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No. 6961
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came across this today and it really angered me.
>women used to lead in computer science >until 1984, our representation in the field dropped dramatically >gender stereotypes, especially through toys and marketing, were beginning to have far-reaching consequences>the first personal computers weren't much more than toys and they were marketed almost exclusively to boys and men.>geek culture emerged during the 80s and TV shows, movies, and video games all reaffirmed that computers were the domain of boys>women left computer science programs in droves because they felt left out, discouraged and unsupportedthere is a 15-minute long NPR podcast episode on this: No. 7053
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No. 7204
>>7135Yeah. That's a race issue before a women's issue.
>>7139Oppression due to race is social. Oppression due to sex is universal. Women's liberation will achieve racial equality. Racial equality will not achieve women's liberation, this has been demonstrated.
No. 7310
>>7135>>7139How is it putting white women first to want to focus on issues that affect people based on their sex and not their race? The worst offenses against us predominantly affect women of color - child brides, fgm, honor killings, surrogacy, sex trafficking, etc. Helping women in general helps women of color because they suffer the most.
Nonnie is right, intersectionality in theory is great, but in practice just leads to a clusterfuck where everyone wastes all of their energy arguing over who is more oppressed and who gets to speak and on and fucking on. It's a pipebomb that completely disrupts any meaningful discussion and leads nowhere. Each axis of oppression is important enough to deserve it's own movement where they can really focus and get shit done instead of everyone using feminism as a dumping ground for every problem on the fucking planet except for issues relating to women's rights.
No. 9421
Met a radfem and we mutually want to become closer. We have so many specific aspects of our backgrounds in common.
I'm scared that in the case of a future falling out, though, she'll out me as a terf as revenge. I know this mindset comes from years of tiptoeing through toxic wokeoid culture online. But a lot of us in the RF community come from that, and I still see a lot of the old habits going strong.
Additionally, I know from having been very mentally unwell in the past and knowing mentally unwell people that you can do things out of character in the heat of the moment to hurt the other person.
As far as I know, she is reasonable and stable, and I'd really like to become close.
Should I just go for it and foster a friendship? Would you, personally, ever do this to a fellow radfem?
As an aside question… for those of you who have made radfem friends online, would you ever meet them in person? When you have radfem friends in a society where transphobia is extremely taboo, are you open about it? Or do you keep it between yourselves?
I've been a radfem for ages now, but the social aspect of these values that have to be kept under wraps still confuses me.
No. 9422
>>9421I don’t think I’d meet up with one from online, idk I feel like so much could go wrong.
But I feel you on being scared of being outed as a
terf by other radfems. I can’t even be honest with people who I know agree with me sometimes because there’s so much vitriol against radical feminism right now. I can finally be bonding with another woman on this topic and feel comraderie and then be scared regardless.
However I like to think, I wouldn’t put somebody as a
terf to ruin them. So there’s at least some people out there who wouldn’t either.
No. 9423
>>9421Another thing these online "radfems" do is take screenshots of your personal conversations and share them with their followers to laugh at you. And then they have the nerve to talk about "female solidarity" and how important female friendships are.
So be careful with her and don't share any sensitive information. She might even try to dox you if you do something she doesn't like.
No. 13359
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I was listening to a radfem podcast recently and one of the lines really stood out to me. It was something like "Saying women's bodies aren't inherently mystical is one of the primary ways female oppression is enforced". I have to admit, something about spiritual radfems makes me feel a bit embarrassed. I get that male-dominated science has been used to oppress women for centuries, but countering that doesn't mean we have to embrace mystical mumbo-jumbo. Men and Women are not inherently special, and we don't have to resort to evo-psych essentialism either. There has to be a more rational option.
No. 13371
>>13364Idk, what is beautiful to you that isn't at all artificial?
I don't find birth at all beautiful but it's such a profound process for nature itself that I understand why some people think it's beautiful or at least captivating.
No. 13377
>>13367nta, We can admit that men made stuff up, but that doesn't mean we have to embrace goddess spirit worship. Just because it was practiced by women who also believed the earth was center to the galaxy and stars were spiritual beings in the sky.
>>13375This is why spiritual radfems often end up embracing reactionary ideologies. It's kinda worrying that they aren't aware of the reactionary ideas they're pushing.
No. 13409
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>>13396>>13388A Soviet writer Lev Gumilev, argued that very few people can truly be atheists. He suggested that human beings fundamentally need spirituality, and asserts that soulless communist sects of Marx and Trotsky could never succeed; Gumilev believed that communism needed a sense of "Divine" to survive.
This applies to feminism too. Feminism cannot rely on theory alone; It requires a spiritual and divine inspiration to advance and progress
No. 13425
>>13423No no no, don’t backtrack, you just said
>without divinity to justify our existence we have no right to existunpack that
No. 13435
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I was watching an episode of a tv show from 2018 and a group of women were rallying together over something. they called this "pussy power". and it made me think about how commonplace the symbol of the vagina used to be in feminist circles or even just among women empowering themselves/each other and now has been completely removed. it's now only brought up in sexual contexts.
even when i google "pussy power" or "pussyhat feminism" (which i know was kind of cringe libfem shit but still) I can only find articles pre-2018 and things like picrel which call it offensive to trans people. and, of course, porn.
it makes me sad that we're losing this connection between feminism and our bodies. kind of jumping off what nonas are discussing above, but the vagina literally and symbolically is the source for life. and for it to become just resigned to just something "birthing people" have is bleak af.
No. 13438
>>13426so living concretely in reality is "living in this world from a detached perspective", but obscuring it with mumbo jumbo cope is not? Sounds like you got it flipped. Also the way you talk is like some sort of schizo cult leader
>it's not "sufficient" to live normally>without divinity we have no "right" to existlike what the fuck are you even on about? Who is dictating what life is
"sufficient" and who has the
"right to exist"? you? your god? shut the fuck up.
I'm not even the anon who started this convo but holy shit this is why everyone thinks you ~womanly divinity~ types are creepy as hell. Women who talk like this strike me as ex-christians/jews/muslims who literally can't imagine how it's possible to live happily secularly and shit on everyone else for doing so, just like they would have when they were in their original faith.
No. 13460
>>13459>fighting for change is pointless according to secular beliefs.…what? wanting women to live happier lives free from male abuse and control requires no religious beliefs. You legit sound either highly religiously brainwashed or schizo, or both.
>I'm not saying you don't have the right to exist.You can try to backtrack if you want but we all can clearly see what you said earlier in
>>13420>Cause [unless you have religion] what makes you unique or different from others?Why does one have to be special and unique from others? This, and your statements about "having no right to exist" sounds like you have a deep self-worth issue that you are dealing with using religion.
No. 13501
>>13494This has to be bait, like everything you’ve said is omega levels of retardation. I could easily imagine some moid chuckling to himself as he types this crap, anxiously waiting to see how he’s
triggered the godless feminists
No. 13502
>>13501>>13495I don't believe you fully understand that I don't subscribe to any established religion - I identify as spiritually inclined. What I mean by that is that I recognize and honor the existence of a higher power, but I don't adhere to any dogmatic beliefs or practices. In fact, I strongly believe that most people at their core possess a spiritual inclination, although they may not consciously acknowledge it or give it a label.
Almost everyone is spiritual and religious deep down. It's not always recognized or acknowledged, but it's there, guiding us and giving us strength when we need it most. The will to connect with something greater, that pure and perfect force that resides within us.
No. 13534
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>>13533nta but terri strange is one clear example, you can literally see her tard progression in real time
No. 13567
>>13534holy shit. yeah, this is a great example of that.
there are definite pipelines in place when you're already attuned to mystical thinking. for example many women who are into yoga and wellness become puritans and get into anti vax stuff which leads them down a right wing pipeline into tradwifery. often going from a hippie liberal to conservative housewife.
>>13359>"Saying women's bodies aren't inherently mystical is one of the primary ways female oppression is enforced"I have to say that for me the "inherently mystical" thing is one way I see women being turned into signifiers, rather than being seen as real thinking, moral humans. and it's no coincidence that a lot of TIMs are into mystical shit too. they literally think they can possess a female spirit and it's just a mistake their bodies are male.
but like some other nonas have said, another way to interpret it is that our bodies are literally life-giving and that should be respected in some way. i just think the mystification of it achieves the opposite.
No. 13568
>>13534>>13567How does this one example prove anything? Even if Terri has become more religious, that doesn't necessarily mean she isn't still mostly progressive.
>>13547The misogyny is coming from inside the house
No. 13570
>>13426>>13438(Not going to quote every comment)
I feel as though this argument is born out of the tension between nihilism/absurdism and existentialism than of feminism. Many religious and spiritual people are tended toward existentialist thought. It's okay to feel one way or the other, because at the end of the day we (as humans) are incapable of understanding the true meaning of life, except that to which we ascribe it. We shouldn't start insulting others because they are spiritual or skeptical—there is nothing valuable to be gained out of hostility, especially with regards to radical feminism.
>>13568Much agreed to both points.
No. 13604
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I think all the woo woo is bad optics
No. 13612
>>13604this articulates something i've been wanting to put into words. thanks for sharing!
>>13607I don't think it's embarrassing. and i think most nonas in those threads would realise those things are not based on "fact" but still find some meaning in the process, which there is nothing wrong with. i just hate the association of women's wisdom = mystical and irrational.
it's only in very recent history we have even been considered moral beings in our own right and finally been part of the discourse but stereotypes still remain that we are incapable of logic and reasoning. when it comes to speaking about our bodies and our material reality, the last thing i want is to mystify it or give anyone an excuse to dismiss us.
No. 13615
>>13612What kind of meaning?
Also I've heard women say things like "I don't believe in astrology but it's just for fun" but I think they were lying.
No. 13619
>>13604The most based take I've seen in a long while. Witchcraft bullshit has been plaguing a ton of RF spaces because of this retarded ass "female wisdom is whimsical and mysterious" belief, and while women being into stone healing and other ridiculous alternative medicine garbage is 50% about medical science ignoring female problems the other 50% is caused by this shit. Horoscopes and spells and such as a fun LARP or as a way to do philosophical soul searching and such is okay, but when you're acting like a rational scientific approach is "misogynist" and "too masculine" you're doing a massive disservice to all women everywhere.
>>13567>it's no coincidence that a lot of TIMs are into mystical shit too. they literally think they can possess a female spirit and it's just a mistake their bodies are male. This. Full on agreed.
No. 13657
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sorry if this is too ot but idk what other thread to put this in. what do yall think of jennifer's body? i'm supposed to write a paper about it and i constantly hear how it's empowering subversive feminist queer etc but it just… didn't feel that way to me at all.
No. 13659
>>13658I'm generally pretty honest about radfem shit in my classes. it makes moids and handmaidens upset but it's worth it when so many other women tell me I said what they were already thinking.
iirc the climax of the movie involves megan fox and amanda seyfreid making out even though amanda's character has a boyfriend. libfem shit indeed
No. 13662
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>>13658>>13657I have a similar sentiment towards Megan Fox in that she embodies internalized misogyny, and her stans refuse to see it. She was objectified for most of her life and then ignored when she got older. Instead of learning from this experience, she went in the opposite direction and embraced the bimbo archetype. not to mention her cringey attempts at being bisexual, And let's not even get started on what she's doing with her sons(basically grooming them since they were toddlers to troon out, and successfully groomed her firstborn to potentially troon out at least)
No. 13663
>>13659That's great, anon! I'm very vocal about this too and I love when I encounter women who are open about this.
>iirc the climax of the movie involves megan fox and amanda seyfreid making out even though amanda's character has a boyfriend. libfem shit indeedReally? I'm actually not surprised, from the trailer the camera seemed to eyefuck Fox as much as in Transformers.
>>13662I completely agree with you on this. It's sad to see what female celebrities will do in order to stay relevant in such a predatory male-dominated industry. Of course she is/was celebrated as a feminist icon at some point, how ridiculous.
No. 13721
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this is from the comment section of contrapoint's latest 2-hour-long whine about JK rowling.
other than stupidity, what do you think the confusion is here for some women? do they really think we're saying that only women with wombs matter? I'm also a woman with endometriosis who has no desire to ever have children (never wanted to and am now in my mid 30s, unlikely to ever change my mind) but that's all the more reason for me to be able to speak about womanhood in relation to my biology. only women can get endometriosis, hysterectomies and anything else that makes them unable to get pregnant. only women can choose NOT to get pregnant (and be judged for it) and there are some places in the world where despite my choice, i might still get raped and have to birth that child. no matter how many of my reproductive organs cease to function or are removed, I will always be a woman and have lived my life experiencing things only a woman can experience, even if I try to pretend I'm not a woman. I have will always have something in common with every TIF, but have nothing in common with TIMs that is related to being a woman (nope, not even the stereotypes of liking makeup and shoes).
I'm guessing this is a result of libfems only seeing what TRAs paint radical + material feminists out to be? that we're all somehow right wing conservative tradwives who think women are baby making machines wtaf? we're not the ones calling women "birthing people". we're not the ones trying to remove the language and community that helped us fight for the rights we have now. I cannot tell if they are deliberately conflating right wing gender traditionalists with gender critical feminists or if the propaganda has really been so effective that women think feminists = nazi.
I'm not even talking about handmaidens here (although these 2 examples may be), but just ordinary women getting hold of the wrong end of the stick. they see radfems talking about female reproductive organs and assume that means we think only women with healthy/functioning/present reproductive system count. It's frustrating.
No. 13804
>>13773I didn't understand why so many TRAs brought this up because it sounded like a blatant lie to me, but later I came across a lot of "gendercrits" working under the radfem label who were gender essentialists hyperfocused on reproduction functionalities, like treating giving birth and breastfeeding as the definite peak female experience. Whenever radfem communities or activists are courting right wingers for "support" because of some "muh fertile mystical lifegiver goddess mommy, zipper tits are degenerate failed women" ideal it's just underlining the fact for any outsider. I know many, many feminist women who actually agree like 99% of all radfem ideas but because of the tranny question and the association with conservative groups they think it's
all about hounding troons and don't want to support them, and who can really blame them? That's like 90% of the discussion found in mainstream surface RF/GC-associated sites like ovarit that people come across, and even there it's bullshit like "all trans people are pedo rapists just like all gay people", not even regarding TIMs but TIFs too. How would one think a woman who only knows the nice, meek HSTSs and the cool lesbian trans men react to that? Especially when the only ounce of sympathy for TIFs is that exact kind of "poor misguided girls who will never breastfeed her baby" horse shit.
It's frustrating beyond comprehension, and anons here need to also understand how the movement is being observed by outsiders if they ever wish to reason with the people who only see them as evil conservative bootlickers obsessed with trannies. My local RF (which is now almost synonymous with "gendercrit") community keeps indiscriminately grabbing bigoted rumors and obvious lies and spreading them just to damage TRAs, only to fall flat on their faces in embarrassment because anyone with a half functioning brain can see that it's not true or is easily proven to be based on a bogus statistic. I'm sorry for sperging about this but I hate that so many amazing ideals that changed my life forever get buried under all this trans sperging.
No. 13813
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>>13804I'd argue the opposite, stripping feminism of pretentious academic jargon and neo-liberalism and putting it in the hands of regular women is what will push feminism forward. The collective will of regular working women is better then the recycled farts of bored academics.
No. 13825
>>13821I never said that feminism isn't needed, it very much still is. What I said is that feminists are too fragmented and detached from reality to have any major impact on politics. Women are 50% of the population yet we can't organise into a unified group to protect ourselves. In the west women are seeing their rights eroded and in most of the world women still don't have rights at all. It's bleak.
>>13822>Social conservatism and feminism are inherently incompatible and considering the primary function of women to be broodmares is literal medieval thinkingEmmeline Pankhurst founded the Women's Social and Political Union in 1903. After over 100 years in existence can feminism be classed as a western tradition? Social conservatism is the preservation of existing morals and traditions.
>What the hell is up with the late "ackshually being conservative is beneficial to feminism"The left is failing women so women are looking elsewhere for answers.
>I sure hope none of the "feminists" obsessed with child bearing aren't hypocritically getting their panties in a bunch when TRAs call women menstruators or birthers.Referring to a woman by her biological functions and not as an individual is dehumanizing no matter who is saying it. The lack of empathy for other women displayed in this board is something else.
