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No. 276436
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Sort of got retconned later but this comic
Plot is literally that scientist of an all male robot species wants to introduce women to their species (for fun I guess?) so he forces some dude to transition which makes him into a psychotic killer.
No. 276444
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>>276435Gintama makes fun of trannies all the time.
>>276436>he forces some dude to transition which makes him into a psychotic killerkek
>>276441This is perfect.
No. 276446
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>>276441it was written by a troon tho
No. 276450
>>276446I know, and the backlash against the title literally made him stop transitioning. every trans-rights-activist was so eager to be a warrior of justice against the meme "transphobic" title they almost made the author kill himself.
there's a lot of layers to the whole drama.
it's funny, I listen to the clarkesworld podcast and I liked the story without being aware of the whole drama online over it or who the author was. it was mostly anti military in my view.
No. 276455
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Trannies HATE Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. I even saw one say it gave him PTSD kek
No. 276471
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Does this thread include TiF because Japanese otome games make fakebois and enbies seethe so much it's unreal. On popular mobile otome, there's always several negative reviews about how there's no pronoun or gender choices. They virtue signal for MTF protagonists but not even they would play that shit. They say otome's too heteronormative, which well it is, but they're straight themselves and can't accept it kek. They made their own genre to include trannies, pronoun choices, and genders but it isn't enough bc their goal is that all media must be genderfied.
I could go on and on but his game in particular (Olympia Soiree) I've constantly seen TiFs say it "squicks" them out or makes them "uncomfy" or just outright rage.
>Premise of game is for the player character/MC to get married and pregnant to continue her bloodline
>Other characters keep commenting on her husband search and how important it is she has children because she helps the sun rise and might catch the incurable illness that plagues their world
>Each route constantly references a creation myth that describes men and women as soulmates
>Society has a caste system named after colors. MC is of the white caste and constantly praised for her beauty
>The society they live is pretty shit all around which fakebois find triggering and drop it right away even though the point is for you to agree it's shit and all the characters want to create positive change in their own ways.
>Upset at the bishounen/trap character isn't a woman
No. 276479
>>276434>Hard mode: anything Harry Potter-related is not allowed. What about the Cormoran Strike novels? I've never read them (soon though) but iirc one of them offended trannies because
the killer was a guy dressing like a girl to trick his female victims but it's suppsedly not related to troons, although they used it as evidence that JKR is a terf. The latest novel is about some writer or artist getting murdered and his or her crazy online fanbase, which also made troons seethe hard because they knew JKR got inspired by her own experience with them and other types of crazy fans as well. Please no spoiler, I'd like to read them but I want to finish some books and video games before that!
No. 276516
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>Breath of the Wild
Has a troon character you have to validate to progress in the main quest
>Creating A Champion, the BotW book
Calls the troon a man, shows off his ugly horse face
No. 276541
>>276516troons usually love okama characters tho b/c they are liberals who cant imagine criticizing something from a non-western culture. they cant be offended by it, so they cope by saying these kind of depictions show
acceptance in japanese media, when its still making fun of gay men only with a very light hand since Nintendo makes kids games
No. 276543
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ouran high school host club - there is crossdressing used as a joke, two male tranny characters that are made fun of (one of them creepily obsessed with high school boys, pic rel) and are referred to as tranny/with male pronouns, and troons are also mad about the female separatist/misandrist lobelia girls kek. I've also seen tifs get mad about the main character haruhi not being a canon tranny because she dresses like a boy
No. 276550
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The show Portlandia started in 2011 and a real feminist bookstore let them film their sketches about feminists there. Over the years troonism became popular and in 2016 the store revoked access because they said their sketches were transmisogynistic
No. 276614
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the okamas in one piece, even though they're such an accurate portrayal.
unfortunately they later got transwoman kikunojo who just looks like a stereotypical female character with a frankendick.
No. 276621
>>276454Gintama has stupid humor, but I wouldn't say it's comparable to Family Guy. It's just silly.
The troon hate isn't anything more pointed than the usual okama jokes you find in JP media, so I wouldn't recommend it just for that.
