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No. 7601
>>7600kek. is this show any good by the way? tempted to watch it now.
video related is on the same topic. female empowerment = being sexy for men.
No. 7608
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based female immune system
No. 7646
>>7620I couldn't stand this show so I missed this bit but it's hilarious kek.
>wanna play dollies later? i laughed but then i remembered there are grown men, fathers, traumatising their daughters just like this in real life. makes me shudder.
No. 7704
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>>7647I haven't seen any ads from them lately but they put out an official apology on facebook which is kinda disappointing No. 7820
>>7647I’ve been looking for this video for ages but couldn’t find it anywhere. Was starting to think I dreamt it or something.
Thank you nonna <3
No. 7835
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yet another bojack moment that fits here
No. 9451
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>>9412>retard who overanalyzes piece of media to the point of redundancy also capes for troons not surprising
No. 9512
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No. 9519
>>9454I am both a childfree woman and a former TIF and I can confirm, in both these communities every now and then you hear extremely degrading things about mothers, mimicking men's ungrateful behavior towards the female body. They're this close to calling women breeders, unironically.
I wouldn't call it serious tokophobia though, I don't think they have actual panic attacks or abstain from sex because of their fear of childbirth, they just have a severe case of pickmeism, and/or are overcompensating and coping because they're straight and most men are obsessed with breeding.
No. 10738
>>10492I love Lisa. I remember the episode when she was so disappointed in the message the doll was giving young women. 'dont ask me, i'm just a girl.' Lisa is a
No. 11466
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No. 11745
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I'm reading this comic and the author really know how to make a radfem comic.
No. 12074
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>>11745i remember some nonnies mentioning this comic a while back because of this part
>>12073>Are they the antagonists? Or are they realistically ugly?From what I recall, they're both
No. 12239
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I can't find the screenshot but Disco Elysium treats da homos right. Ruby (lesbian) says getting pussy isn't a problem for her, which was cool, because you know, troons love this game and any mention of a lesbian liking pussy pisses them off.
No. 12614
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what are you, a gender detective?
No. 12900
File: 1680805863575.webm (1.8 MB, 640x360, the lack - what is a woman cli…)
Nina Power is pretty based sometimes. this is from a podcast where they are discussing 'What is a Woman?' - her co-hosts are reluctant to get into it but she goes for it.
chose this small clip because I thought it was an interesting point - we really haven't had any time at all, when you think of it in the context of history, to make our mark as women before we became "floating signifiers" again.
No. 13141
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randomly binged this girl's videos because one of her tiktoks showed up on my fyp and was pleasantly surprised when I came across this one on her page.
she's kind of corny/goofy, but she has 13.6 million followers on tiktok, 4.4 million followers on spotify, and is opening for Big Time Rush this summer and seems to be all about female empowerment, if in a sort of third wave kinda way
idk if she actually knows what radical feminism is, and is prob saying that feminism itself is ~radical~ but none of her videos have troons which is a good sign. also all the comments on picrel were positive and no mention of twans whatsoever.
fingers crossed for mainstream terf popstar
No. 13434
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from another SNL skit (Pride Month)
No. 13455
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>>13314ayrt, i picked it up again after posting that! Glad you enjoyed it, nonita!
>Despite the crappy art style the story and characters are amazingdefinitely agree with you, tho thankfully the art does improve a bit.
picrel is one of the best pages of it all kek
No. 13563
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>>10480looked into this artist and was scrolling thru the comments on the video for her song brutus (which is amazing btw, very radfem anthem) and this one took me out. if I were Buttress I'd be horrified ngl
No. 15171
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Not TERFy but for a shonen anime Vinland Saga has a lot of radfem themes. Consistent critique of male violence and how men create war for stupid reasons leaving women and our children to suffer, how delusional men are about the power dynamics they force on us and how how men lie to themselves about the morality of their actions to do whatever they want.
