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No. 199783
Because the other OP's were incompetent tourists.
>Cutesy anime voice V-Tuber streamer on Twitch>Claims to have CVID, an immunodeficiency, milks her viewers with sob stories about it>Has gotten a surge in popularity after being shipped with a British youtuber living in Japan>Suddenly starts getting money (over $500,000 in the last month from her subathon) where she's noticeably better>Acts and tries to sound like she's 18, when in reality she has a daughter and is in her 30's>Married and divorced a supposedly abusive husband>Streams for days on end while her mother takes care of her 14 year old daughterUnconfirmed:
>Supposedly had her daughter doxxed as some others claim, which is why she deleted tweets and archives related to her, but I've yet to see any evidence of the doxxing>May have HIV and not CVID, as the treatments are very similar. Would line up with her story of having an abusive husband, apparently making her daughter a rape babyInterview from 2018:>Claims to have a 10 year old daughter at 1:13:40>Talks a little about her ex-husbandArchived tweets from 2010 and 2011:>Talks about her daughter>Deletes after rising to popularity and people start to catch onSinging opera (real voice?):>Drops her cutesty anime voice>Sounds like a /hag/Acting stupid for cute points:>Mispronounces words and does baby talk>Claims it's because she's Puerto RicanSocials:
>Twitch>YouTube>Twitter>E-Boyfriend's YouTube No. 199790
>>199784She did a 31 day subathon where she streamed non-stop. Most of the time she would be asleep on stream with her model tracking her while she sleeps. including the donations, which she got a lot of, she ended with 170'000 subs ($5 each) this month.
No. 199794
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Quotes from a woman in her 30s.
No. 199797
>>199784Not trying to wk but she's not a no-name, she's one of the most subbed people on twitch and is arguably one of the most popular eng vtubers. She's been around longer than hololiveEN.
Tho I would argue that her being ill is definitely part of how she became popular and successful. If you look her up on youtube, a lot of her biggest clips are her talking about her illness or "wholesome" moments about it, and a lot of people donate because of that.
No. 199803
>>199796So true, and letting them all think their slightly "famous".
>>199797She's been around since around 2017 as far as I know.
No. 199869
>Streams for days on end while her mother takes care of her 14 year old daughterFucking sad. Wouldn't be surprised if her having a child at all is a lie tho.
Her character models all look garbage too.
>>199794Typical pedo pandering. Imagine my shock.
>>199796It is. Such is life.
>>199829It's really fucking sad. I feel for that daughter. I would feel embarrassed if my mother was this.
>>199840Me too but I get why mods closed it. It's a shame because vtuber retards are great for milk.
No. 199905
>>199783Ok, I listened to the 2018 interview through that -1:13:40 timestamp and she didn't mention a child or ex. Is the timestamp different?
Her simps are out of this world delusional. I told a guy about the child and ex, her bring 30s, and he got legit PISSED and to walk away from me because I even suggest she's not honest about her past holy shit.
No. 199925
>>199922Again, who cares? If you wanted to, you could do it too,
Nonnie. I understand hating someone for being annoying but if they’re hustling men, it’s a nonissue.
No. 199926
>>199918It really is her scrote fanbase that's the problem but it's gross regardless to see how much they pat themselves on the back and get off to keeping her alive because of her illness. It boosts their egos so much and gives them savior complexes, even if she's fleecing them.
>>199924Her wks are very serious and dedicated, some will probably find this thread and sperg eventually. They're the bigger cows tbh
No. 200660
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>>200651All I could find, that matches
>>200618 's description is pic related.
No. 200666
>>200665just how it is
the try hard white girls fake a cutesy UWU anime voice and pander to pedos with an asian fetish
then they can just revert back to their old voice and not have to deal with those guys irl, while some women have to suffer because of it
No. 200892
>>200883Her disease isn't so bad that she can't see or spend time with her family. Her parents regularly visit her room, especially her mother, so she has no excuse not to be spending time with her daughter. But here she is, spending 31 days non-stop LARPing as a anime girl with the mentality of a 13 year old and a cutesy uwu voice while having her mother raise the child.
Also her disease hasn't been so bad since she's milked all that money from her viewers. She went from only being able to stream for a few hours a day, to living a whole month on stream without any worries. Who would've thought that a few hundred thousand dollars would make her feel better so suddenly?