No. 13831
>>13824>Ultimately, it is up to us as individuals and the masses to define and assign meaning to these principles based on our values, experiences, and understanding of the world around us.That's not how terminology works, you can't just redefine ideologies to your liking. You can't say you're a social conservative, but "accept values considered socially progressive" (such as gay rights, female autonomy, abolishment of gender roles etc.) because that's an oxymoron.
>>13825>Women are 50% of the population yet we can't organise into a unified group to protect ourselves.Really? Did all the progression with female rights come out of nowhere? Were they gracefully admitted to us by the scrotes holding power with no advocation from feminist groups? Get your head out of the gossip forum libfem vs radfem discourse and you'll see that there are large international feminist groups looking out for women globally.
>Social conservatism is the preservation of existing morals and traditions.Uh-huh, social conservatives were the ones denying women the right to vote and to own their own property, and in 2023 they're the ones who want to ban abortion and birth control because all these bitches are taking their jobs and university positions instead of staying home like they should.
>The left is failing women so women are looking elsewhere for answers. Radical feminism is inherently a leftist ideology based on marxism, its other name is literally "marxist feminism". What are you doing in this thread that's literally called "Radfem general"? And if you're so retarded you're lured in by promises of protection by a bunch of rich scrotes who assure you they'll protect you only after they'll get rid of all the trannies and brown people then you'll be in for a big, unpleasant surprise.
>Referring to a woman by her biological functions and not as an individual is dehumanizing no matter who is saying it. That's the point, genius. You can't start going on about how womanhood is all about the ability to become pregnant and then act all hurt when the other side does it.
No. 13836
>>13831Okay let's take the most conventional examples of right and left wing, Fascist Italy and the Yugoslavia, both had strikingly similar women's policies with regards to education, work and treatment of gays
tell me what what made one part of the "left" and the other "right"
No. 13842
>>13831Womanhood is about the ability to become pregnant. Women are treated differently from men because we're the sex that can get pregnant. It's why we're oppressed and why we're so often seen as resources first and people second. Pregnancy is at the root of all the shit that women face as a class, including the poor treatment of infertile and childfree women who are seen as physical and moral failures respectively because they didn't do their job and get pregnant.
When feminists point this out, they're not saying that women should be walking baby factories, they're saying that millennia of us being seen this way has shaped our roles in society and we need to band together and acknowledge it so we can undo it.
No. 13843
>>13830>kek and you think you’re going to find them with conservatives?Obviously not. I never said I condoned it, I pointed out what is happening and why.
>>13831>Really? Did all the progression with female rights come out of nowhere?Read the reply chain.
>you'll see that there are large international feminist groups looking out for women globallyAnd what are they actually achieving? I help run a small women's volunteer group, while we can do positive things for women locally, we are unable to do anything on a national or international scale. We have no power to change anything. All we are able to do is react to what has happened to women instead of being able to pressure politicians to enact laws that prevent women from being harmed in the first place.
>Radical feminism is inherently a leftist ideology based on marxism, its other name is literally "marxist feminism". What are you doing in this thread that's literally called "Radfem general"?I never said that I agreed with women looking to the right, it's what is happening. An increasing number of women are becoming tardthots and tradwives because their exposure to feminism is liberal feminism that does not address their concerns and dismisses them as being "right wing". Outside of online spaces radfems have very little presence and some women aren't even aware that there is an alternative to liberal feminism. The right embraces them and does not attempt to censor them. The right will never do anything for them but they are at least prepared to give them a platform. Many women have concerns about troons, sex work and the sexualisation of young girls. Speaking out against any of this is often enough to get a woman labeled as a conservative by libfems. The reality is that these women would be more aligned with radical feminism than the right.
>You can't start going on about how womanhood is all about the ability to become pregnant and then act all hurt when the other side does it.I never defined a woman as being purely her biological function. I simply said that doing so is wrong no matter who is doing it.
No. 13849
>>13842>When feminists point this out, they're not saying that women should be walking baby factoriesThat's the issue here, tradfags sneaking in with regressive values when they're implying that the highest achievement a woman should aim for is to birth kids because "that's what our bodies are made for" and especially fresh radfems agree with it simply because they're too blinded by their hatred for tranny nonsense and are aching for someone to say that women have wombs and vaginas. There's a stark difference in saying "women can give birth" and "women should give birth".
>>13843>And what are they actually achieving?Read the news for once. Or better yet, google it. I'll get you started with the first result.
>I never said that I agreed with women looking to the right, it's what is happening. An increasing number of women are becoming tardthots and tradwives because their exposure to feminism is liberal feminism that does not address their concerns and dismisses them as being "right wing".And an increasing number of women think gendercrit ideologies are full of middle class tradmommies having their gay panic moment because they're openly associating with conservative movements, sperg about "the left" not caring about women and sing the praises of openly misogynist conservative players for "giving them a platform". You don't get to complain about the masses of women gravitating towards 4th wave feminism and thinking you're not speaking for them or accusing you of being right wing if you think siding with the people who want to ban abortion or loosen sexual harassment laws is a reasonable. As a feminist I will always defend even the most conservative woman's reproductive rights and the right to her bodily autonomy and will help her when her husband beats her up, but she wouldn't do the same for me. Trying to make feminism more palatable for people like them is useless since it would mean giving up the core values of what female solidarity is.
>Many women have concerns about troons, sex work and the sexualisation of young girls.Sorry to tell you but right wingers are filled with rapists, pedophiles and their enablers and defenders too but I guess because they're not trannies it's okay. As for sex work? I can say with confidence that they will utilize prostitutes just the same, only call them morally devoid whores while doing so.
>Speaking out against any of this is often enough to get a woman labeled as a conservative by libfems. No, saying bonkers shit like "the right embraces us and gives us a platform!!!" is what gets you branded a conservative. They don't "give us a platform", they weaponize cherrypicked gender critical views from us to throw it back in the faces of feminists everywhere regardless of their perspective.
No. 13851
>>13850>pseudo-intellectual academic jargonmakes me think of this. someone posted it to ccc
>Anatomical difference (which is devoid of meaning) is transformed into a relevant social distinction for social practice. Social practice, and social practice alone, transforms a physical fact (which is devoid of meaning, like all physical facts) into a category of thought.>And this is one of the very problems: the line between shared experiences based on "sex" and shared experiences based on the social meaning of sex (period stigma, for example) is virtually nonexistent, because experiences are always going to have a social dimension. And it's fine…>…and in fact important to talk about the social meaning attached to sex, but you also need to be aware of the fact that all our ideas about sex are ultimately gendered or you're gonna end up naturalizing something that is social… and getting WAY too fixated on ontologyno wonder they are the way they are if this how their minds work. all this useless, frilly, wordy bullshit to say absolutely nothing
No. 13854
>>13849>Read the news for onceThere's two actual victories in this. Protesting without achieving anything is not a victory, celebrating anything "feminist" happening at the UN is an oxymoron because the UN openly advocates for sex with minors and holding up Greta Thunberg as an example of feminism is retarded because she is nothing but a meme.
>sperg about "the left" not caring about women and sing the praises of openly misogynist conservative players for "giving them a platform".I am not right wing, I am making an observation. Critique is not an attack, it's necessary to improve and progress any movement. Like it or not the current left has embraced censorship. Criticism of transgenderism being a perfect example. Anyone who questions that trans agenda is not given a platform on mainstream leftist media, while TERFs are appearing on Tucker Carlson.
>You don't get to complain about the masses of women gravitating towards 4th wave feminismWhere am I complaining about women being drawn towards feminism? My complaint is that women aren't being drawn towards feminism and are instead being taken advantage of by the right.
>sing the praises of openly misogynist conservative playersI have done no such thing, I'm making an observation of what is happening and lamenting that it is happening.
>Trying to make feminism more palatable for people like them is useless since it would mean giving up the core values of what female solidarity is.Excluding women is not female solidarity
>Sorry to tell you but right wingers are filled with rapists, pedophiles and their enablers and defenders tooTrue but the difference is that the right claims to be against it while the left openly advocates for it. Normal women that aren't invested in feminist spaces are not aware of what is really happening and take the media at face value. The media actively covers up the illegal activities of politicians on both the left and the right.
>No, saying bonkers shit like "the right embraces us and gives us a platform!!!"But that's what's happening and it's an intentional tactic of the right.
>what gets you branded a conservativeAnd that's the problem. I'm not right wing and I have made no right wing statements or condoned the right, yet I'm a conservative for making observations. If women keep being told that they are conservative, they will eventually believe it. Censorship is cancer because it does not change views and opinions, it solidifies them and alienates people. Falsehoods should be refuted and the truth should be acknowledged.
>They don't "give us a platform", they weaponize cherrypicked gender critical views from us to throw it back in the faces of feminists everywhereExactly and it's working.
No. 13866
>>13819they can either choose to recruit numbers of girls/women or they can choose to remain insular and purity spiral among themselves.
the fact remains that males are beyond dangerous so they are best avoided but when the person telling you this is also slinging around "come brain" alongside of other demeaning sentiments and/or mocking mistreated women the recipient is going to turn away from banding with other females.
No. 13869
>>13854the person that was replying to you was boxing at shadows. immediately assuming the worst out of your words and assuming things about you that she had no basis to assume.
the trouble with communicating with other women about feminism is often they are talking when their flight/fight/freeze/fawn switch is set to ON.
No. 13870
>>13868that's your response? the reality is internet interactions have become real life, to phrase it in clunky but accurate wording. your reaction to what I am talking about is not going to land with the majority of women.
when women wake up to how misogyny underpins the basic fabric of all human civilization(s) it is like waking up into a nightmare instead of out of one and the nightmare doesn't end. it is very possible to take a long, long time to begin to understand the nature of how deep misogyny goes. that's the point of it. they do not want women to ever understand the full situation and that is why it can take an eternity to wake up.
so when you have a woman that's woken up and she is met with the purity spiraling behavior online (because, now there is nearly nowhere in the physical world to discuss actual feminism or else one runs the risk of enraging the trans mob) and intense contempt what do you think she is going to do? of course, you do not have to give a fuck about that. that's easy to do and many do just that. sure, it is a vent or can be a venting session but it is venting about how much hatred they have for their fellow women.
again, they can either recruit for numbers (meaning, to not tear down other women that are NOT actively harming girls and women) or they can keep their secret cool club mentality. if someone/a group self-identifies as feminist but acts like they cannot stand their own sex women are going to not be interested.
No. 13879
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>>13870Seriously, this whole 'radfem enlightenment' thing is so sad, you act like you're better than everyone else just because you read some books by old, boring intellectuals. It's like those LA comedians who call regular people 'civilians' - so cringe. Let's be real, janitor has probably done more for women than any of those radfem intellectuals ever have. So, chill out and don't take it so seriously.
No. 13888
>>13879in my post here:
>>13870I was speaking against being incredibly insular and fixated on being ideologically pure to the point of hating other women that are not actively harming girls/women.
No. 14116
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Who is she talking about?
No. 14139
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>>13359>>13567I find spiritual rafems to be kind of weird because they seem to switch back and forth between sounding like conservative tardwives and actual feminists all within a few seconds, I was just listening to this radfem radio show/podcast(WLRN Episode 83) and one of the things that really stood out was how one of guests invited switched between sounding like an extreme tardwife and radfem within within seconds and it was pretty wild. Here are some interesting things she said.
>calls her womb space her spiritual place >Some Freudian explanation men are misogynists cause they can't accept they came from women, which would we be admitting inferiority>admitting she washes her plants with her own period blood I cut her part in the show, you can check it yourself No. 14529
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Don't know if this belongs here since there isn't a new radfem cows I don't know where else to post, is currently undergoing major changes. the user base consisted mostly of women aged 30-40 who were mostly regular liberals, with some leaning towards conservatism. However, in the past year or so, the platform has seen a demographic shift with more Twitter radfems joining. Even some of the older feminist users are struggling with the Twitter radfems fetishization of revolution and the new slang being used. Additionally, there has been an increase in unironic fujos
No. 14545
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This is so repulsive. I'm tired of my radfem mutuals sharing babylonbee just because they shit on troons
No. 14547
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>>14532Western "intellectuals" should not be taken seriously. Anyone calling for a violent left wing revolution or a civil war in the US, needs to get off the internet and spend more time outside in reality. This map breaks down why.
No. 14551
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>>14547Republicans derive most of their support from rural area voters. However, few people live in rural areas compared to cities. The vast majority of people in the United States live in urban areas.
Population density must be taken into account when looking at election results. A map of precincts won by a particular party is not the same as a map of the popular vote.
No. 14555
>>14547A lefty revolution would fail, but not because of that map. Most of the red are states that are essentially shitholes with a population of hay. NYC alone has more people living in it than some of those states.
nonnie here
>>14553 makes a better point. A sizable chunk of lefties today are twitter-revolutionaries who can't even ask for extra ketchup at McDonalds without their heartbeat racing.
No. 14557
>>14551AYRT. You're missing the point. In a civil war the blue cities would quickly be surrounded and besieged. The rural areas are where food is produced and where utilities such as power plants and reservoirs are located. The right would be able to completely cut off urban areas from power and water, as well as block food from being brought in. If anything higher population density cities would suffer more in such a scenario as law and order would quickly break down and without basic hygiene supplies disease would also be serious risk.
>>14555>A lefty revolution would fail, but not because of that map.The areas that are controlled by the right would be the deciding factor in a civil war because it enables them to surround and lay siege to cities, control movement of resources and control utilities.
No. 15108
Sorry if this doesn't go here, but I kinda need to vent right now.
The past 4 years left-wing political parties have been doing a bunch of shit in my country, like creating "trans laws", laws to change how justice will deal with domestic abuse and rapes, etc. Feminists were not happy with all these laws, especially radfems, and that's understandable. Most of them felt betrayed.
And today my country held local elections. The conservative parties won and the left-wing political parties lost a bunch of votes.
I know what happened is 100% the fault of left-wing supporters. I hate how we keep creating small political parties nobody gives a shit about, just because left-wing people can't bother to reach agreements between themselves. No. We need a political party for each one of us. Right.
Then you look at right-wing parties and there's like… two of them? And right-wing people vote them always, all their life. They don't go around making small political right-wing parties that catter to their very specific needs.
I go to Twitter and all I see is radfems laughing at how the well known/bigger left-wing parties are not getting enough support. Bitch, wtf? I know those left-wing politicians are pro-trans, but wtf? I very much prefer living in a country that is pro-trans, but where at least abortion is legal and homosexuality is not a sin. We even have a far right-wing party that is starting to get more and more support each year. And you are laughing? Stop laughing, this is no joke. These women are so naïve is insane. If you read their recent tweets about the elections you would mistake them for far right-wing supporters, because they are using the same fucking vocabulary and insults. Fuck off. You don't have the right to call yourself a radfem. You keep throwing shit at your own roof.
I sometimes get depressed when I look at the political state of my country. I hate how we have a far right political party that is getting more supporters. I hate it so much. But what I hate the most is how feminists can't fucking agree to do something together and fight all the conservative shit in this fucking country. It's not difficult at all, ffs.
>inb4 i'm right-wing and radfem!1!1!!!
this is not about you, retard. also, i don't fucking care.
No. 15113
>>15108nonnie are u also from Spain? I think also what happened is that Podemos is such an embarrassment to politics and a lot of people started to realize this after the new trans laws and the Solo si es si (I think they dissappeared from Madrid, Valencia and Bcln afaik)
And honestly as much as I hate the conservative parties here I hate the way that podemos dealt with any criticism and how they thought they could just get away with everything. Im not sad to see them go after seeing how they cape so hard for the trans movement (SPECIALLY trans women, since you never heard them mention trans men, I wonder why kek)
No. 15114
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nonnie I'm from Spain!! (I guess I should keep talking in English, I didn't post this in the Feminismo Hispano thread because it didn't had much traffic and I think the two or three nonas there are from latam)
>Podemos is such an embarrassment to politics and a lot of people started to realize this>Im not sad to see them go after seeing how they cape so hard for the trans movementYes, totally. As I said, most radfems felt betrayed by Podemos, me included. So yeah, I'm not sad to see them dissapear, but I think radfems were wrong about casting null votes or refusing to vote. In doing that, they favored the right-wing parties. Like, in Valencia? Vox is going to end up collaborating with PP to get absolute majority. Fucking Vox. This wouldn't have happened if we didn't have quatrizillion left-wing political parties dividing left-wingers and feminists went to vote.
