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No. 3290

Let's discuss our opinions and experiences with r9k/robots. I think most of my experiences with robots have been 96% negative.

No. 3301

What's with this board's obsession with robots? Just don't go to that board, that's it.

Do you really need acceptance from people that don't like you?

No. 3302

They're jerks on the board but I've talked to some privately and they were ok. Or maybe I just got lucky…

No. 3303

You must've gotten lucky because when I talked to a certain tripfag from there, he turned out to be a pedophile and complained about how no girls wanted him literally 24/7 (even though tons of lonely chicks wanted his D. he wasn't bad looking) to the point where it was grating. He also had this weird obsession for Tomoko Kuroki or whatever the hell her name is.

No. 3305

ew to the pedo thing.
>complained about how no girls wanted him literally 24/7 (even though tons of lonely chicks wanted his D. he wasn't bad looking
This seems to be a pattern there. Maybe they're just attention whores?

No. 3318

Talked to a couple. All ended badly. They all have psychological issues and they're all "off" no matter who they are.

0/10 would never do it again

No. 3319

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>even though tons of lonely chicks wanted his D. he wasn't bad looking
On the internet doesn't count.

Why is there a lot of good looking robots? Because looks mean nothing if they don't have money. Every man has to pay for sex, in the adult world, it is extremely rare for females to ever give out sex without financial compensation.

>complained about how no girls wanted him literally 24/7

I agree you shouldn't be talking/thinking about this 24/7, but you can't understand how they feel. These guys are incredibly lonely, and never once had a girlfriend or sex. These men also have a far higher sex drive than an average female.

It actually drives them crazy. It is so painful and frustrating that it can make them lose their mind.

What if all the sudden you lost 100% of your sexual value? Some kind of serious disfigurement, like you suffered some kind of acid attack to your face and now you look like a ghoul from Fallout. Imagine not a single man finding you desirable to be with, and never having a boyfriend/sex again. You can't imagine that actually, because there would still be tons of guys willing to date you even if you looked like a ghoul from Fallout.

You can't possibly relate to the pain these robots feel from being denied gf/sex their whole life. They constantly complain about tfw no gf because it causes an existential level of frustration you can't relate to.

No. 3323


>but you can't understand how they feel. These guys are incredibly lonely, and never once had a girlfriend or sex. These men also have a far higher sex drive than an average female.

So let me get this bullshit straight. Homie can't get laid, and instead of doing some introspection and working on himself, they'd rather lash out at a marginalized group. And because of that, we should give fucks? Fucking Kek!

>What if all the sudden you lost 100% of your sexual value?

Well, I'd make due with what I got.

>Some kind of serious disfigurement, like you suffered some kind of acid attack to your face and now you look like a ghoul from Fallout.

Yet acid burn victims can go about their lives without demonizing men online.

>Imagine not a single man finding you desirable to be with, and never having a boyfriend/sex again.

truth be told, this would be a dream to me.

>You can't imagine that actually, because there would still be tons of guys willing to date you even if you looked like a ghoul from Fallout.

wew lad, way to throw your fellow robot sisters under a bus! Slippery slope is sloppy black and white thinking. You seem to really believe that any man would fuck a 0/10 girl, thats god damn hilarious!! Would you dick a 0/10 girl? Cause Im sure you've probably turned one down before, hypocrite.

>You can't possibly relate to the pain these robots feel from being denied gf/sex their whole life. They constantly complain about tfw no gf because it causes an existential level of frustration you can't relate to.

And you've failed to prove why we should give fucks. You gotta be able to give a few fucks, to get some back. You can't call women as a whole whores, and then get pissy when they don't suck your dick. Why is this logic so hard to grasp with robots?

No. 3324

Why are you still here? Every time you post you just make the same dumb points over and over again and get called retarded for it, what's the purpose?

You're telling a board of women that they're actually wrong about what they think, and that you know best.

No. 3325

I don't make my own threads anymore, but people won't stop making posts/threads that I can't help but reply to, even if it's things I've already said before. I'll get tired of it eventually probably.

>a marginalized group
Literally the most privileged group of people in the world.

>Would you dick a 0/10 girl?


>Cause Im sure you've probably turned one down before

I haven't, not even they want me because I have no money or social status. It's not because I'm ugly, and my "personality" is irrelevant.

Have you ever watched "My 600lb life"? Those are legit -1/10 women, and they still have husbands that take care of them (and feed them).

>your fellow robot sisters

Please love me robot sister, I would love you unconditionally and do anything for you.

No. 3328


I like how you haven't answered my question. Why have empathy for a group of men, when they lack empathy themselves?

>Literally the most privileged group of people in the world.

Yea not touching this bait, but damn the ignorance in that statement is tasty.

>Please love me robot sister, I would love you unconditionally and do anything for you.

Kek. I'm not a robot, I'm a damn wizard. An emotionless cold, sarcastic, fucking wizard. Plus I don't touch normies, ew.

No. 3331

I know this is bait, but whatever.
He liked the attention he got from women online who clearly wanted him. On okcupid, 4chan, and on Tumblr. And that's just it, he got plenty of attention and interest so there's no reason for him to cry he's lonely and can't get a gf when really it was the complete opposite.

No. 3333

Thought I'd post in here for the hell of it. I actually have made one great, lasting friendship from the hole that is/was r9k - six to eight years ago on a random music thread. After a year or two of friendship I flew out to meet the guy and have visited him a further two times since, averaging out to once every two years.
But the r9k of 8 years ago was a lot different to the r9k of today I think. I can't imagine fostering such a great friendship with the types who lurk it now.

No. 3334

lol I'm pretty sure I know who you're talking about. I've always been skeptical about him and never bought into his bullshit. Didn't know he was a pedo though. Drop more deets?

No. 3335

Whenever a woman tries to be nice to a guy who frequents /r9k/, he always ends up posting her nudes, trashtalking her, and posting their chatlogs. Even if someone gives them a chance, they ruin it by shaming for not being pure. Or they shame her because shitposting is more important to them than bettering themselves. It's like they're afraid of the pressure it takes to be better a person. They sabotage whatever chances they have of redemption.

No. 3341

Hehe sounds like someone I know minus the pedo part.

No. 3342



Fuck he was a jerk. Hot tho

No. 3343

Yep. Have you talked to him? Surprised you knew who I was talking about but it's probably the Tomoko thing that gave it away since he basically avatarfags with images of her.

He dated a 14 year old when he was 20. Sick motherfucker. I REALLY doubt they're still together.

No. 3344

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Yeah, I had the displeasure of falling for the Vyro "I'm lonely someone please talk to me" meme. The Tomoko thing sealed it, but honestly I pretty much knew when you mentioned him complaining about no girl wanting him despite many girls giving him attention.

Damn. How did this come out? Was he cheating on Jody with this girl then? (You wouldn't happen to be Jody yourself, would you?)

No. 3345

No idea who Jody is. He's never mentioned her. I'm just a random Anon who shall forever go unnamed. Mind filling me in? He probably was cheating if Jody was his girlfriend since he's such a creepy snake and believes he's ~forever alone~. I only talked to him for a few months because I immediately became disgusted at his pedophile tendencies so I haven't heard anything personal about him since.

He told people online about how he was in love with this 14 year old because they "had so much in common" and he eventually began dating her. Not sure who she was because I didn't have interest in interacting with a 14 year old. His friends/my friends at the time were like wtf, she's only a kid and his lame excuse was "She's turning 15 soon" as if that makes any difference. After a while, I just dropped him as a friend and cut him off cold turkey.

No. 3346

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Oh, I thought you had talked to him on tumblr.

Jody is his ex, sort of. She pretty much his dream girl- skinny, dom, and BPD- and she actually liked him back! To the point she (really, I'm not shitting) carved his name into her skin. Of course Vyro being a dumb fuck refused to date her at first- then they dated for a while, but it turned out he was still trawling /r9k/ and /soc/ for girls to talk to, so they broke up and he spent a year pining for her and there was a bunch of drama. This took place over 2-3 years, so yeah Jody was probably in the picture during this.

God, I'm both surprised and not. He was always gushing over young-looking girls, but so does every guy on r9k. Of course he had a lame excuse too. He always has a stupid fucking excuse.

No. 3347

>>3345 here again.

I said Vyro and Jody "broke up" because he was talking to other women, but that was an over simplification. There was a whole lot of reasons, because the whole thing was drama bullshit, because it's Vyro. I just wanted to clarify that.

No. 3348

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Holy shit.
I forgot he kept mentioning he wanted a mentally unhealthy bpd girl because he said they're dependent and would never leave him. He is twisted.
I found him when he was posting anonymously on soc whilst I looking for new friends and we ended up talking via Skype. At first, I didn't know he was a tripfag until he linked a thread he started on r9k in the skype group chat. Me and my friends looked through the archives to find all his manchild-like shitposting on r9k. Red flags went off at that moment and everything started to make sense as to why he acted like such an obnoxious loser despite having had many girlfriends before and an online harem of girls to further boost his ego.

If you don't mind, care to share what the other reasons were for Jody and Vyro's break up? You know I'm all about that drama.

No. 3350

only met one robot, out of literally hundreds, that was any decent. i stopped visiting r9k before he started tripfagging, but he seemed pretty well liked by most posters. i forgot what his trip was. something authoritarian sounding. he's actually a very caring friend that treats me very well, hasn't ever expected anything of me/isn't insanely sexist, and has great social skills.

this is what they're all like, save for my one friend.

No. 3353

Fembot here and I've been with my 25 year old robot boyfriend for 6 months and I'm wondering if it is too soon to ask him to get a job?or is it too soon in the relationship to ask personal stuff like that?
Also, he always thinks I'm going to cheat because I've had sex and dated before him but I think it's more likely that he would cheat because he lacks experience and might be easily tempted by something prettier and new.

