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No. 10870
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>>10868not complicated at all, many young people switch from one radical ideology to the other, nowadays its even worse, a bunch of young extremely online girls quickly adopting whatever fringe political beliefs appeal to them, It's not unique to women either, you can observe the same thing happening with former 4channies who become tankies.
picrel for example
>she spouts misandry>says men should be submissive around women >simps for varg and wants babies>self compliments her natural "thick" bodytype No. 10872
>>10870I remember her from varg thread. I was under the impression that she's not really a radfem, just slightly aware that society hates women , or using her radfem ideas to beat down on non conservative women.
>>10868I saw some self proclaimed TiF ex radfems. I personally don't understand how, I mean it truly is like the matrix but the red pill here is that women aren't seen as people most of the time. Once you start realizing that there's no going back. I suppose straight women maybe put off by some of the more radical parts of radfeminism, misandry etc
No. 10881
>>10870And this sounds like trashtalking women in general. Treating them like they're flakey "prone to catch stupidity"
This thread is a tradlarp operation
No. 10886
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>>10868you forget to mention the one's who become hardcore tankies like medusa or this one, she presents herself as a separatist radfem(full on advocating for women's only work communes) but will also defend the Soviet Union and claim it didn't commit any atrocities and that the rapes by Russian solders reported in Ukraine are fabricated western propaganda and she's not the only one, I have encored my fair share of tankie radfems on radblr, who will be posting about how all men are inherently evil and then moments later will be arguing about how the holodomor was fake CIA propaganda
No. 10889
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there are those that identity hop from niche online groups/fringe-tier value systems to new ones and then there are those that are leery of feminism.
I posted pic related in the misogyny in radical feminism thread (I'm sure it goes without saying, I am not the woman they're discussing). I am pretty tired of stuff like this. this is after the Heard trial and among women that do know better.
I had to get married at 19 to avoid further homelessness (I was already homeless at that point for a little over 18 months). seeing how many self-identified feminist women were piling onto this woman made me realize I was right to conceal his abuse to me.
No. 10890
File: 1677531836559.png (1011.27 KB, 1170x2532, 567C11C5-432B-4A02-A84D-1CDE46…) the girl who originally got me into radical feminism has disavowed it. she still seems to have pretty good takes on feminism, but now she’s pro-troon.
It’s kind of a bummer, because she has really good resources and I learned a lot from her tumblr.
Gender just doesn’t make sense to me. I don’t believe in “girl brains” and “boy brains” and I legit think the trans thing is social contagion.
I was apart of a friend group where one person became a they/them and then suddenly every other person in the group followed suit (without changing anything about their presentation). I’ve been to parties where a frat guy with long hair, wearing shorts and a T-shirt, called himself Amber, and everyone unironically said he was the hottest lesbian in [insert my city here]. I’ve had friends be sexually assaulted by troons but unable to say anything or else they’ll be labeled transphobic. I’ve literally seen the guy who sexually assaulted me troon out lmfao.
I’ve never met a troon who wasn’t mentally ill in some way and the gender thing wasn’t a way to try to fix other underlying issues. Like if being transgender was just an issue of boy brain vs girl brain… how come there aren’t any troons who are perfectly well-adjusted except for their gender? They ALWAYS have other mental health issues.
I’m crypto, because I’m not socially retarded and I know it’s easier to peak people if you’re “on their side” as opposed to being the enemy.
No. 10894
I was never a radfem, and I know I'm never going to peak. The thing that scared me away from radfems entirely was Kennysblog3 and Toppdyke. I had disliked radfems before 2019, but Kenny fantasizing about a 16 year old girl getting raped by a MtF because she disagreed with her made me, also 16 at the time, so repulsed I'd actively say revolting shit to radfems unprompted, growing out of it around age 17-18.
This is probably a bit too strawmannish to some women, but there's a few other isolated incidents. Like radfems preaching about body positivity for adult human females, until a FtM comes around and they start gawking at them. Or, a woman who simply strongly disagrees with radical feminism, and they insult her the same way and tag her as "fatspo." This has happened more times than I can count. I know there's probably a few FtM and MtF bloggers that peaked some people just by being vile, but I want to remind current radfems that there's a fine line between "criticizing a male for going into female spaces," and fantasizing about murder and rape of troons. As long as you don't cross that line, you might be able to have fruitful discussions with all sides. Once you threaten violence though, it defaults to the troons. Vice versa for any troons seething at the thread; threatening women over the internet only makes you look worse.
No. 10908
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>>10907NTA but I did just that and picrel is the third thing I see.
>I'm glad to be an ex-radfem because I'm no longer afraid of getting raped, women are not purer than men, violating us is not a horrible sinWtf? There's also another blog about going from "radfem" to "bimbo" and a blog trying to show that "radfems are lying to you" which leads me to believe that TRAs and even troons claim to be ex radfems to pretend like they've seen both sides or due to their fetishes. Overall the number of posts/blogs about it seems quite low (I'm using Tumbex though, don't know if it changes anything).
No. 10909
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>>10908(samefag) I'm sure that young people surrounded online (and even IRL) by genderspecials can go from "sex exists and is immutable" (literally the default) to TRA and even get excited to take part in the gender craze and have new pronouns and identities, like picrel. But it's hard to believe that these people were truly ever gender critical let alone radfems. This blog is full of the most stereotypical and debunkable arguments and weirdly focuses on racism ("die racists!", "transphobia is inseparable from racism"). Maybe projection kek.
No. 10935
>>10933same as ex-terfs bullshit, if they did a quick backflip to lick troon balls its because of the way they felt bad to the troons sentimental manipulation (aka yelling that theyre in a ongoing genocide or whatever shit they spew), they were never
terf and just didnt understood what it is lol
No. 10944
>>10928lol yeah it's telling that the treads that keep getting made and bumped are the ones taht are basically against everything 2x was supposed to stand for- misogyny in radfem spaces, right wing feminists, men that would save uwu, etc
now that the board is open to all it's gonna get destroyed, mark my words
No. 10962
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Does Naomi wolf count? she went from spearheading third wave feminism(when it was based and focused on actual women's issues) with the beauty myth to supporting 9/11 truthers (though claiming not to believe them) and becoming an anti-vaxxer qanon supporter who thinks Anthony Fauci is a mass murderer, I won't say she's right winger but she's reached a point where she sounds like every other mentally deranged moron online
No. 11094
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>>11088A few tumblr accounts naming themselves after a fucked up thing does not negate it's fucked upness nor fucked up origins. In general, reclaiming fucked up language never works; quite ironically this is a repeated sentiment of rad feminism. No one would reclaim "slut", only libfems want to do so for maximum profit, self degradability/pickmeism and moid approval. Most radfems would argue we'd be better off leaving moid written history where it belongs; in the disregarded moid-coated garbage can. The concept of a spinster reinforces patriachical expectations, a system radfems seek to disassemble and dismantle, not uphold and/or alter. It's also incredibly misogynistic as OP has yet realized apparently. Women deciding not to marry is not a "problem" regardless of what your pickme nutsack brainwashed mind would tell you. Taking the side of incels and troons through dehumanizing women for their life choices (or lack thereof) doesn't particularly look stunning and brave.
While I do think that there should be a space to discuss the faults of radfeminism and radfems, OP did not do a good job presenting this in this thread nor applying any critical thought in their posts. Just arguing that there's trad ideology crossover with radfeminism and that FTM troons exist is not a counter argument to radfeminist theory or women who identify with radfeminism.
No. 11451
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>>10975>>10962I think it's unfair to say they become "right-wing". I would rather say they have a personality type that is "conspiratorial" in nature, like Alice Walker (incredibly prominent black feminist) who has spent the past 3 years focusing on why the vaccine is a planned attack on women's health and totally unwilling to to change her point of view and see's it as akin to historical oppression of women as a whole
No. 11455
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It's mostly been LC that has pushed me away from radfem stuff. The awful things people here say to women they disagree with, who are deemed undesirable, pick mes and boymoms. Calling women "mutilated" after they have belly sag from giving birth. Being a "feminist" but supporting only women who meet your high standard of ideological purity.
I'm a feminist, hate trannies and gender cult and moid violence but I can't call myself a radfem anymore.
No. 11462
>>11455yes, feeling the same way, I posted this above:
>>10889(sage for being perhaps too blog post-like) it's the feeling like nobody is safe to bring up with them about being abused by a male now.
No. 11473
>>11463resorting to making fun of someone for being homeless just because they dont share the same ideology as you.
Also inb4 you say something, im not that anon.
No. 11482
Is it me or in the past months there's been people obsessively spamming about radfems and strawmanning them heavily? Like, a
nonny won't like someone's take and, woops, she's a radfem.
I don't think it was this catty and obsessive before. I think my favorite was one when one
nonny went on about a ton of shit they ascribed to being attributable to all radfems, but every radfem I had ever known had believed very different things (I guess a lot of people here are just refuges from tumblr and that's why I don't get it–because I've never used it, kek).
Sure, there's all kinds of people in a movement, but it feels like another episode of people not believing that a woman-dominated group isn't completely monotone so they define the group by grifters and tradthots…while the actual core ideas of radfem go completely ignored and unchallenged.
For example I've seen radfem haters say the exact same as picrel
>>10889 . A lot of radfems with more compassionate takes are berated and I've seen a LOT of it. Like,
>>10975And yep, it's a problem in radfem spaces too, it's enough for me to avoid some. But it begs the question–what movement is there that doesn't have these bottom feeders? Especially one that's truly counterculture? Does there need to be a shift? Because basically the poison is everywhere.
No. 11483
>>11482ironically enough while you are accusing other people of strawmanning you are also strawmanning yourself and subtly implying of the evil boogeyman.
Imagine having a shit-ton of threads here for people like you but you come to the one thread that is literally made for ex-radfems….to complain why some anons hate radfems. Like….ok? We do not care.
No. 11486
What drew me away was noticing that a lot of the online communities showed the same patterns of behavior I was trying to avoid when getting out of gendie circles, a bigger concern with concepts than material action (specifically a bunch of stoner fems when drug traffic funds a substantial portion of sexual violence in my region, one of which advocated for pregnant women smoking even), hypocrisy, and prioritizing the ideological tenets over the participants (like the nonas who have shown internet radfems being misogynistic to women who chose different courses in their lives, I’ve also seen monikers for heterosexual women like cum breath, cock worshipper, etc that are honestly moid tier).
I still don’t like most gender bullshit or libfem yas kweening of sexual exploitation, I just think any online community is at risk of falling into the same intracommunity drama where there’s implicit leaders, outcasting of people who disagree, et cerera. I cannot speak for real life radfem communities around me, as I have not been an active participant in them; I know other women irl who used tenets of radical feminism for self serving purposes. (Any ideology can be used narcissistically in my opinion; you can see that plenty with TIMs and TIFs). The internet radfems that are so quick to be misogynistic to women who disagree with them remind me of that egocentric use of politics/ideology and in my opinion it’s not healthy for anyone to make ideological things a cornerstone of their identity. Of course being a woman will influence your position in the world through systemic oppression—what I mean is you should not make radical feminism a cornerstone if it means you will defend anything the community does for its sake (like libfems and troons bend over in circles defending the shit their members do).
