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No. 982801

Lilith Levisis, real name Clare Buley. Thread #5.
Thread 1 - removed & unavilable
Thread 2 - >>>/snow/579509
Thread 3 - deleted in an unfortunate error, but is at this static page: https://lolcow.farm/snow/832303.html
Thread 4 - >>>/snow/846840
Latest updates:
>LARPing as a blood because of her current boyfriend, a bizarre wanna-be rapper @lokowitthamask (real name Jason, goes by Jay). Threatens to send her "blood girls who went to prison" after people she beefs with >>978590 & >>867587
>Was homeless in Florida for a minute. Apparently lost most, if not all, of her possessions.
>Went to rehab again, lived with family in Kentucky for awhile. Currently living in NY again.
>Promoted a cheaply made underwear line for months, "bunny g-strings", never amounted to anything.
>Started a random crusade against toopoor's use of the n word years ago, ended up getting her main instagram terminated after posting her BF's uncensored dick. Account was unbanned a month or so later. Claimed toopoor paid people to hack her iCloud and get her IG banned.
>Had multipe accounts banned for "self-harming" due to old cutter scars. Main secret account was later reinstated.
>Sold a bunch of clothes on IG that she never sent out, potentially scamming a lot of people. Uncertain if anyone ever received anything. >>915371
Honorary mentions from the previous thread:
>Psyberfae exposed themselves in the thread, later asked for the original post to be deleted. Ended up changing her online handle to Psyberelf to save face. >>954547
>Clare's mom, Cheryl Avioli, necroposted in thread #2 so she could call out all the haters. >>925110
>Let her BF fuck her with a gun. >>900635
>Clare trying to start beef with everyone under the sun. Toopoor >>853815, Holli >>978682 & >>966061, Kroseyi (aka lopholora) >>978584 & >>977753, Tommy Hilfiger's Son >>876203, Vangerey >>854654, etc.
Original thread post:
Vapid, try-hard IG heroin junkie
>Shops waist into unrealistic proportions & denies it, broken back from constantly sticking her ass out as far as possible
>Scammed people for money using her cat's health as an excuse
>Has been sent to expensive, high class rehab resorts 3+ times only to last days; claims it's because she is too psychotic
>Most recently kicked out of the Betty Ford Clinic because she "paints demons on rocks"
>Cannot form complete sentences in speech or writing
>Claims other girls steal her totally original, never-before-seen aesthetic
More info from a former peer on PULL:
>goes to NYU, Her father is a lawyer i believe who pays for her and her sister
>both have new york apartments and [he] pays all their expenses
>all she seems to do is buy drugs and party constantly while her dad fills up her bank account, no questions asked.
>went on tour with marilyn manson, they had a fling while she was underage.
Social media accounts:
Used to go by pudubaby
Related social media accounts:
Lokowitthamask - https://www.instagram.com/lokowitthamask/
Rachael (Clare's sister) - https://www.instagram.com/rae___ven/

No. 982803

there are definitely receipts for her beef internetgirl & toopoor in the previous thread. I included some links in the OP of this one.
her beef with internetgirl stems from her wanting to fuck manson while lilith was dating him. beef with toopoor is over her being racist or something. lilith went on a crusade against her a few months ago and ended up being b& from instagram on her main. should definitely be in this thread, she was fucking nuts for awhile after that happened.

No. 982807

correction to OP - her secret account was never reinstated. new secret account is here: https://www.instagram.com/lilithlevisissecretacct/

No. 982817

good job on the thread anon!

No. 983659

File: 1591357901288.png (3.78 MB, 750x1334, 776A61AF-BC57-4898-9225-3F090E…)

She’s still backing up the beef with Dogxanac, Lilboweep etc. Sharing and commenting on stories from Dariaxbank…

No. 983661

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No. 983707

File: 1591369308835.png (637.83 KB, 750x1334, B580294A-5C3D-4F55-80CF-6A5585…)

>hate forums

No. 983773

What was the beef with Zheani, anyone know?

No. 984806

No,Zheani's on the Lilith side and had beef with Lil Bo Weep for personal reasons, and can't stand toopoor and her gang.

No. 984809

Aww, i'm actually sad to hear that Zheani doesn't like toopoor. Did she say anything specifically about TP?

No. 984814

Z just doesn't like basic LA bitches. They appeared to be in the same circle of friends including The Beverly Chills, dogxanax and shit. Some of them eventually fell out, including Zheani. After that happened, she noticeably wrote about LA thots in her raps. Online-vise, they never interacted.

No. 984883

File: 1591647023718.jpg (877.08 KB, 1080x2078, 20200608_231016.jpg)

LOL whywhywhy do you bring this up today

No. 984886

kek she's really proving how down with the brown she is when its convenient or supplementing her sex life and drug use.

No. 984985

File: 1591664061166.jpeg (299.92 KB, 750x1077, A406ECBD-9D10-468F-8128-9A4377…)

The comments…lol.
>she got caught in the mix with the other hoe

So she’s fine with Lil Bo Weep now?

No. 986014

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No. 986618

File: 1592007068395.jpg (314.17 KB, 1440x1417, Screenshot_20200612-182754_Ins…)

No. 987138


yungfrown is very milky

No. 987877

File: 1592261144066.jpeg (320.74 KB, 750x1286, 3805419D-29FB-47AA-9612-EC9AA3…)

the narcissism Knows no limit kek it’s almost a talent to make the race war and police brutality about you- a very privileged white woman who plays dress up as a blood

No. 988293

Oh cool new thread. Please post some of her OnlyFans contest. For research purposes.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 988712

What is it with this chick? Is she charging a lot or does someone want her thread to die?
These scrotes cant all be dif

No. 988865

I'm pretty sure they're all the same person trying to kill the thread.
Her only fans is just $13, pretty sad if they can't afford that lol

No. 989412

I can’t afford 13 dollars. And I’m super Horny for her drug deflated meat bags. Please be a friend and post her boobs. I would really appreciate it.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 989413

U a troll?

No. 989474

are you retarded?

No. 989808

Who tf wants to get off to a junkee anachan hoe ?

No. 989894


Mods are really slacking off here. Just permabann this ip, how fucking hard is that

No. 990342

File: 1592704416102.png (26.23 KB, 323x468, 5463456546.png)

guess she finally got around to mailing out that depop shit from like 6+ months ago

No. 990588

“My ppls” moving crew her parents hired? I refuse to believe her weird junkie bf showed up to move and pack her her stuff for hours and hours

No. 994115

File: 1593044260567.png (1.9 MB, 1334x750, E92B6B87-DAE8-4609-9B4F-66608F…)

Wow. She looks so different to her photosss

No. 994120

File: 1593044845798.png (2.44 MB, 1334x750, B3455FCD-0C9B-4F88-93B3-7289D7…)

I always thought of her as a skinny legend but jeeez, she’s not even thin! And where is her waist?!?!

No. 994121

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No. 994153

Sage your sperging, anachan.

No. 996833

File: 1593235485905.jpeg (489.04 KB, 828x1131, FEE128E0-9B38-4375-9B8F-2516F6…)

She’s definitely not chubby but the Instagram posts she made of her interview with Dennis Rodman she was clearly filming the video with her phone so she could zoom in and obscure her nose when they showed her side profile.

No. 996889

Oh fuckkk off anon. Everyone is hating their bodies during this pandemic chill. Me and clare have the same type of body and I can confirm it is all angles up close/looking at the waist from a view from below… and we all know the footage says her waist is fake but trust me it only looks different because the shadows that create her shape are not there because lights are shining all over the parts that clare relies on for the shadowing on the sides of her waist. Worry about your own body in future and stop nitpicking.

No. 1002257

Anon feels personally attacked because she has the same body type. Sry to break it to you it means you don't have much of a waist either.

No. 1003964

I went to HS w Clare and kept up with her after her shift to Lilith. It's really sad, I'd do anything to have her money and opportunities. Believe it or not, back then, despite being a stuck up privileged bitch, she seemed like she would g et her MRS degree at college like the others in her group and turn out mostly normal. Sad to see her go to waste like this. Hmu if you went to high school with us back in 2010-11, I'd love to talk to others from that era(namefag)

No. 1004031

why in the thread main image the 2nd one, looks like a crackhead fortnite bitch?

No. 1004073

If you in all seriousness can't make out her waist in that picture you need to get off the internet and stop watching 3d hentai, degenerate.

No. 1004108

I’ll bite. What was she like? Was this in NY? Did ppl know who her dad was? From photos itt she looked basic af.

Also don’t put anything in the name, email or subject field.

No. 1004306

Her latest stories are nightmare material. S O S

No. 1004308

Meant to say latest post.

No. 1004391

File: 1594257293720.jpeg (1.7 MB, 1242x2296, 5E22844E-2594-4B6A-BE97-B9AA5A…)

those lips…..(nitpicking)

No. 1004406

File: 1594257789984.jpeg (1.41 MB, 1242x1915, 27A03C1B-53EE-4F5B-ABC3-AA6086…)

she's looking greasier than usual today, kek @ comment

No. 1004599

File: 1594273993324.jpeg (831.75 KB, 828x1396, C4CAF0C3-1B31-4906-8908-CEA8C0…)

I can’t believe no one posted this one tbh it’s so bad

No. 1004703

File: 1594304297064.jpg (25.08 KB, 275x206, 1533105959439.jpg)

Yeah, well, this woman definitely is nowhere near sober.

No. 1004724

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Notice the shadow on her arm… isn't where it should be lmfao such bad PS

No. 1004772

she's never completely "sober" she still drinks alcohol and smokes weed and takes prescribed xanax but i don't think she relapsed to actual drugs, you just have to accept that she's washed out, wether on drugs or not

No. 1004785

Whoever did those lips should have their license revoked

No. 1004793

File: 1594317986299.jpeg (590.44 KB, 1222x1580, 331C4BE2-26A0-431A-ADC1-0CD07F…)

Is she kidding with this photoshop ??????? I feel like she’s on something and lit up and just not realizing how bad all of these edits are. That’s the only way this makes sense to me lol

No. 1004794

Your ig icon is showing

No. 1004796

going for the down syndrome with bad eyeliner look.

No. 1004844


she looks like she just got kicked off of Rock of Love with Brett Micheals for getting wasted and puking in the jacuzzi lolol

No. 1004850

Sage for OT but Has anyone else watched her recent stories? She is talking in that weird fake sopranos new jersey accent again. I just noticed and gave me the creeps for some reason. It's like her voice just changes depending on where she is sucking her personality off from, like an empty shell, when she was living in LA and hanging out with Holli/Blade she sounded hoodrat and in between that she just talked her normal person and now she sounds like mafia wife.

Also how her parents justify wasting thousands of $$$$ in drug rehabs and therapy and shit and then okay her to go spend a weekend in PR with this gangbanger/drug dealer wannabe. I get she's an adult but someone paid for her uber, airline tickets, spending money ect and I REFUSE to believe this jobless wannabe rapper, who is basically just in a casual LDR relationship with her at this point, fronted for everything.

No. 1004885

i am so not surprised she ended up traveling out of the country to go be a thot there lmao. have fun getting corona ig

it's funny because imo she actually looks better with her natural nose instead of the imvu avatar one she shoops onto herself. makes her lips look less freakish and gives her some character without being like a bulbous honker

No. 1004992

File: 1594346923313.jpeg (561.59 KB, 750x1077, 341A5541-DCBA-462C-9237-1DDD9B…)

Was there exactly one day. Kek.

No. 1004998

Puerto Rico is not another country…

No. 1005100

I hope that by her deleting the post, her & loko aren't back together? It's really weird now that man doesn't acknowledge her at all..

No. 1005108

He seriously shared every "happy birthday" post made about him except for her's, which he didn't even heart her post

No. 1005115

oh fuck you're right lmao. sorry, i completely spaced

No. 1005119

So she types normal now?

No. 1005161

Ok now she's posting Loko like nothing happened

No. 1005253

File: 1594407709963.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1242x1860, 2A2B1168-9282-4AAA-AECA-2B956E…)

still in pr

No. 1005401

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is her hair just pure grease or does she have alopecia or something??? her hair looks so nasty.. what is it with heroin addict white girls always having the most disgusting hair ever

also, just a small side note since it hasn't been posted yet, but loko flew out another chick along with lilith to puerto rico.

No. 1005402

File: 1594435966557.jpg (348.03 KB, 720x1019, 20200710_225058.jpg)

she isnt even trying to hide the hip shop lol

No. 1005586

Im just really intrigued on whats going on her head and her relationship with loko, its all so weird and i cant believe no one tells her she look like sht

No. 1005611

File: 1594504705223.jpeg (699.24 KB, 828x1704, 5E4C5C22-8F11-4C70-8950-330408…)

I happened to go into her live while she’s on her flight back from PR. She was basically yelling into her phone about how much she hates JetBlue, how they’re the shittiest airline cuz they aren’t giving her drinks and snacks or “more room.”

An airline attendant appears and super politely tells her she can’t be on live for national security reasons but she can text all she wants. She got all pissed and said “I gotta go guys cuz jet blue thinks I’m a terrorist” and then signed off.

She’s an insufferable inconsiderate brat. If someone was talking that loudly on a flight I was on I’d slap them

No. 1005615

She's in luv w loko & he's just using her for clout it seems????? But then why doesn't he present her @all??? He prob just thinks her posting him all over her 19k or w/e ig acct will get him more bitches

No. 1005636

File: 1594510086082.jpeg (458.58 KB, 1242x2000, FF3A827D-C0EA-4517-8574-FA0495…)

Surprised no one caught on to this…

Some broad In PR got a Loko tattoo

No. 1005637

File: 1594510113314.jpeg (495.45 KB, 1242x1531, B8DADEA3-0F5B-4A6B-8026-D2D7B2…)

Then the comments went off


No. 1005638

File: 1594510251006.jpeg (222.47 KB, 1242x803, 53A4E0A4-417D-4CF9-9859-98742C…)

No. 1005641

File: 1594511048043.jpeg (279.92 KB, 1938x1097, FD736004-1391-4B37-ADE7-9EEDA7…)

No. 1005658


Why does her skin look so molted and sallow… she reminds of Luna slater jeez. Another heroin junkie?

No. 1005661

File: 1594514140522.jpeg (472.85 KB, 828x1438, 69A2005F-8556-4711-A453-AA4F25…)

This girl gonna end up bad

No. 1005662

File: 1594514283189.jpeg (Spoiler Image,443.25 KB, 750x1032, 169B8EF0-F295-44FB-A7C7-DB55D7…)

She’s straight posting videos on her account rn of her getting arrested at the airport and fighting with some middle aged couple. Catch it before her Xanax fades and she deletes lol. Her druggie boyfriend is nowhere to be seen/heard

No. 1005689

File: 1594520365350.png (701.94 KB, 520x924, 5463456456.png)

goddamnit i wish i caught the livestream lol

No. 1005691

File: 1594520648380.png (512.68 KB, 828x608, 5424352435345.png)

videos she posted of the flight incident:


No. 1005692

yes shes a """recovering""" heroin addict

No. 1005720

File: 1594526955879.png (3.15 MB, 828x1792, BA31A3F7-54C5-41B7-8D1E-C7FF0B…)

Did anyone else notice this? Lilith called DK/someone involved out on her story but the founder Shoddy Lynn just commented on one of her posts

No. 1005722

File: 1594526986926.jpeg (298.84 KB, 828x1469, 643E5E0E-FDA1-4907-ADF0-438D17…)

No. 1006291

File: 1594630340720.jpeg (566.11 KB, 1125x2072, 4633185F-CFDA-4FCE-8B6E-098EFB…)

Claire being jealous of toopoor again (they’re all scum tbh, Brooke Candy included

No. 1006297

File: 1594631108332.jpeg (559.24 KB, 1125x2162, 6D0D05D6-814A-4F1C-98D7-FF6CC8…)

No. 1006305

Meanwhile Lilith uses the N word openly in her IG live and pretends to speak like she’s from the hood and against white middle aged men in her airline posts (it’s like she completely forgets of her privilege and whiteness) when all she does is live off her white middle age dad bank account and tries to cancel these women for actually having careers because all she does is spend her time hating on IG

No. 1006348

That's funny since lilith supports rapists and murderers like richard ramirez and racist nazis like varg but anywaysss. This girl is a fucking karen who thinks she still relevant somewhow

No. 1006352

People like her that leech from the oppressive system of white patriarchy (indulgent rehabs, never having to work a day in your life because you have a white daddy) perpetuate it and support it and to see her desperately deflect from that by yelling at the couple standing up for the kind person working on an airplane who has to take shit from privileged assholes like her humiliating them and disrespecting them all day is so sad. Asking someone to turn their IG live off on a plane is not abuse but cursing out the person working in a service industry for asking you nicely to abide by the policy is disgusting. She is the problem with society and her mental illness is her PRIVILEGE. Someone needs to cancel her Karen ass.

No. 1006400

tinfoil maybe but i've always basically assumed she got the toopoor is trash info from stalking her own thread on here. i havent seen that many people talk about it except the girl who originally tweeted it and the posts on here.

No. 1006415

Her obsession with randomly shit talking toopoor always reminds me of how Chris Chan randomly spergs about Megan

No. 1006455

It's sad how her behavior is validated by her fans… she was being so loud on that plane just shut upppp

No. 1006484


Toopoor is who she wishes she was. I dgaf about that should SoundClout/posttumbler crowd but she’s out there living her best life while Clare is mainly know for being a ig junkie/Manson’s pumpndump

No. 1007858

How tf do you pronounce levisis

No. 1007862

I think it's le like in levitate, vi like in vision and sis.

No. 1007919

i've always thought it was a play on anton levay with the vi sounding more like the va in vase; leh-vay-sis.

No. 1007972

It's Anton LaVey, not LeVay.

No. 1008507

has loko ever posted her, like at all, like once??

No. 1008606

no, afaik he's never posted her. pretty sure the farthest he's gone is mentioning her for some of his video credits.

No. 1008687

its her followers egging on her behavior that is the most concerning thing about this situation. it's frankly hard to digest the sort of mob mentality she procures from each post, it's like some sort of borderline echo chamber? if her "fans" didn't encourage the worst of her behavior, she might be doing better right now and thats a shame

No. 1008947

Exxzxxactly… poor girl gets praised for her bad behavior & that has the worst effects on anyone, anywhere

No. 1009009

It’s like she tried to jump on the “record a Karen” trend yet in her case this couple was probably right to be annoyed - she’s incredibly rude and loud which just goes to show how privileged she is. It’s not like she was just minding her business and got harassed for no reason

No. 1009128


No. 1009236

Lol there's a photo of another girl's ass with lilith's knees in it, does that count? He also made a very vague valentines day post about her once

No. 1009527

File: 1595109936168.png (1.32 MB, 750x1334, 3FBAAAE4-140D-4747-A133-E14172…)


No. 1009529

File: 1595110077021.png (1.85 MB, 750x1334, 157CE7AA-2602-4C2B-B834-332940…)

she’s been checking the thread.

No. 1009543


The skin on your face is mad thin, esp the nose, it's not like getting a cut on your knee that just heals by itself and dissapears. This dumb hoe is actually gonna have scars from this if she doesn't put some kind of protection/bandaids and ointment on.

Also does anyone have intel on Loko's age? He superficially looks liliths age but for some reason he just gives me late 20s-early 30s "I'm done wasting time, I'm gonna focus on my art now" vibes

No. 1009570

"hey babe, they've been posting on that thread again about how you don't acknowledge me, can you PLEASE acknowledge me real quick?"

No. 1009998

File: 1595196625458.jpg (800.66 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200719-165934_Ins…)

It's like whatever is said in here, she vaguely posts about later!

No. 1010017

Yep! And drug use/smoking def doesn’t help the healing process

No. 1010096

Idk if this has already been posted or not bc I didn't really keep up with the thread, but I thought it was kind of funny: https://www.coeval-magazine.com/coeval/lilith-levisis

No. 1010310

File: 1595269435466.png (1.63 MB, 750x1334, 4A40DD1A-457F-437F-BBE7-11CED4…)

yes clare people really will support anything hence why you have 91k instagram followers

No. 1010324

Clare acting like she wouldn't be twerking her sad butt in a 6ix9ine for smack money a few months ago

No. 1010725

Who tf is the troon-looking plastic surgery failure?? Woof.

No. 1011310

File: 1595466161451.jpg (53.81 KB, 1073x571, Screenshot_20200722-200154_Ins…)

How come her & her sister aren't following each other? (They are with the lilith "secret" account though)

No. 1011984

You can tell she only dislikes him because he's a 'rat'and not a pedo, she says "pedophille/rat' as if being a pedo isn't enough reason to dislike him. Plus literally everyone knew he was a nonce around the time she was listening to him. Her obession with Richard Ramirez clearly shows being a nonce isn't a deal breaker for her!

No. 1012156

File: 1595618638500.jpeg (176.41 KB, 828x860, 469FAD16-7C81-432E-87E3-DE4625…)

Some comments on her latest post

No. 1012448

Omg! This disgusting slut is a fucking hypocrite! She dated Marilyn Manson who is a fucking pedo himself!!! And she protects him. It’s been said by many people she was only 17 years old when he started dating or talking to her. Even if she was 18, he was still almost 50… and that is still just as sick! And I would consider that pedophilia.

No. 1012714

File: 1595713996896.png (1.52 MB, 828x1792, D2272EEC-BBF6-4F36-9211-AF1613…)

Jesus. Is that what her OF content looks like????? Yikes

No. 1012768

90% chance “manager” is loko

No. 1012879

You think she's paying that "manager"?

No. 1012919


Yeah, he’s pimpin’

No. 1013477

File: 1595877209074.png (1.96 MB, 750x1334, 0683F378-74B0-403F-A74F-23AAF8…)

the sporadic instagram q&a’s never fail to amuse. her point number 4….. not a single brain cell to be found in her skull

No. 1013488

File: 1595879117051.png (1.25 MB, 750x1334, 25BE0E7D-8CC8-4B7E-852A-4AC354…)

not her calling her dad a good guy

No. 1013586

Didn’t screenshot it but she posted to her story a couple weeks ago that her dad told her to stop talking to him - also her most recent post of her mom is the first time I think I’ve ever actually seen her

No. 1013619

I know theres a filter, but someone explain this makeup and why it looks like a kid did it with a marker??

No. 1013676

File: 1595903554326.jpg (370.9 KB, 1072x1072, 20200727_213237.jpg)

How much longer can she deny having lip injections?

No. 1013746

File: 1595910999886.jpeg (888.27 KB, 828x1449, 6CEA28F1-F25A-4EFC-A334-D3FD96…)

So #6 is just blank/her weird need to constantly brag about being a junkie

No. 1016014

File: 1596360241888.jpg (585.07 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20200802-052411_Ins…)

She's becoming self aware

No. 1016165

Can someone please tell me what this is?

No. 1016714

File: 1596468259947.png (854.32 KB, 750x1334, 2D065279-DFAD-444C-9B68-80546E…)

(crop your pfp in future)

also funny that she tagged her “boyfriend” confirming that whenever she talks he just wants her to shut the fuck up. i actually pity her for once

No. 1016957


these memes that her loser boyfriend makes implying she is a thing are so whack, she peaked in 2016-17 and been going downhill since then. She show just go LA and get signed with porn manager, I honestly feel that would be the best route for her since she doesn't want to work, go to school or even pretend to take her "art" seriously anymore

No. 1023546

File: 1597538425074.jpg (616.48 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200815-194024_Ins…)

But, Marilyn Manson?

No. 1023657

I don’t think you can cancel someone for “ratting,” considering 99% of cancel culture is just tattling. I’m sure everyone he helped put in jail was a perfect angel who never did anything wrong ever.

