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No. 39863
So let's have a thread about LovelyLor! She is a twenty something from Burgerland who is currently living in Toronto. She skipped LA in 2016 after learning her ex-bf dumped her following AX 2015 in some sketchy story. Lor is in a relationship with an Amazonian, @_Flynnski who is now getting into lolita. Lor is using her a lot in her videos on YT recently.
YT: No. 39905
>>39863Go back to Pull vendetta-chan.
Lor is not even a little milky.
No. 39947
>>39945Milky*, even.
But seriously, that you couldn't even start the thread with any milk says enough. I really think this is the one same anon.
No. 40065
>>39863if you have something to say about her keep it in the lolita thread
she's ugly and annoying, but that's about it
No. 58016
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>>58007Lurk harder, Mary.
No. 59799
>>59685Easy, you use your phone you're already using to take meet photos, you open the call app, dial 911 and when they answer clearly say into the phone "Yes, someone at X address just exposed their genitals to minors, please send the police as fast as possible."
It's that simple. That's how you should respond if something like that happens with your comm.
No. 59801
>>59652So you don't have to give her views. TLDW
Comm meet, near halloween, someone enters in halloween store butterfly costume/dress with full face mask. No one knows them, they don't talk to anyone. Sits with legs spread and exposes their genitals to everyone nearby. Here's where the excuses start. Someone has to not wear undergarments to expose themselves, and would feel an obvious draft, it was clearly intentional but Lor starts trying to come up with any excuse to defend the creep. Lor does nothing. Lor wishes the creep well. The creep that exposed themselves to minors. End video.
No. 60126
>>59801>>59964She mentioned that she was yelled at and accused of "bullying" when she made a post asking about it in the FB group, so this might just be her attempting to avoid getting that kind of backlash again.
Don't mean to sound like a WK, but I can't really blame her. People in the Lolita community with that whole "Lolitas must be nice to everyone! No bully! >:(" mentality are not only fucking stupid, but blind. Nothing gets through to them once they've marked you as a "bully". She's just saving her ass.
No. 126889
>>126837Her clown cords resemble those of r0ttingd0lt’s. They are so bad but she has this OG arrogant attitude of pushing the whole “lolita is strict rules you must follow” but then breaks so many rules herself to make the most hideous outfits and no one dares questions her little echo chamber. Maybe I have watched unfortunate videos but she seems to constantly be cheap and begging for sponsors for outfits to destroy our retinas with and has to drop in
”I’m a film maker hurdur” every 5min. I really liked Tyler but ever since those have been virtually scissoring each other on youtube I can’t stand to watch either of them.
I don’t hate her because she’s ugly, but it sure doesn’t help.
No. 129048
>>126837How about the weird "lolita hierarchy" she, puvi and the owners of lolita collective are in?
Ever wondered why you don't get picked to be a model for a brand? If you pissed off one of those people you have your answer.
Without giving myself away I have heard those type of comments from lolita event staff.
No. 130802
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>>130795She didn’t like a photo of an actual nazi (everyone’s making it sound like she liked a photo of someone in full SS gear), but a photo of a Trump supporter who participated in the coup at the Capitol. This is a cap from someone’s story, hence the weird sure, Jan sticker.
No. 130808
>>130802Isn't this metalclown chick a lolcoe in their own right or at least used to be?
Also it's possible they did this as a photo op to be edgy and don't support trump or maybe they do, either way
No. 130822
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>>130795Her response was weak. How do you accidentally like this
>>130802 No. 130874
>>130802no offense but I don't give a shit about lovely lor, but y'all wrong for this one. who the fuck cares if she liked one photo of an idiot with a trump flag. so many people I know follow trump's twitter just to see what bullshit he'll post, not because they agree with his politics.
if you're going to come after lor, go after something else that's important. this is one fucking photo and people are acting like she killed black people and spit on their mother's grave.
No. 131358
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>Sorry black people, it was an accident, I’m still lovely uwu
No. 131366
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>>131358Samefag but the whole thing gives me this kind of vibe lmao. It’s not a big deal and it’s pathetic how she’s milking it, acting like a martyr, next she will be kissing your
POC lolita burando maryjanes and offering wepewations for the hurt caused by her mistake because she’s so woke uwu. If I accidentally liked something I wouldn’t be apologising for days for it, it was a harmless accident, makes me wonder if it actually was an accident or not.
No. 131380
>>130921Of course it's fake, her whole lovely lor persona radiates fakeness which is why she's trying so hard. She got "caught" do the most excusable and easily explainable thing. Everyone knows IG glitches and likes and follows/unfollows people that you've never interacted with on occasion. She could have said sorry IG is shit I didn't do it but instead she is self-flagellating and getting dragged by people who have been waiting for her to slip up.
She's spent so long courting the ita they/them metal illness lower middle class oppressed white girl woke crowd it's hilarious seeing half of them try and cancel her and the other half trying to defend her using the same played out rhetoric.
No. 131656
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She’s apologising for photo poses now “culturally appropriating” from black people in jail (not a bit of a racial stereotype don’t you think?) It’s hard to not laugh because it feels like really bad satire. Lor is so lovely. She’s the only person who can be literally bullied for an accident and not be the victim. I’m sure everyone else was so hurt and victimised by a photograph, its not like the Trump supporter got doxed or sent death threats by a bunch of mentally ill SJWs spoiler: she did But hey let’s not talk over the POC, what POC says is correct and we must validate the mental illness.
No. 131658
>>131650Jesus Christ she should've just let this non issue die instead of repeatedly grovelling on every platform imaginable for a goddamn misclick. She's said multiple times in her videos that she has a visual processing disorder so any reasonable person wouldn't hold an accidental like against her, especially considering the days events. I don't like Lor but this is just fucking stupid and she shouldn't have bothered to apologise as much as she has, it's just embarrassing for her. A simple 'Sorry I fucked up, won't do it again' comment when people alerted her to it would've sufficed.
Instead she has made a whole video about it for what reason exactly? To please hypocritical sjw itas like wonderfuck who will never be satisfied despite the nazi outfits they have in their own closets. Like her or not, she's probably the most efamous lolita in the west and I'm sure their jealous asses have been waiting for her to slip up like this. Anyone with eyes and an ounce of critical thinking skill can see that Lor isn't a Trumper, just really fucking stupid.
No. 131677
>>131676Of course. Lor never gave a flying fuck about anyone from a minority and until BLM reminded some people Black people have rights, she did not care. Now she's super woke, only uses snowflakes in her "coord" videos and let's Tyler defend her ita like coords.
She should have been called out way sooner.
No. 131698
>>131650If her initial apology on twitter had been at all sincere, this would've been wrapped up days ago.
I don't know if I can sit here and judge her for a supposed misclick, there are loads of other things Lor could be dragged through the mud for, but her handling of the situation is really awful, and making a video response, whether monetised or not, just seems like she's looking for sympathy.
I'm also a bit peeved that she's going through all thsi trouble to apologise for this for fear of getting "cancelled" but is still happy to anonymise and protect predators and scammers.
No. 131707
>>131658Wtf is a visual processing disorder? She should have led with that and saved the 1000-word posts and apology videos for liking a photo. I looked at her IG comments and no
POC even care about this "issue" it's mostly whities complaining.
t. whitie
No. 131708
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oh no, the queen of itas hath fallen.
the video was hard to watch, it was pathetic watching her and her “white guilt” apologising for 15 mins and all for what? this is not a sincere apology but a rehearsed “don’t cancel me” monologue, you cannot apologise for something you never did such as like the photo you have no recollection of. Even if she did like the photo, you must be sheltered to be so upset over 1 ig like lmao. People let politics define themselves and others all too much in the last 6 years. Guaranteed the POC are milking it just for the sake of a power trip.
No. 131782
I'm so tired of people harping on following politics. I get it, this was a massive thing to have happened, but with time zones and just lazy scrolling IG you'd have almost no way of knowing. I scrolled past a bunch of memes about it before I got out of bed and saw it on the news.
She is under no obligation to follow what's going on in a country she's no longer living in.
But that being said, Lor pandered to the woke crowd for years and they're finally eating her. It was bound to happen.
No. 131822
>>131791She moved to Canada in 2016. So, not that long ago. Does she have Canadian citizenship?
She still has friends and family in the US, and before COVID she was travelling here for cons and meetups frequently.
The US is also super obnoxious and falling apart the past four years, so I’m sure she’s aware of the trainwreck here.
No. 131952
>>131822takes forever to get Canadian citizenship. You can however get permanent residence if you are self employed but only if you meet the requirements of having a degree or a trade.
Found some deets from this article. No. 132614
>>131650There's so much wrong with her video. Firstly she talks about dd zita who i'd never even heard of before, and yet lor, for all her loveliness, slags her off for wearing some nazi themed shit like some ten fucking years ago or something, so effectively drawing attention to her so she could get bullied by the retards who see themselves as super woke and all that shit.
Then she goes on about a wig company for selling skin whitening products, which they wouldn't be selling in the first place if there wasn't a market for them. so instead of lor questioning why darker skinned people would want them, she blames the company like they're forcing them onto people.
She shows a fucking hilarious pic of herself kneeling or crouching by a statue which made me laugh so much i couldn't even concentrate on what she was saying at that point.
She makes it sound like she's frightened the whole time and someone is stood there behind the scene pointing a gun at her or threatening her family if she didn't read what they wrote on a script.
One of the worse things is how she is ultimately insulting to black people by implying that they'd all be so upset by her liking a picture of someone they might never have even heard of and for reasons of that person being a -shock horror- trump supporter! Well get this bitch, there are black people out there in the real world who fucking
are trump supporters! So a bit fucking insulting to them right there.
What a loon. she's lost any credibility she might of had and i don't see how she can claw her way back from this in a hurry without everyone remembering it.
And not defending any of the trash who called her out on it and made her feel pressured enough into doing such a stupid video. some scum called purest maiden was mentioned in the comments on yt who was the one responsible for it all and who has nazi related outfits that she loves or something, so what a fucking hypocrite that piece of shit is for a start if true what they were saying, but whatever, that video and all the resultant comments about it were the funniest thing i've seen all week.
No. 132847
>>132614I mean, I don’t care how many years ago you wore a Nazi outfit. If you ever did, then that’s shitty as fuck and I would straight up not trust that person on any level.
Most Black voters didn’t support Trump; a poll in 2019 showed that 85% would vote for ANY democratic candidate over Trump. And I’m sure those numbers went up with all the voter suppression Black voters faced this election.
Also, the attempted coup, which is where the controversial “liked” photo was taken at, featured a noose, Confederate flags, and tons of white supremacy groups, so I get why Lor felt the need to address how she fucked up specifically to her Black followers.
No. 132856
>>132614>ultimately insulting to black people by implying that they'd all be so upset by her liking a picture of someone they might never have even heard of and for reasons of that person being a -shock horror- trump supporter! There's a trend online of white influencers patronizing and infantilizing
POC people by treating them all as if they are innocent angel babies without vastly varied opinions and life experiences among them.
Imagine if another race did that to white people, it would look insane.
uwu not the perfect innocent angel baby, they must be protected Along with treating
POC criminals as innocent uwu angel babies, like those criminal men were not adults acting from free will when they did those crimes. Treat people as humans, not as some imagined morally pure objects that you need to
protect because you still are not seeing
POC as individuals when you do that.
No. 132927
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She really didn’t have to apologize for 3 FUCKING DAYS over liking a photo. It’s not the end of the world holy shit. I understand the amount of pressure it’s gotta be when you’re a lolita YouTuber, but fuck she just went full Digornio’s twitter #whyistayed and it honestly just brought more eyes to her…
No. 132991
>>132966Dunno, except maybe lor is much higher profile and more well known in more circles than just the smaller world of lolita. I don't know much about dee dee except that peeps were saying lor only mentioned her because she wore some nazi themed outfit about ten years ago, which seemed a bit finger pointing and done to egg on the pitchfork wavers to go after dee dee.
If lor was going to mention somebody then why didn't she say something about the shit that launched all this garbage in the first place? That Purest Maiden or whatever she calls herself, maybe lor is afraid of her for some reason.
I don't get why somebody would have to be vilified now just cos they wore something a bit nazi-ish a decade ago, that sort of thing has crept into different fashions for years, and didn't Prince Harry wear something that got the media frothing a few years ago? A swastika armband if I recall that got screaming headlines in some of the gutter press of "Harry the nazi". People still loved him regardless, in spite of the best efforts of the woke brigade.
And yes to the annoyingness of white people acting all affronted on black peoples behalf, and just don't ignore the sizable proportion of black people who support trump, make america great again, all of that shit, lor has really insulted them double.
No. 132993
>>132847I didn't see no noose, just a picture of some stupid looking loon standing in front of a parody image of trump. -Posted earlier up here in this thread.
And that alexandra metal clown or whatever she's called, i know shit all about, only that she looks like a trump supporter, like a ton of americans are, so why lor felt the need to go full on groveling for eternity, makes no sense, unless she's been got at.
No. 133000
>>132991You’re a shit head if you ever wore a Nazi armband. And yes, people remember that time Harry came to a Halloween party as a Nazi. That recent popular parody show The Windsors brought it up a bunch. There were actual Nazis/people allied with Nazis in his family, so it was esp. shitty that he did that.
And yes, there was a noose (multiple, in fact) at the DC coup. It’s very easy to find pics as the leading image in stories about the event.
That said, I will agree that Lor’s lengthy apology was overkill. But whatever, better a boring too much apology than a defensive apology vid.
No. 133002
>>133000I'm waiting to find out about Purest Maiden, the one who set the ball rolling about lor, cos apparently she's done this like some moral crusader, when peeps have said she's got some nazi themed outfits which she admits she loves. The level of hypocrisy there is just really bad if true and you have to ask if she was so bothered by lor liking a picture of that alexandra metal clown at the rally, then first off, she must of been following alexandra herself to even see it cos her account is private and second, why didn't she just send a private dm to lor asking her about it. the whole thing seems a bit fishy and more than just what we're seeing. and it is also like a white person pandering to black people out of some race guilt thing, which is making sure that black people stay as
victims that white people have to keep apolgizing to for the whole race and it helps no one, it just keeps it alive in peoples minds and makes people think about race and differences when they might not of ever given it a thought before.
it's all just human beings, who for some reason can never live at peace with one another.
And swastikas were adopted by hitler but is an ancient symbol of light, they're everywhere in japan.
No. 133036
>>133002Yes, swastika’s can be found on old temples, signage, etc in Japan, but they look quite different than the Nazi one (and they’ve been phased out over decades in signage and other stuff).
So I’m not sure what your point is? When a dumb celeb or influencer sports a swastika armband and fascist-y clothing, I don’t think they’re making a spiritual statement about ancient Buddist or Hindu spiritualism.
No. 133181
>>133024Probly cos dee dee's relatively unknown, at least to most people outside of lolita, whereas lor's a big name in it, tho it's very amusing to see all the confused comments on her video of people who've never heard of her and wondering why they've been nudged to watch her video, and somebody saying they thought she was a man, kek.
Thing is, lor has been made some sort of scapegoat, by Purest Maiden, apparently, who herself has boasted of how much she loves her nazi gear, when all lor did was accidentaly like a scuzzy pic on ig of alexandra whoever, who also is not having much said about her for being there in the first place, so it's just all a bit puzzling as to why lor has all the attention, it seems this Purest Maiden bitch has her own agenda in wanting to discredit lor.
No. 133183
>>133036Let's hope punk rock never makes any real emergence then, lol.
The overloadedness of wokeness nowadays is just so tedious.
They need to cancel the cancel culture.
No. 133206
>>133183Punk rockers wore faschist-y getups as a form of protest against fascism and the establishment, which is very different than some dumbass wearing shit like that to be funny or because you they are ignorant and just like the aesthetic. Context is always important and, many decades later, I think people get what punk was trying to do back then.
But I don’t really have a problem with calling out dumb people supporting dumb stuff, accidental or not. I watched Lor’s apology video, it was boring, but she acknowledged shit - more than she needed to, obv - and will move on.
The person she accidentally “lliked” though and whoever this Nazi armband person is sounds like crappy people. It’s not really pearl clutching to think it’s bad that someone was at the Trump coup or that someone wore a symbol universally associated with large-scale genocide…
No. 133309
>>133206Well have fun stalking everyone's likes until you find something
problematic. Never mind that WF fucking owned nazi shit and got away with a non apology in this world of cancel culture.
No. 133351
>>133206>>Punk rockers wore faschist-y getups as a form of protest against fascism and the establishmentYou can't talk for a whole generation of punks. I remember reading about how Sid Vicious wore swastikas just cos he liked them and boasted about how he made an old Jewish man cry. (Sid saw he was upset and made the Nazi salute) Siouxie Sioux also wore swastika symbols and admits to liking the Nazi uniform cos she thinks it looks good.
There are still people today into punk and I see people around with swastika tattoos, who are into 'alternative' fashion and some of those people just laugh like crazy loons at the whole idea of wokeness and don't give a shit about what might be fascist or not.
Some people just like the look of something and don't much care about if snowflakes are gonna get mad and cry about it.
As for that Alexandra person, I know fuck all about her except for that one picture posted here and I didn't see her wearing any swastikas and nothings been said about what her views actually are, only that she was there, she could just be a patriotic American, like many are who support trump, even black people who do. Sometimes I think people just see a thing, and run with it cos their minds go into overdrive and enlarge everything into being much more than it actually is, or was.
No. 133413
>>133351Cool. Those all sound like shitty racist people. What a bunch of assholes.
It’s really cool that you’re so special that you can see someone wearing a symbol of hate and it’s nbd. What a privelege.
A lot of people see someone wearing something racist and experience fear because they see it as a warning that they could be in legit danger.
No. 133518
>>133413Isn't that true of everything though? "A lot of people" isn't the majority and in democratic countries, it seems it's only the majority who count, right or wrong.
And not saying I agree with any particular political group, but just saying. Human beings, by their very nature, kind of suck, or they wouldn't have maybe conquered the whole natural world how they've tried to do, and maybe the environment wouldn't be in such a state, and I wish the whole world could be nice, and kind, and everyone acceptable just the way they are and no one ever discriminated against for anything, and if I had my way, that's how it would be, but sadly others feel differently and so the world is the way it is.
A lot of people can get picked on for reasons other than race alone, like for being quiet and polite at school when their peers aren't and so can live their whole school years in fear of being attacked by vicious bullies, -can speak from experience here, so life is truly hard and frightening, for a lot of people, but there's also a lot of other people who seem to outnumber them and society only seems to really care about the majority, until such time as they get outnumbered by another majority. And picking on someone for something they wore a decade ago even though they have expressed regret over it, while others doing the same have been ignored seems a bit too much and that was really my original point.
No. 134757

