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No. 68229

a_smile_and_a_song, AKA Riss

> 25~26 year old "they/them" trender from Orlando, FL

>server at WDW
>Kelly Kirstein orbiter
>Most popular for her Zelda and Princess Peach cosplays
>constantly ebeggs for cuck money
>saw a kitten but did not have the funds to care for it, so she begged for money (which she got) and adopted it
>went on hiatus because an image resurfaced of Riss in a "baby costume" while cosplaying Mina from MHA, people claimed it was DDLG and too sexual for the 16 year old character
>claimed that she was being bullied because she posted a picture of a costest she did (after which she bitched about how much she hated the character)
>had a mental breakdown on her instagram stories about how she was diddled as a kid and how she would NEVER sexualize a minor character
>right after that, goes on hiatus but stays active on patreon and conveniently keeps up kofi donation link on her instagram
>months later comes back, no one is suprised
>cat now has medical issues which she can not keep up with, she is yet again begging for money for the animal while at the same time planning on going to a convention later this month full of new cosplays

Receipts incoming(belongs in costhot)

No. 68230

>had a mental breakdown on her instagram stories about how she was diddled as a kid and how she would NEVER sexualize a minor character

I gotta see that screen cap lol she sounds like moo

No. 68231

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No. 68232

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No. 68235

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Also, totally doesn’t tape their eyes for characters

No. 68236

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(Samefag for receipts) more from pre hiatus cry fest, I was unable to find anything from her being bullied, although she claimed multiple people did it (sure, Riss)

No. 68240

>Kelly Kirstein orbiter
As much as I'm fascinated by Riss, did they really need their own thread? The Kelly Kristen one has been dead for over a year (so dead it didn't even get moved to /w/) if anything this could have been a thread about that whole group of cosbeggars and not just Riss. (I for one would love to continue to talk about Kelly and that group)

Also the whole Mina situation was talked to death already in the costhots thread months ago, pretty sure everyone thought bepsiboy was the real cow and the one in the wrong for that.

No. 68246

>muh eye taping
Nobody cares.

Honestly if you have nothing else than some petty "she e-begs for money" jealousy it's not worth a thread. Tumblrites shitting their pants over someone taking a joke picture in a daddy bip and calling it pedophilia speaks more about their mind, not hers, being fucking insane. I didn't even know who this girl was until people started bringing her forced drama up in other threads and it just looks like people are vendettaing her hard. Until you have some actual material, take it to the general costhot thread or your personal discord. She seems like an annoying basic smug bitch with a snowflake gender identity for special points, they're a dime a dozen and not interesting.

No. 68247

Adopting baby animals with preexisting medical issues (there are ways to tell if an animal is healthy before you adopt them) and then ebegging for money to care for the animal seems to be the new scam people are running

I saw another girl do this. Adopt a random puppy from (??) and then be ebegging for its medical bills one month later. Along with claims of how much you love it, can't live without it, sick_baby_animal improves your life so much.

No. 68248

>he's five months but looks 3 months because he's so small

he looks one-two months old
Runts are not "healthy" by definition.

No. 68249

Why do people keep creating brand new threads for cows that hardly have any milk to have their own thread in the first place? The costhot thread exists for a reason, OP.

No. 68250

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>muh eye taping
Yeah, did I miss something about the face taping? Genuinely asking, what's milky about that? It's like Drag 101. As with most makeup trends it's been in use in drag for decades, what's the issue with it? Might as well say
>she uses contour and highlight, can you believe that shit!! unbelievable!

>Adopting baby animals with preexisting medical issues (there are ways to tell if an animal is healthy before you adopt them) and then ebegging for money to care for the animal seems to be the new scam people are running
You're saying she's a cow because she should have said "ew this one's damaged, do you have a better one"? I'm just trying to understand the mental gymnastics here. How is this anything but a win-win situation even if they do use it for sympathy points? An animal gets a home either way.