The fake woke shit might work if she could string together a coherent thought and not type like a retard, but alas.

No. 1023860


She’s posting this to further ingratiate herself with Loko and his Bloods buddies.

No. 1025161

CACKLING. I doubt that she’ll ever mention that her “ex” Marilyn Manson is an abusive pedophile. Lilith was straight up a victim of that creep but her dumb Pick Me ass self will never come to terms with that. It’s sad.

No. 1025674

I don't know much about Lilith other than she's a delusional junkie with ridiculous shoops. anythingforselenaaas and I have followed each other since I've used ig. Is she just a kiss ass or she an actual friend?

No. 1026761

File: 1598041901999.png (1.92 MB, 750x1334, 3E915BF6-7FC5-400A-B527-818A4A…)

what is the deal with those lips…

No. 1026925

File: 1598071081821.png (5.64 MB, 1242x2208, 7918176B-A4C5-4C6C-8AAF-BA832A…)

Omg she’s so ugly

No. 1027025

This is the best she’s looked in years

No. 1027318

File: 1598137014761.jpg (124.1 KB, 784x1024, OhsVvCxvDbwg1EHi40ZDQgsW7TPPjZ…)


Agreed. If she wasn't totally psycho she could potentially have ended up looking like Melinda Cohen.

No. 1028023

Is she jewish?

No. 1028443

May not be relevant info but me and some girl used with clare In her apartment In NYC She did nothing but sleep she wasnt very welcoming either and I remember how she told us how you can buy fillers online and she kept the needles

No. 1028447


> she told us how you can buy fillers online and she kept the needles

Wow. I hope you’re safe and healthy now, anon. Thanks for the delicious nourishing milk x

No. 1028698

>buy fillers online
Illegal in America
>she kept the needles
You can buy syringes online by the pound without ID everywhere

No. 1031659

what doesn't she do thats not illegal..

No. 1032161

does anyone hav any photos of blades account they can share(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1032984


Theres no way she could inject herself w/o medical grade anesthetic, fake milk or not fake but you got lied to

No. 1033460

File: 1599233387547.jpeg (48.14 KB, 750x404, CD90CBFA-0750-4761-BD55-2140C9…)

I guess they're not together anymore….

No. 1033461

They got lied to, or they’re lying. Not to mention it’s incredibly dangerous and if she tried to inject herself with filler we would know.

No. 1033462

File: 1599233535142.jpeg (95.22 KB, 828x410, BF244768-087F-4B32-A006-E75BE9…)

Don’t be retarded pls

No. 1034853

i mean, heroin is alot stronger than what they give you for lip injections, they literally just use a numbing cream. Which wouldn't even be hard to get.

No. 1034858

yeah her scars from 'falling over' give me major 'i picked my face while on meth' vibes

No. 1035120

so when is someone going to leak the onlyfans???(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1035169


sage your shit on a dead thread. if u wanna know so much go buy it

No. 1036115

File: 1599691980907.png (1.46 MB, 750x1334, D1CFBF1D-A7AB-4C9B-A51A-6D2B41…)

kek she’s starting to get it

No. 1036282

You're onto something, Clare

No. 1036593

She’ll get bored of poverty larping once her parents cut her off completely and she realizes that being a homeless strung out junkie isn’t actually glamorous.

Then she’ll try to straighten out her life, maybe even find an ny social climber who will marry her for her family money and connections.

No. 1048011

File: 1601408790290.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1242x2071, AAD15B51-A8D7-4FB0-9613-7332E1…)

she's (hopefully) suicide baiting

No. 1048016

I really hope so! Shes shit but she's young enough to have a life after this all. Ugh. Please just get help finally

No. 1048589

File: 1601493853679.png (887.38 KB, 750x1334, B9DC2F19-2AB1-4B3C-9CED-0BBE8E…)

unsurprisingly unserious

No. 1048596

File: 1601494792156.jpeg (531.16 KB, 1125x1925, ACBDD9E0-873E-4B69-B8E5-D338B5…)

No. 1048989

kek, you can see the warped wall and frame beside her. also not surprised that she would suicide bate, probably to garner sympathy and attention.

No. 1049659

File: 1601599270048.png (3.89 MB, 1242x2688, 71ACE6DF-0A7D-4D3B-B94E-4DE9D2…)

im guessing loko dumped her?

No. 1049909

She said she forgot to upload this to her Instagram so I figured I’d let her remember posting it after she sobers up a tad and takes it down


No. 1050225

File: 1601666110707.jpg (925.08 KB, 1079x1793, Screenshot_20201002-151553_Ins…)

def dumped

No. 1050261

File: 1601669431436.jpg (363.17 KB, 1079x1342, Screenshot_20201002-161136_Vid…)

Lmao she basically falls over in her latest post. How does one upload videos?

No. 1050748

File: 1601731064254.png (956.88 KB, 750x1334, B1A6BD46-08C3-4B5C-9833-7015EA…)

they’re def lurking on here. it’s him uploading a years-old picture of her when she looks absolutely nothing like that now lmao

No. 1050749

File: 1601731175490.jpeg (185.47 KB, 750x1080, 6BA364BE-E5F1-466A-A2E1-836793…)

“I’m a student” kek

No. 1050751

She can make $100 "in a minute" just by simply hitting up a parent

No. 1050754

File: 1601731539958.jpg (861.38 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20201003-082103_Ins…)

No. 1050761

File: 1601732428426.jpeg (104.11 KB, 750x899, CFE1E92D-3DED-4099-9000-976547…)


“Id lov to get my lips done”

Ok Clare.

No. 1050764

Absolutely loving this latest tard-out. Her hypocrisy is mind boggling

No. 1050766


her whole ass and thighs are covered in white stretch marks, she doesn't have to get BBL to get cellulite. Everything in it's time kek

No. 1050768

can't upload videos, but here's an archive: https://streamable.com/ezn2x0

No. 1050812

File: 1601739778504.jpg (159.93 KB, 1080x793, Screenshot_20201003-114327_Ins…)

Think she actually is? Or can I just not understand her bizarre comebacks

No. 1050839


No. 1051231

File: 1601778987378.jpg (576.47 KB, 1079x1793, Screenshot_20201003-223229_Ins…)

he said "why you askin?"

No. 1051337

Imagine the smell of that lip

No. 1051437

She is so fucking stupid with her fingers on both triggers. What’s going to happen one day when she’s trying to show off and one of those guns slips? I always hope for cows to turn their lives around, but she’s going to end up killing someone if she doesn’t off herself first.

No. 1051857

File: 1601859858421.jpeg (141.47 KB, 828x828, A44563AD-0866-4DAB-BED9-6F9E7D…)


No. 1051858

File: 1601859906882.jpeg (126.39 KB, 828x828, D3DB1E98-0956-4E51-A9AE-249B3F…)

She a woman of many faces lool

No. 1051860

His lack of chin is hilarious

No. 1052097

Her face looks like a melting ugly stepsister from Shrek. I think her drug addiction is worse than ever tbh, she doesn't seem as unhinged but she has lost all ability to dress herself and do her makeup. Her trashy style used to be kinda interesting in its own way, now she only looks like a rotting hooker. There's nothing pretty, creative or interesting about her anymore.

No. 1052156

File: 1601899068967.jpeg (761.55 KB, 800x1199, 1F844B0C-05F8-4E79-8F20-123CBC…)


I agree. I’ve followed this cow on and off for years and the deterioration of her looks over just a few years is scary, this is the shit they should show in anti drug PSAs. She used to have a classically pretty look with nice cheekbones, now her actual look is on par with her 80s crackhead prostitute aesthetic.

No. 1053038

I beat the shit out of young frown a few years back at a house party.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1053068


No. 1053342

File: 1602029519670.jpeg (203.75 KB, 750x1302, BE3193F8-FA1F-4D11-8C3B-3F9B84…)

No. 1053406


didn't yungfrown's bf just die? were you the one that put her in the hospital lmao

No. 1073593

File: 1604364449827.jpg (1.42 MB, 1078x1721, Screenshot_20201102-194542_Ins…)

What the hell is this boated-faced midget?

No. 1073620

File: 1604366627067.png (647.79 KB, 921x610, 3565446.png)

she gained a toooon of weight. i didn't save it, but she had i believe a live posted the other day where she leaned over and had an absolutely massive stomach kek. its also pretty clear she edited the shit out of her stomach in the pic you posted.

have another horrible recent pic.

No. 1082989

File: 1605466307474.jpg (305.31 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20201115-125117_Ins…)

No. 1098168

File: 1607021361316.jpeg (94.29 KB, 442x455, 0B25A8EC-6E8D-4604-973B-653517…)

she literally described herself lol the lack of self-awareness

No. 1098191

File: 1607022630070.png (561.21 KB, 524x904, Screenshot (144).png)

No. 1098193

File: 1607022666644.png (700.54 KB, 958x614, Screenshot (145).png)

No. 1098195

File: 1607022699105.png (791.38 KB, 946x598, Screenshot (146).png)

Gotta love projection

No. 1102178

I don't follow her and her instagram is private so I have only one question: did her rich father finally cut her loose

No. 1102458

i tend to doubt it because she doesn't have a job or do ANYTHING for money it seems and imo if her dad cut her off and she needed money she'd find a way to beg her followers or get an onlyfans or something, she's said nothing and her lifestyle hasn't changed so it seems like her dad is still funding her degeneracy

No. 1102522


any details? Like is she still making chicken scratch drawings/amazin herb packs? Is she still trying to do that satanism thing? or just sitting around all taking drugs with her bf posting old photos of blade? Sorry like I said, I never followed her and her instagram is private now.

No. 1103229

File: 1607467284648.png (566.66 KB, 1009x476, 3564563456.png)

i think she moved in with some family awhile back after another attempt at rehab.

she hasn't really been active at all recently. mostly just posting memes/sopranos stuff, or talking about her bf. they don't live together anymore and she also lost all her shit earlier this year, including those books full of chicken scratch drawings. haven't seen those for awhile. surprisingly she's also posting way less about drugs, seeming to have limited it to weed. imo she's on bars, too, but she hasn't said anything about it.
only recent update is her talking about taking online classes to become a professional makeup artist. i never expect her to go far when she posts about this stuff, though. she's also STILL mailing out stuff she sold.. a year ago, i think?

No. 1103230

File: 1607467314080.png (1.09 MB, 518x902, 654365456356.png)

No. 1116237

File: 1609114216190.png (297.79 KB, 526x912, 4352345.png)

kek what @ this entire post

No. 1119074

File: 1609447586801.png (915.21 KB, 1032x922, 34253452345.png)

super nasty ass cold sore/festering herpes.
she posted several, up-close videos of her face/lips, so i'm honestly kinda of wondering if its makeup FX bait. i don't think she's talented enough to make it realistic-looking, but it crossed my mind.

No. 1119076

No. 1119160

File: 1609454036172.png (1.48 MB, 1558x914, Screenshot (269).png)

kek, holli aged horribly. don't smoke crack, kids!

No. 1119161

File: 1609454062774.jpeg (131.4 KB, 1280x1041, 1565383530088.jpeg)

No. 1123614

File: 1609925773028.png (3.79 MB, 750x1334, FEA909E1-D520-4A79-BE42-295596…)

Major pick me energy aside, who the fuck (other than an “edgy” 12 year old) says shit like this? So embarrassing and tone deaf.

No. 1123617

Meanwhile, her (ex-)boyfriend's music's like

No. 1123718

yeah the world is ending because ariana grande. ariana grande is why police kill people and why the ocean is drying up. ariana grande is why usa is locking up mexicans and selling their children to pedophiles.

No. 1123725

That chick blocked me on gram when I called her out on her shit. She didn't block me last time, on a Toopoor dedicated post, just said like "blah blah Toopoor racist racists don't grow from their mistakes".(cowtipping)

No. 1123796

wow, big words coming from the girl who fucked marilyn manson's moldy cock

No. 1124448

She is SO cringe woooow

No. 1124490

I swear this looks like some parody of rap music videos that plays during a movie or something.

No. 1124503

“Or something” shut the fuck up. You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.

No. 1124520

And you do? Lmfao you clearly are the one that is confused so don't come for that anon when that music "or something" literally sounds like over augmented shitting noises when someone's asshole is dry heaving into a gas station toilet

No. 1124523

You or whoever wrote on the post that the screenshot of the person in the video looked like they were in a rap parody video, I never commented on how the music sounds. Why does it look like a parody to you???

No. 1124532

Not to hi cow but… chill out.

No. 1124595

omg why is she so mad about ariana grande? a fucking pop singer…wtf. chill girl, there is SERIOUS issues in this world…rich first world girl problems i guess…

No. 1124608

'you should be ashamed to listen to this music'. no lilith, that is just music. YOU should be ashamed of supporting and praise rapist murders like ramirez for example…

No. 1124626

her mind…powerfull.

No. 1124630

If she didn't do the things then she would be indistinguishable from any other basic ass white bitch living off of their republican daddys dime so she has to make herself the anti basic bitch even though that is xactly what she is but since she is so special and unique she has to use shitty try hard edginess to differentiate herself while shitting on the girls that she is exactly the same as just minus the severe mental issues and track marks

No. 1125039

Just had to point out her new post right now, she has a jacket half on but it’s just covering her gut, and then she’s trying to twerk and show off her butt however she literally looks like the dancing tiktok girl that can throw out her back and makes it so her back looks like the letter “C”. I’m just dying laughing.

No. 1125204

Or varg from burzum.

No. 1125432

File: 1610093265008.jpeg (148.32 KB, 828x1182, 3F123A61-A26D-4DD6-9005-ECB0FA…)

LOL at her bloated ass covering her beer gut. She looks so awful wow

No. 1125513

Calm down, ana-chan.

No. 1125552

File: 1610111486845.jpg (160.74 KB, 1080x1248, 20210108_131029.jpg)

No. 1125553

File: 1610111524261.jpg (188.07 KB, 1080x1490, 20210108_131005.jpg)

She hardly even looks human anymore

No. 1125554

File: 1610111573517.jpg (85.88 KB, 1080x691, 20210108_131045.jpg)

Also peep the comments on her latest video. I know its not news that she scams people but she's doing it again

No. 1125593

Congrats on sounding as much of a tard as Lilith anon.

No. 1125658

File: 1610123043823.jpeg (111.78 KB, 1200x1200, 704237C1-9323-43C2-AE11-2D721B…)

No. 1125711

You’re so autistic, that anon was being sarcastic

No. 1125868

She was clinging to that jacket for dear life. Why even advertise the underwear to only cover most of it up…

No. 1127538

File: 1610289362087.png (2.24 MB, 750x1624, 2ED16F17-F904-47B3-AF16-0DAA98…)

No. 1129104


AHHHH accurate

No. 1130345

File: 1610552392596.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1125x1859, A1CD15E3-405E-47DE-9BC1-7C0FE8…)

lilith: shits on internet girl at every chance
also lilith:

No. 1131479

File: 1610647476688.png (787.18 KB, 521x910, 345645363456.png)

apparently clare was discharged from a psych ward recently for "actin crazy to cops".

No. 1131799

i'm dying at her caption of lyrics from the most played Nirvana song of all time. she thinks she's so original and quirky.

No. 1132488

Haahaha she doesn't even know the words. In the video she just posted on her 'secret account' you can see she's mouthing 'a mulatto' when it should be 'an albino.' Fucking moron.

No. 1132536

File: 1610742304372.png (560.71 KB, 826x607, 54634563546.png)

sperging about cops

No. 1132740

she's comparing her being a messy dumb ass around cops to systemic racism.

No. 1132824

She says that as if she'd actually care about the Black Lives Matter movement if her boyfriend wasn't black. And the way she sticks her tongue out in half of her pictures is repulsive. Whoever did her lips needs to have their license revoked. It's like the filler gathers in one big clump in the middle and droops down.

No. 1132918

(sorry no pic I was too retarded) she reee'd about nazis a week ago while wearing her mayhem shirt lmao tone deaf

No. 1134378

Clare acting like her stupid braindamaged self has actually sat and watched the whole of game of thrones when she doesn’t even know what it is lmao

No. 1134407

File: 1610924092492.jpg (787.08 KB, 1062x1878, Screenshot_20210117-225210_Ins…)

Clare stfu and stop acting like someone you are not. I am really getting the feeling like Clare has been skinwalking some girl recently.

No. 1134777

File: 1610965787256.png (7.68 MB, 1125x2436, 2BBB90F3-00FC-4504-927C-83BBA0…)

there she goes again rambling about being lilith reincarnated

No. 1134778

File: 1610965826752.png (5.5 MB, 1125x2436, 84D15F56-ED3D-4A29-85E2-E5F8B7…)

No. 1134779

File: 1610965872661.png (5.15 MB, 1125x2436, F15B938E-FCE9-453D-B79A-4635D4…)

No. 1134780

File: 1610965952620.png (7.17 MB, 1125x2436, 7688547D-7CC6-4CF4-BCDF-8E2D84…)

apparently bigklit fucked loko and lilith is pretending that she doesn’t care anyone got any screenshots bigklit seems to have deleted it

No. 1134794

Can someone explain why she’s not friends with holli (heroingranola) anymore

No. 1134803

nitpick but Lilith is really starting to look like an old demented crack whore, so much for being Lilith reincarnated, so lustful and sexy how could anyone resist.

No. 1134805

I do find it piss funny how Lilith goes on these sjw sperg out rants yet claims to be a sociopath/narcissist/demon. In saying that we know it's all performative and i'm sure she'd be larping as a magatard if her boyfriend was doing the same, I really think this girl has zero brain function at this point.

No. 1134834

Nobody really is. Holli is a literal embarrassment and the only people who still act like they like her are just trying to score coke and xanax.

No. 1134863

File: 1610977960940.png (941.89 KB, 1177x740, wetertert.png)

"some guy totally just gave me weed because my eyes made him do it!" and then everybody clapped

No. 1134906

File: 1610982899847.png (3.26 MB, 828x1792, B2B5FD0D-1657-4DD6-899C-0EE8E8…)

guess loko is done with her shit too kek apparently everyone has been telling lilith that loko fucked some washed up artist who calls herself bigklit(newfag)

No. 1134958

bigkilt is not the only other girl he’s been fucking(emoji)

No. 1134986

File: 1610991599380.png (1.17 MB, 775x924, 45656546345.png)

clare has DEFINITELY never had lip work done. without a doubt.

No. 1135000

the abercrombie to crackhead satanist transformation is so funny, you just really have to appreciate that level of reverse social climbing.

No. 1135024

shes so annoying

No. 1135094

She’s actually the type of problematic people that she speaks about trying to act like she’s “blood”. She wouldn’t last one second around people who actually are in gangs and live that lifestyle. It’s crazy how she can contradict herself so much In post, under the guise of being a sjw

No. 1135171

Why is this bitch not killed herself yet shes annoying as fuck.(A-logging)

No. 1135331

you can be a sociopath and still care about what is happening in the world and speak out against injustice. the problem is she doesn't care she says these things for clout

No. 1135335

File: 1611017436987.jpeg (21.28 KB, 257x293, 2454E7FD-F6FC-4D44-926C-75BE09…)

"FIRST OFF FUK COPS RUINING MINE N EVERYONE I LOV LIVES NOT TO MENTION THE MILLIONS OF INNOCENT BLAKK LIVES TAKEN FRM COPS /// thinkin bout this is gettin me heated n the cop who said “youd be way more fuckable if you didnt try to dress lik a corpse” likk fukk u man as if id want a cop to ever find me attractive mannn im so pissed rn "

No. 1135345

No. 1135407

File: 1611023973754.png (7.7 MB, 1242x2208, C18CA931-4435-45FA-8386-614FA7…)

i have the loko and big kilt ss that she was apparently selling some type of video or smth from on her close friends

No. 1135409

File: 1611024085488.png (8.27 MB, 1242x2208, 0878225C-148B-43A6-AE1E-7AAB9F…)

oh and this one too- cant rly deny something happened here hmm

No. 1135547

He has no chin to speak of, I’m amazed at the overcompensating his tattoos do—it’s so textbook.

No. 1135905

File: 1611078943294.png (995.33 KB, 617x885, 4536456456.png)

clare is trying to auction off her cheap ass "lucky" baphomet pendant that she'll probably never mail out kek

No. 1135906

File: 1611078997949.png (751.43 KB, 945x593, 435435435.png)

also her and holli are bffe again or some shit. i guess clare has gotten over her friends hanging out with ""the opps"".

No. 1135915

The necklace costs less than $2 on Aliexpress. What a rip off.

No. 1135984

File: 1611083040112.png (61.8 KB, 624x646, 35463456456.png)

super old news, but its the first time i'm seeing it.


No. 1136053

yikes the whole family is for the streets

No. 1136098

File: 1611088805948.jpeg (372.36 KB, 828x1700, 657B3068-E138-4C48-A2DC-C8EF2F…)

Newest hyper fixation lmao

No. 1136288

That article almost makes me feel bad for her, especially the part where it talks about how he brags about putting himself through law school on a golf scholarship

No. 1136320

Damn still with his ass what a cuck. She deserves him

No. 1136322

Anyone know the drama between lilith and zheani. Shes not following lilith on insta anymore.

No. 1136359

Doubt it, she just saw Holli mentioned here and decided to defend herself apparently. She’s done several indirects that make it obvious she lurks. Just kissing ass to keep drug connects open.

No. 1136703

File: 1611120934229.png (8.93 MB, 1242x2688, D40FA241-6BB2-4C62-9FC9-9FF9E4…)

i don't even know what to focus on. the shoop, the totally sober makeup, or the fact that someone paid her $355 for a hot topic necklace

No. 1136705

File: 1611121059028.jpeg (646.99 KB, 1242x1650, 218E0D7F-7C55-4AE0-8AFC-7F8204…)

No. 1136719

Anyone see her live?

No. 1136794

File: 1611132945771.png (Spoiler Image,1.39 MB, 750x1334, 0C442901-4FE1-4426-A3EA-8D2190…)

To what bf she has????? I follow all of her accounts so teach me how to use this site and I’ll post all the snow u. I’ve been following her nonsense for 5+ years I just don’t know how to use these sites so help me and I’ll help you. I love this shit lol(newfag)

No. 1136807

can you cracked out retards learn how to type and lurk moar. just post your shit and stop name-fagging.

No. 1136811

Omg I literally don’t know how to comment or communicate on this site. I’ve been an observer since 2014 watching Sabrina Nellie and Lilith Levisis and I love this so much I wanna contribute Bc I actually follow them and have been following them for years.

No. 1136818

>observer for 7 years
>didn’t pick up any of the posting norms


No. 1136977

I wish “ moar “ would just fucking die. You all look like retards saying that shit.

No. 1136980

tf is moar

No. 1136983

File: 1611157535928.jpg (80.38 KB, 976x549, _96267166_gettyimages-14799514…)

No. 1136986

Of course idk how to post this is literally the first time.
I’m just trying to contribute bro. Just tryin to get a laugh so even replying to you helps me practice posting here so thanks

No. 1136991

File: 1611158206107.png (6.56 MB, 1800x1800, CD231DD3-54E6-401D-A5E2-8A29B8…)

Her parents (both bring in 400k/year so that’s 1million/year income + graduated analysts of drug abuse) = her + and her sister Rachel (heroin trust fund junkies) kek

No. 1136993


It’s particularly amusing to consider in the context of her constant sperging about “fakers” and whatever. She’s cosplaying as a poor person and knows she can skip out of this life whenever she wants. Mingin’

No. 1136998

Those tiny lips tho.(nitpicking)

No. 1137000

How about reading the rules? Type sage in the email field

No. 1137345

File: 1611184474074.jpeg (277.74 KB, 750x931, D32DAC8D-D536-4CD4-A41D-9482E4…)

I’m sorry the lip liner is just. wow. Worse than usual.