No. 200904
>>200892>>200893Damn y'all are so easy to
trigger with just a genuine question lol
While I'm on a roll here, how do you know she doesn't see her daughter when she's able to?
(sage) No. 200914
>>199783I kinda dislike vtubers overall but the cutesy voice is a part of the whole 'playing a character' thing and I'm sure majority of the fandom would understand this. Also, she doesn't sound like a hag to me, I quite like the opera voice. What's the milk here, that she has a daughter and an
abusive ex husband? I think it's better to keep your private life out of your dumbfuck twitch career, so when she started to get popular it only makes sense to conceal those things
No. 200919
>>200905U good bro we all make mistakes
>>200914Ikr I wanted to come outta this hating ironmouse but like this is so lackluster LOL
No. 200944
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>>199783So if I'm reading this right
> Pitches her voice higher> Thank god other vtubers don't do that> Got out of an abusive relationship> Supports her own medical expenses and her daughter, as well as her poor parents> by flirting with a British dude and literally sleeping in front of some pathetic weebsDamn OP she sounds based, you make a great case for her
No. 200960
>>200944She has a blatent pedobait, AB/DL schtik too, which does bug me because her scrote audience is so huge it further normalizes it and it has to influence scrotes who weren't into that shit AS much before watching her regularly. That's the distasteful part of the grift for me.
Pedobait is everywhere but it sucks when a woman chooses to perpetuate it. She could surely be cute, even loli, without crossing that line constantly. No shit she doesn't talk about her daughter any more and she shouldn't.
No. 200999
>>200961I don't watch vtubers. I think they are intolerable. I know someone who watches Ironmouse in particular and I thought it was gross because it's pedo shit insidiously mixed into what is basically a cutsey anime girl reaction channel. That's the only reason I even familiarized myself with vtubers. Also, I read this
>>199794 which is right in the thread.
No. 201016
>>201008I didn't want to be friends, especially irl friends with any man into that shit.
>>201010Yeah mr. greentext really sounds like a damn scrote.
No. 201032
>>200993they have big fanbases for that exact reason; appealing to creeps, weebs, and the like for money has a long proud history both online and offline
>>201008> This whole thread is fucking dumbye lol
No. 201034
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Her fans have snowballed with how they talk about her. They say she’s a bubble girl who hasn’t had real physical contact outside of medical professionals for years, that she could die at any moment and the money from streams is all that’s keeping her alive, that she’s a fragile young little girl who needs the internet to keep her alive etc. they act like they wake up every day expecting her to be dead. They genuinely believe she’s a pure maiden who has never had sex because she’ll die if anyone touches her. Meanwhile her boyfriend had a vtuber debut and won’t shut up about his 12 inch e-dick
No. 201145
>>201034A brit cucking two different Vtuber fanbases is absolutely hilarious.
Also, the only thing Mouse is doing is being business-smart and milking weebs off of a parasocial relationship with all the "muh sickness" shit. Hell, we'd all do that shit on a heartbeat
No. 201164
Does anyone know the true cost in the states? the video, she claims that it costs up to 25k/month for plasma
(learn2embed) No. 201182
>>200944Scrote got
triggered by a thread of her favorite v-tuber and came to WK her?
In all seriousness, she's a thirty-something year old woman who does baby talk (says that she's a brat, does baby talk, etc.), clearly pedo-baiting, while getting pity money acting like someone she isn't.
Her audience believes her to be a pure little angle who they're saving, when in reality she's a talentless snowflake only getting attention from actual pedos who buy into her loli persona and those wth a savior complex believing that their money is actually saving this poor little girl who might die at any moment if they stop donating.
(sage) No. 206375
From what I understand her condition is an autoimmune one where she can't naturally produce enough antibodies, or the ones she does produce are attacked by her own cells. Either way, without the plasma infusions to replenish those antibodies she wouldn't be able to fight off infections and viruses like the rest of us, which sounds similar to someone living with full-blown aids and is why people might think she has HIV instead, which I don't believe is the case. Her condition is also known for leaving the individual with nearly constant lung infections and when Ironmouse laughs super hard you can hear her lungs are bad. I'm sure some days are better than others. Hell, she may be able to go weeks feeling good/normal. In the end, I don't think she's lying about or over-exaggerating her condition. Leaving her room/home puts her at risk which makes sense given her illness.