>>134676I'm not sure if this is what anon was talking about, but lovely lor recently made this apology video
>she accidentally liked a photo of a makeup influencer at the trump riots, she spends 4 minutes apologizing for this>she did a "prison pose" in a photo, was unaware of where it came from, is apologizing for that as well>apologizes for doing the harlem shake>apologizes for not being vocal enough against gothic lolita wigs and for working with them>apologizes because someone asked her to share a post about a school shooting on her old tumblr blog that effected people of color, she denied to because her blog was supposed to be about cute fashion and she didn't want to post things that might be jarring or upsetting to her following>apologizes because she asked for personal stories from black lolitas on a video she was going to make during black history month, but recieved private messages saying that she might gain followers and subscribers from that video and that there might be nuances to those stories she might not understand, and that she should have been more involved in the black lolita community before 2020>apologizes for supporting deedee zeta, who has recently been seen wearing nazi regalia, apologizes for ever supporting deedee and says she won't use her as a fashion reference in the futurethis is just a brief summary, sorry if I left some things out
No. 134977
>>134957Lmao BDSM my ass. She gets hyper bitchy when the ddlgs tag her AP on insta, yet her slight choking and asspats are BDSM.
Nice try lol
No. 135244
>>135228That like to dislike ratio, kek.
The video was cringe worthy but the only good part was calling out WF for her hypocrisy. We love to see it.
No. 135293
>>135065So not only me noticed? Thank you.
She's hypocritical af.
No. 135316
>>135282She basically tried saying that it’s impossible for a lesbian/leftist to do something bad. I hate identity politics, when does identity absolve you of doing anything ?? Tbh I don’t think what lor did was that bad, but this logic is so annoyingly libfem.
Yes Tyler, even a trans disabled brown lesbian can do something bad
No. 135318
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Lor left a comment.
No. 135461
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From Hollys Insta story
No. 135462
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No. 135479
>>135462Lor has no spine whatsoever and needs her wife Tyler to drag her out of the shit, yet again.
Jesus non-Whites are not angels, they are not feeling their ancestor's pain nor do I need to feel bad for not being ~black enough~.
I get, it's woke and all. Yet the apology was so unnecessary, I can't.
POC are still facing a shitton of problems nowadays, especially women. An apology won't give them access to higher education; nor avoid police brutality; nor anything else and your gf's or ex's White guilt is stupid. DO something for
POC instead of creeping up their asses.
No. 135552
>>135361Lor, holly, and Tyler herself in the beginning of the video, have all stated that Tyler did the video even when lor told her not to. like why bring up a dead topic and make everyone talk about it again?? Truly shot herself (and lor) in the foot. Why does she have the compulsion to white knight for lor? She’s a big girl
>>135479>>135547practically everyone (including the black Lolita group) forgave Lor as soon as they found out it was an accident. I’m noticing that most of the ppl that are still pissed are white blue-haired libs, so why even address them weeks later? Tyler bringing this shit back up is just making things worse, like stop addressing a few ppl??
No. 135558
>>135484>immediately butchers Japanese>some fat weeb early twenty something that lives with her parents who buy her everything>14min long ig video of IM ANGRY POC AND I AM YELLING>yells about how she mad>angry about ppl who only put BLM in their profile or ONE SQUARE>bitches about how this is a week before "Black History Month" oh lawd>promotes kawaii joShe said she watched the video twice and all she got from it was "black and brown ppl, FUCK your feelings, stop bullying my friend."
Did everyone who feels this way actually watch it without multitasking? Or are they actually retarded? The whole point was cancel culture and having unrealistic expectations or penalties for small MISTAKES.
>all comments are licking her assholeWe need a new online comm.
No. 135630
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>Konnichiwa mina-sanI noped the fuck out.
Lor and the amazonian are pathetic ass kissers.
No. 135636
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>>135484I have noticed on IG Holly is not following Tyler. Tyler is following Holly and is still mutuals with Lor.
No. 135691
>>135484nta but it's a link to a video on IG, so screenshots would be pointless. maybe you should actually click the link to check next time
also, how tall is lor's gf actually? everyone keeps calling her amazonian but in pictures she doesnt look that much taller than lor who I didn't think was that tall
No. 135728
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>>135722Checking out her Twitter, she really thought she did something here. Maybe calling your own girlfriend a racist for accidentally liking an Instagram photo is not the move.
No. 135734
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Holly's out here retweeting posts by purestmaiden.
No. 135834
>>135734Welp, Holly is now a confirmed cow.
It's fucked up she thinks what Lor did is racist and the bullying nazi "Purist"maiden is correct.
Lor should dump her.
No. 135927
>>135852Tyler has been more supportive of Lor than Holly in this entire situation.
That speaks volumes.
No. 136029
>>136020Agreed with all you anons, it's honestly really concerning to see her girlfriend behaving like this. The one person who should have your back is agreeing and siding with your bully? Now I realize Tyler's comparison between the online abuse and an
abusive, gaslighting relationship was likely not a coincidental choice of words.
Lor is so lucky to have a friend like Tyler, she's literally in the midst of being abused and gaslit by her own girlfriend
and the internet for liking one goddamn Instagram post. The other stuff about squatting the wrong way was debunked in Tyler's video, so that's Lor's one "crime."
It's starting to remind me of gaslit and cucked Kevin from the Lori thread, like this is
not ok.
No. 136038
>>135728I’m just tired of people including Holly and Lor not realizing that just because Lor was made an example of and is the basis for what the video was responding to doesn’t mean this video is 100% only about Lor’s specific situation. This is bigger than Lor, and if she and Holly can’t handle criticism even in their defense, perhaps they should not be public figures.
Tyler’s video said more than most of the responses to it like
>>135484 …it’s ok to be mad and it’s ok to express that but do you really not see a problem with Lor apologizing profusely for doing a Harlem Shake meme at its height or accidentally double tapping on Instagram? You can be mad she did it and also mad at the response. Also, I get being mad that Tyler betwayed hew fwiend uwu or whatever but like, who else was going to talk about this topic on mainstream lolita comms but Tyler? I cannot imagine she did not express her opinions with Lor first. Tyler is the only one actually in her corner IMO.
No. 136040
>>136038>who else was going to talk about this topic on mainstream lolita commshow about…no one
lor's an idiot for giving wf& co's bullshit any airtime beyond a simple and straightforward apology, and those who didnt want to accept it could keep their screeching to their own screechy corners of the internet. it would have died. and despite lor platforming the screechers it was still dying. tyler fucked that up. she should have let it die.
No. 136043
>>136038it was incredibly weird that lor apologized for the harlem shake because I haven't seen any proof that that was something people were talking about. NOBODY in the black lolita comm claimed it was black culture?? or that participating in the trend was offensive?? i've tried term searching in the comm, twitter, youtube comments, and I can't find any mention of it.
Like where did she get that??
No. 136049
File: 1612287281255.png (1.28 MB, 1440x1368, Moron compilation.png)

