'm so much better.'. It's no use. You're not going to 'show them' anything. They moved on and most likely already forgot about you. Yet you are still there, insecure and bitter.
She needs to let that go of all that anger, otherwise she'll never be able to move on and leave her insecurities behind.
No. 111555
>>111241Plus its kind of bitchy to just assume they "peaked". Maybe they're going to college to get a half ass decent job without stripping for money? Maybe they have families they've got to provide for, assuming anyone "peaks" is just rude, especially if they ARE married with kids, at least they're working hard to earn money for their families, like I'm sorry but that's so fucking rude lol. Some people make mistakes and do have kids and/or are divorced at young ages, doesn't mean they give up on life they just gotta work harder. Mariah, you're a fucking bitch. A fucking twatcake that needs to sew that nasty mouth fucking shut. Come back with that same argument once you have a million followers like Jessica Nigri. I know you're insecurities male you rude because I've seen it first hand, you were rude to me once just because I didn't ride your dick, like keep your fucking mouth shut you have 21k followers so do half the fucking twitter honeys that DONT do anything but take pictures, and they don't boast or brag about their Twitter fame. I hate you, I really do, not because you "hurt my feelings" or whatever bullshit you wanna come up with to convince yourself I just need attention, but because you're constantly contradicting yourself and you're just a big walking ball of mediocrity and hypocrisy. You're a dumb bitch.
No. 111618
>>111555*make. Oops. Typos. Anyways, my point was no one peaks if they're not looking for fame. Some people just want a regular job, find someone else with a regular job, move in together, and buy a house. That's it. No fame, no dickriding, no having their heads shoved up their ass, lol. They're called yuppies, I admit I'm a yuppy, I don't have kids, but I do make 40k a year, my boyfriend makes 70k. We own a house and I'm just fine with that. I don't think I peaked, haha. But its rude to go on a twitter rampage and belittle people when you're such a mess yourself. And getting your fans to belittle people with you just so you can feel better about yourself. Have a nice day, Momo, but no one who makes a decent living and is happy with their life is gonna respect you, haha. Just them Twitter trolls you admire so much.
No. 111621
File: 1459172509082.jpg (99.76 KB, 712x415, 2016-03-27_21.59.35.jpg)

>>111555>>111618By the way, I love this man, he's my drill sargeant, haha. He said this yesterday and I think its a perfect response to all the things you keep telling us here on this thread "sex sells I'm going to keep getting naked because people buy into it". Yeah…keep this up and you're gonna "peak" too. No new cosplays, just throwing on that same Samus suit for every Twitch stream because you think it makes you look half decent, like c'mon girl…
No. 111634
>>111391>>111413I mean for all we know she might have done the same thing here or specifically told him to make the tweet.
>>111544>>111555>>111618Gonna agree with you on this.
idk self confidence is not something people parade around because it's the kind of thing you done NEED to parade around. You exude it yknow?
You dont feel the need to go to a lolcow thread and act like some kind of shitheel while flip flopping all over the place.
She's so disgustingly insecure it's unnerving.
Also she inflates how much people actually care about her by retweeting EVERYTHING anyone says about her (which makes certain people retweet and tweet at her more because they want to get the exposure.)
Also I'm really tempted to see what kind of viewership her streams actually get because I really dont see how her personality could work long enough for people to actually watch her
No. 111900
>>111892>everyone does thisno they don't. most people will publicly announce that they're no longer in a relationship but keep their feels only to a few close people.
not everyone is a drama mongering attention whore.
>>111724>>111822I wonder about her future since all of her social media and sexy photos are attached to her name, and "Momokun cosplay" comes up if you google her name.
>actual cosplay profession>integrity of cosplaykek. cosplay isn't a profession unless you're yaya or jnig and there's no barrier of entry to cosplay either. all you have to do is shell out the money, get a costume, wig, etc. and bam, you're a cosplayer.
you might as well say that people who buy costumes aren't real cosplayers either. or people who buy custom printed fabric instead of hand painting it themselves. or people who buy pigtail/ponytail wigs since they didn't style the wigs themselves.
No. 112095
File: 1459235265529.png (1.93 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

body of a fat baby….
No. 112219
>>112095>>112218at least wear stockings or dancers tights..
im super super pale, granted my legs aren't as cottage cheese as hers i still got some. I don't tan well and wearing stockings ect is just fucking common sense, for decency and to hide shit like this. plus it looks nice on camera.
No. 112296
File: 1459269301940.png (249.19 KB, 504x277, bitchwhere.png)

>>112283From the video pinned on her twitter - litreally no ass, just fat.
No. 112356
>>112327Ass is muscle lmao hers is cottage cheese.
No. 112396
>>112356lol your ass is as hard as a rock?
dumb son of a bitch
No. 112400
She knows her angles but in motion when she's not forcing a pose she isn't that great. She's average at best.
>>97576 makes my point pretty well.
No. 112402
File: 1459278676105.png (24.35 KB, 612x351, kek.png)

>layer of fat
>doesn't say cellulite A normal Butt is mostly muscle, are you autistic?
fuck off momo
No. 112449
File: 1459281643154.png (95.89 KB, 590x553, Screen Shot 2016-03-29 at 12.5…)

remember, guys. she isn't in it for the money. she's using these donations to ~contribute~ to the cosplay community! ;)
btw if you want a 4x6 print of her as zss, you have to donate $50+ monthly to her patreon BUT SHE'S TOTALLY JUST DOING THIS TO POSITIVELY INSPIRE THE COSPLAY COMMUNITY! :)
No. 112631
>>112402Can the children please stop fighting? Cellulite is the layer of fat on your ass or tummy that just has a lot of indents in it, usually caused by poor diet and weight fluctuation (i.e. starving to lose weight and binge eating) its also caused by not getting your eight glasses of water a day.
>>112400I agree that when she uses her angles right she can stick out her booty and stuff but its not this amazing ass everyone makes it out to be, when I angle my photos I can have a pretty thick booty too when in reality I'm flat as a pancake lmao. Like I've sent a couple booty pics in my time and they looked like the ones you would see on @booty or those kinds of twitter domains haha. But who really cares about her body? Even she admits she's not perfect and I think we can all agree to move past that part, the only issue most of us find hard to get over is her crapass personality.
No. 113380
File: 1459386481782.jpeg (225.83 KB, 1140x2021, image.jpeg)