Now, do I think she overplays her "Cutesy" card? Well, yea. I think she milks the cuteness more than anything, but that's just part of her mouse character that she's grown into, but there are moments when she's being herself and genuine for the most part. And many Vtubers are notorious for making efforts not to reveal or share much about who they are IRL. Perhaps Mouse wasn't as worried or aware of the consequences of sharing too much IRL stuff about herself before she became popular.
All in all, she's just playing a role. There are always going to be haters and naysayers trying to put people down. And some genuinely deserve it, I just don't think Mouse is one of them. At least, not as much as she's getting here.(post milk)
No. 206972
>>206963I found this at basically the same time as you and listening to younow video all the way through I just don't see anything heinous going on. Like you can put this shit together, common variable immunodeficiency is a gradual onset problem and doesn't generally get diagnosed until their early to mid 20s which is plenty of time to have a kid.
She straight up Says in the interview that it's a character. Shes turned an escape from being stuck indoors into a job that pays 10x or more what other people make in a year, you'd be a fucking idiot not to.
No. 206975
>>200660We have confirmation on zentraya I believe.
Fat bald man in its 30s from a stream he did with his girlfriend at the time.
No. 207107
>>206975I need pics. All I ever found was some recording of him and her gf's voices that was vague and pointless.
That said no one in this pic is unattractive
>>200660. Almost all of them are abusing filters, yeah, and Mel looks kinda weird, but I feel like whenever a vtuber gets face revealed a bunch of femanons (and scrotes pretending to be femanons) shit all over them as if they look like Chantal.
No. 212668
>>212650Didn’t even mention her kid…. I called her a child cosplayer. Poo poo, pee pee, goo goo, gaa gaa.
I don’t need diapers… okay I do… GIVE ME THE DIAPERS NOW!! UwU bs
I’m small… SMALL I SAYYYY!!!
thats stooopid, thats duuom
^^ this is what all her videos/streams are like. there ya go, she doesn’t just do the UwU voice, she does baby talk, and baby pov, it’s gross. This is why I don’t like her, and she was my personal cow. Do I need to provide YOU a reason even? Well here is the reason.
No. 212767
>>212755Yeah the model for her vtuber… even I think her recent model looks cute. you see her irl?! kek
any unattractive human male or female can become a vtuber if they are slightly witty or can pander to a pedo audience. Funny how you whine and whine about people bring up her child, but stay quite about all the pedo baiting. Seems like you can’t even excuse your sick fetish. Just go back to jerking it to your creepy fantasies, and stop trying to convince people to love your 30 yr old child wanna be
No. 213409
>>2133487 million white streamers
/vtuber in Tokyo? Sure Jan. Just because you like anime or anything Japanese doesn’t mean you wanna live there. Way to make an assumption about every single twitch streamer and vtuber. You make assumptions on peoples race too? There in the same group, they all must think and want the same thing in life, with your logic, right?
I’m pretty sure there are between 400-700 j-vloggers alone. From unsuccessful to people as popular as Chris and Conner. A lot of people really don’t want to move away from their lives, friends, and family all for a holy Japan.
No. 214862
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Is Ironmouse as ill as all the comments make her out to be? They make it seem like she will die if she takes one step out the door, it sounds so exaggerated like a backstory in an anime. No. 215635
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No. 215710
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>>215635This can't be real, right? And why would they be going with her older, uglier model if so? This design is uglier, but the model/art is better. Wouldn't the coomer design also sell more?
No. 215856
>>215710Goddam this design is HEINOUS. Peak coomer.
And yeah the one is real, GSC themselves announced it along with a Nyanners one.
No. 218376
>>218177Friend, its true. I was there when she deleted it. I remember someone on 4chan was making a thread about her and he showed us the twitter where she talked about her daughter, she never hide it but i think after the dox she choose to deleted it. You can try to find the thread if you want. In this same interview she tells us about how this pregnancy almost killed her it was way before her fungal infection when she had a "normal" life, after the infection her system took to much damage and now she really cant live house because of that. About the nick "vshojo" on the pic its kinda obvious, the post is from 2010 but the pics were taken in 2021.
My guess is that she closed her life from internet because people are stupid and its probably hurts like hell not raise your own child because she can kill you.