I also make a distinction between American and thirdy radfems because some American radfems fall to the same erroneous us-centric imperialist mindset you see in other movements from Anglo countries. What I say applies more to them than the local thirdy radical feminists. Like them and the gendies are two sides of the tumblr coin
No. 11489
>>11483It is less the criticism and more the fixation because by this point I have seen it being thrown around in contexts that are kind of random, almost verging on "you have an opinion I don't like" as if the word itself is losing meaning and now is degenerating into another catch all for behavior that people don't like. I am sorry if I strawmanned but no I am not imagining things either. Reading through other threads I see RF dropped for pretty contradictory things a lot and it is weird as if people have dramatically different definitions of what radfem is.
For example I agree with and relate to
>>11486 whose take isn't at all abstract. These are real problems.
No. 11493
>>11489Also, take this for example
>>11455 as if misogyny gets people to pin someone as a radfem.
In the meantime there's another thread full of people hating on radfems and attacking women, attacking women defending women and calling them retarded radfems (and vice versa), etc. It's really weird and polarizing in a way that's hard to explain.
>>11171Is spinster as bad as stuff like "bitch"? I always thought it was a term that could easily be reclaimed considering how biteless it is.
No. 11494
>>11493I dont really see anything wrong with that anon you tagged.
Maybe take a look at yourself, the posters here who identify as radfems and the things they post and the current radfem movement instead of wanting to shut up people the same way troons shut up people.
Quit that woe is me
victim crap.
No. 11502
>>11494I'm an ex-radfem (though I never participated much in such circles to begin with) and I left because I'm not blind to the other issues.
nonny I referred to wasn't bad or anything….my point was that she talks about misogyny on lc and pins it on only being done by radfems. The majority of misogyny on 2x isn't done by radfems and this is because most farmers aren't radfems. I wasn't trying to shut up nonnies for criticizing self-proclaimed radfems or actual radfem spaces because my point was literally nonnies that accuse one another of being one in very weird contexts with their actual identity being unknown…
and my observation that this behavior has exploded recently. Like, a
nonny alluding to women being beautiful and being called a "ratfem." What even is the context here? But maybe I'm just out of the loop because it isn't like I've seen more serious radfem spaces in the past year or two.
No. 11528
>>11527eh her son went through what the majority of women go through and are told by their parents. That woman is still a retard for choosing to get married and have son though if she is going to complain about it. I noticed alot of radfem women are like the one you mentioned, they larp as radical yet the majority of them are married to a man (which they also rely on) and have children with him.
I remember when radfem gossip accounts were active so many radfems would get exposed for being fakes and pretending to be lesbians meanwhile they are married to a military man.
Idk why but there is something so gross about a tradthot pretending to be a lesbian on the internet so she could harass other women and call them ''bisluts'' ''bihets'' ''cocksuckers'' ''cockbreath''.
No. 11556
>>11545actually there was more than that, i followed all the gossip accounts and it was way more than two. Im just trying to remember the names of the irrelevant people.
But tbh there were more radfems faking being lesbian than there were radfems who were married.
No. 11564
>>11561isnt it better to reclaim modern words who are similar than spinster like ''crazy cat lady'' ''hag'' ''childless/unmarried'' ''leftover woman''.
Reclaiming spinster really does nothing since its a old world not really used anymore.
No. 11580
>>11527Idk why the fuck so many anons are agreeing with the parent you describe right now. Making a kid cry in the name of an ideology is fucked up. I thought feminists advocated for either abortion of male fetuses or raising sons to not be little shits. The reactions here are making me doubt my posture on this.
I know men suck but someone can still raise their son to be better than your unsupervised 4chan incel. Like, I thought that was the idea. inb4 "but every man is shit" yes I know but come on.
No. 11613
>>11580I didn't paint her as villainously as I could have and people already aren't very sympathetic to child abuse and don't understand how verbal abuse like that fucks kids up. she didn't break it down into anything meaningful a child could understand she just lashed out at him and broke him down mentally.
I lost touch with her in real life but from photos the kid looks mostly normal now that he's an adult. I thought he was anorexic as a teen. He still spends time with her in her old age so maybe it all turned out fine or they talked it out but she was still wrong.
No. 11640
>>11613You’re judging an entire situation on your one limited interaction where the child cries. Boys learn to manipulative cry from a young age. Spend enough time with them and you see it. They cry to get out of trouble all of the time. They are also constantly being conditioned by society. He goes to school with little boys who don’t listen to the female teacher because daddy doesn’t listen to mommy at home. She’s struggling against an entire society at trying to raise the less than 1% of good men and she probably because of female socialization didn’t realize that until after the kid was born. Her husband is a whiny little man baby who should have helped bridge the gap instead of silencing the women and not truly helping the child. He’s playing
victim. He’s a grown man with choices. You’re trivializing actual child abuse I say as a
victim and anorexia by judging a thin teenagers pictures. Take your shit moralizing bait somewhere else. We aren’t scared of being the angry feminist bitch around here.
No. 11786
>>11784Samefag but
>he was a man and that made him bad (she got more detailed about it but I don't want to misquote herWe got this where no abuse is clearly defined. Sorry I want details before I lynch a women over piss poor bait. You left out details on purpose and then think your opinion means shit.
No. 12092
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lmao @ people thinking women who drop out of radical feminist beliefs were not TRU RADFEMS. this movement is a fucking dumpster fire its not a surprise some women leave it.
>conservatives and tradwives infesting the movement just to bitch about trannies and get personally offended when you want to discuss other women's issues or completely ignore anything not tranny related
>same women who refuse to criticize the male population and "accept" misogyny because "what can you do!"
>gold star lesbians and polilez women sperging out at het women for dating moids thus alienating most of the population
>500 posts infighting about whether or not sucking peanus weanus is degrading
>white feminists taking it personal when black women talk about racism from white women, shitting their diapees and cry over it
>black feminists refusing to join the discussion and talk about the things they go through because "yt people wont care anyways1!11!" as if every single person doesn't get shit on for any opinion and other woc happily discuss these things
>middle aged white women thinking karen/cis is a "slur" and screams whenever some random 12yo redditor calls them it
>gender crits chimping out over being asked to put their pronouns in their slack/whatever at work
>pic related
>"we need female solidarity like men!!!!" "violence is MOID like we can't be like men!!!!" "what do you mean??! I wear makeup for MYSELF!"
>random psycho bpds in the movement that act moidlike and terrorize other radfems
>radfem MODS (not on this site) having biases and banning notable feminists because personally offended over god knows what
>radfems slurping up conservative misogynistic men because he pwns teh troons epic clapback compilation #20
>gets offended over people assuming radfems are rightwingers but doesn't call out "conservative radfems/gc" for using conservative sources or utilizing their platforms because they "have no other options"
i was so excited joining this movement but its held together by scotch tape and elmer's glue. absolutely fucking goofy. pray for the women in it that are smart and kind and have the emotional intelligence to have a normal conversation with another human being. i appreciate the few like this.
No. 12128
>>12125The board was dead when 2X was hidden and the users of the board wanted it to be public. Anyways, the comment the anon made simply said: "I was turned off by feminism because of a woman who yelled at a child". That's a
valid opinion, doesn't seem like the "neets who are secretly racist and blame feminism for not having a husband" that you describe in your post. Some people get turned off by feminism, big deal. You might or not think that anon is retarded but she still should be able to discuss why she thought it wasn't for her. Learn to disagree.
No. 12131
>>12092>mao @ people thinking women who drop out of radical feminist beliefs were not TRU RADFEMS.agreed, dropping off the movement doesn't always mean what people think it means.
>i was so excited joining this movement but its held together by scotch tape and elmer's glue. absolutely fucking goofy. pray for the women in it that are smart and kind and have the emotional intelligence to have a normal conversation with another human being. i appreciate the few like this.agreed and same.
No. 12132
>>12130Nta, but your post is literally retarded and has zero real argument on why those posts are "fake". Sorry that you hate this thread so much, you can hide it and go post scrotal right wing memes on the
terf memes thread now. Have fun!
No. 12134
>>12092You make some good points anon. I used to be extremely active in radical feminism and left two years ago.
Id also like to give my biggest reasons for leaving the movement and that is the way they treat abused women, poor women, prostituted women or women who are into makeup/fashion,
victim blaming, obsession with bi or het women despite the fact that most radfems are literally hetero women pretending to be polilez.
The more you spend in radfem communities the more you realize how superficial they are just like the libfems that they criticize.
Their empathy for abused/prostituted women is extremely fake, devoid and superficial.
The deeper i got into the movement the more i saw
victim blaming of women in domestic abuse, them attacking prostitutes and throwing the same insults that males throw when prostitutes who live in countries where the nordic model is implemented explain that the nordic model does nothing to help them and they still face the same abuse and rape from the system, lately it seems like radfems cant have a argument with anyone rationally without them loosing their cool and screaming insults at the other person. Im sorry but if you cannot have a normal debate with someone for more than 2 minutes without screaming ''WHORE, COCKSUCKER , BI SLUT, BREEDER , COCKSLEEVE , TRANNY, COCK WORSHIPPER'' then there is something fundamentally wrong with your movement.
Also i dont even need to explain how disgusting it is when certain women who identify as radfems say that women who wear makeup or tight clothing deserve rape or sexual harassment….how could you as a woman say something disgusting like that?
There is too much drama in the movement too, there is always such petty stupid infights in every radfem community and there are mean girl cliques.
Also the movement is classist and obviously ignores ways to help poor women or issues pertaining to poor women meanwhile at the same time they attack women who resort to prostitution to survive.
The movement lately is more focused on the wealthy, celebrities and trannys and ignores other women and their issues.
Also im waiting for a angry reply to this.
No. 12136
>>12134> Im sorry but if you cannot have a normal debate with someone for more than 2 minutes without screaming ''WHORE, COCKSUCKER , BI SLUT, BREEDER , COCKSLEEVE , TRANNY, COCK WORSHIPPER'' then there is something fundamentally wrong with your movement.I've legit seen this on lolcow too and it's fucking annoying.
>The more you spend in radfem communities the more you realize how superficial they are just like the libfems that they criticize.This.
No. 12137
>>12126>>12131you know what i was expecting some backlash for my post but thank you nonnies lol
its beginning to feel like a cult yes. especially with the gc women, you cannot be lukewarm in regards to trans issues or else you're a traitor and liar. i'm very critical of it but im not gonna act like some asocial tard with every trans person ever
the part that enrages me the most is i ended up getting some flack for this situation when i told some radfem groups. if you're in the same group it isn't about you, it was awhile ago that i told some other women.