No. 1137348

File: 1611184757021.jpg (Spoiler Image,380.61 KB, 1080x1898, 20210120_231305.jpg)

(Spoiler: fake blood creating graphic imagery)

What is with the whole "khalessi" thing shes got into lately? Bitch overdraws her lips and is the basic looking white ass ever and here she is acting like shes the most powerful reincarnated lilith. Sorry for obvious nitpick but Clare is so ugly and basic. She acts in a black stereotype voice in front of her boyfriend loko and its sooo cringey. She has obviously never seen game of thrones before and funny she even spells Khaleesi wrong, bitch doesnt even understand Daenerys isnt just a Khaleesi shes the protector of 7 kingdoms and I bet you clares autistic brain can not name not one of them.

No. 1137350

Why would you want to make the border of your lips look like its suffering with chapped lips and cold sore? Like… why doe???? And she thinks she looks good lmao she is looking like shit these days.

No. 1137355

Bitch probably thinks if she does her eyebrows that high up her big tefal forehead will look smaller. Them eyebrows are terrible!

No. 1137361

File: 1611185740290.jpg (240.35 KB, 1080x1901, 20210120_233543.jpg)


No. 1137372

She used to at least look cute even if other anons don’t agree. She’s ugly af these days.

No. 1137436

ive followed her for years because aside from the waist shoop i always liked her style and thought she was gorgeous, i know anons disagree with me but she's always had an undeniably interesting look (owing largely to the chola eyebrows that were once precise but are now all over her face). somehow in the past couple years she's managed to physically deteriorate faster off heroin than she was on it, it's honestly sad to see because she's a pretty rich girl who could be living her pretty rich life (see: her sister) but instead she's actively choosing to cuff herself to a weaselly soundclout rapper who publicly cheats on her, pilled out of her mind wearing makeup that rivals my own during my worst manic episodes and posting incoherent stories on instagram all day. i just caught her live and heard her talk for the first time in a couple years and i was floored by how awful she looked and how gravelly her voice has become. it's sad still seeing her try to contort her waist like she did when she was underweight…she's a caricature at this point

No. 1137672

the way she abruptly ended her live as soon as loko told her to make him coffee she really lets that sewer rat loser of a rapper treat her like a maid it's sad to watch actually lol

No. 1137732

File: 1611211951957.png (1.3 MB, 750x1334, 788B81B4-39C3-45A1-A318-AB9237…)

Funny how she only attacks girls she’s envious of. She’s sperging against the girl her “bf” fucked & attacking HER instead of being mad at her own boyfriend for cheating.

No. 1137759

She’s so gross and she’s coming off just very anti black to me, I doubt she intends to but for her to assume the other girl is trying to be “metal” is fucking weird in itself. She’s clearly reaching. At least the other girl seems naturally beautiful, In my opinion.

No. 1137927

it’s even funnier because bigklit is actually pretty and had made her fame by her/getting signed to a label/ going on adult swim and performing
not milking her friends death or sleeping with an old crust man on tour while she was younger she needs to get her social media access taken away the way she types is so annoying i feel like i’m having a seizure just trying to decode anything she says

like clare when have you done anything worth bragging about or doing anything else apart from shopping your photos and scamming people and also glorifying drug abuse /self harm /ED
i’ve been on and off this tread for a few months was friends with melanie on tumblr didn’t know she passed away until i guess lil tracy reposted of pic of them saying rip idk sad she was actually funny and cute then hard drugs an abusive bf will fuck you up

No. 1138309

File: 1611258708268.jpeg (151.06 KB, 1242x984, FF72ABDC-2813-4961-A787-316BBC…)

Imagine hating on a woman because your “bf” did this

No. 1138334

Claire is just mad because she got publicly cucked

No. 1138341

Not to derail but this is just not true, legitimate sociopaths, not retarded emo kids that have a blood kink and fantasize about knifeplay, don't actually care about social injustices unless it's directly affects them, sociopaths feel no empathy for anyone, period. Sociopaths do know the difference between right and wrong though and will very easily masquerade as a sjw if it will benefit them in one way or another. It's very easy to larp online about social injustices even if you aren't a sociopath, case in point being Lilith.

No. 1138366

File: 1611261546454.png (474.87 KB, 522x900, 565463456456.png)


No. 1138386

The way she can’t even put contacts in correctly is so bad

No. 1138393

Doesn’t her boyfriend… fuck with her…?

No. 1138406

why does she beef with literally every small soundcloud or w/e artist ever?? it’s like she’s purposely trying to preemptively burn bridges while clinging to irrelevant shit like being grandpa manson’s cumrag. if she ever plans on releasing her own shit music it’s gonna be hard for her to keep any connections like this, bigklit is a small artist but has a very dedicated fanbase

No. 1138726

That was crazy

No. 1138901

Not to wk but it looks like he just got paid to do this as acting, there’s nothing sexual happening

No. 1138969

File: 1611317877477.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.42 MB, 1242x1673, 123AEBFE-29DA-40E9-99EC-AC8E8C…)

She was selling other x content from this shoot

No. 1139548

File: 1611356750191.png (701.48 KB, 620x797, 435345345.png)

back to sperging about the source of all her problems, toopoor, again.

No. 1139557

Give over clare

No. 1139559

I mean call me out on the obvious nitpick but her lips are so disgusting who the fuck in their right mind over lines their lips that much

No. 1139561

“I just want to show my best arm”
“I just want to show off to them the arm I shot up on”

No. 1139571

Wow just no this is nothing like Daenerys. Bitch don’t disrespect “KHALESSI” like that ever kek. I swear to god this haggard faced cow is a different character everyday and it’s like she’s jumping in and out of skin suits in pictures of herself to make her Instagram look interesting again because she comes across as boring these days.

No. 1139730

File: 1611368851593.png (1.59 MB, 750x1334, 373ADBAA-C643-4EB0-BABD-214242…)

3 years ago she looked better than she does today. Wtf? I’m glad for her “sobriety” but who is she kidding we all know she’s either on ketamine (“horse tranquilizer” in her words, or something else.) Maybe protein bars Bc she’s gaining so much weight.

No. 1139745

File: 1611370500086.png (3.59 MB, 750x1334, 0EF8D14B-AFBF-459C-8C7F-A5BF7C…)

Holli showing that she doesn’t feel good about herself unless she’s inebriated/anorexic. And Lilith try Harding to get her love back just in case “no chin” doesn’t work out.

No. 1139758

Couldn’t have said it better. This is well put together anon, you’re right. Have you seen her sister though? Rachel? She hasn’t aged a fucking day and she still looks the same never changed herself and she is beautiful as fuck compared to clare

No. 1139769

….it’s literally a common phrase on the internet and has been for like over a decade stfu tight ass newfag

I wouldn’t even say she has beef with anyone, she just gets doped up and goes on weird incoherent rants on her phone and doesn’t even remember them later

No. 1139813

File: 1611378787359.png (499.62 KB, 516x920, 234234234234.png)

kek wat

No. 1139910

What do anons think went so wrong? Did she have bad fillers and extreme weight gain or…? How can she look that wrecked omg

No. 1139941

I’m still not convinced they fucked, it could be lewds

No. 1139961

No. 1140004

Does it matter? It was still a boundary Clare clearly was uncomfortable with. Wether he stuck his dick/ a finger/ a gun/ nothing in her doesn’t matter. Just laugh at her gettingn cucked

No. 1140140


FYI: That's a meth pipe not crack pipe

No. 1140359

File: 1611437515629.jpeg (1.34 MB, 1125x1879, 90EF5F20-0C65-4DA1-9EBA-845B33…)

Well we saw that one coming easily. Back to Holli.

No. 1140745

File: 1611465240831.jpeg (87.89 KB, 352x640, 1611449211716.jpeg)

I can't believe she's still protecting him when she probably has evidence that could get him blacklisted for good, especially the shit from when she was underage. Exposing him could save so many other girls from what he put her through.

No. 1140841

People pantomime sex acts for music videos… it makes a difference if you’re roasting her for being cucked or for overreacting to him networking. It’s relevant and either way, milky

No. 1140843

Don’t worry about Manson, is already a pariah, enough girls have tarnished his rep, he can’t even get the media to care to report on his new marriage

No. 1140964

File: 1611506806315.png (572.21 KB, 750x1334, 2A99453C-D7E2-48D1-B4C3-DFAA5D…)

Anyone else notice bigklit made her ig private this past week after the Loko cheating vid milk?I was just getting into stalking her. Too bad.

No. 1140977

File: 1611508770638.jpeg (363.02 KB, 750x760, 0C305BEF-40CC-4CB0-B212-130C31…)

She is a living anti drug PSA lol. This is her at 18. I can only imagine how much worst she looks now since every photo has a filter and 4 pounds of makeup. Kids, this is your brain on SoundCloud.

No. 1141052

File: 1611514196346.jpeg (1 MB, 828x1450, 0968D259-CF12-4F24-8D44-BCF0AC…)

From Loko’s story

No. 1141267

File: 1611528739163.jpeg (433.82 KB, 828x1361, 8A297F84-4493-41FC-AB0C-844201…)

this is just sad lol

No. 1141320

I really don't understand her simping for this loser knockoff of a knockoff, when he's so obviously not interested in her and obviously only used her for w/e tiny amount of clout she has.

No. 1141345


what is thart weird shape in the side of her face? Is that just literally her skull poking out of her withered face?


she's turning into a physical clone of her whack ass boyfriend, just like Luna Slater, the parallels are astonishing

No. 1141841

File: 1611596807843.png (338.2 KB, 828x1792, CFCCE0C1-3EEB-4930-BDEE-87D22A…)

Good morning leaving this for you all to see l-o-l

No. 1142164

What's tattooed under his eye? Is it the crop call or whatever?

No. 1142223

File: 1611626339284.png (Spoiler Image,4.31 MB, 1800x1800, C5E7EF21-B497-46E2-BCBE-794264…)

Anyone ever see holli smile with her teeth? She looks so different.

No. 1142294

Because she’s not pouting her ugly face to stick her lips out and bite down on her cheeks because she thinks it makes her look gaunt

No. 1143012

Love how Lilith bullies Big Klit purely cause she fucked with her bf/ex/bf again/ex again/etc.
Whether Big Klit is good or not is debatable, but at least she's doing something. What does Lilith do apart from scamming people on depop, posting junkie shit, hating on other girls, photoshoppin her pics, bragging bout fucking Manson? Right, nothing.

Waste of fucking space. So I'm not surprised she attacks girls that actually do something creative, kek

No. 1143568

Any one notice Clare hiding her belly recently that bitch photoshopping herself left n right

No. 1143754

man you bitches obsessed with how 'fat' someone looks are weird and nitpicky as fuck who caressss about her body there's plenty other things wrong with this bitch lol acting like weight gain is something bad just perpetuates the weird ass photoshopping and insecurities further

No. 1143762

File: 1611788281069.png (760.16 KB, 621x667, 3456456456.png)

kek clare is now auctioning off some cheap ass hat she likely bought at a truck stop.
if she had any real type of hustle mentality, she would've done this with her scribbles. i've never understood why she hasn't tried to cash out on her shitty art; its not like it takes much effort.

No. 1143806

You are probably just fat calm down karen jones

No. 1147586

File: 1612130116229.jpeg (Spoiler Image,232.46 KB, 827x1515, BB274705-8225-4898-9C22-6AFC19…)

Lol her own sister even knows Lilith is trash. She’s practically begging her not to destroy her own property lmfao

No. 1147988

File: 1612189024115.jpg (66.48 KB, 716x613, 20210201_111453.jpg)

No. 1149177

bragging about fucking manson
lmaaaaooo she’s in for a rude awakening about her singular claim to fame(integrate better)

No. 1149253

Yeah I’m shocked she hasn’t come to MMs defense yet…weirdly silent(lolcow.farm/info)

No. 1149358

File: 1612290606713.png (240.7 KB, 624x647, 435345.png)

massive rambling about manson. the gist of it is she doesn't consider her relationship with him to have been abusive, but then goes on to detail how he would make fake accounts to stalk her, and find out info on her.
she also doesnt want to give up a lot of details in regards to her feelings on manson or what she knows about the other girls that have dated him because she fears he will retaliate against her; "manson is the last person i want to be oppin with".

No. 1150434

God trying to read anything she writes gives me a fucking headache

No. 1150547

>>1149358 Clare knows just a little bit more than she pretends. That's why she suddenly changed her tune.. she has to be on the winning side right? Even she knows better than to side with Manson after the news broke. This is her lame ass way of saying #metoo. "I'm so naive :( But I don't think he was abusing me
:(" .. leaves everyone to draw a very simple conclusion. She can't go back and say he WAS abusive after the previous Manson post, so she found another way. Thus gaining her the teeny crumble of attention she so desperately seeks.

No. 1151376

If she exposes him, she'll maybe get some fame. I mean, isn't what she wants anyways?

Joga a merda no ventilador amiga

No. 1151805

That would make her a snitch in her mind and that’s “cop like behavior”

No. 1153035

File: 1612535134902.png (412.47 KB, 412x726, 24545345435.png)

tekashi 69 allegedly ripped off loko in a new song

No. 1153064

What kind of publicity stunt is this

No. 1153077

File: 1612538800288.png (536.56 KB, 424x748, 454545345.png)

clare is either being committed or going to jail
i tried to look up her charges in albany county (her parents house in voorheesville is there; not sure if she's still living there, but its the only info i had), but wasnt able to find anything.

No. 1153250

File: 1612552520644.jpg (279.34 KB, 1039x1926, 20210205_191142.jpg)

This dumbass. Recovering addict shacks up with a drug dealing 'gangster' type. I reckon it's court mandated rehab after getting caught with her cringey bf trying to act hard

No. 1153252


Bonus cows collide moment. Batshit pedo Nika feels the need to comment.

No. 1153254


Lilith in prison would be funny as fuck. All her fronting would disappear in a second when her dad's money couldn't make it all go away. What do we reckon, dealing or prostitution?

No. 1153364


I'm guessing it has to do with the nutty outburst at the airport a few months ago where security detained her?

I doubt it's prison because she would bragging about that, it's def another boujie rehab. One day the judge is going to look at her rap sheet (This is 2 or 3rd time she has been arrested I think) and be like nah go straight to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200

No. 1154003

File: 1612625162355.jpg (180.69 KB, 714x1240, 20210206_122438.jpg)

U literally cant tell who is the ugliest motherfucker

No. 1154249

File: 1612644041934.jpeg (1.1 MB, 828x1631, 4249940D-CBD2-4A5D-98EA-FE9815…)

Lilith isn’t even going to prison seems to me she’s going off to another rehab(Emoji)

No. 1154250

File: 1612644113388.jpeg (174.32 KB, 828x392, 6E53CB29-FA26-4747-A396-2EE4C6…)

Like an actual nice rehab… I can’t fucking Stand her wannabe hard ass she’s not going to jail(Emoji)

No. 1154412

surely you can't just say on social media literally to "#GUTAPIG"?

No. 1155325

As gross as 6ix9ine is I find it extremely hard to believe he's copying in anyway some nobody that had to fuck Lilith to get clout for his shitty music. I guess crack is know for boosting confidence. Not to mention all these mumble rap degenerates all look and sound the same.

No. 1157301


She wouldn't go to prison unless she was convicted of a federal crime so this tinfoil is ridiculous. And prison is way better than county jail anyway. But she's not even hard enough to go to county, which we already knew. This bitch larps as a gangster and it's extremely obvious and pathetic.


Then we see the bougie place she's ACTUALLY going to when it's not the fault of cops or the law… it's just her being a dumbass. She really tries so hard to paint a fake image of herself, when everyone can see right through it. Poser bitch still can't figure out how to front in a believable way, which is good because at least she won't fool anyone, but annoying af and extremely cringey to witness.

No. 1158185


"The law" isn't stopping you from dropping anything. You can still have your ugly-but-still-prettier-than-you sister launch an Etsy/Depop shilling your cheap Amazon thongs with poufs sewed on the back. You're just coming up with excuses to justify being a lazy rich kid sitting in an expensive rehab fully covered by mom and dad.

No. 1158194

File: 1612980715833.jpg (1.76 MB, 2048x2048, PhotoGrid_1612980594874.jpg)


In case you wonder what this tough-as-nails, prison-like place is that the copz and law are forcing Lilith to be at is like… it's also called Swift River and focuses on rebuilding families. They have excellent reviews and are very expensive and not a court-mandated program, meaning someone rich is definitely paying for her to go here.

No. 1160990


and the sad thing is she will take this excellent clinic and its treatment for granted, put zero effort in it and leave the same way she went in. some people don't know how good they have it in life and it's sad bc i would kill to be able to afford such a treatment

No. 1161921

Idk why but I’m still laughing about that time Lilith said Layla/toopoor pretends to love drugs but got angry when Lilith and her friend were smoking weed at a party and slammed 3 different doors shut to keep the smell out LOL

No. 1161923

I remember her talking about launching those retarded taobao bunny thongs like two years lol…lazy brat

No. 1161932

i just cannot believe it's literally been years and she's still "just about" to drop her ridiculously easy-to-make bunny thongs. she only brings them up when she's getting sent to rehab. has she ever even had a job? how hard can it be to sell literal elastic strings online?

No. 1161999

Those disgusting bunny thongs Clare is supposedly trying to sell make me SEETHE uncontrollably thdy're hideous.

No. 1162220


Guess we'll have to drop them first as a lolcow product while she's in rehab so when she gets out she has nothing to pretend to work on.

No. 1162463

File: 1613427470078.png (6.59 MB, 1170x2532, C2A6A359-30AA-4F3D-ACD6-B2C428…)

Lol what a cry baby.

No. 1162489

I wonder what all these ageing 20-something ig druggie soundcloud groupies are gonna do in the next couple years, seeing as how the dirty smelly heroin addict carnie clown aesthetic is dying and being a healthy preppy tiktok teen or cutesy jailbait e-girl is in.

No. 1164240

File: 1613609572384.png (10.82 MB, 1284x2778, 7ABB4A99-EB7A-4EAF-A3B5-B27C3B…)

when a NICE facility is considered being in an “institution” lol i have no words

No. 1166237

it's a rehab not an institution. and it's really fucking nice. the only joke is getting to go to a place like that and fucking it up. she's posting this before she goes obviously so i really hope she takes full advantage of it and writes differently if she comes back to social media, and i hope she doesn't so quickly.

has she ever been committed involuntarily before?? feel like anyone who's actually broken doesn't refer to themselves as broken either because wow it's lame, and if you're really done, being able to go to such a nice place would be promising. people who really don't have a chance don't get to go to places like that.

No. 1168078


Sounds like she's reaching for pity points to try to get into the Oppression Olympics.

No. 1169068

I bought her OF a while ago out of curiosity and she doesn't even put any effort into one of the easiest possible things you can do; e-whoring. I wonder if she has actually tried at anything in her life

No. 1169168

why would you do that

No. 1169383

Armies of thirsty orbiters will pay for it because she’s (moderately) still a very attractive girl. The recent pics I’ve seen of her makes me give her an expiration date of 25-26. Don’t do drugs, kids.

No. 1169932

File: 1614225781314.png (442.87 KB, 522x914, 2423543543.png)

kek clare posted like 20 stories of herself in rehab. showcasing what is basically a shrine to loko, a bunch of WIP artwork, her trying to reconnect with her former roommate, juliet, how she has only snapped a few times on others, and apparently got music banned from the great room. she also had a life changing epiphany about her addiction to xan and alcohol.

No. 1169933

File: 1614225807979.png (365.21 KB, 528x918, 3453455345.png)

No. 1169934

File: 1614225810539.jpeg (417.97 KB, 750x853, DCA5D92B-76A0-4F55-ACB7-7BCDE2…)

Post she deleted

No. 1169937

that post is still up

No. 1170163


How is she gonna continue to hang out with Loko and his trash crew and maintain a straight edge style of life? She is delusional. Clearly he is not a total fuck up like her but every one of his video has mad drug and alcohol references and Im sure he takes Xans, drinks ect. Also kek her idea of sobriety doesn't even touch on weed- not that that is anything compared to hard drugs but replacing everything else she does with weed and turning into a pothead vegetable sitting on the couch stoned 24/7 isn't going to help her get anywhere in life

No. 1171582

if she got music banned i can fucking guarantee everyone hates her ass rn. you would have to do more than just play one shitty soundcloud rap song about murdering, overdosing, and fake devil worship to get it banned entirely, and we all know she would be coming in there to play that shit like she has something to prove instead of surrendering to the experience to try something new. if anything it could just get her banned, unless the other people started acting out too and it all went to shit.

the first fucking thing they tell you with benzos is you can't drink, and how highly addictive they are since they're a tightly controlled substance. she drinks on them because she knows it amplifies the effects and the addictiveness, i'm really not buying her "i never thought i was an addict" thing? why not just confess she was doing dumb shit and didn't care, not that she was ignorant to it?
and if this is how she types sober holy fuck are you serious it's never cute never been cute

she should take the antipsychotics and get off them slowly it would make detox a lot more tolerable to herself and the people she's sharing space with, but ok her choice. who the fuck thinks taking 10 bars is fucking sober????? ?? pcp is the horse tranquilizer, not ketamine. not drinking wine has nothing to do with age her brain is just rotting noodles

and she's saying the law put her in institutions, i'm assuming involuntarily committed? i only skimmed a couple threads a while back, hasn't she only been to fancy places?

No. 1171970


Ketamine IS A tranquilizer for animals (including horses). PCP makes you trip balls and is not any kind of tranquilizer for anyone. I don't get why anons post incorrect info.

No. 1177977

wow i forgot she used to look like that. she seemed bad in a day but now her 18 year old self looked great compared to whatever she's done to herself later.
also can't believe chicks like her still go for soundcloud rappers type. that "movement" was dead and fallen out of fashion years ago, no clout here.

No. 1182845

File: 1615572399697.png (336.85 KB, 509x889, 4536456546.png)

getting out of rehab soon. looking forward to the massive walls of texts with either her revelations or how everyone bullied her for painting demons on rocks again.

No. 1186224

File: 1615936868231.png (432.81 KB, 516x822, 2435435345.png)

kek what the fuck is this yeeyee ass haircut

No. 1186263

Looks like he scalped goldilocks kek.

No. 1186310

How does she have a fucking phone if she got ""institutionalized"" or is any kind of reputable place, I mean that. even a lame rehab place that obviously scamming you/your insurance would tell you to not be on your phone so you don't maintain connections etc. This is so dumb

No. 1186648

she posted a few times about having "finessed it", so they probably offered limited phone use as a reward for good behavior (which i find hilarious as she was apparently fighting with people and shitting up the day room with her retarded music. the bar for good behavior must be pretty low lol).

No. 1192519

File: 1616659109580.jpeg (349.92 KB, 1536x2048, CE4B70A7-73D1-47BD-B79F-557563…)

thought this was lilith at first. holy shit she did it; toopoor skinwalking lilith transformation is complete

No. 1192520

File: 1616659135804.jpeg (483.33 KB, 1536x2048, 9F93122D-A6CE-4248-B5D6-01E036…)

the BROWS, or lack thereof

No. 1193238

No one is copying of lilith you winnet nobody else cares apart from you which is a whole insecurity you hold against yourself lmao

No. 1193451

File: 1616735077944.jpeg (32.41 KB, 453x677, images.jpeg)


No. 1193488

Lilith is a basic bitch that recycle other people looks, just like too poor lol. She didn’t copy jher

No. 1194186

I dont see lilith here at all. Not even the same vibes besides the hair looking like liliths old hair.

