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File: 1492542561627.jpeg (17.61 KB, 299x168, fked up shit.jpeg)

No. 3293

Some of you people really need Jesus/Buddha/etc, y'all are some evil, petty and disgusting individuals. Seriously the collective hate you people produce put Westboro Baptist Church to shame. There is trolling and riling someone up and then there attacking someone just because you can since you have a wall of anonymity to hide yourself with. If any of you were this vitriol and hate mongering in real life I can't imagine anyone loving you. If your mother/father/brother/sister were to see your posts what would they say? I hope at least some of you grow up and stop hating your fellow for their flaws when you yourself are no better. You all feed off of each other and just get more nasty and ugly. I sincerely hope some of you can sit back see what you're doing and move on from this god forsaken den of bullies.

No. 3294

rip op, either your thread will be deleted in a few minutes or the replies will flame you to hell and back.

No. 3295


I know what kind of response I'll get from a community like this, but if one person takes a good hard look in the mirror my job is done, deuces lolcow, I hope i never come back here again

No. 3296

nice weather we're having, you sound fun at parties. :~)

No. 3297

So which cow are you? Or which one is your relative/friend/etc?

Calling people haters is just a lame excuse people hide behind because they can't accept that other people's criticism might be legitimate.

Most of the people we discuss here are actually pretty fucking bad people. One was arrested for hitting on underage girls at starbucks. One is being investigated by the police for faking cancer and stealing from charities. One tried to plan a mass shooting and was arrested for it. One is a serial groomer of teenage girls. This is just the people being discussed on the front page right now.

Like, you should probably look at yourself if you find people who mock paedophiles and scammers worse than paedophiles and scammers.

No. 3298

probably dasha, today must have been overwhelming

No. 3299

what that anon said and also, this is just a place to discuss people

one of the big rules is no cow-tipping
most anons here respect that and we're free to discuss whoever we want, rarely do cows get interacted with if most people can help
and when they do it's often helpful, like PT, tons of people try to give her advice or genuinely help her out

No. 3300

File: 1492548049398.png (11 KB, 516x109, curiouscat.PNG)

Yeah its probs her. She was told to look here a little while ago.

No. 4413


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