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No. 26160
A thread for blackpill feminism. Discuss heterosexual dynamics, female psychology, and the flaws of the feminist movement here.
If you disagree with the entire premise of the thread, you have no reason to enter it. Remember that entertaining disingenuous liberal feminist debate is running around in circles.
Previous thread
>>24582 No. 26191
I hate female sexuality, soft submissive ass flesh, heteros or lesbians, wanting to spread themselves and get fucked with dick or not with it it doesn't matter it's still a burden to have to get fucked to get stimulated so when they wanna get stimulated they want men to make thrusting fast motions
it's like scratching an itching wound. They act like female animals who suffer in heat but getting fucked would also be violating and brings no lasting satisfaction.
I saw a video of Ice Spice on the stage and she has to constantly twerk on stage, her ass is so wide and torso short it jiggles in such an embarrassing way and she is constantly bending over like she is nothing but an ass.
It reminds me of straight relationships, getting your ass slapped or touched daily, caring about your ass being hot or "fat" ew and for what Just so a man desires you. And then what you get from that? Male validation? Him wanting to fuck you and desiring you more the wider piggier fattier your ass looks on all fours
It's a boring as shit and burden to have to do it and experience this submissive vulnerable humiliating postion or any other, having to be nothing but an ass… For life?
Like is he dating a piece of ass or what like this fruitfly who raped a piece of ass of another fruit flie who got cut in half by a fan this is what it reminds me of
The center of straight relationships is the woman's ass it's almost symbolizing sexual submission
And idk why sexuals can't comprehend that people can have libidos, even high and experience horniness but still not wanna have sex and still can hate it.
Nobody gets it,
Anyone sees the suffocating burden in it all?
Having to do what women position in sex just to receive stimulation and it is kinda making women wanna self violate, like that
>I wanna get fucked from behind till I can't think no more
It's manic.
and I have noticed something, some women try to achieve the power men have through sex but women can't have power in sex due to their biology, it makes those women manic, they get surgeries to make their status higher on the hierarchy hoping it will have the same effect as a man being a chad.
All of this is why bondage is so compatible with female sexuality which receives pleasure through submitting and surrendering, The spiritual feminine sexuality energy shit coomers are all into it
in straight dynamic a woman is her ass or mouth more than anything else. Mostly ass. I wouldn't be able to live like this. I wouldn't want a man to desire my ass because it would mean you have to spread yourself and get fucked and enjoy the male validation an desire and settle for it and do it over and over and over again. Living on all fours always low on the ground but well umm at least who get male validation and social status it gives you.
The fuck mann all the attention that is on a woman ass in relationships on DAILY is a NIGHTMARE HORROR and these married moids always talking about their wives like they are nothing but ass aka just bottom. Just ass asss and see and I just remember other horror by mentioning ass so much, on the twoxchromosomes not a week goes by without ass rape mentions in there ykwim either anal or their moids raping them in the ass. Not a week or even a few days. It would make me have some kind of. A break down to be just an ass.
No. 26215
>>26191>>26210Based. All this vile ass talk isn't necessarily about female sexuality, but instead about catering to what pornsick coomers want.
Never, ever humiliate or degrade yourself for male attention. It's never worth it.
No. 26219
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>>26209Can't wait for ctrl+f "Ass" at the end of this gloriass thread. We already got a milky head start regarding posteriors under 1 day, can you believe? Internalized Autistic Misogyny:4th Instalment my beloved..
No. 26222
>>26221She was always the one accusing me of self hate and other things while admitting she hates herself.
Abusive normie worm mind lol how you project like that
No. 26228
>>26213Blowjob-kun is ftm so you shouldn't call them she!! You're gonna
trigger another blowjob meltdown of his.
No. 26237
>>26233Yeah sure dumb worm, also you/all think you're responses are not predictable to me I have been bullied irl but it's not only bullies who behave this way, all human beings on earth display this kind of s behavior so it's just really predictable to me what a normie worm will say what they will make remarks about the reasons for which they will mock me which is usually for being sensitive like they are doing something then they overreact to my reactions and start doing even harder making more remarks
kill yourself normie worms you enjoy being an animal too much like it's some kind of a power trip
>>26234Person who lies often, lies
No. 26286
>>26283Talking with women online as a woman
"You trolled me the whole previous threa and admitted it"
>I'm not the one trolling you!!"You kept calling me a ftm, trans man, a "he" on multiple websites"
>Yy I'm transitioning and dating troonsMe assuming people replying to me are her since she already pretended to not be the anons she was but said she wasn them
>Yyyyy calm down dumb lunatic bitch Me posting screenshots of her accs and her not even denying them, me getting told it's a troon million times before so I get mad at anyone suggesting it once again
>It's s troon!!!!!!Me getting trolled the whole thread like I'm evil while the pedoid bitch get a pass
No. 26287
>>26286So I'm just saying a peaceful sleep would be relieving than having to deal with screeching braindead
abusive cunts
No. 26291
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low IQ feminine energy cocksuckers blowjob pig vagina canal submissive prey predator position inherently humiliating sexual desire masochist bdsm dumb retarded idiot human anatomy mental influence lack self awareness hetero role dynamic empathy terrorizing insufferable suppression intimate sex sex sex sexy sex sex
No. 26296
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If you gaze long at fruit flies having sex, the fruit flies also gaze into you.
No. 26303
>>26300>crtl + fBlack Pill Thread #1
>>>/2X/11172>cock: 17>dick: 39>suck: 29>whore: 58>pig: 14>low IQ: 1Black Pill Thread #2
>>>/2X/16240>cock: 96>dick: 72>suck: 160>whore: 39>pig: 22>low IQ: 1Black Pill Thread #3
>>>/2X/18424>cock: 183>dick: 145>suck: 218>whore: 110>pig: 35>low IQ: 6Black Pill Thread #3
>>>/2X/24582>cock: 104>dick: 262>suck: 254>whore: 106>pig: 115>low IQ: 23You can see the point where it went from Black Pill Thread to Dick Sucking General by using a browsers built in search function. What went wrong?
No. 26306
>>26303Yeah sure thats exactly what my intention is and not the opposite. Totally true and everyone can tell it!
You idiots can't even confront my points ever literally ever.
No. 26309
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Sex movements exist, Life sucks(big cock)
No. 26310
>>26308Please confront my point about why criticizing women sucking dick is the most forbidden thing you can do. The psychology of those responses is weird and unlike anything else I have ever seen.
Why can't you just say the truth and then me a freak for hating natural instead instead of gaslighting me about obvious facts and causing me severe psychological confusion. Women sucking dicks is inherently subordinate, servile and submissive being fucked also etc. Everyone can see it esp visually in sex and the psychology of it. It makes other women the most mad when I call submissive shit submissive. One this anon in other place was writing about how she has a high body count for someone of her appearance and I replied confused how you not feel submissive and like a pig while having straight sex and she shat herself "by not being the submissive one blackpill chan who says that
insert specific things I say because she recognized me somehow??? you're spiritually a whore cause you're a rejected
femcel you says those things cause men dont want you!!
Wrong to hate women being blowjob giving PIGS because its SUBORDINATE or servile and makes me feel psychologically terrorized so I hate it and them
Please I only care about facts at least acknowledge them then call me a freak for being unnatural instead of constantly hijacking the narrative and anyone knows it they just pretend not to to dunk on Mr and because caring all that shit submissive is politicallly incorrect plus it makes other women feel humiliated, their fault those are just facts idiots. Please I'm begging someone explain the psychology if all of this blatant denialism and troing.
No. 26311
>>26309Please insert a picture of a dick sucking human femlsw pig in there
Once when someone praises intelligence you all say its useless then other times you are like:
No. 26319
>>26318It's my ex mutual of over a year (and my some other previous mutuals were knowing her longer than than)from prive twitter she put the flag as a joke, she soft blocked me one day then responded to my open acc with zero follows with her pedo acc then tagged me in her next pedo accs, she was talking about me in them
I only have 10 mutuals on priv acc for years nobody else knows me it was her, she posted link to this thread on one if her pedo accs, she saw me mention this plclsce on my priv acc, she called me trans madc and ftm on twitter multiple times
How am I supposed to know which anon is her, she admitted she's here and didn't deny all the screenshots. The person on the SS clearly talks about being a lesbian that is obviously a female.
I don't even know if you might not be her somehow cause she just lies and trolls but admitted in previous thread
No. 26324
>>26321Found this as a proof cause waybackmachine is offline
Look at her bio>>26323Stop sexually harrasing me
No. 26328
>>26326Holy shut shit the fuck up and who are the "rapists" are you one of the whores who accuses me of being traumatized and a CSA
victim? I have been told this by the biggest moralfagging whores ever or multiple sites in such a vile mocking choices of words that it shocked me so much. This is why I call women fake you probably spend the whole thread moralfagging and persecuting me but can't comprehend that I hate that rape even exists but hate that female body is sexually submissive outside of rape even more, I'm not a
victim but I see that there's no choice if I was because you bitches are INFURIATING you're a pieces of dick sucking slimy shit and I would target women if I was a
victim BECAUSE they are insufferable.
Next thing in this thread:
Accusing me of being a grape
And supposedly I'm the dumb person here
What makes you so mad in my posts? I already had self admitted pedis or whores with high body counts coming after me.
There's no justice because of you all women, I am just highly sensitive I can't imagine but much angrier I would be if I was a
victim I wouldn't take it i woudl snap probably at women sonce they are who suck the rapists cocks it would feel like a betrayal and constsnr psychological terroism and it already feels like this. When I think of the possibility of being a
victim I wanna spit in everyone face. I would become even more hateful of feminist whore pigs and their masters.imagine being a
victim and see all women worship men?! Well no
victim even acts hateful of this world so I don't understand those accusations which will anons now repeat since like I said that normies act the same as bullies. I said it cause I'm smart and observant while to y'all's heads… Nothing gets…
(infighting) No. 26341
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cocksucker-chan’s posts are ai-generated
No. 26360
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>”B-b-but the vagina dominates the weak penis by enclosing it!!1!”
No. 26364
it blackpills me how women including ratfems support any popular political “ issue “ like the palestinian case without having any basic knowledge about it, while ignoring less popular cases like what’s happening to afghan women although as feminists they should care about..i hate western feminists so much, at the end western ratfems only problem males being mean to them and not “ bf material “ ( would not rape them,isnt a porn addict ), i even dislike bpfags atp, all you do is complain and whine about how the world is so evil and cruel but refuse to do anything that will make this shit female existence better.. but that’s how women are they only complain whine bitch online.. males do something, even males who are hopeless do something, females only talk.. I can’t stand women, they want to change the world while doing nothing, that is why women are into spirituality and manifesting and all that crap women are lazy cowards they are even bad at philosophizing and creating useless slogans, I mean what I expect from the sex that gets fucked, I am forced to accept female pathetic lowly existence because other females enjoy it and when they finally understand that they are lowly they just complain and spread their defeated mentality online I wish I was born a male
No. 26370
>>26362No they shat themselves over it being criticized, they severely shat themselves over the female position in sex being called inherently submissive, they shat themselves over the facts about the biological reality because they are denialists and insufferable misandrists feminists and their misandrist and feminist mentality which is something I hate and FDS hoes and lasy the low IQ which sex is superior conversations. Why are you lying? What is wrong with you? Why would you hijack the narrative this much? What makes you this mad in my fucking posts that you have try to constantly
humiliate me like this with something billion other women do (which is blackpilling, please get a brain I was just describing reality and female behaviors, real acts that happe all the time sorry I'm not a sex positive dumb whore who calls it with a bunch of view normie sex positive words and instead I'm honest. All I fucking do is verbalize this part of the REAL reality and they denied it's real and act like i made it all up and the words are gross cause I'm gross and not this act they also act like hating it it's JUST some personal preference)
and that's real reality too which I was continuously gaslight about facts and points were denied and they started sexually harrasing me for nothing but talking about real things.
No. 26371
>>26364>all you do is complain and whine about how the world is so evil and cruel but refuse to do anythingAll other women do is complain about any woman who is not into being serving other women, there's nothing to do about shitty female biology wtf you want me to do.
And why it sounds like my post from other website like you ai generated it from my posts or did something a troll did before like this post:
>>26336>>26360Piv literally directly leads to a male orgasm but not female and female orgasms are different cause of different anatomy and usually a bunch of useless vaginal spasms. They are about your body opening itself. When I said "het relationships give nothing to a woman" I mean it's the fault of female biology and not men unlike what others say, the reality is both men and women women are not complete on their own so they don't have access to the part of the reality men embody, they can only join it as a whore or a servant. Women and men embody the same darkness but as a different sex. Something like sex which what we embody is a main part of life and all women can do in it is be servile. The corner of their sexuality is the vaginal canal opening itself even clitoral orgasms cause vaginal spasms etc. I can't imagine having sex knowing it's just s man using my body while my orgasms is so shitty and comes at different time and from multiple mental and physical gymnastics
No. 26378
>>26373Dumb question you act like women can be liberated from their biology or like I care about contributing to this world like wtf you want me to do, serve?
>>26374How am I supposed to know if these people troll me and gaslight me all the time and shit themselves over my posts then give me
triggering names they won't stop saying. I'm being trolled all over the website
No. 26379
>>26372And YOU are saying that? The person who doesn't even agree with most of the female blackpill and comes here to shit themselves at it and call me this name constantly. Why are you even calling me this name, that's not all I talk about, it shows how mad at this one of my points you all are mad at you fixated on me hating it for other reasons than for what I hate it. There was a woman ITT admitting to a high body count and on other website as well, she recognized me and shat herself, idk if it's the same one.
Blackpill makes normies and all types of kinds of whore women mad and they become obsessed, on Twitter there was a male lover making a fake bp acc, following priv bp accs, trolling those women, laughing at it behind the scenes, posting tweets that fit their mentality to troll them and watch them agree with those tweets then mock it. Then writing psychoanalysis of them on her RF acc, mind you she was a dumb pickme
No. 26384
>>26380Oh ok I just don't like others trying to persecute me for wanting to vent about things and don't like them expecting me to become some kind of a servant, it's a common responses and source of arguments in the feminist spaces, overall Mt blackpill is about what womanhood inherently is within external influence making it this way and I get enraged my whole life when people gaslight me about what I experience by embodying womanhood and it causes me to fixate and question everything and the psychology of the gaslighting, and yes I know other women are passive but I don't my passivity is different, I have a natural anger and disgust for being controlled in me, I would wanna take action but women as a collective don't bond like this unless it caters to their whore interests aka libfeminism. You wouldn't even find a one woman to help you kill your husband if you got forced into marriage. Not even one, that's true they are passive and the flaw in people's analysis for the reality here is that they think male dominance is a source of this passivity which is not true, this is another source of the most infuriating arguments and source of the "no woman is truly heterosexual" copes, I personally don't mind dealing with it by hating sexes, I don't hate other women then way they hate other women and men, it's compeletely different, everyone is entitled to their own startegy but nobody is entitled (but act like they are) to lying about the structure of the reality. There certain things a man can be that a woman can't (men and women aren't complete so a woman has no access to the reality men embody unless she enters it as a whore, this takes away some power from us)
and vice versa cause of biological genders there's some things you can't be in certain environment but can be in other as a woman
I don't think anything can be done that much, there's only libfeminism. Radfeminism that works would have to turn more libfem
No. 26388
>>26385Nobody said that and supposedly I'm the dumb person here also nothing fixes that disability womanhood is
I'm tired of responses like this, any other feminist spaces is populated with childishness like this, fake conversations, lying, pretending, denyiy, women putting on some weird I didn't say all of you're accusing me of. I don't even care about feminism but I hate this world and rape not even out of sympathy but I hate it more than any shitminist
No. 26390
>>26387But there's nothing to do about it , it's biology and all I do is persecuted like here
I have been in those spaces long I don't like being negged like this by women who ultimately crush on men anyway and pretend and lie etc. I understand that are real humans and understand their nature they deny in feminist spaces.
People can't even vent without gaslighting me. All I care about is facts about the structure of the reality I embody which is womanhood and male biology too is a part of this reality and the dynamic between them. I don't care if people call me a freak or other words and insults as long as they acknowledge facts which are not just my imagination i want people to cater to to make myself feel better. They are actually true
No. 26397
>>26396but you kept responding to me if you want to be “ left alone “ you should have not responded to me in the first place obviously i will reply to you
> separatism doesn't liberate you from your biology forgot to say thati did not say otherwise but at least you will be free from submission and being used
No. 26401
My theory is that heterosexual relationships are supposed to be shitty because that's a woman's lesson based on her biology, the way women feel after getting fucked over my men is often a short temporary detachment esp detachment from wanting to get loved by men and being clingy about it, they need to let go of this permanently It's not even written in the biological reality I mean the love woman loves men in sex, men get loved and love being loved that's their love, it's because of their sexual anatomy. I don't mean they need to not gaf about being abused but their sexual role is literally about surrender.
It's not a woman or a man behavior that makes the hetero dynamic to be what it is. It's biology, a man can be non porn sick, healthy, act perfectly do everything right and good and say he loves her but it doesn't change the natural hetero dynamic anyway and what woman position is in sex.
Woman position in sex is inherently servile, sex only serves men woman can only serve and submit, their position is about their body unconditionally loving the moid, selflessly serving , accepting him abandoning her cause they will die anyway and be separated plus men want to fuck other women and
and some natural acts like dick sucking are objectively violent in all possible versions of them.
it's an obvious lesson of surrender and detachment. The myth of a woman having straight sex while detaching her emotions is retarded. Her sexual anatomy itself is certain emotions. Women often pretend that they aren't attached to the moid cause they fear abandoment and feel powerless in this situation, in the male female dynamic cause they don't want to let go and are jealous that men don't have to be in this position.
No. 26402
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The fact that you deleted and reposted this specifically so you could add an extra paragraph about dick sucking is fucking hilarious.
No. 26403
>>26402No actually that's not what I did, I added something else while the point about dick sucking was there all the time while I was just fixing typos and then decided to add something that wasn't even about dick sucking specifically
and it says more about you that you decided to nitpick like this and continue trolling me cause you can't accept someone feeling bad because something like this act exists and that's how all those four threads look like. Women trolling me about it. Stop narrating me like this I could predict your response.
No. 26404
>>26403See, I'm being trolled by whores. I didn't even do what she's claiming.
And here I think I already predicted responses like this and commented on them already happening. Same shit over and over again, same nitpicking and trying to humiliate me with someone women do:
>>26370 No. 26405
File: 1720430060653.png (113.93 KB, 1842x586, so-close-to-not-sucking-dick.p…)

>>26404Here's the screenshot retard
No. 26414
>>26411I don't understand what makes other women this mad at my posts that they need to make up shit like this.