One of the morons identified in Tyler's video appeared spouting more garbage in Lor's Tweet replies, spoiler she's neither black nor a lolita
No. 136050
File: 1612287928479.png (3.72 MB, 1440x2035, Happy Halloween.png)

>>136049My bad, she is a lolita but her coords look like a halloween costume.
No. 136051
>>136040But why should she have let it die? How is this different from her making videos about other drama? There was a thing that happened in her community she felt strongly about, she made a commentary video about it, like she always does.
If she just ignored the issue or made a vague video which danced around the topic it would contradict everything she stood for in the past. Why should Lor's feelings be more important than Tyler's feelings? Yeah, it sucks for Lor, but hey, I bet it sucked for Kelly Eden too.
No. 136161
File: 1612312108081.png (384.52 KB, 1440x1602, Twitter.png)

>>136136She's a nobody but she was still (and is still) one of the voices harassing Lor and acting like she committed literal murder because she accidentally liked an image on Instagram. Writing "this is life and death" is absolutely deranged, and clearly just an excuse to get the boot in to someone with a large platform.
Pic related, someone else in the comments pointing out there was no evidence this girl was a Trumper until that day.
No. 136212
>>136204Imo the Kelly Eden videos were simply gatekeeping the lolita community, and it worked since Kelly dropped it. Kelly's "crime" was also miniscule (being rude to shop employees by buying and returning lolita dress in Japan)
I think the lolita community has generally shot itself in the foot, by over gatekeeping itself and over policing its members behavior. I think at the point Tyler made that recent video the horse had already bolted, it's too late, you now have a community where if you breathe the wrong way people feel
valid to tell you this is
life or death and you're
killing their friends like the moron screenshot above.
No. 136289
>>135553I bet lor wishes she had never made that stupid apology video. If she doesn't, then she should, she just made herself look like an idiot, plus pouring shade on other lolitas who she named in her pathetic video.
Would of been better all round if she'd never said anything in the first place, a lot of stupid fuss about nothing, liking a dumb picture of someone at a rally, so what? tf is wrong with people?
No. 136356
>>136295I agree with the other anons about Holly, she gives off
toxic vibes.
No. 136464
>>136356If Lor had any sense, she'd kick that bitch to the kerb. Imagine being so desperate to hang onto someone that you'll put up with them publicly criticizing you. And for something so trivial.
Tyler is the best friend Lor has got but she's too cowed and intimidated by that
toxic bitch she's with to allow herself to realize that.
No. 136682
File: 1612546504781.jpg (519.67 KB, 479x592, cqt1HYH.jpg)

>>136538Lor was in the comments saying "Casual lolita is
valid". Honey (cake) if this is casual lolita then wearing any skirt with a petticoat is lolita
No. 136719
>>136682It's insane how shitty holly dresses, she is like another flavor of lor with that big mouth clown face,
terf bangs, and eyesore of an outfit.
No. 136857
>>136713itas are itas, doesn't matter where they're from. Holly is an ita, that's all the more you need to say. Let's stop race derailing now.
>>136682None of this looks good, its all such a strange mix. The facial expression, the blue hair, the pokemon clips, the tied up shirt, its all bad. If she wasn't Lors gf no one would know or care about her.
No. 136937
>>136682Imagine having to look at that face every day! Especially when you've just woken up, You'd think you were in the middle of a nightmare.
No wonder Lor's losing the plot.
The sooner she gets away from this freaking ugly shitfaced hag, the better she'll be.
No. 137553
File: 1612997175835.jpeg (256.65 KB, 750x1016, 67D65D66-A304-4971-833D-A709A6…)

Holly looked better with the goth aesthetic and short dark hair
No. 138627
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>>138613Jesus Christ anon ill do it for you. I guess you mean on Instagram. I don’t follow either so I don’t know if they were once following each other but they’re not now.
No. 139546
>>139329Didn’t tyler used to hate animal ears with coords? Or was it only cat ears?
And Tyler’s boyfriend is more entertaining than she is
No. 139854
File: 1614616090405.png (2.45 MB, 1334x750, 6BC3401A-6E69-4A0A-974B-64815C…)

The dress she got in her new video is the ugliest dress I’ve seen in quite a while, not helped by her shitty coords.
No. 140124
File: 1614743368375.png (25.26 KB, 588x275, hmmm.PNG)

okay but aren't you the one who cut her off?
not saying tyler was right, but you unadded her, so
No. 140153
>>140151Did you read
>>140124 ? they haven't talked, that's the whole point
No. 140156
>>140155You were the one saying we don't know what goes on in private, so why are you wildly guessing now?
You're defending lor so hard, what's your deal?
No. 140197
File: 1614775087409.jpg (142.81 KB, 800x800, sweet-chocolate-journey-op.jpg)

>>139865What I noticed:
- really saturated colors everywhere
- no details or 'find the x' you get with major brands
- dresses are aweful materialwise
- the print repeats itself but is so blocky it looks unfinished
- absolutely border-heavy, no repeating of the theme on top
- it's tacky.
I really don't know how they expect her store to work.
No. 140208
File: 1614789741582.gif (296.83 KB, 1013x1000, A699A454-FBD3-424F-82DB-6E1741…)

>>140197Thanks anon for posting this! Just as comparison a btssb print. I think you can already tell there is real artwork behind this.
No. 140227
File: 1614799384086.jpg (151.14 KB, 828x519, 0d7lLoK.jpg)

Not sure if I should sage because its holly but still milky
No. 140228
File: 1614799469752.jpg (60.07 KB, 828x232, Iva3Slb.jpg)

Can the next thread include holly because she is worse than lor is, look at how she's making this all about her
No. 140229
>>140228Is she trying to say Tyler hurt
her by standing up for Lor (unlike her, Lor's girlfriend, who sided with the bullies) and by comparing cancel culture bullshit to an
abusive relationship briefly in her video? There is no way this is about her unless she really is a gaslighting piece of shit after all, and was actually a major player in how badly this all went down.
No. 140240
>>140227>>140228why is this
triggering my disgust reaction
also agree, this can be the two clown lolita gf's thread
No. 140243
>>140228>>140229Agree that Holly is a cow too and probably orchestrated how extremely Lor reacted to this whole thing. I find it hard to believe that Lor who is apparently too dyslexic to understand how imageboards work and such a ~delicate souffle uwu~ managed to write a zillion apologies, statements and that long ass comment on Tyler's video by herself. Lor on her own has a history of sweeping things under the rug (see GLW fiasco) or being as non confrontational as possible (see my lolita dress fiasco) so I don't doubt that without Holly's influence she would've just let this die.
I wouldn't be surprised if the reason Holly is making this Tyler breakup thing all about her is because she was the one writing half this shit and took Tyler's insults more personally than Lor did. Now that she's trying to be a twitch streamer and run a shitty indie brand I'd say it's fair game to talk about her.
No. 140252
>>140243I'm sorry, I'm putting my hat on;
What if Holly was jealous of Tyler and this happened to be a convenient opportunity to make Lor friend-dump her
No. 140264
>>140124Lor seems to enjoy being a
victim if they ended their relationship behind the scenes why does she feel the need to post vague info about it like this, same with the youtube comment she left I wonder if she ever sent Tyler an actual dm about the whole situation.
No. 140277
>>140264She dramatizes all her friendship and relationship breakups so she can make herself the
victim. It's all for validation.
No. 140282
File: 1614838052066.jpeg (28.88 KB, 720x574, 7F3D0206-6AAC-4929-B436-C68554…)

>>140243Speaking of Holly’s indie brand, why did she even bother making one? I get that it’s trendy right now but everything they’ve released thus far either doesn’t look like lolita (like this top which looks more like it was made for a child) or looks extremely generic and not all that well made for the price.
I think it’s possibly because they chose a company that’s used to doing petticoats for children’s dance and Holly being Holly just assumed they could also make lolita appropriate pieces despite the two having nothing in common.
No. 140286
File: 1614840095238.jpeg (96.17 KB, 720x574, 4CC3E011-0A8B-462D-9B63-439AF8…)

>>140283I could see it paired with a skirt in casual, but even in the sample pics the blouse is barely showing under the JSK, it’s too low cut, the only time you could see the full detail was with the underbust dress.
No. 140304
>>140286to be fair to the shirt, lor is kind of chunky and has poor taste.
the fit looks wonky because of her size and the jsk choice is stupid. paired with something that isn't an old-school jsk (seriously how was that a good idea) it would look less bad.
No. 140325
>>140252Seconding this. Tyler is Lor's only friend who would call out Holly on her bullshit, and Holly probably felt threatened by that. I wouldn't be surprised if Holly was the one who
made Lor publicly apologize and dump Tyler because she didn't want to fuck up her brand's sales. Sage for speculation.
No. 140686
File: 1615177324080.png (1.01 MB, 1164x751, girl no.png)

Happy birthday Lor, I hope you stop with the spider lashes now
No. 140811
>>140686forget the lashes, her fucking clown kink is destroying my mental health
the fuck is the neck on that blouse? I recognize it as the one that fat girl blew out the back of, and it looks even shittier here
No. 140983
>>140281fucking hell are you serious? and people see lor as a uwu soft bullied
victim in all of this how? man fuck lor
No. 141536
>>141509jesus christ, shut up lor
we really need to go all out no boys allowed
No. 141556
>>141509God she's insufferable, what a people pleaser
Sage 4 no contribution
No. 141575
>>141509Oh shut the fuck up.
I can't even say I'm into cis women without people like Lor coming after me for being transphobic.
No. 141577
File: 1615938671210.png (27.78 KB, 732x218, Capture.PNG)

She knows she's basically welcoming sissies in with welcome arms by posting shit like this right?
No. 141586
File: 1615943021511.png (190.95 KB, 1868x340, reveal yourself.PNG)

>>141577I've been wondering for a week who's comm this is from, my bet is now placed on Lor's
and if it's not hers, it's her fault anyway
No. 141616
>>141577I feel like this is another petty jab at Tyler since Tyler makes it clear Lolita is non-sexual and fetishists can GTFO.
Lor continues to let everyone down by being such a wet blanket.
No. 142411
>>142398I really hate this blouse, I dont know what it is because I can enjoy iridescent items in lolita and I do enjoy high colors. But the cut + shininess gives me HUGE sissy vibes.
>>142397The color is kind of weird but at least this blouse is nice quality
No. 142414
>>142397I thought this coord was actually pretty decent, the blouse isn't horrible honestly.
>>142398This one is god awful though, I don't think this blouse could work in anything besides clown core shit.
No. 144037
>>144015It feels like such a vendetta video
who hurt you lor? Was it Tyler?
The homophobia talks just felt so out of place
No. 144412
File: 1617920245563.jpg (312.04 KB, 720x923, 20210407_163918.jpg)

