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No. 304921 beste with lorena
is dumb and Looks like a old witch
married her pimp with 19 years.
Had a relationship with a 40 years old japanese before. but he didn't marry her.
Often seen at deai cafes
No. 304925
>>304924maybe my friend has some milk on her. i will ask.
btw does her daddy know what she does for a living?
(read the rules) No. 304942
File: 1480629033835.jpeg (Spoiler Image,356.13 KB, 1065x1475, 1472284679746.jpeg)

is she still trying to be a topless model? she looks terrified here
No. 304953
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>>304952Oh yeah, I know. She's definitely had work done to them and the scars are still very visible. I've just heard it was a lift and not implants, but who knows, it's plausible she might have had a small implant put in to give them a little more shape? Either way, here's a pic showing her scars for any of those curious.
No. 304955
>>304954Yeah, it's not like she looks ancient or forty. She just doesn't look 21. A person changes a lot after they hit 20 and 5 years usually make a lot of difference.
She could easily pass as a 26-27 year old.
No. 304956
>>304937How do you know that she got a chin implant? And the nosejobs? I only knew about boobs, injections and eyes.
Also to the boobs. In the beginning, she and Lorena got them injected every once in a while until lorena decided for a boobjob. Gaya got hers onoy recently
No. 304957
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>>304921I'm surprised no one's called out on Lorena making this thread. KINDA funny that this thread popped up on Gaya who's well known already… But only when they stopped being friends, lol.
AND Lorena's well known to make threads of people she hates on here… Plus this person obviously has shit english like Lorena… All clues point that way lol.
No. 304959
>>304957That's a damn good point there anon.
Lorena is that you who made this thread? Can you tell us more? Why did Gaya and you break up? Kek
No. 304967
>>304963I'm with the others as far as generally being indifferent that she's a hooker. I just don't get why she's a hooker in Japan, married/paying for a visa, when she could have stayed in the Netherlands where prostitution is legal and have a better life and more opportunities there.
I do think it's interesting as far as those speculating as to if Lorena made this thread. Gaya's body language in their threesome pics was very rigid and awkward, she didn't look comfortable at all. I've always kind of wondered about this girl's mindset really.
No. 304971
>>304970She makes more but can't hold onto it.
Another sad teenage Japan-obsessive who won't admit that Japan is not the dreamland they expected.
No. 304975
>>304974She gets a visa and someone to pay her bills, translate for official documents etc. She gets to stay a child. I've heard he "invested" a bunch of money too and lost it.
Also probably thinks they are in love.
No. 304979
>>304970Have you been to her house or seen her possessions? No, none of us have. So we can't judge.
But she clearly makes enough to work whenever she pleases rather than all the time. If she were in her home country she would be dime a dozen and fighting for clients for cheap prices.
Just saying it makes sense to do it in Japan than in her country.
No. 304985
File: 1480907087180.png (Spoiler Image,1.23 MB, 1415x768, gb.png)

>>304984That is an awfully sad looking ass. Also, these definitely don't help make her look like she's making much. Her lingerie looks cheap, her shoes are beat, and the setting is pretty questionable too. She couldn't afford decent pics? Lorena is gross, but even she threw something better than this together for her site.
No. 304996
>>304992How many asses do you look at on an average day anon? Lorena, plz.
>>304994Probably told to do it by Lorena and/or her pimp husband. She looked awkward and uncomfortable in selfies Lorena took from their Korean threesome too.
No. 304997
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someone post the racist yellow face photo of her dressed up like this from her facebook, she blocked me
No. 305005
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>>305003Is that you, Lorena? You sound just like that anon that has "insider info" from Lorena's thread.
No. 305008
>>305005High fashion brand… lmao
Nobody else knows these brands anyways. They are not high fashion but cheap China clothes.
No. 305009
>>304929Prostitution is illegal in Japan. For everyone.
(I know it still exists and mostly isn't prosecuted, doesn't make it legal though)
No. 305012
>>305008You people don't know these brands because they are local. Though some brands that select shop carries, such as DressCamp, are featured in Fashion News Tokyo edition (fashion magazine that feature run-way snaps from high-brands sorted by country)
Most of the clothes range from $500~$2000ish so not exactly "cheap." But not in the 10k range like Dior or LV or other world wide mainstream brands.
Price range is similar to Kenzo, or Comme de Garcons, Mastermind Japan etc.
If you haven't heard of them you just don't pay attention to fashion enough to know anything beyond LV, Chanel, Dior, whatever.
Back to Gaya wearing "cheap" clothes. I think she just like the styles of the local brands more than the staple high-brands. I mean why blow 10k on a well-known brand just for the sake of it being well-known?
No. 305013
>>305012Gaya looks cheap
She doesn't have fashion sense
No. 305018
>>305015In Japan tons of shit should be dry cleaned. That's hardly a sign of high quality.
Also, just by looking at the pictures they have up on the Kawano HP it's pretty easy to tell they don't exclusively sell high end clothing. Pretty much on the same level as the brands you'd get at Marui if not cheaper.
No. 305021
>>304956Seconding this, wheres the proof of the nose job and implant?
Going from OP's pic her nose looks pretty potato. I had a nose job and trust me, going under the knife you want to make sure your nose looks perfect.
No. 305024
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Lol was this a not so subtle hit at lorena?
No. 305033
>>305032she fat and has lots of tattoo all things the people at 7th heaven dont like lol..
Also>>210819 its a strip club not hostess
No. 305040
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If u don't recognize her, u must be blind
No. 305042
>>305041Hi nadine
I know it's you
No. 305045
>>305041Nadine seriously has no milk. Gaya does have quiet a bit.
Anyone knows for which club gayas husband is working for currently?