Everyone is entitled to their own strategy, but facts are facts if you gaslight someone about real things then that's
abusive but common human behaviort tho . So what if I'm angry and insult women, I just hate this biological reality and this world as an individual and women as collective are a rape patriarchy loving cunts and by being that they vile to each individual woman.
I call them rape and patriarchy loving for obvious reasons and I hate female biology because its what puts me in this position in this reality. No matter how society or men act sex is what we embody and a main part of life and in it we are sex slaves. Separating doesn't change our biology, the physical reality is limiting casue of the biological gender roles, detaching from the material reality doesnt mean those limits dissapear if we can't engage in physical reality without them. Sometimes I see this reality as a matrix of this sexual masculine feminine polarity since life is made from sexual desire and being around males in public safer spaces gives the illusion that you're life is different then being in one room alone with them and them thinking predatory thoughts you cant escape. Thats cause men and women are created in relation with eachother because of the reproduction, reproduction is sex. Men didn't cause this sex slavery, theres another biological first cause of it. In sex you are a slave no matter what and men didn't create that so that's shitty.
Women identify as this shit and defend it. The life is brutal but nobody beiades me see to see this
Everyone ignores the proves and points I posts and keeps denying things, keeps moralfagging and calling me a male worshipper while billions of women love men including yall probably like the pedo lesbian aka "the troll", I literally posted a screenshots of her seeing she hated lesbophobic women more than men and screenshot of her open acc, screenshot of her letting her moid friend say that lesbianism is a coping mechanism
Go to her acc to see her interact with him still. It's unfair. And she doesn't get shit for being like this
I was alluding before today that women fixate on the parts of my posts where I call women cucksuckers and ignore the rest and thats what you literally did. Even earlier than that I was saying that the psychology of this act is the weirdest shit ever as well as people responses to me criticizing it basically
>woman being(rightfully) severely distressed the by the existence of hetero oral sex>everyone trolls her and claims she must want itThe psychology of the responses is suspicious. Bringing this act up also is me trying to prove a point about womanhood which is obvious,
I said it already that womanhood is like a sex slavery, the annoying ass theories about society male dominance patriarchy is what people repeat to me constant but sex and sexual desire and is natural and what this reality is made of.
>woman saying she doesn't like female sexual submission and finds getting fucked a burden>everyone starts trolling herPlus the remarks about rape?
Assuming I'm a vicitm?
If I was image how much more tortured I would feel, I get mad over an imaginary scenario but I see that women would make it all worse so I despise them too
Why do you argue with me if you have to resort to lying and denying
And stop the idiotic comparisons, my anger at women vs their rape loving patriarchy loving ass nature is also something different, I'm saying right now it cause someone will call me a hypocrite for it.
Also why people won't just say the real reasons they are mad at me that have to do with biology and women's biological femininity and nature and people against it being seen as the freaks. You cannot deny thr most obvious facts(that make you all mad the most like women's position in sex being inherently servile and submissive, women being cocksuckers, female biology being feminine everyone knows it subconsciously I gave million proofs of women behaviors too like what's the matter) and expect me to not be suspicius or mad, you gaslight me about how this life fucking is. My own body an other humans and something important as sex. Also the fakeminism of women is vile.
No. 26418
>>26412>Remove her pussy That's:
>>26265>>26266>>26267>>26268>>26276>>26296>>26309>>26324>>26356>>26355Came here from Twitter to troll, it's a dick riding pedo lesbian woman
>>26416Stop trolling and ingoring my points, you know well what my intentions are and what I mean
No. 26419
>>26413>>26412Not even replying to me
>>26411Ok lying whore
No. 26420
>>26416nigga stop being retard… i don’t have gender dysphoria, my dysphoria is anatomical
i’ve never had sex, im virgin
No. 26450
>>26137Apparently her:
>>26115 Nigel fucked her over severely too
She had an extreme misandrist acc since like September, got a few years older moid soon after then got pregnant and is about to give birth I think. She said once that he SA'ed her but when you confronted her about it on her tellonym or curious cat she as acting like a mean snarky cunt giving responses like "what? What are you talkng about" "rapist? Who" "he's not a rapist!" Then she gave in and admitted and said she forgave him and that he is not like other men + she said she can't live without him. Once she said she only has sex for social approval (the fuck you started dating him for then you literally didn't need to)
Those women are the most evilest cunts ever hiding under a "sweet uwu angel the most littlest 30yo baby girl ever with a cute pfp who buys plushies and puts hearts in her display name, the most innocent angel ever look at how sweet my tweets are uwu cute emoji"
"If you think I'm a s
victim then you're bad for stressing out a pregnant woman with your evil messages"? Mind you she put herself through extreme anger by tweeting everyday the most rageful shit about how no man can love a woman and they only want sex(but not her Nigel)
>>26411You can't possibly think that this is what my point is about you're just a mad normie, coper or a whore
>Vanilia >SexPick one. There's no such thing as a vanilia sex, you think that when I'm talking about a certain sex act you think I mean specifii the version of it where women vomit or some shit(I remember when I first learned who ice spice id and found her "funny" tweet about her vomiting while sucking dick). I mean that it's violent in every possible version of it due to the mechanism of this act, the psychology of it and the natural power dynamic and inequality. It's also inherently submissive, subordinate servile and all that.
And based on the structure of a sexual desire humans can't have a sexual desire without also having rape or peod desires or kinks. The natural mechanism of sex is violent. I don't mean only sex where its extreme beating or something.
Just any possible version of sex.
Anytime a woman says she has a vanilia sex on other website a quick scroll for my details always ends up debunking it. This word as well as porn is just used now to gaslight women like me but porn is also just a part of this reality and comes from sex and human biology. And yet I'm the one getting psychologically tormented by other women by whole life and called stupid. Women are
abusive to other women. I can't comprehend this evilness and fakeness. You will even tell me to die because of having some kind of dyslexia (I have to give in and think I have it but only symptom I have is erratic and unhinged writing) but worship moids you are absolutely vilee dick riding moods behind the scenes but you can't even treat us equally
(ban evasion) No. 26487
File: 1720512392023.jpeg (432.24 KB, 1500x2400, Erin_Heatherton_model_blonde_w…)

Post things that bj-chan would hate. I'll start:
No. 26488
>>26450why do you keep repeating the same points no one here disagree that sucking dick is subhuman that’s why you are so annoying we want to discuss other things beside sex but you keep spamming what whores do and even someone said you posted porn enough can you take a rest from posting one day? What about making your own account on tumblr or Twitter whatever, you can sperg there as much as you want. and by the way before you call me any vulgar insults don’t whine about others being “
abusive “ and calling you bj obsessed or whatever, i find it cringe when they say that btw and even defended you, but you called me once whore for just not agreeing with you on something, everyone who disagree with you is gaslighting you, because you can’t respond with an argument you just use insults and accuse others of “gaslighting “
No. 26496
>>26488Please listen anon because…
Half of them are not agreeing plus see nothing wrong with it and 99.9% of women on earth as well also most than half of the women on earth do it or did it and calling it what it is makes them feel humiliated do they cope and snap at someone like me.
They see a woman doing this as more what a woman is than a woman not engaging in any sex acts, just a woman body by itself. Thats because women body is sexually servile in this act.
Those women proof that we are not allowed to criticize it while this act is the most vile thing that can ever exist. We can't criticize it cause it personally offends women, look at the psychology of this thread and all the responses in it, all their moral standards other standards and my judgements of me are based on the structure of the reality and the biological gender roles which they then gaslight me about as well as gaslighting me about this act being vile.
You act as if why agreed with me then I just kept going.
No. They mock for finding it gross and most think I'm a unnatural freak for finding this sexual piglike degrading submission gross. 99% of the world would think you are abnormal for feeling what I do and being distressed cause it exists cause of the psychology and power dynamic in it, all the physicality of it even the physical movements done in to, woman mouth being penetrated. Then I'm gaslight and told womanhood is not submissive or degrading. then again I'm mocked for feeling distressed by other women sexual behavior.
Now think of why they mock and how bizzare it is and how they silently admit my points as if this act and submission is inherent to womanhood and I'm literally offending women by hating vile submissive burdening degrading shit.
Why can't another human being go and agree with me that something gross is gross? Why this act has the weirdest psychology surrounding it and women common sense and logical moral standards leave their body when it comes to it?
Why can't you allow me to hate objectively degrading violent shit?
They keep lying about me and trying to humiliate me for being rightfully distressed by a distressing thing. They can't handle a person living in a female body and being tormented by the female sexual submission and women having their mouths penetrated with dick!!!
My points are the most obvious shit ever fucking possible how did they create so much trolling as if I'm saying something wrong.
You didn't even seem to make those observations while they also mock me for calling myself observant???.
They claim patriarchy isn't natural but here I am criticizing those things and they hate me for it cause they are natural so its offensive towards womanhood.
You mocked me for feeling gaslight while they did nothing but gaslight me the whole thread.
There's a woman with a high body count in here, pedo lesbian, other women from other site that recognized me for my points then called ma spiritual whore rejected
femcel after saying she has a high body count to not knowing I will see it lol, copers, I forgot who else but some fds anon, some humiliated cocksuckers probably too it makes them hysteric
They don't even confront my points about why I can't hate gross shit why is it forbidden like seriously look at it all and connect things. They moralfagged the whole thread as well, pretending to be feminist misandrist while unfairly persecuting me in comparison to how they treat men esp the pedo lesbian.
You can't possibility think I'm the one in the wrong here, my points and intentions are clear as day, what I'm trying to communicate by mentioning that vile act is also clear but i get gaslight instead?
Why is it forbidden to hate it as a woman? Why are they denying the submission and other things but then hate me for not conforming to the things they denied are even true or real. Then they speak their feminist theories that deny the inherence of things they hate me for not being okay with. This whole thread is full of screenshots of a proof of female role in sex being inherently dark which is one of the reasons I hate womanhood.
On top of it all they called me a chronic liar and worse than the pedo anon while the pedo anon admitted to lying here and I also gave proofs of them lying.
She and others called me a ftm the whole thread,
femcel, mentally ill, pornsick, sexually harrassed me, a woman sexually harrased me on this website with that vile violent degrading sadomasochistic submissive act and said I would be more chill if I did it then she posted a ss on her bad on twitter and the man was there in the comments, the same one which the pedo ITT allows to make a lesbophobic joke and still interacts with him later. The whore also is someone the pedo interacts with like? Pedo admitted to trolling me here, she keeps moralfagging while she liked soft porn pictures of little girls and pedo drawings, she kept calling me ftm in multiple places and now says she transitioning, she kept calling me self hating while saying she wants to get hanged and raped and become a human toilet. She called old women useless in society. She reposted a tweet saying that all lesbians are MAPS.
Someone ITT also said that I secretly want to find a good man then kept harassing me with vile dumb responses. Someone posted Tumblr of bp women and called them
femcels. So NO. They don't agree with THAT point at all. All they do is lie. Stop with your fake feminist morals. You are none of that. Those anons are the dump ones here making me having to lower myself to their level. Oh and someone said something extremely sexually harassment-like about me in other thread, they keep calling me a prude or pornsick. They claim I want this shit I state that I hate.
I have been exposed to pedophiles being pedophiles on twitter because of that dumb pedo bitch ITT who won't leave me alone who thinks she's fucking angel(her words) while I get called a narcissistic here? Someone psychoanalyse this then everyone fuck off, state facts and accurate analysis, name reality for what it is then bye I want them to leave me the fuck alone all they did is troll me for what you claim they agree with. Yeah sure.
(ban evasion) No. 26502
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>>26496We hate you because youre a schizo and repeat the same thing over and over with no variety, plus you're ban evading. At least get a less identifiable writing style, can you learn formatting and make a paragraph without using these words?
>>26291 No. 26508
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Go to r/askwomen search "body count", it's a post from last week
At least 20 women with body count over 100 some even more how is it even possible that their body counts are so high No. 26519
>>26514i think the cocksuckers should kill themselves, i was the one arguing with schizo anon about how it is annoying her having breakdowns over the slightest disagreement, but you retards called her degrading names she is right about that being sexual harassment, and now you tell her to k herself? why? because she said sucking dick and getting fucked is subhuman? which is 100% true ik some here might be trolling her but why too unless deep inside you see no issue with het sex and probably had tons of it so you feel ashamed? but that’s not her fault, if you are ashamed then that’s good stop humiliating yourself further,I think if anyone should k herself is the cocksuckers if they offed themselves it ,having bp thread in this ib was a mistake fr because LC users are not even familiar with radfem theory, they hate troons they pretend to hate males because they are still butthurt over the misogyny they see in males ibs half of the users based on what thy write here used to frequent ,so they come here to whine about the “ EVILL MEN IN WOMENS DRESSES “ “ WHY MY NIGEL IS PORNSICK WHY HE LIKE PORN ACTRESSES NOT ME REEEE “ it’s obvious why this board is dead, even tradthots posted in one of bp threads,its probably their first time seeing anything related to bp was on this board, what schizo anon say is not “ schizo “ in bp spaces, which all are non existent anymore so we only have this place but guess what is infested with normalfags whining about black pullers like what do you expect this is a bp thread most bpers used to be radfems they are not hurt like you over their evil pornsick nigel or over male misogyny in the male only spaces you used to interact with for some reason you feel humiliated someone said piv is degrading but you don’t feel that when your nigel say it males say this all the time you don’t dare to call them half of the insults you called this woman all kind of cringe names ( blowjob chan? this level of cringe must be illegal ) some of you would probably get off to men humiliating women for their degrading role in sex, and the absolute blackpill is that women would get off to men admitting they don’t respect them for having het sex but when women criticize them for that in good faith because she doesn’t want to see them acting like subhumans they rage over her project try to degrade her , you don’t have this energy to the males that agree with the bp on sex, the difference is males want you to continue being their sex slaves while bp women want you to stop, your beloved males you love sucking their dicks so much see you as subhumans for that and you would probably get off to them for believing this but when a woman who is not a cocksucker like you dare to even suggest that maybe getting penetrated from behind is low? you all suddenly have self respect because deep inside women know their role is degrading the issue is they like it, and what schizo anon say is not new or the product of her mind ofc she have her own theories that some of them are retarded tbf but her belief that piv is degrading is something radfem theorists wrote about before , have you never read andrea dowrkin? she literally said all piv is rape, this is a belief among actual radfems not larpers on ratwt
(alogging) No. 26520
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the spiritual cocksuckery of a average blackpilled purity sperg finally just jumped out
No. 26521
>>26520Yes it's not 1 billion women being cocksuckers in real life but instead it's her,
if you react like this then you don't understand(shit storm incoming caused by this word being used), then you are threatened. There's totally not even one woman ITT who openly worships men or likes bdsm but complains about blackpilled women, not even one. Moralfag then lie then lie and moralfag again.
Intuitively knew someone is gonna post it, "women are perfect" feminist-misandrist mentality is why her posts like the one on the pic are relieving because women en can be vile, insufferable and
abusive too which feminist spaces blatantly deny.
No. 26523
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>>26519>the cocksuckers should kill themselves>sucking dick and getting fucked is subhuman>the cocksuckers if they offed themselves>piv is degrading>men humiliating women for their degrading role in sex>acting like subhumans>you love sucking their dicks so much>when a woman who is not a cocksucker>getting penetrated from behind is lowI wonder who this?
No. 26529
>>26525I’m not mentally ill or anything , i just see that piv is degrading , this is not an abnormal view, society as a whole holds this view, but society don’t want self respecting women to exist, i was trying as much as I can to not use degrading terms because I will assume anons problem here is calling women cocksuckers not criticizing cock sucking ( I really wish this your problem ) but the act is dick sucking and the woman who suck dick is dick sucker so what I am supposed to call them ? kek, and yes piv is degrading every radfem know this , anti porn libfems are not radfems, i don’t care about anyone sex life, you want to get fucked and suck dick do it, but why do you get mad at separatist women for saying the same shit men say? , are you trolls or dumb or what, because this level of stupidity i have never encountered in bp spaces , I think I will stop posting on this thread because it’s just a bunch of anti porn libfems not even ratfems. you can have this thread and turn it into complaining about nigels and performative misandry , yk what , post it on /g/ the content of this thread would be similar to their whining over nigels thread, anons can’t handle bp discussion so why have a bp thread, you ruined this thread officially because you can’t just handle someone saying piv is bad,no one is trying to stop you from having sex , but society and the males you are fucking see you as subhuman for that , they don’t respect you for that , and I don’t really care about your sex lives , I just like the males you let dominate you, find your position low and degrading and would rather die than be fucked, it’s just weird to me you get mad at women like me instead of getting mad at males?, if you had self respect you would stop letting men fuck you and making them feel dominate over you, but you don’t, you just feel insecure and shameful when you see a woman who admit the truth and refuse to be fucked for some reason why don’t you feel humiliated when men admit it? is it because it turns you on?idk i wish not
No. 26532
>>26529PLEASE use a full stop. Like this. It makes it so much easier to read your words.
No. 26536
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>>26529>calling women cocksuckers>criticizing cock sucking>the act is dick sucking and the woman who suck dick is dick sucker>get fucked and suck dick
>is it because it turns you on?The hypocrisy of saying this when you yourself have written so many posts that gratuitously describe women sucking dick and being fucked on all fours is interesting.
No. 26546
>>26180Me yesterday and the day before that: she's about to date an old man
Her currently: going on a date with a 50yo man on Sunday week after her "he stops anytime I look like I'm not into it during sex" Nigel's mask got exposed, other women are grooming her with "there are good men, don't loose hope" and now she adds to it even more from herself and says the same thing, flirts with those men in the SS from dating apps she posts while gushing over one cause he listens to some cringe music for teen girls
No. 26554
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>>26548One if them is not even just a troll but something worse(she is about to feel validated by this word), if I had the screenshot of the tweet or had the tweet of her posting a link to those threads archived on the same account she talks about little girls sexually with MAP mutuals of all genders then I would have more proof but she already admitted it's her, if she was serious then she's a sex positive seething whore into bdsm, her level of projection is "I'm gonna call you a troon like a
terf for a year then come out as a trying myself after all that" "I'm gonna say you hate yourself then tweet about how I wanna be used as a toilet and goon whole day" there's something sketchy about this person,
I saw most of her accounts pedo and not pedo, I had a a bunch of screenshots of pictures she posted because i screenshot everything(but a lot of them cause of a shitty phone) of her eye that looked the same as she had on the priv account she messaged me from which she thought I didn't already notice before LOL dumb I stalk people, she changed the pfp before messaging me.