No. 1194706

Lilith didnt even invent the hair. Think we all need to realise that these girls come with what they naturally got. Idk what liliths natural hair colour is is it brown? I would be more concerned if someone was copying of my dna

No. 1194788

She didn't, of course. As you can see in the xtina pic above…wich is just one of many examples.
Nobody said she did
Maybe toopoor is """copying""" her (idk) just to piss her off honestly.
Of course lilith will buy the skinwalking idea because she would love (?) the idea of tp being like her.
And if theres beef between them, they alwys get more and more followers.

No. 1194789

"Copy of my dna"
what this even means..?

No. 1194941

I think what they're trying to say is that it would be creepier to copy someone's natural hair color. People can have the same dye jobs, they aren't born with them.

No. 1194980

Oh ok, i got it. but isn't it more "personal" of a copy when a person has pink hair for example and the other goes right after and paint it pink too? Idk, the hair would be more "exclusive" if you know what i mean, than you would think its actually a kind of copy or inspo whatever.
Not that this actually matters. Is just hair and its not even real hair most of the cases lol

No. 1195428

in what way? is it the way shes fully clothed and doesn't look like a homeless crackhead

No. 1195625

File: 1616940699663.jpg (72.35 KB, 720x720, 20210328_111207.jpg)

No. 1197331

Are Holli and Lilith still keep in touch?

No. 1198904


No. 1198906

File: 1617235769467.png (Spoiler Image,2.78 MB, 1125x2436, D2228F20-C560-4EC1-B1B2-CE8429…)

Here is the photo no one asked for of her delightfully meaty wizard sleeve getting finger blasted.

No. 1199012

spoiler that disgusting shit you retard

No. 1199329

lilith and holli seem to be on somewhat good terms, but i dont think theyre in active contact.

No. 1201352

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No. 1201353

File: 1617497742660.jpg (18.97 KB, 240x474, lilith glowup.jpg)

2/2 was she actually in tho? doubt it, but she does look like she lost some weight.

No. 1201427

She’s just sober enough to shoop and do her makeup right again. Let’s wait to see if she actually releases her bunny tail thongs for Easter. She hinted at it but I doubt it unless she’s seriously hurting for cash.

No. 1201455

What rehab takes you OFF of all your fucking medication and let’s you use your phone to post wack stories so the reward centers in your brain, presumably already obliterated from drug addiction, are still hardwired to social media after being dickish enough to get music group or hour or whatever banned for everyone - while also watching her not eat and work out like that’s cool too

This place is such a cash grab and I would’ve hoped her family cared enough to do real research but not surprised. If she’s sober I really hope it lasts, that place seems like a joke but if she got that good for her.

No. 1201477


She says she barely ate, who knows what that means, you can see her lifetstyle for the last few has consisted of getting high 24/7 . maybe "eating" means getting the munchies and eating massive amounts of junk food.

No. 1201578

maybe she meant she stopped taking her meds AMA. kek

No. 1202526

File: 1617676459076.png (Spoiler Image,771.26 KB, 1013x748, Skärmbild 2021-04-06 042503.pn…)

note how as of right now, this was posted over a day ago and still no link to be found.

No. 1202553

agreed. she looks better because for once in her damn life she isn't wearing clown makeup

the nice cushy middle/upper class people insurance ones. Their main requirement is just don't use/fuck/abuse anyone/etc., or at least don't get caught. most do drug test more than once but people still manage to use there anyways.

No. 1202578

Did she really just glue fluff balls to cheap ugly t back thongs at least no one can call this a scam they’re just paypigs

No. 1202705

i saw comments saying the website wouldnt work so id say shes still a scam.

No. 1203201

If people are checking the website in the first place to buy these unflattering michaels craft whore monstrosities, they want to be scammed. Period.

Does anyone think she was taught coping skills or did therapy, or she was just scammed for insurance while detoxing in the most bare minimum way?

No. 1203374

I think she's just not been using anything she's offered at any rehab, maybe she just detoxes in bare minimum but I feel like she also uses or used rehab as a reason for going offline. Maybe a few days in jail here and there, who knows.

No. 1206662

No. 1207271


I hate to be a buzzkill to Lilith, but as a dEsIgNeR, she's not even naming what she's selling correctly.

She's selling g-strings, NOT thongs. It's something most females learn in high school when they start wearing them. And even if she didn't know the proper term for what she's selling, she could Google it. If she wasn't selling them, I wouldn't even point it out, but how you gonna sell a product and not even use the right term?! Some of these social media kids spend way too much time learning dumb shit on the internet, like how to make a fucking tik tok or how to use Snow/FaceTime, but don't know that using the right terminology for something you're selling so it'll show up in searches is necessary. Priorities.

No. 1207279


She doesn't go to jail because she's just a poser trying to look hard for social media.

And her being allowed to refuse medications says a lot about her treatment. By law, you can refuse any medications if you voluntarily committed yourself. If you're ordered to be there, you have no choice in what you can/ can't take.

So Lilith is admitting what we already know: She agreed/asked to go and her parents paid. That's why she can pick and choose what she wants to take and has more control over her treatment than someone who's involuntarily committed.

No. 1207286


You can detox with suboxone at home. She chose to go to the bougie rehab so she could larp as a Girl, Interrupted bitch who can exaggerate the situation to paint herself as a crazy addict who was forced into inpatient and treatment. She could have just taken suboxone at home and done therapy locally. She made the choice to commit herself to chill at a nice rehab. She really out-posered herself.

No. 1209538

File: 1618535758386.jpeg (1.79 MB, 1284x2265, 6627CDAB-D796-40A5-BAB2-552F84…)


No. 1209753

>"dressed like a teacher"
>autumn asphodel tier makeup

No. 1210908

Yikes all around. I’ll never get over those eyebrows.

No. 1214888

Love how she mentions the freaking thongs on easter because ~bunnies~ than days later proceed like nothing happened and never delivers the thongs ppl bought already like what,2 yrs ago? Heheheh

No. 1215126

File: 1619212578885.png (2.13 MB, 750x1334, D13EBBD3-952D-4ECE-B303-16E178…)

Omg is she finally admitting the work that’s been done for years?!

No. 1215136


the relevant q is why is daddy buley is still funding this bullshit for his almost 25 year old daughter that hasn't done anything since high school besides get high, fuck Marilyn Manson a few times and be a lolcow online

No. 1218460

Man it rly makes me sad how cringe and unattractive she is now. Like she’s sooooo gross. She used to b so cute and like super unique in my eyes. Mannnnn

No. 1218485

yeah she is really disgusting, it’s sad when pretty girls make doing drugs their entire personality and wreck themselves over it. she did it all to herself

No. 1220689

File: 1619828877178.png (1.12 MB, 620x836, 563546456.png)

kek what the fuck is this look? goth jersey shore?

No. 1220784

File: 1619839046616.jpg (985.79 KB, 800x1199, LADYGUNN-DSC_1859.jpg)


Her face is undergoing age-related changes (much earlier in life then normal people because of her horrible lifestyle) where the cheeks/cheekbones recede and lose their youthful projection due to volume loss, sagging and bone reabsorption that makes it look flatter and longer. Aka she's doing a Lurch lol

No. 1220968


It's actually normal for people in their twenties to start losing their cheek baby fat and to have more prominent bone structures. People start gradually reducing collagen production when they get in their thirties. Unless someone's on meth, drug use physically doesn't start showing until later. Lilith is an idiot, but just because she's hanging her mouth open in a picture with her head tilted down doesn't mean she's losing bone due to using drugs. You can attribute drugs to someone taking care of themselves less which might make someone lose weightor be dehydrated while they're heavily using, but drugs that aren't meth aren't going to physically show until a user is in their mid thirties. Anyone in their twenties (not on meth) can start eating better again and drinking more water and look healthy again. But losing baby fat and having more prominent facial features is very normal. Welcome to growing up.

No. 1221232


The oxidative stress from living a junkie lifestyle and constantly filtering toxins out of your body will def age you. She used to have really prominent diamond shaped face that is now basically an oblong. Idk dude I think that’s more the baby fat

No. 1221252

>>1220689 nitpicking but my god her eyes look like theyre in different timezones, her face is so crooked kek

No. 1221531

i really think its a facetune addiction, her jaw shape completely changes

No. 1224161

File: 1620246271608.png (2.67 MB, 750x1334, EDF1C501-AD8A-4C1B-B6CE-54D2AA…)

Lmao why does she care so much(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1224165

I mean she is consistent. A dumb ass, but consistent.

No. 1224207

She’s so cringe wowww. Like I hate the e-girl ‘goth’ trend too but like who the fuck cares. Not all goth girls are dark brooding depressed weirdos who cut themselves. Claire sure is the queen of unsolicited opinions

No. 1224238

Addiction runs in our family and it is very difficult. Unless you have had any experience with it, I suppose it is easy to call people names and focus on appearance. There is much more to my daughter than this. She is trying hard to live so back off on her lips and her weight. Brain chemistry is complicated. We love our daughter and every day is another day to hope the next stage of her recovery sticks. Peace.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1224337

lol what

No. 1224421

Mama Levisis

No. 1224434

>>1224238 that’s actually her mom kek

No. 1224442


Oh cool that’s all we needed to know lol her parents are obviously dumbass fucking cows who enable their drug addicted daughter. Fucking rich people are the stupidest

Hey Cheryl when are ya gonna see that you’re probably part of the problem?

No. 1224620

your daughter is so beyond help, cheryl.

No. 1224998


Typical life cycle of a failson/faildaughter. Don’t take away privileges like phone or set financial boundaries like no plastic surgery. Just throw more $$$ at rehabs to relieve the creeping feeling of guilt while clinking wine glasses with other horse moms on your ranch thousands of miles away, kek

No. 1227656

yeah i think she was genuinely charismatic and unique up until late 2018 (?) and it makes me sad to see how she pretty much turned into a parody of herself with everything she says and posts. a real shame because she was a pretty girl with obviously an artistic and creative mind and now i don't even think she takes herself or that online persona she created serious herself

No. 1228166

File: 1620773106742.png (2.91 MB, 750x1334, E114E7BF-D72D-455A-BACA-4FC508…)

Honestly she looks so much better now. Can’t hate so I hope this is a good path for her. Only time will tell.

No. 1228186

>Honestly she looks so much better now. Can’t hate
Anon, she looks like what would happen if sakimichan tried to draw Cruella de Vil. Are we looking at the same pic?

No. 1228203

What? I hope youre being sarcastic. She looks hideous! The eyebrows what the fuck are they supposes to be? Cant get her life straight nor her eyebrows. Spare me your asslicking on clare.

No. 1228204

The way clare only updates with shitty instagram selfie stories as long as shes had her lips done or something or showing off what dada buley has handedout to her but still adds filters on top and still says shes not had work done lmao sure clare buley.

No. 1228206

I am really not getting that choice of eyeshadow just sitting on the whole of her eyelid and then this bitch just says she is a makeup effects specialist

No. 1228406

It's the filter.

No. 1229766

Sorry to desecrate your little incel meetings but at least have correct information and don’t let your weird obsession with Clare turn fantastical and get off my dick it’s really big so I know there’s enough room but I didn’t ask you to be on it

No. 1229774

mom buley and 6ix9ine wanna be in the same week? oh boy.

No. 1231111

File: 1621143209837.jpeg (1.49 MB, 1284x1589, 8D0B4577-BD27-4F8D-B455-EB6D76…)

Can you imagine what this bitch will turn out like when shes an old lady for bending her back too much just to say she has some ass. She looks so gross and traumatic.

No. 1231507

File: 1621200576986.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1284x1867, 495385D8-AC9E-420B-B57D-D6E531…)

I just think she’s the most cringe when she’s making face expressions and they just aint working on her eyebrows and face kek

No. 1233043

File: 1621373101429.jpeg (160 KB, 1284x1321, DCBFA884-9CE6-4490-82B9-3E82B7…)

Anyone else Watching this stupid cunt ramble on about how she deserves a pet puppy.

No. 1233045

File: 1621373185168.jpeg (31.13 KB, 809x455, 24E98441-044B-464D-A473-699917…)

Bitch be looking like Handsome squidward

No. 1233263

After a heart-to-heart with her father, Clare makes a compelling argument as to why she deserves a puppy:

No. 1233685

Ok but why dont get a freaking puppy then? You go girl, get ur puppy and fix ur mental issues. Win win

No. 1233748

im assuming shes living with her dad at the moment, and he won't let her get one.

No. 1234085



No. 1234198

File: 1621479380279.jpeg (409.23 KB, 1284x1887, 89091030-D66B-4FCF-822F-5C0866…)

she's not like other girls she's actually a misogynist like a boss

No. 1234200

Hope he picks you!!

No. 1234316


How edgy to stan an Islamic fundamentalist nutjob who blew up and killed 22 innocent people (mostly young girls) because the concert he did it at was “pop”. What an insufferable try-hard.

No. 1234379

I have lost all respect for clare blurting this one out. I live in the city it took place and she has no right to say such thing. It was a tragic loss and day. Clare you are such a fucking cunt i hope you overdose.

No. 1234427

File: 1621513799921.jpeg (67.62 KB, 275x179, E341A024-41B1-48CE-B3DE-5FACBE…)

she really has no depth. the rock vs pop debate has been dead for like a decade now, sane people don't completely attach their identities and other people's' identities to music genres. this unnecessary hatred towards anything she considers "basic" is very edgy-middle-schooler of her

No. 1234450

File: 1621517206171.png (150.81 KB, 500x522, 1490639718433.png)

>>1234198 waaaaaaaah Toopoor said the n word once in a tweet years ago but actually a mass shooting is awesome because pop is bad!!!!

No. 1234996

Fucking god seriously what a dumb bitch, for so many reasons but wow. She whined about being fake “institutionalized” and diminishes an actual terrorist attack. She’s only ashamed to be a woman because she can’t compete with them, and sees everything as a competition which is why she’s trying to degrade two women who make more money than she will ever see in her life. Also her eyebrows fucking suck but she’s too out of her mind to change them.

No. 1235492

what an insufferable cunt lmao

"I deserve a puppy because I've earned one"
By doing what? Getting high and posting on Instagram and going from one luxury rehab to the next only to keep going the same shit for years?
She would neglect the fuck out of a dog especially a puppy.

No. 1235566

anon you dont understand, she is THE most responsible person when it comes to taking care of a puppy. nevermind the cat she dumped on her family; a puppy will change EVERYTHING.
seriously though, she should consider just pet sitting or something. anything besides being solely responsible for an animal for the next 10+ years.

No. 1235594

Wait, wasn't she a demon reincarnated like forrealllll that dates a gang member-rapper-whatever who even have gunsss? (Wow!)
The real life Lisa Rowe that is too edgy to 'normal' people understand?
Now she has to ask the parents permission to get a puppy?

No. 1235595

File: 1621661136240.jpg (77.66 KB, 720x652, 20210522_022733.jpg)


No. 1235602

lisa rowe literally is a real person LMAO but yeah it's so funny she's nothing and no one without her rich white mommy and daddy

No. 1235608

I know, I was referring to Angelina's Lisa, on the movie, wich is what lilith aspires to be…

No. 1235670

Lmao shut the fuck up right there she aint fuck responsible to own a puppy, i guess you werent around when she was using strong oils and weed exposed arounf he cat damien, fucking come back when you’ve gave your head a shake

No. 1235674


> “maybe meds wouldn’t work but maybe getting a puppy would get rid of all mental illness I would ever have”


No. 1235689

sage your autism since you can't read sarcasm

No. 1235787

He looks so inbred

No. 1236680

File: 1621829660743.png (584.73 KB, 522x917, 5435456456.png)

kek the lack of self awareness

No. 1238054

Notice how she talks normal(ish) to her dad and then the video goes to her doing her druggie drawl

No. 1238056

Notice how she talks normal(ish) to her dad and then the video goes to her doing her druggie drawl
(sorry for the double post)

No. 1239721

File: 1622112479242.jpeg (199.15 KB, 1284x2240, 9533F7F4-2E60-4254-A8D2-082D86…)

This cow is balding by the day

No. 1241272

File: 1622299456065.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1284x1844, 664F923D-6172-4CEC-8428-496135…)

Lmao bro some one got insecure af here after this

No. 1245197

I know a girl who uses loads of drugs constantly but she's somewhat sane but in denial af about her addiction. She got a cat, hamster and a lizard to help her "autism" but she beats the fuck outta the cat anytime it touches anything she doesnt want it to and almost squeezes the hamster to death when she "plays" with it. I don't want to imagine how Lilith would treat a puppy when she's arguably way more unstable.

No. 1245420


I also have parents that have enabled their failson's addiction for more than a decade. When will parents like you realize that YOU'RE the problem, not the addict?

No. 1245438

Uhh, wtf?? Please tell me you’ve called animal control to get them removed from her care. Or do you just watch and do nothing?

No. 1245499

Nice that people making fun of her daughter's LIPS and WeIgHt are what makes mama "disgusted". It's clear to see where her empty-headed rich bitch priorities lie, no wonder her child is lost.

No. 1245548

you shouldn't get heated over an online anon post, but yes i did a few days ago. she's under investigation and they have video evidence. She won't keep those animals, if that helps you sleep.

No. 1245850

Don’t blogpost if you don’t want reactions to your blogposting anon.

No. 1247888

Wdym getting bald? Why? What happended? She said it was pulled out? How these stuff happen? I'm confused, sorry

No. 1253321

File: 1623447976405.jpeg (216.86 KB, 828x1105, 3E0AB2AE-16D8-490F-9529-968649…)

Wat is going on in this pic omg

No. 1253358

Omg the wall is warping into the shape she makes herself the fuck

No. 1253360

Her thigh is literally bigger than her waist in this photo is she having us on???

No. 1253390

i'm so interested in the ashy ass contour she's smeared on her cheek lmao

No. 1253489

File: 1623461140797.jpg (302.44 KB, 1080x2087, PSX_20210611_211526.jpg)

She is completely disconnected from the real world. Only living in cyberspace

No. 1253529

wtf i actually used to hangout of "dariaxbank"

she was underage and was dating a dude in his 40's who had a murder charge.(no1curr)

No. 1253531

used to hang out with**

No. 1253605

Trying to looks professional. Wearing a fur jacket during summer …..

No. 1254053

And a dress made out of old horror movie t shirts and patches cringe

No. 1257387

It’s beyond hilarious to me how she’s now whining for sympathy cause everyone is so mean to her when she publicly attacks and maligns any woman that actually works hard and is successful like BigKlit or Billy. She ridicules and rants and bullies anyone different from her who doesn’t sit around making naked videos while living off daddy’s money. When you spew pure hate towards others that’s what the universe gives you back. If you feel useless it’s because you literally do nothing useful. Welcome to reality girl!(lolcow.farm/info)

No. 1257497

File: 1623777794635.jpeg (33 KB, 431x569, 047ACFDD-B5A9-4E52-9E7C-AFC247…)

No. 1257498

File: 1623777829550.jpeg (34.08 KB, 409x560, F7FA861C-A63E-4BFF-B911-3A68CA…)

No. 1257500

File: 1623777863024.jpeg (Spoiler Image,88.1 KB, 828x397, F4C1C1B4-8BD8-48F7-8EE1-DEEF05…)

No. 1257573

What am I looking at? Who is that in the back?

No. 1257740

it’s screencaps from her onlyfans live show. she tagged the other girl as eyeana(?) on OF but other than that im not sure who she is

No. 1257896

oh… oh my goodness. that's jarring

No. 1257963

Clare buley looking out here like a wetherspoons coke head. She looks rough af.

No. 1257964

Why does she always feel the need to give the nip slip. Clare no one is wanking over a 11 year old chubby boys chest.

No. 1258069

Never seen a woman that looks this much like a tranny, lay off the smack Clare

No. 1258207

Nobody gives a fuck or even knows who that is bro

No. 1262089

File: 1624378020954.jpeg (150.18 KB, 750x750, 5A7594C2-2A8D-49FB-937E-4A9F6A…)

(namefag, newfag)

No. 1262843

File: 1624481385986.png (523.16 KB, 620x787, 34564565656.png)

kek here we go again

No. 1263049

File: 1624501807803.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1284x1741, F899789F-29C1-4A98-82F1-0B204C…)

‘Pepl onlnne b actly suss stalkering me n my lifeand write shit abt me online to ruin mi lyff #GUTSFUCKKKK”

That pic is badly shopped

No. 1263050

Is that boy george?

No. 1263750

if this is real, which i refuse to believe it is but if it is, you’re a terrible mom posting on lolcow.farm defending your daughters terrible decisions and addiction instead of going out and disciplining her. do you see the shit she does?? these past like six threads??
i dont think thats actually her mom but its sad there are moms out there like this

No. 1263800


It's not her mother - Cheryl doesn't go by Buley any more. She's Cheryl Avioli - and even when she was Buley it was Ritchko-Buley. Dumb trolls need to try harder.

No. 1264739

File: 1624717014104.jpg (153.83 KB, 720x910, 20210626_111621.jpg)

Really? Didn't she post a rant of stories saying this girl music wasn't even real music and that she was trash bc she made a video with tha loko bf of hers? Wtf lilith, im intrigued.

No. 1265181


I would totally believe this was her mom. Boomer internet logic, need to use the "family name" to ID herself correctly

No. 1265855

File: 1624837493346.jpg (354.91 KB, 1080x2153, PSX_20210627_194327.jpg)

Uh oh. It's Clare's kryptonite; Pop music and people enjoying themselves

No. 1265862

Lol clares always been one of my fav cows. Just thinking though does anyone know what happened to her cat damien?

No. 1265935

Omg i live and work in downtown salem i would hate being her bartender

No. 1266058

they were probably judging her because she looks like a crackhead that doesn't tip. Salem already has a problem with these dumbass goths role-playing around town and making a fool of themselves.

No. 1266707

iirc hes been living with her relatives for a few years now. her mom i think??

No. 1267893

File: 1625025267307.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1284x1723, 21637D36-B129-4738-9E3F-3AEF0B…)

This bitch wants to sell clothes but has a bad history and bad rating on depop lmao fuck off clare you fail so much. She can’ even type properly to run a business.

No. 1270245

File: 1625263671846.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1284x2277, 98C96B22-E30D-4AD7-ABDE-F3D3EE…)

This cunt thinks hes Quorthon and sites his musical influence on him too kek what an idiot

No. 1271641

i think it's funny how she acts like people should respect her being suicidal and take her feelings into consideration and tries to gain sympathy after praising a fucking terrorist attack where children died on her ig story because she doesn't like a music genre omg this bitch is pathetic

No. 1271754

Mhmmm. You know what for a bit I was thinking to myself aye shes gonna get better (wtf am i even saying gosh) but then she posted that disgusting post about the Ariana Grande concert and that was when I lost all fuckin respect for her. Clare thinks she can channel the same energy too over the kardashians/jenners wearing the slayer t shirt.

No. 1271755

Wtf is that?? Looks like a sweating shemale in a brothel

No. 1271756

Makes me laugh that she has the most karen name ever “Clare” and she hides all her basic white girl shit in the most goth/metal/satanist appearance. Apparently she doesn’t actually know these bands Kek

No. 1271762

>everyone with blue hair
says the most edgelord trustfund baby you ever did see
>judgemental cop rule type person
"sunday is the day of rest" because apparently clare is a good, authoritarian-inclined christian girl
>blasting taylor swift to arianda grande
while unironically listening to marilyn manson

you fucking dumpster gremlin, never change.