Pic related, praying she and her baby get justice
No. 15189
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>>15177What are you on about? I don't think Woman World is supposed to be some sort of allegory, its basically a post-apocalyptic slice of life and general late 2010's libfeminism
No. 15472
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Watched this BBC show that came out in late March, A Kind of Spark. The series follows Addie, "an autistic 11-year-old [who] seeks to memorialize the women once tried as witches in her Scottish village". It focuses mostly on female characters, how sisters can have both strained and deep relationships, female-on-female bullying, and the struggle of fitting in. The main three girls are all sisters, two of them have autism, one of the twins does not. It is a kids show, so nothing too mind-blowing, but I liked it and found it endearing overall. The main character makes it a frequent point to highlight that the witches were not really witches, but overwhelmingly women who did not "fit in" in one way or another, including one woman who rejected a scrote's marriage proposal. I don't recall there being any troonery mentioned.
No. 15477
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>>15472The story of witch burnings is honestly fascinating. The Catholic Church's official position on witches and warlocks was that they didn't exist; it was just a bunch of rural people who mixed whatever pre-pagan culture and practices with Christianity, and so they needed to be corrected. However, no one should believe they had actual powers or magic. Then came Heinrich Kramer (a monk part of the Dominican order). Apparently, he was "scorned" by a nun named Helena Scheuberin, who didn't think his sermons were all that good and was very open about her dislike for them. For this, he put her on trial for heresy, but the church sided with Helena because Heinrich sounded like a bitter Incel.
So later he published Malleus Maleficarum(the main treatise regarding witchcraft), he forged a bunch of signatures to give credence to his writings, including claiming that it was approved by the university of collogne. which it wasn't. in fact, they condemned the book as heretical. the fucking inquisition had a similar opinion, and viewed the text as so heretical as to be downright silly.
he sent a copy to the Pope, who approved the thing without actually reading it. he took back his approval and fully condemned it about 2 years later. unfortunately, the damage had been done. although the inquisition did not use it, secular courts (i.e secular courts) adopted it as an official guide, particularly in germany where it was written. when the protestant reformation occured, the protestants kept the document out of spite against the Catholics and began using it in their trials, though ironically the Spanish Inquisition was one of the groups who refused to do so
No. 16987
>>14043Herland by Charlotte Gilman
Ammonite by Nicola Griffith
No. 20744
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No. 20821
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Didn’t know if this was posted anywhere yet but, I just found a gender critical YouTube channel called a slightly twisted female. It’s nice to see a new gc YouTube channel that also doesn’t shill conservative shit. I have yet to watch all the videos/ streams since most of them are a half hour long though including a debate with Buck Angel but judging from the comments a lot of people were not having it with Buck Angels tru trans shill and slightly twisted is does correct people who use “he” to saying no that’s a woman. Here is a photo since idk why but I couldn’t embed links for some reason and sorry for being slightly spergy
No. 20947
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vidrel is from a DEFRA training video that is meant to show women how not to treat trannies at work but ends up making the woman look extremely based and justified. also notice the shower sign on the door - this isn't just a toilet but a shared changing/shower area for women.
No. 20986
>>20821No. She’s a tradcon and lets it slip when she gets pissed off enough, because she gets into constant arguments with actual radfems and spergs out. She isn’t upfront about it because she’s a single mom, has tattoos, and is into stupid astrology shit so she would get laughed at by the other traddies.
She only fights with other radfems (ones who critique heterosexual relationships), never men. She’s even friendly with male troons and will cape for ‘the good ones’. She’s also a critically retarded boymom and has said shit like “boys and men experience deeper and more profound emotions and are kinder than girls biologically it’s just our evil fatherless society and muh socialization that makes girls better” + she loathes single moms (despite being one) and lesbians because she is adamant that men NEED to be involved fathers, regardless of their worthiness or behavior. The type of pickme boymom who trips over herself to pander to men and “the nuclear family” but has failed miserably in her personal life. The only reason she even dislikes trannies is because she thinks femininity (including some woo woo divine mother goddess bullshit) is only for women and boys are “emasculated” by wearing dresses. She’s also paranoid troons are taking ‘heterosexual’ men’s attention away from actual women, damage controlling pickme behavior.
No. 21234
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>>20947god i wish it was easier to do this irl without getting violently attacked/killed over it.