No. 3354

I grew up in the same city that vyro lives in. every time I go back home for christmas I try to spot him

No. 3355

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>have lots of girls after you
>still pulling the bohoho I'm lonely shit

Fuck I hate this people, used to frequent it so much, haven't touched that place in 1.5 years. Still a 27 year old wizard apprentice that haven't talked to a girl romantically in years but at least I don't have this burning rage inside me anymore. Might be the 600 mg worth of meds I take everyday I guess.

No. 3358

Sounds like you're still an incel though.

No. 3359

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I dated a robot once. He seemed pretty nice and normal at first but it was clear later on that he enjoyed being a lowlife NEET and didn't want to do anything with his life. We ended up breaking up, which led to me finally seeing his desperate, clingy "nice guy" side.

I've known other robots in the past too. They're all fucked up in some way, and you'd be stupid to actually trust them or think you could have a normal friendship or relationship with them. But that pretty much goes for most guys on any board, I think. They just don't know how to be around women without being sperglords.

No. 3361


Yeah I'm pretty much one, what's the problem?

No. 3386


I don't know who you are, anon. Only wanted to congratulate you and cheer you up, because leaving behind all that /r9k/ crap behind is difficult. Hope you thrive and manage to have lots of success in life. And thank you for not being a scumbag.

I know this is weird but fuck it, as a robot myself that is harassed everyday by entitled misogynistic men, stories like yours help me regain hope in mankind.

No. 3387

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I never hated women to begin with I'm just distrustful of people in general, I only visited there to share the feels and stuff but some toxic stuff got its hold on me then I bailed the fuck out when I realized. I'm not that different now though, still a depressed, overly anxious dork that don't know how to deal with women.

No. 3388

I hate how OC is practically nonexistent and template threads are the norm. This applies to all of 4chan, but particularly /r9k/.

No. 3389


Reddit scare completely killed the all OC on 4chan. Whenever you try to create something even a simple joke you get bombarded with shit like "hello reddit", "upboated" etc. People just don't want to do it anymore.

No. 3415

I talked to a guy from r9k back around that time too. He was a teensy bit of a sperg, but we had relaxed nights shooting the shit and he introduced me to CWC and we had some laughs.

I stopped talking to him after a few months bc I was going through some shit but it was nothing like you'd think of robots these days.

No. 3418

Jesus fucking Christ, you're better than this. I hope you re-read that post in a year or so when you're in a better place and be ashamed of yourself that you let this happen.

No. 3421

>all these "robots" having girlfriends
those are just attention whores

That is obvious bait

No. 3436

>1/2 the world
>the 1/2 of the world that doesn't have to die for blood oil

No. 3437

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/r9k/ here

Women are utterly despised on that board, because the only women who use it are awful, transparent attention whores.

Between /soc/ and here filtering out anyone not solely looking for beta orbiters, the most garbage women use the board and reinforce the confirmation bias.

The wave of "fembot" trolls don't help the board's perception of women either.

No. 3438

I don't think anyone is denying that a lot of women on /r9k/ are there to seek attention, same as a lot of men here are here to seek attention. That being said, most of the men that create an identity on /r9k/ to any extent are attention whores too.

The issue with /r9k/ is that they're so much fucking worse for the board and site as a whole than the few attention seeking morons that post over there that can easily be filtered.

The regulars are the problem there, not the few retarded trips.

No. 3440

Vyro was hilarious. I remember he made a thread threatening to kill himself and just about everybody agreed that he should, and after forty replies of people shitting on them he said he'll live out of spite.

No. 3441

"Fembot here" threads wouldn't be a problem if robots weren't the easiest people in the world to bait.

No. 3442

I find it weird when people complain about /r9k/ being a cesspool of bitterness and hatred.

I could understand that a few years ago, but now it's just retards and high school kids. There's not really good reason to go there unless you want to get angry or masturbate. It used to be full of threads where people would greentext about the worst things that happened in their lives (after deletion but before late 2014), and then it was pretty hateful and misogynistic, but now it's just callous idiots. The people there aren't particularly abnormal, they're frogposters in high school. All the genuine fuck ups migrated to wizchan, where they LARP as schizoids until isolation makes them into emotionless husks.

No. 3444

I am surprised anyone would try to date a robot, usually a reason why they are there.
Same for whiny passive-agressive beta "nice guys".

No. 3446

I visited /r9k/ for many years, even pre-deletion and this whole forever alone phase it's going through.

I actually tried to help multiple guys on there. But honestly, they just have shit personalities, they're only capable of talking about themselves and how fucking horrible their lives and everything around them is. They're not willing to improve in any way whatsoever. They just want to complain about their situation and not do anything about it.
Despite that, I've met a few really great people from /r9k/ but, that was a while ago.
Neo-robots are all easy to bait, easy to make fun of, easy to take advantage of cucks.
You go after mentally ill bitches, and then come back "not understanding" why you got hurt.
Even if you're atractive and have legitimate interests if you listen to the mindset that /r9k/ preaches you will NEVER be happy.

No. 3449

Accurate post, anon.

No. 3452

They are not all that bad from the ones I talked to, there was a Turkish half-robot guy in the containment threads. He liked posting photos he took and gardening and was trying to get better through medicine and therapies. His life was really bad though he had to take care of his family, work, go to school at the same time and was struggling with money and lack of social life because of it and there were others asking for skin care, how to be less nervous talking to girls and stuff like that. Anyways, majority of them are scums though and deserve everything they get but some of them are just lonely people looking for companionship.

No. 3453

Good for you, anon. You'll meet somebody good someday, especially if you try going out more to do things you're specifically interested in, ladies like it when a guy has his own shit going on offline

No. 3454

>You go after mentally ill bitches, and then come back "not understanding" why you got hurt.
This is accurate.

There isn't really symmetry in sexual inexperience- there are a fair number of young guys who have no interests, no friends, who just stew in addictions like video games and message boards, who have never been initiated into what makes life worth living, who don't know how to carry on a conversation, who got bullied in middle school and have been in corners ever since, but there aren't really many girls in the same situation. If you're a young girl and you want attention or a relationship, you don't have to chase your whim very far before you have one. The online dating process probably won't be satisfying, but you can almost certainly find people that way and develop some personality and life experience.

Robots rightfully see nothing in themselves and feel incapable of promising anything other than loyalty. The women who would be interested in something like that are not shut ins, they're cluster B personality types who have abandonment issues and want a guy who will never leave them. Such arrangements tend to be living hell, and leave robots even more broken and misogynistic.

No. 3457


Thanks for the kinds words. I have interests; reading(literature major meh), astronomy, going innawoods. I'm just too damn shy and not mentally stable enough for a relationship. I still need to drop like 30 more kg's, I was around 130 kg 1.5 years ago now I'm around 100. I'm just scared that my inexperience in relationships will fuck me up, I'm almost 30 with no experience under my belt. Women near my age just don't like guys who don't know what to fuck to do from what I see.

No. 3458

Teenagers can be bitter and hateful as well honestly, and I think people there have always been quite young.

Threads just trying to create insecurity and claims based on absolutely nothing but a few shitty comics are pretty damn common there, and the general attitude encourages people to be insecure and develop complexes.

That's why people dislike it so much, it's pretty much mostly just that and attention seeking.

I don't really agree, pretty much anyone who wants a bit of attention or a relationship can get it if they're willing to take literally anyone they can get.

The women who just get with whoever because they don't want to be alone generally aren't getting desirable people, they're getting other desperate men.

Robots are alone because they don't really ask people out, and instead stay inside. A girl who did that would be alone as well.

It's not hard to find people who you can hang out with sometimes if you're putting yourself in situations where you actually meet people, and I think that's what they miss, same with incel sorts. People don't make friends with people based on how good looking they are.

No. 3459

I wouldn't feel too worried anon, easily half the guys out there at your age don't know what the hell they're doing, regardless of experience.

Experience is only useful if you try to learn from it, and most people don't with relationships.

If you've been ill then it's even more understandable why you're not experienced, and I think anyone who cares about you would understand that. If not, then they're probably not the right person for you.

If you're that worried about being a virgin, you don't exactly have to tell them anyway, no-one's going to know.

I'd say it's better to focus on being with the right person than just any person.

No. 3460


Well guess that's true, I always had a hard time liking people. Unless I knew them for a couple of months I can't seem to like a girl, weird thing is I'm great at socializing, have loads of friends now, don't have any problems making friends in a new place. However, as soon as things get romantic I become the biggest sperg on the planet. Also my family raised me to be a super nice person and I can't refuse people when they ask for help and I'm overly polite sometimes . People think I'm some kind of doormat sometimes.

No. 3462

>I don't really agree, pretty much anyone who wants a bit of attention or a relationship can get it if they're willing to take literally anyone they can get.
The main reason I think that is because of online dating. Undesirable women necessarily get desperate men, but socially inept, shut in women are not really undesirable. Guys will chomp at the bit to be a training wheels boyfriend for an inexperienced, socially isolated young girl. Those traits are much more repellent for guys. >>>/ot/186084 is a good example of somebody who would do far worse if they were male.

I agree that most robots are alone because of avoidant personalities and anxiety. I made a thread there asking how many girls the virgins there asked out, and most said zero. I also think that kind of passivity or paralysis is much more of a death sentence for men than it is for women, and that men are forced to cultivate social skills to get relationships to an extent women never really are. It's a lot easier for an isolated girl to get an OKCupid match and stretch that into a relationship than it is for an isolated guy to gain entry into a friend group and approach girls until one wants to date him.

I don't think think this is controversial.

No. 3463

Intended for >>3458

No. 3467

"that kid" threads are always hilarious

No. 3468

No. 3475

>Guys will chomp at the bit to be a training wheels boyfriend for an inexperienced, socially isolated young girl.

You see, to your average guy, I disagree. I think those are really unusual traits that can be an issue, and are usually indicative of other issues. Even more so if you're looking at making a relationship last longer than two weeks.

To desperate people on the internet, sure it's not an issue, because they have an idealised image of what it means.

We know nothing about the person in that link bar that they have a boyfriend by the way, and there's definitely introverted guys with partners.

>and that men are forced to cultivate social skills to get relationships to an extent women never really are

Here I think you start talking about desperation again though.