Sorry for the huge blurry photo but nice try Mariah
No. 113437
>>113433Then why the fuck does it matter. She clearly fucking stated that someone is opening up a different account with her name. Like if you're gonna talk shit at least do it well. She didn't even fucking do anything there?
I'm surprised she's overreacting the way she is… Like what does she expect she's rapidly growing, people are gonna fuck with you and make fake accounts get over it
No. 114392
>>114379Some photos, it blends really well, others ot just looks a little weird lol I think it depends on the angle.
The suit itself is made for women who aren't curvy like Momo so that's why it looks a little funny on her. Because the woman has some damn melons on her chest so it stretch that material and shading a lot.
No. 114393
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Not gonna lie she won me over with this shit.
No. 114406
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>>114343>but I just think it's stupid to think that someone will lose job opportunities for modelingthe point is that she isn't "modeling", she's effectively selling out her body online.
>>114361 is right as it would be seen as fetish modeling and cosplay "modeling" in particular does still heavily carry the connotation of nerds jerking off to pictures of women in costumes.
If Mariah had been doing real modeling for brands, it would work very much in her favor both as job experience and an opportunity for her to get more modeling jobs.
However, because she's already gone exactly the other direction and engaged with extremely unprofessional behavior online, her current "modeling" works completely against her.
not related but does her new "candid" look photoshopped to anyone else?
No. 114443
>>114406What is with that pose? Am I just a fake Metroid fan or does Samus ever do anything that looks like this?
I'm nit picking but the wig is far to long for Samus. she was one of my all time favorite back in the day and one of the first female game characters i ever really looked up too.
I wish people would know the character before doing poses that just dont suit them. Jesus, a simple google image search would give you plenty of poses and hints of personality to tell you enough. Just something that rubs me the wrong way.
No. 114446
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>>114443If we're gonna touch on her wig:
>Too Long>Not 'golden' enough>Ponytail too low>Bangs not cut>'Ear tails' not long enough>Too damaged and gross>Has a side part >>114406I think she shooped her face thinner. Her hair on the left angles in towards her chin as well as her chin doesnt line up with her neck.
Also she definitely is wearing 10lbs of foundation to make herself look white in this pic.
I also wanna call 'BS' on that being 'candid'
'trying to pose'=/= candid.
No. 114505
>>114446Actually a fan of momo here.. Thought id throw my two cents in. From what I noticed she tends to try to go the realistic route when it comes to cosplays, samus being a prime example. She was talking about it on her stream the other day when we asked her when she was going to do shion sonkzaki, because she keeps fucking hinting it and not giving it to us. Lol but she talked about how she likes to spend a lot of time on research when it comes to colors for wigs and making sure they aren't just one toned but multiple. I mean, I don't see an issue with the length of the hair but I do see how she could of gone for a shorter length and made it a bit more golden, but I feel like it works for her.
I dunno I feel like you guys nitpick her too much. Shit like when I first started cosplaying, I was even worse, nothing I did looked like the character and now that I've been doing it for 10+ years I feel that now I have a better grasp on it, it's not always about how well you can look exactly like the character, it can also be how you out your own spin on it. I for one when I make my cosplays always add a flair of my own no matter what. I guess it's just preference
No. 114510
>>114505classic excuse I've heard from countless cosplayers
It's laziness, not "i've did so much research and i choose to do it this way". If she did has much research as she clams her Samus underwear school would have been thought through instead of just getting naked for naked sake. discussed here
>>105437I know jnigs isn't the best example but look at her latest World Of Warcraft boudoir, it has props and themed underwear to make you see the actual character and you can see the research that whoever has put into it on the screen.
That much research into a cosplay would end up with the character being pretty actuate or have a special twist to it. I've not seeing any of this.
No. 114524
>>114505Sorry but I'm gonna tear this entire post apart
>try to go the realistic route> making sure they aren't just one toned but multipleNONE of her other wigs are 'natural'. they're all single color shit shows (and all extremely low quality.
>but I feel like it works for herThat's really not your call to make. I know it can be ass to find the right blond wig for a skin tone but no matter what her wig is WRONG
>I feel like you guys nitpick her too muchPlease scroll up and read her responses to this thread. She's only doing cosplay for the attention and fame and she's admitted it several times. No one who is in cosplay for the joy of it would compare themselves with someone else by 'popularity' or connections or what sites they've been posted on.
>when I first started cosplaying, I was even worseWhere you plastering lingerie shoots of yourself when you first started? Also let's be real starting cosplay now is 100times easier than starting 5 years ago because there are quality premade cosplays to buy, wig quality and variation is so much better and the such.
> for one when I make my cosplays always add a flair of my own no matter whatAdding flair is like 'oh if I'm cosplaying Diane I'll carry around a fake piece of meat' or going through the effort of making her backpack or carrying around a Meliodas figurine it's not putting on an apron and slathering cake icing on your face (for a character that I'm pretty sure doesnt like sweets)
It would be making a metroid like what Vampy did not taking ass shots in an arcade that doesnt fit the character whatsoever (or even more stupidly taking a photo where the back of the suit is unzipped when OH HEY the suit WOULDNT open there)
I can probably go through every single character she's cosplayed and find at LEAST one PHOTOSHOOT picture where she is completely out of character and doing something to the opposite that the character would do.
It's idiots like you slurping up anything she says and taking it as gospel.
tl;dr - Momo saying she does a lot of research for her cosplay is like a textbook weeaboo saying they do a lot of research on Japan.
No. 114628
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Well her bangs look different here? I think she did cut the wig.
Maybe it wasn't really styled the way in Smash bros, but I like both ways she did it personally. Tbh I don't really agree with these attacks on her. This entire thread irks me a bit. Mainly because I have a younger sister whose similar to Momo. Young, pretty but childish. And I think that's what it is, she's talented but childish is how she speaks about things. I mean the girl is 19? 20? I know I was a dick at that age. Like I mentioned before I think she is a good girl, and she is doing what makes her happy because at the end of the day that's what it's about. She spoke a lot about how she had a really tough childhood growing up, from being bullied and depression and suicide attempts. I'm just really happy to see her having fun. Like I mentioned she reminds me of my younger sister so I guess I have a bit of a bias. I just would like to see her mature more and become an even better cosplay we considering she just started last year. I hope the best for this girl, and I hope she only improves.
I know this is the place to bash but I just feel like she deserves a chance. She clearly has a lot of people attacking her because she grew so fast and that sucks, when your fame grows too quick while others never do grow. I feel like I could ramble on, but I won't haha. I just think the girl is pretty genuine compared to a lot of these other fake girls in the community. She tends to lifts a lot of other girls up and work to make a lot of people happy. She even recently became a Patreon for my artist page. Which is pretty cool in my opinion.
I dunno… I guess you should get to know her and not base her off of her getting upset a bunch of people were attacking her. Hell, I know I'd probably react hot headed.
No. 114630
>>114628No one hates her because she's popular. She was popular before she was a cosplayer she's using that popularity to make money by jumping on the cosplay train.
She's constantly shat on other body types and black cosplayers and then back pedals harder than anything.
Also that's not even her current Samus suit so ????
Once again if you scroll up we DID give her a chance and she throwed her ~*popularity*~ in our faces. She's a shitty person inside and out and obviously you are too if her throwing a little bit of money at you (for obviously being a fangirl) wins you over.
No. 114633
>>1146281) The photoshop in this picture is out of this world. Her nose is a blur. "Body positivity" but I'm going to photoshop the hell out of my pictures.
2) Her patreon receives over 2k/month. The suit is cheap. We can all see that. If you are making that much a month and write that you're using that money towards cosplays, then I need to see a receipt. Because that suit is not worth more than $50. A legit suit costs upwards of $300.
3) I wouldn't use the term "childish" to refer to someone whose naked photos are all over the internet on purpose. Ass shots, thongs, side boobs, and then full on nudes? Yeah, childish. You mean immature.
Remind us again why we should feel bad? Because she's making what the average American makes off Patreon selling her body? Calling it "body positivity" when she fat shames herself and skinny shames others? Calling it "empowering" while its just actually marketing? Flaunting that she's Muslim when her actions all scream that she isn't? Dumping her boyfriend then shaming him in front of all her neckbeard fans, and in turn they bully him?
I follow many cosplayers. They don't act like this. There is something called integrity and dignity, and she has none.
P.S. She cheated on her boyfriend too. Drop the white knight act, it's hopeless.
No. 114645
>>114638Classic vapid response.
bye momo.
No. 114646
>1) The photoshop in this picture is out of this world.I can promise you for sure, 100%, that this isn't Photoshop but a camera app with a "beautifying" effect. Looks like YouCam Perfect to me. It detects skin and hair and has a sliding scale for how much you want your skin/hair evened out.
Sometimes I use it a little on my selfies, even out the light a bit, but it looks like she cranked hers up to max. I recognise the Gaussian blur overlap on her hair.
No. 114658
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>>114646Terminology aside, anon was just trying to say that she shoops/edits her face, not that she specifically uses photoshop.
>>114612If your Muslim friends don't dress like pic related, they aren't real Mariah Mallad (TM) certified Muslims. UwU
No. 114659
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Not 100% Momokun but her friend made a decoden case for her and it looks so sad like one of those terrible Pinterest fails.
No. 114663
>>114658I can see why she pulls stupid faces in 90% of her photos now, yeesh.
>>114661lmao wat
No. 114669
>>114646'photoshop' is the general name the internet uses for editting a picture. gtfo newfag
>>114661Momo you should really stop trying so hard to pretend to be a female fan you know.
>she wins you over with some bomb ass selfies today same>I've noticed her profiles gotten a lot more down to earth>but she's growing up and not crying out for that attention anymore.>I won't ride her dick or nothing Make up your mind
>>114665Also bullshit
it's been a WEEK since she publicly dragged her ex through the mud how the fuck would you think she's 'growing up'. Get the fuck out with this 'she's so mature desu' gullible shit when she hasn't even turned around for a month.
No. 114682
>>114675it was obvious he broke up with her. Why else would he already be with another chick
>>111319She first blatantly says that he broke up with her and then tries to save face by saying it was her that ended things
and yet continues to rant about him
No. 114685
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>>114669Yeah but she did publicly apologize. It takes a lot of balls to aplgogize in from ot 23k people for being a dick and at least admitting they are wrong
No. 114688
>>114682pretty sure she broke up with him… Just because a guy gets with another girl a couple days later doesn't mean anything he's probably trying to get over her.
Especially since he hasn't made anything public yet so I do think they handled the situation if she is aplgogizing publicly to him. And I just checked his Twitter, he's following her again. So something happened. Maybe it was a big April fools joke to gain publicity. Do I smell a Trisha Patyas in the making?
No. 114695
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I got this!
No. 114696
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>>114688Well she did tweet yesterday that she admired Trisha Paytas so maybe. She deleted the tweet though and I could've sworn I capped it but I can't find it atm.
Her finalized paralyzer looks so rough and bumpy. It reminds me of baby's first prop.
No. 114708
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>>114700I got to excited and blank posted but nigha fuck you, but 3 fucking replies!!!!!
No. 114717
>'photoshop' is the general name the internet uses for editting a picture. gtfo newfagIf you weren't so new to the art of shoop you'd know by now that it's not :^)
Btw what's 'editting'?
No. 114765
>>114696aand this is why you use a x-acto knife to cut foam, plastidip, sand, and prime before painting and assembling.
>>114763cool status update. no one cares.
No. 114767
I really kind of expected more from her sakura set.
Where was the titty n ass shots? No. 114772
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>>114767>reposting her Patreon content so we can all see itbased anon
so many of these photos are ooc or unflattering though like pic related. you'd think the photog would at least try to capture her from a flattering angle instead of one that makes her look like a frumpy grandma.
No. 114776
>>114773What did you expect?
It the link she used on her patreon
No. 115359
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Im a bit late on this, but looks like Mariah was self-posting on cgl again.
No. 115739
>>115359You're getting a bit too paranoid.
I made that thread to shitpost on cgl because I know she's not liked.
No. 115823
>>115816I've seen that, the only confirmed "nude" is her butt shot, you can see her face in it, but I don't think the rest are real, look at the body of the "full nude" the Butt and stomach are heavily edited, the butt looks like a freaking chair, Kim K fake ass pretty much. As dumb as she can be, I don't think she would've taken a nude be been like "let me edit this so I look like a unporpoetinal freak." Cause that's what that photo looks like.
Also to the people in the thread complaining about not getting nudes on Patreon, PATREON DOES NOT ALLOW THAT, fucking thirsty pieces of shit trying to force xosplayers to do nude shoots. Fucking annoying.
No. 115824
>>115823So why is hentai and other drawn smutt allowed then?
Also some other cosplay patrons(im supporting one right now) show off their nude beasts in cosplay sets because they upload it to dropbox or somewhere else and don't upload it directly to patron.
No. 115855
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>>115192She just posted this and I kinda disagree. Not a big fan of her but she is pretty photogenic. I feel like when she's not in cosplay she just looks so laid back, but as soon as she puts on a cosplay she becomes Yaya Han bitch status
No. 115917
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>>115855Photogenic means that pictures of her USUALLY look good not 'only selfies and professional photoshoots with pro lighting look good
Also imho the only thing photogenic about this picture is her face which is covered in makeup and is so surrounded by reflectors that even her teeth barely have definition. Her poses it 100% unflattering and makes her look 10 times bigger. Catch them rolls she's trying to hide under that baggy shirt.
Also Why is she trying to white pass so hard? Why does she need to wear that blond wig for a casual shoot?
No. 116002
>>115921The pose looks fine to me lmao some of you people nitpick so much.
But like I said before her attitude is getting better. She's not acting like a cunt anymore and is growing the hell up finally
No. 116132
>>116028Nigga stfu I'm not being a damn white knight you damn prick.
I'm just saying she's not terrible looking and the picture looks fine. I'm not a fan of her but I'm not gonna shitpost just to shitpost like some of you. Like why are you so worried about this girl, she doesn't even have 50k likes on Facebook, why is there a thread on her and so active, you guys are just giving her more attention? Cause you know damn well there are some thirsty mutha fuckas on this thread who probably are donating to her damn pattern now because you guys don't shut the fuck up.
No. 116139
>>116132why do you visit this thread if it makes you so
triggered lmao
No. 116170
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Whoever keeps tweeting Mariah and her fans, you're cringy and embarrassing as fuck and you need to stop.
No. 116201
>>116002Lmao. We aren't expecting forgiveness because the entire thread is anonymous, that's the beauty of the internet. I do wish the other guy who shares my point would stop replying to this thread though, you guys look stupid and bitter now. I've said it before, there's no more valid points to make, you're literally hating her because of the way she posed in a photograph? A non-nude, non-oversexualized photograph to be precise, just a typical everyday picture.
Unless of course the girls that are making rude comments in this thread are Momo herself, in a really sad attempt to keep this thread's popularity so people keep visiting it and it's her attempt at free advertising, ha-ha. Pick a better argument to use against yourself because honestly "the way she posed in a casual shot" is just so lame.
Dude, just stop replying.
No. 116249
>>116201I actually know momo and keep an eye on this thread, the other day myself and another cosplayer saw some stuff going on in this thread that worried us and we both texted her right away, and she told me "oh so and so just texted me the same thing"
in regards to the dick Simmons Twitter account ( btw nice shout out to RVB lol ) we pretty much sent her the links to show her the thread and she pretty much dismissed it.
As her friend I like to keep a close eye on this, but she at first was super worried about what everyone thought about her and tried making everyone happy, to be honest in this last month I've seen this girl change a lot, if it's one thing I know momo is good at is realizing when she's wrong and getting her shit together.
But honestly you guys are hating just to hate. And it makes me kind of proud of her she didn't even want to look at this threads because this girl use to be so worried about what people thought of her, and now she's been content just doing her. It makes me laugh a bit when you guys say "hi momo" when that girl wants nothing to do with this negativity. From what I understand when we talked about this, she got the message loud and clear and understood what she reasonably needed to fix, the rest was just silly hatred. And tbh she's probably gonna get mad if she does happen to come on here and see this me talking about her because she's going to know exactly who I am so… Hi bugabo love you don't hate me :3.
Anyways, momo really doesn't care. And it makes me really proud that she doesn't anymore. Now it's time for me to stop looking at this thread all the time.
No. 116259
>>116256She was only on here a few times but realized nothing she said would change your guys' mind, only actions. It's why she's working harder on creating more of her costumes and studying how to sew better and different fabrics. Like I've been cosplaying for 7-8 years now, and my cosplayer didn't come out half as nice as her beginning cosplays that's she's making. I'm really proud of momo. And she is always working to improve herself. She's still young and I hope the best for her, but like others have mentioned before here, she is still learning, but she's doing what makes her happy and does nothing but lift others up as well, and shares what fame she has. Hell, the girl helped get me in contact with IGN, Nerdbot, and vice. Like there not a selfish bone in this girls body. And I really hope you guys try and get to know her. She wants nothing but the best for people, and even though she reacted a bit over dramatic in the thread it's because she was upset. Again I don't wanna speak for her, but I've been dying to just reply to this thread and be like just give the girl a god damn chance.
No. 116260
>>116259>Now it's time for me to stop looking at this thread all the time.and yet here you are, still looking at this thread.
she hasn't done anything to deserve a second chance.
also please tell her to fix the shoulders on her samus swimsuit. they're really uneven. also since she appears to be using spandex, she needs to learn how to fit better cuz goddamn that shit does not fit her at all and it's a stretch fabric so fit shouldn't even be a huge problem.
her seams are sloppy as shit too with all that puckering. the only way to fix that is seam rip and re-sew the puckered seams.
No. 116312
>>116249>when that girl wants nothing to do with this negativityYet only a week ago she was still vague tweeting about the thread and is trying 'her hardest' to prove us wrong.
>And tbh she's probably gonna get mad if she does happen to come on here and see this me talking about her because she's going to know exactly who I am soSo you yourself are calling her a flip floppy bitch by implying that she IS going to come back to this thread
>>116259>Like I've been cosplaying for 7-8 years now, and my cosplayer didn't come out half as nice as her beginning cosplays that's she's makingSo you've been buying shit tier sweatshop cosplays for 8 years now
>Hell, the girl helped get me in contact with IGN, Nerdbot, and vice.So you're admitting that you're also just using her to climb socially as a cosplayer.
Also hi magically another anonymous person claiming how non selfish she is.
Let me put this straight:
No decent good person would have psycho cunt flip outs like she does. IF she was so kind and giving and loved she would have a decent circle of friends to help her through lolcow threads and boyfriend breakups.
She's obviously self righteous and disgusting
also let's be real IGN, Nerdbot and Vice ???? NO LEGITIMATE COSPLAYER GIVES A DAMN ABOUT BEING ON THOSE SITES. Go enter a fucking contest and win an award and stop relying on photoshop and other people's effects to get you popularity.
No. 116329
>>116312I'm also adding to this.
I was quite confused as of why she's making a Samus zero suit from scratch when he has a pre bought one. I only Samus has multiple versions of this suit but why did she just decide to make one now?
Because she got upset about us calling her out on the shitty taobao suit she pre bought and she still wants to "prove us wrong" by making her own.
lmao if she can't style a wig into the correct shape and get the darts right on her swimsuit mock this is going to be messy.
No. 116343
>>116201>>116259Holy shit how is everyone trying to defend her this fucking retarded lmao. How many times have this been said?
"If she wants nothing to do with this negativity stop replying to the goddamn thread!"
Lmao! Every time you come here to post that shit the thread gets bumped like how dense are you? Makes it sound like you're trying to keep it popular for her because again like I said, free advertising. Do you not understand how 4chan works?
Stop fucking replying you goddamn retards let the fucking whiney petty bitches complain about every little thing that's wrong with her because this thread is literally just going to shit lol. You can't change people's minds when all they want to do is hate someone to feel better about themselves. Read the responses to this comment and everyone is going to say "hi Momo" you can't change trolls you just can't.
God. I don't even know why I fucking try.
"I'm gonna defend her on here and make myself seem like her best friend so I can dickriders her fifteen minutes of fame." Holy shit. That's what you look like doing that shit on here. Jessica Nigri has thousands of hate threads on her you don't see her or any of her friends whiteknighting the shit. Like fuck right off lol.
No. 116470
>>116343She's right you know… Just stop replying. Let's all go spam Jessica's thread instead lol
/flies off on broomstick
No. 116473
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No. 116485
>>116343Sorry, should I say "close personal friends" anyways. Close personal friends shouldn't be encouraging or discouraging stuff like this. Especially if you're supposed to be "mature" and "grown up". Maybe she should re evaluate her friends.
It all goes back to the original post.
>>93507I think it's just sad that all these young girls who actually like anime and video games, attractive or not, honestly think that the only way to become famous or popular in cosplay is to be half naked like Nigri. Even Mariah says "sex sells I don't like it but it's making me popular" now there's all sorts of hypocritical in that statement because it just shows that when money's involved she's willing to throw away her morality, but it's really sad that cosplayers who genuinely work hard to make elaborate and beautiful pieces of art don't get the same credit that these hoes get for hanging out their tiddies.
Granted the ones who work hard on their cosplay wether they're hot or not become prop makers and costume designers for movies and television shows. That was originally the goal from the get go when cosplay was less mainstream but it probably doesn't pay as much as Nigri gets paid or even Mariah (2400 a month of other peoples money just for her to have photoshoots in her underwear and poor quality cosplay with boobs and thunder thighs hanging out everywhere)
Instead of just attacking another generic cosplay hoe maybe another thread should get started about how fucked up the industry is now because of thirsty beta fags and neckbeards, ha-ha.
I was attacked before for saying that some professional cosplayers have integirty and some vapid bitch responded by saying that was a joke, but what about all the men of cosplay? There are some kickass full body armour cosplay out there from Halo and even the Bloodborne cosplay were pretty fucking impressive, but no one pays attention because they don't have tits. But if you haven't noticed these men go on to design movie props and costumes. Look at Midnight Armor or any of the other guys that were on heroes of cosplay and just kinda faded after the show ended.
I don't know, I think she shouldn't be getting as much hatred or attention as this thread allows, shes just another generic pair of tits.
No. 116510
>>116492She doesn't really look fat to me, she just looks like she could lose a bit of weight and tone up a bit.
But in all honesty I'm no one to talk I like Tim Horton's too much
No. 116712
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>>116695I'm more amazed at this tweet if anything
She's trying so hard to be 'cool and different yet what anime has she cosplayed from??? Two mainstream shounen manga (Naruto and Nanatai).
I dont even wanna name anime/manga she would actually have to cosplay from to prove that she actually likes dark anime but the list is loooong. Funny enough one of them includes one of the most basic bitch cosplay that both nigri and Jenni have done it
No. 116754
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>>116695Caps please. This is the only thing I found.
>>116712She should be careful. She could cut herself on all of that edge.
No. 116756
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>>116754……like it was right there lol how stupid are you?
Swimsuit Samus. What a joke. She can't make a body suit herself, so she's just gonna slut it up again. She's been Samus for like two months it's old.
No. 116774
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>>116695if she was actually muslim, she'd know that there are muslims from all over the world, including white and asian muslims.
for someone who claims to be very knowledgeable about muslims, she sure does know nothing.
No. 116786
>>116774When she first came out as Muslim she said she was from an Iranian…?
So now she's from Lebanon?
No. 117380
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Her dickriders fans make me cringe. First off the swimsuit Samus quality is terrible, it looks like she's wearing a big blue wrinkly bib on her chest. Second off we stopped saying she made her own shit like weeks ago now we're just saying she does make her own shit but it's shit lol.
No. 117393
>>117380>TEH 4CHONZ H8TRZZZ!!!!!!btw you should read the tweets in
>>116170 because "BiBi" told the guy that noone tweeted Momo saying that Momo doesn't make her cosplays and props and he flips his shit trying to be like "s-sub tweeting! the haters subtweet! don't call me out ok???"
No. 117515
>>117401>>117401I don't understand why people think that Islam is so different than other religions. There are tons of christian girls who have a lot of sex and act rowdy. There are a lot that don't pray every day, etc.
Not white knighting but honestly, stop this autism.
No. 117532
>>117515please read the fucking thread before spouting bullshit.
Momo has said she doesnt want her family to see ANY of her lingerie shots or anything like that. She claimed here
>>116774that she prays daily and follows all these muslim teachings etc but acts as if 'oh if I call it MODELLING that makes it okay'even though no one is paying her to specifically model those things. SHE comes up with the shoots and gets them done. If she was a LEGIT lingerie model I could understand the bullshit she's spewing but no she wants to pretend to be both 'wholesome muslim girl' and also 'LOOK AT MY TITS AND GIVE ME MONEY'
Also she's trying to claim that snap chats
>>116473are her modelling now I guess
No. 117633
>>117587>calls thread pathetic and autistic>resorts to 12yo edgy slurs>thinks we're all in this thread daily when this thread has gone dead for days before>Even if we did come to the thread daily we'd all still be better than the fat slut>You guys should feel bad but I totes wanna get off to this rando fatty instead of looking at the hundreds of other chubby cosplayersoh no my feelings are so hurt. what ever shall I do with myself?
I'm usually not the type to resort to this but since she's been found shit posting about herself before I'm gonna say hi momo
No. 117746
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She didn't fix it ?
No. 117752
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No. 117833
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>>117824The guy making the account does this to a few cosplayers and voice actors, constantly making new accounts of them and tweeting at others trying to get replies. He's been doing it to different cosplayers for a few years now.
No. 117955
>>117746Whythe FUCK does she insist on the zipper being in the back? has the slut never heard os a side zipper???? The back of zero suit is so iconic and OBVIOUSLY now supposed to have the zipper there
thought tbh
I love how she thinks anyone who really cares about her cosplay is gonna give her brownie points for making it.
Mariah since I know you frequent this thread:
People only prefer hand made costumes because they SHOULD look and fit better than ones bought online. So the fact that your new zerosuit is LITERALLY worse in EVERY way (seams, color, lack of detailing, fit and you didnt even manage to sew on the back pieces properly and your gun looks 1000000% worse)
Maybe you should copy Jessica Nigri some more and follow her example of commissioning props/costumes you can't make. Also go to your local Joanns and take a sewing class or something.
Also when someone tells you to take some god damn pride in your work it doesn't mean to feel proud of what bullshit comes out of your obviously rushed laziness. It means that you should take your time and work hard on everything you make. Maybe you should get this phrase in your thick skull 'Anything worth doing is worth doing well'
No. 118034
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>>117752I hate this brown lipstick trend! It makes her look like she's been eating shit. The puckering on her suit is terrible and there's no excuse for it to fit her this badly considering that it's made of stretch material.
>>117800thick means that she should have a nice ass (she doesn't have one as seen in
>>117746) and boobs, but also have a thin waist. You can see in
>>117752 that she doesn't have curves.
>that photoshop on her waist and hipsoh but she's all natural, right? ;)
No. 118074
File: 1460481711221.gif (903.63 KB, 240x228, stopplease.gif)