There was one pic she posted, it was grainy and a face that looked like a girl, it's a picture of some Twink Singer(I didn't know him much) the most grainy pic possible I guess she liked how he looks cause he looked like a little girl I dont know where she found the most grainy pic of bill kaulitz where he looks like a girl the most, it's unfindable bill obv looked like a girl at that age and she is attracted to little girls so much she will take picture of little moids that look like opposite sex
she literally posted a picture of him randomly, he must have been in his early or mid teens at the time
Do you like bill kaulitz cause he looks like a girl pedo you must have looked at his pics a lot if you found a picture like this wtf
She will take anything that looks like a little girl, she even engages with people into children now openly but it's different than map twitter which is what you probably imagine a "Minor attracted person" twitter full of trans, male and female people twitter to look like
Nobody will even discuss this or how human sexuality truly is realistically since pedophilia is real especially in her and she thinks it's a high IQ trait, it's just feminists, misandrists(the thing is that they become annoying obsessed denialists), sluts, normie shitting themselves but I just wanna talk about facts even without making it personal, I'm not a degenerate for wanting to understand dark things of inherent nature in this reality, I have a point even the recent one about how straight dating ends and gave an example of real life because my whole life I felt bothered by being gaslight about it so I got excited about having a proof, I also have other insane proof of this esoteric feminine supremacy woman who used to interact with RFH on Twitter, a massive cow fucking collage boys then getting absolutely fucked over. All they have in common is fds-type of mentality and it became hilarious to me. They always end up with the question "how men can put on a mask for so long?" And I know,if it's normal and they know to then how is that I've been shitten on my whole life for knowing the answers. Be fucking honest. I posted and deleted this post so many times sorry
No. 26555
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>>26554Bill Kaulitz only had that haircut at a very young age.
No. 26556
>>26548>some whore want to suck dick I know they won't stop their human urge to laugh at those posts and mock them due to how autistic they sound but I don't think I'm a freak but thinking of women getting their mouths oenetrated with dick as Vile, sadomasochistic getting called pornsick for saying it is not okay imo which happens to me all the time, I think this act is an open secret, everyone knows it but it's too shameful and politically incorrt to say that women do the piggiest grossest thing a being can do in the whole universe, the extreme submission in it makes them feel humiliated when tis pointed out. Give me an other example of humans lying about something obvious as they do about itz the psychology of it is not something not worth analyzing that says nothing at all about anything at all. It literally exposes the structure of the reality and female biology and existence too. There's no more deceptit in anything else but in people denying all my points about it out of a fucking humiliation. They are ashamed of women nature and position in sex themselves, it's so submissive but no one even trains women to suck dick they just do and do end up with a dick in their mouths at some point in their life?? And no woman on earth sees it as bad, extreme servilenes I can barely comprehend it it's just so vile piglike and violent ofc they are angry at me. To see someone defending womanhood, due to stuff like this feels like a psychological terroism, please name good things about womanhood without talking about men, I beg.
Mindfucking discussions lol why are women ashamed of their own nature. The answer is exactly what I have been pointing at all the time and why I hate being a woman lowkey. Gross to think billion women do it, if you see one, just one woman doing it or one woman online describe why she does it, why she likes it and how she behaves in it represents billion women on earth. It's the worst image you can ever perceive but I get told I'm pornsick like it comes from my imagination and not real life yet supposedly gaslighting isn't happening and isn't bad. How can someone gaslight another human this much and make them feel like a freak and reset to a fuckin pictures of sex or women with cocks in their mouths or screenshots of humans talking about it and when you psot it they still say it's fake and call you pornsick
Wtf? This is too important and goes too deep into human psychology to gaslight someone about it. The thing is that I snapped because of the ridiculous responses I get in my life about those things which confuse me and I can't stop analyzing them and trying to understand why they say those ridiculous things, why when I was younger amongst other teen girls, esp online they acted like a vile animals cunts mean girls and whores, why women online just talk about their degradation kinks constantly
No. 26558
>>26557Actually it is that deep cause I'm talking about something that goes deep into human psychology which is sex while you make dump unfair comparisons which even self admitted pornsick women already made against it which was more than unfair it was vile so I'm gonna say it all again.
People gaslight me about how real sex lives of humans look like and then call me pornsick when i say what those sex lives are accurately, I am bothered by how they look like and how a woman has to get fucked on all fours or get jizz dumped on her fucking face at least one in those relationships, now someone is gonna nitpick and tell me its not a common act to ignore that other vile acts are common. I hate that it's all real in womanhood while I have to be a woman. Nobody can confront me about it which only proves my points,
They gaslight me about it and anything to do with it, 1st: it's true that women do acts like penetrating their mouth with dick, swallowing jizz or wallowing in it since it will end up on their mouths faces or around it, a lot even get it dumped on their faces. This is just a description of real things human do cause sex is vulgar and I feel distress because of it and no human ever helped me or managed to not gaslight me about those things being real
If you go to normie spaces you will see them talk about their sex lives.
Around a year ago i went on normie twitter full of women around teen and early 20s age, it didn't took long until i saw a post of a teen asking other women where do they dump the jizz after they suck it out from a dick. I posted about it here and got gaslight as if it's me who created it all or engages in it, if you deny real things then your intentions are bad
Maybe if I was like 13 years old I would get sympathy however I don't think since around that age and a little higher I didn't get understanding either and online I got posts with thousands of dumb responses other humans made. Everyone subconsciously knows that the female role on sex is dark.
I tried to confront humans about this sex stuff for ages, of course I'm frustrated and of course I find human response to me suspicious since I realized I'm being gaslight. they gaslight me then I fixate on finding the proofs of my claims and go around online researching how a real sex life of a human looks like and I ended up finding out that its worse than my worst assumptions, then I post the proofs and get gaslight even more
If you tell me to kill myself but won't say the real reasons why then I'm gonna get mad, if you have to lie to win arguments against me then you are the wrong one
Gaslighting causes extreme mental confusion, I just want someone to agree with me on real reality because I feel crazy but I know I'm not making those things up
If you identify with womanhood/material reality through womanhood and find my posts offensive then it's your fault
Second the common
"Women are superior" mentality here is behind people getting mad at me the most,
nature made womanhood unfair in comparison to manhood, second women suck jizz straight out of dick while having a dick penetrating their skull do you understand what this act symbolizes and why I'm bothered esp by being gaslight about something this distressing that's real?
Women are the ones kneeling to phallus, women can't live without men as much as vice versa. they are romantically depended on men because of their own fault. They can't live without rommace with men.
Third you can't name manhood for what it is without it saying things about womanhood which you won't wanna admit since nature made men and women in relation with eachother
They are a two sides of the same coin.
Fourth I dont relate to other women and it took me so long to rationalize it cause I was teached to just not question it but now I realise how big the difference is
But since people are allergic to deep thinking then they don't even bother to understand what I mean and what the mental differences between me and other women say about womanhood.
Nobody can see the psychology of it. All of you are cruel tyrannical pigs who can't even stop gaslighting someone about distressing shit, is it that hard to acknowledge real fucking things? What is your fucking problem
I never got a normal honest response from humans all they do is lie because womanhood is this fucking piglike and degrading sexually that I have to live in lies made by other humans my whole life and it's
abusive of this world to be this inauthentic, why is that other things in life are easy to admit but not it all I get from womanhood is torture and other people from my gender being dick sucking male loving pigs whole life depended on males. Ok. But dont gaslight me about it and say the reason why I should kill myself which is the opposite to any reason why anyeone in this thread gave.
Zero honesty from humans.
No. 26561
The responses here are predictable, I make them up before they happen.
>>26540>>26536The pedo have you considered that you self admittedly hate the word "decenter" cause you like moids too much
Type "pedo" at her for more posts from her
>>26534>>26530>>26525>>26523Predictable response X6
>>26520Predictable post
>>26274Response I had a dream about in my nap somehow before the response happened
>>26559Another thing I predicted
Them 5IQ: me 200IQ
I make up you predictable response while you make them up in your mind before you shit them out
No. 26564
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>>26563I had a mutual on bp Twitter for over a year on a private account with a small amount of people and she soft blocked me one day then exposed her secret account on a MAP twitter to me where she was being a pedophile and engaging with pedo and pro map content, pictures of little girls, nsfw content etc. And shitting on blackpilled women. She's ITT, she let her moid friend make a lesbophobic joke like you see on the SS and still interacts with him, she comes here for a very long time now to troll me and shit herself over those takes and admitted that she's here multiple times, she called me a ftm on multiple websites many times but now claims that she's transitioning
>>26320 No. 26569
>>26561are the moids in the room with us right now?
and about hating the word “decenter” it was bc queers were saying the lgbt+ community should “decenter” evil cis lesbians
No. 26598
>>26570Probably not. Imagine trying to be friends with someone that talks about dick sucking and being fucked on all fours at ever opportunity.
>>26574No one is defending dick sucking. Anons are confused as to why dick sucking has become such frequently mentioned topic in the black pill thread, which already agrees that sucking dick is degrading. There's no reason whatsoever to keep dragging it out as a topic and describing it in such sexually explicit terms. It's just untreated mental illness that derails the thread.
No. 26605
>>26601>Online persona What the fuck are you talking about
I hate life and you're acting like life isn't a one big male female dynamic and I said I'm psychologically distressed by it and psychologically terrorized by the gross objectively violent act and other women doing it while I'm a woman so I hate womanhood because of this shit but all I get is gaslighting about it can't even have a talk about real shit sometimes people agree it's degrading or objectively gross but they are so dumb that they don't even understand the implications of it and what it says about our existence. You keep making dumb normie brained personal remarks while I'm just trying to talk about reality which is sex we embody and only get gaslight and something that goes this deep into human psychology and life so ofc I'm fucking mad. You seem to be chill about something that bothers me and shocks me my whole life ofc I hate life
And yeah every human on earth totally doesn't have a penis and a vagina and we are embodying one big male female dynamic that is totally not neutral and equal
And yeah cocksuckers have regular sex lives and have to regularly suck off dick but of course they don't even have a dick on their mind for a second!!! Unlike me!! And it's all so neutral and means nothing at all! And admitting it's degrading and not understanding the implications of it happening on a mass scale and what it says about female psychology existence and the psychology of this act means you're so good at thinking and I'm the wrong one here.
Not understanding what I'm trying to communicate by bringing up this act is so smart let's talk about how wombyn are superior and we are gonna genetically engineered ourselves to become stronk and abolish the patriarchy with transhumanism uwu then talk about fds misandry
I'm the obsessed one!!!! Not life that made billion humans and they all have a dick or a vagina. I imagined it all! Dishonest retards
Let's keep making more predictable responses and act obtuse incapable of authentic conversation that acknowledges our reality for what it is and discusses it without some social female socialization normie psychoanalysis assumptions human socialization political correctness moralzz mind games denialism pretending, dumb concepts and ideas about life gaslighting about real reasons why I'm "bad" in your eyes shit
We don't exist physically as our biology and sex at all at all
Talking about sex= obsessed!!!!!!!
No. 26607
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crtl + f
>dick: 80
>cock: 43
>suck: 99
>whore: 42
>pig: 36
>low IQ: 7
There's not even 230 posts ITT(derailing)
No. 26613
>>26610Read the first threads fully now, and it's a bunch of seething whores, normies, humiliated whores, some cringe-worthy copium… Holy fuck and it all over mild opinions at first, not even my opinions kek, then I was starting to get sexually harassed just because I think that women sucking dicks with their mouths is a punished slave position. Hits close to home? Or what the fuck is your problem? I can't relate; imagine seething this much over facts. Please someone explain to me the psychology of this bullshit behavior and why feminist misandrists are literally so fucking insufferable. All they yap is weird coping and shit themselves the most over the word submissive being used to describe cocksucking or having het sex as a woman. Those are all mild takes. Do humiliated women need to cope and use misandry to do this? How is that my problem? Maybe that's why I started finding misandrists insufferable over a year ago after reading insane amounts of copium from them and realizing they just lesbians or humiliated heteros coping, or it's all FDS. Imagine seeing someone write about simple facts about the nature of sex and get mad over it. Jesus Christ, what the fuck was that first thread? How am I the same gender as THAT? What are your intentions? People, any little bit of sex positivity as a woman just smells to me like shit. I am repulsed by it. The psychology of it is
triggering. How can you even…
Ok, you feel humiliated. Why can't others talk about sex realistically?…. Arguing with masochists about their sex masochist biology sigh how controversial and mean
I get it that any one sex positive or any woman who had sex will need to cope and get mad at me for the "whore shaming" but maybe that's because you feel ashamed. Men don't need to cope like this about their position in sex. all those threads mainly revolve around arguing over this thing. Female position in sex is dark and sucking dick is a humiliated slave shit but nobody talks about the implications of it and what it says about our existence and I wanted to say that and now all I get is sexually harrased for wanting to talk about uncomfortable but real things which everyone subconsciously knows. Zerooo honesty ever. please be fr we even have a bdsm masochists in the house but they are the ones who shit themselves the most, ironic
No. 26617
>>26615You blatantly ignored that they were having retarded conversations in there and started coming at me again, you constantly ignore my words
Stop hijacking the narrative, it's impossible to describe it not in a vulgar or explicit way and I wanted to describe it to show something about womanhood the hetero relations which life revolves around on earth and our reality.
You keep ridiculing me and taking your anger at how I'm right about this act and women who do it, out on me but won't admit it. You're the wrong one here.
Dumb anons, I talk about it because it's gross, this is the only way for me to force someone to think and I know what kind of responses I'm gonna get or it but imagine any woman from any random picture online having a dick around her mouth and see that she's a person with a thoughts doing it or imagine a dick going into your mouth rn and please tell me that this isn't sadomasochistic, and now understand the implications of it and women doing it and the psychology of women who do it. This act is a literal horror that exists and nobody allows you to even hate it, why can't women just stop doing it? Why it's so important to them?
I talk about to so much because I'm horrified and can't comprehend how someone can do it but I still can barely understand that it's in fact real and billion of women live like this and suffocate with dicks in their mouths please see this image and what it implies.
I think the oral sex in a male is the main sex impulse since putting your dick into things feels good which makes hetero relationships horrific, men are also bigger than women and physically masculine so it all looks like a horror movie, they want to put their dicks in women mouths and women have to bow down with their physical body.
Sex is not just "nothing" or not a big deal.
The difference between me and other women is insanely big, I don't think that if someone hypnotized me I would be capable of doing shit like this to myself or comprehend why women like it. It just bothers me so much but look at the responses I get like it's all unsalvageable and women are made to do objectively gross shit you need to be filthy servile and slow to do. Womanhood is disgusting. Women are the sex that kneels to other sex and has to suffocate on a phallus that's shamed like a tool of violation
There's no way anons don't understand my distress.
If it's all not inherent to womanhood then why you didn't allow me to hate it. I would appreciate the real reasons behind why I'm mentally ill useless and should kys in you all minds and not the fake reasons because I just care about authenticity.
You probably won't even give me a normal response to it but instead fixate on the part where I told you to imagine shit to get my point. And actually I was sexually harrased on this website multiple times. I don't identify with the material identity womanhood is as much as anyone else here but I still feel bad when I identify with other women sometimes then I realize what they are and what womanhood is
I don't understand why I get so much hate in here and it's all from people who can't be even honest.
Just tell me to kill myself cause I'm not a retarded submissive cocksucker and will never accept womanhood due to it then go.
This is the dumbest shit to get mad over due to how gross it is and you all pretend it doesn't exist and sweep it under the rug
No. 26620
>>26585I don't want to out them because i dont want to start a fight with those bitches but they're not radfems, theyre edgy 4chan-tier
femcel losers who entertain the type of moids you would find on incel sites. There is three of them here trolling and when one of them gets tired the other one continues the trolling. I don't even know why cocksucker-chan even gets offended by the things they say, considering they are literal mentally ill losers and i mean that because i know them since i was in the same servers and sites as them a couple of years ago and i remember the dumb and pathetic shit they would post or how they would spend their time on that server entertaining moids they dont remember me or know me but i remember them. These are the unironic
femcel 4chan-adjacent losers that get made fun off on this site and for some reason they are obssesed with this thread and shitting it up.
Also thanks to looking at cocksuckers-chan posts on here i ended up finding out that one of those three women I used to know three years ago is also the pedo. You are easily doxxable ngl, i would never doxx you but i am saying, giving you advice instead of shitposting here maybe you should worry that one day all the retarded shit you posted isn't posted with your real identity.
Ngl i was pissed of by the retarded trolling too until i found out who you retarded cunts are and now its funny knowing those same people are here. This is what being a chronically online loser does to people.
Either way knowing those people are here…lmfao tells me everything i need yo know that this thread has gone to shit and there is no point saving it. I will stick to other communities for blackpill info and leave this shithole.
Also one of those cunts reported the server and it got taken down, this must be a high achievement in their misreable lives.
I wont back down though and i will keep finding more platforms for blackpill women and this time ones that wont get taken down.
No. 26622
>>26619No anon I can't I don't see point in trooning out I don't think I'm the type of a person who see it as something that works and changes you into the opposite sex.
It's an unpopular opinion but sex is our reality because of reproduction, yes gay people still exist and have sex with their bodies made for het reproduction blah blah but my point is still right. I came here now again to see if someone started pooping themselves cause I told them to imagine THAT yk what to force them to see how bad it is and suffocating blah blah, I know they are so sensitive and don't handle talks about dark shit yet women sex behavior is so dark.
I can't escape womanhood, there's one anon here who trolls me cause I think she hates womanhood too and takes the anger out in me. I posted screenshots of her post from her mulitple accounts she tagged me on.
I am obsessed with authentic descriptions of the reality because it's the only reliving thing ever, I would find it reliving if people told me to kys while acknowledging facts kek but when they gaslight they keep me enslaved in those tortures of gaslighting blah blah
I hate being a woman cause I don't wanna do all that dick sucking shit, it's a suffocating horror and i hate sexual submission, if the submission wasn't a fact then I wouldn't have problem with sex this much probably so it means I must be right about the submission if there's no way to have her sex without it or any sex as a woman without engaging in sexual femininity, due to this internal conflict i started to try to shift my psychology to someone who is okay with having sex as a woman body and I discovered that it all involves you conforming to femininity because of your biology so: you don't conform = you hate womanhood and are seen as hateful. It's crazy how I'm going in circles I'm too autistic to even try to trick people into speaking the truth maybe with normie I could trick them since they already think I'm abnormal but here ee
No. 26625
>>26624I didnt say they are from 4chan. I said that they behave like 4channers.I met them on a different site and and server years ago. I wish you would stop acting like a moron and replying to them. If only you knew what losers they are kek, i used to be on acquaintance terms with them. Seriously please grow brain cells and stop giving them attention.