No. 276630
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Asobi Asobase was posted in the anime and terf memes threads for it's troon-hating (and even male-hating) moments. But I also like how there is a cute fujo teacher (there is also a fujo school girl but it's nice to see grown women portrayed like this) and if it was a western show they both would be fakebois.
No. 276678
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The amount of mental gymnastics that some troons will do in order to prove that the Magypsies are just "male crossdressers" and not real trannies because they have an obvious male appearance and 5 o'clock shadow
>>276626NTA but even though most, if not all Japanese otome games have a huge problem with sexism and romanticizing misogyny (like most media for women tbh, especially in Asia) otome games DO make fakebois seethe. That's why they went out of their way to create so many shitty "otome" games with enbie or ambiguous gender protagonists and male/enbie love interests that no male would ever play, and later had to invent an entirely new term for it, "amare", because they can't stand the fact that otome only has female protags and male love interests. Aidens who like otome will also seethe when you call it a genre for girls (which it absolutely is) because they are "boys" so otome is for "boys" like them too.
No. 276689
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>>276623That’s sort of what I was alluding to with the retcons down the line, but during the last few years in general they introduced a lot of tranny shit
Ironically the two characters they introduced are probably the two most hated because no surprise, fujos and consoomer moids don’t want to read about trans lesbians (unless they’re Kevin Gibes).
With that being said the first comic with a tranny character still makes them seethe a lot.
No. 276709
>>276678I've always seen the Magypsies
TW'd as transphobic caricature by troons. It's pretty difficult to defend as something else when okama are an established "transphobic" trope
No. 276744
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Kabukicho Sherlock had the most satisfying portrayal of a tranny in media. An obese guy with a tiny dick who corssdressed, had stealth sex while drugging his victims and was secretly the Big Bad of the first cour (killed women and removed the womb of Moriarty's sister as he was killing her - the womb envy is real).
No. 276747
>>276710There were literally no differences between male and female in absolutely any of the transformers' universes until mtmte got wokefied.
The only true differences were like, the builds, so yeah, you don't go to war and expect to be able to kill a giant plane when you're a tiny motorcycle, you need the help of your plane friends to kill the giant plane and such, that was the only major important physical difference between cybertronians, either mechs or femmes.
Otherwise you had femme characters with huge, medium, small or tiny builds, with different colors, jobs and personalities.
Were there many femme bots? Of course not, it's a boys' cartoon/comic series, but there were few with interesting stories and that's what used to matter.
Then Elita-one got trooned out…
No. 276749
>>276635>>276626SA kek yeah I mean its JP women's media so it would definitely would offend lc nonnas' sensibilities too. Personally idc and like my
problematic crap kek
No. 276759
>>276623>Transformers has trans lesbiansReading this sentence literally broke my brain because my last experience was with the original cartoon series as a kid and I'm just imagining Arcee and Elita-1 as hons now.
>>276747>Then Elita-one got trooned out…Spoke too soon I guess. It's actually sad how I'm not even shocked by this revelation, retconning iconic female characters as trannies is almost expected by now.
No. 276763
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>>276747>but there were few with interesting storiesTo be fair they don't really show up until the MTMTE stuff anyway.
Nickel is definitely the best of the bunch to me.
>>276759>retconning iconic female characters as trannies>IconicAs much as I agree that trooning out a character is pretty dumb either way, I really don't see how she's iconic. The only female character in transformers (at least in it's earlier years) that gets basically any characterization outside of 'being someone's girlfriend' is Blackarachnia who becomes Silverbolt's girlfriend later on anyway.
I'd honestly rather they just keep everyone male.
No. 276768
>>276763"Iconic" in the sense that she was created as a female character with authority in a series meant for boys, by 1984 standards that was cool. Arcee was put in because the producer wanted to show her daughter that girls can like transformers too and he had to actually fight Hasbro for it. It was a different time and the standards were abysmal.
>>276766This, I'm only familiar with the first cartoon because I'm an oldfag but you could definitely tell that they were female. Arcee even had heels and thick thighs and Elita-1 had a goddamn ponytail when she was still in her first form as Ariel.