>silly bandz
bitch you were 20 when those came out, how did you fuck that up
No. 144442
File: 1617929573156.png (565.51 KB, 1080x805, Screenshot_20210408-175037~2.p…)

>>144412I think she meant to use the different colored gel or silicone bands (pic rel) which were popular during Y2K and not silly bands. Tbh they are kinda similar just one came out ~10 years later
No. 144454
>>144426If she's 31ish now, then in 2011 when silly bandz were being sold, she was 21ish
>>144442I'm honestly willing to believe this, but they look and feel so much different I'm still surprised, they looked completely different, aside from both being usually brightly colored synthetic bands, and both had very different gimmicks
No. 145172
File: 1618345995276.jpeg (494.19 KB, 1366x2048, 076D5F2B-DDE8-48D8-944D-7813FA…)

Imagine paying money for a test tube baby only for it to look like this when it grows up.
No. 146265
>>146130This! Nobody cares about how sorry you are for their choice. They’re just trying to make sales.
The new blouses Cream and Sugar is coming out with look so cheap and bad. Lor really doesn’t care about anything anymore.
No. 146591
File: 1619161774513.jpeg (201.19 KB, 660x880, EE5F5210-B11B-47C1-8F0F-A8EA53…)

>>146378Maybe she should get off YouTube.
No. 147422
File: 1619535788965.jpeg (52.87 KB, 690x367, DBBE5741-5B4F-4D6C-B802-65DADE…)

Lor yet again jumping the gun and has either deleted or got her comment removed from of herbs and alters video
No. 147502
>>147422I like how this retard caters to Dorian's "L word" censor to be all 'uwu so lovely' but immediately forgets at the end of her post.
No. 147668
File: 1619643511802.png (513.22 KB, 802x599, xport000617.png)

>>147422Can Lor just stop making videos? She's only just making things worse in this community
No. 147992
File: 1619793435052.jpeg (371.2 KB, 640x611, 0D42CD11-DFDC-43AB-86B3-E51A6A…)

>>147985Lor interviews fat gender special autist, scraping the bottom of the barrel for these woke lolita creators to engage with
No. 148129
>>148050>>148051not only that but she's really let herself go on multiple fronts
her clothes don't fit right, her makeup doesn't sit right, nothing about her is an example of well executed fashion or styling
her 'representing' anything is a joke
No. 148133
>>146078This is quite a naive take. You can't separate lolcow and cgl from what they are - anonymous sites that more often than not have shit advice and are riddled with larpers/newbies talking above their skill level.
The 20% decent advice is not useful enough to read through the 80% of bullshit, especially if you're a youtuber who has been treated like shit by them. If Lor said "go to cgl, it's not all bad", her audience would see the trolling/derogatory stuff and not be able to quantify it.
cgl isn't even a good place to keep up with releases, not really.
No. 148897
>>148792I doubt Tyler was genuinely this angry, it's more of being in-character. Being angry about stuff is a big part of her content.
And it's not like she send a troll army towards some tiny creator, Dorian has significantly more subscribers. Furthermore, comments were already full of unhappy lolitas before lwln came out.
Dorian should have just ignored it, honestly. It's not like frilly police would come or something
No. 148929
File: 1620313656772.png (108.76 KB, 281x268, xy0747392438232024.png)

Her look is a mess
No. 148932
File: 1620314476343.png (3.69 MB, 1334x750, 59D37D5D-048F-48C5-99AD-F4E84D…)

>>148929Puvithel is honestly so hideous, it’s clear that as per most of the indie brands she shills it’s because they gave her free shit. Like what is this over cluttered shit design meant to be?
Saged puvithel rant
No. 150927
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>>150924She literally looks like 'What ever happened to baby Jane'. Holyshit
No. 150930
File: 1621547856757.jpg (351.35 KB, 720x1018, tumblr_oximjiU6Ji1w8d8svo2_128…)

>>150924Watching the video right now, I feel like she could have summed up the 'lolita cosplay' vs 'character coord' with a brand collab over the kinda crappy 'crossover' pics that she posted…
A lot of the time it just comes down to how good the quality of the outfit is (generally lolita collab outfits are meant to be worn regularly while cosplay versions are meant to be worn only to cons/photoshoots and such), on top of that love nikki isn't really a character, it's just an avatar's in game outfit so it's about as much of a cosplay as wearing in game clothing irl.
No. 150959
>>150924This was such a nonsense video. She just blathers on forever about cosplay vs lolita and that should have been a separate video. It just felt like she was trying to add more minutes.
She also needs to stop recording from such a high angle. Especially when the point of the video is to shoe off what she’s wearing. As someone who goes on about going to film school or whatever this seems like a poor choice in camera angle.
No. 150993
>>149084because a black person owns it, its like commenting on a retarded kid's photo that they are beautiful. Everyone knows you're just trying to make the disabled kid feel nice.
Lor is getting beaten by Holly, isn't she? That clown makeup is highly pigmented and weird enough that it would cover a black eye extremely well.
No. 150999
>>149084Maybe 10-15 years ago but most lolitas nowadays don’t care about quality and fit at all, just look at the popularity of gimmicky taobao brands. If it has bright colours or a certain print they’ll buy it, even if it’s obviously made in a sweatshop from low quality polyester and will fall apart after a few washes.
>>150993Isn’t Puvithel Indian?
Honestly it wouldn’t surprise me at all if Holly were
abusive, not necessarily physically but emotionally. Their relationship looks pretty
toxic from the outside.
No. 151060
File: 1621625627768.jpeg (16.45 KB, 480x360, iu-56.jpeg)

>>150924The thumbnail reminds me of this
No. 151109
>>150995 Emotional and verbal abuse tends to be a precursor to physical abuse.
Well we all know she is getting verbally/emotionally abused by Holly. I wouldn't be surprised if Lor had to cover up her physical abuse as well.
It's not a joke, it's serious concern.
No. 153466
File: 1622311726128.jpeg (306.5 KB, 1693x1284, 38F95C1B-2289-4A16-9C87-D4F00C…)

Sage because I know this isn’t milk but I really can’t believe how shit she looks these past few years. She literally looks like a 50 year old male sissy. Her coords were never anything special but most of them were at least passable as meh, but now she’s flat out ita. And her face was always ugly but when she was thin it was apparent that she was female but with her pushing 200lbs now she just looks like an ugly old man.
No. 153890
File: 1622583851389.jpg (227.01 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_20210601-163525_You…)

Why is she still going on about Nabokov's lolita and the fashion not being related? Like….no shit?
Is she just out of ideas or what?
No. 153988
File: 1622622819781.jpg (12.38 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

>>153890this joke has been done to death but my god
No. 154276
>>154201I really don't get why she keeps talking about that.
Lolita is literally the silhouette, modest looks and elegance. That's something tennis shoes and daddy chokers are not going to achieve. She's not a guidebook and her looks are horrendous.
No. 154309
>>154278Someone go watch the pattern video she posted telling us what happened
But was probably a death in the family since she went to one relative’s house to clean it out or something
No. 154331
File: 1622772397923.jpg (89.57 KB, 1002x614, Answering_VERY_SPECIFIC_Questi…)

>>154201She looks fucking ghastly.
No. 154349
>>154278No, her grandfather whom she seemed to be close with died.
But let's hope some grief will make her reflect on life and ditch the cloutchasing, manipulative parasite that is Holly.
No. 154437
>>154349You still haven't shown ANY proof of Holly being
I hate Lor, yet why would you spread crap about her that isn't backed up? She does so many aweful things and you keep saying her gf is the worst
No. 154709
>>154201She always looks fucking ugly i hate her videos just exist to destroy any kind of guideline for lolita.
lets be honest, all these autistic itas aren’t experienced enough to even break the rules. Why doesnt she just quit? YEARS AGO she didnt look this fucking bad. What the fuck even happened?
No. 154756
File: 1623000313248.jpg (466.44 KB, 1280x1878, 49299a04dcea39af90a54eb52f161e…)

>>154650There's so much factoring into it, imo. The bangs, the general fit of the wig, her obsession now with painting her face white? I legitimately don't get why she's lightening her face so much, if she was doing it for, like, old school gothic to give the Mana flair, that makes sense, but for the coords she's pairing it with, it looks really odd, and then pale white face + no real contour or anything + bright red lips and wonky brows, it's just all over a complete mess.
Also she just looks uncomfortable with how stretched the dress is.
No. 156311
File: 1623978856410.png (170.45 KB, 727x625, god fuck off.PNG)

You'd think someone who's been into the fashion for over 10 years would know that brand collabs are a thing.
No. 157455
File: 1624745525436.png (4.37 MB, 1334x750, A6DCE247-BD7D-4808-876E-F402D6…)

Why does she keep trying to mi substyles so hard? Not only does this dress look like a trash bag but it’s not even going for a scene theme, it’s going for that edgy tumblr girl gang garbage.
I swear to god Lor is actively trying to create bad coords.
No. 161342
>>161296the queen of positiveness who usually grovels whenever she offended somebody is being shady…?
dare we assume it's because she's actually bitter about being so much uglier than taylor (and everybody else)? kek
No. 161363
>>161296That video was kinda cringe. First, it’s several years old. Second, Taylor was a model for years who often selectively took lolita gigs. And she basically lived in lolita.
And it kinda makes sense she would focus on makeup. A lot of Taylor’s lolita reality was doing her makeup a certain way and putting on huge contacts.
Taylor also used to refer to her look as living doll. I get why some lolitas might not like that, but Taylor was fine calling her look that, and as someone who modeled lolita, made YouTube vids on lolita, and dressed lolita most of the time during that moment in her life… then I don’t see the problem with her using that term for herself.
She also probably didn’t want to spend a grand on a goth lolita look that was only in the video for several seconds… she probably wanted to do a dark makeup look, and couched it in a buzzy fashion trend for seo. It’s not that deep…
Ps - not a Taylor fan either, but c’mon.
No. 161547
>>161296>>161363Lor's female jealousy coming through, see also: that Kelly Eden video.
Sorry Taylor is prettier than you boo
No. 161557
>>161296I'm not a fan of Taylor or her outfit in that video but Lor who shills shitty devilinspired trying to critique someone who modelled for JetJ is giving me secondhand embarrassment.
A reaction/commentary on Taylor's lolita modelling vlogs would've probably been far more interesting content for Lor but she picked this particular video where Taylor is dressed badly so she could be petty and take some kind of high ground. It reeks of Lor trying to take indirect swipes at Tyler and the herbs and alters situation, by framing Taylor's video as a similar situation when it wasn't. Taylor made a one off video in a bad outfit to meet a sponsorship quota amongst other videos where she represented the fashion well, whereas Dorian dressed like shit, misrepresented the fashion and acted like an ass.
Not to mention the obvious which is Lor just not wanting to show someone pretty and good at makeup such as Taylor actually trying at lolita, because that would blow her shitty clown coords out of the water.
No. 162156
>>162140She pretty rarely reacts to people who are actually well dressed, and when they are (like in the CupofTJ video) she finds stupid shit to complain about like how she's saying girls to refer to people into lolita fashion…a fashion basically made entirely for women.
Part of me thinks that she does this to feel better about herself.
No. 164238
File: 1627315863619.png (1.97 MB, 1182x637, bizarre hat lor.PNG)

Not a single one of these coords even remotely looked decent, I'm not a sweet myself but the dress she's wearing looked like pretty thick fabric but everything she paired with it is shitty devil inspired blouses.
One thing Lor really needs to invest in is some brand blouses and not shit wigs. Most of her coords would improve tenfold if she didn't use sissy blouses or cheap devilinspired shill blouses.
No. 164248
File: 1627322388492.jpg (144.6 KB, 1195x645, The_Story_Behind_Angelic_Prett…)

>>164239She seriously ballooned up.
No. 164265
File: 1627326997752.jpg (77.4 KB, 327x600, INgVzje.jpg)

