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No. 7
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Thank the flying spaghetti monster that were finally separated
No. 9
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oh my God, finally, we can breathe and speak without the male-identified bootlickers having a brain aneurysm!!! love you guys
No. 10
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>>9Long live pink pill! Pickmes get out!
No. 11
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In celebration of pink pill I'm posting my favorite receipts. Feel free to add more as I need to expand my collection.
No. 17
>>15New Reddit thread.
Since anons on /ot/ always want to pull the "take it to GC/PP!" card.
No. 22
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Hail the new pink pill thread!
No. 24
>>21Anon, I read this and all I see is a woman smart and strong enough to have realized she deserves more in a place where EVERYTHING is telling her otherwise. I know what you mean about the things you can't change, but listen: every moment from now is yours, and now you're equipped with a whole new way of taking on the world. Your life as a liberated woman is going to outstrip the time you hadn't "put two and two together" in the end. You have so much more to look forward to than regrets to be plagued by.
And it's really never too late, and you've never made too many unfixable mistakes. So many of the most famous women in feminism had decades before they became who they were, in which they had terrible relationships with men, had children, were beaten. Andrea Dworkin married a man who beat the shit out of her and was forced into prostitution, THEN she became the uncompromising writer she became.
No. 26
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Thank you based and blessed admin and staff.
No. 36
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No. 48
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No. 49
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No. 50
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No. 51
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No. 52
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A couple for if you ever hear someone parroting that nonsense about lesbians having the highest rate of domestic violence
No. 54
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No. 55
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No. 56
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No. 57
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Reminder to never, ever give old men the time of day let alone procreate with them
No. 59
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In summary
No. 62
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>>61it really bothers me how many women are pinkpilled but think trans women are exempt. Males lie constantly, why is them saying they're a woman any different?
No. 65
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In case anyone wants to see what muh sand tree actually looks like. Being called gay and a 'big girl blouse' sometimes. how horrifying!!! how unfair!!!!
No. 68
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>>62>>61>bad start. males are male because of biology. That's a pink pill belief. You can't identity your way into or out of being a scrote. Keep identity politics out of here.that's not what "male-identified" means. it's a feminist term from the 70s, it has nothing to do with trannies. it doesn't have to be women who are even straight, it's just women who prioritize the male perspective and relentlessly defend or prioritize males, male feelings, etc. they don't have to even be attracted to men do to so, it just has to do with seeing the world through the male perspective and caping for them/attacking for them.
No. 73
>>71Honestly, keep talking about the negatives of having children. No man is going to split the work with you, your career WILL suffer, when the male leaves he will not pay child support and if he does he'll end up paying some ridiculously low amount like one guy I know who was paying $30 a week for 2 kids under 10. He spent triple that on weed every week for gods sake.
Also he won't have to go through any of the physical side effects of pregnancy and there's a disturbingly high chance he will be sexually attracted to your child because of how many males are pedos. If you have a daughter he will assume he owns her body until he deems another male deserving enough of her.
If you decide to leave him and he wants to be a vindictive shit and file for sole custody, he will probably get it as in cases where men DO file for custody they get it more often than women.
Don't breed with moids. There's no real upside for women.
No. 79
>>38Porn ruins you. Wait for the dramatic rise of ED issues in young boys to old men with their desensitized dicks from porn to be targetted.
In SK men were killing themselves for it to legal while they simultaneously scream at women for not being traditional and submissive enough. It's clown world all around
No. 80
>>65The guy supports feminism and literally talks against
toxic masculinity in the next comments
(unnecessaryspeed4) No. 83
>>79Porn is a problem for people under 18 (or under 30, your mileage may vary) because they don't have any solid experience of what the real thing actually is.
They get all sorts of unrealistic expectations and don't seem to tell fiction from reality.
Just look at the various fetish threads on /g/ and /ot/.
No. 94
>>92i'm sorry, it is sad and serious, but this is post is hilarious and becomes even more hilarious when you scroll over the referenced post and are met with this
abusive loser's hysterically stupid manbaby face feathered in blue like a very dated jcpenney portrait studio photo
No. 95
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>>40>>92Of course he follows Kermit Memerson
No. 99
>>97Notice that they always write how she enjoys this to delude themselves into thinking what they're watching is ok because
she enjoys it despite it being called abuse.
No. 104
>>40I don't get why people like this don't have hits put on them, or at least get hit by trucks. The world is a pretty violent place, why hasn't that one suffered the brunt of it?
He is human filth.
No. 106
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This is just devestating to see after the unimaginable hell he put his wife through.
No. 112
>>105Why don't self-identified feminists know what
toxic masculinity means? It's not just men being shitty, that's plain old masculinity.
Toxic masculinity is specifically when masculinity hurts the man himself. Like when men won't see therapists because mental healthcare isn't manly or some shit.
No. 117
>>109I've watched the fifth estate episode about her and sadly they were only ever in the position to be taken hostage initially because he manipulated her in their
abusive relationship into leaving the country with him to isolate her from her family. His being pardoned partially due to the PTSD that his
abusive actions caused her is sickening. He deserves to be a pariah to fucking civilized society.
No. 120
i had a friend who was/is good to me, fairly charitable, willing to help, but it always comes back to this with men: your suffering will always be trivialized or fetishized. while he isn't a bad friend in how he treats me and does help me, he has a rape fetish and has told me if i ever were to get raped and i told him, he'd be more turned on than anything. i think almost all men are like this, and society only grades them based on their actual behavior towards women. how is that acceptable?
i encounter this over and over again. if my suffering is not completely ignored or trivialized, it's fetishized. more often than not though, it's completely ignored by men, like i'm not real or like i'm making everything up. it's so horrible for my mental health. i don't know how women can not feel sickened being around them. they don't feel any empathy towards us, ever, and i keep reading case upon case where women are in such horrible situations and there's simply no sympathy there, ever, and i see it in normie relationships all of the time. i don't know how women are happy to be around it. it's all about men. if anything, they become more agitated because women can't perform more labor for them when they're spread so thin by finances or whatever problems they have. there is never a reason to sacrifice anything for them and i really hate that when i spell this out for men or to women who aren't pinkpilled, that i literally cannot afford to expend any energy on them, in any regard, due to my circumstances, i'm "a narcissist", "selfish", etc. really and truly incredible the way we're beat down for recognizing that when it's a struggle to keep ourselves afloat, we can't possibly perform tons of emotional, sexual, manual labor for men, and that it's unreasonable for men to want us to pick open a vein and bleed out for them when we're fighting just to keep it together. i never see the same sympathy i see from women who recognize the men in their lives are struggling.
i have literally never seen women afforded the same understanding, ever. i'm just so disgusted being around them, having to speak to them. they're just so rotten.
No. 124
>>120>he has a rape fetish and has told me if i ever were to get raped and i told him, he'd be more turned on than anything.NOT A FRIEND
Dump the motherfucker
No. 128
>>120>if my suffering is not completely ignored or trivialized, it's fetishized. more often than not though, it's completely ignored by menAlso don't forget: When
they suffer it's a big fucking deal even if it's actually trivial or their own fault. It's stupid how women are played up like we're so melodramatic and exaggeratory. Actually when I see a woman upset it's for a legitimate reason most of the time.
Men though? A bad breeze could blow their way and make them pout and whine like the world is ending. I can think of a few recent examples.
One male friend went to the hospital for a planned minor surgery to his finger, and kept posting about it like he was having major heart surgery that he would never wake up from lmao. Of course he was okay, he was never going to die from a finger operation!
A different male friend has been all wigged out recently because he didn't know he had to submit pay stubs to begin the move-in process to join a 2 bedroom lease with his friend. Since he's a manbaby, he works two part time jobs and does one under the table. He'd been driving all over bedlam because his under-the-table boss didn't want to disclose the amount paid on a letterhead, and for some reason this friend thought a letter that said paraphrased 'I pay him, no really!' was going to suffice. Obviously when it wasn't accepted as proof of income, he had to drive all the way back. When he was ranting about this to me, I offered advice that maybe he should get that boss to rewrite the letter and email or fax it to the landlord so he doesn't have to drive another 2+ hours again. Nope, nope, nope. Made every excuse in the book as to why my reasonable suggestion just wasn't going to work even though he never asked. He'd rather waste more time driving all over the place than even attempt something sensible. On top of all that, he constantly bitches about not having money, and getting stiffed by his shitty music friends helping them set up gigs because he's too dumb to make sure he gets the money up front. He ranted to me last night about being too anxious and stressed out to do a drug run with his friend, but how he needs the money sooooo bad tho.
He wouldn't like the next set of advice I had for him, that is, get a real fucking job!
They reach out to women like me because they expect to be coddled, and be told that even though their problems are completely self-made that the world is a meanie doo doo head and they're such sweet lambs that everything will be okay.
No. 148
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is it seriously not possible for a man to fully empathize with a woman?
i'm a romantic and love fuels me and i have an idealized version of relationships in my head and it hurts me over and over again. i got raped by my ex after my he dumped me for telling his friend about his abuse and he said i should have said no more so he knew i meant it and that i should've used a safe word even though i never used one. i also made him promise he wouldn't try to have sex with me the night before. he then threatened to kill me and refuses to admit he raped me.
current bf is a softboi type who grew up around women, very kind, but facefucks me until i'm gagging and crying (i consent and i enjoy it which is the worst part), can't go down on me for more than 2 minutes because it's tiring, former porn addict (blames this on depression). i love him but it's so bizarre that even the most skittish and quiet men are going to get off on seeing you choking. like i said, i'm into it, but that makes me feel so guilty
No. 154
>>50Wow. This one made me tear up.
Reminds me of my dad who (even though I love him) cant even be bothered to give my mom a day off and cook for her and the because "it's just not my thing".
Why are men so selfish
No. 157
>>132What anon at
>>133 said. Honestly it's the best think you can do both for yourself and as a middle finger to them. It's exhausting, feeling the way you do, and I hit lows where I feel the same. Like, coexisting with men, even the ones who mean better than most, is like screaming into a room full of people and never being heard as if you're a literal mute. The pressure of that can be crushing. Even when they TRY they have a hard time understanding and respecting us, it's an uphill battle both ways. But. Please take care of yourself and do your best to just think like a "wgtow" as another anon said upthread. They don't respect us so you don't have to respect them. It's not worth your energy.
Also bless ya'll for this board, I lurked a lot because the constant handmaiden whine bullshit about the old threads stressed me out, as if women can't have one damn place on the entire internet where they vent about males when males have the rest of said entire internet to do it literally anywhere.
No. 160
>>148Ask yourself, do you really "enjoy" an activity that makes you gag and cry?
He isn't kind. He is selfish and hurts you.
No. 161
>>156>>160i do enjoy it, but to be fair i have extremely low self-esteem and have struggled with self-hatred. i know he'd immediately be turned off and not want to do it if i told him i didn't like it, but it's terrifying that men can really genuinely enjoy this stuff and that he'd still want it secretly.
this is something i'm really struggling with, re: feminism. i genuinely enjoy being dominated in the bedroom and it's hard for me to tell if that's primal or if it's a result of conditioning and i don't know if i'm a bad person or bad feminist for enjoying this stuff.
also, i don't watch porn, it wasn't an influence at all
No. 162
>>161there are plenty of women who have "enjoyed" bdsm dynamics and getting slapped, choked, called degrading names, etc., myself included, only to later grow out of it, but it takes effort. ask yourself why you find it arousing - even if you don't watch porn, you already admit you have extremely low self-esteem and struggle with self-hatred that might feed into this idea that you need to be "put down."
i used to think it was just a primal thing for me. but for some reason, after getting therapy and dealing with my self-esteem in more constructive ways, as well as reading more feminist theory lol, i started thinking of getting hurt during sex as something legitimately disgusting. i know you want to believe your bf would be turned off if you didn't like it, but why does he find a girl who likes to gag and cry attractive?
try to take a step back from sex and re-evaluate your relationship because it's obviously affecting you more than you think because you feel all men are like this. i have had relationships with men who could not even engage in "dirty talk" where they called me a whore because they felt horribly about it. it's increasingly rare now, but if you think that all men fetishize your pain, then you either develop a learned helplessness where you accept that men who are cruel "in the bedroom" are the best you'll ever get, since they're "not that bad." take care of yourself, and if you really want to make a change, do it.
No. 168
>>167hope your divorce goes smoothly anon. me and my husband just had a big fight friday night about pornography after i brought up the stuff about hobo fights from
>>38if i knew my scrote was looking at that shit it would be an absolute deal breaker
No. 170
>>161Anon, there is no such thing as a bad feminist. In being brave enough to look at these parts of your life with this kind of strength, even if you don't have any easy, simple answers about what to do yet, you are being a feminist. It's something we do and use to understand and change the world, not something we pin like a button to our chests.
It takes an insane amount of honesty to look at a situation like this and confront the things that scare you. I've been there. It's easier to be like "well I love him and I enjoy it, so." It's so hard to be like "yeah those are true and this still isn't right." It's the first step to real self-esteem I think, not the stupid fake empowerment version – you know you deserve a better world. And you do.
No. 171
>>167I don't want to search it myself, can someone tell me what "authentic" rape videos are? Like I have an idea but….is it supposed to be like snuff films, like an actual video of a real rape instead of porn actors attempting to create something that looks like a real rape?
(ofc porn is often rape anyway, but you know what I mean)
No. 179
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>>167Throw the whole man away.
No. 209
>>201I distinctly remember those stats on this dead website, this page is the closest I found to the specific info you're asking about.
> article refers more explicitly to the gender division
>>According to the majority of child custody cases are not decided by the courts. In 51% of the cases, both parents agreed that mom be the custodial parent. In 29% of the cases, the decision was made without any third party involvement. Only 11% of custody cases were decided during mediation with as few as 5% being decided after court order custody evaluations.>In cases where both parents decided, without involvement from a mediator or the court 83% of the time the mother ended up with custody because the father chose to give her custody.Men who bitch about custody ~gender bias~ are the worst, because child rearing is one of the areas in which women are most discriminated against. I wish we weren't the main parent by default and that men were so passionate about raising their children that they truly fought for custody and proved themselves worthy, but it's not OUR fault if men don't want to take any responsibility. They're the ones who don't want custody to begin with, and don't do enough for their child to be considered the primary carer. And there is enough unpaid child support out there to prove that they truly do not give a shit about raising their children.
No. 226 can't deal with this. They put this girl in jail for killing her rapist, a child sex trafficker. A grown man who took advantage of not just her, but multiple other girls, created CP of girls as young as 12, and pimped them out.
