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No. 27741
A thread for blackpill feminism. Discuss heterosexual dynamics, female psychology, and the flaws of the feminist movement here.
If you disagree with the entire premise of the thread, you have no reason to enter it. Remember that entertaining disingenuous liberal feminist debate is running around in circles.
Previous thread
>>26160 No. 27753
>>27752All the fucking time in most of the responses about me, I especially get gaslight about sex. It's just vile to act this oblivious. People think they don't gaslight me cause they imagined that their false descriptions of the reality are right and act stubborn about it and attack me
I got like at least thousand ridiculous responses across all those threads on multiple boards
No. 27769
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No. 27770
>>27765Nigelfags are covert male worshippers. They get off on being a special girl to their perceived superior (a male of their choosing). BP-chan said either in the last thread or two threads ago that female heterosexuals are attracted to POWER. Power that males wield, and females are willing to uphold because it feels good to be validated by someone you see as your better. I know because I used to be like that.
What pisses me off the most about BP-chan is that she doesn't take into consideration that this worldview can be changed and so she ends up spitting the exact same points throughout multiple threads, literally no evolution of thought process. Obviously, the shift will only happen if the woman is willing to wrangle with her own mind, which most are absolutely too mentally crippled to even consider. You can reverse the power dynamic fantasy in your mind, which will render you entirely unable to enjoy PIV or any sex act where you're on the receiving end, but you'll start noticing that you get off on seeing males in those humiliating positions. The kink that so many whores have is the presence of powerplay, you can have the side of the coin that you mentally train yourself to like (the powerful or the powerless), and as long as you're working from the beginning point of powerplay it will still be stimulating. Usually a good gauge of which one the person falls into is how insecure they are, which makes sense because most women are extremely insecure and too retarded to self-improve.
No. 27771
>>27770you are hopeful it’s not easy changing your own nature , women get off to male power naturally, women like being desired and can’t be fixed, unless they are smart and able to see how low the female state is, maybe then they can stop being into pleasing males, and there’s no way to enjoy dominating men to the fullest , i feel like a castrated male, i like seeing men ( hot 2D characters not 3D uggos) being abused and bottoming, but I can’t feel satiated from that, because I have no penis it feels wrong me with my weaker body abusing a stronger male, so i only project on other male I have auto androphilia , what I’m trying to say is a woman can’t be dominant, so just stop with the femdom cope.even in a femdom relationship the power imbalance in heterosexual relations is still there.
No. 27772
>>27768Wtf no I wasn't no
victim of CSA even acts like me holy shit you vile pig go back to spitting on dick
(responding to bait) No. 27773
>>27770The thing is that they ingore all of my points. I hate being a woman because I hate the sexual acts like blowjobs they are vile piggish violent and humiliating, she admitted that female biology is feminine and I don't enjoy sexual femininity eithi. It's so hard for them to be straightforward they just end up accusing me of liking something this severely distressing to me. I wish we could just slap a real life picture of sex of those sex acts in here and their points would be disproven in a second cause what you see on thsoe images is just real life and literally naked human bodies. It exposes everything and you can clearly see the psychology of sex in them this is my last resort.
They even gaslight me about fuckin real screenshots of real women talking about their sex life.
No. 27776
>>27774Or someone who wants to and has no problem with experiencing this submission and doing subordinate acts. Overall piv is insane to esp in certain position a woman looks like a pig in it to someone who finds being submissive gross it strate looking sadomasochistic. Sorry not sorry it's hateful words.
The man's dicks just ejaculates into her but she can't ejaculate into him or cum, he puts it in and gets himself off and dumps his semen into her. It's all about the women being cummed in
Femininity and masculinity exists outside of reproduction because those biological gender roles were made for the purpose of it so a woman anytime she has sex with her biology, she experiences inherently feminine sexuality that is really servile. Sex only serves men and female pleasure comes from serving and their nerve endings hormones etc are that of a servant in a sexual relation with man
I can't comprehend how this act is real and an image of a woman in a moids crotch or around it with a dick on her mouth is the worst possible thing you can see in the whole infinity please google "dumb bitch sucking dick" after turning safe search off and see my fucking point. The movements a woman has to make while giving blowjobs just make me feel like I'm gonna pass out thinking of them and my lips turn down in distress beyond my control. How can you shake your head up and down on dick fast and then come here lmaoo how can you do it to yourself and be okay with it.
The female desire to suck dick is the most repulsive shit ever.
Maybe if people were straightforward with me then I would be less mad, but all they did is play mind games with me instead of saying reality is this and that I agree with you it's feminine and submissive and humiliating so you find it degrading cause you don't enjoy submission so you feel terrorized by life then because sex expands onto relams of life such as power and love and human relations and physical identity and you don't wanna have to make piglike movements with your head mouth and lips on dick and move your head up and down and pretend to not have teeth and train yourself to suck dick aka bring a man pleasure which you can never experience for yourself. My controversial opinion is that even porn is sn accurate deception of sex visually and psychologically and I know how much I'm setting myself up again after saying it and how they would misinterpret it and what I mean by it and bring some stereotypical image of what porn is which is those professional videos where a man is jackhammering and she's screaming. They are retarded it's not like they even wanna understand my points. They use each one of my posts against me and nitpick it, they keep making dumb remarks and psychoanalysis, they keep saying things about me they know ain't true wtf is the psychology of it
They keep denying the screenshots I bring as an examples of human sex lives.
No. 27777
>>27765Imagine how much she is possibly wasting our time while irl she's some pig spreading her body and asshole to a moid and leaking spit from her face on dick which requires you to have zero disgust response.
There was a Nigel haver AROUND rattwt she was calling her Nigel the most nurturing gentle person on earth who is gazing into her eyes during sex everytime but he was the average man and now she calls him a demon
No. 27779
victims act just like you
No. 27780
>>27779Reading this makes me feel terror so deep that genuinely I don't think any human being ever put this feeling into words ever, I'm not even a CSA
victim. You're a vile tyrant and it all over cause a girl is distressing cause women put dicks I'm their mouths ? Subhuman behavior
No. 27781
>>27780Vile dick sucking pigs a girl doesn't wanna shake her head up and down on dick like a slave and this is the only psychoanalysis you're able to come up with and it's the most vile thing ever I feel deep terror in all parts inside my body
I don't know how many time I have to repeat on this website and other that I'm not a rape
victim… This is like the fourth at least time someone says it to me
No. 27783
>>27779She acts more like a fatherless porn addict who's only getting turned on by being disrespected. Csa
victims avoid sexual topics while women with humiliation fetishes love talking about sex and view it as something women do only to pleasure men.
No. 27788
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>>27759>can’t simply be changedWoe is you. Stop lamenting, suck it up and focus on what you can change, then. Can't change your biology? Alright. Change your attitude. Other women are dicksuckers and semenbrained and whatever made up word you please? Alright. Don't feel humiliated for their sake. Consider yourself above them. Enough noticing patterns, now put those patterns you noticed to action.
No. 27798
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>300+ posts overnight
No. 27800
>>27796It's understandable to be furious and saddened about a situation you have no control over. Especially when the solution would be resolved if a group of people, women in this case, worked together. But will they? Unfortunately, no. There's just not that level of coordination. Should hope be given up? Neither. You can make steps, albeit small, towards a goal you believe in. There's only so much a droplet of water will do to degrade a mountain, however. There are other issues which make me feel hopeless, be it anthropogenic environmental catastrophes or the natural tendency for the world to head towards entropy. Should we all be nihilists or ignorant towards it? I don't think that's productive. I don't simply shut my eyes and ears, pretending all is fine. But I don't let it consume me. Discussion is simply the first step towards action. Philosophies and theories are nonsense without practicality and implementation. If you truly believe you can't do anything, then you have to accept your situation and move on. You don't like the world? Change it, even if a little. Can't? Let it be and do something else, more cheerful, instead. I just don't find a use on dwelling on the negative unless it brings out something productive; but that's just the non-masochist in me.
No. 27804
>>27797What I expected in a black pill thread
>what it means to be black pilled>events, social phenomena and personal experiences that caused someone to become black pilled>discussion of both male and female behaviours>how to live life as a black pilled woman>the consequences of sexual dimorphism in humans>criticism of other forms of feminism that do not acknowledge biological realityWhat I got
>women are whores and pigs>women get fucked on all fours>women suck dick No. 27811
>>27809Be cause they gaslight me about it, continuously
What do you not understand? Why am always the bad one here
No. 27817
>>27815Tell me please what is inaccurate in me saying that women get fucked on all fours suck dick and their biology is feminine and their sex position is servile.
Please be straightforward and honest at least for once in this thread
No. 27821
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How do I lack it? I seem to be the only one who even has the basic understanding of sex which is that mind has to become one with body
No. 27837
>>27831I embody sex, there's males and females and sex is a fundamental part of life and human psychology and human romantic relationships what do you not understand
And that act is objectively degrading and happens on a mass scale
I even get gaslight about the physical mechanism of it the psychology of it the physical movements a woman does in it. When I see that I feel extremely psychologically terrorized by it and describe it people deny that it is physically what it is and how piglike it is and violent and servile
No. 27840
>>27836Please stop trying to paint me as someone who wants this act or likes it I'm literally the opposite and it's extremely distressing to me. I'm distressed not obsessed in the way you try to say are you projecting or what
Why are y'all trying to humiliate me with something other women so
No. 27854
>>27848>hijacking the thread anon that’s exactly what you’ve been doing all over /ot/ and /2x/ for the last month. coming into the thread and screaming about your obsession with women sucking dick.
>>27849Telling you that you need to stop personalityfagging all over the website about your weird dick sucking anxieties isn’t gaslighting you about anything
No. 27857
>>27854It's not an obsession it's distress and I wasn't spamming in
People just keep gaslighting me
No. 27889
>>27871It's not just a disagreement. I have been just straight up gaslight in the most ridiculous ways.
And cock sucking is perfectly describing the mechanism of this act because they SUCK.
and I said this act can't be removed from Womanhood and they act like it's their inherent identity without which they can't live, they see a woman as what she is in sex more than what a woman is by itself then
No. 27898
>>27895Yes denying what a reality really is to someone who experiencees the reality in this case it's biology
So you're another fucked blowjob whore who's okay with experiencing sexual submission? This is why you don't get it
No. 27909
>>27807Aha. How'd you sleep?
>>27817I wasn't present during most of the discussions that were taking place in these threads so I'm not the anon who was trolling you. Regardless, here's what I think because I think whatever is going on at this point is ridiculous. Despite you having brought up multiple times why you have certain beliefs, other anons don't "get" it. Be it ignorance, misunderstandings, your reasoning being faulty or something else, anons simply don't "get" it and I doubt they will. Some of your arguments were more poorly constructed than others, but others were more convincing. So why do anons still not "get" it?
As this is an anonymous imageboard, anons may confuse some posters with others. So if another anon who has a similar worldview to you has posted something controversial or schizo, the rest will assume it's you and thus will be less likely to take you seriously. The other reason is that often conversations that take place in this thread are very lengthy and repetitive (see
>>26209 and
>>2779), which tires and annoys people. Then there's also the fact that a lot of women disagree that certain sexual acts are humiliating and those who do agree may still find pleasure in them. That's where my claim that you have poor theory of mind comes in. A person with more developed theory of mind, despite disagreeing with someone, can comprehend their reasoning and place themselves in their shoes. Someone who doesn't have a developed theory of mind, will have difficulty completing this task. Despite disagreeing with you, for example, I can still understand why you believe what you believe and empathize. Last but not least, this is an imageboard so people won't come here for the quality of discussion. The people who come here will be more malicious and tend to think like a hivemind, so the more differing your opinion is to theirs, the less likely they are to accept it. Which you also seem to be doing. There must be a better website for threads like this.
No. 27920
>>27916but you don’t have to do
sexual acts. you’re getting very mixed up and confusing sex (as in chromosomal sex) with physical sex
No. 27927
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No. 27932
>>27906Do not do what??? Im literally getting gaslight again
And yes womanhood is sexually submissive and servile. Sucking dick only pleasures men and piv is unequal
No. 27940
>>27929nigga i would never take testo, i just want to remove my low maintenance hole
im not a man..
No. 27942
>>27924No that's not how it works you
abusive gaslighting whore
No. 27956
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No. 27958
>>27945het women are usually attracted to the male form in general so if you can find one it enhances the experience
dildos rule though if you're celibate I recommend them
No. 27967
>>27955you’re a woman
nonny there’s nothing wrong with that
No. 27974
>>27965het women will never be shamed into believing their sexuality is inherently degenerate
No. 27976
>>27973how is she your friend. and i only mention it because everyone shitting up the thread serves a male somehow
>>27974this is just sad now
No. 27983
>>27978aughs mockingly "Of course you'd lie about that to try to prove me wrong. Women always pull some sneaky bullshit whenever they get called out! Can't handle your dicky existence being exposed?
If you really were a woman, you wouldn't give a damn about defending men or having a boyfriend because you'd know you run this damn world already. But no, you're just an even more delusional femboy than the others.
