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/w/ - vloggers, lolita, cosplay

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No. 151614

No. 151615>>151618

She's a hateful bitch, that's her deal.

No. 151616>>151617

Not OP but please do.

No. 151617

Ended up making a separate thread! :)

No. 151618>>151619

Isnt she a shit poster on 4chan?

No. 151619>>151723>>278304

File (hide): 1431056016515.gif (5.03 MB, 400x225, Maximum shitposting_3a7ad6_540…)

Yep, It doesn't matter what kind of thread she gets posted on, she will eventually get in there as start spamming

No. 151620

She feigns being nice and flirty and sex-positive to lure in all the beta orbiters but will treat anyone like shit who is not in her clique whenever she feels like it. Throws tantrums at the smallest dumbest shit and holds grudges forever. Once got in some sort of fight with another cosplayer that used to be her friend a long time beforehand IIRC, her bf got involved too somehow. There was a long post on someone's LJ about it, the names were censored IIRC. Came on a friend's couch and ruined it.

There's lots of things here and there about her over the years on cgl's archives, and as mentioned she'll start posting whenever they talk about her there and it's obvious by the way she types on the internet.

No. 151621>>151623>>151626>>151627>>151628

I recall a story about her having her period on someones prop…

No. 151622

she looks hot and cute

No. 151623>>151626

Are you thinking of the story about her masturbating on someone's chair and leaving a permanent stain?

No. 151624

/cgl/ thread mentioning the chair:

No. 151625>>151636>>151681>>151682

No. 151626>>151627>>151628

Please be fucking around.

No. 151627>>151628>>151632

File (hide): 1431315182606.png (785.49 KB, 630x312, 1395635088599.png)

No. 151628>>151630>>151631

File (hide): 1431315215706.png (785.49 KB, 630x312, 1395635235846.png)

No. 151629

she's attractive, but she's clearly a horrible person

No. 151630

…I don't know how to handle this

No. 151631>>151728

File (hide): 1431540389255.jpg (79.27 KB, 450x253, image.jpg)

Holy shit, she's fucked up as hell.

No. 151632

Do thongs not exist anymore or something?

No. 151633>>151634>>151636

the threads keep mentioning JJ. who is JJ?

No. 151634>>151636


JJ is her ex-gf who iirc kinda fell off the radar, but not before Jenni and her friends harassed the shit out of her.

No. 151635>>151636>>151738

wait is it pyropi

No. 151636>>151637

yup. she is the one being harassed in what is described here >>151625

No. 151637

Nah that's Kasai, an ex-cosplayer. Jenni holds grudges for decades.

No. 151638>>151639>>151641

^talks about how she got into cosplay for a "nerd girlfriend" etc.

^when she got hit because she spat on someone. also was when her boyfriend at the time stood by and did nothing. they later broke up and she apparently swore off men…lives with her best friend's ex-husband?

No. 151639>>151640

I want to like her but something just puts me off

No. 151640>>151641>>151656>>151669>>151670

To me, Jenni is a girl who comes off confident and people are amazed by her ability to shit out costumes quickly. She befriends people with low self esteem so that when they're weakened by circumstance, she can cut them off and humiliate them. She lacks smarts, however, and caters to the current crowd rather than her own interests.

There's been talk that she and her posse have personal twitters..where they talk shit. I personally don't care to find them cause its extremely elementary.

I remember when this was first seen and people were interested in Jenni because she had -gasp- personality. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uW_jevjNs4s
This went on for a few episodes and they're still up. After this she had problems with her ex-girlfriend and their mutual friends. I remember these people being IchigoKitty, Inabari, Pyropi who is JJ who was her ex-girlfriend, and others. They seemed to either stay with one side or the other. After that, she started to get raunchy with her appearance and do shit like Fakku! doujin reviews.

She stopped the reviews because ~guys are gross~ etc. and now is trolling the internet in her own friends circle, still talking shit.

No. 151641>>151642>>151643

wait who is her friend's ex-husband? btw she's staying in california rn with ceruleandraco/Jason, I think.

that video is so damn cringy

No. 151642>>151644>>151666>>151755


She lives with Dr Teng/ Adam, who is the ex husband of Jessie Pridemore/Rufflebutt. She's a whole other mess and probably deserves a thread of her own lmao.

No. 151643>>151644>>151646

Yeah she was in Cali with tattobot/Skye because they released a "brand" called Anime Trash Swag. Mostly outsourced anime inspired stuff.

Jason/Cerulean Draco is Skye's boyfriend.

No. 151644>>151645

I knew she lived with Dr. Teng but I didn't know he was Jessie's husband. That changes things.

She's still in Cali. She told me she was staying until after Anime Expo. She only said she was staying with Jason lol. No mention of Skye.

No. 151645>>151661>>152036

Ex-husband. They broke it off after a long relationship. Adam worked for NASA and lost his job, went on to other things. Again, another thread for another time.

No. 151646>>151657

Tatto looks like a fucking horse

No. 151647>>151648>>151660

File (hide): 1435363172575.jpg (109.34 KB, 640x960, 11227862_1637504356461751_1899…)


She's fucking holding the violin wrong!!

No. 151648>>151649>>151651

How so? am a violin noob

No. 151649>>151650>>151651>>151653

I'm a violin noob too but it's pretty obvious her hand should be higher up on the neck, not so close to the body.

No. 151650>>151651>>151690

File (hide): 1435369960846.jpg (227.22 KB, 1924x1162, image.jpg)

Also also violin noob, but I don't think that's it.

I don't think it's resting on her shoulder properly? They normally sit flatter than that

No. 151651>>151652

Where her hand is is fine since it just looks like she's supporting the violin. What's throwing it off is that she's using her shoulder to clamp it against her jaw instead of letting it rest on her shoulder and them resting her jaw on it. Her bow grip is wrong as well.

No. 151652

She's also holding the bow too high up on the violin. (I play the violin)

No. 151653>>151654

I thought so too but I thought she was just posing as Neptune surprised after someone caught her playing the violin and poses differently afterwards?

If the hand is that close to the body, can the violin play higher notes or does it not work that way?

No. 151654>>151655

Yes, that's the point. There are seven positions on the violin (well, technically more, but they're not used often). First position starts close to the scroll of the violin. This is the first position beginners learn. As you go higher, the distance between each note gets smaller and the pitch is higher.

No. 151655>>151658

Then she is not holding it incorrectly and is possibly using higher note positions?

No. 151656>>151665

Jenni's new friend circle all has private twitter accounts where they talk massive amounts of shit about anyone they dislike.

No. 151657>>151662

I'm surprised there isn't anything about her posted. Hideous personality to match the hideous looks.

No. 151658

She is holding in incorrectly. A violin shouldn't be held slanting up like that. A real violinist would also be using a shoulder rest. It's really awkward if you don't, and back in the day, violinists didn't user them (they're a new invention), but their way of playing was a lot different then anyway.

Her arm looks like it's also positioned inccorectly. What should happen is that your elbow changes angles depending on which string you're playing on. For example, the G string is played with the elbow tucked close to the body. She looks like she's supposed to be playing the last string. In that case, her elbow would be away from her body. Her bow is also too high up on the violin. Nobody plays it like that, it should be positioned halways between the bridge and the fingerboard. Her bow hold also looks wtong.

Those are all the mistakes I can think off of the top of my head, hope that helps.

No. 151659

File (hide): 1435412551259.jpg (12.22 KB, 300x225, 3VStandingFrontBow_300_225.JPG)

This is how I real violinist would hold a violin. This is the proper way.

No. 151660

I don't even play the violin but I still think that looks so fucking awkward. It's like she's making out with the violin.

No. 151661


They broke it off because while Adam was going through the process of emigrating to the U.S. From Canada she was off in Cali fucking anything with a dick. I was still involved in that circle when it happened so I heard allll about it lol.

No. 151662>>151663

I've seen her around a couple times. She's worse irl. What's the drama with her?

Her bf's got a cute face but I'm pretty sure he's also a load of shit since he likes her.

No. 151663>>151664>>151667>>151668

I only know of some of Tatto's drama second hand, mostly her being extremely shitty to other people.

Her boyfriend likes to stick his dick in anything that moves, so you might have a chance with that.

No. 151664>>151672

any first hand stories?

No. 151665>>151667

I am surprised no one has ever started a thread on here for Jessie Pridemore. Bitch is as two faced as it gets and rides so many asses to try and get fame.

No. 151666>>151667

yes, please, someone needs to make a thread for Jessie.

No. 151667

Kek he's cute but idk about fucking him. Don't want secondhand Tatto pussy.


No. 151668>>151672

Do you have any stories??

No. 151669

spot on tho

I'm surprised she hasn't cut off PP at this point, she's a lousy scammer

No. 151670

Isn't Jenni 27? this bitch is almost 30 and still dwelling in highschool level drama. The faster she drops out of cosplay the better

No. 151671>>151673

I've noticed that she and some of her other crew really like to kiss Mookie000's ass too, which I guess I don't blame them but mookie could do so much better

No. 151672>>151739

Skye is pretty good about keeping her shit to word of mouth. The things I've heard have just been talking shit about people who disagree with her. I know there are some good stories out there, I just don't have any information on them. From what I've seen her and Jenni's private twitter accounts are filled with gems.
I have personally witnessed Jason trying to get a girl to go back to his room with him, of course this was a year ago.

No. 151673>>151674

Has mookie or babyenema (aka Ayu) talked to them recently other than shitting out designs then having Jenni etc. claiming "I'm first!!!" at making said designs?

No. 151674

Nah, I do see Jenni comment on mookie's instagram photos from time to time tho

No. 151675>>151676>>151677

Made this for Fae (takisiski) for her Scarlet Witch but strongly believes in slacking off and not adding padding/chest boning.

dem holy pantyhose and ill fitted bunnysuit


If you're making something for someone else, why would you wear it…
She wore it to NYCC too..

No. 151676

wow those photos are unflattering already but the bunnysuit is just making it worse

No. 151677

omg her vag is eating the crotch of the cosplay, thats pretty gross

No. 151678>>151679

She said she's closing commissions permanently so you guys don't have to worry about seeing people pay her for shitty cosplays ever again.

No. 151679

No. 151680>>151681>>151683>>151684>>151867

Jenni is known for hating people and holding grudges not just against people she dislikes, but also their friends and their friends friends. I've never even met her and I know she hates me because I'm close with people she used to post on /cgl/ all the time. It's really bizarre.

At Katsucon she also gave a girl a card that said something like "Congratulations!" with "ya nasty" under it, and later her and/or her boyfriend threw a drink on the girl.

Another time, her and her boyfriend gave out fliers with a cosplayer's photo, cell phone number, and basically solicited her as a prostitute without her even knowing.

No. 151681

>>151625 is what
>>151680 is talking about

No. 151682

I just realized this was posted in 2013, this was sort of recent. It's disturbing to me that someone would even behave like that, especially when they're in their late 20s

No. 151683>>151685>>151867

Couldn't she be criminally charged for this?
I would have gotten a lawyer if I were the cosplayer in question, cheeky ugly cunt.

No. 151684

the prostitute story always gets me, I can't imagine what the cosplayer had to go through to get those fliers taken down and changing their phone number. Goddamn

No. 151685>>151686>>151693>>151867

Even so, where would it go; small claims? It's not big enough for anyone to hear about or be worth the money. People have tried to call her out or warn others, but Jenni just immediately "black lists" them and socially destroys them online and irl. I've watched it happen to one of my friends; this girl has enough dumbass neckbeard fanboys and underage tumblrinas following her that she basically has an internet army.

No. 151686>>151687

that is frightening

No. 151687>>151688

Yeah, and that's why no one talks about her. I'd love to see her taken down, honestly.

No. 151688>>151689

She honestly needs her ass beat again.

No. 151689>>151691

Mostflogged got beat up?

No. 151690>>151994

this girl's bow placement is way crooked too.

No. 151691


She spit on some dude and got rightfully slapped.

No. 151692

why is she obsessed with crotch eating cosplays

No. 151693>>151694>>151695

Who is her new targets? Someone really needs to cap her and her friends private twitters.

No. 151694

Her new targets are the people on this site.

No. 151695>>151696

getting caps from those private accounts is difficult/risky since only a few people can see them and it would be easy to narrow down who it was. MF is self destructive anyway so it's only a matter of time before new drama occurs,or she chills out and doesn't bring anymore drama to the table (or she just drops out of this community and does something more with her life)

No. 151696>>151697>>151698>>151701>>151718>>151868

Yes I have access to a few, but if I shared it… Well I don't want to be the next person they wreck socially.

No. 151697

You would be one out of how many? Honestly..

No. 151698>>151699>>151700>>151703

And this is exactly the reason why they get away with it. I don't blame you anon, outing a bitch only makes your life hard, and for what?
I almost want to make a MOSTFLOGGED TRUTH tumblr with posts and screencaps and links so that her dumb tumblr fans will see it. I have enough SJW followers that I think it'll get out.

No. 151699

Please do.

No. 151700>>151712>>151859


Please do it. I'd reblog in a heartbeat.

I have less of a beef with Jenni than I do with PP, though. This bitch has screwed over so many people in terms of commissions, money, etc and is just all around the dumbest bitch ever. I'd be more explicit if it weren't social suicide/if we didn't have close mutual friends

No. 151701>>151703

That's really interesting, but yeah if they found out who you were it would not be pretty

No. 151702>>151859

See, this is what I don't get.
You all hate this chick right? Or disagree with what she has done/is doing? Why not dump the shit she posts behind closed doors if you have it? It's wasted goods.

No. 151703>>151708>>151712>>151859


Exactly this. It's sad because I feel like this essentially boils down to bullying, as pathetic as that sounds. The Kasai story and the prostitution story were just a culmination of months/years of shit talking and harassing.
I've watched a friend of a friend be really affected by Jenni and crew's relentless shit talking and rumor spreading, but it's so passive aggressive no one can really do anything than say "hey you're a shitty person." This girl isn't even from NY, and it feels like it has really changed her. Posting this stuff online won't do anything except have them attack me next. They have posted that they want to physically harm this person (and others) like they're joking.
How do you stop someone who technically isn't doing anything other than acting like a shitty person? I do not want to be the next on their hit list. I feel dejected sometimes because if they stopped acting like this they would be somewhat great people otherwise. Wish there was some kind of karmic justice that existed.

No. 151704>>151705

what is her nose, holy shit

No. 151705>>151706

didn't you know? she's half bird

No. 151706>>151707

At least she's only half bird.
Tatto looks half bird, half horse.

No. 151707

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No. 151708

dump the goods and if she does irl shit to you, call the popo

No. 151709>>151710>>151712

Looked through cgl's archives for funsies and found pic related, lol. This was for the time she spat on someone and got punched/slapped for it, so she tried to get the police and this came up.


No. 151710>>152334

File (hide): 1437040071774.jpg (136.78 KB, 590x364, 1393182315330.jpg)


Pic didn't upload for some reason, trying again

No. 151711

Her cosplays usually seem decent I just dislike her plugsuits.
and her weird hentai review videos

No. 151712

File (hide): 1437045101654.gif (951.15 KB, 500x281, 1430447725446.gif)

Well if either of you ever want to spill the beans about any of them we'll always be here.
It's so interesting and baffling that they've all managed to stay popular even tho they're all horrible, like the only reason I would see to be friends with them is because you're in it for the fame by association or you're actually unaware of what they've done.

I remember reading this on tumblr, yeah no one deserves to be catcalled/harassed/etc.. but spitting on a stranger? especially one who is clearly aggressive and has a whole group with them that out number you? You're just asking for trouble, she's lucky they didn't gang up on her , they really could've done a lot worse.(Personally, I would've just ignored them/ran away because I just don't deal with dumbass people who clearly want to get a reaction out of me.)/yeah just repeating the thread but it's true man

No. 151713>>151714

I feel like if homestuck wasn't the thing to take tumblr by storm none of them would be as popular as they are now, like homestuck is the main reason why any of these cosplayers got exposure

No. 151714>>151715

File (hide): 1437097992545.jpg (659.69 KB, 666x1000, primadonna_girl___homestuck_by…)


I think MF was popular before Homestuck grew to what it was, but she was in the Homestuck fandom for quite a while, riding that wave for more fame, until she apparently abandoned it not too long ago.

No. 151715>>151716

She decided she hated Homestuck because the creator got butthurt that she was selling a used cosplay of a Homestuck character.

In a shocking twist, Jenni was actually in the right there and the creator is a piece of shit who goes after cosplayers who ~~MAKE MONEY OFF HIS ART~~ because they sell an old handmade costume for $15

No. 151716>>151717

Have you seen the prices Jenni sells her used cosplays for? She sold a WORN swimsuit that she made for over $100 without shipping.

No. 151717

I haven't, but I'm not surprised ahaha. Of course she would.

No. 151718>>151719


All of you saying you have access but refusing to post caps or prove it sound like you don't actually have access.

No. 151719

The proof is when mostflogged becomes paranoid and comes here to try to flush out the double agent/s who may or may not exist.

No. 151720

No. 151721>>151722

No. 151722


The worst part is people will actually buy this.

No. 151723>>151724

Where is this picture from?

No. 151724

Boku no Pico

No. 151725>>151726

No. 151726>>151727

File (hide): 1437847930778.jpg (12.66 KB, 133x234, reary.jpg)

I feel like she makes 90% of this shit up.

No. 151727

I don't know man maybe she did, a lot of crazy people in NYC tho (including herself)

No. 151728>>151729>>151732

I'm not whiteknighting MF, but I don't really get why everyone freaks out over the fact she spotted on a prop. Girls often get their periods randomly when they're not expecting it. This is something even men should be aware of past age 12 and I'm pretty sure most people in this thread are female, so not really sure why this concept is so crazy to everyone. It's gross, but not something to be overwhelmingly shocked an appalled about, especially years after the fact.

No. 151729>>151730

I'm assuming she didn't attempt to clean it or anything, or that it was a fairly large stain.

Also, there's a story about her masturbating on a friend's computer chair and getting it dirty that way, so those 2 stories together lead to the idea that she probably doesn't wear panties much… Which she should.

No. 151730>>151731>>151733

>Also, there's a story about her masturbating on a friend's computer chair and getting it dirty that way, so those 2 stories together lead to the idea that she probably doesn't wear panties much… Which she should.
Her lack of underwear should not be the issue people take with the chair masturbation story. People shouldn't fap in their friend's chairs without permission, panties or none.

Also, there's nothing wrong with not wearing panties if you're not wearing a skirt. A lot of people find them very uncomfortable.

No. 151731

No. 151732>>151736

Kinda bothers me too. Every girl on the planet has faced period accidents. shit happens and sometimes you think you're done when you're not. I mean, this is why panty liners were made, but still. not a big deal. I dunno why but when it comes to menstruation, people tend to act like children when it's a very normal bodily function for all women. It's so silly.

No. 151733>>151734

well I think it's more that things keep coming out of her vagina and onto her friends' things.

Overall it's definitely because it's her and she did these things to "friends" she then fucked over, so they posted these stories in return. She's crazy enough without these stories added on, so these plus the fact that she was explaining how to masturbate to her 14-year-old Homestuck fans is kind of

No. 151734

>Explaining how to masturbate to under aged Homestuck fans

Ok, that is actually disgusting.

No. 151735

>people defending MF
PULL bitches please go back to tumblr

No. 151736

That was an accident that could've been prevented.
She was wearing a white dress with no panties when she was spotting? She could've at least put a tampon in.

No. 151737

Went down to Philly for a friend's wedding with Adam.
Not dating? Sure.

No. 151738>>151740>>151750

JJ is Jenni's exgf who Jenni passed out fliers at anime boston one year saying JJ was a prostitute and left JJ's number on the flier

No. 151739>>151741>>151871

Sorry to be that nasty bitch, but I'd totally do Jason (providing that their relationship is an open one)

No. 151740>>151741

That wasn't Jenni lol it was Cole and Jewls and Nick and some other old friends of JJ's who fucking hated her. That bitch made a lot of enemies over time. The only reason Jenni gets the blame online is from passed down word of mouth internet drama and because the real people behind it aren't well known on the internet.

No. 151741>>151742>>151744

didn't she throw her drink on JJ tho?
also isn't that proof livejournal written by JJ herself?

Tbh I think he looks really fucking cute in his Dante cosplay.
Out of cosplay, he's meh.

No. 151742>>151743

he has a shaved head he only looks cute with wigs on to me tbh

No. 151743>>151745

Usually I'm really not into shaved heads, but he's still hot to me for some reason. To be fair, I'd totally also fuck Stannis Baratheon.

No. 151744

Nobody threw a drink on JJ? You're think of Liz maybe, and that wasn't Jenni either, it was another girl.

No. 151745>>151746>>151747

If you're female and show interest he will definitely sleep with you.

No. 151746>>151860

He'd better keep his cosplay on the whole time otherwise I'm out.

No. 151747

File (hide): 1439155260332.gif (39.22 KB, 200x200, 200_s.gif)

I want to be the one to confirm this theory

No. 151748>>151749>>151751>>151754

File (hide): 1439674409723.png (129.03 KB, 591x415, men.PNG)

Comments on her MeMeMe wip.

No. 151749

File (hide): 1439675006606.jpg (64.35 KB, 680x680, 1332363876793.jpg)

"Do you miss dicks mostflogged?"

No. 151750

Too bad JJ stopped being so crazy. Top-tier lolcow right there. The late 2000's were good times on /cgl/.

No. 151751>>151752>>151753>>151754


>most of her cosplays expose a lot of her figure/skin

>sometimes modified from the source to show even more
>men will obv notice it more
>"ugh men r gross"

Not to mention that for a "lesbian" she spent years bragging about her active sex life with a guy.

No. 151752

>can't see the difference between men noticing revealing costumes and calling the girls who wear them slut shaming slurs
nigga are you for real?

No. 151753>>151754

>Not to mention that for a "lesbian" she spent years bragging about her active sex life with a guy.
Jenni is bisexual with a strong preference for girls, not a lesbian, and it's annoying that she can't see the difference.

No. 151754>>151755

I'm not one to defend Jenni on nearly all occasions but these comments really are pretty gross.

Yeah this. I'm 99.99% sure she's dating Dr. Teng or w/e her roomie's name is. Strong preference for girls =/= lesbian.

No. 151755>>151763

Isn't Dr.Teng Jessie Pridemore's exhusband lol >>151642 Pretty sure they're not dating as hilarious as that would be.

No. 151756>>151757>>151759>>151760>>151763>>151787

File (hide): 1440644850696.png (522.65 KB, 881x657, Screen Shot 2015-08-26 at 8.03…)

Here's a good one: Jnig buys Jennis costume, pimps her on facebook, and yet literally a day or so ago..

No. 151757>>151759>>151760>>151762>>151763>>151770>>151781

File (hide): 1440644927376.png (268.12 KB, 585x631, Screen Shot 2015-08-26 at 8.03…)

and yet..

Jenni has also publically bashed jessica before. did jnig order it under someone elses name or was jenni just that money hungry..?

No. 151758>>151759>>151760>>151763>>151770>>151781

File (hide): 1440645033696.png (287.69 KB, 592x520, Screen Shot 2015-08-26 at 8.03…)

And a little more

iirc jenni has shittalked jessica on tumblr, both by reblogging stuff about her and answering asks saying she thinks shes a shitty person and some other stuff

No. 151759

No. 151760>>151761>>151772


Literally what the fuck
I want someone to show this to jnig and have her fucking drag the bitch

MF and PP are moronic assholes who can't keep their mouths shut

No. 151761

I hope this happens, both of them need to learn how to shut the fuck up

No. 151762

MF literally only hating because she genuinely believes that she is best Ryuko cosplayer.

No. 151763>>151780

yes he's jessie's ex-husband. jenni lives with him and she attended a wedding with him. whether their dating or not is up for debate.

>You and MF are friends?!… Love seeing all my fav cosplayers together
Derek confirmed for shit taste.

this is hilarious

No. 151764>>151765>>151766>>151768>>151769>>151782>>151830

File (hide): 1440723931298.jpg (132.42 KB, 640x853, image.jpg)

So I guess MF is selling hats that say futanari on them? And she identifies with futa?

No. 151765

So she's saying she's a hermaphrodite then? People really need to calm the fuck down with all this "identity" bullshit.

No. 151766

File (hide): 1440727156637.gif (999.33 KB, 250x239, 1432220982385.gif)

She's full of shit, she's probably only saying that so she doesn't get a bunch of sjws coming in trying to tear her shit down. I'm sure she's probably complaining about it on twitter trying to get people on her side

No. 151767

Damn she deleted her private Twitter account.

No. 151768

>I identify very strongly with futanari

Holy shit, I wish she would just stop talking forever.

No. 151769

yea she's annoying and all with her 'identity' shit, but holy fuck never thought i'd see the day where futanari is being called 'transphobic'

i thought these tumblrinas were all about genitals not mattering or something, why the fuck should anybody care if people have a fetish for chicks with dicks

No. 151770>>151771>>151774>>151775>>151776

How can one person be so extremely bitter?
Even though Jess has done some shit she doesn't deserves to get backstabbed like that and I hope she will see this.

No. 151771

I'm retarded today.

No. 151772>>151773

Did PP delete her tumblr?

