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No. 12305

Hazuki No Yume and TheBlackCero
>vocaloid subbers, got into a fight with rachie, circus-p and some irrelevant utaites
>basically they said the hazuki and cero were just reuploading videos, when, in fact, for the most part they were not
>apparently rachie stole hazuki's translyrics, and cero is mad because "hazuki's japanese skills are superior"
>cero goes on large twitter rants and just can't fucking let it go
>hazuki "retires", and ultimately just leaves and deletes all their accounts
>cero is mad that people are reuploading hazuki's videos, because hazuki is the fuCKING bEST
>used garageband for a majority of their music
>knows nothing about music theory
>had a music series but discontinued it because "i am depressed"
>horrible tumblr art
>"bendi and the ink machine ees good game
>tRIGGER WARNINGS bECause i have mental illnesses and you do too
>not very milky, just shitty voice, shitty art, and shitty translyrics
>terrible fucking music
>keeps shilling his album
>obsessive fanbase of edgy children

No. 12306

No. 12307

Kind of sad about the hazuki stuff. I just want my vocaloid subs, I don't care about the comm's stupid drama.

No. 12308

Exactly this. Now all the subbers left that are active are lower quality.

No. 12309

oh thank god a thread on ghost, I really can't stand her preteen fans and her sperg sessions when something doesn't go her way

Also Hazuki thought she was the best subber ever, she was disgustingly pretentious

No. 12310

Creep-P doesn't seem to have much intuition when it comes to matching his lyrics to rhythms. Like, in his song "Cry", the first line is "the tears shed have not stopped flowing" (00:59). "The" is an unstressed syllable, which means it should start as an anacrusis meaning it should start before the beginning of the bar. So instead of having it all crotchets, he could have a rhythm like ♪|? ♩ ♩|♩ ♩ ♩ ♩ || which would sound more natural. There's a few more examples, but most notably at 2:35 he stressed the word "alone" the wrong way around, so it sounds like ahhh-lone.

No. 12311

creep-p's instrumentals are good imo, but his lyrics are so fucking shit

No. 12312

there was already a thread on ghost but idk what happened to it, it died I guess? but shes such a cunt, I can't stand her huge victim complex. Someone in the old thread said her lyrics were like "she was playing madlibs with a thesaurus" and it hit the nail right on the head, I've never seen a more accurate analogy.

No. 12313

It's a re-upload because she's a serial deleter, but this song really got under my skin because it just highlights her god complex. It's essentially a song where she complains that her "rabid fans" (who, according to her, are so obsessive that it triggers her ~~BPD~~ and ~~anxiety~~) put her on too high of a pedestal.

Bitch no one fucking cares about you, you make shitty edgy garageband music with shitty engloids.

No. 12314

File: 1509897683619.jpg (107.86 KB, 1005x795, self_centered_asshole_by_ghost…)

heres some e d g y shit from her da titled 'self-centered asshole'

u dont get sympathy points just bc you dont like urself sweetie :)

No. 12315

i have no clue who these people are, but something that really triggers me about the western vocaloid community is how they give themselves -P names
your fanbase is meant to give you your -P name
these weebs dont know shit

No. 12316

those fucking colors though. that red looks terrible.

No. 12317

I’m sure someone said it already but like,.l Most Vocaloid songs are edgy as hell its harmless, and I don’t think it means anything, sage for saying the same thing as everyone else (for example that Rin Teddy bear song) which I forgot, it’s harmless and inane in my opinion

No. 12318

alrighty, ghost posted a new song
these lyrics are some of her worst.

No. 12319

I'm not sure I agree. The lyrics a still bit tell instead of show (1:40-48 especially). However, they are less "thesaurusy" which I think is a big improvement.

No. 12320


I'm a rando not really in the fandom but I've seen a few songs

I've noticed that some of the clunkiness the English vocaloid vocals could be fixed if the song writers/producers had a better grasp on singing technique and diction.

No. 12321

Yeah, it's get on my nerves too. The "P" is like an honorary title given by fans.
Coming with a "P" when you're a nobody is just as stupid as calling yourself "sama" or "senpai" (we all knows that weebs doing that too)

In France, the comm is still relatively small hence there's no drama.
"Big" producers/utaites are pretty chill and the audience too.
And as a teeny-tiny part of it, I'm greatly happy with that.
But I'd really like to know more about the anglophone part of it (since Voca is mostly a matter of community, it's interesting to compare its expression depending on the country in which it's located)

I hope that thread won't turn like the Ghost one (a massive shitshow with unfunny sperging apparently made by ghost herself)

saging for crappy english but hoping the thread keep going

No. 12322

So if you go to her channel, her videos are unlisted. Apparently she got hate over her new song, so she's going to pull another "waaahhh im deleting my channel bc my fans are crazy!!11!" stunt again.

No. 12323


also fun fact she didn't write the lyrics! that's why they'd improved

No. 12324

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Some drama brewing on within the UTAU (freeware Vocaloid, for those unfamiliar) community.

User revolocities is taking old voicebanks, fixing them up and creating new art for them. Some people are getting pissy at him for doing this and getting offended on the behalf of users who've been inactive for over half a decade. I figured Vocaloid and UTAU are close enough in proximity to bring this up and bump up the thread.

No. 12325

GHOST is the most incoherent content creator ive ever seen.
does anybody remember the "you can be kin with all my character besides the pedo priest" deal? when literally their character at the time were:
- two deformed monsters
- a homicidal-suicidal mother
- a homicida-suicidal wife
- a suicidal husband
- a homicidal minor
yeah you cant be kin with a pedo, but you can be kin with all my homicidal OCS!!

plus all the inside jokes they puts on their channels (both the old and the new one)? youre a content creator keep these fucking inside jokes to yourself.
and the jeff the elf deal too. what were they expecting, with that kind of fanbase?

last but not least: "I DO NOT MAKE FANDOM RELATED SONGS!!!" theyre right. they dont make fandom related songs: they rip off the most popular character of a fandom at the current time, make it into a shitty oc, and make a song out of it.
not to mention they made a thread for themselves and repeatedly shat it up.
this person's bpd-induced god complex need to get a cure. go see a specialist, ghost.

No. 12326

>this person's bpd-induced god complex need to get a cure. go see a specialist, ghost.

>implying ghost actually has bpd in the first place and isn't pretending to have it like almost everyone else on tumblr

No. 12327

The UTAU community needs stuff like what revolocities is doing. As long as he's giving credit, that is. Unfortunately that community (in the West at least) has been very nearly dead for a long time.

As for all these communities, I wish the content creators were more open to constructive criticism. There are some producers who are decent but not great, and I feel that useful criticism could help them figure out where their skills are lacking.

No. 12328

I said it before but like… the edgy vocaloid songs are a Thing and probably doesn't mean anything, We Get it already its Edgy but some jp vocaloid songs are Edgy too
too long didn''t read; The Edginess is the Same

No. 12329

if you're going to self-post, ghost, at least attempt to change your tumblr uwu speech patterns

No. 12330

I'm kinda sad to see Ghost on this thread. I found her on youtube a few weeks ago and liked some of her music (minus all the edgelordiness). Shame that the person behind them isn't all that great. Does anyone have caps of her being a generally shitty person (like the god complex every one keeps talking about) minus getting all ~triggered~ over everything ever like every tumblrina ever? Or is it just the non-binary bs?
>Sorry if I'm missing something obvious or well known in the vocaloid com I'm kinda new to all this

No. 12331

she deleted her ask blog a while ago so i don't have caps, but she used to adamantly refuse compliments and talk about how much communications (her abandoned project) was stressing her out :( but oh noo it wasn't her fans fault (even though she posted a lot about how people wouldn't stop asking for it to be finished)
someone leaked the old thread on her to her askblog (which she deleted shortly after the incident) and she posted it to twitter and got her fans to spam it with bullshit with her
she has no problem with talking shit about her parents on streams and on her blog (apparently they both abuse and hate her but she's broke buying too many vocaloids so she can't move out)
there's not too much on her other than that afaik it's mostly generic tumblr dramas and edgy music

on a side note, she's currently considering giving up music to set up an art shop. she posted about it a while ago on her Twitter, but has said nothing on any of her blogs about it. which, considering most if not all of her followers follow her for music, is kind of something they would need to know

No. 12332

>tfw I keked at this but then read the comments and realised it was just a way for the creator to fish for attention
I didn't even know who ghost was before. Seriously, are there any good western vocaloid producers at all?

No. 12333

Yusukekira is actually pretty good

No. 12334

Yusukekira's lyrics sound like a middle schooler trying to convince everyone they're the baddest bitch on the playground. We get it Timmy you smoked a cigarette once(namefagging)

No. 12335

Circus can make okay instrumentals, but his tuning is sad.

No. 12336

Can we talk about JubyPhonic in this thread?

Ugh, her covers are just overused with autotune and her fans are kissing her ass for it.

No. 12337

I personally like Juby and she's really nice from what I can tell. There doesn't seem to be any milk on her? She even does collabs with others. She even met my friend at a meet up and even though he's a nobody she hung with him and invited him to a live stream. Her only crime is she's a weeb, which honestly a lot of us are.
But I won't bash your opinion, she does use autotune and edits her voice, but most artists do. She ain't no professional singer for sure. I'm sure if she just sang on stage with a mic it would sound awful.

No. 12338

I don't have anything personally against her, but I just can't stand her nasally tone and tihnk she's way overhyped.

No. 12339

I see what you mean. Yeah she doesn’t really have any milk.
I know that most artists use autotune, but not as much and obvious as hers at least. You can really hear the autotune without trying so hard to hear it. It just ends up sounding so robotic. And I also agree with >>12338
Her covers aren’t really something to be hyped about.

No. 12340

I vaguely remember this little drama on dA about MMD model parts theft. Parts theft is pretty common among MMD autists but there's this:


This is the same guy doing the mmd models for VOCAMERICA.

VOCAMERICA was funded by a kickstarter and a part of funds go toward mmd models.

You think he has wisen up to not do this anymore or?

No. 12341

the author of the journal sounds like a brat.

No. 12342

Speaking of vocamerica, any opinions on it?
I know that there was some kind of problem during a vocamerica concert a couple months back. Wasn’t major or anything but the people who went didn’t enjoy it. And how Kenji and AkiGlancy handled the problem was pretty immature/unprofessional.

No. 12343

I don't understand why they'd add random utaus in this, also the songs are awful

No. 12344

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Vocamerica and SRP has been low-key cows I've been following on and off for several years now. EmpathP and her/his/their friends at SRP have been having their go at making super mediocre events and begging for e-money. It's a really weird thing to watch from the sidelines.

Empath's original gang used to be at SRP https://www.facebook.com/SynthesizedRealityProductions/ but I guess she moved over to Vocamerica? One of the orignal crew members (Wolf) is still keeping it alive it seems like, I haven't really been following the dramu the past year..

No. 12345


I remember this modeler got caught red handed by another modeler for stealing a whole body base once:


He claimed it wasn't the same model, but apparently he forgot to fix the one anatomical mistake the model had that gave him away to the original creator. There was another drama (also about him stealing assets) on Twitter, where REM (another MMD modeler) found out Yoi-Style was using one of his textures for one of his commissions:


So part stealing for his models isn't really an unusual thing when it comes to this guy. Which makes VOCAMERICA's 3D artist choice… Interesting to say the least.

No. 12346

I personally find the autotune annoying, but she's having fun. her fans are obviously young, they'll grow up eventually

No. 12347

Aki talked about what happened in a stream a while back. Essentially a file was corrupt (i think) and the concert was fucked, and the attendees were unhappy.

No. 12348

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Somewhat unrelated (which is the reason for sage) but I wish there were more adults in this community. In my opinion that's part of the reason there's not much talent - people grow up and leave for better things. Most retired utaite (e.g. rockleetist, kran) probably realized there was no reason to keep growing their skills for an audience and peers that don't care about quality.

No. 12349

There are some who would claim they're done with Vocaloid but would come back to the scene just to make fun of or discourage people who are still into it.

After depending on the community to grow as a ""successful"" producer, they pull this shit. Heard one of them is promoting a new album lately so now they're back lul

Fans are mostly blind to the obvious gatekeeping they're doing so they take this as gospel truth

No. 12350


No. 12351

it's so easy for people to just say "i'm not a fan of this producer" but instead you all decide to be assholes. ok.

No. 12352

Speaking of Rachie, she said over discord that she browses PULL. Wouldn't be surprised if she lurks this thread.

No. 12353

alright who's been googling their names here

No. 12354

Is this Ghost?

No. 12355

likely not. ghost speaks like an edgy child and doesn't know how to sage. i'm putting my money of rachie or some utaite

No. 12356

I thought I saw someone subtweeting. I can see now they were definitely referring to this board.

No. 12357

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people are actually defending this

No. 12358

Shit like this is why I refuse to believe anyone behind an anime avatar is not a degenerate. Absolutely disgusting.

No. 12359

it actually triggers me that people still repeat this misconception in 2017, it's pretty much the fastest way to out yourself as an elitist weeb who doesn't actually have the first clue about the japanese community. P names are barely a thing anymore (hence a lot of popular producers moving away from them), but when they were, self-ascribed P names were in the minority but they weren't discounted as a valid option. i can't count how many rando japanese producers i've seen with them. the "like an honorific" thing was basically grammar usage notes (so people don't make weird stacks like lamazeP-sama) but somehow that got warped into a whole damn rite of passage. it's not a big deal tbh.
the japanese community has really turned into a flaming pile of edgekid bullshit in the past few years just like the western one, it's just rare for it to leak into the western community unless it's REALLY bad. like maretu cheating on his girlfriend for a minor, or rerulili being a narcissistic dick, or like two or three people plagiarising music, or even that one utaite who made fuckin TV news after he got arrested for sleeping with a 14 year old fan. this community is so full with insane trash people that most of the people with actual talent don't even bother anymore.
also holy shit do most of these kids who got inspired to write music through kagepro have no idea about music theory at all. it's not as viscerally disgusting for someone like me as GHOST or creep-p's stuff but i legit feel so bad for the people being overshadowed by this atonal tryhard garbage.

No. 12360

>maretu cheating on his girlfriend for a minor

Forgottensubs claims that the minor was a 19 year old, IDK how verifiable that is though

No. 12361

yea if i remember right her birth date was found on her blog. the age of consent in japan is actually 20 though so he was up to some illegal shit
i think too many people got caught up in the ethics of fucking 19 year olds when the real irony is in how he made nonstop songs about women being abused and then got accused of abuse

No. 12362

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to keep things on topic, this was absolutely the cultural nadir of the western vocaloid community
>teenage weeb crusher makes an edgy song about a "schizophrenic child"
>parents notice and decide to use it as an opportunity to shill for their charity
>crusher sells t-shirts for them, everyone pats themselves on the back for supporting a real cause
>a few years later
>parents are thoroughly outed as munchies
>complaining about doctors refusing to accept their children's self-dxed schizophrenia
>bragging about putting their children on ridiculous dosage levels of antipsychotics that are linked to brain damage in adults
>posting videos of their barely-conscious children drooling on themselves in their fly-infested hovel
>outright admitted to physical abuse in a biography and having a child sex abuse report against them
>no vocaloid fans ever bother to check this out, at most they just complain about vague "ableism"
>despite the community possibly being financially complicit in the abuse of a child
>crusher has a falling out with the family at some point after their divorce but barely acknowledges the drama, says the kids are fine
>goes ahead and releases an updated version on her first major album anyway
like i still can't bring myself to bring crusher for this completely because it started when she was a gullible kid
but jesus fuck, i'm still trying to wrap my head around how this happened and no one noticed

No. 12363


I follow the Schofield thread on KF but I don't recall reading this part of the story.

No. 12364

i actually found that thread because i was curious about the song, lol. in terms of schofield drama being connected to some random youtuber is pretty inconsequential so i doubt people would care much. but if it got out on the vocaloid side of things… man i don't even know what would happen.
i know this is petty but ffs, this is such a perfect example of what sheltered brats most "edgy" producers are. the contrast between this, a real life case of mental illness and abuse, and the "i'm so crazy and sad :((" bullshit they write about is so huge. i wish they'd grow up. or at least take care not to accidentally involve people with actual issues in their bs.
sage for rant

No. 12365

Thank you for giving me more perspective on what's wrong with the western vocaloid community.

I've searched for copper and found gold

No. 12366

Another fake vocaloid has arrived.

No. 12367

>holy shit do most of these kids who got inspired to write music through kagepro have no idea about music theory at all
lol of course they don't. Jin himself has barely any idea of writing half-decent songs at all plus he uses vocaloids like absolute shit. The (japanese) scene went most remarkably to trash after he got popular (not that vocaloid songs have ever been the finest musical pieces neither … But I noticed how producers and new songs became drastically worse and many good japanese old producers left the scene pretty much rushedly).

sage for replying to a month old post, sorry

No. 12368

There is something I dont get about these fake vocaloids at all, how comes these kids obtain access to Yamaha's development kit if Yamaha doesnt acknowledge any relationship with them in the first place? Has this kit been pirated or something like most of vocaloids?

No. 12369

File: 1517698838603.png (125.23 KB, 929x1439, vocaloidotaku vivi thread.png)

This voicebank appears to be real. Sorry for the awful screengrab skills, but people in the vocaloidotaku thread contacted Anders (VocaTone founder, they apparently made Oliver and Yohioloid) and Yamaha. I think Yamaha is pretty out of touch with the Western side of things though.

I would like to know this as well. In this case someone from a Western Vocaloid company probably gave it to the Vivi developers.

By the way, "Ausgris" is the name of another Vocaloid whose production has seemingly halted.

No. 12370

>I think Yamaha is pretty out of touch with the Western side of things though.
Makes sense to me. I can recall similar dramas about people going full skeptic about upcoming western vocaloids because Yamaha couldn't bother themselves to give enough shits about them.

In part I get why people becomes so paranoid over every engloid anouncement that isn't backed up by some vocaloid company. What a shitshow, I dont get how comes a big firm such as Yamaha is lets this stuff happen everytime.

No. 12371

File: 1517850978271.png (34.22 KB, 595x339, vivi cancelled.png)

Regardless VIVI was legit but just unlicensed (or not), she's been cancelled until further notice.

Now why would you anounce something you lack the license to release. This is not like making and posting your fucking UTAU online.

No. 12372

The vocaloid community in Japan vs the west are so different. Like, the bulk of Japanese artists are just trying to branch out their music with vocals and attract actual vocalists. While the western seems to think vocaloid is cool and is made up of people who weren't musicians to start with.

No. 12373

>>12372 maybe that's the issue. The vocaloid community is too inbred.

No. 12374

Creep's songs are tolerable when rearranged by someone else.

Shit, but the original uploads always sound like it was made by the academy of deaf-mutes and lyrics were a direct copy and paste from the tard version of creepypasta wiki.

Outside of the "music", actually he doesn't seem to bad though. He just got posted to an instagram account which made fun of his fashion sense but he seemed to take it pretty well.

Western fandom has basically been treated like utau the past couple of years. What is Vocamerica besides Aki's OC shit show?

No. 12375

I can't stand the fact that rando utaus are being shilled. Everytime I have to listen to UTAU english, I die inside.

No. 12376

This is a pretty fucking stupid drama to start in the first place.

Yes, revolocities is an attention whore, but no, using shitty utau banks and redesigning them =/= stealing them.

No. 12377

If you become good friends with AkiGlancy, you bet your singing OC can be in Vocamerica.

I heard that's how it goes.

No. 12378

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kind of old but creep's awful try-hard jfashion is eternally hilarious. i can't believe he went to jillian vessey's meetup

No. 12379

why did ghost go on hiatus, exactly? genuinely curious and i cant seem to find an answer.
also, what are you guyses opinion on oktavia aka oktavia von seckendorff? i found her through her kurage-p covers and all of her stuff is pretty good imo.

No. 12380

File: 1522105478573.jpg (Spoiler Image,665.6 KB, 2048x2048, Screenshot_33.jpg)

>Outside of the "music", actually he doesn't seem to bad though.

you have to be joking… did you miss every new twitter thread he has to make about "wahhh, someone looked at me funny" every time he goes out in his awful decora

also spoiler because i gagged

No. 12381

oktavia seems a bit annoying, but she's a much better singer than Juby

No. 12382

File: 1523827133654.jpg (208.42 KB, 1453x687, DUNWpPhVoAENjWc (2).jpg)

this is why ghost went on hiatus:

No. 12383

File: 1525738786940.jpg (42 KB, 619x415, lol.jpg)

that VOCAMERICA song contest sure brought in some salt

this guy thinks they're some hot shit with this noise

No. 12384

i think the song is decent (although it could be improved upon for example i can hardly understand the vocals), if you can't handle losing then why enter? although looking at their twitter they seem to be salty since theirs was most popular and got no sort of mention (idk how vocamerica works but that seems fair). but still like looking at their other tweets they acknowledge they didn't make what vocamerica wants.

No. 12385

He just had major drama with a maid cafe. He also looks like he doesn’t wash his hair

No. 12386

No he gets mad when people take his picture. Then whines on social media and rally his army of followers for asspats.It’s his own fault for looking like a dumpster hobo clown

No. 12387

well that's just how it is with those one of OneThoughtRemain's groupie (those with edgy names)

to be fair vocamerica contest is almost a reality shitshow. the winner of the contest doesn't even know music theory and just use vi-IV-I-V progression for all his songs.

another thing i'd like to talk about is how Aki made the email, where she gave participation trophy to losers, public. so if the contestants replied directly, basically there goes your real name and address

No. 12388

Great. Cilia is a straight up pedophile. (sage for random comment)

No. 12389


No. 12390

No. 12391

Can someone fill me in on the whole subber drama thing over people "stealing" translations? I really don't get the idea of that being a thing. Like, yeah, they did the work (Excluding the "translators" who have very basic knowledge of Japanese if any at all, use shitty online translators as a crutch, and act like they're reliable sources), but they don't own the actual lyrics. Two people who know what they're doing are going to get the same or near the same translation, right? Even if you make a modified version to make it easier for people to sing in their native language, it's not your song, it's just a singable fan translation. Plus, if another subbing channel takes your translation and claims they did it by themself, isn't that technically pointless because then people will ask them to translate things they can't find and they'll be found out as a faker?

No. 12392

Is it just me or is the song quality dropping with circus's new style? I feel like the vocal tuning and overall memorability of this new one is just… not there. Might just be though.

No. 12393

Best way to put it: Whiny idiots getting upset that other whiny idiots get the same result when translating a song into the same language and start a shitshow out of it. It's pretty fucking dumb and pointless. They all seem to be pretty defensive of their "hard work" when most of it is sent through google translate and cleaned up a bit at best. It's dumb.

No. 12394

Writing is a skill and you are right that google-translate level translations are more or less the same. But translations written by knowledable people will use different words, sentence structures, level of abstractness etc

Just see the manga translate competitions that MAL hosts every year.

No. 12395

also a lot of vocaloid music has shitty songwriting (the composers are amateurs after all) so some songs may take forever to make sense out of.

No. 12396

I liked his new Luka song, Dream. His songs and tuning are extremely hit or miss for me. Once in a while he makes something really nice, but usually his stuff is a little generic and grating. His tuning style bugs me, like he tries to emphasize consonants too much. I get that it's hard to make Engloids understandable, but I don't find his methods to work.

On another note, it's too bad the Unholy Quartet didn't do more actual covers together. They're all at least decent singers, and their vocals were pretty tight. I would've liked them to do a series of songs or something.

No. 12397

if this is about HnY from a few posts above, she's not exactly some rando with Google Translate-levels of Japanese proficiency.

I think one issue was youtaite fandubbers would stea-"borrow" her translations for english translyrics then indirectly profit from it via Patreon or other means.

No. 12398

So I guess Strovi has retired from Vocaloid and possibly given up on making music? All her stuff is unlisted on YouTube and she made a post on there about it. Too bad, she was one of the few producers with songwriting talent. I was really excited to hear what her stuff might sound like once she got more practice producing.

No. 12399

This, she was one of my favourite western producers (which doesn't say a lot, but still). It seems like all of the newer ones are either completely talentless or literal children trying to be GHOST

No. 12400

You are fucking retarded. Also, tumblr is that way.

No. 12401

Lol and if you are a fandubber with 0 level of Japanese, how the fuck are you supposed to adapt the lyrics of a song for an english fandub without referencing someone's else translation at all? I may be missing the point on something but the translation-stealig shit is the dumbest drama I heard in ages and I've been in this community for years. When you are the only one to provide a translation people are bond to use that translation one way or another. Getting offended over something like that is just being an over-sensitive snowflake.

Also if I'm not wrong HnY also got triggered at people for putting her translations as lyrics on the original uploaded song videos on nico nico douga (giving her credits and everything), the ones from the song authors themselves. Fucking retard. I hope her channel wasn't monerized either huh.

No. 12402

>Lol and if you are a fandubber with 0 level of Japanese, how the fuck are you supposed to adapt the lyrics

Learn Japanese, retard.

No. 12403

On the topic of GHOST, people have legit harassed others for reuploading songs. Yeah, GHOST asked for no reuploads but people have gone to legit harassing. GHOST even had to make a post about this telling people to stop harassing others. I swear GHOST's fandom is toxic as shit.