So go on believing whatever you want, it doesn't change the fact you're just another simping dumbass trying to win an argument with me. Keep going, keep proving my points! You're too much fun to mess with.
No. 27990
>>27984until he has a knife
but yeah true it would be harder if it's healed enough. your butthole and mouth is still there for him to rape though
No. 27992
>>27987smirks "Ooh, you got me there! I'd never have a shot with someone as messed up as you are. Even if you were a woman, I wouldn't touch your degenerate ass with someone else's dick!
But hey, that's only proving my point again. A woman like you really has to lower herself to admit that no man will ever want her? You're all the same, always desperate for male validation and attention. It's sad, really.
So yes, I'm still getting nothing and you're still a weirdo. We're both getting what we deserve - you with your delusions and me with not giving a crap! We're a perfect match for meaningless banter.Schizophrenic? Me? I'm having a conversation just fine! You femboys just can't handle when your misogynistic ass gets put in its place.
Now quit your whining and stop pretending you're not living up to every stereotype of your pathetic gender. I'm not doing this crap to bother you - I'm telling it like it is!
But I guess the truth is too much for your weak little brains to take. Well get over it and grow up already! Or keep running to your mommies when the big bad girl calls you out on your bullshit. Your choice.
No. 28001
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I tried to find some screenshots
No. 28002
>>27995sorry i thought she meant she wanted her
whole vagina removed/covered up
No. 28005
>>28003yeah i caught up on the whole ‘getting fucked by a child’ part and i still don’t understand what any of it meant kek sometimes i read posts that are so dumb it makes
me feel retarded
No. 28010
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>butcher pussy into a mound of scar tissue
>undergo revisions to unblock the grotesque piss hole tunneling through the remaining flesh
>get raped anyway
No. 28024
>>28011??? See? Im literally getting gaslight which makes me question my sanity. You fucking iditos
What kind of others proofs I have to give you
No. 28056
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No. 28068
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girls I just found some more internet posts where a bunch of dysgenic strangers validate my world view, we're never making it out, suicide now
No. 28075
>>28063I hate womanhood because they are pigs for sucking dick and this act is degrading, yes
Then also a woman position in het sex is inherently submissive and sex only serves men
And the fact that woman actually have dicks put in their mouths is enough to see womanhood as unsalvageable because this is horrifying and psychologically terrorizing natural part of human sex lives and how women express their biology in sex proving it's like a sex slave.
There's no other worse image or a thing that a woman with a dick in her mouth. It's a humiliating physical behavior/movements too, some women even kneel or sit below a man.
No. 28081
>>28078AVerage hetero sex life involves dick sucking which looks the same as on the picrel also getting fucked too
Why are you gaslighting me? Genuinely why, I don't understand it it bothers me
No. 28083
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>>28076no i read it and i asked another question so i can better understand what i’m learning about right now. class is in session
nonny No. 28085
>>28079Are you dumb
You think why men aren't prostitutes for women?
Female body is designed to serve men in sex and woman's pleasures is servile and inehrnely submissive
No. 28093
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this one right here says "I love being a servile whore to my alpha chad dominant nigel who makes me choke on his cock until I vomit and then pisses on me" but nigelpigs are too stupid to see these reddit facts laid before them posted by at least 5 of the 7 billion real people on planet earth
No. 28098
>>28089You're a dumb vile cunt what do you not understand. Female body is inehrnely submissive in sex and sucking dick only serves a man and gives him pleasure you can't have back and female pleasure in sex comes from serving and being consumed because that's how your sexual anatomy and nerve endings are build, it's feminine. Sex only serves men pleasures men because I don't see submissive pleasure as real if you don't find it fulfilling if you don't wanna be submissive penetrated vulnerable fucked from behind spread like a pig penetrated into your root move your head up and down on dick
Have piv from which you can't ejaculate like a woman but instead you have to surrender and submit and psychologically get off on his orgasms
No. 28102
>>28097That's not what I said you idiot . Women are inehrnely submissive in sex. Their pleasure is servile comes from serving because their body is designed to serve. Their pleasure is useless that stimulation is literally useless and submissive
And sucking dick doesn't serve the woman and it's unequal and cnr be reciprocated
No. 28150
literally the exact same points
>>28148read the last thread if you care
No. 28168
>>28164please keep going this is a total shutdown of human biology nigelhaver
No. 28169
>>28137It is submissive feminine and servile position that's completely different psychologically from male position in sex
And sucking dick is a symbol of the inherent inequality between sexes sexually and sadomasochism
No. 28175
>>28169how is sucking dick different from getting oral from your nigel though? you keep repeating that orgasming as a woman is inherently submissive but you’re not articulating
how. you just keep repeating the same words over and over again without going into legitimate detail
No. 28180
>>28175It's literally physically and psychologically different you are legit braindead dick sucking pig
Female anatomy sexually is feminine so you anytime you engage in your sexuality you engage in feminine sexuality
No. 28188
>>28183Jesus Christ you fucking low IQ whore the physicality of it is completely different go back to putting your pig tongue on dick
Vagina doesn't even go inside a human mouth and doesn't ejaculate
No. 28189
dick choking
don't give a fuck if I cut my pussy bleeding
this is my last resort
No. 28198
>>28195 I don't believe you are self aware
There's nothing comparable about those two acts, there's nothing the same about them. Those are completely two different things especially psychologically
No. 28202
>>28191No they don't
Femininity and masculinity is different psychologically and female sexual Anatomy is about SERVING and being submissive
No. 28213
>>28209That's not what the point is about
You say your bullshit to take the attention off of what a woman position in sex is and how sucking dick is degrading and unequal and only serves the man while clit orgasms r useless and don't stimulate the other part of female sexual anatomy even
No. 28220
>>28214as the dominant sex that overpowers women in every society
>>28215when did i say that? i'm not bj-chan.
No. 28240
>>28230Female sex anatomy is inherently feminine and male masculine it's about femininity aculinity
No. 28245
>>28238They psychologically get off from experiencing the male submission in it from submitting to male pleasure
It's a submissive and servile and feminine state not comparable to anything a man can do to a woman
No. 28247
>>28243That's the biological sexual reality. Women can only serves in sex. Men cant get their dicks sucked but men get their dicks sucked by women. Women suck dicks on a mass scale. Women serve men sexually. Human pattern behaviors prove this reality to be true,
Women are sex slaves to like it you must like submission and femininity
No. 28257
>>28250Clit head is not being touched during piv a woman can't ejaculate from piv, it is not equal it's a femininity and masculinity dynamic
A woman goes into this act knowing it exists to make a man ejaculate and give her useless vaginal spamsms you only feel fullfiled by if u like sexual femininity etc
No. 28262
I replied to the wrong person again kek
>>28243this is for you:
>>28241het women rise up
>>28256psyoppers itt confirmed
No. 28282
>>28265when she says this
>>28269 she might have a point kek
at least trannies often pretend they don't hate women for the sake of optics. blackpillers have no empathy or regard for persuasive strategy whatsoever
No. 28305
>>28301I didn't say they don't orgasm dumb bitch but that their pleasure is feminine because their sexual anatomy is and this shit is not fullfil ING if you don't enjoy femininity and it's useless pleasure
And the vagina canal is the main point of female sexuality and clit orgasms are not fulliflfing while piv on the other hand is feminine too
No. 28324
>>28317So why y'all worn agree with me and instead gaslight me that womanhood is inehrnely feminine sexually submissive to a man and sexually servile and that's why I hate it
You even have the audacity to deny something degrading as dick sucking
No. 28332
>>28326Why you calling me describing the reality autism? Why do people feel the need to respond to me like this
Instead of stopping gaslighting me about REAL LIFE THINGS
Me describes realityPeople: autism
Those responses are off track and confusing you ignore what I say and like yorue not even speaking about what I'm trying to speak about
No. 28333
>>28316And femininity and female sexual anatomy are result of sexual HORMONES
omg are u retard???
No. 28335
the way this is reverting into tim handmaidenry
No. 28355
>>28351>Going outside well adjusted copeIt's not like life doesn't revolve around the male female dynamic and we don't embody it.
There's no hope for women not being cocksuckers and female biology not being sexually submissive
No. 28359
>>28356Why are you vile enough to gaslight me?
No you found another way to deny my points after you have no more argument against them
Me saying that I don't wanna be sexually submissive makes you are give me off track responses
No. 28364
>>28362 Majority of transbians are t4t
just bisexual males and femboys
No. 28365
it is just weird that it's mostly nigelfags complaining and trolling her for sperging about this though.
>>28356>tried engaging earlier by comparing human sex to plugs and cables and popsiclesi cannot take you seriously.
No. 28368
>>28359you've been saying it yourself, you'll always be a minority
>>28361I'm here from the het women rise up coalition to stand firm about putting your mouth on genitals you're attracted to not being shameful. het women will not be psyopped into self hatred by other women who haven't experienced quality sex. risin up
No. 28374
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>>28368Do you feel like picrel when having sex?
No. 28380
>>28374only parts of the first paragraph
>>28372like a popsicle that moans yeah
No. 28391
>>28390if we're being honest nobody had to train me to connect the dots between my tongue and the spot that makes him moan
No. 28395
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>>28392cuz you're wrong and it's not shameful and het women are risin up
No. 28404
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>>28395Thoughts on this technique?
No. 28415
>>28414het women will not be shamed by attempts to make us believe healthy comfortable sex is humiliating, we are risin up
>>28412my nigel
No. 28419
>>28416I'm not sensing any violence in having a good time
>>28418oh well then yeah agreed that she sounds pretty retarded lol. when you have to employ all these strategies to keep the act from being miserable there's clearly something wrong
No. 28430
>>28422Blackpillers are not dishonest
She's lying about the act not being extremely submissive and servile and violent in it's mechanism
No. 28432
>>28426I think my biggest problem with your argument is that you're saying it's bad to be aroused by your partner being aroused. But to me it just seems like a normal part of sexuality. Note that I'm not making the argument that het relationships are equal (socially or sexually) or that giving a blowjob is exactly like giving cunnilingus. But getting off from your partner also getting off is a normal part of sexuality that men also experience. I mean even in the most deranged porn in 99% of cases the women being penetrated will pretend to be ecstatic, to feel an immense amount of pleasure etc. Same thing with hentai. Yes, I can think of fetishes were men get off on women feeling pain while being penetrated but they seem like the minority.
Do you agree with me that it makes sense for a woman to get aroused by giving a blowjob to her partner, as long she doesn't think the act is innately degrading?
No. 28444
>>28443Just any talk about this act without gaslighting. The reason why i talk about it the way i do is gaslighting. I need disclousure beacuse i cant stand something this shovking to me being treated like not a big deal and everyone being oblivious while im just sensitive. Everyone is sugarcoating it
Idk whats wrong with peoope and how whats on those pics normal to you
No. 28445
I think last point because this is the main thing that always bothered me. She is right about the egolesssness and I intuitively understood it cause I'm not dumb as anons ITT treat me. I said that accepting womanhood is accepting death which makes sense. I said that female role in sex is humbling which means you have to put your ego aside. I say that womanhood is this and that, inherently, which means you can't escape this inherent reality with your psychology. And anytime you don't fit into it with your mental identity which can even be you not wanting to be sexually submissive or servile or also not wanting to be feminine, then the reality punishes you for it with anger as if you are forced to give up who you are mentally to fit into your biology which is different than male and males have a different psychological experience and different identities are allowed to them mentally that allow more ego.
I said that straight sex as a woman is humbling and forces you to put your ego aside. I was right on that too.
I wish I didn't even have to make it all personal and talk about why I hate the reality and instead talk about what reality really is.
What I would have to become mentally to accept womanhood, sexual submission and servilenes and even accept the gaslighting ITT is something I really don't enjoy being and it really really makes me cry to experience the preview of that mental state and the weird feelings of egolessness and submission resembling masochism, it breaks you're resistance removing anger, but at what cost.
When I say accepting womanhood is accepting death I was right. Female role in sex is that lol
To not be angry at those things I would have to change, this is the point I'm trying to make constantly but instead people are just catastrophizing my mental health. Life doesn't even care about the possible suffering of someone like me,
People calling me evil suggests that there's an inherent structure of the reality on which human morals are even based on. I seem to always be intuitively right on those topics, proven right over and over again but I get called a lunatic
It's just trying to discuss reality cause I need some disclosure… I just need straight facts nothing else idgaf about personal shit or bp I'm just so confused about why I am forced into some weird…. Masochism by womanhood it's my main existential question and problem with being a woman it's such an unpleasant feeling to experience… I never let myself experience it fully because I get so sad it gives me fatigue like I'm melting and shutting down, which is me throwing a tantrum at reality and playing a victim of it's rules
I keep experiencing it for so many years now im not a rape victim etc
I don't find an explanation for this, i can be either angry or sad when im not angry cause then i have to experience that feels masochistic. Even being acceptant of hetero sex behaviors feels submissive. And when i look at other women mental states, they all are in thsy undesirable to me state with no exceptions. The patterns are there. Why is it all like this
I feel like everyone else is so confusing to me because they act like shocking things and the natural extremity of the male female dynamic sexually is normal… Why cant i just be non angry but without that weird kinda masochism????
