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No. 1351285
Thread to talk about people who are radical feminists, but are batshit insane OR claim to be radical feminists, but are just using it to gain money and/or notoriety.
Warning: This is not a thread for ranting about TIMs, TIFs or COVID. Please go to the respective containment threads for that.Anna Slatz
>Grifter with a plastic surgery addiction.>Fired from her job as Editor-in-Chief for writing two puff pieces for the leader of a Neo-nazi party in Canada.>Currently making a transition as a financial guru and stocks investor.>>>/snow/1244909Vanessa Vokey
>Anti-mask psycho who compared face masks to hijabs.>Assaulted a female voting booth worker for asking her to wear a mask.>YouTube recently deleted her channel. Murphy
>Founded the website Feminist Current and was a radfem.>Moved to Mexico to escape the anti-feminist dystopia of Canada.>Ditched her beliefs and doesn't feel comfortable calling herself a radfem anymore.>Writes articles about feeling sorry for men nowadays. Tverly
>Unhinged druggie who makes crazy rants online while playing a synth.>Thinks that hygiene is a tool of the patriarchy.>Made a video of herself freebleeding in response to Contrapoints.>Peed on the toilet seat and the floor of a public restroom because of a troon. Androphobia
>Anti-vaxxer, who believes that COVID is a fake pandemic.>Believes that vaccines makes you troon out. Dyess
>Former radfem who claims that was brainwashed by Julie Bindel to join the TERF cult.>Currently in transition to become a man and working on an anti-TERF film.>Believes herself to be the alpha in the fight against TERFs. No. 1351295
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I feel like Posie Parker/Kellie-Jay Keen had some drama in the last year… but regardless her constant livestreams make me cringe.
I think I liked one thing she did, but her YouTube presence is overwhelming and off-putting and I don’t follow her any more.
No. 1351312
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>>1351285What about Radfem Hitler? She's a more niche one since she's with the remnants of the kaliacc people (schizophrenic racist people who like to pretend every culture they find cool is actually aryan), but I see her all over twitter lately. She makes many trads seethe which I like though. A couple of weeks ago someone found out that she actually hangs out with lefty tech journos who dox rw people and everyone went nuts.
No. 1351346
>>1351312>kaliacc people (schizophrenic racist people who like to pretend every culture they find cool is actually aryan) Wait what, how have I never heard of this, it sounds hilarious
Any screenshots of these morons
No. 1351373
>>1351346dont wanna derail but anyways I'm unsure if anyone documented well the shitfest of kaliacc people, it ended with a schism where one of the two main 'leaders' of the community got outed for trying to groom minors into anorexia and self harm. Just search kaliacc name in google and you can find plenty of things about their side of twitter.
>>1351345 yeah she's not super vocal about her racism but her whole audience is basically white nationalist weirdos. She also interacts with the Anna Slatz too
No. 1351386
>>1351295Is she a radfem though? Pretty sure she said shes not a feminist anymore because of the shit going on nowadays (and I dont blame her)
No. 1351463
>>1351447Agreed, she's truly an irreplaceable person
>>1351452I think that what anon means is that RFH mostly shitposts and the extent of her white nationalist views she reveals these days are complaining about "anti-whites," whereas her orbiters will straight up sperg out with slurs involved at nonwhite women on the weekly if not daily. She's a lot more subtle which is why she was able to befriend more mainstream radfems.
No. 1351480
>>1351393 Agreed but I kinda give her a pass for leaving niceties at the door because she had inoperable brain cancer. I would do the same thing, tbh.
>>1351416 So she was part of the merry band of weirdos who have read Evola too many times. Lovely.
No. 1351493
>>1351349unfortunately. i want a place to discuss all the grifters who aren't actually radical feminists in the slightest, the bizarro We Are Suffering White Genocide spergs who manage to cape as feminists and the rad 2 trad pipeline/conservative gcs who think hating trannies makes them cutting edge "radfems" but i know this thread will probably invite in seething moids and maybe some of those trads themselves. i guess we'll see how it goes.
>>1351393i think a lot of people are fond of mag berns for nostalgia purposes. she was one of the first outspoken women on this subject and her life was cut tragically short, so it makes it easier to reminiscence on and build up in your head. i liked her biting approach but i felt sometimes she could have done deeper analysis rather than just quippy jabs. but she
had no cow tendencies and was sincere so i feel no need to complain about her.
>>1351312damn, i've been keeping an eye on her attempting to weasel out if she's a proper racist or just had hitler tacked onto her dn for edgy purposes. she's must be more covert these days because i haven't caught anything explicit whenever i've lurked on her page but something about her definitely felt suspect. shame she's a white nationalist. RFs have to be better at spotting the racist/trad grifters.
No. 1351505
>>1351285>Assaulted a female voting booth worker for asking her to wear a masklmao what? anyone got a source on this?
>>1351295I couldn't stand her content anymore once she got so bad that she blamed women for trans activism for not voting Trump. is shit but so is Trump and if he won he'd likely roll back women's rights in some other way.
>>1351465ntayrt but you look more like the cow for resorting to capslock.
Mags didn't need to be nice because they call anyone a hateful bigot regardless of how nice they are, I don't remember her going overboard and telling anyone to kys or similar shit anyway. Worst I remember her saying is that tims are equivalent to blackface actors, which may be true depending on your point of view.
No. 1351599
>>1351585>>1351505Saying that it's all women's fault is inaccurate. I think the only crime women have committed is being too compassionate to anybody who claims to be a minority without any kind of verification or critical thinking. I do believe that women are bullied into supporting trannies far more then men are since men being transphobic is the expectation. In some ways I do not blame them for being ignorant because misinformation shines harder than true information i.e media sites calling the tiktok teen who started the super straight trend a white supremacist despite him being Asian.
That being said, that's probably why so many radfems fall down the wild conspiracy rabbit holes. They forget that most people in this world are either neutral or blissfully ignorant on how shit the trans community is. They also forget that most normal people will never see an tim as a woman or a tif as a man even if they do entertain their delusions.
No. 1351638
>>1351585It may be more of a niche issue than abortion rights like the other anon mentioned, but it was also his administration that really messed up the Title IX procedures regarding how schools were supposed to handle sexual assault accusations. The uni I worked at had such a severe drop in girls being willing to go through with investigations after their assaults were reported to us, I think the main thing was requiring the investigation allow the alleged perpetrator to directly cross examine the
victim or something. Trump and his administration never had any intention of supporting women and you’re a fool if you believe otherwise.
No. 1351814
>>1351393oh no, was the lesbian too mean for you? Her bluntness is what showed a lot of women the truth. Her videos were short and to the point, no begging, no bullshit.
Also she was literally beaten on the street by a random man before she died. Plenty of men are in the media that have an obvious burning hatred for women, but it's a problem now. smells like libfem
>>1351465oh d/w, replied before I saw this. You're just retarded.
>>1351703kek the rightwing trad moms are here to pop off I guess. Shut the actual fuck up.
No. 1351860
>>1351814>>1351840>>1351585well, it seems all the retarded trads have found their way to this thread.
>Tell me one bad thing Trump has done to've got to me kek'ing me
No. 1351923
>>1351505>>1351653>>1351318OP here. I wrote what I was hearing from other radfems, so I made some mistakes concerning Vanessa and Ella's descriptions. I apologize for that. If we get a second thread, I will make the corrections:
- Vanessa had a public mental breakdown, but did not physically assault anybody.
- Ella is an anti-vaxxer, but she doesn't believe that vaccines cause you to troon out.
No. 1351933
>>1351638Who cares. If you are a
victim of any crime by another student you should go to the police not the administration. Just seems really naive. Biden is still worse for women.
No. 1351971
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>>1351413>>1351934Murphy's new views aren't really due to men, rather a singular man, Benjamin Boyce
a "centrist" youtuber whose also made a number of anti-feminist comments
she's been publicly simping for him for years now
No. 1352529
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The tumblr radfems are probably the most crazy. There was a troon that larped as a radical feminist and was then accepted into a ''radfem'' discord server later to be exposed as a pedo groomer and the so called ''radfem'' mods didn't do anything and instead shit-talked all the victims in secret group chats like it was high school. So much for female solidarity lol. These incidents made me never want to join any online radfem groups. It's full of online warriors and pettiness and clique-ness or this shit.
pic related is him
No. 1352536
>>1351416>>1351346super OT and this isn't really political opinion but Hinduism is really fucking retarded, maybe not the most morally fucked up but it is imo the most retarded religion currently existing
Brahminic Hinduism survived compared to other pagan faiths was cause it had already developed and written down its religious practices into law centuries ago, until it became part of the social order and that had some interesting results
a good e.g is how many times India bas been conquered by outsiders(persians, huns, greeks, arabs, turks, central asians, afghans, dutch, french, portuguese and the english) one of the reasons for this is the codes of Brahminic Hindu warfare, Hindus refused to use any military invocations that were not present in their Holy texts such as pikes, horse calvary and even gunpowder and neither did they ever think of using there mass peasant population as recruits, instead only there hereditary noble population were the only ones allowed to fight which had the result of murdering the entire nobility in a single battle
I don't know why any /pol/tard, hippie or liberal would choose Hinduism, its that fucking dumb of a religion
No. 1352547
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>>1351346Check out hellokittyrazorb1adee on insta, they have all the screenshots in their stories.
Pic related is ''miya'' the ringleader pedophile.
No. 1352550
>>1352348>>1352448She had a BBL
>>1251567, tummy tuck
>>1285251 and nose job
>>1244986. She has also talked about getting more plastic surgery
No. 1352764
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>>1352713This online nazi/pro-ana cult is formed by groomer pedophiles (the main ones being ''Miya'' and ''Sunny'') that larp as teenage girls and then get actual teenage girls to join their guilded/discord servers and brainwash them into becoming anorexic and cutting the leaders' names into their bodies. They also have rules they gave to follow in order to become girlfriends of ''Miya''. They believe in a weird and nonsensical philosophy which is a mix of caste, white nationalism, ''aryan'' hitlerism and hinduism. They also believe white features such as blonde hair and blue eyes are the ''purest features'' and even made eye color verification (I'm not 100% sure on this one).
To get into the server you also needed to have a low bmi (anyone over a b.m.i over 19 would get bullied or kicked out) and ''Miya'' claims that in order for happiness to be achieved, you must be very skinny and if you think otherwise, you're a promoter of obesity. There are some theories that Sunny is Reiko from r9k but there is no proof of that yet. They deserve their own thread tbh.
Their current socials are: attached is relevant
No. 1352940
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>>1352764when cows collide
No. 1353508
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>>1353033My favorite thing is Anna's leaked chats with incels, thanking them for promoting her and sharing her thirst traps in 4chan
No. 1357398
>>1351346They might have done NFT shit before on Not sure if it's the same people but that site links to which is also linked on the kaliacc card, and used to have links to a lot of weird pseudo-science sites. Ilongfornetworkspirituality also used to have a real-time chatroom. I went on there once when I first stumbled across it and there was someone asking about Miya, so I assume it's connected.
No. 1367478
>>1367464The way Ovarit mods ban you is fucked up, they don't even give a warning
they just delete your account and all your comments and posts get deleted as well and there's no way to contact the mods
No. 1367503
>>1367493>It's possible that a mod already had something against her before they banned her and called her a racist troll.I think that's the most likely explanation
That said I did watch the vidoe, the comment she used to describe the Taliban as that they were a "lower form of being who can't be changed" which is something I agree with but does sound racist and something I would never post
No. 1367741
as awful as TIMs and TIFs maybe, they are a extremely small minority of degenerates, while they need to be addressed and criticized they are mostly a non-issue
No. 1368033
>>1367977>>1368030I didn't expect this, one of the admins girl_undone was an avid male hating separatist on r/GC
I don't know she of all people could allow this
No. 1368055
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>>1368033really? she made the posts about men being allowed in because its a public site, and that having just women would create a hive mind
No. 1368064
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>>1368055again I'm surprised this is coming from her, she was very much against letting men in or being nice to men
No. 1368228
>>1352158Late af but yes lol. I was hoping more people would post about radtwt drama because it's actually insane. I don't have Twitter but I lurk and boy is there some batshit crazy ppl.
The tampon sperging was something
No. 1368264
>>1368228What tampon sperging?
>>1367749I still don't understand why they banned Radfem Black. Why was the cap emoji so offensive?
No. 1368283
>>1368228have women regressed back to the pad vs tampon debate we fought over as retarded teens? or is it something else?
>>1368114fds' endgame has always been about dick so its no surprise they call anyone not interested a femcel
besides lolcow, there is a site you can try, though it sounds like general manhate and is pretty dead. lchat has a tranny thread i read once in a while. lsa is another that i lurk, but that subforum sometimes has pickmes asking disingenuous questions to start fights. tumblr probably has the most since the porn ban. i don't even look at the mixed bag that is twitter, the moids are like roaches on there
i'd actually like to know where the blackpill women went, because most sites that branched from reddit are too tame
No. 1368312
>>1368264>>1368283I can try to dig up the tweet but it was essentially "using tampons is un-feminist" (her logic being because they're dangerous because of things like
toxic shock syndrome) and then it devolved into infighting.
No. 1368313
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>>1368264>>1368283Here's the tweet that started the shit show
No. 1368422
>>1368367She did a stream about this?
Awesome now I have to listen, smokinfeds is so funny
No. 1368548
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>>1368367I took this from the stream
No. 1368611
>>1368548>>1368554>>1368563These are barely readable but I read them anyways.
holy SHIT
No. 1368711
>>1368563Someone not believing this is "harassment" somehow lol
This is why I can't join gc/radtwt these ppl are as cringe as the tras they complain about
No. 1368726
>>1368422>smokinfedsNever heard of her, skimmed through some videos of hers and in one she goes off on a tangent defending illustrated child porn while claiming that csa survivors are weaponizing their trauma to hurt lolicon pedophiles this chick is more of an unbearable cow than anyone in the op, at least Vokey won't start ranting about innocent kiddy rape porn being under attack by meanie csa survivors while claiming to be a radfem.
Japanese women who work with abused children say that lolicon contributes to csa so it's not weird that survivors hate it.
She also claims she isn't defending it, while literally defending it. Someone who doesn't give a shit wouldn't care if pedos were getting attacked by 'weaponized trauma'. A normal person wouldn't even let pedos fester in their server and would just ban them.
No. 1368790
>>1368639You're 100% right, lol.
All of this has me remembering one of the only episodes of her podcast I ever listened to – it was a debate MM moderated between one of the women from WOLF and Kathleen Stock about allying with the right. I never listened to another episode b/c MM did absolutely nothing to hold the WOLF woman (who argued for allying with the right) to any sort of account. Stock didn't completely bring her A game, but there were so many moments MM basically let her twist in the wind in favor of propping up a woman with really obviously shallow knowledge. I guess nothing she's doing now is surprising, really.
No. 1368808
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My favorite Lea interaction, starring VV. No. 1368867
>>1368859i thought you were talking about the tumblr user fem
enace and I was like "i didn't know she was a cow." The usernames are so similar, who copied who?
No. 1368958
>>1368554Two blondes named Anya and Kurt. And it's important to know they had pink cheeks
>>1368563>>1368808I can't help but think anyone who'd been forced to do the shit she describes there wouldn't even be able to type it without vomiting, much less repeatedly bring it up for Twitter arguments
No. 1369064
>>1368808There's a lot more archived:*Details of what happened:,,,,, went to the police and they didn't believe her, but she found the address of where she children are buried: list of all the people who have sexually abused her as a child: wants set up a gofundme to hire a PI: teacher
triggered her repressed trauma memories: crystal grid also helped: suggests that it sounds like Satanic Panic:, was no cannibalism though: No. 1369121
>>1368914nah i think they're different. the tumblr account with that username seems pretty run of the mill as far as radblr goes
>>1369064jesus, she seems like someone who could have her own thread… reminds me of soren.
No. 1369128
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>>1368724>>1368726she sounds like and dresses like a black contrarian girl who always dates the worst LV white guys
No. 1369312
>>1369275And she's locked
No. 1369320
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>>1369312She locked shortly after she tweeted about "I never said anything about cannibalism". Nothing to worry about. When her narc supply from behind private runs thin, she will open the gates again. She won't be able to resist. Prove me wrong Lea. I dare you.
(don't use emojis ) No. 1369349
>>1369320>Not going to explain the specificSis… You already did lmfao
Also idk if you're new here anon but emoji use is generally frowned upon
No. 1369749
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>>1369295Anna Slatz got her fans to donate a laptop for her, all the while she larps as a financial expert and plays with $15k+ on stocks. Picrel is the type of content you will get from her.
No. 1370003
>Radfem cowsThis shit: evil schizo doesn't call itself radfem, but orbits their blogs. I am speechless, go check it out yourselves, honestly what the fuck. Also beware that the comments are full of white supremacists.
No. 1370104
Haven't read through this thread yet, but I plan to. I'm not a radfem, but I used to be subscribed to several of them on YT. Had to unsubscribe form Ella because she was making 20+ community posts a day screeching about covid, how it's not real and it's just "part of the war on women", how the vaccine is experimental gene therapy, etc etc. Also unsubscribed from VV who seemed pretty levelheaded at first. There's another one, named Karen, but her channel name is You're Kiddin Me Right? Or something like that. I only watched a couple of her videos, and she seemed alright, but her community posts kept showing up in my feed AND THEY WERE ALWAYS IN ALL CAPS LOCK!! LIKE THIS!! for some reason, which seems to be common with radfems. Oh, and there's a war between Elle, VV, & Karen vs Meghan Murphy. I'm not even entirely sure what it's about or what started it, but it has to do with Benjamin Boyce. Like, Benjamin Boyce had some kind of falling out with Karen and Elle and VV took her side but Meghan stayed affiliated with Benjamin Boyce.
Then VV kept spamming Meghan Murphy on Instagram. Like basically harassing her, saying that Meghan was pro-porn (she isn't) or something like that. VV kept screenshotting her own comments on Meghan's stuff and posting it to her IG, as well as posting comment slapfights she gets in. She does this on YT as well. I went to the video VV was referencing about Meghan, and she didn't even say anything good about porn, so I'm really not sure what VV is on about.
No. 1370217
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Lea / @Vive_Lez_Vulva is off private now, predictably. Technically she didn't describe in graphic detail how she chewed on the infant's (or toddler's, depending on the day) flesh, so it wasn't cannibalism. Case closed. No. 1370259
>>1370104This is the problem I have with so many of them
They come across just as unhinged as the gender crowd. The anti vax shit is really annoying
No. 1370265
>>1370259>They come across just as unhinged as the gender crowd. The anti vax shit is really annoyingFuck yes, the amount of radfems I've seen who are anti-vax on radblr is insane
so many have created elaborated conspiracy theories about men creating the virus purposefully and using it is a tool destroy womankind
No. 1370328
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>>1369947She does call herself a radfem.
No. 1370330
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>>1370104This is a simplistic and mean thing to say, but I think that while some people get interested in rad stuff because they're uncomfortable with gender or pop feminism or something like that, other people get into it because they have a mental problem that makes them believe any conspiracy they come across, and 'troons are erasing women's rights' is just another conspiracy for them.
No. 1370342
Does anyone remember the radblr drama between Elliot Morais and 715? Two radfem/ tif flip-floppers (you know the type) who had a fujo4fujo discord eromance then broke up and each made google docs airing eachothers dirty laundry. The only 715 did for Elliot is here but I can't find the one Elliot did for 715 so I'm going from memory.
>715 was a medical student who would draw and drink the blood of her friends and lovers for sexual gratification.>Elliot was a DID faker who had an 'evil alter' called Nyx who she would blame stupid shit she did on. She also had a crush on a GC teen boy (biological male) as an adult.>A detailed, excruciating case study of autoandrophilia No. 1370383
>>1367463idk how the fuck you can think shit like this more female friendly than obnoxious men in dresses walking into the women's toilets.
>muh free speechmaybe violent men in mexico don't care if you say men aren't women, but start reporting on women murdered and raped by cartels and see how well that goes for you.
No. 1370402
>>1370366Thanks, the 38 page analysis is what I was referring to as 'the google doc Elliot made airing 715's dirty laundry'. It's structured as a response to the one 715 made about Elliot, since that one came first. It's where the Vampire M.D. stuff gets talked about, which is my favourite part of the saga.
Link for anyone who doesn't want to make a scribd account: No. 1370404
>>1370366"weaponizing >his trauma against >him, including sending >him human centipede gifs"
No. 1370437
>>1370408>>1370417MADman is vadgina-bush. She appears in the doc anon just posted here
>>1370421. She six years older than the rest of the cast of this shitshow, but decided to enmesh herself in it anyway.
Roz is the GC MtF kid (his trans name is Rose).
No. 1370593
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Another annoying thing about Ella was how she was always reposting videos by conservatives like Brittany Sellner, Steven Crowder and Tim Pool, as if those people also don't hate women's rights. Pretty sure she would just be a conservative if it weren't for the fact that they're against abortion. She was also posting about how Bill Gates was trying to commit genocide via the vaccine but has her Amazon wishlist linked. So you don't trust Bill Gates but you wanna give Jeff Bezos your money? Bitch get the fuck out of here.
>>1370325Pretty sure she's misspelling it on purpose so she doesn't get that "learn the facts about covid" sign popping up under her post or whatever.
No. 1370695
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>>1351312She occasionally has good takes. I believe this unironically
No. 1370891
>>1370730I mean there were so "manhating" radblr radfems who secretly had boyfriend's or husband's the whole time
one example I remember was a "proud butch lesbian" who would mock bisexual women but turned out the whole time she was married to a man, had kids and was a stay at home armywife kek
No. 1370941
>>1370730this is a lot less interesting when you take into account just how many radblr "lesbians" have turned out to be bi or straight, although that case plus the woman who begged her followers for money to get a lesbian themed tattoo and then married a man are the most notorious
>>1370891and what's this about? I don't remember ever hearing about it
No. 1370952
>>1370839I think there's probably some truth to the passage from Welcome to the NHK I attached to my post, that the root of that kind of thinking is feelings of inferiority and dissatisfaction with oneself while being unable to take responsibility for one's own circumstances, rather than a specific mental disorder.
That said, BPD-chans are definitely very susceptible to conspiracy theories and similar nonsense like DID and gender, in part due to lacking a strong core identity. There's also legitimate schizophrenics and bipolar sufferers.
No. 1372762
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>>1372727Yes, thanks anon. This is her.
No. 1373148
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>>1373109toppdyke even has her own call out tumblr: No. 1373809
>>1373703Oh I just realized I confused larps and sharts lol. Sorry nonna I can't read apparently.
Sharts is still lurking around she streams with smokingfeds
No. 1374411
larps was a controversial radblr orbiter (or radblr orbited her) who brought to it less PC language and memes, I think she left around 2018. Sharts was a less controversial radblr meme blog that was modeled a bit after larps but she was very clear that they're not associated
>>1373109you're remembering something wrong since sharts wasn't a feminist
No. 1376331
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>>1375357okay i decided to come back here. I'll try to keep it brief. the essence of what happened was that 715, currently aristocat98 on tumblr, who i will be referring to as ari from now, and i (laura) e-dated for three months in 2020.
im a mentally deranged neetcel autist and ari, a med student, convinced me i had did. she also copied my symptoms and started claiming to have did as well later on. beyond the cringe, the relationship ended with me receiving a callout for abuse (not sending her enough sexy lesbian texts) and pedophilia (being uncomfortable around a 17 year old guy).
so the past year has consisted in ari obsessing over me and me obsessing over ari. these are the things i have found out while dating her, as well as from moling her servers:
- ari has a trap fetish. to be clear, she's an ftm lesbian, but she gets off on imagining herself as a femboy or mtf. she's taking estradiol alongside testosterone to pretend to be a feminized male.
- she drinks human blood. she has admitted to me that she "convinces" people she's close with to let her draw their blood and drink it. it makes her feel warm and… more resistant to cold; according to her, that is. funnily enough, she doesn't enjoy drinking period blood.
- now that she's claiming did, she believes one of her alters is reincarnated josef mengele but a tranny. mtf repressor josef mengele alter. pretty much
idk how this website works but I'll drop some screenshots in this thread
pomeranian-privilege is ari/715
No. 1376332
File: 1637957536023.png (70.58 KB, 398x553, Screenshot-4319.png)