>>118036What kind of bomb is that to randomly drop? That's like saying you envy the furry style and wish you could be a yiffy fox.
No. 118086
>>118081she probably just used google translate and was like "im soo gud at japanese, guyz"
No. 118151
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>>117955The zipper is a joke. She used an invisible zipper but didn't even put it in the right way? If she at least put it in like a regular zipper it'd be one thing, but look at those sloppy cut raw edges.. It looks like babbys first sewing project
No. 118174
>>118151Are the designs cardboard? Like, at least appliqué that shit! Or nicely topstitch.
This is some beginner shit for sure. Good for her for trying to make stuff for herself but she needs a lot of practice before she can act like it's anything worth being proud of. As a seamstress this picture stresses me out.
No. 118376
>>118182LOL I didn't know what else to call it, but it's definitely nothing professional or anything to be proud of. Especially since she wants to act like she's trying to get better… this shows no signs of improvement.
>>118369I'm not sure those can be called appliqués… more like badly done fabric blobs. She needs to take a sewing class badly or jut stick to buying.
No. 118384
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>>118369See that sad jagged edge right there? And that, kids, is why you cut foam with an exacto or heated knife instead of scissors.
Plus why did she use a straight stitch on the edge of the "appliqué" instead of a satin stitch like what she's supposed to use? Too cheap to buy a satin stitch foot or too lazy to actually learn how to appliqué?
No. 118405
File: 1460529393795.png (387.74 KB, 997x1194, 20160413_012745.png)

>>118404This stupid thing didn't post my screenshot because it thought I clicked post for some reason, but there it is in case anyone else wants to save it for lulz
No. 118547
File: 1460565040362.jpg (42.22 KB, 321x446, 1457372063786.jpg)

this whole thread
No. 119039
>>119026I'm gay and I think she's really pretty. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
A lot of people probably think she's shallow and vapid and they might be right. She's sensitive and obviously has some insecurities, but she has a cute smile looks like she'd be fun to have a one-on-one conversation with, or just to meet in passing.
I don't care about any of this drama at all because it's stupid as fuck but I like to think she could mature from this. She's also really lewd.
>no momokun gf to reassure in her moments of vulnerability>no momokun gf to lead down the right path No. 119059
File: 1460576491838.png (Spoiler Image,278.42 KB, 366x460, Screen Shot 2016-04-13 at 11.4…)

I met this chick during the Seven Deadly Sins gathering that she hosted at ALA and she seemed really sweet. It's a shame that she's just like every other attention whore in the cosplay community who only wants fame and money
No. 119076
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>>119061>waahh waahh someone disagrees with me on the internet!!!!>it must be mariah trying to defend herself!!!!! because no other person could actually like something i don't like!!!!>"Hi Mariah how are you doing :) :):) :):)):) /s">le originale commentWhy is there so much autism here? I thought /r9k/ was bad but somehow every time I shitpost here you guys literally sperg out.
We don't even type similarly, you bitter vagina.
No. 119218
>>118547I mean sure if thick means fat yah she's fat as fuck :)
If she lost the extra twenty pounds around her tummy and arms that need to go with proper diet that ass is going with it haha.
>>119061 Yah you should calm down. Ever since her little army found out about this post they come in tryna whitenight her, its not always Mariah smh.
>>119076Just GTFO out how many times has it been said the only way you can properly defend the hoe is by not responding to this thread and bumping it you stupid prick.
>>1191197Ha. Funny.
No. 119222
>>119218Shit. I mean to reply to
>>119117With the ha. Cuz its funny. Guess I'm the stupid prick :p at least I'm not all self-righteous here I just hate the bitch lol. She fucked a lot of people over on Twitter and she wonders why her nudes get leaked.
No. 119794
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Return of the cheap spandex suit
No. 119799
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can anyone confirm if this one is photoshopped? the waist and ass looks off…….
No. 119820
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>>119799Not sure if shoop but this dip right here looks wrong to me…
No. 120458
>>120454F U C K O F F
No. 120472
>>119799>>119794why are her wigs always so shitty though? her samus wig was so unkempt, and this one looks exactly the same mess and colour.
at this point i don't care about her being a fat jnig and buying spandex suits for cosplay if she had a decent fucking wig to go with it.
No. 120728
>>117587Actually I'm typing this out on my phone on my break at work because I have a real job and I'm just bored right now :) I don't have a computer in my mum's basement because I moved out years ago but thanks for stereotyping!
Honestly it's so funny how people assume the people bashing her are jealous of her sloth face and her thunder thighs. We just can't seem to contemplate how she got so many neckbeards to worship her but like I've said before I think they just hope that because she's not super famous she might send them nudes if they're super nice to her.
Just a point, I know the point itself has been said and done to death but for some reason these whiteknighting and Mariah herself are so thick headed that no matter what you say they think we're just ugly fatties who are jealous of her cellulite and bad costumes.
No. 121067
File: 1460902290214.png (192.15 KB, 720x816, Screenshot_2016-04-17-07-03-22…)