No. 68253

But how can it work as a scam if the animal does need that medical attention? I doubt donations will total over the cost of the procedures so the pet owner isn't turning up a profit

No. 68258

At some point smoothbrained spergs started claiming that eye taping is "yellowface and trying to look Asian" even though it's just a way to modify your eye shape to get a more intensive gaze and/or to make your face look less saggy. All Asian cosplayers do it too so it's obviously not about trying to "look more Asian" because no other race ever had narrow eyes right.

As for the animal thing it's hilarious how the same people who screech at people for buying instead of adopting start also bitching when you beg for money to help pay your adopted runt's medical bills. It's one thing to hoard animals uncontrollably and then expect other people to pay for their upkeep but one goddamn cat isn't there to be a "scam". I definitely find Riss to be annoying and egoistical especially with the genderspecial stuff but that isn't really milk, that's just worthy of not following her social media. We don't need another dry thread where seething anons are trying to nitpick each innocuous instagram story with 4-page fanfics because she was rude to them on social media once.

No. 68260

do people really seriously think that squinty monolids are an asian only trait? weeaboo sjws are a hell of a drug. from the OP i thought the thread would be more about her shitty pit hair zelda cosplay and the like.

No. 68261

It's generally accepted knowledge to not buy sick or weak animals when looking for pets just because they're "cute," because they will end up causing you heartache with vets bills and early deaths. Which is exactly what happens.

It's just the sign of a shitty pet owner who buys animals on a whim with no research. The fact she expects her followers to fund the whole thing is not a good look. Imagine if it was a child
>babies are cute huh!
>venmo me $1000 so I can afford the startup costs to have a baby!
>I've had the baby now, paypal me the money for nappies and milk xoxo

No. 68275

>It's generally accepted knowledge to not buy sick or weak animals
??????? Bitch by who? Why would they even put them up for adoption if this was the case? Why wouldn't shelters just immediately toss them in the chamber the second they get a cold then? Literally people adopt (adopt, not "buy") animals missing legs/eyes all the time.

>Imagine if it was a child

Your scenario doesn't even make sense because you're talking about her "having" a baby and not adopting one in need, which are two completely different things. And unless it's through IV the act of creating a child does not cost money, and no one would donate to that cause. It also allows for 9 months of saving/preparation, not "oops I woke up and decided to give birth today and did not financially prepare for this". What you're actually saying is:
>See a baby who is sick, possibly dying. Requires medical care.
>It's generally accepted that you should not adopt sick children, and do research to only adopt healthy children.
>You shouldn't adopt that baby because it's just going to die anyways and that makes you selfish.
>You should have left the baby there to die and picked out a better one. If you adopt it it's obviously just for attention and no other reason.
Honestly the mental gymnastics of "adopting a sick animal who needs a home makes you a bad person" here are absolutely wild. You're acting like this is some Gypsy Blanchard shit and not
>cat who did not have a home now has a home
>cat needs medical attention
>cat receives medical attention

I'm also confused what the actual medical condition is that you're saying requires money. The cat is small? $125 is an average (even cheap) fee for adopting any pet tbh. When I've looked at shelters in my area the cost is closer to $400

No. 68276

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This. The scam aspect is they can probably afford the bills, but still ask for donations as if they can't. But either way at the end of the day….they still have to pay those bills so it's not like they're making 200% profit.

>I definitely find Riss to be annoying and egoistical especially with the genderspecial stuff but that isn't really milk

Same. Kelly's really the queen of ebegging and the ringleader. Shame her thread stagnated. Her entire cosplay career is crowd-funded. She buys custom made intricate costumes like this and then begs for rent. At least Riss makes some of her shit (as far as I know). Maybe if it got moved over here we could revitalize it and then talk about all of them?

No. 68286

I went to a local convention where Riss was a guest and they were like an hour late for the cosplay content and from the rumors, they had been demanding hairspray and being quite the Diva. When they did show up, they were withdrawn and didn’t talk to anyone.

I didn’t really like their attitude online but seeing it in person really made me annoyed this person gets pampered so much.

No. 68330

nta but holy fuck calm your autism. it is incredibly fucking irresponsible to take on a sick animal that you cannot afford. stop making excuses for neglect, you sound like an absolutely deranged whiteknight.

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