No. 151773>>151774

Nah, she changed it to monchichitanuki

No. 151774>>151775>>151776

Yeah, I really hope Jnig acknowledges this and calls out MF.I'm not a Jnig fan either but this is just straight up backstabbing

I never got why she compares herself to monchichis, they're cute little things while she on the other hand looks like a rat

No. 151775>>151776

I don't think JNig doesn't deserve it, but I still would love to see some fall out from this. I think Jess is used to people who are two faced and hate on her until they can ride her coat tail then they love her, she doesn't seem to mind because she uses them just at they use her. I recall there was one photog who bitched her out on social media because of what she did to Masamune, but then later he was her BFF and defended her when he started getting shoots with her.

No. 151776>>151777>>151779

Someone please send these tweets to jnig

No. 151777>>151778>>151779

I want to but I'm not sure what the best way is to insure she sees it.

No. 151778>>151779

How about sending those tweets to her most trusted friends? ( if she does has some…)

No. 151779

Honestly not even expecting Jnig to bat an eye, she's used to the backstabbing cosfame game by now.

No. 151780

They went to wedding together because they were both friends to the couple and Adam was even the one who officiated the wedding for the friend so you're looking too deeply

No. 151781

I distinctly remember MF making some pretty ass kissing comments about JNig when she first became famous. Quite gross to see her bash her for no reason now after Jess gave her such sweet advertising (that she doesn't even deserve).

No. 151782>>151783

File (hide): 1441214253634.jpg (64.84 KB, 900x900, 1439790253772.jpg)

>funatari fetishizes women with dicks and is thus transphobic

I'm so done with these tumblrinas talking about how problematic fetishization is. It is entirely possible to get off to something without dehumanizing it, why is this so fucking hard to understand?

No. 151783>>151784

drink some water and take a nap, anon.

No. 151784>>151785

Not sure why that warrants that response more so than anything else posted on here

No. 151785>>151786

drink some water and take a nap, anon.

No. 151786

drink some water and take a nap, anon.

No. 151787

I'm sorry, but those eyebrows are terrible.

No. 151788>>151789>>151790>>151791

File (hide): 1441257360619.jpg (78.28 KB, 640x472, image.jpg)

it's about to go down

No. 151789>>151790

Y'all are welcome. I immediately PMed Jessica when I saw the tweets here.

Just so yall know
Jess mad.

No. 151790

File (hide): 1441259816087.jpg (48.45 KB, 836x470, tinaandamy.jpg)

I can't wait

You are a saint

No. 151791


No. 151792

someone pls screencap all the drama going on MOSTFLOGGED twitter right now!!!!

No. 151793

fineee ill do it.

No. 151794

File (hide): 1441260740691.jpg (50.87 KB, 572x441, fullsjw.JPG)


No. 151795>>151800>>151806

File (hide): 1441260759973.jpg (72.6 KB, 634x452, ry76.JPG)

No. 151796>>151808

File (hide): 1441260982879.jpg (55.64 KB, 723x393, hooboy.JPG)

No. 151797>>151813

File (hide): 1441261022206.jpg (219.96 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg)

I mean, at least Jessica hasn't thrown drinks or people or cum on their stuff. So. More like.

What's good, Jenni?

No. 151798

this whole fight makes Jess look p good to be honest.

No. 151799>>151801

My entire Twitter feed is people defending Jenni. I'm horrified.

No. 151800

Okay I dont think Jessica is 'right' to make asian jokes because 'herp derp racism' BUT JENNI YOU WERE ACTIVELY SHIT TALKING SOMEONE ON A PUBLIC FORUM WHERE EVERYONE CAN SEE?

One is tasteless and ignorant

The other is being a straight up bitch.

I hate the whole 'I'm being opressed so I'm OBVIOUSLY in the right' thing

No. 151801>>151802>>151803

Thankfully I'm seeing a lot of backlash towards jenni, much deserved. I'm so tired of her EVERY MAN IS RACIST IM SO OPPRESSED shindig.

I'm so glad she didn't get a ton of popularity out of this, dumb ass burned so many bridges so hard. If she were smart she would have used Jessica to push her shitty taobao reselling business.

No. 151802>>151804

>If she were smart she would have used Jessica to push her shitty taobao reselling business.

Her items are taobao resells??

No. 151803

if she had any brains Jess would have probably bought everything from her store and she would have had actual money. I wish I knew how many follows she got from Jess promoting her in that post.

No. 151804>>151805

50/50 iirc. Some are just badly printed designs done by Skye, the rest are just resold from taobao

No. 151805

Also literal official artwork that they slap on a t-shirt and claim as their own.

No. 151806>>151810

Where are these Tweets where Jessica is supposedly being racist?

No. 151807>>151810

I was hoping to buy something at ATS's booth at Sabo this weekend but now I'm reconsidering it. Skye has always been chill but I really don't want to give MF my money.

No. 151808>>151809>>151811

I'm trying to wrap my head around this. So Jenni is mad that Jessica called her out on her shit taking publicly on twitter even though Jenni was making fun of Jessica publicly on her twitter earlier? What the fuck Jenni? Don't like the taste of your own medicine so you need to play the race card?

No. 151809

Jessica bought one of Jenni's older costumes. Jnig advertised MF and spoke highly about her.
Jenni meanwhile was speaking very badly about her publicly…someone posted the screencap to Jessica thennnn the following happened.

No. 151810>>151812

File (hide): 1441263881732.jpg (64.22 KB, 603x501, raughs.JPG)

Jessica never made any racist tweet, Jenni is shitting on her for pic related. Jenni reblogged it awhile ago because some sjws commented on the pic and were talking about how this was offensive to asians

Yeah, spend your money elsewhere, don't give it to this psycho

No. 151811

Yeah, I just saw the post Jenni randomly brought up where Jess is supposedly "racist" and I don't find it offensive at all. It's one of those things where if you're offended by it, you really just need to get a sense of humor. Or if you really find it problematic, just gently explain to her why it is, it's nothing to get so pissed over that you bring it up out of nowhere as bullshit justification to be a cunt to someone that has never done anything to you because pimp out your business.

No. 151812

That's just typical ignorant white girl that needs a brief history lesson. Jumping on her for something so minor and saying you don't have an obligation to educate her does nothing to help the situation she claims to be so passionate about.

No. 151813>>151814

Why do I get the feeling MF's making the shit about Jess being rude to her friends and talking shit about her fans in front of her up? From what I've been told by people who know MF, this is something she says about any popular cosplayer she dislikes. Also, when have they ever met in person, this is the only time I've ever seen such a thing referenced?

No. 151814>>151815

JNig asked her what she supposedly said and MF hasn't replied.

No. 151815

That says a lot

No. 151816>>151817

File (hide): 1441267235332.jpeg (398.98 KB, 1440x812, 1439878800039.jpeg)

I remember when I used to defend MF

No. 151817>>151818

well at least now you know better right?
The people who I see usually defend her are people who can't see what a shitty person she is or her friends/people kissing her ass to gain fame

No. 151818

I knew her through mutuals and really liked her. I wanted to believe that most of the shit said against her wasn't true because she was an awesome person from what I saw. We grew out of contact and I'm still fond of the girl I knew, but I realize now I was only shown one side. There's still a part of me that wants to defend her, but when the evidence is right in front of you it's time to acknowledge your denial.

No. 151819>>151820>>151821>>151822

File (hide): 1441269128415.png (254.76 KB, 522x394, 1435683198129.png)

Quick! someone needs to drop a bomb on Jenni. She deserves to be called out.

No. 151820

She gets called out all the time

No. 151821

Like literally drop the bomb

No. 151822

Um…she is being called out

No. 151823

File (hide): 1441271109551.png (2.98 MB, 1856x1192, Screen Shot 2015-09-03 at 2.03…)

This was the post MF made right after Jessica promoted her. Couldn't even call her by name.

No. 151824>>151842

/cgl/ deleted the drama thread just a second ago. Is one of the mods friends with MF or some shit or did MF herself report it? There are plenty of callout threads each week and normally nobody gives a shit.

No. 151825>>151826

File (hide): 1441276254146.jpg (930.07 KB, 1388x2696, 1441264173502.jpg)

Salvaged this from /cgl/ for future reference. MF basically used the racism card to get out of jail free. What a class act.

No. 151826>>151827

mostflogged is so bleached and white already how the fuck can she even call herself asian there is nothing asian about her.

No. 151827>>151828>>151829

She's asian? She looks so white to me wtf.

No. 151828>>151835


She's mixed iirc

No. 151829

Half-half. Mom's white, dad's Japanese.

No. 151830>>151833

Can someone point out to Jenni how hypocritical she's being? She's using past ~fetishization~ as an excuse to be a bitch and giving JNig so much shit about not catering to her demands, but here she is denying futa is fetishization when it undeniably is (not that I think people shouldn't feel free to consume it) and saying its okay because she "identifies" with them. How the fuck is that any better than what Jess did???

No. 151831>>151832

That girl in OP looks really creamy.

No. 151832>>151840

Can we make a pact to call Jenni creamy anytime we see her?

No. 151833>>151834>>151836>>151873>>151900

File (hide): 1441305703852.png (581.7 KB, 474x684, yourenotnickiplzstop.png)

I totally agree and almost feel like making an SJ style tumblr blog to call her out on this to see what would go down. Someone on the /cgl/ thread mentioned that Jenni may have defended Jessie Pridemore using dark makeup on her Anthy costume in the past and I'd love to have receipts on that if it's true. Is there a way to search a twitter for certain terms/phrases?

Also: PP and Taki are such little suck ups to Jenni and the secondhand embarrassment is so strong. Does Jenni just not get that these girls are only her friends for fame or does she just not care? Pic related… Note the necklace

No. 151834>>151836

I was the one who made the comment about the blackface. IIRC it was on her tumblr and twitter.

No. 151835

Then she should shut up about racial issues, fucking mulatto don't know shit. Come back to me when she stands up for South Asians.

No. 151836>>151837>>151838>>151839

File (hide): 1441307475216.png (46.52 KB, 589x295, rully.png)


Have yet to find any comments on the Anthy thing, but I have some content that may be of interest:
The amount of times that she's talked about "omg so cute lil brown girls" is kind of skeevy. A lot of the comments on cosplaying darker skinned characters are from years ago but tumblrinas don't care about that and will condemn someone forever easily lol

No. 151837

I'm not near a computer otherwise I would look too. I specifically remember this because soni ripped Jessie a new asshole on tumblr, and both Jessie and Jenni made huge tumblr posts about it.

No. 151838>>151843

File (hide): 1441310098067.gif (857.88 KB, 240x228, q3iCWqE.gif)

She is the biggest fucking hypocrite, oh my god.

No. 151839>>151843

File (hide): 1441310201963.gif (41.35 KB, 424x200, 200_s.gif)

Holy shit, this is too fucking good to be true. So, she asked for advice on how to do literal blackface yet is using this old ass ~problematic~ pic of JNig as justification for being a bitch?

Someone seriously needs to call her out as soon as possible. Honestly, I think this chick has officially earned herself an ED article.

No. 151840>>151841

I will never not pass a thread or pic of MF without commenting on what a creamy delicate Asian frahwur she is

No. 151841


So, I guess this is officially a thing now?

No. 151842

It's against the rules on /cgl/ to gossip about people. If someone posted something about an individual that is on-topic and board-relevant (i.e. - someone claiming to make a costume that they didn't make) the thread would probably be left alone. Threads about cosplayers or lolitas that have nothing to do with cosplay or lolita break the "no singling out" rule. Jnig and MF fighting about cultural appropriation has nothing to do with the hobby itself, it's just drama.

No. 151843>>151844>>151845>>151846

File (hide): 1441318168358.png (29.02 KB, 617x254, fact.png)

More kindling for a tumblr fire.

Also screencapped the tweets saying she wanted to cosplay Lal'c/she didn't personally find browing her self up to be offensive. I'm worried she's gonna delete everything if anyone brings this all up

Any receipts/testimonials on her violent behavior? I know that she beat her ex up at Katsu this year, but I want to have evidence before I potentially write anything.

No. 151844>>151847

beat up her ex?
wat…details anon

No. 151845>>151847

>I know that she beat her ex up at Katsu this year, but I want to have evidence before I potentially write anything.
This is the second time I've seen mention of this. Details? My thirst is strong.

No. 151846

You can archive tweets.

No. 151847


Friday night of this past Katsu everyone was abuzz that she got violent with her ex for telling people that she was abusive. I didn't see it happen before my eyes and I don't have testimonials on hand, though, so I'm wary of adding it to a potential dramabomb.

No. 151848

Someone just called MF out on twitter lol the endless apologies…

No. 151849>>151850>>151851>>151869>>151953

I guess Jenni is selling a hat that says "Futanari" on it and claimed it wasn't transphobic because she identifies as one and also she's Japanese.

No. 151850>>151851>>151953

how can you identify as a futanari? it's a fetish thing. it's like identifying as a vore monster or something like that. you either have the whole penis/vagnia at the same time shebang or you don't. it's not an identifying thing

No. 151851>>151852>>151863>>151869>>151946>>151951>>151952>>151953

File (hide): 1441322888839.png (709.36 KB, 599x591, futahatsaga.png)


Here's the hat in question. I'll upload the comment screencaps after.

GDI /cgl/ janitors. Stop deleting all the threads about this

No. 151852>>151853

File (hide): 1441322917738.png (30.82 KB, 289x341, futasaga2.png)

No. 151853

File (hide): 1441322981781.png (9.46 KB, 291x97, futasagafinale.png)

The irony of this all being that Jenni is pissed at Jnig not apologizing to a comment that might be perceived as offensive

No. 151854>>151856>>151862>>151864

Someone is calling Jenni out on twitter and brought up http://degrassihigh420.livejournal.com/ and Jenni is mad because it's "irrelevant"

No. 151855>>151858

it's actually really cringy to watch MF dig herself deeper and deeper with every fucktarded comment she makes. i almost feel sorry for her because she's clearly an idiot.

No. 151856

File (hide): 1441324284730.gif (479.24 KB, 500x235, jcc.gif)

Goddamn this chick is messed up. Anyone who behaves like this past age 14 is nuts. That's some seriously malicious behavior.

No. 151857

I made a post on the saboten thread hoping everyone who sees her there this weekend calls her a creamy, delicate frawur and it was deleted immediately.

No. 151858

My personal favorites;
>I'm not and have never been her friend, I have no reason to come to her about behavior
But talking shit about her publicly online is better?
>I said if she wanted to actually work things or she should have come to me first she can post about me, but for her to do that the expect a real conversation with me while I'm being harassed by the ppl she purposefully set on me is backwards.
So, you have no reason to directly confront Jessica instead of just talking shit on the internet, but she's obligated to directly confront you and at fault for discussing it on Twitter? lolwut. Also, not seeing this "harassment" she's talking about?
>I don't confront every person who makes a racist comment on the internet I reserve my time and energy for ppl I care about
Right, that's why you put your time and energy into insulting her out of nowhere and defending your actions.

No. 151859>>151861

Posting the evidence in public online can cause her to start hiding things more carefully. My personal suggestion is to stockpile as much as possible, wait for an opportune moment, and send them off anonymously to someone who needs to make decisions about her.

No. 151860

I did this with my gf once and she was like "why didn't you take it off"

No. 151861

If she saw people even just mentioning they had access to this shit, wouldn't she do the same, though?

No. 151862

>When she discovered a friend was filming the situation, she said she was going to kill her and lunged at her but was intercepted by me and others.
I would pay serious cash to see that footage. Why did this cruel temptress have to tell us about this gold if she had no plans on sharing?

No. 151863


No. 151864>>151865>>151881>>152012

File (hide): 1441333614160.jpeg (21.18 KB, 400x400, aaTAFBgi_400x400.jpeg)

i know she's calling out jenni and all but all i can focus on is how fucking huge and ugly that girl's nose is

No. 151865>>151866>>151869>>151875

Where is Jenni from?

No. 151866

A garbage dump

No. 151867>>151870


Mostly a court ordered C&D, reimbursement of phone bills resulting from the flyer, pain & suffering if enough evidence of such, medical & psychiatric bill reimbursements, restraining order, and permanent mark on her record

No. 151868


It's ok, you can publish a tell-all later when she's 40 or something

No. 151869>>151876


cgl janitors are deleting it because it's drama focused on jnig and jenni rather than cosplay and egl discussion threads. it falls under the "no singling people out" rule.

she's not even full jap. she's half white. can someone remind her that her mom is white af and even her dad is super americanized?

No. 151870>>151886

Jenni to this day denies her involvement and there's absolutely no way to prove she had anything to do with it. I was at the con the flyer incident went down at (Anime Boston 2009) basically it was JJ's phone number with a picture of her with cat ears that said something like "for a good time call —" and that she was 15. The cops came, but the second they found out JJ wasn't actually underage, they stopped giving a shit and left since no one actually called her and there were few enough where they were easily removed. Most of my friends went the entire con without ever seeing the flyer.

I know someone posted it to /cgl/ before. I would love anyone who happens to have it, just make sure you censor the phone number. I really wish I had taken one.

No. 151871>>151872


All of his relationships are "open" according to him because he's cheated on every girlfriend.

No. 151872>>151877

File (hide): 1441343617549.gif (490.5 KB, 311x205, a scared fat baby.gif)

Wait what. Where did you hear this?

No. 151873


Wouldn't her lips get rotted away from all that ass kissing?

No. 151874>>151882>>151889>>151927

File (hide): 1441344668928.png (427.02 KB, 599x719, farwhur.png)

I'm trying to find her defending Jessie's brownface stint, but damn Jenni you held onto shit from 2014? Actually, I'm not surprised.

I don't want to put the effort into capping everything but there is some hilarious shit in the replies.


No. 151875>>151884

From the block

No. 151876>>151878>>151880


Alright, but can we stop using "jap" though?

No. 151877>>151888>>151906>>151908>>152003


Jason had a girlfriend before Tatto annnd Tattoo is who he cheated with, so how can you miss

No. 151878>>151879

no? because this isn't tumblr? and you are the one perpetuating that it's ~problematic~ by insinuating it's bad?

No. 151879

Tacky as hell

No. 151880>>151914>>151968

Can we stop using every other shortening, then?

I'm sure seconds take offence at being called "sec", the United States to "US" because it's them, it's not us and LOL is demeaning and appropriating at the same time, because of reasons.

No. 151881

I'd say it's partly made worse by the camera lens: the area between the brow and bottom of the nose should be around the same as from the bottom of the nose to the bottom of the chin, whereas in that picture it's almost double. I'm guessing she was trying to make her eyes bigger and ended up with a proboscis.

No. 151882>>151883>>152353

Holy shit like she herself spews offensive shit all over the place and uses the racism card to get out of trouble after being caught repeatedly talking shit about a very famous cosplayer on a public account. It's just disgusting, she's grasping at straws and trying to sneak out of the whole situation by calling racism on something so fucking far-fetched even tumblrite SJWs would call bullshit on her. She's literally using the whole race issue to make it look like she's the good guy for shitting on her, and coincidentally she didn't at first even call her out for racism until she was caught, she was just doing the basic petty "what a shitty cosplayer lmaooo" thing. Even more fucked up is that she got a lot of fucking advertising from JNig just a while ago, if I was her I'd keep my fucking mouth shut.

Learn to damage control, MF, you could've just apologized or at least ignored it, but you just had to dig yourself deeper in that hole. I hate JNig just as much as the other person and when you make HER look good and grown-up, you're doing something really wrong.

No. 151883>>152353

> even tumblrite SJWs would call bullshit on her.


No. 151884

No. 151885>>151907

She has such a nice body but she is the definition of butter face

No. 151886>>151887

JJ was not 15 at the time she was at least 20. The reason Jenni and co got a slap on the wrist was because she was of age and the flyers were only considered slander.

No. 151887

I think you misread. Anon said the flyers said she was 15, but that she wasn't actually underage.

No. 151888

This is the first time I'm hearing about this.
Although I did hear rumors of him getting with some girl at DragonCon one year.

No. 151889>>151890>>151923

File (hide): 1441387180855.png (416.22 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_2015-09-04-13-16-30…)

some of the replies

No. 151890>>151891>>151923

File (hide): 1441387203722.png (360.14 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_2015-09-04-13-16-46…)

No. 151891>>151893>>151894>>151923>>151956

File (hide): 1441387252260.png (415.78 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_2015-09-04-13-17-53…)

Lol @ the guy who thinks Nigri is a play off of nigger and not her actual last name

No. 151892>>151895>>151897

File (hide): 1441393238755.jpg (60.03 KB, 1536x259, image.jpg)

I feel like 75% of the stuff she's saying, could be turned around and said about her. She's gotten away with a lot of verbal and physical violence, yet she still has "fans" who admire her. This thread is proof that she's and her friends for that matter are terrible people.

No. 151893>>151896

I think he's referring to the fact her site titles tend to be "Nigri Please", not her name itself although that would be gold.

I'm black and don't find Nigri Please offensive at all, it's just tactless but harmless humor. People need to get the fucking stick out of their ass.

No. 151894>>151896>>151898>>151959

I think the guy is talking about the whole "Nigri please" thing that other people have complained about.

Which brings me to my question: what the hell does "racist" mean to Americans? I saw someone complaining about JN and her "Nigri please" poster at some con saying how she, as a woman of colour, was made to feel really uncomfortable at a convention because of such racist, hateful language.

So, what does "racist" mean to Americans? 'cause I've got no clue. In my country you're racist if you discriminate on the base of race, not if you make puns with no hateful intent (yeah, how is it hateful?) or if you say something about trying to look creamy.

No. 151895>>151897

File (hide): 1441395847555.gif (460.48 KB, 160x160, rusrsrn.gif)

>It really bothers me when people get away with awful shit bc they're popular


No. 151896>>151901>>151904

Ohhh yeah you guys are right. I had forgotten that she used to do that. I'm 1/2 black and I never found that offensive either. People seriously can't take a joke anymore.

>Which brings me to my question: what the hell does "racist" mean to Americans? I saw someone complaining about JN and her "Nigri please" poster at some con saying how she, as a woman of colour, was made to feel really uncomfortable at a convention because of such racist, hateful language.

In America, you could literally make a fart that sounds like a racial slur and you'd have a lynch mob called after you.
Shit's getting really ridiculous lately. I have to be incredibly conscious about what I say around certain friends because I don't want to trigger a SJW outburst. Something is terribly wrong with how PC everything's gotten lately, because it's arrived at the point where people are starting to become afraid to express negative opinions.
"As a woman of color", JNig could literally run through the con halls screaming "I hate blacks" and I wouldn't give two shits. If someone is that ignorant, I'll just ignore them.
Racist people are just idiotic attention whores who probably hate themselves more than anyone else. People need to realize that no matter how much you try to coddle and get all butthurt about "muh feelings" there's always gonna be someone out there that will end up upsetting you in one way or another.
That's just how life is.

No. 151897

Honestly, this entire fight is essentially just MF being a massive hypocrite who lacks any self-awareness.

No. 151898>>151899

To Americans either nothing short of actively declaring your desire to lynch PoC is racist, or literally everything is. Part of why race is still such a massive issue here is because of extremism from both sides.

No. 151899>>151905

The media doesn't help either. They love to hype up anything involving racial tensions.

No. 151900

God, both those girls are an embarrassing joke. Both PP and Tak combined with MF are like drama magnets

No. 151901>>151902>>151903>>151954

File (hide): 1441397436443.jpg (35.67 KB, 308x290, disgruntled old man.jpg)

>mfw people in this country still say negro

Americans would explode.

No. 151902

SJWs aren't representative of how Americans view race. Most Americans are pretty racist, actually.

No. 151903

What country? In some countries, its just their word for black and not a racial slur like it us in the US.

No. 151904

Some of the most racist shit said to me has come from SJW types. I've literally been told that my perspective as a black person on issues regarding my own race isn't valid by white SJWs because I'm the only/one of the only PoC that have ever disagreed with their extremist persecution complexes. No matter how trivial the issue (most of the worst has been over shit like Disney nitpicks) I've got some white bitch calling me self hating, ignorant to my own heritage, etc. They can get vicious as fuck too, I've been called a disgusting Uncle Tom (again, by a white person) for saying there's nothing wrong with whites cosplaying black characters as long as they don't do blackface, and how it made me sad that people were scared to because i think it's nice seeing whites like and relate enough to PoC characters to dress as them.

No. 151905


Lol, I just remembered how FOX and a shitton of people were trying to say Dylan Roof was targeting Christians, not blacks.

No. 151906

Oh shit we need more details anon. They've always rubbed me the wrong way but I've never been able to place it beyond being friends with Jenni.

No. 151907>>151912>>151957

File (hide): 1441402272992.png (902.19 KB, 593x591, learntoeyebrow.png)

For real. She's slim and proportional but looks like fucking Baba Yaga

No. 151908>>151909>>151915>>151942>>151943

you're talking about saku/cheyenne, who is just as insane and vindictive as MF so it's hard to believe anything she says either. AFAIK TATTO and her bf didn't get together till after he dumped saku but she was pissed about it so she tells people he cheated on her.

No. 151909>>151911

More deets on saku being like MF??

No. 151910

I really wish that JJ was still nuts. That will always be my favorite MF drama. Anyone else remember that shit throwing contest?

