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No. 975404

Lilith Levisis real name Clare Buley. THREAD 5.
Thread 1 - removed and unavailable.
Thread 2 - >>>/snow/579509
Thread 3 - deleted in an unfortunate error, but is at this static page: https://lolcow.farm/snow/832303.html
Thread 4 - >>>/snow/846840
Latest updates:
>Has an onlyfans account and claims to post on it everyday, but doesn't.
>Claims to be "sober" and cannot sperging about rehab despite using weed (at least) daily.
>Seems to have no real friends anymore, lashed out at hollirx_ (old junkie bestie) for "spending time with her opps".
>Resorts to posting throwbacks for attention often.
>Seems to be in a "relationship" with @lokowitthamask, a bizarre wannabe rapper.
>Posted a gross NSFW video to Twitter of herself and the aforementioned "Loko".
Most recent thread post:

>Photoshops and pastes Angelina Jolie’s face into her face.

>>Looks unphotoshopped and different as fuck on candid shots.
>Lurks this thread to fuck.
>Using Blade/Melanie’s death for fame.
>Got a new apartment so she can no longer live supervised yet is still carrying on her junkie lifestyle like she did in the LA apartment that belonged to Bianca (before her arrest and “recovery”).
>Starting her own underwear line/media brand named "$LAUGHTER PRODUCTIONZ". Sells “bunny g strings” and advertises casting calls that never amount to anything.
>Changes her story from being sober one day to being on anything from weed, molly, xans, etc. the next.
>Appears to have drifted apart from almost all of her previous junkie "friends".
Original thread post:

Vapid, try-hard IG heroin junkie
>Shops waist into unrealistic proportions & denies it, broken back from constantly sticking her ass out as far as possible
>Scammed people for money using her cat's health as an excuse
>Has been sent to expensive, high class rehab resorts 3+ times only to last days; claims it's because she is too psychotic
>Most recently kicked out of the Betty Ford Clinic because she "paints demons on rocks"
>Cannot form complete sentences in speech or writing
>Claims other girls steal her totally original, never-before-seen aesthetic
More info from a former peer on PULL:
>goes to NYU, Her father is a lawyer i believe who pays for her and her sister
>both have new york apartments and [he] pays all their expenses
>all she seems to do is buy drugs and party constantly while her dad fills up her bank account, no questions asked.
>went on tour with marilyn manson, they had a fling while she was underage.
Social media accounts:

https://onlyfans.com/lilithlevisis(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 975412

are you retarded

No. 975472

What is this shit?

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