No. 12404

Maybe they should choose an area they might have a talent/skill in?
I don't know if it's the problem here (and maybe my reading comprehension is shit and I apologize in advance if so) but crediting someone's work isn't that hard. And that should applies to everyone: artist, singer…blablabla
I'm making fr adaptations of Vocaloid songs myself, and I put a lot of time and heart into.
I can only speak for myself, but If someone would take my lyrics whitout crediting me, I would certainly not throw a snowflake tantrum but I'll be sad.

sage for blogging/shitty english

No. 12405

GHOST was an annoying person outside of vocaloid stuff, her fanbase was made up of the same sort of people as her. Remember when she was sending herself anons on tumblr about how she had a thread here?
And when her "fans" found out, "they" filled the thread with the same exact cat reaction photos that she herself used on multiple occasions on tumblr lmao…
>makes thread about herself
>sends herself asks on tumblr talking about thread
>dumps entire cat image file onto thread and claims it's her ~fans~, even though only she had used that same style of humor before
She was a real pathetic person.

No. 12406

I must have missed it, how do we know that ghost made the ghost thread? Also if the cat reaction pics was stuff ghost had posted to tumblr, then the fans could have sent it? I didn't see that so I dont know but knowing the type of fans ghost has, I could easily see them sending the cat images themselves.

No. 12407

Strovi was too good for this shitshow of a fandom.

No. 12408

I don't feel like digging for the GHOST thread but lmao at her for thinking her songs are worth 11 bucks

No. 12409

Personally I think $11 is a fair price. That’s $1 for each song and instrumental. Yeah maybe it could be cheaper, but I can see where ghost was coming from with the price.

No. 12410

strovi's back.

No. 12411

Creep-P posted the music video for Centipede, and it's basically just awkwardly zooming in on the same drawing of the centipede, with some edgy glitching and edgy sudden-red-text, and of course, awkward Creep-P lyrics. I will say that at least he made the Vocaloids sound like they're feeling some kind of emotion instead of sounding dull and robotic like in Animalistic.

No. 12412

File: 1536132951419.png (375.43 KB, 691x897, eleanor-forte_01SMALLER.png)

I saw this too, and it really bothered me. Not just the tasteless subject matter, but the clumsiness of the song itself. Creep-P's music never has discernible chords to me.

It's good that she's back, but this doesn't make much impact on first listen. I love that everyone has been using Eleanor Forte, though, even if her design is kind of bad. (Something simpler would have been much better.)

No. 12413


creep doesnt tune his own works though, prismatic does https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh17nFTXiVrEw3kC3mb7ibQ

No. 12414


appearantly he noticed that people bren talking shit bout him but i think hes been just living in denial that his music could improve

No. 12415

ngl i thought this was a miku recolor or maybe a snow miku design

No. 12416

>google "are there any western vocaloid producers that are actually good"
>this is literally the third result


The only western producer I can think of that was ever good on a consistent basis was Giuseppe (and I think he only ever did covers). Everyone else either sucks or is mediocre with MAYBE one or two good songs.

It's… really baffling, honestly. No one can mix. No one can into music theory. No one can even make lyrics with metre that ISN'T fucked in some way or another. They don't even have to be talented. They just need to THINK.

This fandom is over 10 years old and the western side of it has never produced an equivalent to Neru/Supercell/Jin/Oster Project/etc… Not ONE. How is that even POSSIBLE?

TONS of people know what vocaloid is. Shitty songs can EASILY get a million views. And yet no one with any actual gumption has stepped up to the plate on the western front. HOW?

No. 12417

talented western musicians do not waste their time on this weeaboo crap

No. 12418

is western vocaloid community still a thing after like 2013

No. 12419

eh, vocaloid is a really good tool for musicians who don't have access to singers. but that's literally it.

100% of the time i like versions with real singers, even if they vocode their voices, because most musicians don't tune vocaloid vocals well.

that said, it doesn't work that well in the western indie scene because there's no huge pool of singers wanting to work with anyone, nor is there a huge cover scene.

No. 12420

Basing your lyrics off existing translations is bad apparently, but what about if you're just cross-referencing?

Is it really stealing if you speak some Japanese, but look at a TL to help with context on some trickier parts? What if you mull over some word choices and decide the one used in the translation is the best one? Is tHAT still stealing?

No. 12421

Ghost's new song is pretty underwhelming.

No. 12422

i will fight u ghosts new song is amazing

No. 12423

Seconded. I unironically like this one.

No. 12424

same. it's fucking edgy but it's probably the best tuning she's ever done.

No. 12425

Amazing? This sounds like garbage. I don't know why people find this Vocaloid shit appealing to listen to.

No. 12426

Amazing? This sounds like garbage. I don't know why people find this Vocaloid shit appealing to listen to.

No. 12427

ghost's lyrics are stilted sometimes but jeez. this feels like listening to a word salad, save for a couple lines in the middle.
i do like the art for this a lot, though.

No. 12428

Literally anything ghost writes is garbage, like ever fucking listened to her other shit. Like the only legit good thing she written is only somewhat seen, because it isn't a mess. Get urself a new pair of ears anon

No. 12429

i think im inclined to liking the song because its literally about me :)

No. 12430

still lurking?

No. 12431

well, if you're really ghost just lurking to see what people say about u, then take some fucking criticism. get urself a new pair of ears, and stop caring what random people on the net say, because holey moley, someones on their fucking period.

No. 12432

im not ghost lmao, im the person that ghost wrote their new song about (im the spider/stalker). i dont think they lurk this thread?

No. 12433


Why the fuck are you stalking some weeb rando and why the fuck are you posting about it?

No. 12434


No. 12435

Is it u crypt

No. 12436


Didn't they resolve their differences like a year ago or something?

No. 12437

Idk ghost went around warning about crypt, who uses minors for free art for his songs or something and it really wouldn't surprise me judging how he asks for donations plus changing the artist for every song he releases

No. 12438

At least the picture looks good.

No. 12439


creep p or crypt or eyeris or whatever the fuck wouldn't call ghost's music amazing

No. 12440


What else would he say

No. 12441

off topic but crusher made a cover of this one producers songs whos having some sort of controversy going on which I think is really bothering to know, considering [REDACTED] wanted any of their work to be never mentioned again, and she decides to make a cover of his song and still tells to not mention the producer lol

No. 12442

Dunno what happened here but the producer's nicopedia page says it's OK to repost his most popular songs as long as he doesn't get credited. People have been making loads of covers of this already so it was pretty much impossible to erase all traces of it from the internet anyway.

No. 12443


Personally, it's not that she covered it, more like that she wanted to cover it right NOW where this new account got created with this mysterious producer who seems to show off that they're them who disappeared years ago.

No. 12444

who's the producer…?

No. 12445

What I wanna know is what the producer did to make people want to erase his name from the whole internet.

No. 12446

Not dating a 19 year old
BA dum ts

No. 12447

Did any of you see the drama on the Vocaloid discord?

No. 12448


>sips tea

No go ahead I'm interested

No. 12449

File: 1540473078715.png (3.22 MB, 737x14234, IMG_0667.png)

This was posted on another server. I’m not in it so can’t see what people said about this in there.

No. 12450

Lmao this keeps happening. VocaloidOtaku had a huge problem with this too. The community has been around 80% underage for years so it's trivially easy for some gross ass to take advantage of kids and teenagers.

No. 12451

Koronba, he's the guy who made LCD dem and then tweeted something like "I'm tired of saying I'm going to kill myself and not doing it" and asked people to never mention his name again. Wasn't the first time he'd done something like that btw

No. 12452

obviously for clout

this is the same girl who was "done" with the fandom only to come back crawling to promote her first album

No. 12453

jesus christ disgusting weeb men must die.

No. 12454

What makes it so disturbing is that there are just so many of them involved in defending this person

No. 12455

Why do producers do that anyway?

I wonder how many of them actually work full time. It doesn't make sense to shit on all your fans if they're paying your bills.

No. 12456

Too bad no one here speaks Japanese. An Eastern Vocaloid Community thread would probably be amazing.

No. 12457

Being a Vocaloid producer definitely does not pay the bills, but she's clearly cashgrabbing regardless. I doubt it will affect much, honestly, her fanbase is full of dumb kids.
I speak Japanese but I only know about older stuff, I've been out of the loop.

No. 12458

Pls share juicy drama regardless.

No. 12459

okay, so GHOST tries to play off how "poor" and "abused" she is but look at how many vocaloids she owns (based off her past + present videos)

-macne nana
-gachapoid (she used him for that one 'meme' song)
-her most recent addition, LUMi
-utatane piko
-otomachi una
-hatsune miku
-sweet ann
-cyber diva (?)

that's all of them, judging from what i can remember/reuploads/what's currently on her channel.
unfortunately i can't find the costs for a lot of these, so i only managed to get to a total of about 1014.78 USD (not factoring in any sales; this is including fukase, cyber diva, otomachi una, lumi, vflower, gumi, chika, gachapoid, maika, macne nana eng and gumi eng)

No. 12460

Yeah, but does she own them or did she just torrent them?

No. 12461

im not sure. she's said that she buys all of her vocaloids, but i can't be sure how true that is.

No. 12462

Hi um. Can you guys not?

No. 12463

Ghost is THEY. not "she". You guys are just mean.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 12464

fuck off

No. 12465

she said she doesn't want people to argue about her gender, and she doesn't care about pronouns, so.

No. 12466

oh my god, jelf the elf. watching ghost freak the fuck out because people laughed at her thing and going full bpd was great.

No. 12467

Please elaborate

No. 12468

damn, i remember that. why did she get so pissy though? i thought she wanted it to be a joke?

No. 12469

she couldn't handle the "attention" and "fame". her fans took the joke just as far as she did, though

No. 12470


why should i care for
preffered pronouns if she blocks me for no reason? :)(don't use emojis)

No. 12471


>(don't use emojis)

sorry im a newfag(https://lolcow.farm/info)

No. 12472

Actually, wait, what are your thoughts on the ghost wannabe called "Zion XYZ"? I fucking hate them for being so salty and horrible…

No. 12473

I couldn't care less about their personality. But their songs suck and they can't mix for shit. just like every other western Vocaloid producer.

No. 12474

I've seen a bunch of instances where creepy male anons want too go to mikuexpos just to do predatory stuff/shag vocagirl cosplayers, that one pedo instance sadly isn't the only case, you know which thread btw

No. 12475

They seem to target underage Vocacosplayers too. Fucking disgusting.

No. 12476

it's amazing how deep in denial she is. Maybe if she tried to deviate from ghost at least a little bit it would be okay, but she just deletes any mildly critical comment

No. 12477

File: 1543097235880.png (86.74 KB, 1242x331, I am Disgusted.png)

She even fucking said Micheal Myers. MICHEAL FUCKING MYERS, a serial killer, was hot. Disgusting.

No. 12478

zzz anon, this is an over reaction lol

No. 12479

Its a fictional character. Chillout

No. 12480

File: 1543282166523.png (16.22 KB, 637x170, chrome_2018-11-26_20-26-07.png)

I'd be concerned about this (now deleted) tweet from them…

No. 12481

Feels like a lame attempt at being edgy, tbh.

No. 12482

If they try to treat this tweet like a joke, I'm going to vomit.

No. 12483

ew that's gross. i hope they're joking

No. 12484

it's officially, zion is fucking disgusting

No. 12485

Sage your one-liners in the future, peanut gallery.

No. 12486

What does that even mean?

No. 12487

It means to lurk more until you learn how to reply to specific posts and sage, obvious newfag.

No. 12488

To be fair, how else is anyone supposed to react to this?

No. 12489

File: 1543454059573.png (58.31 KB, 639x649, hmmmm.png)

Who to believe…

No. 12490

Perhaps that user is only covering for Zion? It's plausible.

No. 12491

nah, those tweets are fake. whoever’s doing it is trying to frame him for stupid shit for some dumbass reason. whoever posted those, you seriously need a life if you tried to fake tweets.

No. 12492


No. 12493

File: 1543519523461.png (20.73 KB, 590x198, chrome_2018-11-29_14-24-38.png)

This is disgusting…

No. 12494

oh my fucking god it's another fake!!!

No. 12495

File: 1543521280059.png (13.22 KB, 639x198, chrome_2018-11-29_14-54-31.png)

alas another one

No. 12496

ugh stop

No. 12497

where come all those fucking anons to begin with, this seems way too forced to be multiple people, wouldn't be surprised if ghost makes those up to begin with, considering people been callin zion a ghost ripoff and we all know how much


is a drama queen dont't we

No. 12498

File: 1543522138749.png (48.43 KB, 915x528, s.png)


just to show how easy it is to fake some juicy content. if ya'll want me to believe any of that shit get some way back machine screenshots, otherwise, eat my ass(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 12499

you really think it might be ghost getting back at everyone? What good would there be in that?

No. 12500


Knowing how small the vocap community in the west is, denying any other less successful P will lead most fans to the ones that exist already - like ghost, creep, circus, aki - they essentially don't let other genres breath up its either edgy or pop, but thank God that the lord brought to us kira

No. 12501

What do you guys think about Ferry? I unironically like his lyrics, though the dude can't master for shit.

No. 12502

he's a guy?
i think his lyrics are fine. he's going places but man he does have to work on his mastering a lot. maybe also his tuning, sometimes i can't even understand the words lol

No. 12503

Nah I don't think it's Ghost trying to get back at people. Besides, Ghost has never had any drama with Nico. It's probably someone trying to create drama or some shit. Who ever you are anon, please get a fucking life instead of being pathetic by faking tweets just to start drama with people you don't like. Grow up.
>>12498 Yeah I'm not buying these tweets unless it's archived. Nico doesn't even have a cat as far as I know.

No. 12504

>he's a guy?
I was just assuming, could very well be a girl.

No. 12505

Ferry is a guy. I remember somewhere he mentioned it.

No. 12506

What do you guys think of creep-p using minors for resources? (art, tuning)

I'm afraid he underpays then

No. 12507

wasn't that a rumor Ghost spread about him when they were fighting? i know he used to be stingy about it and tried to haggle, but he pays them whatever their commissions are

No. 12508


better tell us what happened so we can get why ghost is a horrible person

No. 12509

I know that Creep joked about paying a minor a nickel for their pay what you want commissions, but I dont know if he ever actually underpayed someone

No. 12510

I'm not a minor, but Creep-P did comission me for something and paid me what I asked

No. 12511

I don't think it was a rumor, I think actual people that he commissioned accused him of underpaying but it was debunked. I don't have screenshots though and I might be remembering wrong because this all happened over two years ago

No. 12512


I remember him talking about it multiple times on streams and Twitter, and he was able to pretty much set a lot of shit straight. He did come clean about underpaying Sleppu, and he did apologize for that, so I give him some credit.

No. 12513

I think you guys are being a bit harsh here. None of them are professionals, they're just people who like making music in their spare time. And yeah, they're not perfect human beings, but can you honestly say that any of you are better? You spend you free time shitting on people on the internet. Stones, glass houses, yadda yadda yadda.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 12514


anon, they act like professionals, and each time their work is critized, they end up being the crybabies, so what's your point. Creep-P is one of the oldest Ps in the community so they should know how to properly pay his artists.

I doubt he even pays the child who's tuning most of his songs, because they probably be like "it's just tuning"

I hope that's not the case, but if it is, well, won't deny that it's nothing new.

No. 12515

also damn, people who directly get in touch with those producers >>12510

consider that he'd be using your work not just for a PV though, if he owns the artwork he can use it as often as he wants and on whatever he wants like merch and etc, that's why I think people really underprice that what they're working for

No. 12516

"making music in their spare time" and "not being perfect" are not good excuses for scamming people, being emotionally manipulative, sexually harassing people, exploiting mental illness, etc etc etc
there are loooads of great independent content creators in the world who don't act like shitty brats but the general tone of the western vocaloid fandom is so bad that they're staying a million miles away

No. 12517

So, it's been a while since we touched on Ghost. What are the issues you guys have with her with how she is now?

No. 12518

File: 1544277828563.jpg (184.53 KB, 1113x1089, IMG_20181208_165832.jpg)

He's actually an ok artist

No. 12519

File: 1544293270908.jpg (23.12 KB, 340x340, IMG_20181209_031811.jpg)

You left out the reference he used
It looks more than just "referenced" and straight up traced to me though in all honesty

No. 12520


Nah. The proportions among everything would be exactly the same if he traced. Its clearly a reference.

No. 12521

File: 1544295022383.jpg (222.5 KB, 1920x1080, check.jpg)

It doesn't line up at all.

No. 12522

I don't think the guy is traced. The lower part of his face looks kinda suspicious, but I think that's mostly due to line thickness.

No. 12523

tbf it's hard to tell when people trace, because people who are smart about it won't trace it perfectly, and usually do like in >>12521.

No. 12524

File: 1544782001091.jpg (164.42 KB, 720x1045, IMG_20181214_130404.jpg)

Ghost being salty about mild criticism vol 80

No. 12525

I always see this whiny shit and it never makes sense. People just like giving their opinions/throwing out their own ideas, especially online. Saying "I think this would've been better if you made this change" doesn't mean they expect or are demanding that you do it that way.

No. 12526

>I don't like the reverb on your cover. Can you please re-record it?

I have that kind of comments on my own YT sometimes and I guess it comes from very young viewers.
It can be sligthly annoying but come on, it is not worth throwing a twitter tantrum.

But this is Ghost, a girl stupid enough to create and shit up her own thread on here.

No. 12527

Her having mental issues doesn't excuse her being a bitch to everyone who tries to give her constructive criticism.

No. 12528

ghost and empath-p got demonetized on youtube who's next

No. 12529

1 person responded negatively to her complaint and after failing to start a twitter fight with said person, she backpedaled and deleted the tweet.

No. 12530

File: 1544982261890.jpg (154.19 KB, 640x772, 20181216_121620.jpg)

No. 12531

File: 1544982558335.jpg (193.66 KB, 612x862, 20181216_121403.jpg)

No. 12532

File: 1544982723316.jpg (208.03 KB, 612x913, 20181216_121223.jpg)

No. 12533

So whats up with CreepP being so mysterious about MAPs, can't he just do a proper callout post or some shit, he just shares everything in DMs like a pussy

No. 12534

What's he doing? I'm not seeing anything on Twitter.

No. 12535

No. 12536

looks like a vendetta article to me

No. 12537

Same. It's kinda pathetic writing all of this this about a literal who, anon.

No. 12538

what do you guys think about Circus? tbh he’s starting to have a more generic sound, and it’s starting to get really boring

No. 12539

YES. Thank you. Finally, someone else says it. It’s sounding so damn generic and repetitive nowadays…

No. 12540

He's extremely boring nowadays. The lyrics and the music are just so fucking bland.
The only good song he's made recently was Hello Again, which incidentally sounds very similar to Wooden Toaster's Awoken

No. 12541

Can I just sperg/vent about Creep-p for a bit?
I've been too long around his 13 year old fans and I decided to listen to songs of his that I didn't previously listen to.
And oh my god. That guy can't compose or tune for shit. With tuners it's always guests like Ghost who can make this garbage at least listeneable, and some nonames that tune worse than Creep himself.
His tracks are all cookie cutter, his lyrics are terrible, his tuning is atrocious.
The only song of him I kinda like is Animalistic and still it's such a mess musically.

How did he even get popular? Are all those fans from Exorcism?

No. 12542


Anon he makes songs out of existing franchises that are a big hit, listen to centipede, his undertale one, and fucking uhhhh dhmis. His original songs with original plots are the most basic emo teenager shit you'd see, with a obvious meaning behind his fucking basic lyrics.

No. 12543

File: 1546025638622.png (43.61 KB, 579x240, le fuck.png)

Someone asked Zion a relatively okay question, and then he responded with this. pure immaturity.

No. 12544

Because a decade of consistent producing and social media presence will accumulate at least some semblance of a fanbase, no matter how much you suck at it.

Also because there's no Jin, Neru, supercell, or other big names that actually make good songs on the western side of the fandom. Western vocaloid fans are lazy fucks that mindlessly consume whatever the JP side makes. No one with any actual talent tries.

No. 12545

Kinda funny how much music theory is shunned in this music community. Most popular producers have confirmed they don't know it(Circus, Ghost Eyeris), but I've seen some(Eyeris) even sperg out about how even insisting they should even touch music theory is bullshit and "bullying".

It doesn't even sound like Eyeris knows certain notes don't go together.

Critique is non-existant, too(that's also bullying).

No. 12546

Got Screenshots of that? Would love to see

No. 12547

Okay, to all of the anons that find this, all of the stuff that you claim they are doing, is it
A) Stuff they did a long time ago
B) Stuff they are doing in present tense

I would highly suggest thinking real hard about your answer. And once you do, you will either triumph in victory, or cringe in defeat afterwards.

No. 12548

I posted that simple quiz in the comment because people are capable of making change and pushing forward. That dosen’t mean that they don’t become aware of their past mistakes, it just means that they are rebuilding, they are a work in progress.

And i know that the other producers may do things that i may not agree with, like underpaying collaborators, interacting with minors, or something of the sort. And if you’r aware of that, then maybe reporting them to the police or even the FBI would be a lot better than resorting to this comment section here. I know this is lolcow, and it has a purpose, but there are other options OUTSIDE of this website. Like, if you’r being abused, calling the police is the best suitable option.

And if you saw someone abusing them, getting the police involved or giving the person enough strength to get out is an option as well. So it’s not like calling the police, or going to the cops yourself isn’t an option anymore.

If anyone is aware of that person’s misdeeds but still enjoys what they do, whether it’s making videos, music, or comics, etc, then let them do so. Because we all have different thoughts and opinions on people we may not like.

Unless of course you decide to make some sort of meme or joke out of this, then go right ahead. I’m kind of expecting it.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 12549

I would believe it. No one talks bad or criticizes the popular music or art producers, at least not in public.

No. 12550

I agree with so much stuff in this thread, but being a producer with a somewhat decent following I'm afraid to speak up. I know that if I say a single bad thing about GHOST half of my audience will be gone.

No. 12551

I wouldn't worry about that Zion kid. They're even more of a nobody than Ghost themselves.
They're just Ghost but more oobnoxious

No. 12552

What do you guys think of some of the newer producers popping up that aren't GHOST ripoffs? People like MOROS, Pumpkin Head, Poet Fog, etc.

No. 12553

Tbh you'd be better off not starting drama anyway. If someone starts shit, by all means respond. But don't be the bad guy here.

No. 12554

The people you mentioned seem super edgy. That's nothing new at this point, obviously.
Some of it was decent but nothing made me go "wow! this is worthwhile!".
There's got to be one good eng prod. somewhere, Right? Cuz this isn't it.
I like Ferry's art sometimes but not his music.

ODDEEO's stuff is pretty good though, alas, the fandom doesn't like music that makes sense. (Not sure if they're new, but I never hear people talk about them.)
Kira's lyrics might be too "baddest bitch on the playground" but its listenable and I like it.
I also like the song Back to the Future Funk(it's an UTAU original).

Yeah, its better to stay safe. Ghost's worshippers will end you.

No. 12555

Honestly? The western fandom needs a "bad guy" if it wants to be worthwhile. I stopped actively participating years ago and it's STILL a circlejerk of edgy talentless producers because no one has ever bothered to say "hey, Vocaloid deserves more than this garbage". Ofc that viewpoint needs to be backed up with legitimately good songs though.

No. 12556

https://soundcloud.com/user-27144093/fukase-englishmama-original-vocaloid-collaboration Oh. This sounds… decent? I dunno. You guys' thoughts?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 12557

There's a few nuggets of decency, but no it's still pretty bad. Bad mixing, clunky lyrics, reeks of midi and sounds halfbaked overall.

Also maybe it's just me, but if I were going to make a song about how bad my parents are, I'd make sure my song is good-enough to convey that on its own instead of spelling it out in the description for pity points. If anyone really wanted to know if it was based on reality, they could ask me on twitter and I'd answer them there.

An example of this done well would be Kimi wa Dekinai Ko by Kikuo (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPF7lit7Z00). Was Kikuo's mom like this? Is Kikuo just being edgy? Who knows, but the song is creepy and sad and that's exactly what he's going for here.

No. 12558

From the newer producers I like Ferry a lot.
They just have a shit time making vocaloids sound coherent in english. Without the subtitles you can't figure at all what are they singing about.
I love their music, it's mininalistic and game-y and I love the themes they chose for their song (apparently they are Belorussian) so there are soviet-themed song and such.
If their songs sounded even a little bit coherent, they would be my favourite new producer.

No. 12559

What do you think of Beau Jordan?
I think his stuff is pretty nice.
Also for some reason I never hear people mention Cephied, though he has a bunch of songs with over 100k views.

Ferry is not as bad as some other western producers, but he really suffers from bad mastering. I think even his tuning would be fine if the vocaloid wasn't drowned out by the music half the time.

No. 12560

File: 1546248876261.jpg (143.3 KB, 720x760, IMG_20181231_123222.jpg)

Pumpkin Head was barely mentioned and immediately threw a shitfit

No. 12561

These people think "edgy" only refers to the subject matter and that we aren't ragging on them for anything else. Haha.
When people say your music is edgy, we're also talking about the ear-grating distortion, the fact it doesn't even sound like music.
Hell, in Spider on the Wall I can't hear any melody or chords for the entire first minute. Music is organized sound, not bashing on your keyboard until it makes noises.