No. 151911>>151942

I don't have anything specific but her last relationship crumbled because of her toxic behavior

No. 151912>>151913

MF is the only girl I actively want to have sex with and I will never understand it

No. 151913

Please love yourself

No. 151914>>151955

Shortening "I am" to "I'm" is triggering my delicate nature

No. 151915>>151916


Yes, so vindictive and insane that no one's heard from /for years/.

No. 151916>>151917>>151919

if you're friends with or know her on any capacity then you'd understand how nutbag she is but she doesn't actively participate in cosplay culture that much anymore so she dropped off of cgl radars.

No. 151917>>151918

"no one's heard from /for years/"

What part of any of that means friends?

No. 151918>>151920

did you miss the "or know her in any capacity" part of the post? jesus.

No. 151919>>151921

Damn anon what did she do to you? AFAIK she hates Jenni just like the rest of us, I don't know if I would consider that vindictive.

No. 151920

Way to derail

No. 151921>>151932>>151934

nothing to me, I used to have her on twitter a few years ago and it was a trainwreck. left that shit behind and I doubt she's gotten any better. "as vindictive as MF" might have been overkill but she's still not someone I'd trust about any shit talking.

No. 151922>>151924>>151925>>152012

File (hide): 1441424151452.png (115.94 KB, 596x683, kek.png)

I fucking hate twitter's new display for replies, it makes it difficult to view the chain in one go.

No. 151923

hell yeah shintaro kago

No. 151924

Awww yeah u go gurl

No. 151925

File (hide): 1441438206741.gif (782.51 KB, 400x225, 1439341538948.gif)

Yesssssss put her in her place

No. 151926

Could someone please Tweet both Jess and Jenni the cap of Jenni asking how to do blackface so she could be "African Goddess Brown"?

No. 151927


No. 151928>>151930

If MF really hates Jess then why did she sold her costume to her in the first place?

No. 151929>>151933>>151936

File (hide): 1441476018004.jpg (145.47 KB, 768x1024, image.jpg)

Jenni looks busted as fuck. I don't blame her for never smiling. Damn.

No. 151930>>151931

publicity. had we not told jnig about jenni's gossiping, jnig probably wouldn't have found out. on the other hand, jenni knew that jnig would promo the shit out of her if she sold jnig that cosplay.

No. 151931

Yeah, someone needs to call her out on how disgusting it is that she used her like that.

Didn't someone say they were going to compile all of Jenni's past questionable racial comments and make a Tumblr call out or something?

No. 151932>>151935

Aren't you just mad people want nothing to do with you, Jason, or Jenni anymore, Tattoo? You only call "vindictive" because no one wanted to waste time on you, so you made it up to get attention back.

No. 151933

I really like that squid kid wig.

No. 151934>>151935>>151940

Silly, Skye. That's a story about you, not anyone else :)

No. 151935>>151937>>151942

never said I liked the rest of them either, they cause just as much shit. I've just heard conflicting stories from sakus side since she's batshit. but ok. whatever you want to believe, anon.

No. 151936>>151938

Yeah she's has bad teeth and her bird nose isn't doing her any justice either
Speaking of splatoon has she even played the game yet?

No. 151937

You sound mad.

No. 151938>>151939

Her room mate just got it a couple weeks ago (WAY after she did Callie) and she plays it every once in a while.

Nothing will ever top the story of someone asking her at ax which team she was rooting for during the first splatfest (while she was in Callie) and she didn't know what she was taking about.

No. 151939

that sounds amazing
do you have the full story? or was this heard through the grapevine?

No. 151940

>basing on hearsay

No. 151941>>151944

So, has Mostflogged learned this time?

No. 151942>>151943>>151945

new anon here but saku/cheyenne literally is a psychotic bitch. i've known her for years and i've met few people who were more two-faced and awful. mostflogged is shit, too, and so is tatto. they all deserve each other.

No. 151943

Who is this person and how are they so awful? No one has posted any details.

No. 151944

I highly doubt it

No. 151945

Doubt it

No. 151946>>151947

File (hide): 1441666425929.png (48.32 KB, 573x318, ddc20d2aaca9c9ab72512f79f5f255…)

I know it's not MF but this shit had me laughing. On top of a group of people complaining on twitter about their store's futanari hat being cultural appropriation. The same shit Jenni just called Nigri out for. >>151851

No. 151947>>151948>>151949>>151950

File (hide): 1441666607147.png (122.82 KB, 600x793, dfab7df79974b0831d8e9b9c7150e0…)

No. 151948

>then you zero in on the one fuck in some dumb xxxl shirt that says "SENPAII" with an inverted cross and this hat, and you resign right there

too true though

No. 151949


No. 151950

This person sounds like a whiny faggot tbh, but I hate MF so whatever

No. 151951>>151978

File (hide): 1441684180941.jpg (7.26 KB, 480x360, filthyfrank.jpg)

For some reason her expression here makes me think of filthy frank

No. 151952>>151964

Fucking really? Tumblr, shut up. You don't even know what you're talking about. Do they believe traps and cross-dressing in anime/manga is transphobic too?

No. 151953

It's definitely a fetish, but nothing to do with trans people.

No. 151954>>151958

I say negro because it's spanish for the color black. Deal with it, tumblr.

No. 151955

File (hide): 1441685142532.jpg (573.74 KB, 1080x1080, Data_takes_the_stand.jpg)

>Not I am

No. 151956

Is that the same Chris married to Carrie Wink?

No. 151957>>151961

While I'm glad they're not doing the shitty manga-style contour bullshit, those eyebrows are so bad on both of them. Her personality doesn't fit Yasuho either.

No. 151958

I wasn't talking about Spain at all. Where I am from people still use the word Negro in reference to African people.
There's nothing tumblr about it, tumblr probably doesn't even know my country exists.

No. 151959>>151960>>151961>>151963>>151979

I tried supporting the BLM movement and was told by a few black people that it's probably because I want a black boyfriend/am fetishizing blacks.

So literally being white an acknowleging poc in any way, whether positiviely or negatively, will be seen as racist.

No. 151960

Then let them stew in their own bullshit.

No. 151961>>151962

this is the biggest crock of bullshit i've ever heard. "fetishizing blacks" because you tried supporting blm lmaoooooo

anon, you don't understand! all of this drama is just people trying to attack mf and make her look bad. 0m0 she is actually a perfect, sweet, gentle, beautiful animu goddessu. uwu

No. 151962

>0m0 she is actually a perfect, sweet, gentle, beautiful creamy animu goddessu. uwu

Fixed that for you.

No. 151963

There's always going to be people you offend no matter what your stance on anything is, especially with issues like race. There's some PoC who pretty much want separate but equal. I kind of understand why some people don't trust supportive whites (I have met quite a few white guys trying to pick up black chicks at rallies and some of the most racist things ever said to me have been by SJWs who think they are in a position to hostily tell me off for my beliefs not being horribly radical because ~black friends~) but exercising caution is different than just being a dick and thinking that's the sole motivation anyone could have.

Thanks for supporting my people, by the way. <3

No. 151964

They do, actually

No. 151965>>151966

Well that new drama fizzled out fast and was slightly disappointing.

No. 151966>>151967

It could have been glorious if JNug hadn't stopped contributing. MF was still bitching two days after JNig's last tweet on the issue.

It would probably be reignited if someone were to Tweet Jenni the cap of her asking how to do blackface. I'm sure shed flip shit at being called out in her hypocrisy.

No. 151967

someone dooo it.

No. 151968>>151969>>151970

omg "jap" is not the same as just shortening a word dumbass it's historically a racial slur https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jap

No. 151969

I cringe when people don't realize 'jap' and 'JP' are not the same thing.

No. 151970>>151971>>151972>>151985

Historically, sure.

But what if you're from a different country and you didn't have that? Intentions should have a bearing, too.

And it's still just a shortening, without the demeaning intentions. If a person really dislikes a particular word, I'd avoid saying it even if it was 'banana', but it's ridiculous when people who aren't even the ethnicity they get outraged for start as if it was impossible for someone to use a word without malicious intent.

No. 151971

not being completely ignorant helps.

No. 151972>>151973

I feel like with the historical context, it's fine for non-Japanese to be offended by that word.

No. 151973

You can take offence at anything, and other people can also not care. If you do get outraged when there's no malicious intent, then your priority is to show you've got the higher moral ground, rather than calmly explaining why something might be offensive or hurtful.

No. 151974>>151975>>151976>>151980>>151986

File (hide): 1442447712639.jpg (162.47 KB, 768x1024, image.jpg)

I feel like she's actually getting worse at makeup as time goes on

No. 151975>>151977

That looks pretty accurate for the character

No. 151976


Bitch needs to leave my waifu Jolyne alone.

No. 151977

Are you missing the eyebrow situation that's going on?

No. 151978

Frank is a happa God. They're not comparable.

No. 151979

Yeahhh I'm white too and not long ago I shared a video on Facebook supporting BLM. My reason for doing it is that I have a lot of ignorant, blatantly racist family members on my friend list who keep posting about on Facebook how black people deserve what they get for commiting crimes, and macros saying things like "I choose to support our police and not criminals" and "police lives matter". The video was really informing and explained a lot of misconceptions white people had about it, and I wanted them to see it without sending it directly to them because I knew they'd blow up at me.

But I got a message from a girl who went to my high school (she wasn't black, but Hispanic) and she told me I was obviously seeking attention/fishing for likes by publically supporting a poc cause. I politely told her about my racist ass family and how I was indirectly targeting the video to them so they would shut the fuck up, and she deleted me as a friend.

You can't please everybody.

No. 151980>>151981

Bitch needs to also leave jJBS alone, holy shit she's fucking ruining it, especially. Jolene. Like girl seriously, GTFO

No. 151981

**JJBA fuck I hate my phone
But yeah, bitch needs to leave my fave series alone

No. 151982>>151983>>151987

File (hide): 1442623302643.jpeg (92.38 KB, 640x686, image.jpeg)

Twitter just recommended this tweet to me.

No. 151983>>151984>>151988>>151989

File (hide): 1442624037465.png (316.37 KB, 581x373, worm.png)

LOL last night one of Taki's friends tweeted this at the girl who made this tweet and a whole bunch of those little twerps ganged up on her (mariahmallad)

Can I propose a thread that's MF clan general? Possibly merging it with the psychedelicpaprika thread on snow. Taki, yirico, and co are so obnoxious

No. 151984>>151990

I agree with this!

No. 151985

with it being prominent during a world war, there's something to be considered: "world". involving the entire world. every country is in the world. so being "from a different country" has no validity

No. 151986

oh no, please burn it

No. 151987

>ignorant white girl
that girls profile literally says she's arabic

No. 151988>>151990

God, all of them are psychos trying to kiss each other's asses and riding coattails

No. 151989>>151990

yes pls make the thread there is so much to discuss

No. 151990>>151991>>151992>>151993>>152138

File (hide): 1442776573795.png (24.28 KB, 585x195, likeshit.png)

Would you guys actually want one? I feel like I'm the only person on here who's interested in them acting like fools (despite /cgl/ bitching about them always). I don't know if I'm organized enough to gather the info for a thread OP, though.

Anyways, interestingly enough…

No. 151991>>151992>>152353

File (hide): 1442776603193.png (344.93 KB, 589x589, makorins.png)

However, this was not the case with that spongebob tweet from earlier.

No. 151992

File (hide): 1442784318611.gif (993.29 KB, 451x332, anigif_enhanced-buzz-23846-139…)

what a piece of shit hypocrite omfg
Taki wasn't like this before tho
>I like to think Drew broke up with her because deep down he knew she was psycho

No. 151993

You're doing pretty well so far, anon.

No. 151994>>152046

this girl is a world-class violinist, so…

No. 151995>>151996>>151997>>152002>>152024

File (hide): 1442911973510.jpg (246.08 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg)

This is the most juvenile MySpace thing I have ever seen.

No. 151996>>151997>>151998>>151999

File (hide): 1442912076369.jpg (235.75 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg)

Not to mention how wildly professional their tweets are. I'm all for keeping your (taobao reselling) brand you, but they take it so obnoxiously far. They should consider taking classes on marketing or something bc frankly It looks like a 14 year old runs their company

No. 151997>>152000

I don't see what makes this any worse than any other "company" (take that with a big grain of salt but still) considering their style and what they're selling. Not my style but I don't see the big problem or why you hate it soooooo much aside from "MF fronts it"

Not just these posts but a lot of what I'm seeing complained about here seems really graspy. This girl is some hypocritical tumblr shit but y'all need therapy from sitting on twitter hitting refresh.

No. 151998

Didn't Jenni go to school for marketing

No. 151999

So embarrassing. It's like she's trying to be hip and cool and edgy.

No. 152000>>152001

>I don't see what makes this any worse than any other "company" (take that with a big grain of salt but still) considering their style and what they're selling. Not my style but I don't see the big problem or why you hate it soooooo much aside from "MF fronts it"
Different anon and not trying to be rude, but you don't get it because you don't know much about business and marketing. In business classes, the first thing they emphasize is being professional when doing anything related to your company. Even people who run stripper clothing stores know to be professional and not type like a 13 year old Tumblrina when posting to their professional pages, it's so basic that I can't even say it's Business 101. Personally, I think the most unprofessional thing about her Tweets is that she has no problem having ridiculous Twitter wars on her main account, which she also uses for ATS. I was actually considering getting one of the Madoka necklaces, despite her being a tool, until she had that thing with Jess. It's a huge red flag for a seller to bring completely unnecessary drama to an account they also use for their company.

No. 152001>>152024

also diff anon but the accounts are separate? she retweets stuff from ats since I assume she's trying to spread the word but as far as I'm seeing ats doesn't tweet anything other than clothes/company related stuff, her account is only as connected as any one else who also retweets ats tweets so I don't really understand what you mean

honestly I don't think many people even know she's attached to ats at all, most people here didn't until someone mentioned it

I guess she types like a tumblerina but that's clearly who she's trying to sell to, also plenty of companies not selling professional goods or on a "professional scale" type/use internet style language, so that argument doesn't really make any sense

No. 152002

That Tattoo chick is so revolting looking. I cringe every time I see her.

No. 152003>>152004

Oh so Skye and Jill (Zalora) are truly sisters. Cheaters.

No. 152004

Zal cheated too? Damn.

No. 152005>>152006>>152008

File (hide): 1443458285421.jpg (166.91 KB, 682x1024, image.jpg)

God damn her eyebrows get worse with every photo

No. 152006>>152007>>152009

she looks old

No. 152007>>152008>>152009>>152010>>152027

She's not super young. Iirc she's 28 or 29 or something? She tweeted the other day about being almost 30 and still cosplaying high school girls.

No. 152008>>152010

Fucking dammit. When you have angular features don't fucking contour. It'll make you look older. I'm legit getting awkward Madonna vibes from >>152005.

No. 152009


She isn't old, but her makeup is making her look way older too.

No. 152010>>152011

File (hide): 1443542535460.jpg (19.91 KB, 308x640, CH29lgBUsAAtrnd.jpg)


Yukako (the person she's cosplaying) is a high school student, but she makes her look like a drag queen. The heavy white lower lash line is a bit too much. The costume's mostly accurate (nitpicks are the skirt has too many ruffles and top is cropped a little shorter than normal) – her face just seems a bit angular because of her contouring, and as usual, her eyebrow game is overboard.

No. 152011>>152014

>she makes her look like a drag queen
It's a JJBA cosplay anon

No. 152012>>152015

Oh hey! This is me. This picture was from a while ago. Yeah, my nose really isn't the greatest but I've learned my way around camera angles a bit better now on the bright side.

I tried. I got pretty tired though when she called in her tumblr-y friends to lecture me on how they're a sociologist and how their theories of sociology-version racism are actual fact when most of sociology is opinionated theory.

No. 152013>>152016>>152018

Does this bitch have a job? Or a life?

No. 152014>>152018

lol, my thoughts exactly.

No. 152015>>152017

I don't know what you were using, but it looks like you have some barrelling effect going on there, making your nose bigger than it could be (the eyes as well). Generally, the distance between the brow line and the bottom of the nose is the same as the one between the bottom of the nose and the end of the chin, but that's not the case there.

No. 152016>>152018

last I heard, she has a job
>"half goes to bills and the other towards cosplay"

No. 152017>>152019


I was using a crappy iPhone 4 camera at the time and didn't really know how to flatter my face, but I find that it looks a little better in my recent pictures in spite of me having an unfortunate german nose. Thank you for your advice though, I'll take the barreling effect into consideration when I'm taking random snaps of myself in the future.

No. 152018

She used to work at some tea place iirc but quit her job to do her taobao resellin– I mean, her "Ceo position" full time. That's how she's able to spend a month or two at a time in SoCal.

No. 152019>>152020

I wasn't criticising your appearance by the way, I don't know whether it was clear. I don't see anything wrong with your nose, but if you want to minimise it, taking a trial photo of something you know to be square to see where the barrelling effect occurs would help you.

I've tried iPhone 4 cameras before, they seem to make everything in the middle puff up.

No. 152020

Don't worry anon, you don't sound offensive at all. I really appreciate your helpful advice.

No. 152021>>152022>>152023

File (hide): 1443764894394.jpg (99.41 KB, 525x800, wicked_ways_by_mostflogged-d3e…)

I'm gonna be real disappointed if this is the only "nude" she has floating around

No. 152022

File (hide): 1443765138283.jpg (263.74 KB, 903x1376, BRIGHTERANDFAPPABLEwicked_ways…)

Also here I adjusted the image so you can make out the tit.

No. 152023

There's another one from that shoot on anonib that shows her front.

No. 152024>>152025

Another diff anon chiming in, but isn't this her store's account? >>151995 I know people starting businesses for niche subcultures think it's fun and quirky to type like the stereotype of their demographic group but it rarely works for your advantage. It doesn't bring you "closer" to your group, it just makes you lose all authority in their eyes because you don't feel professional and thus trustworthy enough.

But otherwise holy shit all that 2007 scene garbage. Lasercut diamond necklaces haven't been a thing in years, melty stuff and studded caps were big in 2013 and does anyone even wear those heart chokers anymore? The whole promo poster just reeks of tryhard, especially with the "anime trash swag" tagline that's probably trying to be ironic but that's pretty much what this is.

No. 152025

They seem to cater to weaboos of the darker-skinned African descent and other trash that are behind in the times, so it oddly fits.

I agree that they're extremely tryhard and I would never buy anything from them. It's extremely tacky.

No. 152026>>152029>>152030

File (hide): 1444420265591.jpg (419.81 KB, 1936x1936, image.jpg)

Masks make her look so fucking derpy, especially with her god awful teeth. Why would she ever post these?

I also love that she brags every year about """"working""" at the koto booth.. Except koto takes so freaking many volunteers every con, they have literally ten-fifteen cosplayers every day. and their only compensation is a couple free figures that didn't sell at the con.

No. 152027>>152028

She is 25

No. 152028

shes 27

No. 152029>>152031

Apparently NYCC is terrible since some dude tried to take her pic on public transportation, she made a scene and some lady called her a tramp.
Oh and cat calling. I just hope she gets beat again.

No. 152030


She looks hideous.

No. 152031>>152032>>152034>>152067

File (hide): 1444472822517.jpg (194.74 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg)

She VOLUNTEERED to work at the koto booth, in costume. She ASKED to be standing in front of their sign all day, and is mad when passer bys at the con snap a photo of her? Kind of ridiculous. You're not in the con hallway taking to friends eating your lunch. You agreed to work there, don't whine when people are too aspie to ask or you're already posing and they don't want to stop walking.

No. 152032>>152034

File (hide): 1444492725244.jpg (22.82 KB, 218x266, 1438886255664.jpg)

She's been cosplaying for ages. This happens all the time at cons. wtf is she even complaining about?
Dumb attention whore.

No. 152033>>152035>>152067

Oh MF. I do believe that women should be able to wear whatever they want and still have their privacy and personal boundaries respected. But, when you're in public in an obviously shitty wig, unusual outift that reveals various parts of your anatomy, and crude layers of makeup, people will take notice. It's the same as people taking pictures of train wrecks and car accidents without asking; it's because it's a bizarre thing to witness.

Plus, her personality seems abrasive and off putting. She seems loud and ill informed. That's scary and intimidating to the people who are socially awkward, and that's the people she constantly surrounds herself with. Maybe instead of being combative, approach some of the random guys and say "I'm sure the photo you took wasn't that great because of the lighting, or my face was weird, would you like one that's posed?" Nip that shit in the bud and maybe these guys will either be embarrassed and think twice about doing it again, or encouraged to ask for a photo once they see it's not hard to do.

But it's whatever.

No. 152034>>152037

i dunno why it's considered normal to take photos without asking. Even if she's working a booth/standing in a sign, it's still common courtesy to ask. I don't like MF either, but she does deserve something as simple as asking for a photo.

No. 152035

>comparing car accidents to asking a person for a photo
I agree with mostly all of your post aside from that though. Instead of getting upset of the dudes taking photos of her, I would call them out and say something. I dunno. she seems whiny, though I can understand a bit why she'd be upset.

No. 152036>>152045

Adam worked for NASA? Doing what? I thought he sits resells shit on ebay and craigslist? He seems like a cool guy, but way to concerned about whiteknighting his feminist posse. Him and Jenni living together just boggles my mind.

No. 152037>>152038>>152039

I disagree to an extent. I think the polite thing to do is always ask BUT, I can see it from the attendee side where these girls are pretty much just objects along with the rest of the booth. They are ONLY there for sex appeal/get guys interested.

What I don't get about MF and this hobby and its neo-feminist bullshit. Why the fuck do you think ANY vendor whether it's comic, anime, or game want women to volunteer to booth babe? You're eye-candy, models, a face with no inherent value to anyone outside of those hours on the floor. It's a complete novelty, especially for vendors who make a large killing off of their sexualized merchandise. You signed yourself up for it. These girls have been going to cons across the country for years and try to act oblivious to what their doing is so hypocritical. All those prints of you provocatively posed for in next to nothing that you sell on store envy? Who do you THINK is buying them? Do you think dudes jerk off more respectfully to you because of your "dedication" to the hobby?

No. 152038>>152039

This! Obviously no one deserves to be disrespected, but if you're going to volunteer to be a booth babe basically, you take the shit that comes with it- like thirsty ass niggas.

No. 152039>>152040>>152041>>152042>>152044


I think I wouldn't mind trying out to be a booth babe. I love meeting new people. My part time job involves me sitting in a booth talking to people anyways. I guess the sexualization aspect isn't the greatest but that's where the money comes from lol

No. 152040

You sound like a stupid slut

No. 152041

The only people you're going to be meet are grimy neckbeards. Have some self respect.

No. 152042

if the pay is worth it, go for it. The neckbeards enjoy the illusion of you being attainable amd you get their money. Everybody wins.

Farmers here will tell you to keep your dignity but there is nothing wrong with using your sexuality to earn money as long as you're safe about it. Enjoy it while it lasts because you won't be able to do it forever.

No. 152043>>152047>>152049

File (hide): 1444854270615.jpeg (41 KB, 477x319, image.jpeg)


No. 152044

I'd say do it if you're offered, anon. Salty uggo-chans are just mad that they're not qt enough to be chosen.

I've done it at multiple conventions before, and it's pretty fun. It does get tiring standing for 8+ hours and handing out flyers, but for $800 and a free badge for 3 days work… Not a big deal. The company I work for gives me a ton of free crap, too. They are quite the large company though, so I guess it wouldn't be expected of smaller booth owners.

You do definitely get the autists and neckbeards, and you have to be nice no matter what… But fellow booth babes and booth owners have ALWAYS had my back and bailed me out any time a creepy guy tried holding a long conversation or tried to touch me.

Srsly though if you don't mind missing out on the con for 8 hours a day, I say do it and rake in the cash.

Sage because unrelated. I don't really follow this thread, but I have no idea how people find her attractive… Shes quite ugly imo. How did she get popular in the first place?

No. 152045>>152075


Yeahhhh I don't remember him ever working for NASA, he's always made money off selling shit online. Hell, when he was married to Jessie he didn't even live in the U.S., he was trying to get his green card marriage visa bs all sorted out and was in Canada most of the time. Pretty sure that's why she went around banging other dudes.

No. 152046

um no, she's famous but her technique is pretty atrocious. she has good showmanship but that's about it

No. 152047>>152048>>152051

She looks bad here. What is her race/ethnicity?

No. 152048

gremlin witch from under a toadstool

No. 152049

tbh im the one that posted this and i feel bad now

No. 152050>>152052>>152056

File (hide): 1444958715372.jpg (163.47 KB, 768x1024, image.jpg)

>fake piercing
Have you ever been so try hard…

No. 152051>>152054

she's white/japanese
every weebs dream

No. 152052>>152056

so trashy. she looks like the kind of girl who lets her bf cum in her without a condom

No. 152053>>152055

Apparently this "store" http://arsenicxcyanide.tumblr.com/
Found out where ~anime trash swag~ outsources their Chinese made snapbacks etc and now everyone in that group is butthurt.
It's hilarious because they're saying these newer items are boring when its the same shit. Literally. https://twitter.com/takisiski/status/654848869616873472

No. 152054>>152057

She's a really unfortunate looking haffu

No. 152055

Woah it's literally the exact same items, these girls are delusional as fuck
it's unsettling

>I honestly hope this hurts their sales

No. 152056>>152062

i lol'd

her face shape is so… unique. i don't know what to say. i think if she didnt have a hook nose it would be better. she's not horribly ugly or anything.