>have a ftm coworker who is a pleasant person to be around and literally never brought up anything related to trans stuff. clearly wanted to be stealth and live a normal life>genuinely didn't know they were trans this is thing #1 that got me shit on because they think no trans person ever passes and its always obvious they're trans, which is true in most cases. but she dressed like a normal moid in the area, had a normal name appropriate for her age, i've met biological men as small/short as her too many times. and most importantly i dont have my tranny-dar going off wherever i go
>coworker that went to hs with her outted her to literally everyone in our department >she's not a radfem just a loud mouthed bitch >TIF clearly transitioned due to severe trauma so i empathize with her>TIF coworker finds out and obviously has a melt down>i comforted her and said if she plans on reporting her i'll support her and go to HR as welli unironically was told i was going against my radfem views like there is no critical thinking in regards to this situation. first of all, the person who outed her is trying to be a manager and that is inappropriate and unprofessional behavior from someone trying to move up. gossiping and telling others personal information is not GOOD manager behavior. second of all, someone who is so casual about outing anyone is a terrible person and dangerous. what if the coworker was a lesbian? and then said coworker could face discrimination or other issues that come with being a lesbian. it's the outing that is bad, not specifically what the coworker is. i got fucking criticized for remaining professional and looking at the big picture instead of having tranny tunnel vision.
>>12133yes i've seen a call out post maybe once on tumblr, but it is really bad. as much as i appreciate ovarit existing i feel like it has done the most damage in regards to tradwives and conservatives infesting the movement. i've only been in the movement for about 2 years though with plenty breaks inbetween so i'm not completely sure.
>>12134that's horrible but i notice that too especially in shayna threads kek. lolcow isn't an exclusively radfem site and not every person here is radfem but when prostitutes try to put in their 2 cents and reiterate that they don't want to be in the profession and still get harassed..moid behavior. i agree all the drama is obnoxious and fucking dumb. god i agree with you so much
nonnie. its infuriating. im tired of the blatant upper middle class perspective lmfao one time on ovarit i saw a comment where some woman said she feels like rich women are more oppressed than poor women. she got called out but it shows how out of touch so many women in this movement are.
No. 12146
>>12142i feel like every radfem group has a story. you're right the mean girl behavior is ridiculous. i asked this one woman if she wanted to join a discord group i recently joined and she said basically thank you but no because
>there were known men and secret TIMs in it>a concerning amount of racists>mod called it out and shitstorm ensuedi've been uncomfortable ever since like what the hell? I know the same group had similar drama before, another woman told me she fought with the mods for letting men in and they told her it was unreasonable to expect them to extensively vet every single user.
the worst of it had to be on FDS. I've never seen so much mean girl energy there. Yes I consider it a radfem group because the creator was a radfem and they took a lot of their rules/values from it and posted in related subreddits. and like clockwork, tradwives and conservative women infested it. i think it was because a lot of users were probably from LSA too which is another rf cesspool of toxicity. but anyways I feel like the maker of FDS had real mental problems because she would mock radfems trying to talk to her and make fun of them for going to women's marches and her post history was like 99% arguing with men. it turned into like a hs hierarchy where so many posters wanted to please the mods and anyone criticizing the environment was labelled a pickme or banned.
it became extremely classist too and some users straight up said that you got treated like shit by men because you didn't put enough effort into your appearance. i'm glad it went down because it needed to go down, it was so hostile near the end. i don't like listening to the podcast anymore either because the hosts don't seem to want any discussion and just love focusing on clapbacks and "owning the scrotes!" besides savannah. i really wish savannah would branch off and make her own little podcast because she's very level headed and insightful.
>>12139thank you, i have never actually heard that before in radfem circles. it feels very cultlike at this point and so many people just want to argue argue argue with TRAs. like no one is going to listen to you if you're a raging asshole forcing your opinions down their throat, no matter how right you are. i see many women ask "what do i say during an argument with a TRA?" nothing, you don't argue??! i have far left leaning friends who didn't unfriend me after finding out im a ebil
terf because i'm not an asshole with my views. some will cut you off regardless but most i find are open to a discussion where you DON'T push your views onto them.
sorry im wall of texting so hard itt i just had so much to get off my chest
No. 12161
>>12126>But it's very odd how we suddenly have to be completely puritan with zero wrongthink in us to be a "true radfem".When I realized I became unable to enjoy most media, even stuff I genuinely like, because I kept looking at it through the "is this radfem approved enough!??!?!" glasses I knew I had severe brain poisoning from the community. It's exhausting and constant self-flagellation and surveillance only breaks my spirit to pieces, making me unable to draw enjoyment from anything since I always have to feel guilty about liking something I'm "not supposed to" when it's still very harmless in the grand scheme of things. Radfem communities definitely have a very militant view on how you should live and focus too much on policing their members rather than listening to them and having an open dialogue. Someone said that libfem became the mainstream ideology because it welcomes everyone and in the end that's much more appealing to the masses.
>>12134>obsession with bi or het women despite the fact that most radfems are literally hetero women pretending to be polilez.This is also what made me leave. I'm a GNC lesbian and it became apparent that most radfems treat lesbianism as an exclusive girl club with rigid rules you have to follow, all set by polilez straight women. I hated having my sexuality politicized, and when I realized how much of their hate for trannies was actually rooted in homophobia and the cruelty and a total lack of empathy they displayed towards lesbian FTMs was the final straw.
The tiresome mean girl attitude was the third one. I get the sentiment of wanting to be mean for the first time in your life after years of being suppressed, but they always directed that anger and hatred at other members who stepped out of line instead of the system that oppressed us or even the men who are responsible for it.
>>12137I also have a FTM friend who I never guessed was trans until he revealed the truth to me. Never. A normal guy with a normal name and normal clothing, not that short either. This would get me torn to shreds in those circles for being a blind retard for not having perception skills rivaling an experienced anthropologist. Admitting that someone passes doesn't magically change their chromosomes and birth sex and I'm tired of them acting like it does. Also the manager sounds like a huge bitch.
No. 12167
>>12162>>12163Agree with the first reply. When it comes down to it the main thing is the expectation for every woman to be a perfect feminist. And if she isn’t she must have internalized misogyny etc. But from
my perspective, shitting on women for things I’ve seen on this site just screams misogyny. like women suffer enough and if someone finds joy from something that is deemed to support the patriarchy or whatever (!because of her literal lifetime of programming!) LET HER BE HAPPY. Hate the radfem approach of “we know what’s best for you and you’re a traitor if you don’t agree” that seems so common.
No. 12187
>>12163>>12167I'm not baiting. I really want to know what aspects of radfem theory do you diagree with, simple as. My point is that if you are discontent with self-proclaimed radfem spaces that's perfectly fine, chances are they have a lot of flaws, like any organised group. But I'm not asking you to explain why those spaces felt mysogynistic, I've lurked a bit this thread and I already know about some anons' experiences, and I do believe them, damn, I was in a TIRF group ages ago and I know about the dynamics these places can have. What I'm asking this thread is what's anyone's opinion on radfem theory, something that was written from the 60s to our present day. I'm asking you about anons personal relationship with radfem literature, something that's between you and those texts. Because I don't see why disliking a specific group of women that claim to be radfems and then prey on others as if they're
more feminist than thou should affect your personal ideas on the actual radfem line of thought. I don't think any radfem author supported such awful behaviour between women. So, leaving aside experinces with other women who claim to be radfems, what aspects of theory do you diagree with?
Because let's be honest, never in history has feminism been so popular, a lot of women metaphorically put the feminist badge on their chest and use it to step over other women that will end up rejecting to associate themselves with feminism at all because of such terrible encounters. I think this is tragic because men end up winning.
No. 12204
I wouldn't call myself an 'ex-radfem' (I still agree with many points, in theory) but I guess I'm 'ex-political' and online radical feminism was the tipping point.
Idk I'm a lesbian so my primary focus is lesbians and SSA women being okay. It was really disheartening to watch online GC spaces become infested with mormons. Every 3rd post on Ovarit is "I saw a woman with short hair and a lil mustache at the mall, let's all circlejerk about how she's probably a pedophile TIF!!!". They're against sex work (based) but also against a social safety net for women in prostitution because MUH COMMUNISM. Will worship the ground that conservative moids walk on as long as they're anti-troon, but lefty/lib/TIF/queer/GNC women can't be trusted even if they're devoted to women's rights in literally every way except the trans issue. Maybe I'm retarded but a They/Them who supports abortion and a social safety net seems like a better ally than Matt Walsh. And there's no way to get rid of them and refocus on actual feminism because they're the overwhelming majority. But if they're the overwhelming majority, doesn't that 'prove' that they're right? Like if the majority of women define womanhood as "being conventionally feminine, fucking men and having babies" maybe that's what womanhood is after all? If the majority of women are het and can gain social cred by shitting on dykes then dykes being constantly pushed out of women's movements is a feature, not a bug.
It's ironically made me more open to queer theory and social constructionism. Lesbians, GNC women, 'bad' women, any type of minority women are technically female but Majority Women and Majority Men don't view us as belonging to the Woman group. Self-identified radfems honestly believe that bills criminalizing both lesbianism and troonism are awesome for women's rights, and there's no contradiction in that belief because lesbians aren't women anyway so it doesn't harm women's rights when lesbians are harmed. How can gender identity be 'made up' when they see a GNC woman existing publicly and immediately seethe about how it's not a woman, it's a filthy TIF coming to corrupt the children. I still hate AGPs and I'm against medical transition but there's something to the idea that womanhood is a social construct. There's something to the idea that once a woman hits a certain level of masculinity, she's no longer a woman.
So anyway sorry for blog but I think I just hate politics now. Both online and IRL, I don't have motivation to be involved in anything local either because I'm paranoid that I'm gonna go do a bunch of work for tradwives that'll stab me in the back ASAP. No matter what side you're on, it all boils down to male pandering and shitting on dykes.
No. 12256
>>12204>>12210Both are well said, SJW/libfems will at least always support a woman's right to abortion and reprodictive care and I'll never see TiFs as anything but self hating
victims of the patriarchy,
victims all the same like all women.
In saying this pickmes are fucking scary, they are the majority and will alter law because of this. The indirect actions of libfems such normalizing rape, strangulation pornography, pedofilia and degradation of women harms all women including young girls who don't yet have a voice and, this is abhorrent and can't be understated.
No. 12260
>>12256>In saying this pickmes are fucking scary, they are the majority and will alter law because of this. The indirect actions of libfems such normalizing rape, strangulation pornography, pedofilia and degradation of women harms all women including young girls who don't yet have a voice and, this is abhorrent and can't be understated.I feel like this is an inescapable pattern in women's movements. Liberal feminism started alright I think. I remember in like the early 2010s there was a huge focus on consent, coercion, "it's not enough that she doesn't say no, she needs to enthusiastically say yes" type stuff. Then pickmes latched on and it somehow became "if you don't want to be punched in bed you're a sex negative prude.". Pickmes start pandering to liberal moids and redefine any serious feminists as TERFs, nasty women.
Now it's happening to GC feminism, tradwives latched on for the troon hate and they're handing the movement to conservative moids on a silver platter. I don't see how it ever ends because women who agree to be cool girls will always be rewarded by the patriarchy. Once a movement is popular enough to get real change, it'll attract women who want to neuter it for their own personal gain.
