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No. 136741
Instagram: - infamous in the cosplay community. Known as Momokun no.2, shares with said cow almost all of her worst traits.
-Ballooned up in a short amount of time, adopted the "body positive" shtick. It's rumored that she gained weight on purpose.
-Appeals to the lowest common denominator: chubby chasers and basement dwellers.
-Extremely lazy, her cosplays consist of bought swimsuits and a wig. But will say that she "tailors". Her cosplay shots are bathroom shots.
-Extremely sensitive to criticism: will ban you, screenshot you and send her whiteknights after you if you aren't kissing up to her.
-Calls other girls "thots", but whenever she gets called a thot she will cry and accuse you of "internalized misogyny".
-Used to be a camgirl, has porn stuff of her floating on the internet. If confronted about it, she will say that it's revenge porn an ex of hers leaked.
triggered. Her profiles are her only hugbox, everyone else who knows her considers her a lolcow.
-Always causes drama. Since even the most polite and constructive criticism gets her veins pop out, you will see her get mad and flood the comment section with passive-aggressive snark and accusations of "jealousy".
-Will use anything to get attention, even the terminal illness of her own mother.
-Brags about the number of her followers, even brings up the subject in arguments.
-Overall a snowflake with potential
No. 136742
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Even the way she types is eerily similar to Mariah's. Context: yesterday she posted her new "cosplay" of Gappy from JoJolion in a famous JoJo cosplay group on Facebook, some people contested her laziness. This is only a part of her sperging.
No. 136743
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More examples of her sperg
No. 136745
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>>136742And back to yesterday's drama, this is how it started. (She deleted the original post, since a lot of people started dragging her)
A girl commented "Thanks for ruining Gappy". She immediately clapped back by saying "You seem mad", the other girl calmly pointed out the lazy attempt of cosplay. Berry then tagged the admin, telling her to ban this girl because she capped her post to laugh at her in JoJo Hell. The girl was banned, but another guy started dragging her. However, while Berry gave that girl shit because she capped her, she did the same thing only some minutes later, posting the screenshot of the screenshot on her profile in order to receive asspats from the orbiters.
Of course she didn't block out the names.
What's funny is that the whiteknights are calling out on "jealousy", but the girl who called her out was actually pretty No. 136748
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Her passive aggressiveness really can challenge Moomoo's
No. 136751
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Proof of her camming 1/2
No. 136753
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Since she defends her work so much, I wonder how nice her cosplays must b-
No. 136754
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And this is supposed to be Giorno Giovanna.
No. 136755
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Bringing her mom's serious illness into shitty internet drama.
No. 136756
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>>136753she looks like an aspie
No. 136757
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She used to be cute, though. (Ignore the last three pics)
No. 136761
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>>136760Nah, she didn't delete anything. Her mom passed away apparently, which is very sad… just… did you really have to share something so private on a neckbeard infested page?
No. 136776
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She makes Mariah look better in comparison, as a cosplayer. At least Moo makes her costumes sometimes (even though they look like shit) and has worn more complex costumes (Mei's, Camilla's, Ana's and that other armor cosp). Berry literally relies on bathing suits.
This is her Mei.
No. 136780
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ayy you did it OP, thanks!!
i don't know if this is milkworthy or not but i cannot stand her """"cosplays"""" especially the butcherings of the jojo ones. pic related is the full body of the OP image and i hate it. it's not just low effort, it's virtually zero effort. they're not even in a closely similar color scheme- there's not even lines on the shitty hat or a tassel or anything on the costume that even resembles a gappy costume. quoting someone from the (now deleted) post in jojo hell, you might even think it's just fucking popeye in a swimsuit. the closest thing to any miniscule amount of effort is the pattern on the skirt towel thing and it's so generic and small you wouldn't be able to tell who it is anyway. practically every "cosplay" you see from her that she's posted on her page are all like this- a wig with maybe the right color and loosely resembling the right style and some clothes she grabs out of her closet that might be on the same half of the color spectrum as the right color scheme, of which there's a 99% chance it's showing of her tits (e.g. her giorno's boob window black shirt). that's on the rare occasion she's actually wearing an actual shirt because more than half the time it's just a bra or a swimsuit. top notch cosplay right there
also lmao i like how she focuses on the original post that girl made in JJH but not other posts and comments that actually give valid criticisms and improvements but i suppose that's to be expected, god forbid someone breaks the narrative of poor berry being attacked by jealous haters and said haters totally aren't also cosplayers who have also given real tips for improvement… god damn i do not like this thot
it's also funny because she likes to act like she's part of the thot patrol
No. 136781
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sorry for samefagging, just gonna try posting the worst offenders
another "giorno giovanna" cosplay. she says giorno is her favorite jojo character and totally loves him but can't even go as far as to make his already fairly simple actual costume, just gives him a titty window sweater and for some unknown fucking reason, bunny ears. why? why. why
No. 136782
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all of these jojo cosplays also seem to be for the same con, colossal con, which surprise surprise means all of the characters are going to be wonderful (read: shittily thrown together from the closet) "cosplays". joy.