No. 1271763


No. 1272062

Got no fucking chin line/chin and got no gum line the fuck is up with his face

No. 1272899

Clare is faking another suicide again

No. 1272900

File: 1625653253576.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1284x2037, E659F98B-3D5B-45FF-92FB-302F41…)

No. 1272901

File: 1625653753773.png (2.62 MB, 750x1334, 9AEDE345-B974-40F9-8201-7E2CEF…)

She’s live right now and clearly high as shit since she keeps nodding out every once in a while. Keeps going off on random tangents about her drug binges with Blade.

No. 1272907

Now how is it that this spoiled druggie bitch has the two brain cells to photoshop and face tune herself into a different person but can't type for shit? Oh.. maybe she fakes it.

No. 1272912

File: 1625655896712.png (2.73 MB, 828x1792, 021532ED-67EB-46D5-8A9B-3A31CA…)

She was snorting stuff earlier and now these nod outs

No. 1272914

So far she's talked about how Loko cheated on her because she "was ugly" and she kept repeating how she won't have a wedding now bc he dumped her. He apparently said she's a junkie who just uses her dad's money. Later she talked about how she was just having a bpd episode that made her write a suicide note and suicide bait but now that she's live she's fine. She keeps begging the people not to leave her live too. All of this while nodding out and forgetting what she was saying constantly.

No. 1272915

No. 1272929

Did anyone hear the part where she said she can’t kill herself because then she “couldn’t inherit over a million dollars” or something like that? (it was hard to understand, she sounds like Joe Pesci on novocaine when she speaks)

No. 1272940

She said she was making 100k a month bc of her followers on only fans and loko didn’t like that and was jealous. She said nowadays she doesn’t make nearly that much because she only has 400 followers on there since she had to start over?

No. 1273004

Every time her thread gets bumped I click on it hoping she’s dead. I don’t hate Lillith but her life is so pathetic and sad, I hate watching a woman live her life this way. She’s never gonna get help, hopefully she’ll just die soon

No. 1273029

File: 1625677919259.png (4.87 MB, 828x1792, D6DC14E8-F6C7-41A8-8565-19FA58…)

Filter kept glitching whenever she would nod off

No. 1273057

File: 1625681557829.png (819.94 KB, 617x1120, 34565436345645.png)

No. 1273115

Ive seen some states of some faces but this one id most fucking tragic n disgusting

No. 1273158

File: 1625693711560.jpeg (412.71 KB, 828x1261, A455879B-F559-43F5-997E-DAD8E7…)

More suicide threats, now she’s blaming whoever this is.

No. 1273176

File: 1625695805848.jpeg (1.46 MB, 1284x2090, 5F00B831-4426-4159-91BB-1327BA…)

This girl is mentally retarded. She had an outcry to do herself in then goes on a rant about her shitty junkie life, rips into loko and now apologises. This bitch ain't coherent.

No. 1273179

File: 1625695941407.png (10.88 MB, 1284x2778, 19CF1B84-D6CC-4A84-B426-180870…)

Imagine killing yourself over a guy and over drug life. I mean i know its hard i do it is hard but what is stopping this retard from getting herself off the internet and focusing on herself?

No. 1273185

File: 1625696402565.jpeg (709.19 KB, 1284x1928, CDCEAE7F-5A17-4D50-96E5-6F7E0B…)

So everythings okay now after all that bs killing herself talk, whatever the fuck was the shit show even for???

No. 1273189


No. 1273203

kek holy hell

No. 1273252

>and obviously with my borderline mix with a low IQ

did he make her write this kek

No. 1273269

no reason to a-log, anon. washed-up junkie rich kids are a dime a dozen.

No. 1273279

how was that a logging. dumb bitch

No. 1273292

posting about how you hope someone dies is a-logging retard

No. 1273307

kys lilith stan(lolcow.farm/rules)

No. 1273392

Hate to say this but Loko is right, her 'fanbase' are 16 year old enablers who cheer for everything she does bc it's ~edgy~ and her followers never calling her out and instead sucking up to her and praise everything she does contributes to her downfall so much

No. 1273430


I’m confused is he trying to say her followers should encourage her to go to NA meetings? Does she live with him in Salem? Or roommates? For the amount of time they been dating it’s nuts if they don’t even live together but it’s also impossible for her to get clean when she is dating some dude who regularly flashes drugs in his music videos for clout.

I like that Lilith is thinking of the amount of money she is going to inherit from her boomer dad 20-25+ years from now, when she is in her 40s, as her sole incentive to live. She is really morphing into Luna slater ASAP

No. 1273445

File: 1625746837353.jpeg (111.04 KB, 1242x266, FB3DBCFC-8FF2-4FA5-A5DB-30C21A…)

Y do ppl want to be involved in my relationship, I only post about it nonstop to thousands of people. Stupid bitch.

No. 1273446

Why do ppl wanna be involved in our relationship BECAUSE YOU CLARE BROADCAST YOUR LOVE LIFE AND SHITTY JUNKIE LIFE ONLINE TO ALL OF THIS AUDIENCE. This bitch is dumb af put her back in retarded school bc shes clearly 10 years behind on her actual age.

No. 1273453

After he openly cheats on her lmao

No. 1273740

File: 1625788609356.jpeg (296.33 KB, 828x1434, C897CC07-146D-4169-8AAD-0E1D13…)

she really lets him control her life. She lives in Salem now I think so he isn’t even living with her

No. 1273757

I mean she is but ironic from a dude who absolutely lives + leeches off of a family member. He doesn’t have a job or real music career so idk who he thinks he’s fooling. It shows how much she hates herself, letting a loser like him insult her like that

No. 1273766

Clares always been like this tho shes always been manic and edgy n glorifying drug use

No. 1273811

File: 1625796768427.png (615.68 KB, 720x1042, Screenshot_20210708-191040.png)

more suicide bait. if this is a break up I hope it's for real cos I'm tired of seeing man's shitty face tattoo and overbite everywhere

No. 1273824

don’t know if she’s using in any way now, if she’s not she’s still newly sober and this guy did her a favor by making an ass out of himself and getting out of her life. i agree and i don’t have any opinion about her, there’s a lot of women posted here who self sabotage and even worse dudes try to use them. i hope she learns to accept that she can have value if she decides to open her eyes and give it to herself first, alone. i doubt she had anyone in her life demonstrate it and some people never learn to. i hope she at least monetizes her bullshit and keeps it independent from men, it would be cool to see her be more vulnerable about her struggling with identity, drug use, and social media.

No. 1273846

lmfao how many times is she going to say "this is really my last post guys" it's so pathetic

No. 1274017

I think it's funny how these two idiots try to look super-hardcore-edgy-metalheads and all they know is Mayhem, Burzum and Bathory, which are bands that only became famous for murder and suicide cases and aren't even the most extreme in Black Metal.

No. 1274263

Clare basically just faked a suicidal build up to get fans on only fans wtf

No. 1274266

Says shes mentally ill but uses mental illness for her personal gain, anyone remember the gofundme pages she set up for her cat and to rescue a koala bear well she basically just did the same damn thing but using her do called “bpd episode” as an advantage. Fucking dumb bitch.

No. 1274313

File: 1625881451436.jpg (100.36 KB, 1029x654, 20210709_194251.jpg)

She is so fucking pathetic like how sad you gotta be to crawl back to the dude who constantly embarrasses you? And he doesnt even follow her back

No. 1274381

File: 1625889512274.png (34.1 KB, 589x280, 3452345345.png)

more ramblings

No. 1274513

File: 1625921541988.png (3.82 MB, 828x1792, 8EA1E8B2-2E77-4D9E-9FD0-2BDF38…)

Just looked up her residence that’s a damn nice building she got herself living in

No. 1274593

And this is why I don’t feel bad for her. She has more resources than the average person, but squanders away every good opportunity that’s come along. Children of wealthy people are some of the most retarded/cringe fuckers on the planet.

No. 1274598

This is literally getting older and not being a teenager who has no concept of time/death/danger you stupid bimbo. After a couple ODs and friends dying you're rightfully a bit more subconsciously cautious; you're just a dumb cunt.

No. 1274625

I love that her name is Clare. It’s the whitest, WASPiest, good but boring girl name. She has to hate it so much.

No. 1274635

Right? She tries soo hard. Her typing style is ridiculous.

No. 1274666

Claire is pathetic on so many levels but she could at least quit the Loko drama. fuck she could even go search for another drug loser for all i care but this is honestly both sad and irritating. like how much self disrespect can you have. doesn't she have other people in her life to cling into? even dumbest thot girlfriends would tell her to respect herself a little and quit that guy

No. 1274690

That makeup is ridiculous. I cant believe she thinks she can make people feel low about themselves when her eyebrows are literally a frown line drawn on her face and lip makeup is just some patchy stains on her mouth.

No. 1274692

her instagram presence literally only comes alive on an instagram filter and you only have to look at this picture to realise what she really looks like. That asian fishing makeup is hilarious shes actually doin that asain fishing false eyelash look where you glue it on a slant wtf.

No. 1274783

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I stopped following her back in the day and can’t find her new account- why tf is she living in Salem MA? None of her relatives live there as far as I remember, she has no friends there (was that the point?) outside of some cheesy seasonal witch themed tourist shit it’s about as boring of WASP bro town as you can find, please don’t tell me this bitch choose where she wanted to live based on some Salem witch trial memes. I get her parents put their foot down on letting her live in nyc or LA because you are not supposed to go live in the same places you used when you are in recovery, but like wtf. There are places like Austin or Portland or Toronto or even fucking Sedona where the culture is way more alt and in line with her retarded interests then Salem

No. 1274808

honestly it seems like a decent compromise. clare gets her edge points but stays in a relatively quieter place where hopefully (from parents' pov) she can better herself. i cannot believe she's stupid enough to get the whole name of the building in behind her. like what was the point of doxxing herself?
so sick of her "not like other rich girls i hate society" shit though, she has no idea how lucky she is to have a prominent wealthy family who pays for her shit well into her 20s and presumably onward despite her insistence on pathetically larping heroin junkie blood gang homelessness. this is a luxury fucking apartment building. common people by pulp comes to mind.

No. 1274847

i think loko is there too or from there just not talking to her. he said the drug dealer that came over in the live was someone who “he knew in real life. you know that shit that happens outside of your phone”

No. 1274867

how is liking horror stuff a 'retarded interest' tho lol

No. 1274913

Bc the majority of people into horror stuff are fucking cringe attention seeking edgelords who think they are super cool for being into horror?

TLDR; you know why…

No. 1274935

That's not really true outside of Instagram lmfao

No. 1275277

that's the dumbest shit i've ever read

No. 1275394

You must be a teenager to generalize ppl like that. Lol

No. 1275888

File: 1626169810220.png (2.75 MB, 828x1792, E6EAC446-E864-4128-826D-8D4BAF…)

she’s gonna break her fucking back

No. 1276493

Ouch, this look painful, pushing the thong like that

No. 1277051


I don’t see how her being isolated in a white wonder bread area like that will contribute to her long term recovery, if she can’t make friends or meet people through alt culture/art/music/whatever she will just spend more and more on her phone becoming a NEET shut in with no life skills , relying more and more on the internet for basic human connection like Luna slater or Felice fawn.

I really can’t see her making friends with normies since she pushed away retarded but functional people like toopoor and internetgirl to hang out with either absolutely dregs of society like holli and manson or people straight out of the ghetto like blade and loko

No. 1277380

File: 1626381483587.png (649.96 KB, 813x595, 34564536456.png)

a rare moment of self awareness

No. 1277804

hold on blade was from the ghetto ? i thought she was another rich sheltered girl like all of them

No. 1278776

Lmao anon she was a meth addict, grifter and prostitute who was in and out of jail, her father was in jail, right before she died she was arrested with her pimp in a sting operation, and when she died her family was forced to ask around online for pictures of her that were “decent” to show at the funeral. It’s funny cause everything Clare tries to posturing, blade actually did. I think she had a legit fucked up early life, it wasn’t all her fault for ending up the way she did, but the fact that Clare gravitates exclusively to people like her, holli, loko, that washed up alcoholic rapist ect when she herself is a rich girl with no problems and had so many opportunities thrown at her in nyc to be a part of the fashion/art scenes with normal, interesting people that she burned is telling of her personality. She’s literally a cringey poverty tourist Lisa rowe larper, populating the background of her Harley Quinn fanfic with npc junkies and hood girls.

No. 1278953

Clare/Lilith claims she has BPD which fits exactly with what you are describing.

No. 1280438

No. She wasn’t a sheltered rich girl at alll

No. 1280583

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No. 1280610

who is this 5'2 short malnourished sickly white girl 'assaulting' and 'battering' is what i wanna know

No. 1280611

like fr gollum was a bigger physical threat than this bitch

No. 1281465

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No. 1281499

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No. 1281607

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Why does she keep saying the same shit over and over and over again?

No. 1281617


Rehab #4-5, she must be pissing away all her fathers 20+ years of Trump earnings and probably whatever could have been Rachel’s inheritance. I feel so bad for her

No. 1281662

File: 1626891589989.png (622.52 KB, 496x888, 564565465346.png)

sure, jan.

No. 1282939

You have to be a month sober to get that shot , nice try lol

No. 1284847

File: 1627328757019.png (3.65 MB, 828x1792, CD750EB4-AB27-4954-8DE0-02D020…)

>goin way for idk how long
>3 days later

No. 1284886

She's taking this fromn inside the handicapped stall at Public bathrooms in a salem "mall" (shopping plaza with like 3 stores)her dealer probably wasnt answering and then he did

No. 1289660

Holy shit I knew this girl and her older sister in grade school

No. 1289969

No. 1299691

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No. 1303865

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No. 1303867

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No. 1303873

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No. 1303882

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No. 1303921

Why hasnt this bitch killed herself yet

No. 1304053

The Wellbutrin hashtag hahahahahaha

No. 1304928

Someone please make a video with a farting sound effect on her stupid ass smelling videos(genuine autism)

No. 1306046

so she's still pining for Loko guy? and claims to be sober? it's rather hard to believe

No. 1309046

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No. 1309049

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No. 1309062

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No. 1309063

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No. 1309065

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No. 1309069

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No. 1309418

Not wk, but here she does have a point here.
Out of all the cows, I am rooting for her to get sober and sane.

No. 1311974

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No. 1314494

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No. 1315014

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No. 1315036

I love all dogs very much but wtf is this shit, this dog looks completely deformed, super ugly and like its struggling

No. 1315073

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No. 1315077

dare we say it, personal growth?

No. 1315198

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No. 1315199

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No. 1315232

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No. 1315246

she's just flexing lily rose depp interacting with her comment kek

No. 1315600

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No. 1315712

Would she just die already shes a cringey skinwalking fucking bitch(a-logging)

No. 1315716

> If I follow through with the recovery that daddy paid for, daddy will give me a puppy that I can later use as fundraiser/sympathy bait for when I do problematic bpd stuff for validation

No. 1315861

File: 1630793302781.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1284x2336, 6F7B95BF-91E3-4D11-8A9C-261F9E…)

“55DAYSSOBER” apparently. A puppy which mr buley is probably going to pay for to keep his precious daughter “stable”, followed with a 20lbs weight gain to add to that. Oh Clare give over. You haven’t changed and you’re still typing out your fake immajunkie typo. You know if this bitch gave up her junkie lifestyle she would be giving up this stupid lilith levisis persona that makes her do drugs and started using her real name. Most cringey bitch ever.

No. 1315933

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No. 1315934

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No. 1315935

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No. 1315961

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No. 1315967

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No. 1315968

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No. 1315989

Wonder if she's shooting it. That would explain a lot

No. 1316031

you can't shoot wellbutrin wtf lol

No. 1316043

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No. 1316049

You can though. It gives a rush similar to shooting coke. It's a dirty high, and definitely horrible for your body. Lots of desperate addicts in "recovery" sniff it, shooting is just much less common. I wouldn't put it past Clare to be abusing anything she can get her hands on.

No. 1316059

Going from “fuck pigs” to this?? Oh no ma’am

No. 1316064

Her views are clearly very shallow and easily shift depending on the people she is currently around. She has no real personality, just whatever she thinks will get her the most attention/asspats.

No. 1316309

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No. 1316310

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No. 1316351

sorry no screenshot, but she was going on her puppy sperg a few days ago and she said she was going to name her dog "varg." knowing that Clare is into mayhem, but I thought she was against nazis? lmfao

No. 1316393

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No. 1316394

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No. 1316438


I have a flat faced pet and they require DAILY grooming care. Claire can’t even take care of her own basic needs and she needs that very specific, Pedigree show quality dog with specific needs lol? She can’t just get a pitbull or Rottweiler like every other trashy chick?

No. 1316452

Agreed it’s sad she just looks at these dogs as accessories and gives the lame excuse that they have an illness like her addiction and are already born so she should buy them and of course she just calls everybody a hater who calls her out for participating in this immoral and unnatural breeding cycle just cuz people said to adopt not shop.

No. 1316557

File: 1630873298449.jpeg (483.35 KB, 828x1616, 10010521-51F4-4D1B-9D0C-8788A6…)

wanting a dog that can breathe and walk without pain means you have sheep morals

No. 1316560

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No. 1316570

She looks disgusting

No. 1316588

why do all the fucking addicts in these boards make this same gross face? Her and TND could be twins rn with the looking disgusting while "sober" and trying so hard to convince people they look better and are doing better despite acting and looking messier than ever. Don't get me wrong I greatly enjoy the milk

No. 1316597

all the things you could do with the money background she has. Damn, I wish I could swap places with her, she could be a poor addict and I could have money to change stuff and maybe help people.
And that dog is a poor little creature that shouldn't be bred anymore and buying it is just as cruel. As if she would go with that dog for a walk or to a vet or even care for it that it won't have to suffer.

No. 1316790

That whole post is made for me she doesn’t even have the balls to @ me I called her out so many times in the last post idc this isn’t hate she’s so stubborn and ignorant poor dogs not going to last with her she hates being called out on her wrongdoings she really is a child. But I really understand there’s people that are dying and she’s more worried about her rehab and stupid mails and a dog should be the least of her worries. She’s just a selfish junkie I really hope her parents cut her off for once this is just embarrassing(don't touch the poop)

No. 1316887

>I wish I could swap places with her, I could have money to change stuff and maybe help people.
cringe, here's your medal anon

No. 1316917

It doesn’t matter because she will never get that dog anyway, I think. The people who do show/pedigree breeding are the most ocd normies you can meet, it’s a hobby based around “excellence” and eliminated “defects” , at least that was my experience adopting my cat who is purebred- maybe dog people are less stringent. Most breeders require a home visit to determine the eligibility of the buyer or at least a phone conversation, some even require proof of employment to make sure the person can actually take care of the dog. I honestly don’t even think she could pass a phone interview, since her very manner of speaking has been warped at this point by the kind of people she has been around, she expresses herself like a sketchy junkie and you know the very first thing she will launch into is a long diatribe about how she needs this dog for her sober recovery from being a dope junkie. Also I wonder if they will google her and this thread will come up, kek.

Also OT but All brachycephalic dog breeds have some expectation of health problems, but this type of dog isn’t actually that bad as far as lI can tell- those French bulldogs instagram hoes get are worst off. But it will def have some kind of issue that will cost money before it dies. It’s just a pointless designer dog that she can’t afford, the last thing she should care about rn, that shows how out of touch with reality she is.

No. 1316947

There’s no milk here honestly. She’s trying to recover and anything she can grasp onto is gonna give her hope. And we’re just sitting here making fun of that? Also yeah she has money so let her use it. Wouldn’t you if you could?
And you can’t say lemme have that money and you would use it better because you weren’t raised in her situation.
Are any of you understanding that?
I’ve been a long time contributor to the milk when it’s called for but now is honestly not the time.
Even I can understand that.
And don’t ducking flag me you dumb cowards. Admit you need to step back and let this girl sober up without having to worry about this shit thread that’s pulling at threads for milk.
Give up.(sage your shit)

No. 1317031

Nonnie, I agree, I don’t think it’s very milky at all to break down pedigrees over a dog she might adopt.

No. 1317057

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No. 1317443

You seem so hurt about this. How bout you Stfu.

No. 1320751

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No. 1325721

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No. 1325815

it’s like she’s trying to get thrown out of the program

No. 1327710

Clare lying about being Norwegian just to shoe how relevant she is to black metal and still lie about it is the most funniest lie I have ever caught her out on ever. Bitch I went to elementary school with you… you was born and raised in New York born to a fool of a father in government law and a mother who jumped off papa buleys dick to be with some Arizonan cunt. It always makes me laugh catching clare out on so many lies.

No. 1330054

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No. 1330276

What the FUCK

No. 1330329

no opinions clear bullion Doesn’t Like in narcotics anonymous allowed. it’s ironic she hates cops but took a photo of this man without his consent for saying something Bad and putting it online to likely misrepresent what he said when he’s in a drug group just trying to get his life together safely and privately. i’m surprised someone didn’t see this and smash her shit.

No. 1330707

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No. 1330774

is this the stupidest thing she has written because i think it is, i really do

No. 1330840

Clare must spend a lot of time in CVS.

No. 1332436


When did she stop being a SoundClout ho and become a dated early 00s “rock girl”?

No. 1332725

This is the dumbest poser shit I've ever read ever in my life. She has clearly never even listened to slipknot and only listens to metal for clout and to gatekeep a genre she doesnt even understand

No. 1332727

she likes burzum anon its her only pandora station tho dont call her a pozer

No. 1333821

>>1332436. Trends change. The SoundCloud scene is dead. Anybody still on that shit is cringe af

No. 1334248

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No. 1334251

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No. 1334252

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No. 1334253

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No. 1334254

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No. 1334358

she says this, white as a new browser window, while only being known for arching her back into a 90 degree angle and editing herself into strange proportions, doing chola rip off makeup, dating a token black man, very poorly trying to talk about his gang and how that somehow is also a part of her life, and now talking as if this is her culture or she understands the nuance of what’s being discussed. why does she constantly bitch about other women and what they should and should not be doing, always ending it with how she does it better but fails to dunk on anyone? shut up and drink your pumpkin spice latte and turn up your hidden away dave matthews cd, let the buley out…

No. 1334609

can someone for the love of god tell me what the fuck “asl” means im tired of seeing it

No. 1334653

Short hand for “as hell” boomerchan

No. 1334874

yes im a boomer for not talking to junkies that need to abbreviate two syllables.

No. 1335007

Major kek And you are right

No. 1335491

this is the dumbest thing i've ever seen

No. 1335555

Is it bad that I cringe at everything clare says, talks about, writes about and types out? Idk she is the most cringiest person ever and I just don’t believe anything she talks about no more she is a pathological liar.

No. 1335617

No one cares retard

No. 1336225

anon what the FUCK do you mean by 'token black man'

No. 1337339

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No. 1337340

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No. 1337342

she's posting herself at this point

No. 1337582

it means asshole. she’s saying kylie jenner is a sad asshole.

No. 1337583

token as in she’s dating him for an image because every single thing she does in her life is for an image. it doesn’t seem very respectful or that she knows or cares about him as an individual. idk how else to explain that.

No. 1337587

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No. 1337823

is that period blood

No. 1337861

NTA but you're not wrong

No. 1338108

could you imagine being proud of having Richard Ramirez on your tshirt and going out like that, the absolute shame of it

No. 1338109

File: 1633007591809.jpeg (1.38 MB, 1284x2238, E31DBA25-7EBB-4AD2-84EF-9CD100…)

What the fuck

No. 1338252

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No. 1338300

File: 1633026285309.jpeg (1.53 MB, 1284x2220, 56FB04ED-0771-47E7-9EB8-C62660…)

Clare shut the fuck up you basic new yorker white bitch. I swear. This bitch has no fucking clue what she is talking on about.