Idk what the solution is because aggressive gatekeeping also doesn't work because then you get the same thing in reverse. Radblr types competing to be the 'best feminist' and redefining any woman who's ever idk kissed a man as male-aligned, pickme, libfem, cock-breath, whatever. As a species we're obsessed with aggressively policing female behavior and categorizing women into good girls/bad girls.
No. 12366
>>12128Right? It didn't even make me not a feminist it was just the only time I saw the ideology go wrong with one specific woman in my life in one specific instance. It isn't something so outrageous that I have to be making it up is it? Wish I hadn't posted it, people are depressing me with their responses of
fake or
based antiboymom.
No. 12428
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There is so much silence among radfems when the figures of their movement have all aligned themselves with people (right-wing) who want to take away the rights of women or lesbians.
My biggest reason for leaving the movement tbh, its become co-opted with right-wingers and the people to blame for it are the ''radfems'' who have aligned themselves with those conservatives and all the women who stayed silent or attacked other radfems when those radfems voiced their displeasure about collabing with right-wingers.
At this point look at what the fuck this movement has become, i cant even be angry anymore when people compare us to rightwingers anymore because its true because there so many tradthots in this movement now.
No. 12430
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>>12428Jk rowling who many RF worship has also interacted with and collabed with many disgusting sex-pests, Mra/anti-feminists, pro-lifers, right-wingers etc. Yet no one cares.
Radical feminism was supposed to be way more than just hating trannies, yet lately now i feel like that is 90% of the discussions in
terf/radfem spaces. Allowing bad people into the movement just because you only have one thing in common (hating trannies) i think destroyed this movement from being progressive.
No. 12437
>>12436anon this is like a anti-racist movement using nazi or pro-racist platforms to advertise themselves and then getting surprised when those types of people start joining their movement or when their movement starts losing direction and meaning.
Also its great that you mentioned Andrea because if she still existed today she would be called a ''libfem'' by the same women who like her now. Look into andrea dworkins work.
No. 12441
>>12439nta but to be fair there has been quite a number of radfems especially public figure who have allied with right-wingers..
Your grasping on to a thin rope thats about to break, yeah sure we can use the platforming excuse which is weak but that still wont change the fact that in your words allying is bad and that there are prominent radfems who are buddies with right-wingers and are directly allying with them.
Do your job and start calling those women out.
No. 12452
>>10886Don't care about the Soviet Union but why does being radfem mean you need to be pro Ukraine? Ukrainian Nationalists have been raping women too.
This is too close to the prop the US used to enlist support for the Afghan forever war (we're doing it for the women!)
No. 12454
>>12436>using RW platforms to reach a larger audience but not directly working with or allying with them on any other issuesAnon what? You can't pick and choose like that, not all publicity is good publicity. This isn't like trying to promote a new album coming out or something, it's like giving the keys to your car to someone but telling them not to unlock the doors. They're going to do it and you'll end up with all sorts of creeps inside who will probably soil the seats, steal the stereo system and put sugar in the gas tank. Do you really want a feminist movement to be associated with right wing nuts who would do anything to have women be locked up inside birthing babies and servicing their man? Rubbing shoulders with them is exactly why people now see radfems as conservative homophobic soccer moms who just hate those damn trannies because they're all deviant homosexual sinners who need jesus. And it's completely understandable. Going on right wing talk shows just to give them more ammunition against
everyone under LGBT and feminism is a bitch move and serves literally nobody but said conservatards.
No. 12458
>>12454Do you think Hitler wasn't a real Fascist cause he used socialist conferences to spread his ideology and message or Mao was harming communism cause he allied with the Kuomintang(Chinese Nationalists) ?
Using the mainstream to further your aims is common sense, not betraying your ideals.
No. 12459
>>12458Nta, that still doesn't make it right.
I thought radfems never wanted to align themselves with the right wing to begin with. Your post quite honestly is shocking to me.
No. 12463
>>12424>>Seeing myself as someone who was “rescued” from a cult wasn't helpful or accurate, either. I found myself in radfem communities that fell into the same traps they harangue queer/trans communities for having: there was a clear figurehead(s) instead of a community dynamic. The need to have perfectly aligned beliefs outweighed the need to foster consciousness about different experiences and take coordinated action based on that, even if the feelings and motives around it are varied. Big
oof. Felt that.
>>12432>My biggest issue will always be the communities and how they specifically seem to hate take on this quasi-religious vibe. I agree. It has some weird "code of conduct" type of vibe to it.
>I think feminism needs to be about female solidarity before anything else.I agree. But people on radfem spaces think the "ideology" is above any female solidarity or love for women though. I think I saw someone saying this recently on here.
>The communities feel more focused on breaking women apart based on minute differences in ideology.Agreed, it feels like that sometimes.
No. 12472
>>12467Right wing outlets and activism aren't a part of the "mainstream political institution" and even if they were they would and will just take your message and turn it against women and adjacent groups like such:
>You're saying trans people are groomers? Well I knew it, just like the rest of all the faggots and dykes they're sexual deviants! Let's ban everything related to them!>Oh yes, it's horrible how they keep converting teenage girls to surgeries and hormones, real terrible. Those girls should be growing their hair long and wearing dresses like a proper woman!>Yes, I agree, there are only 2 genders. Which means that both women and men should remain stereotypically gender conforming.>Female bosses and managers are being burnt out by the misogyny they're exposed to? Of course, women oughta stay home and raise babies instead of suffering in the work force!>Women are exploited by the porn industry? Why certainly, porn turns men into masturbation-addicted coomers when they should be out there beating and harassing actual women like real men do! >Wait, what the fuck is this talk about patriarchy and female liberation? Get out of here you stupid feminazi, didn't you guys advocate for empowering prostitution bullshit and trannies in the first place?>…so as you can see, even women agree with our views so vote us! No. 12479
>>12472name one radfem or any feminist who argued for what you stated on a rw talk show, just look at the dworkin interview and also vidrel, Julia Beck on Tucker Carlson, she firmly states her views and identity as a lesbian radical feminist, she's using carlson for platform and nothing else
there is noting wrong with that, she's not allying him, she's just being pragmatic
No. 12480
>>12479nta but im pretty firm in my belief using right wing platforms just to get your message out is pathetic and very desperate and it just attracted tradwives which polluted the movement. at the end of the day none watching this genuinely care about women's rights they're just excited to have another group to rage about trannies with. the feminists themselves may have excellent talking points and insist she's not his ally, but the above still happens.
that's why it was always best to make our own sites and keep firm with our beliefs on other sites despite bans. people will get curious and snoop, but if you have conservative tards shitting up our sites they'll just be reaffirmed in their beliefs that the radfem/gc movement is nothing but a bunch of rightwingers. thats why i roll my eyes whenever someone cries about how other people see them as far right, well. you're aligning with them to an extent, tf do you expect? they just don't think it through. they're so desperate to ~get the message out~ that they don't think about the consequences. they have 0 knowledge on how your average person behaves and acts shocked when they meet hostility.
there are too many followers desperately trying to be leaders in this movement which is so frustrating. like a
nonnie itt said this is supposed to be a community.
No. 12484
>>12437If you don't talk to people who disagree with you, how can you change their minds? Reaching out to a new audience who may not be aware that a certain view point exists or that there are other people that think like that is common sense.
>>12479Right wing platforms are at least prepared to host radfems and give them a chance to state their views, where as the left will not tolerate anyone that won't suck the tranny dick. That is the probably the reason why more feminists are appearing in right wing media not that radfems themselves are becoming right wing.
No. 12490
>>12486>literally teaming up with right wing peopleIt's called pragmatism or realpolitik. Agreeing with one group of people doesn't mean you have to agree with them on everything. Some radfems view transgenderism as such a threat to women that they are prepared to work with the right to stop it because they are aware that it's not something they can do alone.
>reaching out to normie centrist womenWho do you think is watching mainstream right leaning news channels? Very few people bother to watch CNN or engage with other left leaning news outlets other than those that already consider themselves on the left.
>Men will not give a shit about youObviously, although I would hold men on both sides in equal contempt. Having radfem views broadcast on a right leaning news network has the potential to reach women that have lived in conservative communities all there lives and aren't aware that there is other forms of feminism outside of liberal feminism and that there is greater choice in how they can live their lives.
No. 12492
>>12490>It's called pragmatism or realpolitik. Agreeing with one group of people doesn't mean you have to agree with them on everything.Funny how this only works with conservatives, not liberal feminists. You agree with libfems about everything else but trannies and possibly sex work, yet choose to align with right wingers who you disagree on everything
but the trans question (and even that for different reasons), and who are also knowingly exploiting you to incite more hate against SSA people and women. But that's ~pragmatism~ I guess!
>Very few people bother to watch CNN or engage with other left leaning news outlets other than those that already consider themselves on the left.Spend less time on the internet if you think this. Seriously. Besides, aligning with right wingers isn't the same as going on a news cast on a news channel and giving an interview because plenty of left leaning people regardless of their politics do that all the time because news are news, the context here is fraternizing with openly conservative people doing right wing activism such as youtube shows, podcasts, blogging and so forth. Most people these days get their news from social media and that's also where the political battle field is, not some boomer cable channel network.
>Having radfem views broadcast on a right leaning news network has the potential to reach women that have lived in conservative communities all there livesYeah how did that work out again? A ton of mormon soccer moms on ovarit talking about pregnancy being the prime female purpose, bitching about GNC people and calling themselves "gendercritical feminists" when they're just plain old homophobes. Great allies. If a conservative woman was to actually denounce her views (as in honestly adopt feminist views and gain self respect) she's way more likely to turn to mainstream feminism because it's way more inclusive and accessible, even if it is to a fault.
No. 12532
>>12520>Literally contemplating going back to calling myself nonbinary againWhy would you willingly choose to portray delusion just to be be Not Like Other Girlbosses, that sounds like a dumb teenage reaction. Just accept that women are people, and some people are stupid. You do not have to choose to be one of these 2 extreme groups.
When it comes to bullying they/thems do a whole lot more of it anyway, and they at large advocate for females to have their breasts amputated to look male, because they think male is more neutral, even if said female is 12.
No. 12558
>>12531>caring about "winning" Kek
Even if someone buys her books, then what? Do you know how many people on Earth own the bible? How many of them actually follows Jesus Christ's teachings?
No. 12568
>>11486this is a good post
i was a radfem for years and was very active in the community, even went to several irl meetups. ultimately i grew disenchanted with the whole thing when i realized that most so called radfems don’t do anything irl or actually help other women, they just criticize them for not meeting their standards. they dehumanize women they deem cum guzzlers or pickmes or boymoms (not that these things are above criticism but) they talk about women they don’t like as if they’re moids and use incel lingo. criticizing things like marriage and motherhood is important because they can be harmful systemically, but radfems take it to the extreme of “a woman who chooses to get pregnant is a cum guzzling whore who sets back other women and should die” which is literally just misogyny repackaged to be “feminist.”
online, i knew radfems who called themselves lesbians and then got boyfriends six months later, many big radfem accounts got exposed for being racist, homophobic, or actual nazis, and radfem discord servers always end up having a ton of drama. i think many “radfems” genuinely don’t like other women that much, just want the sense of moral superiority and like finding things to get mad about. not all radfems are like this, but a lot of the community is way more interested in acting like a cliquey mean girl than doing feminist activism.