Also im one of the anons you were previously calling a cunt and other names a couple of days ago. You need to learn to be less reactive.
No. 26629
>>26620I'm not one of these people, I don't use discord and I've never posted on /r9k/. I am just genuinely bemused as to why she is unable to stop talking about sucking dick. It's bizarre. Her post are immediately clockable, even on /ot/. Reactions to her posts have been posted in the funny caps thread and it's drawn attention to this thread. She realizes that she's being trolled but can't comprehend why and keeps feeding the trolls. It's cow behaviour that has completely destroyed the threads.
>i will keep finding more platforms for blackpill womenIRC is likely what you're looking for. Channels can be set to be encrypted, it's almost impossible to censor and it can be set to be invite only. The only problem with it is that it requires a certain level of competence to use because it's command line based.
No. 26631
>>26627>I respond aggressively at being gaslight or when I don't know if it's the trolls or not, like I can't tell, it's an anon site. I understand but the way you behave when you reply to all anons makes you look like a troll too. You need to stop being reactive and feeding them attention because its toddler behaviour and you are giving those losers attention. Why would you want to give those losers attention. Just report them from now on and ignore them, please.
I hope you realise that all the other anons here also hate the trolls and that attacking each other will just make the trolls happier.
>You're the one who made the discord days ago(I didn't join it)?Yes, the losers (hi to the bitches who are viewing this post) also tried to join the server too, i was surprised when i saw them because i immediately recognised their @ handles and names , at first i thought maybe they changed and gave them the benifit of the doubt but nope they were the same as they were as before.These are not teenagers either, these are grown adult women behaving like this this.
Also its a shame that it got taken down because me and other blackpill anons were having a long discussion last night and today i woke up to see all of that gone.
Also to answer your first sentence yes that person i knew is also them.
>>26629My post was more about the trolls than BJ-chan. Ofc i know that not everyone calling her out is them since even i was called names by cocksucker chan and called a whore, cunt etc.
>IRC is likely what you're looking for. Channels can be set to be encrypted, it's almost impossible to censor and it can be set to be invite only. The only problem with it is that it requires a certain level of competence to use because it's command line based.Thanks i will try that out but for now i will look into making a group on either tumblr or Twitter since they favor free speech and it's harder to get taken down there by some dipshit reporting you.
>>26630Wait…you are right. I remember the first thread and hiw the trolls harassed everyone and sperged and this was before you started posting here. I fear that i will have to agree with you on this
No. 26633
>>26631>Wait…you are right. I remember the first thread and hiw the trolls harassed everyone and sperged and this was before you started posting here. I fear that i will have to agree with you on thisThose people ITT are saying BULLSHIT to me and constantly call me pornsick even her she completely ridiculed me:
She even mentioned /ot/ you can't possibly think that those anons there who reply to me aren't the ones in the wrong kek it's not always me but now in their mind anyone with my opinions is me
And hijack the narrative, ignore my points, gaslight me about the most obvious shit possible, I have been cursed out in this site for questioning vaginal orgasms and then for saying that they are real like you can't win. Women act like this everywhere but I see that the three trolls are kinda still a different genre
>Having a long discussion What were y'all talking bout
No. 26638
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>>26634Yeah it's the Nigel haver with a prince charming who overshared her beautiful relationship (around radtwt)where she gets spoiled and worshipped and I posted million posts ab her some got deleted. Why was I right? I even had a dream he cheated before she revealed it, I be habit precognitions often. Months before it and other one with the same name as her I had a dream about too I said it already but now he did something horrible to her too and she's a single mom, I had a ss of her curious cat where she says that if she was having a son he would be such a good example for him on how to be a good man. She said it after he SA her. Crazy
I choked while drinking during laughing at the Chlamydia thing but my gag reflex is working well unlike some so I'm still alive. Stop sending me evil eye
No. 26639
>>26631I came back to re read your post
>Also to answer your first sentence yes that person i knew is also them. So they talked with that fuckass moid? I think I know who they are maybe or not, maskedsadism has a hate boner for blackpilled women but idk which one of them reported it they just hate it so much and look I wasn't even there yet they still shit themselves over it
No. 26645
>>26644+ making a gc on Twitter is better because it would be easier to identify trolls even if they made new
sus accs
No. 26646
>>26636>So women on this site are bullies lol?Yes.
>also women act like this everywhere towards me for saying factsIf people think you're a retard everywhere you go, have you considered that you are in fact a retard?
>>26643Telegram is light on censorship and may work.
No. 26647
>>26646>>If people think you're a retard everywhere you go, have you considered that you are in fact a retard?Yeah by the standards of women who suck off male dicks. You completely missed my point, ffs
It's like women here can't hold multiple thoughts in their mind at the same time or make observations or speak from outside the hivemind.
Those people legit just gaslight me about facts about the reality I am experiencing and it's uneasy to experience it
I just wanna talk about the material reality and sex dynamics life is, stop throwing stupid normie minded remarks at me
No. 26650
Not woo woo, just physical reality stuff, I think esoteric people are right about "women embody the feminine energy sexually, darkness, downward stream," and men are on the other side of this polarity because when I look at a female body, it looks more primal. I don't know what other word to use. It's like coming back to more primitive times; women are the ones who are like animals on all fours in sex, on the ground in sex often, etc. Technology is very masculine, etc. I did something cringe, and I watched a speed stream from a certain country on YouTube days ago. Being home and watching it while being able to go deep into your thoughts makes me dissociate while I look at all those humans and just notice things. Irl, it's a little different, but I see the same things. Another observation is how shallow the material reality seems to be, but on the other hand, it's natural. I kind of think of the ugly man psychop thread and how they are really a "chads harem," like hetero standards is just chads and their harems, and the rest in the hierarchy that, in their imagination, wants to be like chads or their handmaidens but not always can. Chads are like the ultimate embodiment of masculinity for all men and women. Anyone who isn't like them and whose not sexually desirable is being put down by everyone else at the same time. Material reality has its standards that everyone looks up to. That's why humans like to watch famous people, etc. Just a bunch of hierarchies based on the structure of sexual desire-that's based on biology.
In the stream, there would be some cringe-worthy shit, like he had to pick the hottest girl, and there was this famous YouTuber from that country who hangs out with thots, and that girl's behavior was blackpilling both in the stream and in the videos of that YouTuber. women are always a reward for men with a high social status which he achieved because he fits some human material standards. I don't feel down about not fitting the standards but it's kinda weird to not fit them..
No. 26653
>>26629I think she's a bipolar woman(the long posts with weird writing style being written during her manic times while suicidal pessimistic posts are during her depression) with mental issues whos addicted to porn as she admits here
>>26623 where she says porn acts all exist in irl sex.
No. 26656
>>26655And the most degrading porn, someone here posted a link to a porn studio that men rapes women while making them talk about the sexual abuse they suffered as children, but apparently that's okay because women are inferior whores
I hate y’all
No. 26662
>>26653They are still coming at me but supposedly I'm the wrong one here! You are braindead. Dick, vagina, anal, sexual dimorphism, piv, dick sucking, sex positions, female biological femininity exits outside of porn and all it takes to make porn is naked female and male bodies, genius. That's the reality behind porn.
Stop making dumb personal remarks and constantly trying to humiliate me if you also don't understand how porn might reflect reality and male female dynamic then leave me the alone, there's a lot to analyze in porn but all you can do is come at me with unfair remarks and psychoanalysis and only choose the words in my posts that fit your narrative or the mentions of sex specifically one sex act about which me talking make others here so mad they started sexually harrasing me kek as if that's all I ever say, as if that's the whole point. Criticizing my use of inappropriate language as if it's possible to describe sex without it yyy
>>26656that 4chan link wasn't even my post, I didn't even read it but what's even wrong with talking about dark shit if it's real chill
No. 26691
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has nigelposting ever been this bad on lc before
No. 26694
>>26690>you always post about the same thingBecause people gaslight me and I'm trying to rationalize things in my head
>keep spreading the truthThat's not why I post
>>26691Read the example of the Nigel haver I have ITT and how her "perfect healthy non pornsick man who's literally the most nurturing gentle person in the world and is healing her mommy issues and is literally incapable of violence, he tucks her into bed whenever she looks like she's not into continuing having sex, he wants marriage and loves gazing into her eyes for hours, he doesn't want anal" ended up for expl. He texted other women saying "gag on my dick" to them behind her back and gave her Chlamydia, no woman would actually see it coming they would just see it as a perfect healthy relationships where the woman gets "worshipped!!" Because that's all they talk about on that side of rattwt.
They are retards and the one in question has been chasing cock the next day after breakup and the same day she found out she has Chlamydia. She already talked/talks to multiple men. It's only been a week. She went from rting "men are inferior" before breakdown during bad times of her relationship to rt posts about how patriarchy made men bad, posts manifesting hetero romance and other women are enabling her with "yes goooo kweeen you find a good special Nigel" "yes goo kweeen go on that date with an rich old man!!" "Oh no HUN you will find another one, that previous one is a loser!!' and she herself goes like "I was his best sex!!!"
It's a sex addiction maybe not specifically to the acts of having sex since she waits to have sex but still. She gives them the best sex then see it all as not worth it when they fuck her over(two men so far because last one was 8yrs long relationship now he married a prostitute with which he has a loud violent sex, he ruined his ex financially but I think she's a cow cause she keeps buying expensive shit instead of saving money)
I hate those women very much and I know I would get insults if I tried to judge their relationships, it bothers me a lot so I archived this girl's I'm talking about twitter acc got proof of how real life works but I already go gaslight about it with some cope
All if it is fds brainwashing. It's literally it… I recognize this mentality really well and I fucjir hate female dating startegy. She actually was on that FDS subreddit which makes perfect sense cause this shit won't get out of her head and she calls men prodivers or acts like the chads harem aka ugly man psychopath thread "love is not real get a hot man!!" Mind you she will love them and spend another year completely submissive while not even realizing it. Her always mood depends on her current situation dating situation. If you go on her acc, she has like 1000 tweets praising her ex Nigel around rattwt. Yes this much.
I wish I could properly verbalize the other example I have, I think it's been posted in radfem cows thread, it was a 40yo woman on radtwt taking about "feminine wisdom and female supremacy". She was a collage boys chaser, she said women are on earth to get worshipped by hot young collage boys who fuck them for hours, guess how it all ended and yes she was emotionally affected and even tweeted shit like "if other women loved their men the way I love mine, they would put his armpit sweat into their eye balls". She deleted her @hype rwhorean twitter acc then appereaed with a new one, on the manifestation twitter posting shit like "he needs me he loves me he can't exists without me loves, he will text me".. RFH was on her priv acc but it's no surprise since her IQ isnt isnt that high either tbh kek seeing other women respond to her with "don't worry he will come back" when he fucked her over was so cringe, she cried about him even during the relationship. It all summs up the fds women. She was acting like a pornstar for him but dressing it into some "feminine supremacy embracing our feminine sexuality he worships me" shit mind you she was the one always visiting him,
and talked some ratfem misandrist points but also did something unbelievably pathetic like sending a picture to a big misogynistic account on Snapchat then responding to him on twt with "remember me? I was that thin blonde who sent you a pic of my delicate arms on Snapchat"
She probably keeps going with the feminine superiority female worship divine feminine shit and keeps dating men. I hate Nigel havers.
They are a liars 100%
No. 26697
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>>26694The 40yo woman, "female superiority" poster. And yes this woman talked about these guys zodiac signs.
No. 26698
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From cockuette thread. Her: early 20s "older women are jealous" drunkturd handmaiden Him: like 50yo fat rich misogynist, I recommend seeing the ss of the tweets he liked, they are in the thread. The way sex doesn't even serve women makes it all look so vile, I one pic she kneels in front of him while he sits. I'm awakening to how straight relationships are a prostitution like biologically it's not even a social construct I think hetero women are so intimidated by men sexually due to men being bigger and masculine that they make up for how being fucked is just useless with the high they get from male validation. Jesus I feel uneasy it's ironic how I saw one woman who got screwed by her Nigel retweet a post that says "date an attractive man who's mere shadow makes you weak at your knees" wtf. I'm saying it all intuitively, I definitely pick up on the thing about sex only being for male pleasure, it's a difficult thing to understand and explain
No. 26707
>>26704what you did go through sadly isn’t rare and almost every young girl have experienced something similar, it’s common being catcalled at ages 10-15 , I’ve seen women on tiktok say catcalling stopped when they were around 20, if you look up studies about male attraction, you would find that males are most attracted to adolescent girls (14-16) , women know but they cope , they think their nigel is special.
>What is that they can't get without a man and is it REALLY worth the risk?women are obsessed with men
No. 26710
>>26704God your family sounds awful.
>How do women know their nigels dont fantasize about young girls?Because they project their own humanity nto them. If you try giving them a reality check, they'll start condescendingly telling you that you are generalizing all men due to your own personal experiences with bad men and that they feel really sorry for you for being so negative.
No. 26713
>>26710>Humanity I don't think that's the thing they project. Men have humanity, because mem are humans which contradicts that humans are all that kind and thats the nature of humanity but that's just me taking things really literally
>>26704How do women know their nigels don't fantasize about young girls? How do women know their fathers don't watch teen porn and fantasize about fucking them? What's the point of dating men? What is it that they can't get without a man, and is it really worth the risk?
Men and women are two sides of the same coin. Yes, all men do it solely because of their own biology, but overall, my controversial take is what I just said at the beginning plus the strong desire that men are attracted to little girls, which is unfortunately something heterosexual women want to manifest into reality along with men because I think they want to be desired by men really intensely. All men are attracted to children because (another controversial opinion) chdilrem are aesthetically really attractive from the point of view of a "sexual desire." I think every woman would fear if her man were to spend time with a minor teenage girl in his close environment or even a child, but specifically not his daughter, because it wouldn't click for them that much that they want to do it with their daughters too. (This example of a woman who said that her father raped her and live streamed it on the pedo website plays in my head.) I said it ITT before, but according to the structure of sexual desire, which structure is crested by the structure of human sexual anatomy… If a man desires you, then he desires children, animals, rape, etc.
And yes, they are obsessed. Even the woman with the chlamydia I posted about in ITT went to chase cock the day after the breakdown and the same day after realizing she has chlamydia, and her account is one big obsession with straight romance. Currently, Rattwt is obsessed with some cringe-worthy TikTok couple, which is enabling her even more. She's like, "Me and my future boyfriend!" Just reposting and reposting romance tweets, and other women are like, "Yes, go kweeen, find that Nigel." Omg the chlamydia is still in her body.
This is about the overeal topic of your psory: I used tho post screenshots of this one TikTok comment section that looked like this "6, family friend" "5, 12, 14" "3, father" you can guess what they were talking about.
Of course a rapist and a man is the same category, it's all biological and I always try to see the both sexes biology and nature to decipher this reality because the fact that women worship men is why had some severe psychotic breakdowns after for expl seeing that kind of comment sections then going anywhere else and seeing pickmes. But I don't care about taking about men anymore anyway, I got annoyed with misandry due to the stubbornness and delusions they develop and their moralfagging started causing me stress because it expanded to include me kek
("children are sexy" bait) No. 26724
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No. 26739
>>26725I deleted the link sorry if you didn't get to see it
No. 26753
>>26752I didn't mean to even post this pic help I wanted to pick some reaction pic but this was in my gallery I swear to god I'm gonna delete
So my reply was
>>26750Some anon are really mad like you
No. 26769
>>26106>>26119> "Reeeeee bihet bishit bislut abandoning her pwoor lesbo girlfriend for a moid!1!1!"> They were never a couple to begin withStop projecting your mental issues onto cartoons and kinning retarded (huhh duhh dYiNg fOr mY beLoVeD) characters. Deranged BPD/DPD shit.
>>26208Based. And specifically acearo, romance is a psyop.
No. 26775
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(autism/integrate) No. 26776
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>>26774Lol someone feels really humiliated cause they gave piglike blowjobs in the past
No. 26793
Tldr ; blah blah blah, blah blah blah, blah blah, blah, blablablablabla blablablablablablabla
So I'm confused about my human experience again (I'm trying so hard to not sound like an alien)
Ratfems have a new cope: some TikTok femdom couple and endless "men are akshually the submissive sex" posts but their discussion of heterosexuality and love often fails to acknowledge the biological differences between sexes and the different positions of women and men in heterosexuality. Women are have to do violent acts that make them suffocate,wanna vomit, and humiliate themselves, which is shameful and unfair. Women have sex for male validation, while men find it better for them. This is because being better makes them stick around, giving women male validation and social status. The bioessentialist take on both sexes roles in sex is based on biological femininity and masculinity, the physical gender being inherent. Women are vulnerable, sexually submissive, kneel(which is pain) to a bigger than them creature (obvious surrender in their sex role), and are made to get penetrated, which is not caused by mental causes but by physical weakness and size. Men are referred to as the submissive sex by those turds but due to their sexual anatomy this is a material reality that men cannot experience.
One tweet was saying men are the submissive sex because they enjoy opening doors for women or buying flowers, etc. how is doing that comparable to submitting, being servile, being penetrated, or being feminine with the deepest aspects of your body such as root, your genitals or bottom—the most intimate part of you that goes the deepest into your psyche as well—and being it in relation to men who aren't submissive on that deep level because of their anatomy?
Makes absolutely zero zero sense.
To compare getting the nerve endings inside the bottom of your body stimulated and feeling it with your consciousness located in your head while the bottom of you gets penetrated to romantic gestures men do to seduce women to re read what I said before this KEK
go and read why heterosexual women have all those sex acts and positions, and they reply that it's because it makes them feel submissive. Go and analyze their psychology around sex and listen to them talk about sex online. Go see a real, not a performance-for-the-audience video of sex and look at it like you are analyzing animal behavior or something.
But in their mind a man getting pleasured by a woman having to penetrate her mouth, making her want to vomit and suffocate, is being the receptive one?
Dick and how it gets stimulated; it's not a receptive role due to its physical anatomy.
The one specific account likes to talk about the importance of submission in sex in both sexes , but since the woman's body anatomy is physically submissive in sex, why does it matter if it happens to a man on a different level in a fucking material reality? sex positive grooming turds with not enough IQs for honest talks, and they are also horny and want to get that subjogative ass stimulation from which they don't even cum properly cause
Average heterosexual sex: he cums "omg, we made love" then clitoral orgasms, nothing nice, "omg, he pleased me, we are so equalized."
Their mentality is all over the place; women are ashamed of their sex role that they will say: "So women are inferior whores in your mind, anon?" After you describe some things , this topic is very overwhelming and difficult to understan
Women don't even cum like men; what's not clicking?