>Starscream gets written as a catty misogynist in a couple of G1 episodes getting immediately jealous of the only girl on the team and calling the female autobots hens Even after all these years I still see Starscream as a robot Mr. Smithers for Megatron kek
No. 276771
>>276768>"Iconic" in the sense that she was created as a female character with authority in a series meant for boys, by 1984 standards that was cool.Fair point, I didn't think of the context of the time really but you have a point there.
>Even after all these years I still see Starscream as a robot Mr. Smithers for Megatron kekSmithers isn't a tsundere.
No. 276776
>>276768>her daughtersamefag to correct *his daughter because it was a moid, I'm retarded
>>276771>Smithers isn't a tsundere.True, but I can just hear him saying "I think women and seamen don't mix".
No. 276780
>>276758Huh… I knew that "trans" had become the popular interpretation of Grell's character in recent years, but such a shift in personality depiction…
I looked up whether or not he's been confirmed as trans by Yana Toboso and all I saw was "has the heart of a woman" or "self-proclaimed woman". Same deal as Kikunojo from One Piece where the "confirmation" is rather neutral and could easily be interpreted as insinuating delusion on the character's part, but fans get carried away and just label the character MtF.
No. 276790
>>276780Yes the confirmation was in a guidebook and not very specific, it was the usual slang to mean he's gay. I think the reason why the younger fans find his worst tranny like traits sympathetic is because he's a shinigami and
shinigami are people who are punished for committing suicide by being forced to record the memories of dead people over and over again. It's vaguely implied that Grell may or may not have committed suicide because he was a gay man in an era where that was unacceptable and he would have never been able to find love and be accepted by his peers, have kids with other men which is why he killed prostitutes who got abortions, because he was super jealous, etc. Madame Red has a somewhat similar backstory to this one but she's way more sympathetic imo because she is, you know, an actual woman.
No. 276795
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South Park really makes the trannies foam at the mouth from what I've seen lmao.
No. 276802
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>>276795Kek, let's not forget about the episode where mr garrison trooned out. That entire episode was years ahead of its time. Seen so many trannies and their goons be absolutely fine with every joke in south park, besides this one.
No. 276809
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>>276795they seethe because it's so true and matt & trey can get away with it bc they are dudes
No. 276815
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>>276689>>276710>>276766Transformers has a complicatied history regarding gender, according to the head writer of the original Marvel Transformers comic Bob Budiansky, he had given genders to the first Transformers and that some were females (like Ratchet and Starscream) but then was ordered to take out that idea since the instructions from the japanese studio wanted no girls. Starscreams original bio had the name Pretty Poison written on it (still visible in one of Shout! Factory's DVD featurettes) and still there are traces of that original design, starscream having a far more smaller build then the other cybernations and Ratchet having a far more "softer" design
No. 276817
>>276815I had no idea starscream was originally supposed to be female. That makes their complicated and
abusive relationship with Megatron even worse.
No. 276821
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>>276817I think he was supposed to be like a femme fatale and this is Bob Budiansky explaining why he had to axe the concept of female transformers from the show
No. 276828
>>276780>>276758I remember when Kuroshitsuji was popular and all the fujos shipped Grell with Sebastian. I'm sure the author doesn't really think trannies are
valid either because she's a massive fujo herself so she probably sees Grell as a gay man instead of a woman of any sort.
No. 276829
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>>276817>That makes their complicated and abusive relationship with Megatron even worse.You say that like it's a bad thing
No. 276832
>>276830The point is that fujos who shipped Grell saw him as a flamboyantly gay guy, and treating him as a twans woman is more of a recent thing, although the western fandom was aware of trannyism back then too, but they didn't harass you for using the correct pronouns for him.
And I mean, I don't see why multi-shipping wouldn't be an option. I used to ship everything in Kuroshitsuji myself. Claude best boy btw
No. 276877
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Scum Villain's Self-Saving System. One reviewer on NU was really mad about this single word from the extras.
No. 276900
>>276830Tbh I liked Grell as a stupid flamboyant villain and that's it. I'm happy because I know that no matter how much trannies seethe Yana will never make him twans because he's supposed to be an annoying effemminate gay man.