No. 12583
>>12531You even admit yourself that she's not a radfem, she's sitting there agreeing with this retarded internet daddy that women are at fault for experimenting with their sexuality and "succumbing to hedonism" while Peterson is calling the girls on onlyfans "parasites" and "human machine hybrids" and blames rape
victims for getting drunk and being abused. Her message isn't even based on radfem principles but a very mundane trad-teetering one which essentially converts to "women should remain pure and abstinent" and "stop simping for thots!" in the context of right wing listeners, something that they already preach to each other. So what's your point? She's not talking about women being systematically subdued or porn being
abusive to women or men being rapists by nature but only that women are memed into being raped by the sexual liberation culture, a
valid point but never does she address the issue of male sexuality being inherently dangerous to women or that women should be able to enjoy sex. If she did that, they would paint her as an evil feminazi and refuse to collaborate with her because they wouldn't be able to co-opt the message into one digestible to conservatives i.e. "women should stop being whores and make some babies, leftwingers are rotting our society with sexual degeneracy".
This video actually perfectly exhibits why collaborating with right wingers will never work and will only damage your cause. They will only cherrypick all the ideas that radfems and other women sharing some of their thoughts when they can use it against mainstream feminist views. They will take all your
valid observations and use them against liberal feminists AND women as a class, including you. See
>>12472 .
No. 12586
>>12558Its not about winning, its about establishing your will
you either appeal to the majority or the rich and strong
No. 12628
>>12568I think an issue with the current radfem community is that it's been diluted by former SJW types. The behaviour towards others is exactly the same only now it's for a different cause.
Tinfoil but the elites seem to use these people to destroy any movement they see as a threat because normal people find them so repulsive. They did it to the occupy movement, they did it during gamergate and the 2016 election, they did it to BLM and now they're doing it to radical feminism.
No. 12639
I like a lot of radfem ideas but I won't call myself one because the term basically means extremely online losers. I hate how much of it is centered on men and trans issues. Males are dangerous but it goes straight into fear-mongering at some points. No, not all men want to rape any child they can see, and if you don't realize that, you're fucked in the head. It's the same shit from the gendies as "every cis will murder you if you give them the chance," you're taking vulnerable people and telling them half the world literally would rape them if they were alone in an elevator? It's one thing to raise awareness of male violence and another to freak people out about being near men ever.
My interest in trans issues only relates to stopping the eradication of the idea of single-sex spaces, stopping the sexist ideas that are used to explain transition, and in reminding people that sex is relevant in society and you have to take it into consideration, like it or not. If some adult transitions for whatever reason but doesn't pretend to have changed sex and doesn't go around saying sexist shit about how estrogen makes them a bimbo or testo makes them stem geniuses, I don't care, I put that in the same category as other body mod people. The genie's out of the bottle and trans shit is going to continue existing whether we like it or not. So long as I can keep joining female-only groups and so long as a "trans man" recognizes they are female and vice versa and doesn't say sexist shit? This world has always had weirdos in it, and sex dysphoria is a weird condition and I think some people are always going to want to resort to trying to live as another sex. I believe we can come to a compromise that lets them live their lives without having to go head-on into gendershit.
But if you say this in a radfem or gc space, or even suggest a compromise at all, you're basically a handmaiden. It's the same extremist shit as suggesting compromises to gendies and getting called a terf. There's a complete and utter lack of realism on both sides and this idealist notion that everyone is going to be pro/anti-trans and you will never have to deal with anyone you don't like again. Real life is about compromise and negotiation. I left both the sjws and the gcs because each one seems bent on utterly destroying any trace of the enemies and 0 intention on getting to a serious negotiation phase where everyone involved can move on with their lives.
No. 12654
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One of things I have always disagreed with radical feminism is the fact that trying to look at humanity in terms of Oppressors–oppressed distinction (as defines by university pseudo-intellectuals from 1970's America) is moronic
For them it makes no sense for people to help people regardless of sex, picrel is a man who is in prison in Afghanistan for trying to provide education for girls, he had no reason for this, he gained nothing other then that he thought it was right. that's just how people are
I think people should recognize that the vast majority of post-marxist "intellectuals"(including most radfem theroists) have always been pseudo-intellectuals that don't live in reality. Which is why most people in higher education can only regurgitate what they have been told by "intellectuals".
No. 12737
>>12698Just because tradfem women infiltrated radfem spaces due to it being the only group of women outside of themselves to be anti-TRA logic / anti-sex work doesn't mean they should be the representation of radfems. Their reasoning for their contempt isn't at all aligned with radical feminism, even if they call themselves terfs.
Terf is such a meme title to apply to oneself these days anyways, I see other women using it to describe males, which is even more retarded because men can't be radical feminists. I'm seeing this a lot in this thread, conflating radical feminism with the tradfems muddling up the ideals of radical feminism. I have my issues with the community too, but I think we shouldn't lump the trads in with it because they shouldn't be there in the first place.
No. 12738
>>12735Due to the new popularity of the term
TERF (thanks to J.K. Rowling and the backlash against her) the term “radfem” has lost all meaning on its own and people use it to mean anyone who hates trannies. Wether or not they are a feminist is irrelevant because culture at large doesn’t give a shit about radical feminism. You don’t even have to be a feminist to be a
terf nowadays, you just have to be the TE part
No. 12743
>>12734you are displaying typical tranny logic
No. 12744
>>12737Nta but I wonder if "real" radfems even exist. Most of them (even the famous ones like Dworkin) are either:
>anti-choice trads>hypocritical i.e. married with kids (but not full on trad)>some kind of /pol/ and radfem hybrid>self-aware tranniesI know about Korean radfems but outside of that?
No. 12745
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>read anti porn books and follow blogs discussing how harmful it is to society and women
>read anti sex work discussions and talk to prostitutes who are/were in it and why they were in it
>support the nordic model because it seems like the best method now
>always have been critical of the trans movement but now i have legit arguments available on why i didn't like it but didn't have the words for why
>am more sympathetic to TIFs but i avoid TIMs and write them off as degenerates
>critical of the beauty industry and am gnc myself
>do my best to uplift other women when i can, helped an ex sex worker seek rent assistance programs because thats the reason why she went into it in the first place
>befriend other women in stem programs so we have a tight circle to support eachother
>basically im trying
>mfw a radfem tells me i'm not a real radfem and don't call myself a radfem because i have a husband
Do these women actually want change or do they get off on being 'enlightened' ?
No. 12749
>>12745You perfectly illustrated one of my main issues with the radfem movement.
I really hate how a lot of radfems are so incredibly autistic about "misandry"/separatism, like it's all women's liberation should be about. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not a "b-but not all men" type of handmaiden. I completely understand the logic behind separatism and trying to avoid men as much as possible, but I just personally don't think it's a sustainable solution. And most importantly, hating/avoiding men doesn't mean shit if you don't do anything to help other women and/or still cultivate internalized misogyny (by wearing make-up or degrading other women for example).
There are plenty of straight, married women who contribute to the cause and uplift other women much better than all those pure separatists, who usually do nothing more than screeching on the internet about how "enlightened" they are.
No. 12750
>>12745Armchair activism sucks, which is my problem with the community. So many larpers who talk about "kill all men" who probably don't even know any form of self-defense. Which is where the fearmongering comes in because the idea that every single moid is gonna come and rape you if you simply walk outside by yourself is a retard logic, and I've seen that rhetoric too many times for it not be something I think should be criticized. Being aware of your surroundings and being prepared for the worst case scenario is always better than shoveling scare tactics down everyone else's throats.
If you're a woman who helps uplifts other women by actual activism, you're a 100 times more imperative to the cause of women's liberation vs. any unhinged crazed schizo sitting behind her phone or computer and slinging misogynistic slurs around
No. 12757
>>12737“they’re not real radfems, they just hang around the community” doesn’t hold up because the radfem community isn’t trying to push these people out, they tolerate and encourage them. and this is from someone who spent years in the community. obviously this is a generalization and not all do this, but it’s a pattern of behavior that shouldn’t be ignored. for the most part, the “real radfems” are more than happy to platform trads and misogynistic men if they say things about trannies that they agree with. the definition of
terf has gotten watered down so much partly because radfems don’t gatekeep their spaces at all and let anyone be associated with them. actual, non-trad radfems were following and praising fucking matt walsh last year.
>>12744i think “real radfems” do exist and a lot of them lean towards lesbian separatism, but they’re either off in their own niche or they end up supporting/rubbing shoulders with the other types you listed bc they agree on some things
No. 12761
>>12749>I'm not a "b-but not all men" type of handmaidenBut you are if you think your Nigel is an exception to the rule. Doubly so if you defend deleterious patriachical institutions like marriage. This is why I, and many think only lesbians and perhaps a few women who are willing to free themselves from patriarchal enslavement are the only ones capable of truly critiquing patriachical facets of society honestly.
Don't get me wrong I despise the logic of accusing other women as not being radfem because xyz, this line of thought turns into a endless no true Scotsman, but you have to be blind death and dumb to not see that marriage; a patriachical institution, perhaps the most known in the western world which is designed historically and still to this day to sell off women as bargaining chips for their bodies and reproductive capacities as perfect undamaged goods for ideal ownership for moids and in turn, turn women into broodmares is a massive contradiction to feminist, indeed radfem ideology.
No. 12762
>>12761kek this is so pretentious
nonnie. are you saying het women possess no self awareness whatsoever? that anon didn't even mention her Nigel if she has one and I like how you ignored the rest of her comment. your response just sounds like one massive superiority complex hidden under politics. this movement is such a joke
No. 12763
I read this thread and keep thinking "I don't get it". My radfem circles are all social media groups in my native language, the administrators there mostly translate posts from tumblr, sometimes articles or videos, and then women discuss them in the comments. Things here are quite different from what you are describing, these groups have strict commenting rules and ban policies. So, it's common when under a post about criticizing adaptive preferences some lady says things like: "The patriarchy hates me when I don't use makeup, and feminists hate me when I do", and the more experienced users keep explaining that "we're criticizing the tools of the patriarchy, not the women who use them". Basically in these places it is required to understand the theory and to not trash other women.
Many of the "toxic radfems" described in this thread strike me as confused women who are not very familiar with radical theory. I always thought that the main point of radical feminism was to care for all women, regardless of who they are and what they are believing, because you know from the theory why they are behaving like this and therefore you don't judge them. It takes a lot of work for a feminist to really understand how the world works, and I think the people described here just haven't gotten to that point yet. Maybe they never will. I mostly focus on women who are already committed enough and know their stuff and stay chill around those who don't.
Anyways, your world is very different from mine, I just wanted to let you know about that.
No. 12785
>>12762What's remotely superiority complex related about questioning patriarchal institutions? We're all aware that they exist as women, I'm not talking down to anyone. I'm not telling you anything new. The Nigel comment was directed towards
>>12745 anon, quite clearly.