>>164252She's said on video multiple times that she gets the majority of her accessories at costume shops.
>>164254Honestly half of her wardrobe looks way worse, I've seen radioactive cupcakes coorded very cutely. It's weird since she owns GLBs from the 2010 sweet time period but she just can't be bothered to actually create a coord similar to that era due to her insistence on shilling overpriced devilinspired garbage.
No. 164270
>>164248i don't even
just why
>ochre yellow well into ur tear trough>blush eating the sides of ur face to the point that it is indistinguishable from eyeshadow>symmetry indicates makeup applied while drunkit is truly sad that Lor is the most popular lolita youtuber out there, there is such an opportunity for improvement and I hate that this is your average newbie's introduction to the ~fAsHuNn~. Anyone thinking lolita was about elegance sees Lor & is like, 'oh, never mind - this is clearly some kind of weird baby kawaii clown aesthetic and not what I thought it was'
No. 164272
File: 1627328302993.jpg (259.08 KB, 1124x231, Screenshot (169)_LI.jpg)

Do you think Lor will go after ModernGurlz next? Considering the fact that she went after Taylor after an old video where it was perfectly reasonable for her to not pay hundreds of dollars for a gothic lolita dress, then I wouldn't put it past her to go after ModernGurlz for a 5 second clip. She shows some degree of interest in this idea in the comments
No. 164327
>>164319I agree. Also ModernGurlz doesn't even call it lolita, she just claims the aesthetic 'came from lolita' (it didn't). However, calling it 'kawaii fashion' is uh…it's
technically not inaccurate? so I have zero idea how Lor would manage to milk that for the duration of a 5-10 minute video.
No. 166493
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I hate anime onlys for visual novels franchises.
When did Lor start cosplaying anyway? I’m no expert on it but considering that she thought wearing a love nikki taobao dress was cosplay she doesn’t seem to know much about it either.
No. 166518
>>166512I think she means Junko since Sayaka doesn't die in the first episode of the anime, and would explain the "overcosplayed" thing
sage for useless weeb shit
No. 167339
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Now she’s telling newbies that not wearing blouses is a stand against internalized misogyny, sorry can’t seem to upload the whole video
No. 168405
File: 1629377731582.webm (5.71 MB, 576x1024, loriblousetiktok.webm)
>>167339here, I downloaded it for you.
she's actually stupid.
No. 169558
>>168405Why would she bring "internalized sexism" into this?
I too cringe when western lolitas sperg about rules because jp oldschool lolitas are known to skip on blouses and still make perfectly fine coords - but that has absolutely nothing to do with politics or human rights.
No. 171410
>>171284the fact that she only use to get shampoos and conditions that were on sale is annoying.
Why are there so many lolitas who will not work on the baseline level of beauty management, like hair, skin and nails?? Thousands of dollars spent on clothes, yet she is just now connecting the dots between her greasy hair/burning scalp to having a bad hair care regimen…
No. 175315
>>175132Not that Lor doesnt have some ugly as sin coords, but her biggest problem is her makeup. Its always harsh as hell and the wrong colors for her. In this instance its the pinks being way too red for her, the blush matching her crease color, all is harshly blended, her blunt brows, the fuchsia lipstick is horrible and would have looked better on her if she softened the edges like the lollipop trend, heavy ebay tier top lashes that have not been trimmed in any capacity, her under eyes are blank and it looks like she didnt even apply mascara to her lower lashes.
Its like shes allergic to the word “soft” when putting makeup on and reminds me of most of the weeb content creators you see today from ethots to jfash.
No. 178260
>>178232Quite concerning, and shoutout to boldfag drama queen in the replies on reddit. I'm sure boldfag uses cgl or here since she absolutely lives for drama and has no concern when a very online person goes AWOL for months.
Probably personal issues for Tyler, it's a while since the actual drama happened so the timing suggests that isn't the cause.
Maybe a breakup or death in the family. Due to the cannibalism of online communities she can't even post about said issues without tone deaf drama mongers like boldfag attacking her, so she just went silent.
No. 178303
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>>178302>>178260Dropped image and forgot to sage like an idiot
No. 178306
>>178303Oh, so she's up Lor's ass which is why she thinks it's appropriate to make statements like "she steamrolled over
POC voices!!!!" when people are showing genuine concern over a public figure going silent even towards her own comm.
As a
POC voice it's really fucking annoying when white people get to decide that one deranged ita represents all
POC voices and her insanity needs to be taken as the gospel truth or you're the
real racist.
No. 178400
>>178260>>178303Even Tyler's local comm seem to have moved on why is this literal who from the other side of the world so bitter and obsessed over drama from February?
Imagine OP being genuinely concerned wanting to know if Tyler's okay and getting that whole essay in response about how Tyler is totally so evil and racist and completely undeserving of any empathy, rehashing old drama that you most likely already knew of and weren't even asking about in the first place.
No. 178402
>>178260 "The whole outfit was sponsored and not actually H&A's choice, which led to Tyler's fans doxxing and bullying" I don't recall doxxing happening unless I just missed that, but Dorian literally called lolita a slutty fashion and then threw a bunch of tantrums on instagram about how lolitas are sooo mean and so stubborn but dorian will cry about people not taking goth seriously for the same shit lol. They didn't know shit clearly. this person is absolutely nuts
>>178303 oh god is this the commenter? Let's see… Lovelylorvideo, CONFETTICLUB???? yikes ahahaha
No. 182331
>>178232Imo her content just became a bit stale. The novelty of "kawaii host rips itas/drama/sissies apart" wore off fast, and it's exhausting to watch yet another verbose, 10-min long "weirdos are trying to ruin the fashion" video. Her ScarfingScarves LWLN persona became very grating and unfunny, and she started to come across as bitter and nasty instead of sharp or witty.
I still think that her defending LovelyLor for a non-issue that had already blown over probably made her rethink a lot of her content. Are they even still friends now?
No. 182604
>>182437>>182331Tbh I think novelty was all she had, i don’t get how her (and tbh her boyfriend’s ) autism didn’t annoy people? The mannerisms, verbiage, tone of voice, it’s kinda just all cringey.
Lor is also cringey but also tame. Sometimes I forget how cowish this fashion can be with who it attracts.
No. 182819
>>182331>>182604Agree that her LWLN persona was tired. Also the way newbies would very obviously tried to emulate her salty persona not realising it was for comedy and posting 'I'm telling Tyler' 'wait till Tyler hears about this' on every single slightly controversial thing that happened in the western community got annoying fast.
Having said that I always found her more unscripted videos gushing over her dresses really sweet. You can tell she really genuinely loves the fashion and it means a lot to her. Like her or not, she has a pretty impressive wardrobe that she's obviously spent a lot of time collecting and it's cute to watch her talk about how happy it makes her. If she ever did come back and just made videos about her wardrobe instead of drama I'd watch them.
Yeah it's stale content too and not exactly special but she already has a big platform and experience in the fashion compared to most of the smaller youtubers or even someone like Lor who has a bigger platform and has been in the fashion for just as long but only has like 10 ugly taobao dresses she got for free.
No. 183104
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No. 183105
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No. 183106
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No. 183397
>>183375I don't think she was. If you go back a bit on her instagram it's just a regular personal account with posts of her life and friends. Iirc she was just one of Lor's normie viewers before they started dating and only in the past year or two did she start her ita brand and twitch streams.
I also totally agree that she sided with Lor's attackers just so she wouldn't get cancelled by association. Probably the same reason that they both cut ties with Tyler.
No. 186502
>>186490Lor's gf sucks
I mean all three of them suck, but like she seems like a shitty enough gf to bitch Lor into un-friending someone
No. 186547
>>186469Sorry if tinfoil but I still don't buy the "accidentally". The picture was so obviously at a trump rally and her first reaction was "uhhh I can like what I want!!". You shouldn't have to vet who you follow or ever like you leave online but the only two possibilities I can get on board with are that she didn't care OR she was just liking everything in her feed without even looking.
I hate how people mollycoddled Lor when this happened against the "" wokies"" who just wanted to know what the fuck was going through Lor's head, she's not a child.
No. 186548
>>186547Haven't you ever read or looked at something online and parsed it as different than it was? I often will read a different word on the first try and then realize what it really says on the second reading, I can understand someone just seeing
interesting makeup or whatever and parsing that without context. Not everyone has a robocop brain that scans everything for potential inflammatory meanings before interacting with it, and as she said in her video she just followed the girl for her makeup looks and didn't realize she was a trumper.
Trying to read
evil secret motives!! into people's activity says more about the person reading into it than anything imo.
No. 186630
>>186586That and her OTT apology and general literal clown antics are just not cute to me. Like find Tyler's persona grating all you want, that is
valid, but at least she still participated in the actual fashion and brands and didn't just jump on the dick of ScamInspired for an easy buck.
I could easily see someone as wishy washy as Lor liking a photo at an attempt to overthrow a government and then folding herself in half to apologize and no actually and apologize for a million other things that don't demand a public apology. I feel like it's more insulting to muh
POC to do that much performative backbending.
Tyler was just being real about the absurdity of the whole situation and that seemed to cost her everything. I will choose a sometimes hamfistedly sjw tendency Tyler over someone like Lor any day if we can only have 1 lolita youtuber with noteriety. Tyler could make a strong comeback if she focused on frock talk new releases type content and her reviews, thoughts, and history of her wardrobe.
No. 189138
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Anyone think Lor is pretty bored of lolita? She seems to just sell most of her pieces she worked hard to get now and just accept indie stuff because she gets it for free.
No. 189169
>>189138Couldn't even use a stock image, she had to show off that it was worn by
the Lovely Lor kek.
No. 190774
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>>190605Did she really try to do eyeliner wings on her mom and it ended up looking like random ass lines??
No. 195195
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>>195099Her make up looks decent. If she could do more make up like this it would be so much better
No. 197587
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Oh lor…
No. 197610
>>197596like i said
>>197589 she posts on /cgl/ pretty regularly.
No. 197684
>>197661This. She's just parroting the common opinion but the fact that she always has something to shill makes it disingenuous coming from her.
I've noticed a lot of lor watchers just write off japanese brand completely for some reason, either under the guise of it not being inclusive enough or too expensive, but they will gladly overpay for regretsy tier western indie stuff because she shills it. It's really strange.
No. 197728
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>>197613I'm moreso grossed out by this old scrote commenting on "inclusivity" of a Japanese women's brand.
Stay the fuck out of women's fashion
No. 197765
>>197728AP is already so big that it’s baggy on average-sized Japanese and Chinese women, aka their main customer base, but
god forbid it’s still not big enough for adult Western males. If AP ever wants to kill off their brand for good they should definitely try catering to creepy men.
No. 205761
>>205572Ignoring the fact she is now promoting sissies
>song is called puppet >dresses in lolitaI thought it was a big no no taboo to mix up “doll” and lolita, enough to be ferociously wacked with a AP parasol.
No. 206414
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You don’t have to be invited to a convention to go to a convention and I hate how efamous people think they’re too good to just go to a con normally
No. 206419
>>206414Guests get to attend for free when they're invited though. The convention covers the cost of the hotel, travel, even food and gifts. Ofc she could pay to attend the ones she wanted but I guess it's smarter to just wait for the chance to go for free.
t. former convention events staff
No. 206511
>>206421there's no proof that mana coined the term
>>206425in her last AP vid (seeing what ap is up to or whatever) she stated she moved to a different place but is still living in canada
No. 207187
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>>207177It's BEEN clear she doesn't care about lolita anymore from the way she styles herself and does her makeup. Declare your own pathetic style at this point so lolitas don't have to be associated with your Mr. Cellophane looking ass.
No. 207279
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No. 208290
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Did I just really find out via the end of Lor’s new video that she’s hentai obsessed and apparently talks about it on Twitter all the time?? sage if this is old news
No. 208482
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>>208290sa, but I can’t help but find more stuff. Like how was this missed. And it’s not just the “echi face” shirt she wears in public, there’s also a video of her wearing a “hentai 69” jersey.
Pic is also just weird, like how is that even a question??
No. 208533
>>208290Wait, so she walks on eggshells about everything under the sun but is ok with publicly tweeting coomer shit?
>>208452For real, it kind of all makes sense now
No. 208545
>>208290She has always been a degenerate and posted shit like this. It's disgusting that she doesn't at least do it on a separate account from her lolita following that is full of minors.
>>207187 said, it's time for her to quit lolita and declare her own style and leave the community alone. She barely even wears lolita anymore and whenever she does it's an ita mess. She needs to get a real job instead of shitting up the community by taking shitty sponsorships, giving terrible advice and holding the door open for predators to join a fashion community full of minors under the guise of being uwu so lovely
No. 208640
>>208290this hentai addiction is really weird and gross. this the sort of thing you keep to yourself, not post publicly on twitter. i wonder how her ex girlfriend felt about it, unless they were both coomers. I feel sick seeing that hentai panel, literally dick out on display for fans of all ages to see, disgusting.
>>208545yep, she's posted stuff like this for a long time. i remember her tumblr years ago (maybe 2016) where she would reblog ddlg shit and coomer clothing.
No. 208751
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>>208732>>208640Back and yup she most definitely did like and follow ddlg posts/accts in 2017-2018, on her MAIN tumblr. Not to mention collision of the cows kek, she followed dolly matel and micky moon when they posted ddlg, she liked some of their posts.
Worst of all, she liked a really REALLY creepy post directly from the acct that reblogged it (@thebumblingninny), which either means she was following the acct or she looked it up/was following an interest associated with the account. The post lor liked is just a cute anime baby, but the tags associated with the account that reblogged it are “porn/ddlg/bdsm.” It’s numbered 1 and 2 in red.
There were other posts from accts that also were ddlg that she liked, but the accounts got deactivated and the posts were removed due to the 2017 porn ban.
No. 208815
>>208751I KNEW it! I wasn’t misremembering! Even a year ago
>>135065 I mentioned this, but I couldn’t find any proof because I guess she deleted the majority of it, or Tumblr’s search engine is shit.
When I looked at her Tumblr those years ago and saw these posts (that were very frequent), I was surprised that she hadn’t been cancelled for it yet. I vaguely remember Lor responding to an ask addressing why she reblogged ddlg outfits (she made an excuse and denied it), but that was all I saw of anyone speaking about it. I assumed people just looked away when she did these things.
Lor used to be “untouchable” and had a lot of rabid fans around 2015-2018. I guess better late than never that this is coming out, but sucks it took this long for people to care. This explains a lot why she has been defending pedophiles infiltrating lolita comms, and that flashing incident where she didn’t do anything and gave the guy the “benefit of the doubt”.
Also, MickeyMoon was literally a minor in some of the pictures and videos she uploaded (still 15 or 16). And she’s been called out many times for reblogging and liking loli hentai and art. So if Lori followed Mickey, she was definitely looking at pedo shit.
No. 208822
File: 1650826111590.jpg (730.65 KB, 1272x1780, b4Ky8TU.jpg)