Opening your heart is a submission, but in men and women, it's different, and in men, submission doesn't happen on a physical level. Click it in your mind.
So there's no release besides vaginal orgasms; that's spasms from you opening yourself.
Piv often is giving a similar vibe to Sodomy; the sensitive parts are being touched violently; wanting to get them stimulated causes the "fuck me" and it becomes a masochistic mental state because you want your insides penetrated to achieve some kind of sensations and emotional energetic whatever whatever some kind of shit I'm tired of saying it
so it's all sex slavery and frustration if you don't accept servitude
This kind of female subjugation comes from biology; the phallus looks like a violation tool, and women have it out in their mouths. That's patriarchal, smh.
Source: biology
Another: "actually both sexes can give and receive in sex." Receiving is a feminine role
source: biology
To them a man getting his dick succked (aka a woman in a subordinate role pleasuring him) is him being the passive submissive one but He is the one getting pleasured so please go to hell with that TikTok couple omg
They call men the bottoms in sex, or "bottoming from the top." What kind of insane cope is this im laughing
They write the nonsense, then things that imply that there are physical and sexual differences between what it means to be a man and a woman, as if they are unable to be consistent and not contradict one another. As I search for mental discrepancies in others to expose them. How can they talk about how men and women are different, but then…? Even those posts where anons express rage over accurately describing female roles in sex are here, and one anon comes here outright to take out her resentment towards womanhood at me. It's so very low that everyone knows it, but they all act like it's such a sensitive topic.
tldr in straight sex women pleasure is male pleasure, they empathetically get off psychologically on pleasuring the man which suggest that they mentally experience being a servant, opening themselves, loving men and femininity. Idk how to explain but they just mentally become one with the moids orgasm and psychologically take it as their own because they can't physically have them. It's empath type of shit when you feel what the other person feels it's so confusing I think this is why I hate womanhood this role is such a burden like wtf it's so feminine
Women can't experience the physical sensations of having a dick, etc.; that's the material reality I'm discussing. But the female anatomy makes the woman empathetic in relation with a man. That's why our mental gender is limited by our biological gender and we indeed are forced into femininity by our biology and not society, there are mental consequences to not confirming to it cause you then don't conform to your sexual anatomy and even physical horniness is felt through your physical female sex anatomy and the nerve endings we have inside our vagina are more like a hole kek being a hole feels different than being a dick. Body is an embodiment of the metaphysical reality and of emotions because
Biology/physical sex, sex desire, and sex relationship construct and shape human society and psychology they are the thing that creates all of emotions humans can experience(so emotions are in the physical body or the physical body so we experience sexually the feminine emotions).
and current society allows us to pretend our physical gender isn't even real, but it is. I wish it wasn't. I don't take current times for granted,
I legit think I'm being gaslight hence why I'm experiencing insane mental confusion and start thinking so much that I develop insane intuition wtf I think I'm picking up on some structure of this reality and I'm trying to so hard to understand it all .. there's just something in the male female dynamic….
I try to look at the differences between me and other women as the clues on what the fuck is all that but all I see is that you gotta be a pickme to have straight sex… And all other women are pickmes
It's so trippy… Why does sex only serves men was life always like this and it's only me who is confused that natural things are natural like my brain projects an upside down version of the reality wow yet I'm called woo woo but even the psychic empath shit female biology does in straight sex itself is fucking woo woo how you feel moid orgasms psychologically… That's what they feel but like how .. help it's like!? The consequences of being sensitive I sound like the most schizo person ever. Why am I so confused. Maybe I took human ideas about sex too literally and misinterpreted them then perceived sex through these ideas but now I learn the truth literally everything confuses me. I look at other women and I freeze in shock at how I feel different from them
No. 26796
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>>26793Oh excuse me everyone sorry sorry forgot the usual part of my shit post, AN EXAMPLE: some thot who talks like sex is just her allowing men to… Have sex with her.
Omg I'm so out of touch with female prostitute sexuality jeez it's a fucked transaction between man and a woman duh. I'm such a dumbass(not really). sorry human animals I'm too spiritualized. Retard tries to understand life. I get it I get it. Sex = transaction Some women just have it in their blood more to be in touch with it more. I clearly don't kekk the consequences of older fathers conceiving daughters with super-autism
No. 26799
>>26798I love how you can have authentic conversations with the most moralfagging group ever that promotes themselves as people who care about honesty but spend most of their time online persecuting each other. Not
toxic at all also I'm not a man
No. 26806
>>26804No cause you're sexually harrasing me with that stupid name and your agreement isn't authentic suggesting you're denying the reality to my face and it's such a
toxic mind game humans do to each other because Ik I'm right on things but only people agreeing relieves me completely
No. 26811
>>26810i keep noticing how sex is just power dynamics and how that connects to women being weaker. AGPs are so sick that instead of wanting to be the man victimizing the women, they want to imagine themselves as the woman because it's the ultimate degradation and taboo for them. then the language that men use towards women that they find attractive is also revealing. inb4 not all men, especially not my husband! the type of men that act that way towards women who are guaranteed porn addicts right..? then just going by statistics, there being a very large amount of men that consume porn shows that so many of them all think the same way. definitely no natural biological tendency to behave that way, totally socialization! women and men aren't even playing on the same fields, there is proof that our brains are structured differently so no wonder the majority of us behave differently from the majority of them. and i used to feel insulted on behalf of the ethots they make fun of or women who cheat and are immature, rude people… but those type of women aren't my allies, they're the type to get plastic surgery then give birth to a son and after they breakup with their shit boyfriend they'll be like all men are evilllll (noooo women are just so morally pure and the superior gender, there's nothing they need to take accountability for! they're just cowards. women and men are both selfish being, competing teams but also meant to achieve similar goals. women just don't take the way that men do because they don't have the strength to back it up, otherwise the scales would tip in women's favor somewhere instead of men always being the ones controlling women in every society). just go into the "difficulty relating to other women" thread on /g/ to hear people's experiences with some truly beautiful empathetic souls yea women are faultless angels and if you criticize them for playing a role in all the fucked up ways women are treated in this world then you must be a male! some of these posters use the same logic as people who say "oh you suspect this insta account is exploiting their children and appealing to pedophiles? well actually you're the pedophile for even seeing it that way!" then there are pedo rings grateful towards the women who exploit their daughters on the internet. sorry we're not fucking oblivious to the degeneracy in this world and how sex-obsessed everything is, holy shit. i fucking wish we lived in a utopia where this didn't seep into everything or the constant gender war bullshit. i agree they're self-sacrificial and there's so many damned if you do damned if you don't games for women.
No. 26812
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>>26219the milk is definitely the only reason to check this thread lmao, I'm kinda glad this place is such a dumpster fire cuz it would be more concerning for people to simply agree with it. I'm even sympathetic to sex negative views but there's too much to life to be completely blackpilled as a woman because of heterosexuality alone
No. 26815
>>26812What made you think it's okay to post it? Like seriously someone psychoanalyze other human urge to ridicule me "what a freak look what she's saying eeee" here's your social approval for your dumb remark
What im trying to do is discuss sex, which is a fundament part of our reality . Since sex is essentially just the interaction of two naked bodies male and female- discussions about sex can literally highlight the stupdity of other humans. So, given that sex is essentially just about bodies, why is it such a taboo and uncomfortable subject? Is that all it takes for it to be so creepy? Then you should comprehend the conclusion or rather try to make it first, or perhaps this is too much for you since you went here to ridicule me and it genuit pissed me off.. and the reason behind is is because I feel gaslight about real things my mind fixates on the gaslighting cause it's just so suspicious esp the topic of female position in sex is treated so weirdly due to how humiliating the position in, one anon even comes here to take her anger out at womanhood on me
No. 26816
>>26815Forgot to say, people are too confident in ridiculing me. You said something that gaslights me so I go mad. You posted a bunch of female names but the material reality is an embodiment of the metaphysical reality and look at what we have on the material reality. If something hijacks my brain then it's people gaslighting me about the biological reality kek
Becaut i haven't got it all wrong, there's other reason why y'all think I'm bad but won't say,t typical conversations that revolves around mind games humans wanna play when they don't wanna be honest
No. 26817
>>26815>>26816I don't actually think you've got it all wrong. There is at least one piece in most of what you've said that I agree with, it's just that your thought processes and conclusions take those pieces to extreme and rigid extents that I
don't agree with. There are ways of acknowledging the material realities of men and women, even ones that disadvantage women, without reaching completely blackpilled conclusions/baseless speculations
No. 26819
>>26817>without reaching completely blackpilled conclusions/baseless speculationsNah there's not if your blackpill is about womanhood being inherently sexually submissive and feminine and if you see womanhood as unsalvageable due to just a one sex act which is impossible to verbalize how it looks like physically without causing some shit and sounding extreme and the psychology of it all is so weird like sex and sex acts really expose everything because those piglike acts are real
>there's too much to life to be completely blackpilled as a woman because of heterosexuality aloneyou said this but sex is actually our life and that's a big deal. Plus you said it all like I'm a clown you come here to laugh at kek I think you tried to communicate something with this pic I can't verbalize what exactly but you posted all these female figures as some figures of non conformity to the biological patriarchy and male dominance
No. 26822
>>26818>made to be the stronger group literal sex slavesI don't think whatever you speculate we're "made to be" is as relevant as the potential of what we could make ourselves to be. We would have no rights at all if all males categorically felt the way blackpill philosophy claims they do. They would have no reason to empathize with us whatsoever/grant us any power and we wouldn't even be typing to each other on the computer right now because we'd still be completely enslaved by them. You and I would have no concept of the blackpill if women were really only programmed to be submissive with no resistant thoughts. That's why I find the views too extreme to agree with. Of course female socialization is real, and many women are explicitly selling themselves as meat, but the fact that this is not 100% universally true is also simple observable reality
>>26819>you said this but sex is actually our life and that's a big dealIt is a big deal but it's not the totality of a woman's potential in life and that's why I posted that image
No. 26823
>>26812Kek you get butthurt by this thread and try to derail it the same way troons tried to derail and shut down the gender critical and troon-cow threads here back in 2019-2021. Ironically you are the same as the troons you hate
>because of heterosexuality aloneLmao of course that is stupid to you considering you talk to the worst loser men online. Not even normie men but literal edgy incel type of men and even try and being them in women-only commmunities. Of course your ugly ass is in defense of heterosexuality.
If the moderators in this thread actually did their job you all would have been equally as banned as cocksucker-chan, you are the reason why cocksucker-chan spergs too since you provoke her on on purpose to derail the thread. Just shut up and go talk to the only group of men who give you attention and leave, i don't know why the existence of this thread nakes you so mad.
No. 26826
>>26822>men threw us a little bone and in 5% of all counties in the world some women have rights so that means the blackpill doesnt exist.You are so retarded lmao, the people who come here because they are mad at this thread really are retarded.
>That's why I find the views too extreme to agree with. Of course female socialization is real,Just leave this thread you butthurt loser and go peddle that crap in your radfem thread s where anons talk about voting for rightwingers so they can own the troons.
No. 26827
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>>26823>Kek you get butthurt by this thread and try to derail it the same way troons tried to derailgworl I'm extremely on topic, I'm even having a chill time of it right now
>>26824a woman
No. 26830
>>26824An unwashed
femcel with no life.
>>26827Gworl fuck off back to where you came from.
>>26829This is a very nuanced topic that requires a long discussion which im not going to waste on a troll that doesn't belong in this thread so im going to give you a comparison (that will probably go over your head). A domestic abuser does not abuse their
victim 24/7, the abuser actually has periods or short moments where he actually treats his
victim kindly or buys her gifts which makes the
victim confused. This is also a reason why women have a hard time leaving
abusive relationships, because their abusers aren't
abusive everyday and have periods where they treat her nicely, if the abuser was a abuser 24/7 or a abuser from the start then the
victim would have already left. I know this comparision went over your head unfortunately. I dont care about what shit excuse you will reply with to this btw since i will just ignore you now just like all the other anons do. The only one who gives you attention is cocksucker-chan
No. 26832
>>26830>thinks femcels are realInteresting thing for an alleged woman to say
>This is a very nuanced topicGiving abuse
victims presents to distract them from finding pathways to power is not the same as granting them pathways to power lol
No. 26833
>>26832>is a chronically online loser>entertains the worst men >is on this thread all the time, mam do you have a life?>gets mad at being called a femcel when the men you chat with call women worse namesAtleast you are not denying the unwashed part bestie.
Also i knew it would go over your head.
No. 26835
>>26833You need that greentext to be real saaaauur bad don't you, it helps keep any nagging doubts in your head away. many such cases
It makes no sense to hand your handcuffed foreverprisoner even a single metal file when absolutely nothing stops you from simply not doing that instead. There is no need to manipulate anybody's psychology if the blackpill biological imperatives are true. Women wouldn't resist and the ones who do can be beaten or killed because males have a clear physical advantage. This would be no problem for men if they had no empathy
No. 26836
>>26833Like I know where you're going with this, your argument is that whatever power we're given is just a placation. but for that to be true men would need to feel some reason to placate us. It's either:
- Women AREN'T all biologically programmed to be submissive if they are actually considered enough of a revolt risk for men to need to carry out a bunch of psych warfare gayops on them
- Men have too much empathy for women to optimally carry out their own biological programming
The blackpill needs both of those points to be false, but one of them has to be true. Therefore the blackpill in its current form can't be true
No. 26837
>>26836you really don’t get it. first of all it’s not men that given you rights it’s a small group of powerful men with agenda, feminists have always been a small group of women, even these feminist women are submissive in their relation to men, the bp is mainly about how female psychology shift from normal human to literal slave in het relationship, heterosexuality is sadomasochist, and the bp about males is 100% true, males are not necessarily psychopaths but they don’t have reasons to feel sympathetic for women esp when their brain objectify females, you deny reality, because you probably still want a relationship with a male, stop being delusional and accept facts. heterosexuality isn’t even bad because of male nature it’s heterosexuality nature itself that is fucked and influence both sexes, ofc you wouldn’t be able grasp how degrading penetration is and female sexual attraction and mate selection affect their relation to males.
No. 26838
I won't be directly responding to anons since I m saying gross sex details at the end and I don't want to start any trouble. I just want to rage it out because I feel like I'm being gaslighted about something so upsetting that it makes me feel so triggered and unsafe. However, when someone agrees with me, my state of consciousness changes so quickly that I feel safer in the world and safe from sexuality-almost like it frees me from weird tunnel vision. I'm not sure why I am so susceptible to other people's words and require validation. I believe it's because people's minds care so much about social approval, and it's just the way things work that being ridiculed of by others drives me insane.
I doubt those anons even know how important of a fact in this discussion it is that our biology was designed for heterosexual reproduction. Not only is sex is made for reproduction; it is also the feminine - masculine sexual polarity so eve separately from reproduction we are still that. Therefore, regardless of a woman's sexual orientation, her sexual anatomy remains feminine and does not preclude the existence of homosexual individuals, and vice versa. Our biological femininity and gender are unavoidable; this is our material experience, which is the reason why womanhood can be so horrible.
The biological reality of sex shapes human psychology, emotions, and society. Even when we feel horny physically, we feel it through female sexual anatomy, which gives us a different psychological experience than a male being horny. We can experience greater gender variation on a deeper metaphysical level but then we fall when we try to experience it materially. For example, as a woman with rather masculine impulses, I sometimes feel like a heterosexual man trapped in a heterosexual woman's body, which is evidence of the limitations of matter because… I mean the reasons are obvious and don't ask my why I feel like this cause idk I'm not even attracted to women
I never had the feminine drive for it; I never imagined having children; I never felt nurturing or dreamed of having "babies" at my most horny; I only had the masculine urge, so I wouldn't want to be a mother experiencing empathy and being nurturing makes me feel dysphoric kek. However, physically we feel it all through our physical anatomy, which again will make you want to be the feminine parent and have the child with your womb. Reproduction is a basic human drive of any sex with any sex orientation; we want to continue our physical consciousness through multiplying ourselves materially
Consider PIV as a preparation for the cruelty of childbirth, for example. The psychology of male vs female sexual anatomy differs. There is no third gender; there is only two genders and the experiences of those sex anatomies are fairly limited. Piv softens you because it's a feminine role; you have to surrender to the dick it induces a feminine psychological state this prepares a woman to be okay with motherhood, everything fits It must be this way to generate life since sex is creation
Another tangible restriction is that women cannot procreate with one another. Furthermore, the most feminine experience a human can have is giving birth. In the end, it makes you soften up and goes against some aspects of being masculine. Our physical body and psyche are inextricably linked. As we already know, femininity is biological in women, which is a controversial opinion. Feminists often say that femininity is only a social construct, which illogical. Because of our material gender, we can't experience put mental gender in a raw way physically. people need to realize that society did not create physical gender. The structure of sexual biological reality shapes society.
I'm setting myself up for telling them to imagine it, but this is real life, which is why I'm so confused by the psychology of it because it's something humans know subconsciously but it's like a big open secret human suppress this fact at the same time but subconsciously they perceive the humiliation and pigness of it nevertheless it's natural and that's the clue. The sex acts I mention all the time are objectively violent, that's first. I once told you to imagine it happening to you just for the shock value so you see my point, but just try to see how violent it truly is.
Given its shape, the phallus is a tool of violation that wasn't created by civilization. Second, it's objectively humiliating, obviously, which indicates that masochism is innate to female sex biology. Since life isn't always kind and gentle-either, it's harsh and suffering contains a lesson humans must learn—feminine biological masochism and the humiliating acts associated with it teach you to humble yourself and surrender - that's female biology but not male sexually
Female position in sex - surrender like a prey getting eaten by a predator so the predator can survive
Now the sex sperging
Examine the photos or videos of those acts and evaluate the reality with objectivity. This is the most difficult part of the reality because, in all honesty, it looks horrifying-you see a human, female human head with a dick in her mouth, making her appear filthy, piglike, and deformed. If you're sentient, you'll make connections between those images and realize that the person's head is connected to their body, their entire body symbolizing everything that they are outside of sex,
Its An Average individual with emotions and thoughts everyday those people can be seen walking outside on two legs, but now they are bowed down with their physical body like animals, with a pig face and eyes that appear to be in a trance or are being punished. It is essentially a person that embodies every aspect of what it is to be a person in human society, add to it the male sex role position in sex and what it is relation with the f make role and see. Un a moment, I see everything immediately and without thinking, just Intuitively .These photos are authentic pictures of real life; they demonstrate how deep the psychology of it all goes. And all it takes to make it so terrifying is a man and a woman.
Imagine a ridiculous scene where a woman is cheering because a man is dumped out a lot of jizz from his dick. That's basically what heterosexuality is all about; women want their dicks to cum because that's how reproduction occurs and our sex anatomy is still feminine even outside of reproduction because it was created that way to create life.