These people don't even wanna bother learning the basics. They themselves personally don't wanna improve. They don't want any criticism because its all being "mean". At least they know their music won't improve because they're too lazy to try.

No. 12562

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What's the story behind this?

No. 12563


Creep threw a tantrum over Circus a while back, so probably that.

No. 12564

Circus keeps falling out with everyone? First Crusher and now Creep.
I'm wondering if there will be some type of callout or shitshow one day.

No. 12565

Well Circus was dating Crusher, wasn't he? I don't think he dated Creepy too.

No. 12566

Circus and Crusher never dated, and I know that Creep never dated Circus, but this wasn’t about him since they had a falling out a while ago, farther then his tantrum.

I think it was about Rebornica/Mxbones.

No. 12567

Probably Rebornica, yeah. "Hive-mind mentality" does make me think perhaps mutual friends or acquaintances dropped Creepy once Circus did, though.

No. 12568

Yeah, I think they did, except for Aki because they still talk, but I don’t think he cared? But for sure I remember him talking about Rebornica and her friend group.

No. 12569

lmao have you seen ANYTHING in regards to Rebornica? He’s definitely talking about her, and honestly I don’t blame him. I used to be there too, and she was borderline a cult leader. But he hasn’t really mentioned Circus up until that stream of tweets he had.

No. 12570

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No. 12571

>vocaloid gatekeeping

No. 12572

lol they're actually talented musicians. I remember people complaining about lazy Japanese horror songs just as much when they were actually relevant

No. 12573

Tbh jp horror song genre is not as big or popular as in the western fandom. Aku, ghost, creep, and alot of look alike who imitate them, all stick to the edgy formula which is boring

No. 12574

If you're talking about Aku-P then he's not edgy at all. His stuff is actually pretty cheerful.

No. 12575


Tbh prob right bc he's composing stuff related to helping, horniness, etc, he and Kira are more diverse and I like that. Maybe I was too judging

No. 12576

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Jee, while I don't think they are wrong they say it in such a bad way

No. 12577

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>>12576 they lost all creditability with shutting down critiques as well lol

No. 12578


No. 12579

if you don't give a fuck then why does it matter if they comment or not

No. 12580

Sometime ago I saw someone posting bout big P names distancing themselves from crypt, does anyone know why that happened or

No. 12581


ghost uploaded a new song today. it just sounds the same with the same chord progressions, vocaloids, and instruments used over and over again.(lolcow.farm/info)

No. 12582

I like the guitars in this one, but aside from that it's a big noisy mess. And it wouldn't be a ghost song without those shitty word salad lyrics, it's like they get worse with every new song she releases.

No. 12583

Ever heard of Meyonto?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 12584

This edgelord producer named MOROS made a song about John Wayne Gacy's clown persona.

No. 12585

Not the first time he's made a song about child rape either, it's really fucking tasteless.

No. 12586


why is it always these edgy vocaloid producers that make trashy songs like this? what's with this big obsession about serial killers? is it mental illness or is it just a hip new thing that all the tumblrites do?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 12587

it's just trendy uwu

No. 12588

File: 1548189025627.png (Spoiler Image,83.77 KB, 770x509, morosgacyapology.png)

This is his apology to the people who were concerned about the subject matter of the song.

No. 12589

hey so susan schofield is currently trying to put her son on lethal doses of antipsychotics and filming his withdrawals to prove he needs it and i keep thinking in the back of my head that crusher-p never apologized for raising money for these sick fucks and lies about how they're doing "better" when she should be denouncing them

No. 30398

She's now a vocaloid legend she can't risk to be in drama now

Which is bs cause she literally let a kid die and when the kid dies its crushers fault to not inform literally anyone of the abuse

No. 31560

That's a bit of a stretch. She's not obligated to keep tabs on the kid. And if it's really so widely known, literally anyone else could step in and make it known instead.

No. 32642


issue is, seems like its barely known, and crusher used to raise awareness for the kid, so it is partically her fault.

No. 33153

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Some compilation videos of the Schofields abusing their kids have taken off on yt lately, and Crusher's response was to apologize for "ableism" again. Which is so vague that everyone is naturally assuming it's a nontroversy and defending her. She clearly has a guilty conscience and it's frustrating that she won't just admit to what she did

No. 33174

Maybe they can dub it into the background of the coming Dr Phil ep.

No. 33444

What are your guys' thoughts on Steampianist? Any dirt on them? Or are they one of the few western Vocaloid producers with a clean slate so far?

No. 33613

edgelord and maybe problematic for some since he's a shadman fan

No. 33707


GHOST accused him for pedophilia. It's not true but its fans buy it anyway, and so does everyone in the community since it's filled by kids like ghost.

nowadays Steam just doesn't do much interaction with the community anymore.

No. 33782

Any dirt on someone named Desuka-p? I heard about some drama involving them and I wanna get the info.

No. 35126

The only thing I know is that they seemingly self-posted in this thread and then got sent out to pasture.

No. 36082

How legit is Creep-P's munnybegging? I keep seeing posts for it on Facebook.(this is an imageboard)

No. 39286

I think it's better that steam doesn't get involved in drama anymore. At least his music is pretty nice to listen to. I might be wrong though.

>I also have noticed that Creep-p's music has the same bpm. Might just me nitpicking but I noticed that years ago.

>Ghost just seems pretty nasty as a person, and Crusher-p should just admit for doing something wrong.

>I never thought the western vocaliod community can be so nasty.

No. 40539

I actually wanna know, can anyone give me a tldr of ghost and why you all (rightfully) dislike her?

No. 40652

Mother of god, thank heavens there is this kind of thread on the world wide internet.

For years and years I've been lurking quietly in the vocaloid/UTAU community although in the most recent ones I've basically been gone and boy, it is the most tacky catty middle school cesspool ever, it's unbelievable.

People only care about themselves and pretend to have friends (only to mooch off their art or other skills) only to backstab them, feel at the top of the throne when they interact/are praised by japanese fanbase, are extremely unwelcome to newcomers, only care about popularity and the cash, constantly involving politics and SJW fuckery, going on catty bitch fights…

I don't have any particular tea other than what's already known, just wanted to voice my contentment on there being a thread like this. Keep going.

That said, any tea on that girl who voiced Ruby/Makune Hachi? other than deleting their UTAU (who was better than her vocaloid imo) to make a vocaloid (for clout and money) and bitching because it wasn't "latina enough" or something?
There was some user called Scarfu as well I think they were involved but I might be wrong.

No. 41305

File: 1553460401745.png (85.72 KB, 300x502, Capture.PNG)

Hey, uh…someone's been editing the UTAU wiki to show their dumb edits. only affecting most vipperloids.

>shitty new interface

>leaving out important information

No. 41307

on a side note, does anyone have an opinion on momocashew? her music's alright, doesn't seem to be getting involved in drama.


No. 41332

ghost is probably jealous of steam. he does the whole edgy thing better than her.

No. 41368

Isn't the fandom all but dead at this point?

No. 41584

no. someone made a song about "trans rights" because millenials will eat that up


No. 41804


Anon i hope u know bigender is literally herm but not offensive to sjw, cant blame bc the old wiki gets massively replaced by the new one, so i imagine they wanna either make it look more appealing or… Dunno.

History is still a work in progress, but ngl tetos page is fucked up. Her dvd rental skills come from a fanmade pv LOL

No. 41924

What is herm? I'm not up on acronyms also I'm aware that this is the vocaloid thread and not the utau thread but any new drama on Anna Mae Blythe? She was milky enough back in the day.

No. 41927

Hermaphrodite. Nevermind I'm an idiot.

No. 41969


Momocashew has always been lowkey. It's even hard to find pictures of her face. No milk to be seen.

No. 42081

thank u anon, it bugs me how no one bats an eye on how this fandom treats japanese people as if they're a trophy or an accessory once they befriend one

pretty rampant in the UTAU fandom tbh

don't know much milk about ruby's voicer aside from being a racist sjw from what i've heard

No. 42185

What sets japanese and western edgelords apart is that japanese music producers actually know how to properly execute being edgy. like neru and mafumafu. their pvs also aren't shit.

>"talented western musicians do not waste their time on this weeaboo crap"

No. 42186

File: 1554019736154.png (38.19 KB, 319x418, tumblr_inline_poujdxkRas1vidct…)

except whoever's been doing this is doing it to ALL the vipperloids

No. 42197

lmfao do you seriously have so much vocaloid fandom-induced brain rot that you think every talented musician in the world lives in japan

No. 42221

The VIPPERloids literally came out of 2chan. I find it hilarious that they're referring to these characters with SJWspeak and want to claim them as ""trans icons" or whatever retarded shit even though they came out of what's basically japanese 4chan

No. 42436

i meant vocaloid producers specifically

No. 42631


it's ok you can say you're a weeaboo

No. 43396

what exactly was circus other than some edgy kids who just happened to knoe japanese…(he wrote insanity when he was like 14)

No. 43555

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currently on a blocking spree because she can't handle criticism on her shit opinions

No. 43560

worse, he had a JP translator who later admitted they used google translate then left the fandom out of shame

No. 43563

Aaalso, she's super into shotacon.
But yeah, she went on a freakout because people told her it's fucking weird to say that you need to be mentally ill to have good art/music, ESPECIALLY since she tweeted that because of Wowaka died.

No. 43593

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The whole Wowaka thing seems to have brought out the worst in people. I'm sick of seeing terrible Rolling Girl 'fanart' on my TL.

No. 43629

Went on lolcow and just knew some of the western trash producers would jump in to start attention whore as much as possible. Fuck wowaka didn't deserve this.

No. 43659

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oh my fucking god… the audacity this person had to make something like this…

No. 43660

omg he fuckin dead

No. 43740


lmaaaooooo desuka stop self posting on here lol

No. 43752

wtf… I loved Mili, I'm so disappointed. Yeah mental illness is so great for art, especially when you're so depressed you don't feel like doing anything

No. 44058

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i guess that shouldn't be surprising considering how much she used oliver and len

No. 44062

File: 1555278623535.png (150.44 KB, 350x342, Meika_transparent.png)

so how do you think the western vocaloid community will react to the new "canonically nonbinary" vocaloids?

No. 44063

Why did you post this in two separate places, and where's the proof that they're "canonically nonbinary"? They're both voiced by a female VA and wear skirts.

No. 44064

Why did you post this in two separate places, and where's the proof that they're "canonically nonbinary"? They're both voiced by a female VA and wear skirts.

No. 44079

I don't know what you mean, and also, they're listed as being free of gender.

No. 44080

not really. the blue one was posted as having a husky "masc" voice. the official genders for both are female. hime being the name for the pink one being a given. they are female, voiced by a female provider. go off i guess.

No. 44081

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No. 44082

most official content i have seen refer them both of female. i know that the vocaloid wikia also caters to the crazies deep into the gender labely stuff just like the utau one. idk. proven wrong i guess?

No. 44083

File: 1555285696998.png (375.19 KB, 616x796, meika.png)

>Answering questions about Meika Hime & Mikoto on our TL:
>2. What are their genders?
>Officially they're not human, so… how does it work in the spirit world? The person in charge only knows that "having no determined gender is precious".
tbh the tumblrweebs already claimed flower, ritsu, and ruko as "trans/nonbinary representation", so this probably won't change a whole lot

No. 44085

File: 1555285754590.png (18.35 KB, 672x217, eaghrt.PNG)

i mean you're not wrong (this is about vflower)

No. 44087

For all intents and purposes, they're girls. Gender-obsessed autists may flail merrily and call this a "win", but when literally everything else about the characters is obviously gendered, what's the point?
Voiced by a female, both wearing skirts, both clearly feminine. They're "non-binary" the same way all other Vocaloids are, there's nothing special about them.

No. 44095

They basically look like Astolfo ripoffs tho. I think that's the point. They want to grab trap fans and cute girl fans at the same time.

No. 44139

File: 1555296938890.jpg (18.93 KB, 464x401, tumblr_ppyyje8qo31rtgh72_540.j…)

this is why the japanese hate us

No. 44156

astolfo ripoff designs ripping off zepar and furfur's idea from umineko. great. they're even based on the same folklore.

No. 44224

unimportant but she also owns kagamine len and rin. she used len for "it's dark" but never used him again for whatever reason. she never even bothered touching rin. what a waste

No. 44229

Does anyone even pay attention to the new vocaloids anymore?

No. 44239

Meika Hime & Mikoto seems well received.

No. 44263

The fandom at large doesn't

The people who do care seem to like them (mainly because "nonbinary uwu!!!" and literally nothing else)
I mean, it's not like there's anything actually special about them

No. 44266

>>44239 there's even covers from them as well after their release but as much as im hoping for their hype to continue people are gonna go back to the "original" vocaloid in my opinion…

but i really like their voices… almost close to humanlike.

No. 44353

I hadn't realized Ghost had so many loids…she definetely torrents (but at the same time, she is pathetic enough to spend $1000 on loids instead of moving out of her "abusive" parents' house.)

She also once said her dad was stalking her twitter, and her "Dad" shortly started replying to her tweets, it seemed really fake to me.

No. 44452

has anyone else realized that the vast majority of ghost's pvs are the same? usually some character at waist length over a background (usually bland, sometimes having slight effects)

No. 44506

I agree. How much you wanna bet that Ghost's parents are actually decent people and that they've spoiled her?

No. 44788


this one's actually pretty good ngl

No. 44946

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aren't these going to be sold during vocamerica as well

No. 44977

I'd like to know why Kasane Teto is always so mainstream. She's literally a joke utau.

Does this mean if I make a shitty april fools utau it could be mainstream?

No. 44981

…because she was the first one to popularize utau? everything in 2007-2008 vocaloid was a meme lol

No. 44985

File: 1556142686927.jpg (9.79 KB, 170x170, Kenji-b_vp.jpg)

speaking of that, any beans/tea on Sam Blakeslee? He voiced Dex and beforehand his own utau, Kenji Baionoto (he started out as a weeb like misha).

but he's more lenient and still lets people download his utau.

No. 45048

no one knew any better back then

that was also an era of shitty vocaloid recolors

i find it a bit creepy he actively searches any mention of vocaloid dex/daina on twitter even claiming that's his job as a community manager (idk who even decided on that)

he also has a tendency to blog on twitter over any slight disagreement and pass it off as a psa (5 bucks he'll find this post and do a thread)

other than those he's okay

No. 45077

Don’t you guys remember when Dex and Daina came out and he called Daina normal skinned and Dex ethnic during the stream FOR Dex and Daina.

He also talked about fucking himself with a vegetable on Twitter, which was just weird and no-one wants that mental image.

No. 45078

Really? I heard he called Dex normal skinned/tan and Daina pale then the western fandom had a shitshow about how it's racist that Dex isn't canonly black

No. 45081


It was the other way around.

And he also made himself more of mess especially that was after he outed himself as Dex.

No. 45725

iirc there was more than that, something about an ex of the illustrator trying to stir shit on the day of the livestream and it dragged Dex and Daina along

there was slapfighting everywhere it was a fucking mess

No. 45748

>unironically describing someone's skin tone/ethnicity as "normal skinned"
Why are they so cringy? I…
It's especially weird coming from someone who's literally albino (or albino-looking) >>44985.

No. 46157

Ghost's new pv is actually really good

No. 46173

How many times are you guys gonna keep samefagging?

No. 46289

i don't like the song that much, but the video's nice. tired of her nonsense lyrics though, i think it's something she should've outgrown by now.

No. 46330

I don't mind nonsense lyrics because they can be used to evoke feelings and images, but yeah Ghost really isn't good at it.

No. 46344

I agree, the PV is nice and with the dumb lyrics it's something I like as mindless background noise. I like whatever the main instruments are in the intro.

No. 46969

Literally a Hachi copy on all levels. Idk how Ghost even manages to be this unoriginal. Every single song of theirs is a rip-off of another semi-popular song.

No. 47012

is there anything on kuraiinu? he seems like a cool dude for the most part, excluding his whole "uwu trans rights" woke twitter facade.


just asking if anyone knows anything.

No. 47024

File: 1557522121672.png (249.3 KB, 738x832, oh shit here we go again.png)

the vocaloid community's new drama is getting to a rough start already.

No. 47025

File: 1557522153842.jpg (68.1 KB, 1078x526, D6KbjC1WwAAK0eb.jpg)

image from the tweet

No. 47032

The person behind the ebooks account is a classic snowflake, them causing drama for attention is no surprise.

No. 47055

hahahahaha no, crypton gave up enforcing that a longggg time ago and is fine with endorsing people like deadballP
what's next? vocaloidz bop??

No. 47170

No. 47177

Stop selfposting desuka

No. 47211

you know damn well you’re just mad cuz it’s true.

No. 47220

File: 1557646929776.jpeg (Spoiler Image,44.86 KB, 720x399, 96AB664B-450C-4FF3-9EBF-89A586…)

Never used this site before because HOO YIKES but like. I wanted to comment here and say I’m actually a fan of GHOST’s but you guys do have some valid criticisms here. I’m personally a fan of nonsense lyrics and shit because I’m able to relate to them more that way?? (Idk it’s how ive grown up feeling like… I don’t wanna get personal I’m not a fucking baby lmfao) but sometimes it’s kinda difficult to understand what GHOST is implying by the lyrics and I do think that perhaps changing things up a bit would be really helpful to them and their work. I really don’t like associating with their fan base because OH my god are they toxic and annoying as shit. They either whiteknight fucking EVERYTHING GHOST DOES or they go against what GHOST wants because they feel like they’re entitled to their old songs. Which I mean yeah it makes sense, but I feel like they could’ve been a little more respectful especially when GHOST started freaking out and went on that hiatus around this time last year I think?? Is when they came back?? I don’t fucken remember. But you think they’d be like “oh this person doesn’t want me to see something they’re ashamed of, okay” instead of posting that shit everywhere just so they can listen to it. Idk. Just seemed shitty imo. At least GHOST has a reupload channel now. (Although they keep changing the fucking name and it’s hard to find it because they change it all the goddamn time). Another thing I’d like to comment on is GHOST’s distorted style of music. One of their biggest inspirations is Lauren Bousefield, aka Nero’s Day at Disneyland and also BLACK DRESSES, who are both known for having veeeery distortion-y music. I personally like some of the songs by those guys but not all of it is my thing exactly especially since the noise can be soooo harsh sometimes.
Sorry this is a long ass fucking rant BIG YIKES
I’ve been a fan of GHOST since around the time they foraged started out as Ghostie-P, waaay back in like?? 2013 I think it was? Yeah. And yeah their music wasn’t great and when I go back and listen I’m like hoooo boy but I mean my music is pretty shit too, it’s not something I take super seriously especially since I also make music on fucken GarageBand lmfaooo. I don’t use Vocaloid because it’s not something I’m super serious about and I don’t have nearly as many resources as GHOST seemed to have even in their very early days. I’m gonna be real, I’m around the same age GHOST was when they started making music and I was like what, maybe 9 or so when I first found GHOST? So it’s safe to say their music grew on me and I stuck around. We’ve spoken a few times and they actually seem to be a pretty decent person.
However I do feel like the game isn’t particularly good for them. They talk a lot about how the fame is stressful for them and it’s easy to read sometimes and that’s a bit of an oh boy. They have (to my knowledge) professionally diagnosed BPD and there’s a lot of not so great things that come with that specific disorder and a stigma around it saying that people with that disorder are abusive or rude or whatever the fuck. But honestly a mental illness shouldn’t ever. Really be an excuse for your actions yknow?? Like there are still like yknow morals and knowing right from wrong so you can’t just use that as some sort of scapegoat per se. I feel like GHOST has been a little too public and personal regarding their status as a creator and would probably be better off if they stuck to how I notice like MASA does things. (I love MASA, he seems pretty chill). I’ve never really seen him having like as much info public as GHOST does and his fan base doesn’t seem to be nearly as toxic and made up of babies as GHOST’s is. Theirs is just annoying. I mean, look at the fucking Amino they have. That shit is fucking apeshit and those bastards archive every little fucking thing GHOST does and even has like almost every single piece of their art saved in a giant ass folder. One of the other GHOST amino things has an old picture of GHOST in it from 2016 too. Honest to god, Spider on the Wall makes more sense sometimes damn. I just really feel like slooowly but surely pulling out of the public scene would be better for them since fame has proven itself to be a struggle for them and as much as I know this site is for poking fun, it’s got some valid points made here. GHOST would be a lot more well received by sensible people if they chilled the fuck out and didn’t try and make so many memes out of their characters and make jokes and be like super public with fans. They don’t need to and it only causes them more stress so I don’t see why they’d do it?? And like I said my music is ABSOLUTE SHIT and I know it but like I’m not gonna run around and try and get all big like what GHOST has done or treat myself with more importance than what I actually have.
As for the criticism thing, GHOST has a bad habit of taking the critique way too personally. I mean I do it too outside of YouTube (since that’s not what I do for a living) but honestly. I’ve noticed it in the past turn into a “Well since you guys didn’t like it I’m gonna get pissed at you instead of thinking on how to improve and I’m also gonna read ALL of it and complain and say that I’ll just become some perfect being since that’s what you all expect haha” when no one expects that and nothing ever changes. And any fan who sees anyone say ANYTHING that isn’t kissing GHOST’s ass will whiteknight the shit out of it and pull the whole “can you do this? Then don’t criticize!” When that’s a bullshit argument in the first place and we all know it. If something doesn’t sound good, it doesn’t fucking sound good. I don’t need to be good at clicking and dragging voice clips around on a computer to say “Hey, I can’t understand what the lyrics say.” Like shut the fuck up if you think like that lmfao.
But honestly I’m glad I was able to say this here because god only knows if I said any of this ANYWHERE else, I’d get my head ripped off by a bunch of angry 12 year olds who want to kill their parents or some shit I don’t fucking know.

TL;DR GHOST needs to get out of the public eye for their own sake and also work more on some improvement.(autistic blogpost)

No. 47225

He and Ashe had to basically 'come out' as black several years ago and a few people were butthurt about it because their drawn personas and avatars had always portrayed them as white/asian men. Other than that, not much I can think of.

No. 47226

File: 1557650633830.png (20.4 KB, 272x366, Capture.PNG)

welcome, learn to use this website and stop blogposting

No. 47233

No, I actually agree with the tweets, he's just being really obvious

No. 47326

What's this?

No. 47365

Ebooks shares Bandori school girls making out on their personal.

No. 47366

wasn't she the one who started the whole "haha lol miku created minecraft and is god" joke on tumblr because notch is now "problematic" all of a sudden?

also she calls people transphobes for disagreeing with the trans miku headcanon.

No. 47368

That’s the one.
They also referred to HRT pills as “cat girl pills.”
Ebooks could have a thread themselves.

No. 47370

does anyone else miss when the vocaloid community was just a joking-around kind of fandom that didn't have much drama outside of shipping wars and miku hate, rather than the woke progressive drama shithole it is now?

No. 47372

that's what you get for trying to sound as white as possible. he's also a major weeb and makes it blantantly obvious.

i also hate how he advertises his own covers on spotify and other sites during the video. that's a new level of attention seeking

No. 47374

that goes for every single fandom anon
Come to think of it, I really miss old ask blogs in that matter.

No. 47417

Not really b/c the fandom has been a drama magnet from the beginning. It's just the #woke shit that's new

No. 47425

what's funny is that there's a len ebooks account but he's for some reason really chill. no drama. no "shut up transphboes".

No. 47480

does anyone have an opinion on littlebear / madotspooki? i dislike him because he seems annoying and his covers are shit but pop up everywhere. he identifies as mtf transgender, has an anime pfp and a tumblr. also made a song about his uwu dysphoria and how hard it is to be a trans girl :(

No. 47548

yeah I find them annoying too. I'm pretty sure they like FNAF as well
>they're a hoshikawafag too
oh god

No. 47585

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Creep-P is such a fucking loser lmao

No. 47587

is creep-p autistic? just curious. i also coudnt find "daddy".

No. 47588

did ebooks forget when giga made a song about len having a huge dick

No. 47594

People think that ebooks is an official Miku account too, especially on tumblr
the admin uses it as an advantage to spread their autistic rhetoric

No. 47683

File: 1557940308807.png (379.75 KB, 461x562, 060f1cbe16b3087a48ef4fbeb4a81e…)

No. 47701

thanks i hate it

No. 47820

lmao imagine drawing that and going "yeah this is a good idea. not cringy at all"

No. 48016

what exactly caused the fandom to become woke? was is echo? (and why the fuck did echo become so popular? it's just a shitty crusher-p song, but it got covered by reol and mafumafu. two major prouducers in the vocaloid community)

No. 48056

Wow. The art looks good but….why be woke though?

No. 48091

because it's the popular thing right now. nowadays instead of being "dirty sinners" who ship len and kaito, everyone has a purity fetish because instead of wanting to be different or edgy, everyone wants to be the same, to spew the same bullshit.

what "rights" do grown men kinning anime girls not have anyway

No. 48193

>vflower, a japloid used for english song

WHY do western vocaloid prouducers have an autistic obsession with flower(creep-p and ghost are prob autistic). nobody liked her when she had a feminine design. its likely people only like her because of the androgynous style.