No. 1376334
File: 1637957583037.png (33.73 KB, 583x234, Screenshot-74.png)

im not a pussy bitch so you're free to look at my cringe as well
No. 1376335
File: 1637957607912.png (56.58 KB, 600x549, Screenshot-173.png)

No. 1376337
File: 1637957633871.png (68.83 KB, 614x554, Screenshot-171.png)

No. 1376338
File: 1637957665047.png (47.15 KB, 571x408, Screenshot-165.png)

sorry if theyre out of order
No. 1376340
File: 1637957742703.png (64.37 KB, 610x549, Screenshot-169.png)

No. 1376341
File: 1637957765022.png (33.89 KB, 573x266, Screenshot-168.png)

No. 1376342
File: 1637957999835.png (48.08 KB, 484x416, unknown-24.png)

here ari is "regina george"
she's talking about her did alters. one of those alters is referred to as "redacted". that's the nazi doctor josef mengele alter.
No. 1376343
File: 1637958021243.png (42.49 KB, 503x425, unknown-19.png)

No. 1376344
File: 1637958056841.png (31.7 KB, 504x296, unknown-16.png)

No. 1376345
File: 1637958078389.png (17.31 KB, 455x166, unknown-21.png)

No. 1376346
File: 1637958103653.png (38.14 KB, 495x344, unknown-18.png)

No. 1376347
File: 1637958166431.png (13.57 KB, 460x114, unknown-11.png)

here she's saying her "redacted" alter quotes the "real redacted" josef mengele. that's in fact a josef mengele quote.
No. 1376350
File: 1637958192877.png (92.66 KB, 568x176, unknown-20.png)

here's the quote in question
No. 1376362
File: 1637959053900.png (141.81 KB, 715x1189, lc-1_2.png)

wait i forgot this one
No. 1376368
>>1376331Oh wow, I don't follow radblr drama so I had no idea it got this crazy. Thank you for the milk!
I don't know if you know this, but the artist of the kikomi-chan comics uses this site. I hope she makes a new blood-drinking FTMTF friend for Kikomi.
No. 1376393
File: 1637962653840.gif (2.62 MB, 640x640, 35.gif)

>>1376362This is your brain on yaoi, internet and autism.>believes in the dysphoria meme and based her personality around it>might have developed her fetishes from it>staunch believer of tumblr DID>transexual josef mengele alter>transexual josef mengele alter feels dysphoric because "the host" is a virilised female>transexual josef mengele is just one of many imaginary friends alters>"I LOVE DID">blood drinking craving because superpowers>aware of bloodborne pathogens>all is well, she demands tests!1 before feeding>all of this and she's a fucking med studentShe's absolutely right. Not a lolcow, 0/10 did not laugh.
>>1376385They both called each other out before. See
>>1370342 and follow the replies.
No. 1376431
>>1376418no, that's someone else. discord user pomeranian-privilege isn't the same as the tumblr user.
>>1376385it made it to tumblr and other websites to some extent. 715/ari used to be twamsmahogany and meangirlvibes on tumblr before those blogs got termed. she's trying to rebrand and leave her cringe behind on her new blog aristocat98.
i was known as elliot morais, i made the trooning out ginger male market failure song people might or might not know. i have my own fair share of cringe.
No. 1376449
>>1376435it's probably the result of tumblr and other social media niche subcultures attracting autists and traumatized ppl with molested asf behavior.
ari has this faux intellectual facade on tumblr while being batshit in private. her friend group dedicates their online presence to accusing teenage kinnies of abuse. she cooms to rape and nazifucking publicly, incessantly, and unapologetically.
No. 1376458
File: 1637967168288.png (65.33 KB, 558x245, Screenshot_20211126_225119.png)

oh right. she also fucked a bus
No. 1376462
File: 1637967232331.png (12.48 KB, 571x79, unknown-13.png)

her old account has since been deleted because she didn't want her degeneracy to be tracked back to her
No. 1376475
>>1376449So she's just one of those rabid zoomers who dons a stable façade and feels righteous to persecute teens who mirror her retardation (since kinnie is just a flavour of DID LARP). Sounds exhausting to be like that while getting involved in RF and GC discourse, tbh.
>>1376458>CAHMaking shit up like any other tranny ("i'm ackshually intersex uwu") or is it real?
No. 1376481
>>1376475she has ncah with the congenital features of cah genitalia wise. won't go into too much detail but I've seen it myself. she's also been on testosterone since she was 17 so you could argue it's a lie and it's all due to hrt, but i believe it personally.
those kids are just edgy teenagers who like edgy movie characters. semi recently her group called a 17 year old an abuser because he roleplayed as jason dean from heathers.
No. 1376487
File: 1637968533920.png (59.07 KB, 455x319, unknown-23.png)

i forgot about this one but she also claims to have "aspd traits"
No. 1376488
File: 1637968554497.png (109.08 KB, 280x330, unknown-25.png)

No. 1376501
>>1376481Fair enough.
>semi recently her group called a 17 year old an abuser because he roleplayed as jason dean from heathers.This is some Jekyll and Hyde shit. Judging only from her blog I really couldn't tell she was one those types.
>>1376488>falls for the kweer ruse>has transexual josef mengele as imaginary bff>someone points out she might hate herself and others>"REEEEE DON'T JUDGE ME"lmao this bitch…
Anyways, thanks for the receipts. Love your ginger male song, btw.
No. 1376508
File: 1637969893123.png (42.16 KB, 733x269, meow.png)

>>1376487Aristocat98 just posted this kek
No. 1376509
>>1376489update, found it context being that my irl sent me an arrange and i sperged out after coming back from the hospital
No. 1376520
File: 1637970860106.jpeg (752.95 KB, 1944x1547, B9CDD830-1A68-41E6-86BA-7E9061…)

Aristocat98 is Kajetan Sikorski
Jumpscare warning(emoji)
No. 1376522
>>1376508It was only a matter of time until someone cowtipped.
Also, she deleted that post. Definitely lurking kek
>>1376511When/if you do, create a new channel.
>>1376516Scorned lovers, united in cringe. At least one of them is owning her cringe and providing some milky backstory, while the other one is pretending it didn't happen. I mean, DID roleplay that is worse than Pixielocks' and throwing around pedo accusations? Really? lol
Fucking radblr…
No. 1376526
>>1376520where'd you get this? I've never seen this picture of her before, at least not that i can remember
>>1376522radblr has its fair share of intracommunity drama. it's pretty much radfems/gcs who still retained the "callout culture" mentality for lack of a better word.
this group is like. trans radfems who are overly invested in throwing abuse and pedo accusations around. shrug. they went after a 14 year old at one point because that kid had stupid troon discourse opinions. wrote a callout for the kid even.
(learn2sage) No. 1376783
File: 1637983240584.png (140.2 KB, 618x967, fuckofffffffretard.png)

>>1376508weird how she didn't deny any of the accusations tho. I guess she really is a closet psycho. That said, this selfposter "elliot/laura" (@rarted on tumblr)
>>1374461>>1376331>>1376497>>1376431is equally insane. She's known to flip flop from radfem, to troon libfem, to edgy facist, etc at the drop of a hat and blame it on "alters." She'll profess completely opposite opinions whenever her mood changes and currently hangs around the "edgy 4chan expats with animu guro aesthetic" crowd that exists on the peripheries of radblr.
Anyway both her and the ex gf she's here raging about are literally clinically insane aiden troons (with self-admitted fetishes for turning into men) and only incidentally ""radfems"" when they feel like getting some attention for saying controversial things. Our guest Laura right now is especially desperate for our attention, picrel are recent posts from her tumblr blog.
No. 1376864
File: 1637986064772.gif (1.11 MB, 250x250, 1482181833410.gif)

>>1376783She posted her tumblr 3 days ago and received one (1) reply, then dumped everything at once. Probably no one messaged her.
Besides getting "even" with her ex, I don't get what she really wanted with this (considering she DFE before, it's not like she can handle online heat). It's entertaining either way. Zoomers…
No. 1377028
amazing, I hadn't seen the part where ari decided to have DID too. Doesn't seem like a wise move when a lot of the sympathy for her/ mocking of elliot morais was based on elliot having fake DID. Definitely the most batshit radfem drama I've ever seen, worse than a lot of gendery drama. I'm still curious about the role of uteri my duderi and luka in all this because there's no receipts on them but it's clear they were in the servers where it went down and they occasionally speak about it without details
>>1377022kelly is opisaterf yes. iirc the story is that she identified as a lesbian but had sex with her friend's boyfriend (fiance?) who was in the military. Took a while to admit it on tumblr and eventually did and started calling herself bisexual but not acknowledging the contradiction of dating a soldier while being presumably a leftist. Eventually he dumps her for unknown reasons (from what I understood she's an unstable person in general) and she starts making posts on tumblr directed at him and/ or his friends who apparently knew the blog apologizing and saying she's accepted it but she'll never forget him or whatever. Very bizarre posts, I unfollowed her around that time for obvious reasons. Eventually she either deleted them all and changed her url slightly (previously had dashes in between the words op is a
terf) or deleted the account and created a new one entirely
No. 1377082
>>1377028luka is normal. he's just a dysphoric radfem, doesn't have much of a role in all of this beyond being my friend and being targeted by ari and co as a result.
uterii-my-duderi is minty. her role in this is more complex. ari owns a discord server called the nunnery, which was previously minty's before the ownership was transferred to ari. they had beef because minty is a tankie and ari was a zionist back then and they got into israel/palestine discourse.
additionally, it's related to this:
>>1352529this trans woman is called cassidy, we call him flaccidy as a joke. he was in the trusted channels of ari's nunnery besides being an admitted pedophile; to my knowledge, ari and co assumed he was harmless and handled the situation terribly.
he targeted a young teenager and was gross towards a couple other people. this kid was reluctant on talking about it, so minty shit talked the kid for refusing to give her receipts for a callout.
in conclusion; never trust radblr bitches. worst mistake of my life.
No. 1377158
File: 1638045782766.png (30.75 KB, 519x259, military waifu.png)

>>1377028Lol I never knew that about opisaterf. I just knew her as the radblr woman who had body dysmorphia and was constantly posting pictures of her surgically altered face. Insisted it wasn't hypocritical to be against tranny surgery while continuing to get lip fillers and shit and was very defensive about that and about having a Nigel.
No. 1377411
File: 1638092130565.png (89.51 KB, 646x889, ac7748e8a4f6a29481e4ca5f0e9a91…)

>>1373703Menalez literally has BPD. This is her old blog and it's still there in her about. No. 1377462
does anyone remember radfemale/lesb14n/etc? Seemed pretty spergy, she was also a nurse so I am wondering if she was
>>1376902 She had a new url every 2 weeks or so lol
No. 1377465
File: 1638108918446.jpg (234 KB, 1080x667, Screenshot_20211118-155349_Twi…)

user in picrel is really based so I'm extremely surprised to see that she's friends with the cow grifter Anna Slatz (as stated on her Twitter)
No. 1377483
File: 1638111790062.png (8.73 KB, 454x60, unknown-29.png)

>>1377477yes, she's wealthy. her mother bought her an apartment and she goes to med school.
she hasn't detransitioned though. on her blog aristocat98 she talks about being a dysphoric lesbian but in private she identifies as an ftm lesbian bigender femboy. picrel
her old blog twamsmahogany has some archived posts: so does her other blog meangirlvibes:'ve been terminated)
No. 1377499
>>1377483Thanks! Existing as a woman under that name is pure cringe. People here aren't exactly woke. Maybe in big cities, but even then probably mostly some millennials and zoomers. She's making a weirdo/walking joke out of herself for no fucking reason other than a retarded fetish. Her name and surname are both male, so I can only imagine the face of a poor obgyn seeing that Mr Kajetan Sikorski is next (I don't doubt she goes to private ones, but still). It's not like in the USA where many name forms can be unisex depending on context and surnames are same no matter what sex. To think that 10 years ago teenagers being gay, depressed and acting out in a way of looking emo was the hottest talking point, kek.
>>1377489Poorfags can larp but will never get anywhere. Probably have too many other problems to worry about on top of homophobia and poor mental health. They also don't have enough time to fuck around on Discord or Tumblr and become VIPs there, so we don't notice them as much.
No. 1378089
>>1377483Larp on top of a larp, which is on top of another larp. Fascinating.
>>1377489Queer™ is a luxury product. You can't afford it if coming out as "bigender lesbian" or any other imported gimmick would provoke social ostracism, put you out of a job and on the streets.
No. 1381874
File: 1638431430872.jpg (194.85 KB, 685x539, 83838388338888.jpg)

The tranny tier costumes are something else, is she trying to copy hontra?
No. 1382462
>>1382320they do and it will always be a contentious hot button issue as long as the question of female sexual orientation is viewed as a black and white dichotomy of purity/enlightenment vs debasement and defilement.
everyone involved in those polarized takes which are 100% incoherent outside of radblr is genuinely very damaged.
No. 1392191
File: 1639433637340.png (125.33 KB, 752x646, Untitled3.png)

Radfem Hitler going live tonight with Richard Spencer on twitter Spaces. He might have met his match for the biggest fed out.
No. 1405253
File: 1640903977131.jpeg (2.44 MB, 1646x1723, 2B835B2D-403A-48D6-A064-8F2907…)

What even is this?
No. 1405265
>>1392314Kind of a weird listen. Richard is super agreeable with lots of superficial charm.. I can see why they say he's so dangerous.
It's funny because they are pretty crypto with their true feelings, I guess if they weren't it wouldn't be allowed on Twitter. A lot of the facade falls away once they start taking calls though. The whole thing can be summarized basically by saying "women having standards is a good thing actually because the white race needs to birth more chads, and less incels, for the upcoming race war" lol.
No. 1407527
>>1370104I'm not sure about VV and EA but the reason why Karen from You're Kidding Right had/has a problem with Benjamin Boyce had to do with his interview with Blaire White. She was annoyed how Boyce was not asking Blaire questions about why he's so sure that he's a woman and why he has TSA women pat him down at airports. She was annoyed with how the interview really wasn't enlightening or interesting because Boyce was too much of a coward to really have Blaire analyze on why he thinks he's more of a woman than the troons he argues against Another reason why she was annoyed with Boyce was because she didn't approve of him thinking using words like "whore", "slut", and one other word I can't remember as a descriptor for women.
And finally she really took annoyance with his interview with the AGP James Shupe and how Boyce didn't get any insight from how his wife felt about his transition and something about him running around in his backyard with an assault weapon.
And that's all I can remember. I get why some may think Karen was being over-dramatic but I do understand where she's coming from. She's just annoyed because people like Boyce who are interviewing TIMs never seems to ask actual thought-provoking questions questioning the gender ideology.
No. 1407550
>>1407529Maybe not a cow but I find her to be incredibly smug sometimes. I don't understand why she insists in talking this way
>>1405253 it's completely obnoxious. And no, "I'm too much of a prodigy to talk normally" is no excuse.
No. 1408034
>>1407527NTA, that makes sense and i understand both sides but the thing about benjamin boyce is that he's not a feminist ally or gender critical or anything like that, he's just "anti-woke" and a slightly conservative centrist (don't take this as me defending him, i find his contrarian-ness really annoying). so of course he's not going to challenge blaire white on his identity when blaire is on his channel for being "heterodox" compared to the rest of the trans community. he does feature feminists and detransitioners on his channel because they go against the grain of "wokeness", but he also had some MRAs and other center-right, "anti-woke" people.
>>1407833from what i know is that lescel is a fandom pro-shipper that agrees with terfs on some things (anti-trans and anti-prostitution) and orbited radfem twitter to the point of being mutuals with a decent amount of radfems, until they found out she's into lolicon and incest fanfics? someone correct me if i'm wrong, i'd love to know more lmao
No. 1410585
File: 1641518541799.png (453.51 KB, 748x890, lescel.png)