Alois and Snake fans rise up.
No. 276909
>>276900The whole point of Grell's character is that he'll never, ever be a woman and it made him seethe
even after he killed himself in HSTS rage but let's assume Yana will make him a tranny. Then what? He'd be an accurate but very insulting portrayal of troons anyway, a faggot who's canonically so jealous of women so much he kills them and mutilates them. If that were to happen (very unlikely, thank god) I'd laugh so hard, I know the girls who like him for being a brave and stunning girls would realize how fucked up that idea is.
No. 276938
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>>276909NTA but I had to check his wiki page on the Kuroshitsuji fan wiki and this made me snort audibly. How much self awareness do these people lack?
No. 276950
>>276938>Grelle Sutcliff why did they have to add an "E" on the end. Like it wasn't enough to transwash him,
him as in psycho
women killer because he killed and acted like he does because he would never have a womb and never be a woman. Good god, the fans are fucking dumb and they probable think that every women killer who are slightly feminine as MTF and has a tumblr account dedicated to it
No. 277115
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>>276959Grell isn't even a tranny. He dresses as a man, doesn't even attempt to make his voice sound like a woman's and the only 'feminine' qualities he has is acting like a flaming homo.
No. 277474
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>>276763Not to off-topic Transformers sperg but I won't tolerate inaccurate shitting on Blackarachnia. It's more like Silverbolt is her boyfriend. Silver has little personality besides being the perfect knight in shining armor female fantasy while Blackarachnia has driving goals and motivations throughout Beast Wars. She has conflicting desires, she undergoes character development, and she struggles with her identity as a brainwashed bot.
Anyways women in Transformers have been around since the earliest days and it's asinine to want to shove them out. Don't get rid of them, make their stories better. Also fuck trannies.
No. 278181
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>>278178Picrel are the ones that made me chuckle, is the site real? usually these kind of sites get cancelled by the trannies and handmadiens.
>Claire GrahamI saw this and while I haven't watched her interview yet I can tell that I will like it a lot since there has been a lot of misuse if the term intersex and has gotten to the point that you can't really look it up without being bombarded by trans shit and others that has no connection to it
No. 278758
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Imagine being a tranny into anime/manga/weeb stuff and seething every so often, because the Japanese don't care for tranny feelings.
No. 279090
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>>279031Well, yeah. What appeal would dating fictional men (otome games, shoujo romances) have to TRANSLESBIANS.
They do impotently screech about 'transphobia' in anime all the time - it's just that Japanese companies give no fucks about tranny hurt feelings.
No. 280000
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Gargantia trannies sexually assault the MC.
No. 284955
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Legend of Galactic Heroes
No. 285812
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Yu Yu Hakusho
No. 287471
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No. 287972
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top 10 twink vs troon anime battles
No. 287981
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>>286690I think Togashi is interested in crossdressing, not troons. Like it's just a curiosity akin to being gay. To be fair even I have pretty much no problem with traps in anime/manga, they're nothing like real moids and there's nothing woke about it.
No. 288024
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>>287984nta but the gender non conforming/trans characters are never sexualised in hxh what are you even talking about? There is things to complain about in the serie but this is just not one of them imo.
No. 288808
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>>286690>>287981It always amazes me that all people just collectively agree that Togashi is pro-lgbt instead of just some guy who fetishizes trannies and crossdressing boys. Most mangaka don't have an agenda. It's just fetish stuff.
>>288024Any adult man who draws this many crossdressing young boys is a pedophile, simply as that.
No. 288825
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>>288808>It always amazes me that all people just collectively agree that Togashi is pro-lgbt instead of just some guy who fetishizes trannies and crossdressing boys. You're allowed to feel that it's creepy of him to create gender nonconforming characters but at this point he has written several characters as gay and trans in a way that is generally well received. It's just logical that people think he is pro-lgbt.