People who says her sickness is fake are dumb. She already gave us more than enough proof of that, people on this thread dont watch mouse or are her just because is cool to hate vtubers.
PS: found the thread where people leaked the twitter>>218166 No. 219145
>>218177I wonder what's wrong with Ironmouse taking money from male fans to support their teenage daughter and give her a better home, I mean for any woman that's quite an achievement.
I mean, she didn't breaking her health and getting old in a fkn job or putting up with an old or ugly guy with money for obtain the money and the new house..
No. 219418
>>219415I'll bite. Since I'm only in the j volgger thread and don't know anything about vtubers.
I read the list and even saw her design. Nothing screams pedo.just childish personality wise
No. 219541
>>218426Yeah, She was having a breakdown on a scene about an
abusive father. I think she said something like "You can't reason with these kinds of people", speaking from experience it seems.
Her life is just tragic, at least she's doing well at present, but there is always death looming and the pain of living like that.
No. 220453
>>219541Yeah… For anyone who wants to see it here: assumption is that it used to be a lot more easy for her to talk about his life and the people around her when she was a 50ish streamer but now that she gets 10k on every stream i think she dont feel safe anymore, specially when she says "my ex was a bad man" by the way she react on that scene and her actions i can only assume it was really bad for her and the kid, maybe she is hiding from him all this time and fame was bad for her in this aspect.
No. 220673
>>206975they were a couple playing the voice. the whole thing about it being a fat bald man was just something that spergs who hate vtubers came up with as some kind of gay cope
that being said, Ironmouse is part of a company known for being trash. vshojo only hires trash talents and have in the past wanted to have people like demondice karen (who plays mori) and keekhime (who plays kiara).
No. 222705
>>222703She slept on stream once and since then people keep asking her to sleep and rest but she dont want it at some point chat tried to convice her to sleep on stream but she dont want it. Like she said "if i not streamer i will just spent my time depressed and think stupid things. I prefer spent this time streaming" also her doctor already told her that she may have the long covid so it will at best take her 3 months to get hid of it.
At the end of the day its her decision and her body if she think she can handle it all we can do is to accept it.
No. 222742
>>222714What do you want? You guys are talking about her based in random clips out of context or things someone that never watched her says, even the original OP of this thread didnt take his time to watch the video him posted a lot of information about her is lost because people dont clip it, like the meltdown she had in the sunday. The only useful information here is her daughter, the
abusive ex and one pic from her face, everything else is a bunch of people talking out their asses or complaining about "she doing this, she did that".
Like i said she loves streaming, she will probably stream from her deathbed if they allow it this is the kinda of person she is and her audience knows it, no one is awwwing or ouun'ing her people are very concerned but its her decision. If you had watched the video OP posted you would she that "she already bet 2 expiration date" and she is stubborn as fuck.
No. 222878
>>222727ffs I'm not saying Demondice is some based queen, she's an alcoholic fuckup and her raps are terrible. But the only people who think she isn't a big vtuber is some butthurt Holoscrote brainrotted with parasocial dementia.
Also I said nothing about keekihime but sperg more.
No. 223295
>>223182The treament for both are very different it would be easier for her to have both than HIV dont go with the tards on this thread.
Basically theres no milk to be had and the milk we have are old as hell. We are at the point of "i think this" and "maybe that". I think it will kinda hard to get anything because she keeps her personal life very closed (with some rare slips) and never causes dramas, most of the time she is dragged on them but if you guys want to talk shit about her how about talk about her awful discord server? Even prisons are less regulated and full of rules than that shit.
No. 224438
>>223313it's the same old, but I guess a lot of people just feel weird that she never apologized for it and posted a load of loli bait for 4chan
a little OT but VShojo related, what's going on with Hime Hajime? She literally just doesn't stream but is still with one of the biggest vtuber agencies, I don't understand it.
No. 224901
>>224438I sound like a wk but Nyanners did "apologize" on her Tumblr years ago and took down her Pomf video
Also wanting people to say sorry for being 1 year old chanfags is peak woke shit
>>224438Hime barely streams because she's Sydsnap and would rather do stuff with her channel and TT. Vshoujo is garbage because they pretend to be a big Western Vtuber corp but half their "talent" barely go online. Hololive is idolshit but at least they treat their streaming gig like a real job.
