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File: 1482744852921.jpg (923.86 KB, 1072x1053, swastika pennant flag.jpg)

No. 794

><meta name="description" content="Anonymously share juicy gossip and candid opinions about foolish and bizarre people, also known as lolcows. Freedom of speech friendly.">
>Freedom of speech friendly

Hitler was right and all white women deserve rape.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 795

what about all the other womyn?

No. 796

I thought the swastika would clarify my position on "women" of other species.

No. 797

Kill your self nazi trash.

No. 798

When some nigger rapes and kills your family you will reconsider what I have said here.

No. 799

so like did you grow up this way or did someone steal something from you?

No. 800

I'm a non-white woman and frankly I'm offended that I am apparently undeserving of rape.

No. 801

File: 1482748117941.jpg (27.68 KB, 500x500, nig dooby doo.jpg)

More so niggers took advantage of my good nature

>Holidays with family

>NIGGER asks if I have $2 for the bus
>Holiday so I have heap of change
>Get out my wallet
>He steals it and runs off


No. 802

>giving your money to any stranger

No. 803

Someone needs to disembowel you fucker.

No. 804

that's why you're cautious around everyone, OP. but you know, hindsight is 20/20.

No. 807

Why is lolcow so shit and what happened to all the other boards? tf

No. 818

>nigga stole my 2$
>that's why all niggers should die and women raped

Must be nice being inbred white trash.

No. 839

OP has a point. Why are we claiming to be free speech friendly?

No. 884

its almost like someone else made this site and its ran by different people who enforce different rules now

No. 886

Then why not update the meta tags?

No. 1119


No. 6313

>falling for obvious robbery trick
nigger iq

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