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No. 10761
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>>10759Some typos, but a needed thread. Some feminists are too soft to actually be able to support the genocide and beating of scrotes. Pro gun, pro muscle, and anti troons is utter self defense.
I can atest as a high ranking volleyball player when I was in college. Meeting one-on-one with the men in the football and basketball team, they were often joking sexually, showing off their physical definition and typical scrote behavior. Eventually we ended up competing in our respective sports and ended up winning most.
It's then I realized that women are only SOCIALIZED by gender roles to be submissive. It's not reflected or based in concrete science. The pressure and expectation to conform allows for abuse to take place.
We as women need to show scrotes we mean business and be able to TRULY have spaces of our own. Liberation is not given.
No. 10763
>>10761It's actually funny you say that because I've seen my girlfriend beat one of my friends.
I posted in another thread, so won't elaborate here, but it really did shock me that it's so diencouraged for women to fight back or use full force to defend themselves and who they love.
No. 10775
>>10772Maybe? Besides the fact hyenas are one of the most vile beasts on the face this planet, they're system is so based.
it raises the question on how far we could go without men. starting with the family counts.
No. 11001
>>10759Your statement here is false, although I'd like it to be true.
Due to testosterone, men have greater capacity for bone density and muscle mass, although it can vary genetically speaking. It'd take a fool to say we'd be able to compete.
No. 11013
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>>11007This is what people mean when they say that radical feminism is a neo-liberal ideology out of touch with reality, Dworkin said something similar about how women could easily kill all men if they truly wanted too and it's an idea could only from a moron would formulate
women have tried fighting men in combat and they have lost, when the Mujahideen came women took up arms and tried fighting and they lost, when the Taliban came and tried taking Kabul took up arms and they lost, by your retarded and offensive logic these women were simply not trying to hard enough, men on average are physical bigger and stronger that's just a sad fact and a trained man is impossible to beat
Also you shouldn't take fitness/combat form someone who looked they'd die of a heart attack from walking a kilometer
No. 11020
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>>11017>nta but lol where did Dworkin say that?picrel
>fucking Jason Unruhe?Jason Unruhe and Dworkin are equally culturally
valid imo, fat losers who did nothing in their pathetic lives and for some reason both their "stans" are willing to defend them for seemingly no reason
No. 11023
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>>11021no they aren't, and especially not to extent that Dworkin and Unruhe
Marx literally criticized a wanna be Anarchist for being a creepy fat edge larper in his own time period,
also its tragic that this was was considered unnaturally fat at one point and now its average for moids No. 11026
>>10865They even start movements from shit that isn't true and they make up to justify their inhumanity towards women and
victim complex while being responsible for majority of society-destabilising violence and the subjugation of women for millennia which we are still recovering from the affects of. Women couldn't even have their own bank account till recent years nor prosecute rape in marriage as a crime, yet moids chimpout about 'female criminals escaping justice', when women just don't commit as much violent crime as they do, so there aren't as many violent female criminals as their are men, but acknowledging this forces them to recognise male depravity which goes against their retarded evolution and ego-driven behaviour, so instead they cope their just must be an equal amount of violent female criminals escaping justice because muh 'double standards' that don't exist, and when they do they are ones stemming from their own retarded subjugation and behaviour determining those standards kek. They lose their minds when they can't even win the game they rigged in their favour.
No. 11033
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>>11027>>11029>>11031The founder Neo-liberalism and post-modernism(Which is the reason radical feminism even exists) fit that description
a bunch of ugly goblin looking men who knew that would be sent to labor camps if real communism ever were to succeed
No. 11036
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>>11007Its possible when your prepared for it, if your opponent is at a 5 in aggression you have to be at least 20, fight like an animal, bite their faces, claw their eyes out and when they are distracted them hit them with a weapon without hesitation and run away
No. 11037
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>>11023it's funny bc they were both ugly fatties
No. 11047
>>11034I assume they are
>>>/m/198208 &
>>>/2X/5676 who often appears to sperg about Dworkin and 'subhuman fat jews in academia'.
No. 11059
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>>11057please pray tell what theories the great fatsoc spoutet that anyone with a basic understanding of feminism could have made, she was a neo-liberal at heart and radical feminism will always be fundamentally neo-liberal
self-sufficiency is great for everyone, its healthier for you but it requires a lot of willpower and commitment, but I don't think I have radfems actually ever be self sufficient, picrel is also the exact opposite of being a self sufficient human being
No. 11956
>>11937You can shoot the bear, punch it until it breaks to pieces, let it fall into a prepared trap, or poison it.
Which choices are in the male field and which ones are in the female field?
No. 12100
>>10759Also just an announcement for those who don't understand:
>B-but violence is male-like!!!You will continue to suffer under opression and will not make it
>I don't want to buy a weapon or prepare to defend myself in any way :(((You will not survive
>Allied with alt-right/gyropers>Allied with GBTQ alliances>Allied with trads and pick-me's>Not informed on women's history>Ignorant to intersectuality and other problems within the community>refuses to organize and contributeYou will all not survive or be able to make anything happen. Matter of fact, I CAN ASSURE YOU. The only change we as a political affiliation in regards to America and the UK (which is most of the userbase) We've only achieved so far due to co-opting and allying with the SAME PARTIES THAT SUPPORT OUR OPPRESSION.
Being real for a moment, you need to realize patriarchy runs so deep that there is no freedom or dismantlement.
It's by any means replacement, revenge and retribution for all of the history of women forever.
I propose that we gain systemic power by exploiting the very men who slip up.
No. 12103
>>11956Ntayrt but let me try:
Female: Trap and poison.
Male: Shoot and punch.
No. 12220
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>>12100Literally this
I've been looking at Korea's 4B movement. We should have that WORLDWIDE, but with a little bit of extreme flavor.
No. 12227
>>12222They have great points. I agree that alot of nonnas just sperg and "peacefully" change their lives instead of actually making change.
Not to infight, but just some critique for improvement
No. 12247
>>12227>>12100You should note this is not a radfem specific issue, western leftists of all stripes and sects seem to fetishize revolution and potential violent and I have to ask every time what the hell do you mean?
you gonna go out to the street and start looting, you gonna try to fight random men or egg some male owned business, none of you gave specifics just we need to be "violent" or some vauge shit to make your specific ideology seem more "badass", you have to stop living a fantasy
No. 12255
>>12254NTA but we're asking again what do you fucking mean, like stop acting like some retarded fantasy
you don't ever give specifics, you just say vague shit
No. 12266
>>12251>>12247>>12255I'll assume this is all samefag due to spam. I already explained what I meant, you manipulate in order to gain power, the key is to ORGANIZE.
I'm glad you have actual concerns, that shows you're at least paying attention. But when I say "slip up" I mean the moids who are veunerable to women in some way or another. Notably sexually, like most tend to be. We use our oppression to our advantage.
I need to reiterate that there will be no equity for women without extreme measures. That doesn't mean randomly looting or what have you, although it could be done. There has to be meaning behind the destruction, if that be depraving men from their entitlement by essentially copying the 4B movement, creating an organization to leverage political power, etc.
It can be badass, I won't lie. But the pure idea holds power, execution is key.