What the fuck is wrong with this planet? How is this "justice"? I feel sick.
No. 234
>>226Why the fuck are any children in prison for killing their trafficker /handler?? How much do they hate agency in girls that are pushed to their limit. Fucking unreal
This reminds me of all the stories of sex tourism too. (I know it's reddit but read that and try not to feel disgusted)
>girl interviews about prostitution is fucking 10>it costs less than 40 bucks to rape them Any incel/mra/mgtow/whatever that expresses interest in sex tourism is fueling child rape and sex trafficking.
No. 243
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Why don't women approach me REEEEEEE
No. 264
>>193Just watched this two days ago. This is peak male violence at its absolute extreme and most unhinged. Every male member of this family is a complete fucking monster.
And of course the comments are full of "oh man what is wrong with humanity" like no dumbfuck, don't you mean what is wrong with males? Also I saw a bunch of males in the comments asking if anyone has the nude creepshots the father in law took of the woman and several other underage girls. Literally kill all straight men.
No. 265
My father was/is a great dad to me and my siblings and a “good” husband to my mom I suppose. Not abusive or cheating but he’s typically lazy, no emotional intelligence, autistic manbrain, etc. They’re in their 50s and I’m fairly sure my mom would NOT be better off without him. But maybe that’s due to her physical and mental health issues. (She’d depend on us, her kids, a LOT more for sure, if they divorced now.)
I kinda want what she has, what my two grandmas had. I want a family with kids you can be proud of, that still do holidays with you when they’re grown, that will help out when needed. However I don’t want a husband who treats me like my dad treats my mom: the laziness, the indifference… (And not to start with my late grandfathers!)
My bf is good to me and I don’t want to break up but I don’t want kids with him. I don’t want my own kids at all, I don’t want pregnancy. I want to foster a kid or adopt one. But I don’t know if I can raise a child with him. It’s not going to happen in the foreseeable future but I can’t imagine breaking up for this dumb reason. I’d love to be with a woman (hell she can get pregnant! I’d support the hell out of her and our lovely country has wonderful adoption legislation for lesbian parents!) in my ideal future but my bf is too good to me to break up with just in case I find a better gf. Being childless with him forever also sounds like a pleasing future but then I’d miss out on my mother’s experience re: adult kids, that I’m jealous of.
No. 283
>>193Even that 911 call operator is a useless fucking scrote. Should lose his job, haughtily responding “we have to deal with life threatening situations first” SHE JUST TOLD YOU THERE ARE KIDS INSIDE AND SHE SMELLS GASOLINE!
Men are too dense to be in any position of care, especially one that involves listening VERY carefully and interpretating people that may not be making sense due to fear/shock. you have to explain every detail graphically to men because they’re too autistic to read between the lines.
No. 297
I just read this article in a magazine and I'm still fuming. It was about a couple who had a toddler and then a very difficult baby, who didn't let them sleep properly for almost two and a half years, especially the mother. It got to the point she started exhibiting neurological symptoms, doctors began testing her for MS, brain tumours, etc. Eventually she physically collapsed and the paramedics assumed she'd had a stroke. Turned out it was all caused by sleep deprivation, no stroke or brain damage, literally just from not sleeping properly for almost 3 years. What did her husband do? He left her. She's still suffering with cognitive problems and memory loss, and has to take care of two young children alone.
Fucking seriously. Men are utterly void of empathy. He also suffered from the sleep deprivation, but his solution was to simply up and leave, rather than help his wife deal with the baby. He left his own children because he would rather get sleep. I hope he fucking rots.
No. 315
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dare I say, ‘queen’?
No. 331
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Is this really what it means
No. 336
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I love companionship but I just have never met a man I tolerated or liked. They either have shit views or are pornsick. It makes me wonder if I genuinely want romantic companionship or that’s what I’ve been taught to want. It doesn’t help that I’ve got depression and no support system.
No. 372
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Just dropping this because it made me smile.
No. 378
>>376Sometimes I find myself looking through r/justnoso since the posts seem more genuine than relationship_advice. One time that sub lead me to another one, r/r4r, and I saw
multiple posts of guys posting there saying
>hey I'm married and I'm looking for someone to spend time with. my wife isnt affectionate anymore>my gf is asleep and I wanna see if anyone wants to chatIt's depressing
No. 444
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No. 447
>>445Good advice but what was so creepy and gross to me was this coward going to a brothel to pay to use these sex trafficking
victims then ignoring this woman’s plea for help. Perverted, cowardly, and evil
No. 454
>>447Military men are very pro sex work since they're addicted to porn and porn stars, frequent strip clubs and prostitutes as apart of their "culture" I don't think I believe his statement though. I think instead of "shame" he was just a damn useless coward that didn't want to stir up drama at the brothel because he wanted to still buy a trafficked
victim. That whole part just makes me angry. Fuck anyone who thinks sex trafficking isn't a woman's issue that runs deep within many countries and organizations. Nobody will do anything because the sick demand is there.
>>450I believe Van Der Sloot definitely killed her on that night she disappeared and had a friend depose of her. He was convicted of another murder later in Peru too and is still serving time for that.
No. 468
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In this episode of retards complaining about women for no reason on unrelated places, these faggots on a video about how Google spies on us.
This shit makes me so fucking angry, like bro a man can do shit poorly and people will blame it on HIM in particular for being an inept faggot but when a woman does something poorly it's always because she's a woman?
The worst part? It wasn't even a joke, it was just a girl saying that she finds funny that the guy in the vid talks about makeup without knowing about it or something (dunno, I don't know shit about makeup either), but of course these comedy masters interpreted it as a joke.
No. 485
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Lmao @ gAmeRbOiZ always taking credit for the top percentage of pro players so they can make generalizations about how males and females play. Fact of the matter is that most men I see play like absolute garbage and all of the confirmation bias in the world won't change the fact that you suck.
No. 545
>>526Junkos case haunts me. Sometimes I wish I had never learned of the details. Her captors were apart of the yakuza so learning how lightly they got off despite their crimes were beyond horrific was unsurprising, still depressing. She went through all of their evil because she apparently turned down one of the guys offer for a date. That was it. Pure fucking evil.
There has never been a horrific case where a group of women sexually tortured a man to that degree. Men's whining about "evil" women in divorce is so abysmal in comparison ita laughable
No. 552
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>>547You won't hear that stuff from radfems. Femcels are something else.
No. 557
>>547>pinkpill>radfem>femcelEh, I think you're confused. You don't have to be pinkpilled or a radfem to be femcel. Femcels are females who don't get laid and whine about their situation, period.
Pinkpill in general is an ideology revolved around criticizing males and their shitty behaviour, radfeminism focuses on gender and sex work abolition.
I think everyone mixes the terms, just like people who think that everyone who is against transactivism is a radfem (conservatives are against it, but for completely different reasons lol).
I remember there was a warning on previous threads telling femcels not to sperg lol.
No. 565
>>526I always remember her and those three American girls who were kidnapped and raped for years by a fucker who hanged himself in prison. I always remember them when people say "females have rights, you live in the first world, hurr durr". Not only them suffered an horrible destiny, but all the women who are killed everyday, having their lifes taken by males, coward psychopaths who commit suicide afterwards. Imagine that, imagine being erased from existence by a fucking male just because you didn't catter to his tastes, to his fantasies. Imagine it, in just a second your life is gone. It's sickening.
Being female is a constant fight, be it in third world or first world. It's insane.
No. 567
>>565And then men minimize it by saying "um?? acksually men get murdered more you dumb bitch kys whore" as if there is NOTHING in common with the perpetrators of these crimes.
Could…males be the problem? Hmmmmm…
No. 572
>>526>>565You gals accidentaly made me remember the Delphi Killer case. God, I can't wait till the fucker gets caught. I believe sooner or later he will meet justice just like Joseph James DeAngelo aka Golden State Killer did.
I know lolcow has a low opinion of Reddit, but reading true crime subreddits like r/Delphimurders or r/unresolvedmysteries give me life. So many people doing their best so that motherfuckers who hurt innocent girls and women may get fried. I love how most redditors on those subs are full of empathy toward the
No. 701
>>468This is the kinda shit that peaked me. When you're just minding your own business and you're suddenly reading an onslaught on sexist bullshit outta nowhere. Men can not turn it the fuck off and youtube etc see 0 wrong with these comments.
>>485It's funny because anytime I played LoL or another dota with a male they would get distracted by the fighting over objective. Every single fucking time. Men are completely unable to stay on objective.
>>526Arguing with a scrote is like arguing with a 7 year-old. They're not going to be swayed by logic or emotion because they're convinced their personally feelings on the situation is right.
No. 719
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Hello my fellow obsese furry legged frens
This is always the best they can come up with?
No. 738
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There's so much porn but it's still not enough. They have to involve people who aren't consenting. Alot of sexual predators use these hot lines like this too.
When reading the thread there was one incel defending this shit, saying how loneliness is the worst and that assault is due to desire, not power. The state of it all.
No. 754
>>751>>747they're pathetic. they make completely disparate comparisons that make no sense, they strawman the fuck out of us, etc. any minor complaint about rfs or ppers will be piggybacked and mindlessly repeated, filled with dramatizations that don't even ring true about us. ironically almost all of their accusations are purely projection. what's particularly annoying is that i'd be willing to wager that most of us that are pinkpillers and radfems ARE the oldfags, and yet we're treated like a group that has recently migrated here. uh, no. growing up in my early teens on 4chan and seeing how men and boys operate, how they're groomed into becoming pornaddled abusers, 'radicalized' me very early.
honestly think we should just recreate all threads here. anons cant even vent about a man specifically causing them problems (bf, dad, brother) without being told to "go back to the containment thread". the problem that "gtfo femcel" women have is that they don't understand that in a society built entirely by men and for men, most problems women have, will trace back to them.
No. 763
File: 1578184932082.jpeg (382.8 KB, 750x943, D44CC3DA-0CEF-41AE-8130-41C1FB…) you guys heard about this shitshow? Men really think this sounds appealing? Popping out as many babies as we can so we have no identity, career, hobbies, independence, etc. most men these days don’t even afford to raise ONE child without having their partner work as well
No. 774
>>772>>773I'm on here and been here since 2014 rip.
it also just aligns with life. younger women are more likely to be NLOGs since that's the prime bracket where that behavior is rewarded and they don't have much life experience yet. it's one thing to see guys being stupid when everyone around you is still stupid and developing, but it's another thing entirely when you start trying to build a life for yourself and actually start hitting the roadblocks that are set up against women.
No. 777
>>773also, yeah 4chan was my first dose of the pink pill. I used to hang around /int/ and specifically in the CulturePals threads (a social networking website geared towards messaging and connecting with international users). i think it was primarily used for language exchange, but obviously people would use it to meet others to date or hook up. Well the 4chan threads were superficially about finding some qt foreign waifu to practice language with, but really they just used it to collect nudes and lead on these women. Some would brag about all the women they were lying to about being in love with or start a relationship just to post their selfies or nudes on fucking 4chan for other scrots to trash them for nothing. and had all the typical misogynistic trappings of the submissive East Asian or eastern European women.
they would share tips on how best to manipulate women into sharing nudes or camming with them (and they never failed to screenshot or record those sessions).
anyway, I try not to pay too much attention to the current pickmes and tradthots as lolcow was so much worse about NLOGing back in the day
No. 791
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>>777>anyway, I try not to pay too much attention to the current pickmes and tradthots as lolcow was so much worse about NLOGing back in the dayi try not to either, but they're crying to admin in meta about "femcel politics" and want her to get rid of 2X already, ot pinkpill/GC, or both 2X and threads in ot. they keep insisting pp/"femcel politics" talk on the site is completely due to newfag twitter feminist infiltration, that oldfags aren't pinkpillers, and that we're "chasing off the core userbase".
anyways, vote in this poll admin made: to keep 2X, because if there aren't enough votes to keep it, admin is going to get rid of it in 7 days, and between NLOGers and tumblrfags, and some amount of shifty males, i wouldn't be surprised if they influenced her to get rid of everything – the thread in /ot/, and this board. they cry and whine so much to get rid of anything they dislike, like lolcow is literally just theirs.
No. 794
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Where do they find the audacity to claim that the West treats men like second class citizens and compare it to how women are treated in Middle Eastern totalitarian countries. I'm really just fucking disgusted…
No. 810
>>763This was talked about in the other gc thread. Stefan still believes in the "90% of eggs gone by 30" fake fact to scare uninformed and insecure white women into making a permenant decision (he did also lately go after Leo Decaprio for being 45 and not settling down either and talked about aging sperm surprisingly) and he's pushing how women should be dropping everything to marry the first alt right guy they see. Meanwhile America is ranked as the worst first world nation to be in as a pregnant woman/to give birth in. It's also expensive to live in a good safe area to raise all those kids in on a single income.
In attendance? No more than maybe 50, all middle aged men.
No. 841
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>>817i don't know. farmhands and admin both don't seem to like pp/rf shit, from what i can tell, especially farmhands, telling radfems to "go, your kind isn't wanted here". i just don't know where the fuck people get the idea that everyone who is rf or pp aligned is a newfag and that oldfags are beyond female politics. i agree with you that i think men are influencing the site. i think it's also very unfair that posters are expected to know when anons are male or just females that have a hateboner for controversial thought. we have no information about the posters, we know males deliberately ruined and purposefully influenced the direction of the site, etc. there's reason for anons to suspect that males try to influence, and even if they don't, why do anons that are anti female politics demand that everything they dislike be off the site? it's just so sketch and entitled. i don't even know why admin gives any credence to people who are rabidly anti-rf/female politics, as it obviously suits men, tumblr/twitterfags, troons, etc, to keep it suppressed, and i assume not everyone chiming in has a lengthy post history to determine they're female, and even if they do, they straight up pose as us regardless to further their agenda. (pic related)
No. 843
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>>841I don’t trust anyone here who goes out of their way to shit on feminism, not even with the ~uwu i agree I’m just tired~ thrown in.
Stuff like this is 100% Male, black and white male thought pattern and aggressive language, wanting to destroy anything even slightly unpleasent to their delicate senses. I don’t want radical feminism to be a taboo subject on here, if there are any genuine female farmers on this recent campaign to de radicalise lolcow then colour me fucking shocked, because the whole notion is an un-female thing to do. Females aren’t regarded enough to try and wipe the earth clean of opposing opinions, not even ones that directly hurt them, which is even more retarded because it means we will keep being walked all over forever lol I won’t have it, I don’t see what’s so bad about strangers on the internet thinking I’m a psycho legbeard, there’s worse things to be for sure (like, for instance, any sort of Male in general kek)
No. 845
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>>843Agreed. Why the fuck are supposed farmers fighting so hard to keep radical feminist threads contained in 2X anyway? If it's away from the other boards, why does it even matter? This over-zealousness for cracking down on radfem stuff on lolcow is suspicious for sure.