No. 288842
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>>288831>majority of said characters are childrenIt's quite varied, if I had to make a list of all Togashi's character that have some sort of gender non conforming going on it would go: Alluka (child), Kalluto (child), Kurama (teen), Kyoko Mikihisa (late teen ?), Kurapika (young adult), Tubeppa (adult), Neferpitou (non human but looks like an adult), Miyuki (adult), Melody (adult). Apart from Miyuki, they are all dressed in a normal/non sexualised way.
I'm going to stop with this message because I don't think I will be able to convince you at this point kek
No. 288868
>>288825I think he's pretty clearly pro-lgbt. Sometimes he even puts in preachy dialogue about lgbt issues.
Unfortunately he seems unable to create any interesting or important female characters though.
No. 302941
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Based… Rancefag?(ban evading rancefag)
No. 303166
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Back in the ol' days, this joke would have made trannies go insane.
(Context: Hoozuki thinks that oni is male because he has a male body while Hakutaku think she's a female because her heart is female. And is not due bigotry/ally, but for a dumb bet).
No. 309554
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i'm surprised no one posted her
No. 324200
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No. 339556
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Lady Ballers, a comedy about men in wigs in women's sports, is making trannies seethe.
No. 339614
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>>339593>>339612The film has so many references to the content shared and talked about on lolcow, Ovarit, Kiwi Farms, Reduxx, it feels like it was written by
TERF shitposters
just like you at times. They even shoved in a Ted Kaczynski
THE SLAYER OF FURRIES reference, because why not - it's what chan shitposters
just like you are into these days.
No. 339639
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No. 339666
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Here’s one I don’t thinks been mentioned. Called Sonny Boy.
>Small-time crook Slue (Paul L. Smith) sends his lackey, Weasel (Brad Dourif), to steal a car, and they're surprised to find a baby in the backseat. Slue and his transvestite lover, Pearl (David Carradine), decide to keep the child, naming him Sonny Boy. But the sadistic couple torture the boy and cut him off from the outside world, and years later, the teenage Sonny Boy (Michael Griffin) is incapable of functioning in society and is forced to submit to the criminal whims of his "parents."
No. 339759
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>>339666Interesting, thanks!
>>339745Little Britain is a classic.
No. 339784
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>>339745i'm crying, the fucking soccer part.
No. 345092
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Taiko no Tatsujin Rhythmic Adventure
No. 345644
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Does Kikomi counts?
No. 345812
i feel like any film from the 90s-00s have some sort of joke about them
>>285812ok i have to watch yu yu hakusho now lmao
No. 345828
>>285812Yusuke is a
terf. Kek
No. 359935
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>>359895It mostly comes from the handful of radfem autobiographies I've read, here's an example from Robin Morgan's autobiography and her experience with weather underground, the weather underground was a "revolutionary terror group" all of them came from wealthy backgrounds and unsurprisingly and their "great revolutionary war" against the United States spanned a decade of bombings. Law enforcement mockingly referred to them as the "toilet cloggers" due to their tactics to blow up bathrooms in government buildings. and their most devastating bombing occurred when they accidentally obliterated one of their own safe houses. Some members lived in hiding for years before eventually surrendering, only to be shocked by the lenient punishment they received. Law enforcement simply didn't consider them worthy of prosecution. almost all are still alive and remain wealthy to this day.
No. 360635
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No. 374992
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lol they do it better
No. 375027
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>>374992Transgenderism and transracialism in one!
No. 408144
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Has this been posted yet?
No. 408153
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"Make him cry" is the next one in normie butthurt farming. When people post comments on it, you can practically feel them physically aging from sheer breathtaking rage. I wonder if that one fujowhore who translated SB with her retarded commentary on it has seethed about this already.
In any case, thanks to her I went ahead and bought all of SB kek
No. 408156
>>408153Why the fuck won't they preserve that energy for men who are into loliguro or some shit? I hate women moralfagging other women.
Also can I just say that I adore Korean women who make content like these? Their own female neighbors are to cowardly to make something like this. I don't want to generalize I hate JP girlies and their malegaze maledom shit so much, and their "femdom" often revolves around pegging and/or asseating men, gross—stuff is common in DL site """otome""".
