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File: 1729174053771.jpeg (Spoiler Image,277.97 KB, 828x1317, DBC1C49D-0248-4FC6-B13D-4FEE92…)

No. 337345

Has anyone else experienced the middle age man in their messages trying to hit on them? I’ve heard stories about how he creeps on women even though he has a long-time girlfriend at home. I experienced some really weird things from him in the past. He like tried to say he hadn’t said something when it was literally two messages back, turned it into how he needed to give me space and he knew we had something special.

Apparently it’s ongoing and with several women. He’s got this one that hangs off him all the time. The whole thing just gave me gross vibes.

instagram.com/messiahcomplexcosplay(shit thread)

No. 337347

Like from Toronto and area? Yeah I’ve heard of him.(samefag)

No. 337348

post proof or gtfo

No. 337349

lol did the fucker set an alert for himself? god forbid anyone ask if there’s others with similar experience(samefag)

No. 337351

probably. would fit his whole thing(samefag)

No. 337352

Yeah my friend had a bad experience with him he’s such a tool lol(samefag)

No. 337357

File: 1729179194513.jpeg (52.75 KB, 507x789, 334BAFE7-063A-4640-8366-3957BB…)

i mean he’s really proud of his body(samefag)

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