Seriously anons, disengage from these screaming harpies and let 2X go on a trial period. If it fails, then it fails. But if you screech so much about a board that you don't even have to be a part of, you are a guaranteed scrote or a major handmaiden. Have a little respect for yourselves, goddamn.
No. 846
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>>842her decision to make 2X or vote is not the reason why i think she isn't a fan of female politics. i'm glad she made 2X, but i don't see it staying because of the input of weirdly rabid anti-radfem/anti-female politics posters that come in to aggressively complain every week. there have been a number of times where admin and the farmhands have made it clear they do not like radfems. i can't go looking for them all, but they're in meta and in the previous threads.
No. 855
>>843>if there are any genuine female farmers on this recent campaign to de radicalise lolcow then colour me fucking shocked, because the whole notion is an un-female thing to do. Females aren’t regarded enough to try and wipe the earth clean of opposing opinions, not even ones that directly hurt them, which is even more retardedit is so aggressively male. i don't even know how anyone can mock people figuring they seem male when they say shit like "kill yourself" or speak as they do in your post. what do they expect? if you act like a damn near pickme by picking up their aggressive typing/speaking patterns, that's not our fault. i honestly believe there are a few females complaining genuinely about it. probably younger anons afraid of feeling like uncool crones, likely newer users. there are a lot of anons here who even date guys from r9k and whatnot that i'm sure get absolutely assblasted when the possibility that their discord discount prince of their dreams is not actually worth what they invest in him and see in him, tbh.
>>845>But if you screech so much about a board that you don't even have to be a part of, you are a guaranteed scrote or a major handmaiden. Have a little respect for yourselves, goddamn.agreed, but the problem is that they have as much "voting power" as us, despite how fucking weird it is that they want to immediately get rid of a board that literally just started, that is literally hidden. like, you have to be weird and insanely invested in ridding the site of people who disagree with you. like clockwork, they run to /meta/ and complain again, before this board has even had a chance. it's just so strange that every few weeks they call for everyone and everything rad leaning to be eliminated, but act like we're the unreasonable ones.
No. 858
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>>791Another Male - the absolute raging distain coming from this below comment. Not even a handmaiden or tranny would talk like this.
No. 863
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>>858Since when do real women use 'females' as a way to address or talk about other women?
No. 867
>>791>vote in this poll admin made…to keep 2XWould it not make more sense to get rid of 2X but keep the pp/gc/radfem threads in /ot/? That's also an option on the survey. Having 2X feels like we're being hidden from the rest of the site and eventually it will totally change the culture of /pt/ and /snow/ if discussion of men and trans issues is banned.
It's an imageboard, it's going to attract all kinds of people. The best thing to do if you don't like something is to ignore it, not shove it onto a secret board and beg the admin to align with your political views ffs.
No. 884
>>867I voted to keep all of it. The way I see it, the PP/GC thread on /ot/ can be for people who want to casually participate in shitting on men and trannies when they feel like it, and to keep the manhate alive within board culture. /2X/ can stay secret and be for women who take it a little more seriously and might want to start individual threads about smaller feminism related issues that would otherwise clog up the /ot/ thread. I like that it's a bit more quiet on these threads and won't attract maleposters or not my nigel types, because they won't drive-by post while scrolling /ot/.
>>858Talking about 'empowerment' sure makes it sound like a dumbass scrot who can't tell the difference between libfems and radfems.
No. 912
>>867>it will totally change the culture of /pt/ and /snow/ if discussion of men and trans issues is banned.Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't GC langauge like pronoun stuff etc. already bannable on those? The Remilia thread already got into that territory which resulted in bans.
Honestly imo it's better if we have 2X so there are less trolls fighting with us all the time.
No. 926
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mEn AgE lIkE fInE wInE
No. 978
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No. 1006
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>>858I don't know about that one, but some complaints in /meta/ do sound very unnecessarily aggressive, like >>12829 . I ran this one through the gender guesser for the lols, the verdict was ruthless, kek.
No. 1033
>>1015nevermind, i found it!
>>1025i honestly dont believe theyre troons. maybe a few are troons or troon aligned, like, one aiden seems to be posting, but i think theyre just anti-feminist men or useful idiot women that think they're above female politics and that the discussions we have aren't worth having/your average male caper whose blood pressure goes up everytime a general statement is said about men being shit because her grandpa favored her over her siblings and paid for her tuition or something.
No. 1040
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This site is overrun with scrotes and I am fucking sick of it. It it so obvious that the recent hatred towards female oriented issues/man hate/feminism is because of a recent influx of trolls, and dumb newfags who believe they are real users. I've been here since 2014 and it has been a natural progression here towards more political female topics. The "radfems" is the old grown up userbase.
Plus, its a womens site for women, why shouldn't we be able to discuss topics that directly relate to being female? Talk about experiences that are universally female? What's the point of it being a womens only site if we can't talk about female only issues?
No. 1045
>>1040>The "radfems" is the old grown up userbase. Thank you for saying this. I'm so sick of some people insisting pink pill and GC anons came from somewhere else, and are "outsiders". I actually think they might be projecting, because anyone who's truly been here knows that this has never been a male-friendly site. Honestly, this is the natural progression of things. Do people really expect women who are engrossed in imageboard culture
not to get sick of men's shit? When we've gotten full blast of it, uncensored, since we were kids? Why on earth should we have to either discuss politics among those same sociopathic men, or deal with handmaidens on places like Reddit who truly don't realize how bad it is? We've been here all this time.
I wish the self-proclaimed "true userbase" who claim to speak for oldfags would just head back to Reddit, Tumblr, Twitter, PULL and IG, because it's glaringly obvious that's where they
actually came from, and they want LC to be an outpost of their own lame communities. They probably believe browsing since 2018 (and kind of knowing about the site, but being too scared to use it in 2017) makes them oldfags.
As for why some are so vehemently against us discussing these things, I think it's because they still have this idea in their minds that if enough women just "act right", even in our most obscure spaces (like anonymous imageboards), men will renounce misogyny and start listening to women. They think that by us talking about these things, we're fucking it up for everyone by making men hate us even more (as if anything we do/say actually matters when it comes to misogynists).
They probably worry about some incel finding Lolcow, screencapping the most misandrist posts with a caption like "This is why I'm anti-feminist", having the post go viral on Reddit or something, then themselves offhandedly mentioning IRL that they browse Lolcow (which they shouldn't be doing, but I've already seen one anon complaining that they don't want to "associate themselves" with a site known for TERFs, so you know that's what they're like), and their friends going "What? You use that man-hating TERF/SWERF website??", destroying their reputation and rendering them "
problematic", all because some uppity bitches on the site (aka us) wouldn't just stay silent.
There's also a certain amount who get offended on behalf of their boyfriends, fathers and brothers. The joke is that the men in their lives most likely don't try to silence other men when they talk shit about women.
The rest are probably men trying to "colonize" this site, because they think they have a right to everything.
No. 1049
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a bitoff topic but can we avoid using the term male hate and instead use man hate, I feel the term unfairly lumps male animals in with the evilness absurdity of men
No. 1055
>>1040>>1045Fuck, I agree with absolutely all of this.
I have been on here since 2015, and yes, I agree that lolcow has been naturally gearing into these politics and it was 100% a natural progression, and not some random forced shit that these obvious scrotes/pickmes claim. The fact that there are so many women SO OFFENDED by the existence of pp/gc threads is mindboggling. I bet these are the same losers sperging about some cow looking 15 pounds overweight over in /pt/ and launching out other obsessive, cringeworthy and detailed misogynistic insults all over the board, cause why else would they hate it?
No. 1059
>>754I know I'm late to this but wtf is happening to this site? The site feature thread is full of men/trannies calling women TERFs and femcels and the admins aren't even banning them? Why the hell are they holding "polls". If the admin wants pp/gc thread on the site just fucking say that and move the hell on. Why are they so worried about catering to people who aren't regular users here. I've been coming here off and on for years, and now a bunch of spergs who found this site via Onision threads want to start making demands?
Like the mods are telling people not to post reddit screenshots in gg/pp threads, but then I saw someone get banned for posting a reddit screenshot in the thread because "this belong in GC" lmao.
Some pp/gc'er needs to make a board just for radfems etc.
No. 1069
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No. 1071
>>1009They're afraid of women being
radicalized aka
saying no and having confidence.
They are that scared.
>>1045I wouldn't be surprised if most of the people here in 2x have been following this website for 3-4 years. It makes sense to have this kind of progression, women are already feeling this way IRL but this is a place they started to vent and it became this way.
>>1069yep, this shit and the amputee shit really freaked me out
There was a anon (possibly male) in /g/ talking about this as their fetish. Also a lot of the feeder fetishist in /g/ as well follow this same theme of "I like it when they are dependent on me (aka trapped and can't escape)"
No. 1090
ok i think you guys are gonna enjoy this one. it’s short and sweet but just happened yesterday so here we go
for context i went to and graduated from a small trade college last year and made a lot of friends in a class that was next to mine, we mostly just hung out at smoke breaks and shot the shit. i thought everyone was cool with me because nobody ever acted like they had a problem and i never gave them a reason to. i finished my course and moved on and i’m studying at another college now to build onto what i was learning previously. apparently this entire time, there’s been a scrote trying to sabotage my reputation for unknown reasons. a couple people had told me he messaged them complaining about my instagram stories, which was weird but i brushed it off because this guy has emotional issues from being in current recovery from alcoholism. no biggie.
anyway yesterday someone spammed me on IG by unsending a bunch of old messages so i posted about it. when this happens and you have more than 1 acc attached to your main instagram, it shows the username of the account that received it in the notification. so like “(accountnamehere) this message is no longer available because it was unsent.” well, this guy saw it, thought the messages were FROM me and apparently didn’t notice he was relying to MY story, so he replied saying “i know that dumb bitch, she went to my school she’s a jealous nasty bitch” verbatim and my reaction was “lmao what” because it was so random i thought he was literally kidding. like making a shitty joke that didn’t land. but no, when he realized it was me, he blocked me bc he knew he fucked up lol.
after posting about it i learned he’s actually been harassing my childhood friend at her work every single day. turns out he’s given up recovery and is back on the bottle (she’s a hostess in a bar/grill place) and making the poor girl extremely uncomfortable, hitting on her in the DMs etc. he’s had a girlfriend for 6+ years, btw.
best part of all this? i found out he failed his fucking course!!! karma is so goddamn sweet. i graduated with flying colours and he got absolutely nothing but a wasted $10k and had to move back in with his parents. it satisfies me so much knowing this fucking loser will never have a life.
No. 1093
>>1090Men get very angry when woman excel at anything more than them. Here's an interesting study on video games. They found that a woman playing well = insulted by men playing worse than her. Men playing better/at her level didn't get insulting. like the one you mention KNOW they are at the bottom of the pile when it comes to men. They feel like at the very least they're not women. Then along you come, getting better grades etc. You shit over his perception of life lmao. You got him fucked up by just existing.
No. 1119
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Ok gyns, I need your advice.
There is a small group of male professors at my uni that are friends with predators outside the school, and one of the profs is himself a sleazebag.
The sleazebag prof isnt a predator per se but he will invite students at parties taking place in different venues and when we come, he's always hitting up on or making out with girls as young as 18 (he's 40).
One of his close friends actually sexually abused a close acquintance of mine and tried to rape her, and another of his very close friends dated my best friend (20 years age gap) and their whole relationship was a toxic mess and he clearly profitted of the fact she was vulnerable and used her.
After they broke up, he went to hang out with a group of several of our profs and they had a long talk about her. They literally spent 2h talking about his almost purely sexual relationships with one of their students. And he bragged about it to her.
Now I'm in a very "liberal" art school. A lot of activism and "controversial" stuff is encourraged.
I was thinking of making posters against on of the profs with his photo and a drawn target on his face and a text along the lines of "Kill predators and their friends" and glueing them all over school.
The thing is, while I would be ready to be held accountable for that action, I know that my friends (who are the actual victims, and I know they're not the only ones) wouldn't.
They're both shy with mental health issues and just want to avoid the drama and move on from the abuse which I tottally respect.
I don't want to put them in positions of vulnerability and discompfort but I'm also sick of my college pretending to be "woke" and "feminist" while tolerating shit like this.
I also have a history of being labeled as a "crazy radfem" and fear not being taken seriously, if word ever got out that I was the one behind that.
what do
No. 1120
>>1119i feel that this is too risky to chance and is likely to backfire. i think there are more impactful ways to communicate this message. perhaps waiting a while would be better, and just doing something else entirely too. i would wait until your friends are graduated, tbh. they may get attacked/targeted for anything you may do, and this is already just kind of not a good bet/safe idea. if you have proof of them being predatory, see if you can factor that into whatever exposé you try to plan. maybe you can do something more along the lines of "OUR PROFESSOR, X, IS A PREDATOR", rather than bringing up killing them. or "EXILE ALL PREDATORS", something like that, i think, would be better.
No. 1121
>>1049Male animals frequently rape female animals, biologists call it "sexual coercion" since rape requires a legal definition and only applies to humans but it's basically rape.
>>1057Male cats have barbed dicks so cats have some of the shittiest PIV sex ever.
No. 1125
>>1120You're right. The "kill" thing wasnt like a sure thing, it was more of an exemple. But I deff don't want to bring troubles to my friends.
It just kills me that in my social circle those kind of things are so acceptable because "muh open minded artists" and the age of consent being 15 here.
No. 1190
>>1119I experienced a similar situation and I don't recommend a personal "vendetta", the rapist could press charges for defamation and harassment (true story!). The only exception would be if you plan to pay someone to beat him up lol.
First do your friends want to press charges ? If not at least encourage them to tell their story, anonymously or not, for the students to see. Try to take actions collectively with other students, alone you can't do shit. Then contact family planning and associations to come in your school and talk about sexual abuse+abuse of power. Do not hesitate to put up posters about sexual violence. Again for this to be effective, it must be done by a group of students. Otherwise the administration would quickly shut this down because these piece of trash avoid problems and responsability at any cost.