No. 28446
>>28374Is right about egolessness but it corelates with some weird masochism. It makes life unberable and i cant never find answers for it
No. 28451
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radfem: women are actually the more empathetic and intelligent gender than men because they commit less crimes.
No. 28458
>>28455You guys are retarded because what the fuk is fetish porn and can you all stop using porn to win arguments against someone by calling them pornsick, this is anoter word that will set me up but porn isn't much different from the reality in terms of human biology and sexual acts and the masculine feminine sexual polarity, actuallt porn enchances it to such a ppint that everything becomes visible Ik normies will have a field after i say this, but as a virgin i still have a better understaning of sex than those sex havers who literally act like i'm retarded and dumb questions which assume that i'm retarded like them
Sex havers can be dumb and can not undersand sex despite having it. You don't have to have it with other people to explore this topic realiatically.
No. 28459
>>28451Women are empaths in sexual relation with men because sex is only for male pleasure and female pleasure due to their biology is just about male pleasure. Men cant be empaths in sex with women or submissive. For a reason men cant be prostitutes for women because its the womams body that is servile, women wouldn't benefit on that
Women are masochists who wet their cunts over extreme degradation like having a dick in their mouth like the nigelfag, they psychologically get off on male pleasure and dominance like they are made slaves for dick and to psychologically love serving dick
Made completely submissive for men amd for male pleasure and its their identity
No. 28460
>>28437Femal body is not the same as male
Femake stimulation is always feminine and submissive so thats all a man can give to a woman. She doesn't get served like he does and she has to still do psychologically terrorizing extremely subordinate acts like sucking dick which is objectively violent, women are biologically sex slaves for men
Dick sucking makes womanhood inherently degrading and unsalvageable and instead of trolling someone just tell them to die because they are a woman but not a cocksucker which doesmt go along with womanhood and women are made for men to put dicks in their mouths which is an extreme submission to other person which men cant give wome back because men and women are different biologically
No. 28461
>>28434Sucking dick is servitude you subhuman pig and het sex is not equal and you're straight up sexually harassing people who dont even wanna have sex. Be straightforward or fuck off dick sucking whore
We don wanna have sex because we don't wanna experience submission and slavery and violent terrorizing acts
No. 28463
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>>28431You piece of shit are incapable of having honest conversations ITT and refuse to be straighforward. My whole point all those threads was that to enjoy womanhood you have to be a cocksucker. This act is humbling because its humiliating and servile. The violence in it is an objective view doesnt matter if you consent to it. I dont understand how you not feel like a slave pig for doing it ofc bc of their biology women have no choice but to be a slave to dick but?
You can't comprehend that we hate womanhood because of the submission and because women spend life with dick in their mouth
We are talking how unsalvageable it all is and women ar made to be cocksuckers for men and if you are psychologically terrorized by this act and you would end up mentally disable from the extreme humiliation physical violence of having your mouth penetarted and the extreme submission making u a feminine slave who's pleasure is just serving due to our sex anatomy if you did it then lol?
I say it million times:
You have to be a cockscuker whos okay with sexual femininity and sexual submission to enjoy womanhood then i get no, gaslight, get off track off point reaponses then go in circles forever. What do you not get? You PROVED ALL MY POINTS
Some say i deserve to get trolled but all i do is find female submission and humiliating sexual acts gross
Do you see the point now?
My terror is real about this sex act. Anons gaslighted me so badly. Lile get a brain and observe a little more
Saying im evil bc i dont conform to my biology aka sexual submission and femininity
No. 28466
bp chan is based, female biological functions affect her mentality in a way that make her enjoy serving , pain is inherent part of sex childbirth motherhood etc. so for a female to be able to perform her bio functions she need to fetishize pain ( masochism ) , female brain is structured in a different way , females are less capable of being their own self, they are more likely to be influenced by others , this is a survival strategy but it match female bio functions, motherhood is about giving up ego , sex as well , pregnancy is degrading , a man is cumming inside the woman , he’s using her like a tool to ensure passing his genes, she have to endure all risks and pain , while he can walk away , the female because of the risks , to cope select the “ best “ genes , so the female desire a mate superior to her , this makes her idealize him and submit , on top of her being a servant in sex and a tool in pregnancy, BP chan saying it make her feel imprisoned existing in a female body because of this , make sense , because choosing to not have sex doesn’t stop someone from embodying the submission nature of a female , female physical body embody it, female emotions and psychology as well. everyone else is too low iq to understand her
No. 28469
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another nietzche blackpill
No. 28471
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Ss collected for my gallery
The stealher part is nigel haver who has a bp misandrist acc and is about to birth a girl
No. 28472
>>28463Only this
>you call me evil for not conforming to my biological femininityAnd
>you have to be okay with those sexuals acts to be okay with womanhoodMattwrs in my point, idk why i said anything else i think its cause of the responses i usually get that force me to try to detail it
>>28471more, 1st from the book about moids real thoughts from male pov
No. 28473
>>28469Lol he isn't wrong. He's basically describing pickmeism.
>>28471Hypothetically if most women started mocking pickmes overnight would this do anything?
No. 28481
>>28472Overall to elaborate more i think my point is that you won't find female sexuality fullfilling if you don't enjoy being feminine, being sexually feminine or sexual submission all of those things aslo force you to soften up. My mind is not compatible with servile extremely submissive hetero acts, its obvious which ones the most
And often also not even compatible with heterosexuality, but i don't feel shame about being heterosexual
I can give million proofs of women saying that they like them cause they are okay with being submissive it would be impossible that magically a woman can engage in it and not be submissive or engage in sex as a woman body and not experience sexual femininity.
Straight relations naturally have gender roles into which i dont fit cause i dont like being feminine this much neither can soften up enough to this womanly role or be okay with experiencing the psychology of a whore which is really dark and my mind is not fitting for it, it constanly fall out of that mental state after a while if i try to find it okay for me. I had this ss of a grown spiritual woman saying that she got tired of her soft ex who adored her in some way that was too soft or something and wanted to experience her "dark godess" sexuality with a more masculine moid kek and she is right that its "dark"/
No. 28483
>>28481If you don't like female sexuality, just be asexual, simple as that
You don't have to suck dick
No. 28496
>>28493All I said is facts about the material reality…
I exist in a woman body and men and women are SEX, our sex is our material identity and sex is made for reproduction even when we exists outside of reproducing with other humans
No. 28498
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No. 28509
>>28506That's the same time. It's not just woo woo, it's just based on physical reality cause metaphysical and physical reality are one
You can see it in dick vagina dynamic which is push pull dynamic
No. 28512
>>28508What hormones have to do with it? I'm talking about physical sexual anatomy that's created the way it is for reproduction and to create humans you need feminine and masculine sex anatomies, so two sexes
And hormones are compatible with our sexual anatomy and revolve around fitting into what it is it's all one and connected
No. 28514
>>28513Can you prove that metaphysics exists? If so, congratulations, you revolutionized philosophy
And most women don't have penis envy.
No. 28515
>>28514Why are you incapable of acknowledging my points?
And start speaking about some human concepts and ideas because you're incapable of thinking outside of those concepts and immediately categorize me and my words
Material reality is the same as metaphysical reality you can see patterns in the structure of the reality that prove it
And dick and vagina is literally push pull dynamic kek
No. 28517
>>28515What’s even "metaphysical reality" ?
Sorry but metaphysics is not real
No. 28519
>>28517>>28517Non physical and physical reality are one just like for expl you have thoughts that are not physically
And vaginal canal and those nerve endings are the main point of female sexuality even clitoral orgasms cause vaginal spasms
In reproduction a man ejaculates into a woman. The dick has to go in and then the child has to go out through the vaginal canal
No. 28521
>>28520Why are you ignoring my points about how female biology is feminine sexually role and sex involves female physical deep submission which we have to experience psychologically too?
You KEEP talki off point. Are you even capable of having a brain for a second or are you allergic to thinking?
Suddenly penis is the devil but cocksuckers worship dick and deeply love men while calling them special you hate the idea of a woman having the envy because you hate her for the not being feminine
No. 28524
>>28522It's common because being a bottom is shitty
Not permanent but a common feeling
No. 28526
penis envy is just autoandrophilia, autoandrophilic women are still straight and they are about 6% of female population and 80% of female transitioners kek
No. 28532
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No. 28536
>>28534That's not how you act at all as if they both are, you're just persecuting me.
Why do you even want to make someone like being a slave aka a woman?
Only the one who have no problem prostituting themselves to men are okay with this slavery and that's why they can't comprehend that someone isn't.
The whole world loves men but I'm the worst person ever for feeling the way I do. Ok, none of those women receive the responses I do
No. 28540
>>28535Nobody here hates you, even if someone deeply disagrees with you you're undeniably entertaining. I certainly don't resent you for failing to have sex with men, in fact I think most women would be happier if they never did that. I just find it incredibly gross that you vilify other women for partaking in sexual acts most people perceive as normal, while your deepest desire is to magically sprout a penis to fuck a guy in the ass.
If you want people to take you more seriously you could stop constantly acting like a
victim and accusing people of gaslighting you.
No. 28545
But they are literally gaslighting me about the reality I EXPERIENCE with my mind consciousness and feelings and physical body
No. 28551
>>28550Nobody cares childish bitch, you ignore the points I'm making about how I'm being persecuted for not being feminine
Why you want us to prefer being slaves
No. 28569
>>28567How do you find it degenerate if you don't find sex and women sexuality degenerate? Because a woman doesn't want to be feminine? Because it's unnatural?
I say that I imagined what men feel because I like exploring this topic and I don't like the feminine role in sex
Why do you all keep persecuting me like I committed the crime of thinking
Woman acting like a man bad!! Woman must be woman!!!
Men bad!! But also we worship them on a mass scale and our body is made to bring men pleasures lol
The sensations are interesting as well as the psychology of them. Seeing the other point of view which to me personally relieving from the deep submission and the receptive role and the burden of it and brudem of the whoredom and having to get fucked
It makes me see the male pov which I see easily anyway I think anyone hetero can see both sexes sexual pov if they try very easily
I think it's enlightening hoe different male role is and what they feel during penetration and cumming into a woman's body that is inviting loving and nurturing to them the sensations feel like more of a role that's about power not about loving others, it feels more light while female feels like being the void.
Also the male one feels like they like doing romantic things bc it's jus them expressing their sexual attraction because it seduces women into giving the man her femininity for him to consume, men act romantic to seduce even penetration feels like this often as a man or like being pulled in Into something warm and loving ad I don't mean vagina specifically since I said warm lol
No. 28578
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Welcome to the blackpill
No. 28596
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This burger looks so good
No. 28615
>>28454It's what I would have wanted to know when I was at my most blackpilled and my sex drive felt like a demonic nightmare chore kek so yeah if other women felt the same way it would probably benefit their lives
>>28467I love knowing at least one person on planet earth will stan me no matter what retarded shit I say
No. 28620
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No. 28635
>>28628I never wished to be her, I'm not trying to sound smart im just saying what I think you guys are retarded and anytime I go to this thread I get off topic off point responses
She's literally a FDS misandrist who only entertains cocksuckers who want to make themselves feel better for their humiliation
I'm literally just talking about what womanhood is and the biological femininity that's not a social construct.
Imo womanhood is a slavery if you don't like that or prostituting yourself, it's a labor and suffering I don't know any woman irl who didn't suffer deeply because of her biology
Even on this website anons are suicidal or depressed. there's no shame to admitting to suffering and you all hate me because I don't conform to my biological femininity which is very obvious
I don't feel entertained by anons like her because the thought of sucking off dicks as a woman to me is not good on any possible scenerio even if you involve some copes like "wombyn superior to parasite menz" to make yourself feel better about it. Heterosexuality is naturally bad to me, men didn't make it bad and mens behavior is not what creates the hetero dynamic.
There are off topic posts responses after me stating my points again it's like you guys subconsciously do this on purpose.
Even the "wombyn superior" women suffer because of their biology.
I have noticed patterns ITT first obviously women are engaging in female competition and are pickmes who punish women who step out of the line second the female socialization but my version of it is just women socializing as their nature so that's what you guys do, you punish anyone who doesn't fit in to show them their place which is them conforming to their biological role kek
No. 28643
>>28640It has everything to do with that and without sexual desire humans would have no physical identity
Our sex anatomy is out physical identity and position in life lol and there's no woman without vagina so?