Radfems on twitter keep talking about how they did this so they can "create a better left uwu". There's no "better left", because left-wingers are never happy. Like, literally, someone was posting about how she was casting a null vote because the left wing government was not fixing a particular issue she was unhappy about and I was like "wtf, so you are going to favor right-wingers then?".
I'm sorry I'm rambling so much, but I feel so frustrated and anxious about what happened. I don't want Vox in the government, I would prefer a tranny president over fucking Santiago Abascal any day.
No. 15579
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So, I get hating men and I get ranting against them, but I don't understand the strange denial of reality that a small number of radfems meme themselves into believing. They claim that women are just as physically strong as men, and can even be stronger, and that female athletes don't have the correct mentality because they don't compete against men and beat them. these radfemds(who aren't typically known for being sporty), claim to know more than actual female athletes and trainers because they simply regurgitate the theories of women studies professors from the 1970s
No. 15741
Have you all seen this Youtube content creator named Princella/The High Powered podcast?’s built quite a following using a lot of radfem talking points like how men are incapable of love and female separatism to people that haven’t heard them before but she acts like she’s the first one to ever come up with those concepts. When people point out that those radfem talking points have been around for a long time and mention other radfem activists, she gets really defensive and angry. She did a 30 minute segment in one of her videos angry about another woman “copying her work” even though she’s just been regurgitating radfem talking points herself.
Now she’s doing videos on how women should have compassion for men because of their suicide rates and how they’re
victims of patriarchy, leboohoo. She’s even mentioned before how she wants to talk to Jordan Peterson and she’s doing an interview with Charleston White who admitted to graping women. I think that she’s an egotistical charlatan. Maybe I’m not ~*enlightened*~ enough to understand her. She seems to use a lot of woo and
toxic positivity concepts too.
She’s one of those types where if anybody says anything contrary to her, she’ll immediately deflect and say that the person is in their ego so it’s a “them” problem, not her. I am happy radfem talking points are getting out there again, but not like this.
No. 15758
>>15757Oh my goodness, Nona. Thank you so much for replying and validating how I’ve been feeling about her. It’s been swirling around in my head the past couple of days, making me question if I’m interpreting her correctly because I’ve been getting really bad feelings from the way she has been acting when she’s presented with opposing viewpoints and from her spouting woo concepts. I’m not very good at articulating things like this but I knew something was off.
The fact that she’s making people question their reality is a bad sign in and of itself. She’s gaslighting people and she set up an environment where people have to walk around on eggshells and can’t speak out against her. Sounds like an
abusive and manipulative person to me, despite her claiming she’s all about love and positivity.
I’ve been watching her for a couple months too. I started to see red flags, like her slowly introducing woo concepts like the law of attraction and other
victim blaming type of spirituality like “you choose your parents” and “like attracts like”. It removes all accountability to the people who do bad things and like every good cult-like idea, it has defense baked into its foundations. "Oh, it didn’t work for you? That's your fault, you must not be believing hard enough." Same with her with her just immediately running to the “you’re just operating in your ego” excuse to shut down any discourse or criticism about her.
> If not having compassion for males that commit femicide or grape or anything like that means I’m “moving in hate” and not “spiritually enlightened” then oh well.THIS, so much. Thank you for putting it into words. I feel the same way. I actually was a paid member and I cancelled my subscription today over it. I’m done with her.
No. 15761
>>15758Aw nonna you’re welcome. Good on you for not just falling in line like most of the viewers did, it is totally cult-like as you said. I think a major problem is how there are so few voices online that actually put forth separatist ideals, so when we see one, we get excited and think maybe someone finally gets us. But sadly we have to always keep our guard up and treat everyone with suspicion.
Women shouldn’t be told they need to let go of their anger about male violence. Society actually needs MORE anger at things like that. If anger is “spiritually low” or is going to prevent me from “ascending spiritually” then something is clearly wrong with the spirit world. It’s ridiculous how mystical types act like no one should feel anything other than peacefulness and love, much like how wrath is a sin in Christianity. I also noticed her express anti-vaxx stuff, which lines up with the woo. Your feelings are totally reasonable, don’t feel bad at all, nonna.
No. 15815
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This is sadly accurate.
No. 16021
>>15941>NonconLel this libfem meme of a euphemism for violently assaulting someone
>What’s your opinion on dark romance books?>(aka rape), assault, violence, kidnapping…They're fine if they only involve the rape and dismemberment of males
No. 16212
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>>16175Things like this always go to show that people who hate TERFs have never actually talked to one
, ever. This was on a post about how a woman was letting her gross husband cum on her blanket all the time. Someone said she must be a
TERF because TERFs let men get away with anything. Many TERFs actually hate men, which is why we hate TIMs. These handmaidens never have any idea what they're talking about.
No. 16587
>>16212To be fair it's hard to argue with stuff like this when "
TERF" groups are constantly astroturfed by tradtards who think Matt Walsh is going to save us from the trannies. True radical feminists are becoming a minority in their own spaces.
No. 16713
>>15108> I very much prefer living in a country that is pro-trans, but where at least abortion is legal and homosexuality is not a sin.That's because you're an intelligent person capable of evaluating tradeoffs and recognizing, correctly, that there is no outcome where women losing abortion rights or gay people being pushed back into the shadows is good. It makes me livid to see the ovarit losers in the US talking about how they're not voting for dems, shitty as they are, because of the trans shit. The right wing literally wants to get rid of abortion and no-fault divorce to force women back into being shackled to shitty men and pumping out babies. Trans are a miniscule portion of the population. Way more women in my life have had to deal with abortion and divorce than mtfs in women's spaces.
Trans shit has absolutely colonized feminist spaces, either in handmaidenry or reeing about how it's the number one issue women are facing. I swear I can't go a single day without someone bringing up being for against transgender shit. When I think about the major issues women face (poverty, domestic violence, unfair/uncompensated domestic/emotional/care labor, general reproductive justice), the amount of oxygen that trans shit takes up is dumb. Yes, the ideology is a big problem for talking about women's health and force-teaming women and mtfs/trying to tell autistic and lesbian women that they're not really women. But we have to prioritize if we actually care about liberating women. I'd rather collaborate with some he/they autistic female to protect abortion than team up with forced-birthers to remove gender identity from the law. Most trans ideology problems are cultural anyway. You can't legislate away people on tumblr or Tiktok talking about their microgenders. That work has to be bottom-up with solely feminist principles, no right-wing interference at all.
No. 16728
>>16587Exactly, especially since many of them self describe as TERFs. The other day I saw some "
TERF" caping for Desantis on Twitter. I wish the larpers would fuck off instead of showing up and destroying our credibility with their half-baked politics.
No. 18130
>>18117NTA but I
hate how the word radfem is being coopted by other groups and is being watered down to just mean 'anything someone thinks is transphobic'. We're so much more than that and gender critical beliefs are only a small corner of our fight. I swear the internet has made this problem so much worse.
No. 18765
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What is radical femininsm to nonas, really? I was under the impression it was simply acknowledging the female sex exists, and all oppression stems from that fact. But I lurk tranny servers (this is from a Utena server where everyone has pronouns in their d/n as you can see) and they speak of radical feminism like it's some self-defeating circle…one mostly centered around males
No. 18769
>>18765>What is radical femininsm to nonas, really?From Wikipedia: "radical feminism is a perspective within feminism that calls for a radical reordering of society in which male supremacy is eliminated in all social and economic contexts. Radical feminists view society as fundamentally a patriarchy in which men dominate and oppress women." This is a universal definition, which applies to everyone who calls herself a radical feminist. However, where radfems differ and can't agree on is how the liberation from patriarchal norms, culture, standards and roles will be achieved. Many believe that men's behavior as we see it now is inherent to them. Those radfems tend to advocate for separatism. But there are also those who believe that men's misogynistic tendencies stem from socialization and culture, and that changing laws and shifting cultural standards will fix the problem.
Personally, I agree with the she/her user in the screencap, it's men's nature, not nurture, so trying to collaborate with them on any level can only result in minimal or temporary changes. Males promise but don't deliver, or they deliver but take it away (referencing the overturning of Roe v. Wade, which didn't even get the backlash it deserved).
>and they speak of radical feminism like it's some self-defeating circle…one mostly centered around malesRadical feminism is exclusively centered around women, and is the only branch of feminism afaik that does not even welcome men to be members of the movement.
No. 18771
>>18765>What is radical femininsm to nonas, really?In a technical sense, I understand radical feminism as a branch of feminism that derived much of its ideological bedrock from Marxism and borrowed liberatory strategies from other contemporaneous leftist movements such as the Black separatist movement. Marx spoke on how women are exploited for reproductive and domestic labor, and this informed radical feminist concepts of how patriarchy functions and maintains itself. Whittled away to its barest essentials, it's about liberating women from patriarchy, which is conceptualized as a system with a beneficiary class (men) and an exploited class (women). What differentiated radical feminism from pre-existing feminist movements was its willingness to name male supremacy for what it is, and its insistence on taking radical action to dramatically re-order society and destroy patriarchy.
Proposed solutions varied quite a lot, and this did (and still does) lead to a lot of infighting, but the idea that radical feminism was a "failure" is pretty dubious and bad faith imo. No leftist movement has ever been successful at completely accomplishing its goals, but people love to leave "you didn't destroy patriarchy in the two decades you were active" at radical feminists' feet while ignoring the very real successes it accomplished for women. If that's the metric we're using, no movement has ever been successful, and that renders this person's entire argument pretty malicious and bad faith to me.
>and they speak of radical feminism like it's some self-defeating circle They love to frame radical feminism as self-cannibalizing because radical feminists rather famously believe(d) that "the personal is political" and therefore women can and should take personal action within their lives to support and uplift other women. This did (and again, still does) lead to a lot of friction among women because personal action can mean anything from "buy from woman-owned businesses" and "abort your male fetus." The nurture vs. nature debate is long-standing, and this person is right that you can slip into a self-defeating mentality because if males are just inherently evil and there's nothing to be done…then there's nothing to be done, that's where your movement stops. The human race cannot continue without males, so killing them all is not viable, nor is enslaving them (and that's putting aside most women would obviously not be fine with this.) But in modern times this is called being "blackpilled," and it's hardly a default radical feminist position. If it was, there wouldn't be so much literature on different strategies for liberation. Many radical feminists did believe it was nurture, and some believed it was a combination of both (but that nature could be curbed by nurture, or at least laws.) Some believed that the nurture was so powerful because we are so deeply steeped in patriarchy, it may as well be nature, and this is part of why many women started to separate. Even if it is fixable, oppressors aren't generally interested in ceding their power, and so the amount of class consciousness it would take to dismantle patriarchy in a systemic way was just not achievable, hence many of them just living on communes away from men.
There are a lot of modern day "radfems" who have never read theory and don't subscribe to radical feminist ideology in any meaningful way beyond tranny bashing (which wasn't even a lockstep position during radical feminism's heyday) and calling women whores (would certainly be frowned upon by OG radical feminists), but I chalk this up to social media brainrot. There are women on here who disparage radical feminists and everything they stood for while proudly identifying themselves as radfems. I don't necessarily affiliate with radical feminism because so many self described radfems treat it like a fandom (and are allergic to actually learning anything), but this Utena server person obviously has an axe to grind, and based on the pronouns, I think it's rather obvious why.
No. 18775
>>18772As far as I'm aware, we have not achieved parthenogenesis or two females having children together without the assistance of sperm from males. I just looked it up again and there's buzz about preliminary studies, potential experiments, etc., but absolutely zero cases of this actually being implemented in humans, much less successfully. This article is from 2020 and confirms they haven't even been able to successfully do this in mice yet (as the offspring generally die very quickly or are born with defects): but of course if there's some news story I am not aware of, feel free to share it.
It's very possible they will figure it out, but even if they do, we are just not going to be rolling out this tech quickly or affordably enough to replace males, at least not for a very, very long time. Further, many women are attracted to men and would not want to live on an all-female planet, simple as. I'm not one of those women (I am a lesbian who trends towards separatism), but attaching moral dimensions to sexual orientation is what gave rise to political lesbianism, and those women truly could not reverse conversion therapy themselves no matter how badly they wanted to. And even if they could, you are just never going to convince billions of women to let their male friends and family die, or convince them that it would make for a better society if those men didn't exist.
The "all female world" concept is a niche thought experiment that is wholly divorced from reality and what the vast majority of women actually want. It is so impractical for so many reasons it boggles my mind that anyone has actually tried to organize around it. It's a dead end and we need to put our energy into actually engaging with the reality we live in. And the reality is 99% of women don't actually want men to disappear, they just want their oppression to end.
Society could technically continue without males–IF we developed tech for women to have children without them, IF this tech was widely accessible, and IF billions of women agreed to eliminate the demographic they are attracted to and is full of their loved ones. And even IF all that was accomplished, it would still take a long ass time. These are not arbitrary hurdles, they are enormous gulfs that make this whole idea so impractical that it doesn't make sense to seriously propose it as a solution. I also don't see the point in building a world that other women wouldn't want to live in.
No. 18791
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>>18765This person seems to have read a handful of feminist texts but doesn't actually understand anything. OG Radical feminists don't believe that men are inherently bad; if anything, they believed that men and women are much more similar than everyone thought at the time. Reading Shulamith Firestone and Andrea Dworkin and even Germaine Greer you see they were invested in the idea that men and women are not that different. Greer thinks women don't actually have more fat than men and that male scientists are just biased because they want "cuddly" women. Remember sex science in the 70s was way less advanced than it is today, so a lot of feminists thought/hoped that men and women weren't actually that different and women might be able to catch up with men physically. Firestone hoped we would have artificial wombs one day to free women from the burden of pregnancy and childbirth. This is not consistent with the idea that "men are biologically evil" at all. Both Firestone and (early) Dworkin advocate for the idea that in the future, men and women will be more similar than different and we'll live in a bisexual world. The only 'blackpill' to them was the idea that society had gotten so misogynistic that it would take centuries to undo all the harm.
Secondly, radical feminism didn't 'fail'. A lot of its points simply got absorbed into the mainstream. The idea that violence against women is one of the major ways by which men control women is a radical feminist idea. The idea that women's history is worth studying and that "feminine traits" should be reevaluated independently from men was a radical feminist idea. The idea that women should focus on female friendships is a radical feminist idea. Libfems can talk about how much they hate men and how sisterhood is good and how rape is a serious issue and how we live in a misogynistic society because radical feminists pushed the overton window.
The place where radical feminism failed is arguably too ahead of its time. The anti-porn movement was made at a time when porn was something only weird perverts watched, so the idea that porn would become mainstream and something everyone would be exposed to felt bizarre. Also, radical feminists were interested in reclaiming female sexuality (see Germaine Greer), so the idea of being anti-porn took a while to develop. Now that we live in a world where porn is everywhere, this critique of porn is far more poignant. I won't mention female separatism because that's part of lesbian feminism which was not actually a part of radical feminism and the two camps were often at odds.
The next time somebody makes these sweeping points about radical feminism, ask them which specific BOOKS they read. If it's a book summarizing feminist history, ignore them, because the amount of historical revisionism about second wave feminism is insane. Ask them - which specifics books BY radical feminists have they read? Woman-hating by Dworkin? The Female Eunuch by Germaine Greer? The Redstockings manifesto? If they can't tell you, ignore them, because their exposure to radical feminism is likely just the terminally online people on Tumblr (who also don't know anything about OG radical feminism) or liberal 'histories' of feminism that treat radical feminism as a side chapter.
If you actually want to learn about the history of feminism through the ORIGINAL WRITINGS of the time, I recommend picrel. It has writings from a wide variety of feminists from the 60s to modern day. It opened my eyes to how many lies I'd been told about feminist history. The idea that feminism "only" focused on white middle class women? A lie, there are countless references to the Civil Rights movement, socialism, even Vietnam. Feminism was deeply tied with other radical social movements of the time. (Obviously since a lot of the writers are middle class white women who went to college, they don't do the best job of covering other topics. But they definitely brought them up and tried, even when they failed.) And all the excerpts are from the time period. If you're ready for more critical reading, I also recommend 'Female Masculinities and the Gender Wars' by Finn Mackay. Finn wrote a book on radical feminism, and although she's definitely in the gender waters now, she absolutely knows her stuff about the history of feminism and radical feminism specifically.