No. 152057>>152058

i know its probably just stereotype but often times, haffus (white+asian) are pretty cute
or maybe its just that those are the only ones that get attention for being haffu -.-

No. 152058

It's just the cute ones that get attention. I've seen some busted looking halfus.

No. 152059>>152060>>152061>>152062>>152066>>152068

First Taiyoucon now she's ~a official cosplay guest~ at NJ Comic Expo.
You wanna know why no one's asked you before, Jenni? You make no challenging costumes, you're still stuck in the mindset of a 13 year old girl and you talk a lot of non-critical shit. Please, ya nasty.

No. 152060

>>Implying that cosplays guests get invited for challenging costume lol

I agree her attitude and lack of caring to connect in the community don't get her invites it has nothing to do with her costumes. All guests now at cons either don't make their costumes/only have made 2 costumes/slept with the con chair/hot blonde white girl. Most other cosplay guests/old staffers probably hate her for her standoffish attitude which is why she's usually thrown under the rug

No. 152061

"networking opportunity" jesus christ, these girls and their delusions.

Her costume construction is on and off questionable at best, and her public persona is absolute garbage for a commercial use. Publicly picking fights, shit talking, misandry, racism on just a public twitter account, yeah, you're limiting most of your options down to "take your clothes off or get out of the way".

No. 152062

Wow, that tweet is SO horribly bitchy and rude.

I think that she's pretty (seen her in person) but just doesn't photograph well. I've found that a lot of the people who are the nicest looking in person have a tendency to take unflattering photos

No. 152063>>152064

File (hide): 1445536364484.jpg (227.46 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg)

She's gonna try charging 95$ for this garbage. L o l. I'm gonna make the exact same thing and sell them for 70$ or something. I hope no idiots actually pay her for this crap. You could make these with a hot glue gun, you don't even need to sew.

No. 152064>>152065

No. 152065


She has quite weird obsession with trans girls.

No. 152066

Being invited as a cosplay guest is nothing special actually. The people who invite these guests just pick someone they heard the name of, have no idea what cosplay actually is and just ask them to come over since they'll just have to give them a free pass and it's a cheap way to seem like they have actual guests of honor to display. Most cons don't pay for cosplay guests' housing or travel, unless you're Nigri, Yaya or Reika. I've seen so much obscure cosplayers invited to other countries as cosplay guests via connections and nobody in that convention being actually interested in them or even knowing they're there.

No. 152067

tbh to me it seems like she's just whining to get brownie points for being such a martyr and at the same time she gets the attention and a chance to feel sexy and wanted. It's a win-win for her.

No. 152068

She can't even be bothered to stay even remotely professional for 5 minutes.

No. 152069>>152070>>152073

File (hide): 1451670993360.jpeg (97.99 KB, 667x1000, image.jpeg)

Ngl I actually really like this picture. Jenni may be a piece of shit but she really knows how to find good togs.

No. 152070>>152072>>152076

But the photography is awful and she's dumpy as hell.

No. 152071

Bump for more drama

No. 152072

You sound very salty.

No. 152073>>152074

She has a nice figure but her boobs dont look good at all. She should have invested in boob tape to make them perky.

No. 152074

boob tape? sorry to sound noob but what it does and where i can find it?

No. 152075

Dr Teng didn't work for nasa, The guy she dated after him did. That guys name was Kyle and he was a basic autist, but he worshipped Jessie, bought her tons of shit, gave her a car, etc. I'm pretty sure that's the only reason she stayed with him for as long as she did.

No. 152076

the photography IS awful. at least use a reflector. crop is awkward too. her bod looks ok though

No. 152077>>152078>>152081>>152083>>152084>>152088>>152140

File (hide): 1457220317806.jpeg (165.01 KB, 768x1024, image.jpeg)

Have you ever been such an attention whore you wore cosplay to a bodybuilding event?

No. 152078>>152079>>152080>>152084>>152085>>152086>>152090

File (hide): 1457220431806.jpeg (204.84 KB, 1024x768, image.jpeg)

She did it two days in a row too. Holy shit.

No. 152079


She has the most unfortunate looking face jesus christ.

No. 152080


No. 152081>>152082>>152088

>wore cosplay to a bodybuilding event

who does this and why

No. 152082>>152088

because she's an attention whore who went specifically to cosplay Street Fighter

No. 152083

I don't even have a problem with mostflogged and this pisses me off. That's… so unnecessary

No. 152084>>152088

What fucking attention whores. That's beyond obnoxious.

No. 152085

>that beak nose
>those jacked up teeth


No. 152086

That android 17 is pretty cute.

No. 152087


No. 152088


For what it's worth, there were a few people doing it. There was an incredibly jacked guy dressed as Guile when I was there. Overall tho the Arnold is just for participating in comps and getting free protein bars so idk why she'd fly out here to Ohio for it.

No. 152089>>152094

No. 152090>>152091

Most flogged needs a better eyeliner, holy shit. Not going to hold her crowded teeth against her since genetics can suck but fuck… That makeup is so bad. AND WHY IS SHE COSPLAYING AT A BODY BUILDING EVENT?!

No. 152091

her make up game has been going down ever since she started darkening her brows

No. 152092>>152095>>152197>>152199

File (hide): 1457406603668.png (1.12 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

I was going through Jenni's Instagram and isn't this from the period carrot incident? Not the exact photo of her on the carrot but that's the costume, right?

No. 152093>>152097

She has broken ties with so many of her friends it's quite entertaining

For anyone curious, you can see people she blocked if you compare posts from a few months ago to people she posts now if you dig deep enough.

No. 152094

Oh my god.

No. 152095>>152096>>152099

So is she friends with Jessi or Dr Teng, because those two are exes and as far as I knew didn't talk.

No. 152096>>152098

She is friends with Jessie and Dr Teng but she doesn't care about how they both feel about each other.

She has virtually no friends if you actually put her Twitter under a microscope and see that 99% of people she talks to are rabid followers she throws bones to. And then girls like Lovelypaprika or Tatto she keeps as accessories.

No. 152097

File (hide): 1458162727650.png (3.95 KB, 584x71, yes.png)

feels good bro

No. 152098>>152100


Wasn't PP with Tatum and their weird crew?

No. 152099>>152101


Adam and Jessie are friends/cordial i think. Jessie still makes costumes for Adam at least.

No. 152100>>152102

Yeah but Lovely_Paprika and takisaki hate Tatum now. Not sure exactly why.

https://twitter.com/takisiski/status/644372823293607936 This might have to do with it though. Of course MF liked this, lol

No. 152101

Ah gotcha. I'm always morbidly curious about those two and their whole oldfag crew because I used to go on cosfu but lost contact with everyone. It's always entertaining to see the ones who used to criticize/make fun of cows become and befriend them.

No. 152102>>152104>>152106


Yeah, Tatum is super creepy. She's an adult but she acts like an absolute child. At one point she was actually dating a teenager, right?

Sorry to derail this thread but tbh I just hate her so much.

No. 152103

Apparently she is selling her costumes but instead of storeenvy she's asking people to DM her so she knows what sales go where. Before Nigri bought her Supergirl and she shat a brick

No. 152104>>152105

I'm surprised to see people come forward with shit about Tatum…Why doesn't she have her own thread? Sage for OT.

No. 152105

She's been talked about before on /cgl/ and on PP's /snow/ thread, but I don't think she has enough drama for her own thread.

No. 152106>>152107

Who is Tatum? might as well spill here since it's MF related

No. 152107>>152108>>152109

She used to be big into the Homestuck cosplay scene and was pretty popular iirc. She acts like she's 16 or so and won't disclose her age but she's 23, I think. I've followed her for a few years and she's constantly into new relationships. She's super dramatic and emotional but preaches positivity and uwu garbage. She's also non-binary, of course.


There's more I could say but since this isn't her thread I'll keep it to this. Search for her name on /cgl/ archives and you'll find more stuff.

No. 152108

Wow her face is so unfortunate…

No. 152109>>152133


Should she have her own thread? Ngl, I was surprised when I first found this board and she didn't but PP did.

No. 152110>>152111

File (hide): 1458445683800.jpg (82.05 KB, 1165x311, mf.jpg)

No. 152111>>152112>>152113

I wonder who's she's talking about

I'm also wondering how long it is until her current group of friends are going to be thrown under the bus too

No. 152112>>152114

She lives with Tatto now, so who knows

No. 152113


I follow some of her east coast scum and few seem to interact with her lately. One of them has a private account she shat on about drama that seemed to have MF's name all over it too

No. 152114>>152115>>152117

I feel bad for tatto because she legitimately seems like a nice person who just really likes dressing up but there's got to be some reason why she's friends with MF.

No. 152115>>152117

I think that's because she does a good job keeping up her public image, but she can be just as sleazy as MF when it comes to trashing other people.

No. 152116>>152118

i can't believe she still makes ~bunny suits~ but can't even bone/make leg holes properly http://juliankellers.tumblr.com/post/129301239462/love-is-for-souls-not-bodies-scarlet-witch

No. 152117>>152123

I'm confused by this, i never hear anything about tatto but then people will pop up saying she's sleazy and such, what's the deal?

No. 152118

The leg holes don't look too bad but the boning does need to be better.

No. 152119>>152120

MF has at least 2 sets of nudes on the internet, plus that Nudestuck lingerie shoot.

The photographers may have taken her photos off their portfolios but you can probably find them if you dig.

No. 152120>>152121>>152124>>152125

why so vague, show us or it doesn't exist.

No. 152121>>152122

It takes you 2 seconds to google nudestuck, dumbass

I said the photographers took down her photos on their portfolios but maybe you can dig. Protip: cos photog Lazycat had her nude art pix online but took them down

No. 152122

if it was that easy to find it why didn't you just post it on this imageboard you dumb cunt

No. 152123

I think it's been mentioned before in this thread, but Tatto can be just as petty about people as MF, she just does a good job of keeping it hidden. I don't have any examples, otherwise I would post them.

No. 152124

File (hide): 1459392099687.jpg (151.68 KB, 667x1000, good_end___catherine_by_mostfl…)

god her face is so busted

No. 152125

File (hide): 1459392151402.jpg (182.63 KB, 1000x667, good_ending___catherine_by_mos…)

have you seen 95% of her cosplays? shes half nude already. its not hard to imagine going all the way ffs

No. 152126

So is she ever going to get those snaggle teeth fixed or what

No. 152127>>152128

Tatto was at Sakuracon this weekend.
Irl she is nothing special, super thin and kept to herself. I think she's like the other weebs and is all bark with no bite.
Also she got a allergic reaction from her costume during the con. Good.

No. 152128

File (hide): 1459438791064.jpg (20.59 KB, 466x359, 1459414003850.jpg)

>IRL she is nothing special
>all bark with no bite
that's the case with most e-fame weebs tbh
when you see them IRL they're very underwhelming and are just like every other smelly weeb at the con just better dressed, the internet just makes them seem cooler than they actually are

No. 152129

File (hide): 1459917234049.jpg (121 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg)

I'm loling because she's so bad at photoshop. You can literally see the blocks. It's like babbys first clone stamp

No. 152130>>152131>>152135

File (hide): 1460695623987.png (187.32 KB, 359x338, Screen Shot 2016-04-14 at 8.46…)

No. 152131

File (hide): 1460715989711.gif (834.31 KB, 400x225, 1438957672659.gif)

I'll never understand why they have so many followers

No. 152132>>152134

Also don't forget her eating disorder that she disguises with as a workout addiction

No. 152133


Late but honestly, she's done enough to deserve a thread. I'm surprised that she doesn't have one already. She was at the epicenter of a lot of drama in her comm. Mostly kekworthy drama.

No. 152134>>152137

What eating disorder?

No. 152135

She could be such a great cosplayer if she would just tone down her fucking eyebrows…

No. 152136>>152141

File (hide): 1461082817394.jpeg (34.46 KB, 257x275, image.jpeg)

Never forget how dumb this bitch is. Momokun is Arabic.

No. 152137>>152139

She admitted to being anorexic. She doesn't hide it but just coats it as an ED she even admits to only eating once a day and now she uses her workout addiction as a cover.

No. 152138>>152142>>152147


Late, but can we get a Taki thread? She never ceases to amuse me.

No. 152139>>152146

File (hide): 1461268918218.jpg (98.76 KB, 1227x332, mfed.jpg)

No. 152140

File (hide): 1461272349405.jpg (23.79 KB, 800x587, 1461103275612.jpg)

I would have given he the benefit of the doubt that maybe she lifts but those tweeny legs and twig arms said she's just another sedentary whore who managed not to get fat

No. 152141>>152143>>152144

Let's be real. Momo's basically white. She's only recently been slapping 'arabic' on everything to get PoC points

No. 152142

Yes please. Did you see her freakout over losing her instagram account the other day? Hilarious

No. 152143>>152144>>152145

Arabic doesn't refer to a certain race. There are plenty of white Arabs.

No. 152144

Yea, I've seen Arabs with blonde hair and blue eyes.

No. 152145

they are caucasian but not white. white refers to european.

No. 152146>>152152

>comparing throwing up just to get skinny and being bawww about it to being transgender

No. 152147>>152148

I'd rather you keep stuff about her here
If you make her a thread she'll definately brag about it

No. 152148


Well then let's talk about her? I don't have enough on her to actually post but she sure seems juicy and I want to know more.

No. 152149>>152150>>152151

File (hide): 1461618824162.jpeg (426.82 KB, 1936x1936, image.jpeg)

For someone who claims their "company" is all hand made, it sure looks a hell of a lot like they're selling fanart on artscow shirts for double the cost..

No. 152150

How much are they charging?

No. 152151

That's exactly what they're doing anon. A lot of people even in artist alleys get their shit printed on artscow to sell for a profit.
Jenni and Skye never claimed that their tshirts were handmade though. They just said that their non-print stuff are made by hand, their hats are decorated individually, and that their acrylic pieces are cut by hand.

No. 152152

Her body is only halfway decent because she has an eating disorder. Most /snow/ threads are about anorexic bitches why is no one talking about this

No. 152153

File (hide): 1461827527658.jpeg (234.51 KB, 960x1280, image.jpeg)

What an amazing cosplayer! Look at all those mistakes. Good thing photoshop exists so you can make sloppy costumes and just erase the errors later.

No. 152154>>152158>>152166

File (hide): 1461827583079.jpeg (84.25 KB, 750x647, image.jpeg)

No. 152155>>152156

No. 152156>>152157

She doesn't know how to dress herself. Wtf even is this? Wig looks like cheap shit too.

No. 152157>>152161

File (hide): 1461831857423.png (702.73 KB, 472x709, 66.png)

dropped the photo

No. 152158>>152160

yes Jenni tell us more about how oppressed you are as you live in your New York apartment comfortably and go around fucking every other guy you can get your hands on.

She has the biggest case of penis envy I've ever seen especially since she actually wishes she had one.

No. 152159>>152161>>152164

also selling her shitty costumes again https://twitter.com/mostflogged/status/725725868362977280

No. 152160

I thought she claimed and was proud 2 be a lesbian!!!

No. 152161>>152162

The shoes and socks are what's throwing it off. If you only look at her torso, it's a passable outfit.
Also what's up with her nasty teeth? Does she not brush her teeth?

Wonder what she thinks of Momokun's aim to be "cosplay famous".

No. 152162>>152163

While I agree the socks/sandal combo is the worst part of this outfit, it's still not passable without them. It looks like she got dressed in the dark and put on a cheap halloween shop wig.

Also what type of expression is that even? She looks like she's taking a hard shit.

No. 152163>>152167>>152171

File (hide): 1462010470156.png (328.33 KB, 317x464, nah.png)


No. 152164>>152165>>152169

File (hide): 1462010680262.png (187.1 KB, 578x452, 9292.png)

Her twitter is a cesspool.

No. 152165

File (hide): 1462011010032.png (827.26 KB, 875x796, ew.png)

Shit cosplay, jagged toenails, and hairs.

No. 152166>>152167

What the hell is that? I hope she's being sarcastic, because I sure as hell had a lot more empathy from men than women. Women are really good at making a display for empathy and give less than zero fucks once you're out of the way and they can start talking behind your back.

Men are usually much more blunt and initially harder to deal with if you're after a cheap pat on the back, but they're much more reliable in my experience, if they decide that they want to be sympathetic.

No. 152167>>152168

I know she's irritating as fuck but this post is weird. You just kinda flipped the genders and responded in a similar way.

This pose screams "I'm trying to model but also the sun is in my eyes and I'm struggling."

No. 152168

If you flip the genders around, it's describing Jenni lol.

No. 152169>>152170

You also mean her tumblr? http://mostflogged.tumblr.com/tagged/covered%20in%20asks
>first ask is about someone jerking it for 4 hours and thought jenni would be proud..

No. 152170

File (hide): 1462065945788.png (58.38 KB, 472x256, Screen Shot 2016-04-30 at 9.24…)

why would anyone be proud of this

No. 152171>>152173

File (hide): 1462078086923.jpeg (19.27 KB, 150x220, image.jpeg)

>if you only look at her torso

No. 152172>>152175

File (hide): 1462153540528.png (800.53 KB, 677x617, Screen Shot 2016-05-01 at 5.27…)

wow!! what an inspiration!!!! look at that shitty contouring!!!!!

No. 152173>>152174

Seriously? No. Still awful.

No. 152174

I never said it was good.

No. 152175

Jesus fuck, she keeps ruining Jojo for me. What a horrid. Yukako Cosplay. She needs to stop. NOW.

No. 152176


She's cute as fuck

No. 152177

older content

No. 152178

No. 152179>>152180>>152181

Found part of the convo where Nigri bought her Ryouko cosplay from her storeenvy then bitched about it and got caught https://twitter.com/OJessicaNigri/status/639305235823915008

No. 152180

So also bought her Supergirl from her storeenvy

No. 152181>>152182>>152184

File (hide): 1462685026418.jpg (31.64 KB, 589x295, COAkYC7UYAAC7TY.jpg)

lmfao mostflogged going apeshit on an "asian accent joke" yet she does this

No. 152182>>152183

What a hypocrite. I hope she loses a lot of her SJW tumblerina fan base with this.

No. 152183


Those tweets are 5 years old. She'll blow it off claiming that she's "changed".

No. 152184

lol really late to the party on that one anon

No. 152185>>152186>>152187

No. 152186

Not really, her teeth are fucked though.

No. 152187>>152188>>152189

File (hide): 1462886691444.png (177.17 KB, 304x263, ew.png)

Def not downsy with that boomerang chin, but she looks inbred af.

No. 152188

Jesus Christ, what a butterface.

No. 152189>>152190>>152192

All she had to do was hide her teeth and it would have looked better.

No. 152190>>152191

I don't know anon the falsies went down much for me.. She look like a little rascal.

No. 152191

*weren't doing much.

No. 152192>>152193

Still would have that weird hook nose and chin tho.

No. 152193

Yeah but on her IG she has other pictures were she looks pretty ok, unless she shoops every single photo.

No. 152194>>152195>>152198

File (hide): 1462978791804.jpeg (67.94 KB, 636x430, image.jpeg)

Um ew

No. 152195>>152196

This girl is like the perfect example of a butterface.

No. 152196>>152197>>152198

I disagree, she has a pretty decent face but she fucks it up with her makeup.

No. 152197

I agree. She looks fine here: >>152092 but awful in all of her recent pictures just because her makeup is fucking up her face.

No. 152198

She looks really nice in her Eileen cosplay, but pictures like the OP and>>129122
>>152194 are gross

No. 152199>>152200

her teeth actually look good here what the fuck happened

No. 152200>>152201>>152202>>152207

File (hide): 1463105411925.jpg (68.18 KB, 720x960, 943754_1128712470525098_287535…)

Pic is edited. As is most of her better images. Her without editing or heavy filters looks more like this.

No. 152201>>152202>>152203>>152204>>152206

File (hide): 1463105425587.jpg (78.09 KB, 720x960, 13119125_1128712480525097_1732…)

No. 152202>>152205

Those bingo wings are unfortunate

No. 152203>>152205


I thought she was ripped but those arms are sad looking kek

No. 152204

Jfc she's more of a butter face than I thought.

No. 152205>>152206>>152211


You guys have no clue how fitness works kek
Her arms are bulky because of muscle. So unflexed that's a normal look, she posts plenty of pictures flexed where you can see the definition. Most girls don't try to bulk as much in their work out because unflexed arms look like this - just mass not thin or "fit" looking(but not chub either).
It's not flattering so I don't know how it will effect her naked cosplay as she addictively works out more.

No. 152206

File (hide): 1463162059710.jpg (49.58 KB, 478x640, 011.jpg)

Everyone's arms are made of muscle and look less defined when not flexing. Her arms aren't bulky at all, they are average at best.

Otherwise she'd show some definition with her left arm in this position like this picture. The girl isn't flexing and isn't very bulky either, but has definition.

No. 152207>>152208

She really isn't as cute as she thinks she is

No. 152208>>152209>>152212

File (hide): 1463194781695.png (310.84 KB, 242x552, no.png)

She really isn't as cute as she shops herself to be either.

The anons in here earlier trying to say she has a cute face like what. Sure, she has an okay body, but her face is just unfortunate.

No. 152209>>152210

Remember, beauty is subjective.

No. 152210

I guess if muckmouthed middle aged asian prostitutes are your thing she could be pretty hot.

No. 152211

I agree.

No. 152212

That ribcage tho

No. 152213>>152214

She looks more skinny fat lately than she is bulky or fit. She's pretty thin so shouldn't all that muscle be showing more?

No. 152214

Probably isn't eating enough to replenish and gain but exercising more instead. Remember guys,muscle mass doesn't come from nowhere.

No. 152215>>152216

File (hide): 1463874914707.png (1.01 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

Translation: I don't actually play the game or know how to find it on google, pls do the footwork for me

No. 152216>>152217

File (hide): 1463875017329.png (131.26 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

I think the most annoying part of this is that she calls it a "card game." Not a mobage or even by its actual name - she literally doesn't even know the NAME of the source material. That's just pathetic.

No. 152217>>152218

Waved Velvet/Zhuge Liang's sprite literally shows what the back of Alexander's cape would look like. Iirc full accession Alex also has his cape. Hell, she could even just, you know, watch Fate/Zero because you SEE Iskandar's cape from all angles.

No. 152218

Iskandar and Alexander don't have the same cape design. IIRC someone sent her a video or a file of the sprite, and the designs on the back are different. and IIRC again, she watched both fates anime's and tweeted about it so there's that

No. 152219>>152220>>152221>>152223

File (hide): 1464646086319.jpeg (167.94 KB, 720x960, image.jpeg)

>their makeup

No. 152220>>152226

File (hide): 1464679121783.png (450.33 KB, 357x572, image.png)

I don't understand why mf goes for such disgustingly harsh makeup for Joleyne.. And lol @ p.p, she was begging people all weekend for shape wear.

No. 152221>>152222

Lord I bet this makeup looks terrible IRL

No. 152222

Considering how terrible it looks online, I can only imagine how horrifying it is in person. Especially on her face/with those teeth.

No. 152223

>Those sharpie brows

Why is it always my fav Joleyne that is ruined?

No. 152224>>152225>>152239>>152242

No. 152225

Yeah, looks like the store bought dress was too big in the cups and she didn't bother to sew it. Her face looks really bad here, but hey, at least her legs look nice I guess.

No. 152226


It's because Tayla is an ex-fatty kek

No. 152227>>152228>>152234>>152238>>152276

File (hide): 1464995414965.jpeg (135.13 KB, 750x977, image.jpeg)

>4 hours of masterbation
Jesus Christ

No. 152228>>152276

Disgusting. Why does she have to specify 15 years old.

No. 152229>>152230>>152231>>152233

File (hide): 1465010087165.jpg (221.55 KB, 1440x1440, CkAazVUWkAAXjoD.jpg)

Holy shit. I'm all for the thick eyebrow trend, but how can she not see that these are awful…

No. 152230

This looks like sharpie

No. 152231

It's funny she's doing all this, but the fact she's obviously not eating enough keeps her looking kind of skinny fat rather than fit.

No. 152232

She's on the next train to ana-chan town

No. 152233

Mmmm armpit stubble.

No. 152234

Sometimes I flip the gender when someone says something that's in any way related to sex and I have to wonder how most people would react to some dude bragging about fapping for four hours and playing videogames.

No. 152235>>152237

>hairy clavicles? cut wig on herself?
>paper sunglasses instead of spending money on 3 dollar sunglasses

No. 152236

Are they going to have a booth at Anime Expo?

No. 152237

I legit thought this was a man in drag. Wow.

No. 152238

>jack off

Is she a fakeboi is something?

No. 152239>>152240>>152241>>152242>>152243

File (hide): 1466627394956.jpg (48.18 KB, 600x450, 1442211071360.jpg)

I wish she would close hergoddamn mouth. She's hideous and so are her rabbit teeth.

>What is it about Eileen from Silent Hill 4 that made you want to cosplay as her?

>I was so impressed by how NOT USELESS she was to the story and gameplay, especially for a lady NPC!