>>1408911"lescel" does mean lesbian-incel, but this person used that word as her username so that's what people call her. her actual name is nicole and her old username was tomboyfucker or something like that
No. 1410754
>>1408034females who are "proshippers" or whatever are fine but lescel's biggest crime was being annoying as fuck and thinking she's different from all the other tards on radfem twitter just because "wow wamen that likes
problematic content, browses lc, and is ironically racist #2edgy4u"
No. 1410999
lmao hi chewwy you hypocritical bitch, go back to sperging unsaged in shayna’s thread or whining about your botched titties and simping for your paypigs who tell you not to get raped. so lovely.
No. 1411024
>>1410703>>1411005>>1410999>>1410995>>1410725I will get banned, but this literally just looks like Lescel
or one of her mutuals wking herself and samefagging.
No. 1411092
>>1352779NTA and don't have receipts, but I was close-ish to him at the beginning of his initial twitter account and can confirm
>>1352940He always did this kek, make fake screenshots, say someone else is an alt of his, people on the internet aren't as savvy to this kind of manipulation like they used to so a bunch of them fall for it
No. 1411186
problematic circles are extremely tranny/queer poisoned, i wouldn't be surprised if as time went on and the discourse got more mainstream the insufferable or downright horrible genderfags in them pushed more women to resent queers and eventually look into radfem, the opposite can also happen, where terfs who are very annoying about the morality of fiction push others to stop caring/pretending to care about it. I've seen both happen, the former happened to me
No. 1411542
>>1411425>>1411005>>1410999who the fuck is chewwy. lescel had like 400 followers give or take(?) is it that impossible that someone else who lurks (aka me) thinks she's an annoying retard jesus christ. leave that other dumb bitch chewwy alone
>>1410995>legally not allowed to talk or even think about lescelgod forbid an anon makes fun of an annoying twitter cunt who had a PUBLIC profile. go back to twitter and suck her off there instead of accusing me of being another girl
No. 1411678
>>1411659Troons fight amongst themselves all the time, Contrapoints has repeatedly been "cancelled" for stupid shit like calling himself an "old school transexual" and implying enbies aren't
valid or smth. The only thing TRAs have in their favor is money and big pharma
No. 1411879
>>1411718I absolutely believe she is a cow or will become one. I think people are going easy on her because a) not a lot of people create content like hers b) she's very ugly and people feel sorry for her so they overcompensate for any negative bias they might have against her.
The fact that she looks awful, however, shouldn't be important anyway as the biggest problem is how obsessive she is. Her demeanor is also very unpleasant and not due to some noble explanation such as being direct and honest, you can tell from her facial expression that she enjoys shitting on trannies. Either to make them feel bad or (my guess) to elevate herself and feed her ego.
I'd have more empathy if she was a real detransitioner who went through all kinds of surgeries and hrt. It would be normal to feel damaged in that case and become somewhat obsessive about debunking TRAs. In her case, she only desisted. Her only real damage is probably feeling her past self was dumb or misled- big fucking deal.
No. 1412146
>>1411879I can see her becoming cowish. She reminds me somewhat of Jordan Peterson with her low affect, emphasis on being highly intelligent (which I'm sure she is, but not as much as she thinks, same with medical knowledge kek), and obvious neuroticism.
I mostly like her, but her petty, inelegant arguing over CAIS males has made me lose respect. she's being super obnoxious in YouTube comments.
No. 1412246
>>1411659i wonder how much time you've been in lgbtq++++ spaces online at all because there is a TON of trans infighting. the transmedicalists VS the tucutes, the people who think neopronouns and enbies are
valid VS ones who don't, the ones who think transsexual is an offensive word VS ones who don't, the people who love contrapoints VS the ones who hate him, i'd argue even though social media is awful for political discussion, at least most radfems agree with one or two things
>>1411690i know the "transwomyn" account on twitter was called out for being a scrote who flirted with radfems in dms, but he still has followers
No. 1412366
>>1412246samefag who doesn't hang out round troons because they are troons.
But, despite all the infighting that goes on amoung troons, they can always band together to send rape threats to JKR and whoever else steps out of line.
OTOH, radfem/gcs seem to get bogged down and distracted from talking about troon degeneracy when they get involved in infighting.
Karen Davis has seemed to stop talking about troons and spent the last few months bitching about Arty Morty and Gender Dysphoria Alliance. Ovarit's always having fallouts over how radfem is to radfem.
Eh, it's probably my fault for wrong expectations. Men have always been way more committed to hating women, supporting men who hate women, and cracking down hard on any man who was like "it might be possible, that maybe, possibly, women are people?" then women have been to hating men.
No. 1412435
>>1412366i came into the troon debate shit by proxy of having weeb-y interests in the past, so that probably says more about me. i have seen some "anti-
TERF" tumblr posts get derailed because the OP was a "tucute" and a "transmed" agreed with them, so petty infighting does happen. i feel like it's a universal human thing, but it does get frustrating seeing smart and funny people like karen davis waste time complaining about vaguely-gender-critical-but-not-radfem people
>>1412384i wonder why it's the UK that gets branded as "
terf island" aka where shit gets done while americans are dumb as fuck about this shit. i guess helen joyce's book explained why but i'm not british so i can only take her word for it that the UK is less politically divided while most american liberals are wrapped in identity politics and white guilt
No. 1412941
>>1411879Honest question: who DOESN'T enjoy shitting on trannies?
This isn't milk, but I find it unnerving how Karen has started to mimic Exulansic's manners, esp. laughing. She has given me the creeps for some time now, she seems a little off for some reason
No. 1413521
>>1411879I feel like she plays up how ugly she is
not washing her face, crackhead wigs, etc as if it'll make her seem that much more intelligent. Her lady-genius-autismo schtick is cringey and while everyone wants to go on about how intelligent she is, I don't think it's hard at all to recognize that a male tranny is still a male.
No. 1413547
>>1413521Eh I agree that it's cringey, but I do think she's much smarter than the average person, and in all fairness she has been looking more presentable recently (esp compared to her super early TikToks)
She's admittedly below average but I don't think she looks UGLY in those rare moments when she puts effort into her makeup/hair/skin/lighting/angling/etc. She's about as attractive as Sarah Jessica Parker, who looks decent when styled well
No. 1414738
>>1412146I really am grateful Exulansic is doing what she's doing. Her commentary on Jazz Jennings with the medical aspect is very thought-provoking and showcases the realness of the situation he's in.
But I agree about the CAIS thing. I feel like she was a bit way out of balance there. I know that technically CAIS are males but there's just no denying that they went down the path of female socialization even though they have internal testes. I know they don't menstruate but if I'm not mistaken, they aren't born with penises right? And they don't get testosterone because the testes are usually non-functional right?
I just feel like CAIS are the one rare exception who should be allowed to be seen as women because of the socialization.
I think the reason why Exulansic feels the way she does is because she thinks TIMs can take advantage of this and start saying they have CAIS as a way to be allowed into female only spaces.
Aside from this though, I'm just gonna have to agree to disagree with her on this but it doesn't take away that her commentary outside of the CAIS debate and how helpful it can be because I don't really see any other channels dissecting the trans ideology like she does.
No. 1414743
>>1412366>Karen Davis on Arty Morty & Gender Dypshoria AllianceI've gotta agree. I understand why she's criticizing Arty Morty and calling him out on his nonsense with the whole "AGP is a sexuality like homosexuality", it's really
toxic to insinuate such stupidity. And I also get why she's critiquing Gender Dysphoria Alliance and their shadiness like how are they really helping gender dysphoric kids & teens when Buck Angel who's a leader on the group thinks kids should be able to transition around the age of 14?
Point is, I do think her criticism are justified but I wish she would take a break from it and move onto other topics because it's getting a little repetitive and there are other troon nonsense she could bring attention to because contrary to what some think here, I think she is good picking up on bullshit in these interviews with AGPs and troons.
No. 1414860
>>1414743yeah, i find karen davis funny and likable but i had to unsubscribe from her channel over her almost daily videos about agps and stupid male allies and whatnot got really depressing for me personally, since i know they exist and have dealt with them, but i don't want to be constantly reminded of them.
>>1414738CAIS is the intersex condition where someone is XY but has a female phenotype? i get it's complicated but i honestly would consider them to be female with a medical disorder instead of male, but i get why others would disagree. biological sex is based more on gametes than solely chromosomes
No. 1415263
File: 1641992919282.jpeg (199.66 KB, 1170x896, 9C09FB44-93B6-4E51-8A13-6D6644…)

this tweet is cracking me up, i feel like siri would have a more compassionate response if i told her i wanna kill myself
No. 1422886
>>1407687>>1407856 she's also "really good at art, just naturally talented at it" .. I guess that's another fug cope that needed to be inserted into talk about Jazz's sister.
The thing is I like her content, especially on Jazz, but the interjections of personal anecdotes and the r/iamverysmart babble is tiresome. She's clearly middle age so it's surprising to me that she isn't embarrassed by it.
Anyways I'll get off her case now all things considered she's alright.
No. 1422911
>>1422886Samefag. Sorry guys just came to the thread to post this then went back and read
>>1411718Apologies for redundancy.
No. 1432412
>>1430650I believe this is due to there being a general lack of strong radfem voices out there. It is still rather risky (socially and economically) to speak out on the issues. All you need to do is look at how people like Kathleen Stock and JK Rowling are treated for rather mild views. Also, you need a certain character to be an effective online communicator. You have to be articulate, presentable, educated on the topic, and also have (at least some) charisma.
All this to say that with the limited pool of 'applicants' people are probably just clinging onto and propping up whoever they can get really.
No. 1432415
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no real milk on this person except that they're a self-loathing scrotoid who I heavily suspect of posting on this site, whether on this board or /ot/. he offers no real contributions to feminist discourse himself outside of quoting actually important women's opinions and words. he is not straight forward with feminist women about being a male even though he's been in many a DM, and he gets really sheepish if you ask his sex directly. god I hate men like this so much
No. 1441588
>>1441413Does she id as radfem though?
I think it's a good thing she talks about pregnancy because I follow all the gcs on youtube, less on radblr, and no one else really talks about it. I mean, I'm never having a kid but since most women do, it's something that needs to be brought into the conversation.
Also, she did a video about why women should get a gun in a low cut top dancing around all sexy and another in a bathtub and man did she piss radfems off. It was hilarious.
No. 1442013
>>1441960that’s not a cap
just a reminder this is an image board you’re using
No. 1442063
>>1442050>>1442050Actually they don’t dipshit, the entire synopsis is posted in autistic detail the link above. Someone said they wanted caps since this is an image board. She was a fixture in some stupid radtwt cliques.
Would you like your ass wiped for you too
No. 1442096
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>>1442064>>1441413kek Brittany Ortiz is truly unhinged. the woman is personality disordered to the max–-calls radical feminism a femcel cult, posts porn of she and her moid on main, created multiple socks in an attempt to frame rando RFs as harassing her but she was harassing herself etc. she even posted about lcf being a "troll radfem website". anyone recall her harassment of Lisa Michele (actual feminist YouTuber)? when it was happening a month or so ago I was going to post about it in this thread but there was a lot of shit to sort through so I didn't
picrel is from an instagram story. the preceding slide said "life is too short to not flaunt your sexuality" lol
No. 1442100
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>>1442096not a full screenshot, sorry, but here's a comment that Brittany reposted from one of her dumb orbiters wherein they suspect le epic radfem troll
cite lcf of cyberbullying her. ASTF is a narc and a half.
No. 1442105
>>1442096>>1442100WTF was I not aware of that, I just thought she was a bit extra and maybe not well informed but this is just straight up awful behavior and lying
also kinda curious what her scrote looks like
No. 1442114
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>>1442105this is her husband. i have an issue with "i love masculinity" women within these circles. you want to deconstruct gender ideology but sing praises about femininity and masculinity, which relies heavily on nonsense categorizing of general human behavior as if it is exclusive or should be exclusive to one or the other sex. it's just annoying but not surprising as she calls herself a libertarian (i doubt she means a left libertarian given some of her content). there's no deconstructing gender ideology without dismantling the inherently oppressive and nonsensical hierarchy that is gender and all that is associated with it.
No. 1442117
>>1442114He looks exactly like I thought he would, I don't even know she would get involved in radical feminism
she seems like she's just like any other white trash mom with 4 kids
No. 1442157
>>1442114lets be real, 99% of the time, "deconstructing gender ideology" is just a fancy way to dress up garden variety moral disgust against trannies lmao. just like rightoids, they hate trannies because a lot of them are ugly and gross, not because they have any investment in gender abolishment.
i remember how back on /r/gendercritical, the tagline was "we support TIMs if they just live their lives as GNC men in dresses instead of claiming to be women". now, over at ovarit they have weekly threads about how ALL GNC/feminine men are disgusting AGP fetishists. and judging by some of the comments from anons in the lesbian thread, they hate butches, too, they're just less open about it. according to your average GCer, being "GNC" means being a middle aged women that wears jeans and doesn't wear make up every day, not actually flaunting gender norms in any way that is actually socially prohibited.
its so obvious that at this point, the GC/radfem/FDS sphere has just become overrun with reactionary karens who would've freaked out at the fags 20 years ago, but that's no longer acceptable so they settled for trannies. a while ago there was a thread on ovarit where they were freakin out about how
pre-pubescent boys wearing feminine clothing is dangerous to girls because apparently wearing a skirt will turn normal 10 year old boys into bathroom rapist AGP superpredators. and no one is willing to call out that type of satanic panic / one million moms shit, for whatever reason, maybe because the community is small and they don't want to alienate anybody. but in the long term, they're just pushing any women that isn't a brainrotted reactionary boomerbrain away.
No. 1442657
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>>1442096some boomer GC dork's lurking this thread kek
No. 1442752
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>>1441960Lol, the OP is that sharts person from tumblr… How are they all such cows?
No. 1442757
>>1442658yeah, but if you are meaningfully left wing and anti trans (e.g. for gender abolishment), you'd have to differentiate your political aims from the right wing anti trans sperging (e.g. "back to traditional gender norms") and GCers/"radfems" for the most part just don't do that. it's hard to take "left wing GCers" seriously when obvious reactionaries, racists, tradwives, anti-feminists and white nationalists like abigail schrier, posie parker and those FDS mod fatsos are silently tolerated or even celebrated. anna slatz claims to be a marxist on paper but her twitter is just standard tranny hate and virtually indistinguishable from any right wing GCer. there's so much reactionary garbage in this community that you'd have to be either very naive/apolitical or right wing yourself to think that it's a good idea to share a label with these people.
like, i doubt that someone like katherine mckinnon is a n enthusiastic girlcock enjoyer but she's gone out and adopted a mildly trans-sympathetic position and explicitely distanced herself from GCers and called them retarded because once you are in that position, any meaningful feminist politics take a backseat to bathroom sperging and obsessing over what some ugly AGP diaper fetishist is up to on twitter. this is easily observed in any radfem sphere community where tranny hate always gets 10x the engagement of any other feminist/gender topic.
No. 1442767
>>1442157>>1442757Based posts anon. As a GNC lesbian I was ultimately turned away from all these GC/"radfem" spaces because of the low-key homophobia and thinly veiled conservative beliefs regarding gender. To them the solution to the tranny problem wasn't to abolish gender roles altogether, for them it was for the butch lesbian to learn to put on makeup and heels and the effeminate gay twink to become "a real man".
Regarding the FDS stuff, it was also ridiculous for them to shamelessly mooch off men and call it peak feminism. I support female liberation and earning equal pay, not gaining easier access to a man's wallet.
No. 1442795
>>1442767right, i've noticed that they get extremely
victim-blame-y whenever a butch complains about getting clocked as trans or threated as a threat, basically saying "well, put some effort into not looking/acting like a man, then".
FDS i find fascinatingly schizophrenic, because at the same time where they are rightfully angry about ongoing male patriarchial violence, they are also extremely angry about men not upholding the stereotypes of patriarchial masculinity (confidence, leading, courage, stability, strength, resilience, success etc.). in "will to change", bell hooks points out that there is a common and seductive feminist fantasy that we can get rid of patriarchial violence while also having men uphold all the positive patriarchial behaviors listed above. you can really see this spelled out explicitely in attitude in e.g. ->>1442137 but as hooks notes, this is obviously impossible because men don't pop out of the womb any more confident and resilient than women. the "bad" and "good" sites of patriarchial gender norms are interlinked.
i think ultimately, this is why true gender abolishment is so unpopular, because to truly, honestly recognize that men should be allowed to divest themselves from strength, resilience and domination and live as "effeminate loser faggots" and women from beauty, nurturement and feminine mystique and live as "ugly mean hags", requires a deliberate, ongoing struggle against behavioural patterns that most of us reproduce almost every day.
No. 1443223
>>1442764Dworkin is baby's first radfem author. I do appreciate her work - her concepts are not esoteric and she writes with a lot of righteous anger - which is why she is so appealing to so many women and gets them interested in radical feminism in the first place…but she was not infallible and wrote things that these so-called social media "radfems" would find off-putting.
On the other hand, all the trannies who say Dworkin is "pro-trans" are ridiculous. If Dworkin were alive today, there's no way she would support the current trans movement. Yes, in 'Woman Hating' she said that "every transsexual has the right to survival on his/her own terms" and thus should be "entitled to a sex-change operation […] provided by the community as one of its functions."
But she was sharply criticised by Janice Raymond (the absolute queen TERFism, I love her) in her article 'Transsexualism: The Ultimate Homage to Sex Role Power'. Dworkin came to agree with Raymond and eventually helped edit the landmark work 'The Transsexual Empire'. In her later life, Dworkin dedicated herself to anti-pornography activism so she never spoke much about trannies ever again.
No. 1443366
>>1442795>>1442767FDS aren't radfem at all, they just agree with radfems on some stuff.
I swear to god, I don't get how women completely fail to get what FDS is about.
They aren't about ending the patriarchy, they are about surviving it.
>confidence, leading, courage, stability, strength, resilience, success These traits aren't inherently male, they're inherently good. A male with these traits is less likely to abuse a women/treat women like crap than one who does not have them, so they advise to only date men like this and don't date men who aren't like this.
They clearly tell women to never depend on a man for money. Get your career and your bag so you can always be ready to leave him if he turns out to be a piece of crap.
They aren't about what men should be, they are about what kind of men women should date. They aren't saying men can't be "effeminate loser faggots", they are saying don't date them. Cause who in their right mind wants an "effeminate loser faggot" anyway.
They often go off the deep end on some stuff, and I am annoyed at myself for typing all this out, but damn, how people just willfully misunderstand what they are about drives me nuts.
I lowkey don't trust anyone's feminist analysis if they don't get that the heart of FDS is just about how to date while avoiding shitty and/or
abusive moids. That's it.
No. 1443389
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>>1443366I get what you're saying and admittedly I find most of the principles of FDS to be very refreshing and useful. It's so important in this day and age for women to have proper standards and boundaries with regards to dating.
What I dislike about FDS, and forgive me if this has changed - I haven't looked at it in awhile, is how they uphold the institution of marriage as the end-all be-all of any romantic relationship. On reddit I can't tell you how often I would come across this sentiment and just a general shaming of LTRs with no ring.
Some women don't want to get married, so what? Some women (such as myself) have already been married and through a divorce and may have no interest in going through ut again. On FDS there's a general feeling that if you have been with someone for an extended period of time with no marriage then something is "wrong" or some shit, even if you're perfectly happy with your situation.
>>1442757>>1442767I really feel this so much. It truly sucks being so politically homeless while having strong convictions. There's so much right wing moralfagging trash in "GC" spaces these days. I have no proof, but I imagine many of these are older women with entirely too much time on their hands. Anna Slatz is a joke, def not a Marxist lol. There are some Marxist radfems on Twitter and they are nice enough but some are ultra tankies who dabble in conspiracy bullshit.
I'm attaching a pic from a very popular male GC on Twitter who seriously put this utter stupidity on a pillow and people are actually buying it! It boggles my mind.
Sorry and thanks for letting me rant!
No. 1443838
>>1443453she doesn't seem to be, but she's definitely a major conservatard, she's published in koch brothers funded propaganda rag journals and a lot of her writing has major "children are the property of their parents" vibes.
>>1443366i'd advise you to read some actual serious, published structural feminist analysis of masculinity instead of what people on forums and blogs are saying. bell hooks is a good starting point.
and like
>>1443389 says, I don't see how FDS is about just "surviving" the patriarchy. if that's your goal then just don't get married, don't get knocked up by a moid ffs. if you are a middle class western woman then nobody is literally forcing you to. FDS is all about attaining the traditional nuclear family middle class white picket fence lifestyle that they were promised in the disney movies they were force-fed as kids, minus some of the more obviously oppressive characteristics. that's what all their dating advice is centered around. i've seen them get very obviously racist/cryptofash about it, too, basically talking about how they need to find a guy with "high quality" genes so they can get his high quality jizz and have presumably high quality babies … wtf
No. 1444087
>>1442795Your description of the problem with FDS is spot on. A lot of anons who are fooled into being "empowered" by the thought of a man becoming their personal paypiggy don't either understand or actually care that in order for men to keep up the "traditional male role" i.e. having all the money and confidence in the world, the disproportionate male privilege must be preserved. The man isn't going to be crawling at your feet begging to buy you that diamond engagement ring and expensive dinners just because, he's fueled by the fantasy of being a macho man who can buy any bitch with enough money and success and who sees women as objects to own.
>>1444072I have to disagree with you on it being a great option for normie straight women. Normie straight women are the biggest demographic of women and if they're memed into thinking that the best they can and should do is getting an engagement ring worth 10K and free dinners out of life, all by submitting to pleasing men, feminism is absolutely going nowhere. It's not raising standards for men either because we all know it's a larp for these women, they're absolutely settling for the worst of the worst defective males after they've enjoyed their little powertrip on leddit.
No. 1444098
>>1442795You are a normal, idealistic, by-the-book Tumblr gender abolitionist radfem. Before you reply, let me just say that this isn't an accusation or an insult. We have all been there. But let me disagree with some of your main points.
What happens eventually to many self identified radfems is some sort of pivot. Some become tardthots, some regress into libfems or make concessions (see: MacKinnon, who will never be taken seriously regardless), some become apolitical. And then there are people who retain their beliefs, but also notice that things just don't work the way radical feminism describes it in practice. Particularly gender roles.
The most glaring example of it is the idea that men under "patriarchy" are encouraged to display "positive masculinity" in any way. That is a mystification designed to dupe you into thinking that you're getting something in exchange for feminine deference, which leads many radfems to conclude that "gender abolition" can be made palatable to men and pro-male women if only they offer something like "you stop murdering and raping us, I pick up the check at the restaurant and let you wear my pantyhose". They will never accept your "deal" because men run the show. They're not really "forced" to adhere to any standard in the first place and there is no punishment for deviating from it, it's all a sham. They'll sell you movies portraying "women and children first" as they drown them to save themselves. "Valor" in war isn't a thing, and neither are knights in shining armor. Males habitually use "feminine" emotional manipulation and heartstring pulling to maintain dominance, and always have. You're not offering them anything they don't already have full access to.
This is one of many fallacies of "gender abolition" - the one where self proclaimed "gender abolitionists" actually take "patriarchal" descriptions of gender roles at face value, and (again, not insult) I would probably blame autistic tendencies here.
In practice, the only rule of "patriarchy" and "masculinity" is that there are rules for you and no rules for men, which is why I reject these words in the first place - there is only male dominance/parasitism. Trans women are the most glaring example of this. If tomorrow you proclaimed that men no longer have to be GI joes, they'd find a way to have a higher social standing than you by being wailing loser faggots. And it would be entirely at your expense.
The idea that some silly, jaded straight women are delaying this "gender abolition" by expecting some nebulous "effort" on Valentine's day rests upon the assumption that "masculinity" is what it says it is. It's not and it never has been.
No. 1444670
>>1444098first of all, I've never claimed that men are encouraged to show "positive masculinity" (a term that most proper abolitionists hate?)? that's literally what patriarchy is lol.
you have a very idiosyncratic view of how power in human social systems works that goes against virtually all historical research ever done. being in power has never meant that you don't have to adher to socially dictated rules. e.g. in just about every historical society (including matriarchial ones), the lives of kings, clergy and aristocrats was strictly codified. like, you say that "valor isn't a thing" but concepts of honor and valor have been used as extremely efficient tools of social control for thousands of years. when there are endless historical cases of men preferring to waste their
own life in battle/suicide etc. over being dishonored/emasculated in some way, it should be obvious that these are systemic norms going beyond the desires of individuals that also apply to men. without this, you don't really have any good explanation for why patriarchy has been around for thousands of years, except for borderline conspiracy theories or biological essentialism that doesn't compute with what contemporary science says about sex differences (i've noted that "testosterone inherently makes men hate women" is popular in certain radfem circles, because it neatly solves this, while also making feminism impossible as a political project, so you can neatly sit on your ass and whiny about trannies all day, because nothing can ever be done anyways)
and you call it "tumblr feminism" but it's pretty much the position of most everyone that takes feminism seriously as an actual political project? like, you even admit that the political alternatives to "idealism" are becoming a tradwhore, becoming a normie centrist or just giving up. in what world is that preferable, politically? there are also a lot of parallels here to how people point to "people are inherently greedy and will always rip you off if they can" to disprove all far left politics as idealistic and impossible.
and of course, by god, the continuance of patriarchy doesn't hinge on the shoulders of FDS, I was just pointing to the incoherency of their messaging.
No. 1444701
>>1444087it's pretty fucking terrible advice for your average normie woman. i have simply never met an educated urban middle class woman below the age of 40 that thinks some moid she barely even knows yet committing to paying for expensive dates out of nowhere is attractive. it's too much commitment too soon, it stiffens the atmosphere and who wants to date someone that's stupid/pathetic enough to dosh out a bunch of money on a stranger they'll likely never meet again? of course it attracts weirdos that lucked into some kind of overpaid bullshit tech job, which of course they think entitles them to an old fashioned "real feminine" wife.
there's also an interesting class dimension to FDS. despite the girlboss LARPing, most of them seem to be lower middle class and terrified of social descent. and, of course, "rich man rescues middle class woman from financial destitution" is a trope that goes back to jane austen. it's pretty much the foundation of the "romance genre". most of their weird sexual politics are just transposed class politics, they'd just rather dress it up in feminism than be honest about it.
No. 1445010
>>1444670Not the anon you replied to but thanks for writing this out, you actually managed to turn it upside down and make a very compelling point and I applaud you for it.
>i've noted that "testosterone inherently makes men hate women" is popular in certain radfem circles, because it neatly solves this, while also making feminism impossible as a political project, so you can neatly sit on your ass and whiny about trannies all day, because nothing can ever be done anywaysThis is honestly a huge issue with the radfems who rely on bioessentialism as an easy excuse not to thoroughly deconstruct power structures and accept compromises. It ironically plays into the incel narrative of muh biology making me do disgusting things, even if it was the case it's also ultimately defeatist. You can never enter an age where you can just lock men in cages to chimp out all day long so should we just lay down and die right there? Men are motivated by their own social codes and their obsession with the elusive chad is the embodiment of their fear of their own emasculation. If they weren't so preoccupied with trying to impress other men by objectifying and violating women they wouldn't be motivated to do so. Even the "my monkey brain wants my seed to be carried on" claim translates to "I'm terrified of the other men who will laugh at me if I'm a limp dick loser who can't get a crumb of pussy".
So the "men should be allowed to cry too" statement is true in a sense because if men were allowed (again, by other men, not women) to be vulnerable without this fear of emasculation surfacing they wouldn't have such a visceral defensive reaction. But it was once again hijacked by their insecurities and turned into "we should be able to exploit women for endless amounts of emotional labor and make them think we're brave for it" because if they have to give in an inch they need to make women pay for it. How I personally see it the only way female liberation can begin is for women to gain more positions of power and strip men of their need for this macho charade. In a sense you could call it similar to domesticating a wild animal. It's just not a process that can be done over one, two or even three generations but it's already in the process. People who resist it, like incels, are a self-destructing group removing themselves from the gene pool, they actively tarnish their own name to the point they will only increasingly attract the worst of the worst. The problem practically fixes itself. No more desperate woman marrying and giving children to them like they would've in the 50's when they had no choice.
However, the real threat to female liberation is women being fooled into these seductive but regressive ideas of "individual empowerment" like FDS and sex work. They're both basically just being dependent on male ownership but just Made Cool.
No. 1445083
>>1444670I was going to textwall you on every thing that's wrong in your reply, but I changed my mind. I'm interested in your immediate assumption that pivoting towards bioessentialism equals inaction and giving up.
It wouldn't happen to be because it contradicts the notion that men are "socialized" to hate women, right? And therefore implies that you can't really raise them to be more tolerable?
No. 1445154
>>1445010This reminds me of all the radblr radfems talking about wanting to start "real violent revolution" against men and that non-violence will never work against men and I never understand it
you can't fight men IRL, not cause its wrong morally but that you physically can't
No. 1445202
>>1445010But liberal feminism and girlboss individual empowerment are compromises.
>How I personally see it the only way female liberation can begin is for women to gain more positions of power and strip men of their need for this macho charadeWhat do you think causes this need, and what makes you think that women having higher social status will reduce it?
No. 1445218
>>1445083>It wouldn't happen to be because it contradicts the notion that men are "socialized" to hate women, right?nta but why is this such a bitter pill to swallow? Excluding risk-taking tendencies influenced by sex hormones It's scientifically true and denying it is literally agreeing to the ladybrain/malebrain division and giving men permission to be uncivilized sociopaths because that's apparently the only thing they can and will do. It's not only "inaction and giving up", it's agreeing with the male narrative of them being entitled to being beasts.
>>1445202>What do you think causes this need, and what makes you think that women having higher social status will reduce it?Because men are the ruling class
due to their higher social status? If they were always second class citizens like women, do you think they could've been able to oppress us for centuries?
No. 1445316
>>1445202>>1445218regarding the need for macho charade, I think it's important to look at how gender relations don't exist in a vaccuum (this is one of the main points of early, marxist-influenced radical feminism and also much third wave feminism). both women and men are political subjects that "live in a society" and masculinity has historically been a way to decide over who has the sovereignity of violence in a given society, who gets to rule over life and death. furthermore, men may be stupid but their basic self-preservation instinct tells them they'd rather not go fight and get hit with a sharp stick or sword. narratives of masculinity (you can find a "warrior class" in just about every historical society, even matriarchial ones – "masculinity doesn't
necessarily correspond to biological categories here, see also women in contemporary armies) has historically been what "socializes" violence and ritualizes death in the name of the social (e.g. going to war with other tribes/societies over resources etc.). the socialist-feminist point here is that industrialization has made it technically possible to feed everyone without having to constantly bash each other's head in. but this also show's how feminism cannot exist in a vacuum, because history has shown that upper class women dend to tolerate masculine violence to defend their own class interests (e.g. there doesn't seem to be a large difference between male and female politicians when it comes to approving military budgets and militaristic expansion) while to get rid of masculinity thus also means to reform how society deals with violence, production of resources and political power in general.
No. 1445324
>>1445083well, yeah? of course I wouldn't want to give up on the idea that misogyny is a social phenomenon and not a biologically determiend one. pretty much the entire history of feminism from wollstonecraft onwards has been one long critique of bioessentialism because it has historically been
the main justification for male supremacy. you can pick up virtually any foundational feminist text that isn't "the transsexual menace attacks" or "the holy diaries of the divine pussy goddess" and find a critique of bioessentialism in a prominent place. bioessentialist pinkpill doomerism is a seriously fringe position and to be taken seriously it would have to not only refute most of what contemporary science says about sex differences but also most of feminist history.
No. 1445398
>>1445218>it is literally agreeing to the ladybrain/malebrain division and giving men permission to be uncivilized sociopaths Why would socialization theory be the bitter pill to swallow? It's designed to make feminism palatable and marketable. I see no issue with this on a PR level.
From what I see, your issue with bioessentialism is that you don't like what you think implies, not because it's untrue.
>Because men are the ruling class due to their higher social status?That's not what I asked. Why do you believe that losing status removes the need for "macho charade" and therefore misogyny? What do you think men will be doing in your proposed society, and why would they cease to be violent towards you?
No. 1445405
>>1445324I'm not sure you aware, but radical feminism is a seriously fringe position.
What does contemporary science say that refutes bioessentialism? I'm interested.
No. 1445447
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>>1444514I'm talking about shit like picrel
No. 1445451
>>1445449Let me answer your question with a question:
Why do you immediately assume that biological essentialism means we "deserve" it?
There's some commentary here on how females internalize while males externalize, but I won't go there.
No. 1445453
>>1445398>From what I see, your issue with bioessentialism is that you don't like what you think implies, not because it's untrue.Okay, I'll bite. Do explain what about this dichotomous brain sex is true and provide appropriate scientific studies, not just theoretical fringe feminist writing that assumes we live in a vacuum where no outside influences hidden in society's structures have an effect on how we behave. I won't be holding my breath. And as for why bioessentialism is bullshit, I'll start with a good example. The age-old claim that girls mature faster than boys which causes them to get better grades at school because the school system is designed to favor them - an accusation that got thoroughly debunked by all fields of study yet still exists as a meme to justify boys not being disciplined as much as girls are and to ignore how much more societal pressure is placed on girls to perform with their studies and socially.
The only part about bioessentialism making sense is men being physically larger and stronger in size compared to women making it easier for them to attack them, but we don't live in pack of apes anymore and we have laws in place. Abusing their physical assets generally have consequences. So the only real power they have over women is structural and based on exploiting the female socialization that's used to turn us into docile servants. Or, do you believe we're like that just by nature because of muh bioessentialism?
It's funny for you to claim that "you think it's untrue just because you don't like it" while your incel rhetoric thinks bioessentialism
is factual just because you've swallowed the easy solution of "socialization doesn't matter, it's all just biological" which is just as good as blaming misogyny fairies for implanting brainworms into men and accuse others of being naïve sheeple who brought into some "marketing ploy" without explaining yourself. Like the other anon said, bioessentialism has always been used as a weapon to oppress women and justify male entitlement and it's outright curious for someone to vehemently rally for it while claiming to support women.
No. 1445498
>>1445453I didn't mention brain sex once, but it's interesting how this is your immediate assumption here. I know exactly what kind of dogma you you're trying to refute, because that's typically all radfems see every time someone rejects social constructionism. It's usually something along the lines of "if bioessentialism=true, then brain sex=real and women=forever inferior might as well kms".
The scientific position is that most human behaviors are both nature and nurture. Social customs start somewhere, however. No radical feminist ever explained who "socialized" prehistoric men, why this socialization emerged in the first place and why males try to exploit you even when they're not masculine.
>The age-old claim that girls mature faster than boys This age old claim is biologically misleading at best and untrue at worst. An organism that lives longer can't possibly mature earlier. It can be made to, but it's not its optimal trajectory.
What actually happens is ahead-of-schedule synaptic pruning in girls. In both sexes it's typically associated with early life stress and low socioeconomic status - richer and less stressed people overall experience delayed pruning. The sociological interpretation is in line with what you believe - this is a result from being ridden with stress and responsibility from early age, likely due to caretaking expectations. Boys benefit from delayed pruning because they do not need to anticipate anyone's needs. Instead, their needs are anticipated, which in theory would let the brain to dedicate more resources to abstraction.
What's interesting is that females are expected to be subordinate whether they're seen more competent or less competent. Surely the logical conclusion would be that boys are retarded for longer and therefore should defer to female authority, right? But, paradoxically, the moral conclusion is that being more retarded should actually absolve them of responsibility and make them your boss. In Muslim cultures, a prepubescent boy is above a middle aged woman in social status. This notion, of course is flipped on its head whenever women display some sort of "biological" behavioral deficiency. This also means they should submit and men should lead. Most stereotypes on what gendered behavior is "biologically" are contradictory and not in line with empirical observations, the age old "women are more emotional, males are not allowed to be crying faggots" meme being a great example. Males are universally (and biologically) more impulsive, prone to wishful judgments, are more likely to act upon them and commit the vast majority of crime in every country for this reason. There is no way that the gender that's celebrated for its impulsivity and violence is also somehow "more rational". All males are already crying faggots because you provide them with care and live at the mercy of their feelings. Males who are physically weaker than women are still as violent as other males, so it's not an issue of body size and opportunity. In the end, the only thing about "socialization" that is constant is that you get all the responsibility, and they get all the power.
The school system meme is a boymom and failson delusion that doesn't even need any credible studies - today's mode of learning is objectively more forgiving towards "kinetic learners", "delayed maturity" and other unhinged retardation. In the glorious boys' gymnasiums of the past, boys were beaten and raised in a semi-military hierarchy. Male children perform better in coed environments, while female children perform better in single sex ones, which again suggests that male presence is an unnecessary stressor for girls, likely because males exploit female prosocial tendencies and subconsciously solicit babysitting from them. At this point I should expand on the topic of why gender is already abolished for men, but this post is plenty long.
Tl;dr: do you see how it's not biological essentialism that's the problem, but how it's interpreted and perceived?
No. 1445513
>>1445483It's consequences. You can file that under essentialism (males are aware of tradeoffs between pursuit of sexual opportunity and immediate danger) or social constructionism (it's less socially acceptable to act on your misogyny in the west, at least in terms of direct violence). In the end, it depends on whether a male thinks he can get away with it.
If socialization theory is to be believed, you can raise men to not see the need for said violence in the first place. And that's probably possible all the way until the onset of boner.
No. 1445526
>>1445513nta but that still really doesn't explain it, northern european, namman, pre-Islamic berber soceites all treated women like human beings, there was an understanding in those cultures that while women may not be as big and strong as men they still serve purpose beyond making babies or for sex, often they served as healers or the spiritual advisers
Namman women were entrusted with the knowledge of tattooing(tattoos in nanman culture were a symbol of adulthood in that society and a male without tattoos was not considered a real man and the only ones who could tattoo were women)
No. 1445557
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Not that I give a fuck about "gender-diverse people", but good god. You have to have really fried your brain with 24/7 troon seething to constantly get set off by minor shit that does not matter. They're like a bizarre mix between the passive-aggressive mundaneness of a suburban Karen and the psychotic paranoia of a /pol/tard antisemite.
No. 1445571
File: 1645128646578.png (133.54 KB, 1380x775, contrapointslol.PNG)