No. 1206
>>1198White men do the same to MoC. Like on /pol/ they all go on about how they should "ally" with TERFs but hope that these women "wake up" and see the "real problem" is non-white men and Jews because "white men protect women and gave them their rights". Men do not care about women but will use how they treat women to act morally superior to each other. I often see them complaining on /int/, /pol/, Reddit or whatever about Muslim men too for being "barbarically misogynistic" before going on about how much they hate women and how they love to pay for sex every month.
I also think a lot of MoC are angry at white men for colonising their countries and raping their women during the New Imperial era and creating a racial hierarchy with white on top (obviously this did happen and we can still see the ramifications of this today). But when it comes to women of their ethnicity being attacked by white men, it's more because they view those women as their "property" and that attacking them was an attack on their race/ethnicity/culture. A lot of WoC have internalised racism so they desire to be white and think white men are the best because of media so seek out white men to date (I know so many WoC who want half-white babies because they know it will improve their status and because their children will be "higher status").
To MoC, these WoC dating outside their race thought of as "race traitors" but if a MoC marries a white woman then he is viewed as successful or "getting back at white men". I always see white men vs. MoC over female sexual conquest. Since white men seen as desirable across the world and with way more WoC dating white men than white women dating MoC, white men are viewed as the "winners". Maybe since so many MoC think that because white men have both white and male privilege then whatever they do themselves does not matter as much or is not as harmful as whatever a white man does.
Although some MoC who are incels have twisted "white privilege" into meaning that white men have an easier chance of getting laid and some even believe it is impossible for white men to be incels because there will always be a WoC who will have sex with them.
No. 1210
>>1119>while I would be ready to be held accountable for that action, I know that my friends (who are the actual victims, and I know they're not the only ones) wouldn't.I would listen to them and respect them
If you want to fight the good fight, just protect more women from them directly rather than putting up a bunch of posters
if they are acting sleazy at a party, call them out on it
ask female students if they need someone to attend office hours with them
I know what it's like to want to just rip someone apart for hurting your friends and "getting away with it", but there are more things you can do
No. 1216
>>1045I think the only reason anyone has any point to that is that the threads are called "Pink Pills", instead of literally anything else that isn't just co-opting a meme that's been re-tread so many times
There are so many other people (men) who do that for their own stupid philosophy, it's only natural for someone to hear "COLOR" Pilled and think it's just a dumb 4chan offshoot
No. 1235
>>1198I like to refer to this mentality as "no one can abuse our women except us!" These men will leap to any opportunity to insult men of another group for physically harming women of their own race/ethnic group, but they will be silent as stones when one of them kills or rapes a woman of their own group. Women are simply props in this argument. It's a way to compete and fight with another group of men. If they really gave a shit about "their" women, then they would become advocates to solve issues that strongly affect Black/Asian/White/etc. women or broader women's issues like pregnancy discrimination in the workplace.
I'm white, and I regularly read and monitor white nationalist websites. White nationalist men will write angry rants and threats whenever a white woman is raped or killed by a non-white man. What do you think happens when a news story emerges of a white man murdering his white girlfriend or wife like the tragic deaths of Shanann Watts and her two daughters by her husband Chris Watts? Abso-fucking-lutely nothing. This tragedy was not mentioned on any of the white nationalist websites or podcasts I observe. These websites also call any white woman who's dated a non-white man at some point in her life a "traitor." Amusingly, they have whipped themselves into a paranoid frenzy, and many are convinced that all white women are whores who lust over black men.
The seemingly contradictory attitudes of revulsion and protection towards women of their own race serve two purposes: 1. To compete with and fight other men from different ethnic groups 2. To subjugate women and keep them in an inescapable inferior status.
No. 1242
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thoughts on admin's post?
i think 2X was a great decision. it was a smart move and i think it's fab. i'm thankful for her work, but based on the polls, so far it would appear the majority of people voting are heavily, heavily favor of having a space for female politics. granted, it could be skewed, but i doubt it considering all the kickup by the dedicated anti pp/gc anons. i'm really not sure why despite this, she acts like pp/gc anons are such a minority of the core userbase. she gives so much weight to the complaints of literally everyone else, but consistently diminishes ours, like we're definitely all just a vocal minority of twitter users that recently came here, and that literally everyone anti pp/gc is the REAL userbase. are rival camgirls and anti-onision 19 year old twitter users the real userbase then?
/r/gendercritical users that only found this site are totally different and i really do not like that manhate anons are grouped in with them.
it's also like everyone is blind to the instigation by by obviously anti-female issues farmers, too, even when they're insanely aggressive and ironically, entitled. people who frequently and angrily (sort of out of nowhere) demand for the banning of the topic and users entirely, or even demand the nuking of /ot/ entirely, and seem obviously like MRA/incel males LARPing. they seem to get a pass to say anything. i don't really get it tbh. what i dislike about this post is that it gives validation to males and seemingly male-identified women.
No. 1245
>>1238I look at them because I've always been intrigued by how people with extremist political ideologies think and what drives people towards them. What are the factors that lead one middle class white male towards these views while other white men who grew up in the same area with the same socioeconomic background have no attraction to them? It's also amusing to watch them wrestle with the various contradictions in their ideology and argue over who's really white and who isn't.
The other major reason I observe these websites is for my own good while dating. White nationalists are near universally misogynistic, yet strongly desire to have tons of white children. All but the top tier spergs know revealing their true views will drive women away, so they won't say them unless they're certain their date has enough handmaiden tendencies to tolerate them. However - they have a certain way of speaking and using slang that can be picked up on with experience. I live in a mostly white and conservative area, so I'd prefer to avoid being attached to someone who sees me as nothing more than a baby factory who shouldn't have any rights.
No. 1251
>>1242Admin and the farmhands are all newfags, its very obvious. They all sound like they are straight out of pull, act very childish and fuel the infighting. They never adhere to board culture either.
Banning political females to appease whining men pretending to be women, hell even the old male admin had more solidarity with women than them.
No. 1254
>>1242Unfortunately I don’t see /2X/ or the /OT/ thread lasting, which is a shame. Not a new fag but I’ll give credence to the fact that the only reason I really stick around this site anymore is for the gender critical discussion so once that’s gone I can see myself not returning or just visiting very infrequently. I don’t post often and hardly lurk outside of /OT/ nowadays but I keep seeing it mentioned that /GC/ and /PP/ discussion gets leaked into other threads. Maybe I’m blind or just very ignorant, but I don’t really see this as being the case. The most I see is someone either refusing to use pronouns but not really drawing attention to it or posts that aren’t male-positive which farmers then respond to and wank about.
I don’t know. It’s clear to me that admin and co. are really pushing back on this despite claims otherwise. She can run the website however she wants but I would have a lot more respect for her if she was more transparent about it. I think the worry farmers have regarding male invasion is very real and given how little spaces there are for women on internet, it’d be a shame to lose this one, but as a casual user and mostly lurker it is frustrating watching this happen and I don’t know if I want to stick around to watch it unfold anymore.
For the record I think /2X/ is a great idea and I’m among the anons that think it should stay as a space for us to talk about women’s issues and empowerment. I understand why people have reservations about it being unlisted and an argument could be made for why that’s a bad thing, but I like the fact that it’s hidden. There’s less opportunity for trolling and the people complaining about the political discussion could opt to ignore it (which I know isn’t happening just looking at /meta/, but in a perfect world this would be the case and so far I haven’t seen any belligerent anons storming this board).
I guess what I’m saying is that I would love for this discussion to stick around but I’m not holding my breath since there’s so much pushback. The /GC/ threads were what really helped me reconcile my views as both a former libfem they/them who was genuinely contemplating transitioning and a closeted, traumatized bisexual, and I think it’s helped others in similar ways. I suppose we’ll have to see what happens but I am really thankful for the discussion here regardless of what happens.
No. 1256
>>1242I think admin is just fessed up from the personal attacks on her and the staff and hoped the recent changes would make them stop completely, of course that is extremely frustrating but I agree that a lot of that post is bothering me.
What is up with the "we vs. them" thinking? I saw it a lot in the meta thread too, but seeing admin take the same stance is upsetting. If she thinks anons who are interested in pp, gc and female politics are mostly outsiders, a vocal minority(contrary to the polls) and newfags (and where are they supposed to come from? reddit? how is twitter supposed to organize itself to raid the threads?), why not invent a way to block direct linking from certain outside sources and/or issue warnings/bans for certain reddit and twitter lingo(if there is something like that)?
Like I agree that the 'admin-team are trannies' tinfoils are really annoying now and that the specific anons admin is refering to in her posts are retarded, especially after admin made this board, but they aren't really doing a great job in explaining the weird focus and hostility on pp/gc either (from the closure of the manhate thread to everything that happened after it) so that others can understand it. I browse /ot/, /snow/ and /w/ daily, but only saw visible bans for pp sperging 3 times. The meta thread complaints aren't helpful either because they are way too vague. And I don't want to invalidate them, I literally don't understand what they are talking about, they just say variations of 'derailing in /ot/' and 'sperging in the vent thread' without mentioning what kind of post or post content they mean but then I visit those again and don't find posts talking about female politics or tranny politics and don't know what they reference to. It's even harder now since gc and pp are lumped together as one userbase. Is it about the anons who vent about their bfs or talking about trannies in a disrespectful way? Encouraging violence on men has been discouraged within threads and banned as femcel sperging since the manhate threads, so I don't get the fear of radicalization as an argument to close it down either. I wish they'd just be more specific in their reasoning, because otherwise it's not too far fetched to jump to the conclusion that the issue is a personal one.
And the antagonizing and aggressive behaviour absolutely goes on both sides. It's exactly like you said. Calling one side entitled cancer but ignoring the obvious larping MRA's calling everyone radfems and desperately wanting those topics to be gone as a whole for dishonest reasons is not the way to solve it.
What personally bothered me the most is
>Despite of however the polls turn out I have a pretty good hunch that the constant troon accusations against everyone won't stop.>I know not all gc and pp anons are like this, and things have appeared fine for now, despite of the continued comments about how /ot/ anons are all troons.If the biggest issue is the troon accusations, just make them a bannable offense if they aren't explained with actual concerns and made just to shitpost and be angry. Please don't take it to heart. Same goes for /ot/, I'm sure that counts as infighting. I hope she didn't just made /2X/ and the poll to "appease" those posters and is actually going to consider the info she gains from the poll..
No. 1267
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>>1259exactly, this is literally how it always goes. pp or whatever posters are solely blamed for shit the other parties start, and we're also the only ones that get penalized. even when they're the ones that are saying "kill yourself" and similarly aggressive shit. the anon tinfoiling was anti-2X. why do they literally attribute all of these things to us when it's literally the opposing side??? i didn't even see a "tranny team" accusation in the meta thread recently. it's dumb accusation, and i am tired of it, but it wasn't happening? almost everything 2X anons were blamed for was shit the other parties were doing.
>>1263i dont get it. by all appearances so far, we aren't even close to the minority, unless the team really counts the momokun spergs and onisiontards as the real userbase. i don't understand why they're so unwilling to believe the progression has pretty obviously been organic. it's literally visible if you read threads from 2-3 years ago.
No. 1269
>>1267Looking at the thread and checking the results just confirms what I've always thought: The people constantly sperging about "radfems" and demanding all discussion of female politics be removed are a loud, aggressive minority. I don't know why they don't seem to ever get banned, but they are not as numerous as the /meta/ thread infights and complaining would imply.
The majority of farmers aren't really bothered about /2X/, GC or PP. Whoever has been throwing tantrums and calling people femcels that should kill themselves certainly doesn't speak for the userbase.
I can understand why the admin would be exasperated with the infighting and tinfoiling, but at the same time, we all know how quickly shit would get redtexted and/or deleted if half of the shit the "anti-GC/PP" anon(s) said were said by pro-GC/PP anons. When the double standards are this blatant, it's no wonder some people are tinfoiling.
No. 1270
>>1190Thank you for your thoughtfull and constructive advice. I will think about what you said.
>>1210you're right. I'm just so angry.
No. 1273
>>1242I think 2X was a great idea and honestly I'm really pissed that the meta anons couldn't just take it for what it is and had to keep going back to fight with the libfems and repeat the troon thing when admin already made it
clear troon speculation isn't tolerated. This board and our ability to post on this site about female politics at all are on shaky ground and it seemed like 2X was a great solution. Now it and the OT threads will probably cause people wouldn't stop infighting in meta. It really sucks because we're going to lose all our threads just cause of a few people who couldn't calm the fuck down.
No. 1281
>>1242Admin was near enough spot on. I have nothing against PP or GC, I browse the threads myself. The problem is that there seems to be a small number of posters that are taking it too far. It's these people that she's addressing, not PP/GC anons in general. The problem being caused in /ot/ is that these posters are leaking into the rest of the board and it's creating a hostile atmosphere. I've seen it and had it happen to me. If an anon mentions something that these posters disagree with, the anon will get accused of being either a larping male or a troon. It's obnoxious and derails threads.
This also isn't the first time that the meta thread has turned into infighting and tinfoiling. As soon as the existence of the pink pill thread is brought up there's always at least one poster that goes on a tirade accusing the staff of being trannies. It's as though these certain posters can't comprehend that not everyone agrees with them and doesn't want it shoved down their throats in unrelated threads.
Why I think admin is correct in her assessment is that unlike ordinary farmers, admin and farmhands can see exactly what someone is posting and where. Unless admin has changed it, LC uses a modified version of tinyboard. Anyone that's been around image boards should know how mod.php works. This is how the current and previous admins have been able to reveal the post histories of self posting cows. Everything posted under the same IP can be linked across all boards.
No. 1287
>>1251Previous admin was a man??? W-what???
Also, people getting mad at anons tinfoiling about scrotes or trannies are autismo. This is lolcow, an imageboard, it's obvious sometimes anons are going to be aggressive and shit on you. I've been called out before too (especially in vent and unpopular opinion threads) and got angry because of it, but eventually forgot about it. Are we 2 year old babies or what? Just move on, you're anonymous, you shouldn't get so worked up. Novody gives a shit.
No. 1289
>>1242I'm disappointed with the GC/PP anons who kept infighting in the /meta/ thread, but the opposite side was really aggressive ("Kill yourself", "Dumb cunt" etc.) and kept on instigating fights and I don't know how the staff couldn't see it. To me it looks like there's a slight bias against GC/PP anons, even though the polls are clearly favoring us.
But I'm grateful that admin created this board, hopefully people will behave and ignore bait. Can't condemn 2X anons if we ignore bait and refuse to fight. If you see anti-GC/PP trying to poke you, just ignore and report.
>>1287We had a male admin years ago, he's not here anymore.