Crappy collage, but here's one anon calling her out on her posting porn. As we have seen on Lor's Tumblr and Twitter, she has always posted this stuff on main. If she was really concerned about people looking in her "liked" section, she would have privated it.
Lor's response is such a huge difference here vs the groveling she did for that Instagram like mishap.
No. 208823
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>>208822On her main posts, asking her followers to participate in a "kink bingo" that she made.
No. 208826
>>208822Even if the ddlg wasn’t a problem (which it is) she’s completely skipping over the fact that she has a young audience, and influencers who specifically cultivated young audiences are expected to hide their sexual shit. Yes lor, you’re a grown women and can be a coomer freely, but this shit shouldn’t be allowed on their dash. Likes pop up in peoples algorithms, suggested posts, and it’s accessible.
>>208815Mickey would’ve been 19-20 in 2017i-2018, but I’ve heard she did age herself down on purpose and lie about her age to attract lolicon lovers.
No. 208832
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>>208751Also for those who are confused on how to find her blog, you’re better off using mobile.
She has her blog in an unsearchable setting, which is why finding her blog was probably hard for
>>208815. I was only able to get to her blog on mobile by clicking on an @link a fan left. If you scroll through the lovelylor tag, you should be able to find one.
On a desktop/laptop, a direct link will only get you to a “blog view” setting and you can’t see her likes, which is typical of blogs that have been set to not being searchable. Pic related is how it should look.
No. 208838
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>>208751back, and fuck there’s more and I’m sure I’m missing so much. she really followed dolly’s ddlg antics. She liked so many of her posts.
Second pic incoming, big letters on the post stating “
There are other posts that are innocent on face but the tags all have “age regression, ageplaycore, age play, daddy,” or some other ddlg configuration. And again, direct likes, so she definitely had to be following those accounts.
No. 208903
>>208880Maybe this time it would hurt her now? I think Lor’s fans in the current climate would be harsher with her now, judging by that Instagram fiasco a year ago.
Lor really needs to officially step away from the lolita community. She’s not an “ambassador” anymore. She rarely wears lolita anymore and when she does, it’s an ugly clown mess. She makes the fashion look like a costume, which used to be a no-no since it made other legit lolitas look bad. She makes the community look bad. I feel bad for beginner lolitas that are learning from her, being taught to buy from scam sites and being told to be nice to blatant fetish cross dressers because they’re “
No. 208926
>>208880I also remember her posting overtly sexual things (involving dildos?) on her main account after breaking up with that guy before Holly, and being brushed off when I questioned it because “she’s an adult who’s going through a breakup, this is completely normal don’t be a prude”.
I don’t understand coomers, but I
especially don’t understand coomers who do this shit on main with a connection to their real identity. How hard is it to at least make a side account for your nasty porn shit?
No. 209300
>>209162A holly conrad type I see kek.
>>208903Yeah but even the traction of this thread speaks to the limitations of how much she can really be dragged at the moment. She hasn’t even turned off her likes being open on her tumblr, so she probs doesn’t check here and no one close enough to her has let her know.
Some of the tags on the posts she liked are so so fucking bad. Like Lor interacted and enjoyed DDLG content and it should be known. Most of the actual egregious content can’t really be seen because of the tumblr ban.
No. 209423
>>209422Samefag but not trying to defend lor btw
But I just forgot how that the general attitude towards this stuff has changed, and I’m glad to see more people point out how harmful coomer shit is. Especially to the lolita community.
No. 209468
>>209423>>209422That sounds like the circles you ran in. DDLG was controversial as early as 2015, it always was. People would casually say “daddy” but actually pretending to be a kid or underage was never it. There were “DDLG dni!” for quite some time in people’s bios, especially in the Lolita community. Conversations on DDLG’s problematicness was practically always way ahead in Lolita spaces. Lolitas hated this shit first.
Also the ahegao hoodie/hentai shirts in public (started 2015-17 iirc) was absolutely controversial too. Liking hentai openly online? Not really the problem. If it was your Twitter/tumblr account, then it was your space to do so as you please. But there were conversations on creators with
young audiences needing to have separate accounts. Which is common fucking sense, using “sin bingo submissions” like projared is weird.
Also, wearing hentai merch? It wasn’t normal if you weren’t a coomer man. Anybody who was in enough feminist spaces saw the arguments on why it crossed public consent and that it was inappropriate. Spaces I have a hard time believing she wasn’t connected to.
No. 209730
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Not surprised she follows Venus, I bet she subs to her OnlyFans too.
No. 209731
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I haven't kept up with Lor for ages, I'm surprised how fat she looks in her latest IG post.
No. 210099
>>209982Shayna is another cow. She’s in /snow/. I don’t follow her thread, but from what I’ve seen, she’s gross, grimy, and caters to pedophiles.
As for Princess Peachie, she left lolita years ago. She didn’t like the fashion anymore and started dressing in fairy kei instead. I stopped watching her when all she uploaded for months was footage from the same Japan trip. I think just like lolita, she grew tired of YouTube. She’s hidden a lot of her early lolita videos, like any makeup ones.
No. 211574
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someone made an inappropriate comment, but she replied to it? Why???
No. 211642
>>211634Lor was right with this one though. I’m also not sure how what she said was
problematic. I see this happen to other youtubers and streamers and it probably gets really annoying to hear it.
No. 213425
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Heres lors sperging
No. 213428
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No. 213452
>>213424Ironic she's talking about what lolita is and isn't when she dresses in clown costumes. Besides, she was/is a part of that "lolita" ddlg community herself, so she's being a real hypocrite denouncing it here.
>>208751>>213424>I highly recommend not talking about kink>I tried to keep it neutralShe forgot to mention she was essentially promoting kink to her fans, which included minors, and wanted them to participate in it
>>208823>It's sad we can't explore itWell that "bingo" is a pretty gross way to explore it, and why do you want to know and discuss your fan's kinks. And being involved in lolita for so many years, Lor should already know by now that the lolita community doesn't want to be mixed with DDLG.
>No one wants to see, hear, or talk about it!No one wants to see your gross hentai photos or hear about you masturbating on your main account, keep it to yourself Lor. Or just finally make a separate private account
No. 213705
>>213640I don't keep up with lor much these days and don't know what video she was talking about earlier in this thread.
If she's into porn that is entirely her own business and I don't know why people moan about that. I'm always seeing her name liking Venus Angelic's posts on Insta and Venus is heavily into porn, but also dolly and cute, so obviously Lor sees nothing wrong with it or she wouldn't like Venus.
I'm not interested in porn but then I'm asexual but if other people are then that is up to them, they're not hurting anyone or forcing it onto anyone who isn't interested, what people do or watch in their own homes shouldn't bother anyone else.
No. 213827
>>213424>>213452>>213640I don't think she's talking about this thread at all, but I think she's bringing up this stuff up to act as some kind of cushion for her behavior outed in this thread. She's referring to some kind of specific incident/video.
I have zero memory of her making a video on kink and lolita that allegedly got huge huge backlash. If she was really saying what she says she was saying in the video that got backlash, why would she get so much hate? Literally so many lolita content creators talk about how lolita =/= kink. She's not giving the full picture, I think she was a little more than just "neutral" on ddlg like she says in the vid. She was probably semi-pro or "don't kinkshame others even if you don't like it!"
and tbh, being neutral on ddlg is still fucking weird.
No. 213856
>>213848I can recall when I was 11 yrs old, a woman teacher handed out books for us to read about sex education, it was sort of unofficial, she just did it off her own bat thinking it would be useful. I had never heard of bestiality and pedophilia and necrophilia and sadism and masochism until I read about it in that book, I found it all really interesting and wasn't traumatised or harmed by learning about it. Kids don't need to be kept in the dark about sexual matters, that does more harm in the long run.
I heard about a man in California who bought an adult sex doll, but customs saw it and thought it looked "too young" for his age range, over fifty, and they took him to court over it, even though he wasn't into kids at all and had nothing to show he was. That is just wrong, but it's getting like this more as the world becomes more puritan. It will go from one extreme to the other if people aren't careful.
No. 213943
>>213856anon that’s absolutely sick and vile, giving a book to an 11 year old about sadism, pedophilia, or other weird shit is not ok without warning or parental consent. hell, what if a kid in that class was a
victim of that shit? how is that even sex education? can’t tell if ur a fucking troll or if the lor defense squad is grasping at straws
No. 213953
>>213856We should teach kids about sadism and bestiality, and old men buying child sex dolls are
victims. Cool take!
No. 214199
>>213953He bought an
adult doll. As was made perfectly plain in my post.
No. 214200
>>213943Obviously things are different today with the woke mob making the whole word paranoid about just about everything imaginable.
Learning about this stuff in a factual manner in a non sensationalist way was helpful and useful to me and certainly did me no harm, just educated me in what some things adults are into. None of the kids felt the need to talk about it to each other afterwards, I doubt they all read the chapters as avidly as some did anyway and I never heard of even one of those kids growing up maladjusted or with any problems of note.
I always had an interest in psychology and the type of things discussed in the book was about deviancy and probably fell under the remit of psychology anyway. Kids today are so sheltered and growing up terrified of everything and seeing danger everywhere and that is not helping anyone, just making them paranoid. I was groped more than once by an old man when I was 12, I soon learnt to avoid going to where he was, it didn't traumatise me or make me feel I needed therapy or anything like that, I didn't like it, but then I'm asexual anyway so wouldn't have liked it even if it had been someone young and attractive, it just amazes me to see how freaked out kids are nowadays, especially in America where it seems this sort of paranoid fear is much worse than in other countries.
That teacher was younger than most of the others, who were mainly older men, and she was someone I always knew I'd be able to trust and could go to if ever I felt the need, she just gave out that kind of inner confidence, but I never felt the need to confide in her even though my home life was difficult with a bullying mother and a father who was even worse whenever he came to visit. I grew up reasonably well balanced and decent anyway, and not afraid of my own shadow, but still have a good instinct for who to avoid.
I'd hate to be a young kid now, ridiculously sheltered and then subsequently unprepared and then alarmed by things that they could have been pre-warned about by proper education.
>>214148Not on tumblr and don't even particularly like Lor, the ddlg crap is stupid, but just because lor might be into porn does not make it the crime of the century. I may not be into it myself but I would still defend someone else's right to be into it if it brings them pleasure. As for people buying sex dolls, why would anyone think that was bad? It would benefit sad and lonely people and satisfy potential predators so they would not feel the need to look for a real person if they had one of those life size doll things to derive comfort from, why deny them that? Doesn't everyone have a right to some love and comfort, even if they can only get it by buying a love doll?
(sperg) No. 216643
>>214200>I was groped more than once by an old man when I was 12, I soon learnt to avoid going to where he was, it didn't traumatise me or make me feel I needed therapy or anything like that, I didn't like it, but then I'm asexual anyway so wouldn't have liked it even if it had been someone young and attractiveJfc I need a shower after reading that.
You sound like a POS pedo apologist with zero empathy for children or adults who were once children who were exposed to and harmed by predators and pedos. Please fuck off to literally anywhere else with your autistic essays you repulsive freak.
No. 216868
>>216643Yeah that part doesn’t help anon’s case. Also saying
>I’m asexual anyway so I wouldn’t have liked it even if it had been someone young and attractiveSo anyone who isn’t asexual is just supposed to enjoy being groped by any random person? What fucking shit.
No. 217024
>>216868nta but the idea that you would enjoy being nonconsensually groped if the person was attractive is absolutely fucked, consent is not about attractiveness. Plenty of attractive men are rapey as fuck.
Also anon clearly hasn't examined the possible link between pedo groping and asexuality/sex aversion, because I promise there is one. Anyway this is your mind on woke teenage media I guess because anyone with life experience wouldn't be like
uwu I support porn use in all cases! No. 220234
>>216643I can't believe what I'm reading here.
So according to you, someone who had been groped by an old man when they were a child, but who didn't become traumatized and needing lifelong therapy is a piece of shit and pedo apologist.
Plenty of people have had similar to put up with, sometimes within their own family, I know of more than one example of that, yet all those people went on to have normal lives and one girl actually laughed about it what her older brother used to do to her and some of her friends and he was considered an upright religious person who was well respected and still is by everyone in the community, he also used to take out a girl of 13 who was in love with him to look at different churches, and kiss her passionately, so she thought they would get married, an old fashioned type of girl, but he married someone else instead and she stayed single, but seems happy and well adjusted nonetheless.
Nearly everyone goes through some shit growing up, but some people don't get anything happen but someone only has to jump out at them and go boo and they need lifelong therapy.
Should people who have been through shit but
not ended up traumatized and needing therapy be somehow blamed and hated for the fact? Because that is the angle I'm getting from this.
No. 220236
>>217024Please tell me you're not saying that all asexual people must be former
victims of abuse.
No. 220886
>>220883jesus fucking christ. she does know that furries understand and even accept that half (even more so) of their participants ARE into furry culture in a
sexual way right?? no angles of lolita accepts sexualization or fetishization. they are not comparable whatsoever. People that are furries who also like it in a sexual way are by far the most common. i bet you can go on pornhub and find an entire category dedicated to furries with billions of views. wtf is she smoking?
No. 220937
>>220234nta but laughing about sexual abuse
is being a pedo apologist, your whole group of friends sound nuts
>religious>abused his sister and her friends>dated a 13 year old>still respected by the community No. 221479
>>221297The person in her story did
>one girl actually laughed about it what her older brother used to do to her So that person is a pedo apologist, op acts like this is all perfectly normal in her post which suggests op is also a pedo apologist.
No. 222368
>>221907Can you get a life outside of trolling CSA survivors you sick fuck? Why are the mods ok with this? Who the fuck is like, “some people are molested and it 1000% does not affect them in any way, why are you so
No. 222398
>>222368Survivor myself, you asshole. But I didn't let it define me and cry and bleat about it everywhere. Like was said earlier, some people can't bear the fact that some of us went through hell growing up but didn't end up in therapy and forever damaged and always and forever going on about it. It must be an american thing.
And as was said
>>221319 and >>221332! Anyone who doesn't fit with your echo chamber of perpetual sad victimhood rather than moving on and living their lives has to be attacked and then the mods called for to shut them up, You're pathetic, were you even ever abused yourself or are just on a self serving virtue signalling crusade. Well some of us "
victims" out here don't need the likes of you suffering on our behalf or speaking up for us, because if we want to, we are perfectly capable of doing it for ourselves. Thank you.
>>222402Abortion is, or should be, a choice, for those who want it. But by your criteria, only those who seek it are goodie goodies, those who choose not to have one are the devil incarnate. Why should survivors be expected to seek therapy and if not they will be called pedo apologists? You're disgusting and so is anyone with that attitude. I never told anyone in my family what happened to me, because if I had, I would have been blamed for it, or disbelieved and then got more abuse piled on, I learnt to keep things to myself to protect myself. When I grew up I found other people had had abuse but didn't even regard it as such as they had no media telling them they should regard themselves as
victims, they just get on with their lives as in certain areas and societies, it happens, and it's how things are, and people just get on with lives, why should everyone have to be affected because just some of those people want to talk about it, therapy should only be there for those who want it, not everyone expected to have it or be called pedo apologist just for not wanting past abuse to affect them forever, and as for the sweeping comment earlier in this thread that states anyone asexual is obviously a
victim of abuse is ridiculous, there are very many asexuals, they can't all be abuse survivors and it is a stupid ignorant remark.
No. 227809
File: 1657417858386.jpg (164.78 KB, 1070x620, lor1.jpg)