>>1445557Another Ovaritian apparently gets SO
triggered by C
raPnt's mundane milquetoast video essays, tacky lightning and terrible hairline that she can't even spell out his name without having a breakdown.
No. 1445579
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No. 1445594
>>1445557>>1445571You are being really petty dude.
if your are going to post milk from ovarit, find some actual milk. not this weak, watered down, soymilk bs.
No. 1445604
>>1445526No offense, but a lot of these are on the same level as "holy and revered pre-colonial third gender gods" theories from troons. Vague historical notes about having female priestesses and advisors is not a reliable indicator of everyday women's burden of male parasitism, much like having female CEOs today. It may simply take a different form. Additionally, any smart leftoid will tell you that certain "equitable" modes of social organization are not scalable (see: anarcho-communism). We are not a prehistoric nomadic tribe - if those societies were in fact more equal, it's likely because their mode of production didn't require female subjugation to the same extent. Guarding females takes energy and effort.
That's not men being nicer, it's them not bothering to be meaner because they can have what they want already. Show them a more efficient way to acquire resources and propagate their lineage, and watch all of their enlightened nonmisogynistic socialization poof into thin air. That's largely why most of these groups are extinct in the first place, particularly the pre-Islamic ones.
If cultural differences are to be used as a blueprint for female liberation, then your only option is to change the way males extract resources from you. For example, a lot of more "enlightened" indigenous populations seem to be free of stuff like honor killing, but in exchange you are expected to practice polyandry and mate almost indiscriminately. The anon above is completely correct - like most predatory or parasitic animals, men understand that some prey isn't worth the risk of injury - or worse, killing all the females while trying to monopolize them and therefore being left with no mating options at all. So why fight if you can have what you want for free? Ironically, this is solidly in line with incel/Petersonian plans for male pacification.
>If you won't be my wife and you want peace, then you should find a different way to supply me with female resources. Hookers, government supplied gfs, access to your spaces with no questions asked. If you refuse, we have no reason not to attack you because life is pointless without access to women.You may have noticed that Western societies treat women better largely in exchange for making them more accessible. Sure, you're no longer one man's private property. But then there's porn, the normalization of prostitution, sex tourism, mail order brides, female mimicry and a myriad of other ways to outsource what men want from you. Male attitudes aren't different, just shifted. The underlying "need" isn't gone, merely displaced.
No. 1445930
>>1445604this is one of my issues with some radfems, the unwillingness to admit that you are better then the vast majority of women around the world
seriously you won't lost any power if you admit that Islamic societies or Sinotic societies are far far worse then those in the west, you always to make it seem like we are all on equal footing and that swedein is just as saudi arabia
No. 1446933
File: 1645272923177.webm (10.55 MB, 1018x1674, Screen_Recording_20220218-0535…)
here's Rad Jewess (who's been banned from that moniker on Instagram for threatening to beat up "femcels") on a completely normal one. this woman is close friends with Brittany Ortiz, A Slightly Twisted Female, who calls radical feminists cultists and posts porn on main
No. 1446942
>>1446934>>1446933can someone explain this to me
I can understand why some concerned conservative or tard women call enter GC spaces, but I never expected in a million years for e-whores to enter our scene
No. 1448310
>>1441830LMAO I came here to post this. Since no one ever posted a concise rundown I guess I'll do it.
>Twitter user NoLongerJohn1 is a former John who now gives large sums of crypto to random prostitutes to atone for his past actions. This could not sound more bizarre but no one seems to have any real info on him so moving on.>Twitter user catbossfem catfishes as a prostitute and grifts 40K off him>For some reason she then brags about this to Andrea Heinz, a former brothel madam who now speaks out against the industry (again, moving on)>Andrea is disgusted and posts the DMs to her twitter>Andrea censor's the names, but Sharts and her circle are instantly able to identify it as a personal cow of theirs>Andrea confirms it as catfem when they askSharts gives a summary of catfem's past antics in the writeup on her website
>Chronic attention seeker and NEET known for shitting up discord servers while off her tits on hallucinogens.>grifted a couple hundred bucks in some radfem discord by pretending to be raising money for the server owner, who was having financial trouble>Rich family so doesn't even need the money>Makes up a lot of random shit, most notably an abused Mexican bisexual girlfriend who she just kind of stopped mentioning after a few days>Currently wandering around Mexico alone while tripping major balls on LSD (family and friends are all in the US) No. 1448613
File: 1645460083288.png (239.24 KB, 264x469, have you seen this woman.png)

>>1448401She seems to lack any ability to feel real remorse. I forgot about it when doing my writeup, but the only reason she told Andrea and NoLongerJohn is because she was on a "super profound" magic mushroom binge (probably financed by the money she stole). She also bragged about what she'd done in a discord server shortly before Andrea broke the story, but no-one took her seriously at the time.
Sharts also posted screenshots of catfem planning to accuse a random taxi driver of sexual harassment to see if she could get settlement money (doesn't seem like she went through with this thankfully).
No. 1448616
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>>1448613Here's another photo of her doing the closest thing I've ever seen to the AGP smirk on a woman. I don't know why it was taken in what looks like a concentration camp shower.
No. 1448619
>>1448613>>1448616I feel this is the end result of obsessing over troons 24/7, your gonna end up somewhat deranged
she should get a hobby or find a boyfriend
No. 1448653
>>1448629It's a real shame this thread got shit up, but there are still some real gems: the woman with the Soren-tier trauma narrative, the vampire radtif with the DID girlfriend (though admittedly DID-chan did shit up the thread a bit until she got banned), the self-proclaimed lesbian with the military Nigel who wrote that reverse navy seals copypasta about how he's a good boy who hasn't killed anyone and this recent druggie scammer. If you know any radcows that haven't been posted pls do a writeup.
>>1444068Got any funny stories about her or anything like that?
No. 1448657
>>1448651that bitch banned me for a week cause I was apparently defending males too much(I wasn't, I just thought 5 year old's shouldn't be gender segregated) and your telling me she was married to a man and is a housewife
though do you have receipts about it, cause I'd love to see it be true
No. 1448693
>>1448677There was a bit of discussion about radfems being into weird conspiracies upthread that might be relevant:
>>1370330>>1370823Any sort of materialist feminism will posit a highly complex system of social conditioning that exists to perpetuate female oppression, rather than treating misogyny as an individual action. This scratches something in the brains of those who believe in the Secret Lizard People.
No. 1450991
>>1450315"muh white supremacy, muh nazism"
I don't like smokinfeds but iirc isn't she latina?
reminds me of when people disparagingly call nick fuentes the mexican leader of the white race lol buck breaking is a slur kek
No. 1451060
>>1451034I literally posted the first negative comment about smokinfeds in this thread at
>>1368726you fucking buckbroken brainlet.
Where did I say she's ok? I'm saying it's hysterical and overdramatic to claim a latina is a white supremacist nazi when you can just say she's racist.
also way to prove you're really hysterical by accusing me of being part of some smokinfeds defence force /pol/ army.
No. 1451079
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>repeats the word "hysterical" like a mantra, while actually behaving hysterical
no u
>random people can't psychically tell they posted some shit anonymously 3 months ago
>Hmm, which half of the human race acts this way? Really makes the noggin jog…
>my conspiracy theory about smokinfeds /pol/ defence force was proven wrong, time to make up a new braindead conspiracy theory about how anyone who thinks I'm an idiot is a man
>claims other people are fixated and angry, while being so fixated and angry that you're double posting. kek
No. 1451080
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>>1451079Quit your bitching and post milk, kek
No. 1453925
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>>1453854NTA. Here's a link to the twitter posted a selfie (picrel) so it most likely actually is her (although I guess someone could have just grabbed it from a discord server before she DFE'd).
lol at her using the cat to hide her chubby cheeks and chinThere isn't much milk, but I'll post the more interesting stuff.
No. 1453930
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>>1453925Here's a screenshot she posted some messages NoLongerJohn1 sent to her, I guess to try to clear her own name by making him look worse. I figure former sex-buyer radfem male orbiter cringe is relevant to this thread.
No. 1453934
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>>1453930Apparently after 25K she decided to quit while she was ahead and just ghost, but he continued to send money to her unprompted which is pretty funny honestly
No. 1453950
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>>1453934Here are any tweets from her that're remotely relevant. Still in Mexico, still manic as fuck.
No. 1453981
File: 1646065717172.png (75.19 KB, 304x675, Screenshot_20220221-184728.png)

i managed to pull this one that smokinfeds posted in the fight server to absolve her where she lies to the john about being raped and needing medical bills covered for it
No. 1454466 slightly twisted female makes video supposed to be on smokinfeds running a nazi discord, 99% of it is off topic. she is more offended by people upset at smokinfeds than she is with other racists in the video like a separatist balking about race mixing. she thinks that this is an opportunity for feel good girl power growth and invites smokinfeds to host a questions and answers stream on her racism as if
woc want to talk with a racist being moderated by someone who sympathizes with her.
(learn2embed) No. 1454483
File: 1646106874106.jpeg (335.12 KB, 828x943, 47A751C1-497F-4E2C-9921-1BFDF3…)