There's plenty of desperate girls out there who'll date almost anyone, same as guys. I don't think bad social skills means much of anything if you're willing to date pretty much whoever and actively show interest.

>It's a lot easier for an isolated girl to get an OKCupid match and stretch that into a relationship than it is for an isolated guy to gain entry into a friend group and approach girls until one wants to date him.

Well, yeah, obviously, one's just a few clicks. I don't think it's at all hard to get a group of friends for someone without serious mental health issues though, it takes knowing literally one person you get along with, and meeting people from there. If you're absolutely 100% isolated it can be really hard, but if you're working or at uni or doing anything slightly social I think it's relatively easy to do if you put in some effort.

I think online dating is just a whole different matter completely honestly, and it's a bit of a joke as far as finding actual relationships goes. An isolated guy could meet someone on there as well though, for sure, don't buy into the meme that only the top 1% or whatever are able to meet people off it, that's based pretty much entirely off people trying to push agendas or sell pickup artist shit.

I just think the excuses of "oh it's totally so much easier for the other gender" makes no sense honestly, even mathematically speaking. People have to have a partner to be in a relationship, and the split of genders is pretty close to equal short of a few regions.

Lonely isolated women claim it's easier for men, and lonely isolated men claim it's easier for women, when in reality it's about the same, just different.

I don't know or care about hookups though, might be different there I guess.

No. 3483

You're very reasonable.

>to your average guy, I disagree

Definitely. I'm not saying women generally have it easier with dating, I'm saying girls who are socially isolated can develop relationships and social contact easier than guys can. There's simply more interest in them, even if it isn't coming from completely normal people.

>I don't think it's at all hard to get a group of friends for someone without serious mental health issues

This feels like a punch to the gut, but it's probably true.

No. 3484

>You're very reasonable.

I'm glad to hear it anon, it's definitely a nice change to be able to talk about the topic without being called a normie or a whore or something too.

>I'm saying girls who are socially isolated can develop relationships and social contact easier than guys can.

Yeah, I can agree here I think, though I think it's limited to just ANY relationship or social contact though, not necessarily good ones.

I don't think it's a big difference as far as meeting friends and stuff though necessarily. Maybe somewhat, but not a notable amount in my opinion outside maybe social media (getting more likes and that sort of meaningless stuff), though that might just be from what I've seen.

I think the internet gives a slightly skewed image of this stuff though, people automatically assume people are male, and on most forums related to it, it's definitely discouraged for women to talk about feeling lonely or not having many friends, so I think that there's an image created that they just aren't there, instead of the reality that they're just not talking about their gender or are posting on other places where they don't get shit on instantly for existing.

You're not really getting a chance to interact with the socially isolated women (or men of course) in real life, so it's easy to get the wrong idea based on what the internet can be like.

>This feels like a punch to the gut, but it's probably true.

Yeah, no insult intended by that, and it can definitely seem impossible to meet people, but I think for a healthy adult it's really as simple as being in a situation where you're talking to people, and making the effort to do that.

Not everyone will be your friend, of course, but I'd say you should be able to meet at least one person you'd say you get along with within a relatively small period of time if you try.

It's one of those things that seems scary until you're actually doing it I think, people tend to react well to friendly people, regardless of anything else, and that makes it a lot easier to keep being friendly.

No. 3487

>I don't think it's a big difference as far as meeting friends and stuff though necessarily
I think women and men socialize a bit differently in homosocial groups. Women tend to bond more around solidarity and venting, while men tend to bond more around laughter. I'm not sure if this makes it easier for one group or another. Either way if you aren't very interested in other people they probably won't like you much.

>it's really as simple as being in a situation where you're talking to people, and making the effort to do that.

Not for everybody. Even if you're friendly with people and you enjoy talking to them, that doesn't mean they want to spend time with you when they have other friends and stuff going on. It takes more initiative, at least for some people.

No. 3500

Weirdest thing that happened to me there was when I posted in a thread discussing job occupations and hobbies, it was fine at first until someone replied asking about what shows I liked to watch because they were interested in exchanging emails. I didn't reply to it but found out later someone else did, and the anon posted their email for them. Somewhere some guy might be getting catfished by another robot.

There also used to be a google doc with a couple hundred robot email addresses and descriptions for friend finding. I'm not sure how hard it would be to find it again but I know I had it bookmarked on something.

No. 3511

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Yeah r9k is such a weirdo infested shithole and lolcow are totally well adjusted decent people right /s

No. 3512

To be fair, most people who post here are relatively normie-tier. The weirdos also post on r9k or are cows themselves.

No. 3513

dafuq people here are super well adjusted even the ones with mental illness got things going on in their life. r9k is full of cows how many threads do we have on JUST the tripfags already. imagine the rest

No. 3514

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This is what lolcow farmers are
You are no better than them and it's just that

No. 3515

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Except we're typically employed or going to school or both. And while we may be bitter against some people (who probably deserve it for being lolcows), we don't threaten violence against them.

Whereas if you visit r9gay there's at any time 5-10 threads about some psychopath wishing he could rape, torture, kill, or have some manner of power over a woman. Farmers here understand that personal vendettas and doxxing isn't allowed, but on r9k it's a freeforall. There have been multiple instances of sad robots trying to dox or enact revenge on women who've rejected them. It's 100x more personal than anything that's ever posted here for the fact.

You guys are fucked in the head.

No. 3516

Its not nice to generalize an entire board because of a few idiots. Everyone has their problems and have made their mistakes, for better or worse or whether they can get over those mistakes or not as life goes on, some people can't because the mistakes have been so great.

How would you feel (which I'm sure plenty of you know the feeling) if someone generalized this board or held something over your in a vain and shallow way over a mistake, a physical imperfection, mental imperfection, etc?

How about for once instead of gossiping and trying to act like you're better (when in the end it just makes both sides seem childish), you try to have some empathy and go with the flow and try to be more open about things regardless of what they are.

I've said my adult things now, I'll take my leave.

No. 3517

>if someone generalized this board
Lolcows and their friends do this all the time.
We're the hateful gossip website, dontchaknow?
Point is, adults shouldn't be taking anonymous websites as a serious part of their identity to begin with. It's just that, talk. And here certainly, outside a few hurtful things said, nobody is allowed to have vendettas or physically harass cows or post personal identifying info.
It's just not bad here.

No. 3518

I honestly don't think I could care less if someone made a huge generalisation about this place, because I don't identify with an online forum.

No-one's making fun of robots for not being perfect, they're making fun of it for being a pit of immature teenagers who all just bait each other and whine all day about shit that isn't even real. If they stopped roleplaying as seriously mentally ill and trying to convince each other that they're totally the worst off in the world because they weren't the jock from some shitty 80's high school movie people wouldn't care at all.

The people who leave that and improve don't really get made fun of at all.

No. 3519

Couldn't care less. Also whether you identify with an online community or not, those are still human beings behind those posts and you are generalizing them, even if they are just mostly playing around, which there is nothing wrong, or some of them could potentially have very serious issues that they are trying their hardest to work through (or maybe not).

Most of the jock/Chad type stuff is just memes, nothing more, and there are some legit mentally ill people there that are pretty bad off. While I do agree that a lot of them should try more instead of giving up when the going gets tough, not everyone has the same mental fortitude and certain things, even small can easily get to a person, whether it be a man, woman, child, or whatever, or wherever.

Its better to just not make fun of people in general because at the end of the day you don't actually know what is going through that person's mind or what is going on with their life over the internet, again, even if they are playing around, or do have some actual serious issues.

No. 3520

No-one goes to /r9k/ to work through their issues.

And where do you think you are?

>legit mentally ill people there that are pretty bad off.

Literally no-one is making fun of someone who's just sad and posts there sometimes, but if you're mentally ill and join in on hateful shit and trying to force other people to be insecure by trying to convince them that they're worthless for not being models, you're a shit person. It's not at all an excuse.

>Its better to just not make fun of people in general because at the end of the day you don't actually know what is going through that person's mind or what is going on with their life over the internet, again, even if they are playing around, or do have some actual serious issues.

Once again, where do you think you are?

When people on /r9k/ stop being ridiculous, people will stop making fun of them.

No. 3521

>No-one goes to /r9k/ to work through their issues
>Where do you think you are?

You'd be surprised actually, and it doesn't matter where I am.

>Join in on hateful shit

I do agree with you on that point actually, trying to bring other people down is a very poor thing to do.

>People will stop making fun of them

People shouldn't be making fun of others in the first place. While I'm personally fine with making fun of the memes and how they are portrayed, the individuals themselves (even if they're just playing around and roleplaying) shouldn't be made fun of. Its just not a very nice thing to do, as I said, they might not be actually roleplaying and you could potentially get that person feeling very down.

No. 3522

>You'd be surprised actually,

I'll rephrase it. There is no fucking reason to go to /r9k/ to fix your issues, it's not a support forum in the slightest, and there are dozens out there that serve you better.

It's like going to /out/ to talk about how much you like staying inside.

>People shouldn't be making fun of others in the first place.

You're really in the wrong place.

The only individuals that I've seen get made fun of here from /r9k/ are tripfags like Vyro anyway.

No. 3523

>I'll rephrase it. There is no fucking reason to go to /r9k/ to fix your issues, it's not a support forum in the slightest, and there are dozens out there that serve you better.

You would be correct, but people find solace where they can if that is what that particular individual is actually there for.
>You're really in the wrong place.

Again, doesn't matter where I am, I'll speak my mind.
>The only individuals that I've seen get made fun of here from /r9k/ are tripfags like Vyro anyway.

Again still not a nice thing to do. You're free to do it all you want, but its not nice in any way. The internet doesn't give one the excuse to be dicks, and that goes for everybody.

No. 3524

I think it would be shitty if we made stuff up, sure, but just laughing at the dumb shit they do seems fine to me.

Don't do dumb shit and no-one will laugh.