No. 48230

There isn't an Engloid that's edgy, "kawaii", or "trans"" enough
(despite the fact her creators are hell bent on saying flower is a girl and not some genderfuck)

Western Flower fans are autistic as hell, lowkey worse than the "trans miku desu" fans

No. 49150

honestly it seems more transphobic for these people to assume that flower should be nonbinary just because she dresses in an androgynous way.

No. 49165

Imagine being this sad and pathetic

No. 49167

oliver has a "kawaii" design and voice though. hence why momocashew ships him with len (and hy a lot of people ship oliver w/ both len and rin)

aside from that oliver's the only good engloid imo

No. 49168

The Len ebooks is pure fucking cancer that sucks miku ebooks cock on an hourly basis. They are extremely active in the trans rights shit too. No idea what you’re talking about.

No. 49203

Well the fandom is full of weebs who hate any vocaloid who's not japanese anyway so

Plus most westernPs can't tune/mix for shit and always make him sound all muffled

No. 49228

huh. i wonder if there's any art hcing len as trans because he's smol and kawaii like his sister cousin girlfriend

No. 49230

>>49203 oliver is meant to be a soft
vocal. momo made a song called loucetios and hr tuning of him is a shit

No. 49317

iirc it's mostly piko who gets this treatment

unless you mean those PVs of len depicted as a trap

weebs wouldnt touch an engloid unless it's gumi english

No. 49357

File: 1558451098276.png (287.2 KB, 482x418, flowers-a-independent-young-bl…)


No. 49794

lol, you just reminded me of the japanese producer who did trans len songs years before it was trendy
why are they like this

No. 49798

If you sniff out the fakebois who follow mikuebooks you'll find they're ALL into the "Len is trans" shit, they'll make callout posts about people who disagree. No better than the trans Miku shit. I think Len gets it the most because he's the most popular male Vocaloid. Miku doesn't look trans at all, has no trans features. But they've latched onto her because she's the most popular. Len is just the male version. Len could look anyway, with any voice, and would still be "Len is a transboi uwu"

No. 49802

they probably only see Miku as trans because her color scheme is white, blue and pink. Fakebois latch onto any blue & pink character(they sperg if you say blue and pink pokemon arent trans) because they're retarded
og miku was green tho, which makes it even more dumb

No. 49839

it's sad that he suffers from both mtf and ftm headcanons desu.

i like 96neko even though she's obviously a len fangirl, but knows she's a girl who likes to wear masculine fashion. fakebois should be more like her.

on a more important note, how much does anyone think the japanese know about the retarded progressive drama in the western community? do they know about ghost?

No. 49840

File: 1558489284426.png (313.59 KB, 1330x1360, MAIKA.png)

but of course no one cares because weebs are allergic to non-japanese vocaloids

and maybe in a good way for maika

No. 49841

asknonbinaryfukase, featuring black vflower

No. 49842

who was the translator? (sorry for lateness)

No. 49862

who are now mostly deleted and replaced with what you just posted, sadly

No. 49903

File: 1558531707364.png (46.1 KB, 295x295, DJ-NITE.png)

imagine being the sperg to go "i should make her a fat black genderfuck"

wouldnt be suprised if that nb fukase blog also headcanoned oliver as some demihemisemisexual. the wannabe marxists on tumblr are at least 14

thank god i love her design
its weird how the sjws usually cling onto the popular vocaloids..they probably dont even like vocaloid past their shitty "progressive"" hcs and the trashy ass music by ghost and all her ripoffs

No. 49904

There are so many vocaloids but I feel like maybe 5 of them get regularly used by producers. Are they just not any good?

No. 49906

Even Meiko and Kaito go unused now
In V3 there were too many vocaloids and people stopped giving a fuck

It's probably just because people wouldn't care about songs sung by the others, and why make a song no one will care about

But most vocaloids are around the same quality, the other vocaloids arent like shitty CV UTAUs(cuz then yamaha would be basically robbing people)

Miku hate is annoying but the other loids arent horrible

No. 49907

Why do they keep pushing out more vocaloids instead of just making Miku v107, I can't imagine any of the others sell that well given that they are literally never used. It's a shame because I actually love how Meiko and Kaito sound. Kaito especially sounds silky smooth lately.

No. 49914

because yamaha doesn't know what the hell they're doing
mikus update is gonna come eventually, but the new engine is all types of fucked rn no updates so far

No. 49916

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full list of all ghosts loids, she has way more than i thought(when did she get rion?)

i remember someone telling me she had stardust though (and that she wanted to be a knife sharpener for a job, how edgy)

No. 49917

File: 1558538178093.png (28.26 KB, 548x133, Screenshot 2019-05-22 at 10.14…)

she only got 57 followers on nico w each vid only having like 500 views
they dont give a fuck about her we good

if they know about the spergs theyve probably hated us for a while

No. 49960

Didn't they feature ECHO in one of these big Nico Nico Party events?

No. 49987

ECHO is the only western original that japanese people care about, period. except circus monster which was briefly relevant 10 years ago
that said there are some jp ghost fans in the comments of her vids. the whole "superior nihonjin must hate us lmoa" idea really isn't accurate, they're just the same spergs in another country

No. 49990

it's because they overdo it.

"Call me obsequious, I guess I'm a bit dramatic
Sometimes my appetite is eerily erratic
irreconcilable perceptions appeal to my obsessions"

-her appetite of a people pleaser song

She believes bigboy words make her smart and sophisticated

No. 50020

File: 1558583740476.jpg (Spoiler Image,44.66 KB, 850x850, kagaminerin.jpg)

tumblr was a mistake

No. 50059

>the pubes
>the armpit hair
im vomiting

this person is a huge sjw but they drew kaito and len fucking on their pixiv lol

No. 50080

ghost only has three vids on her nnd tho. and i didn't see any jp comments. only a few english ones.

why is she trying to get famous on nnd anyway? why does literally every autistic american vocafag try to use nnd?

No. 50082

you need to set your language to japanese for the japanese comments to show up. they're just as confused about why she's randomly on nnd, tbh. even in japan, a lot of people are moving exclusively to yt because nico has going to shit for the past ~5 years.

No. 50101

My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

No. 50121

japanese fandom validation + they're weeaboos

there's a reason why the likes of akiglancy used to fully weeb out on nnd before she got that engloid recording gig from zero-g. just look at her song releases prior to getting the job to draw avanna and voicing daina

now she projects herself as a patron saint of engloids with her glorified oc shitshow vocamerica

it's always the case for these sjws, they hate the male gaze or uglify the shit of out female characters but they'd be into shotacon or yaoi

No. 50125

am i the only one here kinda pissed at all the talentless people in the vocaloid community? aki, sam, etc. are worshipped like gods yet they started out as autistic weeaboos. and they still are

No. 50126

If anything, it bothers me that people who are in the community a long time don’t improve. If you look at Japanese producers, their skills get better or stay at the same level. Western producers seem to put songs out so slowly, and always more of the same.

No. 50541

File: 1558679534810.png (53.55 KB, 565x489, ssssssssssss.PNG)

i do NOT want ghost to be the introduction to vocalopid for anyone.

everyone should get introduced to vocaloid via either world is mine or ievan polkka

No. 50560

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suprised that ebooks doesnt turn every vocaloid into a fat disabled queer brown person, but their art is still so shit

No. 50562

File: 1558712866964.png (231.81 KB, 1312x577, Screenshot 2019-05-24 at 10.47…)

>mikumikuebooks has a whole ass kofi for her cringy sjw tweets and shitty 2 sec drawings
>people probably throw money at her anyway

she has at least 20 kofis too. fucking hell

No. 50589

the official cfm eng account would ignored them and they'll never have the clout they're enjoying

they're also selling shitty keychains before iirc

No. 50632

I actually like KIRA's stuff, but it's kinda obvious he has a bit of an ego. On the high side.


Here is his cover of Rettou Jotto, a promotion for his two UTAUloids, and both are voiced by him.
The male sounds like any stereotypical western UTAU, whilst the female sounds like a chipmunk because he pitched up his own voice to sound like a girl.


Needs no explanation. Just look at the artwork.

No. 50648

Kira's stuff is well-produced, but the wannabe bad bitch lyrics kinda ruin it for me. Still, him, Ferry and Beau Jordan are the only western producers I follow at this point (strovi's apparent comeback was nice, but she hasn't posted anything since fucking August)

No. 50650

kinda unwoke to have a flat chested 14 year old girl have giant melons. also pretty misogynistic to make her look over feminine despite the original rin having a tomboyish look

No. 50651

ferry's music is eh but the videos are nice. he seems to be more of an artist than a musician tbh

No. 50674

I think the music is fine, if a bit simple. But yeah, at this point I'm more in for the PVs than anything.

No. 50749

desu i hate to admit it but i'm kinda jealous of him. he's only like 18 and already a successful music composer and has been one since the age of 18. samr with circus-p, who wrote circus monster at 14.

ghost and creep-p are at least easy to make fun of. kira and circus-p are legitimate talented people.

No. 50829

I'll give you Kira, but Circus has not released a good song in years (Hello Again was alright, but aside from that his newer music is boring as shit)

No. 50858

File: 1558869604944.jpg (192.24 KB, 950x1154, tumblr_orbsrxXiip1uvddkbo1_r1_…)

saying the no-no word sh*ota is illegal but its totally okay to sexualize kawaii underage trans bois desu

No. 50859

I love how Ghost has deleted pretty much all of her social media sites during her ""mental breakdowns" except her Patreon, Ko-fi, and whatever other money grubbing sites she uses

No. 50885

as far as i'm concerned the artist draws him with a dick. prob makes an excuse "uwu he's 18 he's just smol!!!!111!'

No. 50889

iNSaNiTY, mErcy, circus monster and shatter were all good songs imo, i kinda wonder why he tried to change his style.

Fade (ft dex and daina) was alright, but not as good.

it's as if he's embarrassed about his old style despite his old songs being better.

No. 50987


this blog is a fucking mess

No. 50993

File: 1558933452613.png (578.57 KB, 1280x1078, tumblr_prpzay4NG11y7pwhro1_128…)

do you actually expect a 16 year old girl and a 14 year old girl to look like this? whoever made this is projecting their insecurities

No. 51155

I don't think it's insecurities, the artist just has no idea how to draw girls

No. 51201

This thread forgot about Marvyanaka. She is probably more annoying than Ghost.

No. 51219

I've seen some of her songs, they're fine enough. What did she do?

No. 51221

Hunting for attention and saying week after week how worthless she is just to get some nice comments. I remember that like two yeas ago she used to do this few times a month andafter each breakdown she was deleting the tweets. Not to mention such things like those journals :

As a person who got near her for some time I could write even more. She is toxic person.

As for the songs… well you all judge yourselves

No. 51265

links? (please)

No. 51271

Imo KIRA's songs are fine but goddamn, they're boring as fuck i almost fall asleep hearing them, they have talent but i'm struggling understanding why the fuck people cared that much about a style so forgettable. Why western producers are always like this? They either release well composed but boring music or a complete dissonant mess.

No. 51273

Honestly? The community is so starved for content that anything even remotely resembling music will get plays. Side-effect of being so small and stagnant for so long.

No. 51327

Because Kira is the only one who knows what they're doing. I like their music ngl, I'm so starved for English vocaloid songs that are actually good.

No. 51372

File: 1559162219757.png (47.32 KB, 726x499, kira is a shit.PNG)

you guys done sucking kira's dick?

something i REALLY hate about him is how he doesn't give a shit about any comments that actually say anything positive. only half-assed overused jokes from the same 5 people.

No. 51459

File: 1559192399547.jpg (89.79 KB, 593x713, stop.JPG)

i can't really get away from this garbage huh

No. 51471

Pride month is some kind of cringe festival these days xd(xddd )

No. 51476

this is an obvious fucking cashgrab. all the images are the same with the flag being the only difference.

>uwu don't give your money to corporations who don't care about queers give it to me while i sell you a half assed drawing

this actually pisses me off

No. 51483

Wtf is wrong with her hand. This is so goddamn ugly.

No. 51523

>Don't support cynical corporate cashgrabs, support MY cynical cash grab!

No. 51731

No. 52488

i literally cannot stand utau users in this fandom, i have yet to meet someone who doesn't have an ulterior motive of coaxing me for free art of their shitty singing weeaboo oc

No. 52971

utaureizo is pretty cool. you also have rev.

No. 52994

rev is too much of an insufferable weaboo, his ego is really obnoxious and so is his orbits

No. 53035

b-but utaureizo! her covers are good (at least her newer ones) she made raine reizo and rena.

if you don't like her you have utakoloid. his only crime is being a furry but he makes good covers

No. 53038

not to mention rev got most of his fame from copying a japanese artist to the point of driving her off tumblr and never apologized for it

No. 53041

who did he copy?

No. 53081

the only decent utau user in the western community is akem

No. 53111

File: 1560213870416.png (139.25 KB, 759x429, q.PNG)

I like Kuraiinu's stuff. He's a nice guy, with interesting taste. He's VERY skilled in the music department, and his singing abilities surpass JubyPhonic's and Rachie's by a long shot.

The only thing I'm not a huge fan of is the fact that he feels the need to pander to EVERYONE with his whole 'uwu trans rights' thing on twitter.

Is every modern vocaloid music producer like this?

No. 53115

No. 53120

if you think those vocaloid producers are bad, take a look at this piece of shit. i can't believe unironically listen to this type of stuff. what's your opinion on this?

No. 53121

amazing, it took the western fandom a whole decade to put out the kinda shit the japanese fandom got out of their system shortly after miku was released

No. 53125

wdym? Not quite sure what you mean, sorry

No. 53145

"haha you can make the anime girl say dick and pussy" was obviously the first reaction of a lot of people when vocaloid became a thing
i'm surprised anyone thinks that's still relevant

No. 53158

File: 1560230533075.jpg (198.74 KB, 1080x953, 1558390217118.jpg)

some sleppu shit

No. 53159

File: 1560230565703.jpg (131.11 KB, 1080x630, 1558390503251.jpg)

No. 53167

wait, she's a vocaloid producer? i didn't know since i just saw her in the fakeboi thread.

No. 53185

he does a lot of art for vocaloid pvs (mostly circus) not a producer

No. 53193

>cool baby anime boy voice
why are weebs such degenerates

No. 53194

This is some real fetish shit right here, officer. It's just an aesthetic to them.

No. 53273

No. 53274

i'm willing to bet her favorite vocaloid is len (who she probably headcanons as trans)

No. 53285

can someone please tell her asami shimoda is a woman

No. 53287


(warning, sperging ahead)

how does len even look trans, according to them? he has the stature of a 14 year old, and he's supposed to be the exact opposite of rin in the gender department. so it would make sense for him to have a dick contrary to rin having a vag.

maybe i'm looking to far into it.

No. 53289

she probably doesn't even know who she is

No. 53293

fujos love to dress up len back then (see imitation black..etc), it's likely they present him as trans now to make it more acceptable than calling him a trap


No. 53485

im guessing anon means uracata >>>/ot/352384
his archived apology: https://archive.li/tgq4E

theres actually lots of snowflake overlap in this thread, artist salt, weeb/omocat, and the old artist drama threads.

No. 53569

This song is the epitome of cringe.

Also, are there any English utaites that can actually, uh, sing?

No. 53582

Not a lot, no, but a few people have gone pro like Tonkhai aka Diana Garnett and momocashew.

No. 53586

Just wondering, but thoughts about the drama about IA in Houston, anyone?

No. 53608

I think it's supposed to be cringe, but idk.

what i meant was he sings better than juby and rachie. the autotune hoes.

unimportant, but why does he feel the need to say ~guys, gals and nonbinary pals~? isn't bara suppsed to be an exclusively gay guy thing? correct me if i'm wrong.

also, the term used for english singers like him is youtaite. since they dont use nnd and are american.

No. 53648

so who is he ripping off now?

No. 53654

I mean… you’re right. He is better than Juby and Rachie.

I noticed that they all seem to have their videos monetized, is that legal?

No. 53683

not to sound like a redditor, but what exactly attracts sjws and tumblrinas to vocaloid and utau like flies to honey?

(utau as well, hence the creation of "nonbinary' utauloids like czloid that have obvious female vps)

like, how would vocaloid and utau be appealing to those types?

No. 53734

vocaloid characters in general do not have canon info unless explicitly stated like age, however, that doesn't stop people from interpreting them with their own headcanons

but some take it too far with their autism and we see shit like black, fat, trans, and muslim miku hatsune

as for utaus, they're essentially OCs where you have free reign on their appearance and canon but difference is they have a recorded voice bank for singing

muh fair use

No. 53736

technically him. the freak behind mikumikuebooks is a weeb transbian with an obsession with anime girls and yuri shit. also expresses his wierd dickgirl fetish with his trans hcs

No. 53769

It's not. You even have to tick a box when downloading instrumentals from Piapro for saying you will not monetize your covers. Of course, they don't care and neither do their fans.

No. 53843

how have they not gotten into legal trouble for it then? especially considering how many views some of these covers get, the producers must know about it

No. 53874

1. Some producers don't go on YouTube (but it's becoming more and more popular). 2. The majority of producers is just like you & me they don't have legal power, the ones you can't mess with are those who are signed to record labels & even this doesn't mean anything.

They both are entitled idiots with huge egos who vocode like crazy tho and I hope it will catch them someday.

No. 53880

basically what >>53734 said.
Vocaloid/UTAU is a lot of a heavy DIY project, most Vocaloids really only have a design and a few sparse bits of information, and when making a song or song series or whatever you can even change the few aspects that are there, and UTAU is just an OC you can make sing.

Many SJW/Tumblrfag types are also giant fucking weebs, so being able to make your black trans muslim OC sing to your favorite anime OP or Vocaloid song is a big draw.

No. 53996

that's actually hilarious. all of these shitty american utauloids have the same gross sounding fat female voice.

did you know there's a bunch of furry utauloids as well? they're called furloids.

No. 54051

out of curiosity, why does no one headcanon rin as trans? are she and meiko not kawaii enough?

No. 54202

Because it's women who think they're kawaii transbois just because they aren't like the other girls that are making them.

Meiko is just boobielicious so no one cares about her.

No one cares about Kaito either.

No. 54238

a bad person in the vocaloido community's dog recently died and it's just karma. now they know how it feels to be hurt. ha ha.

No. 54258

ive listened to vocaloid music since 2009 back on flipnote hatena and have never specifically interacted with vocaloid fans. all ive ever seen is the trans phase 15 yos who are "kin" with my hero academia characters and like ghost. thats about it. this thread was really something to go through as a whole. cool to see people acknowledge strovi and people commenting on the trans miku bullshit. i had friends doing that and tried to ask why it was necessary and it didnt go well but hey, here we are. curious on thoughts of see-kun/colloid if anyone has heard of colloid? the person behind colloid doesnt make music anymore, but this song and on my way home are my favorites. accidentally stumbled upon this and not sure if i can link more than one video but i am genuinely curious on what people think. thanks

No. 54259

feel retarded now this was the song i was referring to

No. 54622

The song sounds nice, and I also like the beat.
>I just wish some vocaloid song artists know how to make good songs with effort and passion put into them but that's probably just me.

No. 54686

I like *Luna a lot but he/she is not really all that popular. Good English Vocaloid producers don't really exist.

No. 54689

File: 1561290093490.jpg (67.12 KB, 1097x387, a.JPG)

shit like this depresses me

No. 54691

I fucking hate Rachie. Her lyrics and singing sucks and she monetizes all of her videos.

No. 54693

Samefag but also topkek at >please stop comparing me and Juby when they both do the same bad shit and sound the same.

No. 54720

damn. i never knew how much of a bitch she was. when she and juby sang childish war her parts were WAY over autotuned and the lyrics were hard to make out.

i don't mind english covers, but don't. fucking. monetize. your. covers. and give some credit to the original producer! kuraiinu and juby at least can sing, and kura makes original stuff and adds spins to his covers.

No. 54741

I feel the opposite about Juby and Rachie, but their voices both sound put-on at times. It's interesting that you understand Juby better, I usually have to read her lyrics to hear half of them.

And about monetizing covers, I still can't believe that any utaite act like it's a real job, taking requests on patreon and such. Taking a hobby and turning it into a cynical cashgrab seems to be a special talent everyone in the Vocaloid scene possesses.

No. 55084

most youtaite have shitty eng lyrics too.

kuraiinu kept advertising shit via popups in his meltdown cover.

No. 55438

i've seen enough people in this fandom declare to never touch an utau not voiced by a real japanese person but unironically complain that no one uses their utau

i dont mingle with the utau community but i just watch their antics from the sidelines

No. 55507

Maybe I'm just going insane, but is anyone else…seeing the same pattern in every fandom?

I don't know…Maybe I just miss when people were nice to eachother. before the whole 'you know we stan/x person is cancelled' type attitude. I just wish people would stop using everything, vocaloid included, as some kind of political statement.

…I hope at least one indivisual here feels the samr as I do…

No. 55518

File: 1561807021586.jpg (34.72 KB, 744x288, steampianist.JPG)

so what's the deal with this?

same I'm tired

the mikubooks account was a fucking mistake, it's one of the things enabling this bullshit

No. 55554

What'd GHOST do to them, I wanna know
(Probably called them pedo or something retarded)

No. 55565

something about seeing steam going off on ghost gives me a positive feeling for some reason

No. 55575

Me too
maybe if the comm sees ghost isnt an angel and "cancels" her some of the ripoffs and ppl who worship her will fuck off and at least itll be a little less edgy

but they see her as a god so i doubt it

No. 55614


Hey, Shius here. I'm gonna make this pretty short and clear.

Basically GHOST and I (along with Jim) were friends at one point, (really good friends at that) until I tried to kill myself due to severe depression and GHOST basically abandoned me. They worried about me in public (twitter and yet livestreams) but never once came to me in private. I had a 7 day window before I was gonna officially off myself. Shit happened, and I called it off. I was basically saved by steam and my dad. Of all the seven days, only steam had messaged me consistently.

When I cut ties with GHOST after, they basically used isolation tactics, calling me out as the one in the wrong. All my friends that were their friends ofc took GHOSTs side. Basically GHOST accused me of being "problematic" cause I told her to "kill themself".
I never did. It's just that I remember this one time I said I would understand if they offed themselves (cause of their situations at home) but I would be sad to see them go.

No. 55623

What the genuine fuck.

I used to see Ghost as nothing more than some dumb fangirl, but holy shit. I hate her now.

Thank you for sharing what happened.

No. 55704

Thanks for sharing m8, I'm not familiar with your works but wow, fuck Ghost. I knew she was rude to fans and shit and all her songs were hit and miss with me, but fuck that fake concern shit from her.

Hope things get better for ya.

No. 55736

do you have any caps for anything during this time period?

No. 55747


Ghost apologized. I'm past it and I'm not entirely comfortable with sharing caps of a time I was seriously going to kill myself. Sorry.

Everyone involved has kept to their word of being fair, and I'm not about to break that. If you want some dirt on GHOST, I'm not the one to go to.

No. 57295

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No. 57788

if he threatened me i would feel nothing

No. 59421

violence is never the answer and i do not encourage it BUUUUT i bet any ammount of $ if you went up to them and socked them in the jaw they'd start crying like little bitches

No. 59484

Does anyone know why Kuraiinu disabled comments on all his videos…? Was someone a big meanie to him :(:(:(:( so sad

No. 59491

File: 1563966709044.png (41.33 KB, 813x368, kura01.png)

He didn't specify, lol.

No. 59571

most of this dude's content is MONETIZED covers of other peoples work. this clown ALSO has a pareton which he refuses to shut the fuck up about.

At least he's not as bad as Will Stetson, who tells people to pay him to cover songs.

What a baby

No. 60005

File: 1564199875746.png (810.83 KB, 1079x1258, patreon package.png)

If anyone wants some fresh tea on Akiglancy, she's still selling these cringe Moomin merchandise on her patreon despite being TOLD you need an official character license to do anything with Moomins. but nope, she commissioned that artwork and she's not going to back off monetizing it. It's funny because she's said publically she won't be selling them but she turns around and puts them on her Patreon under "Moominloids."

Please stop supporting literal IP theft and greed. This is just sad. I'll bet Meghan can't pay the rent this month and has to sell Moomins to compensate.

No. 60010

Out of curiosity how much do you need to pledge to get those?

Also this might belong in the art salt thread but I can't stand AkiGlancy's art. It looks like those knockoff how-to-draw anime/manga characters. If she could get away mirroring a part, she would do it down to the shading. Why people still pay for that stuff is beyond me.

No. 60015

anything over >$0 is too much of a pledge.

I think those are commissioned (off one of her friends who also has bad art imo) / and not her art, but agree with you there anon.

No. 60052

that's clearly a dude

No. 60061

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No. 60174

Has anyone tried DeepVocal? Thoughts?


No. 60241


She's been pumping out keychain designs like mad for the last couple of months. First it was the Moominloids, then it was the anime archetype cows (YANDAIRY HAHAHAAHA GET IT IT'S LIKE YANDERE BUT NOT), and now it's whatever random shit she can think of, including Dex and Daina, Ruby, and those two guys from that Good Omens show. She's getting desperate for money now that more and more people are realizing that Vocamerica was a fucking scam. Her Patreon isn't even pulling in three hundred dollars a month anymore.