No. 224933
>>224901Nyanners will always be the 4chan child that got away. No matter what she does people will always pick on her because her past.
Vshojo seems to be too fexible for its own sake. I cant imagine put hime with mouse, zen and nyaners, does she even have a public? I was watching mouse early and half of chat didnt knew who was the blonde girl and why she was there with the others. LOL
No. 225052
Archived tweets from 2010 and 2011:>Talks about her daughter>Deletes after rising to popularity and people start to catch onThis is so fake lmao Vshojo founded in 2020, aint a thing in 2010,2011
(imageboard) No. 225269
File: 1656800372228.jpeg (425 KB, 828x717, E028BC5E-032B-4F35-A595-5B25B5…) just had to drag his friends into this retarded ~terminal illness~ animu girl delusion
No. 225728
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>>225525Yes thank you. That's what I've been thinking since I first heard about her. Have you ever been so sick that you can't go outside? did you ever feel like streaming on twitch while you were that sick? and she supposedly can't even brush past a flower without dying yet she can cackle and yell and stream 24/7? and she's had a kid? what??
Maybe she is sick but I can't help but feel like she is hamming it RIGHT up and larping as that sick girl from SAO who is "full dive" or whatever. pic related
No. 225750
>>225742Agreed, she's also been fairly clear that her condition is much worse some days and better others, and has cancelled streams when she's unwell.
I'm all for calling out weird shit she does, but this reeks of accusing people with invisible illnesses or disabilities that they're faking it because they are able to do some things some of the time. If she's taking bedrest and getting good medical care there's no reason why she wouldn't have days where she's bubbly.
No. 225759
>>225742>>225750“There is no way my precious sped streamer is lying about their uwu ultra rare diseases that makes them so sickly they cant even leave the house and need 24/7 care and instead of spending said time with the literal child this person supposedly has, shes larping as a badly drawn big titty animu character on twitch and screeching nonstop for her retard audience cause everybody has good and bad days! Its not an act!”
No wonder she can keep the grift going for so long kek Imagine comparing being blind to an actual illness that she has in detail explained leaves her literally debilitated and is supposedly life threatening to a point where she can pass at any time lol.
No. 225765
>>225759she keeps it as vague as possible and yet sooper serious so idiots like above can cry "noo don't forget invisible illnesses nonnies! good and bad days" stfu, you're falling for it
I bet she is mild, MAYBE moderately, sick but she's fat as fuck and can't move and she lives online and never goes outside so add some depression and fucked-up brain from too much internet use… yeah I bet she IS actually sick and getting worse and it's mostly her own doing
No. 225769
>>225765Well, I can't really help you with that. If you can't believe what her friends and acquaintances say about her, then the only way to know is for you to examine her yourself… And get arrested in the process.
But hey, at least you'll have the satisfaction of telling the world you were right all along OR be wrong and despair in your own stupidity…
(sage) No. 225797
>>225770tf? what about being a childrens entertainer/prostitute hybrid. What about taking on the appearance of a sexualised child (loli) whilst making googoo gaga baby noises. How's that for other things to critisize her for. How many actual retards has she oh so innocently guided one step closer to pedophilia?
Some of you are just ridiculous, yea anon lets all focus on something completely meaningless and boring. Go on then, let's hear you provide interesting discourse over what you consider big deal topics such as organizing shitty anime movie nights for her discord server.
No. 229038
>>229001summerfag pls
also not reading all that shit and she won’t either
No. 231526
>>200665>>200660The projekt Melody one, i don't know about that one chief
I looked up the image of that face in particular and it takes me to a cam girl who doesn't sound anything like her and seems to be still active.
Here:'m not saying that the rest are bad because that's nyanners, there are many photos of her hanging around, froot shares her cosplays on her twitter so it's not a revelation, but at least Melody is not that girl
I don't know the legitimacy of the rest, individually the rest of the faces are dead ends
(imageboard) No. 231760
>>231736Man, why so unnecessarily aggressive? I think you are too emotionally invested in this shit to realize that I am not defending anyone, If two photos coincide, but one leads to a random cam girl, why does it bother you so much that i questions the other photos? I am just giving the facts of what I found
If those photos coincide or not, it does not change the fact that you hate these v-whores who make money pretending to be animegirls because you die of envy of that easy money they do.
so yea, again Melody's photo leads to a random cam girl, the others I did not find anything, maybe someone else can find something more
No. 231771
>>231760This is why moids are not welcome here.