No. 3525

Imagine if you were a teenager (I don't know you might still be), but either way imagine it. Imagine you did something dumb, even just playing around, now granted some of it needs to be called out, but lets just say in this scenario that you said something dumb and made a mistake when it came to lets say social interaction. Now imagine if everyone made fun of you for it, some people of which will ostracize you and hold it over your head for a long time. Not a good thing for a growing teenage mind no matter the circumstances.

Now granted, some of the stuff needs to have an eyebrow raised and questioned or some stuff straight up be called out for the stupidity that is done, that much I agree. But some stuff is just plain silly to make fun of. We'll take OP's pic for instance. In today's society young women are becoming more and more conservative, because there is actual biological and scientific data to suggest that a woman with more sexual partners over time is less happy than one with less. Its just pure raw data that unfortunately is true so from the screencap of /r9k/, I can understand at least partially where that anon was coming from, not to say he couldn't have chosen his words more carefully and meme'd less about it, but the point stands regardless.

No. 3526

I mean, you'd have a point if this wasn't an anonymous forum we were talking about.

No-one's having anything held over their heads for any amount of time, because no-one knows who posted it. If yuo're someone like Vyro (who's in his 20's) and choose to act in a ridiculous way with your face attached to it, I don't think that you can get mad when people call you a retard and the reputation of being a retard follows you through threads.

Apart from that, I don't think anyone cares about teenagers doing some stupid shit, and we don't really have many threads about people under 18, because it's not that interesting unless it's super extreme.

I'd recommend you spend a bit more time lurking here if you're going to complain, as well as learning the difference between correlation and causation before you say stuff like
>because there is actual biological and scientific data to suggest that a woman with more sexual partners over time is less happy than one with less

Because that's an incredibly biased way to look at that data, and ignores the massive possibility that the women who are unhappy with a bunch of partners, would still be unhappy with less.

No. 3528

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As a female, it doesn't matter how far you fall in society, it doesn't matter if you're drug addicted, NEET, no money, have STDs, crazy, fat, ugly, or whatever.

There is not only guys who will still have sex with you, they will pay to have sex with you.

Basically females live life on super easy mode compared to men. Aside from very rare cases, if they want, there is tons of guys willing to financially take care of them.

These guys have been ignored or treated badly by females their entire life. They have been deprived of sex and females their entire lives, while they watch the majority of other men get access to females, and they watch females slut it up. Never once has any female cared enough about them to have sex though, and that psychologically destroys a man.

They also hate females because of feminism, and the fact they are being allowed to destroy civilization. They are rewarded for divorce, and not punished for cheating, nor are they punished for being sluts, so they do these things rampantly, and it destroys civilization. Men have their entire lives destroyed and everything they worked for ruined, if his wife decides she wants a divorce, takes his kids away, and ruins him financially. It has ruined the family structure and in turn the entire society.

The anger, loneliness, and frustration, caused by lack of female affection, is literally enough to cause these men to kill and rape.

It is something you will never be able to understand or relate to.

>Because that's an incredibly biased way to look at that data, and ignores the massive possibility that the women who are unhappy with a bunch of partners, would still be unhappy with less.

There's no mistaking the cause here, it's directly caused by # of sexual partners, these negative things (almost) linearly increase with sexual partner count.

No. 3530

Please tell me this is a joke, if you honestly think that any of what you're saying is true.

You get that people are having less sex now than 10 years ago, right? And that 60's and 70's were pretty huge as far as casual sex went?

And that all of this is a gross over simplification of the complex reasons why marriages don't work out, that also ignores that a heap of the marriages ending in divorce now are from past generations and decades?

Same with the happiness thing, a correlation does in no way imply causation, especially when you're talking about figures in which extremely young people are having sexual activity, which is almost absolutely going to be predatory in nature

I get this is bait, but holy shit mate, if you're going to put that much effort into something at least make it so that it holds up to a basic glance over. There's a reason that academics write so much analysis around the numbers found in studies, particularly in social sciences. Because numbers on their own are able to be twisted to fit almost any agenda.

I could say that people who have more sexual partners being unhappy is actually societies fault because it shames them, or mens fault for treating them badly during and after sex, and number of things, and they would all be equally valid, because the numbers could be explained by it.

I'm curious too, what exactly is "marriage quality percentage"? What's the quantifiable difference between a 55% quality marriage, and a 65% one?

No. 3531

>You get that people are having less sex now than 10 years ago, right? And that 60's and 70's were pretty huge as far as casual sex went?
I never said otherwise, nor did the picture. You're arguing against your own imagination dumbass.

>And that all of this is a gross over simplification of the complex reasons why marriages don't work out

The bride's number of past sexual partners is a reliable indicator of the chances the marriage will fail.

>I get this is bait,

It is not "bait" you stupid bitch. It is not a "troll". Do you really think no one actually holds these views? Do you think MGTOW/MRA is just a joke to "troll" you?

>I could say that people who have more sexual partners being unhappy is actually societies fault because it shames them

Why did they start shaming them in the first place? It's almost like they had reasons to shame them…

No. 3532

>And that 60's and 70's were pretty huge as far as casual sex went?
Actually nevermind it did say something about this.

What are you basing this on, TV shows and movies depicting hippies? Because the statistics show that there's more sluts now.

No. 3533

>I never said otherwise, nor did the picture.

I mean, if you ignore the whole right side of it, sure.

>The bride's number of past sexual partners is a reliable indicator

No, and that's not demonstrated by that data, at best it's slightly more effective than a coin flip at the absolute highest range.

>It is not "bait" you stupid bitch. It is not a "troll". Do you really think no one actually holds these views? Do you think MGTOW/MRA is just a joke to "troll" you?

Nah, but I think that the people who post that shit here don't bother with correct formatting the vast majority of the time, and you're clearly just trying to get a reaction here.

I do think that MGTOW is a joke though, and the takeover of MRA movements by bitter morons like yourself just makes me sad.

>Why did they start shaming them in the first place? It's almost like they had reasons to shame them…

I have no fucking idea, but there's plenty of theories that make a hell of a lot more sense than divorce rate in the modern world.

Lack of effective contraception, spread of disease, attitudes that women were property in the past are all absolutely reasonable explanations that have very little to do with the data you've presented.

It's honestly sad that someone put the time and effort into making that image, and yet wasn't capable of making it hold up to an absolutely basic level analysis. The whole thing falls apart as soon as you point out that correlation doesn't equal causation.

Nope, basing it on data representing average number of partners.

Here's an article about it with the relevant quotes and sources

>Among other things, they found that persons born in the '80s and '90s (a.k.a. millennials) report having a couple fewer sex partners on average than those in the prior two generations, and that the millennial group's younger half is twice as likely to be sexually inactive in their first years of adulthood as Gen X-ers were. Researchers also noted a particular trend toward sexual inactivity among millennial and nascent Gen-Z women, and that 15 percent of the 20- to 24-year-old set has not had sex since coming of age, which is a 6 percent bump from early '90s rates.

Sexual activity is extremely close between the genders, too, before you claim that it's actually only men having less sex or something similarly stupid.

Oh yeah, your numbers about how many people have had sex before marriage is also massively misleading. If someone doesn't get married until 35, 10 partners is really next to fucking nothing, if they start having sex at say 17 or so, that's a partner almost every two years. Hardly a slut.

The change in numbers is much more easily explained by changes in attitudes towards getting married, with people on average getting married at later ages.

The complete lack of context for any of the shit you've spoken about makes your post bait at best, because if it's not, you're absolutely fucking retarded.

No. 3534

>as a female
>females live life on easy mode
>feminism is destroying society
>there's just cause for murder and rape

Lmao, stop pretending to be a girl on the internet you dirty old man.
How embarrassing!!

No. 3537

>Lack of effective contraception, spread of disease
Still problems today, HPV for example you can get even with condoms. Contraceptive itself was a huge mistake. There's plenty of more complex social reasons too.

>The whole thing falls apart as soon as you point out that correlation doesn't equal causation.

I bet you actually think you sound smart. No, this doesn't invalidate those statistics.

>before you claim that it's actually only men having less sex

It is.

> If someone doesn't get married until 35, 10 partners is really next to fucking nothing,

According to who? Turbo sluts like you?

THERE IS INCEL VIRGINS AT AGE 35, you can't possibly relate to that, you're obviously a slut that thinks being single or not having sex for 6 months is a long time.

>that's a partner almost every two years. Hardly a slut.

Having sex with anyone outside a long-term relationship makes a girl a slut. If a girl has had that many long-term relationships in that time period, well that's just more proof for my argument.

>your post bait at best, because if it's not, you're absolutely fucking retarded.

Arguing with females is like arguing with 12 year olds on Youtube.

Can't tell if trolling or you literally didn't read anything past "As a female".

No. 3538

>Still problems today,

Are you retarded? Contraceptive is widespread and easily available to the vast majority of people in the western world, to compare that to the situation hundreds or thousands of years ago is just ridiculous.

>Contraceptive itself was a huge mistake

Yeah totally dude we should absolutely make it so that people who aren't willing or able to have children are either forced to give the kids subpar upbringings or dump them into orphanages instead.

>I bet you actually think you sound smart. No, this doesn't invalidate those statistics.

I never claimed it did, I claimed that the conclusions drawn from it invalidate them.

>Having sex with anyone outside a long-term relationship makes a girl a slut.

Haha, okay dude, whatever you said.

I guess almost every single person in the world over every single time period is a slut then.

>Arguing with females is like arguing with 12 year olds on Youtube.

Yeah, I'm sure you're totally a girl, right?

Go back to /r incels, you just sound dumb, and dodging half the shit that gets said and going "nuh uh" to the rest doesn't actually prove anything.

You're seriously one of the dumber trolls we've had here in a fair while.

No. 3539

>I claimed that the conclusions drawn from it invalidate them.

Misworded, I mean that the conclusions you've drawn are invalid because they're based off of nothing but speculation and a lack of even a basic understanding of the scientific method.

No. 3540

>Whenever a woman tries to be nice to a guy who frequents /r9k/, he always ends up posting her nudes
Why would he have her nudes? is that a part of this "being nice"?

And then you complain about "shaming for not being pure", maybe you should take a few steps back and reflect on your life.