No. 1291
>>1247i have seen this before too, but not just with white men.
spoiler for being racebaity. tbf it is mainly white and some asian american men ive seen doing it online. ive only heard this bullshit irl from one white guy and i cut him off immediately lolthese men just see all women as their property.
No. 1300
>>1242admin is a mess that hasn't been able to form her own opinion on this issue and instead is just punching out. It's honestly fucking pathetic. Just have the boards you want, remove what you don't. She's concerned about the site dying if she gets rid of 2X, but she hates it for keeping her site relevant.
This site is known for being a bitchy place to laugh at idiots. 2X gave it a purpose outside that and admin latched onto it, started talking about expanding the site more and into different topics. She's mad as shit the userbase don't want that.
I told the admin 3 months ago lolcow was being spammed on chans and they were raiding, posting screenshots etc. I sent her links. She ignored it. She deserves everything she gets at this point.
No. 1304
>>747Girl same. Seems like for a while every other post there was either "I want to fuck my older married boss/coworker" or "I want to cheat on my boyfriend". Pretty sure it's leaping scrotes trying to make women look bad. And then when someone was complaining that people would flip out if something positive about men was said (in tbe
man hate thread) it was the last straw for me.
No. 1305
>>1300>She's mad as shit the userbase don't want that.But if we go by the survey results, they clearly do.
It's looking more and more like she's trying to appease a minority of newfags who LARP as oldfags, maybe because some of the farmhands agree with those people (and she stated that many of the farmhands are her actual friends, so).
No. 1309
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>>1273while, again, i appreciate her work, don't take admin's word for it, she's biased and is placing blame on the wrong party wrt the meta thread. no one in meta was tinfoiling about troons. an anti 2X anon derailed and was tinfoiling about pizzagate and 8chan, and how 2X might become like that. there was no tinfoiling from pp/gc posters.
>>1281>If an anon mentions something that these posters disagree with, the anon will get accused of being either a larping male or a troon. It's obnoxious and derails threads.i think the troon accusations are unlikely and get annoying, but this isn't a forum. we have no information about posters. anons being scrotes IS plenty possible. anons are hypervigilant because we know the board has been attacked and scrotes purposefully disguise themselves to influence our opinions (like pic related who was trying his best to keep his cover and and was later outed by farmhands as a poltard). i've been banned for "feeding the troll" in the manhate thread by talking about history, that wasn't even laced with racebait or anything. how was i to know he was male? they expect us to KNOW anons are or aren't men despite the fact that we know men raid here. we know what they did to and anons don't want it to happen. i get that. while i think the troon accusations are out of hand and the troon mod thing is so annoying, i think it's plenty reasonable for anons to suspect anons may be men. they're going in blind here. i think it's unreasonable to expect anons to not be hypervigilant about posters when we know the site has been targeted since the beginning. they almost act like we have the same information as them about posters. we don't, and we can't read minds. and pp/2X anons weren't tinfoiling about trannies in the meta thread. they have in the past, but sincerely, they didn't this time. that's why her reaction is so bizarre.
>>1305this this this. the userbase DOES want it to expand. almost 65% iirc believe the site should expand beyond drama and almost 69% want to keep 2X. idk if farmhands are her online or irl friends, but a lot of them are very biased and seem like they can't tolerate online opinions tbh. admin is more tolerant than the farmhands, even. the anti-pp/gc newfags speaking for oldfags are incredibly obnoxious and it plainly seems that the derision is owed to the fact that the team shares different political beliefs.
No. 1310
>>1305She wanted to introduce trips and stuff though, which is such a ridiculous suggestion for a board with this kind of culture I can't even wrap my head around it. It's like she's looking at Kiwifarms for inspiration or something.
Interesting about farmhands being irl friends. Makes more sense. If they want a personal website for their group that follows their beliefs then make one. Obviously the userbase doesn't agree with them. I mean she got rid of the farmhand that were sperging replying to men in bans, but she let that one autistic farmhand run around the GC thread on /ot/ sperging about how much they hated us, then they went straight to meta and CONTINUED it. And then she's SURPRISED people think there's a tranny farmhand when they can't even stay out of the GC threads?
>>1309yes to no one tinfoiling about troons. I read that thread and no one said shit about it. And honestly she's kicked up such a fuss if I wanted 2X gone why WOULDN'T I go to meta right now and spam shit about tranny farmhands? She's saying "STOP DOING THIS ANONYMOUS GROUP OF PEOPLE" and REALLY doesn't see how that attitude is not going to work? She's a joke.
Also if the farmhands had actually been banning males etc for hijacking people wouldn't tinfoil so hard about every poster being male. Instead they stay banning for the dumbest shit.
No. 1317
>>1242Honestly if I was the admin and had to deal with constant newfag reddit/tumblr radfem migrates having a spergout and tranny janny accusations despite giving us a fucking board to thrive in, I'd probably blow up like this too. I have no idea why anons started reeing and picking up a fight in the /meta/ thread because I was ecstatic to see 2X opened. The stupid fucks who constantly start with the "admin is siding with the troons" bullshit need to lay off, I was with them back when GC thread got "mysteriously" autosaged and then fused to the PP/Radfem thread but now it's just enraging. The current admin has been the most competent one we've had so far and I say this as someone who has been frequenting LC for over 5 years and REALLY don't want to lose the only place online where I can anonymously complain about men and trannies with other women.
I wouldn't have a problem with radfem anons because I identify as one myself, but some of the people on this site seem to get a kick out of attacking other women over semantics and petty nitpicking just like the worst libfems. I'm guessing they're underage recent libfem to radfem converts who can't contain their anger or mouth diarrhea but it's still threatening the space we have to share with them. Obviously there are undercover men and troons doing their best to get rid of the evil terves but some of these speds need to calm themselves the fuck down and learn to discuss things over without screeching and trashing around.
No. 1323
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>>1317sorry, but anon, did you even read the meta thread? pro pp/gc anons were not picking fights. why is this continually being repeated? this is how the tone went: anons would say why they liked 2X, and anti-pp anons would stomp in and angrily demand whatever they wanted, call names, etc. i really can't stand the wrong parties being blamed and punished. there have also been a few anons stomping into /meta/ even before the 2X thing, like a month ago, just demanding /ot/ be completely nuked.
what new radblr migrates? there are like, none, and radblr anons have openly been here for like 3 years. there has been an influx of /r/gendercritical users and gender crit twitter users but those are not the same. gendercritical users are the ones that sperg the most about "tranny jannies" etc. there are so many more annoying and malicious posters than what she chooses to get this angry about, honestly. that's what i find odd. i really think her actions are strange. like merging the radfem thread and blaming it (when it was literally dead) for causing problems? no one posted in it. none.
No. 1324
>>1090It's so funny how when you lurk other sites and see how men men get internally angry because they failed their college courses b/c of their coomer brain and the women pass with flying colors. They always cope and say, "I just didn't feel like trying", "they probably asked for favors from the teacher", etc.
They can't deal when they see a woman that's smarter than them. Then they EXPLODE if the woman is POC kek
No. 1325
>>1119If you are afraid of speaking up, I would say, stay back and just gather evidence, whether text/phonecalls/ footage/ statements, anything. That way went someone rings the alarm you go the juice.
Don't turn a blind eye. But find allies and be smart.
No. 1326
>>1206This is literally /gif/
Thank you.
No. 1331
>>1309Admin mentionned that the whole farmhand team are her friends and several are irl friends. That in itslef, is a problem imo. Of course admin is gonna have her own opinions and is gonna be biased in a certain way, thats normal, she's a human being. But the thing is, as humans, we tend to be friends with people who share similar opinions to ours so having a whole team that moderates an imageboard as big as LC is iffy. There's no nuance. There's no seeing that a farmhand did something wrong and revoking their mod privileges without it creating personal drama in her life.
I did like
a lot of admin's decisions concerning LC but she does seem very easily offended at attacks directed at the team which she shouldnt be because…it's an imageboard. And in the same breath her other biggest offence is "oh my god, we have to keep the OG imageboard LC feel", but lmao, if she was here 6 years ago, everyone was so much meaner to everyone and no one was getting offended at it.
It's also wild to me because I'm in the LC discord and regarding GC/PP, farmers seem to either be very pro GC/PP (either participating in the thread or not) or they just don't care. I've never seen anyone on the server REEEing about it like the couple of posters in /meta/ that claim that
we are the vocal minority.
No. 1356
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Radfems are middle aged tradthots confirmed. I thank God every day that the threads are split again.
No. 1376
>>1356This unsaged post that is typed suspiciously similar to the posts in the GC thread that was trying to start fights earlier is a great example of the type of person coming here to shit stir and cause internal issues because thy want to shut down all female discourse.
Be gone.
No. 1383
>>1317I agree tbh. I don't blame admin for getting pissed off at idiots who can't stop sperging for five seconds and realize what a gift we have here. Seeing autismal reeeing about how everyone has to be a troon because they disagree was honestly pretty shameful. It also gives grounds for deciding to nuke /2X/ and the /ot/ threads if that's what people think our sphere of the userbase consist of.
I just want a space to talk about this shit anonymously online. I like how the site culture makes everyone much more blunt but also comfortable in talking in depth about things. lolcow has a very specific kind of user and it's fun to get a less 'serious' point of view.
I'm thankful admin gave us this space and am glad that she's okay with putting aside her own views to do it. It's not a fun thing to deal with and having anons slapfighting is dumb.
No. 1385
>>1376lol what? it's pretty clear a lot of them are married mothers who never shut up about their nigels and precious sons who are gc/radfem because they don't like troons.
it was especially rampant in the previous hellmerged thread where someone was telling women to stay home and reproduce because that's how you make more feminists.
also who the fuck cares about sage on an unlisted board lol
No. 1389
>>1383>Seeing autismal reeeing about how everyone has to be a troon because they disagree was honestly pretty shameful. Where did you see that, because it literally did not happen? It has happened it the past, but it didn't recently, like, at all.
> don't blame admin for getting pissed off at idiots ho can't stop sperging for five seconds and realize what a gift we have here. Uh, they did. The thread was filled with gc/pp anons talking about how much they like the idea of 2X. The only sperging was coming from the other side. Read the thread instead of reflexively licking admin's ass. She's riling herself up despite none of those claims happening, because she wants a reason to be angry at pp/gc, honestly. It doesn't give her a legitimate reason to nuke anything, because nothing she claimed happening was even happening, and it wasn't coming from pp/gcers.
No. 1390
>>1318Why not try making an image board but having it contained? Not great examples but Lainchan and Uboachan are pretty slow but active and has boards and threads with good discussion going on and from what I've seen not much fun-posting or just general unsightly nonsense.
The thing is too that LC is very 'popular' with the wrong people and if you make a new image board it would have to be on a 'need to know' basis of sorts so not just anyone can come in a derail, if it's posted in thread maybe they could find the site in a search engine maybe not, it all depends. Or just take a look at other slower image boards to get an idea or you can do what Teachan does and have the site active every 7/14 hours with one board for discussion.
Another thing might be pro-boards if you were interested in making a forum, I know a lot of farmers want to stay anon but if it's ever on the table you could make a forum and have it locked and invite only from the admin and users, also of course users would be responsible for whomever they invited to the site and would be issued warning/ban etc for unsightly behavior
No. 1391
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>>1206The American-Iranian stuff is producing gems like these.
No. 1401
>>1391>>1392>muh white saviorIn reality it's more like they'd kidnap and rape those women after bombing their villages and killing their entire family
*Tell me more about how men invade other countries to protect their families and shit though. Lol. I love to hear the justifications.
No. 1403
>>1392>>1391What a creepy gross fuck. So sick of crusty old men airing out their slave fantasies only to backtrack and say it's "satire" Then continue to talk on it more since it's never satire.
Just look him up and he has two kids too. Divorced and he bitterly said that a woman would only marry him for money. So he fell down the manosphere hole to justify his hatred of women like every red piller. And he frequently retweets Richard Cooper. A scrote thats a single dad but advocates against single moms dating. Coopers also against traditionalism and having kids (it's more like he hates women having kids and thinks it's pathetic how it's womens only job)
No. 1411
>>1407tbf tho, and i'm not saying admin does a bad job or anything, she just is obviously biased and so is her team, but hotwheels and moot were dealing with huge, huge userbases full of legit monsters and actual, serious, literally lethal assholes. lolcow has literally the most tame userbase you can have for an imageboard.
like… you cannot be blessed with a better core userbase than this tbh. to go on an angry tirade over some anons in the past suggesting you might have a tranny friend modding, or some anons occasionally suggesting other anons are troons… idk how to say it in a nicer way but that admin needs to get some perspective. i really do appreciate what she does and her investing her time and resources, but taking on the role of admin on an imageboard can go so, so, soooo sour and honestly can be risky. a few anons suggesting people might be troons on occasion is literally the smallest issue an admin can face with their userbase, especially on an imageboard, where the absolute worst assholes tend to congregate.
No. 1418
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>>1413>>1412This. For anyone who needs a reminder: Check out the survey results. No matter how much dumb shit you see in the /meta/ thread attacking "the radfems", the numbers don't lie.
Don't bother arguing when you see inflammatory posts. It's probably the same angry people circling the thread to start fights and bait people every time.
Just two more days. Considering we can all see the results for ourselves, I fully trust that the admin will follow her word and go with what the userbase's votes reflect, fair and square. No more infighting, just let this thing run its course. About the only thing the opposition can do at this point is get pissy and make the incredibly weak argument that "real farmers" (who they somehow telepathically know and can reliably speak for) would never, ever vote on a survey for the site's fate, so the whole thing should be ignored.
About the only part I'm iffy about is the "board scheme" poll, but that's only one metric out of three. Plus, it's already been noted that /2X/ was added as an option in that particular poll later than all the other boards for some reason (explaining the lower vote count), so I doubt it'll be used to invalidate everything.
No. 1426
>>1407No anon, this isn't a male vs. female thing. There have been plenty of imageboards run by women where the admin didn't throw shitfits like this. It's against imageboard culture.
When you make post like admin does you invite further abuse. Because now everyone knows it's getting to you. You have to be able to rise above the bullshit, especially if the bullshit is as minimal as "someone is calling my friend a tranny on an anonymous board designed for shit talking".
Like someone else said, her posts are cow level.
>>1413This is what is driving me insane. It's so obvious it's a few posters new to the board who don't even know how to blend in. Admin must see this and is choosing to ignore it. A few people have been all over 2X for the last few days going into GC/PP threads and making posts about how the other group is shit. They never sage their posts. Ignore them.
