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The site has moved to the new server! If you notice any issues, report them here

File: 1718612802425.jpeg (88.08 KB, 736x917, j3t2p4b8kd4d1.jpeg)

No. 5872[Reply]

48 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 6300


No. 6302


No. 6303


No. 6310


No. 6350

testing testing 123 123

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No. 6327[Reply]

NEVER have sex.
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 6339

so true…

No. 6342

Is mastirbating evil

No. 6344

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No. 6345

yes. you must not touch yourself inappropriately
sick bastard. you will suffer the consequences

No. 6347

>you will suffer the consequences
it felt good. I liked it.

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No. 6317[Reply]

>soyjak posted
>not redtexted
We're so fucking Barack soysisters
3 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 6325

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No. 6326

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No. 6341

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Wtf 13 days!!!

No. 6343

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No. 6346

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No. 3290[Reply]

Let's discuss our opinions and experiences with r9k/robots. I think most of my experiences with robots have been 96% negative.
221 posts and 30 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 5850

I Miss male hate threads

No. 6304

File: 1738271847545.jpg (99.03 KB, 720x688, Screenshot_2025-01-14-12-22-01…)

This thread deserves a massive bump.
R9K scorte = non human

No. 6305

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>I'm LE SUPERIOR because I have 7 days old shit on my underwear


No. 6306

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No. 6340

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Trve Chad's and Stacies don't use underwear.

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No. 6167[Reply]

I'm a virgin please help

No. 6213

have sex with me since i'm a virgin. i won't be able to tell if you suck.

No. 6315

ignore that other anon. have sex with ME

No. 6335

r u still a virgin?

No. 6337

No. She had sex with me.

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No. 6312[Reply]

Best board

No. 6316

Based uwu

No. 6329

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No. 2027[Reply]

As I sit here thinking about killing myself, I have realised that all women deserve rape. Especially you (yes you)(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
4 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2033

>And here children, you can see the lack of self responsibility, sprinkled with hints of mental illness and demonizing a marginalized group of individuals, solely for the purpose of making a rather ignorant individual feel better about themselves. Let's see how many VPNs he blows through today!

Introspection of self? Whats that?!

No. 2035

>moved to /sty/
Why not just banned

No. 2036

this seals the deal that all men are rapists and have no morals lol. they wonder why women love each other and not them

No. 6200

Porty porty yay!

No. 6321

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No. 2630[Reply]

hayyy bitches~~ i'm back~~ this is eugenia friggin' cooney, and i just wanted you whores to know that you're all jelous fatties <3

No. 6307

Replaying to this shit in big 2025…

No. 6311

Very truthful

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No. 3742[Reply]

>mfw all this low effort bait from males get more attention and sincere replies here than a female posting on /r9k/
You all should be ashamed of yourselves.
2 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 3755

there is someone with brains still left in this hellhole, wow

No. 4394

Srs. I wish mods would do a mass clean-up of the site and delete all these dumbass robot threads. Catalog is full of MRA copypastas and stupid questions from incels desperate for actual women to prove their agendas.

No. 4400

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You know you want it.

No. 6208

Nothing changed

No. 6292


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No. 2516[Reply]

33 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2608

I remember the thread this was created in. I think I made one of them, actually. Also, rolling for Noodle Wizard.

No. 2622


No. 6195


No. 6280

Tis the season to be rollin'!

No. 6281

WTF is an eggman wizard?!

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