No. 3541

wahahaaa this creepy robot selling us prostitution as "easy mode" of living

R E P O R T E D for human trash

No. 3543

>I could say that people who have more sexual partners being unhappy is actually societies fault because it shames them, or mens fault for treating them badly during and after sex

Of course, it's everyone else's fault, not their own. They dindu nuffin.

No. 3571

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No. 3573


Ah. See here we have an incel who has fallen so hard to the chan, that he has become a trap. Good work ladies, we've done it!

No. 3574

Learn to read you moron.

I said "I COULD say" that was the case, not that it was, because raw numbers alone don't say shit and it's incredibly easy to make up any number of theories as to why there's a correlation there if our burden of proof is literally as low as "This is possible I guess".

If you're going to post dismissive meme replies, at least understand what it is you're being retarded about, holy shit.

No. 3575

>vyro rejects girls left and right
>oscar uses and manipulates every girl he can get
>meanwhile the real robots don't even get a chance, and the few guys popular enough to get contacts paint the whole board as like that

No. 3576

>talk to a tripfag
>be surprised that an attention whore is a shitty person

No. 3578

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>doesn't read peoples posts

No. 3581

Kinda off-topic, but… are robots just really whiny and spoiled or is working a mcjob really that soul draining? I constantly hear about them quitting jobs that their parents got for them after a month or so because they can't handle the stress.

No. 3582

are we really? ive talked to one chick outside on skype and within an hour or so the conversation degenerated into me weirding her the fuck out and she stopped talking to me forever. i can't imagine that once a robot opens up to you that you would like them at all

No. 3583

>Robots are alone because they don't really ask people out, and instead stay inside
idk, i think that an actual robot who got into a relationship would fuck it up as soon as they got close

No. 3584

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>stop going to r9k with couple of robot friends
>Start normification process
>they all have normal lives and gfs now
>You're the only one who didn't make it

At least not a hikkineet anymore

No. 3585


I'd say spoiled. Most still live with parents with no jobs and are stuck with the mental handicap of delusions of entitlement.

Shits going to interesting once the babyboomers start dying out, and their NEET offsprings are finally thrown out into reality.

No. 3586

Back when it was first created, the board was an experimental board with a bot that combed through posts to prevent spamming of the same shit. It was meant to encourage original content. For a long time, it was a board where people posted greentext stories about all sorts of things. somewhere along the way, it became the thing it is now.
They're whiny and spoiled. They also feel they are owed relationships and sex, which is exacerbated by the echo chamber they frequent. The root of their woman hate, for most of them, is they've never been touched by a woman. I've seen a few former robots go on and get a girlfriend and have a decent life, and they look back on that period of their life as a time where they were angry and deluded.

No. 3587

Yep, having shit life is being spoiled.
Also you forgot about the straight whlte male privilege most of them have.

No. 3588

I just realized that first post I quoted was referring to this board, not /r9k/s obsession with robots.

People post about it here because it's fun, plain and simple.

No. 3592

Legit question what's wrong with Chinese girls in their book?

No. 3593

They have the stereotype of being extremely materialistic. Expecting a rich man, and then demanding tons of money to spend on designer shit.

Just like Koreans are considered to be plastic, and Japanese to be racist.

No. 3594

Working a job you absolutely hate can be terrible and make someone miserable, but working just entry level sort of customer service jobs is really not that hard at all.

If you're working in a factory or some shit and hate it I could get their point, but work is work, and it not being constantly fun and exciting doesn't mean it's miserable and you'll hate doing it.

No. 3597

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> The root of their woman hate, for most of them, is they've never been touched by a woman
This is a legit reason for them to be angry, especially because they have to watch other guys get access to females.

It is frustrating on a level that your female brain can't understand. It can cause men to kill or rape.

Working a mcjob as an ugly male is far more stressful and demoralizing than working one as a female.

If the female wanted to increase her status, she could just select a guy with financial assets (even if she's ugly, but being a single mom or a feminist makes this a lot harder).

The male, with his ugly looks and low financial status, has very little chance at finding any kind of female partner.

No. 3598

>doing literally the exact same thing is harder for me because I'm male :(

Kek, fuck off retard.

Most people stop throwing tantrums when they don't get what they want when they're like 15, it's time to grow up.

No. 3600

The job itself isn't physically harder, it's mentally harder.

>Most people stop throwing tantrums when they don't get what they want

It's more like a need. Obviously you would be upset if you were starving to death and had no food.

You may think it's not a need, but without it men literally go crazy, and can even kill/rape/suicide almost entirely just because of it.

No. 3601

It's really not, you've just injected some unrelated shit about getting a partner into it.

And no, getting laid isn't a need. You get that people willingly spend their lives celibate and don't do any of those things, right? Something is a need if you literally can't go without it, like food or water, if you stop doing those, you'll die.

No. 3602

>You get that people willingly spend their lives celibate
Women don't count, they have insanely lower sex drives on average.

Men who choose to be celibate only do it for religious reasons, it is a show of extreme restraint and sacrifice, they fast from food for similar reasons.

>Something is a need if you literally can't go without it, like food or water, if you stop doing those, you'll die.

I just told you that men kill/suicide because of this.

Never having a female want you is something that frustrates men on an existential level you can't even understand because you're a roastie.

You're laughing at men for something that can cause them to kill/suicide. I wouldn't feel bad for you at all if you get killed in a public shooting by some incel, because you're the one who creates those shooters.

No. 3603

>Women don't count, they have insanely lower sex drives on average.

>women don't count because i say so

>Men who choose to be celibate only do it for religious reason

Or personal ones, the fact you think only priests are celibate voluntarily says a lot.

>it is a show of extreme restraint and sacrifice,

Lol, not it's really not. It's something they give up because it's a temptation, a vow of celibacy is pretty much the least serious vow that they can make. It's not some insane show of restraint, it's a show of dedication.

>I just told you that men kill/suicide because of this.

And people have killed themselves because they lost their phones, does that make having an iPhone a need? Something isn't a need if you choose to off yourself because you don't have it, you could just as easily choose to not off yourself.

>You're laughing at men for something that can cause them to kill/suicide. I wouldn't feel bad for you at all if you get killed in a public shooting by some incel, because you're the one who creates those shooters.

Shit, you found out about our secret school shooter factory, what will I do now that I can't personally create more mass murderers?

No. 3604

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>>women don't count because i say so
No, women don't count because they have extremely lower sex drives on average, and celibacy is an entirely different thing for women.

>a vow of celibacy is pretty much the least serious vow that they can make

You're a female, of course you wouldn't understand this.

>And people have killed themselves because they lost their phones

No they don't. Cite ONE case of this happening.

I could name a bunch of killers that were at least partially because they were incels, and could have been prevented if they just had a gf.

Honestly I do feel entitled to sex/gf, I can't get it because I'm a NEET with no money, which no matter how attractive I am or what my personality is like, puts me in a league that not even lowest, worst, ugliest, fattest, females want me. I would gladly accept them though.

No. 3605

>No, women don't count because they have extremely lower sex drives on average, and celibacy is an entirely different thing for women.

>women don't count because I say so

>You're a female, of course you wouldn't understand this.

Sure kiddo.

>No they don't. Cite ONE case of this happening.

Mitchell Henderson, though admittedly there was a buildup, but the loss of his phone was the trigger (the ED page is just exaggerated bullshit the same as everything else on that site).

People kill themselves over all sorts of stupid shit, that doesn't make it a need. People have killed themselves because they can't get more drugs to feed an addiction, does that make drugs a need?

>Honestly I do feel entitled to sex/gf, I can't get it because I'm a NEET with no money, which no matter how attractive I am or what my personality is like, puts me in a league that not even lowest, worst, ugliest, fattest, females want me. I would gladly accept them though.

Fucking hell, are you seriously back again? I figured you'd gotten sick of looking dumb in every thread.

No. 3607

>Fucking hell, are you seriously back again? I figured you'd gotten sick of looking dumb in every thread.
You act like you missed me or something. Yes I've been here, banned 100 times.

I just want to feel love and have gf, I became bitter when I realized there's a price tag on it, and I couldn't afford it. All women are like this.

It has nothing to do with my "personality" (preemptively telling you not to respond with that bullshit), or my looks.

No. 3609

No-one missed you, I'm just surprised you're so persistent in coming to a forum where the only reaction you get is people calling you dumb, you clearly aren't wanted in, and don't want to contribute to.

The whole "i'm an incel because I'm too poor" discussion has already been had in other threads anyway, and you got btfo.

No. 3610

Imagine you're a high school drop out who has never had a friend and can barely interact with people. You don't make friends at work or enjoy talking to others, and people clearly find you strange or even disgusting. You may have overheard them joking about you shooting up the place. You can't imagine why anybody would like you, you have trouble being interested in anything, and it feels like no matter what you do you will never have anybody to share it with. Most good things in life aren't accessible to you. You recognize that you haven't done anything for yourself and you don't expect that to change. Life is empty and painfully lonely.

Do you understand how, from this perspective, making money feels completely pointless? Going through any hassle to live at all feels pointless. Almost everybody wants you to disappear, and you know yourself well enough to doubt you'll start living in your twenties when you've only ever been a corpse.

I'm not even in this situation, I just find guys on wizchan much more sympathetic figures than the people demonizing them. Most people on /r9k/ are just young and impressionable, but there are people I don't blame for being bitter.

No. 3611

Yes mommy.

No. 3612


Get this: my ex-friend was a 20-something y/o virgin NEET with no chance of his situation changing. He was not clasically handome. I developed a crush on him and was more than willing to enter a relationship. Got offered fwb deal at best, which I pretended to be fine with at that moment, cause it was better than nothing (I cringe how irrational I was).
We had a falling out unrelated to all of this.
I suppose to you this shit never happened, right?

No. 3614

How do you suggest I meet girls like you? I think about 1 in 2 million girls aren't whores like you, so how do you suggest that I find these rare girls, and get them to like me?

How did you even meet him if he's a NEET? You must have known him from high school or something, that's the only way.