I was trying to think of what it reminded me of and you summarized it perfectly. Her chibis are especially disgusting.

No. 60258

File: 1564420008065.jpg (95.03 KB, 905x849, disgusting.JPG)

god her vocamerica chibi keychains look like mlp abominations

iirc vocamerica got a better artist on board to draw new keychain designs but the artist is a cow himself (at least in the spanish fandom), especially with his failed vocaloid attempt being dead on arrival on the reveal day

No. 60268

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Her Oliver design is cancer. She gave a twelve year old boy Nicki Minaj hips and when people complained she just said "it's my style lolz". Also, do you mean the Akuo designs? Because those are actually pretty cute, but I had no idea he was the one behind that Luan shitshow. You have any specific details on his cow qualities?

No. 60333

Someone buy him a shorter horse, cause the man is so high up he can't hear all the Sinsy noises, and lack of proper sample quality his poor man's CeVIO produces anymore.

No. 60352

Her color work is okay, kind of basic, but not terrible, but what in the world is with the faces and that poor kids wonky bow legs. His leg shape plus the bandages make him look like he's suffering from blounts disease.

No. 60390

Akuo is a major piece of shit. There is a long history of horrible things he has done but the fandom barrier prevents the English fanbase from knowing. Even in the general Spanish convention scene he is not well liked. He mistreats a lot of Spanish artists in private like a High school mean girl.

In public, when Vocaloid designing contests used to be frequent he would enter all of them because his dream was having his own Vocaloid and become a Vocaloid designer, and eventually he convinced that other older dude of making it for him (which is how the Luan shitshow came to be). Back then his strategy was enter all design contests and he was a sore loser. He bullied the winners of both the Maika and the Alys contest and spread defamation on Facebook claiming the artists traced, copied designs, the companies had bias and shit all over them. He was so inflammatory Voctrolabs banned him from their Facebook page for a while.
He also pretended to be a producer and got music made for him by ghost producers, got donated free art to use in said songs by spanish fanbase artists and when the ghost producers dropped him because he was so difficult to work with, all those projects flunked and ghosted every artist. All of his supposed "original songs" were not composed by him. Everything is a fame gaining scheme to him.

After years of problems people turned on him and he shat all over the spanish fandom and claimed he was done with Vocaloid forever because Vocaloid was the worst fandom of all. Then after years of radio silence Luan happened and everybody recognized the silhouette of the art and the shota archetype to be one of his doings (he is into shotacon and drew it for money on Patreon). There was a shitstorm, callout posts were made and he scurried away for years again until AkiGlancy lured him back with money. He is involved in Vocamerica because his boyfriend makes the models and he does the textures for them. AkiGlancy finds their relationship very kawaii yaoi so she ignores any drama surrounding Akuo.

No. 60398

I remember there being some kind of drama about his boyfriend stealing model parts and model tracing not long ago - YYB being one of the people who also called him out on that, since Yoistyle traced his model, and I remember he had some problems with REMmapple regarding that as well. Not that it matters much, given Yoistyle's models look like little aberrations the moment you exit MMD's frontview camera. Either ways it's funny knowing Aki gives this kind of people support; her lack of basic decency baffles me.

No. 60400

I remember when Luan came out, I legitimately thought it was another prank voice using Bruno and Clara XSY. It didn't take long the voice provider was leaked and that's where I learned about Akuo being shitty. Some people from the Spanish fandom were kind enough to translate the gist of the drama surrounding him but I never thought it would be this worse.

some anon brought that up like a year ago here >>12345

No. 60408

File: 1564507635878.png (377.58 KB, 732x719, Leire_loves.png)

I just don't get how he gets away with so much shit, I guess it's because he's pals with most of the Spanish cosplay clique. I forgot about his Vocaloid drama tho, I mostly remembered the shota art scandal, thanks for reminding me anon

pic related is his Maika design which got an "honorary mention"

No. 60460

That's hilarious.

I remember telling a fellow vocaloid fan about all these shitty cashgrabs in the fandom, along with all these embarrassing wannabe-utaite that live off of shitty patreon covers. All she said was 'they need to make money and live somehow.'

I didn't know what to say after that.

No. 60525


Oh my fucking lord. I had no idea he had such a history but goddamn am I sad that I missed out on all that drama when it was happening. It's a shame he's such a talented artist when all of that talent is being used by a huge tool.

Any time you call out a producer or diet utaite for their e-begging they always shoot back "BUT I HAVE TO MAKE A LIVING YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND". I remember when Sam was shilling some kind of one-on-one course on his Twitter, either for tuning or songwriting, and he was trying to defend himself with that excuse. As if getting a part-time job like a normal fucking person wasn't an option. A lot of people don't realize that music production rarely pulls in a livable cash flow unless you're hugely popular with a fanbase that isn't 99% middle school weebs, so you're definitely going to need to have a stable income to rely on in the meantime.

No. 60688


For a "poor mans cevio" the newer voicebanks they've been producing are not bad, he may be on a high horse, but once he finally works on projects and unique voicebanks, synthV has the potential to overshadow cevio, sinsy, and vocaloid lol.

If anything, i just hate the designs for Genbu and Forte, they're too cutesy and anime for a software that should also appeal to actual producers.

No. 60733

Yeah, I agree it has potential. Some banks do sound nice, but the sample he provided in the aforementioned tweet does not sound much different from anything we've already heard every other HTS based engine produce - treble frequencies aside, they sound good.

Vocal variety, and growing support from 3rd party companies? Sure.

"The world's most advanced singing synthesis engine"? Nah.

No. 60777

This kinda makes me sad because I genuinely really love Vocaloid and UTAU, even knowing that they will both fail.

See, Vocaloid 5 is a blantant shitshow with nothing to offer but 4 bland starter generic voices and two 'nonbinary' obvious female voices. I'd like to see Yamaha and Crypton make a comeback, though.

UTAU on the other hand is so old a program that it will eventually be incompatible with next gen computers.

No. 60898


The sample he has released along with that statement was literally the worst sample to use. I think If he really wanted to have a more promising tone to his project, he should've got a better demo of his new engine, and not that.. VFlower clone

No. 60950

Wait how is Genbu even anything like Flower?

Renri sounds too much like VY2 though…

No. 61073


I'm talking about this sample anon


this is the original JP vb til Renri took over lol

No. 61080

File: 1564939247910.jpg (60.36 KB, 720x492, _20190804_180714.JPG)

Wow this takes me down the memory lane. I haven't been up to news since ~'12-13.

And yet boy, nothing sure has changed in this shithole of a "community" over the years.
Same clichés, same dramas, same cliques, same sjw and tumblrisms.

My only fond memory is Miko Ooka's creator. Or artist. Fuck I can't remember now. I don't remember the exact details but they interacted with me on Twitter even with my broken gaijin japanese and they were so, so kind. Still holds a soft spot in my heart. Fuck.

rev is a pretentious cunt who acts holier-than-thou and uses/interacts with japanese fans/creators like accessories and not actual people for clout

then again that's just like the rest of the community i suppose

No. 61087

fucking danganronpa fans

oh, these are both shitty parody accounts of miku ebooks.

No. 61174

File: 1565007808258.jpg (Spoiler Image,62.84 KB, 748x607, blondebootlegtianyi.JPG)

you had one job(wrong thread)

No. 61700

File: 1565359558830.jpg (194.38 KB, 800x800, 1244671a0fe6c286093261fbad0a60…)

not here to defend her, people are pointing out that her cosplay looks nothing like Luo, but apparently this costume is a thing made by 1/3 Delusion (correct me if I'm wrong). Just search for it on Aliexpress lol.
Nevertheless this is not an excuse for how poorly this cosplay is done (like the rest of her cosplays, duh)

No. 61743

New Creep-P song. For me a lot of Creep's songs are hit or miss and this was definitely a miss.

No. 61792

I actually think it's one of his better songs, which isn't saying much, though. Most of it still sounds like complete cacophony.

No. 61869

I like the concept, the lyrics and the art/video. The music and tuning are completely horrible, my ears are bleeding. I think the only good Creep song is Father and maybe Animalistic if we're being generous.
I generally do not mind "messy" songs or stuff that sounds like cacophony, but grindcore is more listeneable than his shit. I don't get why he has fans. I don't get why he even bothers at all. Delusional.

No. 61888

whats up with the UTAU worship and UTAU stans wanting vocaloid to die? vocaloid isnt doing as great in its heyday but if vocaloid dies out singing weeb OC maker for windows 95 wont stand a chance

why are UTAU people so obnoxious?

No. 61900

File: 1565558866241.png (8.86 KB, 301x354, qqqq.PNG)

the utau fandom and wiki owners in general are a bunch of elitist assholes who go "uwu my garbage singing oc is SO much better than any vocaloid!!!"

it's also noticeable that more of the admins on the UTAU wiki are switching to this cringworthy format that looks like the Steven Univserse Wiki.

This is the new info sheet for Teto.
>gender: chimera

No. 61909

File: 1565573327790.jpg (90.95 KB, 736x600, projection.jpg)

they defend UTAU like some underdog but same the bunch would throw UTAU under a bus if they get their singing OC on a different engine because lbr no normies would even touch UTAU

They hate to admit Vocaloid has brand recognition. If their singing OC is on something that's more accessible, they'll steer that way and don't have to resort begging for someone to use their singing OC. It's all about getting egos inflated when someone uses your singing OC.

when Plogue hinted custom voices on Alter/Ego could be a thing, people were bugging Plogue how but they eventually killed off A/E support anyway

when SynthV became a thing and Renri got ported on it, they were hounding the dev on how to get their singing OC on it until the dev put up a paywall to do so

when DeepVocal (formerly SharpKey) became a thing, guess who were rushing to port their singing OC on it and praising the interface to be like Vocaloid

an UTAU voicer got on the Emvoice engine but the company is doing a good job pissing off users so no one really wants to use it

UTAU stans project too much, you'd often hear them say shit like "If I were to voice a Vocaloid.."

No. 61924

The only appeal UTAU has is the ability to make a singer. But its so fucking error-prone I stopped using it after 3 times

even V5 has a decent UI thats not ugly as dogshit

No. 61925

damn. i kinda want to make my own utau (maybe without a design like vy2 and vy1) but now these responses give me second thoughts.

does anyone have tips on making an actually decent utau?

No. 61928

From personal experience, it's better to make an UTAU with help rather than trying to do it all at once. Try to make a character that isn't a complete disaster if the vocal absolutely needs a character. Character details need to be limited or you'll risk focusing too much on character. Don't record from a USB mic and try to get your hands on a studio condensor mic. If a USB is all you can use, Yeti isn't TERRIBLE, but not that good and can yield some ok results if done right. With oto-ing (programming your samples) try to follow different tutorials, or sometimes people can offer cheap comissions to do it for you. But above all, please don't just use the default resampler because UTAU's default engine is arguably the 2nd worst thing about the software other than its look.

No. 61931

remember when people told people to kill themselves over AutoPitchWriter (an UTAU plugin

(ritsu's VP, canon, was the one who made the plugin and they saw the shitstorm and said the western fandom was "interesting" lol)

No. 61932

File: 1565596864217.png (157.06 KB, 480x690, Screenshot_20190812-025510~2.p…)

found it, vid and its autistic comments are here

how did this thing even get people to sperg in the first place? its not that bad, sounds great for weeb OC machine

No. 61943

I don't know what's up lately with the aggressive stan/tea/skinny drag talk in this fandom more than in any other weeb fandom I've seen, it's fucking annoying. Maybe it's the closeness there is between this fandom and the stan kpop one or how attractive Vocaloid is to gay men, I've no idea.

No. 61946

being able to channel your inner kboo with shitty plug and play kpop covers using weeb singing robots

No. 61996

only real utau fans spend hours tuning their stupid teto ass voices to their idea of "perfection". it's a hard to use program. i wonder if these people worship rev

No. 62014

File: 1565652657825.png (318.28 KB, 599x956, c317836657834.png)

I think it's because of accounts like this.

No. 62015

That seems to be mostly a joke account. I've seen her YT vids, and she's not that bad a person.

Shit like THIS, however, is what I believe causes drama in the western UTAU community.


No. 62105

Disagree. I don't think a tranny angst song with less than 1000 views is the root of drama in the UTAU community.

I think the issue is that people only care for their own super special snowflake voicebanks and the popular voices (Teto/Ritsu/Ruko/Gahata/Aiko), so it's a highly self-centered community where user x thinks their bank is better than user y's because x's bank is vcccccccccccvvvvcvcvcvvv multipitch with vocal fry and people use each other to try and piggyback off of other user's fame and such

No. 62143

I think the main issue in the community is an infantile group of kids who were picked on for liking anime/Vocaloid in their younger years finally rising to power in a community without wiser people to tell them to shut their incessant whining up. These kids end up poisoning the fandom, amassing mindless followers who worship the very ground they walk upon and using said followers to take any criticism and beat it to the ground. If it's not that, it is the ever-present swarm of false superiority the fandom's shittier sides try to play on others, pushing their shitty ideals in everyone's faces, and getting all sensitive over stupid stuff that doesn't matter in the long run. They talk a lot of shit and go nuts over something microscopic but then can't seem to take the same treatment by people who are tired of their shit and act like spoiled children that were told "no".

No. 62304

What drama do videos like these even cause? >>62105 is more on the money. I'm not even sure how the UTAU community continues to get more members with how anyone that can't devote all their time to making a multipitch voicebank gets ignored.

No. 62349

I usually see people whining why their singing OC isn't popular yet or why no one uses it. People get jealous of other UTAUs who get popular (or get noticed by the Japanese fandom lol). Then the shitflinging starts, they accuse each other of having cliques and it just becomes a mess from there.

What gets me the most are those people who aren't even willing to pour in minimum effort in their UTAU (ex: don't want to OTO) and just expect asspats to come out of nowhere.

No. 62416


there are one or two points where it almost sounds like an actual song while the rest is a worthless clusterfuck. i feel like the only reason why his videos get clicks at all is because he commissions talented artists and pv editors to make sure his tribe of speds have something pretty to look at.

you summarized my annoyance with the obsessive utau community perfectly. used to see a lot of these saddos on the vocaloidotaku forums before they went down and it was painfully obvious they were just salty that even vocaloid's worst voicebanks still got more attention than their singing oc.

No. 62474

File: 1565927333648.png (48.59 KB, 722x500, yolked roblox.PNG)

Part of the problem could also be the whiny ass UTAU wiki and their "certain terms are problematic" shtick, going as far as to disrespect the original wishes of the creators of Yokune Ruko.

No. 62550

Just checked what the official word was on Ruko's sex was, and it's "that's a secret, dummy". So they're basically replacing one made-up answer with another made-up answer. Honestly this community is the worst I've ever seen when it comes to mistranslations and misinformation

No. 62564

I've been lurking on this thread and the old one for a couple days and I was wondering what the consensus on Moe Shop was? idk if they count as western vocaloid producers,since they also have a lot of japanese songs sung by people, but their song Love Taste is pretty good and it doesn't just sound like noise. Megpoid Gumi sounds great in it.

No. 62568

I may be hallucinating but I think he was brought up in the weeb artist thread and was thought to be a pretty gross yellow-fever doughboy, but maybe that was another similar artist. There's like ten of 'em.

No. 62588

File: 1566000789316.jpg (480.58 KB, 598x702, Inkedchrome_HXVj5wDKDS_LI.jpg)

ladies and gentlemen? we got one.

No. 62590

whos this ?

No. 62591

>>62590 Just some dumb ghost wannabe who made a shitty meme of wowaka's death. guess the backlash was too much for them to handle.

No. 62599

inb4 popping up under a different name

No. 62602

>>62599 dude even planty of all fucks is still gone. i think they're just not gonna bother

No. 62630

Karasuhana, you're the only one who cares about whatever crap you and desuka had. You aren't being very sneaky in this thread lol

No. 62632

ohhhhh i know that person. yeah they can go fuck themselves. nobody disses wowaka and gets away with it lol

No. 62633


excuse me what the fuck? we’re not doing this shit again

No. 62642

Learn to fucking sage. What is wrong with this thread.

Anyway spotted Creep-P trying to insert himself in all of the recent Venus Angelic streams. He tries to befriend so many lazy scammers posted on /w/ including the alt cows thread in /snow/

No. 62643

>>62642 ouch, that's gotta hurt. he's kinda sketchy ngl

No. 62669

(late reply sorry) Maybe I just have low expectations, but I actually like this song. It seems well produced, the visuals are great, and the story is interesting.

I also kinda have a bias when it comes to Len though, so that might be it.

Then again, this is actually a remake of another song (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rT3tpdyoiMQ)

No. 62683


a song made in cevio that actually sounds tolerable? and mixing that isn't shit? they're improving. slightly, but still.

No. 62741

File: 1566095119545.jpg (243.97 KB, 1920x1080, 4Jj18dF.jpg)


pretends to be shocked

No. 62755

are these self-posts

No. 62874

For all its edge I actually like Ghost's new song

No. 62877


Oh hey ghost is advertising her new song on lolcow again how unexpected

gtfo ghost, nobody likes your shit.

No. 62893

Actually, I have to agree. It still sounds noisy, but not as much as their other songs. Plus it actually has a PV this time. My inner Muffet lover is loving that spider design.

It's not the best thing ever, but as far as Ghost's music is concerned, it's miles above their other stuff.

No. 62894


fuck off already, shay. if you were really that good of a musician you wouldn't need to selfpost on here of all places to get attention. stop making the same regurgitated edgelord garbage over and over and go outside for once.

No. 62896

wait her real name is shay?

No. 62899


it is, yes. her tumblr followers used to call her by it all the time.

No. 62901

Jesus christ I hate looking in her youtube comments. The music is bad enough but the comments just make everything a million times worse.

No. 62906


what kinda comments are there?

No. 62924


They're not even actual comments, its mostly just shit like 'wow you snatched my eyeballs' 'this OC stole my teeth' and other annoying bullshit like that.

No. 62930

Came here to post about this- I happened to catch it live and it sounds fucking horrendous- seeing 14 year olds flooding the livechat with "sis wow you snatched my wig tea what a bop" was so surreal. It's almost like these people are more fans of GHOST than her own music, and they think she can't do any wrong. It's a complete hivemind.
On another note, anyone have any idea who Spider on the Wall is about?

No. 62944

it's literally "muh dad keeps reading my anime blog" the song.

No. 62946


looked up the lyrics and yeah, that's basically it. speaking of which, does shay still live with her ~abusive~ parents or has she finally moved out? a few months ago i saw something on her twitter that mentioned roommates, but i don't know. she's been a grownass woman for years now and yet she still acts like a whiny high school girl from her marz mitzi days.

No. 62985

Shes got her own apartment now iirc

No. 63008

She lives with a roommate, and they share their own apartment, yes. Lord knows how F U N it is to be roommates with THAT.

No. 63015


I think the roommate's name is Lauren? And she possibly helped ghost with a collab called Candle Queen, iirc.

No. 63016


Dude, why tf is there no twitter callout post for her? We pretty much need one, since her fans NEVER stop congratulating her for stuff that's horrendously bad.

No. 63017

I kinda followed this thread for a while and agree to most if not all these points against them. I've been actually trying to gather info to start calling out a lot of producers for doing the things they do. However, finding information on them is REALLY hard. Tweets get deleted, things on streams aren't archived, etc. It's really hard to catch these eels with bare hands if you know what I mean. I mean, I've already made a callout on Zefurry on youtube as a sort of practice run which went well, so maybe I might start making one on Ghost, Creep-p, and others. I definitely wanna touch upon Dottie and how they were pretty much bullied off of UTAU by elitists and nobody did anything, but that's a different story.

No. 63020

File: 1566239984640.png (17.87 KB, 528x201, chrome_JDZiWIYKvb.png)


I agree. Just don't get caught. This is what happened when one of ghost's white knights told her about me trying to make a callout post on her.

No. 63024

Holy shit, she sounds like a Disney villain.

No. 63026


Dude this is perfect tea for your callout of her.

No. 63027


Dude, I used to be a fan of GHOST's. But I've following this for a while and after seeing that screenshot and figuring out she abandoned someone who had attempted suicide (which was either on this thread or the old one, i cant remember) I just can't support her anymore. What a garbage person.

No. 63029


Don't forget she accused Steampianist of child molestation on her tumblr blog before she deleted it.

No. 63030


the minute you find anything incriminating from any big name producer, screencap it. archive it. record it. write down interviews from people that have been affected by them. make sure to get whatever you can because i have a bad feeling there's some bleak shit going on that the fandom at large is ignoring.


i call her shay and not ghost because of shit like this. if she's going to act like this, everyone should know her real name. she doesn't get to hide behind a dumb pseudonym.

No. 63042


Found it. A personal account from an old friend of Ghost's where she abandoned them during a heavy depressive episode and then worsened it with a nonsensical call out.

No. 63048


Still can't fucking believe she'd use the "I'm popular and ur not lol" excuse. what a bitch.

No. 63049


She is so far up to her own ass she thinks she's actually a celebrity. Jesus fuck

No. 63078

Maybe try taking a fucking shower before you make a video of yourself

No. 63082

apparently Ghost uses Logic Pro now. I can't hear the difference, still sounds bad.

No. 63117

File: 1566271404243.png (58.31 KB, 331x525, bullshit.png)

Thought this screenshot was a little suspect mainly because this isn't how she talks, so I personally went to shay, and she sent me this. You can't really edit mobile receipts, but I'm not shocked that Desuka would be the one who posted this.

He literally did this >>12498

What a fucking joke.

No. 63127


Caught me red-handed. In all honesty, I'm jealous. Jealous that THEY get to be in the spotlight and be seen as some "god" who can do no wrong. Honestly I just want their reputation to plummet, and if it can't be with the fake evidence I made, then the evidence has to be real. But before that, a question… is it wrong for me to be jealous?

No. 63134


I doubt this is Desuka.

No. 63139


I'm sorry, but it is me. Just because I'm abandoning the vocaloid community doesn't mean I'll check out this place now and again. I'm sorry.

No. 63147

Dude, fuck off. No-one gives a fuck about what you do. If you want to leave, then leave it entirely.

Is anyone in this community fucking okay? Go outside.

No. 63162


jealousy must motivate you to improve, not "i'M mAkInG a CaLlOuT HeRe'S mY fAkE rEcEiPtS"

what a clown

No. 63163

Fuck off with your orchestrated callout bullshit. The only thing this fandom needs as the nail in the coffin is to hammer in more of this Tumblr shit into it, or worse, Vocaloid drama channels. Why is our community so embarrassing.
You have to be over 18 to post here. Can't possibly believe you would be.

No. 63197


You don’t get it, none of you do! This is what I’m taking about! THIS is why I’m leaving! This whole community is full of people who think they’re better than me just because they don’t make mistakes or fuck up in front of their fans! We’re ALL fucked up! Yes, I was being toxic, but that shit is OVER. Yes, I made a horrible meme as a coping mechanism, THAT SHIT IS OVER TOO. You’re all self-centered assholes! You all keep waiting for people to congratulate you for absolutely nothing! “Hooray for you!” Fuck you! You’re all pricks! I AM better than you all, because i’m Honest with my mistakes, unlike you fuckers! I’m out.

No. 63199

kinda cringe bro

No. 63200

What a fucking mess. I’d just delete the callout and thread. This entire thread is an embarrassment.

No. 63210

too much edge, you're digging your own grave right here brother

le honk

No. 63225

Holy fuck, I've been lurking on this thread for a while now and the only thing I can genuinely say is that the majority of the Vocaloid producers in this community are a bunch of Tumblrtards who need to seek mental help instead of venting their issues through their garbage songs who barely make any sense most of the time. The only two producers who are somewhat bearable are strovi and Ferry, sure their stuff isn't great by any means but at least Ferry has the balls to continue his song series while strovi acknowledges the fact that her music isn't amazing unlike GHOST who can barely take shit or acknowledge the fact that her tuning barely has any emotion in it.

No. 63231


then call her out and tear the bitch APART

No. 63236

If we want to call her out then it needs to be someone who has a bigger influence and a larger audience than her in/on the Western Vocaloid community while also not sharing the same fans as her so that people aren't going to turn on said person who's going to "call her out" rapidly. Seriously, this needs to happen in some way or another since we are all pretty much mentally tired of constantly having to see shit like "MikU SaYs TrANs rIghTs!!1!" on Twitter.

No. 63237


And why exactly is “Miku says trans rights!” a bad thing?

No. 63242


Oh, and you’re any better? Mister “I’m better than you”?

No. 63243

Because it's overused at this point, sure it started out as something small and wholesome I guess? But now people are just giving the characters pride flags, putting some weird caption on the image and call it representation while it isn't. Trans people deserve better than having a 2D girl who sings weeb shit being used for whatever the fuck this fake ass representation is. If they are happy with it then sure go-ahead but they aren't getting any closer to being taken seriously by mainstream media with such things. All of this SWJ stuff aside, does anyone even know what the meaning of Ghost her latest song is? It just seems like her usual word soup to me.

No. 63250


My theory is that the “god” in the song represents the singer’s inner feelings regarding their father. Basically, I think it’s about a victim of child abuse, having disturbing fantasies at getting back at their abusive father, and eventually escapes him with the help of their mother. That’s my theory at least.