No. 18799
>>18791>A lot of its points simply got absorbed into the mainstream. Ntayrt but I forgot to mention this in my comment and I think it's really important to emphasize this. Many women have radical feminists ideas rolling around in their heads and aren't aware that they are radical feminist concepts (and would likely be put off if they knew), and that's incredibly important and impressive given how thoroughly radical feminism has been misrepresented (even by self proclaimed radfems.)
>I won't mention female separatism because that's part of lesbian feminism which was not actually a part of radical feminism and the two camps were often at odds.I think this is a tenuous position. Lesbian feminism was formed by radical femists due to discontent with their alienation within the movement, hence why many of them incorporated radical feminism into their names and theories (such as "Radicalesbians".) Many lesbian feminists perceived their movement as being located within radical feminism, not outside of it, and it's why major lesbian feminist theorists such as Audre Lorde, Mary Daly, and Adrienne Rich additionally called themselves radical feminists/radical lesbian feminists, have been recorded as radical feminists in historical documentation, are remembered as radical feminist theorists, etc.
I think there's something to be said for a "flattening" of radical feminism, an almost purposeful ignorance of variance of thought within the movement (such as differing beliefs on the ethics of butch/femme and female masculinity in general), but these schools of thought were so intimately interwoven it feels odd to try and separate them as being mutually exclusive/differentiated to such a degree we can no longer identify separatism as a radical feminist idea. Even when reading lesbian feminist writings, they frame their disagreements as ones with other radical feminists as a cohort rather than a wholly separated camp.
Sorry to autistically fixate on this one sentence out of a very well-thought out and articulate comment, I just hesitate to go so far as to say that the lesbian feminist theory that emerged from radical feminism as a movement was different, rather than related, and part of broader intra-community discourse.
That said, I have not read the book in your picrel, and have it in my cart right now (thank you for the recommendation, even if it was for someone else!), so it's very possible it will change my attitude on the topic.
No. 18827
What do other anons feel about the Madonna-Whore complex? I don't know what to call it, but there's a highly insane percentage of men who internalize this shit it's surprising to know of a man without a Madonna-Whore complex. There's also men out there who don't think their issue is sexual, but deep down, it pretty much is. They're more likely to give into it when they're depressed or extremely stressed. I don't doubt many men have these behaviors come to light in darkness and they're ashamed to be associated with it, but it's the truth. They're only genuinely nice to women they view as wife material or attractive, but when it comes to lust, all those core values are thrown out the window. Only the personally unattractive women and "women" could fuel this impulse, because the respectable women in their lives could not be such a sinful thing. The non-sexual side of it, a man could internalize the thought that a respectable woman shouldn't be tainted in some way, so he shouldn't taint her and would rather interact with those who are already tainted or are easily disposable.
People say this is a complex present in narcissists, which I can see as true, but I believe it also extends to those without narcissistic traits, such as the non-sexual part of it. The whole "This is Your Brain on Porn" where exposure to porn affects all relationships in life and even if you don't like watching porn at all. This shit runs so deep.
Many of my relationship issues surrounded the Madonna-Whore complex to some degree.
I had an ex who trooned out, one of the more ultimate ways to objectify women, he just decided he could easily "become" one to satisfy his desires.
I had another ex who was so sex/porn addicted, we wouldn't have sex for months. He would go out of his way to have sex with escorts and would donate to multiple women creating porn online. Within our long term relationship, he dropped over $11,000 to fuel his addiction. Meanwhile, we would be struggling to pay bills, barely ever spent time together, etc. This guy was a narcissist.
My current relationship, his Madonna-Whore complex was so extreme, he would reach out to types of women he wasn't sexually or romantically attracted to, with extreme mental illnesses and white, and men who objectify themselves as feminine anonymously. In his head, these interactions weren't sexual but more of a form of escapism, but this was something he kept a semi-secret from me, because he knew if I knew what he was actually doing, I wouldn't like it. When he was younger, he admitted he once had sex with a stranger, and had a moment of "what am I doing with my life" realization after it happened and called his friend in the middle of a panic attack to tell him he fucked up so bad while the woman was asleep on the other side of the room. During this relationship, I would struggle with not being sexually satisfied and not feeling like I was being cared for. He says, because I'm so unique, perfect, mature, and caring, being with anyone else wouldn't make him as ever happy as he's ever felt being with me. This mistake will forever haunt him. From my previous relationship, I made it an effort to tell my boyfriend when I felt sexually aroused and when I wanted him to hold me and touch me, but he would majority of the time push back with being stressed from everyday life, yet he had these fits in that stress where he would go out of his way, for hours in a day, to anonymously interact with people who fundamentally have no value to his everyday life.
How could we get men to recognize this shit is ruining their lives and their futures? Moreover, the non-sexual side of the whore complex as well, because that also affects the sexual side altogether? How early can we get boys and men to overcome this?
Overall, how can this be resolved so other women will not have to become victim to this complex at any degree, now and in the future? How can we have fulfilling long term relationships with men? Many of us want to be mothers, how can we secure a relationship when this complex exists?
Is the only way men can overcome this is to associate with men who have overcome that complex and who outwardly speak of the dangers of having such mindset?
No. 18844
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>>18827The Madonna-Whore complex is most obvious in how men view escorts, women in porn, etc. As in, they see these women as disgusting, damaged, and not worth "bringing home to mama," but will still gladly sexually gratify himself to her exploitation. This is a core mechanism of patriarchy and how we socially understand women's sexualities: women must be sexually available, but if they are, they are garbage. This is because women are objects to be owned and prizes to be won–if you do not see women as fully fledged individuals with interiority, it makes perfect sense as to why they simultaneously desire and revile sex workers, to the point those women's lives are valued less than a farm animal's. The core problem is the way men refuse to see women's humanity. A woman is either a sex object or she is a potential wife, but she cannot be both, and neither one of these archetypes allow her to be a full person. In one of your examples, you point out a man who almost seems to view it as escapism–this is extremely telling because it further proves he sees them as fantasy, unreal in some way, intangible and therefore not worth respecting.
It would be easy to think women becoming Madonnas–virginal until marriage, submissive, and existing only for a man to fully understand himself as one–would resolve this, but it won't. This cannot be resolved without a dramatic dismantling of patriarchy, which would require dissolving marriage's power as an institution and abolishing porn altogether. Marriage was constructed as a way for a man to own his wife like property, not to join with her as an equal partner. That's why it was (and still is) legal in many parts of the world for him to beat, rape, and torture her. The false choice here helps women perpetuate their own suffering; many are convinced that if they can just become a Madonna, they can escape the dehumanization of the whore, but this is fruitless. In many cases, the husband will compartmentalize his attraction to women and his hatred of them, relegating the Madonna to domestic labor while seeking sexual labor from the whore.
Dworkin wrote on this in "Right Wing Women" (picrel), noting that many women are not aware of how false a choice this is. The Madonna and the whore both judge each other. The Madonna wonders how the Whore can accept being treated like she's for sale (an object), and the Whore wonders how the Madonna can accept being treated like she's property (an object). It's a Catch-22, an unwinnable, cruel game that women are expected to play within patriarchy, and the only individual way to opt out is, well, to opt out. Dworkin also argues in "Pornography: Men Possessing Women" that within patriarchy, women are just a "thing" while men are granted the privilege of humanity. Women are located within, not outside of, male ego.
She wrote, "Woman is not born: she is made. In the making, her humanity is destroyed. She becomes symbol of this, symbol of that: mother of the earth, slut of the universe; but she never becomes herself because it is forbidden for her to do so." And I think it sums up what I think pretty well.
No. 18847
>>18827>it's surprising to know of a man without a Madonna-Whore complexMen created the Madonna-Whore box around women. The men these days don't even understand the Madonna-Whore cage, but the know they inherited it from many years of patriarchy and still use it, despite feminism tearing it down a lot the past century. It's their cage. It was completely made on purpose to steer us into either being wives to serve them or sex workers to serve them. Notice you can't be a normal girl who just wants to have some sex here and there. That can't exist in their paradigm.
It does not benefit any man when a woman is completely free like that. When we are free like that, they learn they must actually perform, like earing money, looking good, or behaving better. Men must become competitive to a win a woman's heart, which is the natural order of things. Just look at nature and how male animals must perform and impress the woman or literally have his genes die off.
>How do we fix this erosion of normal relationships?It is actually being fixed right now. That's what incels are perpetually whining about. They're so mad we have choice and nature's order is going back to what it was. We will not choose the obvious low effort men and they know they're genetic dead ends. It's why they hate intelligent women who understand all of this and why they perpetually try to dehumanize, hoping we'll believe we're lessers or like dogs or property when we're literally fixing a natural order system to remove bad DNA that the ancient patriarchy fucked up. They are terrified knowing they must do their best (which, their choice, they choose not to do) or they will die alone.
No. 18881
>>18827There was one Jordan Peterson video I agreed with is how intelligent women are single for longer in their lifetime and it's a good thing because she's weeding out the retarded men who try to approach her and the ones she dates who she realizes she's not compatible with. He said this to Mikhaila and she agreed.
With regards to incels, a lot of them could be smart, but they don't like the fact that just any woman wouldn't want to date them, especially a woman with a similar or higher intelligence as them. A woman having her own boundaries and making radical life altering decisions frustrates these men who are subconsciously expecting her to be instantly submissive, when he can hardly even prove he's trustworthy enough to be relied on.
Just thinking about it, so many intelligent men these days are too afraid to do anything, they'll point the finger at everything except themselves for the reason why they can't keep long term relationships.
No. 18918
>>18883>Especially ones that involve only one woman, it makes me even angrier for themWhy? These women are willing
victims and masochistic to put up with this abuse and casual degradation. All we can do as women is nudge them into the right direction, if they are stupid enough to drink troon, violent male and libfem koolaid there is nothing you can feasibly do to undo this when they are secure in their masochism. What do you gain by yelling into the void and becoming "angry" over their willing exploitation? I understand this sentiment over things that are truly out of the
victims control like human trafficking and child abuse but these are adult people who choose to live like this. Its not your job to teach masochistic women to see themselves as human nor save them with a false martyr complex. These women play stupid games and consequently win stupid prizes.
>They're(the women) usually the ones who are too good for these men
>Men will literally convince a woman to bring in another man in the relationship instead of being mature and working on himself to be the man the woman is expecting him to be.This is not radically feminist at all, like the Madonna whore complex anons text wall
>How early can we get boys and men to overcome this?You both don't want women actually freed from the cage of patriarchal oppression by engaging in separatism, self reflection and actual critical radical feminism. You only want women to have a slightly larger cage. The only difference is that that anon focused on "how do we change men because women want kids?" whereas your focus is "how do we change masochistic women and how do we change men to work on themselves". Both posts may very well have fitted better in the vent/relationship threads. Radical feminism doesn't mean you become a braindead martyr for masochistic women and drop all critical credence nor is the goal of radical feminism to change men to be "better" so that they "work on themselves" as if radical feminism boils down to the female dating strategy lol. The purpose of radical feminism isn't to make men better and coddle masochistic women.
No. 18926
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I'm too furious to say anything about this right now
No. 18948
>>18799> Sorry to autistically fixate on this one sentence out of a very well-thought out and articulate comment, I just hesitate to go so far as to say that the lesbian feminist theory that emerged from radical feminism as a movement was different, rather than related, and part of broader intra-community discourse. No need to apologize, you're right and your correction was needed. I had forgotten about the radicalesbians and other such groups. I wanted to emphasize the separation because a lot of people seem to think the two are the same thing, when many lesbian feminists had issues with how the radical feminist space treated lesbians. But the two do have important connected histories and shared origins.
One of the biggest problems with the pop 'radfem' sites is an unwillingness to engage with the material directly and a skewed sense of history, so it's important to correct the record. That's why I liked the book I rec'd you - it's basically the original, primary sources for the women's lib movement, and it shows women agreeing and disagreeing and engaging in diverse ways that don't match up to how we've been told about what feminism was like.
No. 20133
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Anyone noticed how liberal feminist will call themselves radical feminists and push actual radical feminist views out? How can they believe they are radfems if they dont believe in sex based oppression
No. 20136
>>20133The tinfoil hater in me thinks they're agents to purposely derail any attempts of female solidarity, why else would you get mad that RADICAL feminisms rejects men in dresses trying to larp as women?
The more rational part of me just thinks they're too retarded to see how they're active participants of patriarchy via being delusional simps for trannys because they can't resist the virtual ass pats/social credits they get for virtue signaling on behalf of men. The only reason Radical feminism became a thing is because these types of women kept calling themselves feminist while continuing to worship at the altar of cock n balls and throwing other women under the bus for a man any chance they get.
No. 20432
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Why is the hatred of women not enough. Why is it only bad bc it leads to hatred towards other groups. Why is women being treated poorly not a reason in itself
No. 20624
>>20432Women are raped and killed for no reason other than they're women every fucking day in every country at alarming rates, that should be reason enough to see misogyny as a bad thing.
>choose to react violently against the rest of usof course, because moids don't care until it affects them.
>>20587They're retarded newfags, either from tiktok or 4chan, and don't know the first thing about radical feminism so they turned it into their personal boogeyman
No. 21310
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Renate Klein is an interesting case because she is very much an academic radfem of the second wave in most aspects. However, one decision and focus in her life pivots to more reactionary groups, and that is her fear against transhumanism. It seems to have started around the mid-80s with the publishing of her book 'Test-Tube woman,' and since then she has been obsessed with the idea that groups of billionaires are funding transhumanists who are going to destroy womanhood and humanity with their evil crimes against nature. In fact, she seems to have made fighting against this her life goal, which has led to some interesting outcomes. For example, she is against abortions of mentally "feeble people" because she thinks that eugenics is part of the transhumanist agenda. She is also against the pill because she believes it is unnatural. In essence, she is a crunchy radfem.
No. 21335
>>21334same anon. accidently left the and in while editing my wall of text.
Arielle Scarcella is pissing me the fuck off in this video too because she talks over both the more articulate/good faith people on her side, and then interrupts the liberals when they're saying their dumb takes, rather than letting them embarrass themselves in front of the youtube audience. It makes me seethe when LGB people or radfems make a fool of themselves because we so rarely are able to legitimately talk without being labelled and ebil terve and silenced.
No. 21559
>>21555>but I still don’t understand how that can make someone arrive at a point where they think religious fundamentalism justifies the genocide and displacement of an entire group of people.Are you talking about Israelis or Palestinians here? They both hate and want to destroy each other. Both are "justified" and spearheaded by male violence. The only difference is Palestinians don't have the means to destroy Israel while the latter do kek
>but would be disturbed to see destroyed to the extent that Palestine is being destroyedNo one wants to see anything destroyed but males violence as bloodthirsty apes will always persist and its most violent in Islam. Women and children will always be the biggest
victim of males violence and horrific casualties but
>>21544 anon is right. I haven't heard much genital mutilation or enslavement from rabbis onto women and you'll be immediately assaulted on the spot and honor killed if you talk out of line in front of muslim moids as a family member, in feral moid violence ethnoreligious countries like Saudi Arabia for example. In Palestine I imagine things wouldn't go down so well. If you talk out of line in a synagogue or church the worst you'd suffer is being likely kicked out and given the cold shoulder. Its a world of difference and deep down women from the developed world playing virtuous warriors of "peace" for Palestine and the women and children of Palestine, using them as fodder for protest so they can feel virtue know this. Ironically nearly all are delusional Liberal feminists who would be executed and assaulted on the spot for how they dress In those muslim majority countries ruled by patriarchal Islam.
>There are plenty of places on earth with backwards views on women’s rights and human rights in general that I simply will never visit, but would be disturbed to see destroyed to the extent that Palestine is being destroyed, knowing that not every person living there could possibly be complicit in flogging women…There are plenty of backwards places with violent moids and moid culture but most aren't vehemently defended and their ideology isn't treated as a tolerable subjective belief to enslave, rape and torture women. Also "person", really? You need to be more clear when you're talking about males. Women are seldom flogging, raping and torturing other women over male made violent beliefs.