So sad I have to spell it out for you that the cam girl is Melody. Twitter even outs her the same way youtube does to chubbas.
Vsluts aren't like other corp chubbas they don't have to hide who they are or stop other income.
Please go back to your safe space on /vt/ with your brain rot
No. 231780
>>231771It seems to me that the one who needs a safe place is you, that cannot bear the fact that perhaps (not really but that's what you assume) I think differently
To be honest your oversensitivity and emotional investment takes you to the extreme of not realize that I only said what I found! or just give your opinion, but not, you insult me with childish arguments, trying to offend me haha I've already argued with enough extremists feminist and overly sensitive progres bitches like you to recognize the pattern
again, I'm not defending anyone, Melody's photo goes to this camgirl:, personally it doesn't seem to be her, I didn't find any indication or evidence that is her but maybe it is her, if someone provides confirmation it would be appreciated, the rest do not give any results for what I could search
To be honest Ironmouse looks too healthy to be someone with years of illness, I would expect a more "destroyed" face but can be an old photo ooooor maybe not be her idk, my point is the lack of evidence
No. 231784
>>231780None of the shojo sluts are reading that and neither am I
Good luck with your autism
No. 231785
>>231780Don't waste your time arguing with that fagot
He's too damn bad of hate for vtubers to understand anything different from an insult or an incel opinion
The foto of ironmouse can be the old one that she share on discord whit others vtubers, lordaethelstan reacted to the photo once, without showing it
No. 236705
>>236389LOL accept it. She being 30 or have a kid changes nothing. She talks all the time about her life before get very sick. Do you think she was praying and saving it for you anon? Watch the video someone posted here, she talks about it and how
abusive her ex husband was.
No. 236796
>>236787Since you're too much of a low iq scrote to use Google, here's your proof. from the whores mouth kek
Starts at 1hr11mins since I know you're too much of an inbred mouthbreather to be able to read or figure it out yourself
Now please stop shitting up the thread with your unsaged whiteknighting autism. Genuinely consider suicide if you cannot accept proof when it is given to you numerous times.
No. 236907
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>>236899Hang yourself samefagging scrote
No. 237529
Well, aren't you all having fun in here. Vtuber turns out being so uncontroversial that fights break out over how controversial she really is. It's ironic to see you call out how pathetic virgin-weeb-simps are, yet all you do here is shit on internet famous people. You think that's less pathetic?
So, from what i've seen of Ironmouse she seems unable to move around, gets regularly checked on by nurses, and have a permanent feeding tube in her abdomen. Have you ever heard of the minecraft youtuber GoodTimesWithScar? There, in a few videos, you can see on camera exactly the type of setup Mouse describes. Scar has afaik never specified his condition beyond "a neuromuscular disease", but it basically paralyzes a lot of his body. He can't walk. He can't breathe properly so he needs extra oxygen. He can't eat so he's fed through a j-tube in his abdomen. The last time his j-tube was changed he got an infection and eventually needed surgery to fix it. Shit's rough but dude is jolly.
I can't say i've ever seen either of them milk their condition for sympathy. They can talk about it when people ask, but there's no fucking puppy dog eyes or hints of imminent death. If anything they insist that they don't want any pity because it's irrelevant to their content. Most of their content is, y'know, content. If you can call streaming and gaming "content".
As a final addendum, Ironmouse said in some interview that becoming rich has let her go from being supported by her parents, to supporting her parents. She's payed off all her medical bills and bought them a house.
Is it really that unbelievable that some puerto rican happen to be both disabled and a horny weeb? I'm probably a white knight fag etc, but i think y'all should just go outside and have a snickers.
No. 237874
>>237738wut?I don't give a shit. I here just waiting for the promised milk and all i get is schizoposting or someone sperging about how fake she is without show anything for it.
5 months and all i got was a old interview where she talked about her condition, treatment, daughter and ex husband.
No. 238478
exactly the same as what you're doing?
hope MENSA knows about you, big brained fuck
No. 243941
>>243888Not sure why it's not here anymore, but one of the first few posts had a working link to the 2-hour long interview that has evidence directly from her mouth. You just missed it.
What do you believe is false info? Also, I'm curious, are you by any chance here because of her recent statement that marriage is a scam?