No. 63266


Well this is a shitshow.

None of us are saying we're better than you, you prick. We're saying you use your jealousy in the wrong ways and you need to improve yourself as a person AND a musician.

This entire fandom has just gone to shit, hasn't it?

No. 63268

File: 1566330234130.jpg (29.44 KB, 305x379, moom.JPG)

late but these are still on her storenvy

and iirc those other designs can be obtained by pledging $25 on her patreon

No. 63269


Shit started going downhill around 2014-2015 if I'm correct.

No. 63270

Retarded much? Of course I'm better than you because my jelousy turns into motivation to improve and I'm not making tumblr-level callouts full of fake info
your "songs" are worse than ghost's even though you're a literal copypaste of hers

Go get a life or something instead of slandering people, you narcissistic clown

No. 63272

To be honest, changing DAWs and expecting everything to magically sound better is the same as changing from Paint to Photoshop and expecting one's art skills to improve miraculously overnight. Lol

No. 63274


My reputation is basically dead at this point, isn't it? I'm a Planty now. Wow.

No. 63276

My guy your reputation isn't the only shitty one. The entire Western Vocaloid community is a toxic cesspool.

No. 63278


Then how the fuck do I repair it?

No. 63279

Stop fucking whining and keep making music. Make an effort to actually improve.

No. 63280

By improving yourself. Trying to right your wrongs and not drowning in self pity. But that's the hard part, admitting that you're pitying yourself. If everything is 'woe is me' thats just you telling yourself on a subconscious level that things happen to you, that you don't control them. You need to control them.

You need to take control of your life your music, your reputation. First of all, instead of trying to copy GHOST you need to find your own style. Instead of drowning in pity, you need to learn to let things go and instead of letting jealousy make you bitter you need to use it to surpass GHOST and gain a fanbase that is actually decent.

Its hard. It's incredibly hard. But everyone is capable of change.

No. 63281


I think you should take a break from the community for a while. If you think your reputation is too far down the shitter, then take a looong break, practice and come back under a different name.

No. 63282


Actually… I do have a song which deviates from Ghost's Style that I made a few weeks ago… would it be okay to share here?

No. 63283


I say go for it. Its impossible to improve by just copying - branching out into your own style is the key to finding yourself in your music.

No. 63284

you really want those asspats do you?

No. 63286


Instead of vilifying, we should help him improve. The other Western Producers refuse to take criticism or advice, so if Desuka genuinely wants us to help him, we should help him.

No. 63287

Holy shit. Just leave, dude. We really do not care about what you make, you need to worry about your mental shit before you worry about making shit. The last thing you’re going to get here is sympathy.

No. 63288

are you sure a person who blamed entire fandom and this thread in his own shitty behaviour and used "this is what I am uwu" as a scapegoat would listen to critisism? oh brother…

No. 63289


THANK you. I appreciate it.


Here's what I tried to so, away from Ghost's style, though there might still be remnants from the transition.


Surprisingly? Yes. I can even handle a full on callout if needed in order to improve.

No. 63290

go for it dude

No. 63291

Even if would listen to criticism, it doesn’t beat the fact he needs to get off the internet and go to a therapist instead of getting asspats and validation through an image board.

No. 63292

this was already sent before in the thread?

No. 63293

Desuka self posted, what a surprise.

No. 63294


really too convenient for you to shit up this thread only to come back asking for asspats, leave.


No. 63295


Considering your previous shitshow you can't

No. 63296

bruh momento

No. 63297


Don't get out of topic, nobody noticed, so of course I'm posting it again. I just want thoughts on it, nothing else.

No. 63298


Someone posted this, actually.

It sounds a lot better than GHOST's stuff in my opinion, but I have to agree with >>63291, it'd be better to take a break from the internet for a bit.

You're on the right track, though.

No. 63299

bruh moment

No. 63300

Isn’t Desuka under 18? He shouldn’t even be posting here.

No. 63301


It's kinda hard to understand what the singer is saying without lyrics, but the instrumental sounds decent.

No. 63302


I actually do have a therapist I see twice a week. He's helping me through my issues, but a few visits are certainly not going to change my mindset straight away, as unfortunate as that is.

No. 63303

He's a kid? Well shit, that explains a lot. There's hope for him yet, in that case, but he shouldn't be on an 18+ site.

No. 63304


Look, for now, I'll recommend to just go on a break because both your mental and physical health are far more important than being a Vocaloid producer. Take it easy on yourself and try to look back at the mistakes you have made in the past and ask questions like "How could I have handled this situation better?", "What caused me to react like this?", "How can I prevent it in the future?" etcetera. If you think you've prepared yourself enough or think that you are more prepared than before then it's alright to make a comeback under a different name.

No. 63305


B A S E D. this anon right here gets it.

No. 63308


Well, it's a good thing you're seeing someone. first step to improvement as a person.

No. 63309


At this point, I've been through so much that an 18+ site like this doesn't faze me. Shit, that sounded edgy. But I have been preparing for a comeback, but the things I said above definitely tells me I need a bit more time.

No. 63310


One thing that I really struggle with is the fact that certain people certainly won't want me (as Desuka) in their lives anymore. They are entitled to not forgive me, it is THEIR choice. Not mine. I just need to get that through my damn skull and It'll be one less issue.

No. 63311

A little off topic, but I'm Moros. I think there's been little mentions of me here and there, but nothing too big or anything since I'm not really too social within the community or something. I've looked around on this thread and I do take great interest in the subjects at hand. I'd have to say I get a little paranoid about being a "Ghost-Ripoff" and want to deviate myself from this sort of image as I wanna be remembered as MOROS and not as a "copycat". If I enjoy dark subject matters in my songs, as well as have a desire to use certain instruments (I.E. toy instruments) within my works, how do I achieve this without seeming to be a copy of a producer I'd rather not be too affiliated with?(no1curr)

No. 63312

Guys, I think this a breakthrough. There's hope for the community yet.

No. 63314


I don't think toy instruments directly links to GHOST, per se. The biggest thing you could do to differentiate yourself from that hack is to learn music theory.
Y know, that thing she absolutely refuses to? THere's probably a book or class on it or something.

No. 63316


Actually, I have to ask, what is music theory exactly? Cause I don't know if any of my songs have utilized it…

No. 63317


Taken from wikipedia:

"Music theory is the study of the practices and possibilities of music. … Music theory is frequently concerned with describing how musicians and composers make music, including tuning systems and composition methods among other topics."

No. 63318


It's basically the study of what makes music sound good.

No. 63320


Well, I hope you manage to achieve that goal then. Do prioritize your mental health for your own sake since it can influence your way of thinking and how you interact with others as a person, but there's still hope for you and the fact that you're willing to listen to criticism is good. I listened to the audio file and it does sound meh? It isn't stiff like Ghost her tuning and the whole 8-bit theme is making me pretty nostalgic for some reason.

No. 63321

Honestly, after reading this stuff and seeing how these producers act. It made me so scared for my channel, and made me so stressed over if I was getting sucked into the same spiral. I don't wanna end up like these people and I genuinely want to make a good mark on the community here in the west, or at least do my part under the MOROS name to give people a tiny shimmer of hope that the western community isn't as bad as it could be. Like, as a general consensus, is my stuff "bad"?

No. 63322


inject your personality into your music. what do you like listening to for fun? why do you like listening to it? is there any way that you could put a different spin on it and make it yours? listen to some tracks and pick them apart. what is the percussion doing? how are the instruments interacting with each other (harmonizing, call-and-response, polyphonic vs monophonic vs homophonic textures, etc.)? how many instruments are there? what kind are they and how are they used? also, never underestimate the raw power of fucking around when you're bored. i've made some of my best stuff when my brain was on autopilot.

and of course, e x p e r i m e n t. doodle around on your daw. click on synths to see what sounds cool. if you have an idea for a melody that doesn't fit your usual fare, throw that shit down on a track anyways. if you don't leave your comfort zone every once in a while, you stagnate and turn into every other producer like circus, eyeris, shay, aki, and so on.

No. 63324


I can't say I've ever heard of you or your music, but the fact you recognize the toxic patterns is a good thing. Don't let having a fanbase get to your head and for the love of god, don't associate with GHOST or Creep-p

No. 63325

Hell no I'm not associating with either of them. I was friends with Creep once and that was a nightmare. Ghost just blew me off back in 2016-17 or so and I've never liked them since. Creep's falling out with me was a little more climactic though.

No. 63326


Hey, don't write me off as a lost cause, I'm trying. And I wanna try with you, not against you.

No. 63327


Ya'll should collab some time.

No. 63328


h everyone here has had something bad happen between ghost and the other person. they're not… that good.

No. 63329


I don't know Moros and I'm not sure if they're comfortable with my presence. So not right now.

No. 63331


gib deets about eyeris. what was he like behind closed doors?

No. 63334

I'd say look into music theory, because from the way you write vocal melodies it's obvious you don't know it. The choruses will sound a lot more satisfying, for one. Also, while dark topics are okay, you gotta be really good with lyrics to pull off themes like pedophilia with grace. So try to work on your writing, too.

No. 63335

honestly, I'll collab with anyone. If it's someone who's wanting to improve, I can give whatever help I can as a beginner, and if it's someone who wants to build themselves back up, I'll help give them a little push so that they can improve themselves as needed.

No. 63336

Yes, give us the milk.

No. 63337


What about my melodies? Are they… tolerable?

No. 63338

So, deets on Eyeris, or Krypt as I knew him… Not too surprising given the stuff on here. He was in a small group with some other people I knew. Me being the star-struck 16 year old I was, I naturally wanted to be "Just like him! :D". I worshipped the very ground he stood on and it took me a while to see past his technicolor sludge. He constantly shilled his album, would only come to calls on skype just to say "Lol my life is pointles XDDDDDD" and leave. When he was on call not just being what I now know as obnoxious self deprecation for small sympathy points to fuel his cheap makeup-encrusted ego, he was talking about how he hated himself (despite living in a nice house and having equipment that I envied at the time) and then at the drop of a hat, talk about how great his music was. It was chaos. Long story short, I got into an argument with his friend (unnamed because we are on good terms now) and said some things I regretted at the time. Eyeris got upset over the situation and called me a multitude of names. I called him a pansy, deleted my old channel (not really worth looking into since I didn't post anything on there regardless), and came back years later as my current producer self. I used to be worried about telling people this for fear of Eyeris coming back for me and dragging my aspirations through the mud, but I'm not the person he painted me as anymore. I've grown, improved my character, and now I'm no longer afraid of him.

No. 63339

They're pretty good, probably the best part about your songs (for me, at least). You have talent, but like the other people in the thread said, you'd be better off taking a break and coming back under a new name.

No. 63340


Wow, the guy sounds like a prick. His personality is just as bad as his music.

No. 63341

No kidding. He got mad over a twitter hashtag and proceeded to use his dad calling him a "faggot" as a way to garner sympathy over it. Dissapointed but not surprised

No. 63343

I love how this thread evolved from pure vitriol to something actually constructive. Good job.

No. 63344


I've already taken a break from producing and other stuff for a year, if I do need to spend more time away, then I'd like for it to not be another year.

No. 63345


sounds about right. i had a feeling he was as obnoxious as his music so it's good to see everything finally laid out and confirmed.

it's fun to bitch about the things that everyone else is too afraid to bring up, and it's also fun to give critique to someone who actually wants to hear it. both are cathartic because neither of them are acceptable in the fandom at large.

No. 63346

We're witnessing a villain redemption arc.
Shitting on people is fun, though, so both are good in their own way.

No. 63347

I feel like that does more good than just unfiltered rage. Like, the hatred is more or less justified, but personally I think if that is turned into something productive, it can paint this critical side of the community in a better light and encourage more constructive criticism within the community. That's just my naive take, though.

No. 63349


And while we're on the topic of tea, I need to explain my experience with shay. So I actually got to know ghost a bit due to some things we had in common, and for like a week, everything was looking up. However, people noticed I was bragging (which is true) about being friends with them. Then, they contacted me, saying that they felt like it would be better to not talk anymore, due to getting some receipts from another person about some of the questionable stuff I've done. I was mortified, but calmly told them that I understood. I then spent the next few days pitying myself over this, and vowed to make a song/do something to mentally break them. That was the catalyst of everything falling apart. Ghost got told about THAT too, and warned me not to do anything stupid, And then I absolutely went all tumblr on the community, telling some people to fuck themselves, cut themselves, etc. Karasuhana made a post on soundcloud about it… and everyone started to attack me about it. I begged Karasuhana to take the post down, even going as far as to say I couldn't live with myself knowing that the post was up. Eventually, things died down and the post was removed… and then Wowaka died. In response to this, I made a very disgusting meme of the mrs kiesha vine, except the doll's face was replaced by Wowaka's. Needless to say, Karasuhana striked again and posted a tweet with proof I made it. Then everything turned to shit again. I then became jaded, bitter over everything that happened, so I decided that if I was gonna go down, I'd bring as many people down with me. so I tried setting up "proof" that Ghost was a bad person, but of course i was found out. Eventually, I finally went to therapy and am getting the help I need. So yeah, this all started because I basically was a bootlicker towards Ghost. That's my story, I guess.

No. 63351


so you both fucked up. it's good you admitted to your own mistakes though, and doing that is never fun. just be vigilant about not backsliding back into those days. be the bigger man in a fandom full of basket cases.

No. 63353


Oh trust me, I don't think I could ever stomach trying to do that over again. I just need to find a way to both convince ghost's fans that they're not a perfect angel AND get my reputation back, but I dunno if I can do both, if any of them.

No. 63356

GHOST's fans are so far up her ass they can smell her colon. I'd focus on yourself.

No. 63363


That is not something I wanted to hear, ew. But you are right about that.

No. 63364

Since we're already talking about Shay and all; doesn't she often self-post on here if I'm correct? By the way, I still don't know what her recent song is about thanks to the God-forsaken word soup it consists of.

No. 63370


Same, does anyone even know what a Gramophone or a Vivisection is?

No. 63371


A vivsection is when you disect someone or something while they're still alive.

I THINK a grammophone is an old timey record player? idk

No. 63372

a Gramaphone is one of the earliest forms of a sound player. It's those record players with the big tuba thing sticking out of it. And a vivisection is like dissection but on live animals/subjects.

No. 63373

Okay, I'm not defending GHOST's pretentious ass writing, but those two words are common knowledge.

No. 63374


I don't think so, the song itself is giving me flashbacks of when those cringy 13 year-olds back in 2011 would search up synonyms on the internet so that their writing wouldn't look like garbage.

No. 63379

One thing that I still don't get is why themes of mutilation often tend to come back in her music. Is she just trying to be edgy or is she using it as a coping mechanism? For example, before she went on Hiatus one of her characters Kennith; used to have self-harm scars but she eventually deleted that video and edited those scars out and now her OC Norman also has this. I call bullshit on her reasons for doing this to be honest.

No. 63381

They claim to have body dysmorphic disorder. If that's the truth, I can see why self mutilation and body horror is a big theme in their work.

No. 63386


if that's the truth then that's retarded. if you already hate your body then why would you write about it so much. wouldn't that make it worse since you're dwelling on it even more when coming up with lyrics?

No. 63387


Unless they're assuming that it's their way of coping with it, which is… not the right way to go.

No. 63389


it absolutely isn't the right way to go. it just makes me think of all those producers who turn out song after song about their abusive relationships or whatever and i just. it confuses me. if you've had such a painful experience with such a shitty person, why on earth would you want to not only think about it more, but also go through the effort of constantly writing lyrics around that experience? generally speaking, the best, healthiest thing to do is to move on from the past and focus on the good things that are in the present.

No. 63396


i'm kinda curious… what was their home life like?

No. 63401


I still remember her mentioning her abusive parents and that's kind of it? She's currently living with a roommate if I'm correct.

No. 63404


something something her dad was a big meanie something something. could mean just about anything though since tumblr's definition of "abusive" is extremely broad. she probably had a standard home life but wanted to look like a victim anyways.

No. 63406

To be fair, emotional abuse is very real.

That doesn't mean I believe Ghost though. There's no reason to believe them.

No. 63416


I remember there was something involving their dad trying to contact them through twitter or something… but that account could have been faked, I dunno.

No. 63419

that's fucking stupid. i bet she saw his song 'Halloween candy' and thought that automanically made steam a pedo

No. 63420

Yeah, it was because of a song she didn't like. I can't remember if it was that one or Secrets of Wysteria.

She didn't just accuse of him of pedophilia, she accused him of actually molesting a child. Her fans were talking about finding his address and SWATing him, dunno if it ever happened though.

Sucks that she deleted her tumbr or I'd get the screenshots for it.

No. 63422

Secrets of Wysteria was literally about a real life cannibal tho

No. 63424


Yeah, it was about Albert Fish, a cannibal, murderer and child molester. Making a song him probably translated to 'Steam supports pedophiles because he made a song. He must be a pedophile' in her mind.

No. 63426

I actually was on her stream once upon a time and she was discussing "Halloween Candy" and taking it at face value. Basically what I can gather as a personal theory is the song is a parody of those old sitcoms because back then you had nothing to worry about and PSAs were rather tame due to this. Nowadays, kids get snatched up, and so this was basically a retrospect on back then vs. now. It's a genuinely good song that takes the dark times we live in now and juxtaposes it with the humor in the lyrics and upbeat instrumental. Ghost took it as "le gasp STEAM LIKES PEDOS AND PEOPLE WHO'VE BEEN RAPED COULD BE TRIGGERED >:0". Now this pissed me off to a HUGE degree. Mainly because I've been through that kind of stuff and hearing her speak for me like that was really shitty. I know it sounds pretty sensitive of me, but that kinda stuff resonates within me to a huge degree. I've been harmed like that, but I've grown past it and became stronger for it. I have no need of trigger warnings and don't need to be patronized for what happened to me. Ghost took it upon herself to take this piece of music and twist it to fuck with Steam and speak for actual victims of assault and manipulate them into witch-hunting Steam. She makes me absolutely sick for doing that.

No. 63439

Stop namefagging you underaged retards. This is a gossip board and not your uwu little blog. Go away!

No. 63442


Damn, chill.

No. 63451

These two are contributing to the discussion and have made valid points about Shay and Creep

No. 63456


Can't threads be taken down, especially since Desuka admitted to being a minor?

No. 63461

Dude, calm down. I'm just putting in my two cents in the discussion. Shouldn't matter if I use my name or not.

No. 63462

Yikes. sometimes i feel like there's another reason that shay has a major hatred for steam and is using the "ummm his songs are lyterylly payedophillia" and there's something more.

No. 63463

How old is Desuka anyway? just out of curiosity

No. 63464

I've been 20 for a little over 6 months

No. 63470


Anything about Creep? iirc neither of you really interacted with one another.

No. 63472

I made a prior post about it. I'm not sure if I put my name on it, but it was the long one with him in a small group with me and some friends of mine at the time.

No. 63474


I don't think Creep's ever even mentioned you, like ever, unless you went by a different username.

No. 63475

Yeah I was under a different name at the time. Plus I didn't even have any content/fanbase of value, so I'm sure that I didn't have any clout he could latch onto with a callout or anything.

No. 63481


I think you should confront Creep privately.

Personally, I've had huge issues with Creep, especially back when he and Shay had issues. We didn't talk for a few months after he said some really fucked up things to me, but I went to him and confronted him late last year, and we did have a very civil conversation. He still annoys the absolute fuck out of me from time to time, but I'll give credit where credit is due, and even say to give him the benefit of the doubt.

No. 63486

I don't really want to. Especially after what I've said to him and the things I would say to him now. It'd be a shit show with how he acts.

No. 63487


You never know until you try. If he flips out, you know he hasn't changed.

No. 63488

Off topic but does anyone know shay/ghost's tumblr url? the account itself is obviously long gone but if someone provided a url then i could get some info maybe

No. 63490

I guess my main concern is also that I've worked hard for my 3k I have now. It took a LOT to get where I am now, and I don't want Creep to get pissy, ruin me, and stain me in the community. I'm scared to death of that.

No. 63492

It was GHOST-AND-PALS I think?

If that doesn't work try it without the hyphens.

No. 63493


Just do it.

No. 63494

I mean, what would I even say to him? I don't even want his forgiveness.

No. 63496


Just don't go in ready to fight. Go in with general concerns and wanting to clear the air. I actually called him, but to each their own.

No. 63500


I'm turning 17 on the 29th. Almost there.(no children allowed)

No. 63504

It was nice knowing you, man. It's sad that the mods will probably ban you though…

No. 63507

I tried inserting it into the wayback machine, but I couldn't find anything other than random fangirl anons and fanart of her communications characters. so in other words: nothing worthwhile.
thanks for providing the url anyway.

(unimportant, but did shay always identify as NB? i know there are records as early as 2017 putting they/them in her twitter bio. it's not that important to know, but i'm curious anyways)

No. 63509

I dunno. I started following them around 2017, but stopped because their blog was a shitshow.

No. 63510

According to what I know, she is NB and goes by both they/them and she/her iirc

No. 63511

Is there at least a single western producer that makes happy songs? I only see edgy and emo songs from every western vocaloid user. I'm tired.

No. 63512


Maybe Aku-P’s song “So what?” Counts?

No. 63515

loucetios by momocashew?

No. 63516

I don't know if it means anything, but I don't write happy songs because my aesthetic wouldn't work with happy songs. My artistic aesthetic is with the dark and macabre. If anything, I'd be geared more towards songs that are happy to listen to but with macabre lyrics.

No. 63517


I wouldn’t say my aesthetic is edgy… more of an ominous, but not in-your-face, if that makes sense

No. 63518

you two should collaborate. i've had a song idea myself involving oliver along with len/rin english but can only imagine the melody.

No. 63520

they want to be uwu special

No. 63521

I just put up my name because I feel like it tbh(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 63527

Read the rules, newfag.
Please farmhands (where are you?), nuke that cesspool of a thread.

No. 63528

File: 1566367081269.png (221.59 KB, 621x509, b8a519eefff5d12afb619b9d3f86f1…)

these fucking namefagging underaged morons who have never used an imageboard before. a pox on your family.

No. 63530

>>63527 forgive me for asking, but what rule was broken?

No. 63532

File: 1566372745496.png (58.5 KB, 326x326, dumbass.png)


The 18+ rule for one for probably multiple people here (specifcally Desuka), Desuka evaded a ban since he's posted here before and was put out to pasture, blog-posting multiple times, namefagging (Shius, MOROS, and Desuka), using this thread for a callout (we're not your personal army), vendetta posting, tinfoiling, and probably more retarded shit.

Seriously, farmheads, delete.

No. 63533

Oh my god spill the tea sis

No. 63539


you reminded me: i have some screencaps of back when shay was throwing her hissy fit about eyeris before they became palsies again. if anyone's interested i'll post them when i get back home from classes.

No. 63561

Drop that shit

No. 63570

i wanna see too, pls come through

No. 63593


i'm back lads. time to sift through my screencap folder because as it turns out i also have shots of her acting like a jackass in general, including her posting accusations of steam being a pedophile.

No. 63597

File: 1566406182303.png (21.11 KB, 341x433, misc ghost whining.PNG)

god her fucking tumblr layout was painful to read. my eyes hurt just from trying to dig up the relevant pictures.

No. 63598

File: 1566406250510.png (22.97 KB, 369x487, misc ghost whining 2.PNG)

also, apologies that these are practically images for ants. i took these back in 2016 and i had no idea they'd actually be useful for something.

No. 63599

File: 1566406278063.png (22.21 KB, 329x388, misc ghost whining 3.PNG)

No. 63600

File: 1566406326116.png (30.2 KB, 332x609, misc ghost whining 4.PNG)

No. 63602

File: 1566406445712.png (21.44 KB, 368x664, misc ghost whining 5.PNG)

and that's all i have about her lover's spat with eyeris.

No. 63604

File: 1566406549112.png (40.73 KB, 466x508, spooky salt.PNG)

bonus: shay accusing steam and his associates of being toxic abusive problematic baby-eating peodphiles. part 1 of 3.

No. 63605

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No. 63606

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No. 63608

File: 1566406758441.png (23.69 KB, 306x476, wow shay funny you mention tha…)

and finally, for dessert, a bonus screencap. hopefully it'll get a laff or two because it sure did get one out of me.

No. 63609


This theme is a god damn eyesore.

No. 63734


ouch it hurts the eyes…

No. 63744

okay so

Why was MOROS blocked when he's over 18 at the very least but Desuka wasn't when he's a minor AND evaded a ban?

No. 63745

namefagging, i assume. though desuka did the exact same thing, so fuck if i know

No. 63760

So no one is here talking about the fact that Desuka is a MINOR and despite this people have harassed him?(welcome to the internet)

No. 63768

bc no1curr. so much underage autistic screeching in this thread and not enough bans. vocaloid is truly the worst.

No. 63788


welcome to the internet where you don't get a free pass to act like a sped just because you're not eighteen.

No. 64034

so no one here's gonna acknowledge MOROS's random video about feet pics huh

No. 64045

So I was looking at my old 3 songs and… I'm not proud of any of them anymore except for ALPOE… is that bad?(ban evasion)

No. 64053

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Who fucking cares some literal who sent a gross foot pic in chat? How does that warrant a callout video?
Jfc it's normal, just means you're improving and set higher standards for yourself now.