I would be happy with even the lowest/ugliest/fattest girls, and maybe a few of them would like me back, but there's literally no way for me to even meet them, and trying online dating certainly won't work as a NEET.

No. 3615

>This is a legit reason for them to be angry

No it isn't. They're spoiled ass little bitches raised in a culture that teaches them that pussy is owed. So when they don't get it, they sperg out and take to boards like /r9k/ or those retarded subreddits, and they maintain a bitter echochamber.

I love how you men use that argument and you act like sex is the be all end all of everything, and how going without it is so horrible and debilitating and reduces you to acting like animals. Then simultaneously, you think you are better than women. You treat your own gender like you're a set of base instincts, yet somehow you still have the gall to call yourselves the logical ones.

No. 3616

>They're spoiled ass little bitches raised in a culture that teaches them that pussy is owed
I'm not that guy and I don't want to defend him, but I think this is dumb. You don't have to feel entitled to something in order to want it and be upset that you don't have it. People aren't taught that love is owed, they recognize that it's normal and most people have it, so they wonder what's wrong with them, why they can't develop relationships or even friendships when almost everybody does. Things can suck, and I think the language of entitlement is largely used to dismiss people who want things you have. Same shit with wealth inequality.

I'm not suggesting there ought to be a political solution, I'm just saying you're interpreting people in the least charitable way possible- you see whining and conclude the whiners have delusions of grandeur.

No. 3617

Did you read his posts?

>Honestly I do feel entitled to sex/gf

He's not just a guy who's sad because he's chronically single and wishes he wasn't.

No. 3618

Nah, I didn't bother. My bad.

No. 3619

We met via Reddit.
He also met a girl (not me, another one) willing to fuck him via OkCupid. She was visiting him for some time and thet have done sexual stuff. She was the promiscuous type. Don't know the exact details as the situation has broke my heart, but yeah. Totally possible.
I wouldn`t mind dating a NEET at all if I loved his personality.

No. 3620

This is a very good description. It truly hurts when no girl has ever liked you. You're somehow fundamentally undesirable.

No. 3622


You're single because you're too stupid to open your eyes. You waste countless hours talking on a board where you're not welcome, partially because you probably feel this is the only way girls will talk to you. While on the other hand, you use the negativity to feed your sexist victim complex. New flash honey, we don't want to be the supply!

You don't want help, you want to be right. The world is constantly telling you that you're not, but like a damn kid, you sit and plug up your ears because the truth brings up feels you wish to not feel. Citing shit you find online that confirms your sexist beliefs for bullshit reasonings and debates.

The shit you do cite is not even scientifically backed. Everything piece of data you robots regurgitate is unless cherry picked statistics of the same caliber with the girly rag magazines you robots like to circle jerk yourselves over.

>How do you suggest I meet girls like you? I think about 1 in 2 million girls aren't whores like you, so how do you suggest that I find these rare girls, and get them to like me?

I mean look at this shit. You're so god damn obtuse, that you don't realize that if you insult the group of people you're trying to get information from, you ain't going to get jack shit. "Women are whores, but not you" Get the fuck otta here with that noise.

>inb4 "Yes mommy"

Bitch, If I was yo mama, I would've move far away from yo ass when you turned 18. If you come off as this insufferable online, I'd hate to see how much of a emotional vampire you are irl. And I bet girls can tell 1 mile away.

You are a leech, you are no one, and the world owes you nothing. You're an embarrassment to your parents and this board.

sage because we all know dumb ass is just going
to keep posting here. /rant

No. 3625

I'm late to the party but I'm Jody. I can talk about anything related to it that you would like, if you want to ask specific questions. I don't know what others know about the whole ordeal. He is a fake, through and through.
He never was affectionate, or ever planned to visit me, despite how desperate he acts on /r9k/. He even gave his dox to fish (another /r9k/ trip) so that fish would contact me when I blocked Vyro about 2 years back. He used a fake last name but everything else was legit. Also, Vyro has me blocked on every platform since about 3-4 weeks ago when I told him my now bf (who he tied to pay to not date or talk to me) was coming to visit me for a week irl.

I'm curious when this relationship with a 14 year old was. He's roughly the same age as me, and I turned 21 almost exactly a year ago.
2015 summer when we both about turned 20, we had just broken up. From then until recently, he gave me a lot of shit for even talking to my current bf because, well… he said he was in love with me and only me and I had abused/manipulated him into being this way. He, of course, said all this to my bf's friends in twitter DMs and to my bf directly threatening to kill him for ever being in my life.

Oh god and I just remembered, he flew to the Seattle area when he was like 18 and visited Katherine. She was his first internet gf that anyone knows of. They were dating and spent time together irl doing god knows what. She broke up with him because she's a NEET who leeches off her parents and they didn't approve of him, but she still likes him and they still talk.
Weirdest thing about him is that he genuinely believes he is lonely and miserable. He could easily have had his dream gf multiple times over if he wasn't such a shit, but he's really intent on being truly depressed. I do hope he has someone friendly to check up on him now that he blocked me. No one should believe his bs but someone should look out for his safety.

No. 3626

Join my discord please

No. 3627

>He could easily have had his dream gf multiple times over if he wasn't such a shit,
Can you elaborate on that?

No. 3628

>dating robot from r9k
>he believes the memes from 4chan and thinks I'm with him because I'm 26 and I'm settling
>we had a 5 hour argument last night because I told him good looks are made and it's not something you're born with most of the time. I told him he would be better looking if he got a nice hair cut.
>he blames everything on not being white, so he won't even try to do anything outside of the box.
>despite being in his mid 20s, his parents are in complete control of everything he does(for example his father went with him to get his hair cut yesterday and his father kept telling the barber how to cut his hair)
>he can give me constructive criticism but any criticism towards him and he will be depressed for days
>we only go out about twice a month because his parents won't let him go out more than that
>has never cooked, cleaned or done anything for himself in this whole 25 years of being alive.
>extremely book smart but just throws it away because he doesn't want to try at all(this pisses me off a lot because I had a shit education and I have to work my ass off for things he could just get with a minimal amount of effort)

I'll admit dating a man from r9k does get exhausting at times and it's nice to vent. He blames his parents and money for why he won't move out but deep down inside I think he's just scared to be an adult.

No. 3629

It's only completely pointless because you have mommy and daddy to pick up the bill. You Have the luxury of thinking having a job is pointless because you have mommy to suck dry. These things happen to me at work and I'm female but I can't quit because I'd be homeless.

No. 3630

If you're under the age of 24, you could attend jobcorp and get a high school diploma easy but you're not going to do that because sitting on your ass and playing video games is easier.

No. 3631

> dating a non white robot neet

just why?

No. 3632

because I'm not white myself.

No. 3633

why do you care about robots and/or r9k?
you understand that the board is anti-female?
no wonder most of you who dated anons from r9k had a bad time.

No. 3634

1. not an excuse
2. dating a robot neet, just why?

No. 3636

1.lonliness is a bitch
2.theres a lot of things about him I like

And he's not a neet. He has a degree and has a job but despite all this he allows his parents to have 300% control over everything he does. It's frustrating talking to him about it because he's like a brain washed hostage.

No. 3637

have some standards, you dont have to settle

No. 3638

fucking hell.
i legit feel bad for this guy.

No. 3639

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>good looks are made and it's not something you're born with

just b urself anons a haircut can make you a 10/10 ;)

No. 3640

nice post,dude :D

No. 3641

File: 1494781121973.jpg (38.67 KB, 615x410, IMG_0218.JPG)

It's actually true unless said person is deformed. Most of what makes a person attractive is hair, clothes, staying fit and having a dominate personality. There are some people who are born really attractive but these people are rare. Look at how ugly cumberbitch is and he has tons of women wanting his cock.

No. 3642


Wow, who would have thought that a millionaire tv and movie star would have women after his cock.

No. 3643

File: 1494782650833.jpg (40.18 KB, 500x380, IMG_0219.JPG)

And yet he still managed to become a millionaire tv star despite looking like an alien with Down's syndrome. Why did this happen?because he took care of himself and doesn't have the personality of a boiled egg unlike most robots. There are some people who are ugly beyond repair but most aren't.

No. 3644

I personally don't find him attractive but he's not ugly. He has good skin and hair and well defined albeit unusual features. It's all about proportion. And don't forget the voice. If cumberbatch wasn't confident and successful he'd come across as a major weirdo probably but he still wouldn't be ugly.

No. 3645

File: 1494784290323.png (301.33 KB, 763x1936, IMG_0227.PNG)

That's my point. Most people aren't "ugly" it's just the way people dress and take care of themselves that make them unattractive. If cumberbatch didn't have his personality and he just let himself go with video games and fast food he wouldn't be considered handsome at all or desirable.

No. 3646

File: 1494792696820.jpg (75.68 KB, 564x714, 1447785740401.jpg)

>tfw just want to blow my head off with a shotgun but too much of a pussy to even take my own life

No. 3647

The 14 year old thing never happened as far as anyone knows. The same story was role like years ago but the person said the girl was an entirely different age.

I'm pretty sure that part of the story is at least fabricated anyway considering no one even ever mentioned it ever outside of a different thread on this website.

No. 3655

Ah, alright. I vaguely remember him talking to some young underage girl but that was when he was barely 18 himself.
Well, there's all the times he rejected me for various reasons and refused to let me visit him when I was going to pay for all of the expenses.
I've seen so many girls on /r9k/ and /soc/ interested in him but he makes the weakest excuses for not dating them. There was Lauren, who had bpd and was obsessive and all that stuff he claimed to want, but he dumped her. Cakefu, the cultist, dog sothoth. Cakefu he seemed to like but didn't pursue because he was still anti internet gf at the time. Same with the cultist, I think. She was underage to boot. Dog Sothoth and him knew they wouldn't work as a couple and she had her own drama so I guess she doesn't really count.
Then there was a girl he knew in real life, who posted some "anonymous" (she accidentally left her trip on) love letter about/to him. They hung out and play video games and whatever and she was clearly into him. She was a virgin and didn't want to have sex unless practically married from what I know. She met like all his standards except that she had a job that wasn't just min wage bs. She went on to date like all 3 of his real life friends, according to him.
He's pro internet gf now, has money and a free flight at his disposal, and I'm sure he's up to the same shit making dumb excuses. At least his old excuse of not wanting an LDR gf who lived in a different country was acceptable… for the first couple of years he used it.