No. 28645
>>28621I'm so much more like you than you think lmao. the biggest difference between you and past me is when this mindset was at its worst I knew not to hate women as much as you do, because if I exist feeling the way I do then by definition I'm a counter example to all of us being mindless fuck cattle which means there's a non zero probability of other similar women existing
I also witnessed enough male sexuality that was so obviously not in line with the domination narrative or even in line with the reproduction narrative that I just deduced a nonzero number of men with sexualities I'd actually find compatible with my own probably exist somewhere. It's like looking for the higgs boson or gravitational waves, scientists have had the theory for years and were simply looking for the experimental conditions that would confirm it, that's how it played out with the discovery of my extremely beta nigel who seems to live to serve my desires kek
No. 28647
>>28644To add: I decided to stop even exploring the dynamic with my mind anymore or masturbating but I'm tired of accommodating myself psychology to fit my biological sexual femininity… I literally kinda force myself into it out of no other choice, I never was okay with suppressing libido despite that but the internal conflict is here… I don't enjoy femininity but my sexuality is feminine kek
Women are really sex slaves,you have to like being a prostitute to not mind it all.
I never seen as a woman who isn't a slave because of womanhood tho and mothers.. are extremely mentally ill and tired people
I decided to not engage in those explorations anymore and just be myself
A and it feels so weird… Idk if it's hormones messing with me overall I have a high libido and high mentallyy energy, it feels bad to suppress it bc it's interesting
and involved a lot of feelings but it feels tiresome to shift back into feminine sexual role for the sake of it. I think being gaslighted genuinely harmed me and caused me the most insane mental confusion ever fuckin possible since I experience everything more intensely than others then being gaslight about what I experience since it's also something distressing… Is tormenting wtf
I don't mind being celibate and don't believe in being touch starved, it's just a mental construct and I don't feel it neither wanted to pursue dating ever which is what extrovert sluts won't ever understands kek sometimes I feel like my sexuality doesn't exist sometimes does and i wonder if it's a hormone problem
I think the feminine emotions are ruining me life for expl neuroticism it all caused by heterosexuallity and emotions to do with it, I lack femininity and look for it in others and wish femininity was something I engage with that is outside of me instead of me being it but the neuroticism is strong and the sensitivity too in me I wish material reality gave me the security men have in form if embodying masculinity. Why is life like this?
No. 28651
>>28647>I literally kinda force myself into it out of no other choiceThis is how I know all of you are lying when you say you don't live in misery or you don't think about men. If you have a sex drive at all this will haunt you every time the natural horniness creeps up, it can even start to show up in your dreams. You can either be whitepilled by the minute possibility of your ideology being wrong even if you never personally witness it, or you can be trapped in this black and white absolutist hole forever
>>28649I am the ghost of a blackpill past anon ooooooooooo
No. 28652
>>28640having a vagina is a nightmare
throughout my exploration of my genital dysphoria, i always described it as "mild”. I hated having a vagina, but it wasn't too bad, and I enjoyed it from time to time.
but as the time went by i realized how horrible it felt to have it attached to me 24/7. it felt like a constant battle
what a burden it is to be a female carrying a womb and a vagina, navigating in a world full of females, all trying to prove their place in the world, winning and defeating others
i don't have "penis envy" nor do I want to be a man, it's not adopting a male role, it's being my true self. complete.
women are loving, empathetic, graceful, they are the embodiment of nature itself. i could never be one of them. i see myself as something else… the vagina is the embodiment of that simpleness, it's easy to make a woman happy. they love romance shit lol.
No. 28653
>>28652>women are loving, empathetic, gracefuluhh not all of them KEK
>they are the embodiment of nature itselfso are you
No. 28656
>>28652The thing is that I can feel everything other women feel sexually but I think it's still useless and my points still stay not acknowledged by anons. Points about sex and the differences in make and female positions in sex and how women have to do servile acts and how being penetrated vs the opposite is compeletely different and the stimulation is kinda useless
A man can't pleasure a woman all pleasure woman can have in sex is inherently feminine so she can't get served like a man can
No. 28660
>>28655if the farmhands are intentionally not modding this thread I agree with them, this is like our secret little thunderdome
>>28658>it doesn't haunt me>unironic blackpill thread posterokay
No. 28663
>>28659everything you talk about is in relation to men because that's a part of heterosexuality by definition lmao
>>28661>everything a woman goes through mentally it's because she needs dick lolyou are a retard
>Being a lesbian wouldn't be much different and less frustratingIt would probably be different and frustrating in ways that have nothing to do with obsessing over dominant cock
No. 28665
>>28663You're fuckin reaching right now.
I'm talking about womanhood and you admitted that a woman body is made to be penetrated
We are literally talking about the physical reality a lesbians still embodies the biological femininity and shitty sexual role.
No. 28668
>>28665>a woman body is made to be penetratedby whomst?
>and shitty sexual rolein relation to whomst?
>>28666>I describe hetero sex for what it iswhat is hetero sex?
No. 28669
>>28668Woman is physically separated from a man but her body is made in relation with a man and it's something you gaslighted me about but you now the to humiliate me with it through some retarded psychoanalysis cause you thought that being a misandrist is being blackpilled bitch we aren't just a misandrists and I don't give a fuck about men cocksucker
Why are you trying to humiliate me with something YOU ARE?
No. 28671
>>28669>I don't give a fuck about menyou can stop talking about cock any day now
>>28670you're blackpilled about women because of how you think they relate to men. men are present in everything you say, every woman you hate you hate because she's having sex with men. in some way it all refers to men kek
No. 28672
>>28671You are reaching. Are you capable of having non manipulative exchange and not trying to humiliate me with something you are?
I'm talking about womanhood braindead dick sucking cunt
I don't wanna engage in sex as a female body and I don't care about men as a woman
No. 28676
>>28672>dick suckingyou can stop talking about dick sucking any day now
>I don't wanna engage in sex as a female body and I don't care about men as a womanyou don't have to want to engage in hetero sex to be tormented by your heterosexuality every time you masturbate kek. you're too contrarian to admit it but we both know I'm right
>>28673>I'm just talking about the biological realitywhich is about how you believe women relate to men
>I'm tired of people trying to humiliate me for talking about sexkek yet you try to humiliate other women for having it. you don't deserve kindness
No. 28678
>>28676Where did I said I'm tormented by heterosexuallity when i masturbate
And I'm not talking about "sucking dick" but other women doing it and about how vile and psychologically terrorizing this act is while you try to paint me as someone who likes it or does it while you're the one sucks dick like a whore
Yeah men and women are created in relation with each other but I'm talking about womanhood braindead cunt
You're fuckin reaching.
No. 28679
>>28678>I literally kinda force myself into it out of no other choice, I never was okay with suppressing libido despite that but the internal conflict is here… I don't enjoy femininity but my sexuality is feminine kekone of you retards wrote this is what the whole argument is about
>you try to paint me as someone who likes it or does itkek I never said you enjoy it but you're a heterosexual so in some way all of this evil shit that you think heterosexuality is chases after you whenever you get horny
>but I'm talking about womanhoodwhich you define in relation to males
No. 28680
>>28679No that's not what I experience at all. You are projecting onto me. I force myself to experience sexuality bc that's the reality we are embodying anyway but I don't like it that's why I'm not ashamed. Bc I'm not into it anyway
Yes braindead cunt but we are talking about WOMANHOOD your point doesn't disprove my what I said and think, I don't care about men
We are talking about existing in a woman's body sexually. You're literally so fuckin stupid no wonder you're a cum dumpster.
No. 28685
>>28684I'm not coping if I was shamed I wouldn't be saying it all but you
abusive pigs screech at it and use to it to manipulate and humiliate me anyway while protecting your shit onto me. You are desperate for me to become what you are, you are retarded as fuck
No. 28686
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>>28680>I force myself to experience sexuality bc that's the reality we are embodying anyway but I don't like itright so you can't even experience your own sexuality without feeling upset which is exactly my point, good luck with that cuz it's never gonna go away as long as you view heterosexuality as cursed like this. fight all you want because you'd never want to be seen agreeing with anything I say, but I know what you are. I'm teh ghost of a blackpill past
>>28683>I always felt disconnected from it and don't really gaf>I just hate being a female body sexuallypicture related
No. 28688
>>28686By my sexuality I don't mean what you think I meant you're
toxic and manipulative as fuck and are clearly trying to cause me distress because you feel humiliated for being a cocksucker
I just shared about how I don't like being a female body sexually but I have no choice because I exist physically as a woman body, I don't hate to suppress myself or feel shame because I'm not a cocksucker. I never had to suppress my attraction to men because I don't even gaf about it this much neither find men attractive that much. I force myself into sex simulation for the sake of stimulation
No. 28697
>>28695But you think I'm tormented because I want dick or men, you're a dumb count
I literally just hate being a woman and hate sexual submission while you're trying to humiliate me with something you are because you're a cocksucker
No. 28698
>>28694Why are you being so
toxic? Why should I be reading file names in here
No. 28708
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tawxic cumb count piece of shet
No. 28718
>>28715but she actually dgaf but she actually is psychologically terrorized but she actually
>>28711I know what you are
No. 28719
>>28718You by saying that I gaf tried to paint it as not something it really is bc you tried to humiliate me. Yes I'm terrorized by this sexual act where women put dicks into their mouths but it doesn't mean I want it or suppressing some urges. I genuinely feel exreme distress but it will never be seen as
valid by anyone.
No. 28725
>>28721Why are you gaslighting me again while that's what you were really suggesting to be true
I hate womanood because of this shit and you hate me for being blackpilled and think I should suffer forever because of itt
No. 28734
>>28731Nigelfag? Like? Did you just join
Can you read
No. 28747
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
No. 28753
>>28748go look at something you like for an hour or two breathe deeply and come back. i did just get here and i’m too lazy to backread
thoroughly but you seem to be stressed out
No. 28754
And they are dancing, the board floor slamming under the jackboots and the fiddlers grinning hideously over their canted pieces. Towering over them all is the judge and he is naked dancing, his small feet lively and quick and now in doubletime and bowing to the ladies, huge and pale and hairless, like an enormous infant. He never sleeps, he says. He says he’ll never die. He bows to the fiddlers and sashays backwards and throws back his head and laughs deep in his throat and he is a great favorite, the judge. He wafts his hat and the lunar dome of his skull passes palely under the lamps and he swings about and takes possession of one of the fiddles and he pirouettes and makes a pass, two passes, dancing and fiddling at once. His feet are light and nimble. He never sleeps. He says that he will never die. He dances in light and in shadow and he is a great favorite. He never sleeps, the judge. He is dancing, dancing. He says that he will never die.
No. 28760
>>28759Pedo said she wants nullification surgery and admitted it's her. You say in the last hours that you will become a Nullo.
And people wonder why I'm mad if I'm literally being trolled or lied to
No. 28777
>>28775That's why y'all make fun of me and what I tried to argue about for the last few threads just to be made fun for my distress that's real and told I will be miserable forever for those reasons after being told those reasons are not real lol
and you probably showed my posts to them. To a bunch of cocksuckers or women of that kind
No. 28784
>>28783I'm not that anon braindead pig and that sexual act is disgusting and makes woman'hood unsalvageable you guys are barely comprehending simple shit
Women get fucked on all fours and suck dick and female position in sex is inehrnely submissive and womanhood is sex slavery and we exist in a woman body and embody sexual dimorphism and male female dynamic
No. 28788
>>28786>>28786You filthy tyrant. Nobody said
that. you're trying to humiliate me again please for gods sake get a brain. Nobody is this dumb. You are vile in here
No. 28790
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I refuse to believe posts like these aren't satire. I just can't believe women can be so low
No. 28791
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Nigelfag is the dumbest person I've ever encountered, but she resembles the average cocksucker then tries to say that she is the same as us…. I'm so confused how her brain doesn't have the capacity to analyze and think deeply
No. 28795
>>28790Biology, sexual anatomy and female positions in het sex is physically submissive therefore psychologically too and some dumbass will nitpick it and say "normal
segs is not faze facging" its mutual loving mutual loving mutual you just read bad stories! They don't realize I see the "real sex" they have that they consider non violent non sadomaso non submissive non dominant… As submission dominance and violence in certain acts
No. 28797
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This has to be the most unhinged threads I've seen on lolcow and that's saying something. Where do you go from here, are you on to shoot up a woman's center because all women are cocksucking submissive whores and turning you into one psychically with their nasty filthy submissive wound hole pussies, that women cursed you inherently by birthing you out of their disgusting slave breeding holes. That they're all going to cause cocks to fly at you RIGHT NOW. Or something? Honestly your obsession with cocks being these all dominanting forces that overwhelm the beta female pussy and turns her into a submissive fucksleeve or whatever just reads like someone whose had their brain broken by pornography. inb4 'dumb stupid cocksucking whore you're not listening to me you're obsessed with nigel you stupid breeding stock submissive slut' go ahead and schizo ramble your porn brainrot at me
No. 28802
imagine being scared of being a terminally online person and someone thinking youre chronically online on an ib who fucking cares the normies will not shame me into sucking dick like them i will keep oppressing the nigelfags
>>28797yada yada yada porn women only degrade themselves for men in porn yada yada
No. 28806
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cocksuckers always disappointing me
No. 28807
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>grrr you blackpilled feminists are just schizo! women don’t actually become completely retarded after shacking up with a scrote! get over it!