No. 21577
>>21544Religious Jews are arguably just as bad if not worse.
>B.. but they don't convert people!Yes. Because they are a racial religion and think you're subhuman. Not out of any concern for not bothering others.
No. 21578
>>21559This is a very reductive and out of touch way to see a conflict that’s ultimately got a lot more to it than just (Brown) Moid Evil. Besides that, if you’re so convinced Islam has such a uniquely sick and corrupting power among religions then it’s absurd to think that some number of woman Muslims can’t also become convinced by its values and complicit in carrying out its misogynistic decrees. Women can be convinced to hate themselves and each other, why else would some of them submit themselves to doing pornography and other pure misogynistic evils? such is the brainwashing power of the fucked, male-oriented world we live in.
Retarded arguments like this is why radfem can’t be taken seriously. No normal person is going to want to listen a group of people who sees things as black and white as you do. It’s embarrassing.
No. 21580
>>21577No they are not. There are no executions in the Jewish part of Jerusalem. Islam is the most egregious concentration of misogyny now by far, very far.
If western marxist "feminists" had already ages of education and knowing their worth as western women we didn't. Your ancestors of feminists have fought off christian misogyny+ modesty in the west. Succeeded the most in this world. As well as for gay rights. But you view these rights now as too much for us when we are getting killed. And muslims declare it as their oppression because your gullible Marxist ideology is easy to hack. You call bad feminists liberal but most often they are Marxists, letting women burn to defend their putrid moids on the basis of class solidarity.
I still am traumatized by marxist fems threats of doxxing me, they had doxxed a teen girl from Iran to her gov + parents, and I was livid at them for ruining her life. Then seeing them celebrating in posts about us being scared of their doxx threats speaking up about hijab and Islam. So they gaslight us on facts of how bad it is, yet are fully aware of it, by doxxing because it will get us harmed for speaking up on said facts. Marxists are pure evil. I have no hope for feminism as an ally to Marxism. Also funny how they'll "remember" how bad Islam is only when temporarily travelling here.
No. 21584
>>21578>that’s ultimately got a lot more to it than just (Brown) Moid EvilYou must have missed the criticism of Islam and not "brown" anything with your strange obsession over race and color, weirdo.
>Women can be convinced to hate themselves and each other, why else would some of them submit themselves to doing pornography and other pure misogynistic evils? such is the brainwashing power of the fucked, male-oriented world we live in.What is your point here? Your personal belief that women somehow willingly brainwash themselves into subhuman degradation (which reads paradoxical) is irrelevant to the topic we are discussing. I can't answer this and don't want to; its disgusting. Stop using retarded loaded words like "evils". Morally charged moralfag language does not make a good argument.
>this is why radfem can’t be taken seriously.I'm not "radfem" nor ascribe to any specific ideology as far as individual policy and actions go, and this is not a trendy internet ideology; its reality. What is your endgame to excusing patriarchal Islam?
>No normal person is going to want to listen a group of people who sees things as black and white as you do. It’s embarrassing.Funny you should say that, I'd consider Islam and all males not just "brown" ones to be fairly straight forward in its treatment of women; subhuman. Avoiding seeing this reality at all costs is embarrassing.
No. 21631
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i love being on radblr but i hate the weirdo orbiters like picrel.
No. 21633
>>21538Samefagging, thanks for the encouraging words! I quite like the idea of celibacy for women who truly want to opt out of heterosexuality, at the end of the day.
I've realized that some of my dislike for the anti-heterosexuality stance stems from its corruption. Whenever i see someone shaming (rad)fems for dating (outside of LC) it's almost always a troon/a TIRF/handmaidens who try to repress their own sexuality ('comphet'). I can't stand the lack of pushback against troons larping as radfems, they now feel confortable insulting actual, regular women on pseudo-feminist terms.
>>21617>I seriously don't get how radfems can be MarxistsThe average marxist moid in 2023 is a woman-hating waste of oxygen, sure. But you can't overstate the influence of early and late marxism on RF thought, despite its flaws and disregard for women. Still better, and closer to RF than most of the left today. Plus you can engage with politics even if they're not perfect.
No. 21638
>>21633There is nothing about destroying capitalism that would free women if not for the empty promises socialists make before they get to power.
China lines up female babies on train tracks because they're less desirable by force of policy.
The fantasy that a dictatorship would just happen to align with our views forever is nonsensical.
It's actually one of the most shameful aspects of RF, to me, how instead of creating new theory feminists chose to fanfic a massive mysoginist's resentment manifesto by changing class to gender. It's lazy, nonsensical, derivative and screams second gender.
No. 21639
>>21638I don't believe actual radfems with Marxist inclinations seriously think 'solving' capitalism would fully free women, that's more of a confused socialist woman thing. I'm aware that the conditions of women have been unequal across socialist regimes and periods (ie. Stalin years) but it doesn't exactly disprove my point about engaging in politics. Marxism is a method, not an excuse to wait for the ideal dictator. It's pretty obvious to me that any radfem familiar with marx can tell there are positive things in the current system (like being less dependent on the domestic sphere).
And, i see what you mean by 'derivative' but do you really think we shouldn't engage with (male) thinkers at all..? You can't create theory out of thin air. I do agree that we need to expand on it though. I can't help but notice a lot of radfem theory is about reacting to existing concepts, 'correcting' them, instead of offering a new worldview/system
No. 21643
>>21639>Marxism is a method, not an excuse to wait for the ideal dictatorHardly a groundbreaking method to do a rule-of-three on the property of production technology and infer the future that way. Opressor oppressed is a cookie cutter descriptor for any grievance. The most useful information I got from reading Mein Kampf is people underestimate how much of a socialist Hitler was. There's nothing you can't fit in Marx's pamphlet ideology.
>And, i see what you mean by 'derivative' but do you really think we shouldn't engage with (male) thinkers at all..? You can't create theory out of thin air. I do agree that we need to expand on it though. I can't help but notice a lot of radfem theory is about reacting to existing concepts, 'correcting' them, instead of offering a new worldview/systemWhen radical feminism is based on a rich mysoginistic slacker's grievance archetypes and this is somehow barely questioned I think something is wrong.
You can create theory out of thin air, most theory is taking a bad idea and stretching a whole worldview from it. I think the reason we don't see more is the people who are attracted to this kind of work tend to be uninspired herd followers.
Solanas, barely of sound mental capacities, made theory without needing a man's grievance to derivate from. It's trivial.
The whole libfem/radfem dichotomy is ridiculous when being radical amounts to fitting your grievance inside a socialist dictatorship's plan and not being radically defensive of female rights. Seeing people scream "libfem! libfem!" at each other when they're both sadly not liberal gets tiresome.
Also this wave of Islam love on radblr is making me want to pay some plane tickets so these idiots can bet their heads instead of just LARP about it. That the most mysoginist movement of our time gets a hold of RF circles, seriously, how gullible and stupid are they?
If a socialist grabs them by the pussy to rape a proud worker from her will they all scream of joy too?
I wouldn't be surprised given how much dumb shit has been recently normalized in activism.
No. 21646
>>21632I can see a few problems with her post.
>Retarded dumbfuck underaged teenager grammar of all Tumblr users despite being in their mid 20s.>"Sorry for triggering men uwu" on Tumblr.There are no males on Tumblr since there's scarce porn and public humiliation of women (aside from her boring not pornographic enough public humiliation kink). Her post makes no sense, even if males did use Tumblr. If anything, she's playing into preferred rape chimp rhetoric of "playing hard to get" and playing coy from decades of female socialization and male worship treating her "pussy" like it is the prize for rape apes to get. As we all know an important tenet of radical feminism considers pussy the prize and men getting it winning.
>Blatant performative misandry. "You're a virgin". And strange inclusion of patriarchal concepts like virginity that harm women far more than rape apes. Yet another friendly fire and self own.>Vapid stereotypical misogynistic shit that makes all women look like retards. "I'm cool and boys are ugly and gross".>Uses dehumanizing, misognistic language and porn language like "pussy" just like a brain damaged, pornrotted troon and the males she's supposed to be mocking would.>Projecting her public humiliation fetish and misognistic patriarchal male worship for all to see despite no one asking and claiming to be "muh ratfem" in the midst of this fetishism.>Reduces women to sex sex sex. "Women are the gatekeepers of sex". "I'm not having sex with you male so I win na na na boo boo!". Which boils down to her terminally pathetic rape ape lusting and posting into the void of other ape lusting women.>It's tagged "girlblogger" which reads as self humiliating infantalism and "femcel". While the femcel part can be considered a point of pride in some autist abstraction it certainly doesn't come off as one chained with "perfect pretty pussy". It reads like a tranny wrote it more than a porn rotted rape ape lusting woman with a public humiliation kink. No. 21653
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>>21643>Solanas, barely of sound mental capacities, made theory without needing a man's grievance to derivate from. It's trivial. not really, Solanas was a psych major and her manifesto is just straight up Freudian psychology, the section about how men become 'trash' is literally just Freud's Oedipus complex with a misandrist twist and more crude language. There's another section where she claims that men rape women, not for pleasure or domination, but for deeply intrinsic desire to bond with the maternal object(Freud again)
Ideas don't come out of nowhere; they are taken from others, people change and adapt them, and often they evolve into different forms, radically removed or sometimes opposed to their original forms. Radical Feminist are not Marxists, in fact, they've had issues with Marxians for a long period. But most every RF will acknowledge that they have derived their theory from Marxist ideas, just like solanes derived her theory from Freudian ideas.
No. 21992
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>>6960The girl that made the “dick is abundant and low in value” phrase made a whole ass article apologizing about the offensiveness of it and saying that she regrets her “misandrist male tears” era. How annoying. Girl you were absolutely right and it made me question things to the point Im a separatist.
No. 22008
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based cherie.
No. 22039
>>21643>Hardly a groundbreaking method >most theory is taking a bad idea and stretchingbad faith
>Solanas, barely of sound mental capacities, made theory without needing a man's grievance to derivate from.seconding the reply pointing out her freudian inspiration.
> this wave of Islam love on radblris this about palestine? very tedious.
>being radical amounts to fitting your grievance inside a socialist dictatorshipLook, i get hating on socialist regimes, despising the left (!!) or not wanting to bother with 19th c. theory. But i have to ask, what is your actual objection to marxist inspiration? Saying it's a male ideology doesn't count. i need you to actually examine the concepts. Is it the 'social construction' talk? The materialism? Is it the fact that you need to look into how society works at large?
No. 22061
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Do you agree?
No. 22063
>working out is something fascists doDo they eat with spoons as well? Ridiculous reasoning.
No. 22279
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Wtf is wrong with /ot/ lately.
No. 22281
>>22280This specific post is right, though. As exploitative as basically all jobs that commodify women's bodies for male sexual consumption are, stripping is one of the lesser offenders. Anon is right that strip clubs are going the way of the dodo. They've been in decline for the last twenty or thirty years for a variety of reasons, mainly camgirls and shifting social norms. It's kind of insane that it was ever considered normal for men to get together with their buddies to pop boners at miserable women humping poles to shitty music. What the hell are they even doing together in that scenario? Collectively enjoying the act of degrading another human being? Like it's so creepy and bizarre that
even normie moids who don't understand shit about women's problems are increasingly uncomfortable with it. Most of the moids who still go to strip club are either trailer trash types or boomers who like it because of nostalgia or ineptitude with technology. When the old farts die, this thing will shrivel up and disappear with them. We don't need to intervene here, because the problem is solving itself (stateside, at least.)
Mail-order brides, surrogacy tourism, and prostitution (particularly in Asia and eastern Europe) seem to be the biggest magnets for human trafficking. I think we should focus on tackling that first instead of wasting our time fretting about a dying industry.
No. 22284
>>22281NTA and I basically agree with you but there's also an attempt to push the narrative that strip clubs "empower" women and are "part of queer culture", at least in my liberal western country. There was at least at one point a "feminist" strip club here, and bourlesque is being shilled as well. Admittably it's clear they'll never become mainstream. In fact, the strip club in question is already dissolving due to infighting among performers when some tif got offended by being told she (a woman with short haircut) isn't the sort of performer gay men would be interested in seeing, KEK
So even if it seems that the trash is taking itself out, I think it's important for radical feminists to be vocal about the fact that strip clubs are inherently exploitative and objectify women whether some individual woman might "make the free choice" to work there or not.
No. 22821
>>22786I'm not going to have kids, but even when I was considering it I only ever wanted a daughter. I feel like I would never love a son, for so many reasons.
With IVF I believe you can choose the sex, and if you're conceiving naturally you can find out the sex long before the 24 week cutoff for abortion.
No. 22834
I want to congregate with likeminded women at college and do some activist work/publish a zine or whatnot, but I am apprehensive. Not only am I unsure of how to approach it discreetly without attracting ravenous trannies from the get-go, I also don’t identify 100% with radical feminism. I am gender critical, anti-porn, anti-prostitution, anti-shaving, anti-make up, against conservatism and anti-feminism, pro women’s liberation throughout society and more, but I am also religious, don’t necessarily agree on abortion and Marxism, and am in a long-term relationship with a male. I am concerned this would avert radfem-oriented women, so I really just don’t know what to do… does anyone have tips for independent thinking women in college seeking similar friends?
No. 22835
>>6960have any other nonnies here deleted their selfies/faces off their social media?
Maybe I've gone paranoid but with all the freaks, creeps, perverts, losers hidden online with easy access to womens (and children) photos… i dont know why but I feel disgusted if these men can see me. Especially now that AI has gotten easier and better, using someone's photos for ai porn used to be a celebrity problem, but now it's happening to random nobodies. Men can turn any ig crush into porn or pay someone on 4chan to do it. I feel like this is an ugly truth that many women just don't know about.
And honestly men have ruined social media. Just endless aggressive
toxic redpillers in comment sections on burner profiles or even their own profiles. On top of redpill/incel content creators increasing. Plus, I just got nothing but creepy losers dming me. So whats the point anymore. I just want to cut off men offline and online.
I had a friend who found out her christian dating profile was shared on some incel fb group calling her ran through and becoming a fake born again virgin, when in reality she kept the baby from a rape. I just encouraged her to delete her dating profile and privatize her ig, which she did since she didn't feel safe anymore.
I dunno, I just wanted to rant I guess. Men ruin everything.
No. 22863
>>22835No, I'm the same way. Social media is nothing if not a tool for clout chasing and bragging about how great a person's life is. I only have one for the sake of giving to people when they ask for my contact details
also my mother was obsessed with posting pictures of me when I was younger on Facebook and when I was older I read about the horrible things moids would do with pictures of children they found online.
No. 22954
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No. 23223
>>23210To answer whether pedophilia is natural or not for males, we first need to acknowledge that male sexuality is opportunistic and very much intertwined with aggressive impulses. Even the word "straight" only loosely applies to them. Many, many of them will have little issue indulging in unusual sexual behaviour once they get enough privacy, anonymity and/or authority and freedom from any consequences.
Unlike us, who evolved for thousands of years to develop instinctive mental brakes surrounding sexuality as in the end its our bodies that carry the toll of reproduction. Male sexuality never knew such constraints, and instead evolved to prioritize maximising the number of possible offsprings they have, which also led to the cross-over between aggression and erotic impulses as this mechanism also contributes to spreading the male's genes by overcoming the female recipient's resistance.
Rape and pedophilia, as well as the violence we see in pornography, are all the logical conclusion of this same mechanism, which may exist on a spectrum, when it's coupled with a low ability to empathize.
No. 23239
>>23223So it is biological and
>>23210 is coping badly. Wouldn't senile virginal old ladies and the severely mentally ill be prime targets for fetishism if it was just innocence making males aroused. Maximum pedofile scrote defending cope. Women are constantly celebrated by men for degrading themselves. Males give no fuck about innocence whether it's of a child, acted or due to a severe disability. Get real.
No. 23241
>>23239It's not scrote defending to acknowledge their biological and neurological faillings. I would even say it's the exact opposite.
It's not because something has biological roots that fighting it becomes futile, on the contrary it is a
valid argument for eugenism and why any society that follows male's whims to follow what their destructive instincts tell them to do is doomed to fail.
Defiling innocence gets many males' rocks off, but it's not the number one criteria they follow to select their targets. How physically they are attracted to their targets also plays a role in their sexual behaviour.