Also, his parents still ask him about me. I don't even know how they know who I am. Makes me laugh thinking about him all angsty at the dinner table because his mother asks him how I'm doing.

No. 3656

Assuming this is /soc/ Lauren that a few people had drama with, she's legit infamous there for doing the same thing to other people and then blocking them like a week later. She's an even bigger piece of shit than he is.

Also as far as I know with that real life girl, she was dating his one friend when she wrote the letter and then broke up with that friend and dated another friend of his a week or so later, if I remember correctly. Also probably a bigger piece of shit than he is, somehow.

The cake girl is probably the only one I actually feel bad for.

On the topic of Vyro himself, the guy is just downright crazy probably and should probably seek help. From what I've seen of him he seems legitimately mentally ill and if he wasn't such a prick I'd be worried about him too.

No. 3657

Was the real life girl the one who Vyro claimed was a stranger who recognized him at the mall despite all the evidence to the contrary?
Wow, I never thought I'd feel nostalgic for old tripfag drama.

No. 3658

If I recall she claimed the stranger thing for laughs. As soon as people actually started posting her shit more he came clean that she was dating his friend or something and thought it would be funny.

That part was pretty common knowledge at least, I thought.

No. 3659

Yeah it's that Lauren. He seemed to really like her for some reason, despite that. It's hard to know how many anonymous girls he's turned down over the years, it makes me sad seeing posts even now from girls who thought they would like him but he was so focused on being autismally miserable that he fucked up even keeping them as friends.

Vyro really does need mental help. The guy blew up on me and everyone he could find when I got into a relationship with my current bf, even though Vyro still refused to date me up until the day he knew I wasn't single anymore. The only reason I don't hate him and didn't cut him out of my life is because he really is genuinely mentally ill. If he found help then he would be a really cool person with all the creative stuff he's done but lets his self imposed loneliness overshadow. It's sad and I hope he changes but getting help is something he has to do for himself, and I think he doesn't WANT to improve his mental health. He'd probably point to me as an example of how meds make all people into normies and sluts, and say that he doesn't want to become that.

She had been dating that friend for 3 years when they claimed that. Meanwhile, Vyro cries that he's never so much as been in the same room with a female and genuinely believes it. The mental gymnastics he does to keep himself in such misery must be exhausting.

No. 3660

what creative stuff has this faggot even done

No. 3661

Some mspaint comics, writing, uhhh. He's worked on some gamejam stuff that isn't awful. I feel like I'm forgetting something. It's nothing huge but his personality that isn't just "shitty miserable loser" comes through in it. There's a decently interesting person in him somewhere.
I might actually still have part of a story he was writing saved to my pc.

No. 3662

Lol@all the bitches in here trying to act like deep down inside vyro is a good person as an excuse for getting played by him. Naw you only wanted him because he's kind of cute and hard to get.

No. 3663

Apparently his writing is actually witty and okay, from what I've heard.

Oh well. I am kind of in agreement that medication fundamentally changes how people think, but I also think the term "normie" is stupid, so whatever. I do think he has someone interesting deep inside below the crippling mental illness, probably BPD, but I still wish that he would at least try to get past it because he does has potential.

I don't think that anyone thinks he is a good person. It's more that people acknowledge that mental illness can make someone a bad person, and people wish that he could get past that and actual try to be someone unique.

No. 3664

I'm going to be honest in regards to the past month of his activities. I am in a few discord servers with him, in one of which he's an admin, and in the last month or so he has improved a lot.

He's been more interesting to talk to, actually kind of funny, and seemed to care about a lot of stuff beyond relationships. It may be shitty to say, but assuming this "jody" tells the truth, it's been way better for the guy without her than with her in his life.

No. 3665

I'm glad he's doing well without me. I guess that even though we didn't speak much in the past ~6 months, I was still affecting him somehow. He has his ups and downs, I hope this up sticks with him. It's better for me without the scrutiny of Vyro in my life, so I'm glad he feels better now as well. I just hope there's someone making sure he's okay, that he can talk to. Obviously I can't be that person.

No. 3666

As far as I know, he doesn't speak to anyone in private period out of some kind of vague fear of repeating past happenings, but he seems rather passionate and alright with his life beyond that.

I think that overall, even if he can never have a one-on-one friendship with a person, he's probably better off like this. He doesn't seem happy, but he seems content, and that might be the most a person like him can ever get.

No. 3671


Fucking this.

No. 3672

>people praising vyro

What the fuck is wrong with this timeline?

No. 3673

No one is praising him, people are just admitting he's fucking mental.

No. 3674

I'm taking pity on the mentally ill. There's plenty of reason to dislike him though don't get me wrong. Like him cheating when his whole stupid lonely loser persona is built around hating cheaters. Or being incapable of listening to the mountains of advice people have given him. Just don't think he would be quite as bad if he wasn't in such need of mental help.

Ugh but honestly if I ever have to hear him complain about his body or his dick ever again my ears will bleed. He is objectively not terrible in those departments and it's annoying as fuck to hear him repeatedly deny it.

No. 3675

Are we allowed to hate on Jody for also being an attentionwhore human trash fire or she too busy being the sacred lamb of this thread

No. 3676

File: 1494890392965.jpg (14.68 KB, 320x309, an.jpg)

>tfw a robot who's asked out nearly 10 girls in the past 2 years
>rejected by all of them
Yeah, I'm clearly not trying hard enough.

No. 3677


>Wah I'm a fat ugly piece of shit who asked out 10 8/10 skinny girls AND THEY ALL REJECTED ME

>Feel sorry for me and how tough my life is

You're fucking worthless

No. 3678

What is the point of this post.
I don't know where you're meeting these girls but asking them out is not the only step in being desirable aka "trying hard enough".

No. 3679

I'm not fat though, far from it.
>8/10 skinny girls
No, I don't discriminate based on weight. You know, because I can't afford to being short and all.

No. 3680

I cleared my acne and gained weight, got teeth whitening strips, learned to cut my hair, joined clubs at my university, got over being shy. It doesn't do shit

No. 3681

Okay so you stopped looking like you live in your parent's basement, and you interact with other people. That's not exactly hard to do.

Unless you're shorter than most women I don't get why height is an issue to men. Or why any woman would care about their boyfriend's height. Most other robot nonsense I can sort of understand, but the fixation on height baffles me.

No. 3682

>Most of what makes a person attractive is hair
so much for that

No. 3683

Because most women I've talked to do say it matters a lot to them. You just need to get any of them reasonably drunk. It doesn't help that I'm constantly mocked for looking like a preteen. And that's something I simply can't change. It's genetic.
Also I live in a relatively European town so I'm shorter than, say, maybe half of the women at 5 8'

It's incredibly demoralizing to have someone reject you to date a drug addict, and then have that person complain to you that he only wants them for sex and doesn't care about her outside of that.

No. 3686

meant for

No. 3688


Who hurt you?

No. 3689

women here think that everyone only ever likes the attractive girls who made fun of them in highschool

which is funny because I've been rejected by chubby pizza faced girls before, and I legitimately thought they were cute as well, and liked that we had similar hobbies

No. 3690

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>women here thinks we all want Stacy

>r9k thinks all women want Chad

Truly a bizarre world

No. 3691

r9k has belly gf threads all the time with lots of replies. does this place have belly bf threads? maybe the hungry skeletons and the fatties of r9k and lolcow should get together

No. 3692

You're correct. Being a NEET takes money and it has to come from somewhere. But if there is money to sponge off of, I can understand sponging when you can't imagine being alive in five years.

I'm a college student, I'm not a NEET and I don't browse wizchan. The point is that some people feel like they could white knuckle it at life for twenty years and fail to leave a dent. A lot of people are hounded by mediocrity, but a few have an acute absence of accomplishment or experience which makes it sheerly hypothetical to imagine good things or have confidence in themselves. If you have nothing to work for, you probably won't work.

No. 3694

>women here think that everyone only ever likes the attractive girls who made fun of them in highschool

Bullshit, anyone who frequents /pt/ or /snow/ would know that guys will orbit anything remotely female.

No. 3695

Yeah but we clearly only orbit 8/10 blonde stacies who go to starbucks that we have nothing in common with. I dunno what you're talking about, ma'am.

No. 3696

File: 1494994274291.jpg (25.52 KB, 502x369, maslow-pyramid.jpg)

> Something is a need if you literally can't go without it,
That's not how it works you little shit.

No. 3697

Just cause maslow wanted to get his dick wet doesn't mean you NEED to.

No. 3700

Hierarchies of needs are pretty much all massively fucking criticised, because it's heavily arbitrary, there's barely any evidence for their rankings.

A priest has no sex or intimate relationships and still is a perfectly functional human being who is self actualised. Do you think anyone would say the Pope isn't self actualised, despite not having sex? I fucking guarantee that if he didn't have food or water he wouldn't be.

The definition of "needs" here is pretty flawed too, as you really don't need a huge amount of those things to be happy. Plenty of people are happy just cruising along in life not really doing much, loads of people are cool just having friends and not being in relationships.

The only things that are legitimately needs there are the basic ones, because you'll die without them.

They also change based on what age group you look at, old people value security way more than other groups, kids don't give a shit about love or any of the other stuff.

You'd think that you'd at least bother to read a few wikipedia articles if you're going to post maslows pyramid, if you can't be bothered doing actual research, because it's a fucking joke.

Affection could be classified as a need for most people to be happy in life, but you don't need to be getting laid to get that, you can get that from a friend, or a family member, or a fucking pet.