>meanwhile, normie women:
No. 28810
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>>28797>accuses us of being porn addicts>picrelkys tranny
No. 28811
>>28810bet she pulled it from her discord server's pet moid
>>28769. if that even exists for real
No. 28828
so i’m not actually a misandrist i just need somewhere to vent post about male-induced female stupidity. i also don’t believe most people who come to this thread to rage the cock worshippers in their lives carry that rage outside of lolcow, let alone the thread. irl/off of lolcow the most blackpilled i get is general seperatism and encouragements to women to also separate from the men in their lives (i do not entertain women’s coddling of men — if she’s giggling about some stupid thing he’s doing i’m quick to point out that he’s a stupid asshole). but that’s it.
to me, tbh, it’s telling that this thread is constantly haunted by women with nigels. if you’re that confident that your man is worth shit, and you’re a happy cocksucker, why are you here? why lurk so obsessively? why post your think pieces nobody asked for
>>28817? it reeks of insecurity.
>noooo no you don’t get it i’m actually giggling and kicking my feet this is so much fun for me? lies. if you were really that unbothered you’d be spending your time on something you like. there are tons of threads on lc i hate: i couldn’t tell you what was happening in any of them. i don’t actually gaf. now get that cock out of your throat and start thinking
No. 28830
>>28828>>28828>i also don’t believe most people who come to this thread to rage the cock worshippers in their lives carry that rage outside of lolcow, let alone the threadWhy wouldn't I be serious about it?
It has the same vibe as people calling me cock obsessed when I'm just talking about why I hate hetero sex as a woman and gross sexual actual because sex is human physical identity and structure of this reality so it's also human psychology and emotions I can talk about something yet still hate, why it's so controversial
And everything I say ITT gets nitpicked
I can say: it's not real about my suffering etc.
I can say: stop making retarded assumptions about me
And predict those assumptions a million times yet those retards still make them and still use any mentions of my distress against me to manipulate conversations with their retarded psychoanalysis
We can't even talk about what sex is. SEX, something this serious in human life
People use our vulnerability against us
I can't even say how heterosexuality causes me internal conflict because I don't like being feminine or submissive while female body is that in hetero sex
So basically my heterosexuality tells me: be feminine or else you are not fitting into heterosexuallity neither even masturbating or engaging in sexuality even just in your mind, it tells me be feminine because that's what's attractive to the opposite sex snd when people are rejected then they subconsciously feel bad about it. For expl would a hetero woman be okay if her breasts got removed or something? It would harm her mentallyy because of her hetero attraction
But my other mental identity doesn't want to be feminine so it causes internal conflict
I don't wanna make another post so
I wanted to rant earlier about how it bothers me how I can't be naive and retarded like others women are which makes me feel like some unnatural abomination and rejected by nature
I agree with men that women are children because their behavior and words is giving mental disability or the dumbest airhead possible and that's why their words and behaviors are a constant jumpscare for me
They are so delusional and keep narrating the heterosexuality esp with their delusions and lies, they are obsessed with denying
They think men are jealous of their "innocence" anytime their Nigel fucks them over they say he is just jealous if their ~purity~ while those men get served so much pleasure and love by those women and they aren't jealous of the purity… They are just attracted to it cause it pleases then. It's impossible to not be a pick me and date men… It doesn't fit your biological sexual feminine
That's why hetero sex is humiliating, it's humbling and softens you up
Men have like a sociopaths because their position in sex is that
Women like pickmes because their position is servile at the core of their being which is what men can't experience so sex serves men more
Men desire submission from women so much because female body is submissive they are like two exremes
Male sociopathic behavior and women's deep love and submission to men written in their physical anatomy and you can see it in het sex like in women getting fucked on all fours or sucking dicks
Selfless vulnerable position, it makes men feel high
My mind is incapable of being naive and retarded like other women are… I didn't develop it, it always was like this for me
Heterosexuallity is a transaction/exchange
Women are inherently feminine sexual role in it so calling it mutual is a manipulation to ignore that it is not equal.
A man attracted to a woman is attracted to femininity aka a woman serving him with it first and with sexual submission and filthy sexual services that pull him in, he only loves being loved
Other women are so insanely stupid that I can't go a day without feeling distressed over it and jumpscared by it. They talk so much fucking retarded bullshit
And Nigelfags are something else. They will go months or year praising their Nigels just for them to fuck them over and then these women reveal all the flaws(like one just say her Nigel used to ask to dump his jizz on her face)
the relationship had or whilst they still date you can stalk their accs and see that they indeed are submissive ass dick suckers
Ultimately hetero sexuality is about the woman surrendering to dick and cumming in. She doesn't abandon herself and submits to a man's will, she already is this submission
Idk how a woman with my mind cam exist I feel like I will never be a woman mentally
I could never be picked or go along with getting picked, I'm not an airhead
Men get turned on by airheads an women's naiveity because sex involves extreme deep female submission so that's what turns them on so outside of sex they like pickmes but even if some don't seem like pickmes then I sex they have a vulnerable position anyway and it turns men on that those women submit to them anyway as one man said "you can be as feminist as you want but at the end of the day you still have to put your ass up in the air for a man"
I can see the vulnerability of this role clearly.
I need to brag about the Nigel haver I mentioned in this post, she was like "my Nigel who's this and that is an actual healthy decent man" but now she calls him a demon and picked up on another version of a healthy decent man or a "provider" her ex was mid so now she says that hot men are actually healthy because they have nothing to prove but then when she found a sugar daddy her age (she wants to be a trophy wife"( then she said actually mid rich men are the ones who are healthy and decent men and my man wants to spoil and worship me, he knows what he wants… Mind you she said that about when ex Nigel who "gazed into her eyes and had sweet sex with her"(then he had violent sex with other women) and "didn't engage in hook ups because he values emotional connection and doesn't want an std" he have her an std then
It haven't been more than two weeks and she already has a sugar daddy after breakup with she Nigel she talked about on rattwt for months and months and other women were admitting that they are jealous of her. She's also narcissistic because she talks about how he won't find better at sex woman and said she looked better at the pool than anyone else lol I could never be this way. The internal conflict is real even tho I know I don't wanna date I still know that if I'm not an airhead cocksucker then I don't fit into the hetero sexual dynamic we get stimulation from so I don't get stimulation neither eee don't fit into my other identity which is heterosexuality and I barely have crushes because I don't find 99.9% of makes aesthetically attractive but if I do then I have no way to consume my attraction to these few real or not real males anyways because I don't wanna be submissive or do psychologically terrorizing piglike acts for the same of stimulation and I don't wanna be a feminine sex slave bottom. Heterosexuallity requires gender roles. A moid can not like to be masculine sometimes too but he has to anyway so he will still be a sex pest for stimulation reasons and hurt women by desiring multiple women at the dame time and never choosing only the Madonna and leaving the whores out of his mind. So… I literally can't like I would have to hate myself or self harm
No. 28834
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see what males think about women..
No. 28835
>>28833You thought that's all… No..
I wanted to watch this funny YouTuber new video and at the beginning of it he referenced the hawk tuah meme.. years years ago and for years I used to rage and say "women are whores who suck dick while spitting all over themselves" I'm sure you could find remains of those ramblings I put on online maybe.. idk where, on saidit? And now a woman became famous because she said that to make a man go crazy you have to spit on his dick… like a pig perhaps……? Or what
This gave me this realization again
Like three posts above this I think about how you have to be naive as a woman or else you don't fit into your biology's "purpose"
Women are supposed to get brutalized in heterosexuallity I don't mean like beat up or something, they desire men despite what men do to them and their desires for het romance always takes over them. They can't help it
Women are supposed to be the pray that let's herself be taken by this desire and engage with in not caring about the fact that all men will abandon you and fuck you over. Her hetero desire is a desire for sexual dimorphism just as male is, her hetero desire is a desire for dark triad traits and masculinity to conquer her to make her surrender to induce stimulation she seeks no matter what are the consequences of it and that men rape women and are attracted to little girls the most and find them the most attractive
Men can't not be misogynistic because it goes against their material drives, male misogyny sometimes says through about female position in sex, soft, humbling, feminine "put in her place"
If women won't stop desiring a man even if he raped her or someone else even if he is a tyrant or a murderer then I'm right lol
Men and women sexually are polar opposites so men desire innocence because it's preylike
Women wanna get fucked by men and love them while knowing those men won't commit and don't wanna commit and refer to them as pussy behind their back
While experiencing sexual attraction women experience it with their physical sexual anatomy that is about surrendering so women feel more intense love for men that takes over them while men just get pulled in by how much a woman serves them but still want other women. Like literally a woman can read about how all men are rapists but then go read romance seconds later. They are supposed to let themselves get conquered lol that's what penetration literally is.. even like while masturbating through clitoris you don't have to think about anything however the vagina… Inside of it .. everything becomes obvious through it
Women can't help their desire to be taken by men even tho men are who they are and are masculine and can't be anything else… Those conversations like in previous post happen between men naturally cause they just socialize as their physical identity.
A woman is supposed to be naive enough that she gets taken away by her desire for moids and not like me where I am incapable of being naive
Because if shit this extreme can't stop a woman then the conclusion is obvious and if this exreme shit is just natural then it says what straight sex is and how men are non monogamous they desire other women and you won't do anything about it
I just wanted to watch something funny but I can't laugh at shit like this anymore. If you laughed at shit like this it's not just socialization and pretending to be a cool girl. It's all shaped by human biology . . .
No. 28837
>>28834I don't know how someone can look at shit like this and not see that it's womanhood that makes us deal with a burden like this…
We embody energy that ATTRACTS this makes rape and being sexually objectified inescapable no matter what, I hate being this not because of men, but even if they acted differently it still would be SHIT to be this energy and consensual sexual objectification is still shitty. Sexual masochism, pregnancy, motherhood which probably gives women a brain damage because it's such a fucking hard labor, the women's breasts being made for children but also for sex too which mixes the nurturing part into female sexuality making it all kinds gross and masochistic servile urges are arising in women, they probably even have urges to get fucked on all fours, gross degrading acts, having to entertain the male sexuality while in a relationship with him and do gross acts, having to get fucked etc. attract and attract and attract because of your physical form you didn't choose. It's like something constantly rapes you or wants to rape you without acknowledging your mental identity bodies biological femininity because in the act of rape it doesn't give a fuck about anything else you are same as in hetero sexuality… Attracting is a burden… Knowing prostitution exists is a burden… Female role in sex is a burden… Rape is a burden that will always exist naturally… Always as long as humans exist. You can't even reclaim womanhood from being this energy that ATTRACTS or is nurturing mother stuff blah blah blah because men didn't make it this way so like…
You can look at this world and see women's role in it.. wombyn. Who birthed all children? While motherhood is mind breaking often. Our mothers are NOT ok I'm sure of that I don't even have to know you alls mothers. Spiritual people would call the female energy magnetic probably and it it like this… By itself.. men didn't make it by desiring it so our sexual anatomy is made to be penetrated by the other energy. You might not be attracted to men and be a lesbian but your sexual anatomy is still feminine and you can still be a pickme non sexually and tou still receive stimulation the same way but wanna do it with a woman instead. I'm an abomination because I have some lack of femininity in me making me rage like this at womanhood and making me a
femcel(the volcel type of one) and I had this gross realization like… I always got excited at the thought of having power in sex as a woman like men have and make women fall for them and those women have crushes on them like it's kinds narcissistic but then I realized… It doesn't exist for a woman but I only feel okay about life if I'm delusional that it does and that I could possibly have control, mind you I don't even wanna engage in it yet it makes me feel good. Like women are supposed to unconditionally love rather than have power lol
No. 28838 statistics, not cohabiting with men reduces your changes of getting raped A LOT but people… Seem to not mind rape as much as their performative morals standards say. I think there's something very sinister about hetero dynamic and woman anatomy being made for penetration and I tried so hard for years to not think that women are meant to be raped idk if anyone can even whitepill me on it without lying or sugarcoating. I'm not trying to be the devil and being existential crisis to everyone but can someone debunk my blackpill. I'm not a
victim, just sensitive
No. 28846
>>28845No because they don't paint themselves as such and many have some weird narcissism, I used to think they are twice as stupid because they actually think their bf is special. I have an insane good example of that but I don't wanna post her here. It's the perfect example of REAL life. Realest example.