This is what I was saying from the fucking beginning and I'm so glad there's actually a male who fucks with anitwitter that finally isn't thirsting all over this bitch just because she can hide her body in corsets. She gets such fake self esteem from her followers because half of them want nudes and the other half just wanna share the spotlight by acting like they have a lesbian crush on her lmao. You're not insecure? You're perfectly happy where you are? Then why did you post about this thread and your breakup with Eric and everything else bad that happens to you? Because you want your little fucking followers to lift you up even tho they have their own selfish motivations.
No. 121097
>>121067I love how her she thinks that she's actually famous and is beloved by the people or some shit when the guys who kiss her ass just hope that she'll suck their dicks.
She really doesn't have that many followers for someone who stripped to gain followers.
No. 121474
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>>121368That and also, you know, nana bear is actually a good cosplayer.
No. 121857
>>121853I know this sounds childish but I hate the vapid cunt so much that knowing she has any similar interest just makes whatever I'm interested in tainted lol. Like I hate the bitch that much.
>>121855Oh yeah, anyone who's even a little Twitter famous or has a high follower count she will be riding his dick. She's an attention whore, we know this lol. When I saw her hitting up Bardock Obama I just laughed like "oh you have 300k followers? Yah, of course she's gonna try and fuck with you :)"
No. 121888
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Goddamn she's milking the thirst
No. 122090
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>>122069This one?
Also she self posted on cgl again.
No. 122179
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>>121857>>121859She's trying to kiss Yaya's ass too but Yaya is too busy being famous to care about small fry like Mariah
No. 122180
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Again with the jnig "hurrhurr I'm so funny" face
No. 122222
File: 1461134202276.jpg (140.87 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

Apparently some girl named Daisa made this thread?
From what I've heard Mariah didn't befriend her, and didn't reply to her "hundreds" of messages according to little miss Momo.
So this bitch in Vegas is out to get her. I don't know why I find this so funny. This girl needs her own thread lmao
No. 122383
File: 1461181940827.jpeg (41.63 KB, 640x270, image.jpeg)

Dumbass, dumbass… Dumbass.
Quitting her job when no one knows who she is and she only started cosplaying less than a year ago to try and become the next JNig? Girl, give me a break. You're going to crash and burn. LOL
No. 122489
>>122484>there is a some money to be made thru social networking and becoming sponsors/partners and shitNo company wants to hire a no-name fatty with a bunch of nudes and ass shots in her name google search. Also she's been earning LESS from her patreon. Last time I checked she was earning close to 3k and now she's down to 2.5k
She's already failing and I will state as I had several times in this thread: She's not a cosplayer she's a fetish model.
No. 122499
>>122489She was at 2.6 at her highest, but that's because some people donate and back out at the end. But she's so far made around like 5k from what I believe. 2.3kx 2 then 1k , she started in Jan. so she's been racking in the numbers.
And I agree I think she will probably work with sponsorships and twitch, as she's been showing off the patreon money with her new computer build.
It's good to see she's actually been spending the money on what she promised I was worried about that, but at least she's honest there. Some other Cosplayers I've supported on Patreon just take the money and go. And don't give you anything they promised. I'll give her that, as a donator she runs her patreon really professionally.
No. 122500
>>122489She is a cosplayer you dumbass. Just cause you don't like them doesn't mean she's not one.
Bitch dresses up as characters. She's a fucking cosplayer. Costume play. Learn the fucking word you cunt. Like if youre contribute to this thread don't shitpost
No. 122504
>>122502Or not as many people hate her as you think. I use to dislike her but then I realized it was because its because the same stupid bitch that was just posting and posting in this shit.
Like just stfu and stop replying to this thread. You guys whine and cry that she's not anyone important but you guys sit there and cry all day long about her. Just shut the fuck up and go bitch about some nobody Cosplayers lol this bitch don't give a fuck about you guys or this thread. She gave you guys two seconds of fame and was done. Get over yourselves haha
No. 122523
>>122499>been spending the money on what she promisedoh yeah like that new PC setup she got herself and buying more shitty taobao cosplay
>>122504Lemme guess she promised she would put in a good word at IGN for you if you whiteknighted her? That's cute.
Literally everyone I know who isnt a fame hungry cosplay whore hates her tbh and it's not only no names. You'd be surprised how many big name cosplayers are laughing at her on their private FB accounts or in DMs. I can say that she's a huge joke in the pretty much the entire CA cosplay scene.
PS I mare more than she makes in a month on her patreon this past week and I didnt have to demean myself to being fap material to a bunch of neck beards for it.
No. 122539
>>122523Yeah right bitch who are you?
And that's why she is going to be a guest at a Cali con coming up, and bitch have you seen who she talks to? It's mostly ca Cosplayers and they all respect her. She's a damn good business woman and knows what the hell she is doing.
Just shut the fuck up you wannabe be bitch. You fucking wish you were making that much lol the nerve of some people, they try so damn hard and it's so pathetic like bitch you ain't making shit.
No. 122578
>>122564I've also wondered about this. She Retweets anything that has the whisper of her name in it but none of them are ever "omg i met momo at this convention today!"
Fuck off momo whiteknights, no one gives a shit. But also ty for keeping this thread and discussion alive. It would be dead without you idiots.
No. 122586
File: 1461253319446.jpg (38.97 KB, 720x465, _20160421_114025.JPG)

I'll just leave this here
No. 122587
>>122539Awww did I hurt your feefees Momo?
Which Cali con? I legit went through every cali con I could find until september and she isnt a guest at a single one. (although there was one called Tragic Con that I almost wished she was guesting at because THAT would have been a hoot) You realize piggybacking on someone else's panel doesnt count as being a guest right?
Lots of people talk to people they think are disgusting because THAT'S what a good business person does. A good business person doesn't publicize their hate and will act nice because publicizing drama is rarely a good business move. Another thing: the fact that Momo is constantly always retweeting everything also proves that she's not a great business woman as it shows just how much spare time she has to be on twitter.
Also you're literally only digging yourself (or Momo if this is one of her coattail chasing friends) a bigger whole by getting so salty.
Also this
>>122564 if she's so amazing and has so many cali friends where are they saying 'oh man cant wait to see momo at -insert con-?' or suggesting cosplay groups or anything of the such? Nah it's just a bunch of neckbeards and nobodies commenting because they KNOW she'll RT them. They dont care about her, they care about their 2 seconds in the 'sun'.
>>122586wow I didnt know waifus sat around at home shoving cake in their mouth while crying over lolcow threads?
No. 122613
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>uhm u r just jelly of me. improve urself to be like me, sweaty. :)))>>122539Part of being a good business woman is maintaining a professional appearance and attitude. The only professionalism she's presented is the professionalism of a fame hungry whore.
No. 122714
Ugh I'm just sick of this thread you guys are such assholes like just get over yourselves. Like why are you so negative?! And no I'm not dick riding her I just like her as a person. She's a nice girl. No mater what you say, at least she doesn't go around trying to bring people down all day long. Instead she's trying to help out, like you guys need to understand that so what if she has faults, she's not perfect. She's new to cosplay too! Like she just started. Give the girl a break!!!!! She's doing well, why can't people just be happy for people, why are you all so destructive.
Like Imagone seeing hate threads about you, shit would be so upsetting. No wonder she won't even look at this thing anymore. Like when you guys were shit talking her for cheating on Eric, she refused to read anything you guys had to say. Which in my opinion says a lot about her.
And stop saying I'm Krissy cause I'm not. God forbid you guys start a hate thread on me if you found out who I was. Mind you, I am a CA cosplayer who is quite popular but I've never heard a word about Momo in a bad way. She's a nice girl. And we had our differences at first, mainly my fault because I was being small minded, and even when I was she was nothing but nice. This thread just aggravates me so much. Just give this girl a chance, like let her grow, stop trying to bring her down and tell her to crash and burn, learn how to be nice dammit
No. 122728
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>>122724>she's a stupid Nigri wannabekek
No. 122753
>I am a CA cosplayer who is quite popular but I've never heard a word about Momo in a bad way.suuuuuuure momo
>Like when you guys were shit talking her for cheating on Eric, she refused to read anything you guys had to say.Then how did you ,OH SORRY You're pretending to be someone else again IU mean , 'she' know we were saying things about her?
No. 122755
>>122714I'll ask again:
What con is she guesting at? You come in here saying she's so famous and loved?
if she's so loved show me all her cosplay followers on twitter from CA? Show me all the cosplayers who like her page on FB? One person from my FB likes her page and most of my friends on that account are cosplayers and photographers.
No. 122810
>>122755I don't remember which one I just saw her mention it. And wtf how do I know what Cosplayers follower her.
Jessie Blafus and D piddy and even vert vixen talk to her a lot, all really good Cosplayers.
You know you sound really stupid calling me momo over and over again…. But ok guess I'm Momo.
Anyways, Her Facebook friend list has a lot of Cosplayers, like Oliver Holmes aka Kohalu aka THE FACE OF AX 2015!!! Frequently comments on her stuff, I mean Kohalu talks to me here and there but like still it's an honor to be recognized by Jim in my opinion.
No. 122825
>>122504>this bitch don't give a fuck about you guys or this threadAnd yet, the dumb bitch posted in here several times, proving that she does care about the thread. Lol you are so fucking dumb.
>go bitch about some nobody CosplayerWe are. Her name is Mariah Mallad.
No. 122840
File: 1461319379362.jpg (Spoiler Image,34.02 KB, 600x600, 145922400989.jpg)

>>122724She doesn't look to bad naked
No. 122861
File: 1461328174653.jpeg (181.91 KB, 637x793, image.jpeg)

Soooooi this is tsukiumi from Sekirei, apparently made for a $100 tier patron, what the fuck she couldn't even buy a pattern for the coat? She half assed it for a $100 patron? If quality is what they pay her for she ain't getting any better, she's probably going to try and ruin Jojo next ugh!!! Also that is her naked in a previous post! Her breasts have the surgery scars from when she had them "reduced" she wasn't as fat when she took it though
No. 122920
>>122810>I just saw her mention itoh okay so you're admitting you're the blind follower here
>D Piddy Doesnt follow her on Twitter
>ZerggieOnly followed her out of pity because she believed the fake account (I know this because I witnessed it)
>Vert VixenDoesnt follow her on twitter
>KohaluTalks to literally everyone. He's a nice guy.
I'm failing to see your point here.
>>122811Actions speak louder than words anon
>>122854 is basically the same thing I hear from every person who knows her irl. The only people who would vehemently back her up like this is obviously herself or some ass licking person she's promised to send on their name to some magical company that she totes has an in with.
No. 123066
File: 1461352929017.jpg (93.35 KB, 453x640, 844a1f7edaffa0_full.jpg)

>>122861Literally nothing like her.
No. 123282
File: 1461404234483.jpg (1.32 MB, 2448x3264, image.jpg)

She looks like she's been losing weight. She doesn't have her fat rolls anymore lol
Good job Momo keep reading this thread you might learn something
No. 123300
>>123282as someone smaller than her but still admittedly chubby: those long mirrors do wonders. The right lighting and the such can take that stomach in.She's also sucking it in hardcore. Also the hand on her hip that she's 'casually'(aka completely unnaturally) using to pull the panties up would be hiding the rolls when it shows up on that side (you can still the the crease but the back of her thumb there). Does she thing the dwarf arm look is attactive or something because I swear. Also the 'knees in' look is used to make hips look bigger.
Actually it's also shooped cause if you look at here her waist dips in you can see the drawer behind her dip down as well. Not a major shoop it seems but still there.
TBH you'd think that her corset training would make her waist nicer but the shoop and selfie tricks make it obvious she's still trying to hide a lot.
Also: No sheet on her bed; nasty ho
No. 123318
>>123282HIGH TEST
She does have a nice body shape but could really benefit a lot of she toned up. Right now she just reminds of a Holstein. Who knows, maybe getting in shape would divert attention from that face.
No. 123411
>>123321Lol yah that was my first impression she looks like a tranny with that one brow and the duckface ha-ha.
>>123282No she hasn't and tbh it really pisses me off that she's just so lazy. She promised before she would go into the gym, but shes just going to use her body positivity kick as an excuse not to. Her tummy still has a "front bum" as I like to call it, there's a line running below her belly button and then the chub just above her pubic line. Might be blurred out in this one but if she turned sideways I guarantee that tummy is a lot bigger than it looks in this photo ha-ha.
My advice? Suck it in and use your lighting in your house. High sunlight magically erases all chub lines because the shadows are being highlighted by the light ;) Momokun is not the only master of the clever angle, used to do that when I was a little chubbier lol. At least then no on can attack you on how fat you "look in photos"
In my opinion if you're not gonna change your body at least learn to use lighting.
No. 123426
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>>123282i feel like if she didnt show any skin she wouldn't get anywhere with a face like this
No. 123431
File: 1461438792600.png (269.4 KB, 662x654, Screen Shot 2016-04-23 at 11.1…)