No. 23250
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>>23249Lol you tell people to get raped I can speak to you however I want
No. 23264
>>23244Indeed, trying to understand the biological foundation of male behaviour, and even female behaviour is always interpreted as conceding to the fact that such behaviour should not be resisted, if not outright get accepted.
Only our strategy should change, not our overall goal. Because, whether biological our socialized, many male behaviours are indeed
toxic and should never be accepted, under any circumstances, because doing so is opening the pandora box that will lead to the downfall of social stability and ultimately to civilization collapse.
I understand that facing the fact that nature isn't perfect can be devastating at first, but it's an absolute must if we, as women, want to understand what we're really up against.
No. 23266
>>23265Yes, by using eugenics to target the genetic roots of male callous behavior, we could potentially reduce the prevalence of these harmful traits in society. This could involve identifying and modifying genes that are associated with aggression and lack of empathy, or implementing screening programs to identify individuals at risk for developing these behaviors.
To respond to your remark, throughout history, rape has been a taboo topic that has been criminalized on the basis of women being seen as men's property. The concept of rape being taboo was not necessarily due to the trauma inflicted on the
victim, but rather to protect the honor and reputation of the men involved.
This ownership mentality meant that any violation of a woman's body was seen as a violation of the man's property. Therefore, rape was criminalized not because it was seen as a heinous crime against the individual woman, but rather as a crime against the patriarchal system of ownership and control.
More evidence sustaining that theory is found through observing how marital rape was not considered a crime for much of history because it was believed that a husband had the right to sexual access to his wife's body at any time. This further reinforces the idea that women were viewed as property to be used and controlled by men. The trauma inflicted on the woman in these cases was often ignored or dismissed, as the focus was on maintaining the societal norms of male ownership of women.
No. 23277
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The wariness around eugenics and bioengineering has nothing to do with being a "male worshipping pick-me" Even the most extreme man-hating radfems are wary of it because they are aware of the potential dangers it will cause. It won't be a wonderful genderless utopia but a new caste of humans exploited upon, humans created to be sexually exploited, humans created for labor and war, born without emotions and heart and humans created to be servants. it's something that will cause far more potential evil then good.
No. 23285
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>>23277Phyllis Chesler talked about this in her autobiography, the Whitehead vs Stern case was a major turning point where many radical feminists discovered/rediscovered the importance of motherhood in feminism and became almost universally wary of reproductive technology. cause there was no argument other than "bioessentialism" to argue that Mary Beth Whitehead deserved the child more than the Sterns.
No. 23330
>>23280>>23282Exactly. I keep seeing this line of thinking but is there any proof for patriarchy = articifial creation because men are just so envious of women being able to carry babies?
It seems much simpler to me. A female body just make you very exploitable in a number of ways (including pregnancy first and foremost) and moids are biologically programmed to jump at the opportunity.
No. 23371
>>23266Males love rape and you will never remove this from the gene pool period. It is fundamental to the sexual arms race and how gametes and reproductive strategies have evolved In nearly all mammalian and primate species. No amount of "shaming" will get rape seen as a taboo ever. Socialization can't trump biology, nature informs nurture not the other way around. The only forced solution like pointing to some far fetched eugenics scheme would be to literally castrate all males which wouldn't even prevent rape but it would at least prevent traumatic insemination, which I doubt you'd support that even since under your plan we'd need to preserve and reform your precious rape apes. This is just an elaborate and a little bit more spicy liberal feminist doctrine of restorative justice. Artificial wombs would worsen things and only victimise women and girls even more on demand. At least the victimizing is mostly only third world women and those in dire circumstance now, or from developed economies ones who actively want to be victimised. If artificial wombs were invented and normalised all women and girls would be targets and this pool of
victims would expand. Women would be even more degraded and girls and children would be as well. There is already a sacrificial class of women mandated, propped up and supported to be raped by men by men and women, with artificial wombs there will be an artificial class of women and girls to be raped by men. Unironically, the only way to win would be avoiding males and fostering the growth of only women and girls seperate from men and educating those generations of girls that this is reality and you can't socialise men out of it. Something that people are calling impossible in this thread because of some absurd argument that women are just too "moid thirsty".
No. 23397
> Males love rape and you will never remove this from the gene pool period"And we both conceded that they do so largely because their DNA primed them to do so. Therefore to remove this behaviour from the gene pool is to remove the gene or the series of genes responsible for it. We have the CRISPR/CAS-9 technology so we can "edit" genes out of gametes. It's another useful tool in the toolbox in the eradication of genetically-based harmful behaviour.
> Artificial wombs would worsen things and only victimise women and girls even more on demandArtificial wombs, if they ever successfully manage to replicate human gestation (which I highly doubt) will be high maintenance, expensive and only available to a handful elite members of society.
> Unironically, the only way to win would be avoiding males and fostering the growth of only women and girls seperate from men and educating those generations of girlsIronically, you go and write a drivel about how artificial wombs are going to be the death of us, and your proposed solution for that hypothetical dystopia would be to 'foster female-only communities'. Show me how fostering female-only communities will ever be successful in a world where artificial wombs are so developped they are able to perfectly replicate human gestation and where males are keen on reducing females to a permanent sex-slave underclass…
No. 23398
>>23371I would love nothing but a moid-free humanity. The only problem is that I don't see how we can sustain reproduction in such a scenario on the longer term (because artificial methods are dependant on our ability to continuously manufacture them). Unless we find so way to unlock parthenogenesis in the human female.
Another eugenic alternative to removing anti-female behaviours from males is giving females a lethal biological defense mechanism that can be
triggered when she feels male threat to be imminent. In my perspective, the ideal approach would be a combination of the two.
No. 23405
>>23397Evolution doesn't stop at the DNA level, you can't reprogram something out of nature in a few generations or even at all period. As long as there is a motile gamete and a stationary one there will be a constant sexual arms-race and behavior to reflect these differences. You have a simplified view of biology. Regardless, no one is using CRISPR to eliminate male violence, male violence benefits males and females that collaborate with male violence. The
victims of male violence are abundant but hold little power over the extremely sexually dimorphic and hierarchical/patriarchal.
>Artificial wombs, if they ever successfully manage to replicate human gestation (which I highly doubt) will be high maintenance, expensive and only available to a handful elite members of society.I guess you agree that artificial wombs would be a net negative. I don't care if a million Epstein islands spawn from this, it shouldn't be entertained in the first place. You're forgetting that at least in our current reality in the developed world women can opt out of reproduction completely without repercussions.
>Ironically, you go and write a drivel about how artificial wombs are going to be the death of us, and your proposed solution for that hypothetical dystopia would be to 'foster female-only communities'. Show me how fostering female-only communities will ever be successful in a world where artificial wombs are so developped they are able to perfectly replicate human gestation and where males are keen on reducing females to a permanent sex-slave underclass…Hey that's what I'm arguing! cool. Your ideas will fail because there's a strange burden of keeping males under check.
>>23398Parthenogenesis is better than perma crippling and sustaining a population of stunted males kek, even a severely stunted, genetically cripple male can harm women and children, they do so all the time. I like the second scenario but its likely it would be hijacked or a evolutionary armsrace would proceed it like in all dimorphic animals.
No. 23406
>Hey that's what I'm arguing! cool. Your ideas will fail because there's a strange burden of keeping males under check.I guess that goes for your ideas as well, how are you going to manage establishing a female-only community or communities when doing so mostly depends of males consenting to it or having something to lose along the lines should they decide against it.
>Parthenogenesis is better than perma crippling and sustaining a population of stunted males kek, even a severely stunted, genetically cripple male can harm women and children, they do so all the time. I like the second scenario but its likely it would be hijacked or a evolutionary armsrace would proceed it like in all dimorphic animals.I get what you're trying to say. I personally was more thinking along the lines of the sexual dynamics in spotted hyenas (females are stronger than males, and traumatic insemination is physiologically impossible). I guess the 1st step towards eradicating the male evolutionary advantage is to give the human females a similar defense mechanism.
No. 23489
>>23436Female separatism is apparently less believable than genetically engineering stunted moids kek.
>>23406>I guess that goes for your ideas as well, how are you going to manage establishing a female-only community or communities when doing so mostly depends of males consenting to it or having something to lose along the lines should they decide against it.No it doesn't, I only advocated for separatism. In the current age women can opt out of fucking men, did you know that? No complicated coping genetic engineering stunted males required. The burden of keeping breeding is a rape ape one that cripples women and I'm genuinely surprised to see people ITT calling themselves radfem but then advocating for the continued survival and flourishing of males in any way. You've gone from the libfem mentality that males can be socialized out of violence to males can be genetically engineered to be less violent.
No. 23492
>>23491The third one is the de facto current state of the world with a fanfic thrown in of psychologically stunting males, once again in order to preserve precious moids.
>>23490Great so lets see it pan out, as if governments don't already limit womens reproductive rights kek.
No. 23529
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I think we need to clarify what kind of separatism we mean. I think the separatism of leaving cities, quitting your job and shitting in the woods is stupid and pointless, but I think more urban-based separatism like Korean 4B is a lot more viable, like having a group of friends and sharing an apartment, sharing personal financial costs (this can potentially cause problems down the line) but it is much more programmatic and realistic) as long as most everyone involved is a mature adult it can work.
No. 23578
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The part about Maria teaching Mozart is dubious, but this is mostly correct.
No. 23610
>>23583Regardless of whether the separatism involves physical distancing (like living on a commune) or not (like Korean 4B) if no babies are born won’t the economy be over in a few decades anyways?
No new goods and services will be created as the women from the original group retire, and no new children are being born to enter the workforce. The dwindling number of younger women will be forced to care for a growing number of the old. They can hire men to help with the caretaking but those are dying out too. And everyone’s running out of money and resources.
I don’t think this is a bad outcome if you hold strict antinatalist, anticapitalist and primitivist positions (but it sure sounds like shit to me)
No. 23614
>>23610It's not any different from the current situation in countries without 4B movement. Society requires continuous population growth to work, without it it inevitably collapses. People past a certain age can't produce enough to sustain themselves, and they depend on others, used to be your own children before pension systems, now it's everybody's children.
No children whatsoever will just massively accelerate the collapse.
No. 23629
>>23610The global collapse will happen much quicker than a few decades.
>>23618see this is why I will always some socialist leanings, the mass population growth is only an issue for a globalized capitalist state, historically population growth was very limited and a state still persisted.
No. 23630
>>23624the collapse of civilization will happen not because women are refusing to fuck your ugly sons but because males have created an unsustainable civilization that is killing our planet. the rape of women won't make our planet any more habitable to humans and we'll still likely go extinct by the end of the century.
males were never supposed to lead or have any power and now humanity is paying the price.
No. 23631
>>23618Why do you think stating the facts means you support the situation?
Reality is that people can't support themselves past a certain age, so either somebody younger supports them, or they die. Because of this all economic systems depend on constant growth, communist countries have the same problem.
All power stems from violence, unless women acquire violent power, men will rape them into fixing the population issue. You can already find politicians arguing for reverting women's rights that exist now because female emancipation resulted in lower fertility.
No. 23636
>>23630and the collapse of civilization will also happen if no children are born? seems like you haven’t had to take care of an aging relative if you can brush off this issue as who’s going to fuck whose ugly sons.
separatism makes sense as a personal choice, but not on a global scale unless there’s a plan to invent parthenogenesis.
No. 23689
>>23675I have researched women's communes in the past and learned about how they eventually ended. It was expected that new women would join and provide care to the founders they got older. However, this expectation was not fulfilled.
Regardless of how capable and self-reliant one may be, there comes a point in life where everyone requires assistance. In most cases, women from these communes either relocated to retirement homes or returned to their families. This issue will effect both single men or women as both demographic's get older. The only viable solution, in my opinion, is subsidized state care for the elderly. Its the only option.
No. 23698
>>23689So you agree that women are slaves in life because of their biology? Cause… On top of that we are called evil
femcel losers by other women if we don't fit into society, are sep/radfems or blackpilled, bullied and persecuted and have to deal with the torture chamber female socialization coming from many sources even women nature itself, men, patriarchy is and sex too, sex is inherently patriarchal but even all other women brainwash us with libfeminism to think it's not and the way woman also seek social approval for their own subjugation and push the ones who don't and can't handle it!?. It's just so shitty and the way our biology requires our mind to conform to our gender and to masochism to take all this shit??
No. 23705
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>>23689A few weeks ago I looked up this second wave feminist lesbian who was experiencing some financial troubles getting a wheelchair for her disabled wife and it was really depressing to read. Obviously having a husband wouldn't have fixed all this. but I do think it's the responsibility of the government to take care of the old and disabled and this is one of the few cases where I do think feminists should have intersectionality with.
No. 23731
>>23698Why would women taking care of each other make them slaves? This kind of male thinking that you need to either be
abusive or indifferent towards others in order to be a "superior" being is so damaging and irrational. No wonder the world is a miserable place and we're heading to extinction. Being a kind and caring person doesn't make you a submissive slave it's how everyone should be.
No. 23733
>>23675while I think assisted suicide should be an option, most will not choose it in the end. It’s easy to think “I’d rather just die at that point” when you’re a depressed 20 something, but you’d be surprised at the desire to stay alive non-suicidal people will express even while experiencing excruciating cancer pain.
>>23689this is what worries me as well, thinking about all those elderly women who have chosen not to reproduce (as is their right) having no one taking care of them. Ofc this happens even today because healthcare is inadequate in most countries, but separatism is not a viable plan if it doesn’t come with a way to provide healthcare, which relies on the economy and government continuing to exist, which relies on children being born.
No. 23744
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I just wanted a normal full life, but that chance was taken away from me because of the shit economy. I did everything right, I didn't spend too much, I saved up money while living with friends and it didn't work, I had to move back in with my parents and still need to have a job. It's not fair for anyone of us.
No. 23764
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This is a clip from an interview with Nawal el Saadawi(the most prominent feminist from the Arab world) laying out her ideas of feminism, thoughts on it?
No. 23766
>>23764>we're not against men we're against patriarchy and who created the patriarchy? and who benefits from it now?
I hate it when women delude themselves like that. There is no hope for manloving women.
No. 23843
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What do you think of Mary Whitehouse? cause I have seen many British feminists, such as Julie Bindle, Kathleen Stock and Victoria Smith casually praise her. For those who don't know, she was a British conservatory activist who went on moral crusade against obscenity in the media, as well as the merging porn Industry and she was hated for it. The entire British New Left did everything they could to mock her whenever they got the chance, cause she was a stupid old woman who didn't want to have any fun (mind you, she was also one of the most prominent voices in the fight against child porn and erotica)
No. 23877
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"Radfems are sex negative!!"
Sexual relationships(aka what you want us subjected to):
No. 23995
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I miss /ot/'s pinkpill thread
No. 24002
>>23659Except humanity has almost died out for several times in history already, but of course an illiterate arrogant moron like you wouldn't know it.
>>23672Another imbicile, you can piss yourself, that nona was right.
No. 24011
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>>24000>karens and their crocodile imperial feminism against rapeIf yt radfems read actual theory we'd be living in a different place. The reductionism they do, only caring about the sanctity of their precious yt vagina… I'm so glad people are waking up to the libfem infestation inside feminism.
I would never let a white woman drain my energy about freedom fighters. I would recommend them to self help books or a therapist they are male identified and I will mot allow them to drain my energy. They cannot be trusted and will always default to whiteness.
(racebaiting) No. 24050
>>24036if white women side with men while the majority of women protest for Hamas freedom fighters maybe it should tell you something about who real feminists are with and who MEN are defending. Vast majority speaking against white and jewish women ARE feminists.
Miss Anne just wants to run the plantation and protecting her dirty vagina.
She doesn't care about freeing the enslaved.
No. 24065
>>24051So the protests with the most women are defending the patriarchy while the ones almost exclusively done by men are for women? I know you lot are stupid but now you're should-be-sacrificed dumb.
Hamas has a LOT of women, most attacks on Israel are done by women, you have no idea what you're talking about and you should educate yourself before people rightfully take you out of society.
Read all of these before talking if you don't want to look like a dumb ignorant karen or shut the fuck up.
You're embarrassing yourself.