No. 1429
>>1425Nowhere did admin say trips and the survey doesn't say anything about trips either. Do you know how imageboards work?
>>1418Thanks anon
No. 1433
>>1394Can you just shut the fuck up. People like you make it worse for us. I swear.
>>1390Read the fucking thread. The problem is that instead of IGNORING the spergs, people here take the BAIT. They take the bait so hard they can't see that that's what antis want you to do to see you argue over and over to get the staff annoyed. Who keeps falling for it ffs. LET THEM SPERG. IGNORE THEM. DO NOT INFIGHT WITH THEM.I commented in meta. Asked admin a question. Ignored the sperg calling me a retard for having
valid concerns about emails and voting. Admin/farmhand answered my question, and I moved on.
Can you all just think. FFs.
No. 1501
>>1498They're degenerates from Discord, all anonymous. I know some of them live fairly normal lives with jobs and relationships.
I guess I could report the server but I don't know if it'd be banned because all posts are from instagram and twitter so no nudity.
No. 1503
>>1455I'm doing my best staying alert and talking to other people in the area. People are aware and afraid.
Anyone know how effective self-defence sprays are?
No. 1511
>>1502They never read sources. I link them random shit all the time that has nothing to do with what I'm talking about lol. I dated a guy once and he hated how much I knew about the world wars (which isn't THAT much tbh) because he was in the army and thought that made him instantly knowledgeable on all wars (i know, I was young). He told me once the Russians were Nazis, and when I said they weren't he asked for a source. He told me American's had never lost a war, and again asked me to source it.
One day I snapped and I realized he was threatened by me. That's literally all it was. I made him look fucking stupid because he expected women to just take him at his word. He also expect admiration purely because he had been in the army. Dumped his ass and he's an alcoholic again now.
The only source I keep around for scrotes is this one for when they claim women get lighter sentences constantly and try the pussy pass shit. I just link this and ask them if this is penis pass. No. 1532
>>1513It's the hardest because it's the one thing I could never risk in a relationship. How could I ever get married or, god forbid, have kids knowing he might be a pedo?
Everything you said is true, but I'd add that men take every sexual opportunity they can get. So even a guy who prefers developed women will fuck a kid if it's socially acceptable in that particular culture. When desperate enough they will lower their standards to ugly women, fat women, animals, inanimate objects and each other, why would children be any different?
No. 1550
>>1545Your logic makes no sense. If, by some chance, all men DID want to fuck 5 year olds, that still wouldn't 'normalize' jack shit. They would still be sick, perverted degenerates and there would be no defense of it even if they all felt the exact same way. Something being common or universal doesn't suddenly make it morally acceptable. You're the one giving them an out by saying it's only bad if it's abnormal.
I mean, I don't think all men WANT to fuck 5 year olds. I think more would be willing to than we like to imagine. I think the vast majority of men want to fuck 13 year olds, and there is ample proof of this throughout history. That isn't me normalizing pedophilia, that's saying that the majority of men are pedo garbage we should refrain from trusting.
No. 1554
>>1550>Something being common or universal doesn't suddenly make it morally acceptable. I'm afraid it doesn't work that way. If you claim that most men want to have sex with 12 year old kids, it makes those pedos who want to do it feel fine with their desires. "Oh, if everyone wants that, then it's fine if I want that too! It's normal!"
I agree that we should be cautious of men tho.
No. 1564
>>1554I understand what you're saying, maybe it's true that men will feel more comfortable being pedos if it's commonly known that they are all pedos. But you can't just NAMALT in the hopes that pedos will feel isolated and therefore guilty for their perversions, first reason being that it's a total lie - most men are like this. We can't just deny reality on the off chance it might manipulate men into being better.
Secondly, men are always confident that they are right in all things and don't give a single fuck if a woman tells him it's bad or wrong. They ALREADY feel perfectly entitled to fuck 12 year olds and resent the laws that prevent them from doing so without repercussions. They bitch constantly that feminism is holding them back from their god given right to fuck children. Even if we never made blanket generalizations about them being pedos, they would meet likeminded men online and form communities that confirm they are all pedos anyway.
Third, and imo the most important reason, is that it gives women a false sense of security if we think pedos are just a small portion of particularly creepy men. The average, normal or even attractive pedos out there will never be treated with any suspicion if we keep lying to ourselves that pedos are rare. Most normie women don't understand just how common it is. It takes a lot of time getting pink pilled, reading about history and news, lurking male communities etc, and going through a tough mental process to accept and understand, and it doesn't help to dismiss pedos as a fringe element and lower our guards around men.
No. 1579
>>1564Sorry if this isn't the place for discussion like this, but
>most men are like thisIs there any proof of that? Yes, men used to marry 13 yos in the past, but in the vast majority of cases those men were also teenagers. Marriages with significant age gaps only happened between nobility for political causes. The only notable exception I can think of is Ancient Greece. Throughout history the most ideal female body type was a body of average, adult female.
I get that men can find young teenagers with exceptionally developed bodies attractive, but an average 12 or 13 yo girl looks more like a little boy than a little woman.
>Secondly, men are always confident that they are right in all things and don't give a single fuck if a woman tells him it's bad or wrongI've noticed that as well lol. You can't get through to males like that with logic and ethics. The only thing that works is peer pressure. If they understand that most men don't find the same thing attractive, they will be less confident in their preverted paraphilia.
As for your final point, I also think pedophilic behaviour or awful practices (like child brides) should be given more attention to. Women should be aware that lots of pedophilic men exist, imo we should more often show faces and identities of predators. I don't see how claiming that "all men are pedos" will help the case more than giving more opportunities for
victims to speak out.
No. 1593
>>1579NTA, but aside from the Greeks, I've noticed multiple cultures seem to have/had some aspect that involves grown men "tutoring" young boys and having sex with them.
The Bacha bazi thing going on in Afghanistan comes to mind. Even the Japanese had the "shudo" practice. I'm pretty sure I've heard of Buddhist monks sexually abusing young boys in their monasteries before, too. There's definitely other examples, but I don't really feel like dragging them up.
Men are just sick.
I think part of it is that boys are "more available" than little girls and women (who are either kept far away from males, or marked as another man's commodity, aka not fair game). Wherever patriarchy fully prevails, there's always some sort of window. Pedophilia being socially unacceptable almost seems recent, sadly enough.
No. 1605
>>1593Oh, I wasn't referring to how they groomed young boys. The average girl was 14 when she got married, while men were getting married at 30 on average in Ancient Greece. In other cultures and periods of history most people got married to partners who were their age.
But you've brought up an interesting topic. It seems like male sexuality is inherently tied to need for dominance/conquering taboo. Recently I've been reading about how popular among men in middle ages was the idea of romance/being tied to wife (often in her 30s) of their lord because that was the "ultimate taboo". Hopefully other anons who know more about history can contribute.
No. 1609
>>1579>Throughout history the most ideal female body type was a body of average, adult female. Nobody ever said men have to hold up children as the ideal body. Men fuck women they consider substandard all the time. If they get the opportunity to fuck a kid, they will, it's that simple. They might not consider that child to be the most sexually appealing thing in the world, but it's a hole and therefore a goal.
Men are sexual opportunists and unfortunately that includes kids who 'look more like a little boy than a little woman'.
No. 1619
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>>1613>They say underage teen girls love older men and boys their age can't handle them.Preety much this
No. 1642
>>1640This is every woman in a relationship that I know, even if they don't outwardly complain about it. I don't know any woman in my family who gets housework help from their husband. It's always the woman's job to clean and manage the house. Most women seem to be conditioned to thinking their relationship is balanced because their SO put up a shelf or fixed a pipe 6 months ago, and "he doesn't know how to do housework anyway." If the men do clean anything, they need to have the woman remind them several times, then they attempt a halfassed job so the woman takes over anyway.
Growing up, I used to hear the men in my family call certain women "gold diggers" and "leeches" for wanting to be financially supported, and I always thought how shitty those women were. I always wanted an equal relationship, of course. Now I see those supposedly equal relationships just mean you work full time and still do 100% of the housework, cooking, planning, and managing for 2 people, plus any kids you might have. Depressing.
No. 1647
>>1640I know you're probably not looking for advice anon, and regardless I think it's too late for what I was thinking when I was reading your story:
>Don't set the precedent.What I mean is stop taking on the mental load, the management, and execution of all chores. You make your labor a routine, and men will start to expect you to do things while they laze by. There's no consequences, so they have no motive to not refuse you.
I used to do that too. Thinking shit would never get done if I wasn't the one moving forward. When I dropped the rope and stopped being an automated maid, turns out men can do more work than women think. I don't pick up and do shit automatically anymore, I keep score, and there's a consequence to being a useless slob in my life…the door.
If your man is already a slob and content to live in squalor though, setting the bar early on probably won't accomplish much. And sad to say, but once men get used to "how things are" in a relationship, they get awful irate and resentful at you for trying to change the status quo. After all men benefit greatly from a woman's emotional and domestic labor. Best believe men who have had it easy on the back of your labor are going to be affronted by the suggestion that things not be that way anymore. A man who values and provides for you would respect you more and contribute his fair share to your home. Be strong anon, I hope it gets better for you.
No. 1654
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Repost from another thread, thought it belongs here.
No. 1678
>>1545This isn't how normalization works.
>>1640Anon please stop this. He won't change. You're moving his stuff and he won't help? Well, you don't know where it goes so trash it. Paint the room a color he hates. Better yet, kick him out. But right now all you're doing is telling him it's ok to act like this and then Mothering him. Come on. Why would he change when the worst you'll do is complain and do it anyway.
Think of it this way, if a dog shit on your carpet would you just accept it? No, you change the dogs behavior by teaching it it's positive to shit outside and it will get positive reinforcement. If you're serious about saying with this moid get a pack of jerky and start throwing it at his face when he does something positive, spray him with the hose when he fucks up.
No. 1722
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>>1654lol it got redtexted
mods looking more hostile to us everyday
No. 1751
>>1745That just sounds like a mixture of condescension, mockery and fake "I'm just like you"-ing. In the last case, they want to lull you into a false sense of security and make you think you have some sort of control over them, to the point of altering their vocabulary.
When it's in quotes, it's probably mockery, especially if they turn it against you to belittle you.
No. 1769
>>1654Who the fuck is that? How is this interesting for us to see?
You guys have this weird obsession with deranged fetish. Like you actually enjoy reading these shit.
No. 1793
I was gonna post here about how I got burned not too long ago by a low value scrote, and how something he said during his fake apology after treating me unfairly has been bothering me.
Before that, I enabled this cretin and rewarded him with sex which happened way too early. He didn't even earn me, not that he deserved me, but I gave it to him like my time and intimacy are charity. I was typing out all the details I was about to post leading up to that. All I could think the entire time is how fucking red these flags were. I fell for superficial charm and dubious talent in this frumpy guy who had no reason to be as full of himself as he is.
I'm pissed off that while I enjoy my own company and can handle periods of being alone, that I still crave meaningful intimacy with a male human. How every time I make myself vulnerable and am honest in my intentions, I get punched in the figurative tit by these guys anyway. I'm still too accommodating and project a need to give men chances because I hope some valuable guy will give me one. I'm a sucker for benefit of the doubt, which is the only thing I can't entirely blame myself for as even society thinks women are paranoid and hysterical if it feels we're too critical when a man mistreats us. AND to top it off, I even "date down" because I hopelessly believe this is how I'll find a man not so shallow and vapid and wouldn't take me for granted. Surprise! Turns out even unattractive, socially awkward, undereducated, and fat men think they're just as entitled to a roster of bangmaids and models that they can string along for years the same as "Chads."
It's bullshit.
No. 1795
>>1794They're too busy being laid and acosted by actual attractive women to whine about women lol.
It's always the lowest scrotes who've gotta neg women above their league to knock their self esteem down in order to get in their pants. They're hypocrites. They screech for high value women to give them chances despite being dogshit. It's always some obese dude with a "no fat chicks" shirt. It's always some ugly dude bitching about makeup being deceptive. It's always some dude who barely graduated high school getting pissed off that women are more academically accomplished.
It's not that these males couldn't get their looksmatch and equal re: A similarly homely woman who doesn't take much care of her personal hygiene, attire, nor appearance. But noooo, they don't want
those women because they want the stroke of ego they'd get from dating a hot chick! And hey they don't have to work on themselves or put in effort, they just deserve to fuck her on the basis that they possess crusty dick and sweaty balls. It makes me so mad.
No. 1802
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>>1418>Considering we can all see the results for ourselves, I fully trust that the admin will follow her word and go with what the userbase's votes reflect, fair and square. welp, check what admin decided to do. despite it being against what the userbase voted, she invalidated it and said she's abandoning 2X and banning pinkpill related topics from /ot/ and for anons to leave.
No. 1806
>>1802lmao imagine being THIS unapologetically biased and butthurt. She's not even trying to hide how emotionally invested she is in this shit, can't even take a minor L and let an unlisted containment board exist… Admin must have some nigels she desperately wants to protect to be this offended by women daring to discuss their grievances with men, or she just can't handle the fact that the majority do not agree with her wild overexaggerations of the problems with a radfem presence on the board.
Absolutely pathetic tbh
No. 1808
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>>1802>be admin>know that suddenly banning discussions of men and gender crit on ot would look bad >come up with brilliant scheme >create 'containment' board that successfully bans those discussions off ot>do not publicize the containment board due to speculations scrotes would invade, "four your own good">next, create poorly worded poll as to whether containment board is to be kept or binned >making things look all democracy-like >even after poll is collected and the winning half is in favor of keep, reason that it means there's not enough interest despite it being hidden>successfully rid site of all pinkpill and gendercrit discussion, without the appearance of any straightforward manipulation Ladies, it was a privilege to have bitched about men with you all. Best of luck.
No. 1812
>>1802I saw that, too. I was thinking the verdict would be to ban PP/GC threads, but let /2X/ remain, albeit unlisted and with increased lockdowns on derailing in /ot/ just to keep everyone happy. "Obvious voting duplicates" where?
It's disappointing, but what can we do? Maybe the next admin will be better.
In the meantime, is there anyone here with know-how on building an imageboard? No way I'm adding CC or Reddit to sites I post on in 2020. I saw someone mention Tinyboard as a tool, maybe someone could utilize it.