>>12779I'm baffled by this response as you seem to have a inherent disgust about marriage voiced in that you consider it a mistake and no woman perfect for entertaining it but backpedal to insulting other randoms bizarrely despite agreeing with them on this assertion. The rest of the post is schizo rambling about how some imaginary people are forcing you to get divorced for a cult, which yes I agree is fucking retarded.
No. 12794
>>12761I mean obviously all men are misogynistic to some extent, because all men have been socialized within patriarchal societal norms. I am well aware that there are no exceptions to this rule. It just doesn't mean moids are inherently evil and the only solution is to avoid them at all cost, at least in my humble opinion. Feel free to disagree with this take.
Surely not being sexually/romantically involved with men allows you to take a step back from their retarded misogynistic expectations and be "free" in a way. It may give you a better perspective on certain aspects, but who tf are you to say you're the only group of women that's able to critique patriarchy ? I get your logic, but it's extremely pretentious. Also, marriage does have obviously misogynistic roots, but it's not what it used to be. Most people nowadays just see it as nothing more than a formality to make a relationship official and get some financial advantages. I still think it's retarded, but it's perfectly possible to be married while being aware that (especially religious) marriage has been widely used against women.
No. 12819
>>12808how the hell is she tradfem now? Because she now is into spirituality or astrology that makes her tard? This is exactly why people are leaving this movement.
I hate that you made me defend her.
No. 12820
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>>12808>>12819you can see her progress in real time with the favorite section on goodreads.
this might be an unpopular opinion but this is why I reject any radfem who engages in spiritualism in the slightest, cause this is how it always ends up for them.
No. 12821
>>12820oh i didn't follow her enough to know about the goodreads, i just see that her videos are harmless.
And maybe the reason for that is because i am already used to detrans and radfem to trad women with even crazier right-wing and more extreme views than this.
What is it about radical feminism where so many of the women who join end up conservatives or tradthots. Not going to lie i feel happy that i did not fall into the trad rabbit hole and left radfeminism when it started to get weird.
I think a big part of the reason for this is the cultish behavior of radfeminism and the autistic rules that they set on other women so then it becomes easier for women to join another cult-like movement such as right-wing/nazi sympathizing or trad-spirituality because they have already been groomed into that way of thinking by the radfem movement they were in.
No. 12836
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>>12821In Germany, there was a phenomenon till the late 2000's, where some young people switched between various extremist ideologies such as communism or fascism. While primarily young men took part in the phenomenon, women also participated. you could find Neo-Nazi women who were former women's studies majors. many young people, who may be struggling to find their identity and sense of belonging, seek out perceived extremist groups as a way to rebel or engage in petty acts of aggression.
No. 12842
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>>12836Today I watched a documentary with a guy who was an ex-nazi talk about exactly what you mentioned in your post. I hate nazis and I don't know if they deserve redemption but this was an interesting watch nonetheless. This guy now works to help vulnerable people who could be
victim to radicalized groups get a better life than just plain hatred. I'm not sure who this guy is or does besides what he said in the video, but what he says definitely made me think a bit. Here it is as a webm. Tried to fit in what I could. Part 1
I just hate all kinds of radicalized groups. I wish people didn't fall for them all the time.
No. 12919
>>12895Man, nobody wants to focus on trannies. It's fucking INSANE that we have to spend even an ounce of time, effort or thought on convincing other people that biological sex is real and exists. It's entirely possible the whole phenomena was devised specifically to waste our time and distract feminists from important work that would materially help and liberate women.
But realistically wtf other choice do we have? SOMEONE has to fight it, they're so efficient at silencing any dissent on all platforms, they somehow have massive influence over politicians and corporations, even if they are a tiny minority they are bizarrely powerful. And real women are indeed being affected whether it's by men being in their bathrooms and change rooms or women being pushed out of sports or trans widows dealing with their AGP husbands or kids being harmed by surgery or medicine. I don't blame you for being done with it but it's obvious why so many of us are seething.
No. 12922
>>12919No one irl talks about trannies because most women have bigger issues, 1/3 girls get sexually harassed before they reach the age of 18 and sexual harassment against women is still common in workplaces and colleges alike so women in these situations, especially if there arent trannies around them, won't talk about tranny issues.
Hating trannies doesn't make you a radfem or a feminist, it makes you a normal person.
No. 12931
>>12895I really lost hope after seeing so many "radfems" contemplate on voting/supporting conservative right wing candidates over people actually looking to improve and guard female rights BUT were accepting of trannies. Fuck, imagine being so obsessed with a niche group of people that you would rather go scorched earth and destroy everything women have just to own the troons. I get being concerned over how normalizing tranny shit hurts people but honestly like 90% of all normies think ignoring or denying biological sex is crazy and simply go by the "live and let live" idea. Most trans people are pretty harmless in the end and the major issue to me is transing kids who have no real autonomy over their decisions, not some adult doing whatever.
>>12922This. My major problems are the trauma of being sexually harassed, living with the fear of being raped stuck in the back of my head and having my career hindered by my birth sex. I have no energy to be outraged over some programming sock wearing pervert who never exits his basement anyway.
No. 13010
>>12961The only 'radfem' who calls women cockbreaths on lc was revealed to be the tranny trying to start infighting. Mods did post history reveal. That being said, recognising women who throw women under the bus to serve men is not the same even if you interpret it as such.
>>12895This whole thread just feels like bait kek. Probably the troon who tried to post the same thing and psyop anons into agreeing that trannies aren't that bad and when called out immediately started posting white women fuck dogs memes because of incel-to-trans pipeline.
>>12954Trannies put women at greater risk of rape and allow sexism to be reintroduced into laws and society. Everything embraced in the west trickles down because of popularising it, just look at Japan. It's slower in some places, but ends up affecting everyone everywhere. It's like pretending the actions of retard world powers don't affect the smaller countries, a delusional assertion.
>>12928Nta but this is pretty dumb considering other anons who aren't radfems seethe in the radfem threads. Lots of posts here are from posters who sperg out in those threads, them come here to cope. This is also the feminism board.
Never forget paki-chan made the anti-radfem threads because people called her retarded for thinking Christian men were somehow less misogynistic, even in the medieval period (mega kek) than modern Pakistan because the bible preaches equality (it doesn't).
No. 13018
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From what I understand radical feminism like most post-Marxist strains, simplifies complex systems by reducing them to a supposed political essence. by teaching Women that politics is "essentially sexual" and that "even the so-called democracies" are "male hegemonies" so there was no point in trying to improve the system through actual politics and spawning an excesses of women's studies departments to replicate its own exitance, radical feminism shifted feminism's focus from material realities to an ideology that rejected empirical and source-based approaches to writing history and sociology, advocating for a feminist turn towards postmodernism.
No. 13020
>>10933>>10881>>10944Yeah, lot's of people aren't even posting about being ex-radfem and are just reeing about radfems in general (or anyone they label as radfem without actually knowing if they are since this is an anonymous imageboard populated by many people, and recognising biological sex and that men aren't women because they say so isn't the same as being a radfem, but they're newfags who heard this was a radfem website since anons don't have to play the pronoun game/heard from trannies online seething about the sites existence) and were just normie libfems upset at it being pointed out that wearing makeup isn't feminist (neutral at best), that being pro-troon or pro-sex work is anti-women and feeling guilty/upset at being recognised as being on the 'wrong side of history', thinks feminism means just being nice to women no matter how evil and therefore hating women who hate women is bad and not truly feminist (not just about women deserving rights/protections from violent men who largely control society), or shriek at the idea of female separatism since it makes the scrotes around them they want to cater to with the whole 'I'm an equalist not feminist, men and women can work together and pandering to men enough will lead to them accepting us' schtick chimpout. Not shocking how a good discussion thread has devolved. I think they just think 'radical' = 'extreme', and not 'root' kek.
>>10928The pakistani poster kept creating threads when they didn't get replies agreeing with them.
>>11482We got lots of newfag posters from being recognised online. The new posters both want to be asshole gossips on the internet but also want to cape for troons like the 'edgy' youtubers who claim to be anti-sjw and make jokes about women belonging in the kitchen but then also ree about pronouns and not being a bigot.
No. 13022
>>13020This is some full on projection and cope blogging my sister. The anons in these threads aren't saying shit like "biological sex isn't real" or any of those boogeyman thoughts but complaining about radfem communities turning into puritan breeding grounds filled with wrongthink policing, loss of nuance and extremist views just like the libfems they hate so much. What's being said for example above is that the hyperfixation on trannies attracted conservatives, tradthots and overall homophobic people and radfems welcomed them with open arms because they were considered "allies" while harboring a seething hate for every single feminist woman who disagrees with the trans issue, so all other female and homosexual rights were trampled all over. That's a very
valid complaint and common enough to be observed across the board and if you're personally offended over that then I think you have some reflection to do.
No. 13024
>>13022Except this isn't true and you are just claiming it when anyone can see otherwise in our own radfem or whatever retard label threads. This can be even observed by reading the
terf threads here like you seem to think people can't just see and will believe whatever lie you post? Any time something 'tradfaggy' gets posted it gets shit on. Also, trannies and embracing them and not caring about how they affect society is homophobic ironically while you try and claim focusing on the harm of trans issues is homophobic. Yeah, conversion therapy and saying women wanting to have sex sans penis s '
problematic/transphobic' totally isn't homophobic. Do you think straight men harassing lesbians are sad gay bois we need to feel bad for? Sorry the movement you support is peaking so many people because it is filled with MRAs who ree about terfs like they used to ree about 'feminazis', supports sexist gender role bullshit, and the incel-to-trans pipeline is becoming more and more obvious.
No. 13026
>>12735As this anon said
>>12738 this whole thread is just reeing about hating anyone who doesn't believe in trans bullshit and claiming they are rf, from conservatives to your standard libfem who isn't 100% a tra kek.
No. 13031
>>13010how about you go and check the blackpill thread right now and see what positive image they have over there about women also we're not just talking about this site but radfem spaces in general. at radblr they used to call women dickhoppers at ease. you don't get to lie to me that this shit and other bullshit isn't happening, i've been following radfem online discourse when it was mostly at blogspot blogs, when the term
terf hasn't even been invented yet, i have seen a change with what kind of mentally ill puritan and deranged women these communities are filled with nowadays.
No. 13047
>>13041>radfem aligned websites>assumes all posters are radfemsProving
>>13020 the point that posters reeing about radfems do not know what a radfem or lolcow is and assume everyone they disagree with is a radfem. It is just an imageboard where only women are allowed to post and you don't have to pretend men are women, not a 'radfem aligned' or feminist website kek.
>>13018>complains radfems are against material reality>thread posters reeing about troons aka people against material reality aren't a problem…
No. 13048
>>13045>My ideologyNot even a radfem, just hate seeing the obvious lies and chimping out about other posters, and again just proving
>>13020 labelling anyone who points out the obvious strawmaning as a 'radfem'. Anons in this thread just mean poster they are infighting with when they say 'radfem' kek. And the samefagging is also pretty obvious.