I hate when she makes these stupid fucking faces.
No. 123454
>>123431She's such a jnig wannabe, you know all the I'm a sweet person and that she was bullied? People that went to school with her confirmed that SHE was the bully and made stuff up a lot but would back track and claim she acted out because of her bipolar disorder. She was basically loud and obnoxious and disturbed classes a lot and did whatever she could to get attention disrupted class a lot.
It's creepy how she always wears that blond wig and tries to act like jnig, at ala she claimed people were calling her jnig but really they were saying your trying to look like jnig.
No. 123665
>>123596i mean tbh it was probably BS just like her claiming to be a guest at cons. She's the type who will claim something amazing happened to her and then never mention it again but people still think 'oh she was on a tv show I just missed it'
>>123505but as someone with bpd how often do you go around telling people you have it? My friend has bpd and has the medication to help handle it but only this year at 22 got around to admitting publicly that she has it and that's because she's gotten a following and wanted to show her younger followers that they can do cool things too even with social/mental/personality disorders.
I think that's where my distaste for Momo lies. She claims to be wanting to give back and/or giving back to the community but every time she says something trying to be supportive it's all about HER.
Like Suzy is a way better example 'Reminder- When someone is nasty or treats you poorly, don't take it personally. It's says nothing about you but a lot about them.'whereas Mariah's closest similar tweet is 'It's so sad to ME when people try so hard to make up rumors… Like please stop. Go work on yourself before you talk about me.'
With Mariah it's always about HER HER HER like 'OMG look at MY haters I'M so much better than THOSE people arent /I/ amazing?' whereas EVERYONE ELSE is 'dont worry about what people say about/to you' which also shows about how much she lets it get to her an how immature she is about the whole thing. Her feigned arrogance is obvious and what bothers me about her the most.
No. 123745
>>123665I know this girl. She doesn't have Bpd. She has ADHD. She's never claimed to have Bpd. From the time I've known her in middle school she was pretty different. Just a lonely band nerd who always wore a kirara hat from Inuyasha. The weebest of the weebs. I didn't know too much about her in middle school but she was loud, not so much disruptive but she has a loud voice and she posted about it on Facebook once saying she's like that because growing up she didn't have a voice. Which is understandable but no reason to be as loud as she is.
And yeah, she was a bully. I knew her sophomore year to senior year. Sophomore year she was a complete BITCH. And then junior year she lost a bunch of weight and started playing a bunch of sports and became this jock, and if you even mentioned anime to her she wouldn't speak to you about it ( had her in my Japanese class and brought her a manga to read and she looked at it like it was a ghost ) I guess what happened was her teammates were heavily bullying her for that which is fucked up, so from middle school to then it was a 180. She was trying too hard to "fit in" a crowd she didn't belong. Senior year she got worse. I couldn't even stand to speak to her. She was loud, obnoxious, super aggressive too, pretty sure she was thrown out of two rugby games for hurting other girls.
People mentioned that she was shitty but yeah i mean I'm pretty sure a lot of us were assholes in high school. I think she's getting better. I actually just saw her today, which brought me here to heavily stalk this thread. She's doing better. So I'm glad for her: She still has this kind of arrogance to her but I can't tell if it's arrogance or if she's pretending to be nice, or if she's just trying to hide how she is or maybe she's just really trying I have no fucking clue, but I started out wishing for her to "crash and burn" but if she keeps up this path of shaping up, I think I could grow to tolerate her
No. 123787
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>>123745Riiiiiiight momo never claimed to have bipolar disorder, All you have to is look up her "inspiration post" where she mentions HAVING IT! You basically confirmed she has always been a bully to people, people grow and change but this girl only changes when it benignity her temporarily the she regresses. People who tried getting to know her and befriend her from relating to her "issues" she completely threw under the bus or discarded in favor of her neck beards, if she were legit or actually cared about those suffering like she supposedly does; why is she quick to get rid of those people?
Oh right! Cuz you have to pay her to be your friend! Just check out her patreon rewards $50+ gets automatic follow back on all social media transaction? Pay me and I'm your friend cuz I really do care.
Bull fucking shit.
No. 123806
>>123787>>123745BPD is Borderline Personality Disoder,
not Bipolar Disorder. There is a world of difference between the two. The general populace is uneducated enough about them without having people mix and match the initialisms.
No. 123819
>>123790This is what I mean though like not a single 'big name' cosplayer has even looked twice at her. She's not a guest at any cons and she has no real 'clout' to her name but she'll just keep on lying to get all the ass pats she can get I guess
No. 123854
>>123819That one time she actually did get Jnig to notice her she was dumb enough to brag about it and screen shot the tweets… Seriously who does that? If one wants to be taken seriously as a cosplayer, why exploit the bigger actually well known cosplayer? Jnig doesn't follow her I think jnig saw those and immediately back away. Yaya…. As if yaya han would ever take a fap model seriously, yaya barely even accepts gender ends. If momo got a guest spot maybe I remember someone mentioning anime California, a con that was so disastrous its first year the ceo had to step down and it was banned from the Hyatt in Anaheim. Anime California also tried to get the girl that got drugged up and fell at sdcc a few years ago to be the mascot so, yeah shows what honorable spot that is, to its credit anime California got better its second year but not by much. Any meet ups she has momo is self hosting, never seen it be official anywhere on any con site. When it came to literally dozens of cosplayers who embraced her at first and then she blacklisted; those cosplayers were actually talented, made their own costumes and or didn't have to buy their spray paint suits, guess momo just couldn't handle being around people willing to help her out and grow, cuz it's allll about Mariah, no one else can be a part of her show, not even vamplette. Vamplette has been cosplaying way longer and is actually talented, why she hangs out with momo is a mystery, in their pics together she doesn't even look happy to be near momo as of late.
No. 123959
>>123943Well Mariah was the one who bragged about "getting invited to cons" and supposedly being in a TV show and shit. She also tries to make it look like IGN and Arda found her and featured her when actually she applied to be featured for both of those. She tries to make herself sound way bigger than she actually is when in reality, most people just follow her for T&A and her "fanservice" (coughwhorecough) photos.
Not related but someone on PULL started a thread for Mariah and no one has shit to say because they're all fatties lmao.
No. 123997
>>123959What's wrong with applying to be featured in stuff. If she's applying and getting the features isn't that good? Aren't you suppose to do that as a cosplayer if you want your name to grow?
I applied to CosCulture and got a feature. They probably wouldn't have found me in the first place if I didn't. I don't see anything wrong with her applying and getting those features, and I have yet to see the girl say that IGN or Arda found her…. She made a post saying she was talking to IGN, I remember seeing it all on Twitter when someone tagged IGN in her samus photo and then IGN said "Nigga you wanna be a cosplay feature" after she said "I love your cosplay features, I wanna be in one!" And then she got contacted with Chasity. ( not word for word. ) but same shit.
>>123854if Vamplette didn't like Momo she wouldn't hang out with her. They are always in each other snapchats and always checking in together places. Personally Vamplette lacks A LOT of personality. As talented as she is, she has no voice. She's kind of a wall flower. I've been following her for awhile, she's the reason I know of Momo. But I think that's bullshit because I feel like Vamplette is way more outgoing and fun now. I like Vamplette more than Momo but I think Momo is good for her, she brings a lot of good and energy out of her. I'm glad they are friends. Besides Vamplette I'm pretty sure is the one pushing Momo to make more of her cosplays, Momo looks up to Vamplette.
No. 124125
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Oh my god… Like really, and you cry about why you're not in shape? Like why is it funny to eat on stream. Go eat celery sticks.
No. 124167
>>124128Omygod my thoughts exactly lol. She's a fat hoe let her be a fat hoe novelty wears off eventually man why are you so hung up on her? I swear there's like 3 people in this thread ha-ha.
>>124137Why y'all bashing other cosplayers in a momokunt thread? If you have a problem with vamplette start a new thread for her I'm sure she could use the publicity.
No. 124178
>>124125So you guys realize that because she streamed in a bunnysuit we can report her to twitch for 'Inappropriate Broadcaster Behavior and Attire' right?
If it was just cleavage that would be one thing but she was blatantly showing cleavage as well as the fact that she had a jacket on shows that she wasnt hot or anything. As well as I'm reporting the fact that she ate a burger because she promotes herself as 'THICC'
No. 124259
>>123313Spot fucking on, lol
>>123431Me too. I wouldn't mind if it wasn't her, she's just so fucking pretentious, which makes her super punchable.
No. 124592
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>>124575Bitch where? Jnig hasn't tweeted Mariah since the whole thing about her defending jnig.
Also God her face is so unfortunate.
No. 124673
>>124672Read the thread.
Her vile personality is why she gets so much hate, plus she self-posted here numerous times being a cunt trying to defend herself.
No. 124677
>>124673>her vile personalityfair but a lot of cosplayers have worse personalities than her
>self-posted here numerous timesyou don't have proof of which anons were her beyond the ones obviously labeled "Momokun" though. again, it's part of her wanting attention thing because she wants people to know that she's here and watching.
No. 124720
>>124704oh ok so replying to comments on FB makes them best friends forever now.
Jessica replies to a bunch of comments on FB and she's always in the mindset of helping other cosplayers and she's done photoshoots with a bunch of 'not as good' cosplayers that doesnt make them friends. The one thing people cant really say about Jessica is that she's stuck up when it comes to cosplay. I mean look at pretty much every group she's been in since she started actually making legit cosplay? It's a bunch of nonames and she usually looks the most put together.
If anything I HOPE Jessica does a shoot with her so people can see how disgusting Momo is by comparison kek
No. 124722
>>124720Jessica is plastic and has terrible skin but she's toned and you can tell that she works out. Mariah would look like a flabby pile of lard next to her.
But oh god imagine how retarded they'd look doing stupid faces together..
No. 124857
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Oh my god
No. 125200
File: 1461784452724.png (Spoiler Image,303.37 KB, 720x1134, clip_now_20160427_151053.png)