People shouldn't post heavily criticised theories that they then misinterpret and misrepresent, especially not when the researcher behind it neglected to bother researching anyone but the absolute top 1% of people for this reason
>the study of crippled, stunted, immature, and unhealthy specimens can yield only a cripple psychology and a cripple philosophy

You can't dismiss a huge amount of the population, focusing on just exceptional people and go "Yeah this is true for humans as a whole".

No. 3753

>He seemed pretty nice and normal at first but it was clear later on that he enjoyed being a lowlife NEET and didn't want to do anything with his life.

That seems to be the real rub doesn't it. Girls on here often talk about being a NEET or having a basic job and then quitting once a guy brings home the bacon. But if it's guy doing that, it's usually considered unacceptable.

I wonder how many girls would look past it if he had his parents pay for all his stuff and have a trust fund/inheritance in the near future?

No. 3790

Maslow is fucking horseshit that only mentally handicapable dudes and literal austists take completely seriously.

No. 3791

Finally some fucking common sense on this thread.

No. 3805

>Plenty of people are happy just cruising along in life not really doing much, loads of people are cool just having friends and not being in relationships.
You don't need to be in a relationship to get sex.

>these facts are contradicting my views
>better call anyone who acknowledges them a retard
Every time.

No. 3807

>Girls on here often talk about being a NEET or having a basic job and then quitting once a guy brings home the bacon
Bitch where

No. 3809

lol have even read some of the girls general threads? PPP?

Or are you being willfully ignorant?

No. 3810

I wouldn't say it happens often or that a majority of us wants that, I actually feel like we all look down on girls who expect to be cared for (see Luna thread), but alright. Your bringing up PPP just tells me you're a robot, not much point arguing with you

No. 3812

File: 1495920181736.jpg (15.4 KB, 219x324, Patrick.jpg)

Why do women use "virgin" as an insult against men? Why is being a virgin such a detestabl thing to women that they would actively use it to insult someone?

No. 3813

I'd say it's not the virginity in itself, but it's a sign of wider issues.

No. 3814

So, for example, someone waiting for marriage is a sign of wider issues as per your definition?

Also, I don't think I've ever seen women use it as an insult to eachother. Why is it men are often critcized for just wanting sex out of a woman, and then women will throw around virgin as an insult to a man almost as if they see them as less of a man for not having sex?

Keep in mind I am in no way trying to attack women or you personally, I'm just trying to have a better understanding. I've long since moved passed my /r9k/ and am just genuinely trying to understand the way some people think.

No. 3815

File: 1495921534872.jpg (33.63 KB, 425x600, 0af87e5ef14d4821c6a5a8afeadb7d…)

Other Anon here.
Any girl who throws around ''virgin'' as an insult, isn't a girl worth the time. Also, don't act like waiting for marriage is the only reason someone didn't (couldn't) hook up. You know what she means.
Just come back to the gender-reverse thread.

No. 3816

It's good that you've moved past r9k, I've taken a gander over there a few times, and it's terrible. Pessimistic attitudes never work.

As for somebody waiting for marriage, it's a sorta outdated concept in my opinion. Sex is an important part of any relationship, and has been proven (Oxytocin) to improve relationships. That being said, there is nothing wrong with waiting until marriage if you S.O is on the same page. As for it being used as an insult, it think it's mainly perpetrated because us men put such a high value on sex, which allows women to follow suit. Unfortunately, we cannot change that in an increasingly sexual society.

I would recommend the 8 month rule, as opposed to marriage. Look up the defacto-relationship laws in your country of residence, they'll provide an excellent insight into marriage.

Just remember, For every male NEET there's a female NEET who feels the same way. For every cheated-on male, there's a cheated-on female. R9K makes it seem like men are victims, when in reality both genders face the same issues.

No. 3817

So even someone critcizing someone as a "bitter virgin" isn't worth my time? That's slightly confusing to me as it seems to be a fairly common insult, even among the kind of people who use twitter and facebook and such, not just the kind of people browsing imageboards. Men use it as well.

And I don't frequent this site and am unfamiliar with what these gender-reverse threads are.

No. 3818

only guys say this to other guys lmao

No. 3819

Apparently not considering two posts have already admitted to women using it as well. If you're suggesting they are incorrect it would probably be best to reply to them, not me.

No. 3821

It's not an insult exactly, it's an attack on your credibility - you are a virgin, therefore not only do you not know what you're talking about when it comes to the opposite sex, your opinion doesn't matter because you're undesirable to begin with.

No. 3822

File: 1495929194843.jpg (27.55 KB, 500x281, 1486498379536.jpg)

you are a virgin, therefore not only do you not know what you're talking about when it comes to the opposite sex, your opinion doesn't matter because you're undesirable to begin with.

Why robots hate women truely is a mystery.

No. 3829

No female has ever cared enough about me to have sex with me. Even unemployed heroin addicts (much uglier than me) get to have sex with females.

It just hurts, almost everyone else has had sex by now, but not me.

I switch between being angry and sad about it. My mental health has been destroyed by it. Honestly not too far off from pulling an Elliot Rodgers. It could all be prevented if some girl just had sex with me.

No. 3831

Bro, focus inward. Channel the rage into self-improvement and /fit/ it up. Best advice i can give you.

No. 3832

I am more muscular than 90% of /fit/. I'm not ugly. Stupid bitch assuming things.

Women don't care what you look like, nor do they care about your personality, if you don't have any money.

All women are whores and I can't afford them. That's why I'm an incel.

Actually I could afford "real" whores, but not the whores that are called "girlfriends". Even though all women are technically whores, fucking a "real" whore doesn't really count, and it wouldn't make me feel better.

No. 3833

You have a lot of anger my friend. Tone it back and do some self reflection. Try to look at things from other peoples POV.

No. 3835

Try looking at it from a female's point of view? Ok.

"He's a NEET with no money? Wow there is NOTHING he could possibly compensate that with".

If some girl doesn't voluntarily have sex with me in the next few years, I'm going to pull an Elliot Rodgers and go on a rampage killing females. It makes me that angry.


Yeah that's basically why I mentioned that. Drug-users are the 1 exception. Drug-addicted girls will still be with unemployed drug-addicted males.

Ironically, drug-addicted females with their unemployed drug-addict boyfriends are some of the best examples I could give of girls who aren't whores.

No. 3836

Warped view, cannot be helped. Ignore bait

No. 3837

It's not "bait" it's how I really feel.

No. 3838

That board is frustrating to no end. There was a sex doll thread yesterday where the OP bought a sex doll and was like "women are only worth their vagina". So I post telling him and anyone else with these views that it's great they got a sex doll if it means they stay away from women, they're happy, and we're happy.
But then there was this pervasive opinion in the thread that women are terrified (kek) of the sex dolls replacing them. So I was called a;
>white knight
for expressing what I believe is a very logical opinion. But apparently they still think we're desperate for their woman hating dick. I mean, WHY.

No. 3839

It's just the groupthink. Soon they'll mature out of it and become regular members of society.

No. 3841

File: 1495988356592.jpg (28.31 KB, 410x536, renee_vivien01.jpg)

>"He's a NEET with no money? Wow there is NOTHING he could possibly compensate that with".

Compensate with what? Not being able to sustain some form of basic income that isn't leeching off mum and dad to maintain one own well-being, or at least actively trying to do so isn't seductive at all. But it isn't even required to get into a relationship.

>If some girl doesn't voluntarily have sex with me in the next few years, I'm going to pull an Elliot Rodgers and go on a rampage killing females. It makes me that angry.

Just writing that seriously as well your rants about whores earlier gives a clear insight on what you have to offer in a romantic relationship : Pretty much nothing.

I'm not trying to shame you, but for whatever reasons you most probably owe your virginity to yourself. I'm an incel too and I know I'm the faulty part, even if I didn't chose too. Nobody deserve shit, and the world isn't against us, that's it. That's the same for women, with the burden of being the "weaker" sex on top of it. If you don't know how to find what is wrong with you, then you might seek medical help. That's not even that painful to learn you're dysfunctional somewhere. Not an excuse, but something to work on or/and live with.

No. 3842

So, you're arguing that any single person who's happy is actually engaging in casual sex? That sounds like a fair bit of a reach to me.

And maslows hierarchy is not a fact you absolute moron, it's a psychological theory that isn't really treated that seriously by anyone but armchair psychologists.

No. 3843

>Ironically, drug-addicted females with their unemployed drug-addict boyfriends are some of the best examples I could give of girls who aren't whores.

Holy shit, I knew you were retarded, but if you're really acting like unemployed drug addicts are somehow moral, you're an absolute moron.

Cheating is absolutely fucking rife in those circles, way, way more than any other I know of.

Every time you post here you have people point out that money really isn't that important as long as you've got some aspirations in life and aren't just sitting around wasting away all day anyway, you just ignore that and then post the same shit a few days later. You're an absolute joke.

No. 3878

>But apparently they still think we're desperate for their woman hating dick.
Not really. /r9k/'s rhetoric is that women want their money, not their dicks.

No. 3893

Why do you hate your mirror image?
This is basically /femaleincel/

No. 3897

In what way is this anything like that forum?

No. 3898


bruh girls in here are normie as fuck, da fuck are you talking about?

No. 3946

File: 1496544752907.jpg (132.46 KB, 783x629, 1482774203001.jpg)

This taiwanese celebrity gossip chatroom has no self awareness at all.
Half of the posts on here read exactly the same way they describe that fourchan cesspool.

No. 5171

No. 5222

I feel like it's gotten worse

No. 5850

I Miss male hate threads

No. 6304

File: 1738271847545.jpg (99.03 KB, 720x688, Screenshot_2025-01-14-12-22-01…)

This thread deserves a massive bump.
R9K scorte = non human

No. 6305

File: 1738271958361.jpg (40.2 KB, 720x231, Screenshot_2025-01-14-15-25-37…)

>I'm LE SUPERIOR because I have 7 days old shit on my underwear


No. 6306

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No. 6340

File: 1740098075339.jpg (38.74 KB, 560x420, Phanaict+_cbf71890925e9be81aff…)

Trve Chad's and Stacies don't use underwear.

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