No. 22097
>>14043There's the Caelano series by Jane Fletcher. The first book is pretty mid imo since she has to devote some time to explaining why there's no men on the planet, but I found the rest of the books pretty comfy. There's not really a "moral" besides something along the lines of "a utopia isn't possible even if everyone was a woman and was the same race and (at the very beginning) had the same creed", but the world she depicts is correctly absent of most of the degeneracy and evil that men overwhelmingly bring about. Again, that's mostly the first book, the other books are mostly self contained stories more concerned with themselves than some larger message. It has a medieval/Roman/low-tech/kinda-magical-but-also-kinda-sci-fi aesthetic. Sorry if that's incoherent, but I don't know how else to describe it. I dunno if I'd call it radfem or TERFy beyond Fletcher not doing anything retarded like implying humanity needs or would miss men in such a world, but I find her series so comfy that I shill it any chance I get. If you skip the appendix of book 1, you never have read anything with a living male character (aside from literal wild animals) and I think that's neat.
Also also, if you do read that appendix, the guy whose POV you're reading is fairly rational and doesn't freak out about the fact that males will die out in a single generation. Unrealistic, but good if you don't want to read accurate depictions of panicked scrote logic. It's also a flashback, all the books are hundreds of years in the future where the few surviving ideas of men are basically some of the weirder looking goddesses in their pantheon (and none of the ones people find important enough to pray to specifically kek).
No. 22237
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Morrisey fanboying Germaine Greer and talking about her cancellation over her gender critical views. From his current tour in Australia.
No. 22245
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This is going to sound bizarre because the creator is a scrote and the consistent subject matter, but Beavis and Butthead I think actually has enough to support a blackpill radfem reading. Even beyond episodes Womyn and The History Of Women which bring up feminism. It has less to do with how the show writes women (which I think it does a decent job at) and more with how it portrays men, mostly the main characters.
B+B are unsalvageable misogynist apes, everyone who tries to help them is just wasting their time on two lost causes. They continually cause pain to others and themselves in their antics, and for that they are not cool but forever the biggest wusses who will always try and fail to score.
The new series would be a perfect opportunity to make fun of tranny shit too, like the jokes just write themselves. Imagine Beavis and Butthead identifying as girls to get access to women’s spaces. Sadly some people who work on the new cartoon are trannies and it’s 2024 US mainstream entertainment, they’d never have the ovaries.
Also Daria was born here.
No. 22631
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>>12066Sillypoo are radfems confirmed <3 Now I want a suffragette rocket pop sticker for myself…
No. 22661
>>22631another win for
terf island. i need this rocket lolly sticker IRL
No. 22722
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A scene about "transing the gay away" from The Blacklist (this episode aired about 2015 I think).
No. 22763
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>>22722Forcing or pressuring gays to transitions in the middle east was discussed as the horrific practice it was for a brief period in time when knowledge of the practice entered western popular culture, but
for some reason no one really talks about it in popular culture now… hm wonder why. It doesn't really fit the narrative.
Go back and read this article, it's typical detrans story but the media was allowed to talk about it like the pressure to transition was bad because being gay is illegal in those countries. it's weird to compare to how transitioning is covered in the media now. gotta be some kind of racism or something keeping people from seeing there are obvious parallels between the practices in the middle east and in the west.
No. 22770
>>22735Just watched this now. I found the clip of the young guy talking about his AGP interesting, especially his opinion that more AGP men should come to terms and be open with it so it can be addressed, instead of the only options being a secret shame or trooning out.
I'm torn on this because I can already see that AGP men like Debbie Hayton and Phil Illy trying to make it something that should be accepted by women (including many GC women), whilst they're still "getting off" on dressing as women. But it's better than the pretence of a trans identity I suppose.
No. 22772
>>22763searching for stories like this and filtering the date to anything before 2015 is very interesting. the past decade of gender ideology propaganda has wiped people's brains.
I'm glad this woman became a proud lesbian and hope that's still the case. She will have gone from having the immense pressure of her family's culture and religion, right into the pressure of trans culture online.