She's out of material so she's looking for new people to attack.
No. 1454651
>>1445453> Abusing their physical assets generally have consequencesthis made me laugh it's so nieve. 3 women a day being murdered by their men in america alone and you actually believe the only power men have over women is structural? The ignorance.
This thread really morphed into a bunch of libfems misunderstadig what bioessentialism even means and bleating on about purity politics. No shit you have to align with people you hate to get your goals met sometimes. Politics 101, retards. The right have known this forever and will work with people they absolutely loathe to get what they want done. This is why they don't moan about having to ally with feminists to beat trannies. If you really think the only allys should be the pure of spirit ones in YOUR personal opinion, we may as well give up all our rights now. I want milk not this fucking sociology 101 content. Pathetic.
>>1454466>femalethis thread is infected by scrotes. kys.
No. 1455761
File: 1646237327083.png (275.36 KB, 496x1686, catfem 2 march update.png)

He DFE'd unfortunately (he didn't do this until very recently, so I believe it was triggered by catfem resurfacing from her drug binge to post screenshots and shit-talk him). They both seem like complete insane people, this is the stuff of netflix documentaries.
No. 1456046
>>1455977I wasn't trying to 'triangulate' her or whatever the fuck, just saying that the EDC pic was verifiably taken the day it was posted, which proves it's actually her and not some larper (and she really is living it up in Mexico on stolen money). If you don't want people to mention that you were at a massive music fest, maybe don't post pictures of yourself at a massive music fest.
You know she also stole money from a radfem discord server, right? She's not some robin hood type or whatever you're imagining. Making excuses for someone's bad behaviour just because they claim to be on the same team as you is what trannies do, not normal people.
No. 1456110
File: 1646263073124.jpg (1.64 MB, 4096x4096, disgusting.jpg)

Ladies, is it sexy to not shower for days?
No. 1456142
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>>1456124Wait, which one is fakeboi?
No. 1456206
>>1456193I've been here for 5 yrs anon and while I'm not certain I'd call myself a radfem I definitely overwhelming agree with them on a lot and when I first peaked did a lot of reading that helped me work through feelings I was having
I think the current "community" isn't really a coherent community because like you said there's a lot of people who just come in because they want to hate of trans people and aren't actual gender critical in the sense of analyzing and understanding why radical feminists are against many of these things. I think you just have to be able to keep a level head and decide things for yourself. I'm never going to fully agree with everyone but it definitely is nice to find common ground with women who don't believe in gender bullshit. I think radfem circles get into dangerous territory when they start to become hyper online and are focused on dumb infighting…. That being said I can understand wanting to call out grifters.
I guess I don't really have an answer for you anon. I've managed to make some level headed friends, we don't agree on everything but when we do disagree we just discuss things like adults. I do believe there's a real inability to rationally discuss things online because it just ends up becoming these weird online battles.
No. 1456504
File: 1646303401446.png (420.84 KB, 683x1167, E22BBKg.png)

guess whos been following some blond hair white womans OF feet pics ad account. guess shes looking for an aryan feet queen XD
there was a new big doc that dropped yesterday with a lot more recent, worse shit in it. but this takes the cake for me.(XD)
No. 1456532
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>>1456193After 8 years of this bullshit, the online community is a solid dumpster fire. There are sane women, but they usually end up leaving quickly for in-person engagement or are hard to find.
It's best in my opinion to create or cultivate women's groups in your local area - not necessarily radical feminist in name. Or if you can find women through online groups that want to actually engage in political actions (like god forbid, actually scheduling a meeting with your senators), that's better than re-hashing the same shit for years on Discord.
After what happened with the money for WomenPicketDC (picrel, link to full piece - ), I'm vary wary of the women who try to organize these bigger types of events. The GC side in particular is prone to grifting and truetrans taint licking.
No. 1456562
File: 1646311604164.jpg (651.37 KB, 624x4148, ASTF_Nihilism_WS_Vid_Comment.j…)

>>1454466ASTF having an extremely normal one to the slightest bit of criticism. 4 comments of sperging out.
No. 1456594
>>1456562How do you write all that and not notice the irony of accusing someone else of having a
victim complex (twice!)
No. 1456650
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>>1456504some of her other instagram follows are damning. this one posts nothing but alt right content and it wasn't made until Dec 28 2021. So she followed this account this year. So much for if she wants to pretend her being racist was all in the past
No. 1456676

>>1456588> Which video was this on? It came from the video linked in the message I replied to. I'll embed in this reply - "Nihilism and White Supremacy in Extremist Radical Feminist Separatism"
You'll get to it quicker by sorting comments by newest.
> She can’t handle any criticism and gives me borderline personality vibes I got BPD vibes from her very early on, before I had seen her freak out over anything. Now that I've had more time to assess.. The whole package all together strongly reminds me of an ex-friend with BPD, particularly the way she always casts herself as the
victim and never responds proportionally to disagreements, but is sugary sweet to those who give her asspats + don't challenge her.
> Has anyone been able to find ASTF’s old mommy blog? It was called “a slightly twisted fairytale” but looks like it’s been deleted. It's still up - it does look like from the oldest post on there, that there were other posts before that got removed since she returned from her mommyblogging hiatus.
>> My blog hiatus is over, I am returning the threshold.Also some insights into why she gets so fucking deranged over anyone criticizing her parenting from that same post
> An illness in my family brought incredible challenges and changes. What started as physical became something deeper, it revealed psychological and spiritual wounds that needed healing. I learned who my true family is. And sadly, I also learned who they aren’t. I learned that my parents can never and will never be who I need them to be. A truth I’ve known in my heart since I was a child, but a reality I so desperately tried to change and control as an adult. But I can’t make them something they aren’t. I have this dream of what a mother and a father are supposed to be, and I know that my mother is unable and my father unwilling, and perhaps unable, to be what I need. I’ve made the incresibly painful and healing decision to continue my path without them, something I should have done a long time ago yer I clung fervently to this dream that maybe one day they’ll change. And because I wanted my children to have the “perfect” family. But I can only control myself, and being a mother is the most important thing I have ever been called to do and regardless of the pain of my childhood which has seeped into my adulthood, I will continue to nourish myself and blossom into the mother I always dreamed of and continue to give my children the love and purity of childhood they are entitled to.> What I know is thatI am a good mother. I don’t need anyone to validate this for me. I am an amazing mother. I am flawed, oh yes, but I was born to do this job and I will wake up every day with the same imperative: to grow and seek more deeply to develop myself as their primary caregiver and the springboard off which they will jump into the breathtaking paths of their own beautiful life journey.> . . .Somehow, when every other part of me was falling apart, the mother in me still stood up and marched on in strength and determination. I can’t take credit for this strength because I know now that it has a divine source. Motherhood is where I feel the greatest peace.And some cringe shit about her (now ex-)husband.
> I realized I love my husband and that marriage is hard, but it’s supposed to be hard. And that just because it’s hard doesn’t mean it isn’t fighting your ass off for. Sometimes I walk the line of being a little girl and a woman and when I want to fall over to the side of my childishness I must remember that I am a goddess. The mother is a goddess by definition, but to claim that role is a choice and a struggle.> My husband is a good man and a good father and we were destined for each other from the moment of our birth. We are meant to be. Sometimes I freak out, but fear is wasteful and useless in times like these. We are each other’s shelter. He is my home. No. 1456684
File: 1646323908811.png (11.62 MB, 722x12828, aslightlytwistedfairytale_A Se…)

>>1456676Thought I could upload image and embed video in same post
Blog post print out
No. 1456735
>>1456193You have to find the laidback, smart women who have pulled back from the inane aspects of online community. Radblr seems like the widest community where you can most easily find pockets of women like this. On radtwt, if a woman's account follows/interacts with radfem and GC content but includes tweets on her timeline about other topics or interests regularly she might be worth a follow. Getting burned out and dipping from online radfem discourse is a regular occurence unfortunately. Personally, even though I respected and gained insight from many women in online radfem communities I very rarely vibed with any myself.
>>1456692I don't think it's cognitive dissonance, back then they really did think smokinfeds changed and were optimistic.
No. 1456763
>>1456684Plastering your children’s’ faces all over the internet, especially when you are in the habit of having hot takes, will never not be idiotic to me.
Take your fucking children off of the internet.
No. 1456830
File: 1646335034862.jpg (4.1 MB, 2900x10296, Smokinfeds_final-0.jpg)

>>1456672Smokinfeds document in collage form for easier reading. Read top to bottom, left to right. Part 1.
No. 1457206
>>1456676jesus this video.
people in the comments start going off about lesbians being just as
abusive as men when she shares an excerpt from a lesbian separatist
No. 1457361
>>1457347Yeah that's the problem with the current troon movement and the backlash against it. It's leading all these retards with retard thinking patterns who quickly shift ideologies every season now leading themselves into what they think is true and honest feminism. So bitches that not even a year ago would recoil at anything feminism related and whine about "muhsandry" are now apparently hanging around in radfem servers all cause they say the most lukewarm elementary gender critical takes lmao bye. This is just another part of her edgelord persona, the moment this troon shit dies down she's gonna go back to spouting feminists are a bunch of uptight bitches who hate men so I'm not sure why
>>1455977 thinks this chick is the next coming of Dworkin (pbuh).
No. 1457368
>>1456193Honestly as a non-white woman I've already given up on radfem stuff. I hate the over prioritisation on shit related to trannies. Don't get me wrong, it's important, but there is not enough focus on femicide. There are women who literally have no human rights. I am being rather vague here, but that's the kind of stuff i care more about. Not to race bait, but the reasons for this is likely the case is because it doesn't effect white women who are the majority and have the loudest voices in this movement, not to mention all the racist radfems that infest the movement. That being said, i really dislike black radfems too because from being "radfem" they spend too much time crying over black men when a black woman is dying every 5.5 hours, but they don't give a shit. It's that or they worry about random conspiracies.
I've always cared about women's problems but I have never found a good space to talk about them until i found a different movement that finally puts women first and provides actual tools and advice to help women navigate this shitty world. It's the only instance where I've seen liberal women, conservative women, women who don't want kids, women who want to be trad actually get along together and help each other out, even if we don't always get along. It's also helped me to understand that feminism doesn't need to be intersectional or else everyone will be fighting for the attention being hoarded by the white women who tend to have the biggest voices. I have also seen how so many women will swear up and down about being a hardcore feminist who is pro-women but still be overly moid-identified. I think i have found peace.
No. 1457373
>>1456193Started with lurking radblr back in like 2015 and I'm still here today with my own secret
terf blog. I think it is because I "peaked" relatively early on that the retarded or deserved in-fighting doesn't really phase me anymore because this shit is cyclical at this point. This is essentially all that you will see if you spend all your time in internet spaces, whether they are echo-chambers like ovarit or tumblr where you will be engaging in the separatism debate for the 60th time while also dealing with gendies sending you death threats. Tbh, I think the vast majority of self-identified radfems are really just common sense liberal feminists and would be better off interacting w/ less online/normie libfem types and slowly "peaking" them rather than wallowing and doomscrolling in whatever social media of their choice
No. 1457769
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What a martyr
No. 1457971
>>1457368you don't have to answer if it's too revealing but what movement is this exactly? at this point i'm tired of in-fighting from people who supposedly agree with the same things and just focus on a goal that anyone can fight for.
i wish "radfem" keyboard warriors would get off discord and tumblr and volunteer at a local rape shelter or do abortion services something, but they'd probably get offended by how the
victims are probably "handmaidens"
No. 1458255
>>1458225Did anyone else see the video ASTF posted on IG today? Had nothing to do with feminism but had a distinctly Colin Flaherty/Jared Taylor/Richard Spencer vibe. Is she too tone deaf to realize that could be seen as some type of dog whistle? Especially after such a major revelation in the
terf circle this week wtf was the point of posting a random video of black criminals?
No. 1458257
>>1458255I mean she barely condemned sf and went on a long ramble about how multi racial her family was instead lol. Can't expect too much from especially when she flagrantly ignores comments from black women that are in good faith and attacks them just because they slightly criticize her.
Can you post it anon?
No. 1458308
>>1458307>gender critical>not a radical feminist lol, the fact that ppl don't understand that gender critical was just another way to say radfem
yes it works anon
No. 1458312
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>>1458257And her corny ass attempt at AVE w/ these comments. In her tepid smokinfeds response video she spent like 20 min giving a blow by blow account of the time she went banshee mode in a wawa over two strangers in an argument. I wonder if this cringe ratchet cosplay is informed by her relationship with the face tat guy. Pretty extreme shift in persona from the mommy blogger posting 43 pictures of her kids at a woowoo Waldorf school fairy circle.
No. 1458324
>>1458255I mean its black boys being criminals, its not new information
everyone actually knowns that, unless your a super woke liberal who lives in absolute denial about crime statistics
No. 1458337
>>1458324Yeah no shit, chimp outs in apple stores happen. But why post it — and then follow it up with some hokey ebonics? Not only is it not in line with her “I luv me some black womyns” shtick, it’s also kind of weird timing with sf stuff. and like also way off topic for her
terf lite IG page
No. 1460956
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Anybody here follow this account? She has a podcast that I quite enjoy, and it's rather chill.. but her Twitter is batshit. to me, it's indistinguishable from your regular rightoid conspiracy nutjob. She posts shit like picrel daily.
She's like a complementary different person from the podcast, it's weird af.
No. 1460958
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>>1460956Horseshoe theory in full effect.
No. 1462699
>>1460970oh I'm sure there is a connection, I would honestly be surprised if there wasn't. It's more the "George Soros bad/evil" shit which is a main talking point amongst nazis and other far right nut jobs. It goes along with the grand Jewish world domination conspiracy.
Considering her other posts that are very conspiracy minded I just find it really distasteful.
No. 1463251
>>1456672Compiling this doc is the weirdest scorned male stalker behavior. Were you in that edgelord neckbeard server with her? Did she reject your advances or something? Actual women don’t seem to care about this, except for a few weeping neets on Twitter.
Say what you want about smokinfeds but maybe consider therapy or employment. Suicide is also an option
No. 1464099
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This self-aggrandizing bitch is too fucking much.
No. 1469138
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Exulansic is now alleging that when she called the caricature anti-semitic, she was being le troll.
Does ANYONE buy this?
No. 1469235
>>1467688I understand Nigel "forgot" to do the dishes again and made you pick up the kids from sports practice, but you don't have to take your rage out on us lmfao.
>>1468434Is it really? The origins of this stuff is always muddy, but the anon getting buttblasted over radfems itt fails to realize that had it not been for GC feminists (radfem or not) most of the anti-tranny talking points would been straight up homophobia and would have definitely not have been feminist-friendly for the most part. The normie women she wants to go to bat for have lukewarm acceptance or quiet disapproval over feminist-y issues. Why she thinks they're the unsung heroines of some greater movement I'm not sure. This Feminist-Conservative alliance is good for shit that can be dealt with for politics purposes, like bathroom bills. That's not to minimize the importance of shit like this, but like once this is said and done (bs inshallah this tranny shit will die) every stripe of feminism will have to go through an uphill battle because the usefulness that normie slightly trad GC moms have to any kind of women's movement (even the most lukewarm libfemmy type one) is kinda 50/50.
No. 1469433
>>1467076>>1467688>>1469235i'm pretty sure gender critical and radfem were synonymous up until recently (a few years at most) when more people who are politically moderate or otherwise not a radfem on any other issues started criticizing transactivism?
smokinfeds can be an example of that in a way, i remember she said in this interview with upperhandmars (who is some weird centrist/conservative TIF that interviews GCs and detrans often) that she calls herself GC instead of radfem because she isn't pro-marxism. so i guess that's why a lot of trads and conservatives are jumping onto the GC/faux-radfem train
No. 1470510
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No. 1471063
>>1470880I wish asherah's garden wasn't shut down because I remember seeing her tiktoks and posting a screenshot of one of them where she was still a one-of-the-boys NLOG type making a joke about rape
victims. She's not a "radfem volunteering to help women's lib" lmfaoooooooo. She hates trannies, that's it. I think there is something to be said about more women from different political backgrounds growing a little bit of their backbone and espousing talking points that actually center women, but we don't need to pretend like they're feminist activists coming to save the day. There needs to be a higher bar for feminism and who gets to be a feminist.
No. 1471235
>>1471063Even if Smokinfeds was an actual activist in real life (doubt it, that anon reeks of being a simp/whiteknight), the fact she runs an alt-right discord and posts the n word constantly is what makes me judge her. Not everyone is politically pure and I'm fine with that but I still think being outright racist even as a joke is super trashy when non-white/non-western/etc. women need actual feminism the most. There's more to being GC/RF than acknowledging men aren't women and vice versa.
>>1470981People who aren't white can still be racist (either to other races or people of their race) or pickmes to racists and historically there were non-white allies to white nationalism.
No. 1473165
>>1467688you when you think being trad doesn't qualify as being the biggest sex traitor one could possibly be. hit a little close to home, huh
>>1467799also when you think women hating their hairy armpits isn't aiding the troon phenomenon. it's actually hilarious when tradtards think they weren't the first ever sex traitors to set the standard of throwing other women under the bus. kek
No. 1488347
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No. 1489367
>>1488603Technically I do notice a slight overlap on social media, in the sense that some trads will follow
TERF/GC accounts because they meme on trannies and porn addicts, but that's where the similarities end. Radfems are clowns but there's so much more to 2nd wave feminism than thinking trannies are annoying and porn is gross.
No. 1500919
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smokinfeds is doing gayops on kiwifarms
No. 1507478
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Karen Davis of radfem youtube account "You're Kiddin' Right?" has a public KF page now and it sure is something. I did not realize she was so milky. No. 1507535
File: 1650517247025.png (22.42 KB, 1210x82, smokf.png)