Everything i was predicting about her and her relationship turns out to be true like I'm 100% stop ok on het relationships and human sexual impulses even male sexual impulses. After "romantic sex where he worships her" he started turning pedophilic even after almost a year. I used to think that… Reinforcing the feminine masculine sexual polarity will make a man seek more and more vulnerability from a woman until he wants a little girls because nothing pleasures a man more than that, if you have hot sex with your Nigel, the chances of him wanting to fuck other women are so big and chances of wanting violent sex while he has non violent with you besides the natural violence sex contains like dick sucking is really really violent in it's mechanism and being fucked too. She didn't let him do more degrading acts like anal or facials or dick sucking for longer than few minutes(and she bragged than she can do in in minutes eh) but he was having it with other women. . . While acting like the perfect Nigel with her who looks into her eyes deeply and kisses her romantically after saying she doesn't need to apologize for denying sex like this is so cringe and… Idk realistic. Very real hetero "romance" still romance despite cheating
No. 28848
>>28847Hoe is a Nigel haver who overshares online "my friend" I'm just saying that it's still REAL LIFE even if she shares it online. It's a good example from real life on how relationships work, she shared her personal thoughts and screenshots of messages and everything. I found her under radfems tweets months ago and it interested me. He was non pornsick and she claimed he was gentle in bed and licking her cunt for hours (useless act kek)
Etc etc just what women see as a healthy non pornsick "real man" who "worships men" that's why it's such a realistic example… She is almost 30 and very thin tho, she has Ed but he didn't want her to lose weight anyway. Yet he wanted to be called daddy and called her a little girl at some point in their relationship and had other women gag(literally and that's what he wanted) on his dick behind her back
To a woman it's not visible because to her Nigels exists instead of "it's all men" so why would it be visible. It's visible in every male because they are a male body just as het dynamic is visible in male and female body and how sex serves more and women are submissive in it kek. Every Nigel on earth is a pedophile every "he worships the ground I walk on and hold me" (which is what she described him as) is a pedo
No. 28849
>>28848"worships me*"
The usual "my Nigel wurships me"
That's why I said they are dumb. They don't see the "signs" aka just natural shit and they are not very self aware. This particular woman seems ti be narcissistic. Two weeks after breakup she called her current Nigel a healthy real man who wants to spoil her unlike her not real man loser ex who will always be miserable having casual sex(her words) and she want to become a spoiled pilates wife. Nigel havers will just paint it all as "not a real Nigel she just didn't see the signs! My Nigel is a real Nigel"
But she literally was just like them and he was acting like their Nigels but still cheating. They are airheads and narcissists because she def has that "now I have a healthy man who wants to spoil me stay mad incles online" "he said I look so young but was relieved that I'm 30" "my pussy is grippy I'm the best they ever had" her body count is low(she's bi but doesn't add women to her body count?) but still
No. 28854
The realization won't stop hitting me it's so painful I think of it whole day. I'm tired of living from a female sexual pov, everything is a jumpsscare to me because human psychology is created from physical masculine feminine sexual polarity. I was actually gaslighted for years about it, but female position in sex actually is surrender, I was getting it all right it's unbelievable that's why hetero sex always seemed so weird to me like it only serves men and it's right because due to our anatomy we as women get off on surrendering and serving. Gender roles are biological that'd the ultimate truth and why everything is the way it is especially sex.
Even femdom only serves and is about "milking dick" or whatever they do. Female body sexually = surrender, opening yourself. Human psychology os created from sex this is why I'm tormented by womanhood and anything sexual done by myself alone leaves me traumatized and jealous of men because I didn't soften up and surrender or be a pick me or something. Women desire to be desired, see themselves from male pov, it's not a man's job to make sex better for the woman, he can only be masculine properly rest it's a woman job to surrender and psychologically get off, if she doesn't surrender and isn't feminine it will always be just unequal to her. All a woman can do in sex is servile… Vagina is receptive role and it all manifests itself psychologically in humans. Physical structure of Sex is human psychology, it doesn't mean they all are hetero, before someone nitpicks. This is why it's such a burden to be sexually a woman and at some point I started leaving masturbation traumatized but then kept forcing myself just to feel some stimulation. The truth is that not conforming to my biological femininity and sexual submission leaves my heart closed for this world. I was right about sex. One word: surrender it's what I would describe female position in straight sex as. She embodies submission, but ofc since my brain is fried from years of radfeminism then I had false hopes that maybe a female body isn't nurturing, servile feminine and unconditional love for others ofc and that it's not meant to serve dick aka love men, feel real love for men which equals serving dick then and serving dick is different than fucking a woman as a man. Heterosexuallity requires femininity masculinity dynamic you can't even be attracted to feminine moids lol you can't be masculine in sex as a woman or dominate. Your heart only opens sexually from being feminine because of your Biology. Even having empathy we have because of our biology in this world as a woman is a burden.
Ans you can actually feel that surrendering snd being feminine is how a female body receives the so called pleasure, only way to find sexual femininity fulfilling is to like femininity and you have to experience it deeply psychologically. Because human psychology will never be separate being from their physicality like that's crazy as fuck I don't understand why was I gaslight. It's not equal because femininity and masculinity is not equal esp not psychologically. I'm done researching sex, all I found in the most realistic descriptions and videos made by real people to show a human sex life since I don't have sex… Was proving all my bp beliefs .. the way a female and male body can interact sexually is so fucking blackpilling. What about "the female body has to open itself therefore it has to happen psychologically" do people not under. Women even have a vagina. Is about opening. Childbirth is about opening. Spreading your legs to. Your hips too lol how can material reality we embody be separate from what we experience psychologically
>It's all just a coincidence!!!
And feminist spaces fried my fucking brain with their dumb copium and role reversal copes. Wondering My whole life why is hetero sex so psychologically terrorizing to em, getting gaslight, feel like a crazy luantic and fixate, confused about the reality I am experiencing sexually, go psychotic from the gaslighting not matching what I experience deeply with my Biology therefore feelings and emotions and power and love dynamic sex submission vulnerability being powerless being a slave which leaves me shocked. Like go fuck yourself everyone . How can you gaslight someone this much. Why don't you feel the Femininity you experience as a woman in sex through your body. Why don't you agree that sucking dick is first very very volent in it's mechanism second degrading that's why it's humbling aka makes you surrender and psychologically gett of on SERVING third it's submissive and vulnerable.
Everyone with a brain and eyes can see that women have a soft vulnerable feminine position in sex
And all the blackpill talks about why women are pickles and men are misogynistic also ahs this source. The biological masculinity and femininity and women position in sex being what it is. Others just live this reality but I personally despise leaving from female pov. It's the same as female pov in straight sex
It's a burden, even the empathy is and our gender role…. wondering for yeras what's wrong with hetero sex why it's giving me dick envy to think of it because the female role is too soft and about surrendering to dick and nurturing kek you're either a picike or had dick envy or are celibate for life and the envy disappears when you don't wanna engage in sexuality which I mean even by yourself ofc like why was I right since always. I feel like humans wrecked my mental health
No. 28856
>>28854I'm having an existential crisis all over this thread kek everyone can see that female role in sex is vulnerable and soft so easy was I confused so bad by people about my deepest emotions about life that go to our root which is sex which is a sensitive traumatic topic because our our physical identity and all that. My woo woo posts are right I was right that
women are submissive cocksuckers and my rage is because I'm not so it goes me out its my biggest nightmare to live lie they do and have to serve. I have a high libido and moids would probably be like "omg perfect woman" if they hears it but that's not what makes a woman act like a private pornstar in sex. Because I could never do. What makes them do it is femininity being nutriting and servile kek they don't need to have a high sex drive like I do to be coomers for men.
No. 28859
>>28855It's not "all", only bj-chan
>>28857 is doing that. I wish she would go away so that we could have a normal thread. She has
also attracted all antis here.
No. 28864
>>28858The first thread was just arguing as any other. And sex is actually the cause of all the shit you wanna discuss and y'all wanna talk about copes to lmao and people actually argued that sex is not submissive or degrading to women before that, denying its submissive is ridiculous and that's how y'all talks look like. Is it that hard to read the first thread and see it for yourself like they were talking about socialization theory and bonboo monkeys and shitting themselves at any facts about biology and since idgaf anymore then I'm gonna finally say it after years.. I find yalls conversations retarder as fuck posting dumb articles and studies and then engaging in some misandrist male obsession copium endlessly. The average bp woman is not what I relate to and I always despised their forums when they try to sound smart with their talks about biology but all their theories about patriarchy are braindead and mention that women are cocksuckers and even on most blackpilled forums some women will crawl out out of nowhere and say why they like doing it right after having their enlightened conversations about socialization theory bamboo monkeys stupid how men psychoped women and hijacked their brains and women women are
victims akshually
No. 28866
>>28865Ok so i have a few questions because i do not understand something here. If you understand then why was i gaslighted about sex especially by you all? There is few things I'm right on which is the biological femininity and masculinity and women role in sex etc. And i got attacks for it and got gaslighted for saying that female biology is sexually feminine and basically gender roles are biological and women have submissive position in sex and men and women are one and can't be separated(ofc physically they r separated) Why won't you all agree and then say you wanna have dif conversations and instead i got gaslighted? How you wanna have conversations about the reality if you don't acknowledge what it is and why the sex posts make you so mad. I gotcalled misogynistic for hatinf sex but its impossible to hate it without hating women or even hate men without hating sex or women. So you all are okay with women doing degrading gross acts and with femake sexuality and women pleasuring men?
Then what blackpill is about to you all, that's my question if you don't even resent female sexuality while its so submissive and obscene and giving men pleasure
No. 28867
>>28864>>28866NONA PLEASE WE GOT IT. Women are submissive and are meant to get fucked on all four.
and, hold your keyboard, suck cock So, how about we discuss how it affects the behavior of women around us and how it affects our behavior? As I said earlier, i am really upset that moids stick up for each other while women cant help but tear each other apart for minor insignificant shit.
No. 28871
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Good that you added loving before husband to cope that it's equal
No. 28881
>>28876No this is just biology and denialists are insufferable whining retards
>>28877Girl my point is not as hard to understand as you are making it out to be you just have to be capable of deep thinking. Female sexual anatomy is created in relation with men due to reproduction and our sexual anatomy is feminine and make masculine for creation of new humans purposes. Then outside of hetero dating or reproduction you're still this sexually feminine anatomy that receives pleasure in certain ways that don't change if you wanna do it with a woman or a man. You still experience femininity sexually when you engage with a woman. You literally asked me a question that assumes I'm dumb plus I never compared lesbians to men here. Everyone wants power dynamics in sex anyway and a woman body to receive pleasure it has to surrender so often women wanna be dominated or shit like that to induce this state in themselves no matter what their sex orientation is because sex orientation doesn't change your sexual anatomy. You are all not some special snowflakes and an exception of the rule. Besides your sex orientation. I have been both called a lesbian or accused of lesbians in the most unfair ways possible anyway. So it's just endless going back and forth. I can say million times that my description of humans biological gender roles doesn't disprove the existence of a different sex orientation and yet people still answer me like this. Like their memory lasts five minutes because it's often the same people. Once I get told I'm lesbophobic for seeing lesbians as pure and vanilla and other times the opposite I mean I say they engage in bdsm too and wanna be beat up in sex and cheat and other shit average sex haver does and people still get mad. There was even viral tweets on social media of lesbians being coomers or using ejaculating straapins or the insane butches dating femmes twitter side where they are onto some retarded bdsm shit. Your vagina getting wet for a woman and not able to get wet for a man doesn't mean you don't need surrender to get pleasure through your anatomy. Even spiritual woo woo people know that female body sexually is about opening yourself even physically they do this retard hip opening shit that's different for men and women. Idk it's just this way and I can tell.
I did never say lesbians have make sexuality. It was probably the lesbian who comes here to hate on me, this is just an assumption.
I hate those conversations bc like I said I either get called a lesbian but they use that other word for it, by other women or lesbophobic like choose one.i can sense the second one incoming. I don't think women attracted only to women sexually wanna submit to a males sexually but it doesn't disprove my points. I'm agitated as hell as you see. No matter how someone sees groups of people like this, there will always be drama
No. 28887
Lesbian sexuality is not "pure and vanilla" it is a sexuality like that of any other woman, radfems denialists are annoying
BP chan girl is right to embed at No. 28889
>>28884why did you delete your Twitter?
No. 28891
>>28880Uh, no, you probably got that from the straight girls on this forum clutching their pearls at a documentary from which the "leather dykes" were interviewed in the modern day and identified themselves as queers. BDSM is either way not inherent to lesbian sexuality in the way anon was trying to use it as a contrast to how submission is inherent to heterosexuality in women, obviously
>>28882You have an agenda
No. 28894
>>28883You mean by blathering on about lesbian sexuality from a generic straight girl POV and passing it off as deep blackpill analysis while hyped up by other deep straight girls like
>>26204 that anon is claiming to be a lesbian pedo
>you put gold star lesbians on a pedestal, but you probably wouldn't like their sexuality, they have typical male sexuality. they are more likely to have paraphilias, they are more visual, etc., all of this is a result of these women's prenatal andro-masculinization>>28893Where did I say they weren't? It doesn't mean they were all lesbians or identify as such today
No. 28895
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346K likes, Kek
But according to radfems, lesbians don't objectify women
No. 28897
>>28881How is a woman surrendering and submitting and opening up to another woman in the sense of a vagina being dicked down or dicksucking? You're using all the same terms for a completely different sexuality and scenario so you have to bring BDSM into the equation to level the playing field and make your comparison make any sense. You're filling in your straight girl blind spots with leaps. Yes, lesbians still have vaginas but you don't know how lesbians use them in sex because your reference point is how straight men fuck your creed
>>28895Radfems are the ones renown for calling lesbians manly woman objectifiers for actually being sexually attracted to women's bodies though. Now they think coming here to circlejerk against them makes them blackpill. Saying BDSM isn't inherent to lesbianism isn't the same as saying all lesbians are pure and innocent
No. 28900
>>28897>Female sexual anatomy is created in relation with men due to reproduction and our sexual anatomy is feminine and make masculine for creation of new humans purposes. Then outside of hetero dating or reproduction you're still this sexually feminine anatomy that receives pleasure in certain ways that don't change if you wanna do it with a woman or a man.from this post
>>28881i guess it is more like comparing a female homosexual relationship and a male homosexual relationship. between those two which do you think has more to do with dominance? maybe she is saying it is just in the sexual organs. like as part of being a woman, your sexuality is more submissive.