No. 64067


Why are you still here?

No. 64083

Damn did they delete it?
Can't find it + the most miniscule drama blows up in the fandom, but I only see 1 tweet about it

No. 64125

Zefurry sent a pic of his disgusting foot in a foot fetish channel in some discord server, the image was deleted and he got pissy about it. That's literally it. It doesn't even have anything to do with vocaloid.

No. 64136

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instead of giving everyone who donated to the vocamerica kickstarter their money's worth, aki is making more useless knick-knacks, including a keychain set that proves the highlight of her life was getting her own vocaloid. this is what $21,000 looks like i guess.

No. 64192

doesn't she pay her animators in keychains too lmao

No. 64199

I've never used this platform before but I've been lurking this thread for months, and I wanted to come here and say something. There is more drama to do with Creep-p. I am pretty big on a platform, and a lot of people have said how undervalued they feel about Creep-P, and I realised that's exactly how I felt. Creep-P takes money from his fans and he isn't grateful in the slightest. This one particular girl told me that she has supported him since he was a smaller producer and she spoke to him and he was expecting her to buy his album ect. Now me and Creep-p have spoken a few times, he only paid attention to me when I bought his album, and the entire time he was acting as though I was less than him because I'm not popular. I'm a producer too and my music isn't amazing yet, but my music is at least showing a progression in my skills, where as his songs are musically exactly the same as when he started. His music still sounds like you hit the random progression key on fruity loops.

No. 64232

oh shit you're right she does. there was one stream where she said that, in return for a pv for one of her upcoming songs, she would give the artist vocamerica merch as payment.

money-hungry, pompous, saddo faggots are a reoccurring theme in this fandom. they got tons of attention for appealing to the lowest common denominator so now they think that makes them the king of the hill.

No. 64463

After those ugly models (that might I add they never delivered the extra VOCALOID models they said they would) they used in the concert, I'm not even surprised over the lack of quality in these. Nice use of 21k.

Yeah, she stated that in a YouTube announcement or something. I don't know what makes her think doing that is OK. It's also very interesting that this didn't make anyone in the fandom raise any eyebrows, which is funny, considering the sheer amount of "woke" people in the fandom who love posting and retweeting hot takes about how animators are undervalued/not well paid in the industry. I guess it's not a problem when Aki does it… Gotta love those double standards! I can't even begin to fathom how she somehow convinced people to accept that as payment.

No. 64567


can we go ahead and say vocamerica is kill now. most of its social media accounts haven't been updated in months, and on her twitter she's been doing nothing but shill upcoming albums from her friends and all her uglyass merch. i also know she recently bought a (physical) copy of longya, which was really interesting. i wouldn't even be mad about this if there wasn't such an astronomical sum of money involved, a lot of which was taken from kids who wanted to see the first ever legit-ish engloid concert. a fool and his money and all that, but still, damn. it just doesn't seem right.

No. 64624

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you're right. she doesn't even have money to buy stuff aside from whatever she's taken from others through her store and vocamerica. i also seriously doubt she even pays people to do translations for her shit chinese songs either. her songs are boring and uninteresting to me in general, so it's not like putting it in another language is going to make it any better. TLDR it's obvious she uses people and pays them in her keychains and albums to do it. don't support that shit. nothing about what she does is fucking amazing

off topic. not that anyone cares about ghost, but has anyone noticed how lupin/kenji or whatever his name is now tries to be more relevant by flexing that he's the voice of dex and riding on the coats of other people to do that? like honey i'm home got a lot of attention so the only way to get said attention is to cover whatever the fuck got it?

i remember someone asking if there's any issues with lupin and there's not much to say except that he bitches and complains about people making complaints about dex and daina. not to the same level as misha does about ruby but he still whines about it lol and as of recently he's being a massive try hard

No. 64644

if you check lupin's twitter all he tweets about other than anything vocaloid related is constant politics and whining, and any far-left journalist articles.

these kinds of people were literally all middle school loser weebs who for some reason declare themselves as being at the top of the western vocaloid community. it makes me mad

No. 64650

once they get to "the top", they act smug and elite. they think they are "holier than thou". it's condescending bullshit and disgusting. and their fans eat that shit up.

it's hypocritical how in the beginning after dex and daina's voicers were revealed, lupin was "okay" with criticisms for them as long as they were "valid" and actual criticisms. now he can't stand it and whines every time someone mentions it. say they can't grow and he gets mad about it even if it's the truth. he and aki literally admitted they didn't know how to growl so they made wookie noises and somehow that passed in the final.

sorry this is a thing people buy and not an utau that nobody has to give a shit about or pay for. nobody has to act like dex and daina are perfect when they're not. get over yourself.

No. 64659

I agree. It's also borderline creepy how he mentions his egosearching on Dex is "fandom and content management" (last time I checked Twitter wasn't a fandom forum in need of admins). I've seen him go as far as putting himself in the middle of people's conversation to counter any kind of criticism towards Dex.

I honestly think Ruby, Dex and Daina were the downfall of the western fandom. It was dumb of these companies to give people, who can barely handle an ounce of actual criticism, this kind of power. These three are basically glorified branded UTAUs and their voicers (Misha to an unbearable degree) also act like they're so. Baffling how it's a thing people have to pay for to use.

No. 64662

it's creepy and pathetic really. this is sold software. people have a right to complain about it if it has problems. policing it makes no sense and it just makes them look like overly sensitive whiny children who can't handle something as little as "their voices aren't for me". there has to be a "why" for everything and if shit is bad, then they'll make a whole ass thread about it and why their "feewings are hurwt". never should have left utau if they can't handle real criticism but they would rather get the clout of "voicing a vocaloid uwu i'm so cool now"

you're right about ruby, dex, and daina being part of the downfall of the western fandom. i've seen people complain about producers being directly involved in making a vocaloid and it's shit like this that proves it right. they obviously don't give that much of a fuck about vocaloid itself and only want the attention that comes with being one lol. if there's any more of this shit, it better be from someone who knows what they're doing and are humble about it instead of doing it for clout

of all three of them dex is probably the better. he has a good voice type but the quality isn't that good imo and he has a bored tone of voice by default, so he needs good tuning. people can say to separate the voice from the voicer, but it's hard to do that if the voicers are active in the fandom and are unbearable condescending people who are so full of themselves and far up their own asses that they think they have a right to police everyone and their legit criticisms. disgusting.

No. 64663

i remember aki making a psa on twitter telling people to knock it off sliding in her DMs with their vocaloid pitches probs because she voiced one. it's giving the illusion anyone could be a vocaloid now. the bar's set really low now huh

No. 64664

Okay, so there's this news organization… VNN. That likes to interject themselves in all things vocaloid. But have you noticed how shady they are? They're selling merch of their literal who ocs and bundling them with some random fan merch of actual vocaloids. Kind of sad really, they're cruising off their "non-status" as a news site to make money off weebs.

No. 64704

Does anyone have some recent bs that Shay pulled to spill? She did mention something about that whole Moomin thing on her twitter; so it wouldn't surprise me if that would end up into a big mess just like the whole drama between her and Creep since the both of them can't take shit. It's kind of sad if you genuinely start thinking about the fact that she's a 21-year-old unemployed woman who lives in an apartment together with her "friends" while making money of middle schoolers.

No. 64706

You've somehow managed to embarrass yourself even more. Stop ban-evading, this place isn't for you and no one here likes you. You're consistently pulling ridiculous acts for attention when we don't give a fuck about you.

No. 64709

considering the shit qualities that daina, dex and ruby have, the bar is low. count in luan too since his voicer is a genuine asshole who keeps trying to insert himself into making a vocaloid so he can roll in fame and clout. his voice wasn't even good according to the spanish fans i think.

you know it's for clout and attention whoring when they put "voice provider edition" for anything. non-western voicers don't do this shit. they just cover, promote the original and leave. but i don't think these attention-starved cows understand that. too busy trying to stay "relevant" and "at the top" while stealing money from weebs with their shit quality merch. love where the 21k went into.

No. 64756

File: 1567041800059.png (26.39 KB, 576x206, cri.PNG)

>no african vocaloids
cyber songman
>no hispanic vocaloids
bruno, clara and maika

not even going to bother explaining the "no asian vocaloids"

No. 64757

you really went out of your way to dig a 3-year old tweet to stir shit

No. 64759


you literally summarized my friend and i's opinion about shay holy shit. it's bizarre to think she's old enough to legally buy cigs, vote, and drink alcohol, but she's still acting the same as she was when she was sixteen and consciously refuses to grow the fuck up.

No. 64764


i've pretty much got the perfect way to describe shay. she NEVER shows potential, both emotionally AND musically. She does nothing in the face of witnessing or being the one deep in misfortune… And that comes with very unfortunate implication that she's simply a cruel and childish person who's completely apathetic to other people's distress, so she chooses to instead turn those moments into a chance to boost her "likability" by expressing a fake sense of sympathy, understanding, and condolence… all to get some fucking clout. shame on her. Did I get at least something right?

No. 64768


yeah that's totally an okay thing to say to a child presumably struggling with self worth issues(moralfagging)

No. 64788


Desuka isn't a "child" he's an adolescent who should know the consequences of his actions by now. He doesn't need someone to defend himself since he's old enough to do that nor does he deserve/need our pity since multiple Anon's on here have already given him advice on how to deal with his laughable drama which should be enough for now. He was at least somewhat accepting of criticism unlike GHOST or Creep so the fact that he's more mature in some way than two fully grown adults; also is a hilarious joke.

No. 64796

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"M-muh 17 year old is a child rule!"
Get the fuck back to Tumblr. I cannot believe you think like this and I cannot believe you're holding onto your fake justice in a place like this. The worst part of it all is you're moralfagging for someone who consistently throws tantrums, exhibits disgusting behavior and shows no signs of improvement.
Not to mention the little faggot turned 18 just today. >>63500

No. 64797

17* my bad. All I said still stands. His age doesn't erase his behavior and no, it doesn't excuse it either.

No. 64817

there are like 6 dark skinned vocaloids, people just complain because they arent "kawaii anime" enough

people literally want crypton to make a black vocaloid and say theyre racist for not doing so

No. 64825

I don't get why some people get so desperate for that kind of stuff. Yes, representation is nice, etc. etc., but it's not like VOCALOIDs depict white people only. Most characters are light skinned Asians, but I'm guessing being Asian isn't PoC enough for these people. lol

No. 64829

they always say "dark skinned asians exist" as if all of them are dark & every vocaloid should be dark skinned

rep is nice, but vocaloid caters to the japanese market now so theres no reason for every vocaloid to be some gay disabled brown skinned arabian is so unrealistic.

these people also get pissed when vocaloid artists draw something "problematic" to their tumblr standards.
they dont dedicate their lives & careers to SJW causes what did you expect

No. 64831

Why do people use vocaloid for Tumblr bullshit anyway?
So many vocaloids are obvious lolis, plus there are so many "problematic" songs and art by any part of the fandom that isn't the American faggots

No. 64835

Wrong place at the wrong time. It was around when every nerdy teen girl fandom was on Tumblr, and wires got crossed.

The people who bitch about problematic songs are probably newfags imo. Not saying they're necessarily wrong for hating lolicon, but they seem to be generally unaware of how many major producers have sexualized the underage characters.

Also everyone seems to get really butthurt if you reference Vocaloid declining for some reason

No. 64837

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more shit unwanted merch, all yours for $15

miku, tianyi, and ia (to a certain extent) are getting collaborations left and right at neckbreak speeds, i think vocaloid is fine. it's just there's that bunch getting assmad singing robots are getting mainstream (but their irrelevant fave is gets nothing)

No. 64840

cool. more worthless pieces of her shit art. probably comes with a moomin too. how the fuck does she not get a cease and desist at this point from the company? also what the fuck is that profile picture? nobody wants to see that. nobody.

No. 64855

Vocaloid still makes money, but it feels like it's all about established people/characters coasting off name recognition at this point, both the western and japanese fandoms included. There's just straight up far fewer popular original songs than there used to be, less new producers, less hype. Idk if it's just newfags (again) but it's weird that acknowledging that this fandom is slower now is taken as a personal attack by so many people.

No. 64866


dude i’m not excusing his behavior by any means. i’m just saying that between everything he’s feeling, being told the very thing he fears could do irreversible damage to his psyche. but yes, he is a brat.

No. 64868


>As a successful Generation Z social media manager

miku ebooks ego is gonna be inflated tenfolds again

No. 64873


she's probably not dealing with any legal recourse because she's such a fucking nobody. it's not like the moominloid designs are flying off the shelves either, so she's barely a blip in the company's radar. also lol at her being so desperate to get rid of her merch that she's selling blind bags of it for fifteen dollars. it's obvious her actions have finally caught up with her.

No. 64874


if mean words from randos hurt you that badly, you shouldn't be on the internet in the first place. jesus christ it's not that hard. the world is not your hugbox.

No. 64875

To be fair, psychology is a fairly complicated thing. That being said, if someone's psyche can be 'seriously damaged' by a forum like this, they should not be on forums like lolcow.

No. 64884

true. you're right. tbh it would have been funny as fuck if action was taken against her. would have served her right, but probably not enough for all the shit she's done in this fandom.

No. 64905

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Seems some Western audiences have dropped Kikuo for doing something most JP Vocaloid producers have done back in the NND days anyway. Hey, at least that means less "slay tea bop slapper king" comments under his videos.

No. 64906

big yikes

No. 64925

Just snooped bc it didn't seem like something he'd do. Apparently he wrote a 100+ page psychological horror story about a middle school kid getting raped and everyone around him rejecting him because of his trauma. It's clearly supposed to be disgusting, not sexy…

No. 64938

I made an account on pixiv just to check and it's obviously not meant to be porn. Most of the comic is depicting the kid's psychological trauma and the "cp" part is drawn to be more disgusting/frightening than anything. How can so many people be so fucking tone deaf. I'm 100% sure most of them didn't even look at the comic (which is understandable because of the messed up contents), but seeing people tweeting shit like "yeah I always knew he was a pedo, guys, remember Gomenne Gomenne" without doing any research is infuriating.

No. 64939

why do they keep "canceling" producers for things almost all jp producers do. im convinced these people are gonna "cancel" all jp producers for clout and so people feel like they ""can't" like jp prods

No. 64958

Twitter's becoming a huge echo chamber for tone deaf people like that. It's like most of them don't have any grasp on reality anymore. It seems like most of them don't even know what text interpretation is.

No. 64960

Remember like last year when everyone was cancelling Maretu for being a "pedophile" (said "minor" was apparently 19)

No. 64968

havent looked at it myself but your description sounds something more akin to someone writing fictional stories about their own trama then anything cp or porny..
man they are dense

No. 64969

I looked at his Pixiv and skimmed through the manga, and from what I saw, and the very few bits I was able to translate, I have to say I agree with
I actually wonder if it might be autobiographical. Without a translation, though, it's hard to read much into his intent IMO. But in the bio, he describes the content as "naughty"/"ecchi", which is sort of concerning.
Is there a way to get someone (or a group) to translate the chapters for full context? There's a ton of context missing for the non nip-speaking part of the fandom, IMO. OP probably just saw the images alone and freaked out.

No. 64978

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jesus fucking christ i am getting too old for this shit.

No. 64980

It could be done, but by the time anyone finishes it, people will probably have forgotten about the drama, lol.

There's a major moral at the end where the two main characters learn to move on from their abuse and start a healthy relationship (instead of continuing the cycle, like they did in the first part). I think that makes the point of the comic more clear. Unfortunately it's not really possible to tell from just the illustrations.

No. 64984

kikuo's stuff has always been Lowkey sus as the west fandom does not know jpn (or is broken at least) and theres been no full blown proof with his intent. i would be interested in a translation. yet, the most popular song he has has been translated to sound very snuff filmy. :/

No. 64989

>Rainbow flag avatar
>they/them pronouns
Oh god no, the ~woke~ western fandom caught up to Kikuo and is now ~concewned ;w;~ over his depictions of abuse even though it's fucking obvious to anyone mature that it's meant to portray trauma, not to be snuff child porn you masturbate to. These retarded puritan twitter warriors have no concept of context.

No. 64991

The most baffling thing is seeing people aged 16 on Twitter being like "oh man I'm so disappointed Kikuo was my fav 3 years ago and I loved gomenne gomenne!!!!" What the fuck? What business did you have listening to his content when you were 13 to begin with? Did you really NOT know what Gomenne Gomenne was about and you're only now shocked at the subject matter kikuo often uses in his songs? Anyone can check out the comic on his pixiv and see for themselves that it's a far cry from actual "porn" but these dumbass kids can't grow a fucking brain. Or even link the source before crying pedo all over Twitter.

No. 64992

The biggest thing that pisses me off about this is that they're just assuming. Kikuo could be using his music and art to talk through his own trauma. We have no idea if he was molested or raped and really, its none of our business. It's not their business either. The western vocaloid community is canceling him for something they have no context for. It could just be a psychological horror about exploring the mentality of a victim. It could be him trying to process things in his own way. We don't know and probably never will.

It's infuriating how quick people are to just jump on someone over fictional characters.

No. 64993


No. 64995


This. If anyone could help translating the comic, we'd have more context, and From the contents it really reminds me of 'useless child', a woman persumably, abusing a minor until said minor grows up and runs away (which maybe the origin story for the song..)

No. 65002

File: 1567214793111.jpeg (813.95 KB, 1125x936, 5D1DD421-E7D5-400E-A54D-F8BDE6…)

Found out more about Kikuo
He used to be named Pedo-o and had a group with Loli.co (Red Egg) named PTPD (last updated 2012)
He became Kikuo in 2008 when he did a remix of a song by LOLI.COM. His name, Kikuo, was listed on the site in 2011 when the top song came out (Kikuo as the composer)- it really doesn’t help that Gommenne Gommenne came out the same year
It also REALLY doesn’t help that Red Egg helped him on Waltz of Malice

Link to PTPD’s site - http://fdempa.com/redchick/ptpd/

No. 65003

Yeah ptpd was a group themed around ridiculously over-the-top gross sexual content. Real immature shit. They got paid to write openings for actual eroge though, which is a bit sketch.

No. 65004

eroge OP are literally the most boring, tame lovey shit ever though.

No. 65005

Normally yes, but… they pretty much just worked with hardcore porn producers that wanted them to go nuts.
https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm12977175 (NSFW)

No. 65007

Christ, I didn't know all this about him.
That definitely makes the whole situation more complicated and shady. The Twitter person is a dumbass, but a broken clock etc etc. I'm still hoping for a translation for the manga.
Honestly, though, a song like "Gomenne, Gomenne" about a little girl? Written by a grown man? It should've set up red flags to begin with. I don't get how all these people didn't cancel him from the start for that shit. It's not like English subs were unavailable until today.

No. 65008

Meh, edgy songs are edgy songs. Steampianist wrote edgy songs about pedophiles, too. It doesn't make him one.

Combined with all this other information, though… there might be something to the allegations this time. I really love Kikuo, so I hope its just edginess for the sake of edgy or just a fiction-only loli kink and not actual pedophilia.

No. 65009

The person on twitter is a clout-searching POS, for sure. Fuck them for not doing any research and just looking at the surface of things.

As for Kikuo’s songs before the discourse, I’m Sorry I’m Sorry seemed to be created to tell a story rather than for fetish reasons (some people even speculating that it’s his way of coping). And, unlike MARETU, his songs are always shown from the perspective of the victim and are more sad than aggressive. What also threw me off was Hitogawari and how it was about a girl dealing with trauma from a past abusive relationship yet is now in a healthy one. It reminded me of the book Lolita and how everyone hated it simply because it had disturbing themes, despite having a good moral- obviously that doesn’t apply to Kikuo anymore though

No. 65010

Same, honestly. All this time, I seriously thought he just wrote dark songs about child abuse and trauma in general to raise awareness and tell stories about what are usually taboo topics.
All of this other shit is making me pause and reconsider everything.

No. 65011

Man I'm conflicted. This is really disturbing information, but his music is still really pleasant to listen to… Is it wrong to keep listening to it? I don't think I'll be able to after this.

No. 65012

It’s your own choice. Personally, I think I’ll still listen to them but I won’t support Kikuo until he’s disproved all the pedo claims (which I doubt he’ll do considering the PTPD is Kikuo and Red Egg seemed to be common info in the Eastern community).
No one should shun you for still listening to him, especially since he’s so popular. I just recommend you don’t say anything like “I still support Kikuo”

No. 65013

no it's not, keep listening to what you like

No. 65014

still liking the songs is okay. you're allowed to enjoy content but not directly support the producer in any way if that's how you want to deal with it.

i personally still listen to his music, but won't buy his stuff and give money to his patreon. especially not after all this.

No. 65018


Yeah, and if you really don't want to support him after all of this, just watch english subbed reuploads or use adblock.

No. 65020

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Kikuo responded to the callout…

No. 65021

Well, it's good he's addressing it. Hopefully it doesn't make things worse.

No. 65022

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No. 65023

Wow, I’m fairly surprised he even noticed it. It’s good that he at least defended himself, though I’m still a bit iffy on the whole PTPD thing. I think, for now, I’ll just stand back and see what happens before I make a decision. What about you guys?

No. 65024

Yeah, this is how I feel too.

No. 65025

He still drew CP tho

No. 65026

THere's no laws against drawing or writing about dark, disturbing or taboo things. There is a place in fiction for that sort of work, like the scene in IT meant to shock and disturb as well as symbolize a loss of innocence. And Lolita. Just the entire book of Lolita.

No. 65027

To be honest I'm more concerned about the PtPd stuff or what PtPd is and kikuos involvement in it. My Japanese isn't good enough to translate some of the videos on the mylist but the imagery is pretty crude and edgy. There was a video and it's Miku having sex and some other edgy imagery and talking about lolicon and some comments saying it's gross but a lot of wwww's. Can any anons with a deeper knowledge of Japanese do a quick translation?

No. 65028


Yeah, there's a bit more things that are more concerning than just drawing an edgy comic.

No. 65029

Drawing CP makes you a pedo

No. 65030

Drawing or writing something that explores the themes of pedophilia does not make you a pedophile. Being attracted to children makes you a pedophile, not being someone who is into/writes psychological horror that explores the themes. There's a difference, idiot.

No. 65031

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No. 65032

Accusations like that over stupid edgy art could ruin someone's life. Please grow up, you literal child.

No. 65033

One of their songs was translated a long time ago.
It's not very serious tbh. This stuff also happened before kikuo started earnestly writing about child abuse, kinda seems like an old edgelord phase.

No. 65034

File: 1567228820446.gif (497.99 KB, 500x236, 5s4kkZ1.gif)

I'm so ready for CP anon to come back and argue, I am ready to watch this shitshow.

No. 65035

Wow this just comes across as an edgy guy trying to make stuff for a reaction. This is so dumb.

No. 65036

PTPD last for four years (2008-2012), Gommenne Gommenne, which is probably his most descriptive song, came out in 2011 just 2 months after 放課後かすたむ☆たいむ
Besides, I still think it’s really weird how the site hasn’t been taken down or how he hasn’t removed his name. I feel like that’s the first thing you’d do for damage control. It’s not like he forgot or anything, considering he still works with Red Egg and everything

No. 65037

Well, thats implying he gives a shit about damage control. If he hasn't done that, then he probably cares more about his work being misinterpreted than him personally looking bad. If that's the case, it's honestly kind of respectable.

No. 65038

So basically the tl;dr of this is Kikuo just edgy and used to be extra edgy, but not a predator. Is that right?

No. 65039

p much

No. 65040

“Not wanting his work to be misinterpreted”
Yeah, okay, well he did a shit job of that then. I feel like, maybe, if you previously were a part of a group that produces loli and you wanted to speak out about child abuse- it’d cross your mind to get rid of anything that would make people think otherwise or at least explain it or apologize.

No. 65041

Could just be a copyright thing, whether its loli or not he still helped make it and probably wants a share of any money made off it or at the very least some credit for the music. We won't really know unless he says anything about it.

No. 65045

File: 1567230456922.png (133.5 KB, 582x816, 40124729_p31.png)

So, I tried (again) to read this, and I think we need an English translation, and soon.
Throughout the pages, you notice that the kids and adults are drawn in very different, distinct way. However, the older girl is drawn to look the exact same age as the boy, despite it repeatedly being underlined that she's older than him, and the fact that he sees her as a "big sister". Literally the only time she's drawn to look significantly older and bigger than him (like she would be in reality) is on the page where he sees her covered in injuries (pic related, domestic abuse or self-harm). It seems like this was done purposely to demonstrate that from the boy's point of view, up til then, the girl was basically the same as him. The illusion was only momentarily broken when he was shown something abrupt and unexpected, and even that was brief. The following pages switch back to the "childish" style for her.

From what I've looked through, she herself is not portrayed as an abusive child molester, but something of a victim herself. When the sexual scene happens, it's on the same day where she's completely out of her mind, talking nonsense and covered in injuries (possible domestic abuse or self-harm).
The sex messes him up mentally, but he doesn't hold any hatred for her. He actually just wants her to stay with him, but she rejects and abandons him. That shatters him, and he ends up addicted to masturbation, doing it so often that he makes himself bleed, and finally, he gets nothing out of it anymore. No one can help him.
He ends up isolated and depressed as a result of these events, but then he's reunited with the girl, and she helps him heal. With her, he takes lots of photos of different things, which he later shows to his class (and he keeps one photo of them hugging).