No. 125333
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>>125306Yah I found that interesting too lol. A week or two after she put up the patreon she talks about moving out and she's quit her job at Starbucks. Girrrrl I hope you realise your body has about five more years until it no longer wants to be seen by neckbeards, and at 2500 a month you definitely won't be rich from it. I wonder if she realises she's gonna have to pay the tax back at the end of the year? It's not a regular paycheque it's her own business they're gonna wanna see dat money $$$$ hopefully she's not spending it like a drunken sailor lol.
On another note, now she's sucking up to MostFlogged :) good luck tryna get in with Nigri now lol. No loyalty just dicksucking until she get the right connections I guess haha. Randomly mentions her in a convo but she's never talked to her on Twitter before? How desperate are you?
No. 125398
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>>125333Good luck with that Momo.
No. 125418
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>>125388>The best thing that will come out of this is MF and her crew will now make delicious shit posts about momo. If they were tearing into Jessica imagine the shit they're gonna say about momo I am so ready
No. 125427
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>>125418I just checked MF's Twitter and saw this. No fight. :'(
No. 125910
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>>109465She looks more the one of the apes from Planet of the Apes
No. 125990
>>125986And buying her "bae" sushi and what not, she only does stuff to save face when someone mentions she isn't doing anything cosplay related or importantly: spending that money to buy sewing lessons at jo anna! That simple, she did a hideous job with that request costume that someone paid $100 for. She definitely cuts corners with cosplay to save money for stuff she wants rather than materials or even ready made costumes she could use to please her patrons, just shows how greedy she is. Also am pretty sure she never broke up with Eric, thousand % sure they are still dating and just broke up for the fap beards to donate more money feeding their delusions that this chick will date them one day.
She's such a lying, phony, twat
No. 126167
>>126161 I'm not whiteknighting Mariah oh boo fucking hoo I actually like Vamplette what I can't like a cosplayer just because she associates with Mariah? Sit down. You sound jealous. The only one I didn't like from her was the Mew cosplay but I have a feeling Mariah talked her into it because she thought it would give her good exposure from Nigri. If Vamplette actually wants a career making others cosplay she needs to step away from Mariahs "marketing" because no matter what everything is about benefitting Mariah. Vamplette could make a good patreon selling costumes, but I guess it is time consuming and it would be hard to keep up if she had a lot of orders.
Even if her craftsmanship is considered "shitty" it's still way out of Mariahs league. Like I said she doesn't have floppy tits and a fat ass so she will always be in Momokunt's shadow.
No. 126232
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How the fuck is she hiding her whale blubber?
No. 126234
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Lmaoo this bitch.
Someone explain.
Does this bitch just like gain and lose 30 lbs every month
No. 126315
>>126309Oh I'm Mariah now? Wow I must be a fusion or something lol. Vamperiah activated!!! I'm not responding anymore, doesn't mean you guys won I understand the nature of trolls, feign ignorance until somebody snaps and then you screenshot it eh?
screen caps "oh I'm gonna keep an anonymous reply in my screenshots for months just to blackmail Mariah because I'm not creepy or sad" how much phone space do you use for your attempt at feeling good about yourself? Peace bitches, have fun being petty :) because y'all are a laughingstock even prettyuglylittleliar people are cringeing at this thread ha-ha. Is it true one of you is that down syndrome looking cosplayer that Mariah didn't wanna be friends with? Damn. I wish you all the luck in the world, lady. I hope you heal yourself so you can actually have real friends who don't take advantage of your insecurities. Mariah if you are reading this it's the girl with the Squirtle hat ha-ha. Love you girl you don't have to prove shit. Later cunts
No. 126343
>>126234Nothing about this even screams anything remotely Mewtwo to me.
>>126280>#notbotherednotbotherednotbotheredMhm. Alright.
No. 126344
>>126323She's talking about Dasia lol she doesn't have Ds she's just a fucking asshole lol
Dasia blanks pretty much harassed momo to be friends with her and kept harassing her on groups when she replied to them begging for her to talk to her, and when momo wouldn't reply right away Dasia accused her of ignoring her or just not caring, the screenshots were passed around. It's pretty pathetic this girl wanted to leech off of momo so bad lmao
No. 126377
>>126355Oh boo hoo you're calling me names now I'm gonna go cry because some fat cunt on the internet is making fun of meh
You're all just as self absorbed in your self righteous bullshit. Have fun being insecure fucking losers for the rest of your lives maybe go for a run and stop eating the hamburgers and maybe you won't be so judgemental lmao. Just cause I said I wouldn't reply doesn't mean I don't watch the thread and you guys are just as ignorant as ever lmfao.
"I write on anonymous message boards about how other anonymous people are losers for defending someone I'm trying to attack just because I think she's fat"
Bitch all of you sound fat as fuck. I hate even replying because people think I'm Momo and then her name gets dragged through the mud. Every time I reply it's saged anyways so suck my dick lol.
No. 126379
>>126377Dude just stop replying. This site is meant to rip on people.
95% of all these claims against her aren't true. Just little kids making up rumors. Let them be, the more you argue the worse it gets. Besides its only two people really hating at this point, everyone has stopped reading this.
Momo is a good person. And it's sad these people sit around and do nothing but attack we cause you know she has to be perfect God forbid she's not. But you won't change their minds.
If you have an issue with momo why don't you go talk to her about it instead of complaining on here.
Squirt le girl, whoever you are just leave it alone it's no point
No. 126386
>>126379Yah I guess. Kind of lost my shit just because I'm so dumbfounded about how ignorant and rude some people can be, I guess these people probably just have a personal vendetta against her and are too cowardly to say it to her face.
I won't apologize, but I personally hope something good happens to all of you so you can actually feel good about your lives and not hate yourself so much that you feel the need to hurt others online. Peace out.
No. 126398
>>126396>>126396 Stfu you're talking about Enrique. She never sold the print she put it on Patreon as a FREE print but when he flipped out she didn't send them out. She never told him she was taking all the money. Lol I like how you're talking about Mariah like you know here but pretty sure you've never had a one on one with her or actually asked her about any of your stupid accusations.
I'm trying to be smart about not replying but seeing you attack someone I'm close to with idiocy is just so pathetic to me.
No. 126401
>>126398>>126399I wasn't trying to name names but okay. Enrique is legit one of the chillest dudes I know and I spoke to him about the Mariah thing one on one. Yeah it wasn't Modelmosa, I'm actually not familiar with who that is. I definitely recognize the name but I'm not a cosplayer (before someone white knights and says I'm just jealous because I'm not as famous as her lol)so I'm not familiar with all the local cosphotographers.
Also I have zero interest in confronting Mariah about anything because she'll lie through her teeth to me to tell me anything I want to hear because she's fake as hell. I would detail the encounters I've had with her but that'd give away who I am and I don't feel like getting a twitter tantrum thrown at me right now
No. 126405
>>126382Oh man, Admin-sama pls.
I love this thread never let it dieeee
No. 126415
>>126403Mariah may be a lot of things but it's one thing bout her when she does wrong she owns up to it. If you're apart of our so called friend group because you clearly know a lot of personal things about her, you know how drew talks to her and helps her see why she's wrong and how to fix it and improve. You guys seem to forget she is still 20 years old. She's still growing and learning. And you guys leave no room for fault. Yes she's made some poor decisions in the past but if you've talked to her recently you'd see the change in her and how much she resents how she acted. It's just so frustrating no one wants to just give her a shot. You guys are really terrible, like it hurts my heart to see so many hateful people on someone who is just trying to be happy. It's just fucked.
And whomever you are, it shows what a coward you are that you won't go and speak to her about your issues. Someone else had an issue with her the other day and they just fucking talked it out and it was a whole misunderstanding. Like if you see her so much pull her aside or fuck like just explain to her you want to ask her down thing. When I had a misunderstanding with her it was my fault for not going to her for months, she had to come to me to help me realize I wasn't seeing the whole picture.
Just like… Be a good person. Be honest with yourselves. I look at Mariah like a little sister. I've replied here a few times before and I feel like each time you guys just get worse .
No. 126427
>>126415Once again I bring up this:
Why are you here?
Jessica Nigri (proven nice, supportive and basically everything Mariah claims to be) doesnt have a bunch of people in her thread trying to refute everything anyone says. Why? Because she has nothing to prove to them. She's not faking niceness or anything so she doesnt need to go crying to her friends for them to show up and try to white knight her.
We get worse because peons like you show up without a single shred of proof but go on and on about how she's a good person and how she talks things out and is so friendly and nice etc etc etc. Show us examples. We have examples of almost EVERY single shitty thing we've claimed she is.
>>93510>>93662>>99027>>100305>>107153Bastardizing characters and showing she doesnt give a rat's ass about the material they're from
>>100348>>100349>>112095Fat slob
>>114696>>117752>>118384Shit at construction and not really trying (anyone taking their time could have made a better gun than her)
>>102170Blatant Liar (there's other things but this is the most blatant and lulzy because what was the point?)
>>107153>>114658>>116473>>121888>>123282Shows her body and acts like a blatant slut for attention
Look at basically ANY of her replies to this thread for the proof that she only cares about fame and uses it as a measuring stick for 'self worth'.
Okay your turn now.
No. 126442
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Her twitch is so fucking cringey jfc
No. 126742
>>126738>>126739Yeah it's all there on her announcements on the patreon if she hasn't edited out already, she basically said " noticed a lot of you pulled donations" She's getting money now but who knows how long that will last, course she has people behind the scenes telling her to keep her mouth shut and just look pretty I bet. Hence the resurgence of funds
Yeah patreon is month to month donations, you agree to pay an "artist" every month with a pledge and you have the right to change your donation amount at anytime, she's getting salty that people did that. Like she actually worked hard to take there money, people aren't obligated to support her lifestyle they signed up to support her cosplay projects. She has no respect at all for people, they literally are paying for her to do nothing but flash her butt, and she acts like she earned it all.
No. 126746
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No. 126748
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There's also this one
No. 126752
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Photoshop much? Also sucking in the sides and using her hands lol
No. 126754
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>>126722well honestly it's kinda frequent that people will do that hence why a lot of people who run patreons only send out the stuff after payments are processed. She wont last long because she'll probably send out post half of the pics anyway.
the funniest thing is that if the payments just weren't processed it still means she probably didnt make half of that and the $700 she dropped are people who ACTIVELY took down their donations. (ref: my own patreon. I mainly use it as a tip jar so I dont really care if payments dont come through. sometimes I only get half of my 'earnings' but the number on the profile doesnt change)
>>126741she doesnt make her half decent cosplays. The half decent ones are the ones she bought or commissioned.
>>126752idk how much of it is photoshop and how much is maybe this is a photographer who knows how to tell her to pose. She's also pointing her knees in a bit but it's all perspective.
No. 126770
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>>126768she's not even being subtle about it either. I'd be less suspicious if it was anything else but it's not like she RTs everything of Jessica's. This just screams 'LOL I'M STILL DATING ERIC KEK'
No. 126773
>>126772Jessica doesn't support Mariah if that's what you're asking. She tweeted Mariah a couple of times but that's it. Mariah has tried to get JNig's attention way more times than JNig has replied though.
>>126741For the 6 months she isn't planning to work of course! She said won't even be applying for a new job (at Joann) until October.
I'm pretty sure she's applying to the 2160 N Rainbow Blvd Joann but tbh no one even needs to contact them and be like "ur employee is unprofessional" since her ass pictures like in
>>126752 come up just by googling her name…
No. 126778
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hah she's a fan of jasminblu, that tumblr drama queen who freaked out and threatened to commit suicide because she got called out for telling a bunch of people to kill themselves
No. 126784
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No. 126835
>>126784This proves that she's not professional at all and has never been invited to be a guest before
First of all being asked to be a guest doesnt meant that you'll be a guest, hence why until everything has gone through and they're posting you on the site you shouldnt post about it. Also, who the fuck shares a full screenshot of an email? It reeks of 'you must be new around here'. She's like a tryhard fuccboi who cant wait to shove it into the uggo STD-laden chick because he cant get anything else and then tries to brag to all his friends.
No. 126857
>>126852>>126854She threatened cons? Wtf? She's not even a year old or good at sewing and crafts what entitled her to a spot as guest of honor? What did she say to them?
Who are the people she bitched about? Cuz this totally sounds like her, all sweet and kind in person than a psycho bitch when you won't buy her shit.
No. 126911
>>126901I find this hilarious, being a barista is not exhausting for anyone who's not a fatass. None of my barista friends have never complained about it being exhausting and they still have enough time to actually make their cosplays.
I cant wait to see what happens when her patreon drops more. I guess lingerie 'bulma' is what comes next.
No. 127026
File: 1462236917987.jpg (196.37 KB, 720x720, PhotoGrid_1462236687029.jpg)

>>logs into Facebook
>>sees cosplay drama
>>upset she's not part of said drama
>>makes four posts on three different accounts about how she doesn't like drama so she can get attention one way or another
She's delusional if she thinks we are all part of one big cosfamily. Some we hate because they're jealous skanky hoes :)
No. 127030
>>127026Yeah what is she whining about now? She is the drama a few people even called her out on that already. Course her white knights are telling her she's making cosplay a better place lmfao
If she doesn't like drama why the fuck does she keep starting it? This bitch is a psycho
No. 127032
>>127026"Lift eachother up"
Bitch some people don't deserve to be lifted up. Like you. It would break my arms.
No. 127048
>>127046I've been looking for one here in snow. WHERE IS IT.
And I won't make it cause I'm lazy.
No. 127082
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Bonus: this is from one of Vamplette's self posts on reddit
No. 127091
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OK momo
No. 127115
>>127091GOT DAM…..
All i want is to smack it. help.
No. 127125
fuck. meant
>>127091 No. 127175
File: 1462287653062.jpeg (173.42 KB, 640x902, image.jpeg)