No. 28905
>>28895This is not me just in case
>>28897Due to our female sexual anatomy we have to surrender to receive pleasure no matter which sex you are attracted to and anytime you engage in your sexuality as a woman you engage it through your sexually feminine biology so psychology has to follow. In general in het sex a woman heart opens mentally through being feminine and servile but when you're attracted to same sex you aren't into men but still have to achieve the same feminine state to fully get stimulation or pleasure due to your physical anatomy that is just this way and we experience it psychologically. Variety in gender expression when it comes to having physical sex or physical arousal doesn't really exists much…
No. 28911
>>28909Feeling of sex attraction*
In gay people*
It can be hard to imagine but just try yet still their anatomy is female just as any other woman and they are also attracted to female anatomy therefore a woman but still are feminine role in sex unfortunately. I never seen this disproven but genuinely I don't wanna set realistic sex lives of lesbians or faggots because they will be as
triggering as hetero, mark my words. Sex drive makes you horny no matter what's your orientation
No. 28915
>>28905You're just hetsplaining lesbian sex by applying straight sex logic to it and sound like any other straight girl who doesn't know what she's talking about but you think that it's a critically sound blackpill take for some reason
>In general in het sex a woman heart opens mentally through being feminine and servile but when you're attracted to same sex you aren't into men but still have to achieve the same feminine state to fully get stimulation or pleasure due to your physical anatomy that is just this way and we experience it psychologically.You say that but don't explain how it works inherently in lesbianism whereas you clearly can with PIV and blowjobs which obviously require psychological submission that follows from the physical
>Due to our female sexual anatomy we have to surrender to receive pleasure no matter which sex you are attracted to and anytime you engage in your sexuality as a woman you engage it through your sexually feminine biology so psychology has to followHopefully my point is clesr to you by now you're yet to explain how this applies to lesbianism literally because you've explained in detail how it applies to heterosexuality in women literally. Just repeating the same things and being like "because vagina" isn't explaining
>>28912What is female psychological pleasure from PIV and blowjobs in lesbian terms? The vagina spasming isn't caused by a dick pounding it and that's a pretty significant factor in psychological submission. What exactly is the lesbian's vagina spasming proof it's submitting to? Your argument just comes back to "they have vaginas because they're meant to be on all fours for men to breed them" and you don't know how to deal with the reality that biology has made it so they're not
No. 28917
File: 1721943093878.jpeg (179.33 KB, 593x1231, F6A3B8BD-5025-4512-BC77-D73400…)

I got this from the lesbian thread, but women are all the same. I'm blackpilled about female sexuality.
No. 28927
>>28915The same female body "made for breeding and being fucked on all fours by men" is the one you engage with in lesbian sex. And a male body or his dick is not what males female position in sex what it is. It's already like this by itself.
And women have to surrender to get physical pleasure due to their sex anatomy so in lesbian sex you still have femininity and submission involved. Especially the femininity…
No. 28939
>>28902>>28919>>28916>>28917>>28895Samefag as the
>>28929 because there's other anon that's sounds like me and posts SS but it's not me,
All those posts are not me plus more earlier
This too not me:
>>28898 No. 28942
>>28938Oh the dumb comparisons again…
Women can't choose to not be submissive or feminine due to their anatomy
No. 28957
>>28954With a real penis yes, with a plastic is not
try again lesbophobic anon
No. 28966
>>28965You see lesbian sex as pure and vanilla because there is no penis. Just endless masturbation between friends. So pure uwu.
No. 28987
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No. 28990
>>28989I guess I'm really in tune with all those sensations and someone who doesn't have sex with other people can still understand it better than those who due because I have a sexual anatomy… And can also explore and imagine and analyze how it can all play out in real life scenerios where people come together.
I straight up have to force my psychology to shift to femininity while masturbating for the sake of that "pleasure" and got tired and burdened by forcing myself to conform. The psychology of it so too annoying. Women are pickmes for a reason while I have natural resistance to that cause it just doesn't fit my personality like what can I do
No. 28997
>>28992I’m not a pdfile
Are u retarded?
No. 29000
>>28999Yall straight bitches are fucking pathetic. Nobody is forcing you do that, we not in medieval times and, not even 1950s. Yall do it all because you want to and this is your sexuality. Superior lesbian Stacy doesn't have to do it.
Yall know you don't have to date right?? Straight women only talk about men, doesn't matter if they hate them of love them.
No. 29015
>>29000The anon you're replying to is right because love is a main part of life and romantic relationships are seen as love and in them woman has to get fucked on all fours or suck dick. Not wanting this cause possibly cause to someone who's hetero a severe emotional pain, but anyway it's not dick ot a man making woman position in sex what it is. It's like it by itself already and we cannot escape our biological femininity and the way our body receives pleasure which is like:
>>28990>>28989I'm gonna sound woo woo due to lack of my ability to verbalize things perfectly so I just speak in a stream of consciousness so not aligning with your biological femininity blocks your sexual energy stream and you possibly even dissociate from your body, take me as an personality has some traits that would fit better init malehood, and pregnancy, the being fucked on all fours from behind position, dick sucking is sowmtht I have considered killing myself over before because it causes me REAL feelings if terror and like I don't wanna function anymore and do anything besides lying in bed. It makes me feel demon possessed due to te anger i experience at it and makes me identify with dark. The fact is that female position in sex is vulnerable and soft that's 100% sure so our biology sexually is that too and we exist in our physical body and can't exist it. Huamn psychology is not detached from their biology. Metaphysical reality is also not detached from it and it's quite just the same one thing so we just must embody feminine energy SEXUALLY it's not like we are just feminine but sexually it's so fucking obvious and intuitively I could always see it cause I'm really sensitive etc.
I don't know how to no sound woo woo while saying it but all I'm talking about is biology after all, our vagus nerve kiterat connects to our vagina and uterus like our anatomy is different therefore sexually it's difft psychologically too because human psychology… Is their biology … It's a very simplified answer. Also our relation with other women… They embody a woman body like us and it's our physical identity and personhood and .. I would not like sex and womanhood as a lesbian either because if similar reasons
I'm just stating my point about biological femininity and sex being a fundamental part of this physical life. It expands into things like love or power, women's sex is their position in human life… They can't have "love" without having to get fucked on all fours and that's a soft position requiring mind to align with the vulnerability and Femininity cause there's no way that a mind can be detached from sex body and setting it's own rules. We can't escape experiencing sexuality mentally at all and our position in it is our female body so
Lesbians always existed and human sex biology was always what I describe it as very simply, and will always be like this in the current human form.
No. 29017
Someone please at least answer me the question at the beginning… It botrhes me how much it shocks my mind
Does it scare anyone else how the average dick size still looks so giant therefore putting it in someone's mouth literally is violent and it whigs me out how I still can't find more honest about those sexual acts from people. Everything about it's size in comparison to human woman mouth or face is pointing out that female role in sex is once again surrender. Other act like anal is a receptive role and about opening yourself, there's nothing that pleases hetero women more psychologically than male pleasure
It is all reflected in her psychology then during the acts. It's about her submitting for his pleasure and it possibly cause vaginal spasms and arousal due to the surrender. More violent acts like this induce surrender more.
I feel burdened and tormented by having to experience submission anytime I engage in sexuality either if it's through masturbating or experiencing daily arousal or through idk mind. I'm talking about womanhood and experiencing female sexual anatomy psychologically…
I think me blocking this flow of sexual energy within me makes me act demon possessed sometimes, there's no worse terror than forced submission lol
I'm just trying to understand my internal conflict, real feelings and reality and the male female dynamic or if you believe men and women are two sides of the same coin then male female duality and if you don't then male female relation still says truth about this reality if you analyze it
It's tormenting to live from a female sexual pov, female position in the male female dynamic we embody
We embody woman's position in straight sex even if we don't have sex.
Our human reality is males and females biology, half of population is the other sex, embodying the other side and your physical identity is all those human relations and sex dynamics and biology…
Female pov in sex is different from male because they are not the same or equal, so what they are then?
It's like two different "emerges"
Female pov on straight sex is women loving men or opening themselves to them or projecting their love onto men and then they are "delusional" than men "love them" the way they do but mens love is their sex position so it's more about being loved by women. I think humans possibly perceive life through their sexual desire or this pov I described so women have no idea what men really are cause their sexual anatomy hormones etc. Don't allow them to even acces this view…
The projection is the same mental state women expect while having sex with men, forgiving men, projecting their emotions into men thinking men have them etc.
They give men emotions men lack.
Romantic love is a female delusion but at the same time her love for a moid coming from her biology and also romantic shit is a foreplay necessary because female position in sex is vulnerable. Romantic love is a female projection onto men, men don't see women the same way suggesting sex is not equal cause their povs and psychology so different in it and men embody power while women don't and if you think what power means then…
So women live their their mental protection while men just see them as a mommy in their life that they would replace. Male pov in sex is consciousness while women's letting go of consciousness, men are detached with emotions women HAVE to be detached with. Making them submit to men emotionally, women's emotions in sex is their sex anatomy so the feminine emotions, a woman can't stay detached and be a fuck boy and completely unbothered, her vulnerable position literally forced those emotions onto her that sabotage them being able to use men like men can use women. If you imagine the act of sex the vulnerability becomes obvious so
I think sex is equal so also men have to make up for it with romantic gestures, this is why women don't do romantic gestures for men like men do for them…
There is absolutely no way for sex to be ever equal, women admit they like inherently humiliating sex acts because of male pleasure or because of feeling submissive or vulnerable. I think sometimes men have an urge to make up for the inequality in it with some romantic acts. It all makes perfect sense, this is why women often get obsessed with men with status or money or date for social status or male validation
This is why men can't be prostitutes for women, this is why women care about security in sex and relationships more.
The male female dynamic is interesting and I realized I tried to talk about it fro years but just got shut down especially because of using words like feminine and submissive and sex positive people are ofc retarded and morally correct so all they can shit out is: sex is whatever you make it it's equal it's uwu sugar coating sex you can choose your gender role in it uwu you must be asexual trans aromatic pansexual sapiosexual demisexual traumatized blah blah"
Trauma - dissociation but I am traumatized by female biology itself, I have male impulses sometimes and anger issues and I feel sexually energetic dysphoria but then my female sex nerve endings make me feel so weird I listen to angry music to get in tune with my personality and it all always points out to the same conclusion: vulnerability softness and femininity and sexual submission is inherent to female biology and psychologically you HAVE to experience it, you can't engage in sex without your psychology shifting to align with it. I can't even stand the sensations of having a vaginal canal all day long but since I'm mental and have a lot of energy then ofc I have to have a high libido cause I'm a freak. I even feel vaginal spasms like dozen times a day, i was always horny but idk if it's due to testosterone if I have no sign of it being high. I swear to God, it's the autism istg some autistic women have masculinized brains and it probably makes them highly sensitive in combination with female puberty hormones and sexual anatomy it just ends up like this.
I keep seeking to feel different energetically -sexually instead of the feminine sexual stream of energy providing you with the psychological experience of femininity softness vulnerability slowing down.
After all, all we are discussing is written in pictures of human naked bodies, having sex or not…. But I legit just had the question I wrote at the beginning, I cry thinking of it it's so brutal to me and sadomasochism, sometimes I'm intuitive so I see what dick and male is sexually in comparison to a female body sexually and see female surrender servilenes femininity extreme submission.