No. 1338301

Mind you she cant even spell the characters names right.

Do not believe anything Clare says lmfao.

No. 1338310

the same gutter scamanda has been sperging about lately. weird.

No. 1338367

is this interesting? lol who cares. i wish she would talk about christianity that sounds like a great idea

No. 1338452

And in the contrary it would not be a good idea for clare to talk about christianity at all… at least not in clare’s junky terms and made up beliefs either. that bitch is way too incoherent and tapped to start getting into that shit she already got too many facts incorrect.

No. 1338510

Are you sure? I got the distinct impression Claire was impressively well informed and articulate about every subject she has approached both online and in person. This entire thread avidly documents her unparalleled insight. This may not be the place for you if you are simply incapable of recognizing the genius of her fertile mind, and erroneously discourage her from contributing to religious discussion.

No. 1338526

Why do cows think they can get away with writing about themselves because they are anonymous? kek. Clare no really stfu nobody cares about your musty ass photos or your stupid beliefs you are incoherent as fuck who failed to do masters in art at college and that saying a lot already.(hi cow )

No. 1338533

You seriously thinking Clare is capable of writing like that? kek good one

No. 1338540

The fact that you was all for clare’s intelligence (the bitch has none) praised her not just as an online personality but as a person and there you go back on your words by saying she is not coherent enough to form a sentence (what i was saying in the first place) just because i suspect you was clare. What a joke. You’re driving yourself around the twist here.

No. 1338543

You said she was articulate and impressively informed. Now you’re saying she is incapable of those things. That is commonly the signs a cow is called out and caught for self posting.

No. 1338590

That anon didn’t write that message, I did. It’s obviously fucking sarcasm you mother fucking idiots.

No. 1338593

yeah holy fuck how can you not tell that's sarcasm lmao. pretty sure clare doesn't even know some of those words.

No. 1338596

File: 1633051799665.jpeg (144.93 KB, 828x813, A1C7AA38-E3E2-48D5-8ACC-700B9E…)

“i dont listen to them at all nor ever will”

No. 1338609

KEK i can't believe you can't tell that was sarcasm? It wasn't me writing that message. All i implied was that this was obviously some farmer shitposting and it's hilarious you couldn't see the sarcasm lol

No. 1338631

Clare is posting a ton of throwbacks on her insta stories now with her era of harley quinn hair and when she was living with bianca. More or less when she was bad with her heroin addiction. She recently dyed her hair similar to her old harley quinn hair. Why does it not surprise me what Clare is up to? This grown ass woman is 24 years old and she can’t even recover or develop a way of sobriety without having to bring back a “look” when she was the most bad with her addiction otherwise she is letting herself go and getting clean is toning her down lmao. Shes so inclined to bring back the way she used to be.

No. 1338713

she’s almost 30 not 24, unless she is? confused she looks wayyyy older

No. 1338831

That one time when she was on Live with Loko and he said that she's 27 and Lilith had to correct him that she's 22 lel i feel like he forgot for a moment that he's supposed to lie

No. 1338848

lol 22… her newer zoomer followers are 22. Clare is one of those faded soundclout/insta girls who peaked in 2015-2017 at most and now struggle to accept their moment passed as plenty of similar style egirls but younger surfaced. i'm not saying they're old now or something, they're just all past 25 now at the very least. Internetgirl was 26 last year i think, so 27 for Clare sounds probable.

No. 1338888

Same anon you’re replying to here. Me and clare are the same age but she is older than me by 3 months. I used to be online friends with her and met her then she did a 360 on me and fucked me off.

No. 1340412

File: 1633276970104.jpg (523.21 KB, 828x1466, IMG_5619.jpg)

wow. honestly, i've been following all the clare antics for a while and i'm surprised/genuinely glad that she's been actually sober. like 95% of the milk here was due to her being drugged up and crazy. it's nice to see her being boring if that makes sense? i used to think she would never have a decent run at sobriety but it looks like her family stepped in and she got more mature. i actually believe she's sober bc of how inactive she's been. good for her.

No. 1340726

Pffft no the bitch is still manic.

No. 1344228

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No. 1344229

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No. 1344266

yo does anyone remember melanie/bladee's old tumblr url? some girl on insta has been posting a bunch of her old tumblr posts , not sure how cause i thought it got deleted? i miss her and kinda related to her and i don't get how this insta girl still has been looking at them? would it be archived somehow? sage cause irrelevant but i really would love to look thru her tumblr again :/

No. 1344305

>sweating and in tears

No. 1344308

It's not just people who aren't addicts who think weed is a drug is she actually this dumb? Smoke up and leave that door ajar watch how quick you relapse. Although is it a relapse if you're never actually sober?

No. 1344356

i mean i agree weed is a drug but come on - lighting a joint or whatever isn’t making people immediately go running back to the needle kek. heck even saying that an addict can’t drink a beer without running to the needle is pretty darn dramatic.

but anyway if your doc is heroin but you like to smoke weed once in awhile, you can def still consider yourself sober. have to agree with claire here. let the girl smoke her weed and call herself sober. (is she is indeed sober at all which we can’t know)

No. 1344359

the whole reason this is a concept is because it doesnt work. its never worked for her in the past and something she should have learned in treatment is to try something new. every time she smokes weed she ends up on dope again within a few months. so shes obviously not the exception like u anon kek

No. 1344454

Nahhhh sorry but a drug is a drug therefore she ain't sober! It's really common for recovering addicts to smoke weed when coming off something harder, it's an excuse to keep using something. Discrediting the whole fact weed itself & habits that come with it are addictive. Not downsizing one addiction for another, if you want to call yourself sober you have to actually be sober kek

No. 1344456

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No. 1344470

what the fuck?!?! I'm always baffled by the shit she's so certain of. Like we get it you're a "cool" millennial because you don't use tiktok woah! sO uNiQe! I bet she watches insta reels though lol. The utter hypocrisy of how desperate she was/is to get/maintain insta fame. Back then being an edgelord bathing in "blood" and generally being too strung out to know what you were doing was still fairly novel. Now that's pretty much everyone and she's pissy because she doesn't stand out anymore.

About the weed debate, it def can be a major problem/addiction for some (Shayna clearly is addicted and can't function without). I do have to agree anon that it's never worked for Lilith and like 2 rehab trips ago when she first admitted to the xans she admitted that it started with allowing herself booze and she just kept allowing herself more. For her it always leads back to heroin, it's just a matter of time. I can't knock harm reduction though, if that's what it takes for her to even consider working on her sobriety then I can't say it's a bad thing so long as she actively works toward changing her life and eliminates it if it becomes an issue, but it's obviously a very slippery slope.

No. 1344496

You clearly know nothing about addiction. Weed is the most effective treatment for an opiate addiction, there is no reason to demonize her weed use if it keeps her off the needles.

No. 1344548

Recovering addict here working at a recovery centre so shush. Weed has never kept Lilith off drugs

No. 1344553

What works for some doesn't work for her that's the point everyone's making

No. 1344554

a bunch of junkies arguing with eachother. you’re all crackheads embrace it

No. 1344696

lmao remember when she was actually an interesting creative person who could back up her claims of being 'unique' and imaginative and who didn't go off on rants about pop music and social media tHEse DaYS like a wrung-out 50 year old male metalcuck ? it's like she's a parody of herself atp i feel like she's one anti-tiktok rant away from saying slurs lmfao

No. 1344711

File: 1633840450572.jpg (52.92 KB, 597x489, lilith.JPG)

No. 1345103

what kind of rant is that? "fent doesn't kill anyone only when". whiteknighting fent use cause "it only kills when you do too much or do laced drugs" wow thanks for your insight lilith. yes it doesn't kill everyone on the spot, the problem is it's way too easy to take even slightly more and overdose. as for the drugs mixed with fent, she sounds like she has ability to look at her drugs and sense just how much of fent is mixed and so she can "lovvv fet" and wisely avoid overdosing. lol try living up til 90 on fent then if it's so easy, good luck.
such experienced, sober queen spending time writing drug trivia/"positive" sides of fent online instead of focusing on staying sober.
>remember when she was actually an interesting creative person who could back up her claims of being 'unique' and imaginative
Nah. She used to look better or eyecatching if you like that kind of alt style instagrams, but she's never been interesting, creative nor unique. she's always been a poser.
she maybe was able to stand out at some point when instagram was only taking off, but there's been plently of identical girls like her on tumblr and there's absolutely millions of them on insta now. that alt rock/goth/numetal/y2k/pseudo-metal girl thing is now common among all insta/tiktokers, often people who don't even listen to rock. Clare isn't able now to stand out as easily as before.

No. 1345536

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No. 1345545

The comment is actual fucking cringe.

No. 1345933

well maybe not necessarily 'unique' but definitely pleasing to the eye as you said and much better execution of an aesthetic that i absolutely love when it's not being butchered by posers like clare does these days(learn2sage)

No. 1348177

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No. 1348199

Yuck she’s greasy! I’d bet she reeks of cat piss and stale fart

No. 1348206

Is that old photo? she should really stick up to minimalistic makeup like here and >>1344229 it makes her look more like her younger self. nothing's worse than that mane of greasy black hair and horrible brown Scar the lion makeup she sported for entire last year.

No. 1348251


I also would like to look at Blade/Melanie's tumblr if anyone knows. Noni, what is the insta account you're referring to? I thought I was following all the active Blade memorial accounts.(sage your nonmilk)

No. 1348324

No. 1350054

File: 1634529942421.png (1.08 MB, 750x1334, 8C5F1456-2E5F-408F-A5E2-66B0B8…)

Coming from a Richard Ramirez stan

No. 1350128

why is she on LSA kek

No. 1351674

coming from an underage Marilyn Manson groupie who actually defended him, what is this

No. 1351909

File: 1634732908927.jpeg (546.95 KB, 828x1358, 0FBA96DD-E10C-4DF3-8843-112ED7…)

is she really gonna act like those aren’t chicken bones

No. 1352027

Her nails make me want to throw up, lmao the chicken bones “human bones” get it girl

No. 1352424

File: 1634779541415.jpeg (274.93 KB, 821x664, 39BDBF1D-DB70-4123-AF9C-3FF295…)

Clare buley calling toopoor out for racism but here she is in the thick of it all applying false eyelashes on thr slant of her eyeliner to get the asianfishing look.

No. 1354459

I wonder who wore bones first… Lilith or Megsuperstarprincess

No. 1355046

You mean wearing bones on clothes/as jewellery? it's old as fuck, Vivienne Westwood applied chicken bones on t-shirts in 70's, not even mentioning the whole old bone jewellery thing since centuries lol. if you mean who first of the thots, then hard to say but i think we can safely assume neither Lilith nor another girl were the first on the internet with the idea as it's not anything original in general

No. 1355424

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No. 1355426

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No. 1355514

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No. 1355651

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No. 1359396

not whiteknighting but it ain't 'asianfishing' unless she's actively trying to look asian which i doubt she is. nobody gaf about tiktok activism

No. 1360473

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No. 1360762

>>1360473 learn to fucking sage this isn't milk

No. 1360840

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She has such an immature perspective on her situation. She doesn't understand that actions have consequences and you can't avoid them. Good behavior should be a standard you hold yourself to regardless of your situation, but she seems to think she deserves to have all her past bad decisions erased because she's been good at sober camp.

I wonder if she's looking at possible jail time. That's kind if what it sounds like. Ive known people who got arrested for drug related offenses who tried to avoid jail by going to a sober house but eventually most still has to serve time.

No. 1361275

File: 1635986930993.png (765.52 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20211103-174636.png)

>if you believe in some shit I applaud you because I also believe in some shit
thanks for the inspiration, retard. glad she's finally going through the misanthrope phase we all went through as teenagers

No. 1362260

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So far Claire has wanted to have her own movie production business, to be a special effects artist, clothing line, and now a medical marijuana business. That takes MILLIONS of dollars and probably a completely clean drug/crime history. Looks like Papa Buler will be funding her apartments and sitting around on Instagram time for years to come. In reality she’d be lucky and wise to try to get a McDonalds job.

No. 1362288

>rather exciting to have fucked up my life so bad i have complete freedom to start over now
because your daddy is rich, clare

No. 1362384

Yeah I wonder how her parents would feel reading that considering how their retirement plans are probably in the gutter bc of all the cash they waste on her luxe treatment centers. Wouldn’t be so exciting if she was homeless like non trust fundies would be with her decision making

No. 1362626

So… is she just sitting and whining about rebellion, hating trends, music, kardashians (put whatever else) these days? and planning some unlikely businesses?
what about her previous big business, aliexpress bunny thongs and hospital gowns? lol
idk if she still continues these courses but maybe she should stick to that special effects makeup and get a job at some movie set, why not. she doesn't seem able to deal with whatever shop businesses

No. 1362680

I have really been out here thinking the way she types was some intentional subculture late 2010s nihilistic shit like there’s no fucking way this is not on purpose or at least because of drug use, but there is not one iota of irony in these monologues. I don’t remember the last time I read the words “the masses”, and cancel culture or whatever she’s giving a microwaved take on is destructive to society therefore anti society so what the fuck.

No. 1362684

I mean tbh i would choose brain damage Claire in a perpetual mIsAnThRoPiC phase over a male reddit poster who is also saying this exact same thing in an even more insufferable way

No. 1362718

Speaking of her bRaIn dAmAgE way of writing, she could finally stop and at least type her incoherent shit normally. if she's so against "masses" and trends, then she wouldn't be there typing this way trying to pander to said masses.
and she wouldn't be breaking her back trying to photograph her boring ass, that's literally the most "masses" and trendy thing one can think of. just a suggestion for Lilith lol

No. 1370884

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No. 1372247

Loko might look like a clown, but I gotta give him credit for his on point depiction of Lilith.

No. 1373220

damn did both lilith and lokos accs get sniped again lol

No. 1377140

The fact that everyone on here has so much to say and is so condescending….but doing it with anonymity just speaks volumes on the amount of cowardice it takes to participate in this

No. 1377152

welcome to lolcow you must be new. sage your shit and don't be a whiteknight

No. 1377189

Don’t be a white knight when everyone is trying to play holier than thou then switching moral compasses to fit and validate every piece of shit typed by losers all the while their idiotic rhetoric just screams low salary,over opinionated and undereducated(sage your wk-ing)

No. 1384913

File: 1638643457973.jpeg (356.78 KB, 1284x2371, B5B3A895-E64A-4561-AFDE-60D79D…)

loko calling lilith ugly, that's like gollum throwing hands with dobby over who looks better kek

No. 1385088

kek I'd be so mad. his overbite is freakishly neanderthal

No. 1385224

Interesting how she types normal here

No. 1385428

Finally calling him her ex. Maybe she stands a chance of staying sober now.

No. 1386353

Not a chance. Lilith is talking to another opiate junkie down in Florida named Mikel, which is where she conjured up her new coral reef idea. She’ll be skin walking him soon enough

No. 1388825

she started following my ex and i know exactly which mikel (hes my exes ex roommate)why is this bitch following my ex bf? lmao i googled her name and this thread popped up(read the rules )

No. 1388935

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No. 1391904

i know you’re lurking this shit you photoshopped bitch but if i find you anywhere near my ex it’s game over us miami people don’t fuck around(navy seal copypasta- miami version)

No. 1391909

mikel is std ridden a drug addict lives with his dad in buttfuck nowhere is broke and has sex with minors lmfaoooo

No. 1391924

then why are you so mad? weird ass junkie bitch. read the rules or get the fuck out of here

No. 1391960

Clearly you do fuck around cause you're vaguely threatening a short white bitch on lolcow instead of to her face KEK. Miami's finest.

No. 1392089

okay lilith lurking your own thread(hi cow)

No. 1392665

Isnt the fucker ur ex? Leave it alone. You are obsessed and need therapy karen…

No. 1392931

fuck ur pathetic kek wanting to throw hands over some lowlife junkie male that's apparently ur ex. u addict skanks are all the same east coast or not

No. 1392941

i’m not an addict and the junkie isn’t my ex stupid you read wrong

this bitch is hanging out with lily rose depp lmao who allowed this stinky looking bitch around lily

No. 1393071

Whenever Lily Rose is in the US and not filming something, she's always hanging around the most gutterbutt crackheads she can find. Wonder if Tyler Grosso still has her number.

No. 1394025

LOL. Miami drama, love it. Sleeping with minors? Spill more, Mikel deserves his own thread

No. 1394053

he’s just a loser tbh he’s like 31 and broke he stole an entire truckload of merchandise from american apparel he’s a drug addict who would have sex with minors when i was around him and has a weird obsession with remaking his instagram accounts to seem relevant he’s a nobody tbh it’s just so random that lilith is followjng him but he’s known for trying to meet girls off of instagram (he has but nothing lasts for him cause he’s a broke drug addict and alcoholic also has the iq of a goldfish)

No. 1394059

also i know 22 is of legal age and youre old enough but you aren’t fully developed mentally until 25 and this mikel dude can only pull stupid girls who are on drugs like him and always younger bc they are naive 22 and 31 is a huge gap but anyway birds of a feather flock together

No. 1394060

ok one last thing her ex is hideous and it’s funny how she keeps boasting about blm and supporting black people not being racist etc and her ex is black and wearing black metal shirts… when the black metal community and metal in general is known for not liking blacks and highly racist kek such fools(unsaged samefagging)

No. 1397824

Black people can still like that type of music/style wtf are you on about. Take your autism somewhere else.

No. 1397844

yeah and the ones who make it hate blacks most are norwegian and believe in the all white race dumbo go look it up and they murder gays too

No. 1399155

you can still enjoy their music, really most metal subgenres have bad apples in them, doesn't mean you can't listen to them.

No. 1399326

you’re a poser lilith(hi cow)

No. 1401051

Learn to sage dumbass and why is are u assuming anon is Lilith because she said black people can listen to that type of music? What the fuck? We know they're racists in those kind of scenes but not all people who like punk/metal/etc are bonehead white people fucktard. That's like saying white people can't like rap because some black people don't like whites/think it's corny when white people are into hip-hop/rap

No. 1401055

Let's be real gays get murdered by eachother alot (closeted homos murking their openly gay lovers). Idk why u brought that up here that's an issue gay men need to work out amongst themselves

No. 1401288

mods on here are so fucking lame go get a job

No. 1401290

listen retards the original pioneers of metal do not give a fuck about gay people or stinky blacks nor do they give a fuck about fake bitches like lilith who photoshop the living shit out of their pics and have a social media addiction
and any white person listening to rap music is a faggot(Merry Christmas to you too)

No. 1401295

Can someone pls come put down this unsaged schizo lol

No. 1401315

File: 1640396992763.jpg (3.91 MB, 3150x2363, 906035035.jpg)

>original pioneers of metal

No. 1401549

you’re wrong sorry

No. 1401562

nta I actually like metal(and some rap music) but the whole "le black people invented rock and metal" is such a wierd cope, black muscians laid the ground work of what would be rock but it was mainly in northenrn Europe where hard rock and metal would be developed and 99% of black people don't even care about metal or rock music

No. 1401804

Am >>1401315. I didn't say they did, but consider the following: Black Sabbath is widely considered as metal. The previous few years of musical innovation leading up to metal included Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Uriah Heep, etc, and the previous years before it were pioneered by Blue Cheer, Vanilla Fudge, Cream, etc, and Jimi would be an important part of that same time (which as you likely know is the same time Steppenwolf coined the term "heavy metal"). Didn't say "le blacks invented metal". But every band I listed almost certainly enjoyed Hendrix. You can say they're all classic rock or not metal yet or whatever but Black Sabbath is as close in sound to these as they are to later artists like Metallica and Slayer who in turn are one further removed from northern European innovators later in the decade. Earliest examples of racist and homophobic attitudes prevalent and accepted in metal I'm aware of are from this scene and time. It's all a continuum and to claim all metal pioneers hated blacks and gays (>>1401290) is, well, fake and gay

No. 1402587

you’re wrong and jts not a recent thing i’m speaking on black metal from the 80s/90s they despise anyone who isn’t of the arian race and gays so that’s why i find it funny when i see lilith and her crusty ex boyfriend wearing shirts of bands they don’t even know they don’t know the meaning of what their trying to make look edgy because lilith is a poser

No. 1411802

File: 1641639670740.png (3.12 MB, 750x1334, 49955331-9FAA-4815-9FA3-CAB5A7…)

Just seen loco post this, what do you guys make of it? XD(absolute newfag)

No. 1411869

Hey, silly goose, not all black metal is scandi/Norwegian racists. There are all kinds of people playing black metal, some of the gnarliest and best from south america. Enter Hell of Colombia? Mother fucking Black Angel of Peru? Baltak hailing from Macedonia? There's racist ass music of all genres, even white supremacist rap I shit you not. But your statement that black metal as a whole genre is racist is patently false. There definitely were some bands with shitty sympathies but that doesn't represent the genre in entirety. That would be like saying all punk rock is racist because of screwdriver and all the Nazi skinhead oi bands.

No. 1411880


It's Skrewdriver, anon, do your research before you well ackshually on a music topic

No. 1411947

Ntayrt, but it was likely an auto correct or misspell, kek. The content of their of their post is 100% correct & maybe you should take your own advice and ~do some research~

No. 1411999

does anyone else think this bitch looks like sssniperwolf?

No. 1413055

Lol locoupdatesanon don't put anything down for your name ur just supposed to write sage where it says email

No. 1421935

File: 1642636408264.png (Spoiler Image,7.14 MB, 1125x2436, 630ECF84-3839-4E5A-8841-264F2C…)

Here it is giving some dude with a giant dinger a hand job.

No. 1421943

learn to spoiler you absolute fucking retard i dont want to see an oiled up dong when im trying to eat mashed potatoes

No. 1422141

Is this content from her onlyfans or something that is from somewhere else?

No. 1444225

File: 1644971158635.png (Spoiler Image,696.6 KB, 1080x1296, Screenshot_20220215-191815~2.p…)

Girl. Come on, I've been rooting for you. Whyyy

No. 1444432

Not the 10 mile butt crack(sage)

No. 1444450

I don't know what's more terrifying, the giant horse dick or her giant photoshopped ass crack

No. 1444584

lmaoooo this looks kinda like a torso and thighs facing the opposite direction

No. 1456234

File: 1646273460539.jpeg (565.96 KB, 828x1451, 554C5E9F-53F8-44B1-AAAF-D0F553…)

Anyone know this loser’s real name? I want to look up his real name. Imagine wanting to be a gangster so bad you’re this open about having a lame gun or drug charge on the internet. Im certain he lives with his grandma in the projects(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1456249

where is his chin

No. 1456267

It was never there. Just like his supposed rap career

No. 1456325

this man has shaped his entire life and appearance around hiding that pathetic deficiency, and you just go and tell everyone about it

No. 1457435

they're both e-thots who got horrible lip injections it's really not that hard to make that comparison lol

No. 1461765

Look at this slack-jawed retard

No. 1479270

File: 1648076772420.jpg (28.29 KB, 373x646, cat.jpg)

No. 1508253

File: 1650585792023.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.61 MB, 3024x4032, 3024x4032_2fe35653fc2f5af0f087…)

No. 1508257

Nice spoiler

No. 1508274

lol i haven't seen this thread bumped in years, and last time i checked she was on private so couldn't lurk. wtf is she even up to these days? drugs? rehab again? more importantly, has she sent out her grand bunny tail thongs yet? (kek)

No. 1508292

I've never seen nipples as big as the areola before

No. 1508294

her nipples are like elevator buttons

No. 1508296

File: 1650590017638.jpeg (13.77 KB, 300x299, 819FFC0C-62D9-4C9B-8CEC-964557…)

looks like a tranny kek

No. 1508920

File: 1650658712642.png (2.48 MB, 1170x2532, 2C9410DA-2021-498B-BE8C-3D9ED8…)

So apparently her ex partner was planning on killing her.
She continues in a now deleted story post that that isn’t even why they broke up but she overdosed the night he told her that and her girlfriend revived her. Did anyone happen to catch that second slide?