White Feminism: From the Suffragettes to Influencers and Who They Leave Behind White Feminism: Notes on Disruption White Women, It's Not You. It's Me. I'm Breaking Up With You!: Commentaries on Race, White Feminism, Allyship and Intersectionality Women's Rights: The Racial Origins of Feminism in the United States No. 24068
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>>24052Yes the place where pornography is legalized and women are sexually exploited is the feminist one, while Palestine defends women's dignity from misogyny and objectification is the bad side according to you lmao
Not today sir :)
(baiting) No. 24087
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Do you anons have any female role models that you actively try to imitate?
I've been considering making a sort of inspo board for myself, and decided to make one of the motifs to be concrete examples of women who have already achieved what I want. If you could drop a few names of women that you recognize to be intelligent, confident, pragmatic, successful (materially and otherwise), prioritize their own best interest and consistently maintain high standards for themselves – the type of women that misogynistic dogs would dismiss as cold ruthless bitches – I would love to hear about them.
No. 24088
>>24082maybe you're just a racist? maybe all the women leading feminists organizations are RIGHT and you're simply racist?
do you think it's just a silly coincidence that every feminist organization in universities strongly side with muslims and freedom fighters?
feminists got tired of yt women's fake tears about sexism but staying oblivious and complicit with racism. evolve, be better, you're embarassing yourself.
No. 24089
>>24082Yes, it's all the radical feminist organizations that are wrong about Muslims and Hamas, not your racist brainwashed ass.
The reason why some of you love to side with white men against hamas and muslims need to be studied its beyond lame at this point
(infighting) No. 24125
>>24116Conversations about sex expose who's low iq truly lol. Female sexual domination is unnatural, natural straight sex dynamic is about women being empaths in sex and psychologically getting off on male pleasure. It's about serving men and what makes a slave like being a slave is pleasing her master, women get most stimulation from serving men in sex. The submission is biological not individual person choice. It's what your body is in relation with male and biology is the real life not anything else. Femdom can't exist, it's literally just women initiating pleasuring men, I saw a woman there say that she just wants to "coom" as a defense of sucking dick like a pig(cause it makes your face expressions look like a pig) but this act only physically pleasures men like wow it's soo different from any other sex anf you should definitely categorize it as "female dominance"!! Making men scream from pleasure is not female dominance. It's just women serving men,nothing new. Women aren't socialized to serve men in sex, it's biological like I said lol so femdom is just same shit as any other male dominance or actually its even more male worship. No bigger suifuel than these femdom women saying they love bringing men heavenly pleasure and pretending they dominate them through it. Pleasure women aren't able to experience and a person empathetically being pleased through pleasing others is a servant. If you psychologically don't get pleased by male pleasure then you have less than nothing in straight sex. It's sex work either way. Sex only serves men and women get psychological pleasure from serving, repeating it again pleasure on both sides but completely different one. Femdom is a torture content for women like me tbh. It's moids heaven. And the image of a grown women body jumping around dick putting it in her gross mouth in desperation to please the moid and being in a mental state of wanting the moids pleasure and moving in ways that make her become a submissive extension of him shaking her head or ass on dick is just an image from hell. Looks like any other straight sex. Google pictures of sex to see human biology, female and male body in sex and tell me the female body doesn't even look servile. The way man and a woman can physically engage in sex only allows the woman in servile positions and the way female body receives stimulation is motion going inwards or psychologically from empathy for the moid. Only women in sex mentally are in a trance where they empathetically seek to please the other person and take their pleasure as their own. Femdom hoes can go to hell, I don't wanna read about men screaming in pleasure unachievable to me and women doing the most degrading sexual acts and getting psychological pleasure from sadomasochism and kneeling to men. See pictures of this act cause it exposes all of you femdom retards, how is this shit a domination!? And where the man reciprocating it all? He even can't and he won't even commit to you after all this pleasure anyway. The name femdom is misleading and when people start arguing with you about it claiming you're bad for stating facts then it just gets insufferable.
I hate sex havers so much and the more sex positive straight woman is the more servile sexually she is. Bring back modesty and shame or something instead of sharing about how you worship moids and call it dominant. Drop the Conversations about sex expose who's low iq truly lol. Femdom is unnatural, natural straight sex dynamic is about women being empaths in sex and psychologically getting off on male pleasure. It's about serving men and what makes a slave like being a slave is pleasing her master, women get most stimulation from serving men in sex. The submission is biological not individual person choice. It's what your body is in relation with male and biology is the real life not anything else. Femdom can't exist, it's literally just women initiating pleasuring men, I saw a woman there say that she just wants to "coom" as a defense of sucking dick like a pig(cause it makes your face expressions look like a pig) but this act only physically pleasures men. Making men scream from pleasure is not female dominance. It's just women serving men,nothing new. Women aren't socialized to serve men in sex, it's biological like I said lol so femdom is just same shit as any other male dominance or actually its even more male worship. No bigger suifuel than these femdom women saying they love bringing men heavenly pleasure and pretending they dominate them through it. Pleasure women aren't able to experience and a person empathetically being pleased through pleasing others is a servant. If you psychologically don't get pleased by male pleasure then you have less than nothing in straight sex. It's sex work either way. Sex only serves men and women get psychological pleasure from serving which proves sex requires deep submission from the woman to the moid. Femdom is a torture content for women like me tbh. It's moids heaven. And the image of a grown women body jumping around dick putting it in her gross mouth in desperation to please the moid and being in a mental state of wanting the moids pleasure and moving in ways that make her become a submissive extension of him shaking her head or ass on dick is just an image from hell. Looks like any other straight sex. Google pictures of sex to see human biology, female and male body in sex and tell me the female body doesn't even look servile. The way man and a woman can physically engage in sex only allows the woman in servile positions and the way female body receives stimulation is motion going inwards or psychologically from empathy for the moid. Only women in sex mentally are in a trance where they empathetically seek to please the other person and take their pleasure as their own. Moids get served. Femdom bitches can go to hell, I don't wanna read about men screaming in pleasure unachievable to me and women doing the most degrading sexual acts and getting psychological pleasure from sadomasochism and kneeling to men. See pictures of this act cause it exposes all of you femdom retards. I hate sex havers so much and the more sex positive straight woman is the more servile sexually she is. Bring back modesty and shame or something instead of sharing about how you worship moids and call it dominant. Drop the retarded femdom cope, it's cringe but feminist spaces are infested with it and very stubborn about acting like it's real and feminist. Literally the whole issue here is the word "femdom"
No. 24231
>>24227Stop the larp, you will never be a
No. 24268
>>23850I agree. I think a major problem with these conservative women is that their crowd is dedicated to protecting and expanding capitalism more than anything and the result of that type of capitalist expansion is poor desperate women who go into the sex industry. Radical feminists teamed up with the same reagan administration that was imposing neoliberalism domestically and globally, and was fighting a Cold War against countries where porn was illegal and half of scientists were women
to fight porn in the 80s and are surprised that neoliberal global takeover resulted in their own marginalization in feminism in favor or pro sex industry culture rationalizations. Even Lenin said sexual and material relations will change after the revolution and that shows to be true with what happened after the 80s neoliberal counterrevolution won by radfem allies.
No. 24333
>>24331LIB fems? Are LIB fems the ones defending Islam?
Do you just call "lib" whoever disagrees with you?
Marxist radical feminists are not racist, are on the side of Palestine against Zionist liberalism and you're the liberal one.
black women made a gender critical
WOC on reddit because we were all banned for discussing or pointing out racism.
They were just dead set, unwilling to hear from a black woman's perspective, to empathize with us.
To call a hijab or Islam oppressive is racist and yes racism affects Women too.
(islam sperging) No. 24334
>>24331The horror that a woman has customs in place to protect them from sexualization and exploitation, unlike your white patriarchal society.
Do you also support prostitution?
feminism is suppose to be about the well being and advancement of all females not just white females.
(islam sperging) No. 24392
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From an extremely based radfem schizo in response to the question: Can someone explain to me why the feminine perception of "horror" is actually terrifying compared to masculine perception of horror? Many people have asked her to write a substack I think she should write a manifesto
No. 24394
>>24392Ok but the male behavior actually does serve the female biological instincts and what women want, they wanna be desired by men and also my personal idea of horror is more female biology and what women do with men like sucking their dicks which looks like images from hell and the better someone sees this act as the more piggish a woman acts and women just do cause of their desires. Womanhood is horror cause of our own biology first then men and rest some delulu misandry is cringe
victim mentality and projecting your pretended morals etc. Onto other women who are busy fucking men rn cause they deeply love and protect what men embody and female life is horror cause of what women embody physically and it's position in sex and sex is the core of a human being and their psychology. Female position in "sex" is service, powerless and submission and reproduction actually is a female interest
No. 24454
>>24392What is not explicitly mentioned here is that horror comes from our bodies and the way men can act on them at any time. Because of rape and unwanted pregnancies, we are always living with a horror movie as background music (or a baseline as she put it.) That’s why horror created by men can feel weak, silly, contrived etc.
“Woman does not dream of transcendental or historical escape from natural cycle, since she is that cycle… the ancients knew that woman is bound to natures calendar, an appointment she cannot refuse. The Greek pattern of free will to hybris to tragedy is a male drama, since woman has never been deluded (until recently) by the mirage of free will. She knows there is no free will, since she is not free. She has no choice but acceptance. Whether she desires motherhood or not, nature yokes her into the brute inflexible rhythm of procreative law. Menstrual cycle is an alarming clock that cannot be stopped until nature wills it… The female body is a chthonian machine, indifferent to the spirit which inhabits it. Organically, it has one mission, pregnancy, which we may spend a lifetime staving off. Nature cares only for species, never individuals: the humiliating dimensions of this biologic fact are most directly experienced by women.”
No. 25309
>>24456Takes practice for me personally. I will make an argument or comment then realize afterwards it would have been better if I said it a certain way and if I added this or that point, and next time, if I remember which is not guaranteed, I’ll do it the better way I realized too late the first time, and this process can repeat with the same argument. You also should read a lot, listen to podcasts and the news to find people with good arguments you can use in this process, and also talking points from the opposing side you need to learn how to address. You come to find things that work and discard things you don’t like or find pointless.
Arguing with people or presenting your thoughts to people gives you exposure to opposing views or pushback you can think about how to respond, research. This is part of the process of refining and strengthening your pov and arguments too. I think it takes years to develop some of your arguments/stance and it’s always evolving.
No. 29011
File: 1721996212474.jpg (86.22 KB, 874x580, trad wife.jpg) lunacy coming from this interview. The part about how she met her husband and their marriage really does it for me, she met him at college and he wanted to get married in a year, and then he literally got a flight with a seat next to her because she wouldn't go on a date with him, fucking stalker shit. She gave up her ballet career for this fucking moid:
“Our first few years of marriage were really hard, we sacrificed a lot,” she says. “But we did have this vision, this dream and —” Daniel interrupts: “We still do.” What kind of sacrifices, I ask her. “Well, I gave up dance, which was hard. You give up a piece of yourself. And Daniel gave up his career ambitions.”
This is an extremely depressing read. She clearly didn't want this but this fucking ape made her get married anyways and has clearly gaslit her into thinking its mutual sacrifice while this poor woman slaves away in the house taking care of the children while ALSO working the farm. She even talks about how her and her husband are "co ceos" in the middle of the article, but that's clearly just because this woman does all the work. At one point he even implies he wants more children and she clearly doesn't want to have more. Fucking mormons, I swear.
No. 29012
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>>29011They are mormon and both come from mormon families. Cue why it all happened and looks like it does.
It's outrageous this guy took her away from the world of art to grow pigs together. He looks like a fucking pig himself.
No. 35001
AI is genuinely the scrotiest thing to ever exist. It's almost reflective of you average moid. It's lacking of creative, money-sucking, whorish, and brain numbing. It literally only exists to serve scrote desire, moids use it to cheat in school because they know they don't have the brainpower to think without it. AI further proves the fact that moids are subhuman, they cannot think for themselves and must have a machine do it for them. It's so depressing and i doubt any legal advancements will be made on it before it's too late. It's always scrotes putting their slop into art competitions, begging for their collage of stolen art pieces to have copyright protection, using AI to scam the elderly. But, out of everything, AI porn is possibly the most subhuman thing to ever be created. It's so chimpanzee like, they just mash a few buttons on their computer and get naked photos of little girls or some shit to coom to. If you think scrotes are in any way intelligent or human, i want you to look in AI shill spaces and see how subhuman scrotes truly are. Not to mention the fact they use AI garbage to blackmail women is even more depressing. I also hate every single coomer woman who shills AI and sperges about how "WELL ITS ONLY BAD WHEN MALES MAKE AI PORN!!" Knowing full well that if any restrictions are put on generative AI there's no fucking way they can be sex discriminatory towards males, especially in the US. Shit like this makes me hate straight women. No one cares if you can't coom to your thick-necked husbando bot if certain types of uses for generative AI ever get banned, feeding into the machine hurts real women. It's funny how sex dynamics replicate themselves to even the totally "chill" celibate straight women, you're being a pick-me to your husbando even if it means hurting teenage girls. You're mindlessly, brain-droolingly mashing buttons to create a poorly made photo of a 2D scrote instead of building passion for a skill like how it used to be. It's so pathetic. Also the fact even this site has an AI containment thread is stupid. AI should be wiped off this earth but, enough sperging from me lol.
No. 35005
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>>35004(responding to scrote instead of just reporting)
No. 35019
>>35001I love how you pretend to be an enlightened lesbian so much better than hetties and yet the only women who hate ai are insecure cocksuckers who cling to traditional gender roles and are afraid their ugly fat ogres will leave them for ai.
Of course women can't possible be interested to ai that's only for males and if we do we're evil pickmes. Never mind the fact that women who use ai to talk to their husbandos only use text generating ai not image generators.
Males will always use everything for evil. At least women who devote themselves to their husbandos stop breeding with and cleaning up after 3d ogres. Can you say the same whore?
No. 35043
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>>35019You ignore all of my points in the message and resort to trying to make me a straight woman so your argument works. If you're tilted just say so or go back to the BP containment thread especially if you cannot handle any commentary on female politics in the modern world other than just dooming. The cattiness just makes you look hurt. You don't understand how generative AI works in any capacity if you think chatbots don't contribute to making AI better. All AI is shit and should be abolished. If you were fine with not breeding with scrotes before AI existed then you should be fine without AI. You are not being forced to date/fuck subhumans if your AI slop is taken away from you. By using any form of generative AI you are making it better, therefore worsening the effect of things like AI porn, non-consensual chatbots of random women, and just AI slop used by scrotes in general. You have had other forms of media you could resort to before AI, generative AI in it's modern form has only conceptualized very recently so if you don't remember a time you could've had content about your husbando scrote you're probably not over the age of 12. AI is a very new concept, again, so it makes sense that most women on this website don't understand how it works or how it improves but don't get tilted when you're told that, yes even your innocent (soulless) chatbot feeds into the overarching issues of AI generated content. AI isn't like other forms of degeneracy where you can just consume it in a vacuum without it harming anybody (as a woman, of course), it all feeds into eachother. As one girl's scrote faggot chatbot improves and gets human feedback, a moid's chatbot of a deceased woman will improve, vice versa. And before you go full schizo mode and accuse me of forcing you to submit to some ugly scrote, I believe in separatism and I believe that straight women shouldnt fuck scrotes or breed with them but has absolutely no correlation with feeding into a machine that's used by scrotes to degrade women and little girls. So yes, a broke celibate yume who wants to avoid scrotes at all costs, as based as she may be, her using AI may actually be more harmful to women as a whole than one may think.
No. 35102
>>35001AI is a great therapy tool honestly.
>>29012The best solution to tradthots is to ignore their existence entirely. same with trannies
No. 35146
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just came across this in my feed and it grossed me out
>in order to be treated like an incubator, it helps to be treated like a porn category!
her logic, in the article, is that being a dominatrix and having men pay her to be mean because it turns them on (ie the men are the ones in control), it means she has excellent boundaries and knows how to say no.
No. 35150
>>35127It's because Mormons are absolutely
obsessed with damage control and PR, they prioritise their image above all things. It's getting harder for them to hide their cultism nowadays though, thanks to the internet.