No. 305046
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>>305043All the time someone mentions her, a whiteknight appears
No. 305060
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>>305046Definitely Nadine. The pics showing "Anna's" chin/mouth match up with Nadine's kind of funny lip shape, and semi strong chin.
I'm personally indifferent to Gaya or Nadine. Lorena is where all the milk is at, but it is interesting since Gaya and Lorena were so close once. If Gaya is buddying up to Nadine, it could be why?
No. 305081
>>305079It's always the same person
Looks like she is obsessed with her lmao
No. 305085
>>305083I don't know much about Nadine either. Not sure why people flip out about her on both sides, plausible that there's an anon or two with a vendetta, but there's just as many anons who seem so quick to defend her.
All I know is that she's done escort work in Japan, is from Germany, seems to be friendly with Gaya as of late, and Lorena dislikes her for whatever reason. She doesn't seem milky though, just a typical gaijin sex worker.
No. 305104
>>305096I looked up seaplane and NADA
>>305098Could you send us links or something?
No. 305114
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No. 305123
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Found gayas husband on a dating site
No. 305124
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No. 305127
So he says he lives on his own? lol
No. 305143
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>>305142Holy shit, my japanese is not very good but as far as I understand, he said she fucked like a fish and that even her BJ was "so so", also this
>Maybe if I fucked a real fish it would've been more enjoyable No. 305144
>>305142omg hilarious
she wanted 40000 yen haha but at the end she only got 25000 yen
No. 305153
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That's indeed a bad review. The guy is also making fun of her requesting 40000 yen lol…
Someone apparently posted a comment under the article asking for it to be removed. I also think it was unnecessary for the guy to add a picture of gaya
No. 305158
>>305142It seems to have been taken down
Anyone have caps?
No. 305163
>>305144Holy fuck, she talked a lot of shit on TAG about people there going to a cafe she works at just because some of the posters found out they could get cheaper dates there than contacting her to escort privately.
25000 yen an hour is fucking hilarious though. Shit, maybe I'd do it for that amount.
No. 305165
>>305164Wow, thats quite harsh but apparently it was like screwing a fish so its only fair.
20000 apparently is the normal market rate on PCMax? Ha. I should give it a shot next time.
No. 305167
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Gaya reminds me of Roller Girl. A sex obsessed airhead blonde with little education who fucks old guys for money. She even looks like her!
No. 305168
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Old nose.
No. 305177
>>305173Look at the "golf companion" section. You can have a model join you on the course and then to an after party. The expectation here is that the man hiring her then proposes an offer. It's a legal way to offer prostitution.
Most of these models don't have proper headshots. It's mostly promotional "hostessing" work and side offers from that. The gaijin models probably don't realise it when they sign up though.
No. 305179
>>305178That's rape. I think she said something about a guy treating her badly on her blog really sure what they expected.
No. 305183
victim blaming. Doesn't matter what she did, a 14 year old can't consent to sex.
No. 305186
>>305184Those are from around that time yes
But the ones with the guy are probably all gone as they were on some Dutch social media site which got deleted some years ago
No. 305192
>>305188Sadly I do understand all about it.
>>305189Her parents allowed her to date those types so they should have protected her way before she starting dating those guys¿
>>305191No, the site was called hyves But the social media part got deleted and now it's for games only.
No. 305196
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>>304921Somehow when I see a picture of her ( especially smilling) she reminds me of some old Dutch porn star
No. 305203
>>305202You really bumped this thread just to say that? Hmm…see
>>305201Don't want to pull the
>hi cowbut this just screams Sere.
No. 305206
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Why does she keep tweeting and then deleting the same message asking for tickets for some show and claiming to be an 18 year old high school student? Has her account been hacked or something?
No. 305216
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>>305215sad to see she hasn’t been able to move out of sex work and still has to do this type of thing with a young child
why are there so many black spots on her photos? is she covered in tattoos now?
No. 305219
>>305218she has a thing for japanese men. it's why she came to japan. her husband who pimps her out is japanese too
she's really dumb so probably can't get work elsewhere. not even english teaching as you need a degree for that. i don't think her japanese is even fluent after 10 years
No. 305220
>>305218Just another 30yo weeb living out their poor life choices to "make it" in Japan tbh.
She's also kinda weird or somewhat plain looking by most western standards, but by Japanese standards She's an "exotic" blonde European which might have factored into Japan appealing to her so much too. Lots of basic white girls move there pursuing easy modeling work and end up in the hostess to prostitute pipeline like she and her bestie Sere did.
No. 305221
>>305220She's also very quiet which allows men to project what ever they want onto her. Japanese men especially want submissive women with no personality of their own. They only want woman to serve them and to always be the center of attention.
I wonder what her future will look like. Most white models end up seeing sense and leaving Japan after a few years but a few get dragged down further like Lorena. Gaya doesn't seem to have much to return to as she moved to Japan right after high school from a small village so doesn't really know anything else in life. She's probably not going to leave her husband if they have a young baby. What will she do when she is too old for prostitution? I don't think many Japanese men would want an older white woman.
No. 305222
>>305221I wonder the same for most prostitutes with zero job experience outside sex-work and limited resources available to them. Gaya at least seems semi-stable in comparison to others like Lorena, but it's really hard to say. I imagine she's going to just do like many of them do and keep lying about her age until men stop paying for her sometime into her late 40s. By then who knows if her husband will stop being a sad excuse of a man and pimping her out or step up and actually care for her, or drop her for another one of the "models" under his care. Seems like such an incredibly sad way of life tbh.
I do wonder if maybe she's hoping to meet a better man via her line of work to "rescue" her like many do.
No. 305722
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>>305223ガヤ 谷口 on facebook. posts in meme groups but no escorting stuff
had her kid about a year ago
(sage your shit)