No. 1838
>>1817she's making herself look like a twit that will go down in lc history as an exceptionally irrational and thin-skinned admin. she's not doing the public perception of her intelligence any favors by trying to justify her prejudice with easily refuted nonsense.
she's self-owning herself by essentially trying to make herself look like a massive dumbass that can't think critically, publicly, all because she doesn't want to just admit she's biased as fuck.
sense would dictate maybe establishing another poll if you suspect it had been compromised? or maybe not making dumbass assumptions that make no sense and don't fit what you're claiming? there are ways for her to actually weed out newfags, but this ain't it and it's not proof of anything except that she's untrustworthy and lacks integrity.
No. 1848
>>1817>It's kinda lulzy that it was a trick question or whatever in a quick survey used.The question is made worse knowing she put it there to try to undermine the voter's credibility.
>WHAT, YOU DIDNT CARE ABOUT SPECIFIC OUTINGS YOU MUST NOT CARE ABOUT THE WEBSITE AT ALLMakes zero sense. If she doesn't care about an anon's vote, then she should just ditch the song and dance about this having been a fair poll. She was skewing it from the start.
No. 1860
>>1849>>1849>It made it sound like she is considering PP posters as invaders on the site or something.she does. she assumes they all come from reddit, or at least uses that excuse despite there having been a sizable gc and misandristic pop here many many years before, the ONLY difference is that the non-drama boards weren't anywhere near as active as they are now. everyone that agrees with her is the "real userbase" while everyone that disagrees isn't real and can easily be disregarded with patently stupid and transparent excuses.
i didn't trust her even before she made it THIS obvious because she repeatedly would be as hyperbolic as possible when assigning blame to pp/gc and downplaying any culpability that was rightfully owed to anti-pp/gcers. funny though, even with all the gc/pp anons that came into this thread and the meta thread to thoroughly tongue her ass and fluff her up with in-depth compliments and praise, it still wasn't enough to stop her from dramatically chimping out with this wack-ass decision.
No. 1861
>>1860The same users she hates have been her before she became admin. Pretty sad…
I LOVE how racebait doesn't drive staff up the wall but this does. Of all things.
No. 1972
>>1802She has proven to have literally zero integrity and no one on LC will trust her after this move, whatever the next big decisions will be.
Very bad idea to have your irl friends be the entire modteam, too. I had a feeling that there was a heavy bias against GC/PP anons, but I didn't expect her to go as far as to go against the poll results when she said she would move accordingly to them, just because. Admin and staff are supposed to be impartial, the current ones are the most biased we've ever had.
I've already looked at how the usual 2-3 anti-GC/PP anons who are literally camping in the /meta/ thread have been baiting 2X anons into infights and attacking them as usual, no redtexts under their posts while the 2X anons got redtexted. Absolutely embarrassing.
I guess LC is gonna become a PULL/CC clone now.
No. 1975
>>1802hahah i KNEW she'd do this.
>>1806She said people calling her and her friends trannys on an anonymous imageboard was impacting her real life which is the funnier shit than most cows have put out in months.
>>1848It's ridiculous because plenty of people browse a few cows but post mainly on /ot/ and /g/. But that's reason enough to make their votes not count? People not super invested in cows were just going to pick the most popular, which was chris chan. Admin was just looking for an excuse. If it wasn't this, it would be something else.
>>1972it's honestly weird as shit to run a site like this with your rl friend group. I can't even imagine what they're like irl.
No. 1989
>>1975>She said people calling her and her friends trannys on an anonymous imageboard was impacting her real life which is the funnier shit than most cows have put out in months.I've been incorrectly tinfoiled as a tranny before, but my reaction isn't to get assblasted. At the end of the day I'm a woman and idgaf if some rando thinks a single post on the internet changes my chromosomes. Sometimes anons bark up the wrong tree so why should I give a fuck? It's funny at best, and annoying at worst.
If moderators like admin have ban powers and access to view post history to see if someone accuses often, then all the more reason why a baseless accusation shouldn't have upset her. I've seen this shit for years and I don't even bat an eye at it anymore.
Sisters, it don't add up.
No. 2044
>>1994Everytime I checked the /meta/ thread it was people sperging about pp/gc and telling users to kill themselves. The idea that it was GC users causing the issues is a fantasy.
As I said before, all anyone had to do that hated GG/PP was go to /meta/ and sperg about trannies. Which is exactly what happened. Admin fell for it because apparently she's new to imageboards or some shit because all of this is weird
No. 2067
>>1972>Very bad idea to have your irl friends be the entire modteam, too. Like
>>1979 said she said something about some of the mods but she did have applications up and I applied to be a farmhand a year ago rip
>>1989Anons in the migration thread said making a site is too much work to maintain idk if staff pays for the site or if there are donations maybe that's apart of it?
>>1994At least we still have pp I hope
No. 2081
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anons has wizardchan been discussed before ? I've never seen it on lolcow but it's basically the image board of incels. It has been around for quite a while I think and it's still pretty active. It can be hilarious or very depressing but I'll never get over how they always blame their parents.
No. 2092
>>2081I lurked once and I think the basic idea of that board was to not be as
toxic as the incels on reddit. They're still cringe though.
No. 2104
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No. 2119
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I can't believe men are the same species as us.
No. 2134
>>2119they are massively stupid but no offense you have to be a dumbfuck too to willingly want to have kids with a man. literally like seriously expecting a feral boar to raise and parent your child. having their kids, ever, is a bad move
>>2104the pictures were sickening and a bunch of those girls were 11 and 12. like it's obviously all rape and child rape specifically, but 11 and 12??? 14?? 'beautiful'??? that title literally reads like the onion satirizing neoliberal outlets. author is a creep for certain.
No. 2148
>>2104>teenage sex workersThis is exactly the pedophilic bullshit liberal "pro sex work!!!" types insisted would never, ever happen. These are
child prostitutes, fuck off and stop using euphemisms. Some of them aren't even close to being teenagers.
Can't wait for Buzzfeed's next gallery on "brave, stunning" 10 year old human trafficking
victims and child prostitutes from Thailand (who the photographer didn't save, and no one else will, because assuming there's anything wrong with any of this would be whorephobic). I hate this planet.
No. 2150
>>2104Of course a scrote wrote it.
>>2119Kek a priest once told me I'm a dyke because I WASN'T breastfed.
No. 2154
>>2119>>2134wrt having children/raising children with males, it doesn't make sense. the reason men are retarded and useless when it comes to children is because they weren't supposed to raise them.
(at the risk of sounding like some evo psych retard, I want to clarify that by saying women are better at raising children I don't mean that's all they're good for or that it's their calling. rather, women can raise children and work, men can only work).
anyway, my point is that expecting them to 'parent' or stick around after cumming is illogical. in practically all mammalian species the male fucks off after the mating process. they don't provide anything in terms of utility eg gestating, nursing, cleaning, cooking etc.
No. 2158
>>2154>implying women are capable of raising childrenlol
Nobody knows how to raise children. Maybe girls are better at it because they have been taught and encouraged to be babysitters. Boys are expected to play football or whatever, not nanny their toys. Males are capable of raising children, they just choose not to be involved, which is even more infuriating.
No. 2162
>>2153They argue because we have our romantic "fantasies" about how we'd like to be treated with kindness, consideration, and respect that it entitles them to their sexual "fantasies" of being depraved and reducing women as objects to be fucked.
Men are derivative. It's not comparable at all.
No. 2174
Why do so many middle aged women favor boys over girls?
Example the whole "girls mature faster than boys and therefore I can be stricter with the former and more reliant with the latter"-argument.
My sis tells my mom that the guys in her class are mean and she reacts by saying that they're mentally 2 years behind her and therefore in the middle of puberty. Bullshit! They've lived just as long as my sis, quit making excuses for them. Just because she looks and acts older doesn't mean that her mind should have to endure more.
I'm studying to be a teacher and yesterday we had training on how to give the birds and the bees talk.
>"even here on the countryside are so many trans children blah blah tolerance blah blah, just let them choose whether they want sexual education about male or female bodies"
So you just don't tell a young fakeboi what a period is…? Later she just quickly mentioned gay kids, acting as this is less common than trannies.
It's really crazy, I don't live in the US, we're basically in the middle of nowhere, yet you're telling me there are sooo many troon kids…?
>"even very young boys can get an erection at the most random times without even wanting that, so it's imporant to teach girls not to make fun of them for that!"
Not a single word about making it clear to boys that mocking girls who are on their period or asking "Are you on your period, hehe" is disgusting. No girl would ever be mean to a boy for an accident like that, other boys do that. Meanwhile boys are constantly cruel to girls about their periods and the discomfort they experience during those days at a very young age already.
I also hated how she gave some libfem talk about periods being nice despite you maybe experiencing cramps, that it's a sign that your body is healthy and could produce offspring. I'm pretty sure 10-year-old little girls give a fuck about that.
No. 2175

I just found out that my nigel listens to some of the most extremely violent, misogynistic music.
So, I’m currently in a relationship with a moid. He’s smart and progressive, as far as I know feminist-oriented, etc. Well, the other day I was snooping thorough his laptop seeing if he had hidden any porn. some background, he and I have shared musical interests in the past, so I also decide to snoop in his spotify account, mainly to see if he had anything I wanted to listen to, and most of the stuff seems pretty normal—hard rock, some classic rock, some indie—but then I come across a few things that I found really disturbing.
In particular there’s this band called Cannibal Corpse. They’re apparently a “death metal” band. All of their songs seem to be about horrific violence and torture, usually directed against women and usually involving extreme sexual violence. Here are a few examples of the kind of stuff I found on his spotify, if you can stomach it Let me also say that I’m a survivor of sexual abuse, and while I’m in a great place now, I do still get
triggered sometimes by more explicit images of sexual violence. So the fact that my boyfriend apparently listens to this is really upsetting. don't know how to confront him about this cause he doesn’t actually play this around the house, or make me listen to it. I only found it because I was snooping through his spotify without his knowledge
No. 2178
>>2175I had no idea grown men listened to Cannibal Corpse, I thought that was a band only edgy high school boys cared about. Shit taste tbh.
It's hard to say anon. It could be a yellow flag, but all that matters is how he treats you on the day to day. There have been men who don't listen to misogynistic music who have still turned out to be shitheads.
I will say this: Beware of men who claim to be feminist. Often times they only admire aspects of liberal feminism because they stand to benefit. Like sex positivity because they think it means more women will want to sleep with them for doing less on their part.
No. 2189
>>2169Lmao, hit the nail on the head.
>>2162Yeah they act like all fantasies are the same and they're definitely not.
No. 2298
>>2174It seems a lot of middle aged women are insecure about their age to the extent they resent younger women, even their own daughters who might be basically younger versions of themselves they see every day, so see them as ungrateful or whatever.
>>2175The Dayton shooter sung in a band just like that. Although to be fair I would have zero idea what the lyrics are if they weren't on screen so maybe he just likes the music with little idea what the themes are beyond the edgy titles.
>>2286I went to Afghanistan for work years ago and it was like going back in time to the bronze age. Most live in mudbrick houses living off a few cattle, women are not allowed to leave the house or even speak unless their husband or father is there, universal hijab and often burqas, most people don't know their birthday or have a surname and a lot of women don't even have a name at all, they're just referred to as their fathers daughter.
No. 2325
>>2320Next time she bitches about him to you ask her two questions:
>is he even nice to you >are you happy Women like this are gaslighting themselves by staying in relationships with mean and aggressive thinking that they'll change but they never do.
Disgusting views aside, you gotta make her see how she's not really getting anything out of the relationship despite the shit she puts up with. Show her she'll get no return for her emotional investment and that ought to scare her fine if she's got any sense left. Drop the rope about feminism because 1)he's clearly not and 2)the actual issue is that he's judgmental, condescending, bigoted, and sexist and I'm sure none of that translates to "good guy" behind closed doors.
No. 2342
>>2337if ppls views are not right and are fucked then they're not nice though? their positions are what they're truly thinking and wanting, their actions are only restrained by obligation and the possibility of punishment or alienation. how they act is frankly irrelevant if they're shitbags on the inside.
he's kind of not wrong about the mall cops thing. i don't think overthrowing the (i assume US government) is doable at all. it's laughable as hell, let alone for feminists? i'm not sure why there would be some kind of feminist militia, that's weird. idek why she'd talk about this with him, that's dumb. he sounds like a bunker tard that supports cliven bundy. why would anyone choose to have sex with those men? horrible. literal self harm.
No. 2344
>>2342>why would anyone choose to have sex with those men? horrible. literal self harm.He's sorta good liking, not my type but I can see why she would be into him
>he's kind of not wrong about the mall cops thing. i don't think overthrowing the (i assume US government) is doable at all. it's laughable as hell, let alone for feminists? he says that feminists talk about wanting to start a revolution against the current world order but would literally all die if just a couple men fought back, he's a dumbass who takes everything literally
No. 2363
>>2352I can’t stop crying holy shit. The amount of times I’ve wanted to shoot my face off over scrote rejection I -
Thank god she’s alive and being so positive, good on her and her family.
No. 2368
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End scrots
No. 2379
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>>2373tbf I have some "manhating" radfems, often date men who are indifferent to feminism and thiers girlfriends activism, that doesn't make them any less radfems
No. 2387
>>2352The people calling her stupid. What assholes. That poor girl. She looks good though, I was surprised when they showed her current day vs. before surgery. Face transplants have come so far.
>>2373I used to feel like this but something broke in me, idk. I'll talk to men but but I have a 1 strike policy. First dumb thing you say I'm gone. There's SO MANY desperate scrotes out there it's not hard to find another one. I don't let them in my house or around my animals because I don't trust them, I carry mace.
Treat them like you would a dog that has a history of biting, because ALL men have a history. I honestly enjoy it now. There's something really funny about how shocked men get when you don't entertain their bullshit and can't be baited into arguments. That's literally the only 2 moves they have.
No. 2391
>>2386>wah Jews gave women the ability to overcome being my controllable broodmares and then they had the audacity to give women the power to vote on laws and rights concerning their own bodies and employment and property ownership and all that Jew shitHis mask slid real hard. I actually love it when guys reveal themselves like this on first dates because it's so much easier to break it off and block contact. As opposed to building up months and years of emotional investment. It's difficult to find out later that the guy is a pig. It's much harder to cut off someone you "love" and is so enmeshed in your life by then.
I want more men to be that arrogant and show me their true selves so our hearts don't have to be wasted and broken on them.
No. 2405
>>2399As one of those female friends who used to cry about my shitty ex, you are correct. It's better to be alone than trying to salvage shit with some douche just so I don't feel lonely.
Feeling lonely is a million times better than feeling second rate, rejected, uncared for, anxious, depressed, and lovable only out of convenience because of some ingrate scrote who I'm supposed to be in an "equal" relationship with.