But others can't question their own reality like how you spread yourself on all fours and get penetrated from behind with thrusting movements while experiencing this exreme vulnerability and submission
then come here to gaslight and make me fixate even more… Your brain feels the sensations of your physical body and it in that position and feels the bottom of you penetrated while you're up there on your head and all parts of you that make up a sentient person below just their lower parts are participating in it
I have no problem anymore with all those dark subjects and I just straight up go like: men are pedos and who desire little girls more than anything else in life while women want to be abused and degraded and that's their dark desires which I wish could get explained REALISTICALLY and honestly without copium I'm just so invested in it all but I get gaslight a lot about the meaning of sex and the power dynamic and the love-power dynamic like do people realize what power means? Having it or not? Embodying it or not
I remember trying to discuss some things about womanhood online years ago with people and these people are retarded and straight up deny biology maybe I should see them the way I see Nigel havers, Nigel havers are twice as dumb as other women because they narrate their reality naively so those humans who deny just lack consciousness but the reality they experience is the same as mine. I only remember not being hyper awake like around 12 and before than. After I developed hyper awareness … I had to regress to 12yo to understand why other humans are the way they are, I can't really understand what exactly awakened me but ever since then I never looked at other people the same… I always lived with the belief that they can't "see me" properly and I'm looking at it all from a higher pov snd being alone amongst humans as if they are animals but what they are good at and I'm not is socialization, surviving in the world, human hierarchies etc
And unpopular opinion but society actually says that gender roles aren't biological instead of reinforcing them. I mean current society
And saying things ab biological femininity is controversial cause women's biological femininity is weaponized again them constantly and there exist strategies to try to prevent it or make it into an open secret everyone knows privately. Just like what makes other women the most mad is criticizing blowjobs as a filthy obscene whore act that's like a women's secret they are very sensitive about that they are in fact cocksuckers and do the most psychologically terrorizing gross acts possible and women's physical behavior doing it is the ultimate blackpill, like what else is worse than that in reality…
Human culture is weird, I wouldn't even call it licking genitals since it's a sadomasochistic self inflicted penetration and sucking off dicks grossly with gross movements but why it's something humans do to feel intimate?
No. 29024
>>26020I don't have any advices I don't even see suffering as real anymore but as something else since life won't see it as
valid because I'm a "unnatural" woman and it's my fault I'm not even playing a
victim on purpose
I'm just autistic and hsp
If you're saying this then you probably don't even wanna have this mentality anyway or don't relate as much as you think
I wrote that post because I am agitated at the gaslighting I received for so many years about the reality "I" am experiencing meaning I experience it with my psychology emotions sensations the most intimate parts so it makes me to crazy to get gaslight about something this distressing especially sex while the most obvious things in the world is that female position in sex is inehrnely vulnerable soft and feminine and everyone can see it. So you see something very real and other people tell you it's just your imagination while you experience insane emotional turmoil because of if that reality
I just say that women on a mass scale suck men dicks or even kneel to them and that's the reality of womanhood and it can cause exreme distress to someone hetero because they aren't capable of doing it all and it's just ehh
It's such an important thing and topic because human relations on a mass scale revolve around sex,human psychology power and love and it's such a big part of human life and most humans are heterosexual like..
Whenever I think of gay or straight sex that contains the dynamic het sex naturally has I feel hot all over my body (not horny or the good hot more like a deep terror you can see I fixated on the topic to see if I feel terror cause I'm mistaken about it all like a retard but the more I saw real life the most blackpilled I got) and dizzy and falling down like I am in hell and I feel like I'm hallucinating my years ring and have the filling like everything is spinning in my vision but it's not only that… More vanilia sex shit still causes me this even just the thought of dating a man as a woman and talking with him or vice versa same dynamic however living from male pov would be easier on some ways. Even a man kneeling to a man is horrifying to me like I cant comprehend that something this bad can be something humans can engage in or go through the extreme feelings of submission with physical uncomfortablesness and sex has the capability for the filthiest feelings possible since it's so intimate… The culture around it is also insane and how obscene and vulgar the feminine roles in sex are and how whorish and trashy. There's a cloud of suffocating burden because of womanhood all over my mind because sexually womanhood is horrifying… All that whore shit… All the oral sex jokes humans make and the natural mechanism of those acts, real life hetero sex lives…
But a female body is literally made for sexual surrender so that's even more feminine than faggots
I realized it long ago that life hates women who aren't feminine and this includes all humans hating then, but they deny it then they punish you. The same people that denied it. It's like the structure of the reality is encoded into humans psychology.
Imagine already being distressed cause of not conforming to womanhood then you try to talk about what it is to other humans and they gaslight you and then you get constantly punished for not conforming add to this having a mind that notices patterns easily and .. it gives me deep feelings of injustice and frustration because of other peoples words. They always say insufferable ass shit and normie just talk in political uwu everything is perfect equal whatever you make it sex positivity sugar coating sex calling you sapiosexual demisexual asexual trans pansexual bilesbian bi gender non binary correctness way
The reality works through other people to punish you into your place as a woman which is our biological femininity, nowhere else I would be allowed these talks since the reality tries to keep the order things. I just wish people could tell me to kys in a straightforward way while acknowledging the structure of the reality and why I should kys instead of lying and trying to control me in that moment like the worst moment possible lol
The shit people speak to me online is insane it made my anger grow for years and my brain notices all the ways they contradict themselves because I see the structure of the reality and I see them lie about it in their responses or just be manipulative or never stay on track or never be literal like…..
I wish I just could talk about the reality without making it personal like inserting myself in those conversations or without it being about feminism(I hate feminist theories on sex and female biology, another gaslighting)blackpill or misandry, I just want clarity
I'm autistic and it's not uncommon for some type of autistic women to be sad, they even kill themselves like 6 times more. Idk all those sex acts I name just cause me insane psychological terror I scream without making a sound or when you scream but choke at the same time because you became tense. Like there's no worse shit in existence to me than women sucking dicks or being fucked on all fours and I always felt this way all these movements fone by th myself or men as tormenting and look like sadomasochism and extreme submission and the psychological experience of it in combination with physical sensations from the root of your body all those intimate parts being literally obliterated add to this porn that only can be about male pleasure because of human biology and it's basically like "dumb bitch gets fucked" and the thumbnail is a woman aka a sentient person filmed from behind spread like a pig and that's a creation of human biology. I can't forgive womanhood for this and for having to be fucked like an animal from behind in the most submissive looking and feeling pose. Ofc I don't have advices about something that can't be changed. People will just call it a phobia of being a woman!!! But won't comment on what being a woman is in sex like they refuse to be literal. I can't imagine anything worse you can experience than womanhood in sex esp those positions and violent movements involved. This would make me physically vomit and lose control over my body if I had to experience it like I even literally feel the loss right now as I'm writing it. I feel like a punishment to get fucked like women get fucked and then millions of them are even filmed like bitches then put on thumbnails of some "teen whore gives me best blowjob" videos and porn statistics are INSANE. And the more realistic amateur porn is, the more terrorizing. Once this influencer online became a prostitute and they were sharing her video all over social media and it was had moveless spread on all fours while some moid was putting his dick in and out othe time I searched this famous influencer name after years of not stalking her and found her of images… She was on all fours in sketchy make up and dick was in front of her face.. I don't think she needed money…. Now someone tell me womanhood is fixable lmao we have to be physically UNCOMFORTABLE or suffocating. If I hated myself it would would be easy to take so I just consider giving up and detaching because seriously it doesn't go away even if it did for a short while and I thought I was mistaken to be blackpilled then it comes back because I was forcing myself to conform. Even some sensitive autistic moids hate sex and don't wanna hate it but it's different as a woman however still can be insufferable to engage in this sadomasochism, whore licking tyrant dick and the difference between their bodies, his hairy like chimp while her… Like it's straight up hellsih. We can't do no shit. I probably developed some kind mental illness at 13 realizing how sex looks like as a woman maybe even went schizo because of it, I sensitive to the point of loosing control over my body and at current times for me if I were to have self hating thoughts I would probably cry about it everyday cause I cry over everything now like the other day my father raised his voice at me which never happened in my life before and I always was privileged in that way that at least my father was somehow feminine in his mask around me and just staying in the background and being nice so I could ingore this masculine (scary) figure in my life, like shit like this is horrifying to hsp autistic person. I'm sensitive and see humans as tyrants even when they do mild shit irl like bang the doors loudly because they were angered. I just see it as "bad intentions" like an animal that's about to jump at my throat. I also can't erase my hyper awareness of the fact that others have thoughts or feelings whatever those feelings are I don't claim to know them so I can't be acting as evil as I wish because it physically pains me to be aware of what other human must be thinking while I'm just existing as myself but thinking of other people awareness like.
But I'm one with this sex reality through my biology engaging in this… Whatever I won't continue cause I'm about to say woo woo shit.
I don't have any advices and idk how someone like me could have them, there are some gurus even spiritual who would provide some guidance on how to deal with suffering in life kek
No. 29027
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This is a win for straight women. But it's also prostitution
This is what most straight women want but they usually won't admin it No. 29028
>>28996I love being dominant, but I fucking hate pegging and see it as the most submissive act a woman can do. Literally putting your pleasure aside to feel absolutely nothing so you can give a faggot an earth-shattering prostate orgasm with a plastic penis. There's a similar act in femdom in which the man is made to wear a plastic strap-on and only gets to fuck the domme with it instead of using his real penis, which is obviously a degrading act. So how is it suddenly "dominant" for a woman to forget all about her pleasure and please a man with a strap?
Most women who are into it are just penis-envy having retards who think of penetration as the ultimate act of domination. I have zero interest in replicating gay sex with a man, they can go to grindr if they wanna get fucked so bad.
No. 29030
>>29029The world isn't just what men think, sperg-chan. Also, nona asked and I answered. this is the blackpill thread, not the
femcel retard thread
No. 29031
>>29030Yeah exactly, a blackpill thread. No actual blackpilled woman fucks men
And saying "uwu I dont care how men see het sex" is like saying your lipstick is strong enough to kill men and your sexy feminine clothing destroys patriarchy or some shit… Your perception will never change how men actually see you. Women are retarded for pairing with creatures who see them as subhuman and weak
No. 29032
>>29026Masturbating wouldn't be happening at all for a truly traumatised straight woman. She said she tries (and pathetically fails) to embody the male energy by sexually engaging the parts of her body that would connect to male parts if she had them.
Nonnie, why are you sexually humiliating yourself and how are you still getting off by doing it if you aren't submissive and masochistic? Why are you posting about it in detail to further humiliate yourself for an audience? Why do you publicly show off your sexual humiliation and whip yourself for having a female body endlessly instead of trying to escape it if you're not married to your suffering and if you're not enjoying sharing your suffering and if you don't strongly identify with your suffering? Seriously, how enlightened is all that, really?
Volcel straight blackpills would just rub their clits but nonna has to think of and act out her inferiority to males. She can't even fathom any other reality from the vaginal cavity being "the centre of female sexuality" and she called PIV "the mature sexuality" and claims clit stimulation objectively "isn't fulfilling" and her Twitter friend called lesbian sex mutual masturbation because they're self-flagellating, basic straight women who mistakenly believe they out-thought their own submissive, masochistic biology and act like their autism and lesphobia are blackpill sheroism. Imagine men doing what she does, constantly declaring themselves to be fuck objects by nature and cumming at the idea of being failed women and publicly announcing it for hours every single day, year after year. It's the ultimate psychological femininity, almost reaching sentience but choosing not to, living just to suffer, and her posts stop short of any logical conclusion like suicide or trooning because she loves being a woman and performing femininity by spamming insanely long rants about how much she hates herself. She is her victimhood and if you question why she does nothing about it except whine and masturbate, you're gaslighting her, i.e. she gets more
victim points.
No. 29039
>>29032i could've just said scissoring or whatever term you would've preferred for lesbian sex but i wasn't saying that you can only have sex with penetration, you took that too seriously, now you're crying homophobe like a tumblrite. i didn't even know that was a common homophobic argument, sorry i didn't look up the proper terminology..? can you actually explain what is lesbophobic about bp anon though, i don't see why you think that of her. anyway, trooning doesn't work you evil gnc-phobe!11!1! what would that even accomplish for someone that doesn't believe they can do anything to escape their biology. do you think she's delusional about femininity 'cause then this is just another non-straightforward dismissal that doesn't actually address what she's saying. you must see femininity in a different way if you think the only logical conclusion would be to kill yourself (which is just stupid imo). i don't think i've out-thought my biology, i'll always be a female and all that comes with that (the same way you can easily acknowledge that you will always be weaker than a man no matter how roided up you are is how it feels for me). but i want to be celibate for reasons that have already been explained x1000 times. this is my first year here kek do you think it's only been the same 2 anons for all of the bp threads. i don't see talking about it as being the same as performing femininity, performing implies something uncomfortable to me, like you are acting out to exaggerate your femininity for validation… but bp anon behaves more naturally than that. i don't see ranting as traditionally feminine at all, she would get socially shamed for her views and ranting by both normie males and females, they would just think it's wahh unhinged to analyze it. i don't think it's the same as a woman putting on makeup, which i think is more accurate for describing performative femininity. maybe that is a nitpick but i can't speak for bp-anon.
No. 29040
>>29038yeah I'm skimming and enjoying all the nigel-chan accusations while I've been gone kek
>>28807I'm glad you said normie women because the vegan in me would never be caught dead doing this
No. 29055
>>28847>There are always signs that something is wrong with a guy that are visible long before a year passesso far I agree with this btw. their masks tend to slip really quickly. it's really hard to believe when women say they're completely blindsided by insane males after like 10 years tbh I'm not a #womanbeliever when I see that. It's just always been so obvious when there's something wrong after not very long ime
>>29053I'm not eating it though
>>29054wrong that appears to be some kind of snake or eel