No. 1508987

No. 1509010

wtf. is that the Loco guy? yeah, because it makes total sense to go on put the effort to murder someone like Clare. instead, you know, going tf off with your life. he'd do nothing, this guy is a fucking cow. he's announcing his ""hood affiliations"" on his own fucking instagram, he'd probably make a IG story "going to kill my gf tonite lulz" on the night of "killing", he's that stupid. jfc, just get another druggie boyfriend Clare, or better yet, not druggie at all.

No. 1509494

I used to think her life was lulzy and was active on this thread but now I just feel sorry for her. I can't see her instagram because it's private but she honestly seems worst off then when she was at her height of fame in her late teens/early 20s, like then she had a wide circle and did things like hang out with Manson and Salem, model, make crappy drawings and shitty instagram videos ect. It wasn't much but she still had some drive to be an artist of some kind vs just a junkie and drain on society. Now her brain just seems totally fried from years of interacting with loco and his hoodrat friends, she's 25 and this is what she doing with her life. Arguing with some hoodrat ex on instagram. She is the poster child for how important your friends group in your development as person and how much those people will degrade you, way moreso then even drugs and alchohol. Meeting Holli and Blade was like the worst thing that happened to her.

No. 1509738

Agreed. i understand not being able to quit drugs, and i'd be really surprised if she just successfully quit it out of the sudden this year (even though she's been through rehabs), but i wish she just cut all her ties with that Loco idiot. unfortunately she must be really in love with this shithead if she can't let it go, even though he laughs at her ad treats her like a piece of shit. i kinda wish she still just did idiotic bathroom photoshoots with fellow clout chasers (preferably someone more decent than Holli though) instead of crying for that disgusting wannabe-hood poser. she'd never be an artist, she has no talents, she just had social media/attention addiction, and now she just has drug addiction. if she was smarter, she'd 1) invest in that makeup school, learn some serious skills not just cosplaying Scar from Lion King 2) change that horrible black dye to something more flattering 3) stop posting her disgusting ass in every pic, really nobody cares to see her 4) stop finally with idiotic ~Sp3lL1nG~. she's really capable of writing normally.
I get that she has no motivation/energy to do anything though, that's what happens when you're on opiates. girl needs help. all those "oldschool" instahoes/soundclout rappers and bitches are now dying out from OD or just continuing being huge drug addicts.

No. 1510346

speaking of Holli any news on what happened to her? I thought out of all these girls she would be dead long by now. She was such a bad addict and you could see the years taking their toll on her even years back when I last saw her, she always looked like that one girl out of a clique that's 33 when everyone is 25 when she was actually the same age as everyone else. Also speaking of emotionally stunted burn outs what about nightcoregirl? All I can find is a twitter account where she seems to be doing the same shit as years ago (I think she should be in her mid 30s now), except living in her parent's basement instead of berlin.

No. 1510721

no idea, i want to know too especially since i don't know what's her isntagram address. that's crazy. chicks she once hang out with died fast af, Blade, Lil Bo Weep etc. Maybe she still keeps afloat because she's kind of smarter about doing drugs than others? like i think majority of those soundclout Instawhore druggies did not regularly, did pills and if they got heroin they smoked it rather than doing IV (i think Lilith is smoking instead of shooting up? never see trackmarks on her but not sure about situation lately). So when these girls START doing IV, they don't know what they're doing. they get a few days break or run out of drugs and when they get drugs back, they do as much big dose as they did before and in turn they overdose. maybe Holli is careful and controls doses, tries to do it precisely or what. or maybe she's just that kind of junkie cockroach, she just survives. realy curious what she's doing now (aside from drugs), she's not exactly IG "personality" nor a model…

No. 1515143

File: 1651240955086.jpeg (Spoiler Image,126.78 KB, 1170x779, 1EC9A838-4C8E-4BEA-AEE9-896248…)


No. 1515199

spoiler this.
don't get why the only time this thread is bumped is for someone to post her naked pics. if you have access to her priv account, then post some actual milk or at least news instead.

No. 1515866

apparently she received a 20k PPP loan in early 2021, prob for her shell thong company that never got off the ground. I have no idea how they justified 20k in "paychecks" when she has no employees, Daddy buley prob trying to recoup some of the $$ he lost on her rehabs through fraud.


I would report them but I am too lazy

No. 1521593

File: 1651847944482.jpg (76.71 KB, 1080x688, Screenshot_20220506-153630_Twi…)

She's found her twitter login again. Retweeted a lot of Elon's posts and shared this. She may claim to be sober but it's clear the heroin took her brain a long time ago.

No. 1522296

iirc she had two clothing scams. one were eof course cheap thongs with bunny tails, another were hospital robes stained with blood or "personalized" otherwise, but not sure if that ever got to the point of people sending her money.
>She may claim to be sober
doubt it, but then again i have no access to her socials to see what she's up to these days.
> it's clear the heroin took her brain
she had no brain even before heroin

No. 1523166

She reposted those ss of Loko sayin’ he was gonna kill her. I don’t have the post but she was sayin’ som shit about wanting to burn the bridge with him. She deleted the posts several hours later n I got a bad feelin’ about her situation. Idk where she is rn and where Loko is. Just thought I’d update the thread since it’s dead

No. 1523261

>sayin’ som shit
no need to spell like Lilith lmao
Anyways, see the problem is thread would be probably more alive, but she locked all socials and not everyone follows her. That being said, in my opinion this is not milky at all, this is sad and worrying. i really wish she quit all contacts with that sick "instagram hood" people and the whole Loko saga ended. i hope she's safe, but i don't understand one thing. why the fuck would this ugly Loko idiot want to kill her? …just leave her alone, quit all contact, go on with your life, let her be.
>wanting to burn the bridge with him
Good, cause i'm fucking stunned at the fact she hasn't yet and she's constantly looking back instead. even hanging out with Holli is better than hanging out with this shit human Loko.

No. 1523310

File: 1652048505549.png (980.49 KB, 838x636, holli1.png)

To the anon asking about Holli, not sure what goes on in her life, but she never shared any details, just posted pics i guess? she's the most mysterious one of those chicks in a way.
I see she fell out with Lilith i guess, but she was besties with Lil Bo Weep up until the point she died, and apparently Holli visited her in Australia early this year? no wonder they liked each other considering they were hardcore addicts.

No. 1523316

File: 1652048667699.png (679.35 KB, 1028x904, holli2.png)

Last time she posted was February, but i found her Tumblr where she posts more recently (nothing interesting though, she reblogs tons of Care Bears and plushies and that sort of shit.) that's the selfie she posted a few days ago

No. 1524140

File: 1652111188041.jpeg (258.79 KB, 811x1649, 3B2C1509-B095-46FD-AFB3-881D01…)

No. 1524325

she plans to be a recovery specialist? lmao. that means two things: daddy Buley is pushing her to do something with her life, and two - seems like she failed her makeup school? Not sure about US but in my country, being a addiction treatment specialist requiers just 2 or even 1 year of "learning" in one of those post-high school schools where they require nothing except attending from time to time to get that 50%, and then you get your diploma, that's it. even if she gets through the program, i doubt she'll be working in that field.
Clare, recover yourself first lol

No. 1524582

Yes Claire let's continue to revolve your life around drugs. Influencing vulnerable people. Solid plan, what could go wrong? Must be nice to be wealthy and be able to use others to prop yourself up without so much as a second thought.

No. 1525643

loko posted a series of convos between them exposing a lot of racist misogynist and homophobic shit she said to him but they both deleted their posts later and said their fight is over that loko will continue supporting her as a friend.

No. 1525644

>>1524325 they're not gonna let clare near a patient in a million years LMFAO this is the 5th career she wants to do now and it's gonna end just like all the others

No. 1525765

that's a shame there's no receipts. bold of her to say that shit when she was the first to jump and expose other ig thots for being racist or homophobic lol

No. 1527006

File: 1652390773392.png (7.55 MB, 1170x2532, 1FAFC66D-347B-495D-8DC2-EACC8B…)

Oh okay so now she’s antivax? Or wants a husband who is? Sure all the recreational drugs she was on were fine but let’s draw the line at medicine.

No. 1527019

File: 1652391176685.jpg (751.49 KB, 1080x1877, PSX_20220512_173121.jpg)

This woman has very few brain cells left. Her IG is now the rantings of a burnt out gutter snipe

No. 1527020

File: 1652391198003.jpg (735.02 KB, 1080x1894, PSX_20220512_173140.jpg)

No. 1527022

File: 1652391311848.jpg (969.4 KB, 1080x1862, PSX_20220512_173150.jpg)

Actually, nevermind. She is a genius for making this "spooky" kindergarten level drawing(emoji)

No. 1527157

shes also overwhelmingly overweight. That mirror pic….MOOOOOOOOO

No. 1527213

She should obviously move to Afghanistan and see how that works out, a country with any hardly discernible semblance of human rights for women is too feminine for her and surely women in countries that live amongst war would embrace her with open arms. The American forests are way too feminine for her stalwart morality, North Korea is another wonderful option.

No. 1527247

What did she say? She was calling him racial and homophobic slurs? Isn't she also bi? That's kinda hilarious considering she was ranting all this shit about racist white people when she was with him

No. 1527250

Lol she's so fucking try hard. This is some shit my friends would be saying back in highschool because they think they're hard or edgy or whatever. Isn't she in her mid 20-late 20's? Also wtf let a girl get properly tortured on stage? Weird ass bitch

No. 1527254

She only likes anti vax guys because they hate the government lol she doesn't have a mind of her own only goes with something if the men she wants are with it. Fucking sad

No. 1527264

File: 1652410892836.jpeg (498.89 KB, 1170x2065, 5E63D1B0-B1EF-48EE-B824-E09BCD…)

Oh god everyone get ready… and just WAIT until she learns about censorship on Twitch

No. 1527732

She didn’t say any slurs. In the messages they both said that the other person says racist things lol and she complained about people being politically correct. He didn’t post any evidence of her being misogynistic or homophobic though

No. 1527825

Do you anachans seriously not know how fucking stupid and annoying you are? Go purge and save this shit for Twitter, weirdo.

No. 1528095

>I don't like feminine men at alllllllll

Kek Girl, please go offff

Lilth's karenmetal glow up edition

She was a bit of a faghag at one point and was fetishized by a few notable LA/NYC/Montreal gay male/MTF cloutmunchers when she was underage and fucked up on H… It's good to hear a ig-wastecase idol say it and not suck the inclusivity-boot.

No. 1528173

Lmao every single man she has ever been with except loko was a limp wristed artfag who wears makeup and that includes Manson. If she hates the government so much and is so thirsty for wignat redneck sovereign citizen unabomber dick maybe she should stop taking government handouts via her government employed republican lawyer father and hewr fraudulent PPP loan lmao.

No. 1528182

>thirsty for wignat redneck sovereign citizen
>simping for Trump
>republican lawyer father
lol, goes full circle. not a popular choice for this kind of bitchy instagram mall goth neets like her. not very liberal instagram thot e-girl pseudo rebellious Marilyn Manson's girlfriend-LARPer of you, Clare

No. 1531530

she’s born rich, obsessed with her ass, has filler, dyes her hair black, and starves herself to be a distraction/eyecandy for people on social media. what does she think sets her apart from the kardashians/jenners? lol(sage your shit)

No. 1532201

File: 1652840283416.jpeg (613.6 KB, 750x862, DB0335F7-D6A9-40BD-87D2-B8F227…)

that poor dog looks terrified, I give it a year before she’s done with it

No. 1532227

who's the blonde girl or guy holding a dog?
Hope she at least doesn't put the dog in a dog bag or one of those stupid dog strollers like other IG idiots, let him walk on his own.
Anyways she looks old. like a wannabe-hollywood wife, just in cheaper clothes. she needs to drop the front blond-white on black kinda thing cause she looks like she's graying

No. 1532318

that dog is insanely adorable and if anything happens to them i s2g i will take a potato peeler to her face

No. 1533887

Tht tranny looking ass is arrow dewilde. She has her own thread
So how long till the dog gets "sick"? N the Lilith retards give her their allowance

No. 1533901

Wtf, so they met? did she post anything more about Arrow De Wilde? asking because that bitch is Lilith's psychofan, obsessing over her posts and trying to lick her ass for a long long while. definitely more like fan tier not a peer. didn't know she managed to get Clare's approval enough to meet. they both look like they're about to hurt that dog lol.

No. 1534771

I think that she's cleaned her act up a lot. I used to participate on these forums a lot in the past, but she's been boring lately which I actually love to see. The way that these threads have her government name is like…. doesn't sit well w me. Bc she really isn't a celebrity to me, just a regular girl who got a lot of clout on IG. That doesn't make someone a celebrity bc they don't do the work of the celebrity.

There's no milk!!!! Let her live at this point(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1534795

why are vaxfags always like this? it's not medicine, it's experimental gene therapy rolled out by the trump administration. you yourself seem like a recreational copium user

No. 1534932

do you know where you are? people discussed here aren't celebrities only. quite the opposite, vast majority are "internet personalities" who got famous for nothing except posting stupid shit and pics on IG.
>Let her live at this point
This thread is barely active at all. but you're right, there's rarely any milk. don't see how she "cleaned up her act" though.

No. 1535803

File: 1653189982690.jpeg (688.61 KB, 828x1430, FCA3D20A-70F2-4A73-B78E-11A22B…)

No. 1536199

ofc she got clare's approval, a fellow edgy nepo baby

No. 1536209

File: 1653240196637.png (1003.86 KB, 668x826, 23235.png)

i know they're nepo friends, but i'm seriously wondering if Clare cares enough to meet up with her. i mean the creature on this pic looks similar to Arrow but from this angle, looks like a guy/has tattoos which she doesn't have so i'm confused

No. 1541229

Did daddy Buley lock her up or something, seems like she moved to some comfy house in a nowhere town/neighbourhood and all she really does is sitting at home, staring out the window and filming the trees, playing with her dog, smoking weed and taking butt pics. i mean, iguess it's good if this helps her to stay sober and away from Loko. just legit surprised she went through with the rehab and clean thing.

No. 1542043

And where are you getting this info from?
Clares currently living with her sister rachal

No. 1542125

Nowhere, speculating based on her insta posts. i haven't followed closely what she's been up to in the last year and only noticed now it's a different place. looks different compared to the cluttered rooms she used to live in.

No. 1542682

File: 1653760441840.jpeg (928.98 KB, 828x1469, E632C5F5-8764-4D88-8CA4-1084A4…)

No. 1542704

imagine writing like this and thinking your opinions are worth sharing

No. 1542750

ot but can she finally stop with those black/death metal cannibal corse kinda shit default metal pictures and pretending like she cares for any of those black metal shit bands or songs. i bet my $ that it's not what she's ENJOYING listening to in private.

No. 1549015

File: 1654363282913.jpeg (302.58 KB, 827x1454, E7AED8EF-9B10-4200-9FE5-8B8523…)

No. 1549019

File: 1654363432025.jpeg (329.3 KB, 827x1452, 4A372707-2A78-4869-B47A-5423C7…)

No. 1549021

Lilith speaking truth for once kek

No. 1549062

she says all of this after putting up with and dating a guy like Loko lmao

No. 1549489

She let loko fudge her with a gun. True to Lilith fashion everything that any normal and logically thinking person can see and believe in is seemingly abhorrent to her. She just has to be edgy and different.

No. 1549779

Nominate her for senate congress seat chief of bear firearms flotus non-weak byytch you’re onto something. Sarah Palin fucking who.

No. 1549871

Yeah "Lilith" I'm sure a nice conservative man's gonna Pick You very soon, in all your drug-addled crackwhore glory

No. 1550119

She moved out of the city and turned into my redneck conservative uncle. I wonder if she'll ever have her own personality/thought/opinion. Everything she posts is some cringey fox news hot take. I kinda miss when she was a liberal crack whore.

No. 1550182

File: 1654456108339.jpg (788.81 KB, 1080x1913, PSX_20220605_150416.jpg)

I don't think she understands what privilege is

No. 1550186

File: 1654456200075.jpg (772.66 KB, 1080x1872, PSX_20220605_150932.jpg)

Lmao complaining about being too privileged and being called out on it

No. 1550190


No. 1550208

boohoo, someone called her privileged ass. sure, everybody is sooo jealous of you having no money on your own and having to rely on daddy Buley. cry us a river, stay bitter sitting in that house and shitting out "opinions" because you're so bored.

No. 1550544

Why are you so angry lmao are you not doing the same thing here? And who wouldn’t want to inherit money?

No. 1550623

lmao are you Lilith or her whiteknight? Lilith didn't "inherit" any money, her dad gives her cash because she doesn't work. and where do you get the idea that i'm "so angry"? i posted to poke fun just like everyone else here, and Lilith really isn't importante enough to me to make me angry. but since you're asking… Are you really that shocked that i'm rolling my eyes at her "problems", her whining about people calling her rich and priviledged NEET, as if that wasn't truth? she has such "opperuntites", as opposed to people who aren't rich, yet doesn't use them to do anything on her own and just uses her dad's cash. money = freedom and all that talk about being ~better~ cause she admits she wants money, but she isn't doing anything to earn that money on her own. yet goes online humblebragging about being above others with her wealth and "survivalism" (as if she has any idea what she's even talking about). such a massive cope. funny she acts like such a "rich bitch and fine with it" now, when just a few months she LARPed as a hoodrat gangsta girlfriend lost in the hood and running with the street boys.
>Only ppl who aren't going anywhere in life even speak about wealth or priviledge as negative thing
Where are YOU going in your life, Clare? cause i have impression you do nothing, have no job, no education, but you brag as if you're some successful businesswoman who uses that priviledge and wealth well to do anything important or make even more money. when in fact you're a trust fund who goes nowhere in life as well, despite all the wealth.

No. 1550703

Jesus fucking Christ I’m not reading that you weird bitch.

No. 1552235

This. She's been handed life on a silver platter countless times and keeps knocking the silver platter on the floor and then complains about it.

No. 1564515

File: 1655523200192.jpeg (526.09 KB, 1170x1752, 1C3AA8AC-812C-41A5-B641-B5F194…)

No. 1564534

hate her but based

No. 1564546

shes right tho

No. 1564565

She’s coming around but will get murdered for it (that is if she’s even relevant enough anymore to have attention outside of this thread)

No. 1564571

All aboard the Based Train choo chooooo

No. 1565184

she’s gotta be copy n pasting some old boomers I hate the woke mob and MSM account . All her tweets make her sound like a conservative pick me girl

No. 1565214

Has anything about this chick ever seemed like anything other than a spoiled, conservative pick me?

Also, put Sage in the email field when there's no milk

No. 1565250

She won’t get murdered, men might threaten her online but her family is literally connected to Trump. She’s not wrong, after women exposing rapists to protect each other, men don’t want women to speak on themselves and their boundaries, they want men in dresses who fetishize sexual assault.

No. 1565298

she always says something randomly based after 3 months straight of unhinged drivel

No. 1565711

File: 1655649014361.jpg (285.22 KB, 1080x1919, Screenshot_20220619-063700_Twi…)

And she's back to unhinged

No. 1565925

Not the most unhinged thing she could say to be completely honest

No. 1565989

I agree, sounds fine and I’m glad she’s discovering more about her individual identity away from drugs, and speaking in a reflective way about her experiences that is somewhat coherent.

No. 1567323

i wish she finally discovers any other identity rather than ex druggie rich girl who posts exaggerated butt and waist pics. Lilith we know that you have crazy shaped waist, and bended spine, we've seen this for years.
I still check up on her bc of my nostalgia for older cows like back when people like toopoor, internetgirl, plaaastic, lopholora etc. were trending, before zoomer tiktok egirls time. but i kind of wish she took up some activities and hobbies, cause it feels like she has no interests at all in a way.

No. 1569752

lilith turning into a transphobic 'all lives matter' type centrist cuck and a whole ass elon musk dickrider as soon as she sobered up was unexpected but predictable lmao rich yt cishet girlies will always go back to their roots no matter how much they LARP as being punk. i'm sure she's the wet dream of all the white overweight acne-ridden racist metalheads wearing burzum shirts lol.

No. 1569759

this bitch spent her entire early 20s larping as the same anarchist antifa person she now says she hates so much, tried to cancel toopoor by digging up decade old tweets bc she was frothing at her mouth with jealousy and the moment she realized that the left doesn't give one fuck about washed up yt rich crackheads who cream themselves over serial killers she just went full on redditor cuck lmfao the jokes write themselves

No. 1573769

File: 1656354400197.jpeg (831.87 KB, 828x1570, BDE58998-D2C8-4BBF-A21C-552969…)

new image incoming…

No. 1573854

So go back to when you were in high school and attracted conservitards like your daddy?

No. 1573882

no matter how dresses she will never attract anything but losers and weirdos because rich conservative lawyers want trophy wives and not heroin junkie fruitloops with no education or skills that get kicked out of every institution of establishment they try to enter, even bougie rehabs who's whole business model is catering to fuckups

No. 1573998

no one cares about ~muh tWaNsPhObiA~ here. this is an actual female based image board. go to reddit or twitter if you need a tranny hugbox

No. 1574718

just cause YOU don't care it don't mean that goes for everyone. kys fr

No. 1574756

go back.

No. 1574869

>>1574718 it goes for the vast majority here.

No. 1575124

i really dgaf

No. 1575407

go back to twitter if you want to whine about people being mean about tranny degenerates, you absolute clown. feel free to cry amongst your fellow themlets about how much you don't care that other people see trannies as the freaks they are, but there's absolutely no point in doing it here when you're the only weirdo who cares.

No. 1575420

Yea she should probably address her raging self-esteem and sexual issues if she wants to stay sober.

Go away

No. 1575440

OR u can just tie the noose. ever think about that ?

No. 1575441

also ur the one whining here LMFAO

No. 1575760

No. 1575763

sage your shit you fucking retard. No need to bump this thread up because of two tards arguing about who has more cuk on their face…

No. 1575819

I really would love to see how far she gets tbh. But does she mean “”””hyper masculine”””” “””””black metal guys””””” like Varg, who has bigger boobs than her?

No. 1576763

I don’t think it’s so much of the “now that I’m sober I would rather just be a reclusive in the woods” and more or less nobody wants her around to deal with her anymore. Kinda seems like she’s burned any bridges she once had and continues to only do that more with her “edgy opinions” lately. She’ll sow her own fate. Maybe she should go live amongst the white nationalist and be breed to pump out the next generation since she seems so intune with there beliefs anyway. Please Lilith infiltrate, introduce them all to herion and inadvertently kill off the population.

No. 1576968

for fuck sakes, sage your autism

No. 1577567

File: 1656670758191.jpeg (459 KB, 1124x2003, D7C36A17-B457-47FF-ACE8-4DA241…)

Shes so braindead. she sounds like a sorority girl boasting about how she gets “harassed”. clare no guy wants u get over it.