There's definitely a lot of plot points and nuances I'm missing because of the language barrier, but this might be creepy in an entirely different way from what was first thought. Creepy or heartwarming. I don't really know what to make of this anymore. With all this in mind, I feel like it was slightly dishonest of Kikuo to pick those two screencaps to make his point, but I can't really say for sure until we have the full story.

No. 65047

Say what you will about Kikuo or his subject matter, but his use of psychology/perspective is spot on.

Though the fact the two reunite in the end is kinda sketchy. I don't know how the same person who raped a kid could end up helping that kid heal unless it was by staying as far away as possible.

No. 65048

unrelated but that anatomy is amazing

No. 65049

You all seem quite defensive over animated child porn. Maybe you have something to hide.
Either way animated Cp falls in ''simulated cp''.
Why do you think so many pedos fap to loli porn? Because loli's are always shown as kindergarden/elementary/middle school children
and often the authors of that porn outright say that loli is 2-13 years old.

No. 65050


No. 65051

That's what I thought, too. The guy is definitely talented and intelligent, but the way he might've handled this particular issue is eyebrow-raising at best. Even the sex scene itself isn't really portrayed as forced in any way. The whole thing just carries a weird energy, and I wish we could have the full context to confirm/deny all speculation once and for all.
This definitely wasn't just a bit of perverted fantasy material he lazily left up on Pixiv thinking no one would care since it's 2D. There was a lot of thought put into this. He was trying to send a message, and I'm pretty sure it's a little more in-depth (and perhaps less socially acceptable) than a simple, out-and-out "Child molestation ruins lives". With the limited information given, I get the strong feeling that if someone were to personally ask Kikuo if he considers what happened between his two characters to be a case of rape, they wouldn't get the straightforward answer they'd normally expect.

No. 65052

Nice bait mate

No. 65053

I really wouldn't be surprised if it was extremely personal or even anecdotal in nature. Does anyone know if its uncommon to want to be close to your abuser? I know it can be a thing in emotional abuse but im not sure about sexual abuse.

No. 65054

File: 1567233133273.jpg (221.88 KB, 1080x1492, Screenshot_20190831_082946.jpg)

For y'all, I HATE cancelculture and when I saw what was happening to kikuo, I've send him a email regarding the fucking issue. The fact he replied and went on twitter to clear this IMMADIETLY up just shows how serious he is too.

I think I will personally talk about how bad cancel culture is, and why people, especially DEPRESSED CHILDREN SHOULD NEVER JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS.

Thanks for coming to my ted talk hoes.

No. 65055

File: 1567233228834.png (26.44 KB, 748x195, dont be in the kitchen if cant…)

i am very interested in the translation, the manga itself seems to be themed after the song useless child. i hope someone helps him do so before more conversy
OP locked their twitter after kikuo's response. lol

No. 65056

Plus, everyone who tries to desperately try to taint Kikuo as a pedophile with his weird pdtd or whatever shit, gain some fucking balls and think for yourself. He either:

Has changed and niw spreads the negativity of such content like lolicon

It was a joke to make fun of lolicons because they are FUCKED UP


Take the motherfucking children away from the internet.

No. 65057

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No. 65058

There’s a fourth option, being it was possibly his edgy embarrassing phase. The translations seem less like jokes and more like ‘look at how edgy i am, please give me attention’.

And the fifth but least likely option of finding lolis hot

No. 65059

Oh shit, so they really were just edgy jokes.

No. 65060

ironically i believe OP is older and was 19/20 but they blanked their account cuz now they are scared or smthin. the fact they really bailed when kikuo replied shows how immature clout chasers who cause drama and run are
so edgy jokes he made in 2009/2010 like well. the obvious.

No. 65061

This isn't Twitter, stop typing like an idiot. Also this is just a repeat of what has already been established.

No. 65063

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No. 65064

I'm so fucking sick of these retarded callouts. These people couldn't even fucking read the dialogue and made their own assumptions, tried to brand a man as a pedophile and ruin his life. And because so many Japanese people barely speak English they can't defend themselves properly. This has been happening a LOT recently, entitled American kids trying to fuck an artist up based on some retarded assumption or muh feefees being hurt. I really don't even give a shit about the PTPD thing because it's so fucking obviously OTT to the point of being a parody, Kikuo's written about multiple different traumas, you people going "I don't know if I can support him due to these claims!!!" are oversensitive idiots. He hasn't fucking raped and murdered a child, he's used sensitive themes in his work.

No. 65067


that’s a common thing in the community unfortunately. people only hear what they wanna hear, and then get mad when the “order lol” is challenged. it’s so fucking dumb.

No. 65071


it's a thing, yeah. emotional attachment can definitely happen with sexual abuse since sex is still seen as a very personal and intimate act by a lot of people, and sexual abuse itself isn't always violent like media portrays it to be.

No. 65072


>And because so many Japanese people barely speak English they can't defend themselves properly

That's the part that makes me mad tbh. They wouldn't be running around with serious accusations if these people could read what they were saying about them. Fucking cowards

No. 65073

File: 1567252661268.jpg (22.46 KB, 300x250, cb9a7a560911a7202d600f8f8ba952…)

>Call out Kikuo on pedo bullshit
>but still support shit like Giga or DeadballP
do these babies have anything else do to instead of calling out japanese producers?

No. 65081

As much as the twitter woke crowd conveniently claims to be ~CSA survivors~ they rarely have ANY idea how people might cope with trauma in fucked up ways. Even the kids who were abused by Michael Jackson didn't realize until late adulthood that he took advantage of them, they just thought they were "in love". Seeing Kikuo's song lyrics I think it's pretty clear that he has some deep-rooted issues but it's not mine or anyone else's business to snoop around or demand justification.

So much this. Japanese artists often have a knee-jerk reaction too and delete themselves from the internet completely because they're not used to aggressive confrontation in their Japanese spaces, thus making the whole Japanese (and east asian in general) part of the internet despise puritan westerners even more because they keep driving people away.

No. 65082


giga? what did he do?

No. 65084

>Japanese artists often have a knee-jerk reaction too and delete themselves from the internet completely
That's the thing, the last time he got serious backlash (when japanese antis really hated KikuoHana after it was released) he almost did that too. But even though this time the drama is much heavier, he handles it so well and responds as much as he can without making it worse. Even the screeching cancelers slowly quiet down after he responded to them. I'm proud of him tbh.

No. 65085

Gigantic O.T.N. of course

14 y/o boy sings about penises and no one had a problem with that because it "sounds nice"

No. 65087

>Gigantic O.T.N. and danshi+ are pedoshit!!!!1
Oh no, a teenager boy is horny. Better cancel all those high school themed movies just to be safe.

No. 65090

Someone should ask if there'll be an English translation of the manga in question.
I'd do it, but I lost my Twitter password.

No. 65091

>(when japanese antis really hated KikuoHana after it was released)
Details? Why'd they hate it? I thought it was pretty good.

No. 65092

Yeah, I thought KikuoHana was some of his best works.

No. 65094

>Due to fear of antis, I was thinking that it might be better to quit, and actually stopped for half a year, but the end result was that the number of events in my life dropped to zero. Nothing happened except the leisurely expenditure of money. Whenever you have a lot of people there will be some haters, but together it's still better than not having any.
(An anti is like a hater, except Japanese people are more sensitive and the haters are more insane.)

Apparently they hated Hanas voice in it compared to Miku and thought her vocals were drowning out his music or smth.

No. 65098

feelsbadman that really must of sucked.

No. 65116

>I won’t support Kikuo until he’s disproved all the pedo claims

People like you are a fucking blight.

It's not Kikuo's job to "disprove" anything. Everyone knows pedophilia is bad. If you don't have actual proof (as in, him hurting ACTUAL CHILDREN), you assuming that he is one is your own fucking problem.

You don't have to support him, but automatically assuming he's guilty of one of the most heinous crimes known to man just because he likes exploring edgy topics is fucking retarded.

No. 65120

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…what's up with oktavia? She tweeted this

No. 65121

File: 1567325117664.jpeg (479.44 KB, 1125x1102, DEE09585-B34C-4C76-804D-B53387…)

Not terribly sure. Tried searching for any other info but everything related came from her account. Looking through her past tweets, it doesn’t look like she has any tea with any other producers/utaites and seems more like vents? Could be wrong, of course, we’ll have to see if anyone says anything abt it

Also, this is reminding me of something. What the hell happened to Kuraiinu and his serial unfollowing/blocking? He disabled comments too and said “it was for his mental health”. I think YoppyVU even asked what was with Kuraiinu then responded to his own tweet by saying “nvm I know why now”
I always thought Kuraiinu was annoyinng, but it’s kinda funny how he’s blocked everyone in the Unholy Quintet without even telling THEM why

No. 65122

Since it hasn’t been brought up yet… Thoughts on the whole Crypton pulling out of V5 situation? Seems like most producers are taking it optimistically.

No. 65123

I'm sad Gumi is dead, but the cryptons don't need vocaloid, so good for them
The vocaloid fandom has wanted vocaloid dead for so many years and now they got it

No. 65124

Could you explain what it is about? I still don't understand it, is crypton focussing on another project?

No. 65125

This. It's not like people have come out with proof of him touching or raping kids or him even saying that he's done something like that. They found a comic (THAT THE COULDN'T EVEN READ) that deals with sexual trauma and an old as hell comedy duo that didn't even take off, probably because they realized that the joke went too far. And just based on that people huff and scoff how "I'm not going to support him until he disproves pedo claims!!!". Disproves how? There isn't a 10 year old claiming he raped him that he could disprove. He already said that the comic wasn't meant to be porn but a psychological take. What more could he even do?

No. 65126



This thread is a good explanation of what led up to it, but basically Crypton is working on their own standalone engine instead of porting to V5. In other words, Miku is technically not going to be a ‘Vocaloid’ anymore.

No. 65141


are you saying that Gumi is dead because you think producers will exclusively use Piapro and leave non-cryptonloids in the dust or did Internet Co. make an announcement that I missed?

No. 65144

I'm not sure if this is related, but a few months ago (possibly last year, im bad with time) she said her grandfather died and she's been dealing with an ating disorder. Could be related.

No. 65149

utau stans on my feed celebrating vocaloid is dead but no one is still going to use their singing oc anyway

floating rumours internet co is out of vocaloid but that's just probably from google translate crap being spread around. who cares anyway, people are still going to use their favourites

No. 65169

File: 1567390553816.jpeg (67.93 KB, 750x508, 4041D105-BC74-4004-81C6-58EA05…)

I think the rumors originated from this tweet

No. 65180

to be fair, they said AT THIS TIME.

maybe they would rather wait until v6. they already have plenty of vocaloids. len and rin had no update for v3 yet got a v4x.

of maybe i'm being to optimistic…

No. 65229

that’s true, it did say at that time

he might be referring to Yamaha’s alledged silence towards third parties at the time, rather than company plans

No. 65252

implying that there will be a V6 after V5 sales flop and Yamaha fired nearly everyone working in the research division lol.

Vocaloid5 has been rolled out for a while now. So far, there's been two vocaloids released, both from AHS and the reception has been about as lukewarm as it gets and companies continue to opt out of the engine. This is the end of the road, whether you like it or not. Miku may survive, because Crypton forsaw the end, but the rest of the vocaloids will fade into oblivion with no way of updating and no innovation.

No. 65253

so we lose crypton, powerfx, akatsuki virtual artists (lumi's?), voctrolabs, quadimension (those people who are doing synth v as 3rd party now. someone showed an example up in the thread), 1st place, maybe internet co (for now). crypton definitely was a strong one keeping vocaloid as a software alive and if internet co goes (since gumi is a strong one too), there isn't much left. of 3rd parties, only ahs and gynoid got v5s after a whole year.

it's obvious v5 was a fucking flop. good job yamaha. you killed your own brand. whether or not people celebrates that is up to them.

No. 65257



I'm super fucking glad that the program that helped create so many classic vocaloid songs (World is mine, Meltdown, Daughter/Servant of Evil, Dancing Samurai, Romeo and Cinderella, Ievan Polkka Remake, etc.) is ending in a whimper with Yamaha's stupidity and "Miku said trans rights and created Minecraft" internet posts.

No. 65258

V2 was a glorious era, anon. I also miss Mothy series and fully animated PVs like popipo/ world is mine etc. Although not all of them were good songs, they were amazing and fun.

All the technically good producers got actual jobs working for idol music games, and the weebs moved on to other fandoms. Then Yamaha came and killed it even further.

No. 65259

agree. even when there are still new and great producers coming in to shine, with some of the newer vocaloids getting a chance for attention, yamaha shat on this and nuked any chance for further growth. if these 3rd parties could run somewhere else, they should if the can. otherwise, it's suck up to yamaha or don't and fade away.

No. 65265

File: 1567489461396.jpg (246.87 KB, 1100x800, VOCALOID.full.659545.jpg)

Does anyone else here kinda wish fanloids were a thing again? I know a lot of them sucked, but…I still liked them. Though a lot of edited voices for them weren't that great.

(But I'm pretty sure we'd get a bunch of fat tumbler-y ones if they were as relevant now as they were back in the day…)

No. 65278

You're all so dramatic. There are still plenty of amazing songs made, they're just all on NND because yt fucks over any new thing that doesn't have a bazillion views already or silently deletes any repost or fansub made. So you won't see them there.

No. 65307

I kinda wish fanloids were back because some of them got really cool designs like Hatsune Zumi or Hagane Miku, but also, considering the fact that there's a shit ton of awfully pitched earrapey videos on yt exist, I don't

Fanloids always had a bad reputation in fandom just cause of these videos and poorly done designs for them by elementary schoolers

Oh and fucking robotloids

No. 65313

>There are still plenty of amazing songs made, they're just all on NND
NND is shitting itself even harder than YT. We're nearing the end of 2019 and the amount of songs with over 100,000 views this year is only 1% of the total. 1%.

No. 65321

File: 1567532698746.jpg (70.47 KB, 488x393, 1508801573847.jpg)

ah yes. more nostalgiafags screaming into the void about how vocaloid is totally dying while failing to comprehend that change doesn't automatically mean something is ruined, so instead of adapting to the change they hold onto their v2 era rose-colored glasses and shit themselves even harder. so business as usual.

No. 65326

Sorry someone made fun of your trans miku minecraft posts, anon.

No. 65343


my dude, i hate that shit just as much as the next guy. i'm just tired of the exact same hysterics that have been going on for the last five years.

No. 65347

why did you post this three times

No. 65348

File: 1567548901053.jpg (14.28 KB, 236x206, 5b4758cd78931adb98762a8d20e2b6…)

That's not even the worst part of it.

See: Remember Rinto and Lenka? genderbends of characters that are supposed to be genderbends of eachother

No. 65353

File: 1567550542873.jpg (121.77 KB, 1200x1200, Calne ca.jpg)

My favorite fanloid was Calne Ca. As edgy as she was I love the idea of a skeleton who just wanted to be miku.

No. 65358

damn, this is actually really cool

No. 65359

calne ca is still her own character i thought. deino still makes and does things with her as well as his other ocs.

No. 65362

i think deino does some vtuber stuff with calne ca? if my memory serves me right. deino is an amazing creator tbh

No. 65366


my internet connection was shit and kept giving me error messages even though the replies were getting through.


deino is a legend. i wish he did more collaborations with dj technorch because their combined works were fantastic.

No. 65372

This.I love Deino and his "Zero Machina" is a masterpiece. His works remind me some of H.R Giger pieces (same biomechanical and eerie vibes)

No. 65385

That's actually why I fucking hate the most of fanloids because shit like Rinto and Lenka exists
Calne Ca still holds as one of the best fanloids in my list to be honest

No. 65410

Are genderbends in general really a bad thing? I actually kinda like Mikuo (mainly because of this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0qzhZEXgGA)

No. 65421

File: 1567632965531.jpg (133.07 KB, 1280x720, mikuh.jpg)

Hagane is still around, anon, and will be as long as Utsu-P keeps making music and hiring Hansi to do his albums.

No. 65422

Genderbends are fine (triggering tumblrinas with "transphobic shit" lolol), but as >>>65348 said Rinto and Lenka makes no sense since Len and Rin are already genderbends of each other

Guess we're getting a bit out of topic here, anyone got some tea to spill?

No. 65425

there is a callout/warning post of a translator, who is shit at their job. https://twitter.com/Jellychozo/status/1167514885669949442
she was brought up in the thread before I think.

No. 65427

literally who

No. 65430

Leave it to twitter to turn personal drama into a call out.

No. 65453

File: 1567659689508.jpg (254.93 KB, 1200x1185, EDO7JQWUwAA3y9T.jpg)

How do you feel about the fact that the whole "miku is trans created mined crafts" is reaching the japanese side now? (a japanese artist drew trans miku fanart for the 12 birthday)

source: https://twitter.com/IDK_kun/status/1167482503424143361

No. 65454

it's annoying

No. 65455

it's going to exist as long as mikumikuebooks the degenerate autogynophile is active on twitter

No. 65456


No. 65457

if you're going down the 'giga pee is a pedo'' route, at least give credit where it's due and do the same to reol

No. 65465

>a japanese artist
>links an american who apparently studied abroad in japan

No. 65471

Lol. That person is NOT JAPANESE at all. This obnoxious garbage has not reached the Japanese fandom and it would never be supported.

No. 65488


This actually made me think of a scenario, what would happen if the Eastern-Vocaloid community would come in touch with the obnoxious garbage the Western part of the community produces? There have been a few instances of this but I would like to see what kind of reaction it would give on a larger scale.

No. 65508


how fucking DARE you. i got people to shit on a mentally disturbed 16 year old "because he mad a coping mechanism meme" (disgusting piece of shit) and now you're after me??? look at desuka more he's more bad than me. look at him look at him look at him look at him look at him look at him look at him look at him look at him look at him look at him JUST FUCKING LOOK AT HIM I DON'T WANT THIS

No. 65509

ok sperg

No. 65511


Damn bitch you need jesus.(samefagging)

No. 65518



No. 65520


no keep crying i'm mildly entertained

No. 65528

File: 1567716445663.gif (11.68 KB, 112x112, 1560607455003.gif)

ok retard

No. 65540

this is the most active this thread has ever been but it's also been getting progressively shittier

No. 65548

File: 1567732698769.png (38.53 KB, 626x410, screencap1.PNG)

>last scheduled performance of 2019
>in september, barely more than halfway through the year


No. 65549

File: 1567732906691.png (192.07 KB, 612x603, screencap2.PNG)

also some older content but still interesting enough. what is any of this? does she just love listening to herself talk? it'd make a lot of sense since she uses her own fucking vocaloid for her music

No. 65559

it was put toward the shit albums and the god awful merch that features the garbage that she thinks is good art

listening to herself talk. has and uses her own fucking vocaloid. good points

it's nothing but her being a condescending "goddess" who can do no wrong in this fandom. "holier than thou" bullshit. clout chasing. nothing new from her. the "mama aki" act. disgusting.

now that i think about it, she really does get away with shit. not only for the moominloids, but i rarely ever see people call her out when she wrote creep-levels of tweets in regards to shota. or when she is seen liking adult (or implied adult) x minor ships. but people are more than happy to call out non-english speakers on it. double standard dumbfuckery in this fandom i swear

No. 65560

What ships is she liking> if it's standard normie stuff like kaitoxlen (or len with anyone for that matter) then i'm pretty sure not a lot of people care.

it'd be different if it was any ship involving say kaai yuki

No. 65579


oh my fucking god the "mama aki" act. that shit is so weird and i don't know why she thought that was a good idea when the majority of the english fanbase are underage and she's in her thirties. she leans into it so hard too by using "my children", "my dears", "my darlings", etc in her social media. where did this even come from anyways? she's hardly a pioneer of the engloid fandom and she didn't get any kind of traction until halfway into v3

No. 65585

Don't know any vocaloid ship she has but she's so into frisk x sans from undertale. I do remember some milk about her taking over that flowerfell AU with her UT fansong blowing up. I'm not autistic enough to know the details of UT stuff but iirc the AU maker pretty much disowned everything after getting harassed about it. They hated the fact other ppl made money off on their AU including Aki's song. I wish I can get old screencaps before the author's meltdown but I remember them vaguetweeing Aki used to shill her song in their art streams.

>hardly a pioneer of engloid fandom

It all started when she got the gig to draw Avanna and that's pretty much her foot in the door. She even bragged she solicited to be a demo maker but zero-g hired her for art instead. Just look up her song track record on a vocaloid wiki, she's been trying to make it in the nico scene by weebing out with Japanese songs back then. It's just too suspect after the Avanna gig she's been putting out English songs and painting herself as the paragon of engloids so lol

No. 65591


she's trying to have it both ways so badly and it shows in everything she does. she doesn't know if she wants to be a standard weeb or mama aki, gatekeeper of the engloids. both are embarrassing but at least the first doesn't put you on the spot as some kind of paragon for an entire subsection of the fandom

No. 65600

Isn't he just an edgy lolicon?

No. 65614


Doesn't help that she went as far as recording her VOCALOID with "a neutral accent" so it could "sound good in both English and Japanese, but in the end it sounded like shit in both languages. She wants so much validation from the Japanese fandom it hurts to see.

Also, I've seen people on Discord groups who have been in direct contact with her (and some still are), who said part of the 21k$ went to the development of both Dex and Daina, but that's just a rumor, since I haven't seen any concrete proof yet. Even though I don't think it's too beyond her to do that.

No. 65618


>neutral accent

uh huh yeah sure. daina has a southern accent (that aki herself confirmed of having in a stream) and that's why she's such a pain in the ass to use. also, how could the $21k have went to developing dex and daina if they had already been released at that point? unless the implication was that zero-g was holding onto some kind of i.o.u. from sam and aki

No. 65636

I cannot fathom why Secret Garden got so much attention. I guess I'm glad she didn't use her own vocaloid at least. Cyber Diva as Frisk literally makes no sense though. Why not use an actual child voicebank (Like oliver)?

<warning: sperging up ahead>

it's also confusing that she clearly wrote frisk to be female in her little frans escapade, even though she's extremely fond of gay stuff. wouldn't it be more suiting to her having frisk be male?

No. 65641

that's exactly it. like the "pet names" she gives her fans are ridiculous and creepy. no normal adult would say this shit unless they're with friends because it's a fucking joke. she's in her 30s. this kind of talk sounds like she's grooming them or some other gross shit like that.

No. 65644


at the risk of sounding like a huge fucking edgelord, i legitimately would not be surprised if news came out that aki had personal relations with an underage fan. like. look at her and her actions and tell me she wouldn't do that

No. 65645

Yeah, especially given her gross comments about shota/young boys.

Now, the Sans and Frisk thing is thin ice, cause if a character is aged up for futurefic, I don't see a problem with it personally. But I don't know if she aged up Frisk for the ship, in which case thats a little kid and a grown man…

No. 65646

Does anyone know if she's made any pedophilia accusations or jumped on any bandwagons like the ProJared case? Pedophiles tend to project on other people to take attention off themselves.

No. 65647


what specific comments are you referring to? i knew she was a fujoshit, which is whatever, but that'd make things really interesting if she was a shotacon

No. 65648

No. 65649

if im being honest, whenever i see kaito x len (or any of other implied adult x minor), i usually assume it's some weeb or young fan because they don't know better. anyways, she's been seen liking a picture of kaito kissing rin and holding her waist, almost like pulling down her shorts in the process.

i'm sorry. we can have differing opinions on this, but i think it's weird and creepy given that aki is not a new fan nor a young one. she's in her 30s. a full grown adult who should know better.

No. 65650


fucking incredible. i'm sure zero-g is so proud that they accepted her to be a vocaloid's voice provider

No. 65651

Im that anon and yeah thats what I was referring to. Its disgusting.

No. 65653

Is it wrong I kind of want her to see this, just to see the shitshow that would happen?

No. 65657

cowtipping is frowned upon but i wouldn't be surprised if her orbits are linking this soon

No. 65658

Lmao same though. I wanna see her flail around trying to defend herself and her pedoshit.

No. 65660


No. 65663

someone definitely tips her off on her behaviors. she's started to do this "yearly twitter cleansing" or some shit so she can get away with this. so keeping receipts is important if someone tells her (and other people obviously), because she'll pull this off and claiming it's because "i want to be professional and keep my twitter clean <3"

No. 65664

i dont even care about the morality of fiction, but the fact she calls younger fans her "babies" and she's putting on this "mama aki" act..while she loves shotacon

especially because the fandom is full of insecure, manipulatable underage little shits, id watch her

No. 65665

Aight are we really going to start saying this woman is a real life pedophile over shipping fictional characters? Come on now.

No. 65666

Frisk is technically aged up in Flowerfell.

but he still looks like a little kid in the drawing, so what the hell's the point.

No. 65667

Its about as ridiculous as calling Kikuo a pedophile over an edgy manga, really.

She's creepy, yes, but I doubt she's actually attracted to children.

No. 65671

No. 65672

Yeah but he did wear a nazi uniform at his school though