Plenty of my other girlfriends are suffering behind closed doors, they're just too embarrassed to go to anyone about it until it finally spills over. One girlfriend's husband actually fights with her and gets into arguments that make her cry in front of our friend group. Whenever any of us try to interject to deescalate, the male lashes out. He's majorly insecure. But you'd never know that's what their relationship is actually like unless you were in the close friend group. On her social media she's always posting this flowery and twee version of her marriage, including reposting pictures of their expensive ass wedding from years ago.
No. 2464
>>2373This. Especially because I didn't have close friends or a loving family, I put all of the onus on having a romantic relationship and made poor decisions when I was teen.
All of the meaningless platitudes society
tells people like
>tru lurve conquers alldoesn't help either because women learn to put love on a pedestal over their other emotions saying they need to gtfo. In reality love doesn't fix everything and making the right decision is more important than your feelings for him.
No. 2465
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>>2464not too sound like a rick and morty fan but love is just chemicals in our brain, I do somewhat agree with Ayn Rands more realistic take on what love is
No. 2572
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>>2465I know she was a shit person but I do agree with her on this
No. 2793
>>2786This is why I can’t bear social media. The original tweet is like something my dad, brother or grandad would say to me without breathing a word about hurr dur muh aggressive women, why is it just this generation of men that are such fucking babies? They take no pride in their status as a male and just want to be babied like they’re fucking kids. From what threat?
The worst that would happen to a man is this; he acts like a POS in public and a woman uses the app to report him to his boss and tell his wife. Boo fuckin hoo. It’s sooooo unlikely that a woman would see a man on the street and decide to ruin his life because he’s hot, if anything they’d ruin the life of an ex or colleague, someone they already know. Only men are that autistically predatory.
No. 2800
>>2786It's really disconcerting when they either don't notice the qualifier of 'aggressive' or identify with the group. Like the OP didn't even say all men. They said aggressive men.
Do they equate that as all men in their eyes? Why do they take such great offense?
No. 2816
>>2815Exactly, they just want to use it to shut people down. Just like during campaigns against breast cancer there always are the guys going "What about prostate cancer? Where is the equality?" when they don't give a shit about prostate cancer otherwise.
Or how they love to bring up male suicide to show how oppressed men are and then call everyone soy boys and beta males.
No. 2865
>>2434i agree! i've seen a lot of anti-fwb arguments (some on lc!) and i just really don't get it. obviously a situation where a woman wants a relationship and gets tricked into being fwb by a man who can't commit is a shitty/
toxic relationship, but if a girl genuinely just wants a hookup bc she wants to get off, and she's not in danger by doing so (ie it's someone she knows and trusts), i feel like it's definitely sexist to say that it's inherently bad/"cheapening" her
No. 2919
>>2865The thing is with my current fwb relationship is that I don't know whether or not were even friends or not, like were both sorta loners and we hang out together, we watch films/tv together, we make fun of other people despite having the same flaws but were not really friends we're kinda acquaintances at best, we sometimes spend countless hours watching tv and not saying a single word to each other, plus we also have sex so its confusing
another thing is that I'm terrified that he might kill himself one day but I don't wanna appear like that I care for him cause I'm afraid he could use that take advantage of me and manipulate me so I say nothing even though I want to
No. 2929
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When rich men want to create chaos so they can steal money from the uneducated broken population this bill will create.
They need more violent men
No. 2941
>>2927What's the worst you've banted about?
The pizza sauce and ramen hack is pretty pathetic lmao. I would've laughed at him too. Like I bet he thought it was such a great discovery, sauce and noodles!
Can you picture how much a woman would get made fun of if she announced she made ramen and tomato sauce? Or worse, if she served that to her significant other and bragged about it like an accomplishment! Lol.
But I guess before I got sidetracked with my own autism, I was gonna say that this kind of banter is so inoffensive. But count on men to be too sensitive for it these days. They'll waggle your finger about what a unprogressive misandrist you are that you didn't clap and cheer when they performed a domestic task with mediocrity.
No. 2955
>>2951>"yeah he does so much around here, but so many other men don't">usual chores that any adult would be doing in the house>"so much"So, in his own mind, he still thinks he does a lot and deserves praise. He just pretends he doesn't to keep peace. How is he even implicated as part of that problem? She literally said he's doing what he's supposed to be doing. Did they have some sort of argument about her not appreciating him doing chores that he's not talking about in that post?
A woman would get torn apart on Reddit for making a post like that.
No. 2956
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>>2951>"i'm a bit upset uwu.">proceeds to post this fucking wall of text on not one BUT TWO different reddits reeeeeing about how much his wife is ungrateful to seek validation from fellow males.Haha, this is the good shit. I love men having full meltdowns and sperging about how they are not upset nonono. Poor poor things. Go cry to your mother.
No. 2958
>>2951>one of my usual chores LOL BULLSHIT! I'm betting 80% of that chore falls on his woman and it's no wonder she doesn't want her friends thinking he does all that much. This anon's got it
>>2955. His words betrayed the reality. I bet she's trying to save face even by telling her friends that the work is split 50-50, I'm sure she's just too embarrassed to admit her husband is a do-nothing who requires worship just to buy and put away groceries. That's why she went on that rant–if you can even believe it was as bad as he says.
And by the way, if he really did "so much" domestically that it swept the wife off her feet, wouldn't she just allow the compliment and recognize him?
No. 2983
>>2976Why can't lesbians be as thirsty as males, especially weeby ones.
And whats wrong with the videogame thread. With all the Animal Crossing posts they're obviously women.
No. 2985
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>>2964in Turkey the military has always been the leading force behind secularism in the country as a result of the foundations laid by Ataturk, whenever some Islamist tried talking power the military would oust him, Erdogan and his party were considered moderate and helped turkey greatly during an economic depression in the 90's, but undeer Erdogan the party shifted more and more towards Islamism and the 2014 failed coup effectively neutered the one thing that could stop him
No. 2992
>>2988You're right, they're usually straight/bi and just call themselves lesbian because it sounds "cooler" and more "misandrist" (due to the stereotype that lesbians hate men). Many straight girls think being straight is "boring" in fandom spaces so they identify as bi but then the place ends up with shitloads of bi girls so it isn't "cool" anymore. This in turn causes some straight/bi girls to call themselves lez to differentiate. It's all a way to NLOG and stand out.
I knew this "lesbian" who was clearly bi. Whenever she fantasized about having a boyfriend or having sex with men, she would just say "that's my comphet acting up!". There was also this actual lesbian but she was identifying as "asexual" because she was too ashamed of being a homosexual and wanted to be celibate. There was also this girl who was quite obviously straight but she kept calling herself a gay trans man because she loved slash fanfiction so much. A lot of women who are really into reading stories about gay men actually end up wanting to become gay men themselves for some reason.
No. 2994
>>2983>>2989Not talking about the theme of the threads in particular but about how those anons express themselves. Between the "happy (insert japanese character name) day!!!!1!1" cringe that males tend to say on other boards, the sudden use of cute emojis (and not being redtexted for it) and the obvious male gaze in some of the games posted, I feel wary (there is an anon talking about how much they "love Lollipop Chainsaw omg truly masterpiece").
I know the Animal Crossing ones are women though, I agree with you lol.
No. 3004
>>2992I kinda want to put an addendum, because back when I had internalized misogyny and was in denial about liking girls, I played a lot of male MC VNs. I liked "seducing girls" even though it was fake girl personalities for horny men. i chose girls by their looks. I eventually switched to otomes and chose the dudes by personality. wished I could have both and unlearned misogyny.
sage for I'm drunk and idk where I'm going with this.
No. 3028
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>>3026what about Blanchard?
No. 3056
>>3026The Medium article was a tranny admitting anime turned him trans. Looks like it's gone now, but there are probably archived versions of it.
No strong opinions on Blachard, but the AGP/HSTS theory seems to hold up. Autogynephilia is definitely a thing, and it's gross.
No. 3057
>>2976>>2994I created the LL thread on /m/ after seeing a few anons on /ot/ talk about how they would like a thread to talk about idols without gross scrote shit.
LL in particular has a really big female fan base, so I don't get why it's weird to think that on a website populated largely by weeb girls, there would be some interested in talking about idols.
No. 3069
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……..with shit like pic related is it any wonder why and how scrotes think they deserve models?
This guy is a 3/10 if he shaved his chin wig yet he's getting rates like he's average and on the same league as the woman on the left. And look how people fucking nitpick her to death.
No. 3076
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I guess men can still get banned for being men. Make up your mind.
No. 3128
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Ughhh! Just encountered an annoying male fitness trainer while I was inquiring about a gym that I was thinking of joining a few days ago. He started of pretty friendly and gave me a tour of the gym facilities they provide. He then asked questions that I think were unnecessary to ask such as whether I'm single, where I live, do I live alone. I thought nothing of it at first and thought it was part of his sales pitch or something. He then asked how old I was, and I told him I'm 30, he quickly changed his demeanor, becoming less friendly. Maybe he thought I was younger or something and acted super friendly before he knew how old I was.
I just ignored his change of demeanor and continued listening to his sales pitch. Later he asked me whether I could do a short survey and I agreed. There was one question in the survey asking why I'm interested in joining a gym. So I told him it was for health purpose. He stared at me and said are you sure it's just for health purposes? And I said yes, I want to be healthy. He keeps saying is that the only reason? At this point I was puzzled as to why he kept on asking me whether my answer was only for health reasons. I confirmed again yes, I want to join a gym for health purposes and get toned. Then he relented and said something along the lines of "Oh mostly women only go to the gym for beauty purposes and to lose weight!" I was definitely pissed off at this guy at this point. Then he made me even more angry when he said "Oh I get it, since you're single and live alone you need to take care of your health because you have no one around to take care of you."
Needless to say, I decided not to sign up with that particular gym. He was pretty pissed off too when I decided not to sign up for the gym membership after giving a 30 minute sales pitch. Fuck you! I'm not gonna sign up at your stupid gym you stupid ass.
Why do men automatically think that women only go to the gym for beauty and to lose weight? If men go to the gym people automatically think that they go to the gym for health reasons. Men think women only want to be beautiful for them. It's like we exist just to be young and beautiful for them. Ughhh!
I hope I can find a better gym to sign up to. Preferably a woman only gym. Gosh! I hope there's a woman only gym around my area, if not, I have to continue exercising at home.
No. 3163
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>girlfriend wants nice and exciting sex
>Boyfriend would rather drain his bank account for other women he can't touch, smell, taste or even interact with most of the time
Imagine paying to look at cars all day and turn down when someone offers you to drive it for free. How do you manage to reach this point of stupidity?
No. 3172
>>3163At this point, that sub is a giant meme where you just fake the lost ridiculous scenerio for up votes. How can you type that unironically and still think "what do I do!"
That first reply is everything
>>3166Seconding that
No. 3216
File: 1580027358672.png (169.95 KB, 708x536, LFEJF?83TFEF1124434.png) this read as an incredibly sad experience to anyone else?
This woman wanted to fulfill her husband's fantasy of having an FFM threesome, particularly of seeing girl on girl action while she's absolutely not into women. She spend the whole post explaining how she wasn't aroused, but wasn't disgusted either and try to frame what seems to be a really upsetting experience as a positive one (She says she absolutely isn't into women but wanted to perform with the sex worker to give her husband a "visual treat", yikes)… Oh and she had a "sub drop" the next day, which I think everyone knows is just a trauma response but everything is fine you guys!!
No. 3235
>>3233The "It's fine" pickme's of the world know no bounds. I haven't read it all yet but it seems real so far.
Bad times when a man describes his sexual experience with another woman (and you) as his best sexual experience of his life. If it's real she will find it becomes a regular event, or they'll split up.
No. 3236
>>3235I've got to
>two decades of marriageSo this is people in their 40s, incidentally the usual time for people to get divorced and or start asking for "more" in the bedroom. She spent 2k on this and missed out on a family holiday for it. Tragic.
No. 3325
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laughing my fucking ass all the way off at all these disgusting neckbeards having literal mental breakdowns because famous basketball man is dead
like imagine them ever caring this much about literally anything fucking else lol. trick question, you can’t bc they don’t
No. 3332
>>3128Gym scrots are just incels that put more work into their appearance than your average incel. I hope you reported him like
>>3166 anon said.
No. 3335
>>3325Leave it to scrotes to mourn a rapist lmao and notice how none of them even mention that his daughter who was 13 died in the crash too? When i heard the news I felt more for the little girl than the rapist that ran free thanks to his batshit crazy fans that threatened the
victim if she said anything that could “end his career”
No. 3366
>>14Is this honestly real?
Like, I don't get out much, but how in the hell would men feel that way and say "I'm depressed"
No. 3640
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Hardly a day goes by where I don’t ask my self “what the fuck is wrong with men?!?!”
Acquaintance of my shared this fb story.
Why does it seem like men’s humor revolves around 50% sexual humiliation 50% violence? It’s almost like they can’t be happy unless someone else is being hurt in some way.
No. 3675
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This pissed me off so much
No. 3682
mgtows sub on reddit got quarantined after a member was planning a terrorist attack. Now they're crying. Amazing.
>>3640Alot of men who join the military are gay but believe that being manly and fucking strippers/sex workers that work near their bases with "fix" it
>>3675why are pro life men
like this No. 3683
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>>3675>has sex with a woman and cums inside of her and is surprised about pregnancyHe already made his decision the moment he did that.
No. 3708
>>3692Sperging ahead but very good post. You put in words something that has wandered my mind for years after I realized how much men fucking hate each other. Holy shit because they do fucking hate each other, they feel ridiculously threatened by other men who hold different values and behaviors than the ones they've learnt to the point they get phisically violent. I've seen irl more cattiness and backstabbing and overall toxicity from males as a whole than from most girls I've met unless they were specially crazy sorts and male identified. I swear some of them would literally kill to be surrounded by women and not just in the sexual sense because being surrounded by dudes makes them feel like losers or something, look at some internet shitholes. Male company makes them so ridiculously miserable is hilarious. They pretty much drown deep down in each other's shit to the point they lose complete wrasp of reality.
There was something that clicked in my mind when I realized this after all the propaganda we are force-feed in the media about guys being bros and women hoes who hate each other and that we will fuck over each other at every chance we've got… The way they project ALL their fucking bullshit on us and wish we behaved like they do is surreal. The male perception of the world is a complete made up fantasy that is created in his mind, and most of what we're told about relationships and human interaction while we grow up it's a projection of that. Again, sage for sperging.