No. 35159
>>35155Why can't porn be banned though? Studies show it literally corrupts brain also many pictures of many women are leaked on those sites and they are unaware of it. Why the left thinks porn is fucking empowering when they know it's just a billion dollar business? Don't they hate capitalism but will call sex trafficked young girls sex workers and force them to accept sexual abuse
I feel so hopeless because of this libfem psy-op
No. 35161
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>>35155>Isn't that better to create AI porn instead using real women?Ai porn is trained off of women’s likeliness (and little girl’s), and ntm males often use it to harass women they hate. Remember what happened to taylor swift? Males just use Ai porn for stuff that’s “off limits” because they can’t be prosecuted for it. Hence why regulations on what Ai can and cannot create is needed. Even outside of porn regulations are needed, there’s major issues with it relating to copy right. Anybody who thinks that this type of generative AI can be good doesn’t understand that most of this was rushed out because of investors. Reminds me of NFTs if they were actually destructive
>>35090ikr who cares if moids are necrophiles and fuck women’s dead bodies!! are you retarded? Yeah might as well let them fuck vegetable women too because they aren’t conscious. Drugged women too! No, you retard, males destroying women’s consent and will post-death is just a reflection of their attitude towards living women. I cant believe i’m in the radfem thread and not that schizo thread. Disrupting a dead woman’s likeliness also ruins the mourning of those around her. it’s like the argument of “well if they watch porn then they won’t inflict their fantasies on real women” despite porn making them more chimplike than they already are. I cannot take women’s ability on this website to hold scrotes actions accountable seriously lol
No. 35163
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>>35162Do you understand the concept of ones likeliness and how twisting it can negatively affect the people around them? When actors play dead people, they're often given permission by the family. If you seriously think a scrote making a chatbot of a deceased teenager has any care for how they twist her likeliness then you need to go back to the other boards. It's like when scrotes make drawn porn of dead women, imagine if a scrote did that to you hypothetical daughter. Even outside of death, scrotes use chatbots to make real children, celebrities, women they know irl etc etc. Who cares if it's not real, you are using someone's likeliness. Reminds me of the case of the girl who had her face photoshopped onto porn then killed herself. The "WELL IT'S NOT REAL" argument doesn't really hold up with AI, Ai is trained off of real photos and like I said, sometimes real CSAM. It's not "unhinged" to point out that scrotes making chatbots of random deceased women is harmful and does not just extend at that. You have too much faith in scrotes kek
No. 35164
>>35148those ironic dark comedy movies all seem to be coming true anyway. it's depressing that the only context this woman could find for setting healthy boundaries is the faux-boundary that a dominatrix has (because the saying "no" is what the man wants, and is paying you to do) why not just simply being able to say "no" when it comes to your body, whether a man likes it or not?
also the image is so gross kek, a woman's pregnancy bump with no baby inside, only two men and medical equipment. fucking bleak.
No. 35168
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>>35166>"One's likeness" is a literal chatbotIt can also be art, writing, movies/films(like you brought up), sometimes even porn. It's simply a representation of someone living or dead. It does not matter if the chatbot isn't a perfect representation of them, it's still a representation. Why do you think the chatbot was taken down in the first place? It was using the deceased woman's likeness negatively, therefore
representing her negatively. This is a very easy concept to grasp. The chatbot in question had her face as the photo, used her real name, and was made to represent her. It really is that simple. This is like saying writing a character in a book named "taylor swift" who lives the exact life as taylor swift, who is described as taylor swift, who is pictured in the cover of the book, and who the author states is a represent of taylor swift is somehow not using taylor's likeness. Do you see how your point does not stand? I could say "Well, it's a literal character in a fictional story, how could it be using her likeness?" but I'd sound retarded. Now, I want you to answer this, for what reason would a scrote create a public chatbot of a deceased girl who he has never met if he is not being malicious? Again, you have too much faith in scrotes.
>You keep bringing up unrelated tragedies such as photoshopping people's faces onto porn, but chatbots have nothing to do with that.How is this a false equivalency when I have mentioned it pertaining to how ones likeness, face, representation of them is used? If you are photoshopping someone's face onto porn, you are using their likeness. You are using their representation, their portrait. Again, this is an extremely easy concept to grasp. I'm simply making comparisons because AI is relatively new and has many similarities to past cases of this nature. There is literally a crisis relating to deepfakes right now in south korea, you can look it up for yourself. Your arguments really hold no weight as you seem to just be picking out one thing I say and then writing a sentence about how you don't understand it kek
No. 35169
>>35168>It was using the deceased woman's likeness negatively, therefore representing her negatively.You're so fucking retarded. If I put on a wig and a top hat, Abraham Lincoln's and started encouraging kids to do drugs, would people be stupid enough to believe the real Abraham Lincoln wanted children to do drugs?
>This is like saying writing a character in a book named "taylor swift" who lives the exact life as taylor swift, who is described as taylor swift, who is pictured in the cover of the book, and who the author states is a represent of taylor swift is somehow not using taylor's likeness. This isn't at all similar to chatbots, using Taylor Swift's name and image and writing a character that shares similar life experiences to her without her consent in a story and publishing that story is illegal, and it is illegal because portraying Taylor Swift negatively, even in a fictional story, will negatively affect her reputation. But analysing Taylor Swift's twitter and blog posts and telling an AI to type like her is not illegal, because the way Taylor Swift writes is not specific enough to identify her out of any other person.
And by the way, a person writing a fictional story that they do not publish about Taylor Swift being an evil rapist murder is not illegal, but publishing that story is illegal. What would be illegal with regards to chatbots is to train it to type like Taylor Swift and then tell it to say that it committed heinous stuff, and then PUBLISHING those conversations online is illegal, because again that would be slanderous and ruin her reputation even if the publisher of the chatbot messages stated that Taylor Swift didn't actually write those messages but a chatbot. But someone training their chatbot in PRIVATE to type like Taylor Swift and depict her as an evil rapist murder, is NOT illegal, since because those chatbot messages are private Taylor Swift's reputation wouldn't be affected.
What makes chatbot depictions of real people illegal or not is whether such depictions slander the reputation of those real people, whether they're alive or dead.
No. 35179
>>35161>Remember what happened to taylor swift? Still no women would be harmed. Why do we care what men do behind our backs? I wouldn't care if moids made realistic porn of me because I don't care about them. They already can draw realistic porn of Taylor Swift if they want to. Now should we ban internet?
>Disrupting a dead woman’s likeliness also ruins the mourning of those around her.I don't agree with you. Dead bodies are just piece of fleshes. Women who are vegetables are still alive sentiment beings, individuals. I would probably have sex with a dead body for example.
(baiting) No. 35184
>>35179> If I put on a wig and a top hat, Abraham Lincoln's and started encouraging kids to do drugs, The point of using one’s likeness does not mean you are actually them, but yes you are using his representation. The point isn’t that it’s fictional and therefore not real so nobody cares, the point is that it’s representing real people therefore affecting them and people in their lives. if you think chat bots made to represent real people somehow are disconnected from the person who it’s created to embody, then you cannot comprehend a representation. It’s not that it’s real, it’s that it’s degrading, disrespectful, misogynistic, and used to harass women/girls and their families. More should be done by lawmakers to regulate AI so women are protected from more of these cases
>PRIVATE to type like Taylor Swift and depict her as an evil rapist murder, is NOT illegalWhen were we discussing the current legality of it lol? The point is of what regulations could be put on artificial intelligence in the future and the morals of it now. The point i’m making in the hypothetical is that that’s a representation of taylor swift, legal or not. either way using one’s likeness to create a chatbot without their consent, or if they’re deceased, with their family’s disdain
should be illegal. I don’t see how this would harm women who like fictional chatbots either. You should know how little restrictions there are on artificial intelligence there is right now. There’s pressure from investors and bigtech is going to shove it in anyways. It’s undeniably rushed and has no protections on who the AI represents, so my point is that AI should have further regulations due to how accessible it is. With other mediums it’s much easier to check for what is legal or not. AI not so much. It’s clearly a medium that needs restriction and the cases i’ve used of women/girls and their families being harassed with its uses are clear reasons as to why.
No. 35253
>>35043loneliness hurts women more. Should women who can't make friends or have a social life kill themselves then? so some worthless roastie doesn't have an ai chatbot made based on her which ultimately doesn't actually harm her unlike image generators.
Stop acting like you care about women when you see socially inept women as not real women but autists who should kill lthemselves.
No. 35284
>>35274I hate it too because it steals the hard work of everyone, it will be used to take intellectual labor from others more in the future. Using children and women as your protective meat shield against AI is pathetic, especially when you're not even addressing the root cause of the problem. AI steals from people, their family photographs and personal writings, their labor and work. That matters more than some women whoring themselves to an algorithm that then is used to make child porn easier. That's existed for decades at this point. Adult women participate in teen porn and play into auto pedofilia. It's obvious what the real problem is and yet no one is willing to acknowledge it. Even
>>35043 AI sperg anon just ends up attacking a strawman. Gen AI models operate based off of training data and guess who supplied all that training data?
No. 36069
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Spotted on the bus
No. 36146
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not my take, but picrel was 100% correct
No. 36863
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I'm just grossed out. Sorry if this isn't the right thread
No. 36877
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Surprisingly based take spotted on Instagram reels. Women are waking up
No. 36935
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do you agree?
No. 37323
>>15825Anyone caught pimping must pay for the prostitutes rehabilitation.
Same deal with johns. They want sex, then they can pay child support, rehab, medical costs etc.
Rapists and pedos just need public execution.
I'm anti police abolition, pro police reform. It's a no brainer we need law enforcement to keep bloodthirsty moids in check. But the cops need to do their jobs and stop focusing their energy on taking bribes and oppressing minorities for their criminal masters.
You deal with moid criminals and crime goes down 80-98 percent.
No. 37325
>>29012>>29011Holy shit he is one ugly goblin. Like ffs why can't this poor woman at least have something attractive to look at while he rapes her and ruins her life. I hope she wakes up and this pig dies in some tragic 'accident' where she gets all his nepo baby life insurance so she can pay for full time help in the home.
Half the time these mormon men are absolutely useless. Especially these days with social media, the tardwife will make 10x more than the moid with her momvlogs and even pay for his schooling (that he's inevitably failing because moidbrain). Most of these mormon morons are just glorified single mothers.
Ugh she has too many sons too. Worst of all her daughter is going to be raised thinking this shit is okay.
No. 37326
>>35163Moids are subhuman. I hope people don't think they only do this to girls. the 'an hero' meme comes from making fun of a 13 year old boy committing suicide and these fucking shitheads made him of him and desecrated his grave.
Even the most debased animals in the world have more dignity than the average human frontpole
No. 37530
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so trump won and the manufacturing of consent against federal agencies/the administrative state project 2025 promised is apparently under way. what about project 2025s promise to outlaw pornography? how can we take advantage of this being on the agenda to actually get rid of 60% of worlds hosted porn and criminalize it?
below are most porn mentions in project 2025. i am busy and it’s like 900 pages so i haven’t read the whole thing but i think we have to take the opportunities we get to deal with this problem.
last time radical feminists like dworkin and mackinnon tried to ally with the right to deal with porn they didn’t criticize their allies Cold War and anti worker agendas and we ended up with more sex trafficking and more porn and neoliberalism radfems try to pretend to criticize - where was the criticism from dworkin etc when neoliberalism was happening and her allies were the ones doing it?- so I think that was a major mistake and this time we have to get them to fulfill their promise to outlaw pornography while also not allowing them to get away with their other reactionary agendas. ideally. i don’t want to be the one who does it bc i have a million other things to do, its not interesting to me really, still it’s the reality of the situation i never see anyone address properly. so ill just say that bc it’s the facts of the matter.
>and children suffer the toxic normalization of transgenderism with drag queens and pornography invading their school libraries. Overseas, a totalitarian Communist dictatorship in Beijing is engaged in a strategic, cultural, and economic Cold War against America’s interests, values, and people—all while globalist elites in Washington awaken only slowly to that growing threat. Moreover, low-income communities are drowning in addiction and government dependence.
>Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology and sexualization of children, for instance, is not a political Gordian knot inextricably binding up disparate claims about free speech, property rights, sexual liberation, and child welfare. It has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime. Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered.
>Support legislation that scraps Section 230's current approach. The FCC should work with Congress on more fundamental Section 230 reforms that go beyond interpreting its current terms. Congress should do so by ensuring that Internet companies no longer have carte blanche to censor protected speech while maintaining their Section 230 protections. As part of those reforms, the FCC should work with Congress to ensure that antidiscrimination provisions are applied to Big Tech-including "back-end" companies that provide hosting services and DDoS protection. Reforms that prohibit discrimination against core political viewpoints are one way to do this and would track the approach taken in a social media law passed in Texas, which was upheld on appeal in late 2022 by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit.20
>In all of this, Congress can make certain points clear. It could focus legislation on dominant, general-use platforms rather than specialized ones. This could include excluding comment sections in online publications, specialized message boards, or communities within larger platforms that self-moderate. Similarly, Congress could legislate in a way that does not require any platform to host illegal content; child pornography; terrorist speech; and indecent, profane, or similar categories of speech that Congress has previously carved out.
No. 37549
>>37539nyart but why the fuck are people getting their panties in a twist over banning porn?
It should be banned, ESPECIALLY internet porn. Like am I the only one who sees how twisted and pedophilic it inherently is that mainstream porn sites don't even require an account to get access to it?
Any fucking 4 year old can hear the word porn, wonder what it is, google it, and BAM. Instant, non direct, early exposure to every single fucked up sexual fetish under the sun. As soon as they can spell it they can fucking see it.
Porn definitely should be banned, but in the meantime the fact that porn is THIS accessible to little kids makes me want to fucking puke.
No. 37564
>>37556Listen, when a scrotling with negligent parents gets some weird fucked up rape fetish because he went to pornhub as a little kid and grows up to be a predator as a result, it DOES become my problem.
Idk why you think making internet porn less accessible in the slightest is so oppressive. Saying "the government isn't here to babysit your kids" is stupid as shit. You could say that about mandating car seats for babies. It's just stupid. nona.
No. 37573
>>37556>if children can easily access pornKids hear from porn and sex at a very young age and seek it because it's forbidden, because they reach an age where they start thinking about it (normal thing) and they're naturally curious. Seeing it once already does damage, then if their parents are asleep, busy with chores, doing anything but hovering over them it gives them an opportunity to go back and re-traumatize/warp their brain with porn, which they don't immediately realize because
all children, regardless of intelligence, struggle with long-term thinking. Hell, even grown adults like you don't get it kek. I hope you're bored and trolling because this is, word for word, the coomer/libfem argument against cracking down on porn. If you were bolder you'd argue for decrim of CP since banning it didn't instantly end the problem, wait, some coomers argue for that already
>No one forces children to watch porn lmao. They don't need that to groom them.They don't, but it sure helps
No. 37574
>>37564Hmm so if we ban porn boys will no longer rape girls?
>>37573>then if their parents are asleep, busy with chores, doing anything but hovering over them it gives them an opportunity to go back So you acknowledge it's a parental problem?
No. 37576
>>37574It's an all around problem. Just shrugging and saying "oh the parents should be responsible" is on the same tier as "women should just keep their legs closed if they don't want abortions"
Like what are you a porn addict or some shit? Get some help.
No. 37579
>>37574>parental problemBut people must sleep, eat, get busy, no one in the history of humanity has been always present to watch their kids, not even helicopter parents. You can't completely control what children are exposed to unless you're in a cult or live in an extremely remote place because kids go outside, they have access to phones (even if they don't have one). You're being purposefully obtuse. And no one is arguing that a porn ban would completely solve rape, literally no one.
You don't want to see that pornography being so freely available has set back women for a century because it means we have to do something about it. You want to take the boring, expected defeatist position that consists of saying 'there's nothing we can do, it's too scawy, people are mean, they hate us' or 'men will always rape and subjugate and there's nothing we can do politically to curb that because wah wah we're powerless, better be le based witches in secret'. With 'friends' like this women don't need enemies.
No. 37582
>>37579nyart but this person is just being obnoxious. Even when I suggested just having porn be less accessible to kids, like requiring an e-mail and/or an ID this anon freaked out about it.
I think the e-mail/ID would help a LOT in curbing nasty shit like revenge porn.
Of course, banning it would be good too. I mostly just don't want kids exposed to it because porn really fucks with the brain.
No. 37812
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Runawaysiren passed away.