She really didn't even think to disable her sex mods before recording a video for her audience of minors? No. 227810
File: 1657418007162.jpg (179 KB, 1060x607, lor2.jpg)

>>227809Also kek at her having this installed, so much for "living dolls" giving the community a bad reputation.
No. 227861
>>227809This is the same person who spoke openly about sex toys on her twitter account with a big following of minors. I'm not at all surprised.
Nobody really gives a fuck about what she does in her spare time but not disabling the mod is just sloppy and careless. Sometimes I wonder if she does shit like that hoping that someone will notice, for the thrill or whatever.
No. 227896
this is just a huge reach. she probably doesn't give a fuck whether minors can see or not because she probably looked at weird shit as a minor herself. i agree that she's degen af but your hot take is stupid.
No. 228131
>>228084You are by ignoring to acknowledge Lor’s behavior and downplaying it, dumbass. Saying “that’s not happening! what a huuuge reach and dumb hot take hurrdurr!” is defending her. It’s not a “huge reach” to think that she gets off on exposing minors to kinks or sex. She was even into damn DDLG if you even bothered to read the rest of Lor’s thread.
>weird kink towards minors>DDLG = daddy dom little girlYou literally roleplay as a minor, you dense retard. Just stop posting and learn some critical thinking.
No. 228179
>>227867i think exhibition is a likely category for any degenerate to be in, so i wouldn't be surprised if she likes that, but to say she explicitly likes exposing interests/herself to minors needs huge proof.
Tinfoils are a thing, you can't say anything with certainty. many ddlg coomrags like the idea of "being" the "baby," (vomit) and that seems to be her thing.
No. 228183
File: 1657500347053.jpeg (419.82 KB, 1242x2040, lorew.jpeg)

>>227809like what
>>227831 said, she definitely fetishises lolita on the low. i mean this is a lolita sim.
stole this from the old lolita lolcow thread, but in her "assumptions lolitas make about you, based on your favorite brand" tiktok, she says
"Lolitas that like Angelic Pretty seem like the type to enjoy being called “princess” or “daddy" ???
She then says it's not "necessarily in a kinky way," but there is a literal playboy bunny in the background as she says this. AP lolitas are probably the
most subjected to sexualization/nabokov assumptions, and this isn't fucking helping
No. 228190
>>227867>>228179>think>likely>seemsNone of that was said explicitly as fact, but is a high possibility, given her history.
>>228183I think this is just more proof. Like
>>227861said, I think she gets some sort of thrill out of doing this shit. Or maybe she's just got brainrot from consuming too much porn, and thinks talking about anything sex-related, all the time, even in the presence of minors, is "normal". She's definitely a porn addict at the least, that's for sure.
No. 228208
>>228200Exhibition is a wide spectrum. Exposing unsuspecting people (including teens) can be part of it. Remember when a creep showed up at Lor’s comm meetup and flashed the lolitas there, including minors? Lor still decided to give that guy the “benefit of the doubt” and didn’t defend anyone, call security, or ask him to leave. She made a whole video on it.
> only weird chronically online sjws from twitter would think that since they're obsessed with pedos and being "literally children" at age 20.What the hell are you blabbering about? You make absolutely no sense. Lor has watched Shayna porn where she pretended to be a High Schooler. High schoolers are under 18. Teenagers are minors and technically children, dumbass, even if they can have sex. She has plenty of fans, many of who are minors, that she doesn’t care about exposing to her public porn feed. No one mentioned people in their 20s, schizo.
No. 228234
>>227945>twitter lingoNTA but spotted the summerfag,
that's 4chan lingo silly.
No. 228242
>>228234not involved in any of this, but is this about the word “reach” ?? that’s definitely not 4chan specific lingo kek, nor did it start there. definitely first started hearing it in urban settings a decade or so back, i’m assuming that’s why
>>227945 called it twitter lingo
No. 228246
>>228242yes, "reach" and "hot take" aren't exactly 4chan specific. i see it used the most by zoomers on tiktok or twitter.
>>228240kek ok you braindead schizo, keep thinking teens can't be minors.
No. 228251
>>228243that word being used here is not an indicator of it being from board culture. it’s very much so from irl slang first.
and again, lor’s antics are pretty typical of coom brain-rot, where they become completely desensitized to what is normal behavior or information to exhibit and share.
being into exhibition specifically at minors looks a lot more direct, seeing as the reaction is part of it for them (again, ew)
No. 228285
>>228276>they're obsessed with pedos and being "literally children" at age 20.> you're one of those "literally children" people i was talking aboutFor fucks sake, do you have a 5 second memory? Or were you high last night and don’t remember typing this shit? You were the one accusing me of that, when I didn’t say that at all.
>I didn’t say people in their 20s were “literally kids”That was my last reply. I wasn’t accusing you of “20s are kid”, as you so stupidly put it, anywhere in that post. You’re the one that needs to learn to read, and write. Fuck off and take your meds, you’re looking dumber by the minute.
(infighting) No. 233873
>>233860the new zoomer attitude is that anything that mentions x
is x. so anything referencing pedos
is pedophilia. despite the fact that the book is actually antipedo, that doesn't matter. a lot of people already hate the book because it makes them uncomfortable (no shit) but for some reason zoomers are extremely pro censorship.
No. 234662
>>233950>>233873this. also tyler's video was not only just a huge misinformation campaign on a pretty widely analyzed book, but she outright lied at some points saying Nabokov never denounced humbert. I genuinely think tyler is the type to think Light is being portrayed as the good guy in Deathnote just because it's told from his perspective.
literature rant incoming:
the author fucking named the man "Humbert Humbert" a widely known unattractive name even for the time, so even without the ending it takes barely any analytical skills to see how he's portrayed as being desperate, disgusting, and delusional. nabokov's only listed inspiration was when he read a newspaper article about how a gorilla was forced to draw in a cage, when he finally was able to draw, he drew the bars in front of him.
sorry to sperg, but that video really showed her autism levels.
No. 234894
>>234662I don't believe the people that read the book and have a negative take from it can actually comprehensively read. They don't know how to analyze reading. I can't imagine missing the entire thing being don't from his perspective and not once realizing between the pages how Delores runs from him and only goes along with things when she's finally comfortable to be selfish. She even says she will report him as a threat to get what SHE wants, which is to get away from him. Anons probably don't know about how she saved money and hid it in the Treasure Island book. She earned the money for favors. She always wanted to get away.
I'm interested to see just how Lori completely ignores everything actually important to the storyline and instead focuses on stuff like "HE WROTE HER AS PROMISCUOUS SEE!! GROOMER HER INTO A PROSTITUTE" which is literally all the idiots who argue this book is bad do. Even in the second movie, Jeremy Irons, he was really careful and constantly checked in with the actress of Delores to make sure no scenes were uncomfortable. Anon needs to listen to a podcast or something. I'm wondering if Lori is even going to look at another perspective except her own regarding the book. I swear if she fucking cliff notes this shit, I'm going to lose it.
No. 236243
>>235909kek i was gonna say, who is that? took me a moment.
>>234894for two prominent lolitas to completely miss the mark on the most commonly understood analysis of a classic book, is dumbfounding. it was even more interesting to see how many people in Tyler's comment section disagreed with her.
lor probably thinks this helps "distance" the book from the fashion, but discrediting and mislabelling what academic interpretations that have been held up for decades is fucking stupid and irresponsible. there is more to life than this fashion.
No. 239563
>>228131Isnt that shit meant to be really young kids though, not teenagers.
It's seems daft, and unrealistic to lump young adults - which is what teenagers are when alls said and done - into the same category as young children. Teenagers are not little kids.
No. 239567
>>233860I've never read the book but it was so stupid and quite amusing that it was prominently displayed in my local library but the staff told me if you searched for it on the library computers it was blocked.
I'm curious to know where this whole anything even remotely sexual is disgusting and perverted and just absolute filth and we need therapy now because even that little three letter word with a nasty x in it traumatizes us snowflakes actually started from, and why. Or maybe its radical muslims secretly working behind the scenes in their agenda of world domination.
No. 240855
>>239560>TBH nobody thinks about sex kinks more than teens.Um yeah totally not even fully grown adults in kink communities think about kink stuff more than kids with limited knowledge and experience of sex!
>>239563>Isnt that shit meant to be really young kids though, not teenagers.It's seems daft, and unrealistic to lump young adults - which is what teenagers are when alls said and done - into the same category as young children. Teenagers are not little kids.
Your goalpost shifting makes it clear you don't actually care about the kids being exposed to this shit unless they are like good goo gaga toddlers. Which is weird and creepy! Exposing teenagers to sexual content is still grooming behavior!
>>239566>Beleive it or not, there are some weirdoes out there who want people seen as 'children' until they're 25 yrs old!A handful of people on twitter clutching their pearls when they want to win an internet fight does not mean this is a common mindset at all.
Creepy ass Lor fans gtfo the internet and stop trying to normalize exposing teenagers to sexual content challenge? The gaslighting in this thread is insane. I wouldn't be surprised if it was the same posters upthread who were like "getting molested is fine actually! It's actually more
problematic to make it a big deal and make
victims feel like
victims!" Nasty ass fanbase of a nasty ass pervert.
No. 241996
File: 1661228692738.png (1.42 MB, 1898x1290, 1630727593107.png)