>rigid ideologyYes, ideologies must have rules and you can't call yourself something without imbodying those rules kek. You must be one of the posters seething that they were totes a radfem but didn't actually follow any of the ideology and just called themselves that to fit in. Literally just seething about not being in the perceived 'cool kids' club on an imageboard.
No. 13050
>>13048>>13047Samefagging for what reason
nonny… If you're not a radfem why are you so pressed. Seriously you're infighting for no reason then. If you're not a radfem why are you even angry kek
(samefagging, multiple replies to the same post) No. 13051
>>13049>a lot of posters are radfemsNot everyone, so labelling every random asshole you disagree with a radfem is disingenuous and very obviously politically motivated.
And that reply time makes it obvious you are camping the thread to infight. Probably is just one person constantly bumping it to infight about the meanie radfems like the scrote did in the pinkpill thread.
No. 13054
>>13049>well some anons are but not allNot all, exactly. And it is not a feminist website, nowhere in the rules does it specify feminist discussion only, we have it because feminism involves women. That does not mean this is what the website is for.
>>13052>>13050Like I said, just hate the lies. Not being a radfem doesn't mean I hate them or disagree with them. You can sympathise with some points without agreeing with others. And if you hate them, doesn't mean you are antifeminist or tra since according to you since you think being against something = being on the opposite side and not neutral.
>>13052>samefagging>bumping thread>immediate replying >camping thread>>10944 is right, it's just a tradfag or the troon (he did the same thing in ot once). Also, saying
nonny doesn't help you blend in. If every post must be accepted as fact you must accept that I am not a radfem. Otherwise, if you can speculate on my status as not a radfem, how can other anons not speculate on the other assertions that have no proof on here like
>>12102 does, like your retarded claim of being pro-child abuse (not that the post you refer to
>>11527 is even child abuse, words aren't violence and it's pretty disingenuous and disgusting to try and conflate the two).
No. 13084
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holy kek this thread lit up like a christmas tree
No. 13124
>>13031Yeah this type of gaslighting is another reason why I've walked away from the community. you aren't allowed to criticize it at all without being accused of being a man or again..a fake radfem! am
>>12745 sitting here with my xx chromosomes and everything rolling my eyes at some women coping hard. acting like this movement doesn't have growing problems.
No. 14179
I flirted with radfem shortly after my "peak trans" but it didn't last long.
It is a cult just like trannies: you must worship the matriarchal goddess, break your makeup, divorce your husband, abort baby boys, kill male animals (they are also psychopathic rapists), cry "look what they took from us" whenever womyn’s land and lesbian bars are mentioned, etc. If you don't do this, you are not a true radfem™.
But the radfems who reduce their separatism to just “don’t date scrotes" irritate me even more, since the “radfems” (sic) in my country usually are just edgy lesbians without any actual activism and are just dedicated to cyberbullying bis and troons (including teenagers) but at the same time they are always sucking the metaphorical dick of gay scrotes because "t-they understand our pain!".
Also, most of the harassment and misogyny I’ve experienced was in academic and work environments, so, I feel annoyed that having a nigel is such a taboo in radfem niche worldwide but everyone is all for "more women in (insert area dominated by some of the worst kind of scrotes here)”.
No. 14309
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I agree with the vast majority of radfem beliefs but I'm getting kind of tired of associating with the label of it when most of the people following it are just as retarded and inconsistent as trannies and TRAs. They also have absolutely no responsibility for themselves but hold other women to insane standards that they can't even follow themselves. I think the movement, principles and beliefs themselves are very well-founded and make sense when it comes to how disgusting males are, but it's exhausting seeing women point out other women who slip up yet when they do it it's suddenly fine because uh well actually it's patriarchy I was brainwashed I'm the victim. I cba with it. I wonder if it's just a natural part of what happens when good movements gain traction on social media and now any old retard who doesn't know how to take responsibility wants to preach about stuff - like if you're doing something that's against radfem at least own it and say it with your chest, stop trying to warp standards to suit yourself. I don't give a fuck if you're a boymom but stop calling him radfembaby, stop trying to shoehorn every shitty choice you make into the movement then play victim, how are you going to achieve any sort of liberation when you can't even own your stupid choices and accept them then expect everyone else to also look at you like you're a victim?
I saw this shit every day on radtwt (which I guess isn't surprising) but the thing that actually turned me off and distanced me from much of this was the Lisa Michele situation. She's a relatively wealthy 40-something year old Youtuber who claims to be a radfem and it was through her and RR videos that I first got introduced to these beliefs. Then I find out that allegedly KC was sexually harassing her and being a creep - how fucked up. Then I actually see the screenshots that she's posted and, yes while he's being a creep, she was also knowingly fucking around and flirting with an engaged moid and now she wants to play the victim when things are exposed. She's made countless posts about how much this thing upsets her and how much she is "emotionally abused" like girl you had every fucking chance to log off and stop messaging him but you didn't because you loved the attention. You also didn't offer an inch of sympathy towards his fiance…so much for female solidarity? So much for uplifting women when you can't even publicly address or apologise for choosing to hurt another woman? You couldn't even make a little post or try to get in touch with her and apologise woman to woman, even if she didn't respond to you? You make countless videos about this shit yet can't even hold accountability when you refuse to apply it to your life. It's all "pro-woman" until the radfem is personally inconvenienced by it or exposed for doing something wrong and then suddenly they're the victim. I've seen it so many times and I hate it. I still want to practice the beliefs but I'm getting more blackpilled by the day and I'm starting to understand why BPers are like that, for the most part. I think the best thing for any woman who wants to practice that stuff irl is to just stay away from any online figures or communities because that shit will make you blackpill faster than you think and you won't even want to be associated with the movement that much anymore.
No. 14374
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>>14309She’s becoming a straight up joke
No. 14384
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>>14382I'm not coming down on Exulansic's side and feel that "trashing" somewhat aware women (and women in general) is poor form but fuck's sake.
was L.M. aware the male was engaged to a woman? her explanation in pic related is just kind of pitiful. he was behind a screen, geographically at a distance away from her. just… turn off the computer. not to be a clit but this reads "it was exciting to me to have an engaged male flirt with me/pay me attention but I am attempting to dodge that publicly."
No. 14388
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>>14381>>14382>she was a WGTOW/separatist… so why did she even bother with him? is she simply het./bi.I once read the autobiography of Rita Mae Brown, a feminist writer and lesbian activist. She was also a member of the radical feminist separatist group, "The Furies."
I was hoping for an empowering feminist narrative, but instead I found a portrayal of privileged women, most of whom were either straight or bisexual. including Rita herself who was a lesbian out of her political beliefs. In the book, these radical lesbians frequently engaged in petty personal drama with each other, such as arguments about chores or minor relationships, and would secretly sneak off to have sex with men.
So I guess this an issue that goes back ages.
No. 14389
>>14179While radfems are anti-makeup etc I have never seen them write or say things like abort baby boys and kill male animals. In fact they tend to be very strongly anti-violence to the point of being naive. That's my impression of Western radfems after spending a lot of time reading their works and engaging with thme online, I don't know which country you live in though.
Personally I don't call myself radfem because I'm too pro violence against scrotes and pro-makeup and such shit.
No. 14397
>>14395>>14393Once there was an inspiring tale that I heard a while ago by a Lebanese Socialist. It was about a solitary man who arrived in a city and started speaking about his vision to make the world a better place. Undeterred by the initial lack of audience, he continued preaching his message every day. In the beginning, he was able to gain many followers, some of whom promised to fight alongside him. However, as time passed, people lost interest in his cause as long as their own lives were comfortable. Despite this, the man persevered even as he aged and nobody stopped to listen to him. One day, a young child approached him and asked him why he continued to preach despite nobody listening. The man replied that though he started out thinking he could change everyone, he soon realized it was a hopeless dream. However, he would not give up preaching and fighting because he had gambled his entire life on his vision, and starting now would mean it was all just one big lie.
Right now, this is the situation that most of these women are facing
No. 14403
>>14374AYRT, "Most of them" is literally so self-pitying I can't even comprehend it. What's the point in being a radfem if you think most women are just terrible creatures? I feel like she rarely goes outside honestly, most women may be complicit but they are not actively terrible like moids are. She's just so spineless, one inch of criticism from an incident that she
chose to pursue and
chose to make public and now she thinks most women are terrible. It's honestly so cringe seeing this behaviour from a 40-something year old woman. She couldn't even have the guts to name Exulansic or talk directly to her/about her about the yogurt video thing. If most women are terrible that includes you too Lisa because you willingly hurt another woman and can't even communicate with other women directly.
>>14381She's het and she said she was "charmed" by him. The thing is, I'm osa too and I get it but we can't make excuses for it - sometimes a man comes along and says the right things to you and you enjoy the attention. That's literally it, as an adult you need to accept the facts and move on. She chose to interact with him because she was enjoying that attention, and she should have just said this from the start instead of trying to act as if he was some evil mastermind who cast a seduction spell upon her. This was all
entirely online so it's not like there was anything personal or irl-related to lose from just blocking him and stopping contact.
>>14384KEK yeah she was totally aware, you can find KC and his gf's travelling youtube channel very easily too. It wasn't some massive secret or hidden thing. In the first stream she did I watched all of it and she even admitted that she was involved in another affair years ago (like she was messing around with a married/engaged man) because someone in the comments section mentioned it. She just had a little chuckle about it then didn't even address that, then moved on to playing
victim again. This is what irritates me the most and caused me to stop supporting her because I was slowly clocking that she's held absolutely
no accountability for the fact that she hurt KC's girlfriend - who is the only innocent woman in this scenario and deserves far better than this mess.
And comparing it to what Paris and Britney went through…girl stfu, they were relentlessly hounded and harassed for years and all you've done is willingly choose to fuck around with a scrote who's already in a relationship. "I flirted but that was grooming and manipulation" no one forced you to send those saucy Snapchats sis, no one groomed you to send those messages on Discord. You're a whole adult and knew fine well what you were doing. That entire post is a complete mess and of course she deletes the comments that offer even a hint of mild criticism or disagreement.
No. 14408
>>14380Based, ily
>>14381Lisa engaged with him fully of her own will, straight up sought him out. She watched his streams and became a regular and fang irked over him until she became a mod. Then
she said he was her “favorite parasocial relationship” and I believe also was the one to propose streaming together. Pathetic.
No. 14415
>>14403>bragged about another affair years agoOh wow, imagine calling yourself a radfem yet flirting with or sleeping with men who are in relationships. A homewrecker radfem
This is why I can't take radfems seriously, too many stupid pickmes in that community who only care about spreading theory meanwhile they don't care about action or changing their actions.