>>127170She lies all the time! She probably did threaten someone and she has threatened con staff in the past. Her biggest lie is that she was bullied in high school, she WAS the bully. She has gone through every sob story known to man, she also basically threw her life out the window just to do what she's doing now, she was supposed to play for Michigan state this year. Wish she had stuck to sports instead of coming in and ruining cosplay.
No. 127329
>>126386Wew lad, don't backpeddle off a cliff.
>>126415I didn't realize she was 20. She looks like she's in her late 20s.
>>126752I wish our grorious queen would do pooping poses like that.
>>126773Joann's can be a pretty demanding job. I just don't see it happening.
>>127082She's got such a manface. She looks better smiling.
No. 127348
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But…she works so hard for her cosplay and money, especially when she had a job lmfao
No. 127360
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She's raking in over 2300$ now, she definitely knows what those filthy neckbeards want.
No. 127368
>>127360until the same people back out again kek.
>>127364>I'm cosplaying to show that you dont need biggest boobs and the biggest butt just to be a cosplayerWow we should show this Momo girl to momo huh
Also is that your 'proof' that that was what happened? Proof is something that comes out of someone else's mouth not out of the person being accused of lying
No. 127376
>>127330The people that frequent this site don't care about the truth. Don't bother trying to talk sense into them.
Just let the thread die naturally.
No. 127408
>>127376I asked for receipts of her being this stand-up person you guys keep prattling on about three days ago and I havent seen shit.
If you guys care so much about the 'truth' back it up with facts.
No. 127440
>>127436Also because you're completely making this up. I know both of them. They are most certainly broken up. Jesus fuck, this site blows so much. You just lie and lie and lie and then circle-jerk each other over the lies to feel better about yourselves.
It is so incredibly sad.
No. 127441
>>127440and with no proof yourself you're just spewing those same lies.
kill yourself retard.
No. 127442
>>127440and with no proof yourself you're just spewing those same lies.
kill yourself retard.
No. 127741
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coming soon…
No. 127823
>>127763Steff could tear up a paper bag lol she's such a fucking cry baby. I can't stand her. Mariah was just being sarcastic in her responses.
Steff tries so hard to be relevant so she talks to Mariah and leeches off of WOTS Cosplay.
I've had the displeasure of meeting Steff at a few Vegas cons. Excuse me while I roll my eyes at her pathetic attempt to talk to momo. I don't know why momo even gives her the time of day. Like why engage her Mariah? She's just trying to get a response out of you.
No. 127880
>>127175Momo came this close to infesting the Michigan con scene.
Thank fucking god this didn't happen. She can stay in Vegas with the rest of the Jnig wannabes.
No. 128143
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She just posted this… I don't understand why she's proud of herself. My 5 year old could do this.
No. 128278
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>>127776I can't be the only one who thinks this Steff nob is blowing the whole situation out of proportion?
Giant robots vs Giant organic monsters
Giant organic robots vs Giant organic god monsters
Also it's Funny she says Mariah is back tracking, yet when she says "I was relating it more to how angels vs Eva's similar to the Kaiju's vs jaeger's" Steff then goes "Eva isn't even really about mecha vs monsters when you get down to it." Avoiding what she said after she made you look like a retard?
"it's more so "oh hey those are similar, these resemble each other in my mind that's really cool"
"Probably best not to make generalization things you don't understand" IT'S FUCKING GIANT ROBOTS FIGHTING FUCKING GIANT MONSTERS, AND ONE HAS A WHOLE LOT OF GOD SHIT THROWN INTO IT. Anyone will generalize that shit expect for the type of person who goes "Its 2 dep fur joo"
No. 128315
>>128306Shes learning. let her learn. everyone starts somewhere.
and some people will back out at the end of the month then reaply. But she doesnt offer anything on patreon she directly emails it to you. so most of those people are idiots because momo knows what shes doing on there.
No. 128326
File: 1462621111556.jpg (266.08 KB, 500x500, tumblr_moqgcq9OG81s5xduco1_r1_…)

>>128303Cause "itz 2 dep 4 u"
No. 128335
>>128315didnt she only just just doing the email thing this month? pretty sure last month she just uploaded the zips onto patreon. Either way its a lose-lose situation for her because either she'll get scammed or people will back out because waiting a month for fap material is stupid.
Also 'momo knows what shes doing on there' thats why she lost $700 last month (and probably more from people who's transactions just didnt go through since that drop doesn't appear on the patreon profile)
No. 128369
>>128335She makes around 2.1k. the other 600 seems to be fake because twice the last two months it dropped to 2k or 1.9k. And no shes been doing the email thing the entire time.
and i highly doubt her high end patrons will drop out. She just pulled in a $200 one today or sometime this week. whatever the girl is doing, she's doing it right when it comes to patreon.
damn girl knows how to market herself on patreon, I dont really have any feelings on the girl, but its damn well impressive. even if it's "fap material" Luna lanie does the same shit and is barely making 2k herself and has been at it way longer than momo and way more talented.
It's kinda comedic how this girl is just coming in and doing what we all wish we could. like ill be the first to tilt my hat and say im damn well jealous. but fuck, girl knows what shes doing.
No. 128383
>>128369I smell a white knight. This place isn't for praising. If you want to praise her, why don't go to her Twitter and kiss her ass?
Besides, she's isn't making it or knows how to sell herself. If she was, she wouldn't had that huge dip. Then needed to show off her ass to get her patreon back up. She's been doing this how many months now? It's not going up at all. If she knew how to sell herself, her numbers would be slowly climbing
Being fap material isn't anything to brag about. If you're jealous of Momo, your standards must be pretty low. How sad.
No. 128451
>>128369No i really DON'T envy someone who needs to show off their body to make a slightly above average living. I make more than she does a month with a job that doesnt require me to be someone's wankbank. After rent, other bills, food etc she isnt really earning that much. If she was smart enough to keep her day job then you could say that the patreon was a good move but dont imply that anyone with standards wishes they were a fatass selling their ass pics to a bunch of sweaty neckbeards.
I'm more than willing to bet she'll drop again at the end of this month.
No. 128462
>>128369She's only doing what thousands of cam girls already do. She's just trying to pretend she's better than them and not a sex worker, when she is. She's selling her body in the same way as cam girls.
If I wanted to sell my body, I'd go be a cam girl or a stripper and make a lot more money than she is. I'm not jealous because I could do that if I wanted to, but I choose not to.
No. 128548
>>127880Anon, are you from MI too? I'm real big into the con scene here but even though a lot of my friends are well-known and well-liked, I'm kind of a nobody myself. It personally would find a lot of amusement in her trying to milk the midwest for cosplay fame. It would go over so poorly lol.
Why did she move to Cali anyway? Just with her family?
No. 128560
File: 1462678258814.gif (2.2 MB, 357x238, absolutely disgusting.gif)

>Go to otakon where she was first seen cosplaying as "thick samus"
>disgusted by everything ranging from her attitude to her looks
>gets posted on several other image boards
>blows up in popularity
I don't understand what other dudes find in her. She seemed mean in person and was known to start up drama in the Vegas community apparently;however, she knows how to use her new found popularity for monetary gain. Why did she ruin Samus so much…
No. 128561
File: 1462678981980.png (279.78 KB, 440x757, Screen Shot 2016-05-07 at 8.39…)

>>128548she's got "big" tits and a "big" ass and is more than happy to get naked for the camera. that's what dudes love about her.
pic not related
>cleaning my room!>room is still a disgusting pigsty No. 128693
>>128682we can't help with that but anon-ib's cosplay board has some of her pictures.
>>128548she didn't move to cali. she's still in las vegas but she moved out of her parents' home iirc.
No. 128839
File: 1462768666506.png (189.18 KB, 720x820, Screenshot_2016-05-08-21-31-17…)

Sorry guys, newfag here lol. Don't know how to post multiple pics so I'm going to spam.
No. 128843
File: 1462768871932.png (128.37 KB, 720x593, Screenshot_2016-05-08-21-31-44…)

>>128839Last one. Honestly I just hate her. This Luna Lanie drama has NOTHING to do with this fat cow, but she still brings it up so people pay attention to her. She's not doing this to be a good person she is LITERALLY the biggest fucking attentionwhore I have ever had the displeasure of interacting with. I cannot reveal my name, but this bitch really needs to go away. Why bring it up when it has nothing to do with you? God she's just so irritating
No. 128851
>>128845Momo has a lot of fucking nerve, like does this bitch even realize how hypocritical she's being? She does the exact same shit Luna Lanie does when people dip on her own patreon, what is Mariah even spending that money on? Eric, vamplette and buying fucking figurines in little Tokyo where they are THE MOST expensive, bitch ain't got no job and is using her patreon on money for toys and day trips, where is her huge haul from the fashion district? You know she didn't buy fabric for herself and just bought shit from the raver shops, all the good shops are CLOSEDOWN on Sunday and only dumbasses who haggle in the fashion district end up paying more than they are supposed too, especially loud dumb ones like her that only have nudes to keep them relevant.
She's inserting herself in the drama because it's publicity, she think like a katdashian any bad publicity is good publicity to her greedy attention whoring ass, and now she's trying to throw a meet up for Fanime. This bitch thinks she's actually important enough for her own gathering that's not even sanctioned by a con? Seriously.
The fuck had happened to cosplay?
No. 128858
Momo literally has to put herself in feuds and drama so she seems like this Saintly cosplayer and if people say mean things they're obviously picking on poor poor Momo.
I'm pretty sure she eats the attention up and when she doesn't get enough, she'll purposely start shit or even probably so as far as coming to this thread and act like Ember.
Mostly because
>>128854 has t8he same typing style as
>>128848>>Like if you don't like your content>>Like why are you trying to slut shame>>Like it's inadequate >>Like you're just being hateful>>Like you wonder why your name is being dragged>>128854>> like why keep being so fucking desperate>>Like biiiiiitch please stop throwing yourself into this She seems desperate enough to pull an Ember here.
No. 128859
>>128848god she will do anything for attention won't she.
why can't she keep to her fucking self and work on her own problems that are in need of DIRE fixes?
she is probably the most pathetic 'cosplayer' out there right now.
No. 128964
>>128682This tbh
I managed to find her "Samus" boudoir shot but barely any of it included the Zero Suit. Just her fat ass slutting out
Still fapped though
But I was just hoping for more promiscuous Zero Suit shots.
No. 128999
File: 1462841483941.png (1009.01 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

stubby hands momo the hobo tries to claim she's all natural-and here you can see the corset bones underneath her horrendous looking bunny suit, a bunny suit that is NOT meant to be made out of 4 way stretch!!! Waste of material there.
Also, she spent $300 on toys… With the patreon money momocunt claimed, swore up and down was for ONLY cosplay materials!!! If these moron fap knights only care about seeing her naked just google her goddamn name there are nudes all over tumblr and yes they are real, why pay for what you can get for free? Bitch doesn't take crafting seriously she only wants money and attention, she's a horrid person who's doing nothing but ruining a fun hobby and giving us cosplayers a bad name. NOT ALL COSPLAYERS ARE FUCKING FAP MODELS WE ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT THE PRESENTATION!!!
No. 129000
>>128999LOL did she literally just try to make a leotard with a sweetheart neckline, stick it over a corset and call it a bunny suit?
Ya, bunny suits are not supposed to be made of stretch, they're supposed to be super structured like a corset, but of course that would be too lunch work. It looks terrible.
Honestly, with the amount of money she's getting from her patreon she could easily commission someone to make her a nice bunny suit, that probably runs around $500.
No. 129004
>>129000But if she commissioned someone else that would prove she can't see as well as claims she can lol oh wait she just did that with Yang but had to alter it because she gave the person the wrong measurements lmfao!!! It wouldn't be a big deal if she commissioned but she flat out said everything she wore would be made by her, false advertising.
She can't ever keep her story straight.
No. 129010
File: 1462845987082.png (Spoiler Image,587.22 KB, 720x1215, Screenshot_2016-05-09-19-01-59…)

Seriously tho it is honestly this easy lol. Don't open it if you're not prepared for nudity, it's kind of funny that she doesn't see the consequences of this kind of stupidity. This will forever be associated with HER name on the internet. People can just see her naked whenever they feel like it. Call me old fashioned but if my boyfriend knew that I don't think he would stick around for very long. Not very special when everyone can see your tits and ass with the click of a button :)
No. 129013
File: 1462846707267.jpeg (133.42 KB, 640x754, image.jpeg)

oh look she did by fabric hmm lets see what we got here, a charmuse fabric (I'm giggling already that shit is harder to work with than yaya fabric) a satin fabric, stretch, and two polyester blends, almost everything she bought is either hard to work with or meant for LINING the garment! She didn't even buy any of the unique fabrics they sell out there, oh right she went on a Sunday like a dumbass. She might as well have ostrich giggled her way over her way over to joanns to buy this stuff. I say ostrich giggle cuz that's what she does in her videos, face and everythin
No. 129018
File: 1462848376935.png (93.92 KB, 350x354, 2442325.png)

I hate how she plays up the whole "ARAB" thing to make money off the creepy muslim fetishizers. I can't believe she said some stupid shit about going to a trump rally in a hijab.
No. 129071
File: 1462863531430.gif (497.79 KB, 474x340, 1441485818078.gif)