They do resemble faggots in som wayz. A few days ago, I came across a tweet from a woman asking whether men feel the same romantic yearning as women. I clicked on the comments to find a male who said that yes. I proceeded to his account and discovered that he was a gay sex videos maker(in his bio he stated that he fucked "femmes of all genders) so I had to view his pinned post featuring him with a dick in his mouth. I had a breakdown over it, feeling as though I was being yt I guess oenetratedin the most sensitive places in your body, such as your tongue and inside of your mouth. How does it vary from sodomy at all?
The average male dick is too big to fit a human mouth so they put it in their fucking throats where the tongue starts how is it possible that any other woman on earth is capable of doing something this piglike and humiliating to herself
No. 26841
>>26837>you really don’t get it. first of all it’s not men that given you rights it’s a small group of powerful men with agendaIt's not men but it's men lol, got it. I also need more reason to believe that this is intentionally orchestrated by some small group of men that isn't just your personal speculation and conjecture, otherwise it's just too conspiratorial (one of the reasons why you're being called a schizo by multiple people btw)
>stop being delusional and accept factsand you call me the gaslighter, kek
No. 26842
>>26836>Women AREN'T all biologically programmed to be submissive if they are actually considered enough of a revolt risk for men to need to carry out a bunch of psych warfare gayops on themofc even the most submissive women wouldn’t want to be denied basic human rights, female masochism is about their biological functions, female position in sex, motherhood, women psychology makes them act submissive sometimes, women are agreeable, more likely to be controlled by fear,etc. women can be not submissive outside their intimate relationships with males, bp is about how female biology and psychology is limiting, and how the female natural role in heterosexuality is submissive, heterosexuality is inherently unequal.
>Men have too much empathy for women to optimally carry out their own biological programmingagain it’s powerful men that given women their rights in only 1% of the world not out of sympathy for women but for other reasons and now these males are slowly stripping women from their rights, the state of female rights is dependent on so many factors, it’s about organizing society and economic reasons, not because these men care about being fair.i don’t think all males hate women but they for sure don’t feel empathy to women at the end they didn’t evolve to by sympathetic to women because women are simply not threatening and it’s their strategy to rape and enslave women, to men women are like animals, just like there is humans that feel sympathy for animals yet they wouldn’t stop consuming them, males are like this towards women, you are just not fully human to them, and tbh it make sense why wouldn’t they see women as humans, women allow them to disrespect them because women allow them to penetrate them and are in need of looking like fuckable sex dolls for them
No. 26843
>>26838Tldr the conclusion from it is that female position in sex is inherently submissive because female biology is feminine
>I try to look at the differences between me and other women as the clues on what the fuck is all that but all I see is that you gotta be a pickme to have straight sex… And all other women are pickmes.It's so trippy…That's how I feel and I can't comprehend it they are like monsters to me sometimes because it's crazyyyyy shocking
Because I'm interested with analyzing people, I used to lurk on Reddit years ago. I came into a subreddit where couples share videos of their se, and what I witnessed there has stuck with me ever since. Videos with captions like "I have the best wifey ever" (wow so validating it must be to get picked!) and those women's bodies looked like a pigs on all fours with wide piglike bottoms and short torsos making boar noises while a slimy filth shaped dicks were fucking them from behind getting in and out and just exploiting them and touching their shitholes
You might be wondering why I assume every woman who dates a man is a pig and I start sperging about how she must be a gross cocksucker… This is why I mean not because of that subreddit but because that's how sex lives look like fr
and mone of posts on that sub I remember was some bitch bowing down to dick while the man sat and she was putting it all in her mouth, moving her head left and right as she did so, and all of this was making piglike noises, like choking, not gagging, and she was moaning like a monster
It wasn't even a large or average sized dick. The insides of our mouths are extremely sensitive; even brushing your tongue can cause a gag response. It's all so damn disgusting, and people ask me why I detest womanood. It's women who are on their knees on the ground in physical distress. Recently I saw two things that really expose heterosexuality, it was a man saying "I don't know how much IQs you have but I like you" about a bimbo he was into and a man saying "omg it hurts idk how she does it". So.
The sight of those pig-looking (the guys are hairy like chimps, the women pink and shaved like pigs) and women spread bodies fucked with dicks with disgusting "wifey giving me a blowie" captions me vow that I would never again let others to gaslight me about this distressing shit lmao
AND THE MALES ALL HAD DAD BODIES WITH GROSS FAT STOMACHS WHILE SOME WOMEN WERE MODEL LIKE THIN. I'm so shaken by it, it was 2021 or 2022 maybe too I don't remember what else was in there but seeing those female faces with dicks around them… Dumping jizz around their mouths and lips and their lips in making gross piglike face expressions or sucking while those women make those piggish physical movements which psychology is just fucking insane like what mentally drives them to make those moves and those are all real people not even onlyfans havers just a bunch of normies sex lives
I still feel uneasy at the words "hubby" "blowie" "wifey" because of reddit but they are on YouTube and Twitter using this words to like fuck once I went to RFH post about how women who don't suck dick do themselves disservice I have her muted but someone qt it and a bitch in the comments said "a loving blowie makes me husband worship me!!" And I didn't have peace for the next months after that
Why is womanhood like this!!
Have fuckin fun fixing this bullshit and now understand that sex is extreme because men and women are two extremes which would mean masculinity and femininity being inherent there's absolutely no other explanation for how vile sex is and it shows your mind until you fucking freeze. And now try to answer me why is it this shocking.
just tell me to die cause I'm not a cocksucker I swear to God it would be the biggest relief in my life to be told the real reasons why I'm evil and retarded in the pov of nature. Lol
But don't tell me in the way this one bitch in this website told me because she literally sexually harrased me so badly I'm sure I have a jaw tension from whores saying shit like this to me.
And yes women are actually a sexually submissive gender it's shown in their behaviors on a mass scale
No. 26845
>>26841I’m not schizo anon, I’m right that it’s men in power that given women rights for agenda, keep coping most men don’t even support women right, most men jerk off to women getting abused and humiliated, they imagine every woman they see getting fucked, not even only women but young girls and children, yet you keep defending them because want male validation and can’t live without it, women like you make me blackpilled, because your types would believe what you like to be true because you simply can’t stop loving males. all facts and truth are clear, men say the truth about themselves. all the time, yet women like you keep being delusional it’s pathetic
No. 26847
>>26841Not that anon but it literally is a small group of powerful men with a agenda you dumbfuck. Do you even know how the first feminist wave started in the west?? It started during the industrial revolution when child labor was banned so women were used as a replacement for the child boy labor and were allowed to work alongside men with a extremely lower pay. This is a literal historical fact and you can look it up that the sudden growth of the industrial industry, not enough workers , plus child labor was banned which lead to women being allowed to work certain jobs on the condition that they will be payed much less for the same job.
If a man does give women some crumbs its because he benifits from it too. Men will not help women without getting anything in return. This also shows how useless feminism is and that women are submissive considering the industrial revolution was only 3 centuries ago and before that there was no feminist wave.
No. 26850
lol @ just repeating "it's men who gave us power dipshit" at me when that's exactly my point and I wrote the reasons why they would do that here
>>26836I'm starting to think being blackpilled is like a horseshoe thing where women who manage to see past normie woman self subjugation still wrap around into their own brand of destructive psychological prison. This was interesting though bye bye
No. 26851
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No. 26856
>>26850How is you talking about men having empathy for women and talking about them as a whole in anyway compare to this based anon
>>26847 . You braindead.
>byeBe fr we all know you are not leaving, you are obsessed with this thread.
>>26853I know right, she is totally retarded.
No. 26861
>>26858I don't think we are the ones with reading comprehension problems.
Stop projecting your retardation onto others.
>>26859She is literally braindead kek, also said she would stop using this thread but is too obsessed to stop (what being chronically online does to a mf)
No. 26875
>>26773>>26721yes I will repost it:
Twitter blackpill feminist group chat
1. Dm the account to get verified.
2. Full blackpillers only, if you slightly, partially lean or agree with blackpill then you are still not getting verified because you are still not fully blackpill. Only full blackpill feminists.
3.When added, not replying/posting in the GC the first 52 hours will get you removed.
4. to the the trolls i know how you look and twitter doesn't take down accounts easily or take reports seriously so don't bother.
No. 26877
>>26875also I forgot to mention if you were verified in the discord then you are also automatically verified in the twitter too just by mentioning your discord @ if you were in the server.
if you weren't in the server that's okay but you will have to verify.
No. 26892
>>26878Tldr the stimulation is real but it's about male validation at the same time cause female pleasure in sex is just that, it's psychological and comes from them pleasuring the man, multiple hetero sex acts as well as piv and female pickme behaviors prove that. Don't read the rambling it's just me repeating myself
Yes, it's real; the stimulation in penetration is intense, but the female sex anatomy is feminine and embodies the feminine role; therefore, it's feminine emotions. Women must surrender to dick and cooperate with dick; allow the dick to become the feminine energy in comparison to what dick is; it doesn't become it because of the dick violating it, but because it's already designed to get the dick in; add to it that the head of the clitois is outside of the vagina; and now decipher how subordinate this role is.The vaginal canal is the main part of female sexual anatomy, therefore sexuality too, and it is designed for penetration. Women can only get useless vaginal spasms from it, and their psychological state is about getting the dick in, which pleasures the dick. It doesn't lead to a real orgasm for women so it has no good final so you lay there either this awareness and all the movements you can make are movements that get the dick in and give you useless pleasure not leading to an orgasm, your psychological state is also about getting the dick in which pleasures the dick so you care about the dick pleasure and psychologically get off on it since that's the sexual function of your vagina, you can only get a bunch of useless vaginal spasms from it and the female body sexually opens itself if you psychologically want to experience your sex anatomy and you experience it through being feminine mentally and through serving sexually because our anatomy is literally about opening ourselves so straight sex is literally only for male pleasure You lay there knowing how much pleasure your body gives to a man, but you can't feel the pleasure he can. You lay there knowing it all leads to his orgasm but not yours, so you can only have one other option: surrender to his pleasure and psychologically experience his pleasure, which your anatomy is already designed for; it embodies feminine emotions in relation to male anatomy. Sex is a fundamental part of life, so at the root of life, men and women are unequal. Misogynists were right that sex is women giving themselves to men or women giving men sex, sex is for male pleasure, or sex is for men. Of course some fuck will say: but women want to have segs too! Well yeah, they have nerve endings and sexual functions, but what they embody is fucking obvious. And our anatomy constructs human psychology, so that's why women are picky. Female pleasure is not real. It's just psychological, but it's hypocritical of me to say this because. Since I can't deal with gaslighting, then it made me fixate and even made me into a coomer to try to explore what I am capable of feeling sexuality through a female body, and I felt everything more than anyone else. My orgasms are like 10000x stronger than years ago, and I literally still hate it. It doesn't make up for anything; it's still feminine, and what I felt through my sexual anatomy was that I get gaslighted by humans all the time, which is very distressing because it's literally our life.Before some fuck, like a feminist misandrist or normie sex turd nitpicks this:First, I'm tired of feminism and misandry because they are delusional. All they say is denialism of biological reality or lunatic shit like "men can't feel happiness.". . It becomes an obsession for them to deny things. Those spaces even made me delusional. Why is there so much deception and lying about something as important as sex??? The whole world revolves around sexual relations, therefore human psychology revolves around it. Of course, it's a controversial, sensitive, and scary topic, but what the fuck is the psychology of the dumb sex retardedness people are displaying? All the moral and political correctness? Idk what the fuck it all is: the lying, the coping, the snarkiness. The biossentialist take is that we are different physically than men and have a different position in sex; that's our life and biological subgroup. Saying it again, it's a fact!! We have a different biological experience than men. Sex turds saying it's equal mutual intimacy loving blah blah blah doesn't change our experience; it doesn't change how feminine our body is in straight sex or what it means for us. At the root of human life, we are not equal.
I saw someone say yesterday that sex is supposed to be for mutual pleasure, but sex under patriarchy is about piv. COPE
You can see it all on a realistic picture of sex, the masculinity-feminity dynamic is so obvious. The female flesh really does serve the dick with itself; its psychology is easy to decipher, and it's shaped by the sexual anatomy of males and females, not external factors. It all made me figure out that to feel fulfilled by straight sex as a woman, you must be fulfilled by serving in sex, serving dick, etc., being feminine, etc. If you don't like serving, then it's just sex slavery, so yeah, sex for women is about male validation.
Think of dick sucking for expl it only pleasures the man physically so a woman psychologically gets off on worshipping and pleasing the man, it can't serve the woman , it'z subordinate, she gets nothing physical from it and the physicalness of it can't be reciprocated
So yes women get stimulation from piv but at the same time it's just about male validation.
I know I already repeated myself million times but all of it is the reason why women are childish pickmes for men. Any non-here insert retarded little cringe pickme teen girl looking (mentally) woman on earth, in her private life is a retarded giggling bimbo giving her moid fucking handjobs like a dog. Any woman you can think of behind the scenes is a little chidlike male lover the same type as those women who go online to support Johnny depp, Mra, tweet about men's mental health, defend males etc. One female mental singer was like this… I saw her saying something embarrassing while she's literally over 30… She posted a heart emoji under the Johnny depp post and once said that misandry makes her nauseous…
They all are like this. Literally all. Because of their sexual anatomy. It's about male validation duh
They reduce themselves to a little pet at home with their moid and giggle at his fart jokes then suck him off while smelling his shit stained ass since it's close then they giggle and go manic like a bimbo because het sex for women is inherently bpd mental state, then they talk about his dick with their female friends(also true story… I won't name this kinda famous woman but she doesn't look like that outside of her private life… She looks like a powerful woman). They really experience a manic state but it's like childish you would probably even see it really way in women who willingly make sex videos. It's so annoying and sad
No. 26900
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Dude It's impossible to discuss Piv with other women. I can repeat, "The head of the clitoris doesn't get touched during the natural mechanism of piv," and "imagine if men got their dick stimulated without the head of the penis being touched," but they don't get it. I searched "how a vaginal orgasm feels like" and went to read it on multiple websites, and it all matches all of my points about piv, even the fact that the vaginal canal is the main part of female sexuality and that stimulation of the head of the clitoris vs. stimulation of the inside of the vagina is completely different; sometimes the head of your clitoris even goes numb when you engage in other women.
The other one is like initiation into femininity; you awaken to your biological femininity because that's what stimulation and the sensations and emotions it brings are. It's a feminine role, but I can't relate and repeat it, and those turds still argue with me.
I find it irritating when women use the word "cum", women can't cum (some say they can only CUM from piv….), and they can't have an orgasm centered in the head of your clitoris through piv, so that's different. Piv requires you to surrender to the penetration; you have it with the awareness that you won't have a real orgasm through it so when you see stimulation through it, what are your actually seeking?. Sexual stimulation of dick in men leads to an orgasm, easy, but there is no final "boom" in women's vaginal "orgasm"; men tense up during their stimulation, while a woman has to go into full submission to receive the stimulation because of their difference in sex anatomy
When you are receiving that stimulation that doesn't lead to your orgasm, you have to tap into the feminine role in relation to Dick's masculine role. You have to become it. The vagina is more like a hole inside with its nerve endings, while Dick is the opposite. Inside out, out can't be tense while receiving penetration. You can't make any movements besides getting the dick in, whichdoesn't even make you really orgasm. I think it's all pretty clear.
The vaginal "orgasms" they have are them awakening to their sexual femininity. It's very unfortunate that it's true. the vaginal canal is an experience of femininity it even stimulates the vagus nerve in women so it's a proof that sex is ab the whole body but due to our anatomies for men and women it's a different psychological emotional experience . The woo woo people were kinda right about it.
The femininity of the dick receiver is obvious here. Lol i haaate sex turds so much.
To the modern sex positives, everything is equal, subjective, and just whatever you make it to be, kek nah.
It's insane what what they all(the sensations of piv )describe matches my descriptions, but they are not that extremely sentient, so they don't fully get it all, but the clues like all women being picmes basically validate my points.
You might now think I'm wrong when you're not experiencing or imagining physical sex because people need it all to be exposed in their eyes, and they need a shock to gain this awareness. Not perceiving it all in the current moment makes people delusional, and they gaslight the shit out of me. You can use your imagination to perceive the reality I'm talking about heh
The picrel is something I saw today while searching and it make something in my mind click like duhh reading descriptions of sex sometimes makes everything clear. And sex is a pretty big deal in our life.
I was right when I said that women who are okay with having sex as a woman body or het sex identify with sexual submission more, that's a psychological state of submission which causes pickme type of mentalities. Not only the extreme handmaiden pickmes but like the average woman who dates men. So now go and talk about sex with easily impressed submissive pickmes
No. 26905
>>26900the same way women get manipulated into doing anal is often the same for piv, feels like they get pressured into doing it from their boyfies even if they get nothing out of it.
>>26902Working isn't much of a choice. It's either that or struggle without money. A woman could be a male worshipping TiF or be a woman that votes for politicians against female rights, but because they need to work that makes them a feminist? No. Feminism is an ideology that a woman actually has to act upon. Otherwise the onlyfans ethots that choose to degrade themselves and other women for money are technically feminists, because they work and vote and say surface lvl feminist shit like "fuck men uwu" while fucking men.
No. 26906
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The way women talk about getting fucked by men makes me sick. Taking loads? This shit is so gross. And it disgusts me that it's so normal to most women. I can't believe how ratfems and libtards want me to identify with people who are so fundamentally different from me and who take pleasure from something that's utterly degrading and disgusting to me. To me it's impossible to overcome. If I know that a woman fucks with a scrote I can't trust her. So that's most women in this hell hole
No. 26908
>>26892it's crazy how delusional people are about this. we can all agree that women are physically weaker than men right? our bodies were designed this way for a reason. there's clearly SOMETHING biological that causes men as the majority to behave so similarly– more aggressive, sexually and otherwise. also their bodies just so happen to be stronger. but it's IMPOSSIBLE that our biology affects the minds of women as well, it's like they see our brains as androgynous when we're influenced by our bodies as much as men are.
>At the root of human life, we are not equal.seems like a tough pill for people to swallow.
No. 26911
>>26907I'm not the cocksucker anon. But I badically agree with her on everything
But at the same time I'm sad I cant find female friends. It's just not fucking possible. EVERY woman has men in her life. I feel like I'm alone in this world, the total weirdo outcast.