No. 14419
>>14403>She's het and she said she was "charmed" by him.I only saw a snippet of a video of the male describing how he ingested (licked) the little pot of yogurt but he seemed to have absolutely zero charisma, how the fuck did he charm her…
>She chose to interact with him because she was enjoying that attention, and she should have just said this from the start instead of trying to act as if he was some evil mastermind who cast a seduction spell upon her. This was all entirely online so it's not like there was anything personal or irl-related to lose from just blocking him and stopping contact.>she was totally aware, you can find KC and his gf's travelling youtube channel very easily too. It wasn't some massive secret or hidden thing.>she even admitted that she was involved in another affair years ago (like she was messing around with a married/engaged man)it just gets worse the more of your post that I read, fucking hell. this is embarrassing for this woman.
>she was involved in another affair years ago (like she was messing around with a married/engaged man) because someone in the comments section mentioned itthis detail here - who was the one that knew this information about L.M. though? seems strange for someone to know of this unless L.M. has mentioned this fact publicly before.
>I was slowly clocking that she's held absolutely no accountability for the fact that she hurt KC's girlfriend - who is the only innocent woman in this scenario and deserves far better than this mess.I'm cringing.
>And comparing it to what Paris and Britney went through…?????
>"I flirted but that was grooming and manipulation"she is around 35-45 years old, right? not like she's 15-20 and naive.
>no one forced you to send those saucy Snapchats WHAT THE FUCK!
No. 14424
I think Lisa Michele’s stream just got bombed by the same commenters who bombed KC’s stream yesterday with yogurt jokes. It seems LM cancelled the stream about 15 minutes in while KC’s is still up. I wonder if they are kiwi farmers or exulansic viewers?
>>14418Holy shit, I just went to find it to link but I think she may have privated it. Yeah, Lisa Michele hosted a livestream where the topic was abuse and power or maybe it was just plain about the trial, I can’t exactly remember. Lisa Michele acted like she was “neutral” but spent the whole stream caping for Johnny. She said stuff like that the abuse
victims are always thought of as crazy and lash out with stuff like the slamming cabinets things Johnny did. When commenters pointed out that men always lash out like violent manchildren so that logic doesn’t apply, that Depp has a history of abuse and pedo-shit, and that Emily D Baker (who she was following with the trial) is a racist misogynist piece of shit, she insulted them and fought with them while ignoring all evidence that Depp was an abuser. She never retracted her defense or apologized. The stream was co-hosted by Radical Ramblings who just kept nodding along with Lisa and copping out by saying she doesn’t know much about the trial.
No. 14426
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>>14403>>14388>>14403This is like when twitter racists have Hispanic girlfriends, or when hyperwoke
WOC have bland white boyfriends, why is this "phenomenon" so common
No. 14432
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>>14425Found it through so you know I didn’t make this shit up, and it is indeed set to private. And here’s another anon who watched it responding to me in the Depp thread
>>>/ot/1169822 No. 14435
>>14419Sorry nonna, by this
>she was involved in another affair years agoI meant that Lisa actually admitted to being involved with that when she was younger. Someone in her stream said something about themselves being involved in an affair, and then Lisa said "yeah same" then moved on from it like it was absolutely nothing kek. Her entire situation is a mess and instead of just being an adult and owning up then moving on she's dragging out the "emotional abuse" card for as long as possible. Embarrassing.
No. 14436
>>14435L.M. is a nonchalant relationship wrecker so that the result is likely another women dealing with psychic weight afterwards?
>>1169822>Yes, I watched some parts of it but honestly was too disappointed to finish it. So glad it rubbed someone else the wrong way too. The way she's responding to comments questioning her bad takes is also very off-putting. In one of the responses she actually goes like "Well I believe women can be abusive because I have been abused by a woman! I have seen a 5'1 woman abuse a 6'2 man in real life!!" while calling other comments biased and never naming any specific incidents. She gives me huge cow vibes, I don't know if she's ever been mentioned in the radfem cows threads before. I simply don't understand how someone can make multiple videos specifically discussing male violence against women and still fail to see the pattern in an actual example while it's playing out in front of her eyes.what the fuck am I reading. I only learned of L.M. maybe three months ago or so and have only viewed a couple of her YouTube videos. she seemed very lucid so all of this about her is amazing in the worst way.
No. 14455
>>14440It's quite sad that most prominent women in any feminist movement always end up being pickmes. I wonder why do these women even call themselves feminist if they are pickmes. I really do feel like the word feminism has lost meaning and now any bored woman or girl who wants to feel special or edgy will call herself a feminist despite hating women.
Also it's not just this Lisa person, if you take a look at other prominent radfems they also are filled with shitty anti-woman actions, wasn't that Julie woman besties with that person who is fighting to take away women reproductive rights
I think bpf are insane but then I saw a post saying how actual feminism doesn't exist because once a feminist movement starts gaining traction it gets taken over by people who are anti-woman. And they're right.
No. 14468
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>>14440Ah yeah, the dreaded pink journal entry. It's strange how everyone supporting her glossed over the fact that she already knew he was engaged. Now, KC is still very much in the wrong for this too, but Lisa has been conveniently silent about the "I've flirted with and would have probably slept with a married man" thing again. She wants to shit on Exulansic for making a makeup tutorial and call it "not radfem" enough yet she is allowed to go around cheating with men who are already in relationships and destroying the self-esteem of other women? One rule for me, another for thee I guess
No. 14486
>>14468apologies for requesting spoon-feeding but this pink diary entry is L.M.'s - it's real?
who uploaded this and why?
why are there redacted parts and who redacted them?
I'm not trying to nitpick but the handwriting and the content written here reads like a 15-25 year old rather than a woman 35-45, what the hell. she was charmed by an unemployed, engaged XY? then she concludes every women is just as foolish as she herself is?
this is insane, this is a woman that films WGTOW content and she is this brainless.
No. 14487
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>>14486NTA but Lisa released everything herself. I believe her reason was to be open about the situation. K.C. explicitly said he wasn't going to post anything, so if he keeps his word, everything you see would be from Lisa.
No. 14488
>>14487thank you for the answer. does anyone have a link to these entries or can transcribe what is written in the picture of this post I' responding to?
does L.M. literally have a humiliation fetish? because she is revealing she is off the charts childish especially for her age and seems to enjoy embarrassing herself publicly.
No. 14490
>>14488But ugh that feeling. It's a very energizing, exciting feeling. It's also like seeing yourself through the eyes of someone discovering you - who thinks you're so interesting, pretty, fascinating, funny, etc.
I actually said that to Michael. Attraction is not as much about the other person as much as it's the way that person reflects back on you this sort of idealized version of yourself. You get to shine.
Now- does that last? I guess in a good relationship. But in a shitty relationship it doesn't.
But I love that feeling of seeing myself through his eyes. I can feel he's like impressed by me and it's the biggest most massive self esteem boost and I'm kind of obsessed with the feeling. It's hard not to be.
I have to make a big dent in my reading so I'm actually going to avoid that part of the internet tomorrow though. I have a tight deadline to meet.
Most guys are too retarded or just assholes to really let a woman know she impressed them.
Anyways, if this lasts another day, week, month, or whatever, I'm going to enjoy it for what it is. For a temporary nice nice feeling.
No. 14512
>>14496how silly. if all males were cartoonishly evil then all of "this" would be simple for women, no? the trouble is they often turn on women after a long time passes combined with their collective behavior overall.
>>>14490thank you for taking the time.
>Most guys are too retarded or just assholes to really let a woman know she impressed, that is quite standard male manipulation, pretty basic. she writes like she is still 20 years old and has had next to no relations with males.
I suppose many of these types of women do not actually believe in what content they put out or internalize it. once you truly understand what males are their attention on you is rather laughable.
No. 14514
>>14512>I suppose many of these types of women do not actually believe in what content they put out or internalize it. once you truly understand what males are their attention on you is rather laughable.This is exactly what's going on: she couldn't be bothered to apply the theory to reality and chose to entertain the flirting with an engaged man. Look at how there's no mention of his fiance either in these journal entries. It's all just me me me I love attention that I'm getting right now - yet in a matter of weeks she changed the narrative to claim she was "abused and charmed" and spends her nights crying on the bathroom floor. She also claims to be totally over the situation but can't stop making sly little videos and posts about it.
Tbh there is one good thing about this situation and it's that both KC and LM now have huge red flags over their heads. The former is an autistic unemployed unfaithful scrote and the latter is a spineless attention-seeking homewrecker who can't even muster up any sympathy to the women she hurts. Any person with standards and morals will hopefully steer clear of these idiots in the future. I hope KC's (now hopefully ex) fiance can move on and be happy.
No. 19726
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I'm the person you banned months ago and while I still stand for what I said (criticism of any movement is healthy for the movement itself, or else it cannot be self aware. And more than ever there's more fucking right wingers in radfem spaces) I'm back to being a radfem terf manhater. Long story short I had a mental breakdown where I thought I was going to be exposed and everyone would hate me and I would lose my job because someone told me the lolcow staff had ties to the troon who attacked this site before and I believed it. And I thought I would be harassed and followed. I was in a panic and I'm not the sanest of people. Anyway that was the reason. I'm not anti radfem, pro tranny, or a male. That's all, Goodbye.
No. 22042
I hate coming across interesting threads only to find they've been inactive for months. Regardless, i wanted to share my thoughts on the ex Radfem matter.
There are times where i've distanced myself from GC/radfems over troon obsession but i always realize it is everywhere and it's a major anti-feminist force. But there are bizarre/repulsive things in the movement i simply can't accept. Like millenial radfems seething over younger women/girls in the movement, making degrading comments on their bodies (on radblr, for example) or being pretentious. I've come to realize it's their way of dealing with bitterness and assume a 'mother' role of sorts. Pseudo-familial hierarchies are incredibly suspicious. Separatists would be the worst offenders but i also see this in more normie radfem groups.
I think that the deeper problem resides in how we define 'politics'. Politics is acting on the real world, incl. your intimate life but especially on women around you, in the workplace, in your 'community' . It's great if feminism makes someone leave their mediocre nigel or shave less or whatever but it's not political, at least not to the degree of actively supporting other women. This confusion between personal choices and politics is so deep that even in this thread, we see anons who otherwise fully agree on cultish tendencies argue over husbands. Yes, marriage is servitude but a married woman who volunteers for women or fosters independence in her daughters/friends is an effective feminist. It's nowhere near what we could do, but still.
Imo it's also why the obsession with who we date, makeup and apparent femininity is so prevalent in radfems. It's easy to pat yourself on the back for not wearing makeup, chastise women who do, it's harder to challenge the mean girl mentality which is ironically extremely girly. Radfems' denial of their own, deeply entrenched femininity is super fascinating to me.
I'm just confused by the anons who hate even the idea of platforming our ideas to the wider public. I don't know how to break it but the average person is right-wing, even if they think of themselves as moderate. There's a nonna who kept mentioning people who'd be turned off by GC moms. But who, exactly? I know for a fact normies do not care for trans acceptance and don't care about accusations of 'tradthottery'. I also know that your average libfem has zero political sense beyond sharing nice posts online. Politics (again, action) isn't a game of finding people who superficially agree with us at a certain level. Like this entire thread is filled with people who've realized fully agreeing with certain women still didn't shield us from hate, homophobia or bizarre hostility. Sorry for the wall of text lol