Did she…play the game? I'm a big SH fan and I actually did like SH4 despite how low it is on the SH gaming favs. Eileen was a literal plot device. She actually provided no real support. You can give her a weapon if you want, but she ends up getting hit and each hit counts as time loss in the final boss battle, so it's actually better to keep her behind you at all times while you fight enemies, or better yet, leave her in a safe room!

Eileen is useless. If she actually wanted to talk about not useless female npcs, she could have mentioned Maria from SH2 who keeps up with James and doesn't get in your way as long as you have her. This screams as some bitch who got his outfit together because she thought it would score her some gamer nerd points.

I doubt she even played the game legit.

No. 152240>>152242

Nice catch anon. She obviously hadn't played the game. Eileen isn't even your follower for most of the game and by the time she is, she's slow, annoying, and nearly useless.

No. 152241>>152244

sage for OT but on the last apartment world level right before the room with the umbilical cord: put a holy candle down and wait for her to heal up, then run to the room and trigger the cut scene before the candle effect wears off. bam, instant healed, no cheats required.

No. 152242

The article itself contradicts her. At the beginning the photog says she has never played a SH game before so she played it the first time the night before the shoot, and yet she answers questions like she's played every game and knows SH4 so well, kek.

No. 152243>>152245

> it is on the SH gaming favs. Eileen was a literal plot device. She actually provided no real support. You can give her a weapon if you want, but she ends up getting hit and each hit counts as time loss in the final boss battle, so it's actually better to keep her behind you at all times while you fight enemies, or better yet, leave her in a safe room!

W-well that explains why I had so much trouble with the timing. Does the game tell you this at all or did you read a guide? I love Silent Hill but I wish I didn't need to read guides to understand the significance/importance of certain details. Also, she is completely full of shit. Eileen is literally playing the part of "Hot Neighbor You Want To Fuck". That's it! I really am with you, I think MF needs to shut the fuck up more.

I fucking hate how the trend in Cosplay right now is going on a 24/7 nostalgia-nerd-cred trip. My con-scene friends are destroying me with how little else they can talk about IRL if no one is "screaming" about Pokemon.

No. 152244

Thanks. I appreciate that tip

No. 152245>>152246

I played the game several times without a guide, so yeah, the game itself tells your within the story. Especially if you finish it, you'll find out why Eileen is 'important.'

No. 152246>>152247

I only remember that she was in a hospital room and that child… what was the name of the blond guy? Well, he wanted to go back to his mother, which is actually the apartment or something.

I don't know, I really didn't like Silent Hill 4, I'd have chosen Cybil Bennet or Lisa Garland (the last custscene she's in has been one of my favourites for years, it's really haunting). Cybil because she's actually pretty badass, Lisa because I like that she is essentially a bit of a crush at first, and then ends up turning out to be disgusting, sort of. At the time I remember wondering if there was something of a reflection on relationships (once Harry discovers the thruth he pushes her away, which I thought was symbolic). Mary/Maria is interesting too: Maria is fun, sensual and beautiful but she's just the mirror image of Mary, who's frail and sick and was in such a complicated relationship with her husband. I can definitely see how even two people in a loving relationship could end up begrudging and hating each other after a long period of illness, with all the frustration and anger and consequent guilt fuelling all the bad feelings some more.

No. 152247>>152248>>152250>>152251

File (hide): 1466897300198.jpg (10.35 KB, 187x311, 535px-Lisa_03-1.jpg)


Muh nigga! <3

Basically Eileen's story is that she is the Mother and last sacrament for Walter's demented attempted to return to the womb that is the apartment where Henry lives. Walter's story is that he grew up in the SH Wishhouse orphanage and believe that his mother was the womb. Eileen saw homeless Walter as a child and gave him her doll right before Eileen's mother ushered her away.

Walter was found by Frank Sunderland (not sure if he actually related to James) and Frank took him to the hospital and then probably the orphanage. I might be a bit wrong on some parts since I haven't played SH4 in 2 yrs or so. I might give it a replay now.

Agreed, even to this day, Lisa's final cutscene still gives me shivers (and some tearing up.) I thought Lisa's renditions in Sh Origins and Shattered memories were utter trash compared to her in SH1. She played such a large role and gave a lot of emotion with so few lines and interactions. SH2 is still incredible for its own merit, but I will always be a fan of SH1 best.

No. 152248

I meant to say Walter believed Henry's apartment was the womb.

No. 152249>>152252>>152255

File (hide): 1467047930564.png (975.5 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

They bought a cheap eBay pleather jacket, traced the sleeves onto ugly sequin fabric, and heat printed a picture onto the back. 95$.

Even someone who's not super experienced with sewing could pull this off for 30$ and an hour of work.

Not to mention how god awful ugly it is. The fabric is a pain in the ass because the scales always flip, and get caught on itself and things around you.

No. 152250>>152253

Frank is indeed James' father.

Even more interestingly, if you've played… was it 1 or 2, I think it was 2, you'll know that Walter was mentioned in a newspaper article you could find somewhere that told the story of some guy who killed himself in prison after having been sent there for multiple murders.

And yeah, SH1 is my favourite, too. I remember I found the demo in MGS and it took me several tries to finish it because at the time I was scared of survival horrors, but something about it just kept luring me in.
I loved that you actually got different endings depending on how deeply you searched and investigated. I got the shittiest ending first because I was so scared of the gorilla-like monsters in the area where you found most of the useful objects (you know, the stuff in the bike and in the place closed with a lock with a number pad). That was the part that I didn't like so much about SH2, with the fact that you couldn't roam the city nearly as much. The music, acting and 3D modelling were awesome, though. I heard they replaced the dubbing for the HD version, which I think is really not great.


No. 152251>>152253

Frank is James' father. In some blurb in the game his 'son James and his wife Mary' are mentioned

No. 152252>>152255

I'm not a fan of this alternative clothing style but this is a stupid complaint. Even the cheap jackets on eBay are like 20 dollars, it looks like they hand sewed that thing on the back, that fabric isn't super cheap and they added a good amount of studs on the front. This is easily a couple hours of labor and probably 45 dollars in materials, for a weird punk jacket that is a fair price. and the point of the sequins fabric is for them to flip so you see the different colors.

No. 152253>>152254

File (hide): 1467081230378.jpg (365.68 KB, 1918x989, thomas-ripoll-kobayashi-ue4edi…)

Cool. I wasn't sure if Frank was actually James' father or not. I would looove to talk more about SH1- infinity, but we should move this to the gaming thread so we don't derail further. You guys are awesome though! So happy to meet more people into the earliest SH games.

Yeah, the SH2 HD collection is beyond broken. I can talk much more in the gaming thread. (Apologies since I'm an idiot who doesn't know how to link threads on mobile)

No. 152254

Does anybody else have a link to the gaming thread?

No. 152255

seconding what >>152252 said.
sequin fabric isn't cheap even in nyc's fashion district. in addition to the sequins, they're also buying lining for the sleeves, studs, and fabric for the panel on the back.
sequin fabric needs to be lined with something nicer than flimsy $2/yd lining, as thin, cheap lining will snag on the sequins. their sequin top is lined with matte spandex, so I'm assuming that's what the sleeves of the jacket are lined with as well.

as much as i don't appreciate mostflogged or her store, i would have to say that this is probably the only thing that ats has ever produced that's a reasonable price (in comparison to how much labor and materials went into it).

No. 152256>>152257>>152258>>152260

File (hide): 1467860551320.png (537.08 KB, 480x593, Screen Shot 2016-07-06 at 11.0…)

so gross..

No. 152257

Such heavy handed and obvious photoshop. This is actually kind of hard to look at with all that blur/sharpen tool abuse.

No. 152258>>152259


where did the girl get her lulu wig? i've been looking for one on all the popular wig sites.
sage bc this isnt cgl lmao

the background looks hella creepy, the girl on the left is fug, and the photoshop is too obvious

No. 152259

Honestly the girl on the left doesn't look as horrid as MF does

No. 152260>>152261

The hands look horrifyingly realistic compared to how airbrushed everything else in the picture is.

No. 152261

Shit you're right. Everything else is so uncanny valley and then you have wrinkly ass hands. Also, not sure what's going on with the editor but why did they shoop out her nipple? Makes the breast look really weird.

No. 152262>>152263>>152264>>152267>>152270>>152274

File (hide): 1469719931275.jpeg (159.27 KB, 750x637, image.jpeg)

I'm screaming this looks so bad

No. 152263>>152275

I don't know shit about sewing, why is it bad?

No. 152264

Ew. This is awful.

No. 152265>>152266>>152269

Idk shit about sewing either, but that wig looks a bit gross and is the dress supposed to be that shiny and satin-y or not?

No. 152266

I don't think it's satin, it might be sateen. Really cheap satin is super shiny and terrible.

No. 152267>>152268


Compared to shit like Mariah "sews" this actually looks pretty decent but yeah the neckline and the bodice are a little crooked. Does anyone have a character reference pic? Babbys first weeb over here

No. 152268

File (hide): 1469750471788.png (71.77 KB, 2000x2750, Dan_Sapphy_ur_Freezies_with_Ge…)

It's Sapphire from Steven's Universe

No. 152269>>152271

the hem looks a bit off to me, but the most I've sewn was a shitty felt vegetable, so not sure

No. 152270

Wait, is this MF? She at least hid her busted teeth nicely this time.

No. 152271

i think she tried to make the skirt the same length around instead of making it longer in the back, which is why the back looks shorter than the front.

No. 152272

omg, I knew she wasn't the sweetest person but this is… wow i'm shocked.

No. 152273>>152278

Oh god, I haven't been paying any attention to MF for ages and just found out she no longer lives in NYC and now lives with Tatto in my city. When did this happen? Anyone know if she plans on staying there longterm? It's big enough where I probably won't ever run into her, but still.

Also, MF linked to this obnoxious series of Tweets from Tatto, saying how she's dropping "anime truths".


It's like… or maybe they just like something you don't and you should get the fuck over yourself? I don't even like YOI and I know I'm probably more annoyed by this than I should be, but I just find that whole "my tastes are factually superior to everyone else's and only I have legit reasons for liking what I like, anyone who feels differently than me is uncultured trash" mentality to be so insufferable. Not to mention the irony of a woman who dresses like that and co-owns a business called Anime Trash Swag calling YOI fans uncultured.

No. 152274

What is it with cows and not ironing their shit before putting it on?

No. 152275

It's not actually that bad at all. The wig is atrocious, though.

No. 152276>>152277

She talks about her underage self masturbating a lot. Am I being oversensitive for finding that really unsettling? It's just that the majority of her fanbase are men following her because she's a hot Asian girl and I feel like it's highly unlikely that there's not at least one of them beating it to fantasies of a teenage Jenni doing her thing and time she posts about shit like that.

No. 152277

no you're right that is highly unsettling. i assume she's trying to sell herself on others as a sex-posi guru and a "positive influence"/"cool older sister" to younger fans probably by relating to them but she just comes off as an oblivious freak with no sense of boundaries since she simultaneously is releasing incestuous doujin reviews for fakku without any attempt made at concealing her identity

No. 152278>>152280

File (hide): 1485217321468.gif (536.99 KB, 640x360, h16UQ3r.gif)

this is literally insane, I feel like I'm reading tweets from a crazy person

I can't believe everyone is fighting over anime, this is so autistic

No. 152279>>152281>>152500

It's kind of funny. Back in the day, the shit MF & co got on /cgl/ actually wasn't all that warranted. It was basically just JJ's whiteknights flinging feces at her after she sicked them on her. Before anyone brings up the flyer incident, do realize that was in retaliation to JJ literally recruiting a personal army out on social media to tear her apart, twisting things that happened in their relationship into straight up lies to make herself into the victim, and harassing the shit out of her for a very prolonged period of time. Not that I by any means condone the flyers, I'm just saying JJ was far from an innocent victim. She actually used to be called /cgl/'s queen because she was among the craziest of the crazies, much more so than MF. If lolcow existed back then, she easily would have been one of the most active threads, there was always something new with her; picking fistfights at cons, having her 14th round of dumping pretty much every friend she had for no/really dumb reason, having some crazy feud with whatever cosplayer she was envious of that week, stalking her love interests, the list goes on and on. She's super close to UsagiKou to give you an idea. Now, the tables have turned and MF is absolutely dreadful, while JJ has chilled the fuck out to a truly remarkable level. It's actually pretty inspiring, seeing someone go from that forgone in their batshittery to decently mellow and consistently drama free for years now. I know she can be a bit bitchy and pretentious, but it's still a long way from who she was at 22.

Then you have MF, who basically went the opposite route. Over the years, she's gotten worse and worse and went from being more or less fine to becoming a caricature of cosplay divas.

No. 152280>>152288

That Tweet chain is the exact kind of thing a couple of my friends in high school used to post to establish themselves as the ~superior otaku~. Shit was cringey back then, but coming from a woman in the later half of her 20's, "cringe" is not strong enough of a word.

No. 152281>>152282

Ive been on cgl since forever and never saw any JJ drama like that, got any LJ posts I can read and verify?

No. 152282>>152284

She deleted her LJ years ago and unfortunately EasyModo no longer exists so I can't track the caps posted there down. How forever is forever to you? Because the stuff I'm talking about is from 2007-2010. If you look her up on RBT, you'll see references to most of this stuff, but since it predates when any of the current archives started saving posts, none of the original threads talking about it are archived.

Also, what parts exactly have you not seen? Because some of it is so ancient it makes sense why you wouldn't know about it, but some you would have had to just not been paying any attention to her. The mass frienddumping sessions, cosplay feuds, and general craziness were very well known.

No. 152283>>152285>>152286>>152294

Anyone care to dish about other bridges she burned? It made sense with jj but I want to hear how deserving she is for incedents like at katsucon

No. 152284

I guess when the axel roxas JJ was constantly reposted and the JJ THIGHS ARE QUEEN meme just began? MasaDLuffy and Maguma were regular posters too

No. 152285

I myself am really curious about what her friendship status with Yaya is at the moment. Ever since her attack on JNig, I've noticed there hasn't been any posts related to Yaya, which makes me wonder if that was a huge turn off for Ms. Han.

No. 152286>>152287

She went ape after her last breakup and fought anyone she knew who was still friends with her ex bf kek

No. 152287>>152292

Which ex?

No. 152288>>152289>>152290>>152291

File (hide): 1485749623511.jpg (176.81 KB, 848x1200, C3W8uFJXAAAKLlu.jpg)

yeah especially when they dress like this

No. 152289

A few of the pieces are good, but neither of them clearly know how to dress themselves. Person to the right is all kinds of awful, but the other outfit could be salvaged if you nixed most of the shitty accessories…

No. 152290

They can't honestly think this looks good. They look fucking insane.

No. 152291

Fannie packs should die and stay dead. The random (probably bootleg) Asuka prize figure necklace is awkward too.

I know fashion is subjective and stuff, but who the fuck is buying this shit?

No. 152292

She only dated 1 guy

No. 152293

my friend has a crush on her and this girl mallory she knows, idk anything about MF though so this was pretty fun to read

No. 152294

Before she left for LA, she only had a small core of people in NYC she would hang-out with. Most mutuals really couldn't stand her(though tbh her online persona is way more abrasive than she is). Her former roommate even followed her out to California, for really no other reason than he's in love with her, but she clearly doesn't give a fuck. The girl is obsessed with Tattoo and not in a good way. It's gonna be bad news bears when MF can't control her horny and goes full retard on her.

The Jessie/Jenny/Adam triangle was completely bizarre and now they're all back in the same area again..

No. 152295>>152296>>152297

Lowkey weirded out by how she tags all her selfies on Instagram as #hafu and #mixedgirl. Like it's great that she's proud of her heritage, but when those are the only two things you tag on all your selfies, it makes it seem like you're pandering to weird Asian fetishists

No. 152296

instagram hashtags are superfluous so I don't think that's weird at all.

No. 152297

File (hide): 1489095546177.jpg (9.82 KB, 200x200, why.jpg)

No. 152298

Did you actually just bump this dead thread with your shitty shopped photos thinking that we would care

No. 152299

Funny how this thread got necro bumped with stupid shit right after screenshots were posted in the Moo calves thread proving Matt is a creepy asshole who tried to start shit with mostflogged.

No. 152300>>152301

File (hide): 1528991472462.jpeg (177.7 KB, 749x993, 990C5C38-0F6E-43C6-8015-5E824E…)

Complains, someone attempts to relate to her and agree, bitch gets mad about it. MF is like 34+ years old and her “BFF/cosplay buddy” is like 14 years younger than her.

No. 152301

File (hide): 1528991562191.jpeg (125.53 KB, 750x703, 9D1CAE0A-1B30-4CD8-BCB6-437448…)

I have no idea why she made the tweet in the first place. Very confusing individual. What the fucks she gonna do for a living when “Anime Trash swag” dies?

No. 152302>>152303

File (hide): 1530088505468.jpeg (447.63 KB, 2048x2048, 46B31DC2-233C-4F5D-96A2-F58CFC…)

2018 and MF's still vague tweeting Nigri.

No. 152303>>152304

>being this salty over someone celebrating pride month and sharing the love around

Can someone tell her that you can be straight and still celebrate the LGBT community.

No. 152304

SHE still says homophobic shit despite being gay? Recently she said something like “prides over, shut the fuck up!!!” How about you kys you faux lesbian.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 152305>>152306>>152307>>152310

Now she’s fucking monchichi who shes been grooming since monchichi was 14 and she was in her mid-late 20’s and calling herself a dyke lol

No. 152306>>152307

Can’t wait until this implodes because they both still seem to have the emotional intelligence of children

No. 152307

I don't think I follow her anywhere anymore, is this like an official announcement or something? Haven't they been fucking for like, years tho?

No. 152308>>152309

Imagine: you own a struggling anime apparel company with a stupid name, your girlfriend is like ten years younger than you and is a well known scammer on the internet that got BTFO all social media and has to make a private insta. Shivers.(necro)

No. 152309>>152311

File (hide): 1605679378986.png (870.56 KB, 965x480, Mf_Ta.PNG)

KEK It's been a while but I had no idea her and Tayla/monchichi were dating lmao. MF is about 32 now, and Tayla is like 24. They deserve each other tbh. They're both trash and awful people.

No. 152310

Any proof?

No. 152311

I didn't realize Tayla was so young - she's been scamming and scumming around so long I really thought she was late twenties at least.

No. 152312>>152313>>152315>>152319>>152320>>152327>>152334>>152341>>152589

File (hide): 1621810052915.jpeg (197.74 KB, 864x1872, C7D6D2C8-327B-445C-A12F-4EB4EF…)

Dude. Mostflogged is actually based and pinkpilled af.

No. 152313

shoulda just waited this one out sis

No. 152314

It’s so funny seeing all the faux lebians, Lilys and Aidens getting upset from this series of tweets.

No. 152315

No. 152316>>152318>>152323>>152325>>152361

Jennifer changed her name to RIOT after a transformer character LEGALLY and makes invader zim AMVs and recently got completely obliterated and her company is wrecked. I hope being a transphobe pays the bills!

Oh wait she lives with a man she’s had sex with before, Adam, who takes care of that. Why does she hate men so much if they pay the rent?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 152317

File (hide): 1621814601562.png (3.88 MB, 1242x2208, FDEADCCB-9662-47EF-A553-4D9368…)

Literally a 33+ year old child. No wonder her gf is like nine years her junior, probably cannot connect with a woman her age

No. 152318>>152321

she's still based

No. 152319

Did not have "mostflogged openly calling herself a TERF" on my bingo card for this year, but I'm not surprised. Good on her for knowing her boundaries, but she probably should have kept this in drafts if she wanted to keep her career.

No. 152320>>152322>>152325

Can someone translate this for me? I don't even get the point of this rant, especially considering MF has sex with men too

No. 152321>>152323>>152351

You’re poor and jobless now, Jennifer.

No. 152322>>152325

Mad at women who date her for not being gold star lesbians despite the fact that she’s dated men for longer than she’s dated women? Idk

No. 152323>>152324

The fact you think someone calling her "based" for calling out troons on this site, means it's "Jennifer" self posting is hilarious.
Nothing she said makes her a transphobe.

No. 152324

Oh my bad it’s RIOT now. Either way her life is like, fucked

No. 152325>>152326>>152331

Having a useless moid fulfill a purpose and knowing troons are ugly is based. It isn’t transphobic, and it doesn’t mean she’s not a cow. Unclench.
The seething itt is fucking funny but the tweets are clearly about trannies and homosexuality. Whether she’s a bisexual or late bloomer honestly isn’t relevant to her statements.

No. 152326

OK, whatever that means. I’ll be enjoying her radio silence :) thank god she’s gone!(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 152327

Based, but alienating what's left of your dwindling audience and rushing to a thread full of people that openly despise you to attempt to ingratiate yourself is funny as fuck

No. 152328>>152329

Is she still with Tayla? Did Tayla leave her for a man (or troon) or was this completely unprompted?

No. 152329

Still with her by the looks of it since her most recent pic on IG is a pic of them together. But she’s a victim of grooming and should fucking RUN while she can

No. 152330>>152332>>152338

File (hide): 1621821561709.jpeg (25.2 KB, 204x274, 4AC02281-EB50-453C-BEB5-2D3E9A…)

called herself a TERF, but identifies with the word futa. full on brain damage

No. 152331>>152335

I'm not seething lol I genuinely don't know what she's trying to say. Her "statements" aren't some big gotcha to troons or something, she just sounds stupid

No. 152332>>152333

I'm not familiar w this cow but she's right, futa has nothing to do with transgenderism. it's coomer nipon shit. also this ss looks old af

No. 152333>>152338

Agreed. I read the comments saying how dare they when there also are existing trans people who do embrace their unchanged genitals. It's not an easy surgery and it is absolutely nippon shit, but also it does have basis in reality for those who don't want to change through surgery. There are tags for it on pornsites, but she can't identify which is what confuses me. How do you identify as futa without a real dick? That's just strap-on shemale roleplay.

No. 152334

Ever since mostflogged got punched in the street she's gone through some massive trans(lol)formation of becoming overly fit and angry. It truly seems like that event changed the trajectory of her life.

context for her getting attacked:

No. 152335

Especially because her whole thing is being mad a bi girl didn't want to be with her long term and hopped on a guy instead. She's just a bitter cunt.

No. 152336>>152338

File (hide): 1621827652097.jpeg (38.24 KB, 589x295, FC1BCA84-040A-424D-902C-253FD3…)

“African Weather Goddess”

Reminder: her legal name is now RIOT. /srs

No. 152337

File (hide): 1621828021666.jpeg (23.81 KB, 246x205, D08CC533-86C7-4683-BF22-C196AA…)

This post aged well huh?
now nobody likes you because of countless negative experiences based upon your actions and words and now it’s you that can’t handle it.

No. 152338

l’m not even a wk but this shit is so retarded. Unsaged, powder dry milk, tone indicators. She’s not even wrong about japanese shit. The absolute state of this thread, the moo came from inside the stable.
>there also are existing trans people who do embrace their unchanged genitals
Other degenerates have nothing to do with that statement KEK but if anything, TRAs shouldn’t have attacked her for a concept they already accept and apply to apgs.

No. 152339

She lives with a dude she’s fucked before (for over 15 years now btw) and her gf lives somewhere else. The jokes write themselves. Anyway enjoy what’s left of your life, Riot. It’s been real.

No. 152340

MF is in this thread being as incoherent and unintelligible as her original tweet. It’s sad. she needs mental health help.

No. 152341>>152342>>152347>>152349>>152354>>152361>>152783

File (hide): 1621830004634.jpeg (395.43 KB, 750x861, EBF35C3F-E22D-4F0A-89EF-341890…)

Yeah her TERF views were always the most based thing about her. I'm not surprised that she's currently being cancelled on Twitter for it, only that it hadn't happened sooner. She was never very subtle about it.

also I love seeing hags who peaked in the early 2010s like takisiski and Nicolette coming out to gloat about how much they hate her.

No. 152342>>152345>>152351

Ok “””Riot””” you named yourself after a transformer and make invader zim phone chargers. Enjoy explaining to Skye your business partner who draws 100% of your businesses art that it’s over and it’s all your fault! :) but you don’t care because “based”

No. 152345>>152351

What the fuck are you talking about lmao

No. 152347>>152350>>152783

>takisiski and Nicolette
I haven't heard those names in years, how nostalgic

No. 152349

Are the both of them sure they want to be acting like their shit doesn't stink as much as Jenni's?

No. 152350>>152352>>152353

I'm well aware of nicolette but is taki anything other than just a former jenni orbiter? I saw her briefly mentioned in the older thread but that's all I gleaned from it

No. 152351>>152353

There's a lot of same fagging going on here. I think >>152342 is >>152321 because they accused the anon who said "based" of being Jennifer.

No. 152352>>152355

I think it's in a momokun calves thread, but mostly is complicit with both Mariah and Jenni, then scamming people who commission her for costumes

No. 152353

The samefagging itt is way too clockable. Retard is using smilies and calling her riot as a monicker at this point.

Taki was behind MF and co when they were sjws and moomokun was doing some nigri orbiter shit years back. >>151991

> even tumblrite SJWs would call bullshit on her
KEK it finally happened. To think the final straw would be muh transphobia.

No. 152354

Nicolette is a fucking cunt too, so she needs to keep her entitled gatekeeping shit out of other people business. She's like Moo

No. 152355>>152357

Isn’t that monchichitanuki, not takisiki?