>>1507478Not related, but from the same thread. smokinfeds was mad at women for using the word "bitch"? I guess the rules for her incel daddies are different from the rules for femoids kek
No. 1507837
>>1500919Lack of reading comprehension. She is accusing that account of leaking ss, not implying she runs it herself.
The account that created the Shupe KF thread is hers.
No. 1508547
>>1508354>>1508542ok not later, found it
the story starts at 18:40. she pours herself wine around the 8 minute mark and sips the same glass for 10 minutes so she's def not drunk
No. 1508666
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The girl who stole 40k is back on Twitter @catfemxoxoxo. Highlights include calling her high school to threaten teachers and an arrest warrant put out
No. 1508758
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>>1508666Same anon. Catfem is ebegging now too.
No. 1510098
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>>1488347skimmed through her account and she reminds me of a "type" you find a lot on radblr spaces, they jump from pagan socialist to greek orthodox feminist to stalinist atheist 5 times a year, their talking points are a bag of alt-lite, pink-pill FDS and obscure 20th century political theory
>misandry>men should be submissive around women >simps for varg and wants babies>self compliments her natural "thick" bodytype No. 1510256
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>>1508547so not pedophilic but jesus christ that was cringy
No. 1513530
>>1513455comphet is one thing but common sense is another, she rly used to live with that groyper incel?? did he secretly have a vagina or something?
if it’s rly behind her then she would have covered her tracks, but nah she got all her clout from being Juulzog the NLOG, girlfriend of oogabooga, on tik tok and then just coasted into radfem spaces pretending to be a lesbian which is sus asl
No. 1513623
>>1513584I think some people who are fans of her are conflicted because Feds is a
WOC too. But she's not black, which is why her hanging with groypers and spamming the N word is still racist. Especially when her being active in that server wasn't 5 years ago or anything, it was recent.
No. 1513633
>>1513623I would not consider her a
WOC bc hispanic can mean white too. There are indigegnous hispanic women like Melissa Lucio and then there are Hispanics who have majority Spaniard bloodline. To me saying hispanic or latino is automatic color status is like 1/16th cherokee princess territory. There are nuances. But i agree that the anti blackness is still racist. Colorism exists even in
poc communities.
No. 1514015
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radfem orbiter previously known as the url kendallroy has apparently realised she’s a lesbian and not bi, despite being in a relationship with a guy for years and outspoken about being bisexual in the
past. she’s kind of defensive about it too. i don’t get it. it’s not like she lived in some conservative town. she lives in nyc
No. 1514104
>>1514088i thought the book wasn’t picked up by any agents?
also i just remembered when she would refer to her scrote as mr kendallroy on her old blog. totes a lesbian though
No. 1514343
>>1514015Damn she's really back?
This might be overstepping as a Hettie but I just don't understand this. How do you "realize" you are only into the same sex after have 0 problem with opposite-sex relationships for years. It's one thing to be a lesbian in a shithole 3rd-world homophobic hellhole where LARPing as straight is for survival, or some conservative small echo chamber of a town where God and Jesus rule over everyone. But like you said, she is in NYC. I can see why lesbians are defensive of their community and lesbian identity, like you have the whole world telling you that you just "need the right dick", and now these women that just got scorned by some dude and are now entering their "men ain't shit" phase claim to be lesbian until they find another moid to date to then be like "well you know i just did some more exploring and…"
No. 1514552
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give up the larp sis
No. 1516099
>>1515232The way comphet went from an analysis how society literally forces women (regardless of sexuality) to be dependent on men financially (especially so during the time it was written) due to patriarchy and other factors that limit women's independence without a man to weird poliles Twitter/Tumblr girls going on about how they can't stop fucking moids while being a lesbian because "ugggh comphet" actually pisses me off so bad.
Especially when they ignore that compulsory heterosexuality, as first described, affects all women.
No. 1521968
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Who is Kori?
No. 1523660
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uterii-my-duderi confirmed farmer
No. 1523666
>>1523660fakeboi is such a retard lol, I can promise her thread wasn't kept alive by just one person. Uterii might be a lurker but honestly I don't get a huge farmer vibe from her. It's not milk either way, the equivalent of going to an AA meeting to tell everyone one of the attendees is an alcoholic.
Maybe more people should talk about AoS here though, wasn't she also in on that insane drama with the friend who drew pedo rape furry porn?
No. 1536851
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Anybody catch this? I'm no longer active on radtwt because of shit like this.
No. 1536853
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>>1536851Samefag. But this is how I found out about it.
No. 1536868
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Radical feminism is by its origin a milky ideology, a bunch of upper middle class white and jewish women in academia endlessly sniffing their own farts is gonna produce a lot of retarded shit
No. 1536892
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>>1536851The woman she’s talking about was made fun of because she is a pick me who went on a rabid rant about radfems, made fun of CSA
victims, made a lesbophobic comment before & her bf is a racist.
No. 1536898
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>>1536896samefag (last one sorry)
No. 1537420
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>>1523660>uterii-my-duderiI've literally never been a part of radblr so nearly all the radblr posting in this thread is irrelevant to me, but I remember uterii from Spinster (and also Cliterati) and she was a hardcore tankie who stanned the CCP and DPRK and legit simped for Kim Jong Un. Idk if she's still like that but that's how she was back then (2019).
No. 1544669
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>>1544651So for context, rad-bad-and-dangerous-to-know has a second blog named havekat where she tries to sell her art by claiming she is in dire straits. She's been doing that for ages but we'll get back to that later. Earlier this week she jumped onto the post of a small radfem artist's (who specializes in invertebrate drawings with slogans on them) post and started aggressively insulting the artist in increasingly unhinged ways.
It is suspected she was trying to get the artist "cancelled" in the radfem community so that radfems would start supporting her art instead, a conclusion that is supported by the fact that immediately after all this, radbad started reblogging her own "buy my art! im gonna be homeless!" posts from her havekat blog to try to get more customers.
anyway here's the beginning of her spergout (1/2)
No. 1544672
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>>1544651>>1544669(2/2) She then starts accusing the artist of supporting genocide… for drawing a beetle…. and claiming that anyone who disagrees with her is simply uneducated on the topic. By hilarious coincidence, a woman who had done extensive real-world anthropological field study research on the rwandan genocide chimes in to defend the poor artist, to which radbad just calls her a "white saviour" despite the fact that radbad herself is white (despite all her attempts at racefaking in the past… long story)
No. 1544677
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>>1544651>>1544669>>1544672despite drawing essentially all of radblr to shit on her for being insufferable, she continues to try to convince everybody that the big artist is a terrible awful person who shouldn't be supported, and that everyone should instead support her art since she is going to be homeless if people don't start buying her art! Except for the fact that it has been proven she lives in a million dollar house with her mother, who is also a scammer that went to JAIL for defrauding an elderly man for $150,000 (picrel)
someone sleuthed this out and created a post and blog revealing her identity and scams, but radbad somehow filed a complaint with tumblr and got it all deleted. I tried in vain for a while to find an archived version of this post, but could only find it as a reblog on someone else's blog with all the pictures now expunged: ( If anyone has the original image or an archive, please post! this rabbit hole goes really, really deep.
No. 1544713
>>1544677Oh my god, I recognize her from
>>>/snow/1529603 , she seems absolutely unhinged
No. 1544727
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>>1544713the linked post seems to be wrong, but I found what you were talking about here
>>>/snow/1523081Seems like she is totally insane. The discovery about her mother also being a criminal fraudster is so interesting. What do you think, genetically a crazy narc scam artist or just raised to be that way? This quote from the thread you linked made me kek.
>>1544723I used to not like the artist's stuff that much but it's grown on me kek. I like her genuine love for little bugs and sea creatures.
No. 1544735
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>>1544727that shit's fucking bonkers, my god. what's wrong with her and why does she have any enablers at all? and she's now saying she's 27?? jesus lmao
No. 1544746
>>1544732(straining not to hicow) ok lmfao. From the post:
>She talks all the time about how her mother is a poor, fail elderly woman that she tirelessly cares for and needs donors to give her money to ease the expenses.>reality: mother is a scam artist who was working a job and capable of defrauding an actual disabled elderly client for $150,000.and
>pretended that she was homeless for seven months sometime before she allegedly signed her current lease in October 2020>reality: during that time was a kindergarten teacher who had a house with a husband or brothernot to mention her racefaking history. It's safe to assume most of what she says are lies.
>>1544735tbh it doesnt seem like she has any supporters. basically everyone on radblr is clowning on her rn and everyone outside of radblr is making anti-
terf callout posts about her lmfao
No. 1544754
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>>1544677For extra keks here’s her losing her shit at some poor person who liked her art enough to add an image ID description for visually impaired people onto one of her art pieces. (1/2)
No. 1544757
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>>1544750this is all purely speculative, lol. the "scam" blog seemed to have a grudge against her.
I stopped giving her the benefit of the doubt the moment she started saying that her art will be worth bajillions in 20 years or something. It's manipulative and cringy. Seems like she doesn't want to work and thinks she can grift online instead. Definitely takign a cue from her mom here…
>>1544754>>1544755 No. 1544762
>>1544759How is she scamming anyone? She's embarrassing and pitiful. but I sincerely doubt that she's humiliating herself online for funzies. I feel bad for her. Poverty's not fun.
Her art is super amateurish and she sounds really irate which isn't gonna entice the broke college students on blr to spend 50 dollaroos on art crappy water logged paper art.
No. 1544764
>>1544762assuming you're ta i was replying to, you just said
>Seems like she doesn't want to work and thinks she can grift online instead. Definitely takign a cue from her mom here…which implies being a scam artist, like her mother. and now you say
>How is she scamming anyone? I feel bad for you have DID or something? kek. genuinely not trying to infight i'm just confused as hell about what you're trying to say
No. 1544776
>>1537116Tbf I think it's justifiable if she really did stuff like made fun of CSA
victims. If you say edgy shit on the internet, don't be mad when people say edgy shit back.
No. 1545085
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>>1544762if you search her sideblog havekat for the term suicide and death youll see she was threatening killing herself if no one helped her make rent and even left a fake suicide note after she was outed for conning. she pretended to OD on benadryl and then conveniently threw it up and had no adverse affects. but in some versions of her story, her mom intervened. in all versions, she-and this is the hilarious part- called her doctor about it and was put on ""suicide watch"" where her elderly criminal mother would be her caretaker, and then she proceeded to post on tumblr and go on a three hour walk to make prints. no 72 hour hold anywhere. completely true story everyone clapped.
her ebegging posts threaten shit like "i told you there would be repercussions". searching her blog for any terms like suicide, death, crisis, poverty, overdose, suicide watch, benadryl, etc. is a fucking laugh. bonus cackling comes from when some 19yo flirted w her 30+ yo ass on anon and she went on a tangent about how she fell off a bike when she was 7 and was forever traumatized, or how she "liberated a german shepherd" outside of a marijuana dispensary and named it kush.
yeah that house probably got repo'd for mommys crimes but they could have sold that million buck manor any time before while radbad was crying on havekat about being in ~abject poverty~ (search those exact words to see) in 2016.
she said in her post-outing fake suicide note that she moved out of that childhood house in march 2019 and that shes been living in airbnbs and homeless since then save for her current lease. but theres a now deleted post from 2020 where she claims to be on a MORTGAGE.
she's not in poverty and she's not humiliating herself for funsies. she's a bonafide pathological narc who can't help but flail around in feigned victimhood while simultaneously pretending to be the most adored artist to ever live.
her twitter hav_kat is pretty cow-worthy too, with her telling tumblr staff how she's going to khs if they dont delete the posts about her then in the same breath demands they buy one of her art pieces and hang it up in their HQ
No. 1571165
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Stock doesn't consider herself a radfem but like Meaghan Murphy she got too deep into antiwokery and decided to say the most tonedeaf, edgelord shit possible.
No. 1573093
>>1507478I mostly agree with her, but I've also stopped watching her videos as much because of this. She has gotten increasingly cowish the more I watch her, and a lot of the posts in that thread are right. Apparently she recently got locked out of Youtube for a while, but she's back making videos. I haven't even watched any yet.
>>1571165Meghan Murphy is so weird. Her creepy infatuation with Benjamin Boyce is disgusting, and seeing her double down on her recent shift in views is kind of embarrassing. But then, at the same time, her most recent interview on Joe Rogan was actually pretty good. She namedropped The Transsexual Empire and talked about how rad fems had been in the fight a long time. I feel like she's well-read, but can honestly be influenced by the company she keeps a bit too easily.
No. 1574455
>>1565134when anna was the editor for the baron, she wrote two puff pieces for michael thurlow
>>>/snow/1247541, the president of the neo-nazi party in canada and the troll in the rachel leeds-minkin thread
>>>/snow/1557779 No. 1577517
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Bumping this thread to present the absolute spergery that followed the abolition of Roe v Wade in the states. Some women advocated for a sex strike against their moids in response.
Thus came the not-so radfem tumblr user a-room-of-my-own, sperging over the past days on the effectiveness of a sex strike and accusing participants as being holier-than-thou Christfags, only serving the cause of republitards.
TL;DR if you don't ride your moid you don't really want abortion rights. Grow up and realize how cock-crazy het women are
Original post: No. 1577531
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>>1577523Just today she embarassed herself further by bringing up AIDS, STDs and gay sex. I don't know why French radblr is so obsessed with religious comparisons. Frogscrotes look like shit.
No. 1577675
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No. 1577948
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>>1577927Bold of you to assume every single dude out there supports abortion. Her supporters all assume it's an attack on het women's sexuality.
No. 1578957
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>>1578863There's a lot of overreaction on French radblr. They're all assuming it's an attack on their sexuality as if themselves couldn't help it. It's even more baffling when ARoMO claims to be choice celibate, yet shames sex-strikers and outright calls them leftcows/troons. I bet she wouldn't even lift a finger either kek.
No. 1579010
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>>1578957rasblr is as unfriendly and weird of a place as any special interest-driven youth-majority space on the net. the only difference is that there's no males being shitty in it. I've stopped pretending that it's a "community" a ling time ago. It makes it so much bearable this way.
>picrel, the shit scrotes post on kf makes me glad that radblr exists No. 1579219
>>1577517This entire thing is even more funny because one of the popular sex strike posts is made by a het woman herself. And yet these women having a meltdown over the post act like it was mean lesbians shaming straight women for their sexuality or they think it is lining up with what conservitards think women should do or acting like proposing a sex strike feeds into the idea that women can't enjoy sex.
I can understand a woman with a pro-choice bf/husband who is good in bed and would actually help her in getting an abortion if they have to cross state lines to do so who wouldn't want to participate in a sex strike. However, how many men like that actually exist? Especially for us
trigger law red state women, how many men are there in these areas that are worth the risk of pregnancy when birth control/condoms fail and no abortion? Shit, how many men are worth even getting on birth control for? So many women complain about how shitty in bed men are, how they can't find the clit, how sex positivity was a failed project because men still cling on to the madonna/whore complex and treat them like fleshlights yadda yadda. Lie back think of England, faking orgasms etc. It is 100% possible for men to actually be good in bed and make PIV work, but so many of these scrotes choose not to care about their wife/gf/hook-up's pleasure. These women want to defend their right to take Ls during a politically dangerous time. And, to take these Ls with men who could not care less. Embarrassing, especially in the age of vibrators and dildos.
No. 1579260
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>>1579219The funniest part is the more this shit goes on, the more they're turning it into a OSA vs SSA women, prude vs promiscuous and the mentally well against the mentally ill.
>hey uh sex strike because I don't want to be pregnant and potentially die from complications because relitards in US are against abortion?>So you want straight women to stop having sex you prude??? Don't you know you're playing the same game as conservatives??? Are you even aware straight women with healthy sex lives exist outside???>>1579010>ratings under postFor all the autism radblr features, at least there's no moids circlejerking on their own retarded posts.
No. 1586666
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Are tankie radfems allowed here, I think they are just as milky as the conservative leaning radfemcs, like one of my personal cows krupskayarian(danerys stan as well), she presents herself as a separatist radfem(full on advocating for women's only work communes) but is a massive tankie and thinks that the Soviet Union didn't commit any atrocities and that the rapes by Russian solders reported in Ukraine are fabricated western propaganda and she's not the only one, I have encored my fair share of tankie radfems on radblr, who will be posting about how all men are inherently evil and then moments later will be arguing about how the holodomor was fake CIA propaganda
No. 1592334
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>>1586666>>1586920reminds me of this aboustetly insane post by medusa
>Radical feminism is the Assad, the Stalin, the Kim Jong Un, the Mao Zedong of all feminisms. It is the feminism so purposely misunderstood, lied about, slandered, trashed by a huge bulk of the political spectrum. But all it is for is total liberation of women.she also unironically praises Mao and Stalin No. 1592383
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>>1583724You could make yourself less obvious next time btw
No. 1598327
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Has Birdie Rose ever considered herself radfem or just gender critical? Either way, she's getting a reaction for her list of "men I like", which includes idiots like Matt Walsh, Gad Saad (the guy who dragged Macy Gray online) and increasingly nuttier people like James Lindsay.
No. 1604995
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Just saw this on Britanny's community page. The original post was made two months ago but she commented on it again (bottom screenshot). While I agree that the message she received was fucked up, it doesn't come from them directly but from a supporter and Brittanny doesn't need to play innocent. I saw her weird as fuck video about Lisa Michele, it was misogynistic and anti-feminist. I wish I had saved it because that was the moment I realized something's really off with ASTF. I have seen other creator's followers say fucked up shit (for example, some of Karen's followers are insane), but you can't control them and Brittanny is sending her followers to those other women too by rambling on her page about them. Why are so many Youtube GC/Radfems such cows? They're constantly involved in drama.
No. 1609470
>>1604995Honestly Lisa seems completely harmless to me and I remember her mentioning this drama in a stream awhile back.. she didn't get into any specifics and legit seemed to just want it to end. RR also seems like she wouldn't hurt a fly, imo they are pretty cut and dry radfems.. boring even.
I can't see either of them endorsing this weirdo.. it's probably just someone with a personal vendetta against ASTF. I could see her channel by its nature accumulating those types.
No. 1615588
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>>1609470I've obversed this fight between ASTF and LM the last two weeks and for me it seems that Brittany is a narcissist and batshit insane, also really obsessed with Lisa. Lisa hasn't really mentioned her at all except in the comments of one of her last videos where she vaguely referenced the current situation (not directly). Apparently she called the police on Brittany because of the harrassment and since then Brittany has been having a meltdown, she's made multiple community posts (directly and vague) and streamed about it , in the stream addressing the situation she was called out for doxxing LM and started explaining it and then suddenly had "to go" and cut the stream. It's super fishy.
She is mainly fighting with this person called Trans Women are Sexist Men but her focus was on Lisa the whole time without any evidence that Lisa is behind it or encouraging it. Her followers just suck it up, I also think she deletes critical comments.
Picrel is a screenshot she posted on her community page thinking it makes her look good for some reason. It's showing what a feminist she is, apparently not having sex is a thing to shame someone for. These women always show their true colors when they are having meltdowns.
Overall the emphasis on "no job" seems like projection - is Brittany even working? I don't think so. I'm getting extremely bad vibes from her. She has such a hate boner for radfems.
No. 1615592
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samefagging to add this comment of hers which sounds very alt-right. It seems like she isn't critical of the capitalist system at all. She's also very aggressive and hateful towards many commenters like this one.
No. 1615965
>>1615588Tbh I'm so sadden ASTF is giving max cow behaviors, especially when she commented like a crazy person under the black woman comment.
That suck so badly because as a midwife and a mom she as a very interesting point of view to give to GC feminism. If she could at least behave in her comment ( and don't make those weird rant live stream ),
>>1615588 like there is a lot of NEET radfem who legit don't experience and observe form of social sexism you get when you work/ study so it create a gap between lived experience and can lead to discord ( she say "obviously no sex life" but it could be clever and instead of wanting to be witty could tell that they police/put input on situations they are not part of because it s the issue at hand). It's enerving because yes when some radfem got angry at her for filming in her bathtub it was ridiculous but it do not need a thousand of videos on it.
Also maybe because she is from a rather stable upbringing but her strange capitalistic views and
>>1615592 sound super stupid like "you are a menace and everyones burden !!!". The commenter's way of living is not good for their own health but she sound so dumb. And her obsession with the nuclear family is the smallest viable community to raise a child is so false and 50's propaganda.
Sorry for the giga blogpost but I'm so sad there is no public radfem that is not unhinged.
No. 1616452
>>1615822Yeah it was like that from the beginning, she's been sperging at them when she started her channel end of last year because she got criticism. Of course some of the criticism was stupid and imo misogynist but the way she handles it is embarrassing.
What also makes me cringe is that she is SO new to feminism in general and acts like she's this new authority. She has an inflated ego because she got a lot of followers (compared to others in the niche) in a relatively short amount of time, probably because her focus is on mothers? She is kind of relatable when you don't see through her bs.
>>1615965 I'm with you, I honestly thought it's nice to have someone who comes from a mother perspective but since some radfems hurt her ego she's on a vendetta against them and paints radical feminists as mother hating lescels, man-haters etc. It makes her turn into an MRA.
I don't see any chance that it gets better, she hardcore spergs at any criticism, even if it is written in the most well-meaning manner.
I'll only follow her for milk now, there are some small radfem and gc youtubers I watch but it's truly frustrating that most of the relatively bigger ones have mental problems
No. 1618725
>>1615822she is deranged 100% but she is also right about the " secret girls club" comment in regards to radical ramblings tbh… rr is an unhinged lesbian separatist neet, true to the name ramblings i guess, who thinks she can dictate what's "truly radical feminist" or not based on her extremely limited and biased viewpoint of the world and lisa just laps it up like the malnourished garden weed she is
brittany is unhinged and should not be as popular as she is but rr is also weird as fuck and recently told someone on her youtube that it is not possible to really be a radical feminist if they are heterosexual and partnered with a male even if they follow multiple other radfem principles. i guess it's not hypocritical at all for her to accept her sexuality but if het women do it they're essentially looked down upon and their opinions are cast aside bc they're not "proper" radfems. she just reminds me of every other middle-class neet i met on radtwt who didn't learn social skills and the ability to have real conversations with women from different lives/backgrounds because they made up this wacky idealized picture of what a real radfem is in their vitamin d deficient brains
No. 1624079
>>1618725I have to say
nonny that I've never gotten actual neet vibes from RR aka Grace, and I've been following her on different platforms since around 2020 but I do get what you mean. not trying to wk (maybe a lil lol) but still, fuck Brittany. she's absolutely an undiagnosed cluster B menace that'll go undiagnosed or unrecognized bc these types of women are unable to obtain self awareness. without blogging, just being self aware is so liberating. sucks for her that she's not but I think she's gonna be ok since it seems Brittany's really into getting attention.
No. 1625779
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>>1592334>>1586920imagine calling yourself a misandrist radfem and also literally defending genocide
No. 1626295
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>>1508616Sorry 4 bumping an old post but here's the muscle pic you mentioned. Got it from this wildly unhinged callout blog I found while looking for something else. No. 1626300
File: 1661525450208.jpg (24.94 KB, 522x447, 81h7o80gb7L._AC_SX522_.jpg)

>>1626010weak b8 from the same sector of the user base that keeps bumping the thread on the nork refugree
the commiesphere moid of your choice is not going to pick you, just stop
>>1626093>>1625918>>1626110 No. 1655699
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Why do so many GC women simp for this freak? He sounds like a serial killer here kek.
No. 1655770
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This is what happens when you overload on blackpill feminism and can't understand how fucking normal human beings act
No. 1657182
>>1656261NTAYRT, but the beating and raping doesn't start at 18. I can't even blame puberty alone, because I've met and heard of several prepubescent boys who were already well on their road to being violent misogynists, though puberty does make it worse. You can't always rely on the chance that the 8 year old boy with an
abusive misogynist for a father didn't learn anything from his dear old dad. This was true even before the internet started exposing children to violent porn and misogynist propaganda, so I can't imagine how much worse it is now. The ideal situation imo would be for shelters to have separate wings for families with sons and without sons, and the wings with sons have more security staff.
No. 1657745
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You got women dying in Iran for walking outside and twt radfems are arguing abt whether or not 8 year old boy are a threat to adult women, Its making me understand why the main criticism of radical feminism around the 90's was that it was a "white middle-class women" feminism
No. 1657786
>>1657765this is why radical feminism will always be a meme ideology
99% of regular people don't see eight year olds as being physical threats to anyone, and most women don't wanna give up their male children cause some fat academics from the 1960's told them so
No. 1657811
>>1586666>>1586920I know these posts are months old but I just can't understand the logic of being a feminist and a tankie at the same time. Marxist/communist or socialist, sure, but even though porn was illegal in the USSR, abortion was too, and Stalin was domestically
abusive to one of his wives and a pedophile IIRC. But he's "one of the good men" because he's a communist? LMAO
Does anyone remember when Uterii-My-Duderi started e-dating a TIM who is also a Stalinist and got smeared for it? That was pretty funny, they're still together but he detransitioned and doesn't post often on Tumblr.
No. 1657879
Stop taking the bait you retards. anyway,
>>1657811>does anyone remember when Uterii-My-Duderi started e-dating a TIMNo, she did WHAT? I stay out of radblr drama but sometimes I wish i didn't.
No. 1657938