No. 136783
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couldn't even get a god damn actual hair band
No. 136784
>>136741She actually has a cute face and used to be cute before she got big, but the lack of effort is super unattractive.
No, people aren't going to love your "cosplays" when you buy a bikini at Target and a shittily styled wig. I get that girls do this all the time on patreon but at least most of them put out some actual costumes as well.
No. 136785
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wait, this is a cosplay? who is it even supposed to be
why are they all like this?
why is she so incapable of actually looking like any character she "tries" to cosplay? why
No. 136786
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in what universe does this even look like samus?
No. 136787
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hmmmm really makes you think
No. 136788
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i just want her to leave my beloved jojos alone look at the eyelash lmao
No. 136790
>>136779Sounds hilarious. Do you have caps?
>>136780And the moment later cries "muhsogyny" at whoever criticizes her habit of flaunting those sad pancake tits in a cheap swimsuit and describing it as "cosplay".
>>136787Imagine being this unaware
No. 136792
lmao ugh, her. she spammed her anna ahegao face on cgl and also had a youtube channel for her subpar voice acting, aka loli uguu voice saying things that were totally outrageous because thats soemthing nyanners never did.
>>136768the vids that were posted in a cringe thread over there mysteriously vanished from her channel. the latest one being Yandere Imouto ASMR she sounded like a fucking nose i swear to god
No. 136799
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>>136778Mei isn't fat.
Sage because you probably already know this, but just in case.
No. 136801
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Berry: "Lol I'm going to thot patrol"
No. 136803
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>>136802Also, it seems she's going for the fakeboi route now.
No. 136806
>>136804Yes, she made her Mei boots (which fell apart, lol), Android 18 costume (which is mostly store bought but ok), Cammy White costume, Morrigan costume, and I don't remember if she made Wicke and Camilla too. Shitty attempts, but at least she tried.
This girl only buys normal swimsuits, slaps a wig on and makes it pass for cosplay. Somehow we've found someone lazier than Mariah.
No. 136807
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I found naked pics
No need to say thanks
No. 136808
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No. 136809
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No. 136812
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Honestly another thing that pissed me off about her being a fakboi aside, is that she publicly flaunts her mommy fetish on her friendslist, both saying she's a "wholesome mom" but then posting mommies milkies style lewds/nudes and sees no problem in telling other people in relationships that they're her kids or that they should be cosplay mother/son.
She also complained a lot about how her old straight relationship meant she couldn't come out as a boy or nonbinary, yet still told EVERYONE they HAD to call her Mika last year because she was nonbinary (and aurie/aurelio this year), and even shitted up thread where people defended her if they called her cerri or used she/her pronouns.
No. 136815
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She’s back to doing her horrible “cosplays” which is just wearing a wig with garbage makeup. When will she stop? Still desperate for online attention.
Dating a guy who used to hate her and call her fat online it’s funny she’s so pathetic I couldn’t imagine dating someone who used to bully me and her boyfriend is such a soy boy dating the tub of lard you hated so much now you’re ok with it because you get a crumb of pussy.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 136818
>>136815You guys aren’t dating anymore, it’s really embarrassing of you to necro the thread because you two broke up and she won’t take your sorry incel ass back.
>>136816Racist incel everything-phobic /k/ fag Canadian who is way too invested in American politics and dresses like a wannabe techwear soy boy
No. 136819
>>136818>>136816Oh did they, now? I'm surprised they didn't break up sooner, guy made fun of her out of spite then pulled a 180º and started begging for pussy from her when literally everyone else in his group made fun of her too.
>>136815Cry harder, Buzz.
No. 136820
>>136816His name is Andrew. All he did was talk about how much he hated her, how fat and disgusting she was, her garbage cosplays and about how she fakes everything for attention. She’s autistic now and trying to be French hahaha it’s sad. He’d always call her brain dead. It’s like he still hated her but wanted to be with her idk.
I dislike both of them but I still can’t believe she dated him it’s pathetic. She needs to get a grip and not date people WHO BULLIED HER.
She literally chose to date a guy who had a hate page about her and let all of his friend group talked nonstop about her and he would let it happen while they were dating and joke along idk who’s more pathetic honestly.
No. 137336
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shes like 30 and trying to be an e girl now. shocking anything for attention I guess.
No. 137416
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definitely not the face of an asian app edited used up lolcow 30 year old trying to be a teenager again.
Yup fair enough.
No. 252696
>>136816lmao, he goes by buzz presto on facebook and instagram and he's a canadian obsessed with rick owens and other gay moid /fa/shion. he's a lanklet who goes after any girl with low self esteem and a lot of makeup, so naturally he's into tiktok thots and clown girls, like literal clown girls from OF and tiktok who dress up as egirl clowns. he did in fact run the hate page about her, so i have no idea why she dated him. sounds like he was
abusive imo, but hes such a wimp its a little hard to imagine.