No. 244771
>>244043They do know how to sage, that’s what makes it more crazy. He will sage and unsage replying to himself. He just comes in at least once a week to say “no proof of claims I’m new”
Does he even realize he is pressing a dead thread to the top? Who knows? Guessing they are a minor.
No. 248639
>>199783anyone else see jessica nigri made a video of doing cosplay of ironmouse?
i had never heard of ironmouse before so i went to her stream just now. holy shit her voice is so fake and inauthentic. you can definitely tell it's an older woman doing a "cutesy" voice.
her stream is so boring too. she's just playing crane games. why do so many people watch her? there's way better v-tubers (even though the whole community is cringe)
No. 249481
>>246888my only problem with this woman is that she always plays the 'pure
victim' card in anything just to get people to keep feeling pity for her and build even more parasocial bonds. people only know for being 'she's about to die!!!' woman behind a digital avatar with 'oh my god, such amazing, such great OPERA VOICE' that pops out once in a while.
No. 250918
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Interview needs re-up, or on a better host, maybe catmoe? :<(:<)
No. 251646
>>250918I'm pretty sure I found the video on twitter. confirm this is the correct video and reupload elsewhere for posterity.
No. 251759
>>251646Taken down by a company called muso ( within hours. I gotta say, I've actually been a fan of mouse for a bit, but her trying to memory hole this from the internet along with her having public tantrums over smaller channels restreaming her have really started to change my view on her.
I don't even care that she has a fucking kid. It's when internet people get this fucking entitlement to think that they can just erase information about them online and still collect a check on it.
Anyway, reuploaded to catbox… let me know any other providers that don't immediately cuck to false dmca. No. 251968
>>251868manys rrats. One say she is afraid of dox after the one gura suffered. Another one is about her ex and she trying to hide from him…
Personally i bet on the gura thing because she only started to purge her past after this.
No. 251999
>>251994you only fail in one point. When she first talked about her child she wasn't even part of vshojo, hell she wasn't even a twitch streamer. She was a less than 50 viewer streamer on a now defunct app.
At least do your reps man.
No. 252060
>>251999This doesnt discount anything, 50 viewers per stream is enough to get the ball rolling. The whole point is to use these stories to get efame and then money.
Its also possible she started as an unmonetised troll, but to me looks like one of her first attempts, which she is trying now to bury.
No. 252074
>>252068People lie online every day for absolutely no reason. This person very obviously has a curated persona and appearance you won't find anyone faker than a vtuber.
Just pointing out that we know absolutely nothing about this person, except from what they themselves tell us. One thing is certain though, they want to bury this 10 year old child story.
No. 252077
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>>252074anon let me tell you with facts why your theory is dumb and needs more reps.
There's a old blog post from 2011 (i will not post the link here go find it) written by someone called "ironmouse" where the person in question talks about her childhood, school, the first time she met her husband, how he would beat the shit of her and isolate her from world and how get pregnant saved her because give her strength to fuck off her ex. In the same post she tell how the doctors finally diagnosed her with CVID and how it changed her life.
2011 anon, looooongggggg before vtubing was a thing, long before being a streamer for a job was a thing. She even had her socials linked to that account, you could go to her facebook.
You see anon, if you wil start a rrat at least do your reps.
No. 252103
>>252079why should i spoonfeed you fuckers?
Even the faggots in 4chan were posting this link not long ago. I'm sure you guys are capable enough to find it.
No. 252126
>>200660You could park a car between those eyebrows.
Has Veibae's face been leaked yet? She's the one I find the most unfunny and annoying.
No. 252137
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>>252126only pictures she ever posted publicly on her twitter before the vtuber shit were shooped to high heaven but here you go, veibae face
No. 252144
>>251868I think it's a little of column A, a little of column B. There really is no advantage to the public knowing that the actress portraying the character Ironmouse has a child. Or knowing who she is period. She's not Jane Doe, she's the voice of a cartoon character. Of course there is a little difference in the fact that the streamers are probably putting in their true personalities more than a straight up actress would…but like, she's not an anime girl. She may not even actually be playing a lot of the games that she plays, or whatever. She may be reading from a pre-prepared script. There is zero advantage to knowing who she really is, and the circumstances of her life, for anyone involved. Ironmouse gets a nice paycheck and the adulation of some randos on Twitch. The parent company gets a check. No one has to worry about stalkers, in the best case scenario, or the true woman behind Ironmouse gaining weight, getting older, or even completely changing overnight with the help of voice changing software. Who really knows, and who really cares so long as you're being entertained imo.