As someone who's fapped to her a couple of times and found her pretty alright at first, reading her smug as fuck outbursts and the shitty, pathetic way she carries herself from here has made me drop her pretty fucking fast. Beauty is temporary and stupid is forever. There's no bigger turn off.
It's really pissed me off, what cosplay's become. For every cosplayer that really puts in the effort and lets their admiration for their characters and favorite series show (mostly see this from hispanic cosplayers and fighting game franchises), you get these really boothbabe-tier thots trying to climb up some social ladder, invading the fuck out of hobbies they have no true stake in. If they're not ruining it for the veterans who've payed their dues, they're giving newbies the absolute wrong impression.
I've thankfully never payed a girl for their booth babe alt modeling and never will, neither as a fan, nor as an amateur photog.
No. 129160
>>128143Is she trying to be Aquaman? She's better suited as a walrus.
That bodysuit needs some lining so the tights don't show through.
No. 129189
File: 1462901202015.jpeg (98.28 KB, 627x774, image.jpeg)

well her first give away, does it involve stuff she bought at anime jungle? Course not $600 on toys is all for her
What do you get? A cheap poster that costs $5 to produce on vista print if you donate a 1 on her annoying as fuck twitch stream. She makes noises like Homer Simpson when she eats and it's disgusting she acts like it's cute too I tuned out as soon as possible cuz all she did was act irritating and play league again only 88 people while I was on
No. 129207
>>129189She bought two figures which on the boxes said $30 each. And a little fucking keychain that was probably $12 at most and some eyelashes. Will you calm the fuck down. She didn't spend $600 on toys.
And those posters are actually pretty cool and it's nice of her to do that. She gives a lot of stuff away including on her Patreon.
Like bet you didn't know she just did a Anime Expo and LVL up ticket giveaway on there? Stop being such assholes. You act like she's greedy when she's not and its so fucking annoying.
No. 129211
>>129207I don't understand why a thread about a dumb fat cosplay whore has so many white knights. She's not even cute ffs.
Jnigs thread is nowhere near this level of sperg and she's 10000x more famous then this cow ever will be.
No. 129216
>>129207no. theyre really bad photos and the other anon wasnt right. 11x17" prints cost around $1-2 a piece. People are SUPPOSED to give back stuff to their patreon backers. What astounds me is that every single time one of you dickriding whote lnights show up you always say spmething blatantly wrong and stupid.
Also she probably just had a spare AX ticket since she tweeted out begging for an AX pass like last week.
No. 129225
>>129207Like bet like you arent like Mariah like commenting on here like defending her self lik e she like always like does like omg! like fucking learn to speak properly! you went to fucking college! how is it that every asshole like her who can actually go to university ends up talking like an idiot.
Like omg i'm acting like so hurtful to momo omg! what an asshole i am.
is what i think she is saying about us on here.
No. 129230
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No. 129231
>>129225Shut up ayumugirl19
>>129199Why didn't you do it, ayumu?
No. 129812
File: 1463061830893.png (94.23 KB, 720x503, Screenshot_2016-05-12-06-50-26…)

How very professional of Momo to trash the team who put her on the map with her bullshit Twitter in the first place :) most of you who followed her less than a year ago would know she was "Twitter" famous by promoting herself as the best lacrosse goalie Waifu ever omg so great bahaha. UNLV Lacrosse is actually a great team, if you look at the website you'll see the rewards they've won even up to this year, but she's so damn butthurt because she was either not good enough or too lazy to show up to practices. I don't know the full story, maybe some of the girls did pick on her, who knows? She's so much of a train wreck sideshow I don't think many people DO get along with her. Anyways these tweets here on a public Twitter profile just proves how childish and unprofessional she is.
No. 129845
>>129812From the story going around and some source from Mariah, the team has a zero tolerance policy with the nudes she was doing, course she said that was family related but more than likely connected to lacrosse. of course going by your real name and not a cosplay one will make things very complicated, she was playing lacrosse up until a few months ago then quit once the patreon went up, seems like she picks one thing latches onto it for awhile than tries to make herself famous from it. Hopefully she moves on to something else and leaves cosplay alone. She wants to be famous no matter what it costs her, basically she's the next tila tequila. Will probably get a lot of money and attention but will be a sad pathetic internet spank bank.
I almost feel sorry for her. Not.
No. 129871
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>dat disgusting bathroom
No. 129875
File: 1463075662169.jpg (235.47 KB, 720x720, PhotoGrid_1463075480436.jpg)

Corset or Photoshop lol
I'd need someone to confirm if this is photo shopped because it certainly does look like it kek
I know she used a corset for her Samus but seriously the pixels around that area tells me something else…
Is our little Mariah finally discovering the magic of Photoshop to hide her lazy lard ass?
No. 129888
>>129875hmm i doubt she is actually that retarded to photoshop a selfie of herself, it's probably a corset or something like that.
who knows she might be that retarded though
No. 129905
>>129875>>129888A bit of both, you can see the corset although she darkens it in the middle, on the sides of her hips the stretch of the fabric disappears.
Haven't we already established that she is that stupid? She's an airhead who can't keep her story straight and fights with everyone who dares to say anything she doesn't agree with
No. 130095
>>130055all i want to know is how an entire drawer went missing… like what would you even do with it?
how can she even live in these conditions? i'm by no means ocd about cleaning but goddamn i can't imagine living in this disgusting pig sty.
No. 130131
I know how much you guys love momo, so here
Calvin Cline lingere set!DgBHxQQB!Z0LFX4ihNQ8bWHNXreP_2q0Y8qGylPAZM3STbCUF1KY
Bunny bulma set!UdgVRBoL!ahUyWj6WYmc8PfMlVxf0eqGAVyRCcSg2DGke6tYMVnoShe really needs to use the photographer who did the calvin set again, i think she got a legit photographer who works with brazzers to do it iirc.
No. 130133
File: 1463139450196.png (142.79 KB, 237x285, 1444332039717.png)

>>130002Different anon, but corsets (not ebay shapers/girdles that Kardashians have been whoring themselves in as "waist trainers") are bulky as fuck due to materials and boning. If she were wearing one and tried to photoshop the evidence away, it'd be a dead give away. An ebay shaper would be easier/more convincing to shoop away. Even a girdle like Kim is wearing in this pic would be easier to shoop away than a corset.
No. 130164
File: 1463155608990.png (32.14 KB, 591x349, 9a21a88645e31dbbbbb4974c293c4b…)

im so sad she's going to be cosplaying .. does she only cosplay in spandex suits with corsets under? her review here, it's a coincidence because i was just looking around and i was surprised to see her name here. i hope she doesn't tell people she made the prop, because i have receipts for once
No. 130165
File: 1463155695668.jpg (208.39 KB, 1335x2000, BBulma-Momo-015.jpg)

>>130131There are two pictures total in the bulma set that arent completely fucking terrible and that pisses me off so much. Bulma is already a fun quirky character so the fact that she shoves her crass gross behavior into it pisses me off.
Bulma would never shove a dragon ball in her mouth but i guess momo the pig whore cant help but shove anything she can in her mouth
No. 130168
>>130164Ugh. she's gonna make a terrible
She needs to stay far, far away from the Overwatch girls
No. 130169
>>130167Sage for same fag
Someone edited her armpit to be lighter.
Damn momo shave them armpits.
No. 130181
>>130165This is how I feel whenever she cosplays Diane. She ruins pretty much any character she cosplays with her fapbait poses.
Also, this is unrelated but I really don't understand why she has to have her bra showing for Diane. Jfc fit your costume to your body. It looks sloppy as fuck
No. 130186
File: 1463159296376.jpg (7.91 MB, 4000x6000, _DSC0143.jpg)

she doesn't even have a big ass, she has wide hips which are common with overweight women and leans in forward to make it stick out, but her gut makes it nauseating to look at, ew, people pay how much a month for these sexy pics? i could see much better ones for free online
No. 130193
>>130186She looks hot.
Anon is salty and probably ugly.
No. 130211
File: 1463162908651.png (384.18 KB, 746x583, momorolls.png)

I too am jealous that my backfat hasn't become a blackhole for my clothes.
No. 130352
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No. 130365
File: 1463212994837.jpg (188 KB, 600x450, 1459901238048.jpg)

>>130186my ass is bigger than hers, and I'm a guy.
No. 130407
File: 1463229861967.png (138.98 KB, 866x679, backpedalchan.png)

>acts like a whiny brat cause she tried to shit out a half assed cosplay as usual
>acts like the world has ended cause she didnt finish it
>'wanted it to be perfect' but started it last minute and was obviously rushing it
doesnt a 'real cosplayer' think ahead of time and make costumes with care and time? Doesnt a 'real cosplayer' just go 'well i'll just wait and have it ready for the next con'? Or yknow how about not crying over a fucking costume. I've never seen JNig get upset to this level when she doesnt finish a costume for a con. If anything she shrugs it off and just rewears an old one.
Then again I guess it makes sense that momo thinks being an unprofessional whiny twat makes her a 'real cosplayer'
No. 130536
>>130407>it's now your "job" to be a cosplayer>doesn't take conventions seriously, an environment where you absolutely NEED to be present at to get your name out there>takes zero to no prep time for said convention>follows up with twitter post with absolutely no remorse about attending, instead ends with a half-hearted joke no one except the white knights that follow you will care foris this bitch for real? at this point i'm surprised she has any patreons left to support her.
she doesn't take cons, cosplay or any factor of her "job" seriously. she is the prime example of how to fuck up the easiest job she could have asked for.
she needs to set her priorities straight ASAP before she goes completely broke.
No. 130571
File: 1463263336262.jpeg (146.53 KB, 636x975, image.jpeg)

>>130546Prime example of her bullying, I don't agree with the poster but she flat out started a fight and sent her white knights over to attack this person, how is that not bullying?
No. 130578
File: 1463264532789.png (134.33 KB, 720x606, Screenshot_2016-05-14-15-14-59…)

She's a fucking bully online. Like what a piece of shit. She didn't even ask why the cosplayer thought the way she did, she just said "fuck off you're wrong" and then rtd a bunch of people who were making fun of the cosplayer. If your goal is to unite the community why are you attacking someone and then letting others attack her for her opinion? What a piece of shit. What's worse is Jessica Nigris boy toy joined in on the conversation so she's probably masturbating to that too "omg he noticed me Jessica's gonna notice me" intense face fapfapfap lol.
No. 130583
File: 1463264841600.png (124.9 KB, 720x552, Screenshot_2016-05-14-15-15-21…)

>>130578Last one. Plus she completely missed the point. Mariah kept saying "oh sorry he doesn't have boobs" just to generalize it so that her fans could attack this girl based on how dumb it sounded. Now I don't agree with the cosplayer who said men ruin strong female characters, but it wasn't about boobs lol. Like at least try to have an in depth argument with someone because that's just rude. I like to keep the screenshots here because she can erase them all she wants on Twitter but we will never forget what a fucking loser she is :) have fun being Samus for the fourth time in a row lmao. Lazy bitch.
No. 130585
File: 1463265361659.png (152.38 KB, 720x839, Screenshot_2016-05-14-15-32-13…)

Even other people noticed it. I'm glad someone saw it, that girl doesn't have very many followers anyways, she was probably just venting, but of course Momo has to stick her three chins in everything and attack this girl AND tag her with the other cosplayer that Momo was defending for no actual reason. What a fucking bitch. God I hate her. Like the poor girl must have been so embarrassed lol.
No. 130631
File: 1463271436817.png (892.04 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

someone forgot to wear their corset, also has she ever actually played metroid? In the Twitter video this is from she starts acting aggressive and threatens that if your not at LVL up she's gonna sick metroid a on you, Samus does control metroid she hunts them down. She only ever had influence over one in super metroid but couldn't control it. Jesus, she's a bully and a jerk. Also a poser
No. 130642
File: 1463273120227.png (217.42 KB, 720x904, Screenshot_2016-05-14-17-38-03…)

Lmao I follow MostFlogged,and this is entertaining. I agree with Jenni and the other girl, if Momokunt preaches love in the cosplay community why attack a nobody when you have 20k worth of whiteknights ready to slit the throats of one poor little person who disagrees with their precious cult leader? Honestly Momo has some really thirsty followers who are willing to troll anyone just so she notices them. Like it's rude and I totally agree that it was a dick move. Talk to that person in dms don't tag them in public.
No. 130644
File: 1463273228695.png (114.6 KB, 720x431, Screenshot_2016-05-14-17-38-29…)

Lol. Mariah "oh I didn't say anything rude I was doing the right thing I'm so pure" the other girls response is priceless. Momo is so vile.
No. 130729
File: 1463290944616.jpeg (229.62 KB, 1024x1365, image.jpeg)

Her stomach tho
No. 130898
>>130863She was. Everyone else outshined her. I saw really amateur cosplayers that were better than anything she's "made" even vamplette was getting more attention and you could see it in her face that she was upset and would drag vamplette away.
Today she wore her spider whoever suit and vamplette still looked better.
No. 130904
File: 1463355149966.jpeg (67.91 KB, 634x691, image.jpeg)

>>130902The notice me and my "ex" boyfriend tweet