No. 23540
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There's an old episode of criminal minds, where the villain of the week is a misogynistic serial killer who refers to women as "bleeders"
>The unsub is a white male aged in his 30s to 40s who, judging from his knowledge of circuitry wiring, works as an electrician or an electrical engineer, a job which gives him access to his victims' homes or workplaces and therefore enough time to observe them. He targets successful career women because he finds them strong, righteous, and unattainable, so he seeks to tear them down, reduce them to basic sexual creatures, and punish them. He is a clear sexual sadist of the anger-excitation typology, meaning that he becomes sexually aroused by his victims' suffering. Technically, the killings come afterward for he is actually after the pain his victims feel, and he takes his time to exact maximum stimulation. It is believed that he takes his victims' clothing for rehearsal fantasies; by dressing up as his victims, he can relive the torture, and it is during this time that he most likely pleasures himself in order to reinforce his association between suffering and gratification. When he eventually becomes dissatisfied with reliving the torture, he seeks out a new victim. He has been killing women for a long time and has also been thinking about killing for most of his life. He will continue to evolve his M.O., finding new ways of challenging himself and increasing his stimulation threshold; there is no bond holds for him. It was also revealed that Jeremy frequently called women "bleeders", which is a misogynistic term that refers to menstruation.
This is from Season 3, Episode 13 of Criminal Minds and it aired in early 2008
No. 24005
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Here to share an online library of documentaries: contains many types of documentaries, it is not solely a feminist library but there are documentaries of interest tagged under "women"
No. 24057
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theres an ep of billy and mandy where a skull goes around granting wishes. The bully character Sperg made a wish to be able to go inside the womens restroom (he wanted to bully girls out of their cash).
The girls end up making fun of his looks and he goes crying out of the bathroom.
The episode is called wishbones.
No. 24086
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can i post this here? art is media, no? i can't look at this painting without getting emotional. i fucking love frida kahlo even if i'm a normie for it
No. 24410
>>22245I remember the scene where Beavis was dealing with nose bleeding and Butt-head thought in using tampons, so he asked to a woman "to buy those things that women use down there when they're bleeding" and the woman punched him in the face, but the tampons worked quite well.
I think TIMS would use that scene on "why is dangerous for trannies to ask for tampons in women restrooms"
No. 25190
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Just saw this posted in the MtF thread and want to save it here too. Extremely based stand up segment from Jordan Jensen, reacting in real time to the partner of a "trans butch lesbian" in the audience.
No. 25251
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Libsoftiktok has been duped again and is posting the old hunter schafer journal entry as if it was a redacted part of ftm shooter Audrey Hale’s manifesto. If this isn’t a tranny op, it’s a really despicable move by hunter’s management to pin hunter’s ugly thoughts on a dead women who has no one to speak for her. Whoever did this thought they were really slick and not amplifying and compounding a PR nightmare. It’s almost comical how men blame women for their deeds and the pattern persists amongst troons. I hope it was hunter’s agency and hale’s family can sue. That way there will be a cemented court exhibit file on the AGP journal entry.
If anyone has the original screen shot of the Instagram post of the journal entry with hunters profile pic, please post it in the thread so we can counter this false narrative. Libsoftiktok has been told about the mistake but she didn’t remove the post, she just buried it with other posts.
No. 25330
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from the absolutely fabulous movie kek
No. 25450
>>25190aw did she delete? I like her I didn't see this on her account
No. 25490
>>25450It's still there but she actually did delete it (or make it private) for a few days. Probably because it attracted a lot of attention which was too overwhelming. Glad it's back up, she's hilarious
No. 34876
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No. 35618
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this scene from Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy always made me chuckle
No. 36734
>>35618omg thanks for posting the webcam for this
>>24057cartoons used to be so based
No. 37575
>>22245I'm inclined to agree with you nona.
This show is probably one of my favorite cartoons and while I don't think Mike Judge fully intended for it to be read in a more feminist way, the show definitely does a good job at depicting how young men can be (unintentionally) misogynistic (along with other issues) when not given any proper guidance. They're basically the antithesis of everything that could possibly go wrong in a moid's upbringing, going wrong.