No. 152357>>152360

Aren't they the same person?

No. 152360>>152363

No, monchichi and mostflogged were/are dating iirc

Takisiki is somebody else

No. 152361>>152364

>Unironically saying ~twansphobe~

MF is a bitch and dumb as hell for going goldstars only when she has a history of dating men but even a broken clock is right twice a day. Bihets who prey on lesbians and trannies forcing transbian girldick on them are cancerous and the reason why so many young lesbians troon out. She's extremely based for taking the dive and ruining her career over her public peakening meltdown even if it was spergy, at least it pissed off a lot of troons and straight people who keep seething in her mentions.

Like fucking clockwork kek, these vultures are always there to pick up the clout. They would throw their own mothers under the bus if that meant getting interaction on the bird app.

No. 152362

who are people referring to when they talk about Jenni's lesbian ex dating a trans woman?

No. 152363>>152365>>153504

To my knowledge jenni and monchich/tayla are dating/living together, possibly married? She's always referring to her as wife but who knows
However I think they may have split which is what caused her meltdown because she mentioned "wasting her time on a bi girl who left her for a man" and "experiencing it in real time" or some shit but I'm just speculating.

No. 152364

based and saged

No. 152365>>152367>>152401

I’m reading through the old thread, I think the bi girl MF was talking about might be JJ?

No. 152367>>152368>>152468

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She said "its happening in real time" which is why I assumed it was tayla, but then again it's so unhinged I'm not entirely sure anymore

No. 152368

Oh you’re right, tbf the whole sperg was hard to comprehend

So tayla is cucking mostflogged while most flogged is cucking the doctor(who left his wife for her)? What a fucking mess

No. 152401


The comment about being hey married in the suburbs is definitely a dig at JJ. It's been 20 years Jenni, get over it.

No. 152466>>152467>>152472>>152482

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Tatto is talking about it on her side account but what the fuck does this even mean?

Anyone still following mostflogged? Has she said anything after privating?

No. 152467>>152472

Just unfollowed so I can't check again, but she had not tweeted anything new as of 30 minutes ago.

No. 152468>>152473

File (hide): 1621887769312.png (377.13 KB, 600x450, Can't_read.png)

What the fuck am I even reading.

No. 152472

I'm still following her - no likes, posts or replies. she's lost a few hundred followers now.

No. 152473>>152476>>152479>>152483>>152490

From reading her word salad I think this is what it boils down to
>She's pissed off at someone claiming to be a lesbian dating a troon who's male, i.e. she's actually bi and not a lesbian
>Related to this she goes on a tangent about how her sexuality has been invalidated multiple times in the past and how lesbians are always pressured to like dick and men, and that lesbians "need to be open to options" instead of just being allowed to like women
I never liked MostFlogged and even though this meltdown of hers is spergy as fuck I have no option but to stan a queen using her platform to give a shoutout to terven lesbians. And since she's most definitely reading this - Thanks MF, at least you nuked your career over a good deed. The bihets and genderspecials in full damage control mode spamming replies with their mutilation GoFundMes made me piss myself laughing.

No. 152476>>152484>>152489

She isn't even a lesbian though. She always claims to be but she was fucking the dude she lives with for like 15 years and also cheated on an ex gf with a guy. Nothing wrong with being bi with a preference but she's full of shit which makes it even more of a sperg.

No. 152479>>152489

What I’m confused about is this sperg rant of hers seems triggered by JJ getting married and buying a house? And going through JJ’s Twitter it looks like they married a woman(maybe they’re ftm. I didn’t read, just looked at pics)

So according to MF logic, JJ was a fake bi and wanted men, but she married a biological woman, so JJ is, by MF standards, a lesbian still? Someone please explain to me like I’m 5, why is MF so mad at people from a decade ago LOL

No. 152482

I think she's trying to imply thst she doesn't agree with MF without directly saying it

No. 152483>>152485>>152490

This is how I see it too. Even if she’s a hypocritical bisexual cow it doesn’t matter— she sacrificed a lot so she could say something worth saying here. With all the shit she’s done featured itt, she gets props for at least doing this much.

No. 152484

I knew long time ago she only wanted to be in relationships with women, but hated how she wanted dick all the time. Funny enough, doesn't that also make Jenni bi?

No. 152485

this was incredibly pathetic to read

No. 152489

Whether she's herself a lesbian or not is besides the point, she was still right about what she said during her spergout. People weren't even mad at her for being a hypocrite lacking self awareness but instead for ripping on predatory troons and bihets.


Agree. The cow mood her last moo and it was for a good cause.

No. 152490>>152493>>152504


“props for a 35 year old woman having a shit take 2010 meltdown on twitter over an ex”

do you actually hear yourself lol

No. 152491>>152493>>152494

in the simplest terms, can someone explain what MF's entire twitter thread was about? It went on so many tangents I still genuinely don't understand what she was trying to convey

No. 152493>>152509

>Talking about lesbians being pressured to accept dick and their sexuality being under attack and invalidated by the genderists to cater to male sexual needs and demands is "a shit take"
that's a big oof and yikes from me nonita, you better go make a tiktok video about how problematic this 35 year old granny terf is being right

tl;dr: She went off about troon attracted bis claiming to be lesbians and lesbians being told to suck girldick and told antiterfs to unfollow her

No. 152494

I think that's the burning question everyone has. My first thought was maybe she and tayla broke up because she said "this is happening to me in real time" but then someone pointed out it could be about JJ, which is extremely pathetic. Honestly it's anyone's guess at this point. Hard to say also since tayla nuked her socials.

No. 152495>>152496>>152498>>152500>>152502>>152589>>152923

File (hide): 1621893390996.jpg (554.23 KB, 1080x1693, 20210524_145556.jpg)

JJ's response lol

No. 152496>>152498>>152510

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No. 152498>>152501>>152510

The transphobe is probably sneeding while reading these tweets lmao

No. 152500>>152521


JJ sounds so pleased with the situation lol. But nobody's ever going to forget that she was just as much of a rotten cunt too. >>152279

No. 152501


Go dilate.

No. 152502>>152503

Does this person think writing she is not a figure that deserves any respect about an ex-partner of theirs is a statement that makes them look good?
Also this isn't passing the truth detector:
>Dated in 2008
She was supposedly a TERF back then despite the term not fucking existing back then because we didn't live in wrongthink society in 2008
>"Her TERF bullshit was highly emotionally damaging for years after we broke up"
Again, the fucking term didn't exist back then, nor was there even any discussion about trans people in the mainstream, so what TERFy thing could they have been doing? Are we just rewriting history for woke points now?

No. 152503

JJ is stupid and her tendency to lie and have a mean streak never really died. I remember her laughing about how she knew MF was going to be angry that she had started cosplaying Homestuck. She seemed to have this sadistic sense of glee about it. Neither one of them ever really got over being angry at the other one. JJ even saying anything just reveals how much she still thinks of her after all these years. She would have been better off staying silent.

No. 152504>>152511

What part of what she said was a “shit take”? Homosexuals (and bisexuals) shouldn’t be coerced into heterosexual relationships. Regardless of the messenger, this statement stands true, and she’s clearly being vilified for making such statements. Unless you’re a tranny, understanding this much isn’t rocket science.

No. 152508

I mean I didn't like MF before but I also don't disagree with her hating troons. If she didn't start projecting about bisexuals I'd stan.

No. 152509

Except that’s not what she said at all lmao

learn some reading comprehension

No. 152510>>152515

>My sexuality was not a phase but I ended up with a husband in a heterosexual relationship anyway!!!
Not to start a war on sexuality ITT but this seriously made me roll my eyes to the back of my head

what are you even doing here

No. 152511>>152519>>152527

Braindead chimps like you should suck a barrel. You can not date trans people if you want, you can not date bisexual if you want. But to get on Twitter and bitch and complain about WAHHHH MUH BISEXUALS R RUINING MY LIFE CUZ THEY ALSO DATE MEN WAHHHH. WAHHH I DONT WANNA DATE A TRANS PERSON WAHH. Is fucking retarded. Keep your retarded preferences to yourself or kill yourself for being an insufferable cunt.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 152515>>152519

Bisexual and pansexual is a thing anon

No. 152519>>152520>>152595

Unsaged chimp check. The zoo is that way.

Bisexual and pansexual is the same thing. Trying to separate them is no different than MF’s previous tirade insisting a bi woman should fit into her definition and date her on command.

No. 152520>>152524>>152540

File (hide): 1621896698267.jpg (111.93 KB, 840x856, 1618453207496.jpg)

She didn't say bi women should "date her on command", she said that bi women shouldn't lie about being gay if they're bi and that they should stop telling her to be attracted to MTF troons. And that I fully agree about, bisexuals really don't understand the chip a lot of gay people have on their shoulders regarding the heartbreak of always losing to the opposite sex in terms of mutual attraction which is why they're trying to play this off as her being mad at bisexuality as a concept. Picrel

No. 152521>>152603>>152662

I think the differnce is JJ has laid low and stopped the cunty behavior, whereas MF is still being a cunt

No. 152523

File (hide): 1621897476300.jpg (467.37 KB, 1072x1906, 20210524_160130.jpg)

This is all that tatto has said for the most part. She's probably seething at Jenni rn for tanking their business.

No. 152524>>152540

>bi women shouldn't lie about being gay if they're bi
MF has zero room to talk about that when she's obviously a bisexual who regrets taking more dick than most straight women ever will and used to insist she was still a lesbian while dating a man (not even a MTF).
I don't care what she has to say about troons and if she's pinkpilled, she's a dipshit hypocrite and the last spokesperson true lesbians need.

No. 152527

No. 152532>>152533>>152603

Is no one going to mention JJ and her husband's open relationship or how JJ keeps snuggling up to teenage girls and making out with them despite being 33?

No. 152533

I mean if you got the receipts you can dump it into the cosplay gen thread or something, if you post it here, it’ll come off as MF trying to throw the heat off herself

No. 152540>>152546

Actually I agree with you on that, but I was referring to her previous sperging from before she was based and pinkpilled. It’s weird how the chimps are mad at MF when the woman she went ballistic over did the same shit though. And it’s not like what she tweeted yesterday doesn’t apply to victimized bi women.

Saying this shit doesn’t make her a spokesperson. She’s a complete nobody on the internet now and has been for a while. Stop being retarded.

No. 152546>>152579

Are you autistic?
Obviously she's not a literal spokesperson, but specifically praising her for incoherent rambling when she was out there encouraging the idea lesbians could love dick for YEARS is retarded, especially since it was during the peak of her infamy.
Throwing in "she's a complete nobody now anyway psshhhh" doesn't make you look like less of a wk. Just hide the thread if it's triggering, fauxsbian(infighting)

No. 152553>>152556

So I'm confused about something. Are Tatto and Jason still a couple? I could be wrong, but wasn't Tatto bisexual as well? If so…how does she feel about MF's tantrum? I mean, aside from the store, I thought they were close IRL, too?

No. 152556

I think they broke up in 2019 and according to older posts in the thread Jason fucked anything that moved and I think that included Jenni but don't quote me on that.
I know Skye is just as shitty as Jenni so I doubt she cares past being annoyed that she ruined what was left of their clientele for their shitty anime streetwear stolen from taobao

No. 152571>>152573>>152579>>152580>>152653

All the late 2000s/early 2010s cosplay hags are coming out to say something about this drama and I'm loving the nostalgia of it all. Even Liz, the author of the degrassihigh420 blog, is in on it.

No. 152573>>152608

I love all this public dirty laundry being aired, all of them think they personally are in the right as they enthusiastically spill the beans, and from an outside perspective everyone involved looks like a messy bitch with no redeeming qualities. Keep it up, Twitter.

No. 152575>>152577>>152599>>152606>>152800

Is Pridemore's ex husband the one Jenny is dating/living with? Also, has Pridemore weighed in on any of this?

No. 152577

No one needs to hear from that dumbfuck

No. 152579>>152581

File (hide): 1621911477103.jpeg (32.27 KB, 446x204, B4A78C48-0671-4F7A-8D5D-C9330B…)

KEK I don’t even like her, but the unhinged anger you have over someone denouncing homophobia is pathetic at best.

This thread is good lol. MF tried to assault her at a con AND tried to get her fired from her job years later. Genuinely fucking insane. Comments mentioned having their own personal horror stories so there’s probably still more to come.

No. 152580

Oh I just finished watching a documentary about gays in Japan and this person was in it. I would’ve never guessed they were part of the card saga

No. 152581>>152588

>unhinged anger you have over someone denouncing homophobia
Do you think I'm the unsaged fag whining about chimps and TERFs because you clearly lack reading comprehension if you can't clue in I'm an actual lesbian and clearly GC, just not dick addicted. KEK

No. 152588

No, you’re a deranged chimp because you wrote a spergy paragraph to convince yourself a random woman on the internet shouldn’t say homophobia is bad.
Whatever damage she contributed is done and now she’s peaked. Throwing tantrums about it isn’t going to do anything. I’m really not interested in infighting over mf of all cows, so hopefully this made it easier for you to understand.

No. 152589

JJ was nuts too though lmao. there's a reason these two retards dated. Also I'm pretty sure Nicoletters or whatever was caught posting in the momokun thread. Every single person in this friend group is toxic.

Never in my life would I have ever thought I'd agree with MF but here we are.

No. 152595>>152600>>152601>>152617>>152628

It's not. Pansexuals are not trans exclusionary whereas a lot of bi people tend to prefer biological for their choice. That's amassive difference and why they are distinct. Not to mention omnisexual is different from pan because they notice gender and genitalia whereas pans basically ignore genitalia and don't care. The fucking radfems in here is making this feel like Parlor.(>>>twitter )

No. 152599

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They have not, and replied to people publicly tagging them they needed time to process it cause of all the drugs they're on for a kidney infection. Skye, however… also check the ATS twitter bio

No. 152600

>thinking anyone on lolcow is going to take your tumblr sexualities seriously

No. 152601

those are a lot of useless words to describe bisexuality

No. 152603


JJ just keeps her drama quieter now. She still has Jenni and all her other old 2000s enemies living in her head, and is a cow of her own right. See >>152521

No. 152606>>152610>>152632

Pridemores ex is Adam right? Wow I didn't know MF was still with him after all this time

No. 152608

mte, MF and all the other cgl-golden-age cosplayers weighing in on this are all classless losers at the end of the day

No. 152610

Kind of sad tbh. He looks…the way he looks. I really don't get her crying lesbian when she has only been with gutter tier trash cis men when she's with men, which is more often than not.

No. 152617

>The fucking radfems in here is making this feel like Parlor
Are you aware of what site you're posting on? Nobody here believes in your retarded sexualities

No. 152628

Seethe, dilate, integrate, or leave.

No. 152632

Once upon a time in the days before social media, Jessie Pridemore, Adam (Dr Teng) and MF were all displaced young people without close family, so they formed their own kind of family unit. They met through anime cons with Pridemore and MF becoming prolific cosplayers and Adam running some kind of cosplay website, idrk. Pridemore and Adam got married at some point, but she eventually left him to move to California, and Adam and MF stayed roommates in NY. Pridemore and Adam split so amicably that they actually stayed married for a few years after for mutual legal/financial benefit. All three have always maintained that the relationship between Adam and MF is purely platonic. MF has publicly described him as her "platonic life partner" or a "package deal" when they moved across the country together, and she's frequently lamented that people (including her family I think?) assume they are a couple. If they've ever actually slept together, it's not proven and seems to just be an assumption in this thread. But it also doesn't seem relevant given that they apparently function well as friends.

All three are super close because of their history and basically taking care of each other for years. It seems unlikely that Pridemore would turn on MF for that reason, even though Pridemore has dated trans women in the past.

This is all pretty much public info that they've shared over many years on different websites and accounts. But the relationships are confusing and frequently misunderstood.

No. 152634

holy fuck this thread is great, I haven't even thought about MF since my Homestuck phase. Keep doing the good work farmers, I'm laughing my ass off. Saged for no actual contribution just wanted to appreciate the good work

No. 152653>>152765>>152806

Not a good look on their part. Everyone knows MF was a drama queen just like the rest of the /cgl/ tripfags and these people in their 30's publicly airing out decade old drama (without any receipts of course) just because the opportunity came up tells a lot about them as a reliable narrator to be honest. If anything, after all these years I didn't think I'd be caping for MF but these people gleefully jumping at her throat over her meltdown bashing homophobia is really outing them as snakes.

No. 152662

JJ never stopped her garbage behavior, she just keeps it more private.

She has her own thread here with her recent antics, mostly stealing money from Covid wards and sucking face with minors for tiktok clout. >>139036

No. 152765

It’s more like finally feeling vindicated after all the years of bullying and doxing that mf is finally getting her comeuppance, of course people are happy about it when any past attempts to speak out or post receipts were only called vendetta or they got harassed into shutting up about it.

No. 152783>>152796

Nicolette is an absolute cow herself, unsurprisingly.

No. 152796>>152800

She was having a field day with all the Mostflogged drama on her twitter. It's funny how Nicolette's consistently acted like a rancid fucking cunt from the day she started out as Yirico, but she loves to act superior to everyone else because she's relatively good at keeping her horrible personality behind the scenes. It pleases me greatly to know that no matter how much makeup Nicolette spackles onto her brick-shaped, masculine face, she'll always be every bit as ugly on the outside as she is on the inside. Her, Taki, MF, PP, etc, they all deserve one another.

No. 152800>>152812

damn did nicolette shoot your dog or something? post caps or shut up you just sound like someone with a vendetta.

I saw her reply to someone who tagged her but she deleted it real quick before I could cap it. Something along the lines of "she isn't a TERF we've talked about it before and she isn't a TERF!"

No. 152804>>152815

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No. 152806>>152810>>152815

My personal facebook is full of people in their 30’s (old-era tripfags) shitting on her for clout to re-live their glory days somehow via virtue signaling. Many of them with shitloads of their own drama they’re lucky hasn’t surfaced.

I think their lives must be empty, pathetic and sad if they are still participating in 10 year old drama on the internet lmao. Like don’t get me wrong MF is a cow but I find all these people to be worse in some ways.

No. 152807>>152813

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No. 152810>>152877

Bro we’re doing the same shit, just anonymously. Why are you playing what aboutism here? If nico or any other old time cgl has drama start a thread or contribute it into cosplay general

No. 152812

>not knowing Nicolette's extensive drama in both cosplay circles and this very board

You must be new.

No. 152813

Their clothes were whatever anyways. About time they shut it down tbh.

No. 152815>>152818>>152925

I find it genuinely hard to believe that Skye didn't know anything about MF's TERF tendencies. They were friends for years and MF was not very secretive about it, she used to reblog all kinds of gender critical stuff on Tumblr (not to her main blog but still)

I think Skye's just pretending she knows less than she did to save face, though it's not nearly as bad a look as Takisiski's "I knew all about MF being like this and said nothing all these years until there was a big enough drama to speak up." They're all sad, pathetic, virtue signaling clout chasers.

I laughed when I saw Saku/Cheyenne weigh in. All the old /cgl/ hags coming out to play has been pure entertainment these last few days. It's always the people with the biggest skeletons in their closets who have the most to say when someone they hate gets torn down. Their time will come too, I'm sure of it. Would love it if this had a cascading effect in the cosplay community from a pure schadenfreude standpoint.

No. 152818>>152820>>152822>>152824>>152826>>152831>>152837>>152885>>152943

Hey what is up. Glad you're having a laugh too, a lot of people haven't thought about this shit in years and I personally think it's fucking hilarious that MF finally did something stupid enough publicly.

I can't really think of anything that's a skeleton in my closet but you're more then welcome to ask about anything, I've owned up to being a piece of shit for a while now. The only thing I can think of is directly or indirectly calling people cunts whether or not it was deserved. But seriously, feel free to ask although I'd like to not derail this thread, I guess it's related since it's been brought up?

I know I spent a lot of time as a young dumbass being agitated about these shits because I get pissed when I see dumb fucks getting away with awful behavior and it's not limited to them. I honestly can't remember what did it for me in regards to MF because it's been so long. I completely forgot about her biphobic tirades but it makes complete sense for her to be a terf.(attention whoring)

No. 152820>>152821

lmao didn't take long for you to show your ugly face huh

No. 152821>>152822>>152826>>152894

I’ve been on lolcow since it’s inception but sure, my ugly mug is here

No. 152822>>152823

Of course you have. Incredible that it took less than an hour for you to show up at a singular mention of your name. Never change, Cheyenne, you crazy cunt.

No. 152823>>152824

Aw you never change either you weirdass cunt!

Seriously whatever you’re pissed off about you’re welcome to confront me over- unless it’s my personality then that’s cool you do you.

No. 152824>>152825


>admit you were a bitch for calling people cunts

>takes only one post for you to get mad and call someone a cunt

No. 152825

>it was a joke meant to be read in an affectionate tone in response to also being called a cunt
>no one is here to read this stupid banter
yeah I was a massive bitch, I was angry all the time and an asshole for no reason to people who may not have deserved it. Some did tho, mostly MF.

No. 152826

You REALLY couldn't just keep this shit on Facebook? No one cares that you sperged about MF for years. Everyone in the community who has been within a five foot radius could've told you she's batshit.

No. 152831>>152832


I came here for the Jenni drama, and was startled to see your tripcode. I will bite on the skeleton-closet thing because you seem sincere.

You did something truly petty/awful towards a friend of mine (and me by extension, but mostly her) more than 10 years ago, and I still think about it sometimes, because what you did fucked her up for a long time and she was a sweetheart who did absolutely and literally nothing to you and did not deserve it at all. Over the years, I have thought about reaching out and contacting you to try and understand your actions at that time and why you did what you did, but it has been so long that I don't think it would be worth it. I have also always had a sinking feeling in my stomach that you probably do not even remember it or appreciate the degree of disrespect and callousness you showed, so I think it wouldn't be worth it to unbury the mess. I just want you to know that what you did still has emotional repercussions on the people you affected more than a decade later. I can only hope that you have since changed and become a better person, but I wouldn't know because we never spoke again after that incident.

I guess it was a little cathartic just to say this alone… Sage because the thread is about Jenni. I apologize to other farmers for the weird & contextless blogpost but since Saku already derailed and asked for people to ask about skeletons, I wanted to answer.

No. 152832>>152834>>152835

In this case it’s not so much that I don’t remember but that, like you said, it’s been ten years so it’s not at the forefront of my mind. If you do wish to discuss it privately you’re welcome to contact me elsewhere and I’d be happy to talk about it- if you feel it will help. You are completely correct on the emotional ramifications part and it was callous of me. I don’t want to derail further and I will answer things relevant to this thread if asked, since my name has been brought up a couple of times. But otherwise deuces y’all

No. 152834

Idk who you/Saku is but you sound like a cunt

No. 152835

Cosplay bitches are fucking crazy man. I don't know who you are Saku but you're proving my point.

No. 152837>>152840>>152923

What she did was not stupid, it was an incredibly ballsy move for her to call out people forcing lesbians to accept troon dick and like predicted, she ruined her career overnight for it. It's a hell of a lot more activism than all the virtue signaling costhots putting a comfy, pandering #BLM or a pride flag on their name. I don't even like MF and don't agree about everything with her but she really made a huge sacrifice for something that a lot of lesbians have to deal with currently.

No. 152838>>152841

>early 20s

That's awfully generous of you nonnie. Even in their early 20s most of these women acted like teenagers.

No. 152840>>152842>>152843

> she made a huge sacrifice

it was a tweet that got 13 likes and she deleted, quit acting like she led a riot

No. 152841>>152923

And what's more they all keep saying "Oh I've grown past my previous life, I'm not a bitch anymore guys! Unlike this stupid terf cunt who I always hated and am happy to see gone, let me recount drama from a decade ago!!!!" like our old friend Saku right here never realizing the glaring irony and hypocrisy. You all can just count your lucky stars you've fallen out of relevancy such a long time ago that nobody is paying attention to you anymore or feels like making a 20-page google doc about how shitty you have been and continue to be.

No. 152842

She sacrificed her entire career and what's left of her reputation to the point she's probably never going to be able to show her face online anymore over something she knew would get her in big trouble. I think that's a pretty big sacrifice. I wish she would've left the tweet up so that people could see the original one instead of hearing the grapevine version sperging about muh biphobia and transphobia but nevertheless she actually took a big gamble and lost basically everything even if it was just a tweet.

No. 152843>>152859>>152890

nayrt but I think what anon means is it was an enormous personal risk/sacrifice. She destroyed her business, multiple friendships, and reputation all in one fell swoop. It was ballsy af and I'm almost impressed at how openly she went mask-off.

No. 152859>>152885

It wasn’t a mask off moment though? She’s been tweeting bat shit insane things for a while but has been so irrelevant no one really cared(until now)

No. 152860>>152876>>152952>>152971

The tweet that had the caps which circulated the most is gone since OP when private. Despite how much she probably already damned herself, would anyone care to compile a google doc for MF?

Saying this because I have a my own information to share if there was. Unlike some derailers, I'm not looking for attention. Me and others would be willing to share milk.

No. 152876

Well share it here you idiot
Nobody wants to make a fucking Google doc when you can spill the beans here

No. 152877>>152885

There is a distinction between going on a gossip forum to post about someone anonymously Vs dragging someone publicly with your name and face attached for woke popularity points. Try to put all your brain cells together to think about why one is different than the other, it isn’t hard.