>>1445010Socialization theory is so dumb. Men across all countries and ages did the same thing to women yet for people like you it's all because of socialization, which started from… Well who knows what, right? I bet you also believe that women in hunter gatherer times were treated better kek maybe read some Trust your perceptions. Also reminder there are male biologists brave enough to admit that males are, essentially, biological parasites.
>durrr bioessentialists use bioessentialism as an excuse to do nothing!No, bioessentialists encourage women to live without men. That's way more than you can imagine. As long as women want to live with men, this will not end. You don't reject bioessentialism because you have legit arguments against it, you reject it because the possibility it might be true scares you.
>but after hundreds of years we finally got some rights! So that means men CAN change!Yeah and in exchange we got even more disgusting and violent porn that basically all men watch. Also prostitution and human trafficking still exist, even though men could end it any day if they actually wanted to, but they don't.
Damn we need more Black obsidians and Sekhmet she-owls lol
No. 1657949
>>1657938Also, thr women who reject bioessentialism because they think that it implies that
males being biologically violent =
females being biologically submissive don't understand that in nature males and females don't live in synergy but in constant sexual conflict.
No. 1657988
Ok lol sorry. I'm not sure if that person is known here but I have mixed feelings about witchy xx / dystopian deep dives, who's been on "rad" YT for some time and recently did a potcast with Megan Murphy, she also had some connections with Ella Androphobia. She deleted most of her stuff tho. I remember her being into radfem theory at some point, and then bashing radfems for believing that men are bad and literally saying that the evil elites are responsible for men's behavior and that we should work together, and I remember she was screaming at that point kek. I asked her why are women treated badly in hunter gatherer communities despite the lack of muh evil Satan-worshipping elites, and she deleted my comment. She deleted that stream tho. Now she just makes videos on conspiracy theories and trannies.
I also remember Ceres Revenge, she was around on yt in 2019, streamed with Leah and Terri Strange. Made some really interesting points and was pro separatism, but also said that working at a fastfood was no better than being a prostitute (she was a dominatrix so I doubt she would knew what it's like to fuck gross scrotes for money). She got some hate comments and then sperged out saying that even johns are better than women in her comment section lol. Now she sometimes randomly appears in Black obsidian's live streams, I recognize her voice and speech patterns
Also there was Terri Strange of course, she called herself a lesbian and was a muh separatist and then started fucking a disgusting satanist scrote. Now she just does tarot readings. Sad
No. 1658065
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>>1657938>>1657949This is what people mean when they point out that radical feminism is just western women co-opting the oppression in the global south, by radfem logic it doesn't explain social progress and why certain cultures are simply better then others, to the point ancient historians would make note of it, its genuinely delusional and offensive to pretend that American or Sweden is just as bad as Iran or Afghanistan but many radfems do believe that, by radfem logic social progress would make no sense, what's the end goal of the evil united patriarchs in the west, when they easily could just beat western women into submission like asian and middle eastern scrotes
No. 1658107
>>1658100>>1658092My god, I never said that the west didn't have problems with misogyny, my issue is using the atrocities women face in the global south for your own goddam retarded narrative, is is that hard to admit to just acknowledge sweden or the US is better then sindh, like what would you lose ?
>>1658100welp if its all the same then, I'll gladly switch places with you then, you live in my country and I'll live in your western nation and I'm sure you'd find no problem with stuff like the blasphemy law or the legal right to beat your wife here(just lightly according to the guidance of the Shabbah)
No. 1658117
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anyway's back to the original topic, this "discourse" has been going on for days now and is unironically splitting radtwt/rablr apart, mind you, I agree with many bpillers but this is getting ridiculous
No. 1658121
>>1658113> all I want you to admit is that some cultures and some civilizations are worse then others> Post previously admitting just that: >>1658100>>1658110The post did, but yet you still go on claiming otherwise seeking some sort of validation, no wonder LA was the ideal place kek. Also, aren't you some rich privileged idiot according to your own past sperging? And you talked about how even if you went to LA in America you would still be oppressed because you would be going to live with your cousins who would totally be keeping you as a slave in the according to you liberated America?
Do you have some sort of validation/co-opting fetish? You post this shit all the time, like the tinfoil thread you derailed for hours such as the time referred to when Americans worried about and your response was they are pretending to be oppressed because they do not live in pakistan kek. Starting to believe this isn't even a women considering the whole 'women aren't oppressed, you don't have it as bad as x' along with the anti-fujo sperging and apparent racism posting stuff. I forgot you said middle ages western countries were better than current day pakistan because you watch too many historical movies and think they're real kek.
Never forget the derailed tinfoil thread:
> Tinfoil anon: Tinfoil about the removal of womens rights in the west explaining the pushing of trans stuff.>>>/ot/1160853> Paki-chan: You talking about your rights being taken away just means you want to pretend to be really oppressed like me!>>>/ot/1160895 No. 1658128
>>1658117Isn't the 'assrape' wisher a tranny doing the whole pretend thing like that reddit poster?
>>>/ot/1350492 . Or do you mean specifically the topic of boys in homes for abused women and whether they should be allowed or not. Generally, women don't go wishing rape, but otherwise male children can be dangerous considering them accessing porn earlier and earlier and the increase in child-on-child molestation.
No. 1658130
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>>1658124the tranny started it, but its since evolved into a whole ass discussion with multiple radfem accounts arguing about this for days now at this point, its mostly about male toddlers and 6-12 year old boys being allowed in women's shelters and lots of accusations of being "boymoms" or "cockworshippers" even thought everyone arguing this is a virgin and 23 years old at oldest, basically everyone involved in this is retarded and should go outside and talk to regular women
No. 1658131
>>1658128I know a ton of male children who were incredibly dangerous and borderline rapists. Posters like
>>1658130 are incredibly incorrect, male children absolutely should not be allowed in shelters
No. 1662580
>>1658131…and leave the boy to the
abusive father. lolollol what a nice and sensible plan!!!
No. 1684069
>>1672393Cringe and deranged
Congrats on proving that radfems are both some of the dumbest people and biggest pieces of shit in the world.
Other feminists like myself laugh at you
No. 1686280
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This serves as a great example rf will always be a meme ideology, 99% of women just think its stupid, instead of just admitting that their ideology just doesn't have mass appeal they choose to blame other parties and delude themselves into thinking their the only real enlightened people(in this case the only enlightened feminists) and all other women are living with blind sheep, basically this comic(unsaged bait)
No. 1686381
>>1686362It's the same tttt scrote who started chimping about 2X in the mtf thread at the same time kek, both posts coincide with scrotes having male moments in the mtf thread sperging about jews and being the not like other trannies. Men will chimpout at two week old posts because they can't handle not being worshipped and obeyed.
>>1684069>>1686280> Seething over a 16 day old post the same time each two times a troon is seething in the mtf thread.YWNBAW. Psyop doesn't work in vent and it doesn't work here.
No. 1686401
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>>1686387Yes. They started sperging about jews creating troons, then posting pics of real women to try and bait anons into calling them trannies as if a man could be mistaken for one.
>>1686381*droped pic
Even men larping as rfs do it in the most male clockable way like the discord troon talking about assrape. Men see no difference between psychotic rapist men and the women who tell them no, and their larp shows it.
No. 1688006
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I guess germaine greer counts as a radfem lolcow, you could say she was a proto-blackpiller, she believed that it was impossible for men and women to have healthy "long term" relationships, however she still liked sex and had many lovers among them Federico Fellini, Warren Beatty, Martin Amis and one underage boy, she was also a massive contrarian and edgelord
>said that the celeb women speaking out against Harvey Weinstein were making a big deal out of nothing cause no one "forced them" and claimed it was simply an exchange>defended FGM and compared it to women in the west getting piercings>defended adult men perving on(she called it "admiring") teenage girls and argued that adult women should be allowed to perve on young boys as well >she published a photo book called the beautiful boy, filled with photos and artwork of nude teenage boys for "aesthetic pleasure" and defended herself from accusations of pedophilia by saying it was natural desire that all hetorsexual women have and it was "christian patriarchy" that convinced women that these desires were wrong>she compared rape victims trauma to a simple phobia like fear of spiders and claimed that most cases of rape are just bad sex with an unattractive male partner No. 1688087
>>1688069>defends harvey weinstein and creepy older moids>pedo herself how is she based in anyway
>>1688082considering the fact she defended adult men "admiring" young girls, I think she probably did have desire herself
No. 1688944
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>>1688109for those unaware Simone de Beauvoir actively recruited her young female students for Jean Paul Sartre and their “existential relationship”, she groomed children as young as 12 and openly supported pedophilia, now I have never written a 1000 word treatise of what would become one of the defining texts of feminism but at least I will never lure innocent young women into the trap of a clearly predatory man.
>In 1933, when she was teaching in Rouen, Beauvoir had a seventeen-year-old student named Olga Kosakiewicz, a daughter of a Russian émigré who had been dispossessed by the Revolution. Olga was attractive, dreamy, unhappy; Beauvoir struck up a friendship, and they began to see each other outside of school. In the summer of 1935, Beauvoir proposed that Olga should put herself under the protection of her and Sartre, who would pay her way and be responsible for her education, and a few months later Olga moved into a room in the Hôtel du Petit Mouton, where Beauvoir was living, and they began an affair. Sartre became infatuated with Olga and spent two years attempting to seduce her. He failed, but in 1937 he met her sister, Wanda, also beautiful, and even more at sea, and he managed, after two more years, to sleep with her. The day of his triumph, he left her lying in bed, “all pure and tragic, declaring herself tired and having hated me for a good forty-five minutes,” in order to rush out to a café and write Beauvoir with the news. (“She Came to Stay” is an account of the Sartre-Beauvoir-Olga affair that, from all the evidence, is only lightly fictionalized—except that at the end of the novel the Beauvoir character murders the Olga character. Beauvoir dedicated the book to Olga.) No. 1689073
>>1688944Almost every french intellectuals at the time was pro pedophilia. Sounds familiar? They are all queer now, promoting rape (prostitution), sterilisation (gender identity) and murders of women and GNC people.
Can you share the source for the 12yo? I have never seen this accusation before.
No. 1689087
>>1689027From the description it sounds like she regretted the open relationship after this and instead of blaming Sartre, she blamed the girl, as if she's some sort of "other woman" instead of basically a
victim. I really liked her book les belles images and it's weird how she was very insightful on one hand and extremely retarded with no self insight or empathy on the other.
No. 1689119
>>1689073 said, in the 1960s and early 1970s, there was strong support among the left-wing intelligentsia for tolerance towards pedophilia, especially in France.
their logic was that by questioning many of the norms of society, they were being revolutionary, they saw in it a fight against capitalism and christian morality, they even called children as being property of their parents that shall be liberated. No. 1691442
>>1691098this is a noted phenomena, lots of women often lure in
victims for their male partners
No. 1692163
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>>1658065"other cultures are simply better than others"
this is such a birdbrained take. how would you quantify "better"? if you actually study the places you deem to be bad like Afghanistan or Iraq, for example, you will see how Western intervention set back women's rights by decades. and uncertainty/poverty inevitably leads to worse conditions for women & girls because you live in a woman hating world. the average woman in the west had no rights up until fairly recently. the lucky few women from supposedly privileged backgrounds were treated like broodmares - impregnated against their will until they died - many also had to tolerate awful, cheating husbands. Look at the wicesof famous men - Tolstoy, Marx, Darwin - a lot of them took credit for their wives' as work on top of subjecting them to horrific abuse.
The middle east was actually p advanced as a society in the distant past (and less challenging to survive in than, say, western Europe 20,000+ years ago). Then men decided that they had to "keep money in the family" and so the fbd phenomenon grew and possibly curbed the chance for progressive ideologies to flourish.
>cousin marriage is pretty common in the world. but most peoples prefer to marry their cross cousins, i.e. (from the point-of-view of a son) father’s sister’s daughter or mother’s brother’s daughter.
>however, a few groups of peoples preferentially follow the fbd system. korotayev (2000) convincingly showed that those peoples are mostly to be found in those areas of the world that were a part of the eighth century islamic caliphate. No. 1692281
>>1692163kek are you really defending societies in the middle east, as well as cousin marriages, you know what I think your at a point where no matter what I say I won't be able to convince you
however here's something's you can't deny, most of the "progress" that happened in the middle easters nations was top-down, coming from authoritarian socialist leaders, but they weren't morons, they used a combination of populist and nationalist talking points to convince the people accept social progress, "not this is how we should be, but this is how we were" during the Cold war in the mid 20th Century, Islamism or political Islam was irrelevant in terms of wider politics, people were still Muslim in a devout way but most of the Muslim world as stated had secular nationalist authoritarian leaders, delusional Islamists did exist, but they were led by molvis and mullahs with no sense of military tactics, rather they had complete blind faith and they were crushed with in weeks, with barely a mention in most newspapers
but cause the US was so terrified of "communism" they funded, worked with and helped spread Islamist ideology, they helped facilitate Jihadist networks and gave them training and tactics and most deleterious gave them the ability to enter the mainstream politics Take my country for example, the CIA helped remove our elected secular socialist prime minister and put in place a Islamist Military dictatorship, this dictator was not a Molvi or some illiterate warlord, he was a military man, an officer who happened to have Islamist views and he passed laws that any Islamist if given the power would enact
so during this period we had new laws that would sentence people to death for leaving Islam, the blasphemy law which gave death for insulting i.e even criticizing Muhammad or Islam, cutting off the hands of thieves, state mandated rape for women who were virgins before their execution(cause its forbidden to execute women who are virgins in Islam) and many others and even though he died in a plane crash and has been dead for for over 30 years now. most of those laws(the hand mutilation and state mandated rape have gone away fortunately) are still in place and you can't remove them, a politician once just suggested that maybe we should remove the blasphemy law and he was assassinated by his own bodyguard, tens of millions of people celebrated the killer and built 3 shrine's in his name
so there's no hope for us in the Muslim world, maybe an all powerful dictator who reduces Islamist power is the only realistic option, cause Its not going away naturally
No. 1705644
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Meghan Murphy's back on twitter, she thanks personally thanks Musk
No. 1708942
Checked here to see if I was imagining Meghan Murphy giving off pickme energy these days and I was not, kek
>>1351934Pornography is filmed rape unless it's my Nigel getting a boner from it I guess. And all this for a mediocre dude like Boyce? Alright.
No. 1722237
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>>1705644>>1708436How does one go from being a genuinely badass radfem who quotes solanas to a paranoid nutjob ranting about allergies and mental health issues being fake and created by doctors and the pharmacy industry
No. 1722238
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like does frequently talking to mentally deranged morons online lastingly fuck up your perception of reality
No. 1722244
>>1722238>ADHD isn't realMoron.
I don't get it either, was she always like this but hid it better or what?
>>1708436I don't think she is a radfem anymore. She values dudebro company and opinions too much.
No. 1722261
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>>1722244I swear she was never like this, I would actually visit feminist frequency and it had resources of the works of various radfems and many diverse authors writing columns, after her court case she's been on a downward alt-centrist spiral
No. 1722277
>>1722237If she thinks moms who have kids with a chronic illness are annoying (for what, existing?), miss übermensch over here would never survive raising one.
Sure, gluten free was kind of a trend for a while thanks to paleo, but celiac disease is very real. My neighbor’s daughter has it, the family is very careful about choosing food for her because it could
trigger an extremely bad immune reaction complete with diarrhea and projectile vomiting. Likewise with lactose intolerance, either you avoid it or you’ll be farting and shitting your guts out all day.
No. 1722558
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"IRL Kikomi" is shaping up to be a cow. She was also self-posting in one of the MtF threads.
No. 1723516
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Jess (slxthkween, famous for making that dylan impression video) is TIRFing out 1/2
No. 1723519
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she is arguing that HSTS can be
victims of misogyny.
what do you think her angle is? did she always have this retarded stance?
No. 1723579
>>1723516>>1723519I never got the impression that she was a serious radfem and her videos have always stunk of "gender crit" conservetard twitter likefishing bullshit. "See how goofy man in dress look!!! They not women, much too ugly!" is not a complex take but it is one that will gain you tons of engagement from the libsoftiktok fandom. Given this, it makes sense that she thinks there is some sort of sliding scale of "ugly funney man in dress" to "respectable
valid woman-impersonator" based on how attractive and presentable one is, like in her tweets from your picrel. So yeah, I am not surprised she is retarded and doesn't know what radical feminism means.
No. 1723654
>>1723582Even if the image isn't shopped, filtered, carefully posed and angled (which it clearly is) when you see these people in real life they almost NEVER pass. Men have a completely different bone structure, gait, voice, mannerisms. When they dress and try to act female it becomes glaringly obvious. But like everyone else is saying, the entry into women's spaces isn't built up around passing some arbitrary beauty standard (which was created by men in the first place, by the way). It is for people who were born female.. period.
Shame about Jess.. when she first went viral I did a little personal bg check on her before I followed and she seemed like an actual radfem and not a conservatard. Guess that was just a grift so cool…
No. 1723672
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>>1723519seems shes one of those “u can enter our bathrooms as long as u castrate urself”
No. 1723862
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>>1723672She was using a real woman as a gotcha.
No. 1723866
>>1723864But other people's argument is that whilst YES men can get raped by other men - that is
not misogyny.
No. 1723919
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>>1723516>>1723519she actually had a similar argument a couple weeks back and used the same talking talking points, the account at the bottom is ladielabrys, she actually is a prominent twitter radfem and manages a radfem archive
No. 1723957
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>>1723948here this is from the mtf thread
>>1723952what the fuck are you even…no.
No. 1723960
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>>1723957here is her also posting in the ftm/tif thread where she links some very propaganda-tier conservatard site that is riddled with adds nd pop-ups. People also called her out in the replies for this post considering that worker was actually being over-worked.
No. 1723961
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>>1723960the replies kek.
No. 1724126
>>1723946>>1723948>>1723957>>1723960Nope. Both of those posts were me not slxthkween. Some idiot said the video was a selfpost and the rest of you bought that shit like it was from god on high. I didn't argue about it because I didn't feel like it and because I didn't expect the jannies to actually believe them, but they did. I didn't thank jannies were that gullible, but you never know with jannies.
About the tif, I linked to that site because it was the only place I saw the complete video posted at the time. At the time, every video or article about I saw it was intercut with commentary or only had clips. And I stand by that tif being a dumbass. I don't argue with pushback because arguing with people on here when they are on some nonsense is not my idea of a good time.
No. 1724645
File: 1670747561575.jpeg (Spoiler Image,532.8 KB, 828x1310, 1DB47998-00FF-42DF-92DF-79C8D8…)

seems like she will never beat the libfem allegations
No. 1724737
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Damm she's really defensive over this
No. 1724878
File: 1670776561532.jpg (55.43 KB, 1021x330, 1670775850307.jpg)

a very smart take
No. 1724890
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bumping to hide bad image, jannies do your job
No. 1724926
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>>1724878from her other account. what is it with her and slxthkween and their obsession with men experiencing misogyny? why not just say that they experience homophobia, transphobia, misandry etc. or that men themselves suffer the consequences of their own misogyny by creating a hyper-masculine environment which is hostile to anything non-conforming. why does it have to be TIMs experiencing literal misogyny which is something only a woman has to face?
it's such a weird take to double down on
No. 1724929
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>>1724848I never trusted cause she sold feet pics and said she was a fan of Shoe0nhead
No. 1724943
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>>1724926also does anyone know wtf she means by 'matfem'? i googled it and got nothing.
No. 1724957
>>1724954thanks. I looked it up and although I can agree with the foundations as general anti-capitalist and humanist principles, I don't see this as
feminism since it seems to include men. More
feminism for everyone shit, by the looks of it.
No. 1724976
>>1724878This is literally what male TRAs say to a T. I genuinely don't know how a woman could ever come to the conclusion that some of us are worried about
men being better women than we are, kek. Absolutely fucking laughable.
This is full-blown libfem speak, how does she even qualify as a radfem?
>>1724737>they might have some similar experiences with misogyny>I'm not saying they're women thoughBraindead.
No. 1725872
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Don't be surprised that women no longer think you're on their side when you pick and choose what mentally ill man in a dress to make fun of
No. 1725896
>>1725872>calling herself a radfem>saying things that go against radical feminism (ie, some men can be women)>acting like it's cultish behaviour for people to point this out to heralso
>supporting transexual people with dysphoriathis doesn't have to equal "allowing" them to speak on behalf of women. there are transexuals who are well aware they are their biological sex and I would
support them in their freedom to dress how they like, call themselves what they like, the right to equal treatment (housing, employment etc.) and the same dignity as all human beings. supporting doesn't mean indulging someone's delusions and certainly not at the expense of women or other groups.
i've noticed some people are just like this, where they have no real principles and try to play both sides. they only love the drama and attention.
No. 1727782
>>1724929She's also dating, or at least was dating in the recent past, a conservative MAGAtard man. She's always been lightly gender critical at the very most.
I'll see if I can dig up caps demonstrating the above, but she's had pretty much every social media account purged and suspended 3 times over. so the evidence of it might be scrubbed away.
No. 1728190
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>>1725910Because she's stupid
No. 1728732
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>>1723516I still don't see it
No. 1729538
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>>1722237>>1722238I think a lot of radfems are in a complex position politically speaking, as most of academia and prominent feminist groups have abandoned radfems over the issue of troons and to a lesser extent sex-work and pornography, just recently a Norwegian lesbian actress and activist could be facing 3 years in prison under Norway's "hate speech" laws for saying a man can't be lesbian and in Norway the only one's defending her, giving her a platform and willing to represent her legally are the right wing parties and groups, she has no one else and if you her what else could you do but accept their help, Meghan Murphy was in a similar position, no one else was bothering to even hear what she had to say other then the centrist dude-bros
No. 1730721
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These two deserve each other
No. 1733382
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Sorry if this is the wrong place to post because she is not a radfem (but has claimed to be a TERF) but do you remember that women EJ Rosetta who made that tweet about being wrong about JKR?
She is now calling herself a trans-ally and a TERF. She just tweeted asking for questions from women and made sure to say "includes trans women"
Some people were unsure about her from the start. She did a 180, going from working with Pink News to following TERFs, worshipping JKR and tweeting radfem talking points, and now she is throwing in some pro-trans shit all of a sudden. Looks like she is playing the long game and says she wants to be a "mediator" between trans and TERFs.
No. 1733384
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>>1733382also Slatz and others have been hounding her to provide more info about the JKR piece she was supposedly hired to write, along with some info on who her agent is, past work etc. and she isn't giving any answers kek. she is so shifty
No. 1750225
File: 1674403910125.png (255.82 KB, 680x611, FmraJsX0AMiO.png)