No. 408157
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>>408155Wew kek, I actually read the title as "makes NORMIES seethe". Anyway, the TL-seether whore is a genderspecial.
No. 408412
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>>408409comments are full of tranny cope as expected (literal walls of text explaining how this song is ack-shually making fun of TERFs)
here's some kekworthy ones from genius
No. 408413
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>>408412>plays a song by the dresden dolls>expects it to be wholesomewhat could possibly go wrong?
No. 408428
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>>408409>>408412>>408413What about picrel? Or is it just a distraction so they'd leave her alone?
No. 408508
>>408345Hahahaha, thanks! This is comedy gold.
>>408412>>408413The hurt is real kek.
>>408409I'm 100% sure she must have dated a moid who trooned out on her out of the blue and she noped.
No. 424115
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>>419540It's so easy to
trigger trannies with classics.
No. 424120
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Not sure if it actually makes trannies seethe, because it's so niche (ballet), but it has potential.
Meet the charming
>> No. 444820
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Even tranny-pandering stuff is hated by trannies lol
>>>/snow/2071566 No. 444846
>>444837So he hates the son, who explains trans women to his mom, because the son explained it using bad words. The inclusion of a trans person in Korean media is pretty unique in and of itself, you'd think that he would be overjoyed at the troon ideology spreading so far and wide, but no, being called a man hurt his feefees so now they have to die.
I wonder if any of them are capable of seeing that normies are getting fed up of this crap because nothing is ever good enough for them.
No. 446351
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>>288829Check Takeuchi's "Punch!!" strips that are about her marriage with Togashi. Also, Togashi fits her taste exactly, being kind/capable/moody/pathetic.
No. 449952
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No. 453201
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>>444820Kek, but I'm so mad a show similar to this one, Alice In Boderland casted a biological female to play a troon.
No. 460141
>>459893So true. I watched Venture Bros in full for the first time last year but I remember the show from way back in the day and I funny enough remember watching the episode where Dr Girlfriend mentioned that she's a woman (episode where Dean and Hank go on a date with Triana and Kim).
It's such a shame that the troons are now globbing onto her.
No. 466097
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No. 468615
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>>276747 >Then Elita-one got trooned out… Elita-one did NOT get trooned out. She's actually a real female transformer from another colony planet besides Cybertron where female robots naturally exist like female humans/organics on Earth.
The one that unfortunately got trooned out though is Arcee because Simon Furman always had a hate-boner for her and therefore dude loved giving her fucked up back-stories.
>>276759 >I'm just imagining Arcee and Elita-1 as hons now. As much as I like that idea (though as long as neither of them are troons because I'm a real lesbian woman attracted to other real women not troons) that is unfortunately not the case.
By popular (troon) demand, IDW hired a troon writer and a cis handmaiden/pick-me to make up a entirely new (cis) female transformer solely to ship her with (troon) Arcee.
Basically a straight ship kek
(as shown in the attached picrel)
No. 468628
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>>468615 The one on the right is Arcee (pre-troon era) and the one on the left is his brother galvatron.
So yeah aileron is just dating some really old troon not an actual woman.
And this isn't lesbian rep this is just spicy straight rep
No. 470314
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>>276623 >>276689 >>276759 >"the canon trans 'lesbians' of transformers" so in other (honest) words, the conon straight males of transformers media with a lesbian fetish so severe that they trooned out…
and sorry for sperging but i have to say being an ACTUAL lesbian fan of transformers is dreadful, theres not a single canon lesbian transformer that i could like as a lesbian myself meanwhile they are three fucking canon TIM transformers with lesbian fetishes.
also anyone who was born/forged as a male can never be a lesbian no matter how many surgeries/alterations he gets so i find this whole trans "lesbians" propaganda popping up in recent iterations of old media lately really insidious.
its like theyre constantly trying to feed lesbians conversion therapy rhetoric by acting like birth sex/gender doesnt matter because of some retarded science fiction nonsense after all (and i know that transformers dont have birth sexes as in genitals but they do have birth genders and therefore preaching about trans "lesbians" in your media is promoting lesbophobic conversion therapy rhetoric)