No. 26914
>>26906Her username reminds me of the user "littlefitcumskut" from female pessimist sub
Did she consider that those infections are from those "loads she takes"… considering the recent Chlamydia incident in that one Nigel haver on rattwt life.. she had mysterious utis too and put pills into her pussy that change your smell and taste after your period (because like before and during period it smells weird) and they make you more wet etc. Lol
No. 26921
>>26918>>26920>>26919Your attempts at trolling this thread are pathetic, all of that post is an accurate description of the reality/sex it's just put in words poorly but if someone understands then they get it, if someone doesn't then they probably are lying and gaslighting since sex is so inherently submissive for women this can cause outrage
this is why someone resorts to just saying "women get fucked on all fours" "women put their mouths on dicks like pigs" to get their point across about this reality lol cause it's real happenings
No. 26929
>>26925Im talking about women right now and their role in sex is much more gross, you have to have no disgust response to do it. It shocks me in a different way to male role
>Eating pussy That's not comparable the other one is piglike(sorry, come up with other word for my disgust for), violent and overall different mechanism, different anatomy, different psychology and power dynamic… Learn to tell the difft between things, most of you see someone not defending women as male apologism. Being disgusted by female sexual behaviors also has to do with not liking how it benefits men and I personally can't comprehend how they are capable of doing some of this sex shit because it's really, really… Um what was the word…
And I'm not even asexual.. it bothers me a lot idk and the thing is that I have been gaslight about something for years and it has to do with all those specific acts. It's just that doing those acts or one act is so subordinate/submissive, the woman has to be in service to dick regularly(which is mind-blowing) like every other day or week and it only pleasures the man physically, that's a big deal and what it says about straight relationships is also important and I get lied to about reality wtf
No. 26941
>>26930Dumb predictable response and your point doesn't matter since you used the word consenting, cringe and those acts exists outside of porn get it into your fucking head you cocksucker missed and blatantly ignored my
valid points. And I don't know how you had the audacity to come here gaslight me/us about how sex saying it's not humiliating, you forgot to mention the part of it that involve putting a dick and jizz in your mouth and being fucked from behind or other positions. The most type of cringe motherfuckers
>Loving mutual shit relationshitYou think we are retarded and think your points and lofing mutual intimacyshit doesn't disprove my points
No. 26946
>>26944Being penetrated in your root inside your body is submissive and induces submission, the blackpill is that it's submisssive and feminine and servile role.
Being fucked from behind in your root induces submission and is submissive lol
No. 26953
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>>26948Average relationship
No. 26978
>>26969Idk, idk what she's even doing here she was probably camping here before but now exposed herself as some cocksucker who's lying btw. Bc now suddenly she acts like she doesnt have sex at all and sex doesn't exist:
>>26958Her relationship is special and an exception of the rule, rule created by tangible reality called human sex anatomy
No. 26981
>>26973You're gonna get them mad with insults like that's acknowledging biology is enough, they don't really like posts like that they don't explain much
>>26972No you're right it's actually only hetero men who want to get fucked with dick but you if you get fucked then you don't think about it at all it's just all neutral, men are the faggots qween
No. 26984
I'm mostly just letting you all know this ideology doesn't work as well on those of us with the life experience to see what other possibilities might exist
>>26979no!!!1111 they are teh DOMINANT PENIS!!!!!!
No. 27002
>>26998In het sex*
Male female dynamic is the same for any person on earth.
No. 27005
>>26996>We are not into submission.then you must be a male inside like the tranny anon kek
>>26998>If it's most men being like this in this context then it's allyou can't even comprehend how retarded this is
>>26999it's been a good experience, simple as
No. 27011
>>27005 > studies shows men their brains objectify their sexual target not my nigel! he pays me flowers and take me to fancy restaurant so gentle
> studies shows men are attracted to 12-16 yo children the mostno no not my nigel and even I don’t care he fucks me good!
> men admit they would rape if they will never be caught no no not my gentle uwu bf he respect wahmen he tells me he loves me
No. 27012
>>27010I don't like female biology idiot and don't have sex because I don't like sexual submission and you don't understand what I mean by submission based on your response. I went to the previous thread and see that you have been hear at least for
a month or two, you're probably one of the trolls. You can't even be straightforward and honest about sex and said hypocritical thing here
>>27005">We are not into submission.
then you must be a male inside like the tranny anon kek"
Y'all she's been here a month ago wtf she said the same words "are you submisssive?be honest"
No. 27016
>>27006>The dynamic between dick and vagina is the same for literally everyoneyet somehow there is a variation in preferences, it's almost like you're just fucking wrong like a retard
>>27007>don't you see that the nature of hetero sex is imbalanced?In most cases yes but when contraception is introduced and negates the potential female reproductive burden any imbalance that remains relies on behavioral aspects which vary at the individual level. The anons in here saying stupid shit about males always being behaviorally dominant when that obviously isn't true are really the ones trying to cope into keeping their views internally consistent on this point
>majority of women do not come from piv, this is a fact. so what is the appeal?There are males whose sexuality is dependent upon female pleasure and are interested in making a woman orgasm by any means necessary so it doesn't really matter if women orgasm less often from piv alone when their male partners want to do more to make them orgasm regardless
btw I don't even think you have to be into femdom to break this cycle lol nobody responded to my massage therapist comparison. It doesn't matter if you have a big hulking male fucking you, if he's singularly concerned with giving you pleasure and making you orgasm when you get to lay there and enjoy it while he does all the work I fail to see how that's such a le horrible bleak blackpilled slave setup kek
No. 27020
>>27016>Useless clit Orgasm after having piv from which they don't orgasm Lol
>Behaviorally Behavior doesn't matter in the dynamic between male and female sexual anatomy. It doesn't fucking change the dynamic or femininity and masculinity of their sex roles or erase the deep female submission in sex. You still suck cock
No. 27025
>>27020>useless clit orgasmyou are really not beating the virgin allegations with this one
and yeah just keep repeating the same shit over and over and over again. you might like the "trans women are women" chant too if you're into mantras
No. 27026
Look at this exchange
>>25703 This is the same anon 99% as the one rn
No. 27035
>>27032She will have a useless clit orgasm after piv from which he cums
I probably had more clit orgasms than her in my life anyways yet I still think it's useless kek
No. 27042
>>27032>need i remind you that women care more about their moids pleasure than their ownneed I remind you that this is not the case for all women once again? or do you all still need the "most==all" cope to keep you feeling depressed?
>>27033>submissive and unfillingerm that's Your opinion, I find the orgasms plenty fulfilling. and once again nobody is telling me how a male whose sexuality revolves around bringing me pleasure makes ME the submissive one lmao
>>27037it actually doesn't even matter if the clit has more nerves or not, if the orgasms are extremely enjoyable (which they
are, kek, though maybe not for you) I don't really give a fuck. why should I give a fuck? I'm literally enjoying it
No. 27048
>>27043"The glans [of the penis] has about 6,000 to 8,000 nerve endings
the mean number of myelinated nerve fibers innervating the human clitoris was 10,281" open a book
No. 27052
Please someone analyze this exchange, is it her?
>>24920But then the genderless anon came to teoll
No. 27065
>>27057no lol I don't think humans are entirely blank slates but I don't think we're hopeless slaves to biological impulses either
>>27058well he hasn't committed any crimes, sauuur….
No. 27076
>>27071>women are often the submissive onesthe "most==all" cope strikes again
>>27072but instead you have to deal with me on an imageboard instead of faggot twitter, life isn't fair
No. 27088
>>27085You're a troon obsessed cocksuckers (:
and the one you're responding is probably a troll saying it on purpose
No. 27090
>>27065it doesn’t matter your eugenics fantasy to improve your masters to be better at controlling you “my man is gentle and provider he deserve submission uwu he’s a real man “, males are all pedos and rapists, their brain is completely different from your cucked female brain, males are predator and have predator mentality , they also hypersexual and objectify what they desire , males don’t value women naturally, women are like food to men, men admit this, but you are despite all facts still want them to be romanticfags like you, it’s pathetic tbh your female mentality desperate for their validation, while they only want you to spread your flesh, you are nothing but flesh, that they look down upon, rightfully tbh because you are the one getting fucked, women are men sex slaves, and men don’t need to force them just paying their bodies with their money or seducing them with romance , and female would submit.
No. 27095
>>27087their stronger bodies are connected to brains that, in some individuals, don't actually enjoy dominating the fuck out of anything weaker than them
>>27086you just repeat the same shit over and over so
No. 27101
>>27098my pleasure filled face correct
>>27097okay mantra-chan
No. 27112
>>27106again you wouldn’t make us think you are the one dominant and not the one being fucked by your performative misandry probably the moid laughed so hard inside
> fucking a feminist misandrist whorecommon male fantasy and this male was able to live it, he is so proud and looks at you like a helpless delusional woman he doesn’t take your misandry seriously.
No. 27115
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>>27107>or you are rightdo I detect a breakthrough, dear nonnita?
No. 27116
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Nigel anon after she closes the thread:
No. 27126
>>27121give me the button nona I will press it and liberate us
>>27120>you don’t have any power in sexI'm not looking for power, neither of us are, we're looking for ways to experience pleasure
No. 27133
>>27124>>27125>>27128okay mantra-chans. imbalance imbalance imbalance, psychology plays no role in the imbalance imbalance imbalance, men always want to dominate except for when they don't because it's all imbalanced forever. trans women are women
>>27129I DO acknowledge that he has more power than me, he just doesn't use it against me
No. 27134
Is it her too?
She was larping as some kind of bp misandrist? How is that I'm always right but get insults for saying that they are what they are
>>25161 No. 27137
>>27133you are so retarded that you think the same people explaining the undeniable importance of BIOLOGY = troon sympathizers. that's literally the whole basis of
terf ideology, men will always be men and women will always be women. chromosomes. women are weaker than men and rely more on social strategies, they are also the only ones who can get pregnant. you're making up strawmens because you're such a retard you can't even believe we agree on that, we must be completely opposite of you! must be incel moids, must be trannies!!!11!!
No. 27144
>>27128That pleasure is feminine due to f
female sex anatomy being feminine role and it is also a submissive stimulation. It's not just "plEaSURe" because I can feel what other women do yet I still don't like it so because of those factors like submission and femininity so?
No. 27149
>>27139why you don’t get that your body relation to your male body is submissive? why is it hard for you to see that in relation to a man existence you exist as prey, it doesn’t matter if he is sympathetic to you, he still fuck you and have power over you, and he used it against you the moment you had sex, because sex resembles the best the relation between females and males, the male is in relation to female the one stronger than her in his bio interest to rape and enslave her is capable because he is strong, the female is the weaker with prey psychology making her submissive and accept being humiliated and is attracted to his power, why should we ignore biological reality, this is why patriarchy exist , is not something humans created , it’s the relation between male and women, it’s male bio interest. you are too low iq to understand
No. 27157
>>27153She doesn't understand she keeps repeating pleasure blah blah blah
While I'm about how it's a feminine role that contains submission and servilenes. Different position to what a man has in sex. It's a receptive position that involved surrender and rewuires you to also like serving so you can psychologically get off on serving, that's a big deal
No. 27166
>>27164>males and females are conscious beings able to make decisionsLMAO yet you don't even believe this because the rest of what you say makes us into automatons who only follow one sexual script ever. retard moment
>>27162kek I love you I'm guessing you're the testosterone nona
No. 27176
>>27166your brain can’t get it, so I will explain basic logic. we define things in the world based on our relation to them, the spoon on its own for example has no purpose but to us it is for eating, now the female body and female whole existence to males, is a host for their genes, you can see what are you to them through the way they talk about women, to women the male body is the active , the one in her, now with both sexes mating and biological strategies, a dominant and submissive relation is present , I will take hour to get into details that are known by everyone, how women select their males, how males select females, how male sexuality is, how female sexuality, it’s all biological differences in the brain and hormones affects, and mating strategies, rape is a mating strategy, a man can get a woman pregnant, she gets pregnant , he is the one doing it to her, like a lifeless object, a woman can get pregnant in a coma, most exploited farm animals are females, female humans have been treated like livestock all history and still are to an extent in the first world, being a female is being a loser and a prey, a male is predator, this is the sexes relation, it does not matter if your nigel is gentle uwu he have power over you he enforce while fucking you , if that is false then there’s no power imbalance between an adult and a child a parent and their off spring , a boss and his employees, humans relations to each other is based on who has more power. humans are sexually into sadomasochism because of this
No. 27189
>>27176>the female body and female whole existence to males, is a host for their genesit's a host for male AND female genes, and just use contraception or get sterilized to avoid that
>you can see what are you to them through the way they talk about womenso behavior. which VARIES.
>rape is a mating strategyand how well does it work to introduce that much trauma into your mate? do you actually think the offspring of raped and broken women thrive? why do you think there are women with preferences AGAINST being raped? just fabricated out of thin air with no basis in biological fitness?
>most exploited farm animals are femalesmeanwhile vegans exist. are you vegan, or are you a fucking hypocrite even bringing this point up paying for them to raped yourself dear nona?
>being a female is being a losercan't relate
>if that is false then there’s no power imbalance between an adult and a child a parent and their off springtoo retarded to get that acknowledging power dynamics exist doesn't mean they're always utilized or even utilized to the weaker individual's detriment
No. 27197
>>27185I don't give a fuck if you're a volcel that's literally fine and rational. the majority of men aren't suitable partners
>>27193erm no that wasn't me
No. 27207
>>27200>why is it that millions of men use porn?the "most==all" cope strikes again
>even though women get exposed to the same things they don't act out on it the way males doLOL isn't blackpill entirely dependent upon women eagerly accepting the roles that are mirrored in porn? pick a lane tardette, pretty hard to believe you haven't seen the insane upwelling of obviously coomerbrained women who directly mimic the current porn zeitgeist. you don't even have to be a blank slatist to see environmental influences are real
>women can experience life just the same as a male can with no inherent biological imbalances uwuI never claimed this kek you just hate that I disagree with you about the specifics
>>27202true not my nigel yet, I'll update if that changes. try not to fall into any trannyesque ideological mantras if you can help it though
No. 27208
>>27189> it's a host for male AND female genesit’s still a host for males so what’s your point
> so behavior. which VARIESno, someone might think the spoons we are both eating with are ugly while i think they are not still we are both using the spoon, the relation is still there. it doesn’t change it
what the male think, and this is how most males think, look up the study about how male brains objectify their sex target, men look at women like sex objects, they can’t recognize they are humans with thoughts, this is what their brain scans show when they look at a naked woman.
> and how well does it work to introduce that much trauma into your mate? do you actually think the offspring of raped and broken women thrive? why do you think there are women with preferences AGAINST being raped? just fabricated out of thin air with no basis in biological fitness?males don’t care their strategy is to produce as many offspring as possible ,sexual coercion is present in all species , male animals rape too.
> meanwhile vegans exist. are you vegan, or are you a fucking hypocrite even bringing this point up paying for them to raped yourself dear nonaI’m bringing this up because this is how female humans aware treated by males since the beginning of history, literal livestock, and vegans are a minority. I’m not vegan because this is just how nature is we need to prey on others to survive. humans wouldn’t be as evolved if they didn’t rely on animal fats. and males wouldn’t be successful at passing their genes if they don’t rape or create an organized rape system aka (patriarchy) and it can’t be abolished as long males or females exist because their relation to each other is prey and predator.
> too retarded to get that acknowledging power dynamics exist doesn't mean they're always utilized or even utilized to the weaker individual's detrimentyou are coping again, when power imbalance exist.someone have to submit to the other. women submit in bed, when women try to make their relationships equal they become prostitutes, heterosexuality can’t be equal and the woman position would always be the submissive one the object of the stronger desire, enough coping
No. 27210
>>27207All males and females have the same biology sexually = all
Hetero sex and the way women and men can interact in it is the same for everyone because of our genitals that are a fundamental part of this human reality
No. 27214
>>27208I'm running out of fun circling the same shit over and over but
>I’m not vegan because this is just how nature is we need to prey on others to surviveIf you care to follow the soyence you'd see plenty of people do well on a vegan diet, you probably don't want to explore that possibility though because nature only exists in one way to you kek
No. 27220
>>27215I said already I know he's watching porn in 6 pairs of dirty underwear, I'm just fine with that because I have no self esteem and am inherently feminine and submissive. there are no standards in my relationship and he knows I'll just let him stay no matter what betrayal occurs. he likes me for my holes and nothing about my personality makes him feel any sense of love or commitment as a life partner. feminism truly is completely joever
No. 27234
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No. 27238
>>27236The girl you were stalking has been hiding here for months
hilarious kek
No. 27240
>>27233uh yeah in the absence of a suitable male partner it's rational. even if you just don't feel like approaching men anymore it's rational
>>27235truuuue it changes nothing. men can relinquish their power over animals in one way but they'll never do that in any other context. I agree with you it's impossible because of reasons and such
No. 27241
>>27239that sleepyfren girl
she’s a racist feminist
No. 27254
>>27251It sounded like that nigelfag
And you're annoying for calling it an obsession we're just talking about reality, sex is a big part of human psychology. I don't even talk about men much
No. 27256
>>27250I don't know why she even thinks that. I don't even care about men, it sounds like that anon from previous thread but idc, that anon was annoying… I don't hate myself either and it always feels so vile to be told I do.
It's like they get excited at the thought of invalidating me with their words but so far nobody ITT can be straightforward and say the real reasons why they think I'm bad cause they would have to acknowledge biology and humans rather play mind games. Her post, however it is, the Nigelfag or other person, is not accurate on what my posts are about and what my points are about. Originally anons were getting pissed at me because of the submission and femininity talks while I just wanna talk about facts about the structure of the reality even more than the reasons why I hate it
No. 27257
>>27255it’s just normies typical responses, we are women having to endure this terror called existing in a female body, they don’t want us to express our opinions because it makes them feel ashamed of being male fuckers, if women can be truly free from their biology i would not care to argue with copers or the female condition at all i will just live my life, being a female restrict me , it’s not about how males treat me or me not able to find the caring uwu angel nigel like these nigel slaves project into me, my problem with heterosexuality it’s not about males being shitty partners, it’s about the female position in the world nature and sex, and how other women behave like bj dolls , it’s hard to not feel shame exiting as a woman when you are part of the prey sex that gets fucked, esp when most women truly act like their purpose is to be sex slaves. they don’t get why would i feel anger, everything to them is about relationships and males because they are obsessed with males existence , while i don’t even want maleness to exist , because their existence makes women preys , and I feel the same towards femaleness as well I always think what if women just all committed honor suicide because they will rather die than be submissive prey, yet women still submit to males , people can’t understand why we feel anger
No. 27262
>>27257I think I just gained the clarity that she didn't acknowledge the detail, details is that, this one sexual act is a part of heterosexual relationships and women have a penis put in their mouth and their moid probably puts his hands around those women heads it makes it all so vile in any version of this act. She blatantly ignored it like it's an unimportant detail of straight relationships.