No. 252471
>>252234This. Boo-hoo your pedo-pandering waifu is
gasp a normie that actually hates video games, and your creepy parasocial obsession with them is slowly coming to terms with that.
No. 257070
>>253051It’s easy and expensive to get a student visa but any kind of visa is difficult. Even a talent visa has high requirements and is to be renewed every 3 months. without a university degree 95% of visa are very complicated.
>>253051Pewdiepie had to base his business in japan for his visa. No one hands out visas to rich. Lol
No. 257748
>>257070>Even a talent visa has high requirements and is to be renewed every 3 monthsWhat are you even talking about? Companies here have no expectation of looking at the local market to hire people. You can literally get a job anywhere, and they can apply for you. Also like you said there's the language school visa, which most people do. There's dozens of language schools that are literally visa machines. They have 0 expectation of you even showing up for class, and it's not that expensive, because it's mostly catered towards Chinese.
Also IDK wtf visa you're talking about that only gets 3 months. Every visa here is minimum 1 year, and up to 5. They tend to give everyone 3.
No. 259262
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No. 261382
>>259262I don't believe this health shit at all. She sounds like a classic munchie.
'I didn't eat at all during my pregnancy. I lost 40 pounds' bruh x to doubt. Feeding tube is eating. Technically. I don't know anything about this them beyond the annoying voice but they seem like a 'I'm so sick smol bean' attention seeker
No. 261607
>>231780No that's definitely Melody. Compare this clip to any of her CB streams: slight pitch adjustment on the voice and that's totally what she sounds like when she faps.
No. 266231
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>>266147Never mind, I should have read the thread properly, sorry. Found the 2018 video interview here thanks to
>>218230 (give it a few seconds to load, can download it from there too if you click the three dots on the right of the video).
She also talks about her old model for her avatar here: (1 minute 57 seconds in).
( No. 282180
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>>201034you're retarded
(sage your shit) No. 282717
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>>282637>>282659NTA, but here's the post. Connor seems to be defending the girl in the video carrying the "lolicon = pedophilia" sign which is obviously
valid, but he's definitely some sort of a hypocrite to some degree as he's close friends with a lolicon.
No. 286048
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How do people know this is Iron Mouse?
No. 303739
>>303398"google said"
Wow you're not just dumb, you're also stupid
No. 306819
>>306343Projecting much?
Anyway vtubers are trash
(worthless unsaged post) No. 308776
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>>292569Nahhh. As this thread keeps proving, vtuber whiteknights are some of the most bottom of the barrel losers and retards there are out there, who will die on the hill of defending e-girls with even more skeletons to hide than regular e-girls.
It fascinates me that ironlung still keeps numbers, but I believe it's mostly because she keeps buying new character art to stay relevant while simps continue to stay ignorant and hide and deflect real information.
At this rate, she'll likely mysteriously "die" when her viewership starts dipping.
>>306460>"This is the story of how a playful cartoon demon saved a real woman's life"I gotta say, this is some unique unadulterated cringe right here. The groomer narrative doesn't help either, they both go very hard on the emotional manipulation and emphasizing what a
victim she is, as most scammy charities do.
>>306505Be that the case then yeah, it's just money circling in pockets.
No. 308842
>>308776ive never seen anyone except
abusive scrotes get this mad about women doing their own thang. go cut your dick off and come back and we can talk again
No. 309027
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>>308776imagine being this mad at 2D woman. Thread is 2 years old and you guys are still talking the same shit and no proof.
>>306505>>307237>>308776 saw an article about a guy supposedly starting a charity for his dead mom and not donating any money so I decided to look up the charity.
At least they don't pay members. But there's idk what qualifies as “other expenses” so it's possible (not necessary) that Ironmouse got paid even though it says no fundraising fee.
Also, about the video: the links to the charity and her Twitch aren't put in properly kek. That makes it more likely to be a legit/old charity imo. They're dinosaurs. No computer skills detected.
It is 501(c)(3), though in light of recent events regarding YouTube and charities, idk how easy it is to get that certification or pocket money with friends.