No. 152885

Kek seriously, exhibit A >>152818
These cows shat on each other and random people for years, only to come out the woodworks as individuals who have personally “grown” despite keeping up the same immature, 13 year old mean girl antics. Immediately responding to, and actively using a thread to shit on your cohorts doesn’t make you better than them just because you personally haven’t peaked yet, saku and co.
In every other conceivable way, the old cgl cows have always been just as retarded as MF. Genuine birds of a feather. Unsurprised to see that hasn’t really changed.

ntayrt, MF had a detailed history of being a loud and autistic TRA, and for many people that was still considered part of her persona up until the tweets. She really only ever expressed gc opinions on a side blog that most of her current audience wasn’t following, based on their reaction. So it was a mask off moment to call out troons and homophobia on her most prominent account, especially knowing the consequences.

No. 152890>>152936

>She destroyed her business
Her business sucked. It was just low quality weeb merch

>multiple friendships

Based on everything else in this thread, she seems to enjoy destroying friendships anyway

>and reputation

Pfft are you serious nonnie?

No. 152894>>152913

Hey saku how do your followers feel like knowing you've been frequenting an evil terf site since its inception?

No. 152913

Saku is childish and their tweets show it, nothing new to their followers.

No. 152919>>152920

So, bitches are allowed to laugh at MF if they are anonymous on this board, but not "tripfags"? I see no difference between what she is doing and what y'all are doing. Sage for incoming WK accusation.

No. 152920

nta but what part of tripfagging and staying anonymous is the same to you? Do you know what tripfagging means?

No. 152923

Exactly. JJ making that series of butthurt tweets and all these hags coming out of their caves to shit on one person shows how bitter and pathetic they are. If they really did grow as people, they would not care that someone they don't like got cancelled and would not have an emotional response or want to be vindictive. They have not changed and should all get the same treatment as MF.

I never kept up with JJ as a cosplayer back in her cgl days but I read some of her twitter after reading >>152495 and she sounds AND looks like an insufferable narc, especially with that beat saggy mug, ratty hair, ugly men's suits and "my shit don't" stink attitude. Her twitter is embarrassing and what I would expect from someone ten years younger who just discovered fandom.

Everything MF said was in a confusing rant that only pertained to her self interest, like the narc she is. It is absolutely true that women should not be attacked for only wanting to date biological women and calling them a terf for their preferences is disgusting, misogynistic and just another way to villainize women. (Notice how gay men don't get called anything if they don't want to date F2Ms or if they call female biology nasty? The whole concept of a terf is misogyny at it's finest and once again makes the experiences and feelings of women invalid because of what they are.)

But MF did not make a statement to share that sentiment or be an activist for that message. It felt like a drug or alcohol induced ramble about being butthurt that a bi woman made her insecure and it was all about her. Plus she dirty deleted after. She would have more of a leg to stand on if she was actually trying to spread this message like an activist and her followers split as a result, but this was purely in unhinged self interest with no actual point to her tweets other than her upset nonsense. It does not deserve any admiration.

No. 152925>>152932

Where did Saku weigh in? Or Saku if you're still here, where did you weigh in?

I loved following cgl tripfag drama then and I love it now. Keep being you, it lets quiet losers like me who are cows deep down vicariously live our dreams. Would love to have joined you back then but I knew you'd all backstab and shit on eachother the moment it suited you, this mostflogged situation is just further proof.

No. 152932>>152934>>152943

I said a lot of the same things here but publicly on twitter. I haven't/dont plan to delete anything either, once it's done i think it's stupid (for me) to try to delete and pretend it never happened. Basically said things like 'I shouldnt have hid behind a monitor and just said shit outright way back when.' I remember a lot of people in cosplay in that time were obsessed with saving face and remaining "publicly" friends with everyone. I dipped on a lot of the other cgl crew because people got weird, everyone started sleeping with everyone else, and more weird drama i cant remember. I looked into this MF shit while it was going down and saw some younger kids saying shit like 'I can't believe this' or 'i looked up to her' which feels a little bad like should someone had said something? Who the fuck knows.

And haha you wouldn't have wanted to join in, don't worry about it. Much better to be on the side lines, I saw this sentiment in lolita comms a lot where it's something like 'we have one thing in common but that doesn't mean we share the same values/interests.' No idea why a lot of tripfags came together beyond that need for attention and validation. And don't think of yourself a quiet loser, shit is just like keeping up on celebrities or whatever tabloids. Cows wouldn't have stuck around for so long if people didn't find it interesting.

No. 152934>>152937>>152939

Saku, why are you acting like you're above all of these "other cgl bitches with weird drama"? You're out here openly posting to a gossip website and being hateful and angry, "jokingly" calling people cunts and enjoying the fact that MF is taken down just because of your age-old vendetta.

>No idea why a lot of tripfags came together beyond that need for attention and validation.

The same reason you're dropping here to post under your trip in less than an hour from being mentioned you crazy retard. Buy a mirror and reflect a bit for once. You're cut from the same cloth as the rest of these /cgl/ tripfags and nobody will believe you when you try to sell your "Yeah they were all so stupid unlike me of course" act. And even less this "yeah I learned from my mistakes and grew from them" when you're sitting here, posting on lolcow of all fucking places and dishing who knows what anonymously after dropping your trip. Fuck off with this, you should be too old for these kind of games.

No. 152936>>152944>>152951

Did anyone actually buy ATS' ugly ass merch? I know those plastic letter snapbacks they had that said YAOI, HENTAI, etc. on them were popular on Tumblr circa 2013-14, but I've never heard or seen anyone buy ATS after that.

No. 152937

it's pointless to ask. she's always been like this and lacks selfawareness

No. 152939>>152943

Namefield isn’t relevant for this. Also I’m not better than anyone lol I was right there with all this dumb shit. Sorry if it sounded like that, I’m just as garbage as the rest.

No. 152943

I just don't understand why you'd openly and happily admit to hanging out on this evil TERF website, which is in many many ways worse then /cgl/ ever was, "since its inception" like that's something to be proud of. That's the part that makes people think you're a loathsome smug hypocrite bitch who hasn't changed an inch. Either you're "just as garbage" as us >>152939 or you "can't really think of anything that's a skeleton in my closet" and have "owned up to being a piece of shit" >>152818. So which one is it? Because you can't have both.

No. 152944>>152946

wtf is with these anons acting she's making this statement, when she's going on a narc rant that relates to herself personally? She's not trying to make this omg bold and true statement, someone slighted her and she's lashing out.
She's is a piece of shit and always has been. This is the same girl that claimed she identified with futas. Seriously it's embarrassing.

I get the people coming out of the woodwork who affected by her. Cringy as a lot of them are. Saku I have no idea why you're trying to explain yourself here, you've been on CGL long enough to know better.

Those ugly hats were somewhat popular in the con/party scene. If tatoo is smart she could probably go back into art/t-shirt design since it looks like she did most of that work anyway. People seem to be supporting her.

No. 152946>>152949

>someone slighted her

Did anyone determined who it was she was ranting about, anyway? She was talking about it happening in real time, was it Tayla after all?

No. 152947>>152953

Saku, I have no idea who you are, but fuck all the way off. Showing up to defend yourself like "oh there's no skeletons to see here, I admit to being a piece of shit!" is absolute cow-tier defensiveness even though you're pretending to be sooo unbothered. If you were actually unbothered you would have shrugged off seeing yourself mentioned instead of tripfagging to turn the conversation onto yourself, and avidly responding to every single mention. You aren't clearing your name, this is just pathetic and annoying.

Somebody make this bitch a thread because she's clearly a fucking cow and is shitting up this one.

No. 152949

I don't think anyone knows exactly who yet. She was making digs at JJ. But the "happening in real time" has to be about Tayla

No. 152951


I actually liked the stuff with tatto’s art on it, but there was a lot that felt just like con fashion

No. 152952

Making a gdoc now could compromise anonymity, just drop your receipts with things properly censored and it can be compiled in kiwifarms or something

No. 152953>>152955

She sounds like a cunt but I don’t even know what she’s done with people being vague and shit. I was a lurker way back in the /cgl days too and I still can’t conjure up any memories for this irrelevant cunt

No. 152955>>152959>>152971

File (hide): 1622057348464.png (913.92 KB, 1366x2048, Screenshot_20210526-152754.png)

She's irrelevant, used to trip just to get some attention. I guess her Twitter is mildly entertaining if you're bored.

No. 152959

File (hide): 1622058202958.jpeg (102.09 KB, 686x485, 871A3BC5-03CF-4F91-9C08-5DBD49…)

how is this 35 year old woman gonna pretend to be a compassionate SJW but not provide any kind of trigger warning for publicly tweeting about muh child abuse

No. 152971>>152996

Just stop acknowledging her, she just wants what little clout she can scrape out of being tangentially involved with this like all the other ancient fuckin tripfags on twitter. Saku give it a rest this is pathetic.
Literally just post it here, if this gets another thread it will be summarized there for readability.

No. 152975>>152976>>152978>>152987

File (hide): 1622067141199.jpeg (370.65 KB, 750x999, BE5FFFCB-ACF2-4F53-A88B-017585…)

Surprised there hasn't been much talk of the grooming accusations. Lots of people are claiming it but I haven't seen a shred of proof.

It IS, however, extremely weird to me that she ended up dating Tayla, who was definitely underaged when they met while MF was 25-26.

No. 152976>>152977

File (hide): 1622067234274.jpeg (504.16 KB, 750x1096, D758D885-F8F4-4E75-95A5-57F6CB…)

No. 152977>>152980>>153523

File (hide): 1622067642404.jpeg (245.77 KB, 750x600, 6B04C761-D13F-4858-AA7D-35830C…)

Taki also has said some things implying MF groomed her or that they were fucking or something. It's so vague it's hard to understand what she means, and of course there's no proof.

No. 152978

I think that her relationship with tayla is mostly where that comes from, because it's pretty fucking weird to fuck around with a 16 year old when you're 25. If she were a man she'd instantly get called out.
I've seen other mentions of it as well but I feel like the people she may have hooked up with when they were young probably won't come forward. Most claims have been from the old /cgl/ circle so I suppose you can take it with a grain of salt.

No. 152980>>152981

File (hide): 1622067687010.jpeg (479.83 KB, 750x1057, 61564096-83EE-4CB5-9742-A34701…)

No. 152981>>152982>>153002

File (hide): 1622067731216.jpeg (368.11 KB, 750x770, 1663F2C8-5375-4185-AB67-4A4B2C…)

No. 152982>>152984

File (hide): 1622067839581.jpeg (424.96 KB, 750x903, 084CFF62-E9E5-4FA2-BD76-8E01B5…)

No. 152984>>152986>>152990

File (hide): 1622068018039.jpeg (313.8 KB, 750x645, EE503104-BFF9-4DE9-8DF1-DBEAAA…)

I do agree with Taki on this point. Hanging out with teenagers as an adult well into your 20s is just fucking weird.

Years ago I used to think Jenni and Tayla had a mentor/student kind of relationship… I thought it was kind of sweet that Jenni had taken a young newbie cosplayer under her wing, and there's nothing wrong with that in itself. But now that they're dating, it throws all of Jenni's actions into a very different light. A gross one.

No. 152986

Does anyone else find it weird that this Oni girl feels so comfortable discussing other people's experiences? I don't know if I'd want my "friend" using my experiences that I confided in her for clout like that.

No. 152987

That's because there's no point in talking about it if there is no proof. Their only "proof" is that she ended up dating a legal adult but they happened to first meet when this other person was 16. No proof of grooming was ever provided or any signs of it.

No. 152990

Taki can fuck off too kek
She can't come in here acting like MF is the only problematic one.

No. 152996

The reasoning is that people who don’t care that they reveal who they are on social media can say things without dumping here where a lot of things on lolcow can be read as untrue. There’s a lot of people hopping on the drama for attention by having mouth diarrhea (hi saku) but people with more credible things to say still haven’t come forward besides JJ and Liz.

No. 153002>>153009

Is this the person who almost an hero’d with prescription pills? I remember being in a cosplay group with MF and them being upset a girl couldn’t join the shoot because anhero attempt

No. 153009

lmao wtf, more deets anon please

No. 153068>>153106>>153120>>153131>>155883

I found this interview and it’s wild how even 8 years ago, she focuses so much on gender and sexuality unsolicited

No. 153102>>153130>>153162

File (hide): 1622123231815.jpeg (452.4 KB, 1242x1702, CE362D1A-C972-4D18-BE35-01FF5F…)


For a lesbian she sure loves dick!! Her YouTube is a mess.

No. 153105>>153145

File (hide): 1622123631080.jpeg (955.28 KB, 2880x3840, AF0DAB9B-98B7-4C50-8F21-16EA9C…)

MF and her groomed gf (met when they were like 15 and 25) has been called out for shipping underage characters and like, whatever, but why does she need to act so weird about it?
>virtue signaling

Same with the “I am the Voice of the Lesbians”
>dates a man for a decade

No. 153106

>I don’t really do anything else or have any hobbies, half my paycheck goes to rent and half goes to costumes

>until I start making money my parents won’t care about this shit

laffo !!!!

No. 153115

I bought their punpun shirt because I was desperate for literally any punpun merch, the graphic started cracking immediately.

No. 153120

It’s an interview in 2013, chances are they asked her about it.

Her teeth are fucked and she’s pretty gross, especially in the clips she’s biting her nails. However she actually sounded pretty self aware back then, despite being a noticeably dick addicted bisexual. But now she’s claiming to be a lesbian while dating a girl she met at 15, so mf’s dubious at best.



No. 153130

The anti crowd on twitter would have a field day with that Mother and Son video. MF rubbing off to 9 year old child porn while also grooming underage girls sounds about right.

No. 153131>>153144

Man she sounds really whiny and insufferable.
>I got into cosplay to get a cute nerd girlfriend
>That went poorly

Who is she salty about in this interview?

No. 153144

She's mad a bi girl got with a dude instead of her. She's just as bad as a dude getting turned down. She can't take a damn hint and now how internalized homophobia and this trauma. She's just annoying as hell.

No. 153145

Anyone saying "underage characters", shouldn't be taken seriously.

No. 153162>>153212>>153219>>153279

You can imbed videos. There is literally a field for YouTube links.

No. 153212

Jesus the video isn’t very long and I couldn’t even finish it. Absolutely disgusting

No. 153219

i dont think anything she said is wrong but it's definitely under the "don't say outloud with your face attached" category

No. 153221>>153226>>153236

I'm surprised people have their panties in a twist over the turbo TERF parade and are ignoring the grooming shit. Going by Fae's thread there were at least 3 people groomed so seems more than enough for the ex-tumblrina twitter crowd to crucify her for. Comparing the two, the TERF tirade was just words, no one really talks about how she assaulted people or groomed kids? The logic doesn't make sense.

No. 153226>>153251>>153356

It’s because they don’t care. Simple as. For all the heinous shit mf is known for, somehow the real pitchforks only came at the ready when she starting dunking on trannies. That was the worst thing that made all the cgl cows come out to share their flogphobia survivor stories. The fact that she’s visibly a serial groomer is somehow not as important, despite being the only genuine offense.

No. 153231

She told me I was cute and tried to befriend me when I was 16 and she was 22. The grooming allegations are not surprising. Her and Tatto are both creepy.

No. 153236>>153415>>153447

it's all tweets and no screenshots, it doesn't help Tayla(?) deleted all her social medias.

I do think there is something really sus right before she deleted herself. She was dating a guy in LA and the guy and jenni were pretty good friends(for years). But now that tayla's disappeared from the web and they broke up, he's openly stated how he hates jenni. She also moved back home after living in LA for almost a year so idk what's up with that

No. 153251>>153383

nah there’s just no one who’s come out with credible evidence about it besides hearsay, it’s just as shitty but the terf shit came straight from the horse’s mouth so there’s absolutely no plausible deniability like groomer accusations

No. 153279>>153351>>153398

Are we surprised she's a coomer? Didn't she ruin her friend's office chair by cooming on it?

No. 153351

A costume piece was, but I don't know about a chair. I would not be surprised, though.

No. 153353>>153383

As far as the grooming goes you can't always prove things with solid proof like caps. Too bad the victims themselves don't come forward but I get not wanting to

No. 153356>>153370

Liz coming out with that LJ callout about Katsucon was juvenile as shit but I can't remember if anyone flocked to call out MF at the time for that either. MF also assaulted someone another Katsucon but iirc that was kept within her close former circle and was never posted any where.

No. 153370>>153512

Recording in writing that someone was giving out your private info to the public, hitting you, and stalking enough to try and get you fired is juvenile since when?

No. 153383


there's no caps and the first ring of people around the situation who could give enough details to be proof without caps won't, because MF is emotionally manipulative and abusive to her GF. she's isolated her from any friends that speak out so none of them will say anything publicly, just to other friends, which turns into hearsay. which this comment totally is.

No. 153386>>153390>>153393

Anyone else find it weird that tatto didn't know shit? Or reacted the way they did? Why dissolve the company now? They were with Jenni all the fucking time so it's fucking weird to me. Maybe the business wasn't doing well because of the lack of cons?

No. 153390

It is weird. I don't know how Skye didn't know seeing as how they were "besties".
Didn't Jenni and Adam move to LA together with Skye for a while anyways?

No. 153393

I’d guess she’s faking this “I had no idea” shit. I’m sure tatto checked out at some point prior— but taking this long to do this is retarded unless they were still on amicable enough terms that it wasn’t a priority. And with her own specialisms I’m sure the topic has been brought up between them at some point.

No. 153398

No. 153415>>153425

>he's openly stated how he hates jenni. She also moved back home after living in LA for almost a year so idk what's up with that

This is an imageboard. Post screenshots.

No. 153425

Oh yes let me get the caps from her nuked social media accounts that I totally have access to. If I had them I would post them, stop mini modding.

No. 153447>>153473

I didn't follow Tayla's stuff too much so I don't know why she deleted her socials, but I assumed at the time it was because she was getting called out for her shoddy commission work

No. 153473>>153479

That and being associated with mariah

No. 153479>>153510

Mariah as in Moo? What's Tayla's association with her?

It looks like Tayla's facebook is still active but I can't see anything since it's private

No. 153504>>153511

File (hide): 1622334248448.png (29.8 KB, 820x556, monchichitanuki.PNG)

Still together

No. 153510

Yes, sewing costumes for her

No. 153511

What is the purpose of this exactly? Anyone could have taken Tayla's old username and posted that.

No. 153512>>153518>>153651

At the time no one took that girl seriously because of how juvenile her post sounded (degrassi high? hello?) which is part of why no one cared to go after Jenni about it back then. She just seemed like a shit stirrer

No. 153518

Degrassi was probably used to make it sound not as obvious. Just a throwaway.
No one really "went after" Jenni, but instead just left and stopped being friends/acquaintances. The online environment now is rather different than it used to be.

No. 153523>>153693

They Def fucked I have no proof other than a friend of mine was in their circle and apparently mf got pissed cause Taki didn't let her cum

No. 153651

I always figured she made it to clear shit up to mutuals because MF posted about it first, the degrassi high name was because MF and her bf’s whole thing was juvenile to start

No. 153693

Anon, shut up. No one is believing any of these random anon stories without proof.

No. 153786>>153788

File (hide): 1622527459639.png (170.45 KB, 833x594, Screenshot_20210601-020023~2.p…)

Was browsing through old posts from like five years ago and damn, what time will tell…

No. 153788>>153789

Is this Adam the same one Jessie Pridemore used to be married to?

No. 153789

Yes it is

No. 154311>>154361>>154413>>154475

Late to the party, but I agree with everyone saying that none of them look good in this situation and tbh it's only a mild reflection of the mutual unhinged obsession JJ and Jenni have with each other. I can't speak for Liz at all, but I used to be in the same circles with JJ and Jenni and each of them both shat talked the other in depth to me years and years after their fallout, despite the fact I was not close at all to either of them. According to our mutuals, that was just the tip of the iceberg and they bitched about the other on a very regular basis. They try to act like they're so ~over it~ online, but that's not the case at all.

This type of behavior is by no means exclusive to them, it's pretty rampant among the peak /cgl/ era cosplayers, though they definitely are one of the most extreme examples. People don't let go of their decade old drama and it's a pretty classic trait of arrested development.

I know this will piss off a lot of cosplayers on here, but this type of shit is why I left cosplay. It attracts mentally tapped immature people and fosters arrested development and vendettas.

No. 154361>>154413

> this type of shit is why I left cosplay. It attracts mentally tapped immature people and fosters arrested development and vendettas.

true though lmao, I moved out to the east coast for work a long time ago and had the misfortune to be introduced to mf and her circle. Most fucked up people I've ever met, drugs, cheating, room fucking. West coasters are chill, never fucking with east again.

No. 154413>>154475>>154555>>154556

Same, I left cosplay several years ago and haven't looked back since. My mental health and overall well-being and satisfaction in life have improved vastly since quitting. I have some great memories and had fun while it lasted, but closing that chapter of my life and turning away from the batshit insane dramas and antics of the cosplay community was a deep relief.

The hobby just isn't what it used to be, anyway. Late 2000s was the golden age imo, even with all the drama, but in the time of social media clout and costhots and "lewds", the hobby is never, ever going to go back to the way it used to be. It's just too commercialized and commodified now. It's part of the reason why mid-30s old guard cosplayers like JJ look so dumb trying to stay relevant and hip with the kids on child-dominated apps like Tiktok. Just embarrassing. It speaks to a lack of dignity and refusal to accept the aging process. Cosplay is just a different world now, one where teenagers are counting down the days until they turn 18 so they can take all their clothes off and become a famous cosplayer because that's apparently what it takes now to stay relevant. It's no longer the hobby I fell in love with, and I'm so much better off after accepting that and letting go. The rest of these dumbass bitches would probably be a lot more mentally stable if they did, too.

No. 154475>>154556

File (hide): 1622833620211.gif (362.26 KB, 500x289, 1621108276980.gif)

You mean to tell me that people who are still dressing up like cartoon teenagers as their main hobby well into their 30's are very immature and not typically well adjusted people? No. Fucking. Way.

>It's part of the reason why mid-30s old guard cosplayers like JJ look so dumb trying to stay relevant and hip with the kids on child-dominated apps like Tiktok. Just embarrassing. It speaks to a lack of dignity and refusal to accept the aging process.
I can't agree with this enough. I don't there's necessarily anything wrong with having a casual interest in cosplay in your 30's or older, but when your life still centers around it and most of the characters you cosplay are teenagers, it's a bad sign. Like, it's one thing to dress up as age appropriate characters for a con once or twice a year, but it's a huge red flag if you're still treating it like a lifestyle as grown ass adult and the characters you're drawn to are half your age.

No. 154551

Tayla has a secret art ig and she hasn’t posted anything sad, which she would absolutely do for attention, so I doubt it was in regards to her, but only time will tell. I hope someone on the inside of mfs shit will have some more info on it, I’m curious. For her to feel this strongly over jj and skye not being with her this many years later would be fucking pathetic

No. 154555>>154561

>it's no longer the hobby I fell in love with.
DA but I think this thing with MF has really hammered in that I have been clinging to something that will never come back, thank you. People can laugh and say it's stupid to "let people win" but cosplay just isn't the same and the only way to get any respect is numbers, and the only way to get numbers is by doing disrespectful things like this. It's been eye opening watching people I know have been just as petty (if a touch more controlled) jump on this as an opportunity to look like a good person. Is it even about costumes or friends any more? Sage for bullshit I'm just so relieved it's not just me noticing.

No. 154556>>154559>>154566

imo the same can be said for jojo siwa then, she’s a teenage girl but people attack her just because she wears “childish” clothing to appeal to her younger generation.
it’s sad people think once you turn 16-18 you should put away everything deemed childish for a life of beige pantsuits and taxes

No. 154559

>it’s sad people think once you turn 16-18 you should put away everything deemed childish for a life of beige pantsuits and taxes

nobody said that though

No. 154561>>154562

a year without cons means every sane person has gone into hibernation. the only people doing any kind of numbers right now are drama cows.

best way to do cosplay is to go to cons with friends and not do online cosplay shit at all

No. 154562

That'll be the plan when things come back, for now I'm enjoying just existing. Like one costume a year at max, it's just too much money to invest in people only concerned with their own egos.

No. 154566

Lolwut. How does "centering your life around dressing up as fictional teenagers is likely a sign of arrested development" translate to "drop everything fun by 18"?

No. 155874>>155909

File (hide): 1623752567521.jpeg (514.51 KB, 1878x2822, 267EE809-44AE-4B76-BBFF-2BB2CD…)

TOP before
BOTTOM after

Looks like even Tayla didn’t want her anymore, which makes sense, since Jenni is essentially a nobody now

No. 155875

Mostflogged is insecure and a whiny cunt basically because
>skye aka tattobot
She was in love with her, moved out to get her, didn’t work, defaulted back w Adam
Bisexual w male preference
used to date men before MF, one of which is jacked and like 6ft tall which explains a lot of her deep insecurities
If tayla is smart she’ll run and never look back

No. 155877>>155880

File (hide): 1623753400040.jpeg (35.59 KB, 828x252, E6FA2179-9EED-49C1-8AFD-D16B95…)

her brain is literally melting she’s gets SO angry about lgbt it turns her temporarily straight? That explains Adam at least.