It makes me wanna cry everytime thinking of how violent it is and those parts of a human mouth being touched probably
trigger gag reflex or hurt or something and they have to pretend to not have teeth. The penis is too big for a human mouth. It literally penetrates it till the beginning of the tongue in the mouth. I feel so uneasy now. They have the fucking audacity to gaslight others. I hate them stupid liars I keep falling for them
No. 27263
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What’s your favorite DMMD route?
No. 27269
>>27257>women behave like bj dolls I think there's no way to behave in this act cause of it's mechanism……
There will be no honest talks about straight relationships without acknowledging those acts. When I mention them I get the weirdest responses then they just straight up start pretending those things don't exist or act like it's me who wants them and then harras me. If you have to lie amthat something real doesn't exist to prove your points then you're the wrong one. I've been gaslight about it for years so that's why I'm so angry. Those fuckers act like it really really doesn't exist, they don't have the balls to even admit it's real and have a real talk my mind is spinning from thinking about this shit. Like you can kie but if someone entered strait relationship they would have to do it. You can lie that it's not violent but it literally is. They will say the most ridiculous shit ever to describe this act inaccurately.
Those acts prove female pleasure is just male pleasure they feel psychologically because they like pleasing men. That's what I was talking about Jesus. I can feel those fuckers watching me deleting and reposting these posts, ready to shit themselves at them or blatantly gaslight me imagine if I was dumb enough to get groomed that relationships are not what I said they are and I would end up in a relationship and have to do it to myself.
No. 27279
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>>27278kek wow anon, I should have lurked in the older threads first. I've been having a lot of fun here but it seems I've been wasting my breath too. Should have trusted the male psyop vibe I get from this place, I wonder how many of you might actually be male trannies who are getting super into the act lol
No. 27280
>>27279I'm not a man get over it
>I have been having a lot of fun hereWhat fun?
>>27269There's no OTHER* way to behave
I also has this thought that men are obviously bigger than women and embody masculinity like duh what a discovery. And men and women look like a two exremes due to it that's why sex is the way it is and it's women who kneel to a tool of violation phallus is which is a humbling position suggesting that it involves some humiliation if it is humbling.
That Nigel an was saying "he cares about pleasing me" but your biology doesn't so he can't do no shit and no he doesn't care in the way you try to paint it. That's a woman position to be an empath in sex that gets off on male pleasure.
This is why it's all unsalvageable. Men are not the ones who have INSIDE of their mouths penetrated with other sex genitals, sec who's bigger than them physically
No. 27282
>>27280>I'm not a man get over itI don't trust like that
>What fun?there's no point in doing anything on social media that isn't any fun because the internet is full of psyops like males who are trying to doomerpill women into depression kek
No. 27285
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I saw a "song" on YouTube once, it turned out to be a subliminal, I want to the description and this was written in there
No. 27297
>>27296Lol cope how does describing it for what it is makes me sound like an incel you just wanna deny to change the topic and take the attention of off facts girl because I have good points but when it comes to sex then nah it can't be verbalized without sounding degenerate really
And what anons don't get is that those acts physically can't be changed by human behavior, the mechanism of them is the same so that's blackpill. Others just keep giving me responses that don't even acknowledge my points like wtf and suddenlt other women ar disgusted by men and not their Nigel. Since we are in the topic of Nigels then I literally posted a woman with a Nigel ITT because I was shocked that I finally have a proof in form of her accountm about something that people gaslight me about. This woman also just like the Nigelfag yesterday said dumb shit like: he gazes into my eyes lovingly during seggs I can't take it!!! But he still fucked her over. Annoying as fuck.
I don't understand your response, you don't even wanna agree about those sex acts being what they are.
Please try to put this: women being spread on all fours and penetrated from behind" into words differently. This is a challenge. But do it without denying structure of this reality.
No. 27313
>>27297>how does describing it for what it is makes me sound like an incelIt's a question of IQ and vocabulary, both of which you are lacking.
>because I have good pointsThe idea that heterosexual sex is innately degrading is not new or even particularly interesting. It's been discussed in feminist communities for decades.
>>27299>being stared at by a moid with a wife in a supermarket makes me not wanna go outside anymore at all>she gives me sloppy blowjobs every week and serves meYou see a couple in a supermarket and the first thing you think of is the woman performing fellatio? This is neither sane nor rational.
No. 27316
heterosexual sex is inherently degrading women are the bottoms and men are the tops, women are masochist because they are bottoms, men are dominant because they are tops, if you don’t like being a bottom it’s normal to hate being a woman because woman natural position is to bottom,women act like faggots and have faggots interests because they all want to be sexy bimbos , women live on male validation , women objectify themselves and like being objectified , women are incapable of having their own values or principles, women lack dignity , women idealize masculinity but they don’t want to be masculine because they want to be attractive to males, so they want to be weak and dumb , this is the reality of the female sex and you can’t deny it, I have no respect for the average woman including the copers here whining about the bp anon because she is traumatized of what other women do
No. 27317
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No. 27322
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>>27319score: 3.5/6, docking half a point for #4 since I haven't mentioned blowjobs itt and it's lacking necessary qualifiers. grade: F
>>27320>my moid agreed with me onceI've talked with him about the button thing more times than that
No. 27334
>>27333>do you enjoy being degradedNo
>why are you herejust chillin talking about blackpill stuff
No. 27343
>>27341don't tell me you don't even see how lopsided that wording is lmao, me putting my mouth on the tip of his dick and licking around isn't him "fucking my skull"
No. 27348
>>27344they do exist. I wouldn't describe my specific nigel that way though, nor does "dominant" seem appropriate since the desire to give the other pleasure is very mutual between us
>>27346"penetrating" is a very dishonest way to put it unless you also think popsicles are penetrating your head when you put your mouth on them
No. 27354
>>27351submission and domination are behaviors that play out in real time, they aren't abstract measures of potential power. If you're defining it that way you're in the extreme minority
I don't disagree about men having more total power kek I just don't define sexual domination and submissiveness that way because everybody who isn't retarded defines those as actions not as potentials
>>27353>humans are attracted to power imbalancesspeak for yourself little psycho. I happen to be built different
No. 27356
>>27355ermm obviously I'm not retarded enough not to see what's playing out with a lot of people kek. but anybody with entry level biopsych knowledge knows making strong nature vs nurture claims is automatic clown behavior
>a male can totally be a mental bottom in the same capacity as a submissive womenyou're shifting the goal posts from "men CAN'T be submissive" to "well they can't be AS SUBMISSIVE AS WOMEN then" btw not sure if you're seeing that. Tell me how the fuck you're gonna measure the "mental bottom"ness of males btw. Male sissyhypno femdom shit where mommy bullies them while changing their diapers is pretty fucking submissive to anybody who isn't trying to hold onto their cope/psyop ideology
No. 27358
>>27356most men are not into femdom yet most women like sucking dick and being penetrated you are a living example of a coping woman
>men are submissive like me too!just accept you are bottom
No. 27360
>>27357>a dick only is used for penetrationwrong, see the popsicle comparison
>your male understand this and would rather die than lick or suck on someone dickwell he's heterosexual so that's basically the reason why he wouldn't want to suck dick. I'm not sure if he'd rather be raped by sucking dick against his will or die I've never asked him about that kek. I doubt he'd choose to die though that's reserved for when I push the button
>disgusting and unhygienicuh his dick doesn't disgust me kek it's not like covered in smegma or anything
>you lack self respectthe only way I lack self respect is by choosing posting on here as my form of entertainment
>>27358pointing at other people doesn't make the blackpill fail any less in my life!
>>27359>taller biggerI don't know if I'd ever find a shorter man attractive because I've literally never met one kek
>older menhe's younger than me
>like feeling inferiorwrong again stalker child, enjoy prison
No. 27364
>>27361woman = submissive is the real tranny rhetoric at play here
>she caters to him by playing a roleLOL so a woman playing a role where she whips bloody welts into a tied up male and calls him a pathetic pig is SERVING HIM by PLAYING A ROLE but my nigel penetrating me while stimulating my clitoris because that's what makes me cum the hardest CAN'T be him serving me at all. rip to all who might actually believe this
No. 27368
>>27360> wrong, see the popsicle comparisonretarded comparison
> well he's heterosexual so that's basically the reason why he wouldn't want to suck dick. I'm not sure if he'd rather be raped by sucking dick against his will or die I've never asked him about that kek. I doubt he'd choose to die though that's reserved for when I push the buttonhe gets that it is humiliating and see you as subhuman for doing it
No. 27373
anytime she compares literal objects to two actual human beings having sex i cringe
>>27369holy fucking shit you just don't get it do you. i literally already said that a woman in heterosexual sex can never choose for the male to not experience pleasure so they are always agreeing to submit while a man can have that be absent if he wanted. it's because you've been completely incapable of disproving that point by bringing up different shitty hypotheticals that i keep bringing it up because it cannot be changed. and of course any women who doesn't crave male validation must have nothing else going on in her life. type of shit a male would say, "you're going to die alone as a cat lady."
No. 27381
>>27379Based what?
This was my post cause I thought it's her whom I was responding to not someone mocking her, I expected her to say something that ridiculous so I responded:
>>27320Blowjob giving pig confirmed. How does it feel like to have to make gross fast humiliating piglike movements with your head while hunching over dick? Slave
No. 27389
>>27387Doesn't she understandsl that it's literally extremely psychologically distressing to someone to read about someone enjoying something extremely psychologically terrorizing as sucking dick?
One picture of realistic hetero sex or woman sucking dick would disprove ALL of her points in a second. Same as a realistic video of human sex.
No. 27401
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>>27392Blowjob piggie blowjob piggie oink oink do you get flashbacks of shaking your head up and down on dick and wetting your cunt to worshipping a man's dominance and pleasure over you he has due to having a dick and being bigger than you while you're the one bowing down to him
No. 27468
>>27442Topped is good word I'm saying it again let's see a realistic real video of a real human sex life not made to perform for camera but how it naturally looks like which porn contains too because you can see women getting fucked from behind like a bottoms kek that's bottoming. The root of your body and those sensitive nerve endings inside get penetrated which induces mental submission cause it all goes so deep into your psychological
Your consciousness is located in your head and you feel the sensations of your whole physical body and your bottom being penetrated. Btw if you call me pornsick you're a scum. It's like saying oh women don't get penetrated from behind it all which REQUIRES you bottoming
So you're just lying on purpose. I got gaslight all of those threads for nothing and when I tried to talk about what's the psychology of the gaslighting and why admitting what a female position on sex is is politically incorrect then nobody listened either. It's impossible to have honest or or any conversations with y'all at all. I was the smart one here after all and really observant of what's going on in here, noticing all the details and now she admits female biology is feminine while I got tormented by saying it is and how female position in sex is feminine too and obv submissive which pics of sex aka just human bodies and real life literally showing it so deeply but you just see it with your eyes what we discuss in here. This is my last resort to stop getting gaslight about something this distressing and serious. Are women evil or what?
I tried to start a conversation about why women lie about what they are in sex more than men while men are more likely to admit but…
No. 27489
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Nigelfag should join this whore that drove me to a hysteria cause I genuinely felt sexually harrased in a weird way and this whores friend who's a whore addicted to degrading lesbian porn who exposed me to pedo content then went into those threads to troll me everyday for a year
No. 27493
>>27487Are you dumb? Stop sexually harrasing me I'm just a girl who's extremely distressed by me you guys have no idea what you did to me mentally along with other women in other places online or on earth.
It's the Nigelfag who admitted
No. 27502
>>27497>Taking it from behind No it's nerve endings inside your bottom that's a part of your body that goes the deepest into your psychology and they get stimulated by thrusting movements it induces submission inntou and you have to allow the dick in and surrender to the stimulation and you're being in ana uncomfortable physical position spread and vulnerable
*Here insert a real pic of human animal sex life"
It exposes EVERYTHING that's why it's so shocking to the eye and brain, the psychology of it is visible and u can see the psychology of it in human pattern behaviors based on sex
No. 27510
>>27506Bottom of your body you fucking oblivious retard
Vagina goes inside your body and those nerve endings of your genitals are a really sensitive deep part
No. 27511
>>27509You're trying to hijack the narrative with your words again
I'm extremely psychologically distressed by it and the dynamic of it is what heterosexual relationships are naturally based on
The power - vulnerability/servilenes bottoming
Women on a mass scale get dicks put in their mouths don't act like it doesn't exist and like humans don't it and like it means absolutely nothing and it's all neutral
No. 27513
>>27509you could honestly respond to yourself that way because i don't understand the appeal of having to submit to a male yet women will continue to seek it out. meanwhile males will continue to overpower women. there's nothing to question further on this and women will always be the good
victims who have nothing to be accountable for.
No. 27520
>>27514You are literally braindead
It's a fucking human existence do you think I can float away from human life magically
No. 27529
>>27521Read my post again you dumb bitch women get dicks put on their mouths on a mass scale and in most human relations on earth, but you're trying to humiliate me with something you do and accuse me of wanting someone that makes me wanna kill myself
You act like it's not everywhere and like we exist outside of sex with our bodies
No. 27541
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Begone cocksucker
No. 27546
>>27533You literally come here to try to accuse me with something you are
Sex is a big part of a human life so I'm extremely psychologically terrorized by the fact that women exist to get dicks put in their mouths what do you not understand you vile monster stop sexually harrasing me and accusing me of wanting something that clearly makes me go through mental hell
Womem have cocks in their mouths and that's tormenting what do you not get sex is what humans even came from you're an absolute tyrant for trying to accuse me of liking this violent act
No. 27553
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who wants to get lucky? ;)
No. 27554
>>27532She's a fucking pigmonster atp why would we want to have a dick put in our mouths, according to her it's normal but that's an extreme mind breaking degradation for me, how you gaslight someone about the mechanism of this act and the size of male genitals and the power dynamic
abusive at this point to act this oblivious about something so serious that contains violence and a human mouth they eat and speak with and breath often too being penetrated with something too big for it, in it's natural mechanism it's violent and you are servile for doing it. This act is even used as a psychological terrorism everywhere and the culture around it is horrifying
No. 27557
>>27549It's not a disagreement you dumb
abusive bitch, they gaslight me and actual cocksuckers come here who deserve to be called cocksuckers cause they put their mouths on dick and suck them like pigs
No. 27571
>>27329literally camping the threads to sperg about her nigel.
No. 27595
>>27579I said I don't like womanhood because I'm not a cocksucker and find this act and sexual submission extremely distressing it's tormenting that women have men's dicks in their mouth imagine any random couples you see anywhere and her head in his crotch with his dick in her mouth that's the part of real reality I'm discussing that's a structure of human romantic relationships and it out biological position in life as women I see it caus ei have a brain unlike you and can discuss it authentically without forgetting what has been said minutes after it's been said and asking dumb questions over and over again.
I hate being a woman and I can't stand how vulgar and obscene this act is I can't stand that men who are bigger than women out their penis in women mouths and that's a dynamic between sexes and women spend their lives like this
Literally think of any couple
That's what they are behind closed doors
His dick in her mouth
No. 27601
>>27595How it's hard to get..?? I'm forced to give an example of a forced image of a video of a man with a dick on a woman's mouth
No. 27602
>>27601One human of male sex puts his sticking out genitals made to penetrate in another human mouth
That's a part of her whole body that symbolizes everything a human is and that's it's a sentient being with thoughts and person hood
No. 27608
>>27603Why are you trying to humiliate me with something you do does it make you feel better or what
Yes sex is a fundamental part of human life and due to your sex you 24/7 biologically exists in the same position in human life(which is sex at it's root) you are as a woman on that piggish act
No. 27622
>>27616nooooo wouldn't want to look insane on an imageboard, wahth will the other anonymous users think!!!!!!!!111!!!
>>27620incredible that that's what you think that means
No. 27624
>>27620You literally HAVE NO BRAIN
There are males and females and male and female is sex
At root of our body we have a sexual anatomy we all embody sex
No. 27642
>>27637You are fucking braindead
abusive vile dick sucking tyrant who keeps gaslight me
I'm distressed because you are bloejob giving pigs and have dicks in their mouths I can't comprehend this act and hate that it exists and is an iherent part of womanhood and hetero relationships and our whole life is male female dynamic cause that's what we embody
No. 27645
>>27633>>27633I don't "obsessed" I hate it and I'm distressed I'm trying to state my point by bringing up this act
Why don't you use the word distressed instead of obsessed
No. 27650
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Hetero sex lives since I can't post pics or video of real sex
No. 27667
>>27649>/ot/I'm not gonna agree with you thate talking about HATING this act means I want it or like it like you try to say but what did I post on ot this month??? Excuse me? Some bitch called me a CSA
victim with a numb clit or it's was two different bitches and some shit herself cause I called vaginal orgasms real what else I said in there, I went to the male psychop thread and got called a pickme cause I said that have to suck their chads dicks or do anal to keep them and they are delusional and someone wrote an imaginary scenerio about me ending up as a single mother with five kids while women like her end up married to life then I got more vile responses
No. 27685
>>27682well yeah and you can choose
not to suck dick so i dont see why its so enraging you
No. 27686
>>27680Shitting is not sex you're an absolute idiot
I'm a woman and other women put dicks in their mouths
And I embody sex that's my physical identity our psychology revolves around this male female dynamic
No. 27698
>>27680Wait she compared shitting to sex acts involving two people
Learn to tell the difference between things…
No. 27699
>>27697but why would
you be humiliated by it? just because other people do it? are you humiliated by all the women who do drugs too?
No. 27700
>>27698more retarded comparisons. well actually piv is just a cable and a plugin, and giving a man a bj is like a popsicle!
>>27699you ENJOY submitting so you can't understand.
No. 27701
>>27695yeah but you can close your mouth and stop putting dicks in it
nonny. really simple
No. 27707
>>27699because we are women too it’s obvious why we will feel humiliated when we see women acting like slaves plus women acting like masochist slaves make others assume every single individual is like them people don’t take female abuse
victims seriously because women love being degraded , you so dumb you can’t see how the behavior of most women affect all women
No. 27716
>>27713no i understand what you're saying but i dont understand why you're
actively choosing to upset yourself
No. 27723
>>27717yeah, i said
stop caring so much about men if you hate them so much i'm not sure if you misread that
No. 27732
>>27727You are braindead this act is an iherent part of hetero sexual relations and sex submission is an inherent part of womanhood and women do this act on a mass scale while I exist in a female body and embody sex and female male dynamic whole human life and psychology revolves around
I hate womanhood because I don't wanna suck dick like you cause it's extremely psychologically terrorizing