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/sty/ - pigsty

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No. 2027

As I sit here thinking about killing myself, I have realised that all women deserve rape. Especially you (yes you)(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2028


No. 2029

Day of the rope soon roastie

No. 2030

does ur mom know what you say about grills online? She might not keep paying for your wow subscription and weeb steam games if she did

No. 2031

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t. pussynerd who faps to alt-right trannies and anime little girls

you don't deserve the flag in your pic just kys already

No. 2033

>And here children, you can see the lack of self responsibility, sprinkled with hints of mental illness and demonizing a marginalized group of individuals, solely for the purpose of making a rather ignorant individual feel better about themselves. Let's see how many VPNs he blows through today!

Introspection of self? Whats that?!

No. 2035

>moved to /sty/
Why not just banned

No. 2036

this seals the deal that all men are rapists and have no morals lol. they wonder why women love each other and not them

No. 6200

Porty porty yay!

No. 6321

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