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/w/ - vloggers, lolita, cosplay

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No. 325573

what do you guys think of her?

i occasionally stop by her streams because she has nice tits, but theres a website claiming she's stuffing her bra. i think they might be right. yoshi never shows cleavage, only tight shirts.


apparently there's lots of drama around her streams too. i knew she had some giant fat-walleted simps but i didn't know she was poaching them from other streamers lol. all this does is just further confirm that streamers, especially top streamers, are all degenerates

her youtube
her twitch
https://www.twitch.tv/yoshimyan(shit thread)

No. 325578

She sounds very based to be rinsing simps by stuffing her bra, never showing cleavage and wearing turtlenecks. Her bodyfat ratio tells you (women, and men who have ever seen a woman naked irl) all you need to know about whether they're real or not.
The simp poaching sounds very based as well, never heard of her but I approve kek.

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