>>241994kek The Alice story itself is harmless. I don't know why you think this is some kind of gotcha
No. 244038
>>242690If anything the reserve should be happening. Lolita's should actually read 'Lolita' and realize just how dumb they sound when they assert its about IRL grooming with super cool
How-Tos which isn't the case at all. Whereas Alice, especially the OG story, is fucking batshit crazy.
No. 244510
File: 1662146762077.png (610.66 KB, 494x494, beneaththebowspost.PNG)

sage for unrelated, but this beneath the bows post perfectly reflects what's been going on with lor and many sweet lolitas who slowly become degens..
their general style becomes very costumey, hair becomes unkept, and their makeup skills somehow diminishes. it's like all of their styling is based on getting that one selfie to look sexy. but the overall appearance looks cheap and dishevelled.
lor didn't just gain weight, her hair, makeup, and style selection became worse.
No. 244511
File: 1662147097226.png (5.14 MB, 2048x2048, lorbeforeandafter.png)

>>244510same anon, but how did she go from right to left??
No. 244602
>>244592Agreed, Lor's style has gotten so bad. Honestly if your style/makeup inspiration are literal clowns there's no way it could be flattering. Ironically her being scared of breaking lolita rules made her look so much better.
>>244587>Well not unless theyre Japanese and can look young and cute at 45 and beyondImagine actually believing this, cringe
No. 244630
>>244587not really. at all actually. just poor styling.
>>244592exactly. also different angles, one is an unflattering mid-sentence screenshot in horrid lighting the other is from an angled smiling selfie with circle lenses.
she has a long face with a huge beak and is also chunky, lolita is always going to make her look atrocious if she isn't careful. kind of the risk you take when you take up that whole style. otherwise what's the point? if you're not ready to serve you're gonna look like left pic. lolita is unforgiving that way.
No. 244714
>>244511Because a lot of shitty ita zoomers clung onto Lor because she’s always been a fence sitting, people pleaser.
She panders so hard to newfag itas and it felt like she has to look as shitty as them to keep her only remaining audience left as she’s irrelevant otherwise
No. 244741
File: 1662223912962.png (298.87 KB, 445x450, 1475392869975.png)

>>244695what kind of newfaggotry is this
No. 245062
>>244778melanin specifically protects against UV ray damage which makes up the majority of our causes for wrinkles. those pics of truck drivers who drive with one side facing the sun are the most common examples of UV related wrinkles. idk if black or asian ppl necessarily have a more sustainable collagen turnover rate?
anyways, lor is still pretty young, it’s her makeup/styling skills, not her skin
No. 261654
File: 1666868714938.jpg (122.91 KB, 1080x421, Screenshot_2022-10-27-12-04-04…)

Ah yes, my minor audience should definitely see this thread!
Could she just not make a private account?
No. 262501
>>262230But because she liked it, it's spread to her entire fanbase, including minors. That's the problem here.
It's not like she states she's nsfw or 18+, she should just make a private account for that shit so it isn't shared with the world
No. 262521
>>262513Tempted to look up Lor in the #seagulls archive too see who shows up with the same samefaggotry.
Probably the same racists who witch hunted toast
The anons here are just pissed Lor Isnt milky anymore since leaving her gf and becoming mentally stable
No. 262606
>>262513How many years has it been since you went on Twitter anon? The reason the top of the tweet says "Lor liked this" is because it's on their timeline, not Lors profile.
If you went through her likes it wouldn't say that at the top because you're literally going through her likes – not them showing up on her timeline.
No. 280343
File: 1675633179316.png (2.43 MB, 1452x1308, Capture d’écran 2023-02-05 à…)

>>280324Bruh the coord she has…is it even a coord ? or even lolita ?? All I know is that I hate it :moyai:
No. 280349
>>280343according to her, anything is lolita as long as it can host a bell-shaped petticoat.
pogo the clown wants his coord back.
No. 280357
File: 1675639804755.png (Spoiler Image,521.24 KB, 892x670, why.PNG)

>that time Lor posted hardcore hentai on her channel
Lor, if you're going to mainly market your content to kids and teens you could at least go through and delete some of your old videos.
No. 280370
File: 1675642435168.jpg (299.4 KB, 782x533, tMpc7M4.jpg)

spotted at hot topic
her makeup looks decent here. the purposefully bad makeup really is for attention.
No. 280501
there you go, saved you 40 minutes.
No. 282018
File: 1676522758721.jpeg (267.02 KB, 828x1210, 1EDED7A5-D5F3-48AD-94CF-EDC594…)

There she’s goes ass licking furry degenerates
No. 282092
>>282018>>282019God she is so fucking stupid, literally the worst thing lolitas do is be bitchy meanwhile furries rape animals, destroy hotels and let before mentioned sex offenders at their conventions
It's not even like they don't also infight, but because they're mostly scrotes they're seen as automatically loving (which in reality is just them being sex pests to each other)
No. 282897
File: 1676987200460.jpeg (456.25 KB, 828x635, C6069DC2-575D-4A6D-B928-745845…)

Lovely lor and her fans
No. 299662
File: 1686153788845.jpg (122.56 KB, 945x725, hcs1.JPG)

>>299657they tried to be accountable for what they did, so Lor bringing this up is such old drama from early 2020, get some new material Lor
No. 299922
File: 1686260534360.png (3.83 MB, 1300x2048, egl1.png)

>>299662I don't know the full ins and outs of this drama, but did this girl seriously decide a trip to Japan made more sense than actually doing more research into the fashion like reading magazines or following j-fashion blogs? I saw ads for these patterns all over Pinterest a while back and honestly thought they were another Chinese brand cause it felt pretty inauthentic. Maybe it was a bad assumption clouded by the sea of dropshipping but the patterns mostly look like they'd come out looking quite knock-off or ita looking. The gothic Lolita photo looks kinda tragic imo
No. 300445
nonnie if something is giving strong pedo vibes in the first chapter I'm not gonna keep reading it…. you do you though I guess.
No. 335853
File: 1726765619067.jpg (429.17 KB, 1080x1847, 1000004824.jpg)

Lor is defending degenerates again. This time she is saying that furries aren't sexual and fursuits should be welcomed in lolita.
No. 335883
>>335882Like the 90% are.
The ones that say they aren't are usually lying. Seen it many times unfortunately.
No. 335892
>>335853Comparing the fetishization lolitas experience vs furries is like comparing apples to a head of wilted lettuce. The people who openly fetishize themselves in their brand are named and shamed. Most of the community doesn’t interact with them and shuns that behavior.
Furries, however, are filled to the brim with fetishists and kinksters. I would argue being a degen furry is the norm, and encouraged by other furries. The bad reputation that furries have earned themselves didn’t come from nowhere.
No. 335957
>>335929I'm sorry, but you are delulu anon. One look at furry Twitter or walk through a furry convention and you'll see degeneracy abound. Literally saw a guy with a rubber dog tail buttplug sticking out of the back of his shorts. It's a shame cause like
>>335860 said some of the suits/art can be really cute, but you'll also never see so many possible animal fuckers gathered in one place at a time either. Comparing Lolita to people who wear sweaty mascot costumes to have "yiff" orgies is insane tbh.
No. 335976
>>335892>kinksters. I would argue being a degen furry is the norm, and encouraged by other furries.This. If you ever come across furries suggesting the subculture is mostly wholesome, it’s literally the same grooming tactics they’ve been using since the early 2000s when they used to try to recruit naive teenagers on deviantart to draw increasingly degenerate shit for them. Always a laugh when furries try to sanitise their image despite literal decades of online shenanigans archived. Maybe 10% are into it because they kinda just like the idea of anthros, and that’s being generous.
This is why Tyler advocated for gatekeeping lolita communities. You can’t just take everyone at face value, and the fashion does unfortunately attract predatory types
No. 336048
File: 1727063970694.jpg (762.04 KB, 1079x1640, 1000021693.jpg)

Saged for not milky, but does anyone know anyone that is even going to this? Seems like it'd be an ita convention.
No. 344862
>>336048isn't that picture like from the better part of a decade ago or is that just the filters? anyone who shows up thinking they are getting the girl in that image is going to be so confused and disappointed.
saging bc no milk, just been rereading the thread for the last hour & had to say lor straight-up ruined the cohesion of the online community, she's simultaneously too hugbox-y but also willing to nitpick and grasp at straws in order to make 'content'. It really shows her true goal is just to gain views and followers and she with alternatively embrace or throw under the bus whatever helps her do that. Then again apparently nobody else can figure out what she does for a living except for 'influencing' so for such a person, the desperation to maintain relevancy and the fear of being cancelled exists for obvious reasons. this is why she overreacts every time she gets even faint criticism imo.