No. 1577570

>don't complain about being harassed, some girls get SA'd!
>don't complain about being SA'd, some girls get raped!
>don't complain about rape, some girls are sold into slavery!
no idea who this woman is but she is pathetic + big pick me energy

No. 1577755

>me me me me i have it worse and im more desirable, if anything you should be grateful for being catcalled, i know i am ;)

No. 1577813

Huge pick me energy, she hates everyone besides white men at this point we get it Lilith your desperate to be some antigovernment live in the woods mountain mans musty wife, the funniest thing to me is she sits in a glass house and throws all of the stones. We get that you have no life no friends and no contributions to daily life to the point where all she does is sit online and let other peoples lives enrage her to the point where she has to post about them on her socials. It seems kinda like jealousy to me. If she had put half the effort she does into shit posting online or chasing herion she might of actually had some success of her own, but instead she sits in her ivory tower of privilege and makes wild judgements about things she could never do, situations that will never happen to her or didn’t happen to her or on other peoples experiences. She’s just such a hateful little individual.

No. 1578155

File: 1656719308086.jpeg (587.66 KB, 1125x1985, AE9575AE-5D45-4D36-A9B5-033773…)

“at that family starting stage” please no one wants you to be the mother of their child not to mention she doesn't even work.

No. 1578210

ask your dad, Lilith. his homies usually think it's homicide.

No. 1578409

She’s 25?! Damn, drugs age people.

No. 1578575

Wtf, I always assumed that she's older than me, I thought she was 29 or 30. Damn.

No. 1582818

File: 1657213763506.jpeg (691.72 KB, 1170x2073, 2A39BDA2-A79F-4BD0-B1AC-28E4C4…)

Lol Claire , shut the fuck up. You don’t know what any of those words mean(namefag)

No. 1582819

File: 1657213952515.png (2.74 MB, 1170x2532, 9C78D04A-353F-4154-9BB6-8E69EA…)

She’s obsessed with Kim Jesus Christ

No. 1582824

learn2integrate namefag

No. 1584030

never thought I’d see the day when the girl who always seems anti establishment and acab turn into a right wing 50 yr old man boomer. Watch her start praising the police next

No. 1584049

brilliant, now she's so protective of "USSA"? the same Lilith Levisis who paraded around calling herself your fave anti-american girl or something?
as for Kardashian, she's just mad bc Kim has huge butt for real, without breaking her back

No. 1584898

File: 1657467990145.jpg (155.58 KB, 719x556, Screenshot_20220710-084502_Twi…)

I wish she would do it and stop complaining about "yt woke art students" on twitter.
if she hates the left so much why is she using their slang

No. 1588058

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No. 1588060

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No. 1588061

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No. 1588436

Serious question, is this ugly, inbred, racist cunt really so retarded that she has the literacy level of a preschooler or is she intentionally misspelling words?

No. 1588523

She turned auto correct off bcxz shess sOOOo fkkkkkkknn jig hhhhh n will dxiee bfor u rggettt. Sex offenders who go door to door to tell people about what they did are less shameless, she’s been sober for however long and refuses to type in a way that doesn’t make in seem like she’s permanently at the gathering of the juggalos, barely conscious.

No. 1588614

very rich coming from someone who spent what, three years? trying to cancel toopoor because she said "nigger" once. She's trying to be some sort of Lady Varg Vikernes now

No. 1594764

suddenly she can type and spell….. almost as if her weird typing before was her trying to be edgy or something .

No. 1594820

File: 1658532175991.png (6.58 MB, 1125x2436, 35938710-392D-4CCD-AD72-CC63B3…)

I could tell she hates everyone who isn’t a white straight cis guy. Not surprising. I wonder if this bitch has any friends left lmao.

No. 1594821

I know you’re not trying to troonfag in the Lilith thread of all places.

No. 1594823


Based. She right.

I hope she keeps going.

No. 1594826

File: 1658532467474.png (553.73 KB, 1125x2436, 6186F270-CE3B-4229-9A24-67CF7E…)

No. 1594839

I think these are some of the most sane takes she’s had in years, if I’m being honest.

No. 1594877

wtf i love lilith now

No. 1594935

Dude chill she posted literally one thing that she concluded with the laziest citing of a study that not many people know about. If she “actually cared” and wasn’t still on her contrarian shit she could post more info. It’s still just about her stupid lack of identity and how she thinks people perceive her online.

No. 1594960

Bro I can't believe how stupid she is. Like she looks up to varg andher opinions get worse n worse every passing day. Just wow

No. 1595364

From the ashes of utter instagram retardation, arises an anti-vax tranny hating pheonix. Absolutely based. We are witnessing the archetypal hero's journey and it's beautiful

No. 1595658

There are previous screenshots of her texts to others that she’s put on her story with her dRiuGgIeee writing overtop of - but in the texts she communicates completely properly - spelling and everything.

Her junkie “I’m so hiiiiigh and dnt care abt nythbng” writing goes out the window depending on who she’s talking to or trying to be.
It’s kinda sad because for years she typed like that to convince people that she had such severe brain and/or cognitive damage from all them sweet sweet druuuuggggs

And we all bought it for the most part until she started slipping and showing it was an act.

No. 1595818

File: 1658623661039.png (7.7 MB, 1170x2532, C33D391F-7A50-439C-8EEB-5682B6…)

New level of yikes at her having any opinion at all about Qveen Herby. Definitely because it was formed by just seeing this clip.

Like bitch….you have a sugar daddy that’s ACTUALLY your daddy, please keep your mouth shut on anything relating to capitalism. Mostly considering the only facet of her personality we saw for a bit there was her spending what was prob an obscene amount on a “pure bred top of the line” (literally a quote that was on her dog’s IG account at some point) designer dog….. if materialism and capitalism is soooo disgusting why not find a Pekinese to adopt from a shelter? Oop
We also all know shes jealous that literally no one is jealous of her.

No. 1595964

I thought she owned her financial privilege? Which one is it.

No. 1597633

File: 1658796295046.jpeg (581.55 KB, 1170x2118, 5111FE5A-693A-463D-B665-2E74C7…)

She really needs to make up her mind who she wants to be. These were both posted around the same time.

No. 1597634

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No. 1597808

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No. 1597809

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No. 1597814

>move to north korea under communism
Why doesn't she apply her own logic and go live under sharia law? does she not understand that idolizing middle east and russia as a haven where masculine men protect women is as retarded as north korea praising tankies?

No. 1597818

>just into bones you know been a bit of a bone collector myself

No. 1597867


As a russian-born anon, I would love more then anything for clare to get together with a typical russian man who expects her to wash the sweat stains out of his socks by hand and cook him dinner every night while he sits on the coach for 3 hours every night on the phone with his granny crying about his childhood cat that just died. Please god, make the slavshit beta male greencard instagram relationship saga happen

No. 1597870

It was a joke autist-chan

No. 1597891

all you wrote was “wtf i love lilith now” when a few people have been saying the exact same thing unironically, how is that a joke you actual idiot.

No. 1597892

shoutout to whoever tf said her writing “””improved”””

No. 1597914

Sad to say it has. It's atleast somewhat coherent.

No. 1597964

its a literal meme format, retard

No. 1598134

>what kind of art have u been making?
well, mostly photoshop edits of her totally normie sized waist, as usual

No. 1598143

She switched from one addiction to another. now she's wasting her time another way, sitting online and reading into obsessive varg like theories and "uwu men must be primal beasts to protect us delicate flowers completely defenceless women/i want a trad hubby/i want to move to north korea/russia/whatever and hunt polar bears with my Fred Flinston primal husband" shit. idk what's worse, i guess stupid drug mumbling (the l1nk1n p4rk - pts.of.athrty.mp3 styled drggg mahmbl11ng insta tirades she's doing) was more standable somehow.

Unequipped, unbearable anti-consoomerism anti-feminist youtube commentary channel/podcast when?

No. 1604459

Looks like she is slowly becoming un-infected with her fake libtard poor me mentality. Maybe she will get a real job and stop being the embarrassment of her family. I’m loling at the comment that said she returned to her roots and isn’t “punk”. I think you meant fruitcake.

No. 1605236

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So she’s made a public Instagram account because she’s getting “so many warnings” on her secret one? Idk seems like more of a pick me maneuver. What even is this? I feel her forcing a Scandinavian vibe like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole…

No. 1608225

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No. 1608227

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No. 1608228

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No. 1608229

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No. 1608230

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No. 1608231

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No. 1608324

liliths tradwife arc is something I never expected

No. 1608412

>and tap into that more German suffering

Hahahah Lilith is in her ""Weltschmerz"" era

No. 1608416

>Farm from hell

This new story arc is actually so refreshing. The perspective shift from glamorizing rob zombie-esque murder ranch aesthetic to accepting a normie job and single life quite something.

Although unhinged in a all-lives-matter way, recovery trad Lilith is more based than most.

No. 1608738

nothing refreshing about that bigoted fucking bitch being on her way to becoming a full on yt supremacist lol i'll take her retarded videos where she feeds weed to stuffed animals over this tradtard varg dicksucking any day

No. 1609072

She's said nothing to suggest that she's a "yt" supremacist. Go back to Twitter if you want to sperg about muh bigotry, no1 curr

No. 1609442

i can say whatever i want where i want lilith's little deepthroater lol but u gotta be next level retarded to not see the obvious yt supremacy pipeline that bitch is going down LMAO

No. 1609777

go back

No. 1610639


The singular sound of mind opinion she’s ever had right here (!)

No. 1611571

What kind of response is that, like obviously you can say whatever dumb shit whenever you want and right now you’re doing it in a literal public forum designed for discussion, did you not think someone was going to hand your ass to you for your ridiculous and brain dead twitter take?

Big difference between learning about her own/a northern culture and being a fucking white supremacist you sheltered nitwit.

No. 1611917

"her own northern culture" yt americans discover their great great granddaddy was scandinavian and suddenly they got "culture" LMFAO be serious. anyways if u idolize the likes of varg vikernes better not be surprised if the subject of white supremacy comes up.

No. 1613213

would you prefer people stay devout to american culture which to the rest of the world is being fat, shooting people and spending money? only americans think it's an issue to claim your heritage if it's not coloured. you sound empty and sad

No. 1613682

Ntayrt but you sound stupid. There's festivals celebrating various white heritage all the damn time. I'm going to a fucking polish festival tomorrow. Waaaaah white erasure!

No. 1613820

americans care more about their heritage than people in the actual countries, only nuts in first world countries and europe have some fantasy idea about their heritage, everyone else is just existing as a 21st century person living in the country they were born in.

No. 1615518

No one said anything about “white erasure” you fucking buffoon. And be careful at that Polish heritage festival, based on your logic that makes you and everyone there a white supremacist !!!!!!!!

No. 1620830

File: 1661007550132.jpeg (466.58 KB, 828x1488, D1CA7C8C-BE0F-4421-BA25-0D3902…)

Girl wut?

No. 1621022

this thread is dead and I kind of want it to just necro entirely, this bitch is just a brunt out junkie now who peaked during the soundclout era with nothing of value to produce anymore, even milk, but I can't believe everyone doesn't see plain as day that all her recent antivaxx/conservative uturn/white pride sperging in 1000% a kneejerk reaction to her relationship with loko ending and a absolutely pathetic attempt at retaliation towards him. Wait a year and she will jump onto something else, prob some alt self-improvement carnivore diet JP orthobro crap

No. 1621173


There's definitely a sudden 180 with her. I think she's actually sober and that's why she's clinging to a lot of the conservative/trad views - her family isn't far from it and Varg and other tards love it so it's still edgy enough for her.

No. 1621343

It's almost like people in a relatively new country are interested in their roots before said country was established. The horror!

No. 1622831

File: 1661210864203.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.07 MB, 1170x1996, 6D47CDF9-5E7B-4F91-BCB2-8136CB…)

Lilith: let me play devils advocate for a sec here me out

No. 1623334

ofcourse she’s now a fan of Andrew Tate, anything to be edgy and for attention

No. 1628221

File: 1661688289236.jpeg (39.99 KB, 360x640, 7DB98F2F-1E38-4023-87CB-82E405…)

gushing over Beautiful People by Manson then later gushing over his style. The only thing that made her interesting in the first place was her ‘relationship’ with Manson. Also isn’t Manson a bit too femme for her? what with the nail polish that she’s so against men wearing .

No. 1632005

File: 1661968247165.png (7.89 MB, 1170x2532, 3EEC9EFF-83C2-4823-A80E-819113…)

Uhhhh why is her designer pure bred dog’s sleep/play area in a bathroom?

No. 1632006

File: 1661968331107.png (6.09 MB, 1170x2532, 475E65C3-5599-4516-88B9-8413FE…)

No really. It’s in the bathroom.

No. 1632243

That spoiled kid probably has a bathroom bigger than most apartment living rooms and the pup surely isn't, and will never be, potty-trained so her room choice isn't the worst thing she could do. I however think the fact the dog just has a towel and a thin fleece blanket to sleep on and a fucking neck pillow for a bed is pretty terrible. She has to say she's a gOoD mOm because she must know she's a clueless idiot

No. 1632277


It looks filthy too, what are those tiny black dots? Some kind of flea/parasite droppings? She's slowly but surely morphing into the the dollar tree goth luna slater, she just needs to pick up a redneck lurch somewhere and move in with him into her father's home, and the transformation will be complete. I take no joy in saying this but I also don't think this will be her only animal, so many junkies/ex junkies turn into animal hoarders and hoarder in general for some weird reason, like zoe lund/country love

No. 1632374

She's a step ahead of Tuna Fish though because she's not obese and is more sober (and naturally crazy) than Tuna will ever be.

No. 1646809

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No. 1646947

File: 1663064061542.png (451.5 KB, 750x1334, 1611032635173.png)

I see they're still not over their feud. Bitches are "aching to reunite", but then post each other's messages trying to show how unbothered they are kek.

No. 1668946

File: 1665092794753.png (8.76 MB, 1170x2532, 57461664-DB18-4105-82ED-557845…)

Reminds me of those bros who say they can never be friends with a girl

No. 1668950

Same girl who tried to cancel TP for years for saying the n word lol.

No. 1668951

Genuinely wonder what will happen to these people when they turn 40. If they turn 40.

No. 1668956

Tinfoiling about leeching plastic I assume, after Kim K talked about it. As if someone who’s been slamming filthy brown grainy junk that was probably mixed in a Mexican peasants bathtub with a shit ton of chemicals and fillers then shoved up a dog’s ass and smuggled over the border has to worry about microscopic amounts of BPAs. Lolz

No. 1668958

Don’t all former junkie whores try to reinvent themselves as trailer tradwives eventually?

No. 1671199

Ok, so everything you know is a lie. It is believed that Lilith is actually missing. She turned into a mermaid and has been spotted in numerous locations worldwide. She has given away multiple hints about the mermaid connection over the years. Look on TikTok for more information(shitpost)

No. 1671204

wot in retardation

No. 1671310

I'm so terminally online that I actually know what that tard is talking about, lmfao. Some lady made a series of Tiktoks supposedly showing her mermaid friend (fake). The vids went somewhat viral and the poster went missing aka stopped larping and people think the mermaid stole her or something like that kekkkkk

No. 1671312

Samefag and the lady who made the fake mermaid vids was named Lilith. That poster ending up here gave me a hearty kek, grateful for the laugh

No. 1719646

File: 1670303269114.jpeg (Spoiler Image,46.5 KB, 828x284, 4985CF8D-8E21-4F0F-8207-DA0215…)


No. 1719655

lol it was only a matter of time

No. 1719805

nice self post clare! next time screenshot from another account so we can't see the analytics button.

No. 1720360

Nice spot! So desperate for attention.

I saw some tweets a couple weeks back saying she lost her licence after getting a DUI and losing her mind at the cops. I can't find them now, but it would explain why she seems to be home and working with her parents.

No. 1720513

Wow wow, same Clare Buley who was shitting herself calling out Too Poor on racism? hahah imagine running to lolcow just 2 seconds after posting that tweet, missing that attention huh Lilith? give it up, nobody cares about your racism viking metal bullshit

the milk is so dry that even cow desperately tries to milk herself

No. 1720518

Btw Lilith is trying to suck up to a few of her frenemies lately, i've seen her complimenting Internetgirl pics.

No. 1720795

File: 1670391876700.jpg (329.08 KB, 719x1356, Screenshot_20221206-214216_Twi…)

No. 1720801

File: 1670392392724.jpg (314.51 KB, 720x1466, Screenshot_20221206-214232_Twi…)

apparently she was hacked

No. 1721096

nah, even if she was hacked she clearly still hates black ppl now. She indirectly suggested it on her stories before so many times.

No. 1721539

Nah you can see in that screenshot she'd been posting photos at the same time the "hacker" was tweeting. Plus she was still active on there, typing in her dumb way.

Also Clare you attention whore, if your ex was really a pedo you'd be even more fucked up to not publicly call him out.

No. 1721543

File: 1670454709831.jpg (194.87 KB, 947x2048, 20221207_230951.jpg)

She's deleted her twitter after getting a handful of replies kek

No. 1721600

are these new or just screenshotted long ago?
If that were the old soundclout days, it'd be a local scandal and all other clout whores would call her out, but now i think no one's gonna even care because… no one cares about her at all now.

No. 1753429

File: 1674786337140.png (1.6 MB, 996x888, lilith.png)

Does this bitch have any interests at all? this is hilarious, checking up on her months later and she's still on her spergouts and still hating all non-white people because her boyfriend dumped her. sounds laughable af when you remember just a year ago she was the biggest wigger and ~"blood" hoodlum~ of them all kek.

No. 1753430

File: 1674786410689.png (1.72 MB, 1552x916, lilith2.png)

>would be cute if she just got a husband to teach her how to act/pull her out of this woke brainwashing and force her to move to the woods and wore her hair breaided w dried rose petals & white fur with blood splattered

No. 1754569

She seriously writes like she is cracked out of her mind

No. 1756646

File: 1675102634028.jpg (686.38 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230130_181658_Chr…)

Could this be about Clare? Article mentions the girl going on tour with him and drug problems.


No. 1756666

Bruh did you read what you wrote? Clearly states this happened in the 90s before Clare was even born.

Clare clearly stated back in the day that she enjoyed everything about their relationship together except for the fact that he had another side chick, which really says something about her imo

It’s a shame the old Manson threads were nuked b/c the story is really starting to heat up again

No. 1757551

>b/c the story is really starting to heat up again
can you tell more? i lost track of all that stuff and i'd like to discuss with anons. we could ask farmhands if we're allowed to make a new thread, if we strictly adapt to guidelines. I mean, last time we had threads we were swarmed by newfags and ppl completely unrelated, not that everybody fucked right off, strictly farmer led thread could be alright.
If not, i think we could take this to Rock Celebricows thread on /ot/.

getting back on the topic of Lilith, she could safely get him in trouble because she was fucking with him while underage/shortly before turning 18. but she won't.

No. 1757968


sage for OT besides him getting accused of this new lawsuit, unofficial soft re-emergence with his birthday party, there is a whole grazing field of absolutely nutty manson truther cows on youtube now who also get "exclusive" breadcrumb content from his wife (total normal thing to do) as well as leaked court evidence. I made a post of /PT asking around if anyone wanted a new thread in that vein

No. 1809872

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No. 1809873

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No. 1809875

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No. 1823143

File: 1683565412075.jpeg (208 KB, 1170x2083, IMG_5612.jpeg)

Her dad died

No. 1823145

File: 1683565605005.jpeg (231.42 KB, 1170x2103, IMG_5613.jpeg)

No. 1823194

I was so unsure if this was serious but it seems to be.

No. 1823541

That's very sad. My heart goes out to her & her family.

No. 1823877

I didn’t realize her dad was an addict of some sort too. Always thought he was a straight edge hard ass. Feels bad man.

No. 1824133

I was reading up on him and found this. Had this been posted? I honestly can't remember. https://nypost.com/2004/12/22/boozed-up-gop-big-bashed-me-says-wife/

No. 1824280

File: 1683703593720.jpeg (168.54 KB, 1170x2125, IMG_5638.jpeg)

This also comes up when you search her name.

No. 1824290

Yep, been known to farmers for a good while. It was assumed because of this "incident" he was trying to make up for everything by just throwing money at Lilith, buying her expensive apartment and letting her do anything.
Eh, so she owns some Cosmetic/barber school or am i not getting it? She sure did attend some sort of makeup school in recent years, and she got a job. Whenever she posts some boring pics once in a while, she's showing her "workplace outfits". i assumed she's working in some office as secretary or whatever

No. 1824339

Looks like she took a chunk of government funding meant to support businesses during the pandemic. That or she secretly runs a cosmetology operation but the fraud angle is more likely.

No. 1824419

Aw, she's so jealous of the younger bm ethots

No. 1824443

kek once a scammer always a scammer

No. 1824859

He killed himself out of shame that his daughter is a borderline retarded edge queen.

No. 1875949

fuck off and sage

No. 1892712

I want to rape her mouth while browsing her search history.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1892733

I want to jam produce in her rectum while singing the star spangled banner.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1892751

You say this like every 3 months. Buy a cantaloupe

No. 1898499

Wtf did you mean by this

No. 1898561

File: 1694763654403.png (636.95 KB, 1316x722, lilith.png)

Damn it, if you're going to bump this thread, at least update it with anything even slightly relevant.
From what i've seen, Lilith is now fully embracing that ~rightwing politician daughter legacy~ and admitting to "going right saved me" in old ass stories. Taking thotty pics in what i assume was daddy Buley's office judging by politicians portraits hanging around. Working some office job if not co-owning as upthread posts might suggest.
She's also on good terms with Internetgirl all of the sudden, which is surprising to me tbh. I've seen her flooding Bella with compliments for a year or more, guess she finally reciprocated lol.

No. 1898565

she's back with Bianca after suicide baiting a few days ago(this is an image board. post caps)

No. 1898984

Probably been done already tbh. Try harder.

No. 1899105

Blade/Melanie Arias? She didn't commit suicide, she overdosed. Unless you're talking about someone else, but that's the girl Lilith always used for clout and cried in stories bc they no longer can do their "naked ass/fake blood/needles in pigsty apartment" tier photoshoots. unless you mean someone else

No. 1925486

Her subreddit was deleted. Her of deleted. Where can I find photos of her getting rooted?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1940725

I'm not "hi cow"ing. I'm simply saying it's funny that someone wants to keep bumping her thread by posting/deleting or asking where they can see her nudes. Not odd at all

No. 1940769

Samefag. After I posted this someone unsaged "I want to rape her mouth" as usual and deleted. It's just pathetic at this point

No. 1969048

File: 1708668341774.jpeg (1.34 MB, 1179x2180, A711001A-FD74-4C82-9F82-E3DF4B…)

It’s a shame she will never grow out of the “look at my ass” stage, as much as i enjoyed the milk of yesteryear, i always imagined her sobriety to be a bit more promising than more ass pics. Like is this all she has? Ass pics over and over between chimping out in stories?

No. 1983733

File: 1712581438668.jpeg (925.58 KB, 828x1473, IMG_1994.jpeg)

Don’t know the validity of this but this was on her story

No. 1984424

File: 1712789786587.jpg (100.97 KB, 694x771, Screenshot_20240410_185228_Ins…)

Did anybody else notice in all of these pics there was shit on her face ??? I'm sorry this isn't super milky but how do you not notice something like that?

No. 1985664

Anon, that's probably some dirt/splash on the mirror. She's in the bathroom, she's taking mirror selfie.
Agree. i follow her but never check up on her anymore because it's just 2 years worth of her taking 100s of ass pics in one roll, sometimes interrupted by pics of her dog. I almost wish she did something milky again, or something like makeup, travelling, outfits, even shitty witchcraft stuff again. Anything other than ass pics that nobody cares for anymore.
idk if she means suicide, but this could as well mean he killed himself unintentionally. Her dad died due to his alcohol addiction (iirc)

No. 2018303

That looks like a meth sore, anon

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