Lavy Shwan, one of the co-founders of Reduxx and currently dating a "communist nationalist" AKA russian and chinnese shill Haz Al-Din, she also considers herself socialist feminist but gives schizoid takes picrel
No. 1750417
>>1722237>>1750386I guess she's called a
TERF because of her views on troons and she inherits the RF part of the
TERF. Today, anyone who disagrees slightly with troons is called a
TERF, Glenn Greenwald was called a
TERF. One thing I find somewhat infuriating about the people like Murphy and Vokey are how they can be right on and somewhat scientific about troonism but resort to pseudoscience about other things like allergies and the vaccine.
No. 1750458
>>1750417People will call anyone a "
TERF" if they don't agree with troonery 100%, but that doesn't mean they are radical feminists. Meghan Murphy always identified as a Marxist feminist. She never said she is a radical feminist and explicitly rejected the label herself multiple times over the years.
She's claimed to have left the left now though because she said she's sick of the misogyny. She has also said she rejects the right but I can see her moving right if she keeps hanging around conservative moids and making her dumb heart eyes at Boyce.
No. 1752844
>>1750417I feel like Vanessa Vokey is milky enough for her own thread, she's unironically an autistic, anti-vaxxer who is semi-misandrist but her her own nigel and capes for Jordan Peterson
also does anyone if she any currently active social media accounts
No. 1763731
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>>1750225>Hazyou’re telling me THIS guy is her bf?
No. 1763813
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>>1763791I think this essentially describes her type, they hate neoliberalism over anything and would literally prefer anything over it
No. 1777522
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there's more but i didn't screenshot everything. she went viral on radblr lol. No. 1778040
File: 1677456616100.png (56.49 KB, 810x857, bpd.png)

>>1777522she had a fight with that one obnoxious tankiefem and then made at least a dozen suicide baiting posts
No. 1778058
>>1778040noooooo fucking way this is too god damn funny.
>im killing myself in the bath right now guisejust the mental image of someone being in the bath to kill themselves and then opening their phone to type this into tumblr has me rolling kek. not that she is, she's clearly fishing for sympathy for being a dumbass and this is the last resort to get people to apologize for calling her out for being an annoying mf
No. 1778061
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>>1778058She's in her mid 30s and is pulling some 13 reasons why shit
No. 1778062
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>>1778040just checked her blog. Liveblogging your fake suicide on tumblr after people on TUMBLR thought you were too annoying might be the funniest concept I've ever heard of
No. 1778075
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>>1778072I'm no longer on radblr (not a radfem anymore) but ppl seem to be calling bs on it
No. 1782422
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Does Caroline Farrow have any milk about her ?
No. 1782441
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The state of IRL kikomi
No. 1782448
>>1782441I mean. I agree with her. A fetus is alive and it's a human. I am still pro choice but I still consider a fetus to be inherently created life. I guess people want to divorce that kind of language from abortions to feel less judged or whatever and class fetus as just a bunch of cells with no personality but… it doesn't change what it is. Just makes you feel better I guess?
I don't think it's anything to be shamed or proud of. It is what it is pretty much.
No. 1782478
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>>1782441OP is also a huge cow themselves
No. 1782499
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>>1782478If she's bisexual (I'm assuming so since she obviously had a boyfriend and tweets about finding women attractive) why is she getting mad at this Facebook group for including bi women?
No. 1782986
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I genuinely believe that many radfems are being radicalized by right-wing influence, like picrel isn't tardthot; she's been a vocal radfem for years now, and calling out moid BS, but now she's repeating right-wing talking points, and she's not the only one. I'm an oldfag, and I have seen this play out in real life with punk communities, where young feminists were radicalized without even knowing it. It starts off small, but it always ends with anti-Semitism; even if they didn't become racist or weren't white themselves, they would still be vehemently anti-Semitic. It's foolish to not be at least somewhat concerned about this.
No. 1782993
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>>1782448>a fetus is aliveHumanizing body tissue is ridiculous. See picrel, tissue from five weeks of pregnancy to nine weeks. No. 1783005
>>1782441>>1782448yeah i agree as well. libfems 'it's a clump of cells!!!' doesn't help us. we are all clumps of cells. humans will never agree on which point a fetus becomes a life. we need to focus why we put a potential life over the lives of women instead of trying to figure out exactly when life begins.
>>1782499as a lesbian i really appreciate a bi woman calling this shit out tbh. there's really no completely lesbian spaces anymore.
>>1782996what radfems do you interact with? radfems just don't want women to be seen as baby machines. not all radfems are separatists.
No. 1783061
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Do you think that the prominent twitter radfem Medusa/metalheadfem is Paki-chan? There's a lot of evidence to suggest this
>both have a pathological hatred of Islam above all else
>both hate democracy and liberal governments
>both are extremely heterosexual and especially, fond of muscular tall white men with facial hair
>both whitewash the Soviet Union and consider its fall the worst tragedy in history
>both are subtly anti-Semitic by going after "Zionists"
>both dislike rap music
>both hate America
>and both have a visceral disdain for obese people.
No. 1788520
File: 1678821616179.webm (11.1 MB, 480x270, K5JeGdp8FKngMzH0.webm)
>>1782986speaking of which, Julie Bindel recently appeared on GB News(British equivalent of FOX news) to promote The Lesbian Project, this along with posting articles British conservative news outlet) is genuinely concerning, this isn't someone like posie parker whose always been a regular conservative, Julie Bindel has been a prominent lesbian radical feminist since the 70's and now she's directly working with the Right-Wing and claiming that pedos are in the lgbt community, this somewhat scares even more then TRA's
No. 1788597
>>1788536wow wtf? i never saw this video before or heard her speak about this view on homosexuality. it's really difficult to see where she is trying to go with this…
>>1788520this is bonkers because it was only very recently I saw a debate with her and Helen Joyce where she argued strongly
against teaming up with the right wing press on this issue.
No. 1802155
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>>1802150you can literally see her progress in real time with the favorite section on goodreads.
it's not even funny, I have seen this happen to two other radfems who used to quote solanes, how does this even happen? No. 1802299
>>1802150She's always been into the corny motivational poster-tier platitudes for whatever political phase she's going through… This video is like a secular women's Bible study, though, how the hell did she get here?
I hope she figures out who she is and logs off. I don't think online politics are doing her any favors.
No. 1804851
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>>1802150>>1802155Damm, how do you go from reading dworkin and solanres to whatever this is?
>>1803016could you post that, sounds hilarious
No. 1805987
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I am so sick of GCs. They’ll gladly tell TIMs to go join the 41% but when a woman says that she hates all men she’s taken it too far.
No. 1806488
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>>1805987GCs are the biggest cock panderers. Quite literally, as this is how one of them reacted to a radfem calling blowjobs degrading:
No. 1806588
>>1806527Dworkin and her moid both claimed to be gay, but also admitted to having sexual and romatic relations with each other. This is readily available information. Her husband is a scrote who put her books out of publishing after her death and claimed it "totally wasn't his choice," but he was still her husband. They were likely bi, but maybe they were particularly unhinged straight people who LARPed same-sex attraction for whatever reason, despite very clearly preferring het partnership. It sounds crazy, but I can't deny the possibility completely, seeing what other whack job fetishes and idpol shit are out there.
Also, I know that some feminists will want to perpetuate the mythos of Dworkin as the brilliant and self-aware Queen Radfem, Hater of Men, but this is the same woman who compared lesbian separatists hating men to Nazis hating Jews, and wrote that bestiality and incest shouldn't be taboo because they're "natural variations of human sexuality." She wasn't perfect. Hell, she was a bit unhinged in some ways.
No. 1806604
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>>1805650>>1806567Did you really miss the King Critical Lisa Michele blow up.
Of note: KC is 25, Lisa Michele is 40. KC is engaged.
Last Sunday, KC was doing a live stream response to a troon vid. He made a comment about how he was a feminist ally. She commented something like "Yes, you are a feminist ally." He then started talking smack about her on stream, she then went live (with Radical Ramblings) to respond to him. He stopped his stream, and started a new one to respond to her stream.
I was half watching KCs original live stream vid and wasn't really paying attention, but when I went back to paying attention he was talking about Lisa Michele. However, due to reasons mentioned below, all my info is from Lisa Michele's live stream.
Turns out KC was giving Lisa Michele a ton of attention. She drank it up. Then the dumbass confessed feelings for her. She freaked out and accused him of only pretending to be her friend to get into her pants (and of being predatory). He denied it. They agreed to spend some time apart and maybe be friends later. This happened like a week before the stream mentioned above.
During her stream, Lisa Michele said that she just had to respond to KC when he said he was a feminist ally because she was just soooo upset at him being predatory. She is just a drama sex worker.
Anyway, KC took down his live stream, the original response vid and the one he started to respond to Lisa Michele. He had also pre-emptively uploaded a video response to any accusations from Lisa Michele on another channel. He also took that down. Lisa Michele's live stream is still up, but it's privated and I'm hesitant to link it cause I don't want her to take it down. I did save it though, but I don't have anywhere anon to upload it .
I didn't watch KCs live streams because I was waiting until they finished and then I was going to download them, but he took them down. I did watch Lisa Michele's and her own words make her sound horrible.
- Lisa Michele and Radical Ramblings kept accusing KC of emotionally manipulating her. Yeah, no. Michael is so awkward he couldn't emotionally manipulate his way out of a paper bag. Plus, I feel like she loved the attention and the drama whore in her came out when he confessed his feelings. She could have just told him to fuck off and ended their 'friendship' but nope.
- She kept saying that she told KC multiple times that she didn't trust men and needed him to be a decent man and not betray her. And I'm like who the hell says that repeatedly to a guy you've known for like three months. And just sounds like she was looking for protestations of affection or something.
- She kept saying "He didn't have to say anything. I was just wanted to go back to being friends." But then she also said "I told him that I felt like I needed to warn people about him." WTF? You said that, then made accusatory comments in his live stream, of course he felt like he needed to address it.
- She said a lot about how much she enjoyed his attention and that they sent sexually suggestive but fully clothed snapchats, lol.
I included one screenshot of their convos, she showed some other ones, but I don't feel like putting them together into a one file. Maybe later.
No. 1806659
>>1806642>There's her famous threat to Ginsberg, but then she said the solution to the nuclear family was some perverse polymorphous sexuality bullshit i.e. incest as you say.If you're referring to her theories around the time of "Woman Hating" then this is very disingenuous, because she later renounced that, then broke her former friendship with ginsburg and tore him a new one for being a pedo. Your statement implies she threatened ginsburg, THEN wrote about that bullshit, when that is the opposite of the actual order of events. Believe it or not, people's ideas grow and change over their lives. it's not hypocritical to say one thing early in your career, learn, form new ideas, and change your mind.
The political lesbian accusations towards her like
>>1806643 seem to be true though. Although, in her time, that was as common as water in radical feminist spaces unfortunately.
No. 1806725
>>1806643Her Wikipedia page mentions a woman named "Joanne" in the section about her relationship with John Stoltenberg, but it's unclear what the relationship was or who Joanne even was. Perhaps a "girlfriend" she had on the side? All it says about their relationship was that it "unwound." John had gay relationships while they were together, too. They seem messy in the exact same way modern day "polyam" groups are.
Because of the specific brand of nonsense, it's hard to tell where the line between their actual sexualities and weird postmodernist idpol/larping really lies. It's probably not worth speculating too hard about, since Andrea's long dead, though. Either way, neither of them is gay. They're bisexual at most.
No. 1806728
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>>1806588>>1806642not to mention the whole issue of Zionism, and her insulting Palestinian woman who dared fight their actual oppressors and invaders.
she also dedicated right-wing women to an actual CIA disinformation agent who undermined communists/left wing feminist groups. No. 1807016
>>1806829Queer is a slur, not a sexuality or an identity. And (again) John literally openly admitted to having romantic and sexual relations with Andrea. Andrea, meanwhile, was a polilez who could never even bring herself to lie about her attraction to men, even when put on the spot in a lesbian separatist event where she desperately wanted to be seen as a voice of authority. The closest she got was "(fucking men) goes against my deepest convictions," which isn't something a lesbian would say ("I don't fuck men, I'm not attracted to them" works just fine), and isn't very convincing, considering the circumstances. They weren't an iconic gay/les solidarity platonic "married-for-benefits" couple, they were just a standard postmodernist brainrot heterosexual couple who fucked others on the side. That's all there is to it.
If you're gay and looking for an iconic lesbian feminist of the past, there are better candidates who are actually lesbians if you look for them. And if you're straight, idk what to tell you.
No. 1807338
>>1807283Where exactly has anyone in this discussion said "Every single thing Andrea Dworkin has ever said or done is pointless trash because of the retarded shit she's said and done"? I personally don't like her for a number of reasons, and I can't even confidently say her best work is actually
her work, due to the fact she very regularly put the best concepts in her work in utterly bizarre contexts, leading me to suspect they may have been things she heard from other women at feminist events and promptly reframed to try to make them make sense in her slightly distorted, male-loving view. But even from that perspective, there are still a lot of intelligent pieces of feminist theory available in her works, and she at least did the work of archiving these thoughts, if nothing else.
Also, it's weird as hell to imply we shouldn't criticize Andrea at all for being a homophobic male apologist who compared separatists to Nazis and was openly in support of many kinds of degeneracy (incest, bestiality, polygamy/swinging) for the sake of solidarity, or something like that. Should we burn or ban her works? No. Absolutely not. But they should probably be recommended with a disclaimer about the context of who exactly wrote them, so no one falls into the same trappings as Andrea or is dissuaded from being feminist because people posed Andrea as some always-correct, never irrational radfem genius man-hating lesbian, and she simply doesn't live up to any of that. I personally know a number of people who were turned off from the whole ideology after reading her works because of the idolization treatment Andrea gets now combined with just how unhinged and, hell, how unfeminist she could unfortunately be. The way some radfems uncritically deify her is a recipe for disillusionment.
But this is all just a massive derail from the intended purpose of this thread, so I'm dropping this here.
No. 1813112
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>>1802150>>1804851It seems like her and Leah are no longer friends anymore. They haven't been seen together since 2021
No. 1813134
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>>1813112ntayrt but I was just coincidentally looking at Terri's ig before I saw your post. Leah was at TS 37th bday get-together, see picrel
No. 1813608
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Sis literally went from be haggard and proud to being groomed leads to more respect as a woman. This chick did a complete 180.
No. 1813609
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She's even being sponsored by a queer femme, anti-terf, makeup group lol.
No. 1813715
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The gender critic having a normal one at the thought of separatism
No. 1813729
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Anna Slatz allegedly has an alternate twitter account where she goes full mask off according to this ask. I’m not sure how to verify this information, but here are some tweets from it.
No. 1813730
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>>1813729’m not scrolling too far down for some examples but here are a few
No. 1813738
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>>1813733It's so ironic of her to retweet this, considering her entire broken mindset.
No. 1813767
>>1813753My opinion is that anyone terminally online and willing to speak and expose their face while siding on divisive ideological issues are predisposed to ANY extreme. This isn't universal, some ideological activist come from genuine places while attaching their face to the movement. But most normies arent going to risk jobs, friends and other aspects of their life on any ideological activism, especially if said activism is smeared by mainstream. Normal people will sit with their views, they won't be organizing, campaigning and advertising…this can be seen as not being a true activist, but to me it shows that the person has a fulfilling life outside what is mostly a very online debate. I think she truly believes whatever she believes, but she has the constitution to be allured by any ideology, left or right. See the cases of trans and detrans people. People like Jamie shupe, oli London, Amy dyess. These people operate on extremes and attention. Most are mentally ill and online. Everyone should be extremely skeptical of people who have quick and major ideological shifts (often in multiple directions) and exude traits of cluster B, such as having massive online personas and thriving off of attention, good or bad.
No. 1814520
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Who is she talking about in picrel?
>>1808012I’m late, but you can see a lot from Lisa’s community tab. What you won’t see, however is all of the comments that were even slightly critical/disappointed/warning that she deleted.
She had posted screen caps of some of their discord conversations, and tbh she comes off really unstable and terrified of losing his attention. He comes off like a typical retard scrote, but nothing showed was that bad really. He even suggested they take a break from talking to each other and she proceeded to have a mental breakdown over the idea kek. She had a link to the discord screenshots posted in the comments on some community posts, so they might still be there.
The fact that she tries to make herself a
victim with the age difference, her being a radfem who should be able to see through shit, the massive amounts of comments in the streams telling her that KC was acting disrespectful toward her, and her ultimately being the one dragging things on is really pathetic and embarrassing. Even radical ramblings was telling her to block him from the beginning before it got that bad.
I watched more than half of KC’s pre-emptive stream before it was taken down, and he didn’t really talk too badly about her there either. He did sound autistic as hell spending like 20 mins talking about how he eats yogurt kek. Lisa was overreacting big time, but she came off slightly more reasonable in the stream with RR discussing the drama.
No. 1814532
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>>1814105I believe a prime example of this is how many radfems attempt to critique Christianity. yet I have not come across any radfem evaluation that explores how Christianity, a Hellenic-influenced offshoot of some Levantine cult, has been mistranslated and misinterpreted since its inception(Even the depiction of the apple tree in the Garden of Eden is likely a mistranslation). Instead of taking such a critical approach, most radfems tend to approach it through a post-modernist lens, ascribing a collective history and authorship that never existed. This abject failure to deconstruct Christianity's power and theological foundations may explain why some individuals, like Terri, become religiously affiliated.
No. 1814816
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>people seriously think Dworkin wouldn't been pro-trans today, even though all of her personal friends ended up pro-troon as well.
No. 1814818
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>>1814816>comparing female sexuality to gay moids degrading each otherThe most basic libfem/TRA take
No. 1814901
>>1814520The whole drama between LM and KC was just embarrassing for both parts. Lisa tried to make it a political issue which it was not and as you mentioned, his autistic video about the yoghurt incident was also just incredibly cringey. She didn't take much accountability for her own actions past "I shouldn't have trusted him in the first place" which still puts all the blame on him. But she's also a grown woman who knew she was talking to a man who's in a relationship, so doing mutual flirting is also fucked up towards his fiancée (of course he's more to blame but still). It's like she can't admit that she's also human and makes mistakes, it always has to be an extreme situation of her being abused, sexually harrassed and manipulated. KC came of as a dumbass in this situation but I don't think he's as malicious as she frames it. He probably loved the attention for his own ego. His fiancée should definitely leave him kek.
Anytime online personalities post screenshots of whole private conversations it rubs me the wrong way. None of this shit should have ever been public and it really only became public after she made one snarcy comment during his livestream. From there it all went downhill because he was paranoid that she's gonna expose him so he started talking about it. Many viewers were telling them that it shouldn't be public and they just didn't stop. It was so hard to watch.
>I watched more than half of KC’s pre-emptive stream before it was taken down, and he didn’t really talk too badly about her there either.He however did pull the crazy obsessive ex card which is not fair after reading their conversations.
>>1814563Exulansic is such a cow, I don't think she's in a position to make fun of LM and KC. She's on a whole other level. Also her fake laugh annoys me so much.
No. 1814946
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>>1814816she later positively reviewed the transsexual empire, so no. we don't know how she would have reacted to today's climate, but saying she'd absolutely support gender identity and transition in today's climate is a reach.
No. 1815473
>>1815057She has a very long thread on KF if you're really interested and don't mind reading dumb scrote posts. For example it is rumored that she is only faking to be a lesbian and she loves to exaggerate her native american ancestry. For me it's just her whole demeanor. Something's off and I don't think it's just autism. I get narc vibes from her, maybe not full blown narcissist but she loves attention and thinks she's some superior genius kek.
Can someone make a new thread?