No. 155878>>155883

File (hide): 1623753497212.jpeg (608.64 KB, 1705x1457, 5BCD012C-E125-4930-A3B1-9963C9…)

anyway here’s a lulzy read. Hope she can use that degree. get back to the 9-5 bitch!! “CHOKE”, as they say! “Laffo!!” So glad I never get to see this bitch talk or have opinions ever again. We love to see it

No. 155880

>if she just shut up and did this she’d still have a company and a job

No. 155883

File (hide): 1623754526720.jpeg (30.12 KB, 320x213, AAFF5401-0F81-44B9-8575-DC11D0…)

wait “several publications including business insider” DID SHE MEAN THIS SHIT? >>153068
because I for one would be pretending this cringefest wasn’t real. Anyway have Sebastian Mostflogged

No. 155884

File (hide): 1623754694866.jpeg (36.16 KB, 320x213, BD0FAE23-AF5C-43C2-9013-998E6A…)

No. 155909>>155959

that's a ton of posts she deleted, wonder if they were ones of her and tayla or tatto?

No. 155959>>155973

tatto also DELETED every pic of her and Jenni but kept all the photos of her and tayla so yep, looks like everyone but Adam left her

No. 155973>>156773>>157627

Mf nerfed her whole life. I love it tbh. It’s only a matter of time for Adam I’m sure. I can’t imagine it’s fun to be someone’s “best friend” as a man who is in love with that someone who will never stop talking the nastiest shit about men. Now she will have no one but him to talk all her shit to.

No. 156355

File (hide): 1624015325596.jpeg (1.72 MB, 1242x2148, D54607DA-51A8-4457-9D2D-2F1A97…)

>head empty stare
Literally no soul in there, serial killer eyes

No. 156773

Surprising Adam is still allowed to be in the country. Jessie got him a green card only to divorce shortly after

No. 157320>>157322>>157324>>157350>>157701>>157770

File (hide): 1624656686507.jpg (639.61 KB, 1536x2048, E4v0IjrWUAAPWpC.jpg)

mf hasnt posted herself but she's still alive and cosplaying lol


No. 157322>>157350

Was about to come here and post this before MF begs this girl to delete it. she looks cross eyed… her teefs… also imagine being 33+ and unable to do simple eye makeup. Anyway I’m slowly believing MF might be mentally ill as hell

No. 157324

>are her eyes ok???
>vest construction is childlike
>didn’t know poison did meth

No. 157350>>157462

For as much money as she spends on cosplay and cons, you’d think she’d set aside enough money for something like Invisalign

>MF might be mentally ill
We been knew

No. 157462>>157533>>157761

The moneys gone, lol. I’d post caps but she went private but: There were some tweets about how she had to call unemployment like 80+ times and how tough it was etc. Nothing wrong w collecting unemployment but
>you cannot legally collect unemployment unless you make less than 500 something a week
>which means “Anime Trash Swag” made her so little money she qualified for unemployment

No. 157533>>157586>>157761

I doubt she’d collect illegally, so that also means she didn’t even get a part time job while ats was failing, just sat there and watched children’s cartoons and ranted on twitter

No. 157586>>157761

Time to go back to the tea shop

No. 157627>>157646

I have insider info but as to not reveal myself I can’t post evidence but Adam is still a huge fan of Jenni, even after all this. He knows she’s nuts but he’s still in love with her and always will be. Sorry ladies!!

No. 157646

Then no one cares if you can't provide anything. Sage your no contribution.

No. 157701

File (hide): 1624907353519.png (10.91 MB, 1242x2208, 9AE18AE4-775D-41EC-89F6-112796…)

>mfw thats a flattering pic for ashley lol
This is all MF has left? absolutely amazing

No. 157761

genuinely caught between laughter and pity

No. 157770>>157771

File (hide): 1624936512820.png (10.36 MB, 1242x2208, CDDBFBCF-F725-469B-A6E4-488737…)

>you are looking at fifteen years of “talent”
why is one brow (left) all fluffed and feathered and the other one is like…. Square as fuck.
>cancels herself for pride month forever
>loses gf, best friend and ENTIRE company, back to min wage
>attempts a comeback with….. this

No. 157771

Looks like she plucked too much on one side, but aside from that she should probably invest in some brow gel kek

No. 157823>>157825>>157842

File (hide): 1624972573577.jpeg (779.12 KB, 1242x1715, 7D238826-4C9A-4CAC-9BD5-256E50…)

I found this extremely hilarious.
> Jennis FIRST gf broke up with her (jj) because jj wouldn’t fuck her
> proceeds to dates men for 10+ years
> recently starts dating a girl again, then goes on a rant about how bi people are bad despite fucking Adam and dating men for more than she dated women.

she only ever had TWO GIRLFRIENDS and only one wanted to smash

No. 157825>>157844

does she mean Crystal in like Crystal Fae? Isn't this Crystal like 6 feet tall and mostflogged a midget?

No. 157827

File (hide): 1624973756642.jpeg (620.13 KB, 1242x1202, 2AFBF705-AB25-45F0-8828-4F701A…)

This is interesting karma for Jenni, because she actually hates fat people IRL, so to see them hang out because she’s lonely is wild.
> Also she changed her legal name to….. Riot…..

No. 157842>>157899

I reeeeally hate this bitch for shit like this. She tried to steal my insane white gf in like 2011 for being white and into homestuck on tumblr. Bisexuals exist and you are one of the Jenni! You are also completely deranged and entitled!

No. 157844>>157898>>157956>>157963

File (hide): 1624982558224.jpg (1.21 MB, 800x1200, 83130-be854058441954138dcf00ef…)

I think they likely mean Kris Lee, who was buddies with MF. Though she was still chatting with her as recently as May

No. 157898

Nah they meant Crystal, she even replied to said tweet. That girl on the right isn’t involved In this whole debacle. No idea what her opinion on MF is tho.

No. 157899>>158163

I’m laughing but
>she has only ever dated white people
I’m inclined to believe you

No. 157956>>157963>>157971

kris and mostflogged look nothing alike. lel is she still backing mostflogged? they were bff before this terf drama

No. 157963>>157971

Kris (the one that looks nothing like her, in red) dropped MF a while ago
>no longer following each other on all socials
>mutuals with jennis ex on twit LOL
mostfloggeds life is over, all she has is Ashley and Adam

No. 157971>>157992

Just checked her instagram (terrible_hime). Still follows mostflogged

you're just making shit up. lol(learn 2 imageboard)

No. 157992

Forgot MF (motherfucker) blocked one of my alts. Oh well, it’s not like they’ll ever hang out again, or at least admit it publicly since Kris wants to do twitch like full time. Jenni would RUIN all her hard work like she did Skye(Cowtipping)

No. 158163>>158526

Not to nitpick but Tayla is hapa just like MF. White passing though, sure

No. 158526

She's not, she's only a quarter japanese. Her dad is hafu hence her last name.

No. 158741>>159060

File (hide): 1625436106607.png (10.16 MB, 1242x2208, 74CDCF8F-8029-4A8A-B23F-FB6BB6…)

her Etsy……… Why

No. 159060>>159070

Is that adam wearing it?

No. 159070

she probably thinks it’s oppressive to shave
>has really hairy pits too

No. 161562>>161581>>161587

File (hide): 1626503304060.png (96.88 KB, 1440x561, Screenshot_20210716-223049~2.p…)

She posted a very TL;DR statement on her website.


No. 161581>>161630

the bi erasure in this entire thing she really just keeps showing her whole ass, huh.

No. 161587

This apology is actually worse than her original tweets. I'd almost say that takes talent.

No. 161630>>161836

Bi erasure how? By saying “bi =/= gay”? She’s not wrong.

No. 161662

she really called the people with an issue with what she said misogynistic. “People called me wrong so they hate women” yikes.

No. 161670

In what world do bisexuals call themselves gay? It’s like she meets or sees a handful of unsavory people who just happen to be bi and judges the whole on that. If she wanted it to seem like she was talking about a specific situation, she wouldn’t have spoken so generally. She’s probably mostly mad at bi people because she regrets her whole bi thing she had going for years and people likely assume she’s still bi since it was like that for so long.

No. 161675

imagine being this full of rage and hate all the time.

No. 161836>>161883

Anons have been saying it over and over and over. Her problem is that she was rejected by a bi woman who wound up dating a man, because she is bi, instead of MF. MF got mad, said she's faking being bi for 'lesbian points' because someone didn't want to be with her.

I mean look at her. She's a cunt. That's probably why the bi girl didn't want to date and instead see if she was interested before making her choice.

No. 161853

Monchichitanuki / her gf is now Rodimuscrime

No. 161876>>161877

So, wait, is she 'penis-repulsed' or is she fucking a guy? Didn't she say she 'identifies as a trap' or whatever? I am so lost.

No. 161877

*futa, sorry. been a while since i read this thread.

No. 161883>>161908>>162120>>162135>>162216

Well, JJ/Pyropi was being bi for lesbian points and is still milking being bi despite dating only men and even being married to one, that's a fact. Can't fault MF too much about it. Unless you count JJ's cosplay makeout sessions with literal teenagers on tiktok kek

No. 161908

>defending Jenni even tho this is a hate thread
>brings up jj
Why do you make self posting so fucking blatantly obvious, jennifer?(hi cow)

No. 162120

This is headass and you know it

No. 162135>>162499

You can be bi and never end up with a woman. Jj probably just never met one she liked or things just didn’t work out, then she met her husband and fell in love. I’m a bi woman and never been in a relationship with one, only fucked around with them. Never met one I could fall in love with. It happens. Mf is just salty as fuck because she can’t handle rejection.

No. 162160

Jenni posted an entire light novel on why she isn’t wrecked, when she’s totally destroyed.


No. 162165>>162201>>162292>>162453

File (hide): 1626609342761.jpeg (490.47 KB, 1242x1499, 1B8F2486-EB40-4559-99E6-7D499B…)

until she LIVES WITH a girl, I will never believe she’s not in a relationship with Adam.
>been living with him for over ten years
>they’ve had sex /dated before
>nobody Jenni dated ever moved in
>Jenni and Adam still live together, just the two of them.
Open relationship. It’s painfully obvious. Jenni hates bi people because she’s bi. Until she can prove me wrong or I’ll just think this forever. :)

No. 162201

She has a meltdown that a girl won't be with her, yet fucks with guys too and has been in more straight relationships than qyeer ones. MF is a pick me and a petty cunt to be upset a bi girl won't be with her.

No. 162216>>162499

Love and attraction cross, but don't 100% mix, anon. She might be attracted to women, but her choices with compatability mightve only been able to come from heteronormal coupling. MF has no leg to stand on as far as saying who's allowed to be bi. Its not uncommon to see undated lesbians or gays say that a bi person is straight because of their partner being opposite sex. Its just petty and shitty behavior.

No. 162292

>her mouth is shut
a good look for a multitude of reasons

No. 162453>>162486>>162497>>162526

Yeah, if they have sex she's definitely not 'penis-repulsed'. Regardless of how you feel about trans people, I can't really understand why a bisexual person wouldn't want to date or sleep with one unless they just didn't like trans people in general?

No. 162486>>162497

Because bi people don't have to be attracted to mentally ill narcissists with mangled genitals?

No. 162497

She’s not penis repulsed as she’s dated a man (name is Cole) for ten YEARS before sucking and fucking Adam. She’s a “lesbian that regrets being bi” but she was in fact bi for many years which makes this all 10x funnier

Sure, I’m not here to discuss if “trans good or bad” I’m discussing how MFs life is over. Jenni has never dated a trans person, barely interacts with them, it’s hard to imagine HOW they affect her life personally? She went full JKRowling and ended her career for nothing when she could have stayed silent. Whoever made MF this mad? I applaud you.

No. 162499>>162502>>162503>>162504>>162540

>Dates only men
>Claims to be bi for LGB authority points
No, that's the petty and shitty behavior. I absolutely sympathize with MF's frustration with bihets attempting to get a foothold in talking about issues gay people face and I'm glad someone said it out loud because the cosplay community is riddled with bitches like that. Just look at her, a lesbian, calling out troons preying on gay women and the "bisexuals" immediately rushing to shield poor trans wymmyns because the issue doesn't concern them. That's actually damaging. As for MF being bi herself, there has never been proof of her and Adam having a sexual relationship or dating as far as I know. If there is I'm willing to change my opinion on it but being just friends and roommates isn't much.

No. 162500>>163987>>164034

File (hide): 1626692455618.jpeg (1.56 MB, 3484x2801, D614B79F-9297-4736-86D4-193A57…)

Mostflogged selling cringe Children’s merch with her gf still as if nothing happened. Monchichitanuki is now Rodimuscrime.

No. 162502

>if you date me you get Adam we’re a package deal
When will that end jenni? Shes pushing 35 and shes telling everyone you’ll be “roommates forever” um? No girlfriend is going to accept that. When is your gf moving in? Never? Because it’s your guys’ place. Not hers. Because you’re serious about Adam and not your GF lol

No. 162503

Stop detailing, or we’ll think it’s you and it’s on purpose. Post about jj somewhere else this is about MF. Keep it on topic

No. 162504

Whitekniting mostflogged on a mostflogged thread.. wonder who you could be……
anyway MF can’t date the one girl she groomed after dating MEN for ten years and call herself a ~Lesbian~ and that’s that? Why can’t her girlfriends move in with her and Adam? Why does her GF only come over once a month for a tiny sleepover and then she goes back home and it’s Adam time?

I don’t need a BABY “LESBIAN” that still lives alone with her ex bf like mostflogged speak for actual lesbians. Live with a woman or continue to live with Adam, it’s her choice. She chooses Adam every time, kek

No. 162506>>162508>>162528

I'm not whiteknighting MF, I'm criticizing the issue with straight-aligned bisexuals speaking over lesbians regarding the tranny issues. MF just happened to be the only fucking one to speak out, I would be saying the same thing about anyone else.

No. 162508>>162619

File (hide): 1626695846738.jpeg (271.93 KB, 1152x2048, BF056021-4816-41BD-B479-FB4145…)

She’s not that much of a lesbian. This is her first lesbian relationship in literally over 10 years. She herself was bi and dating a man. She’s dumb as rocks and hypocritical. She’s a new lesbian that has deep regret over identifying as bisexual for years and she has no right to speak. Bisexuals hate her, lesbians hate her, men hate her, she’s alone, old, and Bitter.

Anyway, have a “lesbian” reviewing hetero pedo incest.

Go here to watch a “dick repulsed lesbian” review how much she loves dicks

No. 162526

Bi tends to be trans exclusionary. That's why.

No. 162528

This isn't about tranny issues. It's about a shitty person mad that she won't align herself with being a lesbian because she's still fucking with a guy but has the high horse athority to call others fake bi/lesbian. She's a cunt, a fakeboi, and bi herself.

No. 162540>>162563

judging people based on traditional girlfriend/boyfriend/partner alone is kinda dumb. some people have fuck buddies with feelings, some people have a bunch of one night stands. just because someone never has a traditional girlfriend before they meet a man they end up falling in love with doesnt mean they arent bi. ive been in several situations where the other girl wasnt out because of family so we couldnt really talk about it to anyone. then she found someone she could see a forever with, and it happens to be a man, so suddenly all of that means nothing and shes straight? the world isnt so black and white, anon.

No. 162563

Seriously. Bi haters of people in hetero relationships are just embarrassing and that is poetically why a guy/girl/fluid doesn't want to be with you. She's been chimping out about this for a while, but she sounds more like a cis dude pissed a girl on the street didn't like his 'compliment' .

No. 162619>>162622>>162640>>162717

>men hate her, she’s alone, old, and Bitter.
This is so dramatic, people in this thread need to stop acting like everyone on this planet hates this girl just because you do.
Especially scrotes who will quite literally fuck anything, whats with the super dramatic anons in this thread constantly talking about how her life is over?

No. 162622

idk about others but the “her life is over” shit comes from the fact that she got booted from her own company recently and cancelled socially.

No. 162640

They aren't being literal. Take a whiteknight seat, anon.

No. 162717>>162734>>162738>>162763

The people posting in this thread are the four reoccurring namefags from /cgl/ who have a decade-old vendetta for her and won't rest until she's been scorched to the ground. Nobody else gives a shit about Mostflogged unless they're a tranny seething about muh transphobia.

No. 162734

File (hide): 1626774523422.jpeg (512.09 KB, 1242x1356, 462EAC42-A7C1-46B7-B5C4-42CB0E…)

Lmao ok, despite MF having a long history of running here to defend herself.
>MF lost over 10,000 followers on insta and Twitter combined and there’s posts with hundreds of likes and retweets slamming her.
> claims only three people hate her
yeah keep telling yourself that

Interestingly, there’s ONE user (you) that uses the same exact language every time that defends mostflogged vehemently. I see a samefagging whiteknight lurking on a hate thread and we’ll always think it’s the person of interest defending themselves.

No. 162738>>162751>>162759>>162864

File (hide): 1626774977618.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1242x1464, D2144F4F-63D7-41E5-BFB4-D7DA74…)

This was posted way back at the BEGINNING of this thread
>6 years ago

In six years, she learned nothing kek
And I can tell it’s you from the “wymyns” and constant use of the word “troon” which is only said by the one person that defends mostflogged here which is probably…. MF herself
>pathetic and actually sad

No. 162748

File (hide): 1626777985658.jpeg (1.54 MB, 1242x1519, 37805F10-CE36-4604-878A-112AFF…)

Nasty dark pits :( wig looks… sad and deflated.
Girl on the right looks like a random homeless person Jenni have a costume to. Is this really her last cosplay friend? Amazing.

No. 162751>>162756

Nta but "troon" is said all over this site.

No. 162756

Correct but if you notice in this thread it’s only used by the anon defending tf out of her, kek

No. 162759

>implying "troon" or "transwymmyn" isn't the basic lingo of lolcow dot farm
>implying only one person thinks MF is based for being a terf
kek newfag twittertards keep outing themselves

No. 162762

mostflogged more like most retarded

No. 162763>>162811

She is tellling people who are bi that they aren't allowed to be bi unless they date her. Stfu anon.

No. 162811

Read her huge rant and she basically said bi people aren’t homosexual / gay? lol(lolcow.farm/info)

No. 162864>>163236

does anyone know what anime that gif is from?

No. 163229>>176637

imagine being a pedophile and trying to say troons and bi people are the problem lol

No. 163236

Passing through
Its from Amagi Brilliant Park

No. 163567>>163604

Omg yes, there are so many new and old people on this thread, and the old people just want shitty anecdotes for empty gossip (give us that stale, powdered milk it's been such a long year.

Better yet, please just start name dropping whos on this thread and have a public blow out. Class doesn't exist here, just have a 2010s cosplayer brawl for our amusement.

No. 163604

Its not empty gossip, but okay? Lol

No. 163987>>164031

Did they actually get married?

No. 164031

NOPE jenni even said she’s “never” getting married (said it recently too lol) they just play pretend.

No. 164034>>165523>>176637

File (hide): 1627209741914.jpeg (1.57 MB, 1242x1968, 25A00E72-AC1E-410F-9679-E134D5…)

I can tell why they’re together now.
>both legitimately mentally challenged

not even a joke, 100% serious. Jenni relies on her dad and Adam financially despite being 33+ and an “independent lesbian” essentially just playing house with Tayla in Adams house. And then there’s Tayla living with her parents drawing exclusively Ben 10 art? They deserve each other kek

No. 165523

MFs Dad is probably so disappointed. Didn’t she say in her interview “my dad only cares about my hobby if it makes money.” lawl

No. 176637>>176707

Trannies are a problem though

She privated it kek

No. 176707>>176931

>Trannies are a problem though
Quite falseflagging, pedophile.(necro)

No. 176931

LMAO keep seething

No. 177252

I’m just glad she’s finally fucking gone and I never have to see an annoying Jenni take on Twitter ever again

No. 213136>>222673

i miss her. reread her goodbye essay today and she truly was so based in everything she said about sex and gender

No. 222673

File (hide): 1656038908550.jpeg (43.99 KB, 275x275, 73C2D890-4482-412D-A6C2-29BBE6…)


No. 267313>>267356>>267782>>273503

File (hide): 1669092238849.jpeg (210.23 KB, 1242x936, 9321EC14-B415-4768-B6C7-4EC675…)

No. 267356>>267377

And? What's the milk? She's on hiatus.

No. 267377>>267396


She never said she was on hiatus, so this is at least minuscule news.

No. 267396

So no milk.

No. 267437>>267449>>267720

File (hide): 1669169214537.png (772.32 KB, 1967x1396, snackbasket.png)

She's watching this thread because I only just posted that cap yesterday and now Jenni and her gf's "secret" etsy that Jenni is using to sell fan merch this entire time is hidden. Interesting

No. 267449>>267721

You didn't do anything, anon. You didn't post caps of her etsy yesterday or anything ITT. Wtf are you talking about? Sage your shit.

No. 267720

She's probably watching this thread either way, but what's the correlation? Especially if she just said "I'll be back"

No. 267721>>267724>>267782

The cap was posted the previous day, obviously of the instagram comment. Learn to read anon.

Right after it was posted she hid her Etsy meaning she's terminally watching this thread

No. 267724>>267727>>267783

She's absolutely watching this thread, but if the cap of her comment scared her, wouldn't she delete the comment instead of the Etsy page?

No. 267727

Just a tinfoil but it may be because no one knew it was HER Etsy. It looked like a worse Animeshitswag but replacing Tatto with her gf so the aesthetic was slightly different. But it made sales so presumably that's how they've been grifting this whole time

No. 267782

Uh, seems like a reach. Especially since anon didn't post a prior etsy post. These are 2 different sites and etsy wasn't even mentioned >>267313, so how does that make sense?

No. 267783>>267785

That's what I thought. The two aren't related. It doesn't make sense. We are taking anons word that this etsy was active a day ago, but can't back it up. She also willimgly replied to the post. If she wanted to be invisible, why would she even reply in the first place? Anin just thinks they did something when they didn't.

No. 267785>>267810>>267842

I don't care if you don't take my word that it was active a day ago, I only mention since I was going to post her Etsy as well but couldn't because it was suddenly gone.

Shop is SnackBasket if you search on other platforms you can see it's been up for awhile.(sage your shit)

No. 267810>>267842

Yeah, if you scroll up it shows the URL for rodimuscrime Instagram. It existed. It's their Etsy. Now it's gone. Everything else is unverifiable/doesn't matter. No milk other than that.

No. 267842

Sage your shit if you can't provide previous caps.

No. 272642>>273660

why the hell are there so many handmaidens in the latter half of this thread? fuck y'all for what this website has become. trannies will never be women.

No. 273291

“Sage your shit.” MostFucked, this thread is all. you. have. left. :)

No. 273503

“Busy” yeah busy working in retail(emoji)

No. 273660>>273701>>277785>>312042

File (hide): 1672455653105.jpg (20.2 KB, 617x254, mostflogged.jpg)

It's over Jenni.

No. 273701

That's ancient

No. 277751>>277753>>277789>>277811

File (hide): 1674218133505.jpeg (238.54 KB, 828x1000, 72D46AB5-8E23-4F59-8E92-065BAB…)

this is so sad lmao

No. 277753


No. 277785

>hi cow
Nta but no one likes fatties or trannies here anon

No. 277789>>277798>>278032

Why? Etsy is shit. They take massive cuts. She might want to try posting to Depop tbh.

No. 277798>>277815

i think anon means the follower count and stuff.

No. 277811

stop showing me chubby autistic peoples Shopifys, I’m gonna hurl

No. 277815>>277826

It's just for the clothing, not her main account

No. 277826>>277869

yes and it's pretty pathetic that so few people follow it.

No. 277869>>277952

She just made it. What are you talking about?

No. 277952>>277970>>278990

Whatever you say, white knight. Are you her keeper? Lmao.
Most Fucked and PP fell the fuck off, it’s more than over, let’s Sage this shit and just Forget about them, barf

No. 277970

If this doesn't scream vendetta sperging, I don't know what does. She just made the account. Of course, the follower count is small, but she still has a better quick follow than most opening pages on Instagram.

No. 278032>>278048

It's less about fees and more likely her store was taken down for copyright, since she has nothing but licensed fanart.

No. 278048

You clearly have no idea of the costs of etsy. There was even a strike to not sell last year due to the fees increase. Was it taken down or did she just close it? At least back up the tinfoil.

No. 278304

>7 years ago and still true lmao

No. 278990

These stains are so very desperate to not be talked about. If people forget how awful they were/are they can continue grifting their shitty art and cosplay.

No. 300065>>301859

Tayla is now saying she’s 30 on her new IG lmfao she was still in high school when I was legally able to drink, and I’m about to be 31 so there’s no way lol. Trying to make it less weird that there’s over a decade between them, hanging out since tayla was 16, going to mf’s apartment, getting high and drunk.(This is an imageboard, attach an image like a screenshot of her claiming to be 30)

No. 301859

File (hide): 1687872730373.jpeg (37.26 KB, 828x563, IMG_1262.jpeg)

Imagine pretending you’re OLDER than you are because your partner is crazy old and groomed you. really sad honestly

No. 312042

I never liked MF but she was so real for this kek unfortunate that this thread attracted so many tranny defenders but what do I expect from the shithole that is the cosplay community.

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